#it's not really that micro
starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 5 | surface | @jegulus-microfic | 2327 words (this is so not a microfic i do apologise lol)
Regulus is known to be icy cold, his temper like a storm rolling in over the ocean, like rain pelting the ground in frozen bullets. He’s calm and collected, never without a sarcastic remark or a scathing insult. He’s the top of his classes, always found to be studying within the library in a secluded corner surrounded by his snarky friends. Does he get annoyed that Barty messes around, flirting with Evan and asking them bizarre questions and still manages to score Outstandings on all his exams? Yes. Does he show it? No. 
(Maybe in the privacy of their dorm he’ll bitch at Barty, who will pull him into his bed and cuddle him like an octopus, arms and legs wrapped possessively around him, until he calms down. Then Evan will join them, he and Regulus on either side of Barty, the latter’s arms around them both as Evan twists his leg to intertwine with Regulus’. Once they’re situated, curled up in the small single bed, Barty’s vowing that he’ll kill for them, defend them until his last breath, and Regulus will tease the shit out of him, whilst Evan smirks and trails his fingers teasingly up and down Barty’s stomach.)
Regulus eats in the Great Hall like everyone else, but his manners are impeccable. He eats all his meals with the correct cutlery, making sure not to take too much on his fork at any time as to appear greedy or slovenly. He chews his food an appropriate amount so that it will digest properly and he never speaks with his mouth full, no matter how much Evan ribs at him to make him break the habit. 
He speaks politely to his professors and amicably to those he has to work with in lessons. He always completes his homework on time and sometimes he even asks for extra work, taking on advanced topics typically taught to those in the year above. 
He’s the model student and the perfect heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Black, far better than Sirius would have ever been, or so Walburga spits at the dinner table, Regulus eating his food quietly like the dutiful son that he is. 
He’s the perfect heir, indeed. Never going against the wishes of his parents and doing everything he possibly can to fit in with the image of pureblood heir. 
Until he sees James Potter down by the lake, an arm thrown carelessly around some Gryffindor halfwit that Regulus recognises as one of the twins. He hates him. Potter hasn’t seen him. No, he’s too busy laughing and teasing the blushing boy sitting next to him, far too distracted to notice the way Regulus’ eyes burn into him. 
Barty, Evan, Pandora and Dorcas are at his side, all watching him with varying levels of amusement on their faces. 
“Why, that’s an angry face. Something the matter, Regulus?” Evan teases, following his eye line to where Potter has now placed a hand on the twin’s thigh. 
“You know, I think it might have something to do with Potter over there. Just a guess though,” Dorcas snarks, a grin as sharp as a shark’s on her lips. 
“I hate him,” Regulus swears, never taking his eyes from Potter and the bumbling twin. 
“Of course you do,” Pandora says kindly, patting Regulus on the shoulder with eyes full of doubt. 
Barty moves around so that he’s standing behind Regulus, bending down a little so that his mouth is by Regulus’ ear, one hand coming up to rest on the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. “Go do something about it, Reg.”
Regulus is silent for a beat before he quietly mumbles, “I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?” Barty asks, just as delicate. 
“You of all people know why I can’t.” 
He’s not wrong, of course, Regulus rarely ever is. Barty has the same expectations loaded onto his shoulders as Regulus does. Be the proper, respectable heir and marry some other proper, respectable heir and make proper, respectable heirs of their own. And do so all while maintaining their good name. 
It’s bullshit, if you ask Barty. Regulus silently agrees with him. 
“You want him?” Barty asks, turning Regulus to him. 
Nodding subtly, Regulus whispers, “More than anything.”
Barty gestures to Potter with his head. “Then go get him.”
Regulus’ eyes turn pleading and desperate, a rare look for him who is always collected and firm. “I can’t. My family will never allow it. They’d sooner kill me than let me be with another man, you know this.”
“So would mine,” Barty confesses before looking at Evan and confessing some more. “But I’m starting to realise that what my parents want isn’t what I want, and that I deserve much more than that. And so do you.”
Regulus looks between Barty and Evan, the latter of which is grinning slyly at Barty with a pretty blush on his cheeks. Barty winks at him before returning his gaze to Regulus. Pandora is cooing, skipping over to Evan to wrap her arms around one of his, congratulating him. Dorcas rolls her eyes, muttering an about time before the pleased grin breaks out on her face.
“They’ll kill me.”
Thunder rolls over Barty’s face, a dark shadow casting over his expressive eyes. They promise pain unlike anything anyone’s ever known. “I won’t let them. I didn’t lie to you when I told you I’d kill for you. If you want Potter go and get him, but you better do it quickly because it’s getting a little too comfy over there.”
At that, Regulus snaps back round to face Potter and his irritatingly blushy companion. He’s removed his hand from the other boy’s thigh but they’re sitting a little closer together than they were previously and Regulus snaps. 
You see, Regulus is a performer. Yes, to anyone else he’s the perfectly calm and dutiful heir and model student, but those who know him best know that it’s all a front to hide the beast that lurks beneath the surface. 
Regulus Black is a powerful and forbiddable wizard, with a tongue as sharp as a razor blade and a mind that’s proficient as it is deadly. He has a fiery temper so hot that it burns bright blue and sears through everything he gets too close to. He’s a Reducto blasting through the walls of the castle, he’s the master of his sail, and at this moment he’s going to bring the tide up the beach to strange James Potter. 
So he storms the distance between them, eyes solely focused on the boy with the messiest godsforsaken hair he’s ever had the displeasure of seeing, ignoring the stares and shocked chatter from those watching him. They’ve never seen Regulus Black look so out of sorts, so furious, and they’re about to see so much worse. 
Sirius looks up from where he’s sat playing with Remus’ hair, conjuring daisies to put in his caramel brown tresses as his boyfriend reads a book Regulus presumes is Muggle from the way he doesn’t recognise it. Some lady called Jane Austen. 
His brother’s eyes light up as he looks at him, waving a hand in greeting but Regulus ignores him. Sirius rolls his eyes and waves him off, but he glances wearily between his little brother and James, whom Regulus hasn’t stopped glaring at. 
“Oh, boy,” Peter winces. “He doesn’t look happy. What the fuck have you done now, Pads?”
“I haven’t done anything!” Sirius protests, placing the last daisy in Remus’ hair and beginning to roll a cigarette. 
Remus, intrigued by this, puts his book down with a smirk as he watches Regulus advance towards them like a storm, moving with care as to not jostle his boyfriend’s work with his hair. “Oh, this should be fun.”
Sirius turns an accusing look towards him as he licks the paper to form the roll up. Remus watches his tongue move skillfully, his eyes darkening and his mind wandering elsewhere. Sirius smirks. “What do you know that I don’t?”
Remus’ eyes flicker from his mouth to those grey-blue eyes and grins. “Oh, I know so many things, sweetheart. You will soon, just wait and watch.”
Regulus, unaware of their conversation and frankly not giving a fuck, storms past them and up to Potter and his companion. He coughs loudly and waits for him to turn around. When Potter does, his face lights up in a blinding smile. “Regulus! Hi.”
Regulus ignores him and casts a scathing look at the twin. “You’re done here.”
The boy flinches but doesn’t back down. “Excuse me?”
“Yes, you’re excused. Leave us.”
Potter looks between the two of them, eyebrows furrowing as he tries to decipher what the hell is going on. “Um, Reg? Is everything okay?”
Regulus turns the glare on him. “I don’t know, Potter. Why don’t you use those eyes of yours, as blind as they may be, and tell me if everything looks okay to you.”
Potter, clearly taken aback, rushes to stand and place both his hands on Regulus’ cheeks. The younger boy bats them away instantly and brings one of his own hands to clasp around Potter’s throat, the other one down by his side toying with his wand. 
Potter lets out a strangled groan. “Regulus.”
The twin stands up and looks at the two of them with outrage all over his face, red splotches forming as he splutters. “Hey! Let go of him! We were in the middle of a conversation.”
“And now that conversation is over,” Regulus replies shortly without ever taking his eyes from Potter. 
The twin, whose name Regulus will never bother to learn, clumsily reaches for his wand and Regulus is hitting him with a Everte Statum before the boy can blink. He’s thrown backwards with an alarming amount of force, crumpling in an undignified heap on the floor a good few feet away. 
Regulus never takes his eyes away from Potter. The latter whines softly at the display of raw power. “Oh, fuck.”
He jerks Potter forward by his throat, relishing in the way the older boy’s eyes go hazy as he looks at him and no one else. He hasn’t even bothered to look to see whether the twin is okay and victory snakes itself around Regulus’ gut. 
“You listen to me very carefully, Potter,” Regulus says the words softly yet firmly onto Potter’s lips. “You are mine. No one else’s and certainly not that sorry excuse of a wizard’s, got that?”
Potter is nodding before he can finish his sentence and it makes Regulus feel warm, the way the older boy just gives in so easily. “Yes, Merlin Regulus, yes.”
“Say it for me,” Regulus whispers, his lips caressing Potter’s as he squeezes his throat gently. 
“Yours,” Potter whispers back. 
Humming, Regulus brings his lips to Potter’s, biting at his bottom lip and curling his tongue into the other boy’s mouth when he dutifully opens it for him. Potter groans and grasps at Regulus’ hips, his grip bruising as he brings Regulus closer towards him so that their bodies are flushed together. Distantly, Regulus is aware that people are gasping and talking furiously to one another about what they’re witnessing. They’re no doubt wondering how the strict and uptight heir of the House of Black ever got involved with the school’s resident popular boy and general sunshine, and Regulus doesn’t care. He only slides his hand into Potter’s hair and brings the other one up to his jaw. 
When they pull away Potter is looking at him with wonder. “Reggie? What about your parents?”
“An incredibly dull and mostly stupid person told me that I deserve better than them,” Regulus says, ignoring Barty’s protest in the background. “Better than what they’re trying to force me into and I agree. What I want is you, James.”
The smile that breaks out on James’ face is breathtaking and Regulus can’t help it when a matching one lights up his own face. James is pulling him into another passionate kiss before he knows it and he goes willingly. 
“Godric, I think I’m going to throw up.”
“It’s not that bad, Sirius. You’ll get over it.”
“Moony, I love you but this is the worst thing ever. They’re going to be so gross now. I can’t believe you orchestrated this.”
Remus looks at him with wide eyes full of affection and disbelief. “You do realise you just told me you love me for the first time?”
Sirius, determined not to let the impromptu confession throw him off balance, huffs and says, “Yes. I love you, Moony, and I thought it’s about time I told you.”
Smiling coyly and feeling stupidly happy, Remus pulls Sirius closer to him on the blanket, the boy now leaning back on his elbows as Remus, situated on his side, leans over him. “And you thought this would be best said as we watch your brother snog our best friend?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Remus. Would you rather I blast a spell at someone and then possessively declare that you’re mine?”
“Well,” Remus considers. “Maybe not—”
“Sorry, Pete,” is all Sirius says as he casts Everte Statum and Peter goes flying backwards towards the water. 
Remus fails to smother his laughter as he brings a hand up to Sirius’ cheek and caresses it. Sirius is grinning as he leans into the scarred hand, eyes going soft as Remus whispers, “I love you.” 
The two are kissing, Sirius pulling Remus into him as they lay on the blanket, wrapping one of his legs around Remus’ waist. He hums and bites possessively at Remus’ lip. “Mine.”
“Salazar, they’re actually disgusting,” Regulus wrinkles his nose, he and James sitting back down, Regulus in the spot the twin had so ungraciously vacated. James rolls his eyes at him and pulls him into his chest.
Leaning into Remus’ body as his boyfriend gropes his arse, Sirius mumbles to his brother, “You’ll get over it.”
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lynsstrange · 9 months
After this episode, I’d just like to say. The TALENT Walker Scobell has. That boy is out here doing God’s work. And who am I to not be completely seated for it, eagerly awaiting what comes next?
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shepscapades · 9 months
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hoofpeet · 5 months
It feels like a lot of the ppl who are asking you to trigger tag the derealization stuff r probably the same people to ask for trigger tags on self harm scars. Like yeah mayb some ppl might be triggered by them but it's also a very real part of someone's body (+life) that they r always living with. And it's weird to ask someone to trigger tag that??? Like what a fucked up thing to say to someone? No you can't have your arms uncovered in your own space because it makes me upset to see that part of you/no you can't make a mild vent post on your own blog because it makes me upset to see that part of your life?? The unfollow/block button is right there goddam. Just walk out you can leave and all that. Anyway ur post really resonated with me and I'm so sorry for all the hate you got over it
YEAH people treating any kind of scarring as some sort of taboo subject is also really annoying to me.. Putting effort into any art starts to not feel worth it when people expect to like. Take everything they want from you while ignoring whatever they don't want to 'deal with'.... very very disheartening to be expected to be quiet about normal parts of my life while. also pouring all my time into making art for other's enjoyment . Like an internet jester
-neway ! Glad my post helped a little at least- it was nice to see others relate to it, so whatever weird discourse it sparked is worth dealing with if it comforted anyone 👍
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Today: i offer piranha micro Gokus
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thatonegaybrit · 3 months
; the sentences " micro labels are valid and can be helpful and validating to people " and " people don't have to specify every part of their identity to you to be valid, and can use broad terms even if their actual experience is more specific " can and should coexist.
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mitski · 1 year
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I think I love you. I love you, too.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic june 19 — mechanic — 843 words aka motocross enthusiasts to future boyfriends
James hastens to unclip and throw off his helmet. Carelessly, he throws it to the side where it lands with a dull thud in the foliage while he runs over to the person that just slipped off their motocross bike in front of him.
They were racing each other.
He came out of nowhere, appearing on the trail right next to James. As if he’d materialized himself out of thin air. Decked out in all black and bike an atrocious lime yellow-green that doesn’t blend with the background of the forest even if it wanted to.
He’d snaked his way in front of James when their twin paths united again. Two fingers were tipped from his helmet in a mock salute and then he’d accelerate hard and fast, swirling dirt at James’ helmet visor.
And, well. James has never said no to a challenge a day in his life. Especially from such a cheeky opponent. So James had revved his engine and done his best to keep up and find ways to overtake his mysterious challenger.
The thing is, the other guy was fast. Quick and nimble on his bike, winding between trees and seeking out every opportunity to get a good head start. Jumping off hills instead of taking them easier, dangerous maneuvers, snapping branches and leaving behind angry wheel tracks.
And James was chasing. As soon as the trees cleared a little James managed to pull almost level with him. The biker threw multiple looks over his shoulder when he noticed and James’ grin sharpened when he heard a short laugh from his front left. They parted ways when James chose to round a hill instead of going up and over it, slowing down to keep out of the other’s landing range.
But just as quickly James’ smile was gone.
Maybe the ground was muddier than the guy thought or he got too high-spirited. His hind wheel slipped right from underneath him upon hitting the ground again, making him tumble forward with the remaining momentum and his bike sideways.
Now, James skidders down onto his padded knees next to the body laying in the dirt. “Fuck, hey! You okay?”
He gets a groan in response, raspy and breathless.
And then James gets all breathless when the other guy weakly shoves off his own helmet. It’s pale skin contrasting starkly with his all black getup, dark curls tumbling onto his forehead and stormy eyes fluttering up at him.
The gorgeous man on the ground grunts vaguely, “Never been better.”
James makes a skeptical noise. “Hey, open your eyes for me again. Can you see clearly?”
Slowly, grey eyes blink open and try focusing on James’ figure kneeling over him. His lips part around a silent gasp once they’re wide open, looking at James intensely. “Um, yeah,” he answers.
James’ mouth tips into a grin. “Hi there.”
“Hi,” the other breathes weakly.
“And your name is?”
James hums, “And how many fingers do you see, Regulus?” He holds up 3.
“Three,” Regulus answers dutifully.
James switches his fingers, holding his thumb to his forefinger, the tips of both of them creating a little heart. “And how many now?” James smirks.
Regulus’ wide eyed glance turns into a scowl, lips pouting as he pushes James’ hand away with a grumbling noise. James doesn’t miss the way his cheeks pinken though.
Regulus tries to sit up but he immediately plops back onto his elbows with a groan.
“Don’t be a hero,” James admonishes and pushes him to lay back down.
“How’s my bike?” Regulus wants to know. It’s quiet safe for the sounds of the forest, birds chirping, wind rustling the thicket.
James looks over his shoulder where the lime green atrocious is laying sideways in the leaves. The motor isn’t on anymore but it doesn’t look bent or scratched. “Looks in okay shape,” James replies, turning back to Regulus. He’s looking up at him with an uneasy gleam in his bright eyes. James drives a hand through his hair, licks his lips. Regulus’ eyes follow the motion. ”Easily fixable, I bet,” James reassures, “Probably just some of the electronics impacted.”
Regulus lets his head thump back into the foliage with an unhappy groan.
James grins. “Hey, y’know what? I’ll take you to my mechanic. Guy’s awesome! Funniest person I know and he really knows his bikes.”
James expects Regulus to lighten up and be thankful for the offer but instead he’s met with an almost patronizing smile in return. “Hard pass. I already have a trusted mechanic.”
James narrows his eyes, feeling defensive. “Well, your loss then. Sirius always does a flawless job for a good price. Plus,” he grins again, “His fancy ass espresso machine makes a mean hot chocolate. And he lets me have one every time.” James nods to himself, feeling victorious.
Something flits over grey eyes and then Regulus’ own lips tip onto a smirk. “I know,” he answers and James is properly confused for a few momentps before Regulus goes on. “I bought it for my brother.”
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 1 | animagus | @jegulus-microfic | 1.1k words
Prongs roams the Forbidden Forest, his flank heaving from the long run he just completed. He’s walking slowly now, allowing the breeze of the night to waft around him and past his snout, all the different scents of the night intriguing the animal within him.
He’s alone tonight, the moon shining down upon him as a waning gibbous, and as he looks up at it he can’t help but think of Moony. Remus is resting tonight, he and Sirius curled up in the common room together sharing a smoke, and the thought causes his tail to wiggle. It’s much like Padfoot gets around them. 
Remus and Sirius finally got their shit together a month ago and James couldn’t be happier, because it means that he doesn’t have to deal with their mutual pining. James being the kind of man desperate to help his friends with any inconvenience, ended up getting both ends of their quiet yearning.
Of course he was very happy to be a shoulder for the both of them, but he can’t say that he’s not relieved now that it’s over. A whining Sirius can be very hard to deal with, mainly because he clings to James and refuses to do anything else.
So James is out here alone because his best friends are happily lounging together on the sofa in the common room, sharing cigarettes and kisses as Remus no doubt reads Muggle literature to Sirius, who sits with his back to Remus’ chest. And he’s happy for him, of course he is, but there’s also a part of him that feels incredibly and indescribably lonely. 
The sharp crack of a twig broken under someone’s foot is what snaps him back to Prongs and the current situation. He sniffs the air, trying to pick up a scent and is pleasantly surprised by what he finds. He slides into a trot, wandering through the trees and bushes until he gets closer to the edge of the forest perimeter. He’s coming up to the glen of pretty flowers that bloom no matter the season. When James is out here on a full moon his priority is making sure that Moony doesn’t get too close to the edge of the forest, knowing that Remus doesn’t like to chance anything. It means that he doesn’t get the time to appreciate the pretty places that the Forbidden Forest has to offer, which is totally okay because James knows that the main reason in his own little furry ability is to help Remus with his. 
In the middle of the crop of flowers, surrounded by tall, imposing trees, is Regulus Black. 
He’s standing in what appears to be silky pyjama bottoms with his Slytherin jumper thrown over the top. It’s a mild Spring evening, so James isn’t particularly worried about him being cold. Merlin knows that Regulus wouldn’t like it if James were to badger him about wearing a coat. 
James is fairly content to stand at the edge of the trees and watch the pretty boy pluck the colourful flowers from the ground, collecting them in a bunch in his other hand. He watches the way his long fingers reach out, flexing as they decide which flower to pick, and then as they clasp the stem and pull. He watches the way his dark curls fall over his face and block the view of his steely eyes, the ones that flash at James whenever he dares to flirt with him. When he’s out of Sirius’ range, James gets rather shameless with his flirting and delights in the way that Regulus explodes like a bomb, firing insult after biting insult at him. 
He stalks forward, trying to observe from a different angle and is stopped in his tracks by Regulus’ head snapping upwards. James is rewarded by the view of his grey eyes and lets out a puff of breath that he’s sure would be a fond, dreamy sigh if he wasn’t in his animagus form. 
Regulus stares at him like he’s seeing one of the seven wonders of the world, eyes twinkling like the galaxy resides there, and it spurs Prongs forward. Regulus doesn’t move an inch as he stalks towards him until they’re metres apart, and Regulus takes a cautious step backwards. Prongs whistles in disapproval and Regulus freezes, his eyes never leaving the large stag in front of him. 
“Good, uh, deer?” Regulus mumbles, looking embarrassed. 
Prongs makes a noise closely resembling discontent. Regulus raises an eyebrow. “Not a deer?”
Waving his head back and forth, Prongs tries to show off his majestic antlers so that Regulus can identify him properly. He seems to understand, clever as he is. “Ah, not a deer, then. A stag, perhaps?”
Prongs hops around him, strutting as he does so and Regulus lets out a happy, quiet laugh, watching him all the while. James thinks it’s the best thing he’s ever heard. “Very impressive, indeed.”
Trotting back over to Regulus, Prongs stops much closer than before and brings his muzzle down to the top of Regulus’ head, burying it in his curls and huffing contentedly. Regulus stays very still as he does so but allows him to sniff and nuzzle him. Very carefully, he brings up a delicate hand and begins to stroke at his neck. 
“Oh,” Regulus makes a surprised sound. “You’re softer than I thought you’d be.”
Prongs releases a pleased hum and steps closer to Regulus to encourage more petting. Regulus laughs that sweet, quiet laugh once more and continues to massage Prongs’ neck. “You know, you remind me of someone I know. He’s a bit needy like this, too. Always following me around and bothering me.”
Prongs makes a disgruntled noise. The thought of him actually bothering Regulus with his presence makes him feel worse than he did when he originally came out here to clear his head. Regulus seems to read into his sudden mood change and says, “Don’t worry, secretly I quite like it. But that’s our secret.”
He lets out a happy little bellow and hops a few times, careful not to tread on Regulus’ feet. The two of them continue to stand in the glen for a little while longer, Regulus talking to him in hushed tones as he explains why he’s picking flowers. Prongs makes affirming noises here and there, wanting to let Regulus know that he’s listening. Regulus stares at him when he does this, pausing in the middle of his speech to stare openly at him like he’s trying to read him. 
James thinks he might be on to him, but then that’s ridiculous. Who in their right mind would think oh, that stag is paying undivided attention to me, must be James. No one, that’s who. 
When the night starts to get a bit too cold, Prongs is nudging at Regulus’ side and the boy relents. “Okay, okay, I’m going. See you here tomorrow night?”
James wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
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oatmilk-vampire · 7 months
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Ebon Moss-Rachbach (and Jon Bernthal) as David "Micro" Lieberman in The Punisher (2017) and Richard "Richie" Jerimovich in The Bear (2022)
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too-many-rooks · 5 months
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Alex Rider; S1, E1.
Ian's perspective on his nephew.
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(vs - Alex's perspective on his uncle.)
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nichiperi · 3 months
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Boy...MTV Cribs must be realllly desperate if they're interviewing these guys.
I don't know why or how but I was possessed to draw these versions of these guys again:
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bylrndgm · 2 years
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insp. | requested by @ice-sculptures
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vegaseatsass · 2 months
You know, these past two episodes I was thinking to myself, Su Yin is almost perfect in every way, simply the ideal devoted, protective, loyal, dedicated sworn brother, call him Da-ge indeed!!!, but my one piece of constructive criticism is that he needs to learn how to give real hugs - he does a lot of manful shoulder clasping, but Xiaobao is a shivering chihuahua desperately in need of cuddles and body heat, you gotta HUG THAT BOY - but now I see that Su Yin's hugs are simply reserved for his horrible little gremlin of an imperial cousinwife.
#myatb#myatb spoilers#meet you at the blossom#lol jinbao zhaocai and su yin are all canonically part of xiaobao's nuclear family...#and all of them get horrible boyfs of their very own!#no sibling rivalry needed! husband destroyers for all#(zhaocai i'm manifesting this for you offscreen dw you're still included)#shaoyu thinks he's in a palace drama and xiaobao is the lowly concubine he can trample all over to his indomitable empress#baby you're not empress yet. wait for emperor your cousin to marry you first... or i guess to become emperor yourself if that ever happens#anyway i am making a micro post instead of trying to capture all the things i've been loving about these episodes#but i REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW!!!#i hate when the episodes end! give me more right now!!!#jinbao is number one at serving!!! of course random men would immediately want to possess him - he gets it!!!!#and ep7 but xiaobao is obvi very preoccupied by his whump but relieved madam jin at least is still thinking of her daughter as family#and i appreciate that su yin despite being so obvi in love w/ xiaobao isn't actually interested in forcing him to not feel what he feels#for huaien. he just wants him to be well. will he be angry when xiaobao hops right back into this guy's arms in a few weeks? idk!#but for right now it's nice to see him nonjudgmentally assuring him he doesn't have to magically stop feeling things for this guy#oh and xiaobao like 'i will be good from now on. i will just sit depressed in my room.' OWWIE#and practicing looking cheerful for his mom and dad in the mirror. OWWIE OWWIE!!!#dear diary
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 11 months
Written for @hinnymicrofic November 2023 - Prompt 10
School year 96/97, told through the medium of Hair
He first noticed Ginny’s hair in October, at Quidditch practice. Well, not so much noticed, because of course he had noticed before that she had hair in a general sense. She obviously wasn’t bald, was she? No, it was more like he paid particular attention to her hair, specifically. It happened when she dived sharply for a loose quaffle, twisting as she went, and whatever she’d used to clip it up to her head came loose. Suddenly, her hair was tumbling behind her, first as she hurtled towards the grass, then as she soared upwards, aiming for the hoops. It caught the late afternoon sun, and almost seemed to glow, like flames streaking through the air behind her. Ron saved her shot (with his face. Classic.), and as she pulled up in front of him, face alight with laughter, her hair fell forward, like a cloud around her shoulders. Harry decided the odd feeling in his stomach was hunger - must be time to head back up for dinner.
Ginny was grateful to Dean, checking over her Charms essay, really she was, but honestly, it was a bit dull, just sat there in the common room, waiting. Her gaze fell idly on the table in the corner, where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting, deep in conversation. Harry had his back to her, and, for want of anything better to do, she traced the line of his hair with her eyes, where it fell, curling just slightly towards his collar. She imagined running her finger there, feeling where his hairline met the pale skin of his neck, and she shivered slightly. 
“It’s pretty good, Ginny. You just need to add a bit more about the Substantive charm’s practical uses and then I think you’ve covered everything.”
Ginny jumped at the sound of Dean’s voice, suddenly feeling very guilty about the direction of her thoughts, and more than a little surprised. I mean, where the fuck did that even come from?
The Slug Club Christmas party was every bit as appalling as Harry had feared. Luna’s company helped to make it just about bearable, as did the amusing spectacle of Hermione attempting to avoid McLaggan. The biggest problem was that no matter how many utterly terrifying/incredibly dull/undoubtedly influential (delete as applicable) people Slughorn seemed determined to introduce him to, Harry found his attention constantly drawn to the flashes of long, red hair from across the room, everytime it caught the candlelight. It was impossible to miss, a beacon that always drew his gaze. But as always, Ginny remained just out of his reach.
At breakfast, before the Hufflepuff match, Ginny watched Harry carefully. Sure enough, she quickly picked up the signs that he was stressed. Losing Katie was bad enough, but Ron’s (ahem) mishap and Cormac’s subsequent recruitment was significantly more concerning. It seemed like every few seconds, he’d run his fingers through his hair. Long, slender, strong fingers, oddly delicate despite the callouses from his wand and the handle of his firebolt, though why her stupid brain insisted on noticing that, she had no idea. Well okay, maybe she had a bit of an idea. But anyway, the constant agitation made his hair stick up in spiky black tufts, even more unruly than usual - which was really saying something, wasn’t it? 
Maybe it would be neater if he cut it shorter? she thought - but he wouldn’t like that, would he? Because if it was shorter, it wouldn’t flop down over his forehead, covering his scar. And, now she came to think about it, she wouldn’t like it either. There was something strangely hot about he always looked so dishevelled, like he had perennially just got out of bed. She wondered, not for the first time, whether it was as soft as it appeared? She imagined running her own fingers through it, the feeling of it against the delicate skin between her fingers and… oh crap, she didn’t just sigh out loud, did she?
“Everything okay, Ginny?” enquired Hermione, her tone solicitous, but her expression irritatingly knowing. “You look a bit… flushed.” 
“Yes, fine,” she answered, smoothly, returning Hermione’s arched eyebrow with one of her own. “Just a bit warm in here, isn’t it?”
By the time Harry arrived at The Burrow at Easter, he knew he was in real trouble. Being in such close proximity to Ginny was… problematic. Everything about her was just so bloody attractive, and it did things to him. Case in point: when Hermione was finally persuaded to make up the numbers for two-aside Quidditch. Harry honestly didn’t expect this to be an issue - after all, he’d played Quidditch with Ginny countless times, and okay it was often a bit distracting, but this was something else. Obviously, her lips didn’t help, pink and slightly parted as she concentrated on stealing the quaffle from under his nose, but the main difference was the way she was dressed, in the unseasonably warm weather. Those  unnecessarily short shorts, and the way her t-shirt stretched over her chest… well, anyway. He needed something else to focus on, and fast. Ron! Yes, genius. Thinking of Ron, instant mood killer. Ron with his ginger hair. It was the exact same shade as Ginny’s ginger hair, wasn’t it? Ron’s ginger hair, which was cut short, and not at all like Ginny’s which was long and thick and shiny, and currently braided into a thick plait, hanging down her back towards… Oh Merlin! This isn’t helping AT ALL! 
“Harry! Look out!”
Unfortunately, Hermione’s warning came way too late, but at least sorting out the minor cuts and bruises from his collision with the tree branch and subsequent tumble to the ground gave him something else to think about. 
The moment they stepped through the portrait hole, Harry pressed her against the wall, his mouth on hers. With only a moment of hesitation, Ginny allowed her hands to slip up his back, feeling his shoulders tense at her touch, before sliding them through his hair. 
Yeah, I was right, she thought to herself, it really is as soft as it looks.
After that, she really didn’t do much in the way of thinking at all.
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marnz · 1 year
Richie and Sydney going from arguing and stabbing in Season 1 to working together to take charge and keep service going on do or die friends & family night in Season 2 is something that can be So Personal
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