#it's smart that they've never included it before
idkimnotreal · 1 year
so in democracy 4 i can’t get reelected in brazil if i don’t solve brazil’s criminality problem...
buddy. that’s not how brazil works.
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heya-dollface · 4 months
Where can I find patterns for making Fashion Doll Clothes?
A friend and I were chatting tonight about doll clothes, and it occurred to me that if you've never dabbled in making doll clothes before, you may not know where to find patterns for them. So I'm sharing a list with you guys of every resource I know of.
Paid-For Patterns:
Requiem Arts: https://raddollclothes.com/
This is one of the big go-to's of the community. Requiem Arts has patterns for so many different fashion dolls, from Monster High (G1 and G3) to Rainbow High, to a number of BJDs, to Barbies, and even several for the boy dolls. I've gone to them for many a Descendants pattern since not a lot of places offer them. Her blog also features a number of great posts on size differences between dolls, fixing articulation, and more.
Dollightful: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DollightfulPatterns
If you need Monster High and Ever After High patterns with easy to follow instructions, this is the place to go! Dollightful only has a handful of patterns up, but her instructions are super easy to follow. They're just as enjoyable as her YouTube videos.
Moonlight Jewel: https://moonlightjeweldolls.myshopify.com/collections/ebooks
This artist has an interesting mix of patterns for fashion dolls, once again it's a lot of Monster High, but also a little bit of Rainbow High. I have her two pattern books, and they've got some wonderful picture instructions that put into perspective how to follow along. I hadn't realized until making this post that she's released a couple of individual patterns from her YouTube videos, that's really cool!
Enchanterium: https://www.enchanterium.com/shop
The Enchanterium sisters are a delight, and their patterns for MH, EAH, and Smart Dolls encompass a wide variety of genres. They even have some 3D printing files for shoes and accessories.
Cosmomoore: https://ko-fi.com/cosmomoore/shop/sewingpatterns
Cosmomoore is great if you need patterns for Rainbow High, Barbie, or G3 Monster High. All of the G3 patterns are under the Creepy Class tag. I've tried their skirt pattern for G3 Draculaura, it was a breeze to put together when you know a few basic stitches.
Free Patterns:
Enchanterium: https://www.enchanterium.com/shop/freebies
Enchanterium offers a number of freebies at this link! Most of them are patterns from their older YouTube videos, so there's those as a resource to follow along with.
Cosmomoore: https://ko-fi.com/cosmomoore/shop/sewingpatterns
Once again, this artist has a number of freebies, but they don't have a specific tag.
Poulpe en Ciel's Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lkI6inme4K6wxw0IqTSGGju2bIQMln_A
This artist is known for having some truly extravagant patterns for Monster High and Cave Club dolls. And she offers them in both English and French! Highly recommend checking out Poulpe on Instagram, her dolls are absolutely to die for, and she puts so much heart into making her stuff accessible for the wider community.
Chellywood: https://chellywood.com/
Chellywood's website is a diamond in the rough. If you're looking for a doll pattern for a doll most people don't make patterns for, Chelly probably has it. Her website is organized by size and goes into individualized pages for each doll line. It's fantastic. And on top of that, she has YouTube videos!
MyFroggyStuff: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOJWM4ft-CgHQI3fhqNJzWLG30C45Xl3xs-tgatId430gKVW-J8w5cB9ViW2jRPFw?pli=1&key=Y2Y2UDJ6S01Gb2EwUHRZUVJDdm9FanpMdDZzY1RR
Barbie lovers rejoice, this is your kingdom! While there's no tagging system here, Toya has patterns for everything, from mermaid tails to cute easy dresses, this is a great place to go. Her YouTube channel is also an endless resource of creativity.
If you have any resources for patterns, or for places to buy doll clothing, feel free to reblog! I'd love to include more people from our lovely doll community so people know about them!
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 3 months
With the party and Ludinus both in Aeor, and Ludinus making the opinions and lives of Aeorians relevant by showing the party Aeorian security footage, I'm reminded of something he told to FCG back at the Malleus Key in episode 51: "You? You are not given life by any god, but by the hands of mortal creators like us." Ludinus at that time could not understand why someone who doesn't owe their existence to the gods in any way would fight for them or worship them; he finds no value in the gods and cannot understand why someone else would. And this lack of ability to understand any perspectives that fall outside his own in a constant theme in his actions and rhetoric.
Ludinus' notes that Team Wildmount found in Moleasmyr included massive sections of him picking apart what he saw as inconsistencies and fallacies in the rituals and practices of worship; he saw no value or reason in worshiping beings who he believed had abandoned the world and could not understand how these practices might be meaningful to others. He never moved on from the trauma he experienced as a child at the end of the Calamity in world ravaged and then, he believes, abandoned by the gods; he doesn't understand that the world by and large is moving forward and rebuilding with the Calamity a distant memory. He encouraged Imogen and Fearne to follow the pull of Ruidus to the Malleus Key before the Solstice apparently genuinely; he didn't understand that his actions against the Grim Verity, including destroying the mind of Professor Kadija Sumal in front of them, had already soured them to his cause. His speech at the Malleus Key had him positioning himself as a great liberator who was going to free the world from the shackles of an oppressive force; he has no comprehension that this might be a biased view of the gods rather than the objective reality. He is insisting now to Bells Hells that they need not be enemies, that they can still join him; he doesn't understand that they are so committed to opposing him because they've seen the ruin he's left in his wake in his single-minded bid to destroy the gods.
Ludinus Da'leth is, objectively, a very smart and driven man, he has to be, to have built up his plans for as long as he has. But he is remarkably narrow-minded, especially, it seems, when it comes to the topic of the gods. Any perspectives that don't fit with his own are either flat-out wrong, or misguided and in need of being given more information. He is SO convinced that he's right that he believes everyone will see him as right if given enough time and evidence, regardless of how negatively his actions might have effected a given individual. He is so stuck in his own perspective and trauma and that he has zero ability to understand the perspectives (and traumas) of others.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
See my full list of works here!
Summary: While doing some research to help out Mobius on a 'moonshot project', you and Loki come across a startling revelation about your lives. All your lives.
Pairing: TVA!Loki x TVA!Reader
Word Count: 3.5
Warnings: some talks of smutty times, but overall this is just fluff [let me know if i missed something!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship, talks of soulmates, references to my other stories
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"I really don't get why you're in here bugging me for something to do, Y/N," Agent Mobius chuckled, shaking his head as he thumbed through another folder's worth of records that he hadn't told you quite yet what they were for. "No high-level variant threats have been reported, timelines are--well, they're relatively stable. Things are quiet for a change. I say enjoy it while it lasts and go on a vacation or something with Laufeyson. Just don't--"
"Don't cause any Nexus events, yes yes, Mobius, we know." A smile broke out on your face at the sound of Loki's voice cutting off the TVA Agent, your cheeks nearly aching from your grin widening when he walked up behind you and long arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. "Thing is we already have partaken in quite a handful of adventures across the timelines, indulging ourselves in the…numerous pleasures and luxuries that they have to offer."
One look at how you were reddening with the implications of your boyfriend's words had your fellow Agent scrunching up his face in feigned appalment. "Time and place, you two, jeez."
You and Loki shared a confused look when an analyst from another table yelled "And you did it at my birthday dinner!" and rendered Mobius into a cackling heap, laughing into his sleeve to muffle the sound.
"Anyway…" you spoke up, making the grey-haired agent look back up at you. "Are you sure there isn't anything we can help with? Doesn't even have to be high-level, I'll literally take up a timeline reset caused by a woman at a grocery store grabbing a can of peaches instead of a can of mangoes, I'm getting antsy here."
"Alright alright fine," he sighed, motioning toward you and the god behind you. "It's something of a moonshot but we've been trying to find proof of the existence of soulmates throughout the timelines, so we need concrete cases that no matter the circumstance, no matter the obstructions between two souls, they always find each other and they always end up together."
"You mean like in that TV show where they've got fairytale characters in like Maine or something and there's this couple that constantly goes--"
"I'll find you, I will always find you," you and Mobius said at once, causing you both to break out into laughter.
"Exactly like that," he confirmed when he calmed down some. "Preferably without the cheesy catchphrase because in case you do find one I would actually prefer to not include in my report that all soulmates have some line they tell each other that's so cheesy it's pungent."
"Right so…soulmates, no cheesy lines, across the timelines. Got it." You gave him a little salute before you went off to the shelves, holding Loki's hand as he followed a few steps behind you.
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"Darling we have been scouring through files for hours. Perhaps it's time to report back to Mobius. Tell him that every pair we've found so far have broken the pattern at some iteration down the line. The most we've come across is a pair that were together for five iterations of their lives before the sixth showed they never even met in that lifetime."
Your shoulders slumped over when you placed your latest folder on your pile, of failed attempts, just about  half the size of Loki's own little mountain of case files. Maybe he was right; every possible lead you'd found all ended up a dud, and that alone would be proof enough that this was all a wild goose chase of an assignment for Mobius.
Then again, he did call it a moonshot, so the realization didn't smart too much.
The frustration you felt began to melt away the moment Loki's hands touched your shoulders, leaning into him when he started working at the knots that he found with expert precision. "Okay, you're right," you sighed. "Let's go tell Cubey his moonshot's a single needle in a city of haystacks."
He placed a kiss to the top of your head, using his seiðr to stack the case files into neat stacks arranged by file number. "Thank the Norns that ridiculous magic dampener fractured some when the timelines diverged," he mumbled, chuckling into your hair. "Now how about I bring us to a nice hot spring and we could simply…enjoy one another's company?" You let out a giggle when his hands traveled down your sides, lightly grasping your waist and pulling you against him.
If only you could have silenced the little voice in your head when you were just seconds away from him whisking you off to Jökulsárlón or Hakone, clad in a dark emerald bikini that your lover would peel off of you as he made good on his promise for you both to enjoy each other's company.
"I can nearly hear the thoughts forming in your mind, darling," he cooed, pressing his lips to the back of your neck, chuckling against your skin when you wordlessly confirmed what he'd said by slumping over again. "What is it?"
"Just one last try?" You wouldn't ever let yourself live it down if you'd gone down this road and not looked at this particular set of files.
He let out a sigh, his slightly cool breath tickling your skin before pressing a tender kiss to the back of your head. "One last attempt. And if we reach another dead end--"
"You can whisk me away to any destination of your choice and have your wicked way with me," you finished for him, letting out a little yelp when he brought his lips to the spot between your neck and shoulder, playfully nipping at the skin.
"What a deliciously reckless promise, my love," he teased, smirking against your neck when he proceeded to lightly suck at the sensitive skin and you had to bite your lip to muffle the whimper that slipped through your lips. "I look forward to collecting on it in a short while."
He rested his chin on your shoulder, still holding you close when you called out for a bit of assistance on your final hunch. "Minutes?"
Your eyes squinted to adjust to the sudden brightness when the orange hologram appeared on the desk in front of you. "Well hello there, lovebirds. What can I do for y'all?" she asked with a small wave of her cartoonish stick arm.
"Could you pull up our files?"
"Well sure I can, Y/N! How much of your files are we talking here?"
You shared a look with Loki before you answered, "All of them?"
"Before I hand 'em over, I think it's best y'all know from the get go that you're about to deal with thousands of files. It'll take a whole lotta time before you can sort 'em all out," she cautioned you both, already giving you a digital visual of how many files she'd already begun to pull up.
"Minutes, as I've come to understand it, we variants apparently have all the time in the world," you countered, shrugging your free shoulder and giving the living hologram a little smile. "We can take it."
"Alright well suit yourself," she comically shrugged both her hands before making the files that were already on the table disperse and go back to their original locations throughout the library shelves before stacks upon stacks of folders materialized in their place. All of them sectioned off into two sides. "Have at it, y'all."
You picked up the first folder from the stack closest to you, your brows knitting together already once you read the name on the file. "Minutes, I don't think this is mine, it says Eve but that's not--"
"Your name?" she finished for you. "Darlin', Y/N is your name in this lifetime--Well, the lifetime you came from before your Nexus event, you get what I mean. The file you're holding is from another lifetime, heck, might even be from another timeline. But one look at that file and you'll see that that's you. All of these are you. Doesn't matter if you're goin' by a different name, the soul remains the same."
The air left your lungs when you opened the folder to find a picture of you with pale skin and matted ivory hair on the front of the file. Only thing was that this version of you wasn't quite human in her lifetime. In fact centuries of it were spent as a vampire.
A few moments later she spoke up again. "Well then that's my cue. Happy sortin', y'all!" And then she disappeared. Leaving you and Loki alone with your couple thousand files each to rifle through.
Had you been there on a different objective, you would have spent a bit more time thumbing through the pages that detailed the life of this version of you, rubbing elbows with numerous prominent figures throughout history and having her fair share of trysts with a handful of them. But your only focus was her most prominent affair. Her great love.
When you reached that page, you felt yourself go breathless once again looking at the picture that stared back at you. "Loki," you breathed out, holding out the file to him so he could see for himself. The god's eyes widened at the photo in front of him. The ebony hair may be matted and the skin somehow even paler than his usual complexion, but there was no denying it. This Eve's companion throughout her years, this Adam, was another lifetime's iteration of Loki.
He began to rifle through his own stacks of folders, finding the one that had the same variant number and interlocked his and your folders together, starting a new stack at the center of the desk. "If you're right, and this yields the moonshot result that Mobius has been searching for, you can pick the destination and have your wicked way with me."
"Why Mischief, how reckless of you," you said coyly, batting your eyelashes at him. "What if I wanna tie you up?"
"It's endearing that you believe you could, my darling." He lightly poked your side, quickly pulling you into his arms the second you started wriggling and giggling in his direction. "But if that is truly what you want then I can promise not to break out for an hour."
"Two," you countered.
"Ninety minutes."
"Now if I'm right and this leads to another dead end, I whisk you away to any destination of my choosing for a fortnight, no tempads, no missions, and not a stitch of clothing on this glorious form of yours." His lips skimmed the side of your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek when you let out a squeal at his finger deftly undoing the top button of your shirt. "Do we have a deal, my love?"
"Okay okay," you relented, turning your head to steal a quick kiss before bring your attention back to the folders you were about to sort through. Before you could pull away, his free hand went up to the back of your head and deepened the kiss.
"What if I told you I've been plagued with visions of stripping you bare and laying you out on the desk before me? That I'd been thinking of enjoying every delectable inch of you as if you were my own personal dessert board?" You let out a gasp at the lustful image his words had conjured in your mind, allowing him to easily lick into your mouth and turn you into putty in his arms the moment your tongues met.
"I'd say I'm not surprised," you breathed out when he pulled away, placing your hand over his before he could undo a third button from your shirt. "But the faster we get this done, the faster oneof us will be at the other's mercy and maybe you can even bring that desk fantasy of yours to life." You pressed another quick peck to his lips before managing to wriggle your way out of his embrace, jutting your chin at his side of the desk. "Pick a file, Mischief."
The next file had you and him initially on opposite sides of the Battle of New York, your story starting in Stuttgart when he had clones force you down on your knees and the injuries from that encounter permanently damaging you. A handful of times throughout the day of the actual battle, he went out of his way to save your life, ensuring your safety from a fatal fall and even the Hulk; the document even had a mention of him asking Thor of what came of you after he was apprehended because you weren't among the Avengers that saw him off to Asgard, only to find out the true extent of your injuries. Then he found himself back on Earth to serve his sentence and falling in love with you, using his magic to undo the physical damage that he dealt you. And then you two went on your own adventure to have 'do-overs' in places that held bitter memories for him, from Stuttgart to Asgard and even the balcony in Stark Tower.
Another file saw Loki as an English baronet named Thomas Sharpe, and you as his final wife and a sort of partner in crime. Initially you teamed up to play a dangerous game of sneaking around his ancestral home to gather and send out evidence that would put his incestuous and murderous sister Lucille behind bars, and somewhere along the way you two had genuinely fallen in love with one another.
You then found a good handful of scenarios where you both lived in the Avengers Compound, having a bad case of mutual pining and both of you being too hesitant and overcome with doubt that neither of you made a move until the situation practically forced you to confess. One even involved you photographing him for an Avengers calendar where he stripped for you during his session.
"Yeah, this definitely sounds like you," you joked when you showed him one of the pictures from the photoshoot in question where he laid on his side on a white bed wearing nothing but a pair of white boxers. When you opened the next file, you let out a whiny groan out of sheer frustration and disappointment.
"Darling, that is a sound I only wish to hear when I elicit it from you. What's wrong?"
"Might as well just lie down on the table right now because there's no way this isn't a dead end." You waved the file in your hand in the air.
"Much as I would thoroughly enjoy claiming this particular prize, perhaps we need not be so hasty, my love. Tell me what would be such a hindrance that you'd be ready to give up your theory--"
"Place of Birth: Asgard," you read out, cutting him off. "Born to Lady Sif of the Warriors Four--"
"Alright well Sif would surely have some choice words with me if I courted you but--"
"And the Crown Prince Thor, God of Thunder." You gave him a look as if to say "This is why", the realization dawning on him as well that yes, this would be the dead end that would grant him his victory. And yet for some reason, you decided to keep on turning the pages. "Gotta be honest, though, I thought that what would break our streak is if we never met in these--Oh what in the Game of Thrones Targaryen nonsense is this??"
"What is it?"
"The streak isn't broken yet," you croaked out, the disbelief entering his eyes as he frantically started searching for his corresponding variant file. "We were married for two and a half thousand years."
"I surrendered my claim to the throne of Asgard for you," he declared in astonishment. "We have children in this timeline." His voice began to hitch at the end, making you immediately close the distance between you to lace your fingers together.
"Looks like even something as monumental as being your brother's daughter couldn't stop us," you noted with a little smile, breaking out into a full grin when your comment made Loki exhaled in a rather loud chuckle that traveled across the library. You took your two folders and interlocked them, adding to the pile in the center. "Let's keep going."
It was several hours later that you two had finally found your way back to the desk that Mobius occupied, the more tenured agent pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing at the inner corners of his eyes in clear frustration.
"You still got nothing, Cubey?"
"One of these days I'm gonna find a name for you that's just as annoying, Y/L/N, just you wait," he groaned, his posture visibly slumping when he saw the interlocked stacks of folders that you were carting around. "What in the name of the Alioth is that?"
"We found one," you proudly stated. "Proof that soulmates exist and…only some of them have a catchphrase."
"That's just one?!" he boomed, immediately getting shh'd by a more elderly analyst a few tables behind him to which you and Loki shh'd her right back without missing a beat. You nodded your answer to Mobius. "So what's the catchphrase?"
"I was made to be yours," you began, letting go of the cart to hold your hand out to Loki.
"And I yours," he finished, lacing your fingers together before draping his arm over your shoulder and pulling you closer to him.
"Wait a damn minute," Mobius said suspiciously, pointing a finger between the two of you. "Are you two trying to tell me that the first and so far only case of soulmates we have on record is--"
"Us," you finished for him, nudging the cart in his direction with your foot. "Every single lifetime on every single timeline accounted for."
"What about your own?" he questioned. "You both mentioned that you'd never met your timeline's version of each other prior to your Nexus events."
"Well see that's the thing. These files only cover everything prior to a variant's Nexus event, or what the events were in their own respective sacred timelines. We met each other after our Nexus events. So maybe our souls never found each other in the lives that we left behind because…we were meant to find each other here."
"Huh…" he mused, looking carefully at the two of you. "Could be. Nice catch, you two. I knew I made a good call giving you a partner, Loki."
"My darling mortal is quite brilliant," your lover beamed, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head. "I believe I owe you a debt of gratitude for our introduction."
"Well, you really don't have to but if you feel so compelled, I'm willing to take a jet ski and a vacation to Miami if you two can swing it."
"We'll call you if anything serious pops up, just keep your tempad charged," you shot back, extending your free hand toward him to shake. "But really, Cubey. Thank you. For introducing us. For vouching for me and making sure that I didn't get pruned during my trial with Rennslayer--"
"Otherwise you might have crossed paths with that one-handed variant in the Void and who knows what nefarious and depraved intentions he would have had with you," Loki interjected, resting his head on yours.
"You have a Captain Hook variant?"
"Nah it was a president," Mobius answered with a wave of his hand. "Got his hand bit off by an alligator."
"So…a Captain Hook variant."
"Yeah, you know what you're right. Loki has a Captain Hook variant. You'll meet him soon enough when you get sent on a mission to the Void. Loads of highly dangerous variants usually find themselves there when they try to escape processing."
"If he even dares touch you I'll divest him of his remaining hand," Loki grumbled, once again pressing his lips to your temple. "That heathen can find his own variant of you. You're mine."
"All yours," you beamed, bringing your joint hands to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles. "And speaking of…we're off for a few weeks, Cubey. We have a date to get to."
"Please don't get arrested for indecent exposure. Or public fornication," the senior agent groaned. "That's a timeline I'll need therapy for if I have to be the sorry ass to reset it."
Neither of you responded other than a little wave and a thumbs up in his direction as you walked away, the god giving you a dimpled smirk as you two made your way to your shared apartment.
"Where shall we head to first, little mortal? A hot spring? Or perhaps a nice scenic tundra? Or perhaps a cherry blossom forest? I can already picture your beauty with the backdrop of the falling petals…"
He stopped listing options when he saw you shaking your head, mirroring his smirk with one of your own. "Bedroom first. And give me your tie. You owe me ninety minutes."
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A/N: I'm so glad to finally get this out for y'all to see! This was originally supposed to up weeks ago for something but some of my own revelations were made (translation: I got bitch slapped in the face by reality) which led to the postponing of this story. Anyways, I hope y'all liked it even if it is kinda cringe and silly. I'm always gonna be cringe and silly, so manage expectations accordingly. 🥴🫡
Also if you got all the references within the files (except the OLLA one that's a freebie) I officially love you. 💖💛
'everything' taglist: @sailorholly @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
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enbysiriusblack · 28 days
"Evans is in love with James."
Peter and Remus turned to Sirius, leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin on his face and his arms full of rolls of paper.
Peter spoke first, "Are you high?"
"Is this a prank?" Remus followed.
Sirius shook his head to both, "She told me."
"Why would she tell you?", Peter laughed, "She hates you."
"Ah, no my little rat friend", Sirius walked over to his bed, dumping the pile on his bed, "She does not hate me. Well, maybe she did. But not anymore because she's in love with James which means she loves me."
Peter frowned, "What logic is that?" Grabbing one of the large rolls of paper and beginning to unroll it.
Sirius started going in his bedside drawer and grabbed his wand out, "Don't question me, Pete! I'm the smart one."
Peter glanced to Remus, "Is he?"
Remus shrugged, "Probably."
Sirius sighed, "Anyway, Evans and I were having a little spat about some biting chairs that showed up in the common room and out of nowhere she says 'Oi, Wanker, where's James at?'"
He paused the story, hands out, expecting them to be just as shocked.
"She called you a wanker and asked where James was?" Remus frowned, "I don't get it."
Sirius sighed again, starting to unroll one of the papers, "She called him 'James' not 'Potter'."
Peter glanced up from the now unrolled paper, "That is weird, but doesn't necessarily mean this," he gestured to the paper in his lap.
Remus glanced over his shoulder and snorted, "Did you make this?"
Sirius nodded proudly, "I made them all. And now I need both of your help with putting them all up in here."
"In here?"
"Well Evans would murder me if I she knew about these and she never comes in here anyway."
James led Lily up the stairs to his dormitory, "So why did you want to talk in private?"
Lily glanced up and down the staircase, "I'll tell you inside. You are certain they're not in there right?"
"Yeah", James nodded, reaching for the doorhandle as they stopped outside the dorm, "I ran into Sirius earlier and he said he had to find Mary to borrow her glitter or something? So he'll be off pouring glitter on someone or other. Then Remus and Pete said they've got some essay to finish on so they're in the library."
"Good", Lily smiled, stepping in the door just after James.
James smile vanished as soon as he entered the room, whilst Lily's grew for a moment until she covered it up with a frown.
"I didn't do this, I swear." James turned to her immediately.
Lily raised an eyebrow before a mumbled voice came from the bathroom.
"Was that James just now? is he talking to himself?"
Another voice sounded.
"Maybe he's with Frank?"
Then another.
"Or Minnie doing a room inspection!"
The three voices then burst out in laughter.
"I suppose your friends did this?" Lily hummed, staring at the ten different banners splattered in glitter and various versions of the sentiment 'Lily Evans is in love with James Potter', including one that merely said 'Snarky Redhead seen lusting after an obnoxious deer', although she didn't quite get that one.
"I promise I had nothing to do with this", James paled.
"Yeah, I believe you, James", Lily laughed.
"James?" He asked, grin growing on his face.
One of the voices came again, "Oi, I think that's Evans?"
Followed by a "Why would Evans be in our dorm, idiot?"
James ignored them, "Why the sudden name change, Lily?"
Lily smiled back at him, "Well I suppose we're friends now. Kind of. It felt... right."
"Right", James ruffled his hair.
Lily then headed straight for the bathroom door, opening it fully and seeing Sirius, Remus, and Peter sitting on the floor of the shower crowded together with a pack of crisps open between them.
"I suppose you three are responsible for that?" She gestured to the banners.
"It was all him", Peter pointed to Sirius.
"Well it was!"
Lily folded her arms, "I am friends with James now, that's it. If I was in love with him, then I'd really prefer to tell him myself, Sirius."
"Fine", Sirius grinned.
Lily smiled again with a satisfied nod, before then quickly pulling the shower handle and turning it on full. She then grabbed the half empty packet of crisps whilst Sirius, Remus, and Peter all yelled and scrambled out.
As Lily began to walk out with the crisps, James stared at her.
"Did you just prank my friends?"
"Yes", Lily smiled to him as she walked out the door.
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t1oui · 4 months
chaotic bcj headcanons bc i have brainrot about this man OFTEN
italian, greek (mum), british, and spanish (dad)
grew up in italy, it's his first language (he was invited to hogwarts bc his dad works for the ministry)
can learn a language in about 2 seconds
speaks italian, english, greek, and spanish (only learned it to spite his dad who can't speak spanish)
almost sorted into ravenclaw, he was nearly a hatstall
likes to spend his time pointing out all the reasons why english sucks (he is probably the best english speaker of all his friends and he wasn't fluent till he was 11 (they've been speaking english their entire lives))
very tall. it is literally impossible to lose this man in a crowd
loves to swim but gets pissy if the water's too warm
is a sub 100%. if evan is ace he's still a sub but in a nonsexual way
he's crazy in the way that all smart people are a lil crazy because nobody fully understands him (read: he's best friends with lily evans)
makes fun of jegulus for being jealous but will throw hands if someone smiles at evan from across the great hall
in constant need of piggyback rides but too tall to get them from anybody but remus
love language is physical touch, if he is not touching someone at all times he gets anxious
this usually means holding hands with his friends... and biting evan
worships the ground his bf walks on daily <3
never studies but has perfect grades
loves dying his hair, usually green but also random colors like red and purple and blue (pandora's favorite color)
once sirius dyed barty's hair hot pink to get back at him for who knows what it's barty but barty actually loved it (sirius was PISSED)
happily asks evan to give him pictures to wank to (evan obliges)
have i mentioned he's a total fucking simp. yeah
was quidditch commentator for 2 seconds before mcgonagall fired him (he kept gossiping about the players)
actually loves people so deeply it hurts (james does the same thing but his love for people is on the surface while barty hides his most of the time)
hella adhd
insists on being the little spoon, can't sleep otherwise
has a ton of piercings and is completely COVERED in tattoos (at least half are dedicated to evan, the other half to the rest of his friends (including the gryffindors, especially lily!!))
mama's boy, like this man brings up his mom every 6 seconds, he thinks she's the smartest person on earth (other than evan ofc)
has a lot in common with james (as seen above), barty beefs with him for about a month and then realizes james is actually super chill (james and evan were already friends lol)
the biggest fuck you to his dad? not only does he hate politics, he wants to be an artist
likes painting just fine, and drawing is ok (he mostly just draws evan and the skittles, sometimes others like lily and james), but he LOVES ceramics
is an amazing cook, spends a lot of time in the kitchens with the house elves
(in a world without voldemort, he and hermione granger would get along very well)
favorite subjects are charms and defense against the dark arts (y'all remember when he was actually kind of a good dada professor in gof? yeah)
my computer's about to die so i'll leave it here, might add more later tho <3
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Louie and Della's development (long post)
In honor of Louie and Della Day (which I'm a day late for), I thought I'd post my favorite scenes:
I always found it very interesting that in 'The Secret of Castle McDuck', Louie was the most upset and affected by Dewey keeping his investigation and findings about their mom a secret (and I love how it clearly sounds like he's holding back tears; fantastic reading by Bobby Moynihan).
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"You kept a secret about Mom."
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"That is not ok."
And when Della came back in 'Nothing Can Stop Della Duck', he thought it was way too good to be true, thinking it was "a trick, or a curse from Magica, or a parallel universe" (and it was perfect how the most street-smart and shifty triplet was immediately on his guard- because like he said in another episode, "You can't outcon a con"- and the thing is, his concerns were totally valid and not that farfetched after everything they've seen and experienced with Scrooge):
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And I love how he couldn't keep up his reservations for more than a few seconds before tearfully embracing her with his brothers:
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And... ngl, that's why I hate how Louie immediately goes back to being skeptical, reserved, and forcing himself to be emotionally distant throughout nearly the rest of the episode, even after Della spoke from the bottom of her heart (before she began trying to bond with them):
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"Boys, I don't know what to say. Except that I am so sorry I ever set foot on that rocket. I never meant to leave you... or miss your first steps... or potty-training..."
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"What I'm trying to say is... for a decade, I have fought to get back to this family. And I will fight every day to be a part of it, if you'll have me."
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Louie is still uncertain, and starts to say "I- I-" but the others eagerly embrace her and declare them to be a family again.
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It always bothers me that Dewey had to force Louie's hand on top of Della's.
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*Still speaking from her heart* "I missed you so much! You deserve to have the best mom and I'm going to be the best mom, starting right now!"
And YES, before anyone says it, I do get why Louie felt the way he did, especially being the most independent and cynical triplet:
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"Hey, look, don't get me wrong. Of course I'm happy to have Mom back. I don't know, it's probably my fault... I've gone so long without a mom, I guess I don't really know how to have one?"
His feelings are absolutely understandable and valid, and she was still basically a stranger to him at that point- I mean, Donald kept them in the dark about their mom and her legacy (their whole family legacy) all their lives, and it took finding out their brother was secretly investigating her for him and Huey to find out more about her and the Spear of Selene- but it still disappoints me after how upset he was about Dewey keeping secrets about her, how he was so quick to emotionally accept her right after being so instinctively skeptical at first, and after her emotional, earnest speech to them.
It bothers me that it took her risking her life to save Louie to prove herself to him, or to realize she truly does care. Like, not only is she a veteran adventurer, but she's their mom- ofc she'd do that without thinking twice about it!
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But I absolutely love her end speech and Louie's response. It didn't feel like a rehash of her speech from earlier in the episode, when you think about the conversation she overheard about them struggling to come to terms with having her in their lives (especially how Louie was the most skeptical):
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"Huey. Dewey. Louie. I know you're not used to having a mom. And I am not used to being one. But I'll figure it out as we go along."
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Louie: "We all will."
And I always get emotional during their conversation in the season 2 finale, "Moonvasion". It felt like not only a perfect conclusion to Louie's arc in that season, but the development of his and Della's relationship (including after all unfortunate drama starting in 'Timephoon') . Scared for their future because of the Moonvasion, Della is sadly humming her old lulaby as she looks at her drawing of her boys. Louie notices she's alone and apparently not doing so great, and actually feels comfortable enough to approach her about it:
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"Hey, Mom."
"I drew this back when I had to imagine what you boys looked like."
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"I think you really nailed Dewey."
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"On the moon, all I could think about was being your mom. The adventure, the fun. I wasn't prepared for... all this."
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Louie: "Look, I hate surprises. I like seeing every angle of a situation so I can take control of it. But you can't plan for everything... sometimes a robot boy uses you for a pinata."
Della: "I think I'm losing the thread here..."
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Louie: "But sometimes the mom you thought you lost comes back. And that's a surprise too. So, you deal with bad surprises because they may lead to a good one."
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"But what if Lunaris succeeds? What if I lose you again? What if-"
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"You know, when I'm terrified- which is often- I try to remember this old song:
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Face each new sun with eyes clear and true.
Unafraid of the unknown-"
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Della: -"Because I'll face it all with you."
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"I wrote that song before I got lost. How did you hear it?"
"Well, Uncle Donald used to sing it to us when we were little."
Not only does it beautifully fulfill the development in their relationship and allow them to move past the drama between them, not only does Louie reach incredible growth in his maturity, but it's Louie being the parent to Della... comforting her and offering her reassurance (and I love Louie showing a moment of weakness/vulnerability in admitting he often gets scared, which is not easy for him). A perfect way to conclude the second season, Louie's arc, and the development of Della's return to the family.
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merakiui · 10 months
I'M SO TEMPTED AAAAAAAAA,, orz but I can't write anything else until I finish tmdg (and the rest of the fics on my list). But just know that if I do write Floyd spy au, it would naturally have to include these very crucial details and scenes:
✧ hand-to-hand combat training with Floyd and you're one of the only other agents (aside from Jade) who can match Floyd's pace and sporadic fighting style. Exchanging blows is fun, even more so if you manage to give Floyd the ass-kicking of a lifetime. He's lying flat on his back and you're standing over him and he's never been more horny in his life before.
✧ reader finding out that Floyd's father is the head of the mafia they've been investigating on the sly. Perhaps it's one of those scenarios where the mafia has taken something from you or you're on the run from Mr. Leech's debt collectors, so there's lots of angst to be had when you find out Floyd is the son of your enemy. The betrayal is so yummy... orz Floyd being a wolf in sheep's clothing all along. Oh, you thought he was an agent allied under the same cause as you? As if. <3 (or the misunderstanding angst!!!! Floyd trying to tell you that he's different and not like his father, but you won't hear any of it.)
✧ things get particularly perilous during a mission and maybe the enemy has you cornered. You think this is the end, but then Floyd's there, killing them in the most brutal, cold-blooded way. And you don't see his usual goofy, carefree grin or hear his nasally laughter. It's just this blank, dead-eyed stare and the ever-so-subtle curl of his lip as he sneers at the one who dared to threaten his Shrimpy's life. He shrugs off the bloodlust afterwards just to give you a silly smile and say, "Aww, did I scare ya, Shrimpy? My bad."
✧ missions with Floyd as your partner never go to plan, which means you're both often called into Azul's office so he can scold the two of you (although most of his ire is usually directed at Floyd) for "fucking up the mission." And Floyd has such a smart mouth on him, so it drives Azul insane (even though Azul knows what he's getting into when he assigns these missions to Floyd; it's mainly why he has a partner. You're there to keep him in check). T_T
"But we got the stuff you wanted, Azul."
"Yes, but I specifically said it was to be entirely covert."
"But we got the stuff."
"But you weren't covert."
"So what? We got the stuff. Who gives a damn about—" and you're already dragging Floyd out before he can continue bickering with Azul.
✧ Floyd who always gets you into the most dangerous situations during missions and he's always the one who saves you from said situations. Danger just follows him wherever he goes, but he also has a penchant for inciting it.
✧ his code name is "Bind the Heart," but Floyd thinks that's so lame and so he just uses his real name even though Azul's choked him out for it every time. So now he settles for BTH as a shortening and if anyone asks what it means he says, with full seriousness, "Bacon Tomato Hamburger." LOL
✧ Floyd who is so down bad for you that he's always flirting with you in his own weird, Floyd way, and each time you shut him down with a stern, "Never gonna happen," because you're dedicated to your job (and love is a distraction in this line of work). But Floyd's not one to give up and he keeps trying because according to him, "Never might be today and tomorrow, but Shrimpy doesn't know what'll happen in the future..." (He's right; the two of you end up fucking months later because Azul booked a hotel room for you to share on one of your missions and it did have more than one bed, but why sleep separately when you can sleep together?)
✧ despite how closely you and Floyd work together and how chatty he can be when he's in the mood, neither of you know much about the other's personal life. Cue Floyd wanting to know more about you and you getting suspicious each time. And he always answers your questions with, "Because. Can't I ask about Shrimpy's life if I'm plannin' on bein' in it long-term?" He will be the death of you........ orz
✧ Floyd gets himself badly injured on a mission, so he's stuck on bed rest until he heals up. Which means you're transferred to Agent Shock the Heart in the meantime, and Floyd does not like the idea of you and Jade cozying up during missions. >:( he's in Jade's ear the entire time the both of you are on the mission (he dragged himself out of bed and to HQ's tech room just to steal the microphone from the agent who was in communication with Jade) and he's saying stuff like, "Jade, you lay a finger on Shrimpy and I'll break all of yours..." and Jade just has to be annoying, so he's like, "We get married in June. I do hope you'll be my best man."
✧ a classic confession in the midst of an argument. Maybe the mission got too risky and you have to leave behind your team; you and Floyd get into an argument about it and essentially it ends with him yelling, "Cuz I ain't ready to lose ya!" And you look at him with so much confusion because what is he talking about? And Floyd's so angry he's even tearing up and from there it's a soft admission of feelings: "Cuz I like ya... A lot. A whole fuckin' lot. And I'd rather those other guys take the fall than let you get hurt for 'em." AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
I need Han Sooyoung and Airplane to have been online friends/bitch partners before their stories
Yeah one is Chinese and one is Korean but I want them to have met on like a video game, found out they were both web novel authors, somehow read each others work and had comments
Han Sooyoung is disappointed in PIDW because she's read other bits and pieces of Airplane's other work that was more real and serious but didn't sell and knows he can be an excellent writer.
They grow closer
She sympathises with his situation and understands having to feed your readers. Because although her genre is different she doesn't have to do it the same way or as badly as he does she also does this
He does tell her about the pieces he wishes he could have included and she's mad he couldn't
He likes her story but also teases her for chasing trends as badly as he does. But he admires its popularity and the storyline.
They're both aware that they're lonely and sad and not as cis as their parents want and that Airplane is fighting to survive
They're close enough that they even know each others real names and sometimes video chat even though they've never met in person.
Then one day he goes silent
She's knows about his self loathing and his parents, especially his father. It's enough to make her scared. So she tries to figure out what happened and eventually starts looking into news reports.
That's when she learns there was an electrical fire and her friend has died
A week after learning about his death the apocalypse starts.
And in a way she's relieved he died.
She knew Airplane would have survived, he's a survivor to his core, but she didn't want him to live through this. And yet, she misses him. Wishes she could talk to him about what she's going through and experiencing. Knowing he'd understand her struggles
But all she has left is a memory
Meanwhile Shang Qinghua is grateful that Liu Mingyan always wears a veil. He knows she's not the friend he left behind, that she's her own person. But he's scared she'll have the face of the person he based her on.
He never told Han Sooyoung (though he used to joke he based Sha Hualing on her bad personality) but Liu Mingyan was her in all the ways she buried under snarky comments and insults. Strong, loyal, smart, beautiful and fierce. All the ways that helped him. And that's why he never gave her sex scenes
But sometimes he wishes he could see her face one last time. Tell her how much he missed her. Explain how scared he is of writing again. Wanting her to be proud of him.
But all he has left is a pale reflection
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rise-my-angel · 1 month
I had a thought, the stakes for taking Kings Landing are so severely broken that it's going to lose it's momentum way before we finally see it.
In Blackwater, we spent all of season 2 leading up to it, knowing it was going to happen. There was no question. Someone was going to march onto Kings Landing and it was a bouncing question of who at first. Robb? Renly? Before landing on Stannis. And it did not waste it's time. We had many scenes of characters on both ends discussing the battle that was going to take place and we knew what the stakes were very early. Stannis takes the city, every Lannister he finds, dies.
Then in the battle, we know the stakes but not the outcome. We get tricked into not knowing what's coming. We get a scene where Littlefinger discusses with Tywin an arrangment with the Tyrells, but we are so distracted that in that scene because of the tension of Arya trying to avoid Littlefinger from recognizing her, that we forget we heard it.
So, when the battle seems lost, it comes as a surprise that more troops appear and we have to piece together whats going on between blurry flashes from Tyrions fading perspective. As footsteps apprach Cersei in the throne room, we just like her, have no idea whose about to walk through that door. And yet it's so well done, that when it's Tywin announcing they've won, a rush of emotions waves over you as it does Cersei because we knew the stakes but had no idea what the outcome would look like and it never fails to deliver each rewatch.
But now, we know whats going to happen. Alicent already agreed to surrender, and the terms to that surrender. But, we also know that Aegon isn't even in the city, so we're not even worried that Rhaenyra will in fact take his head, because when she is given the city by choice, we know Aegon is long gone.
What about Aemond? What if he's in Kings Landing? He has Vhagar after all and Heleana has Dreamfyre. Except no. Helaena explicitly refuses to fly so we know she won't join. And we know as per the end of episode 7, that Vhagar alone is not enough to go up against how many dragons Rhaenyra now has. He can't win that. But, we also know he probably won't be there anyways.
Since Heleana apparently read the script and just dumped massive spoilers onto Aemond for no reason that do not match what is about to happen in Kings Landing.
We know the stakes, but it doesn't matter. Alicent agreed to a full surrender, and gave up the locations of her armies so we know Rhaenyra knows where they are too and they don't yet. We know she can't kill Aegon because he's already left. We know there can't be a big dragon fight because we already saw that Aemond is smart enough to not take on multiple dragons alone and he has no back up.
Where's the tension? I know what's going to happen already. Unless they pull a serious bait and switch, they are going to have a massive problem with there being no tension going into this. They had this long ending montage of all the armies, but Alicent already gave most of them up. Rhaenyra has more dragons. Aegons life isn't even at stake because he's not there. We already know Rhaenyra has agreed to terms including letting Alicent, Helaena, and Jaehaera live.
Where is the emotional tension of not knowing who will win the battle? Where's the loss or triumph of an outcome we knew could happen, but had no way of knowing which it would be or how?
You have Helaena dump character spoilers, then you have Alicent dump future plot spoilers all in the final act of the season finale.
What am I waiting for, I already know exactly whats going to happen and how. You spoiled the last page of the book to me before I even got to the final chapter.
There's no surprises left.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
Hi! I love your Silver Bullets girls, and Carrie x Douglass has a special place in my heart (even more since your last writing with them). So, for them I'd like to ask 35. (kissing their bruises and scars) from the Touch prompt list or 5. (the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other) from the Subtle love list. 💗
HI FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for sending this and i am so so glad carrie and dougie have meant a lot, alongside the Silver Bullets girls (it seriously means SO MUCH and i always say it but its true!!!) THANK YOU FOR THE OPTIONS TOO!!!! i couldn't help myself and went with the second prompt (5) and decided to focus on some of their earlier meetings with one another and how they've developed into the people today. let's just say, i had a lot of fun! thank you SO MUCH!!!!! :D this was so much fun! <3 (and sorry for the wait for this....the semester was its usual chaos haha!)
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(a/n): safe to say, for my carrie x dougie enjoyers, this was FUN to write. we get a bit into life before the annie bradshaw era of silver bullets! WITH captain birdie faulkner. BUT, because i am a sucker for someone who haunts the narrative and is simply talked about, we don't actually meet birdie here, just hear about her as a leader and all (a running theme!). we also get a bit into the storyline of what dougie means when he said he wanted to ask carrie to 'dance in greenland in THIS PIECE. and also carrie's dislike for greenland lmfao. please enjoy!!! <3
Greenland was anything but green, it seemed.
Maybe that's why the Vikings called it that - to freak the living fuck out of any sort of enemy that was bound to come this way and make them mistake what was actually a stupid ice block for well - 'green land'.
The landing had been less that superb and Captain Faulkner had dismissed them all to the bar to the left of the tarmac for the rest of the evening off.
Birdie Faulkner was everything, including a realist, and she seemed to understand that the rather harrowing conditions of their landing was something that required at least a drink or two before bedding down for the night.
With a half-finished beer, Carrie was sure that she could've fallen asleep in that very chair for the time being, but she had to present herself a best she could. With the newest B-17 group collected, Silver Bullets was formulated and crafted by that oh-so-brilliant mind of Birdie Faulkner, and they all had her to thank. And Carrie had to look a bit more put-together than usual - prove she's not just a wash-out bombardier with lackluster experience. That she deserved the spot in Silver Bullets more than anyone else.
"So?" a voice came from her right, settling into the other plush, leather seat at her side, the smiling face of Bessie Carlisle appearing as she popped open her own beer bottle, "Greenland, huh?" Carrie smirked and rolled her shoulders and glanced around.
"It's cozy, really," Carrie offered, "I'm considering taking a swim in the river, suntanning-"
"Okay, smart ass," Bessie said with a chuckle, her boot nudging her own foot, "can't say I'm complaining. Finally out of those training cycles, working towards the war. Maybe, we'll actually put ourselves to use instead of waiting just to go on a practice run." Carrie watched Bessie and then smiled widely.
"Love it so much that I may tell my future husband that 'Hey, we're moving to Greenland!', pack up the truck, babe, forget Brooklyn, home is where the grass is a solid as a fucking rock," Carrie said, sipping her beer, "not to mention the weather. I love to freeze."
"Someone's happy." a new voice chimed in, as Francis settled into a chair opposite them, sucking down a portion of her beer and grinning, "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about something." Carrie deadpanned.
"I'm really jumping for joy over here, Monty." Carrie told Francis, raising her glass of beer up in mock ceremony, "You know me so well." Francis and Bessie burst out into laughter as Carrie leaned back in her chair with a sigh and looked towards the ceiling.
"When the hell are we going to England?" Carrie asked, counting the flecks of rotting wood in the wooden ceiling, her eyes tracing the pieces that stuck out of the ceiling panels before losing her spot and recounting, "If I could just get another beer started, I'd be ready by tonight to head out. No pit-stops for me, I'm just fine with a beer stop and then jetting off to England and calling it a day."
"I wish I had the same energy towards that, Bergie, I really do," Bessie said, "afraid to say I'd ask for a few hours of sleep thought over that."
"Sleeps overrated half the time!" Carrie admonished still staring up at the ceiling, "How you gonna get a thing done when sleep's-"
"Exactly what you need." Carrie blinked a few times and into focus above her head came James Douglass - fellow bombardier, with whom Bessie had introduced on one of Carrie's first days after her transfer on base.
Carrie remembered first time seeing him coming towards them, with that carpet on his face he called a mustache, a sharp smirk, a rather loud, somewhat obnoxious voice, a quick hand-shaking, before he was wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pointing out to various areas along the base like they'd been friends for years - something that had caught her completely off guard. And ever since then, with their few chance meetings, they'd been nothing but a trifle of teasing jabs and somewhat good-natured fun.
Key word: somewhat.
Because she could never actually read James Douglass unlike Benny DeMarco or Hambone Hamilton who were just about as sweet to her as her grandma's hotcakes. He'd see her and beeline, make a few jokes, flirt shamelessly, and then go dance with the next girl who'd take his hand. He was quite the character and Carrie usually didn't engage in much conversation past when he'd come to seek her out.
Except now, he was hung above her like a hyperactive golden retriever, like the dog, Kering, that had lived down the street from the Achterberg's in Brooklyn all her life. Running out of the Wilkes house anytime the door opened, barking and sniffing and tearing around the neighborhood like a lunatic. Yeah, Kering the golden retriever who looked like he was a lunatic reminded her exactly of James Douglass.
Nice to know home was never far.
"What are you trying to say, huh?" Carrie asked, still slouching in the chair and staring up at him hovering over her. Douglass grinned at her, showing off his pearly whites and that charming look on his face and he let out a chuckle.
"You know, a little sleep never hurt a soul. Only reason we're even alive," Douglass said, reaching forward to rub her shoulder, "makes the brain happy or some shit. Makes people less….cranky."
"You calling me cranky, now?"
"Cranky. Now that's just one of many words-"
"Oh, you little-"
"Alright!" Bessie said standing and shoving Douglass pack from where he currently was occupying Carrie's headspace, "Nice to know some things never change." Carrie glanced at her as she sat up and Bessie raised a brow with a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Douglass said from behind Carrie, before he moved around her chair and took the other open seat in the grouping of four, and kicking back to relax. Carrie watched Bessie before looking at Francis, who was rather interested in her cup of beer, before glancing at Douglass, who was already looking at her.
"What?" she murmured, before he made a face and she rolled her eyes.
"How was the flight over, Douglass? Invigorating?" Bessie asked Douglass, with a smile - leave it to Bessie to be sweet as cream on any given occasion.
"You woulda thought Greenland would be, well, fucking green-"
"That's what I said!" Carrie butted in, getting looks from the other three, before settling on Douglass who was watching her, with a mixture of interest and annoyance, but she couldn't seem to decipher the two and sank back in her chair, "Greenland's cold as fuck, not some East Coast paradise I'll give ya that." She heard Douglass chuckle at that as Carrie took in more sips of beer.
"With the way we were flying in, I wasn't even sure we were gonna make it at first, I'll tell you that," Douglass said, "you sit in that nose and you swear to God that you'll smash right into the tarmac. Good ole Ev Blakely don't let that sorta stuff happen though."
"Yeah, a real crap shoot." Carrie muttered, "Thought Birdie was gonna bring us in sideways." Douglass raised a brow as he sipped his beer.
"Guess you can say they lied about the fucking weather, too," Douglass offered, "really nice place here. Could barely move my fingers and toes when I actually stood up fully." Bessie let out a chuckle and started sipping her beer again as Carrie narrowed her eyes at her.
"Hey, they're putting on some music to dance, y'all wanna come?" Judy Rybinski's joyfully said as she appeared behind Francis, "C'mon Bessie, I know that look anywhere, you wanna!"
"You know me too well, Jude," Bessie said, getting to her feet and finishing off her beer.
"I'm coming with! No shot I'm missing a chance at good music and good company." Francis said getting to her feet, "The company part may be a stretch-"
"Oh c'mon!" Judy said, taking Francis' hand before looking at Carrie and Douglass unmoved in their chairs, "You two coming?"
"I'm going to continue working on these beers, Jude, but I appreciate it," Carrie said, "Greenland's officially fucked me up." Judy let out a chuckle.
"You enjoy that then, Bergie," Judy said before looking at Douglass, "Dougie?" Carrie glanced sideways at Douglass who sat quietly, before glancing over at Carrie and then Judy again.
"Maybe next time," he said with a nod, "I promise you a dance, got it?"
"Sounds good! Don't have too much fun!" Judy called before she disappeared and some Artie Shaw began playing over the speakers.
"Good to know we have one thing in common, Bergie." Carrie slowly looked over at Douglass, that annoying nickname rolling off his lips like it had before, "We both hate Greenland." And he grinned at her and couldn't help but smirk back.
"First off, don't call me that. Second, you might be right about that," Carrie said, sipping her beer again, "you know that it's called Greenland because of the Vikings?" Douglass let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Nah, you're fucking with me," he said, "the Vikings? The guys with the horns on their heads?"
"I'm not kidding," Carrie said sitting up and fully meeting his gaze for the first time since he had hung overtop her, "I swear to you, they did it. Tricking their enemies. For the sake of how much can they fuck a person in the head." Douglass watched her for a moment, before letting out a laugh and sipping his beer again, before smirking.
"Maybe they were just being smart," Douglass countered, "before they knew that it was just one sheet of ice for miles on end. Then they realized what a shitty name Greenland was." Carrie stared at him for a moment, before smiling slightly, unable to hold back her grin.
"You really know how to get under my skin, don't ya?"
"Guess you could say I know what makes you tick."
"Oh so now you suddenly know everything about me, huh?" Carrie said, leaning over to give his shoulder a playful shove, "Well, go on, what's my favorite color?" She watched him and noticed him glance at her lips - surprisingly - before moving back to her eyes.
"I don't know….blue probably." Carrie watched him and stilled for a moment.
"Uh….yeah, actually." she said quickly, and forced down the way her cheeks flamed (and for what she didn't know), "Alright, well, where do I come from?"
"Brooklyn." Douglass said, laughing at the look on her face, "Look, sweetheart, that New York accent ain't just a voice with Southern twang. I know if I was walking down the streets, and I heard your voice, it'd be you."
"God, what the hell." murmured Carrie as Douglass chuckled, "You won't get this - school subject." Douglass looked at her and then smirked before leaning forward.
"Something with math, right?" he asked her confidently, "You don't just get interested in this sorta shit without having some interest there." Carrie watched him and tilted her head.
"Are you mind-fucking me or something?" she asked him, "How the hell-"
"Just good at reading people I guess." Douglass said with a smirk, "Contrary to popular belief, Bergie, I usually know what I'm talking about. There's a reason I'm a bombardier and not just some journalist or something." She watched him and licked her lips.
"Is that why you joined?" she asked him, "The Air Force? Flying in B-17s?" Douglass glanced at her and nodded.
"Had to join the fight somehow, couldn't just sit back and let the fucking Nazis think they could walk all over us," Douglass said, finishing his beer, "that sorta stuff just don't fly around here. Well, except us. We fly." The two burst out into laughter, before they both died down and looked to one another. For a moment, they were quiet regarding one another with somewhat hesitant gazes as Carrie finished off her beer.
"Well, I'm gonna head-"
"Did you wanna-"
They both watched each other, before breaking out into laughter and righting themselves.
"You go." Douglass said.
"I was gonna head out. Get some rest. Pretty tired." she said quickly, her heart racing as she smiled at him with a nod, "You?" Douglass stared at her and for the first time, she saw the sudden shyness in his gaze as he glanced away from her and then back.
"Just…was gonna get another drink, but you head out, get some rest," he said, before smirking at her, "you need it."
"Oh, you asshole." grumbled Carrie knocking his shoulder before standing to her feet, Douglass following suit. The stood there for a moment, looking at one another - usually, if this were a Silver Bullets girl, she'd give them a hug, but with Douglass, she felt frozen in place. She stuck out her hand instead, to shake, and he shook her hand, and she felt more awkward than ever before, as she shook back. His handshake was firm though, and confident and suddenly made her feel like some 16-year-old girl in high school and balked.
"Well, I'll see you around." she said, stumbling back a bit, "Night!" And she disappeared quickly - like she always did. She found the barracks, promptly settled into bed, and then stared at the ceiling, counting the dried pieces of wood hanging from the panels again.
And she replayed the look in James Douglass' eyes - over and over.
And for the first time in years, all she could think about was James Douglass' eyes that had watched her like that, as she tried to fall asleep.
To say the least, it was the best sleep in months.
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foundfam2754 · 8 months
if criminal minds was a family, my pov
disclaimer: this doesn't include every character from every season, but on the characters that I connected with and fit with my headcanons the most -- i.e., these aren't fact, just how i see it <3
also i.e., pls pls don't be mad if we have different headcanons
the basics:
aaron hotchner: father, single dad, can be strict but will always listen to and be there for his kids, doesn't smile very often but has the BEST, most contagious laugh
david rossi: cool, fun uncle, gave the kids their first sip of alcohol (only when they're 21 though), the more 'chill adult', a playboy, but finally married their aunt krystall who is their favorite
derek morgan-hotchner: oldest child & son, very protective of his siblings, a little bit of a playboy but does settle down, smart without trying
emily prentiss-hotchner: nicknames are em and ems, second oldest, oldest daughter, very smart (smarter than her little brother spencer sometimes) and the most emotionally intelligent of the siblings though this surprises most people because she's very rebellious and very private - opens up to people but with time
jennifer jareau-hotchner : nicknames are JJ and jaje, middle child, quiet and responsible, very popular athlete, surprisingly kind of a badass when her family or friends (especially her little brother and sister) are hurt
spencer reid-hotchner: nickname is spence, youngest son, penelope's twin, very smart with an IQ of 187 and very sensitive, sometimes gets bullied but always protected by older brother derek, a bit nerdy like his twin
penelope garcia-hotchner: nickname are pen, penny and garcie, youngest child and daughter, spencer's twin, a little bit loud and boisterous at times but also very sensitive and kind, great at computers and majored in comp-sci in college
tara lewis, matt simmons, luke alvez: triplets, but not related to the hotchners, though they have been family friends with them for years and are treated as family
luke: very popular, football player and jock but not a playboy at all, a little quiet and secretly a nerd, LOVES musicals and baking
tara: very smart, loves psychology and crime-thrillers, very funny and and a bit of a smart-alec, loves teasing her little brother luke
matt: nickname is matty, very mature, very kind and very responsible, also a football player with his brother, often breaks up the arguments between tara and luke when one or the other takes it too far
other details of the headcanon
aaron is currently dating beth who will hopefully be the family's step-mom soon (aaron has been planning to propose for a long time and the kids keep teasing their dad that it'll never happen)
though derek is a playboy all throughout high school, he eventually settles down with a smart girl on the pre-med track in college named savannah
derek often gets into fights with his dad, especially when he was younger, but that's happens less as he gets older and when he finds comfort in savannah
JJ's been dating her high-school sweetheart, Will, since freshman year, they've already started planning how many kids they want and their names (as it stands: 2 boys and a girl, henry, michael and maggie)
matt has also been dating kristy forever, since high-school and they both want a big family
emily, jj and tara are an unlikely trio of best friends; emily has only ever told the other two her biggest fear
derek, matt and luke are also best friends and often include spencer in their hang-outs
penelope and luke were very 'will they, won't they' for a long time because penelope often resisted luke's charm because she was afraid of getting hurt, but eventally start dating and are everyone's favorite couple
penelope dated a bunch of assholes before luke (kevin, shane, tyler) and is part of the reason why she was afraid to date luke -- luke is aware of this and does her best to treat her like a queen
spencer just started dating max but can see himself marrying this girl; max has helped him come out of his shell
spencer is the older twin by 5 minutes and often holds this over penelope's head
matt is the oldest triplet, then tara and then luke (who is the baby and treated as such by his siblings)
spencer and penelope are built-in best friends and watch doctor-who, marvel and star-trek marathons together -- max and luke join these when each couple starts dating
tara, luke and matt often see aaron/dave as parental figures and lean on them for support
they are all very protective of each other, but everyone is the most protective of penelope
tara and penelope call luke 'lukey' as a nickname to bug him, but he secretly loves it
the eight kids (penelope, luke, matt, tara, emily, jj, spencer, derek) don't have that much of an age gap between them so they are all very close, hang-out a lot and very much fit the found-family trope
dave and aaron take the kids (including matt, tara and luke) on a family trip every year -- 2024 is going to be a beach trip
Okay, I have a lot more, but these are some :) love to hear your thoughts on this
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shadowsandsunset · 5 months
The BuckTommy OF!Buck fic (with eventual BuckTommyEddie)
PART ONE (You Are Here)
PART FOUR (Coming Soon)
notes: Come and get your smut, babes. Read at your own risk. 18+
This chapter is 1250-ish words of Tommy's POV. Again, just smut. I've lost control of my brain again.
From this post here. @tiltingheartand I figured you might be interested :)
Tommy doesn't understand how Evan, his boyfriend, affords his frankly ridiculously nice loft apartment. He doesn't really care, he likes spending time with Evan any where, any time, but it lingers at the back of his mind.
He knows Evan, knows he's not doing anything criminal, he's too sweet, too caring. He is very smart though, so maybe it's crypto? Maybe he made some smart investments? Maybe an inheritance or a small lottery windfall?
He knows he shouldn't worry about it, it's not his business, they're not married, they don't live together, it's really none of his concern.
But...the loft is quite nice. All exposed brick and open floor plan goodness. So he wonders.
They've been together now for a few months (3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days, officially) and he knows he loves Evan. He knows Evan loves him. Evan is, despite the hilarious rocky start to their relationship (Ally? Seriously Evan?), a perfect boyfriend.
Which is why one sunny Sunday afternoon he stops by Evans apartment to surprise him. They didn't make plans because Tommy was on call, but he never got called in.
He lets himself in with the key Evan gave him (for emergencies of all kinds... including sex emergencies, which Evan made sure to point out) and is surprised to hear the bass-y thump of some sort of music.
"Baby? You around?"
No answer. Hmm. The music is coming from the bedroom so he heads for the stairs.
He's even more surprised when he gets to the top and sees Evan, blindfolded and jerking off in the middle of the bed. He's changed the sheets, a dark navy blue set that Tommy hasn't seen before, but what really stops Tommy in his tracks is the camera.
Pointed directly at the bed, capturing Evan in flagrante delicto, is a digital camera.
Tommy is stunned, speechless and practically drooling, as he watches Evan's hand stroke his cock, the sound of it wet and dirty. He feels the rush of blood to his dick, the tugging of his boxer briefs as he gets hard.
Well. Isn't this something?
He watches as Evan comes, beautifully and copiously over his hand, the sighing moan of his orgasm making Tommy's dick twitch. He adjusts his dick so it's more comfortable then crosses his arms and leans against the wall to wait.
Evan comes down, sweaty and breathless, and takes off his blindfold. Then he notices Tommy and lets out a panicked shout as he flails around, trying to sit up.
"What are you doing here?"
Tommy grins, all teeth and smarm, "Thought I would surprise you, but I have to say that I'm the one surprised, baby".
Evan groans and covers his face with the hand that isn't dripping cum. He mumbles something behind his hand.
"I said: 'I can explain.'".
Tommy motions for Evan to continue, he's invested but not impatient.
"Do you know what OnlyFans is?"
Tommy feels his mind go a bit static-y, all electric and gooey. His boyfriend is a cam boy? He's certainly beautiful, he's definitely horny, and it would explain the loft...
"You're on OnlyFans?" Tommy chokes out, blood is no longer in his brain but his cock could hammer nails.
"It started a few years ago...I was seeing this girl and she introduced me to it. I thought it was hot, you know? That all these people liked looking at her enough to pay for it. She helped me get started and well... I liked it. I like knowing that people think I'm hot. The money is good too, I'm not like a top creator or anything, but I do alright."
Tommy just stares at Evan for a second then, with Evan's full attention on him, he reaches down and strokes his dick over his pants.
"Evan, baby, you are gorgeous and I am absolutely your number one fan, so I get it. Tell me what you do on camera."
Tommy unbuckles his belt and pushes his pants down to his thighs, stroking his dick and staring at the love of his life, who is too breathtakingly, heartbreakingly, sexy.
Evan takes a deep breath, and then releases it, eyes not leaving Tommy's cock.
"Mostly I just jerk off. Different poses, different things I say depending on if I've had requests. When I started seeing you I started getting more adventurous...fingering myself on camera, that was popular."
Tommy doesn't react except to lightly squeeze on the downstroke.
Evan continues, "You like that? Like that I opened myself up and people watched..."
Tommy moans, "You're so hot, Evan. They all get to look but I get to touch. Fuck."
Evan stops for a second to think.
"Would you want to make a video with me?"
Tommy stops his hand, "Absolutely."
Evan motions Tommy to get on the bed and then goes to the camera and angles it so Tommy's face isn't in view. Then he presses record.
Evan crawls up the bed, facing Tommy and with his back to the camera. He grabs a condom and rolls it on Tommy's dick.
Evan, loose and open from his own exploration earlier, throws his leg over Tommy's and positions himself.
"You ready, baby?"
Tommy doesn't respond except to nod and grab his dick to position it at Evan's hole.
Evan sinks down and moans, Tommy is a big guy, and he's big everywhere. Tommy knows what he's packing and god does Evan take him so well. Evan is tight and warm and Tommy feels his eyes roll back in his head.
"Yeah, just like that Tommy. Oh my god."
Tommy grabs Evan's hips and starts moving, holding Evan still with ease. Evan is so pretty it drives Tommy crazy, he kisses him as he moves inside of him, pretty and perfect and adorable.
Tommy has to admit that the thought of strangers seeing this turns him on. It's fucking hot, his boy on full display as he rides Tommy's dick.
Tommy has been turned on for so long but he's not going to come until Evan does, he's a gentleman.
He takes on hand off Evan's hips and reaches for Evan's dick, as pretty and hard as diamonds.
He strokes Evan as he lifts his hips, the slick sounds of lips and fucking filling the room. He hopes the microphone is good enough to capture the beautiful sounds Evan's making.
Evan whimpers as he comes, spilling across Tommy's hand and belly.
Ignoring the mess, Tommy puts his hand back on Evan's hip and goes for gold, nearly lifting Evan as he thrusts.
It's only a minute more before he comes, spilling into the condom and growling his pleasure into the side of Evan's neck.
After a moment, he gently helps Evan off and to the side to lay down. Evan is tactile and cuddling with him is one of Tommy's favorite things. Evan lays his head on Tommy's shoulder and laughs, softly.
"So what do you think?"
Tommy thinks for a second, "That's going to be your most viewed video, baby."
Tommy had viewed the edited video before Evan posted it, and he knew it was a knockout, a winner. Evan had let him know that Tommy had been right, the video was a success. His most popular video on the site.
They hadn't discussed making more yet, but if Evan asked then Tommy was going to say yes. His boyfriend could probably ask him to hide a body and he'd say yes, but Tommy wasn't thinking about how bad he had it for the younger man.
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Request from @bloodgulchblog: first time palmer or lasky figures out roland is flirting with them dealer's choice. Thank you for the prompt!
Roland enters service December 5, 2557 and then sometime circa February 18th, 2558 during a live mission with Fireteam Crimson present and engaging with Promethean forces, Roland says to Miller after Miller attempts to shoo him away: "I can do a million things at once, like can talk to Captain Lasky, I can flirt with Captain-" from Spartan Miller E5.01 of SpOps. He is 2.5 months old and saying this. In front of at least 5 Spartans.
Halo doesn't give us any vetting process or inside look into how AI are chosen or when they come off the shelf vs go into active service.
Leading a campaign is stressful. Lasky had done it before, in all but name, as the XO behind Del Rio. He's the reason the UNSC Infinity was still afloat, not that he wants to take credit for helping the Master Chief stop the Didact. There's more important things he's dealing with, and getting more attention from the upper Brass doesn't seem like a good career move or life choice at the moment.
Returning to the Forerunner planet Requiem means balancing a million details all key to their victory. Olds hands returning do help, but there's a lot of new blood in the crew as well. Including the ship AI.
As captain, Lasky had been included in the vetting process. Roland was chosen because he was the best fit. Part of the newest generation of Smart AI, with a personality fit for managing not only the enormous and diverse needs of the crew, but also the retrofitted colony ship with Forerunner engines and more armament than the navy had ships welded to her.
Suffice it to say that Lasky had a lot on his plate, and maybe didn't pay the closest attention to Roland's tone. Or the little winks and knowing nods thrown at Lasky before he blipped away. Or how he motherhenned Lasky more than Aine ever did. It was just differences in personality between AI. Captain's duties took precedent over lilting tones and pointed questions and an avatar lingering in his presence at the end of the day.
Aine never said "sir" with so much weight. She wasn't so free with compliments towards him and didn't linger for him specifically. Aine enjoyed her time on the Infinity, the care in its construction, and her crew. Roland's focus was different, and something Tom might not want to label without a second opinion. Not that he was going to talk to Sarah about it… He could already see her face, eyebrow raised, as he'd try to connect two points in front of her.
The second Requiem campaign ends, badly, but with them alive and not in the heart of a star. Lasky exhales. Sarah's mad about his contingency with Majestic and Halsey getting away, but she's coming with him to face the admirals together. Not that they have much choice, but they've already gotten their story straight. Their friendship would heal. Tom fixes his uniform in the mirror and swallows. Going planet-side for an official debriefing felt more like marching to meet his executioner. At least Hood liked him.
"Captain, your chariot awaits in hangar 11." Roland announces with a flourish.
Tom nods and thanks him with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. He's not really in the mood for levity right now.
"If I may be so bold, sir." But when has that ever stopped Roland?
"When have you not?" Tom says, smoothing down his cuffs again.
"You're worrying too much. The reports are in, the commander is going with you, your pelican is fueled and waiting. It's all going to go smoothly. You'll be fine, you're very likable, sir. I like you!"
"I noticed." Tom says with a smile aimed at Roland's camera. "You were laying it on kind of thick there."
The look on his avatar's face is enough of a prize, but then Roland starts backpedaling. That's something Tom's never seen him do before.
"Well, of course, sir. I mean, you are my captain. The captain. Of the ship- that I run, mostly."
"Of course." Lasky says, turning for the door. "We can discuss it when I return. I leave the ship in your capable hands." He smiles, wry and teasing.
Roland snaps a salute with smothered smile. If Lasky's mouth does anything funny, no one sees as he's schooled his expression by the time he hits the hangar.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Amphibia's Ending is SOOOO Much Better Than People Made Me Believe
So I remember back in S2 when I watched "A Day at the Aquarium" expecting to be upset about the finale like a lot of the people I'd followed were when the finale came out. After all, with them being so close, why would they choose to leave? Could they really justify them just dropping the stones and moving on from these bonds they made?
And... That's what the story wants right then. But it was an assumption built off of false impressions that I want to talk about because the ending is REALLY smart in making its points. But to talk about an ending, I feel like I should bring up its beginning. This isn't always necessary but Amphibia actually includes what is effectively a primordial sin. A first failing that causes everything to happen.
A scared girl who is told that change is coming and that she must give up those she is closest to finds out that with some magic, she can make it all go away.
NEVER is this portrayed as having been the right thing to do. NEVER is the show about justifying Marcy's decision. Instead, the show's entire purpose... Is about letting go. It's about how the experiences we keep from others are more important than keeping those people beside us. Otherwise, controlling people, forcing them to be like you, the goals of Sasha and the Core, would be painted as correct. Chances to be together forever, doing whatever they want and never having to change.
So it ending with the trio having to say goodbye to the connections they've made is kind of the only way it COULD have ended. First is the fact that neither Sasha or Marcy would have accepted Anne dying at the start of the series. Anne would never have been willing to take such responsibility or sacrifice. She wouldn't have been willing to embrace such a painful change, just like how early on in the series she rejected the frogs and their culture outright.
And here is where we get my first misconception. I thought Anne was straight up given her second life for her deeds or because she made a deal that she'd be willing to be god if allowed to live her life. This is as much on me as anyone else but can we talk about the brilliance of Anne's resurrection? She's only saved to become a god. Theoretically, turning down the position is choosing to die again. It doubles down on how Anne has accepted change, no matter how dire. She even has good reason because like the Core said "Full of heart but dumb as rocks." She's made PLENTY of mistakes in this season, even as we've gotten to enjoy what a resplendent person she's grown up as. The fact that she's willing to admit that is beautiful, especially for any coming of age story.
And it's a good argument. One full of the sort of wisdom a god needs. So this bored cat of a god likes it. Likes it enough that without giving Anne a choice decides to let her get some more training before coming back to work for him. It's keeping in line with the explanation that he gave for the stones. He was CURIOUS about what mortals would do with ultimate power and was disappointed for TEN. THOUSAND. YEARS.
And here we get misconception two which I think is much more on the fandom. No one DECIDES to put the stones away. No one decides to cut off the worlds from each other. Hell, on the human side of things, one could argue that it's not closed, they just need a better power source since the music box just uses, well, music. No, the stones are gone because someone more powerful than them is tired of their trouble and removed them.
And so we're right back where we began. Having to be told to say goodbye and that you don't have the time to do it how you might. Yes, they technically have a choice to stay but let's actually talk about if any of them actually have a reason to want to be there.
ALL of the newts have only ever used Marcy (even when Yunan and Olivia save her, it's explicitly because of her mind, not because it's the right thing to do) and it took until she was STABBED for any of them to actually care about her with even basic humanity. This is not her world. And yes, her parents will force her to leave things behind but A: At least they were honest with her! And B:... Running from that choice hurt so many people before. Why would she choose that now? Why would she choose to suddenly claim to have learned nothing and considered herself right to have stranded them all there by stranding herself now?
Sasha may have made great connections but the point for her character is to give up control and prestige. She could live in this land as a hero and general, leading how things will be shaped, potentially in her image even... And it doesn't even cross her mind. She probably knows she has a lot to set right back on Earth. Besides, you know, there's just the basic fact that being literally the only human here would be a bit of an existential problem. It would still would also mean running away from finishing the work she needs to put in to become a better friend and mend the rifts between her, Anne and Marcy (I'll get to the ten year gap, bear with me).
And finally Anne. She has her parents to go back to. She does still prefer life on Earth, even if she came to love Amphibia. Hell, the fact that she does clearly prefer Earth, as showcased in S3A, actually makes her sacrifice MORE impactful because she's not doing this just because it's her home. She's doing it because she cares and because of the connections she's made.
But just like she was with the core, she is brave enough to say goodbye. Just because someone isn't right next to you doesn't mean they've left you. Honestly, in an age of constant communication, I love that. A reminder that you can take your time. You don't have to talk every day, do things together constantly, etc. like that just because you can. You are still your own person with your own life but you can carry the support and love those people gave/give you even when you're not face to face.
And so rather than run from change, they admit it's painful, they cry, they celebrate, they joke... And then they're gone. There is literally no better ending for this story than that.
It even follows through with the epilogue. Marcy, Anne and Sasha were codependent. S3 actually reinforces a lot that their negative traits are still there, or have new ones related to each other, even as they've grown. Anne still can't say no to people she cares about like with Sprig's Birthday and Give a Frog a Cookie. She still can't entirely trust that Sasha isn't self serving like in Sasha's Angels. She has scars that will take time to heal and change, just like she pointed out to Marcy in New Wartwood.
Sasha though has a whole NEW heap of issues though. She's gone from being controlling to subservient. Anne says jump, she'd say off what. She is terrified of making the same mistakes twice. She is constantly trying to seek forgiveness. That is NOT a healthy place to be as a person and it's almost entirely wrapped up around Anne. Them deciding they were okay with just staying in touch, rather than being on top of each other... is actually great.
Marcy doesn't have as much to say but she moved... And she figured out how to handle the human realm like she did Amphibia: Alone. Who she was and how to be herself rather than relying on Sasha and Anne or needing them.
But was ten years necessary? I mean... Kind of actually. If Anne STARTS the series turning thirteen, she still has this school year and 5 more to finish for primary school. Then since at least two of them sought degrees, you have four more years where Sasha and Anne might not have even been in the same state, let alone the same town, and Marcy MOVED. She literally couldn't come back unless the fates decreed until she was 18 and she might have chosen to persue an artistic degree so there's another 4 years for her.
Then one year after college to settle in, get the money for trips, etc. like that and... Yeah, ten years sounds about right because life's a bitch. Almost like that's one of the lessons of Amphibia. But as it also says: Those bad times don't need to be only bad. You never know what will come back to find you and be better than it ever was.
So yeah, I'm definitely not just in the camp that the Amphibia ending is good but that it almost couldn't be improved. Small things, mostly pacing wise, maybe but thematically and how it does those beats? Not really. Not when this is so focused on one goal.
And I'll take dedication to your concept over giving the audience a simple, happily ever after ANY day.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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hyog-blog · 1 month
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Our Song Season 3 - I came for Liu Yuning, stayed for the comedy of it all
I continue exploring this gorgeous Chinese singing rabbit hole (alternative name - Singing with Legends), and it still delivers. The premise is the same - younger singers join the seniors to perform old and new songs and exchange their experiences.
Humor is strong in this one. In one team there's a comedic duo (quite literally, every time they interact and perform something they make everyone LOL extremely hard) of Xue Zhiqian and Chui Na Li Sha. I had no idea who these people were before the show - I just recommend you watch them live. Their personalities are funny, but their performances are very powerful. He's a very passionate singer with a British rock vibe, she's a slightly overweight girl who acts like a stand-up comedian, has a gorgeous voice. and dreams of becoming a singer. Anyway, all the other members have their funny and exciting moments - the 70-something senior still sings with so much passion! His partner is a cute guy who had to learn lots of Cantonese to sing the songs (which sounds like a totally different language compared to Mandarin, he even used pinyin transcription to be able to read it). Well, the dedication levels are also high, the younger singers do not disappoint.
The host, Mr. Lin, is a 50-ish guy with a smart face and an impeccable taste in suits. He's incredibly intelligent in communicating with everyone, both the babies and the seniors and has a great sense of humor to support all the silliness. This season is really just too funny, I'm enjoying it greatly.
Liu Yuning at one point got paired with 3 gorgeous ladies and came up with a group name National Beauty (well, him included in the list, of course). Seemed so happy, ahah))) I see, you boy XD Two beautiful seniors and a sweet young girl, it's like a dream come true. Anyway, being the only guy in such a rose garden is always a cool choice, but only if a man can pull it off (naturally, he has the looks, the voice, the stage presence, and enough personality to create a beautiful balance with the beauties). You have to love his voice - it never ceases to amaze the audience.
I also have to say that his pairing with Penny Tai is awesome - she's a very open, talented, and easy-going woman, with an amazing voice and lots of emotiveness and charisma, they matched perfectly in their energy and voice ranges. It was hilarious when she met him for the first time, though, that height difference was EVERYTHING XD She's a very petite lady and he looks even taller beside her. They had lots of cute moments together, especially when they discussed how she's too shy to look into a man's eyes when singing (love songs in particular) which they did with LYN all the time. Lots of jokes ensued after that XD But I do have a thing for older women/younger guys combos, and that cute height difference, hehe. Can't help but ship them a little. I think they've paired again in Season 6 of the same show unknowingly XD It must be fate.
Anyway, this season was very emotional, with lots of creativity, beautiful stages, and humor. It's like watching a real-life drama or a musical, singers are very emotional people. Everyone's personalities are also unique, there wasn't a single boring moment on the show.
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