#it's so weird like. yes i love my dad. yes i text him little school updates.
violexides · 1 year
explaining the relationship i have with my father is so complicated and i keep finding myself facing that question when i'm in college bc like. a professor of mine in office hours literally asked me abt my family and i was like. well i can explain. Parts Of This. but it's mega fucking complicated
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0cta9on · 3 months
Unlikely Duet - 8
Length: 18k+ words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
(Author's Note: First of all, thanks to @msafterhours for beta reading! This chapter wouldn't have been as good without your input :] TW: Violence and mention of blood. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, it was a blast to write :> )
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Yuno’s POV
It’s weird. It’s a Monday, universally agreed to be the most hated day of the week, and yet, here I am, waking up with a smile on my face like it’s the most regular thing in the world. I had no weird dreams this time around, but that didn’t stop Minji from being the first person I thought about the second I opened my eyes. Whatever I said before about love being stupid, scratch that. I feel invincible.
After quickly getting ready, I head downstairs to see my dad cooking breakfast, an image I’m slowly getting used to. It feels comforting knowing someone cares enough about me to go through all the trouble of cooking a meal.
“Good morning, dad.”
“Good morning, Yuno. You seem happy this morning,” he smirks at me.
My face already aches, not used to smiling this much. “Yeah, just… excited for school, I guess,” I shrug.
“Mhm, sure,” he chuckles, sliding a plate of food towards me. “Eat up.” Right before I dig into my breakfast, I send a text to the group chat, asking Winter and Yujin if they want to meet up at the convenience store and walk to school together.
Winter: sure thing :)
Yujin: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Actual food for breakfast, actual friends to walk to school with, and an actual crush I get to see at school? It’s only morning and already this day feels perfect.
Minji’s POV
My heart thumps with anxiety while my parents sit across from me at the dining table, completely oblivious to the dread I feel in every fiber of my being. In order for me to survive at the banquet tomorrow, I need them to agree to let me bring a plus one. Specifically, I need them to let me bring Yuno, the one person they specifically told me to stay away from.
I inhale deeply, firming up my resolve as best as I can. “Um, Mother? Father?”
They both look up at me. “Yes, dear?” Mother answers.
“About the banquet tomorrow-” “Ah right, Ms. Park told me that Sunghoon is excited to see you again after so long. Isn’t that nice?”
I bite my tongue to keep myself from visibly cringing. “Right, um, I actually wanted to ask you if I could bring a friend to the banquet.”
They exchange looks at each other before turning back to me. “I don’t see why not. Who did you want to invite?”
“Um… Yuno.”
“Absolutely not!” Mother answers a bit too quickly. “We told you already that we don’t want you associating with that boy! Why don’t you bring any of your other friends, like Danielle, or even Hanni would be more acceptable than him.”
“Because, uh…” I need to think of a lie, something, anything that can convince them. “...Because he has an interest in the business,” I blurt out. Not my best work, but it’s better than nothing. Both of them furrow their brows, unconvinced, yet neither of them say a word, simply waiting for my explanation. 
“I, uh, told him about the family business and he got so, um, inspired by your story that he wants to, uh, pursue a business degree in college.”
 Their glares feel like spotlights, scrutinizing my every little move. Mother’s expression remains the same — bewildered and a little irked — but I can see the gears slowly turning in Father’s pensive gaze.
“I thought the banquet would be a good opportunity for him to make connections in the industry, y’know, just like how you want me to,” I continue. “You two always emphasize the importance of making strong connections in case I need help in the future, so why can’t I be the connection that helps Yuno?”
“Honey, we are not charity workers-”
“Wait,” Father says, turning towards her. “I think we should let him come.”
Both mine and my mother’s eyes grow wide in surprise.
“Really?” We say in unison.
“I’ve always had a firm belief in education, both in and out of the classroom. This banquet could be an opportunity for him to better himself. He clearly has no plans for the future otherwise.”
Mother opens her mouth to argue, but instead sighs and nods. “Fine, we will permit Yuno to come to the banquet.” 
I almost can’t believe the words coming out of their mouths. My plan is actually going to work. I’m so happy I could cry.
“But,” she adds, “If he causes any trouble, we forbid you from seeing him outside of school, okay?”
“Y-yes, of course, I’ll make sure he stays out of trouble! Thank yo-”
“And I don’t want you sneaking off and being alone with that boy. We’ll have Sunghoon stick with the two of you the entire time.”
My ears start to ring like a massive bomb just dropped nearby.
Yuno’s POV
The morning sun warms my skin as I wait for my friends by the convenience store. Birds fly above, singing their spring song like gentle plucks of a violin, sonorous yet fragile. A clear sky hangs overhead, unblemished by smog or storm clouds. It almost feels like mother nature herself wants me to have a good day.
“Good morning, Yuno!”
“YUNOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Winter and Yujin appear in the distance, walking towards me.
“Hey,” I greet them with a wave. They both stop in their tracks, eyeing me with surprise. “...What?”
“You’re smiling,” Winter states as if it’s the most insane thing she’s ever seen.
I turn my head away, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Y-yeah, so what?”
“Aw, Winter, you ruined it,” Yujin teases. “He looked so happy.”
I sigh. “...Let’s just go.”
Both of them chuckle, taking their spot on either side of me like it’s where they belong. For so long, I walked the same route to school alone every morning, yet today, it feels a little different. The colors on the buildings and the street signs seem so much more vivid, the air smells like fresh grass and blooming flowers, puddles and windows glisten like diamonds as they reflect the sun’s morning light. A part of me thinks that I’m dreaming again — when did the world look this beautiful? But the way Yujin nudges my side to show me a drawing he’s working on or the way Winter clutches onto my shoulder after almost tripping on nothing lets me know that all of this is real. The world that I used to hate waking up to is now a world that I can look at with a smile. 
A real, genuine smile.
As the three of us walk through the hallways of Evergreen, I feel the familiar stares of the other students, eyeing me like some kind of untamed beast that could jump out at them at any moment. Even with everything else changing around me, I can always count on high schoolers to be ever stagnant and predictable in their behaviors. Although, something in their eyes feels a little peculiar. Instead of just fear, there’s something else hiding behind it. Intrigue? Admiration? Maybe these rose-tinted lenses are starting to make me see things.
“P-people sure d-do stare a lot, h-huh?” Winter asks, her voice shrinking to a mere whisper.
“Yeah, I guess they do.” I glance back at them, both their gazes glued to the ground, clearly not used to the unwanted attention. “Sorry, I should’ve warned you guys.”
“It’s okay, Yuno, it’s not your fault,” Yujin reassures me.
“Y-yeah, I’m sure w-we’ll get used to it,” Winter adds with a small grin. Man, what did I do to deserve these two?
The five minute warning bell rings, sending the students still left in the hallways in a hurry. I say my goodbyes to Winter and Yujin as we part ways, enduring the usual stares and hushed voices as I make my way to my seay in the back. Still, something feels odd about the way they’re looking at me today. I try to meet their eyes to get a better look, but everyone keeps looking away, pretending like they weren’t whispering about me to their friends. If this keeps going on for the rest of the day, I’m gonna be pissed.
“Yuno Lin to the principal’s office, Yuno Lin to the principal’s office. Now,” the PA system announces, giving me a wave of deja vu. I have a couple guesses for what this could be about…
Instead of coming out the gate swinging, Mr. Geier just sits at his desk, his hands clasped in deep thought. Normally, I would be pretty indifferent to whatever he has to say, but after everything Minji said to me, I suddenly feel guilty sitting in front of him. It probably isn’t easy dealing with my shit on a weekly basis.
“So…” he starts, finally looking up at me after a few minutes of silence. “I’m sure you know why you’re in here, Yuno.”
He sighs. “The McGraw’s donate a lot of money to this school. They didn’t exactly take well to receiving a call that their son was found unconscious in the bathroom with a broken nose.”
Ah shit. This is it. The consequences of my actions have finally caught up to me. Fate, you cruel bastard, making me wake up in a good mood for the first time in years, only to send me to jail before the day even starts. Goodbye dad, Yujin, Winter, and Minji. Minji…
“...They’ve decided not to press charges.”
“What!?” I exclaim, relieved and deeply confused. 
 “We received a tip from one of the boys on the football team that Tyler had been bullying a group of freshman boys for months. They still wanted to press charges anyways, but I may have… insinuated that if they did, I would ensure Tyler could only set foot into a community college at best.”
My eyes widen, slowly connecting the dots. “Did you…?”
“No, it was not for you,” he states matter-of-factly. “It was for the sake of all the freshmen that suffered because of him.”
“R-right.” I sink back into my chair, feeling sheepish. “So… what happens now? Detention? Suspension?”
“No, I have something else in mind for you.”
Just then, the door to Mr. Geier’s office swings open, sending in a wave of lavender and rainbows into his office as the girl of my dreams walks through.
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Geier?” Minji says before turning to me, a quizzical look in her eyes.
“Perfect timing, Minji,” he says, “This is Yuno Lin. Yuno, this is Minji Kim, the student council president.”
Minji shoots me a confused look, but I’m too distracted by her beauty to pay full attention. Her hair is in a ponytail today with two strands of hair framing her perfect face. The sound of my thumping heart gets louder in my ears, drowning out whatever Geier is saying. Hopefully it’s not anything important. What could be more important than Minji? God, she’s so pretty, I-
“Yuno, are you paying attention?” Mr. Geier snaps at me.
“S-sorry, what?” Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Minji stifling a giggle, making my cheeks burn red.
“As I was saying, your punishment will be to help Minji with prom preparations. Whatever she asks you to do, you do it. If you cause any trouble for her, she’ll report it to me and you will face the consequences, understand?”
You mean I get to spend more time with Minji? As a punishment? “Yup, I understand,” I say, trying not to look too eager.
“Good.” He turns towards Minji. “Just make him lift the heavy stuff or something. He can be a handful, but he, uh… He means well.” How sweet, Geier. I’m blushing.
“That shouldn’t be much of a problem,” she says, smirking. “We’ve actually met bef-”
“U-uh, it’s nice to meet you for the first time ever, Ms. President!” I exclaim, shoving my hand towards her before she can utter another word. If Geier finds out that his “punishment” is more like a “blessing” for me, he’ll probably give me some other grunt work to deal with.
Minji awkwardly shakes my hand, giving me a curious expression. “It’s, uh, nice to meet you too, Yuno.” The feeling of her soft hand against mine beats out any kind of embarrassment I should be feeling right now.
“Alright, you can head back to class now, Minji,” Mr. Geier dismisses her. She gives me a small yet bewildered grin before exiting his office, leaving me alone with the principal yet again. My gaze lingers towards the door even after it closes, wishing she’ll pop back in for a few more seconds.
“So,” he begins, taking me out of my daydreams. “You got lucky. Extremely lucky. However, that doesn’t mean you can keep doing this and expecting to get out scot free just because I stick my neck out for you. There are rules here, and I understand that you may not agree with those rules, but they are there regardless, which means you must follow them just like everybody else. No more playing vigilante just because you can, you understand?”
“Yeah, I understand. I’m sorry.”
“I- you what?” He asks, his eyes wide with surprise.
“Uh, I said I understand and I’m sorry,” I reiterate sheepishly.
“Oh. Okay. Well. Good. As long as you understand.” It’s almost offensive just how shocked he is, as if I didn’t know my own actions were wrong. I might be stubborn, but I’m not stupid.
“I’m going back to class,” I state, getting up from my chair. Right before I exit his office, I turn to Geier one last time. “Uh, my dad is doing better now.”
He looks up at me, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile. “Really? That’s great to hear, Yuno.” 
I give him a nod before shutting the door behind me. I’m not sure what exactly compelled me to tell him that, just a hunch that told me it was the right thing to do at the moment. Geier did ask about him last time, so it only makes sense. I guess.
As I turn the corner, I catch Minji leaning against the wall right outside of Geier’s office. Was she waiting for me?
“Oh. Hey,” I greet her with a small wave. “Hey!” She says, flashing me a smile that could bring about world peace. “What did Mr. Geier talk to you about? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
“It was about the, uh… thing that happened with Tyler.”
“Ah, right. So his idea of a punishment for you is to be around me? Ouch,” she jokes. We walk through the halls together despite not sharing the same first period (or any period for that matter). A weird energy hangs in the space between us, like a balloon threatening to pop if either of us get too close. My mind tiptoes on the fence between pushing my luck or staying in a comfortable space. In the end, I throw caution to the wind and close the gap just a little.
“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think it’s a punishment at all,” I say, thinking out loud.
“That’s very kind of you, Yuno,” she chimes, a hint of pink gracing her cheeks. Simply being around her is making my heart pound like crazy. Can she hear it? God, I hope not. How am I supposed to control myself when she’s this cute? I just want to-
“Oh!” Minji suddenly stops and points at my face. Shit, was I thinking out loud again? Is she secretly psychic and can hear all my thoughts this whole time?
“W-what?” I ask, flustered.
“You’re smiling.”
I awkwardly clear my throat, wiping the smile off my face. “Y-yeah, so what? Am I not allowed to smile?”
She giggles at me. “No, you’re allowed to smile. In fact, I think you should smile more often, I rarely ever get to see you smile.”
“W-whatever,” I mutter, trying to hide the growing blush on my face. “About the banquet tomorrow, is there a dress code or something? I, uh, don’t own a suit,” I ask, changing the subject.
Minji’s expression suddenly darkens as a dejected sigh floats from her lips. “Oh right, the banquet…” she groans.
“S-sorry for bringing it up.”
“No, it’s fine,” she assures me. “My parents just told me this morning that if I’m gonna bring you along, the guy I’m trying to avoid has to stick around us the whole time, rendering my whole plan basically useless.”
“This guy you’re trying to avoid, is he, um….” I gulp nervously. “...your ex?”
“Ew! Oh my god, no!” Minji exclaims. “He’s the son of my parents’ business partners. He used to be a complete menace towards me when we were kids until he moved away during middle school. Oh my god, the thought of us ever dating is just…” Her entire body shivers in disgust.
I try my best to appear neutral, but inside, fireworks are going off in my head. It’s like Christmas came early this year. I have to physically fight off another smile from growing on my face.
“So, what are we gonna do now? Maybe…” I search my mind for another possible solution for her problem, but only one comes up, and frankly, it’s the best possible case for her and the worst possible case for me. I sigh in disappointment. “...maybe I just shouldn’t go.”
Her gaze shoots up at me. “What?”
“If I don’t go, then you won’t be forced to be around him the entire time,” I explain.
“But I-”
“I’ll probably stick out like a sore thumb anyways, being in a room full of a bunch of rich business people. Your parents already don’t like me, what would they all think of me being around you? Maybe it’s best if I don’t go-”
“Stop!” She suddenly exclaims, a fire burning in her irises. “I invited you because I want you to go, okay? Screw my original plan, screw everyone who judges you, and especially screw Sunghoon! You’re my friend and I want you to be there, don’t worry about all that superficial nonsense.” Her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths, carrying the determination of her words. No wonder people voted for her as student council president, a speech like that could move anyone to action.
After a short pause, I concede. “...Okay, I’ll go.”
A smile replaces the serious expression she had, sending my heart into another frenzy. “Thank you, Yuno. All you have to do is enjoy yourself, don’t worry about scaring him off or anything dumb like that.”
Enjoy myself. At a banquet. That I certainly don’t belong in. Sure, I can do that.
“I should probably head back to the student council room, I still have a lot of work to do,” she says. “I, um… I’m glad we had this talk. I’ll see ya later.” And just like that, Minji disappears down the halls, leaving me standing here like a fool in love. The warmth in my chest feels like it’s gonna get hotter and hotter until I explode. I desperately hope she needs my help with prom preparations later.
The presence of a substitute would normally mean all chaos ensues, but the odd tension hanging in the air during English practically suffocates any chances of socialization. I didn’t exactly mind nor care, but the silence only made the nervous glances towards me even more obvious. Furthermore, thanks to Tyler’s “disappearance”, his friends on the other side of the room don’t even try to hide their accusatory pointing and disdainful glares. Their sentiments aren’t exactly wrong, but it’s still annoying being on the receiving end of them. Surely, they know better than to start any dumb shit right now. 
And yet, I’m unsurprisingly proven wrong as one of them, a tall boy with blonde hair (is his name Connor? Colton? I have no clue), stomps towards me with fury in his eyes.
“Hey,” he growls at me, “You wouldn’t happen to know what happened to Tyler, would you?”
A sigh escapes me. Welp, that’s what I get for getting my hopes up. “Is he not here today? I had no idea,” I mutter, not giving him so much as a glance.
He slams his fist into my desk, causing everyone to look back at the commotion with fearful glances, including Winter. I shake my head reassuringly at her, but unfortunately, Tyler’s friend notices this and scoffs to himself.
“Behind the gym during lunch. Don’t be late.” He glances in Winter’s direction with a smirk on his face. “Or else.”
My fingernails dig into my palms as I ball my fist up in anger, my heart pumping with anger. For the first time since he came over, I glare at him, watching his cocky facade crack in front of my eyes as he scurries back to his little group with his tail in between his legs.
Dammit. God fucking dammit. Is it so hard for me to have one good day without having to deal with anyone’s shit? I notice Winter still staring at me with a worried look, so I conjure up my best convincing smile. She nods and turns back to her book, but I’m not sure if it ends up working.
It’s clear that he wants a fight. Of course he wants a goddamn fight.
Yuno: I won’t be at lunch. I have something I need to deal with.
I send the text to the group chat as I pace around, waiting for Tyler’s goons to show up. The area behind the school’s gym is basically a cesspool for rule breaking; half the concrete is covered in cigarette butts, glass shards, and other mysterious stains from other’s unseemly activities that I’d rather stay unaware of. It’s a wonder how none of the teachers look back here with how often students frequent this place.
Finally, the boy from English class (Kayden? Kenneth? It starts with a K sound, I know that much) appears, alongside a dozen other boys that I’ve seen hanging around Tyler. A few of them are unarmed, but most are carrying broken mop handles. One guy has a pocket knife, so that’s something at least.
“Hey fuckface!” The blonde boy yells. “You think you can mess with Tyler just because you think you’re all high and mighty? Well, newsflash pal, you’re not!”
“Yeah!” His entourage cheers him on.
This is comical. These guys attend a high school in the suburbs, and yet they’re parading around like a bunch of wannabe gangsters. Did they rehearse their lines or something? Why does he talk like a movie bully from the 1950s? It’s taking every fiber of my being not to burst out laughing right now.
“You made a big mistake pal, and we’re gonna make you regret-”
“Fuck, alright!” I groan in annoyance. “Are we doing this or not?”
I stretch my arms, loosening myself up as they timidly inch closer with their little sticks pointed towards me. This could be over in the blink of an eye if I want it to, but I promised Minji I would stop fighting, so I won’t. Not exactly sure what that means, but I’m not exactly known for planning these things out.
I’m not a fighting expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve been in enough to recognize certain patterns. Shaky eyes. Quivering breath. Their knuckles burning white as they clench their fists too hard to compensate for the fact that they have no idea what they’re doing. With each step they take, it only becomes more apparent how downright terrified they are. I almost feel bad for them. 
It’s not like I wanted this either, but I brought this upon myself of my own volition. These guys could have said no and went about their day, living their regular high school lives, but instead, they’re rallying behind some guy they’re probably not close with just for a measly ounce of street cred they get for “showing their loyalty,” effectively reducing themselves to lap dogs that get the “privilege” of calling themselves popular. I’m not doing this for street cred or privilege or any of that bullshit that they care too much about. I’m doing this because the asshole that they’re rallying behind threatened my friend.
Inevitably, one of them gets brave enough to make the first move. He swings his stick, hollering at the top of his lungs, and misses wildly as I dodge to the side. The next guy gets lucky, breaking his stick against my arm as I block the side of my head. My arm stings like hell, but I can’t focus on that for too long before the rest of them start getting confident and lunging at me. 
Even in the midst of the frenzy, as I dodge a swing aimed towards my head or suffer a kick to the stomach, all I can think about is Minji. I made a promise to her, one I have no intention of breaking. Rather than a fight between me and the dozens of Tyler’s lackeys, it feels more like a fight between me and my instincts, actively trying to suppress the years of bad habits just for Minji. A part of me feels stupid for doing it - it’s not like she’ll ever see this anyways - yet I continue to subdue my instincts, even if it means sustaining a couple brutal blows to the body.
One of the bigger guys in the group tackles me to the ground, taking the wind out of me as my back collides with the hard concrete. My ears start to ring as he lands two solid punches to my cheek. I flail my hands wildly to the side, desperate for something to grab, before landing on a pile of broken glass. Ignoring the blood rushing to my palms, I chuck the shards at his face. He yelps in pain, allowing me to push him off and get back to my feet. Before I can even blink, my head begins to spin as another punch sends me careening towards the brick wall. Warm blood leaks through my lips, staining my shirt. Two more guys stand over me before hoisting me up by my arms.
I’m fucking exhausted. My vision is blurry and the ringing in my ears grows louder by the second. Each inhale burns just a bit hotter than the last. I’m covered in blood again, but this time, it’s all my own. Every cell in my body screams at me for getting into this situation in the first place, berating me for my own stubbornness. Yet the blonde boy, Kyle or whatever the fuck his name is, stands in front of me unscathed, not even a drop of sweat on his brow. The rest of his buddies are on the ground, breathless and covered in injuries they got from tripping over each other. I cough out a weak chuckle, sending a jolt of pain through my chest.
“W-what the fuck are you laughing at?!” Even his threats are starting to get shaky.
“Just funny… You called me out here… Yet… You didn’t do shit…” I mutter. “Fucking… coward…”
The fury ignites in his eyes, the same one present when he first called me out in English. He grabs a broken mop handle off the ground and swings it overhead, aiming for my face. This is it. Started this day off with a smile, and look where I’m at now. In the back of my mind, I always knew I would go out like this. It’s a shame this had to happen after I finally found something to look forward to. With a shallow breath, my eyes flutter shut as I unwillingly accept my fate.
Suddenly, a loud siren blares through the air. The stick that was sailing towards my head mere seconds ago now clatters to the ground. Mr. Geier pops up from behind the building with a megaphone in his hand, alongside two teachers, Winter, Yujin, Danielle, and Minji.
“What the hell are you doing!? Put him down NOW!” Geier yells through the megaphone. I collapse to my knees as the two idiots drop me to the ground. A mix of emotions swirl through my head, but the sense of relief shines clearest through the storm. The fact that I’m alive almost makes everything feel more painful. 
As the teachers reprimand the other guys, Minji and the others rush over to me, their overlapping voices of worry combined with the ringing in my ears making it impossible to make out anything. I want to tell them that it’s fine, I made it out alive. In a shit ton of pain, but alive nonetheless. No words come out. My vision is starting to blur again. Minji’s face is the last thing I see before everything turns to black.
Minji’s POV
I lean back in my chair, stretching my arms as I let out a long, exhausted sigh. It feels like no matter how much progress I make with prom, there’s still a whole mountain of things I still need to do.
Danielle walks through the door of the student council room, carrying a pile of papers with her. I nearly burst into tears just looking at the size of the stack.
“Relax,” she says reassuringly, reading my expression. “These are all taken care of.”
I slide farther into my chair, releasing a deep breath. “Oh thank god, I don’t think I can handle doing anymore paperwork.”
She grins, taking a seat next to me. “The principal approved the caterers and our ‘Red Carpet’ theme, I informed the club leaders to start working on their floats for the prom parade, and Woohyuk and Julie from the art club agreed to paint a mural in the gym. All we have left to do is pick a venue, find a DJ, and prepare decorations.”
“You say that like it’s an easy thing to do.” I sigh, resting my head on the table while Danielle merely shrugs her shoulders. A couple minutes of silence pass, both of us exhausted and overwhelmed by the ever growing pile of work. “Are Woohyuk and Julie dating?” I ask, making small talk.
“I think so. They seem to have gotten a lot closer after the school festival, and they wouldn’t stop shooting each other heart eyes when I asked them to paint the mural. It was sickening,” she jokes.
Dating in high school always felt like an enigma to me. Statistically speaking, only 20% of couples last until college, and only 10% ever get married. High schoolers are the most emotional, stubborn, immature, and hormonal people on the planet (according to my parents), why would you want to date someone like that? But it’s not like I don’t want to date… I just never had the chance to. I would be lying if I said I don’t look at couples walking arm-in-arm through the halls with some kind of envy. Wouldn’t it be nice to go through the struggles of your teen years with someone that understands you because they’re going through the exact same thing? I say that, and then I look out the potential dating pool at Evergreen, only to be reminded of why I haven’t dated anyone. I mean, there is one guy I wouldn’t mind dating…
“Why do you ask?” Danielle says, interrupting my train of thought.
“U-uh nothing, just curious.” My cheeks suddenly flare up with heat as she leans forward, scrutinizing my expression.
“Are you thinking about that boy again?
My eyes go wide as I shake my head profusely. “W-what, no! Why would I be thinking about Yuno?”
“Because I didn’t even mention a name, yet your mind automatically went to Yuno.” She raises her eyebrows in an ‘I told you so’ expression, causing me to shrink in my chair. “Are you really gonna fall for someone like that just because he saves your purse from a thief?”
“I told you I—Huh? How do you know about that?”
Danielle takes her phone out and pulls up a video from a local news account titled, “Heroic Man Stops Mall Purse Thief.” My eyes grow even wider as the video plays, showing Yuno tackling the thief who stole my purse and the… awkward hug I gave him afterwards. Apparently, someone had recorded the entire altercation and uploaded it to social media. It now has…
“Five million views?!” I exclaim. That explains all the weird looks I’ve been getting today. I faceplant into the table, my face burning with a fire of a thousand suns. So that means the entire school saw me… hugging Yuno… I mean, why do I feel so embarrassed in the first place? Hugging is a perfectly normal way to show gratitude towards someone. He got my purse back, so a hug seems pretty normal, right? It’s not like people are gonna assume we’re dating. Not that I have any problem with dating him, it’s just…
I let out a sigh. “Danielle…” I groan, my voice muffled by the table.
“Hm?” I feel her gently pat my shoulder in support. I lift my head, turning towards her.
“What do I do?”
She tilts her head at me, confused. “Do you want them to take the video down?”
“No, it’s not that, it’s… I don’t know. I’m so lost. There’s a lot going on with prom and my parents, it feels like I’m being tossed back and forth in a tornado with nothing around to hold onto for support. There’s things that I want to do that seem so… impossible given the circumstances. I wish I could freeze time just so I could have a moment to myself to think.” I slump back onto the table in defeat while Danielle continues to rub my shoulder.
Compared to the rest of the girls, Danielle is the most logical one. Hanni does everything she can to cheer me up, Haerin lends an ear and a shoulder to cry on no matter what, Hyein is always there to show me the brighter side of things, and Danielle is prepared with an easy 3-step solution to virtually any of my problems. If I’m drowning in a sea of doubt and anxiety, I know she’ll be there with a spare life vest and an intricately made wooden raft to hoist me out of the water. But not even she has the answers to everything.
Suddenly, the door to the student council room swings open.
“We need help,” a familiar voice shoots through the door. “Quickly.”
Yuno’s friends stand in the doorway panting, worry painted on their faces. Winter looks like she’s on the verge of tears while Yujin’s normally cheery disposition is hauntingly absent.
“What’s wrong?” Danielle asks.
“I-I’m not sure, b-but I think h-he’s in a fight right n-now, behind the g-gym,” Winter answers, her voice breaking.
A fight? N-no… What if he gets hurt?
I hurriedly jump to my feet, my mind racing. “Danielle, Yujin, go get Principal Geier. Winter, come with me,” I command, panic evident in my voice. The four of us promptly leave the student council room, with Danielle and Yujin diverging to the principal’s office while Winter and I walk briskly towards the gym.
“Tell me everything. What do you mean Yuno might be in a fight?” I ask her.
“D-during English, Cameron w-went up to Yuno and he looked r-really angry. I-I couldn’t hear everything th-they were saying, but it s-sounded like he told him to m-meet behind the gym during l-lunch,” she explains. I pick up the pace, adrenaline pumping through my body. With each passing step, all I can think about is one thing.
Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.
As we turn the corner to the back of the gym, my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach while my breath gets completely sucked from my lungs. Two boys hold up Yuno’s limp body as a third prepares to swing a stick straight towards his head. I wanna scream, I wanna run to him and make sure he’s okay, but my entire body stays frozen in place. Why does it have to be Yuno? Why couldn’t it be anyone else? I was just talking to him a few hours ago, he was fine. He was smiling. I wish I could see that smile on his face again. Please.
“M-Minji,” Danielle softly calls out my name, wiping the tears off my face with concern in her eyes. I didn’t even realize I was crying. She holds me as I uncontrollably sob into her shoulder, my heart aching with an indescribable pain. It feels like I’m being torn apart from the inside. I need him to be okay. Please.
“C’mon, let’s go,” she says, patting my arm. I look up from her shoulder, wiping away my tears, to see Yuno collapse to the floor. Mr. Geier and the other two teachers with us yell at the rest of the boys to line up against the wall using harsh language I’ve never heard him say before. The four of us get down by his side, desperate to make sure he’s okay.
“H-he’s fine, right? He’ll be okay, right? D-Dani?” Yujin asks, his voice quivering as he looks up at her for reassurance.
“Just, um, give him some room to breathe for now.”
“Y-Y-Y-Yuno…” Winter’s entire body shakes as she weeps into her hands. I should comfort her. I’m the student council president, it’s my responsibility to make sure everyone’s okay. But my own tears won’t stop flowing as I gently cup his cheek, swollen and red with cuts. You were awake earlier. Your eyes were open and you were smiling. Please wake up. Please smile again, Yuno. Please.
“Guys, we have to take him to the nurse, now!” Mr. Geier exclaims, grabbing Yuno by the arms. “Help me get his legs up!”
The three of them lift up his legs while I’m still too busy crying to help. My body is moving, following close behind them, but my mind is too muddled to properly process anything. The next few minutes are nothing but a blur of hallways and odd stares from students exiting the lunch room. I don’t care. I don’t care about what other students think of Yuno. I don’t care about what my parents think of him. I don’t care about what people at the banquet will think of him. All I care about is him and making sure that he’s okay.
Once we arrive at the nurse’s office, they gently lay his body on one of the cots. I sit down next to him, just staring at his face. His chest slowly rises and falls with breath. That’s good. He’s breathing. He’s alive. 
Mr. Geier says something to us that I can’t quite make out. All of their voices fade into the background of my mind like nothing was ever said in the first place. Mr. Geier leaves, with Winter and Yujin following soon after. Danielle sits down next to me and says something, but I’m too distracted to listen right now. She ends up leaving soon too. All I can do is sit here and wait for him to wake up. Please wake up soon. Please.
Yuno’s POV
My eyes blink open to a blotchy field of grays and blacks. I try to sit up, but a stabbing pain shoots through my entire body. Every breath feels like hell to get through. Memories of what happened moments before I passed out come back to me. I almost got my skull busted open, and then there was this loud siren. I thought I saw Minji before I passed out, but I’m not too sure. Fuck, my body hurts like hell. Where am I anyways?
As my vision begins to focus, I see the familiar fluorescent lights of the school glaring back at me. I finally sit up, doing my best to ignore the pain in my back, and look around - the nurse’s office. The school’s nurse, a skinny woman with giant glasses and violently pink scrubs, sits at her desk and types away at her computer, oblivious to my consciousness. I consider saying something to let her know I’m awake, but my throat is too dry to produce any noise.
I turn to my left and my heart stops in my chest. Minji is lying on the cot next to me, sleeping peacefully. I start to wonder if this is all just another weird dream, but as I reach out and gently brush the hair from her face, the soft skin of her cheek feels too real. Even when she’s sleeping, she’s so beautiful. But… Why is she here?
“Oh good, you’re awake,” the nurse says, rising from her desk. I quickly retract my hand from Minji’s face. “Principal Geier explained everything that happened. How are you feeling?”
I stretch my limbs, testing how much I can withstand the pain before it becomes unbearable. “Could be better, but I’m alive and breathing at least,” I say. “Uh, what is she doing here? Did she get hurt?” My voice raises slightly as I gesture to Minji’s sleeping form. If those fuckers did anything to her, I’m gonna-
“I think she’s fine. She came in with you and wouldn’t move or speak, even after Principal Geier told the rest of the kids to get back to class. She just sat there, watching over you until she fell asleep,” the nurse explains.
I sign in relief, thankful that she’s not hurt, but the nurse’s explanation only produces more questions. Why didn’t she leave? I’m sure she’s busy with a million other things, watching over me will only set her back even more. It’s not like this is the first time this kind of thing has happened to me. Something similar happened right before I met Minji. I’ll feel like shit for a few days, but I’m relatively fine. 
So why did she stay?
The nurse pats my shoulder, handing me an ice bag. “I have to go, some kid threw up in the library, just put this wherever you feel like it. Will you and your girlfriend be fine here alone?”
Heat rushes to my cheeks. “She’s not m- Uh, sure, we’ll be fine.”
She exits the room, leaving me alone with Minji. The silence gives me a moment to get my thoughts straight as the ice bag partially soothes my headache. Her face is so still and peaceful, I slow down my breaths despite the pain just so I don’t wake her up. The last time I saw her face like this was when we slept in the same bed after she almost got attacked in front of the convenience store. My heart still burns with anger at the thought of Minji nearly getting hurt. I want to protect her. Even if she doesn’t feel the same, I want to be there for her in any way I can. In the short time I’ve known Minji, it feels like I’m becoming a better person, or maybe I’m just becoming more and more foolish. I don’t know. Feelings are confusing.
Minji’s eyes suddenly flutter open, and as soon as they meet mine, she jumps up, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. “Y-you’re awake! Oh my god, you’re awake!” She sobs into my shoulders. I completely freeze in her arms, the surprise overtaking the pain.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, Minji. Are you okay?” I ask, awkwardly patting her back. She separates from me, tears overflowing from her eyes. With each drop that falls, I feel my heart crack into a billion pieces, this pain worse than anything I’ve ever felt before. Hesitantly, I wipe away her tears with my uninjured hand, making sure my movements are gentle.
“H-hey, it’s okay. What’s wrong?” She takes a moment to calm down, sinking her cheek into my palm as she controls her breathing. I don’t dare move my hand, even after most of the tears stop flowing.
“I-I was… so worried… that y-you wouldn’t… wake up…” She stutters in between sniffles. “I-I thought you w-were… th-thought you were… dea-”
“I’m okay, Minji,” I interrupt her, afraid she’ll start bawling again if she finishes her sentence. “U-um, please stop crying. I’m okay.”
She takes one more deep breath before sitting back down, regretfully moving my hand from her cheek. We sit in silence for a while, unsure of what to say. She cried after getting attacked by the convenience store, but this time seems different. This time, she wasn’t crying for her, she was crying for me.
“Wait here,” Minji mutters before getting up and walking over to the sink in the corner of the room. I watch silently as she pulls out a few things from the cupboard and fiddles with the sink for a moment before walking back over to me. She gently places a bowl of water and a hand towel next to me before taking out a juice box and poking a straw through the top.
“Here.” She brings the straw to my lips, making me flinch slightly.
“Oh. Thanks.” I take it from her, drinking it as she dips the towel into the water and gently tends to my cut up hand. My body recoils from her touch more than the pain itself. It still feels foreign to me, being cared for like this. Never in a million years did I imagine someone like Minji Kim to pop into my life. She’s way too good for me. What good would I be as her boyfriend? What good am I as her friend for that matter? I don’t want to be a nuisance in her life. I want- No, I need to be better. For her.
She finishes wrapping the gauze around my hand. “Is that okay? Not too tight?” She asks, her voice slightly hoarse from crying.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks.” I look at her, meeting her eyes. “You didn’t have to do this. You should’ve just left-”
“Why did you get into another fight? I thought you said you wouldn’t fight anymore.” Her tone turns stern, softly reprimanding my decisions.
“I didn’t fight,” I assure her. “If I didn’t show up, they were gonna go after Winter, but I promise, I didn’t try to hit them or anything.”
“So you just let them beat you up!?” Minji shoots me a look of disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes.
“N-no! I-I dodged and stuff, they just got a few lucky hits in!” I hastily try to explain myself, hoping she doesn’t cry again. In hindsight, it sounds even more stupid when I say it out loud. I went to the back of the gym, fully expecting there to be a crowd of people wanting to kick my ass, and the only plan I had was to… not fight? Even if I did make it out fine, did I just expect Minji not to say anything about the sudden abundance of injuries all over my body? God, I’m such a dumbass.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone!? A-a teacher!? Principal Geier!? Me!?” The look of outrage alone is enough to make me feel like a child getting scolded by their parents. My gaze falls to the ground, hiding my embarrassed blush.
“I, uh… I didn’t think of that…” I shamefully admit. She sits next to me, sighing into her hands. Seconds stretch into entire years as tense silence overtakes the room. Even my own breathing feels comparable to a car engine with how quiet everything is.
My entire body freezes as I feel Minji rest her head on my shoulder. Her silky black hair tickles my neck while the scent of her lavender perfume wafts through my nose, giving me visions of running through a clear field full of nothing but lavender stems. “Do you know why I’m mad at you?” She asks, her voice surprisingly mild.
“Uh, because I’m… stupid?”
She chuckles lightly at my half-joke. “You’re not stupid. What you did was stupid, but no, that’s not why I’m mad.”
“Because, uh… I didn’t talk to you first?”
“Bingo.” She lifts her head up to look at me. Her face is close, I can feel the warmth emanating from her soft cheeks. “I know you wanted to protect Winter, but you ended up getting hurt in the process. If you had just gone to a teacher, those boys would’ve been reprimanded without you having to get hurt.”
“They would not have been reprimanded-”
“Okay, fine, they probably wouldn’t have been seriously reprimanded without any solid evidence,” she concedes. “But that doesn’t mean you should go through these kinds of things alone. Your friends were worried sick about you. And I…” Her voice cracks like delicate porcelain. “...I was worried sick about you.”
I gulp, finally feeling the weight of my actions. For years, everything I’ve done has only affected me. I never had to second guess anything. But things are different now. I have people around me that care about my well-being, which means all of my actions have some kind of effect on them. This whole thing sprouted from me wanting to protect a friend, but in the end, they got hurt because of me.
“I’m sorry, Minji. For being stupid and not talking to you and letting myself get hurt.”
She nods, offering an appreciative grin. “Next time something like this happens, just text me first so I can at least try to talk you out of it, okay?”
How could I ever say no to a face like that? “Okay.”
Minji’s smile widens, and like a mirror, I can feel my own lips curling to reflect her joy. She’s so… amazing, unreal even—like someone plucked a princess straight from a fairy tale and placed her right in front of me. Kind, caring, courteous, beautiful, strong, intelligent, absolutely perfect in every way possible that it almost feels unfair. I might be fated for nothing more than an early grave, but for once, I want to defy fate and entertain the possibility that something good could happen to me. Maybe Minji is the good thing that happened to me, and maybe, just maybe, there is a future where me and her… y’know.
A whole minute passes before I realize that neither of us have stopped staring at each other. Something in my head clicks. I find myself leaning in, inch by inch, closer to Minji’s lips, just like I’ve done many times in my dreams - But this time, it’s real. Her breath dances against my skin, making my cells tingle in anticipation. Something in her expression shifts. Her eyes widen slightly, flickering downwards every so often, but she doesn’t pull away, even after my intentions become crystal clear. She opens her mouth as if to say something, a protest maybe, but no sound comes out except for her shivering breath. My heart pounds in my ears like a warning alarm telling me to stop. “This is a bad idea, Yuno! What are you doing!?” Yet I continue onward until the tension is palpable. So close, I can almost taste it-
The door to the nurse’s office swings open. “Oh good, you’re both awake!”
Minji and I jump to opposite sides of the cot, my face burning hotter than the sun. The nurses waltzes in with another kid sporting a gross vomit stain on his shirt, tossing any kind of sentiment I had mere moments ago out the window. My heart chugs with the force of a speeding bullet train; it’s a miracle I haven’t succumbed to a heart attack by now.
“U-um, I should, um…” Minji stutters frantically, her eyes darting everywhere but in my direction. If it’s any consolation, I feel too overwhelmed to look at anywhere except the floor. She hurries out of the nurse’s office without uttering another word.
“What’s up with her?” The nurse asks. I’m too busy freaking out to even register her question properly.
Minji’s POV
Oh my god. Oh… my god. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My god. OH. MY. GOD. OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOMGOMGOMGOMGM-
“Minj? Are you alright?”
I jump in my seat, my gaze flying wildly around me. “H-huh?”
Hanni and Haerin exchange odd glances as they take their seats on either side of me. “Girl, what’s wrong with you?” Hanni asks, her eyebrow raised in concern.
“I-I’m fine, just working on prom stuff like usual.” That’s only somewhat of a lie: after getting permission to excuse myself from the rest of the day’s classes, I came into the student council room with the intent to work on prom stuff to get my mind off of… that. However, I ended up spending the last hours of the school day staring at my blank computer screen while my mind spirals out of control. “Where’s Danielle and Hyein?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Home stuff,” Hanni answers, sliding an iced coffee towards me. “Are you sure you’re fine? You look… shaky.”
“It’s probably just stress, you know how I’ve been lately,” I awkwardly chuckle. Caffeine is probably the last thing that I need right now, yet I take a sip to keep up appearances. Haerin’s cold, analyzing glare seems to notice this.
“Mmm…” She grumbles to herself, her gaze never leaving mine as she takes a notebook from her backpack and starts to scribble in it. Haerin always had a knack for knowing things before they happen, but not even she could’ve possibly known about the nurse’s office… right?
“Ugh, all this talk about prom is making me sick,” Hanni groans. “Spending over $1000 on hair, makeup, a dress, and a limo, all for what? Three hours of some sweaty boy’s hands on my waist? I think I’ll pass.”
“You can think that, but some people wait their entire lives for this one magical night, I just want to make sure everyone has fun,” I reason.
“Pfft, you just want to slow dance with your little boyfriend, Yuno.”
The shock from her words makes me choke on my drink, devolving into a mad coughing fit. “W-what?! N-no I don’t! He’s not my- shut up!” Hanni throws her head back in laughter, clearly amused by my near death experience at her hands.
With how insanely stressful prom preparations have been, the thought of procuring a date to the event never crossed my mind. At this point in the year, most people have found potential dates to take or a close group of friends to go with, with Danielle, Hanni, and I falling into the latter. All this time, I never even thought what prom would be like for myself. I’ve seen it all the time in movies and TV shows: the main character boy asks the hot cheerleader girl to prom, they slow dance together to a popular song fitting of the time, they kiss, credits roll. A simple, predictable formula riddled with a mess of cliches, but one that many dream about for their own special night. But what did I want out of prom? Would he even- Nevermind, I can’t even think clearly about that right now.
Haerin tosses her notebook over to me. “I drew this,” she states.
I peer down at her drawing, growing more confused with each second. It seems to depict some kind of misshapen blob and a… girl? I think? They’re sitting on some kind of bench really close together. Haerin never showed any interest in the arts before this, so why would she be into drawing all of a sudden?
“Um, it’s nice? I think? What is it supposed to be?” I ask.
“It’s you kissing a shadow monster.”
My arm lurches wildly to the side, inadvertently tossing her notebook across the room. Does she know? How does she know!? She wasn’t there, right? Right!?
“That wasn’t very nice, Minj,” Hanni chides, picking the notebook off the ground. “I think it’s very unique and has a lot of character. She even got your ponytail right. Good job, Kitty Kang.” She pats Haerin’s head, bringing a pleased smile out of her, yet her eyes stay glued to me like a predator stalking its prey. I’m starting to wonder if she ever even blinks.
“Sorry, Haerin, I just feel out of it today. It’s a, uh… lovely drawing,” I sigh, resting my head onto my palm.
“Yah, you’re bumming me out, Minj. Let’s do something fun instead of all this prom garbage. Karaoke?” Hanni suggests. They both look at me expectantly, which only makes my answer even more painful.
“I would love to, especially today out of all days, but I have to prepare for a banquet tomorrow.”
“A banquet? You never told us about that. Ooh, can we come?” Hanni pleads, flashing her big eyes and pouty lips.
“I, um… It’s for my family’s business. They said I couldn’t invite anyone, sorry.” Oh god. Lying to my parents is one thing, but lying to my best friends? The people I trust more than anybody in the entire world? My own words leave a bitter taste in my mouth, more bitter than the strongest black coffee. But what am I supposed to tell them? That I invited Yu- him instead of my own closest friends? Even if his presence serves some kind of purpose, I still can’t imagine how they would react if I told them I basically chose a boy over them. No matter how I try to justify it, it still feels wrong.
“Aww,” Hanni pouts. While she’s distracted, I notice Haerin picking up her notebook and pointing at the “shadow monster” in her drawing with a scrutinizing squint. I try to ignore her, keeping a straight face, but it’s becoming more clear that she knows something’s up.
“I’ll make it up to you guys some other time,” I say, gathering my things. “Next time we go to karaoke, I’ll pay for everything, snacks, drinks, whatever, alright?”
“Woo! I won’t say no to that!” Hanni cheers, skipping out of the student council room. I get up to follow her, but a tug on my sleeve stops me. Haerin stares at me blankly, unblinking, for what feels like forever. It’s normally hard to read her, but especially now when my mind has been in a constant whirlwind for the last couple hours, all I can come to are a few thousand anxiety-ridden conclusions. She suddenly moves her hand upwards with the focused intensity of a cat, waving it around before finally landing her index finger on the middle of my forehead.
“U-um, Haerin, what are you-”
“You’re overthinking things. Go with your gut,” she states before putting her notebook back into her bag like nothing ever happened.
“What are you talking about-”
“If you’re not gonna admit it to us, at least admit it to yourself. It’s not healthy to keep things bottled up, you’re barely floating as it is.” Haerin goes up to the door, stopping to look back at me. “Are you coming with us or not?”
“O-oh, right, yeah.” I can barely process her words as I follow the two of them off campus. What does she mean by “overthinking”? I’m not overthinking, I’m thinking a perfectly healthy amount. I just have a lot on my plate, so there’s a lot I need to think about. That’s not overthinking, that’s just… thinking a lot. I need to be thinking a lot, or else I run the risk of letting a ton of people down. My parents, the entire student body, my friends. Once I get a quiet moment to myself, I’ll be fine. Right? Right?
I kick off my shoes by the front door, ready to land face first into my bed and turn off my brain for a couple hours. Unfortunately, fate has other plans for me.
“Minji! Welcome home, dear!” My mom announces from the living room, her tone a bit too cheerful to not raise any immediate red flags. “How was school?”
I fight back an exhausted sigh. “It was fine, Mother. I’m just gonna go up to my room and-”
“Oh, well don’t go upstairs yet! The Parks are here, come say hello!”
The Parks are what!? My eyes shoot up, scanning the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Park sit on the sofa, offering me kind smiles. But if they’re here, does that mean-
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“Minji! Long time no see!” My worst nightmare rounds the corner with my father in tow, laughing like they’re old buddies or something. My skin crawls as he walks towards me with his arm spread out like he’s about to hug me. I wanna run and hide, but I’m too terrified to move. In the end, all I can do is try not to vomit on his shoulder as he wraps me up in an awkward hug.
Is this real? Surely this isn’t real, right? Maybe this is all just some sick nightmare and I’m still sleeping in the nurse’s office. Please let this be just a nightmare.
“Cat got your tongue or something?” He jokes, finally releasing me from his grasp.
“Sunghoon, it’s uh… good to see you.”
Father walks up and clasps his hand on Sunghoon’s shoulder. “Sunghoon was just telling me that he’s considering transferring over Evergreen for the rest of the school year. Isn’t that great, Minji?”
“He WHAT!?”
Everyone turns to look at me, shock and concern written all over their faces. “I-I mean what a great surprise! That’s just… so, so, sooo great to hear,” I say through bared teeth. “I have an, uh, important test tomorrow that I need to study for, so I’m just gonna go up to my room and-”
“Why don’t you bring Sunghoon with you, dear?” Mother suggests, oblivious to the fact that she’s slowly destroying my life. “It’ll give you two time to catch up without us adults getting in the way.”
I muster up the most convincing smile I can and say, “S-sure. That would be great. Just… great.”
I stomp up the stairs to my room with Sunghoon in tow, immediately collapsing onto my bed without giving him a second thought.
“Your room is nice,” he says, shutting the door behind him and effectively taking away my only way of escape. Maybe there’s some soft bushes I can land on if I jump out the window. If not, at least death seems more favorable than being stuck in here with the worst human being alive.
“Mhm,” I mutter, half-listening to whatever he has to say.
Sunghoon paces around my room, looking around at my posters and my desk before picking up Mr. Bear from my bed. “I see you’re still into teddy bears,” he chuckles to himself.
“Put that down!” I grab Mr. Bear from his grasp and glare coldly at him, causing him to back off with his hands up.
“Alright, it’s clear that there’s still some bitterness so I might as well just go ahead and address the elephant in the room: I’m sorry for the way I treated you when we were kids. I was an immature little brat and I should’ve treated you better. Will you forgive me?”
That was… surprisingly mature. Did the original Sunghoon die in an accident and got replaced by a nicer clone? Does he have an illegitimate twin brother that replaced him and took his name after Mr. and Mrs. Park realized how much of a gremlin their son is? Any of those explanations seem more plausible than Sunghoon actually maturing.
“Uh… sure, I guess,” I say, still weirded about this sudden revelation. He grins at me, sitting next to me on the bed. “Um, I’m sorry for yelling. It’s been a, uh… long day.”
“No worries, I deserved it.” Jeez, this new understanding side of Sunghoon is so off putting. If he acted like old self, at least that would be predictable. This feels like walking through uncharted territory without so much as a map or even a flashlight.
“Your mother told me that you’re inviting a friend to the banquet tomorrow,” he continues. “Some guy named Yuno. What’s he like?
“He’s…” Oh god, I can’t even think properly about him right now after what happened in the nurse’s office. I still haven’t been able to process my own feelings about it. What was he thinking? What was I thinking? I can’t even remember where my mind was during that whole thing, yet I can remember everything else so vividly; his warm breath dancing against my skin, his kind eyes peering into mine with so much care behind them, his soft lips inching closer and closer-
“Minji? Are you alright?” Sunghoon nudges my shoulder, taking me out of my impromptu trip down memory lane. I sink my face into Mr. Bear’s head, hiding the growing blush on my cheeks.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Like I said, long day,” I reason. “Um… He’s nice. A little shy, but he means well.”
“Are you sure you two are friends?” He chuckles at me. “It doesn’t seem like you know him very well.”
“We, uh, haven’t been friends very long,” I explain. As weird as it is, Yuno and I have only known each other a couple of days, yet it feels like so much longer than that. Now that I think about it, we’ve run into each other everyday since we met, even on the weekend. For the past three years of attending the same high school, he’s been nothing but a body walking through the hall or the utterance of a name whenever he stirred up trouble, but now, we’re so intertwined in each other’s lives like he’s been there from the start. Without him, I probably would’ve gotten attacked by that drunk man and I never would’ve gotten over my fear of spiders. His presence has become so integral to my life, I can’t imagine him not being there in some way.
“Do you like him?” Sunghoon asks suddenly, glancing at me.
I… I don’t know. I don’t know what to think or feel about him. He is a part of my life, but I just… I don’t know. “As a friend, yeah,” I utter, unsure of the words coming out of my own mouth.
He nods, grinning to himself. “Good.”
“What do you mean ‘good’?” My eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Oh, nothing, just, uh… thinking out loud.” He gets up from my bed and walks towards the door. “I’ll let you study for your test now, I’d hate to interfere with your academics. See ya tomorrow, Minji.”
“Yeah, see ya…” He shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Instead of getting up and doing something productive to distract myself, all I can do is lie there and stare at the ceiling, wondering when everything became so complicated.
Yuno’s POV
“Yuno, are you okay? You’re blanking out again,” Winter says.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing. Just a little headache.”
Honestly, I would prefer it if it was just a little headache rather than the fucking tornado that’s been running rampant through my mind. During the entire walk from the school to the convenience store, all I could do was stare at the ground and let my legs blindly follow behind Winter and Yujin. Hell, I barely even noticed we came to the convenience store until just now.
“Shouldn’t you go to the doctor? You don’t look very good,” Yujin says.
“I’ve been through worse.” Both of them still stare at me, unconvinced of my wellbeing. “I’ll feel better after I sleep it off, alright? You guys don’t have to worry about me.”
“How can we not worry about you, you got hurt b-because of me…” Winter’s voice falters as tears begin to well within her eyes.
“Ah jeez. Look, I…” My mind wanders back to what Minji said to me in the nurse’s office before I did… that: But that doesn’t mean you should go through these kinds of things alone. Your friends were worried sick about you.
“I’m sorry. To both of you. I should’ve let you two know what was going on instead of running in alone and letting myself get hurt. It won’t happen again, okay? I’m done fighting,” I say. Both of them look up at me in surprise.
“So no more Super Yuno?” Yujin asks.
“Uh yeah. No more, uh, ‘Super Yuno’.” If there’s a silver lining in any of this, it’s definitely getting rid of that ridiculous nickname.
“Hmm…” Yujin’s gaze falls to the ground in contemplation. “When superheroes in comic books get hurt, they usually have some kind of healing factor or revival ability that helps them get back up no matter how much damage they take. But you…” He looks up at me, his own eyes glossy with sorrow. “...You’re real. You don’t have any superpowers to help you. It was really scary seeing you not wake up, Yuno. I-I don’t… I don’t want to see you get hurt anymore.”
“Me neither,” Winter adds.
The three of us sit in silence with nothing but the crickets and the gentle howl of the passing breeze to let us know the world is still moving. The weight of their words sink deeper into me, making me feel even more guilty for my lack of consideration. Things are different now. I can’t act like I’m still living the same life I was a couple days ago, and frankly, I don’t want to go back to that life of solitude and pain. I need to change for the better. For me. For my dad. For my friends. For Min… For her.
I clap Yujin on the back, ruffling his hair. “You guys won’t have to see me get hurt anymore, alright? I really am done fighting.”
Winter smiles at me, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m glad.”
“Me too,” Yujin chuckles.
My lips form into a grin, a feeling I’m starting to get used to. “But if anyone messes with either of you, I don’t mind coming out of retirement for a little bit.”
The sounds of their laughter float with the wind, carried wherever fate takes them. I always viewed fate as cruel and unyielding, rendering our sense of choice to nothing but dust. But every once in a while, it’ll surprise me with something new, not necessarily good or bad, just different. This, however, is good. Unequivocally good. It can be convoluted and annoying at times, but still good.
“How’s the student council president?” Winter asks, making my shoulders tense up suddenly.
“Oh yeah, she looked really worried about you. Danielle told me that she’s never seen her act like that before,” Yujin says.
My gaze drifts to the side, unable to meet their eyes. “U-uh, she’s fine. We talked. We’re, uh, cool.” I can’t even imagine how she must be feeling right now after I did all that. What am I supposed to say to her? Do I just pretend like nothing happened? That I didn’t just try to kiss her? OUT OF NOWHERE? I clutch my head as I devolve into another tumultuous storm of uncertainty and anxiety. I need to get this feeling out of me. I need to… I…
“I almost kissed her,” I blurt out. Winter and Yujin’s jaws drop in utter shock at my confession. My entire face burns with shame, but my soul feels lighter now that I finally acknowledged it.
“Uh, what do you mean almost?” Winter asks after several seconds of stunned silence.
“I-I, uh… Fuck…” I inhale deeply, steadying my breath. “We were just talking and then suddenly her face was really close and I kinda just… leaned in… uh…” The more I blabber, the warmer my entire body feels, yet going back and reliving that moment so clearly feels oddly nice in a way. Instead of it being a dream, it was real. I almost got to see what happens at the end of that dream instead of waking up in my bed.
Both of them lean in with amused smirks, completely intrigued by my stupid little accident. “Do you like her?” Winter asks.
“Y-yeah, I do. A lot.”
“Aw, look at him, he’s blushing,” Yujin teases.
I turn my head, hiding my face into my hands. “Sh-shut up…”
“I think it’s very cute that you have a crush on her. Minji seems like a really nice girl,” Winter says, amused. “Are you gonna ask her out to prom?”
“I, uh… I don’t know.”
“Why not? I think you should go for it if you really like her.”
“I don’t know how she feels about me. I mean, I know she thinks of us as friends, but more than that…” I sigh, my shoulders slumping towards the ground. “Minji has a lot going for her, and I’m just me.”
“How did she react when you almost kissed her?” Yujin asks.
“She, uh… She ran out of the room in a panic.”
Both of them turn to each other in contemplation. “Well, that could mean anything,” Winter says. “Regardless of what you think she feels, you should ask her out or else you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life. I didn’t think Karina would ever like me, but look where we’re at now.”
“Yeah, Yuno!” Yujin adds. “We’ll even help you with your promposal! I can make posters and-”
“N-no!” I interject. “No posters. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it. I already know what people think of me, so to put that kind of attention on her would be cruel.”
Amused smirks grow on their faces as they exchange knowing glances at each other. “That was really sweet, Yuno,” Winter says, gushing.
On second thought, maybe it’s better if I didn’t tell them all of this; God knows I won’t hear the end of it for the next week. But as I look at the sincerity in their smiles, a warm feeling stirs within me. Maybe it’s better I did.
My hand rests on the doorknob of my home, frozen by the impending dread of having to come clean and explain the sudden influx of cuts and bruises marking my body. If he’s going to be in my life again, he’ll have to deal with the fact that I made and will continue to make really shitty mistakes. I just hope I’m able to learn from them every once in a while.
With a deep breath, I enter my home to find him sitting alone at the dining table, his leg bouncing restlessly as he stares blankly at nothing. All the lights in the house are off, save for the single one floating right above him, creating an ominous tension that blasts me from the doorway.
“Uh, hey, Dad.”
“Yuno!” I expected anger, disappointment, maybe even disgust, but instead I’m met with relief as he walks over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Your principal called me earlier, I was worried sick about you. Are you okay?
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I thought I would get tired of reiterating for the umpteenth time that I’m fine, but having people around me that care enough to worry gives me this tingling feeling in my chest. It feels… nice, actually.
“Are you getting bullied at school?” He asks worriedly.
“No, it’s nothing like that. It was just a stupid fight.” Some could argue that I’m the bully at the school, and maybe they’re right, but at least I pick on people that deserve it instead of defenseless underclassmen.
“Do you need me to take you to the hospital or something?”
“I’m fine, I’ve been through worse. Just need a little rest,” I say. He begins to speak, but stops and sighs instead.
“Alright. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?” I nod. “I trust you know how to take care of yourself by now, but I’m always gonna be here if you need me.” He walks over to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of water, but instead stares pensively at it, watching his reflection in the cup.
“Actually, I could use a ride after school tomorrow,” I say. “I was, uh, invited to a banquet.”
He looks up from the cup, his brow raised in curiosity. “Really? What for?”
“Minji - the girl you met at the mall - she invited me,” I explain.
My dad smirks, finally showing a positive emotion for the first time since I got home. “Sure thing, I can drive you.” 
“Thanks, dad.” I grin at him before heading upstairs to my room. 
The easy parts are over. I apologized to Winter and Yujin, and accidentally let my feelings for Minji slip out. I talked to my dad and he seemed to take things better than I thought he would. Now there’s just one person left I have to talk to, arguably the most important I need to talk to: Minji.
I stare at my phone, my eyes rereading our previous texts over and over again. Should I call her? What would I even say? Even texting her seems like an impossible feat at this point. After she freaked out and ran out of the nurse’s office, I’ve been struggling to think of how I should address the incident. Hell, I’ve been struggling on how I should feel about it myself. I did, technically, want it to happen, but couldn’t I have chosen a more opportune moment to do it? Y’know, like after knowing for sure what she feels about me? God, I’m a fucking idiot.
To add salt to the wound, I end up going for the coward’s way out, typing up a message that avoids the issue entirely because acting like everything is fine is surely the best course of action.
Yuno: Hi. What should I wear to the banquet? And what’s the address?
Feelings are so exhausting.
Compared to how “eventful” yesterday was, Tuesday went by in the blink of an eye. The weird stares were still there, even more so thanks to my injuries, and Tyler’s group of friends in English class seemed to be down a couple of guys. Not my problem, less trouble for me and it’s not like I even hit any of them. Minji never responded to the text I sent last night. To make matters worse, every time I saw her in the hallway, she avoided eye contact completely and ran the opposite direction. If she told me that what I did was disgusting and to never talk to her again, I would at least understand, but to avoid me completely when I’m literally going to a banquet with her feels like cruel and unusual punishment.
I sigh, banging my head into my locker. Not the greatest decision given my condition, but I don’t give a shit anymore. I just want the girl I like to talk to me.
“Is she still avoiding you?” Winter asks from next to me.
“Yeah,” I utter sadly. “Maybe I messed up. Maybe she doesn’t want to be friends anymore.”
Yujin pats my shoulder in support. “Don’t worry about it, Yuno, you’ll get a chance to talk to her eventually. Didn’t you say you were going to that banquet with her tonight? You can talk to her then!”
“She hasn’t even given me the address, how am I supposed to get there?” I reason. “Maybe this is her way of telling me not to come.”
Winter and Yujin exchange worried glances while I lean against my locker, thinking about everything and nothing. Is this what it feels like to have something good ripped away from you all of a sudden? It sucks. It fucking sucks. Part of me wishes I never met Minji in the first place just so I never have to feel like this.
Just then, Minji’s tall friend walks past, offering a polite wave. What’s her name again? It starts with an H… Not Hanni… Harry… Halsey… Hyemi…
“Hyein!” I call out, rushing over to her.
“Hello, Minji’s friend!” She says. “What’s up?”
“Have you talked to Minji at all today?”
“Of course I have!” She smiles like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Why?”
“Has she, um, said anything about me?” I may sound feeble and desperate, but that’s because I am. If Minji hates my guts, then I need to know, or else I’m gonna be walking around like a hopeless idiot.
“Hmm… No, I don’t think she’s said anything about you.”
“Oh…” I hang my head, completely dejected. Not only did I get any new information, but now her friends are gonna think I’m a weirdo. “Well, next time you see her, can you ask her to check her texts? She hasn’t given me a response yet.”
“Why can’t you tell her yourself? Did something happen between you two?” Hyein squints at me.
“N-no! I mean…” You tried to kiss her, you dumbass. “...maybe. I don’t know. Can you tell her that I want to talk? Please.”
“Hmm…” She studies my expression with an intense glare. “Okay, but I can’t promise anything. Whatever you did must’ve upset her a lot if she’s not talking to you all of a sudden.” I sigh, feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest. “Yeah, I figured. Thanks.” With my gaze fixed on the ground, I trudge back to my locker where Winter and Yujin are waiting. I wanna bash my head into the metal door so I can stop feeling like this, but I can’t even muster up the energy to do that. If only I didn’t catch a stupid crush on her.
A stupid, hopeless, foolish crush.
Minji’s POV
Schoolwork. Study. Test. Prom. Schoolwork. Study. Test. Prom. Schoolwork. Study. Test. Prom. I feel like a robot running through a constant cycle to maintain peak productivity. I’ve accomplished so much in the day that I don’t even have time to think about anything else. With prom slowly approaching, my continuous cycle of work will eventually pay off and everyone will finally be happy.
The door to the student council room clicks open, but I don’t even flinch. Eyes are glued to the screen, typing up emails and researching venues until calluses form on my fingers.
“Uh, Minji?” I hear Danielle’s voice ask. “What are you doing in here with the lights off?”
Oh right. The lights are off. I didn’t even notice. The bluelight from my laptop has burned itself into my retinas. Even when I blink, all I see is the screen.
“Just working,” I mutter.
“Hey, girl,” Hanni says, concern laced in her tone. “We got you an iced coffee if you want it.”
“Thanks.” I take a sip, the caffeine having an immediate effect on me like adding coal to the furnace of a speeding steam train. Email sent. New tab opened up. Check notification. Look at potential venues. Don’t think. Just work.
A hand slams my laptop shut. “Hey! What are you-” I look up for the first time to see all of my friends looking down at me with worry all over their faces.
“I told you keeping things bottled up isn’t healthy,” Haerin states, her hand holding my laptop closed.
“W-what are you talking about?” I ask, annoyed. “Can’t you see I’m trying to work!?”
“Minj, look at yourself! This isn’t just stress anymore, you look like a zombie!” Hanni exclaims.
I scoff, rubbing my hands over my face. “I’m fine, I’m just working on prom like usual. Haerin, give me back my-” I reach for my laptop, but Haerin snatches it away. “Haerin, what are you doing!? I’m in the middle of something important!”
“Minji, what is going on with you?” Danielle asks in a calm yet concerned tone. “You’ve been acting weird ever since yesterday.”
I feel like my head is about to explode. What are they not understanding!? Of course I’m going to be mad, they just took away my laptop! If anything, they’re acting weird! “I told you guys, I’m fine-”
“Is this about what happened between you and Yuno?” Hyein asks from the corner of the room. My gaze shoots towards her. Her hands are trembling by her sides like leaves in a heavy storm, barely holding onto the branch they’re a part of. Tears threaten to burst from her eyes. She’s scared, terrified. Of me.
My legs give out from underneath me as my vision becomes blurry with tears. A blanket of warmth covers me as the girls hold me in their gentle embrace. I don’t deserve them. I’ve been lying and keeping secrets from them, and now I yelled at them. All for what? A boy? Have I lost sight of what really matters in my life just because I think I have feelings for someone?
It takes a while for me to come down from the overwhelming wave of emotions. By the time my tears stop, I find myself surrounded by my friends’ caring gazes. The four people I trust most in the world, but also the ones I need to apologize to.
“I-I’m sorry guys,” I begin. “I know I said I’ve been stressed, but that doesn’t excuse my outburst. You guys don’t deserve to be yelled at like that.”
Hanni tenderly brushes my hair with her fingers, letting me rest my head on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Minj, we know you didn’t mean it. We’re just really worried about you.”
“Yeah,” Danielle adds. “It’s clear that this isn’t just about prom anymore.”
“What did Yuno do to you?” Hyein asks.
“He didn’t, um…” I take a deep breath, steadying my heartbeat. “When he got into that fight yesterday, it really scared me. Seeing him pass out like that, I thought he was d… gone. It felt like I couldn’t breathe properly until I knew he was alright. All I could think about was ‘Why did this have to happen to him? It’s so unfair. He doesn’t deserve this at all’. When Yuno finally woke up, it was like… everything felt right again. I was so relieved. And then I looked into his eyes and thought ‘I never want to see you get hurt again’. And I…” My cheeks start to burn as my voice falters. The girls begin to stare at me with intrigue, waiting for me to finish my sentence.
“I-I… I almost kissed him.”
The room fills with collective gasps as each of them freeze in shock. I bury my face into Hanni’s shoulder, each passing second of silence making me feel even more embarrassed.
“W-what do you mean almost?” Danielle asks, the most disturbed out of the four of them.
“The nurse came in before we could, uh… finish,” I say, my voice muffled by Hanni’s shirt.
“OH. MY. GOD.” Hanni squeals. “Girl, tell us everything! Who initiated? What did he say to you? Did he go right or left-” Haerin clasps her hand over Hanni’s mouth, shaking her head disapprovingly. Thank god, I don’t know how much longer I could’ve taken her questions. 
“Is that why you were avoiding him all day?” Hyein asks. I sigh, nodding sadly.
“Every time I saw him, I panicked and ran away like an idiot,” I admit. “I don’t know what to think or how to feel.”
“Do you like him?”
I stare at the ground in contemplation, thinking about the past few days with Yuno. Despite what others think of him, he’s proven himself to be kind hearted and loyal, oftentimes putting his friends above his own well being. He’s saved me countless times, never once asking for any sort of recompense, and he’s shown that he’s willing to change for the better, even if it might go against his own ideas of justice. Yuno is a good guy, a great friend, and…
“Yeah,” I nod. “I think I do like him.”
“You think?” Danielle asks, unconvinced.
“I don’t know, I’ve never had a crush on anybody before.”
“Minj, that is so cute!” Hanni chimes. “You should ask him to prom!”
“Shouldn’t he ask me…?”
Haerin shakes her head. “It’s 2024, subjecting yourself to outdated ideals will only leave you disappointed. Get with the times, grandma.”
I side-eye her, grimacing at her insult. “Whatever. I don’t even know if he feels the same and I’d rather not do something drastic to ruin our friendship.”
“But you’ll never know if you don’t try,’ Hanni says. “You’re gonna regret it if you don’t tell him how you feel.”
“I know, but I can’t just rush into something like this without thinking first,” I argue. “Besides, I’m busy with a thousand things right now, I don’t even think I have time for a relationship.”
Danielle takes my hand in hers, looking me in the eye. “You should do what makes you happy, Minji. I mean, look what happened when you bottled up everything inside and put other people’s feelings above your own. Forget everyone else right now and focus on your own happiness for once.”
“No buts,” she snaps. “I can get the other student council members to pick up the slack on prom preparations, so go out, have fun, and date a stupid boy. And if he hurts you, then you have the four of us to fall back on.” The others nod in agreement, smiling brightly at me.
“Thanks, guys.” I quickly clap my hands over my eyes in an attempt to stop another onslaught of tears. “God, I feel like I’m gonna cry again.”
“Aww, you big softie,” Hanni says. “Come here.”
The four of them pull me into a warm group hug that melts all my worries away. Honest to God, I don’t know what I would do without them. These girls are like my own little life raft, keeping me afloat even when I fall overboard. 
I take out my phone and send a text that I should have sent ages ago.
Yuno: Hi. What should I wear to the banquet? And what’s the address?
Minji: hey :) just wear something nice! the address is 0507 Ador Ln. don’t be late, there’s something i want to talk to you about.
Yuno’s POV
I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, checking if my outfit is okay for the millionth time. “just wear something nice!” she says, yet the only nice clothes I have are some light blue jeans and the bear sweater that I bought on a whim. I’m not sure if “nice” is how I would describe this outfit, but I don’t exactly have any other alternatives.
I would be lying if I said her text didn’t make my heart feel so much lighter. It doesn’t matter how stupid I look as long as I finally get to clear things up with her. Not being able to talk to her at all for the past day has been complete hell, I wouldn’t wish the feeling on my worst enemy. Yet, a part of me feels downright terrified. What is she gonna say to me? Will we still be friends after this? I’ll have to hold onto this dreadful suspense until I see her, and probably even longer depending on how the banquet goes. Hopefully we can get over this quickly so I can finally breathe normally.
My dad knocks on the bathroom, peeking his head through the open door. “You ready to go?” He asks.
“Yeah, uh…” I pause, awkwardly looking at the ground. “Do I look okay?”
He chuckles at me, patting my shoulder. “You look great. I’m sure she’ll like it.”
I take one last look at myself in the mirror before heading out to the car, my heartbeat ringing in my ears as we head to the banquet.
Naturally, the banquet takes place on the far side of the town where all the rich people live. Grandiose buildings line the streets as opposed to the regular suburban houses I’m used to, larger and shinier than anything I’ve ever seen, their opulence almost blinding under the streetlights. Even my dad looked impressed, staring at all the different houses that we could never dream of affording. All of this only serves as a reminder that I don’t belong in this world and never will. To Minji, this is just another Tuesday for her. I sigh, the pit in my stomach growing deeper and deeper.
The banquet hall sits atop a hill overlooking the town as if it's looking down on everyone else with disgust. As we drive up to the building, the frequency of luxury cars increases, making our car look like garbage on wheels in comparison. The closer we get, the more I’m starting to regret my decision to come along. A few guests are talking outside, dressed in their finest tailored suits and elegant gowns. I look down at the bear on my sweater with shame. I didn’t want to stand out, yet I’m basically wearing a giant sign that says “look at me, I’m an idiot.”
Near the entrance, I spot Minji wearing a stunning black dress that compliments her natural beauty. Simple yet sophisticated… And I’m wearing this god damn bear sweater. Maybe it’s not too late to turn around and go back home. I’ll tell her my body started hurting all of a sudden and I can’t move and-
“Hey,” my dad says, patting my shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Go have fun.”
I nod, taking one more deep breath before stepping out of the car. “A-alright. Uh, thanks for giving me a ride.”
He smiles at me. “Of course. Text me when you want to leave and I’ll come right away. Bye, Yuno.” I watch as the car disappears down the hill, leaving me completely stranded with no way of escaping. All I can do is face this head on, like I’ve always done.
With each step I take towards Minji, my heart beat rings louder and louder in my ears. The gnawing insecurity in the pit of my stomach makes it hard to breathe, yet I continue forward towards the impossibly beautiful girl that I’ve fallen completely in love with. Her black hair flows like waves curling from a waterfall, light and airy, as she exudes an air of elegance and grace. If I survived a beating from a group of guys, then I can survive this one night. For her.
“Hey Minji!” A loud voice calls out from behind me. The source of the voice, a tall guy wearing a sophisticated suit, walks over to her and pulls her into a hug. My blood immediately begins to boil with rage. Who the fuck is this guy!?
“You look great! How are you doing?” I hear him ask her.
“U-uh, thanks, I’m fine, um…” Minji spots me, her face lighting up instantly. “Yuno!” I do my best to hide the growing smirk as he looks back at me with bewilderment.
“H-hey. Hi,” I say to her.
“I’m glad you could make it,” she replies, smiling at me. God, I missed that smile. I missed hearing her voice. It’s only been a day, but it feels nice to finally talk to her again.
“Um, hello? Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your friend, Minji?” The tall guy says. He must be the one Minji was warning me about, I can already tell he gives off a pompous energy.
“Ah right. Yuno, this is Sunghoon, Sunghoon, this is my friend from school, Yuno,” Minji says.
“What’s up, man?” Sunghoon reaches his hand out towards me, which I nearly shake before realizing I still have the gauze wrapped around my hand. “Oh damn, what happened to your hand? Are you some kind of fighter or something?” He jokes. Minji gives me an apologetic look while I simply shake my head.
“Cooking accident. I’m fine,” I say, lowering my hand.
“That sucks, man, uh…” He looks down at my sweater, his lips widening into an amused smirk. “Cool sweater, man, where’d you get it? Balenciaga? Armani? Target?” he chides, laughing at his own shitty joke. I shoot a glare at him which makes him shut up pretty quickly.
“I’m just joking man, jeez,” he says. “I’m gonna head inside, Minji. I’ll get us a good table.” Sunghoon winks at her before walking off towards the building, leaving me and Minji alone finally.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry about him, Yuno,” Minji apologizes.
“It’s fine.” I gaze into her eyes for the first time since arriving, my heart skipping a beat as I got lost in the deep browns of her irises. The stars reflect off of them, containing the beauty of an entire galaxy right in front of me. “U-um, is this sweater okay? I, uh, didn’t really have any nice clothes to wear,” I blabber awkwardly.
“It’s, uh… It’s cute,” she says, her face lighting up as she looks at the bear. “Aw, he’s wearing little overalls. It’s like he’s a little farmer bear.”
I turn my head, quietly giggling to myself. How can someone look so ethereal, yet act so adorable? “Oh right, you said you wanted to talk to me about something,” I say, fixing my expression.
“Oh, um… Uh…” Her gaze nervously shifts side to side as she messes with her fingers. “Can we, uh, talk about that later? My parents are probably waiting for me inside.”
I sigh, disappointed but also understanding. “Okay, that’s fine.”
She offers an apologetic look before leading the way into the building. As we walk through the doors, my jaw hits the floor from utter shock and awe. The banquet hall is a giant room adorned with pillars of flowers and a giant golden chandelier hanging overhead, illuminating the room with a brilliant light. Fancy-looking tables are spread out throughout the room, seating even fancier-looking people, laughing and sipping from skinny glasses of champagne as they talk. The looks I get from school are a little annoying, but bearable enough - They’re all just kids trying not to get into any trouble that I’m usually a part of - but being in this room, looked down upon by these people is a different beast entirely. Instead of being viewed as some scary monster that could act up at any moment, it feels like they’re scorning at me like a rat that wandered into the wrong place. It’s like Minji’s mom times a thousand in here.
“Are you okay, Yuno?” Minji asks, lightly grabbing onto my sleeve with a worried look.
“I-I’m fine,” I assure her. Before she can say anything else, an older man walks up to her, smiling.
“Minji! How are you doing, dear?” He says.
“Hello, Mr. Park! I’m doing well, how are you?” She replies, seamlessly slipping into a more professional tone.
“I’m doing great, of course. It’s great to be doing business with your parents.” He looks towards me, his face subtly shifting into that of disdain. “Who’s your friend here, Minji?”
“This is Yuno, he’s my friend from school.”
“H-hello, sir.” I reach out to shake his hand only to be met with a confused expression as he stares down at my gauze-covered hand. Sheepishly, I retract it, my gaze falling to the ground in embarrassment.
“Right… Well, my wife is probably wondering where I am and I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting,” Mr. Park says, not even glancing at me. “Good bye, Minji.”
I sigh dejectedly as he walks off, both grateful that he’s gone and annoyed at myself for not making a better first impression. “That was… awful,” I mutter.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Minji soothes. “On the bright side, you’ll never have to talk to him again after tonight.”
“I don’t know, Minji, maybe me being here is a mistak-”
“Oh!” She takes an empty glass from one of the tables and hands it to me. “Here, hold this.”
I take it from her, giving her a quizzical look. “What do you want me to do with this?”
“Just hold up this glass with your right hand and people won’t shake your hand anymore. Problem solved, right?”
She’s trying so hard for me. What a saint. I truly don’t deserve her. “Yeah, okay,” I nod, mustering up a smile. “Thanks.”
“No proble-”
“Ay, that’s where you guys are!” Sunghoon pops out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around Minji. It’s taking every fiber of my being not to knock his lights out right now. “I was wondering where you two were.”
Minji pushes his arm off of her, side-eyeing him with contempt. “We were just talking,” she states.
“Well, I’m sure there’s a lot of people that would love to get to know Yuno. Isn’t that right, man?” Sunghoon firmly grasps my shoulder, pushing me towards a larger crowd of people culminating in the middle of the room. I could kill him if I want to (and I do want to), but with Minji here, I’m left at the mercy at whatever the hell this rich fuck plans to do. Whatever. I can survive talking to old people for a little bit.
The next hour crawls along as I’m swept through countless bouts of small talk with increasingly important people, constantly bombarded with questions that I don’t have the answer to.
“What are your plans after high school?”
“What university are you thinking of attending?”
“Have you started on your college admission papers?”
Minji and Sunghoon handled everything with ease, accustomed to the talk like they’re fluent in a second language, whereas I was barely floating by. Overwhelmed doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. Minji tried her best to help me out, but with an abundance of other people talking to her, her plate was already full as it was.
Finally, after another uncomfortable conversation with a woman that didn’t even try to hide her disapproval, I found myself on the outer rim of the conversation. Minji and Sunghoon were in the middle, keeping everyone distracted, giving me a chance to escape. I spot a door at the edge of the room leading towards the outside. I take one last look at Minji, feeling guilty for leaving her like this, before scurrying out the door.
Fresh air fills my lungs, a luxury I didn’t know I had until now. I scramble over towards the railing, letting myself breath for the first time in what feels like years. Getting another beating would be more favorable compared to the hell that I just went through inside. I don’t know how Minji does that on a regular basis, I could barely get a coherent word out the entire time.
I lean against the railing, watching the full moon float slowly above the town as I ponder whether or not me being here is a good idea. Maybe I should’ve just given Minji a lame excuse and stayed home. Like a dazzling star in the sky, it feels like all I can do is watch her from afar while I’m trapped by the gravity of my own miserable little planet, destined to fade into mediocrity as she illuminates the night sky with her light. A part of me wishes I never offered to walk her home in the rain just so I would never have to feel this pain. But I did and now I’m paying the price for it.
Isn’t it so tragic? To fall for someone that’s so close yet so far?
“There you are.”
The clacking of high heels against the concrete gets louder with each step as Minji walks up next to me. “I was worried you got lost or something. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer, not quite meeting her gaze. Minji slumps against the railing next to me, watching the moon.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I invited you here for a selfish reason, and after that backfired, I thought I could salvage it, but all I did was make you uncomfortable.”
“Hey, it’s fi-”
“And I’m sorry for ignoring you all day,” she says, her gaze falling to the ground. “I should’ve just talked to you instead of running away like an idiot.”
I breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that she finally acknowledged it. “It’s fine. I’m sorry too, for, um… y’know.” Heat rises to my cheeks as I’m reminded of why we’re in this awkward spot in the first place. If I just kept my urges in check, neither of us would’ve felt like this.
“U-um, it’s okay, that’s partially my fault too anyways,” she says, chuckling nervously. Minji looks up at the moon and inhales deeply. “It’s really pretty tonight.” Something in my head shifts as she utters those words, and I’m suddenly hit with a wave of deja vu as Minji shifts from “The daughter of the founder of a highly esteemed multimillion dollar company” to “The girl who’s afraid of spiders and likes teddy bears and dreams of becoming a singer one day against her parents’ wishes”. The girl that I fell in love with.
I nod in agreement, but all my focus is on Minji, more beautiful than any celestial body could hope to be. The wind makes her long, black hair float and ebb like a stream of the finest silk, while the Milky Way traps itself in her irises, containing the beauty of an entire galaxy in just her eyes alone. She shivers as another gust of wind floats past, and I contemplate whether or not I should give her my sweater. I’m wearing a tank top underneath, so it’s not like I would be flashing her all of a sudden…
Without anymore hesitation, I take the sweater off my back and hand it to her. “U-uh, here. Y-you seem cold,” I stutter awkwardly.
“O-oh!” Her cheeks turn a bright pink as she eyes my upper body, her gaze flying back and forth. “Thanks, that’s very, um, sweet of you,” she says, wrapping the sweater over her shoulders.
“Y-yeah, no problem…”
We stand there in complete silence, simply watching the moon as the crickets and the wind play their abstract melodies. The breeze may be cold, but it’s nothing compared to the warmth I feel in my heart for Minji. I want to tell her how I feel. I wanna scream it from the top of this hill for everyone to hear. But I can’t. What good would it do, knowing that it won’t work out? I know life has been nothing but cruel to me, but having the person who fills me with nothing but joy be this close to me yet still so far away is this cruelest act it’s committed. I’m cursed to live a life of mediocrity while Minji undoubtedly skyrockets to a space among the stars, a place that I can never hope to reach.
Minji glances at me, scanning the bruises on my arm. Without a single utterance, she gently traces her finger over them, leaving a line of electricity in its wake. “How are you feeling?” She asks softly.
“I’m fine. Like I said, I’ve been through worse,” I say.
She sighs, moving closer to inspect the injuries. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
I turn to her, her face much closer than before. “Y’know, I think you’re the first person to ever say that to me.”
“What do you mean?”
I shrug. “People don’t really talk to me in general. They’ll look at the cuts and the bruises and think that I probably deserve them. And maybe they’re right.”
“Hey,” she lightly chides. “Don’t say that, they’re not right at all.”
“I’m always sticking my neck into situations that I don’t belong in, it’s only natural for me to get hit every once in a while.”
“Still, that doesn’t mean you deserve to get hurt.” The worry in her tone begins to grow with each word.
“I’ve hurt countless people in the past, Minji. There’s literal blood on my hands. To say I don’t deserve some kind of divine punishment would be wrong.”
“O-okay, but-”
“And maybe this is it. This is my punishment.” I look in her eyes, tears slowly welling up within them. “My mother’s dead. My father became an alcoholic. I’m left to survive alone while people look at me like a monster. I constantly get into fights because I’m hard-wired to have this fucked up sense of justice that I have to act on for some reason. A-and…” And you. The greatest punishment of all is meeting you. Because I know that I’m not good enough for you and I never will be. No matter how much I like you, you’re always going to be light years away. 
“...My life has been nothing but a punishment, one after another. I deserve to-” “STOP!” Minji shouts, pushing me back a bit. “Just… stop, Yuno. You don’t deserve any of that. When I look at you, all I see is someone that’s been treated unfairly their whole life. You deserve to be happy. I-I mean, look at where you are now! You have friends that care about you, your dad is doing so much better now, and I…” She looks at me with steely determination. Her chest rises and falls with breath, as if she’s made up her mind about something.
And then she kisses me.
Her arms clumsily wrap around my head, pulling me into her lips. It’s rough and messy, yet so sweet and soft. The heat in my chest expands, hitting every cell in my body. I melt into her, placing my hands gently above her waist. All of my feelings for her are contained in my lips, transferring over in a silent exchange. Her lips are everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more.
Minji pulls away slightly to catch her breath, warm puffs of her dancing against my cheeks. We look into each other’s eyes, not a word spoken but so many things said before going back in for another, this kiss more gentle than the first. She softly cups my cheek, caressing me with her fingers. I pull her in, wanting to be as close to her as physically possible. I want nothing more than to be here in this perfect moment with her forever.
A glass shatters against the concrete, ripping us out of our blissful space. We scramble to get off of each other as Sunghoon stands there, his jaw dropped in shock.
“W-what… What the hell are you two doing?!”
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w2soneshots · 6 months
Labour -W2S
words: 1.6k+
warnings: pregnancy, birth.
summary: you and Harry finally meet your baby girl.
notes: I’ve never had a baby so I apologise if this isn’t accurate!! Also this was a request on wattpad. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼🧸
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,467,098 others
y/username: not long now🫣🤍 @wrotoshaw @freyanightingale
faithloisak: ❤️❤️😭
taliamar: you're so cute
y/nfanpage21: the bump!🥺
user31479682: still can't believe w2s is gonna be a dad
I met Harry in primary school. I always thought he was a little weird but just as high school finished I fell head over heels in love with that weird boy. That was 12 years old. We got married two years ago, it was a small wedding in Guernsey with only our closest friends and family. Just under a year ago we decided we wanted a kid, 4 months later I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I waited an entire week to tell Harry just so I could tell him with a little bag containing a mini version of his charity match jersey inside (that I'd had specially made). Then we told the boys, Faith, Freya and Talia at a special dinner that we arranged just so we could tell them all together. They were extremely excited, especially Ethan and Faith because there would now be another set of parents in the group.
We found out we were having a little girl when I was 21 weeks. That was also around the time I felt the baby kick for the first time, me and Harry sat in our bed absolutely freaking out about it. After we knew it was a girl I could finally start buying an unholy amount of baby clothes, teddies and things for the nursery. Me and Faith have become considerably closer, since we now have things to talk about, she's really been a great help when it came to little worries I had or if I just needed someone to rant to about back pain.
I'm currently 38 weeks. The hospital bags are packed and the nursery is completely ready. I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant and would really like to just meet my baby. Harry ran me a warm bath so I could relax. Then I dried myself, put on my current favourite pyjamas and slid into bed next to him. I struggled slightly getting to sleep since I was really uncomfortable. I tossed and turned until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke to the feeling of wet between my legs. Confused, I pulled the covers back. My eyes met a large patch of clear ish liquid on the mattress, barely visible in the darkness of the room. My brows furrowed then my face dropped, mouth turning into an O shape. My water just broke. I took a deep breath then turned to gently shake Harry awake, he groaned. "Haz, wake up" I whispered gently. "What- what's up?!" He said the last part with a little bit of urgency after properly waking. "I think my water just broke." I stated calmly. His eyes widened "what!" He jumped off the bed.
"Calm down. It's fine the midwife said we have time, remember?" His face calmed slightly then he took in a shaky breath "are you ok?" He asked, coming over to my side of the bed. "I'm fine." I replied. He helped me off the soaked bed and to my feet. "This is really happening, we're really going this." He said with slight excitement in his eyes. "Yes we are. Now can you grab the hospital bag while I change?" He quickly nodded then ran towards the nursery where the bag resides.
I got changed into a comfy sweat set, brushed my hair and tied it back into a bun. When I emerged from the bedroom Harry was stood by the door rapidly texting on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked. He looked up "yea," he nodded "I was just texting the boys." I giggled "Harry it's 5am!" I said with a light shake of my head. "I needed to tell someone!" He exclaimed. "We're any of them even awake?" I asked as he unlocked the front door. "Uh- no but they'll see it in a bit." I laughed.
Once we got in the car I text my mum telling her what was going on, then Harry speedily started the car. We were at the hospital just 15 minutes later. Harry helped me inside and we were quickly taken to a private room. "What time did your water break?" The nurse asked. "Around half four." I answered. "Ok... and have you had any contractions?" She questioned while scribbling on her clipboard. "Uh no, not yet." She looked up "alright then, I'll get my colleague to come and attach you to some machines so we can monitor you and baby." She said with a kind smile. I thanked her and she left the room.
Another nurse came in soon after and wrapped my stomach with some monitors, she did some other general checks on me. Once she left Harry came to sit next to me and held my hand. I smiled at him but my smile was quickly replaced with a look of discomfort as I felt a small but painful cramp wrap around the bottom of my stomach. "Woah, was that a contradiction?" Harry questioned a few seconds later, once it had subsided. I nodded "ye I think so." I replied. "Should I go get the nurse?" He asked. "No I'm fine." I answered. He nodded and kept his hand firmly in mine.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Once it hit 8am I was having regular contractions that were lasting around 30 seconds each and were 7 minutes apart. The midwife came in and checked how dilated I was, 4 centimetres. Me and Harry sat on a FaceTime call with his mum, dad and Rosie, just a few minutes after we called my family. Then I got a call from Faith. "Hey! How's it going. How are you?!" She asked excitedly. "Hey, I'm okay." I said with a light smile. She returned the smile "I literally couldn't believe it when Ethan told me you were in labour this morning." She stated. Before I could say anything else I felt another contraction building. I quickly said goodbye and placed my phone next to me. I took a deep breath and squeezed Harry's hand. "You're doing so good, breathe." He said quietly. As the pain subsided I let out a heavy sigh. Harry squeezed my hand lightly "You're incredible." I looked to him and smiled "You're so cute."
After an excruciating amount of time I was finally at 9 centimetres. I stood with my arms wrapped around Harry's neck, swaying slightly and breathing heavily. "Not long now. You've got this. I love you. You're doing so good." Harry whispered in to my ears as I clung to him. He kept his hands firmly on my waist, helping me to stay up. "Ok y/n, It looks like you're ready to push!" My midwife said and I looked up to Harry with fear in my eyes. He helped me back onto the bed and cupped my face in his hands gently "you're gonna be fine, I'm here." He said with a comforting voice. To be honest I thought Harry was going to be an absolute mess when it came to me giving birth but I was pleasantly surprised on how strong he's been, for me.
I lay back on the bed, held up by a few pillows and Harry was quick to grab my hand, once again. With my legs propped up, my midwife sat on a chair in front of me. "On the next contraction push as hard as you can." she said through my legs. I nodded nervously and it wasn't long until I felt that now all familiar pain run from my stomach all the way round to my lower back. I squeezed Harry's hand so tight I thought I might break it as I pushed with all I had.
After almost 30 minutes of what felt like constant pushing I finally heard the loud cries of my baby. Tears immediately poured down my face and the last few hours completely left my brain. I looked over to Harry once they passed me my baby. I have only ever seen Harry cry once during the entire time I've known him, but there was tears falling down his face as he stared sweetly at me. "You did incredible. She's perfect. I love you so much." He choked out. I brought him towards me by fisting his shirt in my hand and pulling him so our lips connected.
Once Harry cut the babies umbilical cord, both me and baby were checked over and cleaned up and we informed our families and friends that we were both ok and that the baby was healthy, we sat admiring the sweet little baby peacefully sleeping in the plastic cot. "We need to name her." Harry said quietly. "Got any ideas?" I asked, realising I hadn't actually thought about the fact she'd need a name. "Uhm, I like the name Nova." He said. My eyes lit up slightly and I nodded "she looks like a Nova." More tears dropped from my eyes. Harry shuffled towards me "what's wrong? are you okay?" He asked softly. I laughed lightly "I'm fine. I just- love her so much." Harry giggled then pulled me into a warm hug "I love you." He said with a breathy laugh. I smiled into his chest "I love you too."
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 4,023,611 others
y/username: my baby girl Nova Lewis🤍
behzingagram: omg wow wow wow congratulations❤️❤️❤️❤️
ksi: congratulations🥳
faithloisak: OMG😭😭😭😭
y/nfanpage21: I can't cope🥹
user29473674: w2s is officially a dad woah
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magniloquent-raven · 13 days
I'm getting distracted from my current projects by someone else's post again someone tell me to stop going on tumblr while I have WIPs lmfao
@rosetterer this isn't EXACTLY what you posted about but it does get there in the end
Twenty-four hours has never seemed like such an insurmountably long time.
Buck's had long shifts before, the boring ones when he'd stare at the alarms on the wall, willing them to go off—he can picture Maddie's disappointed scowl if she ever found out about that, but he swears he was only hoping for something small and harmless to break up the monotony—and the busy ones. Ones that leave his ears ringing with phantom sirens by the end. Those days only ever seem long in retrospect, when he's bone-tired and trying to remember all the names he asked for.
But now every shift seems to find new and shittier ways to be gruelling. Eddie's miserable and trying to act like he isn't. There's this weird, uncomfortable tension brewing between Hen and Chim. Ravi got himself transferred to B shift—probably to get away from Gerrard, and Buck can't exactly blame him, but he sort of does anyway and their new probie is terrible, and... then there's Gerrard.
Like, Buck already knew he was a piece of work, but. Knowing and experiencing are two very different things. He could barely stand keeping his mouth shut at the medal ceremony when he met the man for five seconds, and now he has to put up with him making smug, belittling comments towards all his friends, all the time. Constantly needing to remind himself he doesn't want to get fired is actually killing him.
It doesn't help that every so often he'll remember Tommy's offhand Captain Gerrard was like having the dad I already had, with a pang as he wonders what exactly Tommy grew up with. What parts of Gerrard's condescending tyranny were familiar to him. Phillip Buckley may not have been father of the year, but maybe never being looked directly at was better than being raised neck deep in toxic waste.
Every time he remembers he gets the urge to pull out his phone and call Tommy up just to... he doesn't even know. Just to hear his voice, maybe. Know if he's doing okay.
Another reason work days seem so long now, if he's being honest. He's always counting down the hours until he can see Tommy again. Like a kid on the last day of school, watching the clock tick closer and closer to summer vacation.
So, of course, right near the end of a particularly busy shift, Gerrard gets them all lined up for a lecture about how sloppy that last save was. Everyone did something wrong, and everyone needs to hear about all the ways they could have gotten someone killed, like they don't all know how risky the job is already.
By the time he's finished telling Chim it's a miracle he managed to convince anyone to let him out on calls, Buck is clenching his jaw hard enough to make his teeth ache.
"I'm sure Captain Soft-Touch loved telling you all it was okay to be mediocre, and that you were trying your best," Gerrard sneers at them all, waving a dismissive hand at very idea of Bobby's captaincy. "But the coddling ended when he retired. Sparing your feelings is going to get people killed. Diaz!" He shouts, abrupt, turning on his heel towards Eddie. Eddie doesn't flinch, but Buck does.
"Yes, sir?" He's coolly polite, and his face is carefully blank, but his posture is tense.
"If I ever catch you checking your phone at a scene again, I'll make sure you're mopping floors for the rest of your life."
Eddie's expression hardens. It was a fender-bender and Eddie didn't even touch his phone until everyone was accounted for and packed into the ambulance. "It was a text from my son. Sir." His tone veers a little to the left of polite.
"I don't care if it was from the goddamn Pope, when you're in the field your focus stays on scene. Next time your brat needs something tell him to go cry to his mother about it."
This time when Buck flinches, everyone else in line does too. Hen bites down on a grimace. Chim hisses quietly through his teeth.
"I can't do that," Eddie says flatly. "What with her being dead and all."
The firehouse is silent for a long, horrible moment. That might've taken the wind out of any decent person's sails, Buck thinks. At the very least most people would've retreated into awkwardness and ended the lecture entirely.
Gerrard's brow pinches angrily. "Don't get smart with me, Diaz."
Buck's not sure it's possible to hate someone more than he hates their new captain right now.
"I don't care about your little sob story excuses, I care that you're sloppy and distracted. If you can't handle the job and the kid, drop one of them."
Oh, he was wrong.
He hates this man so much he's choking on it, it's clogging his throat like bile and he's running out of strength to care that he shouldn't spit it out, spew it everywhere and ruin everything just for the chance of hurting this man in the process. He feels like his skin is bursting at the seams.
Eddie's biting the inside of his cheek, rage and sorrow warring silently on his face.
And Buck breaks. Bursts. "Hey, Captain, that's—"
"Can it, Buckley," Gerrard cuts him off before he can even start. It's not angry, it's not anything, he brushes Buck off like he's an annoying fly buzzing in his ear, barely worth glancing at for the two seconds it takes to tell him he doesn't care. "You're all dismissed. Get out of my sight."
Some of them flee, scurrying to their lockers, the kitchen, anywhere but here. A couple of people throw backwards glances before they walk away. Hen and Chim exchange grim looks. Eddie disappears out the back door in an angry haze. And Buck...
Buck feels. Empty. Small. Like he cut himself open trying to relieve the pressure and now there's just nothing left. No one to patch up the wound, and no reason for any of it, he didn't make an impact, he didn't help anyone, he stood there listening to his friends get degraded, and now—now he's feeling sorry for himself?
It's stupid. He's stupid. He feels like shit because, what, because he didn't get yelled at? Because his piece of shit captain took a break from implying he's a disgusting pervert?
He thinks himself in circles about it his whole way home, the pit in his stomach getting a little deeper every time he tries to will it away.
He's wallowed himself halfway through a six-pack, staring sightlessly at his TV, by the time his front door opens.
One of the knots in his chest loosens. "Yeah," he calls out, not bothering to sound less pathetic than he is. "In here."
"Hey." Tommy's stopped next to the stairs, eyeing him. His gaze is assessing, but his tone is soft. He's always so careful with Buck. "Bad day?"
Buck takes another sip of his beer. Shrugs.
"Ah, one of those."
The couch cushions dip as Tommy takes a seat next to him. He's close enough that Buck doesn't have to look at him to know he's there. There's warmth radiating off him. The woodsy scent of his aftershave. Buck presses their knees together, and exhales properly for the first time in hours.
He knows he could talk about whatever he wants and Tommy would let him. He's waiting for Buck to take the lead here. Buck could avoid the issue entirely and decide to talk about anything. The fact that he can't really tell the difference between the fancy beer Tommy insists is better than the crap Buck's drinking right now. The documentary about bees he's pretending to watch. The goddamn weather.
What comes out of his mouth is a quiet, "I feel like an idiot."
Tommy pulls the beer bottle out of Buck's loose grip, puts it down next to the couch, and then takes Buck's hand in both of his. "Why?"
Buck scrubs at his eyes. "I..." He catalogues the tiny scars on Tommy's knuckles. Two, three, little dots on his index finger. A lopsided vee on his thumb. "Something happened at work."
"Did Gerrard say something to you?" There's an edge to Tommy's question, something sharp and flinty. It makes Buck's heart do dumb little somersaults.
"No." He stops, shame burning his cheeks. "Not. Not to me. That's... He was lecturing everybody, and I..."
"Evan." Tommy grips his chin, firmly, gently, guiding Buck's face until he looks him in the eye. There's a sympathetic twist to his mouth. "Tell me."
He does. As best he can when it feels like what's didn't happen is more important, and he can barely put into words why that is. But trying helps, a little. Trying to whittle it down into an explanation forces him to look at the whole of it, and realize it's not looming over him anymore.
Maybe it's just Tommy's hands on him, soothing the hurt away.
"I dunno. Feels like I could have done something differently, maybe"
Tommy hums, tilting his head in acknowledgement. "You could've."
Buck winces.
"But it wouldn't have turned out any better."
A flower blooms on the TV, purple and white petals reaching for the sun. Buck toys with Tommy's fingers, and shifts his leg closer, hooking their ankles together.
"It felt so shitty," he mutters.
"I know."
He would, wouldn't he. Buck gets that pang in his chest again, and he pushes the rest of the way into Tommy's space. Tommy wraps his arms around him, and drops a kiss into his curls, seemingly content to let Buck situate himself however he wants.
He kind of wishes Tommy wasn't still wearing jeans, but asking him to take his pants off might send the wrong message.
"You don't think I'm, like...a bad friend, right?" He cringes his way through the question.
"No." Tommy responds matter-of-factly and without hesitation. Then the corner of his mouth twitches. "I think you're a very good boy."
Buck's entire head feels like it's on fire. A grin starts to creep across his face. It might be the first time he's smiled all day. "Oh, yeah?"
Maybe he should ask Tommy to take his jeans off after all.
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aestheticaltcow · 8 months
Family Ties
I love that the fandom sees Carmy as a girl dad who practices gentle parenting. Gentle parenting is a great parenting style, don't get me wrong. Personally, I can see him butting heads with his teenage daughter like he wants her to express herself- but he also knows that teenage boys are weird and would want to protect her at all costs. This was just a thought I had a couple of days ago, and once I started, I couldn't stop. More Dad!Carmy content to come...
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A/N: I didn't realize until I copy pasted this from my Google Drive. This was 6 freakin pages. I like longer fics, I'm sorry.
The Bear Masterlist
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Carmy was furious. It took a lot of effort for him to ‘gentle parent’ with you when the kids, Grace and Oliver, were little. Now that both kids are in high school, he wishes he had been harder on them. You reassure him that the two of you have great kids, both work hard in school, participate in extracurricular activities, and aren’t afraid to talk to them about anything - he insisted he should have been harder on them, especially when he gets calls from the school about Oliver getting suspended… again. 
Oliver was 15, and Carmy was convinced he was Mikey's reincarnation. Like you had, he did well in school, but he was Mikey in every other aspect of life. He just needed to get his head out of his ass before out-of-school suspension became stints in jail. 
As Carmy walked down the hall to the principal’s office, he saw Oliver sitting on a bench talking to Grace- Grace, his little girl, granted she wasn’t as little anymore. She’s 17 and looked exactly like you when you were her age- except she had gotten his eyes. “Oliver.” Carmy barked, getting his attention. 
Grace looked at her brother nervously. Carmy wasn’t the kind of Dad to ‘approve’ of her clothing, but he’d fight her on it occasionally, especially regarding crop tops and dresses. It came from a place of caring and not wanting his little girl to get hurt, but Carmy could take it too far.
 Carmy noticed Grace turning the opposite way to get away from the Berzatto boys,
“Grace? Shouldn’t you be in class or somethin’?” Carmy questioned; she stopped in her tracks, knowing Carmy wasn’t in the best mood. She turned around and hoped he was too mad, Oliver, to notice the cropped corset she’d worn to school that day. It’s not like she’d worn it to get a guy to notice her; she’d just liked the contrast of its light green color with her baggy jeans, and she was supposed to match outfits with the rest of the dance team that day so he couldn’t be mad at it- especially since he’d encouraged her to join the dance team freshman year. “Someone texted me that Oli was out here- just wanted to make sure no one beat my baby brother’s ass.” she laughed. Carmy shot her his classic ‘I’m your father, I know when you’re lying look’ but shook his head; he was not ready to deal with that. “Put on a sweater.” Grace nodded at Carmy’s casual dislike of her top, “Yes, sir.”
Initially, Carmy was going to let it slide. He knew Grace was 17, she was going to college next year, and he wouldn’t be able to encourage her to make the right decision anymore, but while she was under his roof, she’d live by his rules. You laughed when he brought it up to you that night in bed. “Carmy, she’s a good kid. Gracie has good grades. She has good friends. She works; if she wants to wear a crop top, she can wear a crop top.” Carmy sighed. He saw the point you’d been trying to make with that explanation but wasn’t happy.
Grace hoped Carmy wouldn’t bring up her wardrobe, but unfortunately, she was wrong. Carmy had hired an older brother of one of Grace’s friends at The Bear- that’s how he’d found out about Grace’s non-family Instagram account. She hadn’t posted anything too scandalous; there were some pictures from parties where she was holding a red Solo cup, a few from a dance competition after-party where she’d been wearing something Carmy wouldn’t have allowed her to leave the house in, and of course the soft launch of her relationship. He was seething; you hadn’t known about the account either- you’d heard Grace talk to her cousins about a boy she liked, but the drinking and parties also surprised you. 
“Carmy, you neeeeed to be careful with how you speak to Grace about this,” you emphasized through the phone. Of course, this would come up when you were out of town. “Baby, I’ll handle it.” “Carmen Anthony Berzatto. Do not, I repeat, do not shame our daughter. You can tell her you’re unhappy-” “I’ll handle it.” he hung up, and you knew you’d be walking into a shit storm when you returned home.
“Fuck off, Dad!” Grace screamed as she slammed her bedroom door. To say Carmy mishandled the situation would be an understatement; he stood outside Grace’s door, immediately regretting what he’d said about Grace. He questioned her character; he knew she was a good kid; he wanted to knock on her door and apologize, but Grace didn’t want to hear it.
Oliver sat in his bedroom and heard Carmy and Grace yell at each other throughout the weekend. He laughed when he realized Carmy double-downed on what he’d initially said about Grace ‘not being that kind of girl.’ and how people would ‘never take her seriously’ when he dropped the word ‘whore’ he knew there would be hell when you came home. The front door slammed, and he heard Carmy yell ‘fuck’ and slam a door. He looked out his bedroom window to see Grace running up the street. Oliver sighed and fished his phone out of his pocket; “Oli fuck off.” Grace huffed before immediately hanging up on him. He rolled his eyes and dialed your number. “Hi baby, everything okay?” “Nope.”
The house was antagonistic. Carmy was pissed at himself, you and Grace were also pissed at him, and Oliver managed to sink into the background. The family dinners you’d shared were typically full of conversation and life, but tonight was awkwardly silent. Oliver decided he’d take a crack at making it better, “Uncle Richie got to 100 Instagram followers. He’s pretty excited about it.” no one took the bait. He poked at the chicken on his plate, “Good dinner, am I right?” he grinned, looking around the table. Grace rolled her eyes and stood up from the table, “Grace?” you called after her. She ignored your question and went upstairs. “Well, I think it’s a good dinner- conversation wasn’t the best, but… we’ll get through it.” Oliver tried to lighten the tension in the room, but he inevitably failed, and Carmy told him to go to his room. Oliver obliged, taking his and Grace’s plates to the sink before shuffling upstairs. He walked past Grace’s room on the way. He paused and stood before the door; it was too quiet. He knocked softly before opening the door; she was gone.
“I just don’t know what to say to him. I’m pissed.” Grace vented as she lay beside Eva in the park by her apartment, “My dad was the same way, except he threw my clothes away. My mom ripped him a new one over it.” “Should I accept his apology and move out as soon as possible?” Eva shook her head and laughed at the suggestion. “Gracie, you know what you need to do.” Grace sighed, knowing her cousin was right. She sat up and pushed her hair back. “I’m gonna hide out at Danny’s house. Cover for me?” “Of course. Don’t get pregnant.” 
“Gracie girl? Can I come in, honey?” you asked outside her door, but there was no response. “Baby, please?” you asked again. “She’s not home,” Oliver said, walking past you to the bathroom. “What do you mean she’s not home?” he shrugged. “I guess she snuck out after dinner.”. You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration before walking into your and Carmy’s bedroom, “You have to fix this, Carmen.” you scolded in your best mom voice he’d heard a thousand times, granted it was typically directed at one of the kids. “Baby, how can-” “Carmen. If you ever want to be inside me again, you’ll fix this.” Carmy leaned back against the headboard; he didn’t think something like this could be fixed. 
“Oh, hi, Grace.” Danny’s mom greeted her when she realized she was sitting on the couch with Danny. “Hi, Mrs. De Luca.” she smiled back, “How are you, sweetheart?” Grace shrugged at the question, “Been better.” “Oh, I’m sorry, Grace,” she frowned before turning her attention to her son “Danny. I need you to take Annie to school tomorrow morning, okay? I’m doin’ an overnight.” Danny nodded in acknowledgment. She smiled again and quickly ran out of the house, leaving Danny and Grace in the living room and Danny’s sister Annie upstairs, tucked into bed. 
“So. What’s goin on with you?” Danny finally asked. He wasn’t mad that she’d come over unannounced, but it was obvious that Grace had been crying. Grace shrugged at the question, “Guess I just wanted to see you.” Danny scoffed. “Grace. Com’ on. You only come over on weeknights when you’re upset.” “Do not.” Grace challenged, leaning into his side. “I will tickle it out of you, baby. You should just tell me what’s up.” he insisted, sitting up slightly. Grace groaned and sat up, bringing her knees to her chest. She told him that she and Carmy were fighting about her ‘secret online life that everyone can see’ and how ‘she’s not that kind of girl,’ so why was she pretending to be? She was hesitant to include the part where Carmy had called her a whore, but as she looked at Danny’s sympathetic face, she couldn’t hold back. “The house is awkward- Oli tried to make a joke out of it, but it was just so fuckin’ annoying. I’m just disappointed in myself… he’s never mad at me, Danny.” Danny nodded. “I get that. What me to beat him up for callin’ you a whore? You know I will.” Grace rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Carmy sat outside on the porch smoking when he saw headlights coming in his direction; it was almost 2 in the morning. He sighed and took a final puff before ashing his cigarette. He assumed it was Grace, and he was correct. He heard her say her goodbyes to whoever dropped her off and waited for her to come up the driveway. “Hi, Grace.” he greeted, his lips pulling into a tight line due to their growing awkwardness. “Dad,” she responded, crossing her arms over her stomach. “Where were you?” “With Eva.” Carmy nodded. “Can I talk to you?” Grace shrugged and moved closer to Carmy. “I want to apologize, Gracie. I shouldn’t have said that about you. You have a good head on those shoulders- but I don’t want you to get hurt. Girls who posted stuff like that online when I was 17… you know what happened. Rumors and shit- I just don’t want people doin' that to you.” he explained, scratching at the back of his neck. Grace nodded, taking in what he’d said. “I understand, but I’m not a little girl anymore, Dad. I can handle myself; if I can’t, Danny has my back.” Carmy nodded, “We good?” he asked, looking down at Grace. He smiled when he saw her pulling her sleeves over her hands like when she was a little girl and felt uneasy. “We’re good.” Grace agreed. Carmy brought her into a lazy hug and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, always.” Grace smiled and hugged Carmy back, “I love you too, Dad.”
As the two went inside, Carmy remembered something she’d said, “Who’s Danny?” Grace stopped and looked up at Carmy cautiously. “Uh… he’s my- my boyfriend…”
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Eddie Diaz x Daughter!reader - so much time
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Hej do you think you can write a part two of Eddie x daughter reader - so much time? Maybe they still have some struggle in their father daughter relationship? - Anon 💜
Part two:
Throwing your jacket on, you grabbed your keys and stuffed them into your pocket as you made your way towards the door.
“Oh you’re going out?” Eddie asked.
“Going for a drive with some friends.” You said.
Eddie nodded his head, looking around a bit unsure.
“I thought with Christopher at school maybe uh.. maybe you and I could do something…”
“Sorry dad.”
With that you left and jogged down the street to where your friends were waiting.
Eddie sighed heavily, unsure what to do now, since that day a few months ago you two had gotten a little better.
You talked a little more, sometimes you’d have dinner with him, but other than that, there was not much improvement between the pair of you.
And although Eddie knew he wasn’t, he couldn’t help but feel like he was loosing his only daughter, or maybe he already had.
Sitting in the couch, he turned on the Tv unsure what to do with his day off now.
You on the other hand jumped into the front of the car and grinned at your friends.
“Not spending time with your dad?” Ryan asked.
“Why would I?” You asked confused.
“Thought things were getting better.” He shrugged.
You glanced over at him on the drivers side and you went back to looking as the houses passed your by.
“Is that why you asked me to take you on a drive?”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to him Ry, like sure we talk a bit more, spend a bit more time together but it feels weird.”
“Come on, he’s your dad. Surely it’s not that bad.”
“We haven’t had a proper conversation for years.”
Ryan glanced at you and he sighed as he turned back to the road.
“I mean, at least he’s trying at least you know? That’s something.”
“I guess, but only cause I nearly died.”
“He loves you don’t be such a bitch about it.”
You slapped his arm and he laughed a little, grinning at you.
“Come on though, really, you can’t tell me you don’t want a relationship with your dad.”
“No of course I do, it’s just weird. Like, what do we even talk about?”
“School, his work, stuff you like I guess. I don’t know really.”
“Well, what do you talk to your mom about?”
You nodded your head and went back to gazing out of the window.
You didn’t know what to talk to your dad about really, it felt awkward and neither of you really knew how to pick up where you left off.
“Come on man, it can’t be that bad.” Buck said.
Eddie looked over at his best friend.
“She literally leaves the house the first chance she gets.”
“She wants to spend time with her friends, that’s understandable right?”
Eddie sighed, nodding his head.
“Of course it is, but it’s like we don’t even know each other. I’m a stranger to my own daughter.”
Buck looked over.
“What happened between you guys?” He asked.
Eddie began to explain everything to Buck, to give him a picture of the whole story, from when you were a kid until now.
Now where you won’t even give him the time of day unless you didn’t have anything else planned.
Buck took a small breath and nodded his head.
“Message her now, just ask her if she wanted to get some dinner or something when she’s home.”
“She won’t.”
“Just ask her Eddie.”
Eddie picked up his phone and sent you a text.
Hearing your phone go off you pulled it out your pocket and looked at it.
Dad: do you want to go to your favourite place for dinner?
“He asked if I wanted to get dinner.”
“Say yes.”
“Oh just do it.” Ryan laughed.
You shrugged a little bit.
You: sure. I don’t know when I’ll be back.
You spent most of the day with Ryan, and instead of dropping you at home he dropped you off outside your favourite food place.
Eddie was stood waiting and he smiled when he saw you.
“Hey, good day?” He asked.
“Yeah, we just drove around really, spent a few hours at the beach.” You nodded.
Your dad nodded and opened the door for you, and you both sat down at a table.
And like every time it was just as awkward as ever as you waited for your food.
“How about we make this a weekly thing?” Eddie asked.
“Really? Why?”
Eddie sighed.
“I want to be your dad like I used to, where you’d come to me for everything.”
You nodded your head a little.
“I guess I could spare some time.” You smiled.
“Spare some time, really?”
“I’m a busy person dad.” You shrugged.
Eddie laughed a little.
“You spend your days going on drives and spending all your money.”
“Exactly, busy.”
Eddie smiled softly and you smiled back.
“It’s just… it weird you know? Like I know you’re my dad, but I feel like I don’t know you.”
“I understand it fully. And I know that’s my fault, I just want to fix it.”
Eddie smiled and handed you your drink as it came.
“So, tell me about school.”
“Well, you’ve got a lot to catch up on.”
“That much huh?”
“There’s a lot of drama.”
You began to tell Eddie about school, and the awkwardness began to fade.
It was still there, but as you talked away Eddie had some hope that maybe things were getting a bit better or at least he hoped they were
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Substitute Teacher Steve Au
Delilah felt nervous. She ran into her little brother Paul in the hall because neither of them were looking in the correct direction...too nervous.
She hurried into her English class and grabbed her seat. The class's energy was off the charts. Everyone was chatting and gossiping.
"-sub! Can you believe THE St-"
"I just don't understand? Arent they fam-"
Uh oh. She thinks she understands now and pulls out her flip phone to type out a quick text to Paul to warn him. It's too late. He already texted her first.
"Code purple"
"Language B!"
He laughs as he walks into the classroom. Someone slaps her shoulder as if they're trying to tell her "Hey! He looked in your direction!!!!"
Sitting on her teacher's desk is retired pop icon Steve Harrington. He lights up when he sees her looking at him and waves to her. He's waving so fast his hand is a blur.
"Del what the hell is happening?" Mandy, her best friend is looking at her expectantly.
"Ok class! Attendance time!!"
"C'mom B," he looks at her disappointed.
"Here," she grumbles.
A girl in the back raises her hand.
"Can this wait until after the attendance is taken?"
"Unfortunately not Mr. Harrington I just have to know, how do you know Delilah? Why do you call her B? I mean out of everyone we were not expecting you to be here for her." She says the last part kind of like a sneer.
Delilah knew she wasn't the most popular but she made a choice to stay out of the spotlight.
"Sam, I'm not here for Delilah."
Gasps went around the room.
"I'm also here for Paul!" His famous bright smile is shining bright. "He's getting his braces off today! Isn't that exciting! Gosh I remember when his dad got his off. Brings a tear to my eye."
Delilah sinks lower into her seat.
"As for the nickname-"
She shoots up, ramrod straight.
"Um Uncle Steve you don't really have to-"
"Now B it's nothing to be embarrassed about. When Del's mom was pregnant with Paul we told her that she wouldn't be the baby anymore. She was so frustrated that was the only name she responded to for six months!"
Sam pipes up again, "so B is short for-"
"Baby." Snickers went around the room. Delilah groans. "Obviously we couldn't go around calling her baby that's weird. So we shortened it, nickname. It also helps because she's baby Henderson, helps to distinguish the difference between them all."
Steve gives her a soft smile, like he's still imagining her as a toddler.
"As most of you may know I retired about five years ago along with my boyfriend." (Gay marriage was not legal yet but she's working on it.)
Josh's hand shoots up. "Your boyfriend famous metal musician Eddie Munson?"
"Yes student in the back, we decided it was time to retire and enjoy our time together. Then I got bored. I was always planning on being a teacher if music didn't work out so I became a sub. We have a house here to see the kids and I knew I wanted my first assignment to be one where I could see my favorite Hendersons."
Ok she can't be mad at him. She loves him so much and he obviously is just doing what he can to be closer to her.
"Uncle Steve-"
Uncle is whispered around the room.
"I appreciate you coming here but-"
"Henderson I'd appreciate it if you stayed after school to help me grade papers. I can give you a ride home. Uncle Eds is taking Paul to the orthodontist now so you don't have to worry about driving him."
Conveniently, beeping was heard outside along with the sound of a motor like an engine revving. The students all ran to the window to see what was going on and were shown Paul with his head down running to the convertible.
Poor kid. Everyone would be talking about this for at least a week.
Paul looked over at the window along with Eddie, when he saw Steve he blew him a kiss. As soon as Paul was buckled up he sped off.
Steve sighed wistfully and then headed back to the desk.
"Alright everyone! Let's learn!"
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toxictoad · 6 months
In furtherance of my agenda to make Tavs that are sorta cringe but that I love...
Wouldn't it be fucked up if Tav was Gale and Mystra's kid but he never knew about them until they both get tadpoled. Like wouldn't that provide so much potential for angst
(Obscenely long rant about my take on this under the cut, as I tend to do. Also trigger warnings for SA adjacent topics, grooming, brief pregnancy mention, parental neglect, and suicidal thoughts (Of the 'I wish I didn't exist' variety). I'll tag things accordingly)
As a member of the "Fuck Mystra" brigade (As we all are) she's gonna suck as a mother and a lover and all, HOWEVER, for the purposes of this post, I'm making Tav 19, because that's young enough to make a certain amount of sense (Forgotten Realms lore being put to the side for a moment) and making Gale 37, because even if you subscribe to the idea that Mystra was a nonce I don't feel like going there right now. Okay? Okay.
That being said; Mystra only wants a kid for like shits and giggles. Kids are inconsequential to a goddess and she doesn't tell Gale because who fucking knows. Maybe she thought if he had someone other than her to care about he would realize she sucked or something.
So Gale just never learns that he has a whole ass child out there for whatever reason.
With the math Tav (I named him Cosmos because I can do whatever I want) is born when Gale is at least 18, and deities are weird so I imagine that pregnancy is either not like a noticeable physical thing or it's accelerated or there's just something ephemeral about it, so it's not like Mystra is gone or actually physically pregnant or anything.
I think it would be funny if she just gave the baby to Elminster and was like "Hey I'm your goddess so you have to raise my kid also don't tell Gale bye" Because like... He's fucking Elminster. He's an immortal archmage and one of the most powerful people in the Forgotten Realms, and now he has to take care of a baby?! He doesn't know how to do that! He doesn't know what babies need! And what is he gonna do when this thing gets older?!
(Yes I know that Elminster has canonical children but as far as I can tell he didn't raise any of them so it tracks probably)
So Cosmos is raised by Elminster and grows up in a hazardous wizard tower and gets taken on perilous adventures in one of those baby slings because I think it's funny. Also, I think that Cosmos is a sorcerer and it lowkey pisses off all of his weird fucking parents. Cause he's an Aasimar. A child of a goddess. His blood is hella magical and he has an ego about not having to learn spells and shit. He has Gale's disposition but also he has actual charisma to back it up and it's a terrible (Read; Funny as hell) combination.
The result of Cosmos having actual charisma, confidence (Highkey arrogance), and skill is that he is... Well, he's a lush. Not in any practical sense because he is a teenager and lives with a bajillion-year-old man, but like... He's the guy from your high school who was nice enough but also he had a new girlfriend every week and does a little too much partying. He's a playboy and we support him in that endeavor. It really is a miracle that he isn't super obviously weird because he was raised by a cooky old wizard, never knew about his father (I think when he asked Elminster would just tell him he didn't know, because he does care about the kid and doesn't want to burden him with the knowledge), and got a visit from Mystra like... twice. She's literally your dad who texts you every six months and doesn't remember your birthday (I hate her so much).
But somehow he's kinda well-adjusted, and he moves out of Elminster's tower to go do sorcerer things and maybe go on adventures, who knows?
And then he gets fucking tadpoled.
And at first, it's like "Okay, I'm definitely adventuring now. Maybe it wasn't planned but I'm gonna be alright" and then he meets a wizard who was stuck in a rock and is obviously a devotee of Mystra, and he's like "Oh, okay. He could be cool to have around. The dynamic is a little weird but fuck it we ball" and then the wizard is like "Hey I need to eat magic or I'll explode can't tell u why tho" and that's a little sketchy, but he likes the guy and doesn't want him to die, so he gives him his magic shoes.
And things go... Well. He gets the hang of this whole adventuring thing and saving people is pretty cool, actually. And he does kind of indulge in the wizard/sorcerer rivalry because he thinks it's funny, but ultimately he just... likes these people, even if they're all kinda keeping secrets (Him included, because how in the hells is he supposed to unload all of that Mystra baggage to his new tadpole buddies?)
He's the youngest but Lae'zel and Wyll are close enough in age that they get kind of clique-y (I'm a Wyll simp so they're gonna end up married sue me)
And then the tiefling party happens, and he talks to Gale... and oh my god this is so awkward I do not wanna hear you talk about my estranged goddess mom. And like he indulges Gale in his magic trick but the whole thing sets off some warning signs that he's like... HM.
And he isn't sure yet, but he thinks that, maybe, Gale might be his father.
And that is just... Ah. That is both kind of cool and also makes him a little sick.
Because he doesn't know everything, but he does know that Mystra is maybe not the best when it comes to mortal men. And he might've been born out of some stuff that was ethically dubious at best.
So he has the brilliant and not at all stupid plan to never tell anyone ever.
And he tries his absolute hardest to not talk to Gale at all the entire time they're going through the Underdark (The order of the adventure is optimized for maximum drama). Everyone notices but he just... pretends that absolutely nothing is wrong and Gale eventually comes up to apologize like 'Hey man sorry if I was like too much :(' because he's a sweetie and will feel bad about things that are not his fault. And Cosmos tries to say that it isn't about that but it also kind of is, so he just accepts the apology and goes back to being a bit of a dickhead.
And the party is getting ROCKY by the time they get through the Underdark. Everyone knows some shit is up but they also all have their own issues so it's a mess. A hot goddamn mess.
...And then they go through the Mountain Pass... And Elminster is there...
And Cosmos sees him and wants to turn around SO badly but that would be weird and then Elminster sees him...
I cannot paraphrase this accurately to my vision so have a snippet of writing here;
He feels like he might anxiety vomit, but hopefully, it doesn’t show on his face. Gale walks a little faster and waves, “Elminster. Fancy running into you here”
And he doesn’t look very surprised to see the younger wizard, but he does look surprised to see Cosmos. He prays to every deity he can think of that Elminster says nothing.
But who the fuck listens to prayers anyways.
“Gale, my boy… I have some, um, business to attend to with you, but…”
He turns his eyes onto Cosmos and he knows that his face goes white right then.
“How did this-?”
“I haven’t said it yet” He blurts out, swallowing bile, “And you aren’t going to”
Elminster blinks in surprise, glancing between him and Gale for a moment.
“What- You know Elminster?” Gale looks incredulous, and he wants to snark back with some taunt about wizards and sorcerers and useless teachers but he just bites his tongue and nods. He is… so fucked.
He and Elminster are locked in some bizarre staring contest, and Cosmos communicates as much as he can with his eyes that he will try to punch an old man. They say nothing, and Gale is growing increasingly exasperated, “I’m sorry, can someone please explain what’s going on? What have you not said?”
He looks at Cosmos with sad eyes- the same way he’s looked since the Tiefling Party. He can see it out of the corner of his eyes, but he doesn’t acknowledge the words. Cosmos grits his teeth and feels his breath catch in his throat.
“Camp. Now”
He is… so fucked.
And then the big reveal happens and Cosmos is emotionally stunted and maybe has a panic attack or something and runs away for an hour and Gale finds him and tries his best to be an awkward dad. It works, somehow.
And then Cosmos finds out why Elminster was there, and...
Well in short he decides that he's going to punch his mother in the face. Divinity be dammed. It's an incredibly awkward situation at best, but fuck, man. He actually likes Gale- his dad- whoever you are- and immediately jumps on the 'Fuck Mystra' Train. He just got this parental figure and you want him to blow himself up? Yeah, no. Not happening. He has no mother anymore.
(Sidenote; I think that concurrently with all of Cosmos' shit Astarion and Gale would have a thing. This is mostly irrelevant but at some point, Cosmos is like 'Bloodline ended with Mystra. Astarion is my mom now' because it would be funny. Astarion can't take care of a child but he CAN be a weird step-dad to an adult child and give advice about how to get blood out of cotton shirts)
And Gale reacts... more or less like he does in canon, but it's a little different because like... Shit, this is his child. His child who... doesn't want him to blow up. He's devoted to Mystra, but I think an inkling of doubt would emerge with that. It's a little strange, finding out that your companion who you thought was just uncomfortable around you is actually your son with your ex-gf/goddess who is now righteously angry on your behalf. It feels... kinda nice, in a weird way.
I think Cosmos has enough charisma that he can make things sort of not awkward. He just makes jokes about Gale being his dad and everyone is just like 'Well I guess this is how things are now?'
Gale doesn't know how to be a parent, much less to an adult child who also has Mystra baggage, but fuck it if he doesn't try. Awkward conversations about love interests ensue (I like to imagine Gale trying his hardest to give Wyll a shovel talk but it ends up as just him and Wyll having a nice chat. He's trying to be intimidating, dammit!)
I do think Gale would have an 'Oh shit' moment at some point in the Shadow-Cursed lands. If Cosmos gets too low on health, or gods forbid if he has to be revived? Maximum angst potential there. Maybe it makes him start to realize how valuable his life is or something who knows.
Cosmos yells at his dad for even considering blowing himself up at Moonrise Towers (He says sorry later, but still)
A lot of Act 3 is getting through awkward conversations tbh. But it's good for them. But Gale's confrontation with Mystra... Oh boy.
Like Cosmos obviously doesn't approve of the whole crown of Karsus thing, but more importantly; he will scream at Mystra for as long as Gale will let him. Some very choice words are thrown around. But also (And this is where we get some of my own indulgence in angst) I think during this... very amicable conversation between adults... Cosmos would end up saying something akin to 'I wish I was never born' and... Oof. I don't think he would realize it at first, and Mystra wouldn't really care, but it sticks with Gale.
Like the man just kind of realized that his life means something other than benefitting other people, and now he hears that? Heartbreak. Immediate heartbreak. He doesn't know how to broach the subject and just ends up standing around Cosmos' tent until he finally asks what's up.
Cue Gale blurting out that he's glad Cosmos exists and that he wouldn't change any of the bs with Mystra because even if it's new and awkward he's his son and that means something and he doesn't want him to think about his own life the way Gale did and-
Cosmos... genuinely does not know what he's talking about at first, but when he gets it he's just like... Oh, that? Yeah no I just wish I didn't exist because I hate the way that I was made and it feels like my existence hurts you lmao
I think that Cosmos legitimately does not realize that most people don't feel that way sometimes. Like he knows, but he doesn't really internalize that there's something "wrong" with the way he feels
And... Okay why is Gale crying what did he say oh shit-
He had to hammer it into Gale's head that he's deserving of life and love, and now it's Cosmos' turn! Get loved, idiot
(I have so many feelings about so many other bits of Act 3 but this is SO long now so I'm just gonna skip to the epilogue or I'm never going to post this because I just keep adding things)
So Bloodweave happens, because tbh I don't see Gale with any of the other companions in this scenario (Spawn Astarion, obvi) and... look, I LOVE Karlach and I love Wyll's Blade of Avernus ending, but I just want them to be a weird fucked up little family, okay? Karlach got a Deus Ex Machina and her heart is fine for some reason in this case idk.
I just really like the idea of Wyll and Cosmos adventuring around the Sword Coast and occasionally popping into Gale's tower in Waterdeep to visit. The dynamic between Gale, his morally grey Vampire boyfriend, his dumb magic son, and his dumb magic son's hero husband who is also his friend is just... Mwah. Chef's kiss. Weird gay family over here I love them. Wyll's father is so confused. Christmas dinner is insane. Morena Dekarios is thrilled to have a grandchild. Tara is basically Cosmos' aunt. Withers is there sometimes. It's pure chaos and I can't get enough of it.
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mm-275 · 1 year
Request: yes
tw: none i think?
- Ok so I think that he listens to a little of all genres of music. Like he’s cool with everything but there’s a few songs or artists that he doesn’t fw
- He will make you make him a playlist so he can listen to it when he misses you and he’ll make you a playlist BUTT he’ll be nervous to send it to you, so when your like “bitch where’s my playlist?” he’s like “you actually wanted it”
- This boy BEGGED his parents for Spotify premium and they finally got it for him when there was like 3 months free near his birthday (he cried)
- When you find out he’s spiderman (you’d probably get mad he’s dropping dates and stuff so you confront him and he tells you) you make sure he’s always safe
- He drops by your house sometimes when he gets hurt after a fight or something and you patch him up. Now you keep a first aid kid in your room for him
- When he gets involved with the Spider Society, you get involved. He trusts you with EVERYTHING, so he tells you everything, and eventually you meet all of them.
- You get along with almost all of his friends there. After hearing what Miguel did, you don’t trust him around Miles and Miles doesn’t trust Miguel around you, so he tried to keep you as far away from him as possible.
- Gwen takes awhile to get used to you, but she eventually warms up when she realizes Miles is happy with you.
- Peter B introduces you to Mayday and you hold her and play with her and PB is like “if you don’t keep her I will”
- Hobie appreciates that you make Miles happy and therefore he doesn’t mind you at first. I think he’d be hesitant but he warms up to you (you guys become best friends)
- Pav is so sweet i don’t think anyone couldn’t immediately love him. You and him sit together and gush about eachothers s/o’s all the time and give eachother advice.
- Remember when he was texting his dad and had a bunch of typos because he was fighting a villain? He always responds to you, therefore most of his texts are illegible 😭
- He’s super smart (obviously), but will make you/his mom read over his school essays just in case.
- I think that he wouldn’t use a ton of pet names. Maybe a few sometimes, but would mostly use your name and a few nicknames hes made up (he has one that only he’s allowed to call you)
- Absolutely cannot play an instrument for shit. Gwen and Hobie have tried to teach him, and if you play an instrument you have too, but he gives up.
- He would be decent at most sports, but he’s the type of kid to only do gym for the required credits, and doesn’t go out of the way to play. If friends or you ask to play something with him, he would.
- Once you guys are together for a little, he would bring you to all the family functions. Cousins wedding? you’re there. Fourth of July celebration? He’s dragging you around to all of his family members.
- His mom would make him dress up for all of the holidays (my mom too), like at Christmas he’s in an ugly sweater and his mom is taking 10 photos of all of their matching sweaters (this is a self projection)
- Asks if he can adopt every dog and cat in the alleyways.
- He would know how to do a few origami pieces and does them in class when he’s bored and then gives them to you
- Draws on the corners and in the margins of your papers in class
- Watches CoryxKenshin and either youtube or spotify will be playing in the background of his room at all times.
- Before you guys meet eachothers parents, your screen time would be like 15+ hours from how much you guys would’ve facetimed
- Said this in the last part, but I have to bring this back. He LOVES holding your hand. He’s late to class to hold your hand down the hallways.
- He refuses to split the pole. He’s not even superstitious he just thinks it’s weird 😭
- He’s picky asf. Chicken tenders are his best friend (me too)
sorry this is so short i ran out of ideas.
im thinking of doing these with another character like e42 miles or hobie? idk lmk
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try-set-me-on-fire · 7 months
oooo secret caretaking pls <3
Secret caretaking has been answered here, may I tempt you instead with food poisoning? Eddie eats some slightly sketchy leftovers (Buck warned him not to) the day before he turns 35 and faces the consequences. Fic would open on mostly the aftermath of that, Buck home from the shift Eddie had to skip and talking on the phone with Bobby updating him that Eddie’s feeling mostly better and should be up for the party tomorrow. Eddie’s grumpy (he doesnt even like birthday parties for himself anyway) (his tummy hurts) (buck’s making fun of him) and they’re, you know, buck and Eddie and dumb and flirty and sappy while they go to sleep. In the morning he only half wakes up when Buck takes Chris to school, fully wakes up with no one in the house and decides he wants a greasy fast food burger (fuck you tummy) (its his birthday he can do what he wants).
When he gets back from that journey he notices Chimney’s car is there, he and Maddie were going to come over to help with party set up, and he kind of wishes it was just going to be him and Buck for a while because he still kinda feels like shit and also it is his birthday and he’d like some time alone with his hot boyfriend but. Whatever. Walks into the kitchen and Buck tries to say something but Eddie just walks up and kisses him and Bucks like a little frantically wide eyed and says they have guests and Eddie’s like fuck Maddie and Chimney they can avert their delicate eyes and goes in for another kiss but Buck like physically turns his head to look to the kitchen table and Helena and Ramon are sitting there. Eddie (still hasn’t come out to his parents) (was kissing buck) (he’s too recently food poisoned for all of this) is like…………………………… hi mom and dad………………………………… what are you doing here……………………………….. the family party isn’t till Sunday……………………………………
Turns out they decided to come in early to at least say hi on his actual birthday and are now like. Why didn’t you tell us about this. Why didn’t you tell us about any of this? I thought we were doing better I thought you trusted us? Why are you keeping this part of your life from us? Because it seems pretty fucking serious, Buck was here alone and answered the door like he owns the place. Unless this is just some fling? And Eddie (he was FOOD POISONED like YESTERDAY) (it’s his fucking birthday) is like no. No i’m so fucking serious about this. I’m going to marry this man.
And Buck looks like weirdly upset about this and Eddie puts together that he thinks he’s just saying that to prove some point to his parents and Eddie’s like fuck. Oh my god. Stop that. And he opens a kitchen drawer and pulls out the velvet box he hid there (like 3 fucking weeks ago) and is like how have you not used the cheese grater ONCE in the last month. I hid it next to your most used utensil. You were going to pull it out while making dinner it was going to be so romantic. And buck is like (weakly) I’ve been enjoying the texture that the microplane gives the Parmesan. And Eddie’s like (dreadfully in love) (god he wants to lay down) you’re so fucking weird. The cheese grater literally has a side that does that. And Buck’s like yes. Yes I’ll marry you.
And Eddie’s like somehow surprised by that and Buck’s like crying laughing and says I’m so sorry mr and Mrs Diaz please just look away and kisses him, and Eddie’s like okay cool i feel like shit I’m going to go eat this stupid burger in my bed (fries are cold by now) (cold fries are disgusting) (he’s not happy about it). Mom dad you can stay for the party if you want. Or not. Bye. And Maddie and Chimney who have just been here witnessing all this are like. Hysteric. Gleeful. Absolutely texting several group chats rapid fire updates. Buck follows to check on him a few minutes later and they’re sappy again and and Buck says happy birthday before heading back out. The end!
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hotcat37 · 3 months
Meeting the family (38) would be so nice, with overly protective mikke in your deaf jere AU <3 thank youuu
this was the last prompt left in my inbox I'm glad I managed to do them all 💪💪 Fun fact I wrote the deaf! Jere AU before the Euro tour so Mikke was still very behind the scenes and not outspoken on socials and that's why his English is way too good in the AU☠ I wish I could retcon it because I love Mikke's rally English like Jere's but I don't feel like rewriting all his dialogue scenes 😭
38: meeting the family
Bojan hopes he doesn't come across as too weird or awkward. He's usually a smooth talker, a natural charmer, but right now he's practically trembling in his seat out of nerves. Jere beside him is much more relaxed, which makes sense given that they're in his childhood home sitting at the kitchen table with his parents. The deaf Finn isn't just relaxed though. Jere is happily wiggling in his seat, unable to contain himself, overjoyed at having the people he loves most finally sit together in one room.
The wiggly movements coax a genuine smile out of Bojan. But he quickly startles again once he catches Mikke's eye. That X-ray gaze is hyperfocused on him, staring right through the Slovene's soul. It still unnerves Bojan. He can't say that he feels like the older Pöyhönen hates him or anything but it is glaringly obvious that the blonde is still not entirely on board with this whole Bojan dating his little brother thing.
Which, okay, that's on Bojan for having hurt Jere. It's been several months since then but it still seems fresh on Mikke's mind. Understandable. Jere has been through so much in the past 26 years so Bojan doesn't blame the photographer for being suspicious when it comes to who his brother dates.
Jere's mom and dad are less outwardly hostile, constantly moving around and yapping about whatever so Bojan in turn doesn't feel as harshly judged.
"So, tell me Bojan, how you meet my son?" Jere's dad pipes up eventually, still lighthearted, eyes not as soul piercing as Mikke's. At least for the time being.
Jere rolls his eyes at the question, quickly typing something in Finnish on his phone before turning the screen towards his dad. Whatever the text says makes the older man burst out laughing.
"No, no! I just asking. Is not....interrogation!" The way the word gets completely butchered really does effortlessly remind Bojan that these people are definitely blood related. "Bojan not mind me asking, yes?"
"Not at all!" Bojan squeaks out, so desperate for approval that even he himself cringes at it. Okay, he's a (somewhat) grown man meeting his partner's parents, not the damn president. This feels much more important than any political meeting, though. "Uhm, so, I was running late for my first day at school. Or, well, I couldn't find my classroom. So I go up to Jere and ask him if he can help me."
He glances at his lover while recounting the tale, encouraged by Jere's cheeky grin. It really was a funny first meeting in hindsight. "But he didn't have his hearing aid in at the time and I couldn't figure out that he was deaf!"
Jere's mom briefly interjects in Finnish, presumably a small lecture towards Jere for not wearing his hearing aid in public. The youngest Finn just shrugs in response. Bojan dares to continue once Jere's mom urges him to share more of the juicy story.
"So I got a little mad because I thought he was ignoring me and being an assh-a jerk." The Slovene tries not to flinch at the twitch in Mikke's eyebrows. "A-and so I tap him on the shoulder and God when he turned around I just-kinda lost my words. Like his beautiful face just completely stunned me."
While Jere's parents coo in delight, Bojan turning several shades redder when the realization of what he just said sinks in, Mikke pulls a funny face. He seems rather unimpressed by the wholesome love at first sight thing.
"No way you immediately fall in love with Jere's face!" Mikke squints his eyes in suspicion as if somehow even Bojan finding Jere attractive at first sight is off putting.
Jere makes an irritated little noise, tapping at his keyboard with such attitude that Bojan can't help but giggle a little. The text is in English and Bojan is secretly smug about the fact that Jere clearly wrote this to defend his Slovene's honor disguised as a typical jab the brothers tend to take at each other.
You just jealous cuz no one fall in love with YOUR face 🙄🤯
The message triggers a chain reaction of bickering, which soon includes the parents as well, Bojan surrounded by broken English and fast paced Finnish he can't make sense of. But in all honesty, he's never felt more at home while meeting someone's parents.
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dessarious · 1 year
Guilt and Consequences Pt21
Beginning   Previous  
"So how many times have you been thrown out of schools exactly?" Izzy seemed to be taking this whole thing fairly well, but Lila hesitated.
"Twenty-six." Sabine's eyes widened at the number, but Izzy laughed.
"We're definitely related." At Lila's confused look, Izzy kept going. "I've been thrown out of just about every boarding school in the US and five in Europe. Of course, mine were because of grades more than anything else."
"But you're smart."
"That really doesn't matter when you refuse to do anything but doodle on tests and homework. It was my form of willful disobedience for my grandparents pulling me out of the public school I was in. Not the brightest thing to do, but I was hurting and extremely pissed off about being pulled out of what was left of my life." She frowned at the ceiling. "If not for Aunt Penny, I probably would have done worse."
"Who?" Lila's question made Izzy's eyes light up.
"That's right, you only met her a couple of times when you were really little. She'll be so happy when she hears you're alive. She's Dad's sister. Well, adopted sister, but that's beside the point. I'll text her to see when she's going to be in Paris next."
"That wouldn't happen to be Penny Rolling, would it?" Lila almost choked at the question, but Sabine sounded amused.
"Yes actually, do you know her?" Lila heard laughter and turned to see Chloe and Marinette on the stairs.
"I guess you are actually connected to Jagged Stone, Rossi." Chloe's tone was dry. Lila groaned.
"Alya can't find out about this. It'll just make her more determined to believe I was telling the truth all along." Wait... Jagged and Penny both loved Mari. "She's going to hate me." Izzy just looked confused, but Sabine rolled her eyes.
"No, she won't. You're family, and it's not like you were purposely trying to cause harm."
"Jagged Stone loves Mari just as much as he does Ladybug. There's no way they're going to be okay with me."
"Wait, your daughter is the little designer Penny told me about?" Great, even Izzy knew about Mari's talent. She'd be lucky if Penny even acknowledged her, let alone wanted anything to do with her. Sabine nodded with a proud smile.
"They don't need to know what happened, and it was all a big misunderstanding anyway." Chloe scoffed at Mari's declaration, and Lila just wanted to bash her head into a wall. Mari was the only one who could possibly consider what happened a misunderstanding. Even Izzy was looking at the girl like she had a screw loose.
"I'll talk to Penny and explain things. It will be fine, I promise." Izzy's words should have been comforting, but Lila just felt sick. The fact that she had to be explained to a relation didn't say much for her. "Why don't we head out to get your stuff? We'll worry about the rest when it happens."
"I suppose." Izzy frowned at her and Lila had a feeling she knew that she'd be worrying about it, regardless. When she stood, she pulled Lila with her before turning to Sabine.
"We'll be back later, but I'll probably take Riley out for dinner after we're done, so it won't be quick." The woman just smiled at them.
"Of course. Have fun." The smile Izzy wore worried her. It was more manic than anything else.
"You're not going to tell me what happened, are you?" Lila had come back into the lobby to find the staff cowering behind their desks while Izzy glared at them from near the doors. She'd rushed her out to the car before Lila could say anything.
"It's nothing you need to worry about." She got into the backseat as the driver held the door. She hadn't expected it, but it made sense that Izzy had a driver. Especially in a place she didn't know well. It still felt weird, especially with the man eyeing them like he expected an explosion. Whatever happened, it must have been loud enough for him to hear it. "You just need to worry about where you want to go to eat after we get you a camera and a new laptop just in case she can track that as well."
"I've been through everything on there and haven't found anything suspicious, but most of my stuff is backed up so it's not a big deal either way." She didn't mention that she hadn't stored anything she considered important on anything but flash drives and SD cards she could hide easily in years.
"I'll keep your old one with me just like your phone, so you'll be able to get whatever you need from it. I just don't want to risk her finding you."
"You really don't need to buy me a new one. I'm sure I can use Marinette's or go to a library if I have to for anything while you get things figured out." Izzy sighed.
"It's not about what you can work with. I want to get you whatever you need or want so that you don't have to go without anymore. Just let me try to assuage my guilt, please." The last part sounded almost desperate, so Lila dropped it. She wasn't certain how to feel about someone spending so much on her, but if it made Izzy feel better it seemed like it would be okay. "You're thinking too hard again. I can see it."
"Is there something wrong with me?" She winced as soon as the words came out. The question had been floating around in her head as long as she could remember, but she hadn't meant for it to come out.
"Why do you think something is wrong with you?" Izzy's tone was off.
"I... I don't understand things I should. Even when I was little, I acted differently from how everyone thought I should."
"Being different doesn't mean something's wrong with you. You see and relate to the world in a way most people don't." Lila could only frown at her. That certainly sounded like something was wrong. Izzy sighed. "Riley, everyone sees the world differently. I see it in terms of how much I can piss off my grandparents. Your friend Marinette sees it in terms of design. Mine is certainly less healthy, but that doesn't make either inherently wrong."
"How do I see it?" It was a stupid question. How was Izzy supposed to know that?
"Why and how." Izzy's words sounded like a statement, not a question, and that just confused Lila more. "You look at everything around you and ask why and how it works. You ask why things are the way they are. You ask how things can be different. It's against your nature to just accept things at face value. It's why it never even occurred to you that lying to those nitwits would backfire."
That was... an interesting theory. It seemed true to a point, but if she wasn't affected by something, or wasn't interested in it, she ignored it. If it became an issue, she'd research it. It was why she'd read so many books on psychology to try to understand the way her mother was with her. It hadn't helped at all, but she did try.
"Would it be easier if I just accepted things?" Izzy frowned at her.
"Easier for who? No, never mind. First, you would go insane if you didn't pick things apart. Second, giving other people the advantage like that is a terrible idea. If you don't look past the surface, it can be dangerous. Look at our father." Lila blinked in confusion at the tone.
"You blame him?"
"I don't want to influence your opinion of him, but all he had to do was look into her actions, or what she was doing with his money. He never did. Misplaced trust is the quickest way to get hurt. Look at Marinette." Lila tried to remember anything from the time before her father died, but there wasn't much.
"I don't remember him spending time with me. I do remember you arguing with him. He always said you were too cynical." Izzy winced.
"He was of the opinion that I didn't like your mother because I was jealous of the time he spent with her, and nothing I said would get him to think otherwise. I think he tried to not spend individual time with you because he thought it would make me angry. If I'd realized that at the time, I would have tried to do something about it."
She didn't know how to respond to that, but luckily they made it to the electronics store. Maybe she could come up with something if she had time to process. The store wasn't bad. She found a nice camera, and Izzy insisted on buying extra lenses for it too. Their computer selection wasn't great, but they had the components to upgrade or build yourself. Lila protested, but Izzy said buying everything she needed to build a desktop would let her get what she wanted (even though Izzy seemed set on getting the most recent and powerful components) and it would give her something to do while she had to hide at Mari's house. Besides, she shouldn't need a laptop until her mother was dealt with and they could get her a new one then. Lila didn't really think she needed two, let alone three, computers, but Izzy seemed so excited about it.
When they finally left, Izzy asked her if she'd figured out where she wanted to eat. Lila mentioned a cafe nearby she wanted to try, just to make sure they didn't end up in some high scale restaurant. She really didn't want to be stared at because they weren't wearing the right clothes, and she'd heard good things about the cafe.
"Lila!" How could her luck possibly be this bad? "Why haven't you been at school?" Seriously? She turned to look at Alya and Nino walking towards her. Alya's older sister was sitting at a table nearby. Fantastic.
"She's transferring to a different one." Alya glared at Izzy and Lila didn't even want to know what was going through her mind. Izzy, on the other hand, seemed to just dismiss the girl.
"Who are you?" The demanding tone just got an eye roll, and Lila could practically see the steam building in Alya's head. She really didn't want to deal with her being Akumatized again.
"Izzy's my sister. If you don't mind, we'd really like to eat in peace." She didn't know where the words came from, or the cold tone, for that matter. Izzy wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. Alya and Nino both just seemed stunned. She tried to walk away before Alya found her voice, but she didn't manage it.
"You don't need to transfer. Whatever Marinette threatened you with, we can help." Lila could only groan and bury her head in Izzy's side. It shouldn't be possible for someone to be this stubborn about something so stupid.
"Oh, you're that classmate." Alya bristled at Izzy's tone but didn't have time to respond. "Look, you really need to drop this. I don't hold out any hope you'll listen to reason, but if you don't stop this nonsense, I'll be sure to get restraining orders for both my sister and Marinette. They don't need all this stress."
"I'm trying to help her." Alya's indignant tone caused Izzy to pinch the bridge of her nose.
"No, you're not. You're trying to prove to yourself that you were right to believe Riley, and that your opinion of Marinette is justified."
"Who's Riley?" Yeah, this was just going to make things more complicated.
"I am. My mother changed my name a long time ago, but I prefer Izzy use the name I was born with." They didn't seem to know what to do with that.
"Why would she change your name?" Nino at least just sounded confused. Lila wished she had an answer for him, but she didn't actually have a clue what her mother's reasoning was.
"It doesn't matter. And it's really not the point." Even Lila could hear how drained she sounded. "I made a huge mistake lying to you all and assuming you'd call me on it, and I own that. But you need to stop blaming Marinette, of all people, for my bad behavior and your ignorance." She only just noticed that Alya's sister had walked over, and she seemed extremely confused.
"What happened with Mari? You never said anything."
"She's been bullying Lila ever since she transferred."
"Marinette? Tiny ball of sunshine that wouldn't stand up for herself over anything, but always helped and stood up for her friends? That Marinette?" Oh thank god, someone else could see the insanity. Alya blinked at her for a moment, as if trying to get her brain to reset.
"She's jealous because Adrien likes Lila more than her." That just got another frown, and Lila fought not to gag at the thought.
"That doesn't sound like her. Didn't she help the model when he wanted to date someone?" That definitely sounded like Mari, but Lila hadn't heard about it. Must have been before she came or while she was out of school.
"That's not the same." She actually stomped her foot when she said it. Rather than responding to her, her sister turned to Lila.
"Was Marinette bullying you?"
"No. I lied, and she called me on it. That was it." Well, that was all Mari did, at least. Alya looked like she was going to argue, but her sister shot her a look and her mouth clamped shut.
"Why don't you two go back and sit down?" Alya pouted, but she and Nino did go back to the table. "I'm Nora." She held out a hand and Lila just blinked at it. Izzy shook it instead.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Izzy, and this is my sister Riley, er, Lila. Have you decided what you want other people to call you by chance?" Lila just shrugged. Nora just seemed to roll with it.
"Did I hear something about restraining orders?" Lila cringed, but Izzy just sighed.
"Look, I know that Riley isn't innocent in all this, but your sister is blatantly refusing to believe she was wrong about her. She's already attacked Marinette once with some of their other classmates and I'm not about to risk it again. That girl has dealt with enough because of this nonsense."
"They did what!?" More than a few patrons side eyed them at Nora shout. "Do you have proof of that?"
"There's a video if you'd like to see it, but as I said, right now, everyone just wants to be done with this. Marinette doesn't want to get anyone in trouble, but neither her mother nor I are going to let this continue. If you can just get your sister to calm down and back off, it would solve a lot of problems. Marinette and Lila are both transferring to a different school and that should be the end of this."
"Mari's transferring over this?" Nora ran a hand down her face. "Alya doesn't do calm, but I'll talk to her and our parents. My mom's been trying to get her to agree to therapy for all the hero chasing she does, but I'll back her up this time. If what you're saying is true, she needs it more than I thought. I would like to see that video though, no offense." Izzy just pulled out her phone. When she'd asked for the video while they were talking earlier, Lila hadn't thought much of it. She certainly hadn't expected to need it so soon.
"Of course." She handed the phone to Nora and Lila just waited. She seemed far too calm, but she developed a twitch in her right cheek as she watched. When she handed the phone back, her expression was blank.
"Thank you. You can tell Madam Cheng that Alya won't be bothering her daughter again."
"I'm sorry." It took her a second for Lila to realize the words came from her. She'd been thinking them since this conversation started, but she hadn't meant to say them. Nora cocked her head in confusion. "None of this would have happened if not for me."
"Alya is old enough to make her own decisions. Regardless of what you told her, her actions were her own and completely unacceptable. Her being so suggestible is another thing we're going to have to address. Thank you for bringing this to our attention." She sounded grim, and Izzy frowned at her.
"You don't seem surprised."
"Tempers run in our family. It's why we've all been Akumatized except mom. My outlet is sports, and we thought Alya's was her blog and running after the heroes. I'm not surprised that this happened, but I can believe she'd do that to Mari, especially after everything she’s done for her."
"Maybe being Akumatized has something to do with." Yet another thought that she didn't expect to come out of her mouth. Nora frowned at her. "It's just that everyone in the class has been Akumatized, except Marinette and Adrien, and they're the only two that know I was lying. Well, Adrien knew because Ladybug called me out in front of him, so maybe not. But maybe being taken over like that leaves people vulnerable to suggestion. It would explain why he tends to go after the same people so much if he basically leaves a door open." Now they were both frowning at her. Nora ended up letting out a bark of laughter.
"Thanks for that thought, kid. Because I didn't have enough to be worried about." Lila opened her mouth to apologize, but Nora put a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine. You might even be right, so that's one more reason to get Alya, and all of us honestly, into therapy. I'll let you get on with your meal." She watched as Nora grabbed Alya and practically dragged her outside, Nino jogging behind to keep up. She looked back at Izzy to find her still frowning at her.
"Is that what you really think is happening?"
"It makes sense logically, but given we're dealing with magic, I don't know. It may just be that he has a limited range or something else entirely as well. I don't have enough information to be certain." Izzy was still frowning at her, but eventually shook her head as if trying to get rid of a thought.
"We'll talk more about this later, but we do need to eat." Lila wasn't certain what else there was to talk about, but she just nodded. "Please tell you you've gotten over your 'I only eat green food' phase." 
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headhedgehog · 9 months
Part 2 here
CW: Assault, described after the fact.
“Dad,” Keiko said, her tone cautious. “I was thinking about going out on Friday, would that be okay?”
Kunigami looked up from his laptop, peered at his daughter over his glasses. “I guess? Where’re you going? And with who?”
“A guy from my class asked if I wanted to see a movie.”
“Is this a date?”
“Keiko, you’re 16, you don’t need to be shy about going on dates.” Kunigami closed his laptop and pretended to clean his glasses so he didn’t have to look her in the eye. “Who’s the guy?”
Keiko muttered something. Kunigami sighed.
“One more time, and audible, please.”
“Isagi Haru.”
“As in Isagi Yoichi’s son?”
“Did you ask Daddy?” 
“Dad, c’mon, he’s even weirder about Isagi Yoichi than you are.”
“He can’t be trusted!!”
“You were in high school! It was literally decades ago!”
Kunigami pinched the bridge of his nose. “What about Baro Shoei’s kid? Isn’t he also in your class?”
“Dad, he makes everyone use hand sanitizer before he’ll accept any papers the teacher passes out.”
“Your popcorn would be sanitary!”
Kunigami sighed. “You really like this Isagi kid?”
Keiko sat next to him on the couch. “He’s really sweet, Dad. I’ve been trying to get him to ask me out all year and he finally noticed. Please?”
Kunigami looked at his daughter, the one person in the whole world he would do literally anything for. She used to call him Papa, when she was little. When did she stop calling him Papa? 
Maybe he could blame it on the Isagi kid if this lasted for very long.
“Okay. But you have to tell Daddy.”
She beamed at him, practically bounced off the couch. “Thank you!!” 
She ran off to her room, leaving Kunigami to stew in how not-little his little girl had become.
Friday evening found Kunigami and Chigiri making dinner for themselves as Keiko ran around the house to get ready for her date. Kunigami could see his husband’s ears perk up every time their daughter went between rooms, his jaw set.
“You know Isagi’s son isn’t necessarily like Isagi, right?” Kunigami asked, bumping Chigiri with his hip. “There’s no reason to be so upset.”
“I’m not upset! I just…we haven’t met the kid, makes me nervous.”
“We have met him. Many times, at games and team events. He’s in Keiko’s class, he’s not a stranger.”
“We haven’t met him as a romantic interest for our daughter. Asking him about his third-grade teacher is pretty different from trusting him to be decent alone with Keiko.”
“Hyoma, they’re going to a movie, they aren’t going to be alone.”
“They SAID they’re going to a movie…”
“What, you don’t trust Keiko now?”
“I do! But he’s a teenage boy, and she likes him, so who knows.”
“I think we must’ve had very different high school experiences.”
“I didn’t do anything weird! I just spent a lot of time in locker rooms with guys who did!”
Kunigami shook his head as if to dispel the memories of gross teenage boy conversations he’d overheard in his youth. 
“Hey, when did Keiko stop calling me Papa?”
“She calls me Dad now. When did she start doing that?”
“I dunno, it’s been a while I guess. She’s older, it sounds more grown up I guess.”
“She still calls you Daddy!”
Before Chigiri could answer, Keiko practically bounced into the kitchen, ready for her date.
“Look at you!” Chigiri cooed at her. “You look beautiful, Lovebug.” 
“Thanks Daddy.” She kissed Chigiri on the cheek. “He’s here, I’ll be home around midnight!”
“I didn’t hear the doorbell,” Kunigami said, eyebrow raised.
“He texted me. Like five minutes ago, I really need to leave. Love you!”
Kunigami watched her leave, only a little hurt he didn’t get a kiss, too. 
“Who’s upset now?” Chigiri teased, turning back to the stove. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That vein on your forehead does.”
“What kind of degenerate doesn’t come to the door to pick up their date?!”
“I dunno, Ren. They must’ve stopped training boys in chivalry sometime in the last twenty years.”
“I mean it, Hyoma, what, is he avoiding us?”
“Probably. He’s met us, remember?”
“We’re not scary!”
“I’m not. You, my dear, are a giant and he’s taking your daughter on a date.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Chigiri giggled and kissed him. 
Just after 10:30, Kunigami dozed on the couch with Chigiri’s head in his lap. He lazily carded his fingers through Chigiri’s long pink hair, enjoying the quiet. 
Until his phone rang. Almost on instinct, he answered without looking at the caller i.d.
“Papa?” Keiko’s voice came through the speaker, scared and shaking. He sat up, suddenly fully awake.
“Keiko? What’s wrong?”
Chigiri was now upright too, very still despite the clear panic in his eyes as he waited for information.
“Papa, can you come get me? Please?”
“Of course, are you still at the movie theater?”
“Be there in five minutes. Stay where people can see you, okay?”
Kunigami was off the couch and halfway to the front door before he heard Chigiri running behind him.
“Ren! What’s going on? Is she okay?”
“I dunno, she was crying and she wants me to come get her.”
“I’m coming with you.” 
They were out the door and down the road before they realized they were still in their slippers.
Keiko was standing under a streetlight in front of the movie theater, arms wrapped tightly around herself. When she saw the car she practically threw herself into the back seat. 
“I’m cold,” she sniffed, curling up around herself as Kunigami steered the car back onto the road. Chigiri turned up the heat. 
“What happened, Lovebug?” Chigiri asked when the girl stopped shivering. Keiko just shook her head. “I’m gonna need at least an idea, sweetheart. Are we taking you home, do you need a doctor…?”
“I wanna go home.” Keiko moved to wipe her face with the heel of her hand, revealing bloody knuckles.
“Your hand is bleeding! Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Kunigami nearly swerved onto the sidewalk. “What did he do to you?” he asked calmly, his voice several tones lower than usual. 
Keiko burst into tears again. “I’m sorry, Papa.”
Kunigami and Chigiri shared a pained glance before Chigiri turned back to their daughter. “Shh, Lovebug. Whatever it is, it’s going to be alright. Let’s just get you home, okay?”
Keiko nodded, still crying and curled in on herself. Kunigami forced himself to watch the road, a horrible mixture of heartbreak and cold fury in his chest.
Keiko let Kunigami carry her into the house, kept her face buried in his chest. He felt like crying, looking at her with her makeup smudged and her injured hand. 
I’m going to murder that Isagi kid, he thought as he sat Keiko on the edge of the bathtub. Chigiri came in with the first aid kit and handed it to Kunigami before settling next to Keiko on the tub. She put her head on his shoulder and watched Kunigami settle himself on the floor in front of her and gently take her bloodied hand.
“Well, you didn’t break anything,” he said after a moment of carefully bending and flexing her fingers. “Doesn’t seem like your cuts are very deep, either.”
“Good deal,” Chigiri said. He ran a hand over Keiko’s hair, kissed her temple. 
“I’m gonna clean the cuts now, okay? It’ll probably sting a little.”
Keiko nodded and turned to hide her face in the crook of Chigiri’s neck. She whimpered when Kunigami swiped an alcohol pad over her knuckles, again when he dabbed them with antibiotic cream. Chigiri held her tight, the look in his eyes echoing Kunigami’s fear back to him. 
“Okay, all set.” Kunigami sat back and packed up the kit. Chigiri got her to stand up and go to her room to change into pajamas and wipe off her makeup. When she was dressed, she joined them in the living room and curled up on the couch. Chigiri sat on the floor next to her head and reached out to smooth her hair.
“You ready to talk about it, Keiko?” Chigiri asked, his tone far more gentle than Kunigami could’ve managed. Keiko sniffed, wouldn’t look at them.  
“Isagi Haru was acting kind of weird when he picked me up,” she said finally, still looking away. “And when we got to the theater and were waiting in line, I told him I was happy that he’d asked me out. And he got this weird look on his face and said it was a dare from one of his friends.”
“Oh, Keiko,” Chigiri murmured. Kunigami stood and made himself look out the window in an attempt to hide his anger.
“So I told him I would just go home, he could still say he won, whatever. But he said he still wanted to spend time with me, so we bought tickets and went inside. Everything was fine – well, sort of, I mean c’mon – but then he put his arm around me. I didn’t really want him to after everything, so I tried to shrug him off.”
Kunigami felt his heart rate spike, tried to breathe slowly.
“And he said ‘don’t be like that, Keiko, I know you wanted to go out with me,’ and then he kissed me,” Keiko’s breath had become shaky again. Chigiri squeezed her shoulder, looked at Kunigami with a furrowed brow. “And he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I pulled away and said I didn’t want to kiss him, he’d basically admitted he didn’t even want to be there, and he said I was being ridiculous. And he grabbed me by the back of the neck and kissed me again, and he got his hand in my shirt and grabbed my boob. And then I managed to kind of get away and I punched him in the nose. Then I ran away and called Dad.”
“You hit him hard enough to break the skin on your knuckles?” Kunigami asked, voice tinged with pride.
“Yeah. Well, I think I caught his glasses a bit, maybe that’s why.”
Chigiri guided her to sit up and handed her a box of tissues. “I’m so sorry that happened, Keiko. How are you feeling now?”
“Pretty bad. Not excited to see him at school.”
“It’s a scary thing. You know it’s not your fault, right?”
Keiko nodded, but her lip was trembling again. 
“Do you want to keep talking about it? Or can we get you anything?”
“I think I want to go to bed.”
“Okay, Lovebug. We’re here if you need anything, okay?”
Keiko stood and started toward her room, but turned around after a few steps. “Papa, can you come sit with me for a little while? Just til I fall asleep?”
“Of course I can.”
Keiko had been asleep for over an hour, but Kunigami was still sitting next to her, back against the wall and feet under the edge of her duvet. He was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to sleep, anyway. 
Judging by the texts still coming to his phone, Chigiri was equally awake.
“Do you think Isagi would know it was us if we kidnapped the little fucker and threw him into the sea?” read the most recent message. Kunigami stifled a laugh.
“We’d probably be pretty high on the list of suspects,” he typed back.
Bzzt. “Should we call Isagi? I mean I’d wanna know if my kid was a sex pest. So I could throw him into the sea.”
“You’re really stuck on the sea thing.”
Bzzt. “It’s a satisfying thought. And cleaner than my first instinct, which was to stomp him into the sidewalk with my cleats.”
“You’re a menace.”
Bzzt. “So is this Haru kid! So are we calling his dad or not.”
“It’s up to Keiko, don’t you think? I don’t want to take her agency away from her. Again.”
Bzzt. “I hate it when you’re right.”
Bzzt. “But what are we gonna say when we see Isagi and he wants to know why his demon came home from a movie date with a broken nose?”
“I don’t think we have to lie. I just don’t want to make decisions about how to handle her assault without her.”
Kunigami swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as he typed the words ‘her assault’ about his daughter. He looked at her sleeping form, her face mercifully a bit more relaxed now. In the car, he’d have set the city on fire if it would mean Keiko felt safe. Now it was all he could do to keep from crying about how helpless he felt. He really couldn’t protect her forever. Not even from some punk teenager he could crush with one hand.
Bzzt. “She still sleeping?”
“Yeah. She seems okay for now.”
Bzzt. “You coming to bed?”
Kunigami watched Keiko’s shoulder rise and fall with her breath. He couldn’t fix what happened, but she was safe now. He thought about her waking up and being alone when she remembered why her knuckles were bandaged. 
“Nah, I think I’m gonna camp out here.”
Bzzt. “Figured. Let me know if you wanna swap at some point. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
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romanarose · 2 years
Steven Helping with Family Problems
Steven Grant X GN!reader
Summary: after a fight with your dad, Steven is there for you.
A/N: I probably won't even put this on my master list unless it pops off but I was feeling weird about my relationship with my dad and just needed to write out a thing.
“Hullo love! Welcome home, how was work tod-” Steven stopped as soon as he realized you were on the phone. He could tell right away from your body language you were on the phone with your dad.
“No, dad, I get it, I just-.... Mhm… Yeah I get what your saying, the money is good but- dad, I like what I do- yeah. Yeah. No, yeah, no I get what you’re say-.... Mmmhm. Well, I would like to have a regular schedule too, Steven and I want kids so- Can you please let me finish my thought? Dad, please…. Dad, stop, don’t talk about him like that. No, listen- I’m not going on a date, dad. I’m engaged! I don’t have an attitude!”
Steven watched you pace the living room as he continued cooking dinner. You dadn’t even looked at him. Phone calls with your dad always stressed you out.
“I get what you’re saying, but I’m happy, I’m happy doing- yes, it is important! I was miserable in law-” You felt the tears you’d been fighting the whole phone call home. You glance over to see Steven, his warm smile immediately comforting you. You find a little bit of strength. “Dad, I’m not leaving my job, and I’m marrying Steven, and you can either be okay with it or be out of my life.” 
You hung out.
Dread surged through you as you dropped your phone. “Oh fuck why did I do that.”
Steven was on you before you even registered him moving. “Darling? Are you okay?” All he saw was you dropping your phone.
“He’s gonna fucking kill me” You throw your arms around him to steady yourself against your fiance. “I hung up the the p-phone he was- he wasn’t listening to m-m-me and I couldn’t fucking take it, I tried to talk to him but- b-ut he wouldn’t listen.” You started crying in his arms, Steven holding up your shaky frame.
“Oh love, it’s alright, c’mere, let’s sit down” He guiding you on to the couch, letting you cry out your frustration. 
You frozen when you heard your phone buzzing again.
As you dove for the phone, ready to apologize and take it all back and smooth it over. Steven grabbed the phone first, hanging up on your dad. For the next few minuets, the phone rang and buzzed with texts from your dad that Steven kept away from you, hanging up on him every time your dad tried to call.
You clung to Steven, gently crying waiting for it to end. Eventually, it stopped, Steven feeling your rapid heartbeat slowing down. He stroked your hair as he spoke. “You did so good darling, standing up for yourself, I’m so proud of you.”
You shook your head. “I was being rude. He’s right, I always have an attitude with him, I wasn’t hearing him out.”
Steven wanted to interrupt you the moment you said your dad was right. But he wasn’t your dad. You could finish your sentences, you could say how you felt with him. “He’s absolutely not right, darling, you are nothing but patient when you talk to him, even if he’s being awful. I’ve seen it time and time again. You’re one of the most pleasant, delightful people I know. You’re dad just doesn’t like people standing up to him.”
“What did he send in the text?” You mutter.
Steven glanced at them. They weren’t good. He wanted to delete them so you never saw them… but he wasn’t your dad. He wouldn’t do what your dad did in high school, he wouldn’t control the things you saw and who you had access to. You were an autonomous person capable of making your own choices.
“Let’s deal with it after dinner, yeah? I made some soup. We can eat that and then deal with your dad after a little break?”
Wiping your tears on your sleeve, taking some make up with it, you smile a little. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
When Steven brought over the soup to you on the couch, he handed you a hearty bowl. “Could you tell me what he was calling about?”
You gave a small eye roll, feeling more like yourself. “He thinks I’m making a mistake switching to teaching. Says it doesn’t make enough money, wants me to go back to paralegal work.”
Steven blinked back at that. “Oh god, darlings, no, don’t do that.” He shook his head vigorously. “You were bloody miserable doing that! Drank yourself to sleep every night. You were so exhausted you kept falling asleep in the bathtub.”
You took his hand reassuringly. “I won’t Steven. I let my dad pressure me into law because I thought it would make him proud of me, but even that wasn’t enough. I won’t let him pressure me into that again…” You look at him, lovingly. “I won’t let him pressure me away from you.” Careful with the soup, you give him a quick peck on the cheek. 
Steven softly smiled at you. “I heard you say something about a date?”
You snicker at the thought. “Yeah, he tried to get me to go on a date with his friend a few years ago. Said he’s single again.”
Despite his irritation, he laughed. Not much could make him question your love for him. “He has some audacity when you’re engaged to Jake Lockley”
Nudging him, you continue teasing. “You telling me you wouldn’t fight for my honor?”
Steven scooched closer, wrapping an arm around you. “Oh, I most definitely would, but Jake? Jake would kill for you.”
You laugh, remembering how many times Jake offered (only half joking) to get rid of your dad. You and Steven spend the evening on the couch together, leaving your phone there when you went to bed, deciding to leave the drama with your dad for the morning. You had meant what you said. He could either become okay with they way you lived your life and the men you loved, or he could go.
Because Steven, Marc, and Jake? They were your forever.
I hope y'all liked it even if Its just a lil thing i pumped out super fast in one go.
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Will Halstead x Sister!reader - protective
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If ur still taking requests. Can I request a will halstead x sister reader? Just like general big brother protectiveness? Maybe shes been keeping her boyfriend a secret. Totally ok if you cant do! I really love ur writing! - Anon💜
You brother was getting ready for work when you woke up and stumbled out of your bedroom yawning while trying to wake yourself up.
“Should sleep earlier.” He chuckled.
“Shut up…” you mumbled.
Sitting at the table, you placed your head on the cool wood as you let out another small yawn.
You smiled when you heard the sound of a plate being place on the table along with a cup and Will ruffled your hair.
“Come on kid, eat. I’ve got to go soon, do you have any plans?”
“Got school sadly, but I’m going to hang out after with some friends and maybe see dad.”
“You’re going all the way out there?” Will asked.
You could hear the concern in his voice and you quickly shook your head.
“No, no, he’s going to meet me at the mall.”
Will nodded his head.
“Before or after meeting your friends?”
“Before so I can meet them after and Mia’s dad is going to drop me off don’t worry.”
Will smiled and went to go get ready for work while you carried on eating your breakfast.
“Hey do you need me to drop you off?!” Will called.
“Yes please!”
Putting your plate in the sink you jogged to your room to quickly get ready for school and you followed Will out of the apartment.
He dropped you at school and handed you some cash.
“For lunch, I know you have your card but save money for the mall. If you need anything just text okay?”
You nodded your head and hugged him before getting out of the car.
Will watched you jog over to a small group mainly girls he recognised as your good friends and a couple of guys and you all walked into the school.
You were bored of classes.
Lunch rolled around and you were sat at the front of the school, leaning back against your boyfriends chest while you all talked about what you’re doing after school.
“Hey Ty, can you pass me my drink?”
“It’s right next to you.” He chuckled.
He picked it up and handed it to you and you smiled as he rested his chin on your head.
What caught your attention was the ambulance driving up to the school and you quickly moved away from Ty.
He knew why, he wasn’t upset by it you explained your brother was really protective and you didn’t want to worry him.
You all watched as the ambulance pulled up followed by some police cars and you watched your brother jump out and run up to the school.
“What’s going on?” Jess asked.
“I dunno, let’s find out.”
You all went to crowd and pushed your way to the front to see your brother tending to some student that was on the floor.
“Another fight.” Ty sighed.
You reached behind you and held his hand as you all watched in worry trying to figure out what was going on.
The kid was wheeled away and Will was jogging behind them but stopped when he saw you.
“I need you to come straight home.”
You nodded your head and he jogged away and everyone frowned.
“That was weird.” Jess said.
“Yeah… Mia can you tell your dad I won’t need dropped off?”
“Course yeah, want him to pick you up after school?”
“Nah, Ty can take me, right?”
He kissed the top of your head and you all went back to what you were doing.
Ty dropped you outside the apartment complex but you didn’t get out of the car you stayed there with him.
“You’re brothers gonna catch us.” He whispered.
“He’s not home…”
“So that’s not his car?”
You looked where your boyfriend was pointing and panicked a little, kissing Ty you ran into the building to rush upstairs.
You got in and Will was pacing back and forth.
“Do you know anything about what happened? Did you hear anything?” He asked.
“No, what’s going on?”
He sighed and shook his head.
“Look, just stay home for the next few days okay? The schools going to be closed, your friends can come around but you need to stay here.”
“Will your scaring me…”
He walked over, wrapping you in his arms.
“Look, I can’t tell you what’s going but promise me you won’t leave until I tell you it’s okay?”
“I promise…”
Will smiled and nodded, taking a small deep breath before he pulled away and pushed your towards the kitchen to wash up from this morning.
He followed you and sat on the edge of the table.
He wanted to ask about boy he saw behind you, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. If you didn’t want to tell him that was okay, he just had to focus on keeping you safe.
And right now that was keeping you off the streets while someone was going around beating up kids trying to find someone
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert-24
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A/N: as usual I do not know anyone or anyone affiliated with the Los Angeles Chargers. This is just fanfiction purposes only.
This was one of the best Holiday seasons in a long time.
She felt at ease, she was comfortable with her boyfriend's family. There was no big crowd of people, No kids screaming, no one asking for connections, or people asking about a boyfriend, jokes about her appearance. Making comments about how much money she had. Being forced to talk to mom and dads work friends and social circle.
She noticed again that she was the first one up. Well Justin was gone to the facilities for an early practice and lifting. She laid for a bit and checked her phone to answer some business emails and texts from her manager and agent. It was last minute to confirm all her stuff was set for when she arrived on the Dune 2 set.
Sara was scratching behind Nova’s ear when there was a knock on the door. She heard Isabell's voice "can I come in?"
She looked down to make sure everything was in place. "Yeah, it's open!" Isabell came in and sat on the bed. "How was everything last night?"
Sara smiled. "Good, I love the Herbert's, they are just so nice." Isabebell smiled. "Yes, I remembered being terrified meeting them for the first time. But Holly and Mark are so welcoming, and Patrick was there for comedic relief." The girls laughed at that. "I came here to apologize as well." Sara was confused. "Why?"
"Well I didn't mean to act all fangirl over you. I'm sure it's annoying to have people fawn over you all the time." Sara smiled. "Trust me it's not always like that. I've had people insult me to my face and try to tear me down." Isabelle shook her head. "The nerve of some people."
They spoke for a little bit. She had a lot in common with the Brazilian girl, they came from decent sized families, being successful was important, hence why Isabelle was in dental school. They spoke on the pressures they faced and Sara really felt like she had a good friend. Her and Carly were amazing women, along with the rest of the family. Eventually Holly interrupted and announced she was making breakfast. The girls joined the gang in the living room. Once breakfast was consumed and cleaned up, it was another lazy day. The stores were insane, and she just wanted to relax. They were all getting ready for a big early Holiday dinner. Throughout the day she was texting Justin as well as her siblings, who were upset that she was missing Christmas with them as well as the kids were upset their favorite Aunt Sara wasn't there.
So far Christmas was a success. Justin had presented his o-line with extravagant gift packages courtesy of Sara's suggestion. Despite the tension and stress of the team trying to clinch a playoff spot. All eyes were going to be on the games on Christmas Eve.
It was weird, the past Christmases were all wrapped up in football. That was all he cared about. Now here he was wanting nothing more than to get home to his family and Sara. It was a drastic change from last year.
"So, did you and Sara exchange gifts yet?" Mike asked as he and Justin finished up their workout. He smiled, a goofy smile that only his teammate and one of his closest friends knew. "You son of a bitch."
Justin blushed. "Shut up." Mike laughed and clapped him on the back. "Ayo man I'm happy for you. I still don't know how you bagged her. Way too good for you." Justin smiled, and went back to his locker to get a small wrapped gift. He handed it to Mike. "Thank you. For forcing me to go to Joe’s wedding. Even though I wanted to kill you at the time."
Mike smiled and took the package, tearing the wrapping paper. He laughed when he revealed the video game he wanted for months "how did you get a hold of this?"
"Sara knows a guy at the company." Justin smiled when Sara told him that she could get her hands on a copy of the most sought out video game. "Bro, thank you so much. I'm glad you found happiness, even though I will continue to say she is too cool for you."
Justin laughed. "I'm a lucky man. Mike, I'm a very lucky man." He saw Joey look at him from the corner of his eye.
Things had been awkward for the once close teammates. While Justin understood that the beginning of his relationship was incredibly rocky due to him being an ass, he was more upset that Bosa was entertaining Sara. Now granted there were teammates who shared hookups and casual dates he wasn't that type of person. Neither was Joey or so he thought. Justin thought about the first time Mike alerted him that his teammate was trying to steal his girl.
Things seemed to calm down once Joey had taken more of an interest in Sara's friend, despite him dating some other girl. It was stupid for him to get mad, and did he have a right? He thought about Taylor, and how he hadn't told Sara the truth about her, but then again it was likely that she didn't even know about the blonde reporter. Nothing did happen between them while he and Sara were together
Well, they did kiss, but technically she forced herself on him and he wasn't in a relationship yet, so it didn't really matter. However Justin knew that if that had happened between her and Joey he'd be pissed. But who was to say she was one hundred percent innocent?
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Bosa make his way over to his locker and was now calling his name. "Herb!" Justin snapped out of his daze. "Huh?"
"You okay? You look like you want to kill me." Justin shook his head. "Nah dude I just spaced out" Bosa didn't buy it. "Uh huh sure." As he was about to walk away Justin called out. "Hey Joey can you come into the video room with me for a second?"
Joey nodded confused, he followed the younger man into the room where Justin closed the door behind him. "Hey man what's this all about-"
"Do you like Sara?" Justin blurted it out. He didn't know what came over him. He needed reassurance maybe. He was never to feel insecure in a relationship, maybe because he had never allowed himself to fall deeply in love like he is now. Joey looked at him. "Look man I know I crossed the line with the flirting, but I didn't know you were serious about her like that. I mean she is gorgeous inside and out, and many guys want her-"
Justin cut him off. "Get to the point bro" Joey laughed. "You are serious about her so I backed off. She's a cool friend to have and that's how I see her. I'm more interested in her friend."
"I thought you were seeing Kailey." He shook his head. "Ended it. Was going too fast. Listen, you and Sara are good for each other. Just don't fuck it up." Justin nodded. He was a little hurt that many of his friends and family seemed to think he would ruin a good thing, but then again he didn't have the best track record with relationships. "I have to ask something though." Joey was confused, wondering what else they had to talk about. "What's the deal with you and Sara’s friend?"
The big man groaned. "We hooked up a hit between relationships in high-school. In college, she went off to New York to do her modeling shit and that was it." Joey looked away and Justin couldn't help but pry. "Dude was she the one that got away?" Joey turned back towards his teammate. "Look man it's in the past, she would never go for a guy like me her parents even said that."
Justin nodded, not wanting to press the issue further. It seemed like it was a sore subject, plus it was obvious his teammate was still hung up on her. He felt bad for his teammate, but it gave him some reassurance that he didn't have to worry.
The Chargers were close. So close to a postseason spot. Justin and his team watched the Bengals beat the Patriots, then on Thursday the Jets lost. They just needed the Raiders to lose, and then to pull off a win in Indianapolis to get in. Justin was getting excited, a reporter mentioned this time last year and how desperate they were. But this wasn't last year, and despite all the adversity, they were sure to beat the Colts.
Once they wrapped up he raced home to get to Sara and his family. He felt bad that they would all be leaving Christmas day, and she would be by himself. She reassured him that she would have Nova to keep her company.
He opened the door to home and smiled at the sight. Sara and Mitch were talking and laughing as she was helping Holly in the kitchen. His dad and Patrick were talking with Isabel in the living room, the house spelled like a home cooked meal. His stomach growled at the smell of ham. He made his presence known and was greeted by his family, Sara coming up to him with a kiss. "Hmm, you smell really good." He mumbled, breathing in her smell he noticed her hair was wet fresh out of the shower. "You could have waited for me, we could have showered together and saved water."
She laughed. "Yeah when have we e just ever showered together?" He laughed "good point"
They looked over to see Holly take the ham out of the oven. Justin's stomach growled and Sara laughed. "Come on, set your stuff down and let's eat." They headed over to the kitchen where everyone began digging in. They had plenty of food. There was ham, then vegetables, and a couple salads. Sara made the mac n cheese, which was a hit. She did take a couple quick videos of the food just for tiktok. They dug in and overate. Everyone complimented Holly, Sara, and Isabel on how good the food was. Sometime during the dinner, Sara's phone buzzed on the table. Looking at it, she turned it off. Justin looked at her, she frowned when her phone began buzzing again. "Babe who is it?"
She looked up. "It's my mom, probably facetiming me to wish me a merry Christmas."
"Oh my god, answer it! Don't feel disconnected from your family just because you're with us!" Mitch obviously didn't know Sara's family dynamic. Taking a deep breath she answered the call and saw her mother's face. "Hi mom."
"Hello sweetie. Please don't slouch like that. It's rude and I can see your double chin." Eyebrows shot up at the table and she grimaced. Sitting up straight, she said "thanks for the reminder mom"
"Merry Christmas dear! I wish you were with us! Where are you? It doesn't look like your house."
She had to think of another lie. "Oh well I'm at a mutual friends house." Eyes shot up again. "Oh well that's nice sweetie. What was so important for work that you couldn't come home?"
Sara rolled her eyes. "Well I have the backup vocals I'm recording for the bands album you know that."
"Well you are just like your father." She cringed hearing about her dad. "Speaking of he is really sorry about Aunt Willa's comments on Thanksgiving, but you know Aunt Willa-"
"Mom I have to go. Did the kids get all of their gifts?"
Cathy sighed. "Yes they did. Your sisters will call you tomorrow when they open them"
They exchanged 'love yous' and hung up. When she set her phone down on the table she looked up. It was silent for a bit. Until Mark spoke up. "Your mom reminds me a bit of mine. Always ranting about stuff. She's a bit high strung?"
Sara laughed. "Oh yeah she's very appearance based. They had their annual Christmas eve party at the local banquet hall. Three hundred people." Mark's eyes widened. "Wow," Sara laughed. "Yeah they are well known around the neighborhood and all of their friends and dads business associates."
Holly stabbed her food. "I can't even imagine." The group continued eating.
Once they finished and they all cleaned up and recovered from stuffing their faces they all decided to exchange gifts. Sara got a bunch of Starbucks gift cards (which Sara enjoyed) she got Isabel and Holly skincare and spa items. She got Mitch medical books, and Patrick got some football merchandise. She spoiled Justin with a new outfit and books to read on the plane and the bus. Mark laughed when Sara made Justin unwrap Nova’s gift. He laughed at the giant cat tower that she was scratching at. When he unboxed it, she immediately jumped on it. "I can't believe you got my cat Christmas gifts" He teased as he opened a Herbert cat jersey. "Oh my god!"
Mitch rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you haven't bought some gifts for Dylan." Sara laughed as Justin was called out by his brother. The gift giving was successful, Patrick was touched when Sara gave him an envelope to hand to Carly when he saw her
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and for the first time. Sara felt truly at peace.
"Thank you so much for everything, your family is wonderful. Sara flopped on the bed after her routine was done. In the connecting bathroom Justin was rinsing with mouthwash before coming back into the room. "Why are you thanking me? We are together. My family is your family." She turned her head towards him and smiled. She was wearing an Oregon hoodie, courtesy of her boyfriend's Christmas gift to her, along with UGG slippers and a Burberry handbag that his family was surprised that he spent that much money on. She was surprised that he paid attention to her style.
He got into bed and kissed her quickly. "I have one more gift for you."
"Hmm. Is it your ass in your football pants?" He snorted as he got off the bed and went to his drawer. "Your mind is always in the gutter." She laughed and swatted at his ass. He playfully glared at her. "Keep it up and I'm tying you to this bed, and you can't leave."
"That isn't a punishment babe." He rolled his eyes. He retrieved the small, perfectly wrapped box and sat on the bed next to her. "I wanted to give this to you privately."
She hummed and then delicately removed the bow. Once removed and unwrapped. She took off the lid off the velvet box to reveal an emerald diamond ring, in the shape of the Oregon University logo. The ring was set in platinum. It was gorgeous, and it was her, and part of him. "It's beautiful." She whispered. Taking it out, she slipped it on her right hand ring finger. It was a perfect fit. "How did you know-"
"While you were away, you left a ring on my nightstand, and I gave it to my manager to get it sized." He ran his hand through his hair. "I had it engraved on the inside." She took it off to inspect the inside and sure enough, it had the number '10' with a date 'November 2022' she looked up at him questioningly. "It's the month I took you to Oregon." He smiled and her heart swelled. Slipping the ring back on, she launched herself into his arms. Peppering his face with tons of kisses he laughed. "Babe-"
"I love it so much. I love you so much!" They fell backwards on the bed. As much as they wanted to make love, she held off. "You need to focus on getting a playoff spot. I got the fancy champagne glasses and the best champagne. All ready for us to celebrate."
He smiled. "First of all, nothing is certain yet, also my family is heading home right after the game. So if we did make it, it would be just us."
"So I can blow you in the living room?" His cheeks turned pink. "Dirty girl." She laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. They had to get to bed if she wanted to wake up early enough to say goodbye to his family.
"The Chargers have punched a ticket to the Playoffs!" The television announcer loudly as she had the television loud in the living room. Sara, in her navy Herbert jersey screamed as she picked up Nova, clad in her matching jersey and danced around the house. The cat was used to it by now, as it also meant she got a treat.
She got messages from Joe, Patrick and Mark and she was so overwhelmed with joy. She thought about last season and the disappointment and all of the doubts. Though she didn't know Justin last year, she could only imagine the pain he went through.
She looked down at her ring on her right hand. She smiled as the emeralds of the 'O' sparkled in the light. It was the most meaningful gift she had ever received. If you had asked her about the hot, freakishly tall guy at her friend's wedding in July, she would probably say he was fine for a night, maybe two, but she was in no way looking for anything long term. But her stupid ass heart had to chicken out and fall for the boy that was the total opposite of her. While he was a total idiot at the beginning, he was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
There was one thing nagging on her mind though, and that was the big issue regarding the public. It was no secret that people were nosy, and a big celeb like her, anyone would kill to tell a big secret like this. Truth be told she wanted people to know she was in a relationship. It didn't have to be constantly broadcasted or constant photos everywhere. Private not secret, like tons of celebrity relationships. Based on experience, Justin didn't want anyone to know about them. Then again, it seemed he was bothered by the fact that her family didn't know. It was all confusing, but they needed to have a serious talk before she left.
They said they would have a take it by day policy, but this is so much more than that. It meant goodbye to life as they knew it, every move would be watched and scrutinized by both of their fans. Rumors would be flying, the press would be eager to know about Justin's entire life, and they would be willing to pay any former friends, teammates and lovers to come forward and tell any embarrassing, juicy moments. People would vilify him, come after her. It'd be shiny and new gossip that would have everyone talking until something new came up, whenever and whatever that'd be.
It wasn't going to be tonight, but it would have to be soon since it was t minus eleven days. Her team had messaged her with all of the arrangements and the script was ready to go. She'd gone over it a bit before the game although she already knew her lines.
Deciding to push her worries out of her head for tonight. She went to get the cold champagne bottle out of the fridge to put on ice, as well as grabbing the chocolate covered strawberries and turtle cookies. She also made Buffalo chicken mac n cheese. It was a hit with Justin and his family, the way she made it was an old fashioned family recipe. As she got everything ready and set up the time had passed. It was late, and she kept checking the time, eager for him to return home and celebrate with her.
Eventually she heard the garage door open and Nova finally descended from her huge cat tree to greet her owner at the door. She was still clad in her dad's jersey, finally getting used to it. She heard Justin's voice behind the corner. " I can't believe you didn't scratch the crazy lady's eyes out." Sara rolled her eyes. Her boyfriend continued. "Isn't she the craziest girl you've ever known? I mean she bought you clothes! I think I'm gonna have to admit he-"
"Justin Patrick Herbert, if don't shut the fuck up I'm fighting you." He laughed as he rounded the corner. "Is that a threat or a promise?" She rolled her eyes. "And My minds in the gutter." He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her. "You rubbed off on me."
"Uh huh" She pulled away to grab the champagne. She handed it to him. "I'm going to let you do the honors, Mr. Playoffs." He blushed. "Well we actually have to win a game." She arched her eyebrow. "Little victories Herb, little victories." He smiled and uncorked the bottle, a pop sound throughout the house. Pouring into the glasses they clinked them together and drowned the bubbly drink. Taking a strawberry, he told Sara. "Wednesday I'm going to San Diego to watch Patrick in the Holidays bowl." She nodded, remembering his brother talking about the game and the nerves. "I wish you could go with me," He muttered.
Again she raised a dark eyebrow. "That is not the place to debut a relationship. It's your brothers night, I couldn't do that to him."
It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. "Not the place to debut a relationship?" His conversation with David flashed in his mind. She began to load their plates with snacks. "Not that our relationship is some press release. But it's going to be big news, and once it's out there there's no going back. We need to discuss this actually." It was not really the time, but they were quickly running out of it, and since he brought it up. "I have no intention of saying I'm in a relationship, but the more time we spend together. Its going to be brought up eventually."
"How so? If we don't say anything or just continue our routine we should be fine." She shook her head. "It doesn't work that way. With the press coming up for my movies next year. Some of the studio execs would want me to be in a PR relationship." He paused mid bite. "Like they could force you into it?"
She sighed. "Not force, but they would expect us to go on pap walks and do couple things. My guess is probably with Timothee, since Dune is being filmed. I would have to tell them no, and they would know things. Unfortunately that means they would want to discover who I'm with just to drum up any interest in the movie. It's all a business."
She poured another glass of champagne before speaking. "I try my damn hardest to stay out of that side. There is no avoiding it sometimes though."
He sat back in his chair. "So what do we do?"
"We could continue with our routines, maybe slowly start to go out to lowkey public spots and see what happens. Sorta controls the narrative."
"I'm going to be honest. I'm not too comfortable with it at all." Sara nodded. She thought about his past relationship with Hannah, and how quickly he ended it when she wanted to launch their relationship. She wanted to ask him about it so bad.
"Let's just try our hardest to stay out of the public eye. I mean if it happens we don't speak on it. Maybe get advice on what to do from your team and ours." Justin shrugged. "We can go more in depth when you get back. But for now let's just enjoy us and take it day by day." She rounded the counter and embraced him. "I like the sound of that." He kissed the top of her head. "I'm so proud of you baby." She didn't need to look at him as she knew his face was pink. "Seriously, you took this team to their first playoff berth since 2018, you made people excited to root for the Chargers again. People love you, and believe in you."
"It's not just me, we have a great team, a great coaching staff." She rolled her eyes. "I mean yeah but I'm not fucking the entire Chargers organization. I mean If you want me too-" He squeezed her ass hard and she laughed. "But seriously baby, you are the heart and soul of this team. You've come so far." She felt him plant a kiss on her neck. Pulling away, she got down on her knees. "Oh fuck" he whispered as she began to press soft kisses on his forming bulge. She teased him for a bit before he finally spoke. "Please stop." She giggled. "You're right, you've been a good boy." He lifted himself so she could slide down his sweats, along with his underwear. His dick stood up at attention and she grabbed it, twisting her wrist and getting him wet with his precum. She took his head in his mouth and sucked it, coming off with a wet pop. She licked him like a lollipop, which she could tell he enjoyed, but also was irritated at the same time. Finally she decided she had enough teasing and took him fully. Slowly, she felt him slide to the back of her throat.
"Oh god." He threw his head back and his hands became tangled in her hair. He began thrusting and he was now fucking her face. Sara was choking down his cocktail, and she loved it. She put her hands on his thighs, and after a while he moaned and released in her mouth and she swallowed. Coming off his dick she wiped her mouth and smiled, tears in her eyes and in a state of bliss. He pulled her up to steal a kiss. She moaned as his hands grabbed her by the ass and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her on his head and lifted up her nightie to reveal she went pantyless.
"God you're gorgeous" He breathed, before diving in to taste her. The second his tongue hit her she arched her back. "Oh my god." He hit all the right spots and her hands went through his long hair. "Oh Justin" she moaned. She hit her release quickly and they both collapsed on the bed to catch their breath. After a minute she remembered something "I need to clean the kitchen." She got up but he snaked his arm around her midsection and pulled her down. "Leave it." He mumbled.
"You? Want me to leave a mess? Who are you and what have you done to Justin Herbert?" This was unlike him. She remembered making fun of him when he threw his dirty clothes in the hamper after she tore them off after sex. She respected it, but did it really have to be right after? He never lived that down.
"I just wanna lay with you." He snuggled closer. She slid out from under his arm. "Well normally I would, but there is food I have to put away. You stay here and rest, you've earned it baby." She kissed his cheek and headed to the kitchen. He laid there for a couple minutes as he tried to fall asleep to the sounds of Sara putting everything away. He couldn't do it, he needed his girl with him. Justin got up and he approached her behind while she was at the sink. He once again snaked his arms around her. "You just couldn't wait could you?" "No" He mumbled. She went to scrub one of the plates but he stopped her. "Leave it and come back to bed." Sara let herself be dragged by him (not that she had a choice)
They settled back into bed and Sara realized how tired she was, and she fell asleep in Justin's arms.
Justin was on the sidelines in the game. Beaming like a proud brother. Patrick played a phenomenal game, in front of the Chargers GM no less. He knew his brother wanted to go to the NFL and this was a way to do it. It had been a nail biter up until the last minutes.
He hugged every player, posed for pictures, and gave Patrick the biggest hug of them all. "I'm so proud of you bro." He yelled in the young ones ear." Patrick laughed. "Thanks bro, couldn't have done it without you."
They spoke to several other Oregon players before they got off the field. Patrick and Justin wanted to go to dinner, but with the win no doubt it would be a long celebration in the locker room. Knowing that Patrick would come down for the first playoff game, he left the celebration a little early, he had a flight to catch to Los Angeles.
He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he opened it to Sara's name.
Congrats to Patrick. All those big guys jumping on you makes me nervous. Miss you 😘
He smiled, before going up to Patrick to show him the message. "I have to text her." Patrick smiled. "I also got her Christmas gift. She's too cool for you."
Justin smiled. "I know."
"Don't fuck it up."
New Year's eve.
Justin and Sara were once again at Bosa's house. Along with some of the Players and their wives. They had been given a heads up by their husband's about the famous guests. So far all of them gave a warm welcome to Sara, teaching her the ropes about being a WAG since she was officially in the club. They also knew how important it was to keep a secret.
Sara had been talking to Breanna Norton and Ekeler's girlfriend Lauren. She really liked them, while they asked the usual questions about fame and famous people she worked with. They treated her like a human.
Justin had been clingy the whole night. Whenever he felt her slip away from him he found himself right back at her side. They both knew the reason why,
T-minus 5 days.
She had been on the phone with her team the previous day talking about what to expect. She also had a meeting with the filming crew and costume design. Justin was out of the screen view, but he was listening in. There was a lot of technical stuff he didn't know anything about. It was fascinating in some way. Once she was done he kept asking questions which she was happy to answer.
Bosa's house was in full party mode as it was professionally decorated and fully catered. While they couldn't get too crazy because of the game the next day, it was still nice to somewhat let loose.
While Justin and Sara were lost in each other sometimes. The other few wives that were looking at them gossiped.
"She is a natural at this thing. Seriously, she is fantastic!" Breanna beemed.
Lauren took a sip of her champagne "I'm calling it now. She's going to be a wife."
"Do you think so?" Sebastian's wife looked on. "I don't know, Justin is so private, how is going to handle fame on her level?"
"He brought her around us. I think he is very serious."
The rest of the evening was everyone playing party games, and laughing. Once the clock struck midnight everyone who had a significant other kissed.
Including Justin and Sara, even though their hearts were breaking.
Happy New Year to Jack Lange.
He and his boyfriend stumbled in their apartment after a few too many cocktails at their friends party. They were thankful uber existed.
As they were doing their night routines he decided to answer messages from his friends wishing him a happy new year. Out of curiosity, he scrolled Instagram and saw Kristen's page pop up under "suggested". Going on it he saw her profile was open.
Once he settled in bed he began deep diving. He saw several posts about Eugene Oregon, where she said she was from.
As he was scrolling something caught his eye. An ugly mix of green and yellow that wanted to make him gag. However he saw the Oregon University logo
He gasped, it was the exact logo that was on Sara's hoodie when he caught her rollerblading. "No fucking way" he whispered. He got up and after trying to control his dizziness he grabbed his camera on the chair. Flicking through it he saw the exact same photo he was thinking about it.
Going on his laptop he typed in Oregon University in Google
"Oregon University is a public university located in Eugene Oregon."
He kept scrolling, he hit the notable alumni tab. Some famous people did attend but no one worthy.
As he was about to exit he noticed someone.
"Justin Herbert."
Based on the helmet he was a football player, and a fine one despite the ugly colors. Clicking on his profile, he could have passed out.
He went to his camera again. Jack came across the picture he was looking for. The unidentified man in the Porsche that was in Sara's driveway.
He typed in 'Justin Herbert'
'Justin Patrick Herbert is an American Football Quarterback who currently plays for the Los Angeles Chargers."
He went to another tab and searched for something else.
There on Google images was Sara spotted at Charger games with Joe Grant.
This was it, the answer that he was looking for. "Thank you Kristen!" He yelled as he danced around.
Sara Wozniak was dating Justin Herbert!
His boyfriend came into the room. "What are you doing?"
Jack kissed him and told him everything. His partner smirked. "You are the best for a reason! You are getting that promotion!"
Jack laughed menacingly. Now he just needed to get the personal details. Which was the easy part. He already had an inside source close to Sara. He got all the juicy details on her and Harry and he was going to do it to her and this Justin Herbert.
2023 was off to a great start for Jack Lange.
A/N: I got to fix the format, I'm posting this from my phone. So I apologize, happy holidays everyone! Looks like someone else knows the secret.... and not with the best intentions
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