#it's up to you though if you want them to know the argents as the bad scary hunters
queenwolf · 8 months
allison IS a relatively known figure in certain circles. the argent name is a known name and, though much of its history is tainted, it still holds its weight when convenient and necessary. this is even more true as allison grows into her role as the sort of monarch of the name and paves a way for a better reputation.
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“Why did you ask me that?”
“Huh? What's that, big guy?” Stiles mumbles, answering the query with one of his own without looking away from Derek's laptop screen. The laptop Derek kind of bought for Stiles for when Stiles is at the loft.
There's a ballpoint pen shoved in the kid's mouth—God, that mouth—and another slid behind an ear, the latter ready and waiting for Stiles to click to death in the In Between Typing Times.
The others dispersed a couple of minutes ago. Apart from Derek and Stiles, only Lydia and Deaton now remain at the loft and they're deep in conversation about the preliminary theory of who or what is killing the humans of Beacon Hills this week, and are standing at the opposite side of the open-plan space, making more coffee. Scott and Malia left to rally the other ʼwolves (not answering their phones as they're at a cinema screening) plus find and talk to Argent to arrange a pack meeting proper about the situation, so they can all work on devising a plan. Granted, there is Peter to consider—who's probably still lurking somewhere, what with lurking being one of his favourite pastimes—who can obviously hear any and all conversations that are, or could be happening inside of the building. Sadly though, Derek has never been able to hide much of anything from his uncle.
He thinks about elaborating on the question he asked Stiles, but can't.
He tries not to stare at Stiles, and fails.
Stiles is squinting at the screen with intent and looking like he has forgotten that Derek said anything at all. Or that Derek is still hovering close by. Or that Derek, you know, exists.
Derek is just standing there, all difficult and awkward in his own fucking home and his own fucking body, looming over Stiles like a creeper as Stiles taps away furiously at the keyboard and violently zig-zags a fingertip across the mousepad like an actual lunatic.
Derek almost laughs at that.
The Boy Who Runs With Wolves.
“Why wouldn't I?” Stiles now asks, still mumbling around the chewed ballpoint Derek is trying not to be jealous of. 
“I—what?” Derek's caught off guard; always and only by Stiles. 
Stiles doesn't skip a beat, unlike Derek's heart. “Why wouldn't I ask?” he adds.
Oh, right.
“I, uh, I don't... ” Derek trails off pathetically, swallowing any confidence he had previously mustered and looking away from Stiles, even though those big, brown devastating eyes aren't actually looking at Derek because they are, of course, still zoomed-in on whichever web page is currently yielding the most information.
Dusk is quickly closing in and all around them and the light filtering through the loft's huge window has begun to dim somewhat, so that the glow of the computer screen is now filling Stiles' eyes with bright, dancing sparks and arrhythmic shapes as they flicker like lightning from one tab to another, then another, then another. And as mesmerising as it is to watch—Stiles looking as though he is brimming with magic—the sight becomes too much for Derek, and looking away feels like his only option.
It doesn't last.
Stiles' long, large-knuckled fingers still their rapid movement just as Derek's eyes find their way back.
Derek watches the kid some more, like a lifeline.
An anchor.
Then, Stiles is taking the pen from those perfect lips as sneaker-toes slowly spin the swivel chair around, so that Stiles is now facing Derek where he stands with arms crossed reactively over his chest.
His heart.
“I asked if you were alright because I wanted to know if you were okay, man," Stiles divulges, as if that's nothing at all. As if it's something Derek hears often. He tilts his head to catch Derek's eye, which works, of course, because it always works, no matter the nature of the moment they're caught up in. "Like, I was concerned, y`know?” 
Derek feels guilty just for looking. And not only because he wants to touch but because he wants to let Stiles care.
“I care, dude,” Stiles says on cue and Derek tries to self-implode while Stiles waits, probably for Derek to look at him and say don't call me dude and probably hoping not to have his head bitten off or his throat ripped out. 
Derek does look again, just not for long. Barely a glance. He can't afford himself too much Stiles, not when Stiles is looking directly back at him. It's safer that way—self-preservation and all.
“You do know that, right?” Stiles tries again. “That I care.” 
Derek wants to ask Stiles if they can talk, if Derek can tell Stiles things. Derek wants to ask Stiles if he'll stay, and if he'll let Derek spill his secrets, let him tell Stiles everything, like Derek never does with anyone these days, and if Stiles will hold Derek's hand when Derek cries about it, like Derek doesn’t allow himself to anymore. Derek wants to ask Stiles if Derek can touch him and hold him and if Stiles would hold him back, if Stiles would ever want that, if Stiles could ever be his.
“Don't call me dude,” is what he actually says because he can't not. But then he steals himself, head staticky and heart thumping as he dares himself to add (after what is undeniably too-long a pause), “And yeah. Maybe I do.” 
Then they look at each other. They just—look.
They look and look and look.
And they each keep looking at the other for a very long time. Definitely too long for two people supposedly not much more than acquaintances. Allies, maybe. Comrades at tenuous best.
Then they look for longer. Look for more. Look until it starts to feel as if they are the only two people in the room, in the building, in the world.
Whatever happened to self-preservation?
Something is starting to happen, and Derek is pretty sure it's not just happening to him, and he finds he is equally stunned as he is thrilled as he is completely fucking terrified about that. 
Eventually, Stiles says, “Derek, we're friends.” Then he's licking his lips and looking Derek up and down, shameless, adding—with a nonchalant shrug of one shoulder—“Till we're not.”
The latter part is spoken like a ominous secret, but one without the slightest hint of malice, because that's not how he means it. It's more promise than threat, if Derek is remembering correctly what genuine affirmations sound like (it's been a while).
The sparks from Stiles' eyes are then flashing blue in Derek's and Derek could swear he hears every every one of his neurons firing inside of himself, all at once, as each of his mutated cells flare into overdrive; nail beds and gums tingling, the short hairs on the back of his neck and arms and hands standing up on end.
He feels utterly alive.
It's honestly a struggle not to keen and whine like a pup, and Derek has truly never been more happy of the fact that Stiles is unable to scent chemo-signals because, oh, yeah, Derek would be so fucked right now.
He has a reply for Stiles but it's caught in his throat, the sentence forming then solidifying, fast as a quick-drying glue.
Derek is just—standing there. Statuesque. Alternating between trying to swallow his words down and attempting to speak them, like a first class dipshit. Just looking and looking and looking at Stiles.
In an entirely mortifying turn of events, it is actually the sound of Peter's low, mocking chuckle from some tucked-away shadowy place in the loft that is the thing that forces Derek unstuck, and it takes all Derek has to not roll his eyes to the back of his skull and growl out I'm going to kill you again now, Uncle. 
He takes a breath, un-clenches his fists and tries for a smile—or at least a hint of one. He doesn't want to freak the kid out.
Derek then manages to repeat Stiles's words back at him, no more than a whisper.
“Till we're not.”
Stiles is just looking and looking and looking at Derek, before he's asking, “Can I stay for the evening? You can talk to me while I research. I always work better with noise. It'll be soothing,” like he's ordering pizza instead of answering all of Derek's prayers.
Derek notes how the kid's usually erratic eye-contact is weirdly as unwavering as his usually erratic heartbeat, which is now weirdly steady as a metronome.
That's a lot of weird. 
Derek fights the urge to bite into his lip with his fangs. He wants to draw blood, and to taste it.
He embarrassingly feels his eye twitch and his breath hitch as he dares himself to do this. 
He sputters, “What do you want me to talk about?”
Stiles slowly swivels back towards the light of the laptop—ethereal milky skin and dark moles once again luminous in its white-blue glow—at the very same time as the evening's first moonshine peeks through clouds and seeps in through the loft's huge skylight.
Derek is memorised. 
Stiles starts annoyingly clicking away at the Clicking Pen, while shoving the other back between those beautiful lips of his, now mumbling his words around the thing once more and speaking them as if they are the most obvious thing in the universe.
“Everything, Der.”
for @poebin for asking <3 (unedited, soz)
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
are you currently open to doing reactions for teen wolf characters? cause if you are i’d love to see how you think stiles & allison would react to seeing a fem reader naked by accident hehe
yeah, as it says in my Rules, I love doing reactions and MLTs (especially cause they're fun, shorter fics that I can write quickly in order to get to know the characters better. they're a lot of fun)
so here we go
Requests for Teen Wolf are OPEN!!! Please read the rules first, though <3 also vote in this poll if you like Teen Wolf fics
How would Stiles Stilinski and Allison Argent react to seeing you naked by accident?
Warnings: mentions of sex/arousal/sexual desire (characters wanting to fuck the reader after seeing them naked), sexual themes but no explicit smut, reader is described as having breasts/is called a 'girl', mentions of Scott/Allison, mentions of Jackson/Reader (background, unimportant), mentions of the reader taking nudes/nude pictures, Allison's section is way longer than Stiles's oops (but that's because I've never written for her before and I got excited).
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Stiles would be coming to visit you on a random Saturday - something that he did often. And after letting himself in with his spare key and bounding up the stairs to your room, he would hear music coming from your room and think nothing of simply letting himself in. He could imagine that you were cutely dancing in your pajamas, using your hairbrush as a microphone - something that he would tease you for, but secretly loved.
He hadn't even thought to knock. The two of you were so close - best friends since you were in diapers, having grown up together, gone through everything together.
So when he opened the door and found you standing at the foot of your bed, naked, rubbing lotion over your skin almost sensually - a towel in a rumple at your feet as you had clearly just gotten out of the shower - in seconds, it changed his entire perspective of you. Seeing your gorgeous breasts, the roundness of your thighs, the perfect swell of your ass, the softness of your stomach - it put nothing but downright filthy images in his mind. And in seconds, you went from being his dorky childhood friend to a woman he now desperately wanted to fuck.
He didn't get to stand there for long and stare before you noticed him, but the image of you so beautifully bared was easily seared into his mind forever.
"Stiles?!" You screamed when you noticed him in the doorway, and he felt so terribly caught.
His instinct was to turn and run, but he was dumb from the amount of blood pooling in his cock. He tripped over his own feet and rammed headfirst into the doorway - hard. He became dizzy from the hit fell to the floor within seconds, groaning loudly in pain (and embarrassment) as he clutched the bruise blooming on his forehead.
You rushed to pick up your towel to cover yourself, and then rushed to see if he was okay.
"Oh my god, Stiles." You sighed, kneeling down by his side. "What is wrong with you?"
Well, he could add 'intense sexual desire for his best friend' to that list now.
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Allison loved having you over at her place. Between the chaos of dating and not-dating someone that her family had vowed to kill, and being trained by that family to kill others of his kind in the most traumatic and tiring way possible - you were a breath of fresh air in her life. You were the soothing relaxation she needed among the chaos.
She invited you over as often as possible because of this. Whether it was dinner with her family, studying, sleepovers where the two of you talked all night and ate junk food - you were over at her house often. Her family knew that the two of you were the best of friends, and they loved you because you were a smart, respectable, normal girl.
On this night, the two of you were having a regular study session. Nothing special - just sitting on her bed going over some homework. More so, enjoying each other's company in quiet while you worked individually.
"Do you have the notes that Mr. Hoffman wrote down today?" Allison asked you, looking up from her book. "I know he didn't want us to do all the problems, but I can't remember which numbers he wrote on the board."
"I took a picture of it." You told her, unlocking your phone and passing it to her. "Just flip through my camera roll, you'll find it. I gotta pee."
You slid off the bed and left her room for the bathroom, and she opened your camera roll looking for the picture of the blackboard that you had taken. She grinned when she saw that the first picture was of a random squirrel that you had seen outside during lunch. Very you.
Then - a picture of Stiles making an ugly face. Of course. He had stolen your phone during lunch. Then - Scott and Stiles. More Scott and Stiles. Then, pictures of your outfit that you had taken in the bathroom that morning at school. Then - wait, what?
A picture of you naked.
Allison's insides tensed.
It was a gorgeous picture of you, and though she felt a twinge of guilt over the fact that she knew she wasn't supposed to see it, she couldn't stop staring. You were laying on your bed, the morning sun pouring in through the curtains - it had probably been taken before school that morning. The picture showed everything from your collar bones to the tops of your thighs, your arm holding the camera high up to get a good angle of your amazing body.
Your breasts relaxed and your nipples peaked (it had to be from you teasing them up for the picture and not from the cold air, your room was always soft and cozy), your stomach so wonderfully soft, your pussy on display - showing off the dusting of pubic hair that you had their. Your knees pressed together, presenting your thighs in a soft, alluring position.
It made Allison's throat dry.
Before she could even think to keep looking for what she had actually needed, you came back into the room.
"Hey," You grinned at her as you moved to sit by her feet at the end of the bed. "You find it."
One thing that Allison knew by now - lying was useless and something she absolutely hated. You were one person in her life that she upheld honesty with as her greatest treasure.
"No." She said, taking a moment to re-moisten her mouth with saliva before she continued. "But - I found this."
She turned the phone screen toward you and your jaw dropped slightly before snapping shut again with a harsh sound.
"Oh." You breathed out. "That." You paused for a moment. "I - uh. Sorry you had to see that."
You took back your phone from her and locked it, staring at the floor with shame.
"I'm not." Allison said quickly. "You - you look beautiful."
It would be a few days before you fully unpacked what she had meant by this. Even Allison herself still hadn't fully acknowledged that she felt anything more than friendship for you.
You nodded. "Thank you." You took another moment. "I - just - I'm sorry it's awkward."
Allison nodded. She wasn't sure why she didn't feel as awkward as you did.
"Well - who was it for?" She couldn't help but to wonder.
She could only assume that you had taken the picture with the intention to send it to someone.
"Um, well... it was for Jackson." You told her.
The two of you had been texting a lot more frequently since he had broken up with Lydia.
Allison frowned.
"You are way too good for him." She insisted.
And that was the comment that stuck in your mind - that truly got you thinking about what your relationship with Allison meant.
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edith-hyde · 8 months
Hey, I don't know if you still up for it ot whether you have some rules about requests, but I've seen your post about doing Peter Hale x reader and others. And I'd really like to see your general dating headcanons with Peter Hale or Chris Argent💛
I've got so many ideas for a Peter Hale series! I hope to start posting it eventually. I will gladly do a dating headcanons for him. And I'll throw in Chris too. Everything here will be safe for work, of course. Enjoy!
Dating Peter Hale
He was so scared to tell you the truth about what he was, but when you found out, you didn't care.
He loves showing off his money. Expect expensive gifts.
But he's not a fan of huge crowds, so no big fancy dinners. He much prefers to eat in private with just the two of you. Or maybe at some small place.
Does NOT like candle lit dinners. Nor a yule log at Christmas. Or grilling out.
You and he learn how to cook together because he's so used to just buying all his meals. There's a lot of burned chicken, but also a lot of joy and laughter and making out in the kitchen. (That's why it burned.)
He's very touch starved. When you first start dating, he flinches every time you touch him. It takes some time, but eventually he can't keep himself from reaching for your hand or laying on your shoulder. He's heavy but you're fine with it.
He wants to make all the plans so you don't have to worry about anything. Just trust him to know what's best.
If you have family, they probably aren't too fond of him. He brings expensive wine to get-togethers though, so that might put him in their good graces if they like that kind of thing. If not, he'll depend on his usual charms. It might take awhile, but they'd eventually accept that he's here to stay.
Expect calls in the middle of the night. Or he might just show up. He doesn't sleep well and he needs comfort from the nightmares. If he hasn't slept the night before, he will curl up in your lap on your sofa and sleep. Stroking his hair really helps. When he's truly comfortable with you, he's prone to just falling asleep just so long as you're somewhere nearby. He especially likes to nap while you're driving.
Loves to just walk with you in the woods.
He's surprisingly knowledgeable about furniture and helps you decorate your house or apartment.
He wants everyone to know that you belong to him. He purposefully nuzzles into your hair to leave his scent on you. He loves giving you his jacket too. All the werewolves in town know you're taken.
Despite his bravado, he's constantly worried that you're going to leave him. He needs regular assurances that you love him.
He gets jealous easily. Your guy friends might wanna watch out. And you might have to have a long talk with Peter and get it through his head that they're not a threat to your relationship. Once he's 100% sure, this calms down. But he still doesn't like men fliting with you.
You help him rebuild his relationship with Malia and he loves you even more for it. The three of you sometimes get together and do dinner. You're there to console her when she and Scott break up and you have to keep Peter from going to LA and trying to kill Scott for a third time.
He constantly brags about having you to Derek and anyone else who will listen.
He will listen to you rant about work and the people that bother you. Then he'll offer to take them out. You assume he's joking, but sometimes, if they really upset you, he totally means it.
He will show up at your work and pester you. It's distracting, but you love seeing him.
His name for you in his phone is "My Queen".
He gives great skin care advice and has a wonderful sense of fashion. Also knows all the best hair care products. He loves to take you shopping for new stuff and buys everything. He gets broody if you won't let him shower you in gifts.
Sometimes when he's emotional, his eyes will turn blue and he will turn away because he's worried about scaring you. When you kiss him despite his fangs, he knows you truly don't care. You're even kinda into it much to his amusement.
If he upsets you, expect a huge vase of flowers. If you're not a flowers person, he gets chocolates or some kind of jewelry. He knows he can't buy your affections, but that isn't going to stop him from trying. He will eventually give a proper apology, but he hates admitting that he was wrong. Consider yourself lucky if he does.
Dating Chris Argent
He's the sweetest thing on the planet. His tired blue eyes and sad smile make you melt every time.
He lights up every time he sees you.
He lets you pick where you go to dinner, though he usually surprises you with a home made meal. This man can cook and you love it.
Brings you coffee or hot chocolate almost every morning.
Mows your grass and fixes your car for you without being asked.
You like to watch him clean his guns after a mission.
Sometimes comes home with some pretty gnarly wounds. You always clean him up and make him promise it won't happen again. But it keeps happening anyways. He hates to make you worry, but he has a job to do.
Early in your relationship, he constantly tries to run. He's afraid that if you love him, you'll die like everyone else has. It takes you awhile, but you eventually manage to convince him that you're not going anywhere.
Date night is just diner and a movie on his couch. He's not a fan of hanging out in public. But he will go to the park with you on sunny days. If you have an interest in guns, he'll take you to a shooting range.
He likes to just dance with you around the kitchen when he's in a really good mood.
He takes you on trips to France after you've been together for awhile, and shows you all the best places away from the crowds.
If you have any family, they are wary of him at first, but then they love him. He's so respectful. Your mom wants you to marry him tomorrow.
He has some trouble sleeping and can often be found sitting on his back porch, having a beer at night. If you show up, he finds it easier to get some rest.
He will always do his best to keep you safe. He might even train you how to fight if you ask.
If he does train you, you like to distract him while sparring by kissing him. It works every time.
He often has Scott and his friends over for dinner. You love having so many fun people around.
In a perfect world, Isaac comes and visits often and once accidentally calls you mom. Chris thinks it's hilariously adorable.
If he upsets you, he gives a sincere apology. You can't stay mad at those sad blue eyes no matter how hard you try.
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loverslodge · 8 days
Trusting Love
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Summery: You are a nemeton born prophet and Stiles maybe had a difficulty trusting you while you kept on falling in love with him
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Warnings: mention of trauma, angst, fluff
A/N: this is my very first work. very excited to dive into writing the world of fanfictions that have occupied my brain.
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The fight with Nogitsune had ended. Stiles had returned to his pack and Scott was glad to have his best friend back. but there was still tension between them. unsaid, they both were under a guilt. Stiles was living with the guilt of harming his pack while Scott was guilty of not being the friend he used to be.
But in that scene, there was someone else too. You. You became their friends when you came new to the school. But your new arrival was overshadowed by Kira’s arrival, the clumsy kitsune who immediately became a big part of the pack. You were brought into this mess when Deaton found a birthmark on your shoulder that looked like Nemeton. You had walked in the animal clinic with your cat for her routine checkup when this happened. Deaton helped find the displaced feeling of belonging in you. He helped you with the research that determined that you were born of Nemeton and that made you a beacon to the supernatural as well. That made you understand why you kept on having strange prophetic visions. They would come to you when you least expected them. But one of those visions saved Allison Argent, the anchor and soulmate of the pack’s alpha.
That’s how you met the pack and that is how you know how Scott and Stiles are feeling towards each other. Something in you wanted to make things right but the distance between the two kept on growing and the anxiety of not being close enough to either of them to talk about this was also not helpful. Soon, Scott had a beta Liam and the distance grew.
Stiles was always there for Scott though and you saw that. Your eyes, involuntarily, would always follow Stiles. You knew that Stiles was deeply into Lydia and now was dating Malia, who was the first one to lend you a friendly hand other than Kira. The girls of the pack had taken you in quicker than the boys which you understood.
But hearing good things about you drew in the boys one by one except Scott who trusted you as soon as you saved Allison. It started with Issac when you helped him get hold of his wolf because he hallucinated that he was trapped in a closed space. It came to you as a surprise when Derek started trusting you after you rushed into his loft and dragged him out before he would blow up along with his house. Liam came to you one day with a little claw problem but you fixed it up by helping him get out of his own head. Even Parrish took a liking to you when you helped him get closer to discovering who he is by providing vital information. It was Stiles who took his sweet time. He had gone through so much so you understood his distance, especially when you were born of the thing that nearly killed him and his friends.
Lydia was the first one to tell you that she knows you have a crush on Stiles. Allison overheard her and now she knows too. The three of you decided not to tell anything to Kira because of her clumsiness. She is more likely to spill secrets than turn into an actual fox which was a high possibility and telling Malia was completely out of the question.
Pack meetings would happen often and being that close to Stiles was getting out of hand. Your brain would fuzz up and your heart won't calm down. Every supernatural in the room probably knows about the raised heartbeat by now. It was Scott who held you back after the meeting. Lydia was waiting for you in her car. “Is everything alright?” Scott asked you worriedly. “Yes I am fine. Nothing is wrong. Everything is ok.” You rambled before stopping yourself.
Stiles walked into the room to talk to Scott and your heart skipped a beat. Scott’s eyes widened and you knew he found out. Before he could say anything, you jumped up and took off without a second glance. You sit in the car with Lydia when you let your mind drift to Stiles. You have always wanted to know what he thought about you. You muster the courage to ask Lydia to do you a little favour. She smirked as if she already saw your question coming and agreed to follow up on it. But you had to meet Stiles, way before you got the answer.
You became the pack historian and researcher along with Stiles. Because of your lack of superpowers except prophetic visions, you weren’t exactly an active member on the field. Stiles, having more experience than you since the beginning of the tale, held a bit of a superiority to you regarding research and history. So you decided to do something about your lack of work. You pulled a few all nighters but finally finished writing the tale of true alpha and his pack with utter detail.
You brought your document with you when you had to work one on one with Stiles. It was last minute really. Till the last moment, you thought Scott and Allison were joining, mostly to help you stay focused. But now, here you are, with a bit of a grumpy Stiles and fuzzed brained you in Stiles’ kitchen. Even his dad had a night shift tonight so it was literally just the two of you.
The papers were scattered all over the counter and all the books you could find on the topic were also all over the counter and dining table. Stiles was standing near his crime board. He looked so hot. Not to be crass but you could not think anymore! Your research abandoned, your eyes roamed all over his body. You did not realize and you are pretty sure nobody else has that Stiles had started growing muscles. His freckles spread across his face and arms made him look like covered in stars. His hair looked so soft and silky, you wanted to run your hands through them. His eyes narrowed in concentration and the crinkle on his forehead made you wish you could kiss it away. His lips, oh dear his lips were so kissable. You could not move on from his lips till you heard him clear his throat.
Stiles was looking at you with raised eyebrows. You stood up from the chair and walked to the kitchen counter. “Here, see this? This is the closest to what we have been looking into. I think this is the direction we should go with.” You point to the chapter in the book and few other printed pages that match your story.
You were so much trying to avoid his eyes that you didn't realize when he stood near you, almost enveloping you into his arms. You were trapped between his arms. His chin almost rested over your shoulder and his chest squishing you against the counter. You suddenly became more aware of the situation. Was he doing this on purpose? Does he like you? Did he know you are in love with him and was teasing you?
You straightened yourself and turned around just to find his lips almost on yours. You look up to see his eyes on your lips. Your thoughts, barely formed, are shattered, when Stiles’ lips meet yours. Your eyes close itself and your lips kiss him back. Your hands make their way to his neck and pull him even closer. His one hand wraps around your waist and the other holds your face. The kiss grew heated, urgent. His hand slipped in your shirt but just to hold you tighter. You finally had the chance to roam your hands in his hair. Your breathing was going ragged and his scent had filled in your heart.
He slowly pulled away and looked right in your eyes. You were looking for questions but he was not going to answer them. The look in his eyes was bright enough to tell you that what happened was a mistake and should never have happened. You pick up your bag and laptop and walk out of the door leaving Stiles standing right where it happened.
You told Lydia, Scott and Allison everything. You knew that Stiles had told Scott about what had happened and you knew that Scott knew what Stiles was feeling. But you did not want to know. Your fear of rejection had taken over you and you left the question at the back of your mind.
Stiles did everything to avoid you. Even in the classroom, he pretended to study. You sighed and dragged yourself through the day. The kiss just won't leave your mind. It gave you tingles, butterflies, hell, the whole zoo was still jumping in you every time you think about it. You confess to yourself that you were aroused. Not that it was shocking since thinking of Stiles was usually your way to enjoy yourself. You did research on your own and forwarded your findings to Scott.
Lydia tried to talk to you about Stiles but you cut her off and told her you were not in the mood. Two weeks had passed since the kiss and every time you saw Stiles, he avoided you very obviously. Scott would always look at you apologetically before running off after Stiles. The pack divided itself into two. Malia was also nowhere to be seen. You wanted to talk to her. You wanted her to know that stealing Stiles was never your intention. You talked to Kira as well. She understood why you did not tell her and forgave you. Allison, Lydia and Kira arranged an intervention for Malia to get her to talk to you. Malia would not say anything. She lets you finish talking for the first time before jumping to conclusion. Once you were done, she sighed and held your hand. She told you that she had broken up with Stiles way before any of this happened. Stiles had grown distant and the pack took up so much of their time, that a breakup made much more sense. She told you she figured you liked him but did not say anything till you told her yourself. It seemed that things were healing around you.
Scott had run out of patience. He wanted Stiles to not mop around and so he gathered the rest of the pack and ran a plan. He trapped you and Stiles in Derek’s loft. Derek was against it but then again, he wasn't exactly around to oppose. Scott told you that this is an important pack meeting and this time you cannot avoid Stiles. You said yes. You showed up only to have the loft door locked behind you. You look around to find Stiles sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.
You walk up to him and ask him if he is alright. He looks up and you see tired eyes. Worry take over you and sit next to him with your hand on his back, caressing him. “Are you alright? You need to sleep, Stiles.” Your soft voice makes Stiles look at you. “Why, Y/N?” he whispered. “Why what?” His question confused you. “Why did you let me kiss you? Why did that kiss leave me senseless? Why do I trust you even though I don't want to? Why?” Stiles’ questions stumped you.
“I cannot answer any of those questions but one. I let you kiss me because I wanted you to.” You gulped. It was time to tell him how you felt and you were not going to hold back today. “I let you kiss me because I am in love with you.” You move away from Stiles, ready for rejection.
You feel his hand on your wrist and before you know, he pulls you on him. His head rests on the armrest of the sofa and your face lands very close to his face. He wraps his arms around you and traps you on him. Your eyes widen. You don't know what has gotten over Stiles. He lifts his head and brushes his lips against yours. You capture his lips and hold his face. You lay his head on the armrest and this time, you control the pace.
The kiss was slow, soft. Stiles put his hand in your hair, angling you towards more passion. His other arm lifts your shirt and snakes his arm around your exposed waist. The kiss got more urgent but you wanted to hear Stiles say that he at least liked you. But Stiles’ kiss would not let you. He moved his lips from your lips to your neck. Your moans fill up the empty loft. He nibbles your neck, trying to leave a mark. You run your hand through his hair and your moans vibrate in his ears. Satisfied, he kisses your cheek and lifts your face to look you in the eye.
“I do like you. It might take me time to reach love but I would like to be your boyfriend. I really do like you.” He sits up with you still on his lap. He leans his forehead on yours and kisses the tip of your nose.
“Maybe this is why you trust me?” You brush his hair in place. His hands in your hair, detangling them. His soft gaze is on her. He cannot believe he was ignoring his feelings all this time.
He saw the pack trust you but the Nogitsune had messed him up. He wanted to talk to you but the pack was always near you and then he started dating Malia, just because. Maybe he wanted her attention. He got jealous seeing her talking to other pack members. It made him question if he was good enough for her. He had lost opportunities. Malia breaking up with him was probably the best thing that happened to him. The night they had to research together, he was thrilled. He pretended to stare at the crime board longer than necessary when he saw you staring at him. He liked how it made him feel. He couldn't hold himself back. He had to kiss you and he did. It felt like a relief, like he could finally breathe. And now, after a long time agonizing, thanks to Scott, he was able to kiss her again and tell her he wanted to be with her.
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emo-nova · 3 months
Update time for some good ol' Teen Wolf, ig? i'm on episode 7 of season 2, and now I am definitely seeing some clips that i saw that was making me interested in the show as well as aspects within the fandom spaces.
Never understood the whole idea of Pack mom Stiles thing until I saw Stiles basically be the first to clock that 1, she is in seizure, 2, she may have an issue with the kanima venom (more than others) and 3, to be able to help her he needs to go to Derek cause Scott defo doesn't know. I didn't see it in the beginning, but I can see what people are seeing in it.
Another aspect, Stiles predicting Matt as the villain was such a rewarding scene. Mainly because I have been spoiled, I don't mind them, sometimes I actively look for them to see how the writers handle certain characters plus a summary isn't always true to what actually happened depending on interpretations.
You know what wasn't? Stiles' dad not being told. Or Melissa. Can these two be in on it now? Please? I'm mildly done with the charades on both ends mainly because the friction between two parties is simply miscommunication, plus it would be interesting to have Stiles' be open to this now so that we can see more of a struggle for the Stilinski family when the Sheriff *carries on* heading into danger when he knows. Same with Melissa, I think it would help create more stakes, but it will needed to be handled with care, that she can notice when a patient might have been involved with the supernatural which she can tell the sheriff. It'll make a good feedback loop for the adults, me thinks.
Onto Scott and Alison, I am noticing the writers are now ramping up a more heaviness to their relationship. This is no longer about puppy love but genuine wanting to carry on together, on both ends. And the touch with Jackson being used as the mouthpiece of the writers to foreshadow something more sinister lurking within Alison's future and her decisions. I honestly can not wait for Alison's either degression or progression as a character, as an aspiring writer who likes to study stories of any kind, I would have her digress to create a more nuance version of her character especially with her and Scott creating friction between each other. The friction I'm talking about is Alison's fear of being truly hopeless, unable to actually help herself out of a situation, this could be due to her being raised to be independent and to be a leader within the Argents. Scott on the other hand has a total Hero Complex, wanting to save as many people as possible, yada yada (mild affection now, he's grown on me), wants to be there for Alison *always* which contradicts Alison's want of independence.
Derek, so far, has been following a characterisation I would do for him (after that abysmal training set) cautious and careful with his betas, almost paranoid about their safety with mild disregard for his own in time of the full moon. I would like to see more Boyd though, you have an entire episode on him, and he doesn't get to appear in that scene??? BS, I want Boyd, Erica and Isaac have a moment of annoyance at Derek for being so careful with them. Would I have Derek explain to them why he's so cautious? Not fully, no, I would have Derek explain simply "I am your leader, I look after you and train you. And I need to look after you by ensuring you don't get caught between the Kamina and the Hunters."
Let Derek be a vague, paranoidly responsible Alpha that noticed that his first method didn't help for shit and changing the curriculum for these three because Scott's training was a *mess* and not some fucking dictator alpha guy. But knowing the writing team they most likely will mishandle Derek's character like a child given a machete in the garden which is disappointing.
That's all I got so far, but enjoy my ranting about what happened so far.
Also thank you to the kind soul that told me the timeline of season 1 and 2, I didn't realise that it was such short periods of time! Thank you again :)
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kingdoms-and-empires · 11 months
Kingdoms and Empires Wiki Drop!
Sup guys, im releasing what i have done in the wiki today! In this post im only going to talk about the Wiki because I dont want to create an even more massive wall of text here than it already is. Please see the entire post on the forums thread!!! I solidified the lore (which means no more massive changes), set the foundations to the story (so i dont end up writing a shit ton and having to fucking rewrite everything anymore), and pretty much rewrote the canon lore until i reached a point where i literally cannot share it because itd be spoilers without the future rewrite (regarding the worldbuilding, all introduced characters and such are still the same, some just had minor tweeks, so nothing crazy like changing our old bodyguard Mary:
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and turning her into our childhood friend lmao So the plan now is current wiki drop. A good amount of it will be hidden since alot of it is spoilers, so you get 39,174 thousand words of unlocked content out of about 50k words in the wiki. And that's without me transferring 90% of the Codex ingame to the wiki, so its ALL (okay like 85%) new words of content and lore! Dont worry, im dropping literally all extra work and focusing purely on playable updates now until i regain your guy's trust in me after being so radio silent.
I also know and recognize that this has gotta be annoying asf since what you guys really want is updates but after what happened with the Total War franchise (my beloved) and their lightning fast content pipeline and lack of upgrading their engine ended up destroying the health of the company and ruining fans trust in em, id rather invest on the long term than short term unlike them (meaning id rather have a set story, narrative line complete, and research resources so that i can use that to run wild in writing).
I made a history of the world as known to them, so much of it is subject to embellishment, lies, and "the victor writes history" trope.
Historia Mundis
If you'd rather just have the list of articles that can be found within the timeline though, here it is: The Great Disturbances, Wars of Unification, and the Longwei Empire
Reign of the Daishu Dynasty
Ecumenical Dominion and the Flight of the Belthean People.
Belthean Migrations
Reign of Emperor Garland
Reign of Emperor Daerin I
Reign of Emperor Valerion
Reign of Emperor Elric I
Reign of Emperor Cenric
Reign of Emperor Saldwin
Reign of Emperor Elric II
Reign of Emperor Daerin II
The Interactive Outdated Map Yeahhh almost as soon as i published the map for the patreons it became outdated lmaoooo Nareth is much bigger than originally imagined, Argent is surrounded by mountain and forest tribes (think Hispania’s Lusitanian Wars or the Germanic Tribes type of vibe). The empire (being Imperial Chinese and Persian Empire inspired) also is surrounded by the these tribes, and the Imperial Province of Lymark is now the “Protectorate of the Western Regions” which basically means theyre the watchdogs of Western Nareth. Its funny because theyre also across the St. Hytera River, which is much like the Danube River, and will inevitably face the same issues Rome did with Dacia when they had a presence that extended the natural borders.
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Master List of Articles
The Evolution of Belthean Civilization
Veldora Duchy I may have gone too far here. I regret nothing and learning about agriculture and stuff was awesome.
Silverhill Duchy Mining is alot more complicated than I thought, though Engineering MC is gonna have equally alot to improve!
Imperial Ranks The ranks will have importance. I know that sounds weird, but I did not spend an afternoon writing this just for the lulz.
Imperial Crown Heir
Imperial Prince and Princess
Imperial Duke/Duchess
Imperial Count/Countess
The Imperial Landed Knight
The Belthean Empire The biggest entry from the ingame Codex that I transferred over and polished. This should give you a hint of how ill do the other kingdoms in the future for their article.
Kin of Arava I experimented here and instead of making an actual article, made it a class lecture of a series of days focusing on the Kin with a racist professor lmao
Zera Arava So i had to do this in intervals as I was writing and plotting out his side stories. Honestly hope i did the homie justice, he's a fav of mine, though i think each of the ROs will be favs as I write more and more about them.
Sacred Dance I assure you the Sacred Dance isnt what you think it is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patreons, you guys already read the below list. However ive cleaned the articles up and polished them! The Genesis of the Belthean Empire: From Invasion to Unification
Voryn Resdayn I wanted to see how i could make a character entry. It looks awesome, but holy fuck do they take time to create lmaooo, ill make the rest of them in the future.
Kin of Arava
Eastern Kin The descendants of Kin and Beltheans who mixed, that are settled within the empire.
House Resdayn Wanted to see how I could do the houses, still unsure (okay i dont like it) of how it came out. Hence why I started with a minor house that one of the RO's belonged to.
The Astute Emperor and the Imperial Provincial Rule: A Revolutionary Shift in Governance
Master-Scholars of Jelaytha The Jelaythan organization of scholars that Master Feren is from.
Post-Unification Transformations in the Belthean Empire: Trade, Economy, Industry, and Immigration in the Wake of Conquest
Imperial Historians Obviously the imperial faction that wants to get their hands on tutoring you lmao.
Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium The Jelaythan/Imperial organization at the forefront of the intellectual international community.
Tripartite Alliance Read what the empire is teaching their citizens about how they conquered the alliance.
The Satrap System and Imperial Provincial Rule
The Great Racist of the Academy: Imperial Historian Acillus Cinna
The Sword Saint
Master-Scholar Kaleb
The Gleaming Horizon: Silverhill's Maritime Supremacy The book of a writer who we'll meet ingame. Youll decide whether or not to bully him as a 12 year old lmao.
Baniel Worthton The author of above said book. He even wrote about himself. Yes, it's supposed to be an ick.
The Ulrich Cothon The second book of his that'll feature in the game.
So…I guess in basketball or futbol terms… rebuilding phase is over, and i got all the players i need for a championship run!
It was an almost year long rebuilding phase, true, but omg it was so needed.
Plus I also learned alot of fucking coding at the same time lmao. Basically a lot of tweaking around with Choicescript and knowing how to code some actions. Also there's CoG implementing a new checkpoint system so thank fuck for that because this game's gonna be huge and id hate to play it without a save system.
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
Favorite Niece
Derek Hale x Fem!Argent!reader
Other Characters: Kate Argent, Allison Argent (mentioned), McCall Pack (mentioned)
Warnings: cannon level violence, but nothing too bad, Derek tied up, slight S1E11 spoilers
Summary: She is the older sister of Allison Argent and, unlike her sister, knows all about the supernatural world. What happens when her aunt visits and happens to capture her boyfriend?
Word count: 1,650
My family was well known in the hunter community. Each member was trained either as a hunter, or a leader. My mother was the leader in our family, until time came for me or my little sister to take her place. Allison and I had just moved to Beacon Hills with our parents. She was a sophomore while I was a few months away from finishing my senior year. My little sister still didn’t know too much about the supernatural world we lived in, but me, my aunt Kate had been teaching and mentoring me for years.
She saw the world in a much different light than I did though. She believed that anything supernatural should be killed, while I, on the other hand, thought that those living in peace and protecting their own people and spaces shouldn’t be put down.
When we first moved here, I met Derek Hale while out in the woods, practicing my knife throwing. He had stopped running when he heard my frustrated yells and curses, coming over to investigate and make sure no one was hurt. We were instantly drawn together, neither of us wanting to stay away from each other for more than a few hours. The fact that I came from a family of hunters was one of the first topics that came up when we first got together. When I assured him that I saw the world in a vastly different way than my family, he and I became inseparable.
Everyone in the hunting world knew the Hale’s, and their story. I didn’t want to believe that someone could be horrible enough to trap a family in their house and let them burn. But when Derek opened up and told me about the night of the fire, about the pain he went through after losing his entire family, I swore off hunting completely.
Now, we had been together for nearly half a year, and when my aunt Kate came into town to visit, Derek and I had to keep things even quieter than usual. Scott and Stiles both knew Derek and I were together, but we had them keep things to themselves when my baby sister began hanging around with the three of us and Derek.
“Hi there my beautiful niece.” Kate smiled widely as she came into my room. I set my notebook down and turned around in my chair, making sure my phone was face down so she couldn’t see my messages.
“Hey Aunt Kate.” I smiled back at her, hoping she couldn’t feel my anxiety rolling off my body in heavy waves. I hadn’t been able to get a hold of Derek for hours, and with the small group of hunters in town, I was overly nervous.
“You at a good place for a break?” She nodded back to my homework. “I wanna show you something.”
“Umm.” I closed my laptop after saving my English report. “Yeah, I can stop for the night.” I slipped my boots on and grabbed by burnt orange sweater as I followed her out the front door. “Mom, dad, Aunt Kate is kidnapping me for the night. Love you!” I yelled back into the house before getting in the car. “So, where are we going?”
“I have a surprise for you.” She had been teaching me more and more about the hunting world as I had been trying to keep her off my back with my relationship with Derek. “You’ve been making so much progress in your training with me. I can’t believe how quickly you picked up knife throwing, and I swear you’re a natural shooter, so I thought I would surprise you with a very easy first hunt.”
My blood ran cold, and it felt like my heart stopped beating. “What do you mean? You know how I feel about hunting.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “I know, but you’ll have to get over it eventually. What if something comes after your baby sister one day?” Threatening Allison like that made my entire body freeze. She knew how protective I was over my little sister, how I’d do anything to keep her safe and out of the hunting world if I could. My dad had just started teaching Allison the basics, so the thought of her being thrown into hunting like I was scared the hell out of me. “You need to know how to protect yourself and your sister.”
She opened her door and got out of the car. When did we stop? “Where are we?” I followed behind her, not being able to see much as we wondered through the darkness, only to stop in the basement of what I recognized to be the Hale house. “Aunt Kate?” My heart was pounding as I followed her farther into the basement, only to come to a room with Derek chained up to a metal frame, wires connecting the metal to the circuit box on the wall, my curious eyes widening in shock and fear.
“Surprise!” She gave me a wide grin and held her arms to her side, effectively making Derek jump awake and his eyes land on my face. “What better way to kick off your hunting life than to take out one of the most famous werewolves in Beacon Hills?”
My breathing was a bit heavier as I stared at Derek. His side was bandaged up, the wires of the circuit box disappearing under the black tape, and he looked like he hadn’t sept in days. I knew Kate had been torturing him, probably sending too much electricity through his body as her way of getting him to talk and not letting him heal properly. “You...you want me to kill Derek Hale?” I looked at my aunt like she was crazy.
“Yes!” She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and dragged me closer to the werewolf. Derek bared his teeth and growled at my aunt. “See, he’s just so feisty.” She didn’t know he was trying to protect me, not himself.
“Derek?” My voice was soft, my aunt taking it as disbelief, not my fear for his life. “I can’t do this. He never did anything to me.”
Kate rolled her eyes at me, dropping her arm and going over to the circuit switch. “Sure, you can. You just have to take the first few steps.” I hadn’t taken my eyes off of his, until I heard a small click, and Derek tensed up in pain, a loud roar tearing through his chest.
“No, no, Aunt Kate, stop! Stop!” I shrieked, running over to her table, and flipping the switch off. Derek relaxed back against the metal wall, a breath of relief falling from his lips. “Stop.”
“Oh, come on sweetheart, he’s a monster. Our family, we hunt them down to make sure they won’t ever hurt anyone.” My eyes were wide as I stared at Derek, his bare chest heaving as he took in all the air he could before my aunt would turn the machine back on.
“He hasn’t hurt anyone though.”
“But he will!” Her voice was getting louder and louder, almost yelling at me. “You need to understand that werewolves are dangerous and need to be put down.”
I was silent for what felt like hours, both Kate and Derek looking at me, waiting for my answer. “Ok.” I sighed. “You want me to kill him, fine. But I don’t want you breathing down my neck telling me I’m doing something wrong. Go wait in the car.” I had to convince her that I would go through with it. My fingers trailed over the black handgun sitting beside the machine on the table, slightly trembling. “Please, just let me do this my way.”
A proud smile covered her face as my eyes dropped to the ground. “Alright! I knew you were my favorite niece for a reason.” She clapped her hands together. “I’ll see you outside in twenty minutes.” Kate turned and walked out of the house. I didn’t move until I heard the car door shut behind her, then I moved quickly up to Derek’s side.
“Derek?” I placed my hands on his cheeks, turning his face to look at me. “Look at me, please.”
“Why? You wanna look into my eyes as you kill me? I knew it wasn’t real.” The pain in his words broke my heart.
My eyes filled with tears and I held onto his cheeks just a bit tighter. “Derek, I am nothing like my aunt. She is crazy and thinks anything supernatural should be killed. I can’t do that. I could never do that, especially not to you. I sent her out so I could get you free, so I could save you.” My hands smoothed down his sweaty hair. “Please, Derek, you gotta believe me. I could never hurt you.”
“You do this, and it’s not just Kate that will come after you. It’s all her hunter friends, your mom and dad, maybe even your sister someday. You’re ok with that?” His eyes locked on mine, listening to my heart for a change in pace.
“For you?” I smiled softly, resting my head against his. “Anything.” He leaned forward, pressing a searing kiss to my lips before I pulled away. “You see a key?”
He rolled his eyes. “Move.” I listened to his order, stepping back, and watching his movements carefully. Derek planted his feet, balled his hands into fists, and threw his arms forward, snapping the metal cuffs off his wrists and tearing the black bandage from his side. “Now let’s get out of here.”
“Just a second.” My feet carried me up in front of him, my hands resting around his neck as I pulled him down for another kiss. His arms came to wrap around me, pulling me closer to his chest for a moment before leaning back and taking my hand in his. “You scared the hell out of me.”
A car door slammed outside the old Hale house. “We need to go.”
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shockinglyangel · 7 months
MATURE (kinda)
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you stood in front of the blonde slithering, a few of his friends trying to hold back the laughs, Draco had only moments before rejected your advances of being your date to the Yule ball.
He claimed to have already gotten a date, though you knew well that he was only that morning complaining about no one wanting to go with him.
"Oh no it's fine, it doesn't matter." You lied through gritted teeth, trying not to make it obvious.
His friends hit one another and doubled out in laughter as you walked away and back to your dorm, you couldn't see why he wouldn't want to go to the ball with you, you were beautiful, kind, thoughtful, you would make an excellent partner and he would be lucky to have you.
"It'll work next time." You placed a short kiss onto your wall, the one you had decorated with Malfoy's face, pictures he probably didn't even know that existed painted your walls, some of him in class, others while he was sleeping. All the ones you had taken.
And God you couldn't wait to show him.
"Hi Theo!" you walked over to him with a large smile, a box of chocolate hidden behind your back, he was stood next to his friends - the well-known group of Slytherins.
"Hi?" he slightly questioned your presence, he truly didn't know who you are and wasn't sure if you wanted to find out.
Have you handed him the box and claimed it to have been a present for him for catching the snitch at last night's Quidditch practice.
he received them with a small smile and thanked you with a head nod, you skipped off happily, making your way out of the building where you would wait for your plan to work.
It didn't take long before the boy was grovelling for your attention, telling you how much he cared for you and wanted you in his life.
Amortentia sure does work.
Blaise was picky when it came to who he gave his heart to, he had rejected you a few months back, he told you there was nothing wrong with you and it was simply just a clash of interest.
You thought you could get into his good books by helping him look for his beloved bunny which had gone missing.
He appreciated your help since none of his friends saw it an argent issue and having you by his side was a distraction from the motherly concern he was wrapped up in.
Blaise placed the last of the posters on the wall and turned to face you. "I really appreciate your help today Y/N, you're a lifesaver." He gave you a smile.
You moved closer to him. I'm sure we'll find Apollo tomorrow Zabini," you leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek which he returned with a flushed face. "Good night."
You made your way into your dorm and laid down on your bed, your hands behind your head as you fell into deep fantasies of you and Blaise.
A rattling was heard from under your bed, you lightly hit the metal bars of the cage. "Silence Apollo, I'll take you home tomorrow."
Mattheo riddle, the son of Voldemort himself, he was a beautiful man, dangerous by nature, but God did he look lovely.
You followed him on his way to the astronomy tower where he was meeting up with some Gryffindor girl, he had a bottle of alcohol in his hand, eager to see the girl he was intending to.
Jealousy was a disease and I had made you it's victim, you felt your blood rush when you saw her and her blonde hair, she was gorgeous and they looked good together, it was torture.
You watched in disgust as their lips met, you could only hope that you'd get to experience the heaven that is the case of Mattheo, perhaps it would even kill you in an instant, either way - you longed for his touch.
Mattheo had rejected you only a couple of years ago, claiming your ways of charming him were creepy, though you didn't agree, you thought everyone had voodoo dolls of their favourite people.
Lorenzo might as well have been labelled the most wanted Slytherin for all you cared, so many girls were praying to be in his presence and you for sure wanted him, that was clear.
You sat next to him in Transfiguration class, you'd become friends since the start of the year and you enjoyed each other's presence.
You told Lorenzo how you felt and he repaid you with a sorrowful smile, he'd mentioned that his heart had already been captured by a Slytherin girl.
You were completely heartbroken and now vulnerable, he wouldn't want to be friends with someone who had feelings for him.
So you did the only thing logical. You stood in the room of requirement, something you are sure Lorenzo now regret showing you, you would ask him if he wasn't too busy tied up in a chair - soft cries leaving his lips as he looks down at the lifeless body belonging to a black head girl in Slytherin robes laying in front of him.
You'd memorise Tom's entire schedule, making sure you could see him in the hallways to every class, you only wanted to make sure he wasn't with anyone else of course.
Today was a random Wednesday, you should defence against the dark arts class with Tom, normally he stood beside you, eager to throw some sort of overpowered spell at his opponent during the duels.
Though today Riddle hadn't come to class. And from what you remembered, this was his favourite and there would be no way he wouldn't miss it.
Trying to ignore the emptiness in your heart caused by Tom's absence you made your way into the girls toilets, you found yourself staring at your reflection in the mirror when something hit you, it was a say it was as if a shock of death run through your body, you fell back in an instant - you couldn't tell if you were bleeding out or not.
"That'll teach you for keeping tabs on me."
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Derek Hale x reader - always beside you
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One hand holding the edge of the rooftop you were on, the other outstretched you looked around the corner as the beta werewolf came running around.
His gaze snapped up, and he changed his direction, jumping in the trash can, he pushed himself and grabbed your hand, letting you fling him up with all his strength.
Once he was up, you pulled yourself up and stood up, holding your hand out to him with a small grin.
“How’d you find me?”
“You have a… particular scent.” You shrugged.
Your yellow eyes burned into his blue ones as you waited for him to take your hand.
Finally he did, and you gripped it tightly as you looked back at the ledge where the hunters were trying to get up then back at Derek.
“Come on!”
You tugged him and started running.
Derek ran just behind you, letting you drag him wherever it was you were leading him to.
You jumped from building to building, laughing loudly as you did, you could hear the hunters crying out to get you both, and the normal humans confused and yelling for someone to call the police.
“We’re running out of rooftops (Y/N)!” Derek yelled.
“I know, it’s why I’m going to do this!”
On the last rooftop, you braced your feet, and swung him around, making him run even faster as you flung him over the huge gap.
Derek landed with a thud and a groan in the other side and rolled a few times before he stopped.
He sat up and looked at you in worry.
“Come on!” He called.
You shook your head.
“Go find Scott! I’ll be cool!”
Derek watched as you climbed down from the building, landing in the busy street you grinned as you started to weave in and out of people, barely touching them as you made your way between them all.
The hunters seemed to forget about him as they started to chase you, and Derek ran alongside you on the rooftops as he glanced down to make sure you were okay.
When he was sure you’d be okay by yourself, he ran off to go find Scott.
You grinned and you jumped over someone crouched down, and carried on running.
“Just stop! We don’t want you! We want to ask you something!” A Hunter yelled.
Spinning around, you jogged backwards, on the edge of the road as you avoided people.
“Oh? What’s that?!” You called back.
“Stop running and we’ll tell you!”
You have a crooked grin and winked at the man chasing you.
“Not a chance Chris Argent!”
“(Y/N)!” He yelled.
You spun around and kept on running, straight towards the familiar police car parked in a lot to the right of you.
While you knew Derek helped train with the argents, you didn’t bother, you just loved annoying the poor hunters and causing trouble.
Jumping over the fence of the lot, you ran towards the car and skidded to a halt in front of it, claws scraping across the ground as you looked up.
The sheriff and Stiles both jumped out.
“What have you done now?” Stiles laughed.
You grinned a little bit and watched and Alison and Chris jumped the fence as well, jogging over towards you all.
“Seriously (Y/N), again?”
You grinned at the sheriff.
“Sorry dad.”
You stood up straight and put your claws away, letting your eyes turn back to normal as you stuffed your hands in your pockets and leant back against the car.
Chris and Alison finally reached the pair of you.
“Really?” Alison laughed lightly.
“We were training with Derek, how’d you even find us?” Chris asked.
“Scott asked me to find him so he could talk to Derek alone, you guys really need a new training spot though, honestly.”
They chuckled and shook their heads at you.
Your dad placed his hand on your shoulder and looked up, and you copied him, looking at the full moon.
“Stop ruining their training.” He said sternly.
“But dad that’s no fun!” You whined.
Stilinski pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed heavily at you.
He pushed you towards the back of the car and with a small laugh you climbed in and sat in the back with your brother.
“So why does Scott want Derek?” He asked.
You shrugged a little bit.
“Didn’t ask, I heard a chance for be an inconvenience for all three of them, so I took it!” You beamed proudly.
Stiles laughed a little, and playfully punched his shoulder.
“So what’s it like being a werewolf? Having fun?”
“So much fun, I know Scott feels bad for biting me, but he didn’t have much of a choice.”
“Hey what if I put a camera on you during the next full moon? I want to see what exactly it is you get up to.”
You hummed as you thought about this before finally shrugging and agreeing to the idea.
You knew stiles wanted to be a werewolf, he wanted the same life as all his friends, but at the same time he didn’t want it.
So you were happy to do this for him so he could experience it as accurately as possible.
Your dad climbed into the car and you turned around to face you.
“You are on house arrest for the rest of the night.”
“Dad!” You huffed.
“No, you’re on house arrest, and you’re going to leave the argents alone.” He scolded.
You grumbled and crossed your arms as you leant back in your seat.
“Big bad werewolf getting grounded.” Stiles snickered.
Your dad started to drive you all back home.
You were grumbling, and turned your attention back to the full moon outside.
The itch inside wouldn’t leave, and you knew it would always be there, even if you did have full control there was a side of you that just wanted to run free.
As you guys got back home, you got out from the car and stood staring at the full moon.
Stiles stood next to you, and your dad watched from where he was stood by the front door.
“What are you listening to?” Stiles whispered.
“Malia and Derek.”
“Again?!” Stilinski shouted.
He stormed into the house while you and Derek were quick to follow behind him, trying to beat him upstairs.
He found both in Stiles’ room, and scowled at them.
“I told you two to stop breaking in.”
“Stiles left his window open.” Malia smiled sweetly.
“Sorry dad!”
You laughed and shook your head as you made your way to your room and sat on your bed.
Your dad came in and sat down next to you, giving a small sign as he took your hand in his.
“I know you want to be out there kiddo, but it’s safer for you to stay inside during the full moons, I know the argents won’t hurt you, but we know there’s others out there.”
“I know dad, but that’s why I was with Scott.”
“He may be your alpha, but I know you don’t listen to him at the best of times.”
You grinned a little and shrugged.
“I never was good at listening.”
“No, no you weren’t. Stay stay inside for the rest of the night, okay? I’ve got to go back to work, but I know someone who can keep you from doing something reckless.”
He pointed to the door and Derek was leaning there, arms crossed as he gave you a small smile.
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t make her grand escape again.”
You watched as your dad got up, walking over he clasped a hand on Derek’s shoulder and whispered a thanks before he left.
Derek walked over to you and sat down, pulling you into his lap as you smiled softly.
Derek kissed the top of your head and turned you both so you were facing the window.
Looking up, your yellow eyes met his blue ones and you raised your hands, trailing your fingers along his face as you hummed a little bit.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing, you’re just cute.”
Leaning up, you gently kissed him before you pulled away, resting your head on him.
“Hey guys we’re going to sit on the roof, coming?” Stiles asked.
You looked up at Derek and he nodded, so you all went up to the roof.
Soon enough Scott and Kira had come to join you four, then Alison, Chris, Issac, and Peter and Lydia.
You all just sat on the roof of the house, on the little perch that was built up there for you when you were turned.
Your back rested against Derek’s chest, and he had his arms wrapped around you while you all just gazed at the night sky, nothing but peace all around.
Derek rested his chin on your shoulder, and you lightly nuzzled your head against him.
This was your pack.
Your family.
When Stilinski came back, he found Malissa stood at his front door and he frowned a little.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“I was looking for Scott, and he said (Y/N) was on house arrest.”
Stilinski chuckled and let her in, gesturing for her to follow him.
“I know exactly where they are.”
He lead her to the attic, then to the other side where a small set of doors were laying open.
Peaking their heads in, they found all of you asleep, and they just smiled and climbed up as well, Malissa went to sit next to Scott while Stilinski sat between you and Derek and stiles and Malia.
“Dad…” you mumbled.
You reached out and lightly gripped his hand, giving a small yawn as you looked at him.
“Morning sleepy, who’s hungry?”
There was a chorus of happy sounds at the mention of food and slowly you all made your way back down the stairs.
The sheriff never thought he’d be involved in a world like this, let alone his own child being a werewolf, but as he looked around at the whole pack laughing and joking he couldn’t help but smile.
He looked over at you stood with Derek, the older werewolves arms wrapped around you while you tried to hit his uncle.
Your dad knew you were well protected, that you both were. With the whole pack behind you, and the Hales beside you, and you beside Stiles, nothing could go wrong
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
I don't if you already talked about it but I wanna know your thoughts about the love spell that Jennifer put on Derek. How did it dispell? It was the power or friendship and pack, with Scott and Stiles asking for help, real bond instead something that's it was believe to be love? Or it was Stiles? Just Stiles asking Derek for help, being completed honest and worry for his dad, and knowing that Derek would help? And he was crying, and Derek wouldn't let no one to make his bamby eyes little baby cry?
oooh no one has asked me this i don't think.
in my interpretation jennifer's entire plan hinged on isolating derek from everyone. she needed him disconnected from the tenuous support network derek had built by season 3. we see this in motel california. she convinces him not to let the pack know he's alive despite us knowing all through frayed that scott was deeply affected by derek's supposed death, cora and peter were worried and looking for him, and that isaac and boyd were near ready to boil over at ethan.
so what breaks her hold?
it's a combination of things and i think i've talked about it before but to me it feels like a direct call back to abomination. not only is the blocking of the scene similar but also it brings up stiles's big question to derek from that episode:
"would you just trust me this once?"
and also what scott says at the end of abomination before derek slams the door closed on his vulnerability.
"nobody trusts anyone! that's the problem! while we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people, and we still don't even know anything about it!"
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and here -- a full season later -- in the overlooked derek looks at the two of them and answers with trust.
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people really seem to forget how much scott, derek and stiles's relationship changed in season 3. that they worked through their season 1 and 2 bullshit.
plus, you know, derek has been manipulated and used in the past by kate argent and by peter. each time has resulted in pain, suffering and death. i think this leaves room for self-doubt inside derek that jennifer couldn't account for.
so that plus scott and stiles trusting him despite everything? they came to him and are asking for his help and trust? the very thing he wanted in the first two seasons and somehow he earned it.
jennifer's false love and trust ae nothing compared to that.
it's a two way street too. it's not just them wanting him to trust them but they are putting trust into him too. that he'll be on their side.
also derek knows scott and stiles do not fuck around with the safety of their parents. melissa and the sherriff are all they have. derek would do anything for these two kids he's tried very hard to protect for months and months to not go through the loss of a parent like he did.
but also like
she made stiles cry man. fuck jennifer.
it's why she poisoned cora though. i think she had an idea that she wouldn't be able to dupe derek forever so she created an insurance policy.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Hello can you please do one of Chris Argent we’re he is a overprotective and jealous husband and father to her wife y/n ( she is pregnant with their second child is a girl) and daughter Allison and I love your work seriously
Chris Argent- Not Much Of A Secret
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Yes Chris and I had Allison young and yes we married young, but 18 years later we’re still married and now expected our second baby, another girl. We always wanted another baby, but unfortunately we had a few miscarriages. So we gave up trying. 1 drunken night though ended up with us being pregnant. Of course we are ecstatic even if we’re both much older now.
My family have always been hunters so of course I knew about the supernatural when we arrived at Beacon Hills. Now us and the wolves are allies, something I never thought would ever happen, but here we are. Although, Peter and I don’t get on. He likes to annoy me which always gets under Chris’ skin. So whenever we have meetings we try to stay away from one another.
I have been staying away from the pack since I found out I was pregnant due to the morning sickness, but now that’s finally passed I’m joining Chris at a meeting at the Hale Loft.
I walk into the loft holding Chris’ hand in mine. Chris guides me to a sit and we sit down. Annoyingly Peter sits down next to me smiling
“What do you want?” I roll my eyes
“I know your secret” I frown looking at him. He leans in and whispers “you’ve got 2 heart beats. Your pregnant. Is that why we haven’t seen your pretty face around here?”
“Yeah and so does every wolf in here, but they aren’t saying anything because they’re respecting mine and Chris’ privacy” i hiss back. Chris places his hand on my thigh trying to sooth me
“Feisty” Peter carries on smirking. I cross my arms and turn away from him to focus on Scott in front of us ready to talk about the newest threat.
An hour goes by and Chris’ hand never leaves my leg and I can tell he’s irritated by Peter sat next to me. He keeps glancing at me trying to get under my skin. We finish up with our meeting which causes a sigh of relief from Chris, but before we can leave Peter stands up and clears his throat
“So aren’t you going to make the announcement?”
“Do we really need to?” I reply “everyone knows here. Well except Lydia and Stiles, sorry”
“What’s going on?” Stiles asks confused
“Peter leave it. If they aren’t ready to talk to us then it’s not up to you to tell everyone. Give them some privacy” Derek scolds his uncle
“I’m lost” Lydia frowns
“She’s pregnant” Peter smirks
“Peter!” Derek yells. Peter walks towards me and and Chris, but Chris stands protectively in front of me
“She’s having a baby that’s why we haven’t seen her”
“What’s the problem with that? I don’t understand why your acting like it’s some big scandal?” I frown
“Nothing wrong. Just like winding you up” he laughs walking past us
“I don’t like him” Chris huffs
“Well I guess we should say congratulations” Lydia smiles
“Thank you” I smile back
“I’ll talk to him about raining it in” Derek says
“Come on let’s go home. Allison are you coming come with us?”
“Actually, Scott and I are going on a date”
“Ok just be home at a decent time” I tell Allison who nods in response.
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andreafmn · 7 months
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: uh oh, things are changing...
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There was a tense air between (Y/N) and Derek as they reached her house. He helped her off the bike and kept his hand on her lower back as they walked to her front porch but did not say a single word. His stare was a million miles away, and she could tell his thoughts had been running rampant in his head.
“Are you okay, Derek?” the girl finally broke the silence as she slid her key into the door. “You feel weird. Like, distant.”
“I’m fine,” he said, his stoic façade still plastered on his face. “I just need to make sure you’re home safe before I get my pack.”
“They’re fine. They’re hiding up in my room.” She pulled out her phone from her pocket and showed him Isaac’s text confirming that they had locked themselves in her house. “But I need to know what you’re hiding right now because I know something’s up.”
“Everything’s fine,” he huffed. “Why are they here?”
“I thought they’d be safe here,” she responded. “Don’t change the topic, Derek. You know you can’t lie to me.”
“I just… we gotta stay away from each other for a while, okay? Believe me when I say, it’s for the best.”
The answer took (Y/N) aback. She stepped away from his touch, as though suddenly it burned her. His words had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were in a good spot, she thought. They weren’t exactly in a relationship, but they weren’t not in one either. They had been speaking consistently for the past couple of weeks, they had seen each other when they could, and they had kissed. God, did they kiss. “I-I-I don’t understand,” she stammered as she blinked away her confusion. “I thought we were good. I mean, I know our situation isn’t exactly ideal, but I didn’t think it was going bad.”
“It’s just not the time to deal with feelings, (Y/N),” he sighed. “I have to focus on how to get rid of the Kanima and why Scott would betray us. I simply don’t have the bandwidth to focus on you too.”
“Oh, I didn’t know I was such a distraction,” (Y/N) scoffed, putting another step of distance between them. “You know, it was only a few weeks ago that you were saying you wanted this to work. No matter how long it took or what hurdles we had to go through. You said I wouldn’t have to go through life alone, not while you were here. Was that all just bullshit?”
“It wasn’t… It isn’t…” He ran his hands across his face in frustration, letting out an infuriated groan. “With everything that’s going on, I can’t risk being close to you, (Y/N). The more time that passes with the Kanima here, the more hunters will arrive. Especially now that I have a target on my back, thanks to your cousin. Being with you only makes that target bigger, and it puts it on my pack too. I have to make the right decision for them.”
“So, everything I’ve done to help you guys out means nothing?” she cried, biting down the tears that threatened to spill. “I’ve stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion. I think I’ve proven to be an asset to you and your pack when it comes to my family.”
“You have and I’m grateful,” he said. Derek took a beat before continuing. It seemed he knew the next words out of his mouth would drive a wedge between them that he wasn’t sure would ever be removed. “I just don’t know if one day you’ll turn on us like Allison has done to Scott, or even like Kate did to me.”
If there was anything he could say that would drive (Y/N) away, it was that. Her fears of one day becoming like her aunt still haunted her to that day. It was a quiet but haunting rumble in the pits of her mind, fed by her insecurities and her fears, and very much alive.
“A-are you serious?” (Y/N) wanted to appear confident and confrontational. But she couldn’t help the way her voice broke. “Do you really think I’d be capable of doing something like that?”
“I can’t be sure, (Y/N). I want to believe that you won’t and that you and your father are truly on our side, but I have to take precautions. It’s not just my life that’s at stake.”
(Y/N) didn’t know if his words stung more than the unchanging expression on his face. There was no care, no compassion. She wasn’t talking to Derek, her sour wolf. She was speaking to Derek, the alpha. “What brought this on, Derek?” she asked. “What made you change your mind all of a sudden?” 
“It wasn’t anything specifically. It’s just… the situation we’re in is basically unheard of, and I need to make sure that I’m putting a hundred percent of my brain into resolving this,” he said. “And if Scott isn’t going to help, then I have to find a way to end this once and for all. I can’t be worrying about the hunters coming from your side too.”
 Words died in the girl’s mouth as she tried to conceal the hurt that coursed through her veins. It was a betrayal like no other. “Is that really how you feel?” (Y/N) asked, her resolve quickly coming undone. “You once told me that you knew that I would never be like Kate. That there was no way I could be that heartless. Does that mean you lied? Have you always felt this way?”
And with determination like she had never seen from him, he said, “Yes.” By then, she couldn’t hold back the tears, but she wouldn’t let him see her hurt. She couldn’t keep the drops from falling, but she could keep her sobs inside. “(Y/N)…”
“Go,” she said sternly, facing her door and giving him her back.
“(Y/N), I…”
“I said go, Derek,” she restated, raising her voice. “You can call your pack after. But you need to get out of here right now.”
Before he could say another word, (Y/N) slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Shuddering cries threatened to break through, so she clasped her fist into her mouth and bit down. She did not want him to hear her. He’d been able to shatter her heart with a few words, but he did not deserve to know her pain. Not anymore.
As the tears fell, she remembered the cuts on her face. Every time another drop fell, it sank into the open wound, mixing blood and salty water down her cheeks. The sting was enough to subside the pain in her chest, but not enough to make it go away. And all she wanted was for it to go away.
Suddenly, soft steps on her stairs forced her head to snap forward to see a witness to her despair. Erica wore a sympathetic smile on her face, something that surprised (Y/N) out of her tears. It had been the first time she had even held a kind gaze toward the girl, always throwing sarcastic comments or unnecessary jabs her way. But at that moment, she came to her as a friend.
“Let’s fix up that face,” she said. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Uh, um,” (Y/N) cleared her throat. “There’s one under the kitchen sink.”
“Let’s go.”
The blonde helped her up from the ground and followed her quietly into the kitchen. She didn’t throw snarky remarks her way or make fun of the way her face was most likely a disaster. All she did was remain silent and try to help.
Once the first aid bag was on the counter, Erica patted a stool to instruct the girl to sit. Something she very much obliged to before the werewolf set to work. She put on a pair of black gloves and set to clean the wound with cleansing wipes, clearing away any debris or tear that might have mixed with her blood.
“This is gonna sting a bit, okay?” Erica announced as she uncapped the liquid stitch bottle. “Do you need something to bite down on?”
“No,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “Go ahead.”
The girl winced softly as the liquid touched her skin, but it was quickly replaced with the comfort of Erica’s soft hands pinching the slash closed. She repeated the step two more times before cleaning the area once more and covering it with a gauze bandage. “There,” Erica said as she finished bandaging her arm as well. “The wound should breathe during the night to help with the healing. Try to keep it dry or without direct water contact for about five days, and you should be good.” 
“Thanks,” she said. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve had one too many falls not to be,” the girl chuckled as she put away the kit. “It’s actually the reason I’ve always wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to make sure no one else went through what I did.”
“Why can’t you?”
“At first it was because I was so behind in school, I’d never get the grades to get into a good school,” she shrugged. “Now, with the whole werewolf thing, I don’t think I could.”
“Why not? I think now it’ll be so much easier for you,” (Y/N) offered. “Now, you don’t have to deal with the seizures, and you can focus on your schoolwork. Later on, I’m sure any school would be begging to have you go there.”
“I don’t know,” the blonde sighed. “I guess, after seeing everything I have and going through what we have in such little time, I think med school seems stupid in the grand scheme of things. I would love to live a normal life, but I don’t think I was ever meant to. I mean, at first, it was epilepsy. Now, it’s the fact that I’m part wolf, part human, and I have yet to get that under control.”
Seeing Erica be vulnerable and sweet surprised (Y/N), and it was a welcome distraction to whatever it had been that had gone down with Derek. “You know this is going to end someday,” she tried to comfort her. “We’re gonna beat the Kanima, and the hunters will go back to their own lives. Life won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure? Something tells me there’s always gonna be something in this town,” she chuckled dryly. “The only way to go back to normal is to leave.” 
“Is that what you want? To leave Beacon Hills?”
“I mean, it’s a plan,” she shrugged as she sat beside (Y/N). “I didn’t think it would be like this. The constant looking over my shoulder, the fear that I’ll be caught, the fear that I’ll be killed. I wanted the strength, the power that came with being supernatural. But I didn’t really measure the danger that came with it. Unfortunately, not every hunter can be like you.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever complimented me,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Don’t know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t get used to it,” the girl grinned. “But seriously, you have no reason to protect us like you have. I mean, apparently, even lovesick Allison turned on lover boy.”
“Yeah, grief makes you do unthinkable things,” she sighed. “Especially when you have a monster like Gerard whispering in your ear.”
“And he doesn’t whisper in yours?”
“God no. I don’t think he particularly likes my family. At least my dad and I.”
“Ooh, family drama?”
“None that I know the details of, but I know it has something to do with me and some woman from my dad’s past,” (Y/N) explained, remembering the not-so-hushed words from her parents. “Also, my dad sort of sides with the wolves rather than the hunters. He thinks their methods are too extreme and cause more harm than good. He told me he wants to change the group from the inside out, but it’s hard.”
“And you believe him?” Erica inquired, biting the skin from her fingers. (Y/N) could see she hadn’t noticed yet. It was something she did before turning, a way to calm her senses when everything seemed too much. “Do you really believe he’s on our side?”
“He helped me find Derek tonight, and he covered for me about the rave. I don’t think he would lie to me about that. My mom on the other hand…”
“Can’t stand us?”
“Well, you can tell her the feeling is mutual.”
“Hey,” (Y/N) exclaimed with a smile. “That’s my mom you’re talking about.”
“No offense,” Erica laughed as she threw her arms up in surrender. “But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you, (Y/N). I’ve unnecessarily been a bitch to you, and you don’t deserve that. So, I’m sorry.”
“Am I really getting an apology from Erica Reyes? I think I might be dreaming.”
“Oh, come on,” she chuckled. “I’m trying to be serious here—vulnerable. I am grateful for what you’ve done for me, even when I was horrible to you. You didn’t have to.” 
“Well, you got the bitch part down, I didn’t think I needed it, too,” (Y/N) grinned before she took Erica’s hand and smiled warmly. “But it means a lot that you apologized. Thank you. Maybe from here on out, we could be friends. I honestly need more in this town.”
“I think that would be great,” she beamed. “I’ve been needing a dose of estrogen after so many months surrounded by testosterone.”
As the girls laughed, footsteps came down the stairs and quickly joined them in the kitchen, followed by the pitter-patter of claws against the hardwood floor. “Well, look at these two fraternizing,” Isaac told Boyd. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I would be rude not to when it’s her house,” Boyd shrugged. “Which, again, thank you for letting us hide out here. We haven’t really received any other instruction from Derek.”
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will anytime soon.”
“What do you…?” Isaac’s words died in his throat as he noticed (Y/N)’s bandages and the smell of iron in the air. He was quick to rush to her side, inspecting her visible skin for any other wound. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, just a small run-in with Jackson,” she shrugged as she knelt to pet Brody, scratching him on the spot behind his ears he loved so he wouldn’t worry about her. “I’ll be fine. I just don’t heal as fast as you guys do.”
“How serious was the cut?” Isaac asked Erica, knowing (Y/N) would only wave him off. “Was it deep? I knew I should have gone with you to the station.”
“It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, Isaac. She’ll be fine.”
“Dude, calm down,” Boyd chuckled. “She’s tougher than she looks.”
“Thank you, Boyd,” she smiled toward the boy. “I really appreciate the vote of confidence. You should learn from him, Lahey.”
“Yeah, it’s all fun and games until you get seriously hurt,” he grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest. “I can’t believe I let you go there by yourself. I should have been there.”
“And risk getting caught by my grandfather? Absolutely not,” she reprimanded. “As a matter of fact, all of you need to lay low because while Jackson is still the Kanima, more hunters will keep flooding into town, and I don’t wanna risk any of you getting caught. If you need a place to stay, I think I can talk to my dad and help you guys out. Maybe tell my mom the basement flooded and keep you guys there?”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Boyd smiled. “We’ll talk to Derek first. See what the next steps will be.”
“Yeah,” she scoffed lightly. “And if you can find out what the hell is going on with him in the meantime, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
The four of them spent the next hour in her kitchen, talking and laughing like normal teenagers until Erica and Boyd said they were too tired to still be awake and headed to (Y/N)’s room. But not before the girl turned and thanked Argent for giving her a night where she felt normal. After that, only Isaac and her were left downstairs.
They had moved into the living room, where (Y/N) rested her head on his lap, and Brody curled up right beside them. Henry had texted her that he and her mother would be staying over at Chris’ house and that he’d keep her posted on anything that would be going down.
“I don’t understand what happened, Isaac,” she sighed as she felt his hands running through her hair. “Everything was going great until just an hour ago. What made Derek change his mind?”
“Honestly, I wish I could tell you,” he said. “But Derek’s not one to really talk about what’s going on in his head. The only time he’s ever been nice to me is when you’re around. He’s quite a dick when you’re not around.”
“But he’s still your alpha.”
“It’s not like there are many options here,” he chuckled. “And I guess I feel a bit indebted to him. If it hadn’t been for the bite, I’m pretty sure I would have ended up in the hospital, or even worse…”
Isaac couldn’t bring himself to say the words, instead taking in a shuddering deep breath. (Y/N) could see his eyes getting cloudy with tears as fear overtook him. Even if that part of his life was buried, there was no way to repress the memories.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Isaac,” she responded quietly, taking his free hand in hers. “And I’m sorry you had to go through it alone. I wish I could have at least been your friend back then.”
“I think you came at the perfect time,” he smiled softly. “Just long enough to get my shy and adorable side and stay to see my resurgence into an amazing and confident werewolf teenager.”
“You know, some people would say cocky and self-absorbed.”
“Well, those people would be wrong,” he chuckled. “But you did come at the right time. Those last couple of months, you actually gave me hope. If we had spent more time together, I think I may have even refused the bite.”
“Would you have, really?” (Y/N) mused. “Would you have given it all up?”
“I think so,” Isaac shrugged. “I mean, people around us don’t seem disturbed by what’s going on in this town. All I would have to worry about is whether or not I could pass my classes, and well, social services I guess.”
“Not funny,” she reprimanded, slapping him softly on the chest. “But the supernatural does suit you.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, calm down, Lahey.”
“I’m just kidding, Argent,” the boy laughed. “As for Derek, all you have to do is give it time. He can be a moody one.”
“Something feels different this time, though,” she sighed. “I don’t know what it is, but something’s just off.”
The last thing Derek had wanted was to make her cry. Hearing her sobs through her door made his heart wrench in his chest, and all he could do was get as far away from her as he could. His legs took off in a soft run at first but quickly turned into a supernatural sprint that had his lungs aching for air. All he could do was run.
Soon enough, the scenery of houses and cars turned into trees and bushes. Leaves crunched under his feet, and branches snapped as he stepped on them. Even when a rock stood in his way and threatened to make him lose his balance, he simply kept running.
He wished (Y/N) knew that what he did had been for her own good. If she wasn’t by his side, there was no way she could be used as a bargaining chip. Especially not with Peter back. He didn’t trust his own life in the hands of his uncle; how could he entrust him with (Y/N)’s?
By the time he had reached his family’s house, his body ached all over. Frustration filled his veins, and his limbs ached with the need for violence. He let out an exasperating scream before his fist went through a wooden board. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep breaking down the house or just sit down and cry. As much as he wanted to be by (Y/N)’s side, he knew that the best thing for her would be for him to stay as far away as possible. He had lived long enough with loneliness, though none as hurtful as this one for a long time. (Y/N) would soon enough move on from him, and he’d be the one to carry the hurt. As long as Peter was in town and her family would punish her for her affiliations, he’d just have to stay away.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Camping & Bonding (Part 3)
Tags: m/m, Erica Lives, Boyd Lives, Jackson Doesn't Leave, Pack Mom Stiles, Pack Feels, True Mates, fluff, hurt/comfort, camping, mutual pining, m/f
Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Boyd/Erica, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd III, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent
@writersmonth Prompts Part 3: flame + forest
Summary: Stiles thinks the pack should go camping, as a bonding exercise. Much to his surprise, Derek agrees with his plan. So the pack goes off into the mountains to camp together.
This Fic on AO3 | This Fic on FFNet
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
Part 3: The Bonfire
Dinner was a huge success. Everyone huddled around the bonfire, the flame throwing that soft glow that set the mood. Laughter and conversation filled the space between them, shoulders bumping, arms wrapped around each other. And after food, there had to be dessert, of course. Who would Stiles be if he hadn't brought marshmallows, crackers and chocolate, after all?
"Here," Derek offered Stiles a smore.
He'd been making multiple ones at the same time, handing them out to the entire pack. Stiles found himself happy to accept the treat. The bonfire painted beautiful shadows on Derek, the shadows of his lashes dancing over his cheeks. It made his Sourwolf look unusually soft.
There was laughter and there were stories. Surprisingly, Boyd told the best ghost stories, he really knew how to deliver them. And if Stiles ducked just a little closer to Derek, the Alpha at least didn't seem to mind, or notice. Stiles munched on another smore and enjoyed the closeness and warmth from his Alpha. He may not have werewolf senses but he still relished in Derek's scent.
"We should do this more often," Allison smiled. "Though I'll come hunting with you tomorrow."
Derek hummed softly. "We used to do this, when I was young."
"I remember," Cora whispered. "Faintly. But… it was nice. I remember dad's barbecue. Mom and the other older wolves would go and hunt, and dad would prepare dinner."
"Yeah?" Stiles kept his voice gentle, trying to get the Hales to talk more.
They so rarely brought up their family, their old pack. Especially not in a positive context. Filled with pain and grief, maybe. But they rarely shared good memories. Stiles wanted to hear every good story they had, he wanted to know everything that made Derek happy.
"Why didn't your dad go hunting with the rest of the pack?" Scott asked confused.
"Our dad was human," Derek replied, his eyes on the bonfire but the look very far away. "There were multiple humans in the pack, mates to the wolves and children who took after their human parent. Dad took care of them, made sure they'd feel bonded with the pack too."
Stiles blinked in awe. He hadn't known that Derek and Cora's father was human. The Alpha Mate had been human? Was that a thing? Sure, he knew the pack valued him, but at times, he still felt a distance. There were things he just couldn't do, or feel, because he was human. But if someone who had the second highest rank in the pack – higher than the right or right hand – could be human? Then maybe the difference between werewolf and human didn't matter all that much.
"Going out to hunt together was actually an exercise in coordinated attack too, on top of being a bonding experience," Derek whispered, the far-away look turning more sad. "Mom… always knew how to make the work and training aspects fun. I just…"
Without thinking on it, Stiles reached out a hand to rest on Derek's arm in comfort. He knew where the Alpha was going with this. He thought he wasn't as good an Alpha as Talia, couldn't live up to the Hale legacy. And maybe he wasn't, but he was on his way. He was working on himself. Becoming a better Alpha, the longer he was one. With Stiles' help, he'd started teaching the betas how to control themselves without pain, by finding their own anchors – the way Stiles had helped Scott channel his love for Allison as his anchor. Derek wasn't a bad Alpha, he was just someone born to be a beta, who had never been taught to be an Alpha, and he had been raised in a pack of born wolves, so he struggled to relate to the ones who'd been turned through the bite. Derek turned to look at Stiles with soft, warm eyes and the smallest hint of a smile.
"We could make this like a once a month thing," Isaac leaned back, looking up into the starry sky. "Going away for a weekend to go camping together."
"That sounds like a good idea," Lydia agreed.
Lydia, who'd argued against camping and sleeping on the ground with insects all around. But she too could see that this meant something to Derek. They all could see it. The closer their pack grew, the more in tune with each other did they get. Jackson, with his arm around Lydia, hummed his agreement, Boyd and Scott voicing their enthusiasm for the idea, everyone else smiling in encouragement and confirmation at their Alpha.
"It's getting late," Derek cleared his throat and got up. "Let's clean up and head to bed. I want to go on a morning run with you at sunrise."
They all worked together cleaning up and putting all the left over food away so it won't attract any wild animals to their camp ground before each duo headed into their tent. Which was when the challenging part started for Stiles. He tried not to look at Derek while the Alpha got changed because werewolves could smell arousal, and instead focused on getting changed.
Once in his shirt and sweatpants, he settled in, burrowing deep in his sleeping bag. His eyes were on Derek though, the older man laying so close. There was something near domestic to getting ready for bed and turning in together like this and Stiles' heart was thumping like a rabbit. He shuddered at the cold of the night. Right. Because sleeping in a tent in the forest during autumn might not be the greatest idea ever. He pulled his sleeping bag closer around himself.
"You're cold," Derek noted, eyebrows furrowed.
"Amazing observation skills, Sourwolf," Stiles gave him a deadpan. "What gave it away? The way I am burritoing myself into my sleeping bag, or the shivering?"
A soft, annoyed growl and an eye-roll was all Stiles' hard-worked sarcasm got him though. It said a lot about how far they'd come that all Stiles got for being obnoxious was mild annoyance and that Stiles fully stopped feeling threatened by any kind of growling happening.
"C'mere," Derek huffed and lifted his own sleeping bag.
It took Stiles embarrassingly long to piece together what Derek was suggesting because his brain fully refused to believe that was actually happening. "Do you want to cuddle with me?"
The look Derek gave him at that should actually physically hurt, it was quite impressive. "You're cold. I'm not. Wolves run hotter. You can also stay over there, freezing your ass off, if you prefer."
"Oh, hell no," Stiles huffed and dove straight for the Alpha.
He gave a content little sigh as he snuggled up to the living radiator known as Derek Hale. Wolves really did run hot. Squishing his cheek against Derek's chest, he did his best to press up against Derek for maximum heat exposure. Derek made a small noise that Stiles couldn't really tell what it meant before he wrapped his own sleeping bag around them both.
And this totally wasn't weird. It wasn't. Not at all. Pack cuddled all the time. They had puppy piles during pack nights, when the wolves returned from their run they'd all huddle together in the den in an entanglement of limbs. Just because this was only Derek and Stiles, all alone, did not make it weird, it was just like pack cuddles. Nothing weird going on at all. No, sir.
"This was a good idea, Stiles," Derek's voice was… warm. "Thank you."
"Thank you, huh," Stiles grinned a little. "Gotta mark that down in my calendar."
Derek heaved a sigh at that. "Shut up, Stiles."
"See, now that's more like the Sourwolf I know," Stiles snuggled a little closer. "Night, Der."
Derek tucked Stiles under his chin, arms around him. "Good night, Stiles."
Running wild in the forest had felt so good. He loved doing it at the preserve, but here, in the mountains, mapping a territory he wasn't familiar with yet, and with his pack at his side, it felt different. Hunting down their dinner himself. They needed to do that again. And bringing the game to his mate, if Derek was able to turn into a full wolf he would have wagged his tail in excitement when Stiles praised him for bringing him the deer. Human Derek simply grunted.
It hadn't even hurt to talk about his family, like it usually did. There was just… warmth, in sharing this with his pack. Happiness. It nearly felt like healing. Like he was finally reclaiming what had been taken from him – his land, his home, his pack. He was on the right path. A big part of him still wished he wouldn't have to, but the other part knew he couldn't change the past and that clinging onto it and onto the pain wasn't going to do him any good. His betas had shown him that. By trying to cling to how things used to be, he had alienated them and nearly lost them.
He did come to regret Stiles' sleeping arrangement choices though, because when they headed into their tent, Derek found himself all alone in a small, enclosed space with Stiles. Sleepy, cute Stiles, shivering, cold Stiles. And being unable to watch his mate shiver close by, Derek had offered Stiles to sneak into his sleeping bag. Just to keep Stiles warm, because he didn't want the human to catch a cold. Because Derek was being a good Alpha these days. Good Alphas didn't let their pack members freeze. If his inner wolf was purring happily and if Derek slept better that night than he had since the fire, then that was between him and his inner wolf.
Waking up surrounded by Stiles' scent, with his mate safely tucked against his chest, was the best feeling Derek could imagine and he wished every day could start like this. He wished Stiles could be his. But Stiles deserved so much better than what Derek had to offer. Though he was working on himself, he still struggled with communication, he still growled more than he talked, snapped when people didn't understand the things that were natural and obvious to him. He was still plagued by his past, by his survivor's guilt twice over, by all the trauma he'd been through. That was too much to burden anyone with. Why would Stiles want to be stuck with all of that. With him.
"Mornin', Sourwolf," Stiles' voice was rough with sleep.
His nose rubbed against Derek's collarbone, making Derek shudder at the skin-contact and at how cold it was. He instinctively pulled Stiles closer to warm him up more. Derek wanted to stay in this moment forever, the soft noises of the forest waking up outside, the morning chill in the air but the warmth of his mate on his chest as they slowly woke up.
The moment was destroyed by Scott opening the tent. "He—ey, Derek, what about the ru-"
The beta abruptly stopped talking and stared at them in mild bewilderment. Because they were cuddling. Because that wasn't something Derek and Stiles did. Should do. Reluctantly, Derek let go of his mate, allowing Stiles to sit up and stretch. His shirt riled up just a little, revealing a sliver of pale skin doted with moles that Derek had not yet gotten to see.
"Less chipper this early in the morning, Scotty boy," Stiles yawned. "Go and put that energy into hunting down breakfast. No, not hunt. Don't bring me raw meat for breakfast. How about you round up the other puppies and make sure they're all awake and ready because the way I know you guys, Erica is probably still asleep and Jackson is still doing his hair, so no point in bothering Derek yet. Make sure everyone is ready by the time Derek joins you. Shoo, now."
Scott gave them one last doubtful look but then he simply obeyed. Something that was affecting Derek more and more the longer it went on. Stiles commanding the betas. It was marvelous now naturally Stiles took over his role as Alpha Mate without even knowing. Derek's inner wolf was whining happily and practically begging for belly-rubs from Stiles. And that, Derek was never going to admit. Instead, he turned to get changed.
"Speaking of hunt. I didn't know you could take apart a deer."
"C'mo—on. Sheriff's son!" Stiles motioned vaguely. "In a small town! With a forest!"
"Flailing disaster who keeps falling flat on his face," Derek argued dryly. "Would not trust with a gun or a knife. Much less both of them."
Stiles narrowed his eyes in indignation but he knew Derek was right so he didn't argue, making Derek smirk. Beyond the way Stiles complimented him as a leader, Derek loved their banter the most. He loved how Stiles had never, at no point in their relationship, backed down from him. Even when Derek had still been a stranger and a danger, Stiles had been filled with snark. Derek loved it. Derek loved Stiles.
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aloneatpeace · 3 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 21
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Stiles gets out of his jeep and speed walks towards you “hopefully your filed trip ended because we got a lot to catch up.” He doesn’t wait for you to say anything taking your hands in his he starts to pull towards his jeep.
“Stiles wait!”
 Sam and dean also straighten up “yeah hold your horses buddy.” Dean says
Stiles turn to them with a lost look on his face “sorry, we have really really urgent matters to discuss.”
You sigh grabbing on to his arms halting him his place “Stiles they know.” stiles head whips towards you he leans towards you his forehead touching yours as he whispers.
“What you mean, like know what we know, are we talking about the same thing.” Stile’s frown “how did you get that?” he points at the dried blood and now freshly formed scar on forehead of yours.
You lift your point finger and lightly pushes stiles face away from yours “yeah, they’re hunters. I’m fine it’s nothing.”
Stiles nod in understanding before exploding with loud yell that make you and the Winchester brothers to wince at the loudness of his voice, stiles arms wrap around yours and inches away from the brothers his eyes trained on the brothers with a glare that made the eldest Winchester to sigh in annoyance. “What do you want her?”
“Stiles, they are good one, grams introduced me to them, we even went to wendigo hunt.” You speak up breaking away from his grip. Though stiles still have his hands on you.
“Yeah, we killed the wendigo you don’t have to worry about that.” sam says with hoping to calm your friend.
Stiles eyes sparkled a smile break into his face he pushes you away “There is dead body here, a wendigos dead body.!”
Sam and dean glance at each other the sudden shift of mood of the male in front of them maybe be sam shouldn’t have mentioned that.
“that’s so sick, can I see?” stiles turn to you “why didn’t you bring we with you. wait do they know about your?” stiles vigorously motion his hands.
 “No, stiles, yes, they know about me. And behave new people remember.” Your shoulders slumping stiles nod before turning.
“Hi, I’m stiles her best friend” he eagerly smiles at Winchester brothers his hands out to shake it sam and dean shake stiles hands warily, introducing themselves respectively.
Sam and dean nod “if you need anything just give us a call” the oldest Winchester says “Your grams have our number.” The younger Winchester added.
“Now that you guys know, who the alpha is be more cautious” Sam suggested taking his hands out of his pockets.
"I will, you guys are professionals. We could use your help."
“Yeah, I’ll text too.” Stiles said.Dean close his eyes “please don’t” he mutters.
“How much do you know about supernatural creatures?” stiles continue.
“They know more than we know stiles, it’s their family business.”
 Stiles mouth forms into ‘o’ shape “like the Argents.?”
Dean shrug “Kind of but it just the two few of us and we know how to hunt almost everything.”
“That’s amazing” stiles had wide smile on his face and his eyes shining.
“I can see why the two of you are best friends” dean whispers under his breath in amusement. 
“We should get going now, stiles?”
Stile’s nod “Yeah, we need to get to scott fill him in on everything.”
“It was nice meeting you two, you both are amazing.” You smiled glancing back and forth between the Winchester brothers.
Dean grin at you “glad you think so sweetheart, wouldn’t want a pretty girl to think badly about me” he dismisses Sam’s bitch face.
“You’re shameless, dean Winchester” you tease nudging his side.
“I think I’m adorable” he quickly recounter smiling when he sees you smile as well “all jokes aside call us when you need us.”  He adds.
You nod and turns to sam “Are you guys going straight to the next hunt?”
Sam nod “We aren’t injured badly so I think we can take them down.” Dean nod at Sam’s words. An apathic look on your face has sam sigh “Don’t beat up your self for what happened back there.” opening his arms Sam smile at you before wrapping his arms around you leaning down to meet you. “Take care of yourself.”
He pulls away with squeeze “you too” you say after giving the brothers final glance you leave pulling stiles away towards the jeep.
Sam smile at you watching you and stiles leave while dean lean against his impala with content expression.
“that’s a cool car by the way” stiles yell making dean smirk in pride.
“Do you think derek’s going to be alright?” you ask as stiles starts the jeep
He shrugs “yeah no I don’t think we can get rid of him that easily.”
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You and stiles run through school hallway searching for scott on the way recounting about your encounter with a wendigo.
“So, the three of you get yeeted in air by that thing and you can heal people.” stiles theorized you hums in agreement. Stiles falls silent when danny comes out of boy’s locker room.
“Where did the two of you went?” he asks “you missed the game and you didn’t even come.” He said looking at you waiting for explanation.
Stiles roll his eyes “She had an appointment with her gynecologist, is scott in there.” He asked hurriedly.
“Don’t try to fool with her vagina, her ass scared to get go anywhere near a gynecologist after watching jane the virgin.” Danny remarked.
You gasp in horror at their banter.
“Is that what you two talk about all the time?” stiles blurred with a confused look on his face finding scott long forgotten. 
“Okey, what the fuck is wrong is you two. Don’t talk to me for two to four businesses days.” You roughly push stiles and danny away entering the locker room.
Scoot stands up from the bench with towel around his waist, he probably heard your conversation, sighing you sit down “Not a word” you say before scott can ask you is that where you really went.
 He nods before leaning towards you sniffing the air around you “I smell blood, gunpowder and cheeseburgers”   
You back away “dude put some clothes on before you do that” you point at his naked chest “Yeah, a lot happened.”
Stiles comes in and sit down next you “did you really mean that.”
“Yeah, now shush stiles.”
“Peter hale is the alpha” you said without waiting any minute scott eyes widen at the he turns towards you and stiles.
Stile nod before nonchalantly adding “and derek might be actually dead right now?”
“Wait, what?”
Stiles side eyes at scott “say something other than what.”
“Ha? Wait... hold on does that mean.” Scott trails off.
You cross your legs over the other “yep, he killed his niece to become an alpha also in order to regain his strength from being half burned and now probably on his way collect his beta which you and kill us all.”
“This couldn’t get any worse.” Stiles remarked.
“You know me very well don’t you” a husky voice commented from the dark the and a shadow of comes into your vision scott strengthen up and stiles gulp recognizing the voice scotting closer towards you.
“I really don't get lacrosse... When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American tribes, and that they played it to resolve conflict. Do I have that right?” he takes the lacrosse stick looking over it. “Hmm... I have a little conflict of me own to resolve, Scott... But I need your help to do it.”
“I'm not helping you kill people.” scott firmly states stalking towards peter without a fear as you and stiles watch the exchange from behind scott.
“Well, I don't want to kill all of them-- just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include...”
“Allison.” With a sigh derek step out the dark he doesn’t glance at the two of you his eyes fixed on scott though he can feel your disappointed glance.
“Why is he alive?” stiles whisper into your ears making derek close his eyes but he doesn’t turn towards the both you. 
 Scott looked incredulously at derek “You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?”
“It was a mistake...” derek mumble making the three of you stands shellshocked how easily derek sided with peter dismissing the fact his sister killer. 
“What?” the three of you says in sync
“It happens...”
“Is he for real?” stiles mumble again.
Peter glance at two of you before turning to scott “Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We just really want to help you reach your full potential.”
“By killing my friends?” he said scoffing at peter ridiculous reasoning 
“Not all of them” peter eyes fall on you making you tilt your head at him with watchful gaze on him stiles gulps holding on to your hands while scoot and derek throw suspicions glance at peter “Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most.”
“If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut-job like you, I'm okay with that.”
“Maybe... you could try and see things from my perspective...” peter lunch towards scott with his claws out you yell at scott moving towards him but derek grab on you.
“He just wants to show scott what happened to us.” Derek said holding the two of you back from getting hurt from peter or you interpreting peter he’s not sure.
Peter dug his claws into the back of scott’s neck, scott wither his legs gives out, you glare at derek “let go now” derek look down at you before he knows he’s getting thrown across the locker room.
The red glow swirl around in your palm scott grunt in pain peter sticking his claws deep into his skin “hands off”.
Derek grunt from where he’s thrown in and before he can stand peter joins him wincing in pain, his claws had retread back to normal.  “I forgot how painful it is.”
“Shut up”
 You crouch down next scott stiles joins beside you with worried eyes his hands shaking your hands get bloody when you cup his neck scott wince, a green glow emits around your palm and scott relax he blinks his tears away “you alright?” panting he nods at you.  
Stiles and you pull scott to sit up on the ground, peter and derek stands up walking towards the three of you.
Peter calls your name “I have no intention to hurt innocents, I was merely showing him what happened.”
“Oh really, then what about the Laura or the janitor. What did they do?” you taunted livid with his actions “and what about my friends that you’re planning to kill, how that you killing all argents is reasonable?”
Peter clench his jaw before compressing himself he crouches down your level and gives you a strained smile. “Did you know that they were humans were also burned to death in that fire, children they were innocents, and let me tell you the Argents are far from that. They are killers.”
“What happened to you two was wrong but that doesn’t give you pass to kill us. You already killed those who are part of it the whole Argent family is not the reason.” You argued stiles behind you tug your arms seeing how your words made both hales to look murderous.
“Didn’t Chris Argent threated to kill you, scott? didn’t he even shoot you one time.?” peter ponder looking at scoot who glare at him.
“Chris Argent is innocent it wasn’t him it- “you stop in midway, derek and peter caught your words as they look at you with narrowed eye.
The three-werewolf glance at the hallway, peter stands up “Seems like we have to cut this short.” He dusts himself off “you’re my beta scott like it or not we are bounded together.”
The three of sits on the ground “dude we are fucked.” Stiles mumbles
“Trust me…I know.”
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The next morning you and lydia and Allison meet up at the grill, sipping on the beverages that you all ordered for yourself.
“So, Halloween party coming up do you guys have your costumes readied?” you ask putting down your ring.
“what’s the point I planned to do couple costume and jackson dumbed over text.” Lydia crosses her arms over chest.
 “Right.” you hum “did he actually do that? Why all of sudden though.”
“Jackson gone nuts. What else.”
“Don’t be sad, you can wear the sluttiest thing now look on the Brightside” you smirk at her shaking her hands she slowly breaks into a smile
“Jackson gonna wish he didn’t break up with me”
 “that’s the spirt and this is Allison first Halloween here. What are you going to be.?” You continue
Allison bites her lips “maybe huntress?” she shyly says.
“Any specific reasons why?” you fidget with your straw waiting for allison’s answer.
“Nothing really, my ancestors were hunters who hunted down beast like werewolf and stuff.” She answers.
“Then you can be witch.” Lydia said looking at you. “Since you know obvious reasons.”
 You shake your head “bonnie is the witch this year.” You take a sip of your drink “I’ll figure out something, you two should go together, make jackson and scott jealous or some shit.”
Allison tucks her hair behind her ears “jackson said he will go with for the party.” She admits “that is if you're okay with it” she glances at lydia.
 “Did he?” lydia did good job masking her anger with her false clam face but you sense her anger and sadness sweep out of her.”
“Uh-huh. Just as friends. But I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it, first.”
Lydia hesitantly nod “Sure. As long as it's just friends.
“Well, yeah. I mean, it's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything...” Allison said cooly that you almost choked on your drink.
Lydia sits anxiously unable to form words, you sigh at two “You know, you two should work out that, I’m gonna go.”
On cue your phone rings stiles Id showing you stands up “you know girls should stick together a girl friend is so better than million boyfriends I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out or anything, just stick together alright and call me if you guys need anything.”
You stand behind table and bring them into hug “You guys are too pretty for any of them” you press loud kiss on both of their cheeks before leaving.   
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“So, what do we do with jackson??” stiles ask from the drivers seat the three of had been following jackson for good minute.
“Well, since he wants the bite and he already threatened scott to get him bite he’s not going to listen to us.” You say sitting between scott and stiles.
“I say we let get bite and be haunted by the Argents.” Stiles offers frowning when you raise your eyebrow at him “what it’s not like I’m gonna miss him or something.”
“We will talk to him first, there is nothings else we can do to change his mind, we are lucky jackson doesn’t knows about your powers.” Scott said with looking out the window.
“Scott you can’t save everyone.” You stated making scott glance at you the words seem to make him anxious. “If jackson goes to derek or peter, they will turn him and we can’t do nothing about it.”
Scott and stiles eyes nervously regard what you said “Well let’s hope, he doesn’t meet them.” stiles weakly offer with strained smile. 
Jackson gets out his car slamming it shut loudly in empty parking lot he doesn’t trust scott help him get a bite seems like he needs to find a way to get it himself with a sigh he leans against his car look at his watch he takes out his phone ready call tow truck.
 A black SUV pulls up in front of him and Chris Argent get out the driver seat with smile making jackson falter “Car trouble?”
“It's okay. I'm just gonna call a tow truck.” Jackson waves his phone nervously as Chris starts to gets gears to take look at Jackson’s car to see what caused the trouble. 
Chris smile at jackson opening the hood of the car “Oh, I know a few things about cars. Could be something simple.”
“I don't know... I mean, it's a pretty expensive car, and they pull all this warranty crap if you do your own repairs, right?”
Chris smirks at the boys attempts to get him leave him alone “Well, I won't tell if you won't.” Chris went to the back of the car “It's Jackson, right? Come here. I'll show you what to look for.” Jackson knowing there is no way to escape and not make him look more suspicious than he already does walks towards Chris hesitantly. When looking down Chirs sees Jackson’s scratch his back of his neck, he lowers Jackson’s collar to see it more clearly
“Oh, sorry!” Chris says when jackson gets startled by him
“What?” his voice came out Shakey
“Your neck. You hurt yourself?” Chris asks with frown on his lips catching jackson eyes nervously shifting avoiding looking at his eyes.
Jackson evasively says “No. I mean, it's just-just a scratch.”
“Well, it looks like more than a scratch. Kinda looks like claw marks.” Chris makes jackson look at with unblinking focused eye contact makes jackson more nervous “You all, right?”
“Yeah. Look, I'm just gonna call for a tow truck, okay?” jackson dismiss his words ready to dial the number and get away from Chris Argent.
“Is there any reason you're so reluctant to tell me what it was that did that?” Chris Argents friendly smile long gone the whole façade turning into that of serious one jackson grip on his phone tighten.
Just then a loud honk catches their attention when a blue jeep comes stopping in front of them stiles throw his hands out waving at jackson “What's up?”
“Is everything okay?” scott asks innocently
 you ask poking your head out and wave at Chris Argent he nods at you  
“Hey, Scott. Your friend here was just having car trouble. We're just taking a look.”
“There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck.” Scott says as Chris Argent goes back to check the car again
“Yeah. You want a ride?” stiles asks but jackson hesitate considering his options. You push scott back lightly leaning towards to look at jackson.
“Come on in, jackson.” You nod at jackson looking at him in the eyes he nods back
“Hey, come on, Jackson-- you're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself.” Stiles lazily encourage him from the driver’s seat.
You motion him to come closer jackson compiles moving towards them just as Chris shut the hood “Hey, boys?” he comes to Jackson’s driver side and turns the key the car roar into life “Told you I knew a few things about cars.”
Scott had already got out of the car as Chris Argent makes way to his car you get out the car “Mr. Argent can you drop me off on your way, the boys said they wanna catch up on yesterday’s games.” You turn to them “isn’t that right guys.” You mouth them to say yes and they silently nod.
Chris Argent held your gaze with calculating look before nodding you bid your friends by good bye before getting in Chris Argent’s car.
Series masterlist
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
Not Hard to Say You're Sorry
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I've heard it before and I heard it yesterday: Parts of the fandom don't like Scott McCall because he never apologizes for what he does. It's a common argument. However, it's not true. I would argue that Scott shows he's sorry all through the show by actions more than words, but that might be a little complex for people looking for a reason to hate a minority lead protagonist. So, lets just list the times he literally told someone he was sorry about something that happened in Season 1. This list is restricted to the precise word: "sorry." (Note: I just realized I've done this before. Well, if at first you don't succeed ...)
Wolf Moon (1x01)
Says “sorry” to Allison for touching her cheek without permission.
Says “sorry” to Coach for interrupting his speech during tryouts.
Says “sorry” twice to Stiles for losing his temper when Stiles tried to cancel his date with Allison
Says “sorry” to Allison for ditching her at the party.
Second Chance at First Line (1x02)
Says “sorry” to Chris three times for getting hit by Chris’s car.
Says “sorry” to Allison twice for running away and for acting weird.
Pack Mentality (1x03)
Says “sorry” to Deaton twice for being one minute late.
Says “sorry” to Allison for being bad at bowling.
Magic Bullet (1x04)
Says “sorry” to Allison for his phone interrupting their time together. 
Heart Monitor (1x06)
Says “sorry” to Stiles for being distracted thinking about sex while Stiles is talking about anchors.
Says “sorry” to Stiles for realizing he’s in love with Allison.
Says “sorry” to Derek for his second howl being so loud.
Wolf’s Bane (1x08)
Says “sorry” to Jackson insincerely, pretending not to know Jackson is accusing him of a werewolf
Formality (1x11)
Says “sorry” to Allison for trying to get her to laugh when she’s being serious.
Scott apologized sincerely at least 16 times in Season 1. Again, this isn't counting the times he tried to make up for his mistake such as when he let Stiles beat him up or brought back Allison's necklace to her. These are only the times he said the word "sorry."
He wasn't the only person, of course. Many other people said they were sorry, though some of them were insincere. Here's a list in order of numbers.
Allison Argent: 10
Stiles Stilinski: 7 (1 insincere)
Alan Deaton: 4
Melissa McCall: 4
Chris Argent: 3 (1 insincere)
Jackson Whittemore: 3 (all insincere)
Kate Argent: 3
Garrison Myers: 2
Adrian Harris: 1
Peter Hale: 1 (insincere)
In direct contradiction of fandom's statement that Scott never apologizes, at least in Season 1, Scott told someone he was sorry as much as the next two characters combined. What is also pretty weird is that the fandom darling, Derek Hale, never said the word once. (He'll say it insincerely in Shape Shifted (2x02) when he's flirting with the night desk deputy).
Want me to go on? I can! Or, maybe the parts of the fandom so riddled by unjustified hate for a minority lead protagonist might want to watch the show again.
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