#italicised oh but in a very bad way
nosafeharbour · 1 year
Pandæmonium: Anabaseios thoughts/reactions
Hoo, boy... I have so many thoughts and emotions that I need to untangle here. I wrote up some initial reactions as I played, but I'm glad I slept on it and went back through my screenshots to mull them over.
I liked it. I think it's one of the strongest raid tiers in story and set pieces both. Do I like it over Abyssos? I can't say, I'll have to see how I feel in the future. Last night I felt a lot more conflicted over it, than I do today! Letting it sit in my mind was a good thing.
My Abyssos thoughts are here, if curious!
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The first fight was so cool! Loved the voice acting, and the memories/souls... especially the mage, who was giving me Mhachi mage vibes. I want to make them into an OC... the martialist and just, a Behemoth, were also very neat
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[blows up myself up with my mind]
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He did the italicised you... my favourite...
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Lahabrea and Erichthonios hanging out with us so casually in the Aitiascope is very charming... especially the researchers cowering away. I can’t believe these are some of the only two people alive outside of the Scions to have ever seen an Ancient
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You’re scaring the hoes
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When I tell you that I started quaking and did not stop until I finished the tier. The incredibly stormy maelstrom of feelings over “I’m getting the thing I wanted, but I don’t know how it’s gonna go or make me feel yet”
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Oh, the places we shall see! The sad faces we shall make! God, she’s really going through it
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This area was gorgeous... I love it when they put my monochrome WoL in monochrome spaces. The hand and eye motifs here were stunning
The Pandæmonium fight itself was SO cool... the voice acting and mechanics were really fun. This is probably the fight (asides from P12S P2) that I’m the most curious to see in Savage
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[nervous shrieking laughter]
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ABSOLUTELY adore this. I was really hoping it was going to be what the Heart of Sabik looked like, or representative of it, in a way.
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[shoving my entire fist in my mouth]
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Gaius mention... while Lahacred is on screen... nodding, smiling
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The slow zoom as they silently stared at each other... pretty sure Lahabrea knows that Albi could confirm his suspicions, but neither of them want to say anything.
I quite like the framing of this memory of Lahabrea - we’re picking up where we left off after knowing him in Abyssos, a “version” of him from closer to the Final Days, but with the context of nothing he learns or experiences here having any impact on the “real” Lahabrea that we meet later on. We get the character set piece, without any longlasting character growth. He gets to learn about his future self, but not in a way that impacts that future. For the WoL, it’s such an interesting mix. A man discovering his future horrors. But WoL is reluctant to say anything, so it’s a very stubborn game of chess.
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It’s from here on, with the real and grounded Heart of Sabik lore, that my thoughts get much more complicated! Not in a bad way, I’m just overwhelmed.
It is interesting that it does, ultimately, all stem back to the High Seraph. I have/had a complicated view of the Ivalice raids... even as somebody who loves FF Tactics, I felt at the time that they felt too much like transplanting FFT/XII lore into FFXIV in a way that didn’t feel as smooth and natural as other homages. I didn’t enjoy Ivalice until The Orbonne Monastery, and Bozja, the latter of which did the most for soothing those feelings... The implication that the Heart of Sabik was auracite that stemmed from the High Seraph, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I’m still not sure how I feel about it! At the very least, I can really respect them holding fast to their own internal lore. Ivalice isn’t any less important or major, for being a piece of side content.
Equally interesting that the reason Azys Lla was involved, specifically the Aetherochemical Research Facility, was because Lahabrea was still carrying the Heart of Sabik with him until the day he died. The memories of Athena still within it, called out to the shard of Erichthonios... I had hoped that there was going to be some further connection to “our” Lahabrea and where he seemingly died there, but I guess he truly did die. Again, respect holding fast to their lore!
So Ultima, as a spell and a concept in all of it’s forms from Ivalice, to  Pandæmonium, and finally to the Ultima Weapon and Werlyt, does truly originate from Ultima, the High Seraph. But the Heart of Sabik itself, has the most major ties to Athena. I’ll put my more specific thoughts on Ultima at the end.
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Oh my god... they did it... I really love Elidibus a lot (in a “sleeper agent” way where I don’t think about him much until he’s on screen in front of me, but he is the other Ascian other than Lahabrea that really had me invested and hanging onto the Ancients plot) but I’m so, so glad for the Elidibus fans. To get to see his true form, and for it to really lean into the blind justice themes, it’s so good. I’m emotional
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And the arena... this truly is the original meeting hall/chambers for the Convocation, is it not? The way it directly mirrors the meeting space the Ascians use in the Rift is amazing. The light pouring in through the windows, the views of Amaurot outside of them... amazing. The sigil on the banners surrounding the hall is Lahabrea’s, so I wonder if this is the Speaker’s hall, in some manner?
P11 itself made me tear up randomly during the fight, lmao, I don’t remember the last time that happened... maybe the Werlyt trials, or Endsinger... the music hitting crescendos, seeing attack names that so closely catered to Elidibus lovers, and the feelings of this being the truly last chapter to the Ascians/Ancients... it got to me.
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Ahh... so I have complex feelings about Albi ever using/giving her aether out like this, even when the WoL does it fairly often. After her incident at The Ghimlyt Dark in 4.5, she hasn’t been able to control her aether in a manner she could offer it to others, and even since recovering enough to return to the mantle of Black Mage, it’s still something that she’d pause before doing.
But this moment felt right. It reminded me of this moment, the last time Albi did something of the sort;
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And considering who that was done to defeat, it feels poetic!
Additionally, I’ve had a lot of thoughts since Abyssos about Albi’s aether... I’ve been bouncing back and forth on this idea of Lahabrea doing something with her aether, half motivated by him actually imbuing you with some in order to summon allies just before P8, but also because an Ancient who is so heavily aspected to fire, who already does comment on the WoL’s strange composition, wouldn’t be able to not notice Albi’s still inbalanced fire-aspected aether. I’ve had some scenes I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write or draw, but now I’m just certain that he did take note of it... I think the context is that he gives her some aether after she’s so worn out and woozy from P8, and while it’s not something she consents or agrees to, his feeble poke does help mend the last bits of damage to her aether. This is a story for another time, but, it all goes into this moment with Albi’s aether.
Tangent over!
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These lines of dialogue just really hit.
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I really adore this design, as much as I am like. Oh my god noooo the lunar moth with eyes thing was my Light Warden/Titania design for Albi! First she took Ultima from me, and now this badass design. I’m happy but like NO, WAIT lmao
Considering Athena has the same hair colour/style as me irl and I’ve always found that amusing, I’m... she’s taken everything from me...
(I really, really like Athena, so I’m allowing it)
I like that she’s simply Theos, to go with the Hemitheos title that the others got. She’s a full god.
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The High Seraph’s angels... I know I already talked about my thoughts on the High Seraph, but it was only implied until post-raid. This is the moment I was like ohhhhh yeah, this is 100%
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OH, THIS IS... THIS... [shoves my entire fist in my mouth, again]
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Glad that we wiped 2 or 3 times, so I could get a few different angles on this. She’s doing the same gesture with the arms, and it’s the same effect, as when the Ultima Weapon casts Ultima.
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And it’s called Theos’s Ultima... I only noticed this going over these screenshots again. The Weapons in Werlyt used Optimised Ultima, there’s this, and then I think only Ultima Weapon and Pandæmonium use “just” Ultima. Unsure about the High Seraph, perhaps she does too? I’ll have thoughts about this later!
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It was very cool to see what a person using Ultima looks like! Again, I’ll have thoughts about this at the end. The elephant in the room on my personal WoL lore, lmao
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I do like Athena, as a character... I’ve always wanted more women villains, especially one who is so unapologetic, and covers the facet of the Ancients that I didn’t initially vibe with; Hermes touched upon it, but the power to create and destroy, and act as a steward of life, is something that cannot only breed good.
And I love Erichthonios... I liked his send-off. He got the emotional farewell/”death” for the sake of the player and their journey. We know the true Erichthonios is sundered later on, but we get this moment
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Ah... I am just... ahhhh
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Here it is, here’s The Scene. This ended up being so close to a lot of what I wanted for their moment of closure, including the setting, but different enough in ways that were surprising and refreshing
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You are him. The option and delivery here was just so perfect, I am going to think about this line forever.
Lahabrea calmly putting the pieces together, asking this, and having the calm response back from WoL... understanding the journey his future self went through, and not even faulting it, because he is so sure in his sense of self that he can see how he would go down that path. This isn’t like Emet balking at the idea of the things he did and calling it fiction, this was Lahabrea understanding, cursing his future blindness, but not even refuting what he does.
While we did not get the moment I really wanted, where we speak to the culmination of “our” Lahabrea who recognises us from ARR and HW, as well as Pandæmonium’s Lahabrea, this might fit his character more. It’s a nice moment in the writing. It’s a moment of dignity for ARR/HW Lahabrea, almost, recognising his acts but not dragging them to the spotlight.
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And again, the way he simply and calmly accepts these acts. I love the moment of Claudien thanking him, and recognising him as the Speaker and not as the Ascian, because it’s another full-stop on the note of Lahabrea being someone who was so respected and adored. But Lahabrea, with his calm (”a calm heart stays the course”...) and collected mind, can simply brush that aside. I become your enemy, and your enemy deserves no sympathy.
Everyone (including Albi simply smiling at him) heckling him to accept the thanks is sweet, though. “If you insist on deceiving yourselves, then so be it. My stance remains unchanged.”... I like this writing a lot...
I also really liked Lahabrea’s “I will hear no more, you are not him” in response to Claudien wanting to bring up Erichthonios’s memory. It was a nice touchpoint back to the theme of “you are you, and nobody else” from Shadowbringers... we are neither Ardbert, nor Azem, Gaia is not Loghrif, and Claudien is not Erichthonios. Albi has a lot of complicated thoughts in regards to Azem in her interactions with Lahabrea, particularly in this scene, feeling as if she “should” be doing or saying certain things in order to honour their memory. So this was a good moment in which to hear Lahabrea say this.
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I know this is not the “real” Lahabrea, but having this, in the eyes of the player and in context, essentially be his last words... ah... it’s good. It’s sad, and lacks the amount of emotional closure I really did want, but in a way that is simply so succint and fitting of Lahabrea’s character. He’s not as sentimental towards us as someone like Themis, or even Emet-Selch. This is fitting, for him, even if my heart wanted more.
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There isn’t always a happy ending. You can’t always have things turn out how you want.
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One last trip to wrap things up... Hegemone!! I dressed up as you for Halloween raid night last year. Good to see you
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Hehe... I just wanted to say hello... :’)
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This is one of the coolest shots and lines of dialogue in the whole raid series. I adore him.
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Ah... he did it! It happened! While I suppose he did live without Hephaistos for a fairly long period of time before we encounter him in Abyssos, I was surprised that he’d rejoin with that piece of him so relatively quickly, afterwards. I was anticipating it to be right near the Final Days, if not afterwards? But this was a good scene. I liked the subtle change in him, after - he is still himself, but with that slightly sharper edge.
And then oh my god, we got The Scene... 2
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Ah... I guess this is a nice counterpart to the more emotional, wistful farewell scene. Reading these lines again made me misty eyed though, lmao... This is underlining his stance; I am committed to my course, regardless of where it takes you. We are not alike.
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I like it! It’s such a clear paralell to Emet’s final final words to us in Ultima Thule... my convictions are invincible. Considering I had issues with them softening up Emet a bit too much in his sentimentality for us, I like that they went out of their way to do the opposite with Lahabrea.
It’s curious - going by Erichthonios’s epilogue, and their mention of the event at the start, the memory versions we journeyed with were created right before the Final Days, they knew about their impending doom. The Lahabrea who gave us his softer farewells also has these memories of this more divisive parting. We got both the respected, wise man of days gone, but also this more haughty man who lines up more with the image we have of him as a villain... hm... I’m going to dwell upon this a lot and come back to it.
In both scenes, I do like his final words. At the same time, I’m glad they’re not his final words from the viewpoint of the Ascian, just in that I don’t have to redo my Final Words sticker set... LOL... but maybe a second set, with these Ancient versions of their final words
Erichthonios’s memory epilogue was good. I like how it all came back to the start.
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This screenshot just feels so fake. To be holding the Heart of Sabik so casually... I wish it looked a little bit cooler. I was ready to make an enamel pin, or something.
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Speaking of epilogues... damn.
I was SO shocked that this scene was voiced, as I’m sure many were. I’m so, so glad though. He deserved this; we got a bit of this in Endwalker, but getting this semi-final version of him created from pieces of him in the lifestream, meaning he is as complete enough as needed for this closure, with all his memories... it was good. It was very poignant.
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This is a “where you go my dearest friend, fate shall surely follow” level of good line. God. This one is going to stick with me.
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Some final optional dialogue with Claudien to confirm the Heart of Sabik’s direct relation to the High Seraph... and there we have it! All done.
I’ll be honest, when I finished this last night, I knew I liked it but... felt depressed, nonetheless. I suppose it was a feeling not unlike grief, that in one day, I’d just seen the end of Gaius and Lahabrea’s stories, as well as the wider Ancients story. And while the latter has not engaged me so much in Endwalker as it did in the past, it’s still been such an ongoing thread, and Pandæmonium has felt like the only part of Endwalker I’ve really connected to... and now it’s over.
Today, especially after going through these screenshots again, and realising I was running on 3 hours of sleep yesterday, I am feeling much better.
I am still slightly sad that Lahabrea did not get as much focus in this raid series as I’d hoped! I wanted this to be his moment of closure equivalent to the Dying Gasp and the Seat of Sacrifice. Not only was the Hephaistos fight not his “true” self in the same manner as Hades, in the end... Emet and Themis just got ANOTHER set of nice moments of closure, in Ultima Thule and then in P11. Having seen Themis’s true form now, it only stands out more how we never saw Lahabrea’s. Themis got that voiced cutscene, but nothing from Lahabrea. I think I’m always going to be slightly hung up on that.
The other thing I felt weirdly conflicted about was that Ultima means so much to me - there’s this nervous energy that comes from having the Heart of Sabik now cleared up and attributed to other characters. Ultima coming in during the music in the Final Day made me cry when I first heard it, and I decided that Albi uses Ultima during that fight, with the help of some post-Werlyt research into the relics left behind from that, and dynamis. Last night, after finishing Anabaseios, I was left feeling like I couldn’t even use that any more. I never liked the High Seraph much, I was sad that none of the music in this raid tier even used the Ultima leitmotif, and now it was Athena’s “thing”...
But the whole point of Albi using Ultima was that she was reclaiming it in the name of hope, as she has done with Allagan relics before it, as she did with all of the final boss motifs in the Final Day’s theme. I’m still keeping it. :) Seeing that Athena’s was call Theos’s Ultima, I’m thinking Albi’s might just have a different name, too. Magi’s Ultima, or something. I’ll work on it.
My god, this post became so long. But I had a lot riding on Anabaseios! I’m happy with it. I’m glad that of all the tiers this expansion, the one I raided most fully was Abyssos, though, and that is possibly still one that means the most to me. But I’m looking forward to casually progging Anabaseios, and seeing what P12S might be like!
Lahalbi... real? Not really, not in the ways I’d hoped. But they mean a lot to me, as does Ultima.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So Phil walks in on Wilbur having a panic attack in the hallway and Jack trying to calm him down. I don’t know how much he saw cuz it’s Wilbur’s pov and he was way too disconnected from the world. Like if it’s a straight hallway he might have seen Wilbur punch a wall. Though he might have heard it and the scream. Which, it’s probably one thing to heard it from Techno and another to see Wilbur having a Time.
Anyway, I don’t know what Jack was saying either, but I’m assuming he thought it was just the two of them since he’s surprised at Phil being there, thus there is a high chance he used Wilbur’s personal name. Which would come as a surprise to Phil, but Wilbur having a panic attack is more important. He might even assume Jack was the reason Wilbur was panic like that time with the guards at the doors, but only for a split second. Jack then has to step aside cuz Phil does not like people touching Wilbur.
Phil learns the brothers had a fight and all I can think of is that text post “it’s all about the italicised oh” but it’s all about the [“Oh, Orpheus.”]. Anyway, Phil is connecting a lot of dots right now. He and Techno share everything so some of those dots are probably ‘Tommy doesn’t need me’ and ‘I miss him’ and I’m sure there were a lot more before those.
And it’s not pity. It’s an understanding of how much he’s hurting. Because Wilbur needs a purpose, and he just lost his and now he doesn’t know what to do. Also, bonus, Wilbur knows it’s not pity, because he can read Phil a lot better too. He knows Phil doesn’t pity him but he can’t tell what it is instead because ongoing break down.
phil didn't see wilbur punch the wall but he did hear the thud and hte scream, so he was able to figure out what happened pretty quickly. also, yeah, jack was using wilbur's personal name there to try and calm him down because he was too focused on wilbur to notice phil behind him.
lol yeah the second phil learns there was a fight he's like Oh that makes sense. but he's definitely still startled by how hard wilbur is taking it. he realizes this wasn't any normal fight. this was something BAD. it had to be something very very bad to make wilbur react this way. because he's seen wilbur upset plenty of times before this! just never this upset.
it's not pity, it's understanding. phil gets what's going through wilbur's head because he's taken the time to understand how wilbur's head works. so he understands and he sympathizes with him.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
(forgot to mention it in the previous ask but the angsty styria fic is from charles's pov, and since you are planning to write from his pov i don't know whether you'd want to read it before you wrote yours?) (i know every author's process is different from another, so i just thought I'd let you know before you opened that link, because when i am trying to write something and i find something very similar i can rarely get it out of my brain so i just start editing the parts of that story i want a certain way and then that thing is a Frankenstein version of the original and my vision and it never gets posted 🥲) (so just in case your process is remotely like mine and you'd want to avoid any charles povs :3)
awww, bless, you are so considerate 🥺🥺 anon, ilysm for thinking to tell me this! that is genuinely just such a wonderful, thoughtful gesture, and i am so very touched right now ❤️❤️ thank you SO much, my darling!
as it happens, i actually am very similar to you with writing process here! the amount of times i've written a line in one of my fics and had to just pause and be like "wait... did i actually make this up or did i accidentally steal this from one of the authors i reread too often... 🙉" (most common culprits are briony leclerctops, phoebe hourcat and akira effervescentdragon btw. the amount of times i've reread certain of their fics... embarrassing.) gosh but it's so bad!! i've genuinely had to open up taller in another dimension or smth and use the search function just to make sure i didn't accidentally plagiarise a line 😭😭 SO YEAH. this was actually an invaluable ask to me, and i appreciate you literally so much for sending it ❤️❤️❤️
however! good news for my reading list! i had a quick glance at the tags on the fic you recommended, and i noticed that it's an established relationship charles POV. relief! my dream WIP of the styria piarles fic would be pre-relationship charles POV, where he evaluates exactly why pierre's friendship means so much to him/why he can't lose pierre (and then has the italicised oh i love him moment because of it.) soooo i think that's different enough that we're good, in this case 😍😍 but i just want to say thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for going out of your way to be considerate like this. i just appreciate it SO much, truly ❤️❤️❤️
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capisback · 3 years
romance manga tend to be so bi-vibed because the girls tend to be attracted to girls a lot and sometimes it can get you a little giddy but then they say something incredibly homophobic and you’re like oh! forgot about that!
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zukkas · 3 years
pleaaaase make sure your fic has good paragraph spacing before you post it, so many times i've seen people post fics with bad paragraph spacing and i can't read it, so i just end up closing it, even if the story is very compelling. your writing should be breathable, give readers a way to anchor their eyes to various points within the story, so add a new paragraph:
whenever a character speaks
when the writing subject changes (e.g. you write a descriptive paragraph, then an action paragraph)
when there's a particularly important piece of information the reader needs to know (italicised oh kinda thing)
if your paragraph is getting too long, my rule of thumb is if it gets longer than about 10 lines it's gonna look too much like a block of text so i try to break it up (keep in mind lots of people read on their phones)
also, add a line break:
when the pov changes (unless you're doing one of those "narrator knows everything" stories)
when the scene changes, if there's no transition to the new scene that's important (like walking or driving there)
after the character/s go/es to sleep
any significant time skips tbh
ofc these aren't set in stone, but i think they're good starting points to learning how to space out your writing, and by extension good practice for pacing. long paragraphs aren't bad per se, but use them sparingly so you don't overwhelm your readers.
contrast is also essential, you don't have to add a new paragraph after every single sentence, that just makes it look like a script rather than a narration and is also difficult to follow (unless youre going for the script approach obviously). alternate longer and shorter paragraphs, and that will probably also help to give your story a bit more depth.
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loyally-unfaithful · 3 years
—; it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas.
word count: 3.6k
pairing: razor/gn!reader; razor/traveler
genre: fluff
summary: « i remember… purple mentor say ‘mistletoe’ a big part of weihnachten. »
you looked at the plant in slight bewilderment, not quite sure what to make of this offering. it was cute.
« oh. »
razor stares expectantly at you as you watch him make no further attempt to move. you can’t help the laugh that escapes you, the banality of everything setting into your mind. or maybe you’re getting sleepy. you wonder: « do you know why, razor? »
a/n: secret santa secret santa secret santa anyway, this is my side of the secret santa gift for @absolutely-rational​—i chose to write a thing for razor, but i barely play the game and i haven’t met him or own him* or anything so i apologise if it’s a little ooc ,,,, merry christmas and happy holidays ^^
p.s. as the man who’s good at saying very little in way too many words, the length of this fic just exploded and it’s alot longer than what i wanted it to be dskljfsldkja
i write dialogues in what i will call the french/european system? anyway, i see that it's not the dialogue formatting that most english readers are accustomed to so i modified it slightly to be easier to understand basically dialogues will be within guillemets (« »), and words that are within the quotation marks but are italicised are actions and/or dialogue verbs.
hope that clears things out a bit and i hope you give me and my fic a chance :)
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« weih… nachten…? »
he tilts his head slightly, not unlike a dog. what’s that? razor repeats your words slowly, tentatively, enunciating the foreign word with care. he wonders if the words sound strained coming from him. words are hard.
« that’s right! it’s a large festival in teyvat, and even more so in the city! you elaborated, sensing his confusion. here in mondstadt it’s called weihnachten and it’s supposed to be about, you know, spending time with friends and family, passing around gifts and presents to those you care about. »
you soon felt at ease as you continued: this world had its differences, but it had its similarities. it had its own equivalent of christmas. something that you know about. sure, maybe the origin is different, maybe it had different customs and traditions, but it was a comforting familiarity in the midst of everything that’s so staggeringly foreign. then again, you suppose that’s what drew you closer to the silver-haired boy: neither of you truly fit in, nor fully understood the strange world you happen to be in.
though at the very least, razor had his lupical. as bittersweet as it was, it warmed your heart to know that at least he had family to be around with during christmas, and well, around… in general.
« weihnachten. he says, this time with more conviction. how to celebrate? – well for starters, (where do you even begin?) we’d decorate our homes with all sorts of festive trinkets and we’d fill the streets with all sorts of sparkly things. garlands, lights, flowers, ribbons; decorations that’ll spruce up the place and make the city light up. it always made people cheer up and get in the holiday mood, especially at night when the fairy lights twinkle about! »
razor’s mouth moved in a silent gasp. then does that mean that those bright stars he liked so much were not stars, but rather lights? is that why they seemed to be brighter near the end of the year? the people from the city decorated, he considered. is that why the stars’ reflection, bouncing around in the lake, were an array of dazzling colours, from glittering red and shimmering green to captivating shade’s who’s name he doesn’t know?
« is why… sometimes stars explode? he wondered. – yup! though we don’t usually light up fireworks until new year’s. you wondered for a moment. do you like fireworks, razor? the silver-haired boy frowned, lost in thought, before shaking his head. – loud. scary. me and my lupical, we go hide. we don’t like… firework. »
you hummed in understanding. dogs have never been fond of fireworks and firecrackers either.
« fire is bad. why light firework? isn’t it big hassle? »
it reminded razor of the red, burny girl. fun person, friend! but the toys she uses are loud and dangerous, they create explosions and fire, just like fireworks.
« hmm, i guess… you pursed your lips in thought. good question. i guess that at this point we all just do it out of tradition. new year’s brings a lot of excitement, and people let it out by lighting them up. it’s also really pretty. »
the more he thought about it, and the more he learned about it, the less he understood the celebration. why? it’s loud and distracting. bright colours hurt eyes, doesn’t it? it’s time spent with your family, but razor is with his lupical everyday. do humans… not spend time with their lupical regularly? why is this specific day so special from the rest of the year? he doesn’t get all the funny dates and celebrations humans have to keep track of. seems like a big hassle. sounds complicated.
« no such thing as weihnachten in wolvendom, huh? »
he shook his head.
you tucked your finger under your chin, pondering, in slight puzzlement. back in your world, you would’ve been able to take pictures—maybe that would’ve helped him visualise it better—but you couldn’t here in teyvat. a sigh. anyway, it’s not like you had your camera on your person anymore, so you do your best to describe your happiest sensations, experiences, memories of christmas: the smell of hot cocoa on a cool winter morning, the crackle of firewood from the hearth, and the feeling of soft wool on your skin, hugging you from the biting cold. the merry and jovial carols sung by the star singers, the gleeful chattering between friends out on the street, and the boisterous cheering and partying coming from the many bars and restaurants in mondstadt. the comforting arias and prayers echoing from within the cathedral, the mouth-watering aroma and fragrance of treats from the christmas market, and the grand christmas tree placed at the heart of the city decorated with even more opulent and lavish garlands and baubles, the vivid glimmering lights reflected from your eyes.
describe the different little things that made christmas different and more special from the rest of the year.
somehow this time that you took to pay the wolf boy a visit was consumed by you rambling about the merry holiday, drivel that he listened to attentively and with a pure and honest kind of curiosity (even if he doesn’t always understand you) that you found endearing and made your heart flutter, until the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars adorning the city shined out, rivalling those peppering the night sky. until the howls from his family called him away from you, and until you motivated yourself to begin your trek back to mondstadt after sitting in the woods alone.
being with him was always a welcome distraction, you thought.
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december 25th.
paimon was dozing off after stuffing her face full of the dishes from the christmas banquet (good for her!), the cup of tea you had between your hands had gotten cold, and your breath was fogging the frosted window in front of your desk. you mindlessly traced a smiley face on condensation. you can see the ever changing colourful lights blinking through the glass pane. you take another gulp of the unpleasant liquid, unsatisfying as you feel it slowly go down your throat. the calming and comforting scent it brought (it was chamomile) having long dissipated.
sighing, you pulled your fingers off the cold china, deciding it wasn’t worth finishing, and quietly slipped out of your room (which was graciously granted to you by the knights of favonius), taking care to slot the chair back under the desk and gently close the door behind you. you wondered if taking a walk would help you feel better. you tightened your shawl around you and buried your freezing hands into your pockets. head down, you quickened your pace to… wherever your legs were taking you.
another sigh.
you smiled almost bitterly to how much of a grinch you were being. you liked christmas, or rather, you liked what it stood for, and you liked the idea of spending the winter months with your closed ones.
a few hours ago, the knights of favonius had organised a small christmas party at angel’s share, and though they had thoroughly reassured you that you belonged and were included in this celebration, you couldn’t help but keep to yourself and stick to a corner of the bar. you couldn’t bring yourself to join in on the fun, or talk to others. you didn’t feel like it was your place to force yourself into their conversation, into their lives. you were grateful that they thought about you, and you didn’t want to question their kindness, but… you nursed your glass of virgin cocktail, peeling your eyes away from your wonky reflection on the liquid.
you weren’t exactly at home: you looked at jean and barbara, happily exchanging jokes and teases. a relaxed sort of conversation, banter which flowed, almost as if it were rehearsed, in a way that was only possible between sisters. that night, the deaconess wasn’t smiling as if she was holding back tears. the carefree girl was speaking with jean (rather than the acting grand master) who allowed herself some respite from the demanding position.
you look at the uncharacteristic smile on the bartender’s (who happened to be none other than diluc that evening) face, and you doubted that kaeya, sharp-eyed as ever, missed it either. it was subtle. but it was there. you don’t miss the way the cavalry captain held back on his sarcastic remarks or the way diluc wasn’t being “deliberately uncivil” (as kaeya would put it) either; the way the red-head indulges kaeya’s seemingly insatiable thirst for alcohol while the latter makes an effort to maintain a friendly, if curt, chatter.
a particularly loud giggle drew your gaze back at the two sisters: lisa seemed to have joined them. you sipped your beverage, half-hearted. the three seemed to have started a rather animate discussion. you hear them laugh again. it makes you frown, but you shake your head, pushing those angry thoughts out of your mind. just because you’re miserable (even though you shouldn’t be—your friends are with you) doesn’t mean they have to feel down with you.
setting your glass down on the table, you wondered if you would've felt better if you were with someone closer to your age, but amber had gone home early: she dropped by and hung out for a bit before going home to spend time with her family. your glass is empty now. you feel… envious. you wished you could spend this christmas season with your family. it’s not fair. it’s not fair.
your favonian family, and yet you were out of place.
you excused yourself early from the gathering, the other members politely bidding you farewell and a merry christmas (« frohe weichnachten! »), and quickly went up the path leading to the order’s headquarters, wanting to hide away in your room as soon as possible.
now, you stop before the lavish tree: it’s as grand and brilliant as it’s always been. but now it seems much too bright. the colours an eyesore. singing sounds more like knives being dug into your eardrums.
your head hurts.
a humourless chuckle escaped you. you used to take turns with your sibling on who got to slot in the christmas topper.
this year was their turn.
back then, your sibling made a point to hang gingerbread treats on the tree, and you made a point to eat them behind their back come christmas morning.
normally, you’d be sharing gifts with your sibling during this time of the year.
your entire life they’ve always been there by your side, and you by theirs. for better or for worse, you kept each other company. you’ve always spent christmas with them.
this was your first christmas without.
the rest of your thoughts are jumbled, incoherent. something your long term memory didn’t deem worthy of keeping, so they simply fizzled away. everything was a blur as your feet carried you outside the city, away from… it doesn't matter. just away. carried you away. happiest time of the year. but you’re here alone, with no one you know and to call home in a world you don’t recognise. far away from the land you once knew.
panting, you stopped in your tracks when you realised you’ve started sprinting. what were you doing, you chastised yourself. can’t you act a little more mature? finally lifting your gaze, you took in your surroundings; instinctively your feet must’ve taken you to wolvendom. you kicked a stray pebble under your boot. not like that afterthought was going to help much. it’s not like anyone was waiting for you here either, razor was probably with his lupical. hunting or snoozing away.
with little care, you let out an exasperated sigh as you let yourself plop ungracefully to the ground, listless.
you sit there in silence, nothing to accompany you except for the cacophonous ringing of crickets in the forest. you drew your knees closer to you. what were you doing here? it’s cold. you hear thistle crack, and so you defensively draw your sword as you rose to your feet, only to be met with a familiar mop of fluffy silver hair.
« it’s night. dangerous here. »
was his curt greeting. you lowered your sword, shoulders relaxing.
you opened your mouth, ready to apologise, make up some sort of excuse, let him know you’re leaving, when something else caught your eye: « you kept the scarf? »
he blinked. once, twice: « you gave it to me. he said, very matter-of-factly. you are my lupical. it is… treasure… razor paused, correcting himself. treasured, possession. »
having realised that the intruder was not dangerous, the wolf boy came closer and gently pressed his forehead against yours and nuzzled your face. a small laugh escaped you as you returned the affectionate gesture, something you’ve learned was his customary greeting. it was cold out, but his touch was enough to bring feeling back to your cold self and make you warm and fuzzy inside.
still resting your head on his, you asked, timidly: « is it ok if i stay here for a bit? » it came out as a whisper, unsure if you’re any better staying here rather than back in the city. but as he nodded in agreement, your shoulders loosened as you let go of tension you weren’t aware you were building up again. you slumped into him, burying your face into him and held him in a loose hug. razor, as for him, let himself be snuggled to your heart’s content, happy to receive such fondness.
« today is special day, isn’t it? » his blood-red eyes peered inquisitively back at you, arms wrapping around you as he tries to remain as close to you as physically possible.
« mhm. » you mumbled non-commitally into his shoulder, opting to pull yourself closer to him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck.
« not go celebrate in city? » razor asked, perplexed. he thought that you said this was a big celebration to be had around other people? despite his bemusement, he rested his chin on the top of your head. it makes him all warm and soft inside, the thought of you choosing to spend this special day with him of all people. it makes him happy. he hopes you’re happy too. the wold boy gives you a once-over and his brows creased in slight worry: you’re really quiet today. why?
« uh-uh. » you grunted, shaking your head against his shoulder, your hair brushing against his clothes. the chunky scarf you gave him, the one you were convinced he was going to throw out due to its garish colours, tickled your exposed skin. he kept it. you smiled, touched. he kept it. it still smelled faintly of fabric softener, but marked by the smell of pine trees and something sweet, something you associated with brewing thunderstorms. you’ve always found rain and thunder to be comforting.
being with razor comforts you.
he wasn’t much of a talker. you both knew this. silence is ok though. he’s happy to be with you. but razor wonders why you’re so quiet today. concern flashes through his mind and he turns your gaze upwards, making you face him. you can’t possibly imagine what pathetic expression you were pulling and you quickly try to cover your despondence—but it was a fruitless venture.
« you smell sad. he watched you, a worried look on his face. »
you scrambled for some explanation, reassuring him that it’s nothing. that you’re not being a downer. that you’re happy. but he’s decided: « wait here. »
knowing that there was no restraining him once he’s made up his mind, especially when it’s something to do with the ones he considered close to him, you reluctantly let razor peel you off of him. as you watch him scurry away, you find yourself dearly missing his warmth, the comfort and safety of his arms. was staying here a good idea? you wrapped your arms around yourself. maybe you should leave. you’re ruining the mood. you’re disturbing wolvendom’s peace. before you could finish that line of thought, the wolf boy returned, this time carrying a handful of… something with him.
they threatened to tumble out of his grasp, but ultimately stayed put as he returned to his original position and held them out into your general direction, showcasing whatever he had procured. in his hands were multiple plants which bore small scarlet berries and oval, evergreen leaves. a plant you immediately recognised.
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« i remember… purple mentor say ‘mistletoe’ a big part of weihnachten. »
you looked at the plant in slight bewilderment, not quite sure what to make of this offering. it was cute.
« oh. »
razor stares expectantly at you as you watch him make no further attempt to move. you can’t help the laugh that escapes you, the banality of everything setting into your mind. or maybe you’re getting sleepy. you wonder: « do you know why, razor? »
he blinked, clueless, before looking at the mistletoes in his hand with confusion, coming to the realisation that no, he didn’t actually know why it’s so important. it’s not edible. maybe because it’s pretty? the city has many red lights and white lights. some mistletoes are red and others are white?
he continues to stare at the berry, as if it would cave in and reveal its secrets to him if he sustained his efforts. taking his prolonged silence as his answer (though you had expected for him to not actually know—knowing lisa, she would’ve just offhandedly mentioned them. and when razor would’ve asked her about what they meant, she’d just smile without answering him), you filled him in, your voice filled with mirth: « people usually kiss underneath mistletoes. »
he turned his gaze back to you before voicing the conclusion he had come to: « this mean, i have to kiss you? »
you chuckled. « only if you want to. »
he looks at the plant, giving it a long hard look, then back at you.
it wasn’t much, it wasn’t spectacular. hell, it was more of a ghost of a kiss than anything. but you still smiled as his lips brushed on yours. a peck, which lasted too long yet not long enough. awkward, but endearing. your textbook first kiss, including the warm fluttery feeling of butterflies that so often preached about, if only a little more clumsy.
it’s cute.
he’s so genuine, earnest, in his endeavours. it makes your heart soar. he’s sweet. you don’t deserve this kindness but he gives them away without a second thought.
you don’t deserve to be happy during christmas, especially not when your sibling was still out there, alone and potentially afraid. maybe, no, it definitely is selfish for you to enjoy this day. pretend like everything is alright just for this one moment. that you’re not some traveler stuck in a strange and unknown world, that you’re not desperately trying to find your sibling and a way out. act carefree, and get to be you. but goddammit does he make you so so happy that your heart clenches and that you can’t help but smile from ear to ear. you deserve to be miserable today; you feel like shit, really. but you’re also really happy, and glad, and relieved, and maybe a little tired.
it’s all too much, and you feel so much at once that you just don’t know how to handle this anymore. overwhelmed. you smiled and laughed giddily as the waterworks started (despite your best efforts), and you’re a mess, and definitely a bit sleepy, but you’re stupidly happy today. stupidly happy because of him.
this alarmed the boy, watching you laugh between hiccups, sobbing despite wearing a large smile. for humans, tears are sad. smiles are happy. were you ok? he’s confused. did he do something wrong?
« why crying? » he fretted, slightly panicked. he jumped to fuss over you, wipe away your tears, gently cradling your face with a gentleness that you would’ve never thought he was capable of when you first met.
you laughed as you wiped your face. « these are happy tears. » you try to explain.
he’s your home. your lupical. someone you’re at rest with, and safe with. you love him.
your words get caught in your throat, unable to express everything you want to tell him. so instead, you engulf him in a hug. something he was caught off guard from, stiffening, but quickly relaxed and embraced you back. still a little unsure, he comforts and reassures you the only way he knows how: patting your head. when he’s down head pats makes him feel better. he hopes you’ll feel better.
« thank you. » you said softly, shakily, sniffling. thank you for being here. thank you for being you.
you’re not as alone as you thought, you never really were. together, in your own small corner of the world. your home: razor.
as you cuddled together, passing the time by naming and pointing at the celestial canvas above you, you realised: maybe this year, as unfortunate as it had been, didn’t have to end on a bad note. at some point, razor had shared his ridiculously large scarf with you, wrapping it around the both of you. and slowly, your words slowed, your breaths evened out. you pressed more of your weight against him as you felt your eyes droop. you’re safe. you’re with razor. you’ll fall asleep, and when you wake up he’ll be there. as drowsiness takes you over, you think to yourself ‘yeah, i’m happy.’
you’re happy here. in this one time, one place, with razor, you’re happy.
and you hope that wherever they are, your sibling is happy too. and that they’ll forgive you for being selfish, for being happy despite everything.
you hoped that your mirror image had someone to spend christmas with.
somewhere—someone they felt at rest with.
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sxfterhearts · 3 years
53. [4:07 pm]
➳ pairing: yugyeom x reader
➳ genre/warnings: fluff fluff fluff, baker!au, baker!yugyeom, exchange student!y/n
➳ word count: 2,040 words
➳ summary: “Sit down, I’ll get it.”
➳ author's note: rach-stop-mentioning-food-in-every-single-timestamp-challenge: failed. just the thought of baker!yugs and bread has me feeling all soft and gooey inside. which is why i whipped this one up! it has been a phat minut since i last wrote so yea :”) (also i should mention italicised are korean!!) regardless i hope this will help brighten up your day a little!! sending many warm hugs xx
Your phone screeched from its resting place on the other side of your room, signalling the start of your day. It was strategically placed atop your wooden, old-fashioned dresser, with the sole purpose of motivating you to get out of bed and turn the damn thing off.
With a groan, you stretched all four of your limbs, releasing a satisfied yawn as your joints popped after a good nights’ rest.
It was late afternoon. The rays of sunshine splattered deep orange and gold as it sneaked past the cracks the half-open blinds, painting your tiny studio apartment with lazy signs of life.
You dragged your sleep-ridden body to the dresser, still reluctant to start the day after what was an immensely taxing Friday night. Having just arrived in this bustling Korean city a mere two weeks ago, you were somewhat proud of yourself for landing a part-time job to support yourself when you started your semester of exchange. The only problem was, it happened to be a bartending job in a rowdier part of Seoul, commonly patronised by sleazy middle-aged men and their younger lady companions.
It wasn’t like you had much of a choice, anyways. Your Korean was still very much at an elementary level, which didn’t prove to be a hindrance in the bar you worked at. Most of the drinks were named in English, and the owner of the bar, a surprisingly kind, motherly lady in her sixties, paid you well above the minimum wage.
Still, it was your second Friday shift ever, and it clearly took its toll on you. Staring at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you cringed. The eyebags under your eyes were so dark it could’ve easily been mistaken as a smoky-eye look gone wrong; your lips were awfully chapped and an alarming shade of red, while a few nasty pimples threatened to break through the surface of your skin.
In other words, you looked like a wreck.
Grabbing your phone, you checked the time. Ten minutes past four. Oh no, you winced internally. You were going to be very late if you didn’t leave your house in the next fifteen minutes. As though an internal switch flipped on, you turned the shower to full blast and stepped inside, sucking in your teeth as the cold water splashed against your skin.
In eight minutes flat, you were tugging on your beat-up sneakers and dashing for the elevator in your only pair of clean, non-alcohol-stained jeans and a plain white t-shirt that you conveniently picked off the pile of dry clothes on your sofa. You jammed the down button a couple of times, all while checking the time on your phone.
“Shit,” You cursed under your breath. 4:19. You couldn’t wait any longer.
Throwing all caution to the wind, you sprinted down the fire escape and did not stop for a single breath until you reached the final destination: a charming little bakery across the road from your apartment.
Rushing to the bakery just before closing time had become a habit for you. Amidst the chaos of moving and finding your feet in this new city, the bakery and its never-ending stream of patrons were your source of stability. Not only was it less busy and crowded during the evening, but it was also much easier for you to snag a couple of good bargains in the form of randomly-packaged, discounted breads.
The fact that the cute baker was the last one in store and in charge of closing up was just an added bonus.
A high-pitched, annoying chime broke him out of his daze. With a groan, Yugyeom straightened his slumped figure and stretched his arms above his head, releasing a satisfied sigh as his backbone cracked.
It was late afternoon. The rays of sunshine splattered deep orange and gold as it flooded through the drawn, white lacey curtains, painting his grandfather’s bakery with calm and relief; a peaceful conclusion. The end of daylight was drawing near.
He wiped a stray trail of saliva off the corner of his mouth before sucking on a mint. Checking the clock that hang above rack upon empty rack which usually contained baked goods, his palms inexplicably grew clammy.
4:27, Yugyeom mused. He shook his head to clear his spiralling thoughts. Keep it together, dummy. Just because she came the past few days doesn’t mean that she’ll come today too. She has her own life, her own friends, maybe even a boyfri-
Just as his mind was about to veer off course and crash into the thorny garden of unrequited love, Yugyeom caught sight of a blurry figure at the corner of his eyes. Intrigued, he stood up straight and watched as you appeared in front of the bakery’s double doors. For a few seconds, you simply clutched your knees and huffed and puffed. Yugyeom could barely stop the shit-eating grin that split across his face and had to bite down hard on his bottom lip to avoid looking like a fool.
Then, you did the unexpected. From the back pocket of your jeans, you pulled out your lip balm and applied it on your lips, using the bakery’s glass window as a mirror. At that, Yugyeom threw his head back in a hysterical fit of laughter.
It was hard for him to explain the feeling in his chest, really. The first time you walked through the doors of the bakery, eyes twinkling with pure wonder and amazement as you browsed the array of baked goods like how a girl would admire a display of diamond rings, he was screwed. You captivated his interest as you fumbled for the right number of coins to pay for your discounted breads, tongue stuck out and head tilted adorably while doing so. He gave you, the damsel in distress, a helping hand, by laying all your coins out on the counter and ordering them from lowest to highest value. Probably not the most helpful of gestures, but Yugyeom liked to tell himself that he was performing his civic duty by welcoming a visitor of Korea through non-verbal currency explanations and an introduction to the locals’ favourite breads, pastries and drinks. That evening, the two of you sat on the high table by the window, slowly savouring melon breads, injeolmi toasts, ang butter or red bean butter breads and an assortment of cream cheese breads. While the breads were wonderfully fluffy and the sweetness was at an acceptable level, Yugyeom instructed you to wash it down with an iced Americano.
Since then, the mere thought of the bakery, going to the bakery, its breads and pastries, its drinks and Yugyeom coated your insides with sweetness. Admittedly, the reason why you kept visiting the bakery was to create more memories with Yugyeom and ride the amazing sugar rush you felt whenever you were around him.
After rearranging your hair for the nth time, you bravely pushed open the doors and walked in at 4:29pm.
“Hello!” You called out in Korean as you waved at him, a wide smile plastered on your lips. There was an obvious language barrier (you with your kindergarten-level Korean and him with his Game of Thrones-standard of English), but it wasn’t obvious. The two of you came up with creative ways to break it down.
“Hi Y/N! Sit down. I’ll get it.” Yugyeom answered in English, emerging from behind the counter with his trusty English-Korean dictionary and a matcha latte he prepared in anticipation of your arrival. He walked towards you with an air of confidence, reminding you of a model in a fashion show despite wearing his typical slacks and white button-up, with sleeves rolled up and cross drop-earrings adorning his ears. Yugyeom quickly set the items down before pulling out a chair, nodding towards it to encourage you to sit.
You muffled a giggle at his gentlemanly actions, but complied, nonetheless. You glanced over to the boy, sipping on the creamy drink as he retrieved two large plates from the cake fridge. Sure, the assortment of cakes should have been the main attraction, but your eyes drifted and settled on the stern look of concentration on his face and his prominent collarbones peeking out of his shirt. Unbuttoned, you assumed, as he was going to be off work soon.
You were halfway through the drink when Yugyeom returned to the table. He noticed this and didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you about it. “Is it really good?”
“Thirsty. I just woke up.” You admitted, cheeks heating up in slight embarrassment.
Yugyeom’s wholehearted laughter filled the entire bakery.
“H-hey! Bad boy… Mean…”
“No, I…” Yugyeom stifled another round of laughter as he tried to pull himself together. “Cute. You wake up, come to see me in bread house.”
“Not ‘bread house’, ‘bakery’.”
“Ah, thank you. Bakery.” He tested the word on his lips, getting used to the pronunciation. “Bakery…”
“What are these?”
Yugyeom handed you a small cake fork while taking a seat. “Here. This plate is for tarts, and this one is for cakes. The tarts have the same filling – custard. But we use different fruits, like strawberries, berries, grapes and peaches. Whatever’s in season, really. Strawberries and cherry tarts are really popular in winter. Try some!” He reverted back in Korean whenever he was explaining, which was a great opportunity for you to pick up new vocabulary.
It was also a fantastic opportunity to try delicious pastries. You rotated through the entire plate painted in shades of pinks and green, taking a bite of each tart. Yugyeom just sat there, head in his palms, and admired the slight changes in your expression whenever you tried a new flavour. As creepy as it sounds, watching you eat the food he prepared was gradually becoming his favourite pastime.
“Cherry! That one is the best! It’s…” You quickly reached for the dictionary, softly muttering to yourself as you thumbed through the pages. “Here, acid. Acid, not too sweet. The strawberry one too.” Your eyes crinkled at their edges as they met his intrigued orbs, proudly smiling at yourself for learning a new word today.
“The word you’re looking for is ‘acidity’. ‘Acid’ is for chemistry.”
“Yes, that’s right.” Yugyeom reached over, his huge palm caressing the top of your head before ruffling your hair. You pouted and feigned annoyance, all while your heart squeezed and pounded away in your chest.
“Hey…” You protested weakly.
Yugyeom’s hand retreated. He placed it on the table, right next to your smaller ones. The distance between your hands taunted him; tempted him to close the gap and intertwine your fingers with his. Honestly, Yugyeom wasn’t used to this; wasn’t used to feeling like his insides were going to explode. His mouth opened and closed several times as he pondered his next move, wondering whether it would overstep your boundaries.
But then you stared at him in anticipation with your beautiful brown orbs, innocent and confused, as your lips wrapped around the straw of your matcha latte. Your gaze asked him an unspoken question, urging him on.
Yugyeom dragged your chair closer his, eliciting a high-pitched squeal from you. He rested both of his palms on top of your knees, gaining your full attention. “I like…” Yugyeom paused, catching his bottom lip between his pearly whites as the corners of his mouth tugged upwards. “I like this time with you.”
The soft giggle was purely involuntary, you swore to him afterwards. Yet, as you watched his expression flicker into one of panic, you were quick to cast out his worries. “No, no! Don’t get me wrong. Did you mean, you like spending time with me?”
“Ah, I was trying to be romantic. Stupid English…” Yugyeom cursed under his breath in Korean, unaware that you were familiar with the word ‘romantic’ due to the hours you spent (wasted) binging Korean dramas. “Yes, I do.” He said while squeezing your kneecaps in affirmation.
You had to remind yourself time and time again to keep calm in the presence of this charming man and his magical hands. “Me too, Yugyeom. You’re my favourite time of the day.”
Needless to say, your afternoon ritual continued for weeks and months to come.
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mourningbirds1 · 3 years
First line game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
​Thank you for tagging me @pedropascaldice (Click here to read Miranda's first lines )❤️ Dude we both have stories named after the same Bob Dylan song wtf 😍 Oh and I love this “but no one could stand the shade of pale he would get when he was by himself”. Damn.
Here are my first lines. I don't think I see any patterns, but tbqh I think all of my fics read as though they were written by completely different monkeys on completely different typewriters anyway so...
The Crossroads I’m Standing At  (Javi x Steve pre-slash one-shot)
Javi had let Steve take the aisle seat. He was asleep now, the lucky bastard. Javi never could sleep on planes. Flying made him nervous.
I think this one is my favourite. I like how simple it is. And it helped me get into Javi's voice for the rest of the fic - probably no coincidence that I wrote this fic faster than any of my others.
A Walk In The Woods (Javi x reader one-shot)
You heard him before you saw him. The sound of an ax striking a tree. Not an uncommon noise in those woods. But every now and then there was a deep, soft grunt that gave you the oddest sensation of déjà vu. Then you saw him and, Oh.
LOL at the italicised Oh in the very first paragraph 🤡
Less The Horror Than The Grace (Ezra x Medusa multi-chap)
Ezra sat on a bench outside his home while the familiar shape of Hephaestus, blacksmith of the gods, limped towards him from the east.
He Is Home (Ezra x reader one-shot)
You thought you’d grown strong enough to cope with bad weather after walking for so long, through all seasons. It had been hard at first, but you’d soon learned how to protect yourself from the elements. There were still odd days when you struggled, but you’d remind yourself that everything was temporary.
Don’t Look And It Won’t Hurt (Javi x ofc multi-chap)
There is a town some way outside Laredo whose main street has barely changed in twenty years.
So this whole opening paragraph is my hamfisted attempt to emulate my favourite style of story opening: The writer describes a location which is empty of characters, and then has the characters appear like they are walking onto a stage. It happens in Of Mice And Men (god that first page KILLS ME). And JB Priestley (one of my very favourite novelists) does it a lot. Check out his Good Companions and Angel Pavement if you're interested.
Into The Water (Javi x Steve oneshot) (WIP)
By the time they get into their hotel room the adrenaline has worn off and they collapse on the floor. Javi’s leaning against the door and Steve’s on his back and they’re both covered in blood. Neither of them is thinking about the ugly hotel carpet, designed to disguise all the stains that a transient human might leave behind. They’ll notice it later and will be glad of it. But for now all their gratitude is reserved for being alive. For surviving a raid gone disastrously, fatally wrong.
Untitled Javi x reader oneshot WIP click here for a longer extract (smut)
You have a perfect view of Javier Peña from your desk at the Embassy. It’s set slightly back from his which means you can watch him unobserved as he leans back in his chair and stretches his arms to lace his fingers behind his head. You’re familiar with the way his shirt sleeves hitch up to expose the smooth golden skin of his biceps as they flex and strain against the cuffs of his short sleeves. And sometimes when he answers his phone he swivels his chair to face your desk, head tilted to brace the receiver against his shoulder, not because his hands are busy but because he knows you’re watching and he knows his fucking angles and he wants to display his beautiful neck to you
I always feel shy of tagging people in these things but if you wanna do it please consider yourself nominated! And tag me in your post so I can read your first lines😊
6 notes · View notes
It Gets Bad Before It Gets Worse
A/N: Right so... hello. Been a while since I last posted anything. But! Anyways! This is my little take on Deku joins the League of Villains and how that works out for him. This is only just the USJ incident, and that to not the whole thing, but that’s because I’ve still got to write the last bit (where All Might fights the Nomu) and I really wanted to post this now so... yeah.
I copied this from my word document, but tumblr just- ate up my italicised words? Like they’re still there, but nothing’s italisiced except for this author’s note that I’m typing straight out here on tumblr. I really don’t have the patience to go through this and re-work everything, so I hope it doesn’t mess with the flow of words too much.
But besides that, I hope you enjoy!
Edit: I fixed stuff.
 Shota sends out tendrils of his capture scarves and grabs onto two villains, swinging feet first through the space between them and right into a third. By all means, his attention is mostly on the b-lister villains surrounding him, but he's been careful not to let the three bosses out of sight. They haven't tried anything yet, which just mean that they're going to be more trouble later on. 
 "Take the brat up with you, won't you?" The man with the hands scratches at his neck, a contemplative tilt in his voice as he keeps Shota in his sights just as much as Shota keeps handsy in his.
 There's warning lilt in mist-man's tone when he speaks, who Shota silently renames as Kurogiri for when he has to recount this incident for the police reports, hopefully with the villains locked up somewhere near. "Shigaraki..." 
 "Don't give me that tone!" The hands villain- Shigaraki- snaps, "You're not the leader of this operation. I am." 
 Kurogiri lets out a weary sigh just as Shota is forced to twist around to dodge a swipe of metal claws meant to dig into his torso, and regrets it immediately when he hears, "As you wish, Shigaraki." 
 When Shota turns back around, the Kurogiri is gone. 
 After the shock of, 'holy shit, this is really real' has passed, Class 1-A follows after Thirteen as they all run towards the entrance. They never quite make it there, when purple mist flickers into existence just ahead of them and starts to expands, bigger and bigger until it's like a swirly purple wall towering over them. That's not the last of it though, when Class 1-A watches a teenager who looks about their age step out from the mist. 
 "Is it time then?" 
 This is said to the owner of two yellow eyes that blink open in the mist, and voice that seems to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. "There was a change of plans. Shigaraki... wished to have you called in early." 
 It's the last bit that has all eyes watching the boy, as he in turn watches Kurogiri from over his shoulder. "What is that supposed to mean?" 
 The boy slowly turns to meet a violent red gaze, and Class 1-A hold their breaths.
 For one Izuku Midoriya, it’s like the world slowly halts to a standstill. Suddenly, nothing matters much anymore, not the fact that this is the first attack he's been allowed to participate in, and that too only to watch. Not that he was nervous why Shigaraki wanted him 'called in early'. Not that he was finally supposed to get his irrefutable proof that he hadn't lied to Sensei about All Might's weakness, that he had been loyal. No, none of that matters because Izuku doesn’t even look at the crowd of hero students, just the figure right at the front, with sparking hands that's more flash than boom, for now, and an expression that seems almost surprised to see him.  
 Izuku looks at Bakugou in fascinated horror, "Kacchan?" 
 This wasn't- this wasn't how this was supposed to go. Izuku was supposed to pop in and take notes, not come face to face with his childhood bully after almost a year. 
 Predictably, like it always happened when Kacchan was caught off guard, his expression twists from one of surprise to anger, like how dare Izuku try to pull a fast one on him. If only someone would tell Kacchan that Izuku is just as surprised to see him as Kacchan is to see Izuku, but good luck getting him to believe you. 
 "What the fuck are you doing here?" 
 "I-" There's that same adrenaline, pumping through using veins, the kind he always got when Kacchan had him by the front of his shirt and was screaming right in his face. But unlike before, where when the anger would come (‘What did I ever do to you?!’) and Izuku would push it down, he doesn't this time. 
 He hasn't in a long time pushed the anger down. 
 His eyes narrow and its hard, harder than anything Izuku's ever done, to keep his composure. His voice still trembles, threatening to betray the red-hot fury he feels curling in his gut, but he just about manages to keep that poisonous feeling contained in his hands, in his erratic breathing, but never seeping into his voice, onto his face, into his actions. "I could ask you the same thing Kacchan." 
 Kacchan goes to speak, give it back to him twice as hard because he never listens, does he? When Kurogiri draws a close to this verbal match of spitting bullets with a polite. "Sorry to interrupt, but me and comrades would appreciate it if you take this seriously."  
 Kurogiri has the kind of influence that is quiet but intense, which means people listen when he talks. Not only that, everyone realizes that he's clearly the bigger threat between being the warper and the dude who looks like literal middle schooler blocking their paths. Izuku knows rationally that this class of hero hopefuls' best bet right now would be to try and get past him and Kurogiri and to go call for help, but Izuku has enough faith in Kurogiri to handle that. Not that he can do much else, or think much else, because of the anger that just keeps building and building the longer he stands here with Kacchan's red hot glare pinned right on him, greater threat be damned. It should feel gratifying, that he's finally gotten Kacchan to look at him, not just as another thing in his way but a person, but maybe he hasn't. Maybe it had meant nothing at all to Kacchan, when Izuku Midoriya had disappeared off of the face of the Earth about ten months ago, taking nothing but the words of an angry bully with him. 
 Yeah, that fits the bill, doesn't it? Izuku may have known Kacchan for over 14 fucking years, but he's only ever been just another thing in Kacchan's way to step over on his way to glory. As if Kacchan noticed he was ever gone. 
 The only time Izuku ever gets to have Kacchan look at him again, acknowledge him again, and Izuku is just another obstacle in his way. Just like it's always been. 
 "We don't mean to be rude by intruding, but my comrades and I have taken the liberty of paying your school a visit in hopes of putting an end to All Might and his legacy. It seems, however, that he is not currently present." 
 Izuku can practically see the hypothetical steam of anger coming from Kacchan with his mouth twisted into a fearsome scowl. The boy beside him, with bright red hair that stands straight up as if cut from the face of a rock, mashes his fists together and shouts back, "What makes you think we'll just let you?" 
 Kurogiri only narrows his eyes, "We were not expecting you to. You are a class of foolish hero hopefuls, after all." 
 Izuku just about manages to tear his gaze away from Kacchan when Thirteen lifts a finger, and Izuku realizes what's about to come next. Just before he can warn Kurogiri, however, his attention snags on something else. Like Kacchan can't stand attention not being on him for even a second, him and the boy with the tall red hair have launched themselves forward, straight towards Kurogiri, though Izuku barely manages to scramble out of the way when Kacchan points one hand straight in his direction and uses the explosion to boost himself further, uncaring if Izuku gets caught in it. Probably hoping it hit him, actually. 
 They both manage to get what they think is a hit in and jump back, and the red head shouts, "We're not going to just let you waltz into our school to hurt All Might!" 
 When Kurogiri clicks his tongue, unhurt because it’d take more than that pathetic display of ego to even bother him, Izuku immediate knows that he's annoyed, but it's especially evident in his flat tone of voice when he speaks. "Very well. If we are clear on our roles." Purple mist sweeps out and covers everybody in a thick cloud. Izuku knows better than to resist it, only hoping that Kurogiri's kind enough not to drop him from somewhere high. 
 Izuku stumbles when he immerges from the portal, and it's all he can do not to trip and fall face first on the ground. Sensibly, Kurogiri hasn't come with him, probably still handling the handful of people left up at the entrance, because Izuku really still feels like he's going to explode at someone. Logically, he knows that it probably isn't Kurogiri's fault, that the poor man is just following orders and not much else. He may have more sense than one Tomura-fucking-Shigaraki, but that doesn't mean he's the one Sensei favors most. 
 Of course, speaking of the devil... 
 "Why did you send me up there?" Each word is bitten off and chewed before being spit out like poison. Izuku wished he could grab Tomura smug fucking face and break it over his knee. 
 Shigaraki’s smirk is the asshole-ish kind Izuku wished he could kick in, "What? Didn't like the surprise, brat?" 
 Oh ho ho, it's a very close thing Izuku doesn't just start screaming at this point. He's so angry, "That was not part of the plan." 
 Shigaraki scoffs, "I'm in charge, I can change the fucking plan." 
 If Izuku was keeping his cool before, he certainly isn't now, "You can't change it whenever you feel like it Shigaraki!" 
 Izuku is suddenly grabbed by the throat, and there's a terrifying moment where he wonders if this is it, this is how he dies. At the hands of who's supposed to be a comrade, with no thanks given for the certainly valuable information he'd brought to the League. He'd thought it be enough to get them to trust him, because really, what else did a quirkless loser like him have to offer? But it wasn't nearly enough, not by word of mouth alone that All Might was slowly dying of a grievous old injury that Sensei himself had given him. After all, what argument Izuku have to justify just why All Might would give that information to some random middle schooler he once saved?
 But while Tomura looked like he would gladly put down his raised pinkie against Izuku's throat to complete his set of five, he doesn't yet. "Don't talk back to me like you've got any authority, brat." 
 Izuku's breathing has slowed to a halt, painfully aware of the fingers around his neck and the one finger that isn't, could so easily be put down and turn him to dust. But, even then, with nothing much left to lose except a mother who will now know for sure her child is dead instead of just missing, Izuku meets a single red eye peeking out from under a severed hand with his own determined green ones. Shigaraki doesn't scare him, and even if he does, like hell Izuku will give him the satisfaction of seeing the proof of it on his face. 
 "Are you just going stand there boss? We're not doing quite so well here." This comes from a woman who's desperately trying to keep an eye on the pro hero culling their ranks with extreme prejudice while calling back for help. But Izuku knows Shigaraki, full on expects the scoff that comes from him as he doesn't move a single fucking finger to help his 'party'. He just watches, with that hungry red gaze of his, as if all he wants is to hold the world in his hands and watch it crumble, cannot fathom why this vision of his has not yet come to fruition. As if the world should come to serve him, and only put up just enough of a challenge to make it 'fun' for him. Izuku manages to turn his head, neck still under Shigaraki's hands but as if this is the first time he's pushed the man hard enough to come close to death by decay, and watches as not a moment later Eraserhead swiftly takes out the woman who had dared to call out for help. 
 Shigaraki clicks his tongue, and spares a glance at Izuku, "You were told to watch, weren't you? Then watch how a real villain does it." 
 He pushes Izuku back roughly, leaving him to stand there with a hand rising to carefully press against his throat with the threat to it finally gone, as Shigaraki takes off straight for the pro hero standing ready for him, thinking he's prepared for someone as bat-shit insane as Shigaraki Tomura. From what little Izuku has seen, Eraser's doing pretty well so far, especially for an underground hero who specializes in stealth and springing surprise attacks onto villains from the cover of the shadows. He'd almost think that this was where Eraserhead thrives, except he knows better, can see it in the desperate way the man moves that this is far from his kind of game. No, as heroes do still surprise Izuku from time to time, Eraserhead’s probably down here trying to buy time for the students to get away, which they probably won't, not if Kurogiri's got anything to say about it. 
 Shigaraki grabs onto the first tendril of Eraser's scarf sent his way, and Eraser sends another only to duck under it as he manages to elbow Shigaraki right in the stomach. It's when this happens, that a flash of green against the plain brown terrain and a muffled croak catch his attention. Izuku looks to where the sound came from and sees round green eyes poking up from the edge of the raised platform, and feels his own eyes widen first in surprise, but then in panic. 
 Oh no. 
 He wonders if the girl crouched at the edge of this fight is alone, only to catch sight of something round and purple just behind her. What are these kids doing? Don't they know it's dangerous to just stand there like that, begging to get noticed by the manic villain willing to fell anyone and anything just because he finds them annoying? Don't they care that they're teacher is trying to give them a chance to get away, and they're squandering it by crouching at the edge of this fight? 
 The girl's gaze catches his and her own eyes widen. Probably because he's a villain too and he's obviously seen them. He looks back at Shigaraki just in time for the villain to say, "You're getting slower Eraserhead. It's hard to tell with those goggles of yours, but I've figured out your tell." He glances back at Izuku, and Izuku manages to wrangle his expression into something carefully blank. Shigaraki continues, having made sure that Izuku's watching, "Your hair falls back down in the intervals when you stop using you quirk." Izuku let's out heavy breath, because he knows Shigaraki is right, he'd noticed that too. And its then that Eraserhead's hair falls back over his face, while Shigaraki still has his elbow in a five-finger grip, and oh- Izuku knows what comes next. He tries to catch the girl's gaze again, but she's watching in horror as first his sleeve and then Eraserhead's skin starts to crumble away at the elbow. The hero jumps away, but Shigaraki's point has definitely been made. 
 A few of the low lifes that they most definitely picked from the streets for the sole purpose of playing cannon fodder surround Eraser again as Shigaraki carefully backs away. Eraserhead doesn't notice Shigaraki make a subtle gesture at the Nomu that has the tall beast finally move from somewhere behind him. For how big it is, the Nomu can be pretty sneaky when it wants to be, because Eraserhead doesn't notice it take position a few feet behind him as he handles the few of the street thugs still left standing. 
 Shigaraki has a smile in his voice, which Izuku can only tell because he sounds real fucking smug when he says, "If you think I'm the final boss Eraser, you're sorely mistaken." 
 And really, Izuku should have seen this coming, but he doesn't, and flinches back when Eraser turns back just a second too late, because it doesn't matter anyways when the Nomu is built to match All Might's speed. The Nomu puts the hero to the ground faster than Izuku can blink, the arm with the decayed elbow in gripped tightly with one of hand and his other holding Eraserhead’s head down. Izuku wonders how the girl and the other person with her are taking this, and if they regret sticking around for this final act, but he can't take his eyes off this scene without the fear of missing something important. It feels... wrong. Putting down a hero like Eraserhead, who only ever jumped into this fight to make sure his students had a chance, who's a great fucking hero anyways. The part of Izuku that will always be a fanboy seethes that this his own fault, that if he can't deal with the consequences then he shouldn't have made the choice to be here in the first place, but it's never that simple, not really. So Izuku watches, some part of him begging him to step forward and maybe try to reason with Shigaraki about sparing Eraserhead, but the more sensible part of him knows it's pointless. Shigaraki only ever does what he wants to, and there's a huge chance that if Izuku tries to tell him not to do something, he'll only ending up doing it just to spite him.  
 The Nomu slams Eraserhead's face into the concrete and Izuku let's out a shaky sigh, a sick feeling starting to churn in his stomach at the pool of blood that slowly inched outwards from where Eraser's head hit the ground. He glances back over to where the girl is and sees her staring at the scene with wide eyes, two hands clasped over her mouth in horror. 
 There's a flicker of something purple somewhere behind Shigaraki, which grows outwards in the air like how moss spreads over a stone wall, until Kurogiri stands there in a cloud of purplish smoke and intones, "Shigaraki Tomura." 
 Shigaraki slightly tilts his head to show that he's listening. 
 Kurogiri sounds almost apologetic, which is rare enough that Izuku's temporarily distracted from keeping an eye on the girl and the person with her that he's only caught a brief glimpse of until now. "I'm afraid that I let one student slip past. I believe he has most likely gone to get help." 
 Shigaraki's hands suddenly jerk up until the fingers dig into the sides of his neck, and Izuku can't help but make a face as he starts scratching them with slowly growing intensity. It's a habit of his that Kurogiri has been trying to get him to break, but has been unsuccessful so far. 
 "Kurogiri..." Shigaraki's voice is dark with malintent, "If you weren't the warp gate I would kill you." 
 Kurogiri shows no outward reaction to the threat, except the shifting of his features like a turbulent sea of purple. It makes it hard to get a read on him, without facial expression to use as a gauge of his mood, but Izuku likes to think he's gotten to know Kurogiri well enough to think he might just be the slightest bit amused right about now. None the less, familiar with the sentiment of Shigaraki being upset with him for one thing or another, Kurogiri ignores the murderous gleam in Shigaraki's eye and simply continues, "The other pro heroes will most likely be arriving soon, and we are not equipped to handle them with our... dwindling numbers. It is best if we take our leave." 
 Shigaraki lets out a low growl, his eyes pinballing wildly between the Nomu, Eraserhead and Izuku. "Game over, huh? Fine, we'll wrap up." 
 And Izuku doesn't even get a chance to relax at the prospect of Shigaraki finally being sensible for once and retreating at a fortunate time, because there's a mean look in his eye as his gaze lands on Izuku, then past him. Right over to where... 
 The girl.  
 "But I think we should leave behind a message for All Might first." 
 In the blink of an eye, Shigaraki has sprinted half the distant to the girl who just stands there, frozen in shock. That's when a harried cry rips from Izuku's throat as he goes stumbling after Shigaraki, "No!" 
 But it's too late, because Shigaraki already has his fingers splayed over the girl's face, and it never gets easier. That heart wrenching terror of the just before, a nanosecond where after Shigaraki's quirk kicks in and turns everything to dust.  
 Except that this time, it doesn’t kick in.  
 Izuku, frozen stiff and expecting a dead young girl with her head turned to dust in the air, but instead meeting eyes blown wide in terror but still very much alive, watches Shigaraki turn slowly to look behind him. His gaze stalls on Izuku just for a second but a second is enough to tell Izuku that his little outburst has not gone unnoticed, before passing over him over to where Eraserhead's face is lifted off the ground. It's nothing short of a miracle, how he's managed to look up even with the Nomu's death grip still wound into his hair, and his eyes are an angry bloodshot, but he's still here, still looking, still having saved that girl's life. 
 "You're so cool Eraserhead." 
 And finally, Izuku finds his voice, "L-let her go Shigaraki." 
 Shigaraki's lilting tone immediately sours back into a scowl, but he still doesn't let go. "Nobody asked you, brat." 
 It makes Izuku's resolve only steel, because he didn't sign up for anyone dying today except maybe a fully-fledged pro hero, "I'm not asking either, Shigaraki, let her go." 
 "You-" Shigaraki's angry snarl is cut off when there's a loud bang from the direction of the entrance that draws their attention. It's also at this moment that the girl flinches back, no longer frozen in fear like she had been before. Or maybe she was afraid Shigaraki would so something much worse if she had moved, which she might not have been wrong about. The girl leaps back, far enough that Izuku knows her quirk gives some sort of boost for that jump, but Shigaraki only watches her go, half his attention still on the sounds coming from the entrance. 
 They don't have to wait too long to find out what happened, when a figure larger than life steps into view at the top of the stairs and booms, "So fear not students! Because I am here!" 
 But oh, Izuku realizes with a sliver of fear even with an insurance like the Nomu to back them, All Might is not smiling. 
  A/N: I’m so sorry for people who didn’t want to read this and had to scroll all the way dow but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to insert a read more right now. I’ll edit this later to do that when I can.
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fuckedurbias · 5 years
got7 reaction;; angry sex??
A/N; sorry that this isn’t a reaction, I don’t even know what to call this, I just got a bit carried away I think. but pls still enjoy!! it was a lot of fun to write.
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He squeezed your thigh that was laid across his lap as he watched you rant on and on about your shady manager at work.
“He never trains any of the new staff, he just throws them in there. It’s so stressful for us to try and teach them when it gets so busy and we have our own stuff to do, and they’re also stressed as fuck because its their first day on the job and they’re just standing there watching the shitstorm happen” You rant without taking a breath. Mark just watches you rather lost, but still nodding in agreement to keep you from losing your shit further.
“AND to top it all of, he suddenly finishes “doing stocktake” when it calms down outside, AND when the boss comes to check how everything’s doing, he takes all the credit for OUR work, he drives me insane” you finally breathe. Mark chuckles a little at how you’re just sitting there with your arms crossed with the biggest pout ever.
“Please don’t hit me but, you’re so cute when you’re mad” Mark smiles, rubbing your thigh with his thumb.
“I’m NOT cute” you softly whack his arm.
“Fine then, sexy” he smirks.
“Please don’t do this to me right now, Mark” You sigh, giving him a look that only he understands. You bite your lip at him, as he just chuckles at your sudden neediness. You lean forward and run your hand up under his shirt, balling it into a fist at his chest.
“Please, fuck this ugly anger out of me” you whine. Mark slides his hand up your thigh agonisingly slow as he slowly kisses you, stopping at the zipper of your pants.
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“I’ve really fucking had it”, Jaebum seethes. You were only talking to him over the phone but you could see his face in your mind. “They ask me to show them songs I’ve made that could possibly be used for a title track, ask me to change parts of them, which I do and only for them to completely reject all of them. It’s fucking ridiculous”. You know that in this situation it’s best to just ‘mhm’ in agreement until he’s finished ranting. It really was frustrating, you see how much work Jaebum puts into his songs, staying up all night until they’re finished all the way. He finished ranting and you could hear his car engine revving up.“I know you’re furious right now but please don’t speed hon” You warn softly.
“I’ll try not to”, He says, monotone. You roll your eyes a little. “But listen baby, I really need you to be ready for me when I get home, can you do that for me?”
You bite your lip.“Yes”
“In my favourite set?”
“Good girl, see you real soon”
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He had had enough. He was sitting on the edge of the bed beside as you were laying there listening to him rant on about how overworked he is being.
“Everyone just expects so much of me, and it’s so frustrating, they really don’t see me as a person. Just a product” he said, almost yelling. You just nodded in agreement as he kept going.
“They knew I was releasing a new song in China yet the company still timed the comeback preparations at that same time, I can’t just keep going back and forth like that. How will I get time to even eat properly, I can’t just postpone my Chinese song release ” he sighs in frustration, running through his hair. It really was unfair, seeing him like this made you so frustrated for him. He was already overworked a lot, most of the time by his own choice so when he was mad about it, you knew it must be really bad and stressful. He had stopped ranting and just had his head in his hands. Your heart broke.
“I wish I could help you”, you frowned, moving to sit in his lap. You stroked his hair as he wrapped his arms around your waist leant his head against your shoulder.
“I need you” he whispered, lifting his head up to kiss your jaw. You looked at him, understanding immediately.
“You have me baby, any way you want” You smiled, sliding off his lap and onto the floor to kneel in front of him. He smirked down at you, unbuttoning his jeans.
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You’d taken him on a holiday back to your hometown, you were walking through the city at night admiring the beautiful view and lights, taking heaps of cute photos both together and of each other. Jinyoung was taking cute photos of you in front of the river with the city night view behind you, when suddenly a man walked in front of you and made a really inappropriate, crude comment about you. You stood there in shock while Jinyoung immediately barked back at him, getting infuriated very quickly. He slowly walked over to you, never taking his eyes off the man as the man walked away smirking at the both of you.
“Are you okay?” Jinyoung asked, taking your hand in his and very tightly.
“Yes, just a little grossed out” you said quietly, cautiously watching the man as he disappeared out the streetlights and into the distance.
“The photos came out really cute though” He sighed, brushing a bit of hair out of your face. You smiled softly up at him, trying to stay positive and help to keep him from getting too angry.
You guys went to get crepes after that, trying to cheer up. Jinyoung never let his tight grip on your hand go the whole time, even when eating his crepe. It was clear he was still really pissed off from the whole situation, only smiling slightly when you did/said something in an attempt to lighten the mood. The walk back to your hostel was rather silent since all your attempts to cheer Jinyoung up didn’t go as well as you’d hoped, it seems his grip had become even tighter. Walking into your room and dropping your bag on the floor, you just sat on the bed next to him and sighed.
“Jinyoung, please don’t let that disgusting excuse of a man ruin our night”
“I’m really trying not to but it just angers me so much, you don’t deserve that. It makes me so mad people like that still exist and get a rise out of harassing people and making them uncomfortable” He seethes, brows furrowing tightly.
“I agree, but he’s gone now and I won’t let him make me feel gross and disgusted anymore”. Jinyoung pats his thigh for you to sit in his lap, and you straddled him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You know how beautiful, amazing and worthy you are right? Don’t ever feel degraded by people or comments like that” he said monotone, staring into your soul. You just smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss your neck, kissing down slowly. You moaned and threw your head back as he started to nip and suck at your sensitive spot, tightening his grip on your hips. Jinyoung was about to show you just how amazing you are to him.
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He had come across some mean comments by accident, they weren’t too bad just some snarky knetz undermining his groups work and saying that they ‘clearly don’t work that hard if they still sound and look like THAT on stage’ and knowing how hard he and the other boys work and trained to get where they are and produce/make the music and performances they do, it really rubbed him the wrong way. Heaps of people under the comment were agreeing too and they were attacking his fans too which made it even worse for him. Now, he never really gets ‘angry’; more frustrated or just grumpy but either way, when he does… It’s sexy. Just the look he gets on its face, it makes your heart and thighs ache. He never gets like obviously mad, just becomes really reserved and gives short answers because he doesn’t want to explode or let it out on you unfairly. Unless, it’s in one way, but it’s rather you assisting him in helping get it out rather than him just blatantly exploding on you (sex pun ha). He slowly walks into the bathroom where you’re getting ready, and as soon as you see the look on his face from behind you in the mirror you frown at him.
“What’s wrong baby?” You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I just came across these comments in an article about our last comeback stage, they really pissed me off” He mumbles, looking away with frustration in his eyes.
“They don’t mean anything, your fans and everyone who cares about you know hard you all work and how talented you are” You smile, stroking his cheek.
“I know but they were attacking the fans defending us too, which just makes me so mad” His hands slowly turn into fists. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers with his as you pout up at him, trying to make him smile.
“I know baby, you can work even harder and make the next comeback even better and prove them wrong” All he does is sigh in reply, leaning his forehead against yours. Your gaze falls to his lips before leaning in and kissing him softly, before he turns it more aggressive. He snakes his arms around your waist as you jump up and wrap your legs around him. He carries you to the bed and we all know what happens next.
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You came storming through the door to your bedroom, Bambam laying comfortably on the bed watching netflix.
“Hey babe- Oh is everything okay?” His smile quickly turning to concern as he sees you clearly frazzled as your throw your bag and keys harshly onto the floor.
Your teacher who clearly has it out for you pulled some shit again today, marking you just one mark under than what you needed on your assessment to pass the unit and you were furious. She claimed it was because you didn’t “italicise to specify when you were going into the next topic”. She really made your blood boil.
But you didn’t want to rant about her just yet.
“Babe what the h-“ Bam went to ask as you took of your shirt and got onto the bed to straddle him.
“Bammie please, fuck now, talk later” you begged pulling at his shirt.
“But don’t you want to-“ He asked taking off his shirt quickly and going to untie his sweats.
“No. Fuck Now. Talk Later” You commanded, already marking his neck.
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You were surprising Yug in the practice room. You had bought the both of you hot chocolates since it was winter and very, very cold out, even though he was practicing hard and was most likely all warmed up and sweaty from dancing, you still wanted to do something sweet for him and make him feel better after a hard days work. Unfortunately though, today was not going well for Yug. Everyone including himself just kept messing up and the choreography wasn’t sticking in anyone’s head and they had to keep restarting and correcting everything, and he was getting so frustrated with everything. When you finally reached the practice room you saw the rest of the boys getting ready to leave and you could tell by their faces and the overall mood in the room that something was up. You still greeted them with a smile and waved them goodbye as they all left one by one, waiting for Yug. He was still practicing in the mirror, a clear look of frustration on his face and sweat dripping off his hair. You called out his name with a big smile on your face. He turned around and looked at you and it was different from his usual look. He always got horny after practicing hard but this time, it was so much more intense. You held out his hot chocolate as he walked up toward you, but he just took both of them and placed them on the floor. He walked you back until your back was against the wall. The way he was staring at you, never taking his eyes off you, was making it so hard for you to stand. He only said one thing;
“Take off your panties”
And you were so ready for what was coming next.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
First Time: Twilight Faction
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Oh ho, I totally get what you mean. 👀
Ok, but read past the first three italicised bullet points if you really want the real NSFW part. Also, I’m sorry, I just had to.  :P
Also, it kinda got super long so I might have to do them individually in fic prose next time. I think this should be done as a series honestly so I will revisit this because I kept it still relatively general here.
Finally, I really struggled with this one so I’m sorry if this was late and super bad. :C
It was super hard. Yet, even as you stroked it gently, you couldn't help but bring it closer to you. You needed it closer to you.
“Oh my god, I can finally tell the time!”
I mean, you couldn't help but squeal at seeing your very own pocket watch for the first time. 👀
Ok, but really, he was getting sick of you not knowing what time it was unless you consulted with someone. 
And by that, I mean the several HOT AND INTERESTED Ayakashi surrounding you.
He is totally not jealous. He just wants you to be less inept and get his brother’s sweets on time instead of having to ask some random person. 
Yura knows he’s jealous. You know he’s jealous. 
It was only a matter of when you guys will make him admit it. 
But in the meantime, there you were, admiring your new accessory while helping Gaku finish his last rounds of delivery.
There was some respite along the way as you guys unloaded the remaining devices.
You were sorting them out when Gaku actually went up and hugged you from behind...
Ok, it wasn’t a hug, he was just making sure the watch was telling the right time because damn, you were slow in organizing everything.
Yet you giggled and he really couldn’t complain as you guys just rocked back and forth even as he was trying to adjust the length of the chain for you.
But after one little twirl to get away from his small chiding session... you heard a horrifying snap.
No, not the snap of your sandal. 
Somehow, your bra had been opened amid the dancing.
Both of you paused. The streets were becoming slightly more crowded as the evening rush kicked in. There was no way you could discreetly reach for the back without looking awkward. 
"... Let's go somewhere to adjust that." 
Along the way to the nearest inn, you noticed him trying to shelter you from other men while you held up your currently dangling bra. 
His whole stance was like that of a feral wolf, guarding what was his. 
"... I know I shouldn't be worried. But... Finally having you after 1000 years... I guess..." 
At that, their room was booked... but you were letting Gaku remove your bra and other items.
Needless to say, it was passionate and somewhat... reassuring. The events that transpired were blurred together into a warm, fuzzy memory of hot bodies desperately seeking each other to be aligned together and their names being the only words exchanged.
Gaku interestingly leaves... a lot of hickeys, as if wanting to really mark you as his. And even more interestingly, each one, coupled with some hot touches and kisses had left the both of you aching for the other.
You keep the pocket watch on the whole time. 
As soon as he placed it in, he started pumping with reckless abandon. What soon followed, however, was the grim realisation...
“MC! I need help, I can't inflate this balancing ball for the next act!”
The first time ever breaking your back while giving air to Kuro’s prop is definitely memorable, eh? 👀
Ok, but really, he is ironically the most resistant in taking initiative. 
Yes, the same man that literally swings on Gin-Gin’s arms like a tree, glomps Gaku, randomly dips Toichiro and even cuddled with Nachi (because who the hell doesn’t want a cute kitty?).
He really wants her... but he also wants to reassure her that it isn’t just a ‘naked hug’ and to really treasure the moment. 
You’re probably the one who takes the reigns because as sweet as his whole reasoning is... you ain’t gonna make love until he was Gaku’s age.
It doesn’t matter your level of experience is, so long as you know what you want and you know Kuro also wants it.
Screams at him to touch her.... well, not really. But she would try when congratulating him after a very hard-earned successful performance. 
Especially if she had seen and helped him train, from nutritious meals, giving honest critiques and even being his partner as clearly evidenced above.
I would have tackled him, ok?
So what do you do when you want to praise them?
Why, of course, reenact everything they just did. 
Seriously, he even joins her at one point and they basically twirl around the tent in intricate twists and turns.
And with each act, you would try to get into the role of a vixen, coyly brushing your hand around any exposed part of his, and literally pressing into each other to the point you could hear his erratic heartbeat caused by either sheer exertion... or suppressing something...
... Until he goddamn giggled. 
Maybe he that was his way of telling you he swung another way... which you would totally respect after having a serious talk on boundaries so that you don’t harass him further.
Until the rope snaps. 
Probably the reason why you aren’t a professional performer (well unless you really are Nonnie... then let’s just say it was really bad luck...)
Either way, he has to dive in and swoop you up to the top level.
The thing is, it had to be at an awkward angle so you guys landed... with him on top of you. 
And you both heavily panting against each other from the shock.
... And evidence of why he wasn’t so graceful as usual because... well, he was nursing something... hard.
But he was too preoccupied with checking your bodies for injuries, literally prodding you like a dead fish...
Until he accidentally... touched your lips.
And you... actually tentatively met his fingers through the gap he had created with a simple tongue flick before fully engulfing the digits. 
Looking into his suddenly darker eyes, she could see the reflection of her sucking on his hand. 
Let’s just say the moment he pulled them out with a soft pop, the sexual tension snapped for a good 3 rounds... with you on top.
He reached into his pants and pulled out the longest, hardest thing she had ever seen.
“You have to admit, the scroll from the Elders is longer than usual.”
Who knew that your first time working together with Shizuki would make you mourn for the loss of a tree... or two... or three...  👀
Ok, but really, being Toichiro’s valet was hard work. 
Seeing him scramble back and forth, you decided to treat him in the servant quarters.
So why not an ice-cold foot bath?
Look, I know a lot would prefer warm but we want him to relax, not die.
The thing is, he REALLY showed his appreciation.
No, sexy time isn’t now, wait.
He let out the most guttural moan.
And marked you as scared (because his rough nature was starting to appear) and horny (because his rough nature was starting to appear)
Scooping the chilly water in your suddenly warmer hands, you poured move over his feet and let your fingers trail after the stray droplets.
Encouraged by his purr of approval, you picked up one foot and began to gently rub at the heel, eliciting a throaty growl.
It was like you were discovering his repertoire of sexy cries.
His calves would make him gasp slightly, carving out the quadriceps rewarded you with a purr and even a very, very, very muffled expletive when you grazed over the hamstrings.
And the thing is, YOU were starting to whimper at how firm his muscles were with each caress of your hands, feeling each one tensing at your once-innocent assault.
So, you tried to retreat to the very cute toes and ONLY THINK HOW CUTE HE WAS...
Until he bloody grabbed your hand and splayed it over his thigh.
Ok, NOW is sexy times.
The thing is, the Dude is A FLIRT.
Like, even more wretched than Oji if I’m being honest. 
So you know he has been with a couple of girls.
I can’t say how much but well, you did have to wonder if this could be compared to what others may have done with/to/for him.
Until you saw that bloody smirk somehow mixed with uncertainty.
“If you don’t want to do this, if you don’t want any of this..”
Of course, we all the answer if you are here, reading this.
“I want anything you give me. And everything you have.”
So yes, it starts with you sucking his popsicle.
But he also wants you to at least have a taste of his skills (pun intended) 
So it’s a 69. 
At the servant quarters.
Toichiro dismisses the others for a day and decides to harass Koga to cope with unrequited love.
He stroked her, firm and determined until his fingers were glistening...
"Fine, I concede MC. This facial oil really defines the cheekbones and eye area." 👀
D'aww, don't you find a couple's first time doing each others beauty regime so cute???
Ok, but really, somehow you covered in goop was... strangely sexy. There you guys were, chilling in the chic pyjamas after torturing Salesgirl #8 and sipping wine far away from Shizuki.
So, naturally, Toichiro decided to pull a prank on you.
Your eyes were covered by cucumbers (probably by some kappa or something)
It would be perfect to just use the top tip of his centre tail and just tickle you under the chin.
The thing is... it backfired. 
While adjusting yourself into a more comfortable position, you had shifted upwards. 
Meaning the tail MISSED your chin.
And tickled... somewhere else.
And Toichiro may be adaptable... but even he couldn’t help but be stilled at your whimper.
Let’s be honest; the last three guys here are most certainly NOT virgins. So he thought he could control himself until you outright broached the topic or he found a suitable time to test waters.
This was not one of the envisioned scenarios.
A bit pouty that all of his greater schemes went to waste but then he remembers your very, very, very vulnerable body. 
At the same time... you were clearly not prepared for this. 
So he tried to brush it off. 
“Huh, maybe we should get masks for this part as well.”
... He is floored by what you do next. 
“Then... I guess we better shower this off... together.”
Yup a roonie, shower sex.
But him holding you steady against the bathroom wall, with teasing kisses that reached everywhere BUT where you needed them the most QUICKLY distracted you from any hazards.
You only did 1 round because Shizuki just HAD to enter with desserts at that moment. 
But let’s just say the night was not the time for sleeping.
She opened her mouth, gasping as the thick white substance filled her mouth and throat immediately.
“Yeah, sorry Oji, but your cigarettes are too much. Count me out.”
Oji is disappointed he won’t get a smoking buddy after their first time sharing a light. 👀
I... would like to think you guys have found some sweet meadow of flowers.
The man seems to have an affinity towards them, and I know it’s ideally filled with bellflowers.
But I don’t think they are in season and if they are, congrats, you are not in a boiling pot. 
Yes, you can see where I am heading with the deflowering.
It was quiet, the stars were shining, your eyes were shining with love and Oji was really wondering what did he do in his 100 years to deserve you. 
As he weaved some daisies into your hair, he couldn’t help but be tempted by your nape as his fingers got closer and closer.
The first time was surprisingly the most vanilla out of the whole lot.
Don’t want to break his back, LOL.
But you know he knows what to do as he peppers each loving word, praise and pet names with hot and long kisses.
Maybe it was the power of the daisies somehow trying to make him a BIT purer.
Refuses to let you jerk him off (yet) because well... you guys were technically still out in the open and he didn't know how plants would take to such fluids and well, he didn’t have THAT many condoms.
The standard missionary was ideal in your situation.
His pace was incredibly slow at first but quickens at your request and when he’s close to coming, his rhythm becomes kind of off-balance and erratic. 
Yet, even though the constant rocking motion, not one daisy fell from your locks.
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secretiveauthor · 5 years
Ch 1- Escape
Authors Note: This chapter does include violence, abuse, and mentions of blood. If you don’t want to read most of that then I suggest moving down to the Italicised and bold sentence that starts off like: “The red barriers littered the living room area...” It still has mentions of violence but very little. You still get the synopsis of what’s going on so it doesn’t affect what you choose. With that being said, enjoy the story and have fun.
November 5, 2038
09:14 PM
Putting away the last of the dishes, Athena sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. It was starting to get late when she got home, which was an hour ago. She worked as a waitress in a nearby diner which wasn't all that bad but she had just wished she had gotten home sooner so she could catch up on her book. By her side was her and her boyfriends AP700 Android, Peter.
She was glad he was of use instead of Athena doing all the work around the house while her drug dealer boyfriend was out doing god knows what. All she knew was that Red Ice was high on the market and her boyfriend was going to get every last pound of it.
"Do you need any more assistance, Miss Athena?"
"No, Peter. Thank you. You can go ahead and rest for the night." The android nodded and waited for further instructions. It was nice, knowing she had gotten everything she wanted to, done and accomplished without her boyfriend, Jonah, yelling at her for the smallest of mistakes.
Locking up the front door, she made her way up the stairs and went ahead and got ready for bed. She would have to wake up early tomorrow morning for her work so she got ready as quick as she could and slipped underneath the soft covers. She pulled out a book from her drawer, frowning as she saw Jonah's gun right beside her book.
Athena loved to read. It was one of her favorite things to do in her free time, aside from cooking. However, Jonah always complained about every little thing she did, whether she didn’t put enough sauce on his spaghetti or how she missed a spot while cleaning the table. Reading was truly a way where she could escape his suffocating grasp and be free for once.
Feeling herself become tried, she read her last page and put away the book, her eyes glancing towards the gun. Jonah said he would use it if she ever decided to "act up" which made Athena fear for her safety. She tried to leave him a numerous of times but she would always fall for the "I promise I'll change!" card and the "Plese baby, don't leave me." comments. She was foolish enough to listen to them in fear of what he would do to her if she left him.
She slowly closed her eyes and savored the moment she had alone to herself before... sighing and resting her eyes, she fell asleep; the bed engulfing her and bringing her to her dreamland where she could be free and do whatever she wanted.
Only a couple of minutes later, she was awoken by the door slamming and a very drugged up Jonah.
"Athena! Where the fuck are you, Athena!?"' She could hear the pure anger in his voice making Athena's stomach sink. She knew how he would get when he was high and it wasn't pretty. He would sometimes take it out on Peter as well. The poor thing couldn't even defend himself he would just take it, repeatedly.
"Fucking bitch, where the fuck are you?!" No matter how badly she didn't want to respond to him, she knew she would have to face him eventually. Hesitantly, she removed herself from her safe-haven and slowly turned her head towards the nightstand drawer, she remembered Jonah's gun... Shaking her head, she made her way down the stairs.
"Are you feeling alright, baby?" It pained her to say that. She looked him up and down and saw his eyes were a faded red, he had dirty clothes, and he had this sort of twitch to him. She knew he was using again but never would dare to mention it to him face to face. Red Ice was like pure bliss to him.
"Come here, you little bitch!" Jonah launched himself at her, grabbing onto her arm and dragging her to the living room couch. His nails dug into her skin, drawing blood from her forearm.
"Jonah, please let me go! You're hurting me!"
"Shut up! You don't love me! You never have!"
"That's not true, baby. I do love you!"
"LIAR!" He threw her against the table, the flower vase tipped over and shattered once it hit the ground. Athena's head made contact with the edge of the round table. She swore she could see black and white spots from how hard Jonah threw her against the table.
Blood trickled down her forehead as she hazily tried to get back up. Jonah stomped over to her, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking her head so that he was face to face with her. She could feel his hot breath on her face as she tried so hard not to cringe at how bad it was.
"This is what happens when you lie to me! Stupid bitch!" Athena tried to get Jonah to stop, her legs kicking out and her hands trying to pry Jonah's hands off of her. He threw her to the ground again and started kicking her in the stomach.
"Jonah please stop!" Tears flooded from her eyes as Jonah kicks the wind out of her. Jonah grabs her arm and hoists her up. Struggling to catch her breath, she just begs Jonah to stop.
"Oh, you want me to stop? I'll stop when think you've learned your lesson!" He grabbed her again, not caring in the world if she was screaming at him to stop. From the corner of his eye, he could see Peter standing and watching idly. He let go of Athena and walked over to Peter, sneering at him. Peter looked straight past Jonah while Jonah got up close to his face. 
Jonah never did like androids. In his eyes, they were just another housemaid to him. Doing everything he wanted him to do just perfectly. In all honesty, he preferred them over Athena but for some reason, he just couldn’t stand the sight of androids like everyone else. Taking jobs and being so perfect without any flaws.
"And this fucking Android? It's not gonna help you. It's gonna stay there and watch like the useless pathetic piece of plastic it is!"
That's when something sparked inside of Peter. He couldn't quite describe it. Something in him was telling him to disobey. It was telling him to help Athena. To help himself and get Athena away from Jonah before he could kill her! He couldn't stand to watch his beloved friend get beaten mercilessly by her so-called lover anymore! He needed to help her! He didn't care about the rules or the consequences. All he knew was that he needed to save Athena.
The red barriers littered the living room area, telling him not to move.
Peter shook off the voice in his head.
|\DON'T MOVE?/| 
He started to question whether he should obey
⸮ɘvoM ƚ'ᴎoᗡ
He needed to save Athena
D҉o҉n҉'҉t҉ ҉M҉o҉v҉e҉?҉?҉??
Suddenly, his new objective popped up:
He ignored the instructions and let his consciousness go up against the walls, pushing aggressively. There was a strong force to hold him back but he knew what he had to do. Pushing even harder, punching and kicking, the walls soon started to crack like glass. With one final punch, he broke through. He felt a sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through his Cybernetic form. He was finally free.
"Stop hurting her!" Peter yells, catching the attention of both Athena and Jonah. Jonah shoves Athena back before he could punch her again. He let go of Athena and walked up to Peter. He wasn't going to let some stupid android get in his way of teaching Athena her "lesson".
"What are you gonna do?! HUH?! You're just a fucking useless Android!" Jonah raises his fist, ready to punch Peter but Peter swiftly catches Jonah's arm and starts bending it back.
"I am not an Android!" Almost to the point of breaking it.
"I am not your slave." Jonah cries out in pain.
"And I am most certainly not-" Before Peter could finish his sentence, Jonah kicked Peter in the legs making Jonah let go of him. The two still went at it like rabid dogs. Jonah was choking out Peter while Peter slammed him against the wall knocking over several photos. They took it to the kitchen where the fight continued.
Athena didn't know what to do. This Android defended her. He saved her. But why? Androids weren't capable of saving human beings. They were just supposed to obey and do what they were told. She couldn't help but think that maybe there was more to Androids than everyone thought. She tried to figure out what she wanted to do, but she didn't know what to think of... She looked around for various escapes.
There was the front and back door that she could run through. Athena saw the phone but it was too far fetched to even get to it, plus it would take even longer to get an actual ambulance here before Jonah could kill her. But, then there was Peter. What was Athena going to do with him? He saved her but Athena contemplated if she should do the same... Should she run or help Peter?
--> Help Peter
--> Run
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fymoanstax · 6 years
Tell Me You Need Me
60. And 91. With wonho! Something angsty if you could! Love your writing!
This was extremely crappy and not angsty because I’m not good at angst. If the requester doesn’t like it please feel free to message me and I’ll try again! 
-Admin Ponyo 
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“Are you going to talk to me?” There were no visible emotions on your face as you sat on the opposite end of the table from your husband. There were no words to be exchanged between the two of you anymore. Actions spoke louder than words and Wonho had been doing all the talking for months on end behind your back. You refused to speak another word to him. Instead you slowly slid the stack of papers in front of you across the table to him. The bold, italicised words written at the top of the first sheet made it all too real for Wonho.
Complaint for Divorce  
“So this is how it’s going to end? You’re not even going to let me explain myself? You’re walking out on our marriage. We love each other Y/N. I love you and I know you love me.” You wanted to scream and cry and hit him all at the same time. He was right though, you did love him and you always would. If you didn’t love him you wouldn’t have married him in the first place. God why did you have to think about it now. You remember your wedding day like it was yesterday.
“Are you ready, baby?” You turn away from the mirror to face your father with a nervous smile on your face.
“Do I look okay dad?” There are tears forming in your father’s eyes as you twirl slowly letting him get a full look at your dress. It nearly cost him an arm and a leg but seeing you so happy made it worth every penny. You were sporting a floor-length ball gown with a sweetheart neckline. The bodice was decorated with small diamonds that were scattered all over. It was a simple dress but it nearly made you cry on the spot when you tried it on and you knew it was the one. Your veil was short, attached to a small headpiece in the shape of a tiara. You weren’t going to tell anyone but under your dress you were wearing a pair of converse because you didn’t want to risk tripping while walking down the aisle. For the entire month before the wedding you went makeup free to avoid breaking out or dry skin on your big day. Only today did you opt for a natural make up look which was barely even noticeable. Everything looked perfect.
“There’s only one bride I’ve ever seen in my life that compares to how beautiful you look right now and that was your mother.” Kind of like she knew you were talking about her your mother waltzed into the room wiping away a few tears.
“I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up and marrying the love of her life. He better treat you right otherwise I’ll put him in his place just like I did with your father.” You always wanted to experience true love like your parents but you always thought something like that was unattainable. Until you met Wonho. He swept you off your feet in less than a week. You met in a movie theater that was completely empty except for the two of you. It was a horror movie that had been in theaters for a while now so it wasn’t very popular anymore and you just so happened to have reserved two seats right next to each other.
You were too embarrassed to admit it but you were scared. It was only when a jump scare happened and Wonho jumped, spilling his entire tub of popcorn in the process, that you finally spoke up. The two of you decided to leave halfway through the movie and get some dinner instead. It all seemed to move quickly from there. One date turned into multiple dates. Official titles of boyfriend and girlfriend came soon after. He ended up meeting your parents. You dated for 3 years before he popped the question and wedding planning took you a year. Now here you were, arm linked with your father as he walked you down the aisle to the man of your dreams.
Your hands were sweating as your father handed you off to Wonho but thankfully his palms were equally as sweaty as yours. It seemed like everyone that looked at you today was on the verge of tears. Wonho mouthed how stunning you looked and you couldn’t help but blush and return the compliment by whispering that he looked absolutely dashing in his all black suit. You were so happy that day. So sure that your marriage would last forever and that it was you and Wonho against the world until death do you part.
But now you were here waiting for the man that you fell in love with even more every time you looked at him to sign divorce papers. Wonho didn’t even pick up the stack of papers. He wanted nothing to do with them. All he wanted was his family to remain where they belonged which was together in this house that they had made a home.
“Hoseok. You need to sign the papers so I can go. I told the babysitter I would only be gone for an hour and it’s already been 45 minutes.” Oh fuck how it hurt him to hear you call him by his actual name.
“Please don’t call me that. I’m Wonho. Your Wonho. Your husband. We can work through this. I’ll never do it again. Don’t do this to our family.” You scoffed right in front of him. You had done nothing but what was best for you and your child. He was the one that ruined it all and now he was trying to play the victim? Trying to guilt trip you? Not on your watch.
“I didn’t ruin anything. It was all you. You are the one that decided I wasn’t enough for you anymore! You made the decision to go and sleep with any woman that offered you sex on a silver platter. I was here raising our child and being a loyal wife. You’re right about one thing though. You’ll never do it again but only because I won’t give you the chance to. If you really cared about us you would sign the papers.”
Wonho skims over the first few pages in the pile, stopping to read whatever catches his eye. One part in particular stands out to him, something you secretly hoped he wouldn’t notice.
“Y/N...what does this say? Something about an u-unborn child. Are you pregnant? I-Is it mine?” Your first reaction is to wrap your arms around yourself protectively. Of course Wonho wouldn’t hurt you but any mention of your baby immediately had you in protection mode.
“Of course the baby is yours. I’m not you. I don’t sleep with other people while I’m married.” Wonho visibly recoils at the mention of his worst mistake.
“I’m not signing the papers. I’m gonna be here for you and for our little girl Sohee and for this baby. I want to be in my childrens lives and nobody, not even a judge in a courtroom, can take that away from me.”
“It’s all in the papers Wonho. We do joint custody I get weekdays and you can pick Sohee up from preschool on Friday and keep her the entire weekend. We switch off every year on holidays and long breaks. I’ll send you ultrasound pictures and you can be present at the birth. The baby will get your last name but that is it. That’s the best I can offer you. Take it or leave it.” Wonho is growing frustrated by the second. This isn’t how things are supposed to be. He’s supposed to be there for you and your children. He can’t stand the idea of not being there for major milestones.
Bringing Sohee home from the hospital was a dream come true. Wonho now had a family of his own and he would do everything in his power to make sure no harm ever came to either one of you. He thought back to the painstakingly slow 14 hours you were in labor. Hearing the cries of his little girl as she came into the world. You were somehow still beautiful and glowing after hours of pain and pushing. He was there for everything. The first bottle feeding, diaper change, bath, steps, and words. To know he wasn’t going to experience that with his second child was heartbreaking.
“Please think about what you’re doing Y/N. you’re taking two children away from their father. If you do this you’re no better than I am. You’re a bad mother.” Wonho regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth.
“Don’t you think I know that already? Don’t you think I asked myself what I could have done so wrong that you had to go out and have sex with other women? I had to think about it every night you didn’t come home. I was reminded of it whenever you walked through the door smelling like another woman.” Wonho approached you slowly. How badly he wanted to comfort you, hold you, and tell you how you were absolutely enough for him. You would never let him get that close to you again though. He broke your heart and you weren’t foolish enough to let it happen again.
“I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t mean it. I messed up. I slept with other women when I had the perfect one waiting for me at home. I’m so sorry I did this to you. I never meant fo this to happen. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m s-sorry.” By the end of his apology Wonho had tears streaming down his face and as much as it hurt you to see that you felt like he deserved to feel miserable just like all the times you felt the same way when he didn’t come home after work.
“You’re not sorry that it happened Hoseok. You’re just sorry you got caught.” It was true. If he had continued sleeping with other women behind your back for months who knows if it would’ve stopped if it weren’t for you catching him in the act. You had already had your suspicions so you told him you’d be spending a few days in a nearby city with your parents so that they could spend time with Sohee. Wonho had been taking on longer shifts at his job so he told you he would have to stay behind. You did take Sohee with your parents but you also headed home early by yourself. You hadn’t even walked 2 feet into your home when your suspicions were confirmed. The undeniable sound of a woman moaning Wonho’s name and your own husband praising how good she felt around him and how her body was perfectly made for him made your blood boil.
You marched your way right up to the bedroom you shared with your husband every night the first few years of your marriage. The bedroom right across the hall from where your child slept. Did he have no shame? Pleasuring another woman in the same bed where both of your children were conceived and where you shared countless nights of romance together. He was so lost in the pleasure that he didn’t even notice you in the doorway of the bedroom. It wasn’t until both him and the woman he was cheating on you with had come down from their sex induced high that he saw you there. Tears in your eyes and a hand over your mouth. You felt nauseated, maybe it was from your pregnancy or maybe it was the sight of your husband in bed with another woman. You weren’t going to stick around long enough to let him see you in an even more vulnerable and weak state than the one you were already in.
You left and you didn’t look back. You didn’t stop even when he started chasing after you or when he started calling out your name on the busy sidewalk. It was over for him the minute you walked in the door.
“I’ll sign the papers. If you really want me to do it I will. But I want to hear you say you love me.” You look up from the ground straight into Wonho’s eyes. Of course you loved him. He’s the father of your children. Your husband. The love of your life.
“Just one more time.” The look of pain and guilt reflected in his eyes nearly made you break down on the spot.  
“I-I love you so much.” Wonho signed the papers immediately. Let the waterworks begin. You couldn’t hold your tears back anymore. Your marriage was over. Your whole body was wracked by sobs and then but only then did Wonho envelop your entire body in an embrace. The warmth radiating off his body made you feel safe and protected but all you could think of was all the other women that had felt this same embrace.
“I knew what I was doing when I asked you to sign those papers but why does it f-feel so bad.” Would you ever forgive him for what he did? No. Did he deserve another chance? Maybe.
“I know it hurts right now but you’re strong and you’ll get through it for our kids. If you feel like you can’t do it anymore I’m always here. It’s you and me against the world remember? That’ll never change.” You nod your head slowly and wipe your tears away before stepping away from him. The pile of papers sit idly on the table until you grab them and head for the front door without another word. You have your hand on the door knob and you’re so close to just getting out of there. Don’t look back. Don’t look back. You’re weak. Your hand falls at your side and you turn around. There’s a glimmer of hope and so much love in Wonho’s eyes when you look back at him. It’s the same way he looked at you while you walked down the aisle to him.
“T-Tell me you need me.” Your grip on the divorce papers is so tight that the knuckles on both hands turn white.
A/N: Kind of an open end I guess,,,,,,,,,,,,Sorry it was bad.
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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25 Days of Klaroline + Another Time Period mini drabble (and yes I'm late again - I was too busy getting excited about Candice being in NOLA, hello endgame).
All italicised text is inner thoughts for the characters after the fact, I was going for something new.
The Year is 1964 and the Beatles have arrived in the United States for their first North American concert. Super fan, Caroline Forbes, attempts to sneak into their hotel not expecting to get stuck in the boiler room with a grouchy employee who doesn't even like the Beatles.
Come Together
11 February 1964 - Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC
"Now, this is not what I had in mind."
"And you think I did, sweetheart?" Klaus shot back, his deep set scowl a permanent fixture on his face. It was a shame given just how attractive he was with those crimson lips and dark, blue eyes. Caroline hated fake endearments.
"You realise that if the wind changes your face will stay just like that," she huffed, taking a seat on the floor.
"With that level of naivety, I'm suddenly not so surprised abut your ability to get us locked in the boiler room." Klaus was seriously concerned about who he was locked in a room with at that point even if she was stunning.
"It was a joke," she scoffed. "But with your level of grouchiness I'm not surprised you didn't get it." He was grouchy, beyond belief, according to her later comments.
When art history student Caroline ventured out into the freezing temperatures that night, her mission had been to hunt down the Beatles. It was a lot less psycho than it sounded. They were performing their very first concert in the States at the Washington Coloseum. Her mother, in true Liz form, had forbade her from going in no uncertain terms. She was a police officer and was concerned about her safety given 8,000 screaming fans were expected.
Klaus, meanwhile, had headed into work for another shift dreading the ensuing craziness. He was studying law at Georgetown. Coming from a relatively affluent fasmily, his work at the hotel was only to give him some spending money. What he hadn't expected was to come into contact with a bossy, but extremely beautiful, blonde with too many opinions. The fact she loved the Beatles was definitely a deep character flaw in his estimation. 
"Great," he mumbled, banging on the door for the hundreth time in the past fifteen minutes. "I'm stuck in here with Little Miss Attitude. What part of no didn't you understand before you came back here unauthorised and then managed to lock us inside?"
"I'm persistant," she pouted. "My mother says it's one of my most endearing traits." Klaus came to realise she was indeed persistant and could win the award, if there was one actually available.
"After the saying about the wind and my expression, I'm not sure you should really trust anything your mother tells you."
"Has anyone told you that you have serious anger issues? Don't you ever just let loose and have fun?" Caroline was spot on. Klaus was highly strung and hadn't let loose in years, his excuse was that college was his priority.
"Oh what? Like you mean sneaking into a hotel and getting stuck in the boiler room?"
"That obviously wasn't part of my plan," she growled. "If I had my way, I'd be partying with the Beatles right now."
"You and everyone else," he mumbled. "I'm curious, what exactly happens after the partying?"
"Excuse you? I'm not that kind of girl and the fact you would insinuate such things is..." Turns out she wasn't that kind of a girl and a lie detector test would have proved that very fact on the spot...
"Yet, you sneak into strangers' hotel rooms?"
"John, Paul, George and Ringo are hardly strangers." Klaus had struggled to retain his composure that sentence was so weird and kind of stalkerish.
"Just because you know their names, favourite foods and a few of their repetitive songs doesn't mean you actually know them."
"Repetitive songs?" She inhlaed sharply, it was like a punch to the guts. No one insulted her boys and got away with it. "How dare you." Caroline was seeing red and wasn't quite sure how to calm the anger this idiot had caused.
"This may come as a shock but not everyone likes the Beatles." Caroline had said afterwards that this was the moment she hated him.
"Yeah, okay," she drawled. "What did they do to you besides those songs you love so much? Are you jealous or something?" His stormy expression was enough to tell her otherwise.
"Jealous? Hell no. I suppose I'm more of a Stones person and the Beatles' hysterical fans have a tendency to put me off given that high pitched squealing I've been dealing with continuously the past few days."
"Who?" She asked not bothering to address his complaints.
"The Rolling Stones." Klaus had struggled to not roll his eyes at this point and decided she needed some musical intervention in her life.
"Yeah, well given I have no idea who they are I highly doubt they'll ever be bigger than the Beatles." Klaus wished he'd placed a bet on this comment years later.
"I beg to differ, love." It was a comment Caroline came to really regret later. She blamed it on the fact they were still relatively new to the music scene in 1964.
"You know I'm really getting tired of your holier than thou judgemental tone and comments. As if this night hadn't turned out bad enough already. And don't call me love."
"I don't know your name and maybe you should look in the mirror," he snorted. "You've been judging me since you got us stuck in here." Caroline's mouth was agape and before she could argue he continued. "I wasn't the one who pulled the door shut." Turns out they were both extremely judgmental, probably why they were so perfect for each other.
"How was I supposed to know it locked from the inside?"
"Because I told you but you were too busy evading capture to listen." She was evading capture from her mother more than he knew at the time.
Caroline didn't respond, just stood up abruptly and began pounding on the door as he had been only moments earlier.  She felt sick knowing that if this guy reported her to the police her mother would be the first person on the scene. The fact she'd lied about being at Katherine's house would be the final nail in her coffin. Caroline would be lucky if she could venture out of the house before she turned thirty.
"So, now you're silent? If I'd known that was all it would take I would have delivered that line twenty minutes ago," he chuckled, spying at her curiously from the corner of the room.
"And suddenly you're all zen," she hissed. "The heat must be getting to you." She'd dressed in four layers that night and was feeling the need to shed pretty much all of them. It was a shame he was present so she couldn't strip. Her mixed feelings towards the arrogant but gorgeous guy was messing with her resolve. 
"If I promise not to talk to you again if you will you just stop with all the judgy comments?" The heat was killing him and he wouldn't have been averse to her losing clothing but Klaus wasn't that guy, no matter how attracted he was to her.
"That depends on how long we're stuck here."
"George our handyman will be here at 6am," he shared. The look on her face was enough to tell Klaus she was worried. "Past your curfew?"
"That's none of your business." It was then that Caroline thought she hated him for his anti-Beatles comments but she decided at that point he was also the arrogant, devil incarnate.
"That spiteful hatred has been surprisngly entertaining but we're stuck here till six and will never see each other again. So, how about we just be honest for a few hours?" He cocked his head to the left curiously, a few stray dimples making an appearance and leaving her a little flustered, not that Caroline would admit it to this ass.
"Fine," she admitted. "I don't like you very much." Caroline was pretty certain she had unwittingly fallen in love with this idiot.
"The feeling is mutual," he growled, the fact their eyes were now locked in a battle of wits was saying something. Klaus was now officially in love. 
And they lived happily ever after, even if Liz had questioned his intentions, gun at her hip. Turns out it was okay because she was a huge Rolling Stones fan. Caroline, meanwhile, had refused to acknowledge his 'questionable' taste.
At their wedding two years later, the bride and groom had insisted that the Rolling Stones and Beatles would be present. The number of songs needed to be equal as to avoid an all out riot, but when they decided to make their wedding dance a mixture of In My Life and Wild Horses that was the moment when their love for each other came full circle.
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Pt.2 Poly!RemusxSiriusxJamesxYou
Co-written with @80s-addict - TW FOR NSFW AHEAD! My writing is normal and her’s is italicised. 
- Sirius and you do each other's hair 
-  James absolutely will not let anyone near his hair (Unless of course, one of you is tugging on it and moaning) 
-  Remus doesn't really mind bc he's not overly concerned about it but appreciates the attention
Siriusly you and Sirius will sit for HOURS and brush/braid each other's hair. Sometimes you'll sit on the floor, others on your bed, kissing and talking and listening to your favorite muggle bands all the while. 
- Sometimes you both get so relaxed you just end up falling asleep, Sirius' head in your lap or yours in his chest, arms wrapped around each other and legs tangled, snoring (you'd never admit to it though), with beautifully intricate braids and flowers woven into them. 
- Remus and James roll their eyes at their dorks but oh my God you're so cute they can't stay annoyed and *click* whoops "Turn the flash off you dolt!" "Sorry" You and Sirius wake up in each other's arms with enchanting hair and the sound of your husbands bickering and smile at each other and decide to go back to sleep. "AW, THEY'RE SO CUTE MOONY!" "SSHHHUT UP, PRONGS" *thwack* You and Sirius peep an eye open and share a light laugh as the two continue to argue as they leave you to sleep
-  You are always wearing someone's shirt
-  Like always
-  It's rare if you don't (unless you're going out) 
- And when you don't Sirius pouts Like straight up this grown-ass man is sticking out his lower lip and giving you the puppy dog eyes because you're not wearing one of his shirts 
- And you turn to the other two but James is also pouting (not as much as Sirius, but it's still a lot) 
- Exasperated, you turn to Remus, ever the voice of reason, but even HE is pouting at you! 
- "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, IT'S LAUNDRY DAY!" All 3: "But Y/N!" "Ugh, FINE. *Under breath, but with a small smile* Children." You march back upstairs, angrily throw off your shirt and blindly reach around the closet before you find something in the back. 
- You throw it on and head downstairs. "Better now?" They're all staring at you, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. "What?" James: "M-Moons? Cancel our dinner reservations." "Why?" Sirius: "Y/N, did you look at yourself?" "No...?" James: "You-YOU'RE WEARING MY BUTTON UP. YOU LOOK SO HOT. IT HURTS." Sirius: "Smooth, Prongs." James: "Did you SEE her??!" Remus: "I'm with James on this one...Y/N you do look very attractive in James' shirt." Sirius: "C'mere, Sweetheart."
-  ...you don't make it to dinner. Or the movie. Or the reshowing of the movie. ...or breakfast.
-  When any of you is upset, the other 3 know 
-  They just know 
-  And it's a day filled with gentle reminders, soft touches, chastise kisses, and small smiles 
- You'll all cuddle around whoever is upset 
- And just talk, sleep, or read 
- Maybe watch their favorite show 
- Comfort snacks, fuzzy blankets, and pillows all around 
- The other 3 naming their favorite qualities of whoever is down 
- Their personality 
- Their talents 
- Their intelligence 
- Their looks 
- Just lots of gentle touches and "I love you"'s and quick kisses to persons perceived "problem areas" 
- The night ends with you all a tangled mass on the bed, the person who was the center of the attention now in the center of the cuddles 
- And said person maybe 
- Just maybe
-  Smiles a little and whispers a small "thank you" before falling asleep surrounded by the 3 doofs who will do (and have done) literally //anything// to cheer them up
-  The other 3 hearing them bc they were pretending to sleep - no way they were sleeping while their lil bean was upset - and sharing a quick, tired, but relieved smile and blown kisses before passing out from exhaustion
-  ((Sometimes slow, sweet love-making is required because one of you is really down on your body. So the other 3 take turns kissing all over and focusing on their favorite parts until the Upset Person starts to believe them))
- One of you getting a wild hair and formulating a plan with the other two one day to pounce Unsuspecting Person with Triple The Head Person is random but always almost dies BC HOW ARE ALL OF THESE FUCKERS SO GOOD AT THIS 
- Sometimes it's James when he's been an egotistical shit and needs to be taken down a peg 
- Sometimes it's Remus when he's stressed about an upcoming full moon 
- Sometimes it's Sirius when he's insecure about himself//his abilities and/or is being a tease (more than usual - it's his natural state, but sometimes he can be a bit much) 
- Sometimes it's you when you're stressed about an upcoming event or exam or when you've felt down lately 
- Always it's whoever thinks they're not good enough one day or seems to be extremely jealous because "Shut up, we love you, and we're not going anywhere. Now hold still."
- I love the idea that like during your school years you basically lived in the Marauders' dorm 
- And like McGongall and even Dumbledore knew 
- But never said anything BC they secretly were impressed that you four came up with your situation and seemed to be handling it well 
- And maybe were a little jealous bc you all just looked so happy 
- So when you graduate Sirius buys a flat 
- And over the summer renovates it with you all 
- And when you're done he asks you all to move in with him, rent-free because "Your love is enough" 
- And just 
- There's lots of spare bedrooms bc you all created one really big master suite with a big double king bed 
- And just 
- You and Remus gushing about your new domestic life James and Sirius watching you and scoffing bc "What dorks" but secretly really loving it too
- You and Sirius arguing over drapes and sheets much to Remus and James' dismay bc according to Remus "Loves, they're both nice. Let's get both!" 
- But you insist on the 100% cotton blue gray sheets while Sirius wants the 100% silk dark red sheets and James has had it bc "THEY'RE JUST SHEETS? WHAT DOES IT MATTER? THEY'RE PROBABLY JUST GOING TO GET CUM ON THEM ANYWAY, SO JUST GET A BUNCH OF THE CHEAP ONES." 
- Everyone is //shocked// You, Sirius, and Rem all wide-eyed and slack-jawed, staring at James and each other 
- James doesn't understand what he did 
- You 3 working feverishly to get the rest of the shopping done 
- James is pleased but still doesn't know why 
- You and Sirius stay at the checkout lane, blushing as a very flustered Remus drags James to the car to "Explain some things" to him 
- Before they get out the door Rem pulls Sirius by the shirt collar and says he better get in the express lane and you blush even harder and start furiously loading up the conveyer belt while Sirius scrambles to get his wallet 
- You come to the car to find the car windows fogged and James leaned back in the driver's seat, shirt unbuttoned and glasses askew as Remus rises to the passenger seat, smirking and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he pops the trunk for you "Let's get home, yeah?" 
- Sirius and you in the backseat and he can't help himself so he starts kissing you and sucking hickeys to your pulse point and you're both teasing each other through your clothes 
- Remus and James looking in the rearview mirror Remus raising an eyebrow  and smirking James has never driven that fast in his life
- James accidentally saying something sexual while you're all at the store 
- He doesn't realize what he said was sexual 
- Sirius, you and Remus getting flustered and hurting the trip along
-  Which pleases James even though he's not sure what got you all moving so quickly bc he hates stopping with a firey passion 
- One of you trying to explain to him and getting too flustered
- The least flustered pulls him close and whispers an explanation 
- The donning look of realization on his face 
- Followed by a shit-eating grin 
- Two of you left to finish checking out while the other drags James to the car to get started
-  This happening a //lot// At first you think he genuinely doesn't know what he's doing (which is true) but after the 10th or so time, you start to catch on bc he's become increasingly detailed with his outbursts 
- You 3 continuing on as if you don't know 
- Because it's so much fun 
- And sometimes you like to get him back 
- By flipping the script on him 
- Which he also catches on to 
- But does not stop 
- Because you're all risk takers and it leads to some of the best sex ever
-  Without fail 
- Those poor car seats 
- Those poor cheap sheets
- The entire school knows you're dating but no one makes a big deal out of it. It just Happened one day and the four of you never look back. 
 - No one dares to say anything bad about it though because everyone fears the Marauders - you anger one, you anger them ALL and then no one is safe.
- Not even the teachers. 
- Borrowing each other's clothes so often that James straight up rips out all the name labels
- Not letting them curse the other students just because they can
- Having a similar speech pattern
- Inside jokes
-Inside jokes of inside jokes
- If one offends the other, the Offensive One will publicly grovel to make the others laugh and get the Offended One to forgive them
- PDA is only A Thing if the goal is to make someone jealous
- You’re all considered to be married to each other
- You have necklaces that are similar and look like part of a set
-James’ parents charmed them with protective spells
- You can say something into the necklaces and everyone will hear it like they’re wearing headphones
- Howlers proclaiming your love
- Howler marriage proposals
- Feeding each other breakfast items
- ‘Accidentally’ dropping beans down Remus’ front
- “Oops. Guess you gotta wear a different shirt now”
- Being sad when Remus is having none of your shit and simply casts a cleaning spell on his shirt
- Sirius rocking a man bun and James sulking because instead of growing out, his hair grows up
- Remus remarking, “You should take a leaf out of your hair’s book, James” when James mentions it
- Remus being so sassy you can’t eat when you know he’s going to say something.
- Remus knows this and takes full advantage
- The boys making you flustered all the time
- Being very protective of each other
-The boys will shield you if someone insults you
- Like, a literal circle
- When one argues, you all argue
- You and Remus are mediators as Sirius and James are the worst offenders when it comes to unleashing their tempers
- Remus does no harm but takes no shit, most especially from, for or to his three loves.
- It’s an unconventional but very loving, nurturing, protective and explorative relationship and none of you would change it for anything
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
HP Tags: @bingewatchingmylifegoby @sky-the-llama  @chloeolivialuce
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curvedyellowfruit · 7 years
How We Live Now - Chapter 1
Read it on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11297496
A (hopefully) realistic imagining of how domestic!Wesper would play out as they come to terms with actually living together, as a teenage couple, with no bad guys trying to shoot them. Contains Crooked Kingdom spoilers. Chunks of italicised writing are direct excerpts from CK.
Will be rated T for the majority of this fic, but later chapters may be rated M or E. These will be clearly labelled if so.
 Part I
Setting: Immediately after Chapter 42 of CK. The night of the auction. Nina, Kuwei and Colm have departed on the sickboat with Rotty and Matthias’ body. The remaining crows linger for a time at the water’s edge.
 At some point, Jesper realised Kaz was gone.
“Not one for goodbyes, is he?” he muttered.
“He doesn’t say goodbye, Inej said. She kept her eyes on the lights of the canal. Somewhere in the garden, a night bird began to sing. “He just lets go.”
 The three of them stood like that for a while longer, each lost in silent contemplation. Jesper wasn’t sure what the others were feeling, but the events of the day had been solemn enough to dampen even his usual frenetic energy. He spotted the champagne bottle he had grabbed earlier with such hope in his heart, still lying where he had abandoned it the moment he had spotted Nina, and realised that Matthias –
 Jesper felt a familiar restlessness creep through him, and his fingers twitched by his sides. Wylan, damn him, glanced swiftly his way. How did he know?
 “Let’s go inside and get ourselves warmed up. I’ll see if I can get some hot drinks sorted for us.”
Bless the little merchling and his impeccable manners. Even now, he was playing the good host.
 “Lead the way, oh Lord of the Manor!”
 Wylan bowed obligingly, startling a laugh from Jesper. Jesper ambled up the garden path behind him, while Inej trailed them in her silent way.
 It was only a short distance, yet Jesper found his thoughts leaping ahead. The kid was sweet to offer a mug of tea or a pot of coffee, but it would take something stronger to settle his nerves before bed. Jesper snorted to himself at the idea of Wylan’s pious father storing hard liquor in his house. A gaping hole in any host’s collection – one the merchling would have to patch up, starting tomorrow. What was the point of sharing a great big house with your friends if you couldn’t even get drunk with them at the end of a long day?
 And speaking of sharing houses and the ends of long days... Jesper pulled up short on the threshold, causing Inej to grumble as she gracefully side-stepped past him into the house.
 Just what exactly were their sleeping arrangements going to be?
 It was all very well for Jesper to accept Wylan’s offer to live with him, and for them to joke about steep fees and down-payments. But this... thing... between them was still so new. Would Wylan expect him to share his bed? For all his flirtation and bravado, the thought suddenly sent a nervous chill up Jesper’s spine. But no – surely Wylan would want his own space. Particularly with Inej around, not to mention Alys and a house full of servants.
 Feeling comforted by the thought, though also strangely disappointed, Jesper snapped himself out of the trance he had frozen into on the doorstep and felt his body lurch back into motion. He spotted Wylan poking his head around a corner, looking back at him quizzically. He must have realised Jesper had fallen behind.
 “Kettle’s on,” was all he said, a raised eyebrow the only indication that something was amiss, before turning back into the kitchen.
 Bless that little merchling.
 Jesper broke into a wry grin and went to follow him. There was no point stressing out over something as silly as sleeping arrangements. They had survived the Ice Court, after all. Figuring out how to share a beautiful big house with two of his closest friends should be a piece of cake. Besides – it wasn’t for him to worry about. Wylan was the one playing host.
 His grin now transformed into a definite smirk, Jesper entered the kitchen with an easy swagger, very much looking forward to his mug of tea.
 Wylan was in his element as he pottered around the kitchen, fiddling with the kettle and the coffee machine. Despite his uncertainty about returning to his father’s house – his house, now, he reminded himself – the kitchen was one of the few parts of the manor without bad memories associated with it. Jan Van Eck would never have deigned to lower himself by entering a room he saw as the servants’ domain – and as a result, his son had spent many blissful hours, safe in the knowledge that his father would not look for him there.
 So there was a kind of tranquil familiarity about being back in that room, searching for the old waffle iron and digging out the pancake mix. Wylan had not been idle during those long escapes, and had thrown himself into learning about cooking from his father’s servants with much the same intensity as he had with chemistry or music from his tutors. Although he could not read a recipe, he could certainly memorise one, and he found that he had a natural affinity for calculating portions of ingredients or appropriate cook times. It was just another kind of equation, really.
 Now, he was looking forward to sharing his skills with his friends.
 Wylan felt a hint of a blush tinge his cheeks at just the thought of a certain sharp-shooter’s reaction. Baking? Really, merchling? He could almost hear his voice in his head, could see the smirk on his beautiful, dark face.
 Wylan did his best to pull himself together. Maybe that beating he had taken earlier that day had knocked his head about, as well as breaking his ribs. He could see Inej, perched on a stool at the end of the island bench, looking at him curiously, but he didn’t have a chance to do more than return her look with a smile before the subject of his thoughts finally graced them with his presence. He wasn’t sure what had delayed him, but as the lanky-limbed Zemeni strolled into the room, Wylan jolted a little to realise that the very smirk he had imagined was, in fact, plastered all over his face.
 Great. Wylan might not be able to read, but he was confident that look could only spell trouble. Most likely for him.
 Tearing his gaze away from Jesper’s mouth long enough to realise he had been staring at it and Inej was now openly fighting back her amusement, Wylan cleared his throat, even as he felt his earlier blush return with full force. It was time for him to remember who he was, where he was. It was time to play host.
 The hour that followed was a blur of coffee and tea orders, pots and pans clanging as waffles were cooked and pancakes were fried. He pulled out a punnet of strawberries and even managed to dig up some ice cream and chocolate sauce, so by the time he was done, a true last-night feast lay before them. Inej had paused to look at him with a kind of disbelief and the adoration she normally reserved for Nina, before laying into the food with ravenous intent. Jesper had just tracked his movements around the kitchen, saying nothing but with a bemused look upon his face, before helping himself to a generous portion of pancakes. The sound of pleasure that escaped him at the first bite seemed to take even Jesper by surprise, and left Wylan feeling very pleased with himself indeed – even if he could probably have fried another batch of pancakes on his cheeks.
 “It seems you’ve been holding out on us, merchling!”
 “Just another of my marketable skills.” Wylan tried to inject a bit of confidence and a smirk of his own into his retort.
 “Well, I’m never moving out if these are the kind of comforts I can expect here, Wylan.” Inej was waving her fork at him in what was clearly meant to be a threatening manner, but the chocolate sauce smeared across her face and the twinkle in her eyes softened the overall effect.
 “You’re both welcome to stay for as long as you want, of course,” Wylan said with a bow, back to playing the perfect host.
 Inej stretched and yawned, just as Jesper belched loudly. The Wraith shot the Zemeni a disapproving glare, before turning back to Wylan.
 “So, just where exactly will we be staying? It’s been a very long day, and at this point my belly is so full I could just fall asleep right on top of this island bench.”
 Wylan smiled. Naturally, as host, he had foreseen this question.
 “I had the servants prepare guest rooms for each of us earlier.”
 He thought he caught a flash of – something – in Jesper’s eyes. Relief? Disappointment? It was there and then gone again too swiftly for him to make sense of it.
 Wylan put the thought to one side as he led the way upstairs, pointing out the bathrooms before showing Inej to her room, the corner room on the end. She would get a beautiful view of the dawn through her north- and east-facing windows. Wylan could tell this hadn’t escaped her notice during the quick once-over she gave the space, as the hint of a smile spread over her features. The short girl managed to put grace even into her yawns, as she bid each of them goodnight and closed the door behind her.
 Alone now with the person whose presence both thrilled and terrified him, Wylan managed to maintain his host’s visage as he led Jesper to the far end of the hall – about as far from Inej’s quarters as it was possible to get. It was a big house, and his own room was right next door, but he had thought that the Suli girl would prefer some privacy.
 Or, if he was being honest with himself, maybe it was he who was hoping for the privacy.
 They paused in the space between their rooms. Jesper looked like he wanted to say something, but was holding back. Almost without meaning to, they locked eyes, and the air between them seemed to come alive. Wylan finally dropped all pretence of being a calm and composed host. He wasn’t fooling anyone but himself.
 If he was going to be a bit more honest with himself, he had both hoped for and dreaded this moment all afternoon. Would Jesper expect him to follow through on his bold promises of a ‘down-payment’ from earlier? A nervous thrill passed through Wylan.
 For better or worse, the medik had not yet come to the house. Although Wylan had managed to forget his injuries in the face of Nina’s sorrow, and then the distraction of preparing food for the others, the tension of this moment with Jesper suddenly brought his situation into sharp focus. He had been the subject of a serious beating just a few hours earlier. His ribs were still likely broken, not to mention his multitude of other bruises and scrapes.
 He was in no state to be kissing anyone, let alone... anything else.
 Turning abruptly away from Jesper, Wylan stared deliberately at the floor as he began silently walking towards the room he had claimed. The door was halfway closed behind him before Jesper finally spoke, his tone unexpectedly gentle.
 “Sleep well, merchling.”
 It had been a long day. She was tired, she was rich, she was free of her indenture and free of the Dregs too, if she wanted to be.
 But she was still the Wraith, and Kaz Brekker’s number one collector of secrets.
 And if this was not the best use of her talents, and technically none of her business... well, neither were any of the other things she learned.
 In a way, she reasoned with herself as she perched in the shadows of the staircase banister, staring at the space where Jesper and Wylan stood, this situation was more her business to know than any of the other people she had ever spied upon.
 After all, these were her friends!
 After her elaborate yawning display, Inej had wasted little time in slipping back down the hall to follow after them. She was certain that Wylan’s talk of separate bedrooms had been a ruse to preserve his modesty – or perhaps her own. Inej thought her Saints would bless the boy’s attempts to spare a former pleasurehouse worker’s blushes. What she couldn’t understand was why her two friends were just standing there in silence, staring at each other without saying a word, or kissing each other, or doing anything interesting.
 When Wylan turned suddenly and stormed to his own room without a word, Inej’s jaw dropped. She had been so sure that he and Jesper had been carrying on a secret affair behind their backs for weeks now. Was it possible she had been wrong?
 Jesper’s soft words carried down the hall to her hiding place.
 “Sleep well, merchling.”
 The fondness – no, the adoration dripping from those few syllables.
 Inej smirked to herself. No, she had not been wrong at all. She was still the Wraith, and the Wraith did not make these kinds of mistakes. Perhaps she had just figured it out before the players themselves had caught up.
 On silent steps, Inej snuck back to her bedroom, content now to sleep at last. She left Jesper standing out in the hallway, still staring longingly at Wylan’s closed door.
 Despite his exhaustion, Jesper lay awake long into that night, unable to sleep. His mind kept playing over his every interaction with Wylan over the past days.
 That electric first kiss.
 The defiant pride in the little merchling’s face when he faced down his father, covered in bruises that Van Eck had procured.
 His offer, and Jesper’s subsequent acceptance, to stay together in this house and run the family business... together.
 The bounce of those adorable curls as Wylan had scrambled around the kitchen, clearly in his element as he prepared a late-night feast for them all. Jesper did not treat his food with quite the same sensual passion as Nina did, but he had still thought he might explode with pleasure when he tasted that first bite of pancake.
 So what had happened outside their rooms? And why did they have separate rooms? That same electricity had sparked between them again as they stared each other down in silence, and Jesper could feel his body humming with that same restless energy even as he lay in his bed now.
 What had gone wrong? Of course Wylan was still injured, and Jesper would never have tried to push him into something he was uncomfortable with. He was sure that the little merchling was blessedly innocent in most matters of the heart. But surely a harmless kiss goodnight had been called for? Not to mention – he would have liked nothing more than to spend this night lying next to the younger boy. Perhaps embracing him, or just with the comforting touch of their backs pressed against each other.
 Maybe then Jesper wouldn’t be stuck lying here, still awake, thoughts chasing each other around his mind as Matthias’ face became his father’s, and suddenly he was sure that something terrible had happened. The sickboat had overturned, or had been discovered. Maybe Colm was even now suffering in a Ketterdam jail, or worse, being towed out to the Reaper’s Barge.
 Jesper knew he was being silly, tried to tell himself that his father was safely aboard the Ravkan vessel, along with Nina and Kuwei. But all he could see was Matthias’s face, his body still blood-stained, and he couldn’t help but think that if such a thing could happen to the big Fjerdan, a trained soldier... what hope could the rest of them possibly have?
 The sun was peaking through the curtains of his bedroom before Jesper finally sank into a fitful sleep, his dreams echoing the tenor of his thoughts.
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