#its been... EIGHT days
jaca3rys · 5 months
Me a month ago: I'm so in love! I want kids and four cats! Big house with me wife! Wind chimes and pretty dresses
Me now: blocking EVERY. SINGLE. happy WLW couple on my fyp. crying on my knees on my (concrete) floor. Unable to look at happy couples WLW or not without wanting to sob uncontrollably. Literally wanting to rip my fucking hair out whenever I see my brother in law kissing his girlfriend. PHYSICALLY unable to listen to certain songs.
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dailyloweffortpace · 1 month
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Day 20: aaauughfgsgxgvnnfgjnd
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
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jaewon and jihyun + looking at each other in ep. 5
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
The way I have not written a single word for like a month it feels like I have been busier in the last two weeks than I have been in the last four years of my life and will continue to be busy for the next two weeks I got one day between a four day family trip and a sib visit gotta sew a monkey during the trip and if monkie kid drops in that time I will simply combust
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honeydots · 10 months
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i know im late but xanlow pocky doodle was a must....
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asexualbookbird · 10 months
jo anns ship my fucking order challenge
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tangledinink · 1 year
Wait wait wait
You do witchcraft???
That's so cool! I had no idea there were other witches in the TMNT fandom!!!
What kind of witchcraft do you practice?? Personally, I deal mostly with divination, but I'd love to hear more about other people's crafts!
I do! ^^ Though admittedly my practice has been a little bit dormant as of late because I sort of fell out of habit after An Event which was a Bit Disruptive to My Life lol. But I guess I kind of dabble in a bit of everything? I dunno if I could pin myself down to just one kind of practice yet, I still sort of consider myself a Baby Witch. But I really like making little spelljars and casting candle spells and things of the like, and I've been trying to learn tarot for a while now! I also really like making and drawing sigils... For a while part of the joy for me has been just Learning New Things.
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^ ft. gecko enclosure and tail lol. BoS and altar not pictured.
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joelletwo · 3 months
WAIT i never complained abt my scheduling lol. still have not seen my actual boss more than that one five seconds and me and main coworker are supposed to work coverage out amongst ourselves bc thats more relevant fine and okay. but i ask her about what i should switch to going more part time and off of being Fulltime In Training and she says oh ill talk to [boss] about it. and then does and tells me oh [boss] wants to talk to u about that today or tomorrow.
she never does and shes never in her office so i dont hear anything by friday when i work w my second coworker. who i dont really think either of us vibes w the other lol weve been nice but im happy not to work w her. and the feeling is mutual bc she told me oh is this ur last friday i didnt think u were working [boss] told me u were going to be switching to mon-thru-thursday. OKAY? thats really funnily pointed but WHY DID SHE TELL U AND NOT MEEEEEEE. why cant i just know what im working more than two days in advance lolllllll. i am not made for this pwease.
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testing-tranquility · 3 months
I’m going to attack my weed man with hammers
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ly-pleiades · 5 months
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seratlantisite · 1 year
The way learning about the vinsmokes and sanji's childhood re-contextualized so much about him hit me like a truck and i still reel when i remember that feeling
"You can die for your pride if you want, but listen - if you eat and survive, won't that give you the opportunity to fight for pride truly worth having?"
"Give up your ambition and live!"
"When he's fighting, he's not afraid of anything. Not even death."
These three lines stick out to me the most when thinking about sanji, but also the progression of these three lines too. Sanji says that first line to a starving man and it's sensible, it's wise. Live to fight another day, and all that. And the second line seems reasonable too, on its own. Why throw your life away when you know you won't win? It is a waste. But it also clashes with the heart of the scene - of zoro putting his life on the line for his dream. If this fight is the ultimate goal of zoro's ambitions, the point of his whole life, how can he just walk away? Because this is the thesis of the series - that extraordinary dreams are worth risking it all. Luffy says himself, with a smile on his face, that if he dies chasing his dream then he'll die. At least he tried. So how can sanji be a main character in a show about chasing dreams if he won't risk anything?
It's because the vinsmokes are still holding him back.
Of course sanji has this mentality, that when danger arises he has to keep his head down and survive until he reaches a mythical someday when everything will be fine. That's what got him through the hell of the first eight years of his life. Things will be better later, just hold on for now.
But the thing with humans is we take our worst days and burn them in to our memories so if they happen again we can survive them again. No matter how much time passes. "Give up your ambition and live" is good advice for a bad situation, but Sanji couldn't see he didn't need it anymore. He's been stuck in that mentality for years even after breaking free of the life where he needed it every single day. And zeff didn't know how to make him see that.
But luffy could show him. And zeff could sit with his son and watch what it was like to live without fear.
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hour 14 of taking a break from art for the sake of my tendons: i am Wailing and Keening and Scratching Forlornly At My Tablet
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poppiesforthirteen · 2 years
recently i've been thinking about dw audio dramas with a blind companion (let me know if this exists i've barely dipped into audio content) travelling with eight - the typical "don't underestimate me i'm very capable" and "i'm not going to watch out for you (complete lie) this is dangerous (ignored truth)"
the doctor getting into the habit of describing every space they enter so the companion can take part, that leading to him noticing things that lead to The Solution (and the companion being able to take part in the doctor's thought process in a unique way, their experience of wherever they are filtered through what he finds important). the audience being able to listen alongside them, getting the same experience. the doctor getting so into the habit that at some point he describes the room he's in to an empty space [oh shit where did they go]
and i mean occasionally Companion is disadvantaged but it's the companion experience to be a damsel every now and then for the doctor to save the day, but they stick around for a reason and that reason is that they are Actually Very Capable and can save the day just fine thank you very much
also i want someone to step into the tardis and be not all that impressed immediately. so the doctor has to explain that this is his Time Machine that is Very Cool Looking and describe the room in great detail so companion understands that this is his very impressive wife. want an entering the tardis for the first time scene where the doctor has to point out that "it's bigger on the inside"
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s4pphoiduser · 5 months
you make a snippy comment and she snips off your tongue
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
look all im saying is that if someone is having a watch of all doctor who's anniversery specials without context to the classic series or nothing, then you should commit to it and include Zagreus, the 40th anniversery special. yes yes not context allowed, don't worry about it :)
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whumble-beeee · 1 year
Whumptember 2023, Day 8 
“Don’t come back”
Kicked out | Saying goodbye for the last time | Lashing out 
The Bee’s Whumptember Masterlist
~1030 words
CW: bad caretaker (pretty much a whumper tbh), killing mention, suffocation, shooting people with bows mention
“Out,” Caretaker growled, eyes fiery, muscles tensed, arm pointed straight out toward the door. Vigilante stopped short and stared at Caretaker, suddenly not so concerned with screaming and pleading with them to fork over their compound bow.
“I–... What?”
“Out.” Caretaker elaborated. “Get out. Go away, hasta la vista, I’m pointing at the door, go to it and use it to go away and never come back.”
“There’s no need to be so… rude…” Vigilante trailed off, realizing this probably wasn't the best time to be snarky. Even though Caretaker didn’t really seem to get that memo. 
Caretaker couldn’t really be saying… could they? “Never come back?... Caretaker, you're overreacting, lets just–"
"NO, VIGIL!" Caretaker yelled, throwing their hands down and storming over to Vigilante, practically backing them up against the wall as they scrambled to get away from their enraged, superpowered friend. “You don’t tell me that I’m overreacting, you do NOT get to tell me that I’m overreacting!”
They whirled around suddenly, stumbling over their words as they tried to form a coherent sentence, before giving up and letting out a loud angry curse to the heavens. They stamped their foot on the ground like a toddler having a temper tantrum and left a cracking dent in the lacquered wood floor.
Vigilante felt the color drain from their face as they stared wide-eyed at the dent. Caretaker whirled around again with a new righteous fury and Vigilante stumbled back into the wall, breath hitching. They couldn’t take their eyes off Caretaker, but they so badly wanted to just look down in submission. To apologize for what they’d done.
“Vigil, we had a deal,” Caretaker growled. Their voice was dangerously calm as Vigilante shook and cowered against the wall. “You apologize to all the people you hurt, the families of the people you killed with that damn bow.” Caretaker took a step toward them with gritted teeth and thundery eyes. “And you’d never use that thing again. You promised me. You promised them.”
Vigilante let out a small squeak as their throat struggled to work up a response. “I-I-I didn’t me-ean to–”
“I let you stay here because you promised that. You promised me.” Caretaker's voice broke, tears sparkly faintly on the edges of their eyes. “I wanted to be the person I needed when I was at my lowest, for you, because I didn’t have anyone like that.”
Vigilante tensely held their hands in front of their chest, wet eyes wide and unblinking. “Ca-aretaker, I’m so-o-rry-y.”
Caretaker stared at them for a long time before their face slowly morphed back into the mask of unbridled fury. “No, you’re fucking not.” They whispered through gritted teeth. Their eyes narrowed, their muscles practically shaking. “You’re just scared of me.”
Caretaker surged forward, grabbing Vigilante’s lapels and shoving them upward into the wall. Vigilante gasped at the sudden pressure shoving painfully into their chest as they grasped at Caretaker's wrists, struggling for any way to get them off, shaking wildly from the pure voracity of it, deafening white noise filling their entire being as their feet searched desperately for the ground. Their head swam as their breathing stuttered against the crushing pin.
Caretaker pressed even further in response, tightening the collar of Vigilante's shirt suffocatingly around their neck. “If you were sorry, you wouldn’t do it again.” They could feel Caretaker’s hot breath misting uncomfortably onto their cheeks. “You wouldn’t sneak out over and over again, you wouldn’t break into the safe and steal the bow back, you wouldn’t go out and get someone killed again and again and again. Over and over and over!”
Caretaker jolted Vigilante and they saw stars. They blinked rapidly, desperately trying to fight off the black slowly consuming their vision. It didn’t work. Their head filled with cotton as it raced away from them at a thousand miles an hour. Was Caretaker actually going to kill them?
“Caretaker–” Vigilante wheezed pleadingly, head lolling backward as they weakly squeezed caretaker’s wrists. “Can’t– I– I ca-an’t–...”
Caretaker dropped Vigilante’s shirt and they collapsed to the floor at Caretaker’s feet, half unconscious and hacking violently into themself. Shivers wracked their body as one hand curled protectively around their throat. 
Caretaker just stared down at them with narrowed eyes. Finally, when Vigilante was just barely hyperventilating and sobbing into the floor, Caretaker spoke again. “You’re out of chances, Vigil. Get out. Don’t come back.”
Vigilante nodded meekly, watching tears slowly drip down and splash onto the hard dark surface they were curled up on. “I’l-l– I’ll le-e-eav-v-ve.”
Caretaker nudged Vigilante toward the door, not quite hard enough to be a kick. Vigilante tipped over onto their side with a small thump, and Caretaker rolled their eyes with a sigh, pinching at the bridge of their nose.
“If I ever see you again, Vigilante, I’ll kill you.” 
Not a threat, just a promise. Vigilante nodded quickly, not meeting Caretaker’s eyes, and Caretaker curtly turned around and walked away deeper into the home. Probably to Vigilante’s room to throw all their stuff out. Or destroy it.
Vigilante laid on the floor, taking deep breaths and willing with all their might for their heart to stop racing, taking in deep gulps of air and rubbing the wet tear tracks from their face. They knew they deserved this. They knew it every time they stole their bow back, every time they saw the arrow buried into the chest of an unsuspecting target, every time they hit the wrong person, every time Caretaker found out and lectured them, saying they knew Vigilante could be better if they just tried, how they would never stop helping until Vigilante could actually, truly help people. And Vigilante would smile up at them with sad tears in their eyes, thankful they had a person who would believe in them when even they couldn't believe in themself.
They would smile because they knew Caretaker would never give up on them.
Now, they just sobbed.
Slowly, Vigilante built up the strength to finally stand up and stumble toward the door. They wrenched it open with a cry, and walked away without looking back
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