#its easy to go more extreme n exaggerate like i always do
theeio · 2 years
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genos 155 studies/redraws :””””))))))
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digital999placebo · 2 years
This is out of the blue and I apologize but how do you think the nations act differently when they are drunk vs sober (if you don't mind me asking). Idk how to word this but like ... We see Germany as super serious but easy to bother usually but the one time we see him drink he's all :-D :-D :-D in that one photo. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure a drunk Italy would just be more chatty and flirty i.e. an exaggeration of his usual self.
i wanted 2 answer this with a drawing but ive had so little time 2 just sit down n draw lately so you get a wall of text. im sorry.
I do think Ludwig loosens up when he's drunk, loses the stick in his ass for once, n he's v easily entertained n physical touch becomes his number one love language when actual language fails him. He has learned from his past black out drunk mistakes to not speak so much bc he always says some unhinged shit that every1 remembers n brings up (nobody actually cares they only bring it up bc he gets so embarrassed over it), so the entire time he's drunk he's like "ok i only speak when necessary. the less words the better". And also he only really cuddles up to Feli when drunk, before he would do it to just anybody who didn't mind, but some night he put his head in Alice's lap n she braided his hair or whatever n Vene n Francoise wont stop bringing it up (again not that they care but its funny how embarrassed he gets) so yeah, he sticks to Feliciano now bc they're dating so it's easier to explain away. ALSO he’s the best dancer ever thanks to his extreme muscle control, he does the split on beat he can jump he can spin he can do it all, it’s an amazing sight to see.
Feliciano when drunk just wants to dance or fuck. He's either dragging his partner to the dance floor or to the toilet for a quick blowie, whichever is most convenient at that point. or he n Francoise lock themselves inside the bathroom n talk shit while fixing their hair or Francoise is touching up her makeup. Francoise n Feli tgether drunk is the loudest most obnoxious annoying thing ever, they talk loud and fast and with their hands n third parties can never ever keep up with their convo bc they switch subject all the time, n they go out to smoke like 15 times in one sentence. They’re like the *talks shit about a person for 2 hours* “but in the end….. if that’s what they wanna do then it’s like their body” “yeah we’re so open minded and nice” meme. Vene n Françoise r also like “I would literally eat u out if u asked<3” “omgggg<3 I would blow u if u asked<3”
Lovino is the drunk guy at the party sitting at the couch when he's not dancing, he's just trying to enjoy his buzz. He gets in fight with Gilbert over the aux cord.
Alice has never been at the perfect stage of drunkness, she always go above n beyond. Impressively tho she has never thrown up n she takes great pride in this. She’s not much for dancing but if Baxter Dury or some 90s britpop comes on?? She might…. she might…. she WILL
All ends with Ludwig having to carry home Lovino, Feliciano, Alice n Francoise.
Lukas, Matthias n Berwald r the type of drunks who leaves the group to go explore the neighbourhood or the city or just wherever they feel like. They go onto the subway and take whatever train comes first n just rides. They're also kinda like kids when drunk, in the aspect that if they're entirely quiet they're up 2 something they shouldnt b up to, and most likely Netherlands is there to watch the entire thing go down. Mattias is the annoying dude at a houseparty who goes through ur fridge n freeze; he'll start cooking shit at like 12pm n not even edible stuff. he just begins frying ur frozen hamburger patties in rum n coke, explaining why it's a superior dish that everyone should eat to Lukas, Berwald, n Lars (Netherlands). Berwald begins pouring leftover drinks into the frying pan to see what happens.
Berwald also teaches everyone the dirtiest pre-drink melodies (snapsvisor / shotvisor) ever n then mistranslates the lyrics like "uh yeah fitta means uh...... trees in swedish yeah its a song about nature" fitta means pussy smh
Gilbert is either traumadumping or screaming that he needs to queue EPIC songs for the dance floor, but they're all protestant psalms or like teutonic knights hymns. He's alone on the dance floor losing his shit to Psalm 148.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Online dating
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darcy lewis x reader / masterlist
summary; darcy decides to try a dating app, least to say, the guy isn’t anything like his picture. and thus she ditches him, and finds someone else in a hot second / warnings; the oc guys in this fic are dicks, homophobia, darcy being bae, swearing, mentions of sex and cheating, mentions of joy x reader.
he was a polar opposite to what he had portrayed his online self to be, screw the internet! this date was truly tragic, darcy had plenty of things that she could be better using her time for, rather than sitting opposite this oaf, that was licking his unappealing lips, and staring at the waitress when he thought that she didn’t notice.
“huh?” the scientific doctor pulled her phone out, ushering a puzzled expression on her face as she stared at the blank screen. she of course recognised that no one was making any attempts to contact her, but he didn’t know that. “one second.” she held her finger up, bringing the phone to her ear as she blabbered into the speaker that was inherently catching nothing that she was saying.
“slow down jane.” darcy falsely ushered, using her hands to exaggerate the conversation in her head. she put the phone down, a facade of panic elaborating behind her spectacle adorned eyes as she grabbed her belongings in a frenzy, standing upright and out of her seat. “im so sorry, my friend has just hit some guy with her car and she needs some moral support. tonight is going to have to be cut extremely short.”
short was a relief, but the hopeful expression on this dude’s face wasn’t. perhaps it was cruel to leave this guy hanging, and well, she couldn’t blame him for wanting more, she sent him an awkward smile as he began to speak. “we should do this again some time - properly.” darcy wasn’t dumb, she noticed how his eyes sped to the side as the curvy waitress walked by.
“sure...” no, definitely not. darcy was well aware that she was wasting her time with this moron, she didn’t need a man, let alone a dweeb of one. a quick wave was all she bade him as she exited the coffee shop, only to become engrossed in a scene erupting on the local streets. there was a woman, flinging shirts, and a bra within the bundle that looked as though it was not her size, what was she thinking, clearly it wasn’t, at said example of figurative masculinity.
“screw you durkus!” any guy named ‘durkus’ was basically a label confirming that he was a dick. “i don’t need you, nor the next man! i am a well established woman who has done more for this country than you could ever know, you’re dust beneath my feet, a pathetic layer of residue that i want nothing more to brush off.” perhaps she was being harsh, but it sounded like he deserved it.
from the red lipstick, that the woman was not at all sporting, from the random bra that she had flung at her partner, it was a safe bet to assume that he had cheated on her. darcy plodded closer, listening whimsically in, and realising that her life was pretty calm, there were no longer asguardians or dark elves infiltrating her life, nor the work that she had attained to field in.
she had only recently earned herself the title of doctor, and it was frustrating that people would assume that she opted for a profession in a hospital room, or they would forget the professional endorsement all together, and address her as ‘miss lewis’. she was no one’s puppet, she had scaled herself up the ladder of her career to be where she was now, but another thing that she was alongside such a wave of potential was a feminist.
this dick was shouting in the streets, calling her inexplicable names such as a ‘whore’, and a ‘two faced bitch’. having the ability to hear the insults brew anger in her stomach, she couldn’t just stand there. “what are you going to do, turn into a complete lesbian?” now that was the last straw, it had darcy marching over, and promptly she shoved the guy, making him drop all the items that were grasped in the basket of his arms.
a flabbergasted ‘huh’ was riveted from him, and it made darcy smirk as she attuned his attention towards her; the stranger that had gotten involved in his public display of disrespect and homophobia. “how about you watch your damned mouth before i make sure you can’t open it again. and whilst you’re at it, get some new shirts, you’re not a model, unless you’re the kind that are put on prison pamphlets.”
“who the fuck are you?” he spat his saliva on the ground by darcy’s feet, establishing her with the information that her first impression of this dick had been correct. women just knew with this kind of thing, they could sense trouble from a mile away. “you know what, keep that crazy bitch. maybe you can help her store her katanas, and go on double dates with danny rand and his plus one. rather you than me.”
“don’t ask.” the woman shook her head, tired of the drama that durkus always seemed to bring. she had enough trouble, involving work and extracurricular night time activities, without him adding to them. darcy presented her with a sweet smile, picking up the box of random bits and bobs that was on the floor. “that’s just work stuff, i’m moving offices and as i came to collect some things from our apartment, and i found him- well let’s just say he wasn’t alone.”
“that was pretty easy to pick up on. how’d you not realise that you were dating a total sleaze?” she was blunt with her enquiry, though the woman shrugged, a guilty expression cowering upon your features, like an ashamed shadow. a small, attractive smile graced her lips, secrets hidden beneath the span of the expression.
“oh, i knew. i just had to pretend to be happy, so that my ex, or well now, my other ex joy would stop chastising me, claiming that i haven’t got over her. she’s so up her own ass sometimes and it drives me- shit, i’m sorry, you don’t know me, nor do you need to hear about my problems.” the y/h/c haired woman shook her head, stretching her hand out to miss lewis. “i’m y/n, thanks a bunch for helping me out back there.”
darcy accepted her handshake, completing the action as she smiled. “i’m darcy.” this woman didn’t need to know about her doctor title, in fact, darcy was keen on knowing everything about her instead. “so’d how you meet him?” referring to the person that had most recently became y/n’s ex. y/n was relieved that darcy had shown up, she was sure she’d have used her martial art training for more than composition; she’d have kicked durkus’ flat ass.
“on a dating app.” it was a normal answer, she wouldn’t share the intel that before that she had saved his ass whilst wearing a black hood, stopping him from getting mugged in the dead of night. perhaps she should have saved someone else that particular late evening. darcy couldn’t help but let a small laugh out, finding both their circumstances quite amusing. she was sure a similar situation would have unfolded if she had decided to regularly see the date that she ditched.
“online dating man, it sucks, am i right?” it had quite the reputation, for the two of them especially. “maybe we should just date each other.” she joked, though she was being partially serious. it felt right, they had bumped randomly into one another’s faulted situations on the same day, it almost felt like fate, though that subject was too cheesy to say aloud.
“well doctor lewis, i would not at all mind going on a date with you.” darcy frowned at the title that she had been called, pointing at the side of the woman’s jacket, that had a recyclable label stuck upon the material. “so you majored in science, if i am correct?” finally, someone got it! she could get used to that.
y/n did not appear as a deity nor a creature from another realm, she was normal. or so as far as the eye could tell, in fact, she did not suspect a thing from this woman, much less to be a defender of the earth that worked in a small and less know league than the avengers, yet still roamed the us to protect its people.
darcy though had won this battle for her though, giving her a moment of peace from fighting, and had idly sent durkus on his route far away. y/n could get used to not being the hero all the time, more so if this doctor was her knight in shining armour.
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clockworkhyena · 4 years
The Thief and the Wolf
| Razor x Male! Reader |
"This could have gone a lot better," (M/N) muttered in a rather raspy voice before coughing, the feeling of water in his lungs preventing him from breathing properly. Not to mention he had sand on and in his soaking wet clothes which was not the most uncommon occurrence as a Hydro Vision user in all honestly it just usually wasn't accompanied by sand.
The traveler let out a yawn, partially covering his mouth as he did so before starting to wring out his clothes as best as he could so he didn't feel as heavy as he walking. He also took the time to wring out his hair as well before continuing as he was that confident he wouldn't be caught up with that quickly. He was in Wolfendom after all and not many knights would follow someone in there due to how dangerous it was.
"Gods, that was way too much trouble for only a hundred mora. That shopkeeper can make twice as much in a day, I don't see the issue with borrowing it." He sighed as he pulled out the pouch of mora he had taken, counting the coins to make sure he still had it all. "I could have left them broke." He grumbled to himself, spinning the bag by its drawstrings like a toy as he started to walk into Wolfendom. "But I can't go back into Mondstadt for a while."
He let out an exaggerated sigh deciding he should probably set up camp even though he really doesn't want to. Staying the night in Wolfendom is probably the stupidest thing he could do but he had already made up his mind and he was a stubborn individual even towards himself. (M/N) let out a bit of a huff as he started collecting sticks and dry plants to make himself a fire before he froze, extremely wary of his surroundings but lucky enough the hilichurls and slimes were already asleep for the most part. He just had to be quiet which he was exceptionally good at as a thief but it didn't make him any less nervous, never did.
He picked a broken wagon on the side of the road to use as shelter; it was the worst location but he would have shelter from the rain if it were to rain as he thought. The clouds have been pretty dark all day and he was expecting absolutely everything to go wrong tonight after that shit show of a steal. Although he was extremely hesitant to start a fire as it could gain unwanted attention but his fingertips were starting to look a bit blue.
He sighed in relief as he finally got the fire started and sat down under the tattered cloth of the ruined wagon, feeling the warmth of the fire against his skin. This was always his favorite part of the day, being able to sit down next to a fire and relax; relax as well as a wanted thief in the middle of a forest of monsters could but relax nonetheless. He sat in a position easy to stand from with his hand near the hilt of his sword just in case he needed it. For some reason, out of all the sounds in the woods, the howl of the hunting wolves made him feel easy. Maybe because of the stories he has heard of the wolves of Wolfendom. Or maybe just the lack of attacks by them.
(M/N) closed his eyes for what felt like a minute only to jump a bit at the sound of footsteps nearby, his hand immediately gripping onto his sword and shifting his eyes to look at where the footsteps were coming from. Yet he immediately started to relax a bit when he saw who it was; a boy his around his age with long messy silver hair and bright red eyes which were illuminated by the light of (M/N)'s fire. He carried a claymore that looked like (M/N) would struggle to get off the ground and sported quite a few scars on his pale skin. He didn't look like a knight but more like the boy he has heard in the stories of Wolfendom, the one raised by wolves.
 "I want to guess you're Razor?" (M/N) asked, his voice stable but his hands held a lot of tension as they hovered over his weapon. The boy tilted his head curiously.
"You know Razor?" His English wasn't the greatest as he struggled through his sentences as a toddler would but that was something (M/N) was expecting; he was surprised he knew how to speak at all and wondered who taught him if he was truly raised by wolves.
"I heard some stories about you." (M/N) replied back, not being much of a talker towards people either; more specifically strangers.
"It's dangerous here alone. What is name?" Razor questioned him as he got a little closer, noticing how (M/N) seemed a little less cautious of him. "You soaked." He observed out loud as the thief's clothes hadn't dried yet.
(M/N) hesitated a bit as Razor walked closer but sense no ill intent towards him, not to mention Razor would have no idea of his crimes if he never went into the city. "(M/N). I just swam in a lake."
"Why would (M/N) swim in clothes?" Razor asked, joining (M/N) by the fire while still giving the other a fair amount of space between them.
"I wasn't planning on it," (M/N) huffed as he relaxed a bit more at Razor's friendly attitude towards him. Razor stared at (M/N) for a few moments, their eyes glancing over almost every part of his body and making him extremely uncomfortable. "What?"
"Nothing," Razor replied with a smile that just made (M/N) even more uncomfortable because he didn't know what he was thinking. Although, his smile did remind home of a puppy. "You traveler?"
"I suppose, I mean I don't have a home so I wonder." (M/N) muttered a bit but Razor was surprisingly still able to hear him. The unsurprising crackle of thunder rang out in the distance and the boy watched as Razor looked up at the sky. "Shouldn't you return to your family?"
"They know where. Razor not want to leave alone, that all." He spoke as if they were friends. "Wolfendom very dangerous alone and you seem lonely."
"I like being alone, for your information." (M/N) muttered, nervousness in his voice when the fire sizzled. It was starting to rain. He didn't like being in complete darkness but he didn't want to risk making a fire in the wooden and cloth wagon he was taking shelter under. Razor raised an arm over his head as if to protect himself from the rain as there was only so much his cloak’s hood could protect him from. He was adamant in respecting (M/N)'s space but refusing to leave. (M/N) stared at him for a moment, being a bit stubborn in letting the boy close to him but eventually gave in. He scooted over to make room next to him, "You can sit with me."
"Thank you," Razor thanked as he moved into the ruined, covered wagon and sat down next to (M/N), not giving him as much space as he would have liked. Razor continued to watch (M/N) every so often as if he wanted to make the other uncomfortable but (M/N) was too busy staring at the fire and watch it struggle to stay alive as the rain slowly picked up. "(M/N) afraid of dark?"
"What? No, of course not. I'm not a child," (M/N) was quick to react with the lie but Razor didn't seem very convinced as the (M/N)'s cheeks turned bright red as he spoke.
"Don't worry, Razor protect you," Razor smiled at him making (M/N) even more embarrassed than he already was. (M/N) wanted to retaliate but he did feel comforted by the fact he was so willing to protect him even from his irrational fears. "Want to wear coat? It will keep you warm." He was offering his coat, although his sentence itself was a bit vague.
"I'm fine." (M/N) grumbled under his breath but Razor took off his cloak and tried handing it to (M/N) anyways.
"Razor will not take no for answer. (M/N) could freeze" Razor replied sternly as he did his best to wrap the cloak around (M/N)'s shoulder without touching him. Razor himself lacked clothing that could keep him warm but at least he wasn’t completely soaked.
"You're overreacting, first of all. Secondly, why do you care? You don't know who I am,"
"(M/N), thief who travels the world, steal to survive," Razor smiled putting (M/N) completely off guard. "Heard stories about you too. Razor not know it was you until you said name. You swam in the lake because you got caught, right?"
"You're a lot smarter than I thought," (M/N) muttered nervously, averting his eyes.
"Don't like that you steal. If I take care of you, would you stop?" Razor asked.
"What do you mean?" (M/N) asked, his cheeks becoming flushed again.
"Feed you, give you shelter, protect you," Razor explained simply, his smile refusing to fade.
"I don't like relying on others," (M/N) grumbled, gripping onto Razor's cloak and bringing it closer to him as he watched the fire slowly get smaller. "But I do like the idea of having someone there for me. But frankly, I don't trust you."
"Then let Razor gain trust," Razor got a bit closer making (M/N) move away from him. "Razor want to help you."
(M/N) let out a heavy sigh, "I'll stay for a day and decide then."
"Thank you," Razor said gently headbutting (M/N) like a dog or cat would nuzzle someone. (M/N) was going to tell him off for it but the happiness in the other's scarlet eyes was hard to say no to. "I will give you a home."
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nejibaby · 4 years
Love Language
Pairings: Neji x Y/N
A/N: First time writing a fic for Neji. In fact, this is my first time writing a fanfic involving anime characters. But I’m so whipped for Neji I couldn’t stop myself from writing this. Please let me know your thoughts about this. 💜
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When you opened your eyes from your sleep, you immediately knew you were having one of those days. “Those days” meaning the days where you feel a need for skinship. It was one of those days where you were feeling extremely clingy.
Oh but the skinship you crave doesn’t necessarily have to lead to sex or anything, you just wanted physical touch. It was something you find comforting. It was, after all, your love language.
So when you peeked to the other side of the bed — your boyfriend Neji’s side — you couldn’t help but want to press yourself closer to him. But knowing that he was a light sleeper was enough reason to stop yourself from doing what you want. He just came home from a mission last night and he deserved to rest as much as he can.
You watched his profile as he took deep, even breaths — a telltale sign that he was fast asleep. You slowly and gently touched the side of his face, pausing still as you checked if he woke up at your movement. When you deemed that he was still asleep, you lightly rubbed your thumb over his cheeks, just a featherlight touch but an act where you poured your love for him.
You slowly rose up from the bed and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, exactly where his curse mark lied. Afterwards, you whispered, “I love you, Neji.”
It was the first time you’ve said those three words out loud. You felt a little but guilty for not being able to say it when he’s awake, but it’s not just something you can say out of the blue. Besides, you have to build up courage to actually be able to say it. Right now though, right now you were still a coward.
He stirred a little in his sleep. You were alarmed, afraid that you had woken him up or worse, that he had heard your confession. But his movement stopped when you ran your fingers through his hair. When you are sure he has fallen back into slumber, you slip out of the bed.
The Hokage, Tsunade, assigned a mission to you today so you had to get up early if you wanted to cook breakfast for Neji.
At a young age your parents taught you the importance of learning other people's love languages in order to build a good relationship with them. That’s how you found yourself observing what makes your friends happy. You wouldn’t tell them this though. You were quite sure they’d end up teasing you for worrying over trivial things.
You were sure your love language was physical touch because you often find yourself happily linking arms with Sakura or passionately fist bumping with Naruto. Not to mention you would hug them goodbye instead of waving your hands. It probably meant nothing much to them, but to you, it made you feel loved and accepted. It warmed your heart.
From observation, you learned that Naruto was happiest when people acknowledge him and his hard work so you made it a point to cheer him on and to give him words of affirmation from time to time. With Sakura, she likes to spend as much time as possible with you when you both don’t have missions to do. You were guessing she was lonely because of Sasuke leaving but it could also be because she was an only child and wasn’t really fond of her parent’s shenanigans. Either way, she was always up for quality time.
You were the closest with these two so you made it a point to act according to their love language. And just like what your parent’s said, it worked on strengthening your bond with them.
It was with them that you confided with your little crush on Neji. At first they found it weird. Because how can someone so sweet like you take a liking to someone who was a little… cold? Detached?
You chastised them immediately after hearing what they’ve said, claiming that Neji was honorable, strong, smart, good looking, and just overall dreamy.
Sakura giggled at how you zoned out with hearts on your eyes as you uttered those words and that’s when she knew you were serious.
Naruto, on the other hand, was cringing. He knew how mean and condescending Neji could be. It was painted on his face how he didn’t like Neji for you. But at least your crush wasn’t Sasuke.
When you got your bearings together, you immediately turned to Naruto and told him to keep his mouth shut. You recalled saying, “Naruto, If you ever talk about my teeny tiny crush, I’m going to leave Konoha all together, just like Sasuke did!”
You were exaggerating, of course. You wouldn’t leave Konoha just because of that, but your speech worked on Naruto. You recalled that his eyes widened in surprise and then promised that he won’t tell a soul. You doubted if he could keep a secret but eventually, you just didn’t care anymore. It was just a crush anyway, it wasn’t a big deal and it wouldn’t matter if he knew. If anything, you both weren’t really that close to begin with, so there’s no friendship that could’ve been ruined. And besides, Neji has always been the all-business type of guy, you were sure a little crush was something insignificant to him.
When Naruto left the village to train with Master Jiraiya, you eventually became closer with the other shinobis that were more or less closer to your age. This includes Tenten, Lee, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, and surprisingly, Neji too.
It all started when Sakura had begun training with Lady Tsunade. You’ve been assigned to a lot of missions where you were teamed up with different shinobis, but what was weird was that Neji was almost always on your team.
You just wished Lady Tsunade was assigning both of you often in one team because you were always both free at the same time or that you worked well together or that you were both very skilled and had high success rates on missions. Any rational reasoning really, as long as it’s not because Sakura had pulled some strings.
At first you were really nervous about teaming up with Neji on missions, afraid that you were going to mess up in his presence. But when the initial nerves died down, you’ve masked whatever little feelings you’ve had for him quite well. Not that it was hard. In fact, it was easy for you because you prioritize the safety of the village before anything else.
But the missions truly did make both of you closer. What started as only speaking about the missions became casual talks about your friends. Nothing much, mostly small talk, but it was enough to ignite the small flame in your heart.
When you arrived back from your missions, despite being tired, you would always gather your friends around to hang out before another mission was handed to you.
Being a jonin meant you were assigned to more higher rank missions, but sometimes, it just meant having much, much more missions than normal. It was tiring, only having a day or two to rest unless you were injured before another mission was handed over. So somehow it became a tradition of some sorts to gather around after you’ve finished a mission. After all, only you and Neji were jonins in the group.
Unbeknownst to you, your friends viewed you as someone who glued them together. You were the reason why they were much closer than before, now that Naruto wasn’t around. So when possible, they would make it a point to meet with you, knowing how lonely it could be now that you were alone after your parents died when Orochimaru attacked Konoha.
Sakura would often give you a look when Neji was around as all of you spend time with each other catching up. He rarely joined the gathering, preferring to rest instead of socializing. But every now and then he would come too. And when he did, somehow Sakura found a way to make him walk you home. Not that he wouldn’t do it without Sakura urging him to.
Ever since that one mission where you, Neji, and Shino were ambushed, Neji became much closer to you. Maybe it was because when one of the attackers somehow managed to stab him, you came to the rescue.
You were an exceptional kunoichi, your skills were one of the most regarded in the village so you were able to bring down most of the attackers, but not before they left a huge gash on your leg. When the fight was over, you rushed to Neji to heal him using medical ninjutsu that Sakura taught you. Luckily, Shino was only left with a few scratches.
“You know medical ninjutsu?” Neji asked, surprised.
“Yeah. A little. Sakura taught me every now and then when I’m not on a mission.”
“You should heal yourself first.”
“No, I’m fine. Your wound needs more attention than mine.”
It was true, his wound looks a lot worse than yours, but in the end you managed to heal it. However, it took too much chakra from you so with whatever minimal chakra you could use, you tried healing your wound as well. But that left you tired and weak which didn’t go unnoticed by Neji’s byakugan.
You were able to walk for a mile before your body couldn’t anymore. Neji has been looking out for you after you’ve healed him just in case this happened.
“We should probably rest a while,” Neji says.
“No, no. It’s just a few more miles to Konoha. We should keep going,” you say.
Neji looks at Shino, silently asking if they should continue or not.
Shino nods ahead, “It’s much safer if we reach the village as soon as possible. Why? Because you are both not in good shape from the ambush. If we stayed here longer, we might get attacked again. If we push through going back to the village, we’ll reach it before sunset.”
Neji looks at you and then nods his head. “I will carry you.”
Before you could resist, you were already on his back and he was already jumping through branches.
You wrapped your arms around him so as not to fall. He felt warm and you felt safe. A weak smile found its way to your face, grateful that you had comrades looking out for you.
You even allowed yourself to be giddy because of the fact that Neji was there, carrying you to safety.
“I’m sorry,” you say. Your body was shutting down from exhaustion but before you lost consciousness you said, “And th-thank you, Neji.”
Sakura had been waiting by the village gates knowing you were supposed to arrive that day. She perked up upon seeing Shino but then tensed when she saw you being carried by Neji. “What happened?”
“There was an ambush when we were on the way back after the mission. I was careless. I got stabbed. Y/N and Shino fought them off. She healed me but she lost a lot of chakra in the process.” He explains in one breath.
“Let’s get her to the hospital.”
Since that day, you became so much closer with Neji. Whenever he finds you walking alone, he’d offer to walk with you. When you were both assigned on missions, you noticed he started bringing food pills for you. When you were somehow at the training grounds at the same time, he’d hand you an extra bottle of water.
You figured it was his way of thanking you. Nevertheless, the gestures made your heart flutter.
You weren’t going to let him be the only one who’s being thoughtful, so when you trained together, you’d make sure you brought an extra towel for him to use to wipe off his sweat. Sometimes you’d even bring him food, claiming you miscalculated the amount of food you cooked. You weren’t sure if he caught on with your little crush, but you sure hoped he didn’t. The smile on his face as he thanked you for these little gestures was heartwarming to say the least. And it was enough to make your week better.
You weren’t quite sure when Neji had started to take a liking to you but you remembered a time where your friends pointed it out to you.
It was a day after Neji completed a long mission. He seeked you out so he can train with you. You immediately agreed, knowing you didn’t have anything planned that day.
When you were both finished, drained from the intense training, you handed him a towel as he gave you a bottle of water. You were both trying to catch your breath when a voice came calling out your name. You both turned to the source of the sound.
Once you saw it was, you squealed and immediately came running towards him, engulfing him in a bear hug. “Lee!” You exclaimed.
He laughs and spins you around. “How has the prettiest flower in Konoha been?”
You snort. “I think you meant the strongest kunoichi next to the Hokage.”
“That works too.” He brings you down and notices Neji watching the interaction. You both walk towards Neji and Lee says, “I see you have been training with my rival.”
“Yes. Neji helps me train when he’s around. He just came back from a mission yesterday.”
“I see. What do you say, Neji, will you indulge me in a battle?” Lee says as he throws punches and kicks in the air.
Neji’s eye twitches, “Sorry, Lee. I’m tired.”
By the time Neji replied though, Lee was already counting push-ups. It was impossible to be able to talk to him when he’s in the zone so you and Neji just let him be and walk away.
When you were both away from Lee, Neji clears his throat and asks, “Have you always been that close to Lee?”
You were confused by the sudden question. “Hm. I guess so. We’re all friends, right? But we got a lot closer recently. When you were away on a mission, Lee kept bugging everyone to train with him since you and Guy sensei were away. But well, no one really wanted to train with him because they were busy with other stuff. And since my training buddy,” you nudged his elbow, “was away, I agreed. Honestly, his timing couldn’t have been better. Kakashi sensei just taught me a new water style jutsu and I was trying to see if I can weave the signs faster. Lee was the perfect partner for the job.”
You frown, what does that mean? “Is there something wrong, Neji?”
You let it go, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Just as you were about to round the corner going to your house, you halted, “Oh, I forgot I was supposed to meet Sakura today!”
“Okay. I will walk you there.”
“Thank you, Neji,” you said as you felt your cheeks blush.
When you found Sakura, you greeted her with a hug while whispering, “I need to talk to you about something.”
She gave you a look but nodded anyway. You turned back to Neji and thanked him for training and walking with you.
He nods and tells you that he’ll be heading out then.
“What happened?” Sakura asks.
Just as you were about to answer, Tenten came running towards the both of you, “Oh, there you are!”
“Tenten, what’s up?”
“What do you say we get together and do it up a little? At Yakiniku-Q.”
You and Sakura turn to each other. She just shrugs. “Sure.”
Tenten smiled brightly and dragged you two to find Ino and Hinata.
Tenten found Ino first. She was with Choji and Shikamaru. Tenten immediately went to Ino to talk about her plan. Meanwhile, Choji scoops you up in a hug. You laugh, “Well someone’s eager to see me.”
“I haven’t seen you in a while!” He exclaims as he puts you down.
You hang your arms around Choji and Shikamaru’s shoulders, “Yeah, I’ve been training nonstop. How are you guys?”
Shikamaru whispers under his breath, “How troublesome” but you ignore him.
“We’ve been on missions here and there.”
You were supposed to respond but Choji’s attention has shifted to Tenten and Ino when he heard “Yakiniku.”
“Yakiniku?! I’m in! I’m in!”
“You guys aren’t invited.” Tenten declared.
“Huh? Why?” Choji frowns.
“Because it’s time for just us girls to hang out. Right? Let’s have a girls-only get-together!”
“Sorry, Choji. I’ll treat you next time!” You console him.
“Alright! We just have to find Hinata then.” Tenten says.
When she was able to convince Hinata to join, you all went to Yakiniku-Q together. As you entered the store, you silently asked Sakura, “Why do you think Tenten invited us here?”
“I’m not sure. But I think everyone’s a little bit down from missing Naruto.”
“I miss him…” You say wistfully. And a little bit loudly. You only noticed it when you looked up and found that Ino, Hinata, and Tenten were all looking at you. And then you turned your head, you saw that your male friends were there too, by the other table, looking at you as well.
You flushed at the sudden attention and stepped behind Sakura in an attempt to hide yourself.
Kiba was the first to break the silence, “Oi! Who do you miss, huh?” He says teasingly, moving his eyebrows up and down.
You felt yourself becoming redder and redder as you found Neji looking at you and Kiba curiously, but with a slight downturn of his mouth.
“Is it—”
You lounged at him to cover his mouth before he was able to finish his sentence. “Don’t you dare, Kiba.”
He raises his hands in surrender. You reluctantly remove your hand from his mouth. Lucky for you, he remains quiet, but he has a smirk on.
Sakura pulls you away to lead you to the girls’ table. You kept eye contact with Kiba as you mouth, I’m watching you while glaring at the man.
“Why did you even react like that when you were just talking about Naruto?” She whispered.
“Have you seen Kiba? He kept subtly looking between Neji and me. I’m pretty sure he’d tell on me right then and there so I had to stop him.”
“Why didn’t you just say it was Naruto?”
“I could have but the undertone in his voice sounded like he was implying I have feelings with the person I miss.” You explained exasperated.
Sakura just sighed.
You dropped the conversation as the girls started talking about what to order and how great the deals were. You immediately relaxed and smiled, happy to be in the presence of your friends.
You took a peek at the other table to check if Kiba had said anything, only to be met with Neji’s eyes focused on you. You stilled, not expecting him to be looking at you. You gave him a small smile and a wave, he just nodded, face devoid of any emotion and then he turned away.
You frowned.
Tenten was cooking the meat while the rest of the girls had engaged in small talk. You joined in the conversation every now and then but your mind was occupied by how weird Neji was acting.
Your friends were quick to notice it. Tenten handed you a serving of the cooked meat, “What’s bothering you?” She asked softly.
“You don’t seem yourself, Y/N…” Hinata said.
You quickly shook your head, “I’m fine.”
“Didn’t you have something you want to talk about?” Sakura pipes up.
You groan, knowing full well you weren’t going to escape this conversation. “So there’s this guy,” you pause as you took a bite off of the cooked meat Tenten gave you.
“You mean Neji?” Ino asks.
You suddenly choked on your food at the sound of his name.
The girls laughed at your reaction. “Well that’s embarrassing,” you muttered as your cheeks flushed pink. You look at Hinata, you were suddenly shy that your dilemma involved her cousin.
She nodded and offered you a smile so warm you feel your shyness dissipate. “Wa-was I that o-obvious?” You stuttered.
“Not really.” Ino chimed in. “Sakura here was the one who’s obvious. She’d always look between the two of you when he’s hanging out with the group. Not to mention the amount of times she asked Neji to walk you home. I’m pretty sure everyone in our group of friends caught on it already.”
You narrowed your eyes on Sakura and she cringed. “I’m sorry!”
You deflated and then shrugged your shoulders, “Doesn’t matter. As long as he’s not aware. Wait! He’s not aware, right?” You look at Tenten and Hinata.
“I’m not sure, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned it.” Tenten said.
You turned to Hinata in question, “He’s not really the type to share about those things.”
“Right.” You said before taking another bite on your food.
“So are you gonna tell us what happened?”
“It’s probably nothing.” You casually replied.
“Out with it.” Sakura said, her patience wearing thin as you tried to skirt around the topic.
You sighed but told them anyway. You told them what happened earlier after you finished training with Neji and then the conversation you had after you saw Lee. You even told them about the small interaction that happened at the shop while you all ate.
“I never thought he was that type.” Ino broke the silence after you told them the story.
You looked at her with curiosity. “What type?”
“The jealous type.”
Ino might as well have grown two heads with how you looked at her then. “Huh?” was all you could ever think to say.
“It’s obvious he likes you.” Tenten teased.
“If it was obvious then I would have known. I’m pretty sure we’re just good friends.” You said matter-of-factly.
Everyone groaned at what you’ve said, even Hinata. “You’re so dense,” Ino muttered.
“If he only sees you as a friend then why does he keep on stealing glances at you every now and then?” Tenten asked.
“What are you talking about?”
She discreetly pointed her finger towards Neji’s direction. You whipped your head to see and, lo and behold, there was Neji staring at you, but he was quick to turn away. You blushed and your friends giggled at the interaction.
“I’m too sober for this conversation.” You declared as your friends continued to tease you. “Alright, let’s drink!” was the last thing you said before you pushed the thoughts of Neji aside.
You smiled at the memory. If Neji’s jealousy hadn’t been pointed out by your friends, you would have never started acting on your feelings. And you wouldn’t even be here waking up early cooking breakfast for him. You wouldn’t be the receiver of his kisses or hugs although you only got them in the confines of your house.
You were naturally affectionate, Neji knew this and he would indulge you with affection privately. In all honesty, if it was up to you, you would be holding his hand in public for the world to see, maybe even peck him on the lips from time to time, and hug him as much as possible.
However, Neji was a private person so you assumed he didn’t like public displays of affection. You respected that. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a little bit jealous when he sees Lee lift you up and spin you around or when he sees you and Kiba playfully pretend to fight which somehow always ends up with you on Kiba’s back or when Choji wraps you in a hug. Shikamaru and Shino aren’t as affectionate as the others but sometimes he’d find you slinging your arms over their shoulders. It bothered him sometimes. But all his worries quickly vanish at the end of the day, knowing it was he who gets to hold you at night and he who gets to see you first in the morning.
Coincidentally, you had your own worries when it comes to not being able to be affectionate with Neji in public. Sometimes your insecurities got the best of you. You would hear unreasonable voices in your head. Maybe he’s not proud of me. Maybe he only sees me as a temporary lover. Maybe I’m not good enough.
But you know this isn’t true when you find him looking at you with his loving eyes. He’d always give you the softest look that warms you more than hugs do. It was a look reserved for you only and it satiates all your thirst for affection, more than physical intimacy can.
You know he feels your love just as much from the way you’d cook him food, heal his injuries and brush his hair. Neji was an independent man, but somehow you made yourself so important that he found himself depending on you more. This wasn’t a problem for you because if it’s for Neji, you’d gladly accept such responsibilities. Always. Just for him.
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6sakusa · 4 years
‘worth more’ part 2, oikawa tōru.
warnings : implications of a toxic relationship, triggering break up themes?, me not proof reading, angst
part 3
you peered down at your hands where a thin layer of ice was struggling to form due to the flashing sheets of cold droplets that bombarded your skin in every way possible. how long had you been here again? you were unsure. you could barely differentiate your own tears from the rain, the only thing that was keeping you grounded was the sliver of moonlight that had cracked through the clouds. not even the stars were in the sky tonight and this was the kind of darkness that could swallow you whole, both mentally and physically.
you had been reminiscing on the time you’d spent with oikawa, as both his bestfriend and his girlfriend in an unforgiving loop. was this really it? was it all over? if you had known things would turn out like this then the day you realised how truly and utterly in love you were with the setter then maybe just maybe you would’ve been selfless for once and said no.
“what do you think is out there y/n-chan?” your lips curved into an unwilling smile, you couldn’t help it, not when you were around oikawa and he was once again babbling about one of his conspiracy theories. he’d always been a strong believer in aliens and area 51 and you couldn’t help but marvel at how adorable he was. the two of you had snuck out to the park after he woke you up at 2am begging you to come and watch the meteorite shower with him since iwaizumi had refused to get out of bed.
“i think there’s a lot of things out there that we don’t know of and we probably never will, i guess it’s scary in some sort of way, there could be a whole species that we have no clue about, but it’s also comforting to know we aren’t alone in this universe.”
oikawa was slightly taken aback by your answer, he’d expected you to tease him and maybe laugh while he would pout and try to defend his point. but instead you hadn’t spared him a glance even after all those words, he could see how infatuated you were with the sight before you. the night sky ablaze with brilliant blues and pinks which soared through the universe leaving a white fiery tail in its wake. the world had never been as enchanting as it was in this moment and neither had you.
he cursed himself for only noticing it now, the way your eyes widened and the beauty of nature reflected through them, the way your eyelashes looked so much more exaggerated with the shadow caused by the light spectacle from the heavens, the way your lips separated when you spoke about your interests, and the way you were so attentive when it came to his. it was all art, and the best moment of his life. yes, he truly was cursing himself for only now realising that he was so deeply in love with you.
“so you do believe in aliens?” he proped himself up on his elbows and turned to face you with his signature smirk, however you could tell that something had shifted in the atmosphere, something unfamiliar but welcoming. “i’m just saying there’s a probability.” you flicked his forehead causing the both of you to break out in a chuckle, everything had always been so easy between the two of you, it was natural.
there was something about being here now, with you by his side that made him invincible. if there was anything he wanted to ask the heavens for he knew now was the time to proclaim his wishes, he could feel the magic in the air tonight.
“you know y/n-chan, this meteorite shower has made me feel like i can do anything.” he stood admiring the sight before him as he knew it was a once in a lifetime event. you watched as he raised his hand to the air, your eyes followed his fingers which landed on the ball of silver that resided in the sky.
“i want to be the absolute best setter.” hope flooded his eyes and enthusiasm leaked out of his demanour. “so i’m going to do something no one else can do, one day i’m gonna set the moon.” he smiled with pride and you couldn’t help but adore him in that moment.
oikawa toru would set the moon one day, and you would do anything to be by his side to see it.
“y/n.” you heard the echo of a voice, so distant but so close, if you were any further in your own mind you wouldn’t have been able to decipher your own name. “hey y/n.” you felt a hand on your shoulder shake you back to your bitter reality. that meteorite shower had happened over a year ago and you would do anything to go back to that day, just one last time.
“iwaizumi.” you breathed out, moving your eyes to lock with that of the ace, you could see the worry laced in his features as his nose contoured while he evaluated your state. “you’re freezing.” he put a hand on your cheek, hissing at how the ice bit him back. he scrambled to take his coat off draping it over you in less than a second, of course he would, in his mind he was just looking after his bestfriends girl. you wondered if anything would change between you and iwaizumi once he learned about the outburst between you and oikawa a couple hours prior.
“what are you doing out here?” he began zipping up his jacket, doing everything in his power to stop you from falling ill but even he knew you were past that point. the way you were drenched and rain and your fingertips were so cold to the touch there was no doubt that you would wake up with an almost deadly cold the next morning and he was ready to beat himself up for not arriving to the scene sooner.
“i don’t know.” you whispered, even if you wanted to, you didn’t have the lung capacity to speak at a steady tone and the lump returning to your throat wasn’t making it any easier. “where’s oikawa? he never went home, i bet that bastard is still practicing.” he clicked his tongue ready to scold his bestfriend for overworking himself, and even more so for doing it to the point where he wasn’t aware that you were out here on the brink of freezing to death.
but at the mention of your ex-boyfriends name you couldn’t help but break down into tears once again, your heart only shattering further and your breathing becoming more frantic. “y/n? what’s wrong? why are you cr-“ then it hit him. of course oikawa was the reason that you were out here, staring out into some kind of void under the fury of tonight's weather. it seemed that you had the same idea that he had, only you had just thought of it first. there was a reason the setter had been radio silent on all forms of social media after school today, because he was in school overworking himself exactly as iwaizumi presumed. and there was no doubt you caught him in a bad mood, the ace shivered as he imagined the cruel words that oikawa had likely flung your way, he knew how mean the man could be when he was unhappy with himself.
“come on, come with me let me take you home.” he reached out to you, steadying you to your feet as the two of you began walking towards the direction of your house. even though he was being cautious with his words he couldn’t help but be extremely taken aback by the way your clothes were dripping onto the concrete floor. just how long had you been out here for? it had to be more than an hour, maybe even hours. he couldn’t imagine the mess you would leave behind as you trailed towards your bedroom. hopefully your parents wouldn’t penalise you for it once they had realised just the kind of state you were in. afterall it wasn’t your fault, it was his own and his shitty bestfriend’s fault. how could the two of them both not not come to your rescue sooner? he felt like a complete and utter idiot.
he waited for a moment outside of your house, watching the way you stopped in the doorway turning to him with nothing but sadness in your eyes and voice. “thank you, iwaizumi.” he smiled in return. he didn’t think you should be thanking him for human decency but nevertheless he bowed slightly before dashing off to the gym where he didn’t doubt oikawa would still be.
and when he got there he would make him answer for himself.
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 4 years
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“Uh... what the fuck is she doing here?” Taichi lazily turned his head to the side, in the direction his bandmate was facing. Despite pretty much everyone’s protests, their manager had decided to make the boys travel early, meaning it wasn’t even light outside yet and they were already preparing to board the tour bus.
However, at the sight of you, he perked up dramatically, a smile reaching his face as you waved over in greeting. Semi clearly wasn’t happy with your arrival, the scowl plastered on his pretty face making that painfully evident, but deep down you felt the satisfaction of annoying him, especially after everything he had put you through recently.
You clearly knew what you were in for, dressed in simple sweats and a t-shirt for the ride, a fluffy neck pillow adorning your shoulders. And even with the ungodly hour you had been summoned at, you still seemed as perky as ever; your usual smile decorating your face providing some sort of domino effect as the others began to relax at your demeanour.
“Good. You’re all here.” The boys’ manager popped up behind them from out of nowhere, making Semi jump as a hand was placed on his shoulder.
“Y/N? You sure you’re good to go?” Holding your hand to your head in mock salute, you giggled at the man.
“Yessir!” He smiled back at you before ushering you and the boys over the bus, helping you all place your bags in the back. As far as you knew, the majority of the band’s equipment was being transported separately and would arrive the day before the first concert.
Miyagi was a place you had tried to forget about, and yet had willingly accepted to join the band on a two-week trip there, where you were no doubt about to face a few demons from your past, no matter how much you didn’t want to.
You rolled your eyes as you caught Semi’s gaze, the singer attempting to muster up his most hateful glare, although, he couldn’t pretend that he was actually as bothered by your presence as he was trying to let on. It was just the only way that he could hide the excitement building in his chest at the thought of spending two entire weeks with you. Of course, he still had to apologise and make up for everything that he had put you through over the past few weeks, but he was sure that he’d have plenty of chances, seen as you couldn’t exactly run away from him in Miyagi.
It was easy for you to ignore him during the drive, seen as all three of the boys used the opportunity to catch up on the sleep they had missed by getting up so early, meaning that it was a very quiet four hours for you and their manager.
On the way, said manager gave you quick run-down of the schedules and events that the boys were taking part in, as well as the ones you needed to attend and the ones you needed to stay away from at all costs.
Apparently, the promoters had loved your idea of making a tour diary and tasked you with filming and editing the entire thing, meaning you needed to be at every show and interview. However, because of the scandal, interviews and press conferences weren’t the most ideal place for you to be, the risk of getting caught being the highest at events like that. Some other team members would get those clips for you, so you just needed footage from before, during, and after the actual concerts.
While you were elated at having something to do during your trip, it meant that you would have to be around the band a lot more than you had expected to be. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world; you needed to confront your fake boyfriend at some point, you just didn’t expect it to be so soon.
Thankfully, the drive didn’t seem as long as you had expected it to, and you were soon pulling up at the hotel you were to be staying in for the next two weeks. You were really only needed to help the boys settle into their rooms for today, meaning you had the rest of the day to yourself.
“Where are you off to, y/n?” Looking across the hall, you saw the boys walking out of their room, ready to head off to their sound check at the first venue.
“I have a date with a police officer while I’m here.” It wasn’t really a date, and Shirabu already knew about who you were going to meet, but it didn’t hurt to make a certain someone a little jealous while you had the opportunity.
“Are you a criminal now?” Giggling at Taichi as he wiggled his eyebrows at you, you shook your head.
“You don’t have to be a criminal to end up in handcuffs, Chi.” With a final exaggerated wink at the boy, you took your leave, not wanting to be late., leaving Semi practically vibrating in anger, catching Shirabu’s attention.
It was going to be a long sound check.
“Sawamura-san!” You waved over at your senior, as you approached, a bright smile decorating your face. It had been years since you had last seen him and the others, having been forced to move to Tokyo in your second year. While you had stayed in contact and made trips to see each other when you could, both of your lives were extremely busy, and it just got to the point where you couldn’t anymore.
“You know not to call me that y/n.” You giggled at the blush forming on his cheeks, already holding your arms up to hug him.
“So how have things been in Miyagi over the years?” The both of you fell into step beside each other, reminding you of the mornings spent walking to school together.
“Buy me a coffee and I might just tell you.”
“So you know people on the national team? Seriously? That’s so cool!” Life bustled around you, filling your senses with the welcomed aroma of the café. The man across from you chuckled at your excitement, having missed your bubbly personality.
“It’s a shame you never became Nekoma’s manager. You could have met us at Nationals.” With a sad smile, you shook your head.
“It was a rough time for me that year, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it.” He nodded in understanding, taking another sip of his drink.
“Speaking of which, I don’t think I ever watched your famous match against Shiratorizawa.” You watched his eyes twinkle at the memory, already preparing to give you the entire rundown of the match. You listened eagerly, having never lost your interest in volleyball, even if you never had time for it in the end.
It wasn’t until Sawamura pulled out his phone to show you the newspaper article that the realisation kicked in.
“Wait… is that…” A familiar head or silver hair stood out from the rest, Shiratorizawa’s number three catching your eye.
“You mean Semi Eita? He’s the lead singer of that band you like right? You never knew?” You stared at the picture with parted lips and wide eyes, having never even thought about asking the boys about their high school years.
“Look, there’s Shirabu Kenjiro, and Taichi Kawanishi as well.” He pointed the two boys out to you and there they were, clear as day on the picture.
“I heard that Shirabu replaced Semi as the main setter in his first year, so I’m surprised they were good enough friends to start a band together after high school.” All of a sudden, the unspoken tension between the two boys made perfect sense. You’d never dared asking about it in case it brought back any painful memories, but apparently it was common knowledge, something that apparently everyone except you knew about.
After the initial shock of the revelation wore off, the two of you continued your conversation, choosing to focus on something else other than high school for the remainder of your time together. However, soon it was time for Sawamura’s night shift at the station, and you really needed to get some rest after your early morning.
With one last goodbye, you parted, leaving you to walk back to the hotel alone. You chose to take the long way, revisiting the familiar streets of your hometown once again, having been away for maybe a bit too long this time.
The scenery hadn’t changed, and that was definitely the thing you were most grateful for. It had always been your favourite part of the town, having spent many a time getting distracted with the view on your way home from school, the evening sunset only emphasising the beauty of the greenery.
What should have been a twenty-minute walk ended up turning into over an hour, and it was almost dark by the time you approached the hotel. You passed a figure lent under a streetlight, your step faltering as you caught their face in your peripheral.
Slowly turning around, you gulped, a sudden fear in your heart that you hadn’t felt since you left Miyagi.
“Long time, no see, babygirl.” The man stepped into the light, fully illuminating the face you knew all too well.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* updates every monday *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ITS ACTUALLY MONDAY YAYA! I wrote this on a coffee high so please point out any errors if there are any and I'll fix them asap! :)
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ssamie · 3 years
nine. SOFT
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  2k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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"suna-kun, what is this for, exactly?" she hummed curiously as she held onto his hair 
"f-for my strength of course" suna replied. he was currently tasked to do a hundred pushups by kita after lazing off at practice for way too many times. and he, for some reason, found it a good idea to make her sit on his back as he does this. 
there was really no telling what ran through suna's mind when he thought it would do him well to have her weighing him down
"but wouldn't your arms hurt from carrying me?" she asked with worry lacing her tone as she prompts to stand up 
"no, no. stay there." suna demanded as he pulled her back down on his back 
"well, im not really the lightest girl on the planet, so this may be really hard for you.. and it's extremely embarrassing for me" she muttered with a frown "and shouldn't i be sitting closer to your lower back?" she asks "this position will give you bad backaches" 
she gestured to herself, as she sat on his upper back, way too close to his shoulder blades, while her legs were slung over his shoulders 
"im likely to be quite heavier than most girls since my body mass is quite higher than normal, given the muscles that i train" she said "plus.. my more fatty areas if you may" she mumbled as she cleared her throat and nervously hugged her chest 
"no, no. you're perfectly fine the way you are, bunny" suna dismissed her self-deprecating comments with a scoff 
"besides this keeps me motivated" he mumbled out with a content sigh as he pushed her thighs closer to his face
her hand lightly gripped his hair as she let him squish his face with her thighs. "i don't really get how this is motivating" she chuckled sheepishly
"of course you wouldn't, you're not the one feeling bliss right now" suna said, though his words were slightly muffled "alright then.." she nodded with a bit of hesitance as she felt him tremble a concerning amount 
"um. suna-kun, if you think your arms are about to give out, then maybe we should stop for now" she suggested with a smile as she tries to stand up from his back 
"nah, i can do this bunny" he declined in a nonchalant tone 
"suna , what the hell are you doing?" aran sweat dropped as he entered the gym "oh! he's doing the punishment push-ups, aran-kun" she explained with a smile as suna shakily lifts himself up once more "yeah i get that but-" 
"OI, SUNARIN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YER DOING?!" atsumu yelled as he hurriedly ran towards y/n. the blond picked her up from her armpits and carefully lowered her to the ground 
"ah, that's it. the motivation's gone. i can't do this anymore" suna sulked as he let himself drop facedown on the ground "eh? is your face okay?" she asked worriedly as suna rolled over, showing his forehead which had a reddish bruise forming 
"no." suna responded 
"good afternoon everyone, what happened here?" kita asked them as he entered the gym "suna-kun lost his motivation" she replied with a frown as she stared down at the brunette 
"i see." kita hummed in response "but that still doesn't excuse him from the punishment." 
"cruel" suna mumbled from the ground 
"ah, don't worry! i'll do the rest for you" she said with a bright smile as she gets down on the ground beside him "no, no. i don't think it works like that, y/n" aran dismissed her suggestion as he picks her up from the ground 
"its fine! he only had to do eighty more, after all" she chuckled as she waved her hand dismissively "i can do it quite quickly" 
"y/n-san, you shouldn't face his punishments for him." kita told her with a furrowed brows "after all, you've been a great manager to us, so you don't have to do anything but relax for now" 
she frowned from his words and gingerly poked suna's chest, seeing as he was making no effort to move from the ground "but then suna-kun might get too tired to hang out with me later.." she muttered sulkingly as she fiddled with the ends of her braids 
"yeah, kita-san" suna mused with an exaggerated pout and puppy eyes "i might not have enough energy to hang out with her" 
"suna, you monster" aran snickered as he watched kita have a crisis in his head 
"i.. i see." kita muttered in defeat "you can do what you want" 
"but you really don't have to-" 
"okay, it's your turn to get on my back then, suna-kun!" she said with a smile as she got in a push-up formation "huh? is that really necessary, bunny?" suna gulped nervously "you may not be able to carry me-" 
"alright!" she cut him off as she abruptly pulled him down to sit on her, "tsumu-kun, count for us please!" 
"right right!" atsumu nodded in excitement as he got down to cheer her on 
"you see this, samu?! y/n-chan could probably do this better than you!" atsumu laughed tauntingly 
"hah?! she's probably also better than you, fatsack!" osamu yelled back in aggravation 
"hah?! well atleast i'm better than you!" atsumu defended "we'll see about that" osamu scowled as he got down on the ground beside her 
"fine then, i'll just join to prove you wrong!" atsumu huffed as he too got ready to do push-ups 
"theres more of us now! that's great!" she cheered cluelessly as she gave the twins a grin "alright, i'll count" suna mused as he pulled out his phone to take a video 
"ready, set, go!" and thus, what was supposed to be a punishment had turned into a competition. 
"h-how many have we done?!" atsumu wheeze out as he felt his arms start to tremble "hm, about a hundred and fifty maybe" she answered him with a hum as she continued to push her self up and down from the ground 
"that's way more than needed!" atsumu whined 
"you could always give up if you can't do it, tsumu!" osamu taunted his twin, even though he was facing some troubles as well. 
"hmph, as if! this is easy!" atsumu boasted with a grin "i could do this in my sleep" 
"im glad to hear that, tsumu-kun!" she beamed happily "shall we do another hundred then?" 
atsumu's face dropped as she heard those words leave her mouth. his skin was turning ghostly pale as he nervously laughed in response. "a-another hundred?" he squeaked out 
"yep! suna-kun seems to be enjoying this quite a lot, after all" she said with a smile as she looked at the brunette 
suna was currently taking way too many selfies, which were all taken at a facebook mom angle, while he throws up peace signs and flipping off the twins "alright, now here we see the miya twins getting absolutely bodied by y/n." suna sneered to the camera as he zoomed in on the twins' faces 
"look at her! look at her go!" suna cheered with a playful smirk as he patted y/n's braided locks 
"the absolute best. spectacular. amazing. never been seen before. better than all of you." suna listed out
"yuh, get it best friend" suna chuckled as the twins finally gave up and let themselves drop on the ground 
"ah, over already?" she said "usually i would have to do a thousand for our typical training session with my friends" 
"your friends are not normal! who the heck does that?!" atsumu shrieked in horror "well, it doesn't matter now, doesn't it?" she laughed carefreely "you both did a very nice job!" 
she patted their heads with a proud smile as she handed them two towels to wipe off their sweat "thanks" the twins mumbled out with a droopy smile as they relished in her sweet and gentle touches 
"anyways.." she said as she abruptly retracted her hands, much to their displeasure, and turned to face suna "suna-kun, we can hang out now, now that that's done" she said in an eager tone as she excitedly rocked her heels back and forth 
"yup. thanks again bunny" suna said as he slung his arm around her shoulders "but you really didn't have to do that for me" he said with a lazy hum as he led her to the benches 
"oh, it's fine. it was honestly pretty easy-" 
she cut herself off as she was met with suna's face inching closer to her, while his hand reaches out to hold the side of her head "eh?" she squeaked out as she blinked to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.
'is he.. is he gonna kiss me?'   she thought to herself 
'im not ready!'  she panicked as she felt her face start to get hotter 
'no, no. im ready! i've been dreaming of this!'  she pondered with determination 
'suna-kun is gonna kiss me!'  she squealed internally  
'then afterwards, we can get married and live together and have a family of bunnies and hamsters! maybe we can adopt tanjiro and nezuko too-' 
"your hair's all messy" suna mumbled as he grazed his fingers through the long braid before finally taking the hair tie off at the ends 
"ah." she huffed out with a blank smile 
she sat still as he took off her other hair tie and started undoing and untangling her braids, leaving her long and thick pink and green hair flowing down in pretty waves upon her back
"turn around for me, bunny" suna commanded in a whisper as he patted her waist to turn "o-okay" she replied nervously as she obediently turned around and kept her hands on her lap 
"your hair's so pretty, bunny" suna whispered to her ear as he started combing his fingers through her soft locks "really? thank you, suna-kun" she mumbled out in gratitude as she flusteredly rubbed her hands and thighs together 
"and your hair colour's so adorable. makes you look so cute" suna cooed as he played with the ends of her hair 
"r-right.." she mumbled quietly as she covered her reddened face with her hands. silence had washed upon them along with the various voices of the team as suna started braiding one side of her head 
"where did you learn how to braid, suna-kun?" she asked in curiosity as she held down the other half of her hair "my sister made me do her hair all the time, so i just got better as time went by" suna explained with a shrug 
"can't say her hair was as nice as yours though" suna sighed "it was like a rat's nest with all the knots" 
her eyes shined in adoration as she heard his adorable reason. she gripped her pounding chest as hearts start surrounding her form "suna-kun, that's so sweet!" she squealed "i never expected that from you!" 
"guess so, hm?" suna mumbled out nonchalantly as he tied her hair in place 
'ah, just as i'd thought' she thought to herself 
'he's the perfect husband after all!'  she cried happily in her mind
"anyways, what'd you wanna do?" he asks her as he proceeded to braid the other side "hm, we could go to the same place kiyoomi-kun and i went to yesterday!" she suggested with a grin 
"he liked it, so im hoping you would as well" she hummed happily as suna ties the end of her braid 
"is that so?" suna hummed "where is this exactly?" he asked "its a secret hideout!" she said "but.. its only a wisteria garden and a private teahouse" she admitted 
"theres also a koi pond by the back, but kiyoomi-kun wasn't able to see it" she said "i was hoping to save it for you" she admitted bashfully 
"for.. me?" suna muttered in surprise 
"yeah.. i went there last night to prepare you food so we can eat by the pond and watch the sunset.." she mumbled "but i was also thinking of doing it at night since the fireflies would light our surroundings and it would look really pretty.." she hummed dreamily 
suna blinked dumbfoundedly as he listened to her ramble on and on about their planned hangout 
"but we could also-oh im sorry" she cut herself off with a nervous laugh "was i talking too much?" she asked nervously "sorry if i talked too much!" 
"people say i never shut up, so you can tell me when i'm annoying you" she waved her hands dismissively "you're not annoying me, bunny" suna said with a sigh 
he took her shaking hands in his and pulled her up to her feet. "let's go have that picnic you planned out, yeah?" suna asked with a small smile "wouldn't wanna let your efforts go to waste" he chuckled 
"okay.." she muttered as she hung her head low. her cheeks flushed a dark pink as she nipped at her lips to calm herself and her pounding heart. 
"y'know, your hands are really soft, y/n" suna said as he brought her hand up to his line of sight to further inspect it 
"a-ahm! please don't do that!" she laughed sheepishly as she retracted her hand and hid it behind her back "why? what's wrong, bunny?" suna asked worriedly as he stopped in his tracks to look at her 
"well, my hands aren't the prettiest so you shouldn't look at them for too long" she said with a shaky smile. suna furrowed his brows and frowned as he listened to her awfully degrading words. 
"they're the prettiest, bunny. i don't get what you're talking about" he said 
"well, my hands are super scarred because if sword fighting, and they're very nasty to look at" she said as she rocked on her heels "or so i've been told.." she muttered 
suna sighed and slumped his shoulders, stuffing his own hands in his pockets as they quietly continued on their way. her usual smile wasn't present as she kept her vision straight ahead. her hands stayed hidden behind her back as well. 
suna slyly side eyed her, debating in his head on what he would do, before coming to conclusion with a sigh "c'mon, im in the mood to eat" he said with a yawn 
he grabbed her hand and stuffed it in his pocket alongside with his. his thumb lightyly rubbing shapes on the scarred skin. 
'what is he doing?'  she thought to herself 
her eyes glistened as she put her other hand over her chest, her heart beating more erratically than before. "if we do this, you won't feel sad anymore right?" suna muttered as he looked away to avoid eyecontact 
"i think so.." she mumbled in reply 
"alright then, its settled" suna huffed out. "were walking like this starting now, kay?" 
"that way no one'll see your hands since you don't like it" he said. his olive green eyes peered at her as he put up a nonchalant facade to throw her off. 
'he's doing this all for me?'  she thought to herself 
'wow.. suna-kun really is the best' 
she smiled happily as she scooted closer to his side. suna sighed in relief as the skip in her step finally came back, as well as the sweet melody she always seems to hum. 
"are you happy now, bunny?" he asked her 
"yeah! and it's all thanks to you, suna-kun!" she said as she swayed her other hand back and forth while the other stays intertwined with his 
"glad i could help, bunny" 
"so this is giyuu's fish, and that one's rengoku-san's, that white one with red spot is uzui-kun's" she listed out 
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"muichiro-kun's fish is dead because he forgot about it and it starved to death" she said 
"and this is mine!" she said as she pointed to a certain koi fish in the pond 
"i have no idea who those people are, but let me see yours.." suna scooted closer to the water and watched as the fish followed her finger, which she swirled around the water 
"i named him koi" she said with a smile as she lifted the fish out of the water "you named the koi fish koi?" suna sweat dropped 
"yup! and also because it means love" she explained "obanai-kun helped me name it.. he said it suited me as the owner" 
"it does suit you" he agreed with a nod 
"anyways, you better put him back or he'll die" suna said as he pointed to the fish in her palms which was flapping around in discomfort 
"ah! im sorry, koi-chan!!" she exclaimed as she gently placed it down on the pond "i forgot you can't breathe here!" she cried out as she leaned down to pet it gently with her finger 
"have some mochi!" she squeaked out in distress as she tried to feed it a whole ball of sakura mochi. she panicked even more as the fish declined her offering and opted to swim away 
"eh?! you don't like it?! are you mad at me?" she sulked as she gloomily placed the mochi on a lily pad and let it float away 
suna chuckled and pulled her back by her arm, letting her rest her back on his chest as she continued to sulk "you're adorable, bunny" he muttered with a soft laugh as he rested his chin on the crown of her head 
'so soft.'  suna thought to himself as he wrapped his arms around her.
"sorry about that, suna-kun" she said "koi-chan might hate me if i don't leave him some mochi on his lily pad like usual"
"though im starting to think he doesn't actually eat it and oba-chan just takes it out by morning.." she mumbled "hmm, im sure he eats it with his fish friends." suna said as to entertain her
"but now, we have to eat as well" he said as he took a mochi and shoved it in her mouth
"mmhm. thwanks suna-kun" she said through muffled words as she chewed the gummy treat. suna simply peered down at her, watching her eat with a single thought causing his mind to go in a frenzy
"should i do it.." he pondered out loud as he hesitantly brought his hands up to her face
"hm? do what- eh?" she blinked dumbly and looked up at him with curious doe eyes "what're you doing, suna-kun?" she asked him 
"hmm.. soft." he mumbled 
she blinked cluelessly as he kept on squishing and massaging her cheeks, lightly pinching the soft and plump tissue with a look of amazement 
"so soft." he mumbled once again as he pinched them one last time 
"hm.. what else should we do?" she asked him as she scooted away from him to face him properly. she smiled nervously as suna kept staring at her with his olive green eyes. 
his expression stayed monotonous, almost like he didn't care, but the bright and flowery aura surrounded him, said otherwise.
"should we walk home or take the train?" she asked him "the miya's residence and your home isn't really that far away, right?" she pondered 
"though, i don't want you to tire yourself out by walking" she said in concern "sorry, am i talking too much again?" she asked with an apologetic smile as she realised he still hasn't responded or moved an inch from his initial position 
"its fine, bunny." he spoke "i think i wanna walk home with you" he said as he stood up from the ground and dusted the bottom of his sweatpants 
"i'd like to hold your hand again" he admitted through a yawn as he stretched his arms over his head 
"eh? really?" she asked in disbelief 
"of course" suna reassured her "though, after this i'd like to see you training with a sword." he said "it'd be cool seeing you swing it around and deck some guys, yeah?" suna mused as he looked around the wisteria covered path 
"really? would you like to visit the dojo with me sometime?" she asked excitedly with a grin 
"sure, bunny" 
"i'd also like to meet whoever said your hands were ugly. i'll beat them up."
"ah, there's no need to" she chuckled nervously 
"so.." suna trailed off "wanna hold hands again?" 
"yes please."
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too-gay-for-marvel · 4 years
is it you?
a/n: am i late for @hopingforbarnes​ writing challenge? absolutely. am i gonna learn from this? definitely not. but now you all know that i live by the motto of “better late than never” and i’m not sorry 😬 oh, also, the prompt will be bolded!
Prompt: You’re gonna have to limp faster than that
Word Count: 2629
Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
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It was supposed to be easy.
Then again, it was always supposed to be easy.
And yet, you found yourself struggling to stay aware as bullets continued to slam into the metal desk you were hidden behind. Which, to be quite frank, you shouldn’t have been surprised about. If anyone was going to get you in trouble, it would have been Nat.
Don’t tell her, though.
“Just like old times, right?” Nat called from across the room, ducked down behind her own table.
“I don’t remember “old times” being this dangerous,” you called back, trying your damnedest to keep the pain in your voice to a minimum.
Okay, so maybe you hadn’t told her you had gotten shot yet. But it was fine. It was a simple through and through, it wasn’t like it was that bad. Maybe your leg was throbbing and maybe you couldn’t stop the bleeding from your side, but those were minor details. You could tell her after you got out of this cluster-fuck of a mission.
You knew better, you really did. Nat had always told you to tell her if things went wrong because she just wanted to help. Which was precious considering she was actually pretty useless at anything other than her job. Not that you minded because it was a nice shift in dynamics at home. But this was different.
Not that different, you thought to yourself as the table behind you shook with the impact of more bullets.
As soon as there was a lull in the barrage, you shared a look with Nat before the both of your fired over your respective tables. Nat had stood up to actually get a better look, but you stayed down. The odds of you actually hitting someone were slim-to-none, but it was the thought that counted, right?
You only stopped firing when Nat did; it wasn’t like you could see anyone anyway. Nat made her way around the tables to go… you didn’t know where, but she was out of sight. And as soon as she was out of sight, your arm fell and you let yourself just hurt.
And gods did it hurt.
“It’s not here.”
Right. Intel.
You slid that impassive facade back on your face before Nat got around the tables once again. She was doing her best to hide it, but you could tell she was pissed. Her jaw was clenched just a little too tight and her stance was a fraction too wide.
“But Steve said-”
“-I know what Steve said.” Her eyes squeezed shut and she lifted a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose before letting out a single, deep sigh. “Apparently he was wrong.”
“Fuckin’ yankee,” you mumbled to yourself as you fell back against the table, jarring your side and sending a sharp ache up to your chest. “Leave it to a New Yorker to be wrong.”
“We can’t stay here and mope,” Nat said, even though you both knew it was an obvious observation. “The sooner we get to extraction, the sooner we can regroup.”
“And the sooner I can bitch at the Man with a Plan,” you agreed. Nat was already moving when you tried to stand up and realised a very big problem.
You could barely stand up.
Even putting all of the weight on your good leg wasn’t good enough, and the pain was enough to make you dizzy. Or maybe that was the blood loss? No, no, it was the pain. Maybe? No. Well. Whatever it was, it was making you sick and dizzy and how were you going to walk to extraction?
“You coming?” Nat called from the doorway, not looking back.
“Right behind you,” you called back, already steeling yourself to try and walk as normally as possible.
With blood streaming down your leg.
And more blood pooling between the fingers of the hand pressed tight to your side.
And everything spinning. Were things supposed to be spinning?
“We don’t have all day!” Nat called again, this time from further away, and you knew you didn’t have time to stand around.
Okay, I can do this, you thought to yourself. It wasn’t going to be easy but you were tough, right? You could make it to extraction, it wasn’t that far away. Was it? No, it couldn’t be, you had both walked here. Well, now that you thought about it, the extraction point wouldn’t be in the same place because it was never in the same place.
Hey! Quit stalling and get a move on! Right right, you were supposed to be following Nat. If you didn’t start moving, she was going to come back and see the growing stains on your suit. You looked down at your legs, mentally willing them to just move on their own, but it didn’t work. And as stupid as it was, you were surprised.
But you had to get moving. Your heart was trying to beat out of your chest as you considered which foot to start off with. Leaving the weight on your injured leg would probably make you fall before you could even start, so… bad leg first.
It ached when you lifted it but it wasn’t unbearable. You hadn’t put it down yet but you were feeling confident. This wasn’t so bad, you could move, it would be fine. But then you put your foot down and tried to keep moving, and that ache turned into an inferno.
You wanted to scream. You wanted to grip your leg and fall to the ground and scream. Curse AIM and the gods and the weapons manufacturers and maybe even Steve for getting you in this mess in the first place. But you couldn’t, because you couldn’t let Nat know. You needed to get to the extraction point.
So you kept going.
One foot after the other, no matter how slow it was. Your limp was probably greatly exaggerated, but it was the only way to make sure you could keep going and wouldn’t stop from the fire consuming your entire leg. It would have been easy to just stop and admit you couldn’t do it. But instead you counted the steps - 13, 1415, 16, 1718 - and continued to follow Nat.
By the time the both of you had made it outside of the small AIM base, the pain wasn’t too bad. In fact, you were practically numb to it. It was a bad thing, you knew that, but it had been so extreme that now your brain refused to register it. But that being said, your leg itself was getting weaker and you weren’t sure how much longer you could go.
“A few more hours and we’ll be able to go home,” Nat said, just loud enough for you to hear. You hadn’t stepped up beside her in fear that she would turn and see the injuries you had half-heartedly tried to hide.
“Hours?” You choked, your heart already starting to drop.
“You know this, don’t act surprised.” She started walking once again, but you stayed still.
You couldn’t make it a few more hours.
“Nat,” you said softly, knowing she couldn’t hear you but hoping that she would anyway. But she just kept going.
“Nat, please,” you said again, a little louder. Except this time, you hoped she couldn’t hear you.
“If we stop now, they’ll have time to regroup,” she called back to you.
And you wanted to keep going because she was right. A signal had been sent out from the base and neither of you knew what it had said, but you guessed it was calling for reinforcements. If you called it quits right outside the door then neither of you would be getting back home.
But you couldn’t. Your legs felt like lead and your feet had grown roots past the foundation and into the ground. The blood from your wounds was littering the ground with crimson flowers that were almost beautiful. Your body had left its mark in that base and was pulling you to stay.
“Can you quit fooling around and come-” when Nat’s eyes landed on you, she froze. “-on,” she exhaled, finishing her thought, eyes glued to the blood that refused to clot.
“I was going to tell you,” you said softly, but Nat had already rushed to your side, hands hovering uncertainly above your own.
“When?” She asked even though she now refused to look you in the eye. “Right before you bled out?”
“Actually, when we got to extractio- fuck!” You cried out when Nat’s hand finally stopped shaking long enough for her to press your hands against the wound. Only then did she finally look up into your eyes, and you saw something you didn’t ever think you would see in Natasha Romanoff’s eyes.
“If you let up, I’ll kill you,” she threatened with shaky words. You wanted to answer but she didn’t give you time. Instead, she went to your good side and slung your arm around her shoulders.
Then it was time to get moving.
It should have been easier with Nat practically carrying you. You technically didn’t have to put much weight on your leg. But it was so much worse. Having your arm around her shoulders stretched your side just enough to feel like you were being torn in half, and you almost started to think you preferred walking on your leg than whatever hell this was.
“You’re gonna have to limp a little faster than that,” Nat teased with a nervous chuckle after what had felt like an eternity.
It was probably only 20 minutes.
“I’m sorry, is this an inconvenience?” You asked through gritted teeth, trying not to focus on the pain in your side or the way the world was spinning just a little faster with each step.
“Yes actually.”
“Oh fuck off,” you mumbled, but you could feel Nat’s shoulders shake ever so slightly from a silent laugh.
“Just a little longer,” she said quietly, mostly to herself. But you knew she was lying; you weren’t even close to the extraction point.
And with that little fact, you could feel yourself slowing down exponentially with each new step. You knew you weren’t going to make it to the extraction point, not at this rate. If either of you wanted to get home, you would have to drop the dead weight.
Even if Nat didn’t like it.
“Nat, stop,” you said after another step sent that familiar fire up your side.
“I know it hurts but I can’t carry you that far. Hold on just a little longer.”
“No, stop.”
“We just need to keep moving-”
Her shoulders slumped at your tone but she stopped nonetheless. She didn’t turn her head from where she was staring into the distance in front of you, but you could feel that she knew what you were going to say. After all, she wasn’t stupid. Quite the opposite.
Which meant she knew what had to be done.
“Get to extraction,” you told her, looking down at her even though she wouldn’t do the same.
“We’ll get there together,” she said as if there wasn’t any other possibility. And it made your heart hurt even more than your side or leg.
“By the time we get to extraction, there’s gonna be too many reinforcements,” you said softly. “We’ll be overwhelmed.”
“We could get there if you would just keep mov-”
“-Get your ass to the meet-up,” you interrupted, and she finally turned to look at you. Really look at you.
“-You can come back for me,” you tried to say. “It’ll be faster.”
There was a certain resignation that washed over her face. You both knew you were right, and as much as she hated to admit it, it was what had to happen. If there was any chance of getting you back with a chance of getting help, she would have to leave you.
Leave you alone in the middle of AIM territory.
But it would be worth it, right? Even if something happened to you, at least Nat would get away. She would be safe. You two hadn’t been together for too long, but definitely long enough for you to know that you would rather lay down your life than have her get caught or hurt. And maybe that meant you would get left behind.
And that was okay.
“You need to go, Nat,” you whispered. In the few seconds it took Nat to nod, you knew she was going through some wild emotions. What exactly those emotions were, you had no idea, but it didn’t matter. The way her eyes glassed over was enough.
She guided you over to the nearest tree and help you sit down with your back against the trunk. It hurt, and you could feel a fresh swell of blood push past your fingers, but then there was a silent relief. A relief that you weren’t on your feet, that you didn’t have to keep going, that you could just breathe.
“I’ll get to the jet and come back,” Nat said seriously, but she hadn’t gotten up from her kneeling position in front of you.
“No rush,” you chuckled with the best smile you could muster. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Nat lifted her hands to cup your cheeks, and even though everything was swimming and spinning and fading, her eyes were as clear as day. The eyes you saw before you went to bed, the ones you saw when you woke up. Her eyes that sparkled when the guys were fucking around at home and she could just relax.
Now those eyes were trying to impart something into your soul.
“I’m coming back for you,” she said with no hesitation, no fear.
And then her lips were on yours, soft yet so full of all the emotions she was feeling. Fear, desperation, passion, maybe even love. But before you could return the emotions, she pulled away and started walking, her yellow AIM suit a stark contrast to the green and brown blur of the forest. She didn’t turn back.
You didn’t blame her.
It wasn’t long after she left that you felt yourself fading. Quickly. It started with a coldness in your hands and feet. That quickly turned to your heart trying to beat out of your chest, and then you blacked out. Not for long periods of time - at least you didn’t think it was - but for a few seconds.
Then it got longer.
You noticed because you could vaguely see the light streaming through the trees at different angles. It would have been beautiful if you had been able to focus on it. But all you really wanted to do was sleep. Just let go and sleep, because at least you knew Nat was safe. Maybe she was almost at the extraction point by now.
And just that thought was enough for you to be okay with closing your eyes. Nat would be safe, she would be okay, and that was what mattered to you the most. You wouldn’t have to worry about her anymore because she was safe. So you let yourself close your eyes and listen to your heart slow down in your chest.
The sound of someone stepping on twigs nearby got your eyes opened, but you couldn’t see anything. Not really.
Arms slid under your knees and behind your back, and then someone was picking you up. You just let your head rest against their chest.
Your eyes started to close again. It was impossible to tell who had found you, but you didn’t care anymore.
The last thing you remembered was that yellow suit underneath your hand.
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Eye of the Storm 14
Warnings: nonconsensual sex
This is dark!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a new servant at the palace of Asgard but the job isn’t so easy as you thought.
Note: Surprise! I managed another chapter and this weekend should be mostly more drabbles! But you know I just can’t get @lokislastlove​ to be cool.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You woke. Another uncomfortable morning. This one worse than any before. A heavy arm was slung over you, holding you to the warm, snoring mass before you. Thor’s golden haired fanned around his head and yours. Your leg was hooked over his hip as he remained inside you. He had refused to leave you be until you descended again into a chaotic slumber, coloured with nightmares and listless fear.
You looked over the king’s face. The little lines around his eyes and that vein in his forehead that never quite seemed to disappear. Even in his sleep, he was intimidating. You tried to pull away but his arm kept you close. The movement made you flinch as your walls ached around him. You felt him growing hard within you.
His eyes opened dozily and he smiled at you. Your arms were pressed against his chest as he hugged you even tighter. His arm curled around you from beneath and his other hand crawled along your side. He pulled your leg snugger around his and began to rock against you. You tasted the stale ale on his breath as he kissed you.
His tongue parted your lips and he rolled you onto your back. He kept his pace slow and torturous. You whimpered into his mouth and squeezed your eyes shut as his thick mane shrouded you. His corded muscles tensed against you with each deliberate thrust. You hurt so bad you could barely stand it. The coil that began to wind in your core barely mattered for the pain.
He drew his lips away and low growls tumbled from him. He pressed his cheek to yours and grunted in your ear as he sped up, just a little at a time. You slapped his thick arm but he didn’t even notice. You sobbed as you came. Your chest felt as if it would cave in as the ripples flowed over you. You pushed your head into the pillow, wishing yourself away.
He bent his head further and nipped at your neck. He bit into your flesh as he once more thrust deeper. He came, smothering his orgasm against you and when he stilled, you went limp beneath him. He rested on you, his weight suffocating. You shuddered as he finally slipped out of you and fell flat on his back beside you.
“A wonderful morning,” He sighed as his seed leaked down your leg, over that which had dried there during the night. “Isn’t it?”
You forced your eyes open and nodded, your mouth dry. “Yes, my king.”
He reached over and stretched his hand over your middle, his thumb just along your pelvis.
“Now, pet, I do hope we don’t require another lesson,” He sat up and dragged his hand along your vee. “Although it was rather enjoyable.”
“My king,” You rasped as you carefully sat up, grabbing his hand without thinking. He chuckled softly as you winced.
“Yes, we should get cleaned up,” He purred as he leaned in and brushed his nose against yours. “The water should help the pain…” He kneaded your thigh. “You will adjust… or at least, learn to bear the pain.”
You dropped your eyes to the bed. He rescinded his hand and exhaled deeply. He stood, the bed shifted as he did, and he stretched with a long groan. 
“I will draw a bath, little one,” He coaxed. “I expect you to join me.”
You watched him go and moved as if you would shatter to the edge of the bed. You stood, unsteadily, and caught yourself on the bedpost. You got to your knees and searched around the remnants of the scarlet gown. You felt the small pouch hidden in the seam and glanced to the bath chamber door.
You fumbled with the fabric and withdrew the sachet. You stood and staggered to the side table where an ewer rested beside an overturned goblet. You righted the cup and poured in the dregs of the old ale. You peeked at the door again and loosened the drawstring of the pouch.
Within was a black powder. You stared at it. If it was poison, well, would that be so bad. You took a pinch and sprinkled it in the grainy beer. You tied up the pouch and swirled the contents of the glass before downing them. You nearly gagged at the bitter taste. You choked it down and put the cup back as you’d found it.
You turned the leather pouch in your fingers and searched the room. You went through the receiving chamber and crossed to the mantle. Throughout your cleaning, you’d realised the ornaments were little disturbed. There was a tiny pot there, marked with lions. You tucked the pouch inside and snapped the lid back on. You set it down and scurried back into the bedchamber.
As you neared the bath chamber, the king called to you, his ‘pet’. You entered, exaggerating your fatigue and crossed to the tub. You could see he was hard again. Eager even as he stretched his arms across the marble. He watched you as his lips curled, his tongue sliding across the lower one.
“A pity I must get washed up,” He said and bit his lip. “My council awaits me.”
That night when Thor returned, he was silent. You could tell he was angry. He didn’t say much before he took you. He left you in a heap on the bed as he declared he must oblige his wife in her chambers. He bid you rest for his return and you had little choice as you found yourself sinking into a restless daze.
The door woke you and Thor was no happier. You noticed the scratched on his neck as he undressed. It wasn’t from you. You’d just let him take what he wanted as you waited for it to end. And now it would begin again.
You laid on your back, expectantly. Waiting for him to move his body as he wished it. He lowered himself into bed and lifted the blankets but did not uncover you. Instead, he slid in next to you. He drew you to him and rested your head on his chest. Confused, you let him and listened to his heart beat as he rumbled.
“It has been a long day,” He breathed. 
“My king,” You uttered quietly.
“My brother provokes me in council. I am already sent news from Fandral of Ormheim’s resistance, and my wife would rebuff me.” He snarled. “She would offer me an heir but is stubborn in carrying out her duty.” He caressed your arms as he spoke. “Which is why I keep you, pet. So dutiful, so pliant. You will carry a fine bastard.”
You hid your dismay and pressed yourself to him. The tension left his body and he dragged his nails over your skin. He sighed but still, he only held you. You were thoroughly confounded by his mercurial disposition. One moment adamant and demanding, the next gentle and caring. He was a man of many emotions, all of them extreme.
“I pray tomorrow is better,” He said. “With you, it must be.”
Tomorrow was not better. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Thor woke in a mood and returned to his chambers in a worse mood. Some nights, he was gentle, too tired to carry through on his desires. Others, he rough and tossed you around easily as he sated himself with your body. 
His visits to Calla dwindled and when he did see here, he was only further irked by her. You listened to him rant of all that was wrong in his life and counted yourself among the list as he seemed as unsatisfied with you, his desire endless and rarely quelled.
Nearly a week and you were met with a Thor more furious than ever before. He entered with a slam of the door and knocked over the table that stood along the wall with a kick. You stood and clasped your hands together as you watched him rage. His hammer flew up and broke through the table before you. He stopped as you barely got out of the way of its recoil.
“Pet,” He sobered as his cape swept around him. “Forgive me.” He caught Mjolnir and set it down softly. “I did not see you-- Are you hurt?”
“N-no,” You gaped at him. “No, I am… not. What is the matter?”
“Oh, do not fear. It is not you, my pet,” He came close and hugged you with one arm. “I come with bad news.”
“Bad news?” You echoed. The fear bubbled in your stomach though you could not guess at what it could be.
“I must…” He released you and sat heavily. The hammer twitched but did not fly. “I must away. Fandral sends word the Ormheim is in open revolt. The city is barricaded and calls to others to join the battle.”
“War?” You breathed.
“Not if I can help it,” He shook his head, “But it must be me to put down those rebels, you understand.”
You hid your hope and tiptoed closer. Did it mean you might be free of him for a time?
“I would bring you with me but I cannot risk it. Not if you might already be carrying my child.” He explained as he rubbed his knee, “Come, sit.”
You neared and climbed up on his lap, his hand resting on the small of your back.
“You must remain here,” He played with the back of your dress, this one even thinner than the last. “But we might say a pleasant farewell for I will not be long, though the wait does make the reunion sweeter.”
“That is… unfortunate, my king,” You forced out. “I am sorry you must go.”
He smiled and nuzzled your shoulder. “How sorry?” He purred.
“Very,” You lied as you stiffened against him.
“Show me how much you’ll miss me,” He cooed. “Help me prepare for my time away.”
You cringed, knowing exactly what he meant as his hand slipped lower. He swept you around so that you straddled him, his hand fumbling between you as he unlaced his breeches. His armour shone against the lantern light as he shifted beneath you, your legs bent over his.
He pushed apart the fly of his pants and pulled himself above his undershorts. He was hardening already and stroked himself as his other hand groped your thigh. He growled and rubbed his tip against your skirts.
“Oh, you’ve not yet had a chance to show me what you can do,” He pushed your skirts apart as he let his cock stand free. “Take a little control, pet.”
He shoved past the tails of your skirt and urged you forward, lifting your pelvis as he guided his cock along your folds. He lowered you, slowly, impaling you so that you let out a squeak. He felt even bigger than before. You were so full your eyes rolled back.
“Gods, I’ve been thinking of this all day,” He tilted your hips and you moaned. “Mmm, you sound delicious.”
You gasped as he guided you atop him, shocked by how quickly your orgasm mounted. You were teetering on the edge as you latched onto his shoulders and couldn’t keep from bouncing yourself on him. You chased the release as Thor wrapped his arms around you and shoved his head between your breasts.
“Mmm, yes,” He nibbled along your chest. “That’s it.”
You grunted as you arched your back and succumbed to your climax. You shook against him as his hand crawled up your spine. His fingers splayed out between your shoulders and you let out a cry as he swept you up and flipped you across the couch. He rutted into you as he smothered you with his body.
His cap hung over one side of him as he pounded you into the couch. You reached up to grasp the back of the sofa and pushed your head into the cushion as you bared your teeth. He had you cumming again and you felt both helpless and powerful beneath him. His armour was smooth against you and his arms sweaty and hot. His hair tickled your shoulders and hung around your head, a curtain that cast shadows over you.
When at last he finished, he collapsed and the couch groaned dangerously. He softly kissed your cheek and temple. He stayed atop you as your leg fell over the side of the sofa and you touched your forehead. That sense of suffocation began to return to you as the ecstasy faded away.
“We have all night to say goodbye, sweet one,” He said.
The morning rose quickly as you slept against the king. For once peaceful, placid. He didn’t cling to you but woke shortly after you. You were tender, as you were every day. Though you were no longer his servant, he let you help him dress and seemed to splendour in the ritual. He snuck little touches as you clasped his armour on and adjusted his cape.
He carried Mjolnir with him as he strolled with you through the city streets. The people smiled at him and he smiled back. You were barely acknowledged as you took two steps to each of his. When you approached the lookout over the rainbow road, he looked grim. 
Inside, a man with amber eyes awaited with a large sword. You’d heard of him but never seen him before. He rarely left his vigil as he looked over the universe and the king he served. He greeted you genially enough but was more concerned with the man at his side.
“See her back to the palace,” Thor said to him. “She is without many friends in this place.”
Your stomach sank. Was he right? Calla may have helped you but it did not make her a friend. Your former cohorts remained as they were and likely resented you. Thor’s newest chamber servant assured you as she brought his meals with disdainful sneers in your direction. And those nobles throughout the palace who saw you as a mockery to their titles?
“Thank you for seeing me off, pet,” He turned to you can cradled your cheek. “My own wife does refuse my presence as late.”
You frowned. Ashamed. It wasn’t as if you had much choice.
“My king,” You lowered your lashes.
“My sweet,” He returned. “Do take care of yourself.” He touched your stomach. “Perhaps you will have news for me upon my return.”
You forced a smile and let him kiss you. You could still taste the bitter powder and your stomach turned as you thought of it. He pulled away and peered over at the watcher. The one known as Heimdall. He put the end of his sword to the ground and turned it. Thor gave a wave before he disappeared into the panoply of colours that appeared before you.
You stood for a moment. He was really gone. Deep, deep down you hoped it wasn’t so easy as he thought it would be. You hoped he would be gone for days, weeks, even months. You hoped to just be alone until then and bask in what you’d once mourned. Being lonely wasn’t so bad.
“My lady,” The man interrupted your thoughts.
“I’m not… a lady,” You said. “Thank you.”
You turned and made to leave, aware of his looming figure as he followed.
“I assure you, I can find my own way. You needn’t bother leaving your post.” You assured him.
“As you wish, but I will watch you,” He warned. “As the kings wills it.”
“As he does,” You shrugged and left him.
You descended back to the streets. You turned down the street where the old bakery was. You strayed to the docks, only then realising how your attire drew the looks of those you once called neighbours. You stopped and looked around. You no longer belonged there. Where exactly did you belong?
You turned back and took the main road back to the palace. The guards let you pass, recognised the collar around your throat. You saw several of the women you used to share a chamber with but they wouldn’t look at you. The nobles didn’t seem to see you at all and you wove your way through the labyrinthine palace.
That was where you belonged. In the king’s chambers, in his bed, in his grasp. You let yourself in and stopped short as you were faced by an unexpected guest. Your hopes of solace all drained away at once.
Loki grinned and winked at you, his legs crossed before him as his arm stretched across the back of the couch. You left the door open but it snapped closed upon its own as you stepped further inside. You crossed your arms and stared at the prince.
“Tragic. My brother being called away to clean up his mess,” Loki slithered. “I do hate to see him go.”
“And you did not go with him? You are the prince.”
“I am second in line to the throne, as yet.” He intoned. “Until he gets a child on his wife. Or you. Though I do not worry for that much.”
“You? Did you give Calla--”
“Shhh,” He hushed you as he raised his long index finger. “Let us not plot aloud for those who might listen.”
“It seems it is you who hears all,” You rebuffed.
“Well, surely,” He accepted. “Though it is as much a favour to you as it is myself.”
“And you had him baited away?” You wondered.
“A happy coincidence,” He stood. “Isn’t it?”
“If anyone saw you--”
“No one saw me, darling,” He came close and touched your chin. “You do underestimate me. Still.”
“Don’t,” You pushed his hand away. 
“Now that he’s had you, do you prefer me?” He asked. “Hmm? Don’t you miss those days? I can’t imagine you’d rather his gruff hands to my… delicate touch.”
“I haven’t a preference for either,” You insisted. “I long only to be alone.”
“Oh but you do tremble so,” He reached for you again, his arm snaking smoothly around you. His hand framed your chin as he made you look at him. “As you did that day in the forest. And then my chambers…” He leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Wasn’t it exquisite?”
“Stop,” You pushed on his chest.
“Stop what?” He purred as he swayed you. “I am merely… checking in on the royal concubine… to make certain she is comfortable.”
He parted slowly, his hand lingered across your hips.
“As I should as the appointed custodian to the throne in my brother’s absence,” He pushed his shoulders back as he stepped past you, pausing at the door as he turned back, his hand upon the handle. “You see, his wife is still unlearned in the laws of Asgard so I must guide her.” He smirked. “As I must rule everything in these uncertain times.”
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Do It Yourself Hauntings
Summary: You and Terry get extremely bored while on a group date as you walk through a haunted house. Terry has a brilliant idea that’s sure to chase away your boredom. 
a/n: Guess who is flagrantly avoiding homework to write a fic? So this is Cat!Reader x Terry McGinnis. Reader is still as gender neutral as I can make them so I went with the name ‘Stray’. A tid bit I could not write in organically is that reader is painfully shy in their civilian identity but has little to no inhibitions when in their night time persona. Another clarification is that this is the outfit I had in mind. It was legit the thing I had my heart set on when my lizard brain said Catwoman character.   
Warnings: Adult language, clowns, clownery, and this maybe a tinsy bit spicy at one point (I tried) (kind of? Look, I just don’t want anyone going all mother superior on me. Just in case. ).
You were incredibly, stupidly, magnificently bored.
You shifted on your heels, letting them click and echo trying to distract yourself from the thrum of excess energy surging through your body.
It-It didn’t work.
The clicking only made you more anxious, plucking at your taut nerves like well-tuned guitar strings.
It probably didn’t help that you just came back from a dazzling night of heists and getting shot at. Adrenaline still flowing through your veins like molten ichor. Heart still floundering in your chest as if- at any moment- the cops would come rushing in and you would have to make your daring, if not dramatic, escape.
Between this and the sorry attempt at jump scares the poor underpaid actors subjected you to, your head started aching and your mood plummeted into something vile. Thankfully, your group was none-the-wiser unless all of them spontaneously decided to master micro-expressions then you were the picture of an apprehensive young adult trekking through a cheap haunted house.
Why did you agree to this again?
Pulse still pounding loudly in your ears and content with letting the others have their fun, you silently fall into the back of the group. There was a higher chance that you would encounter the cringe-inducing scares but you weren’t too concerned. Nope. You were more worried about the very real possibility that you might deck Nelson or Chelsea or Blade or whoever the fuck decided that girls need to play scared to make guys feel cool. Ok, yeah, the last one.
When Chelsea did another ill-timed flinch, scrabbling for Nelson’s arm, and Nelson ate it up, you swore your eyes would roll their way out of their sockets. Whoever popularized this needed to be shot. Twice.
There was always a possibility that they weren’t faking it, that they were genuinely terrified but you highly doubted it considering if anything actually scary happened, Nelson would be the first one to run.
Neck deep in your musings, you hadn’t noticed as Terry slowed to keep pace with you. He leaned down close enough to brush his lips against your skin and blew a light gust into your ear.  You jumped clutching your ear feeling the heat spread through your body. You twitched away. The memory of his lips against your ear making your stomach dance. Your skin prickled with curiosity-
 You glowered at him. You prayed that the embarrassment plain on your body language did not dampen the venom in your eyes.
“Told ya I could be scary,”
He winked.
You sighed.
Of course, he hadn’t let that go.
You rolled your head to the side and shrank into your puffy leather jacket trying to hide the bright flush of your cheeks. From the absolutely smarmy grin he gave you, he was enjoying this. Was this payback? It was probably payback. Payback for all the slag you said over the comms, the flirty little touches, or all the little kisses you dealt him every time you encountered him in the field.
Here’s a novel concept! Maybe don’t dish out what you can’t take.
“Compared to this place? Yeah,”
“Ouch, what’s got you in a mood?”
You leveled him a look. Terry leveled you with his own. You tilted your head ever so slightly to show the bruise blooming on your collar bone. He winced. His jaw clenched.  You instantly regretted showing him when his brows were carved with guilt. Normally, you liked looking at Terry. Easy on the eyes kind of handsome. He only looked punchable in the Batsuit. But you could never stand the guilt and worry on his face, especially when you were the cause. It wasn’t even his fault. You took the blow knowing your armor wasn’t quite as enforced. That was on you.
You sucked in a breath and rolled your shoulders contorting yourself away from the ever-present need to apologize. Instead, you waved your hand vaguely at the cheaply constructed haunted house. “Admit it, this place is-” 
“isn’t that-” He looked around rubbing the back of his neck. “-bad?”
“Terry, the scariest thing about this place is how many credits I wasted,” you deadpanned looking down at your, now, lighter wallet. It wasn’t physically lighter but you were a drama queen and you had a point to make.
Terry chuckled at your antics and rolled his eyes. “It’s got its charms,” You raised your brow and crossed your arms. His shoulders slumped then straightened, a teasing quirk to his lip curling.   “Still better than doing that family studies paper,”
Ok, that you could agree on.
The rest of the walk was marginally bearable with you and Terry providing quiet commentary on each scare. It was hard to hold back laughter. Your body shook, nearly falling into a giggle fit several times. You got dirty looks from the others several times for the transgression of ‘ruining’ the mood.  You were a little impressed that they had managed to make a mood for you to ruin. After all, what’s more romantic than zombie clowns and warehouses?
 Your sides ached. You really wanted to just let out a laugh, a real full belly laugh but you hated your laugh. Terry, you thought, was aware of your broken plate laugh. Why did he keep trying to draw it out?
Your group made it into a large clearing. Your anxiety immediately ratcheted up with the wide-open space but relaxed after scanning the room. There was nowhere to put
Creaking and scraping of old rusty metals resonated in every corner.
Terry nudged you and pointed upward, directing your attention to the silhouette moving around in the rafters.
Your heart stopped momentarily but picked back up again as soon as you saw the graceless way the figure moved around.
A clown covered in gore and shards of metal jumped down from the rafters landing in the middle of your ragtag group. You scattered. You heard a few gasps. You even saw Nelson flinch. You took some petty satisfaction in being right.
You yawned less concerned with the crazy act he was putting on and more with how the hell he hasn’t landed on a single patron. You made your boredom plain. You’ve seen crazy.  Your sides throbbed in protest of the reminder.
You looked down to distract yourself only to be met with the sight of floppy red clown shoes. Genuine, floppy, red clown shoes. You pinched the bridge of your nose and bit your lip. Your body trembled from trying to contain the laughter roiling in your stomach.
The man continued to spout something about keeping you all here for his entertainment. Blah. Blah. You crossed your ankles and leaned ever so  slightly into Terry’s space, cocking your head to the opposite side.  You yawned into your hand muffling the sound as best you could in an attempt to be polite. Terry had other ideas.
Terry leaned down into your ear making an exaggerated snoring sound.  An ugly snort tore its way out of your nostrils loud enough to be heard over the clown’s overly dramatic soliloquy. You felt everyone’s eyes on you. You clamped your hand over your mouth to stifle the onslaught of snorts rising up from your chest. You narrowed your eyes at Terry who, at the moment, was also fighting his own fit of laughter. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you, in solidarity, tried not to laugh too hard at the expense of the wannabe Shakespeare actor.
You kind of felt bad.
Ok, you did. But not nearly enough to actually stop laughing. In your defense, Ace had more acting chops than this guy. But kudos, he was really into the bit.
He lunged at the two of you, fuming with smoke coming out of his ears. Terry grabbed you pressing you to his side and wrapping a protective arm around you. You let out an embarrassing little squeak. You witnessed as he cataloged it into the ‘stuff y/n is never gonna live down’ part of his brain. ‘Cute’ he mouthed silently. You cursed yourself. You turned to cuss at Terry-
The clown lunged at you again, murderous intent plain as day on his face. He snarled as you two dodged him easily with a quick sidestep. In the corner of your eyes, you could see the other actors look on in bewilderment.  One of them shook her head clearly exasperated. Ok, so you unintentionally pissed off one of the actors. Great. Now, what?
The man lunged for you again. Dodging gracefully, you two turned on your heels and bolted leading him away from the group. You could hear the group collectively cheering him on behind you as you made your escape.
Technically, you could just knock him out and maybe go back to the group. One of you was the goddamn Batman while the other was Stray, thief extraordinaire, after all. But between the gasp of laughter and the playful grin stretching across Terry’s face like hell that was happening.
You two ducked into a corner tired and panting. You press yourself against the cool metal of the wall with Terry shielding you from view.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,”  You whisper, shrinking into your leather jacket feeling keenly aware of your lack of undershirt as the heat radiating from his skin pressed against yours. He leaned against you, closing the gap between the two of you.  His panting breaths fanning against your skin, lips brushing against the bare skin of your collar.  You bit out a curse as the color on your cheeks darkened. You swallowed a lump, heart floundering again. You felt him smile against your skin.
You like to say it was anger that flared up in you. You really would but the heat suffusing in your body said otherwise. You pushed at him weakly. “We have to get back,”
Terry stepped back giving you space. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“You sure you want to? Bozo is still looking for us. That and you’ll probably still be bored,”
You tapped your foot and tilted your head considering it. You looked into his face searching for something. You sigh inwardly. “Yeah, no. I really don’t wanna go back. The scariest thing is still the amount of money we wasted and I have yet to be scared shitless,”
He smiled at you victoriously. “I have an idea,”
You blinked at him.“Ok, great job! Now, I’m pissing myself with fear,” You teased. You weren’t a fan of Terry’s ideas half the time but hell if they weren’t entertaining.
Terry rolled his eyes at you holding out his hand. “You brought your goggles, right?”
“McGinnis, I didn’t exactly have time to go home and-” You stilled, feeling his eyes trail down your chest before darting back up. Normally, when you were in costume, you left the zipper of your jacket open showing tantalizing glimpses of your soft flesh. Terry was absolutely not opposed to your costume choice unless you were in danger which was rare (thank you very much). This was what led to your current blushing predicament not that the other aspects of your costume were any less complementary. You sighed inwardly before stammering out “Yeah, I have my goggles,”  Fishing them out of an inner pocket of your jacket, you waved them around half-heartedly. 
“Schway! Come on follow me,” He said grabbing your wrist before you could see the flush creeping up his neck.
You rounded a couple of corners before stopping at a beam. He looked from left to right brow furrowed. He tapped his foot twice then somehow decided to go left. How the hell Terry managed to find his way around in the dark was a complete mystery to you. Your first guess is echolocation but the second, more logical guess, was that Bruce was a paranoid old man. Like a normal human, you were entirely dependent on the night vision mode of your goggles. 
You stopped when Terry stretched his arm out in front of you. You squinted seeing another group of bored-looking patrons. You turn to Terry who was looking at them and seemingly analyzing the group and it clicked.
“Oh,” you whispered quietly as you understood what he was planning. He threw you a playful smirk knowing you wouldn’t be able to resist this golden opportunity to fuck around.
“I would like to go on record and say this is a terrible idea,”
“And yet you’re going along with it,”
You were about to protest but couldn’t really think of a good defense.
“You know, if you really wanted to scare them you could have just dressed up as old Brucie,” 
You huffed and put your goggles on before crouching low. He followed suit bending low.
“Weeell, sorry. Your gremlin mug was the best I could do on short notice,”
You made a face of mock hurt which made him chuckle. “Am not,”
As it turns out, two vigilantes well-trained in sneaking around are actually pretty good at scaring people. In the last 5 minutes, you’ve scared four different groups of patrons all with varying reactions but all equally hilarious.
“Yanno we could probably scare Nelson,” Terry hummed innocently trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. You answered him with a vicious smile. “You just want payback for the prank he pulled yesterday,”
“And you want to see him  piss himself,”
This was true.
“Ok, fine. What’s the game plan?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Terry chuckled knowing he’s got you hook, line, and sinker. You scoffed but let him lean closer to you to whisper his maniacal scheme.
“If this works I am going to cry-” You crowed ducking behind another row of boxes as you quietly trailed your group.  “-Hand me your jacket,”
Completely avoiding your outstretched hands, he draped his jacket over you like a strange leather veil before giving your head a quick pat. “Hope you brought tissues then,”
“Like slag, this is gonna work,” You said quirking your brow and tilting your head to make the doubt plain on your face. Even with your vision impaired by your new headpiece, you could still admire how nice he looked in his shirt. Not that you let it show. You hoped.
“Just watch and learn nonbeliever,”
“Oh god he thinks he can pull off miracles now,” You sneered climbing on to his broad shoulders.
You pouted down at him crossing your arms. He shrugged his shoulders, the movement drawing a surprised yelp from you in turn making him snicker. You were about to open your mouth when your smoke trap was triggered.
Ok, this was a blatant abuse of your equipment but who was gonna tell you off? Bruce? Probably but the man was allergic to fun so being at a Halloween fair was, likely,  safe.
Thick waterfalls of white smoke cascaded down from the rafters, blanketing the floor with a thick mist of curling smoke. The group stopped almost mystified by how well-timed the eerie effect was. You had to hold back a derisive snort when they all turned to each other confused.
Because, yes, this is what your hours of booby trap training have been leading up to.
Truly, a magnum opus of spite.
You could already see Nelson readying himself to bolt even as Blade and Chelsea hung off his arms. Petty satisfaction bloomed in you.
Ok, you may be a gremlin.
You threw your voice in a shrill cackle letting it echo and bounce in the room over the too slow circus music playing in the background. It was a chilling sound, the kind that rattled in bones and traveled up the spine. One that you’ve only ever used for pranks during long nights at the lab. You even felt Terry freeze up beneath you. His grip on your thighs getting tighter. How on earth you didn’t yelp or squeak or make any other little noise at that was the true miracle.
“Wha- what’s going on?“  Blade squeaked, pressing into the group.
"Didn’t we just pass the last attraction?!”
“Are you sure it was the last?”
“I don’t know man!”
The group shrank in on itself as the conversation grew more panicked. You felt Terry shaking from holding in laughter. You nudge him softly with your heel. He took a breath and nodded to tell you he was fine.
“Oh children, there’s no need to fuss,” You coo sickeningly sweet. You see them swallow taking in your presence heavy as it was.
“The fun’s only just beginning!” You shriek flicking on the orange lights of your goggles. Your shrill, shrieking voice transmuting over the speakers filling the room.
They screamed, scrambled, and scattered. Your nearly 10-foot silhouette hovering over them. They tripped over each other. Some of them pulling at each other. Some stepping over feet in their haste to get away. Pure terror etched themselves on their faces.
You let them all sprint to exit, watching their forms all disappear before bursting out into laughter.
“Did- Did you see their faces?!”
“Please tell me you were recording,“
“wait-” You choked grabbing for your goggles. You made a show of checking and letting your shoulders fall in disappointment.
Terry looked crushed. A vicious grin carved across your face. “Relax, I was,”
Terry’s slumped against the crate as he leaned back. He ran his hand through his black hair and began to laugh again.
You put your goggles back to your jacket pocket. You clutched at his jacket letting your ugly laugh tumble out of your lips. Terry planted a kiss on your nose making your breath hitch. 
"What was that for?!” Your hands flying to your nose. Your fingers traced the small patch of skin he touched.
“You were just too cute,” He laughed ruffling your hair.
How do you respond to that? How could he say things like that so casually? Does he not know how many heart attacks it gives you?
“Don’t ‘pfffft’ me!” You bit out, throwing his jacket at him.
He stuck his tongue out at you.
You both looked up to see a security guard and Bozo glowering down at you. You gave them both what passed for a sheepish, but not exactly, apologetic look.
The burly guard picked you both up by the scruff of your necks and hauled you out of the building. He tossed you out back as Bozo yelled “stay out” from the comfort of the guards back. 
“Kick us out yourself, coward!” Terry yelled, shaking his fist like an old man. You slapped your forehead in an effort not to encourage him. Bozo glowered at him from behind his meat shield. Terry snarled. You grabbed his arm to stop him from doing anything stupid.
“I knew it was you two,” Max sighed, hand on her hip.
“How’d you guess?”
“Circus music,”
You looked at her uncomprehendingly before remembering your well-documented discomfort with circuses. You slapped your hand against your forehead. Terry, helpful as usual, snickered at you.
 But before you could throw hands, Max spoke cleared her throat.
“You dumbasses are lucky they don’t press charges,” Max aggravated pinching the bridge of her nose. You had the decency to look a little sheepish at the accusation but Terry looked pleased which earned him a chastising look.
“Sorry, ma’am” You both grumbled as she pulled you both up. 
All three of you walked in tandem.  Max let up the responsible act.
“Not the worst group date you’ve been on, right?” Terry nudged.
 “No, guess not,” You scoffed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Stiiiiill not as bad as that time you got us caught by the Joker Gang~”
“That wasn’t even my fault,”
Thanks for reading! Also please do not do this in real life. They will get mad at you even if their haunted house does stink.
taglist:  @batarellabatarella (YOU BITCH I GOT ANOTHER BATBOY FOR YOU), @anothertimdrakestan, @lucy-roo, @multifandomgirl-us, @idkmanicantenglish,@birdy-bat-writes,  @boosyboo9206, @americasmarauders (I wanna drag you into Terry hell), @l-horizon11
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sethrine-writes · 4 years
Daughter of a Devil, Ch. 28
Main Characters:  Father!Dante & Daughter!Reader
Words:  1457
Warnings:  Mild angst, Feels
Story Summary:  Being a parent wasn’t easy, nor was there such thing as being perfect at it. Good news for Dante, seeing as how he doesn’t have the slightest idea in hell what to do with a child. Sometimes, he was certain that fighting off a horde of demons was a far better match than keeping up with his own daughter. Well, at least he wasn’t going down without a fight.
A/N:  Did someone ask for some father-daughter feels?? No? Oh, well...too bad! Time for feeling!
Chapter 28 - What If? (17 yrs.)
The sky above was clouded in a multitude of shades of grey, the swirling masses turning and twisting with the wind and sending a downpour of rain on the city. Lightning flashed brilliantly against the darkness of early evening followed quickly by the loud clatter of thunder.
You could remember a time when you used to be terrified of such storms, when the only comfort you could find was at your father’s side or curled up in his arms. Presently, you found comfort from the storm itself.
“It’s quite the mess out there.”
You turned to glance over your shoulder at Dante, fully aware that he had been standing behind you in the entranceway of your bedroom, watching you carefully. It was to be expected; you certainly had been out of character the past couple of days. You’re dad was an ass on good days, and on better ones, he was more observant than he let on.
“I don’t mind so much. I kind of like it this way.”
“Is that so? Well, that’s a change. Guess you can’t be my scared little girl anymore.”
Dante moved to sit beside you on your bed as you smiled just the slightest, both of you gazing back out the window as you had been doing for the past half hour.
The rain was still just as hard and relentless as it had been since the start of the storm, continuously pattering against the glass pane of your window and creating a mass of flowing streams against its smooth surface. Despite the harshness of the storm, its effects had a sort of calming effect on the atmosphere surrounding the both of you.
“What’s on your mind, squirt? You’ve been quiet today.”
“I’ve just been thinking a lot lately. Too much on my mind, you know? I’m just...trying to figure everything out in my head.”
It was a good answer on your part, and Dante would have been pacified by it had he not seen the change these thoughts had provoked in you. It was unsettling to see anything other than the rambunctious, overly-cocky, playfully serious young woman he had come to know.
“Maybe your good ol' pops can help? Can't promise my advice will be anything good.”
His quip at his own expense forced a small chuckle from your mouth, a brighter smile than before finding its way to your lips.
“There’s really nothing you can help me with. I’ve just…I’ve just been curious about how my life’s been playing out. Like, I can’t help but think of all the what-ifs I’ve avoided.”
"What-ifs?" he questioned.
"Yeah, like, what if I never knew all the things I know about demons and stuff? What if I didn’t have this strength, this ability to fight demons, get hurt, and heal up like nothing happened? What if Mom never got sick and was still with us; would she have let me fight like I do now? What if…what if I was born into a normal family, one that was oblivious to all the evils in the world?"
You sighed, threading your fingers together and pressing your thumbs to your chin as you ruminated on your muddled thoughts.
"I can’t seem to stop asking myself these stupid questions."
Silence followed your explanation, a silence filled with a strange sort of tenseness that you hadn’t meant to create. You couldn’t stop such thoughts from just popping up in your head; it was like everything you had known was suddenly being questioned, and, in a way, it was unnerving for you.
“Are you not happy with all of this?”
Your eyes widened at the question uttered from your father, hands coming up and moving back and forth in a panicky sort of motion to ward off any ill-intent on your part. He didn't seem upset, but you still worried he would take your expressed questions as jabs at his parenting.
“N-no! No, Dad, that’s not the case at all! I’m extremely happy with my life and with everyone I have in it. I complain, sure, and I give you a hard time only because you give me one. I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
Your eyes suddenly became downcast as your mind wandered to those questions that had been plaguing your thoughts as of recently, a sigh escaping your lips.
“Even so, I can’t help but think of these what-ifs that keep running around in my brain. It’s so alarming, thinking of all the possibilities that could have been in my life. I feel like I’ll be left wondering what-if all my life. It makes me think, maybe, I’ll never be satisfied with not knowing.”
Once more, silence filled the room, but this time it wasn’t as threatening as you had first thought it had been.
“Y’know, squirt, there was a time that I used to have those same thoughts.”
You turned to look at your father then, watching him closely as he had done you. His gaze was transfixed to the window and the rain running down it, the slightest smile on his face.
“I used to think, “What if I never met Serenity and accidentally knocked her up; would I still be happy with my life? Would I have ever had the experience of having a daughter -a family- later in life?” So many questions ran through my head during her pregnancy, but that first time I was able to hold you, it felt like all those questions just fell right off the face of the earth.”
The quiet that followed was sobering. The look on Dante’s face was one you had seen before; it was the look of a man that had been through hell and back and was somehow still holding on.
“When your mother died, they came back, and I was left to wonder; “What if Serenity had never gotten sick - would she still want to be with me? Would she still have been as sweet and carefree as she always was while our daughter grew up? Would she be able to tolerate me, knowing the kind of shit I put my life in danger for?””
Dante remained staring out the window, his smile rueful and eyes sad.
“I didn’t know a damn thing about raising a kid, and I was left with all these questions I was never able to answer, these what-ifs that haunted me the moment Serenity took her last breath. But then you were taken from me when you were barely a year old, and it was after I was able to get you back that I realized something.”
“There would always be what-ifs,” he continued, hand reaching out to pat at your own. “There’s always gonna be missed opportunities and things beyond my control. But as long as I have you, as long as I can protect you and this world that I decided to raise you in, all those what-ifs don’t matter."
His smile had transformed into something more serene as he turned to look at you, the sadness in his gaze turning to fondness.
“What if I never had you? I’ve thought of that, too. And I figured that if I didn’t have you, then I wouldn’t have a world to steady myself on. You are my world. As long as I have you, my life is complete, and that is worth more than all the what-ifs I’ve ever thought of.”
You could feel your heart flutter at your father’s words, a feeling that had tears escaping your eyes before you had a chance to stop them. You quickly wiped them from your cheeks and looked away, knowing he had seen them.
No teasing would be thrown your way, at least not at that moment.
“You’re so cheesy, old man.”
A deep chuckle left Dante, one that left a smile on your lips despite the tender ache in your heart.
“Maybe, but at least I’m honest. Speaking of cheese, how about we order us a pizza?”
“In this weather? You’ll be lucky they even get here at all.”
“I’ll make half the order with extra olives, my treat.”
You sent a skeptical sort of look Dante’s way before laughing slightly and wiping the remaining trails of tears from your cheeks.
“You’re a bad liar, Mr. Honesty.”
“Got you to smile, though,” he retorted with an exaggerated grin of his own, hopping up from the bed and offering his hand.
“C’mon, squirt, dinner’s calling our name.”
Smiling, you reached out and allowed your father to pull you to your feet, following him out of your room and downstairs to the main lobby.
The rain continued to pour heavily upon the city of Redgrave, still just as comfortably as when you were alone.
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jkbabiey · 4 years
{JJK} Say it ⤇ 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairing:  fuckboy!jungkook x student!reader
Word Count: ~2.88 K
Genre: actually... I don’t even know; some angst in the beginning, and then there’s that flirty smutty tension between the reader and kook; college!AU
Warnings: Jungkook seems to be a dick and Y/N can be kinda rude but it’s fine, she’s a sweetheart. There are some very soft mentions of sex and a very very annoying kook omg
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22nd of August, 2023
It was about 3 am when you heard the doorbell. 
It was him.
Your irritation had nothing to do with sleepiness or with the late-night hour he chose to come by. You were awake, there’s no way you’d be able to sleep. You haven’t slept well since the night he let you go. Your irritation had to do with him; he wouldn’t be at your door if he wasn’t drunk or horny, and the fact that he didn’t understand this type of “meetings” wouldn’t be happening after that same night, pissed you off.
You were extremely pissed off.
Your anger was long gone as soon as you opened the door. He wasn’t drunk, and he sure as hell didn’t look horny, he was completely broken. His eyes were red and his face was puffy, he was a mess. If this had happened a month ago, you would have hugged him right away, trying to give him as much as a sense of comfort as you could and right now, you were trying to fight the urge to do exactly that. You had spent almost three weeks trying to convince yourself that he was a bad person and you weren't willing to give up all of your progress. Even though the look he was sending your way was yearning - almost begging - for some comfort coming from you.
His gaze was intense. He stared at you as if begging you to do something, he was lost, he had been for a long time now. He was begging you to let him in, and let him do whatever he wanted. He wanted you to do what you always did, he wanted to feel you. He wanted to feel as if he wasn’t as lost as he actually knew he was. You always made him feel like at least something in his life was worth it, and that something was you.
“Please let me in.” his voice was hoarse. 
You didn’t budge. You just stood there, looking at him dead in the eye. What the fuck were you supposed to do in this situation? You were so hopeless about anything that had to do with him at this point you couldn’t even speak. 
You didn’t say a word, but he understood just what was going through your mind. He knew how caught up in your thoughts you could get and how much of a rational person you were. But right now there was nothing minimally rational you could do. Nothing about your relationship was rational.
He stepped closer to you and closed the door behind him, not breaking the eye contact once. That has always been his way to get more intimate with you, to make you open up to him. 
His hand made its way to your cheek, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. His heart softened when he noticed the way you leaned into his touch.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as his face got closer to yours, you could see the guilt in his eyes, even though your vision was already blurred up by the tears that managed to well up in your eyes.
His free hand rested on your shoulder, trying to push you towards him, but you stayed still, refusing to give in.
“Please Y/N… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said that night, I just, I’ve never felt like this with anyone else before you, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, or say, or how to deal with any of this- fuck” he paused, taking the hand that was previously resting on your shoulder to his face, rubbing it harshly. “ and I am sorry…” he finally finished.
Your tears were already running free, and your face was probably a mess, but you didn’t care.
“Say it,” You said sternly even though your voice was already wavering. He knew what you were referring to, of course he did. He was a very intelligent guy, even though he usually pretended no to be.
“I’m telling you what to do now, Jungkook, just say it,” you whispered, closing your eyes for a moment.
He looked at you, pain evident on his face, he didn’t want to say it. Not because he didn’t feel the same way you did, but because he wasn’t brave enough to admit that he feels, that he can feel something as dangerous as love.
He opened his mouth several times, just to close it again. He couldn’t say it, he was so afraid. 
Yeah… Jungkook was afraid. 
He was known by everyone around the city for being fearless. Because that was what he wanted people to think. He smokes, his body is embellished with tattoos, and he has fucked almost every girl in the town, forgetting their names the day after.
... But Jungkook was all talk.
He liked to be known, desired and even feared by some, but now, here he was, begging you to let him in.
Neither of you knew what to do. You were both scared. But then you understood he wasn’t able to cross that line, and ignoring all the urges to kiss him right there, take all of his worries and insecurities off his chest and the doubtful look off his eyes, you decided to put an end to that.
“Get out.” 
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11th of February, 2023
You were completely covered in work, sitting on your living room’s floor. Anatomy books all around you. This had already became a very typical Saturday night for you. Your house was a complete mess, you didn’t even manage to find time to eat, how would you have time to clean your small apartment? 
Med school wasn’t easy, it was far from easy. There was so much effort you had to put into it. You barely had a social life. Actually, all you had was your sister, your best friend, and a few friends from med school. You weren't particularly the social butterfly, and you couldn't really blame med school for that, you never liked to have many people around you. If you want to be a doctor, you have to forget having a life apart from the hospital, your full attention has to be directed to studying so you can save lives in the future. 
The thing is, you’ve wanted to be a doctor since you were 14 years old. You worked your ass off so that you could have the perfect grades, and get into med school without any problem. You knew it was going to be hard from the beginning, but you were a girl that like challenges, you loved being challenged; your competitive nature implied it. You have always liked to get things the hard way. Easy was boring.
You’ve always set your goals very high. You were an overachiever. And you were stubborn, you would never give up on your dreams. These were great characteristics for an aspiring doctor. You were sure you were on the right path.
Your studies were interrupted when Maggie, your sister, barged into your house. She had a spare key, you gave it to her when you moved into this apartment. She has always been your confidant, you told her every single thing that happened in your life. She knew everything there was to know about you, and you knew everything about her. Your relationship has always been awesome, you’ve always treated each other as best friends and not really as sisters. 
You had told her how stressed you were about med school the night prior, and you could hear in her voice how worried she got about your mental health, even though, the situation wasn’t that bad, she tended to exaggerate. So it wasn’t really surprising that she was in your apartment, all excited, telling you, you were going to a party tonight because you needed to get loose. 
And even though you could see how happy and full of good intentions she was, you almost laughed at her face, well... actually, you really did laugh, a lot. It was just a really funny and almost ridiculous idea. It was really stupid of her to even think you would waste a night of study, for a party. You didn't even like parties!
You hated parties, actually!
You've always been kind of an introvert. You liked to have your own space, you loved to be alone, you loved to read, and you didn't like having other people invading your personal space. 
"What are you even saying?" you asked, still laughing.
Your sister's expression fell the moment you said that, almost mocking her.
"We are going out, I already talked to Vicky, she's coming with us. Get ready, you have one hour, we are leaving at 9pm and we still have to pick Vicky up"
Vicky was your best friend, you were so surprised Maggie got her to leave her house. Vicky was also an introvert, she was even worse than you.
"Hurry up!" she screamed, already impatient.
You were left staring at her, completely dumbfounded, before she grabbed your arm and pushed you into the bathroom.
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You were already in Maggie's car. The tight black dress you were wearing was utterly and completely uncomfortable. The three of you were already on your way to the party, you couldn't be more panicked. You haven't come to a party since you were 15, you didn't even know how to act in a party, what were you supposed to do? You looked at Vicky, in the backseat, she was just as nervous as you were, you couldn't find her situation more relatable. Your eyes crossed and you both knew what each of you was feeling at that exact moment.
It had always been like this. You've always understood and known each other like the back of your hands. Your mothers were best friends, and when she was born, you were only one year old. You grew together and got used to each others' presence. Now you were almost inseparable. 
When you got to the party, the smell of smoke and the loud suggestive music invaded your senses. You weren't used to this kind of environment, and you didn't like it, not one bit.
In the middle of the party, Maggie was already on the dance floor, and she had already denied dancing with at least 5 different guys. Everyone was just so drawn to her, you couldn't blame them. Maggie was absolutely stunning, she had always been the pretty girl of the family. Vicky was seated beside you at the bar when Maggie came and basically pulled her to dance. She tried to do the same with you, but she gave up as soon as you sent her your most intimidating gaze.
"Sorry, can I get a cosmopolitan, please?" you asked the bartender. If your friends dragged you here, you should, at least, drink something, right?
The bartender gave you your drink a bit after matched with an apologetic look, probably used to seeing other people in the same situation you were. 
Sipping your drink you looked up to see all kind of people dancing and laughing at each other. This couldn't really be considered dancing, all everybody attempted to do was grinding on each other, exchanging partner if their rhythms of grinding weren’t similar. Disgusting. Purely disgusting.
Your discomfort only increased when your eyes locked with another pair of brown orbs, that were already fixed on yours. His gaze was intense, so intense that he got you shifting in your seat and adjusting your dress, so it would cover your legs properly - if that was even possible. He must have noticed your agitation because you swear to god, you saw him smirking. You tried looking somewhere else, but his gaze was fixed on you, and at some point, you forgot the nervousness you had felt some seconds before, giving up on keeping your eyes away and looking straight at him. All your confidence was long gone when he decided to stand up and started walking towards you, never breaking the eye contact.
You haven't really noticed how attractive that stranger was but now that his face was lightened up by the red neon lights of the pub you were in, you could see it perfectly. His face was flawless - his dark hair was pulled back as if he had just run his fingers through it, his gaze was sharp and intense, you could see he felt challenged, looking straight at your eyes, his lips were slightly parted, and apparently moisturized and you could clearly see how chiselled his jawline was. 
For your contentment, he looked away first, but kept his eyes on you, analyzing your body now. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, but the muscles beneath it were definitely noticeable. His arms were also muscular and he had some tattoos covering them. The tight jeans he was wearing left you almost drooling at how muscular and defined his tights seemed to be. His steps were languid and slow. The tension between you two was palpable, and while you were focused on his eyes and the desire that they exuded, everyone else was gone, it was just the two of you.
What a fucking prick... 
"Hey princess," he said when he got to your side, sitting in one of the fancy stools that stood by the bar after pulling it closer to yours. 
If he thinks that with that little fuckboy talk he's going to take you to bed, he's wrong. So wrong...
"You should get back to your friends." he was taken aback by your words, it was obvious by the way he looked at you, but the surprised look didn't last long, quickly being replaced by that stupidly desirable smirk he'd been wearing since his eyes laid on your figure and a soft tilt os his head.
"You were so excited looking at me across the room... Acting all confident. Now that I'm finally here, you send me away... Am I making you nervous, baby?"
"God, you're so full of yourself... Is that your tactic to get girls to go home with you?" you looked at him, clearly annoyed. 
It was clear he wasn't liking how rude you were sounding, but you couldn't care less. 
He laughed a bit, low and hoarsely, amused by how feisty you were, getting even closer to you, after poking the inside of his cheek.
"You think I want to take you home?" he looked at your eyes defyingly, clearly mocking you. His face was so close to yours that you could see the rage he was feeling and hiding, almost flawlessly, through his eyes. "I wouldn't want to take you home." he stared, waiting for you to snap. God, he was so rude.
"Fuck off," you said with a neutral voice, daring to send him a little ironic smile.
"I'm not sayin' I'm not up to fuck you, but not necessarily in my house" he chuckled in a low tone and looked at you with the same challenging look he was wearing earlier. He was severely testing your patience, but you were determined to not give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your cool.
You looked at him. The disgust you were feeling was evident, he noticed it.
"When are you going to shut the fuck up?" you asked, almost losing your patience, which you'd been preserving for a long time now.
You stood up, ready to leave him there. 
He was ready to say something else but noticing you had already left he was left staring at your uncovered back and your hips that were adorned by your tight little black dress. 
You knew you were one hell of a woman. You've always had your insecurities just like everyone else, but you knew how beautiful you were on top of all those imperfections.
You looked back and smirked when you saw him staring at your ass, biting his bottom lip.
You sat in a velvety sofa in the bar, still holding your drink, but the thought of those lips and shiny eyes was still haunting you, and the fact that he was still persistently staring your way wasn't helping. You felt your body relax a bit when he finally stood up and stepped towards the dance floor.
A while later, Maggie and Vicky were walking towards the couch you were sitting on and threw themselves on it, completely wasted.
"Hey, I gave your number to a really hot guy. I think you're getting laid in the next week!" Vicky screamed at the top of her lungs excitedly and you wondered who she could be talking about, running your eyes through the unfamiliar faces that filled the bar.
“Finally!” Maggie added to Vicky’s exaggerated statement.
Your heart stopped the moment your eyes locked with the ones you've been dreadfully thinking about for the last hour. He was smirking as if he had heard your friends - which he probably did. 
He studied your expression falling as realization fell on you. He had won. And when you found yourself lost in his eyes from across the room, imagining what he could do to you, you were pretty sure you had lost.
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
Paper Cranes
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A/N: I know I said this about literally everything I write but this is self-indulgence af because please I just want someone to rant to when I have writer’s blocks (which is all the time) you get me? (Also, I’m not saying you have to do it but I’m def attaching a paper crane tutorial so everyone can get the whole iMmErSivE reading experience)
Pairing: Takami Keigo x reader
Description: Your unconventional way of handling writer’s block caught the eyes of a certain bird boi.
Word count: 3838
Warning: mentions of injuries/hospital
What’s My Age Again?//Blink-182 (This is a Hawks song you can’t convince me otherwise)
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor//Artic Monkeys
The Next Time We Wed//The Fratellis
You knew that there were more productive things you could be doing right now, sitting at the outdoor area of a cafe with a half-empty mug next to a laptop but your brain felt more like a pile of mush and every word you typed out in the last 20 minutes made you cringe, which was exactly why you stopped doing that all together.
Refusing to even look at the untouched word document on the laptop in front of you, you pulled out a pile of coloured square paper and started folding it in a routine you knew at the back of your head. You sighed as you stared at the small crane in your palm. Your odd habit of folding paper cranes whenever you got stuck on something came when you were so infuriated with not doing anything that you started toying around with the napkin provided by the cafe. After getting bored of bunching up the paper towel repeatedly, you started looking up easy origami tutorials to forge the sense that you actually did something and wasn’t wasting your time by making something presentable. You settled with the elementary school level crane and it became the only origami you were semi-decent at making. You kept all the cranes you made from your writing sessions at the cafe in a paper bag you carried around all the time. The bag was half full and you weren’t sure how to feel about it, knowing full well that it implied that you spent a lot of the time you planned to use on writing making little to no progress.
It had become a routine for you almost. Going to the cafe with your laptop and notes, ordering coffee with as much extra shots of espresso the shop offers, open your document, your brain stops working midway, shifting your focus to folding cranes as an outlet for your frustration and self-loathing. So productive, so good for your mental health-
“I thought you are supposed to be writing?”
Oh, all that and being interrupted by this oversized blonde pigeon.
You did not stop even when you heard the sound of the man in front of you pulling the chair and sitting down next to you uninvited. Pressing down on the paper to form the beak, you threw the origami into the paper bag with the rest of its friends before finally lifting your head to meet the amused gaze of the winged hero.
“And I thought that heroes are supposed to be real preoccupied with saving people and all that,” you said as you lifted your brow, “I’m really starting to question if you are getting any work done, how come you’re always around?”
Hawks laughed, attracting the attention of by passers as some of them gawked at the number 2 hero who was so casually sitting there with someone who looked like they wanted nothing more than to wipe his grin off his face. “What can I say? You’re my favourite writer and I’m just trying to urge you to put new stuff out there.” he said, not without adding a wink at the end and you groaned in annoyance. You weren’t gonna lie and say that you didn’t feel the slightest bit flattered when the charming hero approached you for the first time, saying that he read your work. But as he showed up more and more frequently and invited himself to watch and gave snarky remarks as you struggled, it was like Hawks was trying to get you to be annoyed at him deliberately.
“What’s with you and paper cranes anyways? Ever think about switching things up and fold something else?” he asked, reaching for one of your creations and fiddled with it curiously despite the glare you were sending him.
“Cranes require the least effort,” you said as you leaned forward to snatch it out of his hand and groaned when he pulled back with a knowing smirk, “not sure if you can tell but I’m already on the verge of a breakdown. I’m not gonna put even more stress into doing something that is supposed to take my mind off of my lack of productivity.”
You let out a defeated sigh and fell back onto your seat which only made his smirk grew wider. He examined the origami for a little longer and shifted his stare back at you, “Can I have one?”
“What? No!” you snorted and launched forward to take it back as he let his guard down. You gave the hero a disbelieved look as he gave you a childish pout that was so unfitted for someone of his status. Before you met him, you always thought of the pro-hero as a suave and respectable person. Well, you still sorta did, but to think that this man was someone people rely on was something that became hard for you to imagine, especially seeing how child-like he was in front of you.
“But whyyyyy,” Hawks whined and motioned to the paper bag on the floor next to you, “you had made so many! What difference will it make if I take one?”
“They’re all my children and I love every single one of them,” you said as you dramatically placed a palm on your chest where your heart would be at, “you are dead wrong if you think I’ll ever let someone take away one of my babies.”
Hawks snickered, “God, are all writers so weird?”
“I don’t know, are all heroes annoying?”
He threw his hands in the air in defeat, “Fine, I won’t force you to separate from your children.”
“Good.” you nodded as you threw yet another crane into the bag.
“As much as I like talking about your crane obsession, I need to get going. Still a long way to go until heroes can properly slack off.” he said as he got up and stretched. HIs wings spanning widely as he extended his arms, threatening to push your things off the table and hit you in the face.
You quickly dodged the assault of his wings and bent down to shield your precious laptop, “Mind your ducking wings, you blind goose.”
He let out a full body laugh at your insult and started walking away, only to turn on his heels as he heard you call out for him. “Hawks?”
“Put it back.”
He groaned as he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket to pull out a tiny paper crane. He muttered something about you being telepathic while he let the origami slid from his palm into the paper bag where it belong and you couldn’t contain your grin despite your best effort.
You stared at the pile of paper cranes in front of you soullessly. If you were being self-deprecating and giving in to unhealthy coping mechanisms when you said you were on the verge of a breakdown before, you were seriously burnt out now. Usually, folding origami would give you the slightest bit of ease but it wasn’t working now. You could feel your head throbbing in pain as the blankness of the screen mocked you and you lowered your head with your eyes shut, trying to calm the stiffness in your brain just a little. You didn’t even pick up on the familiar sound of chair shuffling until a voice brought you back to reality.
“Wow, you must be really stressed out huh?”
With your forehead on the table, you groaned, “Not now, Hawks. Go bother some other civilian.”
”But you’re the most fun to be around!” he chuckled and you snapped your head up to stare at man. His laughter quickly died down under the gaze of your bloodshot eyes.
“What do you want, you featherbrained son of a birdspawn,” you grunted, “no. It’s not working. I can’t even find joy in insulting you anymore, this is bad.”
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that,” he said, concern contrasting with his lighthearted words, “are you ok?”
“Not at all. It’s like I don’t even know how to form proper sentences. There’s so many ideas floating through my brain but it just goes ‘error 404′ when I actually try to write it out,” you ran your hand through your hair as you went on with your rant, “I’m spiraling and I don’t know what to do. I’m in desperate need for a distraction.”
Hawks looked at you as you took a deep breath, being quieter than you ever remembered him to be. You put your tired gaze on him and that’s when the red feathers poking from behind his back caught your eyes. You weren’t exaggerating when you said you needed a distraction and right now you wondered how you had never took much interest in the winged hero’s trademark before.
“Can I touch your wings?”
“What?” his eyes widened at your sudden request, almost believing that he had misheard what you just said.
“Can I touch them?”
His shocked expression slowly faded and the corner of his lips slowly tugged upwards, “Never thought of you as the eager type.”
“Hawks, I swear to god-”
“At least try to buy me dinner first-”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, you hormonal rooster.” you bite back but immediately realized that you probably shouldn’t act so aggressive when you were asking for a favour and unknowingly whined, “it’s just, it looks so soft and I never really thought of it and I’m so hyperaware of everything right now that I just want to know what it feels like.”
Hawks fell silent for a moment. In all honesty, he had always been very iffy about anyone making contact to his wings. It was an important tool to his survival, not to mention extremely sensitive. But you looked so tired and beaten up that he just didn’t have the heart to reject you.
Hawks carefully extended his left wing to you and the way you perked up just a little made his heart swell. You leaned forward and lightly stoked a finger along the most outward feather of his wingtip. Chills shot down his spine as you felt the red feather gently and he had to physically restraint himself from shivering under you touch. Hawks was shocked when he almost let out a disappointed sigh as you pulled back, he didn’t even realize how much he enjoyed the gentle affection you were giving him.
You had seen him in action in news broadcast many times before and it amazed you how the razor sharp feathers he often used in fights felt like silk under the pad of your finger. You felt content for a split second before the thought of your untouched work slowly shadowed you short happiness once again.
“Did that help?” he tentatively asked and his heart sank as you let out a sigh.
“No,” you groaned, feeling bad that he let you invade his personal space just to help you but it didn’t work, “I’m starting to feel like I’m washing my entire career down the drain at this rate.”
It pained him to see his usually witty and sharp-tongued friend in this state. Hawks looked around to see if there’s anything he could do for you when the golden glow of the late afternoon sun gave him an idea.
“Wait, what are you doing?” you asked as the man grabbed you by your forearm and started pulling you up from your slumping position.
“I’m taking you somewhere.”
You were confused but his serious demeanor showed you that he was genuinely trying to help, “At least let me pack my things first.”
“Leave it here.” he said as he pulled you with him, completely clueless as to where you were going.
“You must be kidding me...” you said, now standing on the rooftop of a random building Hawks dragged you to.
“Do you trust me?”
“No offense but no.”
“And here I thought we’re getting somewhere,” he sighed before looking at you and the determined look in his eyes shut down all your attempts at protesting, “I promise this’ll help, just trust me for once.”
You felt your breath hitched in your throat at the way he looked so intensely at you, almost pleading in a way and it made your heart soft. Letting out a defeated sigh, you stepped closer to him and wrapped your arm around his neck. He locked his arm tightly around your waist and you could feel the heat radiating off his body at the close proximity.
“If you let go of me at any given moment, I swear I’ll turn you into a chicken casserole and eat it for dinner.”
“That’s my snarky little literary giant.” he grinned before taking off and you held on tightly to him. Almost burying your face in the crook of his neck, partly in fear of slipping down, but mostly to hide the faint blush on your face.
Hawks kept his promise and held you securely around your waist throughout the whole flight. Your heart was beating fast from the adrenaline of being so high up the sky but also because his face was merely millimeters away from yours. Feeling a bit more comfortable with the height after a while, you relaxed your neck and felt chilling wind on your face. You peered down to see that big city reduced to miniatures below you. It was a sight to witness.
“Not as bad as you thought, right?” his smooth voice rang from just above your eye and you felt your cheeks heat up, letting out nothing but a soft hum in response.
“We’re here.” Hawks gently put you down and you leaped onto the soft grass. You looked around to see that you were on a hilltop away from the central city. Turning around, you were immediately speechless.
“So, what do you think?” he asked, almost a bit nervous at your lack of response and he wasn’t even sure why he was so jittery.
The sun was sinking down, giving off an almost golden glow. You could see the skyline of the city from where you were at, the clear windows of the compacted buildings glistening from under the sunshine. The sound of cars speeding on the highway mixed with the occasional breeze from the soft wind eased the knot in your head, the fresh smell of grass made you sigh in content. You watched from afar as the entire city basked under the sunlight, emitting a soft radiance. It was majestic.
You gasped, “This is...”
“I always come here when I feel like I can’t keep going,” he said, “this sight never fails to lift me back up.”
You chocked out a gasp in awe, “It’s beautiful.”
You were looking at the sky, but he was looking at you. “It is.” Hawks whispered.
And even for just a short while, the sight and the comforting presence of him made you feel so much better.
You felt great. It had been a long while since you were last so inspired as you type away on your keyboard, not stopping except for the few times you paused to take sips of your coffee.
You looked at the words on the screen and hummed in satisfaction, pulling your shoulders back to relax the tensed muscles. You couldn’t wait to tell Hawks that it worked and you were making amazing progress.
Speaking of Hawks, where was that dumb bird anyways? He usually shows up around this hour but he was nowhere to be seen.
You looked around to see if you could find any sight of the familiar red feathers anywhere but stopped as you heard the chattering from the group of women sitting from a few tables away.
“Oh my god, have you seen the news? Absolutely horrifying!”
“I know right? It must be a really tough fight, Hawks was always so quick to capture a villain!”
You got immediately alerted at the mention of your friend. Your mind started racing, she said ‘horrifying’.
“Haven’t you heard? His agency put out a statement this morning saying that he had to take a break from work just to recover, that poor thing!”
You felt heat retreating from your face and your senses going numb. Slightly panicking, you rummaged through your bag for your phone and immediately went onto the news site once you got hold of it. Your eyes widened and you clasped your hand on your mouth at the gory photo attached to the article. You could not began to describe the twisting in your stomach when you saw the usually cheery hero being so beaten up, his glorious wings you tenderly stroked not so long ago now left with nothing but the long, thin bone of its main structure.
It hurt.
It hurt to see him like that and you hated how there’s nothing you could do for him when he went out of his way to help you when you were in need. That’s when you noticed the paper bag you brought with you out of habit. Quickly shoving everything on the table into your bag and threw it across your shoulder, you clutched the handle of the paper bag tightly in your hand, wondering if it would work if you just wished harder.
Hawks groaned as he twisted on his sofa. He had been forced to stay home after that particularly gruesome fight to allow both the injuries on his body and his abused wings to recover. To say that he was bored out of his mind would be an understatement. Flicking from channel to channel mindlessly, he sighed at how there’s nothing that could entertain him.
He wondered what you would say if you had saw him lying there like a dead fish, probably something along the lines of him acting like a slab of ‘dry, flavourless chicken breast’. He chuckled at the thought of your usual snarky attitude and felt even lonelier when he was once again reminded that he was confined in the concrete walls of his apartment, with no one but himself.
He almost flung himself at the door when he heard the bell rang, wincing in pain as he had forgotten about the main reason why he was on what he felt like house arrest.
Hawks opened the door to see his sidekick. “Morning Mr Hawks, feeling better?”
“Physically yes but I’m going to combust if I had to stay in any longer.”
The sidekick gave his boss a nervous chuckle, he had been working for the hero for long enough to know how on edge he could be when he was put out of action for too long. “Just for a little longer, the agency needs to make sure that you’ve recovered completely before letting you get back to work,” his sidekick quickly added upon seeing how Hawks’ face dropped, “actually, I’m here to bring you this.”
Hawks watched as his sidekick pulled out a paper bag that almost looked too familiar. “Someone gave this to me at the agency and asked me to bring it to you, must be some sort of fan gift.”
Bidding his sidekick goodbye, he quickly locked the door and opened the bag that felt quite heavy when he was holding it in his hands. Prying the bag open, his heart soared as he looked inside to find it filled up to the brim with paper cranes.
“I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you actually typing instead of folding cranes.”
“Hawks!” you immediately looked up when you heard his voice and the bright smile on your face that was in place of the usual sneer made his heart flutter, “You’re alive!”
You rested your chin on your palm as you watched him sat down. You would never tell him but it almost felt wrong to have the table all to your own for the past week.
“Gladly, I nearly died out of boredom,” you snickered and god, did he miss that sound, “thanks for the cranes. I had them put on a string and hanged in my office just so you know, really added some life to that place.”
You smiled, happy to know that your thoughts were properly delivered. He teasingly asked, “Thought you were hell-bent on never separating from your children?”
You shook your hand, grinning from ear to ear. “Nah, I figured you need it more than I do.”
Hawks raised his brow, “How’s that so?”
You chuckled nervously, pondering if you should tell him what it meant. Not knowing that he was well aware of the meaning behind the one thousand paper cranes you gave him, he just wanted to hear you say it out loud so badly.
“It means to wish for peace and health,” you wondered why you were suddenly so reserved when you spent most time with this man making fun of each other, “I just thought you would need extra of both of those.”
Hawks smirked. You were hiding the rest of the meaning deliberately and he was determined to get you to admit it.
“It only works when you do it for someone you really care for,” he said and he felt the pounding in his chest, “you care for me.”
He could see the blush forming on you face and it filled him with an unexplainable feeling of joy. “I never said I don’t.” you said with a smirk of your own, trying to brush away your sudden shyness.
“We both know it doesn’t work like that.” he tried to fake the confidence in his voice but deep inside, he was anxious to see your reaction to what he wanted to say.
“You like me.” that last part came out in a whisper but you could hear it clearly. Despite it having nothing but thin pin feathers, he could feel them stood up on his back in pure excitement as you didn’t object. His face almost hurt from smiling as he caught sight of the sheepish smile on your reddened face as you lowered your head to avoid his gaze.
“Does that mean I’m the father to your paper children now?”
“Don’t push it...”
He gasped, “We’re gonna make such beautiful crane babies-”
“Don’t push it,” you glared at him and quickly put on a smirk as you regained your usual composure, “besides, salmonella-ridden raw chickens can’t give birth to cranes.”
“That’s low,” Hawks put a hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt, “even for you.”
You could not control your laughter as he continued to say that you wounded his ego.
Oh, how you adored this bird boi.
“Wait, where are you supposed to put this flap?”
“Just tug it underneath the other part.”
“What? But how do you make it into that shape?”
“You... Nevermind, having one artistic person is enough in a relationship.”
“No, you’re not leaving until you teach me how to make this stupid thing.”
“Don’t go insulting our children when it is clearly your lack of talent. Here, take this, it’s you in origami form. I made it while you were struggling.”
“It’s just a regular crane with two legs.”
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(And here’s the tutorial that nobody asked for but I wanted to put in anyways so y’all can join in and make beautiful crane babies of your own)
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
A race you just might win // Hannibal x Lilith x Will // 🥰💗
Summary: You’re swamped with studying. There’s so much to do that even when you’ve barely been awake for a moment, your mind is swimming with all that you have to do today, with all that you have to complete and to remember. It’s overwhelming, and an impossible situation... and you have no choice. With tears in your beautiful chocolate eyes and shaking hands, you reach out for help... Hannibal and Will were already there for you, even before you knew how to look. You’re safe, my love, and you’re home.
A/N: Written for my angel @cacklinghyena​. My love, I am never too busy for you. I love you so much. This was the idea I had when I mentioned about writing for you this morning and I hope you like it!🥰🥰🥰 I adore writing for you and thank you for letting me do so!
Word count: 1, 245.
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You clenched your fists together as your hands began to shake. There was a mountain of things which needed to be done, of things which you needed to arrange and prepare, of things which needed to be bought, of bills which had to be paid, of places and people to see, of appointments to make and to keep, of groceries to buy, of assignments to be completed, activities to be handed in, essays to be drafted... on and on and on did your to do list stretch. It seemed that for every one which you ticked off was there another five to take its place and you simply couldn’t do this anymore.
You just couldn’t.
Your two loves were both extremely intelligent and intuitive. One possessed pure empathy, able was he to assume any point of view, even those that could and would scare him. The other was always the smartest man in any room. They two were more than aware of your less than optimal state, though of course neither of them had said anything. Will, dear, sweet Will who was even more dangerous than Hannibal was, could feel your stress and your tensions as though they were his own. Hannibal, that suave and sarcastic charmer, was able to smell your fear the way a shark could scent out a single drop of blood in the ocean. Though neither man had addressed what was going on with you, both were keeping an almost meticulous track of your sleeping schedule, of your  eating patterns, of how many cans of Monster you cracked open and poured into a wine glass just to mock the way Hannibal drank from the same without fail... sometimes, when you were feeling relatively okay, you would even stick your little finger out with a smirk as you took a swig.
Your breathing hitched and you leaned over your laptop, your chocolate eyes staring unseeing at the keyboard. Too much, too much...Your thoughts swirled like a hurricane on all the deadlines, the classes, the homework questions and the assignments... your fingers continued to type, almost flying across the keyboard as you desperately typed as much as you could as fast as you could, your fingers were cramping, your wrists aching... thoughts of tennis elbow briefly drifted through your mind and your breath caught in your throat again - how the fuck am I supposed to do all this? I can’t, I - 
A low and gentle noise penetrated through the roaring in your ears and the pounding in your head and your breaths came once, twice, thrice... hands gripped your shoulders and wound loosely around the front of your chest and you were pulled back, back, into a hunched over Will, who was resting the sharp curve of his chin on the slope of your shoulder. “Breathe, Lilith.”
“You are beginning to panic, little one,” Hannibal’s face came into view as he came around to your side. As he cupped your face in his large, hot hands did Will press a slow, tender kiss to the side of your neck. He leaned in even further and you pressed yourself backwards so that you could sink into his embrace. “Breathe with us, please.” Hannibal didn’t ask you to breathe with he and Will, who, with a single glance over the top of your head, synchronised and exaggerated their breaths. No, Hannibal demanded that you do as he say and, wanting to please him were you meant that you followed him without thought or question, as always would you. 
Moments passed, marked only by the ticking of the grandfather clock which was stationed in the corner of Hannibal’s study. When at last did your breathing begin to ease out, Hannibal hummed, pleased with you was he, and he pressed an easy kiss to your forehead, “Atta girl.” You were so strong and so brave. Hannibal was constantly intrigued by you and by your depths of character and of strength and there was nothing you could ever do or say which would ever make him any less proud of you. The same was true of Will, so in love with you, and only you, were the two men!
Will’s arms slid from around you and he sank into a chair beside you. Hannibal settled himself by leaning against the table, his legs crossed at the ankles and his arms crossed over his broad chest. Will’s hands reached out for your own and he interlocked your fingers easily. He squeezed his grip around your hands once, in comfort, and then twice in quick succession. Talk to me. You and Will had an easy relationship; he wouldn’t ever ask but he would offer you the space to talk, gentler was he with comfort than J was and nicer to approach than Hannibal was. But, oh, how deeply you loved your pack. You were, as always, the centre of the pack and you hadn’t ever felt so wanted in all of your life.
You opened your mouth to breathe, to think, and as your eyes fell upon the time on your laptop screen, dimmed now from a lack of use, your breath hitched and both men, having long ago put the pieces together, began to assemble a plan in their minds. Long ago had they two begun to blur and their plan was more similar than the other knew in this moment, but all of that was later. First, taking care of you was their utmost priority. In the end, you couldn’t help it, you were just so stressed and so tired, you told Hannibal and Will everything, even those small, dark thoughts which never saw the light of day. Your loves listened and they planned, and they stayed beside you... just as they always would.
“You must take care of yourself, dearest. Or the lion, creeping ever closer like the sun over the horizon, will be in the room before you know it. And then what will you do?” Hannibal’s words, meant with care, sunk deep inside your mind and offered some temporary relief from the chaos - from the wrong kind of chaos - which had made its home in your thoughts. 
Will squeezed your hands but he didn’t let you go as Hannibal moved so that he could pull you into his embrace. Hannibal’s arm wound around your waist like a boa constrictor, ever tightening his grip just to the point where it was almost too much for you, and his other hand rested on the back of your head. His fingers delved into your dark locks and manually did he soothe the tangles out, doing his best to be as gentle with you as he knew how.
“Take your time, fierce hyena.” Will’s deep voice made you close your eyes in bliss and you nuzzled into Hannibal, who tilted his chin into the crown of your head: stay was the command. You listened, as always you did. “Breathe, and don’t, ah... don’t rush. Easier said than done,” Will smiled without feeling, “But you have to... take your time. You have time. You’re so young and there’s time. Yet.” Will snapped the ‘T’, and he moved to press a kiss to the side of your head, his nose nuzzling into the opposite side of your head that Hannibal was nuzzling into.
You were surrounded by the safest dangers you had ever known and, oh, you knew in that moment that you were finally, finally...
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sadwsocc · 4 years
Talent [Oikawa Tooru ]
Word count:  3, 302 words
warnings: none i think
genre: fluff i think but oikawa shows up in the latter half
a/n: idk what else to say i’ve had this in my drafts for a while i can’t remember what i wrote nor will i reread
You hated sports, even when you were young, it was a dread that you had to run a mile for p.e. or even doing anything that requires you to go outside. And it didn't help that you had to play volleyball that day, that one dreaded day back when you were in middle school.
Your teacher thought it would be great fun for your class to play an 'exciting' sport so volleyball came to be, it was actually the first time you would be playing it, you had been complaining about it to your friend, Mira for the whole week.
"You know I really really really really hate sports right?" You whined to her the fifth time that period, repeating those very same words every few minutes like clockwork and she was starting to get annoyed.
"Oh just suck it up already, all you have to do it just hit the ball and maybe receive it once or twice. How is that any hard?" After being fed up your whines, she finally said out loud. You were taken aback for a second but eventually you gave in and grunted, slumping back down on your seat as quietly accepted your fate. It didn't felt fair thought, coming from her as Mira was actually one of the most athletic person you know and was part of the schools volleyball team.
Wanting to continue your conversation with her, you thought of the most generic question one could ask, "hey, what talent did you get from your soulmate?" You looked up at her whilst placing your hands on you jaws and elbows on the table. She looked at you for a second and with her eyebrows scrunched up said, "Didn't you already ask that there first time we met?"
"I did?" She nodded. Good lord did your memory not serve you justice. She then continued on, "they're good at playing the piano."
"How'd you find that out?" You asked, to which she flicked your forehead with her fingers and chuckled, "what is this an interview? Never mind me, I don't even know what's yours!"
When she took her fingers off your forehead you pouted and sighed. "I don't even know myself, maybe I'll never find a soulmate,,, maybe they're just talentless" the two of you stared longingly at each other and started chuckling, yet deep down you feared you might be right.
When the laughter between the two of you died down, she turned to you and promptly said "you do remember that we have p.e. next period, right?"
And then you froze, oh god. You've already been complaining about it for a whole week. A weeks worth of complaints about how much you dreaded this very day yet you somehow managed to forget toDAY WAS THE DAY.  You stared at her blankly and felt like the biggest dumbass of all time. Mira saw your expression and laughed, patting you on the back. The bell rang right as she lifted her hand away and motioned you to get up and change to your gym attire.
Oh.God. You really hated this.
First, you forgot that you had gym today so you didn't have time to think up a masterful plan to escape. Then, you realised the thing your class was going to do today was volleyball. Good lord, you hated volleyball. Why so? Because you always had this odd fear of breaking your arms with them, you once had a ball hit your back while walking back home from the park, and it was not fun at all. You felt like your back was breaking, your spine in half, you felt like the impact had pushed you off balance. But Mira who was walking with you told you that you had just stumbled and your description of that experience was such an exaggeration, but you did end up with light bruising for a week. That was enough proof to you that volleyball should be considered an extreme sport.
After trying to waste your time by slowly changing your clothes to avoid going to the gym, you were dragged by an irritated Mira whilst your pants were still halfway up your legs. You were fumbling with your pants the whole trip to the gym, all the while complaining about the dread of p.e. class, the fact that you had been practically dragged out and the fact that you physically do not think you could do this.
Once everyone was in the gym, your teacher had everyone do some basic warm ups to prevent yourselves from causing any unnecessary strains towards your bodies. Warm ups might not seem so bad until you realised that this particular time, your teacher made everyone run two rounds in the gym — did you mention you hated running? You hated running. After an excruciating torture of running and then stretching, came the actual sport. you couldn't believe this, the warm ups to you already felt like the entire exercise was done, wrapped up, you felt like you've went to the gym and tried out all of its equipments.
You really wanted to sit it out but when the teacher was counting the number of students there were, it was just enough to split into a team of two, each consisting six players, the amount needed for a team according to Mira. You were standing near the line of the court and somewhat near your teacher, you thought that maybe if you were standing there, you would be fine seeing as you're not anywhere near the actual game. A light tap on your shoulders made you turn your head to your right and you saw your teachers hand holding up a volleyball stretched out towards you. You made eye contact with her for a solid ten seconds, dumbfounded until she finally spoke, "(y/n), take the ball, you're supposed to serve,"
Taking the ball with confusion, you wondered what in the world a serve was, was it giving it to someone in your team? Does it have anything to do with waitering? Mira, who was next to you, saw your dilemma and inched closer towards you and whispered, "you're supposed to go to the back, outside of the court and throw the ball up and then hit it to over the net".
You blinked at her and nodded slowly, stepping back outside of the court and behind her, you threw the ball up in the air, and then something came over you.
What came next felt odd, you couldnt really describe the sensation, it was like you were suddenly possessed, a switch in your system that suddenly got turned on,  you took a step back and ran up while the ball was still midair, when it started falling down, you hit the ball hard, the sound from the contact with your hand and the ball was loud, making you wide eyed when you realised what had happened. The next thing you knew, the ball you hit was sent flying towards the other side of the court, almost at the very edge but not quite and no one was there to receive it. The sound of it hitting the ground was a scary one, a very loud thud which ended with the ball bouncing up really high and slowly slowed down after a few bounces and a roll.
Everyone —yourself included— stood frozen in their spot, then slowly turn to stare at you, completely surprised and taken aback; you, yourself looked down on your hands to see if any of your bones were broken as the hit felt like it would break someone's bones. Even though it stung like hell, you were pretty sure nothing broke whereas it was very very red. There was a slow clap coming from Mira when you finally looked up, you gave her a wry smile and turned your attention towards your teacher, expecting something from her. She stared at you for a second before gesturing one of your classmates to take the ball back to her. When the ball was in her hands, she passed it back to you and told you to serve one more time but not before asking if you were in the girls volleyball team.
"Uh,, no, ma'am. I'm not,," you replied awkwardly, catching the ball she threw at you.
Mira turned to you and said "(y/n)! And you said you hated volleyball," while you were walking to the back of the court as she continued ," we have got to have a talk about this later." You gave a confused nod and went back to your position to serve the ball.
You looked to your side, making eye contact with Mira and whispered, "I... think it could be my soulmates talent,," she gave you a "we'll talk about this later" look and proceeded to face front while you then followed suit.
The teacher made everyone try out every volleyball position each round and when it came to your turn to set, not only did your classmates but you also found out that you were surprisingly incredibly good at that. Mira, whos position that round was the same as the one she played on the school team which was the winged spiker told you that your sets were accurate and it felt as you quoted "comfortable and right where I wanted it to be" or in other words perfect. You made the conclusion that this was definitely your soulmates talent as his kind of skill definitely wasn't from you.
And that was the day you were dragged into the girls volleyball team, as the starter setter.
And as for Oikawa,, while he really liked the concept of soulmates he just didn’t understand why it had to be like this, wouldn’t it be easier for the whole system to just tell you who they were and not leave out small hints and clues like talents? What if they didn’t try out something new or different? Then wouldn’t they never be able to find out what their soulmates talent was? And what if they had the same talent? It was simply too mind boggling for him.
With a sigh escaping his lips, he stared onto the ball he held up wondering if he’d ever find them. Whoever they were, he knew he’d cherish them. Finding out his soulmates talent turned out to be pretty easy for him as all he had to do was attend art classes that were mandatory back in middle school.
The whole fiasco went about something like this:
One day during art art class the teacher told them to draw their best friends portrait with oil pastels, normally she’d just go on and on about explaining art mediums with the textbook but that day was different for once. Everyone was pretty much shocked to say the least, Oikawa on the other hand doubted that he could even draw Iwa-chan the way he wanted to. The first thing he did when he grabbed the pencil was to sketch, much like everyone else but only this time, the sketch came out surprisingly well for a middle schooler. When the teacher passed by and caught a glimpse of it, she showed a delighted face and praised Oikawa.
Iwaizumi who was sitting next to Oikawa stared at his sketch and whispered, “i didn’t know you could draw,”
“Me neither”
There was a moment of silence before the two of them realised what was happening, Oikawas eyes widened in disbelief, a smile making its way onto his lips and Iwaizumi was frozen in his seat.
Huh, so this was your talent. He liked it, and he liked it very much.
“Iwa-Chan you know what this means !” He said out in a cheery voice. “Is that a question or a statement?” Iwaizumi retorted. Oikawa leaned on him and stretched out his arms to hug Iwaizumi, “yES!”
He was then smacked by Iwaizumi for being so dramatic. (Why does this sound so much like an iwaoi fic h. I’m so sorry I think i lost the ability to: write)
That was how Oikawa discovered your talent and whenever he got bored and doodled something he would always be reminded of how great of an artist you are and would be. He hoped that he’d meet you someday.
And that someday would be soon unbeknownst to either of you.
Much to your demise, even after you graduated middle school, you still somehow found yourself being dragged into the girls volleyball team. Maybe it was because Mira was by your side the whole time but it volleyball gradually felt bearable to you, and you could almost say it was fun.
It was just like any other day during practice but this time, none of your teammates were actually doing such. Instead you found yourself and the other first years only doing the actual warmers beforehand. And when you consulted about it to Mira during your break, her, being your amazing yet somewhat loud mouthed friend decided to straight up ask your captain why none of them seemed too focused on what they should be doing. Your question was answered with a simple, "Oikawa-san promised that he would be coming in to see us practice today,"
Was that name supposed to ring a bell within you? You weren't sure but you were sure that you weren't the only one not understanding what was happening. You suddenly piped in on the conversation and asked who this Oikawa was and why was he so important, which you were then bombarded with a bunch of praise about how good looking he was and how great of a volleyball player he was.
Amidst your conversation with your captain, Oikawa came into the gym, greeting all the girls he knew and introducing himself to the ones he didn't (ie the first years) your captain whipped her head around with stars in her eyes and started skipping towards Oikawa, greeting him and also fawning over him, asking about his day and other trivial questions which Oikawa answered back politely.
Staring at this guy that all your seniors were gushing over and your fellow first years were shyly blushing over made you realise why they'd act like this. They weren't wrong, he was undeniably attractive if you do say so yourself and he seemed like quite the nice guy, whoever his soulmate was, was definitely a lucky girl.
When it was finally time for practice, everyone did their usual thing and after a while, your captain decided to do a match between each other. You were placed in the team with your captain and Mira which to you was quite convenient. By the time it was your turn to serve, your team already had quite the lead, you wanted to lay it off easy and serve a quick and easy one but your captain pressured you to "go all out" and "help her impress Oikawa since you were teammates" and being the amazing and nice (lmao) person you were, you begrudgingly did so.
The serve you made never failed to woo (is that how you spell I can't remember omfg I'm so sorry) everyone around you. Oikawa who had been watching the entire match fell silent and wide eye. The serve seemed oddly familiar to him and so did you.
Your team had scored yet another point from your service ace when a sudden loud burst from the gym doors emerged. The match was momentarily halted from the distraction and everyone stared at the doors anticipating someone to barge in. And barge in they did, you whipped your head and saw a buff tanned spiky haired guy who was irritated by something, you scrunched your brow trying to figure out who he was but concluded that you really didn't know anyone beside from your teammates and classmates.
"I...IWA-CHAN!!" You heard Oikawa squeal out. You figured his name was probably that but that still didn't make you less confused.
"But I did tell you- and at least it was cute !! Iwa-chan pleaseee, the girls kindly invited me to see their practice match— how can I not?"
He doodled? That was unexpected from you.
Iwa-chan sighed and went over to drag Oikawa back to practice when he glanced over one of the bags that were left on the side and saw a somewhat familiar drawing next to them. Dragging Oikawa with him, they went over to observe a painting you made for your art class.
Oikawa looked over and nonchalantly said "hey it kinda looks like what I'd draw," you whipped your head at the statement. Your mind immediately went 'aHA what?' Mira who was by your side too had the same look on her face yet the two of you remained silent. "You mean what your soulmate can draw?"
Oikawa nodded happily, proud of the fact that his soulmate was artistic. Oikawa leaned in on Iwaizumi and whispered, "hey uh speaking of soulmate and talent the girl over there with the (h/c) hair seemed to have some killer serve. And not to brag but it kinda looks like my style"
Iwaizumi was taken aback by this statement, turning his heard around and saw you and Mira staring back at them and replied in disbelief when he turned back, " are you sure?" Oikawa nodded.
With a silent nod of agreement between the two they grabbed your painting and went over to where you were, Oikawa was the one holding onto it while Iwaizumi stood beside. When they finally reached you, Oikawa pointed to your painting he was holding up and cleared his throat asking, "this... you... made this, right?"
You nodded in confusion, how'd he know it was you though. You were about to inquire when realisation hit you,, he wasn't called a talented setter for nothing, and the doodles and- and then it hit you. With a soundless agreement the two of you realised what this meant and what was happening. You still had to double check yourself so you asked how he knew it was you and when he said the play style you had was eerily similar to his everything fell right into place.
Damn. Your his soulmate. The lucky person you were talking about was... you.
"You're my soulmate?" You rhetorically asked as if you were trying to convince yourself this was just some odd dream.
Iwaizumi chimed in and complained about how much Oikawa flaunts his soulmates talent by drawing and painting every time he gets to try to get rid of this odd and semi tense atmosphere.
You stared at Oikawa then to Mira and laughed softly in disbelief, this was such an odd way to find ones soulmate. As if reading your mind, Mira started giggling, making everyone else feel confused and awkward. You looked back up to your soulmate and finally said, "hi, I'm (l/n) (y/n) nice to meet you,"
"Oikawa Tooru" he replied chuckling slightly.
Mira piped in and said, "wow way to find out your soulmate in the middle of a match,, you two didn't even know one another's name come on! Do this later or set a date or something we still have a match! Come one (y/n)!"
This was queue that Oikawa and Iwaizumi had to leave and you to resume your practice match but before he left Oikawa handed you his phone number and said "come meet me after practice." With a wink that made everyone in the gym swoon over.
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