#its good to know about and remind yourself of all of it. it all contributes to your idea of what it means to be a furry
bigbroemen · 2 years
old furryism (1960s and previous, very different from todays furry) cartoon zines to: comics (which grew throughout the 1940s-1990s. interest in an art medium that is home to cartoon art and design) to: nerdism to: internet (starting from the 1970s) to: computer enthusiasts who are most likely in the technology field to: new furryism is home to like a LOT of people that are in or very often even instrumental to STEM (particularly technology) fields (computer science, engineering, robotics, etc) & theres a fair population of furries who make a SHITTON of money (because a career in STEM can make a lot of money and technology fields especially make a shitton of money)
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sxorpiomooon · 2 months
What does your older self wants to say to you? A pac reading<3
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Pile 1-
you need to let go, this is so funny to me given the pile that you guys have chosen has a tattoo of "amor fati" which literally means this. If you've chosen this pile you might have an anxious attachment and some of you need to go off a relationship that you are holding. A japanese song is playing in my head? Sometimes you only hold onto things very tightly because deep down you know that the moment you let go they are going to leave you. Your older self wants you to let go of such relations one particular scenario that I'm getting is of someone being in a toxic relationship being completely dependent on their significant others knowing that the other person might not choose to stay with them once they let go or once they are given the choice to do so. Stop being dependent on people and allow them and give them the space for them to leave you if they wish to do so the only way to understand how much they love is by giving them the space to leave then only you know that they truly do love you. The other people in this pile need to know that all relations require space and time for both individuals to grow individually too. Only when you have enough space and time to grow individually you can contribute something to the relation. Some of you might have ashlesha nakshatra. Also take care of yourself by yourself your older self really wants you to take care of your hair lmao I keep hearing "wash up wash up" I'm also seeing fishes for some reason those orange ones I don't know what they're called? You might love them now or definitely own them in the future. Your older self also wants you to know that the cycle ends with you. Breaking off from the generation trauma cycle seems to be a very important theme here. I see y'all are already very cool but are even cooler in the future man I'm not gonna lie I also keep hearing alt for some reason whether it's for songs or fashion but y'all are gonna be fucking cool in the future man. Be resilient I have full faith in you pile 1 do it for the super cool you. I also see this pile moving out of this house if they haven't alr I keep getting japan again and again but y'all gonna live a pretty great lifestyle also reminded of lucky from the blue sisters novel? Thankyou!!
Pile 2-
this pile might have the tendency to overreact at that exact moment when they are faced with a problem. Their emotions at times might make it hard for them to actually get a good grasp on the situation. Your older self wants you to learn to differentiate between illusion and intuition lmao. I also had a vision of someone journaling so I think the older self might want you guys to write it down before reacting or coming to a conclusion on any sort of situation. I also think that writing it down might make it easy or better for you to feel and understand your emotions better and the problem as well. This pile also needs to focus on their unconscious mind? If you are manifesting something you might have some biases already that you need to pay attention to. This pile might also easily interpret things and get confused. Your older self wants you to follow your heart I heard "it will lead you to the right path" and right after this "sometimes to run is the brave thing" played in my head from its time to go by Taylor swift. You need to act on whatever feelings you have some of you might write and be confused about whether it's good or not or some confusion related to it here's your answer- it is<3 go ahead and follow your heart pile two it will never lead you to the wrong path in the long end. I also heard "beauty and art is everywhere" this pile needs to follow their passion. Lord this is ending on such a good note. Your older self also wants you to know that you should not fear bc all your hardwork will pay off<3 all your hardwork and sacrifices will pay off and you'll get the success that you desire and want. This was also a pile that I chose and I needed to hear this<3
Pile 3-
The time or whatever you are going through will not be wasted. The journey is there to prepare you and give you the experiences that you need to get to the level that you want to achieve in your life. This pile might be going through some hard things. This pile also needs to know that you cannot force anyone to grow early or to change early or hurry up some process everything has its own time be patient a delay does not mean a no. This pile also needs to come face to face with their problems and fear only then they'll be able to move past it. "The only way out is through" "change is the only constant thing in life" "no one else can do it for you" are the things that I'm hearing. This pile knows what's needed to be done but might fear the unknown. A big transformation that is much needed is coming after that I see a wonderful new beginning for you<3
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giuliettagaltieri · 7 months
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Pairing: President!Coriolanus Snow x Capitol!Reader
Chapter Synopsis: The Skeptic
Warning: alcohol, doubts
Word Count: 1602
1 of 7
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You were looking exceptionally beautiful tonight.
It was the inauguration of President Coriolanus Snow.
Everybody was present, the entire party buzzing with joy and pride for the new leader of Panem.
“Congratulations, Miss Swansworth.”  A familiar wariness has you narrowing your eyes and putting on a sharp smile.
“Dr. Gaul.”  You greet the woman who sits next to you.  “Thank you, but this is about President Snow.”
She reaches for a glass of posca.  Her heterochromic eyes are watching you closely.  “We both know that Mister Snow owes his victory to you.”
You raise your own glass and smile at her knowingly as a silent toast and you take a sip.
Coriolanus was stolen from you the minute you stepped into the party.  You encouraged him to establish relationships with Capitol’s most powerful men.  And you managed to evade people for quite some time as you blend in on the crowd.
There is truth to what Dr. Gaul said but you wanted Coriolanus to have this night all to himself.  He has been preparing for this his entire life, there are plenty of times when you can share the spotlight with him.
“I have watched you and Mister Snow quite closely, Miss Swansworth.”  Dr. Gaul says.  “I have seen the two of you do great things.”
You keep your expression neutral.  Dr. Gaul is not one to make small talk.  She sat with you for a reason.  
To remind you of her contribution to your rise in power or to send you a threat.
“Now, it is no longer just me who is watching.  Panem has its eyes on you.”  She continues, her eyes widening slightly, in a way of provocation and you tip your chin up just the slightest to show her you are not afraid to take on her challenge.  “Do not disappoint.”
A real smile spreads on your lips. 
“Failure is a foreign concept to me.”
“We shall see, Miss Swansworth.”  She returns your smile with a much wider one.  You watch her finish her posca and she stands, her eyes on you still.  “Afterall, I understand that Mister Snow only keeps those who are useful.”
You never took your eyes off her until she disappeared in the crowd.
That woman is dangerous.  She is not someone you fear nor admire, just a fair balance between the two.  But perhaps even leaning on the latter.
There is truth in her words.  Anyone can be replaced.  But you doubt Coriolanus would let you go as easily.  You are an essential chess piece to him, and it helps that he is fond of you.  But everything is fleeting.
You lean your back against the padded chair, breathing in the scented air.  You hope Thanatos Swansworth was having a toast with Crassus Snow up in the heavens…or wherever they may be.
It was fulfilled.  The promise you made to your father and to yourself.
Coriolanus is in the seat of power.  And you will share it with him.  You have secured a life of sovereignty and will be a powerful figure in the government of Panem.  It feels good to be around him, to revel in glory and to receive his expensive attention.
But is this all there is to you and Coriolanus?
Are you limited to playing games?
This is what you feared.  
When you have your mind set on something for so long, you are lost the moment you get it.
Of course, the next plan would be to ensure that Coriolanus remains seated at the pinnacle.  
How tedious.
You frown, surprised at yourself for thinking in such a way.
You reach for your third glass of posca for the night.  Perhaps being alone for too long in such events will do you no good.  And you refuse to let yourself dwell in these thoughts any longer. 
Dr. Gaul is good, you have to admit.  She has disturbed your peace in less than three minutes.
In great effort, you try again to enjoy your own company, you are midsip when your eyes accidentally meet his.
Coriolanus frowns slightly at your lack of companion, he makes an attempt to excuse himself from the table he is in but you shake your head, your crimson lipstick staining the rim of the glass.  His frown deepens and for a moment, he contemplates, but he easily slips back into the conversation.
You get up, eyes trained at the enormous doors that lead deeper in the building.  You grasp a bottle of posca on the refreshments table on your way out.
The peacekeepers open the doors for you and the music is immediately muffled after they close it again.
You walk around the mansion and pass the offices of the men who were filling their belly with posca and steaks.  You eventually reach your destination and the peacekeepers guarding the office are quick to recognize you and they salute before letting you in.
The Presidential office was dim but you appreciate its space.  You walk around, hand brushing on the effects placed in the room.  Eyeing the sword identical to the ones the Lady Justice holds, only smaller and the gilded vase of white roses on the side.
Yes, it would do.
The cushions of the sofa sink under you as you sit leisurely, you look at the empty chair at the center end of the office.  The throne.
You open the bottle and you sip directly from it.
Everything you previously did will all be child’s play in comparison to what lies ahead.
Coriolanus is meant for it.  You are certain he will do great.
Just like his father before him.
And just like your father, are you just going to remain a pawn for another Snow?
Reluctance returns in your head and it slowly poisons you.
A soft creak behind you pulls you from your thoughts.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
You hum to acknowledge him as you sip on the bottle once more.
Coriolanus stands behind you, watching the seat behind the desk just like what you are doing.
It belongs to him.  Everything belongs to him.
“You should sit down on it.”  He says and you tilt your head back to look at him.  Your position exposes your pretty neck, looking most vulnerable, but he knows you are anything but.
“It’s not mine.”  You say but he only clicks his tongue to dismiss you.
Coriolanus grabs the bottle from you and takes your hand, leading you to it.
You look at the seat, not really wanting it.
“Go on.”  He says lowly as he stands close behind you.
He smiles when your fingers brush on the intricately carved hardwood of the armrest but his smile falls when you turn away from the seat to look at him tiredly. 
Coriolanus composes himself quickly and lightly brushes past you to sit himself on the soft cushions.  
He felt powerful.  As if he can do everything with just a movement of his fingers.  But it was lacking.
You protest when he pulls you to sit on his lap.
“This is your place.”  He spoke sternly.  “With me.”
Understanding that he has no plans of letting you go anytime soon, you relax against his chest, your feet swaying lightly.
“Are you happy, Mister President?”  You ask gently.
“I am…satisfied.”  His chest expands against your back as he breathes deeply.  “I don’t know about happy.”
His hand caresses your thigh in a comfortable manner.
“If being President does not make you happy, what else would?”
Coriolanus hears the bitter sarcasm in your voice but decides not to say anything about it.  He rests his cheek against your head as he watches you play with a wax seal stamp.  Your delicate fingers trace the Snow family crest engraved on it.
“Marry me.”
He said it so nonchalantly, like his statement carries no weight.  Just another move on the chessboard.
You grew up dreaming about the day when Coriolanus Snow will finally ask you to marry him.  Your days in the academy were dedicated to make that dream come true. 
A wedding between you two would have sealed the deal but the unspoken uncertainties in your head are speaking louder than you would have wanted.
“We can give it a month.  It’ll be plenty of time for preparations to-”
“I do not want to marry you.”
His caress on your thigh halts and his hand grips your flesh.
You wince at his tone.  You knew he never took rejection kindly.  You look at your lap and saw his hold getting tighter and tighter.
“I have articulated myself perfectly.”
Coriolanus purses his lips.  It has been a while since he felt this loss.  You have become a constant in his life, always giving him your helpful insights that guide his decisions.  Now, it was you who has become a riddle.
“You feel for me.”  He says, but his tone was more of a question. 
“I do.”  You respond with your heart full, smiling at him from your shoulder.
“Then why won’t you marry me?”  He asks exasperatedly. 
You wanted to tell him why but you decided against it.  He might question your dedication for this and you are reminded of Dr. Gaul’s words.
Choosing not to answer seems like the safest option now so you stay silent.  
After realizing that you have no plans in answering, Coriolanus does not push you further.
You are a puzzling woman but he was almost certain you would want to marry him too.
As the night deepens, neither of you move, mulling the heaviness of what just transpired between you.
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Quest for Happiness
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euphemiaamillais · 9 months
blurb - mentor!coriolanus snow corrupts his tribute
cw: 18+//corruption kink//dub-con//blowjobs//fingering//piv sex//mentions of death (you are a tribute after all)
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you’re his favourite tribute, he reminds you each time he makes a visit to your apartments. he’s been granted the illusive role once again, after dr. gaul had noticed his success—and to thank him for his immense contribution to changing the way the capitol viewed the games. so, in thanks, he was allowed to pick any tribute he wanted—of course he selected you. pretty, but oh-so-innocent. he mostly wanted you so he could force you onto your knees and have you lap every last drop of cum from his cock.
that’s why he was here this evening, a bouquet of roses in his arms, matching the one on his lapel, coming on the guise that he wanted to have a special dinner to commemorate your going into the games in two days’ time. you’d ensured your stylist had dressed you in the prettiest gown—a soft green dress that flowed over your figure in such a way that you had gasped when you saw yourself in the mirror. you wanted to look good for coriolanus after all—he had been so kind to you, and it was the least you could do to look pretty for him.
when he arrives at the door, he’s dressed handsomely in a starched white button up shirt and black dress pants, and he hands you the array of flowers. you gasp, bowing your head in thanks and rushing to put them in a vase. however, an avox sweeps past and takes them from your hand to rearrange them for you. a feeling of dread washes over you as you realise it’s unlikely that you’ll be alive to see the flowers wilt. however, you force a smile back on your face, giddy with excitement that your mentor has come to pay you a visit.
‘how’s my favourite tribute?’ coriolanus inquires, grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it, his eyes glistening with a certain intention. you blush, the imprint of his lips burning into your hand. you still felt it after he’d pulled away from you.
‘oh, well, i’m certainly doing well now that you’re here, mr snow,’ you smile, making your way to the settee to rest your legs. you’d been pacing for hours in anticipation of his arrival.
‘what did i tell you about calling me that—really, it’s not like i’m president or something.’ he reprimands gently, and you nod in apology.
he can’t keep his eyes off of you; the way that dress hugs every curve on your body, how its neckline plunges to reveal your pert breasts. he fantasises about unzipping you, hands caressing your breasts, fingers bringing your nipples to harden, and then sliding his tongue over them as you squirm beneath him. of course, he’s getting ahead of himself—you notice his face is hot, which only makes you blush in return. whatever could he be thinking of?
‘i do have another present for you,’ he says, and your eyes light up with delight. presents are such a rarity back in the districts that the mere mention of a gift sends your heart pounding with excitement.
‘oh really!’ you gasp gleefully, and he nods, his icy blue eyes glistening at the thought of what he’s about to do. his poor, innocent little tribute. you’d never expect this, but he knows you’re so desperate to please him—you’ll do anything just to make your mentor happy.
‘but you have to close your eyes. can you do that for me?’ he says in his charming tone, the one he uses when he really wants something. you comply, squeezing your eyes shut with a giggle of excitement, body thrumming with anticipation.
coriolanus unbuckles his belt, and pulls down his pants which are already straining with the hard bulge of his cock. he’s aching for you; aching for relief.
‘what is it, coryo?’ he sighs as you use his pet name; one hand firmly gripping his cock.
‘hush, it’s a surprise. but i promise you’ll really like it…’ he uses his free hand to caress your cheek, and you blush at the touch. his large hands are a little cold, but you welcome his ministrations.
‘okay…’ you giggle again, and he feels his cock begin to leak with precum—your innocence eggs him on, he wants nothing more than to tarnish you completely, make you his.
‘open your mouth,’ he commands, and willingly, you oblige. perhaps he’s given you something sweet. your belly grumbles with hunger, the thought of a bonbon or perhaps a chocolate truffle making you salivate.
you feel him ease something in; it’s firm, but it feels familiar in a way. it tastes… salty almost. you hear him let out a breathy sigh. coriolanus feels the sweet relief of your mouth around him, tongue thick with saliva, coating him so well.
‘don’t bite, sweetheart,’ he winces at the slight feeling of your teeth—you can’t help it, you’re just so hungry. ‘you suck it.’
you take his advice, and use your tongue to lick at the thing he’s put into your mouth. your eyes are still firmly shut, and he hasn’t told you to open them yet, so you assume it’s part of your present. perhaps it’s to enrich the experience—something you’ve heard the garishly festooned capitol citizens say.
‘good girl,’ he groans, feeling your tongue swirl around the tip of his cock, and he begins to slide himself in and out at a gentle pace. you’re not ready for a full face-fucking, no. he can’t spoil you that bad.
you blush at his praise, feeling him move your gift further inside your mouth. you feel something hit the back of your throat, and you gag a little, eyes brimming with tears. you try to squeeze them away with your shut eyes, but your attempts are in vain.
your eyes sting, and you are forced to open them, much to his dismay. coriolanus shakes his head in disapproval as you open your eyes to see him standing above you, cock fucking your pretty little throat. you furrow your brow, a little shocked at his corruption of you; but nonetheless you continue to suck.
‘what did i say about opening your eyes, sweetheart?’ he inquires, one hand stroking the back of your head, twisting his fingers in your shiny tresses.
‘i’m sorry,’ you say, voice muffled as your lips stretch around his tip. you’ve never done this before, but figure it’s quite simple. after all, you’d been doing it with your eyes closed.
‘you’ve been such a good girl; i wanted to give you something special, in thanks.’ he pushed your head back down onto his cock, groaning with delight as you sucked him.
you look up at him with your teary eyes, laving your tongue around his throbbing cock, feeling the rigid veins as he ruts into you. coriolanus tossed his head back, lips drawn into a satisfied grin. you looked so perfect taking him all in. god, just imagine how your cunt would feel around him—stretching out your pretty little pussy with his big, hard cock.
he thinks about how you’ll probably be dead in a few days time—he supposes he ought to relish you while he can, as morbid as it seems.
his thrusts slow, and you feel something warm release at the back of your throat. he pulls out, hot cum dripping from the tip of his cock, and starving, not having eaten in hours, you lap up all the leaking spend.
‘oh fuck,’ he sighs, patting your head as you slide your tongue up and down over the tip. he tingles with overstimulation.
you swallow obediently; he tastes a little salty, but not unpleasant, and feel it slide down into your belly. coriolanus leans down to press a kiss to your plump, wet lips; a little bruised from the sucking. he hoped the gamemakers wouldn’t notice you’d been a little maimed before the games.
‘i’m full now,’ you muse, eyes glistening a little with delight. he laughs at your sudden cheek, and you smile, glad to have just pleased him. that’s all you wanted—his approval; him telling you how good you were as you sucked him off.
‘mhm, i don’t know about that sweetheart,’ his lips curl up into an impish grin. you cock a brow; confused.
‘are you going to do that again?’ you inquire, gnawing at your bottom lip. while you enjoyed it, you felt the nagging feeling between your thighs; want, want for something more. a different kind of hunger.
‘no,’ his voice trailed off, and he knelt down, placing his hands on your thighs. ‘but i’m going to fill you another way.’
his hands creep up your dress, pushing the flimsy fabric aside, revealing your lack of panties—after all, it was impossible with the dress. he groans, seeing your cunt on display, his hands parting your legs which are sticky with want.
‘what are you doing?’ your voice trembles a little, not out of fear, but out of curiosity. back home, you’d known very little about the ways of the world. sure, you’d kissed boys, but nothing ever went further than a bit of tongue. you only knew that your body was desperate for him, and that you assumed, he’d use some part of himself to relieve that aching pressure building up.
‘shhh, relax, sweetheart,’ he put a finger to your lips, and thus you obliged, watching as he dips fingers in the slickness of your cunt.
you cry out, his fingers stretching out your tight little hole. he purses his lips together smugly, feeling you tense around him again—you’re a virgin. he feels his own belly burn with desire at the knowledge that he will be the first to tarnish you, to fuck you full of cum and claim you as his. in fact, you really do belong to him. your life depends on how many sponsors he can rack up for you, and how well he prepares you for the arena. he has to admit, he loves the power surge he gets from this.
he pumps his fingers in and out, adding another when he feels you loosening around them; wanting to stretch you out enough for you to be able to take him.
‘oh!’ you mewl as he fucks you with his fingers; your own making a fist in the rich upholstered fabric of the settee.
‘good girl,’ he praises, and you smile, proud to be pleasing him so well. you see his cock harden again. it is pressing against his stomach, the tip red with need; he’s so desperate to fuck your tight little hole and pump you full of his cum.
‘lay back,’ he demands, and you oblige, wiggling back on the settee and propping yourself up with your shoulders.
he guides his cock with his hands, and slides it slowly inside of you. you feel your walls loosen around him; stretching with a little pain at first, but you’re so wet that soon all you can feel is a delicious fullness, and the tingling growing more.
‘fuck you’re tight,’ he grunts, beginning to thrust into you. he can’t help but be a little greedy, bucking into you with vigour and force—he doesn’t really care if it hurts you, you’re just so tight that he is filled with the desperate need to spoil you.
he is poised over you now, muscular arms propping himself up, and you reach your hands around to caress his back; wanting to feel some sense of closeness. you’ve hardly known him a week, and yet he’s shown your more kindness than anybody else in the capitol.
he begins to pound into you, overcome by his intense desire, and the feeling of you clenching around his big cock is enough to send him yearning for satisfaction. you moaned, eyes rolling back in pleasure as he filled you full; cock buried so deep you could feel his balls slapping against the bare skin between your cunt and bottom.
‘mhm, coryo,’ you mutter into his shoulder, fingers clawing at his back.
‘such a pretty baby, taking my cock like this,’ he grins, rutting you like you’re nothing better than a common white. ‘can’t believe you’re letting me make you mine, huh? what other tribute would do that? are you a little slut, hm?’
‘uh huh,’ you nod, too fucked out on his cock to muster up anything but a few moans. you’d never imagined he’d be taking you, spoiling you with his big cock. and yet, you’d let him. he’d known how much of a desperate little whore you were; blushing too much whenever he praised you as you showed him your stamina in training.
coriolanus grips your hips as he fastened his pace, driving himself in and out; your wet pussy making a delightful sound as he rutted you. he watches as your tits bounce in that flouncy green dress, threatening to spill out with every thrust. if he wouldn’t get in trouble for ruining your dress, he’d have cum all over your tits, painting you with his spend. but he delighted more in pumping you full instead; watching it drip out as you tried to clean yourself up and put on a show of decorum.
‘fuck,’ he moans as your walls tense around him, your heat burning as his thrusts turn slow. ‘i’m gonna fill you up, hm? would you like that?’
you nod drunkenly—absolutely blissful from his cock. you shudder a little, feeling a sudden tightness in your belly—your cunt contracts slightly, and you gush around him, your first and albeit weak orgasm.
he bucks his hips, grunting and groaning as he finishes inside of you, filling you up with his second load; sticky and hot with desire.
‘god, you’re such a little slut, taking all of my cum, letting me ruin you like that,’ he says exasperatedly, not sliding out yet so he can ensure his cum stays in you—after all, you need to be reminded that you’re his. ‘i wonder what the gamemakers would say if they knew you were letting your mentor pump you full of his cum? letting a fucking slut into the arena…’
your cheeks burn with embarrassment, feeling his cum inside of you; a deliciously full sensation. you’re not so hungry anymore. he slides out of you, and watches as his seed begins to slowly trickle out of you and down your thighs.
‘will you come again, coryo?’ you ask, bottom lip between your teeth, a sheepish look painted upon your pretty face. he laughs in disbelief.
‘what, that desperate to have me before you go into the arena?’ he is a little surprised by this, but is gloating all over at the fact that you’re just so drunk on his cock.
‘mhm, please coryo,’ your lip trembles, eyes stretching wide with plea. ‘grant a dying girl her wish.’
his look darkens, and you feel a pit in your stomach form. neither of you were saying it, but it was unlikely that you’d be making it out alive. perhaps if you were especially lucky… but chances were slim.
‘i’ll try my best. for my favourite tribute,’ he half-promises, feeling a tightness in his chest when he has to remember that you too, are human. not some little doll to play with. he’s not one for getting feelings involved. he learned that the hard way, with lucy gray.
‘thank you coryo,’ you muse, pressing a kiss to his lips. you feel a tender flutter in your heart.
he dresses, and then leaves with the half-hearted promise of being back soon, perhaps later tonight if he can manage to sneak past the guards. of course, he only cares about satisfaction. knowing he has you wrapped around his finger means he has better luck at getting you to win—you’ll do whatever he says.
that’s how he leaves you, his favourite tribute, blissful from his cock, and wanting more; desperate for him. you don’t know his real intentions, that you’re just his little plaything, the chance to bring further glory to his name.
coriolanus snow is a bad man.
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fromorigintofinality · 6 months
i dont post on here a ton but i gotta say the growing attitude on tumblr that voting in the US is somehow useless is really concerning.
just recently i saw this post that was basically making fun of people saying that voting was the way to change the system, and that's just.. wrong? like seriously, how do you think roe v. wade got overturned? its because despite everything, republicans are smart voters and know how to play the long game.
but leftists as of late have lost that quality i feel. instead of advocating for people to vote, they advocate for some "revolution" they think will solve everything. among the people in the post mentioned earlier being glorified as revolutionaries were mao zedong and stalin, and when asked why the poster was glorifying these horrific figures, they said, "yes. Mao freed my family and stalin defeated the fascists. Get with the program sugar"
do you notice anything about that? do you notice how it sounds like the way a child describes the world? "stalin defeated the fascists" like he's some hero who defeated the evil horde of thieves? the way things like the red guard, struggle sessions, all of that, are completely ignored on the side of Mao? how this person, despite having a trans flag in their pfp, is ignoring how the utterly homophobic state of the Chinese government at present is the fault of Mao? how they ignore horrific things such as the Gulag on side of Stalin? this person cannot think, and the only way they believe that the world can move forward is a revolution, and revolution's don't work when the people advocating for them do nothing.
maybe one could argue that this was just a one off type of thing, and that all of the thousands of people liking and reblogging this post are just weirdos. but whether or not thats true, this growing sentiment of praying to a revolution that will never come is indeed growing. and its not just like these people stay in their lane, they actively encourage and probably will cause people to not vote.
so i want to remind everybody. elections are not a moral choice. joe biden is complicit and actively funding a genocide, but not voting for him, third party or not (if you still think third parties are viable please look into the history behind them), will make it more likely that trump will win, and that things in palestine and other things that joe biden has failed in will get 1000x worse. candidates in elections are a bus stop to the real goal, and treating them as such is smart voting, republicans proved this with the overturning of roe v. wade.
please do not be selfish. this last bit may seem out of nowhere, but i need to say this. this type of thinking is selfish. it is selfish and almost impossible to detect as such for the people who believe in it. if you are the type of person who believes in this style of thinking, you have created a completely arbitrary moral code, and care more about your conscience than real political change. you believe yourself to have completely good morals that are universally good, and for the consequences of following these morals, you don't consider the real change that will occur, just your conscience and peace of mind. as for what happens because of that moral code, you will always find a way around looking inwards to how you contributed.
this election season may be the most important yet, please learn to take the practical route instead of the "pure" route.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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From Sukuna, made with love
Christmas is your favorite time of the year. You love the coziness, the warmth, the love. But unfortunately, all this feels less magical when you know you will spend Christmas Eve alone. And so you desperately try to find someone to keep you company via your dating app. But maybe the real magic of Christmas is already right in front of you, brewing your favorite coffee and baking your favorite cupcakes while wearing a far too smug smirk and complaining too loudly about the stupid Santa hat he has to wear at work.
Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff, Christmas AU, Coffee Shop AU Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: none, just lots of fluff, flirting and kissing. This is a non-curses AU. Sukuna is the barista from hell to some of his customers but not to you :) All characters are of age. My blog contains 18+ content. Minors don't interact.
There is now art for this story!! Thank you so much to the lovely @irideste for drawing barista!Sukuna!!
This is my contribution to my sweet friend @shirohyorin's Ficmas Calendar! Thank you so much for hosting this cute collab, Loni! I hope my story can add to the coziness you are spreading over our dash. I wish everyone a sweet December and merry Christmas if you celeberate it!
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December 1
The doorbell jingles softly as you enter your favorite coffee shop. It makes you smile because the sound reminds you of Christmas. Like Santa's sleigh with the reindeer. The smell that drifts towards you adds even more to the Christmassy feeling. The rich taste of coffee and hot chocolate laced with cinnamon and gingerbread spice.
You sigh happily. This is your little safe place, your sanctuary every morning before you start your hectic work day. And especially now, when the countdown to Christmas has begun, and the pretty Christmas decorations and lights are up, this little coffeeshop all in white is the coziest place you know.
You smile to yourself, already looking forward to a little treat before work, a gingerbread latte, and maybe a cinnamon roll. You look over at the counter, expecting to see the owner or one of the usual baristas. But you blink in surprise when your gaze lands on someone else.
A new guy.
He stands out in the white interior like a black sheep amidst its white herd. He is dressed all in black and is tall and muscular with an athletic build. His hair is pink and styled in a fashionable-looking undercut. His ears are pierced several times, and his face is adorned with filigree black tattoed lines.
He looks intimidating. Strikingly attractive but scary. And definitely very out of place in the middle of all the sparkly white and silver Christmas decorations.
The woman before you grabs her bag of cookies and leaves, giving you space to step up to the counter.
Your breath catches when a pair of pretty maroon eyes meets yours. They are framed by long black lashes and a second pair of eyes, tattoed ones, black and red. But what strikes you the most is the intensity with which those eyes look at you. As if the owner of those eyes can see right into your soul.
The corners of his eyes crinkle, and you realize that the new guy is smirking at you, looking almost infuriatingly smug, as if he knows how flustered you are by his gaze.
Even his voice is mocking you. A sexy lazy drawl that should rather be used in the bedroom than in a cozy little coffee shop at 7:00 in the morning!
"Good morning, princess. What can I get you?"
"Sukuna, you shouldn't call customers pet names!"
"Oh, shut up, Yuuta! Get back into the kitchen or something and stop getting on my nerves. I'm just being nice. Isn't that what is expected of me here?"
You watch the little quarrel with wide eyes until those maroon eyes snap back to you. The new guy, Sukuna apparently, laughs softly, revealing two rows of straight white teeth. And a pink tongue that curls upwards to press its tip to his front teeth, letting you catch a glimpse of something sparkly in his mouth. You realize only a split second later that Sukuna has a tongue piercing. You don't know why this fact makes your pulse flutter.
Sukuna cocks his head, fixing you with his intense gaze and a lifted eyebrow, like a cat checking you out, deciding whether you are worthy of its presence,
"So, let's try this again, huh? What do you want to order?"
"Um...I...a ... a large gingerbread latte, please...but can I get extra cinnamon, please?"
"Sure, anything you want, princess."
He smirks at you again before walking over to the coffeemaker. He is really tall. And his skinny black jeans are snug on his thighs and firm butt, making you silently curse yourself for checking out your new barista's ass. Sukuna is looking at you over his broad shoulder and asking in that velvety voice,
"What's your name?"
You tell him, and he nods, grabbing the pen next to the coffeemaker and scribbling your name on a paper cup before he starts preparing your order.
A few moments later, Sukuna puts the cup in front of you with another big grin on his handsome face.
"Here, enjoy!"
His long fingers are still wrapped around the cup. He's wearing black nail polish. Of course, he is! You almost snort. But his handwriting is surprisingly elegant.
You take the cup from him and give him a polite smile,
"Thank you. Have a nice day."
"Have a nice day too, sweetheart. Make sure to come back tomorrow."
His voice is filled with amusement, and the cheeky wink he gives you is absolutely not the way the other baristas treat the customers.
You quickly leave, wondering why your face feels so warm. It must be the heating in the coffee shop.
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December 2
"Good morning, princess. I'll get your order."
You are greeted by a smirking Sukuna, who is leaning casually against the shiny white counter, bracing himself on his elegant hands. The sleeves of his black sweater are pushed up to his elbows, exposing a pair of tattoed forearms. Tattooed and toned.
You stare at them for a moment too long before you lift your face to blink still a bit sleepily at Sukuna. His words register in your mind, and you frown in confusion.
"But...I didn't order anything yet."
"Oh, you don't have to. I know what you want."
His maroon eyes sparkle teasingly. You hate the way you get so flustered by a stupid comment like that. But something about the way Sukuna looks at you with so much confidence and smugness makes it hard not to get nervous.
Sukuna chuckles and turns around to walk over to the coffeemaker. When he comes back to place the paper cup in front of you, you see your name written on it correctly with a smiling face next to it, and Sukuna announces in a triumphant tone,
"Large gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon."
He really remembered your name and your coffee order. You can't help but be impressed. It took his coworkers weeks to remember those things.
You leave the coffee shop with a smile, sighing happily as you take the first sip of your gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon. Perfect! Exactly like you want it.
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December 6
You are in a bad mood this morning as you wait in line in the little coffee shop. Your thoughts are occupied with what your workday holds in store for you today. So you barely manage a weak smile when it's your turn to place your order.
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, 
"Rough morning ahead, princess?"
You nod, oddly touched that he noticed something is amiss.
"Yeah, I have a meeting with my boss today, and he will probably give me even more work."
Sukuna srunches his nose,
"In that case, you need something sweet to get you through the day. Take one of the red velvet cupcakes! They are the best. Trust me on that."
Before you can reply, he is already leaning down to grab a plate with a delicious-looking cupcake out of the glass display. He puts it on the counter in front of you with a boyish grin.
"Something sweet for a sweet girl."
You feel like an idiot when you drop the money you want to give him and have to pick it up from the floor with your ears ringing from the blood rushing into your head. Sukuna's laughter still carries through the coffee shop when you have already reached the door.
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December 7
"There she is! Hey, how did you like the cupcake? I didn't promise too much, did I?"
You can't help but laugh as Sukuna greets you with those words.
"It was one of the best cupcakes I ever ate! Thank you for recommending it."
He pouts, huffing in mock exasperation as he crosses his toned arms in front of his defined chest.
"Only one of the best? Then I'll make it even more delicious next time, so it will become the best cupcake you ever had. I'm not ok with only being second best!"
That makes you stop and raise your eyebrows,
"Wait, did you bake them?"
Sukuna laughs and nods smugly. There's a proud twinkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, I did. Tell me what you want me to change about the recipe, and the next batch will be the custom-made cupcake of your dreams."
Somehow you have no doubt that he is ambitious enough to really do that. And so you put a finger to your lips and lift your eyes in a playful thinking gesture,
"Hmmm, in that case, I really would love dark chocolate frosting instead of the vanilla one."
"Ok! My favorite customer wants dark chocolate. She'll get dark chocolate!"
You can't help but laugh at Sukuna's words, and hours later, when you are already sitting at your desk at work, his low playful voice still plays in your head. "My favorite customer," he said.
His favorite, huh?
A smile lifts the corners of your lips. Sukuna is definitely well on the way to becoming your favorite barista too.
As rude as he is, he is also pretty charming. You have to admit that. He definitely manages to lift your mood before a long workday. And maybe you are looking forward to his teasing comments and smug smirk every morning. Just a tiny bit.
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December 8
The first thing you see when entering the coffee shop is Sukuna's smirk, and he lifts a tattoed hand to wave at you and give you one of his teasing winks.
You chuckle softly and wave back at him as you get in line behind the other customers.
When you are only one customer away from the counter, the man in front of you steps to the side, allowing you to get a good look at the display stand. Behind the glass is a delicious-looking tray of red velvet cupcakes. This time with a dark chocolate topping, exactly as you wished for.
Your lips lift in a smile. And then your gaze lands on the little chalkboard in front of the cupcake tray. There is written in Sukuna's elegant handwriting, "(Y/N)'s dream cupcakes".
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December 10
When you enter the coffee shop this morning, you are greeted by the sight of red amongst the otherwise white interior. The two employees you see both wear bright red Santa hats.
Not Sukuna, though. He chooses that moment to stride out of the kitchen, carrying a baking sheet with Christmas cookies, looking as un-Christmassy as usual.
"Hey, Sukuna, put the hat back on! You know we have to wear them! Same rules for everyone!"
Sukuna rolls his eyes at his coworker as he places the cookies in the glass display.
"Tsk, I won't do that shit. It looks ridiculous."
His maroon gaze meets yours, and he grins.
"Let's ask a customer! Hey, princess, I'll let you be the judge."
And before you can say anything, Sukuna already grabs his discarded Santa hat and puts it on his pink hair. His eyes sparkle challengingly as he raises an eyebrow at you and points one long tattoed finger to his head,
"What do you think? This looks stupid, doesn't it?"
You stare at him wide-eyed, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights with all eyes on you. Especially that pair of maroon eyes that fixes you with an intense gaze and a smirk so attractive it should be illegal.
Your mind isn't functioning properly with all this attention on you before you even had your first fix of caffeine. And so you just blurt out what comes to your mind,
"I think it looks really good on you!"
It does. Everything looks good on Sukuna! He is gorgeous. He could even wear some reindeer antlers and a glowing red nose and pose as Rudolph, and he would still look hot!
Maybe your answer was a bit too enthusiastic, though, judging by the smug look on Sukuna's face. You feel embarrassed, averting your gaze quickly and feeling much too hot suddenly. But Sukuna just laughs.
"Well, in that case, I'll leave it on. Just for you, sweetheart."
The loud "Ooooooh!!" coming from the people in the waiting line behind you makes you wish the ground would swallow you whole, but at the same time, you cannot help but snicker softly and grin as you take your coffee from Sukuna.
The grin won't leave your face even when you are already on your train to work.
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December 12
Today you chose to pay the little coffee shop a visit after work. It's already pretty late, but you can't bring yourself to get up from your comfy seat at your favorite table that lets you watch the wintery street. People rush past the coffee shop on their way back home from work. Some carry big bags filled with Christmas presents, probably. You see small children on their parents' hands, pointing excitedly at the Christmas lights installed on the street lamps and the buildings.
It started to snow an hour ago, and now the trees lining the street are covered in fluffy-looking powdery snow. You watch, mesmerized, as big snowflakes slowly soar down from the sky.
It's so comfortable here in the coffee shop. Warm and cozy. You take a sip from your coffee before closing the e-mail you have been responding to. And now your finger lands on another app.
Tokyo Hearts – The dating app for lonely city hearts.
You open the app and get greeted by their current seasonal welcome message. You don't want to be alone on the merriest day of the year? Find a date for Christmas Eve here and discover true love.
You sigh. If only it was so easy! As much as you love Christmas time, it also gives you a little pang this year because you know you will be lonely on Christmas Eve.
Or maybe not! A notification pops up, telling you there is a new message for you.
The guy who sent it looks cute. And he works in an animal shelter, which makes him sound like the type of guy you could like.
Your finger hovers over the reply button, thinking hard about what you could message him back when a low voice next to your ear makes you jump,
"Are you looking for a boyfriend online, princess?"
You squeal loudly and almost drop your phone, struggling to catch it before it falls into your coffee.
Your gaze snaps up to Sukuna's tall figure, seeing him grin that insufferable grin at you.
You hurriedly lock your phone screen while trying to fight the embarrassment washing over you. As if Sukuna caught you doing something dirty.
"W...what are you doing over here, Sukuna?"
Sukuna graces you with a shit-eating teasing grin as he replies,
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I work here. Maybe I am being a good employee for once and checking on my customers to see if they are happy in our wonderful coffee shop or if they have another wish. Crazy, I know!"
His maroon eyes are full of mischief as he leans casually against your table.
You huff and roll your eyes,
"Wow, I guess I am talking to the employee of the month. But I don't need anything at the moment, thank you."
Sukuna laughs at your reply, but he doesn't leave. Instead, he shoves his hands into the pocket of the apron he is wearing over his black jeans and sweater and eyes you with a strange look on his handsome face.
"Be careful if you want to meet up with one of those guys from your little dating app. You never know what kind of idiots hide behind that screen."
That makes you blink up at him, surprised at the uncharacteristically serious tone of his usually so playful and teasing voice. Sukuna is towering over you with his tall height, but the bright red Santa hat atop his pink hair makes him look cute instead of intimidating today.
And his concern is touching. You find yourself nodding slowly and smiling gratefully at him.
"I'll be careful. Thank you, Sukuna."
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December 13
Your date with the animal shelter guy is a disaster.
You asked him to meet you in the coffee shop, and at first glance animal shelter guy is cute. But it only takes about ten minutes to realize that a cute face doesn't make a cute personality.
He is annoying. A know-it-all who keeps talking over you, making fun of your taste in movies and music, scrunching his nose at your job, and even looking down on the gingerbread latte with the extra cinnamon you love so much.
Not even half an hour into the date, you already know you never want to see him again. But he refuses to get the hint even when you start responding with only one-worded answers. You have a feeling he even prefers that you don't talk anymore because, most of all, he likes to listen to himself. And so he keeps on talking, sharing his opinions with you about this and that.
You zone out and let your gaze wander across the coffee shop and over to the counter, where Sukuna's tall figure is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. His maroon eyes meet yours. He has been watching your table, you realize.
He raises one eyebrow curiously, and then his gaze slips to your date and then back to you with a knowing grin. He lifts his right hand and makes a throat-slitting gesture.
You have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud, but your eyes sparkle amusedly at him as you nod softly.
Sukuna pushes himself off the wall and grabs a tray with a large coffee cup that his coworker just put on the counter, making said coworker complain loudly. But Sukuna ignores him and, to your astonishment, starts walking toward your table.
Your eyes widen in foreboding as Sukuna stops next to your table, smiling down at animal shelter guy. It's a dangerous smile. And his low voice is sugary sweet, dripping with fake politeness,
"Here is your order, sir."
Your date lifts his head to snap at Sukuna,
"What do you mean!? I didn't order anything."
Sukuna's smirk grows wider as he stands there in all his glory, tall and gorgeous, looking intimidating with all his tattoos and piercings and the toned muscles of his biceps flexed from balancing the tray.
He cocks his head, eyeing your date with an amused expression on his handsome face that reminds you of a cat playing with a mouse,
"Aww, you didn't? Well, I guess this is on the house, then. Enjoy."
And with that, Sukuna flicks his long fingers against the large coffee cup, making it tip over.
You watch in fascinated horror as the coffee spills out of the cup and gushes over animal shelter guy's shirt.
"What the fuck!!?? Can't you be more careful!??"
Your date jumps up from his seat, hands twisted in his soaking wet shirt while he glares daggers at Sukuna, who just watches him with a satisfied grin.
You can't help but laugh but try to hide it by coughing into your hand while you watch the scene before you.
Animal shelter guy is now gesturing wildly with his hands, spitting insults at Sukuna.
But Sukuna just smiles devilishly at him and informs him in a dangerously soft voice,
"I want you to walk out that door now and never come back."
"I will NOT do that! Who do you think you are? I want to talk to your boss!"
That makes Sukuna laugh,
"Oh, I can do anything I want. My shift, my rules. And you are banned for a lifetime. Bye bye loverboy."
Sukuna jerks his chin towards the door and adds,
"You better not make me drag you out."
His gaze is stern now. The smile is gone. And apparently, your date finally gets the hint that he shouldn't get on Sukuna's wrong side. He scrambles to grab his jacket and hurries towards the door without a glance back,
Sukuna calls after him,
"And don't ever contact her again! I will find out about it if you do!"
You spend the next hour chatting with your favorite barista and eating a red velvet cupcake which he brings to your table with the words:
"On the house because you deserve that after having to listen to that loser for longer than a minute."
When you leave, you smile and call out softly,
"Thank you, Sukuna."
His answering smile is so genuine and pretty that it makes your breath catch in your throat.
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December 14
You have a dream where you are at a speed-dating event in the coffee shop, and Sukuna walks from table to table and pours various drinks over every potential date partner.
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December 15
You can already spot Sukuna from outside the coffee shop. He stands out, as usual, dressed all in black, tall and athletic, with pastel-colored pink hair and black tattoos.
But you realize immediately that there's an important detail missing. Where is the Santa hat he is supposed to wear?
You scrunch your nose. Maybe he decided to fuck the rules after all. It would suit him. You shake your head in amusement and push the door open.
The little bell jingles, and the comforting smell of coffee and Christmas wraps you in its cozy embrace.
And a pair of maroon eyes instantly meets yours.
Your heart does a weird thing. It throbs.
And Sukuna strides over to the counter and grabs something off it. His Santa hat, you realize a moment later, when he puts it on his head while grinning broadly at you.
The gesture makes you laugh, and when it's your turn to place your order, you can't help but comment teasingly,
"I see you are following your boss' wishes. Good boy."
At the beginning of the month, you wouldn't have dared talk like that to Sukuna. But by now, the two of you have established quite the playful banter, so teasing him back a little won't hurt, you assume.
Sukuna throws his head back, laughing loudly, revealing his slightly pointy canines and the silver tongue piercing that glitters in the light of the coffee shop. His voice is a low, seductive purr when he answers,
"Oh, I'm not wearing that stupid hat for my boss. I'm only wearing it for you."
And once again, you leave the coffee shop with a big grin and a fluttery feeling in your stomach.
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December 16
There's a small heart doodled onto your coffee-to-go cup.
You spot it in the middle of a meeting when you play with the cup in your hand and turn it to look at your name in Sukuna's elegant handwriting.
A heart.
It's red.
You didn't even know they have a red pen in the coffee shop.
When your boss asks you a question, you stutter because you have no idea what he is talking about.
The paper cup stays on your desk even after it is empty.
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December 17
The 17th day of December is the day when the "red velvet incident" happens.
You're standing in the waiting line, smiling to yourself as you already look forward to your gingerbread latte and a yummy red velvet cupcake. Of course, the ones with the dark chocolate frosting. The ones Sukuna always bakes for you now.
But your smile wavers when you catch a glimpse of the display and see that only one cupcake is left. And, of course, the guy in front of you orders a red velvet cupcake right now.
You silently curse and already try to come up with a replacement when Sukuna looks the guy dead in the eye and informs him,
"We are out of red velvet."
You blink. The other customer is just as surprised as you are because his head snaps from Sukuna to the cupcake and back again.
"Um, no, there is still one left."
Sukuna shakes his head,
"What do you mean? It's right there."
"It's not available."
Sukuna lets out an irritated breath and straightens up, crossing his toned arms in front of his chest. His maroon eyes glitter dangerously as he glares at the customer,
"Do you want to be a problem? When I tell you there is no red velvet cupcake available, then there is none available. Now order something else or leave!"
Your eyes widen, and you watch in stunned amusement as the man stares at Sukuna for a long moment before he takes the hint and nervously asks for a cinnamon cupcake instead before hurriedly leaving the coffee shop, probably never to return again.
You step up to the counter. The same maroon eyes that were so unrelenting only a moment ago twinkle amusedly at you now, and the face that was so stern and threatening, is now lighting up in such a genuine and dazzling smile that it makes you feel a bit lightheaded.
"Hey, princess. Fancy a red velvet cupcake?"
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December 19
It's hard to focus on work today. 
The paper cup standing in the middle of your desk is just too distracting. Maybe not the paper cup itself, but definitely the message that is written under your name.
From Sukuna, made with love.
A stick-figure is doodled next to it, with a grin on its tattoed face and a Santa hat on its head.
And somehow, your heart beats a bit too fast.
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December 20
You roam through your dating app just like every night before you sleep. But you skip all the guys it suggests to you. They are all lacking something. Even though you can't tell what it is you don't like about them. They all seem nice and good-looking. So what is it that you are missing?
But in your dream that night, you see yourself sending a message to a very familiar guy with pink hair and tattoos on his handsome face.
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December 22
"So, did you meet anyone new on your little dating app, princess?"
Sukuna's gaze burns into yours, making you gulp hard before you manage to answer.
"Um, yeah, I have been exchanging some messages with someone. He asked me to be his Christmas Eve date."
Yesterday morning you woke up to a message from a good-looking businessman who rather straightforwardly asked you to be his date for Christmas Eve since he didn't like spending the evening alone.
As unromantic as the message was, you replied to him and agreed. After all, everything was better than being alone on that day. And this way, two lonely hearts wouldn't have to be so alone on that special day.
You thought you would feel relief upon finding someone to keep you company on Christmas Eve. After all, this was the sole reason why you downloaded that dating app. You were scared to spend this special evening alone. So you should be glad you found someone who wants to take you on a date. Right?
But why do you feel so unsure about it all of a sudden now that you are standing here in front of Sukuna? Why does it feel so wrong?
There's a strange twinkle in Sukuna's pretty eyes, and his smug expression wavers for a split second, but then he huffs softly, and his arrogant smirk is back in place. His soft, teasing laughter fills the air,
"Good for you. But I hope this isn't another loser like the last guy. Bring him here, ok? So I can have an eye on him. You know I'm excellent at getting rid of your failed dates."
Your fingers touch Sukuna's when you reach out to take the paper cup from him. His fingers are warm, and only the silver of the rings he's wearing feels slightly cool to the touch.
His eyes still look deeply into yours. They are an enticing shade of brown you have never seen on anyone else before. Maroon, like rich red wine, dangerous and warm at the same time. Framed by pretty black lashes and the filigree tattoos on his face.
Sukuna still hasn't pulled his hand away. And your fingers are still lightly wrapped around his, not making a move either to take the cup from him.
Only when Sukuna's coworker yells from the kitchen that a fresh tray of Christmas cookies is ready, do the two of you pull away.
When you leave the coffee shop to run towards the train station, you can't help but let a treacherous thought slip into your mind.
What if your date for Christmas Eve had pink hair and a smug smirk and made the best red velvet cupcakes you ever tasted? Would you feel happier about your date then?
You know the answer but forbid yourself to think about it.
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December 23
"Do you have any plans for Christmas Eve, Sukuna?"
You curse yourself for asking. You didn't want to give in to the urge, but you couldn't stop obsessing over it. What is your favorite barista doing on that day? Does he have a date himself? Will he leave the coffee shop behind to meet some beautiful girl or boy and take them on a date, making them laugh and flirt with them until they are so flustered they can only stutter? Will he kiss someone under a mistletoe? Will he take someone home and keep them warm in his strong arms while the snow falls down over the city?
The thought makes an uncomfortable knot form in your stomach.
Please don't say you are going on a date! Please don't say you are meeting someone else!
"No, I don't. I took the evening shift. I'll be here, blessing the love-drunk couples with my presence. The best Christmas gift, I dare say."
He winks at you, sounding smug and teasing like ever, but you feel like there is a little edge to the comment.
You are already at work when it hits you: Sukuna took the evening shift. He will be here tomorrow when you meet your date.
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December 24
Christmas Eve.
The time for couples. The time for love and romantic dates.
And yet you are sitting alone at your favorite table in the coffee shop.
Your date is already twenty minutes late.
The truth is you aren't even sure you still want him to show up. Or that you ever wanted him to show up at all. Because isn't all of this just a farce anyway?
You aren't interested in that guy. You don't know him and don't want to get to know him. Your heart doesn't beat faster when you think of him. There aren't any butterflies in your tummy when you see his pictures. You have no warm feeling in your chest when you hear his voice. He doesn't make you laugh. He doesn't make you look forward to talking to him. He doesn't know your favorite coffee order or that you like dark chocolate frosting on your red velvet cupcakes.
So what are you even doing here? It's an uncomfortable truth but one you have to face. You only wanted to meet him because you didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve.
But is this the right way to do it? Fight loneliness with a meaningless date?
It was stupid to do this. And now you are sitting here amidst all those happy couples, clutching your coffee cup tightly in your hands, feeling the sadness wash over you.
So stupid.
How could you think that you could force yourself to have a romantic Christmas Eve?
You get startled out of your misery when Sukuna suddenly plops down on the bench on the other side of your table.
"He's not coming, is he?"
His beautiful maroon eyes are watching you carefully.
You bite your lip and shake your head, feeling tears gather in your eyes. You feel so small and pathetic, sitting here all alone while around you all the couples have their romantic dates. And all you managed was to get stood up by some random guy you weren't even interested in. It's so embarrassing. Surly Sukuna thinks the same.
But his eyes narrow at your words, and he reaches out to put his large hand on top of yours, giving it a short but reassuring squeeze.
"What an asshole! He doesn't know what he's missing."
"It's... it's ok, I guess. I didn't really like him anyway. I don't even know him. I just...I didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve. That's why I wanted to meet someone on that stupid dating app."
"You aren't alone, princess. I'm right here! I'll be your Christmas Eve date!"
The smirk is back on Sukuna's face, looking so handsome and charming that it makes your heart skip a beat. And his words...
You blink at him, feeling heat spread through your body. Is he serious?
You eye him shyly, not sure if this is just part of your usual banter or something else. But there is a softness on Sukuna's tattoed features you have never seen there before. As if sensing your insecurities, Sukuna adds with a smile,
"I mean it, princess. I would have asked you anyways if you didn't tell me you already had a date. And come on, I am much better than any of those guys in your dating app! With me, you'll experience the ultimate Christmas magic! So, say yes, and I'm all yours."
Laughter bubbles out of your mouth. The gloominess from a moment ago is already forgotten as you smile at your favorite barista and nod softly,
"Ok, how could I say no to an offer like that?"
Sukuna's answering laugh is warm and genuine.
"Good girl. You won't regret it. Give me five minutes, and I'll make this the best Christmas Eve of your life!"
And with that being said, he gets up and walks over to the counter. You watch him across the coffee shop, feeling your pulse race and smiling from ear to ear at the fluttery feeling you have in your stomach when Sukuna's gaze meets yours across the room, and he winks at you.
He comes back after a few minutes carrying a tray that's overflowing with red velvet cupcakes, Christmas cookies, and two slices of Christmas cake as well as your gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon. He sets it down on the table and sits down across from you with a big cheeky grin.
"Merry Christmas, princess."
He looks so pretty with his glittering maroon eyes and boyish smirk. And his low voice is gentle and playful, making it impossible not to smile brightly at him.
"You are actually really nice. Do you know that, Sukuna?"
"Oh, I can be nice if I want. But don't tell anyone. I prefer it if they are scared of me. It's more fun."
Both of you laugh at that, and after that, you fall into a comfortable conversation while sharing the delicious Christmas treats and sipping coffee. It feels so natural to be here with Sukuna. He makes you laugh and roll your eyes in mock exasperation at his arrogant comments, but your heart feels so full at everything he says, at the familiarity of it.
And you realize at that moment that this is what you have been looking forward to every morning for the last few weeks. These flirty comments, that smug smirk, those warm maroon eyes that always sparkle so mischievously.
And all the nice little things Sukuna did for you. And finally, you let yourself think those thoughts you used to consider treacherous. You let yourself feel those things you thought would lead nowhere. You let yourself admit that you like him.
You enjoy Sukuna's company. You like the way he talks and smirks and is so insufferable in the most attractive and irresistible way. You think he is the most charming person you have ever met. And as tough as he appears at first glance, he is actually caring and sweet when you don't let yourself get tricked by his rough attitude.
Another customer chooses that moment to clear his throat loudly before he addresses Sukuna,
"Hey, um, can I order?"
Sukuna musters him with a cold look, his face a stony mask.
"No, you can't. Don't you see I'm on a date too? If you want more cake, just go behind the counter and get some. Put the money on the table."
The corners of his lips lift in a grin when his gaze meets yours again, and you laugh softly, shaking your head,
"Aren't you going to get into trouble with your boss?"
Sukuna shrugs,
"I don't care. And the owner is actually my cousin. So as much as I have tried, he hasn't fired me yet. I think you'll be stuck with me as your barista."
"Oh, that's good to hear! You're my favorite, after all!"
"I know. Who else would prepare your coffee so perfectly and bake your dream cupcakes? I'm the only one who gets it right, don't I?"
And yes, it's true, you realize at that moment. Sukuna is the only one who gets it right. Not just your coffee order and your favorite cupcakes. He also gets it right when it comes to making you feel happy. He is the only one who gives you this magical Christmas feeling that you crave. He has been doing it the whole month.
And suddenly, you are filled with so much affection for your gorgeous barista. You catch yourself wishing there was a mistletoe above your table so you could seal this Christmas Eve date with a kiss.
You look around the coffee shop for one, thinking you are sneaky. But then your gaze meets Sukuna's, and you see the sly grin on his face.
"You know, you don't need a mistletoe to kiss me, princess. I'm your official date now, so you can get a kiss anytime you want."
Before you even have a chance to get embarrassed, one of Sukuna's large hands lands on yours again, and this time he interlaces his fingers with yours. He leans over the table, smiling that boyish grin at you that makes your stomach fill with butterflies. 
You see his gaze wander to your lips, and you instinctively lean closer to him too.
Is this really happening?
Maroon eyes gaze deeply into yours as Sukuna places a long finger under your chin, tilting your face up and smirking that sexy smirk at you. 
And then his lips are on yours. Warm and soft and surprisingly gentle, making you melt into the kiss with a happy sigh.
Soon your mouth opens against Sukuna's, and he deepens the kiss, making your heart race when his tongue strokes tenderly against yours. Letting you feel his tongue piercing and making you gasp at the sensation of the metal stud gliding over your tongue.
You smile when your fingers land on the back of Sukuna's neck and caress the soft stubble of his undercut, which makes Sukuna groan softly into your kiss. Before long, the Santa hat on his head falls to the ground, but neither of you cares.
Not when Sukuna's kiss is so sweet and enticing. Not when his kiss is your personal Christmas miracle.
Sukuna's fingers caress your jaw, a firm but tender touch. Just like his kiss is passionate and gentle at the same time. A deep, slow French kiss that makes your head spin.
When the two of you pull apart, you are both grinning broadly at each other, eyes filled with wonder.
Your voice is a bit hoarse when you confess softly,
"This is really the best Christmas Eve date I ever had."
Sukuna's grin grows even wider at your words,
"I am the best choice for a date all year."
"In that case, I think we should go on many more dates."
"Anything you wish, princess. I told you, my favorite customer gets anything she wants from me."
You roll your eyes, but you can't hide how pleased you are, brimming with happiness, lips lifted in a smile and eyes shining brightly. Before Sukuna can go on even more about how perfect he is, you quickly lean over the table again and shut him up with another kiss.
The other customers are forgotten. The only thing you know are warm maroon eyes and soft lips and a smug smirk that turns into a beautiful smile when you caress the tattoos on Sukuna's cheek.
It's getting late, and gradually all the couples around you leave the coffee shop to head home or to go see the Christmas lights.
And then there are only you and Sukuna left. He joins you on your side of the table. And soon after, you find yourself sitting on his lap, with Sukuna's strong arms wrapped tightly around you, his warm solid body pressed against yours, and his lips moving on yours in slow sensual kisses that taste like gingerbread spice and cinnamon.
You send a silent thank you to your original date, who decided to ditch you. Because, after all, Sukuna was right. He really is the better date. The best one you could have ever wished for.
Your perfect Christmas gift.
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Thank you so much for reading my Christmas story!! I hope you enjoyed barista Sukuna :) He definitely baked his way into my heart! I didn't plan for this story to get so long, but I couldn't stop writing. All the Christmas fluff with Kuna made me feel so happy and warm! I hope he can make your December sweeter too! If you are lonely on Christmas, you can count on barista Sukuna to make you feel better.
A big thank you again to Loni for hosting this amazing collab! It's such a sweet idea!!
Please let me know how you like barista Sukuna! Comments and reblogs make me happy :)
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purdledooturt · 6 months
WIP Wedneday
I got tagged again, and y'all... you may not know this but I basically bleed WIPs. I have nothing but WIPs. Sometimes they never become anything, and WIP Wednesdays are the only way they see the world at all. Thank you @cinnamontails-ff for freeing one of these boys from the jail.
In celebration of the announcement of the continuation of An Empirical Science, I would also like to contribute to the Holy Rolan Empire.
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The door clicked closed – then, it clicked again. Locked.
“Drop the glamour, please,” Rolan all but growled, “before I do it for you.”
Tav gasped at the commanding tone, her heart seized by cold tendrils in confusion. Immediately, she did as he had asked, dropping the disguise with an exhale. “Rolan!” Her hand flew to her chest, trying to still her pounding heart. “It’s just me!”
“Tav!” Rolan gasped back, his expression going from dark and fierce and angry to something more akin to surprise and confusion and… suspicion? With one final once-over the expression melted into something more sheepish, as his shoulders relaxed with a sigh. “I’m sorry about that. You… you had triggered some alarms, so I…” He ran a hand through his hair, letting loose a few tendrils from his normally immaculately styled half-up ‘do. “It’s good to see you, though.”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, pursing her lips together as she felt her face burn red out of embarrassment. Of course they would have security measures for disguises and seemings – she didn’t even think about it. “That was wholly my fault.”
To try and soothe the awkward air, Tav went for the first gesture she could think of: a friendly hug. Oddly, Rolan accepted – in fact, he damn near melted into it. She enjoyed his warmer body temperature, momentarily reminded of the piggy-back rides Karlach used to give her when they were racing Lae’zel. She rested her chin on his shoulder. “It’s good to see you, too.”
He pulled away from the embrace, examining her once again. “My reaction was completely unwarranted. I apologise, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just thought you… were someone else. Why were you in a disguise anyway?”
She looked down at her bag of purchases and sheepishly held them up to call his attention to them. Curiously, he peered in. “Last time I came by, Lia wouldn’t let me pay, so…”
He laughed. “You silly girl,” he said fondly, shaking his head. He gestured towards a well-lit seating area by the large floor-to-ceiling window. “Why don’t you take a seat over by the window? Let me at least get you a drink, and I’ll let Cal and Lia know you’re here so they can say hello.”
Tav marvelled at the room Rolan had claimed as his office – the walls were covered in books, from floor to ceiling, but unlike Lorroakan’s old set up it was much more organised and welcoming. Rolan had his books in shelves of polished cherry wood – she found that the desk, chairs, his drinks cabinet, and the furniture at his seating area matched, giving the room an elevated, moody, professional air. It was luxurious and neat – it was just very him.
“ I’d love a juice of some kind,” she called out over her shoulder as she settled down on the plush seat of one of the armchairs. “This place is beautiful, Rolan - you’ve outdone yourself!”
“I found the difficulty of furnishing a space is greatly made easy by having lots of money,” he said in his normal, sardonic, Rolan way, though there was markedly no bite in his tone. “I do hope this juice would do.” 
She’d turned to find him walking towards her with two glasses of wine and she laughed, leaning forward in her seat to reach for one. “That counts,” she joked, as she watched him take the other armchair across from her. She took a sip of the wine – chilled and sweet. 
Before he leaned back he reached into his pocket, pulling out a pouch which he’d tossed her way. It landed on her lap with a light jingle that betrayed its contents. “Say nothing,” he said, pre-empting her protest with a raised hand, “that should be exactly what you paid, and not a gold more.”
“One of the scrolls was on sale,” she mentioned – concern about being credited more than what actually paid oddly the first thing in her mind.
The second, she found, was amazement – the idea of Rolan just… casually calculating the cost of her purchases, just from that brief glance into her bag, just to refund her? Well, she knew he was a genius, but that was as impressive as Astarion’s one-handed lockpicking trick – it was another level entirely. “Rolan, really –”
He finally settled down in the armchair, waving her concerns away. “I’ve accounted for that, don’t worry,” he said, “just to keep the books clean for Bex.”
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Ooh - why did he react so poorly? Who was he expecting? 👀
I am super excited about this idea so I am definitely motivated to keep working on it - I just want to have it all planned out before I commit (sorry). I have a prologue whipped up that explains the whole premise from the get go, but there's a whole lot of middle to work with.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Pick a Pile - A letter from your future self
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Disclaimer: These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose.
How to pick a pile
When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise! .
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Pile 1 - Pochacco
[Waxing Moon, Aquarius, Neptune, Six of Wands; Four of Cups; Seven of Pentacles; Knight of Pentacles; Justice; King of Aquarius; Knight of Wands. Nine of Wands; Three of Cups]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Aquarius Neptune;
Neptune dominant;
Pisces/Libra/Aquarius/Capricorn/Leo in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
Greetings from the future! Today, you experienced a small but significant victory, and I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your progress. You're on the right path, and I can sense the fulfillment it brings you. However, remember that there's still a little way to go before everything falls into place. Celebrate your victories, but remain cautious about pride. It's essential to stay grounded.
I'm glad to inform you that your future self is reaping the rewards of your hard work, and you've achieved success honestly. If, at any point, you were tempted to take shortcuts or deceive others for personal gain, let me assure you that such actions will eventually catch up with you. I trust that you have stayed true to your values and principles.
In the future, you will find yourself in a more serene phase where you won't always have to be the one initiating everything. Instead, you'll play a role in overseeing and refining what has already been accomplished. It will be a calmer period, but by no means stagnant. There will still be tasks to tackle and objectives to pursue.
Presently, your primary concern revolves around your connections with others. You often question whether they genuinely support you or if someone harbors jealousy and tries to undermine your progress. You are naturally inclined towards being a people person, and your birth chart suggests that your dominant elements are Air and/or Water. Consequently, building connections and fostering relationships hold significant importance for you. Despite occasionally convincing yourself that you're better off alone, deep down, you know it to be untrue. Your fear of rejection has caused you to erect barriers, but your happiest moments in life have involved others. Remember that being in the company of like-minded individuals brings you joy.
As your future self, I urge you to stop creating unnecessary barriers with others. I understand that you've experienced pain and possess a certain wariness towards society. Seeking a safe space away from others might seem appealing, but I assure you it's not the best course of action. You need friends, companions, and a network of support. The barriers you've erected will not aid you in any way.
Rather than hiding from the world, I encourage you to venture out to places and events that truly interest you. Attend concerts, visit museums, explore fashion shows—anything that sparks your passion. Show yourself to the world. Additionally, invest time in self-improvement and self-discovery. Self-knowledge is a powerful tool for enhancing self-esteem, and there are unique contributions that only you can make. I recall a quote from a cartoon I stumbled upon but never watched extensively, and it resonated deeply: "Your heart's not broken; it's only growing." Remember that life is a series of beginnings and fresh starts. Embrace them with open arms.
Always remember that everything has its own time and place. There is a time for action and a time for reflection. Your sadness is valid, and I, more than anyone, understand the weight it carries. Rest assured that I am with you in every moment, reminiscent of a movie playing in your mind. So, do not be afraid.
Let go of the martyrdom mindset. You don't need to suffer excessively to achieve your desires. Yes, you must work hard, get organized, and continually strive for improvement, but suffering is not a prerequisite. Fight for your rights, your place in the world, and know your worth. However, leave this fight outside the sanctuary of your home. Transform your home into a temple for rest, shedding tears, self-reflection, and even indulging in childlike behavior when needed. But, from now on, shield yourself from unnecessary pain.
Your future self acknowledges your tendency to procrastinate. It's something you grapple with more than you would like. But, I want to remind you to give yourself the credit you deserve for being patient. We live in a society that demands immediate results and instant gratification, often driven by technology. However, as human beings, we can't always keep up with this relentless pace. Be patient with yourself and resist the urge to compare yourself to machines or AI. Remember, you have unique potential and capabilities.
Believe me when I say that where you are right now is just the beginning. I promise you, it will get better. You will evolve and grow, transforming from a simple donkey into a spirited horse. Keep walking, keep trying, and keep pushing forward. Embrace your innovative and creative side—the part of you that may defy rationality at times. Don't let fear dictate your relationship with society and the world. While there are challenges and hardships, not everyone out there is bad. Have faith in yourself, as you have a tremendous capacity for personal growth.
You don't need to prove your worth to anyone. It is already inherent within you. Instead of seeking validation from external sources, focus on your own self-worth and self-acceptance. Embrace your journey and the lessons it brings.
Remember, my dear [Your Name], you have the power to shape your future. Embrace your victories, learn from your setbacks, and always strive to be the best version of yourself. Trust the process, and know that your future self is rooting for you every step of the way.
With unwavering support and belief in your potential,
Your Future Self
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Pile 2 - Cinnamoroll
[First Quarter, Waning Crescent, Pisces,Emperor,Eight of Cups,Wheel of Fortune,Eight of Swords,Death,Ten of Cups, The Tower, Queen of Wands, Ten of Wands]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Mars dominant;
Aries dominant;
Aries/Scorpio in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
Greetings from the future! Today, you are filled with a sense of fulfillment and optimism. You can feel the potential for growth within you, and it seems like you are finally taking control of the situation, steering it towards the desired outcome. This is just the beginning, though. Many of your aspirations and ideas remain in your mind, waiting to be transformed into tangible plans and actions. It might feel like your thoughts are yet to find the right words to express them, but rest assured, there is so much more to come than you can currently envision. A breakthrough moment, a eureka moment, is on the horizon, and it will reveal the immense potential you possess.
Your future self is bursting with happiness! You cannot even fathom the level of joy awaiting you. What you truly desire is unfolding before your eyes, even though there may be a veil obscuring your vision. It's like standing under a spotlight where you think you see everything, but in reality, your happiness lies just around the corner. Don't worry if you cannot perceive the exact path at this moment. Trust that you will find your way.
It seems that you are burdened by an overwhelming workload. You feel a sense of accomplishment in being able to handle so much, and I must acknowledge your capabilities. However, this excessive weight is also causing sadness and isolation. Remember, you are carrying this burden into the future. Take a moment to calm yourself and find balance.
Let go of the "what if" and the regrets of the past. The future me, the present you, and the people from your past are interconnected. There are countless things the past version of me wishes to share with you, things you cannot even fathom. Do not fear your journey, but do not halt your progress either.
Allocate more time to challenging yourself! Embrace the plans you've made and put them into action. Push your limits and discover what you are truly capable of. Yes, it might feel overwhelming today, but what if I told you that this overwhelming feeling is mostly in your mind? It's time to break free from it. Remember that task you keep postponing? Do it!
There are several important things you need to remember. Firstly, you are a fortunate individual, and destiny has a way of working in your favor. Things may not always unfold exactly as you desire, but trust that they are happening for the best. Reconnect with your spirituality and embrace your faith. Your companions, both seen and unseen, have never abandoned you. Lastly, have faith in the plan that destiny has in store for you. It will unfold at its own pace.
You do not need to endure unnecessary suffering. The idea that you must go through certain hardships to learn a lesson is not always true. The world has been unkind to you, and you carry a deep sadness within your chest that words cannot fully express, only tears can. I want to assure you that even I, your future self, still carry a small portion of that sadness. However, it will gradually dissipate. If you can find a way to release it now, it will make your journey easier. Consider seeking a more intensive psychological treatment if necessary, beyond just therapy.
Recognize that you have always been the one to set yourself free from various burdens, even when you longed for assistance from others. You have managed to navigate through challenges independently. You are audacious and unstoppable. Your mind is free from the constraints of societal norms and judgments of right and wrong.
I want to reiterate that I am incredibly happy today. It's because I see the star-like potential within you, waiting to be recognized for all that you have accomplished. You are protected by spirituality, the love and support of your parents, and the guidance of your ancestors. They are all watching over you, guiding you on your path of growth and transformation. Embrace the power that resides within you, for it is expanding with every step you take.
In the grand tapestry of your life, remember that each thread serves a purpose, even the ones woven with sadness and pain. The sorrow that lingers within you, the one that brings you to tears, is gradually dissipating. Allow yourself to empty it out, piece by piece. You may discover that seeking a deeper form of healing and support will provide the solace you seek. Consider exploring alternative methods and seeking the assistance of professionals who can guide you through this process.
Today, I want you to acknowledge your true strength. You have overcome countless obstacles, and even when the world seemed against you, you forged your own path. Take pride in your audacity and resilience. The norms and expectations imposed upon you cannot hinder your limitless potential. You possess a radiant spirit that shines brightly, and it is only a matter of time before your light is recognized by all.
Keep nurturing your spirituality, for it is a wellspring of wisdom and comfort. Trust in the love and protection that surround you, both from the divine and from the earthly connections you hold dear. Lean on the support of your parents, who have been your pillars of strength. Remember the guidance of your ancestors, whose presence is felt in your veins. You are not alone on this journey; you are part of a greater tapestry of love and interconnectedness.
As you venture into the future, remember to embrace the present moment. Let go of worries about what could have been and what lies ahead. Instead, focus on the here and now, the opportunities that unfold before you. Embrace the power of intention and manifestation, knowing that your thoughts and actions shape the reality you experience.
Believe in yourself, dear [Your Name]. You are on the cusp of greatness, a potential waiting to be fully realized. Trust in the process, and have faith that everything will fall into place at the right time. Your future is bright, and you have the ability to create a life that surpasses even your wildest dreams.
With boundless love and unwavering faith,
Your Future Self
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Pile 3 - Kuromi
[Scorpio, Sun, Cancer, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, The Star, Five of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, The Moon, Four of Swords, Two of Cups, Nine of Swords]
If you chose this pile maybe you have:
Scorpio/Cancer Sun;
Libra/Pisces/Aquarius in the big 6.
Dear [Your Name],
As I write this letter to you, you find yourself amidst significant changes within your home and family. Perhaps you are preparing to embark on the journey of marriage or welcoming new members into your family. However, my dear, I want you to understand that you are the protagonist of this transformation. This is not a change that frightens you; it is an outcome that you anticipated and meticulously planned for. Your tireless efforts have brought forth this moment.
Your future self wants you to take a moment to reflect upon the choices you have made. You have transitioned from a position of power to a supportive role, and as the main character, you are now entrusted with the care of others. Embrace this shift with open arms, for it is not a negative development. Instead, it signifies a new phase of your life where you must divert some of your attention away from yourself.
Today, you find yourself contemplating whether you should rest or continue fighting. Your deep love and concern for your family compel you to ensure their well-being. You have worked tirelessly to bring everyone together, and it can be exhausting because you understand and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual. You have become a counselor, a teacher, a mother, and a daughter to everyone around you. And now, you wonder when you will find a moment to rest.
Therefore, I implore you to cease spending an excessive amount of time being the cornerstone of everyone's lives. You are not obligated to be the constant advisor and ally that everyone seeks. It is time to redirect some of that focus back onto yourself.
You need moments of solitude, my dear. When was the last time you truly had a moment alone? A moment for self-reflection, introspection, and observation without immediate action? It is crucial for you to prioritize your own desires amidst this dynamic situation. Take the time to explore your motivations. Why do you yearn for the unity of others so intensely?
Remember two essential truths. Firstly, there will always be more options available to you. It is possible to rebuild and mend relationships, ultimately leading to a harmonious resolution. Secondly, it is crucial to acknowledge that there may be individuals who are not genuine. Despite your best efforts, some may attempt to exploit you. Understand that their actions stem from their own internal issues and have no correlation with your worth.
Now, what I am about to say may be challenging, but it is essential. Release the fear of being alone. You are excellent company for yourself. Embrace solitude and discover the strength and contentment that reside within you.
Allow yourself to embrace your true desires. Do not hesitate to acknowledge that some of your actions, though done for others, are ultimately driven by your own wishes. You have every right to want and desire.
Remember, my dear, you possess immense potential to emerge from the current trials and tribulations you face. Do not let fear consume you. With time, things will gradually settle, and a sense of tranquility will envelop your life.
Believe in your ability to navigate this journey and find fulfillment amidst the changes.
With unwavering support and belief in you,
Your Future Self
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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dolcettamagica · 7 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ch.3
rick x reader, prime rick x reader
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𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴: 𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘥, 𝘥𝘳𝘺 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘺𝘫𝘰𝘣, 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬, 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘥𝘶𝘣𝘤𝘰𝘯, 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 & 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴: 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘥𝘯𝘪, 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘸𝘤: 3.0𝘬
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The room swayed as you navigated the blurred edges of reality. Laughter echoed in disjointed fragments, and your senses danced in a kaleidoscope of emotions. The world, usually anchored in coherence, now floated in a hazy sea of intoxication. Your laughter bubbled up uncontrollably, a symphony of uninhibited joy. Yet, beneath the surface, a subtle vulnerability lingered, as if the alcohol had unraveled the tightly wound threads of your composure. There was a fleeting sense of detachment, a reminder that the intoxicating elixir could distort both the present and your perception of self.
“D-didn’t I tell you-you…? This shit is fu-fucking good”, Rick took another sip of the glittery green substance. You already forgot what it was called and from where it was – honestly, you didn’t even care. One glass after another has been poured down your throat, five different drinks from five different planets. You were anything but sober just like Rick. Both of you sat crisscrossed on the bed in front of each other. Why did you hate him again? Who gives a shit.
“You’re right, yeah, you’re right”, you giggled as you leaned forward, your hands grabbing into the soft white mattress. Loose strands of hair were falling onto your face as you look up at Rick. Even sitting down, he was more than a head taller than you. “Feels like…hm…feels like I’m on some other fucking planet.”
By your switch of position Rick had a wonderful view before him. Your top was revealing and tight, pressing your tits together, your soft skin glistening in the dim light. His eyes wandered done to your hips and legs. Fucking hell, what a fine piece of ass. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or maybe he was just fucking horny. Lust and desire filled his senses, but Rick didn’t want to do anything…yet. “I am the smartest man alive after a-all. You gotta trust-trust me on this sh-shit, y/n. And you haven’t even tried space weed, y/n, it’s going to bl-blow your fucking mind.” Should be blowing me instead. He watched as you started cackling once again, he didn’t know who was more wasted – you or him.
“Mhm”, you cooed, “Rick Sanchez is the smartest man alive. Be my bartender instead of a scientist, Rick.”
Slowly he laid his hand on yours as he got closer. His touch made your skin burn, goosebumps forming on your neck. He still doesn’t give a fuck about personal space. Quickly you pulled your hand away, a strange feeling clouding your senses and creeping down your body. “I-I could be something completely dif-different than your bartender, little one.” How could his voice sound teasing and seductive simultaneously? Why did his touch feel so familiar every time?
In all honesty, you wouldn’t mind giving yourself to him right now. Both of you were more than just drunk and a little sex would certainly help you destress after this hard, nerve-wrecking day. Something in the back of your head though begged you not to do it. You also had some doubts – What if you’re actually a virgin? What if this is a test? What if it’s a trap and you’ll be kicked out afterwards? Rick would be egoistic enough to do something like that. So, you chose to simply ignore this last comment.
“Tell me more about space-weed, pretty please?”, big doe eyes met his gaze. 
Beg for it more. “Never seem to g-get enough, huh?”, swiftly he took a baggie out of his lab coat. Your eyes widened. the containment possessed vibrant colors, exotic patterns, and unique properties that contribute to its intergalactic allure. Grinning he opened the baggy and let the weed fall into his hand. “Wh-what type of girl are you? Bong? Joint? C-can’t bake some br-brownies for you now, princess.”
“Bong sounds like a vibe”, it didn’t take long for you to catch your composure. Rick also seemed to just ignore what happened a fee seconds ago.
Carefully packing the bowl with space-weed, Rick adjusted the water level in the bong. With a flick, he sparked the lighter, bringing the flame to the bowl's edge. Inhaling deeply, he brings the bong to his lips, igniting the substance and creating a milky swirl of smoke. As Ruck pulled, his eyes focused on you. Right after the bong left his lips and was placed on the bed, Rick grabbed you by your neck and forced you closer to him. His lips were almost touching yours. “Wait, what, Rick?!” Rick blew smoke into your mouth, coating your mouth with a sweet yet earth taste.
“It’s c-called shot gunning, baby”, his hand, which was previously grabbing your neck, was now tucking your hair behind your ear, “Wish you could see your slutty expression right n-now, y/n.”
Every cell in your body was yearning for more, your brain on the other hand “Stop fucking around, old man.” It wasn’t teasingly, you were stone cold and serious.
All of a sudden Rick seized you, his grip unyielding as he forcefully pinned you down onto the bed. The air crackled with tension as his eyes bore into yours, filled with a raw, primal hunger. You gasped, caught off guard by the sudden ferocity of his actions, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. Rick’s touch was rough, his body pressed against yours with a commanding urgency. In that moment, you realized the depth of his desire, as Rick claimed you with an undeniable passion that left you breathless and powerless to resist. “D-Didn’t I tell you that next time you call me an ol-old man, I’ll make you scream it, dumb brat?”
Only now did you realize in what kind of position you were. One hand was gripping your throat while the other was groping your ass. He was lying between your legs and something hard – and big – was pressing against you. “Fu-fuck, look at your fucking f-face. Needy girl. Makes me want to ruin you.” 
His fingers almost dug into the soft skin of your buttocks as he finally placed his lips on yours. His tongue quickly found its way into your mouth as soon as you wanted to protest his behavior. The kiss was chaotic, full of desire and lust. His tongue closed around yours again and again and he began to roll his hips against you. His hard cock rubbed against your yoga pants-covered vagina. It caused the perfect friction for your clit, you felt how wet you were getting. After what felt like an eternity his lips parted from yours.
“What are you doing, R-Rick?!” Your intention was to sound angry or at least not as excited as you actually were. Instead, your voice sounded breathy and even worse, like you loved what was happening. Ashamed of your own arousal, you bit down on your lip and hoped Rick wouldn’t notice how fucking horny you were.
"Ri-Rick? No. You must call me sir, master or Mr. Sanchez, dirty-dirty whore," he let go of your throat and ass to literally rip the white tank top off your body. In one quick motion, he pulled your breasts out of your bra. "Do y-you think I'm stupid? Senile? Have you for-forgotten that I'm the smartest man alive? I know exactly what you want, little one, even before you realized it." The whole time he was talking he didn’t stop dry humping against your pussy.
His lips enveloped one of the nipples, sucking and sucking on them while the other tit was squeezed by his hand. It was all too much for you, it was overstimulating. Your tits were extremely sensitive to Rick's tongue and hand. You moaned louder and louder, unable to form words, let alone sentences. “wai-…ah, w-wai-…plea-“
Rick's cock seemed to get even harder as your sugary moans fell on his ears. "Y-You like that, don't you? This old man makes you moan-moan like a bitch in fucking heat. You dirty little slut. Have you been provoking me all-all this time to make it end like this? Did you want to be punished, li-little one?" You could do nothing but shake your head. He was the one who had provoked and embarrassed you all this time, right?
"Are-are you really innocent o-or are you just pretending? I can see the looks you give me during our…hot mo-moments. The way your c-cheeks turn bright re-red, your heavy breathing and those eyes filled-filled with dirty fantasies. I've already noticed. I warned you…y-you didn't listen, so now you have to obey. Take your clothes off." He ordered while sitting up.
Tears filled your eyes. Was it the situation or was it the fact that Rick's fat cock was no longer pressing against your clit and sending your body into a state of ecstasy? You weren't sure of the answer yourself. Your brain and body were at odds - your pussy craved Rick while your brain begged you to leave the room. His power-hungry eyes stared at you as if he was waiting for your reaction to further assess the situation. Are you going to play along or are you going to stop? "Did you not hear me, whore? Undress, now."
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir."
Maybe it was wrong, maybe not. Maybe it was the alcohol or weed, maybe you just wanted to keep being touched by this disrespectful man. While you threw your bra and pants as well as your thong on the floor, Rick undressed as well. The two of you watched each other. Rick took in every curve of your body – you were exactly what he wanted. Rick was thin but fit at the same time and – oh God – his cock... His cock was huge.
"Do you like what you see, p-princess?" a dirty grin graced his lips. "I like the sight too. Lie-lie down again and spread your legs. I want to see your little cunt." This time he didn't have to repeat his command twice. Slowly (and somewhat reluctantly) you lay back down and spread your trembling legs, not sure if you wanted his cock inside you. Shyly, you looked up at him and your breathing hitched. Rick's hand was around the tip of his member, moving it up and down as he eyed your most intimate area.
“Fu-fucking hell, you’re so fucking wet already. Jesus. I-I didn’t even touch you for real an-and yet you’re soaking. Desperate little thing.”
Out of nowhere and without any warning, Rick grabbed you by your thighs and pulled you effortlessly towards him. "Wh-wait! Please...please don't go in..." You were aware of how your voice was shaking and there was still a hint of absolute desire in it, you were ashamed of it. Would Rick even listen to your plea?
"I-inside? My cock inside you?" He threw your legs over his shoulders and slapped his hard member several times on your clit. “Do you really think th-that you’re actually worthy of my fucking cock?! I’m not rewarding you, this is a punishment, sl-slut. Even if you end up begging me to r-ram my cock inside your lil-little cunt, I won’t.” Mixed emotions filled your heart – relief and sadness. This man was driving you insane.
Rick took his cock into his hand once again and rubbed his tip and and down between your pussy lips, feeling your wetness. “F-Fuuuck, baby, that’s what I do to you, huh? Some dry humping and nipple play and you’re all hot and bo-bothered for this old man.” His cock never touched your clit and you felt yourself almost begging for it. Subconsciously you moved your hips, hoping it would somehow help.
“Lo-look at that. What a little greedy who-whore you fucking are”, Rick understood what you wanted, and he was kind enough to grant you wish. This pre-cum leaking tip circled your clit, causing you to whimper and moan beneath him. “You love this old man’s cock, do-don’t you? Mr. Sanchez is taking such good care of you.”
He leaned down, his chest hovering above yours as he started to grind against you. How could it be that his cock was satisfying you without actually being inside you? He kept rocking his hips – hard and aggressive – your wetness served as some kind of lube as his shaft kept rubbing over your clit again and again and again. It was driving you crazy.
“You’re such a fucking wh-whore”, he hissed into your ear, his hand smacking your ass red, “I bet-bet you want me inside you now, huh? Want-want me to abuse that small cunt and put you to some go-good fucking use. Mmh…fuck, fucking shit…”
He was right. Rick was always right. You wanted him, no you needed him buried deep inside your clenching, pulsating walls. He was rough and dominant. Choking you, spanking your ass, slapping your cute face while staring deeply into your eyes and calling you a worthless whore. 
“Please, sir, I-I’m begging you…”
“Oh, sweetheart, didn’t I tell you this was a punishment?”
And then he was gone, his back leaning against the wall as he sat on the other edge of the bed. No, he can’t be serious. “I actually w-wanted you to scream old man but I think denying you to cum is faaar worse for a dirty bitch like you.” He is actually serious.
“You’re an absolute fucking asshole! O my God!”, rage took over your body and shame slowly crept up. Instead of replying to you, Rick started to put his clothes on again. Even though he was still hard as a rock. Lazily he tossed your clothes over to you.
“Listen, princess, I-I told you I was going to punish you. How would it be pun-punishment if I let you squirt all over my dick? Besides”, he paused for a moment, “You were so fucking wet and begging for my cock that I was about to pound you like so-some fucked up wild animal. Wouldn’t want that now…or maybe you would, right, little one?” Yes, Rick was one second away from ramming his shaft inside your soaking pussy and fuck you to oblivion and back without giving two flying shits about your feelings. The angel on his shoulder – which barely showed up – advised him not to. He didn’t want to break your mind after all he just wanted to tame you and make you his fucktoy.
“Oh…”, dumbfounded you pulled your thong over your ass and your tank top over your head, didn’t really need anything else. You understood where Rick was coming from but you also senses that he wasn’t telling you the whole truth. Awkwardly you pulled the covers over your lower body and lowered your gaze.
A sigh fell from Rick’s lips, “y/n, chill out. I didn’t even fuck you. Here, take the bong.” He really didn’t have to tell you twice. In hopes to forget what just happened, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment, you first took a big gulp of some space-alcohol which was next to you on the workbench before taking a hit of the bong.
“We got five drinks down, another five to go!”
“What the actual f-fuck do you mean another five?! It’s like 2am, Rick!”
“I t-told you, y/n, we’re-we’re getting wasted tonight! No sleep just drinking and smoking, y/n! Let’s fucking goooo!”
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His eyes narrowed with an unsettling intensity as he watched you, the woman he desired, moaning for C-137 on a large monitor. A surge of jealousy and possessiveness gripped him like a vice, his heart pounding with a mixture of anger and despair. Every fiber of his being screamed in protest, unable to bear the sight of you in the arms of another – whimpering and squirming, needy and horny. His hands curled into fists, nails digging into his palms as he fought to control the seething jealousy that threatened to consume him whole. With each passing moment, his obsession with you intensified, his mind swirling with thoughts of reclaiming what he believed to be rightfully his. He couldn't bear to see you with anyone else, couldn't fathom the idea of you belonging to another. In his eyes, you were his and his alone.
“How could you?! How the fuck could you?!”
With fury blazing in his eyes, he slammed his fists down onto the table with a force that reverberated through the room. The sharp sound of his anger echoed off the walls, punctuating the tense silence that enveloped the space. Each blow echoed his frustration, the intensity of his rage palpable in the way his knuckles whitened with each strike. His jaw clenched, muscles tensed, as he unleashed a torrent of pent-up emotions, his entire being consumed by a fiery wrath that threatened to consume him whole. The table trembled under the force of his fury, bearing the brunt of his unleashed rage as he struggled to contain the tempest raging within him. In that moment, he was a man possessed, his anger a primal force that demanded to be heard, leaving no doubt of the depth of his turmoil.
Maybe it was his fault. Maybe he should have fucked your brains out before sending you off. Maybe he should have written in his notes that you are his. Maybe he shouldn’t have given you a last chance at all. He always yearned to see the face that you made just a minute ago. He wanted to beg you beg for his cock, soaking wet and desperate enough to not refuse him.
How did C-137 get that far within a few hours?! “Maybe her subconscious is bound to me”, he whispered to himself. That must be it. After all you were his and C-137 just happened to be a version of him. For a split second he thought about bringing you back to him, so that C-137 would never touch you again or fuck you right in front of that bastard to show him who you belong to. But he couldn’t do that – not yet. C-137 didn’t achieve what he wanted him to. Sex was something which could also be taken by force (or under dubious circumstances like C-137 did), what he wanted could not be forced onto you.
“I will kill you for this, C-137.”
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honeesucker · 11 months
Not to be horny on main™ but my obsession with the COD men has reared its ugly head.
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"Atta girl," Price's deep voice groaned above you as you sat shaded beneath his desk, his thick cock heavy on your tongue as you bobbed up and down on the hardened length, sucking him deep into your mouth until his heavy cockhead was prodding the back of your throat, eliciting a few small gags.
His large hands were on your head, one gently holding the side of your head steady, his thumb running across your cheek; his other hand tangled in your hair, gripping the back of your head as he gently fucked you up and down on his cock with a gentle force.
One of your hands worked on massaging his heavy balls, a groan leaving his lips as he rained down filthy praise at you, his orgasm moments away when a loud, three-strike knock sounded at his door.
All of his movements ceased, though he kept the hand tangled in your hair as he had you pressed so far down on his cock the trim pubes at the base of his cock tickled your nose. You know he was giving you a gag order: you better stay quiet.
"Enter," Price's steady voice called out, and as the door opened it revealed your worst nightmare... the man you never wanted to catch you down on your knees for your Captain... Simon fucking Riley. "Simon, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Price asked casually, his hand detangling from your hair as you followed his silent order, keep his cock warm in your mouth.
"Captain, Sir... I wanted to make a recommendation on Private [Name]." Your whole body froze at the mention of your name... was he here to tell Price you were a worthless soldier, not worth the air you breathed while working on the task force... he was your Lieutenant, after all... his word could get you transferred, or discharged, or worse should he so choose.
"A recommendation, Simon? You're not usually a man to give up on a soldier so easily," Price adjusted his hips, his cock briefly pushing deeper down your throat, a subtle reminder to stay quiet as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his desk.
"Not giving up on that little demon, Price," Ghost said thoughtfully, a hint of humor in his voice. "I'm recommending her for promotion to Sergeant, to train alongside Soap. She's proven it in her training, she's proven her worth in the missions... I think she'd make one hell of a Sergeant, Sir." Ghost finished, the sound of papers shuffling as he pulled out his report on you from beneath his vest and set it on Price's desk.
"Simon, I'm touched... you don't normally take a shine to our rookies like this." Price murmured out with a hint of humor in his voice, arching a brow as he looked up at Ghost who just shrugged, a hidden smile beneath that balaclava covering his face. "Alright, Simon, I'll take your recommendation into consideration, write my report and get it sent up to the higher-ups for final decision." Price finished, Ghost none the wiser to you cock warming his boss beneath his desk as he turned to leave Price's office.
On the other side of the door Ghost was smirking beneath his mask... you two weren't sneaky enough to slip past his observant gaze, and it was too much fun to make his recommendation to Price when Ghost knew you were on your knees beneath his desk. Ghost turned and walked away from Price's office with an unusual pep in his step, feeling a bit cheeky. Ghost didn't care if you were a slut for their Captain, he cared the most about how good of a soldier you were, and your contributions to the team.
Price took a moment before looking down at you, shocked by the sight of fat streams of tears slipping down your cheeks. He was already worried as he pulled you off his cock, rubbing his thumbs on your cheeks to wipe away your tears. "What's the matter, lass?" Price asked as you just sniffled and looked up at him with a pout.
"H-He... he doesn't hate me... h-he thinks I-I'm good e-enough to be a S-Sergeant?" You sobbed softly, overwhelmed with emotion and pride in yourself and all of your hard work, even more that a man you admired thought highly of you enough to make such a recommendation.
"Oh, you poor thing..." Price pulled you up from your knees, hugging your waist as he pulled you between his legs, his head resting just beneath your breasts on your abdomen, listening to your rapidly beating heart, and soft, shaky breaths. "You deserve it, I meant what I said to him... I'll finish my own report today and send it up for final decision but with your track record I don't think they'd deny our choice..." Price said softly, pulling you back as he wiped more of your tears away. "You deserve it, lass, you worked hard for this... in more ways than one I might add." Price couldn't hold back his laughter as you frowned and punched his shoulder softly at the jab.
"Respectfully, Sir..." you said with a sharp tone, an edge of humor in your words. "Shut it." You both laughed together and then Price's hands landed on your hips, pulling you closer as he looked up at you.
"Now how about we finished what we started, and you come bounce on my cock, lass?" Price offered, groaning as your hand travelled down and gripped his still-hard cock.
"Is that an order, Captain?" You asked cheekily.
"That's an order, Private... show me just how grateful you are for my recommendation with that talented pussy of yours." He growled out with a low rumble, his voice reverberating through you as you shuddered softly.
"Yes, Sir..."
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pixlpxie · 2 months
Heeeyyy. I have a question. (SA trigger warning)
Do you think the desire for cnc stems from previous sexual trauma? I've seen an anon here say that she wanted to be full on tortured and held down by, was it Yunho or Hwa, I don't remember. I didn't even sense the consent in her ask. And I was like, I'd be down, and then I was like huhhh???? I would?????
I was almost sexually assaulted by an agemate when I was 14. Back then, I felt horrible. Like, I really went through it. Asking myself why I was even there in the first place yk? Blaming myself, and so on. I was also sooo against any form of non-consent, even if it was consensual. But now that I look back, I'm like, ugh I was over reacting and if I went back in time to that moment I would just tell my young self to shut up like it wasn't even that bad. (My morals do prevail and I know that any kind of SA is not acceptable. If it were anyone else, I would NEVER say this.)
But now I am so very willing to participate in cnc, 100%. Even take part in various kinks. I think I just grew up and became more self aware and honest with myself, but I would like to know if you think my previous experience contributed to this.
Also, you don't have to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable. I love love love your page, like it constantly reminds me that I'm not odd for liking the things I do😭🫶🫶. Thank you so much. You're a blessing to many of us, and some hATERS (cue annoying people) cannot even seem to understand that. Talking about lists and all that. Ew
Such topics do not make me uncomfortable, don't worry🤭its literally my job atp (im a psychologist now so I mean it)
First of all before I get into it, I want you to know that you were never the blame. Its not your fault that you had to go through something like that. I'm so sorry for what happened and I hope you are better now. And you feeling bad about non consensual plays for some time is totally normal, don't think that you had to enjoy this kink right away.
Honestly I had to research quite a lot on this topic before because even though I knew it was a perfectly normal kink, the reality of r*pe makes you doubt yourself. So I wanted to find out if there was something wrong with me or not because no one around me irl likes cnc. They think its extremely weird. It turns out nothing's wrong.
There are many reasons why a person can be into cnc, involving extreme versions of it. You can already guess some of them, which is that it's a really strong roleplay for power dynamics. Whether you are the agressor or the victim, you give in to the most extreme level of domination or submission. It's also primal. It can easily bring out your animalistic sides. Many people enjoy this. So for example if you like being the victim it can simply mean that you like not having control. Its a good way to relieve stress and release adrenalin too.
The other reason is that CNC can actually work as a coping mechanism. In fact, kinks and role plays are important for human psychology. They can help you resolve or at least deal with unresolved issues in two main ways. The first is that you might have experienced something related to the said kink/rp. In this example, you might have actually experienced SA. It's not easy to accept a reality like this and it can easily damage a person's identity and self-perception. It can take so long to get better. So you need to find a way to cope with this and resolve it. So over time you can start enjoying CNC as it would give you a sense of control that you couldn't have during the bad experience. You can control, change and alter the way the role play can go. This can help you to accept what's happened in a less damaging way, assuring that you are in control. It can also help you relive the experience over again, although this can sound bad, you can become insensitized to the situation.
The second way is that these unresolved issues don't have to be anything related to the roleplay. Meaning you don't have to experience SA to enjoy CNC. Such symbolic roleplays can help you deal with repressed emotions and help your subconscious to process the material there. As such roleplays also have clear cut archetypal figures, they can help you deal with deep-seated symbols, personas or narratives. Do you know why they say people with daddy kinks don't have a healthy relationship with their dad? Its not true all the time obviously (bc its so common now) but it's a good way to show you what I mean.
So no, not all people who enjoy CNC experience SA or similar events. But if you had, it can help you cope too. But kinks and fetishes are way too deeply rooted in your subconscious and they are madly complicated. Most of the time you will end up feeling so lost when you try to find out why you have a certain kink/fetish. So you're not really supposed to know why you like the things you like. You should let your psyche and subconscious deal with them. As long as theres constent and they dont hurt other people, you can enjoy anything. Its ok. Don't let people make you feel bad for enjoying CNC. Trust me, people who like this kink are actually really nice and care so much about their partner's well being. Meaning the agressor roleplayer don't actually want to r*pe anyone irl. That's what I've seen.
Overall, in your case, it might have contributed. And it's ok. Keep enjoying your roleplay and let it help you resolve your trauma.
And thank you so much I hope youll keep enjoying my blog and i was able to help 🥺🥹💖💖
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I'm noticing as I go through the tag that remrom is very sweet which is not at all what I was expecting.
Like Remus is the embodiment of Intrusive Thoughts, he has no qualms about saying what's on his mind, and he can easily figure out what exactly you hate whether about yourself, others or both. He's pretty damn good at getting a reaction out of the other sides too, he's almost childish in the way he enjoys testing the others.
Then there's Roman, the man is insecure. He's easy to lead on if you feed into his ego but as the ego he's also easily bruised. He's desperate to feel valuable, when Janus buttered him up he had such a hard time not giving in because the others rarely play to his pride so much. Yet he despises Janus, more so he despises the concept of the dark sides(A concept that he made up), likely because he knows he's egocentric and selfish as hell, things that C!Thomas's morals say are bad. As the dashing prince he's supposed to be a beacon of good in the world, the fact that he's so often so close to those he deems to be the 'Dark Sides' in behavior disturbs him. It hurts his black and white view of the world and as the ego he can't let that world view get shattered because that world view literally informs his identity, C!Thomas's identity.
Then you bring in Remus, Remus who already knows all of that. Who knows exactly what makes Roman tick and unlike Roman doesn't have the insecurities(As far as I can tell). And unlike the other sides who merely play the roles of a family(Patton as the dad is the most obvious but also that thing with like the cousin aunt mom friend group assigned family roles type deal) he and Roman are ATCUAL siblings, twins no less! Reflections of eachother and he knows that Roman hates what he sees. Remus doesn't though, Remus doesn't care about his image. He just enjoys the reactions he can get out of others.
Each side has unique reactions to his 'contributions' but no one else reacts quite like Roman. Even Virgil tends to simply regard him with disgust. Roman reacts to him like an insult. To Roman Remus's very existence is an act of violence against his character and he HATES it. He takes things so personally and he's so reactive.
I dunno, I kinda expected there would be more Remus manipulating and fucking with Roman. They're siblings, Roman doesn't like Remus and Remus is literally Intrusive Thoughts. There's a lot there, like how one of the most common types of Intrusive Thoughts are those of incest.
Remus would have no problem making a few sexual jokes about him and Roman and it'd get to Roman every time. I can imagine Roman chasing Remus around the mind place with his sword after one of his jokes. One of the sides tries to calm him down after they lose eachother, reminding him that 'Its okay, what Remus says has no real impact. Its just nonsense.' and Roman gets that, like he understands that but it doesn't stop the humiliation he experiences every time it happens, the way it damages his image to even have the thought of doing something like that with his brother?!
Roman almost certainly has taboo desires as well, almost certainly not about his brother but that doesn't change the fact that Remus loves to bring them up all the time. None of the other sides know that Remus is airing out Roman's dirty laundry, only them two. And Remus knows that whenever Roman thinks about those taboo desires of his that he deems to be so wretched he knows he'll be imagining Remus as the subject of them, after all, that's exactly how Intrusive Thoughts works. The more Roman tries to expel Remus out of his life the easier it is for him to stick around. Logically he knows that its not helping, that his disdain for Remus is only gonna make the thoughts worse but that's the issue isn't it? When the thoughts in your head are attacking your morals, your integrity, your ego, there's only so much logic can help before one's emotions get the better of them.
And Roman is very emotional.
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supernovadragoncat · 1 year
are you ever going to finish spellbound? its been almost a year since you updated it. i know youre writing another fic and thats great but its disappointing to see your others unfinished. hope you update it soon.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I appreciate that you like that story enough to remind me (I’m well aware) of how long it’s been since I updated. Unfortunately, I’ve received enough pressure and prodding and declarations of disappointment that you’re the straw that broke the camel’s back, Nonny.
Part of me thinks, “Comments like these come from a good albeit misguided place and it means I’ve written a story people like enough to ask about.” Another part of me is tired and wearing down. 
The SanSan fandom is in a lull. I think that’s natural, but it means that there are less people writing fic, less art being made, less engagement overall. I still love this ship and I will always be active in the community in some capacity. 
However, I’ve arrived at a place where I have let go of expectation when I share my writing. I am grateful for the people who engage and read and leave comments and kudos and reblog, but I don’t expect any of that. I write what I want and what inspires me. 
I don’t know what’s changed in fandom writ large (I suspect the TikTok-ification of social media but who really knows…) but I feel more and more like fanworks are being treated the same way as TikTok and Insta content creation. Fanworks are not meant to be passively consumed nor should you expect an algorithm to curate what you want to see.
I am not a content creator. I write in my free time. You owe me nothing—not money or praise or anything—in return. All I ask is that you keep your entitlement to yourself. It’s not inspiring to me. It doesn’t motivate me when I share stories and some of the feedback I receive is, “Thanks but I wanted something else.”
I keep seeing the same narrative on repeat—people don’t like the SanSan content that’s been created lately. That’s totally fair and valid. But then I wonder, why not create the content you want to see? Why not encourage the people who created the stories you love? Why not contribute in some other way than telling the people who are contributing you demand something different?
I’m not updating Spellbound anytime soon. I’ll finish Devil Inside and The Naughty List, but then I need a break. 
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sukirichi · 2 months
sukiii!! gahh!! College starts next week and I'm so nervous 🤧😭💀
But I also can't wait for the next dtd update HSKAHEKABSJA
Also, I think all my other asks has been buried :"D I hope this one doesn't meet the same fate HAHAHAHA but I wanna ask, if you have any tips for a college freshie 👉🏻👈🏻 it's so scary yet so exciting 😭😭😭😭
omggg its back to school season, good luck!! QVFNWKWOW dw about the dtd update baby, take your time, it will wait for you 😘 also i did receive your asks !! i just haven’t been answering a lot of asks these days because i’ve been sick back n forth so my mental energy is just kinda draineddd, hope you understand 😪
TIPS FOR A COLLEGE FRESHIE uhh okay HMM i’d say really read up on the syllabus! being ahead on all the readings makes a huge huge difference bcos you can always ask the professor for clarifications on the next meetings + join some clubs / organizations / expand your social circle! i personally did not do this lmao (because i just want to go home after classes and i don’t wanna talk to people 😭) buttt i think making connections in uni is really beneficial since you guys will most likely be seeing each other again in the work industry! also idk if this applies for everyone but from what i know, all your accomplishments and contributions to any clubs can also be included in your portfolio/resume so that’s extra cookie points 💓, and hmm what else... ig really just have fun! those 4-5 years fly by really fast and uni can be intimidating as well but you also gotta remind yourself that its okay to take it easy sometimes! my biggest advice is to never EVER beat yourself up when you feel like you’re falling behind bcos uni is exhaussstingggg and its totally normal that there are just times you’re not doing so great. but yes! read a lot, expand your circle, establish connections, and just enjoy! wishing you the best of luck in your uni life bb i’m so proud of you 😭💓 NOT ME BEING SAPPY because i feel like an older sibling 😭
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mywitchcultblr · 9 months
I have to say this
Might lose followers, but whatever. I was lurking around on reddit and saw some posts that made me scratch my head
First, I have no problem with people who are vegans, do whatever the hell you want with your health and personal choice for yourself.
Edit: And I understand not all people who following plant based diet are doing this but still But I don't get people who insist on feeding their dog vegan food??
Doing it for the environment? You are already contributing to minimizing the harm that is done to the environment by choosing a different diet. Why dragged the dog into this?
The pups are not involved, nor they understand the complexity of human diet, politics, morality, and the slow decay of the environment that is caused by human civilization.
Dogs doesn't have to make a penance for the environment.
Minimizing animal exploitation in huge farm? You can buy eggs from a free-range chicken source, catch your own fish, or buy meat from a local hunter or sustainable local farm
Still feeling uncomfortable to feed animal product to your dog? Maybe you should get a different pet? Like a rabbit? Or I don't know let your dog hunt on their own and let nature takes it course, it's not your fault. It's just nature doing its own thing.
Yeah, there's argument that you can give them supplement or vegan kibble for dog? But animal product is already there, just cut off the middle man and give your dog the real thing...
I mean yeah dog is omnivorous, but their diet is still more on the meat side, not to mention they came from wolves, they evolved to eat meat. Setting the argument of manufactured vegan dog food aside, why go out of your way preventing your dog from eating the meat that they like and beneficial for the pup because of your own personal politics/morality, it is just odd. Dogs likes meat/egg/fishes, why take away their food preference?
What would you do if doggie sees a chicken breast lying on their floor? Take away the chicken?
Reminded me of those parents who hardcore banned their kids from eating sweets. But it's even worse because in this case animal products are good for dogs and an important part of their diet unlike candies for humans, Dogs evolved to eat animal product, they cannot comprehend your reasoning for not allowing them to eat meat nor they care anyway. I have the same thoughts about dog race or dog beauty contest. Airbud doesn't care about medals, maaan...
Sounds pretty selfish to insist that a golden retriever cannot have chicken because of the owner personal morality/politics
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I'm sorry, but this is delusional, you mean by YOUR own choice
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y2ku · 6 months
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This just in.
A fabulous Y2K Boo just slipped off the edges of Instagram and just became your latest source of Gossip
You may believe i'm just some squeez in a basement, or some bored suburbian trash, or maybe even someone on the outside looking in. 
Here's the tea.
One thing about being on the inside. Once you get there you don't allways get to choose where you stand... sometimes you need to take a step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are and venture out into the real world.
Good Morning from your newest arrival, yours trully, my name is D.
Todays rendezvous, the 1st of many will be about Social Media, and the power it holds on people, children, media, status, fame, politics and mental health, etc, you know it.
And so by it's definition, in case you haven't realised and had to do a quick search, Instagram, "it's a platform to showcase talents, build a personal brand, and promote businesses. It offers visual inspiration and the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals and brands."
Can you relate? Great. Neither can anyone.
Are you and Insta Scroller or a Facebook Babe? Take THIS in.
Social Media platforms like Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook are on the Top 10 List of Social Media with most active users. 
Did you know Zuckerberg Bae's are on the top with 2.11 billion active daily typers. Half of them are probably your kids. 
What? You think you're not old to have your own spawn?
I am 25. Remember that.
(By now, and don't lie to me, you checked the notification bar twice, at least, or are you maybe checking as i speak? Rude)
Fuelled by numbers and translated into graphics, the internet has done it's job and came back to me with usefull intel.
Half of SMU's (Social Media Users) are bellow 45 years, and I the less searched categories are "Usefull Content" and "Relevant". Yes Boomers. Right back at you. One of the most searched though is informative content. Of how recent studies (Tik Tok misinformation) came to us once again as proof of nothing.
Most of the posts portrayed in all the 10 categories provided by Statista.com (Thank you Gurl *wink* 💋) are a departure from tge category.
You see where i'm trynnna get?
Internet and Technology where bounded to us with the purposes of communication, information and as intelligente working tool, not just to lounge.
We have at tip of our hands one of the most powerful tools ever made, and you're gonna waste it on posting a hot tip about your breakfast? What does that say about you? Will it flop? Will they laugh? Or worst... God forbid, be cancelled.
Are these the things you think b4 posting?
These websites can be addictive, promote body dismorphia, anxiety and contribute to FOMO (yeah. we all have it gurl. pipe down)
Babez here, is trynna tell you to go live your life. 
As I speak, more Innocent fools, maybe like yourself, are having their lives ruined by Social Media.
Yess henny, FOMO, you are already missing out, on your friends, a lovelly walk, or just the simple pleasure of recognising a familiar face. Tik Tok Tik Tok Y2K'rs, your time is running on the clock for a golden press.
Dissociation from reality can be set apart of all this, but if you think it over, it can really mean something much more deeper than to pass time.
Buckle up Peeps, this is a thing, its a study made by Sarah McQuate in University Of Washington.
Okay in short. We are as a young population very shamed about allways being on our phones, right?
That has a reason. Like when you read a good source of Hot Goss 💅🏻, or a book if you're into it, you can get lost in it right?
Think with me, we all read bad books, but everybody with me "BOOKS ARE THE SHIT".
THINK about all the unproofed misinformation gathering about in SM, compact it, and all it's negative effects, cut a few lines of text, add the caption and voilá! Years of mental instability and a prolonged sence of Dissociation while navigating your Socials (Stay off your phone will you read this.)
The reason we do it tho. 
Social Media was not made to maximise what humans value. Period.
Quoting, yet another associated Researcher to this project, Amanda Baughan:
•"social media platforms are designed to keep people scrolling. When we are in a dissociative state, we have a diminished sense of agency, which makes us more vulnerable to those designs and we lose track of time. These platforms need to create an end-of-use experience, so that people can have it fit in their day with their time-management goals.”
(I'll leave the study here jic, https://www.washington.edu/news/2022/05/23/people-enter-a-dissociative-state-when-using-social-media/ ).
Looking at a laptop or a cell all day is bad, but doing that for the Socials, henny, it's soo 2015.
It's killing your mind, your hangouts, your friends mental stability and your kids (Don't).
And for an afterthought, Social Media Content Creators, as an Artiste (Clock the Work), the freedom of speech that you hand out, is overrated.
Because now, not just massive corporations have a platform, we all do, and if we could hold hem accountable for every cyberbully, every rover, every mean girl, social media would be a hostable party might i say 🤷🏻
Go watch the following video too! https://youtu.be/wQdcCiVb59g?si=pefj5yngsodJF4tV
For as long hot updates, drama and chaos are on check, nobody cares, right?
Its fine as long as you post a pic or send a mean text.
It won't even phase you.
You stash your lockscreen away and fade into all the negativity you absorved from the radiocative toothorn on your pocket.
Maybe some photo you saw.
Some post about a douche bashing something or someone relating to you.
Maybe a text some coward sent u, cause dude ain't got balls for shit.
In my day, i had to take the crap right to my face, but you know what it taught me outside of the Webz?
Worry not Y2K readers, in a world full of shade, if it hits you, it means you'll shine through.
And as for me?
It takes two to tango, but only me to talk.
Get used to it,
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