#jazz modes
guitarguitarworld · 5 months
Jazz Fusion Chords:How to create them from scales
CLICK SUBSCRIBE! Hi Guys, Today, a look at how to create colourful and interesting jazz/fusion chords: Because, we are dealing with jazz/fusion we will manipulate a scale in modal form. This will be C Mixolydian: Now, let’s add one note above each note of the mode and create 3rds. [Here we can hear the mode in double stops]. Now, we will add another note a 5th above the root and create…
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bluerosefox · 4 months
Little Danny's Big Adventure
New idea.
Okay now hear me out.
-Pulls out AU idea cauldron and tosses stuff into it-
Let's put in some Ghost King/Prince Danny.... But also some deaged to toddlerhood Danny that gets yeeted into the DCverse!
Like imagine, tiny baby Danny with his tiny crown of ice floating above his head and his galaxy cape wrapped around him and uses it like a baby blanket. He didn't mean to fall into a different universe, a natural portal opened up and he was being a curious little thing! He didn't mean to trip and fall in during his nap time.
Nor was he expecting to fall into this realm during a rogue attack and knock out said rogue cause they were being a meanie and harming people and now Danny just wants his nap time cause he spent a lot of his tiny engery and he wants to find a nice spot.
Danny finds a place to crash, snuggling himself into his cape and the astronaut bear Danielle got him during her last visit that he takes everywhere since.
He's out like a light as the door to this safe house that belongs to one of the Bats opens up.
Meanwhile. In the Infinite Realms, Queen Regent Jazz is going into Mama Bear Jazz Mode trying to find her deaged brother, keeping the Realms in check, and is resisting the urge to put CW in time out Soup Time because he's being cyptided again about Danny whereabouts!!! UGH!
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hypewinter · 1 year
Right so what if Danny became a psychologist instead of Jazz?
His friends and family died protecting him. So when he runs away and starts a new life, he adopts traits from all of them (both as a way of grieving and a way to honor them). For Tucker and Sam, Danny splits his free time between being a white hat hacker and a vocal environmental activist. For his parents, he adopts more of their eccentric personality. When he's not in a professional setting, he is loud and in your face about the latest thing he's been working on (he's also just about the most loyal person you can meet).
And for Jazz, his precious big sister, Danny decides to excel in the career path she never got the chance to enter. He resolves to fulfill her goal of helping out those society has deemed irredeemable. The ones nobody else can or wants to help. The first one he starts with, is the Joker.
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mote-historie · 6 months
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George Barbier, La Belle Personne, Worth evening dress, detail, fashion plate from Gazette du Bon Ton, 1925.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
"That's all, thank you, Bruce." Jazz could cry from joy and grief, their uncle was so kind to take them in after she'd got danny and herself out of that house.
"Of course, if you need anything else, don't hesitate."
Danny perks up at that, jumping away from his seat and rounding on the man.
"You got an empty meeting room I could borrow? I have to prepare a court meeting."
Surprise colours Bruce and he's quick to smile.
"Of course, Alfred can lead you to it, but out of curiosity. What court meeting?"
Blinking confused, Danny turns to jazz. "I thought you told him everything?"
Jazz blinks back, just as confused. "I did? I covered the ghost situation, the government, and our parents. Was there more?"
Clarity rains on Danny in small steps, he curses, hand already pulling out a dollar and giving it to Alfred.
"Okay– jazz you should sit down."
"What? Why?? Danny?"
She was ushered to his previous seating place, Bruce and Tim watching, calculating.
"Okay so, don't kill me for this. I might have forgotten to tell you something."
Alarmed, Jazz attempted to stand up but was pushed down once more.
"Remember the big bad evil king I fought and won against?"
"It was right of conquest. Congrats, your a princess."
Her brain shortcuts, it takes a moment for her to reboot.
("Undead royalty. Huh, that's a new one."
Bruce sighs at Tims comment, fingers pinching his nose.)
"You're a prince." She observes, slow.
"And you forgot to mention it."
"I want to see the castle and have a week of vacation. You're going to introduce me to all your court members and give me a full tour of your apparently new dimension." It's not a request nor a demand, she's getting it.
Danny won't be denying her that.
"Planned and dealt, anything else, Princess Jasmine?"
She scruncles her nose and gives him a shove.
"Never call me that again."
"Yes ma'am, supreme sister of all."
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kizzer55555 · 11 months
Dan is not a hero, so will the Justice league PLEASE leave him alone?!
When Dan was born, he isn’t just Danny. He’s also half Vlad, which means when he was created their obsessions combined. Danny’s obsession is protection but Vlad’s obsession is family. A ghost’s obsession develops based on how the ghost acts after they are born, what they latch onto, what they like. It usually takes a few weeks to fully form which is why ghosts can have such different obsessions. Danny’s obsession became protection due to his constant actions of protecting people. Vlad’s obsession became to create a family as that is all he thought about during his hospital visits. To make a family with Maddie. Dani even developed her obsession with freedom after she went out exploring. And once an obsession is created, it cements the ghost’s instincts to follow it. That this is what the ghost must continue doing to survive. To get stronger.
But Dan didn’t have that time. He was combined with two ghosts that already had fully formed obsessions, and so those obsessions merged with each other. Dan’s obsession is to protect his family, but by the time it formed, his family was already gone. And that…really messes with a ghost.
Vlad thought that Dan had gone evil because of his evil ghost side. But in reality, it was due to the loss of an obsession. In his initial madness upon formation, he ended up killing Danny. The only person he might have considered family. As for Vlad, the fruitloop hated himself so much that even if part of his ghost, part of his soul, was within Dan, it wouldn’t recognize him as family. And Danny’s ghost half certainly wouldn’t. And when a ghost looses their obsession, they go mad.
All Dan had left, was his own life. He wasn’t truly an older version of Danny. He was something new created from half of two souls. He had parts of both Vlad and Danny. Where Danny was stubborn, Vlad was cunning. Where Danny might feel uncomfortable with social interaction with his peers, Vlad would put on a mask or try to seem more threatening when stressed. He had fragments of their memories but none of the emotional attachment unless it was connected to his obsession. So when a younger him came to his future timeline, all Dan focused on was making sure he would still be created.
And then he lost.
But loosing wasn’t the end. He eventually managed to be free of his cage and sent through therapy (Likely curtesy of Jazz who felt it wrong to keep him trapped forever). And Dan was forced to go through therapy until he eventually got to the point where ok…fine he won’t kill anyone (as long as they don’t attack him first). It also helped that his obsession madness was wearing off. Now that he had his family again, and they were safe, it eased off a bit of the pressure, allowing him to think again.
But now he didn’t know what to do. For the first time in a while, Dan was free. But it wasn’t like he could indulge his obsession. Maddie and Jack hated ghosts and since he’s technically made of two ghost halves, he wasn’t a halfa and couldn’t take a human form or just walk up to them. Moreover, he wasn’t Danny or Vlad so could he truly consider them family?
That’s when he started interacting with Phantom. It was small at first, just checkups to see how his therapy was going or Dan even sneaking into Fenton works to watch what was happening because she was bored. Eventually, they got a bit closer and developed a sibling like relationship (if Dan was a prickly older brother who refused to show he cared) and his obsession latched onto Danny. For a while, Dan was in denial of this. The kid a twerp, only half the power he was (ignoring the fact that the kid beat him) and full of human emotion and teenage drama. So Dan tried to limit his visits. Only coming every month or so. The other time kinda wandering the zone and getting into fights.
And then one day he came to visits only to see a scene from his nightmares.
(Warning for gore)
It was dead quite, the lab covered in green blood, various organs preserved on jars or just lying on the surrounding lab tables. Scalpels, syringes, and other tools dripping green. And on the center of the lab, strapped to a table, was a small blue orb.
Dan knew what a core looked like. He had ripped out enough in his previous timeline to know that they should not be that dim. That they should not have cracks running down their surface, and that they absolutely should not have chunks gouged out of their sides. It barely looked like an orb anymore but there, Dan could faintly feel the energy of a young ghost. And he knew exactly who this core belonged to.
So Dan did the only think he could think of. He took his little brother’s core and ran.
Dan had no idea how to heal a broken core, and Danny’s core (his soul) felt room temperature which couldn’t mean anything good for an ice core. It was also severely lacking in ectoplasm (Dan refused to think of all the green splattered across the lab. This was also the day he decided that NO, the Fentons would not be considered family).
A normal core would have melted down into goop by now with all the damage it sustained. It was likely only still ‘alive’ due to Danny’s halfas status. There was no known cure or medical procedure for this. The only thing Dan could do was place the core within himself, nestled right next to his own core in an attempt to absorb his access ectoplasm and get stronger. But that wouldn’t be enough. A ghost needed to fulfil their obsession to get stronger. But Danny was unable to protect anyone in his current state. Which meant there was only one option. Dan would have to act like a host and fulfil the obsession for him. Which meant Dan would have to feed his brother….by…saving people…
Oh joy….
And thus begins Dan’s various attempts of heroism against his will. He is incredibly efficient and powerful but he looks like he hates every moment of it and might even be scowling at the people he saved. Moreover, he can’t even kill anyone! Killing is the opposite of protecting and wouldn’t help his brother heal so he has to restrain himself. (And when he attempts to smile, it looks so forced and with such sharp teeth that people become even more scared). The justice league have no idea what to do with this unknown.
He’s not a villain (they don’t think?). Just some overpowered guy who is saving a bunch of people (and even the heroes themselves) but has the prickliest personality you can imagine. Dan is not a people person. Add onto that him trying to escape Vlad’s attempts to ‘help’ (he doesn’t trust that fruitloop as far as he can throw him). And resisting going anywhere near the Fentons. As much as he wants to seek vengeance against them for what they did, he doesn’t want them near Danny and there is nothing that could make him drop his brother’s core somewhere else. It’s safest with him. The Fentons haven’t even realized Danny is missing. So this is basically just Dan forced to be a hero and he hates every second of it (but would do anything to protect his baby brother). And Dan maybe sort of befriending rogues and heroes (or them trying very hard to befriend him).
He is a loner. He does not like company, and he is incredibly self conscious when powerful people get near him and his precious cargo.
One day, they might realize Dan doesn’t enjoy being a hero or even really care about the people he saves (despite his meticulousness when it comes to getting everyone out alive). And if they ask, he could say he saves people because he’s selfish which just makes them more confused (or he says he has his own reasons).
Dan basically acts like a wet stray cat around everyone. (A cat with a kitten). He won’t attack them, but he will make it very clear that he does not like them (despite saving their lives multiple times) and he will not respond to their affections. It’s his fault the Justice league misunderstand his actions. He’s only doing it to heal his brother (not that he will ever tell them) but now the Justice league just think he’s a tsundere. Trying to hide that he cares.
No, Dan literally could not care less. Seriously, please leave him alone.
Later, much later, something happens where Dan takes a hit that affects his core/ectoplasm and he freaks out. The Justice league might not understand why until he takes out a second core and checks it over like a mother hen, hissing and snarling at anyone who gets close. This core is unlike anything the magic users have ever seen. They know what a core is, they know it’s a soul. To see one so damaged, it’s nauseating. (Dan is either freaking out for nothing or is actively trying to save the core that was dying in his hands and has to trust his magic user teammates/sort-of-maybe-but-not-yet friends to save him).
When everything is over, they ask who the core belongs to. It has to be someone Dan cares about. Ghosts don’t normally protect or try to care for other cores (it’s usually survival of the fittest) and Dan didn’t seem like the caring type. So they ask despite Dan trying to ignore their questions or brush them off. Eventually, he caves and drops the bombshell that it’s his little brother (and either admits it was their parents who did this to him or just the ‘Fenton’ scientists) and that he became a hero to try and replenish his brother’s strength since he’s a spirit of protection. He explains about cores and obsessions. How his brother’s obsession is protection and his obsession is to keep his family safe.
The Justice league’s hearts break.
Also, Ellie is in this and also has a sibling like relationship with Danny although is a bit distant with Dan (since they remind each other too much of Vlad to be comfortable) and they work together to try and bring Danny back and care for him. Ellie knows how to make ecto dejecto and tries to bring some. Also, in this au, Danny isn’t the ghost king. He’s just a normal ghost. So Dan will fight other ghosts to keep him safe.
Would it be funny if Ellie basically treats Dan as if he’s fragile? Like, she knows Dan is carrying Danny’s core so she’s like “why don’t you lay down?” “Are you eating alright?” “Be careful in that fight!” But at the same time, she’s constantly getting on his nerves and doing everything in her power to annoy him or just doesn’t seem interested in his life. The Justice league are very confused by their interactions. Especially when they see Dan take on an entire army single handedly. Dan hates the hovering even though he understands why she does it. (And when the Justice league realize Dan is carrying his brother’s core they might hover too.)
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Part 9 - left its seeds while I was sleeping
“Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence.” -The Sound of Silence by Disturbed
Masterlist Part 8
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It was the lack of air in her lungs that woke Jazz up, gasping for air and fingers desperately trying to find a beating pulse at her neck. 
With a sigh of relief, Jazz rested her palm against the beat, counting as it started to settle into a resting pace again. 
Another nightmare. 
Back in Danny’s memorial Jazz had converted from a maintenance access space, she had slept there one Christmas weekend as she learned her little brother would truly never have a peaceful afterlife. The darkness was an old friend, like a worn blanket from childhood that you would hide under because you believed the monsters wouldn’t get you then- embraced her as she was and sheltered her as she mourned her lost humanity and childhood until there were no more tears to cry. 
Nonetheless, it couldn’t shelter her from the dreams of death, the echo of Danny’s death scream ghostly wail ricocheting in her skull like the worst sort of pinball game she could ever have the misfortune of playing. 
It was no longer Danny’s death or theirs that haunted her with dogged determination, but Jason’s. 
(The same man she found herself missing more with each passing day that she didn’t wake in his arms.)
It was horrifically detailed, the nightmares, because Jazz’s imagination painted with vivid color even in sleep. The details Lady Gotham had shared with her were few and far between, considering she didn’t care for talking about her favorite bird’s murder. 
(Beaten, betrayed… waiting for his dad to reach him in time.)
(Only the darkness would ever know how much Jazz cried for a younger Jason, who only wanted his mother’s love, died for it.)
(It spoke to her own childhood, wanting her parents to love her and care for her.)
(What a pair they were.)
Jazz threw off her blankets and got dressed for the day, hair brushed back into a low ponytail and Bracelets hidden under loose sleeves and a glamor. The metal was cool against her warm skin, a comfortable weight on her forearms as she went about her morning in silence, forcing the nightmare back into a box for her never to think about. 
Danny emerged only a few minutes after Jazz began making breakfast for them, yawning and raking a scarred hand through his messy hair as he tried to wake up. Her little brother was completely healed from his traumatic experience physically, but she worried about him mentally. Though he was much happier compared to when she first dragged him bleeding and screaming to Gotham, which could also be due to the fact that he has a new Haunt and isn’t vilified by the city as Phantom. 
Even if it came at the cost of life, Danny loved being a vigilante.
The signs were there in the little things most of all.
 The pride in his voice when he introduced himself as Phantom, delivered puns and witty one-liners with his wicked sense of humor for all to see, thrived in the sense of duty he wrought in Protecting others, even complete strangers. Danny was a hero, but he didn’t need that distinction to want to help, he only wanted to not be hunted for his spooky nature. 
Jazz would shoulder that burden for him, take up another mantle if it meant giving Danny a chance to be happy with his existence. Ancients only knew how far she would go for him. 
One slash, two, three
Blood is on your hands already. 
Fourth, fifth slash
Ask the ghosts if honor matters, buried amongst the ash. 
So what if Jazz had a bond with the darkness? So what if she woke up with no air in her lungs, searching for a pulse? 
There was nothing else for her to fight for, no greater purpose she could find then to be at Danny’s side through the ups and downs. Jazz had already given up so much, both willingly and unknowingly, to take the crown, to be more than a presence on the sidelines- she was more than a Liminal, Jazz was the damn Regent. 
(She ignored the grating reminder of the title being temporary.)
It was only until Jazz watched Danny walk through the door of his school, that it dawned on her what she was feeling….
Jazz was becoming depressed. 
With the subtlety of Jack Fenton barreling through a wall, Jazz threw herself into work- both Vigilante and Regent- to ignore the realization and subsequent horror that she was falling into a deep depression.
And it was largely because of Danny. 
Ancients, Jazz wanted nothing more than to confront these feelings head on, much like she encouraged her little brother too, but she couldn’t even find where to begin. 
She supposed she could find someone to talk to about all this, in a professional manner, but her options were limited. 
Spectra was the only ghost with counseling experience, but Jazz would only be leaving a conversation with her worse than when she began. 
Frostbite would be of little help with something so human, considering he was an ancient ghost Yeti. 
Human. That was it. 
Jazz hadn’t considered a human psychiatrist, since most of her health needs thus far were physical and treated by the Yeti tribe, thanks to her ecto-contamination and proto-core. 
What if she found a human doctor to see? Jazz had no reason to discuss anything  ecto related, only human adjacent, so she could very well find one that suited her and her needs. 
Well, that might be a challenge in Gotham. 
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The Watchtower was host to nearly every possible hero who were to attend Batman’s urgent briefing, many lingering around and questioning what the Bat could’ve had in store for so many of them to be present. 
Robin, Red Hood, and Red Robin were counted among the numbers of those present, though only Red Robin had the fully depth of what they were about to be privy to, having been one of three people to sort through the Ghost Files (as they were dubbed by the Batkids). 
Robin had demanded to be included, citing his prior experience with The Regent in Crime Alley as reason enough. 
(He would not admit that he had been petrified by the vigilante, the death aura freezing him down to his bones.)
Red Hood was there at the request of his younger brother (Tim), Oracle and Batman, though he had yet to understand why. 
“Red Robin, begin the presentation.” Batman ordered gruffly as he entered the large meeting hall, Superman and Wonder Woman at his heels, the other heroes trickling in soon after. 
Red Robin nodded, took a deep breath and started the presentation slideshow. 
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Slide #1: Ghosts, Fenton Family, GIW, Anti-Ecto Acts, The Regent and the Phantom
Despite the absurdity of the first slide, no one felt like laughing. Especially when it is in a meeting with the Batman, the Dark Knight and two (?) of his children. Not to mention the existence of Deadman was well known to the Justice League. 
“Bloody Hell, Bats, took you long enough.” Constantine had no qualms about poking the man in question with a metaphorical stick, but he had fully expected this briefing to happen a week ago. 
“This briefing will be disclosing information granted to us by one of these Ghosts or Ecto-Entities as they are officially classified by the Ghost Investigation Ward or GIW. A serious breach of the Metahuman protection laws has been created and exploited by this government organization, which is responsible for drawing the Human world into the beginnings of an inter dimensional war with the Infinite Realms.” Batman spoke calmly, even if he was holding onto his demeanor by the skin of his teeth. 
(He was livid.)
(A dead child had to beg him not to send him to war.)
(A dead child was a Spirit of Protection.)
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As expected, the heroes present were disgusted by the actions of the GIW, the diabolical Anti-Ecto Acts passed during Luther’s term. 
The worst reactions came during the Fenton Family portion. 
The Ghost Files had included so much info on them, Red Robin had to shorten the list of what he would include in the presentation. 
The first picture was of the members themselves, posing in front of a brick building with a neon sign of ‘Fentonworks’ glaring annoyingly from the background, casting an off shade of pale green over the subjects. 
“The Fenton Family, manufacturers of the weapons sold to the GIW for the express purpose of hunting and capturing ghosts.” Batman began, “The two adults are Madeline and Jack Fenton, ecto-biologists whose prejudiced views on Ecto-Entites seem to be the founding behind the Acts and the GIW.” 
The man in the photo was large, a sturdy frame encased in an orange hazmat suit and bearing a wide grin on his face, with an arm around his wife and children. Madeline Fenton was a slight woman, standing at a possible five foot eight and wearing a hazmat suit like her spouse. 
The children were the next to be spoken of, “The boy is Daniel Fenton, the youngest, and according to the information given, he was killed in a lab accident at fourteen years old.” 
The gasps of horror intermingled with the muttered curses before the Dark Knight silenced them, “Daniel’s older sister, Jasmine, was the primary caregiver for most of his life and after discovering her parents dissecting the town’s protector, a ghost by the name of Phantom, in the same basement lab Daniel died in, Jasmine allowed the Regent to claim their souls so the violence done to Phantom would be avenged.” 
It had been quite the shock for Red Robin and Oracle to read that, both at the evidence of cruelty and inhumane experimentation done to a sentient being (a child who died and protected the town) and the admittance that the Regent killed the humans to avenge Phantom.
It wasn’t until Hood grimly smiled and said, “Good for them.” that something clicked. 
Phantom was killed by the Fentons and avenged by the Regent of the Ghost King. 
(Jason had never been avenged, not like this dead kid.)
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There was one file, a video, that Tim refused to share with anyone. 
The death of Daniel Fenton. 
…and the rebirth.
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Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t an idiot. He was born into a bloodline of brilliance, even if such wasn’t always used for the greater good. He had spent years fixing his parents failed inventions, doing the proper equations to figure out how something could work when in reality it had no business existing. 
(Designed to view a world unseen.)
He’d learned how to fly a jet and build one at fifteen out of sheer desperation, defeated the Ghost King in the same year…. And was almost killed fully by his parents. 
His vivisection scars had healed fully, his removed ribs having regrown, and he could transform without echoes of agony in his chest. 
(They had gotten far too close to his core.)
Point was, Danny knew there was something going on with his sister. She had been less talkative since their escape from Amity, but Jazz had been withdrawn since they took Jason to the Batcave. He had suspected that Jazz missed having someone to care for, considering that was the kind of person she’d been for as long as he could remember, but it didn’t seem quite right. There was something sadder in her eyes. 
Danny turned his focus back down to what he was doing, shoving the concern down to deal with later when he sees Jazz. Usually English was one of the classes he could relax in, considering he could now actually read the assigned books without worrying about ghost attacks eating into his sleep, but today Danny couldn’t focus on the teacher or the lesson. 
He’d had an idea for the ecto-comms, his own creation made from broken Fenton phones. His notebook, which was a mix of notes and half finished designs, was open to the original design of the comms. Danny had to account for Jazz’s helmet when he designed her set, but it was awkward at best to activate it when she needed to talk to him. 
Jazz needed armor to protect her vital organs even if her skin was incredibly durable. He’d seen some idiot unload a clip into Jazz’s back, not a single one had pierced her- that had been when she’d intercepted a smuggling ring from inside and had yet to summon her armor or sword. 
(The creepy head turn Jazz did to face the idiot was the stuff horror movies were made from.) 
(Danny was oddly proud.)
No, the armor was to protect against ghosts. Ecto-blasts would severely injure Jazz despite her liminalality, unlike Danny who could just go intangible or manipulate the ectoplasm in his body around the blast. 
“Did you hear about the Anti-Ecto Acts?” one of his classmates whispered from somewhere behind him, causing Danny to automatic tune his hearing into the conversation. 
“Yeah, that stuff is sick. Phantom is a pretty cool dude, even if he’s dead.” 
“He’s got puns for days, man.” 
“But still, ghosts?” 
“We got aliens, dude and you’re drawing the line at ghosts?” 
“Ugh, fine.” 
“Just read the whole article, man.” 
“It’s the daily planet.” 
“It’s Clark Kent and Lois Lane, dude, it’s worth the gag factor of metropolis.” 
Danny’s pencil snapped in uneven halves in his grip, confusing mix of emotions swirling in his chest. 
Anger-relief-cautious hope 
He’d given the Ghost Files to Batman as his last resort, believing in the hero and for his connection to Lady Gotham to sway him to give it a read through. Jazz had been adamant that if Phantom and the Ghost King was on that list, then she (as the Regent) would be too, though the two of them had argued against labeling Phantom as the Star King for the time being. Danny had grudgingly agreed to keep Phantom labeled as a Spirit of Protection, even if he went behind his sister’s back and gave Batman a list of his powers. 
(Danny still had nightmares of Dan.)
(He lost his parents, but he hadn’t lost his family.) (He had to remember that.) 
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There were few things Jason would consider dear to him. 
His books, kept neat and orderly in his apartment. His vigilante alias, taken from his killer to be a force of change. His grave, as a reminder that he came back. He’d been surprised to see Joker removed from the rogue list, hopeful that it meant he was avenged the clown fucker was finally dead and gone. Dick had held him again when he finally broke down and mourned himself, relief in the fact his killer would never hurt another innocent. 
Never hurt his family again. 
Barbie had framed the autopsy report and given it to her dad, where it proudly rested on his desk as a reminder that the clown was knocked off by a blessed soul and his daughter would never be hurt by him again. 
The alley where his head remained mounted was a protected site in Crime Alley, enforced by both Red Hood and it’s people. A trophy for all of them to appreciate, because while they hadn’t been the ones to end him… they had survived to bare witness to the days free of Joker. 
Harley Quinn was free, the happiest woman in all of Gotham- no, the world! The demon who’d made her in his image so long ago was gone for good and nothing would bring him back. She was free of her ex, her origin story was finally finished. 
Jason counted the fact he was inadvertently avenged as the dearest part of what he was as equal parts man and shambling corpse. He was free of that burden. 
And he had the bone-deep instinct that he knew exactly who to show his appreciation to.
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Part 10
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Ch. 1, Page 14]
Man, this new space program really needs some safety regulations
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George Barbier, Les Belles Sauvagesses de 1920, detail, Le Bonheur du Jour, ou Les Graces a la Mode. 1920.
For sale: EditionOriginale
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subiehasissue · 1 year
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wolfieainsleydrawz · 1 month
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snakeskinsuccubus · 5 months
music recommendations
hi! i love the genres goth and jazz. and i've fallen in love with songs that are a combination of the two. when goth artists incorporate jazz drum beats/rhythm like cocoon by siouxsie and the banshees. or when songs have a saxophone, like the moor by lebanon hanover. the damned also does this (street of dreams). i was wondering if anyone could give me recommendations!!!!
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 11 months
Boss battle
Okay, so you overreacted... you can admit to that. But to be fair, you are known as Lord Sullivan's child. Shame on them for not expecting such behavior.
Something had just felt off about today from the start. You had felt this way since that morning. You had tried to wave off the feeling, but you couldn't shake it. And then, you got the text.
It's funny how a short message can terrify you beyond measure. 'We've lost Iruma.' The horrified shriek that escaped your throat could probably be heard across hell.
Suddenly, it didn't matter that you were human. It didn't matter that you were miles away with no wings. Your baby was missing!!! The Demon King himself wouldn't have been able to stop you.
At this point, you were driving my pure anxiety. By the time you reached the park, it's in chaos. Que more panic and hyperventilating. Now it wasn't just one child at risk, but all your children?!?
Was it too late to do anything? It better not be otherwise you were going to skin the children's 'chaperones' alive. Rage started to build inside you.
It was bad luck that you happened upon Kalego's group first. You arrived on time to see Jazz dangling from one of the beasts large ears. The shrill sound of the whistle was nothing compared to the shattering of your own mind.
'Mmmmmmmyyyyy Bbbbbaaaaaabbbbbyyyyy!!!!!!!' Your mind howls as your body lunged to catch him. You then watched as Kalego used his Ceberus to take down the monster. He turns, showing a smug smirk.
That smirk dies when he notices you still holding Jazz tightly in your arms. Your nostrils flare. "Tell me something, Naberius-sensei..." A chill fills the air.
"What could have possibly possessed you into sending the very children you are supposed to be protecting to fight a monster?" Your eyes glow eriely. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.
"I don't care what febel excuse you could have. In fact, don't say a word." The cold icy ton you used flooded his veins. Dread fills his systems. This is what staring death in the face felt like. You set jazz down.
Advancing forward as the prideful dog took a step back his mouth agap. Even though moments ago, he had taken down a monstrous beast... he was filled with immeasurable fear now.
You an unranked individual. You who showed no signs of fang, nor claw. Your every step seemed to shake the ground.
Even though he knew it was more than likely just another beast in the area. It certainly didn't feel like it. It was pure luck that in that moment, he was summoned.
Even though he now suffered knowing that Opera was now aware of his fluffy form. He was somewhat relieved. Temporarily at least.
As the magical creatures took up their ultimate form by merging together, it still seemed easier to handle. He had Shichiro and Opera to assist him after all. That was... until the unexpected happened.
'Reckless! Idiotic! What in Hell was that child thinking??? Was he really that stupid or just had a death wish?' Kalego screamed internally in his mind as he watched in horror.
Iruma was in the beasts way, right in the line of fire! Suddenly, a blinding light flashes. And you're there. A shield spread out in front of you, absorbing the blast.
You remaind unscathed. Iruma staring up at you from behind in awe. Runes glowed along your skin. Eyes illuminated. You were pissed at this point.
You made your way towards the enraged creature. It lunges trying to bite you. You were not amused. You grab its horn and slam the large body into the pavement, sending shockwaves across the park.
You stare down at the squirming animal. "A worm like you... tried to hurt my children..." Your hushed voice echos across the park.
A loud wail comes from the snarling mass of magic. You walk across its neck, your magic pulsing wildly. You should kill it. Ripping it apart piece by piece. You should ensure not a single speck of it remains.
Your finger twitched, itching to do it the old-fashioned way. But the children were watching. It's best to stick with the less messy way. Unfortunately.
You raised your hand to the sky. A storm brewed above you. The wind whipped around, creating a barrier. There would be no escape.
It tried to stand, but you weren't allowing that. You slammed your foot down on its jugular. Even if you were drastically smaller, the force of having the air knocked out made an impact.
"Devine bolt." You hissed. Swinging your hand down swiftly, calling lightning down. A large charge blasted through electrocution being your weapon. Frying the beast to a crisp.
You stomp again, and it crumbles to dust. You land on your feet. "If you three hadn't wasted your time and had been taking your duties seriously, none of this would have happened."
Your words were directed at the three adults. They tensed. You slowly turned your head towards them. Oh, they better be groveling for their lives by the time you were done with them.
"It doesn't matter if they insisted. Or that they were stubborn. It doesn't matter if you thought them capable. You are the adults. No adult should send a child into battle for them."
Opera stood defensively while Kalego bristles and Balam seemed to shrink behind them. "I will deal with each of you later." It wasn't a warning. It was a promise.
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mote-historie · 7 months
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Wilton Williams, Ladies Promenading along a Sea Front, Fashion Illustration for The Bystander Magazine, August 1925.
Wilton Williams as he was known was active as a poster designer, commercial artist and illustrator in Britain between 1915 and 1930.
The Bystander was a British weekly tabloid magazine that featured reviews, topical drawings, cartoons and short stories. Published from Fleet Street, it was established in 1903 by George Holt Thomas. Its first editor, William Comyns Beaumont, later edited the magazine again from 1928 to 1932.
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Danny leaves Amity Park and Earth to commit to his rile as Ghost King
Ok I can’t lie to yall it’s one am and I wanted to write danny becomes ghost king and moves to the realms but misses school so asks William Lancer to skype call him during class so he can still be there. But I got very off track. Like I think I wrote a character study of jazz? I had to force myself to stop no joke. I could write this way forever but I think it’s kinda boring to read when I write in this style.
Anyway rambling here it is
Danny becomes the high King of the Infinite Realms and tries his hardest ti balance it all with his human life but it’s too much. He can’t keep up. His parents start putting more and more pressure on him. Plus their hatred if Phantom and ghosts has gone from a 10 to one hundred. Jazz thinks their obsessed, like their in love but with the idea of destroying Phantom. She no longer tries to give Danny a false hope of them accepting him as a halfa. Like he can’t see that. Every time she pulls him out if the kitchen, the living room, the lab. Hell every time Danny walks down the hall and one ih his parents join him, theres Jazz. As if summoned. Shes made it her mission to keep Danny from them and when she can’t she will do her best to make sure hes not alone with then. He thinks it’s a bit extreme and secretly is so glad for it. It’s like shes telling him his feelings are justified and that hes not crazy for being scared of his parents. That he doesn’t have to have the same fear of her. Shes on his side. Shes protecting him. And it’s nice. To be the one protected for once.
So they make a plan for him to leave. The Realms arent going ti give up or go away so he might as well go there. At least if hes nit running from his new responsibilities as Ghost King then they wont have to track him down and dump it in him once it’s piled up too much to be ignored. Hes already told Jazz hes not going ti pass up the crown. Imagine the good he can do as King. Plus hes promised that if he needs any help he will ask. So she helps him go. Their parents hardly notice when Danny disappeared from their house. Their obsession, their devotion, to Phantom has completely blinded them. Jazz is only staying because she is so close to finished here so wont have ti stay long. Less than a year and she can go off to any college she wants. Her grades are proof enough that she knows she wont tied to them and their money. She will be dependent of them and make a name for herself completely unrelated to them. These monsters who have taken her parents place.
She does wish she noticed sooner. Make she could have spared Danny so much pain and trauma had she just seen the signs. It was so clear to her now that this was their path. With every passing day she should have seen what they would become. But children love their parents regardless of goodness and she wanted to, no needed to believe they would do right by Danny. That no her parents wouldnt try to turn their son into a science experiment and strap him to a table and cut him open. She so craved and longed for a normal stable family. Something she no doubt learned doesn’t exist while studying physiology. She can’t blame herself. She knows it’s not her fault. She is still a child and still loved her parents. Even now as she makes plans to leave them and never come back to them. Even now she loves them. ‘Maybe im making a mistake’ ‘am I doing the right thing?’ The doubts pour into her mind. Then she sees them or talks to them and is once again reminded of why shes doing this. She has no doubts about if she can do it. She is smart and resourceful. She can easily make it on her own with a full ride to pretty much any collage. She would earn money as a tutor still and maybe even write articles online for cash, shes already got some offers, but that little voice in her mind still nags at her that they’re her parents and they love her. Maybe they used to but she knows they only care about one thing. Their “work” or their “science” in reality it’s their obsession. Ironic how they are like ghosts with their obsession controlling them. Unable to do anything else, think about anything else, until is fulfilled. If they just achieved their goal they would let up and maybe even return to their family. Minds no longer unable to sleep due to thoughts of their target. But Jazz could never let them. The price of her loving parents is the life of her sweet little brother. What a choice for a 17 year old to make. Have the family she was promised from all the media she had as a kid, showing familys of understanding and endless love. Or lose any hope of loving parents to help her little brother have his own loving family.
The choice was clear. She would sacrifice anything for him after all. If he asked her to give up her human life and join him in ruling the Realms she would have. Hell if he asked her to become a halfa she would have. This sweet boy whos willing to give up everything for everyone else deserves at least that. The hero who is not loved for his acts but despised, hated even, by those who he protects. A crueler fate even that his whole being obsessed with protecting them. Even if he wanted to give up on them he couldnt. She doesn’t even think hes capable of wanting to give up on protecting them. His ghost obsession keeps him from it. So she will give to the giver. He deserves just that.
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originemesis · 6 months
//adam with a god complex is a threat.
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