#jegulus halloween
marauders-but-chaotix · 7 months
regulus has always hated halloween. he can't explain why. however, after 1981, he knew no one could force him to celebrate halloween for the rest of his life.
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popcornhee · 7 months
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rosemarilee · 7 months
Lily+ Jegulus coparenting p4
Lily: What should Harry be for Halloween
James: a quidditch player!
Regulus: we don’t need him to end up more like you than he already is, dear
Lily: that true
James: I’d just like to point out that both of you at one point decided to marry me
Lily: I also divorced you
Regulus: and I’m mentally unwell
Harry: can I be a worm?
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billsbae · 6 months
evan and barty would dress up baby luna and harry as this, and if you don't think so, you're just wrong
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adharastarlight · 7 months
marauders halloween headcannon (but its happy, i promise)
okay okay okay but imagine
regulus outright refuses to do a couples costume with james because he likes the side of halloween where you watch horror movies and eat copious amounts of sugar... whilst popular james loves the parties
james begs him to go to the party with him and reg refuses so many times but then james hits him with the fucking puppy eyes and he has to say yes, he's only a man. a weak man at that.
but he's adament he won't do a couple's costume, he's going as a cat because its basic (...and no other reason at allll) and he knows there's not really any way james can copy that
he doesnt know what james is going as until the party when he walks out in just jeans (they almost dont make it to the party) with scratches across his chest and back which he had marlene's help putting on because he'll be dammed if they don't match
everyone asks james if he was "attacked by a werewolf" and he just smiles and corrects them "a cat actually" and points to reg
bonus: reg at some point makes james speechless (not too hard honestly) and just teasingly says "cat got your tongue?"
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straightforpotter · 3 months
Just Lovers SPOILERS⚠️⚠️
My heart just dropped into my stomach then I just burnt into tears, I think that was the most perfect ending to a marauders fic I’ve ever read and no one can change my mind
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theking-mustdie · 7 months
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did i create a wolfstar pumpkin? absolutely. am i uninspired so not posting as much? also absolutely.
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lackadaisicallizard · 7 months
Yes, I know it's halloween and I tried to write angst but I couldn't do it.
So enjoy this bit of Halloween fluff instead.
“Don’t laugh.” 
James is clearly trying very hard to keep a straight face. “I’m not laughing.” 
Regulus scowls at his husband. “Why on Earth am I dressed as a discount Dolly Parton right now, James?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t know what costume it is. You know exactly what costume it is.” James’ resolve falters and his lips curl up in amusement. 
Yes, Regulus does know what costume it is. He is currently wearing blue jeans with cow-print chaps, a white and yellow top, and a red cowgirl hat complete with a fake red plait that’s fetchingly draped over his left shoulder.   
“Why do you get to be Woody and I’m stuck with the frilly yellow fabric?” Regulus walks over to the mirror next to the wardrobe and glares at his reflection as he tweaks the cuffs on his ridiculous sleeves. 
James isn’t put off though it seems as he comes to stand behind him, his smile wide now. “If it helps, you look very cute in cow-print.” 
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Are you telling me you have a thing for cowboys now, Potter?” 
James laughs lightly as he wraps his arms around Regulus’ chest and his own hands subconsciously move to hold them. He can’t help himself. James Potter and his strong arms have always been his weakness. Well, one of them anyway. 
“Nah I have a thing for you,” James bends down to kiss his cheek, his next words low in his ear, “although now that you mention it, the chaps…” 
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Keep it in your pants, Potter, we’ve got places to be.” 
As if on cue, the bedroom door is flung open and the world’s most adorable Buzz Lightyear comes bounding in. “Daddy you said you’d be ten minutes and it’s definitely been way more than that!” 
James lets go of Regulus’ chest, but keeps his right arm wrapped around his husband’s waist as he turns to face their son. 
“Sorry Harry. I was ready in ten minutes but your papa was taking his time as usual.” 
Regulus hits him lightly in the stomach. “Maybe if I didn’t have to figure out how to pin my hair up so it didn’t show under the wig, we’d be leaving on time.” 
James nods. “It does look good, love. Don’t you think so Harry?” 
Harry nods too, a mirror image of his father. “You look just like Jessie! She’s my favourite you know? Well, after Buzz.” 
And how could Regulus do anything but melt at that comment? Because this is the reason he agreed to the ridiculous outfit- his son’s request for them to dress as his favourite characters from his favourite movie. 
Harry is and always will be his biggest weakness. 
Regulus finally smiles now, fully and properly, and moves to kneel down in front of the grinning six year old, adjusting the helmet that is slightly wonky on his head. “Buzz is my favourite too.” 
“Absolutely. How could he not be?” 
“Exactly! Daddy says that his favourite is Rex.” 
“Yes well Daddy is wrong as usual.” 
“Hey!” Regulus turns to his husband’s mildly hurt facial expression. 
“Two against one.” 
“We win!” Harry exclaims and James’ face immediately shifts back to a smile. He scoops Harry up, careful not to damage his wing in the process. 
“I guess we’ll have to watch it later to really decide a winner, won’t we?” 
Harry looks at Regulus who is now standing next to them. “Can we, Papa?” His voice is brimming with excitement 
“Let’s see how we feel after trick or treating, yeah?”
Harry thinks on this for a second before nodding. “Okay.” 
“Speaking of which, we’d better get going before all the good sweets are taken,” James says as he puts Harry down. “Why don’t you go and grab your bucket and we’ll be out in a second?” 
Harry furrows his brow and Regulus speaks, “I promise I won’t take forever this time.” 
“Okay,” Harry says, easily convinced, and he rushes back out of the bedroom. 
James turns to Regulus, his smile soft and his eyes glinting with the same joy that he just saw written across their son’s face. “Are you ready?” 
And as Regulus takes one last look at himself in the mirror he no longer sees a stupid cowgirl costume that his husband made him wear. He sees a stupid cowgirl costume that belongs to his son’s second favourite Toy Story character. And while the former may not have been enough of a reason for him to pull on a pair of leather boots and go outside to be seen by the general public, the latter definitely is. 
So he answers with a nod of his head and a tone more resolute than he ever thought it would be under the given circumstances. “Let’s do this.” 
“To infinity and beyond?” 
“Don’t push it, Potter.”
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wulanvansunshine · 1 month
Marauders ships as couples Halloween costumes
Wolfstar - Little red riding hood + the wolf (guess who the wolf is)
Jegulus - Johnny (James) + Mavis (Regulus)
Rosekiller - Priest (Evan) + devil (Barty)
Jily - Gnomeo and Juliet
Dorlene - Police officer (Dorcas) + criminal (Marlene)
Marylily - Pirate (Mary) + Mermaid (Lily)
Pandalily - Water fairy (Pandora) + Earth fairy (Lily)
how do we feel about this? I’m open to suggestions
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swiftiereg · 7 months
When he died James didn’t think „Peter betrayed us“. He thought: „Oh no, something horrible must’ve happened to my friend“ and it makes me sick.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 months
Sirius Black and James Potter would be Percy Jackson kids.
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heliosinwater · 7 months
i would have died. i would have died rather than betray my friends.
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regscupid · 8 months
10/3 prompt: zombie (1,022 words) - @jegulus-microfic
“Reg, you have to get the next one.” Sirius groaned as he flopped back onto the sofa, throwing his feet into Regulus’ lap. The trick-or-treaters had been especially brutal this year, coming in never-ending hoards of demanding children with variations of the same three costumes and sticky fingers.
“Just turn the lights off so they stop coming.” Regulus shoved at Sirius’ legs.
“Then what, get egged? They know we have the big candy bars.”
“That’s your own fault. I was perfectly content buying one of those mixed fun-sized bags,”
Just as Regulus turned to resume their annual rewatch of Night of the Living Dead, the doorbell rang again.
Sirius looked at Regulus expectantly, nudging his leg with his socked foot. Regulus rolled his eyes and made a show of begrudgingly standing up. He just hoped it wasn’t teenagers this time.
“Trick or treat!” The voice of a small child called out just a bit too loudly when he opened the door. The boy couldn't have been older than four or five and was dressed as an impressively realistic zombie, the illusion only slightly shattered by the pair of little red glasses wrapping around his face. His arms visibly wobbled with the strain of holding out a Lightning Mcqueen pillowcase nearly full to the brim with candy.
“Wow, you’ve worked very hard tonight, haven’t you?” Regulus’ voice lilted with the effort of trying to contain a laugh at the expectant way he glanced between the pillow case and Regulus.
“We heard this is where the good candy is,” A warm voice called from behind the kid. Regulus met the eyes of another much taller, adult zombie, making his way up the porch steps.
He also wore glasses that took the edge off the undead part of the costume- though the smile on his face had Regulus thinking there wasn't a costume the man could wear that would come off as anything other than charming.
“You’ve heard correctly. But don’t go spreading that around,” Regulus joked. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” The man chuckled. The laugh resonated through Regulus’ skull and he became hyper-aware of himself, quickly turning his attention instead to the cheap plastic cauldron of chocolate bars on the table by the door.
“Well I think this is the scariest costume I’ve seen all night, so it’s only fair you get two candy bars,” Regulus crouched down in front of the kid, scratching his head in mock consideration, “What do you think?”
“Yeah!” The kid dropped his pillow case without care, leaning toward the cauldron with the kind of excitement you only see in children. Candy poured out of the case and the man, presumably his father, huffed out an exasperated sigh.
“Harry,” The man warned kindly, bending down to clean up his child’s war spoils.
“Sorry. Yes please, thank you.” The kid, Harry, smiled sweetly.
“Why don’t you pick,” Big green eyes widened and he leaned forward to peer at his options.
“There’s so many kinds.”
“There are. Don’t worry, take your time.” Regulus shrugged, setting the cauldron on the ground in front of Harry to poke through, and stood back up. He wasn’t sure where the patience was coming from. With most trick-or-treaters, he’d usually throw whatever candy bar he grabbed into whatever bag, bucket, or pillowcase he was presented with and send them on their way as quickly as possible.
Standing up brought him back to eye level with the man behind Harry. Ah, that’s it.
Sure, he was covered in prosthetics, fake blood, and tattered clothes, but Regulus could see right through it. The wide-set broadness of his shoulders, the easy confidence in his smile, the kind crinkle of his eyes. Regulus wasn’t ashamed to admit he had a type and this guy fit the criteria. And something in the way his eyes lingered on Regulus’ skin above the waistband of his joggers and below the hem of his t-shirt had Regulus thinking it wasn’t entirely unreciprocated.
“So, do you guys live in the neighborhood?” Regulus asked as Harry continued to slowly weigh his choices.
“Yeah, a block over. We actually just moved in a few days ago.” 
“Ah, well, welcome. I’m Regulus, and my brother Sirius lives here too.” He cringed at himself internally, wanting nothing more than to ram his own head into his door. He hated small talk, and there was no reason to mention Sirius at all, but something in him needed the guy to know he didn’t have a partner to live with. Though, he showed no sign of being thrown off.
“I’m James, this is my son, Harry.” James settled his hand on top of Harry's head, “It’s just us.”
Regulus couldn’t help his smile at the way he emphasized the last part, James’ grin shifting just to the right of flirty.
“Okay, I picked!” Harry called out, turning to James with his small fists curled tightly around his clearly well-thought-out choices.
“Well done, Haz,” James leaned down to scoop up his son, settling him on his hip with the full pillow case still clutched in his other hand. “Say thank you to Regulus,”
“Thank you Reglus,” Harry gave him a wide smile lacking a few teeth and Regulus felt something in his chest turn warm and gooey.
“Of course. Gotta give the zombies plenty of candy so they’re not hungry for my brains, right?”
Harry giggled and the conversation lulled.
“Happy Halloween, neighbor,” James slowly backed up on the porch.
“Happy Halloween. See you around,” Regulus fiddled awkwardly with the door handle.
“Yeah. I hope so.” James winked and turned around, starting his way down the path to the street and Regulus flushed despite himself.
When the door closed, Regulus peaked through the window by the door, ducking when James looked back at the house.
“As sweet as that was, can we please get back to the movie before I throw up?” Sirius stared at him from the entryway to the living room.
Regulus couldn’t find it in himself to be annoyed or embarrassed at the eavesdropping, too distracted by the giddy thrum in his chest.
“I’m going to fuck the neighbor.”
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adharastarlight · 9 months
realising its almost october which is great because spooky season but also im a marauders fan.
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billsbae · 6 months
halloween costumes for harry and luna by the marauders and slytherin skittles
reg and pandora: tinkerball and peter pan
james: spider man (of course) and wonder woman
sirius and marlene: ketchup and mustard
lily and remus: winnie the pooh and tigger
mary and peter: jessie and woody (i don't care that toy story wasn't out yet in 80s)
barty and evan: chucky and tiffany
reg and james: minnie mouse and mickey mouse
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n0blefl0wer · 7 months
Yeah, yeah. The marauders loved Halloween. We know. But you know what holiday James goes absolutely BONKERS for? Christmas. That man starts playing Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ the instant the clock strikes midnight on November First. He’s got his Christmas tree picked out that weekend. The house is filled with the scent of gingerbread for two months out of the year. He spent the better part of five years perfecting his tumbprint cookies recipe. He’s had all of his friends Christmas gifts picked out since July. He fucking loves Christmas.
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