#jess stone
finalatomicbuster · 2 months
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Jess Stone for Mandate (August 1981) Photography by Roy Blakey
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huyandere · 10 months
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feeling a bit silly today
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filmgifs · 3 months
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Kinds of Kindness dir. Yorgos Lanthimos (2024)
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pliablehead · 9 months
(cw for deaths in the family)
My grandfather has until the end of this calendar year to move out of the house he's lived in for my whole adult life. While he's been living here, he's lost his wife, his son (my dad), and his oldest daughter, each of whom was living in this home with him at their time of death. The house is way too big and old and nasty for one nonagenarian, so we're honestly glad he's getting bumped somewhere else, but what this means is that all the accumulated STUFF of four people is in this house, and he absolutely cannot take it all with him when he moves into his new tiny apartment for one.
A piece of this project I have taken on is trying to help get rid of three HUGE boxes worth of DVDs. I know not a lot of people have DVD players anymore, but I also know that a lot of people here on the internet (myself included!!) are really passionate about media preservation in an age when Netflix and other streamer services can just remove your favorite programming at the drop of a hat and there's nothing you can do about it. I would REALLY love to send these DVDs to people who care about them rather than just trying to offload them at a media resale store or something. Everything is pay what you want, although I'd love if you'd at least cover shipping (though it's honestly fine if you can't), and ideally I will be giving anything I make back to my grandpa to help him with the transition into this new living situation.
** IMPORTANT NOTE TO KEEP IN MIND: Any titles marked with an asterisk are NOT official, commercially released DVDs, but are burned DVD-R copies made by my dad (an obsessive collector/tinkerer who in hindsight was so incredibly neurodivergent). They're still all in nice cases with legit-looking paper inserts that he made and everything.
This list includes things like: a lot of BBC or PBS public programming, classic films from before 1970, war movies, huge chunks of Monty Python, random sci-fi and horror offerings, and much more! If you or anyone you may know is at ALL interested, I encourage you to reach out, or to please at least share to a wider audience, and I will do my best to stay on top of people's requests, ship them out promptly, and keep the gdoc list up to date when things go! Thank you so much for helping me and my Pappap out! ♥
EDIT TO ADD: I am from the continental US, as are, I imagine, the majority of these DVDs. I am happy to ship internationally if I can be reimbursed for shipping, but I cannot guarantee the DVDs will play in another region.
OCTOBER 21 UPDATE: Visited again this week and picked up EVEN MORE DVDs! List in the original GDoc has been expanded to include the rest of the haul. Maybe take a second look if you were on the fence at first!
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itzshrike · 3 months
Okay okay we already got tales of the Jedi and are getting tales of the empire but are we forgetting something? 🤨
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tivix · 6 months
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again order of the stone yay!!
(olivia makes heart-shaped patches for axel)
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marv-el-spot · 1 month
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FILMS WATCHED IN 2024 Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) Dir. Ruben Fleischer
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trix1erose · 1 month
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a friend and i started replaying this together as a joke and now i must suffer the consequences of a brain that can’t casually consume media
(reference photo i used under the cut)
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lillbitdramatic · 5 days
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after seas of bobs, buns, and ponytails
supermassive has finally given jess another member of the pigtail club
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cherrystainedknuckles · 8 months
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The Titans (1999) #4
ah, yes, the four types of hell
1. normal hell
2. heroin detox
3. newark
4. blüdhaven
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sad-cinephile · 2 months
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Character posters for "Kinds of Kindness " by Yorgos Lanthimos.
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deztryx · 6 months
Wooo mcsm doodles
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Jsbxjsvxjshxjsh :3
Idk what to put here lol
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mksbigg3stfan · 4 months
In the first season of MCSM, Lukas has had a place with the Ocelots for a long time. He knows they have rude tendencies that he doesn't agree with, but they really are his only friends. He's only "friendly" with other people. He admires people like Petra and Gabriel, who, to him, seem strong, capable, and liked by everyone despite not trying to get people to like them. (Bro doesn't know he fits that description.) At first, he's kind of scared of the change. Changing groups, changing teams. He doesn't mind helping Jesse, Olivia, and Axel, but the three have very clear opinions on him.
Jesse is very friendly and seems to welcome Lukas in easily. Olivia is wary, but she's willing to let Lukas prove he's not like his friends. Axel, though, feels threatened by Lukas' presence, and he makes that very clear. To Axel, Lukas is the same as the other oceleots. He sees Lukas' genuine kindness as a facade, a way to make fun of Jesse, Olivia, and Axel, and to probably eventually betray them. (By this point, I'm assuming the Ocelots and Jesse group have known each other for a while, and the Ocelots have always bullied them because of how familiar they seem with each other.) Lukas knows his friends aren't the best, so he tries to be lenient with Axel, and show him that he's not trying to bully or trick them. But Axel doesn't want to accept that Lukas can be good.
When people - or people's friends - have been beating down on you for a while, it's tough to trust them. Lukas feels like he's failed at trying to be friends with Jesse group, so he tries to leave. I think that maybe it was around here he was thinking about if he'd been too complacent with his friends. Letting them bully people. Not really thinking for himself or sticking up for anyone, really. And he feels ashamed, and angry at himself, and Axel. (Lukas is only 18, i think, so he's still a teenager. His decison making brain part is nottt done yet guys.)
He has trouble sleeping that night because of it, also because there's a command block wither flying around somewhere wrecking the world, and Petra is left back at the convention (?) With it. Lukas seems like the type of guy to blame himself for Petra being left behind. I think he was probably thinking to himself the whole time that if he was strong enough, Petra would be safe. That it was his fault she was in danger. He probably doubted his abilities a lot too, thinking things like, "If Petra was here she would've helped Jesse solve this faster," "If Petra was here she could've easily found a different route," basically just him thinking Petra is more useful.
If you look at it from Lukas point of view, the whole journey seems very easy to Jesse. Jesse picks up fighting easily despite not having much training or experience. Jesse brings the Order of the Stone together. (I think the conflict over Lukas holding the Order of the Stone tracker was partially due to Lukas being jealous of Jesse, feeling useless and wanting to help. Even if he's jealous, Lukas had grown to admire Jesse and wants them to trust him.) Jesse seems to be the designated leader. With the Ocelots, it might’ve appeared to people that Lukas was the leader, but that was not true at all. It seems like Lukas had mostly always been a pushover, and him standing up for people and himself was something new.
At the beginning of the game, when Lukas wishes the Jesse trio luck, the Ocelots look extremely annoyed with him. (Especially bitchass Aiden he needs to trim those eyebrows.) Lukas arc in the first season seems to be him finding himself and gaining confidence similar to the Jesse group's overall arc because the Ocelots have been stamping all over him and pressuring him into going along with things.
But why?
Why does Lukas let them do those things?
He hates conflict.
He hates making people angry. Even if Jesse takes the route that makes his life a living hell , the worst he does is stomp off angrily and immediately forgive jesse in season 2. He's way too forgiving, and that's why it takes so long for him to go against Aiden, who is the actual leader of the Ocelots.
While Lukas is a pushover, Gill is much worse. He easily lets Aiden take control of the situation and is afraid of him. Aiden seems prone to lashing out when people don't act like how he wants them to, very likely verbally attacking Lukas and Gill when they "step out of line." It doesn't seem like he has gotten physical yet, but Gill was likely afraid of that even possibly happening, so he just let Aiden push him around.
When Aiden betrays Lukas, it would be wrong to say that Lukas didn't see it coming. Selfishly, in his opinion, he wanted to give him just one more chance. One more chance to show that he could change. But then, Aiden forms the Blaze Rods. They ditch him. After they've been friends for so long, Lukas is clueless about what he wants to do. He's angry, frustrated, and cries. For a while, he's aimless, unsure of what to do. His old "friends" are gone, so he doesn't have them to go back to. But Jesse, Olivia, and Axel are there. He considers going to Beacontown, saying hi. But what then?
It's not like he's part of their group.
They're heroes. He doesn't belong with them.
With all this free time on his hands, he decides to write. He has no one to talk to, so where else will he put what he thinks? Lukas had been putting off interacting with Jesse in a non small talk way until he rescued Jesse from the giant ass statue thing. He was too afraid to hear the possibility that Jesse might not want to be friends with him. He hates being alone for so long (Radar is there too but he probably feels mostly isolated) But, in season 2, Jesse welcomes him back, and Lukas finally earns a place somewhere, a place he made on his own.
(Sorry guys I really needed to talk about this somewhere)
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hetalianskywalker · 2 months
Mermay 2024 Masterlist
Hello! Welcome to my Star Wars Clones (and their Prime) x Reader Mermaid AU!
So over the past few years, the clone troopers, in all shapes and forms, have meant a lot to me. I started writing on tumblr about half a year ago now and I just got into a graduate program. So I’m probably gonna drop off the face of the earth in a few months.
I wanted to take part in one of these month long fandom events before I left so Mermay seemed like a good fit to me. I went around tumblr and found prompts that inspired me and I thought went with each character.
Thank you for reading!
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Day 1: The Courtyard - Mer Rex x Harpy Reader
Day 2: The Bakery - Mer Jesse x Reader
Day 3: Black Pearls - Siren Kix x Reader
Day 4: The Lobster- Mer Hardcase x Reader
Day 5: Two Siren Songs - Siren Fives x Siren Reader
Day 6: Sown Together - Selkie Echo x Mer Reader
Day 7: Scavenged - Mer Denal x Reader
Day 8: Choosing to Help- Mer Vaughn x Jedi Reader
Day 9: A Heart Fish- Mer Cody x Reader
Day 10: My Dream- Mer Gregor x Pirate Reader
Day 11: To Swim With A Siren- Siren Waxer x Pirate Reader
Day 12: Hold On- Mer Boil x Reader
Day 13: Hasn’t Changed - Mer Wolffe x Reader
Day 14: Trapped in the Lake - Mer Boost x Reader
Day 15: Stuck - Mer Sinker x Reader
Day 16: The Forgetful Selkie- Selkie Fox x Fae Queen Reader
Day 17: Here - Siren Thorn x Pirate Reader
Day 18: Just the Beginning - Selkie Thire x Reader
Day 19: Excitement - Mer Stone x Thief Reader
Day 20: Stargazing - Mer Hound x Nightsister Reader
Day 21: Get On With It - Siren Hunter x Doctor Reader
Day 22: Fishing for a Merman - Mer Howzer x Twi’lek Reader
Day 23: Understatement - Mer Mayday x Ice Dragon Reader
Day 24: Stories- Mer Slip x Mer Reader
Day 25: Sea Caves - Siren Fireball x Reader
Day 26: Sea Glass - Mer Nemec x Reader
Day 27: Actions- Selkie Samson x Jedi Reader
Day 28: The Sea Alor - Sea Alor Mer Jango x Harpy Reader
Day 29: The Heir - Mer Boba Fett x Kiffar Reader
Day 30: The Wait - Mer Fordo x Goddess Reader
Day 31: The Bet - Mer Alpha 17 x Sea Dragon Reader
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