#john winchester death
hunterevie · 2 months
My next chapter is going to be a rough one to write. Even just writing these three paragraphs below made me want to cry.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
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Season 2, Episode 2: Everybody Loves a Clown
After the events at the hospital, the brothers have no idea where the demon that killed their mother is hiding. While biding their time trying to come up with an idea, they investigate murders committed by a killer clown. (Directly from IMDB)
Director: Philip Sgriccia
Writers: Eric Kripke, John Shiban, Sera Gamble
Set in:  Medford, Wisconsin
The roadhouse!!!!
I hate clowns just as much as Sam Winchester, so I gotta say, I didn't love this episode.
I'm not sure what kind of creature this is
"I don't care how you deal with this, but you HAVE to deal with it, man" -Sam to Dean about John's death.
They have to be invited in
This creature is a rakshaka
"Before we go stabbing things into Cooper, we're gonna want to make damn sure it's him." -Sam / "You're such a stickler for details, Sammy." -Dean
This monster is pretty creepy
This entire episode is pretty creepy. I hate fun houses and clowns.
That was really smooth, Sam. I don't love this love story developing between Dean and Jo. I know how it turns out but still
Ash went to MIT and was expelled for fighting?
Dean needs better ways to deal with his emotions
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foundgirlpigeon · 1 year
Modern queer shows are just like:
Choose route: mlm or wlw
WLW: *beep* cancelled! The nuances that we were building upon that would've started and era of modern philosophy will now never be revealed :)
MLM: uh oh! compulsory divorce arc you are now a child of divorce and trauma :)
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dyke-will-graham · 4 months
Happy Pride Month to the gay couples of the internet that sparked a thousand blogs May the odds of reboots, post-series conventions, and actor affirmed canon be in your favor. Wishing a very happy gay month to Destiel, Merthur, Hannigram, Johnlock and all those in between including our new brethren Painland, Blackbonnet, Ineffable Husbands, Nandermo and others! Rejoice!
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cannibaldetective · 2 months
i love miserable gay men
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nobodymitskigabriel · 3 months
Thinking about how Dean idolized John, imitated him at every turn, made himself malleable to become whatever soldier or weapon he needed, but was ultimately convinced that he'd never live up to the man John was or expected him to be.
Thinking about how Jack idolized Dean, imitated him at every turn, made himself malleable to become whatever soldier or weapon he needed, but was ultimately convinced that he'd never live up to the man Dean was or expected him to be.
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saltbind · 2 months
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Martin: Do you understand? It's metaphorical. My example, it's a metaphor. I mean, it's uh… it's symbolic. - The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Supernatural | Iphigenia (1977) insp.
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lambmotifz · 5 months
thinking about sam saying “you were the one who said don’t come back dad. you closed that door.” to john vs dean telling sam “if you walk out of that door, don’t you ever come back” i love it when they’re so unsubtle about samdean/samjohn parallels
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potatomoonjuice · 1 year
Why can't fictional queer men over 40 just be happy :(
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supernatural soap alignment chart just dropped
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theres blood on the upholstery of the impala. There's blood on Dean's clothes. There's also a ringing kinda white-noise sound in his ears. He thinks he might be dying. Dad's defying the laws of physics, he's driving so fast, Sam's patching him up. Sam and dad are arguing. He can't figure out about what.
He's so cold. He tells Sam that, or he thinks he does and Sam starts sobbing, yelling harder at dad. Dean wants to tell him that its alright, just get a blanket. He's too tired.
The blood on the car is from him. Of course it is. He can't feel his toes- can't feel anything at all. He's drifting and dad is driving and Sam's 12-year-old face is so sad.
In another universe, this is how Dean Winchester dies- back of a car post werewolf hunt.
In this universe it is one of many close calls.
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sadbigemini · 2 months
SUPERNATURAL MY BELOVED!!! Sorry, lol... I have some SPN fic prompts today. Let's get started!
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What If Dean Winchester Killed John Before The Pilot?
I saw this post talk about how the initial pilot script implied that Dean killed John instead of hunting down Yellow Eyes (Azazel).
And like just imagine!
John went 'too far' (Dean's opinion) in his abuse and Dean had to kill him. But he felt guilty even after everything that the bastard did to him and Sammy. And he couldn't be alone bc what is Dean Winchester without family, without a purpose?? 😭
So, he went to Stanford and told Sammy that Dad was on a hunting trip.
What if Sam knew? Whether it be from the moment Dean said something or he figured it out during the first hunt (the White Woman/Weeping Woman).
But he let Dean have his whole charade bc he knew he was working through his guilt or for some other reason??? Idk
Also in the post was during their 'first' meeting Cas was like "Dean Winchester I need you to help me kill my father" and like that can happen too lmao
It would be interesting
What if John Winchester died instead of Mary Winchester?
Patchwork Souls (title rec)
John went into the nursery instead because Mary was going to follow through with the deal she made with Azazel.
Mary would still want revenge against the demon though. Especially since she only agreed that she wouldn't enter the nursery and demons are all about technicality. Only when it doesn't apply to themselves apparently (meaning John's entry shouldn't have mattered, Yellow Eyes could have just teleported away).
So, I think she would start hunting again but she would definitely not let her grief control her. Like someone else we know (side-eyes John 😒).
Now I'm going off of Past Mary's personality bc I hate Brought Back Mary (or whatever you wanna call her lol).
Mary raises the boys and still teaches them to hunt but only for self-defense and as a precaution.
She doesn't take Dean on a hunt until he's like sixteen maybe eighteen and only because he wants to. Same with Sam. She also starts them out easy.
Dean definitely would have probably tried hunting on his own tho.
Bobby or Ellen would watch them a lot when Mary went on hunts.
Would that mean that Ellen's husband is still alive??? Whatever you want ig?
She would never leave them alone in a motel until Dean is like at least fourteen. And she would always leave them with enough money. Even if there wasn't quite enough for herself.
But when she wanted to spend some time with her boys she would hand off the case to someone else through Bobby or Ellen.
Jo would be like their little sister and Ash would be like their weird brother lmao
Bobby kinda became like a father figure to Mary and a grandfather like figure to the boys (don't get me started on that while weird relationship in the show please).
Mary makes money by becoming a private detective and solves mostly supernatural crimes. Sometimes it's just cheating husbands.
But when work is slow she works at the Roadhouse for extra cash and also hustles the hunters there.
Bobby/Jody or Jody/Donna??
Dean/Castiel in the future?
Mary encouraged Sam to pursue his dreams of a more normal safe life and becoming a lawyer. She also encouraged Dean's dreams of becoming a hunter even if she wishes he chose a different route.
The story might start with Mary being kidnapped because the demons want the colt? And Dean pulls Sam away from his more apple pie life to find her. Or maybe she went dark because she caught Yellow Eyes’ (Azazel’s) trail?
Maybe she wants to shield her boys from the demon and try to keep them safe?
What about John's deal with Azazel? Would Mary make it instead? Or would that not happen??
Dad Bobby ♡
Bobby adopts the Winchester boys legally.
When Bobby meets the Winchesters he's reminded of his father and he does something about it.
First he goes to rehab, talks to Dean (first about John not his plan yet, when he does it's a year after Dean was sent to the boy's home), starts getting friendlier with the locals, and asks Ellen and some hunters to help fix up his house. Making it not look so blatantly like a hunter's.
They hide it all in his panic room which he then makes a secret passage to so the social worker won't see it. But he keeps his guns locked up in his room.
He also takes a step back from hunting but still helps from pretending to be a FBI superior to giving hunting advice to finding hunts for others to help research lore. He focuses on his car business.
SPN has so SO many plot holes ranging from big to small so some the ages for certain things have been changed.
So, Dean went to the boy's home at 14 instead of 16. Sam was 10. Sam learned about monsters when he was 8 like in canon. Dean learned about them a little younger maybe. Currently Dean is 15 and Sam is 11???
The FBI Has A Secret Task Force Of Hunters
Supernatural and Criminal Minds crossover!!
Dean and Sam are forced to join if they don't want to go to jail. They'd also get paid a salary and have more stability. But it throws the Winchester brothers into a whole new world.
They have mandatory therapy and training tho– HA!
They'd also probably have to share their knowledge and train agents. Obviously the BAU is assigned to them.
So, the BAU works with them and gets brought into a whole new world too.
Maybe Bobby joins later and helps recruit more hunters, so they all could get paid or???
The new hunters have to probably pass a psych eval and stuff though, so???
OH MY GOD CHARLIE AND GARCIA!!!! they would bond over their VERY similar pasts and their VERY similar personalities! Dead parents bc of a car crash? Check. Sunshine nerdy personality? Check. Fangirls? Check. Tech geeks who dabbled in the illegal side of things? Check. Bright colors? Check. Fruity? Check.
Sam and Reid!
Sam And Emily!!
Sam and JJ!!!
OMG Rossi would uncle the hell out of them and I think Bobby would be jealous lmao but they would probably become drinking buddies.
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I very honestly think that anytime the Impala is permanently totaled in a fic that minor character death should be used
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sammygender · 4 months
of genderswapped sam and dean. who has the short haircut.
THE REAL QUESTION. i could see a case for either. short hair is probably more convenient for hunting after all....
i think dean wears her hair long as a kid because it reminds john of mary. you could make the case that he'd cut her hair because it reminds him of mary too much, but i can't see it really, i think he'd want to preserve the innocence he sees in girlhood that he doesnt seem to in boyhood (a la that whole journal entry about wishing he had girls and how sons have to be soliders). continuing that, i cant actually really see her cutting her hair short at all because it ties her to her mother in her eyes. i think girl dean is like so obsessed with mary. can you imagine like. her whole life is about avenging mary and she's her daughter and the only girl in the family now. she has no adult female role models except her dead mother. she plays into being john (still loves cars and classic rock and wears flannel and leather jackets and is generally 'masculine') but she still sees herself as mary. john sees her as mary too even though he expects her to act exactly like him also. so i think she keeps her hair long. she probably has childhood memories of mary brushing it and wants to hold onto them. i think she likes it long, and i think john likes it long, and i think it reminds them both of mary, and i think they both like that.
sam? well sam is a lot less invested in playing the Role that's expected of him, so. girl sam is victim to levels of misogyny previously unthought of especially in the way where both john and dean see her as soooo weak and little and in need of protection. and they probably rely on the girl thing a lot to infantilise her. so i can totally see her cutting her hair off in a Fuck You to john at some point. tbh i reckon girl sam would have hair like canon sam's later season hair. though rly i can see anything with sam. also i feel like she'd have grown up with a shortish bob because it's easier maintenance (for dean john winchester is NOT bothered with looking after sams hair <3)
also both of those answers are in an au where one of them's raised a girl and the other isn't. but if we're talking total femchesters? john having two daughters? need to think on this more but im still leaning towards sam. i think girl dean commits to being a Girl the same way canon dean commits to being a Guy, even though both of them are shrouded in the same machismo. but sam fights any role hes given
tldr: sam
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deanclitoris · 5 months
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