#joking would be mean i want to pick him up and carry him bridal style
maladaptvs-irl · 6 months
i’m watching love on the spectrum and i’m in love with this medieval loser
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bigfatbimbo · 5 months
Can you give me a luci that’s slightly insecure about how small he is? I just think that’d be cute. Like you could just scoop him up easily and he’d get all indignant but he secretly likes it.
I bet he’d try to get something from you and you could just hold it in the air while he’s jumping and flailing. You view it as light hearted teasing but then he actually gets upset and then you’ve gotta be like “wait no I didn’t mean it like that c’mere bby”
Or maybe you two overhear a stranger commenting on the height difference while you’re out in public together and he’s trying to act like it doesn’t bother him but it just slowly sort of wears him down until he spills. And you reassure him that it doesn’t matter to you.
oh my gosh this is so cute i love it!
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Oh my gosh he would be so easy to just pick up and carry around bridal style.
He would act so bothered about it like “Shit, this isn’t funny, put me down.”
He will definitely struggle in your arms and probably push your face away as he attempts to break free
“I am the king of hell and I demand to be treated with respect!”
and then obviously you’ll have to explain to him that your just treating him like the princess he is.
He definitely blushes and pouts HARD like after a minute of struggle he will just give up and whine about it.
Of course you both know he could break free any time he wanted because of his powers. He really just doesn’t want to.
Oh my god, the worst though is when he can’t reach something on a high shelf and he’s too tired to use his wings. 
Very reluctantly he’ll call you over to help him, usually knowing where this will go.
Sometimes you just get it for him and are done with it. Other times when you’re feeling a little more silly, you’ll actually lift him up so he can reach it himself.
Maybe be like “Wow, Lucifer! For a second I almost thought you were average height!”
That would absolutely be met with a scoff and a roll of his eyes. He might even cross his arms and stick his tongue out at you if he’s playing along with it.
If you continue to tease him about his height by holding things he wants outside of his reach like you said, oh he will throw a tantrum.
He will actually be stomping his feet because you know how annoying and embarrassing this is, even if you two are all alone.
“Oh you want this, Luci?” then you’d lean down to his level, still keeping the item out of reach, “Well, the price is a kiss.” 
And he would be so petty about it that he would stomp away and claim he never even wanted the stupid thing anyways.
He’s a very small guy, obviously, so it’s incredibly easy to just move him around. Like if he’s in your way you can literally just hoist him up and spin him the other direction. 
Maybe sometimes you just put your hands on his hips and rotate him the other direction and proceed with what you were doing.
He would probably comment on how rude that was even though he found it insanely hot being manhandled by you.
But sometimes, demons on the street will make a comment about it when you’re out and about.
You can tell it really gets to him because that means it’s not longer just a me-and-you inside joke. 
He’s already relatively insecure, so you make sure to ask if he’s alright after the comment.
He’ll probably blow you off at first and act like he’s fine but he’s a bad liar and an awkward laugher so it’s easy to see through it.
When you get home he lets it out that it really got under his skin what those people said.
He’s already worried he’s not enough for you as a partner and like he has to be some perfect guy.
Mid-way through explaining his throat tightens and his voice starts to break so he just shuts himself up.
You end up kneeling down and hugging him and telling him that it’s really not a big deal to you and that he has nothing to worry about.
If anything, you enjoy and small he is. You think it’s cute.
“You’re perfect, Luci. Just the way you are, and who cares what those disrespectful assholes think, anyways?”
After that, the dynamic goes back to normal with you teasing him about his height and him pretending to be pissed about it.
He loves your attention though. And you know that.
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maplleaf · 2 years
《"Bridal style? but I'm not a bride!》
Sumeru boys reacting to you carrying them bridal style.
Characters: Alhaitham, The Wanderer (Scaramouche), Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari
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》 Akademiya's Scribe : Al Haitham
Those arms are no joke, Alhaitham is a beefy man.
And you. His precious partner; someone who can somehow defy his 'always rational' mindset. He knows you're capable of handling yourself but the scribe has always liked the idea of protecting you.
Which is why when you picked him up and held him nonchalantly, he's quite ??? at first.
He's never been into heavy PDA and the endless teasing that might come from his roommate if Kaveh sees this makes him dread the idea.
He'll ask you to place him down, but if no one's around and he has a perfectly good book in his hands; Alhaitham would sigh and continue on reading.
The feeling of you holding him so gently whilst having the strenght to carry him made Alhaitham slightly flustered, but you didn't hear it from me.
8/10 very heavy, but now you have a pretty bookworm nerd prince in your arms.
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》 The Wanderer : Scaramouche
(I know he's from Inazuma but his vision frame is Sumeru's soooo)
Touch starved boy
Despite his rather unpleasant temper, Scaramouche has a soft spot for you. That doesn't mean he won't be cranky tho.
Honestly, if you're in a public place Scaramouche would be uncomfortable and angry; he wants these types of moments where he could be vulnerable only for you and him. He'll be fine with it when you're both alone.
When you picked him up and held him so closely, he went tsundere mode and demanded you to place him down, but the way he stuttered those words may mean he doesn't fully want you to.
If you do as you're told, Scaramouche would act pissed off, but he can't stop thinking about how you picked him up and held him gently for the rest of the day.
But if you don't listen to his demands and complaints, Scaramouche would still be angry at first then the complaints slowly turned into a "fine, whatever" as you held him close to you
9/10 tsundere boi, he's light as hell so it's easy to sweep him off his feet. The whining gets annoying tho.
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》 The Palace of Alcazarzaray's Architect : Kaveh
Smirks at you, goes confident mode
Kaveh has always been the type to tease you. So when your strong arms swept him off his feet, he sees a golden opportunity.
"Oh? Did someone missed me?"
A part of you is tempted to drop him on the floor for all the teasing but didn't have the heart to.
It slowly morphs into the two of you flirting/bickering with eachother. If Alhaitham walks in on this, it's best he pretends to not see it.
Kaveh actually likes you picking him up like that. Whilst he does take the more affectionate role in the relationship most of the time, Kaveh likes the feeling of you holding him gently after he finished the sketches for his next project.
10/10 he's light to be picked up + bonus flirting with eachother.
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》 The General Mahamatra : Cyno
One might think the general mahamatra might not like the idea of being picked up and carried like a bride. They're wrong.
Cyno is neutral when he's being carried by you like this; it just depends on the surroundings.
If the place you're is both in is safe and he's not doing any important work, he'll let you pick him up with ease. The blank and straight face might say otherwise, but he likes it.
Cyno is a warrior at heart, he brings judgement upon those at the Akademiya or those at the desert; but being picked up gently by you makes him feel butterflies.
He might show you his appreciation in the form of a smile, or three of his best jokes.
10/10 he has those muscles from being the General Mahamatra, but Cyno is still easy to pick up. Remember to laugh at his jokes.
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》 Avidya Forest Watcher : Tighnari
"Watch it on the tail!" He did not groom it to be soft n fluffy just for it to be ruined, be careful.
Like Cyno, if he's doing any important things or is in a dangerous area; don't pick him up. But if the two of you are just patrolling or in a private area, go for it!
Tighnari quite likes it when you pick him up. He's not big on PDA, but some exceptions can be made.
If the forest ranger is feeling tired that day, he might lean to your chest and rest his eyes for a bit. Keeping anyone safe from the forest isn't an easy task, so let the fox rest for a bit against you.
His ears are sensitive, so he can hear your heartbeat clearly if he presses his head against your chest. He finds it comforting
11/10 very light and soft, pet those ears.
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
hello!! i have seen so many eddie x fem reader but never a chubby fem reader so? can u do one and plz take as much time
(can it also be smut???)
- suki
This honestly felt cathartic to write. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy 🩵
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral, f!receiving, body image issues
Words: 4.5k
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"Ugh, it’s so cheesy.”
Eddie groans and drops his head back against the couch dramatically. You scoff as you watch him out of the corner of your eye, wanting to keep most of your attention on the flickering television screen in front of you. The end of An Officer and a Gentleman plays, where Richard Gere picks up Debra Winger and carries her off bridal style.
“I think it’s romantic,” you say, lazily flicking your hand at your boyfriend’s chest. 
His dark eyebrows raise up to meet his bangs as he kicks his socked feet up on the cluttered coffee table. 
“Really?” he asks. “So, you’re saying you want me to just scoop you up like that and carry you?”
The snort that comes out of you isn’t intentional, but Eddie’s words force it to come out. 
“Hell no,” you tell him. “You’d break your back.”
Eddie’s previously raised eyebrows furrow as he stares at you. His spine straightens and he crosses his arms across his chest, offense leaking into his posture. 
“What do you mean?”
Surely, he must be joking, you think. But the way his gaze is focused on you makes you realize he’s serious.
“Eddie.” You brandish your hand towards your larger body before gesturing to his own svelte frame. 
Unsure how to feel about your insinuation, Eddie shifts in his seat to face you better. He eyes your body, something that always makes you feel a little self-conscious even if it’s in an admiring fashion.
“You think I can’t carry you?” he asks.
“Not without blowing out your back.” 
That has Eddie pushing himself up off the couch and rubbing his hands together. He nods to you as he shifts his weight from foot to foot.
“Let me try,” he says.
“No.” You don’t move an inch. 
Eddie’s shoulders slump, reminding you of a deflating beach ball as he begins to pout.
“Babe,” he whines. “Come on.” 
“No, Eddie,” you reply, tone more definitive this time. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t.” He waves off your concern as if it’s the last thing on his mind. But you’re aware that it’s very real and know it would only make you feel more uncomfortable in your own skin if your weight hurt your boyfriend. 
“Just drop it,” you try. 
As persistent and stubborn as Eddie is about something once it’s entered his mind, he can see your demeanor changing bit by bit, moving closer to upset. It doesn’t mean he’s going to let it go entirely, though. He’ll let you think he’s forgotten about it for now, just continuing on with the nice evening you’re having. But there’s already an idea turning the gears in the back of Eddie’s mind. 
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The next week, you waltz into the Munson’s trailer–having learned long ago that you can just let yourself in–and your brow furrows as you slip off your shoes. Eddie is standing between the couch and the television, doing arm curls with a pair of smaller but heavy-looking weights. Not once have you seen Eddie lifting weights before, so you’re confused, unsure of what’s going on. 
Eddie’s eyes glance over to you, away from the rerun of Who’s the Boss playing on the television and gives you a smile.
“Hey, baby,” he says as naturally as always. “Be done in a minute.”
You finally find your voice as you track his arms moving up and down. “What’re you doing?”
“Knitting a sweater,” he answers without missing a beat. 
“Ha ha, very funny.” You roll your eyes even though he isn’t looking your way and plop down on the couch behind him.
Eddie lets out a small, breathy laugh and turns his head to the side so you know he’s talking to you.
“What’s it look like? I’m lifting weights.”
“But why?” you ask, tucking your legs up beneath you.
When Eddie turns face forward again, you catch a glimpse of his smirk in the reflection on the TV.
“So you’ll have no more excuses about why I shouldn’t pick you up,” he says. 
Letting out a dramatic groan to rival one of Eddie’s own, you flop down on your side and bury your face into one of the couch cushions. Irritated, you pick your head up and glare at the back of your boyfriend’s head.
“This again?” you ask.
“I’m gonna sweep you off your feet,” he says as he begins his last set. “Wait and see.”
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“Jesus Christ,” Dustin whines, leaning back in his seat. He swipes at one of the D20s on the table out of frustration. “Where the hell is he? Eddie’s never been late for a campaign in his life.”
“Are you sure your boyfriend didn’t mention anything about being late?” Mike snaps at you from the opposite side of the table.
“For the third time, Michael,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest, “no.”
Jeff opens his mouth to say something, but the drama room door bangs open to reveal their Dungeon Master, his soaking wet hair turning the white portion of the Hellfire shirt see-through. There’s a beat of silence as everyone takes in his appearance. Leave it to Dustin to break the seal.
“Where the hell were you?”
“Is it raining out?” Lucas asks no one in particular, eyes trailing Eddie’s weighed-down curls.
He doesn’t receive a response as Eddie saunters into the room, acting as if he didn’t just break one of his own most important rules. Your boyfriend throws a wink your way and presses a kiss to the top of your head as he passes by you to get to his throne. Once he’s plopped down in the seat and made himself comfortable, he takes in all the eyes staring at him from around the table.
“I was in the gym. Weight room, more specifically,” Eddie says, as if they should have known this all along. 
“Like…where the athletes train?” Gareth asks, nose wrinkling up in confusion. You can taste Eddie’s snarky reply in the air before he even parts his lips.
“Congratulations on knowing what the weight room is, Gareth the Great.”
When Eddie’s eyes don’t meet yours, you wonder if he’s avoiding your gaze or not. He has to know that the fact that he was lifting weights again would grate on your nerves. Either he’s oblivious–which is entirely possible–or he’s being smart and not meeting your glare. Eddie is quiet for a moment, which is so unlike him that you’re wondering if maybe he’s waiting for you to say something. If that’s what he wants he’ll be sorely disappointed though because you’re biting your tongue for now. Even though he’ll definitely hear about it later when there are no witnesses around. 
“All right,” Eddie finally says, clapping his ringed hands together. “Shall we get started?”
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Whenever you want to vent about Eddie or something he did, you never have a shortage of friends to go to. Most are glad to lend an ear and a few even look forward to hearing what crazy thing he did this time. But when it comes to how you’re currently feeling in regards to your boyfriend, none of your friends could truly understand because they’re all, well…thin. They might be sympathetic to your situation or even relate in some different way, but none of them would wholly understand because they’ve never been viewed in the same light that you are by society. It’s not their fault they don’t understand, it’s just how it is. 
Unfortunately, you’re not as good at keeping your emotions hidden as you thought you were. It’s only a few days before Nancy corners you at your locker.
“Are you okay?” she asks, narrowing her usually wide eyes at you. 
“Fine,” you say with as much forced enthusiasm as possible while you dig around the locker for your biology textbook. 
“For argument's sake, let’s say I believe you,” Nancy says. “Why have you been so quiet lately, then? You seem distracted, like your mind is somewhere else.”
“It’s stupid,” you say to her as you find the book you were searching for.
“Hey,” Nancy says, voice taking on a more serious tone, “no it’s not. Whatever is bothering you, you can tell me.”
You’ve known Nancy long enough to know she’s truly trying to help you and is determined to find out what’s wrong. You also know that if you tell her that you’re not ready to talk about it, she’ll drop it and respect your wishes. But you have been itching to talk to someone about everything that’s been going on, and the opportunity presented itself to you on a silver platter. 
“After school?” you ask softly. 
Nancy nods. “I’m putting the finishing touches on a story for the paper. I’ll be in there alone.”
When the bell rings signaling the end of school you find her right where she said she’d be. Bent over a few papers, shuffling them back and forth and inspecting them with a small furrow to her brow. As soon as she sees you, though, she moves her work to the side and gives you her undivided attention.
“What’s up?” she asks. 
Trying to buy every second you have before you open your mouth and start to explain your predicament, you make yourself comfortable on the stool across from your friend and situate your bag between your feet on the floor. There’s no more stalling, you realize, as you continue to shift in your seat though. Deep down you know Nancy will be sympathetic and would never intentionally steer you wrong, it’s just the fact that she won’t get it that’s keeping you from spilling your guts. 
“I’m not interviewing you, you know,” Nancy says, the ghost of a smile dancing on her lips. “You can start whenever.”
“Eddie keeps saying he wants to lift me up.”
The admission just tumbles from your mouth, no preamble, no build-up, just straight to the problem that’s been lying heavy on your heart. 
“Okay…” Nancy drags out the word and she leans in towards you. Clearly, she was expecting more to the story than this. 
“And I told him that he’ll hurt himself and now he’s working out and lifting all these weights to prove that he’s strong enough for it.” For someone who wasn’t sure if they wanted to talk about this to begin with, you’re now word vomiting everywhere. Between the speed of your words and the way they seem to come out before being processed in your mind, you’re strangely reminded of how it is to talk with Robin when she’s flustered over something. The thought has you biting back a smile; maybe now you’d give Robin less grief about talking so fast. 
“Why don’t you just let him try then?” Nancy asks.
An internal scream sounds in your head at her question. Of course she doesn’t understand what the big deal is. It’s not her fault, but you also know there are no words you could use to explain it to her to convey how you feel deep down about it. It’s something you either know from experience or not. 
“You’ve seen the two of us together,” you finally respond, voice measured and quiet. “He’s so slender and has some lean muscle, but not enough to lift my fat ass.”
It’s obvious from the way Nancy does her cute little pout that she doesn’t like your comment.
“You are–”
Here it comes, you think. She’s going to say how pretty I am, even though I didn’t say I was ugly–just fat. 
“–stressing yourself out by thinking about this too much. Let Eddie lift his weights. If you still don’t want him to pick you up, tell him. You know he respects your boundaries.”
It’s not what you expected her to say at all, and you admonish yourself for thinking Nancy would be anything less than logical about this. And her logic is sound. You know she’s right, but the emotional part of your brain still isn’t completely satisfied.  
On your way out of the school after talking with Nancy, you pass the weight room and hear someone inside. You peek in the small window cut into the door and spot your boyfriend’s mass of messy curls. He has a barbell over his hips, thrusting them up and down. The sight alone has your knees feeling weak. The motion of Eddie’s hips has you hypnotized for a few moments before you decide to go in.
Eddie isn’t facing the door and he’s wearing headphones, so he doesn’t hear you as you slip in and close the door behind you. Now you can hear the soft grunts that leave his lips with every thrust, and it has you biting down on your lower lip. When you take a step closer, you can hear the music Eddie’s listening to, the song pounding out past the headphones. Even though Eddie doesn’t know you’re there it’s almost as if he’s trying to seduce you. The hips, the grunts, now he’s listening to Burnin’ Up by Judas Priest? That’s the most often played song while the two of you are having sex. 
Deciding it’s fine if you’re perving a bit on your own boyfriend, you watch him while he does a few more reps. As he begins to slow down and finish up, you move to take a seat on the piece of equipment next to him. Eddie grins when he notices you sitting there and tugs the headphones down so they’re hanging around his neck.
“Hey, baby,” he says. “I’d hug you but I’m all sweaty.”
“It’s sexy.”
Eddie laughs at the blunt way you say it. 
“Really?” he asks.
You nod your head and Eddie takes it as an invitation to come over and sit next to you. He wraps you up in his sweaty arms, teasingly wiping his forehead against the shoulder of your shirt. It makes you laugh and you wrap your arms around his damp middle. The black material of his Ozzy shirt is sticking to his skin–and now yours too.
“Gonna go take a shower,” Eddie says and presses a kiss to your temple. “Then we’ll go get some food, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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The next week you’re over at Eddie’s house, on your back with Eddie on top of you as you make out. There’s a long-forgotten shitty horror movie playing in the background, but the cheesy, shrill screams of the victims don’t even register to either of you. 
Rough calloused hands slide down your shirt, moving from your breasts to the hem of your tee, where it’s riding up. Eddie’s skin on yours has you arching your back as his hands travel upwards again. It’s clear that he wants your shirt off and who are you to deny him?
“Bedroom,” you mumble as you break apart just long enough for you to yank your shirt off. Eddie takes advantage of your quick preoccupation with your clothing to scoop you up in his arms, bridal style. “Eddie!” you squeak.
He just chuckles and squeezes you tighter against his body. 
“Maybe now you’ll let me throw you around when I have to punish you for being a bad girl,” he says, a cocky smirk quirking his kiss-bruised lips. 
“A-Are you okay?” you ask, arms instinctively wrapping around his neck. “You won’t offend me if you have to put me down.” You’re very aware of his lithe body and how it’s supporting your larger one. This has to be hurting him–right?
“Babe.” Eddie chuckles again and shakes his head. “I’ve been lifting weights that weigh at least double what you do. It feels like I’m holding a feather right now.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you try to determine if he’s lying or not. But the way he holds steady, not seeming to strain or struggle with you in his arms calms your worries. Eddie heads down the hall and carries you into his room and tosses you down on his bed. You land with a bounce and a giggle as he climbs up on top of you. 
His lips attach to your neck as his fingers reach down and fiddle with the button of your jeans. Once it’s popped open and he drags the zipper down, Eddie starts to kiss his way down your body, making sure to press his lips against every part of you that he can. Your chest, your tummy, your hips. When he gets to your jeans, Eddie slides himself off the bed to kneel before you. He makes quick work of getting your pants off and lets out a sinful groan when he sees the wet patch forming on your pale green cotton panties. It encourages Eddie to move even faster as he yanks your underwear off so quickly that you blink and you miss it. 
Eddie dives right in, wasting no time to run his long, talented tongue through your folds. You grip the off-white sheets below you in your fists at his ministrations. The laugh that rumbles through Eddie at your drawn-out groan sends vibrations up your body, only adding to the pleasure. Strong hands wrap around your thighs and pull you even further down the bed so Eddie can get better access to your pussy. His tongue repeatedly flicks over your clit and your eyes practically roll back in your head. Your boyfriend knows exactly how to work you up and bring you to the brink of–
“Hey,” you pout when Eddie pulls back and sits on his heels. “Fuck, Eddie, I was close.”
“I know, angel.” His words are soft and kind despite the mischievous glint in his eye. “But there’s something I need you to do first.”
Eddie climbs on the bed and crawls up towards his pillows. He plops flat on his back as he says, “Sit on my face.”
“Eddie,” you say with a breathless laugh. “I’ll crush you.”
“Then I go out doing what I love,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. “I always told you that you’d be the death of me.” Eddie looks over you with those brown doe eyes and you feel the resolve melting away in your chest. “But seriously, please come here. I already miss how you taste.”
Lifting you was one thing, but this seems like something he couldn’t prepare for by going to the gym. The sincere, pleading look in his eyes tells you that he really wants this, though.
“Are you sure?” you double-check.
“God, yes, please.”
Hesitantly, you shuffle up closer to him and lift yourself up to straddle his face. Bracing your hands on Eddie’s headboard, you still can’t bring yourself to lower your body. Just as you’re about to open your mouth and say something to Eddie, your boyfriend wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you flush down against his mouth. 
“Fuck,” you groan. You can practically feel Eddie grinning against your dripping pussy as he gets back to work. After a few moments of making sure Eddie isn’t suffocating below you, you start to relax into it and are able to enjoy the sensations of his tongue leisurely licking up and down your heat. A particularly hard lick to your hole has you letting out a gasp and clutching onto the wooden bedframe hard enough to snap it in half.
“Shit, Eddie. A-Almost there.”
He hums in acknowledgment, even though you didn’t need to tell him. Your body was something Eddie was a quick study in; it didn’t take him long to learn all the little quirks and tells your body gives him when you’re getting close to orgasm. 
“Fuck,” you moan between pants as your breaths become shallower. Sweat slicks your skin as you hurdle towards your peak, body a live wire as Eddie works your body just as flawlessly as he does his guitar. “I-I’m coming, Eddie, fuck, I’m coming.”
Eddie tightens his grip on your thighs as your hips rock against his face. His nose brushes against your clit and it shoots a spark through your body, only heightening your pleasure. 
As the high wears off, you feel boneless and collapse down on the bed next to Eddie. He huffs a breath of laughter and raises himself up on an elbow to watch you recover. Satisfied smirk on his face, Eddie wipes his mouth off on the back of his hand. He only gives you a moment longer to catch your breath before he gives you a smack on the ass.
“Hands and knees, baby,” he says. 
Energy not fully recuperated yet, you give him a nod but otherwise don’t move. Eddie’s not having that, though. A strong arm wraps around your waist and yanks you up, causing you to yelp in surprise. As you settle onto your hands and knees like you were told, you peek over your shoulder to see a cocky smirk adorning your boyfriend’s face. He ghosts a feather-light hand up your spine as he leans in to murmur in your ear.
“Told you I’d manhandle you if I needed to.”
There’s hardly enough time for your brain to process his words before he’s yanking your hips backward towards him. The sudden motion has your arms giving out and you drop face-first into his pillow, filling your senses with the citrus-scented shampoo he uses. The husky chuckle that comes from above you lets you know that this is the exact position he wanted you in any way. You let your eyes flutter closed as you revel in the sensation of him dragging his cock up and down your soaked folds. It’s meant to be teasing you–and it is–but you’d be lying if you said the motions didn’t feel amazing.
Eventually, Eddie can’t take his own teasing anymore–he’s so damn hard in his hand now. He lets his cock drag against your clit one last time before he pushes himself into you. A moan gets muffled into Eddie’s pillow as your fingers involuntarily claw at his sheets. If you were facing him, you know you’d see him smirking. The bed begins to squeak as Eddie moves his hips, his own groans tumbling out as he slides further into you with each thrust until he’s finally bottoming out.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans, head falling forward. His hands grip the soft plush skin of your hips hard enough to leave fingerprint-sized marks. You turn your head to keep from suffocating against the pillow, but you know you’d willingly starve yourself of oxygen if it meant Eddie would keep pounding into you like this. “Shit, baby. I’ll never get over how tight you are. God damn, I love your body so fucking much.”
The only response you can manage is a groan, thoughts fleeing from your head with every snap of his hips against yours. His pace begins to pick up and you know he’s getting closer to the edge. But suddenly he pulls completely out of you, leaving you achingly empty. The loss makes you whine as you look over your shoulder at your boyfriend. Words still haven’t come back into your brain yet, so you just questioningly grunt at him, which makes him laugh.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he says. Your eyes track him as he shuffles up the bed until he’s sitting with his back against his headboard. He pats his thigh and winks at you. “Get over here.”
He doesn’t need to ask you twice. Throwing your left leg over his lap, you whimper as you lower yourself slowly onto his angry and leaking cock. The moment you’ve seated yourself on him, he thrusts his hips up into you, causing you to gasp and clutch onto his pale, freckled shoulders to steady yourself. 
“Fuck!” you cry. “Yes, Eddie!”
The smirk that graces Eddie’s beautiful features is so self-satisfied. Normally, you’d come up with a witty quip or bratty action to wipe that look off his face, but the pleasure coursing through your veins leaves you incapable of coherent thought. 
Eddie wraps an arm around your waist and starts bucking his hips wildly up into yours. 
“Shit,” you all but scream as you drop your forehead down to rest on Eddie’s shoulder. “God, Eddie.”
“Think my lifting paid off now, baby?” Eddie asks, smugness dripping in his tone. He chuckles and presses a kiss to your collarbone as you nod and bury your face into his neck.
“Yes,” you mumble against his skin before pulling back so he can understand you. “Yes, shit, your hips are magical.”
A chuckle rumbles through Eddie’s body and he tightens his grip around your waist, holding your body flush up against his. As you feel yourself getting closer and closer to your climax, your fingernails dig into the delicate skin on Eddie’s back.
“You’re so fucking sexy, baby,” Eddie says. When you don’t acknowledge his statement, he tugs on your hair and forces you to look him in the eye. “Jesus Christ, I love your curves. Every single inch of your body. It’s fucking mine. So perfect, holy shit. How’d I get so lucky?”
“All yours,” you confirm, nodding as much as you can with his hand in your hair. “My body is all yours. Every curve, every i-inch. Fuck, I’m close, Eddie.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” Eddie says between labored breaths. “Come with me.”
“O-Okay,” you stutter out in a whisper.
Your orgasm crashes over you, wave after wave of pleasure washes over you as you cling to your boyfriend. The way your walls clench around Eddie’s cock has him coming immediately after you, his hair tickling the skin of your cheek as he drops his head forward to rest against your body. 
“Baby, yes,” Eddie moans as he spills inside of you, hips rutting against yours as he fucks his spend into you. 
When he’s finished, Eddie lifts his head up before dropping it back against his headboard. A satisfied smile is on his lips as he looks at you, rosy cheeks and coated in a sheen of sweat as he tries to catch his breath. Your body collapses against his, breathing just as heavily, and Eddie wastes no time in wrapping both of his arms around you. It’s quiet as the two of you bask in the feelings, both physical and emotional. Eventually, Eddie turns his head and presses a kiss into your hair.
“I love you, baby girl.”
“I love you too, handsome.”
“So,” he starts, dotting soft kisses down the length of your neck, “you gonna let me pick you up now?”
It’s not something you even need to think about. “You can do whatever you want if you fuck me like that again.”
The laugh that Eddie lets out has you smiling against his skin. He brings his hand up and lightly trails his fingers up and down your spine. 
“Glad to hear that,” he says. “I think next I want to try lifting you over my shoulder. You know, like firemen do. How’s that sound?”
The question makes you lift your head up to look your boyfriend in the eye. 
“Only if you wear the uniform, too.”
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eskymoos · 3 months
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Keegan P Russ As a Romantic Partner
Headcannons by Eskimos
I.  A Methodical Maestro with a Playful Twist It's been confirmed that his personality type is ISTP, which means that his brain is his strongest weapon. He is methodical and very tactful with his language and would always offer a hand to you. Feeling lost? He's always there with a good solution. Feeling sad? He's the guy to ask for advice. Even if he lacks experience in some fields he's very quick to learn and perfect them so I suppose he'd also be a bit competitive. Keegan doesn't miss an opportunity to beat you to everything you like. All while playing dumb in order to cherish the amazement on your end. *** ''How'd you do that?! Wow!''
''Just luck, I guess,'' he'd say with an indifferent shrug while a childish grin creeps onto his face.
*** II. The Jester of your Heart Keegan is very reserved but he's a skilled people reader. He would quickly get used to your moods and soon you wouldn't even have to tell him when you're feeling sad. He just steals a glimpse and he already knows what to do. However, sometimes the cocky side of him comes out in the most inconvenient time and things tend to get more spicy. Whenever you give him the silent treatment for no reason, he begins threading on thin ice with you. *** ''Whatcha want for dinner, sweet pea?'' *Silence.* ''What's wrong, my beautiful?'' He asks, coming closer to you. When you turn the other way to further provoke him, he guides his hands to your hips and presses the weight of his chest to your back. ''Funny little thing. Have you given a vow of silence? I like when we play this game, y'know.'' His hands drop lower and lower and his mouth comes to caress the back of your neck. His hot breath makes your hairs stand. ''Your heart's beating fast.'' III. Under the Hard Scales of His Heart
Independence is Keegan's last name. He never learned how to embrace the art of teamwork, though his job required it. At times he was too disconnected to properly do the job. In a relatioship he might have some trouble turning to you for assistance. Whenever something is on his mind, he blocks out the world and faces it on his own. He's likely to turn down tips from other people. Not from you though. The first time you lent your hand for help, he was quite surprised and even a bit suspicious. It unlocked a part of him he never knew he had. He felt cared for and seen. In time Keegan learned to trust your word and be less stubborn when you tried to aid him. IV. Tsunami of Love
That's what he is. A natural disaster. A tornado of energy and a tsunami. Behind closed doors he is much less calm. His love language is mostly acts of service and physical touch but sometimes the two mix together into something even more grand. If you happen to be struggling under a pile of undone work, he would find the perfect moment to distract you. Before you can even get a word out, he has already picked you up from the chair and carrying you to your room bridal style. *** ''What are you doing, Keegan?!''
He continues to march through the house and whistle proudly. Keegan tosses you onto the bed like you don't weight anything at all.
''Stay here.'' He commands, exiting and closing the door behind him.
In a few minutes time he comes back with your favorite chocolates and a beer for himself. ''I will be your only occupation today.'' *** V. The Kids' Favorite The way I see it, Keegan would have very specific sense of humor. His jokes can be very sharp and borderline offensive but the moment a kid comes in sight he turns into a soft cinnamon roll.
He has this energy that kids absolutely adore because he's a great listener and adapts to the circumstances easily. There's something about the purity of the young generation that makes him feel protective. ***
One time you saw him play with a small group of children after a difficult operation. He was kneeling down in front of a little girl and his eyes glimmered as she tried to pronounce his name. The child obviously had rhotacism (cannot pronounce the letter r) and he found it quite adorable. ''Keegan Russ. Russ. Can you say it?'' Keegan bit his lip, holding back a chuckle.
''Keegan Hhhus.'' The girl tried to repeat it but failed terribly. Keegan burst out laughing.
''Rrrrrrrr,'' he growled playfully and she giggled at it.
''Oh, you're growling at me now? Come here you.'' Keegan extended his arms to trap her in a harmless embrace.
There was something about his love for children that won your heart every time. ***
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i was thinking about this while listening to year zero it makes me feel all powerful and shi☹️☹️
would be TO DIE FOR with a fem!reader🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
because like women with muscles are found attractive and allat and there aren't many women who are bodybuilders and i jaut think it would suit better
i know you have tons of shit in your inbox but i'm just being a bitch and sending u this req🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
have a good day/night pookie🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
(I know what you mean and of course 🤭 strong women 🔛🔝 (of me) and here ya go! Enjoy! Also idk if you wanted young Georg or him now so-)
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I don't know much about bodybuilding so bear with me
Georg may not have known it himself before but seeing how muscly your arms are?
I feel like he finds that attractive
Especially hands and stuff like that
He doesn't really care a lot about how much you look, he thinks you're very beautiful how you are
He doesn't like it when people say or comment on how you look
Especially negativity
Because he loves how you look very, very much and he wouldn't change it
He makes you carry his stuff at times because he is a tease like that
"My arms are tired…(Name)?"
Or when you pick him up
I have no idea why but he likes it
He was surprised at first, I know, especially because he probably didn't expect it
Please watch him blush as you randomly pick him up bridal style
Especially if you cradle him, it will be so funny
He is constantly being teased by the band when he blushes or is picked up like that but he flips them off
He likes working out with you I feel
He's playfully trying to out do you but is humbled greatly
Has a very big admiration for you because he can lift but he can't lift how much you are
Once time he suggested, sorta as a joke, that you use him as a weight and you actually took him up on it
He was giggling the whole time because he thought it was the funniest thing in the world
He's gonna be sitting on your back as you do push ups
Or he's under you and getting a kiss every time you go down
He loves it
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iovetecchou · 1 year
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pairings�� Tachihara Michizou x Reader
contains… smut! making out, food play (whipped cream), nipple play, unprotected sex, creampie, fluff! teasing, slight dirty talk, consent! praise.
AFAB Reader.
2,186 words.
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He was a half hour late. Your candles were burning out and the dinner you made began to grow cold. You were wearing your favorite dress, even put on a full face of makeup, and everything. You sighed as you held your face in your hands, swinging your legs from underneath the table in frustration. There’s no way Tachihara would have forgotten… right? I mean, it was Valentine’s day after all. You two had been planning this evening for about a week now.
And just as you began to lose all hope, the door flung open. “Babe- I’m so sorry, I got stuck in traffic. Here, I picked these up for you on the way over. These are your favorite, yeah?” Tachihara hurriedly approached where you were seated at the dining room table. He had on a sleek black blazer, with a white dress shirt underneath. It wasn’t fully buttoned up, exposing his toned chest slightly as he knelt down in front of you. He was holding the largest bouquet you’ve ever seen in your whole entire life. It was overflowing out of his hands, and he was correct. These were your favorite flowers.
He was slightly out of breath cheeks dusted a pretty pink. You could tell he must have jogged all the way up the apartment stairs in a hurry to get to you faster. You couldn’t help but smile down at him, he did all of this for you? You felt silly for even doubting him for a single second. “These are lovely, Michi thank you so much for getting these for me!” You exclaimed, grabbing the flowers out of his one hand, as your other hand snaked its way up to his face. He still had his 'disguise' on, he must have forgotten about it when he got off duty.
You swiftly ripped the bandage off of the bridge of his nose. “Oi- babe! You gotta stop doin’ that.” He winced out, as he brought his newly freed hand up to grasp your waist from where you were sitting. You couldn’t control the giggle that slipped past your lips. “I’m sorry honey, your face is just priceless every time I do that!” He couldn’t help but ease up at your soft laughter. He missed you so bad today, and he felt awful for being late. But he was here now, and Tachihara was determined to make it up to you.
His gaze raked over your form. You were wearing his favorite dress of yours, and your hair was pulled up elegantly. Exposing your supple throat and prominent collarbones to his hungry gaze. Your eyes followed his own, you knew exactly what he was thinking and it caused a wide grin to spread across your features. “Babe… why don’t we enjoy dinner later? I think I want to have my dessert first.” He smirked up at you from where he was still kneeling below you. “Michi! Really?! Ah… you’re lucky I love you so much, you know. I spent hours on this meal!” It was his turn to chuckle. He rose to his feet, bringing his other hand down to grasp your waist as well.
He slowly pulled you up from your seat so you were flush against his chest. “And I appreciate that greatly babe, I promise, we’ll come back and feast later! Just… let me make it up to you now, yeah?” You flushed at his words as you gazed up at him from where your chest was pressed up against his sternum. “Okay, honey… but you better eat your fill and then some! You hear me?!” You were only joking with him, and he knew that. He couldn’t help but crack up a bit further at your playful tone. He quickly scooped you up into his arms. Carrying you bridal style towards your shared bedroom. “Yeah, yeah…”
He quipped out, smirking down at you as he hooked the door open with his foot. Slamming it shut in the same motion as he made quick strides to the bed. He placed you down gently, slowly taking the bouquet of flowers out of your hands. “I’ll be right back babe, you better be ready by the time I get back!” He exclaimed, leaning down to place a quick kiss on your lips before he turned on his heel. You giggled lightheartedly as you started to strip out of your pretty dress. Making sure to leave on the delicate lingerie that was hiding underneath.
As Tachihara came back into view, you noticed he had a can of whipped cream in his hand. “Uh… Michi? What’s that for?” You questioned, tilting your head at him slightly as he took in the sight before him. You were wearing a sheer babydoll slip, in his favorite shade. Leaving very little to his imagination. He felt his cock twitch to life beneath his slacks at the sight. “I told you I was going to enjoy my dessert first, yeah? Well, every dessert needs to be topped with whipped cream… and fuck baby… you look so tasty in that little number. You did all this for me?”
You flushed deeper at his words. Smiling up at him coyly as you scooted further back against the bed. “It’s always for you, Michi.” You whispered out, slowly spreading your legs for him. His gaze darted down between your parted thighs, and fuck. You weren’t wearing anything underneath. Leaving your bare pussy on full display for him. He slowly crawled himself up the bed, and over your frame. He crept his way up your body until his face was hovering over your chest. “Fuck babe… you’re so sexy. How’d I get so lucky?” He was smirking against your sensitive flesh as he snaked his hands up to pull your straps down. Exposing your breasts to his needy touch.
He raised above you slightly, hovering over frame as he shook the can from within his grasp. He held the nozzle over your hard nipple, squeezing out some of the contents onto your sensitive nub. You gasped out at the feeling, having no time to recover before Tachihara’s tongue was lapping at your nipple. He swirled his tongue around your sensitive flesh so skillfully. Causing you to whine out from where you lay underneath him. You brought your hands up to grasp his hair. Pulling at his messy locks harshly as he moved over to your other nipple. Letting more cream decorate your sensitive nub as he dove in once more. Giving you the same treatment that he just graciously gave on your other breast.
“Fuck Michi… feels so good…” You whined out, tugging on his amber locks further as he continued to suckle your nipple until no cream remained. He pulled back slightly, leaning up to capture your lips. You happily reciprocated. Tilting his head with the grip you still had in his hair for better access. He groaned into the kiss, swiping his sticky tongue over your lips. You opened your mouth for him, darting your tongue out to meet his. You could taste the lingering sugar on his tongue as you both fought for dominance. He pulled back after a moment, and a smirk crept its way over his features. “Fuck, babe… you get me so worked up. I need to be inside you, now.”
Your mind was fuzzy now from all the pleasure he continued to grant you. You watched him intently as he crept his way down your frame. He began removing his blazer, followed by his white button-up. All you could do was hungrily watch as he removed his last article of clothing. Tachihara's cock sprung free as he shimmied himself out of his boxers. You couldn’t help but clench around nothing at the sight, your arousal pooling at your core as you anticipated him fucking you. “Michi… I can't wait any longer, please… fuck me!” You exclaimed, causing your boyfriend to laugh from where he knelt between your parted thighs. He seized the base of his cock as he lined himself up to your entrance. “Well, who am I to deny my baby when they ask me so sweetly like that?”
He slowly pushed his cock past the tight ring of your pussy. Plunging into you inch by inch as you writhed underneath him. You brought your hands up to cup his face, toying with his studded earrings as he buried his length to the base inside of you. “Ah… fuck babe, you’re squeezin’ me so tight.” Tachihara groaned out from where his frame towered over you. He craned his neck down further, bringing his face mere centimeters apart from your own. “Michi… feels so full…” You babbled out, already cock drunk from the small bit of friction he was granting you. Tachihara grinned down at you, showing off his gorgeous pearly whites as he began thrusting into your tight wet heat.
“Fuck, babe… it’s like this pussy was made for me.” He grunted out, slamming his hips into you faster. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as you continued to grip his cock like a vise. “Michi… you’re gonna make me cum…!” You whined out, still playing with his pierced ears as your gaze trailed all over his blissed-out expression. Tachihara had his lip stuck between his teeth now, eyebrows scrunched up in concentration as he squeezed his lids shut. You pulled his face closer toward your own as Tachihara snaked his hand between your bodies. His thumb found its way to your clit, and he began circling over it fiercely. His thrusts not even wavering for a second.
“Shit… I’m getting close babe- be a good girl and cum all over my dick, yeah?” He grunted out, breath fanning over your face as you let out another high-pitched whine. His pace was unrelenting as he thumbed over your sensitive bud so swiftly. The tip of his cock was prodding at your sweet spot so deliciously. Making you see stars as the coil within you finally snapped. “Michizou… m’ cumming-!” And with one last upward thrust, you were gushing all over his cock. Your pussy gripped him wickedly as you continued to shake from your orgasm. Tachihara pulled his thumb away from your throbbing clit, snaking his hand back up between your bodies. He was cupping your own face gently now. Tachihara’s other hand still supported his body with the grip he had on the bed sheets beside your head. His hips continued to jackhammer into you.
“Fuck- babe… cumming… s-shit I’m cumming-.” He moaned out, sloppily drilling his cock inside your spent cunt a few more times before his hips stilled. Your eyes rolled back into your skull at the feeling of your boyfriend emptying his load inside of you. There was so much cum, you felt it seep out of your hole as Tachihara continued to pulse from inside of you. “Ah… fuck baby that felt so good.” He groaned out. Bringing just lips down to capture your own once more tonight. You lazily kissed him back, suddenly feeling drowsy from your intense release. He freed your lips a moment later, slyly smirking down at your fucked out face. “Aww, babe… you look so sleepy right now. It’s cute.” He cooed out, slowly pulling his now softening cock out of your sore pussy.
“Michi… come lay with me…” You babbled out, making grabby hands towards him as he towered over your frame now from where he knelt between your thighs. He couldn’t help but laugh at your cute actions, happily obliging as he dropped down beside you. Pulling you in towards his frame as he covered the both of you with a plush throw blanket that was discarded on the other side of the bed. “You’re so cute, babe. I think I need to fuck you stupid more often.” He quipped out, with a shit-eating grin on his face. You brought your hand up to slap his chest playfully. “Hey! You still need to eat the dinner that I so graciously made for you!” You exclaimed from where you lay beside him.
He squeezed your hip letting out a short sigh as he tilted his head down in your direction. “Shh… after this nap babe… just close your eyes…” He whispered out. Bringing his free hand up to caress your cheek lovingly as he gazed down at your sleepy face. “Okay… fine, Michi…” You whispered out in between yawns. He couldn’t help the warm smile that etched into his features as he watched you slowly drift asleep. Still thumbing over your cheek gently. “Oh and Michi? Happy Valentine’s Day…” You whispered out before you snuggled into his frame further. His heart fluttered as he hugged you tight.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/n.”
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dedicated to the lovely @lovingbsd happy valentines day! i hope your day is as wonderful as you are <3
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Beautiful Gothic Cowgirl.
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Ryan (last name unknown) x fem!Dutton/Goth!reader fluff :).
Requested? Nah
Warnings? Slight season 5 spoilers, quick mention of miscarriage, slight angst too.
Summary: Your family keeps making jokes about Ryan and you getting married.
The sun streams through the window between the blackout curtains decorated with the phases of the moon. Throwing off my thick black comforter, I get out of bed and head the bathroom connected to my room. A knock sounds at the door while I'm picking my clothes out for the day. A cute black sundress with mesh sleeves, platform demonias with chains and some white and black striped thigh highs. I open my door to be greeted with the lovely smiling face of my boyfriend. "Good morning baby, nice pj's." He smiles, pointing at the oversized shirt of his I stole, pushing past me into my room. "Thank you, it was ethically sourced also how did you get in?" "Ethically sourced my ass, you stole it but you look good in my clothes so you can keep it. Gator let me in, what can I say I missed my girl. My bunk gets lonely". I giggle and pull him into a hug. "Well since you missed me so much, wait here while I shower and I'll let you watch me get ready."
"Nooooo baaaaaabe. Why can't I shower with you?" He crosses his arms and pouts. "Awe baby don't be pouty, aren't you a big bad cattleman and ATF agent? Branded men don't pout Ryan. Besides, dad and I are meeting for breakfast at the country club to discuss plans for my cabin. Which yes, I would love for you to join us." I straddle his lap and cross my arms at his nape, kissing his forehead. "Besides, if you shower with me I'll have to shower a second time." He laughs as I close the bathroom door rebuting with a loud "you didn't mind last week".
10 minutes later, Ryan is asleep on my bed. His boots on the floor and hat discarded on my nightstand. Quickly getting dressed then I do my makeup, adding some fun spiderwebs droping from my winged eyeliner. "You look- "FUCK" I accidentally scream loudly. "You scared the shit out of me". ".. good, let's go eat" he finishes his sentence. "Sorry?" "It's fine, just easily startled." He puts his boots back on and his hat. He holds his hand out to me, I go to take it but he sweeps me into his arms and carries me bridal style down the stairs. "what are you doin?" I ask him, looking at him like he's grown a second head. "Just practicing" he smiles cheekily and kisses my cheek. "Ryan quit actin like an ass." Rip hollers from the end of the stairs. "Oh hush, it's cute. Besides, you're just jealous you didn't think to do so first my love." Beth bites back. "Daddy called and he wants me to join you both at the club but for Governor business." We all head outside and load up into one of the ranch's trucks. Rip drives with Beth in front with Ryan and I in the back. "So Ryan, when were you thinking of popping the question because (Y/n) won't take just any ring, especially one that looks like something a "country gal" would wear." Ryan goes to interject but he's cut off by my sister. "So I'm thinking a gunmetal grey band with a black tone surrounded by tiny emeralds besides, I mean you've been dating for two years, I think it's time ." "Aaaaaah lalalalala Beth, stop. We haven't talked about it. You're 100% correct in the ring but I want it to be a surprise!" She shoots Ryan a wink and turns back in her seat. Rip is chuckling to himself while Ryan laces his fingers through mine and holds my hand. His smile is breathtaking. The love in his eyes fills me with warmth. He kisses the back of my hand and mouths "i love you". I respond by kissing the back of his own hand. "Good luck, man." Rip, still chuckling, says to Ryan. A rare smile on my brother in law's face, rare since it isn't directed at my older sister.
We're gathered at the table, then Kayce and his family walk through the doors. Kayce speaks as he is seated, "So. Ryan, I wanted to ask you. Will you be moving in with (Y/n)? I mean it has been two years since y'all started datin man." He clears his throat and adjusts his seat, he looks to me for reassurance, I squeeze his hand I'm holding under the table. "If you and your family allow it, it is what we planned to do, yes." Then dad looks to me "There is no allow, all my children do what they want despite any protest they might hear. And he makes you happy sweetheart?" "Yes he does, very much." A blush spreads across my boyfriend's face. Out of the corner of my eye Beth's shoulders shake, she's trying to hold back her laughter at poor Ryan's blush. I shake my head, my own shoulders rolling with my giggles. "Oh daddy, don't forget what we discussed about their house warming party". I go to interject, my mouth open as dad holds his hand up to stop me. "You're gettin one honey. Beth will help you decorate the cabin how ever you want. Rip I want you today to tell the other hands Ryan is moving out of the bunkhouse." "Yes sir I will. I'll have the guys help y'all move in too, (Y/n/n). It'll be my wedding present." He chuckles again, like in the truck. Ryan's face is beet red. "Y'all're gonna give the poor boy a heart attack before we even get to move in." I laugh a little louder, it spreads around the table. It feels good. Soon, heads are turning to look. They recognize daddy at the head of the table and quickly go back to their meals.
"so daddy when will the cabin be ready for us to move in?" Finishing what food is in his mouth first, "it already is. I want you two in there tonight. The boys have already moved your bed and vanity out of your room and into the master bedroom. I had Teeter and Jimmy's uh fiancé move your clothes and everything else over. Babygirl as of an hour ago, your room is bare." I stand up and walk to him, giving him a big hug and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, and thank you guys. I appreciate every and all that you do." They all just dismiss my appreciation with a hand and all day a variation of "it's what family's for".
"Excuse me daddy, I was wanting to take us girls to a few boutiques around town for the cabin, do you think you boys could take one vehicle back together and leave one with us?" Beth asks, this is news to me. She looks back at me and gives me a wink. "Yeah honey that's fine. I'm happy my girls are spending time together again, the ladies will take my car and us boys will go back in the ranch truck." "Thank you dad" I say, "don't worry about it (Y/n/n). Call it a wedding present". A loud laugh rips from everyone at all. Ryan pulls his cowboy hat down to cover his harshly blushing face. "Aaawe baby, don't hide your pretty face. The red really brings out the embarrassment in your eyes" I joke and pinch his cheek. He swats my hand away and kisses my cheek.
Hours later and it's dinner time, my whole family and everyone from the bunkhouse is in my new living room drinking my new beer. Ryan and Colby laughing together. My boyfriend and his boyfriend. Lloyd comes to pat me on my shoulder. "You done good girlie, they don't make cowboys like us and Ryan anymore. And hey, if you get tired of him you know where to find me." He wins chuckling, he's always been so playful with everyone. "Well then I guess I'll just have to meet you at our regular spot" I play back. "Lloyd, quit flirtin with Ryan's wife" Kayce laughs and yells from across the room. Ryan heard it and he makes his way towards us. I put my hands up in faux surrender. "Well...I did want to wait until we've lived together for a while, but now is better than ever. And everyone has made the joke today, almost ruining my surprise." Colby comes up to him and hands him a red velvet box. No, I mean yes, but. There's no way.
"(Y/n) (M/n) Dutton, I remember the first day I saw you. You were wearing this exact dress and socks, this beautiful gothic cowgirl. I'd never seen anything like it. Your hair was black with bright red underneath. You caught me starin and you smiled. It's like I was floating among the stars. Lloyd told me it was rude to stare and told me who you are, my only response is that I was gonna marry you someday. He said "yeah maybe when spider fly" then I told him that's terrifying. Anyways, I love you and have since I first saw you. Will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I can't see Ryan anymore since my eyes are blurry with tears, I nod frantically. "Fuck yes, now get up here and kiss me". Looking me in my eyes, makeup running, he slips the ring on my finger, "Yes ma'am." Cheers resound through the small cabin. I see everyone try to slyly wipe their own tears away. The kiss is searing and full of everyone emotion left unexpressed. After we pull away I notice everyone has their phone out. Teeter is the first to hug me and congratulate me, only because I had asked her to bring me another beer seconds before Ryan proposed. She goes back to the kitchen sitting on the counter, where Ryan was, next to her man Colby.
Everyone forms a line in front of the pair of us. My family in front of me and the hands in front of Ryan and they criss cross between us to congratulate the both of us. Cheers, tears, appraisal, and happiness runs rampant through the house. Jamie walks through the door looking around nervously. "It's fine Jamie, you're not going to be exiled for wanting to congratulate the happy newly engaged couple" Beth yells from counter, she was chatting with Teeter about something I couldn't hear. "What? Who got engaged? I came looking for dad" Well that stings. The hell does he mean who? Who else would it be? Its the beer. And the emotions. That's why it happens. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I TO YOU JAMIE? FUCKING ROADKILL?" I shout. Anger bubbling quickly, and it's released just as quickly. Its just the beer and emotions in the air I keep telling myself. Totally not the resentment I bare towards him. Ryan grabs my arm but I rip it out. "No. Get the fuck in here and tell me congratulations and a hug like a brother would or I'll tell Beth what you did.. and dad."
He looks sick to his stomach and looks between the two aforementioned family members. He rushed to my side and hugs me. "I am happy for you little sister. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart." The smile on his face is forced. Little bitch. He goes to dad but dad blows him off to hug me tight. "Tell me later sweetheart.". He then pulls Ryan into a gruff hug that makes him grunt from how tight dad is squeezing him. I think it's an actual display of strength and not a (soon-to-be) familial embrace. Jamie and dad go out to the back yard to talk. Kayce pulls me to the couch to sit, I'd been standing since we got home. We were all tired though all I did was shop today but it was a lot of walking. Tate sits in my lap and tells me he's happy for me and asks if he can be the ring bearer. "Of course you can buddy boy, anything for the best nephew I've ever had. On one condition though." Kayce gives me that look, he got my joke but it breezes over Tate's head. Monica mirrors Tate and sits in Kayce's lap. "He's your only nephew, (Y/n/n)" she chuckles. I smile wide at her and pull my sock and boot off. Showing my new tattoo, a memorial for John, a memorial for the nephew I lost. Monica and Kayce hug me tight, squishing Tate in the process. Monica whispers she loves me in my ear. "Wait what's the one condition?" Tate pipes up. "Oh yes, right. You have to ride my horse Ida B. Hay Bales down the isle." Kayce laughs loud, shouting a "what the hell? That's what you named your new horse?" "Yes! Take your problem elsewhere Mr. Dutton. I'm a modern day feminist." "Okay, okay, turn down the heat sis. I just ain't heard no horse name like that before." I huff and roll my eyes, pushing his arm. Hopin the push I put no strength behind will make him fall over. He scoffs and does the same. I do it again but harder. Then Tate pushes him too. "yes buddy boy, it's two against one I think we can win! Help me defeat your daddy". He lets out a war cry then pushes against his dad's arm, I put my hand below his and push. My brother copied his son and shoves me. Oh it's on. But the backdoor slides open before the "fight" can devolve into a sibling fight. "Kayce quit hittin your sister." Dad's gravelly voice says, I stick my tongue out at Kayce showing off I've won. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Auntie (Y/n/n) can I have another juice please?" Tate asks, Kaycee shakes his head no while Tate looks at me. "Yeah baby go getchu one outta the fridge, there's also some peeps on the counter get you a couple and bring me one and a beer back please". He thanks me and shouts excitedly about the prospect of sugar. Monica gives me a dissaproving look but I just point the blame to Kayce. A wonderful evening.
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Steve Rogers X Little! Reader
Summary: Accidental caregiver?
TW: Abuse, Injuries, and Hydra. Proceed with Caution.
WC: 1025
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Steve didn’t mean to be here. On the contrary, it was meant to be a simple mission to a neighbor where Hydra was stealing people to experiment on. It was meant to be recompense, but when Steve heard the scared shrieks and wails coming from a house he had to save the person. 
When he entered, a Hydra agent stood over (Y/N) with a baton. They were curled into a ball at the agent's feet sobbing, promising they would be good. Steve’s heart dropped seeing how bruised this poor individual was.
“I’d stand down if I were you,” Steve said using the ‘Captain’ voice.
The rather stupid agent didn’t take the hint, instead, he charged Steve. Steve promptly punched the man, knocking him out. Super soldier strength was no joke. Steve turned around to see the person who was curled in a ball.
“Hey, I’m Captain America. My friends call me Steve though… It’s okay, you are safe now. Could you stand up, I just want to make sure you are okay…” Steve spoke softly approaching slowly. He was crouched, so he was waddling like a crab.
“Peas no huwt me!!!” 
The response was startling, perhaps they had a concussion or maybe they were delirious. Maybe they were experimented on and ended up with brain damage..? Steve decided to act like it was normal, and bring them right to Bruce to be looked over for injuries.
“It’s gonna be okay sweetheart, I just wanna bring you to a doctor. Can I carry you?” Steve asked, once within touching distance. He received a long stare and eventually an unsure nod. 
Steve was about to pick them up in a bridal style hold when they started doing grabby hands as a baby would. ‘Just roll with it’ Steve thought. Steve picked them up and placed them on his hip.
“Ou a good guy?” They asked arms around his neck now, looking tired from their crying.
“Yeah, I’m a good guy. Gonna keep you safe from the bad guys outside.” Steve replied bluntly, unsure how to talk to them. They were obviously aware of their surroundings, just seem to be interacting with it all as a child would…?
Steve began to rush to get them to Bruce, as a man with at least a dozen PhDs would know what to do better than a man who doesn't understand what a ‘Nintendo’ is. Luckily, the threat was mainly handled and now it was clear to carry them to the hovercraft. Halfway to the pad, he heard them mumble into his shoulder, “What did you say?”
“Ou gots pwetty eyes,”
All the Captain could manage out was a small hum of embarrassment, picking up his pace. He was unsure what to do in this situation, nothing like this ever happened in the time he was from. 
“Bruce, I am coming to you with a girl with a possible head injury. Will you be able to check on her until we can get her to medics?” Steve spoke into his comm.
“Yes, you know I have a Ph.D. and not an MD, right?” Transmitted back.
“Yes, I am well aware. But this is urgent.”  With that comment, Steve had finally made it to the aircraft. Bruce was waiting inside, clearing off a table so he could play doctor. Steve attempted to place (Y/N) down on the table, only for them to continue to try clinging to him and crying slightly.
“Oh” Bruce said, already documenting their behavioral patterns, “Hey, I am Bruce, I’m gonna just make sure you are feeling okay.”
With his introduction (Y/N)’s grip loosened enough to be placed down, however, their tears continued. Bruce was slightly unsure what to do, however, was not unsure of what was going on. The broken sentences trying to form from (Y/N)’s lips, were seemingly evidence that proved his theory.
“Hey little one, is this wayyyy too scary for you?” Bruce asked, making himself smaller and sitting on a chair infront of them. Steve continued to stare puzzled. ‘Why is he playing into it?’, is all Steve could think.
“Ye- Yeah!” They sobbed, they were slurring their speech like a small child.
“Is there anyway we can make you feel any better?” Bruce asked, only to be met by a nod. Bruce nodded after them, and they began making grabby hands towards Steve. Steve was ushered over and made to sit next to them and rub their back. Once they calmed down, Bruce looked them over.
“Well you are completely healthy! Other than those bruises, we will keep an eye on those though!” Bruce said, before Steve pulled him to the side to talk to him privately for a few seconds. 
“Are you sure they are okay? They are talking like a child.” Steve asked confused by why Bruce was clearing them.
“They don’t have a concussion, they are just regressed which makes sense with what was happening here.” Bruce answered.
“They are- What?” Steve replied, this was most certainly something he never heard about.
“They are regressed, they are in the mindset of a child. They are mentally interacting with the  world as a child would.” Bruce explained.
“Oh, Okay.” Steve made a mental note to research this further once back in the facility. “What do we do with them now? We can’t just leave them here like this alone…” 
“We will take them with us until they are back to their big space. Once they are back they will have to decide what they want to do.” Bruce answered, Steve frowned at the idea of them leaving the avengers protection, however he did not argue. 
They split up, Bruce returning to the work he was doing in a private area of the jet, while Steve and (Y/N) sat on the floor and colored on blank sheets of paper with colored pencils that were stored in one of the many drawers aboard the jet.
Bruce glanced out every once and a while to check on them, smiling as Steve seemed to be a natural with them. Maybe this was what Steve needed all along.
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jell0buss-37 · 2 years
hi again! could i get some headcannons with how the counselors would be with the following scenario:
reader is wearing white shoes and it’s starting to rain so the ground is getting all muddy and reader doesn’t want to stain their white shoes
thank you <3
Clean shoes (Hacketteer-
Headcannons x reader!)
AAAHHHHHH I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! I couldn't decide which I like more, so I decided to just post all of the counselors! I hope you enjoy!!!
Would totally carry you.
Bridal, piggyback, fireman, he WILL carry you.
Makes him feel valiant, and he will very cheesily say, "Fear not, my sweet, for I shall save you and your wonderful slippers from peril!!!"
You'd hold the umbrella while he carries you through the rain to wherever you need to get to.
Would probably end up falling, or slipping, but he would make sure that you landed on him, and not the mud, just so you can stay clean.
You both would laugh about it later while drying off and drinking cocoa ❤️.
Would probably suggest waiting out the rain, and probably ask someone or go himself to get you another pair to walk around in, while holding your nice shoes for you.
Would suggest to wear them when it's nice and dry out, and there's less chance of getting them dirty.
He'd tell you little ghost stories while you waited though!
Would also tell you about his home and everything, and listen to you talk about your home.
When the rain finally picks up, and you got a different pair to walk in, he'd carry your nice shoes for you, holding them tightly to his chest, and making sure nothing gets on them.
"Oh.. now see, those are the freshest pair of kicks I've ever seen. We just simply can't have those get ruined, now, can't we?"
Will make jokes, until he realizes that your serious and actually really like the pair, and immediately he'll come up with a solution.
Will just give you his shoes. That's it.
You guys most likely are in the radio shack while it's raining, and he also most definitely has a pair of slides or flip flops that Mr Hackett left in there with all the other storage stuff he put in there.
So he'll hide your shoes away in like a little cubby he has in there, probably for papers for the announcements.
He'd completely shield you from the rain, spreading his arms with his hands tucked into his pockets over you, so it looks like a giant tarp is hanging over you while you walk through the rain lol.
Once the rain let's up and it's all dry out again, he'll just casually give them back to you when you go to visit him in the morning.
"Here ya go, kept them nice and safe for ya!"
Would give you two plastic bags to buy over them.
Knows you really wanted to wear them and break them in probably, but also didn't want them to get dirty, so the best way to do both is to just cover them up.
"Woah, (Y/n), loving the drip!"
Would totally tease you about them, but in a loving way.
Giggles everytime you take a step because of the sound of the plastic rustling around.
After the rain let's up and it gets dry again, you take the bags off, and she jokes about how you finally set them free.
Would just walk around barefoot in the rain tbh.
She has a sort of carefree attitude, so things like that don't really bother her.
But she realizes how much the shoes mean to you, so she'd just walk around barefoot with you.
After putting the shoes somewhere in a safe place, she kick puddles at you.
You guy's would play in the rain for a while, just having fun without a care in the world.
When you guys are done, you'd clean yourselves up and just sit and watch the rain for a while.
Would honestly also be the type to carry you.
But not in the goofy way like Jacob.
More in the Soft Boy™ way.
Would tie the laces together and throw them around his neck, and carry you piggy back style across the mud, setting you gently on the porch steps and handing you the shoes.
Of course he'd look dazzling with the rain drops in his hair, and he'd also shake it out like a dog, making you laugh at his silliness.
Once the rain let's up, he'd still offer you piggyback rides, saying "it's still too muddy, your perfect shoes will get soiled!"
Oh yeah, she DEFINITELY has a couple rain jackets with cute little rain boots to match.
She'd let you borrow her frog ones, with the raincoat to match.
She'd let you leave your shoes at her cabin, and you both would also probably play in the rain.
She has a couple of doodles of you in the rain, as well as an adorable little sketch that she'd never show anyone.
She'd also probably wear her strawberry rain boots and jacket, because let's face it, she's a strawberry girl 🍓🍓🍓.
Once the rain let's up and everything, if you asked her to do some doodles on your shoes after a while of having them and they get a bit worn out, she'd draw little frogs and strawberries on them.
Ever had a bridge made for you before?
Well get ready, cuz it's gonna happen.
Would find every piece of cardboard, crate, log, etc. You name it, it's going to become a bridge.
Is already the type to lay his jacket over a tiny puddle for you, so being honest you kinda saw this coming.
Would hold your hand and keep you steady on the makeshift bridge while walking beside you in the mud to make sure you don't fall.
If a piece of the bridge were to break or move away, he'd simply hoist you over the gap and set you down on the other side.
Once the rain and mud let's up, everytime you where your clean shoes around him, he gets a proud look on his face.
"I did that :)))."
Most likely the most insensitive one out of the counselors.
"Why not just wear them? They're most likely going to get dirty anyway."
She doesn't really get it, as she also isn't very materialistic, and if something isn't used for it's practicality, then what is it for???
She'll realize that the pair of shoes actually mean something to you though, and just give you her shoes to wear. She's also super prepared, so she probably already has an extra pair with her.
If you do get them dirty somehow, she'll probably be more annoyed and upset about it than you.
Will also buy you a new pair.
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
Class b with a partner who likes to sneak from behind to try Carry them (preferably in bridal style).
Not proofread we die like men
(Edited - fixed mistake in awases rip)
Awase - hes surprised each time you do that honestly, it also makes him jump every time to the point where you both almost fall lmao
Sen - he doesnt mind. He just sits in your arms and does nothing special lmaoo
Kamakiri - for your own life and safety put him down... he might just stab you if you dont.
Kuroiro - he would ask you to put him down (because its not very emo to be carried like that lol) but hes way to busy blushing.
Kendo - she finds it cute honestly. Its a little embarrassing for her to be picked up (in her opinion) but she doesnt mind it
Kodai - she just stares at you with a blank face every time you pick her up lmao
Komori - she asks you to run around with her and she goes 'weeee' under her breath lightly and omg shes so cute.
Shiozaki - her reflexes caused her to almost choke you to death with her vine hair before you both decide a warning is needed lmaoo
Shishida - he honestly finds it funny. I mean your tiny ass with a strength quirk picking up this massive beast of a man lmaooo
Shoda - he gasps loudly each time you pick him up (it scares the shit out of him lmao) once he realizes its you hes fine again
Pony - she would make so many horse puns honestly. Its at the point where she carries a notebook around full of puns so shes always ready when you pick her up lmaoo
Tsubaraba - lowkey blushes but hes quick to make jokes. If you pick him up bridal style hes just tells you to take him to dinner first lol
Tetsutetsu - turns it into a workout so everyone can see how manly you are. Like 'now run to kendo and show her how many lunges you can do while holding me!'
Tokage - she almost threw you over her shoulder once or twice for scaring her but over all its fun for her
Manga - he just kinda looks at you at first before he asks someone to take yalls picture and send it to him so he can anatomy study lmaoo.
Honenuki - he starts doing the same thing to you, not as often but he will sneak up behind you and pick you up
Bondo - he really enjoys the attention but he doesn't let it show <3 hes really flattered and honestly impressed.
Monoma - "ik that im perfect and the everyone wants to date me but dont you think your going a bit fast?" Hes a narcissist what else do you expect lmao
Reiko - it takes her a few more seconds than the others to notice but when she does she becomes really flustered.
Rin - he tries to stay serious but he cant. He ends up laughing and giggling the way a school girl does when talking about her crush lol <3
Fun fact: gay men (contrary to popular belief) has the tendency to date more men than women
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Ok I’ve got a cute-ish one “phantom troupe men with a daughter that can carry them bridal style with ease”
Lmaoooooo the moment I read this, I immediately thought of feitan….Thank God he is not real because he would be so pissed off if he seen what I’m about to say about him😭🤭
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He already knows that he is very light and easy to pick up
But he will be extra pissed off if his daughter picks him up
Or even his s/o
He just wants to be left alone
He will definitely be in a bitchy mood if you pick him up after
And he is not one of people who secretly likes it. He hates it and it’s pretty obvious. 
The man was too stunned to speak
Literally jaw dropped
He would be so surprised, and he would be like “HOW THE FUCK”
Literally man thought that he was dreaming for a second
He did not think that it was reality
He would be very neutral about it
He is secretly very impressed, but he will just keep it to himself and act as if he expected this is his daughter, and that he doesn’t really care
But he is secretly very happy that they are improving
He would definitely go and tell his s/o about it
And maybe just maybe feitan because he already knows that feitan will be very chill about it and won’t go around telling people 
“Why are you picking me up?”
“put me down immediately”
He would be impressed and happy that his daughter is strong, but out of everything that his daughter could’ve picked up, it had to have been him
He would be kind of annoyed at that, but other than that he would be very impressed and happy for his daughter
He would be freaked out and very caught off guard
He would not appreciate how his daughter just picked him up without any warning
He’s happy that his daughter knows her strength and that she is strong but just a little warning next time that she wants to do that to him 
“how in the actual fuck are you picking me up”
“so you’re seriously telling me that Nobunaga couldn’t even pick me up but you’re sitting here picking me up easily”
he wouldn’t even be mad at his daughter he would be mad at Nobunaga for not being able to pick him up, but yet his daughter can easily
He was talking to chrollo about it, and he said in a joking voice “maybe my daughter should take Nobunagas place”
He wouldn’t be surprised. Basically anybody can pick him up. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to pick him up.
He wouldn’t even mind that his daughter is picking him up at the end of the day. It’s easier for him he doesn’t have to walk not like he gets annoyed with having to walk or anything like that it’s just easier for him
“good job you can carry me!”
“I’m pretty light though if you want a real challenge try picking up Bonolenov or Nobunaga they are heavier than me I mean it’s pretty clear that they are no offence to them but I am way shorter so it’s pretty obvious😅”
“I am very confused on how you are picking me up”
“all right I think it’s time for you to put me down before I end up crushing you on accident. Your mother would kill me if that happened and I’m not really trying to die, so put me down immediately”
He would be really surprised and he wouldn’t even be thinking about the fact that his daughter is way stronger than she last Was he would be thinking about the fact that if he was worth to accidentally fall on his daughter his s/o would beat him so bad (lmao poor boy)
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. This was really fun to write (it’s all fun and games until feitan sees this😭😭😭)
I will see everybody in the next post bye now!
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cyeli-no · 1 year
Everyone in Sumeru knows Cyno is small, but he has weight from his muscles. He is, by no means, extremely light. The issue comes when Dehya, drunk, mocks Al-Haitham for calling himself a feeble scholar. In her mind, with his physical strength, he should still be capable of carrying Cyno.
Can: Tighnari, Dehya, Al-Haitham, Candace, Nahida Can't: Collei, Kaveh, Layla, Nilou, Faruzan
─── ⋅ ⋅ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Tighnari: He is an archer. He definitely has a lot of arm strength and has experience carrying dumb adventurers through the forest. I imagine he usual has Cyno on his back (piggyback), but will occasionally carry him in his arms (bridal carry).
Even before being asked about it, he probably had the most experience carrying Cyno. The first time was after a really bad mission and he could no longer walk. So, after doing emergency treatment at the outskirts of the forest, Tighnari dragged Cyno back without anyone's help because the General would definitely not want anyone to see him in such a state.
Dehya: She carries a claymore and can punch her enemies into submission. She can definitely carry Cyno, making jokes about how he is too small and she can carry more people. She would 100% bridal carry him, just to make fun of him.
(I am a fan of the idea of her having a prosthetic arm.) Imagine someone says something stupid about her arm, about how it's unfair because of course the big, metal arm can lift Cyno. So, she wraps her other arm around Cyno's torso and just lifts him off the ground. He, uncomfortable in the position, is thrown over her shoulder instead. He stops complaining once he is properly seated.
Al-Haitham: He is surprisingly buff and strong for a "feeble scholar". He throws Cyno over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
I think he would also be willing to carry in carefully in his arms if Cyno is injured. If Cyno returns to report back to Nahida and him rather than to a doctor, he will interrupt the conversation and just pick him up. He probably carries Cyno bridal style to make Cyno feel embarrassed, shaming him for not taking better care of himself. When Cyno gets more antsy at the action, risking to worsen his injuries, Al-Haitham covers Cyno with his cape to at least shield him.
Candace: She doesn't seem to be strong enough to carry him. Compared to the other three, who visibly have muscles, she is considerably more lean. But, she carries a polearm and a shield. She, similarly to Cyno, are strong despite their appearance. She carries him on her back with ease.
Candace is fully capable of carrying him through the desert by herself. During one rescue mission, she leads the group with Cyno on her back and only takes breaks because the others need it.
Nahida: It is honestly a bit surprising when she is able to lift him with her tiny stature. But, she's an archon.
Cyno is reluctant to let her carry him, almost feeling blasphemous and disrespectful. But, to deny his archon also feels the same. Biting his tongue, he lets her hook her arms under his knees and lifts him easily off the ground. I am between a classic piggyback ride or him being in front of him, upright, and being carried like that. She holds him around the knees and his arms are on her head for balance while she runs without being able to see, covered by Cyno's torso.
Collei: Even if she could, I don't think she would want to because it's too much physical contact.
Kaveh: Logically, as a claymore user, he would probably be able to. The issue is that he does not feel comfortable trying to carry him. It might be because of Cyno's own discomfort at too much physical contact or the fact that he feels nervous about it all.
Cyno insists it is not a big deal. He trusts Kaveh and feels fine with him. But, Kaveh remembers the Akademiya days where Cyno reacted very poorly to touch because of his vague childhood. For both their sakes, he will not take that risk unless completely necessary.
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aasterisck · 2 years
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diego hargreeves x reader - one shot
“Fuck off,” she blinks with DIego away from Five. Diego looks around the grassy area, landing on the house in front of them.
“What’s this?”
“Safe house,” she mutters, “Listen love,” she looks at him with tired eyes and a bloody face, “I'm out of juice, so try to lie low for a sec okay?” She struggles to stand up, walking towards the house with his arm around her waist for support. 
“I don’t think I can do anything else out here,” he mutters, closing the door behind them as she sighs, lowering her head with her eyes closed. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” she brushes away his hand as she rubs her ribcage.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this place?”
“Because what if I wanted to be safe from you? You’d know where to find me,” her words are slow as she walks towards the couch in the living room. 
Sitting down she rests her head on the headrest, her breathing is slow and he presses his lips together, watching her in pain. His hand rests on a blade, contemplating whether what his brother said was right. He waits for her to close her eyes before throwing the blade at her, time seems to slow down as she opens her eyes, glaring at him before the knife falls on her lap. The look she gives him sends shivers down his spine. Wiping her now bleeding nose she clenches her jaw.
“Lucky you,” her voice is cold.
“I would have stopped it before-”
“Diego, can I please just rest?” the cold tone has warmed to a desperate one.
“I have some questions,”
“Of course you-”
“How do you have all these powers?”
“Two isn’t that many,”
“Do you have more?”
She shrugs, “Probably not honestly,”
“How'd you get them?”
“I get them by sleeping with people,” she rolls her eyes, laying down on the couch as he processes.
“You slept with Five?”
“In a different timeline,” she mutters, the corner of her lip twitches looking at Diego’s wide eyes, “Im joking Diego,” she chuckles, “If im around the person with the power I just pick it up,”
“And you keep it?” she nods, “Damn,” 
“Can I sleep now?”
“Wouldn’t you prefer a bed?”
“It's so far,” she closes her eyes as her breathing slows, relaxing and melting into the couch.
“(y/n), let me get you to a bed,” he walks towards her with an eye roll, “If not I won’t hear the end of you complaining about your back hurting,” he mutters to himself with annoyance.
He carries her bridal style to a nearby bedroom, after opening a few doors that lead to other rooms. He stands over her as she gets comfortable in bed. The room is big enough for a queen bed, a nightstand, and dresser. It smells like paint, and he wonders how recently she was in the safe house. Everything looks clean and organized. His brows furrowed as he left the room, slightly closing the door. 
Taking the time to venture out he looks through the house. Becoming intrigued by a hidden locked door. After many failed attempts at trying to open the door he stares at it. Hands on his hips not hearing (y/n) come up behind him. 
“You need a key for that door,”
“No way. Why didn’t I think of that!” he’s annoyed and she rolls her eyes, “What’s in there?” He turns to look at her, leaning against the door as she puts her hair up, he crosses her arms watching her.
“Is it a sex dungeon?”
“What? No,” her eyes widen as he continues.
“You seem like the type of person to have a sex dungeon,”
“What does that mean?” he shrugs, “Fuck you,” she crosses her arms.
“Not in the sex dungeon,”
“Oh my God Diego,” he smiles at her, “You don’t deserve to see what’s down there,”
“Oh it’s definitely a sex dungeon,” 
“Fuck you!” she sticks up her middle finger as she walks away and he laughs.
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podcast-stargazer · 2 years
Welcome to Pt 2 of my Cairo x Al sick fic. I apologise in advance for any mistakes, it's still only freshers week and yet I've already managed to get freshers flu haha, but I still wanted to write a part two so here it is! @intransitpodcast
Cairo x Al sick fic pt 2: Uno Reverse
Cairo slumped over his console in the helm, struggling to keep himself awake despite being barely an hour into his shift. His head was about to fall down from its position resting on his hand, when the sound of the door to the helm opening behind him startled him awake, blinking his eyes repeatedly to try and make himself appear less groggy as he turned around in his chair.
“Oh hey Al,” he called out drowsily “What are you doing here? You know you’re not meant to be on the helm unless there’s a medical emergency,”
“You weren’t answering your comms, I was worried you’d managed to get yourself in trouble. Again,”
“Oh please, when do I ever get into trouble?”
Al gave him a look of disbelief in response, while Cairo sifted through a bag to his right, looking for his comms bracelet.
“Shit,” he muttered to himself before badly attempting to stifle a cough “I must’ve left it at my place when I left for work, sorry for dragging you out here for nothing Al” Cairo said tiredly, meaning for it to sound more upbeat than it did.
Al furrowed his brow slightly and pulled his lips tight, immediately catching on to how exhausted Cairo seemed.
“That’s not like you,” He commented, stepping closer to Cairo.
“What do you mean?” Cairo tried to joke “I’m always forgetting stuff,”
“Not stuff like this,” Al pointed out “I’ve never seen you without your comms bracelet on during the day, after everything you’ve been through not having a way to communicate an emergency would, to put it in your words ‘fucking suck’,”
“It’s no biggy,” Cairo responded, trying to brush it off, acting like the rising anxiety of realising he didn’t have the bracelet wasn’t contributing to his already stressed and weakened state. “I’ll just pick it up when I get back to my quarters” Cairo continued, before coughing harshly and doubling over in his chair, Al immediately coming up behind him and placing a hand onto Cairo’s back.
“Which is happening now,” Al told him firmly
“I can’t leave,” Cairo said tiredly, the fatigue evident in his voice “I’m working, I just need a glass of water.”
Cairo then stood up and went to walk towards the water cooler when a wave of dizziness hit him and he immediately grabbed onto Al’s shoulder.
“Cairo,” Al began softly, lowering him back into his chair slowly “you need to go to bed,” he pleaded
“I’m fine, I just need a second,”
“You’re not fine Cairo,”
“Al, seriously i’m-”
“No Cairo,” Al cut him off, his voice set and stern as if he was giving medical advice at work “I’m going to help you back to your quarters and then I’ll get you a drink,”
“Allllllll” Cairo whined, knowing it was futile to resist, but not wanting to feel helpless and weak
“Please Cairo,” Al pleaded, his tone becoming soft as he looked at Cairo with genuine concern “there are other navigators here running the ship, and you’re not going to be much use to them like his, so please let me take you to bed,”
“Oh?” Cairo said in a teasingly flirty tone “I thought you wanted me to get some rest Al,”
“I- Not like that!” Al exclaimed, blushing slightly “god, you can’t stop flirting even when you’re sick,”
“I’m not sick.”
“You are sick Cairo, now am I taking you back or not,”
Cairo let out a small sigh and held onto his chair to help him stand up
“Fine,” He began, giving in, “but you’re going to have to carry me,” he joked drowsily before Al lifted him up with ease and began walking down the corridor, carrying Cairo bridal style.
“I’m not complaining, but I was kidding you know,” Cairo said tiredly, looking up at Al from in his arms.
“I know,” Al began, turning a corner “but it’s probably quicker for me to carry you when you’re in this state.”
“You’re stronger than I thought” Cairo teased “I mean, I’m taller than you and you’re acting like carrying me is the easiest thing in the world,”
“Well you do need a lot of strength to be a doctor, especially a doctor who has to deal with you,” Al joked, causing Cairo to laugh weakly before sleepily responding “Damn you’re hot,” resting his head on Al’s chest and closing his eyes as they continued the journey back to his quarters in a comfortable silence.
Once they had reached Cairo’s room, Al carefully got out his own key for the room before opening the door and gently setting Cairo down on the bed. Cairo opened his eyes and immediately tried to sit up before Al put a hand onto his shoulder to stop him going any further.
“Lay down, I’ll get you some water,” Al said before Cairo moved to get up again.
“No it’s fine, I can do it myself, you should head back to work,” he said before immediately falling back onto the bed dizzily “I meant to do that,” he finished drowsily.
“Not in this state you can’t,” Al began, looking at Cairo gently, “I don’t have work today, besides, this is my fault,”
“You can’t seriously blame yourself for this Al,”
“You got sick from taking care of me Cairo,”
“Hey, that was my choice, I wanted to take care of you, don’t feel guilty just because I went and got sick.” Al looked at Cairo with a small smile and nodded
“Fine, but you have to rest while I get you some water, doctor’s orders,” Al told him.
“Ok fine, I’ll lay back down doc,” Cairo said teasingly, as he pulled the blanket over himself, slowly closing his eyes as he waited for Al to come back with the water.
“Sorry that took me so long, I was looking for a cup you wouldn’t break if you somehow knocked it over and-” Al began, before cutting himself off, realising Cairo had accidentally fallen asleep while he was gone.
Al let out a soft chuckle and placed the glass on his bedside table, smiling lovingly at Cairo as he gently lowered himself onto the bed, not wanting to wake him up. He delicately brushed a strand of Cairo’s hair out of his face and kissed his forehead gently, letting out a little sigh before lying down beside him and allowing Cairo to rest.
Hope you enjoyed that! I'm going to keep pretending this show hasn't ended and write whatever fanfic ideas I think of (and will happily take requests) so I hope you can enjoy my little own world of in transit content.
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I love your stories so much. May I send a 1940s!buckyxreader smut fanfic based off the titanic car scene. I know it’s a weird request, but I’ve always wanted to see a story based off it
Fogged Windows
A/N: I had to look up the car scene on Youtube because I haven’t watched Titanic in a long time, so I hope I did it justice! This was a really cool request though and a lot of fun to write, so thank you so much for it. Also, thank you for your kind words! I hope you enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated :)
Pairing: 40's Bucky Barnes x fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, praise kink, oral sex, fingering, unprotected sex, fluff, cursing
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“Let’s go exploring,” you say, grabbing Bucky’s jacket collar and pulling him down the hall. 
“Whoa, hold on,” Bucky says, stopping and smoothing out his collar. “Where exactly are we going to go, doll?” 
Turning around, you lean in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. “The cargo storage. I overheard there’s some really nice cars down there.” 
“Is that so?” he asks, pulling you back in for another kiss. 
Pulling away from him, you smile. “Yes, Mr. Barnes, it is so.” You start to walk away, before glancing back at him. “You coming?” 
“You bet your ass I’m coming,” he responds, rushing forward to pick you up bridal style and carry you down the hall, the both of you laughing the entire way.
When you reach the cargo storage, you gasp. There are indeed cars, quite a few of them, and they are beautiful. It didn’t occur to you that there would be cars traveling with you, considering you are heading to war. 
Working with Peggy Carter in the Strategic Scientific Reserve means you regularly see Sergeant James Barnes when you’re either traveling or on base. The two of you are in a secret relationship, which is why you tend to sneak around together a lot. 
“C’mon, let’s check out this one,” Bucky says, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards a car in the back. 
“Eager, are we?” you ask, following him.
“To be with you? Always, doll.” He looks back at you and raises his eyebrow. “But, weren’t you the one pulling me along just a few minutes ago?”
“What? I don’t recall that.” you joke, laughing. 
“Of course you don’t,” Bucky jokes back. He pulls you in front of him and smacks your butt, before opening up the back door of the car. “Here you are, m’lady,” he says, gesturing for you to get in. 
Grabbing his hand, he hoists you into the car and shuts the door. You watch as he gets into the front, sitting in the driver’s seat. 
“And, where are we going today, beautiful?” he asks, looking at you through the rearview mirror. 
“Hmm…” you respond, pretending to think of a destination. “Take me to London, please, kind sir.” 
He nods his head at you. “Whatever the lady wants.” 
Looking around the car, you take in every little detail and sigh. This was going to be one of the last moments you have together before Bucky goes off to fight. 
You move forward and wrap your arms around Bucky’s chest, pulling him backwards. “Come over here,” you say. “I’m lonely back here without you.” 
Bucky leans back and sits down next to you. “Don’t want you to be lonely,” he says. Looking over at you, he reaches his hand out and starts to caress your cheek. “Hi, doll.” 
Leaning into his touch, you nuzzle your cheek into his palm. “Hi, handsome.” 
Bucky leans in and kisses you slowly. “We have this whole car to ourselves,” he whispers against your mouth. 
“What do you think we should do?” you ask as he pushes your body down, so you’re lying flat on your back. 
“I can think of a few things,” he says, moving his lips to your ear, sucking on your earlobe. 
Moving your head to the side, you give Bucky better access so he can kiss your neck. “Why don’t you show me then?” you ask, as he leaves a trail of kisses down from your ear to your collarbone. 
Bucky looks up at you. “I’m going to, doll,” he says, right before taking off your shirt and bra, his mouth instantly moving down to suck on one of your nipples. 
You arch your back and moan loudly.
“You like that?” Bucky asks, his voice vibrating against your nipple. He pulls away from your breast and continues to leave kisses down your body, not stopping until he’s reached your clothed center. “We don’t have much time. Someone might come looking for us.” 
As soon as he says that, he pulls down your pants and underwear in one swift motion. 
“Better hurry up then,” you say, panting as you look down at him. 
“Exactly what I was thinking, doll.” 
Inserting two of his fingers inside of you, he uses his thumb to rub your clit in a slow, circular motion. 
“That feel good?” he asks, using his other hand to reach up and massage one of your breasts. 
“Yes,” you moan. 
Looking down at him, you bite your lip as you grab the front of his pants, pulling down the zipper and slipping your hand inside to grab his dick. Your hand wraps around his length, pumping him slowly. 
Bucky buries his face into your thigh, biting down into your skin. “Fuck, doll. The things you do to me.” 
After each bite into your thigh, he uses his tongue to soothe the pain, sucking on each mark. 
His tongue then moves up your thigh, until his face is centered in between your thighs. Leaning in, he moves his thumb away from your clit, only for it to be replaced by his mouth. 
While sucking on your clit, he starts to move his fingers in and out of you faster. In response, you start pumping him faster, causing fast, harsh moans to leave his mouth. 
“I gotta get inside you, doll,” he grunts, moving up to kiss you on the mouth, his lips tasting of you. 
“Then do it, please,” you whisper against his mouth. 
He backs away from you to pull off his shirt, pants, and boxers, leaving him completely naked in front of you. You watch him as he gets back on top of you. 
“Are you going to take me like the good girl you are?” he asks, lining his dick up with your center. 
“Yes,” you manage to say as he pushes into you, his dick stretching you out. 
“You take me so well, baby,” he grunts out, sliding back out and slamming into you again. 
He kisses you deeply, slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
“I’m gonna fucking miss you,” he says as he pulls away and looks at you. His hand slides down between your bodies and touches your clit. “I’m gonna miss this sweet pussy.” He leans down to give you another kiss. “These sweet lips.” He thrusts forward, slamming into you hard. “Making love to you all fucking night long.” 
“I’m going to miss you too. You better stay safe out there,” you say, pulling him back down to kiss him again. 
“Gotta come back to my doll,” he says, his thumb rubbing faster against your clit. 
“I’m close,” you say, your orgasm right around the corner. 
He picks up the pace, thrusting into you faster. “Wanna feel your walls tighten around me, doll. Squeeze me so fucking tight while I fill you up with my cum.” 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you squeeze your thighs, your orgasm hitting you. 
“Bucky!” you yell. 
Bucky places his head against your shoulder and bites into it. 
“Y/N!” he moans as his cum shoots into you. 
After a few minutes of heavy breathing from the both of you, Bucky slowly pulls out and lays on top of you. 
“I love you,” he mutters, his face pressed into your chest. 
“I love you too,” you respond, running your hands through his hair. “Should we head back?” 
He wraps his arms around you tightly. “No. I want to stay like this for just a little bit longer.” 
You reach down to kiss him on the top of his head. “Then we’ll stay like this.” 
Lifting his head up, he rests his chin on your chest so he can look at you. “When this is all over, I’m gonna marry you, doll… Gonna marry you and put a baby in you.”
Staring at him, you smile. “I can’t wait, Buck.” 
He smiles back at you, his fingers caressing your skin. “Neither can I, doll. Just a little bit longer and then you’ll have me… forever.” 
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