#jonny wilkes
les4nobody · 2 years
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Discussion time with Johnny
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melonsinthesky · 11 months
Here goes nothing, so here are some friends and more family of Damian (Jon's not his only friend)✨️
In case you ever want to read the comics I included some spoilers ig and pictures too!
Maya Ducard (aka Nobody)
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So, Damian killed her father. Yikes. He is eventually forgiven in the comic series, Robin: Son of Batman. Which features one of the few depictions of brown Damian
She's his big sister (Damian being 10 y.o. in R:SoB and Maya 14 y.o.)
She was the first person of his siblings that he called by their name.
She helps Damian with undercover missions (as seen in Supersons), is a proficient fighter, also an ex-assassin, and the voice of reason.
Maya is black-latina.
Maya hasn't appeared in the recent timeline, last she was seen with Kathy (aka Beacon) in their own base.
If I'm not mistaken there's one maribat fic that's got her
She's family 💖
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Suren Darga
Like Damian, they both are initially interested into following their father's footsteps.
The Darga and the al Ghuls are rivals. But DC hasn't mentioned again since R:SoB
He's arab too! Like Damian.
Suren is a magician too.
If you think the al Ghuls are stuck in past, the Darga's are way more in the past.
He's also pretty exaggerated. I think he was dead but got resuscitated (it's been years since I've read R:SoB and my English wasn't as good as it is now)
Damian relates and cares for him in his own way.
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Colin Wilkes
He's an orphan, who's also a meta-human. Colin was experimented on, and when he's using his powers he doesn't look alike, he goes by Abuse.
He's a little bit like Jon, except that Jon is a little shit who never hesitates to fight Damian. Colin is a nice kid.
He appears a lot in Li'l Gotham. Damian takes him to the BatCave, and even lets his friend use a batsuit.
Colin hasnt appeared in a while because DC doesn't like Damian having friends or something.
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Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi
She's from the comic series "Gotham Academy" (currently working on a fic that has the GA kids)
I never understood if Maps got a crush on Damian or on his weapon(?) But they're cute together
She's a bit eccentric, likes to wear suits instead of dresses.
Maps like cartography, that's where the nickname Maps comes from.
She gets into trouble a lot. Dreams to be Robin, well she kindda is.
Maps as Robin was a thing during the We Are Robin arc, and on one more newish solo issue which probably means there's more of Gotham Academy in the works!!!
I've read one or two maribat fics that feature her!
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Kathy Branden (aka Beacon)
She's actually not Damian’s friend, she's Jon's.
Kathy is Jon's neighbor from when they lived in Hamilton County and he went by Jonathan Samuel White.
She's an alien like Jonny.
Seemingly DC was aiming to pair them.
So, Kathy and Damian develop a friendly relationship and ofc they're allies.
She lives on her own, in her farm along with Maya.
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Mara al Ghul
Cousin of Damian
Damian left her blind on one eye while after sparring she launched a dagger at him and he did the same to her but :/
She's the daughter of Dusan al Ghul (aka White Ghost), older than Talia but because of his albinism he was discarded of being the heir.
They have reconciled
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Athanasia al Ghul
She just appears in Injustice and she's Damian's bio-sister.
Daughter of Bruce and Talia.
She was kept hidden while Damian was away with Bruce.
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I guess, Flatline (a love interest) and Connor Hawk enter into this category too but I don't particularly care for them. Flatline is a new character from the Robin solo and Connor was revived(? for the solo too ig
Here's a pic that's got Flatline, Connor, and Rose too bc she was important too
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bat-stuff · 2 years
Collin Wilkes headcanons: “He uses flirting as a defense mechanism. Not only that but he flirts with his friends just to make them uncomfortable and the closer he gets with the person the kinkier the comments”, can we get a post of the friend group reacting to Collin’s flirting in tier-wise-listing “least close with-to closest with” and how easy the friend he’s the least close with has it vs. the friends he’s closest too and how badly they have it dealing with his flirting. Not making assumptions but I am assuming he’s closest with Damian so it’ll be fun to see how you write him reacting to it please????
Of course!
Ok, so we've already covered that Colin enjoys teasing and flirting with his friends constantly but we haven't talked about how far he actually goes
Essentially, the more comfortable he is with said person the farther he feels he can push them.
So let's start with the person he flirts with the least: Jon Kent
The resident golden boy of the group, he could do no wrong
Now I'm not saying Jon and Colin aren't besties, because they totally are, but I see Jon and Colin having absolutely opposite viewpoints on life which makes it harder for them to relate to each other.
Like, Jon grew up in a country home with a happy family and was taught the best manners and to never judge a book by its cover.
Colin on the other hand never had much of a family or a home. He really just raised himself and took every questionable encounter with a person as a sign of danger.
Anyway, Colin teases Jon very subtly.
Mostly because he doesn't want to offend Jon and literally anything sexual just goes over his head
Colin: Hey Jonny boy, looking fine as always in that flannel.
Jon, utterly confused: oh thanks, you too!
Colin, now also confused: You’re welcome?
Jon just doesn't get it and Colin feels genuinely bad about it
Colin has tried so many times to joke around with Jon
Jon Kent is just too pure for this world
Really he doesn’t tease Jon that much but that doesn’t mean he isn’t thankful to have him in his life
On the outside he jokes that Jon just doesn’t quite understand (which he really doesn’t) but inside he desperately doesn’t want to make Jon uncomfortable
Colin hasn’t had many positive friends like Jon in his life and he doesn’t want to lose that so he goes easy on Jon
Colin does frequently call Jon “Princess” and other random pet names
“Baby girl” is his favorite
Next up is Billy
Colin and Billy have an interesting relationship given they aren’t that close because they don’t see each other very much
Colin just feels really comfortable around Billy
They sort-of get along, because Colin just destroys Billy
He flirts with Billy relentlessly, holding back absolutely nothing
And Billy hates it
And I mean he despises it
Billy doesn’t ever tell Colin to stop though because it wouldn’t mean anything in the end
Colin would find another method of verbally kinky jokes to torture Billy
Billy also knows that its just Colin showing his love
Either way, Colin uses any possible thing he can think of 
He almost baits Billy into responding to a normal comment and then goes in for the kill
He just throws whatever pops into his head first and hopes it will be enough to get a reaction out of Billy
And every time Billy has to retaliate with some offended comment
Colin: I like your shirt
Billy: Oh thanks I got it at Walmart-
Colin: You should take it off *winks*
Billy: You have got to be kidding me
Colin: You’re right, I should take you back to my apartment first
Billy: No you should get help, Colin
If Colin catches Billy on a good day, he’ll flirt back
And Colin can’t respond because he’ll just blush
If anyone flirts with Colin, and it doesn’t matter who they are, their sexuality or their gender, he will just combust 
Billy has only recently discovered this and now uses it to his advantage to shut Colin up
In the end they are good friends, even when Colin insists on making Billy’s life hell
Last but certainly not least is Damian
Colin and Damian have the strongest relationship 
Colin was Damian’s first friend, the first person he truly trusted
Which was probably a mistake on his part because Colin doesn’t even think about being subtle with Damian
Damian is grateful to have Colin in his life, but the pain that comes from speaking with this ripped orphan teenager ruins his reputation as a cool, mysterious, rich boy
It is impossible to escape Colin Wilkes when you live in the same city and go to the same school as him
Damian can’t have a single conversation with any other student without Colin materializing out of literally no where to wrap an arm around him and join in on the debate
There have been times where Colin has kissed Damian on the cheek and called Damian “His Man” 
The controversy this causes with the press is absolutely hilarious
Gotham Gazette headlines read “Damian Wayne and Possible Secret Boyfriend...” and at every charity event Damian has to explain that he in fact is not dating this ginger boy, Colin is just his overly confident friend who likes to annoy him
Colin finds these ordeals hilarious and doesn’t stop 
And Damian has tried so hard to get him to chill but Colin just goes even harder the next time
Colin’s flirting with Damian can be downright dirty
And most of the time, Damian has no reaction
Most of the time
There are those very few times where Colin is like:
Colin: I would let you rail me, Damian
Damian: Whatever gets you to shut up
And Colin’s entire thought process is out of commission for the rest of the day
As I’ve mentioned, Colin doesn’t take flirting that’s directed towards him well, he just shuts down
And really if Damian Wayne were to say that to anyone, no matter who they are they would have the exact same reaction.
I mean, it’s Damian Wayne
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antanddecforever · 11 months
Since the next series of takeaway is the last for a while, I hope they change things up a bit. Maybe bigger, crazier Ant v Dec challenges? I’d love for ant and dec to be the ones saying the stuff to strangers in get out of my ear! Or even some celebs get their own back and prank the boys undercover like Jonny Wilkes did years ago!
I also don’t really want them to do the last show from America or somewhere other than the studio. I feel like the energy and excitement doesn’t come across as well when they’re far away. 🤔
Just my thoughts. If anyone else has any thoughts on this I’d love to hear them 😊
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2023 Reads
A new year means a new book list! I don't think I can top my 2022 count, but that's okay! I'm not totally sure what my reading goals this year will actually be, but I guess I'll sort it out on the way! XD For future reads, here's my 2024 list!
Four Treasures of the Sky - Jenny Tinghui Zhang
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass+
The Bear and the Nightengale - of the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
The Secrets We Keep - Mia Hayes
Indian Nations of Wisconsin: Histories of Endurance and Renewal - Patty Loew+
The First Sister - Linden A. Lewis^
The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury~
Fin Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn^
How Long 'til Black Future Month by N. K. Jemisin
Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin^
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin*
Black Cowboys of the Old West: True, Sensational, and Littke-Known Stories form History - Tricia Martineau Wagner+
The Mysteries of Thorn Manor - Margaret Roberson%
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space - Amanda Leduc+
Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson^
She Who Became the Sun~ - Shelley Parker-Chan*
The Witch King - H.E. Edgmon^
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree*
Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin^
The Adventures of Amina El-Serafi - S.A. Chakraborty
Humankind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman+
The Folk Keeper - Frannie Billingsly*%
Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens - (Suzy) Eddie Izzard+
Juniper & Thorn - Ava Reid
Upright Women Wanted - Sarah Gailey%
I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary MacLane+
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut~
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights - Molly Smith & Juno Mac+
The Woman in White - Wilke Collins^
King of Battle and Blood - Scarlett St. Clair
Sarah - J.T. LeRoy^
The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros^
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
Always the Almost - Edward Underhill
All Systems Red - Martha Wells%
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Nevada - Imogen Binnie
A Dowry of Blood - S. T. Gibson
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
The Second Rebel - Linden A Lewis
Get a Life Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
The Hero and the Crown* - Robin McKinley
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing - Bruce D Perry & Oprah Winfrey+^
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorne
The Eye of the Heron - Ursula K Leguin
Artificial Condition -Martha Wells%
The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert%
Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith*
Rogue Protocol - Martha Wells%
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self Involved Parents - Lindsay C Gibson+
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart, the Wild West's Most Notorious Woman Bandit - John Boessenecker+
The History of Wales - History Nerds+%
Ander & Santi Were Here - Jonny Garza Villa
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls^
Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire^
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Irish Fairy and Folk Tails - Various+
The Dead and the Dark - Courtney Gould
Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman and Beth Scott+
The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris
The Ruins - Scott Smith
He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Fledgling - Octavia Butler
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend - Mark Collins Jenkins+
The Vampyre - John Polidori%
This is Halloween - James A Moore
Sorrowland - Rivers Soloman
The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion - Margaret Killjoy%
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey^
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston*
The Last Hero - Linden A. Lewis
Lovelight Farms - B. K. Borison
Reindeer Falls Collection: Volume One - Jana Aston
Currently reading: One Last Stop (Audiobook to help me sleep XD)
Nonfiction is annotated by + A Re-read is annotated by * A book completed from the list below is annotated by ^ A Read with Empty will be annotated by ~ A Novella %
My current, loose and not that interesting goal for this year is to really work on the books I have current access to right now... at the start of this year. Because it's a lot XD This means books currently favorite in Scribd, on my StoryGraph 'to read' pile, or a book I currently own on my shelves. Main goal is at least one of these a month.
For my own personal reference, I'm putting a list of such books below to hold myself accountable.
Edit: Now the end of 2023, and here's a breakdown of my goal to read books I already had access to at the start of 2023:
I didn't read one a month per se, but I got more than 12 done, so I call this a win. These books are:
-Can't Spell Treason Without Tea - Rebecca Thorn -The City Beautiful - Aden Polydoros -Finn Mac Cool - Morgan Llewlyn -The First Sister by Linden A Lewis (proceeded by the other two in the series) -Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert -The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls -Haunted Wisconsin - Michael Norman & Beth Scott -Her Majesty's Royal Coven - Juno Dawson -I Await the Devil's Coming - Mary McClane -The Kraken's Sacrifice - Katee Robert -Lavinia - Ursula K Le Guin -Love Her or Lose Her - Tessa Bailey -Mistress of the Art of Death - Ariana Franklin -Nevada - Imogen Binnie -The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli -Rosemary and Rue - Seanan McGuire -The Ruins - Scott Smith -The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller -Sarah - J.T. LeRoy -Vampire Forensics - Mark Collins Jenkins -What Happened to You? - Oprah Winfrey -The Witch King - H. E. Edgmon -The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The books I did not get around to reading from this list are as follows: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho; Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye (o); The Book of M by Peng Shepard (o); Charity and Sylvia by Rachel Hope Cleves (o); The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (a); The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey (s); Fallen by Lauren Kate (o); Fanny Hill by John Cleland (o); Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender (s); The Glass Woman by Caroline Lea (s); The Great Hunger by Cecil Woodham-Smith (o); Helping Her Get Free by Susan Brewster (o); The Impossible Girl by Lydia Kang (s); Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (o); The Merry Spinster by Daniel Lavery (o); On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (o); The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang (s); Radiance by Grace Draven (a); Watching the Tree by Adeline Yen Mah (o); The Willows by Algernon Blackwood (s); Wings of Fire (o); Witches Steeped in Gold by Clannon Smart (o); The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (s)
23/46 Whoa! That's exactly 50% of the books I had on my list! That's pretty cool! All in all, I consider this 2023 goal successfully done!
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“Love Lost” – NCIS must investigate the Secretary of the Navy when her husband claims she tried to murder him, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Nov. 14 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Sean Murray
(NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee)
Wilmer Valderrama
(NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres)
Brian Dietzen
(Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer)
Diona Reasonover
Katrina Law
(Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines)
(NCIS Special Agent Jessica Knight)
Rocky Carroll
Gary Cole
(NCIS Director Leon Vance)
(FBI Special Agent Alden Parker)
Michael Kostroff
(Felix Lassiter)
Carolyn Hennesy
(Secretary of The Navy/ Tara Flynn)
Elise Eberle
(Arlene Wilkes)
Jonny Rios
(Victor Wilkes)
Christian Barillas
(Rafael “Rafa” Lopez)
Devika Parikh
(Doctor Saanvi Singh)
Joshua Nazaroff
Patrick Labyorteaux
(Olev Kozlov)
Brandon Papo
WRITTEN BY: Brendan Fehily and David J. North
DIRECTED BY: Rocky Carroll
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toddlohenry · 2 months
Is Franklin a true story? The real story of Benjamin Franklin and the Franco-American Alliance
As Franklin, starring Michael Douglas, dramatises statesman Benjamin Franklin’s 1770s mission to secure French support for America’s independence struggle, Jonny Wilkes takes a closer look at the true history. Source: Is Franklin a true story? The real story of Benjamin Franklin and the Franco-American Alliance
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mitchbeck · 5 months
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smartencyclopedia · 1 year
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remixinc · 1 year
Apple Music | The 1975 - Notes On A Conditional Form from Konstantin Mazov on Vimeo.
Full film at Apple Music.
Director: Charles Todd Executive Producer: Denise Williams Watts, Zane Lowe, Sheira Rees-Davies Producer: Brian Mcelroy, Olivia de Courson-Weber, Devin Chanda Director of Photography: Konstantin Mazov Production Designer: Zoe Klinck Editor: Eric Barr Original Score: Lucas Ellman Animation Creative Direction: Anton Reva @atlaslayer Animation Artists: Anatoly Shabalin, Galina Kazimi, Sasha Churganov Colorist: Marc Morato @metropolitanacolor Post Production: Scheme Engine Post Production Supervisor: James Rothman Management: Ed Blow, Jamie Oborne, Jack Caldwell Stylist: Patricia Villirillo
UK Unit Producer: Ash Lockum Line Producer: Miles Wilkes Production Coordinator: Ellie Braine 1st Camera Assistant: Kate Molins 2nd Camera Assistant: Jonny Lewis Key Grip: Jonny Donne Crane Grip: Pete Nash Crane Technician: Adam Samuelson Sound Mixer: Tom Sedgwick Gaffer: Craig Davis Assistant Art Director: Tara Royston Prop Master: Simon Morrissey Art Assistant: Tea Mulabdic Assistant Editor: Hanna Utkin Graphic Design: Samuel Burgess-Johnson
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h1p3rn0v4 · 2 years
Los europeos las apodaron las 'amazonas' y fue un médico e historiador francés, Edouard Dunglas, quien registró las hazañas de la guerrera fumadora de pipa.
Su desafío duró poco tiempo, pero sus acciones sirvieron para ilustrar el destino final de las amazonas de Dahomey.
A pesar de toda su valentía y habilidad, esta fuerza de lucha femenina se desharía antes del final del siglo XIX por la misma razón que las de muchas otras poblaciones indígenas del mundo: una potencia de fuego superior.
Las agojie vestían uniformes a rayas azules y blancas o túnicas de color herrumbre y llevaban consigo una gran cantidad de adornos y amuletos en sus cinturones.
Estaban armadas con garrotes, cuchillos, lanzas y una selección de armas de fuego compradas a comerciantes europeos, incluidos mosquetes de chispa, carabinas y trabucos.
Pero su arma más temida era una espada parecida a un machete de un metro de largo.
Era tan afilada que, cuando una segadora lo empuñaba con las dos manos, podía cortar a un hombre por la mitad con un solo golpe, lo que la convertía en el arma ideal para las agojie cuando estaban en guerra con reinos rivales pues recolectaban las cabezas de los enemigos caídos.
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A full list of my genderbent AU DC characters:
Bruce Wayne - Batman—> Blythe Wayne - Batwoman
Thomas Wayne —>Tara Wayne
Martha Wayne —> Marcus Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth - Agent A —> Alison Pennyworth - Agent A
Selina Kyle - Catwoman —> Simon Kyle-Wayne - Catman
Katherine “Kate” Kane - Batwoman—> Kurtis “Kurt” Kane - Batman
Barbara “Babs” Gordon - Oracle —> Benjamin “Ben” Gordon - Oracle
Richard “Dick” Grayson - Nightwing —> Ricarda “Rikki” Grayson - Nightwing
Cassandra “Cass” Cain - Black Bat—> Cassian “Cass” Wayne - Black Bat
Jason Todd - Red Hood —> Jacyn Wayne - Red Hood
Harper Row - Bluebird —> Harper Wayne - Bluebird
Timothy “Tim” Drake - Red Robin —> Timothea “Thea” Wayne - Red Robin
Stephanie “Steph” Brown - Spoiler —> Stephen “Steve” Brown - Spoiler
Duke Thomas - Signal —> Duchess “Duch” Thomas - Signal
Cullen Row —> Catherine “Cathy” Wayne - Agent C
Damian Wayne - Robin —> Damia Wayne - Batgirl
Colin Wilkes - Abuse —> Cora Wilkes - Abuse
Clark Kent/Kal-El - Superman —> Clara Kent/Kal Jor-El - Superwoman
Martha Kent —> Marcus Kent
Jonathan Kent —> Jonalyn Kent
Lois Lane —> Louis Lane
Conner Kent/Kon-El - Superboy —> Connie Kent/Kon Jor-El - Supernova
Jonathan “Jon” Kent/Jon-El - Superboy —> Jonalyn “Jonnie” Kent/Jon Kal-El - Supergirl
Diana Prince - Wonder Woman —> Dionysus Prince - Wonder Man
Donna Troy - Troia —> Donald “Donnie” Troy - Troian
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall —> Apollo of Bana-Mighdall
Cassandra “Cassie” Sandsmark - Wonder Girl —> Cassian “Cassie” Sandsmark - Amazon
Bartholomew “Barry” Allen —> Bartholomea “Barry” Allen
Jason “Jay” Garrick —> Jacyn “Jay” Garrick - Flash I
Joan Garrick —> John Garrick
Maxwell “Max” Crandall - Max Mercury —> Marigold “Mary” Crandall - Mercury
Wallace “Wally” West - Kid Flash—> Wanda West - Blitz
Bartholomew “Bart” Allen - Impulse —> Bartholomea “Bart” Allen - Impulse
(Green Lanterns - I didn’t feel like typing that out repeatedly, so.)
Harold “Hal” Jordan —> Hailey “Hal” Jordan
John Stewart —> Joan Stewart
Guy Gardner —> Grace Gardner
Jessica “Jess” Cruz —> James “Jamie” Cruz
Simon Baz —> Sage Baz
Kyle Rayner - White Lantern —> Kylie Rayner - White Lantern
Oliver “Ollie” Queen - Green Arrow —> Olivia “Liv” Queen - Green Arrow
Dinah Lance - Black Canary —> Dean Lance - Black Canary
Roy Harper - Arsenal —> Rosalie “Rose” Harper - Arsenal
Artemis Crock - Tigress —> Apollo Crock - Tiger
Jade Nguyen - Cheshire —> Jared Nguyen - Cheshire
Lian Harper —> Liam Harper
Connor Hawke - Green Arrow —> Cora Hawke - Artemis
Suzanne “Cissie” King-Jones - Arrowette—> Cirrus King-Jones - Archer
John Jones/J’onn J’onzz - Martian Manhunter—> Jane Jones/J’onn J’onzz - Martian Manhunter
Megan Morse/M’gann M’orzz - Miss Martian —> Matthew “Matt” Morse/M’thew M’orzz - Mister Martian
Garfield “Gar” Logan - Beast Boy—> Gabriela “Gabi” Logan - Beast Girl
Arthur Curry - Aquaman —> Arianna Curry - Aquawoman
Kaldur’ahm - Aqualad —> Kalda’ahm - Aqualass
Garth - Tempest —> Grace - Tempest
Tula - Aqualass —> Tulam - Aqualad
Giovanni “John” Zatara - Dr Fate —> Giovanna “Gia” Zatara - Dr Fate
Zatanna Zatara - Zatanna —> Zatan Zatara - Zatan
Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle —> Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle
Traci Thurston - Thirteen —> Trevor Thurston - Thirteen
Eduardo “Ed” Dorado jr. - El Dorado —> Eduarda “Eda” Dorado - Dorada
Harleen Quinzel - Harley Quinn —> Harlem Quinzel - Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley - Poison Ivy —> Palmer Isley - Poison Ivy
Edward “Eddie” Nygma - Riddler —> Edythe “Edy” Nygma - Riddler
Jonathan Crane - Scarecrow —> Jonalyn Crane - Scarecrow
Joker —> still the same psycho clown, just female
Alexander “Lex” Luthor —> Alexandra “Lex” Luthor
Leonard “Len” Snart - Captain Cold —> Leonarda “Len” Snart - Captain Cold
Michael “Mick” Rory - Heatwave —> Michelle “Mick” Rory - Heatwave
Hartley Rathaway - Pied Piper —> that but female
James Jesse - Trickster —> Jane Jesse - Trickster
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
Naum Gabo - Ana One - Glasgow electronica duo’s 20-year retrospective LP (Optimo Music)
Ana One is a new compilation on Optimo Music which assembles 10 tracks by Glasgow’s Naum Gabo (Jonnie Wilkes & James Savage). Spanning 20 years, it exposes the many slants to Naum Gabo’s sound and is testament to their unwavering commitment to remaining unattached to any scene. We hear early unreleased lo-fi post punk disco experiment “Red Cones” (2001) and one of their releases on Kompakt Extra from the notorious “Speicher” series - “Galore” (2004). There is film music in the form of "Dino", evidence of their inter-planetary synth prog adventures like "Black Lab", a cover version of Scottish new wave band Fingerprintz' "Wet Job" and exclusive new productions like Sleep C'Mon (2021 Bass Mix). The ten tracks are lovingly re-mastered by James (conveniently the mastering engineer for the majority of the label's output).
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tulaladd · 3 years
世界最遅tulaladd2020best DL list
暗夜行路のような唄声が車内から眺める某庁舎前の雪景色と甘酸っぱい感情を喚起させるRY Xや、このリストには登場しない自分用に作ったプレイリスト(日本語ラップ編、シティーポップ編)をひとりで何度も諳んじては胸を焦がした。それらの音楽が本来持つ資質にプラスして思い出補正でランクインした作品がいくつかある(最たるものがサントラ部門かな)。そんな変化があった2020年でした。
それを除けば、音楽ライフは基本的に前年を踏襲。つまり引き続きapple music依存型で、DIG活動もほほ休止(荷物の山に埋もれたタンテをセッティングし直せるまともな精神状態じゃなかった…)。落第生の体たらくをここ何年も続けてるわけです。とはいえ昨年と比べれば、リスト入り作品の数が格段に増えた=それなりに楽しい音楽生活が営めていたのも事実。その充実を支えたものがアルゴリズムって点がものすごく納得はいかないけれど。(毎年書いてるけど、手当たり次第サブスクを横断する中で「もう一度聴きたい」と思えたものが以下のDLリスト。感覚的には昨年より緩い5枚に1枚。それでも昨年比3倍の約250枚!)
特筆するとすれば、Bartosz KruczynskiのEARTH TRAX以来追い続けてきたリズムセクション・インターナショナルが、旬のサウスロンドン・シーンと地下ハウス/テクノ・シーンのメルティング・ポットだったことが分かって興味が再燃させられた個人的な事件。そのセンセーションのグラウンド・ゼロにあたるTHE COLOURS THAT RISEの発見が今年No.1の成果かな。
唯一職場で音楽談義ができるために相互レコメンに特化したLINEを展開中のT氏に教えられたエディ・チャコンのアルバム、そのエディの復活劇を手掛け、若林恵さん経由でずっぽりハマったソランジュ『A Seat At The Table』の禅的ミニマリズのデザイナーでもあることが事後に発覚したジョン・キャロル・カービーの2人は、今年ならではの幸福な時間の中で何度も繰り返し聴いた一生の思い出確定盤。ジョンなんか3カテゴリーに分かれてのランクインだもんな。 
【TECHNO / HOUSE / (NU)DISCO / ELECTRONICS】 ★★★THE COLOURS THAT RISE / Grey Doubt ★★THE COLOURS THAT RISE / 2020 EP(2017) ★★THEO PARRISH / Wuddaji ★★Machinedrum / A View of U ★Kuniyuki Takahashi / Flying Music EP ★Oneohtrix Point Never / Magic Oneohtrix Point Never ★VLADISLAV DELAY / Rakka ★LUKE SLATER / berghain fünfzehn ★Jayda G / Both of Us / Are U Down EP ★TSHA / Flowers EP ★DISCLOSURE / Energy ★DARKSTAR / Civic Jams ★Chari Chari / We Hear the Last Decades Dreaming ★HUNEE / Boiler Room : an hour with HUNEE(DJ Mix) ★Autechre / SIGN Arca / @@@@@ BURIAL / Chemz FOUR TET / Sixteen Oceans JAMES BLAKE / Before EP GLOBAL COMMUNICATION / Transmissions Sampler JOHN FRUSCIANTE / Maya TRICKFINGER / She Smiles Because She Presses the Button EP TRICKFINGER / Look Down, See Us EP 60 Miles / Swamp 2 Sea EP EARTH TRAX / LP1 EARTH TRAX / LP2 BIG YAWN / No! HIATT dB / Palimpsest EP GL / You Read My Mind DJ SOFA / Elsewhere Junior I - a Collection of Cosmic Children’s Song Mr President / One Night feat.Celia Kameni & Cindy Pooch J.A.K.A.M. / ASTRAL DUB WORX Inner Science / Made パソコン音楽クラブ / Ambience EP LOCUSSOLUS / Locussolus(Expanded) Various Artists / South DAN KYE / Small Moments OFF THE MEDS / Off The Meds BASSO / Proper Sunburn - Forgotten Sunscreen Applied By Basso(2019) Copenema / Dexia a Musica Tocar(2019) Seahawks / Eyes of the Moon(2019) Jayda G / Significant Changes(2019) MMM / Que Barbaro(2013)
【HIPHOP / R&B / BEATS / FUNK】 ★★★EDDIE CHACON / Outside(Laraaji Remix) ★★EDDIE CHACON / Pleasure, Joy and Happiness ★★Lil Narnia / Pain Extract ★★VHOOR / Baile & Sauce ★AG CLUB / Halfway Off the Porch ★MAC MILLER / Circles ★THUNDRCAT / It Is What It Is ★WILMA ARCHER / A Western Circular ★OXP, ONRA & POMRAD / Swing Convention ★DJ KRUSH / TRICKSTER ★BENEDEK / Bene’s World(2017) JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / High feat.Eddie Chacon & Nailah Hunter THE WEEKND / After Hours DRAKE / Dark Lane Demo Tapes POP SMOKE / Shoot for the Stars Aim for the Moon IVAN AVE / DOUBLE GOODBYES MOSES SUMNEY / græ PETER COTTON TALE / CATCH NNAMDI / BRAT Yves Tumor / Heaven Ta a Toutured Mind Teebs / Ardour(10th Anniversary Edition) Wajatta / Don’t Let Get You Down Lapalux / Esrevoinma EP Kutmah / New Appliance THE HELIOCENTRICS / Telemetric Sounds VULFPECK / The Joy of Music, The Job of   Real Estate JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Lazzara(2019) Various Artists / Kutmah presents : Sketchbook Radio Archives, Vol.1(2018) Invisibl Skratch Piklz / The 13th Foor(2016) D-STYLES / Phantazagorea(2002)
【JAZZ(the New Chapter) / WORLD】 ★★★MANSUR BROWN / Tesuto ★★★JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / My Garden ★★KAMASI WASHINGTON / Harmony of Difference EP(2017) ★JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Love Theme ★MANSUR BROWN / Shiroi ★JEFF PARKER / Suite for Max Brown ★CHICAGO UNDERGROUND QUARTET / Good Days ★TOM MISCH & YUSSEF DAYES / What Kinda Music ★KAMAAL WILLIAMS / Wu Hen ★ROB MAZUREK & EXPLODING STAR ORCHESTRA / Dimentional Stardust: ★ORLANDO LE FLEMING / Romantic Funk : The Unfamiliar ★SAM WILKES / WILKES(2019) ★YUSSEF KAMAAL / Black Focus(2016) ★ZSOFIA BOROS / Local Objects(2016) JYOTI & GEORGIA ANNE MULDROW / Mama, You Can Bet! BUTCHER BROWN / #KingButch BRAXTON COOK / Fire Sign PAT METHENY / From This Place Fabiano do Nascimento / Preludio SAM GENDEL / Satin Doll SAM GENDEL / Pass If Music(2018) SAM WILKES / Live on the Green(2019) BRANDON COLEMAN / Resistance(2018) KIEFER / Superbloom(2019) 鈴木良雄 / モーニング・ピクチャー(1984) 鈴木良雄 / ウイングス(1987) JOHN EBERSON, BJ0RNAR ANDRESEN, PAAL NILSSEN-LOVE / Mind the Gap(2001)
【(INDIE)ROCK / (INDIE) POP / SSW】 ★★★EL MICHELS AFFAIR / Reasons feat.Bobby Oroza ★★EL MICHELS AFFAIR / Adult Themes ★★THE FLAMING LIPS / American Head ★★SUFJAN STEVENS / The Ascension ★★FLEET FOXES / Shore ★★COLDPLAY / Everyday Life(2019) ★★RY X / Unfurl(2019) ★★THE WAR ON DRUGS / Lost in the Dream(2014) ★PHOEBE BRIDGERS / Copycat Killer feat. ROB MOOSE - EP ★Mk.gee / A Museum of Contradiction ★PEEL DREAM MAGAZINE / Agitprop Alterna ★BLAKE MILLS / Mutable Set ★THE STROKES / The New Abnormal ★CHS / Jungle Sauna(2019) ★KINDNESS / Something Like A War(2019) ★〝Blue〟Gene Tyranny & Peter Gordon / Trust In Rock(2019) ★STATE RIVER WIDENING / Early Music(2003) BIBIO / Sleep On The Wing Jonsi / Shiver JEFF TWEEDY / Love Is The King REAL ESTATE / The Main Thing ANIMAL COLLECTIVE / Bridge to Quite LITTLE DRAGON / New Me . Same us JAGA JAZZIST / Pyramid TAME IMPAlA  / The Slow Rush TRAVIS / 10 Songs SORRY / 925 JOSEPH OF MERCURY / WAVE Ⅱ Khruangbin / Mordechai Various Artists / Hiding From the Landlord HOWLING / Colure DEVENDRA BANHART / Ma(2019) LANA DEL REY / Norman Fucking Rockwell(2019) DAVE GROHL / Play(2018) CRITERIA / En Garde(2003)
【PUNK / HEAVEY / EXTREAM】 ★★envy / The Fallen Crimson ★★lang / There is no reply, but sweet wind blew(2018) ★envy / LAST WISH(Live at Liquidroom Tokyo) ★SLIFT / UMMON ★HORSE LORDS / The Common Task ★coriky / coriky ★Sans Visage, Look at moment / Split Single ★Sans Visage / moments(2017) ★LIGHTNING BOIL / Sonic Citadel(2019) ★Harvey Milk / Courtesy and Good Will Toward Men(2006) DEFTONES / Ohms Converge / Endless Arrow JESU / Terminus JESU / Never JESU / Ascension(Delux) KRUELTY / A Dying Truth XIBALBA / Anos En Infierno Various Artists / Speedy Wunderground Year 4(2019) RUSSIAN CIRCLE / Russian Circle Audiotree Far Out(2019) EARTH / Live at Third Man Records(2017) THE ARMED / Only Love(2018) THE ARMED / Untitled(2015)
【AMBIENT / NEW AGE / DRONE / MINIMAL MUSIC / EXPERIMENTAL】 ★★JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Conflict ★★Dukes of Chutney / Hazel  ★HEATHERED PEARLS / Cast ★SAM PREKOP / Comma BING & RUTH / Species FRANKIE REYES / Originalitos IAN WILLIAM CRAIG / Red Sun Through Smoke WINDY & CARL / Allegiance and Conviction JONNY NASH & SUZANNE KRAFT / A Heart So White JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Tuscany(2019) JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Meditation In Music(2018) JOHN CARROLL KIRBY / Travel(2017) ALEXANDER RISHAUG / Shadow of Events(2011) 【CLASSIC / OST】 ★LUDWIG GORANSSON / Tenet OST ★JOHN WILLIAMS / Double Trouble ※from OST of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004) DUSTIN O'HALLORAN / Ammonite OST KAMASI WASHINGTON / Becoming(Music from the Netflix Original Documentary) DUSTIN O'HALLORAN / Lumiere(2011) BETH GIBBONS, The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra & Krzysztof Penderecki / Henryk Gorecki: Symphony No.3(2019) ANTONI WIT, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra(Katowice) & Polish Choir of Krakow / Henryk Gorecki: Symphony No.2(2001) ZSOFIA BOROS / Local Objects(2016) 【DOMESTIC(without HIPHOP)】 ★★★METAFIVE / 環境と心理 ★★GEZAN / 狂(KLUE) ★★downy / 第七作品集「無題」 ★★岡村靖幸 / 操 ★★崎山蒼志 / ソフト ※FEVER LIVE ver. on YouTube ★★SILENT POETS / dawn(2018) ★WOZNIAK / Vegetable Home Run ★Ai Aso / The Faintest Hint ★jan and naomi / YES ★mei ehara / Ampersands ★ディーン・フジオカ / Neo Dimension ★LUNA SEA / Make a vow ★坂本慎太郎 / 好きっていう気持ち / おぼろげナイトクラブ ★Cuushe / Waken ★sassya- / 脊髄(2019) ★小袋成彬 / Piercing(2019) ★She Her Her Hers / stereochrome(2014) WOZNIAK / Lost WOZNIAK / Double Face mouse on the keys / Arche 5kai / Untitled #2 KAN SANO / Susanna Ovall / Ovall(2019) mabanua / Blurred(2018) D.A.N. / Aechma ふさえ / そのまま 相馬智行 & 鳴海徹朗 / 春の闇 jan and naomi / Neutrino 王舟 / Pulchra Ondo 春ねむり / LOVETHEISM 井出健介と母船 / Contact From Exne Kedy And The Poltergeists(エクスネ・ケディと騒がしい幽霊からのコンタクト) 吉田一郎不可触世界 / えぴせし 岡田拓郎 / Morning Sun blgtz / Feature EP Coff / Tiny Music(2019) 【DOMESTIC(HIPHOP)】 ★★DJ CHARI & DJ TATSUKI / GOLDEN ROUTE ★★Weny Dacillo / Hapitable Hotel ★Hideyoshi / Dead End Adventure ★GG UJIHARA / WEAKNESS EP(2018) ★DJ CHARI & DJ TATSUKI / Time feat.Yo-Sea & KEIJU(2019) ★GG UJIHARA / WEAKNESS EP(2018) KOHH / worst KEIJU / T.A.T.O. Sauce81 / S8100 MARTER / Weltraumasthetik 2020 Normcore Boyz / MEDIAGE なみちえ / 毎日来日 徳利 / REVOLUTION starscream & Page Hiiragi / Ghost(s) DJ CHARI / GAME(2019) YOUNG HASTLE & GG UJIHARA / YOUNG UJIHARA EP(2019) Weny Dacillo / AMPM EP(2017)
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Omega Squad
Updated as of 12/27/2020
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Name: Lian Alice Ngyuen Harper (leader, primary responsibly inventory and recording keeping)
Alias/Nicknames: Little Red Hood (hero alias), Li, Squeaker (Roy mostly), Pum’kin (Roy mostly), Roja (Milagro), baby doll (Jade only)
Age: 17
Species: human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers/Weapon of Choice: Compound bow, trick arrows, cross bow and bolts, throwing knives.
Parents: Roy Harper and Jade Ngyuen
Significant other: Jai West
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Name: Iris Anne West II (Leader, primary responsibility in medical records, lab reports, and interteam communications)
Alias/Nicknames: Impulse (Hero Alias), Irey, Ires, Nuri (Damian only), Habibi (Damian only), Lightning bug (Her parents), 
Age: 17
Species: Meta Human
Sexuality: Straight
Powers/Weapon of Choice: Superhuman speed (accelerated healing, superhuman endurance/reflexes, tornado generation)
Parents: Wally West and Linda Park-West
Significant other: Damian Wayne
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Name: Damian Al-Ghul Wayne (leader, primary responsibility in training and scheduling)
Alias/Nicknames: Robin (hero alias), Dames, Dami, Damibear (Irey only), Batjerk, birdbrain
Age: 17
Species: human
Sexuality: sapiosexual
Powers/Weapon of Choice: Katana, birdarangs, bolas, flash grenades, gas pellets, grappling gun, lock pick, knife, periscope, rebreather, taser, etc
Parents: Talia al-ghul (biological mother) and Bruce Wayne. Selina Kyle is his stepmother/bonus mother 
Significant other: Irey West
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Name: Milagro Gloriana Reyes
Alias/Nicknames: Green Lantern (hero alias), Mil, Mocosa (her brother mostly), Mi Reyna (Colin), Greenie
Age: 16
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bicurious/bisexual
Powers/Weapon of Choice: Green Lantern ring
Parents: Alberto and Bianca Reyes
Significant other: Colin Wilkes
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Name: Jai Bartholomew West
Alias/Nicknames: Velocity (Hero Alias), Brother (Irey, his twin sister), Jaibae (Lian only), sweet boy (his parents), Little Man (his parents)
Age: 17
Species: Metahuman
Sexuality: Straight
Powers/Weapon of Choice: Superhuman speed (accelerated healing, superhuman endurance/reflexes, tornado generation)
Parents: Wally West and Linda Park
Significant other: Lian Harper
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Name: Colin James Wilkes
Alias/Nicknames: Abuse (hero alias), Col, Collie, Gingersnap, Red, Mi cielto (Milagro only), Mi Rey (Milagro only)
Age: 16
Species: Metahuman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers/Weapon of Choice:  Venom, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Healing, Brass knuckles
Parents: unknown
Significant other: Milagro Reyes
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Name: Jonathan Samuel Kent
Alias/Nicknames: Superboy (hero alias), Jon, Jonny, Superdork, Superbabe (Mar’i only), Superboytoy (Mar’i only)
Age: 16
Species: Human/Kryptonian hybrid
Sexuality: straight
Powers/Weapon of Choice:  Kryptonian-Human Hybrid Physiology, Solar Radiation Absorption,  Invulnerability,  Accelerated Healing,  Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Flight,  Enhanced Visual Perception (X-Ray Vision, Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision,  Telescopic Vision,  Microscopic Vision,  Heat Vision),  Super Smell,  Superhuman Speed, Super-Breath, Superhuman Hearing, Indomitable Will
Parents: Clark Kent and Lois Lane
Significant other: Mar’i Grayson
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Name: Princess Mar’i Grayson
Alias/Nicknames: Nightstar (hero alias), Star, Starshine, Mar, Mar-Mar, Princess, princessa
Age: 16
Species: Human/Tamaranean hybrid
Sexuality: Demisexual
Powers/Weapon of Choice:  Tamaranean Physiology,  Energy Absorption, Enhanced Vision, Flight, Interstellar Travel, Starbolts, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Strength,  Linguistic Assimilation, Tamaranean strength escrima sticks
Parents: Dick Grayson and Koriand’r
Significant other: Jon Kent
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