#joseph and dinah
thetudorslovers · 2 years
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Dinah is the only daughter of the patriarch Jacob—at least the only one named. Her mother Leah bore her after six sons and named her “Dinah” (30:21), meaning “her judgment,” although no explanation for her name is given in the biblical account.
The story of Dinah recounts an episode in which she goes out to see the “daughters of the land” but is raped, seduced, and/or abducted by Shechem, a Hivite prince, who subsequently falls in love with and wishes to marry her. While her father is silent, Dinah’s brothers negotiate marriage terms in guile. After all the male residents of the town circumcise themselves (a precondition for intermarrying with Jacob’s family), Simeon and Levy slaughter all the men and rescue Dinah from Shechem’s house. The various responses to the daughter’s debasement the residents of Shechem, Jacob’s, the brothers’, and even Dinah’s silence suggests a multivocal composition which centers on the question of intermarriage with the native “Canaanites” of the land.
With the exception of the opening verse, Dinah is wholly passive in the story; she is acted upon and given no voice.  After she returns to her father’s household, she is never heard of again in the biblical narrative, though she is mentioned along with the 66 descendants of Jacob who go down from Canaan to Egypt.
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satoshy12 · 1 year
GIW Hunt outside of Amity Park
After the GIW noticed they wouldn't go far with Phantom and Amity Park, They had left and searched new places to find their plan. In Gotham, they killed William Cobb the Talon and destroyed the way of the Court of Owls to create new ones. Otherwise the GIW, hunted for Ra's al Ghul and Vandal Savage; they even kidnapped Amanda Waller to get information out of her. As she knew about them and hid them, she was breaking the Anti-Ecto Act and being a criminal just like them. Captured at the moment in the Labs were only Joseph Wilson and Dinah Lance. Getting ready for experiments, the other agents were hunting down Ra's and Vandal for future studies.
Agent A: " This is much easier when you hunt a hero. No one would miss them." Amanda Waller was in Cell, next to Dinah and rest.
+ Danny in Amity Park had no idea what happened, but like the town was happy that GIW were Gone.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Time to Add More Fics to This Account: Non-Batfam Edition
An Oyster's Pearl: College/University AU (Grant Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Rose Wilson, Dick Grayson, Original Character(s), William Randolph Wintergreen, Slade Wilson)
Frozen in Time: (Michael "Booster Gold" Jon Carter, Michelle Carter, Rani Carter, Skeets)
Central City Lemonade Stand: No powers AU (Thad Thawne, Barry Allen, Iris West Allen, Bart Allen, Owen Mercer, Meloni Thawne, Don Allen)
Ango (Dwelling in Peace): No powers AU (Connor Hawke, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Sandra Moonday Hawke, Roy Harper)
Would It Kill You?: No powers AU, mortician AU (Thad Thawne, Terry McGinnis, Match, Deborah Morgna, Bart Allen, Meloni Thawne, Helen Claiborne, Mike Ringer, Max Crandall)
Sweet Honey Bee: Ballet AU/boarding school AU (Thad Thawne, Bart Allen, Meloni Thawne, Don Allen, President Thawne)
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Sebastiano Ricci (Italian, 1659-1734) The Rape of Dinah, ca.1700 Kunsthalle Bremen
The painting tells the story of Joseph’s sister Dinah, who was abducted from Canaan and raped by Shechem, son of wealthy Prince Hamor (Gen. 34). Out of love for her, Shechem bade his father to let him marry Dinah. Hamor, in turn, spoke with Dinah’s father, Jacob, who agreed to the marriage under the condition that all men of Shechem’s lineage be circumcised according to the Old Covenant. However, three days later, when all the Shechemites had been weakened by the rite, Dinah’s brothers Simeon and Levi took revenge for the outrage done to their sister by attacking the city, killing the male inhabitants, and returning with Dinah against her will. Ricci’s painting describes the dramatic event of the abduction in a pyramidal composition, in which the still weak Prince Shechem, shown with a cane, is included at the left.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
I know the whole 'none of those words are in the bible' is a meme about things being blasphemous but it is ironic when incest is very much in the bible
There is so much incest in the bible. I was literally talking recently about shipcest in biblical fiction lmao
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I hate it when my fandom is a small niche because no one will care about my rant ahead lol. I am a fan of The Red Tent (The show and the book by Anita Diamant) and I go on Tumblr to find content on it. Long story short I find lovely gifs of the show with Rebecca Ferguson, quotes of the book and such, but unfortunately no metas or fics or people gushing about the story and the characters, which was sadly to be expected. The only thing I find is someone complaining about how the show changed the ending to make it more hopeful, about forgiveness, etc. And I am like, bitch, the show is a whitewashing-of-middle-eastern-characters-mess, it was not as detailed as the book, it was too short and could have done more with the content, the actors are unbelievably and stupidly old for their ages (Especially Dinah in the first episode, Rebecca is beautiful but there is no way I can suspend my disbelief and pretend she is a lovesick teenager, why the hell didn't they use two actresses for her? The passage of time in the show was perfect for that), and so on, but you know what what good about it? (Other than the costumes and the settings of course)
It fixed the bookʼs crappy ending. There, I said it. I don't care how supposedly “deep” it is, or being told I just don't get it. It is just my truth and you are free to disagree.
You see, when I got to the end of the book I was met by a very depressing and dull experience where Dinah suddenly stopped loving all of her brothers, even Joseph, despite the fact they were breadfed together and each other's best friends growing up. I get her hatred and unforgiving attitude towards Simon and Levi and even the rest of the older brothers, but Joseph? Who had nothing to do with the massacre other than a comment he didn't seriously mean and was around her age when it happened? The author just wanted to shock the readers at this point.
What is more, in the show it could have been understandable for Dinah to be ambivalent towards Joseph, since he tried to get her son killed for almost assassinating him, but in the book it is actually Joseph who spares his life and sends him away instead without ANY coercion from Dinah. Dinah just continues to hate him in the book for no reason because he is part of her past and she wants to forget her past and his existence took her son away from her even though that was literally 100% the sonʼs fault for trying to kill a literal statesman out of revenge with WITNESSES around without learning the full story of what happened to his father, who was killed by Simon and Levi only and not all of Dinahʼs brothers lol
lmao It just makes Dinah come out as heartless and cruel, especially considering she gets some second hand account about how much Joseph supposedly suffered as a slave, which, because this takes creative liberties (Which I am 100% fine with btw), is an even greater amount of suffering than implied in the Bible (He is said to have been beaten and raped by his masters or the slave traders before getting to Potiphar in this book, which actually makes sense, him being a slave and this being ancient times and all, and Potiphar is also a creep). But nope, there is no talk of how both siblings have suffered, Joseph as a slave, and Dinah since the loss of her husband and forced separation from her child. They just become strangers, which is frustrating and unsatisfactory. No emotional reunion in the book as there is in the show (Which has a brilliant scene where they meet again that is very satisfying).
The book also has to make all the male characters heatless monsters incapable of remorse or idiots to make Dinah, her son, and her love interests shine (They literally make Joseph an illiterate fool to make Dinahʼs son shine as the “power or intellect behind the power” or whatever, like, this isn't even about uplifting women because this is Dinahʼs son, not Dinah herself, this is pretty much just about making Dinah the only competent or admirable child of Jacob, it is so blatant and annoying it reminds me of Disneyʼs Maleficent idea of telling a complex story and giving voice to voiceless characters, meaning flipping everything around and thinking that does the job) . The show doesn't do this and yet Dinah comes across as a very competent woman, a brilliant midwife, just as she is in he books. She is unquestionably the main character in the show and yet we also get glimpses of Joseph being a learned man, no character assassination needed. You don't have to pick on Joseph, who most imagine to have been learned and literate at some point in his life besides having the prophetic dreams (which makes SENSE even if it is not in the Bible, he was given a position of power for a reason), to make me admire Dinahʼs character.
The end of the show makes Dinah bond with her brother and gives you the impression they stay good friends even if she can't make herself to do the same with her other brothers. This, along with her relationship with Benia, is a huge triumph after so much suffering, a true happy ending, I can see the two of them playing with their children and having meals together. She forgives her father because Joseph forgave her son for trying to kill him, it is lovely, it is a lovely message, and her forgiving her father ties to the original message of the story, paralleling with Joseph forgiving his brothers. Forgiveness doesn't lower Dinah down or have to mean she thinks what her father did was right. It doesn't mean she has to spend time with the people who hurt her. It just means she lets go of the anger. Can this message be annoying for some people who are pressured by society to forgive their abusers? Yes, but in fiction it is better this way because unless the plot is about revenge, forgiveness gives the story closure and meaning, and because the book set the story up to a final encounter with her family, Dinah being as indifferent makes the ending anticlimactic.
In the book, Dinah returning to her homeland is almost there for no reason (I liked her meeting the new generation in her family and learning of the women and girls, granddaughters of her mothers, who are always forgotten, but other than that? Pointless). She doesn't speak to her father or brothers even to ask them why they did what they did or be angry (which was an alternative to the forgiveness arc if your truly hate it that much), she doesn't speak to Joseph either because “muh my past I hate muh past and he sent my son who tried to kill him away”. There is straight up NO REASON FOR HER TO BE THERE. I hate the ending so much it is unbelievable.
So no, random person who is probably among the few to feel strongly about this show/book. The show ending is awesome and way better than the book ending (imo, I have nothing against you random person). Thank you for coming to my niche fandom ted talk.
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Chapter 30
30:1 Rachel was envious of Leah and wanted Jacob to bear children with her. Rachel says, "Give me children, or else I die."
30:2-4 Jacob becomes angry and states that he is not God, the one who "withheld from you the fruit of the womb." Rachel then says to bear children through her maidservant, Bilhah.
30:5-6 Bilhah gave birth to a son, and Rachel named him Dan because "God has judged [Rachel]; and He has heard [Rachel's] voice and given [Rachel] a son."
30:7-8 Bilhah gives birth to a second son, named "Naphtali." Rachel states, "God has helped me, and I have wrestled with my sister; and indeed, I have prevailed."
30:9-11 Leah gives her handmaiden to Jacob to bear another son. Gad is born and Leah says, "Good fortune!"
30:12-13 Asher is born through Zilpah, Leah's handmaiden, and Leah says, "I am blessed, for the women will call me blessed."
30:14-15 Reuben finds mandrakes in the field and brings them to his mother Leah. Rachel asks for some but Leah accuses her of taking Leah's husband and now wanting mandrakes. Rachel says for Leah to sleep with Jacob tonight in exchange of the mandrakes.
30:16-18 Jacob sleeps with Leah and they give birth to Issachar stating, "God has given me my wages, because I have given my handmaiden to my husband." In verse 17 it says, "God listened to Leah..."
30:19-20 Leah bares Zebulun and says, "God has endowed me with a good endowment; now my husband will choose me, because I have borne him six sons."
30:21 Leah bore a daughter named Dinah.
30:22-24 We see the quote "God remembered Rachel." This is when God opened her womb and she bore Joseph
30:25-26 Jacob requests Laban to go home with his wives and kids.
30:27 This is a beautiful verse, "If I could find grace in your eyes, I would seek for it divinely, for God has blessed me by your coming."
30:28-30 Laban asks Joseph what his wages should be for working for so long. Joseph replies that since Joseph came, Laban's cattle/possesions have increased.
30:31-33 Joseph demands no wages and states that if Laban allows Joseph to take all of the gray sheep and the spotted/speckled goats then Joseph promises to "again feed and keep your sheep." He also states that if Laban is missing any pure-colored cattle, it would mean it was stolen.
30:34-36 Laban agreed to Joseph's request, and the cattle were given to Jospeh's sons. Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks as per his word.
30:37-40 Joseph collects green poplar, almond, and chestnut rods (branches?) and makes rods that help the animals conceive.
30:41-43 Joseph essentially repeats the process and gains a massive flock of sheep and goats that make him rich.
Other Remarks:
The name Dan means "Judge." (v.5-6)
The name Naphtali means "my wrestling" or "crafty, cunning one." (v.7-8)
At the birth of Naphtali, Rachel states that she has won victory over her sister. It is hard as the reader to say she has won 'full victory' considering that her sister bore 4 sons and Rachel was only able to conceive through her maidservant. The only view that Rachel has won is if she is looking at who conceived the most recent. She could also try to make a case that Jacob loves her more than Leah, but she never needed to prove that because Jacob went through so many trials and tribulations for her, not Leah. (v.7-8)
Leah gives her handmaiden to Jacob to continue to bear offspring. This could be seen as a dig at Rachel for trying to conceive the youngest son. Leah did not bear Gad herself, implying she became too old or her womb closed. This tied in with the struggle for Jacob's love would give enough motivation for her actions. Leah's acts show that she has not rid of her feelings to 'win' her husband's love and respect. (v.9-11)
The name Gad means "Good Fortune." Gad more accurately is defined as a cut that later reveals treasure. This name was intentionally chosen by Leah rather than the many different names for good fortune probably to symbolize her struggle with Rachel to win her husband's love. (v.9-11)
The name Asher means "happy" or "to go right on." (v.12-13)
Mandrakes are root plants. A quick search tells us that they have various properties such as sedative and hallucinogenic. (v.14-15)
Jacob seems to intentionally avoid Leah, which is evident by Leah's statement to Rachel for stealing her husband. It is also evident that Rachel controls Jacob, in at least the emotional aspect because she says that Jacob will sleep with Leah tonight for exchange of the mandrakes. (v.14-15)
Leah's wordage is interesting as she uses "wages" when she describes the blessing of another son. She is trying to say that her time has finally come as a mother because after birthing 4 sons, her womb was closed, which is why she gave over her maidservant to bare children in her steed. I still see this as one wife trying to one-up the other. It also seems that to get pregnant was Leah's intention from the exchange of the mandrakes rather than "love and affection" from her husband. I think it is a little funny how when Leah says she hired Jacob for the night, Jacob is not seen to complain and just goes with it. (v.16-18)
Issachar means "Man of Hire," which immortalizes the struggle for attention and the circumstances in which Issachar was conceived. (v.16-18)
Leah still has not learned her lesson to stop proving the need to fight for love and attention because she says that after the 6th son, now Jacob should give her attention. If giving sons was the factor, wouldn't the first few been more than enough? Especially considering Rachel was unable to conceive for a long time. (v.18-20)
Zebulun means "Glorious Dwelling Place." (v.18-20)
Since Dinah is explicitly mentioned, it can be assumed that she is the only daughter in the string of births between Leah, Rachel, and the two maidservants. (v.21)
Dinah means "Judgement" and is the female version of Dan. (v.21)
The phrase of "God remembering" appears again. Another instance we see this is when Noah leaves the ark. This is not to say that God forgot and then remembered; rather, it is time to fulfill a promise. In this case, it would be to make Jacob multiply among nations. (v.22-24)
Joesph means "Increaser" as Rachel says "The Lord shall add another son to me." (v.24)
If we interpret the gray and speckled cattle to be 'imperfect,' then it might not be a stretch to consider this small portion of the story a premonition of Christ. Christ takes care of those who are lost or are 'imperfect' by sin. (v.31-33)
Rachel says that she would die if she does not bear children with Jacob. Is this a suicide threat? (v.1)
What does it mean that "God has judged [Rachel]"? Usually "judge" implies a negative connotation and we see punishment follow. However, this time it seems that this 'judgment' is a blessing. (v.5-6)
Dinah's name means judgment, but why. Is this implying that negative judgment has come across Leah because of a birth of a daughter rather than a son? Another aspect to consider is that Leah does not bear anymore children after Dinah. (v.21)
Why does Joseph want the speckled and gray cattle? Are they considered inferior, or was it just cosmetic differences? (v.31-33)
What does "[Laban] put three days' journey between himself and Jacob" mean? Originally I would have thought it meant there was 3-days worth of travel between the two people but this is followed up by Joseph feeding the rest of Laban's flocks, which couldn't be 3-days away from Laban. (v.36)
How do the different rods make the animals conceive? (v.37-43)
Things to Add to Prayer:
Reference this quote when talking about guests: "If I could find grace in your eyes, I would seek for it divinely, for God has blessed me by your coming."
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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The Twelve Tribes of Israel
The Twelve Tribes of Israel refer to the sons of the Jewish Patriarch Jacob and are important for the tribal lineages of those who constituted the nation of Israel. In the ancient world, all ethnic groups developed stories of their ancestors in what are known as foundation myths as bloodlines were important in maintaining ancestral lineage and provided status as identity markers.
The twelve sons of Jacob, in order of their birth, are:
Joseph (Manasseh, Ephraim)
Birth order was important in the practice of primogeniture, or the eldest son inheriting most of his father’s resources, and then distribution following the rank of the others. In the biblical narrative, after the death of Joseph in Egypt, his portion was given to his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Each son’s status was later coordinated in the tribal territories they received in Canaan. Jacob undoubtedly had other daughters, but only one is mentioned, Dinah (see below).
Jacob was the younger son of Isaac and Rebecca. Isaac was the child of the promise given by the God of Israel, to Abraham, the traditional founder of the nation. Jacob stole his brother’s birthright (as the eldest) and had to flee East to Haran (Northern Iraq), where some of Abraham’s relatives still lived. There he met Rachel at the well and asked her father Laban for her hand. Laban required that Jacob work for him for seven years first. He did so, but the night of the wedding revealed that it was the older sister, Leah, who was given. Jacob protested, but Laban told him to work another seven years and he could have Rachel as well.
The narrative then goes into quite elaborate detail concerning Jacob’s children. At first, Leah gave birth to some sons, while Rachel was barren. Rachel then offered Jacob her servant (an ancient form of surrogate motherhood in the case of infertility). Leah then became barren for a while and offered her servant as well. All this activity reflected the later traditions as to where and why the sons inherited certain tribal areas in the land of Canaan. It was tied to the identity of their mothers, Leah and Rachel, and the two servant women, Bilhah and Zilpah.
Leah Rachel Bilhah Zilpah Reuben Joseph Dan Gad Simeon Benjamin Naphtali Asher Levi Judah Issachar Zebulun
Wanting to go home and reconcile himself with his brother, on the way back Jacob was accosted at night by a being with whom he wrestled. Various retellings describe a man, God, or an angel. Jacob demanded a blessing, and he now received a new name: "Israel" or "one that struggled with the divine angel or with God and lived". Hence, all his descendants became Israelites.
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amidst-wonderland · 2 months
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REAL NAME : elizabeth lance-wayne FACE-CLAIM : olivia cooke MAIN ALIAS : siren OTHER ALIASES : starling ⭑ batgirl ⭑ black canary ⭑ crow ⭑ molly malone KEY RELATIVES : bruce wayne (father) ⭑ dinah lance (mother) ⭑ damian wayne, (half-brother) ⭑ olive west-wayne (daughter) ⭑ ronan west-wayne (son) AFFILIATION : batman family ⭑ justice league ⭑ birds of prey ⭑ teen titans ⭑ suicide squad ⭑ flash family ⭑ team arrow ⭑ wayne enterprises BASE OF OPERATIONS : gotham city ⭑ keystone ⭑ star city ⭑ new york city
ALIGNMENT : hero LIVING STATUS : alive, formerly deceased PLACE OF BIRTH : gotham city UNIVERSE : prime earth IDENTITY : secret CITIZENSHIP : american MARITAL STATUS : separated, it's complicated. OCCUPATION : wedding planner ⭑ socialite (former) ORIGIN : hereditary metagene obtained from mother, black canary. took on protégé role of starling as a child. CAUSE OF DEATH(S) one | killed by the joker after being stabbed with an electric rod during an arkham aslyum surveillance mission with robin and kid flash in an attempt to blow the island sky-high. two | shot by royal flush gang's queen during 'task force x' operation three | impaled by zoom in an act of revenge against flash iii four | beaten to death by 'death metal' alternative, screech in attempt to protect her children
expert detective master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant ultra-sonic scream (canary cry) enhanced strength and speed expert strategist, tactician and field commander trained gymnast espionage utilises high-tech equipment and weapons, such as her element adaptive mono-wire proficient archer sound immunity
marriage | wally west long-term | roy harper fling | adian cobblepot ⭑ joseph wilson
heroes | bruce wayne ⭑ dinah lance ⭑ wally west ⭑ zatanna zatara ⭑ barbara gordon ⭑ dick grayson ⭑ roy harper ⭑ donna troy ⭑ jason todd ⭑ tim drake ⭑ stephanie brown ⭑ cassandra cain ⭑ renee montoya villains | harley quinn ⭑ magpie ⭑ cupid ⭑ rainbow raider ⭑ royal flush gang ⭑ screech ⭑ mad hatter ⭑ catwoman ⭑ hazard ⭑ poison ivy ⭑ killer frost ⭑ joker ⭑ punchline ⭑ court of owls
elizabeth was the batgirl to jason's robin and is arguably the closest with him, post resurrection.
after being stripped of her cowl again by bruce, elizabeth winds up babysitting 'task force x' with long-time friend, roy harper and dawning a new short-term alias, crow. the two find comfort in each-other within the band of belligerent criminals as ex-titans, roy after his split with jade and elizabeth longing for a love she doesn't even know she's forgotten.
she’s viewed as an almost modern day ‘daisy buchanan’ type figure in gotham for better or worse
elizabeth's wayne!persona feeds into the catty high-school popular girl, a little ditzy but applying where it counts. she's no valedictorian but fronting the cheer squad and the debate team whilst earning herself prom queen is no small feat but unfortunately for her date and half the school's male populous, she's head-over-heels for nobody but keystone's cocky redhead with a heart of gold. post-gotham academy, she becomes a hilton-type party girl which doesn't go down well with wally.
even after their separation (in name only, these two would literally die for each-other) wally is still persistent that she keeps her flash button-pin on her person at all times, just in case. even after a fight, yet another break or just a storm-out he'll always be there when she needs him and he knows she's stubborn enough to only press it when she really needs him.
liz was a pretty taken aback by wally's reappearance. learning of a life she once had, the children she'd forgotten and unlike everyone else that accepted wally back almost immediately, liz was a little slower, much to wally's impatience.
she covers for her mother as black canary during league outings whilst dinah is on maternity leave, even keeping with the mantle when teaming up with wally when he returns to the flash role.
dinah and bruce were only briefly together, bruce hadn't even begun his career as batman and dinah was working part-time as a florist and club singer.
liz and dick are the same age.
all three of her costumes incorporate led lining, more-so her time as batgirl with the cowl, her batgirl colour-coding was black and sheer white, whilst starling had an ombre rainbow lining - similar to the bird and siren taking on both aspects with the black and white costume and rainbow led lights.
central characters | elizabeth lance-wayne (molly malone) ⭑ jason todd ⭑ tim drake ⭑ cassandra cain ⭑ selina kyle ⭑ adian cobblepot ⭑ oswald cobblepot ⭑ edward nygma ⭑ carmine falcone ⭑ dick grayson ⭑ barbara gordon
whilst batman is off-world with the justice league, the rest of his team have been tasked to protect gotham so newly returned elizabeth gets a whiff of a developing human trafficking ring, she swiftly adopts the 'molly malone' persona in order to infiltrate their operations and put a stop to it. however, she's met with some resistance from the city's newest mob-boss, the red hood.
notable beats
one | this is elizabeth's first solo operation in gotham since the batgirl mantle was taken from her and since she married childhood sweetheart wally west, who is currently off-world with bruce. two | selina helping elizabeth get into the spoilt mafia brat image with hair as big as her tits, heels as fake as her lips and leopard print dress peaking above her ass. during this, cass watches on at the pseduo-mother / daughter moment, longing back to her own childhood. three | seducing oswald cobblepot's absolute meathead unit of a son, adian as malone's guard-dog boyfriend after 'spontaneously' meeting in gotham's 'my alibi' strip club with the promise of opening a brothel (refuge for victims), playing on his sycophantic eagerness to get impress / out-do his own father, mirroring elizabeth's own ambition. four | red hood interrupting her first meeting with the gotham rogues, removing their attention from her, to him. jason identifies liz immediately, being aware of the 'malone' schtick from bruce but decides to toy with her game-plan just to tick her off. five | jason overhears an argument between tim and liz ordering him and cass to back-off the op, he decides to stir the pot by ambushing the boy-wonder. six | elizabeth returns to her and wally's shared penthouse only to be confronted with the red hood confirming her identity as a wayne and poking at her marriage, "does west know you're hanging off penguin jr?" taunting her to press the alarm, knowing bruce and the scarlet-speeder would return seeing the mess she's made of the op, jason offers her a hand.
ROYAL ROULETTE (THE SUICIDE SQUAD) - breakdown to be added
below is just some fun i had after seeing the suicide squad, enjoy!
“Joining you, Dubois will be two classified and undercover operatives with decades of field experience between them, though you may find their methods in comparison to your active teammates are rather passive.” Amanda Waller drags out as she walks the marksman through the bleak halls of the prison. “Both parties are, like you doing this with a certain level of willingness, but again like you, they have their own rather elusive baggage.”    Dubois continued to follow the woman into her office before being shown some very familiar inmates, one blond and the other ginger, who’d been a real pain in his-    “Arsenal. Speedy and Red Arrow all known aliases of former Green Arrow protégé, Roy Harper. I know you’re aware of Mr. Harper’s craft, but you may relax. He is your covert second-wave operative on this mission.”    “Does he know that?”    “He’s been warned, whether or not he wishes to push my buttons is entirely up to him.”    “Blondie here, is your problem.”    “That’s not Quinn, is it?”    “Far from, this is Siren. Meta-human.”    “Christ.”    “That’s a moot point a third of your team are meta-humans, but this one, used to be Batgirl.”    “Fuck off.”    “Watch that tongue.”    “I thought the Bats were good guys.”    “Yeah, well some of them have tendencies, including this one.”    “What’s she do?”    “Classified.”    “How’d you get her to agree?”    “Classified.”    “Does the Batman know?”    “He knows his daughter is doing covert work for me.”    “Ooh, lying to the cape-crusader is-“ Dubois furrowed his brows, “Did you say daughter?”    “That I did. Siren is a meta-human with enhanced strength, equipped with a Canary Cry that can shatter just about any form of glass within a two-mile radius. Her mother is Black Canary, her Step-father? Green Arrow and her husband is the fastest man alive,” Waller tensed, “Dubois, no matter what the circumstances may be, I do suggest that you and your team do not cross this woman, specifically Quinn.”    “What do the Gothamites have history?” he joked, although Waller did not reciprocate.    “You don’t spend five years as Batgirl without a run in with the Clown. Joker killed her brother, paralysed her teammate, and critically injured herself to the brink of death that she spent seven months in the ICU, all to enact a grand idea that involved blowing Arkham Island to bits.”    “What happened?”    “Two metal rods, and fifty-thousand volts. Folks said the scream could be heard from Metropolis.”    “How’s she not dead?”    “Rumour is Kid Flash was able to restart her heart.”    “So Quinn’s a sore-spot?”    “I don’t want them left alone, Siren won’t kill but Quinn would in retaliation, and I don’t want the job of explaining to Flash why his wife’s body was left in some South American jungle because of a psychotic jester who nearly killed her as a teenager.”    “The bomb threat?”    “As far as she's concerned, there isn't one.”    “Why?”    “Guess.” “What about Quinn?” “Quinn’s quick and unpredictable, Siren could be dead before I hit the button. They’ve known each other for a decade - know how to make each other tick therefore it is your job to make sure they don’t."    “You want me to babysit two grown fucking women? If she’s this much of a hassle then what use is she to us?”    “Siren has trained with nothing but the best, she is a skilled, heavy hitting fighter, acrobat, tech genius, can speak four languages fluently – one of which you will need – and can be an excellent diversion when the moment calls for it. Her skill set is vital to the completion of this mission.”    “And yet Quinn?”    “Cannon fodder. She’s got more balls than any other man on your team.”
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anniflamma · 3 months
HEY ! okay so this is rlly random but i was wondering if u had any book .. well really any piece of media that has to do with ur interests and the ships you like? ik u get stuff from the bible and etc but i need more content of Jonathan and David , you have me invested.  😭
Heheh! You have come to the right place!
First of all, the book that truly put me in a chokehold is The Prince's Psalm by Eric Shaw Quinn.
I was hooked and read it in less than a week. I think it's really well written in both storytelling and character development.
Then we have Beloved King: A Queer Bible Musical by J. Sylvan. Right now, there is only a demo with 6 songs. But I'm really eager for it to get a full release one day.
Then we have the opera David et Jonathas by Charpentier! I know it's an opera, but seriously, it's really good, and I'm gonna be honest, the song when Jonathan dies made me ugly cry. It's an opera, so they play heavily on the tropes. Jonathan plays the almost feminine damsel and David is the hero. Saul is the over protective/paranoid father role.
I do have a much detailed review of these 3 adaptations from my Rating the most gayest King David adaptions. The other movies - adaptations there are for the memes.
Then we have books that I haven't read but want to: The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks and How Are the Mighty Fallen by Thomas Burnett Swann. I know that How Are the Mighty Fallen portrays David and Jonathan's relationship as romantic, but I'm not so sure about The Secret Chord. In case you are interested, you could take a look?
I also recommend non-fiction works such as Jacob's Wound: Homoerotic Narrative in the Literature of Ancient Israel by Theodore W. Jennings Jr. This book focuses on ancient Canaanite culture and narrative storytelling, explaining why David and Jonathan would be considered queer in that time. It's really interesting and provides some key details. The author mostly talks about the dynamics between David/Jonathan, Samuel/Saul, and Elisha/Elijah. But he also discusses Joseph and his gender nonconformity, as well as Ruth/Naomi.
And this is kind of non-David/Jonathan related, but I do really recommend the podcast It's in the Book: A Queer Bible Podcast. It's by the same person who's making the Beloved King musical. It has only 2 seasons and covers only Genesis, but gosh… I learned so much about queer themes in the Bible that, well, nobody really talks about. Like God having a womb, or Rebecca being called a twink 20 times, or the idea that Joseph and Dinah's souls were switched in the womb, explaining why Joseph is very feminine presenting. It's genuinely a really good podcast.
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sassylittlecanary · 4 months
There’s plenty of good meta (here and here) on Arrow’s fumbling of Black Canary as both a character and a mantle, but probably the biggest thing that bothers me is that she didn’t even get her own NAME. In the comics, Black Canary is always named Dinah. Yet, when season one of Arrow introduced its version of who was clearly supposed to become Canary, her name wasn’t Dinah (which should be a total no-brainer). Instead, for no reason I can find, they called her Laurel (her middle name). That’s the single biggest sign of disrespect the Arrow writers did to Canary. You would NEVER see that happen to a male character. “Yeah so his full name is Clark Joseph Kent — let’s just call him Joe in this movie!” Not in a million years. Just say you don’t respect women’s legacies the same as men’s, and go.
Black Canary is an amazing character with a rich history who’s existed longer than many beloved male DC characters. She deserves more respect than she’s yet been given in live action adaptations.
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promptuarium · 5 months
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LEAH was the wife of Jacob, whose sons were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, and the girl Dinah. Zilpah, Leah’s slave-girl, bore Gad and Asher. Genesis 29 and 30.
RACHEL was also the wife of Jacob. Her sons were Joseph and Benjamin, who she died giving birth to. Genesis ch. 29, 30, and 35. Bilhah, Rachel’s slave-girl, bore Dan and Naphtali.
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maswartz · 2 years
DC Legacy
The basic premise of this is that the time has come for older heroes to step down and the next generation take their place. Clark Kent is now the editor and owner of the Daily Planet and vows to lead them into the future while keeping their dedication to the truth. Diana Prince is now Queen of the Amazons and has relinquished her title as Wonder Woman though she still joins the Justice Society when needed. Bruce Wayne has become mayor of Gotham City and intends to use the power of the office to fight crime at the root. However the intensified spotlight means he must give up the cowl. Others such as Oliver Queen have stepped down from active duty to become teachers to the next generation, passing down their skills and knowledge. Justice League Superman- Clark Kent Batman- Dick Grayson Wonder Woman- Donna Troy The Flash- Wally West Aquaman- Garth Red Arrow- Roy Harper Starfire- Koriand'r Beast Man- Garfield Logan Raven- Rachel Roth Cyborg- Victor Stone Green Lantern- Kyle Rayner Green Lantern- Jessica Cruz Shazam- Billy Batson Captain Thunder- Mary Bromfield Power Woman- Karen Starr JLA Reserves Supergirl- Kara Zor-El Thunderbolt- Freddy Freedman Thunderstorm- Eugene Choi Thunderblast- Pedro Peña Thunderspark- Darla Dudley Batman Beyond- Tim “Jace” Fox Captain Atom- Nathaniel Adam Green Arrow- Connor Hawke Zatanna- Zatanna Zatara Doctor Mid-Nite- Beth Chapel Argent- Toni Monetti Firestorm- Jason Rusch/Gehenna Black Canary- Dinah Lance Atom- Ryan Choi Plastic Man- Patrick “Eel” O’Brien Jade- Jennifer-Lynn Haden Obsidian- Todd Rice Zauriel Justice League Universal Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz Green Lantern- Simon Baz Green Lantern- Sojourner Mullein Jemm Hawkman- Carter Hall Hawkwoman- Kendra Saunders Adam Strange Darkfire- Ryand’r Metamorpho- Rex Mason Captain Comet- Adam Blake Orion Tomorrow Woman- Clara Kendall Starman- Will Payton The Titans Nightwing- Tim Drake Superboy- Conner Kent Fury- Cassandra Sandsmark Mercury- Bart Allen Blue Beetle- Jaime Reyes Static- Virgil Hawkins Green Lantern- Tai Pham Monkey Prince- Marcus Sun Miss Martian- M'gann M'orzz Empress- Anita Fite Titans West Batgirl- Cassandra Cain Spoiler- Stephanie Brown Red Devil- Eddie Bloomberg Solstice- Kiran Yellow Arrow- Mia Dearden Tempest- Jackson Hyde Power Girl- Tanya Spears Wonder Twins- Zan and Jayna Velocity- Wallace West Outsiders Black Lightning- Jefferson Pierce Thunder- Anissa Pierce Lightning- Jennifer Pierce Grace- Grace Choi Inertia- Thaddeus Thawne Tengu- Asami Koizumi El Dorado- Edward Dorado Jr Longshadow- Ty Longshadow Halo II- Gabrielle Daou Ravager- Rose Wilson Jericho- Joseph Wilson Quake- Atlee Tsunami- Lorena Marquez The Signal- Duke Thomas Offspring- Luke O’Brien Young Justice Red X- Damian Wayne Nightbird- Chris Kent Flamewing- Jon Kent Wonder Girl- Yara Flor Kid Flash- Iris West Impulse- Jai West Teen Lantern- Keli Quintela Green Beetle- Milagro Reyes Speedy- Lian Harper Jinny Hex Amethyst Twister- Traya Sutton Animal Girl- Maxine Baker Aquarius- Cerdian Justice Society Mr Terrific- Michael Holt Green Sentinel- Alan Scott The Flash- Jay Garrick Wildcat- Ted Grant Doctor Mid-Nite- Pieter Cross Wonder Woman- Diana Prince Hourman- Rick Tyler Liberty Belle- Jesse Tyler The Boom- Judy Garrick Stargirl- Courtney Whitmore Cyclone- Maxine Hunkel Tomcat- Tom Bronson Sand- Sanderson Hawkins Jakeem Thunder/Johnny Thunderbolt- Jakeem Williams and Johnny Thunder Atom Smasher- Albert Rothstein Damage- Grant Emerson Dr Fate- Khalid Nassour
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dcu-rarepair · 1 year
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Day 3 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Three! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
double page spread by anonymous for Zero_Ducks
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dubious Consent Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Dick Grayson/Clark Kent/Slade Wilson It's not the first time Slade has fucked him before completing a rescue. It's not unusual; in fact, it's expected. This is the first time they've ever been walked in on, however, and he doesn't seem surprised. Dick doesn't know what to make of it.
honey, can't you see? by anonymous for ZeroMonster
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown/Kara Zor-El Kara Danvers is in Gotham on a work trip with her boss, Cat Grant. After an accident at the studio's filming location, Kara has to summon her acting chops at the doctor's so as to not give away her identity.
Little's Worth In Famine by anonymous for DontStopHerNow
General Audiences | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Clark Kent/Vandal Savage Detailing the inner thoughts of Vandal Savage during the Justice League episode Hereafter as he works with a time-displaced Superman far in the future after an apocalypse on Earth. As well as the lonliness when Superman has to leave him.
Catching a Canary by anonymous for Pillow Lord
Art | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Dinah Lance/Sandra Woosan Lady Shiva and Black Canary have a run-in on a mission.
Have you seen The Matrix? by anonymous for dxncingquxxr
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Joseph Wilson ‘You’re okay ?’ He asked one-handed, knuckles touching Dick’s cheekbone when the man ducked his head and smiled. “Have you seen The Matrix ?” Dick goes down in a fight and Joey is anxious to make sure he's okay. They spend some well-earned comfort time together, but is everything as good as it seems ?
A little discipline can mess you up inside by anonymous for kieran_granola
Explicit | Underage | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Kon-El | Conner Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Kon has never needed to follow orders and he isn't about to start now. But discipline is important for any young hero and Batman is going to make sure he understands that, even if his methods are a little... unorthodox.
Only for you by anonymous for abovesnakes
Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply Minhkoa Khan/Jason Todd Jason stared at the box left in his safehouse. He needed to figure out who left it here and what they wanted. It was an easy enough task. He really didn't expect a boyfriend out of it.
if i can't dance (i don't want to be part of your revolution) by anonymous for Silver_Snow_77
Canon Divergence AU - College Roommates Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Lonnie’s goals when he decided to apply to Gotham University were simple: introduce anarchist ideas to the students and build connections to create a network of like-minded individuals. Nowhere in his plans did Lonnie foresee Tim Drake as his college roommate or his growing feelings for the other man.
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Duwe and Dinah has alway been a major part of Grace's stream and Grace always smiles whenever they appear and always says I love you to them.
Now they backstab her just because she's not dating Joseph.
Duwe being the one to peddle this "You only interact with your white stans" is very strange considering I only recognize her name because Grace has interacted with her so many times on her stream. Like how on earth are you offended because the person you've been shit talking behind their back for years mildly called you out?
I have no idea what Dinah has said about all of this but I imagine she's been having a visceral meltdown.
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