#just admit you hate teenage girls. and you hate it when female characters make mistakes. and get character development.
stormy-sierra · 1 year
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hi girlie. you are my Everything
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agoddamn · 2 years
I had my Teenage Girl Hate phase with Sakura (I was twelve, it's allowed) but over time I found myself really digging her concept...or, her apparent concept at the time. The whole thing where her shallow girly facade is completely fake and her mimicking what she thinks popular/well-liked girls act like because she's self-conscious and anxious, I dig the hell out of it. The self-sabotaging complexity of her relationship with Ino where she so badly wanted to be as cool/respected/self-actualized as Ino that she was willing to torch the friendship--love that.
The potential comphet reading of a hyperfeminine-looking girl forcing herself to act even more feminine for social acceptance--that's some chef's kiss shit, especially when you take her homoerotic rival parallels with Ino in the context of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship (where Naruto has a shallow crush that he grows out of and comes to admit that the real most important relationship to him is someone he clashed with was there some irrelevant girl involved? Ah, whatever).
She's also got the coveted everyman angle into the story, where she doesn't have a special bloodline or traumatic childhood like everyone else in Konoha.
All Kishimoto had to do was keep doing what he had already set up with her--finding her feet and growing into a real person as opposed to the shallow caricature she acted like as a child when she had no self-confidence.
But...we all know how that went. I honestly think he kinda psyched himself out, focused too hard on "omg she's a girl I can't write girls" because her building blocks are solid. Yes, young Sakura is obnoxious, but so are young Naruto and Sasuke! And then he had to pivot to franchising and setting up a "next generation" series, and her ability to give Sasuke another Uchiha overrode any other potential narrative value. Kishimoto was eager for any excuse to get out of developing her and giving her Main Character levels of focus. Those interview segments where he talks about how she was really unpopular so he tried to fix that in Shippuden by making her prettier...painful.
(I feel like SasuSaku is like the narrative inversion of VegeBul where Bulma ended up being Trunks's mother because she was the only unmarried female character Toriyama remembered he had, except with VegeBul their relationship added an unexpected, interesting texture to both characters and created a surprisingly memorable relationship running counter to many common tropes at the time*. VegeBul came out stronger for its narrative practicality-related origins and SasuSaku did...not.)
[*Please do not mistake this for me trying to claim that "DBZ is woke actually," I'm only saying that 90s shonen didn't often have successful unmarried moms.]
So I think that she also ultimately ends up as another casualty of Naruto's narrative paradox--that thing where the series is set up on "shinobi shouldn't just be tools" but it's a shonen and it cannot follow through on that principle because shonen need to have cool fights. In a shonen framework, making her a healer limited her even further thanks to narrative values of shonen (beams = good).
(I could make a whole post on how fictional healing is extremely hard to write tbh)
tl;dr my personal edition of the "Sakura was done dirty" post.
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(Edited on July 23, 2021)
So. Luz Noceda.
Quite possibly one of the best written protagonists in a Disney animated show, and easily one of my favorite protagonists in fiction.
Admittedly, if you know me, you may not be surprised I like her this much. I love kindhearted protagonists who are extremely energetic, unorthodox, goofy and proactive, and this describes Luz in spades. Even at her lowest points, she has a never-give-up attitude that’s just so endearing to me. In fact, I’ve described her as a female shonen protagonist to many of my friends in the past, and it’s not uncommon for people to compare Luz to Mabel (while she is also a rather complicated character I adore, this comparison is faulty for reasons I’ll get into shortly.)
If this was all there was to Luz—a warmhearted, generous dork who goes to any lengths to help the people she loves—I’d be satisfied. That relatively short, shallow description describes Goku almost to a T, and I absolutely love Goku, inside and out.
However, the writing staff of The Owl House, thankfully, chose to go the extra mile with Luz and flesh her out far beyond her superficial confines.
While all are extroverted, sweet girls, Luz differs from similar characters like Mabel Pines, Anne Boonchuy and Star Butterfly due to her far lower status on the social ladder: if Camila is to be believed, Luz - prior to entering the Boiling Isles - doesn’t have a single friend. Having a protagonist who is a disliked underdog with low self-esteem is far from new, especially in kids’ media. In some cases, it almost feels like a prerequisite to have the character be the victim of petty school bullies, even when they’re a skater punk high schooler played by a 27-year-old Andrew Garfield. However, in Luz’s case, her past as a teenage outcast (and implied history of bullying), her neurodivergence, and her subsequent retreat into fantasy as an escape informs every single facet of her characterization and cannot be stripped away from her without making her far less interesting.
How so?
Well, for starters, Luz is seen as frustrating or annoying by a lot of people, even the friends she made in the demon realm. In Season 1, even after the lesson she learns in the second episode, she is obsessed with living out her fantasy of being a fantasy hero just like the Good Witch Azura. This is a direct result of her retreating into fantasy and using it as a crutch to get through life. She tries to befriend her rival Amity the same way Azura did with her rival, tries to whip Willow and Gus into an all-star sports team using nothing but her own gumption, and is quick to accept any challenge that comes her way. This, understandably, does not endear her to other people.
Furthermore, as a result of her ostracization in the human realm (the great state of Connecticut, as we learn in the latest episode!), Luz, subtly, sees herself as a burden. This is why she almost never defends herself when people attack her, fairly or not. When Amity, enraged because Lilith humiliated her in her duel with Luz, demands Luz admit to not being a real witch, she acquiesces, despite having no real reason to. Even after she’s become Amity’s friend (and, unknowingly, her crush), even after Amity risked her own job to help her … Luz assumes that Amity hates her because she got fired from the library trying to help Luz … when Amity was the one who insisted they keep looking. Likewise, when the detention kids accuse her of being stuck-up, Luz accepts the rejection without a word of complaint, even though their accusation is based on incomplete information. And probably most heartbreakingly, at the start of Season 2, Luz calls herself a burden on Eda. After bringing so much life to this crusty old witch’s life, to the point of not only saving her from execution but playing a huge role in her reconnecting with her estranged sister, because of the way she’s been treated for much of her life, Luz can only imagine that Eda dreads her presence.
In short, Luz (1) blunders through many of her social interactions, often leading to negative first impressions, (2) takes those blunders on the chin and assumes they’re her fault even when they aren’t necessarily, and both those (3) flaws flow naturally from her backstory. That’s rather solid character writing that a lot of creators for children’s shows take for granted. Luz isn’t determined to fix what’s wrong just because; she’s determined to fix what’s wrong because, often, she believes that she is responsible for whatever has gone wrong. It’s a more realistic, and rather sad, look at a hero, compared to most Disney properties.
But, in my eyes, what makes this all work like gangbusters is how the other characters treat Luz.
Yes, even her friends and family can be annoyed by some of her more eccentric behavior. They acknowledge when she screws up and hold her accountable for those screw ups. But, for the first time in her life, someone (besides Camila, the real MVP) is giving her the unconditional love she deserves. Eda’s response to Luz saying she doesn’t want to be a burden, Amity saving Luz from Odalia and defying her mother for the first time, hell, even the Golden Guard seems to legitimately bond with Luz in their one episode together.
Given Luz’s status as a neurodivergent girl, as an autistic fan of this show, I can only imagine how comforting a lesson that is for the neurodivergent kids watching this: “Even if people don’t value you, even if you legitimately make mistakes, you still deserve unconditional love. You have value, damn what other people say.” Disney may be a shitty, evil corporation, but the Owl House crew really created something special, something richer than the average Disney cartoon, and that puts a smile on my face.
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In short, you’re doing great sweetie. :)
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seungmvnnie · 4 years
Ravenclaw!Renjun x Slytherin!Reader 
word count; 2.7k words (longest one yet, my bias really do be showing)
warnings; *very* suggestive kissing, female reader, bullet point au, unlike the other fics in this series, this one is pretty much entirely based on the build up to the relationship and has little about the characters together, enemies to lovers au. also i researched year 7 DADA content for this to make it realistic so never say i dont put effort into my writing ahahaha
Huang Renjun had been your enemy the second you had stepped foot into your first class at Hogwarts
It was only natural; you both came to school, bright eyed and ready, with the expectation and aspiration to be top of the class
you had read through and memorized all the books on the provided reading list before you had even boarded the train - everyone thought you were made to be a ravenclaw which is why it was a bit of a shock when you were sorted into Slytherin, but you supposed it was your ambition
you had planned to become the youngest minister of magic there had ever been since you were 4
which meant going to Hogwarts, achieving the highest grades and being top of your year, becoming prefect, head girl and going on to work in the ministry and work your way up
little did you know, Renjun also had big plans
to ruin your perfect record
the very first lesson you had with him; you hadn’t even noticed the quiet ravenclaw who sat behind you
that was until the Professor asked a question and he had stated the answer so confidently, you almost flinched
you had answered the first few, which was why his voice interrupting was so shocking
you hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to open your mouth
you knew the answer of course, you just weren’t as quick as he was
which is why the next time your Professor asked a question, you made sure to get there first
it continued like that the whole lesson, a vicious back and forth game of who could answer first
you enjoyed some healthy competition and all, but it was like he was purposely trying to annoy you
the final straw was when you turned around in your seat at the end of the class to glare at him and he had that stupid smug smile on his face that you learnt to despise over the next few years
ever since then, everything was a competition to you two
and everyone at Hogwarts knew it
house cup points
you name it, you’ve had an argument over it
neither of you even played quidditch but you would still argue with him about how Slytherin was better
you even once partook in a particularly heated game of wizard chess that ended with a flipped chess board and a few choice words being shouted at each other
there were many people that Renjun didn’t like but you were the only one that could make him flip a wizard chess board in rage (Although, if you asked him he would say you were the one who threw it)
wizard chess was banned after that
everyone hated you for it
this competition was helpful to an extent; you were top of the class in most classes, except the very, very few in which Renjun had beaten you
your days were spent in the library, cramming as much as you could, the desire to beat Renjun outweighing your need for sleep or basic human needs
needless to say he was the exact same but you both made sure to sit as far away from each other as humanely possible in the library
you could honestly say the best day of your life was when you realized that you had made prefect and he didn’t 
that got held over him for a good two years
then again, Renjun could also say that he beat you in your O.W.Ls, so it evened out 
when you started dating Han Jisung in 6th year, who was another Ravenclaw, you had him reporting back Renjun’s grades in the classes you weren’t in with him
you both competed for who had the least amount of detentions given - you had 2, which were both caused by the few times your competition had turned physical and you had shot a few jinxes at him, and Renjun had 5, two from his incident with you and the other 3, a result of his unfortunate friends 
which meant both of you had pretty much squeaky-clean records
you attributed your near perfect grades and having the best record in your year as the main reason why, the summer before seventh year, a neat little green pin with, ‘head girl,’ had arrived in the mail
of course, you were happy that your parents were proud of you, but you felt a vindictive joy knowing that you had something new to hold over Huang Renjun
That was until, you showed up on the first day to the first prefect meeting on the Hogwarts express and were met with the one and only Huang Renjun, the pin on his chest sat bright blue with ‘Head Boy,’ proudly etched into the metal
according to the pale look on his face, he hadn’t expected you to be Head Girl either
Professor Lee, the Headmaster, seemed to recognize his mistake almost immediately, considering he had two teenagers debating each other in his office before the school year had even started
“You can hardly expect me to work with him-”
“Of course, you can’t expect us to work together, I actually know what I’m doing-”
“Know what you’re doing? You weren’t even a prefect you poser-”
“You’re right I wasn’t, but I’m still smarter than you!”
the Headmaster had silenced you both with a wave of his hand, before you could retaliate with the fact that you’re beating him at potions, what does he mean, smarter than you?
“Okay. If you can’t work together, that’s fine. However, I expect one of you to make the mature, adult decision to step down from your position, not push the other one to resign.”
You looked at each other
there was no way either of you were going to do that
He stared at you both for a moment, before sitting down calmly at his desk
“I chose you both because of your maturity, exam results and impressive behavior these past 6 years. I would appreciate if you both put aside this feud and worked together for your student body.”
You stared at your hands, refusing to look at Renjun as shame gnawed at your chest
“Now, back to your dormitories.”
And so you were stuck with him
you thought that perhaps, Professor Lee’s words of wisdom would create a newfound maturity
but no, he was the exact same annoying little shit he was before
just this time, he had authority
As Head Boy and Head Girl, you were required to do prefect duty late at night together
which essentially meant you both had to walk around Hogwarts late at night on a Friday and Saturday and make sure no one was out of bed and wandering the castle when they shouldn’t be
you spent those nights in an awkward silence
you wished you could split up but you had to walk around together for, ‘safety reasons’
realistically you thought that schools were meant to be safe to walk around late at night by yourself but Hogwarts is just built different
as head boy and head girl you were given the most hectic two days of the week as well, which meant you had broken up more parties than you were comfortable to admit
you had even caught your boyfriend at a few parties, but you discreetly avoided giving him detentions
he couldn’t say anything though, he had let off Donghyuck and his girlfriend when you had found them making out
speaking of which
the amount of times you had caught a half-dressed couple attached to each other was just kind of gross
the amount of time you spent with Renjun was starting to defrost you both a little
not a lot though; just simple things like how you would ask him how he found the potions homework
sometimes it would spark an argument, but you could now have a conversation without some sort of spiteful remark
you kind of had to; otherwise you were just left in silence
your time spent together was usually uneventful
 until the weekend of valentine’s day
that Saturday was valentine’s day and the day of a hogsmeade trip
Jisung had asked you to go, but you had an important Herbology exam on Monday, not to mention you had to be alert for prefect duty so you couldn’t be running around Hogsmeade
he had seemed annoyed, but he had always known how much your future meant to you
it seemed Renjun had thought the same because the only people in the library, or it seemed the entire castle was the two of you
prefect duty that night was the least awkward it had ever been
he had even said something that had made you laugh
however the lack of awkward tension between the two of you counterbalanced with the awkwardness of having to check every single broom cupboard you happened across as, as you had expected, many people had been affected by valentine’s day
what you hadn’t expected though, was to spot your boyfriend leaving the Gryffindor common room, hair disheveled and his t-shirt on inside out
“Jisung? What are you doing out of bed at this time?”
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights 
“Sorry, the Gryffindors were throwing another party again. You know what they’re like,” he laughed awkwardly
your eyes flickered down to the red and purple bruises which littered his neck
“I didn’t put those there. You were cheating on me, weren’t you?” You asked so matter-of-factly, that Renjun was somewhat taken aback
you were using the voice you used to answer the teacher or argue with him
you didn’t seem emotional at all
Jisung looked like he wanted to pretend, but his face fell into a tired, yet annoyed look
“Can you blame me?”
You blinked at him
“Your whole life is dedicated to another person, (Y/N).” Jisung gestured to where Renjun stood
“No it’s not! Don’t be so ridiculous.” You had scoffed
“You didn’t go out with me today because you wanted to beat him in a test and be awake to spend time with him.”
“That’s not true!”
“You didn’t spend time with me on my birthday because you couldn’t miss a prefect meeting or Huang would hold it over you. You made me spy on him, and he tried to get me to spy on you too. Ever since dating you my life has just been this whirlwind of Huang. You do realize everyone in school thinks you’re in love with each other!”
He was shouting at this point
You looked at him, unable to argue with him this time, but the coldness in your eyes refused to budge.
“That doesn’t give you the excuse to cheat. I’m breaking up with you.”
He rolled his eyes
“Fine. At least now you can fuck Huang to your hearts content, considering the whole school is already betting on it.”
Before you even had time to react, Renjun had shot across the hallway, raising his fist and, with a sickening crunch, broke his nose
You grabbed his arm, pulling him back before he could do anymore damage
“Go to the hospital wing, Jisung.” You instructed
He glared at the two of you before swinging on his heel and leaving
you and Renjun didn’t look at each other for the rest of the night
or the next few weeks after that
Jisung had told everyone what had happened
he kind of had to, the bruising around his eyes gave away the events of the previous night
the whole school were watching you and Renjun intently, now that they knew how he had punched Jisung for you, thinking that this was finally it
you were finally going to get together
but you didn’t interact at all
not even to correct each other in class
the truth was, both of you were deliberating your feelings for each other
Jisung was right
you had told yourself that everything you did was for your career path, but why then did you have such a hyper fixation on Renjun?
you did well in life without your on-going rivalry with the Ravenclaw
was it just petty stubbornness? or was Jisung right in thinking that it was because of some other reason?
You found yourself staring at him in some of your classes
he was good looking, there was no denying that
but did you like him like that?
Renjun had been having the same internal battle 
why did he suddenly find it in himself to punch Jisung in the face?
that was incredibly unlike him
just the way he had spoken about you and to you had made him so angry
the year flew in, and soon it was June and you still hadn’t spoken to each other
It wasn’t until your very last day doing prefect duty that the silence was broken by you
“How’d you think you do on your exams?”
he looked at you, shocked. You hadn’t spoken to him in 5 months.
“Uh- good. I go stuck on familial curses on the Defense paper, but I think I did okay in the end.”
“Oh, I wrote that the spell needs to be tied to the bloodline as opposed to the surname.”
“I thought it was that you had to tie it to the surname, because it doesn’t count as a blood curse?”
“No, because if the caster doesn’t understand familial relationships it doesn’t work, any first year could understand that.”
He went quiet for a moment before mumbling,
“I’m going to cast a goddamn familial curse on you in a moment.”
“Why are we like this?” you asked, stopping your walk to pause for a moment in the middle of the hallway
He stopped too, but he refused to look at you
“You started it...” He grumbled, staring down at his feet.
You rolled your eyes
“Why did you punch Jisung?” You asked blatantly
His head shot up in surprise
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” He challenged back, taking a step forward
“Why did you have Jisung spying on me?” you repeated
you both fell silent, and only then you realized how close you had gotten
you didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment
“If you’re going to kiss me, kiss me. Don’t pussy out now.” you uttered, your words sharp and cutting
“Oh, shut up.” He replied, rolling his eyes
“Make me.” You challenged
Grabbing your waist, he pulled you to his body, colliding your lips with his violently
you let out a muffled sound of surprise, not expecting him to follow through, but upon feeling the smile which had grown on his face at your shock, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you
you couldn’t let him win, not after the past how many years of sexual tension
your lips competed in mess of sloppy kisses, his hands moving down from your waist to your hips, pushing you against the wall in the hallway as yours moved to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair, using the way he gasped at the feeling to deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue into his mouth
you let out a shameful groan at the feeling of his body pressing against yours and almost whined when he pulled away
your lack of contact didn’t last long, as he attached his mouth to your neck, biting down sinfully
you threw your head back against the cool stone wall which felt deliciously cold against the the heat of Renjun to allow easier access to him as he continued to suck marks into your skin until-
You practically threw Renjun off of you, ignoring how erotic the sight of his mussed hair and swollen lips were
in front of you stood the two hufflepuff prefects, Zhong Chenle and a girl who’s name you could never remember, staring at you
the girl seemed shocked, but Chenle simply had raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smirk on his face
you had forgotten him and Renjun were friends
“You do know I’m going to have to give you both detention for making out in the hallway. By your rules.” 
Renjun rolled his eyes
“New rule. We’re the exception.”
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
In Defense of Salt AND Sugar: Aka ML Fandom pls chill out.
So I don’t talk much as those who follow me will say I tend to just stick to myself and my own things. HOWEVER, Ive gotten a lot of asks about why I write both Salt and Sugar for Miraculous Ladybug.
The short answer: Both salt and sugar are valid, fun, intriguing things to read and write and the point of writing is to entertain and be entertained.
The long answer: Salt isn’t inherently someone hating on your fav show and sugar isn't someone necessarily giving it a free pass either. Ya’ll are just dramatic as hell.
The LONGER answer:
I write salt because I LIKE Miraculous Ladybug, BUT the show has not lived up to its potential AT ALL. The show could be so much better and the characters are so flawed or full of holes that occasionally I feel FRUSTRATED and mad!
I hate that Alya a character who I was so excited about, gets shafted ignored, sidelined, or written like a jerk! She could have been this great detective working alongside her friend to unmask the villain, but instead she often comes across as pushy, obsessed with Ladynoir or Adrinette, and so damn easily tricked. Not to mention how when shes not gushing over her ‘ships’ shes pushed to the side and ignored. [or you know... LILA]
I hate that Marinette’s crush makes her do things that are so cringy and awkward i feel ill I hate that she’s constantly the only one making mistakes and ‘learning lessons’ when the show has all these other great characters that could use the spotlight and be the ones learning lessons. I hate that she’s so jealous and that she cant ever seem to catch a break as if the show is punishing her constantly.
I HATE that Adrien is a mary sue, how the writers say hes perfect and treat him as such, I hate that he gets to guilt Marinette into fixing everything and dealing with bullies, I wanted a funny, Ron Stoppable, naive boy who learns about real friendships and grows into a great partner. Instead he gets to be pushy and downright a jerk as Chat Noir ignoring his responsibilities, guilting Ladybug with his feelings, never taking no as an answer. He’s not a good role model for kids.
I hate that Chloe got built up to have a redemption arc several times only for the writers to decide that Chloe a teenage girl who needs some serious therapy [and actual reasonable punishment for her actions] is worse than Gabriel child abuse Agreste. She could have been a great lesson on compassion and growth and dealing with your own pain without hurting others. Instead the writers wrote her off completely.
And dont get me started on how the show treats Nino, Kagami, Luka and the rest of the cast. They may as well be a backdrop for the forced love square that we NEVER get a break from. Seriously I’m a sucker for romance but does it need to be EVERY damn episode?! Can’t we just get some wholesome friendship between everyone including Adrien and Marinette at this point like COME ON.
And i’m not even touching on the white washing, awful lessons on responsibility and forgiveness, awful lessons on well so much other stuff really, the guilt trips, the teacher, the fact that she show could be used to teach kids how to better handle negative emotions and the importance of open communication and not keeping quiet about injustice and/or your feelings but instead decided that the main priority should be a love square that gets force fed to us EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
My point is the show has FLAWS. That doesn’t mean its the worse show ever and it doesn’t mean its not fun, and has a great premise and characters, and so when I write Salt I write it because i’m frustrated! Im frustrated with the show, with the characters, with the writing and so I vent that out with salt I write those characters as their worst selves because I cant stand how the show has decided to treat them and Im ANGRY and disappointed.
It feels good to write salt and to read it. It’s nice to see characters get called out for bad behavior, its nice to read about Adrien not getting the girl. Its nice to occasionally indulge in salt because it validates that the show is flawed and lets you get out that frustration.
Miraculous Ladybug is a lovely show. It’s a show that decided to give little girls a FEMALE HERO. And not just as a side kick or background character! No they made her the protagonist! Its so important to me that little girls see good well rounded female characters in media.
And even if the show is clumsy about it they are TRYING to build an expansive lore that tickles the theorist brain. And gets people invested in the world.
The show also made Marinette shy, and awkward, and clumsy something a lot of girls deal with during puberty as growing up can literally make you clumsier as your body adjusts. Having a character who tries to be positive and tries to find solutions who solves things with creativity instead of pure violence. Thats LOVELY for young girls to see.
Growing up I loved and admired Kim Possible, and probably would have loved Marinette, even if the shows not perfect I can admit its trying and I can see why people love it as much as they do! And why they write these fluffy sugary fics its the reason I WRITE fluffy sugary things.
Because even though I am frustrated and angry and disappointed with the show, I still see Alya’s potential and how great she is as representation to little girls who want a black female superhero so I write fluff where Alya’s loyalty, compassion, cleverness and her pursuit of justice are center stage.
I see how Adrien could be better and I want him to be better and I WANT him to be the naive funny comic relief the Ron Stoppable to Marinette’s Kim Possible. I want Adrien to grow and learn and spit in his dad’s face I want him to overcome the abuse and be happy. To show people that neglect and abuse doesn’t mean you will get stuck like that forever, that you can overcome that and be a better kinder person.
I want Nino and Kagami, and Luka and Chloe and the class to grow and get attention and have funny moments I want to laugh and make other people laugh! So I write prompts focused around comedy and shenanigans and where the characters get to be fun and silly and make decisions for themselves!
I write salt AND sugar. I see the value and merit in both sides of the coin, and I respect how other people see the show. I know its easy to get angry with other people in the fandom who see the show differently then you do but please can we put down the weapons and just BREATHE.
Someone who writes salt might LOVE the same show as you, and they might in fact love it so much that they vent their frustrations in angst and salt and cracky fics. Let them vent about how they wish the show was better, leave their tags alone or block them if you cant stand to see it. But dont attack salt writers for ‘hating on your show’ when they might love it just as much as you do but want a way to vent out their feelings.
On the flip someone who writes sugar might NOT be forgiving the show for its flaws, they might see all the same flaws as you but decide to take that frustration and write fluff and fix it fics and sugar because they want to indulge in a version of their favorite show where everything is just... OK. Where everyone is well written and happy and the character development sticks. Stay out of their tags let them have their sugar, they aren't writing it to hurt you just like you don't write salt to hurt them.
So ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each others tags. Let people write SALT if they feel angry and vengeful and disappointment, let them have their tags, let them explore the dark side of the characters, let them rant and rave and be HURT when the characters they love upset them with their actions. Its not your place to tell them to stop, to tell them their feelings are invalid, to tell them that ‘adrien is sweet sunshine boy how dare you’ or ‘alya would never’ or ‘i hate your marinette leaves dupont au’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
AND ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each other tags. Let people write SUGAR if they just want something to feel happy about. Let them makes coffee shop au’s, let them make fix it fics where everything is just happy without needing 8 pages of backstory for why everything is just happy. Let them squeal and gush and talk about the ship they like and the fluff they see. Its not your place to argue with them that the show is flawed, its not cool to ruin their fun by accusing them of not understanding the flaws, to tell them ‘umm actual this character shouldn’t get to be happy’ or ‘wow this is so shallow’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
PS: Now with that said and done. I do have one final message for everyone - If you write/enjoy pedophilia, if you sexualize KIDS. Then get the fuck out of fandom spaces, stop fucking following me, and do everyone salt and sugar a favor by LEAVING. Your pedophilia and child sexualization aint wanted, aint ok, and I will fight you.
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mylittlegemlins · 4 years
Hello everyone 💖
- biological age
- mental age
- age of gems
-case spinel
Today I finally got the inspiration from multiple publications stating that stevinel is in fact a pedophile ship and therefore we should not support it. Since I am a multishiper and I am very much in love with spinel I could not miss the opportunity to defend this ship to cloak and dagger.
Many of these comments I saw in the English fandom and the truth is that the debate did not seem to go anywhere like:
-is a pedophile ship one has 6000 and 17
-the gems are ageless.
[And I didn't really see that they would get anywhere, especially with a lot of immature people insulting most of the time and let's admit that comments from networks like Instagram or Twitter are not the best place to debate
Let's start by getting some concepts straight: Pedophilia :
Sexual attraction of an adult to a child of either sex. (google dictionary) This means that there must be a crush on a person who is (usually) considered an adult at 18 years of age or older and a minor who can be a baby from 5 years old to a puberty of about 14 years old, and between an adult + 20 years old and a teenager - 18 years old. Pedophilia does not occur among people who are at the same stage of life. Like two teenagers or two adults even if their ages seem far apart, see the case of two adults whose age difference is between 30 and 50 years.
Biological age
Biological age is marked by the number of years since your birth that your body and mind develop and change. We human beings have clear concepts of life stages, we know when childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age begin. There are even approximate ages where one has to consider oneself an adult. Like 18 or 21 years old.
And a number of behaviors are expected depending on your age, for example if you've had a brother or a cousin and you've seen it since you were a baby you may have seen one of these little brochures of what a healthy child should do depending on his age. Mental age Mental age is measured by a person's intellect and knowledge, which may or may not coincide with biological age.
Since biological age is expected to coincide with mental age and healthy development is usually measured only by the time a person has lived. Now, how does this work for gems? According to the concepts of the series a gem is literally a stone with a physical form of light, like a hologram with mass, these share many characteristics of humans such as being able to think, feel emotions and imitate some actions that naturally do not need to do like eating and sleeping. In humans it is very easy to measure age only by the amount of time since birth, because they change, and as the pink diamond itself showed. Gems can change but they don't need to.
The gems society is characterized by having a defined and static role and if you don't comply with it you are dead. Let's start with the mental age: In the diamond society everything worked in a very simple way, if you were born and you had to be a mechanic, you will be one for the rest of your life, since you are born with the necessary knowledge to fulfill this role. You don't need to learn new things unless it is about mechanics since you will not dedicate yourself to anything else, you don't need to alter your physical form since you are not allowed to, you don't need to change since you must fulfill your work and nothing else.
Your mental age remains completely stagnant because it does not have the need to mature just to fulfill your work, the gems are born with the ability to speak, communicate and interpret ideas, as is the case of Ruby Leggy, who was born one day when he left for his first mission.
Biological age :
The same Pearl confirmed that the gems cannot be babies, nor to age, reason why the babys and the old age do not exist for the gems. To the being its body only a projection of light the form that can acquire is very varied and changes of radical way in some occasions, although the form that represents an adult woman, this form changes radically depending on the class of gems, lapis lazuli and pearl have a body formed of a young woman, the quartz gems have a much more muscular and robust body that is made much to a physical-culturalist man.
The clearest example of a male gem is Topaz, since anyone would think he was a man until the moment they heard his voice, and even though the rutile twins use the female pronouns have a masculine appearance.
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Gems like Fluorite are represented as a much older woman, even though their components may all be young.
She speaks very slowly due to the amount of gems that have to process the information within her mind.
And gems like Padparadcha have a much younger and smaller appearance, like some girls, compared to Sapphire because of her behavior Not to mention gems that are literally rocks and walls that are impossible to classify. All of these exaggeratedly different shapes make people interpret gems with different ages based on their behavior and appearance.
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amethyst is the example of a growing gem, perhaps the fact that it is defective has a lot to do with it, she crawls in her first seconds of life during the film and imitates everyone like an infant trying to form her personality from others, she had a much sweeter and smaller appearance in Greg and Rose's flashbacks, being carried by Perla and hiding behind Rose's lack, Rebecca confirms on a podcast that Rose was like a mother to amethyst, if the gems were adults without exception, why would an adult need a mother figure of another adult?
Her outfit accompanies her as she has comfortable clothes and a skirt, she behaves like a teenage big sister figure for Steven during the series by accompanying him, at the same time that he allows himself to mock and fight with him, having that love / hate relationship that many people with brothers can understand and as an adult when reaching the future.
Peridot is represented in a very childish way too, the people who ship stevidot did it because they saw a kid, suddenly she was the same size as Steven, she behaved childishly and Mr. Smile called her kid, so far it was only confirmed that It was from era 2, so it could be both 5000 and 5 years old.
Probably the gems need to get along as a team, if they have to coexist with many other gems, but in theory this does not go beyond a coexistence or friendship of work colleagues since dependence or romance leads to sentimentality, which for the mother planet is useless and even harmful. In short, from birth all their social and intellectual development is truncated and they cannot mature So for most gems on homeworld their mental age is almost the same from birth to destruction.
This was demonstrated with Peridot and lapis in the episode "The New Crystal Gems" Both are gems from the mother planet, one knew how to terraform planets and the other had extensive knowledge of engineering, however they fought over who was to blame for their failure using insults like "foolish" and comparing themselves with other people, a very childish behaviour. So much so that a human thousands of years younger had to correct them. Within the series we were unable to confirm if peridot and lapis had a team to socialize with. So it is likely that throughout their lives they have not had the need to socialize and live together, or even accept their mistakes. Peridot seemed like a child prodigy with so many scenes of childish behavior and her high knowledge of what she was assigned, while other gems like pink diamond were born as immature children and it took her millennia to reach maturity.
With the case of spinel it is completely different. In her introduction stanza she says "her cut is perfect and she is pink too, she will give you endless entertainment, your new spinel best friend" that and together with what later says pearl "she was the little pink diamond playmate". It gives us an idea of what spinel used to look like.
It even strikes me that pearl refers to her as "little playmate" giving the impression that some gems are considered bigger than others based on their rank/trade or size.
First, let's remember that Spinel is literally based on a cuddly toy that Rebecca loved but forgot in a garden and when she returned after a year her belly was black from the fading sun, the doll was in the same place but had already been permanently damaged. Rebecca wanted her character to feel old as "stuck in time" that's why she uses Ruben Hose style animation from the 30's and later in future she uses references to 90's video games to give the feeling that she grew up since she left the earth but she still keeps an old and animated essence.
Spinel is a gem that was born perfectly fine and flawless, besides being literally a living cartoon like a lonnytoon, was created only with knowledge of gameplay and fun to eternally entertain its owner, and that was all she cared about, making her best friend happy .
She was practically a child, all she cared about was playing and being happy with her best friend, something that a neuro-typical adult would not do. She spends most of the movie without leaving Steven's side, even when she sees that he is depressed she can't think of a way to comfort him and just tries to make him laugh, instead of asking him about the problem and trying to provide him with a solution. I can't help but think that she was playing the whole time, from her fight in her evil form and the time she was in her friendly form with the rest of the gems, since almost every battle consists of dodging the attacks as if she were playing tag, and using the gems as dolls or balls. He even says he doesn't want to play anymore when he's done with Steven 💔
And after being stuck in the garden doing nothing but waiting without moving, the phrase "stuck in time" becomes more literal since by doing absolutely nothing but thinking there is no change or maturity. It is not until after the trauma that she goes into a fit of thinking she has changed for the worse, but she was not thinking reasonably at that time. Her best friend left her and she wanted to kill a whole planet. What was she going to do after she succeeded? How would she get back to the mother planet where we had killed a new diamond?
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After the film she goes on with her life with the diamonds, the series did not deepen much in her development so she seems to be better, even after her scars manifested in tears and dark circles she still maintains an energetic personality, excited and wanting to help even if it is with a stupid song. Spinel is certainly not close to looking like a mature adult for her 6000 years of age, like many other gems.
As for her physical form I am not 100% sure what age she is approaching as the designs of the gems are very varied and extravagant. She has an adorable and childish design, like a cuddly toy, her height is in fact almost the same as Steven's (17 years old) and she also has good hips in some scenes. I would say that her shape resembles that of a young girl.
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Even people who are not very familiar with the series might classify her as a child or a teenager, but not as an adult. Because the logic of the human body and biological age cannot be applied to gemstones, this is the reason why many ships Stevenx gem are so popular, but adult human x Steven don't exist at all. Because they know that age only applies to humans.
I know I've focused a lot on Spinel but because of Steven being half human there's not much mystery.
His physical form literally fits his mental age. Let's also remember that Steven is not 14 anymore, he was 16 at the time of the movie and 17 in the middle of the Future series, there were many time jumps within this series and I think the longest one was right at the end, where it had been months since the collapse and since he started therapy, when he finally decided to move he could perfectly have been 18, which is the age to become independent, at least in the USA, he is not a child, he is starting his young adult stage, just 4 years old from the age Greg was when he fell in love with Rose.
Even if he were 17, he can drive, he can move, he can be independent and choose his own path, he had just left the nest and that is called being a conscious adult. Besides the fact that the separation of 18 years is used only for consent to sexual relationships before the law, but in practice it is the approximate age at which a person should already mark his maturity, that you like ships with minors is not a justification for drawing nsfw with minor characters, and it is not intended to defend that in any way in this blog, ships like the conniverse can work without +18 content in the same way that stevinel can have content without +18.
The gems can have an age but it is not at all similar to that of humans, since by the circumstances you are can remain stagnant during millennia or change in few years, the same for their physical form since you are not able to acquire a form of baby or old people, and its body remains of the same size throughout all its life, except for cases like the one of Rose/Pink.
I know that there are many people who don't like stevinel because it is toxic or because there is conniverse and I won't say that it isn't because the blog is not about that.
I know some will say that "but they are adults, no matter how they look, act and be like children." Well, it does matter, since we are talking about immortal aliens who are not born, grow, reproduce, or die.
The cartoons do not always represent human beings realistically, much less immortal characters. In fantasy a child can have a highly developed body or a PhD, and an adult can transform into a child with time machines and grow twice.
The fact that Steven falls in love with a gem whose shape resembles that of his age is as healthy as Greg, who fell in love with a gem in a physical form similar to women of his age, Who should have the appearance and maturity of an elderly woman for her millions of years, but the fact that she acts and looks like an adult is what makes her an adult character. His cousin Andy confirmed that he has always liked big women, so he could have fallen in love with Rose 4 years earlier too.
Spinel does not have to exercise a power relationship over Steven, her dependence arises from the fear of being abandoned and not because she is jealous of her other friends, when she leaves with the diamonds, it is seen that she is not attached to them all the time. He gives himself the freedom to meet new people through the halls of the palace and leave the diamonds alone when requested, proving that he is capable of changing for the better just as Steven told him.
So the relationship could work if the right circumstances are given, such as in the AU where fans give themselves the freedom to invent scenarios where the spinel does not try to kill him, where Steven is of legal age, where both are human, etc. And so with many other ships that can go from toxic to healthy in a few fanfic chapters.
We must not forget that it is a caricature and that everyone can have fun shiping characters. Unfortunately this age argument has become a bad excuse to hate a shipp or the people behind it.
And it's wrong to say this because reducing such a strong theme to something childish, fictional and fantasy can be considered an offense to the victims that exist in real life, this myth has given rise to what real people who cannot enjoy their tastes and what others find a perfect excuse to be haters without measuring their words.
Both children and adults do not perceive an adult and a child in relationships involving immortal characters even after knowing the series, this was never the first thought of someone who saw the characters together, in fact it was 5 months from the release of the film before I found out that someone was calling the relationship "pedophilia".
Because they don't grow linearly like humans do. Unlike relationships between human characters of a more realistic appearance as happened with Danny PantomxVlad where they can see first sight who is the adult and who is the child.
What they can see with the naked eye is how well accepted it is to insult the likes of others, that it's okay to be made to feel bad for making the terrible mistake of liking a ship, and that you have the right to insult the likes of others. if they do the same with yours. Which is too present in the Steven Universe fandom.
So no, they are not protecting children from pedophilia in the SU fandom, they are harming real children at the cost of trying to protect a fictional young man, making them insecure of their tastes, giving them the tools necessary to hate someone to death, and making them accept that their tastes are terrible and they must swallow them even if they are not doing anything wrong.
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Accusing innocent people of pedophiles, liking or promoting pedophilia is not something you can take so lightly, also it should be illegal if everyone can be a pedophile for simple and innocent things, the word loses its meaning and the subject is taken too lightly, reducing the severity of actual pedophilia and causing serios problems for people who ate wrongfully accused.
They both look good together to me and I can still enjoy comics and pictures of them together, and those who don't, live with it, and enjoy your favorite ship.
Well I really hope you liked this, I can't believe it's 14 thousand characters, remember that insulting comments will be deleted or blocked. Thank you so much for watching :3
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blacknight1230 · 4 years
Judge of Character
Damian Wayne Imagine
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Damian Wayne isn’t big on friendship. From a young age, he has been taught not to trust anyone, including so-called family. Since he was taken under the Batman’s wing, he only trusts a very few, limited to his family. So it's no big surprise the blood son of world’s greatest detective reacts hostile towards a surprise guest in Batcave. But when he sees how his pets behave around her, he might change his mind.  
Gotham Academy. The most prestigious school in the dangerous city. All of the city’s elite sent there children there. Unfortunately for Damian, he was also sent there for a highschool education. The blood son of the Bat hated it there; it was full of fake people, ones who snobbishly flounted themselves in the school’s halls all because their parent was the head of some notorious company, or something along those lines. Damian knew the only reason they put up with him was because of his father and his ties to Wayne Industries; anyone not on par with their wealth and status were considered lesser than them and they barely tried to hide it. This, coupled with Damian’s cold exterior, made it hard for him to make friends. One thing the young Robin did not need was groupies. 
“How was your day, Master Damian?” Alfred asked the young teen when he picked him up from the academy. “Uneventful as always, Pennyworth. Teachers teaching, and I mean that loosely, subjects that a toddler could figure out and hormonal hazards gossiping and pretending to care about my wellbeing ... should I go on?” Damian tsked, looking out the sleek car’s windows. “So, high school, basically?” Alfred replied, eyes not moving from the road in front of him. “A high school full of uptight snobs. I don’t understand why Father makes me waste away there. I could probably teach better than the teachers there. And they supposedly have taught in Ivy League colleges.” “I understand your frustrations, Master Damian. But Master Bruce wants you to experience normal teenage life. Maybe even make some friends.” Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I swing from rooftop to rooftop, battling the criminals of gotham’s seedy underworld and fight alongside metahumans. Tell me how that’s normal exactly?” “That way be true, but then again you don’t really hang out with people your own age, do you?” Alfred pointed out, raising an eyes at him through the rearview mirror. Damian remained quiet, his arms crossed over his chest in frustration. 
The rest of ride back to Wayne Manor was silent, even as the expensive car parked in front of the main doors. Damian wordlessly strode into the mansion, after Alfred opened the door for him of course, dumping his backpack on the ground. “Master Damian, I’d like to inform you that Master Bruce has a guest that will stay in the Manor for awhile as they help your father on a case,” Alfred said as he picked up the discarded backpack, placing it next to the jackets and shoes. But when the butler turned around, Damian was nowhere to be found. 
Damian hadn’t heard a single word that left Alfred’s mustached mouth for he already was making his way towards the secret entrance to the Bat Cave. “Father, are you here? I would like to have a word with you?” he called out once he made it to the Cave. Silence met him, even the bats that gave the cave its name were quiet. Damian was suspicious as he thought his father would be here. He specifically remembered that he had a case he was working on that was particularly difficult. 
As he strode into the center of the cave, he could hear the sound of keys clicking as well as images popping up on the monitor, showing that someone was on the Batcomputer. But who? All he could see from his position were feminine gloved hands working across the keyboard. Intruder, he thought. Without a second thought, he grabbed a sword from the nearby weapon rack and lunged at the mysterious infiltrator. With a yell, he slashed at the back of the high chair in front of the supercomputer, slicing it right down the middle. He grabbed what was left of the chair and turned it around only for there to be no one in the chair. How? he thought. Where could they have gone? A voice calling out to him answered his question. 
“That was close,” it said. Damian spun around to face the unknown intruder, sword pointed at them and his body in a defensive stance. In front of him stood a girl in hero attire, hands on her hips. This girl looked to be young teen around his age, yet she appeared to be wise beyond her years. The (f/c) and (2nd f/c) clad teen raised an eyebrow as she stared at him, also studying his appearance. “You must be the current Robin. It’s nice to me you. I’m -” she tried to introduce herself. But Damian did let her finished as he already leapt her. The girl was able to effortlessly dodge his multiple attacks, on the defensive as Damian relentless went after her. 
In his effort to land a hit, Damian led the both of them to where the numerous Batsuits were located. The young Robin eyed his mysterious opponent, who didn’t show any signs of being worn out. Suddenly, he stabbed at opening he foresaw knowing there would be no way that the mysterious girl would be able to dodged it. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, the pointing tip of his sword stabbing through the air and towards the middle of the girl’s chest. But when the sworded entered the vicinity of the young girl, with a wave of her gloved hand a bright filled the air. Damian yelled in pain as the light blinded him and he felt his body rebound as if he ran into a brick wall. 
He quickly regained his footing, skidding a foot or so across the hard metal flooring. When he regained his eyesight, his eyes widened at what was in front of him. The mysterious teenage girl was floating several feet off the ground, a bright electric blue light surrounding her, eyes glowing the same bright blue as electric blue glyphs surrounded her. Shit, Damian thought to himself. She’s a magic user. Before he could do anything, he was encased in a cube of translucent blue magic. Damian tried to break his magical prison, first with his sword and eventually with his fists, but it was useless. He was stuck right where he was and would not be able to escape. 
“Maybe this will teach you a lesson,” the girl said, her glowing hand raised as she held up the magic barrier around him. “Let me out of here, intruder! How did you get into here! Who do you work for?” Damian yelled pounding his fists against his magical prison. “Intruder? I’m a guest, you snot nosed brat! I’m helping your father on a case in my mentor’s place,” the girl explained, acting insulted. “A likely story. My father just doesn’t trust any amateur vigilante,” Damian scoffed. “And yet this ‘amateur vigilante’ happened to trapped you in an inescapeable magical prison,” she sassed back. Damian glowered in response, opening his mouth to say something when a dark shadow enveloped both of them. 
Batman glided down to them, his shadow shrinking as the legendary detective came closer. Damian smirked to himself, thinking that his father would now deal with the young intruder himself. The Bat landed on the cold metal platform, surveying the scene from under his cowl with calculating white lensed eyes. To the surprise of the young Robin, his father turned to the magical girl and said with a deadpan voice, “What happened?” “Father! I caught this witch snooping around the Cave and on the Batcomputer trying to -” “Excuse me, but I’m a sorceress, not a witch, you arrogant bastard. And I already told you I was invited here to help Batman!” the female vigilante interrupted. 
Damian frowned and set his sights on the Bat, silently asking for confirmation. “She’s speaking the truth, Damian. I’ve asked (supernero name) to help due to her knowledge of the occult and its arts,” the older vigilante explained. “Didn’t Alfred tell you we would be having a guest? I specifically told him to remind you.” So that’s what Pennyworth was saying when I left him talking, Damian thought to himself. He realized his mistake, but remain quiet, not one to admit he was wrong. 
Bruce sighed, his shoulders dropping as if he was exhausted from his younger’s sons actions. “(superhero name), can you release my son now?” he ordered sternly. “Yes sir.” With a wave of her hand, the magical prison surrounding the young Robin faded away. Damian took a cautionary step forward, just in case there was a hint of barrier left. Luckily there wasn’t and he was able to approach his father. 
“Father, who this miscreant? How could you trust her? I never heard of this so called ‘(superhero name),’“ he complained. “Damian, her mentor is Zatanna, one of the members of Justice League Dark. I asked her for help but she was unable to come so she sent her apprentice instead,” Bruce patiently explained. Damian took a moment to remember everything he knew about Zatanna and the auxiliary Justice League group. If he remembered correctly, his father helped the group once to defeat a world-wide demonic threat. 
“I don’t care if she’s the sidekick of a knock-off Justice League member. That doesn’t make her trustworthy,” Damian replied snarkingly. “Damian,” Bruce said, using his ‘father voice.’ “Sometimes the right thing to do is just give someone a chance. Only then will you find if it was worth it to trust them.” 
Bruce walked off, leaving him silently stuing in place, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the knowledged passed onto him by his father. Alfred was the one to break the stiff silence, having come down to the cave with a silver platter in one hand. “Master Damian, if you’re not going to listen your father’s sound advice, would you at least like a sandwich I prepared?” he asked, an eyebrow raised as you stared down at the fuming teen in front of him. “Maybe later, Pennyworth,” he answered. Damian brushed past the elderly butler, making his way out of the Batcave. “Would you like one, Ms. (superhero name)?” he heard Alfred say. “I would love one. Do you happened to have (favorite sandwich)?” “I believe I do. Here you are.” Damian could only ‘tsk’ grumpily. She might have Alfred under her spell already but I won’t fall for it, he thought.
~ Time Skip ~
It’s been a week since the disliked newcomer arrived. A week of Damian having to deal with (superhero name) whenever he got back from school. The young Robin had enough; it seemed wherever he turned in the manor, she was there. Just her presence got him in a bad mood, despite the young heroine never have done something to warrant his grump disposition. What seemed to get even further on his nerves is that Alfred and even his father were friendly towards the girl. Well, as friendly as the Bat could get that is. Damian still did not trust the (f/c) clad hero, keeping his guard up whenever she tried to get him to warm up to her. 
The blood son of the Bat was currently wandering the halls of the manor, caught in quite a predicament. “Alfred! Alfred!” he called out, eyes searching his surroundings. “Did you call me, Master Damian?” the elderly butler asked. It appears he was in the middle of dusting the decorative furniture in the hallway, as he had a feathered duster in hand and apron to protect his uniform. “I was calling for Alfred the Cat, actually. Have you seen him anywhere, Pennyworth?” Damian cleared up. “A yes, your feline companion named after yours truly. I should known you meant him. I haven’t seen him while I was doing my duties. But I believe he might be in family room as he quite likes it there,” Alfred replied. “Thank you, Pennyworth. I’ll leave you alone to continue with your work.” 
Damian steadily made his way towards the family room, taking the magnificent wooden stairs down to the main floor of his ancestral home. In no time at all he had reached the informal room, where he his family usually spent their free time when guests weren’t over. But as he stepped into the room, he stopped in shock at the unbelievable sight in front of him. Sitting on the floor was (superhero name) leaning against a resting Titus and Alfred the Cat relaxing on her lap. 
It was as he was in a daze, walking up to the young heroine. “What is going on?” he questioned. (superhero name) looked up at Damian in surprise, yet Alfred the Cat and Titus didn’t even move. “Oh, hi, Robin. How are you?” she responded nonchalantly as if she didn’t see Damian’s perplexed exterior. “You didn’t answer my question. What did you do to my pets?” Damian ignored her suggestion, face hardening as thousands of possible scenarios ran through his head. Why are they so comfortable around her? They usually dislike strangers, he was thinking. 
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m just taking a break from the case so I can clear my head. Is that so wrong?” (superhero name) said, gloved hand running through the fur on Alfred the Cat’s back. Damian picked up on the sound of the feline purring, infuriating him further. “Whatever spell you put on them, you better take off right now. I don’t take kindly to magic being used on my family,” he ordered, crossing his arms across his chest, trying to look as threatening and serious as he could. But it obviously failed, as (superhero name) started to laugh at him. Damian growled, insulted at the sound of her mirthful bell-like laughter. 
“Wow, you really are caught on this whole I’m-untrustworthy-and-possibly-a-criminal idea,” (superhero name) snickered once her laughter died down. “For all I know, you are a criminal. Or at least you’re not currently breaking the law. A mysterious past, no indication on whenever what you view as ‘right’ is actually ‘wrong’ ... Why would I trust you?” Damian pointed out rather harshly. (superhero name) just frowned, stopping her caressment of his pets. “Listen here, Bird-Brain,” she practically hissed. “If I really was such a bad person as you say, then why are your pets okay with me being here. They know nothing about me, just like you, yet they can tell I’m a good person.” 
Damian tried to argue, but was unable to come up with anything and so remained silent. He thought over what she told him, fighting with himself over her words. If she what she said is true and that they aren’t under some type of spell ..., one part of his brain was saying. ... then maybe I should give the benefit of the doubt and trust her. But he other part was refusing to budge, scolding him. How do you know she’s trustworthy? Your pets being friendly with her doesn’t mean anything, it told him.
(Superhero name) saw how Damian was fighting an inward battle and sighed. “Listen, Robin,” she began, looking deep into his green eyes with her (e/c) one, refusing to look away. “There is reason why your pets are so comfortable with my presence. Its because they can tell I’m a good person. Animals have a rather exceptional judge of character, can’t you tell.” Her words hit him, settling into his brain. Damian couldn’t help but regret his previous actions, especially when Titus nuzzled his head into (superhero name)’s side and she wordlessly caressed his black fur with a warm smile. 
Damian gave up, groaning loudly as he tried to apologize, albit awkwardly as this wasn’t something he did often. “I’m ... sorry, (superhero name). I see now that might have been a bit hasty with my judgement of you. I can see that you are a kind and worth of my trust,” he struggled to say. “I accept your apology. But please, call me (y/n). If we’re going to start over and be friends you should at least know my real name,” 
“Damian. My name’s Damian,” he told her. (Y/n) gave a bright smile, one that caused a genuine smile to make its way to Damian’s lips. He couldn’t help but go over the word ‘friends’ in his head. I’ve never had a real friend before, he thought. It sounds nice. (Y/n) broke him out of his inner dialogue, patting a bean bag chair next to her as she smiled. “Come sit, Damian. I’m sure Titus and Alfred would love to have another person to cuddle with,” she joked. Her smile was contagious, making one appeared on Damian’s face as he silently did as she said. As soon as he sat on the cloth beanbag, sinking into the bean filled cushion, Titus shuffled himself so his large head was laying on his lap. A pang of amazement shot through his heart at the sight. Seeing Alfred the Cat doing the same to (y/n) made him feel all fuzzy inside. He let himself relax and leaned back into the plush bean bag, quietly chilling with (y/n) and his beloved animals. 
~ Timeskip ~
Before long Damian and (y/n) went there separate ways. The supernatural case she was working on was solved and she left Bat & Co. to return to Zatanna. Meanwhile, Damian went back on with his public life, going back school and so on, and eventually back to the Titans. In the limited time they had with each other, Damian was able to bond with the magical teen. Their shared interests in art and love of animals of course brought them closer together. Alfred, the butler not the cat, was shocked that they had gotten so close, especially after their initial meeting. Even the big Bat himself raised an eyebrow as Damian and (y/n) gushed about one thing or another. 
So when he had to return to Titans Tower, Damian secretly missed his fast friend. Sure, he had Raven, Beast Boy, Jaime, and Starfire, but it just wasn’t the same. I wonder what she’s up to now, he thought as he roamed the barren hallways. 
Suddenly, Beast Boy rushed up to him in the form of a green cheetah. “Bro you’ll never believe this!” he exclaimed once he returned to his normal form. “What is it, Garfield?” Damian replied, hiding his curiosity behind a passive face. “We’ve got a new team member! They’re coming any minute now!” the shape-shifting teen bounced with excitement. “What?” Damian didn’t have time to process this new information, for Beast Boy grabbed his arm and pulled him along. 
Now, Damian could have forced Garfield to let go of hi, but he decided it was better to just let the green teen do what he wanted. So in no time at all, he was in main entrance of the tower alongside the rest of the Titans. Garfield finally let go of him and immediately started to chattered Jaime’s ear off. “I see Garfield brought you up to pace,” Raven spoke, voice monotone as always. “Wish it someone told me the news sooner. Did you know about this?” he asked his goth friend. Raven nodded her head no, watching Starfire preparing for the newcomer. “I’m just as clueless as you are,” she replied. “I have feeling the League has a hand in this,” Damian scoffed. 
Out of nowhere, a portal appeared, enveloping the area in a (f/c) glow. “Oh, they’re almost here! Everyone smile for our new friends and be on your best behavior,” Starfire ordered, excitement oozing off of her in waves. Through the magical interdimensional circle a figure appeared, silhoused by the intensity of the portal’s light. Everyone shielded their eyes until the figure stepped fully through and the portal disappeared behind them. Damian finally got a good look at the newcomer, gaze rising as he took in more of their appearance. When his green eyes stopped when he saw a familiar face. 
The new team member was (y/n), dressed in a new uniform and an extra guest perched on her shoulder. A medium sized cat gazed at him with two different colored eyes, one blue and the other green, with a distinct fur pattern that made one half of its face orange with stripes while the other was completely black. I remember here telling me she always wanted an animal familiar, Damian thought. I see she finally got her wish. “Well, isn’t this a surprise,” (y/n) said, a smirk on her lips. “Didn’t expect to see here, Boy Wonder.” The rest of the team looked on shocked as Damian confidently strode up the sorceress. “Me, surprised? You give yourself too much credit, (superhero name),” he tsked. (y/n) just smiled , maneuvering her cat to be held in her arms. Things just got a lot more interesting. 
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raebellian · 4 years
Why I love Katara from ATLA
Katara is underrated and doesn’t deserve all the hate people give her. Like everyone else in the Gaang, she was an invaluable member that they couldn’t have survived without. Hear me out—this is going to be a long one.
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First, her role as team mom: We all know that the Gaang saw Katara as a motherly figure—even Sokka, her older brother. Remember The Desert? Aang was having a mental breakdown over Appa, Sokka was high on cactus juice, Toph couldn’t see, and Katara literally held them together. Sure, sometimes Katara lost her temper or acted bossy, but come on! Whose mom doesn’t? In fact, Toph and Sokka agreed in The Runaway that even though Katara got on their nerves sometimes, it was that exact trait of bossiness that the Gaang relied on so much. And I think a lot of those scenes where Katara fussed over things were super cute; it literally made the Gaang seem like a little family.
Second: I know people hate on Katara for talking about her mom so much. But admit it, we were all annoying at one point in our teenage years. And imagine if something happened to your mom or a similar parental figure. If you were a young child when it happened? If you spent years and years thinking it was your fault? If your father was always away and you had to step up as your own mother’s replacement, forced to shove that darkness deep down, hoping for the day when you could get some closure?
When Aang realized he lost his people and broke down in The Southern Air Temple, Katara was there for him. She said it was okay to be sad, that she understood, that she was going to help him. She didn’t have to do that. She barely knew him at the time. But grief is grief, no matter its size and form and how it’s dealt with, and she found a way to get through to him. Same with Haru and Jet. Katara reached out to them by exchanging stories with them, and listened to theirs with compassion as well. 
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Of course, everyone expresses/copes with grief in different ways, but Katara’s grief wasn’t any lesser than her friends, nor were her coping mechanisms any less valid.
Let’s talk about Sokka. He admitted he saw Katara as a mother, and that he couldn’t even recall Kya’s face. He also seemed to be much closer with Hakoda throughout the show. Might I also remind you of Sokka’s general goofiness and rather out-of-the-blue sexist attitude at the beginning. I really doubt the sexism was due to Southern Water Tribe Culture—or why would Kanna go there to escape the sexism of the north? Sokka likely developed that mindset as a coverup for his grief, whereas Katara had to bottle up her feelings and step up as the motherly figure as a young child. Sokka’s coping mechanism was to goof around and pretend nothing got to him, and Aang avoided his duties and hardships until he eventually learned to confront them. 
Yes, Katara said some awful things to both Sokka and Aang in The Southern Raiders, but she was a teenage girl mourning the loss of the person she loved most in the world, and whom she seemed to develop her whole personality and identity around. Sometimes you lash out, lose control, and accidentally hurt your loved ones—especially if you’re just a child forced to grow up too fast in a war torn world.
In any case, there’s no doubt that Katara regretted what she said to Sokka right after she said it (look at her expression in that scene), and it’s almost certain that she went and made up with him afterwards. It wasn’t the first time one of the siblings accidentally hurt the other, and it certainly wasn’t the last time either. But there’s no doubt that the siblings loved each other unconditionally, which gave them the ability to make up no matter what, every single time without fail.
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Third: I know a lot of people criticize Katara for her initial mistrust of Zuko. True, Katara tends to hold grudges. But from her pov, Zuko did break her trust (which she gave out quite readily, especially for someone from the water tribe) and none of Team Avatar actually witnessed Zuko’s epic redemption arc firsthand. Katara also felt extremely guilty and scared for almost wasting the spirit water on Zuko’s scar, which would’ve ended Aang for good.
The others in the Gaang had more inclination to trust Zuko due to Iroh defending him when he came to them for help in Ba Sing Se, while Katara was stuck in a creepy underground cave probably having a panic attack and fully expecting to be killed at any given moment. I’d probably lash out too if someone locked me up and suddenly yeeted in a guy who tried to kill me and my friends on multiple previous occasions, even if his hair did have a major glow up. 
Speaking of Zuko and his glow up... oMg hE’s sO hOt! Cute fictional boy with dark hair, we all stan!!! Draco in leather pants, anyone? While I love Zuko as much as any ATLA fan, he did his fair share of bad things. The entire first season? His betrayal of Iroh? Sure, Katara had her moments, but did you guys really forget how Zuko treated Iroh? How he constant belittled him on the ship in S1 and in the prison in S3, while still demanding Iroh’s advice? Of course, Zuko got better and gained redemption and forgiveness—he absolutely deserved it in the end—but doesn’t Katara deserve similar sympathy after making far lesser mistakes than Zuko? Is it because she’s not an attractive bad boy? Imagine Katara as a hot dude with a brooding, chiseled face, and I guarantee you the same people who hate her so vehemently will automatically stan her. It’s almost as if there’s a double standard for female characters or something...
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In conclusion: Katara cares so, so much with all her heart about everything and everyone, loving and hating with equal passion, and I think that’s beautiful. She is the epitome of gentle yet unyielding femininity (as opposed to Toph’s brashness or Azula’s coolness), and we need more female characters like her who are unabashedly feminine and proud of it. In today’s society, girls are often shamed for being girly, hence the “mean popular girl” trope and the “not like other girls” trend. That’s why we see so many tomboys in fiction, girls who are strong and tough and one of the guys. That’s why we see so many ice queens in fiction, who are equal parts beautiful and deadly in everything they do. Of course, these types of girls are just as valid (and why Toph, Azula, and so many other ATLA girls are so popular and iconic), but women irl are so incredible because of their diversity—not only in appearance but in personality. 
That’s what makes ATLA so good: each character has their strengths and weaknesses and undergoes an incredible character arc. Each member of the Gaang is unique and essential and they all balance each other out personality-wise. Without Katara, ATLA would not be the masterpiece it is, would not be so acclaimed for its incredibly written characters. Without Katara, western animation would be lacking of an incredibly written character, a POC girly girl who is soft and gentle and nurturing and can kick ass in a dress and fancy hair. Without Katara, little girls who grew up watching ATLA would grow up with perhaps many good female role models, but they would miss out on one in particular who would teach them it’s okay to care too much, it’s okay to cry and be angry and hate, it’s okay because in the end things will always get better and so will you. That it’s going to be okay, and there’s always hope and light in the world no matter what life throws at you. That’s what Katara means to me, and that’s why I love her so much.
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astranne · 4 years
The adventures of Diana Thorsdottir-Danvers -An AU
Another idea. But this is an AU to a twoshot I wrote some time ago on Wattpad. It’s in german, but I summon it for you. 
After Infinity War, Thor’s depressed and Carol helps him out. They both go to space, Brunhilde becomes the queen of New Asgard. Long story short, Thor and Carol come together, fight against Kree, have a child and because the universe is screwed up thanks to Thanos, she becomes pregnant, makes some timetravel without knowing it and gives birth to a girl. Diana Thorsdottir-Danvers. She has  the same powers like her parents, but because she’s half asgardian, her powers of her mother are even stronger than Carols. Anyway. Diana is a sweet girl, grows up faster because of Thanos and her being an asgardian. So she’s in her late teenage ages, when her parents fight against Thanos and she suddendly disapears. In my story on Wattpad, she lands on Olympus, meets all the gods and after some drama and all, she comes together with Apollo. Her parents find her again, meet the gods, Thor and Zeus try to kil each other, Carol steps in and yeah. Diana becomes then the wife of Apollo and such. 
Now. In this AU, everything happens the same, but when she disapears, she lands in the DC universe. She knows, it’s not her earth, bc of her smart suit (she has one like her mom (her colors are blue, red and silver, basically the same like Carol)) and she sees some heroes and villians, she’s pretty sure they are not on her earth. 
So, what to do now? She has no way to go home and has not the nerve to interact with this arrogant heroes, so she starts to write. (Yeah I know,she shoud be start searching a way hime, but she’s immortal, she has plenty of time) About Captain America, then her mother, and then the first appearance of the Avengers. She writes about the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., about Ultron, about Thanos. It takes something like one/two years until she wrote down the history (of the Avengers and all the other heroes) from her earth and then goes to a publishing company, who are mindblown. She wrote... wait a moment, I need to research all the movies and series- 35?40? books (movies with series, the whole mcu basically until infinity war) about a whole new universe, with whole new heroes. 
So, they start to publish the books and make three phases, like the MCU. While people read her books, she writes the final, endgame. And she calls it; Avengers Endgame, The End Of The Infinity Saga. 
People absolutly love her books, they are so realistic, even the heroes, they have mistakes and are just human, all the details match perfect with fantasy and what happend real. They absolutly love the different groups of heroes and also like it, that most of them don’t care about this ‘no killing’ rule. Because Diana was bored, she drawed the covers herself, the first movies (captain america 1, iron man 1, thor 1, black panther 1, spider-man 1, hulk, agents of shield first season, avengers 1 etc.) show the the upper body of the hero, without face. The sequels show more of the place where the book takes plase, Infinity War shows Thanos with the Infinity Stones and Endgame all the heroes against Thanos. In the books themself, she placed some doodles, while the characters do casual things or are in a fighting pose... and yeah.
Not even a year after the first release, Diana Danvers is famous and some filmproducer approach her, wanting to make movies. And there are only the books until the second phase released. Many fanarticles show up and Diana creates the firma MARVEL (breaking the fourth wall, heh) and makes millions in seconds. But she doesn’t really want’s this money, spends as much as she can and just uses the money she truly needs for herself and the company. People love her even more. And some hate her, but she doesn’t care.
She begins to write side stories, who still happen while the Infinity Saga, but are not that important. Now, she knew about the important things, since her mother is a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. and her father is important too. But what happend truly to Black Widow and Hawkeye? What did Captain America do, after S.H.I.E.L.D. has fallen? What did Thor do after New York? What happend to Loki, when he met Thanos? (Her fans absolutly love Loki and he becomes one of the most liked characters, after she writes, that he has been mind controlled)
Her fandom becomes bigger than the one of Percy Jackson, she’s close to Harry Potter. She broke some records and won many awards and after everything until Infinity War has been released, she was the most famous author of the world. (unrealistic, but do I care? nah not really) She solds more books than J.K. Rowling and even more await Endgame. When she announces, that the first movie is coming up (captain america), they loose their absolute shit. Because this is going to be fucking awesome. Diana herself writes the script, leads the casting and directs the movies. 
Now you certainly ask, but what about her home? Well, Diana clearly misses her parents, but that’s it. She doesn’t really have any friends, her whole life she fought with her parents against the Kree and other bad people, who tried to control other ones. She made her peace, that she’s now on another earth.
Anyway. She’s something like 23 years old, in the middle of writing Endgame, when she’s kidnapped by the Riddler. He asks her some riddels, admits he’s a great fan, while she just rolls her eyes. 
“Look, I’m in the middle of writing Endgame and I need every minute-” Riddler starts to apologize and releases her, asks for an autogram, while the whole world watched. Diana didn’t even need a hero, she just hugged the Riddler, told him he had some good Riddles, can she also tell one?
“What happend in Budapest?” The big fan Riddle is, naturally understands and thinks hard, until his eyes widden. 
“Are you writing it in Endgame? Or did you drop any hints and we don’t see the whole picture...” Riddle thinks hard and Diana just walks away.
The next time she’s kidnapped, it’s Joker. He’s much more serious about this whole thing and won’t release her so easily. Naturally the whole world watches again and can see, how she tells him to fuck off, because she has a time limit and she still needs some drawings. Joker snarls and slaps her, she just stares at him with blank eyes and spits in his face. He gaspes offended, grabs her hair and wants to yank her head back, but Diana headbutts him, stomps on his foot and slams her whole body against him. He definitly didn’t see that coming. Before anything more can happen, glass shatters and Batman comes to help. Or so he thinks. Because Diana keeps a groaning Joker on the ground, stares at him hatefully, hisses some cruses about him and how she needs to work. Batman just blinks, sighs and shuts the camera off. He helps her, knocks Joker unconscious. Diana thanks him and walks off. 
“If you would just kill him, then he wouldn’t cause such problems.” Batman blinks again, but the woman is already away. 
Her fans love her for kicking villain ass, being so sarcastic, almost cynical. Some villians try to kidnap her, but she becomes angrier every time. Because damn fucking gods, she’s trying to work, her book is going to be released in a month, the movie is in the middle of shooting and she doesn’t has the time for this shit. Her videos go viral, kicking male villians in the groin. Female villians don’t even try it, because first, they love her books and they would never hurt her. And second, they don’t want their ass kicked.  
After she’s caught in the middle of a gang war in Gotham (she’s there for some meeting) her partners/workers/assistants have enough. They force her to hire a bodyguard, because- No, Miss Danvers. You can’t march against the villains by yourself, you are still a civillian, let the heroes to their work. 
Because I love Jason Todd and he’s known as a bookworm, he becomes her bodyguard. He’s the head of security of Wayne Enterprises and Bruce rather likes the girl, he talked with her at a Gala and he wants her protected. Even if she doesn’t has black hair. But still does have blue eyes...
Anyway. Jason becomes her bodyguard and because she’s such an attraction for danger, he’s around her 24/7. They become close, he watches her work, while he ‘protects’ her and yeah. Some real cliché story about a rich girl, who falls in love with her bodyguard. ehm... I don’t care.
So, Endgame is released and is the most selled book from Diana. Her doodles became drawings, they are much more detailed and some even with colour. The fans finally know, how Diana sees her heroes and notice, they look like many known actors. 
“Well, some have to play my charakters, no? I saw their work, I have a good eye for these things.” Totally a thing Diana would do, cast actors for movies who are planned in the next few years. Not even asking them, because she knows, that they will do it. And then she announces, she’s going to be Captain Marvel, because Carol Danvers was inspired by her mother and she wants to honour her. The world loves it. The creator of this legendary books playing one of the most powerful charakters. 
Meanwhile, Jason became her assisstant/right hand and is still her bodyguard. He stops being Red Hood, because the Outlaws are just nothing and he had now not the nerve working together with his family. One day, Diana suddendly speaks up. 
“Why did you stop being Red Hood?” Jason jokes on his spite and looks at her shooked, but she just draws at her next cover. She finally writes about Budapest.
“What?”, he croakes out. 
“I asked you, why did you stop being Red Hood?”
“How?” Diana just raises an eyebrow. 
“It’s not that hard. I’m literally the creator of another group of heroes, where do you think I have my inspiration? And my father is a god, we have an eye for warriors.” Jason slowly progresses her words. 
“A god? What the fu-”
“Yeah. Thor, the god of thunder.” At his wide eyes, she talks further. 
“The asgardian with the hammer, you know-”
“You tell me, this whole thing you write is real? That Thor is your father and an Avenger?” Diana just smiles. 
“And Carol is my mother... where do you really think I have my inspiration? I’m not some genius, I just wrote down the stories my parents told me.” 
“So... there is another earth?”
“There are many earths... there is a multiverse. I’m just from a different universe.”
Jason definitly didn’t expect that. But is now even more interested in her stories. He’s the one, who tells her to become a hero. She becomes Tempestas, the partner of Red Hood. 
And yeah... this it is.
If anyone wants to write about this, feel free! Just tag me, so I can read and reblog it :)
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venus-says · 5 years
Kamen Rider Movie Wars #1-#6
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So... what is all this stuff?
When I decided on starting my Kamen Rider watch I was determined to watch as much as I could, everything seemed okay but there was always a huge problem: the movies.
I didn't know where to look at for information so most of my research was done in the Wikia and if you visit the Kamen Rider Wikia you'll see that the way they list the movies IS CONFUSING AS HELL so I set my mind in watching only the stand-alone movies and any extra released after the show ended that wasn't part of any crossover project.
I decided to do this way to try to avoid spoilers of the previous series that I haven't watched, not necessarily because I didn't want to know what exactly happened in those series, but because I didn't want to have a certain impression of a Rider before I could watch their own show and don't be so judgemental about it before actually knowing that character and the set of extras that'll orbit around it.
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But then we cut to 4 months later and I'm watching a video on youtube about W and they comment about how in the crossover movie they explain the events of Beginning Night and I go "shit, these movies DO have necessary information, I think I'll need to watch them orz", so here I am.
Before I go talking about these movies let me just say I think they're all pretty stupid. Like, even calling them movies is a low move, they're extended episodes of each series that converge on an awful CGI battle scene at the end, it's not a lot of fun considering the thing that sells the movie usually don't last longer than 30 minutes. I think the thing that just really pisses me off is how they aren't very considerate of people who didn't watch these movies and they'll usually bring up in the show events that only happened in the movie to the show itself, don't explain them, and expect that the audience will already know what the things they're referencing means. I know it seems like a dumb complain since I'm watching these seasons after they aired so I can watch the movies in the proper time if I want to, the thing is I shouldn't need to watch a movie to understand a thing that happened in the show, the movies should be extra material. And I'm not saying these movies shouldn't be canon, but they shouldn't be integrated with the main continuity in a way that would exclude people who didn't get the opportunity to watch said movies to understand them.
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But that's enough for my rant let's get to these movies.
Movie War 2010
So, for the original Movie Wars, I watched only the W's portion, I didn't watch either the Decade part or the conclusion because of the reasons I mentioned up there.
This movie was more or less just a huge flashback, this is also the movie that pisses me off the most because it introduced Skull and the Lost Driver that are things that would become key elements not just for the show but also for their movie and well I already made a huge paragraph about this issue so I won't repeat myself.
I honestly don't remember much about it, but as many problems as I have with this whole set up, I enjoyed this movie. Huge part of it was because Skull was there and he's cool as heck, I'll admit, but I had fun. Though nothing will change my mind that this should've happened in the show not isolated in a movie.
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Movie War Core
The next one in line is Movie War Core, I had more fun with this one but this was still pretty bad.
W's portion of it was pretty decent, seeing more of Skull was great, and it was also nice seeing what would lead up to the events in the Accel movie. My biggest problem here is that Akiko never seemed so against the Kamen Rider before so it seemed a little off that she would freak out like that only now, but oh well, it was still nice seeing Skull, I wish we had a movie exclusive to him he's so cool he deserves it (I know it's probably late for me to ask for this, just let me leave XD).
Sadly from that moment on the movie got really boring. I wasn't interested in the attempt of reviving Nobunaga plot, I feel like things were happening way too fast in that, and also Kamen Rider Core was just awful as a final villain, I hated that.
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Movie War Megamax
The Fourze x OOO movie is probably my least favorite of the bunch. I really didn't buy that thing of a Kamen Rider from the future coming out of a black hole after meteors were falling, the implication that the medals weren't destroyed in OOO's final battle kinda weakens the ending of the series and the fact they didn't explain Ankh being back just shows how this plot wasn't very well thought. Also, the Kamen Rider from the future coming back at the end just to give OOO the Super TaToBa medals was very dumb, that form also doesn't look good either.
And the Fourze portion was awful because they decide to "give" Gentarou a "girlfriend" and that was just the most stupid plot EVER. They gave the girl a rider form but even that they screwed up, it still baffles me they made the girl attack with her butt. I know this is a show that has primarily boys in mind but you don't have to make every female character like that, especially in a live-action where real people have to act that with their bodies.
Gosh, I hate this movie so much.
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Movie War Ultimatum
The next movie wasn't as bad, it was just way longer than it should've been. I watched the director's cut and that is almost two hours, that's absurdly long for a movie where not a whole lot happens. This movie was also pretty weird to watch because they did a whole bunch of homages to older tokusatsu, and while having those didn't make the movie any less good or bad it was still off, you could tell those weren't creatures that originated in this world/franchise. I also wasn't really here for this time travel concept, especially in here it was done in a very messy way, it wasn't cute.
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But you know, for the part while I was still paying attention I enjoyed it. The Fourze cast is way more bearable when they're not stupid teenagers, seeing them as adults was quite fun, I like how it started like an actual action movie with Ryusei and that girl from the Fourze movie doing some spy work, and I also like to see that he and the goth girl still have their thing. Gentarou as a teacher looked like a mess, but I like that they put him to be a teacher, it makes a good amount of sense for his character. The students were also a bit interesting so watching Fourze was actually fun for me for the first time! But once again Fourze was there being nasty and doing a whole bunch of close-ups in the girls' tights during the fighting while one of those two was supposed to be a teenager in school and that's just gross. Nadeshiko also comes back for this afterward and ew the butt attacks came back, she even jumped at a monster once where it looked like she was reverse cowgirling him and that was very uncomfortable to watch.
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The Wizard portion was quite decent as well, I like the concept of the "farm of monsters", I wish they had used more of these smart ideas in the actual show, Poitrine was fun and I like the reveal that in the end, she was actually the Donut Shop keeper, but I think this portion was longer than it needed to be, especially considering they don't do much. But I guess this is the best way to describe this movie. The joint part was pretty bland, but I like that they had a good amount of out of suit fighting, that kept my attention for a while.
Fateful Sengoku Movie Battle
This was an odd one, kinda like Core this one had a decent first portion and a meh one for the current season but overall it was still pretty bland. It was good seeing an actual epilogue for Wizard, I wanna complain about jetpacking in this plot because Haruto was in Brazil for some reason and then in the next scene he was in Japan again, but he has a teleport spell so I can't call them out. But it sure was funny to see they randomly put a Rider on Brazil for the second time in this movie series. The thing of using a 3D pen to make another Koyomi and make her the villain was a fun twist, but I feel like it wasn't used at its fullest.
The Gaim portion was just awful, I didn't care for this parallel world where they revived a Sengoku battle, I feel like this is one of the things that works better with people who actually have knowledge of Japanese History, but I believe that even if you have knowledge this would still such because we're in those Gaim early days where the characters aren't very likable yet so it's really not enjoyable to watch.
This movie also introduced crossover power-ups and Holy Jesus, this is probably one of the worst ideas this franchise has ever made because none of them look good. And speaking of things that don't look good, they ruined a very good design Bujin Gaim had going on for it in order to make him this weird CGI flower thing that doesn't look good, neither intimidating, it was just awful.
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Movie War Full Throttle
Last in the list is the Gaim x Drive movie and while this isn't the movie I disliked the most, this is the movie I less cared about, this is the movie I less remember about, which is weird because I watched it twice. I think my problem comes from the villains for this movie, I didn't buy the idea of this apparently alien race defeating an actual space god and capturing another one, I also didn't care for their designs they were pretty bland. But this movie gave Gaim an actual closure so I guess it wasn't so bad. The Drive portion was weird because it seemed very disconnected from the plot. I like this story and I like Lupin's design, but this should've been, if not an actual episode, a TV special, especially considering they give Krim's backstory about how he ended up being in the belt and nothing can change my mind that this should've been explained in the actual show.
Ironically enough, the part of the movie I remember the most is when Gaim and Drive use each other's powers and they get in those awful crossover forms. Again, this idea was a mistake, Drive's hat looks like a fucking trash can lid, it's awful.
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Just like these movies. I had fun at moments, but I'm not gonna lie, I wish I could have those hours back, these movies aren't good, they completely drained my energy. I think I'm gonna wrap up for now, what are your thoughts on the movie wars, let me know in the comments. I'm gonna try to be happy again now. I'll see you guys tomorrow for the second Drive review.
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silverloreley · 6 years
Again for @26ja . Thank you for being the one who wants to read all of this stuff that otherwise would have stalled in my pc and gives me such wholesome commentary!
This is the beginning of the fix-it fic I wrote after the 5h Cave of the Golden Rose/Fantaghirò movie. Given I decided to rewrite most of it (I made a lot of mistakes and I had plot holes and other stuff), I’ll only post the few bits I deem good enough to keep to the rewriting.
This sort-of prologue explains the premise. I know you don’t fancy the idea of children of the characters, but although I planned a role for them (yes, plural), they’re part of the plot and not the actual main characters. I hope you enjoy this snippet all the same.
Seven years. That's how much it passed since Fantaghirò arrived in the Elsewhere and defeated Nameless. Even if she wasn't held hostage, she felt captive. Since the day of the celebration the villagers pulled together for the Ogre's defeat, she worked on putting on a brave face, pretending not to feel the anguish she did for having left her family and kingdom behind. Deep down, in a place she wasn't going to admit even to herself, she was scared: when she found out that the feelings tied to her memories could be taken away from her at any whim of the local witch, Asteria, she did everything she could to hide she wasn't fine with her staying in the foreign realm, in order to avoid a second taste of the treatment. She had to put on a brave mask, the face of a woman always smiling and happy for her new love, little mattered if inside she died a little every day: this was her life now, and the people around her loved her as much the ones she left behind, which made her grateful as they gave her a new home. Besides, there was apparently no way to go back to her own realm. It doesn't mean she stopped looking for one. Fantaghirò had become quite a celebrity in this land too, thanks to the kids rescued from Nameless, and frequently people from near and far villages came to ask for her support. In secret, when she left the village for this or that ask of help, she kept looking for a magic able to bring her back to her loved ones. Not that she didn't love the people in the Elsewhere, she had been honest when she said she was beginning to love them, but it wasn't the same kind of deep love she had for her family. Aries, bless him, understood that the moment the elation for the newfound love had worn out and he managed to see through the cracks in her mask. He couldn't ignore it when she cried in her sleep, or she spent a long time in the day gazing so far that nothing could seem to reach her, lost in her mind as she became when sadness overwhelmed her. Her melancholy was so deep whenever she spoke of motherly love or described to the kids the high towers of her castle that it was hard to miss. He was a practical man, one who always lived for himself and used to watch his back and get people's characters with a short observation and he had no troubles confronting her on the matter. Then, he gracefully accepted the truth: that Fantaghirò's heart still belonged to Romualdo and the knight queen was trying to cope with the loss. That of course, she had been charmed by Aries when her real feeling had been taken away, and she was willing to take care of Ezela, Masala and the other orphaned kids, even if she was still longing for home, but it wasn't the same as her family. Her desire to be back was beyond measure. In addiction, the princess couldn't help to disapprove the fact Aries ran behind skirts whenever he had the chance, and they both knew it would have been a big problem if they had stayed a couple, but it didn't matter as long as they were friends. Anyway, he never left for too long and Fantaghirò was glad he found his fatherly love for the two orphans enough to make him feel at home once in his life. Also, he was the only one who could help her, following her in her trips, and so he did. Whether in hope of winning her heart, or get her goodbye's words if she managed to find a passageway to her kingdom, only he knew. But every place had the same answer: the Wishing Plants were the only things with powerful enough magic, and were extinct. With seven years of fruitless search to make her heart heavy, Fantaghirò desperately tried to put her mind at ease, with no avail. Until something happened. A few neighbouring villagers had come to the market with weird news of an old abandoned palace that suddenly had come to life, but in the creepiest of ways. The walls covered in a thick layer of frost, which replaced the once broken windows and missing pieces of roof, giving to the previously decaying residence a spectral, cold air. People who had been close to it swore they heard children's cry day and night. The man added that monsters made of stone and ice had been seen around the palace and sometimes even in the nearby villages, stealing different kind of food and goods: clothes and covers left out to dry, vegetables, fruit and dried fish and meat. «I bet» the man added «That the evil being in the palace hates fire. Fears it even!» «Has anybody tried to go in there?» Fantaghirò asked, curiosity ignited by the tale. «Impossible. Every door and window is closed by the ice, it's so cold that putting a hand close to the wall you end up with frostbite. Also, no one has ever been seen going in or out, ever!» «And the monsters?» «Just tales» the man's companion scoffed «The ice may be real, but no one really saw the monsters except an half-mad woman who had her laundry stolen and a couple field workers who probably got too much sun on their heads» «I'd still like to see it» Fantaghirò said, already planning the next trip. A female voice reprimanded: «You're leaving again? What's wrong with you?!» Ezela was a teenager now, not anymore the sweet girl she once had been, but headstrong and easy to anger. Every time Fantaghirò decided to leave even if she wasn't asked to, Ezela threw a tantrum. Sometimes Fantaghirò was tempted to lose her temper at this girl she accepted to raise as her own, just like she had once done with Smeralda, whom she missed dearly now, but she restrained herself. More often than not her brother was there to reprimand her first anyway. «Oh, shut up, Ezela! Not everybody wants to stay always in the same place as you do» Masala, instead, hasn't changed much, even if he was a young man more than a teen. He was taller and more capable both in fishing and swordfighting, perhaps he got calmer and more thoughtful with age, but at heart he was still the boy wishing for adventure. «Speaking about it, Masala, why don't you come with us?» Aries suggested «With a haunted house another pair of good eyes could come in handy» «Can I?» Ezela scoffed and stomped her feet «Oh, wonderful! Really, Fantaghirò, what kind of mother are you, to always leave me behind!» and she walked away without giving them the time to answer. The mention never failed to make the woman feel like she had moved the knife in her heart. The blonde girl pointed out often how little Fantaghirò resembled Ezela's deceased mother in moods, appearance and behaviour, but it wasn't the worst part. Fantaghirò had always been proud of who she was as her own person, different and unique, and had worked hard to have people recognize she was fine as she was. No, the real pain were those exact words "what kind of mother are you?". Fantaghirò often wondered so herself. It was clear as the day that she wasn't the mother Ezela wished or needed. Moreover, she didn't keep her promise to Smeralda, ending up not being a mother for her either.
But the very worst part was the other child she left behind. Her heart clenched every time she thought about it: her son Rinaldo, her flesh and blood, the result of her true love with Romualdo, who never got to meet her and was now supposed to be seven years old. She had given birth to him just a few days before the Black Witch sent her men to kidnap her and that very day had been the first she put a foot outside the Castle without a carriage and a big escort to follow her. It was a mistake she sorely regretted today. She avoided talking about him, cherishing that memory so deep and private in a way that not even Asteria could take it even if she wanted. Also, her love for him was the one that took less to come back, which didn't come from the little magic parasites of the witch, but rather hidden at the bottom of her heart, where it refuged when it was clear the rest was being ripped away. «Don't listen to her» Masala tried to distract her from her somber state of mind «She's just jealous» «It's not like we ever forbade her to come with us, if she wanted» Aries pointed out. The younger man shrugged «She'd be useless and she knows it» «Now, Masala, stop talking like that about your sister» Fantaghirò scolded him, putting back a smile on her face «I wasn't offended, and she's sort of right: I'm not the mother she wished» «It's not like you chose to come here. It's our fault you ended up with us, hers more than ours» the boy recalled. Fantaghirò shook her head «Just stop it. I'm here now, no? So no need to speak about the past. Are you coming with us at Salimea or not?» «Sure I am!» Masala answered. «Then go packing!» «Yes, madam!»
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
you say you hated tig in the first season of sons of anarchy because he killed donna and everything but then said that you liked happy from the start when happy said he would kill a 17 year old girl? isn’t that a bit hypocritical? happy isn’t a good guy but you like him and tig does one bad thing and you hate him.
Ok so first, at no point in the entire time that I’ve been on this blog have I said that any of them are good guys. Not even my beloved Juice or Opie and we know how much I adore them. 
The thing with SoA is that we are only rooting for them because they are the main characters and we know their personalities and back stories (for the most part *cough* Happy *cough*) and they are the protagonists. SoA isn’t about good guys and bad guys; it’s about the bad guys and the other bad guys. 
If we watched it from Agent Stahl’s point of view don’t you think we would be rooting for her too? Strong female character that isn’t afraid to threaten the bikers and then try to make them implode? But this isn’t a post about Stahl although I could perhaps write a whole fucking essay about her.
My whole reason for disliking Tig in S1 is that, first of all, he admits to necrophilia (gross and immoral even for a gang of murderous bikers and something I think people forget about him) then he goes on some sort of “witch hunt” for Opie when they are supposed to be buddies and whatever. Don’t get me wrong I understand where he was coming from but surely you would want more evidence before you start saying that they need to kill him? But perhaps that’s just me?
So we know by now that I love Donna and I respected her so much it’s unbelievable and Tig killing her was unforgivable.
Happy Lowman is a terrible person and him saying he would kill the teenage girl was very much in character for him, you see? He is the guy that they call when they need something doing because he seemingly has no conscience and they know things will get done. Happy will kill anyone, right? That is perhaps a way that he shows his loyalty to the club. Happy is a what you see is what you get kind of guy and I think that is perhaps a reason that I liked his character. 
Tig and Clay went behind the entire clubs back, mildly understandable given how close Jax was with Opie, but there was no discussion other than Tig saying that Opie needed to die only with the vague information they were given and only seeing things on the surface level then not wanting any further investigation shows that he perhaps didn’t love him.
The only reason not to like Happy was that he kills people. Tig went behind the clubs back, plotted to kill someone they call brother and has sex with dead people.
Something I will say though is that Tig did show remorse (eventually) for what happened and his mistake. I still couldn’t forgive him though.
Obviously I’m not forgiving murder but for the sake of the Happy vs Tig arguement.
Donna was a good character that I think could have been developed so much; even though she was trying to get Opie to leave the club (for the sake of her children, and who can blame her?) and she had the opportunity to get him out by giving Stahl information she still remains loyal to the club and to what Opie would need. I think if she was to have stayed alive she would have become a really strong asset.
I hope I didn’t come across as bitchy here, I just didn’t want anyone to think I ever excused anything that any of them did. All the characters, aside from the children, were awful, awful people that I would hate to know in real life.
Please let me know if you guys want any more in depth analysis on the characters in SoA because I have a lot of feelings about them and I love to over think about things that aren’t my life’s tragedies.
At this moment in time I am considering doing a thing on Agent Stahl.
Let me know! xxxxx
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spntvdhunger · 6 years
Lost Souls 2: Dean Winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester had been in Y/N for as long as she can remember, her dad and John were friends and frequent hunter buddies and she got used to hang out with the Winchester boys. While they grew up, Y/N slowly developed a crush for the older brother… But Dean Winchester broke her heart, not only once, but three times; the first time when she was fifteen, then when she turned twenty-one and later when she was twenty-three. That night she promised herself that not only she will keep Dean away from her heart, but she will make him feel the same pain she felt. That was the plan, but will Y/N be capable of keeping her promise or she will fall in love again?
Warnings: Implied smut, cursing… Lots of angst GIF NOT MINE CREDIT TO OWNER/CREATOR
Characters: Dean Winchester, Young!Dean, SoulessSam Winchester, Young! Sam, John Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, OC! Rixon Carter, Female! Reader.
Chapters: 8-10 chapters. Chapter one
A/N:  All  mistakes are mine, feedback is appreciated. Please let me now if you want to be tagged! Italics are flashbacks.
Tags: @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car​ @theashofwkm​  @strawberryjuiceboxxx DEAN’S TAGS: @belparons @hufflepuff4everandeverandev-blog​ @justalwaystired​ @sisterwinchesterwriter​ Lost Souls tags: @choosemyname​ @bobasheebabyficlibrary​  @missnvncy @smalltowndivaj​ @tatertot1097​
Y/N had to take a few minutes to let all that information sink in… She knew something happened the last year, she saw the craziness with her own eyes, but she never thought it was because of the apocalypse. She somehow felt hurt again, that they didn’t call her for help back then… “We didn’t want to drag you into a fight that wasn’t yours.” Dean explained to her. Of course, the fucking world was ending, and it was only Winchester’s business.
“So… Sam held Lucifer and then went to hell.” She resumed, Dean swallowed. “Then…Somehow, he is back, but without his soul.” She knew weird, hell she was weird but that… That was something that her mind couldn’t imagine. “And he’s been like that for a year now?” Both men nodded. “And what the hell you were doing that you didn’t know your brother was back?” She spat. She cared of Sam Winchester, and she was surprised, to say the least, that his own brother was doing something until now. Dean’s mouth opened, pain reflected in his eyes.
“I… I got out.” He admitted. “I was with somebody.” She hated herself for feeling something in her guts when his words filled her ears. Dean Winchester didn’t care of her, one more time life was showing her that and yet, she managed to feel something for him.
Suddenly a sound interrupted them, someone knocking at the door. The three hunters exchanged weirded looks. “You were waiting for somebody?” Dean asked Bobby and he shook his head. There was the knock again and Y/N was the first to stood up, taking her gun out. Another knock. She opened the door and…
“Sam…” She gasped. It was like looking him through a mirror, a reflection of the boy she once knew. The last time she saw him, he was twenty-one, a very thin and tall guy but now his shoulders were bigger, his hair was longer, and his eyes were darker. “Y/N?”  She wanted to hug him so bad, even though it wasn’t the Sam she missed. “Well… If you are here it means my brother told you, didn’t he?” Sam looked away and entered the house, giving a look to his brother and his adoptive father.
“What are you doing here?” Dean growled. “Relax, I just need something… Bobby, I’m hunting a banshee, I believe you have something I can use to kill her.” The man nodded. “Perfect, I’m gonna need it.” Bobby rolled his eyes and left the room followed by Sam.
“We definitely need to get his soul back… That guy is creepy.” She said to Dean, taking a sip of her liquor.  “Why don’t you call your angel friend?” Dean looked at her and felt a little relieved, now he wasn’t the target of her rage. “Castiel? Nah… He is not answering. You see why I had to call you.”
“Yeah… But I don’t even know where to… Wait a minute, I think I have an idea.” She stopped her words as Sam and Bobby appeared back. “Y/N don’t listen to my brother, I’m hunting better than ever. I think you could go back hating him now.” Sam said, with a creepy ass smile in his face. “Or do whatever you want, I don’t really care… And thanks for the knife, Bobby.” He waved him. “Whatever.” And as fast as he came, he left.
“You were saying?” The older Winchester said, Y/N eyes going back at him. “Ugh… Well, it’s kinda stupid but it may work.”
Two hours later Y/N was in Baby’s seat again. Her plan was running, no time to waste. It was weird, being in the same space as Dean Winchester again, even if Bobby Singer was with them at the back seat. “Y/N…” Dean started, lowering his voice. “Look… I know you hate me and I know that I deserve It but…”
“Don’t” She interrupted him. “I’m doing this for Sam. Whatever happened between us don’t matter know.” He agreed, his green eyes going back at the road while a little smirk made it way to his face. Why he was smiling? He asked himself when he felt his heart filling, he only felt that when Y/N was around, not even Lisa had that effect on him and now he realized that.
Meanwhile Y/N tried to think in anything but Dean, but just by seeing his smile she remembered old feelings. Like when she was fifteen and she saw Dean with other eyes… That mysterious vibe around him, and how he changed when she was around. She knew he was attractive, but she didn’t know how much until that night.
That seventeen-year-old Dean Winchester, mocking around with his brother, while Y/N was staring at him. The three of them were left alone by John and Rixon. “A very dangerous hunt.” They said, and decided it was a good idea to leave two and a half teenagers in Y/N’s small house.
“Hey Y/N, coming or what? Or are you afraid your boyfriend will come and see us?” Dean yelled. Y/N frowned, that didn’t make sense at all. She shook her head and walked down the porch to get closer to the boys. “You are incredibly dumb, you know?” He smiled, his perfect white teeth showing up. “And I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Why not? You are not a popular girl in that little high school of yours?” She rolled her eyes, she was anything but the popular girl. Even though she and her father had a house they were barely there, always living on the road, jumping from school to school. “Oh, and you for sure are popular with girls.” She said back. But well, it was friggin Dean Winchester, he was extremely hot, and she was sure that if she could see that, others could see it too. Slim but fit, a smile that would light an entire room, two pair of green eyes brighter than emeralds.
“Yeah, where? In bars? Dad don’t let him go…” Little Sam step closer, making fun of his brother. “Girls think he’s a creep.” The older brother looked down at Sam, piercing through his soul, making Y/N laugh. “Yeah, thanks, Sammy.”
It was almost midnight, Y/N with a bottle of beer on her hand, sitting at the porch simply watching the stars when Dean found her. “What are you doing?” He asked, pointing the bottle. “You are not supposed to drink that you know?” She looked at him and smiled. “Dean c’mon my father is not here.” He got closer and took the beer off her hand, but he took a sip too. For a single second Y/N fantasized about his lips being in the same place hers touched. “How is that you don’t have any boyfriend?”
“What?” She let out a nervous laugh. What she didn’t know and probably never did was that something happened to Dean, the same way it happened to her. The way Dean looked at her changed, she was no longer that little awkward girl that could kill a vampire by her own. Her body was changing, the same way his did and she moved as a woman, making his eyes roam all over her body. “You have pretty eyes, you know?” He said, softly, giving her back the beer.
“Dean, I think you are drunk…” He could be seventeen, but he could drink the same as a grown man. “Well, at least tell me you’ve been kissed.” She frowned and laughed again. “Yeah, why? You haven’t?” She didn’t notice, but Dean was so close he could smell the beer in her breath. “Nothing worth remembering…” He purred. And before any of them could know what has happening, their lips found each other, needy hands touching each other.
“Dean…” She sighed. “Have you done before?” His lips left her neck and kissed hers once more. “No… But I want to do it with you.” She took his face in her hands while she smiled. “Me too.”
That night they lose their virginity to each other, even though it was his first time, it made her feel loved, in a way that no one else had ever done before and a way no one else would. She asked herself multiple times how somebody as Dean was virgin, and why he decided to lose his virginity with her… A question that will hunt her for years.
In her still innocent mind, she thought that something changed between Dean and her, that was the beginning of a cheesy love story. But the very next day he made it clear. While they were in an arcade with Sammy, Dean suddenly disappeared, and Y/N left Sam playing a videogame to look for him.
She ended up in the restrooms, the door slightly open. She peered inside and what she saw broke her heart for the first time. A redhaired girl sitting on the sink, her skirt pulled up, her mouth opened, and her eyes closed while Dean’s lips kissed her neck the same way he did to Y/N the night before. Y/N heard his belt flying opened and she ran away, tears falling down her face.
Of course, Dean Winchester only used her just to have sex, so he could do it whenever he wanted. He used her, he didn’t care about her.
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Y/N looked her reflection in the window. Yeah, being around of Dean Winchester wasn’t being easy, already making her remember of everything he did to her. She looked at him once more. He was a man and he was, undeniably handsome. And something came to her mind, something mean… Maybe.
If Dean used her before, she could use him too. Yeah, saving Sam Winchester was her priority but if she could break Dean’s heart in the process she will do it. She wasn’t the same fifteen-year-old that believed his lies, she was different, and she would make him feel the same she felt.
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nancydrew65 · 6 years
SKAM Season 1 Thoughts
So, I am going to discuss my feelings about the first season of SKAM (i.e. what I liked and what I didn’t like about it)
So, I first heard about SKAM from one of my friends about a year ago. She was really into Scandinavian stuff at the time and she recommended the show to me. I think I watched half of the first episode and then I went, “This is boring” and I stopped. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE.                                  - A month or so ago I decided to check it out again, mainly because I kept seeing fanvids of Noorhelm remakes on youtube and I was like “Oh, yeah, this show. I should try watching it again”. I completely fell in love with the show. I am pretty sure I watched the entirety of Season 1 in one night.                - Brief Detour: I watched this video on youtube where this girl was comparing SKAM to a concert, where season 1 is the opening act that everyone suffers through to get to the main act (season 2). I cannot stress enough how much that analogy is a disservice to Season 1. Sure, Season 1 set up some storylines for Season 2, mainly Noorhelm, and introduced us to the characters, but Season 1 was about so much more than that! It was about the formation of the girl group and about Eva’s deteriorating relationship with Jonas and the isolation she felt being in that relationship.                                                                                                                                First off, let me tell you just how much I love the girl squad. Each of the girls has a distinct personality and each of them are strong in their own way. Even Vilde, who at first was so unlikeable, was given so much character development. Also, Sana is my QUEEN. I love how her sarcastic humor which is tempered by her love and fierce protectiveness of her friends. Noora was another super strong character who was awesome in Season 1. I think it is very important to show strong female friendships like this on screen, especially for teenagers. There are not enough TV shows and movies out there that portray close female friendships. Even shows with strong female characters have trouble with this. Too often in media, young women in particular, are shown to be catty and mean towards each other. It was really refreshing to see a supportive group of female friends. 
In that vein, I think the Julie Andem handled Ingrid and Iben’s characters very well. At first they seemed to be cruel and boy obsessed, but by the end of the season their characters developed and realized the importance of female friendship. It would have been easy to make the audience hate these characters, but Andem humanized them and made us sympathize with them. Like Eva, both of these girls were hurt and screwed over by their shitty boyfriends. One of my favorite scenes in Season 1, the one that stood out to me the most the first time I watched it, is the scene where Eva confronts Ingrid in the bathroom. I think it is such a powerful scene. Eva admits her wrongdoings towards Ingrid and admits it was the biggest mistake in her life. This is where we get to see how much Eva has grown since the first episode. 
Also, EVA’S DEVELOPMENT, guys. At the start of the show, she is very passive and lets Jonas make fun of her a lot. But over the course of the season, by making new friends, Eva rediscovers herself, a person almost eradicated by her relationship with Jonas. She realizes this and that’s what she tells Jonas when they are breaking up. She says she needs time to find herself again. Uggggghhh, I love this show!
I honestly can’t really say anything bad about Season 1. The only critique I would have is that it is a bit slow at the beginning. Like I said before, the first time I tried to watch it I gave up before even finishing the first episode. But by the time the girl group gets introduced, everything really clicks and you get hooked. This show has given me life and I will never stop being enthralled by it. I don’t think I will ever love anything this much. It’s fine, IT’S FINE.
Thanks for reading!
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witandcoffee22x · 6 years
TV show questions: Smallville!
Yessss okay!
my favorite female character: Lois Lane. I don’t even have to think about this one. I loved her from the moment she stumbled into that corn field to find Clark naked and unsuccessfully told herself to look at his face. Lois was a funny badass with a secret heart of gold. I feel like her introduction was a breath of fresh air for the show.
my favorite male character: Clark Kent. This show was all about his journey. I may have rolled my eyes at a lot of his decisions but his big heart and sincerity always won me over.
my favorite book/season/etc: This is a tough one. Season 4 was the one that made me fall in love with the show (and introduced Lois) so I’m going to have to go with that one, but if we’re talking later half of the series then Season 9 gets my vote for sure.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): The show had 10 seasons…way too many episodes for me to narrow down one favourite!
my favorite cast member: I honestly don’t know that much about the cast but Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) always seemed like he was hilarious and Erica Durance (Lois) seemed like she was/still is a total sweetheart.
my favorite ship: Ooh boy. Clark/Lois (Clois) without contest. I loved these two and every stage of their relationship. 
Not quite enemies or rivals but bickering constantly while we try to figure each other out? Yes please.
Low key respect/admiration that results in them agreeing to be secret friends (”Oh we’re friends now?” ”I won’t tell anyone if you don’t”.)? Umm fuck yes.
We still bicker and pretend that we don’t like each other but you know me better than anyone and I will talk about all your great qualities behind your back? Even better.
Oh shit I might have feelings for you oh no wait I definitely have feelings for you and that can’t happen so I’ll shove that waaayyy down for the time being? So. Effin. Good.
I thought I lost you for good and I couldn’t deal (also the world ended in a different timeline) so I’m going to look at you like you’re the goddamn sun and openly express how great you are until I just can’t take it anymore and kiss you? I’m having a heart attack.
You’re it for me. You make me want to do better/be better and also here’s everything there is to know about me because I love/trust you and want to make a life together.That’s. Mother. Effin. Growth.
I could go on about these two for hours but ultimately I loved the growth these two experienced together. Lois started out as a teenager adrift-an army brat without roots or direction-and found family and acceptance with Clark and the Kents who helped foster a sense of purpose. Clark started out afraid he wouldn’t be accepted and scared to be who he was/face his future and Lois was always there to punch him on the arm, make him feel normal, and push him to keep moving forward even before she knew about the superpower aspect. They were in each other’s corners even when they annoyed the hell out of each other and I loved the progression of their entire relationship.
a character I’d die defending: Lois again. I will never understand the hatred (and misogyny) that was directed towards her character and Erica Durance who played her.  
a character I just can’t sympathize with: I’ll probably get flack for this one but…Chloe Sullivan. I honestly loved her for the first half of the series but I found in the later seasons they did her a disservice by portraying her as infallible. Clark, Lois, Oliver…they were all allowed to make mistakes and own up to it and grow. Chloe’s questionable actions were always “justified” or never her fault. I feel like this made it hard to connect to her character as the seasons went on. 
a character I grew to love: Tess Mercer. I couldn’t have cared less about her when she was introduced in season 8 but she really grew on me. I almost said Oliver but let’s be real–I loved him from the get go.
my anti otp: Hmmm I have two I suppose. Lana/Lex for sure - talk about an f’d up, manipulative relationship and I hated that the show chose to make Lana a main source of contention for Lex and Clark when there was already so many possibilities there. The loss of their friendship should have been more about their differing philosophies and Lex’s slow descent into darkness, not romantic rivalry. I also don’t love Clark/Lana. I have no problem admitting that they were kind of sweet in the first two seasons (Clark setting up that movie screening outside for her birthday? Adorable!) but they grew to be unhealthy. Clark could never see past the girl-next-door version of Lana that he had placed on a pedestal since he was a kid and Lana constantly guilted Clark over not being ready to share all of his secrets. The show had these two so obsessed with each other that it held them back and refused to let them grow as characters…even their goodbye arc makes me cringe. Separately I liked both the characters but together…not so much. (** No hate if anyone likes either of these ships though…they just weren’t for me!)
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
March 9, 1944
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“Orson Welles Almanac” (1944) is a CBS Radio series directed and hosted by Orson Welles. Broadcast live in California and Arizona via CBS West Coast studios, the 30-minute program was heard Wednesdays at 9:30pm beginning January 26, 1944. Its last broadcast was July 19, 1944. Orson Welles Almanac presented readings from classic works, drama, music, sketch comedy, magic, mindreading, and personal commentary by Welles. Many of the shows originated from US Army camps where Welles entertained the troops. Welles had an ongoing battle with the program's sponsor, Mobil Oil, which shortened the life of the series. Twenty six broadcasts were produced; all but four shows have survived.
This is the seventh episode of the series, aired on March 9, 1944. Previous guests were Groucho Marx, Lionel Barrymore, Ann Sothern, Robert Benchley, Hedda Hopper, and Victor Moore.  Lucille Ball would return to the series to guest star on May 3, 1944. Unfortunately, this is one of the four lost episodes.  
Lucille Ball (Guest Star) was then filming Ziegfeld Follies for release in 1945.  Her films Best Foot Forward and Thousands Cheer (both released in 1943) were then in local cinemas. Ball was in her fourth year of a rocky marriage to Desi Arnaz, who she would divorce in September 1944, although the papers were never officially filed. The week prior to this broadcast, Ball guest starred on Bing Crosby’s radio show “Music Hall”.  
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Orson Welles arrived in Hollywood in 1939 when Ball was a contract player at RKO Studios. To squelch rumors that he was a homosexual, the studio sent Lucy to escort him to a premiere to be photographed. He later recalled,
“We went to see the opening of some movie or other—I simply picked her up at her house and we went to the movie and got photographed and came home and I said ‘Good night,’ and that was the end of that. That was the end of that romance, but it was the beginning of a long friendship.”
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A veteran of the theatre, in 1941 the actor / director completed his magnum opus film Citizen Kane. In the 1950s he was under contract to Desilu to film a pilot for an anthology series called “The Fountain of Youth,” which wasn’t aired until 1958 and did not result in a series. Despite that, it won a Peabody Award, the only pilot to ever do so.
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On February 5, 1956 Lucy and Desi appeared with Welles on Ed Sullivan’s “Toast of the Town.” They were there to promote their film Forever Darling. Welles was there to promote his revival of his King Lear at New York’s City Center, which he initially performed in a wheelchair due to injuries to both ankles. By the time he performed it on “Toast of the Town” (aka “The Ed Sullivan Show”) Welles was using a crutch.
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When the Oscar-winning actor and director was down on his luck he was invited to stay in the Arnaz guest cottage. Notorious for his drinking and rude behavior, Lucy had to find a way to politely get rid of her guest so she decided to have an episode of “I Love Lucy” written for him so she could pay him a salary. With that in mind, Desilu paid him the exorbitant sum of $15,000!  Ball’s memories of Welles were mixed. “I had a real love-hate relationship with Orson,” she said towards the end of her life. “His mind was awesome…but he was also a pain in the ass.”
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At the time of this broadcast (March 8, 1944) Welles’ film Jane Eyre was playing in cinemas. 
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Ella Mae Morse (Musical Guest) was signed by Jimmy Dorsey at the age of 14 (she lied about her age and said she was 19) and was subsequently fired after discovering the truth about her age. Her recording of "Cow Cow Boogie" was the first million-selling single for Capitol Records in 1942. Her biggest hit was "The Blacksmith Blues" released in February 1952. The song she sings here, “Shoo-Shoo Baby” (written by Phil Moore), would be heard in the about-to-be-released film South of Dixie in which she played Barbara Ann Morgan.  
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Agnes Moorehead (Prudence Pratt / Miss Grimace / Swoon Club Girl) was a member of Welles’ Mercury Theatre on stage and radio as well as starring in Welles’ films Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons. She is best remembered as Endora, Samantha’s mother-in-law on TV’s “Bewitched”. 
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Hans Conried (Colonel Peabristle / Hotel Operator / Frenchman / Dr. Snake Oil / Flat Top) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). After being a recurring guest on her radio show “My Favorite Husband” (1948-51), he appeared on “I Love Lucy” as used furniture man Dan Jenkins in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) and later that same season as Percy Livermore in “Lucy Hires an English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) – both in 1952. The following year he began an association with Disney by voicing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. On “The Lucy Show” he played Professor Gitterman in “Lucy’s Barbershop Quartet” (TLS S1;E19) and in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (TLS S2;E1). He was probably best known as Uncle Tonoose on “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas, which was filmed on the Desilu lot. He joined Thomas on a season 6 episode of “Here’s Lucy” in 1973.
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The All-Star Jazz Group: Mutt Carey (trumpet), Kid Ory (trombone), Jimmy Noone (clarinet), Buster Wilson (piano), Bud Scott (guitar), Ed Garland (bass), and Zutty Singleton (drums). 
John McIntire (Announcer) 
Orson Welles introduces the episode, opening with a Household Hint by Prudence Pratt and a Wonders of Science fact by Colonel Peabristle. After the opening music and Mobil Oil sponsorship message, Welles summons his secretary Miss Grimace to tell him who is on the show tonight. She reports that it is Miss Lucille Ball, although she hasn’t arrived yet.  Welles says she is filing her tax forms. 
WELLES: “Can you imagine. The Government wants Lucille Ball to fill in HER form!” 
Miss Grimace admits the three members of The Orson Welles Swoon Club.  Welles interrogates them as to their whereabouts during his public appearances. He wants new members, promising them nylons.   
Oops!  Welles mis-reads the script, saying “nylon baby socks” instead of “nylon bobby sox”. He corrects himself with a laugh and says “For me, it’s booby socks!”  Bobby soxer is a term for the wildly enthusiastic, teenage female fans of 1940s music, particularly Frank Sinatra.
Orson wants to know if they have gotten the new photographs he sent them. One of the Swoon Club compliments him on how he looks in his sarong - mistaking him for Dororthy Lamour in a Bob Hope / Bing Crosby picture. 
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Dorothy Lamour was nicknamed ‘The Sarong Girl’. In 1936 she donned her soon-to-be-famous sarong for her debut at Paramount, The Jungle Princess (1936), and continued to play similar parts through the war years and beyond. The most famous of these was in the popular Bob Hope / Bing Crosby "Road" pictures - a combination of adventure, music, and slapstick.
The Swoon Club feel sorry for Orson that he hasn’t won an Oscar, so they knit him a tie - which started out as a pair of socks.He dismisses the club.  
When the 16th Academy Awards were distributed at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Thursday, March 2, 1944, neither of Welles’ 1943 motion pictures were among the nominees: Jane Eyre and Journey Into Fear, which he also co-directed and co-wrote. Welles shared a 1942 Oscar with Herman Mankiewicz for writing Citizen Kane, a bone of contention between them, since Mankiewicz later claimed he wrote the entire script. The backstory is explored in the modern film Mank (2020). 
Miss Grimace reports that the Hotel Carlton is suing him. After he did a magic show there, the two rabbits ran rampant and did damage! Orson calls the hotel operator (Hans Conried) and learns that the hotel is now called the Carlton Rabbit Farm and the manager’s eyes have turned pink!  Welles asks Miss Grimace to send Lucille Ball roses. Miss Grimace says they are too expensive and he should send her something simpler, like phoenicia vulgaris. Welles says no because it sounds too dirty.  
Here Welles ad libs, causing Agnes Moorehead to break character and laugh. He mentions Lewis Titterton, the NBC censor and says “If you had a name like Louis Titterton anything would sound dirty. Let’s get back to the script.”  They try, but it takes a moment for their laughter to subside. 
A Frenchman from a reducing salon (Hans Conried) approaches him for an estimate on a new body. He measures Welles’ body with a tape measure. He was once the girdle coordinator at Bullocks basement for 15 years. 
FRENCHMAN: “If a size 44 tries to get into a 38, I help push!”
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Announcer John McIntire does a live commercial for Mobilgas with some driving tips.  
Before a musical introduction, Dr. Snake Oil (Hans Conried) gives a tip about dislodging a fishbone caught in the throat. 
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The All-Star Jazz Group plays "Bésame Mucho" ("Kiss me a lot"), a song written in 1940 by Consuelo Velázquez. It is now considered one of the most popular songs of the 20th century and of all times. It is also the most recorded and covered song in Spanish of all time. 
Welles welcomes Lucille Ball to the show to studio audience applause. Welles says he’s written a sketch full of romantic love scenes. Orson improvs a commercial for a sponsor Krunchies, a noisy breakfast cereal that gets soggy in milk. He introduces...
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Orson plays Mickey, a detective on his night off, reading the evening paper. Lucy plays his adoring wife, Dora. 
DORA: “Mickey, where were you last night?” MICKEY: “Don’t be silly, you know how I feel about you. You’re the eighth wonder of the world.” DORA: “Yeah, well, just don’t let me catch you with the other seven, bub!” 
Lounging in bed, Dora feels a cold hand which doesn’t belong to Mickey. She screams! There’s a dead man in their bed. 
MICKEY: “You know how difficult it is to find a room these days.”
Detective Mickey notes that the dead man has 18 knife wounds in him and no holes in his shirt.
DORA: “Must have been an inside job.”
They push the body off the bed and decide to turn out the lights and go to sleep.  In the darkness, they hear a squeaky door. 
WELLES (aside): “Fine thing, a squeaky door in an oil program!” 
The audience loudly applauds this ad-lib by Welles, and even Lucy chuckles.
Dora insists there’s someone in the closet. A body falls out of the closet and onto the floor with a loud thud. Someone throws a rock through their bedroom window with a note on it. 
Except the sound effect of broken glass does not happen. Welles laughs a bit but forges ahead. 
MICKEY (reading the note): “Keep your mouth shut and throw a thousand dollars out of the window or you’ll never get another sounds effect...no, excuse me... or they’ll be four bodies in your room.”
Another rock comes through the window - with a sound effect this time!
MICKEY (reading the note): "PS: I’ll settle for $950.” 
A knock at the front door. 
MICKEY: “That must be the murderer. Come in!  I’ll take that line again: That must be the murderer. Come in!”
The man, Flat Top (Hans Conried), pulls a gun on them and threatens to shoot.  
DORA: “Where’s your patriotism? You can’t shoot him. Don’t you know the government is trying to save waste fats?” 
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During World War II, the US government urged Americans to save excess fat rendered from cooking and donate it to the army to produce explosives. Fats are used to make glycerin, and glycerin is used to make things blow up.
As gunfire rings out, Welles does a Krunchies commercial, extolling their virtues with strawberries and cream.
WELLES: “You can have strawberries and cream. What do you need Krunchies for?”
Mickey is bleeding. During the commercial, Mickey has hit Flat Top on the head and called the police!  
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John McIntire does a commercial for Mobil Oil. He urges motorists to keep their car oil clean to avoid repairs. 
Welles introduces Ella Mae Morse, who sings “Shoo-Shoo Baby” backed by the All-Star Jazz Group.
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The song was also heard in the 1944 film Follow The Boys aka Three Cheers for the Boys sung by the Andrews Sisters. 
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Welles then takes a serious tone, dedicating the show to the premise that ‘every man belongs to all men.’ He reads from “Meditation 17″ by John Donne (1572-1631). 
Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris. Now this bell, tolling softly for another, says to me, Thou must die. 
All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated; God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God's hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to one another. And therefore the bell that rings to a sermon calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come, so this bell calls us all;  Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? But who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of this world?
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Welles bids the audience goodnight. 
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