#just buzzing in my brain
Some Future WIP ideas (inspired by songs)
Fic summaries & Songs below <33 (or just go off name alone)
American Healthcare (Penelope Scott)- Jason Centric AU, He goes to Med school and becomes a doctor in Gotham working alongside Leslie (but still hiding the fact he is Jason, because im a sucker for identity shenanigans) and reconnects with his family via Leslies meddling and a Vigilantes tendency to get injured at least once a week
Little Lion Man (Mumford & Sons) +You're gonna go far kid (The Offspring)- Damian Centric AU, one by one his siblings go missing until its up to him as the last bat to take down the big bad and go back to save his family before it's too late. (Lots of scenes of Damian seeing visions/ghosts of his siblings- aka Black Phone vibes)
Eleanor Rigby(Cody Fry) + Providence (Poor Mans Posion)- No Centric, but lots of Tim & Duke focus, having lived in Gotham and fed up by the injustice the kids break from their fathers values and set out to do what Red Hood tried and failed to take as far as it needed to go. They will work together to unite their siblings to a new mission. Can batman really face against his own children?
Stalkers Tango (Autoheart)- + Bust Your Kneecaps (Pompaloose)- Tim centric because he is a creepy little shit and I appreciate unhinged batfam. But make it Timber and its the whole family just supporting their creepy little brother over his obsessive crush (and Bernard whose lowkey into it) (dont worry about the second song, bernard lives)
Kiss With a Fist (Florence + The Machine)- Enemies to Lovers but make it aged up (obvi) DamiJon. Like let Jon have a little temper and Damian have someone who can match his little shit tendencies. They get along like a house on fire (much to the horror of the rest of the hero community) but the chaos possibility is *chefs kiss*
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justarmor · 1 year
ok but having miles hold gwen up with his web in the exact same way as when tasm2 gwen died, AFTER THEY LITERALLY TALKED ABOUT GWEN SUFFERING A TERRIBLE FATE AFTER FALLING FOR SPIDERMAN!!! and then to reverse that later on with gwen being the one to web him Like That and miles being the one to cut the thread and let himself fall, i’m going insane
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
I feel like there's so much fun to be had with Nightmare and Dream being from a time where language had very different meanings, especially with queer stuff.
Like, the word queer used to just mean odd or unusual. Imagine Nightmare and gang visiting an au they're not familiar with and Nightmare points out one of the residents and says "he looks awfully queer" and the gang is like "whoaaa boss you can't say that" and he's so confused.
Girls used to be the word for all children regardless of gender. Just picture Dream off-handedly telling Ink and Blue about how he and Nightmare used to get along so well "back when we were girls" and the other two just wordlessly accept that these two ancient emotion guardians are trans and super casual about it. Bonus if this is also happening in Nightmare's gang and when it all comes out both groups have to explain gender identities to their leader.
Gay meant joyful and carefree. You could go 50 different ways with this. Killer tries to come out like "boss... I'm gay" and Nightmare is like "??? alright... I'm glad you're happy". Dream sighs wistfully and says "I just wish we could all be a bit more gay" and Ink can't decide which joke to make he just has to go lie down. Nightmare rallying his boys before a mission like "my brother believes the entire world should be positive but there must be balance, we cannot all be gay." and they share a worried look like "shit was one of us supposed to be straight??"
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krazieka2 · 11 months
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starberry-skies · 2 years
plushies.... are one of... the best things. ever created. here is this animal that i love. i'm gonna make a little version just so i can hold it close. i'm scared of the things that go bump in the night, but this soft friend will protect me. a lion, a tiger, dogs cats bunnies... they're here to keep me safe. i love that.
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teehee-vibes · 3 months
Finally started listening to Riptide, new hyperfixation just dropped
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natasha-in-space · 12 days
I think not nearly enough people comprehend just how messed up Rika's and V's relationships truly was, actually. It is so easy to get hyperfocused on the big climax of their toxic obsession: the cult, the physical violence, and the secrets. But, like... You ever actually sit down and think about the sheer fact that V looked at Rika: a hurt, traumatized girl, terrified of being her true self, desperate for love she didn't even have a clear idea of in her own mind, safe for some very vague feeling she deemed to be 'love', and... He saw beauty in it. He was never malicious about it, nor did he even realize it fully, not until MC came into his life and pushed him into reevaluating his own worth as well as his views on what love truly is. But, at the time, he saw all that hidden pain and trauma in her, and he saw beauty in it. He was intrigued by it. It fascinated him. He desired to transform it into something even more stunning with his own two hands, analogous to an artist fixing his next big masterpiece. And she was his masterpiece. One he would paint and bend and mold into something he knew he wanted to achieve. It wasn't even a want, it was a craving. Not really knowing that he was just so racked with guilt and self-hatred after his mother's death, that he was merely trying to prove himself to no one but his own troubled and scared mind. To prove to himself that he could be an artist, and that he really could love like the sun. That he could save someone this time around, instead of losing them. Because, truth is, he could never be an artist, not in the way his soul truly longed for.
Rika was both his muse and his creation at the same time.
That's why he never encouraged her to get the help she desperately needed if she didn't want to do it herself. That's why he never got involved in any extreme ways until it became far too difficult for him to handle. That's why he told her time and time again that she was beautiful and perfect just the way she is, even when she herself would doubt and be deeply disturbed by his eager willingness to sink into the deepest of lows for her.
In a way, neither of them truly knew each other. It's a fact that they cared for each other at one point in time. But they didn't see each other as equal individuals to grow and change alongside. For Rika, V was her sun she adored and loathed all the same. He was not a person, he was just an anchor that kept her steady and a cruel reminder of all she could never be. For V, Rika was his canvas to pour his locked away feelings onto. She was not a person, she was a living proof of his ability to create and love in a way he desperately craved.
And in the end, that destroyed and scarred both of them. Not only them, but also many completely innocent individuals who were caught in the crossfire.
What a big, complicated, and horrible mess these two are.
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cherry-bomb1985 · 2 months
I feel like The Father and Hell both understand and experience love in all the worst ways.
The Father sought to create a life form that would follow and love him unconditionally. It wasn't enough that he had a great cosmic kingdom of angels who are unquestioningly loyal, no, he needed something that knew suffering and mortality and the threat of oblivion, and would still find love at the end; love for him above all else. But after numerous implied failures at that, in his desperation, he instead created the threat of eternal damnation to force them to love him in order avert that fate. Lucifer's words must have been like a splash of cold water, but by the time he realized sheer magnitude of suffering he had unintentionally set into motion, it was too late. He could not destroy Hell; he could not stop the cycle of violence.
That guilt drove him to seek a death that, from the looks of it, eluded him in spite of the hollowness consuming him. And now he is... somewhere, helpless to stop his experiments from consuming one another and themselves in a glorious show of blood and violence.
And then there's Hell itself, who seems to recognize love as an act of violence and cruelty. It is something that derives joy only from the suffering of other living creatures. God gave it so many toys to hurt and break and reform, and Mankind gave it new ones. Why would it understand love as anything but? It gave Minos a facsimile of the son he is most ashamed of, and delighted when he cast it, once more, into a labyrinth. Gabriel flattened all the souls within it's confines beneath his heel and gave those that did bend false hopes.
Now there's V1, tearing its way through the remaining layers and creating a spectacle of violence like nothing Hell has ever witnessed before. How could it not love them all for all the entertainment they've provided?
But deep within its recesses, hidden away from the eyes of Heaven, there was a Gutterman. A machine built for war, who eventually came to love that which it gave it life at the cost of their own. Enough to give the human welded within their coffin the mercy that both Heaven and Hell had denied them; enough to write a single love letter to them, even knowing that it would never be read by its intended recipient.
So, as things turn out, you /can/ teach a machine to love. And they will understand and experience it more sincerely than God or Hell ever could.
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pigeon-princess · 4 months
i need to know eeeeverything about the got ttrpg oh my god
AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We are completely obsessed with our Game of Thrones/ ASOIAF tabletop game at the moment, we’ve all gone crazy! It’s an almost obsolete TTRPG but we’re dragging it out of the dirt to play our funny little characters.
I'm currently in the middle of writing up a whole breakdown of our first 3 sessions and I have a bunch of artworks I've been hoarding hahaha. We've had some insane story things happen to us and I'll be able to share everything soon! It's been so much fun having our game set in 207 AC during the Blackfyre Rebellions (91 years before Game of Thrones and the same timeline as the Dunk and Egg stories) because its a very bad time to be a Targaryen bastard! A family can be two bratty Targaryens, a disgraced war criminal and the young maester that they blackmailed into travelling with them.
Heres some silly Gwyn art I've drawn in the meantime!!
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911 Lone Star -> 2.08 Bad Call | Carlos + his reaction to praise
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solargeist · 3 months
It hurt in the beginning, but it hurt much MUCH more later on. You aren't even really aware that things are happening to you. They are subtle like that. After all, They have had the chance to prefect this process down to almost the second of becoming like Them.
Unfortunately, the perfected method is very painful. You feel it in your bones. Just a dull ache that makes you think of growing pains as a child. Something that once was easy to do; no longer works for how your body is structured (like climbing a tree or how when you used to cry, it would always be with tears that made your face too hot).
The shift from bones to being in your muscles would seemingly happen over night. Tendons feeling too rubbery and bendable and cartilage always became brittle. The nosebleeds became normal, and you are reassured that it is normal. (After all, it is to them.)
Eventually, it buzzes under your skin. Sometimes it feels like a phone vibrating under anywhere that might have blood, but then others it's impossible not to think of their being insects just under the first layer. (There are no bugs in the End. You know that. At least, you haven't seen any Endermites...) You hear it in your ear drums. Your teeth rattle ever so slightly in a way that makes your jaw hurt. The perpetual motion makes stomachs easier to upset and falling asleep almost impossible.
But eventually, after sitting too long in discomfort, you find out the meaning of these sorenesses. It is so much easier to mold something if it has been made pliable. They desire to bend, to snap, to stretch you as far as you'll go and then go farther.
Watchers are massive things in their fullness. Large and hulking creatures that can blot out the sun at their full hight. But one simply does get to being that size naturally. No, they had to be pulled up; spines and fingers being elongated, arms and legs extending out, and smiles made even wider to show more teeth.
The smile is why Grian doesn't ever bother having one shown. He hates to remember hooks pulling at his cheeks.
The way you go from DMing me to put him in a microwave, to this, is always fascinating, really, a littol gift to me 🫶
I think the Watcher holds his hair back when he’s sick, or gently rubs his back when he’s sore, even though it’s their fault he’s like this!!
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toothbrushfingers · 1 year
i just saw a post talking about this absolute beast
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and i wanted to point out my favorite similarities to this absolute beast
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the Red Death and the Bewilderbeast.
they’re both rare alpha species dragons. which i think is really interesting.
they’re referred to as the queen and king respectively.
what i think is the most interesting is that there are 2 of them (alpha type dragons), but one is distinctly more powerful than the other.
with the red death, it would seem only dragons of her nest are loyal to her. she has an influence over them yes, but she cannot fully control them. let alone have control over any dragon she’d like.
whereas the bewilderbeast can fully control any dragon he feels like. Like full-on mind control do what I want, not just “hey get me some food or i’ll eat you”.
another cool way that dreamworks connected them is the sound they make. and i’m not talking about roars.
i’m talking about this background ambient noise. it’s so faint you can barely hear it, but if you listen closely you’ll hear that it’s the same sound.
listen carefully to these clips.
this sound is what controls the dragons, and it’s the exact reason Hiccup covers Toothless’s ears in httyd 2.
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it really is the little things 😌
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katemagic · 4 months
I have the longest episode 6 meta post that I need to actually finish asd;fljka;sdlkaf but FIRST I need to immediately talk about the whole memory erasing pen thing
like achi giving karan a pen that he says will erase his memory so that achi doesn't remember seeing karan exhibit this intense vulnerability that clearly was tough for him to show is just a stunningly kind and loving thing for achi to have done in that moment, and did in fact make me weep. but the fact that the episode ends with karan asking achi if he can try to forget about the love confession and achi interrupting him to be like nope I'm not going to do that!! is just the most wonderful and loving thing he could have done for him and for himself too, and is even more beautiful and romantic
like taking care of karan in the past was giving him an out so that karan didn't have to feel uncomfortable around achi or ashamed of achi seeing him like that, as well as allowing karan to put some distance between him from that awful night. but taking care of him in the present is bravely facing all of his confusing feelings and actually making himself look at how he feels and recognizing the love (bc IT'S LOVE IT'S OBVIOUSLY LOVE) he feels for him and running to the airport and saying it right to his face as soon as he can
I'm just stunned at the bravery and kindness achi shows despite having extremely low self-worth and no experience with love and this parallel made me feel completely insane because it's perfect. it is wholly and completely perfect. the episode starts with karan being brave and ends with achi being brave. they both explicitly state their feelings and finally get to hold each other and karan gets to let out 7 years of emotions and cry on him and achi gets to assure him he's not dreaming and wipe his tears away and my god. my GOD love is real.
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madfantasy · 6 months
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Nose Hook
Sev has many uses for it c: (I know i said it's the last 1 but I'm actually enjoying drawing this way)
29.11.2023, Commission/Support Mani
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fayzart136 · 2 months
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You're the concept of a man and of an object!
(an OC that I've been working on these days. It's a shapeshifter/doppelganger that is.... well lets just say that its dating life is a bit complicated. The caption is from Catharsis by AlicebanD, and more info about the story under the cut!)
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Helian, he/him. Tailor-made to be well-liked and loved. His partner did not take the news of him being a shapeshifter well, to put it gently.
The closest the shapeshifter has to a "true form", though it doesn't really have one. Any form it takes is done on purpose. If asked to create a shape that represents its "baseline" best, this is what it would pick. But it doesn't enjoy being without identity. (It talks about itself in the third person, thats how little "self" it considers itself to have.)
Luna, she/her. The form she'll take throughout most of the story. She took the name, face and personality of a dead woman, at her husband's request...
Life is hard for a people-pleasing shapeshifter...
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arcticpuppeteer · 1 month
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Becoming a local in the UK: obediently queueing for over an hour to grab this one.
Love you too, Miles, our beam of sunshine 🤗
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