#just let people have fun together you do not have to participate or seethe about it
foxpunk · 1 year
do people complaining about meme bandwagons and incorrect meme usage like. hear themselves kasjdhgf
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DMC Questions Anon here!
Before you read this next question:
I was informed that it would be a good idea for my questions to be answered with a specific tag so if people wish to block it they could. Please tag your answers to any question I send you with "dmc questions anon" and I think that should work.
If you wish to be taken off the list, ask. If somebody wishes to be placed on the list, ask. If your anon asks are off and you wish to participate, just make a post answering the question you see going around.
Remember you do not have to answer every question, so please don't feel pressured to do so.
Please also remember to take as long as you need! Do not rush yourself, this is supposed to be a fun activity and I don't want anyone to feel stressed out by trying to rush to answer questions.
Now onto the actual question:
How would you rank the 5 games in the Devil May Cry series? (By story)
Separately, if you want, how would you rank extended material? (The DMC1 Novel, The DMC3 Mangas, The Anime, The DMC2 Novel, Deadly Fortune, Before the Nightmare, and Visions of V, all of which can be found (along with other stuff) here: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html)
If you wish, how would you rank all of it together in one big list?
Omg hiii anon!!!!
I’m gonna be honest and say I haven’t made my way through all the dmc side content yet, I’ve only managed to read Visions of V so I guess I have to rank that number one. Ive also watched some of the anime, but not enough to really give it a firm rank. I’ve been kinda busy lately so I just haven’t had the time to finish reading all the novels
And onto the games!!!!!!
Number 5:Dead last
Devil May Cry 2. Okay yeah this should not be a surprise. DMC2 failed in pretty much every category when it comes to games. The story is just mind numbingly boring. Let’s move on
Number 4:Pretty Eh but doesn’t really hold up well with the later entries
Devil May Cry 1. Someone on Reddit said this the best but when you compare it to later entries DMC1 kinda feels like filler. I am all for a DMC1 remake of it means giving Mundus a much more satisfying ass whooping (and more screen time for Trish!!!! She deadass isn’t there for half the game!!!! I literally forgot she existed in that game halfway through!!!!)
Number 3:Concepts were great but man they missed some potential
Devil May Cry 4. The concepts of a religious cult ruling and island and creating angels from the power of demons rules. And putting us in a position where Dante was the “bad guy” was actually really cool. But half of the game is just backtracking as Dante which puts the story on hold. The scrapped concepts for DMC4 were so cool and so should’ve been included man :((
Number 2:Overcoming your daddy issues
Devil May Cry 3. Dante and Lady both had amazing arcs throughout this game. With Dante accepting his repressed past and demon side and proudly claiming himself as son of Sparda who harbours his soul. It’s enough to make a grown man cry. And Lady’s arc of learning that not all demons are evil, and finally being able to extract revenge on her father. And who can forget that famous “even a devil May cry when he looses someone he loves” line. And I ain’t gonna pretend Vergil wasn’t a banger part of this game’s story cause he was a banger part of this game’s story. A man who seeks power to the point of self-destruction. Who is just as fucked up as Dante but refuses to let himself feel those emotions, and instead filling the blanks with raw strength. And the post credits scene with Mundus…..biting and chewing and killing……ough the post credits scene with Mundus…..
Number 1:That’s intergenerational trauma babyyyy
Devil May Cry 5. As much as I mald and seethe about how dirty Lady and Trish were done in DMC5 I truly do fucking love DMC5. Watching Vergil finally gain the capability to express his emotions and be able to reconcile with his past and his trauma and work for a better future got me wailing and weeping. Watching Nero be able to prove that yes, he is powerful and capable as a devil hunter got me weeping and wailing. Seeing Dante and Vergil finally being able to reconstruct their sibling bond after so many years and keep their sibling rivalry on less violent terms got me weeping and wailing. Everything about V got me wailing and weeping. Nico was such a good addition to this franchise with her personality and how she bounces off the others with her snarky little remarks and was a good source of comedy relief during rough times. The passing of the torch moment was honestly so powerful and I’m actually really looking forward to seeing how Nero can carry on that torch through the series. And the references to the DMC anime in the forms of Patty and Morrison were really neat too.
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 4 years
I see a lot of hcs based on fem readers with Daddy Issues, but how would the guys react to having a male s/o with Mommy Issues?
Warnings: Swearing. Emotional abuse. Signs/descriptions of physical abuse.
Incarnation: Bayverse
Extra Info: Masc!Reader.
You Speaking; Mother Speaking
He could tell your mental state was declining
You were becoming more and more isolated within yourself
You became more protective of yourself
You flinch when people around you move too fast
You refuse to go into his arms when he offers you a hug
So, he decides to talk to you about it
You tell him everything’s fine
“Well, obviously that’s wrong. Anyone can tell.”
You just don’t respond
You go back to your mother’s apartment
It was no longer home to you, just a place of residence
It has been for far too long now
That night, Leo came to the apartment
He found the window of your room open, so he knew you weren’t completely pushing him away
He entered your room silently, knowing your mom was likely right down the hall
But when he looked at your bed, he found it empty
He went to the door of your room, which- luckily- remained closed
He pressed his ear to it, trying to listen to the other side
He heard yelling
His heart started racing, and he considered leaving your bedroom to come to your aid
But then he realized it was your voice
You were defending yourself
But then a louder voice overpowered yours
His heart dropped into his stomach
“You are such an ungrateful child! I give you everything you ever need and you still ask for more! I give you a roof and a bed and food, and yet you expect that comes for free!”
“I know it’s not free! I just want-”
“You want everything you don’t need!”
“I want a fucking mother!”
“You have one!”
He heard a loud slap of skin against skin
Then footsteps
Then the door handle turning
He backed away from the door, praying it was you
And it was
You were near tears, and they were about to spill over 
But then you saw him, and you closed the door behind you as hard as you could without slamming it
“What are you doing here?” you whispered to him, harsher than you would have in any other situation
“I was worried about you, Love. And this proved me right.”
You start crying.
He offers you his arms
You nearly fall into them
He holds you close, whispering words of comfort and protection into your hair until you fall asleep
You had always been a bit closed off when it came to talking about your parents
He figured that you didn’t talk about them because no one really really liked talking about their parents
So, he let it be
But then he goes to your apartment one night while your mother is out, and he sees it
A large bruise on your cheek and jaw that looks like a handprint
He feels like he could fight the entire population of New York City if it meant hurting the person who hit the person he loves
But you stop him, telling him it’s happened before and it’ll happen again
That only fuels his fire
He demands to know who did it, but you refuse
He starts begging you
You have never seen him beg
When he finds out it was your mother, he breaks
He has to go up to the rooftop and start screaming
You’ve seen him angry, yes, but never like this
He goes back to the Lair, seething
He wants to ask Donnie to search down your mother’s place of work so he can give her hell
But you had told him to keep it between the two of you
So, he made sure he was able to help take care of you 
Patching your physical wounds, and was gentle with you to help heal the emotional ones
This lasted a few months
Then, one night, you arrived at the Lair with a backpack on your shoulder and a duffel bag in hand
Leo was the one who found you collapsed on the ground, as he was the first to enter the Lair after patrol
Raph, however, was the one who picked you up like one would a young child
He brought you to Donnie’s lab for a check-up and told Mikey to put your bag onto Raph’s bunk
Leo got you some snacks from the kitchen
When you were deemed alright, Raph was left alone with you
He asked what happened
“I got away… I went to police headquarters, and Jade recognized me- Vincent’s assistant. I… She’s been arrested, Raph…”
Raph’s eyes widened
“She… She is?”
You nodded, nearing tears
“I left after a fight worse than usual- I’m covered in bruises, and I have months worth of evidence on my phone. They took her in for child abuse and we go to court next week.”
He takes you in his arms to hold you but is very careful to not hurt you
“I’m so proud of you, darling,” he says to you
“I…. I’m going to be emancipated… I’m free…”
You had never heard him cry before
He notices the signs right away
He sees your eyes glaze over when he mentions your mother
He sees you hesitant to leave the Lair when you know you have to go back to your apartment
He sees you flinch whenever Raph and Leo start going at each other’s throats
He sees you flinch when Mikey moves too fast around the Lair, especially if he’s going vaguely in your direction
He takes you into his lab one day to talk about it
“It’s nothing, I… My mother and I have a weird relationship, that’s all.”
That’s all you would say about it
A few weeks later, you come to him, seething
You make him stop whatever he’s doing and press him against his lab table, capturing his lips in your own
You two participate in Adult Fun Time™ right on his lab table
It isn’t your first time doing this together, but it is the first time that it happened suddenly
“What was that for?” he asks you afterward
“I… I wanted to prove my mother wrong, even if I’m the only one who knows that it happened,” you tell him
He gives you a slightly confused look
“I… She… She told me…”
He sees how anxious you got 
“It’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it-”
“She told me no one will love me, and that no one will want to be with me. Physically.”
Donnie’s heart breaks a lot more than he’d like to admit
He pulls you to his plastron and sits in his chair, holding you
“I could never imagine leaving you. You are perfect- especially to me.”
If Mikey and Raph’s room had a door, you would have slammed it as you entered
You were glad Mikey was alone in the room, laying on his bed while using his phone
You fell onto his bed next to him, letting him habitually wrap his arms around you
He felt how tense you are and immediately turned off his phone
“Talk to me, angel,” he says to you
You huddle into him, letting him hold you a little bit tighter
“My mom’s being a prick again.”
“What did she say?”
You hated how close you were to crying
“She… I showed her the song I made. She told me it’s awful and I won’t make it…”
Mikey kissed your hair
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
“I fucking know that…” you mutter
He continued to hold you, whispering words of comfort until you fell into a dreamless sleep
That conversation happened a few years ago now.
You were finally able to move out of your mother’s grasp and drop contact with her, but you remained in the city
You were becoming more and more successful
And then, you get a call: you were going to become an official artist
A record company heard your work and wanted to officially produce your music
Mikey is the first person you told
He celebrated with you
A few days later, while you were at the Lair, you get another call that was rather unwanted
“Y/n, when were you going to tell me you were becoming official?” your mother asked you
“I wasn’t.”
“How come? I always knew you would make it-”
“That’s a fucking lie and you know it.”
With that, you hung up
Mikey, who overheard the conversation, let you scream into his pillow and he rubbed your back
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Character Analysis P2
Hey all! I was going to call this “Gym Leader Analysis”, but I really wanted to talk about Leon and Sonia too. We’re just keeping this series going! Keep an eye out for P3 (It’ll probably be posted in the same night).
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AGE: 26
ETHNICITY: Half Hispanic, Half Black
Leon is definitely cool uncle friend. I know he is a hot mess and can barely look after himself, but I just feel like he is so good at taking care of other people. 
Leon is a man of many faces. He can pump up a crowd one moment and rid his face of emotion the next. It is definitely jarring when someone first gets to know him. 
Leon is pansexual. He pretty much flirts with anyone (within his age range, of course). That being said, he isn’t out to the public yet. He isn’t ashamed of it at all; he just doesn’t want his sexuality to be the only thing he’s known for. 
Speaking of flirting, there is nobody he flirts harder with than Raihan ;) 
Leon was 12 when his dad died, and it hit him really hard. Since the rest of his family took it even harder than he did, he internalised a lot of his pain and focused on trying to help raise Hop. He doesn’t really feel like he ever got the closure he needed. 
Oh boy, is Leon protective over Hop. There is a 10 year age difference between them, so he will always feel like Hop is his “Baby Brother”. 
(Fun fact: He develops a similar relationship to Gloria when he becomes her Champion Mentor). 
Leon is a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He doesn’t really process the fact that some of the things he deals with are incredibly dangerous, which is a bit concerning to his friends. On a more lighthearted note, this means that he will ride any roller coaster without breaking a sweat. 
Cannot cook to save his life. 
Leon, like Hop, has ADD. That’s why he’s always getting lost/seems to have trouble keeping focus. 
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AGE: 26
Sonia is the smartest out of our gaggle of characters and she knows it. 
She and Leon entered the GPL together, but she dropped out before going to Hammerlock. Sonia originally joined the league thinking it was something she wanted to do because she was good at pokemon battles, but she quickly learned that the rigorous lifestyle trainers live wasn’t for her. 
Sonia had an uncertain period of her life where her best friends had all become gym leaders and she was stuck in Wedgehurst helping her grandmother. She definitely had imposter syndrome when hanging around them, so for a few years, she kept her distance. Attending University really helped her start to find her footing, though she wasn’t sure what branch of pokemon studies she wanted to focus on (until the game starts). 
She has a strong pokemon team, but she doesn’t fight with them anymore. She mostly keeps them around for company and they help her with her research! 
Sonia is super close with Hop. After becoming champion, Leon asked her to keep an eye on him. They very much have a sibling relationship (though neither will admit it). 
She is the friend that is overly invested in everyone’s love lives. Sonia is constantly trying to set everyone up together because she “just loves love”. 
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AGE: 25
Tall boy! Raihan is freaking huge, and being around everyone else in the League only heightens this fact. He jokes that the one thing he will always hold over Leon is their height difference. 
You would think Sonia is the biggest gossip, but we all know that Raihan is. You can trust him if it’s something serious, but you have to preface that. If you don’t, you may as well kiss your secrets goodbye. 
Raihan is the best person to go to when you need help. He has big Gryffindor energy and will literally do anything you need him to. If he doesn’t, you just have to call him out for “being a coward”. His pride will definitely be the death of him. 
Raihan has the biggest social media presence despite not being champion. He is really good to his fans and will try to interact with them as much as possible. Will always sign autographs or stop to take a picture. 
He met Sonia, Leon, and Nessa through the GPL (they were all in the same season). He beat out Nessa but lost to Leon in the finals. Raihan took the defeat pretty hard and made it his goal to dethrone Leon, so he fought Hammerlocke’s previous gym leader and the rest is history. 
He really wants to impress Leon ;)
Bede once challenged his for his throne, but lost. Raihan always brings this up to him now that they’re both gym leaders just to piss Bede off. 
He really likes egging on his friends. Raihan never crosses the line, but he’ll say just the right thing to make you challenge him to a pokemon battle. 
Puts on a brave face, but definitely lets negative comments get to him.
The chaotic one in the friend group. 
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AGE: 22
Such a pure, soft boy. Literally the nicest, chillest person. He just scares people off with his edgy demeanour. 
He cares a lot about the people in his town. Since Spikemuth is small, it definitely feels like everyone there is a family. It was the main reason he refused to move the Dark Type Gym to a different location to obtain a Dynamax hotspot. (That, and he hates Dynamaxing). 
Speaking of, he is fairly new as a gym leader! Leon nominated him to participate in the GPL after noticing his raw talent in the GJPL (Galarian Junior Pokemon League). Piers didn’t expect to make it as far as he did, but he was truly the dark horse of his season. He made it all the way to finals and wiped the floor with the gym leaders he went up against. He did end up losing, but he used the newfound fame he received from participating to kickstart his band.
Two years later, Leon approached him again and asked if he was still interested in becoming a new gym leader. It started as a small, non league Gym, but his notoriety quickly gained Spikemuth new attention. He joined the League only one year after debuting. 
Despite being crazy talented at being a pokemon trainer, Piers really isn’t interested in it anymore. He likes the freedom that comes with pursuing his music career. (It definitely helped that his little sister shaped up to be an astounding pokemon trainer herself). 
Coolest big brother ever. Marnie chastises him for pampering her, but they are definitely best friends. They’re the type of siblings that, if one of them goes to the grocery store, the other will just tag along. 
Dad Friend. 100% a Dad Friend. Literally adopts Marnie’s friends the second he sees them. (Who are these twerps? Ok, I guess they’re my children now). Would never admit to this fact. 
Piers and Marnie grew up in an artsy family with three other brothers (he is the exact middle child). They weren’t rich, but they are all super close and supportive of each other. 
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AGE: 25
Looks are definitely deceiving with this one. Nessa is good at keeping a serene face, but if she loses, she is definitely seething underneath. 
So pretty, oh my god. She was scouted by a modelling agent during her GPL season. Nessa only signed after she lost the Finals Tournament. Her career started as something to keep food on the table now that she couldn’t become champion, but she has grown to respect her craft. She likes to use it to promote small businesses and make political statements. 
Nessa was trained by the previous gym leader of Hulbury (another water type trainer), so it was no surprise to anybody when she tried to hand their title off to her. Nessa refused to take it without winning a pokemon battle, fair and square. 
She is super athletic! Nessa was on the swimming team throughout school and won several region championships! Sometimes during the off season, she’ll help teach swim classes to younger kids. 
Best friends to lovers with Sonia! They met during their GPL but didn’t start to get romantic feelings towards each other until 6 years later. Everyone knows that Nessa has a girlfriend, but she keeps the fact that it is Sonia private because she doesn’t want the crazy fanboys to target her. 
Nessa takes on a big-sister-role to all of the new female gym leaders (Gloria, Marnie, and Bea). She and Melody will literally strike down anyone who even looks at their girls funny. 
Her relationship with Milo is hilarious to anyone who isn’t them. Nessa is convinced that they are rivals and must constantly train against each other in order to get stronger. Milo sees her as his best friend and will bake her treats for when they meet up. (Also, Kabu is their dad. I’m just stating facts). 
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funkwhistle · 4 years
Two of Clubs
Pairing: Josiah Trelawny x GN!Reader
Warnings: It’s all fluff again, there’s a creepy stranger
Words: 1.4k
Notes: I mean this is a bit of a mess, but I wanted to write for him, he holds a vv special place in my heart. Just a bit of fun in the saloon with Trelawny.
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You sat at the table in the saloon, praying the last card the dealer would flip over was a six; then you'd have three sixes, which hopefully might let you win. Across the table from you, your friend you'd made playing poker, Josiah, smirked at his cards, it was just you and him left in the game, and you wanted nothing more than to beat that smug look off his face. He was comparatively renowned in this saloon for winning poker, being able to tell the opponents strategies from a few rounds. You would give everything to win for once, you were sick of losing money to him by now, even if he did buy you a drink with his winnings each time.
“Two of clubs,” the dealer said finally, turning over the last card, much to your disappointment. You had an eight high and a pair of sixes, nothing to be proud of. Across from you, Trelawny laid down his hand; with the two that had just been placed he had four of a kind. 
“See, my dear, I will always win,” he smiled, scraping all the chips towards him.
 “I don't know how you do it,” you said, pushing some remaining chips towards him as you handed your cards back to the dealer. 
“Win? Poker is a game of luck my dear, and I am one lucky fellow,” you laughed a little at his response.
Deciding you'd bet enough for the evening, you thanked the dealer and left the table, you could hear Josiah gladly counting his winnings behind you. As you went to settle yourself at the bar, sliding some money at the barman for a beer, he did not join you, opting instead to keep playing poker. Brushing it off, you sipped contentedly on your beer; you came here regularly to play, and yet you felt as though you knew nobody — sure you recognized some upper-class women who would drink cocktails in the corner, or the pianist, but you had never spoken to anyone. 
You finished one beer and as you were ordering your second a man slid into the seat beside you, much to close for your liking on the empty bar. Awkwardly, you shuffled away from him, realizing you couldn't move any further back as you were at the end of the bar. He was grinning toothily at you, and you had the pleasure of being able to take in the remnants of old food which littered his moustache. 
“How's someone as good-looking as you sittin' alone in the bar?” he asked, and you were overwhelmed with the smell of alcohol on his breath as he spoke. Trying not to breathe in the stench, you shrugged, looking desperately over his shoulder for something or someone which could help you, your guns had been left upstairs in the room you were renting. The man was leering at you, taking sips from the beer you'd just ordered which at next to him on the side; he could have it, there was no way you'd be drinking from that now.
“Ahem?” you couldn't see around the man to see who'd spoken, but the relief flooded you, praying this person was about to aid your predicament. When the stranger placed a very distinctive white glove on the man's shoulder you realized who it was; nobody in this town wore white gloves apart from a certain moustachioed man — Josiah Trelawny. 
The man diverted his interest in one moment off you, glancing to see who was behind him. Before he had the chance to react, Trelawny had grabbed your hand and pulled you past the man, so you were pressed against his chest. For a second, you froze, not sure what was happening, you could only see the man seething and could vaguely hear Trelawny speaking to someone. You relaxed a little into his grip, your head lying on his chest as you took him in; he smelled much cleaner than any of the other people you'd spoken to in here, almost as though he bathed regularly. 
“-leave my wife alone,” you zoned back into the conversation to find him still speaking in a measured manner to the rogue at the bar. And then the penny dropped, and you couldn't help but smile. Mentally, you scolded yourself, you barely knew this man and yet, you didn't mind standing here, in his arms. After a while, and something being passed between the two men, you felt him guiding you out of the saloon and onto the street, not letting you go. 
“Thank you dearest,” you said as you left, loud enough for the man at the bar to hear. Once you got outside, he moved from having his arm around your back to holding your hand in his as he guides you down one of the alleyways near the saloon. 
“I can't thank you enough, you saved me in there,” you said once you'd stopped, but you didn't let go of his hand, content with the feel of it in yours. It was now you realized how close the pair of you were, your heart was pounding out of your chest, you'd never felt this way about this man before - hell you'd never spoken to him much outside of the saloon.
“No worries, I hoped you would participate, and you astounded my expectations,” Trelawny said, moving a little closer to you, so you could nearly rest your head on his chest again. Looking up at him, you drank him in for the first time; from his well maintained facial hair, to the lines around his eyes as he smiled. While you'd never had feelings for this man before, you wanted nothing more than for him to hold you close again, telling you it would be alright.  The pair of you stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and you were convinced he could hear the pounding of your heart. It would take almost nothing just to stand on your tiptoes and kiss him now.
“Ah! There you are,” someone calling distracted the both of, he dropped your hands and stepped back from you. From the end of the alleyway someone stood; you didn't recognize their face, but they wore one of the cowboy hats you'd see outlaws wearing. Muttering a hurried apology, Trelawny left you, following the man out of the alley and down one of the other side streets on Saint Denis. 
In fact, you didn't see Trelawny again for several months, you continued to ledge at the saloon, spending your time either playing mindless games of poker or helping the barman out with odd jobs. Without Josiah's competition, you found yourself winning more frequently, collecting many dollars from rich men. And you enjoyed every minute, there was nothing more satisfying than seeing an upper-class man fall victim to your poker face. 
But, while you were content with your life, your heart earned for something more. Every time the door swung open to reveal a tall man in a Tux your heart would leap, hoping he might return, and you could tell him how you'd been feeling. 
He didn't come back for nearly a year, but when he did return it was on a rainy Tuesday evening; the saloon was comparatively deserted, with only a few regulars drinking at the bar. You saw him outside before he came in, his top hat setting him apart from the usual city dwellers, as well as his spotted horse which he'd hitched outside. As soon as you saw him, you rushed to the door, running into the rain without caring if you got drenched, too desperate to see him again. 
When you reached him, he turned, and his face lit up at the sight of you, moving towards you, not caring you were both in the middle of the street. His hands cupped your face, pressing a gentle kiss onto your lips, and suddenly, your heart leapt, as though everything was finally coming together, his hands felt cold on your warm face, but you didn't mind. You both stood for a moment, shocked at each other's reactions before you deepened into the kiss, his hands moving to support you as your knees went weak. He deepened the kiss, you could feel his tongue skating over your lips, trying to make up for the time you'd spent apart from the other one. Your hands found the sides of his face, holding him to you as you felt the rain drip steadily down your faces. Even though the rain battered at the pair of you, you had never felt so happy in your life. A/N: I don’t know where this came from tbh aside from this photo, but I felt as thought not writing for one of my favs was a bit bad. And I was in a low mood so yeah a cliché in the rain kiss is good alright? (image is attached below - he was just playing with this card in camp)
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cozy-neko · 4 years
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The Cherry On Top • 02 • 03 | Charity stream disaster • 04
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Kenma checked his stream overlay one last time to make sure everything was set up correctly. The streamer was only ten minutes away from his scheduled 24-hour charity stream that Akaashi had set up for him in partnership with the energy drink company, Black Sheep. For every donation Kenma receives during his live stream, all proceeds will be 100% donated to help animal shelters in need of supplies.
For once, Kenma was actually excited about a partnership. As a lover of cats and raising three rescues himself, it wasn’t particularly a hard decision for Kenma to make when Black Sheep had approached him and brought up the idea of a partnership and a charity stream campaign in conjunction with the animal shelter Black Sheep was associated with.
That was why when his sponsorship with Black Sheep had been threatened by a rumor, Kenma ultimately made a public announcement to deny the rumor and personally reached out to the PR/Influencer team at Black Sheep to talk it out with them.
Now, three minutes prior to going live, Kenma’s phone buzzed multiple times. He glanced at the lit up screen and rolled his eyes. It was Kuroo who was blowing up his phone, and Kenma had a fairly decent idea of what the texts were about.
Last week, Kuroo and Kenma had met up with Akaashi and Bokuto for their monthly dinner meet up when Akaashi had mentioned Kenma’s upcoming charity stream.
“A 24-hour stream is too easy for Kenma; the gremlin routinely stays up at least 36-hours once a week anyways.” Kuroo let out a barking laugh as he flipped the meat that was grilling in front of the four friends.
“That’s besides the point, Kuroo.” Kenma rolled his eyes and leaned back in the vinyl booth. “I’m doing a charity stream. All donations I get during the stream goes towards the animal shelter that Black Sheep partners with.” Kenma made sure to slowly emphasize the word “charity” when he explained his upcoming project.
“You know, I’ve never seen Kenma so excited about a project,” Bokuto quipped as he eagerly tucked into his meal.
“It’s for a good cause and Kozume was quick to say yes,” Akaashi added as he flashed a small smile towards the flushed streamer. Kenma still wasn’t used to hearing people praise him, no matter how often he was always featured in esports commentary and articles.
“I have three cat rescues myself, so it was a no brainer,” he mumbled, averting eye contact. He opted to push around the burnt pieces of meat with his chopsticks around his plate instead.
“Aw, you’re embarrassed that you got caught being openly excited for your next project!” Kuroo smirked and nudged his friend. It was all friendly-banter, and Kenma knew that Kuroo meant well and was extremely happy for him, but he flushed harder as Bokuto and Akaashi chimed in to cheer on their friend.
“I’m just being a nice person. Maybe you should try it some day,” Kenma shot back.
“What do you mean?” Kuroo scoffed. “I’m always a nice person.”
Akaashi and Kenma rolled their eyes at Kuroo while Bokuto let out a good-natured laugh at Kuroo’s response.
“Hey, wait! You know what you should do to make your 24-hour stream more spicy?” There was a mischievous glint in Bokuto’s eyes as he waited for his friends to respond. 
“Bokuto-san, whatever you’re thinking probably isn’t a go--” 
“Drunk 24-hour stream!” 
“Oh, nice!” Kuroo snapped his fingers and grinned his infamous Cheshire Cat smirk. Akaashi sighed and Kenma grimaced. 
"I’m not going to take ideas from two drunks. And we barely sat down to eat, how are you two this drunk already?” Kenma wrinkled his nose.
Kenma unlocked his phone and quickly scanned through his group chat. Yup. There it was: a barrage of texts from Kuroo asking Kenma if he had his booze ready followed by a spam of suggestive eye emojis by Bokuto. Kenma was quick to notice that Akaashi had purposely chosen to ignore the group texts and offered no help in diverting the suggestions.
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Kenma snorted quietly at Bokuto's message as he locked his phone. He looked up at the monitor to his right and read some comments that were starting to flood in his stream chat. He gave his camera a small smile and leaned back in his chair, answering some questions that caught his attention and saying "hi" to others.
Kenma usually liked to start his stream off rather chill by interacting with his viewers. After playing his music playlist and adjusting the volume, he finally announced his agenda for the day after a few minutes.
"Today I'm partnering with Black Sheep for a charity stream. It's going to be a 24-hour stream and we're gonna spend most of the time playing some League. All donations I get will go towards helping an animal shelter which you guys know I'm all for." Kenma paused as his donation notification sounded and his text-to-speech setting began to read the donation to him and his viewers.
"meowriachi donated $25: 24-hour stream? too ezpz kodzuken"
Kenma laughed and ran a hand through his messy half-up styled hair.
"I was telling my friends about today's stream and Kuroo said the same thing. Maybe in our next collaboration we'll do a longer stream if you guys want that. We'll also be able to have more fun and do more things, too."
Kenma was smart and sneaky. He always was. Kuroo did always say he was the brains of the team back in high school when they played volleyball together. Kenma was good at analyzing situations, and because of this strength, Kenma knew when to use certain words and situations to create benefits for him and his career. This was no exception. The streamer knew Black Sheep would be moderating his stream, so now the company had slight pressure to partner with him again if there was an in demand from his fans. And this was Kodzuken we were talking about. There was no doubt Kenma knew there would already be a second sponsorship in the works.
Kenma smirked. Easy peasy stream indeed.
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Kenma loved his job. He truly did. It wasn't every day someone could wake up every day and actually look forward to going to work, and for that, Kenma was thankful. He was thankful that he had the skillsets to do well in competitive gaming and that he had a knack of being able to pick up mechanics of new games so easily. He was thankful that he had a fanbase that enjoyed his commentary and sarcastic humor, and a fanbase that supported and helped him build his brand from ground up.
Kenma knew he owed one-third of his success to his fans and another one-third to his own hard work and passion. But Kenma also knew he owed the last one-third of his success to his friends.
Not once did Kenma regret making Akaashi his manager; Akaashi had gotten him way more sponsorships than Kenma himself could've if he was still balancing streaming, content creation, and managing his own projects.
Kenma was thankful for Kuroo for always challenging him to step outside his comfort zone. Even when Kenma was irritated and didn't want to hear Kuroo's words of advice and encouragement, Kenma was still grateful for it all.
And Bokuto. Kenma guesses he can be thankful for Bokuto for always hyping him up when he needed it the most. Especially when he was extremely hung over from a night out of (forced) drinking and had barely ten minutes to wake up and set up his stream on time.
Yes, Kenma was truly thankful for his friends. But right now, Kenma wanted to kill them. He wanted to kill Kuroo and Bokuto for coming over to his house uninvited even after he warned them not to and for raiding his stream in real life.
Right now, Kenma was seething. One, he was in the middle of a very important sponsorship deal. Two, he was in the middle of a ranked game in League of Legends and he didn't want to lose his winning streak. And three, his two goofball friends had showed up to his house with alcohol and announced out loud to his viewers that Kenma would now be participating in a drunk 24-hour stream.
Kenma doesn't remember the last time he got this mad. What's worse was that Kenma's fans were all for it. His stream chat was getting spammed with poggers emotes, and it was difficult for Kenma to admit that he had been getting more and more donations ever since Kuroo and Bokuto had shown up and the alcohol was brought out. And because of that, Kenma had begrudgingly surrendered and cracked open a White Claw.
Except he didn't stop only at one; not if Kuroo and Bokuto could help it. And at only about 5'8" with a smaller build, Kenma unfortunately fell victim to being a lightweight. And with Kuroo and Bokuto, kings of being instigators, were there to egg him on along with his stream chat, Kenma downed can after can.
Just a little something to take the edge off a work week, right?
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end notes:
→ kenma’s twitch stream took me 30 minutes to piece together 😪
→ if you see the same comments on kenma’s twitch chat twice... no you didn’t 😀🔪
→ also peep the stream title change 👀
→ kenma’s the type to use scuffed candids of his friends as their contact photos, but it didn’t work out too well. he actually respects akaashi enough to use a decent photo, and bokuto never takes a bad photo. ever. i guess kuroo’s the only one he can easily clown.
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todourouki · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Bakugo (1)
a mini series | chapter ONE
✰ I’m finally posting a bakugo mini fic and I don’t think y’all understand just how fucking excited I am for this WHEW anyways yea I think I can post part two in a few hours <3 wanting after this it’s literally just sex and irdc xox enjoy
btw y’all see the gif I made? ain’t it mad cute? ugh i’m soft for this bozo
PAIRING bakugo x fem!reader
WARNINGS cursing
✎ 2 | ✎ 3 | ✎ 4 | ✎ 5
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The office was a generally quiet area. That's how pro-hero Ground Zero liked it. There was always calm, instrumental music playing in the back with everyone dressed in their dark hero outfits in contrast to the complete set up of the office. Anyone hardly ever spoke, compensating for the loud yelling done by the blond man every day in his office.
At lunch, everyone ate the same food and sat with the same people, all returned to their same boring desks and always had the same looks on their face. Everyone enjoyed it, which would be hard to tell if anyone who wasn't a worker there looked from the outside. Bakugo loved the dynamic of his office, he enjoyed the consistency.
That was, until you arrived.
You had been recommended by no one other than the number one hero of his time, All-Might, so Bakugo really felt he had no choice but to take you on. He had never heard of you before— only knowing you were in freshly graduated from U.A about two years prior in class 1-A and he was a bit impressed as he read through your file given to him by the retired-hero.
Y/L/N, Y/N
19 | December 16th
Quirk: Mutation (can look at anyone and quickly mutate into them for max 30 minutes, including their quirk)
Strongest Qualities: Witty, Strong-Willed, Truthful, Punctual, Confident
Weakest Qualities: Quick-Tempered, Defiant, might have a bit of a Superiority Complex, Lazy
The minute he accepted you into his office, he instantly regret it.
You walked in with a smile that was probably a bit too bright for his liking. Your outfit consisted of a black, skin tight body suit with the zipper hanging dangerously low. It resembled the one of that one air headed girl from Shiketsu High from the practical Bakugo participated in. Your curly, voluptuous hair cascaded down your scalp, curly bangs covering some of your forehead. Your long, shiny boots went up to your thighs as you walked with so much confidence, it made him think back to the years he was in UA (which was really only like 4 years ago. He was 22).
He watched as you walked in, hands behind your back as each step made almost close to no noise. The minute you opened your mouth to make a comment about how boring every thing was around you, Bakugo decided he hated you.
It wasn't as if he would ever fire you. He couldn't. You were an amazing hero, and you did your job really well. You mastered your quirk, being able to transform back and forth quickly within the blink of an eye. You mastered stealth, played your role, and were never late to work.
His only real problem with you, was when you weren't on your outside patrols and doing outside work. Outside the office, Bakugo almost loved how good you were at your job. Inside, though? He absolutely despised you. You knew it too.
You'd do things to purposely get him riled up; always walking too slow for his liking to meetings, always being defiant during those same meetings, always sitting with your legs on top of your desk and your body leaned back against the chair as you read a magazine instead of doing actual work, always doing things he despised.
Don't get him started on your appearance either. The body suits never changed, yet they were always some different color. You had the ability to change the color whenever you wanted to on a switch designed specially to help with your stealth, and you used it on purpose.
You knew he hated the bright colors, he hated how you walked back and forth across his office in order to make him glance at the bright, fruitful colors with a smirk on your face. You knew Bakugo would never fire you— you were too damn good at your job for him to even consider it. Today, you found yourself sporting the black version of your body-suit though, wanting to give the man a break before he popped a vessel.
Everyone in the office admired you, slowly doing things like having colored flowers on their desks, or having a bit more fun at work. Bakugo noticed but never said anything.
With that, you found yourself dragging in the bag of papers you had just retrieved from some villains on the parts of town that belonged to Bakugo and his team. You smiled at everyone, politely responding to their greetings and making your way to the door of the man you loved speaking to the most. You weren't sure if it was the anger, the bickering, or the looks he gave you, but he was a very attractive man. There was no denying that. Getting him riled up was your favorite thing to do at work, honestly speaking.
You knocked on his door, hearing his groggy voice tell you to come in. The large black door opened as you pushed it, closing it once you got in and marching over to his large glass desk.
He sat there, hands behind his head as his feet were crossed across the desk and his face screamed I hate being a hero and I'm really stressed. He sat in his hero outfit, all the accessories thrown against the desk as he looked at you waiting for you to speak.
"I got the plans from that one villain hideout on 43rd. It was in this really gross building. I should be payed extra for having to dirty my suit like that." You joked, tossing the bag on the desk and wiping the imaginary dirt off your covered stomach. Bakugo grabbed the bag, looking through it and tossing it back onto the desk.
"Good, get back to work." He simply said, tiredly looking out the floor to ceiling windows across from you. You raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on your hip expectedly.
"What? No smart remark?" You questioned. He looked at you with his crimson red eyes beginning to narrow.
"I don't have time for that today, [y/l/n]." The sophistication made your nose scrunch, moving some things off his desk and propping you butt right into it.
Bakugo stared at you in disbelief, taking his legs off the desk as he stared at you with anger beginning to rise against his cheeks. Bingo.
“Get your ass off your boss's desk." He growled, making you laugh and turn your legs all the way over. They were now facing him, your entire body sitting across from his as he inched his chair back.
This wasn't the first time you had done this, honestly you knew how much he hated it which is exactly why you did it so much. You also knew he really wouldn't stop you from sitting there. It was a thing the both of you had, just like the bickering.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. What's up your ass today?" Your voice was blunt, looking at your manicured hands in front of you and playing with the acrylic white tips in disinterest.
“The fact that you have no respect for your superiors." He grumbled, rolling his chair beside you and beginning to read some of the papers.
His arms were terribly close to your thighs, and you almost had to physically punch yourself to stop thinking about what it would be like if he placed a hand on top of them. You both couldn't do that, you knew how much you despised the man and you knew just how much he hated you.
“You're so fucking boring." You stated, hopping off the desk and strutting your way to the window. Bakugo ignored your, clenching the pen in his hand with more force as he sighed deeply and stood quiet.
This bothered you. There was nothing you hated more than being ignored, and you knew that he knew that you hated that.
“I said," you spoke through gritted teeth, marching over to the desk and gripping the glass with your fingers, "You're, so, fucking, boring." Each word seethed through your teeth as your irritation grew.
“Can you stop being such a fucking attention-seeking bitch and understand that I don't have time for your shit today?" Bakugo retaliated with sarcasm laced in his tone.
He lifted his head to stare at you, both your eyes filled with an immense amount of hatred that made your chest heave. This is how every conversation between the two of you went. You'd walk in, a purposely happy mood to get on his nerves, him having a shitty attitude over whatever minuscule thing happened to him, and both of you having a two lined conversation before starting to bicker harshly. Your eyes never left his, the grip on the glass hardening as you furrowed you're freshly done eyebrows.
“Get the fuck out of my office." Your boss spat, making you scoff at his words.
“You think I want to be in here?" You asked, not once breaking eye contact with the blond man. "I just want to know why the dude that signs my checks has a fucking stick up his ass—"
“That's enough!" Bakugo yelled, slamming his hand against the glass and hearing it even slightly crack.
This caused you to flinch, a scowl appearing on your face. This was the exact end you predicted. You got on his nerves or he got on yours, you'd both come at each other's throats, then you'd leave in a huff. Same thing, different day.
You stood quiet, letting go of the desk and snorting, mumbling the word fucking asshole under your breath as you turned around and walked out the door. Today bothered you more for some reason.
You weren't sure if it was the aggressive way he hit the desk that bothered you or if it was the problems you were going through back in your apartment with a certain man you wouldn't want to think about right now, but whatever it was really pissed you off.
You made sure to slam the door on your way out, walking over to the elevator and going back to the main floor where everyone else from your department was located. On the way, you passed his secretary who always gave you a sneer when you'd come out his office.
You knew, as well as every other damn person that worked for that asshole, that she had some weird obsession with the man. She also had some weird obsession with the idea of you and him sleeping together.
“You should really respect your superiors, [Y/N]." She made sure to put a disgusting emphasis on your name while you waited for the stupid, excruciatingly slow elevator to get to your floor.
“You should really suck my dick, Lui." You retaliated. You were staring at her with your arms crossed against your chest and a smirk playing on your lips.
It wasn't until you turned around that you heard another voice just had to butt in. He just had to speak when he wasn't being spoken to. The elevator finally reached the floor, yet before the doors opened, you heard him call out to you.
“[Y/N], you should really respect Lui," his voice was smug, staring at you with the same crossed arm pose as he leaned against his open door, "she is your superior after all."
You did nothing but glare at him, letting the doors close on your angry face and finally going back down to where you belonged.
Around two hours later, you found yourself shuffling papers around your desk. It had been a while since you organized it and you thought now that you had nothing to do (and by nothing, you meant having assignments you just didn't feel like doing), now would be the perfect time to do it.
As soon as you started to get in the groove, you heard your phone on the desk buzz and you just knew who it was. With an attitude, you picked up the phone, twirling the cord with your nails.
“Mr. Bakugo would like to see you." Lui sneered, making you roll your eyes and hang up. Mr. Bakugo? Get a fucking grip, you thought to yourself as you made your way to the man's office.
Ignoring Lui's orders to not walk in without knocking, you shoved the door open and walked inside the man's cold, exposed office. In front of you was a shirtless Bakugo, standing with tailors at his sides as he tried on different shirts.
You gulped, trying your hardest to not stare as you started to play with your nails. It was something you always did to make sure you didn't give the blond any confidence points. He didn't need to know how attractive he looked more than he probably does.
“[Y/N]." His blank tone made you hum in response, waiting for him to continue.
“Look at me when I speak to you." Fuck.
Your eyes rolled, maintaining your composure and looking up at the man that was now buttoning up a crimson red button up shirt that fit him spectacularly.
Your eyes roamed down to his chest for a second, studying the exposed skin before he covered it back up. The man took no notice of your wandering eyes, finally meeting your eyes and clearing his throat.
“There's a Gala in downtown Tokyo tonight. Can I count on you to attend with me?" He questioned darkly. You glared at him, still mad at what he had said to you but huffing in defeat.
You knew this day was coming. You knew you had to go with him to this stupid gala because there were most likely going to be some of the highest paid criminals around and you knew it had to do with the case you were currently working on.
And even if you just wanted to go home after work and take a fucking break from having a scowl on your face all day, you knew you didn't really have a choice.
Your blank response made him send the tailors towards you, beginning to take measures of your body for them. It wasn't until you had to physically stop them with your arms out.
“I actually have a dress of my own I plan on wearing, no need for all this." Your lips curved up to a smile as the men bowed in apology and went back to Bakugo.
The blond man stood quiet, letting you know to be ready by eight and to leave early if you felt it was necessary. An excuse to leave early? Of course you would take it.
You found yourself frantically fixing your make up while the time read 7:54. You didn't know it would take so much for your curly hair to come to an understanding with you, and with the way time was looking, you were in for an argument once Bakugou arrived downstairs.
He had informed you that he and his driver were going to pick you up so you could arrive together to remove any suspicion from the villains, and you honestly thought it was just an excuse for him to make sure you looked good enough for him.
After finally fixing the eyelash that was threatening to come off, you made sure you were set before reaching for the dress you had been dying to wear. It was an expensive piece, one gifted to you by a close friend that you had never come around to wearing.
It was a tight fitted, spaghetti strap, satin dress. It was a dark vermillion red with a runched up top that tighten against your breasts to lift them up.
It also had a beautiful simple back, only being connected by strings weaving in from side to side as if it were shoelaces. It went past your feet, dragging on the floor in an elegant way, and also had a slit running up landing precisely on your upper thigh.
It was beautiful, and even though it was probably going to be ruined somehow, it was something you were excited to wear.
You slipped on the garter first, a simple black material that tightened against the skin above the slit on your thigh. You shoved a covered knife in it, making sure to prepare for the worst of course.
Finally slipping the dress on, you realized you had absolutely no time to tie the strings in the back as you heard an obnoxious honking from outside your apartment complex, paired with your phone buzzing unbearably.
Without even answering it, you shoved your phone in between your breasts, and grabbed your small, black handbag that had some extra lipgloss, your wallet, and your will to leave since you know you might lose it tonight by spending it with your boss.
The ringing continued as you rolled your eyes and made sure your black strap heels were tight enough before spraying on some extra perfume and running out the door.
Your dress clung to your hand as you used your other to push through doors and scrunch your hair up. It wasn't long before you were finally outside, the honking ceasing as you finally reached the extremely long limousine. You had no time to gawk though, because soon enough the driver, Kari, opened the door for you.
“Apologizes on behalf of Mr. Bakugo, Mrs. [Y/L/N]. He will be meeting us at the location to ensure the safety of both of you." His voice rang through your ears as you tried your hardest not to roll your eyes at the man.
You got in the car with a smile, having it quickly drop as you furrowed your eyebrows and tried your hardest not to bite your lips. You weren't sitting in front of your small mirror for nothing. As the car drove off, you watched your apartment complex disappear and leaned back against the seat.
Made me rush my ass through my make-up just to not show up? What an asshole, you huffed in your seat, taking your phone out from your chest and glancing out the window some more.
back to masterlist | next part
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tortelette · 3 years
Invincible Storm And Raging Blizzard
Strikas United FC vs. Iron Zephyre FC headcanons (Dual Teams AU)
(Dual Teams AU is an alternate universe where two football clubs of the Super League randomly teamed up as one team throughout the season. In this AU, Supa Strikas have teamed up with Invincible United while Raging Zephyre (Fan team) is with Iron Tank)
Team line up:
Strikas United
Striker Left Wing: Shakes Striker Right Wing: Skarra Attacking Midfielder Left Wing: Automatic Attacking Midfielder Right Wing: Twisting Tiger Attacking Midfielder Center: Dancing Rasta (Captain 1) Defending Midfielder Left Wing: Snake Defending Midfielder Right Wing: Dooma (Captain 2) Defender Left Wing: The Blok Defender Right Wing: North Shaw Defender Center: Dingaan Goal Keeper: Big Bo Formation: 3-5-2 (The teamwork formation)
Iron Zephyre
Striker Left Wing: Agabato Striker Right Wing: Pearce Striker Center: Thor Attacking Midfielder Left Wing: Ja Nein Attacking Midfielder Right Wing: Echo (Captain 1) Defending Midfielder Left Wing: Bakunawa Defending Midfielder Right Wing: Von Eye Defender Left Wing: Bul-Han Defender Right Wing: At-Law Defender Center: Johann Uber (Captain 2) Goal Keeper: The Mangler Formation: 3-4-3 (The adaptive formation)
“Strikas United” Headcanons:
The first week is the first fight. They can’t miss a day without getting into each other’s throats until they will be stopped by their respective coaches. Especially Shakes and Skarra, they are pretty much more likely to be the ones who cause the fight.
Automatic is probably the only sane person from Invincible United who DOES NOT participate in the fighting. It is quite unknown why.
Dooma would do so much f*cked up sh*t against Supa Strikas when he finds the opportunity. He probably gets teamed up with Skarra for the action.
Tension is always the main component of air when you bring them together in one room.
Coach and Vince are pretty much the voice of reasoning between the two clubs even though they have their own personal tensions.
They will fight who will be in their positions in the field. Especially Skarra and El Matador, they technically want to ball-hog for a goal.
Big Bo and The Web are pretty much chill whenever there are fights, especially since they are one of the veteran players of their respective clubs. They are mature in what to do.
They are stubborn to train together.
The defenders are pretty much the only players who will train together, begrudgingly. North Shaw and The Blok would show a bit of appreciation to Dingaan’s decency in defending.
Shakes and Skarra as Strikers? A hodgepodge of destruction and mayhem. Although they can have good synergy IF one yield for the other, which will not happen by the way.
Dooma and Rasta are in neutral terms yet it can be sour especially after the island incident. They can have times of respect or times where they are probably shooting lightning at each other in seething anger.
Snake is the passive one out of all the Invincible United players with Twisting Tiger. They would train together, yet they would not forget leering each other.
The Web just agreed to let Big Bo be the main Goal Keeper of the team and decided to be the substitute instead.
Their first game will be a disaster. Ball-hogs, jealous pushing, seething eyes. They are ready to bite each other’s heads off.
Blok, North Shaw, Dingaan, and Big Bo are the only players capable to carry their team by just defending. This ended their first game into a tie!
Skarra is THE person who would steal his own teammate’s ball no matter if it comes from his own club or not.
Dooma and Rasta have a decent synergy in doing 1-2 passes. Although there is no ‘trust’ happening between their passes, it was like that they have no choice but pass the ball between each other.
It takes OVER HALF the SEASON to make these two teams get along together for ONCE.
Shakes and Skarra would continue to sneer against each other when one does not score a goal. If they did it once perfectly they would at least try to congratulate but failed miserably.
When winning, don’t expect much for them to go around and high-fiving each other. They would only do that to their respective teammates from their clubs.
“Iron Zephyre” Headcanons:
There will be sour interactions in the first week, then after that, there will be awkwardness here and there. Echo would try to break the ice, but no one breaks the Iron Tank ice successfully.
They are pretty much the type of people of “- Want to train? - Sure.” interaction without any emotion whatsoever.
The only people who would spice up the interaction between the two teams are the defender twins, Bakunawa, and somehow Thor.
Ja Nein pretty much only obeys Echo than Uber because of how very kind and thoughtful the Raging Zephyre captain is. This causes Uber to treat Ja Nein as a traitor of the Iron Tank because of that.
Bakunawa is also one of the people that Ja Nein pretty much trust as well since that they can understand each other’s weaknesses due to their differences and they would often teach other some skills and training which Uber disagreed with.
Pearce, Von Eye, and Thor are very easy to pair up with. Just send them in the Iron Tank submarine to play in the state-of-the-art tracking screen for Pong and competitive Pac-Man. They are gamers of the old.
Uber is not happy to be paired with Echo for the captaining, one treats his teammates with strictness while the other is extremely aloof and kind. He once admitted that it would seriously divide the team as a whole.
The Mangler is a very easy man to talk with... it is more preferable to the word “interact” since that he is a very silent man. He once agreed in Bakunawa teaching him how to play volleyball for once and apply it in his goal-keeping skills.
Agabato would be extremely silent about all of the things happening and would ask around the Iron Tank what they are doing since that he is very curious. He mostly causes trouble to Uber since he is one of the more interesting people to talk to due to his blonde hair.
Their coaches are quite... interesting. Sirchief, despite being a woman, is EXTREMELY strict to her players that even a stare from her made her players kneel down and BEG. Colonel though... needs to learn a lot from her about the idea of disciplining their players.
Their tactics between the two teams are opposite. Iron Tank prefers calculated defense while Raging Zephyre prefers deceitful offense. It takes a lot of time between the two coaches to agree on one tactic in the meantime. Probably week or so to the dismay of the other players.
Uber is extremely frustrated how some of the members of the Iron Tank began to feel aloof around the other players which cause him to be anxious and mortify that his teammates would began to be so soft. Bakunawa on the other hand would try to interact him so he can loosen up, which failed though...
They are very cooperative... somehow. Raging Zephyre players helped Iron Tank for skill-based techniques while Iron Tank helped Raging Zephyre in going through rigorous training. Uber was not happy how open the players are in helping their soon-to-be opposition.
The only time Uber manage to open himself quite a bit is during a near death experience in the Philippine jungles which he has been saved by Bakunawa who almost got herself killed in the process. It is a long story.
In their first game, they manage to get a hold of themselves with a 1 lead gap score. It is actually 1-0. But they are happy with it nonetheless. Even with that though, Sirchief and Colonel Von Pushup would quarrel against each other on how flaw their tactics are.
The only tension so far that manage to happen in this team is from Uber and Ja Nein, it is quite unknown why though.
Agabato is the first one to breakdown after doing an Iron Tank-style training. In just 7 minutes and 32 seconds, precisely.
Pearce and Thor are the two Strikers who would work together to make their kicks unstoppable. They even create their own shooting technique in the process much to the surprise of everyone.
The Mangler would hang around with the twins, At-Law and Bul-Han, because of their comedic episodes and teasings that made him to laugh and enjoy the fun.
It is rumored by players of the Iron Tank and Raging Zephyre that Uber would loom in front of Bakunawa in such opportune times just to scare her. But in actuality is that Bakunawa let him tag along in one of her tasks for the preparation of their training, one of those is learning to block the vision of a player using one’s body.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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SinoAlice: Guild Co-op Event - The Songful Banquet of Cherry Blossoms Translation
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to my whims. Hameln is fine.
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問題デス。春とイエバ!? Question, question! What does Spring entail?
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モチロン!潮干狩りとキャンプですネ! It’s got to be clamming and camping, of course!
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確かに以前の春は潮干狩りデシタが…… アレは春イベントに水着ヲ出せト言われたプランナーが苦シ紛れに考えたモノ。 I know we did clamming last year for the Spring Event, but that was only because the Planner managed to come up with the idea of swimsuits after much turmoil...
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言わば産みノ苦しみノ歴史なのデス。 ソレを思い出サセルのは鬼畜の所業デスよ! In other words, it’s the dark history of how it came to be; one of pain and suffering. Only a demon would make one shudder to remember such a time!
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ソンな内情をブチマケラレましても…… Even if that’s how it truly is on the inside...
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トニカクやり直しデス。春とイエバ!? In any case, let’s start from the beginning again. When it’s Spring, it’s-!?
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エ、エエ~ット……お花見……とか? Um, errrr…Flower viewing, perhaps...?
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ピンポーン!正解デス!!Bingo! That’s right!!
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エッ、本当に!?ソンな正攻法でイイノ!? Huh? What!? Something as straightforward as that does it!?
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ええ。タマにはストレートも必要デス。 Of course. Simple is best, sometimes.
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ワ~イ!お花見オ花見、楽しいナ!嬉しいナ! Yay~! Flower viewing~! We’re going to be flower viewing! Oh, how fun! How exciting!
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余興ノ人員も揃えマシタ。 まずはグレーテル、さらにシンデレラ、そしてハーメルンです。 The entertainers have already been gathered. First, we’ll have Gretel, followed by Cinderella and Hameln.
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スゴイ!最初から混乱しか予想デキナイ! That’s amazing! I can foresee the chaos and confusion they’ll bring right from the get-go!
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お花見ナンテおかしくなったモン勝ちデスよ。 The one who makes for the most chaotic Flower Viewing wins.
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じゃア、この3人ニハ早速余興ヲ──ん? 誰か来たヨウですが ……コレは……? Should we get the 3 entertainers started now then? Hmm? There seems to be someone headed this way? ...This is…?
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……ナルホド。まあイイでしょう。飛び込み参加モ大歓迎デス! ゲストを迎えテ楽しくヤリましょう! I see...Well, that works too. Any last minute participants are welcomed to jump in anytime! Let’s all enjoy ourselves together with the guests!
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ソウですネ。トテモ楽しくナリそうデス。 エエ。とても……ネ。 Yes, this looks like it’ll be real fun. Absolutely so, indeed...
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一度だけ。 友達に連れられて、アイドルのライブに 行った事がある。 Once. Just once, did I ever attend an Idol’s concert at the insistence of my friend who dragged me along.
それはまさに、夢の世界だった。 It was a world akin to a dream; something I never thought possible.
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「みんなー!今日は ハ ナ のライブに 来てくれてアリガトウ!ハナにピッタリ のこの場所で、最っ高の歌を聴いていっ てね!」 “Everyone~! Thank you all for coming to     Hana’s     live today! I’ll grace your ears with the best and greatest song out there in this perfect place of mine!”
薄紅の花びらが舞う、酒に似合いの風景 に安如として乱入してきた『ライブラリ  No.1の ア イ ド ル 』とやらば、 クソが100回つくようなくッッッッソ ド下手な歌を勝手に歌いだした。 The scenery was well-suited to a cup of sake, the air aflutter with the pink petals of the cherry blossoms. If only the place hadn’t been jacked by the “Library’s No.1    Idol   ” Speaking of, she’s so bad at it that she's about a 100 times shittier than what’s already considered crap; singing shitty songs all on her own accord and wrangling ears everywhere.
 「これは……聞くに堪えませんね……」 “This...I don’t think I can stand listening to this anymore…”
「おい、ナルシスト。あの女を消せ」 “Hey, Narcissist. Erase her.”
「私が手を下す必要ないかと」 “I doubt I’ll even have to do anything, really.”
そういって、ナルシストが指を示した失 では、極度の音痴に我慢の限界を迎えた ナイトメアたちが 怒 り を募うせていた。 That being said, he pointed his finger at something. A group of nightmares were already     seething     in     anger     at the hellish ear grating they were forced to suffer through; already reaching to the limits of their patience.
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さくら~↑舞う~↓ 景色~↑↑のぉ~↑ The fluttering~↑ dance~↓ of the~↑↑ Sakura in the background~↑
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Nooooooo↑↑ 歌ウノヤメロォ! NOOOOOOO↑↑ Stop singing!
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ロォ↓マンス~↑ 恋のぉ~神~~↑↑ Ro~↓ mance~↑ The god~ of love~~↑↑
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耳ガ腐ルゥゥ!助ケテェェ!! My ears are about to drop off! Someone, save me!!
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「あたしの歌で踊りだしたくなる気持ち は判るけど、暴れるのはダメだぞぅ✰」 “I understand that my singing makes one feel the urge to dance but rampaging? That’s a big no-no✰ ”
ナイトメアの蹴散うした ハナさんとやらば、その場で軽やかに ターンをしてーー Kicking the Nightmare away, she did a light twirl on the spot.
「 ダ ン ス ならこう踊らなきゃ!」 “You’ve got to     dance     like this if you’re going to do it!”
この世のものとは思えぬ醜い歌に合わせ、 心を抉るような 前 衛 的 な踊りを 始めました。 She started to dance     Avant    -    garde    , coupled with the horrid song that was out of this world; one so appalling that it almost felt like someone was gouging my very heart out.
「眩暈がしてきた……」 “I’m actually starting to get dizzy from seeing this…”
艶やかな褐色の肌を持つシンデレラさん の殺意の失わせるほどの醜悪な歌と踊り。 A horrible, ear-grating song and an equally unbeautiful dance. One that actually made the glossy brown-skinned Cinderella lose all the killing intent that she wielded.
これには、さすがの私も辟易です。 That being said, this also repulses me, of course.
しかし、不思議な事に、綺麗な足を持つグレーテルさんだけは 魅 入 ら れ  たように歌に聞き入っていたのです…… But the strangest thing was that Gretel, the one with beautiful legs, seemed     utterly     charmed     and     entranced     by the song...
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席なんて、ステージからもの凄く遠い スタンドだったけど。 The seats were so far from the stage itself. Rather than seats, it was actually more like a stand.
そこから観る会場はサイリウムの光に 包まれて、まるで花畑みたいだった。 Watching the stage surrounded by psyllium lights from afar, it bore a resemblance to a flower garden of sorts.
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ステージでアイドルが歌う。 あたしの席から顔なんて見える訳ない んおに、それでも笑顔だとわかる。 The Idol sung atop the stage. I knew that they were smiling, even though I can’t possibly see them from my seat.
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「ねえ兄様。あの歌…… 懐かしくありませんか? 昔、兄様と二人で過ごした夜の 森で、冷たい月明りの下で聴いた……」 “Hey, brother? Isn’t this song nostalgic…? It’s the same song we heard at night, back in the forest where we lived together. Under the cold, icy moonlight…”
「森の奥から聞こえてきた、歌……」 “The same song that resonated deep within the forest itself…”
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ヤヤヤヤメヤメヤメヤメロメロンー! SSSST- STO- STOP STOP STOP-!
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オカシクナルルルルルルリルレロ! I’M STARTING TO GO CRRAAAAZY!
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わあ!斬新なコールアリガトー! Wow! Thanks for new cheer!!
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ハハハハナハナハ ナヒヒヒヒヒヒヒッ! HAHAHAHANAHANAHA-- HIIE!!
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アイドルの歌と踊りに合わせて、会場が 揺れる。アイドルはキラキラしていて、 とても可愛くて。それを観るみんなも、 とてもキラキラしていた。 The venue broke out in an uproar in response to the Idol’s song and dance. The idol was shining in the limelight and absolutely adorable. And the audience shone too, as they looked on.
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クソ下手音痴女 ハ ナ の歌と踊りは 戦意を失わせた。怒りを抱く事すら 勿体ないろいうか…… Listening and watching the shitty tone-deaf woman     Hana     singing and dance made me lose all the fight in me. Or, more like...It would be a waste to even feel rage at this...
そういうレベルにまで達しているのは、 ある意味芸術と言ってもいいのか もしれない。遠のく意識と視界が、 現実を拒否するように段々と霞んでいく。 It might even be called art, considering just how bad she was. My consciousness slowly faded as my vision grew hazier, as if rejecting reality itself.
「スモークいいわね!もっと焚いて! 会場をハナ色に染めちゃってー!」
“The smoke’s looking good! Keep it coming! Fill the area with colour―!”
音痴女の声に呼応するように周囲の木々 が揺れた。そこから 黄 色 い 煙 が大量に 吐き出される。 The surrounding trees shook, seemingly responding to the tone-deaf girl’s command. And then, a     yellow     smoke     spewed forth.
「これは…… 花 粉 ……?」
“Is this…    pollen    …?”
横にいたナルシストがそう呟いたような、 そうでないような……なんだ?頭が……
I feel as if the Narcissist beside me had muttered something like that...or not…? What’s this? My head... 
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大量の花粉が!これはイケマセン! A large amount of pollen! This won’t do!!
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桜の花粉ッてコンナに飛ばないのデハ? I thought the pollen from cherry blossoms wasn't this bad?
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ライブラリの桜ですカラ。 Well, it’s the Library’s cherry blossoms.
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その一言デ説明が済むの、最高デスネ! Nice! The explanation’s done and settled in a single breath!
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こんな事もアロウかと。ハイ!花粉ブロック! 99.9%花粉を遮断!機能性も抜群デス! Well, I did think this might happen. So...here! Pollen Block! It’s 99.9% effective!
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呼吸も99.9%遮断!死ヘノ片道装備デス! But that prevents breathing itself by 99.9%! It’s a one way ticket to death itself!
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 ライブが終わったあと、会場から出っていく みんなは、とにかく笑顔だった。 あたしも、もちろんその一人。 Everyone left the venue with a smile on their face once the Live ended. I, of course, included.
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その少女は、歌を歌った。 皆を笑顔にしたいのだと、そう笑った。 それがあまりに純粋で、 あまりに無邪気で。 だから私は、彼女に新しい歌を教えた。 The girl sang, and sang she did. She laughed about wanting to make everyone smile. All so innocent, all so pure. Thus, I taught her a new song.
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アイドルって凄いなって思った。 たった一人で数万人を笑顔にできる、 そんなアイドルに、あたしは憧れた。 I thought that Idols were amazing. Just one person, able to bring smiles to countless others. I admired Idols; they were my admiration.
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その少女の声には力があった。 我らに活動を促す力が。 そうーー 我らの時代を、もう一度取り戻す力が。 That girl’s voice held power. The power to urge us to motion; to act. That’s right―— The power to reclaim our reign once more.
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あたしは小さい頃から病気がちで。 人退院の度に、周りに迷惑をかけていた。 誰かを笑顔にする事より、 誰かを悲しい顔にする事の方が多かった。 I was always sickly ever since I was little. I only inconvenience those around me, whenever I get admitted to the hospital. Rather than making people happy, I made people sad, more often than not.
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「スモーク焚きすぎちゃって道が見えな いわ。誰か道案内してくれないかしら。 これからオーデイションがあるのよね」 “There’s too much smoke; I can’t see the way. Could I perhaps, get someone to lead the way? I’ve got an audition on the way.”
ハナさんは、こちらをじっとみて言いま した。つまり、私達に案内を要求してい るのでしょう。その気配を察したシンデ レラさんは、冷たい声で拒絶しました。 Hana spoke, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. In other words, she’s probably asking us for help. Cinderella coldly refused after having grasped the situation.
「金はあるんの?まあ払われても断るけど」 “Is there money in this? Well, not that I’d take it either even if you offered.”
「そんなぁ……ひどいですぅ……!」 “No way...how mean…!”
ハナさんの泣き声に呼応して、一層花粉 がと飛散します。これは宜しくありません。 More pollen was scattered upon her cries. This isn’t appreciated at all.
「少しくとも、あなたの姿は美しい。 私が 案 内 いたしましょう」 “You’re a beautiful one, at least. Allow me to     lead     the     way.”
「ありがとう!貴方、お名前は?」 “Thanks! What’s your name?”
「ハーメルン、とお呼び下さい」 “Call me Hameln.”
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ハーメルン……メルちゃんね!よろしく! Hameln…? Mel, then! I’ll be in your care!
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メル……? Mel…?
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ところでぇ……メルちゃんは──ハナと手を繋いではくれないの? By the way...Won’t you join hands with me, Mel?
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?こうしてあなたの手を取っていますが── ? But aren’t I already holding onto your ha...nd…?
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──テヘッ。 ──Tee-hee.
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花粉のせいで見間違えましたね。失礼。醜い。 I’ve blundered due to the pollen in the air. Pardon me, that was unsightly.
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ギャアッ!勘違イシタノハソッチナノニー! Gyaah! You’re the one at fault though!
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こんなあたしでも。アイドルになれば 誰かを笑顔にできるのかな。 知らない人にも、幸せを感じてもらう事ができるのかな。 I wonder if I can bring a smile to someone else’s face too, if someone like me can become an Idol. I wonder if I can make people that I don’t know feel happy too?
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会場いっぱいに咲くサイリウムの光の花 に包まれて、可愛いドレスを着た わたしがステージで歌を歌うーー そんな未来を夢見ながら 桜の木に向かっ歌っていたある日、 頭の中に素敵な歌が流れてきた。 The venue was blooming with Psyllium Flowers of light. Dressed in a cute dress, I sang; and sang I did―— I continued looking on, holding onto that dream for the future. One day, while I was singing to the Cherry Blossom Tree, a beautiful song sounded in my mind
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入院した病室の窓から桜が見える。 その桜の木に向かって、あたしは 歌を歌った。 桜が散る頃には退院して、 オーデイションを受けに行くんだ。 I can see the Cherry Blossoms from the window of my Hospital Room. I sang to the Cherry Blossom Tree and sang I did. When the Cherry Blossoms scatter and I get discharged from here, I’ll go for an Audition.
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少女は夢を抱いていた。 しかし、少女は病も抱えていた。 やがて少女に声は枯れ果てて、 その儚き夢も叶うことなく――
だから、私はその身に命を蕾を宿した。 The girl held onto a dream. However, sickness also had a clutch on her. Eventually, her voice faltered and faded, that fleeting dream of her’s never coming to pass.
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 入院してから何回目かの満開を迎える。 あたし、少しは歌が上手くなったかな? 早くオーデイションを受けたいな。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I’ve seen many a cycle of it coming into full bloom ever since I was admitted. Have I gotten a little better at singing? I want to hurry and go for an Audition.
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これ以上、あのクソ下手音痴女のせいで 花粉を巻き散うされちゃ堪らない。 仕方なく、私達は手音痴女を案内していた。 しかし―― I can’t stand being showered by more Pollen because of the shitty tone-deaf girl. I suppose we don’t have a choice but to show her the way. But――
(あのブラコン、やけに大人しいな) (That Bro-con is being unsettlingly quiet.)
ハーメルンと手を繋いでご機嫌な音痴女 の後るに歩くグレーテルが、普段よりも 妙に静かで気にかかる。 いつもなら「兄様、兄様」と一人でぶつ くさ言っているはずなのに。 His unusual silence caught my attention, as he walked along behind Hameln, who had joined hands with the joyous looking tone-deaf girl. Usually, he’d be muttering “Brother, brother” all by his lonesome.
「……あ」 “…Oh.”
そのグルーテルが、小さな声を上げた。 That very Gretel made a small sound.
「兄様に…… 花 が咲きました……」 “    Flowers     are blooming…on Brother..”
籠の中の『兄様』からは、全く似合わな いファンシーな花が咲いていた。 Fancy unfitting flowers were blooming in the cage where “Brother” was held.
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何やら呻き声も聞こえますね。 I seem to hear something akin to moaning.
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そんな事どうでもいい!兄様、兄様! There’s absolutely no way that’s the case! Brother, brother!
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でも意外と似合ってんじゃない?その花。 But don’t you think that suits him surprisingly well? That flower, I mean.
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似合って……ああ……兄様、可愛いです…… It suits him…? …Ahh…Brother, you’re so cute…
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ねぇ、ドラゴンがいるんですけどぉー。 Hey, there’s a dragon here though―
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グウ……ズズッ……鼻ガ詰マッテ…… Ugh…sniff, sniffle…My nose’s all stuffed up…
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呻き声はコレでしたか。何とも美しくない…… So this was the cause of all the moaning. It’s not the slightest bit beautiful at all…
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 あと何回、この景色を見られるだろう。 歌おうにも声が出ない。 乾燥した唇が裂けて、血が滲んだ。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I wonder how many more times I must witness this scene? No sound comes out even if I sing. My dry, chapped lips crack as blood oozes out.
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少女の顔は美しい。伸びた四肢も美しい。 そして少女から漂う匂い。 これは――ああ、 今まで花粉で気付きませんでしたね…… The girl had beautiful features. Her limbs were all so beautiful as well. Then came the smell that came along with her. This is―― Ahh, I never noticed due to all the Pollen flying about up till now…
「この腐臭は、美しくない」  “This smell of rot is not beautiful in the least.”
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 今年も、何とか見届けられた。 来年まで頑張ろうね、と 気気遣う看護師の声がする。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I somehow managed to see the petals off again this year. I hear the kind, caring nurse telling me to do my best again next year.
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いつの間にか桜の木の下に来ていました。 そこには、人の形をした植物が、綺麗な 花を咲かせていくつも立っています。 Before I knew it, I was already standing below the Cherry Blossom Tree. There were many human-shaped plants, all with stunning flowers blooming on them.
「兄様。兄様と同じ花ですよ」 “Brother. It’s the same flower as the one blooming on you, Brother.”
花が咲いた兄様と、花の咲かない私。 それがなんだか、とても悲しい。 Brother, who had flowers blooming on him, and me, who did not. That was utterly saddening, in a sense.
「それなら お 揃 い になってみる?」 “Then how about you try becoming a     pair    ?”
どこからか、歌う声が聞こえてきます。 二人で過ごした、森の奥でも聞いた声。 あの時、兄様は近づくなと言ったけど。 I could hear singing coming from somewhere. A voice that I heard even back in the depths of that forest; back during the time I spent together with Brother. I recall telling whoever that had been to stay away from Brother, back then.
「じゃあ、願いを叶えてあげるね」 “Then, let me grant your wish!”
兄様、私はあなたと一緒がいいのです。 Brother, I want to be the same as you.
「ブラコン!」 “Bro-con!””
誰かが叫んでいるけど、邪魔しないで。 私は今、とても 幸 せ なのだから―― Someone was yelling. Don’t get in the way; For I’m extremely    happy    right now――
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あいつ、花に寄生されたのか!? That guy; Is he being parasitized by those flowers!?
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花を咲かすグレーテルさんも、また美しい。 Gretel’s beautiful even with flowers blooming on their being.
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アンタも、頭に花を咲かせてもらえば? How about we make one grow on your head too?
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それも良いですね。きっと美しいでしょう。 That might not be too bad of an idea. It’ll be a dazzling sight to behold, I’m sure.
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嫌味が通じないのか。このナルシスト…… Can’t you tell sarcasm when it’s in front of your face, you narcissist...!?
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――冬なのに、桜が咲いている。 ああ、枝に積もった雪がそう見える んだ。それでもいい。 最期に見られて良かった…… ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. Ahh, so that’s how the branches look like with snow piled on them. This is fine. I’m glad that I managed to see it in the end…
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突然現れた予定外の乱入者。 歌に合わせて撒き散らされる大量の花粉。 しかも思考を惑わすオマケ付き……と くれば、異変の 原 因 は明らかだ。 An intruder had appeared out of the blue; this was not planned. The large amount of Pollen being scattered around along with the song. Along with the added effect of addling your mind… In conclusion, the     root     cause     of this was startlingly apparent.
「どう考えてもアンタだろ?」 “No matter how you think about it, you’re the one behind all this, aren’t you?”
武器を突きつけつろ、ハナは震えた。 Hana trembled as Cinderella pointed her weapon at her.
「ち、違うもん!メルちゃん、助けて!」 “N-No, you’re mistaken! Help me, Mel!”
「残念ながら、あなたからは腐臭がする。 大変醜い臭いです。私に助けられる 価値は、地を這う虫ほどもありません」 “Unfortunately, there’s a rotting smell coming from you. It’s a horribly ugly scent. And I’m not obligated to help anyone or anything who’s worth is equivalent to a worm, crawling on the ground.”
「……っ」 “…Ngh.”
ハーメルンの言葉に息を呑むと、音痴女 は派手に笑い出し―― The tone-deaf girl sucked in a deep breath at Hameln’s words before breaking out into laughter――
「お前ら全員、花人形にしてやる!」 “I’m gonna turn all of you into Flower Dolls!”
醜 く 顔を歪めた Her face distorted     uglily    ; it was almost as bad as Gishin’s own.
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みんな、あたしの歌を聴かなかった!だから花人形にしてやったのよ!! どう?これなら黙って歌を聴くでしょう!? No one was listening to my song! That’s why I turned them all into Flower Dolls!! How’s that for a change? Now you’ll shut up and listen to my singing, right!?
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人形にしなけりゃ聴いてもらえない歌なんて、アンタ才能ないんだよ。 それだけの話だろ? If no one’ll listen to you unless you turn them into a Doll, doesn’t that just mean that you don’t have the talent for it? That’s all there is to it, no?
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なのにアイドルを名乗るとは……ああ醜い。 And still, you dare call yourself an Idol…Ahh, how ugly.
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違う……あたしは、アイドルなのおぉ! No…I’m…I AM an Idol!
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――あたしは、アイドルになりたかった。 満員の会場で、光の花に囲まれて、 楽しそうに歌うアイドル…… だって…… みんあの 笑 顔 が、見たかったから。 病気がちのあたしの周りには、 悲しい顔しかなかったから―― ――I wanted to be an Idol. An Idol, singing happily in a full-house venue, with flowers of light blooming all around… Because… I wanted to see the     smiles     on everyone’s faces. Because there was nothing but sad faces around me, due to my sickly nature――
「生まれ変わったら、今度こそ……」 “Next time, if I’m reborn…”
そう呟いて、少女は光の中に 消 え 去 っ た 。 The girl murmured her last as she     faded     away     from the light. 
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……結局、この少女も 駄 目 だった。 確か、これで34人目だ。 それにしても、笑顔を見たいと言いなが ら、自分が見られる事が目的になるとは、 まさに本末転倒…… …That girl was a     no    -    good     either, in the end. I’m certain this makes it the 34th person now. Even so, to think that her goal would be for people to notice her despite how she’s always crowing about how she wanted to see everyone’s smiles… She’s certainly got her priorities wrong.
しかし、これだからこそ人間は面白い。 では、私は次の 苗 床 を 探すとしよう。 But this is precisely what makes humans all so interesting. Well then, I suppose I’ll have to find another     nursery    .
手始めに、少女を殺したあの3人を―― How about those 3 who killed the girl, for starters――
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桜さん。今まであたしの歌を聴いてくれ て、ありがとう。アイドルになる夢は叶 わなかったけど、あなたはあたしの、 たった一人の観客でした。 Dear Cherry Blossom, thank you for listening to my singing. I never fulfilled my dream of becoming an Idol, but you’re my one and only audience I ever had.
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黒幕はアノ桜の木デシタ。 The mastermind was that Cherry Blossom Tree.
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木にヨル支配とは、どこかで聞いたヨウナ。 A tree that rules everything? I feel like I’ve heard about this somewhere…
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ソンな物語もドコかにアッタような? I feel like a story like that exists somewhere out there.
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トコロデ、あの桜ハどうシマス? By the way, what are we going to do with that Cherry Blossom?
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アア、ソレならすでに対処済みデス。大事ナ兄様に花ヲ咲かせた木ニ腹を立てタグレーテルが根本カラ桜ヲぶち倒しマシテ。 Ohh, that’s already been dealt with. Gretel was mad that the tree had made flowers bloom on his beloved Brother and chopped it up, roots and all.
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エッ……黒幕を……? Eh…He did that to the Mastermind…?
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ソノ倒れた桜を眺めナガラ酒を飲ンでいた シンデレラが、「確か桜の木は、スモーク用のチップとして売れたな?」 と思いツキ、ハーメルンに命令シテ。  And then Cinderella was looking upon the fallen Cherry Blossom whilst sipping  on a cup of Sake pipped up, saying “Come to think of it, Cherry Blossom Wood  can be sold as Smoking Chips, right?” And thus, she ordered Hameln to procure it.
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エエ……黒幕がスモーク用……? Ehh…Using the Mastermind as smoking material…?
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ハーメルンは「艶やかな肌の主の言う事なら」 と、ソレは美しく桜の木をカットして。 結果、ライブラリ特製燻製用桜チップとしテ見事に高値で売れマシター! ハイこれ売上報告書。凄いデスヨ。 “If that’s what the master of glossy skin wishes.” Said Hameln, and he beautifully cut up the Cherry Blossom Tree. As a result, the Library’s Special  Cherry Blossom Smoked Chips are being sold for an astoundingly high price!! Here’s the Sales Report. Amazing, isn’t it!
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エエエ……本当ダ。黒幕メッチャ売レてる。 Ehhh…You’re right. The Mastermind’s selling really well.
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この売上デ燻製肉でも食べニ行きマセンカ? How about we use the Sales earnings to go eat some smoked meat?
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行クー!人ノお金で食べるオ肉大好き! Count me in―! I love eating meat when someone else’s paying!
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燻製に使うチップはもちろん桜デ…… The wood chips we’re going to use for the smoking will be Cherry Blossom, of course.
∘◦ -————❈ ❀  𝔉𝔦𝔫.   ❀ ❈————- ◦∘
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Ch 27
I was sitting at the front of the lecture hall with my laptop grading the end of the semester presentations. Part of me regretted not doing a one and done scantron to make my life easier, but the students brought a lot of interesting topics that made it all feel worth it. One student went into detail about the Jericho raid and talked about the legality of it, which I had been toying with mentioning in my book. It was interesting to see another side of the conversation. 
Most of the students had decided on doing a presentation rather than a paper and a few students even went with ideas that are way outside of the box. One student had made a short comic book depicting different events that had happened in Detroit with the sociological theory and explanation of the theory. It was easily one of the coolest projects in the bunch and luckily the student is letting me keep it. I plan to scan it and use it next semester, giving the student credit of course. It was clear some students half-assed their projects, but way less did than I expected which I consider a plus since this was my first real course and I knew from experience students tended to take advantage of first-year teachers’ inexperience.  
After the final presentation was done I noticed we still had ten minutes left, perfect to say goodbye to my class. It was hard to believe how fast time had gone by, but with one semester done I couldn’t wait to teach this class again with what I’ve learned this first time. Hopefully, with time the school would assign me some different courses. 
“Well, everyone, it's been amazing being your professor. This class was so fun to teach and I enjoy everyone’s questions and participation. I truly hope you’ve learned something about android and human relationships and the complexity that goes with it, even moving forward. This class has a lot of information I hope you can apply to your everyday life.
“I appreciate all the feedback I got and I’m sorry that we didn’t have a guest speaker this semester, things just got too crazy in the middle, but hopefully that will be different next semester and I will see what I can do about giving you all the opportunity to sit in on the class that day. 
“All of your projects were truly amazing. I was blown away by not only the creativity but the quality of them. I wish you all the best of luck on the remainder of your finals and I hope to see you all around campus. Please feel free to stop by my office anytime you need someone to talk to or have a question.” 
I smiled and waved to the students as they left. Some stopped to say goodbye, but many just went ahead and left. Which was fine, I remember finals week in undergrad. What a nightmare of a time. It felt good being done and now I had four weeks to prepare and relax for next semester. Four weeks to also settle into Gavin’s house. I was also almost fully done packing and Gavin, Connor, and Tina were helping me move my stuff over in three days. I was excited to say goodbye to that sad apartment. I just assumed I would live there until my contract expired and move on with my life. Now I was happy I had barely unpacked, less to pack now. 
As everyone filed out I gathered my stuff and put on my coat. I was meeting Gavin at the precinct, he was taking the afternoon off so we could go shopping for some new furniture and decor for the house. 
I decided to walk to the precinct since it wasn’t that long of a walk and for early December it wasn’t too bad out. I knew if I got sick I would never hear the end of it from Gavin and Nines about the importance of staying out of the cold. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground, but it was sunny out, and not a lot of wind. It was relaxing to see the city so peaceful. It was almost the first anniversary of the android revolution, I needed to talk to dad and Gavin to see if we could do something special for Connor and Nines. To think one year ago many people were fleeing Detroit and the streets were on complete lockdown due to peaceful protesting. I looked over to see an abandoned Cyberlife store, I thought about asking Elijah about their plans for the remaining stores. With no clear laws, Cyberlife was in a major gray area, currently, they were only allowed to give spare parts directly to androids for free. 
Sighing, I walked into the precinct and gave a small wave to the receptionist. At this point, they all knew who I was and I didn’t have to check-in. Walking into the bullpen the first thing I noticed was that Gavin was in Fowler’s office, so I walked over to dad’s and Connor’s desks. I gave my dad a pat on the shoulder as I moved to jump up on Connor’s desk since my dad’s was too messy to sit on. 
“How was your last day of class?” Connor asked, leaning back in his chair. His LED was a calm blue. I smiled at him and noted the calm feeling around the two of them. Desk duty was clearly doing dad some good, even though both of them were eager to get back in the field. Connor had made that very apparent when he took Sumo out for a walk, that turned more into a run.
“It was really good. I’ll have to show you some of the projects I got. I think you’ll find them interesting. Maybe you could even pass them on to Markus, there’s one in particular that I think he’ll like. The student included a lot of artwork.” I hummed and looked up at Fowler’s office. From where I was sitting I could tell Gavin was frustrated, his fist were clenched and his body language was stiff. 
“Markus would definitely enjoy that. I’ll contact him to see when he’s free. I know he’s been busy with negotiations still.” 
“It’s been almost a year. I wish the government would work with them instead of stalling. Warren is just trying to stay neutral to keep her approval ratings decent.” Connor nodded in agreement. Androids were still not allowed to vote, so Warren didn’t have to worry about their votes. Hopefully, Markus would be able to change that soon. Androids should be able to vote in their own representatives. Snapping out of my thoughts that were meant more for a paper and less for small talk I shook my head and looked over to Fowler’s office. “What’s Gavin doing in Fowler’s office?” 
“End of the year evaluations.” My dad answered. I nodded and glanced over to where Nines was sitting. He was facing Fowler’s office and watching the two men talk, from his expression and Gavin’s it didn’t seem to be going well. I wondered for a moment if Nines was able to hear them and if he could, could Connor? “Are you two going furniture shopping?” 
“Furniture and just house stuff.” I pulled my legs up and moved to face my dad, sitting criss-cross applesauce. 
“You two are pretty serious, huh?” He asked, I couldn’t help but smile and nod. “It’s nice seeing you both happy.” 
“Thank you. I know it’s been hard to get used to us being together, but I appreciate it.” I looked back towards the office and saw Gavin shaking Fowler’s hand and heading out. We made eye contact and he grimaced. “Alright, I’ll see you two later!” I said my goodbyes to dad and Connor and walked over to Gavin’s desk. He was quickly packing up his stuff and avoiding eye contact with me and Nines. “Hey, you okay?” I whispered. He shook his head as he swung a backpack over his shoulder. 
“Let’s just get out of here.” I nodded and grabbed his hand. Gavin led me out of the precinct and towards his car in silence. Occasionally I squeezed his hand, hoping to offer some reassurance. 
We both got into the car, but Gavin made no move to start his car, instead he leaned forward and laid his head on the steering wheel. I watched him take a few deep breaths and I moved to rub his back. 
“Do you-”
“I didn’t get the promotion.” Gavin interrupted me, keeping his head down. I could feel him tense up under my hand. 
“Gav, it’s ok-”
“It’s not okay!” He shouted, his head shot up as he smacked the steering wheel with both hands, the loudness stunning me for a moment. I moved my hand from his back to his shoulder, attempting to keep him grounded in the moment. “I worked so fucking hard for this. I work my ass off. I’m constantly working on cases even outside of work and the thanks I get is ‘be better!’ What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?” Gavin was seething but keeping his eyes forward. He hit the steering wheel again, hitting the horn on accident. “Fuck.” He whispered hoarsely, looking over to me. He looked exhausted and his eyes were glassy. 
“Hey,” I whispered, cupping his face with both of my hands. I gently pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. “I don’t care what Fowler says. You are a kick-ass detective, you’re smart, you’re dedicated to your job, and I love you. Just because you didn't get the promotion today doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it. Go in tomorrow and prove him wrong every day until he understands that you are the right man for the job.” Gavin sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. 
“I-I know we’re supposed to go shopping-” He stuttered. 
“Let’s head home, we can shop another day. Nothing we had planned today is urgent.” I kissed him gently and I felt him release a sigh of relief. He gently pulled back to start the car. I buckled my seat belt as we headed back to the house. 
The drive was quiet, neither of us made a move to turn on the radio. I closed my eyes and laid my head against the window, listening to Gavin drum his fingers to a beat inside his head on the dashboard. Gavin really deserved that promotion. There were more times I could count where I would wake up around 3 am and find Gavin still working on a case. He was dedicated to his job and he dedicated himself to every case he had. 
Pulling into the driveway, we both made our way into the house and immediately plopped down on the couch. Gavin put his head in my lap and closed his eyes. I started running my hands gently through his hair, feeling the tension leave his body. He made no attempt to move or talk, so I started humming softly. 
“Thank you.” He murmured. 
“Of course, Gav.” I gently moved one of my hands to sit on top of one of his which was on his chest. He intertwined our fingers almost immediately. 
“You’re so good for me.” He said, his eyes were still closed so he didn’t see my smile. 
“You deserve good, Gav,” I whispered, quickly resuming my humming and attempting to comfort him. “Hey, have you thought about asking my dad for a letter of recommendation or for him to talk to Fowler?” Gavin let out a sigh. 
“I feel like that’s wrong.” He whispered.
“Because we’re dating, he’d feel like he’d have to.” He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He looked so exhausted, the bags under his eyes were purple. I gently ran my thumb across his eyebrow. 
“My dad would say no if he didn’t think you were right for the job, Gavin. Maybe just ask him what more you could do? He’s not putting in a good word for you, he’s just giving you advice. You shouldn’t feel bad about that.” I said softly, he closed his eyes and sighed. 
“Maybe.” He mumbled. “I’m sorry we didn’t go to the store.” 
“Don’t be. We can go some other time. There’s nothing on our list that’s urgent and even if there was you are more important than anything on that list.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” 
After about half an hour of Gavin laying in my lap, he left to take a shower while I made something low effort for us to eat. We spent the rest of the day just lounging about and cuddling. Even the cats ended up snuggling into both of us. Nines would be very disappointed in our food choices and lack of doing anything productive, but it really seemed to help Gavin. Which at the end of the day, was all that mattered to me.
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 16
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 3613
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  Written with @avengerscompound​ (insert witty comment here.)
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Chapter 16: Reunited
Our moment of relaxed contentment didn’t last too long.  By the end of the same day, Thor had come clean about the Fenestare, which had led to a long argument about whether it was okay to even participate in a battle to the death, how dangerous it was, and how it put the rest of us at risk too.
Tony wanted to leave.  Even the tiniest risk to the kids’ safety and he was on edge.  And so far there had been a lot of those.  Steve wasn’t so sure if we should leave.  If Thor was so determined to do this, he wanted to be there to support him.  He was very vocal about the fact that he did not think Thor should do it on moral terms.
Nothing was changing Thor’s mind though, so we spent the following day, highly strung as he prepared for the fight.  Tony dragged Steve to the lab to finish the bots and Thor had made me and the kids follow him around all day.  They were tired and cranky as we went back to his royal chambers.  Pietro was curled up in my arms and Riley was throwing herself around in Thor’s rather dramatically when Sif stormed in.
“Why was I informed, immediately upon arrival that there is going to be a Fenestare?”  She asked, squaring up to Thor and poking him in the chest.  “It’s like this place doesn’t function when I’m not here.”
I couldn’t even pretend I cared about what Sif had to say about the Fenestare.  I was too excited she was back.  If she was back it meant the others might be here too.  “Did you bring them?”
“Yes,” Sif said.  “I took them to your chambers.  They are settling in.”
I whined and looked at Thor.  He handed me Riley and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “Volstagg, could you please escort the Lady Elise to the others.”
“Of course,”  Volstagg said and gestured to the door.
“And I will stay here and attempt to slap some sense into our King,” Sif said.
I followed Volstagg down to our chambers carrying both the kids and when I stepped inside I found them all looking high strung and pacing the room.
“You’re going to need to explain what’s going on fast,” Wanda said.  “I’m starting to lose them.”
“Hey, hey, hey,”  I said putting the kids down.  They both immediately started bouncing and jogging on the spot like they wanted to run to the rest of their family but couldn’t decide who they should run to first.  “Why do you guys always have to go so negative?”
“Because an alien shows up, demands we all come here, and the mind-reader immediately jumps on board,” Natasha said folding her arms in front of her.  “That’s suspicious.”
“Can one of you indicate to your kids to come to them, they’re about to explode,” I said.  “The rest of you take a seat.”
“Who wants Daj?”  Wanda asked crouching down and opening her arms.  Riley charged over to her and slammed into her.  I crouched and pointed to Clint and Pietro ran over to him and immediately started scaling him.
Almost everyone took a seat in the couches.  Bucky, Natasha, and Bruce couldn’t seem to settle though, and the three of them kept pacing the room.
“Okay… so, there’s been a little descension here that Thor was unaware of the extent of.  A section of his people believe he was too young for the job, but originally there was no other choice but him or Loki and he was the preference.  So they would make him jump through hoops and he’d do it.  Only now a faction claiming there are two older siblings.  They believe that the firstborn son should be ruling and not Thor and are causing some trouble.  A few things have happened.”  I explained as I sat forward on the couch.
“There’s a what?”  Natasha asked.
“Brother.  Though there has been no actual sign of him.  There is a claim he was kidnapped and raised by the rulers of one of the other realms in the hope to put him in charge of Asgard and then they would rule the nine realms.”  I answered.
“You said some things happened?”  Bucky asked.  He was flexing his metal hand and looked as close to being the soldier as I’d seen him in a long time.
“There was an attempt to kidnap and murder Riley and I,” I said.  “A guard and a woman from that other realm attacked us.”
“And where are they now?”  Bucky asked in a completely flat and rather terrifying tone.
“In prison.  Loki has been dealing with them.”
“I want to see them.” Bucky seethed looking at the door.
“That is not a good idea,” Loki said, coming into the room followed by Fandral.
“It’s also not why you’re here,”  I added.
Bucky wheeled back to me.  “What?  There’s more?”
“Yeah,” I said with a nod.  “It’s about the hoops he’s having to jump.  Right now he’s preparing for a fight to the death he has to participate in.  Though that is also not why you’re here.  When we got here, we were almost forced to … well, marry him.  He has to be bonded with someone to rule if he has a child.  Without telling him or us they were going to force the ceremony.  He managed to get them to give us two weeks.  I couldn’t do it without you guys at least knowing about it.  But… and I guess I’m proposing for him right now.  He’d like it to be all of you.”
“A what?”  Natasha asked.  “And a what?”
“Deathmatch.  Wedding.”  I said counting them off on my fingers. “And -”  I took a breath and huffed, blowing my hair off my brow.  “- the thing about the wedding is… it will mean our life expectancies change.  They will all be pulled in line with Thor’s.”
“Can you boil that down just a wee bit for my dumb brain?”  Clint asked as he cuddled with Pietro.
“The ceremony is called bonding.  It doesn’t change the rules of the relationship.  It just means we are bonded to Thor.  And each other.  We will have a special connection.  For those of us like me who are going to get the usual 78 years most likely, we will now get closer to 5000.  For Bucky, Steve, maybe you B, and you Nat.  You’ll live significantly less.  Plus Thor will be promised to you.  You won’t ever have to worry about being alone.  So… we don’t all have to do it.  But he has to do it with someone.  If you don’t want to that’s okay, but we all need to agree on who does and if that’s okay.”
“Is there a place I can go to punch things?”  Bucky asked in a low voice.
I looked over at Loki, but Volstagg stepped forward.  “Let me take you to the training arena.”  He said.  “Is there anyone else that would like to work out their tension?”
Natasha raised her hand.  Volstagg indicated to the door with his ax and the three of them headed out together.
Sam moved over and wrapped his arm around me and I melted into him.  “I missed you guys.”
“How have you been doing, sweetie?”  Wanda asked rubbing my leg.
“I guess you could say I’ve been a little bit stressed,” I said.
Sam rubbed my arm and kissed the top of my head.  “That’s totally understandable, princess.”  He said.  “You’re safe and we’re all here.”
“What about you, my darlings?  Have you been having fun?”  Wanda asked the kids.
“Uncle Woki has a big wibwawy,” Pietro answered.
“Yeah?  How big?”  Clint asked.
Pietro stretched his arms up over his head.  “Is big.  So many.”
“Piet, you should tell daddy about what Fandral has been teaching you,” I said.
Pietro stood up on Clint’s thighs and started jumping.  “Daddy!  Daddy!”  He said excitedly and then started babbling so fast that it was hard to make out any words.
“Buddy.  Buddy, slow down.”  Clint said, holding Pietro’s hands.
“Dere’s a pony, daddy.  I rided da pony.”  He squealed.
“Oh, really?”  Clint asked.
“Fandral was teaching him to ride while Thor taught Riley how to use her powers,” I explained.
“That sounds like a lot of fun, buddy,” Clint said, and Pietro slammed himself against him and nuzzled into his neck.  “So… the immortality thing.”
“I don’t know what to do.  I worry about him.”  I said poking Pietro.
“Well, maybe he falls in love with an Asgardian,” Clint said.  “Or maybe Earth Science can cure diseases.”
“Or maybe we have to watch him age and then die and we’ll just be stuck like this,” I said, frowning.
“Well, yeah,” Clint said and kissed the top of Pietro’s head.  “I dunno.  Still don’t really see it as a problem.”
“You want to do it?”  I asked.  “Just like that?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know,” I said, furrowing my brow.  “It’s huge.  It means a lot.”
“Why don’t you talk us through it, honey?”  Sam asked.
“We’ll have to watch everyone we know die.  That means probably Piet.  Hill, Coulson, Scott, Rhodey, Clarke.”  I said.  “It means that all the shit we deal with on Earth could get worse because we will always just be there.  We might stop even being able to relate to people or form proper bonds with them.  They might start thinking we’re gods too.”
“Where did that fear even come from?”  Sam asked.
“I don’t know.  Anne Rice?”
Sam chuckled and Clint shook his head.  “So, fiction?  Have you tried actually talking to someone who has experience with that kind of thing?”  Clint asked.
“What like Thor?  The god of thunder?”  I snarked.
“Well, what about that guy?”  Clint asked, gesturing to Fandral.
“I’m afraid I’m not a good example,” Fandral said with a small bow.  “I have lived a normal life for what is expected on Asgard.  I have seen my elders die but I haven’t had to outlive any of my peers.  At least not in terms of watching them grow old.  I’ve lost friends in battle.”
“Oh,” Clint said.
“There is a chance that young Loki here may outlive us all.  The stories say there are celestials who existed before existence.  There is only one known case of their death and the skull is now the homeworld of many people.  Then came the All fathers.  The Ice Giants came with them.  They were violent and burned a path through the universe before them.  Then Odin was born of the Allfathers.  That was when the universe began to settle.  Other worlds grew and their own life forms formed with their own life spans.  But here on Asgard we live thousands of years and are revered as gods.”
“Okay, but would you choose to outlive some people by millennia if you could?”  Clint asked.
Fandral approached us and took a seat next to Loki. “That seems inevitable.  People die in war.  I outlived the Valkyrie.  My parents.”
“The what?”  Clint asked.
“Valkyrie?  The warrior women?”  Fandral asked with a mixture of shock and disbelief.  “You haven't heard of them?”  When Clint shook his head, Fandral sat up straight and clapped his hands.  “A story for the little prince and princess.  Once upon a time, Odin was stretching his rule over the Nine Realms.  There was much fighting within them and he wished to restore peace and order.  He took with him an army of women who rode upon winged horses.  They were the most formidable army in all the realms.  All who they went up against fell.  Until one day there was a great battle and they were all slain.”  He explained.   “I was but a child when they existed.”  He leaned over and poked Pietro in the stomach.  “Your father wished to be a Valkyrie when he grew up.”
“You get me a horsie wif wings?”  Pietro asked.
Fandral chuckled.  “That might be possible, little prince.  But first, we learn on the non-winged kind.”
“Are they a different species?”  Clint asked.
“That’s right,”  Fandral said with a nod.  “Longer lived and stronger than the typical horse on Asgard, but no match for Odin’s former steed.”
Clint furrowed his brow like he was mulling over the story.  “Why would wings make them live longer?”
I snorted.  “Correlation, not causation, Clint.”
“If I were to guess, I would say it was because the magic runs deeper through them,”  Fandral added and turned to Loki.  “What do you think, dear?”
“I think it would be a shame if I had to put a knife into your eye,” Loki said rolling his eyes and picking at his nails.  “I just cleaned my blades.”
Fandral chuckled and poked Pietro in the belly.  “Now, now.  Your uncle is always so violent.”
Pietro giggled and wiggled in Clint’s lap.
“Where are the boys?”  Sam asked.
“Thor is being chewed out by Sif.  I think Steve and Tony are in the lab.”  I said.
Like I had summoned him, the door opened and Thor came in with Sif, followed by the chef and his carts of food.
“Woah, magic,”  I said as Riley wriggled out from Wanda’s arms and ran over to the chef.
Riley bounced on her feet as she watched the chef start sorting things out for everyone.  There was a lot more food than previously, but then there were also a lot more of us.
As he was setting up, Steve, Tony, and Hogun came in.
“Oh, hey, the rest of them,” Sam said.
“Where’s Bucky and Nat?”  Steve asked, looking around.
“Punching stuff,” Clint answered.
“You should give everyone their gifts,” I said as Steve scowled.
“Sure,” Tony said and went into the bedroom to find the bag.
“Sif, did you talk Thor out of it?”  I asked.
“I’m afraid not, my lady,” she said.  “I did try.”
Tony returned with the bag and pulled out the bow.  “This is for you, Legolas.”
Clint took it and his eyes went wide.  “It’s so light.  Feels like I’m holding a pencil.”
“It is like mine,” Sif said.  “It has a perfect balance and tension.  You will like it.”
Clint tested the balance and I took the bag off Tony and dug around in it pulling out the vambrace.  “I picked these for you,” I said giving them to Sam.
He took them and made a soft, pleased sound.  “These are nice.”  He said turning them over.
“I thought they’d match your wings if you wanted to wear them. Or they’re just pretty.  So you can put them on a shelf to look at.”  I said.
“They’re perfect.  Thank you, princess.”  He said and pulled me close nipping at my neck.
I giggled and leaned into him, passing the bag back to Tony.  He went back and pulled out the gift for Bruce and gave them to him pulling him into his arms and kissing him softly before he pressed the decorative case into Bruce’s hands.
Bruce opened them and smiled for the first time since I’d seen him here.  “These look interesting.”
“Thought you’d like them, Bear,” Tony said and nuzzled at Bruce’s neck.
Steve took the bag off Tony and took out Natasha and Bucky’s gifts and put them on a shelf out of the kids’ reach before bringing the whole bag over and giving it to Wanda.  “Everything else in there is for you, darling.”  He said.
Wanda looked at him suspiciously and then opened the bag and looked inside.  “Why is it so big?”
“Some weird magic,” Steve said.
She reached in and brought out a handful of rings, necklaces, and bracelets.  “There’s so much.”  She said, beginning to separate each piece.
“The lady who made them wanted you to have all of them.  There is a lot more in there.”  Steve said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“It’s all so beautiful,” Wanda said, smiling.  “Thank you.”
Steve gave her shoulder a squeeze.  “You’re very welcome.”
“Lunch is served.”  The chef said.
“Is good,” Riley said from her spot at the table.  A plate was already in front of her and her mouth was completely full.
“How’d you get food, bug?”  Clint asked getting up with Pietro on his hip.
Riley pointed at the chef with a piece of food she was holding in her fist.  “Dis guy.”
“I did hand her a plate.”  The chef said.  “Did I overstep, my lord?”
“Is good,” Riley said.  “You my fwiend.”
The chef chuckled.  “Thank you, princess.  You’re my friend too.”
“I assure you, Clinton.  Magnus has been working for the throne since I was a small boy.  I trust him completely.”
“Even with what happened?”  Clint asked.
“Yes.  Magnus is loyal to us.”  He said.  “And a member of our household.”
Magnus bowed and took leave of the room as everyone got up and helped themselves to food.  Pietro climbed up onto Clint’s head and ate things that were passed up to him as Clint sat at the table with Steve, Sam, Tony, and Bruce.  Wanda and I ate at the couch with Loki while Thor seemed to pace and pick at things.
“Come here, human cat.  Curl back up with me.”  Wanda said, shifting so she could eat with me tucked into her side.
I curled in and picked at the food on my plate.  “What would the bonding ceremony be like?  What can we expect?”  Wanda asked.
“Oh, we get powers.  But we don’t know what they’ll be until it’s happened.”  I said.
“I’ll have extra powers?  Like lightning?”  Wanda asked.
“They will be a reflection of both who you are and how you see yourself in your family,” Loki explained.  “For example, someone who was very protective of their family might be able to create a shield that encompasses them.”
“Oh.  I see.  I wonder what that would mean for each of us.”  Wanda said.
Loki shrugged.  “Hopefully it renders this one mute.”  He said gesturing to me.
I tried to stifle a laugh, ended up snorting and then broke down into peals of silent giggles.
Loki did his best to ignore me completely.  “The ceremony itself involves a literal binding.  A cord will be used to bind you to each other.  For the number of you, I imagine it will look like a large web.  Magic will be passed through it and you will take a sort of vision quest.  In it, you will find where you belong within the relationship and your family.  If the bonds are true and good, then you will be granted your new gift.”
“Wow. Okay.”  Wanda said and took a drink as she seemed to mull over Loki’s words.
“Does she always eat like this?”  Loki asked waving her hand vaguely at Riley.
I looked over and saw Riley completely covered in food and shoveling more into her mouth.  “Oh, yes.  She’s a hungry beast, aren’t you bug?”
She roared in response which made Wanda start giggling.
“Who raised this child to act like this?”  Bruce asked.
“We did?”  I said with a shrug.
“I think she needs to be recalibrated.”  Sam joked.
“Daddy,” Riley said, sternly.
“Oh.  You asked for it now.”  Sam said, getting up.
“No, daddy!”  She squealed.
“Yes, bug.”  He said, grabbing her around the waist and flipping her upside down.
She flailed and squealed, kicking her legs excitedly.  A soft wind began to swirl around the room.
“Just a few more minutes.”  Sam teased.  “You’re almost fixed.”
“Riley, control that wind, please,” Thor said.  She continued kicking and squealing but the wind died right off.
“Huh,”  Sam said, flipping her back over and putting her down.
“Again, daddy!”  She squealed, jumping up and down.
“She got control of it after only a couple of days?”  Sam asked.
Thor shook his head as Riley continued to jump up and down, tugging on Sam’s shirt.  “Only sometimes.  It’s important to remind her when it’s out of her control though.”
Sam caught her midjump and spun her upside down again.  She squealed in delight.   It was such a pure noise and she was so happy.  As loud as it was with everyone here I felt at peace.  Even Bruce seemed to have started to relax a little.  The only stand out person, who was not beginning to calm was Thor.  Time was ticking down to the Fenestare, and the stress of it seemed to be seeping out of his pored.
“Thor, are you okay?”  I asked.
“As I can be.”  He said in a strained tone.
“Do you want to join Wanda and I for cuddles?”  I asked.
“Yes.  I would most appreciate that.”  He said moving over to us.
“You know he is as heavy as a horse right?”  Loki asked.
“I have been under him many times, yes.”  I deadpanned as I opened my arms and Thor collapsed down into them.
Loki shook his head.  “I don’t know what I expected to happen when I said that.”  He said.  “I am old enough to know better.”
“You did kind of walk into it.”  I agreed as I began to caress Thor’s hair and neck.
Riley came over and climbed up on Thor, draping herself over him like a cat and closing her eyes.
“Do you think she understands what’s happening?”  Sam asked.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“I hope she doesn’t,” Bruce said, his voice slightly strained.
Thor shifted and closed his eyes a little, and it wasn’t long before both father and daughter were snoring lightly in the pile on my lap.
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afterreign · 4 years
lovers is plural pairing: implied akeshu/shuake, background ann/shiho & ann/mika beta reader: @jubilantscribbler a/n: no p5r spoilers summary: The Phantom Thieves, an infamous name that empowers the young and instills fear in the corrupt, hold their most important meeting yet. Just who is Takamaki Ann, code name Panther, dating?
Today, Akira is not nervous. There are no battle strategies to discuss, no infiltration route to go over. He is free, not having to relentlessly plan out solutions for all of the potentially bad outcomes that could come to fruition in their next palace escapade.
(Although, he should do that, Morgana’s incessant pleas to sleep be damned.)
No, today is a day he can breathe easy. Today, he is confident.
Akira slides a 100 yen coin.
“Ann is definitely going out with Shiho.”
The response between the Phantom Thieves—sans Ann, of course—is mixed.
“Dude,” Ryuji deadpans, “for real? We’re makin’ bank, yet you’re only gonna bet, like, a coin?”
The weight, or lack thereof, to Akira’s wallet disagrees completely. “It’s fair,” he reasons, internally stomping away at the compulsion to present how truly empty his wallet is to everyone else. “Plus, we’re still high schoolers. College funds and stuff.”
The word “college” attracts the local student body president like a moth to a debt-filled flame. Ugh, third years. “While I would agree that saving up for college is admirable,” Makoto says with a laugh, “I believe we need to backtrack a little.”
Akira sucks in a breath when the brunette places an unwrinkled 1000 yen bill on the table. Makoto’s eyes shine a little. “I am placing my bets on… Mika-san.”
“Thank you!” Futaba, the resident shut-in, erupts, throwing her hands in the air. “I’m glad there’s some common sense here.”
This, of course, ensues verbal chaos. Ryuji, lovely Ryuji with a heart of gold, slams his hands down on the table, protesting all of Futaba’s points. (“Have you seen her look at Shiho?!” the blond exclaims. “Hell, I want someone to look at me like that!”) Futaba spouts something about common media tropes and otome games and other concepts that fly right over top student Akira’s head. Makoto is somehow the mediator and instigator in all of this, proudly showing the group a selfie Ann and Mika took not too long ago. Haru smiles, looking a little too apologetic for wear, before presenting an even more recent photo of Shiho and Ann going on a stroll at the nearby park. And Yusuke, passionate as ever, presents their close-knit group a highly detailed pencil drawing of Ann and Mika looking deep into each other’s sparkling eyes, and okay, this is getting weird. Possibly bordering creepy, and—
Akechi is sitting there with a pained expression masked poorly. He is sipping his coffee cup. It has been empty for the past ten minutes.
“—I feel inspired gazing upon two colleagues enraptured with one another,” Yusuke finishes confessing. Akira, admittedly, hadn’t caught the earlier half. A none the wiser Yusuke nods sagely, eyes closed. “There is no doubt in my mind… Ann and Mika-san must be together.”
“But,” Haru starts, “I can’t help but see Ann and Suzui-san in a relationship. Is that odd? I haven’t had any time to talk to Suzui-san lately, but when she attended Shujin, the two seemed close.” A fond smile crosses the third year’s face. “I can’t help but be a little jealous actually!”
Akechi politely raises his hand. His laugh sounds like it’s being played straight from his TV interviews. “Aha, well. I see everyone is getting along today. But… considering we are not discussing anything Phantom Thieves related, do you mind if I go along my way and head home?”
Everyone rightfully ignores him. Akechi remains stuck in the table booth, likely resenting the fact he came in the first place.
(Akira almost feels bad for him. Almost.)
“Well, that’s that,” determines Akira. He’s not sure what he’s actually determining, though. There is a tone of finality in his voice, and Akira simply goes along with it. He glances at both sides of the booth they’re huddled in and surmises his thoughts aloud. “Me, Ryuji, and Haru think Ann is dating Shiho. Makoto, Yusuke, and Futaba believe she’s dating Mika.”
Ryuji looks pumped. “We need a tie-breaker!”
Makoto frowns. “You… are aware that we’re taking individual bets, correct? It doesn’t matter if one ‘team’ has more people than the other.”
“Matters to me,” grumbles Ryuji, and Akira pats him on the back.
Out of the corner of Akira’s eye, he catches Haru’s glossed lips making a perfect little “o.” If the thieves were in some classic cartoon, Akira has no doubt in his mind that one of those thinking light bulbs would be flickering just above a bed of curly locks, a stubborn screw you to the laws of gravity. “Oh, Akechi-kun!” Haru turns to the detective, a curious look on her face. The light bulb is all aglow. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”
Call it a hunch, but Akira is sure that Akechi is swimming in many thoughts by now. Just… not anything helpful. Instead of voicing out the worst of the worst, the brunet smiles a pleasant smile. It’s strained all the same. “Well,” he begins, “before I give you my answer, mind if I express my own questions?”
Futaba minds, apparently. She groans and dives her head between the safe space of her arms. Some of the others restrain themselves to do the same.
“Is it not strange that all of you are placing bets on Takamaki-san’s love life? Does this not feel all a bit too personal?” inquires Akechi, arms crossed. Despite how light his tone is, his stare bores straight into Makoto’s eyes, judging. “I’m especially surprised that you are participating in this as well.”
Akira always felt that there was some camaraderie between Makoto and Akechi. Hair color and motivations aside, both are at the top of their grades, high marks on all of their exams. The two teens are cunning and have a similar interest in law and speak softly when it matters most. They’re arguably the most mature of their group, but… they slip.
Right now is not one of those times.
Makoto doesn’t flinch. “You… must not know me well then, Akechi-kun,” she states. “I admit that once the rest of the Phantom Thieves proposed—” Makoto quickly waves a hand at everyone. “—this, I thought it was… immature, at first. But I soon came to understand that we do this because we care about Ann.”
“And it’s fun!” adds Ryuji. Yusuke is beside the blond, humming in agreement.
“Ann is always looking out for our feelings,” Haru explains, smoothing out her skirt. “Think of this as if… we’re looking out for hers. Ann is one of my dear friends, so of course, I want to support her in a happy and healthy relationship.” Graciously, she covers a giggle behind her hand. “Although, I do think we get carried away.”
Murmurs of agreement surface between the team. And of course, Akira knows this isn’t about money. This isn’t about who’s right or wrong. It’s about Ann’s infectious laugh, about her overflowing sympathy for other people. It’s about Ann because Akira cares about his friends, and he wants the best for her—
“But are we not certain that Ann is dating Mika?” Yusuke asks, pure confusion in his voice.
—but he can still think his friends are factually wrong.
Before the debate has a chance to start up again, Akechi cuts in with a clean, “First, let’s get that tie-breaker vote in, shall we?”
“Oh, now he cares,” Ryuji scoffs.
Suddenly, Akira hears a small gasp. He turns his head to the not-so-mysterious source and finds a shocked Futaba gaping at no one in particular. “We forgot to ask Mona!” she yelps, startling everyone else from the calm. The shut-in whips her head away from everyone and begins shouting at the staircase. “Hey, Mona! Mona!”
For once, Akira is glad Sojiro decided not to stay and make the gang lunch.
It takes a few moments before Akira hears the creak of Leblanc’s wooden stairs. Slowly, Morgana’s nose peeks out from behind the rails before his head and his furry body follow suit. He moves down each step, one careful paw after the other, before dragging his dark tail across the white tile floor and hopping onto the table.
Oh, the bespectacled boy thinks belatedly.
Morgana is sulking.
Triangular ears are flat against his head. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here,” the feline-but-not-really says with a sigh.
Ryuji makes a low whistle and leans back into his seat. The booth does not bother to budge. “Damn, and I thought you liked talkin’ about your ‘Lady Ann,’ Mona.”
Akira does not miss Morgana’s withering look. In an effort to placate him, the teen reaches over and strokes Morgana’s favorite spot on his head despite the not-cat’s silent protests. Akira then leans over and speaks low into Morgana’s ears. “You don’t need to be here if you don’t want to. I know you wanted to skip out since…”
The silence speaks for itself. Morgana looks at him, and the former appears deep in thought, tail swaying as if searching for answers. Eventually, the tail comes to a halt. “Thanks,” he purrs, and Akira isn’t entirely convinced if it’s intentional or not. “But I got this.”
Akira feels a tug at the corners of his mouth. Satisfied, he leans back, watching Morgana take center stage.
“As someone who knows Lady Ann the best,” Morgana declares, chin held high, “I think it’s important that we consider other options. What if she isn’t dating any of them?”
Leblanc’s resident dyed blond groans. “You’re only saying that ‘cause you like her!”
“Am not!”
“Uh,” Futaba butts in, “are we gonna ignore the fact that none of us updated Mona on what we’re talking about, yet he still responds like he’s been here?”
Morgana seethes out an impatient “I live here,” while Akira says effectively the same thing, only with a switch of the pronouns. Okay, that didn’t work. Clearly, Akira needs a new plan—one that involves less bickering with an animal so they don’t all look insane when an innocent customer decides to walk in and witnesses the incarnate of chaos and more… amicable relations. More bets, perhaps.
Curiously enough, it’s Haru who takes the reins, sending Akira a small smile before speaking up. “Maybe if Mona-chan understands why we think Ann has a significant other, he can decide for himself.”
Akira may be a heathen, but God bless Haru.
As Akira is internally singing his praises, the conversation thankfully segues back to Ann and a hyper analysis of her love life. Futaba mentions how she first found out about Ann’s secret romance after forgetting to debug the café. (Akechi then sends Akira an alarmed look the latter chooses to dutifully ignore.) Haru continues that line of thought, recalling Ann’s inquiries regarding the language of flowers and the like, and Akira makes sure to ignore that tinge of jealousy stirring in his stomach even though he knows that Ann knows his hard work in memorizing a bunch of flower symbolism for his job in the underground mall.
He sighs and mentally sweeps his slight envy under the rug. Priorities, Akira.
It’s not until Makoto clears her throat and poses the daunting question of “So, do you believe us?” to Morgana that all eyes fall back on the not-cat, waiting patiently.
The sway of his tail falters. “... Yes,” he bites out. Morgana’s face contorts like he’s devoured a lemon. “Guess this is what you unrequited love, huh?”
Luckily, Ryuji has the decency to stay quiet as Haru breathes an apologetic “Oh, Mona-chan…” and pets the not-cat’s torso.
The group falls into an almost comfortable silence, save for Morgana’s drooping ears that nearly makes Akira leap forward and shower him with many affectionate head pats. Akira otherwise lets his mind wander. He drifts between the scent of Sojiro’s curry ingrained in the dark walls of Leblanc and his daydream of a flustered Ann grasping the hands of a faceless lover, rotating from Mika to Shiho to a mixture of the two’s features. The arch of the rival model’s groomed eyebrows and the doe eyes of the ex-Shujin student are rolled into one.
Features, Akira absently thinks, and for some reason, his eyes linger on the jaunt of a certain detective’s chin, the curve of his lithe neck, the way he carefully tucks a chestnut-colored lock behind his ear. His eyebrows, not unlike Mika’s, are furrowed. Dark, gloved hands hold a gray smartphone that is definitely not bugged by someone that rhymes with Fakura Sutaba, and hazel eyes—red, if you catch them when the glint of the sunlight hits them just right—are fixated on the screen.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise when Akechi of all people, the same Akechi who never dares to back away from a challenge, continues the conversation, not bothering to look up from his phone.
(But it does come as a surprise, oddly enough. Because Akira, jolted out of his daydream and thrusted into reality, is looking, and he feels like he shouldn’t be.)
“Have we come to a conclusion about our findings then?” Akechi questions, a thoughtful look on his face.
“Pardon me,” Yusuke voices, “but I assumed you held no interest in Ann’s love life like the rest of us.”
Akechi, lo and behold, bears another classic (read: fake) smile of his. “I don’t particularly. However, it seems like you all are stumped, and I do enjoy a good mystery. After all, I am a detective, aren’t I?”
Akira resists the urge to point out how the unknown identity of Ann’s girlfriend is a far cry from a good mystery, much less anything more than petty gossip when not discussed amongst friends. Instead, he motions the brunet to continue with a flick of the wrist.
Finally, Akechi looks up. “Have any of you considered the antithesis to Morgana’s hypothesis?”
Ryuji frowns. “The… what?”
“I believe Akechi-kun is talking about the opposite of what Morgana initially thought,” clarifies Makoto. “Which means…”
The gears in Akira’s head turn by the end of Makoto’s unfinished remark. His mind swims around antithesis and Ann and the underlying yet unknown connection between the two, trying to grasp at a lost thread he’s determined to find. (Anntithesis! his brain unhelpfully supplies a beat later before he dismisses it completely.) He thinks back to what the group assessed before: selfies, flowers, the like. Selfies, flowers, the like.
… Were they selfies?
Akira is backtracking now, attempting to recreate the images Makoto and Haru had shown the rest of the group earlier in his head. He closes his eyes and thinks. Mika and Ann’s picture can be excused as a selfie, sure. The two were pressed close together in the photograph, shoulders bumping and heads tilting inward to stay in frame. A part of Ann’s arm was cut off from where they took the picture. Sly smirks on both of their photogenic faces.
By all means, it’s a regular, old photo. A selfie, likely.
Then, what about Ann and Shiho’s? Akira recalls Inokashira Park as the backdrop of the image, an abundance of green flooding his vision. He’s quite familiar with the area, too; jogging with the former track star there whenever his body can endure the brutality of cardio is one form of torture Akira will never forget.
If he recalls correctly, the photo was awfully similar to its counterpart. Heads inclined towards one another, shared smiles, and⁠—
Ann and Shiho were holding up peace signs, both pairs of arms visible in frame.
It’s a cliché to gasp. Akira knows this and does it anyway because one, he is surprised and two, he loves being dramatic. The act earns a rather bemused look from Akechi that’s immediately disguised as a roll of the eyes.
The rest of the thieves follow suit as realization dawns on them. Makoto nods. Futaba blinks. Ryuji’s jaw drops. Haru, polite as ever, raises a hand to mask the shock evident on her face. Morgana’s eyes go and widen to the size of Kamoshida’s golden medal, round and shimmering and unbelievable.
Yusuke is the last one to come around, and he barely manages to gather his bearings in time to ask, “Can it truly be…?”
A delightful ping rings in the still air.
“See for yourself,” Akechi says, voice breezy, and slides his phone down on the table.
“Do you think they’ve seen your Instagram post?”
Shiho asks this while peering over Ann’s shoulder, watching the likes accumulate at a rapid speed. The end of her ponytail brushes against the blonde’s nape. Ann struggles to suppress a giggle.
“Oh, maybe?” It comes out unsure, reluctant. Ann taps her chin. ”But my phone hasn’t blown up with text messages yet. And trust me, I would know when my friends saw it.”
The other model waves it off, nonchalant. “They’ll figure out soon enough anyway." A pause. Then, Mika sighs. “Looks like the entire population of Tokyo will, too. I don’t know why you wanted to do this, but I’m sure our agency is going to love capitalizing on it…”
“Ugh, agency shmagency!” Ann, who has no concept of personal space when it comes to these two, gathers both of the girls in her arms and gives them a tight squeeze. “How can I hide away my two amazing girlfriends from the world?”
Mika rolls her eyes, but the dust of pink coloring her cheeks gives her away. “Is she always this corny?”
Shiho snickers. “Oh, one hundred percent.”
7 notes · View notes
prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Take Flight // AIRFORCE7
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Summary: BamBam wasn’t interested in flying planes at all. Yet after stumbling into the air force, he did what he could to face his fears of not being good enough.
Pairing: BamBam x reader (ft. Jackson Wang)
Genre: pilot au / 1940s era / romance / friendship au
Warnings: Due to the era it’s set in, this will contain minor war conflict in some of the stories. I will not be making the war-zone my main focus in this series however. 
A/N: Finally, the idea that had me cackling from the beginning of this series being born has arrived. I loved giving Bam this character and I hope you appreciate it as well!
Word count: 4963
This series will continue every Thursday until completed at 10am NZST. 
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BamBam always enjoyed scenes like this. The music was just right; there was a flow of skirts and a jubilant feel in the air. Those who were facing troubled times were far from these shores. The youth were able to enjoy the freedom that this country bolstered.
Yet signs of protecting that freedom had begun to show.
“What’s happening over there?” he asked his best friend Jackson, who glanced over to where the former had pointed. There was a crowd of ladies and the sounds of their giggles were almost as loud as the music around the hall. BamBam craned his neck, trying to understand what or who had all their attention.
Jackson chuckled. “The air force men are here.”
“The air force?” BamBam repeated and then slapped a hand onto his older friend’s shoulder. “So will you have that to look forward to now, cadet?”
“I just registered; I haven’t done anything for this country yet.” Jackson eyed the crowd of ladies with renewed interest though and even BamBam had to admit, he was tempted to join the force just to explore having that much attention. He was young and had a lot to learn about the world, though he knew well enough by now that having the attention of women was definitely a pleasure most men would participate in.
“Wang!” They both turned to see who called Jackson, and BamBam groaned heavily when he saw Charlie Mills and a group of his friends approach them. His mood instantly soured, Charlie was one of the people in this town that BamBam could quite happily never see again for the rest of his life. Scott glanced at BamBam disinterestedly before smirking at Jackson. “I hear you joined the force. Does that make us comrades?”
“Well, I guess it does.”
BamBam rolled his eyes and it wasn’t lost on Scott. Not that he intended it to be.
Charlie folded his arms over his chest and squared his jaw. “Still hanging out with losers though? I hope your taste in friendship changes as you serve the country.”
“Why wouldn’t he hang out with me? Unlike you, when you left Jackson to face the damage you did at-”
“I didn’t come out to fight tonight,” Jackson intervened, smiling forcibly. “I’ll see you on the base on Monday, Mills.”
Charlie shook his head and pointed to the crowd over by the refreshments stand Jackson and BamBam had previously been staring at. “You see those women over there hanging off those pilots? That’ll be us. You’ll have no time to hang out with children. Enjoy it whilst you can, little Bam-boy. Your friend here will be too busy for you soon.”
Jackson’s arms held back BamBam from responding, the men walking over to the crowds where all the focus was. BamBam scoffed when he heard Charlie announce he was a pilot in training to the girls on the outskirts of the gathering. His jealousy rose when the statement actually worked and soon they were immersed in the circle of attraction as well.
“Don’t let him get to you so much,” Jackson instructed and BamBam rolled his eyes again. His friend chuckled. “He’s right; you can be immature at times. You play into his game every time. If you want to rise above Charlie, you need to not fall for his stupidity.”
“He’s a jerk though.”
Jackson nodded. “The biggest asshole to exist, I know. But he’s also the richest and basically owns this township. No matter what you try to accomplish with pointing out how crooked he and his family is, you’re the only one who’s going to get burned.”
“Just tell me you won’t become good pals with him in the force. I’ll never forgive you if you do.”
“You fool,” Jackson reached to ruffle BamBam’s hair before slinging his arm around his neck to stop his friend from protesting too much. “I’m more worried about you going about without me around. You’ll fall off the straight and narrow if you let that opinionated way of yours out too often.”
BamBam sighed. It frustrated him that Jackson wasn’t just his best friend but like a big brother too. He wanted to play and explore this earth with him at his side. Not be reminded of his limitations. Since turning twenty-one, Jackson had decided he needed to grow up and no longer do the fun things they would do together. He was focused on improving his skills as a pilot in the fields of the farms nearby and since BamBam didn’t grasp the obsession men seemed to have with planes these days, he had decided Jackson was becoming too old and boring already. With Jackson’s new path in life, BamBam would have too much free time on his hand in between helping his mother with their Laundromat business. He had no idea what his future would entail now.
“Let’s just have fun, alright?” Jackson offered, sensing the brooding mood of his friend and grinned at him happily. “There’s plenty of girls here tonight. Who knows what will happen for us both?”
BamBam grinned and let go of his thoughts, breathing in deeply. The night was young and so was he. He started to move to the beat of the music and then bumped into someone, apologising before he turned to see who was there.
“Oh! Y/N, what are you doing here?” Jackson asked and you glowered at BamBam before addressing Jackson.
“I snuck out.”
BamBam grinned. “Your Dad is going to be on your case, yet again.”
“Daddy doesn’t need to know where I am. If you can be here, so can I.”
“I didn’t have to sneak out,” he reminded pointedly and you shrugged. BamBam leaned down to you and patted your shoulder lightly. “Be a good girl and don’t stay out too late, won’t you. We don’t need any more pumpkins in this town.”
“Why I ought to!” you seethed and Jackson chuckled, shaking his head at your antics. You were neighbours with BamBam and had been for your entire life. If Jackson was a big brother to BamBam, you were the epitome of an annoying sister. He had no time for you, unless it was pulling pranks. Which he had done a lot over the years.
“Remember how Charlie just called you immature, Bam?”
You lit up, ready for any ammunition on your neighbour. “Did he?”
“I’m just stating facts. Y/N’s Dad will probably prefer a pumpkin for a daughter if it means she’ll be a good girl and stay at home. You know how much he dislikes his precious daughter in the company of pilots. Funny, since he’s the Corporal of the airbase. Toddle off home now, Y/N. There are too many cadets and pilots in this building for you to associate with.”
“God, I hate you, Kunpimook!”
“You’ve started it now,” Jackson mentioned with a groan as his friend jumped on you to quieten you down. “I’m going to leave you two kids to squabble and find someone to dance with.”
“Don’t call me that,” he hissed and you smirked, wrestling him off. “Look what you did; now even Jackson thinks I’m immature tonight.”
“Because you are.”
“I’m almost eighteen; I’ll have you know that makes me a man.”
You nodded your head once. “The outside has grown up but your brain is still trailing behind.”
“At least you acknowledge my appearance is right.”
You blushed and shoved him off. “I’m here to meet other men than you.”
“Likewise.” You snapped your head towards him and he groaned before you could voice your amusement. “Don’t be dumb, you know I meant a lady for me. Someone with tact, who is beautiful and all the things you’re not, little pumpkin.”
“You know, the girls here will find you more appealing if you actually cared for what the consensus is here for. You didn’t join the air force with Jackson, did you?”
“Now why would I do that? You know I don’t do planes. I’m keeping my two feet firmly on this ground.”
You smirked. “You’re such a scaredy cat. I can fly planes with my eyes closed and you’re the one who screamed like a girl when I took us out that last time.”
“Because you closed your eyes! What if you did something wrong?! I didn’t want to die; my life is too precious to leave in your hands.”
“No woman would find you attractive like that.”
“There is no compulsory need to fly a plane to be deemed manly,” he remarked and you shrugged again, reaching for his arm. You angled him so he could see the proceedings of the gathering around you both.
“Look around, I don’t think your logic works in this setting. You are right about it not defining masculinity, but in this day and age, your opinion won’t matter. Women like the idea of men protecting them. What can you protect them from?”
He was silent, your words cut deeper than he liked them to. It was true though. The focus was on what men could provide for their country and their respective partners or future wives. Whilst the youth held no rules, the bridge between the youth and adults was clear. Jackson had started crossing it, and BamBam knew he would have to one day soon.
But why did it have to involve planes?
You patted him encouragingly and smiled. “Go on then, exude your manly self. I’m just going to find someone who doesn’t really care either way. Have a good night, Kunpimook!”
He didn’t have the energy to correct you, BamBam was too involved in understanding what step to make. The first couple of girls he approached were interested in dancing with him until they asked what his career options were. When he fumbled through that, they moved on and he wondered if it was a lack of confidence making them leave. Yet you were right, joining the armed forces in some way seemed to be the topic of the night. Even with brewing animosity overseas, the idea of a war coming here didn’t seem logical. Others seemed to think it was some fantastical kind of event, all preparing to be the heroes of a future that the nation was preparing the young men for.
“So, have you got your dog tags yet?”
“Is training hard?”
“Oh, you haven’t been drafted in yet? When will you be?”
The questions came quick and fast, much like their departure from his side when he didn’t answer the way they expected. BamBam had no interest in going to war one day, and that seemed to deflate his chances.
Until he met a brunette girl who seemed to like him a lot. He was anxious, hoping she wouldn’t bring up what everyone else had. And when she didn’t, he relaxed into dancing with her, locking lips with her until suddenly he was blindly making his way through darkened hallways of her dorm house, smashing through a bedroom door and being thrown upon her bed.
“Have you ever flown a plane, BamBam?” she asked and he was too worked up from getting all the way to here to stop now.
“Once or twice, with a friend,” he admitted and that brought out a smile on her lips. He nodded, desperate to continue pleasing her. “Maybe I’ll fly again soon.”
“After tonight, all you’ll ever think about is soaring up in the clouds to feel this high again.”
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It was a hasty decision, yet BamBam registered for the air force. His family were the proudest they had ever been, and even after Jackson got over his initial surprise, he was thrilled to have his best buddy at his side. And admittedly, that was one of the perks of joining.
The other was seeing Charlie Mills’ face when he saw BamBam on the base. “Wait, who let the kid in?”
“BamBam’s the same age as I am,” his brother Ron mentioned, but Charlie waved him off, approaching BamBam slowly.
“You know this is where the big machines are housed, right? Going to pee your pants because they go too fast?” he taunted and BamBam merely shrugged. Inwardly, he didn’t want to admit that he was trying to forget all about that part to being here. His nonchalant exterior, however, was making Charlie turn red. The delight BamBam felt was exuberating.
“Did you pee yours or something, is that why you’re bringing it up?”
The low hum of stifled laughter only excited BamBam further, especially since Charlie was getting further riled up. Charlie let out a dry laugh. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“You literally just did off your own accord.”
“Well… it’s one thing to be registered; you first need to pass your medical to be accepted. Can you even read well? We’ll see who will be doing the walk of shame soon.”
Of course, BamBam’s health was the best it could be. He passed every test with such good marks; it was even brought up to other cadets. BamBam grinned when he caught Charlie’s annoyed gaze across the cafeteria that evening, waving at him and then pretending to cry. It made the bully storm off in a huff and Jackson clapped BamBam on the back with his win.
“How do you plan on hiding your fear of flying from him though? He might just be guessing you’re scared from that time he drove us to the next city over, but when he finds out it’s a real issue for you-”
“I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry.”
BamBam’s confidence was dragging behind him on the first day of practical work though. He had so far done his debriefing on what was expected of his role as a cadet, and the training around planes that weren’t moving wasn’t so bad. He was doing pretty well actually.
Until he saw his fellow cadets pull their T6 Havard off the ground.
His Captain looked towards him and grinned. “Son, have you ever flown a plane before?”
“No sir, I’ve only assisted.”
“Well, there’s always a first time for everything. Get up into that cockpit and show us how it’s done!”
BamBam screamed for the entire time and when he managed to land the potential metal death trap, he proclaimed he would never set foot in one again. Storming across the field, he didn’t care for Jackson’s following encouragement or the laughter of Charlie and his friends. He was done forcing himself to like something he was never going to be good at. Being the best at everything in theory wasn’t going to miraculously make the vertigo he felt when up in the air dissipate, and he didn’t want to work through it like Jackson was insisting behind him to do.
BamBam didn’t stop until he reached the hangars, collecting his rucksack and then stepped back outside. He groaned when he saw you approaching with a group of ladies. They were giggling until they saw him and he nodded curtly, rounding the group with haste.
“Excuse me, soldier. Was that you up in the air just now?” one asked and he faltered in his step, embarrassment flooding him. He turned but couldn’t lift his eyes from the ground.  Nodding once, he waited to find a moment to excuse himself. Instead, he was surprised by a clap of glee. “Wow, you really flew that plane?!”
“You were so charming! And the way you stormed over here, you looked so manly,” another crooned and BamBam tentatively lifted his head to face you and your friends. He avoided your direct gaze however and smiled weakly.
“Uh, I wasn’t alone.”
“You’re my type of man though! Can you fly it again for us?!”
You cleared your throat. “That’s not how training works, Nancy.”
“There’s a plane right here. Oh, could you just stand by it, soldier, please?!”
BamBam blinked rapidly, being shoved by the ladies over to the plane outside the hangar. He awkwardly stood beside it and they all seemed to appreciate it for some reason. With the attention on him being so positive, his posture changed and he stood up with more confidence, even smiling for the small gathering. The ladies squealed with delight and leapt on him, begging him to be the personal tour guide for the rest of their trip around the air base.
Much later, when all the girls had waved their reluctant farewells, you fell into step beside BamBam and sighed. “Sorry about that.”
“They seemed nice.”
“They saw a man in uniform and fell in love,” you said with a laugh and BamBam nodded.
“Guess you’ve seen enough men in uniform for your whole life that it must have no effect on you.”
You turned shy momentarily. “You look good in uniform, Bam.”
He coughed awkwardly, feeling the heat rise up on the skin of his neck. “A shame I only look good. I should have never fallen trap for this. I’m not fit to be a pilot at all.”
“Why did you then? I told you that you didn’t need to become one, you know.”
“I didn’t want to be the only loser in town,” he admitted. “At first, I didn’t care that I wasn’t like everyone else. I wanted to continue my life how it was. I guess I realised no one would care for what I amounted to unless I put on this uniform.”
“That’s not true. Your family and friends-”
“Mum cried so hard the day I told her I was accepted. She’s never been so damn proud of me in her whole life.” He shot you a weak smile. “Jackson was thrilled I followed him here too.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?” he asked and you let out a huff of breath. He nudged you playfully. “You didn’t care what I did.”
“That’s right, I didn’t. I still don’t. What you do with your life, is your choice. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I support whatever makes you happy.”
BamBam sighed heavily. It didn’t feel that simple to him. “You know, I froze in the cockpit and made a fool out of myself earlier. Cap must think I’m useless. He was always talking me up on the ground, but now after that, he’ll want me off the squadron. And in front of Charlie too. Ah man, I’m never going to live this down.”
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” you started and BamBam glanced at you. “Charlie isn’t as special as he claims to be. He failed to get accepted here three times. My father refused every monetary bribe from his family as well. Charlie’s father flogged him in front of me and told him if he disappointed the family one more time, he’d write him out of any inheritance. And when Charlie first flew a plane during his private lessons, he cried and peed himself. I wouldn’t be so concerned about what he thinks of you.”
It was fleeting; the euphoric feeling of knowing his foe wasn’t invincible. But BamBam knew deep down how Charlie felt in some regard. He was no better than him, though he was now no worse either. It was a surreal experience to realise he had a level playing field with him. And then BamBam sighed, shaking his head. “Y/N, I think I should quit. I’m not cut out for this life.”
“Well, if you must, but you’ve not really given it a proper go either. I’ve never seen you quit without giving it your all before.”
“I’ll just keep making a fool out of myself though! I’ll barely be able to hold my head up in front of the other cadets. I’m never going to amount to a good pilot.”
“Despite freezing up, do you realise how good you actually are?” Bam glanced at you to find you smiling at him. “I saw the entire flight. You had the most stable plane in the skies all afternoon.”
You grinned. “Bam, you just need to overcome your fear of flying. Because the actual flying part isn’t the problem for you at all. You’re the issue.”
“Oh, har-har.”
You shook your head, adamant. “Bam, I’m not messing with you. I could help you, you know.”
“In what way?”
“Well, you liked the attention of the girls before, didn’t you? You won’t keep that if you quit. But if you get some flying lessons, you’ll be able to wow them from up in the sky and on the ground too.”
He was being tempted and you knew it. You nudged him. “Besides, even if you know Charlie’s little secret, wouldn’t it be nicer to beat him without any dirty tactics involved?”
“Do you really believe I can fly, Y/N?”
You grinned and nodded. “You have a wee way to beat my abilities but I’ll have you flying better than anyone in that squadron in no time.”
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“I want to go back down now! Come on Y/N!”
You laughed and hit the throttle instead. “You need to know you can handle the speed, Bam.”
“I know that I can’t! Ground the plane!” he cried from behind you, shrieking as you propelled the aircraft forward.
“You land it then.”
BamBam knew then he shouldn’t have listened to you. It was bad enough he was sneaking around behind the Corporal’s back with you, commandeering the plane before the sun had any chance to rise for the day. He realised he should have stopped this whole little scheme of yours and not brought into your temptation. You weren’t going to help him succeed, you were reckless and as a result, he was going to die. He started to shake, realising you had stopped having full control of the plane. He looked down at the equipment in front of him, his hands grabbing tightly onto what he needed to take over. They had practised this countless of times in his training, just in case your first pilot had struck misfortune in a two-seater plane like this. BamBam went through the steps like clockwork, breaking out in a cold sweat and cursing endlessly until he landed the plane on the tarmac. Before you could say anything, he did his part in turning everything off and jumped out of the cockpit, storming away from you and your craziness. You jogged after him.
“Is it a habit of yours to run away from planes as soon as you land them?”
He glared at you, suddenly stopping and bending over to catch his breath. He felt light-headed though he couldn’t tell if it was from the experience or his anger towards how at ease you still were. He cursed the very day he met you over the boundary fence of your homes.
“Oh come on Bam, you landed it perfectly! Why are you being like this?”
“We could have died!”
“No, we wouldn’t have. Because I knew you could take over and stop anything from happening.”
“That was crazy, if you were a man, I’d-”
“You’d what? Punch me for scaring the crap out of you?” You stuck out your chest, attempting to grow in stature. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“I think I’m afraid of you now!” he announced, heaving another breath before standing upright. There was something about the way you were looking at him that made him stop and stare, and without warning you launched at him, kissing him with demand. He stumbled back with you in his arms and even though his first instinct was to push you off, he kissed you back instead. Your arms wound around his waist and anchored yourself to him, passion making its course between you until the kiss came to a natural end.
BamBam steeled himself for another erratic reaction from you but you merely smirked. “What was that?”
“I just found how to calm you down.”
“Huh? You just kissed the crap out of me.”
You nodded. “You’re no longer having a panic attack. Wow Bam, you really were fuelled to become a pilot by the loving touch of a woman, right?”
He flushed, annoyed that something that had felt so good was now tainted by your words.
He vowed he wouldn’t fall victim to your ways again.
Yet he woke up on time every morning for the next month, screaming in the skies and moaning in your arms afterwards. The kissing in the back of your car was definitely incentive to get through whatever you made him face in the cockpit and he realised even if he was vocal whilst flying, he was actually getting the hang of it.
It showed when he was tested again in front of his Captain, and unlike the first time, he didn’t run away. BamBam wasn’t proud of his quirks up in the skies, but you had told him to embrace them. When he stopped fighting his fear, his instincts sharpened and he was executing moves better than half the cadet force. He wasn’t nearly as good as Jackson, but he wasn’t far off from him either.
“Look it’s the cry-baby,” Charlie announced at breakfast loudly, a couple of sniggers from his friends following. BamBam ignored it and continued to eat. “Wah wah, flying is so hard.”
“It is hard,” BamBam agreed simply and spooned in another mouthful.
“Then why don’t you quit? Go find something else to scream at?”
BamBam glanced up; disgruntled his meal was being ruined. He smiled, almost a little too sweetly for a man who had just run several miles before getting the chance to eat this meal. It unnerved his opponent though and so he continued to smile. “Is there a reason you think you’ll get rid of me? Afraid I might actually be a better pilot than you, Mills?”
“Hardly, I don’t scream and embarrass others around me.”
“Oh, are you embarrassed by me? I’m sorry about that. I’m not bothered though because I’m the second-ranked pilot in our squadron. Guess Cap doesn’t care for my cursing if I execute what he asks, huh?”
“Cocky little shit!”
“You keep bringing up your genitalia. Are you sure you didn’t have an accident with yours in a plane, Charlie?” he wondered, though his eyes burned with the truth. The older boy stared back for a moment, his gaze breaking when he realised BamBam might know his secret. He glanced around his friends and BamBam merely turned back to his meal. A minute passed by and then he heard the clearing of Charlie’s throat.
“Is that all you have to say?”
“Do you really want me to say more?”
“Like you could,” Charlie scoffed, though it was in poor attempt. BamBam knew he would back off now. When the scene was over, Jackson gave BamBam a funny look.
“You know something, don’t you?”
“I know that Mills won’t test me anymore,” he stated, smiling to himself.
He knew he had a lot to thank you for.
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Six months had passed, and some habits remained strong. BamBam didn’t like it when others were in control, and would scream loudly during training exercises that involved flying in formations too close to other planes. But he had shown himself to be a pilot worth investing in. Both he and Jackson had been deployed to a larger base with the promise of joining an elite team force that was being formed.
The truth was, BamBam was petrified of what it all meant. But a bigger part of him was excited. It was funny how he had never viewed having a future with planes, and now, he couldn’t imagine what he would have done without them.
Or without you.
He held his cap in his hand, wrestling with the words to say to you. If it hadn’t of been for your help over the last several months, he wouldn’t be faced with this opportunity. Not to mention, your lips were definitely his favourite taste in this entire world.
“You’re acting like I’ll never see you again,” you told him and slapped him on the arm. “You’re not being deported out of the country, Bam.”
“What if I freeze up again?”
“You won’t.”
“I could.”
“But you won’t,” you assured him, grinning happily. “You’re worthy of this. Embrace the opportunity.”
“Thanks, you know. It’s been because of you that-”
“Are you really going to get mushy on me? Please don’t tell me you plan on trying to do some long-distant thing with me too,” you intervened and laughed when his skin flushed with colour. “Bam, you’re so sensitive!”
“And you’re the craziest girl I’ve ever known.”
“And will ever know too,” you added on for good measures, the pair of you chuckling in agreement. You let down some of your barrier and slipped your arms around his waist, murmuring appreciatively. “I will miss this though.”
“Don’t fall for someone else.”
“Why not? I’m not going to put my life on hold for you, just like you shouldn’t for me.”
“You’re so damn hot and cold with me, I never know what we are.”
You smiled warmly. “We’re Y/N and BamBam. Isn’t that enough for now?”
“You’re right,” he replied, kissing the side of your head. “I guess you were never one who I could expect a normal relationship with.”
“You’re a pilot. Don’t you remember, I’m banned from marrying your type.”
“Oh, so you led my heart down this path for no reason, huh?”
You stretched up to kiss him, shaking your head lightly. “When you’re done flying planes for a living, you’ll find me again. Until then, scream at the skies. They’ll help you with any emotion you feel until you experience these arms around you again.”
It wasn’t hard to leave you behind with that promise, looking forward to what he was flying towards next.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 116: Calm Before the Storm
Emma parked the squad car and James pulled up in his behind her. They got out and went into the Rabbit Hole, straight into an all out brawl.
"Oh crap…" Emma complained.
"Well...you first," James told his twin.
"Why me?" David asked.
"Well...you're the famed dragon slayer and the man that's been boasted as the one that easily defeated Blackbeard to rise to glory. This is right up your alley," James replied.
"You're never going to let that glory thing go, are you?" David argued. James smirked.
"Nope...get in there, baby brother," he joked.
"We're twins," David reminded.
"I'm seven and a half minutes older than you, according to mother," James argued.
"Seriously?" David argued back.
"Dad...we don't really have all day. Just be careful though. You know how much Mom will fuss if I take you back to her all scraped up," Emma said. David gave his daughter an incredulous look and she shrugged.
"He's not wrong. You have the reputation of the best swordsman in all the United Realms," she reminded. He rolled his eyes and unsheathed his sword, before jumping into the fray.
"You know...you're a good swordsman too. You could help," Emma told him.
"Nah, this is more fun," James retorted and she shook her head.
"You're terrible to him sometimes, you know that right?" she asked.
"I have twenty some years of giving him a hard time to make up for," he replied. The drunks stupidly tried to swing at David, some even with knifes, but they were no match for his skills, even if they had been sober. He grabbed the first one by the arm and tossed him into a table, while another picked up a chair in an attempt to hit him with it. He was obviously too drunk to realize what kind of sentence that attempting to assault a King would come with, but David was quick to duck and tossed him onto the now broken table with the other man. The pile of drunken thugs continued to grow, as David made quick work of them and soon had them all lined up, ready to be cuffed, which Emma and James proceeded to do.
"Oh...are you actually going to help for a change?" David asked, as he sheathed his sword.
"That's what we employ Knights for," James retorted, as Lancelot and several other Knights arrived to take them to the Sheriff's station, which was much larger now, to process them. Shortly after Snow and David took their Thrones, they decided that Storybrooke's Sheriff's station was now much too small to handle the justice system of the United Realms. But they wanted it to remain the hub of criminal defense in the United Realms, so they allocated the funds to build an addition to it, as well as an actual prison next door. Up until then, long term prisoners had been housed in the basement level of the hospital, which would not suffice any longer.
The Knights that David, James, and Lancelot had trained in the last three years were extremely impressive and noticed by all the other Kingdoms. There was talk that the Knights they had trained were even more impressive than King Arthur's famed Knights of the roundtable, something Lancelot personally knew would be a point of contention for his former liege. Arthur had remained fairly silent though. He attended the United Realms council meetings and participated in a minimal capacity, while largely remaining mysterious to mostly everyone. Lancelot knew the reasons, but since Arthur had not made any aggressive movements, the Knight had chosen to let him keep his secret, until the time that changed.
"A little above your pay grade, don't you think?" Lancelot teased David, as his Knights marched the drunks responsible for the brawl. David shrugged.
"Emma got the call and you know I can't help myself," he joked. Lancelot smiled.
"You never put yourself above the people. That's why you are the leader you are," the Knight said, as he left to take care of those they had placed under arrest. David was always humbled by Lancelot's respect for him and was well aware of his falling out with his former King. Arthur had done much to let Lancelot down it seemed, though David had no inkling of what exactly had happened between them, other than it involved Queen Guinevere. But by the ever present tension between them, it was clear that it went beyond that. David never pried though and Lancelot never offered details. With them, Lancelot had a new start and they allowed him that.
"My bar is in shambles!" the owner complained.
"And you know the procedure. Submit the damages to the United Realms insurance bureau and the damages will be covered," David offered to appease him.
"Yeah...and maybe consider some new security tactics or watering down your booze. This place seems to be a constant source of trouble," Emma added.
"Oh, I don't know...I find it a perfectly fine place, but then a girl like me is always drawn to chaos," a voice purred. They turned and found Cruella De Vil sitting at a booth, sipping a cocktail.
"You always get a show here...and then I can always count on a very attractive line of men to come in to rectify the situation," she added, as she looked the twin brothers with a feral gleam.
"Oh yes...now that is a such a pretty sandwich that I'd love to be in between," she purred, as she licked her lips.
"Oh my God…" Emma complained at her blatant sexual innuendo.
"Oh yes Dahlings...the fun we could have," she continued, as her eyes undressed them both.
"Hard pass," David retorted, as he started to leave.
"It's too bad...I knew he'd never go for it. But I had hope for you when I first learned you were back. The bad twin...think of all the fun we could have had and the chaos we could have created. A pity you've gone soft," Cruella purred in his ear.
"You're not my type," James refuted. She cackled at that.
"Oh, but I used to be…" she reminded.
"I've changed, as has my wife...but not that much. Hands off or she'll fry you and this monstrosity you're wearing," he warned, but that just seemed to thrill her more.
"Do you like it? I just had it made and I'm already scouting for my next," she boasted.
"Poaching is illegal and if we catch you killing innocent creatures just to use their pelts, I throw you in prison myself," James warned. She pretended to pout.
"It would almost be worth it to be put in handcuffs by you," she leered.
"I mean it, Cruella…" he warned again, as he followed his niece and his brother out. There was a time that Cruella's lust and praise of him would have been very attractive, but he had come a long way in three years. He still had moments where he felt inferior to David and his twin had the golden reputation and glory he had thought he wanted and still sometimes did. But he had come to love his brother, as well and their parents. He had the family he had always wanted, deep down, and would never throw love away to be with someone like Cruella; a woman he was certain was incapable of love. He had love now, with a woman that was much like him. They had both wanted to be good and had been molded into monsters; him by his abusive adopted father and Regina by her mother. But they had sought redemption and walked the difficult path back to the light. Together, they had found love and neither of them was letting it go for anything.
"This meeting of the Council of the United Realms will come to order," Persephone announced.
David heard those words, as he, Emma and James entered the chamber just in time, as the meeting was brought to order. He took his seat next to Snow and kissed her cheek, as he sat down.
"Let's get this meeting underway then. No one wants to sit here and watch you two and your incessant public displays of affection," Ravenna snapped in irritation.
"Well, then why don't you start us off, Queen Ravenna. What efforts have you made in the last month to improve the lives of your people?" Persephone questioned.
"Oh you're going to love that, aren't you? Because my Kingdom is struggling and your daughter's is thriving, you make it your mission to point it out every single time," Ravenna complained.
"Your Kingdom is struggling, because your people are being unfairly taxed, yet your treasury is empty," Persephone stated.
"Which would warrant an investigation into your Kingdom's finances, because it screams fraud," Regina added.
"The only fraud here is this joke of Council! I have never been treated fairly and it's because of her," Ravenna claimed, as she glared at Snow.
"Your perception is not reality, Queen Ravenna. While you claim unfair treatment, you turn a deaf ear to your people cries for help. You must improve the state of your Kingdom or you will force others to step in," Persephone warned.
"Such would be an act of war!" Ravenna claimed.
"No...it would be an act of mercy on your people at this point. You're staring down the barrel of a full revolt in your Kingdom if you do not make changes," James argued.
"Says the Prince that was raised to be a tyrant," Ravenna retorted.
"With the difference being that my brother changed and rose above that raising. All you can seem to focus on is your hatred for my wife," David snapped.
"And I always will," Ravenna promised, as she glared at them.
"As usual, this is getting us no where. Queen Ravenna...you've been warned about the condition of your Kingdom. Now to move on to other matters," Persephone announced, while Ravenna silently seethed.
"If we're going to discuss monetary matters, then perhaps we should discuss all the funds that are constantly eaten up by all the advancement in Storybrooke," Midas interjected. Abigail sighed.
"Father…" she chided.
"It's okay Abigail...we have put a lot of our joint Kingdom's funding into the ongoing projects in Storybrooke. The community center has been finished for a year now and it's a huge asset the entire United Realms. And the University is on schedule to be ready for fall semester in just a few months time," Snow announced proudly.
"The education reform of this is unprecedented. I've already had many approach me about enrollment," Elsa confirmed.
"And the community center classes and events are always fully booked," Anna added.
"Yes...and the Community Center also offers counseling for addiction, victims of crime or abuse, and many other topics. It's giving battered women and their children a place to go as well," Snow added.
"Yes...you've been on quite a crusade to shut down my business, but I assure you that it won't happen now that I've moved it to Lord Cronus' Kingdom," Deimos interjected, as he sat beside King Cronus.
"Only because he has chosen not to outlaw brothels," Snow retorted distastefully. Deimos smirked.
"And many other Kingdoms still have them as well. I'm now just one in a sea of many and while you may have outlawed them in your Kingdom and Storybrooke, fairest Snow...you do not have the pull to do so in any others," he retorted.
"You exploit young women," she spat.
"I employ them," he argued.
"You make me sick," she hissed, but he only smirked.
"And you're still as fiery as ever. It's too bad I never got the opportunity to tame you," he leered, causing David to nearly launch himself across the room.
"Enough…" Hades bellowed.
"Lord Cronus...if your right hand insists on speaking to our daughter in such a manner then he will be banned from this and any future meetings," he warned, as his father glared at him.
"Of course...Lord Hades. It won't happen again," Cronus assured.
"Well, as usual, the financials are a point of contention. Perhaps we'll do better in discussing defense," Persephone stated.
"Crime in our Kingdoms and Storybrooke is down forty percent," David reported.
"Yes, which is impressive. Your methods and training techniques are being adopted by many Kingdoms," she stated.
"That's nothing...crime is almost non-existent in Paris," Frollo boasted.
"And your prisons are filled with innocent people," David interjected, as he glared at the unjust ruler.
"Then by all means, King Charming, why don't you come blazing in to liberate the souls you say are innocent and take them to your Kingdom. I'm sure that will keep crime low," he retorted. David seethed and glared at the bigot, but took the high road, as he felt Snow put her hand on his.
"I won't need to. The harsher you rule your people, the angrier they will become and when they revolt...you'll get some of that justice you're always spouting about," he warned.
"You and yours have made it quite clear that you disapprove of my rule, but there is money in my treasury and food in the stomachs of my people. There is more than one way to rule," he retorted.
"However, if you want to speak of a spike in crime...then perhaps you should look to Camelot," he interjected, as the attention turned to Arthur and his Queen.
"Camelot is secure...I'll admit that there has been a spike in crime, but the Knights of the Roundtable, the most valiant Knights in the United Realms are working to quell the increase in violence," Arthur stated sternly.
"Word has it that the Knights of the Roundtable is a dying order. If anything, King Charming's Knights are far superior to yours these days," Frollo argued, as he attempted to stir the pot, as usual.
"Misthaven has no quarrel with Camelot. Crime happens everywhere and I assume this small spike is just one of those things. Am I right, Your Majesty?" David questioned. Arthur looked nervous, but the other King didn't let on like he noticed and it made the wielder of Excalibur wonder what, if anything, his father-in-law might have told him about his Kingdom.
"It would appear so, King David and the situation is being handled," Arthur confirmed, as they thankfully moved on, as a few other matters were discussed, until Persephone finally dismissed the weekly meeting. Ravenna stormed out, while Frollo casually followed her.
"This trip we're about to take better yield results," she hissed to him.
"It is a promising endeavor, I assure you," he replied.
"It better be!" she snapped.
"Because I want that little brat to suffer at my hand and there to be nothing her stupid mother can do to stop her demise," Ravenna growled.
"Then we had better be on our way to the Harbor," he responded.
"Well...that wasn't very productive, but I guess I knew what to expect," Snow mentioned, as he led her out with his arm around her.
"Perhaps not...but you're a tough act to live up to," he mused. She smiled.
"So are you...saying you and your Knights are superior to even the Knights of the Roundtable. David...that's incredible," she gushed. He kissed her hair.
"I want my family to have the best protection and our people deserve the same as well," he agreed humbly.
"Do you need to get back to the station right away?" she asked. He smirked.
"I think Emma and Lancelot can handle things for a while and my parents have the babies. I'd say you and I could enjoy a romantic walk," he replied, as he offered her his elbow and she hook her hand on it, as he led her out.
Killian Jones hurriedly made his way to the Harbor, spotting his ship or rather the ship he had given up to Mr. Smee three years ago. Upon arrival in this new magical forest, he had sought an item he had heard could be used to trap someone. He had planned to find this item and then return to Storybrooke in order to use it on his nemesis: the crocodile.
Upon reaching the tower where this golden flower was rumored to be, he instead found a young woman trapped there. Entranced by her beauty, he promised to free her and they slept together. But when he awoke that morning, he discovered that the young woman was not what she appeared to be and rather was an evil sorceress that had used him to conceive a child. With her magic, she had accelerated the pregnancy and gave birth, allowing the baby to take her place in the enchanted tower. He was shocked and appalled that the witch, whom called herself Gothel, abandoned the baby without a thought. But he could not do that. Despite the terrible deeds that littered his past, he could never leave his own child to suffer. His own father had done so to him and he would be damned if he did so to her. So he stayed and took care of his daughter, as suddenly he had something more important than revenge. She became everything to him and was his pride and joy, allowing him to finally let his revenge go. Alice was his world now and so when the witch return to try and poison his heart to take her away, he had managed to trick her and escape. He knew she would be after him, but he knew if he could get to Storybrooke, that he could ask for protection. He knew he had done a lot of things they didn't like, but he was positive that Snow and David would help him for the sake of his child.
"Mr. Smee…" Hook called and the portly man looked up in surprise.
"Captain!" Smee said, pleasantly surprised.
"I need a ride to Storybrooke, post haste. Care to help your former Captain out?" he asked. Smee smiled.
"Of course Captain...of course. Whose the kid?" he asked. Killian smiled.
"She's my daughter, Mr. Smee," he announced proudly, as the three-year-old in his arms looked shy and buried her face in her father's shoulder.
"Your daughter?" Smee asked in surprise.
"Much has changed, Mr. Smee and it is not safe here for us any longer. I'm taking her to Storybrooke," Killian replied.
"Of course...we'll set sail right away," Smee agreed, as they boarded the ship and set off across the ocean.
Greg sighed in frustration, as they watched Henry at school.
"We've been watching this kid all day...he's never alone. This is impossible," Greg complained.
"Then maybe we need a different target," Landon responded.
"Like who?" Greg asked.
"What about the blonde Sheriff?" Landon replied. Greg's eyes widened.
"Emma Swan? Queen Snow and King Charming's daughter? That blonde Sheriff?" Greg asked, looking at him like he had grown three heads.
"Why not? What better target to cause panic and lure all the of the major players out of Storybrooke?" Landon questioned.
"Think about it. We get Emma Swan and we for sure will lure her parents and Regina out since the former Evil Queen is not married to her Uncle. We get her husband, which means we'll get Rumpelstiltskin as well. And we'll likely get Hades and Persephone as well," he continued.
"But there is magic here...and Emma Swan has a ton of it," Greg reminded.
"But we have this," Landon reminded, as he held up the cuff. Greg smirked.
"You're right and once we lure them all outside...there's no magic for any of them to use. Not even Persephone and Hades will have power in New York," he agreed.
"Exactly. We take her there and introduce her to all the interested parties on the dark web that went wild over our video and then the rest of them will walk right into the thick of it," Landon said.
"Okay...but getting Emma Swan won't be easy either," he warned.
"Easier than getting the kid though. The next time she responds to a call alone...we'll be waiting to ambush her," Landon said. Greg nodded. This was it. Once he lured them all out of Storybrooke, they would get a confession out of Regina and get the attention of the FBI. Then any fringe groups that had believed their video would surely pay them handsomely for the rest of them.
"There's my babies…" Snow cooed, as she and David met his parents outside Granny's that evening.
"Mommy!" Xander called, as he toddled to her. She scooped him up and they both kissed his head, as their baby reached for David upon seeing him.
"And there's my tiny angel," he cooed to her, as he took her in his arms and kissed her head. Snow leaned over to kiss her as well. It may have only been a few hours since they had seen them, but they missed their babies fiercely.
"Did you have fun with Grandpa Robert and Nanas Ruth and Sera?" Snow cooed.
"Uh huh," Xander answered. The three of them smiled.
"As usual, they kept us on our toes," Sera said fondly.
"But we love every minute of it," Ruth added.
"Yeah...I'd say we definitely have the best job in all the United Realms," Robert agreed, as Emma arrived with Neal, Henry, and baby Tallie. Snow's three parents gathered with them next and finally Gold and Belle arrived with Gideon, as they planned to go into Granny's. Neal happened to turn and see someone that none of them had seen in three years in the street though.
"Hook?" he questioned, a bit apprehensively at first. He then relaxed as he spotted the little girl in his arms.
"Hello mate...it seems I'm not the only one that things have changed for," he replied.
"Is she yours?" Snow asked curiously. Killian smiled at the blonde child in his arms.
"She is. This is Alice and I've come back here to make a life for her. It's a bit of a long story, but I think Storybrooke is the ideal place to raise her...unless I'm unwelcome," he replied.
"That depends...you still out for revenge on my father?" Neal asked.
"I gave up revenge when she was born. Has he?" Hook replied, as he looked at Gold.
"It seems we have both embraced a second chance," Rumple stated firmly. Snow looked at her husband and David looked at his father. Robert nodded, signaling that he had mostly put what Hook had done behind him as well. He had his second chance as well and wasn't going to deny such to another father.
"Then why don't you and your daughter join us for dinner. She will definitely have plenty of playmates," Snow stated. Hook nodded.
"Thank you," he agreed, as he followed them into the diner. The saying that time healed wounds may have been a myth, for it was love that healed those wounds and it seemed that Hook was now an example of how children changed everything for the better...
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rkxdowoon-a · 5 years
As you prepare for the start of practice this morning, a staff member passes you in the hallway with another trainee, Choi Yena, behind him and pulls you to the side. He tells you to follow him and leads you down the long hallways. The three of you stop in front of an office. Inside, there is a PR manager already waiting for you with a disgruntled look on her face. Once the staff member takes his leave, she motions for the both of you to take a seat across from her. “I don’t know if the both of you know why you are here,” she starts with a heavy sigh, “but there are a few things we have to talk about.”
She doesn’t spare you another look as she speaks and turns her attention to the tablet in front of her, instead. “As you may know, there is an article circulating around online about some idol couples. It has caused quite the stir amongst netizens.” She pauses and looks at the both of you with a stern expression. “Of course, the both of you know about it since you took the time to comment about it on social media.”
Sliding the tablet across the table, she looks at the other trainee sitting next to you first. “You might think what you posted online is harmless, but not only did you involve yourself in ‘online drama’, you actively spread it by sharing the link amongst your followers and causing more people to pay attention to those rumors.” Then, she looks at you. “And you didn’t manage to keep your opinions to yourself as well. I say this only once – we do not tolerate our trainees participating in gossip. It’s not a good look for you and especially not for your company if these were to get out.”
She switches between both of your twitter accounts for a last look on your latest tweets before putting the tablet back to her. 
“Even now as private trainees, your opinions can impact your image and ours as well. You have to be careful about what you say to others and post online since it can reflect on us negatively in the future and taint your career. How can we be sure that you will keep quiet when Royal Entertainment is involved in such an article if you can’t even mind your own business when another company is involved?” She clicks her tongue. “If you’re so desperate for attention, maybe you should put your energy into your training. Once you debut, you will get plenty of attention without pulling something like that.”
When he’s pulled aside just as he arrives, Hwichan is a little bemused. Sure, he’d heard of the scandal running around the building and had poked fun at it online. Who hadn’t? Even Eric had been dismissive of the whole thing. Still, he follows Yena and the staff member without argument, more interested in the day’s practice than whatever lies ahead.
A mistake.
His eyebrows furrow as they’re led into a room he doesn’t recognize and to a person he’s sure he’s never had any business with before. He exchanges a another bewildered look with Yena as the approach the desk, apprehension building in his stomach.
And then his heart skips several beats as he spots twitter open on the PR manager’s tablet, suddenly realizing why he’d been pulled here. And he lets out a hysterical laugh. Not that he finds the situation funny. Not at all, he knows he’s in the shit now. It’s more of a nervous reaction.
He pulls himself together quickly as the woman turns her attention to him, forcing his expression into as neutral one as he can manage, with the exception of his eyes which darken slightly and he becomes rigid in his seat as the lecture continues.
Outwardly he’s calm, he has to be. Inside, he’s seething. No, he’s screaming.
This isn’t fair! Why was he being punished for a few jokey comments and a dumb fancam post?! He hadn’t said anything malicious, insulted anyone or acted any ruder than he normally would have had in this kind of situation. Hell, hadn’t two MGA contestants started a flame war last year?!
His fists clench under the table and Hwichan bites hard on his lip, willing the tears of anger and humiliation back. He lets Yena defend herself, hating that she too is being punished for acting like anyone else would have. Unable to maintain eye contact anymore, he glares down at his shoelaces, shaking a little.
Sure, he’d expected Royal would have been keeping tabs on his SNS after he signed, and in hindsight, what he’d posted was foolish. But to be called out like this, for this woman to imply he was an attention whore and didn’t focus on his training…. it hurt. It hurt worse than any of his surgeries ever did, hurt worse than that fight with Eric.
Being a trainee, you expect pain and suffering; how else would you progress? But never, in his wildest dreams did Hwichan expect to be hurt like this.
And he can’t help but wonder. Is it worth it? Is the possibility of maybe debuting someday worth this kind of hassle? This embarrassment? This anger? This censorship?
He doesn’t know anymore. All he wants is to get the hell out of there before he loses his cool completely and get thrown out of Royal completely.
“I– I’m sorry.” he chokes out, fists balled up so tight he can feel the indents his nails are making on his palms. “I didn’t think I’d be offending the company with my posts. I won’t do it again.”
What’s the point in trying to defend himself, he has no excuses like Yena. He has nothing to explain his actions beyond ‘it’s just my opinion.’ It’s better to keep quiet and not dig himself deeper.
Hwichan lets Yena propel him out of the room once they’re done, staring at her blankly once the door shuts behind.
“Well, SHIT!”
Honestly, Hwichan couldn’t have said it better himself. If he could say anything at all. As it is all he can do is nod numbly at the younger girl before turning on his heel and walking off, ignoring her calls.
It’s not until he locks himself into the most deserted bathroom stall he can find does Hwichan allow himself to give into his anger, embarrassment and upset and let himself cry.
OOC NOTE: Both Yena and Hwichan are under an SNS ban, as is the rest of the company because of their careless actions. For more information about the extent of the ban, please refer to the announcement post made on ROYAL’s blog and wait until you receive further instructions.
OOC Note 2: Things I was not expecting when I made those twitter posts; this. jdfkskhsdfjsk Now don’t get me wrong, I know why Hwichan is being punished and tbh, this may be the development his character needs to help me move him forward. But I just wanted to clarify a thing or two owob Hwichan is used to being coddled all his life due to his illness, he’s never been called out like this ever. Hence why he’s having the reactions he’s having, he literally cannot deal with that fact that he’s in the real world now and shit like this gets you into trouble. There is also a lot of genuine guilt, as he never intended on getting the entire company onto a ban. That’s part of the reason he’s so aggrieved, if it was just him in trouble, he’d deal. But he can’t handle the fact that he’s dragged all of Royal into this mess and it’s easier for him right now to blame Royal Ent that it is to accept he was dumb enough to react to rumors in the way he did. Which is also why he’s all ‘screw being a trainee’ right now, he’s very upset at Royal. Hopefully, it’s just a fleeting thing. Like this note was supposed to be dskfsdjf 
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usemeasabadexample · 6 years
Merry Pitchmas!
Merry Pitchmas @acabloe 
I’m your secret santa! I hope you had a great holiday and I really hope you enjoy the story! (Sorry I’m a little late. Holidays...ugh *insert dramatic eye roll*)
Bechloe Fanfic: Fine
Summary: AU where Beca is a music producer and Chloe is a teacher. Beca needs community service hours and gets hooked up with Chloe but they really don’t hit it off right away. 
“A club seems like a really unprofessional way to meet someone I'm going to be working with Amy.” Beca shoots a dirty look to someone who brushes past her a little too aggressively.
“Unprofessional?” Amy pauses as the bouncer waves them through the door. “Seems a bit unprofessional that you punched a guy in the face because of creative differences.” She issues air quotes to the last two words and gives Beca a pointed look before turning back around to make her way to the VIP area.
“Dude.” Beca puts a spring in her step to catch up to the blonde. “That guy was a dick. He had no idea-”
Amy's hand in her face cuts Beca off mid-sentence and mid-step. “Beca, please.” She doesn't finish her thought. Instead, Amy plops down onto the sofa inside of the roped off area.
Beca doesn't understand what that's supposed to mean and shrugs her shoulders as she sits in a chair next to Amy. “What?”
Amy glares. “No dick talk. I'm having a dry spell worse than an Australian desert in the middle of summer.”
Beca immediately regrets asking for clarification. She grimaces. “Wait, is that why you picked a club for this meeting tonight?”  
Amy is still glaring at her and Beca wants to sink back into the chair and disappear because she knows she isn't prepared for whatever Amy is going to say.
She needs a drink before she can participate in this type of conversation.
“I chose this place because I know the only way to get you to socialize like a normal human being is to get a few drinks in you.”
Beca starts to object but almost on cue, the waitress drops by and places a tray of bottles down onto the table in front of them. She mentions that the owner will be by shortly and Amy starts pouring drinks before the girl is even gone.
“Amy-” Beca tries again but it's to no avail. Amy clearly isn't having it tonight.
“No. You're lucky you got off with community service and a payout after fisting that guy in the face. These people need to like you so that your service goes well and they give good reports to the judge.” Amy passes her a drink. “Now shut up. Drink. And act like a person. I know it's hard but do it.”
Beca rolls her eyes because she knows Amy’s right but that doesn't mean she has to like it. 
She is thankful though.
For all of her quirks, Amy has always been a kind and loyal friend. She tells it like it is and she always has Beca's back. No matter what. No questions asked. It's been that way since college and when Beca moved to L.A. to work for the record label, she knew she wanted her best friend with her. The blonde didn't hesitate to take a position as Beca's assistant and they left Georgia to start a new phase of life together. That was five years ago and they've been thriving ever since. Beca considers herself a pretty successful music producer. She's worked with everyone from Katy Perry to Lil’ Wayne to Michael Buble. It's been wild but it's everything she's always dreamed about.
Until she punched that piece of shit a few weeks ago everything was perfect.
She thinks about it for the millionth time as she sips her drink. His music sucked and he was a complete dick to every woman in the studio.
A dirty comment about an intern finally forced her off the deep end and nothing in the world could have stopped her fist from connecting with his worm-looking face. Community service be damned. Fuck that dude.
She's glad she socked him.
“What's up bitches?!” Her thoughts are put on hold as the owner of the club, who is also one of their best friends, appears. Beca hops up to give the woman a hug but she gets side-swiped by Amy and almost topples over.
“Amy!” Beca winces as she regains her balance.
“What?” Amy looks like she doesn't understand what the problem is and Beca isn't surprised.
Cynthia Rose laughs loudly and peels herself from Amy to pat Beca on the back. “Hey girl. You meeting your new work buddy tonight?”
Beca nods.
“I'll get shots.”
“No.” Beca grabs her shoulder. “That's okay CR. I'll get them. You keep an eye on Amy.”
Cynthia Rose laughs and Amy furrows her eyebrows but then grins almost immediately. “That's fine. Look at my sexy fat ass all you like but don't touch.” She winks and Beca rolls her eyes before she heads to the bar.
Leaving the two of them alone together is never a good idea but what can she do?
Thankfully, the bar isn't overwhelmingly crowded yet so she slips between two people and orders a round of shots. She has a feeling she's going to need more than one to get through the night but this is a good place to start.
The bartender drops the shots down and winks at Beca as she pays. She smiles back because, why not? The girl is pretty enough and she hasn't dated anyone in a while. Harmless flirting could be fun. She picks up a shot and just as she opens her mouth to say something she's sure will be witty, someone bumps her from behind.
Her shot goes flying, spilling down the front of her shirt, and she feels something wet dripping down her back as well. She immediately spins around to give whoever it is a piece of her mind. “Dude! What the fuck?”
The mystery woman giggles in response and Beca bristles because seriously. What. The. Fuck? This isn't funny.
“Are you seriously laughing right now?”
The woman rolls her lips together. Presumably to stop herself from laughing but she's still grinning. “Sorry!” She reaches out and lays a hand on Beca's shoulder. “I wasn't paying attention.”
Beca glares at the hand resting on her arm then looks back to the stranger and a few things catch her eye.
The first being the most insane set of blue eyes that she's ever seen. Even in the darkness of the club, they're practically glowing.
The second thing she notices is the woman's flaming red hair. It's so vivid and it looks so soft that Beca almost reaches out and touches it without thinking. Stopping herself only when the redhead squeezes her shoulder. A brilliant smile forms on the woman's face and Beca closes her gaping mouth. She lets her anger take over again because how dare this gorgeous woman try and charm her.
Reasonably, Beca knows the woman hasn't done anything to be purposefully charming but that's neither here nor there. The point is, she's all wet and she doesn't like it.
“Well, maybe you should start like, paying attention or something.” The words don't come out as venomous as she'd planned and it only serves to further annoy her.
The redhead's eyes widen and Beca can admit that she actually looks a little scary. A little crazy. Intimidating almost.
“I can replace your drink.” The woman runs her hand from Beca's shoulder down across her back. “And your shirt is hardly wet.” She winks. “I think you'll survive.”
Beca shivers but recovers quickly and tries move out of reach. It's difficult though because the crowd at the bar is growing by the minute. “Yeah, no. I think you've done enough already. Just-” she tries to duck away from the redhead again but they just keep bumping into each other, “can you just move out of the way? For fucks sake!” She blows out a frustrated breath and glares at the infuriating stranger.
The woman doesn't smile back this time. She looks just as irritated and has the nerve to roll her eyes before stepping to the side to allow Beca through. “Gladly.”
Beca gives one last dirty look before bursting through, almost shoulder checking the woman in the process, and making her way back to her friends.
“Shortstack! Where have you been?!” Amy already seems tipsy. “Where are the shots? We have company!”
Beca huffs because in her haste to get away from the redhead, she forgot to grab their shots. She shakes her head. Frustrated. And gives Amy a look that says “don't ask.”
She looks around and notices her best friend, Stacie as well as her co-worker, Lilly have arrived. Her lawyer, Aubrey, is also there with a few people she doesn't recognize. She assumes one of them will be her new work partner at the community center where she'll be completing her service hours. Aubrey's the one who set the whole thing up. Said she had a friend who was a teacher and also worked with kids at an after school music program. Beca seethed at the thought of having to work with a bunch of kids but whatever. She had to do something.  
She takes a deep breath and walks over to Stacie. “What's up Stace?”
“Hey Shorty!” Stacie flings her arms around Beca and plants a sloppy kiss on her cheek from which Beca immediately recoils.
“Gross.” She wipes her cheek and Stacie winks.
“Beca!” Amy is literally screaming at this point. “Where are the shots?!”
“Oh my god! Amy!” Beca whips around to face the blonde. “Chill the fuck out.”
“Well, where are they?!” Amy taps her foot. “And why is your shirt a mess?” Amy leans in and talks out of the side of her mouth. “Bathroom quickie?”  
Beca feels her blood pressure rising.
Why did she agree to this? Why does she agree to anything ever? “Amy no. Just...shut up. Some klutz ran up behind me and spilled my shot.” She gestures to her back. “She spilled her drink down my back too. Fucking clumsy ass redhead.”
She starts shaking her shirt out for dramatic effect when she hears someone clearing their throat behind her.
Amy pulls a face, baring all of her teeth and looking extremely uncomfortable and Beca doesn't understand what's happening until she turns around to address the continued throat clearing and sees that it's the redhead from the bar standing behind her. She's carrying a tray of shots and looks far too smug for Beca's liking.
“You were saying?” The woman brushes past Beca and drops the tray onto the table.
She thinks she sees Aubrey give the redhead some kind of look but she doesn't dwell on it. She's too stunned for the moment. And certainly not by this woman's beauty, she assures herself.
No way.
She convinces herself it's because of her unexpected and abrupt appearance.
She snaps herself out of it.
“I said,” she steps closer, “you're clumsy.”
“Mmm nope.” The redhead smiles and shakes her head. Unaffected by the insult apparently. “I'm Chloe.”
And Beca sees stars she's so perturbed. She opens her mouth to lay into this girl but Aubrey steps in. “Beca.” Her tone a warning. “This is Chloe. She runs the after school program where you'll be working for the next few weeks.”
Well, fuck.
Of course.
Beca grits her teeth and fakes a smile. “Fucking great.” She mumbles.
“I'm sorry.” Chloe steps closer. “What was that?”
And Beca doesn't back down. “I said,” she steps closer too, “fucking,” closer again, “great.”
Everyone else looks around at each other with worried expressions.
This is going well so far.
Chloe raises an eyebrow. “Mhmm. I thought that's what you said.” She turns around and grabs two shots from the tray, handing one to Beca, who takes it unwillingly. Skeptically.
“Cheers. Try to stay out of my way this time.” Chloe clinks their glasses and downs her shot. Then she winks and walks away before Beca can formulate any type of response and jesus christ.
“Fine!” Beca tries to yell but it doesn't come out nearly as loud as she'd like. She feels rage boiling up inside of her but she can't bring herself to act on it because there's something stopping her. She doesn't understand what's happening so she takes her shot and avoids Chloe for the rest of the night.
“What was with you and Red last night?” Amy parks herself at the counter in Beca's kitchen.
“I think it's called sexual tension.” Stacie hollers from her place on the sofa and they can all hear Cynthia Rose laughing from the bathroom.
Beca slams the refrigerator shut and spins on her heels. “Shut the fuck up. There's no tension. She's just,” Beca huffs, “I can't believe I have to work with her.”
“Because you're afraid you'll attack her?” Amy prods. “Sexually?”
Beca responds by tossing a towel at the blonde and stomping off to her room as everyone else has a good laugh.
Day 1 - Community Center
“What do you mean this is the equipment we'll be using? This is a boom box that uses cassette tapes Chloe.” Beca gestures to the offensive item. “And your instruments might as well be upside-down buckets with sticks and tissue boxes with rubber bands. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “First of all, language. There will be children here soon. You can't talk like that in front of them.” The redhead stops and glares and Beca shrugs. “Beca.”
“Language. Yeah. I got it.”
“And second, aren't you the self-proclaimed  music production expert?” Chloe hands her a cassette tape. “Figure it out.”
Beca grabs the tape but Chloe doesn't let go. “What's your problem?”
Chloe uses the tape to pull Beca closer until they're only inches apart and Beca holds her breath because the redhead’s gaze is piercing. “You.”
Beca feels a fire ignite somewhere inside of her and she holds the gaze. Determined not to break first. She feels Chloe tighten her grip where their hands are touching and Beca gives the tape a tug.
Chloe still doesn't let go and their faces are so close that Beca can almost feel the other woman's breath on her face. “Fine.”
“Fine.” Chloe shrugs and Beca wants to smack her for acting like she isn't bothered.  
“Hey Ms. Beale!”
Chloe diverts her eyes to the interruption and Beca uses the opportunity to yank the tape away. She gets a sideways glance from Chloe that says “this isn't over” but ignores it. Silently congratulating herself for holding strong.
“Hey guys!” Chloe enthusiastically greets the students filing in and Beca plasters on a fake smile for the rest of the afternoon.
Day 14 - Community Center
“I don't understand why you won't let me bring my equipment here.” Beca rubs her temples as her and Chloe sit at a tiny table in the back of the community center.
“How many times do I have to tell you? That's not what this is about.” Chloe pushes her chair back and it screeches against the floor.
Beca cringes at the sound. She's pretty sure Chloe does it on purpose because she knows it annoys her. “I'm not saying bring in a whole studio. Just a few things so the kids can create and record on something that doesn't sound like it's from the 30’s.”
“Chloe…” Beca's tone is purposefully mocking.
Chloe stands and plants her hands on her hips. “I said what I said and the answer is still no.”
Beca stands too, making sure to scrape her chair across the floor as she does. She sees Chloe flinch briefly but she's clearly determined not to let Beca get to her. “And I said what I said and I stand by it. This would be better with more modern technology.”
Chloe tilts her head to the side and Beca watches her hair tumble down around her shoulder. The light bounces off of it and she momentarily feels blinded. She crosses her arms over her chest protectively. Like she's afraid Chloe can read her mind in the moment even though she knows that’s silly.
“No.” Chloe deadpans and starts to walk past her with purpose, not stopping until she's well out of Beca's view. “And stop staring at my hair creep.”
Beca chokes on air and sputters for a good five minutes after Chloe's gone, wondering if Chloe actually can read her mind.
“Fine.” She whispers to herself.
Day 28 - A Park Near the Community Center
“For fucks sake! I thought a little fresh air would clear up your attitude.” Chloe stands up from the bench they're sharing. “Clearly I was wrong.”
“It hasn't worked for you either!” Beca shouts. Not caring that people are starting to stare.
Chloe glares. “I'm done for today.”
Beca throws her hands up. “Fine. Me too.”
“Fine!” Chloe yells before stomping away.
Day 35 - Beca's House
They've been sitting in her studio for the better part of the afternoon bickering about how to arrange the tracks that the kids at the center have been working on.
Chloe finally agreed, after a particularly heated argument one day which ended with Chloe basically pinning Beca to a wall, to let Beca make minor tweaks on her equipment at home. Chloe, of course, only agreed on the grounds that she be present for such tasks and Beca agreed. Almost eagerly.
She's still scratching her head over that reaction but whatever. Here they are.
“If I have to say this one more time, I swear I'll tell that judge to lock you up!” Chloe jumps up and Beca reaches out and grabs her wrist as she tries to walk away. The redhead spins around and throws down an intense stare.
She doesn't pull away though.
“Chloe!” Beca puts her free hand to her forehead and rubs. “Just fucking hear me out!”
The redhead holds steady for a moment but Beca sees her stern look beginning to fade. She gives Beca an expectant look which she assumes means that she can continue. “Just...let me bring in a few things. It'll give the the kids some experience working with the equipment and everything will sound so much better.”
Chloe takes a deep breath and averts her eyes.
“I promise the technology won't ruin the experience.”
Beca watches Chloe's resolve begin to fade. She's gotten pretty good at reading the redhead after working together so closely for the past few weeks.
She reluctantly admits to herself that Chloe has gotten pretty good at reading her too.
Beca smirks. “Fine.”
“Okay fine!”
They stand there staring at one another, neither one daring to look away (why do they always do this?!) and Beca feels an energy flowing through her that makes her want to do something reckless and wild. Like she's unhinged. She wants to scream or tear something apart or combust.
And she's still holding onto Chloe.
And Chloe still isn't moving away.
And she can see Chloe's chest heaving with every breath she takes and Beca finally snaps.
She yanks Chloe to her and they collide with enough force to send them toppling backwards into the wall. Beca's head smacks into it but she doesn't care because Chloe's mouth clashes with hers and it's a mess of teeth and tongues and enough pent up tension to sink a fleet of ships.
Strong hands grip Beca's sides and breeze underneath her shirt without hesitation. She feels the distinct press of nails sinking into her skin and she can't help the sound that escapes her throat. Her hands thread through Chloe's hair and fist as their tongues meet again and again. Finding a rhythm that is steadily scorching Beca from the inside out.
“Beca.” Chloe whispers her name and Beca feels everything inside of her crumble because she's never heard the redhead say her name like that before.
“Fuck.” She speaks directly into Chloe's mouth and they hover for only a moment longer before crashing back together.
Beca pushes Chloe backwards towards the small sofa and spins them around when she hears Chloe's legs hit the front of it. She sits and pulls Chloe down with her until the redhead is straddling her lap. Their mouths never part and Beca sinks her hands into the back pockets of Chloe's jeans and squeezes.
Chloe moans and pushes further into Beca, her hands gripping the brunette's shirt so tightly that Beca's afraid it might rip.
Hopes it does.
Chloe nips at her lower lip, drawing it out before letting it go and Beca wants to scream it feels so good. “Chloe, fuck.”
“Yeah.” Chloe breathes out, grinding down into Beca's lap. “I'm trying.”
Beca's entire body clenches and she bites down on Chloe's collarbone. “Bed. Now.” She pants the demand into Chloe's chest. Licking and biting as Chloe continues to move against her.
“Don't...fuck...don't tell me what to do.”
Beca pulls back. Eyes sparkling with mischief as she looks up at a disheveled Chloe. She looks devastatingly beautiful.
“Are you still being difficult? Really?” She can't help the smile that takes over her face as Chloe smirks back down at her.
“Yes.” She leans down and presses her lips to Beca's. Once. Twice. Three times. “But let's go to bed anyway.” The words are spoken against Beca's lips.
Beca finds the strength to roll her eyes. “Fine.”
“Fine.” Chloe's eyes light up and she leans in for more. And Beca’s more than fine with that.
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