#kai x rebekah
deanswidow · 9 months
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Rebekah Mikaelson and Kai Parker Crackship ♡
my gifs - give credit/do not steal!
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guys I'm n my vampire diaries era, like I lowkey miss the show and it just gave me memories on the first time I watched it I'm rewatching it the 2nd time but I also wanna write fics so when I have ideas I'll write, but if u guys have any request ask me 💗 also I watched a little bit of the originals but they took it off of netflix. These are the only characters I could think of and remember, but if there's another, please tell me so I could write them
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moremaybank · 1 year
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chlo. 20s. she/her. bi. taurus. brooke davis' wife. jj maybank's princess. slut for men riddled with daddy issues. my loves. emotionally attached to my spotify. 18+ only.
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𓂃 ࣪ ˖ 𐦍 | links | m. lists | concepts | series | events | kofi |
𓂃 ࣪ ˖ 𐦍 | out now: in between — jj maybank
© MOREMAYBANK. do not translate or claim any of my work as your own.
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drakoneve · 9 months
The Vampire Diaries Universe Masterlist
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Requests are OPEN. Who I write for listed below the cut;
Damon Salvatore
coming soon...
Stefan Salvatore
coming soon...
Tyler Lockwood
coming soon...
Kai Parker
coming soon...
Klaus Mikaelson
coming soon...
Elijah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Kol Mikaelson
You've Never Seen Halloween Town?
Rebekah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Hayley Marshall
coming soon...
Jackson Kenner
coming soon...
Marcel Gerard
coming soon...
Hope Mikaelson
coming soon...
Lizzie Saltzman
coming soon...
Josie Saltzman
coming soon...
Milton Greasley (MG)
coming soon...
Kaleb Hawkins
coming soon...
Rafael Waithe
coming soon...
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
4 - Blonde Friends
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Part 5
Gemini Runaway
Boarding House
Damon slammed down the bourbon in his glass quickly hearing what Klaus referred to as the save Elena gang coming into the house. Caroline flipped her hair, stomping down the stairs. “Damon, what was so important that you had to send almost twenty phone calls?”
He threw his head back grumbling. “Oh I’m sorry blondie but I thought it was important to tell everyone that there is a new witch in town that straight up threw me off the hybrid's front porch when I had asked her name.”
“Did she say what type of witch she was?” Bonnie asked to come into the room with Elena.
Damon glared at her. “Were you not listening when I said she launched me off the porch before I could find anything else out!”
Stefan got up from the couch slumping his shoulders. “Alright Damon calm down. Why exactly are you worried about. I mean you don’t usually have a good track record with them. But what exactly is so important about this one?”
Damon held one his mouth not actually knowing what to say next and to everyone’s surprise it was Caroline who spoke up for him. “Because she can take away your strength and turn it into magic somehow.”
“You know something about her, blondie. Don’t you dare stop talking about everyone’s lives now.” The raven haired vampire spat in her direction.
She crossed her arms over her chest rolling her eyes at him. “I don’t know anything else but she came out of the Grill with Klaus and he looked like he wanted to rip her heart out of her chest. She grabbed my shoulder and I saw her hand turn red. Next thing we knew she was gone and had completely disappeared. I went home a little weak so I assumed it was her doing.”
“Bonnie, do you know any type of witches that can do that?” Stefan asked the witch of their group.
She shrugged her shoulders eyeing him. “I can look through the family grimoires but as far as I know the only way a witch wouldn’t have their own power is if she was turned into a vampire.”
“Do you think Klaus would use her to come after me?” Elena asks knowing that they hybrid wanted to make his own army but he needed her blood to do so.
Damon poured some more bourbon sitting the glass down on the table beside the large fireplace. “It’s Klaus, Elena. He doesn’t care about anything except getting what he wants. We need to find a way to put down a witch that can take away our strengths.”
“Wait a second. Do we really have to view her as an enemy?” The blonde questioned, raising her hand slightly in the air.
Elena turned to her friend. “What do you mean?”
“I mean she’s clearly scared in a new place and we have assumed she is an enemy. We haven’t even given her a chance to defend herself. Don’t you think we should get to know her first?” She explains simply.
Damon grumbled. “And then we will all skip down the street singing zippy dada right before she murders us all!”
“Caroline’s right.” Stefan declared moments after. “Since she has met you once you should try and get close to her.” She nodded hoping that it was the right thing to do.
Klaus’s Mansion
Staring out the window I was completely bored just sitting in my bedroom in this large house. Rebekakh was roaming the town and Klaus was off in another state for who knew how long. I didn’t feel like leaving the house even though I had put a hidden spell around myself so my family couldn’t find me. “You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself, Raelyn.”
“Who the hell is there? Show yourself now!” Whipping my head around, I gasped not seeing anyone in the bedroom. But I could swear that I could hear a voice that I recognized. Blinking my eyes there was a figure with black hair and familiar eyes forming to stand in front of me.
The woman paused in front of me when she flashed me a kind smile. “Hi Raelyn.”
“Jo! I’m so happy to see you -“ I rushed forward to hug my cousin until I realized that she wasn’t physically here in front of me. “Wait, how are you here right now?”
She shrugged her shoulders responding back. “Astral projection. I can see that you did the spell I taught you quite well. It was almost impossible for me to find you.”
“Have they started looking for me at all. I am trying to not make friends here but there’s my brother’s outgoing personality to talk with everyone that is fighting against me every day.” I grumbled used to being a little shy until I got to really know someone. Jacob on the other hand wasn’t afraid of going up and talking with everyone.
She walked across towards the bed sitting down on it. "I can't stay for long. I need to place my magic back inside the knife I placed it in. But as far as I know they haven't come looking. I am just here to say I am sorry about Jacob and if you need anything you can call me."
"Thanks Jo. I'd hug you if I could right now. You're basically the only family member who talks to me at the moment…I'm too terrified to face my mom and dad." Sitting down beside her on the bed I slumped my shoulders until I heard the front door closed and by that point my cousin quickly disappeared from my sight.
"There you are, little witch. I was afraid that my brother Niklaus had swept you off your feet and got you to tag along with him wherever he was going." The blonde original vampire responded back, dragging some outfits behind her that were hanging off her arm. "Now let's talk about getting you some new wardrobe because frankly I think you need to change into some different clothes. You've had the same ones on for two days."
Watching her lay the outfits down I rose to my feet eyeing her quietly for a few seconds. "Why do you think I would run off with your brother…I barely know anything about him except he has a lot of siblings, is a hybrid and that he enjoys painting."
"I'll tell you some other things about him. He has a temper and thinks that he is alone. But he does anything to protect his family and he respects a vow that we made a thousand years ago." She declares handing me some ripped blue jeans and a white tank top. She had paired it with some black combat boots and a black jacket to match.
Shrugging on the jacket I looked myself over and had to admit that she had picked well. Brushing my hair over my shoulders I pulled the blue crystal necklace out from underneath my tank top. My father may have given me the necklace but I knew it really belonged to my brother. "Thanks Bex. So what exactly did you have in mind?"
“I felt like showing you this town. I might even get you a date to the dance coming up if you want.” She beamed, taking my hand in hers dragging me downstairs and we needed up at the Grill seeing the boy named Matt that had offered me a ride into town on my first night here.
Sitting down at the bar I pushed hair behind my ear and we both got two shots of alcohol. She downed it quickly before I heard someone walking over to us. “Hey Raelyn, I was hoping I would find you here. I was thinking you could use a friend since you're new here.”
“Caroline right, I thought you would be afraid of me after what I did to you.” I pointed out to the other blonde standing in front of me.
Rebekah rolled her eyes at her drifting towards the human boy who was a football player at the high school from what I had heard. “She already has a friend, Caroline. Now if you don’t mind I am trying to find her a date to the dance.”
“Well I am not going anywhere. If Raelyn wants me to leave she can tell herself not you.” Caroline responded sitting down on the other side of me where I was in between the two blonde vampires. “So what exactly was it that you did to me the other night? I am just curious and I don’t want to offend you or anything.”
Tapping my fingers on the glass in my hands I shrugged my shoulders. “My mother called it siphoning. I was born a witch but I don’t have my own powers. I have to take the magic from any supernatural object or creature….I’m sorry for siphoning you. I was just afraid of Klaus that night.”
“It’s okay. I get it that it was for self defense.” She nodded watching me take a sip of my drink.
The original vampire entered the conversation between us once more. “Well I can tell you that my brother and the rest of my family are a pain in the behind. Now where did you get that necklace? I must say it is gorgeous.”
“Oh it used to be my brothers…my twin brother until I was forced to kill him without my mother telling me the truth." I sucked in a breath feeling some tears slipping down my face. Raising my hand up I wiped them away until I felt Caroline place a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Raelyn. That's horrible." She muttered.
Rebekah sent me a weak smile. "No one should ever make siblings hurt one another."
Gripping the necklace in my hands I shook past the emotions that it would bring me. "So are we going shopping sometime soon?” I changed the conversation, making both of them smile at me. I haven’t had any friends until this point so I am hopefully letting them into my life. Maybe this one pony town as Klaus called wouldn’t be so bad.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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wearesociety · 2 years
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gossip girl au
gossip girl here, looks like our favorite incestuous group has returned from their summer homes and private islands and the tips have been rolling in, so many pictures of our favorite.
caroline forbes we see you no need to hide under shades. how was the summer fling with tyler? done pinning over stefan already?
our girl next door smiling so bright. maybe the exes are back together? now elena please don’t try to hide it… my spies always find out.
our resident party boy. oh how’ve we missed you. Too quiet are the days since your last party. pretty please tell us if rebekah is doing well, coke is such a nasty habit. lets hope her nose remains clean this year.
last but not least, welcome back B. some may have forgotten but our dear Bonnie was once the belle of the city, that is until her mother went to jail for embezzling. nut daddy dearest is back running for mayor.. how will old friends react to this return? I seem to remember how cosy kol and bonnie were. but I don’t think davina wants anyone remembering . And wasn’t the last citing of Bonnie when she was caught kissing our prince charming, stefan salvatore? Some say he still thinks about it.
the friend group might be on it’s last leg with the lies and the backstabbing but I fear Bonnie’s return just may break the camels back. no way will caroline give up her hard earned spotlight, and how could elena forgive the best friend that didn’t even come to her parents funeral? and even though it was before they dated can elena welcome her back knowing her prince charming might still hold a torch for bonnie?
Only time will tell with this group. Everyone take cover as we head into an explosive school year.
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psychosncottagecore · 10 months
Masterlist (Remastered)
For some reason Tumblr won't let me update my old masterlist, so here's a new one!
Ok so, this account is dedicated to fanfictions and this - my first post, will be both an intro and a temporary masterlist! I do take requests for the following. All fanfics unless explicitly stated otherwise are x female reader
I do write smut (probably badly) and if you venture into my blog then on your head be it!
I do write for SPN - I will NEVER write any form of incest (for any fandom) whether they’re bio or adopted siblings - that’s just nasty siblings are siblings
Please feel free to make requests in my inbox! Doesn’t have to be for these guys! Go wild with any character you want 
I will write for a character based off of a song! 
Sebastian Du Poitiers
The Falls
Mary Queen of Scots 
(More to come?)
The 100
Malachi (Kai) Parker
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Bonnie Bennette
Rebekah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Ivar ‘The Boneless’ Ragnanrsson
Hvitserk Ragnarsson
Halfdan ‘The Black’
Ubba Ragnarsson
Jack Kline
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
American Horror Story
Michael Langdon 
(I will not be writing James March, Richard Ramirez or Charles Montgomary or any others based off of real killers (to the best of my knowledge) my morals might be loose - but they’re not that loose!)
(More to come)
Miscellaneous fics:
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
So the events from both teen wolf and vampire diaries will be mixed and bonnie Bennett will get justice. I don't know who should be the love interest of mc or even  should have one . Tell me in the comment in you can . I'm thinking
Stiles I don't know really I'll like keep them as platonic soulmates but I'll let you decide. Heck it could be peter or Deucalion I don't know.
Should it polyamorous maybe but i don't think it would really work because it both teen wolf and vampire diaries. If it was only about vampire diaries it would maybe work .
Another oc maybe
Or even better have the mc no love interest but have buch of people fall in love with mc but keep it them self
I can't really countine without choosing any of these so please help me out
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maidmerrymint · 2 years
Just started this fic. I'm really enjoying it. It's a time travel fix it fic. My first kolvina fic and it's amazing!!
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mariedemedicis · 4 months
does anyone know any good tybekah fics? i'm feeling in the mood to read about them
or jo won the merge fics - yes i know the whole point of a siphoner is that they would win blah blah blah - but consider i want to see the effects of kai's personality creeping through jo
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imaginefan · 8 months
Never To Plan
Klaus Mikaelson!Father X Son!Reader Damon Salvatore X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1069
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Hello I love your work but can you do a imagine where your the son of Katherine and Klaus and your just like them and your best friend is Kai Parker and your trying to get him out of the Prison World. You come into Mystic Falls and you See your old friend Stefan Dating your moms look alike and you fall for Damon and you guys start dating. Klaus comes into town and your thrown into WWW 3 so you go to Europe and then called back to the drama when Hayley is pregnant and you get along with Josh and Hayley and Davina but when Hope is born you sacrifice yourself to The crazy Aunt but you find out Damon is with Elena now and you turn off your emotions
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You had come to Mystic Falls in search of a way to get your friend out of the Prison World but you ended up getting a little side tracked with Damon Salvatore catching your attention your plan stopped dead in it’s tracks, well kind of, you were still looking for ways to get him out but you were hitting more roadblocks then you wanted. That being said the real problem was your father, you were thrown into a fight you wanted no part in and so with no way to save both sides you take a step back and instead go to Europe in hopes of getting your search for Kai back on track and finding what you had really travelled all this time for.
That was how you found yourself in a small cafe in the east of London on the phone to your father who was in New Orleans “well what a surprise, I didn’t expect to hear from you.” You said as you answered the call. “I need your help.” He said. “Is that so?” You asked, taking a sip of the hot drink in front of you as you winked at the waitress who brought it over. “You have a sister.” He said. “You know that doesn’t surprise me.” You mumbled, you could feel his glare from across the sea. “What does that mean?” He asked. “We both know what that means.” You shuffled in your seat “what does your daughter have to do with me? What do you suddenly need your estranged son for?” “I need to show someone what a true king looks like and what his prince is capable of.” Klaus answered. “This king is you?” You downed the last of the drink before nodding in thanks to the girl who had served you before standing up. “And you, the prince.” Klaus confirmed. “No need to flatter me your highness, I know I’m only a prince in name.” You said as you walked back to the hotel that you were staying in. “Then prove to them that you are not.” He hung up the phone after that.
When you got to New Orleans a lot had already happened but the only thing that you did know was that it was that your father offered you a chance to make a mess and you had been bored for a few months now. “So you’re Marcellus, correct?” You asked as you looked at the man standing in the middle of the courtyard. “Who are you?” He asked. “(Y/N).” Rebekah said from her place next to Marcel. “Auntie Bekah, don’t tell me you’d abandon your family for a man?” You teased as you stepped closer. “He thinks that you would be enough to beat every vampire in this city?” Marcel asked, drawing your attention back to him. “Sunshine, I was born better than any vampire, werewolf or witch that you can throw at me but please do try.” You smirked “where are your forces anyway I’m itching to snap a neck and if it’s not them it will be you.” Someone grabbed you from behind, throwing you back into the wall “here we go.” You easily ripped apart the first few men next attacking together and getting a few hits in before you took them down, your hand in the chest of the last to attack you before you heard. “Hold on a moment.” Klaus said as he walked into the room “Marcel it seems that your men aren’t up to the challenge.” “Klaus.” Marcel glared. “Here I have a coin!” Klaus put it down on the floor “whoever picks up this coin will be spared his game!” “Game?” You squeezed the heart that resided in the chest you had punched through “I don’t think they are having much fun.” “But you are.” Klaus smirked, your eyes drawn to Rebekah as she whispered something to Marcel, you watched carefully as he stepped forward and bent, picking up the coin, you smirked as you pulled your hand from the man's chest and let him fall. “Nicely done your highness, I’ll be leaving then?” You asked and Klaus smirked. “Why would the prince leave his kingdom?”
It was years before real trouble found your family, you don’t know why it took so long but as your aunt claimed right to you or your sister, you decided that it would be you that she took, you had no intention of giving someone else in your place and so you left with her before anyone could stop you.
You honestly expected it to take longer, for her to break you but it only took her a few weeks to find out what you had left for your family what you hoped to one day go back to and took you to Mystic Falls told you to go and see the man that you had left, you walked into the boat house happier than you had in years and it was torn from you in seconds “(Y/N)?” Damon asked, you swallowed as you looked between the two, Damon and Elena more friendly then they were when you had left. “How long?” You asked. “(Y/N)-” “How long?” You asked again, fists curled so tight that you thought you might break your own hand. “You know what it doesn’t matter because I was told by so many people that you would break me-” “Break you!?” Damon asked. “You were the one that left!” “To protect every one of you because if my father had made me fight with him, you would have likely been the only one I would have convinced him to leave alive.” You answered. “Nice to know that you can think the worst of me.” “I-” “You had everything that I had left to give so if you’ll excuse me I have a prison to get back to.” You muttered. “(Y/N) wait!” Elena was the one that called out this time but when you turned back they all saw it, the dead look behind your eyes. “If you ever come near me again, either one of you, I will take the part of you that you love the most and twist it into your worst nightmare.” You threatened. “Come (Y/N), we have work to do.” Dahlia said as she gestured for you to follow her, you turned leaving the two alone in the house.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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brightlilith · 1 year
Request open
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Peter Parker
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropulus
Robby Keene
Miguel Diaz
Samantha Larusso
Tory Nichols
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Klaus Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Jacaerys Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Aegon II Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jereau
Emily Prentiss
Lenny Bruce
Miriam Maisel
Jensen Ackles
Jenna Ortega
Tokio Hotel
More will be added as requests are placed!
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I will do NOT write
Tv show couples ex: Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert
Romanticization of mental health, eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, physical abuse, any forced sexual activities, any hate towards LGBTQ People/Rights, any hate towards Transgendered people/Rights, or any hate towards race.
Pedophilia, or activities, child abuse and more.
These NSFW themes - A/B/O, humiliation/degrading kink and more Pregnancies Incest (with the exception of got and hotd)
Characters with some physical disability (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
Black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I wouldn't want to offend something I don't know.)
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If you want to be added to the tag list, send me a message!🩷
Is there anything you'd like to see in the future from my blog?
Note: Depending on what it is, I might be able to make it happen. All I ask is that you ask kindly.
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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moremaybank · 2 years
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request an imagine (angst, smut, etc.) based off of one of the songs (skits on the album not included!) from kehlani's album, it was good until it wasn't. i've provided a link to the album and all songs are listed below. songs already requested will be in blue
characters i will write for anyone in the tvdu (klaus mikaelson, kol mikaelson, kai parker, rebekah mikaelson, damon salvatore, etc.), jj maybank & rafe cameron, steve harrington & eddie munson
find the album here!
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can i (jj maybank)
bad news (klaus mikaelson)
change your life (rafe cameron)
everybody business
hate the club (jj maybank)
serial lover
f&mu (jj maybank)
can you blame me
open (passionate)
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natsvenom · 4 months
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Feel free to request anything for the following fandoms! | Requests
Rules for requests:
I will NOT write rape, incest, SA.
You may request for characters not on this list but If I'm unfamiliar with the fandom it probably will get skipped over.
I will write reader x character, character x character, character x requested person (your name).
I'm not familiar with the transgender community, but I will be willing to write for it if you specifically put in your request what I should and shouldn't put in it.
You can request romantic relationships, friendships, and basically any type of relationship you want as long as it isn't incest.
Please do not request for celebrities or any real people because I will not write for them.
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Snuggles & Snarles
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(Any of the other wolves)
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Soulmates (coming soon)
Lost & Found | PART 1
Lost & Found | PART 2
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Drunken Kisses
Every Minute, Every second
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(I'm willing to write for other characters but I'm sort of unfamiliar with characters from the Shepard family.)
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Literally, request for any Marvel character and I will write for them.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
23 - The Bonds of Family
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Part 24
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
Fingers running through my hair was what made me start to wake up. Rubbing my eyes it was morning now and everything started coming back to me in my mind where a huge smile masks my face without even needing to look over at the man laying beside me. "Now I wonder who's bringing such a look to those lips."
Rolling on my side to face him I see he's mirroring the exact same smirk. The sunlight brightens his knotted blonde hair when he wraps his arms around my bare back tugging me forward so I'm pressed to his bare chest. "I didn't hurt you too bad last night did I, Rae?"
"It was more than I thought it would be but no you didn't hurt me at all. Although I can only imagine Caroline will be insisting on knowing whether or not we slept together. But I don't really have any interest in leaving this bed for a while. Considering we both escaped death and all." Leaning forward I kiss him suddenly and he flips me onto my back making me gasp. He smirked, kissing me slowly, my fingers knotting themselves into his hair making him moan against me.
The blankets started to fall until the bedroom door burst open by Rebekah. "Don't start that again. Kol and I can't take your annoyance!" I shriek burying my body under the covers blushing deeply when I peaked over the covers.
Klaus falls back on his side of the bed with a scowl on his face. "Dear sister, whatever made you so mad this morning. I'm only trying to spend time with my love."
Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest wanting to wipe the smirk off her brother's face. "Nik I understand and love Raelyn. But did the two of you have to make such a ruckus last night!"
She throws her arms up raising her voice to which Nik jokes. "So you're upset about us but everyone in Mystic Falls is free to hear you're shouting."
I smack his chest with my right hand blushing as I remember the events of last night. "Sorry Bex...I'm just...that was my first time with anyone."
Klaus leans forward nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. "I don't mind making love to you, my dear Rae."
Seconds later Kol vamps inside our bedroom leaning on the bed and I clutched the blankets up over my chest. "Raelyn darling, could you please not cry my brother's name. I thought I'd have to bang on the wall with my baseball bat."
Klaus sits up aiming his finger towards the door not wanting to talk anymore. "Can you two leave now. Before I threaten to dagger you." His eyes glowed gold watching Rebekah leave, closing the door.
Kol remained in his spot seeing my brother's necklace around my neck reminding me of something we first talked about. "Have you turned that necklace into a tailsment yet. Word on the streets is that you have consumed more of my mothers magic and it is slowly killing you."
"But now she's linked to me. A ring that keeps her alive, now leave brother before I kick you out of my house!" He threatened him with a deep growl in his throat until I intertwined our hands together.
Running a hand through my hair I spoke towards the younger Mikaelson brother. "No I haven't. I'm not quite sure there is an object on earth that can handle all that power. I mean that's why there are black veins on my arms for a reason."
"We won't know unless we try and since you are bond to my brother as you say then you shouldn't die during the transfer. I'm free today if you'd like to give it a shot." Kol suggested getting up to his feet leaving the room closing the door behind him. "Use protection, Nik."
"Now where are we, little siphon queen?" He rolls over hovering above me smirking. He pressed his lips deeply to mine and I moaned, feeling his freehand run up my spine.
"Nik, we can't...you heard them..." He flips us over so I'm laying on top of him my hair tousled everywhere.
"I don't care, Rae. I love you and I want everyone to know it." He smiled lovingly, twirling pieces of my hair between his fingers.
Biting my lip I tilt my head smirking until I pull his head back down to mine, running my fingers through his already messy locks until I whisper in his ear.. "You know Nik, I think you're right. The reality is....They are jealous of how much fun we're having."
Klaus traces his fingers up and down my back, smirking. "That's my queen ." Wrapping my arms around his neck I pressed my lips hungrily to his and he kissed back making the bed move.
"I will separate you two if you don't stop!" Rebekah hollers from the living room making us chuckle finally getting dressed so Kol could help me with magic.
Throwing my hair up into a ponytail I found Kol sitting in one of the living rooms on the couch. On the table he had the white oak stake laying at his feet where Klaus and I paused in our steps, surprised to see that weapon. "Where on the bloody earth did you find that, brother?"
"It's the one from Alaric I found abandoned in a warehouse. I decided we needed to keep it tucked away and so I brought it here." He explained getting to his feet holding it out to me.
"How exactly is this supposed to help me deal with the dark magic inside me?" I asked him, eyeing the weapon.
Kol lowered his hand twirling it in his hands walking up to me smirking lightly. "Simple. You are a siphoner witch. You took the dark magic and now you can just transfer it into this stake. Then Nik can bury the weapon wherever he sees fit."
"And what about my necklace. Does the same thing apply there. I mean I am all new to this sort of magic." I shrugged my shoulders wrapping my arms around myself wearing one of Nik's Henleys and some blue jeans.
Klaus nodded leaning in the doorway with his hands behind his back together. "We aren't doing any spell on a hope and pray, Kol. Is what I would have said before we managed to link ourselves together. Now we have a better shot, Raelyn."
Nodding my head I opened my palm waiting for the stake. "Give me the stake then." He placed it in my hands where I held it in both of my hands, wincing the second by the amount of power inside of the stake.
"Raelyn.." Klaus vamped forward seeing me cry a little.
Gasping through the pain I bared my teeth down focusing on the spell. "Don't...I'm fine. There's just a lot more magic in here than I think is in my veins." The veins on my arms begin to move further up my arms with my heart skipping a fast beat.
"Siphon me before it kills you." He held out his hand but I shook my head. I fought knowing that if it infected him it would kick him and we would both be dead.
Tightly gripping the stake in my fingers I huffed chanting under my breath feeling both  Mikaelson's watching me as I did so. "Magia tollux de terras......Magia tollux de terras. Magia tollux de terras......Magia tollux de terras - ahhh!" I dropped the stake on the ground feeling something racing towards my heart.
"Rae, what happened. Tell us what happened, darling." Klaus grabbed my shoulders putting one hand on my lower back tracing circles until I calmed down.
Slowly regaining my breath I lowered myself to my knees and he followed me until we were sitting on the wooden floor. "I can't transfer it. The magic inside of it. It's...it's too much. It burns to hold the stake even. I'm sorry, Nik."
"Hey, hey, it's not your fault love. It's not your fault. We will find another way. I promise you and I together will figure this out." He declares where our eyes met feeling him run his fingers through my hair.
Shaking my head I sniff grasping his hand in mine. "How are we gonna do that, Nik. I mean what if there is no solution or what if my uncle comes and discovers that I am a threat and puts me in a prison world like my cousin Jo's brother?"
"Hush Raelyn." He placed a finger to my lips, cutting me off. "Only one of us needs to be paranoid all the time and it most certainly shouldn't be you. Now you are the strongest person I have ever seen so let's put your magic inside your necklace. As a way to honor your brother Jacob. Then we will find a solution for another day."
Nodding my head Kol extends his hand to help me up. "You can Channel my energy for the transfer spell, Raelyn."
"Alright here it goes I guess." Reaching behind my neck I unclasped the lock holding the chain in my hands staring at the necklace longingly. The blue jewelry getting brighter when the light hit it just right when I recalled the night I actually gave it to him.
Thunder roared against our house while I could hear Jaocb tossing and turning in his bed with us only being the age of ten. Holding myself up on my right elbow I called his name. "J, are you scared?"
"Yeah but I can't tell mom. She doesn't like it when we wake her up in the middle of the night." He mumbled when our mother was asleep at night it took her hours before she could sleep and even when she was awake I could still see that her fears controlled her.
Tossing my cover off I walked across the room climbing into his bed reaching into my pocket pulling out two separate jewels that I had found by the river near our house that had magical powers inside them. "If you're scared then you just wear this and know that I will always be there for you." Closing my hand around the gems I opened my palm again and it was formed into a necklace.
"But you don't have one." He said, hugging his knees to his chest underneath the blanket.
Shaking my head I siphoned the magic and mumbled the transfer spell placing some of my magic inside. "I don't need one. You have some of my magic there in case you need it. So I will always be with you."
"Thanks Rae." He smiled where we both snuggled up against each other listening to the storm rage outside.
Shaking my head I sniffed through tears taking Kol's hand in mine where he winced a little when I siphon closing my eyes beginning the chant. "Magia tollux de terras......Magia tollux de terras." The necklace was dangling in my other hand beginning to glow brighter transforming my magic into a physical object.
"It seems you are quite skilled with your magical tongue." Kol compliments me with a grin. "Wouldn't have figured you would fall in love with a witch, Nik."
He shrugged his head tilting it to the side watching me clip my necklace back around my neck relieved that at least one of the spells had worked today. "I may have my tiffs with all other witches that conspire against me but I will never see such betrayal in her."
The rest of the day was pretty boring before we ended up heading upstairs to go to bed. Slipping a tea shirt over my head I crawled into the bed feeling Klaus lay down beside me. He reaches up and begins to twirl the linking ring on my hand. "So I was thinking about something earlier when Kol helped me with my necklace. Maybe I should take a look into your mothers grimoire."
"Why would you do that, dear. The last time you handled them you almost burnt the pages." He asked laying on his side with my laying my head over his heart even though it wasn't really beating inside his chest since he was immortal.
Lifting my head to meet his gaze I hit my nose against his. "If I can control all your mothers darkness then there's a chance that I could save Josette, Luke, Olvia and dare I say it my parents. There could be a spell or maybe I can make one thing rescue them from being bound to my lifespan."
"Pace yourself, Raelyn. We don't have to solve all the world's problems in a day. In fact we should finally take that trip we talked about to New Orleans." Klaus suggested leaning forward kissing me gently threading his fingers through my hair tugging the hair tie off causing my hair to flow down my shoulders.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I pushed him back onto the pillow, never breaking the kiss until my hands moved down to the bottom of his shit about to shrug it over his head until I felt sick to my stomach breaking the kiss. "Aggg." Rushing towards the bathroom I hacked up what was in my stomach feeling light headed.
"Rae, here I've got ya." He vamped into the bathroom grabbing my hair in his hands holding it back while I kept puking into the toilet.
Pulling my head up I wiped my mouth with my arm coughing when I stumbled sitting down on the cold floor hugging my knees to my chest trembling. Klaus bent down on his knees rubbing my back softly. "It's getting worse, Klaus."
"Unfortunately I must agree with you, love. I will scour the earth until we find a witch to help us. Because you are my heart." He peaked a look into what I had thrown up seeing that it was in fact blood.
With a shaky hand I grasped his right in my left I laid my head on his chest where he wrapped his arm around my body. "Was it worth it to become immortal?"
"Yes." He immediately responded back, causing me to lift my head up quickly and take back that he didn't waste a moment. "Because it gave me the opportunity to find love with you, Raelyn Lane. Mark my word I will never force you to become what I am. Not unless you wish it to be so."
Wrapping my arms around his neck burying my face into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close. Blinking through tears I saw the ghost of a figure I had seen before holding a bag of pork rinds in his hand smirking at me evilly. "That may be arranged if I ever get out of here and see you again, Siphon Girl. Sleep tight."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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elijah mikaelson x fem!reader x kai parker | requested
summary: an argument breaks out when kai learns about elijah’s plan to propose to you. he had been making these plans himself, he just hadn’t expected the other man to do it without letting him know first. luckily, you intervene mid-fight and are able to settle it between them, proposing an agreement that suits you all
tags: poly relationship, arguments, talks of marriage, happy ending, fluff
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i hate the title, but not being able to title it was the only thing stopping me from publishing the request, which i didn’t want to do, so it’s kind of a bad title and i’m sorry about that. but, i hope you like it!
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The minute you leave to go to your lunch date with Rebekah, Kai confronts the other man in your life about a small box he found in his nightstand. 
“What do you plan on doing with it?” He tries to square up the original after hearing it is, in fact, a ring. 
“I know you spent a lot of your life locked away, but I think you know why one would usually buy a ring.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. Are you going to propose to her?”
“If you must know, yes, I was planning on it.”
“You can’t do that,” he starts, only to be interrupted.
“And why not?”
“Because I was going to.”
“You must be joking. You don’t have the devotion for marriage, Malachai.”
“Maybe I do. How would you know?”
“Because I know you. We have been in this relationship for two years. We know each other just as much as we know her.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Elijah. I am devoted. Devoted to her.”
“I know you are. But what about marriage? It’s something else entirely.”
“Are you suggesting I’m not capable of it?”
“I’m merely suggesting that you are not able to handle something so binding. Marriage is a commitment.”
“I’ve been committed to your dumbass all these years.”
“You have, for her.”
“So what’s the problem then?”
Elijah sighs, “let’s not make this an argument.”
“Me? You’re the one starting shit!”
“Malachai, I-”
“And don’t fucking call me that, you know I hate it. Why do you think you get to propose to the girl we’re both dating? She can’t ride off into the sunset with you and leave me behind, and how do you know she even wants to marry you?”
“So now you’re telling her what she can and cannot do. That’s never a good sign of a healthy relationship, Mal-”
“Shut up! Stop calling me that! And I’m not telling her what to do, I’m only saying that there’s three of us in this relationship, and you can’t just break it up like that.”
“Of course we would work out the details later, but it is imperative that I-”
“No! We work out the details before we ask the life-changing decisions! And funnily enough, I was actually going to ask you about similar details when I found your little box - which, by the way, you should hide better - because I have been wanting to go out and buy my own little box for her, because I do love her, and I am willing to make that commitment!”
“It’s not a little box, Mal… Kai, it’s a ring.”
“I know that.”
“And did you just say you wanted to propose too?”
“Yes, I did. But unlike you, I care about her feelings towards you, so I wanted to ask you before I made any rash decisions.”
“I care about how she feels for you, Kai, I just planned to ask those questions pertaining to you after I asked the question.”
“Why after? Why not before? Why so secretive?”
“Kai, I’m not in the mood for doing this with you-”
“Actually, it makes so much sense. You’ve been really standoff-ish lately, and I’m guessing this is why. But why the attitude, huh? Guilt, maybe? Pity?”
“You’re taking this too far. I have not been meaning to come off a certain way. You are projecting your own fears onto me.”
“I cannot deal with your thousand year old pretentious vampire talk right now, Elijah, I-”
“Well I cannot deal with your sensitive, baby vampire feelings. So may I suggest we both end this before we drive ourselves crazy?!”
“I am not sensitive! You don’t know what I’ve been through.”
“I do, actually, quite know. And I know that you hate to admit it, but you are being sensitive, because you love Y/N so much and the thought of not having her kills you.”
“So then why are you taking her from me?! Why did you go and buy that-” 
“What’s going on?!” You shout into the room, effectively shutting up the two men. You could hear their muffled yelling from outside, tension settling in your bones at the noise. 
They both stop and stare at you. 
“Y/N,” Elijah coughs, “I thought you were meeting with my sister.”
“Something came up so we rescheduled. Why are you two arguing?”
It’s dead silent. 
“You better tell me right now. I thought we got over the two of you fighting.”
Kai wants nothing more than to spit out the truth, but the original would crucify him. Thankfully, Elijah sighs, “we are having a minor disagreement.”
“About what?”
“About you,” Kai says quietly.
“Yeah, I got that. Would someone like to expand?”
“I wanted to propose to you, Y/N,” Elijah finally admits. “But I hadn’t told Kai about this plan yet, so when he found the ring, he became upset.”
Your stomach flips, “propose? Elijah…”
“I love you, Y/N. You are the woman I want to spend my eternity with. But as it turns out, Malachai feels the same, he just hadn’t taken the same steps yet.”
“The steps?”
“I didn’t buy a ring because I wanted to make sure it was okay with him if I asked. But Elijah over here decided he’d just ask me after asking you,” Kai supplies. 
“You both?”
They nod. 
“Oh my god.” You sit down in the nearest chair to think. “God… I love you both, so much.”
“Would you?” Elijah starts, then continues when you look up at him, “marry one of us?”
“‘Lijah… I love you. I do want to live forever with you. But Kai, I love you, too. I can’t choose between you guys.”
“What are you saying, Y/N?”
“I’m saying I can’t marry either of you. I can’t break your hearts; I can’t commit to one; I can’t make that decision. I won’t.”
“But… you still want to be with us, right?” Kai stutters out, afraid your rejecting words are a break up. 
You turn to him immediately, “of course, Kai. That’s what’s stopping me from marrying either of you. I need you both in my life. If marriage is going to divide us, I don’t want it.”
“But Y/N, it’s the opposite. It’s what brings people together.”
“‘Lijah… marriage is a binding process sanctioned by the government. We can live and love without a piece of paper telling us to do that. We can be happy just being us.”
Kai visibly softens at your words. His shoulders relax and jaw untenses. “I am just happy to be with you, Y/N. Elijah, please say you agree.”
The more traditional man takes longer to give into the idea. 
“I love our relationship just the way it is,” you tell him. “And, since you already bought the ring, I will still wear it, if you want. Kai, you too. I can wear them both. As a symbol of our love, without going through all the yucky legal stuff to have it.”
Elijah sighs before smiling and agreeing. “An anti-proposal proposal. I’m for it.”
A huge smile takes over your face and you rush to hug them both. They return the favor with the same enthusiasm. 
“Now, if we may, I was going to give Bex my whole afternoon, but now I have nothing to do! Might my favorite boys join me on the bed with a movie?”
Kai springs up at the word ‘movie,’ and immediately fetches popcorn and snacks. You give Elijah one more kiss, thank him for agreeing to your wishes, and then send him off to find a movie. 
For the rest of the day, you lie cuddled in between your boys, sharing candy and kisses, until exhaustion settles in your bones. 
“Sleep, Y/N,” Elijah mutters, “we’ve got you.”
“We love you,” Kai mumbles, half asleep himself. 
You kiss both their hands, then start to drift off into a deep sleep. “I love you both, too.”
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