#katara: *literally starts controlling the man's body*
blluespirit · 8 months
ok i have seen so many people mention zuko's oh god what the actual fuck reaction to katara blood bending but what i don't see many talk about how quickly zuko is like. Yeah this checks out actually. and moves the fuck on.
I like the idea that zuko never really asks abt it either. he just saw her do that and just... accepts it. it's probably weirdly relieving for katara as well. instead of waiting for an Ethics Discussion, when/if katara does bring it up, zuko just says that she did what she had to do.
zuko and katara just. accepting each other. yeah.
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What do you think about the claims that Aang’s anti killing Is hypocritical because of the Blue Spirit’s rampage and it’s possible that people died when Aang would defend himself and his allies?
If we were to apply real world physics, biology or just common sense to the story, the show would not happen because Aang would have died inside that iceberg - no scratch that, there wouldn't be a story because HUMANS CAN'T CONTROL THE GODDAMN ELEMENTS!
Katara, Aang and Sokka would have also died, or at least being severly injured, with lots of broken bones, and possibly paralyzed from the waist/neck down after their attempt of using the Omashu mail system as a rollercoaster.
Firebenders should accidentally burn themselves all the time since their flames are always either dangerous close to their skin or directly touching it as they are created. Don't even get me started on lightning, especially with stuff like Iroh redirecting lightning FROM THE GODDAMN SKY. Toph should have also gotten severe burns in the finale because of that full-body armor she made with ABSURDLY HOT METAL and that was in direct contact with her skin.
Realistically, Sokka should have not have been able to help evacuate an entire village with not previous plan to do so like we saw him do in "Jet." The man Haru and Katara saved in "Imprisoned" should have been very hurt after all those rocks fell on him, and the fact that no died in that metal ship after all the COAL they threw at FIREBENDERS is absurd.
When the pirates put explosives in Zuko's ship, there's a split second where we can see he created a fire-shield - that would in now way in hell be able to allow him to just be walking around the following episode, with just a few superficial burns that are already healed in season two.
In the season one finale, Zhao very clearly aimed his flames at BOTH koi fish, yet only the one with the moon spirit died. Everything also becomes black and white for no real reason since the moonlight has nothing to do with how humans see things
For fuck's sake, the show full on says "AANG DIED AND KATARA BROUGHT HIM BACK FROM THE DEAD!"
Avatar is a children's show AND a cartoon. It operates on cartoon logic - aka, unless death is explicitly mentioned (Gyatso, Kya, Aang) or VERY heavily implied (Zhao, Jet, Combustion Man) we are supposed to assume that, somehow, everyone survived. The fact that fandom can accept EVERYTHING being unrealistic, then complains that people Aang fought survived the impossible just screams "I don't like that this character in a kid's show doesn't go around murdering every enemy in his path!" or "I don't like Aang because he got in the way of my ship, so I'll take any excuse to pretend he is actually a terribly written character everyone should hate!"
As for the Koizilla situation in particular, lets not forget that the very next episode has Aang having nightmares about it and showing that he very clearly does not know how to control the Avatar State, how it works, or even what it is. Roku literally shows up to EXPLAIN that stuff to him. HOW can we hold Aang accountable for something that was not his decision?
Once again, because of cartoon logic, the only sort of confirmed death was Zhao - and that one was 100% on the Ocean Spirit, since he had already split from Aang.
Not to mention "this person accidentally died because of one of my actions" is not always the same as "this person died because I chose to kill them." It's like the difference between a car crash where the driver wasn't able to stop in time VS literally shooting someone in the face.
Plus, in the finale Aang even reached the conclusion that, if he had no alternative, he WOULD kill Ozai, even though that would obviously take a great psychological/spiritual toll on him, because it would be ONE LIFE TAKEN AS A WAY TO SAVE THOUNSANDS, and even before that he had no problem with things like Sokka killing Combustion Man or even full on admiting "Fire Lord Ozai is a terrible person and the world would probably be a better place without him".
It's pretty clear that, even if Avatar DID go there and said "sometimes people died in battles against the Gaang", it would still NOT contradict Aang's beliefs, and therefore he is NOT a hypocrite, and the idiots of the fandom can die mad about it.
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genyawritesshizz · 2 years
Zuko X Reader
Warning: horny teenagers fuck like rabbits, SMUT, cursing, heart break, confession of feelings, Zukos is an asshole, betrayal, blood, gore, sad.
Zuko is 19 in this fanfiction.
No minors allowed.
You’re going to die.
No literally.
part 2 is up
This probably needs multiple parts but idk man one big ol’story seems fine with me.
All the fun must come to an end eventually. What you two had was never meant to last. It was simply just two lonely teenagers finding release within each others company. You where just a warm body to lay with and he was just a shoulder to lean on. He was a prince and you a commoner of the very kingdom he saw to bring down.
It was never going to work.
Ever since the gaang found you on Kyoshi island many moons ago you decided to accompanied them.
Unfortunately for you, despite burning down most of your village, a certain fire nation prince captured your attention. You found yourself hopelessly drawn in. His sassy attitude and handsome features had you hooked.
Even though you where older than the rest of the gaang, they had agreed on letting you come along. Granted it was after a little begging and stating you could earth bend. Admittedly you where far from a master. But still, they didn’t seem to mind another bending member.
After many more run ins with Zuko you finally found the gall to flirt with him. It certainly took him by surprise. So much so his face flushed a deep red and he stuttered on his words.
That little comment started a wild fire that soon grew out of control.
The first time was after the gaang stopped at a local market, the same market Zuko had somehow managed to be at that day.
He kidnapped Katara and yourself. Demanding the whereabouts of the Avatar. The two of you of course refused.
He had noticed your unwavering gaze on him. That mixed with the comments you sent his way he decided to bring you inside the ship for ‘ interrogation’ since the you two refused to cooperate. Or at least that’s what he told everyone.
By now he’d already sent the pirates on their way to search the woods with Katara tied to a tree, his guards watching over her.
This left the two of you alone.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you look at me.” The ties around your wrist where burned off. “I know you want it. So, maybe we can work out a deal.”
The two of you mutually gave your first kisses and virginities to each-other that night. Sloppy make outs, shaky fingers and ripped clothing.
It was sealed your fate.
Afterwards Katara comforted you giving you reassuring words.
“Well at least you didn’t cave to Zuko and give Aang away. I’m sorry for whatever that awful man did!” She of course thought he’d just ruffed you up a bit, yelled at you a lot and probably pushed you around a bit.
Little did she know that’s exactly what you did. You gave in to your desires.
You caved to the enemy.
You were hooked on the enemy.
Many nights you snuck out of camp and into enemy territory.
Many nights you spend wrapped up within the arms of the man that threatened to destroy the worlds last hope.
Yet the second his lips found yours it’s as if the world around you stop existing.
When he peeled away the layers of your clothing, he took all the horrible things he’d done with them. Tossing them to the ground in a forgotten pile.
His strong arms holding you while he took what he wanted made your toes curl with ecstasy. The hot headed angry man no longer existed when the two of you where like this.
Only passion and lust lived in these moments.
Depending on how bad his week was determined the kind of sex you would have.
There was a particularly fiery encounter that engraved itself in your mind and would flare up every time that all familiar need grew in the pit of your stomach.
Zuko was pissed to put it lightly. He had snuck into the most pristine fire nation fortress in order to break Aang out the night before.
The icing on the cake was that Aang knew it was him.
He’d saw him without his mask.
It put the prince through so much inner turmoil. All he wanted and so desperately needed was to release his pent up emotions.
What better way to do that then with rough, angry sex.
Foreplay was forgotten that day instead he got right to the point. While your friends where off fucking around with a ‘fortune teller’ in the town nearby, you where face down ass up in silky red fire nation sheets.
The second you stepped inside his quarters it was on.
Teeth barred down onto your supple flesh, making you squirm and cry.
He left bruises you had to cover up for days.
But you didn’t care, not when you where in the moment.
The only thing that kept you quiet was a large hand over you mouth with two calloused fingers stuck in the wet cavern. The other hand fisted in your hair.
With every harsh snap of his hips your hair was yanked. It was overwhelming but oh so amazing.
You reached your peak multiple times that night.
When Zuko himself finally reached his climax he released your hair and your mouth. One hand gripped the head board while the other grabbed your ankle, flipping you on your back and sliding you down the bed to come face to face with his leaking member.
He threw his head back, a plume of fire came out with his exasperated grunt. His spent gushing on your flushed face.
A sizzling sound made you look up. through your daze you could see that he had also slightly burned the poor headboard.
Truth be told Zuko acted purely on instinct that time. Thinking of nothing but the euphoric sensations you gave him. It made him briefly forget the mountain of stress weighing on his shoulders.
It was only your third time meeting up with him and you both enjoyed every second of it.
Yeah, you where limping back to camp after that. You had to play it off as if you had slept on the wrong side when your fellow team avatar members returned and questioned it.
If he was in desperate need of human contact it was slow and sensual.
Always making your eyes roll back into their sockets while he peppered kisses along your neck.
Your hands always tangled within his dark tassels of his hair.
Sighs and quiet moans leaving both of your mouths.
Though that’s only happened once.
It gave you hope that Zuko was more than a honor seeking monster bent on destruction.
It was like that the last time you’d been with him. The last time you’d probably ever see him.
Right before you ventured into the North Pole.
It had been a rough day for the gaang but an amazing night for you.
He had sought you out instead that night. Before that it had always been the other way around.
Gaining your attention from the woods behind the camp he lead you far from the group and to a small clearing.
It made your heart happy to see he had sought you out instead of Aang. He could have ambushed him, but he didn’t he came all this way for you.
The foreplay was long and slow. Clothes delicately sliding down your form with warm gentle hands taking their place.
Light kisses and love bites scattered all across your entangled bodies until he slid down to reach your heat.
He ate you out until you where physically and mentally fuzzy. Which was a pleasant surprise. He’d never done that before, until then all fore play was hands only.
When he finally gave you more instead of his usual frantic and rough thrusting it was replaced with him simply pushing in then staying still. Only occasionally rutting his hips against yours.
His head was nuzzled deep in your neck, breathing in your sent.
Through your airy moans and sighs you could have sworn you heard him mutter the word ‘beautiful’ but it was almost certainly in your head.
Or was it?
It was a very long and sensual night.
For the majority of it Zuko didn’t move, just basked in your present.
He’d almost broke one the biggest rules the two you had agreed upon once he felt himself near the edge.
He almost didn’t pull out.
Something in the back of his mind begged him not to but… he did.
That night also made you realize that you felt more than just lust for him…
The feeling was something you couldn’t describe. It made your heart flutter but also made your mind thick with anxiety.
This was the last time you slept with him.
Why did you do this?
Why did you agree to this?
You constantly questioned your resolve as to what you where thinking. But always remembered how he made you feel.
How when his labored breaths fanned across your face and those beautiful golden eyes locked into yours after each of those adventurous night, you could do nothing but melt.
How his touch set your skin ablaze.
It was heaven on earth.
No one could know of this.
No one could know you secretly slept with the enemy. You’re friends would surly disown you. Call you a traitor.
No one can know.
Though, wrong, you now feared you would never see your sneaky link ever again since venturing to Ba Sing Se. The two of you hadn’t met up or even seen each other in going on months.
It filled you with sadness.
A sadness you knew you shouldn’t be feeling but the absence of him gnawed at your fragile heart strings.
Similar to the time you thought he was going to die when you finally found him again at the North Pole.
Katara and Sokka wanted to leave him out in the blizzard.
It would kill him.
You and Aang had insisted that he’d die out there if the gaang didn’t help.
Reluctantly they agreed.
When Aang pulled his limp form up on Appa you almost cried at his state. Cuts and bruises littered his face.
It was horrendous.
When everyone was to busy with the spirits and Zhao you untied him.
You knew he needed to leave yet it still burdened you to watch him go.
You gave him a quick kiss goodbye. Which was a bit out of character for what you two had agreed upon but you need it.
Knowing that it would be awhile since you saw him again.
Oh right you where.
For all you know currently it was a kiss goodbye. The last one you would ever share together.
“It’s the best tea in all of Ba Sing Se!” You couldn’t help but over hear the conversation between two men in the market. The duo spoke for a long time on the wonders that was the Jasmine Dragon tea shop.
You loved tea.
Though, truth be told, before you and Zuko started this whole thing you never cared for it.
But, it never failed , after your fun was over and you’d collected yourself, if you where on his ship or at his base, sitting a few steps outside, was always a steaming hot cup of tea.
At first you brushed it off thinking it was a joke or a misplaced item but as time went on and the tea remained, you started taking it with you. Stowing away the cup until you could return it next time.
It was always delicious and much needed after the nights escapades.
It always made you wonder who was leaving it for you.
It certainly wasn’t Zuko arranging for it to be there. He had made it clear to keep this between the two of you.
He could not let anyone know.
He constantly told you to keep it down or snuck you around the ship/base like a stowaway.
Despite his caution, someone knew you where there.
It was decided you would visit this supposed amazing tea. The shop wasn’t to far away from the house your group stayed in so why not.
Opening the door you’re greeted with the most delicious smell. It was spicy yet sweet, warm and inviting, and… oddly familiar.
Finding a small booth tucked away in a corner you observed the various shades of green that adorned the walls. They seemed to match the green of the dress you wore.
Without worry of a battle you finally allowed yourself to relax. Having your hair down from its usual bun, a nice new dress and a light dusting of makeup made all the stress you had felt since coming here melt away.
The shop was empty, due to it behind later in the evening. No other patrons sat at any of the tables.
“Hello, welcome in. what can I get you.”
You stiffened, eyes going wide.
That voice
You’d recognize it anywhere.
Looking up from the table to the man that stood beside you, you could’t help but be absolutely bewildered by what you saw.
You could never forget that face. The scar, those eyes, that beautiful black hair. Was he really here? Was this actually happening? Or was this just another trick?
Just like that damn swamp!
You missed Zuko more than you realized, your unexpected trip confirmed it. While lost deep inside an eerie swamp you could have sworn you heard his laugh.
Though rare the prince did laugh, he tended to find dry humor quite amusing.
“Zuko?” You called out into the foggy air. There it was again, that laugh. You recognize his raspy voice anywhere. Looking around you saw a shadow standing on top of a tree branch. It was him!
A giant smile made its way across your features. Finally you get to see him again! You haven’t seen him in weeks! You desperately needed a hug right now. But as soon as you began running towards him he ran away deeper into the swamp.
“Wait, Zuko! Don’t run! I need to talk to you!” He kept running, deeper. “Wait!” You ran as fast your your legs could carry you. Ignoring the awful sting of the vines whipping against them.
Right as you had caught up to him and about to grab his shoulder you realized… it’s not him.. this… this is just a tree.
It’s not him.
He’s not here.
Tears flowed freely from your face before you could truly realize what you just did.
You missed him so much your heart ached and you didn’t even know why.
All was explained later by the wise swamp man.
“In the swamp we see visions of people we’ve lost, people we loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they’re not! We’re still connected to them.”
You loved him.
But this is real.
He’s here.
He’s standing right in front of you.
The two of you locked eyes for what felt like eternity.
He’s alive.
“Lee I think it’s best if you and your lady friend had a chat.” A voice you’d also come to know, only in passing, General Iroh broke your staring contest. A hand rested on his nephews shoulder.
Zuko looked at you for a few more seconds before realization took hold of his features. His yes widened and his mouth slightly a gapped.
“I…” Zuko was at a loss for words as to what to say. He hadn’t expected to see you here. In fact he honestly didn’t expect to see you ever again. His heart was beating out of his chest. Blood began gushing to his cheeks.
“Come.” Iroh tugged on Zukos shoulder lightly and looked at you with a knowing gaze. Though you didn’t notice it.
You felt far too emotional at the moment. Everything felt to much.
The way Zuko was looking at you, the happiness but also slight worry you felt seeing him again, and the feeling of your own heart threatening to burst out of your chest. You acted on instinct.
In and instant you darted up and out of your chair. Running for the exit and out into the street.
Zuko still slightly lost in his own head for a second didn’t even realize you ran until he finally snapped back into reality.
You didn’t look back.
Tears falling freely down your face. Smearing the makeup you’d put so much effort into earlier.
Yes you where over the moon to see him again but the title wave of emotions from the traumatic realization at the swamp resurfaced.
“Wait!” Zuko called out to you but your already disappeared.
“I think perhaps they are just a bit overwhelmed.” Iroh gave the boy a reassuring smile. “After all it has been awhile since the two of you have seen eachother.”
This spurred on a red faced Zuko with a nervous sweat forming on his features.
“Uh… how did you?” Iroh chuckled
“I might be old but I’m not that old! I’ve seen her around more than a few times.” He laughed again “The two of you may have been sly about it but, you left a few things out in the open.”
As if Zukos face could not have gotten any redder it doubled ten fold. Oh god what did he leave out? What did his poor old uncle hear? What did he see? Yikes.
“Young love is a beautiful thing! There’s nothing to be ashamed of!”
“We… we’re not in love!” Zuko defended. Again, the humble man simply laughed at his flustered nephew.
He knew Zuko better than anyone. He always could sense when you’d paid the prince a visit based on his abnormally cheery mood the next day. Then there was the time you had slept over a bit longer than he assumed either of you expected. Imagine Irohs surprise when he walked in to wake the prince and finding him in bed naked and cuddled up to the young lady he was supposed to ‘hate’.
Since he had confirmed his suspicions he made a point to make you tea on the nights you visited. Though unbeknownst to you the old man would slip in a bit of contraceptive herbs in it. Just in case. He knew the two of you where young and reckless. He also knew Prince Zuko would never think of consequences long enough to use protection so it didn’t hurt.
He was just happy the prince had found someone that makes him happy, even if he denies the feeling.
He had a hunch the two of you would eventually come to terms with it.
“Find her Zuko. Tell her how you feel.” With that Iroh closed up the shop and began heading for their house.
But how does Zuko feel?
You ran as fast as your feet could carry you. a sob trying not to escape your lips. Finding an empty alleyway you stopped. The cold stone of the wall did nothing to sooth your feverish temperature as you leaned against it.
You felt panic, fear, but also happiness?
Yes you where over the moon to see him again but it had been so long and after you realized you had feelings for him you didn’t know how you could ever look at him.
“(Y/n).” Zuko had been following you since his conversation with Iroh ended. He knew the old man was right you needed to talk.
“Zuko look I, I just don’t know what to say.” You tried to keep your face hidden from his view. The makeup you wore was surly running down you face with tears. You probably looked like a complete mess.
“If it makes you feel any better I don’t exactly know what to say either. I just… will you look at me?” He was agitated and confused. His head swirled with mixed emotions and the lack of eye contact made him increasingly agitated.
You did as he asked and looked at him through tear stained eyes. He felt himself stiffen at your pitiful face. He’d never seen you cry, well not out of sadness. He wasn’t sure what the feeling was but he felt the need to hug you, make you fell better, and wipe away your tears. He settled on the latter. Bringing a shaking hand out, he gently pushed away the giant tears. You acted in instinct and pushed your face further into his hands. His thumb continued sliding across your skin despite there being no more tears.
“I never thought I’d see you again.” You whimpered out. His heart fluttered.
“I didn’t think I’d find you again.”
Things happened fast. In an instant you where wrapped in his arms again. Shocked at first you quickly snapped out of it and brought you own around to return the embrace. His face buried itself in your neck. Breathing in, Zuko found the all familiar scent he’d come to crave and love. Floral notes mixed with the earthy tones. It truly enraptured him.
He felt his own tears wail up in is eyes.
You two embraced for what felt like seconds but in reality was about twenty minutes.
You missed this. You craved this.
Having your fingers run through his now long hair.
Having his warm hands grip your waist.
It was blissful.
“Hey! What are you two youngsters doing!” Unfortunately not everyone shared the same passions. In an instant you two where off eachother and facing a very cranky looking old man. “Get a room ya weirdos!”
Zuko rubbed the back of his neck, his face the shade of a tomato.
“Would you uh… like to catch up back at my place?” His feet nervously kicked at the dirt below. You chuckled.
“Yes I would.”
Zuko or Lee as he told you to call him when out in public led you through the ally and down a few streets. Passed the tea shop to a simple house.
Opening the door for you, you where once again greeted by the delicious smell of jasmine. Iroh stood in the small kitchen over a boiling kettle.
“Ah! I knew you two would be by! So I decided to make some tea since you didn’t get to try any at the shop!”
You blushed remembering the way you ran away. Looking back at it, it was rather embarrassing.
“Thank you.” He gave you a simple smile and gestured for the two of you to have a seat. Zuko sat across from you at the table.
Iroh dropped off the two steaming cups and the kettle.
“I hope I made it the way you like! I never got to hear any feed back from the times before” you almost choked on the tea in surprise.
“That was you?” Zuko was confused as to what are you two where talking about.
“Haha yes! I figured you could use it! After all various activities can dehydrate the body!” Now both of you where tomatoes.
Zuko cleared his throat and you stared wide eyed into the now extremely interesting cup of tea.
“I see, I may have made things a bit awkward. Zuko, (y/n), I’ll be taking a walk. It’s a beautiful night out.” Before Iroh shut the door he gave Zuko a wink with wiggling eyebrows. Steam threatened to blow out the flustered teens ears. God his uncle was something else.
“Zuko, we need to talk.” You took another sip of your tea before placing to back down. He nodded his head.
“Yes we do.”
Zuko hated to admit it to himself but he felt something for you. Something that he knew was absolutely forbidden. Yet seeing you at the tea shop and in the alleyway again after thinking you where gone forever set his heart ablaze.
“What we had before was fun, don’t get me wrong but-”
“Wait before you say that there’s something I need to say this first.” Zuko stood from his seat, looking deep into your eyes. “I know we agreed on keeping what we had as casual but… I feel like there was something more there. At least there was for me. I’m not very good at putting how I feel into words. I think I have fe-” in an instant you stood and leaned over the table, pressing your lips to his.
Sparks flew.
Literally, Zukos bending took over the little candle frames around the room and made them explode. You pulled away in shock.
“Sorry I-” again you silenced him with a kiss.
Passion. Love. Lust. Need. Want.
It all unfolded within this kiss.
His lips danced on yours. You reciprocated.
Zuko pulled you by the shoulders over the table and onto himself. Accidentally knocking over the two cups of tea. But that was the last thing on either of you minds. Iroh would be mad but who cares. All that matters was he was here with you. In his arms once again.
“Wait (y/n)” he pulled away and looked down at your flushing, panting face. He currently had you sitting on the table, legs wrapped around his torso and hands slotted in his hair. You honestly expected him to take you right here. “I don’t want to just… fuck you. Please come to bed with me.”
You giggled, he seemed embarrassed to say the words. You where a bit impatient but it flattered you that he didn’t want to just do it without any care.
“Of course” you unwrapped your legs. “Lead the way.” He quickly led you to his small room. It appeared him and Iroh shared the room but luckily had two separate beds. He turned away from you in embarrassment. As a nervous habit he rubbed the back of his neck. looking anywhere but at you.
“Now I know it’s not much compared to back then but it’s”
“Zuko! You talk way to much!” Turning back to you, he was going to counter your statement but found himself absolutely dumbfounded at the sight. You already had your dress slipped halfway down your thighs.
It had been so long since he’d seen you like this. Only in your underwear. Body on display for him and him only. It sent all the blood rushing down to his member. Your skin was glowing! Your hair was longer and beautiful! Your-
“Are you going to stand there drooling over me all night or are we going to have some fun?” You turned to the bed and did a little shack. You ass hypnotizing the boy.
That was by far the best sex you two had ever had.
Passionate but a little rough due to the desperation. Zuko desperately needed to have you close but also craved to hear you scream for him once more.
He never flipped you on your stomach. He absolutely had to see your face at all times throughout the passionate love session. He needed to see how much you missed him, if he could still make you feel good just like before, and above all else he needed to see how your beautiful face changed from his actions.
“I’m so close” you huffed. The air between you two was electric. You honestly felt bad for any of Zukos next door neighbors. For the only sounds that filled the silent night where the rough slaps of skin when his body met yours and both of your moans and groans.
“Cum for me (y/n)” Zukos thrusts picked up speed. He leaned up from his previous place in your neck and onto his knees. Both of your legs rested on his shoulders. He was hitting place you never knew could be explored. It felt like you where about to combust.
“Please!… Please cum with me!” You managed to slip out. At your whines Zuko almost busted on spot. His member throbbed.
“Close” was the only word he could muster in response.
Right before Zuko came tried to pull out but, you quickly wrapped your legs around him. He cried out loudly, It sounded almost painful but another moan right after it reassured you he loved it. He tried again only to hear you beg:
“In me! Please! I need it!”
Zuko couldn’t resist your desires even if he wanted to. Which by the way your walls where clenched around him and the little voice in his head he would rather die then deny it.
He buried himself as deep as he possibly could in you velvety wall and enraptured you in a kiss. Spilling his spend deep within you. Your own orgasm followed at the new sensation. legs shaking and insides sucking in around him, he had to break the kiss just to moan again.
The two of you stayed joined together for a long time. Simply embracing one another. Neither wanted to pull away.
That was until they heard the tell tell sounds of the front door opening startled you both.
“Shit!” Zuko whispered. He quickly sat up, throwing the blanket around your nude form. The last thing he wanted was his Uncle to walk in on you naked. He didn’t care about himself since Iroh has seen Zuko in some not so conventional ways.
You curled up under the blanket now feeling very cold and empty without Zuko.
“Don’t worry! I’m just here to make a quick cup then I’ll be back out!” Iroh belly laughed at the seen before him. Both chairs pulled out with one toppled over, tea spilled on the table, bedroom door closed. Yep, it all led to one outcome and Iroh had never been happier for Zuko.
He made up with you! Yay!
“Uncle, you don’t have to leave again.” Zuko came out of the room I only his pants. His body still red from the heat of the moment and slightly panting. Hickies on his chest and shoulder slowly began to take shape. Iroh took one look and laughed even harder.
“Prince Zuko, no offense, I really like (y/n) but I can’t fathom seeing her in the nude!” Zuko huffed.
Iroh made three cups. One for you, one for him, and one for Zuko. He opened a cabinet above the stove and pulled out a small bag. Inside was a very specific plant. He crushed it between his fingers and sprinkled it in one cup. “Now make sure she drinks this.”
Zuko was once again confused. “Why?”
“Well Zuko I don’t think we’re financially stable enough to have a little one running around do you?”
Realization of what Zuko just dawned on him. His face ignited again.
“It’s okay! Intercourse is a good way to keep your Immune system humming and is great for heart health!” Zuko snatched the cups from Iroh without another word. “Also, I’ve heard that sem-”
Zuko slammed the bed room door closed.
Oh god, Zuko really did that. He seriously just came in you. What is he a horny nineteen year old?!
Well yes, yes he is. But still! It was so irresponsible and-
Zuko almost dropped the cups of tea when he finally looked up.
You had gotten out of the bed and where currently bend over looking through the drawers in the room. Still in the nude and currently dripping with both your combined climaxes Zuko about had a heart attack.
“Zuko do you have a towel or something I can clean this up with?” You looked over you shoulder at him. “Zuko?”
It’s on.
Another rough ensued. this time a bit rougher.
He hated to admit it but coming inside was probably the best feeling in the world.
Finally once you’d tired eachother out you took one look at the tea sitting on the bedside table and guzzled it down. Extremely parched.
Cuddling up to Zuko you felt at peace with life. Sure the gaang would question where you were tonight but thats something you’ll deal with later for now you enjoyed having your Zuko again.
“I love you.” You breathed out right as sleep took hold.
Zuko contemplated those three little words for hours before finally deciding that he in fact felt the same.
“I love you too.”
That didn’t last long.
Then everything changed when Azula showed up.
Stuck in a cavern deep under lake lougi you, Katara and aang fought tooth and nail against her. She had managed to infiltrate the earth kingdom palace under the guise of a Kyoshi worrier. Just when you through you all had the upper hand in the battle a burst of red flames took the stage.
He betrayed you.
He stabbed you in the back.
He choose Azula over you.
“After everything you… you still chose them?” You sent a borage of boulders hurling his direction. You didn’t want to hurt him just knock him off his game. He easily dodged, weaving and bobbing his way through the attack.
“You wouldn’t understand” he retaliated with a giant fire blast. You acted quick, bringing a crystal shield up. The cave was filled with them.
“You never have!” He send a powerful kick laced with flames into your shield sending the razor shard pieces of the crystal right through you.
Everything happened so fast. One moment you where blocking the attack the next you found yourself slumped on the ground.
What just happened.
Zuko took a step back. His eyes widening at what he had just done.
His kick sent a large shard right into the soft flesh of your neck. The slice hadn’t managed to go through but left an oozing gash. Smaller shards had made similar cuts around your face. The scene before him was horrific.
Your face was down. Your hands wrapped around your own neck trying to stop the ocean of blood from escaping.
“I… that’s not what I…” Zuko took a few shaky steps back. His ears felt like they where ringing.
What did he just do?
Katara screamed from the other side of the stream that ran through the cave.
“(Y/n)!” She cried. While distracted Azula attacked her again, directing Kataras attention away from you.
“I didn’t mean to…” Zuko felt tears forming in his eyes. You began to choke on your own blood. The sounds seemed to echo in his mind.
A small puddle began to gather around your hunched from.
He’d seen people die before.
He’s killed people before but this…
this made him down right sick.
The lips he had kissed a day before where now cut and streaming with crimson. The beautiful skin he held so near to himself cut and marred.
At his hands.
How could he?
“Get away from her!” Aang blew Zuko away with a powerful air blast. This snapped Zuko out of his daze and the battle continued.
This is it huh?
This is how you’re going to die?
Bleeding out, in a cave, no one by your side, and at the hands of the man you love.
Or loved.
If only you had known that, that one night aboard his ship would turn out like this.
If only you had listened to your gut.
If only you hadn’t found him again.
If only you weren’t so gullible to believe he’d changed.
Maybe then things would be different.
Maybe if you tried harder he wouldn’t have chosen the wrong side.
Your mind was plagued with what ifs. Drowning out the battle infront of you.
Your knees gave out from under you.
You now laid still.
Body laying on top of the very shards that cut your.
Eyes looking up to the crystal lined cave before you.
It was beautiful. Their green glow was intoxicating.
A smile graced your lips.
Aang flew into the air. Your smile widened.
He finally unlocked the avatar state again.
Things where starting to get hazy. The world was blurring and you felt cold.
Yeah, you’re going to die here. But that’s okay.
You’ll be okay.
You’ll be fine.
“You’re going to make it!”
Katara had managed to lift both you and Aang up and out of the cave with the help of Iroh.
The old man was horrified at the sight of your blood soaked form.
He had no words for Zuko.
Only disappointment.
How could his nephew turn so cold.
A decision had to be made that night. Flying away from the now burning city of Ba Sing Sa the group was tasked with a choice they never thought they would have to make.
Aang was dead.
You where dead.
And Katara only had one vial of spirit water.
The decision was made.
The world needed the Avatar.
Sparring a few drops of spirit water she bent it into the wound on your neck and the rest to Aangs back.
She tried to make the most out of the regular water she had to mend your wounds.
They all hoped it was enough.
Would you pull through?
Standing beside Azula at the throne of the fallen earth kingdom Zuko is plagued by the vision of Katara carrying your lifeless form up the stream.
How your once vibrant eyes stared endlessly at the world below.
dull and lifeless…
He killed you.
It haunted him.
He felt regret over his decision.
Maybe if he hadn’t of jumped in you would have made it.
“We’ve done it Zuko. It’s taken a hundred years but the fire nation has conquered Ba Sing Sa.”
“I betrayed uncle…” he almost slipped up and said your name as well. But Azula could never know of what had transpired.
“No. He betrayed you.” Azula stood from the throne. “Zuko, when you return home father will welcome you home as a war hero.”
“But I don’t have the Avatar. What if father doesn’t restore my honor?”
“He doesn’t need to Zuko. Today, you restored your own honor.”
Maybe he didn’t.
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marlasomething · 2 years
Zutara Month (Day 29): ...Let Your Heart Decide?
Hello there!
As usual, I cannot see a "challenge" and let it go so...Zutara month it is! First time writing for the fandom, I won't be able to do ALL DAYS...actually...this is my last. Only four, I hope it was worth it and thanks again for the event to @zutaramonth
As usual, do please forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes,
Marla Allons-y!
Also in AO3
The siblings were believed to have drowned in time in a previously frozen part of the ocean. Story went, the Avatar and their sibling (it had never been clarified who was who) had been on a diplomacy mission in their early twenties when a terrible accident had sunk their boat.
They had been born for more than hundred years ago; and, after what felt as eons of searching (though it hadn’t been even a decade), the airbender Aang and his, sometimes annoying, always extremely in hand, companion Toph had found them.
Finally, they would be able to defeat the sibling emperors.
As much as he liked not being dead, Zuko was suspicious about the fact that the Avatar hadn’t killed him yet. She was not at all as he had imagined.
For starters, the common belief had been that the eldest sibling, Sokka, had been the Avatar, when he actually was not even a regular waterbender (confirming the complete extinction of said type of benders), as he had been the oldest and, well, a man (when everyone had started commenting on the subject, it had been one of the very few times in which he had stood for Azula’s decision to just go on with committing brutal indiscriminate murder).
Then, he hadn’t expected her to be barely a couple of years younger than him, and yet had this tired look to her eyes she felt as old as Uncle Iroh had been when he…
Never mind.
And she was good. She was fucking amazing. She could even control bloodbending, as she had proven with the Torture Department his sister had recently stablished.
If she had wanted, he would already be pushing daisies. Instead, he is cornered against the wall; rock, water, air and even fire trapping him inside of a swirling mixture all around his body.
Then, she spoke, and he went numb of the impression her words caused on him.
“Thank you for your assistance; Aang and the others still believe is one of the guards, that is why we haven’t kill them, even when it was the only option (sort of speak), but I know it is you” her expression softened, though she didn’t let him go in the slightest. “Thank you so much for helping us, I just hope you find it in you to do it from outside the shadows.”
He just stuttered, feeling as stupid as when he had realised he had doomed Mai’s life by marrying her.
Katara continued speaking.
“At the beginning, I thought it was because it was obvious Azula got your wife killed” her name was Mai; he would have screamed, the shock hadn’t been so huge. “She wants her direct bloodline to carry on the Empire, not yours. But then…”
He finally managed to let a word escape his lips.
“Then I looked into your eyes. You are not the monster you believe yourself to be, Emperor Zuko.”
As she finished speaking, she left.
Just left.
He sighed.
Katara was exasperating.
Katara was, indeed, exasperating.
“Come on! You look good on those.”
“I don’t. We are over fifty Katara, there are certain things we cannot pull off anymore” she shrugged.
“Sokka will be disappointed.”
“Cry me a river”
“How literal you want that” the Avatar joked as he pulled the bed sheets so she felt over him.
At the end, he had joined the rebels. Of course, he hadn’t been Zuko when he did it. He took the name of the son of the only actual father he had ever had and started helping Aang, Katara and the rest of the resistance under the name of Lu Ten.
Nobody questioned that his scar even matched the Emperor’s; the need of assistance was too dire to even consider suspicion an option.
Now, decades had gone by and he wouldn’t change a thing.
Sometimes, he wondered, what would have been of his life hadn’t Katara been the Avatar.
Then, he laughed at himself; there was just no universe in which she wasn’t worthy of the title.
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Can I request a Azula x female reader? Say Azula wins the agni maid and reader is there by her side watching her burn nations down
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“Perfect.” You say as you do the finish touches to Azula’s hair. She had gotten angry earlier and snapped at the maids, kicking them out. You had known Azula since you were babies, growing up together with the rest of her friends. You had liked her for a while but never acted on your feelings until the vacation you and your friends took on emerald island. This boy had flirted with her at the party you all attended and you set his pants on fire with a candle. You were what kept Azula calm when she was about to go crazy, you were her anchor. You were there to hold her close and reassure her after Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her. You were the calm to her rage, the water to her fire... Literally, you were a water bender. You had been dropped on your parents doorstep one day, no note or anything. No one, including yourself, had known you could water bend until you bended away the water under a turtle duck before Azula could throw bread at it.
After finding out, Fire Lord Ozai accused you of being a spy... Yes, 9 year old y/n, a spy. He was ready to put you down before Azula intervened. She pled your case and convinced her father that you could be useful once you mastered your bending. So you were sent out of the fire nation to find someone to teach you water bending, Ozai having the full expectation that you wouldn’t return, who would want to train a fire nation water bender? Well, you did find someone to teach you water bending and a sub style called blood bending. You spent almost 5 years with Hama mastering your abilities before returning to the fire nation. Now at 14, you looked way more mature and fit from the years of training. When you saw Azula again for the first time she just gave you a simple nod, barely paying attention to you. Until later the same day she pulled you into her room and hugged you like her life depended on it.
You never told anyone of your blood bending and planned to keep it that way until today. “Zuko...” Azula sneered as he and Katara rode in, interrupting her coronation. “Sorry, but your not going to become Fire Lord today... I am.” Zuko says as he jumps off the bison. Azula lets out a laugh mockingly, you had to stifle your own. “You’re hilarious.” Azula says, not taking Zuko seriously. “And your going down.” Katara says, voice full of conviction. You growl under your breath at Katara. “Control your attack dog Zuko.” You sneer causing Katara to glare at you. “You want to do this... Let’s Agni Kai!” Azula announces with a wide grin and you smirked next to her as Zuko agreed causing Katara to give him a worried look. You knew Azula was more powerful than him and you had full confidence that she would win.
You watch as blue and red flames dance across the sky and cut through the air as Azula and Zuko battle. It was already taking longer than you had hoped but you knew Azula would win and you knew that if need be, you could take Katara. The only people that knew of your water bending was Azula, Fire Lord Ozai, and Hama. “No lightening today? Afraid I’ll redirect it!?” Zuko yells, getting a little to confident as he knocks Azula down once. Azula shoots you a look and you smirk a little, knowing she had something up her sleeve. You watched as she created lightening and sent it straight at Katara, who froze in shock. You watched as Zuko caught the lightening before sending it into the air and you cringed as you watched him twitch after he hit the ground. “Zuko!” Katara yelled about to run to him before having to dodge fire sent at her.
As the two girls fought, you walked up slowly to Zuko and poked the new scar on his chest to make sure he was still alive. He let out a loud gasp before twitching again. You nodded your head and moved forward again to watch Azula and Katara fight. You were ready to step in when you noticed Katara hovering over an open water source and as soon as Katara froze water around herself and Azula, you stepped in. You focused all your energy and started blood bending Katara away from the water source. Katara looked at you with wide eyes displaying shock and fear. “Someone get the container!” Azula barked out to the guards that you had managed to get back after Azula went on a firing rampage. The guards brought out a full body cage made of pure platinum. Once she was locked in, you released her from your hold and smiled as she glared at you. “How do you know how to blood bend!?” Katara yells out enraged, “It isn’t even a full moon!” “You don’t spend 5 years learning for nothing.”
Azula had been officially crowned Fire Lord and now the two of you were waiting for the Avatar to arrive. Katara was locked in the deepest dungeon that the fire nation had that you had changed to have dessert like qualities. Zuko was being healed by a healer but was still incapacitated. “Shouldn’t be much longer now...” You mumbled as you stood next to Azula’s throne. “A fire nation balloon has been spotted!” A guard yelled as he ran into the room. “Show time.” You stated as you hid behind the throne as Dai Li agents hid on the ceiling. The door to the throne room busted down as Aang sent a wave of air towards it. “Where is Katara! And Zuko!?” Aang asked as he, Sokka, and Toph stood in fighting positions. “Who’s behind the chair?” Toph asked and you moved next to Azula with a smirk. “Oh it’s just a non bender.” Toph says tauntingly trying to get a reaction from you but gets one from Sokka instead. “Hey!” Sokka says and crosses his arms.
You shake your head and let out a small laugh. “Tsk tsk tsk, a non bender?” You ask with fake disappointment. “Wrong.” You say as you blood bend Toph, causing her to be lifted under the ground as Dai Li agents use the ground to move another full body case around Toph, sealing her in. You release your hold and watch as Top starts to panic as she kicks the cage. “I can’t see anything outside of this thing!” She yells out causing Aang and Sokka to worry. You watch as Azula raises a finger, signaling the Dai Li agents who send out the rock gloves at Sokka immediately holding him down and capturing him. Now all that stood in Azula’s way was Aang. Aang almost immediately goes into the avatar state and glares at the two of you as Azula stand up, slowly removing her robe and getting into a fighting stance. “I’ve never blood bended a avatar before.” You state as you crack your neck and knuckles, getting into a fighting stance.
Azula stood from the throne and nodded her head as the Dai Li agents started attacking the avatar. “Find a way to get him open.” You nod your head in response. “Remember if he dies in the avatar state, the cycle ends.” You say to Azula as you kiss her cheek and join the fight. The fight was a lot harder than you thought it would be. Aang had beaten almost all the Dai Li agents and you haven’t been able to blood bend him long enough for Azula to hit him with lightening. You watched from the sidelines as Aang took out the last Dai Li agent and let his defense down for a second. A second long enough for you to attack. “Azula!” You yell as you blood bend the avatar, barely being able to keep focus on Aang. You let out a breath of relief as Aang falls to ground and you let your body finally slump down. “Y/n?” Azula asks worriedly. “I’m okay... I just haven’t had to blood bend so much before.” You responds as Azula helps you stand and rest your body against hers.
The last week had been a whirlwind. You and Azula announced to the world that the Avatar was dead and that the cycle was over before sending out fire nation blimps to all the major cities in the other 3 nations. After healing from his injuries, Zuko, Sokka was sent to join Ty Lee and Mai in Boiling Rock. The prison had been updated and made practically impenetrable from the outside and inside. Katara and Toph were kept in special cells, Katara’s was deep below the fire nation castle while Toph’s was as far away from the ground as possible. 
You watched with a smirk from the inside of blimp as waves of fire nation soldiers stormed the walls of the Northern Water Tribe while you sat on the arm of Azula’s chair. You both got up and stood on a platform as the blimp stopped above the front of the castle. The platform lowered slowly towards the ground where your soldiers held back water nation soldiers. The platform lowered all the way to the ground and you and Azula walked towards the leader of the northern tribe. “Surrender now and we wont burn your town to the ground.” Azula demanded as the chief glared at her. “How do I know you won’t hurt the moon spirits?” Azula let out a humorless laugh. “As much as that would make things easier... Someone I know needs the moon spirit alive.” Azula says as she rubs her hand against your cheek. “Now do you accept the terms or not?” Azula asks getting annoyed at how long it was taking. You watched the Chief’s eyes as he looked behind you and you turned around just in time to stop a ice spear heading straight for Azula. You catch the spear and turn it into hundred of mini icicles before sending it back at the man who threw it in the first place. “Pakku!” The chief yelled as he watched his friend fall.
You sent a hard glare at the chief before yelling out, “Burn it to the ground!” Causing your soldiers to let out a cheer before melting houses and setting whatever they could on fire. You and Azula returned to the platform and let it start rising up. “Long live the Fire Lord!” You yelled out causing the soldiers to yell the same thing in agreement. “Are you okay?” You ask as you looked down at Azula who had been silent since the attack on her life but had an arm wrapped around your waist. “That was... hot.”
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Well Why Don’t You?- Zuko x Reader
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Summary: You and Zuko constantly dance around each other, and Sokka and Toph have had enough. Fluff, with a tiny bit of angst!! Masterlist
(GIF isn’t mine!) Words: 3,398 Request: yes
**** let me know if I you all want a masterlist!
Well Why Don’t You?
The first party Zuko hosts is a year after the war. It is a “welcome to Fire Nation” party, to honor the new members of one of Zuko’s outreach programs.
One year after the war, and everything is slowly starting to feel normal. Your parents had died before the war began, and having no where else to go, you ended up sticking close to Zuko, your best friend.
Zuko had brought up the idea first, claiming that he had no one left either, and it had really worked out quite well for the both of you. You gave Zuko advice and opinions with an honesty no one else would. Zuko offered you a place of belonging and a deep friendship.
Though you missed your parents and your friends, you had never felt quite so happy as you did with Zuko. You knew a lot of that happiness had to do with your feelings for him.
Zuko had joined your side and won you over first. You believed him before anyone else did, and as time progressed, you slowly started opening up to each other. You often teamed up in battle and just naturally gravitated towards each other. Toph and Sokka had teased you about it relentlessly. You had realized you loved him when Azula struck him with lightning, when you had almost lost him.
Then Zuko had healed and had become Firelord, and you hadn’t said a word to him about your feelings. Now you are really starting to regret it as you watch him dance with Mai. They had broken up a long time ago, but that didn’t make you feel better as you watch him pull her tighter to him and whisper in her ear. Angrily, you slam your finished drink on the table.
“Another.” You demand, and Sokka looks at you with troubled eyes.
“Y/n, you’ve been drinking a lot more than usual, are you sure you can handle another?” He asks you, brows furrowed. You must be really obvious if Sokka was noticing something wrong.
“Obviously it has everything to do with Lover Boy and Mai.” Toph says, inclining her head in the direction of the dance floor. For a blind girl, Toph really does see everything.
“No it doesn’t.” You hiss.
“Ooh you hit a nerve.” Sokka giggles, tipping his drink back. You aim a hard kick to his shin. Sokka chokes on his drink, and you take a little pleasure in his sputtering. Toph pats him a few times on the back, but she’s laughing too hard to really help.
“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. I won’t say anything else about your all encompassing love.” Sokka says.
“All encompassing love for who?” Zuko asks, head cocked to the side like a puppy. Mai is there, arm wound tightly through his. She smiles at you, but the expression looks forced on her usually bored face.
“For wine.” You cover smoothly. “I was just about to get another drink and Sokka was teasing me for being an alcoholic. I showed him though.”
You nod at Sokka, who now sits rubbing his shin.
“That’s my girl.” Zuko smiles. “Guys, you all remember Mai?”
Everyone at the table nods, and exchanges pleasantries. Zuko pulls out a chair at the table and seats Mai, and then takes the chair in between you both.
The wine is catching up with you, and your head is fuzzy, even fuzzier with Zuko so close. You want to kiss him, to hold his hand, to be with him. All of that is impossible with Mai next to him. Of course Mai is beautiful, and of course that’s who Zuko would go for. Mai is a badass and she’s controlled. She’d be the perfect match for Zuko and his mood swings.
You stand up too quickly suddenly desperate to get away, and knock over your empty wine glass. You wobble in place before regaining your balance.
“Y/n?” Zuko asks, concern etching his face. “Are you alright?”
“Fine!” You say in a voice that tells everyone you are absolutely not fine. “I’m just off to get some wine! Haha that rhymes.”
Your awkwardness combined with the alcohol has just made a painfully embarrassing moment that you’ll never expunge from your brain.
Sokka bursts into drunken laughter like a child, and Toph rolls her eyes. You barley manage to get yourself out of the party before you start crying.
The next party Zuko hosts, you are prepared to make a move. Toph has taken to giving you weekly pep talks, and she’s bolstered your confidence a lot.
You had picked out the perfect dress, a black gown with a plunging back. The bodice was tight against your figure, and emphasized your curves. You spent all day creating a dramatic makeup look and pinning up your hair. You knew you looked good, hopefully Zuko would see it too.
You take up your usual spot at the table with Toph and Sokka. Katara and Aang were hardly ever at these things, too busy running their academy or fixing the world. Toph and Sokka are a bit more like you, with no where to go.
Toph and Sokka are starting a drinking game, and you’re too zoned out to really listen to the rules. You’re eager to see Zuko, and even more eager to have him see you.
“With the rate she’s going, we’re going to die of alcohol poisoning.” You hear Toph say.
“What?” You ask. Toph smiles sheepishly, and looks to Sokka to say something.
“Well...” Sokka says, and his face says that he is absolutely trying every way to get out of this.
“Are you playing a drinking game about me?!” You demand. Their smiles give it all away, and suddenly you feel rather affronted.
“What are the rules??” You smack your hand down on the table.
“Obviously it has something to do with being the most beautiful girl in the room.” Zuko says, smiling at you. He places a kiss to your cheek, and then sits down. You could literally explode on the spot, but even in your high you don’t miss Sokka and Toph taking a synchronized drink.
So it was about you and Zuko then.
“Thank you.” You tell Zuko, and you can’t help the warmth that colors your tone. Who gave him the right to be so charming? You knew this was his normal diplomatic persona, the one he used to flatter his subjects. You could pretend it was real for a night.
Sokka and Toph drink again, and this time is not subtle at all. Zuko notices, and quirks his eyebrows at them.
“So what are the rules?” He asks, truly perplexed.
“Don’t have any.” Toph says. Zuko rolls his eyes, but leaves them to their own game.
You’re about to ask Zuko to dance, when an advisor comes up to him.
“Lord Zuko, I have someone who would really love to meet you.” The old man says. The person who wants to meet Zuko is clearly the beautiful young woman trying her best to pretend she isn’t watching the exchange.
Zuko notices this too, and smiles at his advisor.
“Of course, give me just a moment.” He says. You’re torn between two feelings. On one hand, you love Zuko’s devotion to his people, but on the other, jealousy is eating at you.
Zuko smiles at you softly.
“You really do look lovely.” He says. “Don’t go anywhere guys, I’ll be right back.”
You watch him walk away, with a heavy heart. It seemed like nothing would truly be enough to capture his attention.
“Drink!” Sokka calls, indicating your wistful glances at Zuko. You drink until your glass is empty.
You don’t go to the third party. Every inch of your body hurts, and your head is pounding. You think you might have a fever, but you don’t want to call anyone in to check. You absolutely despise being sick, and sometimes you like to just wallow in your sorrows.
Toph comes in to check on you before the party. She’s dressed in a lovely green gown, and a gold headpiece.
“Toph, you’re gorgeous.” You croak. “Stay away from me though, I’ll get you sick.”
Toph gives you a pitying look.
“You sound awful.” She says.
“I feel it.”
“Do you want me to send somebody in to check on you? No offense, y/n, but you actually look like you could be dying.”
“Thank you Toph, I really wanted to hear that.” You mutter into your pillow.
There is silence for a few seconds as Toph debates what to do.
“Seriously Toph, I’m ok. Go have fun.” Then sitting up, you tease her. “Tell me all about Sokka’s reaction when he sees you in that dress.”
Toph blushes, and hurries away like you expected her too. Content at your privacy, you fall back on your bed to get some sleep.
You had only just fallen into a fitful sleep, when you are awoken by someone stroking your face.
Zuko sits in your bed in his party robes, looking more concerned than you’d ever seen him.
“Zuko?” You croak. Maybe this is a fever dream or a hallucination. There’s no way that Zuko left his party to come sit with you.
“Hey.” He says softly. “Toph told me you were sick. I sent for a healer a few minutes ago.”
He brushes a few sweaty strands of hair out of your face and you groan internally. How could he ever want to be with you after seeing you like this?
“Get away from me, you’re going to get sick!” You protest when you realize that he’s sitting too close.
Zuko rolls his eyes, and moves closer just to spite you.
“I don’t care about any of that, y/n.” He says. He leaves his hand on the side of your face, and his thumb strokes your cheek bone. “You’re really hot.” He says.
You know he doesn’t mean it the way it sounds, but in your feverish state his words are funny.
“No you’re the hot one.” You say, giggling. Zuko smiles, but he also looks more concerned than before.
“You’re delirious.” He says. The healer knocks on the door, and Zuko hurries to let him in.
The healer makes him stand away from you, as he gets to work. Zuko paces, watching everything with his amber eyes.
You’ve never really noticed how beautiful his scar is, before right now.
“Thank you, y/n.” He says, and you blush.
You definitely hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“My lord, I think she’ll be ok after some rest. We just need to break the fever.” Zuko winces, and you think that he must be remembering the time he was sick in Ba Sing Se. He had told you about it long ago, about how painful it was.
“Alright.” Zuko says, “Thank you for seeing her. I’ll stay with her.”
“My lord, I am perfectly happy to stay...” the healer trails off at Zuko’s face.
“I’m not leaving her.” Zuko says, tone final. The healer bows his head, and starts instructing Zuko.
“Keep the cloth cold, and keep her under the blankets. I’ll come by to check every few hours. The best thing for her to do is sweat it out.”
You hear the door close, and then Zuko sits beside you on the bed again. You hadn’t realized that you had closed your eyes.
Zuko’s hands replace the healers, and he starts pressing the cold cloth against your forehead.
“What about your party?” You croak.
“More important things for me to be doing.” Zuko says. You are ill, quite possibly delirious, but you could swear you hear some deeper meaning in his words.
The fourth party Sokka and Toph are armwrestling, and you are keeping score. You all are by far the loudest table, and you know that if it wasn’t for your status as war heroes, you would have been kicked out long ago.
Zuko has been floating around tables all night, shaking hands and kissing babies. The people love him, and they see him for the great ruler he is. You’re happy for him, and you’re proud. But you also miss him.
Zuko finds his way over to you all during round 8. Sokka is only up by one point, and the narrow margin has really been a blow to his pride. You’ve decided to call a winner at round 9, so this victory really determines the outcome. You hate how into their stupid game you are.
Toph is just edging out Sokka when Zuko’s hand touches your back. He lets it trail slowly upwards and cup the back of your neck, thumb rubbing in slow circles.
“Who’s winning?” He asks lowly, to not disturb the serious concentration. You’ve never been more turned on in your whole life.
“It’s a toss up right now.” You say, obviously flustered. “If Sokka wins this round, he’s the winner, but if Toph wins we go into sudden death.”
“Mmm.” Zuko says close to your ear. Goosebumps explode down your body, and you fight a shiver. You glance over at him, and you lock eyes.
Is he looking at your lips? Is he leaning closer? Am I?
“Victory!” Toph cries, slamming Sokka’s arm into the table.
Your moment with Zuko is broken as you turn to them.
“That’s a tie. Round 9.” You say. You turn back to Zuko with a smile, and find one mirrored on his face. He looks happy, you think. More content than he has in a long while.
“Y/n?” A cocky voice asks you. You turn to find one of Zuko’s youngest advisors standing there. He is around your age and rather handsome. One of the types that knows it too.
“Dance with me?” He smirks, holding out a hand.
“Sorry.” Zuko says, with faux politeness. He drops his arm around your shoulders and curls you into his side. “We just can’t spare her. She’s our scorekeeper.”
His arm is holding you tight against him, possessively. Your whole body is fuzzy again as you smile at Zuko.
You turn back to his advisor and shrug.
“No one else can do it.” You say by way of explanation.
Zuko doesn’t move his arm the rest of the night, and neither do you.
Sokka and Toph are done with the games. You and Zuko had been dancing around each other for years now and it was really starting to get annoying. They couldn’t even enjoy getting drunk at parties anymore without one of you looking longingly at the other all night.
That’s why they were currently holed up in an unused advising room discussing plans.
“We’ve got to do something, Sokka. It’s not even fun to drink anymore.” Toph cries, slamming a fist on the table.
“Tell me about.” Sokka says. “All they do is drool over each other.”
“You’re the master strategy guy, let’s come up with a plan. There’s got to be something we can do.” Toph taps her foot rapidly against the ground.
Sokka sits in deep thought for a minute, hand rubbing his jaw. His blue eyes are far away as he considers several options.
“Well, jealousy didn’t work either time they were around other people. Zuko was still too chicken when y/n got all dolled up, and aside from locking them up together I just don’t know what will break their stubborn minds.” Sokka groans.
Suddenly, he and Toph both jump up.
“That’s it!” Toph says. “New mission, find a door that locks from the outside and lock those idiots up.”
The fifth party Zuko hosts, you rewear the black gown. You liked it, and Zuko had called you beautiful when you wore it. Maybe tonight it could be your lucky charm.
It’s Zuko’s birthday, and you had managed to get Aang and Katara here as a surprise, and they were going to stay the entire weekend. Iroh was also going to come stay, and you had planned a smaller private party for tomorrow. You knew Zuko would be thrilled to spend some seeing his friends, and actually getting to spend some time with them.
You were just finishing spraying yourself with perfume, when Toph comes barreling into your room.
“Y/n, quick it’s Zuko!” You are in instant worry mode as you follow her out.
“What’s happened Toph? Is he alright?” You question.
Toph leads you through the winding corridors, and into a back part of the palace.
“Toph!” You demand as you come to a stop in front of a door you’ve never seen.
Sokka stands there, dressed in his finest blue party outfit. Toph is in her usual green.
“You guys? What’s going on. Where’s Zuko? Is he alright?” You question.
“He will be.” Toph says from behind you. Sokka opens up the door, and before you can ask anything else, Toph shoves you inside and the door slams shut.
Instead of falling onto the ground, something warm and hard catches you. Arms wrap around you to steady you, and you can instantly tell it’s Zuko.
“Zuko? What’s going on?” You ask him. “Are you ok? Toph said-”
“They did the same to me.” He chuckles. Your eyes are adjusting to the darkness, and you can just make out his smile. “I think we’re being set up.”
“Oh.” You say, as calmly as possible.
“Yep! And you’re not coming out until you talk about your feelings.” Toph says. “Gonna be weird to have a birthday party with no birthday boy. So you better make it quick.”
Zuko still has his arms around you, and you find that you haven’t moved yours either. You’re so close that you can feel his body heat.
“Zuko.” You whisper, softly. “I’m sorry they’re ruining your birthday.”
You can’t say that you feel that badly about having some alone time with Zuko, but you feel the need to share it all the same.
“Don’t be.” He whispers back, head lowering. “This is exactly where I want to be anyways.”
Your face breaks out into a grin as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Yeah?” You ask.
“Yeah.” His lips are on yours immediately after, and there’s no more time for talking.
Zuko pulls you as close as he can, pressing hot kisses down your neck and to your collarbone.
“This is my favorite dress.” He says, running a hand over it appreciatively. “I always thought about how I’d tear it off of you.” He growls and then brings his lips back to yours.
In between passionate kisses you manage to respond.
“Then why don’t you?”
The invitation seems to be all he needs, because his hands are suddenly everywhere. They leave warm tingling trails wherever they touch, and you think you might be in heaven. Zuko’s hands deftly find the zipper, and he’s got it halfway down when the door is thrown open.
You and Zuko blink guiltily into the bright light of the hallway, and you can just make out the horror on Toph and Sokka’s faces.
“I did not think it would work this well.” Toph says, thoughtfully.
Sokka simply looks disgusted at the whole thing, and shudders.
“This room is occupied.” Zuko says, winking at you. He closes the door with a well aimed kick and you all are alone again.
“Hi.” You whisper, smile too wide for your face.
“Hi.” Zuko says. He leans down and kisses you again, a little less hungry than before. He takes his time, really exploring your mouth with his tongue.
You’ve never loved him as much as you do right now, in this tiny closet.
“Zuko.” You say, pulling back from the kiss. “I love you.”
Zuko pulls your face up to look into his eyes.
“I love you too. So much.” He says, and then he kisses you again and again.
“We better go.” You say, almost sadly. “People are going to start missing you.”
“I don’t care.” He growls, nipping at your lips.
“I have a suggestion.” You say, coyly. You stand on your tip toes to whisper in his ear. “Why don’t we make an appearance, and if you’re really good, we’ll sneak away and finish what we started.”
Maybe Zuko hugs his friends and promises to see them tomorrow. Maybe you stay at the party for all of ten minutes. Maybe Zuko all but carries you away. And maybe, for years to come, you and Zuko find yourselves in the habit of getting stuck in tight spaces.
A/n: Wow two in one night! I hope you enjoyed reading this story! I’m going to try to get through as many requests as I can this weekend, so keep an eye out. If you want to request something, please do! My asks and inbox are always open! I hope I tagged everyone who asked, but if I didn’t, please let me know and I’ll add you! As always you can find my work under the tag slythergirlimagines!
Taglist: @galacticamidala @a-random-queer-kid @taeeemin @realimbo @samsmultifandomblogs
@fire1ordzuzu @shortmexicangirl
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listless-brainrot · 4 years
Could haru theoretically accomplish lavabending
okay i’ve technically already answered this but i think it’s pretty interesting so let me elaborate
what’s cool about lavabending is that we now have a Not LOK Example of it because of the new toph comic! so i can actually use that!
the following will basically be my very loose analysis of sorts, as well as observations and connections to be drawn between haru, tyro, and the lavabending presented in the toph comic. i won’t really be using LOK as a reference, because i want to focus more on lavabending as it applies to the atla timeline, as they’re asking about an atla character, but i do recognize and acknowledge the lok lavabenders (ghazan and bolin i believe?).
i’ll put it under a read more for people who haven’t read it yet as i’ll be including comic pages for reference but anyways! time to answer your question:
Could Haru Theoretically Accomplish Lavabending?
so to start, let me recap the comic briefly- 
for those who don’t know, there’s this new character introduced in the toph’s metalbending academy comic named sun who turns out to be a lavabender.
this is important because it shows that lavabending isn’t actually as New as we thought (which is a fair assumption given that our first example of a lavabender was ghazan from lok), it’s just pretty uncommon and this kid just happens to have it, using it during underground the earthbending spats he participates in, as shown below:
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[ID: a 4-paneled page from the Avatar: The Last Airbender comic, Toph’s Metalbending Academy. the first panel depicts a hand slamming against the ground, dust swirling around it with a sound effect for emphasis. the second panel depicts an earthbender, sun, wearing green and brown earth kingdom clothing, posed close to the ground, palms pressed against the ground as smoking lines of red lava begin to trail away from his hands. the third panel depicts sun in the same pose as before, standing behind a surging wave of lava loudly erupting from the blackened earth, aimed at his opponent, a man dressed in blue and brown water tribe clothing, who stands in fear with his arms raised. there is a crowd of onlookers watching the two from behind a barrier of steel boxes, all dressed in various green earth kingdom and red fire nation clothing. the fourth panel depicts sun on a red-tinted panel, bearing a focused expression as lava surrounds the outer edges of the panel, illuminating his face from below, highlighting his serious expression. his irises are tinted orange. End ID]
here, we can see one of the techniques used for lavabending- there is heavy use on being connected to the ground, though the actual bending seems to stem mostly from the hands, with the stance fueling the movement. it’s also interesting how the lava comes out in the form of a literal wave that is similar to the “earth waves” we’ve seen before, but in liquid form. though sun is touching the earth, the bending is focused on moving the earth/lava away from him.
probably because, yknow. it’s lava. you generally can’t touch lava. (also, how he hasn’t killed anyone with it, i don’t know, especially given that he apparently can’t control it)
i thought this was interesting, because we’ve seen this “wave” move before; in fact, we’ve seen this technique before:
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[Image ID: three screencaps from the episode Imprisoned, from season one of Avatar: The Last Airbender. in the first screencap, four earthbenders on a metal rig, dressed in brown and grey prison uniforms, are shown raising a wall of coal, raising their arms above their head and standing on one leg. there is a pile of coal in the background, which katara is standing on. a small group of more earthbenders watch from a distance. in the second screencap, an old bearded man, tyro, is shown slamming his palms against the floor in a bent stance, one leg poised behind him while kneeling with the other. he is wearing a brown and grey prison uniform, and bears a focused expression, mouth open in mid-yell. his son, haru, who is wearing a dark green headband, as well as another earthbender, are shown standing behind him, dressed in the same prison uniform, palms facing downwards, fingers pointed inward. there are other earthbender prisoners watching in the background, standing near a pile of coal. in the third screencap, a wave of black coal quickly descends upon a group of dark red armor-clad nation guards, with pieces of coal flying off in different directions. the front line of five guards are defending themselves from the flying coal, standing with their arms raised to protect their faces. two of the guards in the back stand in firebending poses, holding a fist out while keeping one arm close to the chest. End ID]
look at tyro- he and sun’s stances are nearly identical! the palms hitting the ground, the same exact stance, the resulting chaotic wave motion of coal. this could very well be chalked up to an earthbending technique copied from the show, but it’s still important to note that tyro knows this, as it’s something directly applicable to lavabending. there is a focus on both body movement, but also hand movement especially, as evidenced by the following comic page:
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[Image ID: a singular panel from the Avatar: The Last Airbender comic, Toph’s Metalbending Academy. in this panel, sun is depicted in a bent stance, standing on light brown earth with one foot behind him. he is wearing green and brown earth kingdom clothing. his arms and hands are raised, curling his fingers towards himself as he braces, closing his eyes. red and orange lava flows from the ground below him, surging out like a wave, breaking out of the lower half of the panel. the sound effect “russsh” is behind him, depicted in a similarly red and orange lava-like font, with the top half of the lettering bubbling and rising away. the lower half of the lettering is black, giving it the appearance of cracked lava rock. End ID]
this is another stance we’ve seen before, albeit not in imprisoned. it’s actually on the cover of this very comic, as toph’s standing like this. since we’re talking about haru, though, i won’t include it. but the focus is still the same- raising and pushing the earth/lava away from the user, which haru does a lot of.
my friend @the-hot-zone has already made an EXTREMELY in-depth analysis on haru’s bending style which i will link here, and i highly recommend reading it. it’s entirely supplemental to this, but it does help a lot with understanding where i’m coming from, especially when i mention earthbending and firebending styles.
because i think that, given that haru’s style is so mixed with earth and firebending styles, he could easily pick up lavabending, which is, quite literally, a mix of earth and fire. the control needed to, well control the lava, though, would probably have to be taught by a waterbender, given that lava is a liquid and moves as such, and is known to be hard to control, similar to water.
there’s actually one final point i want to make, though, and this is moreso speculation than anything, so take this at face value:
lavabending is the result of focusing on and tightly compressing earth, which generates friction, thus producing lava.
i know that there are examples of earthbenders manipulating preexisting lava (i.e. kyoshi making kyoshi island) but we see lava being generated within the earth itself, as shown by sun in the above panels. and guess who specializes in compressing earth, specifically earth away from himself?
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[Image ID: a set of four screencaps from the episode Imprisoned, from season one of Avatar: The Last Airbender. the first screencap shows haru’s hand on an orange forest background. he is shown levitating two rocks, which spin over his palm. the second screencap shows haru’s hand, now closed into a fist, with sand streaming out of it. the third screencap shows the prison rig, with tyro and haru standing offscreen in front of a pile of coal, bending and compressing pieces of coal that levitate between their outstretched palms. the fourth screencap shows the same as the third screencap, but with the coal solidified into a solid, jagged rock. End ID]
haru and tyro, but mostly haru. we see him reduce solid rock to sand in one hand. we see both of them work together to turn lots of individual coal pieces into a huge solid lump of coal. we can see that they’re capable of compressing earth this way from a distance- who’s to say they can’t go farther? who knows what they can do once they get on solid ground?
so. keeping in mind that tyro uses very similar movements to sun, analyzing how sun’s lavabending technique works, knowing that haru uses similar bending movements as firebenders, and knowing that both haru and tyro specialize in bending compression and manipulating earth away from them, i propose this to answer your question:
tyro could, theoretically, be a lavabender, and there is a high possibility that he could teach lavabending to his son, haru.
i think it would be really neat if tyro was a lavabender, especially given that he’s the leader of haru’s village. they’d probably want a strong earthbender to be in charge- if he was a lavabender, then that adds more to being its protector, given that he led the resistance when the fire nation did eventually come for the village. even when they were “outnumbered ten to one”, as haru put it.
it would be a dangerous skill that the fire nation most likely hasn’t seen before, and would explain all the precautions they take with locking up the earthbenders. in fact, they send six fn guards to arrest haru, a singular earthbender- if they knew he was the son of a lavabender, or that lavabenders existed in the village, it would make sense that they would send so many just to subdue one.
furthermore, tyro teaching haru how to lavabend would be so cool, especially given the techniques haru already knows. he could utilize it in new ways that tyro’s probably never heard of or seen before, especially given that the technique is so rare. haru being able to even learn it also makes sense with this concept- tyro being able to lavabend and then his son also being able to lavabend makes sense.
i might make a separate post on this, solely because i have so many thoughts, but for now, there’s your answer.
tl;dr: yes, i think haru could, theoretically, lavabend. i also think his dad, tyro, could lavabend, and, after breaking out of prison, he would teach this ability to his son.
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
Between Worlds; Chapter One
Previous, Next, Masterlist
A/N: Hey! I really appreciate all the world of encouragement from all of you. This is the first chapter, I am very proud of this one, it was about four pages long in my google doc so have fun with that info! This is about 1634 words in it. I think I should just put this here, there will always possibly be mild language. I do not own any of these characters. Please enjoy this chapter!
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i do not own this gif
y/n = your name
"Black snow?” You ask confused, your head still foggy. Then the smell of smoke triggered your memory. Black snow. “Fire Nation…” You spoke breathlessly and pulled your hand away from Appa. “You’re right.” Katara said, “They might’ve seen the glow when I bent you out.” Oh yeah. You remembered now. “I’m y/n...and you are Katara and Sokka yes?” You said smiling warmly. “Uhh how would you know that?” The snarky voice of Sokka spoke.
“Uh..haha I’m the avatar duh! I know everything haha..” You say, trying to convince yourself more than them. “Right.” Katara said giving you a motherly smile that made you feel safe. “We better get going then.” You said as you climbed up on Appa. “Well? Hop on we’ll get there faster.” You gave them a childish grin, earning a soft giggle from Katara. Once the two siblings climbed up on the flying bison, you spoke the magic words. 
“Appa! Yip yip!”
It felt amazing to say that, you always wanted to say that. You used to run around yelling ‘yip yip’ when you were younger. It was a fond memory but, those memories seemed so distant now, you felt conflicted. You tried to remember your mother’s face. You couldn’t. ‘Why can’t I remember my mother?’ You blinked back tears, they felt like icicles against your skin. You let go of the reins on Appa to wipe your eyes as you sniffled to hide the tears. 
Katara moved to the edge of the saddle to look over at you. Your h/c hair blew in the wind as Appa landed behind the village. “Hey...y/n, are you okay?” She asked softly placing a hand on your shoulder before you slid down. “Hmm?” You processed what she said, leaving your little world. “Oh yes. I’m fine. Just...how long was I out?” You already knew the answer, but you wanted to seem clueless. 
“One hundred years.” Sokka spoke with a bit of resentment in his voice. “Oh. That’s a long time huh?” You asked yourself more than them. “Appa lay down. We don’t want anyone to see you, okay buddy?” You said softly jumping back up to the saddle to grab your glider. The black snow seemed to fall in thicker clumps. They were getting close. You knew how this went. You’d have to fight the Fire Nation, fight Zuko. You gulped. ‘Put on a happy face.’ You thought to yourself. 
“Let’s go to the village. Everyone will be excited to see you!” Katara spoke happily, grabbing your hand as she ran in. Sokka followed, a bunch of children running to him with snowballs. You let out a soft giggle and followed Katara. She introduced you to everyone, it was a fairly small village, but the people seemed happy. 
“This is my gran-gran.” Katara said gesturing to an old woman with grey hair and tanned skin, much like Katara. You bowed, “It is a pleasure to meet you.” You said in a respectful tone. “Oh dear, it’s alright. I’m honored to be able to live long enough to see you.” The grandmother spoke softly tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Though, we all thought you were a male.” You turned pale, this has to be a dream. Your head started to hurt. 
“Excuse me, Katara is there anywhere I could lay down for a while? I think I’m getting a literal brain freeze.” You smiled weakly rubbing your temples. “Oh! Of course, I’m sorry. I should have thought about this before. Follow me.” Katara leads you to a small igloo with a thin cot. “I’ll leave you alone for a bit.” She smiled sweetly and walked out. As soon as she left you pinched your arm. 
“Ow!” You hissed quietly. You always heard that if you’re lucid dreaming, you can’t feel pain. You can feel it. Oh no. If you were stuck here...you would feel the lightening from Azula when she almost killed Aang. That was the most memorable moment for you. You gulped hugging your knees to your chest as cold tears rolled down your rosy cheeks. The scent of smoke was getting more forceful as it entered your lungs. You coughed before you heard the sound of something heavy slamming down on land. “Shit.” You murmured standing up.
“Where is the avatar?!” You recognized that voice, it was commanding yet, had so much hurt behind it. You swooned slightly at the fact that you could see Zuko face to face. Not just through your screen. Katara ran into the igloo in an erratic state. “They’re here to take you, so don’t go out.” She said pushing you deeper into the home. “Katara, I am the avatar. I can handle a few soldiers.” You narrowed your eyes at the other girl. “It’s the prince of the fire nation-” She was cut short by a few screams of children. “Katara, I’m not letting your people get killed.” You said sternly, gripping your glider tightly as you walked out. Your grip was so tight your knuckles turned white, blending in with the snow as you stalked over to him. 
Prince Zuko.
 As much as it hurt your heart, you had to do this. You let out a deep exhale, leaving a foggy cloud in return. “Leave them alone.” You glared at the teenage boy across from you. Zuko whipped around with a snarl. “The avatar...is a woman?” He hissed then laughed. “We were all told you were a man. This will be the last time you ever surprise me.” He growled staring at you as a small smirk formed. You twirled your staff like glider around your fingers. “Let’s make a deal, Prince Zuko.” You said as you started to walk in a circle, him following suit, eyes fixated on yours. 
“What type of deal.” He spoke in a demanding tone that sent shivers down your spine. You smirked and blew a gust of wind at him, knocking him down. “If I win, you leave this water tribe and never come back, but if you win...I’ll go with you.” You sighed softly. “Deal?” Zuko got up with a hateful glare at you. Man, if looks could kill, he certainly would have slaughtered you. “Deal.” He growled kicking a wave of fire at you. 
You let out a small yelp and backflipped away. You started to pant and sweat. Good Airbenders can control their body temperature right? You cleared your head as well as taking a deep breath then sent another gust of wind. It came so naturally to you, and it felt exhilarating. Zuko kicked multiple waves of fire at you, you dodging each one. He screamed in frustration and let out a punch of fire at you, getting closer as well. You exhaled bending back to dodge him, as well as tripping him with your staff. “Stupid Avatar!” He yelled irritated, good. You had to let him catch you. Zuko ended up tackling you, pinning you to the ground. Guards started to walk off the ship to assist him with you.
Zuko’s cheeks flushed pink by being so close to a female, especially a strong one...He gulped which was only noticeable to you as the guards grabbed you. The cold made everyone’s noses and cheeks pink, so he had an excuse right? Wrong. Firebenders have a warmer body temperature than anyone else. You noticed and tinted a light shade of pink as well. “Ahem- Take her to the ship!” He barked his orders and followed behind the guards that were carrying you. “Y/n no!” Sokka and Katara yelled from the village.
‘Y/n? What a stunning name…” Zuko thought, absentmindedly of course. He shook his head and turned to you, tied up against a pole on the first floor of the ship. He walked over too you examining your staff. “Hey! Give that back!” You screamed in anger as Zuko took away your staff glider. He smirked and handed it to Iroh, your eyes following it. You normally wouldn’t care for an object, but you felt a deep connection with it. “Take this to my chambers-” “Oh, I’d like to take you to your chambers!” You hissed at Zuko, you meant it to be scary and intimidating. It wasn’t. If anything it was pathetic, earning the prince to turn red as everyone laughed at you and him. “I’ll take care of it myself.” He hissed grabbing the staff and marching away, disappearing into the dark metal cavern. 
You let out an irritated sigh blowing a strand of hair out of your face. You glanced around, seeing the old man. You smiled softly remembering how kind and loving he is. As you closed your eyes and relaxed your body, you knew what you must do. The ship shook as a powerful gust of wind went through the ship. It all happened in a blur to anyone but you. 
Your body seemed to fly through the ship making a beeline for the prince’s chambers. You busted through, the metal door crashing down onto the floor. Alarms rang out making your head pound seemingly to the rhythm of the sirens. You groaned and grabbed the staff from Zuko forcefully. “Don’t you ever take something from a lady again.” You glared before leaving to the bow of the ship. You whistled calling for Appa. 
You heard his call back and saw a gust of loose snow as he took off. You could see two figures on his saddle, you smiled to yourself. “Woah! Slow down there buddy!” You heard Sokka scream in a panic. You used your glider to fly up, the air hitting your face, it felt good. You landed safely on Appa’s head, holding onto the reins. “Hey there big guy.” You cooed as he flew through the air, he groaned in response to you. “Hey Y/N?” Katara asked in a motherly tone, you turned around. “Yes?” You gave her a childish grin yet again. 
“Where are we going?” 
“The Southern Air Temple.”
A/N: I really hope you like this chapter! I worked really hard on this and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do!
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
I'm going to send yesterday's ask here, like you said. I'm going to do an Avatar The last Airbender request this time. If it's in your style, could you do a Sokka angst fic after the war where he's really depressed and blamimg himself for a lot of things because of some events that happen gradually, like Zuko and Katara getting hurt and he gets taken with one of the other Gaang members (it could be Toph, Zuko, Aang or Katara) and they both get tortured, but Sokka's turn comes when the other is out cold so they don't know. And because they don't know, he tries to hide it, and when they find out, they yell at him and stuff for worrying them. And could you make it so that his low spirit makes him need some mental healing as well. Wait, do you do angst? If this is too much, you can say then I can change the request. I may have gone overboard. Oh my god, I tend to go far with angst. Please, please tell me if this is much too long and too angsty. If this is too much, please tell me, so I can change it. Umm...have a nice day 😅
I absolutely love writing angst! You’ve definitely come to the right place, friend! I don’t usually write from Sokka’s POV but I love him dearly, just as much as I love the rest of the Gaang! Thanks for this request! And I hope you have a nice day too!
Warning: Brief descriptions of burns and torture
The courtyard was quiet as Sokka sat on one of the stone benches in the corner and stared at the pond with unfocused eyes. The afternoon sun was warm on his face and arms, and shown on the pond’s surface beautifully. Turtleducks were swimming in circles and playing to their hearts’ content as their mother sat from the pond’s edge. Following the slow circles of the animals, Sokka hunched over and felt the scrolls in his arms start to slip. Not caring, he kept his eyes on the pond.
           It had been several months since the war had ended, but somehow the world had gotten even crazier and simply loved to drag Sokka along for the ride.
           He had been staying in the Fire Nation for the last two months to help Zuko find people to add to his council. Everyone who had been on his father’s was either power hungry or plain sadistic. As Sokka and Zuko had found out the hard way.
           Shivering, the courtyard disappeared for a second as Sokka saw the small dungeon he had been stuck in. His arms chained above his head for hours on end, sweltering heat surrounding him as he heard lava bubble not too far away from him. But the worst part had been watching how much pain Zuko had been in.
           Zuko’s arms had been twisted behind his back and forced straight upwards to hang in the middle of the cavern they had been trapped in. Leather bags had been forced over his hands and feet to stop him from shooting out any fire while a leather muzzle had fixed over his face. Sokka had never seen Zuko breath fire, but he knew Iroh and Azula had the ability so it wasn’t surprising their captors were taking every precaution.
           Sokka had no idea he had been forced to be a hostage inside a literal volcano, but he would never forget the time he had been in there. Especially when their captor had arrived.
           The man was an old general that had been on the Fire Lord’s council ever since Azulon had been in charge. He had sneered when Zuko had come into the council room, telling everyone that they are dismissed and their advice never needed again. Sokka had assumed everyone would listen to the Fire Lord, but apparently he had been wrong.
           Instead, the old general had simply blackmailed one of the staff to put something in the tea they had been drinking while talking over potential people for the council. All Sokka had thought was Fire Nation tea tasted weird and ignored the slightly salty taste- they were on an island after all. Sokka wished he had known just how easy it would be to drug the Fire Lord. Maybe then he wouldn’t have let Zuko get captured and hurt.
           That was all he could think as he hung suspended in the air across from Zuko. It had been heart wrenching to watch the firebender struggle to get out of his bonds, but only to be left exhausted. He could even see the chains holding Zuko up turn red hot and burn him. He had immediately shouted for his friend to stop.
           They had simply hung there after that.
           Until the general showed up.
           Sokko hadn’t even remember his name back then. He had vaguely recognized the old guy, but didn’t know who he was. He just wasn’t important to Sokka at the moment. Now though, Sokka would never forget his name. General Shakao.
           The man had stepped into the cavern, a fierce sneer on his face as he ignored Sokka and stepped right up to Zuko.
           “Well, well. How the might have fallen.” The man sneered. “And here I thought Sozan’s line would never let themselves be captured. How pathetic.”
           Sokka growled and struggled in his bonds as Zuko tried to kick out at the man. Instead of moving away from the kick, Shakao grabbed Zuko’s ankle. Freezing, Sokka stared at the two.
           “I wonder just how much fire your father had to use to give you that scar.” Shakao wondered aloud. “Let’s test it, shall we?”
           “No!” Sokka screamed. “Leave him alone!”
           His words were completely ignored as Shakao’s face burst into flame and Zuko’s scream could be heard through the leather muzzle. Sokka struggled more and more as he watched, but to no success. He was stuck. He couldn’t do anything. He was so useless!
           Sokka could still smell burning flesh.
           The torture seemed to go on forever until Shakao had dropped Zuko’s leg. Tears were streaming down Zuko’s face and Sokka wished he could do anything to help him. Why couldn’t he get out of these chains? If only he had more training! He should have asked Suki or even Ty Lee about how to get out of chains. Why didn’t he think? He was supposed to be the guy with the plan!
           “So weak.” Shakao chuckled. “And you thought you’d be able to lead our nation? You’re just a weak child!”            Once again, Shakao’s hand burst into flame as he punched Zuko straight in the stomach. It only took a few moments for his robes to burn away around Shakao’s fist. Sokka couldn’t take his eyes off the bare skin that was quickly being burned.
           “Stop! Tui and La, let him go!” Sokka shouted. But no matter how much he screamed and begged the man, he didn’t stop burning Zuko. This went on until Sokka saw Zuko’s eyes roll into the back of his head, at least half of his body burned horribly from Shakao’s fire. Sokka had no idea how his friend had lasted that long, but he was glad to see he was no longer feeling pain while unconscious.
           “How disappointing. No Fire Lord should let themselves be harmed by fire. Disgraceful.”
           “Because Fire Lords aren’t fireproof!” Sokka snarled. He wasn’t sure he was happy Shakao finally turned away from Zuko and towards him. Lifting his head, Sokka met Shakao’s eyes and glared harshly. Anything to keep the man’s attention off Zuko.
           “And a Fire Lord bringing some water tribe peasant into the palace-!” Shakao snarled.
           Before Sokka knew what was happening, a firey punch impacted with his left hip.
           Flinching, Sokka could still feel the burned skin. It was constantly rubbing against his clothes along with all the other burns Shakao had left on him: down his thighs, back, and shoulders. Sokka had yet to look at them in the mirror, but he knew they were bad. Almost as if he didn’t have any skin left.
           Taking a deep breath, Sokka blinked and saw the young turtleducks had stopped swimming around and were cuddled up under their mother’s wing. When had he stopped paying attention?
           Sitting up, Sokka hissed in pain as his back stretched painfully and burned skin pulled tightly. He could feel tears running down his cheeks as he heard the scrolls he had been holding finally fell from his lax grasp.
           When he and Zuko had finally been found by the rest of the Gaang, Sokka had told them to help Zuko first. He hadn’t woken up even after Shakao had left them hanging there with their wounds. They had rushed back to the palace and Katara hadn’t left Zuko’s chambers, trying to heal him. Sokka hadn’t bothered her with his own burns; they would heal by themselves, Zuko’s looked far worse.
           That had been two days ago and Sokka had tried to distract himself from the pain by looking through any scroll he could get his hands on. This was his fault. He should have noticed the danger Shakao had shown to be. He should have told Zuko to have a royal taste tester as his main advisor.
           It was his fault Zuko had gotten hurt.
           Gasping for breath, Sokka scrubbed at his face viciously to get rid of the tears. He was a warrior! He should be embracing the pain and not allow it to control him!
           Flinching hard, he looked up and saw Katara standing in front of him, concern deep in her eyes. He hated seeing his little sister so worried.
           “What’s up?” He tried to go for casual but knew he just sounded tired.
           “Are you alright? Toph said you were hurt too. Did you visit one of the other healers?” Katara asked gently and sat next to him on the bench.
           “Yeah. I wasn’t hurt that bad. Just my shoulders from hanging there for so long, you know.” Sokka shrugged slightly and cringed when even that small motion made his whole back flare up in agony. “But, how’s Zuko? Is he ok?”
           “Zuko’s doing better.” Katara sighed. “But he’s really worried about you, Sokka. He says Shakao hurt you.”
           “No, I’m fine.” Sokka sent her a smile.
           Why did she look so blurry all of a sudden?
           Taking a shaky breath, Sokka felt his chest tighten and a sob broke through his lips. He realized that tears were running down his face again. He couldn’t stop them. Why? Why couldn’t he stop crying?
           Arms wrapped around him and one brushed against his back. Sokka wanted to scream, but instead, a small whimper came out.
           “What’s wrong?” Katara whispered as she withdrew her arm. Without waiting for an answer, she lifted his shirt and he could feel the air on his skin. A sharp gasp left her. “Oh, Sokka, I’m so sorry-!”
           “It’s nothing!” Sokka rushed to say, but it sounded more like begging. He was fine! They would be worried about Zuko, not him!
           “I’m so sorry.”
           When had Katara started crying? His baby sister should never cry, especially not over him. He shouldn’t have made her cry.
           He could feel her arms wrapping around him again, this time around his neck than back and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her as well. Shoving his face in her shoulder, another sob left him and Sokka could feel himself unraveling.
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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Brave Little Soldier Boy
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Pairings: Zuko x Reader
Summary: When an attack on a Fire Nation troop goes awry, not everyone makes it out. 
Warnings: DEATH. Sad stuff y’all, Descriptions of blood and wounds
Word Count: 1880
A/N: General Eiri is an OC. That’s about it. Also I’m really sorry for this because I love Zuko with my whole heart and don’t want anything bad to happen to him but this has been in my heads for days. 
The plan was simple. Just a quick guerilla style attack on a Fire Nation battalion that was headed towards one of the last Earth Kingdom cities that was not under the Fire Nation control. With a small militia of local soldiers and volunteers, most of which were benders, on top of having the avatar on your side, there was no reason it should have spiraled so out of control. 
But it did. 
It was obvious to you and Zuko that the battle would be much harder to win than initially expected the second you saw that General Eiri was leading the battalion. He was one of Ozai’s most trusted associates and one of the most revered generals in the army, known for getting results, regardless of the cost. His men were some of the best trained in the army. When you and Zuko saw him, both of you had a gnawing feeling of dread in the pits of your stomachs. By the time you knew it was his battalion, it was too late to tell the militia to change tactics. 
The cost of the mistake had been the most brutal battle you’d ever been in. 
Trees along the path were charred or still on fire. Bodies of Fire Nation soldiers and Earth Kingdom militia alike littered the ground. Everyone was soaking wet and had their fair share of bruises, cuts, and burns from the battle. The only reason you had won was because Aang’s avatar state was triggered when Katara was cornered by a group of fire benders who had her cornered, using their fire to suck the moisture from the air. Aang had sent nearly the entire river that flowed beside the path to sweep away the Fire Nation soldiers, leaving behind only the people part of your side. 
You were on your hands and knees, coughing and sputtering the last drops of water from your lungs as you pushed yourself up and surveyed the damage. You’d seen battles before, even fought in some. Being Zuko’s lifelong best friend turned girlfriend, you chose to travel the world with him while he was in exile. As much as you regretted it, you were there for the attack on Kyoshi Island and several others along with Zuko on his quest to capture Aang. You had seen and done things you regretted. The remnants of this battle felt exactly like it did when you looked back on those regretful times. 
When you looked around and saw the death and destruction, you couldn’t help but feel partially responsible. It wasn’t like you and Zuko knew beforehand that this was General Eiri’s army and even if you did, it wasn’t like you were going to just let them take the city. You knew deep down that there wasn’t another other way you would have handled the situation but you couldn’t help but feel irrationally guilty. 
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Katara jogged over to you. She was totally dry, having bent the water around her when Aang swept it across you. 
You nodded, “I’m fine. Where is everyone?” Apart from the cuts and bruises that everyone had acquired from being thrown around, you were alright. 
Almost on cue, Toph stood from the ground a few dozen feet behind Katara and wrung out her clothes, “Aang, I don’t know what you did, but that was awesome!” Aang was standing about fifty feet from your left, taking a second to see the damage that had been caused by the damage. 
“Did we win?” Sokka asked wearily, pressing his body out of the now muddy road and looking down in disappointment to see how dirty his clothes were. 
There was still one person missing. “Where’s Zuko?” You asked, anxiety creeping up as more and more members of the militia stood up and none of them were Zuko. 
“I haven’t seen him since the beginning of the attack.” Katara sounded apologetic as she answered, “We’ll find him.” Her eyes were reassuring but that that didn’t stop the panic from welling up in your chest. 
You had started walking off before Katara had even finished talking, almost in a trance as you searched the battlefield. People had begun to get up, regaining their composure after the wave swept over them but none of them were Zuko as far as you could see. 
“Zuko?” You called out, “Zuko?” 
A distant cough and quiet, “Y/N…” 
It came out as almost a struggling plea that shook you to your very core. “Zuko!” You looked around frantically, knowing you were close, until you found him, lying slumped over some gnarled tree roots that were partially above ground. “Oh my God, Zuko! What happened?” 
You ran over to him, practically sliding on your knees to him and doing a once over of his body. There was blood staining multiple spots on his clothing, bleeding together so much so that you couldn’t even figure out what needed to be fixed. 
“General Eiri-” He coughed and grimaced at his own words, his voice hoarse and strained, “Called me the Fire Nation’s greatest disgrace and-” Yet again, he broke down into a fit of coughs. He didn’t need to finish his sentence to piece together what happened next. 
You stroked his hair out of his face, “Shh, it’s okay.  Don’t hurt yourself.” You were trying with all your might to stay strong but this didn’t look good. What you couldn’t fathom was how in the world this could have happened. Zuko was the strongest person you knew- literally. You’d seen the man break doors with a single kick. He had been trained in fire bending, sword  fighting, and hand to hand combat since he could walk. There was no reason you could think of that he should have lost a fight but here he was. 
“Katara! Help!” You yelled out, tears brimming in your eyes. You swallowed hard, trying with all your might to keep them back. 
Katara came running to help, “Y/N! What’s wrong?” She noticed the large pool of blood immediately and gasped, “Zuko!” 
“You have to heal him!” It was more of a demand than a request and Katara’s wide eyes told you that you took her off guard with your words. 
“Let me try.” With a wave of her hand, Katara lifted water from the river and swirled it around Zuko’s various wounds. He hissed and gripped your arm weakly. 
“You’re okay. She’s gonna fix you up.” You cooed, shifting so that his head rested in your lap and you stroked his hair. 
Katara put all her focus into trying to heal the wounds but even if she could heal them up, she couldn’t replace the blood. “It’s not working.” She too was nearly crying, feeling like this was the ultimate failure, allowing a friend to die. 
Your eyes were nearly flaming when you looked at her, “What the hell do you mean!? Didn’t you bring Aang back from the dead?” Anger and fear were pronounced in your voice and Katara almost shrank back. She’d never seen you like this but she couldn’t say she blamed you. 
“I had special water from the Northern Water Tribe then! This water isn’t working. He’s already lost so much blood… I-I don’t know what to do.” Katara was nearly shaking. She’d never lost someone she was trying to save before. 
“Then I’ll cauterize the wounds.” A flame lit ablaze in your hand and you moved to untie his shirt and reveal the wounds. 
Katara just shook her head and matched your watery gaze, “I could close the wounds too without the pain of burning him but it won’t replace the blood.” 
“THEN WHAT WILL, MISS HEALER?!” You lashed out angrily, voice reverberating through the woods.  
Katara flinched back, eyes wide, but her eyes were watering as she looked down at Zuko, “I am so sorry. I wish I could heal you.” Her voice cracked as tears began to pour down her face. 
The world spun around you and the air felt crushing. The tears fell down your cheeks freely now as Toph, Sokka, and Aang all joined the group of you. 
“It’s okay, Y/N.” Zuko weakly squeezed your arm but you shook your head. 
“No! It’s not okay! You can’t leave me! Not after all we’ve been through.” It was as if your entire lives flashed in a slideshow. Your father was a Fire Nation official so you and Zuko had been friends from a young age, growing up together as best friends. Upon his exile, you’d gone against your father’s wishes and joined Zuko on his quest across the world. Somewhere along the line, you’d both figured out that your love for each other went deeper than just that of friends. You’d seen this boy live life with such determination and resolve that seeing him just give into death left you dumbfounded. 
“J-just don’t leave me,” Zuko pleaded weakly, his eyes focusing and unfocusing as he looked up at you, “I don’t want to go alone.” 
You stroked his hair aside and bent down, kissing him on the lips, “When have I ever left you alone, Zu? I’ve got you.” His skin that had always burned so warm was now unnervingly cool and clammy. 
“I’m sorry I let you down.” 
“Don’t you dare say that. You didn’t let anyone down. I’m sorry I let you down. I should have been there to help. If only I-” You sobbed, hot tears falling down your face as you gripped his tunic top, trying to keep him close to you.
“Please,” A few more coughs disrupted his speech, “Don’t do that to yourself.” You couldn’t say anything back. You didn’t know what to say. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you wanted to do. You wanted to win this war with him, to help resolve the unrest across the world, to eventually get married and have some little ones of your own, to grow old together. How could you possibly say anything that could suffice for a lifetime of never seeing him again? 
Zuko shifted in your arms, grimacing as he did, “It’s cold.” 
A small flame appeared in your hand once more, holding it just close enough for the warmth to radiate onto him without burning him. “I’ve got you, love.” 
“I love you.” He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek, “And tell my uncle I’m sorry. For everything...” 
“He knows, Zuko. And I love you so much.” 
Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Katara watched as you fell apart, your body wracking in muffled sobs as you held Zuko close. Sokka and Toph stood quietly while Aang and Katara both cried silently. Following Aang, all four knelt down beside the two of you and hung their heads low, some choosing to hold his arm just to let him know he wasn’t alone. 
“Leaves from the vine, falling so slow,” You began the traditional Fire Nation lullaby low and shaky, rocking Zuko gently while you sang.
“Like tiny fragile shells drifting in the foam.” His eyes slowly fluttered shut, your voice almost morphing into his mother’s while he struggled to stay awake.
“Little soldier boy, come marching home,” Zuko focused on the feel of your touch one last time, feeling himself being drawn from this world and into the next. 
“Brave little soldier boy, come marching home.”
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going off my previous post here but i wrote a mini fanfic/headcanon about zukos nightmares? this is really long but if yall like it im willing to actually write it from zuko’s pov and add dialogue. maybe even put it on ao3 maybe? anywho, id love to hear feedback! enjoy!!
it wasnt uncommon for zuko to wake up in such distress that he started frantically firebending. one time iroh saw his nephew quite literally wake up breathing fire. concerning, but very impressive. since joining the gang, he had worked on not doing that (as much as was in his control), as he had accidentaly burnt down a tent or three. but the nightmares themselves didnt subside.
not uncommon, zuko woke up gasping for breath. his head and heart were pounding, sweat dripping down his chest. he headed outside, planning to go to a nearby stream in hopes of finding some relief and peace, only to find sokka was sitting outside and very much awake. they both stared kind of awkwardly at each other before sokka ushered the older boy over. neither asked why the other was awake. they just made mindless chitchat before falling into a surprisingly comfortable silence. sokka got up to leave, but not before offering his company next time zuko needed it. when asked if the offer was genuine, he laughed. to be honest, he had said, he was just being polite, and didnt expect zuko to actually believe him. what a dick move, they both thought.
he woke up in a similar state a few nights later. he tossed and turned, begging for sleep to claim him again before ultimately grunting and accepting his fate. he wandered outside, once again finding sokka awake. zuko greeted him and explained he was going swimming. it was his silent way of offering his company, which sokka took. what started as idle conversation eventually progressed, and they found themselves floating in the stream talking about their youths. at some point they even talked about how they had both lost their moms due to the war (despite katara thinking she was the only one who had ever experienced any sort of emotional pain.) they hadnt even realized the hours that had gone by until the chirping of bugs was replaced by the chirping of birds and the sun put the stars to sleep.
this pattern continued. while sokka never asked what zukos nightmares were about, zuko learned that despite being a sleep enthusiast, sokka lost many hours of precious shut eye to anxious planning. sometimes they went on a walk, sometimes they were sparring, and sometimes they simply watched the stars. it was nice company, just to the two of them. no offense to aang, but sokka and zuko were closer in age and much more similar than they had originally realized. sokka offered his late night company. before zuko could question him, sokka placed a hand on the firebenders shoulder. anything for a friend.
on one occasion, zuko woke up and stumbled outside without thinking about it, only to be greeted with the faint glow of where the fire was, no man in sight. still groggy and disoriented, he rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple of times before shuffling back to bed, blaming the ache in his chest on the painful memory of his nightmares and not on the absence of a certain someones company. it took a long time before he could fall back asleep.
after becoming firelord, sokka decided to stay in the fire nation. mostly for political planning and engagement until zuko got himself on his own two feet. who else to help than the guy who had spent the past few months travelling the world trying to save it. the avatar, katara had said cooly. which wasnt wrong but sokka was offended that she hadnt just agreed. besides, sokka would assure zuko, its not like he could leave zuko alone. who would be his comedic relief?
since returning to the palace, zuko had gone back to handling his dreams alone, the way he used to. while his bedding was definitely made to withstand the panicked firebending, he figured there were better coping mechanisms. he quietly walked through the halls. the young firelord wasnt paying attention, rather just letting his body go on autopilot and he tried to clear his mind. after a solid 15 minutes of rights and lefts, he found himself a hallway away from sokka’s quarters. after some hesitation, he turned around and went back to his bedroom.
the next time, after much delay and pacing, he knocked on the door. its not like be hadnt’t done this before. it would be just like before. that reasoning didnt stop zuko from immediately turning around and walking away. fortunately. sokka opened the door before he could get too far. zuko awkwardly began to explain his situation, but sokka just interrupted him and told him to wait before shutting the door. zuko stood there mouth still half open from when he was talking before sokka emerged two minutes later, clothed and ready to go. they wandered to the kitchen and talked for what seemed like minutes but must have been hours, as they were politely shooed out by the staff beginning to prepare breakfast. zuko walked sokka back to his quarters before they parted ways. sokka reminded his friend that though things may be different, the option still stood.
many night rendezvous later, zuko showed up particularly shaken. much to sokka’s surprise, it almost looked like behind the curtain of now long dark hair, the mans face was wet. when sokka asked if he was crying while brushing dark hair behind a pale ear, it was confirmed that he was in fact crying. it started as silent tears, and slowly but surely turned into a violent sob. you know, the kind of gross one with hiccups and snot and general incoherence. at this point, they had known each other for years, and they had definitely surpassed the point of friendship (though they were both too dense to realize it themselves) meaning they had seen each other vulnerable. but never had sokka seen zuko cry like this, and definitely not because of a nightmare. now the same height, the watertribesman wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder and guided him to the bed. zuko wasnt big on giving physical affection, but he never pushed sokka away. not when the friendly slap on the shoulder became a tender shoulder massage. nor did when sokka went from tussling the mans dark hair to running his fingers through it to just simply playing with it. sokka sat and cradled zukos head into his own neck. zuko cries lessened into sniffles and then a gentle snore. sokka gently moved zuko, placing his friends head on the pillow and tucking him in.
zuko woke up the following morning, confused as to where he was. as he gained his bearings, he turned to find the source of what sounded like snorimg. he stared at the tanned man for a couple beats, processing what was in front of him. the firelord tensed when the snoring stopped, fearing some sort of negative reaction. zuko breathed out in relief when sokka simply rolled away from him and the snoring began again. zuko quietly slipped out the bed and out the room, but not before smiling fondly to himself in the doorway.
a couple days later, sokka and zuko found themselves caught up in late night shenanigans, a concept that wasnt foreign to them. they were sitting on the foot of sokkas bed when zuko stood up to dismiss himself for the night. sokka stopped him, and when zuko raised his eyebrows in question, sokka spluttered out a not so smooth joke that was just a weak attempt at asking for zuko to spend the night. for protection of course. zuko, who at this point was experiencing severe symptoms of polar bear-puppy love, said yes of course, and ended up spending the night.
when he woke up the next morning, he felt truly rested for the first time in years.
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Sun Spirit Sokka AU
So I got this idea like, in the fandom we always talkin bout shipping the sun and the moon right? I mean we usually use that in reference to zutara, but what about the actual sun and moon? Yue is connected to the moon spirit, so what if Sokka was connected to the sun spirit? Like not only would Sokka be all frustrated because he doesn't like all that spirit nonsense, but also(and especially) because Agni is a Fire Nation deity. Lets not forget, sun and moon power couple. Just. Yes.
-While he's still quite small, Sokka falls through the ice.
-Agni comes to little Sokka's aid, trying to hold his spirit to his body. But Hakoda isn't able to get his boy out of the water before lethal hypothermia sets in. Rather than let the child die, Agni imparts some of his life into Sokka, reviving him.
-Hakoda is relieved to see color starting to return to his son's face as he coughs, sucking in breaths once more. He bundles him up and rushes him back home, despite Sokka's protests that he's too hot.
-From Sokka's perspective, after falling through the ice he felt the cold closing in around him. Then he suddenly felt a hand grabbing him, only the hand felt wicked hot, like fire itself had latched onto him. He tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was a man with a face as bright and white hot as the sun. The hand kept pulling him towards the bright, radiating heat, until he could no longer feel the freezing ocean around him. The hand held onto him, and he could hear the crackling of fire, however the world was fading from view. Just before he slipped from consciousness he felt like fire was flowing into his mouth, it burned its way down his throat until it reached his stomach were it got hotter and hotter until it felt like he had a tiny sun inside of him. He forced his eyes open to see his father's concerned face, wrapping him in furs to keep him warm. But Sokka already felt like he was burning from the inside-out, and squirmed and moaned in protest.
-The next week or so, Sokka remained inside, being cared for by his mother and grandmother. His sister also stayed by his side, worried that he might not be there is she left. But there was also another person who watched over him during this time. A strange man dressed in fine reds who seemed to have his face constantly obscured by some bright glow. He radiated just as much heat as the fire pit, and strangest of all, he spoke like the crackling of fire. But no one ever addressed the mysterious firebender in the room. So Sokka simply assumed he was a hallucination and left it at that.
-The night before Sokka's fever finally broke, the strange man stood up and walked outside, the taking the life of the flames with him and leaving Sokka in the cold dark.
-The next morning Sokka felt better than ever. He went back along with his life, casually ignoring the faint sensation of the sun blazing within him. He couldn't feel any literal burn, so he reasoned that there wasn't actually anything there.
-After the whole ordeal though, Sokka noticed some of his fellow tribe members giving him a wide berth. He was very confused at first, until Katara explained to him that his eyes had turned to a very firey-looking gold color.
-While even Hakoda had some concerns about his son's sudden eye color change, Sokka proved quick enough that he was the same kid he'd always been. It's not long before people go back to treating him normally.
-Soon after the event, Sokka notices that not only does he have a newfound affinity for fire, but also he wakes with the sun, and while he feels much more sensitive to the cold, he found that he's better able to keep himself warm. He convinces himself that since he can't throw flames from his fists, he's not a firebender.
-Sokka becomes deathly ill during the Long Night(polar winter). He feels icy cold on the inside, and becomes increasingly lethargic as the earth tilts further away from the sun's light. Katara stays by his side the whole time(because siblings who care deeply about one another are my bread and butter.) Each time it happens, Katara grows more and more concerned that Sokka won't survive. However, he promises her that he won't leave her and he'll always be there to protect her.
-When the Southern Raiders come, Hakoda makes Sokka go hide with his sister. He's never seen Sokka produce fire, but deep in his gut, he knows that once the firebenders take one look at Sokka's golden eyes, they'll drag him away and corrupt the poor boy.
-After loosing his mother, Sokka goes off by himself to cry when he feels a warm hand on his shoulder. He quickly wipes his tears and pulls himself together before turning around to see a man dressed in fine reds. He can't see his face, it's somehow obscured by the sun(or maybe it is the sun). Sokka pulls away venomously. In a fit of rage, he attempts to strike the man, but before his fist can connect, he's not there anymore. In fact, it was like he was never there in the first place. Freaked out, Sokka sulks away.
-When Zuko comes on his ship, he takes one look at Sokka with his blazing gold eyes and Water Tribe looks and has several questions. However instead of using words like a normal person, Zuko throws fire at Sokka. Having fire thrown at his face, Sokka lapses into instinct and cancels the attack out with a fireball of his own. Zuko keeps throwing fire at Sokka, who responds by somehow bending the flames away. Sokka's not sure how he's using fire magic, but if it can stop him from getting burned he'll take it. The most major questions in Zuko's mind are, is this boy a half-breed, or-
-His question is answered when Aang bursts in a penguin-otter. Well, partially answered at least. Zuko gets a strange feeling from Sokka though. Normally he can sense other firebenders through their inner flame, but this one seems to have an inner sun. He commands his men to take both the Avatar and the strange firebender with them.
-Of course Iroh is able to see right away that Sokka has been touched by the sun. Iroh is subtle about it and decides to have tea and pleasant conversation with Sokka.
-Iroh looks the other way when Sokka and Aang escape with Katara.
-As much as he doesn't like the Fire Nation, Sokka has to admit that Iroh is very pleasant to talk to. He seems like such a nice old man, and as much as Sokka wanted to think it was an act, he can't ignore that Iroh intentionally let them get away.
-Being the embodiment of the sun nearly ends badly for poor Sokka on Kyoshi.
-Skipping ahead a bit~
-Once they reach the North Pole, they recognize Sokka as a firebender right away, but Yue comes to his rescue.
-Tui speaks through her and scolds the guards for trying to drown Agni. Sokka's confused as to why this pretty girl just called him Agni, but if it stops him from being drowned he's a-ok with it.
-Yue and Sokka connect with one another right away. While Sokka is immediately smitten, Yue doesn't start to fall for him until she starts to get to know him.
-At first Yue doesn't see a problem with hanging out with Sokka, as she's just getting to know him as a friend, but she starts to feel bad when she develops feelings for him. Seeing as she's already engaged.
-Sokka stays with Katara and Yue while Aang seeks out the aid of the spirits.
-When Zuko comes, Agni speaks through Sokka and commands Zuko to stand down. When Zuko refuses, Tui takes control of Yue and she and Katara freeze Zuko to the wall.
-When Yue explains her back story and how she came to embody the moon, she explains to Sokka that the sun spirit, Agni had imparted some of his life into Sokka to save him.
-Sokka's lowkey frustrated that the patron spirit of the Fire Nation lives within him.
-When Zuko comes to at dawn, Sokka's ready for him and has Agni command the prince to stand down once again. Feeling the full force of the sun, Zuko reluctantly complies and the group tie him up.
-When Zhao tries to kill Tui, Agni pushes Sokka into action and he attacks Zhao. Katara, Sokka, Yue and Iroh manage to defeat all of Zhao's firebenders before Sokka throws another fire blast causing Zhao to nearly fall into the spirit pool.
-Sokka tries to get Agni to tell Zhao to stand down, when a dark pair of arms reach out from the spirit pool and drag him under. The group look all over for the man, but Agni tells Sokka that Zhao is gone.
-Sokka feels a deep, dark dread at that.
-Iroh takes Zuko with him, and Yue ends up joining the Gaang.
-Sun and Moon power couple fuck yeah.
-Being one with Agni grants Sokka fire power, and being one with Tui grants Yue water power. However, the two of them have to rely on Tui and Agni until they can learn to properly bend themselves. Yue has a little bit of bending experience, and Katara ends up with two students instead of one. Sokka just has what little Jeong-Jeong could teach him. So Agni takes Sokka on as a student, imparting his knowledge of fire onto his mortal emissary.
-Sokka being connected to Agni does get back to the Fire Nation, and uh... They're not just gonna stand by and let the chosen emissary of their patron deity get paraded around by a bunch of Water Tribe.
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littlenightingale98 · 6 years
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Avatar The Last Airbender is not a kid's show. I know I'm not the first one to say it. I won't be the last.
The themes in the show are not themes young children can really understand. I was very young when I started watching, and only recently rewatched the whole entire thing.
And let me tell you, the difference was stunning.
As a kid, I saw people throwing rocks with their minds or throwing air, water, and fire with their hands. All of the messages about Yin and Yang, balance, and discovering yourself flew WAY over my head.
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I mean, all I saw with Tui and La, was fish. Just fish. I didn't think they had any special meaning, despite what the characters were saying around them. My whole entire focus was on "who's gonna fight next" and cheering Aang on. Nothing else.
I didn't understand the sacrifice Yue made either when she became the moon spirit, not until I was much older. I just thought she did it because she wanted to do it, not because the moon spirit had literally JUST BEEN SUCKER PUNCHED TO DEATH. Like I said, I thought it was just a fish. (I cried though. Poor fishy.)
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I didn't understand character development either. I hated Zuko from day one. I didn't care that he made himself into a better man. I just didn't like him. He was evil, always would be evil to child me. Hell, I hated him so much I hated Uncle Iroh. I hated anyone who was on his side. Kids don't have the understanding that people can, and do, change. That's why if you're mean to a kid once, they'll hold a grudge for a long ass time.
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Bloodbending scared the ever loving shit out of me. Not because I understood what was really happening, but because Hama made it seem so horrible and the atmosphere was really well done. Now it is still scary, but because I understand that the person being bloodbent has absolutely NO CONTROL over anything their body does. And they're still fully conscious of it. Imagining that is terrifying.
I didn't understand the darkness in Katara either. I always thought she was nothing but a good person, that she could do now wrong. That she never would. Again, going back to not understanding the Yin/Yang messages and that people can and do change. I didn't understand what pain could make you do because I was still too young to have experienced much.
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And Azula. Much like Zuko, I hated her guts. Still do to a point, but when you look back at her childhood, you can see why she turned out the way she did. Her Mom didn't have much time for her because she was too busy protecting Zuko from Ozai. Ozai used that to fuel her fire, to turn her into his version of what she should be. Pretty soon, all she cared about was power, just like her father.
As a child I was cheering when Azula was chained up after the Final Agni Kai. Even when she was crying I was happy about it. Finally, all the bad guys except Zuko are gone! That's what ran through my head.
But now, the expression on her face breaks my heart. You see all that pain in her eyes. You see all of the abandonment issues, the desire to be respected, to be wanted, to have the power back that was just taken from you because you were raised to believe that's all you had...
Not to mention the themes of racism, genocide, tyranny, and war that had to be overcome. Bottom line, this show is definitely a better watch as an adult. I understand so much more.
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(Zuko is now my favorite character, please don't crucify me.)
(Having a better understanding of the show is what made me switch from Kataang to Zutara)
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
Floating White Lotus
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This fic was inspired by this post.
Book One: Water
Title: “Peppermint Tea”
Chapter: Beginning  - Previous Chapter - 2 - Next Chapter
Rating: T (curse words mainly.)
Genre: Humor, Drama, and more humor.
Summary: Floating White Lotus, a former fire nation ship that was converted into a traveling tea shop. The shop is led by the rumored the Dragon of the West, (No knows if this is true or not… yet) and his nephew who wishes to forget the ever lasting war. Well, until a certain someone decided he’d be the perfect fire bending instructor. 
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Shout-out to ProudGeek4Ever! Thank you so much for beta reading the Floating White Lotus!
Peppermint Tea
It could be used to relieve headaches and pains, soothe an upset stomach and strengthen the immune system. It reduces stress, anxiety and bad breath. Do not drink if pregnant or taking certain types of medication.
Sage Tea
Excellent as muscle relaxer and helps with mental exhaustion and body ache. Helps detoxify the body, relieve anxiety, improve digestion and acts as antioxidants. Do not drink more than three to six cups as it could toxify the body.
Zuko attempted to ignore Sokka. The Water Tribe boy thought it was a good idea to cling onto him as he attempted to heat up Gran-Gran's tea. He gave the woman a strained smile as he resisted the urge to throw the younger teen over the ship. The urge was there. He just had far too much respect for the woman to do so against her grandson.
After sliding away from the others earlier they followed him back. On a flying bison. Zuko simply boarded the ship and got back to serving tea and some goodies. Who knew former soldiers could make so good mochi, tarts, cakes and similar things? However, he just wanted to get back to reality and pretend that he didn't just meet the Avatar.
The same avatar he was supposed to be hunting down.
Something those three talked about while riding the bison prompted Sokka to literally beg Zuko to teach Aang firebending.
His refusal lead to Sokka chasing him around the ship while begging him to join some wild turtleduck chase. He yelled at the younger boy to move out of the way. That did not mean he wanted Sokka to jump on his back, wrap his arms around his neck and start whining, but something obviously got lost in translation.
Zuko thought he should have seen this coming. He paused momentarily to allow Sokka time to readjust himself before they both continued on.
Katara and Aang were sitting next to Gran-Gran. The Avatar kept staring at the firebender with slight apprehension. Katara had told him a bit about the Fire Nation, the war and the Southern Raiders. He didn't understand how the village could be so welcoming to at least one firebender if everything she told him was true.
"Zuko saved us from pirates once," Gran-Gran began with a wistful gaze.
Aang leaned in with his steaming cup of tea in his hand and gave all his attention to his new friends' grandmother. "He did?"
Kanna pushed both her grandchildren behind her. They watched in horror as her husband fell and the snow beneath him turned red.
Pirates had invaded. The already dilapidated village were in such a state of despair because of the Fire Nation and now they had to deal with pirates too. All of them were just taking what they wanted and destroyed the rest.
Kanna told Katara and Sokka to run. If this was the way she was going to die, so be it. As long as her grandchildren were safe she could die without regrets. She closed her eyes and waited for death to take her.
Then fire started to fill the area and a roar of anger could be heard. Kanna saw a young man take down the pirates by using both firebending and two swords. The teenager was dressed in Earth Kingdom clothing, but it was quite clear that he hailed from the Fire Nation. The firebending was a real giveaway.
The pirates that hadn't been taken down retreated back to their ship. It was clear they didn't expect anyone to go up against them. The teen was ready to follow the pirates that had fled.
She didn't know why she did what she did, but she knew there had been enough death for that day. "Please, not in front of the children."
The firebender fell down to his knees. Kanna could see his shoulders shake and heard the sound of soft sobs. He was apologising profusely. The teen was nearly hysterical.
"What brings you here, young man?"
After some prodding, Kanna was given a scroll with very familiar handwriting.
End of Flashback~
"It was some time later that the Floating White Lotus arrived. The sight of a Fire Nation ship caused us a bit of blind panic. Zuko's uncle, Iroh, explained the advantages of hiding in plain sight." Gran-Gran laughed at the memory. "Although before the ship arrived there was a fire seen from that direction of the ocean."
"Nothing you can prove, Gran-Gran!"
Gran-Gran ignored Zuko as she continued the storytelling. "They brought us much needed supplies and told us they were simply a travelling tea shop that wished to avoid the war and the Fire Nation."
"Is he a good firebender…?"
"Yes, in terms of morality. As for bending, he's good, but he co-" Jee, the captain of the ship, began to answer, but was distracted by Zuko. Everyone watched as Zuko walked back into the ship with Sokka still clinging onto him. Moments later Sokka ran out with a clay pot while screaming about meat.
"Would you please consider teaching me fire bending?"
This time it was Aang clinging onto Zuko who was still trying to do his job and serve tea. At least the Avatar wasn't screaming in his ear like a certain someone did.
"No. Now get off. I have to go below deck and get more supplies." Zuko attempted to pull Aang off of himself, but to no avail. It did not help when Uncle suggested that Aang could go with him. His shoulders sagged as he went to get the supplies.
"Gran-Gran mentioned that you prefer twin swords to your firebending." Aang tried starting a conversation. He had gotten of Zuko's back to walk beside him.
Zuko kept his eyes looking forward as he thought about his answer. He only paused for a moment to look at the tapestry Gran-Gran had given to them. It held the insignia of the Southern Water Tribe. It had been her way to show them that they were always welcome to the South Pole. "My old master once said that it would be better for me to learn other forms of fighting. He told me I lacked the self control, precision and patience needed to get good at firebending."
"What happened to your old master?"
"He became a hermit."
Zuko said it in such a way that it made Aang laugh. There wasn't even a hint of bitterness or resentment in Zuko's voice. If anything he sounded content. "But you know how to firebend, right?"
The banished prince rolled his eyes. Of course the kid had ulterior motives to his question. "I do, but I want nothing to do with the war. That includes teaching the Avatar firebending. Especially one that hasn't learnt water- and earthbending yet."
Later that night.
Zuko and Iroh were in Gran-Gran's tent with said woman, her grandchildren, and Aang. They were enjoying a nice bowl of sea prunes. Well, except for Aang, who is turning a very ugly shade of green.
"We escaped the Fire Nation about three years ago." Iroh was explaining to Aang. The Avatar still hadn't gotten over his first taste of sea prunes. "My nephew disagreed with the war and wanted to avoid being recruited into it. He wanted to follow the path of an herbalist instead."
"Why tea?"
"It has healing properties and the herbs are used has many other uses as they are." Zuko's answer was automatic and without hesitation. "That and Uncle loves tea."
Iroh gave his nephew a proud smile and nodded at his words
There was more talk about the war after that. Aang seemed to shrink into himself more and more. Guilt for running away and being unavailable to stop it all. So many lives had been lost and the world wasn't in balance anymore. A nudge snapped the monk from his thoughts. He looked up to see Zuko holding out a cup of tea for him.
"Drink. It helps with mental exhaustion and relaxes muscles. Spirits knows, you need it," Zuko muttered the last part to himself.
"Zuko, why won't you consider teaching Aang?"
This time it was Katara that had asked the question.
Iroh answered before Zuko could even open his mouth. "Perhaps in the future, but right now my dear nephew is at an important crossroads of his life. He still needs to find his own meaning before he could take on a student."
"That... sounds reasonable." Sokka nodded as he poured water into a clay pot and handed it to Zuko. The firebender used his right palm to heat up the water before putting it in a pouch that contained some herbs. "Thinking about his first reaction to seeing Aang we should probably give him some time to process things. That and if people found out we were travelling with a firebender it could hurt us in the long run."
Sokka raised an eyebrow. "What?" He was met with gobsmacked looks from all directions. "I can think things through you know!"
Zuko facepalmed."You were like an octopus on my back and yelled in my good ear all day while begging me to teach him."
"You are not ready and if you're not ready you'll be a crappy teacher." Sokka summed.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious."
"That's Captain Boomerang to you!"
"Hm? Did you say something, Captain Obvious?"
The crew packed everything up and were ready to sail off. They had done what they came to do and Zuko needed some distance from the Avatar. Said former Fire Prince and now herbalist in training wanted to avoid the whole "train the Avatar" theme and continue being blissfully ignorant to the war that was happening.
"Maybe we'll see each other again during our travels, Sifu Zuko!" Aang was was waving them off with the rest of the tribe.
Everyone could see Zuko slap his forehead at the title. He then leaned over the railing to yell out. "I never agreed to anything!"
"Whatever you say, Sifu Zuko!"
"Shut up, Sokka!"
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low-budget-korra · 6 years
The legend Of Korra : Book 02-Philosophy Everywhere
I'm going to divide this one into two parts, talking about the episodes before the episodes 07 and 08 and after them. Due to this first half, I consider the 02 book the weakest of all and here are some of the why.
Beginning 6 months after the events of Book 01, after all that dark shit that happened, everything is great. Right away we had a significant change that was the change with respect to animation, previously made by Studio Mir and that in book 2 began to be made by the studios Pierrot. Nothing against the work of the studios Pierrot , after I started studying digital art I saw that it is something way more laborious than I already thought it would be, but Studio Mir's work was so good in Book 1 that this change is a "down" for the season.
We are presented with the danger of this season, evil spirits and the reality of our dear Fire Ferrets. Bolin is the only one who continues in Pro's Bending while Mako became a cop and Korra is just being the Avatar, and Asami is trying to deal with the CEO’s stuff of the Future Industries.
Now something that bothered me a lot in the first half of season. I felt that everything that Korra went through in Book 01 was for nothing, as there is no development in the character. She remains the same spoiled, arrogant from Book 1
The relationship between Mako and Korra is appalling, especially because of Korra's unbearable and inexplicable behavior earlier this season.
We are also introduced to Unalaq, uncle of Korra and soon we see that his relation with Tonraq is, at least ,troubled. Also we met Tony Stark .... cof sorry, Varrick and what a good surprise this character was.
Returning to Korra, this second season she is even more childish than the first. It's inexplicable, I dont know what happened. Like, I can understand her sense of frustration of still being treated as someone who is incapable of making choices, but what does she do? She goes there and shows that she is incapable of making choices.
Like all the building of partnership and trust that was made in book 01 between Tenzin and Korra, something that I unfortunately forgot to mention in my review of book 01, was thrown in the trash because in the first "fight" she exchanged the Tenzin that literally hugged her in the worst moments of her life until then, by an uncle she barely know
I think that when, soon in the first episode Korra dispenses the Tenzin, Unalaq must have thought : "Man, that was easy"
Then we have Korra with unnecessary anger for her father for him not  told he was banished from the Northern WaterTribe and why. Like, girl, this is certainly something your father is not proud of, maybe even blaming himself for the inexperience and arrogance in which he acted when, after chasing the barbarians who attack the city ,  ended up destroying a sacred place. I'm sure you did not tell him about how "cool" the first conversation you had with Amon was.
Okay, I'll take it easy with Korra, maybe this "Stop Protecting Me"  it is her trying to reaffirm herself as Avatar after all she suffered in Book 01. Then this almost desperation for not wanting to be seen as a child and wanting to be considered a capable person, made her, ironically, act like a child and show herself unable , after make some wrong choices.
You guys remember that when the NorthTribe invaded the SouthTribe, she chose to stay with her uncle and not her father. Even Tonraq being an incredible father.
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 (Look at this? This  person is trustworthy right. The guy is sitting in a dark room, alone doing a bunch of nothing. IN THE DARK!)
Unalaq was another one that I did not like since the moment I saw it. He is by far the worst villain even more that Ozai's greatest megalomaniac style, worse yet, Ozai wanted his Nation to rule the world while Unalaq wants evil to dominate simply because he wants to. But I give him something, he was good to see that moment of “wanting approval” that Korra and exploits it in his favor.
When Korra discovers that his uncle was responsible for the unjust sentence of his father when Unalaq underwent an attempt of kidnapping and that he also was responsible for the banishment his father years ago. First of all I can not blame her for the violent way she approached the judge for the conversation because I think it would do the same. (Dont mess with the people i love)
Something very interesting to note was that this season was where everyone was further away from each other. And the frozen scenery of the northern watertribe helped amplify this feeling. The soundtrack of this season is also incredible,  all of the seasons are actually.
Another thing I liked was the interaction between the sons of Aang. It was a bit sad to know that despite being a great Avatar, Aang was a bit flawed as a parent. Paying more attention to his duty to the world than with his family. And clearly having a favorite son, Tenzin. I can understand why, but is sucks anyway
But I also think the character who was best explored this season was Tenzin. We can connect with his concerns. The burden of being responsible for the survival of the airbender culture, the fear of failure, and the quest to be a reflection of his father.
We know more about Bumi, and dude, the scene in ep.04 where he talks to his father's statue, apologizing for not being an airbender, and besides that , he did what he can to keep the world . And Kya is kind of a more lesbian cooler version of Katara in terms of personality.
One more “down” to this Book in the beginning was to make fun with the Bolin being clearly in an abusive relationship with Eska. This is not fun people, people die because of it.
Poor Mako in the first half,  his only getting slapped by Korra . Later on  I understand, but I dont agree with his position of delivering Korra's plans to get help for the southern tribe to Raiko. Episode 06 was focused on Mako, Bolin and Asami. We can see Asami, in a moment of weakness that I dont understand until today, kissing Mako. Bolin pursuing film career and Mako showing a certain ability as a detective. This I found cool because it gains another layer to the character , it is no longer just the romantic interest of Korra. It also had virtually the revelation of Varrick as a secondary villain for this arc of them
Bolin also has something nice, If in the first episode, he was shown was someone who only can fight with The Krew, later in book 2 he and we see that he is capable to fight alone for himself.
And Asami, this babe was her own “up and fall and up again” arc as CEO of her dad company. And she shows that she has what its need to take control of the business.
I really dont know what happened to the writers in this first half of book 02, way below the expected But Raava inspired them to make the wonder that is the second half of the season. And so I finish my analysis of the first half of book 02
Beginnings part 1 and 2 are my favorite episodes of the entire AVATAR series. Seriously, everything in these episodes is incredible, from the differentiated animation (Studio Mir is back baby!!!)to the soundtrack, and of course, the script.
In Beginnings we are introduced to the first avatar, Avatar Wan. And so, we are presented as the cycle began. From real, every time I see these two episodes I cry like a baby.
"Return to the beginning. Find Raava "
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Lets talk about  Wan, he was a young thief trying to survive, in a  dangerous and authoritarian era of what might be considered the beginnings of the Fire Nation, a city that lay on the back of a Giant Turtle, protected them from the spirits -dominated forests.
I will not say much about these two episodes because even if you dont remember , go watch, seriously, it's incredible. And because if I start talking about them I will not finish.
In short. Wan receives the power of fire from the Giant Lion Turtle and  go into the forest. Then he  return home before entering the forest, and thus steals the fire power ,which was forbidden to use in the city.What is worth mentioning is that the bendinds there were not developed , dont expect  martial arts movements. 
 Here ,even with power, Wan is merciful and selfless. He did not think only of himself, he did not exposed who participated in the rebellion with him and still spared the life of a guard. He is then banished to the forest and .... aaa did not say, I cant not speak of these episodes man
Anyway, after going through "trouble" on his first night out in the woods. He seeks the help of a spirit who simply says "it's not my problem", so Wan tries to fantasize as spirit to be able to enter the oasis of the same spirit that denied him help. Then he discovers that there are other LionTurtles, and consequently, other cities.
And in his journey, even with hunger he decides to release an animal, which turns his animal partner. And so, seeing the altruistic action of Wan, the same spirit that denied him help, helps him to escape the hunters. And so he decides to stay and learn from the spirits.
And so, Wan learns the dragon dance, protecting the oasis and his friends spirits. My baby Wan <3
Back in town, Wan's old friend decides to lead a group of people who believe that only with the power of fire, it is possible to live in the forests. Needless to say that shit happens right ?!
Then Wan decides to travel the world with his pet, Mula. The music in these parts is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, really.
Then Wan discovers Raava and Vaatu fighting and, unknowingly, helps Vaatu to escape. With the help of Raava ,who at first dont like the ideat of joining with Wan to fight Vaatu), Wan finds the other lions turtles and is given the other bendings.
Raava is light and peace. Literally, the good. Vaatu is evil.
However, Wan can only change elements, when the spirit of Raava passes through his body. Wan is an example of a good person, he literally made the biggest shit in the world but instead of running away, as many would do, he took responsibility and face it.
And it is on this journey that he begins to train heavy, the elements, and learn about the balance of the world.
"He can not destroy light any more than i cant destroy darkess. One can not exist without the other "_Raava
"Most humans think only about themselves" _Raava
Man, this is so true, worse, it's a direct truth. There is no metaphor here.
There we see humans using the power of fire to clear the forest, nothing new  really. The same group as that friend of Wan. And so, these people attack anything (spirits) they see, not knowing whether it is good or bad, just by their own ignorance. What unfortunately happens in various parts of the world with minority groups that are attacked only by the ignorance of the aggressors.
In this 5-minute scene, we see all the power of ignorance and violence. Humans have invaded and destroyed the forest, and still set fire to any spirit that appears. In Brazil we have farmers doing exactly the same thing with the natives, with the moral help of the president. But we are not here to talk about the shit hole that is Brazil right now....
The stronger Vaatu gets, the smaller and weaker Raava gets.
(I'm almost crying because I'm writing while I'm watching this wonderful episode.)
It is then that Wan touch’s on the energy that comes out of one of the portals and this scene happens
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(This scene gives me so many chills. Its simple epic)
Now officially as Avatar, Wan and Raava succeed together defeating Vaatu, imprisoning for the next 10 thousand years. It is also Wan who makes the decision to close the portal, separating spirits and humans.
We then see the Lion Turtles talking that a new era has begun, and we will no longer be given the power of the elements to the people. Then shows Wan's narration as he separates two armies, because it seems that war is what a human being does best.
Then we think the episode ends there. With the message of the duty of the avatar and all but ...oh boy we are wrong . We see a much older Wan, mortally wounded in battle. Regretting that he had not fulfilled his duty to bring peace, that darkness still surrounds humanity, he did not have enough time.
"Do not worry, we will be together for all your lifetimes and we will never give up" _Raava
Soon after this talk of Raava, Wan dies and the cycle of avatars begins.
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(im not crying... you are)
Something I think is very important to mention is that these two episodes, as well as this season of The Legend Of Korra, use something that I hate, that is the megalomaniac villain and the megalomaniac consequences. Only, especially in these two episodes of the Wan, we are not focused on this  but on the learning of the character and all the wisdom of Raava(the hero).
Vaatu can be evil, he has to be evil because he is evil. Now, Unalaq? "Urrr I will release the spirit of darkness to become an evil avatar because I want, even if it destroys the world."
If Vaatu was the villain alone, trying to lead Korra to the dark side, I think it would have been better, or if Unalaq had been better worked for us to believe in his ambitions ... All the Korra villains have a very cool ideology be it equality, freedom or prosperity. Unalaq is only a classic religious fanatic, and a forgettable villain.
Moreover, the rest is just Korra and his friends preparing for Harmonic Convergence to beat Vaatu. And the end of the arc’s of Asami, Bolin and Mako.
Now, on this journey of Korra in the spirit world, when she misses Jinora and meets Iroh. Their interaction is wonderful.
I'll separate some quotes from Iroh to Korra, who at the moment is in the shape of a child.
Iroh says: "Even in material world you will find it, if you look for the light you can often find it. But if you look at the dark, heres what you will see "
Several things can be compared to this speech, but the first thing that came to mind was depression and its power to catastrophize everything. As depressive girl, I think I have the property to speak at least of my experience with it.
As depressive, I often see things on the more negative side and thus, "I search for darkness" and so, it is only her that I see. And as much as the search for light is arduous and tiresome, it compensates. It's a daily struggle. Even in the worst of times, look for the light in the dark and you'll be fine. Even if the path is dark and scary, we all have light and we can all walk that path, whether alone or with help.
And Iroh was also right in another speech, helping others is one of the best things you can do. I can not describe the good feeling that takes care of you when you help someone. I think if we all did that, the world would not be in such a mess.
Now let's talk about the shocking and sad scene of the loss of connections. 
Honestly I think it's something that can be reversed, and if I did it in a fanfic the creators can do in HQ u.u
About the fanfic, ~propaganda moment here~, I swear that I will continue translate it a and post at least once a month on Wattpad with the link here on Tumblr.Who was interested, here is the link of the chapters already translated. I still do not consider myself fluent in English, so I accept any corrections.
Link for the chapters in English: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/117030440-the-legend-of-korra-book-5-legacy
Tumblr media
(This is just to say how much i love Korra with loose and messy hair, my god how I find it sexy. And for you guys to see this gorgeus image and forgive me for the “propaganda time”)
Anyway, at first, I found it very heavy and unnecessary but after analyzing the series as a whole and not just Book 2, I think I understood.
Korra is the avatar in a world practically totally different from the world of Aang and the previous avatars. A world where technology grows every day, a world each more similar to ours. That is, a new era. And this new age, perhaps it did not need other avatars. 
Dont slap me please. But like, for example, what am I going to ask a 19th-century person how she communicated, if we have the cell phone today? Things have changed, the experiences and how to deal with the things too. Perhaps Avatar Kyoshi does not have adequate advice for the Avatar in an increasingly political and complicated world.
The breaking of the cycle was literally the end of an era of Avatars, the avatars that will come after  Korra, in theory, will be more apt to deal with these problems so similar to what we experience.
But yes, I wanted her to somehow reconnect.
As you can see, although I love reading philosophical, political, social, historical, and psychological things, I do not quote any specific author in my interpretations, but I certainly use the knowledge I learned in what I write. "Lara, why dont you quote this guys here?" Cause my memory is terrible in memorising words, which means that I would have to reread, to know who exactly said what, and my college dont let me have this much time
Another thing I forgot to mention, the Gifs are not mine, more talented people than I've done them, and I just picked it up from the internet. Ican tag you in the comments if you are the author of those
Although it is not the book that most focuses on psychological issues, it does so through philosophical questions of "Who I am" and "What is my duty in the world"
Overall, book 2 of The Legend Of Korra is the most nostalgic of all, in my opinion. And in my view, the theme that stands out is that of "Search for own identity". 
We see this in Wan,Bolin, Korra, Tenzin, and Jinora in  a more prominent way.
Wan on his quest for Avatar's identity, even if it is unconscious. Korra for the exact opposite, her quest is for herself. Who is Korra? And would Korra be limited to just been The Avatar?
Who is Tenzin? He finally detaches himself from his father's image. As he says in the fog of the lost souls: "Im not a refletion of my father. Im Tenzin " Bolin who discovers his is not just a sidekick to his brother, he is more than that
And Jinora discovering and embracing without question her full potential with the spiritual side.
And besides, i hate it the all giant final fight. I simple dont like it. 
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So I went off on a tangent sorry about that lol
Percy can warm his hot chocolate when it gets cold and make insta Popsicles for Estelle
He’s always the last to take a shower in the morning because the cold water doesn’t bother him.
Winter is the Jackson-Blofis kids favorite time of year. After watching Frozen Estelle begs Percy to “Do the magic! Do the magic!” At first he’s not sure he knows how but they go to Central Park after a snowfall and find a private space all to themselves for him to practice.
He learns how to control snow and ice much better. He creates slides and ice they can skate on in the meadows. He learns how to control the temperature of water to the extent that he can keep the air warm with steam while he and Estelle skate on their makeshift rinks.
He becomes a little obsessed with controlling the phasing of water more. He learns to hold all three phases of water in a single glass. He learns to make miniature hurricanes and thunderstorms in the palm of his hand. He learns to mold little figurines for Estelle out of water and freeze them as gifts for her.
One day she asks him to make her mermaid dance and he is thrilled to discover he can make the little ice figure around in the air to make it look likes she’s swimming.
One day they watch Avatar the last Airbender and Percy is enchanted by Katara. He learns that he can use water as a literal weapon and shield. He started off using it like a whip, a living coil of water that could reach as far as he wanted and do exactly as he commands. Then he learn he can fashion weapons out of ice. Monsters quickly learn that as long as there is water around, Percy Jackson is armed.
But Percy takes it a step further when he sees Katara and Toph escape the wooden prison by water ending sweat. He learns to manifest water. At first he is simply absorbing moisture from the air but soon he learns to create water from nothing. With a wave of his hand he can manifest the water and then form a dagger from it in seconds. Monsters quickly learn, Percy Jackson is Always armed.
The first time he created a sentient being he killed it. Estelle and him were playing with her ice mermaid as usual. Percy was focused on making it as realistic as possible when suddenly it began to glow a light blue. Estelle was delighted but Percy had his eyes closed in concentration. It wasn’t until the mermaid dropped out of the air and into his lap, gasping and withering around that he realized it had come to life. But like real mermaids of the sea she could not survive out of water. By the time he shook out of his shock and got her submerged in water she had already passed in what he knew was extricating pain.
He went to his father for advice after that, carrying the tiny creature in some satin his mother gave him for her. His father was shocked when he found out the extent of Percy’s powers. He was so proud of the accomplishment he didn’t realize how devastated Percy was about unintentionally killing his little creation. Poseidon brought the mermaid back to life for him along with some advice on the art of creation.
Before Percy left he warned him to not let all his abilities be public knowledge, it was better to be underestimated. What he didn’t tell Percy that the ability to fashion and create life was something only the gods could do. The fact a demigod had that ability without the restrictions of being a deity would not sit well with the other Gods, especially Zeus.
Percy went to buy a large tank and some friendly fish from his local pet store and had it all ready for when Estelle arrived from school. They named her Elsa and took very good care of her.
The first time he bloodbended was accidental too. They were at the park on a warm summer day eating Popsicle sticks Percy had made out of a carton of orange juice. Percy ran into an old friend and was chatting while Estelle played. Neither of them noticed the dog. Estelle was rather fond of animals so naturally she tried to pet the animal not noticing all the warning signs. When it mauled her Percy felt as if the very blood in his vines had boiled and busted. The dog had Estelle’s arm in its jaw for all of five seconds before it became a soup of blood, fur and bone on the forest floor. Estelle was okay and bandaged and cleaned up at home
Sally sat Percy down to have a Long talk about the weight and responsibilities of his powers. He completely understood and agreed that bloodbending was an Off Menu power.
But he was still intrigued by bloodbending on a smaller level. He started off practicing on himself. He could make his skin move around and wiggle his ears using his powers, soon he learned that he could change certain things about his body. He fixed his teeth himself, he toned his tan lines and made his hair instantly as long or as short as he wanted.
It came as a surprised to no one in the Jackson-Blofis household that he later figured out how to shape shift. But he still kept it small. A few pounds of muscle here, take off a few pound of fat there. He could quicken and lower his own metabolism with ease. He could control how much adrenaline was coursing through his body as he pleased. He began actually reading up on biology to see how much he was able to control.
It was one night when he went out looking for Estelle - who had stormed off angry about something -  that he was nearly killed. He had been looking for an hour unaware she had already come home when the mortal approached him with a gun demanding all his money. Of course he didn’t bring any money out to look for his sister but the guy didn’t believe him. Honestly Percy didn’t expect the guy to Actually shoot and when he did Percy was more upset at the fact that he was actually shot then the fact that he was in danger.
The man had run off and Percy not liking hospitals went back home for ambrosia. But the bullet had hit an artery and he was bleeding heavily. He collapsed halfway home panicked and not sure how to stop the bleeding. That’s when he remembered his mermaid and how Estelle said she glowed before coming to life. He manifested some water in his hand and willed it to glow. He put it to his chest and the water latched to him, stopping the bleeding and numbing the pain. By the time he got home he wound had nearly finished healing. Sally watched in awe as the last few bits of water fused and merged with his skin.
After that he started keeping jugs of this strange glowing life giving water in his house. He carried a water bottle of it around with him all the time. It was a safer alternative to ambrosia and mortals could use it too. He would go to CHB and CJ and fill large barrels with this water which he named katara (cause he’s a HUGE nerd at the end of the day)
Pretty soon katara became more popular than ambrosia among demigods and mortal in the know. They found that if they added regular water to katara it would gain the properties of katara. Pretty soon a pool was built at both camps to house katara. Percy was glad to see his creation helping so many people but he had unfortunately caught the gods attention.
He was called to Olympus and questioned about what he was trying to do with this “katara”. He told it how it was. He had accidently created it so he gave it to other people as well. He wasn’t even making a profit off of it which he easily could if he wanted too.
The gods in reality didn’t have a problem with katara, they knew it was helpful and did nothing but benefit people. The underlying message in calling upon Perseus Jackson was to let him know he was being observed and to warn him to watch himself.
Percy understand that message loud and clear, but he really didn’t give a fuck. He especially didn’t give a fuck when he made his own island in the Gulf of Mexico. Grover actually helped him with that. Grover created a list of endangered species that needed a safe haven from human intervention and would coexist well. Hazel helped them create a barrier similar to the barriers at the camps around the island. Percy set to work with making the water surrounding the island rich with katara. And in a few months they had a lush and beautiful island that Percy dubbed the Garden of Me.
Poseidon actually came to visit Percy’s island and he was surprised when he saw his son, asleep in a field of rare flowers glowing with dormant power. Of course only a god could see that glow from within. Poseidon began to realize his son was unintentionally becoming an immortal at the least, a powerful god at the most. That’s when he decided to train Percy.
He taught him how to mold and shape lifeforms that already existed to help with Grover’s cause of saving the Wild. He taught him the limits and devastating abilities Percy contained. He showed him how to properly shapeshift into anything he wanted without having to alter his original form. He taught him how to materialize not only water but other liquids and water based materials.
Percy reveled in his new found powers. He not only got to spend time with his father but being TAUGHT was sooo much better than just figuring it out on his own. He found that he and his father are actually pretty similar and get along really well.
As for Annabeth at first she was worried about the path Percy was going down with his powers but she is realized to see him focus his powers on the creation of his little island. Well, not so little anymore. Percy continued to expand the island to accommodate the now hundreds of endangered species of plants and animals residing there. As far as the outside world was concerned some of these animals had gone extinct, but they lived peacefully on Garden of Me. Now the island was nearly 200,000 sq miles and took up most of the Gulf of Mexico. Annabeth could only guess how Hermes managed to explain that to the mortals.
Annabeth and Percy spend a lot of their free time on the island. In fact the whole Jackson-Blofis household do. Afterall the island is big enough to house a small nation. But Percy and Annabeth still love the idea of having an entire island to themselves to do whatever they want. When Annabeth gets pregnant Percy nearly erupts one of his rivers with joy. Although marriage had never been on their minds (they kind of just assumed they would just always be together regardless) they decide to get married on their private island.
It was a wedding that rivaled even the gods weddings. Mortals, demigods, gods, nymphs, satyrs, dryads, cyclopes and more all came to the celebration that lasted nearly an entire week. At first Percy was nervous about inviting so many people. Afterall it wasn’t just an island but a sanctuary for plants and animals that didn’t exist anywhere else on Earth. But Grover ensured Percy he and his helpers would take care of crowd control. Annabeth and Percy honeymooned in one of the beautiful underwater caves on the island while their wedding raged on for days. Clean up was a bitch but the next few weeks were the happiest of their lives.
That was of course, until the war began. Oddly enough it was a war between mortals but it had devastating implications. The threat of nuclear war had never been so real between the US and Korea. Percy and Annabeth (now 5 months pregnant) anxiously moved their mortal families to the island and offered sanctuary to their friends as well. Percy strengthened the barrier to his island and discussed with Grover about making a pop up second island to house other animal species that would be devastated by the event of nuclear war. In the end He, Grover and Annabeth decided a second island was a necessity.
It was enormous. Nearly 600,000 sq miles and hugged the shared coast of California and Mexico. The plan was to evacuate the camps. A third of the island would be used as a third camp safe from the war of mortals. This part of the island would have everyday animals and plants. Cows, pigs, horses, dogs, foxes, bats, vegetables, fruits, grains etc. It would serve as a human sanctuary while the other ⅔  of the island would be reserved for other endangered species. The planning was intense. They had to be careful to keep species that would compete to extinction seperate, they had to avoid invasive plants and animals or at the least keep them contained. And they had to explain to people why they’re pet cats were Absolutely NOT allowed on the island. (Cats are one of the deadliest animals of earth accounting for the majority of extinctions among small animals).
The gods were helpful too. They could see the danger the mortal war posed to the demigods and knew they needed demigods. The only god that as far as Percy was concerned was not being helpful was his father. Poseidon insisted Perceus took up godhood, but Percy had a family on the way and he couldn’t imagine a life where he continued to exist without them. Poseidon tried to convince him to just make Annabeth immortal as well, after all that's what he did to his wife. But Percy didn’t want to think about it. He just wanted to focus on keeping everyone alive.
That’s when the boats began to arrive. People in California fleeing the conflict but with no funds for now overpriced flight began to take boats and try to cross the borders of Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. But Percy’s island was only a few hundred miles off shore. The boat that got lost on the way down the coast ended up on the second island. Percy couldn’t turn them away.
Despite all their preparation they weren’t ready for when the first missile struck. In fact no one was ready. Everyone expected the obvious targets. Major cities, military bases, maybe even the white house. No one could have guessed their target was the top left corner of Wyoming, where the Yellowstone National Park sat unassuming. No one could have guessed anyone would be that crazy.
The explosion was deafening. Even from the second island they could see as the cloud of sulfuric ash umbrellaed out in all directions. They could hear the continued explosions from the volcano itself. The gods did nothing. They would not interfere with mortal activity unless it directly threatened them. All the inhabitants of the island could do was sit and listen to the sounds of millions dying, and watch the cloud of ash choke the sky.
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