#kissy face emoji. hi girl
romanhughesy · 1 month
Uh Huh (Are you up/Are you down?)
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It's your first time meeting Quinn's brothers, but he can't find you in the club.
word count: 3.1k
warnings: alcohol/clubs, handful of y/n's used. slightly suggestive?
Quinn is confused. 
He sweeps his eyes between the doors, the bar, and the handful of booths towards the front of the club, back and forth like one of these times, he’ll turn his head, and you’ll appear. The plan was your idea, after all. 
His brothers were coming to visit, and trips to his side of the continent were kind of a big deal. It’s your first time meeting them. You and Quinn had been official for eight-ish months now, and he wouldn’t say it’s super serious, but he wouldn’t say it isn’t serious either. He really likes you, and sees a lot of potential in your relationship. But, the pair of you are still working through the early days milestones, like this. You were, understandably, nervous about meeting his family, even if it was just his brothers and not his parents, yet. Jack and Luke would be in town for a few days, and you insisted that while you wanted to meet them, you also wanted the brothers to have plenty of time together, just the three of them. While he searches for you, letting Jack get their first round from the bar, he remembers your guy’s conversation about the visit. You held his hand, eyes searching his face, and reassured him that you understand how hard it is for him to spend most of his time so far away, while Jack and Luke live in the same apartment. You felt it was important for the brothers to just exist together, without trying to fit a new person into the dynamic the whole time. Quinn couldn’t say much, but he pulled you closer and ran a hand through your hair, feeling seen and cared for in your particular way. Quinn’s never had any bad experiences with girls meeting his family, but he’s heard horror stories. The consideration and empathy you hold for others is one of his favorite traits of yours, so he should’ve expected it to extend to his brothers, but it touched him nonetheless. 
“There’s Petey!” Jack exclaims, suddenly back at Quinn’s side. He startles out of his thoughts, but follows Jack’s pointing finger and sees Petey, Conor, and Brock emerge through the crowd between them and the door. His team and his brothers mingle, loose hugs, daps, and chirping, and then Conor, of course it’s Conor, notices Quinn’s split attention. “Huggy, where’s your girl? I thought you were showing her off tonight?” Now, everyone looks at him, expectantly, but he actually has no clue where you are. Well, some clue. 
See, when you both talked about Jack and Luke coming to visit, you mentioned that it’d be nice to meet them for the first time while doing some kind of larger group activity. Some of Quinn’s friends (his teammates, let’s be honest), and some of your friends, getting together. The suggestion was another reminder to Quinn that you might really be a bit of a genius. He’d have time with just you and his brothers together later in the visit, but since your girls mostly knew his guys, and his guys knew his brothers, it’d spare the awkwardness of the two of you just sitting around and getting interrogated about your relationship by his nosy brothers. You could connect with them, but casually and the whole group would all have lots of other people to bounce off of. Jack and Luke would definitely want to go out while they were here, anyway, so great idea, really. Except, he can’t find you anywhere. 
He figured you had to be somewhere in the club. You’d texted him a chaotic group selfie while you and your friends were getting ready. You’re holding your phone to the mirror, making a kissy face, while a couple of your friends pose and a couple more are mid-makeup application. He’d smiled at his phone during dinner, and gotten ribbed for it by Luke, of all people. His baby brother. You’d followed the message up a little later with a random emoji, and he couldn’t help but smile, again. Not one for spending much time on your phone, especially when with friends, you’d quickly send off an emoji or two as a form of checking in. But, your picks were never relevant to what you were doing or where you were, which always amused Quinn. He’d assumed you made it to the club, because you sent him the abacus emoji and a red heart, but he couldn’t exactly say that to everyone looking at him for an answer right now. So, he smooths it over. 
“She got here with her friends a while ago, but I haven’t spotted them yet. Maybe they’re outside.” Quinn knows he sounds a bit lame, but it’s a bit much for his brothers and close friends to give him those looks. Luke turns to Jack, smirking. “Dude, I’ve been telling you she’s not real. You’re gonna have to pay up.” Quinn very narrowly resists the urge to try and headlock both his brothers at once, but Brock is helpful, as always. “Nah, we’ve met her. She’s cool. Kinda too cool for Quinner. Maybe he’s paying her?” Okay, maybe Brock isn’t always helpful. 
Shaking his head, Quinn tries to regain his control over the unruly group he calls his loved ones. “Let’s just get another round, I’ll keep an eye out. They’re here, somewhere.” Conor offers to claim an open table closer to the dance floor, while someone else buys him a drink. “I’ll go with you!” Luke says, with a wry smile. He doesn’t even need to sneak around in the Canadian club like he does in Jersey, he’s just a freeloader. Whatever. Quinn will make Jack pay for his drink, payback for taking bets on whether or not his girlfriend is real. He didn’t really anticipate Jack carrying a tray of shots back to the table, Quinn balancing all three brothers’ beers, but Jack makes some cheesy comment about them being “for the ladies” that Quinn doesn’t want to dig into any further. Petey is the first person to grab one of the shots off the tray, which feels a little bit like payback again. Quinn laughs, and takes one for himself. 
The boys settle into easy chatter, and whenever you and your friends turn up, Quinn thinks the night will be pretty close to perfect. You compliment him so well, and he sees it the most when you’re at his side in social situations, easily holding your own around his rambunctious friends. You’re always good for a laugh or a well timed joke, but also attentive, and, as far as Quinn can tell, content to sit and listen even when the topic doesn’t particularly interest you. You’ve impressed his friends more than a few times with your memory, following up about family, little injuries, or dates the next time you see them. They can all tell how much you care about Quinn, and bask in some of your care with their proximity to him. He asked you about it once. Your ease, and seemingly genuine interest in whatever people tell you. Quinn is the kind of person who hates small talk more than almost anything, and you’re the kind of person who asks follow up questions when the grocery store cashier tells you about their beach vacation. At first it confused him, but the day he asked, you smiled softly and told him: “I just love people. Some people say there isn’t enough kindness or love in the world, but I see it in the tiniest stuff. So I just try to give all my extra love to the universe. It makes me happy.” The axis of his world tilted, just a bit, but he definitely felt his heart stumble. You guys were even less serious then, but the idea of a person like that enjoying his company, choosing him, it made Quinn warm all over. 
Jack presses another shot glass into his hand, and Quinn shifts his focus back in front of him. Conor raises his, grinning and toasting to the “Hughesapalooza”, as “Hughes Bowl” is apparently reserved just for the ice. Quinn throws back his shot, swallowing the liquor and his grimace, and takes another fruitless look around the club. As his eyes focus back on the table, he sees Jack craning his neck, looking around Petey’s head towards the dance floor. Quinn furrows his brow. He doesn’t quite think his brother is in the same search party as him. Boeser must catch his expression, because he puffs out a laugh. “If y/n doesn’t turn up soon, she’s not gonna meet Jack because he’ll never make it off the dance floor.” The middle Hughes whips his head back, caught, but his smile is more cunning than guilty. “Can you blame me?” He answers easily, throwing another look over his shoulder. “Check out that group of girls by the DJ booth. They seem like a great time.” The rest of the guys rustle around to peek, so Quinn looks too. He’s not really curious, but if it shows on his face that he doesn’t even feel like he needs to look at other women while waiting on you, he’ll get chirped within an inch of his life. He squints, eyes flitting over the crowd until he finds the group of girls his brother has to be talking about. They’re in a circle right in front of the DJ booth, loose enough for dancing but tight enough to keep out unwanted partiers, and Jack’s right. They’re definitely having fun, and looking good doing it. The way they’re dancing, grabbing each other’s hands and waists, smiling and singing along, they don’t seem to realize they’re the center of attention. It’s almost riveting, even to Quinn. The one directly in front of the DJ booth, facing them, and the rest of the club, twists her hips just so, tossing her hair to the beat. The lights are bright, and color shifting, but the reflection off her hair as she tosses it… the cut… her clothes…
“Is that…?” Petey’s question trails off, but his teammates have already averted their eyes from the group, back to their captain. His brothers follow suit, albeit slower, and Luke almost immediately puts the pieces together. “THAT’S Y/N?” He shouts, eyes nearly bulging out of his head. Jack laughs, almost a scoff, but when he scans everyone else’s expression, his brows shoot up. He looks at his older brother, disbelieving, and Quinn can’t help his smug smile. “Too cool for Quinn is right.” He mutters, grabbing a shot off the emptying tray and tossing it back. Quinn rolls his eyes, but he does let out a chuckle. The laugh helps vent a bit of the relief flooding through him. 
Quinn trusts you completely, and likes how independent you are, but after an hour or so of little, fleeting doubts crossing his mind, he can’t deny the feelings that bubble up in him now that they’ve found you. You, looking gorgeous and enjoying yourself with your friends— he definitely noticed how there were no men anywhere near your circle— facing the whole room, waiting for him. The boys rib him for the dopey smile on his face as he watches you move, but it really couldn’t matter less. He stands, giving the boys a smirk and a “be right back” over his shoulder. Their eyes narrow when he heads towards the bar and not the dance floor. “That’s weird, right?” Petey looks between the table, Quinn, and back at y/n, confused. 
At the bar, Quinn leans on the edge and tries to steal glances of you through all the other bodies. Your group is still noticeable, but come in and out of focus with all the other motion around. He turns his attention back to the bar, nodding to the bartender. “Hey man, can you get a round of tequila shots out to that group of girls right in front of the DJ booth? And let them know they came from that table,” Quinn points to his friends and brothers, but only Brock is watching him. Boeser raises his brow, but turns back to his conversation with Luke, seemingly uninterested. The bartender’s also not roused, blandly replying, “Sure, man. But I can’t take them off your tab if they’re not interested.” Quinn thinks laughing would make him look cocky, or like an asshole, or both, so he just nods, says “No worries,” and gives the bartender his last name for the tab. The Hughes name apparently does interest the guy a little bit, if his surprised expression is anything to go off of, but he says nothing else to Quinn as he pours the shots, and gets the attention of a barback. 
Heading back to the table, Quinn ignores all the boys’ questions and angles his chair so he can see you better, waiting. A minute or so later, he sees someone get your attention from the DJ booth, handing down the shots and pointing in his direction. His stomach tenses, not unlike waiting for puck drop, but explodes into butterflies the moment you spot him. Even from the table, he could see your squinted eyes and furrowed brow lift, suspicion giving way to surprise as a big grin takes over your face. He smiles back, giving you a wave that you, and all of your friends, return. You hold up your finger, shoot your shot, and gather your girls in record time. He’s pretty impressed, and his brothers’ dropped jaws only make him feel even more smug. They love to talk about all the attention they get from girls in Jersey, but he can see Jack and Luke both steel themselves as the most beautiful girl in the room, Quinn’s, leads her pretty friends to their table. 
Quinn reacts instinctively, standing and closing the last step between your bodies, arms wrapping around your waist and pressing a kiss to your shoulder. You take a step back, beaming up at him. “Hi, love! You guys just get here?” You sweep your gaze over the rest of the group, eyes twinkling, but they widen when Conor answers for Quinn. “We’ve been here for like an hour!” 
“No way!” You gasp, looking back at Quinn, who nods, unable to suppress his smile. “I was facing the door the whole time: I was looking out for you guys!”  You insist, but your tone is still bright as you apologize for keeping the guys waiting. Jack and Luke stand to greet you, and you leave Quinn’s arms to hug them both. “No sweat, you guys looked like you were having a ton of fun.” Quinn can tell by Jack’s tone that he’s teasing a little bit, and apparently, you can too, because he sees your cheeks flush even in the dark club. Your best friend drapes her arm around you, grinning. “She doesn’t come out to dance very often, but when she does she’s got more energy than the rest of us combined.” Quinn watches you flush a little darker, adorable, but you push down your embarrassment and grab the hand of one of your other friends, introducing your group to Quinn’s. Most of them already know each other, but it helps break the ice. Quinn catches one of your quieter friends sidling up to Petey after saying hello to everyone else, and he raises his brow at the blond, who looks away quickly. Alright. 
Quinn offers your friend with the highest heels his chair, cracking a smile at the pure relief on her face, and slides in closer to you. You’re chatting to Jack and Luke about what the brothers did for dinner, easy as ever, and Quinn almost regrets wrapping his arm around your waist, only because it turns his brothers’ attention back onto him. Jack looks him up and down, gaze almost disapproving, which throws Quinn off for a second. “So you’ve been keeping the coolest girl you’ve ever dated all to yourself for almost a year now? How dare you! Y/N would love a Michigan vacation, wouldn’t you, Y/N?” Quinn’s eyes roll, ready to defend himself, but you beat him there. “Don’t be mean!” You lightly chastise, like Jack’s your own younger brother. Quinn almost snorts. “Quinn’s tried inviting me so many times. I don’t get enough time off work, and I don’t want to cut into your family time. You guys spend so much time apart, I worry about throwing the vibe off when you guys should just be enjoying each others’ company!” Quinn knows your feelings on this too well. He has invited you to travel with him a handful of times in the last few months, and still he accepts your reasoning. But, he also has missed you terribly every time he leaves and knows that his family will love you. Case in point, Luke runs a hand through his hair and says “I just met you, and I can already tell your vibe is way better than Quinn’s. Next time, you can come visit and leave him behind to go to work for you!” 
“Hey!” Quinn interjects, not actually bothered but having to disagree, on principle. You place a hand on your chest, mock affronted. “You’d leave out your private chef and best boat driver? Doesn’t sound like a good vacation at all.” Jack lets out an honest-to-god cackle, and Quinn slumps against you a little. “Not you too,” he complains, quietly smoothing over when your soft hand pats his cheek.  Jack, clearly pleased that you’ll poke fun at Quinn, changes the subject by asking about what you do for work, and you all chat for a while, conversation flowing naturally. 
The smaller conversations merge, and soon enough, everyone is shooting the shit and the tray of shots is cleared. Brock nominates Conor and Luke to go get more, grinning wryly. Conor takes it like a champ, and drags along Luke, who’s taking it like the baby of the family. The two of them have barely made it to the bar when a new song starts, and best your friend leaps up from her chair, grabbing your hand. “Oh my god, we have to dance!” You turn to Quinn, wearing an excited smile with an apologetic edge, still clearly thinking about leaving him hanging earlier, and he melts. “Go have fun, baby. We’ll be right here.” You beam for real, this time, kiss his cheek, and Quinn watched you follow a couple of your girls to the floor. Jack smiles at him across the table, “She’s special, huh?” He says, like he’s reading his older brother’s mind. Quinn just nods, watching you dance. He was right, earlier. Now that you’re around, fitting into his life like all of the empty spaces were made for you, he’s having basically a perfect night.
a/n: hiiiii lol i haven't written any kind of fic in FOREVER so if u made it through this that's cool let me know what u think!! quinn hughes brainrot is too strong i just think about him. all the time. title is from "uh huh" by tinashe stream her new album QUANTUM BABY okay bye <333
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experimentfae · 8 months
Hii I’m so sorry idk how to word this but can you maybe write a jealous Velvette dating a female reader whos always being hit on? and the reader never entertains these people she just thinks theyre annoying when they hit on her? Feel free to ignore this request if you dont wanna do it! ^^
Jealous Velvette x Fem! Reader
Oneshot / fluff
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Velvette knew that you are beautiful women, you are practically eye candy but she is still going to be jealous, especially if a demon keeps eye fucking you.
Another demon was flirting you, worst part they were trying to get in your pants in front of of her face, no shame in his face but you didn’t it give them the time a day but that didn’t deter the demon.
Then you velvet walked up to him “what the fuck are doing.” She growled out, she grabbed your hand “just hitting on this sexy girl, what want my attention.” You both rolled your eyes “do you know who the fuck I am.” Velvette questioned “um no what some whore or something?” This pissed her off even more “you’ll find out especially if you keep flirting with MY GIRLFRIEND.”
Then man smirked “that’s hot want a three way?” You had a disgusted look on your face this caused Velvette to laugh “yeah no way, I’ll give you something.” Just then Velvette took out ann angelic weapon “oh shit.” Gasped out the demon. “Fine I’ll back off your bitch.” Just then she sent him a warning shot near his leg “don’t fucking call her that, you SCUM, now don’t come near her again.”
The demon ran with his tail between his leg. “I love when you get jealous.” You stated she smiled “aw babe, but seriously if a demon flirts with you, you have to tell me.” You smiled “no worry I will next time.” You then kissed her on the lips.
The next time a demon flirted with you was only just one week later, like promised you told your girlfriend
[babe this bitch is flirting with me]You texted her just then suddenly the other women phone started getting a bunch of text, you immediately knew it was your girlfriend most likely threatening her. “What the fuck?” She female demon looked shocked to get text from Velvette herself.
That girl definitely left you after that just then you got a text from Velvette asking if your ok.
[no worry I’m fine babe. I’ll head to your place] [ok I’ll get your favorite made] you smiled she was always considerate. [alright I’ll see you home and thanks babe for looking out for me] you then sent a kissy emoji.
But you weren’t going to admit but her jealousy had your ego getting built up it was extremely sexy to you.
All you knew is that you couldn’t wait to see your girlfriend.
<- Back to MasterList or back to hazbin hotel
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nicoline1998enilocin · 5 months
On my knees for you || Part 1
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Tony lets you know he's having a long and hard day at the office, so you decide to come over and relieve some of the tension he's been holding onto lately. It just won't be in the way he had expected you to do it.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Sugar relationship. Established relationship. CEO!Tony Stark. Porn with a bit of plot.
SMUT || Semi-public sex. D/S undertones. Power exchange. Daddy kink. Dirty talk. Degradation. Praise. Hair pulling. Nipple play. Hand job. Masturbation. Fingering. Oral (M receiving). Deepthroating. Cum swallowing.
A/N || This idea came to life after a comment my dear friend @ccbsrmsf1 made, and ever since then, I can't stop thinking about this story! Thank you so much for inspiring this and proofreading it! I love you 3.000 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @anyfandomkinkbingo || Wet dreams Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || Hand job Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Frosty || Nipple play
Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Wild || "Is this a simulation?" Masterlist || @mcukinkbingo || Setting: On the floor Masterlist || @multifandom-flash Compliments || Like a God to me
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GIF: @ccbsrmsf1 || All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || AU Masterlist || Part 2
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Today's an easy, relaxing day for you as you spend it in Tony's penthouse with your rescue kitten, Moon, while your boyfriend works in his office. Since you're staying with him during your days off, you're cleaning his apartment between taking care of Moon and his feedings, and when you're about to do some cleaning, you stumble upon some old photos of Tony.
"Look, it's your Daddy when he was in college. Wasn't he adorable back then?" you ask Moon, who's also looking at the photo. This man has aged like some of the finest wine there is, and you can't get enough of it, but you're quickly pulled from your thoughts when you get a text from Tony.
My Angel 💙 >> How are my favorite girl and our baby doing up there? I miss you two so much. Work is stressing me out to no end today... I want to be cuddled up with you two on the couch 🥺
As you read the message, you send a photo back to him. Moon, your rescue kitten, is perched on your shoulder, his soft fur tickling your cheek. You open the camera feature quickly, capturing the moment. You look at yourself and Moon before making a kissy face and a wink, too, and you snap a few photos to ensure the right one is in there somewhere.
"What do you think, Moon? Will Daddy like it when I send him a photo of us? I think he will!" you tell your kitten, who meows softly. You smile at his response before picking the perfect one - it shows off your cleavage perfectly as you're wearing a low-cut shirt and no bra, which Tony definitely will notice.
Sugar ❤️ >> We miss you too, Daddy ❤️
You send back the text attached with the photo, and not even seconds later, you get a few emojis of drooling faces back, and you know your plan worked. As you see his name on your screen, you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, and a smile forms.
Since you and Tony became official, your love has only grown stronger. You find yourselves constantly texting each other, unable to express your love enough. The depth of your love is palpable, and now that you're living with him for a few days, you know you can get used to being here with him and your kitten all the time.
Just as you're about to put your phone away, an idea pops into your head, and you quickly look at his calendar to find out he has a free half-hour soon. Your smile grows as your heartbeat quickly picks up at the idea forming in your head, and you can't wait to surprise Tony and maybe relieve some stress simultaneously.
"What do you think? Are you going to nap for a bit? I'm going to surprise Daddy, but I'll be back before your next feeding," you tell Moon, and he meows in response. You smile at him before walking over to his favorite spot in the house—the little hammock on his cat tree—where you place him, and he immediately curls into a little black ball.
"Sleep well, my beautiful Moon," you whisper as you give a few more scratches. Before you know it, he's dozed off, so you can go and visit Tony now. To be safe, you turn on the baby monitor Tony installed, which will alert you if something is going on. However, he's a good sleeper, so you'll doubt anything will happen.
Before you go, you add a bit of mascara to your otherwise bare face, and after one last look in the mirror, you head towards the elevator, ready to meet Tony in his office. Clad in nothing more than a loose tank top, cut-off jean shorts, and a pair of low-top Converse, you make your way over, your panties already flooding with arousal at the thought of what you're about to do.
As you approach his office, you see his secretary is gone, so you knock on Tony's door, knowing you should only waltz in there if there's an emergency.
"Come in!" your boyfriend says from the other side of the door. Exhaustion is evident in his voice, as he has been working hard for days. Having you and Moon at his apartment gave him enough reasons to return sooner, but he still has a lot of work to take care of.
As you open the door, you're greeted by Tony looking through a pile of paperwork. You wish you had filmed the reaction on Tony's face as he saw you walk in, as it is priceless.
"Hi, Daddy," you say in a sing-song voice, and his head snaps up at you, a big smile instantly appearing on his face. Before he says anything, he lets his gaze wander down your body, and your perked nipples poking through the thin material of your tank top and the way your thighs clench to give a little relief don't go unnoticed by his expertly trained gaze.
Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you walk into his office. You close the door behind you and lock it before stepping in further. Tony could feel himself straining against the tight fabric of his pants, and it seemed like the temperature had shot up a few degrees with your arrival as well, as he loosened his tie.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes today, Sugar?" Tony asks with a deep voice, the vibration of it making your core burn even harder as your panties soak further. You approach him as he turns his chair to greet you, and you lean forward, your hands lying on the rests as you kiss his lips softly.
"I thought I'd visit my Daddy in his office because I can't stop thinking about you. I've been looking through some old photos of yours earlier, and I can't shake the thought that you're aging like a fine wine, and I want to get drunk on your taste," you whisper in his ear, making Tony moan softly.
As you pull back, you sink on your knees, and Tony gladly spreads his legs for you, giving you all the room you need to do whatever you have in mind. Seeing you with your big, round eyes, plump lips, rosy cheeks, and mischievous smile is the topic of many of his wet dreams, and he can't believe he's about to live through one of them.
You quickly loosen his pants, only to find his bare, hard cock already straining against it, as he's not wearing any underwear today - precisely the way you like it. As you pull it out of his pants, you revel in the flushed, red mushroom tip and the light blue veins running across the length of it. Your fingers barely wrap around it, and you usually struggle to take all of it in your mouth and throat, but that doesn't stop you from trying.
"You're such a naughty boy today, not wearing any underwear to work? I'd almost think you want people to know you're such an easy slut for me," you tut, and Tony groans as he throws his head back. His cock twitches in your hand at his words, and a bead of precum gathers at the tip as you squeeze softly.
"Is this a simulation?" Tony whispers to himself as he looks at the way you're kneeling between his spread legs, his cock looking huge in your small hand, your gaze hungry as you look at the monster you're holding. A devilish smile curls onto your features, and your gaze meets his.
"I don't know, but just in case it is, you should enjoy every last second of it, Daddy," you tell him, and he quickly nods. As you move your hand slowly up and down, you let the nails of your free hand glide over his inner thigh, and you can see the goosebumps forming on the bare skin of his stomach, where he lifted his shirt.
"Why don't you open your shirt for me and play with those beautiful, pink, sensitive nipples?" you ask Tony, and without answering, he immediately rips open his shirt, revealing his chiseled abdomen and broad chest, his nipples already perked at the sensation you're giving him.
As soon as his fingers make contact with his sensitive nipples, he moans, and his hips out into your hand, trying to seek more friction. His brain has already been reduced to nothing but a puddle of goo as you're working him over slowly, your hand twisting with every up-and-down motion. His moans are already uncontrolled, but when you free his balls, too, he moans your name loudly.
"That's it, let everyone know who's making you feel this good," you order, and he moans your name again, his eyes slipping shut as the pleasure almost becomes too much. You haven't even wrapped your soft lips around him yet, and he's already on the edge, making you preen on the inside.
"Look at me, Daddy. Look at me as I swallow your fucking cock," you order, and with a deep breath, he looks at you, the color of your irises wholly taken over by your pupils from pure lust, your free hand now between your legs to relieve some of the tension.
"Hmm, you're like a God to me," you praise him before leaning forward and taking his cock into your mouth. The salty taste of the precum and something undeniably Tony has you moaning around him, and your fingers are making quick work of your clit, as you revel in the power you're currently holding over your boyfriend.
Where Tony's hands were first squeezing his armrests tightly, he's now grabbing onto your hair, grabbing it into a makeshift ponytail before changing the rhythm to his liking. You hollow your cheeks as you take more and more of him into your mouth, your knees digging into the plush fabric of the carpet as you shift slightly.
"Feels so fucking good around my cock, Sugar. You're made to fuckin' suck me with that tight throat of yours," Tony growls as he ruts into your throat, and you swallow him deeper with every thrust, mascara running down your cheeks as he works himself deeper.
It doesn't take long for your nose to hit his pubic bone, and you are taking every last inch of him into your mouth and throat, Tony moaning appreciatively. Your fingers keep rubbing your clit to get the edge off, but not enough to push you over just yet.
"Hmm, touching your little sensitive button, aren't you? Gettin' so horny from sucking off your Daddy, you can't stay away from your clit?" he asks, and you try to shake your head with all your might, but it's difficult with the way he keeps fucking himself into your throat.
If he keeps this up, your mascara will run over your cheeks, making you look filthy, and drool will leak from the corners of your mouth as well.
"Couldn't even wait for her Daddy to come home, could you? Such a needy little girl for Daddy's cock," he tells you, and you moan around his length, making his head fall back in response. His orgasm is building rapidly, and with one last stroke, he keeps you on his cock as he cums, every last drop of it shooting down your throat, forcing you to swallow every last drop of it.
"Good fuckin' girl, now get up here and let Daddy finish you off too," he groans, and you do as he asks, though it's not as graceful as you would hope. His cock is softening between his thighs as you take your place on them, and without warning, Tony shoves his hand into your shorts, finding your soaked panties.
"That's it, cum on Daddy's fingers like a good little slut," he tells you, two of his fingers stretching your tight walls as you bounce up and down on them, and his thumb keeps playing with your sensitive little button. Your brows are knitted together, and with a loud moan of his name, you're writhing in his lap as he works you through your orgasm.
As you're coming down from your high, he pulls you close against his body, his warm hands soothing over your bare back underneath your shirt and your eyes falling shut. You both have a few more minutes to bask in the afterglow of what you have just done, and even though it left you wanting more, you're more than satisfied for now.
"I love you so much, Sugar; I'm so lucky to have you," he whispers in your ear, and the rosy tint on your cheeks had developed into a deep red blush when he was practically fucking your throat, but you wouldn't change it for the world.
"Love you too," you say with a raspy voice, and all too soon for your liking, it's time to go back to the penthouse. When you're both dressed and decent, Tony places a few more soft kisses on your lips before smacking your butt softly to let you go.
"You'd better be naked and ready when I'm done with work in an hour, Sugar, because I'm going to fucking ruin you when I'm home," Tony tells you, and you nod shyly before unlocking the door and slipping out of his office.
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vinetae · 2 years
Only fans jk x y/n ( f ) with twt link
Ooooo, first time with a porno themed smut!
Peaches and Cream - (M)
Genre: Pornstar/onlyfans amateur!Jungkook x Professional Pornstar/onlyfans!Reader
Summary: Jungkook got the chance of a lifetime to hang out with the whole reason he even got into the por- 'content creator' industry in the first place.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Handjobs, blowjobs, MOMMY KINK, Subby!Jungkook, Dom!Reader, mommyfigure!Reader (Literally I want her as my mommy but not mom ya feel me?)
A/N: This didn't really take long. The tittle will make sense later on (was originally gonna be Jungkook's OF username but I think that idea's already taken. well, what's not lmfao.)
Had to listen to some HARD Doja Cat during all of this.
Might feel a little rushed but it's 3am guys-
Recommended song for this little drabble:
Naked - Doja Cat
Options (feat.JID) - Doja Cat
Freaky Deaky - Doja Cat
(and ofc) - Blood, Sweat, and Tears - BTS
His hand reaches out to adjust the camera. Clicking all kinds of buttons and switches to make sure the shots would be perfect. His arms flex, showing off each and every inch of his tattoo sleeve. Just when he's about to start the shoot, a notification pops up in the bottom of his screen. Clicking on the little squared box, his set upon his favorite 'content creator' wearing a black, lacy set. The fabric wraps around each and every one of her curves, dipping in the middle to show a peak of her cleanly kept bits.
He lets out a low groan, hand unconsciously sliding into the set boxer-briefs he'd slipped on prior to his own shoot. His palm wraps around the length of his cock, making a few drawn out stokes just to tease himself a bit. His thumb brushes over the slit of his tip, a chill sends up his spine at the feeling. His free hands reaches out, clicking on the 'start' button to film. He's quick to pan the camera even lower, revealing the casual-classic black set briefs he'd displayed. His screen's split into two, each one with it's own purpose.
Much like his hands right now.
"Mmm, fuck" He groans, hips rising up to meet his palm. The elastic of his boxers had been lowered just enough to show the base of his cock to tease the fans. He sets his voice to a deep, grunt-filled tone to please his audience.
"Mmmm fuckk. Oh yeaahh." His voice strains the best of his register, really wanting to go for that gruff and cold tone.
Curtains have to match the drapes, as they say.
His eyes flash towards the camera reading the comments.
'OMGGGGG how the fuck is this man's dick so pretty-'
'fuck me daddy 😵'
'I wish i was thereeee'
'fuck he's so pretty-'
'@Alicasheangel you can't even see his fucking face lmfao'
'@banshesthewoman idfk i just know he's beautiful'
'daddy?sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry-'
He silently chuckles to himself. His small fandom had always been horny crackheads but- damn.
His free hand reaches upwards, carding his finger through the sweaty locks of his hair. By that, the chat comments go off. It looked to be more than 1,000 comments coming in at once. He barely had any time to catch them.
Jungkook accidentally lets out a small laugh, making his fans go crazy over the little clench his abdomen does. Comments flew left and right and if Jungkook was being honest, it had made his head a little dizzy to try and read.
His voice registers low, trying to maintain the sexy and alluring aura he'd try putting out. "Do I need a top hat?" He teases. The chat's soon filled with just hearts, fire emojis and winky/kissy faces.
'this man can run me over, take both my kidneys, douse me in gasoline and set me on fire, and step on my nipple and I'd say thank you'
'@Tommysheaintit LMFAO GIRL WUT-
'@Busan-sbadest97 Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease'
He felt the base of his cock starting to twitch. More pre-cum leaking out of his slit. He prepares what he'd referred to as the 'c-hum bucket'. It had just been a little dollar-store purchase for his load hold.
His hips stagger with instability. Rising off the edge of his bed, he's quick to make a few body roll against his palm before a string of hot cum trails down the entirety of his softening cock. He reaches for the off-set towel he'd prepared earlier, wiping his hands clean of the warm substance. Before turning the live off, he decides to raise one of his sticky fingers, sucking on the lengthy digit between his two plush lips. He bends over just so that the camera can pick up the sight of his finger sucking and nothing more.
After let the commenters roll out, he shuts down the camera, unplugging it completely before falling backwards into his bed. Reaching for his phone, he scrolls through his other notifications before the same girl's from before had popped up.
XPeachyPrincessX: What's better than pet-play? Pet-slay. Check out my new posts here - Onlyfans.com/xpeachyprincess//new-sets-by-peachy
Jungkook clicks on the link, checking out his favorite creator's new uploads. The photos take a hot minute to load -courtesy of his wifi- but once they load, his mouth drops at the sight. She'd been doing a lot of Lolita themes so far, but this had been something completely different. Her ass had been stuck in the air, a fluffy little bunny tail had been strapped around her waist. The matching bunny ears tuck behind her cute -real- ears.
His thumb hovers over the message button.
Would she even be interested in him? She probably had a million hotter guys fucking her all of the time.
If Jungkook was being honest, Peachy had been his first motive -and really, only- to starting his own Only Fans. He saw how good the pay was, and he'd always been told how good-looking he was from people on the streets. As well as being blessed with a exponentially large dick for his ahem-
He sucks in a breath, thumb still stuck in the air right above the 'message' icon. He thinks for a few seconds, before deciding to go for it. After a few -20- minutes of typing out his carefully crafted message, he'd sent it.
Now to just wait.
He throws his phone to the side, letting out a drawn out sigh. He knew she's a busy woman. With all of the spam messaging, DMs and comments she gets she'll probably ignore him comple-
He rushes to open the app, seeing one new notification.
From: XPeachyPrincessX
Oh, hey I know you! My follows were wanting us to collab for a while now. Had to look you up but I'll say, B. You're impressive. I like the aesthetics you go for. So, when would you want to meet up?
He couldn't believe it. The woman he'd been dying to meet, was offering a collaboration. No, not like the ones YouTubers do.
But you could already figure that out.
He jumps off, carding his hands through his hair so roughly, he's afraid he might go bald sooner than he's thought. He takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart as he types back.
After a few weeks of going back and forth with details, locations, and dates, Jungkook had finally arrived. The place had been hidden in the shadows of two taller buildings to keep it nice and secluded. He takes in a deep breath before opening the door.
His eyes follow upon all different kinds of sets. A little police station tucked in the corner, a woman with barely anything but handcuffs around her hands had been pressed up against the wall by a tall, brooding man. He too, had almost nothing to cloth himself with.
"Hey, B!" A voice becks him over. He flashes a long smile, watching as the woman comes jogging up to meet him. She too has an adorable smile.
How he's never seen it? Well, this wasn't a Only Smiles company.
"Nice to finally meet you, B." His eyebrow quirks at the name. "B?" She smiles, nodding.
"Can't risk using our real names here. Ya know, safety and shit. They usually call me Peaches, so you can too if you want. Or something else if you'd prefer." He nods, watching the cute little dimples dip onto her cheeks, making her appear even more youthful.
His eyes flash up, seeing a woman following behind Peaches, a large makeup bag carried in her other arm. Peaches apologizes, allowing the small woman to finish doing her cute, doll-like makeup. The woman's gaze focuses on his.
"Come." She motions him over to sit in the setup chair. He takes a seat, watching as Peaches makes her way over to the spotlights to talk with the director for a few moments.
After his makeup had been complete, the woman offers a mirror. He nods, admiring her excellent skills in cosmetics. Peaches returns, a shoulder peaks out from her silky black robe. Jungkook's throat tightens at the sight. Of course he'd been naked on camera before, but they had always been solo acts.
"Alright- woah.." She stops, eyes widening at his harsh look.
"Is..is it bad?" He questions, already reaching for the little makeup wipes on the table. She chuckles, head shaking from left to right.
"No, looks amazing. Hot for sure. Alrighty," She comments, the tint on Jungkook's cheeks flush even deeper. She turns her phone's screen, showing him all of the ropes.
As they make their way through the doors, his eyes set upon the most erotic and sensual set he's ever seen. A light pink backdrop had been laid out, a mini-fridge sat upon a small block to rise the little, barbie sized cooler about a foot up or two.
"So, as you could already tell, the theme's Peaches and Cream." He nods, eyes taking in all of the colorful sights to admire. She slides her phone into her purse off set before hearing the director yelling something. A bell rings, as someone comes up behind Jungkook, removing his clothes quickly.
He felt very bare and awkward, but Peach's extended hand made a warm sensation bubble in his stomach, settling his nerves.
They direct him over to her bent over figure. Her ass teasing his hardening cock on sight. She'd bent over as instructed, pretending to reach for a little thing inside the mini-fridge, a shocked expression plasters her doll-like features. They guide Jungkook behind her, shooting a short little video for a cover.
He leans over as well, not really sure of what to do.
"Back hug me." She says through her shocked face. He's quick to follow They pan the camera down to catch her face.
After a few takes, they switch positions. The director had told her to lay between his legs, an exaggerated, shocked expression once again paints her features.
Her hands brush the sides of his knees, making his thigh tense from sensitivity. A cute giggle exits from her plump lips.
"Cold?" She glances back, questioning with a soft look. He shakes his head. She leans back a bit, whispering into his ear.
"Peaches and cream, get it?" Jungkook laughs at the dirty play-on-words, nodding.
"Great shoot guys!" Jungkook sighs, taking a seat down next to the staff's food table. The ton all start clapping, rolling out the cameras and mics to protect their pricings. She'd been talking to the director for the past ten minutes now. His all-too-close touches never go unnoticed by Jungkook's green eyes.
Yes, he has brown.
He reaches out, trying to grab a little rice cake before the platter's snatched away. He lets out a sigh, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. She had looked so calm and professional.
He probably looked so stupid.
He goes to stand up, making his way to the door before a sweet voice calls out to beck him over. "Ju- B! Where you going?" He shrugs, fainting a little cute smile. She pouts, arms crossing at his obvious forced smile.
"I'm kinda tired." She holds out a little pastry, his face imminently lighting up at the sight. He grabs the little dessert, taking a large bite. That puts a smile on her face.
"I'm sorry for the staff.. They're kinda harsh on newcomers." He nods, holding a thumbs up. She chuckles, brushing her fingertip over the stickiness of his bangs.
"You still tired?" She questions, a little smirk toys the corner of her lip. He shakes his head.
"Oh wow.." He gawks, admiring her large, and pristine apartment complex. She giggles, pressing the remote, the curtains drawing close to block the sunset's final good-bye.
"Woah!" His eyes widen like saucers, acting like a little kid at a amusement park for the first time.
She sets the remote down, shrugging the robe off her shoulders, stepping out of her little fluffy, hot pink laced set she'd worn for the shoot.
"They don't have these back where I li-" His jaw drops at the sight. The hot pink two-piece lays lifelessly on the floor, circling her high-heeled soles. A smirk presses her smooth lips.
"Bet they don't have this either." She teases, striding over to where he stood. She pushes lightly against his chest, making him fall backwards onto the pristine white of her sectional. She kneels down, hands toying with the zipper of his jeans.
"Wait wait wait-" He grabs her hands, stopping her motions. Her eyebrow quirks at the halt.
"What's wrong?" His throat dries at the scene. His all-time favorite content creator had been kneeled between his thighs, willingly wanting to suck his dick-
"I just- are you comfortable?" His question makes a smile appear on her face.
"Wow.." She chuckles. Jungkook swears he could see a tomato-tint creep up on her caked on cheeks.
"Nobody really asks that anymore.." His head tilts in concern. "Well- it's just the respectable thing to do." She nods, unbuttoning the clasp on his pants once more.
"That makes me wanna suck you off even more." His eyes widen, hands trying to stop her. "Wait- Peaches uh-"
She licks her lips, watching the length of his cock bob up to rest in mid-air.
"It's Y/n." She coos before wrapping her lips around the tip of his cock. He groans, knuckles fisting white as his mouth parts.
"Y-Y/n.." She smirks, bobbing her head at a quicker rate. The rest she couldn't fit in the space of her mouth, she wrapped her palm around his base to jerk the rest off. His hips rise up, meeting her bobs in unison. She chuckles, using one free hand to rub gentle circles into his thick thighs. She releases, popping off as a string of saliva and pre-cum bridges from his tip to her lips.
"Shhh, it's okay Kook." He moans out, abdomen clenching at her soothing voice.
"K-Kook?" She nods, applying kitten-like licks to his squishy tip.
"Jungkook. It's shorter." Her voice lowers a few registers as a smirk teases her lips.
"Easier to moan."
His head lulls back, mouth dropping at the amazing feeling. His legs spread wider unconsciously, as her hand comes to cup his balls, massaging them gently. His hand reaches out, pulling and pushing forwards, debating on whether if it was okay for him to touch her.
She smiles, guiding his hand to the crown of her head. "You can grip me if you want, baby." He nods, hands taking no hesitation in gripping at her dyed roots. His moans grow in volume, hips rising more as he feels his high creeping up like a car to a stoplight.
"Y/n- I-" She nods, moving her closed hand along the length of his throbbing cock. "Use your words, sweetie. Tell mommy what you need."
His chest pants heavily, thighs tensing from holding back the release he so wanted. "I- cum-"
She squishes his tip, watching as a little bit more of his sticky pre-cum drips from his slit. "You what?"
"Mommy please- Please let me cum- oh fuck.." She grins, engulfing his entire cock in one go. He cries out, throwing himself against the couch's end. Hand gripping tightly at her roots, as if he was holding on for dear life. The pace her hands had been going at went ten times faster, as the coil snapped inside stomach. Beads of hot cum shoot out onto the dips and creases of her face. Some, getting in her line of sight.
"Oh- oh fuck wait-" He stands up, rushing to find anything to clean her up with. He grab a few dry paper towels, wiping the sticky substance from her entire face.
"Mmm, such a gentleman, Kookie." He blushes, wiping the last bit of his juices from her face. She flashes him an adorable smile, making his own return once more.
"I'm sorry.." He apologizes profusely. She chuckles, shaking her head. "For what? You were the kindest guy I've fucked so far."
"Really?" She nods, making Jungkook's heart ache a twinge.
"That's just common courtesy.." She sits down on the couch, leaning back in exhaustion.
"Common courtesy, not so common."
The two both laugh at that, ending the night with two hot chocolates and a whole bunch of industry gossip.
Okay I'm considering making a part two because I thought I didn't like the mommy kink but- oh God..
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! DM me for more requests (Please ask nicely.)
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
heyo!! this sounds like a weird request but can you can an insta au with a reader who’s a kpop idol ???
Celebrity Crush - Instagram AU
(Bengals QuarterBack! Joe Burrow x K-Pop Idol! OC)
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liked by 570,815 users
Bengals: If the internet breaks, this is why.
view all 30,405 comments
username2: the Bengals page is really trying to turn my gay at this point…
username3: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
username4: he could tell me to jump into an active volcano and i’ll do a swan dive!
username5: hard to look ❌hard while looking at ✅
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liked by 1,009,513 users
yourinstagram: Night 1 in New York!
Thank you, I love you 🤍
keep dreaming, loving, and doing what you gotta do!
Thank you for a lot of love last night!
view all 420,075 comments
username1: the concert was so much fun!
thegarden: 🤍🤍🤍
username2: NEW YORK LOVES YOU!
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liked by 99,513 users
ALLKPOP: Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Joe Burrow revealed in the Media Press Conference that he is a big fan of K-POP Soloist Y/FN Y/LN and he said that she is his celebrity crush and that everyone should go listen to her new album that was released in April.
Who Knew That The NFL QB is a K-POP Fan?!
view all 50,111 comments
username1: i never thought that my two worlds would collide 😵‍💫 i don’t know how to react to this information
username2: i’ve seen this guy all of my FYP… he’s hot!
↳ usermame3: he’s even hotter now that he’s admitted to being a fan of Y/N!
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liked by 690,205
view all 101,630 comments
username1: this is the first time Y/N has acknowledged a celebrity when they say they like her music 😳
username2: the kissy face and pink heart emojis 😶
username3: nice choice of emojis @.yourinstagram
username4: as a burrow girl and a Y/N fan… i think i might pass out seeing my two faves interacting 🫨
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liked by 20,513 users
view all 9,055 comments
username2: now i understand why Y/N decided to acknowledge that Joe Burrow listens to her music…
username3: Y/N IS A BURROW GIRL?!
↳ username4: i didn’t even know she liked american football… who introduced her to the world of sports?!
username5: i want to be a fly on the wall when Y/N found out that Joe Burrow listens to her music.
username6: this is the wildest thing to happen in the K-Pop World in a very very very very very long time 😳
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liked by joeyb_9 and 1,505,013 users
yourinstagram: Night Two in New York!
Thank You So Much… I Love You 🤍
being able to perform multiple tour shows at Madison Square Garden is an honor and i’m so thankful for the love and support you all have shown me on tour.
view all 222,009 comments
thegarden: you’re always welcome at MSG!
username1: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
username2: i can’t believe tour will be over soon ☹️
username3: WE’RE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!
joeyb_9: you need to do a concert in Cincinnati.
↳ yourinstagram: new tour dates are coming soon 😊
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Author’s Note:
i used to be a fan of k-pop (i only listened to one boy group, a few girl groups, and a few soloists) so it was kinda interesting to combine one of my old interests with one of my new interests.
it’s been a while since i’ve published a requested Instagram AU, thank you all for the patience as i’m trying to catch up on all the IG AU requests that are in my Inbox at the time.
if you have a Instagram AU request, please send the IG AU request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the requested Instagram AU published as fast as i can!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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mykneeshurt · 2 years
Don’t fear the Reaper part 1
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I got excited and wrote part one haha. Female character, swearing and COD typical violence throughout this series. Female x oc
A night at the pub goes awry, Ghost offers a helping hand, though that’s not the only thing you notice that night.
Don’t fear the Reaper, a popular saying about the inevitability of death. However, you were feared amongst many. You’d been with 141 for a while now and earnt your call sign ‘Reaper’, due to your extremely violent tendencies. There was nothing you loved more than watching the life drain from a persons eyes. The warmth of their blood on your skin. In fact you revelled in it.
On base those who didn’t know you, but knew of you gave you a wide berth. They felt uneasy. And honestly? You loved it. You loved making people feel uneasy, on edge. You kept to yourself mostly, preferring to observe and listen to your surroundings. You’d often be found either at the gun range, or on the mats sparring with some sucker who clearly had a death wish.
Tonight, however you were sat on the roof, dangling your feet over the edge like a child. You watched as you exhaled smoke, the sweet high of nicotine coating your lungs. The night was clear, stars peering down over you like silent protectors. It was peaceful, just how you liked it. That was until your phone vibrated next to you, a little soap emoji popped up. Smirking you rolled your eyes, wee Johnny, your closet friend here. His text was simple. Pub. Not a question but a command.
Jumping down you stubbed out the cigarette under your black boots and made your way down the stairs. Sending a kissy face emoji back to him. You swung by your room to freshen up, change of top, a swipe of red lip balm and a squirt of Baccarat Rouge 540. You slid your phone back in your pocket and gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
‘Reaper!’ He shouted excitedly down the hall, his accent thick and gravelly. God you loved his accent, any Scottish accent to be honest. ‘Hey Johnny!’ You smiled back, bounding towards him full speed. You hopped on his back as he made his way off base, you two were thick as thieves. But purely platonic, he had a girl back home he was planning on asking to marry him. You kept annoying him by asking to be his best man, constantly.
The pub wasn’t too far away from the base, a small country side pub which was normally filled with locals. Locals you had a love hate relationship with. Gaz, Price and Ghost were already there waiting for the two of you. They were all squished in a tiny booth, which looked ludicrous. Two chairs were placed outside the booth, at the end of the table ready for you.
The pub was warm and cosy, a stone floor and wooden beams adorned the ceiling. Pale white walls and a huge open fire in the centre, crackling in the background. Perfection. Two pints were already waiting for you by the time you arrived. ‘There they are! Take your fuckin time, Christ!’ Gaz greeted with a roll of his eyes. ‘Who put 20p in you this evening?’ Soap retorted, taking his seat. You followed suit, pulling your chair into the table and taking a sip of the amber liquid of the Gods.
‘Looks like you needed that’ Price laughed from behind his beard. You nodded ‘thirsty work making men submit all day.’
‘Not making em quit already I hope?’ Price asked taking a swig of his drink. Smirking, you shrugged, ‘not yet anyway.’ It was a well known fact you put new recruits through their paces during drills, especially sparring and close combat training. So much so that a few had quit mere weeks after joining, something you were quite proud of in fact.
Conversation and drinks flowed well into the evening. You stumbled back from the jukebox and eagerly awaited your song choice. ‘Better not be shit, I know what you’re like’ Ghost quipped. You feigned offence, ‘now sir, since when have I ever played shit. I am a woman of good taste I’ll have you know.’ He rolled his eyes before a small crease became visible in the outer corner. Fucker was smiling under that mask. You often wondered what his mouth looked like.
True Faith by New Order came on over the speakers, you flashed a grin to Ghost who met your gaze with some surprise. ‘Well?’
‘Hmm, not bad, I’ll let you off.’
‘Not bad?!’ You shrieked laughing, ‘this is a staple, an absolute classic. Pffft. Not bad. I’m offended.’ You swigged the dregs of your pint before standing, ‘my round lads, same as before?’ They finished off their drinks and a flurry of please and thank yous rang out among them.
The pub was busy, but wasn’t overcrowded, it was a nice atmosphere, relaxed. Putting the tray of drinks on the table you handed them out one by one. Handing Ghost his short of Bourbon his fingertips grazed yours as you passed him the glass. Normally this wouldn’t have bothered you, except he seemed to flinch. Looking up his eyes were already on you, burning through your mere presence. As you caught his gaze he looked away, desperately looking else where. Weird.
Evening turned into night, round two turned into three, turned into five. You were all starting to feel the affects of the alcohol, feeling merry and buzzed. You stood outside smoking a cigarette, taking a few minutes for yourself. Enjoying your own company until a group of men walked past, one deciding to try his chances with you. ‘Alright love? Nice arse you got there.’ You eyed him up and down, ‘thanks. Bit out of your league though a ain’t I?’ He approached your further. ‘She got a mouth on her this one. I like em feisty. Come back with me I’ll show you a good time.’
‘It’s a no from me. Keep walking, there’s a good lad.’ You pointed to the direction of the village. ‘Wasn’t asking, was tellin yah. Seems that mouth of yours needs putting to work.’ He came closer still, rage now rising in your blood. ‘I wouldn’t’ you warned, anger coating the tip of your tongue. ‘Or what?’ He squared up to you, pushing your buttons for a reaction, mashing them all together. ‘Or I’ll punch you so hard you’ll be shitting teeth for a week. Now. Fuck off.’ You stepped up to him, face to face, seeing the rage overflow from him. Clearly he doesn’t know what no means.
With him not backing down you offered one final warning. ‘Last chance. Fuck off.’ Scoffing he spat in your face, ‘bitch.’ And that was that, you saw red. Reeling back you planted a very hard Glasgow kiss on his forehead. As he stumbled backwards you pushed him, he fell to the floor with a thud. His friends then started shouting obscenities at you. ‘Oh fuck off. I’ll floor you n all if you want?’ You knew Price would have you for this, again. But you didn’t care, why should they keep getting away with it.
Due to the commotion the boys appeared at the door, seeing the larger men come to your aid the others ran off. Hoisting their confused friend off the floor and throwing him over their shoulders. ‘Think you’ve have enough love. We all have, back to base’ Price ordered. ‘He fuckin started it!’
‘And I’m finishing it. Ghost have a word, Soaps in the loo. Gaz grab her purse please mate.’
Feeling like a child you marched ahead to the base, furious at being shut down like that. With only a few short strides Ghost caught up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you. ‘You alright?’ Whipping round you looked up at him, seething, ‘do I look alright? I get harassed and yet I’m the bad guy? Fuckin Price. He can be a real arse sometimes.’
‘I know, but…’
‘But nothing. Do you know how exhausting it is to be harassed and still be made out to be the bad guy. That it feels like I should just sit back and take it? Fuck no. And fuck you if you think that.’
‘I don’t think that. None of us do.’
‘He fucking spat at me. Pity I couldn’t cave his fucking head in.’
‘He spat at you?! Lemme see.’
In your heightened state you’d completely forgot to even wipe it off your face. A string of saliva hung from your hairline to your cheek. Ghost cupped your jaw with one had and wiped away the offensive substance with the other. He’s patched you up before, but never touched you, like this. Gentle. Caring. You felt the flutter of a butterfly’s wing in your stomach, a pin prick of heat rose to your cheeks. ‘Thanks, sir’ you murmured softly.
‘Oi!’ A familiar voice boomed. Soap came running up to you, hands fumbling over you making sure you were ok. ‘Price told me what happened. Heard you head-butted the wanker. Gutted i didnae see it.’ You ruffled his hair, ‘well I can head-butt you? Then you’d know what it felt like.’
‘Fuck off Reaper. Come on’ he motioned for you to jump up for a piggyback, ‘let’s get you back before you assault anyone else.’
You jumped up onto his back and secured you legs round his waist. Turning back you saw Ghost was still watching you, nodding you offered a silent thank you. His touch still biting at your face.
A/N hit me up if you wanna be on the tag list chief.
@sashadiurnal @iamnotyourmusebitch (thank you for fuelling me with reaper inspiration)
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks to @heartstringsduet for the tag 💕
This is from a fic I’m calling The Way We Get By, and it’s meant as a companion piece to the story I posted Monday, getting past the wounds of love. This one is set a couple years in the future, it will explore more of the TK Marjan friendship and Tarlos.
When they’re back in the car TK texts a picture Marjan took of him and Charlie with Tapioca to the 126 group thread. In the picture Tapioca and Charlie are both in his lap and Charlie is rocking her pink heart-shaped sunglasses.
Carlos responds right away:
“Nice, babe. You both are so cute.”
TK laughs and thinks Carlos probably thought he’d sent the picture to him directly, didn’t notice it was the group thread. A second text quickly comes through:
“I can’t wait to get home, I'm gonna kiss every inch of your face.”
Yep, definitely didn’t notice it was the group thread.
An immediate response comes through from Nancy, “gross dude.” He puts his phone away as Mateo and Paul start blowing up the thread with kissy face emojis and requests for them to “get a room.”
From the backseat Charlie, perched in her carseat like a tiny dictator, is demanding DJ privileges.
“Auntie Marj, play the bubble girl song,” she calls. “Bubble girl, bubble girl.”
“Bubble girl?” TK asks.
Marjan considers for a moment, as Charlie starts singing what could be a song, “bubble girl, you are the queen.”
“Oh, no,” Marjan laughs as she connects her phone to the car’s bluetooth. “I played Bikini Kill for her like a year ago, I guess this one’s her jam.” A few more clicks on her phone and ‘Rebel Girl’ starts playing.
“Ooh yeah,” TK says, cranking the volume dial.
Charlie immediately starts screaming her own lyrics along from the back seat, TK and Marjan exchange an amused glance before joining in.
Tagging @liminalmemories21 @freneticfloetry @mikibwrites @carlos-in-glasses @ladytessa74 @rmd-writes @alrightbuckaroo @ambiguouspenny @chicgeekgirl89 and anybody else who wants to go!
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query-quadrant · 23 days
AVICE NEEDED !!!!11!!!!!!11!!
ok im gonna start this off with a warning dont start shit off with a bang if you cant keep up that momentum
not to be all sparkly spade emoji vitriol emoji sparkly spade emoji on you but the most over the top romantic way ive ever been asked out is when grey sent me that insane hate letter virus thing and that idiot could NOT keep it going really set himself up for failure there
if you start shit off with a grand romantic gesture you gotta be prepared to keep that energy going 
but anyway here
dubiously good ideas: 
1. once asked a dude out by pouring bleach out in his lawn ring in the shape of a spade so it killed all the grass it was really funny and was stuck like that till it grew back lmao dude got a lot of questions about it
2. one of my best friends got a bunch of calligraphy supplies and ye old ink and a quill and wrote a very fancy looking list of all the things wrong with the girl she sent it to like it looked fancy but the actual letter wasnt it was mostly swear words and shit like “thats why youre so fucking stupid youre a freak youre a freak and your clothes are ugly" and sealed it in a fancy envelope with a wax seal and everything and like a kiss mark on the envelope with her best lipstick it was really funny
3. ok this ones gonna be long and really fucking abnormal but lets be serious here if you actually need something big and grand and unique and dont wanna ask them out normal style and also im not just yapping at you and regurgitating shit i already did or a friend of mine did or that you can find in a list online already like "buy them dead flowers teehee and make them a ransom note winky face kissy emoji five exclamation points" then i mean obviously doing something personal is best i mean grey and i have the internet feud thing going on so tech based shit is it but for you your rivalry is probably based on something else doing something rooted in thats sappy and stupid and sparkly spade gif for real
what i mean is pick something you both already compete in and do it way better than they can or make it a custom challenge for them and mix your confession into it like the stupid virus i got
if you both do baking do something really difficult and annoying or time consuming that you know they cant in the shape of a middle finger 
mod a game or just boot up marioh maker and make them a stupidly hard but also well built custom troll level and hide the confession at the end 
write a custom flarp thing and when you beat their ass have your big evil character monologue be the confession 
a whole custom pitch themed escape room could be really funny if youre rich or have the right friends 
or who knows whatever it really depends on what youre into some of these are insane and embarrassing as fuck but if it works for you it works
oh man this shit got away from me lmao but basically do something specific to your rivalry that says im challenging you im better than you and i want you idk why i didnt just say that youre not dumb you dont need examples anyway
finally heres bad advice youre here for that shit probably lets go bad advice: 
1. ok i have a new idea thats going to totally revolutionize the pitch dating sphere what if instead of asking people out pitchways you try and have the worst possible confession in a different quadrant possible just really shitty awkward insulting badly timed the works 
see if you can piss them off enough with it that they just have to have you as their kismesis its called reverse psychology its very smart and sophisticated and could never go wrong
2. you can always kill their lusus killing their lusus is totally not famous for almost always backfiring and only working in insane romance novels and really shitty movies dont worry about it
3. steal a confession from a fanfic make sure its from a fandom theyre into so you can recommend them that same fanfic later
3. ask them for advice on how to ask people out pitchways and do exactly that 
wait ok actually that one could be good thats hilarious never mind put that on the good list i mean its not romantic but it could be so funny if you did it right
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Halloween and drunk for the other half? 💕✨☺️
Send me an emoji prompt!
Halloween headcanon
Oh my god shop girl thinks she's so funny
You know she's going as Batman for Halloween
Bruce doesn't know if he should be amused or offended
Especially because she seems to do such a purposely shoddy job
She uses black hockey pads and makes the bat symbol out of sticky notes so people can make it out against the rest of the costume
She makes the cowl out of black balaclava and adds the lil ears/horns with styrofoam
Bruce does not go to the party with her
But he does follow her to her party in his ~uniform~ to make sure she's alright
Drunk headcanon
I think it's rare that either of them get drunk
When Bruce does, he tends to keep to himself and have a quiet evening in. He might invite shop girl to have one when he gets in
And gets cuddly and stays close for the evening.
When shop girl does, it's a night out with Michelle and the girls
Michelle winds up texting Bruce to come and get his girlfriend
And shop girl is sorta handsy
Not in a bad way, but in a grasping-sweater-tugging-Bruce-in kissy face, "My man came to get meeeeeee," Kinda way
If Bruce leans over to buckle her in, she gives him a big MWAH kiss on the cheek
Catch them taking Bruce's lambo through the drive thru because she wants chicken nuggets
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Inventor harry accidentally hurts yn with one of his inventions???
The velvet navy blue sky that was sprinkled in silver celeste dots; patterned themselves across yn's window. She was enjoying the sweet breeze of summer, after dark. Window was cracked a peek, feet were firmly planted on the mattress, as knees were bent to table the laptop Yn was blueprinting her next project on.
Ding! Yn's phone lit up with the message bannered on the lockscreen.
H: Hey babe, come check out my basketball shooter! You're gonna love it 😘
Yn smiled at the little kissy emoji Harry had chosen. He was always affectionate and straightforward with it. Yn grabbed her cell phone and hoodie before wandering out of her house and into the starry night.
"Okay, I'm here....where's the shooter?" yn asked, scanning the room for anything that could be the new invention. Harry's hidden lab was full of what was thought to be nick-nacks and lava lamps, but were actually little inventions that Harry had processed over the years.
"Here it is," Harry snatched the tarp off of a telescope looking thing that stood about 3 feet. "This is the basketball shooter I was telling you about. It can shoot up to 12 feet!" Yn's mind raced as to what would move Harry to build such a 'useless' piece of machinery.
Yn took a step closer, eyebrow tilted higher than the other; pondering the machine's next move. Harry's back, completely turned fiddling with the buttons. "I think it's this on-"
The sharp ball shot out, rocket speed; nicking Yn's eyebrow and blackening her eye while at it. Harry watched in horror as his girlfriend was now holding one half of her face with her matching hand, mouth agape in shock. The nettled shooting pain, percolated itself within seconds, making Yn dodder in whimpers. "I am so sorry Yn," Harry made his way over to his girlfriend, taking her gently out of the lab and into his car.
The bottom of Yn's eyebrow was bleeding and her eye was already mixing itself with black and purple. The discernible wounds echoing on Yn's gentle face, were enough to choke out a few sobs from a guilty Harry.
Yn's face cringed as the nurse injected the numbing medicine for the four stitches she needed to put in. Harry, squeezed Yn's hand; trembling it lightly while staring delicately at the young girl's face with sappy eyes and a quivered small smile. X-rays were taken and showed that Yn suffered no broken bones or concussions. But that wasn't enough for Harry. He needed something more to ease his sorrow guilt....something that would outrageous and arbitrary just to not seethe with compunction.
"All done," The nurse chirped, "You did a great job." Yn gave a small smile before thanking the nurse before she left. Cold silence radiated the room, before Yn gestured she should get home. "Yn," Harry felt out of breath, "Again, I am so so so so so sorry for the accident, I had no idea it was going to shoot out that fas-"
"Harry, it's okay," Yn said with almost a giggle. Maybe a purposeful one to ease the mood. "It was an accident....and besides.....I was in the way anyway. I should never have been that close." Harry scratched behind his head before giving puppy dog eyes.
"You got yourself a pretty big boo-boo there," He shot a chuckle, "I'll kiss it better." Harry cooed in a babyish voice before pressing a sound kiss to Yn's stitches site. The two walked out of the hospital, Yn's head leaning on Harry's shoulder as they drove off to Yn's place.
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free-for-all-fics · 30 days
Part 2 of my Modern Lioncourt Saga ft. Rockstar Lestat and you as his sister! Again, special thanks to @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit for the French and other additional dialogue! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of this and I’d love to read it! 🎸❤️🩸
Part 2: Gossip is a Girl’s Best Friend
Juliette spends the Lyft journey to your and Lestat’s place girding her loins for what she might find. You only sent her a vague text telling her that she looked like someone who could hang, so she should come over ASAP and bring her makeup bag with her, followed by a second text in all caps emphasizing to NOT forget the makeup bag, then a third text that was just a bunch of heart and kissy face emojis. Having worked for you and Lestat as long as she has, she knows that that text could either mean you want to celebrate something and are feeling giddy, or you “went overboard” as you like to call it, and now need her to make arrangements to dispose of a dead body or two that are hanging from the ceiling before the housekeeping comes in to clean up any other traces of your wild night. There’s a very real possibility it could be either a grumpy, monosyllabic you and/or Lestat answering the door covered head to toe in blood, eyes dilated from anger or lust, (That’s the problem with vampires; their pleasure and their wrath often look the same.) fangs poking out, or it could mean you and/or Lestat being drunk off your asses from drug- and alcohol-infused blood and melting into giggly messes as you let loose and abuse your vampire powers - the Cloud Gift to float, both literally and figuratively high as kites and bouncing off the walls, the Mind Gift to freeze time and puppeteer people, etc., all to pull crazy and stupid pranks for your entertainment. She’s been warned about when either of you are in one of your moods. She knows by now it’s almost always either a party or a massacre. The cacophonous sounds of loud rock music, indiscernible chatter, and laughter coming through the intercom as an unknown man, probably a security guard, comes on the screen only confirms what she already knows to be true.
“Do you have an appointment?”
Juliette leans over the driver so the guard can see her. “I’m Juliette, Mr. And Ms. Lioncourt’s PA. I just wanted to—”
“Employed by the Lioncourts or not, all visitors are required to make a reser—”
You shoo the guard away. “Get back to work! Go walk Mojo or something! What is it? Who are you? What do you want?” You press your face closer to get a better look. You can see it’s Juliette. “My god, you’ve gotten even fatter.” You almost smash the keypad as you buzz her into the house that’s more like a mansion, complete with a wrought iron gate that slowly opens, allowing Juliette’s Lyft to drive through. “Come in. Come, come.”
The cacophony of loud music blasting and nearly 200 guests, both vampire and human, chatting and yelling amongst themselves as they gorge themselves on food, alcohol, blood, drugs, and sex nearly makes your and Lestat’s house shake and vibrate. The lights, the colors, the sparkles and the glitter, the sounds, and the smells nearly make Juliette’s senses overwhelmed.
“Oh hey, babe!” You fling open the door and wrap your arms around her. Your corset, stockings, short skirt, and heeled boots combined with your jewelry, hair, and makeup make you look like a princess that’s a mix between the Rococo/Baroque period of France and 80’s gothic glam rock. Juliette’s eyebrows almost hit the ceiling. This is…unexpected. Yet not. The house is heaving with people. A mess of half-dressed bodies bouncing to the music with the beauty of oiled-up professional dancers, some in drag while others are stripping. From the corner of her eye, Juliette can faintly catch a glimpse of people drinking blood and/or having sex in “private” rooms only sealed off by velvet curtains. Like a very debauched music video, all body glitter and taut torsos, the air is thick with the scent of weed, sweat, blood, and sex. It’s repulsive and intoxicating at the same time. Whatever the fuck is happening here, it’s about a whisper away from an orgy. Not that you or Lestat are morally against that. You and he could fuck them and then eat them. Neither of you would turn down dinner and a show.
You take Juliette by the hand and, together, you retreat from the crowd and the noise to the relative calm of your massive bedroom upstairs, complete with an in-suite bathroom and two spacious walk-in closets which, luckily, is separate from Lestat’s room. You’ve half-joked before that if you and your brother had to share a room, you’d probably fuck or murder each other in some drugged and sleep deprived delirium after consuming blood from intoxicated people.
“Sorry about the chaos and the mess. Lestat and I decided to throw a house party to celebrate the release of our new album and the end of our tour. Usually the After Party is enough but, since tonight is the last show, we really wanted to go all out before taking a break from touring to work on the next album and book. Go out with a bang, as they say. Except we’re taking it literally. Don’t worry, though. My and Lestat’s bedrooms are strictly off limits, so nobody has been in there except us and whoever we invite in. We’re safe in here for tonight, and then we’ll get our maids to clean up and spray down and disinfect everything with alcohol so that, by tomorrow morning, this place will be looking brand new.”
Juliette gives you a look like she doesn’t believe you.
“I’m serious! The floor will be so clean you’ll be able to eat off of it. Yum yum! Anyway, thanks for coming. I’m looking forward to you being there tonight. I know this was unexpected of us. Lestat and I are often unpredictable, so I really appreciate your flexibility. Do not get the wrong idea about this, though. We’re not like friends or anything.”
“Oh yeah, I know.”
“No. It’s just that you’ve cleaned up after Lestat’s and I’s bloody messes and covered up our murders so many times I was starting to feel bad. Like, I don’t know, I need to throw you a bone soon or it’s gonna be bad karma. Like my Porsche or house is gonna get swallowed up by a sinkhole or something. I don’t know. What are bad things that happen to people? Only good things happen to me because I do charitable work like this. Je suis une sainte. (I’m a saint.) So my actual friends are gonna be here at 11. I asked you to come early because I figured you were gonna come looking…like this…and we need plenty of time to do something about it. You know the last thing I need is for you to embarrass me in front of my friends with…this whole look.”
“We’re going through this again?”
“Yeah. So I wanted this to be a one-on-one thing so I didn’t call Lestat. Usually we do everything together but I wanted this to be one-on-one. But now that we are rockstars, have our own makeup brand and fashion magazine, and are writing our own books in response to Molloy’s trashy bestseller, we started off on a really high note and we want to keep riding that high. So before I accept you into my friend group, we really have to do something about your look.”
“I thought we weren’t friends?”
“Hush, babes. That’s why I called you over today. No offense or anything but we need to maintain a certain image. Before you buy anything, you have to consult with your friends just to make sure, you know, that we like the outfit because, sometimes, you might have tastes or you might like something that one of us doesn’t like and, if we don’t like what you’re wearing, we’re not gonna ask you to join us because we surround ourselves only with people that will obviously be bringing our reputations up, not dragging them through the mud. Like we have a really good name for ourselves so that’s what we do. We ask each other for advice and, if I can be totally honest with you, just keep this our little secret, but my and Lestat’s opinions are the ones that matter the most. Andy’s great. Tough Cookie’s…wonderful. And Larry is…Larry. But my and Lestat’s opinions are the ones you want down pat, okay? Because we pretty much made them who they are. Like, they weren’t anything before so we pretty much made them who they are today. D’ailleurs (by the way) where were you on Saturday?”
“I can’t remember.”
“What do you mean you can’t remember? Saturday? Hello? Weekend? You didn’t come to my party. Why is that?”
“Oh, I had a family dinner to attend.”
“Family dinner? How sweet. Dinners don’t run until like midnight, though, so where did you go after?”
“I went to the mall.”
“Uh huh.”
“My cousins came from out of state and I wanted to spend time with them before they went back home.”
“What do you mean you wanted to spend time with your cousins? Okay. You could’ve just brought them with you, you know. Are you coming with me to the After Party tonight?”
“I can’t come tonight. Sorry.”
“No? Why not?”
“I already made plans and have to get up early tomorrow.”
“For what? Clarinet practice or something? Qu’elle ingrate.” (She is so ungrateful.)
“I’ve got a date, so I ca—”
You cough in surprise and fan your face. “I’m sorry, I think the dry shampoo fumes are getting to me. Did you say a date? Oh my god. What a world we live in, like literally anything can happen. Kind of beautiful when you think about it. I didn’t even know you had a crush on anyone. So, spill, spill, spill.”
“I’m not sure…”
“Oh my god, it’s okay, you can tell me.”
“I’d rather not. It doesn’t seem appropriate. Since you’re like, my boss…”
“Why not? Because we’re not friends? Okay, well, I’ve just decided we’re friends now. So now that we’re besties officially, I hope you’re aware that if at any point, you do happen to develop a crush, no matter how small, you are legally obligated to inform me and your secret will be safe with me. I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
“But vampires can read minds, though…”
“Ugh. If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Okay. Fine. I have eight of them - wait no, seven. Why do you look so surprised?”
“I just…uh…thought it would be more, given your...” Juliette is too afraid to finish her sentence by saying “age.”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like trying to meet another vampire?”
“It’s totally impossible! There’s maybe only a hundred of us in the world at any given time and the majority of them are total dicks. Trying to increase the vampire population is a fool’s quest. You make one, and two go insane and kill themselves the same day. And there’s no vampires in this city, except for Lestat.”
“I know. I thought about it. Il est beau. (He is good looking.)”
“Well, what am I gonna do?!”
“You’re gonna do your brother?!”
“NO! I just thought about it!” You huff and move your hair out of your face and behind your shoulder. “One of my crushes used to be Grace, but I forgot, last week, I overheard her tell Stephanie that she doesn’t think Sheila should be made to feel embarrassed or sent home for coming to work without makeup. Isn’t that insane? Like what is wrong with some people, seriously? It’s just the cavalier disregard for our employee appearance policy. So now Grace has been officially moved from my crush list to my hit list, which is…five people. Yeah. Five. I’m proud of myself for that. It used to be…fifty-three. It shrank so much - not because I killed those people or anything - but just because one of my new century’s resolutions was to forgive and forget. All of my enemies from the last century have been pardoned. Even Richard. That guy stuck gum in my hair because I didn’t wanna go to Phantasmagoria with him. That was a hard one to let go of, but I did it. I did it in the name of personal growth.”
“Very impressive.”
“Your turn. Who’s the lucky cutie?”
“Kevin? Are you serious? Like larper Kevin? Répugnant. (Gross.) Ugh, babes, are you actually trying to kill me? Anyone but larper Kevin…. Yesterday at lunch I saw him eating baked beans. What is that, like Shrek food? Répugnant. (Gross.) Oh my god. Girl, you are so out of his league. And I never thought those words would be coming out of my mouth but, Jesus, you can do so much better. “
“I don’t know, I like him…”
“But yeah, whatever. Heart wants what the heart wants, I guess. And your heart wants Mr. Dungeons and Dragons from the Renaissance Faire. Good for you. So here we are, I guess. Better any date than none. How did he ask you?”
“He left a little note in my locker. It was very sweet actually.”
“He left a note in your locker? Aww, is he like shy or something? That’s cute. Ou pas.” (Or not.)
“He’s going to meet me at the concert and we’re gonna go out to eat after, then we have a date tomorrow morning—”
“Aww, and where’s he taking you tomorrow?”
“Coffee and then Barnes and Noble. He said, ‘I’ll get you whichever book you want.’”
You snap your fingers. “Okay, work, Kevin’s got a little game. Make sure you pick out a fat hardback and a plushie. Barnes and Noble always has the best selection of plushies. I swear like half of my Squishable collection is from there. Be careful, though. Girls get crazy trying to grab the one they want. Nearly lost my life over a rainbow caterpillar one time. I came out on top though, of course.” You tap your nails together. “These nails are both fashionable and functional. Okay, I’m thrilled for you about this date but I do have some uh…concerns. Are you planning on stopping at home first to get ready?”
“No, I’m going to meet him as I am now.”
Your eyes widen and you suck in air, seething through your teeth as you try not to physically grimace. “Ummmm. Are you aware that you look like a crypt keeper or not?”
“Come on, it’s not that bad!”
“That’s what I thought! Here’s what’s going to happen: You’re gonna sit back and relax and I’m going to do the heavy lifting, the miracle working I’m so known and so loved for. I love makeovers. You’re gonna look so amazing by the end of it.” You pull Juliette by her hands to get her to move to a different chair next to your vanity mirror, where all your supplies are. You want to be able to get a proper look at her with your ring light.
“Oh my god, where to begin, where to begin? I guess the main emergency staring me right in the face right now are the creatures lurking above your eyeballs. Girl, what are these eyebrows? You have like a unibrow situation going on. Not pretty. Literally possum mode. C’est fou comme cette fille se moque de son apparence! (It’s crazy how this girl doesn’t care about her look!) Mmkay. Well, I could just fix your unibrow if you want.”
“My unibrow…? I don’t have—”
“Huh? Oh, I didn’t mean like you have a unibrow or anything, I’m just saying like, if you want, I could fix the situation happening between your eyebrows is what I meant.”
“Okay, cool. So the first thing we’re going to do is definitely work on this situation right here because…you have really great eyebrows, but…they just need a bit of structure, you know? Let me just get rid of that for you. You don’t wanna look like a gorilla.” You start to shake your bottle of cleanser. “You’re not wearing any products on your eyebrows, are you?”
“Nope, don’t need to!”
“Yeah, thought so. But you never know.” You spray the cleanser on a makeup removal pad. “Maybe you’re lying to me like Armand, that crazy psycho skankaroodledoo...”
“But anyway. I’m gonna wipe around your eyebrows just in case you’re lying.”
“I’m not!”
“I know you’re not, but like…you know, just to be on the safe side. Wipe away debris and stuff, whatever. Okay. Come closer. You have such nice eyebrows, oh my god. I wish I had your eyebrows. Mine are such a mess. Just gonna remove that spot right there and see if you’re lying to me. I don’t think you are. Oh, look at that. Clean. You were telling the truth. That’s good. I guess I should start trusting you a little bit more but I have major trust issues because you know the things I’ve been through and like, you know me. Mais c’est la vie.” (But this is how life is.) Let me get in there with some tweezers. Luckily for you, these are industrial strength titanium limited edition 5770’s Rubis Switzerland. Yeah, I don’t think anything less would quite cut it. No need to worry, I am an eyebrow virtuoso. Everyone in the whole studio comes to me. I wouldn’t expect you to be quite clued in enough to be aware of that, but yeah. I am known internet-wide as ‘The Eyebrow Girl.’”
“The Eyebrow Girl?” Juliette tries not to laugh.
“Well, yeah and I think you can see why. Okay. So now I’m just gonna go ahead and shape your eyebrows, okay? Just hold still. Let’s get in there and get them in a more respectable shape. Let’s get in between there.”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, did that hurt you? Sorry, I don’t, like, know my own strength. If I’m hurting you, just let me know, okay? But like…try to handle your pain tolerance. Women aren’t wimps. Well, real women aren’t anyway. We can handle our pain. Right? So just hold still—”
"Sister, I'm back home!” Lestat’s voice is loud enough to be heard over the voices and music blasting from downstairs, even though he just came through the front door.
You don’t answer him back, focusing on Juliette.
“Sister!! Why aren't you here to greet me!? Where are you??" He yells, his voice more insistent and having an almost whiny tone to it.
"I'm upstairs," you groan in annoyance.
Lestat rushes upstairs, opening your bedroom door. He lurks in the doorway, pouting by the lack of attention he got from you, his precious, darling, baby sister. “Knock, knock! Hi, girls!”
“Lestat! Leave us alone! I’m trying to give my friend a makeover.”
“Oh parce que c’est ton amie maintenant?” (Oh, because she is your friend now?)
“Elle fait de son mieux et c’est important que je fasse attention à mon karma.” (She is doing her best and it’s important that I take care of my karma.)
“Ah je vois. C’est vrai qu’elle n’est ni jolie ni très intelligente… Tant mieux pour elle si tu t’intéresse à elle!” (Ah, I see. It’s true she isn’t pretty nor smart… good for her if you are interested in her!)
“Parfait, nous sommes d’accord. (Perfect, we agree.) Can you go now?”
“I just wanted to know if I could get you anything. Tu sais, comme je suis un frère aimant et attentionné… Pas comme tu peux l’être avec moi.” (You know, since I'm a caring and loving brother…not like you can be with me.)
“No, we don’t want anything, thank you. Bye.”
“Are you sure? Not even some champagne?”
“Or some blood?”
“Oh, but Sister—”
“Oh my god.”
“Anything at all—”
“Lestat. I swear, you’re like a child som— Wait… Is that my top?”
“Lestat! I’ve been looking for that!”
“It’s yours?”
“That’s what I said! You just decided you were gonna borrow it without asking?”
“We’re siblings, we shouldn’t have to ask. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. You can go into my stuff and borrow whatever you want at any time. What were you saving it for? You haven’t even worn it.”
“Because you took it from my closet without asking or telling me!”
“You weren’t going to wear it tonight though, so…let me borrow it. I’ve already been to the mall and it sucked!”
“Are you going to wear it to the concert tonight?”
“Yeah…’cause it’s a cute top— I just—wanted to borrow it…”
“Fine, whatever. Just give it back when you’re done.”
“Je t’aime?” (I love you?)
“Great. Bye.”
“Come on, Let me stay. We can play 'boyfriend/girlfriend' like we used to. This looks an awful lot like a slumber party and isn’t it a rule to always share the bed and play games at slumber parties?”
“If you really want to be here that much, are you going to help me with this? Or are you too pretty?”
Lestat pouts even more. “I’m too pretty.”
“Then why don’t you go bleach your mustache instead of being needy and annoying!?”
“You didn’t even say ‘I love you’ back. Tu es si méchante avec moi.” (You’re so mean to me.)
“Love you too.”
Lestat finally leaves.
“Mon dieu, he is so weird.”
“He really lov—” Juliette starts, but gets interrupted by you holding up a hand.
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to be quiet for just a second ‘cause I don’t wanna accidentally over pluck and then you’re just gonna hate me. Can’t have that, sooo. Too many other people hate me. Well, at least I’m not Celeste. She thinks the whole world hates her ‘cause she hasn’t been invited to the Immortals’ Ball by Lestat or I.”
“The what?”
“You remember Celeste? She did your hair for you last time.”
“No, no, the part about the ball.”
“Oh, right. You don’t know what the Immortals’ Ball is. Okay, so now that we’re like friends or whatever, I’ve got to clue you in on all the current gossip. All the important happenings around here. Definitely can’t have you being around me and Lestat and oblivious. You might say the wrong thing to the wrong person and cause irreparable social damage but this should all stay between us, okay? Good. Like top secret. Highly classified information.”
“I won’t say a word, I promise.”
“So the Immortals’ Ball is the largest party of the year in the vampire community. It’s this really big, lavish affair. Lestat and I first began hosting it at our family castle in Auvergne in the early 19th century shortly after our transformations and the deaths of our remaining family members. Only the most elite vampires are invited. There’s a very strict social criteria you must meet to get an invitation. You must be ancient, rich, fashionable, influential, or famous. Anybody who’s anybody is there. The only humans in attendance either work for us, like you, or are food. Lestat and I did something similar in New Orleans with Louis and Claudia but we put a twist on it and, instead of vampires, we invited humans and gave boutonnières to whoever we picked to kill. We fasted for three days so the blood would taste all the more sweeter when we gorged ourselves. It was 18th century Baroque/Rococo themed. We dressed up all in white and had our wigs and makeup styled to perfection, there was a parade and Lestat was Raj, King of Mardi Gras, so we got to perform on a float, we hosted a masquerade ball… It was absolutely immaculate and decadent. It was just like the old days in Paris. C’était divin, mais les temps changent. (It was divine, but times/things change.) Everything was going perfectly. Well…until Lestat and I started choking and vomiting up blood. Claudia poisoned us. She and Louis slit our throats. Lestat and I bled out so much, we would’ve died if Louis hadn’t decided against burning us in the incinerator and stuffed us in old trunks instead. We survived by feeding on rats and other vermin in a landfill.”
“That’s quite mean… Who are they though?”
“Who’s Louis and Claudia? Claudia was like a daughter to Lestat and a niece to me. Louis was Lestat’s companion and lover, and he was a good friend. Whatever you do, don’t mention their names to Lestat, okay? Claudia…died, and Louis left. It’s still a painful subject for him, and Louis collaborating with Daniel to write that book of lies about us hasn’t done anything to help Lestat get over Claudia’s death or Louis’ leaving. It’s a story for another time. Leave the subject alone for now, okay?”
“Yes, of course. I won’t bring it up again unless you do.”
“Anyway, we started missing our old ways, right? So we are planning for this year’s ball. There’ll be music, costumes, Cirque du Soleil performers, seances, demon summonings, witchcraft... There’ll be this - well, hopefully if I can get one - this really big like ten foot blood fountain where everybody can, like, help themselves and I’m going to try to speak to Christine and see if she can get human celebrities. Cela sera l’évènement de la décennie!” (It will be the event of the decade!)
“Human celebrities? What for…?”
“I was kind of thinking we could just maybe lay them on the table and everybody could just help themselves but I think that would be a little bit tacky. So I thought maybe we could just suspend them from the ceiling and then people could have their photo taken with them and just have a little snack or something. But I’m not really sure which one I wanna go for. What do you think?”
“I’m not too sure. I’m not a party planner or event coordinator… But you were talking about Celeste, you know…”
“Oh yeah…I was telling you about Celeste. Celeste has been our stylist for centuries. She provides us with all of our beauty treatments. She has looked after us for many, many decades now. She has been coveting an invitation for our Immortals’ Ball ever since she graduated from the College of Undead Beauty. Unfortunately for her, it’s never going to come. She says it’s because we just keep forgetting her invitation, which is a lie, by the way. We totally do not. Nous n’oublions jamais rien. (We never forget about anything.) Lestat and I invited our nail tech last year and she’s still butthurt about that. Don’t get me wrong, while Lestat and I do our own hair and makeup most of the time, she still does amazing work. I can understand why she’s upset. It doesn’t seem fair that she’s the one providing all the glam, and all the niceties for all vampires that go and every single year she’s the one that stays behind. She must feel like Cinderella. She keeps saying her invite got lost in the mail, and I keep saying that it’s not personal, she just doesn’t fit the criteria we’ve put in place for guests.”
“It sounds personal though…”
“If it was personal, I’d bring it up to her how she’s just always been…too much of a people pleaser, if that makes sense. She’s always been obsessed with rising through the ranks of the vampire social hierarchy. Always willing to pull out hair, nails, and teeth - even her own - to get people like Lestat and I whatever we wanted. One time I sent her to Tommy Hilfiger’s daughter’s house to buy a dress off of her that I wanted. It looks better on me than it does on her. Celeste would often show her affection for Lestat or I by being at our side as much as possible and trying to say or do whatever she thought would keep her in our good graces. Once, when Lestat was very, very, very upset, he turned to Celeste and drained her of nearly all her blood during a sexual tryst. He then left her naked on his chaise to recuperate alone and considered it a kindness he didn’t just throw her out onto the curb.”
“Oh my god!”
“I don’t condone what he did, I just think it’s weird, the effect Lestat and I have on people - even other vampires. More recently, Celeste tried to get into the limousine with Lestat and I to go to an After Party after one of our concerts, but he pushed her out and slammed the door in her face. She had to get a ride separately from us. Oh my god, that reminds me, at that same After Party, Celeste was hitting on Lestat’s most recent human partner all night. Celeste has always liked Lestat, but usually he and I have people surrounding us, so she can’t make any moves and usually just lurks around, hoping to be called on by one of us for something. Lestat and I have had a revolving door of human lovers. Frivolous hookups and one night stands that never amount to anything. It’s just sex for me but, for Lestat, it’s rebound after rebound for him to try to get over Louis. But try as he might, Lestat hasn’t found anyone who’s come close to being Louis’ metaphorical twin. Anyway, Lestat went out for a smoke or something, giving Celeste the perfect opportunity to swoop in and hit on his boyfriend or girlfriend for that night. They fell for it hook, line, and sinker like humans always do. They ended up making out in the closet. Someone opened the door and got a picture catching them in the act, posted it to Snapchat, and now Lestat is out for blood, telling everyone Celeste has Herpes. Yikes. So now Celeste has been officially moved from Lestat’s guest list to his blacklist. Yeah, she’s not invited to our parties anymore. Once her job is done, we have a car pick her up and take her straight home. After suffering humiliation after humiliation, Celeste should hate us, yet here she is, still working for us and wanting us to like her. I still try to be nice to her to like, keep the peace or whatever, but I can’t exactly call her my friend. And the meaner Lestat is to her, the more Celeste tries to win Lestat back. It’s weird, right? Like totally desperate and sad. Pathétique même. (Pathetic even.) It’s like she thinks it’s better to be in our social circle, hating life than to not be in at all. I wish she’d get a grip already. Lestat’s 6’0, not Jesus. Anyway.”
“I kinda feel bad for her…”
“Ugh, don’t. You should tell me a secret now too or I won’t keep feeding you with all the vampire gossip. You know, friends are supposed to share stuff and, for the moment, I’m the only one—”
“I’m French.”
“I’m French.”
“I thought you were Canadian?”
“Nope. French.”
“French Canadian?”
“Nope. French as in Parisian.”
“Oh. You’re from the motherland?”
“Yup. I was born and raised in France. I only recently moved to America.”
“So you understood…?”
“Yeah, je parle Français évidemment.” (Yeah, I speak French obviously.)
“Oh… you heard and understood Lestat and I the whole time and didn’t say anything. Well. Egg on our faces. Um. Well.” You clear your throat and carry on. You don’t admit you’re wrong or apologize, nor will you ever. Typical Lioncourt behavior. You just go back to gossiping.
“Marius got dumped by Bianca. He’s telling everyone he dumped her but he didn’t. She dropped him. They had been together for like 500 years, but Bianca overheard him pleading for Pandora, his ex-girlfriend, to leave her companion, Arjun, and run away with him and, when that didn’t work, he said he would leave Bianca if Pandora were to come back to him. Poor Bianca was so distraught by what Marius said, she just up and left, ignoring his protests that he was out of his mind when he offered to leave her. And to add insult to injury, Pandora still rejected him. This is like the third time he’s tried and failed to win her back. He knows it makes him look désespéré (desperate) to keep crawling back time and time again, but he’s obsessed with her. He definitely has a thing for younger women. He met her when she was ten and he was twenty-five and he asked her father for permission to marry her, but he refused.”
“Oh my god, that’s fucking nasty!!”
“Right!? Like I know it was like eons ago, like before 21 CE or whatever, but…yikes. Even Marius knows their breakups were his fault. I wish he’d just write a sad poem in his journal and move on already. He’s such a simp for Pandora and I just don’t get it. She’s pretty, but she’s not the Queen of the Damned.”
“Because the Queen of the Damned exists?!”
“Oh yeah, speaking of simps and the Queen of the Damned, that reminds me - there’s this other vampire, Thorne. He’s like a Viking warrior originally called Thornevald that was sent to slay a vampire-witch that had been killing villagers and stealing their eyes. Thorne found the vampire and learned that she had no eyes of her own, and must take eyes from her victims to see.”
“Wait what?!”
“Yeah and after a time, the mortal eyes wore out in her immortal body and she had to take another pair from one of her victims. And wouldn’t you know it? This vampire was Maharet, one of the most ancient vampires and twin sister of Mekare, the current reigning Queen of the Damned who took over after Akasha’s death so all vampires wouldn’t like explode into bloody bits on the spot. Something about an evil spirit cursing Akasha and making her the first vampire and the evil spirit inside her body being too much to contain but, with each new vampire she made, it decreased her bloodlust or weakened the evil spirit inside her and kept it dormant or something? So it’s like all vampires’ lives are connected like a web and if the Queen of the Damned dies without someone taking her place as host to this evil spirit, then all vampires just drop dead out of nowhere? I don’t know the full details on how it all works. Lestat spent much more time with Akasha than I did. He knew her intimately. And I mean that both ways. Anyway, Maharet didn’t slay Thorne but turned him into a vampire and kept him as her companion. Super weird flex, but okay. If it were me, I would’ve put him down centuries ago and just been done with him. He had major issues. Like he was weirdly jealous of Maharet's attention to the other vampires.”
“Oh yeah, that reminds me of someone…” Juliette hums, thinking of the way Lestat can sometimes be with you.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing!”
“Anyways, if she would blow him off to hang out with other insanely gorgeous vampires, he’d be like, ‘why didn’t you call me back!?’ and Maharet would be like, ‘why are you so obsessed with me?’ and Thorne was so tilted by Maharet’s blasé attitude and malded so hard that he eventually left her and laid asleep for centuries in the ice of the far north in a self-induced pity party.”
“The melodramatics of men, I swear...”
“I know, right? It’s so embarrassing. Total incel energy. I don’t even- whatever. He was awakened from his moping when Marius made contact with him using the Mind Gift. Thorne journeyed south and found Marius in a large city near the Arctic Circle. Marius said he enjoyed it there as the noonday darkness ‘allowed him to live more like a normal person.’
“A normal person??”
“I think he was just too heartbroken and embarrassed to show his face to anyone after the Bianca and Pandora thing, but was lonely and wanted someone to talk to. Marius thought he and Thorne could relate to each other and bond over their ‘girl troubles’ or ‘doomed love lives,” you used air quotes. “So he took him to his home but discovered that Thorne still harbored a jealous rage for Maharet, which…”
“I take it Marius wasn’t impressed with him at all?”
“…Duh. Like no shit, Sherlock. Anybody could see that. Like I said, major issues we don’t have the time to unpack, so let’s just throw the whole suitcase away. Marius knew that Maharet could easily destroy Thorne if he tried to fight her, so Marius tried to dissuade him from his suicidal obsession. Thorne listened to Marius's account of his life and what he learned as a vampire. He was particularly interested in the story of the brutal attack on Marius by the vampire Santino and his Satanic cult of followers. Santino and his cult burned Marius in his house and kidnapped his apprentice, Armand.”
“Armand? Oh my god, I thought there weren't that many vampires!?”
“Armand is… Ugh. Girl, don’t even get me started. Seriously, we don’t have time for me to explain it all right now, and he’s his own can of worms. It’d take me an entire day to even begin to scratch the surface of explaining who Armand is to you. He’s such a hot mess. He couldn’t even decide what name he wanted to go by. Andrei, Arun, Amadeo, Armand… like dude, just pick one and stick to it! We had a couple of different like really horrible things happen to us because of this vampire…Armand. Yeah, he broke the cycle for a bit. Totally made it…just awful. Like it was such an awful, awful period of time for us. All I can say about him for now is that he fucked up Lestat real bad. I can’t even begin to get into how much Armand broke him, but to give you an idea of what he’s like, I’ll just say this: No one has been able to make Lestat cry the way Armand made Lestat cry. And that's saying something because our abusive father and older brothers and Magnus came before Armand, but the other tortures Lestat and I endured were...brief. We ran away from home, the abuse from our father and brothers stopped. Magnus died and that abuse stopped too. No one in vampiric history has matched Armand's level of crazy. Armand is a petty and spiteful little bitch who, instead of moving the fuck on, has decided to dedicate the rest of his immortal existence to torturing Lestat. It has become his favorite pastime.”
“This is so terrible! I’m sorry you went through this… Kinda explains a lot too. But why did Armand hate Lestat that much?”
“Why? Because Lestat grew bored of the Theatre Des Vampires and left him. Seriously. That’s it. He chose himself and me over Armand, and we left France together and went to New Orleans because our father was there and we took care of him until he died. Armand didn’t like not being the center of Lestat’s universe. He couldn’t reconcile with the fact that Lestat was the center of Lestat’s universe. You know that saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’? Even scorned women would look at Armand and tell him to take a dirt nap and chill the fuck out. Everything about Armand just messes with a person's mind. It's the way he's not even chasing Lestat around that gets to us. He’s really out in the world somewhere like, ‘I'm old enough to be your biggest problem by staying in the same spot for five centuries.’ He’s like a leech or a cockroach that refuses to die and won’t leave us alone. So Lestat and I keep him under total…like, he’s under our eyes at all times. We cannot have him mess with us. He gaslights, he gatekeeps… Even Marius abandoned him after determining he was a lost cause. I think he was afraid of the monster he had created. All that trauma and abuse and brainwashing and memory loss… No amount of therapy can fix him. So we’re very hesitant about him. We don’t trust him at all. And we’re not even talking badly about him anyway, it’s just facts. He can’t be trusted. But we wanna keep a close eye on him just in case.”
“Okay, that’s an odd choice. I wouldn’t do that at all.”
“Hello? First rule of war: Friends close, enemies closer. Back to what I was saying before, at the end of the tale, Thorne questioned Marius why he hadn’t taken revenge on Santino and offered to help kill him. Marius explained that Maharet now ruled the vampires as regent for her mute sister, Mekare, and Maharet forbade it. Marius pleaded with Thorne to forget the past and talk of revenge, but Thorne still insisted on Marius taking him to see Maharet. Marius reluctantly agreed and the pair were mysteriously whisked away. They awoke in a jungle location, where Maharet lived in seclusion with her sister, the new Queen of the Damned. Several other vampires were present, including Pandora, Armand, and Santino.”
“Tell me you’re making everything up… It’d make a great telenovela.”
“You have no idea. Anyways, after a brief, bitter back and forth between all these crusty vampires with clashing personalities that contained varying levels of toxicity, Marius admitted that he still wanted to kill Santino. But he wouldn’t because Maharet forbade it, and Marius believed that for Maharet's rule over the vampires to be valid, all vampires had to obey her. It had to be unanimous. The joys of political meetings between vampires. Ugh. But Thorne had absolutely zero chill and abruptly killed Santino himself and then attacked Maharet in a jealous rage. Mekare came to her sister's aid and easily pulled Thorne away because his strength compared to theirs was like that of a newborn baby. Thorne, knowing he fucked around and was about to find out, whispered a request to the mute Queen as they struggled and she complied. Mekare removed Thorne's eyes from their sockets and handed them to Maharet. Maharet accepted the gift and bound Thorne with ropes made of her hair. Lestat likes to make bondage jokes about it, how it’s ‘kinky’ and he’s ‘totally been there before’, but I think it’s just so gross and unhygienic. It’s the only material strong enough to hold a vampire, I guess, but I hope she uses shampoo and conditioner. I’ll send her some of the hair products from Bloodlust for free if she wants me to.”
“Wait, wait, wait… How can it be the strongest material…? I… what?”
“It reminds me of people I see on TikTok that propose with ‘rings’ made out of their greasy, unwashed hair that’s probably riddled with dandruff or lice. Disgusting. Fans ask Lestat and I for locks of our hair all the time and it’s whatever since it grows back in seconds for us. It’s a nice little side hustle we got going on. It’s crazy how much people are willing to spend on a small lock of our hair. Franz Liszt actually gave us the idea when he told us he used to send locks of his hair to women, but started sending dog hair to admirers instead when he got tired of doing it. So now we send dog hair to people we don’t like, and they’re none the wiser because the dog hair is always similar in color and texture to our hair.”
“Did you say you have dog hair?” Juliette asks with a raised eyebrow and you pretend you don’t hear her.
“What was I saying? Oh yeah. So Thorne is Maharet's eternal prisoner now. She treats him like a pet but, last I heard, he’s happy knowing that the object of his obsession will always be near him and that her new eyes will last her forever. To each their own, I guess, but, in my opinion, he’s so delulu it’s kind of sad.”
“I never imagined things could be like that. Gosh, I’m glad I’m not a vampire.”
You catch something, or rather, someone out of the corner of your eye from the open doorway. Lestat is awful about closing the door behind him whenever he leaves. Your eyes squint in suspicion. “Don’t move. It’s that Lioncourt wannabe clone watching me. Technically she’s my new Personal Shopper. Faker. Poser. Seriously, she's been copying my outfits all week. I can't take it any longer. I swear I’m gonna snap. I swear I’m gonna snap. You can’t - you’ve gotta like - yeah.”
“I’d be grateful if I didn’t have to stop you from hurting her though… I’ve cleaned up enough blood this week already.”
“She’s supposed to be bargaining and compromising with other celebrities, basically buying them off because they have stuff I want, but instead she’s been copying the way I do my makeup, the way I do my hair, all of my outfits…except hers are knockoffs because she can’t ever hope to afford the genuine articles in her natural lifetime, but still, I’m— I can’t, I can’t. Well, you know how Lestat and I get most of our clothes custom-made? Well, sometimes he likes to buy lots of outfits for us from designer collections, and occasionally there’s a 2 for 1 sale and he buys double the clothes because there’s two of us and we play around with gender a lot in our looks, kind of exploring our femininity and masculinity, challenging the constraints of both, whatever.”
“Oh yeah, fuck genders. Androgyny is fun too.”
“Yeah, that’s the word - androgyny. Androgynous. Yeah, like David Bowie.”
“Was he the one who first inspired you and Lestat?”
“Actually, no. He is an inspiration to us, but he wasn’t our first. It was our mother.”
“Your mother?”
“Yeah, our mother, Gabrielle. After her transformation, Lestat procured for her an extravagant dress to replace the one she died in since it was covered in blood and excrement stains, but then she killed a man and took his clothing for herself, discarding the dress. She only wore dresses on rare occasions after that, and she did it only to please Lestat.”
“Yeah, she called him her phallus and lived her life through him before we parted ways from her.”
“With all due respect, this is really fucked up. And I didn’t know Lestat turned your mother…?”
“Didn’t I mention that Lestat turned our mother before he turned me? Whoops. Well, now you know.”
“Is she still, well, not alive, but…around?”
“Yeah, she’s still around. She’s in Egypt now, I think. Yeah.”
“That’s cool, I guess? What is she like? What does she look like?”
“Best way I can describe her in a way that’ll make sense to you is, imagine Lestat if he was female. Yeah, she has cobalt blue eyes and long yellow-blonde curly hair just like Lestat’s, but her features are smaller, more kittenish. She tried to cut her hair short when she was first made.”
“She did? Was it very long?”
“Yeah, she tried to just chop it all off into a blunt bob, but it grew back to its original length the next night. She was shaken and horrified. She’d tuck her hair beneath a cap. Yeah, she’s…what’s the word? Transgender? Transmasculine? Lestat and I haven’t seen her since saying goodbye to her and parting ways in Egypt, but her candor and comportment was that of a man. Her girlish and kittenish facial traits kept her from carrying off the ruse successfully, though.”
“I hope she is doing okay… What are you looking at? Oh. the Lioncourt wannabe.”
“But this girl…she does not have to choose my Outfit Of The Day the day I’m wearing it, right? Like, that’s just messed up. Whatever.”
“Take a deep breath, please.”
“Anyway, Okay. Calm. Oh no. She’s coming over here. Just don’t make eye contact. Just…”
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it’s you! It’s been so long! Where have you been?”
“Uh, hello?”
“Seriously. Oh my gosh, did you hear what just happened?”
“Can’t you see that this is my bedroom and that I’m doing something? C’est incroyable comme les gens ne connaissent plus le respect ni la politesse de nos jours.” (It’s crazy how people don’t know respect nor politeness nowadays.)
“Oh, I’m sorry! The door was open so I thought… I just… What are you doing exactly?”
“What’s it to you?”
“I was just wondering if you or your friend wanted help.”
“Well, Juliette came to me for help.” You emphasize Juliette’s name, making a subtle dig at the wannabe for obviously not knowing it yet being bold enough to come into your bedroom uninvited to share some nonsense gossip that was probably made up, just so she can pretend Juliette is her friend and get closer to you. The things humans do to feel important… You’re not having it. “So…you can just mosey on over. Like…leave. Turn around. Go.”
She doesn’t leave. She just hovers.
“I said go away. What do you want? You’re ruining the vibrations here. You’re ruining my energy. I feel some negativity coming from my friend, Juliette.” You emphasize the possessive adjective. “She’s clearly a little bit…you know…in need of some quiet time. So I think it’s best if you leave. Could you just like…” you wave her away with your hand like she’s a gnat in your eye.
“Fine. Whatever. Bye.” She leaves. She’s so fake she’s more exhausting to be around and deal with than Lestat.
‘‘K, bye bye!” You give a fake smile that immediately drops as you turn to Juliette to talk shit. You inhale deeply and seethe under your breath so only she can hear, “I hate her. Don’t like her one bit. Hm. I know what she’s up to. She’s looking for Lestat. Oh, that makes me so mad. It kinda creeps me out too, like, if she’s gonna try to seduce my brother, she shouldn’t dress up like me, you know? I try not to think about it or read her thoughts at all. I’d rather not know what’s going through her head when she does what she does or says what she says. It just gives me the heebie-jeebies when I think of her around Lestat. Where is he? I gotta go find him in a minute.”
“The heebie-jeebies?”
“Is that not what Americans say?”
“Sometimes, but most kids are calling it the ick now. She gives you the ick.”
“Oh. I’m not caught up on all the internet lingo yet. This is good. You’ll have to teach me more. Yeah, she gives me the ick.”
“You really worry about your brother, don’t you? I don’t think he’d be interested in a girl like her anyways.”
Not wanting any more interruptions, you get up to close your door and lock it. You go back to what you were doing and put your finger and thumb into L shapes as you lean back and check your work on Juliette’s eyebrows.
“Don’t move. I’m gonna check something. They look even. Just gonna make sure. So? All right, step back for me. That’s better. You look better.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s good.”
“You guess? Y/N Lioncourt, she’s done it again. I’m such a saint for this. You are looking better already. Now for your makeup. Did you bring your makeup bag like I told you to?”
“Good girl. Hand it over. Wow, this is really ugly. Do you like, like this pattern? Do you think this is cute?”
“It’s very practical, that’s why I bought it.”
“You just grabbed whatever? Weird. Okay…is this…drugstore makeup?”
“Well, yeah… I don’t do my makeup that often and the products seemed good enough.”
“Mhm. BB cream, what the fuck? Clear mascara? Do you even have like any lip products in here? Blistex? You’re gonna give me an aneurysm. Okaaaay, babes… You should feel really honored because I never do this - not even for my besties - but I’m gonna use my personal makeup on you.”
“Yeah, this stuff you brought? Perfect for like the middle school dance but, for our purposes, it’s not gonna cut it. Your makeup bag is going in the garbage disposal. Here’s mine. Cute, right? Yeah, I chose it for a reason. Let’s keep it light, keep it cute, nothing too crazy. Let me see how the texture of your skin is doing because, girl, last time, it was crazy. It’s like a popcorn ceiling in here. I’ve got just the thing, though. Yeah, I’ve got a primer that can like shellac that right up. This is called Celestial, which is quite fitting. The miracles this stuff works really are mystical in nature. I’m gonna spread that over your chin and cheeks.”
“Okay, maman.” (mom)
“And then?”
“What’s next? Some concealer for those eye bags definitely. Let’s put a bit of concealer just under your eyes because you look a little tired and that’s not good. Girl, what were you up to last night? Your shift at the watch tower or something? Jesus.”
“Yep, didn’t sleep a lot. Like maybe two hours. I really didn’t want to get up this evening but you called…”
“You only got two hours of sleep last night? That explains it. What’s that about?”
“What are you doing?”
“I want you to look like you’ve been well rested and you’re ready to eat the heart of a man in like under five seconds only if I ask you to. You know what I mean? You need to get yourself some bubble bath liquid. A lavender spray for your pillow, some sleepy time tea, a silk eye mask and a meditation audio layered with rain sounds. Write that down.”
“Write it down?”
“Yeah, write it down, write it down. Yeah, I call it the princess secret formula to beauty rest. You’re welcome. Literally more priceless than the mathematical formulas for the moon landing.”
“I’m so not buying a lavender spray though.”
“Let me put just like the touch of shadow on your lid and you’re good because you got mascara on already, that’s good. You took my advice about mascara, that’s good. Waterproof mascara, of course, in case it all goes to shit.”
“Yep, hate the emo black stains of mascara on my face.”
“Very smart. I’m glad that you wore that. Good. Let’s see which eyeshadow colors would suit you. Yeah, let’s start with a rusty shade. Then the bronze in the middle. Then highlight the center. A touch more at the outer corners, okay. Pretty. I deserve a Nobel Prize for this literally. Now it’s time for blush. Oh, this color is perfect on you, oh my god. You know, take it from me, men love blush. You gotta really pack it on.”
“We’re not in the 18th century, though.”
“Rococo and Baroque is making something of a comeback, though. Goths love the 18th century. Really bringing those old trends back and putting a modern spin on them. Now for the lips. All that’s left is the gloss. The finishing touch. The cherry on top of the sundae. But I really don’t like that lipgloss color on you so I’m just gonna wipe that off, okay? And you can use mine. Wipe that right off because you do not suit that color whatsoever.”
“You mean that the color doesn’t suit me, right?”
“You can use mine. It still works. Let’s see, what do I have here?” You look down for a second and when you look back up at Juliette and what she’s holding in her hand, you gasp. “Put down the Blistex or I’m calling the cops! I swear to God. We’re doing Buxom Ultra Plumping Gloss, obviously. I think this shade of pink is gonna suit you really well. You don’t have any like Herpes simplex or anything, do you?”
“Okay, that’s fine, I’m just asking because I got like ten other ones of these but if you got like some kind of oral issue, um, I can just give this to you. Okay, pout for me, babe. Some more. It’s gonna take a lot more gloss than that for these little lips. Cute. Your face is looking gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. If Kevin follows you on Insta, we should take some pictures when I’m done. He’ll definitely slide in.”
“Oh, I’m not a big fan of social media! I only use them for you but, yeah, I don’t really care about it.”
“You don’t use your personal Instagram? Okay. Well. I guess you can send them to him on Discord.” You immediately cringe as soon as the last word comes out of your mouth. “Ugh. No. Give me your phone.”
“MY phone?”
“Yeah, hand it over.” Your nails start clicking against the screen as you tap away on the phone. “Okay, let me feed your algorithm a little bit. Clearly you are not getting the inspiration that you need to be getting. What’s going on in your Instagram? Oh. Nothing good. Looks like you follow a lot of bird watching accounts. Dungeons and Dragons? Geocaching? Sudoku influencers? What the hell? Let’s get you following some baddies who can hopefully influence you in a more positive direction. Zendaya, Tori and Electra, Ice Spice, Kylie Jenner, Dua Lipa, Margot Robbie… and let’s like some cute posts. There. It’s like I’ve just enrolled you in the baddie academy. You’re welcome.”
“... Thank you then?”
“And then unfortunately it looks like your hair is back to looking like a rat’s nest since I last fixed it for you. Luckily I would not be caught dead without a hairbrush and some oils. So let’s get to fixing this. Hologram hair serum. Two pumps of that. Start working that through your ends. Don’t want to bring it too close to the top or else your hair will just look greasy. But the ends we’ll just make sure look nice and healthy. Then brush it out. That hair oil smells amazing. You’re so lucky to have me. Have you seen Sophie’s hair today?”
“Hmm no, what about it?”
“Ugh. Gruesome at-home dye job. The pipe dream of white-blonde in one night has claimed yet another helpless victim. She clearly didn’t use a high enough volume so there’s like these awful orange patches that she tried to save with toner that she left on way too long so there’s also huge patches of purple. God. My money is on her showing up tomorrow with it dyed completely black. Kind of the only next step besides a buzz cut unfortunately. I think she’ll be fine though. She’ll pull it off well. I always thought black hair would suit her. In a crazy twist of fate she just might come out of this fiasco on top. And…Voila! Your look is done - except for the outfit.”
“I’m comfy in these clothes though… Perhaps you could tell me some more of that vampire gossip. I need a break.”
“Fine. Let me think. What else, what else, what else? Oh, and then there’s Sybelle and Ella’s situation. They were born in like the late 1970’s and changed in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s. Yeah so they’re like really young in both human years and vampire years. They’ve been inseparable besties since like pre-k. Though the situation was…messy. They lost touch for like ten years because Sybelle was held captive in her luxurious home by her abusive older brother who regularly beat her after they were orphaned when their parents were killed in a car accident. He kidnapped Benji as a companion to keep Sybelle stable while she financially supported them with her concert performances.”
“This is crazy!!”
“When the abuse culminated to Sybelle's brother about to kill her, Armand killed him, thus freeing Sybelle and Benji from further fear for their lives. Last I heard about Benji, he was living in Trinity Gate in New York and created a podcast that is broadcast to all the vampires around the world.”
“Do people know he is a vampire??”
“Yeah, he’s known as the “official voice of the vampires” through this podcast thanks to Lestat and yours truly. I think you can listen to it on Spotify. Sybelle and Ella eventually reconnected and their friendship was still going strong, even after Marius changed them and brought them both into the blood. Everything was fine for like 25 years, but they’re beefing right now.”
“I’m not too surprised after everything you told me about vampires.”
“They’re both frozen at like 18-20 years old so…high school mentality. You know how we’ve been looking for instrumentalists for our upcoming symphonic album? Well, they both desperately wanted to be in the orchestra and auditioned. And Sybelle got a spot and was chosen for the solo. No surprises there, like everyone knows Sybelle’s the better musician by a long shot. But Ella is delusional about that. She thinks it’s so unfair and accused Sybelle of seducing Marius and Lestat into giving her the solo. So crazy. Like, Ella, girl, I get that you’re disappointed but you can’t read sheet music to save your life and…you have butter fingers. Just chill out, support your bestie, no need to get nasty about it. Sit down and cross your fingers for an acting gig in our music videos next year.”
“It’s kinda funny how all the drama starts with you and Lestat.”
“But it doesn’t end there. Sybelle always comes to dances and special events in the most spectacular handmade gowns, but she always keeps them a secret from everyone until she finally shows up wearing them. Last weekend at the party you skipped for window shopping with your cousins at the mall, she showed up wearing the dress she made for the upcoming symphonic orchestra performance and posted pictures to her Instagram story. Ella, who didn’t attend the party and who Sybelle had told she was at a sleepover, saw it and now the dress that she was preparing for the symphonic concert and album recording has been irreparably damaged. I mean like covered in pig’s blood and torn to shreds. Needless to say, Sybelle was devastated, like nearly inconsolable. She bought thirteen yards of fabric, crinoline, boning, and Swarovski crystals to make that dress. She sewed each panel of the skirt one by one. Just hand painting the flowers in the skirt took about five days. It took Sybelle about a month to make the dress, from design to creation. And now it’s all been flushed down the toilet because Ella was having a colossal temper tantrum.”
“But you’re sure it’s Ella?”
“Ella hasn’t confessed, in fact, she’s denied it up and down, but Sybelle is convinced it was her doing. Like what else could it have possibly been? No way a wild animal got in. Now Sybelle has sworn she’s not talking to Ella for the rest of the year, if ever. She isn’t of a mind to forgive and forget. One crime of passion and their friendship has blown up. Tragic. Fingers crossed Ella will have a change of heart and get over herself and her feelings of jealousy and insecurity and apologize and Sybelle will find another dress in time. Even Lestat and I have personally reached out to Sybelle and offered to help. Money, materials, emotional support, whatever she needs, it’s hers. We’re even willing to push back the date of the recording session because we don’t want her to drop out because of this incident. We truly want her there and to not get to witness her performance or one of her handmade outfits would be truly devastating.”
“Yeah, you really care about outfits, don’t you.”
“As for your outfit…”
“Fuck. Me.”
“Who made you think this was okay? Your outfit is weak. You look like you’re dressed for jury duty or church.”
“Well, yeah… It’s Sunday.”
“You came right here from church? Ew. What do you do? Sing in the choir or something? Okay. Well, I’m sure your vocals are better than Larry’s. He was the lead vocalist before Lestat came along and, well…Lestat and I secretly call him Lackluster Larry for a reason. Don’t tell Larry or Lestat I told you that. Friends keep secrets, remember? It’s like girl code.”
“I’d die with your secrets… Don’t kill me.”
“Unfortunately, I cannot really help you with your outfit as far as your date tomorrow. Ummm… Try to maybe like make his glasses fall off his face and then ‘accidentally’ step on them?” You use finger quotes. “That way, to him, your upsetting fit will be turned into a…tolerable blur.”
“Don’t be mean now.”
“For tonight, I’ll come to your rescue yet again. You are about to enjoy the esteemed privilege of borrowing one of my outfits. Do not take it lightly. You have to make sure you have perfect posture for the rest of the night or else you’re gonna stretch it out, ok?”
“...I don’t think I have the choice anyways…”
“Ok. I picked out this top for you. It’s the same one I’m wearing but in white. Yeah, I think that’s gonna work well for you. And then these jeans. Like a light blue. They’re faded in all the right places and they’ve got these rips. Pretty stylish.”
“You don’t like the rips? Ok, grandma, why not? They remind you of the Great Depression or something? Put them on.” You throw them at Juliette and they nearly hit her in the face as she grabs them and holds them to her chest so they don’t fall to the floor.
“Can I at least go change in a room or a bathroom?”
“Yeah, bathroom’s over there.” You point and go back to your phone. When Juliette comes back out wearing the outfit you personally picked out for her, you clap excitedly.
“Yeah, you’re looking pretty cute. Let’s see if you can act the part. We’re gonna work on some flirting techniques. Show me your best seductive pose. Give me a soft serve. It’s giving gollum. Very much ‘my precious!’. Let’s try softening the face. Relax. Drop it down. Especially the eyelids, drop the eyelids down a bit and then bring one eyebrow up a touch, okay? A little less than that, a little less than that. That’s good. Slight smile. Slight. Perfect. Show me a bit of jaw like tilt your head to the side then bring the shoulder forward like that. And let me push that shoulder back. And it’s in the hips too, you wanna tilt the hips with the shoulders, so bring this hip forward, this hip back, then tilt your face down and look up at me from there. There it is. Yes, girl! There we go. Oh, can’t forget the perfume. A splash of this will get you smelling irresistible. You’ve had a Mountain Dew fragrance for Kevin’s sake, but he’ll have to settle for Versace. I think you’re ready. I think you’re ready. Oh oui, tu es prête! (Oh yes, you’re ready!) Good luck, babes. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Et surtout ne me remercie pas, les amies sont là pour ça!” (And do not thank me, friends are here for that kind of thing!)
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 month
It's summertime, and the night air feels alive
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Day 5 of @smileformeweek - Connection
[ ID: Traditionally done art that's colored and edited digitally. It involves Tiff Webber and Mirphy Foroparat from Smile For Me the game. It is of my AU Roseverse.
Here Tiff and Mirphy are younger. On two sides, both of them are shown in their respective spaces. To the left is Mirphy. Her face is pockmarked and her hair looks shorter, wilder. She wears a dark baggy jacket with a green scarf, and a pink shirt with red slightly oversized pants underneath. Her shoes are light sneakers. A raggedy backpack is slung over one shoulder. To the right is Tiff. Her face and arms show acne signs, her hair is done in rows of braids with a butterfly design at the side. Her braids are tied with a pink ribbon, making a ponytail. The ends are beaded pink too. Some of her weaved in strands are colored purple. She wears a glittery pink skirt and orange shoes studded with fake red gems. She also has a colorful bracelet with various shapes.
Mirphy stands holding a bus stop sign, looking excitedly at her flip phone, at one location. Tiff smiles and clicks away at her computer, sitting in a swivel chair with a red teddy near the bottom, holding a heart which says " For a special someone".
From Mirphys side the text messages, in a variety of chatboxes done like a collage with various colors, shapes, real life photos included are: one of the posters of a woman from Smile For Me reading " lettuce" with the text " Girls :-]( smiley face)" and hearts, underneath it, a photo of two fried pizzas from a pizza place with the text " WHT do thy use?", then a role playing text with " *teleports behind u with my assassin powerz*", then a photo of an autumn leaf with light falling on it with the text " You", then a box with various ghost hunting tools titled as text "my equipment", then a photo of Fresno nightcrawlers with the text " nightcrawlers ", then a photo of a tiny frog with the text " unidentified lil fucking thang" , a text replying to a message of concern saying " You too."
From Tiffs side the text messages, done in a similar style as described for Mirphys are, a drawing of an eye with a moon in it with the text" when one loves ones art...", a sticker of a clown throwing his arms to the side with the red text " Metamorphosis", a text replying to the pizza message saying " Human Blodd!! 8-]( Excited face) JK", a text saying " Stay safe :-]( smiley face), then a text sending an mp3 file with the song " all my little words" with space and music emojis, then a Neopets screenshot with the text " luv this games secrets!!!", then a roleplaying text with the words" *meows* look how purrty I am!", then a text with a Tomie by Junji Ito comic picture, captioned " my favorit monster :-*( kissy face)" and hearts.
There are blue butterflies flying between Tiff and Mirphy signifying their connection. The border of my notebook from the photo I took is seen. There is a warm, yellowed tone over the whole drawing. End ID]
Sorry it's late! Consider this whole series my love letter to s4m through my AU. There's kinda an explanation for the whole drawing here...
But basically, Tiff likes monsters, and Mirphy hunts for them :-) they strike up a fast friendship online and meet up many years later and form an amazing adventurous duo. Currently I think Mirphy may be running away or something? Precarious situation, dramatic family stuff. Tiff also seems shy, so maybe she didn't have many friends either.
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lostinhistory212 · 1 year
The Pet Sitter Ch.2
Chelsea was furious when her parents told her she would have a “caretaker” while they were gone. ‘It was absolute bullshit, she was 18 years old, and they hired a fucking babysitter’ she thought to herself. She planned to make the babysitter’s life hell during her stay but not long after being told of the arrangement, her parents showed her the information they got during the background check they did on Sarah. The folder included her education, address, work history, and links to her social media. Her parents tried to convince the teen that her sitter being only a few years older wasn’t a big deal and that she would be like a big sister. Chelsea didn’t want a big sister, she already had an older brother, she just wanted to be alone. The girl sighed, sitting in front of her computer trying to get into a new smut novel she found online but found herself too annoyed to relax. For the hell of it, she decided to look up the social media accounts from her future sitter to see the bitch that she would have to deal with for a month. She found the typical stuff from a college student, partying, studying, and typical dumb basic girl stuff. She was annoyed after clicking through a fourth sunset photo when she found a picture from what seemed to be either a Halloween or costume party. The bitch was dressed like a typical party girl would for a costume party, a sexy cat but then she noticed, instead of a cat, she was dressed as a sexy puppy with puppy ears on her head and a pink collar with her friend holding the leash.
 A few hours later she would be lying in bed still thinking about that picture. It made her feel a little fuzzy inside, something about it. She would pick up her phone and bring up her favorite erotic story site and go through her saved stories and after a couple of minutes she found it. It was a story of forced petplay where a man turned a girl into his dog. She remembered that he forced his victim into a bitchsuit where her arms and legs were folded into leather sleeves keeping her on her elbows and knees. The way he trained her to become his dog made Chelsea wet the first time she read it and she bookmarked it to reread but forgot as she found a new site with more stories for her to read. She stayed up all night reading the story again, getting aroused from the complete power exchange between the “dog” and its owner. By morning, she had hatched her evil plan.
It took a little planning, trying to hide it from her parents as well as get her hands on supplies and money. They had cut her off from her account, so she had to resort to begging her older brother for money. Her brother, Samuel, had left as soon as he graduated high school and had made sure all the schools he applied to were overseas. He was currently attending school in London and was enjoying his freedom. Chelsea had to text her brother repeatedly until he finally sent a response. She asked him for a thousand, but he replied only offering her five hundred dollars. His last text to her before he sent her the money was, “That’s all your getting because I know you’ll ‘forget’ to pay me back.” She sent him a kissy face emoji with a reply, “Love you too <3.” Money in hand it was time to go shopping.
 A couple of days before the sitter’s arrival, Chelsea had gone shopping in town, making sure to not look suspicious as she bought a bit of duct tape and rope. She went to as many different stores as possible to not stand out to any one cashier. She would spend most of the day out buying her supplies and visiting one of her friends before getting a ride home in a taxi, arriving just before her parents came home. She would stash some things in her room and the rest in the basement, making sure nobody would stumble upon it. Now, all she had to do was wait for her arrival.
 Present Day------
 Chelsea stood over the unconscious woman, smiling like a hunter that took down a mighty beast. She would run her hand over the passed out sitter’s leg then went to her ass giving it a light smack, noticing how she didn’t react, she wouldn’t be up for a few hours. Chelsea went back to the table to finish her meal with Sarah lying on the floor, she would need her energy for the next step of her plan.
 Now fed, she would figure out how to get the taller woman down to the basement. Chelsea wasn’t too strong, nor too weak, she would have to use her head for this. She figured it out quickly and walked to the other room and grabbed a blanket then lay it out on the floor next to Sarah. She would roll her over onto the blanket then give it a tug, slowly but surely moving it across the smooth hardwood floor. Slowly, she would drag her down the hallway until she reached the basement door. The stairs into the basement would be the next challenge. It would take muscle to get it done so Chelsea would place her arm under each armpit of the unconscious woman and lift her upper body up then slowly walk backwards, her feet hitting every step downstairs.
 After a few minutes, a very sweaty Chelsea lay her pet on the cold concrete floor. She would take a minute to catch her breath before moving her a little more to the center of the dark basement. The family didn’t store much, mostly old things they didn’t want to throw away, so the basement had plenty of room. She would go to her stash, finding the box she hid them in and carry it to her sleeping sitter and placed it next to her. She would pull out the items, laying them on the floor, mostly black tape, plastic wrap, and a few other useful items.
Chelsea would reposition the woman, moving her onto her back and lifted her arm and folded it, holding her hand against her forearm. She would pick up the plastic wrap first, the kind used for covering boxes or wrapping items for moving, it was strong and durable. She started with wrapping her hands until they were forced into useless fists then began to wrap it around her bent arm repeatedly, fusing her arm to her forearm and wrapping it in layers of plastic. With her right arm done, the girl would move on to her left arm until both were secured. The girl passed a major hurdle, knowing that even if Sarah woke up, she wouldn’t be able to fight back. Since she was still out, it was time for her legs.
 The girl would now roll Sarah onto her stomach then grabbed her left leg and folded it until her heel pressed against her round ass. She’d pick up the plastic wrap again and got to work wrapping her bent leg with layers of strong plastic wrap until she wouldn’t be able to unbend it. Her right leg was next, and Chelsea quickly wrapped it up, getting used to the act. With step one of her plan completed, she would inspect her prey, pulling her arm to see if the wrap would come off and satisfied that it didn’t. She then checked her leg and found it also well secured so now it was time for step two.
 She would pick up one of the roles of black duct tape and pull it open, enjoying the sound. She would place one end at the top of her plastic covered arm and rolled it around, slowly making her way down to her elbow until the first roll emptied. She grabbed the next roll and a piece of some rubber pad she purchased and placed the soft material over her elbow then wrapped more tape around her arm, covering the pad as well until it was secured over her elbow. Chelsea inspected the tape covered arm and smiled, this would not come off anytime soon, also she had the rubber pad to help her in her new role. Getting hot now, Chelsea continued her task of securing the baby sitter, not sure how much longer she had as Sarah would move a little but her eyes remained closed.
 Soon, she was wrapping her last limb with the black tape and taping the rubber pad over her knee and would finish her last role. Chelsea would roll Sarah over onto her back see her stumped limbs spread out onto her sides. She didn’t know how much time she had left but if Sarah awoke, she would already be completely helpless. Now the girl decided to wait until she was conscious to continue. She sat down and checked the time on her phone, it was already midnight, but to the night owl, it was still early in the day. She took the opportunity to touch and feel the older female’s body, frowning at her full breasts and round ass. Chelsea was pretty flat with a slight curve to her butt, otherwise she was shaped like a board. She couldn’t wait to beat on those fat utters. She let go and decided to wait until she was awake to remove her clothes, knowing it would be more humiliating to do it while she’s conscious.
Sarah began to move a little more, mumbling incoherently in her sleep. She opened her eyes but seemed to look around confused, as if she wasn’t sure if she was awake or asleep. Chelsea would sit there and watch, getting hot and excited to see her pet awaken to see her new role in life. They would have a long, fun month together and Chelsea planned to enjoy every second of it. Soon, Sarah would fully wake up, “Wha-where am I?”
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twistsandtwizzles · 2 years
First Kiss #1: Don't Want You Like a Best Friend
Prompt: Mariah has not had sex in almost two years. Maybe Nathan can help with that.
(Author's Note: As they say on NPR: this story acknowledges the existence of sex. Obviously. You know, given the prompt.)
When her friends drop her off, after she has had maybe one margarita too many, she has every intention of just going to bed. But her place is too quiet and empty, even with the animals there, and she feels like she is going to crawl out of her skin if she spends another night alone. 
It has been too many nights, alone. She tries to do the math, figure out how long it has been since Romain left for France, way back before her world imploded, but concludes it doesn’t matter. Because however long it has been, she is alone, and wherever he is, he is not. And why is that fair?
It’s not, she thinks as she lets Nala out. It’s not fair at all. 
She’d said as much to her friends at dinner, as she was finishing that second drink that she shouldn’t have ordered.
Which is when her friends suggested she call Nathan.
Mariah had scoffed, of course, because Nathan? No. That would be weird, right? 
Except now, standing here in her house that is too damn quiet, she is unable to get the idea out of her head.
It’s not like she’s never thought about it, from a purely theoretical standpoint. She’s not blind, after all. And she feels it when he lands his quad lutz, that tug of attraction that comes with watching a World Champion do the thing he was built to do. She’s had the urge, once or twice, to reach over and push those curls on his forehead back into place. And sometimes he’ll flash her a smile, one of the ones that also makes his eyes sparkle, and her stomach does a flip.
But he’s Nathan, and she’s Mariah, and what she is considering right now is not what they do.
Why not, though? she thinks, lust and loneliness and tequila taking charge. Maybe this would actually be perfect. Because they know each other so well. And they trust each other. She could officially move on, with a friend, and it wouldn’t have to be a whole big thing.
(And as a bonus, it would make Romain crazy. Not that she cares.)
She’s starting to wish that she had gotten one more drink.
Plus she’s seen Nathan, over the years, watching her when he thinks she’s not looking. She has pretended not to notice when a hug maybe lingered a bit too long, or when he laughed at one of her jokes that wasn’t at all funny. So she’s relatively certain that he would be receptive to the idea, if she suggested it. 
Which she won’t.
Except now she can’t stop thinking about running her fingers along his hard, flat stomach. How it would feel to have his nimble hands trace her spine. Or how much she wants - needs - to be kissed. 
It’s been so. long. since she was kissed.
She could just see if he’s still awake, she tells herself, pulling out her phone. Just . . . dip a toe in.
Hey, is all her text says.
Her phone lights up with his response just seconds later. How was girls night? he asks. Because of course he remembers where she was. Because Nathan pays attention. Why has she never realized what an attractive quality that is before now?
It was fun. She adds, We talked about you
Why? Good things I hope
Only good things always. She throws in a winky face emoji, then a kissy face emoji for good measure.
Ha ok, he says. Glad you had fun
You should come over
So much for just dipping a toe in.
You should go to bed, he replies.
She composes her invitation again, more explicitly this time. Her thumb hovers over the screen, hesitating just for a second. Then she hits send.
The three dots appear, then disappear - then appear and disappear again. Her stomach drops.
Her phone rings. Thank god.
“Are you drunk?” he says, as soon as she picks up.
“Are you coming over?” she replies.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” she says. “I think it’s a fantastic idea, actually. Don’t you think that it’s time we finally do this?”
“Finally?” he echoes. 
“You’ve never thought about it?” she says, trying to sound like a confident, sexy woman who invites men over for hookups all the time. “I promise it will be fun.”
“Of course I’ve -” He stops himself, and she is thrilled to hear him sound flustered. To know that she has made one of the most unflappable people in the world flustered. He starts again. “I wonder if maybe we should talk about this more first.”
“Nathan,” she sighs, “All we do is talk. Just come over.” 
She hangs up.
For a moment, she is frozen. She allows herself exactly thirty seconds to spiral: about her lack of experience with anyone but Romain, about what this could mean for her and Nathan’s friendship. And then she takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders and shuts it all out, like she’s about to take the ice. Focuses only on the next thing. Because she is doing this. They are doing this.
She puts Nala in her kennel for the night, checks on the bunnies, makes sure her room isn’t a complete disaster. She stops and studies herself in the mirror. She’s still in the gauzy black top and skinny jeans she wore to dinner, her hair straightened and out of her usual ponytail. She rummages through her makeup drawer, puts on some lipstick. Immediately wipes it off. 
She is pacing in the living room, trying to figure out exactly how one greets their booty call who also happens to be their best friend, when he knocks.
He looks like he has just rolled out of bed - another thing that sends a small thrill through her, that he has come straight to her doorway simply because she asked him to - wearing his glasses and a t-shirt and sweats, a baseball cap covering what she’s sure is an out-of-control head of hair. He bounces a little on the soles of his feet, hands shoved in his pockets, like he’s not quite sure what to do with himself.
Frankly, now that he’s here, she’s not quite sure what to do with him either.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi.” She tries to channel the fictional, I’ve-done-this-before version of herself again, even though she is positive he can hear her heart pounding. “Are you coming in?”
He steps inside, closes the door behind him, and lingers in the entryway. They stand there in silence.
“You look amazing,” he says, and she watches the color immediately rise in his cheeks after he speaks. She’s realizing that making Nathan flustered is going to become one of her favorite things.
More silence.
“For some reason I thought this would be less awkward,” she says finally.
“I didn’t,” he shoots back.
She laughs, and he smiles, and she relaxes a bit. If she can get him to smile, this is all going to be fine. They wander into the kitchen, Nathan keeping a respectful distance, as if he is still not entirely sure what he is doing there. She wonders if she should be offering him a drink.
He clears his throat. “So your text, uh, surprised me.” She can see the question swirling in his eyes - do you really want to do this? - as well as the answer that he is hoping for.
She takes a few steps forward, closing the space between them. “Honestly?” she says, “It kind of surprised me, too. But in a really good way.”
She reaches up and takes his cap off of his head. God, these curls, she thinks as his mop of dark hair springs forward, and she is unable to stop herself from running her hand through them.
He inhales sharply at the contact and his hand comes up to rest on her hip as if by reflex. Her skin hums at being touched, even through the layers of fabric. 
“You came over, though,” she continues. She is still playing with his hair, and his eyes close briefly as her hand brushes the side of his neck. She files that away for later. “I’m assuming not just to talk.”
“No,” he says, hand moving to the small of her back. “I guess not.”
When he kisses her, there’s no sign of the Nathan who had seemed so unsure just minutes before. It’s not what she expected from him, and she has a brief spark of envy for whoever it was that helped him learn to kiss like this, so sure and so confident. And then his hands are skimming the skin just under the hemline of her shirt and oh she had forgotten how good this felt.
She reaches up to cup his cheek and giggles when she hits his glasses, knocking them askew. “Sorry,” she says breathlessly, leaning back slightly to try and readjust them. He yanks them off instead, half-tossing them on the counter, before pulling her back into him.
She can feel every place he touches on her body light up, his hands activating an electric current within her. She tugs impatiently at the bottom of his t-shirt, is surprised when he puts his hand over hers to stop her.
“Maybe, um, not here,” he says, blushing again as he gestures to the large window across from them and the blinds she has forgotten to close. She laughs and takes his hand, leading the way to her room.
The sight of her bed stops them both short for a moment, the magnitude of what they are about to do crashing into them. She sees some uncertainty creep back into his eyes as he glances at the bed, then at her, and she says softly, “We don’t have to do anything, Nate.” She looks down at their interlaced hands, runs her thumb along his knuckle. “I know this is crazy.”
“It’s not crazy to me.” He gives her a small half-smile. “You were right, on the phone, that I’ve thought about this. Thought about us.”
The look in his eyes sends her heart slamming into her chest. “Oh,” she breathes.
“And you’re - you’re really important to me,” he continues. “I just don’t want to do anything that will screw things up.”
She kisses him, hard, because she doesn’t know how else to tell him that he is important to her too, that she doesn’t know what is going to happen tomorrow but she knows that this, right now, feels like something they should have been doing forever. “We’ll figure it out,” is what she manages to say. “We’ll be okay.”
This time he lets her lift his t-shirt over his head, chuckles self-consciously as she takes her time admiring the sculpted muscles she finds beneath it. They topple onto the mattress, melting into each other’s touch and peeling off layers of clothing, and she wonders if this feels so good because it has been so long or because it is him. He flicks his thumb over her nipple and she arches into his palm, and he flashes her a smug smile.
In return, she nips at the sensitive spot she discovered under his ear, and when he groans she gives him a smirk of her own. It is exhilarating, seeing these new facets of a person she knows so well, learning how to make his body respond to her touch. 
She wrestles his sweatpants off of his hips, and he digs a condom out of a pocket before kicking them off the rest of the way. “Okay?” he asks, gently. She nods, breathes out a yes. He moves over her, a deep kiss smothering the moan that escapes her when his fingers reach her between her legs.
He pauses, on his elbows above her, his curls spilling every direction. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers. She will never forget the way he is looking at her in this moment.
They move together, trading kisses and falling into rhythm, her legs wrapping around him, pulling him closer, deeper. As she comes apart she gasps his name, her fingernails digging into his back. He follows shortly after, forehead pressed against hers, and she plants a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
She sleeps curled against him, her hand splayed across his chest, comforted by the rise and fall of his steady breathing. When she wakes a few hours later, he is watching her, and she smiles at him sleepily.
“Hi,” he says. He returns her smile but the wariness is back in his eyes, and she knows what he is half-waiting for her to say. That this was fun but it shouldn’t happen again; that they are better off as just friends. That this doesn’t change anything.
She could say those things. It would maybe be easier. But she finds that she wouldn’t mean any of it. 
“Maybe next time, you can buy me dinner first,” she teases instead. “Like a proper gentleman.”
He lets out a surprised laugh. “Excuse me, but I think that I am the person who has been used for their body in this situation. Maybe you should be buying me dinner.”
“Mmm, is that so?” she asks, kissing him lightly. She leans back and touches his face, wanting him to see that she really means the next thing that she says. “I would like that, though. To go on a date. With you.”
His face lights up. “Yeah?”
She nods, and he pulls her in for another kiss. She is not sure where to begin untying the knot of emotions she feels, or how they are going to navigate this, but the idea of going back to who they were yesterday feels even more impossible.
We’ll be okay, she thinks, as she swings her leg over his hip and draws him closer. We’ll be okay.
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indigolover97 · 2 months
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We’re Dripping In It
Chapter 18: Dope
Jimin met Jungkook at the door of their Political Science class, he chuckled at the sight of the motorcycle helmet underneath his arm.
“Isn’t it a bit cold to be riding this morning?” Jimin asked, following behind Jungkook as they made their way inside the classroom and walked up the steps to the back of the room. A row of girls giggled as Jungkook passed in his black leathers and wind swept hair.
“It actually wasn’t that bad this morning,” Jungkook dismissed, placing his helmet on an empty seat and sat down next to it. That was only half a lie, it was freaking cold to ride in but Namjoon’s sultry eyes on him as he left had been worth it.
Jimin eyed Jungkook’s smirk as he sat down next to him, “Namjoon-hyung left in quite a hurry last night, anything you want to tell me Kookie?”
“Nope,” Jungkook answered, pulling out his notebook and phone. There was a message from Namjoon on the screen, Jungkook opened it and smiled at the words ‘If you get any sexier, I think you might kill me’ with a burning hot emoji at the end.
‘I thought you were into knife play, guess I’ll have to table that’ Jungkook sends with a pouting face, snickering under his breath as the professor stands at her desk and calls the class to order.
‘I’m in the middle of a meeting, baby. Don’t give me ideas.’ Namjoon texts back with a prayer hands emoji.
‘I’ll take bondage off the list then,’ Jungkook sends back, ignoring Jimin’s kick to his ankle as he stares down at his phone. He glances up to see the Professor only just starting to get her slides organized on the screen, so he takes his time getting his pencils out.
‘Jungkook,’ is all Namjoon sends back in reply. Jungkook bites his lip to stop his giggles at his boyfriend’s distress.
‘Have fun in your meeting, I have class now’ Jungkook types, adding a kissy face at the end before closing his phone and tucking it into his inside jacket’s pocket.
Jungkook spent the rest of class listening to the professor drone on and on while taking his notes and trying to ignore the suggestive looks he was getting from the row of girls in front of him. There was one girl in particular, with long blonde hair, that kept trying to catch his eye.
Jungkook desperately hoped that Yoongi’s jeweler was fast, cause it seemed like he needed those couple rings just as much as Namjoon did.
The bell rang and people were out of their seats before the professor could even call out the assigned homework for the day. Jungkook stuffed his notebook into his backpack and pulled his phone out again, he had a message from both Namjoon and Yoongi.
He opened Namjoon’s first and snorted at the reply of ‘I’ll deal with you tonight’ to his last text. He sent a quick ‘Looking forward to it’ with an angel emoji before opening Yoongi-hyung’s message.
‘Your rings will be ready tomorrow and you need to give me your stage set for next week, you have performances on Tuesday night and Saturday.’ Yoongi said with his usual cat emoji at the end of his message.
Jungkook didn’t feel that he was up to a full performance of dancing and singing, but he did have a few songs that could just be sung. He sent Yoongi his two selections before moving to stand with Jimin to leave.
“Excuse me,” a sweet voice muttered just as Jungkook was standing from his chair, he looked up to see the blonde girl smiling shyly up at him. Jimin snickered behind him, the bastard, as the girl blocked their path towards the stairs.
“Can I help you?” Jungkook asks politely, picking up his motorcycle helmet from the chair and swinging his backpack onto his shoulder.
The girl giggled, “I’m Kim Soyeon.” She bows slightly with her introduction.
“Jeon Jungkook,” he replies, bowing even shallower to her. “Is there something I can help you with?”
Soyeon smiles widely to him, “I’ve seen you perform at D-Town, it was amazing! Have you always been into dancing?”
“Thank you,” Jungkook says politely, glancing at the clock on the wall. “I’m sorry, I can’t chat, I have another class to go to.”
“Oh,” Soyeon’s expression drops and she scrambles to pull out a post-it note and write her number on it. “Maybe we can meet up after one of your performances?”
“Sorry,” Jungkook says, raising his hands apologetically, not taking the offered piece of paper. He smiles gently at her fallen face, “I don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate that, he’s kinda claimed all of my free evenings. Did you have an interest in performing at D-Town?”
Jungkook asks the question with innocence, as if he doesn’t know why she’s asking to meet up with him. Ignoring Jimin’s snort behind him as he stares at Soyeon’s small shake of the head before heading down the stairs to join her friends.
“It’s never a boring day with you, Jungkook-ah.” Jimin teases, sliding over to his shoulder as they watch the huddle of girls leave the room.
Jungkook sighs, glancing down at the post-it note that was dropped to the floor before stepping over it and walking down the stairs. “I hate upsetting people.”
“It’s not like you’re wearing a sign that says ‘Come try your shot with me’.” Jimin scoffs, punching Jungkook’s shoulder as they exit the classroom. “Who would you rather upset anyway? Your actual boyfriend or some girl from class?”
Jungkook elbowed Jimin’s side, “You already know the answer to that, I’d never want to upset Namjoon.”
Jimin scrunched his nose, “It’s so weird for you to be calling Leader-hyung by his name, he’s older than you!”
“He told me to!” Jungkook says defensively, then scrunches his brow in thought. “Should I start calling him hyung?”
Jimin only shrugs as he opens the door for them to enter the history lecture hall. “How much you wanna bet that Namjoon-hyung might be into that?”
Jungkook gives Jimin a hard look as they sit down, Jimin only cackles in response before the bell for class rings.
The cold air whips around his body as he speeds down the busy streets towards Namjoon’s apartment. He pulls up in front of the tall black building and cuts off the engine. Pulling off his helmet he sees one of the guards that had taken Jin up to the apartment approach him. He hands him his helmet as he swings off his bike before heading inside, saying a quick ‘thank you’ to the man as he passes.
Another guard meets him at the elevator and takes them up to Namjoon’s penthouse, Jungkook leans back against the wall of the elevator as they slowly climb. When the doors open Jungkook steps through and comes face to face with his brother.
“You have a motorcycle!” Jin burst out, waving his arms around wildly as Jungkook passed him to go into the kitchen. “Do you know how dangerous they are! And in Seoul especially!”
“No! Are they? I had no idea!” Jungkook snarked, setting his backpack down on a bar chair, pulling off his leather jacket to hang on the back of it. Unfortunately, this was not the jacket Namjoon had given him, Jungkook had no idea where that one had disappeared to since he was taken by the Stray Kids Gang. He was really bummed about it, he had started to love that jacket.
“You really need to stop being a sarcastic little shit, I’m your hyung Jungkook!” Jin barked, blocking Jungkook’s path to the refrigerator.
“Everyone in this house is my hyung, Jin-hyung” Jungkook corrects, folding his arms over his chest as he stares at his brother. “Being blood related means nothing to me at the moment.”
Jin stares at him and takes a step back, “You think you mean that now, but just you wait. This choice of yours is going to bite you in the ass one day and I don’t want to be around to see it.”
“It’s already bitten me in the ass,” Jungkook glares, side stepping Jin and grabbing a banana milk from the fridge. “I’ve already been kidnapped and held hostage for leverage. And then I had to chase after your sorry ass, so really it’s bitten me twice.”
“You’ve been what?!” Jin yelped, he stared at Jungkook sipping on his banana milk, his face growing red with agitation. “When the fuck were you kidnapped!?”
“Just before we had to go looking for you,” Jungkook answered with a shrug, sipping through the little straw as he looked at his brother. “I think we need to sit down and talk about this, instead of just yelling at each other.”
Jin huffed as he followed Jungkook into the dining room and sat down across from him at the table, he crossed his arms over his chest as they stared at each other for a moment. The only sounds in the room was the slurping of Jungkook’s banana milk carton, he set it down on the table after finishing it.
“Alright hyung, I want you to give me all the reasons why you think I’m being stupid for trusting my hyungs, who I’ve known for years, and my boyfriend, who has done nothing to hurt me.” Jungkook says, waving for Jin to go ahead.
Jin scoffed, “He hasn’t hurt you yet, you mean. He will one day, I guarantee it.”
“How do you think he’s going to hurt me?” Jungkook asked seriously, if he was going to have to listen to his brother’s rant he might as well try to take him seriously.
“Namjoon has a lot of enemies, Jungkook. Obviously you know that, since you’ve already been taken by one. Considering they didn’t hurt you too badly, they probably weren’t any of his big enemies, so you got lucky. You might not next time.” Jin began, glancing over at the healing rope burns on Jungkook’s wrists. Luckily the bruise on his cheek was basically gone now.
“I don’t need to hear about all the outside forces I’ll be up against, hyung.” Jungkook cut in resting his arms on the table, not at all bothered by his brother’s eyes on his marked skin. “I want to hear your reasons about Namjoon and my hyungs, not their enemies.”
“How can you be so dismissive of it? Some of these people won’t be…” Jin started to say but Jungkook held up a hand.
“You’re focusing on the wrong things, Jin-hyung. I’m not going to continue this conversation if you won’t put that aside.” Jungkook said with a sigh. “But I’ll tell you why I’m not worried about any of Namjoon’s enemies, no matter how big they are. It’s because the next time they come after me, I won’t be helpless against them. I won’t be ignorant about the risks of being on the streets alone. And one day, I’ll be just as much of a threat to them as Namjoon is.”
“Why would you want that Jungkook-ah?” Jin asked lowly, his shoulders deflating in defeat. “Why would you want to become a part of a company that kills people? That tortures them for information, that puts drugs on the streets, and controls whether the city will eat or not. Namjoon could get bored one day and burn Seoul to the ground and build his own city in its place. Are you really going to be by his side standing on the ashes of millions of bodies?”
Jungkook leaned back in his chair and tapped his finger against the wooden table as he thought over his brother’s words.
“Does that put it into perspective for you, little brother?” Jin asks, leaning forward to catch Jungkook’s eye.
Jungkook raises his eyes to his brother, “Yes, it does.”
Jin started to smile but froze when Jungkook continued to speak.
“It may seem cold to you, but I genuinely could care less for the people of Seoul. When I was on the streets for three weeks, no one looked twice at me or stopped to help.” Jungkook said coldly, standing to his feet as he looked at his brother. “You weren’t home when mom kicked me out. You never seemed to be home after getting back from killing dad’s murderer, you jumped to the conclusion that I had ran away. I didn’t! I came back for two weeks while you were gone and waited for you to come back! But you didn’t! No one helped me until I came to Yoongi-hyung’s door. I’m going to stick with them hyung, they’re the only ones that have given a damn about me since they met me!”
Jungkook left his brother in the dining room and headed up the stairs to Namjoon’s bedroom. He opened the door a bit surprised to see the man lounging on the bed, Namjoon looked up and blinked as Jungkook shut the door behind him.
“Hey baby, how was…” Namjoon grunted as Jungkook flung himself on top of Namjoon, sending them tumbling down onto the mattress.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s neck and settled his legs on either side of his waist. “I’m abandoning my brother, he doesn’t listen to me.”
Namjoon hummed as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s shoulders, “You have another hard talk with your hyung?”
“Not my hyung anymore,” Jungkook grumbled against Namjoon’s neck. “Just an idiot that my mother gave birth to.”
Namjoon chuckled and ran a hand through Jungkook’s hair, “Have you had dinner yet, baby?”
“Does banana milk count?” Jungkook asked, lifting his head to look at Namjoon and place a kiss onto his cheek.
“No baby, it doesn’t.” Namjoon replied, placing a kiss on Jungkook’s lips. “What do you want to eat?”
Jungkook hummed in thought, “Grilled Pork Belly sounds just about right, right now.”
“Then that’s what my baby will get,” Namjoon said, placing another kiss on Jungkook’s giggling lips as he moved them off the bed to order some food into their room.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 years
Can now add “online Ludo game” to the list of places I’ve been hit on
#it was super funny though actually#so it was a 4 person game because i don’t play 2 person games anymore because it’s way too intense#and one of the people left right at the start bc that happens sometimes. idk why#so it was just me; a guy; and another girl#my username is a girl’s first name plus a couple of random letters & my profile picture is a cartoon of a girl wearing glasses#because i’m not trying to have someone track me down and kill me irl over a ludo game#the other two players both had their fb connected so their names and pfps were presumably their real names and faces#which is whatever. live your life i guess#anyway so the guy started spamming kissy face emojis and saying ‘hello’ ‘hello’ ‘hello’ over and over#and then he tried to add me and presumably the other girl as buddies#but neither of us said anything#so presumably out of annoyance that he wasn’t getting any attention and we wanted to.. idk... PLAY LUDO ON A LUDO APP#mans fucked off#and the cherry on top was that the girl paid 50 gold to put a donkey on his face after he left#(for 50 gold [which isn’t very much] you can send people something like a rose and that stays next to their picture for the rest of the game#there’s a couple of aggressive ones like a thrown tomato and an explosion but donkey basically means ‘lol look at this loser’)#what really cracked me up was that she did this after he already left. and then just continued playing like nothing happened#i didn’t even care that she won. i was just in awe of her energy#like ‘i’m going to stay completely silent but acknowledge that this man is a clown. and then i’m going to beat you’#i nearly sent her a rose but i didn’t know if she’d think it was weird#i still haven’t won a single game of ludo btw but i am having the time of my life#personal
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