#knc x reader
cabinofimagines · 1 year
While it lasts
I feel like I should disclaim, just like the Anubis fic, that as long as y’all don’t specify that it is Walt and Anubis I will treat them as being separate. Which, once again, has happened. 
Also, first Walt fic! I think I might be getting the feel for him but I dunno. 
Pairing: Walt Stone x gn!reader Request:  Can you write a fluffy Walt Stone [Kane Chronicles] x Reader oneshot, where they celebrate Valentine's Day together? Word count: 1.1k Warnings: mentions of Walt’s curse, the implication of a tragedy- 
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It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about Valentine’s Day, this year it didn’t even matter what your opinion was on the day. In light of your relationship, and the tied temporality to it, you were amendment on celebrating this day. You would have liked to be able to not think about Walt’s curse, but since he told you it was haunting you too. Perhaps you wouldn’t be able to fix it, maybe you would only have a set amount of time, but you refused to let the sorrows of this settle into your relationship. Which meant that even if Walt said he didn’t necessarily care about Valentine’s if you didn’t, you wanted to spend every minute of it with him.
You refused to let Valentine’s Day be one of your regrets if Walt passes. You refused to let the day in the year where you are supposed to love to pass unnoticed.
Which meant that you woke up next to your boyfriend, holding on to his waist as he, seemingly already awake, softly played with your fingers.
“Good morning, my charm.” Walt greeted you, his voice warm. “Morning, love.” You greeted him back, slowly lifting your head, “How are you feeling today?” you asked as you looked at your boyfriend lovingly. Walter hummed as he closed his eyes, breathing in deeply.
“Better than yesterday,” Walter opened his eyes, “I will manage whatever you have planned, I hope.” You sat up, glaring at your boyfriend.
“Walt Stone, if you’re in pain you do not have to do anything.” A smile graced your face as you continued, “Besides, as the amazing significant other I am, I have made plans that can be converted to low effort alternatives.” Walt sighed. “But I don’t want you to not have the Valentine’s Day of your dreams, (Y/n).” “Any Valentine’s Day with you is of my dreams, love.” You grinned, “So, inside or outside?”
“Inside then, please.” Walt sat up too and cupped your cheek, “I love you, oh gracious significant other of mine.”  He whispered before he kissed you slowly.
You knew of the pains Walt had to go through on a daily basis, so you always tried your best to accommodate him whenever you could. So, for todays date you had planned things that you could either do outside of the house, or inside. This was something that you both early on in the relationship came to understand. If you wanted dates, you had to be prepared to take it slow whenever Walt was not feeling well.
However, Walt sometimes felt guilty for taking away the ‘normal’ experiences of a dating live you could have. If you did not check on him verbally, he would refuse to tell you when he was in pain and when he should take it slow. Even if you tried to reassure him that it is fine, he would still wish he could take you out more, have you see the world and pretend that everything is normal, even if it would be for a day.
Yet, as you held his hand to guide him towards your date, eager to show him what you prepared the day before his thoughts stilled. Walt only registered his beating heart, the melody of your voice and how much love he felt for you. As you let him into a new room, looking forward, Walt only looked at you, a soft smile on his face and adoration in his eyes.
“Here you go! Don’t you think this looks great?” You asked, gesturing in front of you, before turning around to face your boyfriend. “It does,” Walt hummed, only having eyes for you.
“Let’s sit down!” Only as you moved Walt to sit on the pillows on the floor, did he take in the room. You had transformed your bedroom into a picnic place. There was a blanket right next to your bed on the floor, a basket in the middle. Above your heads, you had strung some fairy lights, and Walt noticed that you even got vases with different types of wildflowers scattered around the room.  
“It is our own private little paradise,” you smiled as you sat down next to him, leaning against his shoulder carefully, “Now please, go ahead and start eating, after this we can sit on my bed and” you did quotation marks with your fingers, “go to the cinema!” Walt smiled, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
“Can I first give you a present?” he asked, and you gasped. “You got me a present? I didn’t-“ Walt but a finger to your lips in order to make you shut up. “(Y/n), you did all of this, please just take the present.” Walt softly begged you and you nodded. Walt slowly moved in to press a kiss on your lips before whispering a tiny ‘Thank you’.
Walt quickly stood up and came back after barely a minute with a gift bag in his hand. After he sat down next to you, he handed you the bag wanting you to open it quickly. As you opened it, you revealed a charm on a necklace, clearly crafted by your talented boyfriend.
“What does it do?” You asked him, as you affixed the charm around your neck. “It is a protective charm, and it is also supposed to bring good luck,” Walt scratched his neck, “but I am unsure whether that one succeeded.” Walt hesitated for a second, before he grabbed the charm hanging of your neck. He pressed a kiss on it, before looking you in the eye. “I hope it protects you when I am not there to do so.” Determination shone form his expression, yet the underlining message in his words was clear as day.
One day he might not be there to protect you. His curse will catch up to him, but until then he will cherish you.
It wasn’t easy for Walt to think about the passage of time. He knew he was living on borrowed time, and his curse haunted him every day. But being with you made his life more bearable, it took away some of the endless suffering he went through and most importantly it grounded him. Because if he was not going to life forever, or for long, he will make damn sure it was worth your time. Every minute with you brought and infinity of joy to him, and he wants to protect that forever, even if he would no longer be there.
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hallodraws · 6 years
Prototype (Part 3) | Reader x Peter Parker
Wordcount: 1,185
Genre: Male!Android!Reader x Peter Parker/Spider-Man | Marvel (MCU) x Detroit: Become Human AU Summary: “Not long after Tony Stark attends CyberLife’s Annual Investor & Shareholder Conference, the New Avenger’s Facility becomes freshly staffed by various CyberLife Androids. One particular model - the new ST400 - becomes a personal project of Mr. Stark’s. He could never have known that interactions with a particular young Avenger would impact his project in ways he could never have imagined.”
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes: Whew~! This section was a bit of a hard one for me, I wanted it to be more dialogue heavy and fluffy. Hopefully, it was worth the wait and you guys enjoy this little bit :) The next part is going to have quite a bombshell that’s going to set the scene for the rest of the story, so stay tuned ;^) I want spaghetti so fucking bad now. Also, if you want to be on the tag list for this fic just let me know in a comment
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"Will you be watching Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts on KNC tonight, Peter?" (Y/N) asked without warning. "Y-Yeah!" Peter finally managed to snap out of his gaze, "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
"Good!" (Y/N) smiled, "Rumor has it, Mr. Stark will be releasing some very important news regarding the CyberLife collaboration to the public. It's exciting, isn't it?"
"(Y/N), would you like to watch it with me?" Peter's words came out faster than his brain had time to process. It just kind of spilled out.
"Really?" (Y/N) cocked his head, his LED phasing yellow for a brief moment, "You'd like to watch the interview together?" (Y/N) seemed surprised by this, but his expression hinted at him liking the idea. That look alone made Peter's cheeks burn with a bright pink hue. He looked away in a feeble attempt to hide his flushed face.
"Y-Yeah! I said I'd like to get to know you more," Peter stuttered out, "What better way to do that than hanging out?" He found himself holding his breath - why did he feel so nervous about proposing this idea? It was just watching TV.
"That sounds like fun. I'd love to." (Y/N)'s face seemed to glow as his LED went blue.
"Great!" Peter exhaled - relieved.
"The interview is on at 7:00 pm tonight. If you'd like, I can prepare dinner beforehand." (Y/N) stepped out from the umbrella, beginning to walk back in the direction of the facility. Peter quickly turned to join him, holding the umbrella high to place (Y/N) back under it.
"Oh! You don't have to do that for me, (Y/N)."
"Please," (Y/N) touched Peter on the shoulder, "Consider it my thanks for intervening with Dr. Greggor. I'd be happy to, Peter."
Peter stopped, looking at (Y/N). He had such a kind look in his eyes, his warm hand still on Peter's shoulder. Again, Peter noticed himself staring.
"Well," Peter returned the smile, "how can I say no to that?"
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The rest of the work day went off without a hitch. Peter and (Y/N) each resumed their routes in talking to the various Androids on duty - agreeing to meet at 6:00 in the common area. The hours flew. Peter found himself speeding through quicker than usual - his excitement getting the better of him. He was thrilled to sit down and hang out with (Y/N) in a non-work related setting.
He called Aunt May to give her the heads up he wouldn't make it home for dinner. He told her he was eating with a new friend he made at the internship - which wasn't entirely a lie. (Y/N) was a friend - just not a human one, but Aunt May didn't need to know that little tidbit. May was cool with it - obviously - just happy that Peter was making friends.
It was a little before six when Peter strolled into the common area. The table was set with flatware and a pitcher of fresh water.  He could see (Y/N) in the kitchen, happily stirring a pot on the stove. He didn't even notice Peter come in.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Peter called into the room. (Y/N) turned, giving Peter a little wave.
"Hi, Peter! You're here early. Finished all your work for the day?" (Y/N) resumed stirring.
"Yeah, I'm getting a lot faster at my route," Peter walked closer to the kitchen - a savory smell finally hitting him, "Wow! What are you making? It smells fantastic!"
"It's just spaghetti. I wasn't sure what you liked. I hope that wasn't a poor decision on my part." (Y/N) put down the spoon, bringing the sauce and noodles to the table, "Are you hungry?"
"Starving!" Peter pulled up a seat, "This looks great, (Y/N). I hope you didn't go to a lot of trouble just for me."
"Please, Peter. I'm happy to do it." (Y/N) dished out a hearty portion of spaghetti onto the plate, and with a smile and a nod, he began to walk back to the stove to clean his cooking station.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Peter asked, now noticing there was only a setting for one person on the table.
"I don't eat, Peter," (Y/N) chuckled, "My biocomponents run on Thirium 310. I don't need nourishment the way you do."
"O-Oh! That's right... I totally forgot." Peter felt stupid, forgetting something as common knowledge as the idea that Androids don't consume human food. Everyone knew that. Still, Peter felt a little lonely, eating all alone at the table. He looked at (Y/N), cleaning without a word. He was so focused on being a servant and finishing his job - so Peter decided to try to change that.
"We have some time before the interview," Peter said through a mouthful of pasta, "Do you maybe wanna...talk?"
(Y/N) turned, placing the dirty pot and sponge down in the sink. He walked over to the table and pulled up a seat across from Peter. A smile slowly grew on both the boys' faces.
"Sure, Peter. What would you like to talk about?"
"Well, I know a lot about CyberLife and Androids but... what can you do? Your functions, I mean." Peter found himself struggling to talk. After the whole 'Androids don't eat food' debacle, he wanted to make himself sound smart again.
"Well," (Y/N) began, "I'm the 3rd Generation of the ST series - unreleased, of course," (Y/N) reached over to refill Peter's water, not once faltering, "The ST series was made to act as personal assistants, so I can do most everyday tasks - cooking, cleaning, housework, managing appointments, you name it."
"Thanks," Peter took a sip of his water, "Any functions I might not know about?" (Y/N) smirked - looking happy that Peter was showing such an interest in his functions.
"I can speak 300 languages, my brain can perform several billion tasks at any given time, my cosmetic settings are fully customizable, I'm also--"
"Your cosmetics?" Peter interrupted through a mouthful of pasta. He caught himself talking with his mouth full this time, so he quickly covered his mouth and swallowed.
(Y/N) didn't say anything. Instead, he brushed his hair away from his face and began to turn his head. As he turned, the various strands of hair on his head shifted through a vast spectrum of colors - both natural and unnatural shades. From root to tip, (Y/N) cycled through so many different colors, Peter ended up losing track. He sat frozen, fork in hand, in awe.
"Wow! (Y/N), that's incredible! Still, I thought you looked great just the way you were." Peter began screaming internally. Why had he said that?! Embarrassment washed over him as he desperately prayed (Y/N) hadn't heard what he said. But (Y/N)'s audio processor was not broken - he most certainly heard. (Y/N) flashed a beautiful smile back at Peter as his hair returned to its default color.
"Well thank you, Peter. That's a really sweet thing to say."
"S-Sure!" Peter's face crimsoned once again. He looked into his plate of pasta in an attempt to evade eye contact. The rest of dinner was quiet.
NEXT ▶ PART 4 PREVIOUS ▶ PART 2 ARTWORK of ST400/(OC named Aron when not in (Y/N) form) Official Artwork 01, Official Artwork 02, Official Artwork 03, Tags: @tonystanktheirondad @peter-null @starryfool @ragingballofanxiety @leo-nerd-oh @vollycon @sharkie-boyyo @brokenembers @dr3amw4lker @acelin-ginsberg @kalwinxhester @marvelgoateecollection
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connorfixinghistie · 6 years
My arms are open for you, look at me now
Oneshot - Kamski x Reader
LOVE - 42: I need a hug requested by a nonnie
Bedroom Wall - Banks
[ Young Kamski, Genderneutral!Reader, hurt/comfort ]
Word count: 800+
This is my first time writing about Kamski! Also my first oneshot in my entire life can you believe that and first request nonnie you see how special this is. I know this should be pure fluff but nah y’all know me. Everything is better with a bit of angst ;) tagging my waifu @deviantsxconnor <3
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You never expected that your relationship with Elijah would end up like this.
Well, technically, it is not over. Either of you ever mentions about break-up. It is just that...
You feel like you’re dating a ghost.
Lying on the empty bed, you feel the sleepiness slowly creeping up to your exhausted body. Apparently, two cups of coffee don’t work very well for you. You sit up with a little be more force needed, trying to reach the electronic clock on the nightstand.
12:30 AM
And he’s still not home.
You hopelessly let out a sigh, wondering how many lonely nights you spend without his presence. He must be alone, working on Chloe, the android you designed together, preparing for its Turing Test next week. If it fails, years of efforts will become a waste. You know you can’t blame him. He’s under too much pressure. Being in a relationship with Kamski requires much more dedication and tolerance than you imagined. Your love story is way more than the headline of KNC news: “Two geniuses falling in love and building a cyber empire”.
When did it all start? The moment he realised he was not the only sixteen-year-old whose IQ was over 170 in the college. The moment he talked about his ambitious dream about creating his own company and changing the world. The moment he asked you to join him, to help him with this unprecedented, risky project, to live together with him.
He said, you were the only one able to keep up with his complex thoughts, share the same passion for AI, and give him the warmest love he could ever have at the same time.
“Y/N, we’re meant to be together.”
Now, you doubt it. After all, you did not ask for a relationship in which you keep being the giver.
“Y/N, why are you still awake?” a deep, familiar voice brings you back to reality. Turning around, you saw a dark figure leaning against the doorframe.
“Oh, hi, Elijah.” you murmur as you move to the edge of the bed, legs resting on one side, “Can’t believe that you found your way home.” You can’t help but be sarcastic. Almost every single night, he comes home late, asks the same freaking question, and-
You watch him walking towards you. His facial features become clearer as he passes under the light. Surprisingly, Kamski seems hurt by your words, as there’s a sign of frustration in those ocean eyes.
“Look, baby, I...”
Honestly, you’re expecting a “very funny” instead of a sincere speech about how sorry he is, how much he loves you or whatever.
“I know.” you interrupt him before he starts the sentence, giving him a quick bitter smile. What’s the point of listening to all that bullshit? You wish you could be mad at him, yell at him, or even slap him right in the face to make him realise that you deserve way more than this. But you just can’t.
The least thing you want to do is to start a fight, even though you really need to pour your emotions out, just for once.
Kamski stares into your eyes as he kneels down in front of you. His lips are slightly parted as if he wants to but can’t get the words out. Guess this nerd doesn’t knows how to express his feelings to his lover either.
“If Chloe passes the test,” he finally breaks the silence, with a pretty disappointing start, “everything will be changed. The world will be stunned by our creation. Cyberlife will take over the field of AI.” His tone changes when he mentions Cyberlife. He’s so excited, so proud, so full of hope that it hurts you. The fact that he lives for science but you live for him hurts you.
Before you stop him, Kamski holds your hands tightly and continues, “By that time, my love, I can give you anything you need, anything you-”
“No, Elijah! I don’t fucking need things that will be in the future right now!”
You don’t even realise how loud you are and how ridiculous this sentence is. Why can’t he understand that what you need is not a promise for the future?What you need is so simple, so simple that he can just easily forget.
“Then what do you need now?”
“You!” you let go of his hands and shout at him.
Maybe for Elijah, for someone who always considers work beyond himself, that is the most shocking thing one would ever hear.
“I need you... I just need you, you fool!” you try your best to hold your tears but fail. Sobbing like a baby, you whisper, “I need a hug...”
You feel a sudden warmth radiating around your body. He wraps you up in his arms so tightly as if he will die if he lets you go. The next thing you know is his lips pressing against yours, summing up all the emotions inside. You miss this so much, his attention, his touch, his warmth...
His love.
Either of you knows how long the kiss lasts till he stops and says, “I love you.”
Thanks for reading!! I hope this doesn’t disappoint you that much, nonnie. ;w; Sooo for me I feel like young Kamski would be someone who dedicates his life to science since he’s so keen on it. He’s not so good at expressing his feelings but still he wants to make sure that you know he loves you. Please give me some feedback!!! Should I write a part 2 (apparently I stopped in the part you’re here for lol)
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cabinofimagines · 7 months
Cocoa Chronicles
I'm always happy to get a request from the Kane Chronicles or Magnus Chase so of course I would write this one! I hope y'all enjoy :) Pairing: Carter Kane x gn!reader (platonic) Request: Carter with a reader who always has a cup of hot cocoa in hand, no matter the situation nor season? This is my first time requesting to you guys specifically 😅 Also your fics are amazing! Word count: 0.8k Warnings: none! I dunno, reader drinks diary- -Asnyox
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Ever since last summer, Carter had a new found suspicion of you. He knew you liked hot cocoa - the winter prior had consisted of so many cups of hot chocolate that Carter was almost considering staging an intervention for you. Almost. However, last summer he went on a quest with you, in the middle of the desert, and during your lunch break you took out a thermos from your bag, filled with hot cocoa. You offered him a cup, but he kindly refused and offered you a cooler beverage (you know, water) instead. Yet - later that day you encountered a bunch of monsters, and instead of having to fight them, you fed them your cocoa and they relented. 
Ever since then, he had been paying closer attention to your cocoa habits. Indeed, you had hot chocolate on you at all times. At another point, a few weeks after the last quest, the two of you were stumped on a puzzle. As you do, you had gotten out your hot chocolate and you accidentally spilled some on the floor.
That led to a clue, as the beverage sank into some slits in the floor, revealing hieroglyphs. Carter, who seconds before would have scolded you for not being careful, instead appraised your hot cocoa. Carter considered whether your cocoa, or maybe even thermos, was magical, but maybe the inherent comfort of a hot cup of a beverage might just be magical enough. 
And he was thankful for your seemingly endless stash of hot chocolate when both of you got caught up in a snowstorm. Luckily, this time you weren’t on a quest, just simply locked in Brooklyn House, with everyone a little miffed that they couldn’t go outside. You quickly jumped to the occasion, and started asking everyone if they wanted a hot chocolate. Carter offered to help you prepare - maybe he wanted to see whether you would simply pour all the cups out of your usual thermos. Sadly, you had put a pan on the stove, and grabbed different chocolates out of the cabinet. So, instead he decided to simply ask. 
“What’s the deal with you and hot chocolate?” “You want my recipe?” you asked, fully prepared to explain all the steps. “Uh- yeah that too but,” Carter hesitated, “You’re always drinking hot cocoa, like this summer you had it on you too!” “Well what do I say,” you smiled, “I just love the taste that it has! Plus hot chocolate always gives me comfort.” Carter nodded in understanding. “So no magical thermos?” He asked, “It’s just your favorite drink?” You laughed. “Why would my thermos be magical?” you shook your head, “It truly is just my favorite drink, Carter.” you pondered for a moment, as you stirred the milk, “But if you do find a magical thermos, give it to me?” as you looked at him, Carter nodded. You smiled as you went back to explaining your recipe to Carter. 
 A little while later, the entirety of Brooklyn House was sitting together in front of the television, with a random movie on the screen. 
A while later, you simply weren’t having a good day. Got bad news, had too many things to do, bad nights sleep and the Brooklyn House was out of ingredients for chocolate milk. You really weren’t feeling it anymore, and decided to just lock yourself in your room. You were scrolling on your phone, when there was a knock on your door. 
“(Y/n)?” the voice of Carter came from the other side, “Can I come in?” You sighed as you stood up, and opened the door for him. He smiled at you. “Do you have a moment? I would like to show you something.” He held out his hand, and you reluctantly grabbed it, as you then followed him.
He led you to the roof of Brooklyn house, where there were a bunch of pillows on the floor, and most importantly, two big, steaming cups of hot cocoa. 
“I thought we were out of ingredients,” was the first comment you made as you laid your eyes on the cups. “We were, but I figured I would get you some,” Carter shrugged, “Sadie mentioned you were looking rough today. This isn’t much, but I hope it helps.” 
As you sat down, with Carter next to you, the last sunbeams of the evening warming you, you felt a little weight lift from your shoulders. 
“It does, Carter, thank you.” you sipped your hot chocolate, “You should’ve used more chocolate though, but it’s a good attempt.” “I tried my best,” Carter grumbled and you laughed. “You’re a good friend,” you smiled, “Not yet a master hot drink maker though, but a good friend.” 
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
Carter Kane x reader headcanons for how they would celebrate Halloween together along with Brooklyn House, please? Thank you!!!
I wrote this while I am sick and tired, but you know, it's a fic! I hope I didn't ruin it lol.
This one is unrelated to the Halloween universe, because we couldn´t really fit it in anywhere! But I figured it did count as a request so! :)
Halloween at the Brooklyn House (Carter x gn!reader)
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It was the first Halloween at the Brooklyn House, which meant both for Carter and Sadie the first U.S. Halloween. Carter hadn’t celebrated Halloween since he started travelling with his dad when he was eight. Sadie while living in the UK had done a few dress up parties, but it was not the same as Halloween in the U.S.A.
It started early September when Felix apparently had spotted Halloween decorations somewhere and was convinced that Halloween would be the next day.
It had taken a lot of people telling him ‘no’ for him to not go trick or treating the next day. And, of course, you had promised him to properly celebrate Halloween when the time was right.
So, during the weeks of October you did some traditional Halloween stuff, mostly suggested by younger trainees. With suggested I mean they mentioned it off handedly, either Sadie or you picked it up, and made sure that all the younglings got the Halloween that they were missing from their homes.
This meant that you quickly gave Carter the job of ‘entertaining’ the trainees when Sadie and you were preparing the next Halloween activity.
Basically, in the week leading up to Halloween you were sure to have something to do every night. Pumpkin carving, watching a scary movie, making costumes, you name it and it is done. However, after someone accidentally reanimated the pumpkins there was a new rule installed ; “No magic for the spooky activities”
On Hallows Eve itself you were going to go trick or treating with the entire group, which meant that Walt and Sadie had a group of trainees and Carter and you had a group of trainees (In order not to overwhelm the people with 30 children, you know.)
You had to convince Carter quite a bit before you got him to dress up. Which roughly translated to ; “Carter if you just wear this hat with your normal clothes you can pass as Indiana Jones-”
“I really don’t want to-”
You shot him a pleading look, making him grumble and look to the side.
What Carter had not expected was for you to steal his clothes and also dress up as Indiana Jones - same hat and all. He hadn’t seen you with his clothes on before, but with the way his heart sped up he realized he liked his style on you. Maybe he just liked that this way the whole world could see you were his.
It was not too hard to keep the trainees in control, given that you only had to mention going back to the Brooklyn house once for the children to easily comply with your wishes.
As the night proceeded the children got more and more tired, so Carter and you decided to go back to the Brooklyn House, letting the children go to bed (Or letting them ‘secretly’ feast on their candy together, which you both decided to ‘not notice’ this once)
Sadie and Walt were already back as Sadie apparently had another party planned with her friends from school. She quickly approached you as Carter had just left to go to the bathroom.
“Do you want to come? You could even bring my brother,” she winked and you shook your head.
“I have a feeling Carter would not appreciate that.” you told her.
“I would not appreciate what?” Carter asked from behind you and you sprung up. He moved to your side and softly grabbed your hand, looking at his sister suspiciously.
“A party,” Sadie clarified and as those words left her mouth you could almost feel Carter’s tiredness through his hands. You looked him over, sensing his uncomfortableness.
“I think we’ll pass this year, Sadie,” You looked at the girl, “But thanks for the offer.” Sadie snorted as she turned around.
“Nerds.” you heard her mumble as she and Walt left.
“Have fun being boring!” she yelled right before closing the door.
As you turned to Carter he shot you a guilty look.
“If you wanted to go we could’ve gone?” he looked into your eyes but you shook your head and smiled.
“Don’t worry,” you squeezed his hand, “I don’t think this party would’ve been my crowd.” Carter seemed to relax.
“You want to watch a shitty horror movie? I heard Llamageddon was pretty bad.” you offered him and his expression quickly turned to fear.
“Do I have a choice?”
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
I loved the Carter Kane x Reader you made, I think it’s great and you did an amazing job, so don’t worry and get better soon!!! 💘💖💗💓💝💞💗💖💓❣️💗💞❣️💗💗💖💓
Thank you!! I'm already doing a bit better now, so it's looking up :)
If we would get more requests for him (or KNC in general (also include MCGA here)) we would probs write more, but the requests are closed right now anyways!
I hope you're doing well too anon <3
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