#Walt x reader
cabinofimagines · 2 years
While it lasts
I feel like I should disclaim, just like the Anubis fic, that as long as y’all don’t specify that it is Walt and Anubis I will treat them as being separate. Which, once again, has happened. 
Also, first Walt fic! I think I might be getting the feel for him but I dunno. 
Pairing: Walt Stone x gn!reader Request:  Can you write a fluffy Walt Stone [Kane Chronicles] x Reader oneshot, where they celebrate Valentine's Day together? Word count: 1.1k Warnings: mentions of Walt’s curse, the implication of a tragedy- 
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It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about Valentine’s Day, this year it didn’t even matter what your opinion was on the day. In light of your relationship, and the tied temporality to it, you were amendment on celebrating this day. You would have liked to be able to not think about Walt’s curse, but since he told you it was haunting you too. Perhaps you wouldn’t be able to fix it, maybe you would only have a set amount of time, but you refused to let the sorrows of this settle into your relationship. Which meant that even if Walt said he didn’t necessarily care about Valentine’s if you didn’t, you wanted to spend every minute of it with him.
You refused to let Valentine’s Day be one of your regrets if Walt passes. You refused to let the day in the year where you are supposed to love to pass unnoticed.
Which meant that you woke up next to your boyfriend, holding on to his waist as he, seemingly already awake, softly played with your fingers.
“Good morning, my charm.” Walt greeted you, his voice warm. “Morning, love.” You greeted him back, slowly lifting your head, “How are you feeling today?” you asked as you looked at your boyfriend lovingly. Walter hummed as he closed his eyes, breathing in deeply.
“Better than yesterday,” Walter opened his eyes, “I will manage whatever you have planned, I hope.” You sat up, glaring at your boyfriend.
“Walt Stone, if you’re in pain you do not have to do anything.” A smile graced your face as you continued, “Besides, as the amazing significant other I am, I have made plans that can be converted to low effort alternatives.” Walt sighed. “But I don’t want you to not have the Valentine’s Day of your dreams, (Y/n).” “Any Valentine’s Day with you is of my dreams, love.” You grinned, “So, inside or outside?”
“Inside then, please.” Walt sat up too and cupped your cheek, “I love you, oh gracious significant other of mine.”  He whispered before he kissed you slowly.
You knew of the pains Walt had to go through on a daily basis, so you always tried your best to accommodate him whenever you could. So, for todays date you had planned things that you could either do outside of the house, or inside. This was something that you both early on in the relationship came to understand. If you wanted dates, you had to be prepared to take it slow whenever Walt was not feeling well.
However, Walt sometimes felt guilty for taking away the ‘normal’ experiences of a dating live you could have. If you did not check on him verbally, he would refuse to tell you when he was in pain and when he should take it slow. Even if you tried to reassure him that it is fine, he would still wish he could take you out more, have you see the world and pretend that everything is normal, even if it would be for a day.
Yet, as you held his hand to guide him towards your date, eager to show him what you prepared the day before his thoughts stilled. Walt only registered his beating heart, the melody of your voice and how much love he felt for you. As you let him into a new room, looking forward, Walt only looked at you, a soft smile on his face and adoration in his eyes.
“Here you go! Don’t you think this looks great?” You asked, gesturing in front of you, before turning around to face your boyfriend. “It does,” Walt hummed, only having eyes for you.
“Let’s sit down!” Only as you moved Walt to sit on the pillows on the floor, did he take in the room. You had transformed your bedroom into a picnic place. There was a blanket right next to your bed on the floor, a basket in the middle. Above your heads, you had strung some fairy lights, and Walt noticed that you even got vases with different types of wildflowers scattered around the room.  
“It is our own private little paradise,” you smiled as you sat down next to him, leaning against his shoulder carefully, “Now please, go ahead and start eating, after this we can sit on my bed and” you did quotation marks with your fingers, “go to the cinema!” Walt smiled, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
“Can I first give you a present?” he asked, and you gasped. “You got me a present? I didn’t-“ Walt but a finger to your lips in order to make you shut up. “(Y/n), you did all of this, please just take the present.” Walt softly begged you and you nodded. Walt slowly moved in to press a kiss on your lips before whispering a tiny ‘Thank you’.
Walt quickly stood up and came back after barely a minute with a gift bag in his hand. After he sat down next to you, he handed you the bag wanting you to open it quickly. As you opened it, you revealed a charm on a necklace, clearly crafted by your talented boyfriend.
“What does it do?” You asked him, as you affixed the charm around your neck. “It is a protective charm, and it is also supposed to bring good luck,” Walt scratched his neck, “but I am unsure whether that one succeeded.” Walt hesitated for a second, before he grabbed the charm hanging of your neck. He pressed a kiss on it, before looking you in the eye. “I hope it protects you when I am not there to do so.” Determination shone form his expression, yet the underlining message in his words was clear as day.
One day he might not be there to protect you. His curse will catch up to him, but until then he will cherish you.
It wasn’t easy for Walt to think about the passage of time. He knew he was living on borrowed time, and his curse haunted him every day. But being with you made his life more bearable, it took away some of the endless suffering he went through and most importantly it grounded him. Because if he was not going to life forever, or for long, he will make damn sure it was worth your time. Every minute with you brought and infinity of joy to him, and he wants to protect that forever, even if he would no longer be there.
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plutoswritingplanet · 5 months
Hand That Feeds (Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Female!Reader)
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a/n: as promised, here's the full chapter. as a person who's only played skyrim and oblivion, writing for fallout is like throwing a hot dog into an empty corridor (i will not elaborate)
Warnings: Suggestive Themes, Attempted Kidnapping, Medical Malpractice, Cooper is a mean old man with a boner. Takes place before the events of the TV series.
Summary: The Ghoul takes up a bounty that has been gathering dust for quite some time. You, bored out of your mind, decide getting kidnapped might be the perfect way to entertain yourself. Both of you bite off more than you can chew. Cross-Posted on AO3
PT. 2
Copper knows this job will be different, before he even decides to take it up. 
Scribbled with flaky charcoal, your face looks at him from the notice board every time he delivers a bounty. For months now, a humble title of "The Healer" hangs without change, between criminals, raiders, and people who were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. 
Cooper hasn't considered going for you, it was never his first choice. The bounty on your head was moderately low, in comparison to your notice board neighbors.  He had other priorities, bigger than a smeared over pretty face, for half his usual reward.
Until one day, as he stomped his way through the dusty floor, his eyes caught onto your wanted poster yet again. 
Well, to be frank, his eyes strayed towards your portrait almost every time he crossed the threshold, but he would never admit it to anyone, let alone himself. Like a constant companion, overlooking all his accomplishments since he decided to stick around the place, your empty gaze followed every transaction, every head delivered onto the table. Some semblance of a routine, he supposed, looking over the board. 
 There, under the regular information, freshly painted numbers stared back at him. A new bounty, significantly bigger than any reward on the board. The red paint was still dripping down the yellowed paper, the addition must've been made quite recently. 
A hefty price. One, that would supply him with enough chems to last for half a year at least. Tempting. Especially now, that he's down to only a couple of vials, his coughing fits becoming longer and closer between. So tempting, in fact, that he tears your wanted poster from the board, finally getting a closer look, a deliberate one. 
Booker gives him a raised eyebrow, all the commentary needed, encapsulated in this simple gesture, and Cooper shoots him a nasty look. There aren't many requirements regarding the job, except one, annoying detail. 
You have to be alive and in good condition. 
Now, alive Cooper could do. Alive is easy. Good condition, however, opened a whole shitbag of problems, which he would be a fool to overlook. Still, the prospect of such money couldn't be ignored. And, he'd be damned to admit it, but he was curious. Who were you? Why haven't you been caught for such a long time? What caused this sudden raise in bounty?
- Did you piss someone off that bad, little lady? - he asks the yellowed paper, and gets no answer, as expected. 
The bar is filled with patrons, all tripping over themselves to loose as many caps on cheap alcohol and chems from under the table. It's not as rowdy, as one would expect. This settlement must be one of the few more civilized ones, for the Wasteland's standards at least. Farmers, mechanics, shopkeepers, they all clam together, smelling of smoke, sweat, and alcohol. 
You're here too, hunched over your drink with a sour expression. Your shoulders are slumped, covered by a piece of cloth, that used to be a shawl, but currently looks more like a rag used to wipe down countertops. Despite that, Cooper sees in the way your body is poised, taunt and graceful, that you're neither a naive Vault Dweller, nor a scruffy raider. A skinny scarf is tied around your neck in a fashion, that reminds Cooper of the old westerns he used to star in. 
The sudden influx of memories is neither wanted, nor useful, and he clicks his teeth in annoyance at his own betraying mind.
The Healer, he thinks to himself, making his way through the crowds, until he reaches the side of the bar, one seat from you. Not a glance is spared in his direction. The townsfolk must be used to seeing Ghouls run around the place. Still, when he orders a glass of moonshine, out of the corner of his eye, he can see you peaking at him with curiosity. There's a intelligent glint in your eye, and Cooper feels a shiver of curiosity climbing up his back. He scolds himself for being too old imediately after. 
By all that's holy, you look tired. And not the kind of tired, that sticks to a person living in the Wastelands, no. It's the exhaustion of a shitty day, dragging your eyelids down to flutter against creeping up sleep. The alcohol can't be helping your state, however, it will most definitely help Cooper. He almost feels sorry for you, but if your dumb enough to leave yourself in the open like that, while being hunted, there's nothing more he can do but take advantage. 
Cooper turns his face ever so slightly towards you, looking over your expression for any signs of recognition. He sees none, more than that, there is no emotion at all, not even a blink at his fucked up face. Raising his hand, he touches the rim of his hat in a wordless greeting. 
That finally wrenches some resemblance of a reaction out of you, and with a blink, you tip your glass towards him, before downing its contents. Your cheeks are flushed, lips wet with remnants of moonshine and there's a lock of hair falling out of place, and damn it, Cooper suddenly feels so old.
Ordering drinks while in your current state wasn't the most intelligent thing you could've done. The harsh taste of alcohol burned your throat in a way that was less than pleasant, and for a moment you consider turning to some good old chems for help with... Well everything really. 
It started with Old Lady Sal. 
You've replaced her hip a while back with some scrap metal and a fuckload of reused body parts. Now, every other day she demands you check it out, make sure it's in working order. Which it always is. This isn't your first replaced hip, you know what you're doing.
Then, you had to sit through the insanely uncomfortable marriage offer from Old Lady Sal's grandson, who is not only dumb as a bag of rocks, but also fourteen. 
And to top it all off, suddenly everyone needs you to solve their particular pains of the day. There must be an epidemic of aching heads sweeping through the town, because as soon, as you flee from Old Lady Sal's home, you're being hounded by everyone and their mother, looking to you for help. You were in town for two hours, and your herbs reserve went down to one fucking leaf. 
The Ghoul keeps looking at you from under his hat, and at this point it's gotten from uncomfortable, to straight up creepy. You were not about to pretend this stranger's interest in your particular person didn't unnerve you. Although, thanks to your mother's efforts, and later your own, the town practically worshipped the ground you walked on, the same could not be said about the rest of the Wasteland. 
You had enemies. You had people, who would love to get their hands on you. You were also deeply aware of the bounty placed on your person. Last you checked, it was quite small, but Ghouls don't have it easy out there, and if there's anyone looking like a bounty hunter in this fine establishment, it's the shady guy giving you a shameless once-over. 
So, you place a couple of caps on the counter, and gather yourself best you can. 
Perhaps drinking on an empty stomach was not the best idea, because as soon as you slide off the barstool, your head does a flip. Your balance completely off, you trip over your own feet, already accepting the floor, as your soon-to-be companion. 
That's when something strangely warm wraps itself around your waist, hoisting you up against the counter. The Ghoul smells just about as pleasant as one would expect, but moonshine is a powerful sedative, and instinctually, you lean into the warm embrace. Eyelids flutter, as you look up into the sunken eyes of your savior, and you can see his throat move, as he swallows thickly. 
- Careful now, sweetheart - the voice is low and reminds you of wind whistling through leaves - Gotta keep you in good condition.
Now, if you were completely sober, or at least less drunk, those words would fire an orchestra of alarm bells in your head. Instead, you smile, teeth on full display, as you reach up, to undo a tattered scarf from around your neck. 
- Mmm - you sigh, throwing the piece of cloth across the Ghoul's shoulders - My hero. 
Then, you grab onto his arm, still holding a tight grip around your waist, and lift it up by the sleeve of his coat. Despite your drunken disposition, you duck under the limb gracefully, and shoot the Ghoul a nasty, fully aware smirk. Realization flickers across his face, but before he can move to catch you, a series of body-wrecking coughs shakes his entire frame. 
You hesitate just for a second. The instinct to help is ingrained into your very being, passed down like a mantle from your angel of a mother. But then, self-preservation kicks in, and as the strager reaches into the pocket of his coat, to find his inhaler, you're already out the door, throwing yourself into a mad dash towards your cabin.
You were drunk, not stupid. 
The sun has barely had time to rise, when you're rudely awoken by the sound of a fist, pounding desperately on your front door. Hard enough to make the hinges squeak and shake. 
It tears you from your already light sleep, and you scramble to your feet, hastily pulling a shirt over your head, as you make your way towards the entrance. Hand on your pistol, you look out through the small space between two planks, which make up your door. 
It's not hard to understand what is happening. You remember one of the men standing outside your door from the nearby town. Benny or something like that, you were never good at remembering names. Hanging on his arm was another, barely breathing man, who was currently bleeding out right onto your porch. Pete. This one you recognize as a farmer and a hunter. You've treated multiple bites and scratches on him. So did your mother. 
Cursing under your breath, you undid all the makeshift locks with record speed, throwing the door open.
- I'm sorry to bother your so early in the morning Healer - you wince at the title, already making a beeline for the table in your kitchen - Pete and I were just...
Both men follow you closely behind, Pete's boots making a disgusting, sloshing noise. 
- Put him here, face up - you command, throwing a couple of papers to the floor.
- ...Coming back from a night hunt, and this fucking Ghoul was asking around town about you...
- Cut his shirt - another command, thrown over your shoulder, as you begin to rummage through a cabinet filled with chemicals and various herbs, barely registering the words. 
- ...And when we started asking questions back at him, he just shot Peter, right then and there...
You pluck a couple of twisted, dried herbs into your trusty, stone mortar, spitting into it, to gather some moisture. Throwing a semi-clean rag at the man, your voice cuts through his rambling.
- Put pressure on it.
There is no exit wound, and you almost sigh with annoyance at the prospect of fishing out a bullet. It had to be done, however, putting your sleep depriation and a building headache aside, you scoop out some of the herbal paste with your fingers, before pushing past the man.
- Hold his legs down - you mutter, taking a blink-and-you-miss-it moment to check Pete's temperature.
- ...Thankfully, he didn't kill Pete on the spot, so I brought him here straight away.
Pete flinches on the table, as you apply the paste to the wound. That's about as big of a reaction he's capable of, given the amount of blood he just spilled onto your porch. Another thing to clean up, after you take care of the table. What a way to start a fucking day. You can see his eyes follow your movements, barely conscious, but still alive. Sweat beads and gathers at his brow, and you reach out with a clean rag, to dab it off his skin.
Then, as if coming out of a stupor, your eyebrows scrunch together. The story of this faithful encounter finally registering in your brain. 
- A man was asking about me? - you ask, despite already knowing the answer. 
- Well, kinda. A Ghoul. 
You knew which Ghoul, it was not difficult to piece together. 
- And he didn't kill Pete, just injured him - you can feel another headache brewing just behind your eyes, as the sheer stupidity of the man in front of you finally comes to the surface.
They led him to you. 
Three, steady knocks to your door, smug and confident, interrupt the conversation, and deep down you can see the future of every person present in this cabin. As if you've developed some magical powers. 
Stilling your suddenly trembing hands, you settle the mortar back on the table. Thenyou instruct the man to keep pressure once more. Covering yourself with a robe you got as payment for stitching up a sliced finger, you make your way to the door. Fabric flows around your feet, shuffling like the wings of a moth. 
Your eyes flicker to the side, where, placed against a wall, stands a small end table. Under it, you've hidden a rather large kitchen knife, and for a second you debate, whether going for it now would be the best course of action. Call it dumb optimism, but deep down, you pray this is some big misunderstanding, and you'll be allowed to go back to your patient, preferably sooner than later. 
There's no need to bother with a gun, no time too. Pete is bleeding out faster than a stuck pig, and you were not one to leave your customers unsatisfied. Or, in this particular line of work, dead. 
The door opens with a slam. There's a small indent in the wooden wall, where the door handle has hit the surface.  The cabin is slowly entering the state of ruin, although, some places are more taken care of than others. Still, it has a roof, a semi intact entrance and even a window with actual glass in it. Quite the luxury in the Wastelands. 
Cooper didn't know what to expect, not really. Seeing you for the first time gave him a mixture of varying feelings, as well as a rather uncomfortable throbbing in the nether regions. Who could blame him, really? Your wanted poster gave you no favors, and although he was able to recognize you almost immediately, he still felt slightly short of breath.
He scolds himself for getting distracted by his thoughts, and as your eyes lock down on him, he lifts the barrel of his gun, touching the rim of his hat. Your eyes shift like little sparkling gems onto the weapon, before your jaw locks.
- Salutations Ma'am - his voice is rough from lack of use, the southern twang even more prominent, than usual. - I believe our introduction was cut short.
Yellowed teeth flash in a mirthless smirk, and then his expression tightens.
Cooper is used to people reacting, let's say, negatively towards him. Fear is the most common, and he can't blame the masses, he really can't. Disgust, as well, happens quite often. But as he looks over your feverish gaze, he can't really see either one of the emotions. 
No, what you give him is an annoyed roll of your eyes, and he's surprised to say, it bothers him more than he'd be comfortable admitting. He's a goddamned bounty hunter, a ruthless one at that, and a fucking Ghoul. Fuck you mean, you're annoyed by his presence?
- Look - you're already turning away from him, shooting a look towards your kitchen, where he can see a leg twitch in a spasm on top of your table - I ain't got time for whatever this is - your hands wave around in Cooper's general direction. - You'll have to wait your turn.
- Ah, well, I'm not the patient kind.
A squeak of surprise leaves you, as the Ghoul pushes past your body, entering your house gun first, murder clear in his deep set eyes. His steps take him through your living room, dangerously close to your kitchen. You know exactly, what's going to happen, and your arms shoot out on instinct. His body is unnaturally warm, even through layers of clothing, as you wrap yourself around his waist, tugging him back with all your might.
 He looks down on you, more bothered by the sudden contact, than the fact you're trying to stop him. It gives you a small leverage, and you push him back a couple of steps, settling yourself between the entrance to the kitchen, and the bounty hunter, raising your hands and getting ready to fight. 
- I don't have time for this kinda bullshit. Git. - Cooper snarls at you, his gun-free hand coming up to grab at your hair.
Before you have time to react, five fingers twist hard into your roots, and you stifle a scream, as the Ghoul pushes you off of him. On instinct, your hands come up to tug against his wrist, nails digging into the leathery skin. He lets you go with a hiss, and you use that second, to throw yourself towards the end-table. 
Your fingers find the handle with a practiced ease. Then, your body twists like a radioactive viper, and all Cooper sees is a flash of metal. The blade is rusty and chipped, but it could still do some damage. Especially now, that it's pressed against Cooper's jugular, the dull, cold presence halting all his movements. Your eyebrows raise in small recognition at the thin fabric tied around his neck. The scarf. Your mouth goes dry.
- Everything okay back there? - Benny asks from the kitchen, you can hear his approaching footsteps.
- All's well, kee pressure on the wound - your voice is tight with nerves, but the man obeys. 
Cooper watches your face carefully, his gun tucked neatly into the meat of your stomach, ready to fire, should the situation escalate. You can feel it, pressed right into the hollow space under your spleen, a good place to be shot, if you could even say that. You're dealing with a professional, apparently. 
- We seem to have a bit of a conundrum on our hands, little lady - Cooper drawls, voice bordering on a whisper, his eyes follow the way your tongue darts out to lick your chapped lips. 
- I have a patient, he needs help - you explain in an even tone, breathing shallow - After that, I'll deal with you.
Despite being at a loosing position, you refuse to back down, your eyes glued to the Ghoul in front of you. You're bracing yourself for the imminent pain, should he decide shooting you would be easier, but it never comes. Instead, the barrel of the gun presses further into your flesh, before lightly retracting. The cold metal is dragged up, across the expanse of your stomach. You bite the inside of your cheek, and surpress a shiver, when it travels between the swell of your breast, and settles into the dip of your collarbones. 
You swallow thickly, Cooper's eyes catching the movements of your trachea like a hungry vulture. The tip of the gun touches the underside of your chin, pushing your head to one side, then the other, as if the bounty hunter is taking inventory in a butcher's shop. Once he's had his fill, he lifts the gun completely, raising his hands as a peace offering.
- Git - you whisper back at him, and a flash of something rushes through his mangled expression. 
You take a step back, chest rising in falling rapidly, blade still in front of you, just in case. Then another step, and the bounty hunter dusts off his coat, before sitting down on a stool in your cluttered living room. You don't like the way he looks at you, eyes shining from under his hat, as he occupies your space like it belongs to him. Long legs apread in front of him, and you try very hard not to sneak a peak between them. Finally, you cross the entrance to the kitchen, and the knife is tucked under the leather belt of your pants. 
A sigh, a roll of shoulders, and you're off.
Cooper watches with curiosity, as you immediately start to work on the poor bastard stuck on your table. Your back is taunt, hands bloodied but steady, as you lean down to take the metal bullet out of the wound. The herbal paste you've provided earlier has dried up, and is currently working wonders for the bleeding, while you reach inside with not-so-sterile pliers. 
- Hold him down - he hears you say, as the legs on the table start to twitch again. 
Finally, a metallic sound of the bullet hitting a dish is heard, and you stand up, making your way towards the cabinet filled with chems. There is a grace to your movements Cooper wasn't expecting. Reminds him of dancers, ballet ones. 
Back in the day, his ex-wife would drag him to all those ballet shows, ones that made him feel stupid and uncultured. He swallows around the memory, willing it to die down, as you shoot him a cautious look over your shoulders. 
He wiggles his gun at you lightly, a reminder, that all this is happening because of his good humor. You scoff. 
Pete starts screaming as soon, as you begin to dress the wound properly. Chemical smell fills the air, and although Cooper lacks the nose to feel it, his eyes water all the same. You seem to be unbothered, years of doing this exact job must've hardened your senses. Finally, it's done. There's nothing more you can do for the man, and you wipe your hand on your forehead, leaving a large smear of red.
- He'll be fine - you mutter towards the other man in the kitchen - He needs rest, and a loads of it too. 
A couple of small bottles and dried herbs land onto a checkered cloth, and you tie it closed, like a small care package. 
- Dress his wounds twice a day - you press the package into the other man's hands while he helps his partner off the table - Good luck. 
Cooper glares at the men, as they stagger out the front door. They don't seem to pay him any mind. Well, the shot one definitely doesn't, he can barely walk on his own. His friend is too preoccupied with keeping him on his arm, to even acknowledge that this whole situation was orchestrated by Cooper himself. Or perhaps, he's to stupid to connect the dots. It's hard to tell these days. 
The door closes with a click, and Cooper stands up from his stool, sauntering over to the kitchen. 
You're currently trying to wash blood off of your hands, which are stained crimson almost up to your elbows. It goes about as well as expected, and as you dry your arms with a rag, there's still a pinkish stain to your skin. 
The table is a mess, blood and herbs seeping into the wooden planks which make up the surface. Cooper leans against the doorframe, as he watches you splash some chemicals onto the wood. It bubbles up in a disgusting mixture of red, green and yellow. You let it sizzle for a moment, before taking that same bowl of water you've been using to clean up, and dumping it all onto the table. The mixture flows down to the floor, the residing surface looking much cleaner. 
- Now, as much as I'd love to sit around and play house with you, honey - Cooper starts, and has to clear his throat, when you look up at him wordlessly, blood on your face and fire in your eyes - I have a bounty to collect.
Sighing, you push your hair back from your forehead, exhaustion, which is synonymous with living in the Wastelands seeping off of you like a tidal wave. 
- Do you have a name? - you ask, reaching for a leather bag sitting on one of the chairs. 
- I do - he says, and you roll your eyes at the deliberate lack of information his answer has given you. 
You mutter something that sounds scarily close to "asshole", and begin to chuck a couple of vials into the bag, then some herbs, then a water canteen. It's like you're ready to move out at any time, and a sneaking suspicion arises in Cooper's mind. This isn't the first time you're in this situation, if your calm demeanor is anything to go by. Suspicious, highly so, and as you turn around to face him, Cooper raises his hand ever so slightly. 
Your eyes fall onto the bundle of rope in his grip, eyebrow raising in annoyance. 
- You serious? 
- As a funeral, sweetheart - he sways the bundle lighty, his other hand pointing the gun at your abdoment - Now, are you going to be good, and come over here? Or should I come over there and make it unpleasant for us both?
- You're already making it unpleasant - you mutter, but cross the kitchen towards him, raising your hands, palms up. 
- Wait. 
Confusion hits you, when the Ghoul reaches into his pocket, producing a small piece of torn cloth. Your entire body goes still, as he grabs onto your chin, cold metal of his gun digging into your cheek, the barrel settling into the juncture between your neck and your shoulder. Then, despite your best efforts at freeing yourself from his grip, he brings the cloth to his lips, wetting the fabric with his tongue. 
The bloody smear on your forehead is wiped down rather roughly, and you twist in place like an impatient toddler, when Cooper leans his head back, to look at his handywork. You shiver with disgust, at the feeling of his drying saliva on your skin, and as soon, as he lets you go, you begin to rub at your forehead with the sleeve of your robe. 
- Good condition - he rasps, and if looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.
He gives you a nasty smirk, settling his gun down for just a moment, and grabbing your wrists together, so he can tie them up. Which is all the time you need to make a decision, and kick out your knee, nailing him right in the crotch. He doubles over, cursing loudly, hands shooting out to grab you, but all he catches is your tattered robe, which you slide out of easily. 
Fater than he would've anticipated, you grab at your bag, and bolt to the back of the kitchen, where he watches you jump over the table and all but slide out of the house through an open window. It's like a choreographed dance, the way you move out of his grasp. When he reaches the window himself, there's no sight of you, other than the rustling of tree branches somewhere in the woods behind your cabin. 
- Fucking women. - Cooper whistles.
He can't deny the shiver of excitement running down his back, as he secures the hat over his eyes.  If that's how you want to play, he would oblidge. It's been far too long since he could actually enjoy a more challenging bounty. Cooper slowly walks out of your cabin, looking over all the little trinkets you've gathered inside. Then, almost lazily, he lifts the robe you've left him to his nose. He feels nothing, of course, but he has quite a vivid imagination. Vivid enough to supply him with a memory of a scent from his past life. Lavender, he'd bet you smell like lavender. 
Your tracks are deep and visible across the ground, and so, the hunt begins. 
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girlkisser13 · 4 months
riordanverse masterlist
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clarisse la rue
drew tanaka
frank zhang
hazel levesque
jason grace
leo valdez
luke castellan
nico di angelo
perseus "percy" jackson
piper mclean
rachel elizabeth dare
reyna ramírez-arellano
thalia grace
william "will" solace
cabin headcanons
taking the hoo girls to prom
taking the pjo & hoo characters to the eras tour
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the kane chronicles
carter kane
sadie kane
zia rashid
walt stone
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alex fierro
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magnus chase
mallory keen
samirah al abbas
thomas jefferson jr.
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madwomansapologist · 6 months
your shan yu x reader fics = me obsessed
what would shan yu x reader with babies be like?
shan yu as a father
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Pinterest Board | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: A new dynasty takes over china.
warnings: fluff. do you like happiness? the daddy is a dad now!
note: the way you send me this ask right when i was thinking about him as girl's dad is something
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● After you, after China, Shan Yu thought nothing could make him happier. He was satisfied. Shan Yu conquered everything he wanted while feeling your warm embrace. His life was perfect as it was.
● He wanted to have children with you. To expand the family, showing how your love for one another was so great a whole knew being came out of it. But it was never an plan. Never something you both prepared for.
● You're younger than him. He wouldn't ask you something so complicated, not knowing your body demanded different things than his. Shan Yu would never make you feel like it was your purpose to give him children. He saw how woman were treated there, and would never make you think he agreed with that.
● Shan Yu didn't noticed the signs. When you were tired, he assumed you just need to sleep better. When you ate more, he saw it as a sign you were enjoying yourself. When you throw up, he called the healers.
● When you told him the news, his heart stopped for a moment. You were smiling, overwhelmed with pure joy, stroking your belly waiting for his response. You saw it as good news.
● He was happier than ever. To know a part of him grew with a part of you, that in months this tiny ball of perfection would be there, made him cry in front of you. You can count on the fingers of one hand how many times he cried next to you.
● Shan Yu fell on his knees, putting his hand over yours. Kissing your belly, stroking your skin with care and love, Shan Yu thanked you. Once again he declared his love for you, this time by the tears rolling down his face.
● If you thought he was protective and possessive, now you discovered he was controlling himself. You were never alone. Always guards that he trusted following you around, friends and family called without you knowing, or the man hinself were near you. Shan Yu would guarantee you never get hurt.
● You would spend nine months on your bed if it was on him, but Shan Yu already knew you wouldn't behave. Anything you wanted, eveything, he would take care of it. It could be heading to the bathroom in the middle of the night, crying because of the hormones changing, trying to reach a book on a higher shelf. Shan Yu would be there with you.
● He loved how after some months you started to let him support you. Shan Yu would help you sit down, stroke your skin during your bath, cut your nails since you can't reach them anymore. Shan Yu would put the food on your mouth if you let him.
● He never made you feel so desired. At the beginning of the pregnancy, everything was an excuse for Shan Yu to lead you somewhere private. He was gentle, forever caring, but you could see right through him. He was burning with desire. With need.
● During the birth, he was there with you. You could scream at him, smash his hand, do anything that might help you reduce the pain. He never thought you weak, but that proved how strong you really are. A baby girl. Just like you told him.
● The child was healthy and safe, always protected by him. Many thought he would be distant or worse, but his violence is only reserved for those against him. Those he loves will never, ever, had to fear him. Your baby won't know what it feels like to fear his dad.
● He did, whoever, spoke to the baby about war strategics as if she would understand. Asked her real questions as if she was part of his counsil. It would be endearing if you didn't worry about your child learning about gore so young.
● Shan Yu definitely doesn't know how to play with kids. He's too stiff, always aware that she could get hurt. The first time he saw you throwing the baby on the air Shan Yu almost had a heart attack.
● Only close friends and family would have permission to touch her, and even those he would watch closely to make sure his baby girl is being treated right. Shan Yu will protect you both even from dangers that don't exist.
● She could smach his face, push his hair, bite his fingers: all Shan Yu would do was to call her "his little general".
● He was happier than ever.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
GENERAL TAGLIST: @lovelyy-moonlight
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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inmyglenpowellera · 3 months
Okay hear me out…
Walt Finnegan x ex!reader, who dated the first year of college, but broke up because he was a dick to her.
He sees her at the club or maybe at one of the parties at the house, and realizes that he still loves her.
Flangst with a happy ending maybe? I just want to be his college love interest and would love to live vicariously through this fic 😆
Hope you’re having a great day love!
(Just Like) Starting Over | Walt "Finn" Finnegan x Female!reader
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Request: Requested by anon
Word Count: 7510
Summary: Reader and Finn met during their Freshman year of college and started dating. Things were going well until they weren't. Some things were said, other things were thrown. Long story short, they broke up. But maybe it was something that was meant to be?
Warnings: Alcohol use, drug use, cursing, angst, fluff, Finn being the handsome devil he is, violence?
A/N: I'm somehow on a roll right now. This was started a while ago and never finished. But @msmoony7 commented how there is very little Finn appreciation on here and I knew I had to finish this. Hope everybody likes it because I also agree that Finn is one of Glen's most underappreciated characters.
Registration Day. It is one of the most frustrating and anxiety-ridden days a college student will ever experience. 
They always have the same questions. What am I going to major in? Do I want a minor? What classes do I need to take? Can I register for the classes I need before they fill up?
For some, namely the freshmen, the anxiety and stress were through the roof. Which is why they could always use a little guidance. (Y/N) loved registration day since her second semester of freshman year of college. Ever since she joined her sorority and joined some of the other girls in volunteering to assist freshmen with choosing their majors and classes, the good thing about the situation is she can also hand out flyers encouraging freshman girls to rush with her sorority.
She enjoyed handing out flyers and answering any questions the girls might have. However, what she didn’t enjoy was cocky freshman boys hitting on her just because she had a beating heart.
“Hey, baby! I wouldn’t mind having those legs of yours around my neck,” one called out to her as he walked past her and a freshman girl she was talking to.
“Yeah, how about my hands instead,” I shouted back at him, crumbling one of the fliers to throw at his head as the girl standing next to me scoffed in disgust.
“Woah, easy dollface,” A voice I knew all too well said from behind me, causing me to slowly turn my glare toward him.
“Finnegan,” I stated simply.
I watched his smirk widen across his stupid mustache-clad face, his hands shoved into his blue jean pockets.
With a bright smile, I looked back at the girl next to me and handed her another flier. “Please consider rushing with us and bring some friends too. Oh, and a word of advice…” I trailed off, causing her to nod in acknowledgment. “Stay away from the baseball team,” I told her, turning my glare back towards Finn.
The girl looked between us before rushing off to the rest of the registration festivities.
“Well now you just hurt my feelings,” He said sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart and frowning.
“Aw,” I said in a mockingly sad tone, placing an exaggerated pout on my face.
Finn’s smirk returned to his face as he continued staring at me, looking me up and down, pausing on my lips and my breasts. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.
“What do you want, Finn,” I interrogated the baseball player.
“You look good,” he said simply, a smile growing on his face.
I rolled my eyes and went to step past him, but he only stepped back in my path. “Seriously, what do you want? Because last I recall, I said fuck you, called you a disrespectful misogynistic asshole, and told you to not ever speak to me again.”
“Did you, I don't recall this conversation,” Finn said in confusion.
I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief. “Really? You don't recall me saying that to you and dumping your ass?”
“No, I don't. Are you sure? When was that,” he asked me curiously.
“Freshman year, right before Christmas, at my sorority's Christmas party that you and your dumb fuck baseball friends almost ruined,” I sneered at him.
“Well, that’s why. It was freshman year. And I was probably drunk off my ass,” Finn recovered with an excuse, placing a smirk back on his face.
“Because that makes it better,” I said sarcastically, going to walk around him once again.
Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me back in front of him. “Look, I’m sorry I was an asshole, but I’ve changed.”
“Oh, yeah, trust me I’ve heard, Mr. Feminist. You think the girls on this campus don’t talk,” I scoffed at him in disbelief. “And I’ll believe you’ve changed and you’re sorry when you can tell me why I dumped your ass.” Finn remained silent and stared at me regretfully, causing me to nod at him with despair. “That’s what I thought,” I said simply before successfully walking past him to my sorority's booth.
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Meanwhile, Finn’s friends Dale, Jake, and Plum were all witnessing the exchange between the two from a distance.
“So, what’s the story there,” Jake asked Dale curiously.
“With (Y/N) and Finn,” Dale clarified, causing Jake to nod in confirmation. “Their situation is…complicated.”
“What the fuck does that mean,” Plum questioned the older baseball player.
“Finn and (Y/N) dated freshman year. Nobody knows a whole lot about what happened between them. They met on Registration Day and dated until around Christmas. They got into a huge fight that ended in (Y/N) dumping Finn. Poor guy never got over her and hasn’t been the same since,” Dale explained to the two freshmen, watching as (Y/N) walked away from their friend.
“Fuck,” Jake said simply, feeling sorry for the older baseball player who was walking back towards them.
“You okay, Finn,” Dale asked his friend, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m great. Why wouldn’t I be,” Finn asked his friends happily, acting as though nothing happened at all.
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I walked into the community area of the sorority house to see some of the girls giggling and jumping around excitedly. I shook my head at their energy and moved up the stairs to my room when one of them spoke up.
“Hey, (Y/N). Some of us girls got invited to a house party tonight at one of the houses on 15th and Avenue H. They told us to bring all the girls. You want to come,” Claire asked me excitedly.
“I don’t know, guys,” I shrugged.
“Come on, you have to go. There’s going to be so many cute guys there, and you hardly go out with us,” Sarah added.
“I-,” I started, shaking my head.
All of the girls began speaking up with various exclamations of “Come on” and “Please” echoing around me. I sighed and looked between all of the girls in front of me before nodding. They all let out squeals of excitement and began pushing me upstairs so all of us could get ready together.
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I looked up at the house in front of me in disgust before looking around at all of the people outside and going inside the house.
“The school is allowing students to live in this shit hole,” I questioned in disbelief.
“It could be worse,” Claire pointed out before approaching the front door.
I sighed and followed after her, along with the rest of the girls. I walked in the front door and immediately jumped into Claire when someone came sliding down the stairs on a mattress.
“Jesus Christ,” I sighed when I saw a baseball helmet on the male's head, and that the male was Nes.
“Welcome to the baseball house, ladies,” The guy said with a cigarette between his lips.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I scoffed in disbelief.
He looked over at me and furrowed his brows. “Do I know you? You look familiar?”
“Uh, no I don’t think-,” I started, only to get interrupted by Claire and Sarah.
“Hey, um, can you tell me where to find Roper,” Claire asked the guy curiously.
“And McReynolds,” Sarah added quickly.
I rolled my eyes and began to split off from the group of girls, listening to Nes tell the girls where the two baseball players were before looking at the rest of the girls and introducing himself. I made it about 10 more feet before some creep with glasses stopped me and asked me if I wanted to know why they called him Raw Dog. I scrunched my face in disgust and thanked the lord above when I saw Dale walking up to the two of us.
“Niles, leave the girl alone. Trust me when I say that you don't want to fuck with this girl. You'll be dealing with Finnegan if you do,” Dale warned the creep.
“Fuck that shit man. He fucks with me, he won't get fucked with back, he'll get fucking killed,” the Niles guy argued.
“Uh huh, say that to his face,” Dale told him before wrapping his arm around me and leading me away.
“Well he seems a little…,” I trailed off unsure.
“Yeah,” Dale nodded simply.
“Well, thank you for that, Dale. It was much appreciated,” I said gratefully with a smile.
“It's no problem. Nothing ever happened between us so there's no reason we can't be friends,” He reassured me, causing me to nod in agreement. “But I am shocked that you're here of all places considering…”
I scoffed at him in amusement before nodding. “Yeah, trust me, if I knew this was a baseball party I would not have come within 100 feet of this place. Some of my sisters were invited by McReynolds and Roper and talked me into tagging along.”
Dale nodded in understanding before pointing towards the back of the house. “Well, hey, how about we get you a drink so you can start having fun and enjoying yourself? I can introduce you to some of the others.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I said in agreement, following him out to the house's backyard.
Dale led me out the back door and towards the drinks before gaining the attention of everybody standing around the beer keg.
“Guys, this is…,” Dale started, only to get interrupted by Coma.
“Well, well, well. If it ain’t Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” Coma said with a smile, his southern accent peeking through.
“Hey, Coma,” I said with a slight giggle, stepping forward to hug him.
 “(Y/N), these are the freshmen: Plum, Brumley, and Jake. This is another one of the transfers: Willoughby.”
“Hi, nice to meet you guys,” I said with a smile, reaching forward to shake their hands.
“So, how do you know Dale and Coma,” Brumley asked me curiously, causing me to pause and look over at the two guys.
“Um…,” I trailed off. “It’s complicated.”
I watched Plum lean over to his fellow freshman and whisper something to him. I heard him let out a quiet “fuck” before Plum smacked the back of his head and call him a “fucking idiot.”
“So…,” I trailed off with a tight smile. “Even the freshmen know. Great,” I said sarcastically looking over at the two upperclassmen.
Dale and Coma looked at each other before Coma stepped closer to me. “How about a drink, darlin’.”
I nodded at him and followed him to the punch with Willoughby in tow as I listened to Dale lecture the freshman.
“It’s been a while, (Y/N). How’ve you been,” Coma asked me curiously as he filled my cup for me.
“Oh, um, you know just worrying about school. And when I’m not worrying about school I have something going on with my sorority. Planning parties and fundraisers and such,” I shrugged up at the baseball player, taking a sip of my drink after he handed it to me. “Shit, this is good. I might have to recruit you guys for drinks at our next party.”
“I’m sure we can make that happen, darlin’. Just say the word and the guys and I will give you the best Coon Dog punch you’ve ever tasted,” Coma told me, wrapping his arm around me.
I laughed at him in amusement before looking up at Willoughby. “So, Willoughby, why don’t you tell me about yourself.”
“Oh, I’m from California. Coach brought me in to pitch,” He explained to me while pulling a joint out of his pocket.
“Oh, that’s cool,” I told him, watching him bring the joint to his lips and light it. 
“Yeah. Hey, you get high,” He asked me curiously.
I widened my eyes and looked between him and the joint before shaking my head. “Oh, no. I did that once with an ex and had a horrible experience.”
“I didn’t know that you and Finn-,” Coma started, causing me to cut him off.
“Not Finn.”
Coma nodded at me in understanding before leading me back towards the guys. It was just me standing in a circle with all of the guys, minus Willoughby who decided to go smoke his joint in his room. They all began telling stories: Dale and Coma about what I have missed in the last few years; Plum, Brumley, and Jake about the past few days. I laughed harder than I have since freshman year when I spent time with the baseball team. I was bent over laughing and had my hand resting on Jake’s arm for support when someone abruptly walked over to our small group.
“Jake,” The voice called out with a slightly aggressive tone, causing all of us to jump slightly and turn in the voice's direction. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Finn and sighed as Plum and Brumley made a run for it, Coma and Dale sticking around just in case a fight broke out. “What uh- what the fuck is going on over here?”
Being a few drinks deep already, I wrapped my arm around Jake’s waist and smirked at Finn. “The guys were just entertaining me with some stories.”
“Yeah, we were. And that’s all that was happening,” Jake reassured Finn, unwrapping my arms from around him and placing them down by my sides.
Jake then made a break for it as well and left me behind with Finn, Coma, and Dale. I rolled my eyes at him and muttered “pussy” under my breath before looking back at Finn. He stared at me with his arms crossed over his chest, causing me to roll my eyes.
“What, Finnegan? Why are you staring at me,” I questioned him in annoyance.
“I don’t know. Why are you flirting with my teammates? Trying to make me jealous,” He asked me with a smirk.
“I will answer that as soon as you tell me where the fuck your sleeves went,” I said with a giggle, gesturing to his arms that weren’t covered by his flannel.
“Why? Last I recall you liked my arms,” He said with a smile instead of a smirk at the sound of my giggle.
I rolled my eyes again before looking at him. “I am not nearly drunk enough to deal with your ass,” I told him before walking away to refill my drink.
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I was wandering around the bottom floor of the house trying to find somebody I knew when I found the last person I wanted to in the kitchen flirting with a couple of girls. I stood behind him unimpressed as I watched him sprinkle some nuts over some kind of peach dessert he had sitting on the counter.
“It’s not about the ingredients, it’s about the way the ingredients make you feel. The experience,” He trailed off before dipping his finger in the whipped cream bucket. “That’s why I say, “Indulge in temptation.”
I shook my head at him and looked to my right when I heard Brumley's voice. I looked back over at Brum and snapped my fingers to get his attention. He walked over to me and I pointed him over to Finn with a smirk, causing one to take over his face as well as Finn turned away from the two girls with his finger held out and said he wasn’t watching. I struggled to hold in my laugh as Brumley walked over and sucked the whipped cream off of Finn’s finger. Finn immediately turned around and landed a punch on Brumley’s arm as I let my laughter out.
“Are you serious,” He questioned him aggressively as Brumley released noises of pain.
I held my stomach as my laughter increased. Finn landed another punch to Brumley’s arm before reaching back for one of his peach desserts and throwing it at the freshman. The two girls standing before him released a couple of laughs as well before walking away from Finn.
“That was the best shit I’ve seen in a while,” I said through my laughter, causing Finn to look over at me. I watched him roll his eyes and a slight pout came over his face, causing me to make an exaggerated pout back. “Aw, did we ruin your rap?”
“You know what-,” Finn started, but I cut him off.
“What,” I asked him with raised eyebrows, moving to stand directly before him. Finn stared down at me, the smooth-talking man for once speechless, keeping his mouth shut. “Tell me what I should know Finn,” I whispered to him, looking up at him innocently through my lashes.
“You’re not playing very fair,” Finn whispered back to me.
“Hm,” I hummed, looking over at his desserts. I brought my hand up and swiped my finger in the whipped cream before looking up at Finn. “Who said I was playing,” I asked him sweetly before bringing my finger to my mouth, sucking the whipped cream off as I maintained eye contact with the baseball player.
“You know, for someone who doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore, you sure have no problem with ruining my chances of a hookup,” He whispered to me as he leaned down closer to me.
I released a breathless laugh and took another sip of my liquid courage before speaking. “You ruin my night, I ruin yours.”
“So that’s the game we’re playing,” He asked me with raised brows.
“I didn’t realize there was a game,” I shrugged at him.
Finn moved to corner me against the counter, causing me to stare up at him as he placed his hands on both sides of me on the counter, thumbs hooking into the belt loops on the back of my shorts. Jake leaned down towards my ear and released a husky whisper.
“There was always a game with us,” He said in my ear.
As soon as the words left his lips I scoffed and pushed him away from me, the moment between us now ruined just like when we were dating. “No, Finn, there was always a game with you.” Finn looked at me in shock at my sudden mood change, causing me to roll my eyes. “I need some air.”
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I released a deep breath as I tried to breathe through the rising emotions. The reminder of what happened that night and the resurfacing of memories I have long since pushed away caused me to hide in the corner on the roof so I could be alone. Tears began to form in the corner of my eyes as I worked through what happened.
Claire and Sarah stood outside their fellow sister’s room as they listened to her fight with her boyfriend of 4 months, wondering if telling her about what her boyfriend's friends were doing downstairs was necessary.
“Maybe we should just handle it ourselves,” Claire offered up.
“We can, but that doesn’t change the fact that once whatever is going on in there is over, (Y/N) is going to need us,” Sarah argued with her.
Meanwhile, in (Y/N) bedroom, she and Finn were having an extremely heated argument that was getting worse by the minute.
“I can’t believe you would embarrass me like that, Finn. You know how important this party was for me and that it was important that I looked good in front of the other girls. Then you bring your fucking dumbass teammates with you and fucking flirt with one of my sisters,” (Y/N) shouted at the blonde baseball player, gesturing with her hands toward the bedroom door.
“You’re overreacting, (Y/N). It wasn’t like that,” Finn argued with her, his hands on his hips as he tried to remain calm in the face of her wrath.
“Then what was it, Finn? Tell me what it was that I witnessed downstairs. Tell me the excuse you have for having one of my sorority sisters straddling you and close to having her tongue down your throat,” She yelled at him, throwing her hands around in anger.
“She came onto me,” He yelled back, pointing from the door then back at himself.
(Y/N) paused, her face contorting from anger to utter disbelief. “Oh, don’t give me that fucking bullshit, Finn. You're not the victim here. You never are. This is not the first time I have seen you do this to me. Why do you think I refuse to go to Sound Machine anymore? You go there and you hit on other girls and dance with them and you act like I don’t even fucking exist or like I'm not supposed to care that my boyfriend is fine with flirting with other girls.”
Finn remained quiet and stared at (Y/N), causing her to continue.
“What is it, Finn? What do they have that I don’t? What keeps making you run to every other girl but me,” She interrogated.
“Well, for starters they put out,” He snapped, anger blazing in his eyes.
(Y/N) took a step back at the look in his eyes before she narrowed her own at the baseball player and felt the anger she was feeling increase tenfold. “That’s what this is about? That I won’t let you stick your average-sized dick anywhere you want?”
“No, it's about the fact that you won't even let me touch you. I lay a single finger on you or make any sort of move to take this to the next level, you pull away,” He yelled at her, throwing his arms around in his exasperation.
“That’s not true,” she argued with him.
“Yes, it is, (Y/N). Don’t even bother trying to deny it. I touch your tits and suddenly you have to study for a big exam. I kiss your neck and then you have this book you want to tell me about. You always change directions every time,” He yelled.
“Did you ever think that maybe I’m not ready for something like that? Or that, I don’t know, I don’t trust you enough to take that next step in our relationship,” she snapped at him.
Finn went quiet after, staring at (Y/N) before speaking in a sarcastic tone and throwing his hands up in the air. “And there it is.”
(Y/N) remained quiet, staring at Finn with tears building up in her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself.
“You’re scared and you don’t want to admit it to yourself so you’re taking it out on me,” He added.
“I am not scared and don’t you dare try and turn this around on me,” she yelled at him.
“Yes, you are scared, (Y/N). You’re scared and instead of sitting down with me and talking it through you push me away and get mad at me for looking somewhere else for attention,” He yelled with a shrug.
“No, I don’t, Finn. Okay? I love you, but you never give me any indication that you love me,” She yelled, tears beginning to stream down her face.
“What do you want me to do, stand in the middle of the quad and declare my undying love for you,” He shouted, his face turning red in frustration.
“No,” (Y/N) yelled back.
“Then what do you want from me,” He snapped.
“I want you to say it! You never say it, Finn! And when we’re in public it’s like you’re a completely different person! You’re not affectionate, you don’t hold my hand, you don’t hug me or put your arm around me,” She sobbed. “I tell you I love you all the time and you never respond. Do you know how embarrassing that is when I say it in front of your teammates or my sisters and you just give me a “Yep” in response?”
“I do love you,” He shrugged at her.
“Then prove it to me,” She requested.
Finn went silent again and stared at (Y/N) for a moment before shaking his head at her.
“You know what, I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time for the constant back and forth, and I don’t have time for you,” Finn said with finality, beginning to walk towards the bedroom door.
“Finn, you don’t mean that,” She yelled after him.
“Yes, (Y/N), I do,” He said, standing by the door.
“Finn, if you walk out that door-,” (Y/N) started, trying to stop him.
“What, (Y/N)? What will happen,” He asked sarcastically, turning to look at her.
She stayed silent, tear streaks covering her face, mascara running under her eyes. 
“Exactly. I’m going to go downstairs, and I’m going to enjoy the rest of the party with my teammates. Who knows, maybe I still got a chance with that sister you found me with. She seemed like a good time, and seemed like she would do anything I asked her to,” Finn shrugged at her.
All (Y/N) could see was red at his words, tears building up once again at his careless attitude. The only thing she could think to do was grab the first thing she could get her hands on.
“I can go and tell Mel to handle it,” Claire offered again, referencing the rowdy baseball players downstairs.
Sarah opened her mouth to deny her but stopped when she heard her sorority sister yell at her boyfriend and what sounded like something being thrown against the wall. The door opened right after and said guy stepped out into the hallway, their sister's harsh words spilling out of the door behind him.
“Fuck you, Finn. You’re nothing but a selfish, disrespectful, misogynistic asshole. I never want to see or speak to you again. We’re through, get the fuck out.”
“Fine by me, sweetheart,” He yelled back at her.
Finn slammed the door behind him and turned around to see the two girls standing in front of him. He was breathing heavily from the battle he just suffered through in (Y/N)’s bedroom, and the young girl's sobs could be heard through the bedroom door. The two girls both looked to the side awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with him as he looked between the two of them. All he could bring himself to do was take a deep breath and try to fight off the tears that were building up in his own eyes. He released his breath in the form of a sigh before stepping past the two girls and walking down the stairs, gathering his teammates and forcing them out the door of the sorority house.
Meanwhile, back in (Y/N)’s room, said girl was sitting on the floor leaning against her bed sobbing at the loss of her boyfriend. He wasn’t her first love, but he was the first guy she loved with all of her heart and soul. She allowed herself to wallow in her sorrows for a moment before standing up and walking over to her vanity. She frantically wiped at her face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to quell her sobs, and looked in the mirror. She continued taking deep breaths before standing from her vanity and walking over to her bedroom door, ready to make the best of the rest of the night and rejoin the party. However, she stopped in her tracks at the door and looked down at the now-broken object she had thrown at Finn. Her tears built up in her eyes once again and she dropped down to her knees when she noticed she threw her picture of the two of them. She gripped the frame in her hands and shakily picked it up from the floor taking in the two smiling faces, her arms wrapped around his arm as he just looked somewhere else, most likely at one of his teammates. Her smile was small, her head resting on his shoulder as she looked up at Finn with adoration. She began to sob again as she carefully took the picture out of the frame, staring down at it as her door opened up. She looked up to see Claire and Sarah staring down at her, the two girls frowning at her in pity as she sobbed harder, dropping the frame and picture on the floor. The two girls stepped into the room and closed the door behind them, being careful of the glass on the floor as they both knelt beside their sister, wrapping their arms around her.
I took a deep breath in as a few tears slipped from my eyes. Releasing a slow breath as I wiped them from my face. I took a few more deep breaths and stayed huddled up in my corner when I heard other people coming out on the roof with me. I looked around the corner to see Finn and Willoughby climbing out and holding golf clubs in their hand.
“God damn it,” I sighed in frustration, hitting the back of my head against the side of the house.
I heard footsteps begin making their way towards where I was sitting and leaned my head back against the side of the house. Looking up and to the left at the person next to me.
“Finnegan,” I greeted, bringing my cup up and taking a gulp of my drink.
“What are you doing out here, sweetheart,” He asked me with a smirk.
“Avoiding you. But apparently, I can’t even come outside to do that,” I said honestly, giving him a sarcastic smile.
Finn scoffed and shook his head at me. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.”
I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my lap, swirling the liquid inside my cup as entertainment before I drained the rest of it. I carelessly tossed the cup onto the roof before attempting to stand from my seated position, almost falling over in the process and falling off the roof, causing Finn to quickly grab me and support me.
“Careful, (Y/N). We don’t need the police called to our house before the school year even starts,” Finn warned me.
“I’m fine,” I slurred out, leaning against him.
“Mhm, I’m sure. Look how about you come over here and sit with Willoughby and me, watch us hit some beer cans off the roof, and I’ll have Coma get you some water,” He offered up, helping me walk over and setting me down on the recliner that somebody brought out on the roof.
“Ooh, water sounds good right now,” I moaned out, sitting down in the chair and relaxing.
“I bet it does. Coma, care to get our guest some water,” Finn called out to the baseball player.
“For (Y/N) I’ll do just about anything,” he told Finn before climbing back inside.
“Hey, watch it,” He called after his teammate, causing Coma to roll his eyes.
“You need to stop being so jealous,” I lectured, frowning up at him.
“Why is that,” Finn asked me with a smirk.
“Because you aren’t my boyfriend. You haven’t been for 2 years now,” I reminded him.
Finn’s smirk faded and was taken over by a frown. “Yeah, and they’ve been the worst 2 years of my life.”
My face softened and I looked up at him apologetically. I reached forward and hesitantly placed my hand in his own, squeezing it. Finn looked down at our hands, moving his hand to intertwine with my own. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” I apologized.
Finn opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by Coma stepping back out of the window and handing me some water. I gave him a thankful smile and brought the cup to my lips to take a drink.
“Thank you, Coma.”
“You’re welcome, darling,” He told him standing next to me as Finn released my hand and grabbed his golf club from where it was sitting next to my seat. 
“Watch and be impressed sweetheart,” Finn told me, turning to face Willoughby who was patiently waiting for him while smoking a joint.
“So, where is the flag,” Willoughby asked Finn, referencing their target.
“Right there, Volkswagen,” Finn told him, pointing out into the yard at the vehicle.
“Oh, there’s the flag,” Willoughby said, handing Coma his and Finn’s cups before grabbing his cup and positioning himself.
Finn followed his lead, the two of them facing each other as they readied their show.
“Ready? Aim…,” Willoughby trailed off.
“Fire,” The two said together, looking at each other before hitting the beer cans.
I watched the cans fly before hitting the flag the two boys were speaking of. I was genuinely impressed and began clapping for the two boys, the two of them joining me as well.
“You’re a natural,” Finn told Willoughby.
“Thank you,” He nodded at Finn.
I watched the two continue hitting beer cans off the roof for about 30 more minutes until they ran out. After this Willoughby made his exit back inside along with Coma and Finn walked over to me.
“Alright, sweetheart, let’s go,” he told me, grabbing both of my hands and pulling me up out of my seat.
“I want more water,” I told him.
“I’ll get you more water, don’t worry,” He reassured me, helping me climb in before following after me.
He led me down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking my empty cup out of my hand and filling it from the sink. He handed it back to me and I gave him a thankful look before drinking some more. He then wrapped his arm around me and led me outside once again, leading me down the porch steps and setting me down on the last one.
“Sit here, sweetheart, and don’t move. I’ll be right back. There is about to be some good entertainment and I have to go work some magic beforehand,” He told me with a smirk.
“Meaning you need to go flirt with some girls,” I slurred out, rolling my eyes. “I don’t even want to know what you have planned.”
“It’ll be good, I promise. And they mean nothing to me compared to you,” He told me before placing a brief kiss on my head and then rushing off.
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About 15 minutes later Finn was escorting a couple of girls outside. I watched the two walk by before Finn stopped by me and looked down at me. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow as he helped me up and led me over to where the two girls were taking off their clothes.
“What the fuck is going on here,” I asked in confusion.
“Mud wrestling,” He said simply as the other partygoers began gathering around us. 
Nes, Coma, and Brumley came to stand by Finn and me. I looked across the way to see Jake and Plum standing together and Claire and Sarah sitting with McReynolds and Roper a couple of people over. To my right, I saw Niles and Willoughby pull a couple of chairs up to watch.
“Competitor’s ready,” Finn asked the two girls. The two nodded at him and he shouted an enthusiastic “Go!”
Everybody, including myself, began cheering the two girls on, watching them wrestle and grapple with each other as they tried to pin each other to the ground. Finn wrapped his arm around me as I jumped up and down, cheering the two on with glee. He smiled over at me and did what I call his “happy feet” dance as he let out a whoop. Eventually, the two’s match ended and the one girl climbed out. However, after she climbed out, Nes thought he would try his hand with the winner and stripped out of his shirt, jumping into the mud with the girl. He stood across from her and chugged his beer before chucking the empty can behind him. Coma and Finn leaned in and let out yells of encouragement at their friend.
“He’s going to lose,” I yelled to Finn.
“Obviously,” Finn yelled back to me before focusing back on the two.
Nes leaned down and grabbed some of the mud, rubbing it across his face and chest like tribal paint.
“Come on baby,” Nes yelled out before rushing at the girl.
The girl easily grabbed him and threw him down on his back, flipping him over. Nes climbed up from the ground and the girl grabbed him and threw him on his back once again. Nes got to his hands and knees and the girl grabbed him and began spanking him before flipping him over, climbing on top of him, and throwing the mud in his face. I winced as some of it got in his mouth before he finally tapped out and the girl climbed off of him.
I couldn’t help but laugh in amusement and cheer on the girl before Finn finished off his beer and looked over at me.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you inside again,” He told me, leading me back inside the house.
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I couldn’t stop giggling as I stumbled over my feet into Finn’s room. The baseball player let out huffs of amusement as he assisted me into his bed. Helping me to kick my Converse off and slide my jacket off my arms. I watched Finn place my shoes neatly on the floor next to his bed and fold my jacket in half before draping it over his desk chair. He then grabbed the blanket folded at the end of his bed and unfolded it before gently laying it over me.
“Nes had his ass completely handed to him by that chick,” I laughed in amusement, shaking my head as I stared at the ceiling and pulled the blanket tighter around me.
“I think he underestimated her,” Finn said with a laugh, moving to sit on the floor next to the bed.
Finn rested his back against the bed and let his head rest back on the side of it as well. I reached down with a scoff and began running my hands through his hair as I spoke.
“Sounds about right. You men underestimate us women all the time,” I hummed as Finn pushed his head further into my hand.
“Not all of us men do,” Finn tried to reassure me.
“True. Some of you have a good head on your shoulders,” I said in agreement, gripping his hair in my hand and giving a slight tug to make him turn his head towards me. “Even you. As much as I hate to admit it.”
Finn scoffed back at me and shook his head. He reached up to grab my hand from his hair and intertwined my fingers with his instead. “You're only saying that 'cause you’re drunk.”
“Hm, maybe,” I shrugged at him before directing my gaze throughout the space. Finn watched me look around his room a bit before setting my eyes on his bedside table. I breathed in a sharp breath when I saw the picture of him and me (a candid of me kissing his cheek while he laughed taken by one of my sorority sisters) sitting there and staring me in the face. His Christmas present I gave him the night before everything happened. “You still have it?”
“I couldn’t get rid of it,” Finn told me honestly, rubbing his thumb over my hand.
I hummed a laugh to myself. “I couldn’t get rid of mine either. It’s tucked between the pages of my journal from that year. Sometimes I look at it and read over everything I wrote. Try and figure out where it all went wrong.”
Finn let out a scoff and squeezed my hand. “You know where it all went wrong.”
“Exactly,” I whispered, hoping he understood my underlying message of ‘I wish you did too.’
There was a few seconds of silence before Finn pushed himself off of the floor and moved to sit next to me in his bed. I didn’t take my eyes off the picture of us as he started delicately running his fingers through my hair.
“You know, I lied the other day,” Finn told me softly.
“Hm,” I hummed at him in confusion, looking at him with furrowed brows.
“I do remember that night. I remember every word that I said and that I made you cry. I remember it all and I regret everything,” He told me, looking into my eyes.
“Why did you lie,” I asked him curiously.
Finn looked down and intertwined his other hand in mine. “Because I hate the person that I was that night, and I never wanted to think about it again. What I did and what I said… I promised myself I was never going to be that way again. That’s why I changed. Because I promised myself that if I did, and you happened to take me back, then I was going to treat you better than any other guy possibly could and put you up on the pedestal you deserved to be on.”
I sighed and sat up in his bed. I brought my free hand up and placed it on his cheek, moving his head so he would look at me.
“So you remember why we fought in the first place? And that it was a long time coming,” I asked him, rubbing my thumb over his cheekbone.
Finn nodded at me and sighed. I nodded back at him and wrapped my hand around his neck, lacing my fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. “I was happy with you, Finn. But you weren’t happy with me. You wanted someone who would have sex with you anytime you wanted, and I was the exact opposite. And I wanted somebody who respected my decisions and what I wanted, and you were the exact opposite.”
Finn looked at me sadly before speaking. “I was a cocky, horny 18-year-old, who couldn’t fathom the thought of someone not wanting to have sex with him. Who didn’t want to attempt to understand why the girl he was absolutely in love with didn’t want to completely give herself to him. So, instead of attempting to understand and work through it with her and tell her how he truly felt about her, he went and treated her like shit. He hit on other girls and told himself that it was okay because things were likely not going to work out anyways.”
I sighed and ran my fingers through the hair at the back of his head in a soothing manner.
“And I was a hopeful, naive 18-year-old who was experiencing love for the first time, despite having relationships before ours. Who was too scared to talk about how she was feeling mistreated out of fear of the guy she loved leaving her and in turn scared to give herself over to him completely.”
“Wow, we were fucked up. Weren’t we,” Finn said, causing me to laugh and nod at him.
“Yeah, we were,” I said in agreement, looking down at my lap. “But I think us breaking up then was for the best.”
Finn looked up at me with hurt in his eyes.
“Not for the reason you’re thinking. I think that we were meant to break up then, so we could become who we are now. So we would be a better fit for each other when we came back together,” I explained softly.
“Back together,” Finn questioned me eagerly.
“Yeah,” I whispered to him, a smile taking over my face.
“Oh thank god,” Finn said in relief before cupping my face in his own and placing his lips against my own.
I couldn't help but smile as we continued kissing each other, him smiling as well shortly after. We continued placing our lips against each other, his mustache rubbing against my face just as I remembered it did Freshman year. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned back, bringing him over me as we continued kissing. Finn moved to hover over me and I broke away from the kiss, the two of us leaning our foreheads against each other. Finn began peppering kisses across my face and neck, his grin growing at my giggling.
“What are you doing,” I asked him through my giggles.
“I have almost 3 whole years to make up for not being able to kiss you,” Finn told me, continuing his assault.
“Well, can you continue you tomorrow? I’m tired,” I asked him in amusement.
Finn pulled away and looked up at me with a pout. “Fine.”
Finn moved and lay on his side next to me. I rolled my eyes at his childish antics and turned on my side so my back was facing him. Finn threw his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him, nuzzling his face in my neck and taking a deep breath.
“Good night, (Y/N),” He whispered to me.
“Good night, Walt,” I whispered back to him, feeling his grin widen as the two of us drifted off to sleep.
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voxmortuus · 1 year
#17 & #29 for Walter Deville please? I figured you could use a break from Hannibal.
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✧*̥˚ PAIRING: *̥˚✧ Walter Deville x F!Reader ✧*̥˚ UNIVERSE: *̥˚✧ The Invitation ✧*̥˚ WORD COUNT: *̥˚✧ 424 ✧*̥˚ PROMPT: *̥˚✧ From THIS prompt list: 17. "beg for it" & 29. "you're such a needy girl" ✧*̥˚ TRIGGER WARNINGS: *̥˚✧ Smut in Gazebo AKA Outside | Reader rides tip of dress shoe | Pet Name Used - Blood Doll | Calling Walt Master | Reader begging | Reader gets bitten | Blood Kink? | Unprotected P-i-V | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ✧*̥˚ NOTES: *̥˚✧ YOU'RE LUCKY I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LIMITS ARE AND WHAT YOU LIKE! I will literally write for any character you send me prompts for; I love branching out! So, I guess that makes me a whore for prompts.... ✧*̥˚ DIVIDER CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @nyxvuxoa ✧*̥˚ IMAGE CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @ariesrain ✧*̥˚ My Master Masterlist *̥˚✧
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As Walter looks down on you, watching you be this horny needy little blood doll of his, he can't help but chuckle. Watching you whimper and moan as you grind yourself against the tip of his shoe as you wrap your arms around his leg. Wet, fuckin soaking wet and needy for him you look up at him and bite your lip.
"I'm so wet… so needy…" You whimper. "I need you, Master." You whimper.
"Do you now, Blood Doll?" He asks with a slight arch of his brow.
"Oh, yes Master, I really… really need you. I need you to fill me. I need you to feed on me." You whimpered as you graze your bud against his shoe.
With a soft chuckle, he takes your chin and forces you to look at him. "Beg for it." He states.
Biting your lip you look over his face, your hands sliding up his hips, over the front of his pants pawing at him.
"Please, Master… Please. I need you, so badly, I need you to fuck me, I need you to feed on me. I need your guidance. Please… Please Master." you beg.
"Aww, look at you. Stand up." He demands.
Standing up you look over his face, biting your lip you let out a soft whimper as you press yourself against him. He reaches his hand between your legs and feels how soaking wet you are.
"Now what do we have here my sweet little Blood Doll? Are we soaked?" He asked.
"Yes, Master, that's how badly I need you." You state nodding.
"Well now… I'm sure that can be arranged." He chuckles with that charming smile of his.
Turning you around he makes you face the outside yard as he places your hands on the railing of the gazebo. As he feels himself stiffen from your arousal he groans and slips his hardened member between your folds and groans.
"You're such a needy girl." He groans softly.
"I'm always needy for you master." You moan softly as you grip the railing and let out another soft moan.
As he kisses your bare shoulder he moves the crook of your neck and sinks his fangs right in. You let out a slightly louder moan and grip the railing tightly. Looking down you see the blood from the bite drip down your chest, you bring a hand up and wipe it across your chest, smearing it into the skin as you let out another moan.
"Oh Master… you're too good to me." You whimper.
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
one look and you knew | shan yu x fem!reader
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for shan yu, you are his destiny. for you, he is the man that kidnapped you. love at first sight is a tale as old as time. he just didn't expect you wouldn't believe in it.
cw: love at first sight. meet cute. public nudity. accidental voyeurism. murder couple in the making. yandere. kidnapping. shan "i'll make you my empress" yu x fem!reader "what's your name?". in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
an: rip moon you would've loved hearing nu metal while doing the dishes. also my favorite dinamic is war criminal x someone that would have the time of their live being a nun.
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The wind howled against his ears. Trees spoke in their ancient language. Silently, the world continue to move. Harmonic in its apparent chaos, carefully built even in its broken pieces, the world continued to be.
It was quiet there. Not maddening as the silence of soldiers well aware of their wrongdoings. Not numb as the moment right before a battle. Not debilitating as his sleepless, lonely midnights.
It was quiet there in the mountains, but not still. The world wasn't holding its breath, muscles clenching in tension or fear. It was what it has always been: uncaring, an indiferent witness to mankind.
Man can die, man can kill. The wind will keep on howling either way.
Marching forward in the monster's belly, he thought. A battle against time. An unstoppable war against the inevitable end.
Stupidly feverish, Shan Yu then admitted to himself. He ignored as his body plead for rest, instead riding his horse away from comfort. Shan Yu is the one to blame for his boiling mind and those irrational, melancolic thoughts.
Following an old path hidden by trees, Shan Yu travelled deeper into the mountains. The cut on his forearm throbbed. It would need new bandages, he could feel the blood drying against his sore skin.
Still, Shan Yu chose the ruthlessness of the mountain and whispers of a tired mind rather than the bought hospitality of an warm inn. More so, he chose silence over chaos.
He needed to think. To plan.
His armies invaded China. Battle after battle, they were always victorious. Now they understand this place. His generals trained soldiers with new formations that fit this land better. But real victory isn't as near as Shan Yu would want to.
His army is at disadvantage. They are in the enemy's territory. They are the ones moving forward instead of defending what they already own. They are the ones making arrangements with villages because a war this long means more food, more water, more time.
Shan Yu left his army behind, allowing them to celebrate. It was a good deal with the village's leader, whom only desire was to keep his people safe. He need his man confident, excited with the prospects of war. Let the alcohol soothe their minds, they earned it.
Alone, facing the place he must conquer, Shan Yu could deal with the stratagems. Challenged, he must find a way to humiliate the Emperor. To make even his own people turn their backs on him.
A sneeze made the strategist give place to the warrior.
The horse stopped with the pressure of his feet. Still as stone, Shan Yu searched for the source of it. He wasn't being followed. That he knows. This can't be a trap. At least not a good one.
He jumped to the ground, hand already searching for his jagged jian. He stopped at the handle, not wanting the steel to reflect light and warn his enemy. It was time to hunt.
Following his instincts, he wandered between the trees. His feet were light on the ground. This threat won't be able to gasp before he attacks.
He found a river bank surrounded by stones. No signs of an ambush. He couldn't smell anything strange in the air, only the... No. Shan Yu stopped moving. He felt something sweet. A strong perfume in the air.
Shan Yu glared at the river, now unsure of what he was looking for. Maybe it wasn't a trap. After all, that's not an important village. No soldiers or officers live here. Maybe this old hidden path isn't as old or as hidden as he thought. Maybe he's hunting something that simply isn't aware of him.
Then he noticed. Clothes folded in the river bank, a towel spread on a stonr, a basket half-filled with shells and stones.
Deep into the river, your fingers brushed against a shell. You grabbed it, and checked if anything lived inside of it yet. It was a few inches bigger than your hand, and in a beautiful shade of green.
A cold breeze welcomed you to the surface. You took a deep breath, shaking your head and getting the water away from your eyes. Your face felt like it was burning, but you know the cold was causing it.
You cleaned the shell, brushing your fingers against the mud stucked inside it. It really was a beautiful shade of green. Brighter than you could see underwater.
Absolutely perfect for your collection. All other green shells you've ever found had crustaceans living inside of them, and you would never leave them without a home. This one will make it all even more special.
You laughed to youself, observing all its details. You continued to explore the surface, crossing the river a few more times. You knew it like the palm of your hand. Maybe even better than your own bedroom.
You can be bored, overwhelmed, exhausted: this place solves it easily. Its silence involves your brain, and its water washes over the very fabric of your soul. You can feel it. The knots coming lose, the tissue shining, each thread becoming softer.
Shan Yu released the handle of his jian when you emerged, froze in place as his eyes followed your every movement. As if cursed, his body wasn't his to control anymore. Immovable muscles, unstoppable heart. His worries were shut down, any hardship simply erased from his usually sharp memory.
Moonlight blinded him for an instant. No, it was you. Your light was that bright. Was he seeing your soul? Brighter than the moon, as enebriating as barley, more soothing than popy.
Your light casts no shadow.
Were you a witch? A sorceress dominating his body and mind, sinking Shan Yu into a trance he would never want to get out of. Or were you a siren? Luring him into the water, waiting for the perfect chance to bite his heart out of his chest.
He can't believe you're any of those. None could be half as beautiful as you. A nymph. Only that could explain your beauty.
He admire you. The old scar on your knees, stretch marks on your waist, freckles on your back. The way your eyes shone as you collected your shells, how your body moved as if the water wasn't an obstacle but a path made for you to follow.
It was so cold, but that didn't stopped you from doing what you wanted. It takes a certain hunger to do something you desire despite the world around you. For now, deep into the mountains, you were free.
Your laugh made him forget about everything. That sound was deserving of a thousand praises. People should dedicate their lifes for the chance of witnessing you blossoming.
A small price for such a great gift.
But you sneezed, and that woke up Shan Yu from his trance. He was reminded of where he was and who he is. Of how cold it was. Shan Yu looked at your clothes again. Such a light tissue would never fully protect you. Unlike his fur.
Unlike him.
With a storm for a heart, Shan Yu approached. Glaring at your back, he purposely stepped on a branch.
Part of you hoped to be surprised by an animal, but you knew someone was standing behind you. You couldn't see who was there, but you knew someone not looking for trouble wouldn't be there.
It's fair ground then.
"If you want to approach me, do it", you whispered. You didn't need to be any louder to be heard. Your fingers clenched around the shell you were studying, aware the only thing stopping it from being a weapon was your intent. "But I am not fazed by blood."
A chuckled was heard. A man, of course it was. What surprised you was to hear him walking away.
You turned around, but all you saw was the stranger's back as he dissapeared among the trees. Folded over your clothes, you found a wolf fur coat. You hesitate before brushing your wet fingers against it. It was so warm and soft.
Warm, soft and real.
You were quick to get out of the river, drying yourself with a towel. You put on your clothes, took the basket and ran towards the old path you made sure to hide with stones. Apparently not everyone was deceived by it.
A scream came out of your throat as you bumped into someone. Your basket fell on the ground as a familiar hand squeezed your shoulder.
"Mom", you whispered. You blinked, trying to stop yourself from feeling... whatever it was that you were feeling. You gave her your brightest smile, kneeling down to grab all your things. "I know it's late, I was already heading back home."
That earned you a hiss. You did your best to hold the smile. "You're trembling", she said. "I've warned you. You'll get sick."
"I won't", you said. "I promise."
She bit back a smile. So calm, so full of certain. Making promises you can't possibly keep, and somehow keeping them anyway.
"You better", she took the basket from your hand, looking at your new findings. "Your father already has enough patients as it is."
Going back home was always the worst part, but even there you could feel the cage closing around you. One thing is to be alone at the river, other to be lonely at your home. There nothing can distract you from thinking until your mind is far away from this village.
Instead of walking forward, you glanced back.
Part of you knew he would be there. Like a ghost at the corner of your eyes. It still chocked you to see his sillhouet there, a blurr in the darkness, right where you left the coat.
Now, you were the one observing him. Trying to understand him. Had he stayed there, hidden somewhere to observe you after his gift? Or did he heard your scream, and only then decided to come back?
You forced yourself to move away. Your mother could never see him. It would be the end of your free evenings if she ever discovered you were naked, futhermore if she even dreamed a man was near.
Unaware of your curious gaze, Shan Yu brushed the mark of your wet fingers on his coat. It got your attention, earned your touch, gained the sweet perfume of your skin. It was a gift, and one you so politely declined.
As if a saint would ever accept anything coming from a conqueror. "Now that is a challenge."
Back at the inn, Shan Yu was a new man. Maybe it was your laugh. Perhaps your freedom. Now, Shan Yu wasn't worrying anymore.
He already knew what to do.
A scream woke you up.
You pulled the blanket away from your sweaty body, hands trembling as you moved. Surrounded by darkness, your heart beating so loud you could feel it twitching on your ears, you sat on the bed and faced the darkness surrounding you.
A nightmare. Squeezing the fabric of your nightgown, you tried to force yourself to calm down. Don't allow it to consume you, you thought. Be good, be quiet.
They were gone for a while now. It's been a few weeks since you last woke up at midnight, silence devouring you alive, searching for a comfort that just wasn't there. After a lifetime of nights filled with terror, you saw the anesthetized sleep as a good omen.
Should you see this night as a bad one?
Part of you hoped to be proven wrong. With your fingers brushing against your lips, you wonded if you really screamed in your sleep. In worse nights, worse times, you would wake up to your father holding you down. He isn't there, your house is silent.
Everything is fine.
But hope is a treacherous thing. So easily it lift you up to your feet, so quickly it shoves you down on the ground again.
Of course you father isn't holding you down. Of course your house is silent. Of course you feel alone. It's because you are.
A messenger came a few hours ago. Someone was injured. If they didn't bring the girl there, the reason was obvious: it was so bad they were afraid to move her. And if your parents aren't home already, then it is worse than you have imagined.
You hugged yourself. You know that being alone in that house is the first step for your mind to break you. You would start to think about this place, about your old home, and soon your mind would worry about the place you need to go when he is back.
If he comes back. After this war is over, will you have a husband you despise or a funeral to attend? A husband you dislike is easy to deal with, specialy if he comes back sick and tired. To find another one is worse: they might chose one you hate.
Steps made you stop worrying. Your heard the gate swing open, and that made you walk barefeet to the entrance of your home. Brushing your eyes, you noticed a shadow getting closer to the main door. They're home now.
For now, all you wanted was to not be alone anymore. "I had another nightmare", you spoke while sliding the door open, aware they could hear you from the other side. "Is she dead?"
Instead of what you expected, you saw him.
His golden gaze felt so heavy on your skin. The tall man, surrounded by darkness as if it was his to command, covered by fur and smelling like steel and iron. His sword glistened, his teeth too.
You felt like a prey. A sleepy rabbit facing a hungry wolf. His gaze reminded you of a predator, a cruel one playing with its meal.
Then you saw the eagle on his broad arm. That made you aware of his name. Oh, how you head the whispers. A man surrounded by death and blood. The bearer of destruction and fear. Leader of an army with a single duty: to break China apart.
"No one died tonight", Shan Yu whispered, somehow apologetic. As if he was an unexpected visitor with a good reason to surprise you, not a wild man that appeared in the middle of the night armed while you're alone. "You had another nightmare?"
You should've screamed. You should've ran away from him. But instead, understanding the only thing keeping Shan Yu from being violent is his desire to do so, you looked into his eyes and pretended to be fine. "What do you seek here?"
Closer, Shan Yu discovered he was wrong about you. The light inside your eyes was a mistake of his. They're on fire. Burning inside you, you soul warmed him.
"Your heart", Shan Yu answered, taking a step back. "Care to join me?"
You glared at the open gates, then at his eyes again. You waited for a manic laugh, a mean gaze, anything that showed the violence implicit on his words. If it was there, your eyes didn't catch it.
A hun after a chinese. A man oathed to destroy your nation asking for your heart. Maybe a few years ago when you were young and stupid this could almost sound like a fairytale. You know how to name this situation: spoil of war.
"You said no one died tonight", your throat burned. "But if I don't follow you... someone will, right?"
It took him a second, but the true meaning of your words hit Shan Yu like a poisoned arrow. "I wasn't threatening you", he started to clarify his intentions, but you stepping forward shut him.
Shan Yu saw anger on your eyes, disgust on the curl of your lips. Violence fits you heavenly. "But you will hurt others", how dry you sounded. Heartless. But he could see the truth behind it all. You were about to explode, but couldn't allow yourself to. "I rather not see this village burn like the others you passed by."
Shan Yu takes what he wants, claims what he desire, get rid of what doesn't fit his goals. But you're not a thing to be possessed. You're a person. A person that shines and burns. He can't take your love from you. Shan Yu can only hope for it.
Shan Yu wants to earn you.
"You will be my empress", he declared. "My heart is yours. I will wait until you feel the same. I won't touch you unless you allow me. I will protect your honor, defend your body and mind."
You chuckled. "Shan Yu, do you really believe in love at first sight?"
"Moon, I will give you China as a dowry", was his answer.
Your name coming out of his mouth made shivers run down your spine. You sighed. "You won't give up, will you?"
He wouldn't. Shan Yu would never.
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callsign-cacti · 2 months
Bet on it
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Finn x F.Reader 5.3k words
Summary: A missed meeting, a drugstore bag with a fake pregnancy test, a forgetful Kenny Roper, and intimate knowledge about a bet made by the STU baseball team. What could go wrong?
Rating: Mature: drug use, drinking, future chapters will be 18+.
Warnings: Mentions of faking a pregnancy for a prank/ revenge. If this triggers you, please don't read!
Part Two
You had made it a point to never step foot in either of the South Texas University Baseball houses. For any reason, be it for work or, other recreational purposes. However, here you stand, hand seconds away from banging on the front door of the house.
The neighbors probably thought that you were yet another scorned lover, come to beg for yet another piece of the baseball boys. Yet that couldn't be any farther from the truth.
Taking a moment, you recall all the anger from early as you had sat in the library, waiting for Kenny Roper to show up. And he never did.
As the minutes turned into an hour, and your anger continued to grow with the passage of time, you became more and more sure that today was the day. You had been holding onto this little nugget of information for when one of them truly pissed you off, and you knew that the bunch of idiots, would in fact, do something dumb enough to warrant this.
Kenny Roper was just the poor soul that pushed you over the edge.
So you felt no remorse as you banged on the door, not hesitating to throw it open, as you knew the dumbasses never locked it. You bit your lip as some of the boys yelped, all turning to see who was storming in. As soon as you crossed the threshold, you were assaulted with the stench of stale beer, weed, burnt food and B.O.
Wrinkling your nose, you scanned the room, taking in about half the team lounged about the living room. And then you found Roper, tucked behind McReynolds. Looks like he wasn't so dumb after all, if he immediately knew that you were here for him.
Finn recovered first, "Well look who it is, I thought you had taken a solem vow to never step foot in this cursed house!"
"Shut the fuck up Finn!" You snapped, eyes never leaving Roper. "Roper, where the hell have you been?"
As Roper pales, the rest of them start snickering.
"Actually, I don't give a shit where you have been, 'cause I don't want to hear your dumbass excuse! Upstairs, now!" You barked, knowing it would be easier to compose yourself in front of Roper then it would be with half the team watching you. And lord knows you would need some composure for what you were about to pull off.
As Roper silently led you to his bedroom, passing a door with a sign that read, Fornication. Under. Consent. of King, you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
Behind you, the boys began to whoop, Plumber was even dumb enough to shout, "Get it Rope!"
At that, you whirled, ripping the sign off the door and chucking it at Plums head, promptly shutting him up.
As Roper closed the door behind him, you heard shuffling coming from downstairs, the boys being as subtle as a pack of elephants in their snooping.
"I cannot believe that you didn't fucking show up Roper!" You yelled at him, beginning to pace back and forth. "I literally rearranged my whole schedule for you, and you don't even have the gall to show up! This class is quite literally the only thing that is keeping your ass off the bench!" You're screeching now, knowing that you need to be loud enough for the entire house to hear.
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't show, but practice ran late, and then coach wanted to talk to me after. By the time I finished at the field, I figured that..."
"You figured what?" You bit out. No need to fake your anger for this part. You knew that the baseball boys felt entitled due to the treatment they recieved from students and professors alike, but this was on another level.
"You just figured that since you were a little late it would be okay to make me sit for an hour waiting on you? That since your on the goddamned team I would do the entire thing for you? That I would bend over backwards for you, yet again!"
"Just calm down!" He tries to placate, rising up off of his bed, hands outstreched in front of him as if you're a wounded animal that he's trying not to scare. You can practically hear the collective intake of breath from his teammates.
You're not sure if even Brumley is dumb enough to tell a woman to calm down when she's this mad.
"Calm down, you want me to fucking calm down?" You hiss at him, tone dangerously low. The realization that he is well and truly fucked washes over him, his face going pale, limbs tensing. Now he's the one taking a step back as you advance on him. Eventually, his legs hit the bed, leaving him to fall back onto it.
"How in the ever loving fuck am I supposed to calm down when I am stuck with your dumbass for the considerable future. When you can't even show up for a meeting for a class that would keep you on the team. Now that I know for sure that I can't trust you as far as I can throw you!"
Throughout your little speech, you had been gripping the bag tightly, using it as an extension of your hand as you waved it around. Now, you brought it up to your chest as you lowered your voice, Ropers eyes squinting as he tried to figure out it's contents.
"How am I supposed to calm down, when I just took this!" And with that, you fling the bag towards him. He just barely manages to catch it, holding it slightly away from his body as if it was going to bite him.
Cautiously, he opened it, squinting as he reaches down to pull it out. It's barely out of the bag before it's being dropped on the floor as if it's poisionous.
"What the hell is that" Fear has edged into his voice as he finally looks at you.
"You know exactly what it is!" Crossing your arms, you glare at him, not giving him an inch.
"But it's not mine right?"
"Well do you see anyone else in here with us dipshit?" You spat, pinching the inside of your elbow, desperatly trying to keep the laughter that was clawing it's way up your throat down.
"But, we've never... we didn't... did we?" He's reached back down to tenatively pick up the pregnancy test. He looks at you, then back at the test, then back at you, then shakes his head, as if trying to wake himself from a dream.
"You're shitting me Roper. You mean, you don't even fucking remember sleeping with me?" Your voice is dangerously high at this point, and your hoping that it will pass as you trying not to cry instead of you trying not to laugh. In the other room, something crashed, and you heard the whisper yelling at whoever had knocked it over, but your eyes never left Roper.
“I can’t believe this!” You screeched, throwing your hands up into the air.
“How the hell am I supposed to trust you with a baby if you can’t even remember the simplest fucking thing like a meeting, or the night that you fucking impregnated me!”
And with that, you threw the door open, not at all surprised to see the guys strewn about the hallway, desperately trying to look as if they hadn't been eavesdropping, and failing miserably.
You rushed down the stairs and flew through the back door, barely holding yourself together. It was only once you were outside that you allowed the laughter to escape.
This was the part of the plan that had taken you the longest to decide on. You knew that the money would come out very quickly, but did you want to let Roper stew in what was surely a full on crisis?
As tempting as it was, you also didn't want the rumor that you were pregnant getting around, let alone with Kenny fucking Ropers baby.
So, as soon as you composed yourself, which took a couple minutes, as the look on Kenny Ropers face was not something that you would be forgetting any time soon, you let yourself back into the house, went to the fridge, pulled out a beer and popped the top of.
Unfortunalty, you wouldn't get the full amount today, as only half the team was here, but you had the time to collect, and a pocket full of blackmail material.
Reaching into your bag, you pulled your camera out, and began to head for the stairs.
Once you got within eye sight, you began taking pictures. Finn was collecting the money, McRenyolds was sitting next to Roper on the bed, who was still clutching the pregnancy test in his hand. Plum and Dale were both on the ground laughing, and Coma was pulling out his wallet and counting bills.
As Coma put the bills in Finns hand, Plum collected himself enough to pull himself up off the floor.
"I mean, really dude, how the fuck did you forget sleeping with her?"
"Yeah, especially with that much money on the line." Coma chimed in, reluctantly placing his bills in Finns hand.
"I mean,first of all, she's hot as fuck..."
You raise your camera again as you speak and began to snap away.
"Well thanks Plum!" You say, a grin spread wide across your face. Most of the heads in the room, except for Roper and Plum snap towards you, and you beam as you capture the pure fear and confusion as it flits across their faces.
Plum, bless his heart, just continues on. "I mean, you guys literally told me about this bet on the first day of practice!" And just as the guys begin to violently shush him, he connects the dots on his own, his head whipping towards you.
Once you get a picture of his face, you lower the camera, tucking it into your bag as you take another sip of your beer. They all watch as you walk across the room towards Finn, taking the money from his hand and putting the beer in it's place.
Once you make sure it's all there, you shove it into your bag, and take your beer back from Finn.
Brumley, the dumbass, is the first one to break the silence.
"I don't think your supposed to drink if your pregnant. It's bad for the baby!" He exclaimes, nodding at the beer in your hand.
Rolling your eyes, you look around the room. You can see it in there faces who has figured it out, Finn, Dale and McRenyolds being the only ones who have figured it out. The rest are still looking between you and Roper in confusion.
"I'm not pregnant dickheads!" You hiss. "I mean, you think I'd touch him with a ten foot pole? Not fucking likely!"
When you don't get a response from anyone, you take one last drink from your can before shoving it back into Finns hand.
"Well, this has been fun, Roper, I'll see you Friday for our presentation!" And with that, you head for the stairs, pausing to look back over your shoulder. "And I expect to see you with the rest of my money. I know the whole team was in on it!"
And you left as pandemonium broke out upstairs.
They found you the next day in the dining hall at lunch. Heather, your roommate, had literally just walked out for her class, and you remained behind, having a few more minutes before you needed to leave for class.
Opening your book, you pulled out your pens as you lifted a fry off your plate, only to have your fry snatched from your hand as you watched someone else slide your book out from in front of you.
You looked up to see Finn munching on your fry as Dale closes your book. You smirk as Roper and McRenyolds pull out chairs in front of you, and flinch as the chair Nesbit is dragging over squeals on the tile floor.
They have you completely surrounded.
"Hello boys," You smirk, picking up another fry. "Come to give me the rest of my money?" Popping the rest of the fry into your mouth, you summon a smug smirk as you lord your win over the boys.
Finn chuckles as he throws his arm around the back of your chair.
"We'll give you the money."
'Perfect," You interrupt him, holding out your hand.
"If, you tell us who squealed to you about the bet." McRenyolds finishes for him as Finn high fiving you before reaching to steal yet another one of your fries.
"Nice try, a reporter never squeals on her sources!" Batting Dales hand away as he reaches for your plate.
"Come on, you owe me!" Roper states, leaning across the table to take your drink. You scrunch your nose as he puts it back down in front of you, and reach over the table push it back towards him.
"You can have it, I have no interest in catching whatever diseases you may carry!" Beside you, both Finn and Dale chuckle, and you lean back to cross your arms so that you can effectively death glare at Roper.
"And I owe you, owe you for what exactly?" You let all traces of humor drain from your tone.
"Umm, for yesterday?" Roper offers up weakly, well aware that he just fucked up.
"Oh, I owe you for completely rearranging my schedule to fit around yours, only for you to stand me up and leave me to do all the work on a project worth thirty percent of our grade. Oh, and lets not forget about the little bet that you started with the entire baseball team about who could sleep with me first. I owe you for that?"
"Well, I didn't fucking start it... W..." McRenyolds kicked him under the table, promptly shutting him up.
"What he means to say, is that he is truly and deeply sorry, that he regrets all of his actions. And that we would all truly appreciate it if you could, just this one time, fudge your morals a little bit, and tell us who ratted on us!" Finn proclaimed, as Roper nodded along with him.
"In fact, I think we all owe her an apology!" Finn stated, a grin stretching across his face.
"Y/n, I am very, very sorry about the bet! It was very wrong of us, and we will never do it again!"
"Your damn right you won't!" You mutter rolling your eyes at Finn. Dale and McRenyolds scoff at him, as Nesbit smothers "Asskisser" in a very fake cough.
“C’mon guys, you gotta be better then that, y’all gotta butter her up. Right now, she’s fifty bucks richer and still riding the high of Ropers embarrassment!” Finn chastises.
“She already took our money!” Dale whines. “C’mon, don’t you wanna be a good friend and tell us who squealed?”
You snort at this, throwing a fry from your plate at him. He catches it and winks as he throws it into his mouth.
"It's cute that you think we're friends!"
Now, Nes chimes in. “It was obviously someone who was least likely to win that squealed!”
“So, you!” Finn says, popping another fry into his mouth.
“Guys,  it was probably someone who already graduated. Figured they would sabotage the bet because they didn’t win.” Roper adds, looking at you with suspicion.
“I mean, statistically speaking, I’m the one who would win.” Finn says, tightening his arm around you. “Right honeybunch!”
This sends the guys into an uproar so loud they don't notice your low hum.
“Why the fuck do you think you would win!”
“Shut the hell up Finn!”
“Tell him he’s wrong!”
You scoff. “As if I’d touch any of you with a 10 foot pole. I’m very content not having any STDs thank you very much!”
“I mean, look at the rest of the guys she slept with…” Finn starts, before your turning to look at him.
“Keeping tabs on me Finnegan?”
And he doesn’t even hesitate. “Course I am. Gotta see who floats your boat, so I can imitate them, and subsequently win the bet.”
Rolling your eyes, you shove him off you. “You’re all disgusting!”
And as the rest of the guys begin to protest, you snatch your book off of Dales lap, shoving it into your bag, and ignoring Finns eyes on you as you walk away.
Your not even the least bit surprised when Finn finds you the next day, even though your tucked away in your little corner of the library.
“Ok, I know you’re the type of person who appreciates the whole, no bullshit thing,” which Finn and the team had learned the hard way when they had all attempted to flirt with you on your first team interview after a game last year.
Your response, listing off all of the simple mistakes they had made, and insinuating that they were all very, very small because of those dumbass mistakes.
That was the night the bet was born.
“So I’m just gonna come right out and say it. You’re a liar. A hypocrite, if the shoe fits.” You narrow your eyes as he finishes his statement with a flourish, bringing that stupid pipe to his lips. Leaning forward, you snatch it from his hands, throwing it down onto the table.
“You can’t smoke in the fucking library dipshit. And also, how dare you call me a liar. You don't know jack shit."
“But you don’t deny being one?” Finn was smart, you would give him that. It was a damn shame that he wasted it all on beer, baseball and pussy.
“And why would I lie Finn? Isn’t being with one of the baseball boys the goal? From what I’ve heard, I’m supposed to shout it from the rooftops, maybe even get it tattooed on my forehead. I slept with one of the baseball boys!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s way too long to fit on your forehead. It would probably be better on your lower back, you know, like a tramp stamp!”He grins as he says it, leaning back into his chair, propping his feet up on the table, and crossing his arms behind his head. You try to ignore the way it makes his biceps look, and you definitely don’t notice the way it makes the veins on his forearms stand out.
“Did you come here for a reason Finn, or do you just find enjoyment in bugging me?" You snap at him, looking back down at your paper.
“Well, I clearly came for the pleasure of your company! And also, to… sate my curiosity, if you will.”
“Well, you asked your question, and I gave you an answer, now you can leave me alone so I can work on my paper!” It was a clear dismissal, but he didn’t move a fucking inch, continuing to stare. You kept your eyes on the paper, your hand moving to write down shitty sentences out of pure spite. You were definitely going to have to rewrite part of this paper.
“You know, I can go away real easy for the low price of just two words, a name is all it takes sweetheart!”
“I told you Finn, I have never slept with anyone on the baseball team, ever. Now leave me alone!”
“See sweetheart, the thing is I don’t believe you when you say that. You hesitated for too long yesterday, and quite frankly, we are all good looking guys. Well… most of us. And you cannot tell me that watching us play doesn’t get you all hot and bothered!”
“I have literally never been less turned on then I am when I am watching y’alls games.” You deadpanned. Which was a lie of course. He wasn’t wrong. The team had some very good looking guys, and those pants did wonders for their asses.
“Sweetheart, please, you can’t bullshit the bullshitter!” Rolling your eyes, you turn your attention back to your work, hoping that maybe if you stopped giving him your attention, then he would go away. He was silent for a few seconds, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw him stand, only for him to pull out the chair your bag was in, drop it to the floor, and seat himself.
“Look, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way…”
“Shut the fuck up Finn, we aren’t in one of your stupid spy thrillers!”
“Please!” He begs, so loud that a few other students turn to look your way. The attention doesn’t seem to phase Finn, although you should have known that it wouldn’t. If anything the new eyes just egg him on.
“Why do you even want to know so bad huh? The bets over, no one won, it doesn’t matter!” You spat.
 A part of you debated on just telling him. He was as hard headed as you were, and the likelihood of him giving up was slim to none. There was always the option of just giving him the name of one of the seniors that had graduated, no harm no foul, but this was also Finn. If he found out that you had lied, then it was just going to make things worse.
You could revisit the idea of telling their coach. The probability of any of the players getting benched was slim to none, but you did have a little bit of pull, as you were the one writing half the articles the scouts were reading. You would never actually write untrue things about the guys and their game, for several reasons, but they didn’t need to know that.
You were jolted out of your thoughts by Finns snapping by your ears, flinching at the loud sound.
“How am I supposed to make my argument if you’re not even listening to me?” He pouted, leaning back in his seat once he was sure he had your attention.
“I don’t know Finn, maybe you could take the goddamned hint and leave me alone so I could get some work done?”
“I’m just saying, you had to find out from someone, and the team has been sworn to secrecy to never tell! The only thing I can think of was if someone was pussy..." He trailed off, remembering who he was talking too as he snapped his mouth shut.
“So you just wanna know who blabbed. This has nothing to do with me?” You innocently ask, batting your eyelids at him.
“Mm, exactly. See, you’re a smart girl, I knew you would…”
You lean forward, gesturing for him to come closer. Trailing your hand up his arm before cupping it around his ear as you leaned in to whisper a name.
"Walt Finnegan."
And that shuts him right up, allowing you to quickly shuffle your papers together and gather your bag, leaving a shocked Walt Finnegan left behind.
After Finn found you that morning in the library, Dale cornered you as you were coming out of class, demanding to know who told you. Then it was McRenyolds, who had shoved a girl off of him, before marching up to you, spouting some bullshit about the sancitity of secret keeping on the team, and how, as captain, he needed to know and some other crap.
The next day, you saw Nez coming out of the cafeteria, and you had to put up with his badgering the entire fifteen minute walk to class. The class that you shared with Coma. And you might as well have skipped it, seeing as you spent the entirety of the fifty five minutes shoving the notes from him off of your desk.
After class, you met up with Heather on the green, practically collapsing onto the blanket she had laid out.
"Rough day?" She asked, a smirk fully gracing her face as she took in her misery.
"Their tenacity is surprising. They have been bugging me all day!" You whine. "It almost makes it not worth it. Almost!"
After you explain your day to her, the two of you lay on the green in silence for a few minutes, before she begins packing up. She still has one more class to attend before she's released for the weekend. Once you confirm your plans for later, she is off.
Flopping back down onto the blanket, you pull out your book, letting out a content sigh.
It’s the first time in days that you aren’t doing homework, or writing articles, or being assaulted by the entire baseball team, or stressing about all three. Your laid out in one of your favorite corners of the green, sun shining down on you as you open your book.
You get five minutes of peace and quiet before Finn sits down next to you, effectively ruining your alone time.
“No!” You shout, the frustration in your tone clear. “No, not right now Finn. This is the first time in days where I haven’t been busy. I've been alone for like, five freaking minutes and…”
"Well, I could give you some peace and quiet if you just tell me the truth!" He says, that signature shit eating smile of his firmly in place. When you stay quiet, he nods. "That's what I thought!"
And then he surprises you, shifting so his back is against the tree next to your blanket, and lifts your legs, pulling them onto his lap. Without another glance at you, he pulls out his own book before opening it to the dog eared page.
Quickly, you snatch your legs back, moving to nail him in the leg, but he's faster then you, wrapping your ankle in a steel grip.
"Ah ah ah, you want peace and quiet don't you?" Then he's gently placing your legs back in his lap.
You gape at him, not quite comprehending what was happening, or what angle he was trying to play. But his focus never strayed from the page.
Now you were torn, if you said something, he would probably start in on you, and you were too tired to really fight him on this today.
Maybe you should just leave it alone, and not look a gift horse in the mouth. You really didn’t want to get up and go inside, and if he was being quiet, then who were you to protest. It also didn’t hurt that he looked really, really good with his dumb fluffy hair and stupid tight shirt that strained across his biceps.
Your decision was made for you as his hand begins sliding up your calf, kneading at the muscles there. You're barely able to catch the moan that threatens to escape.
Suddenly, your assaulted with visions of running your hands through that hair, finding out if it was really as soft as it had always looked invaded your mind, nails raking down that toned back…
“I can feel your staring!” He teased, breaking you out of your trance, and made you snap your attention back down to your book in an attempt to hide the blush that heated your face.
And you tried to focus on your book, you really did. Finn didn’t seem to have any problems paying attention to his. At least, that’s what you told yourself in an attempt to explain why his hand was crawling up your leg. His fingers moving higher as the patterns he was tracing got larger.
Yes, that was it. He was just distracted, and he didn’t realize what he was doing. And he also didn’t realize that you were making absolutely no effort to stop him.
But when you looked up from your book, you found his eyes on yours, a smug smile plastered on his face as he trailed his fingers dangerously high on your inner thigh.
“So, we’ve slept together huh?”
You hum, refusing to break eye contact with him. “Shame you don’t remember, although, with your performance, I’m not surprised you blocked it out.” You had fully intended for the comment to be biting enough to get him to back off. However, your voice came out unexpectedly breathy, undercutting the snark of your words.
A smirk grows on his face as he shifts his weight, bringing his face closer to yours so that he’s whispering right in your ear, his fingers dangerously high close to where your thighs meet.
“I know that’s a lie sweets. You wanna know how I know it’s a lie?”
You know you should push him off you. Finn was a fuck boy, and more then that, right now he was motivated, not to sleep with you, but to get some answers. But instead, you found yourself nodding, the sensible part of your brain having left the second his fingers made contact with you.
“There’s a few reasons. One, you could quite literally cut the tension between us with a knife, but somehow, your managing to keep your hands off me, which means I’ve yet to work my magic on you!”
Your moving to swat Finn away, the moment ruined by the return of Walt FInnegan to his natural state, a cocky asshole. But one again, he's moving too fast for you to comprehend, swinging your legs off of his lap and leaning over so that he's hovering above you, faces inches away from the other.
“Besides sweets, if we fucked, there’s no way in hell I would forget that.”
And then he’s standing, brushing off his jeans and winking before walking away.
You sit in shock for a second, watching as he fades into the throngs of people milling about campus.
Finn won that round, you can admit to that. But there’s no way he’s winning the war. Gathering your things, you plot the entire way back to your room, practically throwing the door open, grinning manically when you see Heather beat you back.
“Get up! Change of plans, we’re going out tonight!”
I still don't get why you won't just sleep with him!" Heather whines are she puts the finishing touches on your hair. With a flourish, she spins your around to the mirror, and you smile at what you see there.
"Thanks babe, your a godsend!" She just winks at you before moving to start on her own makeup.
Your original plan had been to stay in and do a movie night, but after Finns stunt earlier, you weren't content to let him have the upper hand for long.
So now, the two of you were getting ready for the Sound Machine, knowing that was the baseball boys party of choice when they weren't throwing their own or out of town.
And, to top it all off, James, a smarmy asshole from your English class had told you he would be there tonight. Which made him the perfect unknowing accomplice in your little game with Finn.
In the back of your head, you knew that you were walking a fine line, especially with Finn. When you had chosen to play that little prank with Roper, you severely underestimated the boys need to know who had told you.
And you never thought that Finn would take this much interest in getting to the bottom of it.
Although now, you were beginning to question if you would have done anything differently.
Your snapped out of your thoughts when Heather emerges from the bathroom, still ranting about the baseball boys.
"At this point Heath, it's a principle thing. I can't go sleeping with the athletes! I would lose all my credibility. Also, I have spent the last three years of my life insulting their very manhood. It would be hypocritical of me to fold now."
"And Walt Finnegan has spent the last three years panting after your ass babes!"
"Oh has he now, is this before or after he's stuck his tongue down three quarters of this school's female population?" You spit back at her.
Walt Finnegan didn't want you. He wanted to win the bet to rub it in his friends faces. He wanted you because he felt like you were unattainable.
And most importantly, he couldn't have wanted you that bad, because he had already had you, and he had forgotten about it.
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honkytonk-hangman · 9 months
Just Another Thing – [1]
Walt 'Finn' Finnegan x Reader/OC
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Summary: God help anyone who might've thought a nice, stable relationship might bring some kind of change to Walt Finnegan's usual mischief and mild-hedonism. God especially help them if they also thought a girlfriend would provide any sort of calming influence over him.
She definitely influenced him, anyone could tell you that, unfortunately just never in any way that could even remotely be described as 'calm'.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of and talk of sex, sexy body parts, ect. reader/OC is named Kimberly/Kimber, but it is still written in second person and her name shouldn't come up very often.
Notes: oh boy oh boy oh boy you have no clue how excited i am for this fic. it's literally been in the works for over a year. i'd even go as far as to say it's my fave fic in recent memory!!! Im not sure yet how many parts, but the story does have a beginning and end.
It's not necessary to have watched the film before reading this fic, as this is set in the year after, around 1982, however certain character dynamics could be confusing. Also i definitely headcanon Finn and Beverly becoming good friends, hidden beneath a layer of exasperation of course but he is definitely the type to go to all the theatre stuff like come on look at him!!!!!
okay enough from me now heres the fic I really hope you enjoy!!!
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You register the alarm on your friends’ face’s far too late to do anything, and the next thing you know you’re clutching the crown of your head, a dull throbbing ache now pulsing under your fingertips.
It wasn’t an entirely unfamiliar sensation, you’ve been hit in the head by a ball plenty of times, but the sheer weight behind this particular impact stood out to you. That, and you knew it couldn’t have been the volleyball you and your friend’s were playing with, because you currently held it.
“What the fu–” you begin angrily, already whipping around in the direction you’d been hit, cutting yourself off at the sight of an approaching man, a look of genuine remorse painted on his features as he jogs toward you. Behind him, a group of guys with baseball gloves watch on with various cringing expressions. Just as the man nears you, his eyes subtly travel up and down your figure, his lip quirking with approval, but he keeps his face apologetic. He comes to a stop several feet away, where the baseball had landed, but doesn’t take his eyes off of you, placing his hands on his hips and lifting his chin at you.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he says, and it at least sounds sincere. “Roper’s never had much of an eye.”
You purse your lips, but try not to look too angry. He was cute, you realise dumbly, still rubbing your head. Dirty blond hair settled in light waves at the top of his collar, a matching blond moustache groomed neatly above his upper lip. He was tall, broad across the shoulders and chest in a way you’d only ever really seen on guys who worked out, athletes and the like. He also looked a little older than a lot of the students you’d see walking around campus, and he certainly didn’t approach you with the confidence of a freshman, so you figure he must be at least an upperclassmen.
“Well, maybe y'all should work on that with him,” you grumble lightly, and drop your hand.
“You okay?” he nods at your head, and you shift to lean on one foot, not missing the flicker of his eyes to watch as you do, or the way he lingers on your rapidly rising and falling chest before he meets your eye again.
“Isn’t the first time, certainly won’t be the last. Hair probably won’t sit right tonight, though,” you complain.
“Big date?” he asks, the teasing tone unmistakable. You lift your chin a little indignantly.
“I’m sure your day is just riding on my answer, but I don’t feel particularly inclined on telling you that,” you huff, heart rate doubling when he laughs, looking away from you for the first time as he grins widely.
“Well, how about this,” he starts once he’s sobered, bending down to swipe the baseball from the grass, taking a step toward you as he does. “The next time I see you, I promise you won’t get hit in the head,” he waves the ball as if you need reminding, but takes another step closer. “And you tell me what night works best to take you out?”
You fail to hide the amused smile that pulls at your lips, but then again, you weren’t really one for playing hard to get. You can see now that he’s only a few feet away, that his eyes are a startling green, and you think you wouldn’t mind running into him again, sans head injury.
“Alright,” you tell him, stepping back with a nod. “Next time.”
It takes all of your will power to turn away from him and move back towards your friends, though you feel his eyes on you for some distance, and make sure you swing your hips just a little more than you usually might.
Part of you regrets not making plans then and there, but the other part of you shivers at the already building tension of your potential next meeting.
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Squinting at your reflection in the mirror, you flip your feathery waves once more over your shoulder, before almost immediately letting it fall back where it was. Just as you’d predicted, thanks to the decent-sized lump on the crown of your head, your Jerry Hall blowout was looking less supermodel and more super-odd.
Scrunching your nose as you mess with your tresses one last time, let out a huff, and force yourself to turn away, just in time for Nancy to appear at your open door, her curled fingers tapping gently on the wood.
“Hey Kimber,” she begins, pausing to give you a whistle as you exit your bathroom and do a twirl for her. Your collared halter-neck jumpsuit was supposed to be worn with a ruffle-neck blouse, but you’d never intended to style it that way, not to mention it was tight enough that you’re not totally sure you’d even be able to fit said blouse beneath it anyway.
“Something’s telling me Miss Texas ‘56 didn’t have this particular ensemble in mind when she ordered this for you outta her fancy lil’ Saks catalogue…” Nancy teases. You roll your eyes.
“Saks don’t do catalogues.” you correct her with a faux air of haughtiness, but don’t bother to contend her point. All of your housemates were more than familiar with your former Beauty Queen mother, despite never having met her. The monthly ‘care packages’ she sent you, filled with various ‘in season’ (see: frivolous) items of clothing and ‘essentials’ spoke volumes about who exactly Mrs Charlene Wynne was. That mostly just amounting to ‘eternally neurotic but well-meaning’. 
Nancy pokes her tongue out at you and scoffs out a laugh.
“Whatever, the point is; Mama doesn't always know best. You look foxy!”
You let out a laugh and smooth your hands over your thighs, thanking her softly.
You weren’t at all oblivious to the way you looked. Certainly you were no Raquel Welch, but most days you could manage something in the realm of Christie Brinkley or Cheryl Ladd, which was pretty damn good. You had your mother to thank for that, though your dad was no slouch either, but considering your mother couldn’t walk ten steps without someone recognising her from her Miss Texas win almost thirty years ago, you’ll give her most of the credit. As a result of your parent’s contributions, you’d become aware fairly quickly of the effect you tended to have on men, especially College men.
“Did you need me for something?” you prompt after a few more moments of Nancy preening over your outfit, remembering that she had come up here with a purpose some minutes ago now. Nancy blinks, before she makes a soft gasping sound, and straightens up.
“That’s right! Beverley arrived a little while ago, she was asking for you!” she informs you, waving her hand in the vague direction of the stairs and the party quickly coming to life on the first floor.
“I’m coming now!” you tell her, giving your hair one last flip before you move for your door, closing it behind you and quickly following Nancy as she all but skips. 
The ‘little’ get together had officially started a little while ago, but you’d had a study group that had run long, meaning you were now fashionably late to your own houseparty, if there were even such a thing.
Almost immediately once you crest the lower steps, you feel yourself shift into focus, totally in your element now, a cool, easy smile finding a place on your features. It isn’t difficult for you to move through the light throngs of people, despite your arrival not going unnoticed by those around you, but instead of excusing yourself meekly past distracted conversationalists, you’re liked enough that partygoers both consciously and subconsciously make way for you, plenty of familiar faces greeting you warmly in passing as you go.
You aren't surprised to find the kitchen milling with guests too, though the music is a little quieter here, so you figure it will remain more sparsely populated until later in the night, when everyone is comfortably tipsy.
“Kimberley!” A female voice calls out, perhaps a little too loudly, but you’d come to expect as much from anyone deeply involved in theatre.
“Beverly!” you match her energy, volume and all, knowing that she was likely already feeling a little out of place among the other guests, who were all mostly part of the College’s various sports teams and who you suspect weren’t even aware there even was a theatre program.
You can’t stop yourself from grinning ecstatically, overjoyed to see your friend for the first time since classes had commenced for the year. However, you feel more than you see the redhead that collides with you, her much shorter frame crashing into yours with a comforting force, and thanks to your non incosiderable height, as well as your many years playing volleyball, you hardly even budge from the impact, even in your chunky platform heels. You quickly hug Beverley in return, but far sooner than you’d like, she’s pulling back and launching into what sounds like a planned monologue.
“Okay! So, you know how ages ago I said I was going to set you up with one of Jake’s housemates from the baseball house?” Beverly starts, already waving her hands expressively, her expression bright and excited. You search your mind, but honestly, you aren’t sure if the conversation sounds familiar or not. You’d had a lot of people say similar things to you throughout your college career so far. Most of the time they were totally off-base matches, but you were always happy to experience new things, new people.
Beverley doesn’t wait for your reply though, clapping her hands and rubbing them together.
“Well, of course the team was invited tonight, meaning I can finally introduce you!” she exclaims, looking wildly over her shoulder, as though the person in question was supposed to be just behind her. When she sees an empty kitchen, she frowns and purses her lips. The glimmer of annoyance is wiped from her face by the time she’s looking back at you, and she huffs good-naturedly.
“I told him to wait for me…” she links your arms as she speaks, and you happily let her lead you to the kitchen door, where a light bubble of conversation floats through from outside. You have to let out a laugh at her sheer excitement, which appears genuine, though not in her usual manner. 
The usual manner meaning that every so often when the two of you found yourselves at the same club or bar, whenever she or her friend’s were being bothered, the pretty redhead would giddily inform you that she had someone she wanted you to meet, then standing back and watching gleefully as you casually sapped up the creep’s attention, only to bluntly shoot him down and send him off. 
You don’t get the feeling this is one of those times, but from what you knew of the baseball team, you very well may have to do some shooing on your own behalf tonight.
Outside on the tiny back-deck, a small group of people had gathered and right away your brain sparks with familiarity, though you have very little time to consider this before Beverley is releasing your arm and stepping forward. She smiles brightly as she sweeps between you and a man who turns around as if on cue.
“Finn, this is Kimberley Wynn! Kimberley, this is Finn! I am almost certain that the two of you will get along famously,” Beverely announces with a flourish and a wink. You and Finn both blink startled at one another for several moments, before mutual recognition quickly sets in. Your lips slowly pull into a wide grin, and you don’t bother hiding the fact that you’re now looking him over with no subtly, just as he’d done to you earlier in the park. 
“I’m not about to get clobbered again, am I?” you begin flirtily, glad that the man, Finn, recognises you as well, though unlike you, he seems to avoid taking the opportunity to check you out again, to his loss. Instead, he smiles big, almost showmanly, and takes up a slight lean on the railing behind him.
“If it’s any consolation, your hair looks great,” Finn replies cooly, and it’s almost as though you’d never parted ways at all. You flick your hair over your shoulder, seeing how his eyes follow the movement before they’re locked back on yours and you already know you’ve got this man hook, line and sinker.
“Luckily for you,” you sniff, though your smile undercuts any real resentment. Finn seems to grin a little wider then, more genuinely than the showman smile. You think the way his eyes crinkle in the corners is sweet, and that he should smile that way all the time.
“Wait, you two already know each other?!” Beverley cuts in, suddenly reminding you that she was in fact still standing there, watching and listening. “How?!” the redhead demands, not going so far as to stomp a foot, but she does cross her arms in a huff as she looks between the two of you in betrayed disbelief, though you note most of her ire seems directed at Finn.
The blonde swings his gaze back to the shorter woman, seemingly tickled by her apparent annoyance, yet his teasing expression is full to the brim with endeared fondness. You get the impression that this was the natural state of their friendship, and that Finn is about to say something inflammatory just to get a bigger rise, which might be a little funny, but you cut in before he can speak, relieving Beverly of her confusion.
“All Star over here threw a baseball at my head this afternoon,” you say pointedly, making sure he doesn’t mistake your happiness to see him for forgiveness. Finn holds his hands up then, and jerks a thumb in the direction of a man in the larger group of party goers on the porch.
“Roper threw a baseball at your head this afternoon,” he corrects you, as though that should absolve you of your attitude.
“Oh, that’s right! You just failed to catch it!” you tease, watching as he winces dramatically and grasps at his chest.
“You wound me sweetheart!” he exclaims ruefully, and despite the vaguely amicable antagonism, you can see now why he and Beverly are friends.
“Then we’re even.” You say. You already agree with the redhead’s earlier assessment; the two of you were going to get along famously.
Finn shrugs in a manner that reads more as relenting than indifference, and at least some of his overly performative act comes away. Beverley scoffs a laugh, rolling her eyes heavily as she reaches out to shove Finn in the arm. He sways, you think for her benefit, which makes you smile.
“Only you could throw a baseball that hits the one girl on campus who’d actually put up with you…” she snorts, seemingly assuming his chances with you were now dashed. Finn raises a finger in protest.
“As we just discussed, I only failed to catch the ball that hit the one girl on campus who may or may not be willing to put up with me. I’d like that to go on record.” He smiles at her simperingly. Beverley regards him with a withering look for several seconds, before choosing to ignore him entirely, turning to you.
“Have fun.” she says, sounding much more like her usual manner, though before you can tell her it’s alright, she’s already spun away, and when you find her again, she’s tucking herself under the arm of her boyfriend, Jake.
You shake your head, and look back at Finn, finding his gaze already locked on you. He pushes away from the railing then, and steps toward you.
“You know what this is?” he asks you, once more sounding like an actor reading lines, and gesturing between you. “Fate.” he says, lowering his voice somewhat like it was a secret just for the two of you.
You cock your head at his odd little act, though you aren’t entirely un-charmed by it. It was rather different to when you’d met this afternoon, despite his blatant flirting then, now it was as if you were speaking with a completely different person. A stage magician, perhaps.
“So, why don’t we go get a drink in your hand, and then you can tell me which day works for our upcoming date.” Finn gives a slight flourish, and while his whole demeanour is still clearly put on, there is an endearing element to his theatrics, a silliness that you might find more charming if it didn’t feel so much like he was performing for you.
He offers you his arm graciously, which you can imagine combined with his hyped up charm, would have plenty of women already giggling into their sleeves, which you don’t do, but you do place your other hand over his warm skin as well, and allow him to lead you back into the kitchen.
“So what’ll it be? Beer? Fruity punch? Fruity punch and beer?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you, and even though he’s still playing a role of some kind, it’s not hard for you to see through it.
“Fruity punch,” you say decisively. “Can’t stand the taste of beer.” You tell him honestly, watching as he goes about procuring you a glass of the punch you yourself had made, and appreciating the effort he puts in to make sure you have at least two cherries, though, you don’t think he means it to be suggestive, despite your own thoughts going straight to the gutter over the matter.
“So, what you’re saying is; I should switch to the punch if I want to test this theory about you being the one girl on campus who’ll put up with me later?” he asks in amusement, at last handing you your drink, his eyes sparkling. You accept the drink and give a noncommittal shrug as you take a small sip. 
“Oh, that’s not necessary, but I’ll certainly appreciate it later.” You really feel no need to go along with his act, not seeing any reason to play coy about your intentions, not in the way he seemed to feel was par for the course at least. You watch as Finn takes a moment to actually process your words, a brief mix of surprise and curiosity passing over his features, but it’s quickly covered up by a much more ‘cool’ looking mask.
You have to crack a smile at his sheer determination to convince you to have sex with him, the poor man somehow didn’t realise he was preaching to the choir.
“You really do look fantastic, by the way,” Finn says after a few moments of awkward quiet pass. You push aside your amusement, and grin happily at him, smoothing your hand over the material fondly.
“Thanks! I feel like one of ‘Charlie’s Angels’,” you gush a little, briefly feeling silly for bringing up the comparison, however, this time Finn’s smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle in that way you liked, making his whole face seem softer and more natural, pouring with warmth.
“Trust me, Farrah’s got nothing on you right now,” he tells you sweetly, continuing to fondly watch you preen, not just at the compliment, but because you think this might be the first time all evening he isn’t speaking from some kind of script.
The moment passes quickly, though, and as you duck your head to accept his praise, you see his face momentarily scrunching up in a wince, like he was scolding himself for saying something so saccharine. You consider telling him that you found the sweetness endlessly more endearing than any of the other lines so far, but you hold your tongue. You had a small feeling that his pretence was really more about him, than about you, at least to a degree.
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Finn is about halfway through earnestly telling you about his apparently ‘average’ sized cock when you at last run out of patience. The gimmick itself was entertaining enough, definitely an original approach to picking up women, and you’d even played along to start with, but you can’t help wondering why you’re standing around talking about his cock when you could be doing other things with it instead.
While he’s still talking, you reach into your pocket and dig around for a moment, before you find what you’re after. Finn trails off when you turn and lay the coin face-side up on his forearm. He blinks at it in confusion, for a few seconds, before looking questioningly up at you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” you ask before he can speak again, and force yourself not to pump your fist triumphantly when his confusion is quickly replaced with affection. Sure, you knew he wanted to have sex with you already, but now he thought you were cute, too.
“Alright,” he answers simply, fully angling his body toward yours, leaning in closer to you at the same time.
“So, this whole ‘average sized cock’ thing, does it actually work? I mean, has it worked when you’ve used it before?” you tip your head up at him, genuinely curious, but you don’t miss the way Finn’s features fall blank for a second after you speak, his smile fading, replaced with mild discomfort. He seems to shift back from you slightly, regarding you once more before he replies.
“I guess this is the time it doesn’t.” He all but mutters, his frown deepening as he looks away from you again, clearing his throat this time and straightening up, obviously embarrassed. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks back at you evenly.
“Could’ve stopped me earlier,” he says a little stiffly, though seemingly coming to terms with whatever direction he now thought this conversation was taking. You can’t help yourself then, his sulking making you laugh, fully and joyfully, but before he can sulk further, you lay your hand gently on his arm, over the penny, and give him a light squeeze. You shake your head as your laughter dies down, and fix him with a warm expression
“I never said it wasn’t working– in a manner of speaking,” You softly tell him, watching as he blinks down at you. You hurry to explain. “I mean don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t working, but only because it’s totally unbelievable.”
Finn at last relaxes somewhat, though his slight frown remains as he considers your complaint.
“What’s so unbelievable about it?” he demands, in a way that tells you this pick-up tactic was one he was proud of, though clear playfulness had returned to his voice.
Confident that you were now talking, actually talking to Finn as he was, and not as he thought would get him laid, you feel energised to engage with the subject matter more seriously. You scoff and roll your eyes at his indignation.
“Firstly,” you start, shifting to lean on your hip, bringing you closer once again. “No guy is ever going to accept, let alone admit that he has an average sized-cock, and he’s definitely not going to admit it to a woman he wants to fuck.” You say matter-of-factly, though you didn’t have anything more than your not-insubstantial intimate experiences with men to go off of as proof.
“Guys who really are average, don’t think that they are, and they probably never will because no woman is going to bring up the fact that his seven inch cock looks suspiciously closer to five.” you wave your hands a little, not realising before now that you really had any firm opinions on this subject.
You see the cogs in Finn’s brain turning as he regards your words with something that resembles amused but genuine interest. You figure he hadn’t expected you to really have a point, which to be fair, you hadn’t expected either. You do plan to let him respond, but you suddenly remember something else you’d been thinking about earlier, when he’d first brought up the concept.
“–And! In my experience, guys who do have big cocks, they don’t really say anything, or they mislead you entirely, so that they can get off on hearing you telling him how big he is.”
That earns a hearty laugh from Finn, who shrugs a shoulder in admittance at that point at the very least. He’d returned at last to watching you fondly, and you think once more that Beverley had been spot on in introducing the two of you. You’re pretty sure Finn is the only man who would so happily, or nonchalantly debate with you about the size of other men’s cocks, just as you’re sure that you’re the only woman on campus who has ever challenged him on it.
Finn hums in thought. “So, you believe men will only ever overcompensate or undercompensate?” he asks, but it's more of a statement. He watches you intently as he tips his chin, and you nod.
A moment passes between the two of you, before Finn leans forward, right into your space, wearing a pleased smirk.
“In that case honey,” he starts, voice sounding a little deeper now, huskier somehow. “What’s the verdict then?” he stares at you unwaveringly, challenging you. You frown.
“The verdict on what?” you ask, though at this point you couldn’t muster much genuine interest, not when all this verbal foreplay was slowing down the process of getting him in your bedroom for some actual foreplay.
Finn’s smirk grows then, seemingly glad you’d asked. You watch as his eyes dip briefly down to your chest, where his height and closeness grant him a very good view of your tits. He meets your gaze again before he speaks.
“Do you think I’m overcompensating, or undercompensating?”
You blink and stare at him as you process, not even bothering to hide your captivation, but it lasts for mere seconds before your lips are curling into a coy smile to match his own. You copy his move then, dropping your eyes to take in the front of his jeans, but you don’t look back up again as he had. Instead, you reach out and begin tracing his belt buckle. Finn inhales sharply, clearly taken off guard by your forwardness, which was clearly working for him.
You’re momentarily distracted from his belt as you catch sight of the rather sizable bulge forming at the front of his pants, giving you a pretty good idea of what the verdict should be. You lick your lips without really thinking, but take full advantage of the way Finn’s eyes follow the movement, tracing the path over your now wet mouth as he awaits your answer. You lean in, closing the miniscule distance between you at last, and give his belt a teasing little tug toward you.
“Y’know, I haven’t a clue,” you lie nonchalantly, your smile only growing when you use his belt to pull yourself in and press right up against his front. “But I’d love to find out.”
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
The "Benefits" of being Friends with a Baseball Player
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Pairing: Walt Finnegan x Female!reader
Characters: Walt Finnegan, Female!reader, Dale Douglas, Jake Bradford
Warnings: Mentions of smut, Finn is a slut but mainly for reader, enemies to friends with benefits, use of the smut room, the boys think they're slick, this is based in the 70s people, Finn can't get enough, Dale and Jake low-key the shit starters, reader is in journalism but it's not mentioned, Finn likes reader but doesn't know it, loveable idiots all around
Word Count: 465
"They're gonna win this year," he tells you while playing with your hair.
You roll your eyes, "please shut up."
He smirks, staring down at you. "Never."
He leans in to kiss you before you could try and argue with him, leading to yet another round of (unbelievably) good sex with your arch nemesis.
You finish buttoning your shirt, opening the door to aim for the kitchen, just because you’re down to go a few more rounds before heading to class doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay hydrated.
You peek your head out, searching left and then right.
You slip through the door about to carefully tiptoe into the hallway when a hand on your wrist yanks you back into the doorway.
You stand in front of him, "what?"
He doesn’t say anything and stares into your eyes.
You chuckle, unsure of how to act with the way he's staring at you, almost like he’s staring into your soul.
You shiver at the thought and due to the light breeze coming from the windows in his room.
He shakes his head, a chuckle escapes him; he leans in, kissing away your nerves.
You smile into it, cupping his cheeks.
When did kissing someone, you’ve despised since high school begin to feel so good?
His hands slide down till they reach under your bare thighs. He raises your left leg over his, keeping it there as he presses himself into you, slowly grinding onto your dampening core.
The clearing of one's throat disturbs the two of you.
You push his head away from you, staring at whoever it was, ready to bite their heads off.
Dale and Jake stand on the couple of steps with the biggest smirks on their faces.
He leans in and starts pampering your neck with slow kisses.
You narrow your eyes at them, knowing if you don’t threaten them, they’ll say something to the others, not that anyone on the team would say anything.
"Either of you say anything and it's itching powder mixed with red pepper flakes for the entire season."
Finnegan pulls himself off your neck without looking over at them. "You should listen to her. It's not fun."
"See," you point to him.
He starts sucking on a hickey on the side of your neck, you smile and slam the door shut. "Horndog."
“Only in the morning.”
“I didn’t realize the sun never went down.”
His lips twitch as he pulls away, staring at you again. “Shut up, you’re smarter than that.” He gently pushes you back, watching as you flop onto the bed.
“I don’t know, I feel like I’m not that smart with how fast I can unbutton this shirt now.”
He lets out an exaggerated groan that turns into a chuckle at the end. “Do continue.” 
43 notes · View notes
zweetpea · 3 months
does anyone know why in in twisted wonderland the evil queen’s house is dark blue and Ursula’s house is purple!
Shouldn’t they be switched? Purple is a color of royalty and dark blue works way better for Ursula’s sea theme.
someone please explain.
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daduic-lacuentista · 4 months
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Fan art Epel Felmier
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Eternity (Walter DeVille | The Invitation)
Summary — Walt’s jealousy shines through.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ There’s something about this man that really makes me want to write smut; mentions of vampirism (including biting, blood, etc.); mentions of jealousy; cursing; Google Translate is a gem (Latin... because, well, vampires).
Notes ➳ Word Count is 2,558. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her). ➳ Translations for Latin words and phrases are at the end of this work. ➳ Special thanks to Yoshino for brainstorming this idea with me. You’re one in a million!
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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His gaze burned into you, dark and brooding.
Walt’s lips were drawn into a line, sealed closed in an effort to hide his annoyance. He tightly clutched the champagne glass in his hand. Next to him, Viktoria cast amused glances between the two of you with a smirk. Lucy, however, was entertaining guests, far too busy to notice the tension. 
“He’s quite handsome,” mocked Viktoria, ignoring the way Walt’s sharp glare snapped to her.
“Must you make me angrier than I already am?”
Viktoria chuckled in response to his question. Other than that, she remained silent, nursing her own drink as she went to join Lucy. If he wanted to wallow in misery, then she would let him.
Walt’s eyes returned to you. The man standing before you was some tall, aristocratic stranger. With blond hair and a perfectly fitted suit, the man had been brought along by the Billingtons. And while Walt hadn’t even spoken to him all evening, he hated him.
He watched as the man brought a smile to your face with what Walt assumed to be foolish jokes. The distance between the two of you was miniscule. Tugging at the thin strap of your dress, you meet Walt’s gaze over your shoulder. 
Walt could feel heat rising within himself as a smirk made its way onto your lips. He shook his head at you with narrowed eyes, but that only made your grin widen. You gave your husband a once-over before returning your attention to the stranger. 
Walt had never been good at hiding his jealousy. You, meanwhile, had always been the wife who enjoyed testing his patience the most. You knew what you were doing to him.
And as his champagne glass developed a small crack within his tight grip, Walt decided it was time to adjust that arrogant façade of yours. 
He put the glass aside, shoved a hand deep into his pocket, and moved in your direction. His other hand corrected his tie before trailing along your back, drawing your focus to him just as his palm came to rest upon your shoulder.
“I need your help with something, my love,” he said, fully ignoring the unknown man. “Come with me?” 
He tightly squeezed your shoulder. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying your best to feign innocence with a tilt of the head. You quickly bid the Billingtons’ guest goodbye and allowed yourself to be led away. 
The cool breeze of night wasn’t the only thing that sent shivers along your spine. Rounding a corner, you gasped as Walt shoved you against the manor’s stone wall.
“Foeda meretrix!” he sneered, towering over you with sinister intent. “You think you can fool me with your tricks?”
To a stranger, the situation might have appeared concerning. The lord of the manor pinning his lover against a wall, hidden deep within the shadows, with an angry expression on his face. To you, however, your position was anything but.
“It seems that I already have,” you shrugged. “You’re here, aren’t you? Or should I return to my previous company? He was so entertaining.”
Walt paused. His eyes narrowed at your carefree attitude, irritated by the sly grin that spread across your lips. In a flash, his fangs were bared and his chest was pressed flush against your own. 
He breathed deeply, taking in your scent as his nose traced over your skin. You bit your lip and closed your eyes when he released a low groan. His hands were pressed against the wall, leaving your body trapped in his embrace. 
“Entertainment? Is that all he provided?” he chuckled.
One of his hands placed itself beneath your jaw and slowly tilted your head to the side. He then began trailing kisses along your exposed neck, allowing you to feel the scrape of his threatening fangs. 
“Think of what I have given you.” 
His other hand trailed along the wall. You couldn’t stop a quiet gasp from escaping you when it wrapped around your body. Walt grinned through his kisses as he pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped themselves around him as well, one of them weaving itself into his dark hair and tugging harshly. 
“And what’s that?”
He paused again. The smile on his lips was evident in his tone as he whispered, “Aeternum.”
“You can speak your dead language all you want,” you huffed, nearly rolling your eyes as he continued applying kisses to your skin. “I still have no idea what you’re saying.” 
“Eternity,” he cooed, translating so that you could understand. “It will be you and me.” 
Your mouth fell open and your grip dug into his clothing. The feeling of blood cascading along your neck took you by surprise. Walt usually wouldn’t bite you so soon in moments like this. You loved to watch him become desperate.
His hips grinded against your own, allowing you to feel the way his pants strained around him. You quickly got to work on freeing him from his layers. Your back arched as he continued indulging himself on your blood, both of his hands pulling you as close as possible.
Walt’s tie was the first thing to disappear, falling to the ground, before you began to unbutton his shirt. Your hands then began exploring the expanse of his torso. He groaned, finally ripping his fangs from your flesh. He tried to soothe the wound with his tongue while he took off his belt and unzipped his pants.
“Tam dulcis,” he muttered. “Tu semper gustas tam dulce mihi...”
Slowly, you kissed down the length of his neck, ignoring his mumbles. Walt’s hands rested upon your shoulders, unsure of where to put them as your affection traveled down his chest and stomach. He watched with hooded eyes as you kneeled before him. You tugged at his clothing and freed him from his constraints.
His head tilted back and his mouth fell open in pleasure. His large hands landed on your temples, searching for a way to help your movements. Walt groaned at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his thick cock.
His fingers grasped at you. With a sharp thrust, his cock hit the back of your throat. Your eyes widened in surprise and your hands quickly gripped his thighs as he took control.
Walt’s thrusts were rough. Not to mention, you were sure that every guest could hear his loud, pleasured moans.
You gagged with every thrust of his hips, barely able to keep up with him. His balls slapped against your chin. Tears welled in your eyes from lack of air.
Walt could feel warmth building within him. His hips stuttered. With a final thrust, he shoved his cock to the back of your throat, pressing your nose against his warm skin.
You slapped at his thighs, gagging and aching to breathe again. Walt’s eyes rolled back as he held you against him until his pleasure finally hit its peak.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
His cum shot down your throat in bursts. You swallowed as best as you could before he let you pull away. His hands remained on your temples as you gasped for air. He panted heavily, staring down at you and stroking your skin with the pads of his thumbs.
Slowly, he ventured to where your hands rested against his thighs. His fingers grasped at your wrists, tugging you to stand once more. He placed your arms around his neck. Your fingers immediately delved into his soft hair.
His lips met yours in a rough kiss. Meanwhile, his hands busied themselves with hiking up your dress. Your grip on him tightened as he came to a pause. He pulled away from the kiss, looking down at the space between you.
With his fangs out and pupils blown wide, he grinned darkly, “No underwear? So you planned this?”
He moved closer, trapping you between his strong body and the stone wall of the manor. His sharp fangs grazed over your neck. You gasped at the feeling of his fingers delving into you. 
Walt smirked when he felt how wet you had become. While his fingers pumped in and out of your center, his thumb massaged your clit. He watched as your expression shifted into one of pleasure. His eyes examined the open wound he had created on your neck earlier, smirking to himself in amusement.
You whined as his fingers left your aching center. However, you didn’t have time to complain before Walt lifted one of your legs around his waist. Your eyes quickly followed his downcast gaze.
You bit your lip in anticipation at the sight before you. Walt’s free hand stroked his cock. The tip leaked with precum, swollen and red. A prominent vein made its own appearance along the side.
And with your legs spread, you were his for the taking.
The tip of his cock met your slick. His lips collided with yours in another kiss as he finally breached your entrance. His forehead landed against your shoulder, mouth agape as he panted at the feeling of you clenching around him.
His fingertips ran over your thigh while his free hand came to rest on your back. His sharp claws were almost digging into your skin. He bared his fangs as his jaw clenched.
“Hoc maturum cunnum...” he muttered, groaning as he kissed your neck. “Fuck, you feel wonderful, my love.”
You opened your mouth to respond, only to let out a loud cry, “Oh!”
Walt’s skin met yours with every slow, rough thrust. He couldn’t resist the urge to sink his fangs into your flesh once more. You could feel blood trailing over your skin as he drank your metallic taste with deep moans.
As he took in the taste of you, Walt felt his self control slowly slipping away. His claws finally pierced your skin, creating wounds that would need some attention later. He was aglow with sweat beneath the manor’s outside lighting.
You took pleasure in his animalistic nature. His grunts and moans were music to your ears. Your hands weaved through his hair, tugging sharply. The sound of skin against skin rang through the air. His thrusts left you gasping for air.
“Walt!” you moaned. “Please!”
He ripped his fangs away from your neck. Instead, he glared into your eyes, lips stained red as his pace only grew faster. The manor’s stone wall was harshly scratching against your back each time he shoved himself back into you.
“You know, I wonder if all those people can hear you take my cock,” he chuckled, still panting as he pressed himself closer. “Do you think they can hear you beg for it?”
His strokes were growing sloppy. Heat was pooling within you. His words had only made your folds become more slick. The thought of Walt’s guests overhearing your sensual encounter made everything feel more intense.
“I’m sure that pathetic excuse for ‘entertainment’ wishes that he were in my place right now,” he continued. “How does it feel? Knowing that everyone can hear you, my sweet, precious wife, being nothing but a cocksleeve for me?”
“Walt! Oh, please, Walt!” he mocked, laughing at your desperation. “You’re mine, aren’t you? Tell me!”
It was so hard to concentrate with his hips still pounding against you. Yet, you still found the capability to respond, “Yes! Yes, I’m yours! All yours!”
“Fucking perfect for me,” he growled, pressing his forehead to yours. “Cum with me, my love!”
You nodded, panting with a slack-jawed expression. A wave of pleasure washed over you. Shivers made their way along your spine as you came around your husband’s cock.
Walt’s eyes traveled downwards. He grinned as he watched your wetness gush around him. Biting his lip, he shoved his hips firmly against you, holding you in place as he painted your walls white.
His eyebrows furrowed as he pulled out. You could feel his thick release pouring out of you. You quickly gripped at the fabric of his shirt, head tilting back and whimpers escaping into the night air.
Walt had taken his cock into one of his hands with an arrogant smile. He slapped the mushroom-shaped head against your entrance, listening to your quiet pleas. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he came to a realization.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, softly kissing your temple. “Adhuc dura sum.”
You whined, “Walt—”
“Turn around.”
His demand was quickly followed by his hand finally releasing your thigh. He grasped your ribcage, twirling you away from him. Your eyes met the manor’s stone wall. Your hands pressed against the rough exterior, searching for some semblance of balance since Walt clearly wasn’t done with you.
The bottom of your skirt was quickly shoved up and out of his way. He then hit your bare skin with a loud SMACK! Upon hearing your surprised yelp, he rubbed his large palm over the area and kissed your shoulder as an apology. 
He reached down to grasp his swollen cock. You couldn’t stop yourself from groaning at the feeling of the head repeatedly slapping against your clit. With his lips trailing over your skin, you could feel Walt’s smile growing as he listened to your pleasured sounds. 
As soon as he buried himself within you for the second time, he began thrusting at an almost overwhelming pace. He held onto your sides and used his harsh grip to tug you back and forth on his cock. His hips collided with your backside with every thrust. You were that there would be bruises on your flesh by the next morning.
You could barely keep up with him. Sweat trickled along your skin, despite how cool the nighttime air was. Walt panted heavily, hunched over you, seeking another climax.
Although he was still hard, both of you were still sensitive from the previous round. Walt gritted his teeth, eyes focused on where he was pounding into you from behind. He was practically rearranging your insides. 
You could feel another orgasm building within you. There was no way his guests couldn’t hear the two of you at this point. Not with the loud cries of pleasure that escaped your throat, despite any efforts to contain them. Not to mention, the sound of skin against skin echoing in the dark.
Cock twitching and aching within you, Walt growled, “Take it, darling! I’m cumming! Take all of me!”
Another climax took over his body. As his release flooded into your tight walls, your own orgasm followed suit. Walt grinned as you came over his thick cock. His thrusts slowed, though he continued to fuck his load into you, desperate to have you dripping with his cum.
He wrapped his arms around you, tugging you away from the wall. Your back was flush against his chest. His lips trailed kisses over the available skin of your neck.
Your eyebrows furrowed when you suddenly felt his thrusts building up once more. Your hands tightly wrapped around his. He was grinning against you as his pace began to slowly increase.
Twitching from overstimulation and laughing quietly, you muttered, “Walt! Wasn’t that enough? How long are we going to keep this up?”
“It’s like I said, my love,” he chuckled, hips grinding heavily into your backside, “eternity will be you and me...”
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Latin Translations, In Order of Use: ➳ “Foeda meretrix!” — “Foul whore!” ➳ “Aeternum.” — “Eternity.” ➳ “Tam dulcis... Tu semper gustas tam dulce mihi...” — “So sweet... You always taste so sweet for me...” ➳ “Hoc maturum cunnum...” — “This ripe cunt...” ➳ “Adhuc dura sum.” — “I’m still hard.”
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roughdaysandart · 4 months
Some of my fav Star Wars merch at Downtown Disney
My baby's father of course
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These look extra fun for you sick freaks
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The food and clothes were too cute!
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And obligatory Boba included for @basiclauren 💘; I love the carbonite balloon lol
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Horror Characters when you randomly lick them
Requested: No
Warnings: Like the tiniest TINIEST mention of spice in Walt’s and mentions of eyeball licking in Asa’s. These characters are done with your shit.
A/N: Author swears they are working on requests but the muse is fickle and ADD is making them hyperfixate a lot right now
Rufus Firefly
C H O M P. Straight up just takes your cute little teasing affection as permission to bite your shoulder hard as hell, breaking skin with his teeth and not letting up until he’s sure it’s deep enough to scar, no matter how much you cry and plead and wiggle in his lap. So yeah, be careful with your licks.
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Asa Emory
I’m pretty sure Asa would straight up just try to lick your eyeball to mess with you. He’s got a weird sense of humor and you licking him, no matter the intention, just raises up the urge to fuck with you mentally. Please do not lick this man unless you’re just as crazy as he is.
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Walt Deville
Another one that goes C H O M P, though usually he does give it a little foreplay, giving little nibbles and long licks to his area of choice (usually around either your thigh or hip) before C H O M P. Will not unleash you til he’s had his fill. But don’t worry, he’s sure to comfort you after the pain by burying his mouth between your legs.
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Amanda Young
At first she just looks at you with this look of utter disgust, will question you as to why the HELL you would just randomly lick her. Will probably be like the first few times you do it before eventually just accepting that this is how you are, even if you make her reconsider letting you live at times like these.
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Vincent Sinclair
???? Why. Just why. Mans is so confused by you and your goblin habits but at this point you’ve worn him down so much that the only real reaction you get is him staring you down before slowly turning back to his wax, occasionally whipping his head back to make sure you’re not gonna do that shit again.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
can you write hcs of mulan as a protective gf?
dating a protective mulan would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Mulan | AO3
synopsis: Mulan knows you are perfectly able to protect yourself. She just don't think you should be the one doing it.
warnings: none.
note: thank you for your request! hope you like it!
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• Dating a national heroine have its perks. Mulan is respected and loved, there are few people interested on hurting her or someone she loves. It can be for fearing what my happen to them or due to respect for her acts of courage, but people tend to not mess with you both.
• And you might not by a heroine, but know how to protect yourself. That doesn't mean Mulan will let you do it. She don't think you're weak, but Mulan see no reason to not interfere whenever she's needed.
• And not only from wickedness, people that for whatever reason tried to harm you, but also from mean comments and cruel rumors. She knows what is to no be respected, to be seem as a not enough, and will never let you go through it.
• But at this point Mushu will be way more useful them her. Someone dare to say shit about you and he will be formulating ways to embarrass that person in front of everyone. He's a great planner.
• No one will ever laid a finger on you. Mulan is kind and generous, but only towards people that deserve it. The second someone makes the mention of hurting you, she's ready to fight for your honor like you were a fucking Empress.
• Kiss her cheek after a fight and that brave heroine will be turned into a blush mess. Mulan will use her kimono to try to hide her face. And if you ever say you feel safer around her... be aware she won't be able to move for a few minutes.
• Mulan will protect you as long as you live, just as she will never cease to be ashamed of any show of gratitude.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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