#kunikidazai fluff
knockyasocksoff2022 · 8 months
IDEALS [kunikidazai]
(A/N: I've been palying around with ship names for these two and came up with Ideal Human because together these two make one perfectly functioning person. Kind of like how Tachizaki is Midwinter Snow because if their abilities)
Dazai Osamu is the farthest possible thing from the ideal woman Kunikida Doppo has written so much about in his notebook.
And yet . . . Kunikida is hoplessly in love with him anyway. Kunikida doesn't belive he has a chance with his coworker, I mean, have you seen the way he flirts with women? Straight as the rulers Kunikida used to use in his maths class.
Dazai meanwhile is also inlove with uptight but still charming coworker. But how can Dazai ever come close to the woman Kunikida has in mind?
Will these two damn idiots figure their shit out or not? God, I hope they do, for all our sanity!
(Summary sponsered by Edogawa Ranpo)
Categories: angst, fluff, getting together
Warnings: N/A
Thank you to @wildroseroguefor inspiring me to write Kunikidazai for the first time. Rose has lots of Kunikida content on her blog, check it out.
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oh wait one more thing
au where atsushi feels very strange around akutagawa so naturally he confides to dazai and dazai reassures him that it's just normal things to feel w/ ur work partner - after all dazai felt this way w/ chuuya in the pm and w/ kunikida in the ada - he even advises atsushi to not change jobs and get a second partner becuz if the two partners meet - the feeling will increase and be very hard to handle
cue atsushi realizing he's in love w/ akutagawa
and then having a breakdown realizing he might be the dazai in his relationship
(dazai in the relationship (derogatory) btw)
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zukkaoru · 3 months
when your stitch comes loose
“Thank you for letting me borrow your coat. I really appreciate it.” “It’s no problem,” Kunikida replies. “As an Agency, we should always be looking out for one another. Both during dangerous missions and in everyday life. The world would be a better place if we all tried to help one another out where we can.” A soft warmth spills through Akiko’s chest, and she knows it has nothing to do with the coat now wrapped around her body. It’s something born from the feeling of belonging—of knowing the Agency is her family, and even as it grows and changes, its core of harmony and unity will always remain the same. Kunikida is right; they look out for each other in all circumstances, not just the life-threatening ones. They’re a family.
five times other people wear something of kunikida's + one time someone else lends him something in return
🧵 6.9k words || kunikida-centric ft. kunichuuzai 🧵 for bsd fluff week day 3: cooking / clothes sharing
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tamashiarts · 1 year
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The sillies😋
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puppykechi · 2 years
Is there more info about the kunikichudazai (??) baby comic au??? 👀👀 soft family things??? I just love the idea of them as a family!!
IM SO SORRY i never expect to get asks so i dont check much !! hopefully you didnt send this too long ago
HMMM well i think tbh ... kunikida is the voice of reason because ... dazai is good with kids but should not be left alone with them because he will just join in on whatever dumb ideas they have . and chuuya likes to spoil them so much ... CAN YOU IMAGINE CHUUYA WEARING ONE OF THOSE BABY HARNESS THINGS...
chuuya comes home late a lot and takes extra care not to wake the baby...
dazai kuni and chuuya raising a kid...would be chaotic i think. i talked about it with my friend and came to the conclusion that they would just grow up to be like jerma
i like 2 imagine them going on shopping trips for baby clothes and stuff and kunikida and chuuya are trying not to explode because .they are so small...... and then dazai makes a comment about how chuuya should shop at this store more often and they almost get kicked out .
when nobody is available and the other main agents can't babysit they probably get haruno and/or naomi to do it bc i feel like they would be happy to!!! on the pm side, probably higuchi and maybe gin bc…idc if shes an assassin i think she could be good with kids. kouyou and yosano are like the cool aunts too they love the kid!!
i also kind of thought they likely got umm a surrogate for the babey :)
as for more just domestic stuff in general i think they both like sleeping on kunikida's chest rahahhhh... and dazai gets the honor of playing with both chuuya AND kunikida's hair hes so lucky for real.
together i think kunikida and chuuya are rly able to help when dazai's mental health takes a turn for the worse. since both of them provide different kinds of reassurance he needs it rly helps :) and if one of them is out while dazai is in one of those states theyll usually text the other and ask him to bring home something nice 4 dazai like...chocolates or his favorite takeout or smth !!!
i also think sometimes chuuya uses his ability to just pick kunikida up and make him stop working when he buries himself in paperwork. like...nah youre coming to bed with us actually . and of course dazai was in on it and gets to be squished between his two boyfriends rahhh theyre soooo cute
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 10 months
Against Ideals.
Kunikida tsked at himself as he took of his glasses to polish with the corner of his shirt, still calculating a response to say to the two men Infront of him.
As he placed his glasses back on, he decided to finally speak.
“It goes against every ideal I have written down in my book” he first stated “but there was one ideal that my mother forced me to write down, it was to 'follow my heart' and even though it may be against my better judgment....” he looked at them and could easily see the apprehension on their faces for the last words he was about to say.
“I would still love to be your romantic partner.”
The almost comical way Dazai's expression turned from hopeful to complete joy made Kunikida feel giddy inside, the type of giddy you'd feel for the one you love (or perhaps in this case for the 'ones' you love)
Chuuya gained a handsome smile on his face from Kunikida's words, obviously more able to keep his happiness under control, unlike Dazai who was now energetically bouncing on the balls of his feet as he hugged Kunikida from the side, happily yapping and explaining stuff about all the places they could go to for dates, practically turning into white noise for the two longer haird men.
And as much as Kunikida felt anxious about what he has committed to, he can't say he isn't greatly happy about it.
He's just gained two loving partners, his life is looking very bright all of a sudden.
→Read on Ao3←
→Paper version←
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psylunari · 9 months
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Hey! Would you look at that. Guess I sneezed (for four months straight, but shh), and another fic for this pairing is out.
I'm glad to announce my first Kunikidazai longfic: Dazai, Kunikida, Age Fourteen. It was first inspired by this fanart by bird app user KevinnScottland. TL;DR, what if these two met as teenagers?
The summary:
August 31st, 2003. Doppo Kunikida ditched his bike. He returned home awaiting a storm. Quickly, fearlessly, at the end of the summer break. Someone was in his way. A dustrag of a young man, with an empty stare and a sharp tongue. In the hostile, chaotic city, that was an unwise approach. Doppo offered him his umbrella. Choices are intriguing.
This was for the BSD Big Bang 2023, in partnership with PocketCultist on AO3 (who might release fanart as my teammate) and @chaoticquill as my beta reader for the English version. Be sure to check the event page, too! Teamwork for fanwork.
There is also a Brazilian Portuguese version, which is the original one, in case you can read it.
The first chapter is a whopping ~20,000 words long. I'm trying my best to see it as a “long first episode”. It should be 31 chapters long.
This fic has no update schedule. I will post when I finish chapters. Updates will be announced both here and on my Twitter account.
Fluff and angst, rated M at first. There are going to be additions to the tags/warnings and rating changes. More on the author's notes.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
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Kunikida ur squishing him,,,,
Kunikida he's not a shiba and yes those are kunikida's mittens smushing dazai's cheeks
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darkleysgarden · 1 year
Taking Care Of You
This is the last bsd fic I have to upload. Only putting BSD Total Drama and Obey Me on here as they're my main fandoms. I hardly have any other fics up on my main account.
Bsd, Kunikidazai.
5 + 1
Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
1.4k words
Warnings: injury, scars, depression
Kunikida woke up exactly on time as usual.
Dazai was curled up against him, clinging tighter than usual.
He sighed. It would be more difficult than usual to get up.
Dazai began to shiver, and his face scrunched up.
Kunikida looked at him with worry. Was he having a nightmare again?
He placed a hand on Dazai's cheek in hopes of soothing him.
At the contact, Dazai whimpered, and Kunikida noriced the heat radiating off of the man.
He moved his hand to Dazai's forehead and sighed deeply.
A fever.
Yesterday, Dazai had jumped into a river yet again, except this time it was in the pouring rain.
Obviously, Dazai had a cold now because of it.
Kunikida tried to get up to get a cool rag to place on Dazai's forehead, yet Dazai clung harder to him in his sleep.
He sat up and gently moved Dazai to his lap and began to stroke his hair.
Dazai's eyes opened blearily.
"W-what?" He asked, voice hoarse.
"You have a fever, Osamu," Kunikida explained.
"Fucking hell," Dazai groaned. "It should've killed me in my sleep."
Kunikida flicked him on the forehead.
"Ow!" He shouted. "What was that for!?"
"Don't talk like that."
Dazai scoffed. "Fine."
Kunikida ran his hands through Dazai's hair and scratched gently.
Dazai whimpered lightly and leaned against his hand.
"I hate being sick," Dazai admitted.
Kunikida hummed.
"I'm glad you're here," Dazai mumbles.
"Of course."
Dazai was in another one of his slumps.
He refused to get out of bed, shower, eat, anything.
It had Kunikida worried to no ends.
Whenever he tried to get Dazai up, he just sighed and tucked himself deeper under the covers.
He would try again today.
Kunikida walked over to Dazai's futon and crouched beside it.
"How are you feeling today?"
"Awful," Dazai whines. "My hair feels disgusting."
"You need to wash it."
"I'm too tired," Dazai admitted, somewhat embarrassed. "I don't think I could lift my hands for that long."
"Would you like me to wash it for you?" Kunikida asks with a smile.
"Would you?"
Dazai slowly sat up, then slumped against Doppo.
"Carry me," Dazai asked, making his best puppy dog eyes.
Doppo sighed and picked his boyfriend up.
He brought him into the bathroom and helped him undress.
Dazai unwrapped his own bandages then sat in the bathtub.
Kunikida filled the tub with water and added soap to make it a bubble bath.
Dazai always liked it that way.
Dazai leaned against the edge of the tub as Kunikida sat behind him.
Kunikida grabbed a small plastic cup and filled it with the bath water.
He placed a hand over Dazai's eyes and gently poured the water over his hair to dampen it.
At first, Dazai's shoulders were tense, but at the contact of water against his scalp he released that tension and relaxed.
Kunikida grabbed his shampoo (and the one Dazai steals, as he never buys his own) and squirted a small amount onto his hand.
He started massaging the shampoo into Dazai's hair. Dazai sighed in content at the feeling. He was almost melting at the contact.
"Close your eyes," He directed, placing his hand over his eyes once again.
He rinsed out the shampoo and began to rub in the conditioner.
"I love you, Doppo."
"I love you too, Osamu."
"Ow, fuck!" Dazai yelled a couple feet away from him.
Kunikida wiped his head over to see Dazai with a stab wound in his stomach with the criminal in front of him.
"That hurt!"
Kunikida sighed at Dazai's reaction and ran over.
Although he was playing it off in a comedic manor, Dazai would not say something unless he was genuinely hurt.
The criminal then began to run off as Dazai slowly collapsed onto the floor.
He looked between his partner and the criminal with anxiousness spreading through his body.
With a groan, he rushed to Dazai's side.
Dazai was breathing heavily, breath gasping.
"Did it hit anywhere?" Kunikida asked calmly as he grabbed Dazai's hands to help stabilize him.
"Lung," Dazai wheezed out.
Kunikida put pressure on the wound and moved Dazai to lean his weight onto him.
"I'm calling Yosano," He said as he pulled out his phone.
While Yosano's ability didn't work on Osamu, she had way more experience and knowledge on medical stuff than Kunikida did.
Dazai placed a hand over Kunikida's against the wound.
His face was unshowing of emotions to most, but Kunikida knew Dazai. He was in pain. Yet, he wouldn't show it.
"It hurts," Dazai breathes.
"Don't talk. It'll just hurt you more."
Dazai's head lulled slightly against his chest.
"I can't have you falling asleep on me."
Dazai nodded his head ever so slightly.
"Yosano is almost here."
Kunikida woke up in the middle of the night to Dazai crawling out of bed.
He laid there, waiting for Osamu to get back before he fell asleep.
Yet, Dazai wasn't back after a few minutes.
He sighed and got out of bed.
Softly, he pushed open the door of the bathroom to reveal Dazai clutching his stomach on the floor next to the toilet as he dry heaved.
Kunikida sat next to him and pulled him into a hug from behind.
He wrapped his arms under Dazai's and up to hold his hair out of his face.
Dazai let out a high whine.
"Do you know what led to this?"
How bad did it have to be treated him like this? Did he want to know? Would Osamu be willing to tell him?
"I'm so tired," Dazai mumbled.
"I know," Kunikida whispered back. "I am so sorry."
He kissed Dazai's temple.
Dazai leaned his head against Kunikida's, cheeks pressed together.
"Your face is cool... it's nice."
"Mr. Kunikida, Mr. Dazai is sleeping on the job again-"
"Let him."
Atsushi's face showed utter disbelief. "Let him... sleep on the job? Are you feeling alright? Normally you get super angry when Dazai sleeps on the job."
"That's because he's normally sleeping for fun," He sighed. "Yet, he was unable to sleep last night."
Atsushi looked confused, yet didn't question it.
Kunikida stood up from his desk and made his way over to the couch Dazai was sleeping on.
His face was twisted in distress and he was curled in on himself.
He rested his hand on Dazai's cheek in an attempt to help him relax. Dazai leaned in against the contact.
Kunikida grabbed a small blanket and rested it over Dazai's sleeping form.
Last night, Dazai was kept up with horrible nightmares. He was left screaming and having panic attacks. It was probably the worst Kunikida had ever seen him.
Though he didn't seem to be having the best sleep ever, he could only hope that this nap would help him recover from the night before. Even if only a little bit.
Dazai watched as Kunikida struggled at his desk.
Paper after paper, every single one added another stress line to his face.
He chewed the end of his pencil, weighing his options.
When Kunikida set down his own pencil to massage his hand, that's when Dazai decided to do something.
"Hey, Doppo," He said as he walked over to his desk.
"Yes?" Kunikida asked with a yawn.
"I think it's time we head home," He sighed. "You're stressed out."
"I have stuff to do. If I don't get it done then-"
"Then nothing will happen. It's fine. Work ended an hour ago. Let's go home, you need the rest."
Kunikid grimaced for a moment before standing.
They eventually made their way back to Kunikida's apartment.
Though, at this point, it was more both of theirs.
Dazai stayed over so much because of his mental health that he just ended up a permanent member.
Kunikida and Dazai both changed into soft clothes and sat down on Kunikida's bed.
Dazai reached over to massage his shoulders. Kunikida sighed in relief as the tension drained.
Dazai grabbed Kunikida by his shoulders and pulled him down to lay beside him. He then crawled on top of him and curled around him like a koala.
Kunikida wrapped his arms around Dazai and buried his face against Dazai's hair.
Cuddling like this always helped Kunikida sleep. And this time was no different.
He fell asleep quickly and Dazai smiled at his success.
Kunikida always took care of him, and he was happy to return the favor.
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some fluffy kunikidazai banter
Dazai: *leaning over kunikida’s laptop looking to bother him* ”how could anyone like a face like this”
Kunikida: *not looking up from his work*: “i said i liked it i didn’t say i wanted to kiss it”
Dazai: *leaning down further attempting to kiss kunikida’s forehead*
Kunikida: *sensing dazai’s movement and looking up*
Kunikida: *accidentally moving at the perfect time for the kiss to land on his lips instead pulls away blushing*
Dazai: “well it looks like fate had something else in mind”
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hoezzzzzluvq · 9 months
Love in a cubicle! pt.1
AN: Have I ever written on here? No. Am I scared? YES VERY 😭😭. idk what to say other than enjoy I guess.
TW: Horribly written, contains thou of homos 😭
Kunikida x Dazai fluff
Kunikida sat at his desk, meticulously organizing files and trying to focus on his work. However, his thoughts kept drifting to Dazai, his enigmatic coworker. The way Dazai's laughter echoed in the office, the subtle glances they shared during meetings – it all left Kunikida feeling a warmth he couldn't ignore.
As deadlines loomed, Kunikida found himself partnering with Dazai on various projects. Late nights at the office turned into moments of shared silence, broken only by the clicking of keyboards and the occasional exchange of ideas. Kunikida admired Dazai's creativity and unique perspective on problem-solving, yet he struggled to articulate the growing feelings within him.
One day, after a particularly challenging assignment, Dazai suggested grabbing dinner together. Kunikida hesitated but agreed, his heart pounding with anticipation.
The evening unfolded in a mix of laughter, shared stories, and a comfortable companionship that Kunikida had never experienced before.As weeks passed, Kunikida grappled with his emotions. He found solace in writing in his notebook, attempting to make sense of the conflicting thoughts and the undeniable attraction he felt towards Dazai.
He questioned societal norms and his own preconceived notions, realizing that love wasn't bound by traditional expectations.Summoning courage, Kunikida decided to share his feelings with Dazai.
They met at a quiet park, surrounded by the soft glow of city lights. Kunikida stumbled through his confession, revealing the depth of his emotions. To his surprise, Dazai listened with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting understanding.In that moment, the weight lifted from Kunikida's shoulders.
Dazai confessed that he, too, had been wrestling with similar emotions. They decided to explore this new chapter together, navigating the complexities of their burgeoning relationship while continuing to support each other at work.
Their colleagues soon noticed the change in dynamics but embraced it, realizing that love knows no boundaries. Kunikida and Dazai's journey became an inspiration for acceptance and authenticity, proving that sometimes, the heart chooses paths that defy conventional expectations.
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ali-vault · 2 years
Ok, I'm not a kunikidazai shipper, but just imagine kunikida guessing about dazai's mental health and like trying to help him would be so adorable especially if he still acts annoyed with him but gives him just a little bit more leeway
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i think dazai would in the moment tell kunikida they should get married adn then immediately backtrack saying he was kidding but too late kunikida's already pulled out his notebook and working it out
dazai: i was just joking haha
kunikida: okay, before we get married we have to look at our finances
dazai: kunikida-kun, i was kidding
kunikida: sure, but for when we're serious. It'll be easier if we plan it out now
dazai, a little strangled: wut if we're not together by then
kunikida: don't be ridiculous. anyway, we should also have a good idea on who we'd invite... hm let's see we should have a detailed list of things that we need to get done before we get married. like a minimum amount of money in both of our saving accounts. maybe moving in together. though we should wait to buy a house closer to our wedding date.
dazai: can we have a spring wedding
kunikida: outdoors or indoors
dazai: outdoors please
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frankenjoly · 2 years
Feels like I am floating
spotify wrapped writing challenge: kunikidazai + 63
et (rain paris' cover)
Could you be the devil?
Could you be an angel?
Dazai Osamu was one of a kind, in quite the range of ways. He was gorgeous, and could kill that image by opening his mouth totally on purpose. He was the bane of Kunikida’s existence, and also stupidly alluring. He was nothing like his ideal spouse should be, and yet he had managed to sneak into his heart and was staying there of course without paying rent.
He was both a blessing and a nightmare, and despite everything… he was also sleeping right beside him, so peacefully that a candid soul who didn’t know him might think Dazai could even be innocent.
Not him, though. And the fact Kunikida had still fallen, the fact they were like that right then… was still something he struggled to grasp.
Besides, trying to make sense of it would only result in a headache, and there were things to do, so he motioned to get out of bed instead…
“Nooo.” … and was stopped by two bandaged arms latching onto him for dear life, as if he would be parting to war and not just the kitchen. “Aw, c’mon, it’s Sunday.”
“And breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Still, he didn’t move a muscle.
“Yeah, but there’s no rule about when to--” His stare must have been almost murderous, because Dazai himself retaliated, at least in order to indulge him. “Alright, but let’s have at least five more minutes.”
That could work.
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littencloud9 · 3 months
Dazai’s eyebrows fly up in surprise. His mask slips back almost immediately, though, and he beams. “Of course! You’re my best partner ever, after all!” You’re mine too, Kunikida thinks, but he doesn’t voice it out loud. Instead, he swallows roughly, an odd feeling in his chest. “Too bad. You’d be mine if you did your paperwork.” - or, things are hard after the battle. kunikida and dazai help each other through it.
🌦️ general audience, 10.7k, kunikidazai
🌦️ written for bsd fluff week day 2: caught in the rain // first kiss // of course i love you, idiot
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 4 months
🪻 knockyasocksoff2022's Masterlist 🪻
The updated schedule is when I feel like it. I am sorry about that but my time, energy and motivation are all over the place. Please keep me accountable for updating these, I cannot keep focused on one thing for the life of me. If you want to know about any of these please just ask.
Akikajii / Kajiiko / Motosano / Yosojirou (Thou Shalt not Explode)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
🦋Butterflies & Lemons🍋 - Chapter One
The Untold Origins if the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Fukumori / Zenki Soukoku (ZSKK)
A Truce, Among Other Things (one-shot) [3,051 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Cherry Blossoms (one-shot + relationship reveal) (includes some implied side-ships)
Fukuzawa-Mori Elise (one-shot + relationship reveal)
The Clever Shadow of Evil (one-shot + relationship reveal)
The Reason Why Kunikida Is So Strict About Meeting Procedure - Part 2 (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Fyolai / Fyogol
Dizzy (one-shot)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Contortions (one-shot + fluff + slight crack + Nikolai being a weirdo (affectionate) and using his hypermobility to gross Fyo out)
Oh, Nikolai (sick-fic + them being domestic in their own goofy way)
No title, but it’s based extremely loosely on 5ft Apart
Kunikidazai / Kunidazai
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
IDEALS (fic) Chapters 1 - 13
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
My Dear Ranpo (one-shot + relationship reveal) [1,055 Words]
May I Love You? (one-shot + relationship reveal) [1,468 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
The Cask of Manhasset (fic) Chapters 1 - 6
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
RANPOE!!! one ICE (YURI!!! on ICE AU fic) Chapter 1
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Even Authors Need rest (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Lost (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Manhasset Security's Security Measures (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Mission in the Rain (one-shot + sickfic + relationship reveal)
Ranpo Guild AU (fic, includes a relationship reveal, but that’s not the main focus. Mainly it’s Ranpoe getting together)
Surprise!!! (one-shot + choas/crack + relationship reveal)
The ADA's Newest Member (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Shin Soukoku (SSKK)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Vampires Beneath the Moonlight (fic) Chapter 1 - 2 [2,638 Words]
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Horimiya (The Misisng Pieces) AU
AU where they’re both in the orphanage together (and Gin is there too)
Soukoku (SKK)
Chibis makes the best lunches (one-shot) [1,177 Words]
Dancing with My Love (one-shot) [1,472 Words]
Executive Dazai (one-shot) [4,154 Words]
"Mr. Dazai, your son threw up at school." (one-shot) [2,360 Words]
Snowstorm (one-shot) [1,177 Words]
The Disastrous Meeting (one-shot) [3,635 Words]
The Haunted House (one-shot) [1,666 Words]
The One Day Return of Double Black (one-shot) [4,846 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Hunger Games AU Chapter 1 - 9
More Than You Know (fic) Chapters 1 - 9
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
Through Glass Walls
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
As Far As The Eye Can See (fic + glasses!zai AU + Age 15)
“Dazai, the love of my life, you’re a damn idiot, you know that?”
Did you ever see a ginger mackerel wearing bandages?
Emergency Contact (Or The Mackerel did WHAT now!?)
How Long Has This Been Going On?
I’m Doggy Paddling For My Sanity Over Here
Karaoke Night
Notes from Me & My Beloved
Stray Dogs: J-Pop Idol AU
The Reason Kunikida Is So Strict About Meeting Procedure - Part One
Suegiku / Saihiro
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Even Fire is Defeated By The Rain
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Tachizaki / Tachitani / Tanihara (Midwinter Snow)
What Does the Tripartite Framework Have To Do With Midwinter Snow
#1 New Place - Part One (First part of my 5 + 1 Tachizaki things collection called My 5 times the ADA almost found out about Tachizaki and the 1 time they did. I haven’t posted it on Tumblr yet. I will when it’s finished, but for now, you can find it on Wattpad.)
#3 Nicotine-Scented Love (Second part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
AU loosely based on Horimiya (idk if I’ll continue it though)
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
#2 A New Place - Part Two (Third part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
#4 Light Snow & Firearms (Fourth part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
#5 Fight (Fifth part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
A Window Into The Love Life of Tanizaki Junichirou
Motion Sick
The Mysterious Case of the Missing Red Jacket
(A/N: this took a crazy long time to make! It was mostly my fault because I went through a short phase of not posting chapters on the same post so I had to track down all of them, it was so annoying. Never Again! And I realised I forgot to post a ton of stuff, lol. So this was a great reminder and I hope it helps you all.)
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