#lady also asked 'do you get down to lil wayne'
boy-armageddon · 6 months
autism has you scouring the internet for a video of a guy you like making fucking tofurkey for an internet show at like 3 in the morning
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mypassionsarenysins · 3 years
Past!Steve Rogers x Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader. 
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Summary: Steve Rogers had lived his life, it was only fair for you to live yours right?
Author’s Note: okay so another crossover and for this I’m thinking of Christian Bale batman, so read at your discretion. It’s also a lil sad and some happy parts. Thank you to @stuckonjbbarnes @honeyloverogers and @buckysmischief
Steve stared at the roof looking at the white pristine celling. 
He waited for the other person on the other side of the room to finish with her nightly routine. 
He kept staring at the ceiling closing his eyes and for a brief moment he felt you.
His mind had the ability of taking him back to that night, the moment he decided to leave her. Trying to conquer an illusion, a fleeting moment of what should have been. 
His mind told him to do it, but his heart. 
His heart was the most unforgiving part of himself that never really let it go. 
And now here he is age clear on his face, wrinkles in his one youthful hands that made you laugh, that held you when you cried, now old and lonely. 
He had everything he was looking for, or so he thought. 
A knock on the door interrupted his thought making Steve get up from the bed looking outside the window as he makes his way to the front door. 
He opens the door smiling at the man on the other side who had his infamous frown plastered on his face. 
“Come in please,” Steve motions to the living room but the man on the other side doesn’t make a move, for a moment it looks like he could burn at the mere thought of walking through the door. 
“No,” the man says anger written clear on his features. 
“Bucky you’ve been here before,” Steve motions with pleading eyes, but Bucky stays unmoving. 
“You really think I wouldn’t know that Scott wouldn’t tell us what you wanted to do,” Bucky says as he gets more and more exasperated. 
“It’s not what you think,” Steve please as he closes the door and walks to the porch Bucky leaving as much distance as possible. 
“No it’s much worse,” Bucky says. 
“Sam and I receive this call from Scott saying that you met to get back to the past to get back to her.” Bucky says. 
“You already lived your life Steve, you have a wife, kids, and grandkids.” Bucky motions at the house. 
The house that he build but thought of you in every detail, when Peggy would ask about why he would say. 
“Because its meant to be that way.”
She never really mentioned it again but the essence of her was in the house of all time. 
From the constant need to have sunflowers in the kitchen because, 
“Steve if there is gonna be flowers in the kitchen its gonna be sunflowers.” You said softly as you unwrapped the bright flowers from the brown paper.
Or how he still kept the little folded handkerchief you embroided because, 
“That is more your style Steve.” You said softly as you stand on your toes and kiss him softly on the lips.
After all those years Steve could still see you, feel you, and on some night he can almost touch you. 
“Bucky I don’t think you understand, this, this is meant to be hers,” Steve says looking up at the house that took him a good decade yo built.
When Peggy asked him why the changes to the house he was never brave enough to admit that the house never felt his and Peggy’s, he always felt this should’ve been your house with him. 
“This is not her house Steve! She already has a home,” Bucky says accentuating each word he said. 
“Her home, with her fiancé” Bucky said louder coming face to face to the man in front of him. 
The words surprised Steve more than it should. He knew he had no right to complain at this point. You were free the moment he left her, he assumed you would move forward, but he felt the slight betrayal in his core. 
But who was Steve to judge when he was the first one to move forward. 
Still that voice in the back of his mind that always brought you up was, angry, to say the least. 
Steve takes a deep breath and takes a seat over the rocking chairs on the front porch. Another touched you where enamored by. 
“Steve, when we get our house he have to put rocking chairs in the front porch.” You said sternly yet a smile shone on your face. 
“Why is that sweetheart?” Steve ask as serially as he can with you sitting on his lap. 
“Because I know we are growing old together, and you of all people should know that people of a certain age like rocking chairs on the porch, old man.” You say that last part and leap out of his lap running away you giggles is all that can be heard in the apartment as Steve laughs and runs after you. 
“Tell me about it,” Steve motions to the chair, but Bucky stays still.
“Steve you just have to let it go,” Bucky tries to appeal Steve but he knows it’s a lost cause. 
Bucky sighs and sits on the step on the porch, his back turned to Steve as he recalls the news and everything that lead up to it. 
“She actually left New York a couple of weeks after you left,” Bucky recalls with sadness on his eyes. 
Bucky remembers how betrayed he felt, you where leaving him, just like Steve. Of course now he realizes it was for the best, but at the moment, he had a different mind set. 
“You are gonna leave me to? Huh? My so called new sister, just gonna walk away like him?” Bucky yells angry as you turn to him shocked face and tears on your eyes. 
“You don’t get to compare what happened,” You drop the box in your hands and sob. Your sobs clear Bucky’s head for a minute. 
“Steve left us Bucky, he left to follow his dreams, I am allowed to try to move forward!” You yell from the place on the floor as you hug your knees. 
Bucky slowly approaches you realizing that this is bigger than he could’ve ever imagined. He realized in that moment that he was supposed to be Steve’s past, but you, you that opened you life to him. 
You so soft and tender, never an ounce of judgment or regret of letting him in. 
You that tenderly took care of him, welcome him into your home, and called him your brother to anyone who would listen. 
You where supposed to be Steve’s future. 
And now all you both had left was the whole Steve Rogers left. 
“Don’t cry petal, I’m sorry,” He says tenderly as he reaches for you slowly. 
“Do you think that I want to leave my home. My whole life behind.” You say as you calm down and look at Bucky with sadness, but love for him. 
“I know Steve left you too, but you can come with me to Gotham. “ you say as you look at him with determination. 
“But New York is my home,”  Bucky tries to reason. 
“But it’s bit mine anymore,” You say softly as you hold his hand. 
“I am always here Bucky, I just can’t be here anymore.” You motion at the left overs of you heart. 
“I know I am just afraid,” Bucky rest his head on your shoulder. 
“I know but I am you sister James Barnes,” you say determination clear in his voice. 
“ Also someone’s gotta keep an eye on Sam, he’s your responsibility now you know? Handling Captan Americas’. That should be you new name.” You joke making Bucky laugh. 
“Alright let’s finish this before the pigeon arrives and see us sad. He can stand people being sad, he always has to be so happy and sunshine-y.” Bucky says as he stands up and hold his hand out for yours. 
You smile up at him as he hold you up he envelops his arms around you hugging you desperately. 
“Thank you, for being here, I am really going to miss you,” he says softly. 
“I am always here, never forget that,” you whisper. 
As you continue to hug the front door announce loudly the third person of the party arrived. 
“So I go out for pizza in the cold streets of New Yorker and this is how I find you red eyes and hugging like we are never gonna see each other again?” Sam asks leaving the two large pizzas on the table. 
“As if you could get rid so easily of me,” you say as you open you arms, Sam jumping in. 
“Never petal, we are family here.” Sam says as Bucky hums in agreement. 
“Okay that’s enough of the mushy stuff we gotta get this lady to Gotham city!” Sam yells as you all laugh. 
In that moment Bucky felt like everything would be alight and true to your word, even if you had to fly to New York or Louisiana, you where there even of it was for something as simple as birthdays, holidays, or just because Bucky was missing you. 
Bucky tells the story more of a reminder of who you where, than to tell Steve about you. 
From the past years Bucky visited Steve he never brought you up. He felt like his loyalty was to you. 
“So she left everything behind huh?” Steve wonder heaviness in his heart, but a small light shining knowing Bucky was never really alone. 
“I think thats what she needed to heal.” Bucky says standing up. 
“She was always there, at the end of the line.” Bucky says harshly and with protection written all over the place. 
“Bucky,” Steve stands up to reach him. 
“I need to go weddings gonna be next week and I can’t wait. I’m giving her away,” Bucky says as a smile makes a way to his eyes. 
“You know I always thought I’d be you at the end of the altar.” Bucky says as he starts leaving. 
“Also if you really need to know you should look at social media, everything you want to know about him is there.” Bucky says walking out suddenly he stops. 
“Tell the misses I said goodnight.” Bucky says looking up at the house one last time as he gets on his bike driving away leaving a trail on dirt behind him. 
Steve sits there for a while emotions swirling in his being. 
As he pulls his cellphone out he hears soft steps and he looks up to look at his wife. 
“Steve you’ve been here for an hour what happened?” Peggy says taking the chair next to him concern on his face. 
“I just- Bucky came over, he just needed someone to talk to.” Steve says as he tries to smile hiding yet more emotions form his wife. 
He was good at that, he guessed. 
“Oh strange he didn’t stay,” she shrugs standing up. 
“Yeah guys stuff you know,” Steve tries to laugh as Peggy smiles at him. 
“Oh this also arrived on the mail today,” Peggy hands him a white luxurious envelope. 
“Alright I’m going to bed,” She says as she kisses his cheek. 
“Okay I’ll be there in a minute.” He says as she heads back inside. 
He looks at the envelope and think nothing of it thinking its an invitation from Pepper. As he opens it and reads it he stays silent his eyes roaming all over the written words. 
            You are cordially invited to the wedding of 
                               Bruce Thomas Wayne                                              And                                (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N)
    Who’s nuptials will be taking place in
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
    Located at 1000 5th Ave, New York, New York. 
Steve can’t even finish reading as he drops the paper. 
Anger and sadness fill him as he stares at the mocking piece of paper on the floor. 
He takes out his phone opening google and typing Bruce Wayne and thousands of result pop up. He opens the wikipedia article and starts reading. After reading some information he looks at the some pictures and he sees it. You and him on a red carpet for one of his galas or something smiles all over as he click the article states very clear that since you went public with him he was seen visibly happier. He can’t help but mad at him, you, and specially himself. 
He sits again in the rocking chair, the one you where meant to grow old together on, and stare at the horizon thinking of you and what to do with the wedding invitation at his feet. 
How could he get back to you?  
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choco-glow · 3 years
Fall Like Rain On Sunday, Pt. 10
Jason woke up around five am, bleary and in a tangle of blankets again from yet another nightmare…Sweat-soaked, he peeled himself out of his bed with a grimace and stripped first himself, then the bed, tossing everything into his washing machine before turning on the shower and stepping inside. Lukewarm woke him up a little better than hot right now, and felt better on his scarred skin; he leaned heavily against the tile, head tipped back as his waterfall nozzle rained down on him. The familiar sound of the washer going was a comfort, and piece by piece, he brought himself back to the present, breathing slowly, evenly, just as Bruce had taught him all those years ago…
“…Fuck.” He sighed out, and started washing up, glad for the indie shop he supported down the street that made its own soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. They were bar form, of course, but the natural scents helped ground him…anything heavily chemically scented was too triggering, too much like the factory he’d died in. A lot of things triggered that…tannerite, for one, which was why in all his varied explosions, he’d only ever used C4. Iron…He unconsciously touched the cheekbone that Talia had had her surgeons rebuild, for even the Pit couldn’t do everything. Not on a body that had been so badly brutalized that it’d been a closed casket funeral…
“Knock it off, Todd.” He growled out to himself, scrubbing furiously now. Fuckin’ don’t go down that path again, Jason…you know where it leads. Besides, you promised you’d make waffles this morning. Can’t leave a lady waiting. Steph’s smile filled his mind, and Jason relaxed, as he had for months now around his Batgirl…and he felt a tiny smile tug at his lips. He didn’t have a waffle iron; he rarely did more than griddle cakes, eggs, and bacon for himself, and that’s when he felt like cooking, so it was a good thing he’d woken up before his alarm; he had time to run to the nearest Lux-Mart. He finished his shower, relaxed now, and other than rescuing his book from the floor and setting it on his nightstand, left his bed to airdry for a while; he’d learned that lesson the hard way.
Dark jeans, boxer-briefs, a soft tee shirt, socks, his boots, and a hoodie, and he was ready to brave the pre-dawn crowds. He twirled his keys on one finger as he made his way down the stairs to his garage, and side-stepped the engine for Roy’s Corvette, unlocking the truck and opening the door with a flick of a button. It was dark still; small wonder, it was just barely five forty-five, and the sun wouldn’t be up for another hour or so…the garage door slid closed behind him with a whisper, and Jason set out for the Lux-Mart, following the main roads this morning, since they weren’t clogged yet by the early morning commuters. A few early birds passed him, and he waved at the Batmobile as they both continued on out of the city, since the nearest of Lux Luthor’s monster all-in-one stores was in the suburbs on the mainland.
Jason’s phone buzzed, and he answered it on the dash with a grin, glad for his blue-tooth dashboard connection.
“Hey Pops.”
“I thought that was you, Jason…what has you out so early?” Bruce’s voice was warm, exhausted, but for once, actually pretty damned friendly, and Jason hummed a little, smirking to see the ‘mobile keeping pace with him.
“Well, I promised I’d bring Steph waffles this morning as incentive to get her homework done…and then I realized I didn’t have a waffle iron.” Bruce laughed at that, low and surprisingly genuine, while he heard a squawk from Tim. Now, he didn’t…completely hate his replacement in the Robin line-up; certainly, he adored Steph and Damian. But Tim was…well, everything that Jason hadn’t ever been, and Jason was still too aware of how similar Tim and Bruce really were. Dick had commented on it, last time he’d come up from Bludhaven, and if Dick could see it…well. Jason still felt like he’d been the downgrade from Dick, and that Tim was the super upgrade.
It wasn’t true…but emotions could be ugly, ugly things.
And Tim had stolen his ex-girlfriend’s waffles.
“Well then, that makes complete sense…do you two need anything from us? We had a busy night dealing with Boyle again.” Jason winced; Ferris Boyle had been a problem since Bruce’s early days, even before Dick, and Jason hated the man almost as much as he hated Joker. Totally aside from how he’d fucked up Victor Fries, his actions regarding Nora had been absolutely appalling. He wanted custody of her so that he could experiment on her…and since Victor is now a supervillain…goddamn, I’m glad Bruce was able to win custody of her.
“Bastard…was he after Nora again?”
“And Victor. We convinced Fries to come back to Wayne Inc. and talk to us about Nora’s future; we’ve made some serious progress towards a cure, and with his research, we might just have what we need. And I’ve been working on something to help him as well…But we can talk about it later.” A yawn broke his sentence, and Jason smiled fondly.
“Go home, Pops; Steph and I will take patrol tonight. You two take the night off.”
“…Thank you, Jason. I really appreciate it; Damian and Tim do too.”
“Yes, thank you, akhi.” Damian’s voice was softer over the phone, tired, and Jason smiled, though he grit his teeth when Tim spoke up.
“Sure, thanks Hood. Hope you two actually get some patrolling done, and don’t just make out on a roof.”
“…Well, Timmy, I’m quite certain we’ll keep our professionalism at the fore. After all, we wouldn’t want to attract undue attention…like Kon did the other night.” Jason responded, voice sickeningly sweet as Tim choked over the phone call, and Bruce made an inquisitive noise.
“We were going over tactical plans!”
“Tim, I’m sure it’s fine.” Bruce’s voice was gentle, but curious, and Jason felt his grin stretch to maniacal proportions.
“Oh, of course you were! Silly ol’ me, ‘tactical plans’, of course! Must’ve been wall plans!” Jason replied sweetly, and Tim choked again, a strangled noise coming over the line. Bruce snorted suddenly, clearly understanding now, and Damian just sighed; Jason could almost hear his eyes rolling.
“Drake, do not give Todd grief for kissing; we all know you regularly have intercourse with Kon-El.” Tim’s voice was pitched even higher now, babbling as Bruce snorted again, clearly holding back laughter, and Jason snickered.
“Damian, Lil D, I want you to know how much I love you right now.”
“As I love and cherish you, akhi. Please do tell Grayson this.”
“Then don’t steal Stephie’s waffles again, and I won’t~” He purred, and Tim let out a heavy sigh.
“…I apologize to her later.”
“So good to work with you, Tim, it’s just such a pleasure!”
“God, I hate you sometimes.” Bruce was laughing now, deep and highly amused, and Jason gave the ‘mobile a salute as he turned off towards the Lux-Mart, still snickering.
“Love you too, Timmy; good night, you three, I’m off to waffle-maker hunt.”
“Love you too, Jay; good luck! And tell Steph we love her too for me, will you?” Bruce asked, over the other twos’ groaning, and Jason chuckled.
“Of course, Pops. See ya.”
“See you.” The call winked out, and Jason pulled into the Lux-Mart, still grinning. He grabbed up his phone, double checked his wallet, and headed into the store, grabbing a cart. He didn’t want to buy a ton of stuff…but he knew he’d need more room than a basket. Appliances first; he grabbed a waffle-maker, one with interchangeable plates, and from the small selection, picked a Millennium Falcon and an Eevee (both for Steph), since they’d traded favorite Pokémon a few weeks ago, then favorite films. He was always looking for Pride and Prejudice/Sense and Sensibility stuff, or even just basic literary things, but hey, he liked Eevee too (even if his favorite was still Rapidash), and Star Wars was a familiar favorite from his childhood.
From there, he grabbed utensils that he knew he didn’t have, then a few things from pharmacy to cover his personal stores for the week. Bandages, wraps, gauze, alcohol…all the usual stuff, and then he made his way to the grocery area, where things were getting a little bit busier. Two boxes of waffle/pancake mix, maple syrup, and a carton of eggs; a package of bacon made the cut too, as did a gallon of milk, a bottle of his favorite fancy protein juice smoothie, and as he made his way into the produce section, a bag each of blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. He also got a couple apples, good for a snack as well as baking into the batter, and a pair of pomegranates. Bananas too, just as small bunch, and a small tub of butter.
On a whim, he also grabbed sugary snacks for later, mostly Hostess cakes and some Little Debbie stuff, and a big bag of Chex Mix; not healthy, no, but they held up to patrols well, and he’d gone hungry too many nights to ever feel good about not having food around. Besides…his stay in the Lazarus Pit hadn’t just accelerated his healing factor…it’d forced his metabolism onto a higher level, and now he could almost match Kon pound for pound with food. He also grabbed some pizzas; just in case, he liked to have them. Checking his watch, Jason bit off a swear; it was seven am already, and it was easily a half-hour drive back into Gotham.
He got through self checkout with ease, and hauled his finds out of the store, leaving the cart at the entrance and legging it to his truck. To his surprise, clouds that hadn’t been visible in the darkness were rolling over the whole of Gotham City, heavy thunder rumbling out on the ocean, and in the low light from the rising sun, he made a few quick calculations. He had just enough time to get back to the city before the rain really started; he loaded up his backseat and tore ass out of the parking lot, hopping on the freeway in record time. He glanced around, confused at the lack of cars…then laughed to himself.
Of course it was empty; it was Sunday. I think I’m getting to love Sundays now…Jason thought to himself as he gunned it back to Steph’s place, settling back for the drive with a sigh. Just then, the familiar strains of ‘Home’ came onto the radio, and Jason grinned, then started singing along.
“I’m goin’ home…to the place where I belong…”
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Survey #456
“i don’t even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger, & that feels so rough”
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for? I know at LEAST over an hour. I was in agony. What type of TV shows are your favourite? Animal docs. Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? Bitch I still am lmao. Do you know anyone who has died in battle? No. When was the last time you went on an adventure? Bro, I could NOT tell you. I haven't had one of those in what feels like eons. What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I actually don't know. I don't pay attention. Are you good at rapping? Never tried, but I'm sure I'd be awful. I stutter too much. Name one world issue that upsets you. Just ONE????????? Well, I can name homelessness as very high on the list. How do you feel about tanning? I hate it. I can't stand the heat, so why would I deliberately go bake in it? Have you ever given a public speech? Yeah, in front of the whole 4th and 5th grade when I was innnn... one of those grades, idr which. It was for my D.A.R.E. essay. Do you read comic books? No. Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved? NOOOOOOOOOOO I'm way too awkward. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Bro who tf kisses with their eyes open, that shit is creepy. Do you believe you can change someone? No. One can only change themselves. How did you react when your first pet died? I have no memory of our first pet. Have you ever drawn anime? No. Can you use a pogo stick? When I was a kid, I became a MASTER. I got one for I want to say Christmas and I was obsessed. When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like? Idk, first he needs to get on Facebook and see I messaged him alsdkfjalkdj. He like never gets on there. Do you like bathing/showering? No. One, it's a chore, and two, it's actually painful for me, standing up so long and propping my legs up and stuff like that to clean myself properly. Have you ever considered entering a race? HEEEEEEEEEEELL no. Rihanna or Lady Gaga? Probably Gaga, idk. Who was your first good kiss with? Jason. What accessory do you want in your bedroom? I actually kinda want a TV now? What do you take the most pictures of? Flowers. What are you always in the mood for? Lately, Krispy Kreme donuts, lol. I haven't had one in a very long time, but goddamn does a hot glazed donut sound BANGIN' right now and has for days. What is something that you never turn down? Hm... how am I blanking??? What is something that you always turn down when offered? Certain foods or drinks, like tea. Name something sexy about your significant other. I don't have one'a those. What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up? Um, idk. As interests work, I may move away from any hobby eventually. If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be? Dance. If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be? Violin. Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? A mortician. That job doesn't even seem all that bad to me? I think it'd be kinda chill somehow???? I could NEVER be a surgeon. I'd be terrified of fucking something up. Have you ever been on a subway? No. Are you in love? No. Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing? *eyes emoji* Do you want to get married when you’re older? Yes. What was the last band shirt you wore? PROBABLY my Metallica shirt? But I'm unsure, ultimately. You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? Ugh, I've been wanting a nice chocolate milkshake for a while. Have you ever given someone flowers? For Mother's Day one year, I collected some wildflowers to put in a jar for Mom. I've also given Jason roses before. I really wanted to give Sara some when I surprised her for her birthday, but I didn't want to ask her parents to drive me somewhere where I could buy her some, ha ha. What day of the week is usually your busiest day? None. My days are all the same. Do you have any concerts coming up? No, but UGH, I was so hyped a few days ago because I saw Motionless In White was going on tour next year, but of course they're going to the big city on the OTHER end of the state versus the capital, which I'm way closer to. -_- Bands ALWAYS choose Charlotte on the super rare occasion they come to NC... Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Ugh, I hate it. What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos, maybe? Between Mountain Dew and those... I am such a fucking gamer stereotype lmfao. Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? I think I had to before in school? Idr. Do you like pineapple? Love it. Does your house have a dishwasher? Yes. A dishwasher is one thing I MUST have in my own future house. I cannot stand touching dirty dishes. Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? Oh, absolutely. Sunflower tattoos are especially popular around here. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and uhhh Spanish? Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies. I don't mind them. I've never understood the hate, honestly? I think he's capable of being funny. Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for? Only by myself when I was a kid losing my baby teeth. Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? Nooooo. If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it? Fuck no, I hate it. What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds? I don't like those. Do you get cold easily? No, but I get hot extremely easily. Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? I don't think so, no. Do you admire nature? I positively adore nature. If only we treated it better... Name one naughty thing you’ve done. Done sexual things in places I probably shouldn't have, oops. Name two of your favorite things as a child. Pokemon and Webkinz. Do you own a Pillow Pet? No. They're cute, though. My niece has one. Do you tend to solve problems with violence? Absolutely not. Have either of your parents gone to jail? No. Do you know a hoarder? Yes. Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows? I just leave 'em be, honestly. Do you have any interesting scar stories? Not really. Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I love me some meatballs. Do you get migraines? Very, very rarely. They fucking suck. Do you like guns? NOOOOOOO guns terrify me alsd;kjfal;sdjfk Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') How much time do you spend taking surveys? A whole lot. It's just that I'm like... always bored and the randomness of surveys can add interesting little flares to the day, I guess. Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, for sure. Would you like to work at a candy shop? No. I don't want to work directly with people. Do you have feelings for someone? It's funny; now that I've settled the extreme indecision, I've come to realize that they're very strong feelings. How you go from being indecisive to really, really liking somebody, hell if I know. Which one of your guy friends is the best looking? Uhhh Girt is like my only real guy friend, so I guess it's by default him, ha ha. I'm not particularly attracted to him, but he's not ugly by any means. Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf? I'm so sorry. Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player? Either Ozzy or Metallica. Most likely Ozzy, though. Which song describes your mood at the moment? Hm. I dunno. Which movie(s) do you quote the most? None, really. Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date? None; we don't share irl friends, being many states apart, and not even that many online ones. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? I don't have my own car. Which one of your friends will be the most successful? I'm not psychic. What store did you last shop at? Mom and I picked up a Wal-Mart order the other day. Do you think telepathy is real? Absolutely not. When did you last draw something for fun? A few days ago, I started a drawing of Maieykio for Sara. Who makes the most in your entire family? I have no idea. Do you like writing essays? I don't mind, if the topic interests me. Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal? Nah. Well, I think you can take it to an visual extreme, but that's just my opinion. Do what makes you comfortable in your own body. Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up? It's picked up. When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands? The inside of my elbow. Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? It usually happened at night. Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test? Haven't taken it yet. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? OH MY GOD NEITHER Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently: No one, really? Well, unless you count my change of feelings for Girt, but it's just that: a type of change. I've loved him platonically since high school, and it's like, I feel the same for him, just in a romantic way now? Does your car have a sunroof? No. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? My mom. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Nope, not how I roll. Who’s the last person you cuddled with? Sara. Unless you count my cat. Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook? Former teachers, yes. I feel kinda bad for 'em now... They're all the sweetest, God-fearing people, and then there's my outspoken (online) and liberal ass sharing shit that's gotta disappoint them now lmaoooo.
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Empires on the Horizon VIII
Jason is a CEO: Part VIII
Push (should defs listen with earphones at an insane volume at 1am- i’m not talking from experience)
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
This is a helllllaaaaa long chapter y’all. I just couldn’t bear to cut it. Please enjoy.
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push it
push it
back up on me
make me believe you want me
-Enrique Iglesias and Lil Wayne
Friday arrived with bright blue skies and an icy winter wind. Jason breathed in the crisp air, letting it flow through his lungs as he slowed to a walk. He hadn’t gone on many morning runs since, well since Luke, and he missed the quiet of the streets and the fresh smells of Bakery Avenue. His anticipation for the night was lightning crackling under his skin. They had signed the contract with Harley Davids yesterday, but today he would have to call Octavian and break the news. He didn’t want to have that conversation but being the CEO of the company meant dealing with the highs and the lows. He was buttoning his shirt when his phone dinged on the side table, so he abandoned the task, letting it fall open, and opened his messages.
Zoe: open up ;)
Jason: Like emotionally?
A knocking echoed through the apartment and he raced to open the door. Zoe stood on the other side laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. She looked ethereal. A white dress hugged her figure and the gold jewellery hanging from her neck rivalled her glow. He just stood there watching her, enraptured in everything that she was. Finally she stopped giggling, taking deep breaths to calm herself, and looked up to see him staring.
“You’re gorgeous.”
She smiled at that, “And you’re hilarious.”
“What are you doing here?” He grabbed her hand and pulled them together.
“I came to visit before you rushed into work. I’m off today because your lovely assistant is taking me out before tonight. I don’t have party clothes,” She scrunched her nose.
“Oh Haze didn’t tell me she was taking today off?” He frowned.
“I think she’s playing hookie.” Amusement danced on her lips.
He laughed at that, “I don’t think you’re supposed to be tell her boss­–”  He gasped, “Your hands…”
Zoe looked up at him innocently, fingers roaming distractedly on his bare torso, “My hands are what?”
“Cold,” He breathed, “Your hands are cold.”
“You don’t seem to be that upset,” She said cheekily, looking down at his rising evidence.
“Little minx!” He wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her into the house.
Her laugh was music in his ears, a song he wanted to hear on repeat. She threaded her fingers in his hair and tugged gently so he was looking up at her.
“You’re cute.”
He buried his nose into her neck as she slowly slid down his body and onto the fleece rug of his bedroom, “You’re cuter.”
“Wanna play a game?”
He raised an eyebrow, suspicious of the gleam in her eye, “What game?”
“How late can we make you for work?”
His eyes blazed, blue becoming impossibly bright, “Let’s find out.”
And then his lips were on hers, like the beginning, middle and end. She was soft and supple and melted against him in a way he had never known. A low moan dragged from his throat as she sunk her teeth into his bottom lip, and then eased the sting with a swipe of her tongue. They explored each other languidly, relishing in the feel of whatever bloomed between them. Without breaking contact they moved towards the bed and fell onto those white sheets, smiling into each other.
Jason walked into his office building with a Cheshire grin on his face and the halo of someone who had been properly–
“Mr Grace!”
He turned around to see a girl coming towards him, sneakers squeaking incessantly against the marble.
“Yes, can I help you?”
“I’m just passing on a message from Aphrodite’s Armour. Drew and Silena would like to take you up on your offer to find them a replacement for the time they’re gone.”
“Oh of course! I’ll call them immediately. And your name Miss?”
“Lacy,” She beamed, “Nice to meet you Mr Grace. I’ve heard so much about you.”
He smiled, studying the girl, who was starting to look younger and younger with every passing second. “All good things I hope?”
“Absolutely. Drew and ‘Lena talk about you all the time. They say you’re the nicest man they’ve ever met.”
“Well thank you kindly. How do you know the ladies?”
“Oh I’m Drew’s little sister. Well half-sister on my mom’s side but you know what they say, ‘the blood of the convent is thicker than the water of the womb.’ She honestly means more to me than just a sister anyway.  I’m visiting them before school goes back next week. They’re a little busy today. Two ladies, oh they were gorgeous you know,” She nodded her head vigorously, “Anyway they came into the shop about a half hour ago and they’ve been there ever since.”
Jason had a feeling he knew who it was, and a lopsided smile crept onto his face. “Thank you very much Miss Lacy. Please tell your sister and her fiancé I will get on finding them a temp as soon as possible. Do you need a ride back to the shop?”
“Oh no thank you sir, Drew’s allowed me to explore the city for a little, while they’re busy.”
“Oh,” He looked at her thoughtfully, “Well do you need a guide?”
Her eyes lit up, “Mr Grace but aren’t you so busy?”
“I am busy I’m afraid, but I was thinking of someone more your age who can show you all the cool spots.”
“Oh,” She hummed, head tilted in consideration, “Okay Mr Grace. Who is it?”
“Why don’t you come up to my office and I’ll give them a call. You can also call your sister and tell her the plan?”
“Sounds good! Do you really have candy in every office? And do you always celebrate valentine’s day by giving all your employees roses? Isn’t valentine’s day just the loveliest concept Mr Grace? A whole day dedicated to anything and everything you love. There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. George Sand. Delightful isn’t it? And did someone really bring a pinata to work to hit whenever they were stressed? And do you always wear fancy clothes? Do you like jeans Mr Grace? Oh I have so many questions.”
And before Jason could answer any of them, she was already onto the next.
“Oh wow is that a whole room just for board games? And how come this room is green and this room is red? Why do you have a wall of hand-prints? Do you celebrate Easter by hiding eggs? You know, Mr Grace, I’ve always admired you. When Drew told me you were starting a business to help communities, I immediately wanted to use you for my project at school. I’m taking economics you know?” Her brown eyes looked up at him then, and he opened his mouth to answer her, only to be led astray.
“I want to start a dance school when I’m older. I believe dance is the movement of the soul. Isn’t that the most lovey thing you’ve ever heard? When you dance your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It is to enjoy each step along the way. Wayne Dyer said that. Dancing is a bit like life isn’t it? In that funny way that it’s not about the end it’s about the moments, the journey.”
“Indeed Miss Lacy.” He nodded at her, thinking about the words.
“Wow Mr Grace,” Her eyes were wide as she took in his office, “This is beautiful. I don’t know how anyone can be unhappy when you have a view like this.”
“It’s certainly difficult,” His lips twitched as she walked around the room; dragging her fingers across the white couch and studying the bookshelf opposite with trinkets from his travels and various books, both fiction and non.
He sat down at his desk and quickly called who he needed to before handing the phone to Lacy to call Drew. When that was done, she went back to looking at his things.
“Books are mirrors; you only see in them what you already have inside you. That’s from The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafon. Do you like to read Mr Grace?”
“Yes, do you?”
She nodded, then shook her head, then scrunched her nose and flopped down on the couch. “I love the idea of reading, you know the cup of tea, and the rain, and getting lost in a completely different world, but whenever I sit down to actually do it– I just can’t seem to get past a couple sentences before my brain is thinking about something else. Silena, oh I adore her Mr Grace. She’s just the nicest lady and she’s so patient with me even when I ask her a million questions, I’m so glad I get to call her my sister-in-law. Anyway she tried to sit down with me and read but I just couldn’t do it. Even Uncle Charles has tried, and you know he has all the patience in the world, but I think after twenty minutes even he was starting to lose it. So you see I think there may be something wrong in my brain.”
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.” He gave her a small smile.
She sat up suddenly and looked directly at him, “You don’t?”
“Not at all. Some people can sit down and read for hours and some people can’t, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them.”
“Even if they’re like me and they want to read?”
“Even then,” His smile was wider now, “Have you tried audiobooks?”
“No?” Her cheeks were flushed with excitement as she hung off the edge of the couch in anticipation.
“A narrator reads the books and you just have to listen to them. Like how people told you stories when you were younger.”
“So you mean I can listen to them and do other things at the same time? Like dance? Or draw? Or schoolwork?”
“That’s exactly it. People listen to audiobooks on the train, in the car, when they’re exercising.”
“Mr Grace!” She jumped up and slammed into him, “Oh you truly are the most wonderful man! I am so glad I met you. To think if I hadn’t, I’d be suffering forevermore.”
“I’m glad I could help,” He laughed, returning her hug. “And look here are your personal tour guides now.”
In walked Jake Mason and Kayla Knowles, two of the students in a school he funded and some of the brightest kids he’d ever met.
“Oh wow, I love your hair!” Lacy exclaimed, pointing at the green streaks in Kayla’s bright red locks.
“And your shoes are to die for!” Kayla squealed, pointing at Lacy’s sneakers, decked in paint splatters and writing over every inch of the canvas.
Jake Mason, a usually shy person immediately gravitated towards Lacy’s bubbly aura and in a matter of moments the three were chattering away.
“Alright little ones, I’ve got work to do. Don’t get into too much trouble and if you need anything you call me okay.”
“Sure Mr Grace.” Came the chorus of replies and then the young teens were bounding out of his office and into their adventure.
Jason on the other hand had a less than ideal quest to complete, and traitorous Hazel had ditched him for a shopping spree. He had a good mind to hide her stash of chocolate as payback.
He took a deep breath and dialled the number to Titan Industries.
“Titan Industries, Mr O’s assistant, how can I help you?”
“Hello sir, it’s Jason Grace from Anemoi Empire. Could you put me through to him please?”
“Just a moment.”
And then he heard a click and the oily voice of Octavian crackled through the phone.
“Ah Mr Grace, I was expecting a call.”
“Octavian, I hope you are well. I’m just calling to say we won’t be contracting with you. It has been a,” He swallowed, forcing the next words out, “A pleasure, but we have found someone who better suits our interests.”
“Well,” the sharpness is a knife Jason can feel resting on his cheek, “I certainly didn’t expect this. I hope you know what you’re doing Grace.”
“Yes Octavian. Again thank you for your patience and I wish you all the best for the future.”
“Goodbye Grace.” Was the icy reply and then his phone beeped with the end dial-tone.
He rubbed a finger across his brow and took a deep, steadying breath. At least that’s over. Now to finish up some admin and get out of here. He had friends waiting for him.
“Jason!” Zoe squealed, crashing into him.
“Hello my stella,” He hugged her and then pulled her back to stare, devour.
A soft-cream satin dress draped over her, like it felt privileged to be there. It cut off at mid-thigh and left you no choice but to drag your eyes down till you were met with the ribbon straps of her matching shoes. She had taken out her braids, and her hair, tightly coiled, was now cropped closely to her head. She looked unbelievable and he told her as much.
“You ready to go?”
“Hell yes! I want to meet your friends.”
“I’m glad you’re excited. I’m sure you’re going to hear embarrassing stories about me all night.”
She grinned at him, “All the better.”
They arrived at Trepsichore, or Treps to the locals, where the lively sound of chatter and music were already weaving through the atmosphere. The gang had started coming to this place the day it opened, and they still haven’t found a better club; although they could be biased since it was owned by Connor Stoll, a good friend of theirs.
“Oh Leo, I am leaving you for Jason’s lady.” Annabeth Chase stood up from her stool and walked around to greet them.
Zoe laughed, and embraced the blonde, “Jason would it be rude if I agreed. You won’t take offence, will you?”
He feigned hurt, pouting at them and pulling Leo towards him, “I think they’re dumping us Firefly. Wanna get married? At least we won’t break each other’s hearts.”
“I’m down buddy, anything for you.” Leo cupped his cheek and brought their faces together.
“Didn’t we promise we’d never do this again?”
“Yes but that was before our girlfriends decided to leave us for each other.”
“Are we interrupting something?” Hazel Levesque giggled, as she and Frank saddled up to their table.
“Annabeth and Zoe are leaving us for each other,” Leo sighed.
“Oh yes I do agree. Frank darling you wouldn’t mind, would you?”
Frank gave her a sordid smile, “Please leave me, wouldn’t mind a bit.”
“Oh gods we’re going to be all alone because our girlfriends love each other more than us.” Jason groaned, looking between his friends.
Annabeth swung her arm over Zoe’s shoulder and grabbed Hazel’s hand, “It was inevitable; you can’t expect me to give up my chance with someone who looks like they could murder me and kiss me with the same degree of passion.”
“Hello, hello everyone!” Reyna waved, tugging Percy behind her.
“Hello babe,” Hazel kissed her cheek, and hugged her counterpart.
Everyone took their turns saying hello and just as they were settling in the last of the group made their way to the table.
“Di Angelo,” Leo spotted them first.
“Sorry we’re late everyone. School meetings ran a bit overtime.”
“Is that code for you two were fooling around in the supply closet again?” Jason teased.
Nico blushed a bright red and Will laughed.
“We aren’t teenagers anymore Grace.” Black eyes narrowed at him.
“Oh to be that young and free again,” Leo sighed, flinging a hand over his forehead.
“What on earth was going on before we got here?” Percy asked, motioning between them.
“Annabeth and Hazel are leaving us for Zoe,” Frank said, rolling his eyes teasingly.
Reyna pouted. “You guys started a girl gang without me?”
“It’s more like a cult if you ask me,” Leo mumbled.
“A sapphic group is the preferred term,” Zoe interjected.
“GAY!” Nico grinned at them.
“Well that’s not a surprise to anyone.” Annabeth laughed, “And of course you’re part of it Reyna. These boys can form their own group if they want.”
“How is it six against four and we’re still losing?” Percy mused.
“It always happens like this.” Leo flashed him a look, “Their badassery outweighs us ten to one every time.”
“And don’t you forget it Valdez.” They all chorused.
The night went much the same way, ribbing at each other, reminiscing, telling embarrassing stories. Jason couldn’t help but stare at his friends, at these people who he loved with every part of him. They all burst into laughter at something Nico said, and he felt his soul bloom, felt his lungs expand, and his heart grow to the point of pain. Besides his sister he did not have any family so to have found one, chosen one, was a feeling he wanted to immortalize in his bloodstream, let it be the magic that sparks the stardust in his veins.
“You ready to dance pretty boys?” Reyna smirked, grabbing Zoe’s hand and sashaying to the floor.
Leo’s excitement was infectious, “Coming? My Latino ass needs to move.”
Frank started saying no almost immediately and Nico firmly agreed but Will insisted they at least hang around on the side of the bar closest to the floor. Jason followed the rest of them to where the life of the club was thrumming between writhing bodies. A bass boosted version of Push by Enrique Iglesias started playing and the roar that went up was deafening. Annabeth grabbed Hazel, Zoe and Reyna and started dancing– grinding on each other and body rolling. Their hair was wild, their cheeks flushed, and their bodies moving to every beat. Jason stared at Zoe, her head thrown back as she grabbed Reyna’s ass and pulled it flush against her. He realised with jarring clarity that he was starting to fall for her, fall deeply, exhilaratingly.
Before he could think on it, Percy grabbed his hand and pulled them together. Those green eyes, bright with laughter and alcohol, looked into his as they matched each other hip for hip, step for step. That swimmer’s body rolled into him and he laughed, gripping the man’s hips and swaying them.
Percy grabbed his neck, half whispering half shouting into his skin, “You got moves, white boy.”
“Years of spending time with Leo.” His lips brushed against his dance partner’s ear.
Percy’s smile was wicked as he turned around and pressed his ass up against Jason’s front. Their friends hollered, pretending to throw money and wolf whistling as they writhed against each other. Gods Jason loved to dance. The strobe lights flashed across his vision as his eyes fluttered. The music raced through his blood, setting everything on fire. He could live in this feeling. Liminal space.
When the song transitioned to the next Zoe pulled him away and they had their own session. Mostly it involved being pushed up against the wall and devouring each other. He really shouldn’t have had this much tequila, but Hazel’s puppy-dog eyes were impossible to say no to.
“Seeing you and Percy was hot as fuck.” Zoe breathed, chest heaving.
“You enjoyed it?” He smirked, grabbing her hips and flipping their positions so she was against the rough brick. He marvelled at the difference between her and Luke. Luke who would have been angry, jealous, hateful; who would have dragged them home and lectured him about it. He banishes those thoughts. Tonight was about having fun, about celebration, about the goddess in front of him.
“Hell yes! And your friends are pretty cool.”
“I think they like you better than me.”
“Well I like you better than them,” She winked.
“Good to know,” His smirk was delicious, “Now, where were we?”
“As lovely as this is, I really need to go to the bathroom before I burst.”
He laughed into her, and let her go, watching as she murmured something to the girls before they all traipsed off.
“They seem to get on,” Nico observed, nodding as they disappeared behind the doors.
“I’m glad. I knew they would, but there’s always that little seed of doubt, you know?”
“Yea,” His friend nodded, floppy black hair falling into his eyes, “She’s great. We all love her.”
“I think me too.” He confessed.
“Really?” Nico peered at him then, trying to gage something under the streaking lights, “Since when?”
“Since a couple hours ago maybe,” He laughed, “I don’t know. It may just be the tequila talking.”
“Alcohol doesn’t create feelings, just amplifies what’s already there.”
Before he could reply a heart-stopping scream sounded from the far side of the club, near the bathrooms. He flashed a look at his friend and then they were both sprinting towards the source where a crowd was forming. He pushed his way to the front and nearly hurled as he took in the scene.
There lying on the floor in a growing pool of blood was Zoe Nightshade.
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greycappedjester · 4 years
Do you have any playlists for writing or for your stories? Or just songs that remind you of them in general?
Thank you! I really love this ask because the short answer is yes, I absolutely have songs that remind me of stories. Actually, most of my planning for stories I do while listening to music so I kinda have songs for characters, ships, the tone I’m thinking of at the time, etc.To cut down on making this answer too long though, I’ll try to just name a few songs/ genres that are the ones I most use to plan the story.
Just for length I’m putting this under Read More
*I know some of these are the original artists, I just put which version I listen to generally. Also, apologies because legit very few of these actually go together as opposed to just random songs that helped me plan at the time.
Hq at Hogwarts: A lot of songs truthfully since this is my longest running story so generally my planning songs change by the week and by chapter. By far the one I most relate to this story though is “Home” by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros (preferably without the talk break in the middle but can’t find that version on YouTube)--which might have actually been the song I was listening to when I finally decided to write the series instead of just thinking about it. But...also, it changes. At sometime during this month, I planned while listening to “Let it Rock” by Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne and “Major Tom” by Peter Schilling
All in the Cards/ Shuffling the Deck: Best way I can classify these are cheesy fun songs to enjoy. Honestly, this is always my “just for fun” series so I tend to listen to songs are just fun (probably a good bit of older 80s-early 2000s rock/pop while planning). I guess I associate the first one with “Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows, “You Make My Dreams” by Hall and Oats and the sequel story with “Call Me” by Blondie, “Baby, I Love Your Way” by Big Mountain, “Holding Out For a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler, “Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics,....okay, and the angsty scenes from the sequel were mainly planned with “Somebody” by Chainsmokers” and the more acoustic version of “Take on Me” by A-Ha. Wow, that’s a lot, oops.
If Stone Bled Symphonies: Okay, with this one actually being short, I can say for sure what I was mainly listening to was Spotify’s This Is Vitamin String Quartet playlist of instrumental pop songs, the “Pinch Me” by Barenaked Ladies, “Firefly” by Ed Sheeran, and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow/ What a Wonderful World” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. And, for once, I can safely say these mainly go together as love songs.
After the Fall of Olympus: Another one that I have a lot of songs associated with it by what mood I’m thinking of it in...probably mainly the Into the Spiderverse soundtrack (especially “Scared of the Dark”, “What’s Up Danger”, and “Elevate”) and especially the main one I associate with this fanfic is “For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield. A lot more for planning but here’s the main ones.....hmmm, listened to “Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra, “Remember the Name” by Fort Minor, “Cringe” by Matt Maeson, and “Roxanne” by the Police recently for this series, too....and really none of those go together at all genre/ sound wise.
Flash Facts of Bart Allen: Yay, another short one that I can say for certainty the songs I most associate with are “Last of the Real Ones” by Fall Out Boy plus “Daylight” and “Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare” both by Matt and Kim. I guess I’d consider these the jarringly cheerful songs. Also, Christmas songs for the third chapter, of course.
There’s honestly so many more based off what characters/ ships I’m writing and for what scenes; but, this post is getting long enough already, lol.
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glassygate · 5 years
While scrolling through Miraculous Ladybug Aus, I came across these Marinette x Damian Wayne crossovers and I’m now kinda hooked. So like anyone who has anything to do with fanfictions, I came up with my own little story idea for these two that I may or may not write someday.
Both Mari and Damian are around 21-23 yo and have moved to study in New York. Design/fashion for Mari (obviously) and something like business for Dami
Damian has “gone Nightwing” and trying to be his own solo hero before taking his rightful place as Batman.
Bruce is already retired at this point (because he is like... 65+) and Dick is once again Batman so his lil’ bro can live his own youth for a while.
Mari is retired from superheroing but she still has Tikki as her Guardian companion.
Oh, yeah. Mari is the Guardian now and Fu is dead (natural causes).
And Hawkmoth was defeated when she and Adrien were about 18 so the Miracle box is now 100% completed.
Aaaand this ended up being a long one, so the rest is under the cut....
The two of them are both regulars in same Cafe, but they have never properly talked.
But then a gang running away from the cops decides to hide in the Cafe and take everyone in there hostage.
This includes both Mari and Damian
Damian isn’t pleased and trying to figure out how to kick their asses without anyone dying or revealing that he’s a superhero.
Mari is just trying to keep everyone safe.
So of course they end up working together by accident and save the day.
Damian is very impressed by this tiny woman whose face he has known over a year by now and who turned out being able to floor a man three times her weight.
But he’s also suspicious as hell because there is no way a civilian has skills like that.
So the only logical reason is that the pretty lady must work for the League of Shadows/Assassins/whatever
It wouldn’t be the first time his mother has send a spy to stab him on the back
So naturally, the next time Dami sees Mari he goes to talk with her to figure out who she really is.
Ends up asking her to come spar with him to see more of her moves. Mari agrees because the hostage situation made her feel kinda nostalgic and is itching for more action. Plus she has always found Damian attractive.
So they end up hanging out in a local dojo/gym/whatever every Saturday if their studies allow it
It turns out to be a great stress relief for both of them
Sometimes they go to see a movie or eat afterwards
Eventually Mari ends up telling Damian that she used to live in area where Le Papillon was most active to explain why she knows how to fight.
Also tells how her best friend/ex-boyfriend used to be Chat Noir.
She hates Gabriel for forcing Adrien to fight him for years and being willing to kill his own son for power
Afterwards Damian starts feeling more and more guilty about hiding his double life from her but at the same time he’s even more determined to hide it from her.
They start spending more and more time with each other but only realise they have been kinda going on dates after they are mistaken as a couple
It’s a weird situation for both of them because Mari’s relationship with Adrien was so different and Damian has never dated before.
They’re happy nevertheless.
One day Mari brings the Miracle Box to Damian and asks if she can keep it in his place for couple days.
She “needs it for her next school project but doesn’t want leave it in the school’s workshop and Damian lives closer to the campus”.
Also makes Damian to promise not to open it because it would bring bad luck to anyone who isn’t part of her family.
Damian is naturally amused and doesn’t believe it, but he gives her his word nevertheless.
Next day Damian gets call from Mari’s roommate telling that someone broke in their appartment and Marinette is missing.
And obviously Damian freaks out and goes full “obsessed Bat mode” while trying to find her.
After couple days of fruitless searching, Damian finally remembers the box Mari left in his care and decides to open it.
At first he’s confused by all the weird jewellery then freaks out after picking up the ring.
Plagg has never been so happy that it’s literally impossible to stab a kwami.
Eventually both of them calm down and Damian gets the basic kwami explanation from Plagg and learns that Mari is the Guardian of Miraculouses
Plagg also reveals that Mari usually has the Miraculous of Creation with her and he has a way to track it down.
No mention of Ladybug though but Damian is already making connections from the little he knows about Paris’ former heroes and villains.
Plus the box canonically has a big ladybug spot in the place where the earrings are supposed to be...
Instead of transforming, Damian just takes the ring with him and puts his own hero suit on.
Plagg of course doesn’t like it because humans are weak and this is not it’s supposed to work.
What follows has two possibilities: Either Damian finds that Mari was taken (and turtored to get her reveal where the box is) by the same people who were after Fu and destroyed the Guardians’ temple or he finds Ladybug while she is running away from these people.
If already captured, Mari swallowed her earrings to keep them from getting Tikki.
Can you get inner bleeding from swallowing an earring?
In both cases: insert a fight scene here, the identity reveal, “I thought I lost you” and all that jazz.
And then they both live happily ever after.
I don’t have the ending... Okay?
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Examining Youth Culture
A character I identify with is Janis Ian from Mean Girls because she was PETTY. We both have the ability to hold a grunge and exact our petty revenge. Although I don’t think I have the dedication Janis has, I found many similarities between her and I. 
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Janis is creative and smart. She does art and came up with the brilliant plan to ruin Regina George. She’s a caring and loyal friend but a bit of a hot head. 
 I find these qualities in myself as I consider myself creative.I started learning to sew in an attempt to up-cycle my clothes. I like doing DIY’s and am currently working on my newest project, which consists of me painting a chair, and I am also attempting to interior design my bedroom. I’ve also been told on numerous occasions that I can be a hot head and stubborn.    Some people know their flaws in character traits, for me it’s my need for petty revenge. I was raised with three older siblings and one younger one. We all share similar interests and like the same things. If one of us did something we consider fun and exciting, the rest of us would want to try it. This made me develop the mentality that we all have to have the same experience in order to be even. This mentality mutated into the idea that if I was wronged, I needed to get ‘even’ in order for it to be fair. Regina George ruined Janis Ian’s life and in Janis’s eyes in order for her to return to the favor, Janis had to ruin Regina’s life. I had a similar experience to wanting to get revenge on my brother Jeffrey. About a month ago, my mother asked me to pick up her new glasses from Walmart and I obliged. I drove to Walmart, they showed me her glasses and I took them home with me. My brother hard accompanied me on this errand, but he didn’t see my mothers’ glasses. I asked Jeffrey if he wanted to see the glasses on the car ride home and he said he would see them later since he was driving. Jeffrey then asked me “Why? Are they ugly?” And although I didn’t say yes, I didn’t say no either. The next day my mom was struggling to see something, and I asked her why she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Jeffrey then approached us and told my mom “Rosario said your glasses are ugly.” In utter disbelief I literally gasped, and my jaw dropped as he EXPOSED ME. Although an opportunity hasn’t presented itself, I am still waiting pertinently for my revenge. Similar to how Janis waited for an opportunity at revenge when and found it in Regina’s desire to be friends with Cady.
I’ve recently watched films like MID-90’s, KIDS, Mean Girls, The Breakfast Club, and shows like Euphoria, along with Saved By The Bell.
One of the common themes in the stories present is sexual promiscuity among youth. Sexual promiscuity is prevalent in all of the films and shows we watched In the movie Mean Girls, Regina jumped from Aaron to Shane, Aaron jumped from Regina to Cady, Gretchen appeared to have been ghosted by two different boys, Karen Smith even made out with her first cousin.
In the film MID-90’s, Fuck-shit appeared to be a chick magnet the girl Stevie was sexually involved with told him that all her friends wanted to hook up with him. Even 12-year-old Stevie had a short lived sexual relationship. The film KIDS, it was clear that all the kids were very sexually active, especially Ruby who had been with multiple sexual partners. Telly appeared to be just as sexually active since he hunted down girls to sleep with.
In Saved By The Bell, it’s clear that Slater and Zack are good with the ladies. They are both charming and suave. Zack is seen with a new girl in many of the episodes and so is Slater until he finally gets a girlfriend.
In The Breakfast Club, although they don’t talk about sex much, the audience can tell that not having sex is a big deal when John asks if Claire if she is a pristine girl and Clair feels the need to lie. In this case, when John asks Claire if she’s pristine, he’s really asking if she is a virgin.
In Euphoria, all the characters seemed to be extremely sexually active. Rue and Jules get together, Jules and Ana sleep together in New York. Maddy and Nate sleep together and with other people when they are broken up. McKay and Cassie are sexually active almost instantly. These teens appear to be more sexually active than most and go through partners as if they were all in a race to see who could sleep with more people. In reality, teens are just as sexually active and often fall in and out of love easily. I knew girls in high school that had new boyfriends every week.
Another common theme found in these stories is teens trying to fit in.
Mean Girls character Cady does a full 180 on her appearance in order to fit in with her friends, Plastics and otherwise. When Janis tells Cady to work as a spy in Regina’s friend group Cady obliges simply because they are friends. Cady then changed her appearance in order to adapt to the Plastics.
Rue from Euphoria stopped doing drugs in order to remain friends with Jules, who put that condition on their friendship. Zack From Saved By The Bell tells a college girl he is also a college student in the hopes they might date or more.
Claire goes along with everything her friends do even though she hates it because she wants to fit in and remain a popular kid.
In MID-90’s Stevie started smoking in order to fit into his group of skater friends. In KIDS, Jennie participated in drugs when she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to but was encouraged by a friend to do so.
All these teens had some form of transformation as they struggled to fit into the groups, they desperately wanted to be a part of. The concept of teens struggling to fit in not new or far from the truth. My friend joined her school’s soccer team to fit in because everyone in her neighborhood played soccer. She continued playing for years even though she hated the sport. Her need to be friends with the kids in her neighborhood made her continue playing a sport she despised.
Lastly, a common theme found in these stories are friendship. Although all the characters in each story did fall into some form of peer pressure or struggle to fit in, they did find real friendships.
Cady, Janis, and Damian seem to have a genuine friendship as Janis made a plan to exact revenge for Regina stealing the boy that Cady liked. (plan seen in image below)
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Rue and Jules are the type of friends that would do anything for each other. This was made clear when Jules peed in a bottle for Rue to pass a drug test.
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The kids at detention in The Breakfast Club created a special bond as they share intimate details of their life.
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In MID 90’s Stevie’s friends cared about him they way someone would for their little brother. When the kids got in a car accident, they all stayed at the hospital until they could visit him.
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Zack and his friends tried to protect Kelly’s feelings when they found out her boyfriend was cheating on her because they cared about how she would react and feel.
In KIDS, Telly’s Friend let him borrow his parents’ room so that he could have sex with a girl which was something that was really important to him.
Teen' friendships are like their second family. They bond in their common struggles and passion and grow up together. People often say that you won’t remain friends with the people you go to high school with, but I disagree.  Although I did not remain friends with everyone I went to high school with, I did remain close with a few that I made my second family. Since we grew up together and share so many memories, we will always have love for each other, and that love began when we became best friends in our teenage years.
I’ve recently noticed that soundtracks can impact a film or tv series by using the music to help guide the audience on how they should feel. Shows and movies use soundtracks to let an audience know when to feel happy, sad, or scared. It can even add some drama with dramatic music. In reality tv shows, producers will often play incredibly dramatic music when two people have even the smallest fight. The music elevates the experience of the viewer, as well as enhances the effect of the emotion they are trying to convey.
In an effort to add a more comedic effect to the film Mean Girls, here are the songs I would add to the soundtrack and why: Mean Girls 1. Regina’s theme song would be the song ‘Obsessed’ by Mariah Carey because everyone in her school was obsessed with her and because she was convinced that Janis Ian was obsessed with her. 2. The plastics theme songs after they ditch Regina and temporarily name Cady the new queen bee would be the song ‘Loyal’ by Chris Brown ft Lil Wayne & Tyga. More specifically the lines “these hoes ain’t loyal” would play every time Karen Smith and Gretchen Wieners appeared on the screen. 3. Cady’s theme song when she looks at Aaron- Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
4. Cady when she gets outed as a spy in Regina’s friend group by Janis in the gym- Everybody plays the fool by The Main Ingredient 5. Cady when she is constantly reminded to join the mathletes- I Forgot that you existed 6. Cady when she saw Regina and Aaron kiss at the Halloween party- I’m Upset by Drake 7. Cady when she first saw Aaron- L-O-V-E by Nat King 8. When Karen Smith does the weather report with her boobs- Rain On Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande
9. Regina five seconds after Aaron dumps her and she moved on with Shane Oman- Thank U, Next 10. After the trust fall scene, where all the gilt’s go to the gym and express their feelings and Janis’s confesses to convincing Cady to infiltrate Regina’s friend group - Look What You Made Me Do
With the playlist i made i think this would make a good “crack” youtube video. I always find those entertaining with their funny captions of scenes and updated soundtrack. 
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bthenoise · 4 years
Prom Stories: Here’s 14 Tales Of The Dance Floor From Some Of Your Favorite Bands
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With this year’s prom most likely cancelled for all high schoolers across the nation (super sad, we know), we didn’t want to leave you in dark for what can be a pretty memorable night -- both good and bad.
So, in an attempt to help you both experience prom and also realize that missing it might not be the end of the world after all, we’ve collected some pretty interesting stories from some of your favorite bands.  
To check out how members of This Wild Life, Grayscale, Beach Bunny, Broadside and more spent their "My Chemical Slow Dance,” be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to enjoy our prom-inspired playlist here. 
Kevin Jordan - This Wild Life
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I was too nervous to ask a girl to prom so instead I made a huge banner and hung it on the side of the tallest building at our school that said, “Ashley Debry, Prom? - Kevin Jordan.” She was the cheerleader captain and proceeded to break her shoulder and arm tumbling or some shit but she was a good sport and attended in a lace-adorned sling. It went better than my buddy Kris though, his Ford Falcon’s hood flew up on the freeway on the way there and he couldn’t see the road. Had to pull over and [his date] asked to go home.
Lili Trifilio - Beach Bunny
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I went to prom like five times because I was obsessed with school dances but nothing beats the time my date ditched me, made me buy him Chipotle, then tried to hang out again later. This guy was different from the rest of my prom dates because I was secretly in love with him. He accepted my invite but then “forgot” to pick me up so my dad had to bring me to the photo portion, which was super embarrassing and a bad start to the night. Then, when the slow song came on at the dance, I was like “Yes, this is my shot!” When he approached me, I assumed he was going to ask me to dance. Instead he told me he was gonna leave with this other girl and left me in complete shock. Luckily, one of my guy friends saw me crying and asked me to dance so that I wouldn’t be a complete mess. Then, this boy has the audacity to text me in the morning asking me to see his new motorcycle?! Keep in mind, we were all in the same friend group and hung out every weekend but after that night I never talked to him again -- at the time, I didn’t know this, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve me and I definitely dodged a bullet.
Nick Ventimiglia - Grayscale 
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To be honest, none of us in Grayscale ever went to prom. BUT I did go to a few homecomings. I actually won homecoming prince in 10th grade and then homecoming king my senior year. Here’s the catch: I went to private school and there was only like 36 kids in my graduating class, so what can you do? One time that actually sticks out was when I went to my girlfriend’s (at the time) snow-coming, which is essentially a winter version of homecoming. She actually won queen for her class and they didn’t end up nominating anyone for king of her grade, so by default, I won king of her class. I didn’t even go to her school. I was just on stage, with a sash, standing there smiling and it rocked. Come to find out, they cut me out of the yearbook because I didn’t go to the school, so I have no hard evidence. Here are some songs from 2007 that we most likely danced our asses off to while we were buzzing off trash Burnetts Vodka: T.I. - “You Know What It Is” Soulja Boy - “Crank That” Bird Man, Lil Wayne - “Pop Bottles” Fabolous, T-Pain - “Baby Don’t Go” 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland - “Ayo Technology” Unk, OutKast, Jim Jones - “Walk It Out” Shop Boyz - “Party Like A Rock Star” DJ Khaled, Akon, T.I. - “We Takin’ Over” Kanye West - “Good Life” Playa Circle, Lil Wayne - “Duffle Bag Boy”
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Ollie Baxxter
My prom coincided with my first real breakup. One week before we were meant to go together my date/girlfriend bailed. I was working two jobs at the time and already rented my tux so I just decided to go with my group of friends as the “solo heartbroken guy at prom.” When I got to the dance, the music was terrible and either my loneliness consumed me or I was just a horny teenager but all my classmates looked beautiful. Eventually my ex showed up with a mutual friend and my friend group tried their best to keep me distracted but eventually we met face to face in a hallway on the way to the bathroom. She went to say something and I think I just tried my best to hold back the shame and tears. I left the prom and spent the rest of the night skating with my friends in a parking lot somewhere. Being young is hard. 
Jeff Nichols
I only went to prom one year when I was in high school. I was a sophomore and my girlfriend at the time was a junior. I wore a tux with an all-white jacket and my date wore an all-white dress to match. I don’t remember too much since it’s been awhile but I remember it was like an “Under the Sea” type theme, which a lot of us thought was lame but we all still felt like we had to go. We danced some but all ended up leaving early to go bowling then hit Waffle House after. I only went to prom once and I don’t really regret missing the other years. During this time of quarantine, it is sad that a lot of kids don’t get the experience their prom due to closures but if you spend a bunch of money renting an outfit then take a bunch of awkward photos and dance to “Cupid Shuffle” or whatever the equivalent would be now, you pretty much got the main experience of prom. 
Dom Reid
My prom night was lackluster, to say the least. I think the new Alice In Wonderland movie had recently come out so that was our “theme” for decorations and what that turned out to be was like a large poster a student had made outside in the hall and then absolutely no decorations inside. I was one of those kids who dated a girl from a different school so it was nice to finally prove she was real. The dance floor was ruled by Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas but someone did manage to get 30 seconds of “Downfall Of Us All” by A Day To Remember played. My date and I left early, grabbed some sushi on the way home. My life truthfully would be the same if I never went to prom. I do feel bad for the kids who don’t at least have the option to go to theirs this year, but I’m sure after a night of recreating TikTok dances in their bedroom, they will be just as fulfilled. 
Pat Diaz
I went to prom my junior and senior years, both with the same girl. From what I can remember (because my memory is horrendous, not because I was on the juice), it wasn’t all that fun. Senior year, I was basically stuck in a relationship (for reasons I won’t discuss) and really didn’t want to be there. The highlight of my night was getting breakfast at Perkins at 3:30am. Society puts so much unnecessary significance on prom for no reason other than “if you wanna be cool and fit in.” Sure, you’ll be bummed it’s not happening but I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine knowing that you’re not missing much. If you really want the “prom experience”, drink an energy drink, put on some music and start dancing in your room until 2am then go get McDonalds or something. Same same.
The Wrecks
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Nick Anderson 
I showed up to prom pictures late because I was playing a show with my high school cover band. I wore my white prom tux on stage during the performance because I literally didn't have time to get changed before racing over to where the pictures were being taken. My date was very unhappy but the disappointment did not end there. Because of the rush, I didn't have time to eat dinner. So on the way to prom, I made my prom date pull her 2005 Volkswagen Beetle through the Burger King drive-thru so I could enjoy a Double STACKER KING with extra bacon. She stood outside of prom for 15 minutes while I ate fast food off the hood of her car. We didn't hang out much after prom. 
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Aaron Kelley 
Nothing classier than a tuxedo t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a DeLorean. I’m sorry for everyone who missed their prom this year but I promise you there’ll be many more opportunities for you to have a tuxedo t-shirt night. <3 
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Jade Castello - Picturesque
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It’s been a year or two since I was in high school but I went to a couple different proms throughout my high school years with my previous girlfriend(s). If my memory serves me correctly, the radio hits at the time were artists such as Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco. I might not have won prom king but I did close out the night of my senior prom with a dance-off competition by busting out a backflip to “Let’s Go” by Trick Daddy. Everyone jumping up and down chanting my name was something straight out of a movie ha. Prom was a great experience but missing out on that night isn’t the end of the world. Once we’ve all moved on from high school, you’ll realize that one night doesn’t define your “high school experience.” You have much more to offer this world than how sick you were back in high school.
Nick Zawisa - Breakup Shoes
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Senior prom… what a trip. The year was 2014: I was wearing a three-piece suit in like 95 degree weather (cuz, you know, Arizona) driving my Hyundai into downtown Phoenix with one of my best friends (still to this day!)… and I’ve gotta say, that’s about all I remember. I had always thought prom would be this extraordinary experience like how it’s romanticized in the movies but it turned out to just be an awkward ballroom packed with sweaty people I don't even like trying to dance in heels or suits to the all-time worst playlist of 2010s pop music. All that to say, my feelings on the night could be summed up into “Prom: an experience to forget.”
Dead Lakes
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Cody Hurd
For me, prom was pretty overrated. I was voted prom king, but to be fair, our class only had like 70 people in it voting. I had to awkwardly go on stage and accept my royalty with people I didn't really know because my date was unfortunately not voted prom queen. The rest of the prom I basically spent sitting at a table waiting to just hang out with my friends afterwards. So [if you’re missing prom this year], just spend a night dressing up and FaceTime with your friends. Have some “non-alcoholic” drinks (responsibly of course) and blast some music and dance your hearts out. You won't miss a thing.
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Chon Adam
Man, I haven’t thought about prom since basically when it happened. We had our prom at the Space Needle in Seattle with Drake playin’ in the background. Half the people were way too into prom and the other half didn’t care at all. I was definitely in the latter category, so I didn’t have a great time. But most people don’t go to prom to have fun at prom. They go to kick it at parties afterward. Definitely not something that even remotely defined that year for me. So if you’re missing it this year, I promise you you’ll be alright!
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House & Home
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Joey went to prom and ended up talking to the teachers more than the students. The best part was for sure watching the wrestling coach absolutely lose it to a Vanilla Ice song. Pat went his junior year and decided to sit out his senior year. The best prom related memory from his high school career was when he played the afterparty with his high school band at Dave and Buster’s. Prom was never really anything any of us really looked forward to or made a big deal of much in high school. It’s always fun to look back at the memories, though.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
My Dancing Doll [UPDATED]
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A/N: Me, the last person who should make a new series when I have 6-7 more chapters of SNA, and God knows how many between TMM and KotN. But here’s a story since I’m starting to regret not going to an HBCU. It’s written for Ben since I did one for Kylo last time and KotN has Matt Feedback is much appreciated, let me know if I should continue. please. IT’S UPDATED AND IT’S BETTER! IT WON’T BE A SERIES JUST A NICE LONG ONE SHOT.
Basically based on this and one of my fave SU Dolls, Ms. Kayla Pittman
“So like that show Bring It?” Ben asked. A chuckle emitted over the phone. “Yes, but not exactly.” Y/N, his best friend told him. “I still can’t believe you moved all the way to Louisiana.” A pout formed on his lips. You chuckled once again: “You’re so dramatic, you choose to move away also, Mr. Harvard.” Ben just rolled his eyes. You two were inseparable and he never thought that even college would pull you guys apart, even if you called or face timed every Sunday, and practically text each other every day. It wasn’t the same for Ben. Hence him flying to Louisiana to pick you up for Thanksgiving so you guys can come home together. So why not invite him to one of your shows. “I can’t believe you’re a dancing doll.” He teased. “Oh my Gosh Ben, it’s not even like that you’ll see and then you’re going to want to come down all the time.” You were a Southern University Dancing Doll, it meant so much to be a part one of the nations most prestigious and famous dance teams. So what was the best way to explain to your rhythmically challenged friend than to make him watch Bring It? “Alright, alright,” Ben huffed. “Well, I can’t wait to see you Dancing Doll.” You let him off the hook with that tease. “Bye Ben, see you next week.”
It was so damn hot in New Orleans, Ben wanted to peel off all his skin. “Jesus Christ,” He wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead. Looking at his phone he had three hours to spare before meeting you, so he would go to the hotel, wash up, and get his ticket from you. But boy did this heat have other plans for him. Settling into his hotel after a nice refreshing shower, the chill from the air conditioner knocked Ben right out. If it wasn’t for the maid’s cart ramming into the wall outside, Ben didn’t know how he would’ve awakened. With sleepy eyes, he looked at his phone was your face illuminated alerting him he had a call. “Hello?” He groggily answered. “Ben, what the fuck are you doing? You’re supposed to be meeting me to get the ticket!” You continued to yell at him, even though you were trying to keep your calm. “M’sorry, shit, shit, shit.” He cursed as he flopped around his room to get himself together. Holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder he listened to you just go off about calling him seventeen times and thirty-six text and being so worried something happened. “Relax, relax sweetheart.” Ben interrupted. “I’ll be there, everything will be fine and focus on your practice. I’ll see you soon, forehead kiss.” He said and you huffed in annoyance. “Forehead kiss,” You grumbled. Every time after you would calm Ben down from his ridiculous tantrums, you would give him a forehead kiss, and vice versa. So now, since you guys were so far apart, the friends just decided to say it. “Alright bye,” He hung up.
The drive to the Superdome was hell! He knew he was definitely going to get cursed out by you. Maybe God had pitied Ben and decided that whatever Y/N had in store for him was far worse and the least he could do was get him there on time. Y/N HATED being late and one of Ben’s famous trait was being late; how’d they become friends, they still don’t know. In her text, she had given Ben directions to sneak in the back where the band was to give him his ticket. He followed it intently, through the sounds of Lil Wayne and Beyonce and the smell of barbecue before he found his destination with a sea of gold and blue. Throughout all the commotion, he could make out specks of jaguar print and he guessed that’s where you would be. He found himself correct as he saw your head popped up. He froze just staring at you because...damn. You looked good. Like yeah, you’re a beautiful girl. But, like damn it had to be a crime for you to look so mature, so...sexy. Your eyes met his and he gulped because even though you were shooting daggers at him, it was so hot. Ben watched his friend saunter over in her gold dance heels and jaguar-spotted cape and he swore he could watch you do that all day. “Ben, it took you long enough!” She said but all Ben could do was open his mouth as he accepted the ticket. He couldn’t stop staring at the way your (y/h/c) curls framed your face giving you that old Hollywood pin-up girl look, the way your black eyeliner winged to give you a mischievous look, while your red lips just played games with his mind. He didn’t realize he was just staring at you until you walked away. “Hey, Hi, Hi,” Ben pulled you into a hug, which confused you. Did he not listen to anything you had just said. “Hi,” You smiled sweetly, which had his brain turning to mush. “I have to go, I have to march in, and I’m already not supposed to be here.” You told him. “But, I want to watch you march in.” Ben put on his best puppy eyes, but it didn’t work. “Ben, stop it. I got you a good seat, now go! You’ll see me from there.” With a sigh, he accepted his defeat and watch you walk away to join your group. He began to shuffle along when he turned back to see you all taking a picture. Your eyes fell on him and you sent a wink his way with a flirtatious smile. Did you just do that or was his mind playing crazy tricks on him?
Ben briskly walked to find his seat in the large stadium with you running and doing other things in his mind. “Shit,” He mumbled under his breath. Never did he ever think he would feel this way about you, Y/N, his best friend. Slumping in his seat, he sighed trying to find the best excuse as to why he was feeling this way. It was just primitive hormonal instinct, he declared. Basic cavemen theory: see pretty lady, mate with pretty lady. Ben shook his head, he didn’t want to mate with you, he’s known you since you were twelve! Even though, everyone spoke about how cute your kids would be. A smile slowly fell to his lips at the thought until the rumble of drums pulled him out of his thoughts as Southern University began to emerge. On the large screen, he could see, who he guessed, was the captain and her somewhat stuck-up expression before panning out to show the others. His brown eyes widened when he saw their outfit. My God they all looked naked! There was no way in hell your dad knew about this, there was no way in hell any of their dads knew about this! It was a bodysuit that looked made it look like they had on silver sequin panties and a large bedazzled fleur de lis covering their torso. The captain began to throw a stand that maneuvered the group out. His eyes frantically searched for you, not knowing if he really wanted to see you or just wanted to see you in that. He groaned, falling into his seat as the crowd stood obscuring his view of you. Through his woes, he glanced to see that they had made it to the stands, doing one last count before sitting down one by one. He watched the screen intently as he still hadn’t seen you. People had begun to sit down so he had a very clear vision. Ben watched Y/N slowly guide her gloved hands down her body, back arching almost inhumanely, as she slowly rolled into a seated position. All the while maintaining eye contact with the camera before a little smirk fell to your lips, causing the crowd to rave at the newcomer who was very much living up to the expectation as the tail. Ben was heated, internally and externally. You basically just eye-fucked a whole stadium, who the fuck does that? Clearly you but, it was the look you had just given him! His brows knitted together as he clenched his fist. He wasn’t mad, is what he told himself. And it was true, he wasn’t mad, he was jealous.
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Nor could he concentrate on the game as his eyes kept wandering back to you. The way you were perched up like a pretty Barbie doll or laugh at your friends jokes or make faces at the games. Ben couldn’t just stop watching you, it was as if he was a scientist studying cells or a painter and his muse. With every stand that was thrown, your movements were smooth and effortless. “A true doll,” He had heard someone say. A lot of people had taken interest in you, saying that you were “a perfect pick for the team” that “fit in with the seasoned dolls” and “is able to keep up and still having your own style.” Ben couldn’t help but smile at the compliments that filled his area about you. Plenty of times he wanted to turn and say that the girl they all deemed “Lil’ KP” was his best friend. In a brief moment, your eyes fell over to his section and Ben believed that even from afar you were staring into his soul. A blush began to cover his face at just the thought of you possibly thinking of him the way he recently discovered he thought about you. Simultaneously, a smile graced your lips that had believing that the universe was clearly messing with him. He growled in annoyance as he got up and made his way to the exit. Even though he was outside, he needed some nice, fresh, air-conditioned air. Sitting at one of the concession stands sitting area with the palms of his hands pressed against his eyes. Why was it now that everything had to be like this? Maybe that feeling was always there and you were always there and he found contentment in that. But now, you were miles away in Louisiana, wearing sequins all over your rolling body, with guys who didn’t know how great you are and deserved to be spoiled with food, presents, love, and attention. Much time passed before he decided to go back in. He observed that bands had left and it was much darker. Had he missed the whole game? “Umm, is it over?” He asked a random person. “No Baby, it’s halftime!” The man exclaimed. “They just getting started!” Bidding him thanks he made his way to the seat.
His mind was easily taken off you for a brief moment as he watched Grambling State take over the field. He couldn’t help but think of the big differences between this and the one at Harvard. Now, he knew what they meant by ‘come for the game, stay for halftime’. As his eyes roamed around the illuminated arena, he could definitely see there were more people than there were the first half. The field was clear and the crowd went mad anticipating for what Southern University would bring. The field was clear and the crowd went mad anticipating for what Southern University would bring. The band stepped foot loud and clear onto the field. Ben watched in confusion and amusement because this was far from what he saw at Harvard. The band leader who looked like he could be a British guard hyped the crowd as he flung his body over the field with high kicks and bending backward to land on his hat. The whole look was just enticing and he was impressed at the band's clarity, flow, and how they could execute movements while playing the instruments. Harvard could never. Maybe he should go to HBCU and be that one random white boy. He shook his head; he was pretty sure that he would at least have to have some type of rhythm and Ben could positively admit that after a while, his claps would fall offbeat. “And now ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the classy, the beautiful Southern University Dancing Dolls!” The girls emerged from the field in a high-cut jaguar printed leotard with a sequined collar choker. “Again with these bodysuits!” Ben grumbled as it took his eyes to adjust to the fast movements that made it harder to find you. “YASSSS LIL’ KP!” The girls next to him screamed. Looking to the far left, he saw your mesmerizing smile. With every kick, turn, and jump he saw those facial expressions that were etched in his mind since the sixth grade. He was so happy for you achieving one of your many dreams and felt so proud to call you his best friend. Keyword: his.
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And if you weren’t already killing him with the costumes, after halftime the dancers changed into a more revealing two-piece blue number with sequins and a feathered skirt aka belt because when you bent over he could see how perfect your as-. Ben shook his head, he shouldn’t be checking out his best friend like that. If the outfit wasn’t enough the band was playing songs that called for more sultry movements and once again you were eye-fucking the stadium. Granted you were just being an entertainer, he couldn’t deny that he wanted you to look at him with that look and only him. But what could he say? What would he do? He couldn’t just walk up to you and say “Hey Y/N I think I’m in love with you and I want to be with you forever.” He cringed just thinking how awkward it would be. With a deep sigh, he continued his new hobby: Y/N-watching. You looked so good in each costume, but this one had to be his favorite he pervertedly admitted to himself. Ben had to decide if he would stay quiet or say something.
The game was over and the score was forgotten as he followed the true fans to the back to watch the band march out. And there you were in all your glitter and blue feathers with a tired but very bright smile. With a tightening feeling in his chest, a somber feeling washed over him. How had he overlooked you? Yes, it was cliche to fall for a best friend. But, you were talented, funny, good-looking, intelligent, had a great personality, literally cared about him and cared enough about him to put him in his place. It made him sad that you were always there and he’d only seen you as a best friend. But had he? Thinking back, you were always the first person he wanted to tell good news to, the person he went to to make him feel better, the only person that could tease him to days end without making him mad, the last voice he wanted to hear at night, the sight he wanted to see in every class period, his date for every formal event, basically just always by his side. It was always you. Throughout his internal dialogue, he had missed your smiling face make your way towards him. “BEN!” You jumped and he caught you quickly, arms wrapping tightly around your exposed center. His fingers gently dug into the soft skin causing you to giggle and squirm out of his grip which had him wanting to pull you back in. “Did you like it? Did you enjoy the show?” Y/N asked. “Of course I did, it’s way better than mine. You might have to go up to Cambridge and show them a few things about a halftime show.” Your sweet laugh fell passed through your red lips leaving Ben in a haze. “Did you see me?” Her eyes gleamed up at him as his lips tugged before speaking. “Did I see you? Sweetheart I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You were so beautiful and graceful. Y/N you have to be the most perfect person I’ve ever met.” As Ben began to talk, you slowly started to realize it wasn’t about your dancing, it was about you. “Everything you do is so effortless, even on your bad day, you make it look like a walk in the park. The way you carry yourself is so captivating, just to be in your presence is an honor. And the fact that you always chose me to grace it with just, I mean, I just.” Your smile had faded into a confused frown. “What are you trying to say, Ben?” Your words were slow and calculated, at least that’s how he processed it. “What I’m trying to say is, well, I,” He stammered before throwing all caution to the wind. “Oh fuck it!” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a long-awaited kiss. Everyone cheered and the band began to play ‘Ebony & Ivory’. You pulled away quite embarrassed, hiding your smile in his chest. Deep down you always thought you felt something more for Ben, but you thought of it as just the progression of friendship. But that kiss definitely proved you wrong! “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. Lifting your head, you smiled: “It’s ok, but you still owe me a date.” “I know and we have whole two hours for that.” He chuckled.
“You will not take me on a date on a plane!”
“Think of it as part one.”
“What’s part two?”
“Oh hell no, don’t think you can use our families dinner as a date!”
P.s.:  Feedback is much appreciated, let me know if I should continue, please. LAZINESS AT IT’S FINEST RIGHT HERE!
46 notes · View notes
deadcactuswalking · 3 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 22/05/2021 (Olivia Rodrigo, J. Cole’s ‘The Off-Season’, Nicki Minaj)
Yeah, it’s a big week, given the impact of J. Cole, Jorja Smith, Olivia Rodrigo (more on that next week) and the remaining impact of the BRIT Awards. There’s a lot of nonsense on this chart, a busy as hell one at that, but this surprisingly did not affect the #1, as the remix to “Body” by Russ Millions and Tion Wayne spends a third week at the top. Let’s just attack this head on. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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First of all, let’s get this nonsense out of the way: what happened to songs already on the UK Top 75 chart, which is what I cover? Well, a fair few of them dropped out. Any song that spent five or more weeks in the chart or peaked in the top 40 is considered a notable drop-out, and this week, they include “Wants and Needs” by Drake featuring Lil Baby off of the return last week, “Track Star” by Mooski, “Heat” by Paul Woolford and Amber Mark, “6 for 6” by Central Cee, “Patience” by KSI featuring YUNGBLUD and Polo G, “Hold On” by Justin Bieber, “We’re Good” by Dua Lipa, “Commitment Issues” by Central Cee (Gosh, didn’t think J. Cole would take a chunk out of this guy’s audience specifically), “Up” by Cardi B, “Streets” by Doja Cat and finally, “Get Out My Head” by Shane Codd, but also interestingly “i n t e r l u d e” by J. Cole dropping out off of the top 40 debut despite the album boost. This doesn’t mean it didn’t perform well but rather this is demonstrating this silly chart rule where in the top 100, one artist can only have three songs, preventing album bombs that you see on the US Billboard Hot 100. It makes the chart less accurate but arguably more diverse and hence fun for me to talk about.
There are also a few returning entries to add some fuel to this chart fire, one that has already combusted in the US this week, as “Slumber Party” by Ashnikko featuring Princess Nokia is back at #70 thanks to the video, “All You Ever Wanted” by Rag’n’Bone Man is back at #51 thanks to a delayed album boost, and the same can be said for “Addicted” by Jorja Smith at #49.
Then we have our notable losses, songs that fell at least five spots down the chart this week, including “WITHOUT YOU” by the Kid LAROI at #18, “Higher Power” by Coldplay falling big off of the debut at #25, “Your Power” by Billie Eilish at #26, “Didn’t Know” by Tom Zanetti at #28, “Heat Waves” by Glass Animals at #30, “Leave the Door Open” by Silk Sonic at #31, “Don’t You Worry About Me” by Bad Boy Chiller Crew at #39, “Latest Trends” by A1 x J1 at #46, “Last Time” by Becky Hill at #52, “All I Know So Far” by P!nk at #55 off of the debut, “My Head & My Heart” by Ava Max at #57, “Martin & Gina” by Polo G at #58, “Miss the Rage” by Trippie Redd featuring Playboi Carti dropping hard off of the debut at #60 (Really, what was expected here?), Travis Scott’s remix of HVME’s remix of Travis Scott’s “Goosebumps” at #61, “Cover Me in Sunshine” by P!nk and Willow Sage Heart at #63, “Don’t Play” by Anne-Marie, KSI and Digital Farm Animals at #65, “Sunshine (The Light)” by Fat Joe, DJ Khaled and Amorphous at #66, “Tonight” by Ghost Killer Track featuring D-Block Europe and Oboy at #71, and finally, “Calling My Phone” by Lil Tjay and 6LACK at #73.
That’s not to say there weren’t any notable gains however as we do have some interesting remnants of BRITs excitement and some other reasons for our gains this week, which include “One Day” by Lovejoy (more on them later) at #54, “It’s a sin” by Elton John and Years & Years at #47, “Way Too Long” by Nathan Dawe, Anne-Marie and MoStack at #43, “drivers license” by Olivia Rodrigo at #35 off of the success of “good 4 u” (again, more on that later), “Black Hole” by Griff at #23 thanks to the BRITs, and finally, “deja vu” by Olivia Rodrigo at #11. Really, all of this is just me stalling because this is a massive week – I’m writing this early – let’s just get through this... starting with—oh, for God’s sake.
#75 – “Taunt” – Lovejoy
Produced by Cameron Nesbitt
Two weeks in a row, ladies and gentlemen: Minecraft YouTuber-core. How this happens I have no idea but regardless, the people of the UK seem to enjoy this Wilbur Soot guy’s new band. Is the new single better than the last one that charted from this EP, at least? Well, yeah, it is, mostly because at least this one’s an actual pop rock tune that, whilst derivative again, has more hooks than “One Day”, especially those stop-and-start-again verses that give me mathcore flashbacks, just with less of a catharsis to come from it other than that infectious, trumpet-laden chorus. The content is pretty gross if anything, seemingly focusing in on this past relationship from secondary school in which Wilbur tears into a girl for being insecure despite her privileges... for seemingly no reason. I mean, surely, you’ve moved on, right? Thankfully, Wilbur does get his comeuppance by the end of the song as the girl throws his drink at him, but it does leave the rest of the song with a pretty spiteful taste in my mouth that can’t be avoided by some pretty, 2000s indie rock-esque instrumentals. It doesn’t help that Wilbur Soot is such a non-presence as well, which I can see improving as the band goes on to record more material but the problem is with this early stage is that for now, it’s all rather primitive... yet it’s still charting. Oh, and if any people happen to find this that are fans of this guy, I am terrified of you so I’ll clarify that I don’t dislike this band at all, I’m just not a fan of what I’ve heard. I just wanted to put that out there because I value my personal information.
#74 – “Crocodile Teeth” – Skillibeng
Produced by Adde Instrumentals and Johnny Wonder
So last week, Nicki Minaj re-released her classic 2009 mixtape Beam Me Up Scotty onto official streaming services for the first time, with a remastered mix of some of her classic remixes as well as some new tracks or fan-favourite loosies sprinkled in. Why do I say this in reference to some random unrelated track, you ask? Well, we’ll get back to Nicki later but this song was actually remixed by Nicki and appears on that mixtape, despite baring no resemblance or relation to that mixtape at all, given this was released in 2020. The UK Singles Chart is particularly inconsistent is crediting remixes however, so we have the original here and, for what it’s worth, I quite like this. Skillibeng isn’t the most interesting presence but does his job in being vaguely menacing and violent over this cheap piano-led Afroswing instrumental with some questionable bass mastering. The song is in Patois but you can get the gist that it’s gunplay and flexing, typically stuff you’d hear in any UK drill track and it’s generic for sure but catchy enough to ignore. This version of the song is completely passable but I do think it is elevated by Nicki’s short introductory verse on the remix. I’d obviously have preferred there be more interplay but the remix was probably only known to Skillibeng when Nicki’s lawyers reached out anyway.
#72 – “Straightenin” – Migos
Produced by DJ Durel, Atake, Sluzyyy, OSIRIS, Nuki and Slime Castro
So Migos are finally preparing to release their highly-anticipated record Culture III as the boys are back together after some time apart, in which they have had varying levels of success, with Offset probably delivering the best solo material because he has both the best qualities of Takeoff and Quavo and always delivers on guest verses... I’m sorry, what about this needed six producers? This beat is not bad by any stretch with some vague flute loop eerily played under a rote trap beat, of which the bounced 808s are probably of most interest, but I do not understand how one person, let alone just an AI, couldn’t have made this alone. Regardless, the beat is good enough to make Quavo sound like he finally cares, even if he’s just going to talk about how he just saw Tenet – a bit late to the party – and how he turned a pandemic to a “band-emic”. Yeah, okay, so we’re going to ignore Mr. Quavious and move onto Takeoff and Offset who... at least have some good flows, albeit just the same triplet deliveries they’ve had for years. I think the most interesting part about this whole song is the slippery backing vocal that follows Quavo in the later choruses, which shows an attention to detail I missed from these guys. There’s only so much I can hear Quavo say “don’t nothin’ get straight ‘bout straightenin’” before I lose my mind, though, especially by the time we get to that awkward outro, so I can’t call myself a fan of this. If we’re speaking trap-rap from acts on hiatus, I really would have preferred “Lay wit Ya” by Isaiah Rashad and Duke Deuce to chart but I guess these guys will do.
#64 – “Independence Day Freestyle” – Fredo
Produced by Handz
By the end of this episode, I will never want to hear skittering hi-hats ever again. For now, however, we’ve got the same genre, different country as we go home to Fredo, a British rapper who’s pretty consistently good to be fair to him and did release an album I liked earlier this year. This is just a random freestyle he dropped last week because he felt like it, and here it is on the chart. Okay, well, it isn’t an actual freestyle because nothing that’s called a freestyle actually is in 2021, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a trap banger in itself and it’s got the foundation for it. I love the eerie chipmunk vocal sample that adds a touch of soul to the menacing keys before they get drowned out by trap percussion and Fredo going through his typical rags-to-riches commentary and memories of gang violence in one massive verse that somehow keeps my interest throughout the entire three minutes. The flow is about as smooth as it gets with UK rap, typically a lot stiffer, especially in drill, and the mixing’s fine, so yeah, I can’t really complain. I’d have preferred a chorus, obviously, and there are extended freestyles we’ll talk about later that do this a lot better, but for now, I can dig this, especially considering it’s pretty damn quotable for what it is. “If I fell off, I must have fell off the stairs into some elevators” is a bar, as is when he says he’s got more foreign cars than an Asian wedding or when he calls himself “Lord of the Bling”... okay, maybe that one’s not as impressive.
#62 – “The Great Escape” – Blanco and Central Cee
Produced by LiTek and WhyJay
Central Cee is a more familiar name but you may not know Blanco who, despite the collaboration with Cee making it ripe for comparison and comedy, is not a French white rapper. Rather, he’s from pioneering drill group Harlem Spartans and this is actually his first solo charting song thanks to Cee’s appearance. As you’d expect, this has some loud drill production and vague acoustic guitar loop as well as some stuttering vocal production peppered with dark 808s (that do bang here in all honesty) and pointless alarm sounds. Whilst drill is so standardised now, I do actually like this beat because it’s what I want to hear Cee on; sure, it’s got the guitar and the flutes but it’s also got a sax riff, which is what made “Loading” so fun. Blanco himself is also a more charming presence than Cee and their two energies bounce off of each other pretty well, even if the most witty their punchlines get are just referencing Powerpuff Girls characters... and when they’re not basic, they’re borderline incoherent but whatever, this is a fun slice of misogyny and violence that you’d expect from the genre with at least some care put into it. Not bad at all.
#56 – “Bussdown” – Jorja Smith featuring Shaybo
Produced by Riccardo Damian, Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman and Kal Banx
This is the break-out single from the most recent “project” from Jorja Smith, going the Drake route of not bothering to name it an album, mixtape or EP, and this one features London rapper Shaybo in a track about materialism but not as much embracing it as becoming increasingly alienated by it as whilst wealth may bring you luxury and connections, it detaches you from reality, which is the point in Shaybo’s verses about being Miss Naive, someone who is increasingly aggressive as a result because, well, she always gets what she wants, right? This is not a project I listened to but the content is promising... until I actually hear the song, with its awkward, clattering percussion showered in overwhelming vocal mixing that fails in whatever intimacy it attempts to present, and that’s before the decidedly unsubtle air horns and guitar licks. The song is minimal enough for the content to kind of fall flat as well, as a song like this feels like it deserves more than a slick bass groove, rather some kind of maximalist yet subtlety eerie production. I’m thinking Shaybo would actually make more sense there than she would here as well as her awkward, pathetic-sounding flow is delivered in the most dead-pan cadence, so much so that it drifts off fully into background “vibe” music but even then, it feels too distracting in the mix to work as that. I did want to like this but it just ends up as a really disappointing track from Jorja Smith, once again.
#42 – “Seeing Green” – Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne
Produced by GOVI and Kid Masterpiece
We’re half-way through our batch of new arrivals and what better way to celebrate than a posse cut by three rappers long past their prime by now without a chorus that pushes six minutes? Normally, that would be sarcastic, but in this case it is absolutely not as this is awesome. I love 2000s hip-hop and a chipmunk soul-inflected beat blended with early 2010s era proto-trap production is obviously going to appeal to me as that type of contrast is what I love about more lyrical hip-hop, hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was said this was a Kanye beat or more accurately perhaps one by Harry Fraud. It helps that over that gorgeous soul sample we have all three rappers proving they still have it as performers, with some detailed verses from the classic Young Money crew that if nothing else provide a perfect nostalgia button for their era of dominance in hip-hop, not that it’s ever stopped since. I also just love hearing Lil Wayne hungry again, because I am a pretty big fan of his voice, delivery and even some of his wordplay and one-liners, all of which he expresses perfectly in his high-energy verse that switches through flaws as if it were all some off-the-top freestyle, and knowing Wayne, it might as well could have been. I love how he starts his verse off by shooting a guy and then saying it was his bad for doing it because he was a “good cat” and somehow it gets more off the rails afterwards, as he calls his girl a vacuum and says he’s peeing lean, before this self-proclaimed “badonkadonk bikini fiend” reminisces about his bisexual ex from Atlanta in a pretty clever use of repetition in rap. This is all with his sludged drawl of a delivery, which becomes especially important when he calls us all back to 2010 as when Wayne was in prison at his career peak, Drake always said “Free Weezy” and now 10 years later, Wayne’s saying “Free Drizzy” because Drake’s locked up in Canada because of the COVID-19 pandemic... because of course. I know it just seems like I’m itching out tiny little details in the verse but that’s what’s so great about repeated listens to detailed and great rap verses. That’s not to say Wayne is the only stand-out here either as Nicki Minaj impresses with that confident delivery she’s known for as she clarifies her beef with Cardi B being less about her “copying her homework” as it was about her up-hill battle with the industry, she recites how bitches are infamously her sons and delivers some pretty clever and quotable lines of her own, like “brand new Vanilla Maserati, I’ve been Haagen-Daszin’”... which again sounds like a bar straight out of 2010. I think the best verse here might actually be from Drake as much as I hate to say it, with bravado out of the gate that seems pretty deserved for someone with as immense success as he’s had. Not only is he referencing back to 2010 and even his Degrassi days, comparing it to the run-up to his upcoming album since he’s back on two crutches, but he’s also delivering some of his most interesting and quotable lines in years, and it all runs off so effortlessly and smoothly, but with a constant hunger and conviction reminding me of some of his deeper cuts like “Dreams Money Can Buy”. I won’t go further than I already have with this song – even though I could gladly quote practically the entirety of Drake’s verse, even when he aspires to be Vladimir Putin (I guess it’s better than accidentally comparing himself to Hitler) – but I’ve rambled on enough about this wonderful track. Triumphant lyrical rapping over soulful vocal loops will never be a thing I stop having a fondness for; these are some of my nostalgia biases creeping in – especially since these aren’t close to being the best verses any of the trio have delivered – but it’s so great hearing all three back on form together. Check this out if you haven’t as it’s absolutely a highlight off of the mixtape’s re-release.
#37 – “Build a Bitch” – Bella Poarch
Produced by Sub Urban and Elle Rizk
Bella Poarch is a name I had to search up and it turns out she is another one of these TikTok stars turned pop singers and all power to them for starting their career through such a useful and culturally important platform, honestly, and realistically, anyone regardless of their career background could make a song I enjoy, so there’s no use in dismissing them as a result, especially if I actually enjoy the concept of this song. The writing tends to be a bit childish as expected – again, more on that later – particularly when she sings lines like “Bob the Builder broke my heart and told me it needs fixing”, but the song’s theme of embracing young women for how they really are instead of Photoshopped, unrealistic beauty expectations is a message I like being expressed to her audience of teenage girls; I see it as necessary in the social media age. I do think that this message could be expressed with more tact than a Build-a-Bear parody but it never goes the slut-shaming route and is more critical of the men demanding or expecting perfection from their female partners, or on a wider scale the expectation for successful women to follow fashion and beauty trends, especially by men in their industries and fields. Poarch herself is a light-hearted vocalist kind of reminding me a bit too much of a self-serious Ashnikko but the melody in the chorus is infectious enough for me to ignore how void a personality she is. It’s harder however to ignore the stiff 808s that drown out clattering, awkward future-bass production and that drop just being really gross, kind of ruining the song in how it’s clearly a lean towards hyper-pop without fully drawing itself within that lane. Either way, this is fine, and at barely two minutes it struggles to find itself as a finished song let alone anything I can be offended by. This is remarkably okay, and that’s more than I expected.
#16 – “a m a r i” – J. Cole
Produced by T-Minus, J. Cole, Sucuki and Timbaland
These songs don’t even show up when you search them on Spotify and to be honest, I was hoping that would lead to limited success but of course, it didn’t. J. Cole’s latest album The Off-Season is yet another mediocre instalment in a dull catalogue full of rambling verses from a guy who thinks he has much more to say than he actually ends up saying, and it’s exhausting to listen let alone discuss the man’s art out of a sheer lack of personality or wit that follows his every move. His Dreamville label is filled to the brim with people more consistent, skilful and interesting than Cole has ever been so it’s just frustrating to see the label boss get all of the recognition. Regardless, I’ve never liked Cole as an artist – especially not a conscious one given the ableism, homophobia and tone-deaf exchange with Noname just last year – so I’m almost glad he’s stripped off half of the pretence of making a woke, important album. He’s just rapping on this record, which gives me the excuse to run through the rest of these consecutive bores from Cole as quickly as possible. First of all, we have “a m a r i”, a barely sufferable dud from the album scored by a blend of acoustic guitars and squelching trap percussion that fails to platform Cole’s Auto-Tuned moaning, oftentimes just aggravating and barely listenable, and sometimes disguising some pretty weak, topic-less verses for a man who claims to be focused. “Want smoke? I’m a whole nicotine company”  is not the silliest bar on the album, but I’m almost convinced the song ends as abruptly as it does because Timbaland’s embarrassed that he helped produce such an underwhelming beat and not even someone praised as a modern great can save it from being worthless.
#15 – “p r i d e . i s . t h e . d e v i l” – J. Cole and Lil Baby
Produced by T-Minus
One of my favourite hip-hop releases of last year was Aminé’s Limbo, a diverse selection of tracks that ranged from conscious hip-hop about his ambitions and fears about growing up and raising children in a modern world as well as typical trap-rap flexing and R&B crooners about girl problems. All of this is smoothly stirred into a pot of personality that actually attempts to bridge a gap between older and newer generations of rappers rather than just claiming to. “Can’t Decide” is not one of my favourite tracks from that record – “Compensating” with Young Thug executes its ideas just that little bit better for me – but it’s still a fun, R&B-adjacent tune with insanely catchy hooks about Aminé’s relationships. So why did we need a J. Cole remix? This guy sucks the fun out of beats like a vacuum in a bouncy castle, as he sloppily whines in an almost emo-rap cadence over a cheaper West Coast slide he just can’t convincingly sell. Lyrically, Cole focuses on the idea of pride and how it corrupts someone’s morals, criticising the flashing of money and social isolation from the family... both of which seem like Cole’s M.O. at this point, right? Success amidst independence? Platinum without features? This time around, there is a feature however from Lil Baby, who much like Cole claims to be focused in this very focused whilst pick-and-choosing between random trains of thought in his typical frog-throat delivery. Hey, at least Lil Baby flows with less strain and unwarranted, desperate effort that Cole does, and ends up out-shining the primary artist entirely, even if he’s going to “pay silly bands to have sex on the jet”. ..What?
#13 – “m y . l i f e” – J. Cole, 21 Savage and Morray
Produced by WU10, J. Cole and Jake One
The first lines of this song are “Spiralling up just like a rich person’s staircase; no fly zone, please stay out of my airspace”. Cole, I thought pride was the devil! I understand that one can still acknowledge the flaws in their worldview whilst embracing it and engaging themselves in it – that’s really a lot of the point of rags-to-riches rap – but some subtlety or at least some explanation from someone who wants you to see him as focused, woke, hungry and a master of his craft, would have been nice, right? This is Morray’s first charting hit in the UK and I’m glad he’s here as he’s basically what differentiates this from the duo’s prior collaboration “a lot”, a song that not only banged harder but felt smoother and Hell, just more coherent, especially with some soulful production that this new collaboration glaringly rips off. Morray’s biggest hit is “Quicksand” but his mixtape Street Sermons is full of soulful and honest trap-rap that I’d absolutely recommend for gospel flavour on the surface and the lyrical detail behind the bravado being extensive and confidently delivered, especially standing out on his own with no features to speak of. He has the chorus on here and I’m surprised DaBaby doesn’t have the second verse so this could be a North Carolina anthem but we do have 21 Savage, who delivers his typical brand of cold-hearted (or rather no-hearted), stoic paranoia bars but at least that’s a personality. 21 Savage delivers a slick flow over this sample and spits the pretty simple yet profound bar of “I pray that my past ain’t ahead of me”, leading to probably the most enjoyable verse on the whole album. If you couldn’t tell, the new guys outshine the old guard so obviously with so little effort it’s kind of impressive on Cole’s part even. I’m glad this is the biggest hit from this album so far as not only is this one of the best tracks out of a slim selection but it’s big for both 21 and especially Morray, who I’m really rooting for against, say, a Rod Wave or Kevin Gates in terms of southern rap with a lot more soul and grit. Oh, and Cole, “know it’s on sight when I see you like I’m working at Squarespace”? Really? Again, it’s not the dumbest bar on the album.
#2 – “good 4 u” – Olivia Rodrigo
Produced by Alexander 23 and Dan Nigro
It’s pretty fitting to book-end a batch of new arrivals mostly consisting of hardcore gritty trap with two up-beat alternative rock tracks, and I’ll say I prefer this to Lovejoy mostly because, well, like I said with “Seeing Green”, my biases will always be on full and honest display, and as someone who’s a sucker for pop-punk of all eras, especially if it’s a female-fronted band with some youthful, raspy vocals, this will obviously hit for me. Throughout Sour, I found it hard to buy into the teenage melodrama due to Dan Nigro’s production often sounding too clean for its own sake, never allowing the guitars to really crash into some lo-fi, distorted noise like they seem to want to do on tracks like this, “deja vu” and especially the opener, “traitor”. Sadly, that cuts the chances of radio airplay by a ton more than it should, so we end up with mixing that slides off Rodrigo’s reverb-drenched vocals too smoothly, creating a rather formulaic album, unfortunate for its sheer excess of promise. With that said, this is one of my favourite tracks off of the album, if only for that funky bassline and some of Nigro’s most interesting stylistic and production choices, particularly in the drumming, which sounds as organic as possible for something that was programmed by him and Alexander 23. The sarcasm-laced post-break-up kiss-off is already not unfamiliar territory for Olivia Rodrigo and neither was it for Avril Lavigne, which this track tends to sound almost like an imitation of, down to the inconsistently PG-13 image as “screw you” is delivered with as much conviction as the actual F-bomb in the same verse. Regardless of how much it wants to consistently kill its own momentum, this janky songwriting actually reminds me of early Paramore, much of which holds a special place in my heart, so whilst Hayley Williams has been off doing her solo work – and Paramore seem to have moved on from this kind of bitter, petty pop rock anyway – this quenches that thirst pretty effectively.
Olivia Rodrigo bags the Honourable Mention for “good 4 u” as well as it’s one of two songs debuting this week I think are pretty damn special, the other one being “Seeing Green” by Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne and Drake as it grabs Best of the Week. For the worst, I mean, pick your J. Cole-flavoured poison but personally I’d say “a m a r i” can be crowned Worst of the Week with a Dishonourable Mention to... great, I don’t want to seem like I hate J. Cole but nothing else here is even as bad as his Lil Baby collaboration “p r i d e . i s . t h e . d e v i l”. Here’s this week’s top 10:
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Expect two more of those spaces filled up by Olivia Rodrigo next week as whilst we may not get any new entries from her the album will have an impact regardless on the chart. Otherwise, I guess we’ll have to wait and see with how a Queen-sampling BTS song wrecks the chart – probably will give both Olivia and “Body” some #1 competition – as well as new songs from Little Mix, Lana Del Rey, Polo G and Lil Nas X popping up not too far behind it. It should be just as busy next week, folks, so strap in, I suppose. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you then!
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cakalakgeorge · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.milliup.com/milliscrolls-ft-carolina-georges-1-song-artist-top-10-best-rap-songs-of-all-time/
MilliScrolls ft Carolina George's (1 Song/Artist) Top 10 Best RAP Songs Of All-Time!!!
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Ok so I am going to start doing a “Top 10/Best Of All-Time” list from now on just so you guys can have something else to enjoy reading/watching/listening to as a debate starter. These lists will not be guaranteed or restricted to any particular genre of music other than the styles of music that I enjoy listening to and have the experience to cover.
Your opinions are your own and you are encouraged to share them. However, just know that once you see my lists some of you wont like it and thats fine with me but I will not change it. Instead, feel free to drop your own counterlists in the comment sections below.
My first list is the Top 10 (1 Song per Artist) RAP songs of all-time. This list is based off of a set of rules, those rules are as follows:
1) If an artist is selected for this particular list, he/she cannot be added again even though realistically he/she may have another song that fits a “top 10 best songs of that genre period” list… I just feel like there are enough artists and music to go around.
2) The songs will have had to make a huge impact on either society or the hip hop culture itself.
3) The song had to be written or performed by a major artist at that time.
So, without further a do…
Jay-Z – Dead President$ – (he meant every word and has lived the lyrics)
Run DMC – Walk This Way – (pioneering and introducing rap to rock)
Eric B & Rakim – Follow The Leader -(metaphors & similitude of the lyrics)
Eminem – Stan (storytelling… From a different point of view)
Kris Kross – Jump (They said mcgiddy mcgiddy mac daddy and they were just kids)
…And way too many more to keep typing!
MY Top 10 (1 Song per Artist) RAP Songs Of All Time:
10. Three 6 Mafia – Tear Da Club Up
This song is #10 to me because this mofo done been banned worldwide because it starts club RIOTS, it was 1 OF THE FIRST times that i can remember that an artist/group connected to me with this level of “F*CK IT!” and I liked it lol it almost puts you in a trance when you it especially at a high volume level! #Hypnotizing
9. Slick Rick & Doug E Fresh – Children’s Story
This is #9 on the list because I feel like it was the best storytelling rap song for the longest stretch of time, no matter where you go ON THE ENTIRE GLOBE til this day… IF THIS RECORD COME ON THE PLACE IS IMMEDIATELY ROCKING!
8. LL Cool J – Doin it
This song is #8 of All-Time on this list simply because I loved everything about it… the chants, the dance/uptempo vibe, the back and forth in the composition, the storytelling aspect, not to mention the fact they were talking about “DOING IT” but you never feel nasty listening to it, DEFINITELY a win!
7. Nas – Rewind
This guy told a story backwards and if I’m not mistaken it was the first time this was ever done and on top of that you can visualize the lyrics and its a dope story… Yeah #7 bro!
6. OutKast – Hey Ya
#6 is such a fun record man, these artists made other listeners from other genres start looking for-and accepting hiphop artists on a broader schedule, in a lot of ways its largely because of this song and project that hiphop artists today can still easily crossover to other genres for a broader scale audience… Shake it, shake it, shake it!
5. Juvenile ft Manny Fresh & Lil Wayne – Back That Azz Up
Stop playing, yall know what the deal is when the speakers say “Cash Money taking over for the ’99 -‘2000” lol #5
4. Biggie Smalls/The Notorious B.I.G – Juicy
To make a remake and in the remake freestyle while reminiscing about the struggles coming up during the time the original record was out then adding in your ambitions and successes was extremely dope to me, I mean… simply put… #4!
3. NWA (Niggas With Attitudes) – Straight Outta Compton
The birth of Gangsta Rap from my knowledge, this group was just what hiphop needed at the time in order to express itself properly against the people who wanted to keep the minority silent… Although this record was about streetlife most of the people who also lived the “Streetlife” understood it & LOVED IT, even felt like this is how they wanted to be/should be represented and this record was their “man in the mirror” moment!
2. Kendrick Lamar – We Gone Be Alright
#2 Faced with police officers everywhere in the United States murdering blacks and getting little to no justice in the respected communities this artist drops this record and let everyone know that no matter how it feels we’ve been gere before and we will make it through this again as a people, the content of this record is beyond strong when it comes to hitting people who may feel down with a positive attitude and impact (only one other artist made a song just as strong emotionally for the people and although that record isn’t on the list he comes in with arguably the best Rap song ever which tells you how talented he was)
1. 2Pac – Brenda’s Got a Baby
This song is #1 to me because it provides the essence of life and the struggles that not only women go through but children and babies as well it literally goes into how this young ladies decisions effected everyone around her, a very special composition if you ask me.
So what y’all think? It took me a few hours to put this together so a comment(below), like, & share would be dope and very appreciated, hope you enjoyed it… Till the next list drops,
#StayUpStayGrindN #MilliUp!
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“It’s gone...all gone...” - Batsis (Reader) x Batfamily
Summary : Batsis is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED after she accidentally erase from her computer the entirety of the novel she has been working hard on for the past three years... 
Because I’m actually very frustrated with myself right now , and thought that the best solution was to turn all that frustration into a story, and sorry if it’s pretty bad, it’s literally something I just came up with, and wrote in twenty minutes, because I was so damn frustrated, and here it is : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Your screams of panic wakes your brother up from a good nap he was having, and he runs to your bedroom as fast as he can, almost falling down stairs, slipping on the wooden floor in his socks. He burst into your room, ready to fight, and finds you sat at your desk, shaking your computer desperately. 
-Timmy, please do something, I just did something, don’t ask me what I don’t even know it just kinda happened, I pushed some fucking keys on my computer, and my novel just disappeared ! 
He stares at you for a few seconds, a bit in disbelief, before finally answering :
-...Wait, that’s your emergency ? Are you kidding me (Y/N)? 
-Au contraire mon frère, I’m super serious ! My novel alright ?! I’ve been working on it for the past three years, I was almost done !! IT CAN’T BE ALL GONE ALRIGHT !?
As you said those last words, you stood up and grabbed your brother by the collar of his shirt. Realizing what you just did, you let go of him, and straighten him a bit, forcing a smile on your face. 
-Can you, please, my dear and adorable little brother, check my computer to see if it can be retrieved ? 
Tim was a little stunned, he never saw you like that before. It was pretty much the exact opposite in fact, you were known to be the calmest and more collected of the batkids. You usually were the one calming them down...In that sense, you were a lot like your father. So seeing you being so...hysterical, was a bit unsettling. 
-Ok calm down, we can probably retrieve your file. Most files can be recovered from computers. Hell, remember when I got some back from the bat computer after it’d been completely torched down ?
-Yes, I’m hoping for another one of your miracle here. Don’t disappoint bro’. 
-I won’t. 
And on that note, Tim cracked his knuckles and went to work. 
About four hours later :
-I’m sorry (Y/N) I can't get the file back...
-...What ? Of course you can little genius !
-I really can’t though...I have no idea what you did but there is no trace on this computer, or on your google drive or anything, absolutely not one little trace, of your novel. It’s like it simply disappeared...
-No, shut up Tim. I don’t wanna hear it. 
-I’m so sorry (Y/N), I really tried...I guess I...Disappointed you then uh ? 
You look at your brother for a few seconds, and the way he’s avoiding your gaze makes you feel bad. You couldn’t be mad at him, especially when he tried to help you for hours. 
-Of course not Tim, if it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine...I’m the one that erased everything. 
-And you don’t have any back-up ?
-...No. Nada. I know, I’m a complete idiot. 
-Yeah maybe a bit. 
You glare at him, but you know he’s right. With a sigh, you look at your computer sadly and caress lightly the keyboard. 
-Gone Tim, it’s all gone...Three years of work...poof, gone forever because I’m a clumsy stupid ass...
Your brother open his arms, and you almost jump into them. A good hug, that’s what you needed.
You decided that eating an entire tub of ice cream was also totally what you needed. You were mourning your novel in the kitchen when Alfred entered with Dick. Brooding was not something you inherited from your father, and you could see a surprised expression being slowly painted on their face as they realized you were.
-What is it little sis ? 
-Yes lady (Y/N), I haven’t seen you eat an entire tub of ice cream while sulking since Firefly got cancelled. 
-Oh God Alfred, don’t re-open old wounds on top of the new ones ! 
Your brother and butler couldn’t hold the slight smile growing on their lips at your dramatic way of saying those few words. As you shove a spoon full of ice cream in your mouth, you say : 
-I ‘ost ‘ll my ‘ovel.
-...What ? 
You swallow, and, sighting over dramatically, you say : 
-I lost my novel. 
-Which novel lady (Y/N) ? You leave books all around the house, it’s probably not lost, just...misplaced. 
-No, not one of my book, my book !
-Are you drunk ? 
-No Dick, I’m not drunk. The novel I was working on, it’s gone. I deleted it by accident from my computer, and there’s nothing I can do to retrieve it...
-Did you ask Tim ?
-Who do you think I am ? Of course I asked Tim ! He’s the first one I called...
-And you didn’t back it up ?
-No Dick, I didn’t back it up...
-That’s kind of stupid. 
-Yes -you say between clenched teeth- I know. 
-Sincere condolences then. 
You glare at your brother, and throw a spoon full of ice cream at his face, hitting him right on the eye. 
-Hey ! 
-That’s for rubbing it in ! 
And on that note, you leave the kitchen. With the tub of ice cream. 
You knew you were being kind of a bitch about the all thing, and you knew that there was worst things in the world...but you were just so bummed out about it. You worked so hard on that novel. You spent hours and hours, during your very few free time (between school and your night patrol, you rarely had time to yourself). It wasn’t helping that you were almost done with it either...You were sitting in one huge comfy armchair in the library, still sulking, when Damian came in. 
-Hello sister. 
You don’t answer, and that ticks his curiosity. It’s not like you to be impolite. On the contrary, you annoyed him enough with it that it surprised him greatly that you didn’t respond to him.
-Is there something wrong ? 
You mumble. Fast. And of course, he doesn’t understand. What he does understand though, is that you’re not feeling well, and he doesn’t want to make you repeat what you said because the last things he wishes for is to upset you more. 
-Well that’s...dreadful !
-Right ?! Seems like you’re the only one who gets it little brother. 
-I’m often the only one who gets you...I’m blaming the blood we share. 
-Well the blood we share doesn’t help us understanding dad so...
-Oh yeah...right...Bummer though, about what’s happening to you. 
-Thank you Damian, you’re really cute. 
You know he doesn’t even know what you’re talking about, but it’s true that he’s really cute. He’s trying so hard to be helpful and nice...It’s a nice change of pace. You guys used to not get along at all (here’s the fic about it if you wanna know more : “true blood son...and daughter”), but things evolved between you, and every time he was trying to be a good brother your heart melted. 
So even though he had absolutely no idea why you were upset, he still wanted to be there for you. Awkwardly, he took one of your hand and kissed the back of it. You smiled at him, and pulled him into a hug that made him scream bloody murder ! 
It was night when Jason came home, and found you in the living room, sitting in a corner, in the dark. He didn’t need to think much about it to know that you weren’t alright. 
-Hey little sis’, what’s wrong ? Do I have to kick a guy’s ass for you ? 
He turns the lights on and you can’t help but smile. He comes to sit next to you, and wrap an arm around your shoulder. 
-No, it’s not that. 
-Of course it’s not, you don’t need me to kick guys’ asses. 
You chuckle lightly, but it’s such a small noise compared to your usual extravagant laugh. 
-Ok, what’s wrong ? 
-I accidentally deleted years of writing work from my computer. Yes I asked Tim to take a look, he couldn’t do anything. So it’s lost forever. Years of work Jason, years. I’m so frustrated with myself right now. 
-Wow...Maybe you should go kick some guys’ asses, good stress relief. 
You give him only a half-smile, and damn you looked a lot like Bruce sometimes. This particular type of smile was very Wayne like...
-What can I do to cheer you up lil sis ? 
-I’m afraid nothing Jay. I’ll be fine, you know it’s just...writing. It’s not someone dying or something terrible like that. I just lost some work. I can re-write things, I guess. It’s just...It’s just...
-Don’t explain yourself (Y/N), you’re allowed to be upset. You worked a lot on it. I saw you often typing away on your computer. I’m surprised you lost everything though...
-What, why ? 
-Well, if there’s another character trait you share with our father, you inherited from him, it’s your obsession of making plans for everything. So I’m just very surprised that you didn’t...
-Back things up I know. Oh god I’m so annoyed at myself !! And a bit at you guys for constantly reminding me how dumb I am for not backing my work up... I’m just so dumb you know ? 
-Come on, you’re not. At least you just learned a very important lesson. Back things up little one. Because when you don’t back your stories up, you lost them, and if you lose them, it’s forever, and forever means...
-Ok, shut up now. I get it. 
He laughs and squeeze you a bit tighter. Your brothers are so damn nice...but you still feel so frustrated about your lost novel ! You just can’t help it. 
It was time for the nightly patrol, and you were putting your suit on angrily, mumbling lowly words only you could hear. Of course, your behavior didn’t escape your father’s eyes. And the question you did NOT want him to ask you surely arrived : 
-What is it (Y/N) ? 
His voice was soft, as he clearly could see you were quite upset. But you didn’t want to talk to him, you knew he wasn’t going to understand and think your behavior was childish. But you also knew he wouldn’t let it go until he got an answer, so you gave it to him : 
-No big deal, I just lost three years of work on my novel. The idiot I am erased the all thing by accident.
His reaction surprises you, he pulls you into a hug, and ruffle your hair lovingly. 
-Oh my little (Y/N). I’m sorry. I know what that novel meant to you. 
-...You...You do ?
Your father turns around to make sure it’s only you and him, and sure enough, you’re brothers are too busy arguing about who’s the best at throwing batarangs to notice what you guys are doing. He bents down a bit, almost kneeling in front of you (as you were your mother’s size, and he was a damn giant). 
-Of course I do honey. I might...I might not always know how to...You know...
-Use words ? 
-Yes. That. Use words to explain how I feel. I don’t know how to talk to any of you most of the time. But I do know I love every single one of you brats. And I pay more attention to things that you think.
-Is that so ? 
-Yes. I know how many hours you spent writing this novel. I know how excited you were that you were almost done. I know it was great because I did read those first few chapters you sent me. 
-...For real ?
-Yes, for real (Y/N). So...I understand, really. It’s difficult to work so hard on something just to see it destroy because of one mistake. Trust me, I know how it feels. 
You smile at him, and he gives you the nicest warmest hug ever...but of course he had to go and ruin it by lacking tact, as usual : 
-But you know sweety, you should have backed things up on multiple hard drives and such, I taught you to always be prepared didn’t I ?
You pull slowly away from him to face your father, and the look you give him is so murderous that he suddenly finds you scarier than any bats in the World. Instinctively, he takes a step back. Damn, you just made the batman take a step back...When you talk again,your voice is calm and collected, but holds a certain danger in it : 
-Well, I’m sure glad the greatest detective of all time is here to enlighten me about the fact that I should have backed things up. Thanks for your input dad, without you, I think I would have never understand my mistake. 
And all Hell break loose. It's the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. You can’t help it, the way he said you needed to back things up, the condescendence in his words...You can’t hold your frustration anymore, and instead of directing it at yourself, like you did all day, you throw everything at your father. 
Of course, you immediately regret your actions, especially seeing his facial expression, as if you were an enraged hyena and not his daughter. You sigh, try to apologize but don’t know how. Your brothers join you and help you calm down. 
You can’t believe you’re feeling like that just because you lost a stupid novel you were writing...You felt that maybe, there was more to it than just loosing your work, but you weren’t ready to psycho-analyze yourself right now, and made a mental note to think about it later. You grab your dad’s hand, and squeeze it. His feature soften, he really do understand what you’re going threw. And the way you’re always so calm, and sometimes just loose it reminds him a lot of himself. He can’t be mad at you. He really did understand...Still, you were scary as fuck when angry. 
-Oh my god I’m just so mad at myself, and I’m sorry for getting mad at you guys, but you know me, when I start being oversensitive, which happen rarely we’ll all agree on that, I’m just gone, I don’t stop until...You know what ? I’m gonna go see mom. We’ll go steal some stuffs, it always help turning the frustration down ! 
And before your father could say anything, you hop on your motorcycle and leave so fast your tires screech on the floor of the bat cave. 
Your dad sigh, and look at your brothers. 
-You guys know we have to stop her right ? 
-You stop her, father. In the state she’s in, I’m not coming within ten feet of her ! We could trigger her with any words ! 
-Yep, you’re on your own for that Bruce, there’s no way I’m even trying to knock some sense into her right now. 
-I’m with Damian and Jay on that one, handle yourself dad. 
Your father glares at his sons, but it doesn’t work. They were more afraid of you than him right now...Bruce sighs, and says : 
-I’ll just make her give whatever she steals back where it belongs when she’ll be calmer...
Your brothers snicker at your father, of course he will haha. But given how frustrated you were, he was definitely gonna wait until you calmed down. 
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october31st1981 · 8 years
Send Nude Pics of Your Heart to Me
James Potter to Mrs. Wife: lily can we have another baby?
Lily Potter to Wears Socks to Bed: R u going to text me that every time Harry does something cute?
James Potter: yes
Lily Potter: U know if we got one every time u asked we’d have like 35 babies by now??
James Potter: i’d be okay with that
James Potter: they might give us our own tv programme
James Potter: lil and jim and their kin 
Lily Potter: Ur right what’s the point of having children if not to pimp them out for reality television
Sirius Black to Babe: u know it’s extremely rude to fuck in the house while ur babysitter is downstairs watching ur kid
James Potter to Hot Stuff: i don’t pay u to complain 
Sirius Black: u are literally not paying me
Sirius Black: i am doing this out of love for this little banshee
James Potter: we made u godfather. and u can have dibs if i knock lily up 2nite
Sirius Black: fine but at least play some music or smth christ what are u doing to her?????
Lily Potter to The Other Woman: Quit texting James while we’re fucking 
Lily Potter: Tho he is surprisingly good at multitasking 
Sirius Black to Sugar Tits: only if u make him call u daddy 
Lily Potter: Deal
James Potter to James Has A Daddy Kink: lupin will you look after harry next weekend? sirius is permanently banned from babysitting
Sirius Black: Still godfather m8
James Potter: not anymore remus is godfather now
Peter Pettigrew: am i not on the list??
James Potter: you will get on the list once u stop screaming every time he poos
Peter Pettigrew: fair enough 
Remus Lupin: Can I be godfather when Harry’s like ten? Babies are terrifying
Sirius Black: i will not stand for this betrayal 
Sirius Black changed the chat name to James Wanked To McGonagall For All Of Year 9.
Peter Pettigrew: pretty sure it was longer than year 9 👀👀👀👀
James Potter: it’s not embarrassing if ur not ashamed
Remus Lupin: If you’re gonna text me at work at least leave my colleagues’ names out of the group chat 
Peter Pettigrew: should u b texting while ur teaching?
Remus Lupin: The kids are using their phones to film for a presentation it’s fine probably
Sirius Black: see potter? he’s already showing he’s bad w/ kids he’s gonna let harry on the internet unsupervised
James Potter: harry is 1
Sirius Black: ur never too young 2 start developing abandonment issues 
Remus Lupin changed the chat name to Sirius Wanked to Yugioh in Sixth Form.
Sirius Black: listen here u little shit
James Potter to Ginger Spice: lily look!!!
Lily Potter to Daddy’s Girl: U have sent me 12 pictures of Harry dressed as a penguin in the past 2 minutes
Lily Potter: (((And I have loved every single 1 of them our baby is the cutest?!?!)))
James Potter: i fucking know right
James Potter: legitimately he’s better than other babies
Lily Potter: Our baby could take the Longbottoms baby in a fight
James Potter: our baby could take DUMBLEDORE in a fight
Lily Potter: I mean ur right but
Lily Potter: In what situation would our son be fighting the headmaster of our secondary school
James Potter: idk but he’d fuckin wreck him have u seen how hard he pulls on hair he’d rip that beard right the fuck off
Lily Potter: Tru
Remus Lupin to Jimbo: How did you get i’m a furry to autocorrect to i’m a furry
James Potter to Dances with Wolves: we’ve all known for a long time remus i’m not here to judge u
Remus Lupin: I’M NOT A FURRY
Remus Lupin: I’M A FURRY
James Potter: u seem to be experiencing some conflicting emotions
Remus Lupin: I’m trying to say I’M S I C K
James Potter: of hiding ur true nature as a furry? we’re sick of ur denial as well mate
Remus Lupin: You are officially disowned 
James Potter: ur not my real dad 
Peter Pettigrew to Remus is a Furry: so are u like a brony or do u dress up as a wolf and sniff people? 
James Potter: the 2nd one definitely 
Sirius Black: idk man i think i saw him eyeing one of harry’s picture books the other day
Sirius Black: does red riding hood get u going
Petter Pettigrew: lmao
Remus Lupin: Potter I’m gonna murder you
James Potter: just try it my son will avenge me 
Sirius Black: oooooo he’s got u remus what r u gonna do fight a baby
Remus Lupin: I will explain to Harry about how his father was a bellend and he will take my side
James Potter: lies. harry will never doubt my honour. just the other day peter sneezed on me and harry bit him
Peter Pettigrew: thought he bit me bc hes teething?
James Potter: irrelevant 
James Potter to Never Furget: remus did u change all my profile pics to screencaps from bambi
Remus Lupin to Jimmy Neutron: Why do you ask?
James Potter: bc everyone is commenting on them but i can’t see them or take them down what did u do
Remus Lupin: Maybe the universe did this to you James
Remus Lupin: The world is trying to tell you who the real furry here is
Remus Lupin to Jimothy: Did you buy me a fucking bunny?
James Potter to Froot Lupes: remus i know ur new to pet ownership but bunnies aren’t for fucking
Remus Lupin: James. Why did someone deliver a rabbit to my house
James Potter: i thought u could use some company
James Potter: since ur both
Remus Lupin: DO NOT
James Potter: furry
Remus Lupin: I’m moving to Australia
Remus Lupin to James is Not One of Us: Just because I’m keeping the bunny doesn’t mean you’re forgiven
Remus Lupin: It’s for the children. My students have fallen in love with it
Sirius Black: sure ““““ur students””” fell in love with it 
Sirius Black: speaking of children who r u gonna turn to now potter
Sirius Black: if i’m banned from babysitting and u and remus r on the outs
James Potter: pete’s still here 
Peter Pettigrew: yeah im still here
Sirius Black: peter tell me how you change a nappy without looking at wikihow
Peter Pettigrew: um
James Potter: our house has wifi? 
Lily Potter to Bambi: Peter Pettigrew is not babysitting for us ever again
Lily Potter: He flushed a disposable nappy today
Lily Potter: Naked Sunday is canceled 
James Potter to Faline: but it’s the day of our lord lily
James Potter to Boyz II Men: congratulations sirius ur hereby reinstated as godfather 
Sirius Black: good bc i’m thinking of getting a sidecar for my motorbike
James Potter: harry is not allowed on ur motorbike until he is at least 9
Remus Lupin: I think you’re forgetting how Harry got home from the hospital
James Potter: fine. harry is allowed if both lily and i are also on it
Peter Pettigrew: #parenting
Peter Pettigrew: i got fired today btw
James Potter: what? why???
Sirius Black: what did u do
Remus Lupin: Are you alright?
Peter Pettigrew: im fine 
Peter Pettigrew: director was just looking for “something else”
Sirius Black: that’s shit
James Potter: sorry pete 
Remus Lupin: Is there anything we can do to help?
Peter Pettigrew: idk maybe we could just hang out and talk?
James Potter: sure we can do that 
Sirius Black: i’m not good w/ emotional intimacy
Sirius Black: how do u feel abt alcohol?
James Potter to Meri Jaan: i msis u
James Potter: ur os pretty 
Lily Potter to You Are My Soniya: It’s 2am love
James Potter: i kno btu thsi is v importnat
Lily Potter: What is it?
James Potter: i lvoe sirius
Lily Potter: Unbelievable 
James Potter: and u!!11111
James Potter: also im srory if i pee on hte rose bsushes a gain
Sirius Black to Blossom Powerpuff: just so u know we’ve taken james’s phone from him 
Sirius Black: but he says i’ve gotta tell u that ur his favourite wife
Lily Potter to Mojo Jojo: I’m his only wife
Sirius Black: james says ‘irrelevant’ 
James Potter to Heart Eyes: love u’ve gotta stop sexting me while i’m w/ clients
Lily Potter to Poop Emoji: Why’s that?
James Potter: i’m developing some kind of pavlovian response
James Potter: every time i look at a surrealist painting i get an erection
Lily Potter: Paint me like one of ur french abstractions from reality
James Potter: sex fiend 
Lily Potter: U love it 
Remus Lupin to Lil Wayne: You and James need to stop have things delivered to my house
Remus Lupin: I promise you I can feed myself without a 15 year old dropping off a week’s worth of groceries 
Lily Potter to R. Kelly: Bread and chocolate is not a diet Remus
Remus Lupin: It has kept me alive this long 
Lily Potter: Ur lucky we don’t have u move in. James says ur too skinny these days
Remus Lupin: James is built like a broomstick
Lily Potter: ...
Lily Potter: I want to defend him bc he is my husband but.... u right
Remus Lupin: Then will you stop trying to parent me
Lily Potter: Don’t talk back to ur mother Lupin
James Potter to The Lady from the Bee Movie: evans r u wearing my jeans again
Lily Potter to Jerry Seinfield: No
James Potter: ur having a picnic with bathilda in her garden and harry and i are in our sitting room w/ the curtains open i can literally see u
Lily Potter: Maybe these are mine
James Potter: i’m almost a foot taller than u and ur jeans r not that long
Lily Potter: If they r ur jeans what are you going to do about it
James Potter: ur gonna catch these hands
James Potter: in ur own bc i love u
James Potter: but i still want my jeans back
Lily Potter: I want my pre-baby figure back m8
James Potter: touché 
Sirius Black to Cars 2: pete how would u feel abt modeling
Peter Pettigrew to The Lion King: funny 
Peter Pettigrew: hard to get an acting job thats not typecast 
Sirius Black: i’m srs
Sirius Black: i mean. u know what i mean
Peter Petitgrew: modelings fine. i’ve done some hand stuff
Sirius Black: sometimes when reg can’t make a job his agency will offer it to me
Sirius Black: and i told them i wouldn’t do it unless i could bring a friend
Peter Pettigrew: thanks... u didnt have to do that
Sirius Black: don’t make it weird peter just take the job 
Sirius Black to Peter Does Hand Stuff: i’m handsome right
Sirius Black: like i am good looking
James Potter: tru
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: then how did i get kicked off a photoshoot so they could take more pictures of pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew: dorcas said it was bc ur face is too unnatural
Peter Pettigrew: no one looks like that in real life
Sirius Black: i look like this in real life!!!
Peter Pettigrew: anyway dorcas told me they want me to be the face of the whole campaign which is cool
James Potter: that’s fantastic pete!!
Remus Lupin: Congrats Peter!
Sirius Black: i can’t believe u would sell me out
Peter Pettigrew: were all just trying to survive capitalism sirius
Sirius Black: so money is worth more than our friendship
James Potter: sirius u don’t even like modelling
Remus Lupin: Also you don’t need the money, you’ve got your inheritance and your radio work
Sirius Black: i like to know who has a price they can be bought for
Sirius Black: in case one of us ends up murdered
James Potter: walburga really fucked u up huh
Lily Potter to Put A Ring On It: R u on your way home?
James Potter to Crazy In Love: on the tube
James Potter: did u want takeaway again? bc i kno the chinese made u sick the other night so maybe i can just get u soup?
Lily Potter: No I’m fine I just wanted to know when you were coming back
Lily Potter: I have news
James Potter: tell me. the man beside me is cutting his hair and it’s getting on my trousers. i could do with good news
Lily Potter: I’ll tell u when ur home
James Potter: evans u can’t just dangle news in front of me like that and then take it away i demand answers
Lily Potter: It’s in-person news
James Potter: r we getting divorced? is this bc i said prefer 7/11 to formation
Lily Potter: That is definitely grounds for divorce but no
James Potter: lily ur worrying me. is everything ok???
James Potter: i’m gonna call
James Potter: i’m losing service hold on
Lily Potter: James we’re going to have another baby
James Potter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Potter: i love you. i can’t hold u yet so i’m gonna hug the haircut man
Lily Potter: <3 <3 <3
James Potter: i may have just told him we’d name our baby after him how do u feel abt the name christobal
Lily Potter: Hard pass
James Potter: u said that abt me once and now i’ve impregnated u twice so i’m gonna tell him maybe
Lily Potter changed the chat name to Sirius Has Dibs.
Sirius Black: r u hitting on me evans
Sirius Black: u do realize ur husband is also on this chat. i mean i’m up for a menage a potter but what will we tell harry 
Peter Pettigrew: james’s parents like adopted u this is definitely some kind of incest
Sirius Black: “Definitely Some Kind of Incest” is the black family motto
Remus Lupin: Tbh I’m surprised you don’t have a tail
Sirius Black: how do u kno that i don’t u don’t kno my life
Lily Potter: It’s good 2 know our children will have positive role models
James Potter: it’s too late for harry we’ll just have to get better friends with this one
Peter Pettigrew: ????????
Sirius Black: ur not
Sirius Black: U ARE
Remus Lupin: Congratulations?!
Peter Pettigrew: BLIMEY CONGRATS
Remus Lupin: Wasn��t Harry born literally yesterday? You guys are like rabbits
Sirius Black: i can’t believe evans is ““in trouble”” again this is wild i bet it’s bc euphemia used all those metaphors while giving u the sex talk
James Potter: papa don’t preach
Sirius Black: i love it when u call me papa
Sirius Black: wait do i have dibs bc of.... u guys r disgusting 
Lily Potter: Does that mean u don’t want dibs?
Remus Lupin: I can’t in good conscience send eleven-year-olds to war but on the other hand you’re on
Peter Pettigrew: £5 on the fetus 
Lily Potter: £1000 on the fetus Potter Progeny United
James Potter: this is why i married u 
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These Chords Saved My Cheeks
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(BlackBoxGuild e.g.)
    By CJ Stokes
     I’ve cried over three topics in my life: sports, death, and due to one or two special women crying; but all tears stopped due to music. 
     I lie; I’ve also cried during an a** whooping from my mother.  Music did not stop those tears but it did allow me to feel tranquil before her wrath.
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     My first encounter with music’s power: Allegedly, I had done something wrong yet again in school.  See, my mother had prepared me all too well for elementary school.  From birth she wanted me to be advanced. 
     She even gave me a non-cultural, (possibly white-washed), name like Christopher Jared so my job application wouldn’t be skipped by hiring managers. 
     She placed me in a rather advanced private school in Charleston, SC which, I admit, placed much of my academic skills above most of the average South Carolina, (one of the worst education systems in the states), classroom competition.  As a result, the only child would grow bored and cause a little ruckus for the wise mouth elementary teachers he encountered. 
     Mind you, these classrooms were by far some of the comfiest I’ve ever come across.  Filled with carpet, (perfect sleep texture), and some dialogue that I’ve heard all before.  They even had the wooden desk with the cubby opening.
    I had everyone in there.  All the class clowns and even the girl whose race I couldn’t determine but her tone was sun kissed yet her hair stayed bronze.  She was beyond a crush.  I was considering marriage.
     I analyzed the wispy, white and gray hair of this middle-aged lady for the last time before I decided to entertain myself amongst a full classroom.  Additionally, who the hell wants to listen to English at 2:30 when they just left a football sized field with swing sets and no clouds?  The sun was beginning to crawl down and so would my eyes if I didn’t do something to entertain myself.  To add fuel to the fire my compadres thought I was extra humorous this day.  Whatever I did in the chair, from pretending/not pretending to sleep or fake singing songs, seemed to start a giggle trend and you know you laugh ten times as hard when you’re not supposed to be laughing.  The things that make second graders laugh.  I was full of adrenaline.  With all this motivation to spread laughter, you guessed it, I decided to cartwheel my way over to the pencil sharpener. 
     Before I could even complete 180 degrees of my wheel, I heard the sounds of pure joy.  Although some were laughing so hard that they were coughing, I knew this vibrant reaction was too loud to ignore. 
     My crush was laughing so hard that she had to cover her mouth and catch her breath, but my teacher was so displeased that she nearly gripped and ripped me out of my wheel.  Of course, I was a little tike at the time but this usually gingerly old woman couldn’t have been any taller than me and I felt a lot of muscle.  I felt like an ant under a hot magnifying glass as she stared me down through her glasses.
    Of course, I was placed in the principal’s office.  My friends giggles and the “oooouuu’s” of I’m in trouble faded like a passing car siren as she hauled me down the hallway.  Plus, this wasn’t my first encounter with the principal; we were well acquainted by now.  My mind was already elsewhere.
    Once they finally let me out of that office, I peddled my way home faster than ever. Faster than when that pit bull chased me off of his premises and faster than when I thought this stocky old man was staring at me.  I knew my mother would be home early today and she was bringing hell with her.  I felt and heard nothing but wind not even the spin of my bike chain.  I couldn’t even admire my tree lined route home like I usually do.
    I locked myself inside my aqua painted room all the way in the back of the house, even though no one was home yet.  I opened the blinds since the sun gave me some joy and hope that I wiggle my way out this a** whooping but I knew the inevitable was coming.  I had a widescreen flat screen Polaroid on top of my wooden dresser but I was too anxious to focus on any TV.
    On the opposite side of that dresser and my bed I had a series of three shelves hammered in by my mother and on that second shelf lay a radio also bought by mother. For some reason, I believed some reason would help me think of how to respond to the 100 questions my mother would ask me of why I decided to Cirque de Soleil my way to the pencil sharpener.
    At that time, some reggae was the most therapeutic genre I could think of and given the fact that my father had been burning CD’s of all the classics that I should listen to, I stumbled across some Bob Marley.  Three Little Birds was the first track and I didn’t leave that intro song for the next 2 hours and some change until she got home.
    There wasn’t a bird in sight but I could imagine three of them just through Bob’s voice and these wailer guitars.  
    I was pacing in my room before that song came on and after the third replay I was able to at least lie on my back on the carpet.  As I stated before, Bob didn’t save me from an a** whooping but it’s the first time that I felt like everyone would really be alright afterwards.  
    My second encounter with music’s power is far more brief.  My sun kissed crush didn’t last long.  I ended up repeating something I heard in Lil Wayne’s Lollipop to her and that was the first and last time I repeated that.  She told one of the teachers and it all went downhill from there.  I didn’t know what I was really saying.
    I believe that was my next a** whooping as well.  
    So, I found a new crush; about two years later another tan one, golden, chubby cheeks but with light brown eyes and curly light brown hair. Drew, and she had huge eyes that couldn’t even hide behind the glasses.
    This crush was different though.  I wasn’t just attracted to her.  I could talk to her for hours.  We walked each other home everyday.  I even used to practice riding this stupid skateboard every weekend just to impress her. I still remember the name of the little pug she had, “D.O.G.”, (pronounced deo-gee).  Though I thought I found my wife in second grade this was surely her, I’d just take my time with her.
    Our neighborhood was just two big cul-de-sacs, one inside of the other, and her house was just one cut through a neighbor’s yard away.
    She found me so funny.  Her laugh would make me laugh and she knew all of the music that I knew and more, which was the seal on the deal for me.
    Finally, the day came that I could no longer hold in my true feelings for this young lady and fresh out of my last class I decided to pop the question on our traditional walk home.  However, I was a little more mature this time around so no thoughts of marriage would be included even though they were in my head.  I left my bike on purpose and pulled out my new white polo shirt to match my Nike Air Force 1’s.  
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    It was a little cloudier today so I should have known something was off.  There was even a contrast in how we were dressed.  Her jeans were dark grey.  I had on khaki’s and her shirt was black.  I should have predicted a response just as lifeless.  
    I waited that whole walk to ask; partly due to our friends deciding to walk with us yet again and partly waiting for our convo about this celebrity drama to end.  
    “Alright, CJ, I’ll see you tomorrow”.  No invitation, I should have caught the hint there.  It kind of seemed like she was tired from school too but I couldn’t resist any longer.  I had to know.  
    “Hey Drew, I gotta ask you a question”.  She turned around before heading up the step with the same look her dog usually has.  Eyebrows raised with the confusion.  The clouds masked the Carolina heat that day but my palms might as well have been dipped in a pool and thank God I didn’t have on a dark colored shirt.  
    A slightly shaky “Do you like me?” sputtered out and of course I had to clarify. “As a friend?” she puzzled.  “No, like, like-like.”  She chuckled in the most nervous, flattered, and disappointing way. “I don’t think so C.J., I like you so much as a friend and I don’t want to ruin that.”
    Is it sad to say that I was so poisoned with puppy love that I kind of believed her? This is the dreaded curse that Pops warned me about.  Of course, I played it off cool as a cucumber as she asked if that’s okay?  I chuckled too, you know to try and relax the tension and said “Nah, of course.  It’s cool. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    I took the nice steady walk home to my mother whose presence was more comforting than ever. Though I will admit, I walked a little quickly from Drew’s house just in case she was watching and waiting for me to leave from the window.  
    I kicked my Nike’s off one foot at a time so hard that I almost scuffed my toe box against our hard wood floor.  My kicks were worthless now.  My mother was in her home office and I laid flat on my stomach on the floor next to her with my arms folded under my neck.  She couldn’t get what happened out of me for hours though she knew what the subject was during my smirk after her “Some girl, ain’t it?” question.  
   “It’ll be alright, buddy”.   “What’s her name, I’ll fight you know?”  She knew it would make me laugh but I knew I didn’t feel like laughing right now so I went just corner piece of sheet rock away into my room where I laid on the floor with the door shut once again.  
   I don’t know if it was my music teacher’s love for this song that made me play it or all those hours I spent playing Madden while hearing this song in the game’s playlist but This Love by Maroon 5 stayed on repeat and although it didn’t make everything alright it provided some comfort as well as the blueprint for all rejections moving forward.  
    I didn’t know what to do.  I wanted to cry and then I wanted to laugh because I wanted to cry because I swore my heart’s defense was impenetrable.  To this day, my mother swears I was crying in that room but I wasn’t thanks to Adam Levine.  I’m sure she got a kick out of it though.
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angel-gidget · 7 years
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Omg. This ran away from me so hard and fast. So rather than have Tim go off on a random whim, this popped out as time-travel fic instead. Hope you enjoy!
 He woke up in the future. Y'know. Like ya do.
Except that it was not the future as in “the next morning”, no. He woke up in one of the guest beds of Wayne Manor–except it did not look guest-ish–and one look in the mirror told him that it was gonna be one of THOSE days. A day with Young Justice levels of crazy except it was going to apparently be in Gotham. Because the face in the mirror was NOT sixteen. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it wasn’t that.
“I am a professional,” he assured his bleary-eyed self in the bathroom mirror, "I am going to do right by my future self and get through his day like it’s any other day and then I’m going to go to sleep and have Bruce work things out with Zatanna or whatever.”
(Tim had been on a space mission with his team before this happened, and it had wiped him out. He didn’t have the energy to really freak out after something like this. And Tim was a professional, so he refused to freak out anyway.)
His closet was weird. It had suits. As in, more than one. Button-up shirts. The closet looked like it should belong to a younger hipper version of Brucie and it was kind of freaky. Tim looked at the date on the clock. Oh.
“Heh. Must be Alfred’s idea of April Fool’s.” He had to dig deep to find a t-shirt. It was wrinkled, but whatever. It had a picture of King Kong eating pie, except it was actually the Greek Letter, Pi, which made everything cooler. He found some kaki shorts further down which seemed to fit okay-ish.
He thought about asking Ives to lend him some clothes while they were in class but then he remembered his FACE and the fact that he was probably in college right now, and–Class!
He raced downstairs. The kitchen still smelled like food, but when he checked the clock again, he realized it was about the time Alfred generally left to get groceries. If Tim wanted info, he’d have to head for the cave.
So down he went.
“Hey, B!” He greeted his partner with a smile. Kinda surprising to find Bruce up so early, but he’d probably never gone to bed.
“Tim.” Bruce was… observing him. Well, duh. World’s greatest detective, right? He could probably tell something was off immediately, though Tim would have to refrain from asking what gave him away. Knowing too much and all tha–
Bruce was close. Way close. And then… hugging him.
Okay. Bruce. Was. Hugging. Him. Waayyyy weird.
“Uh, Bruce?”
The man pulled back, “Sorry. I just… it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you come down looking so…”
He paused. And then the corner of his lip twitched. Disappointment?
“You’ve been dosed with something.”
“Nope!” Tim responded, “Time-travel. Mental transference variety.”
Bruce’s eyebrows rose high enough that it actually would have showed had he been wearing the cowl.
Tim took a step back. A couple steps back. To regain his personal bubble.
He was about to provide (and ask for) more info, when the sexiest machine he had ever beheld came tire-drifting into the bat cave. Hello sweet mama. She had jet-packs on her fenders. Jet. Packs. So hot.
He was so busy staring that he almost missed the dynamic duo that hopped out. Tim blinked. Dick was Batman again? But why? Bruce seemed fine. Dick hated being Batman. Oh wait. It was April first. Maybe that had something to do with it?
It was a good sign if B had lightened up enough over the years to lend one of his suits to Dick for a prank. Seemed like the man was learning to live a little. Apparently, Bruce even hugged people now. Clearly progress.
“Hey, Dick! Hey… Robin.”
Tim felt the weirdest pang in his chest. Ouch. He wasn’t Robin anymore. Apparently adult(?) him had finally hung up the cape. (It was nice to know that he still visited to the point where he stayed over, even after giving up the Night.) So there was a new kid. Good for him. Dick was clearly helping look after the lil’ dude.
Said lil’ dude was very short. But solemn-looking. Heck, Tim knew the feeling.
Robin was looking at him kinda funny.
“Drake. I take it by your inappropriate attire and lack of preparations to leave you are finally surrendering my birthright to me?”
Bruce gave a quick little inhale that translated into a gasp and a slapped forehead on other people.
“You have a board meeting in thirty minutes.”
“I have a what now?”
“I’ll forward the details of your time travel situation to Tam and she’ll print out a schedule for you. In the meantime… take the keys to the Tesla. Get to Wayne Tower.”
Tim glanced in the direction Bruce gestured. The future was filled with beautiful cars.
Dick’s hand on his arm interrupted the thought.
“How… how old are you? Mentally?”
“He’s sixteen,” Batman grunted.
Damn, but Bruce was good. Would Tim ever be that good?
Bruce turned to the computer, and began typing an email addressed to… Tam Fox. He multitasked as he replied to Tim’s unspoken question.
“When you said time-travel you were smug, not concerned or perfunctory. You knew I would believe you. You’ve had time-based excursions with Young Justice, but are still hung up on my rather… cynical commentary from the training exercise that coincided with your sixteenth birthday.”
Tim sighed. “Yup. Accurate.”
“I apologize for that, by the way.”
Tim blinked.
“Do you mean to tell me that Drake has mentally regressed?”
Somebody had apparently spit in Robin’s wheeties that morning, because the kid was awfully cranky. No way had he got the job by being that rude 24/7.
“Time-travel.” Dick and Bruce protested in unison.
B had turned back to the computers, but Dick was looking at him funny.
“Can I… can I hug you?”
Bruce hugging him was weird, but Dick ASKING to hug him was even weirder.
Dick had gotten kinda tentative. That didn’t feel like progress. But at least he had an idea of what to do when it came to Dick.
He hugged back.
“In conclusion, ladies and gentleman: this engine design is proof that we are living in the FUTURE. It blows my mind that I even helped design it. So it will totally sell.”
The board members looked at him like he was kinda eccentric, but it seemed as though he hadn’t said anything shocking or way off base. Apparently, he’d never been the boring kind of CEO anyway. It was reassuring.
He didn’t initially LIKE the idea of taking over Bruce’s day-job. Until he’d seen the project he was gonna present for the day. Then it seemed to make a little more sense.
Also, Tam was really nice and wicked fast about updating him on his presentation. A little weirdly obsessed with keeping his coffee mug full, but nice.
“Now have some more pizza. It cost me thirty bucks because apparently inflation is a thing, and being rich is no excuse for wastefulness”
They ate the pizza.
Ten minutes later, Tim skateboarded down the rails of the stairs to his meeting with the Charm City branch representative.
Being boss of Bruce’s company–and apparently also his Dad’s because he saw a DI meeting on the schedule listed as a branch company?–wasn’t how Tim had pictured his future. But with the chill R&D guys, unflappable board members, and helpful Tam, the idea was kinda growing on him.
The future was looking so bright, he’d have to make a mental note…
To make the intern fetch him some shades.
- the end -
{a03 link for the curious.}
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