#laments of a writer
azukiel · 5 months
A writer's thoughts...
I have been writing all sorts of things since I was 10 years old. My first ever fanfiction was based on Final Fantasy VIII and spanned 30+ chapters back in the day.
I have written a tragic romance tale based around the events before the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, and a Dark Fantasy based around Sauron and his followers in the early second age of Tolkien's lore. Both now on hiatus and have been so for the last couple of years (can still be read on Ao3, though)
Now I am focussing on writing my own original historical romance fiction based in Ancient Egypt, during the reign of Ramses the Great. Apart from my Astarion x Tav (reader) fanfic that I am working on now, my Egyptian story is my main focus these days when writing is concerned. It is my treasure, my 'baby' so to speak. And yet traffic on Wattpad, Ao3 and Insta has been deathly slow as of late. It seems not many people are interested in historical romances or stories based in Ancient Egypt anymore. Perhaps I am not updating regularly enough to keep the algorithm happy... but as it is my treasure, I like to take my time to perfect what I write. On Wattpad, at least, my story always ranks highly under Ancient Egypt and associated tags... but I get so few comments and interactions with it these days. Am I an idiot to feel sad over such a menial thing?? So I lament. The lack of interactions from readers, and lack of comments has made me feel like I am wasting my time writing. Yes, I am writing for myself, but I would also really appreciate other people's thoughts and feedback and inputs. Just having your hard work appreciated and validated makes us writers want to continue with our art. It gives us a sense of self-pride and worth. I knew already that BG3 and Astarion were already popular topics here on Tumblr, aka why there has been a fair bit of traffic to Nightfall Heir here, but I am wondering if I could garner more interest here for my Egyptian story as well. I don't know... it just seems that people on Tumblr are kinder, more invested in their fandoms, and more willing to like, interact and reblog things they enjoy. So, my dearest readers, should I bother posting my Egyptian Historical Romance on here? Would any of you be interested in it? Maybe if I post even just one chapter... I don't want to waste anyone's time... or mine, for that matter
Here is the cover of the story for those whose interest may be piqued.
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friendlyengie · 1 year
Sometimes I’ll make a joke about haha yea no comic update since 2017. then i reread the comics and go oh god no coming update since 2017. Because I remember that this comic had like a. Plot and a story that only makes about 50% sense thru the first six issues and still has a whole bunch of loose ends that i go “man i wonder what’s going on here” and then i go “oguughhghh man i wonder if they wouldve expanded on that in issue 7” and then i put my head down on the table in defeat.
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
There’s another post going around about this, but tumblr won’t let me reblog it but...
When I read a story written by a human being, I’m not just reading it because I want to read a coffee shop AU with a specific plot description. I’m reading it because it’s making a connection to another human storyteller and seeing a piece of them carved into the words. Storytelling is a human act of sharing joy, angst, tension, resolution, satisfaction. It’s an act of love.
Writing and reading a story isn’t just an act of creation and consumption. I hate that commercialism and AI are reducing it to that sort of transaction. Like oh, you need words on this subject and that’s the end of it. Like what we really needed was just a vending machine we can push buttons on to get a fix, as if the human creating the story wasn’t a factor. That the author’s life experience and views and feelings haven’t infused the words with their own unique touches.
I’ve read hundreds of coffee shop AU’s over the years (and thousands of fics in general). I’ve seen many similar tropes reused across stories, and just like an AI would, I’ve learned things about writing them that I will always carry with me. But unlike an AI, a human author is not just the sum total of coffee shop AU’s we’ve consumed. Even if we used the same prompt, the same sets of tropes, the same characters. I will always choose the human-crafted story over the computer generated one.
Because again, I’m not just looking for a very specific fix via a series of words. I’m looking for a human connection through story.
Unlike an AI, I have BEEN to a coffee shop. I’ve had experiences in coffee shops. I’ve had funny little meet-cutes with people. I’ve accidentally spilled coffee on myself and knocked heads with someone as we both rushed to wipe it up. I know what it FEELS like. The machine doesn’t.
I’ve also read millions of things that aren’t fanfic, or coffee shop AU’s. I’ve experienced things OTHER than going to coffee shops and having meet-cutes. And I know what all those things feel like when processed through my personal human lens of experience, which is different from every other personal human lens of experience.
All the machine can do is spit out what it THINKS a human experience is, and I honestly don’t care about that at all. Fic is not a “product” to be “generated.” It’s an art form that connects us to other people who share the same love of a thing that we do.
People who, even when all writing the same characters in the same setting to the exact same prompt, will all add something or have a viewpoint about something or bring a completely different personality and life experience to the story that no one else on the planet could. That’s what I’m actually reading.
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idk-tbh-idk · 11 months
K, idk how long Noel has been dreaming of being Monique, I’m assuming since he was a kid, but didn’t give her a personality, nor a name or certain details that’d keep constant. she was just his comfort zone and someone to project into on his day dreaming, and he added up to her background as he grew up
But, think about this a little, it’s something I’ve recently noticed: both Noel’s and Monique’s last names start with a G, wouldn’t it make sense for his alt persona to have the same initials???(ik it’s not obligatory, and perhaps he didn’t like his name so he chose something far away from it)
but bututbutbut what if he started writing his name along with Mischa’s, like M+G, or started to fantasize them actually being together, or whatever and he wrote stuff like “Mischa Gruber” and panicked one time a teacher grabbed his notebook and from then he would only write initials lol
Sosososo, what if Noel came up with Monique’s name because of the constant MG, M+G writing???? I mean, he’s a poet, ofc he’d do something like that
Am i making sense?
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The carpenter in me repairing the fissures in you
Magnetic presence, I’m entwining our minds
Your stars glimmer
They explode behind your eyes and under your skin
Flaming fireflies to enlighten, encased within to liven
I snuff out your spark so peacefully… so perfectly
Such violent symmetry, such grace
Traces of you uncovered
We’re tip-toeing right up to the edge
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navybrat817 · 2 months
I dont have an emoji, you just get my randomness.
What is a fic you wish you could rewrite all over again, not to change it, but to get the feels that writing it the first time gave you?
I love this question, Amber! I'm going to cheat and give two.
General feels - Howling Commandos Tattoo AU
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I will forever love these fucking tattooed bastards and it was such a whirlwind to write for them. 🥰
Angsty feels - A Lover's Lament
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I cried while writing this. It was a different style that I tried and I loved the depth and emotions in this fic. It was also the ending I believe Chris deserved.
Same question to you. ❤️
Love and thanks! ❤️
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parts of myself
seeing you in that splattered,
crushed and bloodied rabbit.
its mother is wrapped in the dress
she wore when we knew you
were gone. she will hear the news,
fall to her knees and be left to
cry alone for her living daughter
cannot bear to comfort her.
seeing you in the hospital mirror
while the lights burn too harshly and
my reflection isn’t mine. The parts
you left inside me reconstruct
my being, though your absence
leaves an unsealable gap within.
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
i do not yearn for buddie canon season 6. i yearn for buddie roommates season 6 and the emotional chaos that would ensue thereafter
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mystique84 · 4 months
I'm begging fanfic authors to NEVER DELETE YOUR WORK!
I recently tried to find something from a fandom (Doctor Who) and it was gone!!!! I can't tell you how often this happens and the reason I don't save stuff is because I have over 1 thousands booksmarks on ao3 alone! My computer can't handle that shit!
I recently went to read some of my old work which was on fanfiction.net and yeah…it was really really bad because it was written when I was in highschool. I'm going to do an update and upload to ao3. I won't delete though because that history! Please please don't delete.
Orphan if necessary.
If your work is offensive then go back and add an update but omg. I'm just devastated about a one-shot going missing.
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insertlovelyperson · 4 months
I know we all talk a lot about missed opportunities in The Quarry. If you could make three specific changes (new paths, relationship tweaks, game mechanics, whatever, added or adjusted dialogue, whatever) to make it a better game and narrative, what would they be?
There’s soooo much other than what I said in my last post,  (I know you said top three 😩 but I hold all these equal):
1- Nick’s infection status being determinant.  Dude really drew the short stick in terms of screen time (maybe not the shortest but pretty close) because he’s taken out of the story so soon. I would really have liked to have the infection in chapter 3 alternate  between Abi and Nick depending on your choices. Like maybe when they’re talking in the woods and they hear the werewolf, you are given the option as Abi to either ‘run’ or ‘don’t move’ (with maybe a bit of dialogue before to muddy the choices “Is it a bear? Does that mean we should play dead?”), and if you ‘run,’ Abi gets infected instead of Nick. I would also just like… more of the counselors to turn in general?? The only ones that don’t are Abi, Ryan, and Kaitlyn… but I really wished we’d gotten that.
2- Have all the counselors act ‘negatively’ while they’re turning. We obviously get this with Nick (+Emma and Jacob to an extent), but I wish the game fully capitalized on the opportunity to make the other counselors a little more ‘wolfy’ when they’re turning. Particularly Dylan, Laura, and Kaitlyn. First of all: it would’ve been cool if Laura’s infection status was determinate so the game could provide some contrast to how she acts when she’s turning verses when she isn’t. Maybe when she’s not infected, she doesn’t get the opportunity to choke out Jedidiah, and she has noticeably less hostile dialogue options (compared to the ones she could potentially get while not infected). With Dylan—if infected at the radio hut—he gets ‘bitter’ and ‘aggressive’ dialogue options on his way to the scrapyard with Kaitlyn. As is already in the game: the two of them are talking about Ryan. He’s literally conversing with the other leg of the game’s love triangle (who the player may have chosen to kiss instead of him), and he’s lamenting about the fact Ryan ran off with another girl around an hour ago. I don’t know—it just feels like a missed opportunity to not have the dialogue between the two change depending on infection status (while still keeping everything in his ‘exploding’ scene in the crane the same). With Kaitlyn… it’s a little harder because she can literally only get infected in the last rung of the game. Maybe make her dialogue a little more snappish toward Dylan, and give her more reckless choices when fighting Caleb (more opportunities to initiate combat without the silver shell).
3- The final confrontation with Silas should’ve been in the lodge. They should’ve had a way to get Laura, Ryan, and possibly Travis (they should’ve also provided an opportunity to kill him in Hackett House without killing Ryan or Laura) back to the lodge. And depending on the infection status of the surviving counselors, the fight with Silas is either helped or hindered. Were Dylan and Kaitlyn infected? Cool, now you’ve got Silas plus two other werewolves to deal with—and you might not want to kill these ones. Did they lock Caleb in the fridge instead of killing him? Awesome, now a werewolf Nick (and possibly Jacob) are also trying to kill you! I think they could also provide an opportunity to make the time of infection matter. For example: I think Dylan canonically takes the longest to turn after he’s bit (it’s like… 4 hours?). If you have him infected in the crane rather than the radio hut, maybe that makes the fight a little easier because you can use him as a ‘human shield’ (that sounds awful lol). Or maybe the game provides an opportunity for Kaitlyn and Dylan to get infected by Caleb before locking him in the freezer, and now you’ve got two human shields. And of course, the rest of the uninfected counselors get an opportunity to reconvene at the lodge before the fight starts, perhaps paying homage to the final scene in Until Dawn? Perhaps?? 
Honorable mentions:
Have Max able to survive his swim to shore
Kaitlyn going with Laura to Hackett house
All of the counselors are able to turn by the end of the game
Laura and Max reunion (without killing Ryan)
Actual payoff to the Kaitlyn/Ryan/Dylan love triangle
More Abi and Emma (just… in general. They kinda become a side characters in the second half of the game—wish they had more to do while Kaitlyn and Dylan are in the scrapyard—would be cool to see a route that has the both of them taking on Caleb assuming the game then provides the ability to kill off both Kaitlyn and Dylan in the scrapyard)
Have a way to have Kaitlyn choose between taking Dylan or Emma to the scrapyard with her
Let Kaitlyn choose whether or not she takes Abi to the scrapyard if Dylan is killed by a werewolf Emma
More angst from Ryan after killing Chris. It’s kinda built up to be this big emotional thing and then he’s completely fine after.
Let Jacob tag along through the Hackett house with Ryan and Laura
Chase scene out of the scrapyard playing as Kaitlyn if Dylan turns inside the crane 
An actual ending. Fuck that podcast. Should've gone the Until Dawn route but instead of the police interviews, it's a trial. And at the end, you find out if they were found guilty or not (or if everyone's dead, then you get the podcast. As punishment.)
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hailmaryfullofmaggots · 11 months
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𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓
i know i found this quote somewhere on tumblr years ago and drew a tat design inspired by it. is anyone able to direct me to the original writer or source?
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fleetways · 9 months
people have been nothing but kind about my fanfic and I really appreciate it. but to be totally honest it gives me a lot of anxiety knowing there’s so many more eyes on it now
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WIP Meme Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The names of my Newsies WIPs:
-Kill the competition
-College Essay in False Starts
-5 lies about the leg
Tagging @just-pot-over-here @jack-kellys @a-natural-satellite-of-the-earth
And anyone else who wants to do this!
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alistisius · 14 days
Do you ever imagine your stories being in manhwa/Webtoon format? Which story would you like to see drawn out like that the most? Heh >.<
Yesssssss I most definitely do! 😭
Actually, before I settled on wanting to publish my projects in the form of a novel, I really wanted them to be webcomics… but then I realised the sheer amount of work that be… handling both the art and the writing 🤒
But, in my head, I have specific artstyles that each of these series would have had lol
To answer your question though, probably The Call of the Void? It honestly could work really really well as one
Oh and also Echoes of Lament! It would’ve been so amazing to see that story as a webcomic \(//∇//)\
[Sometimes I do just want to f*ck it and draw it all out…. But it’s just not feasible for me lol…]
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savvyminnow · 4 months
Savvy’s Writing Intro Post!
Hi! I’m Savvy (she/her). I am an autistic aroace author. My other blog is @elritze, which you may have seen lurking in writeblr before.
I’m currently writing The Glass Lament, the first book in a high fantasy series. The main characters are autistic and queer with themes of identity and self-acceptance.
More about me: I love reading and video games! I’m a big fan of Hollow Knight, Hermitcraft, The Locked Tomb… lots of things. I just finished reading Piranesi and The Spear Cuts Through Water, which both changed my brain chemistry. Right now I’m reading The Murderbot Diaries and playing Hades.
In the future, you can find more about my WIP under the tag #The Glass Lament. Here's a blurb for it:
Zara never wanted to fight. Not until the Nemesi, whose fanatic regime tried to conquer Lopenya a century ago, return without warning and burn her village. Her oath of vengeance drives her away from her people to join the Guards of Lopenya, but before she can reach the front lines, her patrol receives a mysterious new order.
Now, against her wishes, Zara finds herself escorting a Dracai'seng – one of the last of a legendary race – across the kingdom on a fateful mission. Along the way, she will face hungry spirits and winged bandits, and discover secrets about Lopenya, the Dracai’seng, the war with the Nemesi… and perhaps even herself.
Anyway, I've been around on Tumblr for a while but haven't interacted much with the writing community. Time to change that!
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lucidreamsxx · 2 years
OBEY ME! Incorrect Quotes Season 2 Ep 2
Mammon: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Lucifer: And you came to me?
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