#lancelot x elyan
Arthur: Be myself? Leon, I have one night to win over Hunith. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Lancelot: Couple weeks.
Elyan: Six months.
Gwaine: Jury’s still out.
Arthur: See, Leon? ‘Be myself’ what kind of garbage advice is that? First impressions are everything and I’m not Merlin!
Bonus! Meanwhile, riding back to Camelot from Ealdor:
Merlin: I know you’re already planning on asking him to call you mum, but give it at least an hour after dinner. Just so it’s not too rushed or anything.
Hunith: Merlin, I’ve already met him. I knew you’d be wonderful together ten years before you did. And when it took you this long to confess, I don’t think rushing is something you’ll ever have to worry about.
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merrilinie · 5 months
Thinking about he Knights making a game out of who can get Merlin to blush the most, with them only allowing a point to be given to the person if the blush reaches his ears. Quite frankly, it’s not as hard as it seems.
The winner is whoever had the most by the summer solstice and is allowed to be the one to ask Merlin to dance.
The winners are as follows:
Year 1: Gwaine
Year 2: Gwaine
Year 3: Lancelot
Year 4: Gwaine
Year 5: Elyan
Year 6: Gwaine
Year 7: Leon
Year 8: Gwaine
Year 9: Percy
Year 10: Finally, Arthur.
(Year 11: Gwen)
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ambriel-angstwitch · 10 months
Merlin: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Elyan: Several traffic violations.
Arthur: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Gwaine: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Lancelot: Also, that's not our car.
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honeylemonntea · 1 year
I love how the fandom collectively agree that the knights of the round table are basically just Merlin’s fangirls
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mekazashitpost · 1 year
Happy pride month to the gayest bitches in media
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merlin-gotcha4gaza · 6 days
Interest Check for BBC Merlin fans for participation in a Gotcha for Gaza event:
If you are not familiar with what a Gotcha for Gaza event is then please check the post below this on this blog :)
Please share this post!!!!!
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merwaineisbetter · 5 months
This is my first post(sorry had to point that out)
So I've recently joined the Merlin Fandom and have decided to ask about what's happening with the ships.
So like with every Fandom the MC is normally shipped with anybody and everybody but normally the ships have no way to actually work, but with Merlin you could ship him with practically everyone and it would work in canon because everyone has had a crush on him.
Arthur? Their infatuated with eachother
Gwaine? "Not Arthur" he's so FAITHFUL AND LOYAL AND IT HURTS
Lancelot? Obvious
Will? Childhood friends to lovers? Claiming he's the sorcerer instead of Merlin to protect him?
Mordred had a puppy crush on him (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called when you admire someone as greatly as Mordred admired Merlin) like there's no such thing as a rare pair in regards to Merlin because you could ship him with anyone above and almost everyone would be like "that works" or "okay" like obviously everyone has different tastes in ships and prefers a ship VS another ship but still (for example, I don't like morganaxmerlin or Mordredxmerlin)
Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk
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dragoncall · 9 months
You know that thing throughout history when ‘straight’ men who were away from women for long periods of time would just end up having sex with each other? Such as pirates or people in the navy etc, well that’s what I kinda imagine happened with the Knights of Camelot when they went off on their horses into the forests. I mean they were riding their horses but that wasn’t all they were riding if ya know what I mean 😏
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
just another Merlin headcanon/fic idea that i may or may not write… (AU: Post canon/nobody dies, Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic but not quite what Merlin does for Camelot in his spare time)
Merlin and Arthur have been teetering around each other since the Battle. Arthur showing a more protective and outwardly caring side to the younger man. Merlin leaving lingering touches and soft glances whenever he’s able, defending Arthur more openly and strongly to those he never would’ve dared to before.
The Knights have bets on their relationship. Leon is winning. Gwaine is in debt. Percival wants to rip his hair out, Lancelot and Eylan are secretly betting on Gwaine going bankrupt before Merlin and Arthur even admit their feelings out loud.
After a particularly close encounter with his servant, soon to be court sorcerer, Arthur finally works up the courage to ask Merlin if he feels the same as he does, to tell Merlin that marrying for an heir is what the court want, he wants to marry for love, and he loves Merlin.
He asks Merlin, by a letter that he thinks gives a clear light to his intentions, to meet him outside the castle, in a spot they sometimes sit at together when the days have been long and stressful. The spot where the moonlight shines brightly over the flowers and the grass is somehow soft year round and in the summer a small refreshing cross breeze is created by the way the trees are sprayed out scarcely before them.
But Merlin never shows and Arthur feels embarrassed, hurt, somehow more betrayed than when Merlin revealed the gold dragon within the flames of the fire but he understands that Merlin must’ve read Arthur’s intentions loud and clear and saved him the mortifying rejection of his manservant. So instead he turns to avoiding Merlin, that seeing him after the clear rejection would only send him into a spiral so he tries his best to stay away.
However he notices that, despite his effort to avoid him, he hasn’t seen the sorcerer anywhere at all, his chores untouched, a dreadful feeling that hasn’t been there until that morning fills the air. It’s obvious the others within the castle feel it too.
Arthur turns to the knights, questioning if they have seen Merlin, if he is okay and well, but they have not seen him and that only causes Arthur to panic more.
He sends the guards to search the castle, the stables, Gwens house, even the small opening by the lake where Merlin traipses off to when he’s feeling rough, when he’s hiding. But he’s never gone this long.
He orders them to tear Camelot apart if they have too.
But he’s found in none of those places.
Instead Merlin and Gwaine find him, bloody, broken and shivering beneath the castle where he hasn’t been able to move himself for the past two days even calling for help had been pointless so far below the occupied layers of the castle.
Merlin is rushed to Gauis as he his eyes flutter and Arthur can do nothing but sit and panic as Merlin’s wounds are tended too.
Once he is awake and competent Arthur sits beside his cot and, though it feels wrong too, he questions him deeply, his voice tremors and his fingers shake but he does it anyway.
And Merlin tells him everything, how he received the letter and his heart almost gave up on itself at the thought of alone time with the King, how he’d been sneaking around near the stores, trying to find a bottle of wine or two just before their meeting so they could truly relax after a stressful council meeting and had caught the assassin that had been snooping low in the castle. A poisoned dagger strapped to his belt.
He had been strong and relentless and had nearly left Merlin with less than his life but Merlin had fought for Arthur and he had won, even if he ended the scrap with blood coating his body and an ache in his ribs that made him hiss and cough with each movement.
That even before Arthur knew about his magic this had been a large part of his daily life, to keep Arthur safe and to never let him know just how much it hurt him, how much it broke him. He jokes that he doesn’t even know where the tavern is.
But Arthur echos that now he doesn’t need to hide, he can ask for help, and he will receive it.
Then Arthur realises that Merlin truly had no idea what he was going to ask him and he knows that if he doesn’t do it now he won’t ever be able too again.
So he asks.
And Merlin replies.
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 3 months
Okay just.. hearmeowt.
I have this insane idea for a Merlin fanfiction and I need y'all to tell me if you'd read it!
So basically it's a Modern merthur au + modern royalty. Imagine this.
Gwaine and Merlin are detectives of the FBI. One day they get a tip from their friends in the royal palace, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon, that the huge drug lord, that has been on the streets for weeks which Merlin and Gwaine have been busting their asses to find the identity of, is Uther Pendragon. Camalot's own king.
Now that they have a suspect they only need to find a way to prove it. They decided to go undercover. It won't be too hard for them to make up a backstory since Gwaine is technically nobility, but they do need some kind of entrance.
That's why they have Guinevere Blacksmith. Gwen worked with them in the force a couple of years beforehand, but she had to quit because someone was threatening her father so she had to go off the grid for a while, Gwen settled in Camalot with her younger brother Elyan, her dad and her best and oldest friend Leon. She became a servant and has been trying to keep a low profile ever since until she could make sure her family was safe.
Gwen introduced them to Sir Lancelot, Gwen's fiance who spent some time with the druids growing up and knows about;
1. Gwen's time in the FBI, 2. Merlin's magic. she said Merlin could go undercover as Lancelot's partner and get into the banquet Uther is throwing as his plus one.
The only problem? He has to be a woman for that.
They can't take anyone else, they decided, since Merlin and Gwaine know this case better than anyone else, and they don't want to risk Gwen in any way.
So Merlin turns himself into Mary - Sir Lancelot's 'girlfriend', the daughter of Sir Lot and Lady Morgan of Caerleon and Gwaine's 'sister'.
But what happens when Lancalot gets injured three nights before the banquet? They can't send Merlin alone without an explanation! It's too dangerous. And Gwaine is refusing to be around some 'stuck up noblemen'.
So Gwen offers her other best friend instead, since she can't offer Leon who has to stay behind and take care of Lancelot, another knight of camalot. Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Of course.
So.. let me know what you think! Btw it's my original idea and I hadn't seen anything like this before so PLEASE do not steal! If this sort of thing has been made before I am so sorry and please inform me!
Love y'all~ L
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ebonyfirewolf · 7 days
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Home was never Avalaon. It was Merlin. - Chapter 3 - TheDarkSeaofSecrets - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Merlin had never been alone. Not quite. Not with Leon by his side but then....Leon leaves him too and he's all alone in the world until some blond-haired blue-eyed ass gets up him about smoking. Turns out Arthur's still a stubborn prat also turns out. He doesn't know who Merlin is or that He's THE King Arthur, maybe Merlin can do things differently this time. The one thing Arthur does know is that Merlin is broken in more ways than one, and he wants to try and fix him.
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The story of how Mordred called Merlin mom and then proceeded to call Arthur dad and now he's adopted into the family
Author: Me aka @dalazygamerneko
Inspired by @tongjaitongjai merthur idea, check out it out here: 🐓x🐦=🐣
It was ordinary day. Birds were singing, training went well and the maids were busy but happily chatting.
Nothing could go wrong Mordred thought as he made his way to the afternoon roundtable meeting when he came across Merlin or Emrys as he is known amongst druids, quickly he hid into an alcove and gazed in envy at Lord Emrys, no, Merlin smiling and holding a little boy in his arms.
It's moments like these that he wished he knew his mother longer but he could barely remember her. He watched quietly at the soft look in Merlin's eyes and utter joy upon the little boy's face as they hugged each other, Mordred wondered if his mother would've looked at him the same way Merlin did.
He sighed, leaning back against the stone walls Mordred couldn't help but want to revert back into being a child again just so Merlin wouldn't gaze coldly at him, albeit he probably deserved it for the words of hatred he said in his youth. He knew now Merlin never meant to lead those knights towards his camp. That the warlock was only trying to help Morgana.
"What can I do to earn your trust?"
Mordred shook his head, he'd think of something maybe ask one of the knights for help? He's noticed that Sir Lancelot and Sir Gwaine are closer to Merlin than the other knights.
'They're also the most protective of him' Mordred thought dryly, a crease upon his brow as multiple ideas popped into his mind and many he shot down knowing it won't work.
"Well, I'll just have to hope the triple Goddess guides me." Mordred mumbled, he looked out into the hallway, Merlin was gone, most likely doing chores for the King.
Mordred chuckled as he continued walking, he would never understand the relationship Emrys and the once and future King had with each other. There were times they seem like close comrades begrudging in their respect for one another and then other times they would argue fondly like any old married couple.
Not surprising when plenty of townsfolk as well as even the nobles have speculated in the past if Merlin was being courted by Prince Arthur, to any outsider it certainly looked that way therefore Merlin was given the "mistress" treatment.
Now everyone are wondering(more like waiting impatiently) when will the King announce his engagement to Merlin.
"If I remember correctly, doesn't Sir Gwaine have a bet going on?"
Mordred pondered. 'Yeah, I'll definitely join in. There's no way they're NOT together. I mean, I've seen the lingering stares they give each other as if there is no one around them.'
Soon he was at the doors leading to the roundtable meeting, nodding at the vigilant guards they let him through. His eyes slowly moved over the knights, nobles and some commoners before landing on Merlin who was standing behind the King's chair.
An unassuming figure, most often underestimated but to those who know magic deeply or follow the old religion, Emrys entire being is a vast ocean of wild magic swirling in such a magnitude that no mere mortal could ever understand or harness the power Emrys wields.
Then he locked eyes with Merlin, there is no icy stare thankfully, yet he can still see a hint of wariness in his Lord's gaze.
He bowed his head in acknowledgement before finding a seat next to the gossiping pair Sir Percival and Sir Gwaine.
"I could be at a tavern right now, drinking and charming the barmaid Stella instead I'm stuck here." Gwaine said with a miffed face, his hand gripping the air imagining he was holding a mug of ale.
Elyan who sat across from Gwaine raised an eyebrow, "Isn't Stella old enough to be your grandmother?"
Gwaine smirked whilst shrugging. "Just like wine the older one gets the finer they become, besides she has experience, I'm sure there's a thing or two she could still teach mmph—"
Leon had reached over to clamp Gwaine's mouth shut.
The ginger haired knight had just about enough of hearing Gwaine's tavern tales of debauchery to which he thought was an inappropriate topic to be discussed or heard at the roundtable meeting.
"Sir Gwaine, leave your nightly talks at the tavern only, please."
Gwaine pulled Leon's hand away and smiled cheekily at the older knight.
"Oh, but wouldn't you like to know? Stella has mentioned she likes ginger haired men with beards and I bet she could show you—"
"I am going to strangle you—"
Gwaine leaned back avoiding Leon's hands from trying to keep him quiet again.
"Sir Leon I never knew you were this kinky, I think dear old Stella would like to feel your big strong hands—ack!"
Leon finally got him, unfortunately the meeting was starting, so Gwaine was safe from being throttled by him. However, tomorrow morning during training he'll get his chance.
Mordred along with the rest of the knights chuckled at Sir Gwaine's antics and Sir Leon's annoyed expression.
♤To be continued♤
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daisymintt · 9 months
Merlin: Oi! Arthur! Get your hairy butt into your room now!
Gwaine, Leon, Elyan, Percival, and Lancelot: Ooooh!
Arthur: Every. Single. One of you know my butt isn’t hairy yet none of you spoke up. And I will never forgive you.
Leon: He’s right. We’re cowards.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: How are we feeling about this moodboard? Merlin BBC doesn’t have a lot of edits/icons/gifs so I’m trying to be creative ... please give your honest thought✌🏼
𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒓
⭑ Gifts, gifts, and more gifts. 
⭑ He loves giving you jewelry; and he doesn’t need a reason. He is the King, so he can do whatever he pleases. So, you have jewelry boxes full of jewels, silver, gold, etc. 
⭑ He wants to impress you; for you to think that he’s an important man who has no limits. 
⭑ He gets Merlin to do the heavy work though
    “Merlin! Merlin where are you? I need you to shine this-”
“I’ve spent hours shining that damn necklace!” 
      “It’s not glittering right. Why isn’t it glittering right?!” 
⭑ He loves horseback riding. Arthur LOVES showing off, and looking like he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
⭑ All his efforts of looking suave fail. So much so that you can’t stop laughing. So, laughter is a big part of your courtship. Arthur loves your laugh, your smile. The way your eyes light up. 
⭑ He’s very thoughtful and likes to woo you with things that are meaningful. 
⭑ Merlin will find out your favourite things and surprise you with them. 
⭑ He asked you on a date one afternoon after he had been pumped up by Gwaine. 
  “You can do this Merlin,” Gwaine said while grabbing the sorcerer’s shoulders. 
“Yeah, yeah of course I can ... I can do this! No, wait, Gwaine. I can’t-” 
⭑ He did though, only because you had overheard the conversation and couldn’t wait for him. So, you walked up behind him, tapped his shoulder, and said ‘‘yes, where are going to go?”
⭑ Merlin will use magic, he definitely will. Making the fireflies glow brighter, the fire burn warmer. 
⭑ He loves resting his forehead against yours. Being still with one another, noses touching, hands holding the others’. 
𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑮𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆
⭑ He would flirt with you without shame. Trying to charm you with his best efforts. You would flirt back, not taking anything from it - it was harmless. It didn’t mean anything. 
⭑ Until Gwaine couldn’t get you out of his head. And you lived there absolutely rent-free. 
⭑ He yearns to be around you. The way your mind works ... he doesn’t know many people like that. 
⭑ Gwaine would spend a lot of time with you. Wanting to get to know everything about you. He’d ask questions, probe, poke, wanting to see every side of you. 
⭑ He’s very excitable and likes to thrill seek with you. 
⭑ Gwaine loves to play fight with you, but also train you to be able to defend yourself. He’s fun-loving and always makes sure you’re having a good time. 
𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒕
⭑ He courts you with grace and the utmost respect. He always makes sure you’re comfortable and well. 
⭑ Very protective but in a subtle way - he doesn’t arc up when another guy is looking at you, but is able to diffuse any situation. 
⭑ Lots and lots and lots of flowers. New ones everyday. And they aren’t even bouquets; they could be from a garden or in the forest. At one point you felt bad that he was picking them from nature, so he bought seeds and asked for a place to plant them. He then tended to the seeds for weeks, and eventually they started to grow. 
⭑ He said “now you can have flowers everyday, for as long as they grow, I will be here.”
⭑ Light touches; moving the hair from your face and gently removing an eyelash from your face. 
⭑ He often leaves you needy and wanting more; but he isn’t meaning to tease you. He’s just that soft. 
𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏
⭑ He courts you through food and good conversation. Either making the food himself, taking you to the markets, or asking the royal cooks to make something special for you. 
⭑ Leon loves making you feel content - 
 “Are you warm enough, my love?” 
 “Do you want another slice?”
 “How are you feeling?”
⭑ He may not seek out exciting adventures, but that’s what you like about Leon. He’s grounding and that’s how he caught your heart. You need someone secure, someone safe.
⭑ The first few months into your courtship, he never let the two of you be alone together. He wanted to be traditional. But that didn’t really work because he was so in love with you. Therefore, he would take the food to your door so he could focus on eating, rather than ... you
⭑ He loves being in your company - and courts you by spending quality time with you. Where Gwaine asks questions and listens with focus, your time with Leon would be just ... existing in each other’s presence. Not pushing anything; just letting whatever comes up - comes up. 
𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍
⭑ His intent in courting you is to make you feel wanted. He knows what it’s like to be left out, so Percival makes sure you’re included and desired. 
⭑ When he first saw you in the tavern, he didn’t think much of you - it wasn’t until you cut a man off and had to practically throw him out that he was enamored with you. 
⭑ Percival loves PDA, he doesn’t have a problem with it at all. He wants to hold your hand, kiss your neck, and have you in his lap. 
⭑ He’s actually a good singer and will hum things when you’re together without knowing it. 
⭑ Likes to dance with you - whether that’s inside, around people, or outside, underneath the moon
⭑ He isn’t overly romantic, because he’s somewhat clueless in these matters. But he does his best to show his feelings through action. 
𝑺𝒊𝒓 𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒂𝒏
⭑ He likes making you feel safe. Throughout your courtship, he always went the extra mile. Walking you to your front door (literally, he’ll wait until you’ve gone in. But he never goes inside until you invite him.)
⭑ Elyan wants to show you new things; share new experiences with you. Going on adventures and creating memories. 
⭑ He’ll call in after his watch and make sure you’re okay. 
⭑ If you need any errands done but don’t want to do them - he’s your man 
⭑ Wants you to know that if you have any problems, he’ll fix them. No matter what they are. There’s a leak? He’ll patch it up, you’re fighting with your sister? He’ll sit and let you vent. 
⭑ Elyan would make you feel less alone in this huge world. He knows how it feel to be alone, and never wants that for you. 
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mekazashitpost · 11 months
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He's literally the hottest person to exist like how do people not find him attractive?!
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Quick Merlin Things Pt. 10
Here’s how I think a party with the gang would go
Morgana: Hey Gwen, Merlin, and I are going to start Karaoke do you guys wanna j—
Arthur: hell no we’re *clears throat* manly men
Morgana: ok suit yourselves
~Morgana and Gwen and Merlin leave~
Leon: So like, what should we do, as, uh, manly men
Elyan: we could…drink beer?
Lancelot: or we could…chop some wood?
Arthur: what if we…went hunting?
*uncomfortable silence*
Gwaine: hey
Gwaine: here’s a thought
Gwaine: what if we go and show off our musical prowess on a stage and sing manly songs
Arthur: but that’s just karaoke
Gwaine: some call it that
all the knights: works for me
Lancelot: hey what are some manly songs
Gwaine: thought we’d start with paper rings and work through Taylor’s discography to all too well tmv
Lancelot: okay cool
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