#latest jobs uganda
queer-africa · 2 years
Hello world, reaching to everyone is one of the members of the queer refugees community from Kenya Kakuma refugee camp. Life has never been good since we came to the camp years ago in 2019 and 2020. Although life is hard, lgbtiqa refugees have continuously joined us in the camp in the latest years leading to a bigger number of lgbt refugees in Kenya.
The camp has over 200,000 total number of refugees with just about 1300 lgbtiqa+ refugees. Its just a smaller ratio of lgbtiqa regugees facing persevution from the bigger number of other refugees.
Most of us have fled from Uganda where things turned out to be hard on queer people including death and imprisonment of lgbtiqa people. I call upon everyone tk help and support the the fellow queer people surbive through this trauma. You can’t imagine we have lost friends through death due to homophobia. One of us who was killed badly by setting fire on them did noy live for a month later. When we rushed them to hospital, doctors knew was trans and so devided to delay him and later died. We please need everyone to help. Even contacting UNHCR can help.
Look we have a youtube channel for more information and links like petitions and fundraiser are attached to our youtube channel
Our fundraiser below
It takes a good and kind heart to help, you will always stick on our hearts yiu people that make us feel we sre loved and cared about. Sustaining ourselves has failed us. We would prefer having jobs however no one can give a job to a demon like how the call us to be.
Hospital treatment in the government and UNHCR hospitals is hard because of homophobia and delays on LGBT people. For the love and support of one another, we love you
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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On 18th September 1972, BBC News reported that the first 193 Ugandan refugees, fleeing persecution by the country’s military dictatorship, had arrived at Stansted Airport, Essex. Over half of the arrivals had British passports, and housing and immediate needs would be overseen by the Ugandan Resettlement Board.
Uganda’s Asian community, numbering around 55 000, many of whom ran family businesses and small enterprise, were ordered in August 1972 to leave the country within 90 days by President Idi Amin. Amin had publicly denounced Ugandan Asians as ‘bloodsuckers’, threatening that any who had not left by the arbitrary deadline of November 8th would be interned in military detention camps.
Many of the initial flight of refugees had endured frightening experiences prior to their departure from Uganda, at the hands of Amin’s troops. "On the way to the airport the coach was stopped by troops seven times, and we were all held at gun point," one refugee told reporters. Another stated that he had been robbed of personal valuables and Ugandan currency on the way to Entebbe airport.
News reports at the time cited some opposition within the UK over the acceptance of the Ugandan Asians. The Leicester local authority mounted a newspaper campaign urging refugees not to come to their region seeking jobs and housing. The BBC asserted that, in hindsight, the resettlement programme was seen as ‘a success story for British Immigration’.
The loss of the hardworking and successful Ugandan Asian community devastated Uganda’s agriculture, manufacturing and commerce. Idi Amin was deposed in 1979 and died in Jeddah in 2003, having been responsible for the deaths of as many as 300 000 Ugandan civilians during his reign of terror as President. In 1991, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni invited the expelled community to return home to help rebuild the economy.
The Wilson Labour government also had to grapple with a refugee crisis from a former African colony.
In February 1968, BBC news reported;
"…Another 96 Indians and Pakistanis from Kenya have arrived in Britain, the latest in a growing exodus of Kenyan Asians fleeing from laws which prevent them making a living…"
Many Asian people living in Kenya had not taken up Kenyan citizenship following the country’s independence from Britain in 1963, but possessed British passports. Under Kenya’s Africanisation policy, non-citizens required work permits, and were being removed from employment in favour of Kenyan nationals. There was growing public demand for laws to prevent non-citizens from owning businesses or even operating as street and market traders. As a result, British passport holders were leaving Kenya at the rate of 1000 per month, leaving a huge deficit in skills and experience within the business community and civil service.
Fearing a backlash over the large numbers of Asian immigrants, Home Secretary, and future Prime Minister, James Callaghan, rushed through the Commonwealth Immigration Act, which made it a requirement that prospective immigrants must have a 'close connection' with Britain.
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This led to disagreement in Cabinet, with Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs, George Thomson (1921-2008) arguing;
"…To pass such legislation would be wrong in principle, clearly discrimination on the grounds of colour, and contrary to everything we stand for…"
In 1971, the Heath government made further legislative changes that would mean that (some) immigrants from Commonwealth countries would be treated no more favourably than those from the rest of the world, and that tightened restrictions on those who stayed by linking work permits to a specific job and location, requiring registration with police, and reapplication to stay in Britain each 12 months.
The Patrial Right of Abode lifted all restrictions on those immigrants with a direct ancestral connection with Britain.
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Home Secretary Reginald Maudling (later famous for being smacked in the face by Irish MP Bernadette Devlin, and for having to resign over a corruption scandal linked with disgraced property developer John Poulson) denied that this was, in effect, a 'colour bar', telling the BBC;
"…Of course they are more likely to be white because we have on the whole more whites than coloureds in this country, but there is no colour bar involved…"
Unsurprisingly, not everyone was convinced.
Vishna Sharma, Executive Secretary of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, described the bill to BBC News as, "basically racially discriminatory, repressive and divisive," and added, "It will create divisions amongst the Commonwealth citizens already living in this country on patrial and non-patrial basis. It will create day-to-day bureaucracy and interference on people living in this country. It will create more hardship for people wanting to enter into this country."
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(Source; BBC reporting and history.com. Photo Credits; BBC News)
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law-254 · 2 years
Hello world, reaching to everyone is one of the members of the queer refugees community from Kenya Kakuma refugee camp. Life has never been good since we came to the camp years ago in 2019 and 2020. Although life is hard, lgbtiqa refugees have continuously joined us in the camp in the latest years leading to a bigger number of lgbt refugees in Kenya.
The camp has over 200,000 total number of refugees with just about 1300 lgbtiqa+ refugees. Its just a smaller ratio of lgbtiqa regugees facing persevution from the bigger number of other refugees.
Most of us have fled from Uganda where things turned out to be hard on queer people including death and imprisonment of lgbtiqa people. I call upon everyone tk help and support the the fellow queer people surbive through this trauma. You can’t imagine we have lost friends through death due to homophobia. One of us who was killed badly by setting fire on them did noy live for a month later. When we rushed them to hospital, doctors knew was trans and so devided to delay him and later died. We please need everyone to help. Even contacting UNHCR can help.
Look we have a youtube channel for more information and links like petitions and fundraiser are attached to our youtube channel
Our fundraising campaign, help and donate if you can, if you can't please share
It takes a good and kind heart to help, you will always stick on our hearts yiu people that make us feel we sre loved and cared about. Sustaining ourselves has failed us. We would prefer having jobs however no one can give a job to a demon like how the call us to be.
Hospital treatment in the government and UNHCR hospitals is hard because of homophobia and delays on LGBT people. For the love and support of one another, we love you
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warningsine · 1 month
The ambiguous and often tumultuous relations between Uganda and neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have made headlines in recent months. In a July 2024 report, the UN Group of Experts on the DRC stated that Ugandan army and intelligence officials were providing active support to the M23 rebel group.
The group, which is active in eastern DRC, was first defeated in 2013. But it has resumed hostilities in the vast area since 2021.
The UN report also found that Uganda was tolerating the group’s activities on its territory, with supplies and recruits coming through the country. M23’s key demands are an end to violence and discrimination against Congolese Tutsi, and a safe return to the DRC for its members.
Uganda has denied the claims of the UN report, calling them “laughable, baseless and illogical”. It wants to safeguard its relations with Kinshasa.
I have studied conflict and rebel movements in the DRC and Uganda for close to two decades. In my view, Uganda’s main interests in the DRC are economic, but these are closely connected with political and security interests. Understanding them is key to the conflict in the region.
1. Economic incentives
Central to understanding Uganda’s interests in eastern DRC is the second Congolese war (1998-2003).
The war broke out in 1998, after Rwanda helped bring Laurent-Desiré Kabila to power in the DRC in 1997. Uganda was one of the countries drawn in to the conflict. Rwanda’s and Uganda’s interest in natural resources, such as gold and timber, as well as the illicit regional trade in these goods, played an important role.
In 2022, the International Court of Justice ordered Uganda to pay the DRC US$325 million for looting gold, diamonds and timber during the war.
That has influenced the way Uganda is perceived by Congolese and international observers. These commodities remain important for Uganda.
A recent investigation, for example, documented the ongoing smuggling of Congolese timber to Uganda and other parts of east Africa. But it is gold which is particularly important. Uganda exports far more gold than it produces: in 2021, for example, it produced 2.9 tonnes and exported 30.2 tonnes.
It is widely accepted that most gold exported as Ugandan is smuggled from the DRC.
Since 2016, gold has been Uganda’s most important export product. The latest available data for the financial year of 2023 shows gold brings in US$2.7 billion in revenue, or 37% of Uganda’s export earnings.
The DRC is also important in another way for Uganda: as an export market. In June 2024, Uganda exported US$60 million more than it imported, with the DRC as its largest market.
2. Political interests
All of this has important political meaning for Uganda at national and regional levels.
First, the economic importance of the Congolese market has strong political significance for the Yoweri Museveni regime. The president has been in power for close to 40 years, and his basis of legitimacy is waning – particularly for the “Museveni babies”, the large proportion of the population born under his rule. They want public services and jobs.
The regime fears the prospect of youth protests. A taster of this was given in 2011 during “walk to work” protests. The recent Kenyan protests are a reminder of what can happen when economic stability is lacking.
The Congolese market is seen as key. It explains why Uganda is co-financing the construction of 223 kilometres of roads in eastern Congo. The project was launched in June 2021, and has been defended by Museveni as holding major economic benefits for Uganda.
Second, access to the Congolese market underlies regional geopolitical tensions.
Rwanda has comparable economic interests in eastern DRC, particularly when it comes to gold. Similar to Uganda, Rwanda has little domestic gold production, but is a major exporter of the commodity: since 2016, gold has been its most important export product. Gold export earnings have risen to US$882 million in 2023 and it’s widely accepted that most is smuggled from the DRC.
Both Rwanda and Uganda have in recent years signed mining contracts in the DRC. These common interests are a source of regional geopolitical tensions. Studies have found that the re-emergence of M23 in November 2021 was a direct result of these tensions.
The expansion of Ugandan interests in eastern DRC – through the road works and the redeployment of Ugandan troops there in November 2021 – was seen as a direct threat to Rwandan interests in the area.
The more M23 expanded its zone of influence in eastern DRC throughout 2022 and 2023 – directly supported by Kigali – the more Kampala saw M23 as a threat to its interests. Or, to be more precise, an M23 which was solely under the influence of Rwanda.
Uganda has had fluctuating relations with Rwanda. The Museveni government was initially close with Rwandan president Paul Kagame and the Rwandan Patriotic Front. But they have had ups and downs.
Regional influence has been a major point of contention. In this context, Museveni cannot allow Kagame to have sole control over eastern DRC. And Kampala also wants to protect its economic interests in the area.
3. Security
Security is closely intertwined with economic interests.
A clear example of this is Operation Shujaa – Uganda’s military operation in eastern DRC.
The operation, in collaboration with the Congolese army, was launched a month after a series of suicide attacks in October 2021 in Kampala by the Allied Democratic Forces rebel group. The group is active in the North Kivu and Ituri provinces of eastern DRC.
The Ugandan army wants to weaken the rebel group. At the same time, this military operation also serves economic functions: the road works in eastern DRC are explicitly part of the military operation.
The operation also intends to protect its oil infrastructure. Uganda has important oil deposits in its western region, which borders the DRC. This promised oil revenue is important for the Museveni regime.
The balancing act
In sum, Uganda has a multitude of related interests in eastern DRC. During periods of upheaval, such as the current M23 crisis, Uganda tries to protect these interests. This is a difficult balancing act.
M23’s presence in the region forces Kampala into action to protect its interests. Leaving eastern DRC or M23 only under the influence of Rwanda is seen as a threat to these interests. But Kampala doesn’t want to upset Kinshasa – it wants to keep its access to the Congolese market.
The recent findings of the UN Group of Experts report therefore suggest some kind of compromise. The report indicates largely passive support for M23, suggesting that Uganda is achieving some leverage over M23 while retaining relations with the DRC.
The crisis in eastern DRC cannot be understood in isolation. Neigbouring countries are involved in a variety of ways. Understanding, or solving, the conflict needs to involve these countries.
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adalidda · 2 months
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Illustration Photo: Women Farmer in Maize Field (Credit: sicrump / CC BY 2.0 DEED Attribution 2.0 Generic)
Harvesting Success: A Strategic Guide to Funding for Young Agripreneurs, Agribusinesses and Agri Exporters
July 12, 2024
In the dynamic world of agribusiness, securing funding for new projects or scaling operations is a critical step towards success. This guide is designed to assist emerging agripreneurs, flourishing agribusinesses and agricultural exporters in understanding and navigating the complex funding landscape. It provides practical steps for applying for project proposals and scaling operations, supplemented with a case study to illustrate these processes in action.
1. Empowering Emerging Agripreneurs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Project Funding
As an emerging agripreneur eager to make your mark, applying for project proposals published by local and international organizations can be a gateway to success. This detailed guide aims to simplify this process for you:
Identify Relevant Calls: Stay updated with the latest funding opportunities by regularly checking websites of organizations that fund agricultural projects. Consider subscribing to their newsletters or following them on social media for real-time updates. For instance, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is known for regularly publishing calls for proposals on their platforms.
Understand the Requirements: Each call for proposals comes with its unique set of requirements, including the project's scope, target group, expected outcomes, and budget. It's crucial to comprehend these requirements thoroughly before initiating your application.
Prepare Your Proposal: A well-crafted proposal is your ticket to securing funding. It should lucidly outline your project's objectives, methodology, timeline, and budget, and demonstrate alignment with the funding organization's goals.
Review and Edit: Ensure your proposal is clear, concise, and error-free. Consider having it reviewed by a third party for an unbiased perspective.
Submit Your Proposal: Adhere to the submission guidelines provided in the call for proposals. This could involve submitting your proposal via email or an online portal.
Follow Up: Post-submission, confirm receipt of your proposal with the organization. If shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information.
Potential sources for funding opportunities
D-Prize Challenges: They award startup grants of up to $20,000 to entrepreneurs launching new organizations. (Deadline: Ongoing). Web site https://d-prize.org
LinkedIn Group 'Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agrifood, AgriTech and FoodTech': You can read funding opportunities or call for proposals posted in this group. (Ongoing) Web site https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6789045
Appel à projets Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest – Pafao 2024: (Deadline: June 30, 2024) Web site https://www.fondationdefrance.org/fr/appels-a-projets/promotion-de-l-agriculture-familiale-en-afrique-de-l-ouest-aller-vers-la-consommation-massive-de-produits-locaux
USADF invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, processors, and enterprises for grant financing.  Grants will support solutions that extend your organizations’ own capabilities to increase your revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
USADF is accepting applications in the following countries: Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.  Web site https://www.usadf.gov/usadf-rfa
Together Women Rise (formerly Dining for Women) makes grants to non-profit organizations that support women and girls living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Thematic areas include access to clean water and sanitation, food security, and education, among other themes. Together Women Rise accepts applications in the range of US$35 thousand to $50 thousand. Application deadline 17 June 2024 Web site https://togetherwomenrise.org/featured-grant-guidelines/
GoGettaz invites young agri-food entrepreneurs (18-35 years) with technologies or innovations for the agriculture and food industry to participate in the Agripreneur Prize 2024. Two entrepreneurs (one woman, and one man) will be awarded US$50 thousand each. Submitted projects are expected to transform the agri-food business in Africa. Eligibility extends to African founders or co-founders of agriculture and food businesses. The application deadline is 10 June 2024. Web site https://vc4a.com/gogettaz/2024
The Roots Micro-Grants Program supports youth-led projects to empower voices from the Global South to advocate for climate justice. The program provides grants of up to US$10 thousand to initiatives that prioritize climate justice and social equity. The program will provide grants for between 10-15 grassroots youth-led initiatives, with a focus on groups in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The group/organization does not need to be legally registered in order to be eligible to apply. The application deadline is 01 August 2024. Web site https://linktr.ee/RootsMicrogrants
The Young African Climate Changemakers Challenge calls on young people aged 16-25 across South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana to unleash their innovation in tackling climate change through ideas and existing initiatives. Applicants will receive access to information and learning sessions, networking opportunities, and access to online resources on social entrepreneurship. Ashoka awards US$1000 to 10 selected winners. Applications have to be submitted before 30 July 2024. Web site https://www.changemakers.com/en/challenge/young-african-climate-changemaker
Social Shifters announces the Global Innovation Challenge to help young leaders and founders solve the social or environmental issues that matter to them. The challenge seeks creative ideas, projects, and business solutions to the problems that matter to local communities and welcomes ideas from anywhere in the world. Participants compete for awards of up to US$10 thousand to deliver activities that improve lives, help communities, and protect the planet. All ideas must be led by young people aged between 18-30 years old. The application deadline is 31 July 2024.  Web site https://www.socialshifters.co
2. Securing Funding for Flourishing Agribusinesses: A Practical Guide
Scaling a flourishing agribusiness requires more than just dedication and hard work; it demands a robust financial strategy to support growth and expansion. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of securing funding for agribusiness ventures, supplemented by a compelling real-life case study that illustrates the journey of a thriving agricultural enterprise.
2.1. Understanding Business Needs: Before diving into the complex world of funding, it's imperative to conduct a thorough assessment of your agribusiness's requirements. This involves evaluating current resources, pinpointing areas for improvement, and forecasting future needs based on growth projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms, a family-owned organic vegetable farm, recognized the need to invest in advanced irrigation systems to boost productivity and meet increasing demand from local markets. By conducting a detailed analysis of their water usage and crop yield, they identified the specific requirements for upgrading their irrigation infrastructure.
2.2. Developing a Solid Business Plan: Crafting a comprehensive business plan is essential for articulating your agribusiness's vision, goals, and strategies to potential investors or lenders. This document serves as the roadmap for your venture, outlining market analysis, competitive positioning, operational plans, and financial projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms meticulously documented their expansion plans in a detailed business plan, highlighting the potential return on investment from implementing advanced irrigation technology. By showcasing their sustainable farming practices and market demand for organic produce, they effectively communicated the viability of their growth strategy to financiers.
2.3. Identifying Potential Funding Sources: Agribusinesses have access to a diverse range of funding options tailored to their unique needs. From traditional bank loans and government grants to venture capital investments and crowdfunding platforms, exploring multiple avenues is key to finding the right financial support.
Case Study: ABC Farms explored various funding sources, including agricultural loans from local banks, government grants for sustainable farming initiatives, and partnerships with private investors interested in supporting environmentally conscious businesses. By casting a wide net and evaluating each option's terms and requirements, they identified the most suitable funding sources for their expansion project.
2.4. Preparing and Submitting the Application: Once you've identified potential funding sources, the next step is to meticulously prepare and submit your applications. Each funding source may have specific requirements, such as financial statements, project proposals, or business plans, which must be tailored to meet their criteria.
Case Study: ABC Farms worked closely with financial advisors and grant specialists to prepare comprehensive funding applications for their irrigation upgrade project. They ensured that all documentation was accurate, thorough, and aligned with the requirements of each funding source, increasing their chances of securing financing.
2.5. Follow-up and Negotiation: After submitting your applications, proactive follow-up is crucial to track the progress of your proposals and address any questions or concerns from potential funders. This may involve providing additional information, participating in interviews or presentations, and negotiating terms to secure the best possible funding package.
Case Study: ABC Farms maintained regular communication with the financial institutions and government agencies reviewing their funding applications. They promptly responded to requests for clarification and provided updates on project milestones, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and accountability. Through strategic negotiation, they successfully secured favorable financing terms that supported their expansion plans while minimizing financial risk.
By following these steps and learning from the experiences of successful agribusinesses like ABC Farms, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the complex landscape of securing funding with confidence and achieve sustainable growth and success in the agricultural industry.
3. Unlocking Funding Opportunities for Agricultural Exporters
Are you an agricultural exporter seeking financial support to expand your operations and reach new markets? Look no further. Understanding the dynamics of Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC) MT 760, Promissory Notes (PN), and Bank Guarantees can be your gateway to securing the necessary funds to propel your export business forward.
Here’s how it works:
3.1. SBLC MT 760: This financial instrument serves as a guarantee of payment to the exporter upon meeting specified conditions. Essentially, the buyer’s bank promises to pay the exporter a predetermined amount if the buyer fails to fulfill their payment obligations. This assurance provides exporters with a level of security, encouraging them to engage in trade with confidence.
3.2. Promissory Note (PN): Similar to an IOU, a Promissory Note is a written promise by the buyer to pay a specified sum to the exporter at a future date. This serves as a formal commitment, providing reassurance to the exporter regarding the buyer’s intention to fulfill their payment obligations.
3.3. Bank Guarantee: A Bank Guarantee is a commitment issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer, ensuring that the exporter will receive payment even if the buyer defaults. This guarantee acts as a security mechanism for both parties involved in the transaction. When utilizing a Bank Guarantee, the exporter gains confidence in receiving payment, thus encouraging participation in trade activities with lesser apprehensions about financial risks.
Now, let’s delve into the funding opportunities these instruments unlock:
Credit Extension: Upon confirmation of the SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantee by the exporter’s bank, financial institutions may offer credit facilities ranging from 20% to 30% of the total amount specified in the instruments. This credit extension can provide exporters with immediate access to working capital, enabling them to cover production costs, invest in infrastructure, or explore new market opportunities.
Risk Mitigation: By leveraging SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters mitigate the risk of non-payment or default by the buyer. This risk mitigation mechanism not only safeguards the financial interests of exporters but also fosters trust and credibility in international trade transactions.
Facilitated Trade: With the assurance of payment provided by SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters can negotiate favorable terms with buyers, including competitive pricing and flexible payment arrangements. This facilitates smoother trade transactions and strengthens long-term business relationships.
Market Expansion: Access to funding through SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees empowers agricultural exporters to explore new markets and expand their global footprint. Whether tapping into emerging economies or penetrating established markets, exporters can seize growth opportunities with confidence backed by financial security.
In conclusion, understanding and harnessing the potential of SBLC MT 760, Promissory Notes, and Bank Guarantees can significantly enhance the financial resilience and competitiveness of agricultural exporters. By leveraging these instruments effectively, exporters can access funding, mitigate risks, and unlock new avenues for growth in the global marketplace. It's time to seize the opportunity and propel your export business to new heights.
In conclusion, securing funding for successful agribusinesses is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, diligent research, and effective communication. By following these steps and leveraging insights from real-world case studies, agribusinesses can unlock the financial resources needed to realize their growth ambitions and contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector.
By following these steps, emerging agripreneurs and flourishing agribusinesses can successfully secure the necessary funding to realize their visions and achieve their business goals.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Dear Readers,
I am pleased to present an updated version of my previous post, titled "Navigating the Funding Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Agripreneurs and Agribusinesses," originally published on February 28, 2024. This revised edition is designed to offer deeper insights into the ever-evolving funding ecosystem, equipping you with the latest opportunities to enhance your ventures in the realm of agribusiness.
As you delve into these fresh insights, I hope they ignite your passion and propel you to new heights of success.
Warm regards,
Kosona Chriv
Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Sahel Agri-Sol Group (Mali, Senegal, Ivory Coast)
Sahel Agri-Sol
Hamdallaye ACI 2 000,
« BAMA » building 5th floor APT 7
Phone: +223 20 22 75 77
Mobile:  +223 70 63 63 23, +223 65 45 38 38
WhatsApp/Telegram global marketing and sales : +223 90 99 1099
Web sites
English https://sahelagrisol.com/en
Français https://sahelagrisol.com/fr
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Social media
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sahelAgri-Sol
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/sahel-agri-sol
Twitter @sahelagrisol https://twitter.com/sahelagrisol
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj40AYlzgTjvc27Q7h5gxcA
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wrestlingwiththoughts · 8 months
KY Kapeeka vs. Jordan Lovely, Softground Wrestling, January 26, 2024
For a while, my favorite form of "professional wrestling" was watching untrained young people imitating things that they watched on televised wrestling despite the admonitions to not try this at home. The energy and enthusiasm that these amateurs who primarily want to have a good time with their friends is a refreshing counterbalance to watching professionals who treat the act of wrestling as their job.
KY Kapeeka vs. Jordan Lovely from Uganda's Softground Wrestling is the latest international wrestling match to make the rounds, and it's a sight to behold.
Tight strikes, sensible and logical match psychology, vibrant ring announcing and crowd enthusiasm, and crisp execution of moves like a V-Trigger and a double clothesline between Kapeeka and Lovely that needs to be seen to be believed are all highlights. (You also have to admire their attempt to manipulate SEO by naming the video "Royal Rumble 2024 results wwe.")
This Softground Wrestling match reminded me of the SubwayMania crew who would fim wrestling matches in NYC subway cars and around train stations.
The significant differences are that SubwayMania seemed like it would be annoying as hell to actually encounter as an NYC commuter and that SubwayMania has an ironic veneer. The SubwayMania performers are cosplaying as characters from the WWE's Attitude Era, and the commentary has its tongue firmly in cheek. Softground Wrestling takes what it's doing with more seriousness, and while Kapeeka, Lovely, and others are imitating other wrestlers' moves, they aren't pretending to be other wrestlers.
While the work Kapeeka, Lovely, and the ring announcer are the standouts from the match, what I'll mainly take away is the energy they (and the wrestlers who rang in at the end) displayed. They jumped off the screen. (It really helped that the camera work was steady and the editing precise, which really shows how far behind American independent wrestling is in how they present their product.)
0 notes
danvastcareers · 1 year
Fraud Investigation Officer - Arusha, Tanzania
About ENGIE Energy Access
ENGIE Energy Access is one of the leading Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) and mini-grids solutions provider in Africa, with a mission to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions and life-changing services with exceptional customer experience. The company is a result of the integration of Fenix International, ENGIE Mobisol and ENGIE PowerCorner; and develops innovative, off-grid solar solutions for homes, public services, and businesses, enabling customers and distribution partners access to clean, affordable energy. The PAYGo solar home systems are financed through affordable instalments from $0.19 per day and the minigrids foster economic development by enabling electrical productive use and triggering business opportunities for entrepreneurs in rural communities. With over 1,700 employees, operations in nine countries across Africa (Benin, Côte dIvoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia), almost 1.5 million customers and over 7 million lives impacted so far, ENGIE Energy Access aims to remain the leading clean energy company, serving millions of customers across Africa by 2025.
Job Purpose
Fraud Investigation Officer plays a key role in making sure that overall risk-related matters within Engie Mobisol UK Ltd., are investigated and proper recommendations are planned and executed. Furthermore, he/she monitors the implementation of policies, processes, and controls to manage credit operations activities.
Identify root causes of operational non-compliance including fraud and work with the Credit Risk Manager to create action plans to address these areas.
Where major issues are identified lead the deep-dive investigation, reporting and make recommendation on how controls can be improved to safeguard operation activities.
Where policy, procedure and control gaps are identified or new processes and tools are to be implemented, collaborate with the Credit Risk Manager to ensure drafting and operationalization of the same is properly implemented.
Coordinate and monitor all investigations, monitor police cases, monitor court orders, monitor accumulated evidence and all matters brought by the effects of the prevailing risk.
Work with the Credit Risk Manager and other teams inside and outside of Customer Finance to develop robust and permanent compliance monitoring framework following well-defined processes and standards.
Establish the rule that is alleged to have been breached and ensure that cases are investigated within approved time limits.
Report to the Management on latest risk-related trends and case facts for cases committed across credit operations activities.
Maintain accurate database and records of all cases handled and investigated, as well as all legal matters pending in court involving fraud activities undertaken in credit operations.
Evaluate cases referred for investigation and recommend proper actions to be taken.
Support Engie Mobisol management with remedial action to reduce fraudulent activities within the company.
Manage the security and storage of information, evidence and documents related to investigations.
Prepare periodical reports relating to all investigation cases indicating recommended actions to be taken and status thereof.
Undertake any other related duties as assigned by the line management from time to time.
Minimum holder of bachelors degree in Business Administration or Banking or Finance or Economics or any other related field..
Experience in investigative work on frauds or non-compliance to company laws and regulations is highly required.
Experience in a role managing operational and credit risk including process compliance and fraud investigation is an added advantage.
Ability to effectively collaborate with different teams to understand areas of potential risk and to escalate and mitigate these effectively.
Strong analytical, communication, creative problem-solving, influencing, integrity, judgment, and negotiation skills.
Computer literate, team player, and dynamic self-starter.
A good understanding of Engie Mobisol systems, policies, and procedures.
Willing to travel and work in any geographic region in Tanzania.
Fluent in English and Swahili.
Experience in and good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite/365 Office Apps
We thank all applicants for their interest, however due to the large volume of applications we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ENGIE is an equal opportunity employer, promoting diversity and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all. All applications are screened based on business needs, job requirements and individual qualifications, without any regard to origin, age, name, sexual identity, orientation or preference, religion, marital status, health, disability, political opinions, union involvement or citizenship. Our differences are our strengths!
from Jobs in -Danvast Career Search https://ift.tt/FSMtRIu
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afceuganda · 1 year
4 Job positions at UN volunteers programme
UN volunteers programme is hiring for the following positions 1.Education Officer, 2 Positions ( Closing date: April 12, 2023) 2.Cash and Voucher Programme Data Specialist ( Closing date: May 04, 2023) 3.Communication and Advocacy Assistant ( Closing date: May 01, 2023) The post 4 Job positions at UN volunteers programme appeared first on Latest jobs in Uganda.
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Jobs For Indians in Uganda | Recruitment Agencies In India and Uganda
New opportunities are opening up for Indian professionals in Uganda as more businesses try to establish themselves in East Africa. Additionally, unlike most Western nations, Uganda allows Indians to enter on a tourist visa and later search for employment. Indians can quickly establish themselves in Uganda. Along with the long-established Gujarati business community, young professionals are also relocating to Uganda. 
 Employers in African job markets are looking for candidates with specific skills. Most of these employers seek out employees who are quick learners and hardworking. You qualify for Jobs For Indians In Uganda if you possess the following qualities:
 Leadership Skills
Most employers in Uganda believe that only 33% of employees exhibit leadership qualities, despite the fact that 68.6% of employers are looking for graduate students with strong leadership skills. You can excel as a leader in your workplace by incorporating analytical reasoning, team building, competence and work ethic, and communication skills.
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 Professionalism and Reliable Work Ethics
Every employer shares a similar desire for their staff members to be professional and have a strong work ethic. Your employer will expect you to have a strong work ethic and professionalism, regardless of the job or career you end up in.
 Yearn for Understanding
A candidate should also be growth-oriented. Employers look for workers who comprehend that their current skill set will never be enough to advance in their careers. African organisations require a team with a growth mindset to guide their operations during uncertain times. The kind of spirit most employers in Africa look for today is an insatiable thirst for learning new skills.
 Innovative Thinkers
Innovation is one of the most desirable traits that set you apart from other applicants for the same position. You become a valuable asset to a business if you have the capacity to bring exceptional value to your organisation. Be a critical thinker who can develop novel ideas, methodically gather information, and find solutions to issues. Most African businesses discovered that creativity and a willingness to take risks are fundamental management traits they look for when hiring new candidates.
 In contrast to most Western nations, Uganda's overall cost of living is low. In addition, the local transportation system makes it simple to travel locally and across the nation. You can also drive in Uganda for six months using the licence from your home country and get a licence later.
 Tanzania has many international schools, so if you and your family move here, education won't be a problem. School costs may be slightly higher than in other nations, but educational standards are met. For young children in preschool, you can also hire help. They can help you with cooking, cleaning, and other household tasks in addition to taking good care of your child.
 Finding your desired job in today's modern and dynamic African employment market may necessitate a combination of the above mentioned approaches. However, being adaptable in your process and experimenting with new tactics will allow you to cast a wider net and boost your chances of being employed in Uganda. So we've covered you whether you're looking for a new job or want to stay up-to-date on the latest company openings.
Ross Warner HR Solutions is one of the best placement agencies for Jobs For Indians In Uganda and is the best place to find African job consultants in India. Ross Warner HR Solutions can help you find the right job for the correct fitment keeping in mind your skills, qualifications, and interests; it is a trustworthy partner in finding the perfect position and candidate. 
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pkjobs · 2 years
Nail art technician Latest Job In Qatar
Nail art technician Latest Job In Qatar
JOB CATEGORY Domestic Workers POSITION Elderly Care YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 0-2 Years GENDER Female SALARY RANGE QAR 2,001 – QAR 5,000 APPLICANT LOCATION Any We are looking for nail art technician based in Doha… ….. .( from Philippines , Kenay ,Nepal , Uganda )… Please send your cv to : 00974 Show number33304727 Nail art technician
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kkginfo · 2 years
Telangana: Ongoing measurement exhibition in the state.. Allowed to fill 2,440 posts.. For full details.. | KKG INFO
Telangana: Ongoing measurement exhibition in the state.. Allowed to fill 2,440 posts.. For full details.. | KKG INFO
Job fair continues in Telangana state. The finance department has sanctioned 2,440 posts in education, archives and research departments. Telangana: Sarkar has once again given a good news to the unemployed in Telangana. The finance department said OK for some work. Notification for about 2500 posts will be released soon. Yes, the job fair continues in the state. The finance department has…
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cenahub · 2 years
UDB helped create 41,000 jobs despite inflation
UDB helped create 41,000 jobs despite inflation
Kampala, Uganda | CENA HUB | The Uganda Development Bank, the country’s national development finance company, made a record level of loan approvals in 2021, with total lending of sh635 billion. The approved loans are the highest since 2011, denoting a 10-year-high, while the loan stock grew more than half to close at sh781 billion, according to the financial statements just released. The Bank’s…
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kideonline · 3 years
43 jobs opportunities at Mitooma District Local Government
43 jobs opportunities at Mitooma District Local Government
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the posts specified herein. Applications should be submitted in triplicate (3 copies) on PSC Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary District Service Commission P.O BOX 98, Bushenyi, not later than 30 days from the date of this publication. Applications forms are obtainable from the office of the secretaries of District Service…
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mubahood360 · 4 years
AstraZeneca, MOH inks deal to help fight hypertension - UGNEWS24
AstraZeneca, MOH inks deal to help fight hypertension – UGNEWS24
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A patient’s pressure being checked. PHOTO MOH
Blood pressure can be regulated through:
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Balanced diet 🧂 Limit consumption of salt
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Exercise daily for 30 mins
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Go for regular checkups
Kampala, Uganda | ISAAC KHISA |AstraZeneca, a global science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialization of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of…
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adalidda · 5 months
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Harvesting Success: A Strategic Guide to Funding for Young Agripreneurs, Agribusinesses and Agri Exporters
In the dynamic world of agribusiness, securing funding for new projects or scaling operations is a critical step towards success. This guide is designed to assist emerging agripreneurs, flourishing agribusinesses and agricultural exporters in understanding and navigating the complex funding landscape. It provides practical steps for applying for project proposals and scaling operations, supplemented with a case study to illustrate these processes in action.
1. Empowering Emerging Agripreneurs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Project Funding
As an emerging agripreneur eager to make your mark, applying for project proposals published by local and international organizations can be a gateway to success. This detailed guide aims to simplify this process for you:
Identify Relevant Calls: Stay updated with the latest funding opportunities by regularly checking websites of organizations that fund agricultural projects. Consider subscribing to their newsletters or following them on social media for real-time updates. For instance, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is known for regularly publishing calls for proposals on their platforms.
Understand the Requirements: Each call for proposals comes with its unique set of requirements, including the project's scope, target group, expected outcomes, and budget. It's crucial to comprehend these requirements thoroughly before initiating your application.
Prepare Your Proposal: A well-crafted proposal is your ticket to securing funding. It should lucidly outline your project's objectives, methodology, timeline, and budget, and demonstrate alignment with the funding organization's goals.
Review and Edit: Ensure your proposal is clear, concise, and error-free. Consider having it reviewed by a third party for an unbiased perspective.
Submit Your Proposal: Adhere to the submission guidelines provided in the call for proposals. This could involve submitting your proposal via email or an online portal.
Follow Up: Post-submission, confirm receipt of your proposal with the organization. If shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information.
Potential sources for funding opportunities
D-Prize Challenges: They award startup grants of up to $20,000 to entrepreneurs launching new organizations. (Deadline: Ongoing). Web site https://d-prize.org
LinkedIn Group 'Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture, Agrifood, AgriTech and FoodTech': You can read funding opportunities or call for proposals posted in this group. (Ongoing) Web site https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6789045
Appel à projets Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest – Pafao 2024: (Deadline: June 30, 2024) Web site https://www.fondationdefrance.org/fr/appels-a-projets/promotion-de-l-agriculture-familiale-en-afrique-de-l-ouest-aller-vers-la-consommation-massive-de-produits-locaux
USADF invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, processors, and enterprises for grant financing.  Grants will support solutions that extend your organizations’ own capabilities to increase your revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
USADF is accepting applications in the following countries: Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.  Web site https://www.usadf.gov/usadf-rfa
Together Women Rise (formerly Dining for Women) makes grants to non-profit organizations that support women and girls living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Thematic areas include access to clean water and sanitation, food security, and education, among other themes. Together Women Rise accepts applications in the range of US$35 thousand to $50 thousand. Application deadline 17 June 2024 Web site https://togetherwomenrise.org/featured-grant-guidelines/
GoGettaz invites young agri-food entrepreneurs (18-35 years) with technologies or innovations for the agriculture and food industry to participate in the Agripreneur Prize 2024. Two entrepreneurs (one woman, and one man) will be awarded US$50 thousand each. Submitted projects are expected to transform the agri-food business in Africa. Eligibility extends to African founders or co-founders of agriculture and food businesses. The application deadline is 10 June 2024. Web site https://vc4a.com/gogettaz/2024
The Roots Micro-Grants Program supports youth-led projects to empower voices from the Global South to advocate for climate justice. The program provides grants of up to US$10 thousand to initiatives that prioritize climate justice and social equity. The program will provide grants for between 10-15 grassroots youth-led initiatives, with a focus on groups in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. The group/organization does not need to be legally registered in order to be eligible to apply. The application deadline is 01 August 2024. Web site https://linktr.ee/RootsMicrogrants
The Young African Climate Changemakers Challenge calls on young people aged 16-25 across South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana to unleash their innovation in tackling climate change through ideas and existing initiatives. Applicants will receive access to information and learning sessions, networking opportunities, and access to online resources on social entrepreneurship. Ashoka awards US$1000 to 10 selected winners. Applications have to be submitted before 30 July 2024. Web site https://www.changemakers.com/en/challenge/young-african-climate-changemaker
Social Shifters announces the Global Innovation Challenge to help young leaders and founders solve the social or environmental issues that matter to them. The challenge seeks creative ideas, projects, and business solutions to the problems that matter to local communities and welcomes ideas from anywhere in the world. Participants compete for awards of up to US$10 thousand to deliver activities that improve lives, help communities, and protect the planet. All ideas must be led by young people aged between 18-30 years old. The application deadline is 31 July 2024.  Web site https://www.socialshifters.co
2. Securing Funding for Flourishing Agribusinesses: A Practical Guide
Scaling a flourishing agribusiness requires more than just dedication and hard work; it demands a robust financial strategy to support growth and expansion. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of securing funding for agribusiness ventures, supplemented by a compelling real-life case study that illustrates the journey of a thriving agricultural enterprise.
2.1. Understanding Business Needs: Before diving into the complex world of funding, it's imperative to conduct a thorough assessment of your agribusiness's requirements. This involves evaluating current resources, pinpointing areas for improvement, and forecasting future needs based on growth projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms, a family-owned organic vegetable farm, recognized the need to invest in advanced irrigation systems to boost productivity and meet increasing demand from local markets. By conducting a detailed analysis of their water usage and crop yield, they identified the specific requirements for upgrading their irrigation infrastructure.
2.2. Developing a Solid Business Plan: Crafting a comprehensive business plan is essential for articulating your agribusiness's vision, goals, and strategies to potential investors or lenders. This document serves as the roadmap for your venture, outlining market analysis, competitive positioning, operational plans, and financial projections.
Case Study: ABC Farms meticulously documented their expansion plans in a detailed business plan, highlighting the potential return on investment from implementing advanced irrigation technology. By showcasing their sustainable farming practices and market demand for organic produce, they effectively communicated the viability of their growth strategy to financiers.
2.3. Identifying Potential Funding Sources: Agribusinesses have access to a diverse range of funding options tailored to their unique needs. From traditional bank loans and government grants to venture capital investments and crowdfunding platforms, exploring multiple avenues is key to finding the right financial support.
Case Study: ABC Farms explored various funding sources, including agricultural loans from local banks, government grants for sustainable farming initiatives, and partnerships with private investors interested in supporting environmentally conscious businesses. By casting a wide net and evaluating each option's terms and requirements, they identified the most suitable funding sources for their expansion project.
2.4. Preparing and Submitting the Application: Once you've identified potential funding sources, the next step is to meticulously prepare and submit your applications. Each funding source may have specific requirements, such as financial statements, project proposals, or business plans, which must be tailored to meet their criteria.
Case Study: ABC Farms worked closely with financial advisors and grant specialists to prepare comprehensive funding applications for their irrigation upgrade project. They ensured that all documentation was accurate, thorough, and aligned with the requirements of each funding source, increasing their chances of securing financing.
2.5. Follow-up and Negotiation: After submitting your applications, proactive follow-up is crucial to track the progress of your proposals and address any questions or concerns from potential funders. This may involve providing additional information, participating in interviews or presentations, and negotiating terms to secure the best possible funding package.
Case Study: ABC Farms maintained regular communication with the financial institutions and government agencies reviewing their funding applications. They promptly responded to requests for clarification and provided updates on project milestones, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and accountability. Through strategic negotiation, they successfully secured favorable financing terms that supported their expansion plans while minimizing financial risk.
By following these steps and learning from the experiences of successful agribusinesses like ABC Farms, aspiring entrepreneurs can navigate the complex landscape of securing funding with confidence and achieve sustainable growth and success in the agricultural industry.
3. Unlocking Funding Opportunities for Agricultural Exporters
Are you an agricultural exporter seeking financial support to expand your operations and reach new markets? Look no further. Understanding the dynamics of Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC) MT 760, Promissory Notes (PN), and Bank Guarantees can be your gateway to securing the necessary funds to propel your export business forward.
Here’s how it works:
3.1. SBLC MT 760: This financial instrument serves as a guarantee of payment to the exporter upon meeting specified conditions. Essentially, the buyer’s bank promises to pay the exporter a predetermined amount if the buyer fails to fulfill their payment obligations. This assurance provides exporters with a level of security, encouraging them to engage in trade with confidence.
3.2. Promissory Note (PN): Similar to an IOU, a Promissory Note is a written promise by the buyer to pay a specified sum to the exporter at a future date. This serves as a formal commitment, providing reassurance to the exporter regarding the buyer’s intention to fulfill their payment obligations.
3.3. Bank Guarantee: A Bank Guarantee is a commitment issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer, ensuring that the exporter will receive payment even if the buyer defaults. This guarantee acts as a security mechanism for both parties involved in the transaction. When utilizing a Bank Guarantee, the exporter gains confidence in receiving payment, thus encouraging participation in trade activities with lesser apprehensions about financial risks.
Now, let’s delve into the funding opportunities these instruments unlock:
Credit Extension: Upon confirmation of the SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantee by the exporter’s bank, financial institutions may offer credit facilities ranging from 20% to 30% of the total amount specified in the instruments. This credit extension can provide exporters with immediate access to working capital, enabling them to cover production costs, invest in infrastructure, or explore new market opportunities.
Risk Mitigation: By leveraging SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters mitigate the risk of non-payment or default by the buyer. This risk mitigation mechanism not only safeguards the financial interests of exporters but also fosters trust and credibility in international trade transactions.
Facilitated Trade: With the assurance of payment provided by SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees, exporters can negotiate favorable terms with buyers, including competitive pricing and flexible payment arrangements. This facilitates smoother trade transactions and strengthens long-term business relationships.
Market Expansion: Access to funding through SBLC MT 760, PN, or Bank Guarantees empowers agricultural exporters to explore new markets and expand their global footprint. Whether tapping into emerging economies or penetrating established markets, exporters can seize growth opportunities with confidence backed by financial security.
In conclusion, understanding and harnessing the potential of SBLC MT 760, Promissory Notes, and Bank Guarantees can significantly enhance the financial resilience and competitiveness of agricultural exporters. By leveraging these instruments effectively, exporters can access funding, mitigate risks, and unlock new avenues for growth in the global marketplace. It's time to seize the opportunity and propel your export business to new heights.
In conclusion, securing funding for successful agribusinesses is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, diligent research, and effective communication. By following these steps and leveraging insights from real-world case studies, agribusinesses can unlock the financial resources needed to realize their growth ambitions and contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector.
By following these steps, emerging agripreneurs and flourishing agribusinesses can successfully secure the necessary funding to realize their visions and achieve their business goals.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Dear Readers,
I am pleased to present an updated version of my previous post, titled "Navigating the Funding Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Agripreneurs and Agribusinesses," originally published on February 28, 2024. This revised edition is designed to offer deeper insights into the ever-evolving funding ecosystem, equipping you with the latest opportunities to enhance your ventures in the realm of agribusiness.
As you delve into these fresh insights, I hope they ignite your passion and propel you to new heights of success.
Warm regards,
Mr. Kosona Chriv
Senior Advisor to the General Manager and Head of Global Marketing and Sales
Sahel Agri-Sol
Hamdallaye ACI 2 000,
« BAMA » building 5th floor APT 7
Phone: +223 20 22 75 77
Mobile:  +223 70 63 63 23, +223 65 45 38 38
WhatsApp/Telegram global marketing and sales : +223 90 99 1099
Web sites
English https://sahelagrisol.com
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Social media
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sahelAgri-Sol
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/sahel-agri-sol
Twitter @sahelagrisol https://twitter.com/sahelagrisol
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Illustration Photo: Women Farmer in Maize Field (Credit: sicrump / CC BY 2.0 DEED Attribution 2.0 Generic)
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tallmantall · 3 months
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