#leaves falling crisp warm coffee
yes-itisautumn · 14 days
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jobeana · 10 months
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Drinks taste better with your favorite people!
Found on pinterest
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unboundprompts · 5 months
prompts for spring, summer, autumn, winter eyes! (The characters literally stand for each season!! They have eyes that hold the seasons)
Different Ways to Describe Seasonal Eyes
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He had eyes like the fields of the pastures, green grass nearly up to your knees.
Her eyes were the flower beds that his mother used to prepare when spring finally arrived after a cold winter. Flowers would bloom and blossom in every color imaginable.
Their eyes were like the honey from the honeybees that arrived with the promise of spring.
Her eyes were a babbling brook, like crisp water on a warm day.
He had eyes that blazed like a hot summer sun.
Their eyes were warm rays and beach days, filled with laughter and freedom.
She had eyes the color of the dying leaves, painted red, yellow, and brown.
His eyes were a winding road on a foggy morning, dying branches scratching at the edge.
Their eyes were of burnt out candles, pumpkins placed on doorsteps, and footsteps splashed in puddles on an old street.
His eyes were snowflakes, irises decorated with a delicate design.
She had eyes like icy mountains and falling snow.
Their eyes were a crisp breeze in the dead of winter, a frozen pond on a stagnant afternoon.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
I really hope you mean here 🤭
Request: "Remus is being rude to the reader due to the upcoming full moon.. make it as angsty as you can"
Thanks for requesting babe <3
cw: migraine, Rem is mean :(
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
When you come home from work, the apartment is dark and there’s evidence of Remus’ shit day everywhere. 
The curtains are drawn closed against the sunlight, and there’s a discarded blanket on the couch and several snack containers half-emptied on the coffee table. One of them has tipped onto the floor, a mess of crisps your boyfriend was likely feeling too unwell to tidy. He’s spilled tea on the table, too. These kinds of things are more common in the days before the full moon, but you think he must really be having a rough one. Even a few unwashed dishes in the sink is usually enough to stress Remus out, so he has to have been in a state to leave things like this. 
You brew a fresh cup of tea, grabbing some chocolates from the cabinet in case he didn’t bring any with him, and broach the bedroom. A shape moves under the sheets when the door creaks open. 
“Hi,” you say softly. You kneel by the bed, lightly touching the ends of Remus’ hair. “How are you, love?” 
“Bad,” he mutters from beneath the covers. You wince. He must be, if he won’t even lower the sheets beneath his eyes. 
You do your best to keep the pity from your voice, knowing he’d hate it. “I brought you some tea,” you murmur, “if you want it.”
“Can’t right now.” 
“It’s chamomile,” you coax. “It might help—”
“I can’t.” The low rumble of his voice takes on a hard edge, and you fall instantly silent. You nod even though he can’t see it, setting the tea and chocolate on his nightstand as quietly as you can. 
You don’t tell him you’re going, sure every footstep is agonizingly loud for him. You force down the lump in your throat. Remus is miserable right now; he’s not thinking about how his tone affects you, and that’s not his fault. He doesn’t mean anything by it. You can deal with it, help anyways.
You sweep instead of vacuuming, gathering the little bits of crisps into a dustpan and dumping them in the trash. The half-eaten snacks get reshelved in your cabinets, the puddle of tea cleaned off the coffee table, and candles lit to banish the stale smell in the living room. The cinnamon ones are usually Remus’ favorite, but you trade them out for lavender on the off chance it helps with his headache. You’re washing dishes one at a time so they don’t clatter when the bedroom door creaks open. 
“Hey,” you say, relieved. “Feeling better?” 
“No.” Remus’ voice is low, and the scratch of it tears at your heartstrings. He trudges to the end of the hall, where he stops, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and forefinger. “I need you to be quiet.” 
“Oh, sorry.” You soften your voice, freezing with your hands submerged in the warm dishwater. “I’ve been trying, I didn’t realize you could hear. I’m almost done with this, so—” 
“Could you stop?” he asks, tone going harsh again. “Just, be quiet or find somewhere else to be, please. I can’t deal with this.” 
You swallow against the intrusion in your throat. Will away the heat from your face. “Okay,” you say, the word barely a whisper. 
Remus turns, plodding back to the bedroom. You hear the door shut.
You leave the dishwater to get cold rather than pouring it out and making more noise. You sit down on the couch with a book, eyes skimming over the words as you convince yourself over and over that it’d be stupid to cry about this. Your face heats, then cools. Tears blur your vision and you blink them away. This is ridiculous. Remus is just moody, he didn’t mean it. You know better than to take anything he says to heart right now. You can’t expect your efforts to be properly appreciated, but the important part is to keep making them. When he’s feeling better, he’ll thank you in a million sweet ways, because that’s who he is. He loves you. He didn’t mean it. 
It’s dark outside when the bedroom door creaks open again. You hadn’t noticed night falling, even when the light became too dim for you to make out the words on your page. You set your book down; you hadn’t been reading anyway. 
Remus sits next to you without a word. He leans the side of his head against the cushion with a sigh. 
“Dove?” he murmurs. 
You don’t dare do more than hum in response. 
A scarred hand finds your leg, the thumb sweeping back and forth over your skin. “I’m sorry for snapping at you,” he says quietly. “That was…it was really mean. And undeserved.”
“I’m sorry I was being loud,” you reply, and you can’t help it, your throat clogs all over again. “I was just trying to help.” 
Your voice catches on the last word, and Remus makes a pained sound that has you silencing yourself instantly. He makes another at your response. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he rasps. “Do you want a hug?” 
You bite down on your lower lip. “Are you okay to hug?” 
“Yeah, sweetheart.” 
He meets you in the middle, pressing upon your shoulder blades like he can hold you together by sheer physical force. You try for his sake, swallowing the cries that rise in your throat. 
“I’m sorry,” he says again, palm marking a slow path up and down your back. “You weren’t too loud, I’m just fussy. You were only being your kind self. I had no reason to be so horrid.” 
“You weren’t horrid,” you warble. “I know you’re having a hard time.” 
“That’s no excuse.” His palm makes its way back to your shoulders just in time to feel the first little sob escape you. Remus’ grip tightens. “Aw, dovey. I’m so, so sorry. I can’t believe I spoke to you like that.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“It’s not,” he murmurs, kissing the exposed bit of skin where your shirt is slipping down your shoulder. “It’s not, and—” He pauses, looking around the room for the first time. “Did you clean?” 
You nod against his front, feeling the pained sigh that leaves him. 
“Fuck, I’m awful.” 
“You’re not.” 
“You were cleaning up my mess, and I yelled at you.” Now Remus’ voice sounds a tad raw too. He gathers you closer, stubble scratching your forehead as he kisses your hairline. “My sweet girl. You should have ripped me a new one.” 
“You weren’t yelling,” you point out, teasing a bit now, “and anyway, it seemed like you were already being ripped a new one.” 
“Still,” he mumbles into your hair. “You lit the lavender candles and everything. You deserve to put me through hell.” 
“You’re already going through hell,” you remind him gently, brushing a kiss against his cheek. “I don’t need to help the process along. Do you want some tea, love?” 
Remus hums. “I do, but let me get it. Let me get some for you, too, yeah?” He leans back to look down at you. “You want some nighttime tea, darling?” 
You’re alright really, but you tell him you do anyway. He looks nearly happy as he drags himself into the kitchen, and he won’t stop mollycoddling you for the rest of the night. 
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bleachification · 1 month
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pairing: zoro x reader
word count: 3.5k
synopsis:  being in love with zoro is not for the weak, especially when such a love is unrequited. so it is all the more confusing when a certain pirate refuses to let you go when you decide to give your heart a break and leave the crew for good.
note: i really need to stop writing zoro fics with an arranged marriage and bodyguard/protector type premise. with that being said… enjoy xoxo
(also yes this is part ONE)
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Thunderstorms are the perfect weather conditions for silent rumination. You isolate yourself in a corner of the ship, eyes closed as rainwater glides down your face in cool streams. With a smile, you breathe in the scent of salt and earth that mingles with the southern winds. 
The crew is below deck, sheltered from the downpour and crackling lightning that splits the skies every so often. They’re all asleep and have been for a while now. You are the outlier. The strange one that decided to sit between a storm and the sea during the devil’s hours. Funnels of black clouds swirl angrily above you as it continues to pour. Your clothes, hair, everything is drenched. Soaked down to the very bones—some particularly weary ones. 
You relish the feeling of the water against your skin for another moment, reviving yourself from the bleak reflections plaguing your mind. By the time you make it inside, a decision was made. 
The next morning, faint sunlight filtered by sparse clouds light up the horizon in hues of soft orange and calm yellow. The water is still. Steady. Almost as if it had forgotten its role as a tempest’s plaything mere hours ago. It’s early. Much too early for most of the crew to be awake, but you can hear a faint tinkering from Usopp’s room and the steady footsteps of another member coming up the stairs to the upper deck.
A familiar silhouette appears in your vision. 
“Morning, Robin,” you say. 
The archaeologist comes to stand next to you and nods. “Good morning. You’re up early.”
“Had a lot on my mind. Doesn’t leave much room for sleep,” you point out. 
“Did you get any?”
She raises a brow, unconvinced. 
“About an hour's worth,” you shrug. 
An arm sprouts up from the railing you’re leaning on. It holds out a mug of steaming coffee. You take the cup gratefully. The smooth liquid warms you up in the crisp autumn air. Robin takes a sip of her own drink before responding. 
“What’s the verdict?” She asks. 
“I’ve decided to go.”
She sighs. “That’s it then. I understand there’s no point in trying to change your mind?”
You shake your head sadly. The past few weeks of turmoil and trepidation cemented that certainty. You can’t stay. Not when the fate of a nation falls on your shoulders… and certainly not with feelings as forbidden as the ones you harbour. 
“Is it because of him?”
“No. No,” you emphasize at Robin's doubtful expression. 
“Don’t lie,” she chides. 
You grimace. “Well, not entirely because of him.”
Robin scans the calm horizon with watchful eyes, a storm of thoughts whirling into action behind that piercing gaze of hers. The archaeologist has always been the most logical out of the crew, favouring rationality over emotion. It is the trait you admire most about Robin and the reason why you sought her counsel specifically, choosing to confide in her—and only her—about the decision you faced. 
“He deserves to know,” she says softly. 
You stiffen, the mere thought making your throat tighten up with anxiety. You shake your head, effectively ending the conversation. At the perfect time too, as one by one the rest of the crew pad up the stairs, ready to start the day. 
Luffy first, bounding up the steps with a large grin. Nami follows, then everyone trickles through the doors. Zoro is last. 
The swordsman yawns and stretches his arms behind his head, taut muscles glistening under the morning sun. He opens one eye, peeking at you from under sleepy lids. Your heart clenches at the lazy smile he greets you with. 
This is going to be difficult. 
“Mornin’,” Zoro mumbles, stifling another yawn behind his fist. 
The rest of the crew bustles about, running around the deck in preparation for the day ahead. You hear Luffy’s excited laugh somewhere in the background followed by familiar shouts of concern and beratement from Nami, Sanji and Usopp, each taking turns to scold the captain’s latest—and no doubt foolish—idea. Whatever it may be. 
The noise and chaos fades away the moment Zoro walks up to you, his warmth surrounding you despite the cold morning temperature. It makes it near impossible for you to focus on much else. Anything else. 
“Hey,” you say. 
He frowns, eyes scanning your face. You resist the urge to touch it, anxious. Was there something on your face? A pimple? An eyelash? 
“What? What is it?” You ask, nerves alight. 
“Did you stay up late?”
You blink, caught off guard. Did you really look that tired?
“Yes,” you answer plainly. There’s no point in trying to hide it from him. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Zoro arches a brow. “Why not?” Concern laces the question. You almost crumble, seconds away from confessing the truth you’ve been hiding for weeks, when someone barrels into Zoro, knocking him over and effectively ending your conversation. 
Luffy, unfazed, pops up onto his feet and dusts himself off, his signature toothy smile never having left his face. Despite his right-hand man groaning on the ground next to him, Luffy seems as chipper as ever. 
“Sorry, Zoro!” He apologizes, not sounding very sorry at all. 
“I… hate… you…” Zoro grunts, still recovering from having the wind knocked out of him. 
Luffy only laughs it off and runs back to the rest of the crew, chattering about some new adventure that is bound to be more effort than it is worth. 
“You okay?” You press your lips together in an attempt to stifle a laugh. 
Zoro takes the hand you offer, warm palm wrapping around your own. You can feel rough calluses against your skin—a testament to his training. You pull him up and watch him steady himself. He doesn’t let go of your hand. Nervous, you break contact first. 
He shoots you a puzzled look, but decides against commenting on it. 
“I will be once I knock him upside the head.”
“Let’s not give the poor boy brain damage.”
Zoro snorts. “You mean more than he already has?”
You laugh, the sound almost entirely concealed by a burst of raucous shouts coming from the other side of the deck. Curious, you begin walking over to the crew. Zoro follows suit with his hands in his pockets. As the two of you make your way across the ship’s expanse, the sight of Nami and Luffy arguing comes into view. The others stand off to the side, exasperation and amusement colouring their expressions. 
“It’s too risky!”
“It’ll be fine, why are you being so boring?”
“I am trying to keep us from getting killed,” Nami seethes. Her face is set in a tight scowl that twists her features into something alarmingly frightening. You haven’t seen her this angry in quite some time. 
“Not if we’re careful,” Luffy defends. The captain looks bored and irritated at the same time. 
Nami’s right eye twitches.  
Oh dear. 
“And since when are you careful?” 
“I’m not. But [name] is.” Your captain jerks a thumb in your direction. 
All heads swivel to look at you. 
You raise your palms up, placating. “I… just got here.”
Nami runs up to you, eyes pleading. The ginger-haired woman grabs your shoulders and gently shakes you. 
“Please knock some sense into him!”
You tilt your head and lean to the left in order to peek at Luffy from behind Nami’s frame. The boy scratches the back of his head with a toothy grin. 
“Would you care to explain, Captain?” You ask bemusedly. 
Luffy’s eyes dance with mischief. “We’ve got a mission!”
It’s Zoro that steps in this time. “Just the two of you?”
“Well, yeah,” Luffy answers plainly. 
You gently pry Nami’s hands off. “Why?” 
“You’re the only one who knows the layout of the place,” he explains. 
You frown. “What place?”
“Aracorn Palace,” Robin interjects. There’s a small smile on her face as she watches the situation unfold. Always assessing. Always dissecting. 
Aracorn… such a familiar name. It takes a second before a sliver of memory tickles the edges of your mind. An image forms; one of a mighty castle built from silver and stone erected in the heart of a powerful city. 
You used to travel there for important delegations and social banquets. Luffy is right. You do know the area well. 
“We’re going there? What for?”
“And why only the two of you?” Zoro questions. 
“To be stealthy,” Luffy grins. 
“Right. Stealthy. You.” Zoro stares, unconvinced. 
Luffy ignores his second-in-command. “We’re going to go rescue someone. He’s being kept in the dungeons.”
So many questions. 
“Who is it?”
Robin, again, speaks up. “His name is not important. He may not even own such a thing. His role as an ex-member of an underground information guild named Kleios is what makes him useful to us. An execution date has been set for tomorrow evening, so if we are to save the man, we must do it soon.”
“Well? What do you say?” Luffy's enthusiasm is palpable. 
The rest of the crew watches you, assuming that you would wave it off. The danger is obvious, and you are—among most instances—level headed enough to pull the plug when needed. 
One last adventure. 
You surprise them. 
“I’m in.”
✧ ˚  ·    .    
You should have known it wouldn’t be easy. In fact, you should have known that the entire plan would fall apart because of course it did. Nothing ever seems to go right for the crew. Right now you curse such rotten luck. Although… it isn’t even luck, not really. It’s the captain… Zoro… Nami… Sanji… the whole lot of them! No matter how organized—how meticulous—a plan was, it never actually fucking went to plan. You suppose you’ll miss it. That unmanned chaos. You suppose you’ll miss all of it. As for who you’ll miss most…
“Zoro!” You stare up at the swordsman in both relief and horror. He dangles from a rope ladder, cascaded off the side of a strange looking vehicle—one with wings and whirring motors that suspend its large metal body in the open air. Usopp sits in the pilot seat manning the impressive contraption. Sweat beads on his forehead from concentration. The others are likely protecting the ship from the nation’s naval cavalry. 
 You increase your pace despite the burning sensation in your lungs. Hot on your heels is a stretch of armed guards mixed with strange looking creatures that look to be a gruesome mismatch of different animals—both natural and mythological. 
Luffy, for once, listened and fled alongside you when shit hit the fan—albeit with extreme reluctance. The captain was able to deal with the first rush of soldiers and their Chimera, but the monster was vicious and even Luffy struggled. That was a mere one. The royal guard owned five. And all of them, snapping their fanged teeth and snarling in hunger, are quickly closing the distance between themselves and you—their prey. 
The prisoner was long dead. The whole thing was a trap designed to ensnare the Straw Hats, and Luffy and you had walked straight into it. By the time you both realized you had been played, the cavalry had already surrounded you. Thankfully, Luffy was the master of creative escapes. He was not, however, a master of subtle ones. What was originally one guard unit and its accompanying Chimera quickly turned into all of them chasing after you in a vicious frenzy. 
“Don’t engage! We’ll come to you!” You shout towards Zoro, urging him to stay aboard. You can see a sort of panic in his eyes, mottled by excitement. He’s itching to fight. But doing so would be his biggest mistake yet and likely his last as well if he does not heed your words. 
The murderous soldiers are practically breathing down your necks, and even with Luffy trying to fend off as many as possible, you will quickly be overwhelmed by the strength of the Chimeras. The monsters growl and roar as their heavy steps thunder behind you, bloodlust practically soaking them through. If Zoro abandoned the ladder and tried to fight them off… it would be sheer suicide. You won’t let that happen.
Luffy manages to stretch out and grab hold of Zoro in the near distance. With a yell, he swings himself up and grabs you along the way. You yelp, the sudden movement catching you off guard. You shut your eyes as the wind whips you in the face. With a soft thud you land against a warm mass.
Zoro catches you, arms encircling your waist. 
“Are you okay?” He murmurs into your ear. 
You sag into him from relief. “Yes. Is Luffy…?”
“He’s completely fine,” Zoro smirks. 
Luffy, who is sprawled across the floor, gives you two thumbs up in reassurance. You can’t help but laugh. 
“Usopp! Take us away.”
The pilot gives you a smile and a salute before he presses a button and pulls the wheel up. Slowly, you feel the contraption tilt upwards. Smooth and steady. 
Out of nowhere, you and the rest of the crew are violently thrown to the left as something punctures the metal wall of the vehicle and jerks the entire thing back. Before you go slamming into the wall, Zoro twists himself around and cushions the blow. 
“What the hell?” Zoro’s grip on you tightens protectively.
A strange red pincer curls into the crumpled sheet that—just a moment ago—was the side hull. It looks to be the same sort of armour that is found upon the back of a crab, except it bears a darker color. Not unlike a deep pool of blood. Its shape is almost identical to that of a scorpion's tail but riddled with sharp ridges that cover its surface. The thing is the size of your head—a grotesque limb extended from one of the Chimeras, no doubt. 
Zoro and Luffy both immediately jump into action, the former slicing at the pincer while Luffy tries brute force. Neither works. Solid and unbending, the pincer trembles then stills. The next second you are staring into the howling winds and open space. The army roars beneath you, fifty feet below. The ugly beast with the scorpion tail isn’t finished. It narrows its beady eyes and with astonishing speed, it whips its tail upwards, spearing the floor. 
Usopp does his best to recenter, managing to keep everyone upright and away from the gaping hole left by the ripped wall.
“Shit,” Zoro hisses. “The damn thing is too tough. I can’t cut through.”
“I can’t rip it out!” Luffy frowns, throwing punch after fruitless punch at the immovable pincer. 
Panic threatens to overwhelm you.
Shit, shit, shit. Shit!
Something glints in the corner of your vision. A solution strikes you and you scramble towards a device on the floor. 
“The laser cutter! I can–” but your voice is lost to the bellowing winds as the monster yanks its tail once more, causing the entire machine to shake. You fumble with the device and clumsily clasp it in your trembling hands. Vertigo strikes you as you look down for a split second. 
The ground is nearing at an alarming rate.
It’s too close. Too—
Zoro jumps. 
“NO!” You reach out in an attempt to pull him back but you're too late. The fabric of his shirt slips out of your grasp and Zoro goes tumbling down—straight into the unhinged maw of the monster below. 
You aren’t sure if the screams piercing the air are your own or if they belong to the dying men below. With fluid ease, Zoro manages to sidestep the beast. He dives into the mass, slashing through their ranks. It is beyond impressive. 
But it is not enough. 
The Chimeras have zoned in, their attention drawn to Zoro. Snarling and snapping, they circle their prey. 
Its suicide. 
Luffy steps forward, ready to leap into the chaos, when familiar shouts sound from below. 
The rest of the crew are here. 
You collapse in relief, adrenaline draining from your body. 
He’s okay.
✧ ˚  ·    .    
“This is such a stupid fight,” you sigh. 
“This isn’t a fight,” Zoro frowns, unnerved by the very idea of arguing with you. 
Sanji pipes up. “It sounds like a fight.”
Nami pinches him by the ear and drags the chef out of the kitchen, scolding him as he protests and apologizes. 
“But Nami! They’re in my workspace!”
You and Zoro both ignore him, too preoccupied with the argument at hand. 
“I saved your life. His too. If anything, you should be thanking me.”
You scoff in disbelief. “I’m not going to thank you for your recklessness.”
“And I won’t apologize for it,” Zoro says firmly. 
“You’re going to get yourself killed one day! I refuse to stick around and watch it happen.”
He freezes as he catches onto the underlying meaning behind your words. “What do you mean by that?”
“I…” you hesitate, unprepared for this conversation. You didn’t mean to let news of your departure slip out. This isn’t how it was supposed to go. You’re both too agitated. Too riled up. 
“What do you mean by that?” He echoes. His voice is low and careful, tip toeing on the edge between urgency and trepidation. 
You want to turn around. Walk away. Lie. 
But this is Zoro. A man you entrust with your life and, occasionally, your heart as well. Secrets don’t belong in your relationship—as muddled as it is—and they will only consume what trust you have forged through the years. 
It is time to bear the truth in front of the most terrifying witness. 
With a rough swallow, you tell him everything. Your plan to leave the crew, to retain your birthright, and to finally settle your country’s score, once and for all, by bringing peace through union. A marriage between royal heirs. You and a foreign prince. 
You can’t look at him as the secret you’ve been harbouring finally spills over your lips like oil. If you look at him, you’ll cry. 
“…I leave in two weeks,” you finish. You’re still staring at the ground, heart racing a mile a minute. 
There’s no answer. Silence stretches on for a while, so quiet a person’s breath could be mistaken for thunder. So cloying, it stains your lungs. Finally, you can’t take it anymore. You snap your head up, ready to demand a reply from the swordsman, but the look on Zoro’s face wipes anything you have to say from memory. 
Shock, anger, disappointment, sadness. Those are all too shallow of description for the depth of what he is feeling. The best he settles on is desperation. An intensely unpleasant anxiety that borders on panic. That is what currently thrums in his veins. 
You’re leaving…?
“You won’t change my mind Zoro.”
He doesn’t answer. 
“Nothing will,” you add softly. 
Especially not him. 
This is your goal—your dream. He can’t take that away from you no matter how much he resents it. He simply can’t. But he can be angry, can’t he? He deserves that anger. Needs it to keep him sane. But before he can articulate it, you speak up again, turning the subject back to the argument before. 
“The point is you’re too rash.”
He’s barely listening. “It’s my job.”
“No,” you reply firmly. “No it’s not. You put that title on yourself—placed that burden on your own shoulders, never asking for a hand. Not even when so many would offer.”
“I don’t need help. I protect my friends. That’s what I do,” he grits out. 
“Even at your own expense?”
You scoff in disbelief. “It's idiotic.”
“It’s my duty.”
“So you say!” You throw your hands up, exasperated and frustrated. “But that’s not all it is, is it? You fear losing that part of yourself—the protector, the bodyguard, the shield—because you would lose yourself in the process. Your entire life—your purpose—does not revolve around meaningless self-sacrifice and protecting us from a world we choose to exist in!”
He scoffs in sheer disbelief. “And you? What exactly is your role? Don’t you dare stand there and attempt to psychoanalyze me when you’re just a damn coward!”
You suck in a sharp breath, his words striking deep. “I am not a coward.”
“Then why the hell are you running away?!”
“Running? Running?!”
He nods, jaw clenched. He avoids looking straight at you—at the hurt in your eyes. “Yes. The only thing you know how to do.”
Anger replaces hurt. “You fucking hypocrite,” you spat out.
He shakes his head. “I’m just calling it like I see it.” 
“You are nothing without your so-called duty,” you hiss. “So you do not get to judge mine.”
“Is that why you abandoned it in the first place? I wonder where this valiant change of heart came from.”
“You could never understand.”
He drops his gaze to the floor and takes a heavy step back. Zoro can barely look at you. “You’re right. I could never understand turning my back on people who needed me.”
Those are the last words he says to you. The next morning, you are gone. All of your things and belongings cleared from your room—like you had never existed on the ship in the first place. 
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teamred · 20 days
sunday morning
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✩‌ logan howlett x reader x wade wilson | fluff | suggestive | 1.1k
SUMMARY | autumn weather begins to roll in one sunday morning. you greet your boyfriends in the living room, finding wade matching you in one of logan's signature plaid shirts. // part of the home sweet home series
WARNINGS | making out, touching, s*xual jokes, morning s*x on the couch implied
RATING | teen+
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Warm streams of sunlight pour through the slitted window shades and onto the bed, draping over your eyes and waking you from your beautiful slumber.
With a content smile, you savor the fact that it’s Sunday and that sunlight, rather than an obnoxious alarm, is your wake-up call. You prefer it this way over any day.
Despite the sun’s warmth, you find it chilly, more so than usual, especially in contrast to your t-shirt and shorts-clad body. Fall approaches and it’s one of your favourite times of the year. The beginning of cozy drinks, crisp air, and the city blanketed in vibrant orange leaves. 
But for now, you’re not quite ready to embrace autumn, tugging the blanket up and covering your shivering self up to your neck to ward off the chill. 
Reaching behind you in the king-sized bed, you hope to find one of your boyfriends for a little extra comfort and warmth, but your hand only meets empty space. Your ears catch the familiar hum of your more talkative partner, along with the TV and satisfying sounds of morning coffee being made. 
Blinking the sleep away, you spend a few more moments nestling in your blanket. When you finally decide to get up, you instinctively step towards Logan’s side of the closet and grab one of his brown plaid shirts to cover-up. Given his taller stature, the ends of his shirt easily cover your thighs. 
The bedroom door creaks open and Dogpool immediately welcomes you with a happy wag of her tail. Squatting down to her level, you pet her on the head and give her some loving scritches. 
Glancing up, you spot Logan sprawled on the sectional sofa, watching TV with his legs draped over the extended part. He’s wearing a simple white tee and plaid pajama pants and adorning a bit of messy hair.
Across the room, in the kitchen, Wade’s whistling as he makes drinks, decked out in one of his many Spider-man shirts, pink and white striped pajama bottoms, and another plaid shirt from Logan’s extensive collection. 
Your smile widens at the sight of him in Logan’s clothes, fawning how handsome he is, almost rocking it as much as Logan does.  
Standing up, you catch Logan eyeing you up and down, gaze lingering on how the oversized shirt fits you. There’s a glint in his eye, reminiscent of how he looked at you last night. 
“Mornin’, beautiful,” he says with a small smile, his voice still carrying the raspy edge of waking up early.
“Good morning, sweet cheeks!” Wade sing-songs. “How are the holes this fine—” 
His face lights up as he sees what you’re wearing. 
“Oh, my God! We’re totally matchy-matchy, babe,” Wade says, raising his eyebrows in exaggerated surprise.  
You stroll into the kitchen and touch his chest from behind. “We are, indeed, babe.” 
Initially, you plant a chaste kiss on his cheek, but he turns his head after, diving into a deep kiss. Post-kiss, he gently rubs his nose against yours, holding you by your waist. You giggle at the affectionate gesture. 
“Who pulls it off better, Logie Bear?” Wade asks, still tenderly holding you with locked eyes.
“You know the answer to that,” Logan deadpans from the living room. 
“It’s me,” Wade mouths, pointing to himself dramatically. Although you shake your head in disagreement, you beam in response. 
Reluctantly, you pull away from Wade’s body, but still keep contact in the form of hand-holding. You grab the cup of tea he made for you. 
“It’s cool this morning, huh?” you comment, blowing your tea before taking a sip. 
“Yeah, fall’s officially here to eat our ass out,” he mirrors you, drinking some of his coffee. “Not that I’m complaining—you know I love me some PSLs.” 
You glance at the color of his coffee. 
“Wade, I’m not sure pumpkin spice lattes can even compete with how sweet and creamy you take your coffee.” 
“What are you talking about? I add just a teeny, tiny pinch of cream and sugar,” he protests. 
“You drink coffee the worst way, bub,” Logan pipes up, surprisingly listening in on the pointless conversation. 
“Okay, Mr. I-Drink-Coffee-As-Dark-As-My-Empty-Soul,” Wade retorts with a roll of his eyes. He jerks a thumb toward the living room. “Get a load of this guy, am I right? Actually, on second thought, you did get a load of him last night. And me, of course.” 
He winks at you and all you can do is shake your head, indulging in Wade’s humor. You gather your tea and another cup, then walk towards the couch. Setting a cup of black coffee on a coaster in front of Logan and placing your tea beside it, you settle next to him. He drags his attention away from the TV and reaches out for you, touching the back of your bare thigh. 
“Thanks, baby,” he says, rubbing his thumb tenderly over your skin. You squeeze his hand in response, a silent “Of course” conveyed.
“Did Wade wake you up?” you ask. 
Logan shakes his head. “No, I was up before sunrise. Had a hard time fallin’ back asleep.” 
“Was it really bad last night?” you ask in concern, reaching out to stroke his face.
“No, it was fine,” he assures. “Sleep’s been better since we started this.” 
This obviously implying the unconventional relationship you three share, but it works, even if Logan’s not keen to admit how he has a soft spot for Wade. Logan leans into you for a kiss, his grin spreading as he does so. It’s hard not to mirror his smile. 
The kissing is innocent, but only for so long.
“You look so fuckin’ good in just my shirt, y’know that?” he murmurs, tugging you flush to his body. His calloused hands trail up your legs and underneath his shirt that you’re wearing. A low moan follows. 
“Hey, invite me if you’re gonna be fucking on my couch without me!” Wade exclaims, suddenly flopping across Logan’s lap and your body. You groan, trying to support the weight of your two muscle-bound boyfriends. 
“It’s Al’s couch!” you and Logan chorus, barely managing to keep your balance.
“And don’t you forget it!” Althea suddenly says, her voice muffled behind her bedroom door. 
Logan shifts to press closer against Wade while still holding onto you. Your other boyfriend dips his head, kissing you fervently. His coffee breath is unmistakable, but you couldn't care less, especially when you feel Wade pressing his rising hardness against you.
“Also, besides my usual warning about keeping it down, if you’re gonna fuck on the couch again, please wipe it down after,” Blind Al calls out, still behind the door.  
“Yes, Al,” all three of you respond in unison in your tangled harmony. 
Before long, plaid shirts are tossed aside, along with the rest of everyone’s bed wear. You keep your moans and whines to a minimum for Al’s sake (or at least you try to).
You welcome the oncoming weather of fall with your bodies pressed up against each other, exchanging warmth in the chill morning. 
And of course, besides sleeping in, you remember why Sunday mornings are your absolute favourite.
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pretentious-blonde · 13 days
turning pages
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: making the most of the beginnings of autumn, steve takes his girl to a bookshop. only problem is, he is clueless as to what she is talking about.
warnings: none, steve being insecure?
a/n: today feels like the first day of autumn so I wanted to write something for steve being obsessed with his girl <3
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The crisp autumn morning was a blessing after the oppressive heat of the summer. The wind carried with it the scent of fallen leaves and the familiar smell of burning wood, probably from a distant bonfire. Steve took in the beauty of the morning as he walked with you, practically glued to your side, matching your every step with his own. 
The sun shone bright above the pair, but did little to heat the two of you. Instead, it covered the trees in a warm orange glow, complementing the leaves that continued to fall. The colours only added to it—crimson reds and burnt oranges, scattered across the pavement you strolled down, giving a satisfying crunch as you both walked. 
Wrapped up warm next to him in her oversized jumper was his girl, clad in an old winter coat that looked like it could swallow her whole. Her cheeks were flushed from the chilly breeze, making her features appear even softer. He didn’t think that was possible. 
She took a sip of her hot chocolate, something she was so excited to finally have now the weather had cooled down. He was more of a coffee drinker himself, but he wouldn’t let her know that, especially when her eyes lit up as she ordered one for him too. Giddily handing it to him and watching as he took his first sip. 
For her, it would be his new favourite. 
He watched the way her breath came out in small clouds, the morning light illuminating her face and a few strands of hair that framed her perfectly. 
He couldn’t hide the smile from his face even if he tried; he thanked the coldness for hiding his own reddening cheeks. Everything about her mesmerised him, even more so today—the peaceful look in her eyes, the way she looked so snug in her layers, radiating warmth despite the dropping temperature. She had to fight him off that morning after he insisted on wrapping her up more, offering up his jumper collection for her comfort. Eventually, she gave in and didn’t fight when he draped his scarf around her neck, tying it up and tucking it into her jacket. 
He wanted her to always be comfortable. Always be happy. 
His own hot chocolate helped to warm his fingers, every sip reminding him of the sweet girl next to him. As the two of you walked, you could feel his gaze wandering to you, your eyes wide and sparkling as you talked about everything and nothing. Your laughter rang aloud at something he said and his heart leapt in his chest, he felt lucky for being the cause of it. 
Every now and then, he’d reach out and gently brush a stray leaf from your coat or adjust his scarf as you tell him off for fussing too much. You do it all with a small grin, he knows you secretly love it, and all he is thinking about is how he’d do anything to keep that smile on your face. 
As you continued to wander along the street, he felt you pause next to him before grabbing his arm with excitement. He chuckled as you dragged him in the direction of the bookshop, just happy to be in your company. 
“C’mon, I didn’t know this was here!” You tell him, practically skipping towards the entrance. 
“Neither did I, honey,” he says, keeping his tone upbeat so as to not dim your enthusiasm. This was not exactly his comfort zone and the last thing he wanted was for you to think you were dating some kind of fool. 
As you pulled him inside, he was hit with the cosy smell of old parchment, similar to the one that filled your apartment. Probably due to your overflowing bookshelf. The lighting was dim and inviting, flowing over your form as you began to wander down the aisles. He watched from afar as your brows furrowed in concentration, carefully inspecting each new book you spotted. It was clear you were in your element. 
The boy tried to act casual, leaning against one of the shelves, tucking his hands in his pockets. But internally, he was nervous. He knew nothing about books. Years of trying in class but failing miserably, his skills were more social ones, not academic. His mind started overthinking the entire situation. Maybe you liked smarter guys, men who could recommend you something, knowing immediately what you would like. Someone you could drink hot chocolate with and exchange reading materials while talking about obscure authors and their works. 
“This place is pretty cool, angel,” he said while pretending to look around. 
You tore your gaze away from the book in your hand, your smile bright. “I know right? I can’t believe we have never seen it here before.”
You carried on perusing the shelves, this time taking Steve with you, picking up a few classics that you have read previously. You held up a second-hand copy of Pride and Prejudice, your eyes glinting with excitement. “This is an absolute favourite. Elizabeth Bennet falls in love with Mr Darcy. He is so misunderstood in my opinion. It’s all about social class and personal growth—I love it. Real old school romance.”
He nodded enthusiastically as he listened intently to what you were saying. Mr Darcy, Bennet…right. Got it. His small smile never fell as he tried to keep up with your rambling. “Yeah, sounds great, honey. I mean—if you say it’s that great—I believe you.”
You laughed and shoved his shoulder teasingly. “My opinion is always correct. Okay, let me show you…” you scan the shelf to try and find another title. “This one,” you hold up a book with the author Shirley Jackson printed on the bottom. 
“This one is a bit of a psychological thriller. It’s about two sisters living in isolation, and it’s got this eerie, unsettling vibe. You’d probably laugh if I told you it’s a bit of a horror novel. I mean, I don’t exactly see you reading ghost stories.”
“I’m sure it’s super creepy. I’ll take your word for it.” He tried to sound convincing, but his mind was elsewhere. What’s a psychological thriller again? Fuck.
You continued to talk about books, stopping to tell him what you loved and what you didn’t about each one. Steve found himself more focused on how adorable you looked when you were passionate about something. Your hands gestured animatedly as you described the plots and characters, and he couldn’t help but be completely enchanted by your enthusiasm. His smart girl. 
He wanted to ask questions to keep you talking, but he was worried about saying something that might seem stupid. What if I ask the wrong thing? He didn’t want to seem clueless—god—if only he had paid more attention in English class. Maybe then he could at least try to humour you better. 
Instead, he just kept nodding, offering encouraging smiles and the occasional, “That sounds really cool.” Just hoping it was the right thing to say, wracking his brain to find a more exciting adjective than ‘cool’.
As you continued to browse, Steve’s eyes caught sight of a familiar cover on a nearby shelf, The Great Gatsby. He hadn’t thought about that book in ages, but he remembered reading it—pretending to read it—a while back in class and tried desperately to remember something—anything—from the plot. Trying to act casual, leaning over you as he pointed at it, your senses suddenly filled with the smell of bergamot and amberwood. 
“Hey, Gatsby. I, uh, liked it.” He ran a hand through his hair, an action that you quickly learnt he did when he was stressed or unsure, you could hear the hesitation in his voice. Steve regretted speaking up immediately. Everyone had read it, or at least studied it back in school. It was hardly impressive. He just wanted to contribute somehow. Wanted to share something with you that you were passionate about. 
You turned to him with a warm smile, clearly seeing through his nonchalant facade. “You’ve read The Great Gatsby? I love Fitzgerald’s work.”
Steve’s face turned a pretty shade of pink at your reassurance. God, you’re too sweet for him. 
“Yeah, I remember it being pretty good. I mean, it’s definitely one of those books that, like, sticks with you, right?”
You chuckled and gave him a playful nudge, the action alone making his chest tighten at your innocent touch. “Definitely. I’m impressed you remembered it. You’ve got good taste.”
Steve’s smile widened, his eyes filled with adoration, your response made him feel like he was doing something right as relief washed over him. He reached out, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m just happy I’m with you, honey. I like you telling me this…stuff. You make it all sound so interesting.”
You beamed up at him, your eyes shining. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. As long as you’re ok with me talking your ear off.”
Please, he thought. He would listen to you ramble all day.
When you had finally finished looking around, you had narrowed it down to only two books you were going to buy, clutching them both close to your chest. Steve walked up beside you, grabbing the slightly battered copy of Pride and Prejudice along with the Shirley Jackson novel you’d had gushed to him about earlier. You glanced at him in surprise as he added them to the stack at the counter.
“Wait, why are you getting those?” you asked, tilting your head as he reached into his pocket, handing the cashier the cash. 
Steve shrugged casually, brushing off your question. “Because you like them, and I’m gonna read them,” he said with a confident grin, holding the door open for you as you both stepped back into the cold air outside, books in hand.
You blinked up at him as you stopped walking, shaking your head at the thought of inconveniencing him. “You really don’t have to, you know. I wasn’t trying to make you read them.”
He stopped when you did, giving you that soft, classic Steve look that always made your knees go weak. 
“Nonsense,” he replied, his voice full of affection as he held a hand up to your stressed face. “If you like them, angel, I’ll love them. Plus, I kinda want to know what you’re talking about when you get all excited next time you bring me here.”
Your heart melted on the spot. “You’re too nice, you know that?”
His confident expression faltered, now looking more bashful. He slipped his hand into yours as you continued your walk, not wanting it to get cold. 
“Only for you,” he said, giving your fingers a gentle squeeze. “And I’ll read anything if it means I get to hear more of what you gotta say.”
You glanced up at him, a playful smirk playing on your lips. “Oh, really? Gonna give you a pop quiz and everything once you’ve finished them if that’s the case.”
Steve chuckled, feeling the pressure already with your teasing threat. “Quiz me? Uh, maybe let me get through a few chapters first, honey.”
“I’ll make flashcards for you and everything. You’ll be an expert on Austen when I’m done with you.” You giggle. 
He laughed, shaking his head at your antics. “If I suddenly become a literary genius, it’s all thanks to you, angel.”
You leaned closer to him, taking your hand away from his so he could wrap a strong arm around your shoulders. 
“I like you just the way you are.” The words fell out of your mouth with ease.
Steve rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide how he felt after hearing you say that. Your words would be replaying in his head for weeks to come. “Keep sweet-talking me, and I might even start quoting Pride and Prejudice just to impress you.”
“Oh, I’d love to see that,” you teased. “You as Mr. Darcy? Perfect.”
“At your service, Miss Bennet.” He said, giving you a small bow, he hoped he remembered names right from earlier.
You burst out laughing, feeling warmer thanks to the sweet boy next to you. He pulled you closer, pressing a soft kiss to your temple as you continued down the street together, tucked under his shoulder, hot chocolate now cold in your paper cups. Not that it mattered, he would buy you as many as you liked as long as he was with you.
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tyunphoria · 11 months
🌪️not in my movie ! — b.chan
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ghostface!bang chan x reader
SYNPNOSIS: just a fun game of cat and mouse till you fall in the lion’s den.
INCLUDES: AFAB reader, college!au, pet names, praise, ANGST and SMUTTT. Finding out he’s ghostface gee what a shocker, not proof read, rushed:p chan’s hella manipulative if you squint.
WARNINGS: threatening, mentions of death and murders, blood, slight degradation, fear play, slight dacryphilia, DOM!chan, p in v, oral (giving), fingering, hair pulling, uh tw just to make sure: non con that turns consensual, semi public not rlly?, UNPROTECTED SEX, mentions of vomiting.
[click here to read ghostface!hanjisung x reader.]
w.c: 4.5k
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The leaves were ablaze with autumn hue as y/n walked across the quad of her college campus. She breathed in the crisp autumn air, savouring the hint of bonfire smoke that indicated the fair was being set up. Y/n loved this time of the year. Students milled about between classes, backpacks slung over shoulders, coffee cups warming hands. Some douchebags would even take the liberty to scare their peers and professors while clad in a black robe and a ghostface mask.
Speaking of, your senior Chan just fell victim to one of the pranks and it was hilarious how you got to witness it first hand.
“I hate Halloween…” Chan grumbled as he fell into step beside you.
Your body buzzed with laughter as you handed him the book that slipped from his grasp. “Are you going to that fair tonight?” You ask. Chan makes an expression you couldn’t read, akin to contemplation tinged with mild distaste at the idea. You knew him well enough to read the thoughts flitting across his face — he was tempted by the promise of candy apples and haunted houses but also felt the pull of responsibility to study for his upcoming exam.
“Oh come on, Christopher.” You roll your eyes, “a few hours of fun won’t kill you.”
“Hard pass.” He said. He wasn’t one to back down to these types of things but he claimed that there was something about Halloween which gave him the ‘ick’. “And it’s not just that… Changbin lost a bet so now he’s gonna have to wear a playboy bunny costume to the fair. Think I wanna see that?” You laugh and shake your head, bidding him goodbye as you turn to enter your apartment until Chan stopped you once more by grabbing ahold of your arm.
“Y/n,” he says, his voice stern. “I’m being serious this time. Just… how about you just don’t go? It’s dangerous, especially how late it is at night. Who knows… maybe ghostface himself would show up uninvited.”
His warning sent goosebumps to rise on your skin, making the hair on your nape stand. You mask it with a light scoff. “Really, Chris? When are you gonna drop this ghostface shit. Dude’s been M.I.A for years, I think I’ll be fine.”
You try to pull away but his grip around your wrist tightens before you find yourself being pulled against his chest, hands holding your waist in place as he buries his face against your neck. “Be careful out there, yeah?”
Your hard gaze softens. “I will.”
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“Y/n!” Felix beams as he captures you in a tight embrace.
“Jesus Christ, lix.” You gently pull away from the hug to examine his costume. “Elsa?”
“It’s cute, no?” He pouts. “Aya’s over there by the dart booth.” You nod at him gratefully, giving him one last hug before making your way to Aya.
“Hey bitch!” You grin. Aya bounces over to you, planting a kiss on your cheek, staining your skin with the bright red lipstick she wore.
“You wore the costume I bought you, let me see,” she twirls you around. “Hot, hot, okay, but babes that jacket has gotta go.”
“It’s cold!” You protest. “And my tits are practically out.”
Aya sighed in exasperation. “Halloween is the one year where a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” She quotes.
The fair was packed with hordes of costumed attendees, mostly college students from nearby universities. Your eyes widened as she took in the revealing outfits on display - girls in lingerie masquerading as "sexy cat" costumes, shirtless guys with lampshades on their heads.
"Is that chick only wearing a bra and a fucking g-string?" You murmured to Aya, who stood beside you nibbling on candy corn from a paper bag.
Aya followed her gaze to a scantily clad brunette in the distance. "Looks like it," she snorted.
"Thank god there are no kids around here tonight."
You said, finding the lack of children odd. Usually by 8pm, the fair would be swarming with kids getting high off of cotton candy and running around wildly.
"Yeah, the government placed a curfew," Aya explained after popping a few gummy worms into her mouth. "Didn't you hear?"
"A curfew? No, why?" You felt unease curl in your stomach. The last curfew had been years ago, when a killer in a mask murdered a group of teens.
Aya lowered her voice. "It's all over the news. Two days ago someone broke into this girl's house downtown. And then a bunch of people were found dead behind the HYBE office building."
Your brows furrowed. There's no way it could be Ghostface again, right? That killer had been caught years ago.
Chris’s words from this morning suddenly plagued your mind and it bothered you.
A theory was circulating online that there was more than one Ghostface. That a group of obsessed fans had taken up the killer mantle. Those amateur reddit detectives were digging far deeper than the useless ass police.
What if Chan had been right? Unease bloomed in your chest as you glanced around the fair.
Aya takes notes of her expression, attempting to lighten the mood by shoving some cotton candy in your mouth.
“Stop worrying. Let’s go ride the roller coaster and eat candy till we fucking barf!”
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“Oh, fuck me, I’m gonna—“ Aya bends over the railing and hurled.
Your cheeks tint in embarrassment, an awkward smile on your lips as you pat her back, trying to ignore the disgusted looks both of you were receiving.
“Bitch you gotta go on without me,” she slumps against a nearby bench, chugging down a can of beer to wash off the vile taste.
“What!” You frown, “but the haunted house, you promised!” You tugged on her arm but she doesn’t budge. “Tsk, fine, I’ll go without you then.”
They built a new attraction that the place has been working on for years but it just now opened up today. It was a big haunted mansion. You wondered why it took so long for them to open it up, but you found out not too long ago that they didn’t hire any scare actors for this attraction, they were all animatronics.
You see your friend by the entrance, collecting tickets and admitting people in.
"Hyunjin!" you exclaimed, a wide smile lighting up your face as you spotted your friend stationed at the entrance, diligently collecting tickets and admitting people in. "I didn’t know your ass worked here."
The blond returned your smile and motioned for three more people to enter before making his way over to you. "Yeah, I actually wanted to take today off, but they were in desperate need of extra staff. I was looking forward to spending the night with my girlfriend too." he replied with a small sigh. "Surprisingly, it's even more crowded than last year. You'd think people would stay home, given the murder incident that happened at HYBE."
You crossed your arms. You really didn’t wanna think about that right now. casting a quick glance down at your heels, momentarily distracted by the discomfort throbbing in your feet. "I shouldn't have worn these," you gesture to your heels.
Something crossed Hyunjin’s face as his expression went blank. “It’s gonna bitch to run in those if that fucker catches you.”
You gape at him. Who the fuck says something like that so casually?
“Sorry,” Hyunjin chuckled. “It’s part of my script.” Oh right… yeah, of course, it being halloween and him working at a horror attraction explains it.
“Oh, it’s your turn, y/n. You going in alone?” He asks. You glance behind you past the long line of teenagers to spot your friend Aya flirting with some guy. You grunt. “Yeah. Just me.”
Hyunjin smiles, taking your ticket and opening up the doors for you. “Enjoy.” He puts it simply, closing the doors behind you.
Hyunjin glances at the rest of the people in the line, the smile falling from his face as he makes his announcement which results in a chorus of groans.
“Okay everyone! Haunted mansion’s closed for tonight.”
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As you ventured further into the haunted mansion, the path guided you through a dimly lit corridor. The flickering candles along the walls cast eerie shadows, whispering secrets in the air.
"for something that took years to make, this is pretty boring," you muttered, your disappointment evident in your voice. The first half of the experience was extremely underwhelming. The animatronics were, at least. But as you stepped into the next room, your boredom quickly turned to awe.
Inside, the place was straight out of a Gothic horror story. The Victorian aesthetic engulfed you, transporting as if you were entering dracula’s house or some shit.
As you continued, animatronic figures lurched and screeched, attempting to startle you with their mechanical movements and eerie sounds. But let's be real, they were more comical than terrifying. Their jerky motions and predictable jump scares only elicited laughter instead of fear..
You couldn't help but chuckle, finding amusement in their exaggerated gestures and obvious gimmicks. It became a game to anticipate their predictable moves, mocking their feeble attempts at fright.
The vibe itself was pretty spooky.
The thing that genuinely terrified you was the sudden ear-piercing scream cutting through the air.
Was that from outside? You couldn’t tell. There weren’t any windows. Maybe it just came from one of the speakers.
How long has it been, seven minutes maybe? Well, for one the place was huge and you took up most of the time taking pictures of the place and messing with the bots.
Startled by the crashing sound of the picture frame hitting the floor, you couldn't help but leap in surprise. As your racing heart gradually settled, you cautiously rounded the corner, only to find yourself confronted with a seemingly endless maze of hallways. The disorienting sight added to your growing sense of unease.
Just as you began to collect your thoughts, your hand-held phone abruptly buzzed, causing you to jump once more. The unexpected vibration sent a jolt through your system, making you exclaim, "Jesus—fuck!" A nervous chuckle escaped your lips as you pressed a trembling hand against your chest, trying to calm your pounding heart.
Assuming it was Aya, you braced yourself for a string of impatient requests to hurry up and drive her home. However, to your surprise, the incoming text displayed an unknown number. Curiosity mingled with a tinge of annoyance as you read the message that flashed on your screen: "
“Let’s play a game:)”
Your heart rate quickened in response, you weren't in the mood for pranks, you grumbled and decided to power off your phone, hoping to put an end to the unsettling message.
Your phone buzzed again.
With a mix of frustration and apprehension, you reluctantly picked up your phone and saw another message from the same unknown number: "Don't fucking ignore me, l/n." The words sent a shiver down your spine.
Reluctantly, you type back, your fingers trembling on the keyboard.
"Who are you?" you ask, your anxiety building with each passing moment.
The chat bubbles appear on the screen, filled with an unsettling anticipation. The silence hangs heavy, broken only by the rapid beating of your heart.
"Let's play," the mysterious person replies.
Frustration bubbles up inside you, and you can't help but snap in response. "Look asshole, I don't have time for this," you retort, your patience wearing thin.
A pause follows, and then their next message appears, sending a chill down your spine. "I'm sure you do if your life depends on it," they jeer, their words laced with a sinister edge.
Confusion and fear intertwine within you, clouding your thoughts. Their cryptic statements leave you bewildered, struggling to grasp their true intentions.
Suddenly, a notification pops up, revealing an incoming image. With trembling hands, you open it, only to be met with a horrifying sight—Hyunjin covered in blood, and Aya who looked lifeless leaned up against a pole.
A scream escapes your lips as you drop your phone, shock coursing through your veins. Trembling, you gather the courage to pick up the device again, your mind racing with terror and desperation.
With a renewed sense of horror, you read the next message: "Don't worry, darling. They’re not dead yet. If you can be a good girl for me, I may just spare them."
Each word intensifies your panic, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.
“Don’t hurt them. I’ll do whatever you want.”
The tears streaming down your face are uncontrollable, having to hold the wall for support so your legs didn’t give up on you.
“Let’s play a game of hide and seek.” It writes. “I’m giving you two minutes to hide. If I find you by the time it strikes 12,” then they stopped typing. Seconds felt like hours as you waited. “Let’s just say they don’t get to see another day. As for you, things won’t get pretty so make sure to hide well:)”
It’s a little after 11:40, so you only have twenty minutes till the game is over. You assume that the timer for the duration you had to hide already started so you wasted no time to break into a sprint.
The game seemed simple enough. All you needed to do was hide for fifteen more minutes and you were golden! Besides, it’s a pretty big mansion. You’re confident that it’ll take them hours to find you.
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Two more minutes.
There were only two minutes left.
You sink down against the wall, pulling your legs close to your chest. Thoughts of Chris flood your mind. You imagine how he might be doing, picturing the moment when all of this would be over and you could finally return home. The image of him standing before you, his dimpled smile breaking through, teasingly claiming that going to the fair wasn't such a great idea after all, tugs at the corners of your lips and brings a glimmer of warmth to your heart.
"I told you so!" he would tease, his voice filled with both amusement and genuine concern. But deep down, you know that Chan would be consumed with worry for your well-being and safety. You already imagine him scolding you, all while showering you with hugs and gifts to make you feel better. As his junior, his guidance and advice always carried weight, and you never missed an opportunity to listen to his words.
You find yourself sinking deeper into the memories, recalling how Chan had always been so understanding. Whenever the principal's wrath came crashing down, he was there, standing by your side, ready to defend you with unwavering loyalty. And when the storms of heartbreak or failed hook-ups battered your heart, Chris, was there to console you in ways that went beyond words. It was as if you were a treasured princess in his eyes, deserving of nothing but the utmost care and tenderness.
But right now wasn’t exactly the best time to dwell on your fat crush on him.
Like, yes, sure you guys fucked one or twice before but they meant nothing. It was just a way to relieve frustrations with zero strings attached.
His warmth, his voice… his hands that touch you in all the right places.
You’re definitely gonna miss it if you die in this hell hole.
“What's on your pretty little mind that’s got you thinking so deeply, princess?”
You gasp and quickly shoot up to a sprint until your front is pushed up against a wall, feeling someone’s weight pressed against you along with a cold blade poking against your throat.
“I found youuuu,” he taunts.
The man wearing a ghostface mask chuckled as he pressed the knife more into your neck, enough to make a small cut. You wince and groan in pain. The situation is almost laughable, finding it somewhat cliché with the way you’re about to die.
“Fucking… let me go,”
“But princess, I won didn’t I? We had a deal.”
“Fine! You win! Just kill me already then, why drag longer?”
You squirm around to possibly irk him more to speed up the process but as you do, the further your backside gets pushed into his hard on making him groan into your left ear. “But what’s the fun in killing you right away. I’m here to claim my prize.”
Your eyes widen, realizing what his intentions were now.
An idea popped in your head. If you just played along for a few more, you can distract him and make a beeline for the exit.
A laugh slips past your lips. “What’s this? I didn’t expect mister ghostface to be such a perv.” You rub your ass against the tent of his sweats eliciting a strained grunt from the man behind you.
He drops the knife, closing your throat with his fist, bringing your head back. “Don’t fucking tempt me.”
You squeeze your eyes shut at the sensation of his gloved hand cupping your sensitive pussy. Slick begins to stain your lacy red panties as he hummed and dragged his middle finger along your slit. You gasp out in surprise, “don’t do that…”
“Oh? But you were rubbing against me not too long ago like a little slut, what happened to that confidence?” He reaches down further and gently parts the lips of your vulva before gently circling your entrance.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” Your eyes flutter open at his words. You both have already gone this far, why stop now? If you told him to stop, would it just prompt him to kill you? You wanted to atleast see Chris before you died… Well, he asked for permission at least so that was good… fuck it, what about this situation was considered good in the first place? Played with your feelings using fear and dread and now he has you pressed up against the wall with his hand down your underwear.
It was a bit of a turn on.
“Why don’t you kiss my ass and fuck me already.”
You couldn’t see his face but you knew from the tone of his voice that he was grinning, “Good choice.” You were wet and waiting, so he slips a finger inside, thumb circling your clit. You moan, back arching. He adds another finger and pumps his fingers, adjusting the pace while you fall apart in his arms. Your sighs and moans, the way your body responds to him. He hooks his fingers as he circles your clit, rewarded with a moan that sounds suspiciously like calling on the gods.
You tighten around his fingers as you cum, your cheeks flushed in mild embarrassment, with your lipstick smudged from his fingers stuffing your throat full. He strokes you through your orgasm, a beautiful sight to see you undone like this, having to fight the urge to rio off his mask and kiss you.
“Did that feel good, princess?”
“Don’t… call me that.”
“What’s wrong? Do you like being called derogatory names instead?”
Your cheeks flushed. “No! I just… only he can call me princess…”
Ghostface went quiet as he stilled momentarily. He takes his fingers out. “Is that so..” his laughter fills your ears and you can’t help but shy away by hiding your face. Your body was jerked around, forcing you to face him as he squished your cheeks together roughly.
“Open your eyes.”
You shake your head. He moved his hand from your cheeks to your hair making you moan out in surprise.
“Your mask scares me!” You cried out. Staring back at the two blank eyes of the costume while getting fucked isn’t exactly ideal.
“Then I’ll take it off.”
He’s bluffing. Cause there’s no way in hell — this dude’s gotta be bluffing. “You’d do that?”
“For you I would.”
‘Yeah. If you could just take off your mask so I could report you to the police when I’m outta here that’d be great.’
But you’d wish you told him to keep his mask on instead. You would’ve rather preferred that.
He cradled your face in his hand. “Why do you look so sad, princess? Not what you were expecting?” All you could do was cry. You were confused. You felt betrayed. You wanted nothing more than to shove him away but also melt against the warmth of his touch, the gentle caress of his hands that once brought you comfort. “Shh… shh, don’t cry.” Chan leans in and kisses away your tears.
“Why?” You hiccuped.
“I didn’t want you finding out. I never meant for this to happen.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Hell, y/n, I didn’t want you getting roped into this mess but you drive me fucking insane.
I won’t kill you, I just wanted to be honest with you. I’m sorry if you had to find out this way—“
You swallow his next words with a kiss. You didn’t want to listen to his words anymore. You didn’t care if it’s an excuse, you didn’t care if it was a lie, you didn’t care about anything as long as it was him.
“Save it. Whatever lame ass excuse you’re about to come up with, I forgive you.” This catches him off guard. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off again, “I’m tired and my pussy’s throbbing so let’s hurry and wrap this up.”
He grinned, urging to your knees. He gave your cheek a rough couple pats as he brought his index and middle finger to your lips, “open.” You part your lips and with little to no warning, he shoves his fingers down your throat. With his other hand, he pulled his sweats and briefs halfway down his toned thighs. He rubbed your spit around the length of his dick, giving it a few strokes before tracing the tip against your lips.
You poke your tongue out just to get a little taste of him making Chris visibly shudder. He groans before pushing the tip past your lips. You wrapped your lips around his cock and his hand immediately found its way on the back of your head. “Yeah… fuck, just like that…” you wrapped both of your hands around his length and worked quick pumps around the head while the other worked its way along the base.
He felt his knees buckle a little when you started sucking his balls. “You look so pretty like this,” he urged himself back into your mouth. “And who do you belong to?”
“You.” You moan. “I’m all yours, Channie.”
That was all the confirmation he needed before he began to brutally fuck your little throat. Your dress had ridden up gave it the liberty to press the tip of his shoe against your cunt making your hips jerk forward. As he ruthlessly fucked your throat and the laces of his converse rubbed deliciously against uour clit the stimulation was beyond amazing. After holding your head firmly against his pelvic area for what seemed like eternity, he finally let you get some air, removing yourself from his dick with a sloppy pop.
“Come here, pretty princess. Wanna cum inside of you…” he was quick to pull you to your feet and pushed you back up against the wall. Your answering smile is a smug thing, as if you’re proud of the effect you had on him. He kisses you then, groaning as he tastes himself on your tongue. Chan gripped your plush thighs and lifted you up with ease. He was gentle and slow, despite the circumstances you were thrown into. He rips your panties in half trying to get them off, drowning out your protests with a slight chuckle. “I’ll buy you new one’s.” He shoves your panties in his pocket before swiping his tip against your wet folds. “Oh,” you breathe out, eyes fluttering shut as he begins to move. The rhythm is slow at first, your fingers pulling him closer, as if you could eliminate all space between the both of you. Your hips meet his every thrust as they move together at a languid pace, as if they have all the time in the world.
He can feel the way your heart races, the rush of blood in your veins. He tries to be as gentle as possible as he sinks his teeth into your neck, drawing a delicious gasp from your lips as he thrusts into you, hoping to balance out the sensation of pain and pleasure. His face hovers over yours, breaths mingling. “Can you hear how wet you are?” He grunts, adding his thumb to the mix by rubbing your almost painfully sensitive clit. You moan loudly, back arching against the wall when you felt chan begin to suck at your tits over the thin material of your dress.
“Been wanting to fuck you for so long… seeing you walk around all night looking dolled up, I felt so jealous.”
He pounds mercilessly into your poor pussy, salty tears beginning to run down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure. “You're so gorgeous… wanna make you all mine — fuck,” he moans. “You’re so naughty… I told you not to go, didn’t I?”
“Channniiieee…. I’m gonna,” you whimper, whining against his lips. “I’m cumming… oh fuck, I’m cumming…”
“so cute…” he cooed. “You disobeyed me, and look at where we’re at now.”
You tangle your fingers in his hair as you orgasm followed by a shudder.
What sounded like footsteps that were approaching closer and closer catches you off guard and it seemed to have a similar effect on him as well.
Sticking to your plan from earlier, you shove him off of you while he’s distracted trying to figure out who could be approaching and make a beeline for the exit. His back hits a table, eyes widening.
“Love you Channie!” You grinned and before he could grab you, you shut the two heavy metal doors in front of him.
He grumbled, pulling his pants back on and opening the door only to be met with a ghostface mask staring right back at him.
“Hey,” Jisung says as he rips the mask off him.
“The van’s parked outside, the other’s have been waiting for twenty fucking minutes.” He says but he only received a glare from his leader. “You look pissed. What the hell happened this time?”
“Change of plans,” Chan says as he picks up his knife and mask from the floor. “You guys go on ahead without me.”
“What?” Jisung scoffed. “You can’t just do that at the last minute. Look, we’ve been planning this shit for years, you can’t just back down ‘cause you can’t control your dick. The police are already on their way, and—!” Chan throws his knife, missing Han by a hair as it pierces through the portrait behind him. Han felt his breathing stop for a quick second.
“You had your fair share of fucking with your slut, so pipe down.”
Jisung glowered, hand tightening around the handle of his gun. “Don’t fucking call her that.” He says, but he knew better than to get into an argument with his boss.
“I’ll meet you guys tomorrow.” Chan slips his mask back on.
“I’m gonna go claim back what’s mine.”
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a.n: ruh roh, alpha wolf chan is mad cs he didnt get to orgasm😕😕
and yall i get it, you want more skz ghostface content, im getting there okay😭
also pls lmk if you want me to make anime fics too, all ive been posting about are skz dhisbsje i can write genshin too. P.s all ghostface aus r connected, hyunjin is next methinks
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snowballseal · 3 days
hihi! i was curious if you would be willing to do a drabble inspired by the sleepy affection with sylus piece, but with out good dr zayne? i feel like sleepy cuddles with him would be so comforting... regardless, thank you sm for sharing your writing!! every piece you've posted has always brought a smile to my face (kicking my feet all happily too) even for characters i'm not as interested in :)
Sleepy Affection ~ Zayne
Summary: It's winter, and there's nothing like cuddling with your sleepy doctor after you've both had a long day (or a long few days in Zayne's case).
Word Count: 1014
Note: I'm honestly so whipped for this man. Like, I'm so soft for him. And he's so soft for reader. This man would turn into a cuddly cat when he's tired, kinda like the misty invasion card (*eyes emoji*)
Hope you enjoy! Thank you for the request! And thank you for your really kind words. I'm glad my writing can make people happy.
Winters in Linkon are your favorite.
There’s something about the snow, the crisp chill in the air, the smell of peppermint drifting from the coffee shops. Every store is draped in twinkle lights and each street rings with the song of bells as people come and go. The kids seem somehow more feral and delightful, running through the parks in their brightly colored scarves, building snowmen wherever they can. Being a hunter, you’re drawn into more than a few snowball fights by groups of eager children who want to see your “fighting skills”.
But your favorite part about winters are the sleepy evenings. It’s the feeling of getting home after a long day, a deep chill in your bones alongside the exhaustion, ready to curl up in your blankets with a cup of hot cocoa and a movie. There’s nothing else like it.
And what makes it even better?
When your boyfriend joins you after his even longer shift.
Your apartment is quiet except for the playful soundtrack of ‘Elf’ humming in the background. You snuggle deeper into the couch, eyes glued to the window beside you, watching the thick snowflakes dance with the wind. They look like little ballerinas to your tired eyes, pirouetting round and round and round. Hypnotizingly graceful.
The front door opens with a muted click.
Lazily, you tear your gaze away from the window. You do your best to glance over the back of the couch, your cheek pressing into the cushion, too comfortable to move, eyes half-lidded with sleep.
Your heart flutters at the sight in front of you though. Zayne stands in the foyer, pulling off his many layers of warm clothes with a startling lack of grace. Snow clings to his dark hair and coat, falling to the ground with each of his sluggish movements. The doctor looks tired. His eyes meet yours, dark and warm, hooded just like your own.
You lift the edge of your blankets. A silent invitation.
Zayne trudges across the living room, his steps uncharacteristically heavy. He takes off his glasses and leaves them on the table behind the couch. You smother a giggle when he practically collapses against you. It’s like having a large cat curl around you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck with a long, content sigh.
Resting your cheek against his hair, you tuck your blankets around his shoulders, murmuring a soft, “Hey, baby.”
The doctor lets out a low rumble in response, drawing you impossibly closer. You inhale sharply when he slips his hands under your sweater, his freezing cold fingers desperately seeking out the warmth of your skin. You shiver as they trace delicately along your waist, slotting in the tight space between you and the couch.
“Your fingers are freezing,” you whine, jarred from your sleepy state.
Of course you don’t actually mind, though. Not with Zayne. Not when he nuzzles so cutely into your neck, murmuring the most unapologetic apology you’ve ever heard, his voice low and raspy with exhaustion. A fuzzy kind of fondness washes over you.
“Long day?”
Zayne sighs, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your throat, “I’ve slept only three hours in the past two days.”
Poor thing.
You feel a stab of pity for him. That might be the only drawback of winter, you suppose. Akso Hospital is always infinitely busier with this kind of weather. The snow always brings more accidents and Zayne always volunteers to work extra shifts when the need is dire, no matter the cost to his health. It’s something you love, but also something that worries you.
Brows furrowing, you card your fingers through his hair tenderly in hopes of helping him relax. It’s still a little damp from the snow. Zayne shivers when your nails trace over his scalp. Another shaky sigh escapes him when your hand dips under his collar to massage his nape. He practically melts under your touch, his weight pressing you deeper into the couch.
You’re not sure where the movie is now. The cup of hot cocoa on the side table is likely cold. But it’s hard to care. All you can focus on is Zayne. The steady rise and fall of his chest. The faint smell of jasmine hidden under the lingering scent of the hospital. The comforting weight of his body on top of yours.
Eyes fluttering shut, you nuzzle your face into his hair, hands going still around his shoulders. The two of you stay like that for what feels like hours, drifting in and out of sleep as the snow dances outside. It all feels so distant, your blankets hiding you from the cold, from the rest of the world. 
It’s just the two of you.
The two of you, in your shared apartment, always coming home to one another. Just like this.
Your heart warms at the thought. Nudging his forehead gently, you draw Zayne back just enough to see his face. He looks back at you with those hooded eyes, hazel depths brimming with a reverent affection. Biting back a smile, you lean down to kiss him. It’s a tender thing, a mere brush of your lips against his, featherlight and full of devotion. It leaves the both of  you aching yet content as you draw away.
“I love you,” you whisper, nose brushing his sweetly.
“I love you as well, my dear,” he hums, a flicker of a tired smile gracing his lips.
You can’t resist pressing another kiss to them, your own smile breaking through, “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll wake you when it’s time for dinner.”
Without an ounce of resistance, Zayne settles back against you, his head resting on your chest. The soft thrum of your heartbeat lulls him to sleep, the exhaustion finally catching up and pulling him under. You listen as his breathing evens out, deep and slow.
And while you mean to stay up, you can’t resist the warmth, the comfort of having him there with you.
Vaguely, you hear the credit song playing as you drift off into sleep.
I have such a thing for calling stoic men 'baby', I feel like it's so soft and cute and he'd honestly probably melt for it. Idk, maybe just me, please don't come for me in the comments.
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cozywolvie · 11 days
hii, i was wondering if u could do a fic of logan nd wade with a sunshine reader ^_^ like an overly happy and energetic person ig. IF THAT MAKES SENSE LOL. i don’t see too many fanfics with sunshine readers… or at least when i look. not sure if u have gotten many requests yet but hopefully this isn’t a bother to u!! u can add smut or smth if u want. u seem super cool and hopefully u have a fun time writing this if u do :3 have a great day or night!!
a/n: yayy! my first request! thank you sm for requesting and you are not a bother at all. I really hope this is somewhat of what you wanted. this is straight fluff and cuteness, so I hope you enjoy!
You have always been a morning person. You loved watching the sky turn different shades of yellow and orange as the sun rose, and you loved having a cup of coffee while watching it. However, your boyfriends couldn’t disagree more with you.
Here you are, laid out on the back porch, wearing one of Logan’s plaid flannels, baking in the rising sunlight as it goes over the horizon. A warm cup of coffee is settled in between your fingers, and you grip it tightly, loving the warmth it gave you on this crisp morning.
While you laid out here, Wade and Logan lay inside sound asleep in your shared king size bed. They always love to tease you about your chirpiness and happiness, especially in the morning. They couldn’t get around the fact that they both were somehow able to fall in love with a person so opposite of them, especially Logan.
It was around 10 am when you started to hear the two men stir. You were in the kitchen, humming, flipping pancakes on the stove. Logan emerged first from the bedroom, wearing a pair of sweats that hung low on his waist, a flannel hung along his shoulders, underneath was bare, and you tired not to gawk at his figure. He smirks when you see’s you. “Smells good.” He compliments, walking around to your side and placing a long kiss on your temple. You smile, practically leaning into his tender embrace.
“Good morning” You beam back at him. You loved mornings like this, calm, peaceful, anything to get away from the stress of Wade and Logan's crime fighting careers. You offer him coffee, which he leaves black, and sits down at the kitchen table. You continue to hum in content, even dancing to nothing in the kitchen, enjoying the sizzling of the pancake batter on the stove. There was just pure joy and happiness radiating off of you. Logan smiles at the sight.
“Good morning bubbles!” The sound of your other boyfriend radiates the room. Logan groans in discomfort at the loud sound, plugging his ears closed. You giggle at Wade’s nickname. Awhile ago when you three had gotten together, Wade had referred to the three of you were like the powerpuff girls. You, bubbles, because you were always bubbly. Buttercup, Logan, which is pretty self explanatory. And Wade, Blossom, because he claims that he was the captain of your little team.
“Good morning Wade.” You give him peck on the lips, and hand him his coffee, with a shit ton of creamer and four sugars, he loves things sweet. He takes a sip and nods approvingly. “Ah, sweet! Just like my girl.” He gives your behind a cheeky slap and you giggle, swatting him away playfully.
You all sit at the table, munching down on pancakes. Wade drowns his in syrup and Logan cringes at the sight. “You’re gonna get diabetes if you keep doing that.” Logan scowls.
“I already got cancer, I’ll take my chances.” Wade says back, shoving pancakes in his mouth. You grin, rolling your eyes at the pair. Logan eyes your cup of coffee. “Which number cup is that?” He teases.
“My forth.” You grin, taking a sip. Logan chuckles, shaking his head in amusement, “No wonder you’re always so energetic.”
"Nah, it's just the way our girl is." Wade says, sending a wink your way. You grin and try to hide your blush. "I have no reason to be anything else. I've got a good life, a roof over my head, and two incredibly amazing sexy men who are in love with me." You giggle with a wink, watching as both the men smile, making your heart warm.
"About that, thank you." Logan states. You crinkle your brows in confusion, not knowing what he is thanking you for. He see's your confusion, stumbling over his words, becoming flustered. "Well, uh, ya'know-"
"What peanut is trying to say is, that we are grateful for you. You're the light in our lives that we both needed." Wade states, grabbing your hand from across the table. You can't even contain the blush on your cheeks now. If anything, you should be thanking them.
"I'm the grateful one." You say. The boys smile, showering you in love and kisses. The rest of the day is spent with the three of you relaxing in your free time, cuddled up by the two men you love most, all three of your laughters echoing around the small cozy apartment.
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mingi-s-dimples · 13 days
dinner table - mingi
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pairing: mingi x fem reader
rating: 18+
genre: romance, smut (filth), non idol au
summary: Mingi invited you over after your date so you can spend more time together.
WC: 2k
warnings: non idol au, bf!mingi, oral (f receiving), eating out, cumplay, cumming. cum eating, cunnilingus, established relationship. unprotected (wrap up IRL), completely consensual, fingering, big dick!mingi (obvi), overstim, multiple orgasms, multiple rounds implied, squirting unedited (will def edit the formatting later), for sure forgot sth.
Author's Note: This one took me so long I'm so so sorry 😭😭😭 I started school again and I'm getting a loooot busier than usual so I'll try to post as often as possible but the minimum I can do is one fic per week AHHHH 😞 I loved writing it man 😇 It's delicious (to me)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction & doest not represent in any way the reality of the member.
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The crisp autumn air greeted you as you stepped out of your apartment, its coolness invigorating as it brushed against your cheeks. The world around was painted in rich hues of amber, gold, and crimson, the trees standing like sentinels of the season, their leaves fluttering gently to the ground. Every step you took crunched against the scattered leaves, the sound a soft reminder of the season's embrace. Today was a day you had been anticipating with a mix of excitement and nervous energy—your first ever official date with Mingi, your boyfriend. You've been hooking up with him for a while, but you just officialised it some weeks ago.
The two of you had decided to meet at a cozy little café tucked away in the heart of the park, a place that, with its warm atmosphere and large bay windows overlooking the tree-lined path, felt like the embodiment of autumn itself. As you walked along the winding trail, the scent of cinnamon and wood smoke filled the air, blending with the earthy aroma of the fallen leaves. The park was alive with the quiet bustle of couples and families enjoying the day, their laughter mingling with the rustle of the trees. It was the perfect setting, a backdrop that felt as if it had been painted just for this moment.
Your heart fluttered with every step closer to the café, the anticipation growing with each passing second. You spotted Mingi before he saw you, his tall figure unmistakable even from a distance. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, his hands tucked into the pockets of his coat. The soft, golden light of the late afternoon sun framed him in a way that made him seem almost ethereal, like a figure from a dream. His dark hair ruffled slightly in the breeze, and when he looked up and your eyes met, a warm smile spread across his face, instantly melting away the last traces of my nervousness.
You felt a wave of calm wash over you as you approached him, the world around the two of you narrowing until it felt like it was just you and him in that moment. Mingi stepped forward to greet you, his smile widening as he reached out and took your hand, his touch warm against the coolness of the day.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that matched the autumn hues around us. "You look amazing."
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks as you took in the sight of him. He looked effortlessly handsome, his coat hugging his broad shoulders, the color of the fabric harmonizing perfectly with the vibrant scenery around.
You stepped into the café together, the bell above the door chiming softly as you entered. The interior was cosy and inviting, with wooden beams overhead and a fireplace crackling in the corner, casting a warm glow across the room. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filled the air, and he found a spot by the window, where you could watch the leaves fall outside as you sipped from the drinks he ordered.
As you settled into the seats, the initial nerves you had felt earlier faded entirely, replaced by a comfortable warmth that spread through you as he began to talk. Mingi's laughter was infectious, and soon you were sharing stories, the conversation flowing effortlessly. The more he talked, the more you realized how much you enjoyed his company, his easygoing nature, a perfect complement to the serene atmosphere around.
Outside, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the park and painting the world in deeper shades of orange and red. The day felt like a beautiful, slow unfolding, each moment with Mingi more meaningful than the last. The warmth of the café, the crispness of the autumn air, and the simple joy of being with someone who made you feel so at ease—everything felt just right, as if the world had conspired to make this first date something special, something to remember.
As the evening drew closer, the two of you decided to take a walk through the park, hand in hand. The path was lined with trees whose branches arched overhead, creating a tunnel of golden leaves that crunched underfoot. The air was cool, but with Mingi by your side, it felt perfect, each step took together affirming the connection you were beginning to build.
There was some kind of magic in the air, something unspoken yet understood between the two of you, walking in comfortable silence. The day had been everything you could have hoped for and more, a perfect beginning to what felt like the start of something truly special. As you paused by the edge of the pond, watching the reflection of the fiery sky ripple across the water, you knew that this was a moment I would hold onto for a long time—a perfect first date, wrapped in the beauty of autumn and the warmth of newfound affection.
"H-hey so... I know we haven't been together for long but.."
"Hm?" you said, confused.
"You know that when we were hooking up, you came over at my house multiple times to play my favourite video game with me but... would you maybe want to spend the night... with me? I enjoyed spending time with you today, for this first date. I absolutely loved it", Mingi said, taking your hands into his, rubbing to warm them up.
"Y-yes, babe. Why not? We can watch a movie or something" you said, embracing his broat yet comforting body.
"Okay then, let's go" he murmured and held your hand, walking side by side.
*several minutes later, arriving at his apartment*
"Oh, let me" he said, taking off your coat. "Make yourself at home. In case you'd like some snacks, you know where to find them. I'll get us something to drink and I'll turn on whatever movie we haven't seen." he said and got his flip flops on, stepping onto the dark coloured rug in his living room. "Do you have any preference?" you heard him from the kitchen. "Nooo! Choose whatever!" you shouted back. You took out some random snacks and cookies from the cupboard and went back in the living room, taking a seat next to Mingi.
"I put on some kind of romance, I think we've seen it already but I didn't invite you here to watch a movie, necessarily. I wanna spend time with you. Wanna cuddle, maybe... while watching said movie, hm?" he said, embracing you.
"Yup, sounds good. Here, take some cookies, I just got em from your cupboard" you said, giggling, taking one of the cookies out and bringing it up to his lips. He took a bite and smiled at you, his right hand carresing your thigh.
"So... Mingi, babe. How do you feel about the fact that, after weeks, even months of hooking up.. we finally officialised our relationship?" you asked, looking him in the eyes.
"I was.. shy at first, to be honest with you. Like, we've made out in the past and all but the intimacy we later had because of this relationship was top tier. I don't know, I felt really positive about it." Mingi said, confidently.
*about two hours later, still cuddling up with Mingi on the couch, feeling a tad sleepy right as the movie ends, because he carresed your back the whole time*
"Sweetie, are you asleep?" Mingi said, softly.
"N-no, I was just staying still for a moment, why?"
"D-do you remember how the movie started..?" he said, making you a little bit more attentive.
"Yes, what's with that?"
"You know.. I thought we could.. maybe recreate it?" he said, looking in your eyes, his gaze darkening upon seeing your outfit once again for the night.
"Mingi, I-" you stuttered.
"It's totally fine if you don-" but you interrupted him by going in for a kiss, which he took as a 'yes'. He then basically jumped on you, like he has been waiting for this moment for an eternity. One of his hands on your waist and one on the nape of your neck, he was all over you.
"Y-know baby, I've been waiting for this moment for so long" he said, breaking the kiss. "You've always looked so good, damn. But I never dared touch you when we were hooking up. This little... almost fragile-like body of yours... I never dared to feel it.. afraid I might destroy it. But now... oh babe, I am not gonna hold myself back." his kisses going from your cheek to your neck, where he softly marked you.
"D-don't hold yourself back-ngh" you stuttered, already feeling heat pooling in your lace panties, as his right hand was finding it's way under your blouse, now resting on your bra, tugging at it softly.
He put one hand under your ass and one on your lower back, holding you close. You couldn't see where he was going, but you were sure of one thing. He wasn't gonna take it slow.
As he placed you on a table, which was in the living room, he stopped for a moment to look at you. He was eye-fucking you, literally.
"God damn, love." his right hand on your waist, the other one under your breast, holding you still, his thumb brushing over the nipple. "You look so fucking good, like this..." his left hand going to your bra, unbuckling it. "Are you sure you're all good with it?" he asked once more.
"Yes. Mingi, please-" you pleaded.
"I thought so." he said as his hand slid your blouse off, your nipples getting harder at the colder sensation, bare in front of him. He then took you off the table for a moment, helped you out of your jeans and panties. You were now completely naked in front of him, Mingi fully clothed. His hard erection straining against his jeans, you were standing in front of him, looking contently from his lips, where you wanted to plant a kiss, to his bulge, which you wanted to take care of. You tugged at his pants for a moment. He smirked at the sight, but he wasn't quite content with your decision, yet.
"Sweetie, you eat your dinner take out or at a restaurant, I eat mine on this table. Get on, now" Mingi said an tapped the table. You did as he said, of course, and in a second he softly pushed you on your back, being careful about your head hitting the hard wood. He dragged you almost to the rim of the table, to which he halfway kneeled in front of you.
"Oh- my god" you said as he tightened his grip on your thighs, keeping you still.
"Spread out, babe. Don't be shy, I wanna see and eat every part of you" the tall man whispered. He left a trail of kisses on your thighs and without warning, his right hand went right between your legs. You lightly flinched at his touch, two of his fingers rubbing your wet folds. His fingers were soflty fondling with your cunt, his kisses getting dangerously closer.
"Stay. Still" Mingi said and started eating you out, his tongue hitting all your sweet spots. You started squirming under him, but he had a death grip on your thighs which you thought it would for sure leave marks later. His sharp and perfect nose hit your clit numerous times, sending shivers down your spine. Nails digging in your hips, his tongue traveling your body in ways you never thought you'd get explored.
"N-this feels so good-" you murmured. When he hears those words, the rytym of his tongue got faster and steadier, sending you over the edge. It didn't take long for the heat in your belly to appear and with a few more nibbing at your clit, the knot that formed in your belly unfolded and you came, some strings of silky white liquid dripping on the man's chin as he stood up.
"You taste so good... But I'm not done with you" Mingi said and took his clothes off, leaving only his briefs on. You softly gasped at his size, the girth and length for sure being way more than you could take (your fingers or the vibrator you bought a while ago whatsoever). His right hand went to your neck without warning and pushed you on the table again, laying flat on the surface, while his left hand brought your legs over his hips, lining his cock right to your hole. You were basically already all prepped up from him eating you out so he pushed himself in without warning, getting a loud moan out of your softly rising chest. He stood like that for a moment then started rapidly pounding you, the dining table moving under your weight and his power.
"You look so hot, babe. All flushed for me" he said and bottomed down, your cheeks indeed being rosy red and your forehead sweaty, your head dizzy and your legs trembling. He was still going at it and you could already feel the total opposite sensation you usually feel and that was... your body being overstimulated and overwhelmed by all that's happening. He couldn't care less tho, he had and wanted to take care of his own erection, to which he was ramming into you with a lot of power and steadiness.
Though, he was getting closer and closer. A quiet string of curses was leaving his lips, hips snapping against your pelvis, your legs bringing him closer and locking him inside you. He took that action as a free pass to finish in your cunt and did so, the feeling of being filled all up by your one and only man sending you over the edge and another knot in your belly unveiling... this time you squirted all over you and him, his face forming into a pleased smirk at the view. He fucked you through his orgasm and slowed down.
""Cmon up, easy" Mingi said and helped you stand up on your own, legs trembling and head dizzy. He looked at you contently and hugged you, giving you soft kisses. The closure he showed and gave you right after he was inches deep inside your cunt warmed your body up, cuddling against his bare skin.
"Let's get you washed up. How... was it?" he softly said and guided you to the bathroom.
"I have no words... it was fucking amazing!" you said.
"Up for a 2nd round?" Mingi winked flirtously at the shower.
@mingleshine @musiclovingfairy @crazylittlebisexual @sanhwalvr @gong-fourz @arki-sha @artistic-rendition @hongjoongtime117
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wowzer-bowzer · 21 days
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Title: A Perfectly Simple Gesture
Summary: Kate asks you or on a date.
Kate Martin had never been this nervous before a date, and she’d been through plenty of them. But today was different. Today, she wasn’t just going to a party or a casual hangout. Today, she was going to ask someone she deeply cared about out on a proper date.
Kate’s heart pounded as she stood outside of your dorm, clutching a bouquet of bright, colorful flowers and a small box of chocolates. It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the campus was alive with the sounds of students rushing between classes. The leaves had turned shades of orange and gold, making the scene outside your dorm picturesque and fitting for what Kate had planned.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and finally knocked on the door. A moment later, you opened it, you face lighting up with a bright, genuine smile when you saw Kate standing there.
“Hey, Kate! What’s up?” You asked, your tone warm and curious.
Kate’s nerves were palpable, but she managed a smile as she held out the flowers and chocolates. “Hey, Y/N. I thought I’d surprise you. I brought these for you.”
Your eyes widened in pleasant surprise as you took the bouquet, inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers. “Wow, these are beautiful. Thank you Kate, I love them!” You glanced at the box of chocolates with a grin. “And chocolates too? You’re really going all out.”
Kate chuckled, feeling a bit of her nervousness ease. “I guess I wanted to make today special. I was actually hoping we could talk for a minute. Maybe go out for coffee or dinner?”
Your expression softened, a mixture of surprise and curiosity dancing in your eyes. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Kate nodded, her face flushing slightly. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’ve been wanting to spend some more time with you, just the two of us. And I thought this might be a nice way to do it.”
Your smile widened, and you stepped aside to let Kate in. “I’d love that. Let me just put these in water and we can talk about it.”
Kate followed you into your dorm, taking in the cozy, personal touches that made the room feel uniquely yours. The walls were adorned with photos and posters, and a small desk was cluttered with textbooks and notes. It felt intimate, and Kate felt a bit more at ease.
You placed the flowers in a vase and set the chocolates on the desk before turning to Kate. “So, where are we going?” You asked, you eyes twinkling with excitement.
“I was thinking we could try that new café down on Main Street. I’ve heard they have amazing lattes and pastries,” Kate suggested. “We could just hang out and see where the day takes us.”
“That sounds perfect,” you replied, your smile never fading. “I’m really glad you asked.”
Kate felt a rush of relief and happiness. “Me too. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with you, and I thought today would be a great chance to do that.”
You spent a few more minutes chatting and laughing, enjoying the easy camaraderie that had always been a part of your interactions. Finally, you headed out together, walking side by side through the autumn afternoon.
As you reached the café, Kate couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment. Everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. You ordered your drinks and pastries, finding a cozy corner to sit and talk. The conversation flowing effortlessly, punctuated by shared laughter and meaningful glances.
By the time you both finished your coffee and pastries, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. Kate walked you back to your dorm, feeling a sense of accomplishment and joy for the day.
Once at your dorm, you paused, you both a bit reluctant for the day to end. You looked at Kate with a soft, appreciative smile. “Thank you for today. It was really amazing.”
Kate smiled back, feeling a surge of warmth. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time too.”
You shared a tender hug, and Kate couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement for what might come next. As you closed the door, Kate turned to head back to her own dorm, her heart full of hope and happiness.
The day had been simple but perfect, and Kate knew it was just the beginning of something wonderful.
I would like to thank you, for the support on my last two fix’s. I’m literally so happy. But like seriously thank you. :)
Also I take requests. No smut though. :)
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lemon2099 · 2 months
A little fluffy ode to Miguel's pretty face <3
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When it comes to Miguel O'Hara, there are many wonderful features you can stare at.
His eyes, a bleeding crimson that brings back tides of the painful consequences of his behavior. His recklessness and selfishness turning him into the man he is today, trapping him in his new predicament: Atlas of multiverse, when all he wanted was family. Now if he so much turns his back, millions of families will be torn apart, and it will be all his fault. But to you? Those eyes are the warm red of leaves falling off the trees in fall, floating down gently in the crisp breeze as their time passes, resting softly on the grass to be reabsorbed into the soil, resting and waiting for Mother Nature to welcome them home in her warm embrace.
His supple, plump lips that in recent times have only used for guzzling down coffee and yelling to his AI assistant. Before you, he would let them dry out, sit and pick at the cowlicks of dead skin and pull them until they bled all over his mouth, before wiping them off on the back of his palm. It's far from the first time he's ever had blood on his hands. To you, they are large pillows, a gateway to his most vulnerable wounds: the ones invisible to the eye and mind. The ones with no blood, no scars, but the source of plenty of tears. With every stream of air push between those gorgeous gates gives you more insight for how you can help him heal and feel better than the happy man he used to be. Thanks to your loving instance, he now has a small stick of plain chapstick in his desk drawer, right between his scientific calculator and precision screwdriver set.
But you always took to a different feature, placed large and proud in the center of his face. It is the centerpiece of a beautiful buffet to the eyes, unmoving as if sculpted by marble. Often flooded with destructive barrages of smoke emanating from the infrastructure collapsing into the streets after being smacked down by the anomalies, suffocating the suffering populations that have already lost everything and more. The heavy scent pushes him out of the rubble just one more time, to swallow up pungent gobs of soot in hopes of retrieving a pinch of oxygen, to make sure the civilian’s last breath isn't as acrid as the one he just took.
It picks up the scent of the heavy, iron-scented blotches smeared across the concrete. The tangy smell of lost life hopelessly across broken schools and subway stations, a heavy reminder of his impossible responsibility. His enhanced senes usually were usually an essential tool to his missions, but his large nostrils intake information that only make his job harder. A faint metallic scent means blood on the walls, but a stifling one means injury. A blockade cuts off his oxygen, causing him to wheeze, each cough a fight for breath, getting closer and closer while dodging punches and flying debris. But he doesn’t have time to slow down, and even if he physically could, he couldn’t bring himself to do anyway. In the intricate web of the multiverse, his life is meaningless, and he understand that more acutely than anyone. After whipping his head to avoid a broken jaw, warmth slides down his face and blends into the sweat under his mask, coating his face in a warm, sticky substance. His suit is dark for a reason.
But to you? It is absolute perfection. The bridge has the slope of a rolling hill in the countryside, teeming with plant life. Combined with the upward turn at the tip creates the feeling of sliding down before being shot up right back to the top to do it all again, letting yourself get trapped in the loop of its beauty. Wide nostrils create prominence, almost perfectly symmetrical but not exact, like the patterns a spider weaves in its web. Should you chose to look to the side, the stark structure gentle creates the perfect attachment to the rest of his face, carrying your vision down gracefully. There is not a single wrong place to look. Even the clogged pores look like like freckles and the dry skin is more akin to snowflakes. Both are evidence of his hard work. And even after all the turmoil, it still stands large and proud on the center of his face, slicing through the air, the amber light of his monitors and code gently cupping the structure.
"What are you looking at?" He asks bluntly, turning his head to face you.
“You." You reply softly, your eyes still loyal to his beautiful face.
“I can see that." He turns his body towards you. "But why?"
"I never thought someone so beautiful would look my way. And yet here you are.” He blinks once. Twice. Three times before scoffing and turning himself back to his work. A smile starts to form on his face, but right before it can, his nose scrunches up and shoves it back down into his chest.
It was just his way of telling you that he felt the same.
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Sorry for the lack of updates, been in a funk lately Please please PLEASE reblog if you enjoyed and feel free to come into my ask box with any questions or requests. Thank you, and have a great day!
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lewisyellowhelmet · 10 months
pursuit of happiness
lewis hamilton x actress!reader
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summary: 18+!!!! general m/f s*x acts. reader is a well known actress with a recent scandal, who escapes to lewis for some peace.
read everything else here!
In Singapore, the heat clings to her. Even in the airport, with her sunglasses on, head down, overly focused on the boots of the security guard in front of her who steps a path through the crowd, she can feel the humidity. The flashes of the cameras makes her ears ring, a threatening headache quickly becoming ominously real. 
She remembers when this onslaught made her giddy, when she would try and meet everyone's eye, smile, shake hands. Always new places, always new people. The shame of walking with her face lowered, crowded in by looming men, makes her want to be sick. Still, the questions screamed at her have long become too prying, the autograph hunters too needy, the photographers too scary. 
The car is waiting for her, sleek and black. She’s hustled from the opening doors of the terminal, into the warm bath of tropical air, and then into the air conditioning, leather seats. The door slams behind her, enclosing her in the cab, and the driver is already pulling away, leaving a throng of people half spilling out into the road after her. She knows what they want. She won’t give it to them. 
The hotel room is empty. But there are leftover parts of him. A used towel in the bathroom. A watch next to the beside table, silver and chunky. There’s a yoga mat on the balcony. Her phone is buzzing, maddeningly. She has a sudden urge to throw it off the building. She puts it in the mini fridge instead, on silent. The king bed is expansive, crisp and white. The air in the room is cool and artificial, whirring reliably in the ceiling. When she crawls into bed, the sheets still smell like him. He sleeps on the left, and she tucks his pillow into her body, imagines the feel of his skin on hers, the rustle of his hair, the press of his hand. She falls asleep, bathed in bright sunlight. 
When she wakes, the room is dark, and there’s someone walking around. She is not unused to strangers in her space, interfering with her things, minders and assistants and stylists. If she snoozes her alarm too many times, someone will always come in, open the blinds, waft a coffee under her nose. But this person is sitting beside her now, covering her hand with their own, warm and solid. She blinks open sticky eyes. Lewis is smiling, reaching to stroke the hair off her face. It’s a new colour, bleached and cut short, for the new part that will start filming next week. 
  “It’s quarter past seven,” Lewis says. He always wakes her with the time. A way to centre herself, to adjust. It’s fifteen minutes past seven here, in Singapore, where she is, with him. Her mouth feels dry, her tongue thick. Her limbs are lazy. 
  “How long have you been here?” She says, slurring her words. 
  “Only a few minutes. I’m about to go to dinner if you want to come.” 
  “I don’t want to go anywhere.” 
Lewis looks disappointed in her, for a moment, but the expression passes off his face like it was never there. Shame curdles in her belly. The headache is still striking against her temples. 
  “It’s a private place, there won’t be any photographers,” Lewis says. 
  “But people will know.” 
Lewis strokes over her head a final time, his hand solid and welcome, “Yes, probably.” 
  She groans, and rolls away from him, so he can’t see how her eyes are getting wet and sore. She wants to crawl deeper into the bed and never come out, never be seen by anyone else. The bed shifts as Lewis stands up. 
  “I don’t know how long I’ll be,” he says. 
  “Wait,” she says, muffled, but doesn’t remove her head from where it’s stuffed into the pillow. The fabric is getting damp around her mouth. She can’t get enough oxygen. She can feel him watching her. 
  When she lifts her head up, she’s breathing hard. Her headache throbs. 
  “Let me get dressed,” she says. 
The restaurant is at the bottom of the hotel, easily accessible to the public, but the host guides them to a private room that has windows into an enclosed garden, a water feature trickling. Lewis is handed a completely vegan menu. She doesn’t feel hungry at all, it’s the middle of the night in L.A., and orders a vodka soda. 
  “He said the marriage was over,” she says, when she can’t hold it in any longer. Lewis is chewing polenta. He looks at her for a long time. He’s ordered an expensive bottle of red wine, which she knows she will drink most of. 
  “Did you believe him?” He asks, eventually. She stares at the three scallops in front of her, picturesque on their clean pink shells. 
  “Yes,” she says. 
Her voice is sticking in her throat. She has to eat a scallop so she doesn't start to cry. 
  “I guess he’s a good actor.” 
Lewis laughs, and she has to smile. The ice in her vodka soda rattles as she sucks down the last of it. 
  “How did it start?” Lewis asks. 
She thinks about saying she doesn’t want to talk about it, that it’s too hard, but his expression is earnest and his eyes are dark and liquid and she wants to dive into them, curl up around his pupil and rest there. 
  “We went out in Rome one night. The other actors and crew as well, but everyone started to head back and we went to this bar in the old city. He touched my knee. He was so nice and interested in me and he promised that he didn’t even live with her anyone, they just pretended so the kids would’t have to deal with the media. He even said the kids were fine with it, everyone was happier now. We walked back to the hotel. He invited me to his room for a drink. I wanted to go, you know. I wanted him to ask me.”
  She has been telling most of the story to the garden and it’s fountain. It’s hard to look at Lewis. He listens carefully. 
  “We slept together every night of the shoot after that. We tried not to let it show on set but it was pretty obvious. One weekend we went to Venice, and the photos. I’m sure you saw them. It was fucking everywhere. I was so angry at him for letting it happen but of course he had no control. No one does. His wife called. We couldn’t leave the hotel because there were so many photographers. Somehow people even got in so I couldn’t leave the room. The security from Rome had to come all the way out and get us. Then his wife somehow got my number.”
  She hasn’t been able to delete the texts yet. She’d read them on the flight to Singapore even, scrolling through. The marriage, it seemed, was not over. 
  “Anyway, we finished the shoot. I went back to L.A., he went to London. He called a few times but. It wasn’t the same. I couldn’t stop thinking about his kids. How much they must hate me. Still,” she shrugs, and tries to smile, but imagines it as ugly and painful, “good press for the movie, I guess.” 
  The waiter has come in, discreet, and pours her a glass of wine, clears their entrees. Her throat feels sore and thick. Lewis is quiet, thanks the man. 
  “Why did you come here?” He asks, after the door has shut with a muffled sound, and it is just them, the wine, and the trickling water. 
  She laughs, but it sounds wet. 
  “I have no idea. You offered. I needed to get away from L.A.”
He sips his wine, and she forgets to look away when his tongue darts out to smooth over his bottom lip as he puts the glass down. 
  “I’m sorry that happened to you,” he says, calm and steady. The sympathy makes her stomach turn over. 
  “Don’t say that, it’s my own fault.” 
Lewis shakes his head, and looks so sad she has to pick up her own glass, take two big mouthfuls, let it stain her mouth. 
  “How’s the season going?” She asks, to change the subject. He sighs. The waiter comes back in with their mains. Somehow they begin talking about something else, careful guided away from both her affair and F1. She almost manages to forget whats happened. 
She stands in the elevator facing so she can watch the numbers climb up as they soar into the sky. The food has pushed the headache momentarily away, and the alcohol is making her loose limbed. Lewis touches her waist gently as they leave the elevator and begin the short walk down the corridor to his suite. Only when he unlocks the door and steps aside for her to go in first does she remember to say, “Did you want me to get my own room?”
 “Don’t be stupid,” he says, “Old friends, right?”
  She laughs as she follows him in, “Sure, old friends.” 
They finish the bottle of wine on the balcony, the heat still thick and clinging. The city moves around them, engines revving, lights changing. She throws her bare legs over his lap, and he strokes her shin, the callouses on his palm soothing. They talk aimlessly, small jokes, old gossip. She wonders if her phone has frozen in the minifridge yet. Which agent or manager has boarded a plane to come and collect her. Lewis starts to yawn when the moon is high, and they go back inside to the air-con. 
She showers first, the water and citrus body wash sluicing the days sweat off her, remaking her, clean and new. Lewis’s toiletries are spilled over the counter. She lifts his bottle of cologne to her nose while she brushes her teeth. 
  When he takes his turn in the bathroom, she flips through the channels on the big television, tucked into the crisp sheets, propped up against too many pillows. The TV is the only light in the room, flickering and constantly changing. She feels exhausted, and like sleep has never been further away. She has not retrieved her phone from the fridge. They’ll find her somehow. They always do. 
Lewis wears soft pyjama pants to bed, low on his hips. She's wearing one of his t-shirts. They’re wet hair tangles as she slouches into his shoulder, tucked into the crook of his armpit while they watch Singaporean news. During the entertainment portion, an image of her in her huge sunglasses at the arrival terminal pops up. She looks pale and sickly in the video. Lewis turns the television off. 
  “It’s okay,” she says, interrupting him saying, “I’m tired, anyway.” 
  “What are you doing tomorrow?” She asks, still leaning against him. His arm is around her, heavy and solid. She feel his chin against her skull. 
  “It’s the race. I’ll be out all day.” 
  “When do you have to leave?”
  “Whenever they come and fetch me.” 
  “Maybe if you stayed for the race. Came to the grid. We could make sure you get interviewed, it might distract everyone from. What’s just happened.” 
  She turns her face into his chest, wanting to become one of his tattoos, imprinted on his skin. 
  “Or not,” he says, quietly.
  “I can’t think about it right now,” she says. 
  “Okay,” he soothes. He’s touching her hair, the wrong colour, the wrong length. She feels outside of her own body, even as she tries to cram into his. She touches his stomach, just her fingertips, scratching lower to the line of his waist, his hips bones. He says her name against her forehead, his lips brushing over her skin. 
  “We don’t have to,” Lewis says. 
  “Do you want to?”
  “Of course,” he breathes. 
  “I want to,” she says. 
She lets her head fall lower over his chest, down his abdomen so she can drag her mouth over the muscle there, kiss over his navel, the brush of hair under her mouth as she finds the waistband of his pyjamas. Lewis is sighing and twitching, his hand in her hair. The pressure is familiar, no push, just a warmth. She can feel him against her chin as she laves her tongue over his hip, already hard and wanting. His skin is goose bumped, anticipating. She never wants it to end, wants to keep him dangling on the edge, waiting and waiting. 
He lifts his hips for her to wriggle his pants off him, down the muscle of his thighs, the curve of his knees. Lewis grabs at her (his) t-shirt, pulling it over her head and off so he can sweep his hands over her shoulders, cup her breasts in his hands, smiling dopely at her as his thumbs swipe over her nipples, make her gasp. His cock stands red against his belly, leaking wet. She lowers her head to lick up the length of it, suck him into her mouth, salty and hot. He groans, and his hands tangle in her hair, guiding her rhythm. It’s so easy to fall back into it, remembering him, one hand around the base of him, the other against his hip, bracing herself. He keeps her hair out of her face, mumbles nonsense to her, about how good she is, how amazing it feels. She pulls off to drool over him, let him see the mess he’s made, lick kitten like at the swollen tip. Lewis moans, instinctual from his chest. 
  “Baby,” he says, hips knocking up unconsciously, “Baby, please.” 
  “What do you want?” She asks, her hand slicking up and down the length of him, the sounds lewd. 
  “I want you. I just want you. So badly, please.” 
  “Where do you want me?”
  “Anywhere,” he’s grinning, mouth wet, cheeks flushed, “Anywhere.” 
She sits herself up on her knees, and he whines as she lets go of him, takes his face in her hands. He kisses her messy and desperate, his tongue between her teeth. He drags at her hair, and the tingling pain of it makes her groan into him. 
  His hand between her legs, stroking, spreading her wetness. She has to stop kissing him to breathe, their noses knocking together, dropping her head into the crook of his shoulder to pant as he slips a finger into her, another, crooks them just right and fucks her with his hand. 
  “I know,” he croons, as she shudders against his chest, “I know, feels good, huh?” 
  “Yes,” she gasps, meeting his hand with her hips as an orgasm curls in her belly, “It’s s’good.” 
  “Come for me, baby,” he whispers against her ear, his mouth hot. She keens and falls limp against him, sat half in his lap as she comes, his hand trapped between her legs. Her body keeps rocking unconsciously against him as she settles, breathing in the smell of him, feeling the pulse of his jugular against her mouth. 
  Lewis soothes her, kissing the side of her face, the line of her bare shoulder, his fingers still tucked inside her. She can feel the way their skin is sticking together with sweat already. She doesn’t mind it.
  She reaches between them, where he’s resting against the inside of her thigh, hot and stiff, flinching when she rubs her thumb over the tip. 
  “You want me?” She asks, can’t look him in the eye, her head under his chin. 
  “Yes,” Lewis breathes, fucking into her hand, “Always.” 
She shifts, gets her leg over his hip so she’s hovering above him, nudging the head of his cock against herself, teasing. Lewis is breathing hard, his chest shiny, his shoulders big. He’s watching her with big, dark eyes. When she lets him inside, he curses. Fists curling into the bedsheets. 
  It feels otherworldly, having him slip into her, thick and long and good. Fills her up in a way she can never explain. It knocks the breath out of her. Her knees press into his hips, her head drooping down to press her forehead against his. His mouth is open, pink and bitten. 
  “Oh my god,” she rasps, pulling herself up and down again. He slides deeper the second time. Lewis groans, and screws his eyes shut. His big hands find her waist, grabbing at her bum, helps her lift herself and drop down, finding a rhythm. 
  “Oh, fuck,” he pants, “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck.” 
She loses the strength to speak, lets him fuck up into her, her arms around his shoulders. She cries out when he moves, stays inside her as he lays her out on her back, pulls her legs out and wide so he has the space to drive into her, keep her there, half crying and writhing. It’s so good it blinds her. 
  “Is that what you wanted? Is this what you needed?” Lewis is asking her, he’s slowing down so she feels every thrust, right to the core of her. She struggles to prop herself up on her elbows, watching where their bodies meet, a perfect coupling, his hips knocking into hers. 
  “Yes,” she tells him, grabbing at the muscle of his bicep, yanking him down so she can kiss him, still telling him yes, yes, yes. 
  She comes again, flat on her back, her knees over his shoulders, adrift in the ocean of him, trusting him to fuck her through it, go easy on her when she starts to shake. 
  “It’s okay,” he murmurs, bent low over her, his mouth by her jawline, “You’re okay, you’re so good, you feel so good.” 
  She holds onto him, anchored by him in the swathe of bedsheets, in the mess of her life. 
  “Please,” she asks, wrapping her legs around his waist, urging him in closer, deeper. She does’t know what she’s asking for. To keep going? To save her? To take her far away?
  Lewis’ movements hasten, an urgency to him as he lets go, his thumb holding her mouth open so he can pant the same air. She twists her hand into his braids, holds him there, gazes up at him as he pushes into her, again and again. His face goes euphoric, and she holds him tight against her as he comes, not looking away from her, his eyes dark and endless. 
She doesn’t sleep. Lewis breathes slow and deep, his arm over her stomach. She watches the city, curtains left open, and tries not to think about her phone in the fridge. The effect of the wine is ebbing, and everything feels starkly real and horrible again. Her legs are sore from the weight of Lewis bending her, having her, but it’s a good pain, a reminder that she has used her body. She finds herself touching his hand, his fingers, the metal of his rings. She could stay in the hotel room forever, if she wanted. Pass the time rotting away until he returned for next years race, and the next, and the next. Never take her phone out. Swim in the infinity pool. Order room service. She turns her face from the skyline, away from the daydream. 
  Lewis is angled towards her, young and ethereal in sleep. His lips are parted, jaw relaxed. She wants to kiss the very tip of his nose. It used to be like this all the time. When the television show had summer breaks, and she could just go wherever he was. Follow him around like a dog, panting at his heels. But then the breaks were filled with other projects, and then she was so busy there wasn’t even time for the show. Standing for the applause at Cannes with an empty seat beside her. Not being able to reach him for hours after because the race was delayed. Holding that heavy award in her hand, looking out over a sea of cameras and her peers, trying to call him as soon as she was off stage and it ringing through ten times before she gave up. 
  The man she’d had an affair with had asked her about Lewis. If he had to be half mad to drive the car around and around in circles that fast. Only a quarter mad, she’d said, and changed the subject. It felt wrong to hear Lewis’ name in his mouth. They accessed two different parts of her. Even in the middle of it, she knew the man was only activating something primal and childish in her, a lavishing of attention that made her feel special. Lewis, rather, made her see the worst sides of herself, encouraged her to turn and face them. He would dig under her skin, lift scabs, push her forward even when she wanted to go back. 
It’s difficult to wake in the morning. The sky is grey and low, rain patterning the window. Lewis is naked, digging through his jeans to find his phone that’s ringing an endless alarm. She rolls over onto the side of the bed he’s vacated. When he returns, the phone silenced, he slides into what little space she’s left, arranging her limp body half on top of him. He’s soft and close and warm. She tucks her face into his shoulder, breathes him, thinks about baring her teeth and biting. 
  “I have to be out in fifteen minutes,” he tells her, his voice rumbling through his chest. She whines and clings like a child. 
  “You can’t distract me today,” Lewis says, but his voice is soft and concerned, “I have the race.” 
  “I might be gone by then.” 
She feels him sigh, her head rising and falling with his chest. 
   “Well, try not to be,” he says. 
 Maybe she can get one more day. If she hides, if she doesn’t answer her phone. 
  “Should I come?” She asks, half hidden by his neck. He goes still, but his voice is calm and measured. 
  “If you want to. I’d like that.” 
  “If people see you and me together. You know what they’ll say.” 
He laughs, and she lifts her head up to see the way his eyes shine and crinkle, “Let them say it.” 
  She kisses the corner of his mouth, and then the other side. He’s smiling. 
  “I have nothing to wear,” she says. Lewis rolls his eyes. 
  “You have all day to find something.”
  “I can’t go out.”
  “Why not?”
She frowns at him, “They’ll see me.”
  “Who? The paparazzi? The crowd? Who cares. It’s done now. The only thing you can do now is keep going.” 
  She sits up, and off him. The sheets fall from her chest and she watches Lewis try not to stare at her tits. 
  “That’s a bit harsh,” she says. 
  “It’s the truth.” 
The alarm starts going again, vibrating across the carpet, forgotten next to his jeans. Lewis throws the covers off, and makes for the shower, snatching the phone off the floor on his way. She sits back against the pillows, turns to watch the rain. The only thing you can do now is keep going. 
She tells only who needs to know that she’s going to the race. The heat is heavy and palpable. Her feet hurt in the heels, but the dress is cool where it swishes around her ankles. Someone knew someone who knew a stylist in the city, and a hair and make up artist was quick to be summoned to the room. 
  “Just make me look good,” she’d told them, and then sat quietly, let them prod and poke at her until when she looked in the mirror again, she saw no-one. A facade. An actress. The Rubik’s cube of herself she could present to the world. She smiles. She retrieves her phone from the mini fridge. 
She likes the beat in time when people realise it’s her, and before they lift their phones to take a photo. A swell in time, like the lip of a wave about to crash. Then there’s screaming, camera flashes, people calling her name. She lifts her chin and keeps moving, guided by a man in a Mercedes shirt. She refuses to think about how much the pictures will sell for to the magazines, or about twitter threads, or even what the pit crew lean to whisper to each other. Lewis is waiting for her in the garage. She has pride of place. There are more cameras on them then the track. His suit is pushed to his hips, and she can see the thrill gleam in his eyes. She smiles. She does not look at the cameras. She lets him take her into his chest. She is the one who looks up at him, and kisses him. 
Let them see. Let them all see. 
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fandomsbrat · 5 months
THIN ICE ✦ part 1 ✦
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Matt rempe x reader, Jack hughes x reader
"𝙊𝙝, 𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙 '𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 "࣪ ⋆。་ ♡
Summary : you fall for the new boy Matt rempe and your ex has a problem with it
It’s like 20% plot and 80% smut lol
You step onto the campus of your university, the autumn air crisp. It's been months since you ended things with Jack Hughes, yet he's been trying to get back together more recently but you're determined to move on, to carve out a new path for yourself, but fate has other plans. As you make your way to your first class, you catch sight of him. Jack, with his team mates, his dark hair and his blue eyes. Your heart skips a beat, memories flooding back. You two were together for 3 years. He was your first everything. So when found out he was messing around with other girls while you were away over the summer it kinda broke you.
As you brace yourself and continue walking, ignoring the tug of pain. He’s laughing it up with his friends while you’re walking by up the stairs to your class. You two broke up and now you have to see him at school for one more year as a senior. This year was definitely going to be rough.
But just as you think you've escaped the past, you collide with someone, sending your books scattering across the ground. You look up to see a very tall boy with warm brown eyes and a crooked smile extending a hand to help you up. "Sorry about that," he says, his voice soft yet confident. "I'm Matt Rempe."
You brush yourself off and accept his hand, feeling a strange flutter in your chest. "No worries," you reply, offering a shy smile. "I'm y/a Nice to meet you, Matt." Matt's grin widens, and he reaches out to brush a stray strand of hair "Listen, I know this might be a bit forward, but would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime? You know as sorry for knocking you over."
You hesitate for a moment, torn but in the end, the pull of something new and exciting wins out.
"I'd like that," you say, smiling up at him.
Little did you know jack saw you two from a distance and planned on letting Matt know exactly who you belonged to. Jack knows what he did was wrong but he’s one of the best players on the team of course he gets other girls trying to get into his pants. He was just too selfish to think about you and your feelings. He knew Matt rempe would be joining the team but he didn’t expect was for you to fall for another guy so quickly after the break up. He could tell you liked him by the way you blushed when he helped you up off the ground.
The atmosphere on the ice during practice had shifted since jack saw you and Matt together. Jack's frustration and anger seemed to seep into every aspect of the game, his hits becoming harder and his checks more aggressive. It was as if he was taking out his emotions on the ice, channeling his anger into every move. Matt couldn't ignore the change in Jack's behavior, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it was directed at him. He felt the weight of Jack's hostility bearing down on him during drills, the intensity of his hits leaving bruises that lingered long after practice had ended.
Matt refused to back down. He knew that Jack's anger wasn't really about him; it was about something deeper, something that had nothing to do with hockey.
Jack stormed into the locker room, his jaw clenched and his fists balled at his sides. Without hesitation, he made his way over to where Matt stood, his expression dark and dangerous. The other players in the locker room instinctively backed away, sensing the tension in the air.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jack spat, his voice low and dangerous.
Matt turned to face him, his gaze steady and unwavering. "Nothing," he replied, his tone calm but with an underlying edge. Jack took a step closer, his fists clenching tighter. "Stay away from her," he growled, his voice laced with a warning.
Matt stood his ground, refusing to back down. "She's not yours to control," he said firmly. "If she wants to talk to me, that's her choice." Jack felt a surge of anger boiling inside him, his temper threatening to explode. "You don't know anything about her," he snapped, his voice rising. "You have no idea what she's been through."
Matt narrowed his eyes, his own frustration evident.
"And you do?" he retorted. "You think you have some kind of claim over her just because you used to date?"
Jack's hands curled into fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms. "I know her better than anyone," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "And I know she deserves better than you." Matt's smirk was a challenge, his cocky demeanor a mask for his own insecurities. "Maybe if you had treated her right, she wouldn't be coming to me."
The tension in the room, jack standing up to Matt sizing him up when he pushed him then all hell broke loose. Body’s grabbing both boys separating them before things could get out of hand. And with that, he turned and stormed out of the locker room, leaving Matt pissed off that he would act like a asshole right before the game tonight. The other players exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to make of the confrontation they had just witnessed.
Later that night you and your friends make it to the arena. Your eyes scan the players on the ice, searching for familiar faces among the sea of helmets and jerseys.
Jack gliding across the ice. He's a star player on the hockey team, and it's easy to see why. But then your gaze drifts to the other end of the rink, where a new player catches your eye. Matt, the latest addition to the team, moves with a raw aura that sets him apart from the others. He's tall and lean, with a determined look in his eyes as he battles for control of the puck.
You can't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your chest as you watch Matt play. There's something about him, something that draws you in despite your best efforts to resist. You know it's dangerous to get involved with another hockey player, especially after everything that happened with Jack, but there's a pull between you and Matt that you can't ignore.
As the game comes to an end, you make your way down to the locker rooms to congratulate the team.
You linger in the hallway, waiting for Jack to emerge, unsure of what to say to him after all this time. But before you can gather your thoughts, Matt appears beside you, a crooked grin on his face.
After the game, Matt took your hand and led you off the ice, away from the buzzing crowd and into the quiet solitude of the locker room. The air was heavy with the lingering scent of sweat and adrenaline, the sounds of the game still echoing in the empty space.
As you followed Matt into the locker room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building in the pit of your stomach. You had spent countless hours in this room, cheering on Jack and the rest of the team, but being here with Matt felt different somehow. There was a charged energy in the air, a tension that seemed to crackle between you, drawing you closer with each step.
Once inside, Matt turned to face you, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "I wanted to talk to you," he said softly, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
You nodded, feeling a flutter of anticipation in your chest. "About what?" you asked, unable to tear your gaze away from him.
Matt's lips curved into a small, tender smile. "You," he said simply. "You are so beautiful"
Your heart swelled with emotion at his words, the truth of them resonating deep within you. "Thank you," you admitted, your voice barely a whisper.
Without another word, Matt closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a tender, passionate kiss. In that moment, surrounded by the empty silence of the locker room, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, as if everything in the world had finally fallen into place.
As you wrapped your arms around Matt, pulling him closer. His hands cupped your face gently, and his touch was both familiar and electrifying. It sent shivers down your spine and made your heart race in your chest. Every nerve ending in your body seemed to come alive at his touch, and you melted into him completely.
The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent and sloppy. You fumbled with the bottom of his shirt, desperately wanting to feel his skin against yours. Pulling it over his head, tracing light circles on his chest with your fingertips. His skin was warm and smooth beneath your touch, and he let out a soft sigh.
With one swift motion, Matt lifted you up onto one of the nearby benches. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he continued to ravish your lips with his own.The ache between your thighs grew almost unbearable, and you ground your hips against his in a desperate attempt to relieve some of the pressure. He groaned against your lips, the sound sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through your veins.
With one hand on the small of your back, Matt held you tightly against him. The other trailed down between your bodies, his fingers deftly undoing the button on your jeans. He dipped his hand inside, finding you hot and wet and ready for him.
"Matt," you moaned breathlessly, "please... I need more."
He didn't need to be told twice with a swift motion, he removed his hand from between your legs and pulled down both your panties and jeans in one go. Then he positioned himself at your entrance and pushed inside slowly giving you time to adjust to his size.
You gasped as he filled you up completely - stretching you open in the best possible way. The feeling was overwhelming; a heady mix of pleasure and intensity that left you wanting more.
He fucked you against the wall of the lockers your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you. Matt's hands roamed over your body, gripping and squeezing every inch of flesh he could find. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. A soft moan escaped your lips as his teeth grazed over your collarbone. You could feel his cock hitting your cervix with every thrust, the pleasure building inside you until it was too much to bear. You came hard, your pussy clenching around his cock as he continued to fuck you through the orgasm. For several moments, both of you were reduced to nothing more than ragged breaths and trembling limbs. Eventually, Matt pulled out and collapsed onto the bench beside you with a contented sigh. "That was fucking amazing," he said, pulling you into his side and pressing a kiss to your temple.
You nodded in agreement, still too breathless to speak. The two of you sat in silence for a while, basking in the afterglow of your passionate tryst.
Eventually, you both realized that you should probably start heading home before someone came to investigate the source of all the noise. You gathered up your discarded clothing and helped each other get dressed, sharing a few more heated kisses along the way.
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headkiss · 11 months
hi!!! fall request for steve or eddie! maybe the classic giving reader their jacket when it gets a bit chilly at night <3
hiii!!! this might be a little different than what you had in mind but i hope u like it anyways <3 | 0.6k, a fluffy domestic morning with eddie!
Since moving into your own trailer together, you and Eddie have gotten to know each other better than ever before, if that was even possible.
Exact routines, whether you shower in the morning or at night, the first thing you do when you wake up, what you change into when you get home from work. Every little thing is shared and sure, he leaves his socks lying around on the floor, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s why Eddie knows exactly where to find you when he wakes up to your side of the bed being empty.
Most mornings, when neither of you are working, you’ll stay in bed until someone’s stomach growls enough to get you up, cuddling and talking, your fingers tracing his tattoos, his hands warm on your skin.
Or, you’ll be restless and get up before him, making breakfast and leaving out extra for him to warm up, reading on the porch, reorganizing his music, or taking a walk around the trailer park.
Eddie blinks his eyes open and pats your side of the bed, reaching for your warmth, but he’s met with empty sheets and a pillow with the indent of where you’d slept. Sitting up with a groan and a stretch of his arms, Eddie peeks around the room for clues of what you’re up to this morning.
He’d rather be with you than guess, though, so he gets up quickly, tugging on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, his hair sure to be a mess.
The kitchen smells like coffee, a pot sitting half empty. As he pours himself a mug, he spots you through the window.
You’re sitting on the small porch of the trailer, a coffee mug resting on the arm of your chair, hair tossed up in a clip.
Eddie smiles at the sight of you there, at peace, in your home that’s also his. He grabs his leather jacket from where it’s slung over the back of a kitchen chair and steps outside.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he says, voice still scratchy from sleep.
“Hi, sleepyhead.”
Fall mornings are crisp, the sun bright but not warm enough to cover the coolness of the wind, fresh smell of leaves and the colors more vibrant after having just woken up.
Eddie sets his mug down on the empty chair, walking over to you, bending down to press a kiss to your hair and tossing his jacket over your shoulders.
“You’re gonna catch a cold one of these days,” he tells you, making sure his jacket rests on you comfortably. When he sits down, he tugs your chair closer to his, his hand finding yours beneath the fabric of his coat.
“You’d take care of me, though.” You tangle your fingers with his, already feeling warmer than before. Really, you’d warmed up the second he stepped outside. “Wouldn’t you?”
“‘Course I would, but then you’d get me sick, and you’d take care of me, and it’d be the worst cycle ever. Snotty tissues and shit.”
“Just saying! Wear a coat, stop the cycle, babe.”
You smile, turning your head to look at Eddie, his hair frizzy, his eyes still a little heavy from sleep, his cheeks pink from the bite of the fall breeze.
“Why wear my own coat when you could be all romantic and give me yours?”
“I do like being romantic,” he says, tilting his head. “Don’t tell Wayne I said that. He’ll never let me live it down.”
Eddie’s tone is light, teasing, because Wayne’s already fully aware of how bad Eddie’s got it for you, and he already gives him shit for it.
“Your secret’s safe with me, Munson.”
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