#legolas says NOPE!
tathrin · 1 year
Hey. Hey you know that thing about Legolas actually being the one with the short-temper, and him going absolutely feral when/if Gimli is threatened?
Yeah. So, I posted my entry for day five of whumptober and all I can say is Legolas does not like when people hurt his dwarf.
And Rohan definitely knows better than to threaten Gimli now.
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raviosrupees · 24 days
My parent rates LU Link's based on first impressions
[warning foul language, mention of alcohol, and my parents very negative impression of Wars !!! note this is my parents impression based off of the LU concept sketches + descriptions. a lot of em aren't accurate]
Very God of War, Kratos. PTSD Link.
when all the others are hanging out he's in the cups. He fought the moon? Sounds about right. Everyone else is talking and goofing off and he's got the thousand yard stare.
No one talks about how he cant get a full nights sleep. Please let him nap. Maybe let the owl take a nap too.
*stares at him for a very long time, before taking a sip of mimosa*
blond hiccup [httyd] very viking. Humble? Hiccup. Animal whisperer? Does he have a dragon? he turns in to a wolf? good for hiccup. getting over a complicated relationship? ...... h-
OH HE HAS GOATS? I love goats! Love this guy.
Ah, douchy paladin! Yeah he's got the hip flex, he knows he's the shit. Very prideful? Of course you are. Leader type? Women problems? Not surprised. [said they most wanted to punch this one]
"This one writes himself. On Reddit forums"
FOUR [their 3rd fav]
"eeny meeny hippy genie" They've got the weird flowy scarf hat, they're super tiny! Dwarf.. chaos gremlin-- No that's a changeling! I don't think that's actually a Link, I think they faked their way in. Not that I blame them, its a pretty cool crew to be a part of. Spy for the fae realm.
5th grade school photo link. He's really excited for his first day of school and has a planner for all of his classes.
Good at navigation? Kudos for being a good boy scout.
Her 2nd favorite.
"Legolas Link" he likes to run on snow, flip his hair back + forth and shit talk dwarves [changeling doesn't like that]
"takes any questioning of his princess too personally? Why are they questioning his princess in the first place? *squints* Why is he so upset? Feel like maybe we need some codependency therapy-
IDENTITY CRISIS DUE TO MEMORY LOSS???? oh no, there we go, the therapy- INSECURE? THE ONLY ONE THAT FAILED? Dude, I think douchy paladin needs to take him to therapy-, maybe it'll convince him to get some too.
Proceeds to go into a rant about his sheikah tech being called weird magic: "Why are they calling his magic weird? That's rude ! They need to have more open minds, no wonder he's insecure! He just needs to feel confident and supported in his new environment and they're not being very supportive right now!"
*orders another mimosa*
LEGEND [their favorite]
"We've got stoner wizard link..." "Which one?" "He's wearing red, and like a fancy staff with a ball at the end for walloping on people who say he's not a real wizard" He just smacks em and says duh yes I am, but usually he doesn't bother with it bc he's too chill.
He's the Millenial of the linked universe. "Chooses not to be a leader type? 'Nope, Im good, just here for a paycheck not a promotion. Some PTO would be nice. Another adventure? He'd rather start a commune"
"Seems unaffected by his adventures?" Uhh he is though. He's just delusional about it now.
Classic link [true] silent generation, nobody acknowledges him. "just happy to be included," mistaken as a hobbit.
"He's actually a traveler, never stays in one place" "Ah so post adventure Bilbo baggins, who wants to see mountains again."
*starts singing "the road goes ever on and on"*
Foppy link. Fabulous haircut, cape swooped over one shoulder with the gorgeous coloring, contrasting belt-- he knows color schemes way too well, he could be in project runway.
"Not the leader type? Sure he's too busy worrying about fabric swatches. Views the master sword as a blessing? Yeah, I bet he does."
Very confidently decided his Zelda is a beard.
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live-laugh-legolas · 6 days
what are the spice tolerances of the fellowship? who snacks on ghost peppers without any reaction and who thinks black pepper is too spicy?
I was literally thinking about this the other day.
The Fellowship’s spice tolerance
-He’s not great with spice
-He doesn’t get dramatic about it but his mouth is on fire
-The only reason he’s not great with spice is just not having it often
-He spends so much time in the wild; he’s not Sam who refuses to eat unseasoned food even in the middle of nowhere
-He is used to the blandest of bland food
-If he is served spicy food he will power through it because he’s too polite to ask for something else
-I will never give up my hc that he has literal grave mouth
-He will eat anything and be fine
-He might feel a bit of spice if he had a ghost pepper or something
-But he is less bothered by the spice and more just doesn’t get the point
-“why would I eat something that hurts?”
-He prefers to munch on poisonous berries he finds as they all walk that made Boromir have to shit every 15 minutes for a week
-I kinda wanted to say he isn’t good with spice because I could totally see him with the whole physical reaction to spice
-But he probably is the type to add hot sauce to literally everything
-So maybe he still gets real red and his nose runs
-But best believe he’s chowing down and having a great time
-Would risk his life for buffalo wings
-Surprisingly not bothered much
-Maybe not ghost peppers but normal to high levels of spice are fine
-His mouth may be fine but his body is going to explode
-Don’t bother him about an hour later; he’s shitting literal fires of Mount Doom
-Send aid
-Never learns though and will continue to eat spicy food
-It’s this one right here
-He’s the one who will munch on ghost peppers casually
-He likes the taste
-A ghost pepper is nothing to him
-Not good with spice at all
-He gets all red in the face
-Nose running so much you would think the elvish river horses were coming
-He likes the taste; but he has a very strong reaction
-He would really like Flaming Hot Cheetos but it takes him a week to get through a whole bag
-And yes he’s crying the whole time but he won’t stop
-He can tolerate a moderate amount of spice but he doesn’t really like it
-And I mean he doesn’t add spice to anything just for the sake of adding a kick
-He suffers through it a little but he does love Indian style food
-That shit rocks even if his mouth is starting to go numb
-I am indecisive about him
-On one hand I think he’s a sensitive little guy
-But he also loves to eat and won’t let some spice get in his way of a good meal
-So I’m going to rest on he is literally crying from the spice but won’t stop eating it; he’s hungry
-He won’t back down from being challenged to eat a ghost pepper
-Possibly needs medical assistance if he has too much spice
-Doesn’t even like mustard because he thinks that is too spicy
-Literally dies and comes back as a different version of Gandalf that’s how dramatic he is
-If it smells a little spicy he won’t even try it
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autistook · 4 months
The guys in a modern art museum.. lowkey I just want to know who HATES modern art
omg okok
Frodo: Digs some of the art. Mostly he just talks to Aragorn about how much he prefers other art forms and eras, but does sometimes stop to admire things that represent heavy struggles, and analyzes them for quite some time.
Sam: Tried to research stuff beforehand but still doesn't really understand modern art, so he just looks at Frodo like this to see how he responds and reacts the same way:
Tumblr media
Merry: Surprises everyone by stopping to look at most of the art there and stands there with his finger on his chin, contemplating. Probably munches on an apple at some point. Is one of the only ones who actually understand the depth of some works.
Pippin: Tries to touch the paintings and eventually wanders off to the souvenier shop, thinking by accident that it's also art and tells Gimli mouth open how great this side of the museum is and how 'this art is better'.
Gimli: Complains the whole time. Goes on long rants about how modern art sucks and simultaneously works as a Pippin guard because that young Took keeps wandering off.
Aragorn: Arms crossed walks next to Merry, deeply analyzing. At some point he sees a weird, really ugly object someone called art and he furrows his brows at it, because what?
Gandalf: Happily explains to everyone his thoughts and analysis on everything there. He tells about the artists, but didn't research anything about them and their struggles so he is making it up as he goes. He wants to appear as the one with the most knowledge on the subject, but this is one of the things he knows nothing about.
Legolas: Wanders alone and goes grab Gimli whenever he sees something he thinks is 'simply wonderful.' Says some poetic and riddle-sounding stuff about paintings and no one understands a word, leaving them thinking Legolas finally lost it.
Boromir: Enters, sees one artwork and shakes his head. "Nope" and leaves. Gondor has no modern art. Gondor needs no modern art.
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fateshurly · 2 years
Question: are you gay?
gimli: no
Legolas, with gimli on his lap: yes 😌
Aragorn: no, but I am very committed to Arwen so I guess I can't say for sure?
Boromir, covered in Ally merchandise: nope! :) Love those little fuckers tho!
Pippin: bold of you to assume I can get bitches of any gender, fuckface
Frodo: yeah why
Sam, hiding his heart shaped locket of frodo: i... prefer not to answer
Gandalf: yesn't.
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herbirdglitter · 3 months
Reading the lotr books for the first time and I’ve just finished Two Towers.
Here’s the stuff that’s stuck out to me so far:
-the movies could have 100% more Gloin but they didn’t . He wouldn’t even have had to have any lines, he could have just been chatting with Bilbo in the background. Underrated friendship right there because the books turned me into even more of a Gloin stan than I already was and now I will be forever lamenting the lack of Gloin in the movies.
- Gimli is incredibly underrated, which is easy to say but he tried to destroy the ring literally the first time he saw it, and he was never tempted even once. And he’s just amazing. I mean I already loved gimli to bits from the movies and fanfics but he’s just so good
- they were right, the books are way gayer than the movies. Very much with the Samfro but particularly with Legolas and Gimli, a couple of scenes were in there that I thought for sure were made up for certain fanfics but NOPE. REAL. VERY REAL.
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sotwk · 4 months
Hello! I am a big fan of your work and keep it going! You are creative individual and talented one!
I am interested in how would thranduil treat his kids ,if he had twins with the queen...who have his great looks, but Maereth's personallity and eyes...
Thx for attention!Sorry for my grammer.
Thank you so much so the encouragement! <3
I'll say it one more time: most of the Thranduil/Eryn Galen headcanons I write take a significant amount of time (and often research) to write, but they never ever hit the same number of notes as much shorter "random musings" or meta posts (not even close!). Kind comments from people like you really is what keeps me going. :)
Regarding your Ask: How would Thranduil treat twin children, if he had them with Maereth in the AU?
(The kids you described sound BEAUTIFUL, btw! <3 I'm glad you mentioned Maereth's eyes especially, because hers are especially special. :) )
Although Thranduil and Maereth never had twin children in the SotWK AU, twins do run in Maereth's side of the family! Not only does she descend from Fëanor, but she had twin older brothers (who sadly died in the War of Wrath).
Fun fact: Maereth's belly was so large when she was pregnant with Turhir, strangers would have guessed that she was carrying twins! But nope--Turhir was just one big, heavy baby that grew into a larger than life elf.
Feren and his twin sister Celuwen were so dear to Thranduil and Maereth and so close to the family that they were jokingly referred to as the twin children they never had.
None of the five Thranduilions look especially alike each other. For example, Legolas and Arvellas have very similar faces, but Arvellas is dark-haired and Legolas is silver-blonde. Legolas and Gelir have identical hair color and build, but very different faces. (Gelir looks like Mirion and Turhir.)
So having twins who look identical would probably be amusing to Thranduil, and occasionally frustrating. Maereth would be very good at telling identical children apart, but Thranduil a bit less able.
I don't believe Thranduil would treat twin children any differently than he would the rest of his kids. Thranduil's behavior towards his children depends on their individual needs and their personalities, more than any other qualities (like gender).
He is an immortal who can afford to take the time to properly focus on each of his children and get to know them. He bonds with each one in a special way.
I hope this answers your question, but please feel free to send more asks about anything you want to know! :) Thank you again for your support!
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emyn-arnens · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
@hobbitwrangler @grey-gazania @runawaymun @echo-bleu tagged me to do this, so I guess I really should do it! I did this one recently on my main for all the fandoms I've written for, so I'll keep this limited to Tolkien fics here.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently mostly Tolkien, with the occasional dash of Timeless and Narnia.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (T, Celegorm & Eöl, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (T, Aegnor/Andreth, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
with death on his brow like a crown (G, Aegnor & Finrod, ~600 words): Five times Finrod foresees Aegnor’s death, and one time he foresees his own.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take a while depending on spoons, but I almost always do. The only exceptions are for comments that make no sense to me or demand me to write more for a pairing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There's a lot of contenders for this, but let's go with Like a Wave That Should Engulf the World (G, Faramir/Éowyn, ~700 words), in which Faramir foresees Éowyn's coming death.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? For Charity (Boromir, Faramir, Éomer, Lothíriel, and Éowyn, 2k), for sure. Two thousand words of pure ridiculousness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since ye olde days of posting on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Very rarely and very vanilla, with emotions and metaphor taking precedence over mechanics.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope. Not much into reading or writing them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? *looks at header, url, and blog title* I don't think I even need to say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? For the sake of answering the question, my Glorfinwyn AU, but only because I'm not sure I have the skills to pull it off, and my perfectionism is a raging beast. But I do really want to finish it, even if it's three years from now because I'm the slowest writer I know.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization and description/scenery, although I've been struggling with the latter lately. Dialogue has finally been getting easier, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot, body language, and describing emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'll sprinkle in some individual words/pet names (all shamelessly ripped from RealElvish.net) here and there that should be guessable from context clues. I don't do full sentences very often both because I feel it isn't necessary most of the time (sorry JRRT), and because I know people don't enjoy having to scroll to the notes for translations. But I will admit to having a weakness for Elves lapsing into their native tongues during uh. heated moments with their partners.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR, years ago. And here I am back again!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is so hard, but Over Seas of Starlight (G, Frodo & Gandalf, 3.6k) is near and dear to my heart. Sailing West, my beloved.
Tagging @sotwk @afaramir @halfelven @curufiin if you haven't done this already!
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cityandking · 1 month
11, 23, 34, 55 for dai, minah and bran!!
ty!!! // 93 fun oc asks
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? 
DAI — dai has no interest in leaving his mark on history (and is genuinely a little perturbed by the number of people who seem to have been in some way marked by him to date) but if he had to be known for something, he wouldn't entirely mind being known for saving airedon/getting rid of the void MINAH — if you asked her, she'd say stopping the blight, because it's the easy warden answer. in practice, I'm not sure she'd want to leave a mark, and even if she did she doesn't know what she'd want it to be BRAN — if she could make a mark she'd want it to be a big one, the kind worth retelling for ages to come. her ideal sort of history is one where her story outlives her, bigger and bolder with each retelling
23. Do they get lonely easily?
DAI — not really. he's used to being on his own and is comfortable as a solitary guy. maybe he gets lonely a little more easily these days now that he's spent so long traveling with the party, but he still values his privacy and space MINAH — yes, which is why it's unfortunate that she's so unwilling to let anyone past those first couple lines of cheerful, deflective defense (I think there's a part of her that's always lonely, even in a crowd) BRAN — yes. she doesn't like being on her own if she can help it and is a fast friend to anyone who wants one
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? 
DAI — he tends to be private with his secrets but he trusts people with his life easily enough. part of it is that he can look after himself if someone decides to screw him over; part of it is that he genuinely assumes most people are going to be decent and upright until they prove otherwise. he's maybe not quite as carelessly assured of that these days, but he still likes to imagine the best of people MINAH — honestly the word "trust" is barely in minah's vocabulary. she'll trust people to have her back in a tight spot if they've proven themselves willing and able, but there are few people whose hands she'd put her life in and no people she would trust with her secrets. the current dalish fear-facing ritual situation is genuinely one of her nightmare scenarios, especially with the party seeing (and feeling!) everything BRAN — bran has a few... not secrets per se, but private things she trusts all of three people with, and she's guarded with that. but beyond sharing her innermost self she's pretty open! she makes friends easily, she shares easily, she'll have someone's back and trust them to have her back in return, and if they fuck her over she won't take it too personally. part of it's the pirate lifestyle, part of it's just her. (she is perhaps a bit reckless but hey, it's important to live while you can)
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
DAI — tbh I feel that dai is a legolas "I think I feel something. a slight tingling in my fingers" drunk. he's literally part stone; alcohol isn't doing shit to him. he doesn't drink a lot and gets drunk even less, but drunk!dai just tends to be a little more willing to say the quiet part out loud (in this drunk!dai is a lot like annoyed!dai). his hangovers are nonexistent because he's a cleric/paladin and he's curing that shit. poisoned condition? nope not any more MINAH — minah's got a middling alcohol tolerance. on the one hand she's on the small side, on the other hand she's built up a bit of a tolerance over the years traveling and performing. she's an aggressively friendly and cheerful drunk, but she never quite loses her cautious edge. usually when she's hungover she just feels slow and nauseous. BRAN — bran has a good alcohol (and other substance) tolerance. she's a boisterous drunk, chatty and cheerful, until she tips over into melancholy. her hangovers are often unpleasant and get worse as she ages, but fortunately she's got a ships doctor and cook around to bully her and also help with hangover cures
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starsuncounted · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @bywayofmemory!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, LOTR, Silmarillion, Narnia, and Timeless. I'd like to get back to writing Turn fics, though. I have a couple ideas for oneshots that have been rattling around in my brain.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
winter-touched, frost-bitten (Spinning Silver, T, Miryem/the Staryk Lord, 1.1k): A missing scene in which Miryem strikes a new bargain with the Staryk Lord.
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (Silmarillion, T, Eöl & Celegorm, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (LOTR, G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (LOTR, G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (Silmarillion, T, Andreth/Aegnor, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take me a while, but I always do. The only exceptions are for cryptic comments that I don't understand and have no idea what to reply with.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Lol. Lmao, even. At least half of my fics are nothing but angst. So...*spins wheel* Let's go with darkness lies on the foaming waves between us (LOTR, G, Arwen & Celebrían & Elwing, 1k), in which Arwen shares the news of her choice with her mother.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do actually have a couple fics that would qualify for this (shocking, I know), but I have a special place in my heart for And There Make a Garden (LOTR, G, Éowyn, <1k). Éowyn finally being happy and content is everything to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since I returned to fandom in 2020 and started posting on AO3 (unless some of those aforementioned cryptic comments are badly worded hate). But I did get the occasional hateful comment back when I posted on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Occasionally and it's very vanilla.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Never written one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I must be loyal to my thirteen-year-old self and say Faramir/Éowyn, my forever OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I really would like to finish And Every Winter Turn to Spring (Turn, Anna/Hewlett), but I don't think I can rekindle the same enthusiasm I had for it during the height of my Turn fixation in 2020/2021. That, and I'm sure that if I were to pick it up again, I'd want to tear it apart and fix it up because it was one of the first fics I started writing after a years-long break from fic writing, and I'm certain I'd be embarrassed by parts of it now. And doing heavy editing like that feels overwhelming right now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Usually characterization and description, but I've been having trouble with my descriptions lately, and in a very strange twist, dialogue has—for the first time ever—been easier for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plots. You will be getting no 100k+ longfics from me. Sorry. Oneshots or bust.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I only use other languages when writing Tolkien fic and do so sparingly and always with translations in the author notes. All phrases are yoinked from RealElvish.net because I can't be assed to put Elvish sentences together myself. Sorry JRRT.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR. A couple of ancient fics that have never and will never see the light of day.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? It changes by the day, but I am very fond of On These Hither Shores (LOTR, G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k). It took a while to come together, but I'm so happy with how it turned out and that I finally achieved my goal of writing Frodo and Boromir getting to know each other before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
Tagging @tortoisesshells @boltlightning @aloveforjaneausten @dreamingthroughthenoise if you'd like to do this!
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rivnedell · 6 months
I was tagged by @mirkwood thank you so much !! ✨
are you named after someone? Real name no. But I named myself after "Nienna", one Queen of the Valar. (Nickname for the Internets.)
when was the last time you cried? A few days ago, when I was writing things about my past out ; my childhood traumas and basically because I'm trying to cope with fears and anxiety..😔
do you have kids? Nope
what sports do you play/have played? Archery for 5 years, I started when I was 12/13 I think. (Actually I wanted to be just like Susan Pevensie & Legolas, a queen at aiming her ennemies on the battlefield 😅)
do you use sarcasm? On a 100 level, I would say I would like to use only.. 30%. I'm more like the kind one, and not really fond of sarcasm and dark humor. (I'm just too kind for it I guess 😅)
what the first thing you notice about people? Their "mood", or "aura". I get easily affected by other people's energy.
what's your eye colour? Blue
scary movies or happy endings? Omg : happy endings. I definitely am a wimp so, no horror for me.
any talents? I'm creative, I draw and paint. And I get to turn my high-sensitivity as a strength, most part of the time
where were you born? Near Paris, France.
what are your hobbies? Watching series and my comfy movies, reading and writing in english, drawing and painting.
do you have any pet? Not technically mine, but my bf's 11yo cat. He's a the most adorable cat in the world.
how tall are you? 159cm
favorite subject in school? Art & History
dream job? Full Time succeeding Artist & Gaming Streamer
Tagging @galadariel @klngfili @elvenkiing @remusjohnslupin @tlotrgifs @daniels-gillies @velvet4510 @princess-caspian @orlandobloom @lotrlorien @taurielsilvan ! Feel free to join ✨
But no pressure if you don't wanna do it of course
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skyyknights · 11 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @zeldaelmo @nocturne-side-blog @aegon-targaryen !! Thank you all!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59 in total, but only 46 are available to the public 😅 I think I ended up putting some of the ones I wasn't as fond of, or ones that I just didn't feel like updating ever again, to a private collection lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda, mainly, but also: How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, LOTR, 1917, MCU, Narnia, Endeavour, and a few other extremely obscure fandoms hardly anyone else is in XD
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the faces left behind (LU which I know many people hate but I like it so don't judge lol)
Marinette Has Cookies (Of Course Chat Showed Up) (what an annoying title actually??) (Miraculous)
Just Allergies? (How to Train Your Dragon)
Juli's Tree (Flipped)
The Power of a Hot Drink (Skyward Sword)
wow I am... not good at coming up with fic titles 😂 nowadays I just pick a song lyric from a song that applies and slap it on the title but other than that they're pretty horrible 💀
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Although sometimes if there's really no way to respond to it I just mark it as read.
...also usually it takes me a while to get the motivation to reply. I've been known to take months before answering a comment 😬
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oo hm... I can't decide so instead I shall dump a handful of them
One Last Look - Skyward Sword Zelink, after that scene
Age - Sksw Zelink through the years, with a bittersweet ending
Golden Sands - this is one of the first fics I ever posted (originally posted on Wattpad... oof). but basically it's about the robot Skipper from Skyward Sword, thinking about his past life while broken and unable to move in the present.
Incomprehensible - POV of other hobbits in the Shire, unable to understand why the four Travelers act the way they do, or why eventually their number drops to three.
Regrets - Joandeavour talking about... tough things :(
Please, Ada - Babey™ Legolas wanting to hang with his father and his father does NOT want to hang with him is the happiest way I can describe it
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Take three because I'm indecisive.
Worthy - Edmund Pevensie coming to terms with the fact that he is loved
Spidey - Spideychelle being oblivious. that is all
Rainy Days - TP Zelinkkkkkk
there's definitely more but I think those are probably some of the happiest
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My fics usually have a pretty small reception so I don't think so? The most would be someone saying the plotholes of the fic were killing them which then sent me, a major overthinker, into overdrive, even though it's not that bad XD so no, thankfully, I don't think I've ever gotten any (although anon hate is another thing entirely. LOL)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope! don't ever plan to either
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
erm. I don't think I ever have?? I've read one or two before, but I don't believe I have ever actually written one
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so XD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, idt so!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! It's a dream of mine though, Noct and I have several things planned >>>>>>:)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
oh boy.
this is a tricky question
the answer is.
all of them
ok jokes aside I genuinely cannot narrow it down, so I'll list... my top five, I guess.
Zelink, Joandeavour, Spideychelle, Rudy/Liesel, and Hiccstrid
(Hm. Thinking about it Joandeavour is probably my favorite just because it's so heartbreakingly tragic, but Zelink is a very very very close second)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably this, a fix-it Spideychelle fic that I have a lot written for but idk if I'll ever have the guts to do much else with it
16. What are your writing strengths?
d. description I guess?? I've never been a good judge at what I'm good at XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to be a bit Victor Hugo-esque with my sentences, aka I have to control myself so the sentence doesn't stretch on for five paragraphs
and we don't talk about my old fics <3
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean? For LOTR I would definitely sprinkle in elvish just for the vibe of it, also because he did so, but I would also provide translations. For real-world...hmm. I think I did throw in three or four German words in The Book Thief fic I posted recently, but again, the author himself did so, and I think so long as you're not adding a full, necessary sentence that the reader is then required to look up in order to understand what's going on, and if you instead just use a curse word or a muttered phrase of annoyance or something in the other language, I think that's fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
LOTR, I believe. Hand-written in seventh or eighth grade XD
(And then I wrote dozens of unfinished Loz fics in the notes app on my mom's ancient phone she didn't use anymore, fics that completely misunderstood any of the games because I hadn't played them yet. It pains me to think about those fics).
(also this is not counting those "add on to the end of the story!" assignments teachers used to give out in middle school)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oh hot dang lemme see
againnnn we are doing several (look my decision making has been ATROCIOUS lately, I cannot be faulted <3)
you feel like home - SkSw Zelink, a teeny tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff (also Link nearly throws hands with Scrapper which is a bonus. When I tell you I cranked that fic out in a day after getting so salty with Scrapper I nearly snapped my wiimote in half)
would I run off the world someday - a very recent TP Zinc fic!! It has traces of Midlink; essentially, it's about Link refusing to stop grieving Midna, and thus hurting himself and Zelda, who is in love with him due to having shared a soul with Midna. It's basically a 4+1 fic and does end happy with the promise of future Zelink, very different from my normal Zelink stuff though
Forbidden - Zinc week fic that didn't get as much attention as my other two ZW fics, but I actually really really love it so. <3 I just. idk I love the prose of that fic, I suppose :) and the ending hehe
I do have a few other favorites but I think it's unfair to include them because they're unfinished lol
tagging: @aheavenscorner @minstrelsmusings @onewingedsparrow (sorry if you've already been tagged oops)
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harrysweasleys · 2 years
fun little blurb writing prompts
hey babes so this is literally just a fun little thing to try and get me back into writing since i really really miss it! send me a prompt with the character you want and i’ll try to write a few blurbs 🤍 no promises as to doing them all or when they’ll be out but i’ll try my best!!
namor (mcu)
bucky barnes (mcu)
steven grant (mcu)
dean winchester (supernatural)
eddie munson (stranger things)
owen sharma (bly manor)
sheriff hassan (midnight mass)
legolas (lotr)
fluff prompts
1. “let me kiss it better.”
2. “you know i’ll always be here, right?”
3. “i’m glad you came.”
4. “i’m all yours. not going anywhere.”
5. “i always want you around. literally always.”
6. “you smell so nice.”
7. “i’m gonna use you as a pillow, okay?”
8. “this made me think of you.”
9. “i’m just glad you’re safe.”
10. “we’d make a pretty good couple.”
11. “are you implying that you want to kiss me?”
12. “just shut up and kiss me, would you?”
13. “ah. i’ve been looking for that shirt.”
14. “do you have a crush on me or something?”
15. “nope, sorry, you’re stuck with me.”
16. “shh, you’re safe with me.”
17. “i’m not jealous!”
18. “i think we should be nap buddies.”
19. “are you flirting with me?”
20. “yeah, i’m definitely in love with you.”
angst prompts
21. “none of this was real. but i wish it was.”
22. “i hurt people. it’s all i’m good at.”
23. “i told you not to get too close to me.”
24. “you’re never there.”
25. “you’ll never see me again. is that what you want?”
26. “i can never do anything right.”
27. “of course it meant something!”
28. “i know. i messed up.”
29. “you deserve better than me.”
30. “i thought i lost you.”
31. “please, i don’t want to lose you too.”
32. “don’t tell me you’re fine. stop lying to me.”
33. “it wasn’t your fault.”
34. “stop pushing everyone away.”
35. “there’s nothing you can do.”
36. “i’m not ready to say goodbye.”
37. “i hope you’re happy.”
38. “stop, please don’t cry.”
39. “where’s the blood coming from?”
40. “why didn’t you tell me?”
tagging a few mutuals just so maybe you can help spread the word 🥺🤍 thank u i love u all
@gryffindors-weasley @cauliflowertree @ickle-ronniekins @andromedaa-tonks @theweasleysredhair @strange-mischief
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girlscience · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @malcolm-reeds-pineapple :3
Are you named after anyone? Nope! Had I been a boy, I would have been named Graham after Billy Graham and while I do like that name, I am very very glad he is not my name sake.
Last time you cried? Ummm when I was reading When Women Were Dragons sooo a couple weeks ago. I don't know the date lol
Do you have kids? No thank fuck
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I would say yes I think.
First thing you notice about people? Probably appearance, idk. I don't feel like I notice much about people.
Eye color? Mine is hazel and my favorite irl is dark brown almost black and my favorite in fantasy is yellow/gold
Scary movies or happy endings? I am only just now starting to watch scary movies and only very very slowly because I am a big baby, so I guess mostly happy endings
Special talents? I honestly have no idea... I am not like incapable of things, I just don't know that I would call anything I do special? Never mind!!! I am very very good at worldbuilding (I just remembered I like that lol) idk if it counts as a talent exactly? but I am good at it
Where were you born? Bloomington, IL (I always joke I was born closer to Normal than my sister lol)
Hobbies? Reading, drawing, video games, coming up with stories I will never write, WOLRDBUILDING, pretty soon it will be gming a pathfinder game (have to figure out how to download the pdf first)
Any pets? Yes!!! My sweetest baby and light of my life Missy ❤️ she is my little princess baby cat
What sports do you play/have you played? I played Y volleyball for ~3 years and hated it, and then I played park softball for 1 year and never won a single game. Sports are not my thing
How tall are you? 5' 8"
Favorite school subject? Science and art
Dream job? Draconologist
First ship? If we are going based on first fanfic read.... I think it was Loki x reader (😭 that's so embarrassing for me)
Three ships? Zolu, Hannigram, Gimli/Legolas
Last (current) song? Flu Game by FOB
Last movie? I honestly don't know.... It might have been Cocaine Bear?
Currently reading? Nothing atm, but I am about to start Abhorsen by Garth Nix (I finally finished Lirael!)
Currently watching? Warrior Nun and One Piece
Currently consuming? water
Currently craving? gum
Tagging: @cats-crows-and-cryptids @swordsmans @niishi @raccoontheatre and anyone else who wants to do it!! (no pressure tho!)
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Hello, for the fanfiction writer asks, may I request questions 8 and 16?
hiiii! of course! Hmmm, let's see...
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? Most of them are easy at one time or another - I write what I'm told by whoever's speaking in my head at the time, so it pretty much comes naturally as long as it's working (when it's not working, nobody's talking so then everyone's a struggle XD ) However, Legolas is a particular joy to write, he's been living rent-free in my head for over 20 years, and Gawain from the 2004 version of King Arthur is another one who's been there for nearly as long. I always love writing Sigrid, and Bard too. And also my original-fic characters Hal and Jack, particularly Jack (he's damaged and obnoxious and grumpy and sweary and an absolute delight to write XD )
16. Any guilty pleasure tropes? Nope, for two reasons: 1) I don't do tropes (I don't find them an interesting way of telling a story, I'd rather just tell the story and if it happens to tick any trope-boxes then so be it; the popularity of tropes in fic seems to have arisen while I wasn't really participating in fandom, because I'm sure it wasn't a thing 20 years ago, and I just can't think in those terms), and 2) I don't believe in guilty pleasures - as the great Dave Grohl says, "I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If you like something, fucking like it." He's right, and I refuse to feel guilty for liking anything I enjoy. :D My favourite thing is mutual pining idiots-in-love who think they can't have each other, and the moment when they realise that they can, but I'm not going to be guilty about it XD
Thank you for asking! <3333333
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IRONHAWK/ Say it back. You are in love with Clint.
Your mouth feels dry as you look into Clint’s eyes, his expression needy and frightened.  You swallow thickly.  “I - I love you too, Clint.”
He lights up and pulls you back close to him.  “Oh my god,” he says, his arms circling your waist.  “I can’t - you do?”
“Yes,” you say, stifling a laugh.  “Yes.  And god it’s so fast, and I’m so scared but I do.  I love you, Clint.”
He leans in to kiss you and hesitates, pulling back.  “And Tony?”
“Him too,” you agree.
Clint grins like an excited kid and kisses you.  Your eyes flutter closed and you wrap your arms around his neck as you melt into it.  This was everything every romantic movie had told you you wanted.  You were on top of the Eiffel Tower, there was a declaration of love and a passionate kiss.  Yet, as good as that feels, it still feels like something is missing.  This trip was Tony’s idea.  This relationship you have isn’t you and Clint.  It’s you Clint and Tony and he should be here.  There’s one small problem; you have promised Tony you wouldn’t fall in love.
You pull back reluctantly and look into his blue eyes.  “Clint,” you say as you run your hands down his arms and link your hands with his.  “We have to tell Tony.”
Clint’s eyes bug out, and he shakes his head.  “No… no, no, honey,” he says, shaking his head.  “If we tell him, then he’ll end it.  Just wait it out.  He’ll get there on his own.”
“That’s not fair, Clint,” you frown.  “We can’t just trick him into falling in love with us.”
“I’m not saying tricking,” Clint says.  “Waiting.  You fell in love with me and Tony.  He might already be in love with us.”
You shake your head.  “We can’t, Clint.  We have to be honest.  He has the right to know how we feel.”
Clint huffs.  “Fine.  But if he breaks up with us…”
“Then that’s his right,” you say.  “We have to do the right thing.”
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You go back to Tony’s apartment feeling tense and a little afraid.  Tony is so adamant that he isn’t a relationship person that you can’t help but think he isn’t going to take this declaration of love.  Going off Clint’s nervous fidgeting, he’s not exactly expecting a warm acceptance of love either.
When Tony gets back from the office, you both jump to your feet as he walks in.  He looks at you both in confusion.  “What?” he asks.  “What’s happened?”
“We need to talk,” you say.
Tony frowns and approaches you.  “Why does this feel like my parents are sitting me down to tell me they’re getting a divorce?  What happened with you guys today?”
You take a seat and pat the spot beside you.  Tony shakes his head and stays where he’s standing.  “It’s kind of the opposite of that.”
“Just get on with it before I have a full-blown cardiac event,” Tony says.
“We realized that we’re in love with you, Tony,” you say.  “Clint has been for a while.  Before all of this started.”
Tony opens and closes his mouth, before turning his attention to Clint.  “Is this true, Legolas?”
“Yes, but, Tones,” he says quickly.  “It doesn’t have to change anything.  I can still do casual.”
“Are you kidding me?” Tony snaps.  “It changes everything.  I can’t… I can’t...” he shakes his head and starts pacing.  “How can it be casual?  What happens when it ends, Clint?  I just gotta go to work knowing you’re in love with me and I broke your heart?”
“Tony,” Clint implores.  “Don’t end a good thing just because it’s good.”
“I said - I said it needed to be casual!” he argues.  He stops and runs his hands through his hair.  “I need to think.  I’m going to take a walk.”
“Tony, please,” you beg.  “Just stay and talk to us.”
He shakes his head.  “Give me - like - half an hour.”
He strides out of the room and Clint looks back at you with the expression of a wounded puppy.  “He’s gonna break up with us.”
You shake your head.  “No.  If he didn’t have feelings at all he wouldn’t be taking it so hard.  We’ve made him realize this is real and he’s just processing it.”
Clint shakes his head and flops down on the couch next to you putting his head in your lap.  “No.  Nope.  He’s currently overthinking it, and he’s gonna end it.  We never even got to go to the sex club.”
“I know, Clint,” you say, playing with his hair.  “But it’s all on the table now.  And no matter what… I love you, okay?”
He looks up at you with a smile.  “I love you too.”
Tony texts you an hour later telling you that he’s going home on the jet but that you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.
You and Clint try and make the most of it, but Tony’s leaving leave a sour taste to the trip.  Even the most romantic things you do with Clint come with the reminder that Tony should be there too.
You end up coming home before the end of the week.
When you get home, you start dating Clint.  The topic of Tony comes up a lot.  The two of you keep speaking in whys and whens and what ifs.
“He is completely avoiding me at work,” Clint says, flopping down on the couch beside you.  He’s taken to spending more time at your place since he got back - just to give Tony space.  “We went out on a mission today and he wouldn’t even answer me in comms.”
“You went out on a mission today?” you ask, sitting up to look at him.
He smiles and kisses your cheek.  “Look at you all worried about me.  It was nothing.  I sat on a roof for two hours waiting for Natasha and Tony to meet with one of our informants.”
You relax back on the couch with a sigh.  “I want us all together too, but there’s a lot to consider.  There are even things we haven’t talked about.  Like how it will work long term.  Are we planning on having kids?  Will we move in together?  Is it open or closed?  What if the public finds out?  I work for the mayor, he’s not gonna love the idea of his Avengers liaison being in a polyamorous relationship at all, let alone with two Avengers.  He’ll see it as a slight on him.”
“He’s a dick,” Clint huffs.  “But it’s not like we even had the chance to talk about all that.  Tony bailed.  So right now it’s just a regular old boring monogamous relationship.”
You laugh.  “Hey now.  There’s nothing boring about me, you jerk.”
Clint's laughter joins yours and he snuggles into you.  “Yeah, you’re pretty exciting…”
“But you want Tony too,” you huff.  “Me too.”
“Should we do something?” he asks, running his fingers up under your t-shirt and over your stomach.  “Like maybe if we do a big romantic thing.  You know?  Boombox on the lawn.  Skywriting… maybe he’ll see how much he means to us and he won’t be scared to try.”
“Yes,” you agree.  “Alternatively, he sees how big of a freak we each are and it scares him off for good.”
Clint pouts.  “He already knows how big of a freak we both are.”
You chuckle and rub your nose against his.  “I suppose you’re right.  But still, it’s risky.  Maybe it works, but if it doesn’t, we lose him for good.”
“Well, what do you suggest?  Wait and see?  What if he never comes around?” Clint says.
Do the big grand gesture
Keep waiting for Tony to come to you
Fuck Tony. If he doesn’t realize how great you and Clint are, who needs him?
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