Okay this certainly isn’t one of my best pieces……
….but i rewatched the Joker today and remembered a bit in the trailer where he’s strutting down a hallway or sum holding a feather duster and…….
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I’m unwell dawgs do I drop sum headcannons……?
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thatsadbietch · 2 years
Sore Losers
I said I wanted to do another Animal Crossing or Dreamlight Valley fic, and ended up with Persona 5  🙃 It’s okay though, I love these two  💕
Warnings: None, other than tickles.  But I’m guessing that’s at least one reason you’re here.
“Ryuhohohojiheheh! Stoaoahahpp, I am yoohohohor leader!” Ren tried to scold, but it was awfully hard to appear threatening in a giggle fit like this.  The atomic blonde currently had his Joker pinned, using one hand to drill his thumb into a hip and the other hand to scurry across his shaking belly.
“Yeah, leader, all right,” he replied, “leader of cheating! A leader cheater, if you will.” Ren’s giggles reluctantly picked up at the stupidity of the comment.
“What the hell is going on up here?” Sojiro yelled, briskly climbing the stairs to his tenant/adopted son/part-timer’s room.  It was quite the sight, and to someone outside of the Phantom Thieves’ circle, might have appeared a bit risque. There was a “GAME OVER: PLAYER ONE WINS!” message across the TV, and a little 3 - 0 counter underneath the text. Two controllers lay forgotten next to the couch where an almost predatorial Ryuji was hunched over a red-faced and giggling Ren. 
They hardly acknowledged Sojiro’s appearance, but once Ren saw his frame come into view from the staircase his blush deepened.  Ryuji noticed his eyes shift and followed them, immediately upon realization jumping off of Ren and started rambling.
“S-Sojiro-san! This isn’t what it looks like, I swear, I-”
“Cool it, kid, I know exactly what’s going on up here.” Both teens were mortified, but for different reasons. Sojiro’s mischievous smirk was not helping, either.
“On paper, it’s my job to keep that one safe and out of trouble,” Sojiro started, pointing at the raven-haired boy.  “But just keep it down while I have customers, and I can allow for trouble of the “revenge of a sore loser” variety.”
“Whew, okay, thanks-HEY!?”
 “And I’m sure he still has a few secrets we haven’t found yet.”
Ren and Ryuji’s hearts leaped simultaneously, and the latter glared back at the former. “Oh yeah?”
Sojiro looked at Ren’s betrayed eyes. He sometimes forgets Ren was just a teenager, still very much a kid in some ways. But he took on so much more responsibility; a responsibility that most adults couldn’t handle. If they could, the Phantom Thieves may not exist in the first place.  Then he remembered how hard of a time he gave the boy after coming to Le Blanc and not believing his story.  He could go on a guilt trip about it, but he’d rather see Ren’s tension replaced with mirth at the moment.
“We haven’t tried his knees or feet yet.  Do with that what you will, I’m going to shut the door to the staircase, though,” Sojiro told Ryuji as he made his way back downstairs. Ren, having never seized the opportunity to stand, released an “Oomph!” as Ryuji pounced on his waist, facing away from him.
“Ryuji, please, doohohon’t, NOHOHO AHHAHAHA!”  Mercilessly and with a wicked cackle, Ryuji squeezed the soft area above Ren’s knees, causing an absolute explosion of laughter.  He reflexively brought up his knees, which did nothing to deter Ryuji’s ticklish grip, and brought his hands to grab futilely at his assailant’s shirt, unable to move much more than that.
“Ryhehehujihehe!” Joker cried, attempting to twist out from underneath his teammate.
“Nuh uh uh!” Ryuji scolded, pinching his calves. As it turns out, Ryuji found a not-quite-ticklish spot. Ren, still giggling, took the opportunity to hook his fingers into Ryuji’s hips, a recently discovered weak point of his.
“You wound me, Ryuji,” Ren started, “I’m defending myself!  Why would I need to cheat?” He asked as if he was truly hurt by the accusation.  He continued to knead and tease his friend's hips, holding strong against every attempt Ryuji made to try to stand.
“Toohoo beheehat meehehehe!” Ryuji cried out, desperately trying to free his hips from Ren’s hands.  Ren, swiftly and cruelly, wormed his fingers under Ryuji’s waistline, just enough to contact the taught skin covering the hip bones.  Trading kneading for scratches with his dull fingernails nearly sent Ryuji into hysterics.  His cackle jumped up to a full-blown, unhindered belly laugh.
“Clearly, I don’t need to cheat to beat you. I’m just a natural at most things, it seems,” he teased.  He didn’t know exactly why, but he enjoyed antagonizing his friend this way, especially while he was coaxing out the most unabashed giggles from him. 
“Imagine if Shadows fought this way.  You wouldn’t have a chance,” Ren started, “All they would have to do is this,” and spidered his fingers along not just the hip bones, but up his sides and across is belly.  Ryuji screeched, trying to grab the offending hands while enduring a barrage of ticklish jolts that were turning his mind and muscles to mush. 
“Even if I was, you aren’t so scary right now.  You’d think someone with the name Skull would be more of a threat.”  
That did it. Ryuji, mind still fuzzy, lunged forward, breaking out of Ren’s “lethal” grip.  He grabbed one of Ren’s ankles.  He scribbled all along his socked sole, hoping to throw his leader off guard.  Sure enough, Ren’s head was thrown back in a surprised yelp before devolving into bubbling, boyish giggles.
“Dohohohon’t! Quihihihit, Ryeeehehehujii!” Ren spat through his cackles, hoping not to hurt his friend with his spastic kicking. Ryuji, on the other hand, was glad to be catching his breath.  And while he regained breath, he also regained his deviousness.
“Don’t quit? Didn’t plan to, chuckles.”
“Nohoho nahahame calling!” Ren retorted.  He couldn’t reach Ryuji’s hips again from where he scooted forward to sit closer to his ankles.  Smart, so now he wouldn’t get kicked in the head, but it put Ren in a position without many options. 
“You want scary? I’ll give you scary!” Ryuji, fired up now that he had the upper hand again, shifted slightly so his wiggling fingers were in plain view, slowly descending toward Ren’s captured foot. Despite himself knowing this tactic, he couldn’t stop himself from giggling at such anticipation.  He yelped when Ryuji just barely grazed the tops of his toes, and the blonde assailant shot his hand back up to repeat the maddening process.
“And you want to talk about me! The Shadows would only have to think about tickling you and you’d be a mess!”
“Ryeehehehujihehe, pleeheheease!”
“Please what, fearless leader?”
“Geehehet on wiheheth it!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude. I’m not even touching you.” Though he tried, Ryuji couldn’t keep a straight face through the whole interaction.
Ren groaned, and ultimately resigned to his fate, however long that would take. But then he found his assailant’s own socked foot and grabbed his ankle.  Ryuji paused, and Ren took in several breaths, keeping his other hand poised for attack on Ryuji’s sole.
“Ihi’ll make your life reheally hard, don’t you dare,”  Ren smirked, noting the preliminary giggles lacing the threat. He twitched his fingers and Ryuji jumped.
“Another bad spot? You make a lot of threats for someone with so many weak points.”
“HA! You’re one to talk. At least I don’t deny it as it’s happening.” Ren only rolled his eyes and felt the blush that finally started to settle come back.
“Don’t be embarrassed or anything, dude. I’m not.  Makes us human, ya know?” Ren met his eyes and smiled genuinely, but twitched his fingers again on Ryuji’s sole, causing another jolt.
“Okay, bro moment’s over, you’re deHEHEHAHAHAD!” Ren, knowing he was instigating and still pinned, made sure to get the first move in.
“Don’t you mean a bro-ment?” Ryuji’s cackles, like Ren’s earlier, picked up at the pun.
“Yooohoohou deheheserve this!” Skull claimed, haphazardly tearing off Ren’s sock, skittering lightly from heel to toe. He immediately relented his own attack and squealed before his giggles came bubbling over. 
“You like that, huh?”
“NOOOHOOHOO I DOHOHON’T!” he denied, a little too vehemently. He didn’t understand how just a few well-placed swipes on such a small part of the body could render him to such a state. Whether Ryuji was aware or not, Ren wasn’t sure, but every time those malicious fingers wandered too close to his toes, his laughter kicked up an octave. Ryuji snickered.
“Dude, yoohoou make the best noises.  I could do this aaaaallllll day!”
“PLEHEHEASE DOHOHON’T!” Ren spat, tapping the couch, trying to signal he had enough.  Ryuji obliged immediately, finally removing himself from on top of his friend and sat on the floor to allow him to recover.  Ren, still catching his breath, shot up and put his sock back on, catching Ryuji’s glance.  Chuckling, Ryuji reached and patted Ren’s back reassuringly.
“*pant*... asshole... *pant*,”
“Ready for another round?” Ryuji asked.
“NO!” Ren boomed, already curling in on himself.  Ryuji was startled, but then laughed at his poor friend.
“Another round of the game, dude!”
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noritaro · 2 years
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dont know which hyperfixation to draw for?
well obviously you combine the 2 and make the most ungodly crossover you could think of that only appeals to yourself
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vespalover24 · 1 year
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Today is DeathBattle Joker VS Onceler
which one will win the DeathBattle
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myreygn · 1 year
tkltober day 14: Soft
Black Butler (Book of Circus) - ler!Beast, lee!Joker
Beast awoke with the unmistakable feeling that something was wrong. It was like her sixth sense was tingling and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she couldn’t just go back to sleep without at least making sure that there were no intruders or anything. With a sigh of defeat, she got up and wrapped herself in the dressing gown she had carelessly discarded onto the floor just a few hours earlier. Until then, sweet warm bed.
The night air was chilly and she could smell the nearing winter. They would have to dig out the extra blankets soon and she was really not looking forward to running around in her show outfit all day. Oh well, what are you gonna do.
Beast felt her heartbeat quicken when she heard the sound of steps coming in her direction, the grass rustling quietly, but she relaxed almost immediately. Those steps sounded familiar. She quickly made her way around Jumbo’s tent. “Joker?”
Said man froze on the spot, looking at her as if she had caught him doing something forbidden. “God, Beast, don’t scare me like that… shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” She examined his face a little closer. He had taken off his makeup. She had always thought that it made him seem younger and older at the same time; younger because him taking off the makeup and letting down his hair, to her, was somehow symbolic for taking off the showman mask he wore every day and older because she always forgot how pale he actually was, how he looked when he hadn’t eaten properly for a while and how deep his eye bags were. Goodness, his eye bags…
Joker lowered his eyes as if he had seen her gaze fixate on the dark circles under them (he probably had, he was too observant to miss it) and Beast only hesitated for a brief moment before she walked over and softly took his hand. His actual hand, not the prosthetic, although even that felt oddly cold. Or maybe it was hers, she couldn’t tell. “Let’s go.”
“What are you-”
“I’ll keep them at bay.”
That made him shut his mouth. He knew that he was a good liar, but he also knew that she was really good at catching him off guard. And he knew that she knew. About the late night anxiety, about what the nearing winter did to him, did to both of them, she knew about the nightmares. She didn’t fully understand, couldn’t fully understand, but she knew and they both knew that sometimes, that was enough.
Joker’s bed was cold and Beast briefly wondered for how long he had been wandering around when she pulled the blanket over both of them and wrapped her arms around him, softly caressing his back and hoping it would make the tension in his shoulders fade. It didn’t.
“What is it?” Is it me?
“I’m so tired.” It’s not you, it’s me.
Beast swallowed down the lump in her throat. Not now. Not when they’ve had different versions of that same conversation a thousand times before. “Just close your eyes, okay? I’ll stay here. Sleep will come eventually.”
“It won’t.” The exhaustion in his voice broke her heart. “I tried, I… it just won’t.”
“Hm, have you tried this?” She softly dragged her nail along his spine and couldn’t hold back a smile at the quiet giggle he let out. “Maybe that’ll tire you out.”
“Beheast, I- nohot thahat…”
“Oh, yes that.” She kept her voice as quiet as possible, barely a whisper, as she scribbled her nails over Joker’s shoulder blades. Partly to make falling asleep easier for him, partly to be able to listen to his breathy giggles better. On the rare occasion they managed to gang up on and properly tickle him, he was usually more the type to cackle and snort his way through and to witness this soft and, frankly, adorable side of him was a privilege. Not that his snorts weren’t adorable. Everything about him was at least somewhat adorable. She quickly returned her focus to his shoulder blades, carefully drilling her fingers into the bones and scratching at the spaces in between, making him squirm in her arms.
“Nohot thehe- gahahad, Beheheast, ihit tihihickles- nahahat thehe neheheck, plehehease!”
Beast chuckled softly and gave his neck one last pinch before stopping her attack and putting her hand on his back to steady him as he slumped into her arms. “Have I tired you out already?”
No answer, just quiet, even breaths. She smiled and pressed a careful kiss to his forehead before closing her own eyes. Deep down she knew that there wouldn’t be any more nightmares tonight.
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mushiewrites · 1 year
concept from a flustery discussion with @joker-anon
4K and XD are messing with dream, tormenting him and tkling him silly just bc it’s something for them to do. XD has dream’s back pressed to their chest, their top arms holding dream’s arms up while their bottom set are wrapped around his thighs
after a few minutes dream is howling out in laughter as 4K continuously uses his two pointer finger claws to gently but quickly skitter under his bellybutton, moving up every so often and threatening to venture into the dip there but instead faking dream out staying right under it, tkling away with no signs of stopping 🫠
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Ain't enough tickle love for the Joker so let's go for it!!
~The joker gets a bit to cocky during a fight and let's his guard down around batman..big mistake!~
"Just admit it batsy I am better than you and hotter-" The joker grinned "you can never defeat me!!!"
"he let us guard down.." thought batman getting and uncharacteristically playful idea he reached his hand over and poked the joker "aHAHAND!?" Screamed the joker barking out a laugh "W-what the!?" Stuttered the joker and Batman tackled him to the ground, it had been years since he has been tickled by anyone YEARS!! He had forgotten how ticklish he was.. but despite everything he had no time to fight back before Batman went in for the killer and began to tickle and poke each rib "W-what are YOUAHAHAHAHA!?" Joker laughed like a mad man unable to defend himself "NO HAHAHAHAHA" squealed Joker, this continued until joker gave in and Batman left to continue his true identity as Bruce Wayne meanwhile, joker was left there humiliated but... somehow knowing that he enjoyed it.. he couldn't WAIT for round 2! "I'll get revenge Batman.." Joker groaned
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anyaharveyii · 7 months
give me bruce barely holding his shit together when his kids start belting "CAUSE I'M A BILLIONAAAAAREEE" every time he walks into a room.
give me alfred sighing and shaking his head each time someone mutters "alfred-da-butt-ler" under their breath while passing him in the kitchen.
give me dick taking the RELENTLESS teasing for how his character was portrayed like the unbothered king he is and agreeing to wear a pair of googly-eye goggles on patrol for a week.
give me jason subconsciously healing some of his own trauma after watching the most ridiculous, unthreatening version of the joker to ever exist (no, bruce, it's not a solution, but it's a start).
give me barbara and bruce refusing to even look each other in the eyes for a solid week, because seriously WTF WAS THAT, and everyone finding their discomfort absolutely hilarious.
give me the batkids making a meme out of bruce by doing shit like hissing every time someone turns on the lights or working snake clown references into the most random conversations, and bruce getting up and exiting the room every. damn. time.
give me bruce pretending to hate the movie but secretly loving whenever one of his kids begs him to put it on during movie night, because it reminds him that in every universe (no matter how outrageous or ridiculous) he loves and is loved by his family.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
I saw someone did an Ask about Damien and Danny knowing each other and just keeping in touch just not letting the Batfam know (was it Angel and Demon Brat or something?not sure).
What if we break some hearts,
We have big brother Danny who is dead (the big brother who told him it was okay to call others brother and that blood wasn't everything no matter what grandfather said), Tucker (or Sam or Jazz) just barely escaped Amity's destruction (maybe the GIW went nuclear on the city, maybe a ghost or demon finally got the better of Danny, maybe the portal need to be closed and Danny's life was the price, or maybe the city was already gone and Danny barely got Tucker and Dani out dealers choice) and tearful introduces Damien to his niece (Last last piece of the man he's spent countless lives thinking about, dreaming about and loving since his first life (I love Pharaoh/magically powerful Tucker)).
That got way more detail the more I was writing, haha... Oops 😳😬.
What do you think? Or just whatever pops into your mind. You do you, whatever you put out will be amazing!
There is loud, awful banging coming from the front door.
Or, to be more specific, there is someone banging on the door as hard as they can. At first, Alfred is wondering if he is imagining things. It was a rather quiet night for the bats to be out and about.
There was a storm that had blown through Gotham, driving everyone to take shelter. The howling winds and ran had left even the worst of scum chilled to their bones.
The bats were on their way home. Having called it a night after the third time, the wind had nearly caused two of them to fall while grappling across the city.
When he heard the noise, Alfred had just finished prepping the cave for post-patrol and went up to get everyone some warm clothes. He immediately went for one of the hidden guns around the manor.
Master Bruce was unaware of them, but Alfred had been able to hide the weapons since the lad was five years old.
Crouching low to the ground, he slowly approached one of the windows that overlooked the front door. Whoever had come knocking had somehow gotten past the first three levels of security.
Alfred leaned up only so one of his eyes could look over the window shill, keeping his back to the wall for easy push-off and the shotgun at the ready.
None of their motion detectors, video cameras, or heat vision cameras had detected the two standing figures on his porch. He couldn't see them clearly due to the water splashing against the glass, but it seemed like a man and a child.
Narrowing his eyes, Alfred leaned back down. He quickly pressed the side of his watch in three rapid clicks. At once, the signal that the manor may be compromised went out, alerting his returning family.
Alfred did not wait for a response from them. Instead, he threw himself on the ground, using the crawling technique taught to him by his years in Her Majesty's service to get closer to the door.
He trains the barrels at the wood, ignoring the desperate banging. Usually, he would have opened the door to question who they were, but it was nearly four in the morning, and he could have sworn that the man had been wearing a purple jacket and pantsuit.
In Gotham, that could only mean one thing. If the Joker was here, he would not live to see another sunrise. Alfred was done with that fool harming his family. Master Bruce's wishes be damned.
The only reason he didn't take the shot, for surely the bullets would pass through the aged wood, was that he had seen a more petite figure, too—a child.
He isn't sure who the child is—or if it is even a child—but he can't risk ending the Joker until he is sure the small;ler one is safe. Alfred had seen war many times in his military days; he did not want to force a child to live with them, too.
A few minutes pass when the banging sound starts to slow down, and there is nothing but silence. The wind contuines to howl. The rain continues to spray across the roof, and the lightning and thunder continue to roar.
Alfred feels his fingers strain with the urge to shoot but he keeps still ignoring everything until his watch beeps softly three times. Master Bruce and the children had arrived.
They must not have come through the cave, for he does not hear or sense an approach from anywhere inside the manor. A shadow overpasses him, causing Alfred to snap his gun in that direction until he registers it in the shape of a bat and quickly reaims towards the door.
He keeps himself perfectly still on the ground, even as he starts to hear faint curses, thumps, and a chilling little girl's scream. There is a moment of stillness before two figures fly through the wood—the child and the made-in-purple.
Alfred has a moment of surprise. It seemed the child was a meta before he pulled the trigger, aiming for the man's knees. His aim has not dulled with age, and the bullet sails true. Sadly, the little girl had faster reflections, making the faint glow surrounding her travel down her arm and to the man's body.
Their bodies become intangible as the bullet passes the man easily. Alfred frowns, reloading as he rolls over and swings himself to his feet.
The front door slams open as Master Bruce rushes in, followed by Master Damian. The two crime fighters slam into the strangers, somehow able to touch them when, seconds ago, metal couldn't.
Master Bruce flings the man to the wall, slamming him against one of the tables, while Master Damian has the girl in a painful hold. She thrashes and fails, but she can't get out, and Alfred wonders if her powers are limited.
Alfred trains the gun on the scene, keeping an eye on both Master Bruce and Master Damian at all times in case he needs to cover them.
"Who are you?" Master Bruce hisses, holding the purple suit man up by his collar. At this point, Alfred can see it is not Joker, for the stranger is far too young and has the wrong ethnicity.
"How did you find us?" the man gasps instead of answering, his eyes filled with tears. "The government wasn't supposed to find us here! Wayne was supposed to be safe!"
Alfred doesn't allow his brow to raise, but it's a darn thing. It didn't sound like they were here to do any harm, but one could never be too careful.
"Why are you after Wayne?"
"Don't tell him anything!" The little girl screeches, rainwater mixing with the blood dripping down her face. Master Damian had not been gentle when he slammed her against the ground. He was likely worried about Alfred. "We aren't afraid of you, GIW scum!"
"GIW?" Master Damian repeats. "Who or what are they?"
Both strangers freeze. "You're not with them?"
Master Bruce remains silent, and for one tense moment, Alfred wonders if the other man has passed out from the way he slumps in his old ward's hold.
"You're not with them. Thank the Ancients." The man gasps. He suddenly reaches out, grabbing Master Bruce in a craze of desperation. "My daughter. She's in danger. Please get her to Damian Wayne. Danny said he could protect her. Please... please help us."
His strength fades, and the man finally does fall unconscious, his hold on Master Bruce's slipping as he faints. The little girl screams- it doesn't sound human at all, and the noise likely started Master Damian's reflection, for the boy is quickly slamming onto her back, knocking her out, too.
Alfred finally lowers his weapon as the lightning flashes again, followed by loud thunder. He waits a few minutes before creeping towards Master Bruce.
The other is checking the stranger, mouth pulled into a tight, thin line once they spot that underneath the purple outfit, there are multiple wounds. Burns, cuts, and bruises decorate the dark skin of the stranger.
It's easy to see he escaped from somewhere abusive.
A gutted gasp from Master Damian has them swinging around, Alfred with his gun raised and Master Bruce with one of his batarangs at the ready. Instead of seeing the youngest being attacked, they find Damian staring in horror at the amulet he is holding.
The chain is still around the girl's neck as she was flipped onto her back- likely the lad was also checking her for wounds. Alfred can't see much but he can tell she may be just as wounded as the man.
"What is it, Robin" Master Bruce growls.
There is silence from the Katana user until one single tear rolls down from underneath the boy's mask over his cheek. He looks up at them with the most devastated expression Alfred has ever seen as he whispers.
"She bares my older brother's mark. Father, I think she's family."
"What, brother?" Master Bruce asks. "You never mentioned a brother before."
"He died.....years ago, but if Todd returned, then my brother...I left my kind-hearted brother in my Grandfather's grasp. I left him..."
The lighting flashes behind Master Damian's form, highlighting the devastation on his expression, and Alfred is filled with confusion, horror, and worry faster than the thunder can catch up.
Master Bruce's face loses all emotion- the coping mechanism Alfred had seen him use since the day he was found in that alley by the cold bodies- and growls. "To the cave. I want answers."
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moose-muffin · 8 months
Lee Vox enthusiast? Aight bet.
The brain rot I have for this man is not even funny, he's so lee-coded I swear to god-
Probably the kind of lee that provokes their lers into wrecking them (both intentionally and unintentionally.) I.E refusing to let Velvette watch TV on him despite knowing full well she's feeling playful, or getting so worked up about Alastor people will do anything to make him shut up about it.
Height does not matter because he's way to easy to fluster, you could be twice as big or twice as small but the fact remains that he will crumble when his hips are targeted.
Definitely glitches out when he's being got good, might even get to see him flash through random channels if you can really get him going. Just be careful that he isn't too close to any electronics because he might fry them by mistake.
Accidentally caused a black out throughout half the Vee's building one time, it took a week to be fully repaired and Velvette still hasn't stopped making fun of him for it.
Spends 90% percent of his energy covering his face/stifling his laugh (and failing horribly)
I'd throw in some Radiostatic for flavor but I'm not sure how you feel about that pairing so I'll leave it at this for now lol-
Thanks for the excuse to ramble about the TV guy - 📽
YOU ARE RIGHT THAT HE’S LEE-CODED!!!!! He is so Lee it’s actually crazy! We saw him at the end of Stayed Gone. That man was stomping his feet.. you KNOW he does that when he gets tickled too LIKEEEE IMAGINE OH MY GOD
oh my god please PLEASE IF YOU HAVE RADIOSTATIC HEADCANONS I WOULD LOVEEEEE TO HEAR THEM!!!! IM SLOWLY BECOMING A FAN OF THEM (not that I wasn’t before, I was just kinda like “haha that’s a funny concept” and now the vision is clearer and im feeling feelings)
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mah-t-wordblog · 2 months
Tanjiro's attempt to use underhand tactics on Giyu during training, results in 'stern' ticklish consequences.
Ler Giyu
Lee Tanjiro
I'm sorry for making you wait, I took a little break but I'm back!! I hope you like it 💛💛
You Thought You Could?
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Lee: Tanjiro Kamado
Ler: Giyu Tomioka
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Giyu and Tanjiro were fighting, it was part of their training
Despite Tanjiro's efforts, he was unable to attack Giyu, the hashira's defense was spectacular
“Argh” Tanjiro exclaimed when Giyu beat him once again
"Let's go again?"
They fought again, Tanjiro was always a bit of a joker and as he was already intimate enough with the hashira, he decided to cheat.
When Giyu got close to Tanjiro to attack him, the boy threw himself on the ground and dodged the hashira's sword, taking advantage and squeezing the man's knee, since he was in front of him.
Giyu fell to the ground on his knees and laughed, dropping his sword.
Tanjiro quickly stood up and celebrated “I won! I won! I managed to win!” Tanjiro looked at the other “Sir?”
Tomioka stood up, with no expression on his face.
"Sir? I- I'm sorry-“
“You better run” the hashira warned
Tanjiro was surprised and simply ran away.
As the swordsman looked back he saw the hashira a few meters away from him, Tanjiro saw that the butterfly mansion was close by and ran towards it.
The place seemed empty, the boy lost the hashira for a moment, throwing himself into an empty room to try to hide, Tanjiro went under the bed in an attempt to keep Giyu from seeing him.
Tomioka slowly entered the room and closed the door, Tanjiro was scared
“Did you really think you would run away from me?”
The man approached the bed, Tanjiro's heart palpitated
Without the boy imagining what would happen next, Giyu simply grabbed one of the boy's legs under the bed and sat on top of it, taking the boy's shoe off to tickle him.
“Nohohohohoho!” Tanjiro asked
“Did you think you would win?”
Hashira laughed
The boy couldn't even resist, he simply started laughing and shaking under the bed, trying to free himself from Hashira's hands.
Giyu smiled as he saw the boy try to get rid of him, he put more agility in his hand that attacked Tanjiro
Tanjiro hit his head on the bed but didn't feel any pain, which made Hashira let out a low laugh.
Tanjiro somehow managed to get out from under the bed and push Tomioka's back to try to free his trapped leg, the hashira let go
The boy quickly got up to try to escape, but Giyu grabbed his clothes.
“But are you already leaving? We haven’t finished our fight yet.”
Giyu threw him on the bed and sat on one of the boy's arms and held the other, leaving one hand free so he could attack the boy's entire free side.
“GIHIHIHIYU I’LL GEHEHET YOHOHOU BAHAHACK” Tanjiro threatened, Giyu smiled
“Are you?” He moved his hand to the boy’s armpit, making him laugh a lot more “take it back”
“How do you intend to attack a hashira? Do you think you can take me down?” Giyu made Tanjiro laugh more
“You want this to continue don’t you kid?”
Tanjiro didn't respond, but Giyu smiled.
“Let’s see if you really like this”
Giyu let go of the boy's arm but there wasn't even time for Tanjiro to react or defend himself, Tomioka stuck all 10 fingers of his hands into the boy's body and finished him off.
Tanjiro arched his back and screamed
“You still dare to say that you can take me down?”
Giyu pretended to be offended “now I’m going to kill you”
Hashira put his hands under the boy's shirt to make him suffer even more
At this point Tanjiro couldn't even speak anymore, tears formed in his eyes
“You have reached your limit”
Giyu dumped him
“Still think you can take down a hashira?”
Tanjiro shook his head saying no and smiling
“Whenever you try, you will end up in this situation”
Giyu poked Tanjiro making him laugh and got up to leave
Tanjiro followed him
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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giggle-bee · 1 year
He’s Absolutely Smitten (He’ll Never Let You Go)
Ler!Lucifer, Lee!MC
Summary: Lucifer spends an afternoon with you in your favorite way. And he takes no sass.
Warnings: None!
AN: this is absolutely so self indulgent, from a conversation with @joker-anon from a couple months ago. I am a simp, we been knew. Also sorry its so short, i just had to get it out of my head somehow
Divider: @/cafekitsune
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“Yes, love?”
“It tickles- ehehaha!”
“I know.”
He looks up at you with lazy eyes, his smile warm and teasing. You’re laying on your back, cozy as can be, as he lays between your legs, cheek on your stomach, fingertips languidly brushing up and down your sides. You both loved days like this, where you could come home to the House of Lamentation and just be. Peaceful. Playful. Loving. This was a side of him only you got to see, and you cherished every moment of it. As did Lucifer, if his smitten expression told you anything.
Your hands covered your face, a giggly smile peeking out from under your palms. Even the softest scribbles always made you into a puddle, and Lucifer knew this. He makes sure to take full advantage whenever he gets. But when you had set your messenger bag down on his desk with a huff, shoulders slumping, forehead creased with stress, he knew you needed some TLC. His method of choice being cuddles and soft tickles from your favorite demon.
And he knew very well that you loved every second of it. Even with your whiny protests, squirming, and yes-
“Yohohou d-doodoodemon!”
Your silly half-hearted insults.
He sits up on his elbows, giving you the most confused expression. It reads a mix of ‘what did you just say to me?’ and ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this’. And as soon as it comes out of your mouth, you try your hardest to stifle your residual giggles as he smirks, letting his forehead fall onto your skin as he laughs at your antics.
He gives you a small peck on the tummy before poising his hands above your ribs with a low chuckle.
“My dear, you’re going to regret that.”
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skakeeper · 3 months
Roll for Giggles Part 3
This is a slightly NSFW story that includes: Tickling, light bondage, and body worship. But no direct sexual acts. To read part 1 go here And to read part 4 go HERE And as always if you like what you see, feel free to say so, like it, share it, leave a comment. Thanks for reading
When you come back from the bathroom, you see your ler, your dear friend just sitting on the couch, just waiting for you. “Well you ready?” They look at you and you nod “Well remember friend, all you have to do is say your safe word if it gets to much, and it all ends.” They say with you saying the words that have been said every time since you two started hanging out together. And just like clock work they pull out their phone and point it towards you “You know the drill, please state your name and that you are here of your own will, and then for the record please state your safe word” You nod understanding that this is for both of your safety and you say your name, and that you are here of your own will and to finish up you say “Red” as your safe word.
With those formalities out of the way you look at your ler and they look at you. “This is where the fun begins. So my friend, would you like to roll the dice and see your fate?” You smile and nod, you pick up the D20 first and give it a roll, it lands on a 17 “Ooooof, starting off with a nice long stretch” they say. With that one roll, you know that you are going to be spending the night in the spare bedroom like you have before when they absolutely wrecked you, this is going to be one of those times. “Ok, roll for tools” You roll an 5 “Oh my electric toothbrush, I know how much you love that on you. Where am I going to clean with it first. So you pick up and roll a 3 and you go white with fear, dread and anticipation. 17 minutes, with one of their best tools, on one of your worst spots, and that's just the first set of rolls, this is gonna be a LONG session, and you can't wait. “Well it looks like luck is not on your side today my ticklish friend. Now where are we going to start a little game.” So you pick up the D6 and it rolls a 1 “Well a nat one, I guess you are a bit lucky cause you don't have to restrained to start off, but now for the final die. Lets see how intense I am for you.” You spin the final dark tan die on its way to see your fate, and it lands on a 3. “Interesting, so 17 minutes of teasing your poor belly with my toothbrush. Ok, well lay right here” They pat their laps for you to lay on and as you lay down, your shirt already starts to ride up. “You know I love that shirt on you right?” they giggle as you can only blush and nod at that comment “That's why I wear it”. Once both of you are settled they pull out their phone and set a timer of 17 minutes on it. “You ready?” They ask, and you weakly nod. They haven't done anything yet and you already have a smile on your face that would make the joker proud.
They hit the start button and you see the timer slowly tick down, 16:59, 16:58 and thats when you hear the click and the low hum that you have come to both love and dread fills the room. As the clock hits 16:57 thats when you feel the first bristles swirl on your exposed midriff. You screw your eyes shut and try to ignore it with your face all scrunched up. “Awe, don't be that way” your ler teases, as they gently scrub your belly. You try not to laugh, not to give them the satisfaction, not this early. This is part of the game you two play, you both know how it will end. But as a wise person once said, its more about the journey rather then the destination. One time you even manage to withhold full out laughter for 20 minutes. But one way or another, no matter how long it takes, your ler will milk every last laugh, giggle, snort, chuckle, and guffaw out of your wriggling, whimpering body. And you always come back for more. You're thinking about the time you lasted 20 minutes, keeping your mind off the swirling, shifting sensation, or at least trying to, and thats when they invade the walls of your belly button with the toothbrush. You start to yelp and start to squirm “Uh oh, it looks like someone is ticklish” and that breaks the dam and you start to giggle. That dumb joke gets you every freaking time. “Yohoho knohohoo fulhul wehell that ihihihit tickles” you chortle out. “Well that didn't take long, only 30 seconds and you are already giggling. This doesn't bode well for you now does it?” 30 seconds? Is that it? You could swear that its been at least 5 minutes. Through out your snorts and giggles you manage to open your eyes and see the phone. 16:23. Oh this is going to be a long, session. Just like you like it.
As the time goes on, they gently yet meticulously scrub every single millimeter of your soft, exposed, now heaving tummy. They got all the lint out of your belly, even though you know full well there was no lint in there before. You just had to lie there and giggle your cute giggle, squirm though you had no where to go, and slightly beg even though you asked for this.
After what felt like an hour of light scrubbing and your lers verbal teases which only added to the cascade of chortles coming from your mouth. The timer beeped, the tooth brush turned off and they help you up. “Well you survived the first roll of the dice, how was it?” They ask looking at your still giggling form. “I-hi-it was go-hoho-d” you start to say as you finally manage to compose yourself. “It was maddening, not enough for full on laughter, but not enough to ignore either. Are you sure that it was only 17 minutes? It felt like 40.” You cast a glance full of mock suspicion towards them. They just smile and nod “You still good and want to continue?” They ask with a smile beaming from their lips, showing their teeth. This is why you liked them as a ler. Yes they are your friend, yes they are a great person to hang around with, but the constant checks for safety and care means so much to you, it really makes you feel cared for and you love that about them. “Yes of course I am, do you think im gonna tap out after only...” you raise your fingers for air quotes to continue the game of you not believing them “...'17 minutes'? I think you know me better then that.” With that they hand you the D4 “Ok, roll for break.” You take the pyramid shaped die and give it a gentle toss on the dice tray, it lands on a 2. “Well it looks like you have two minutes, you know what that means.” You both laugh as you say the stupid line that they taught you together “Hydrate before you Diedrate” and with that, you both take long swigs of your respective water bottles.
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strawbbfluff · 5 months
1, 2, 3!
also your blog is so cute looking aaaa
thank you! ^_^
1. What's your favorite tickle tool?
i could be boring and say fingers but i’ll be silly and say any sort of brush <33
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
im friends with all lees so this is impossible like… but ill say @faleesia cause they’re the most ler person i know (it’s not saying much im aware 🩷)
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
and what if i say @oceanic-vampire and @joker-anon
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mushiewrites · 2 years
I had a thought, with the knowledge that Dream and Karl got their ears pierced my brain immediately went to ticklish ears. Like Sap offering to help clean them for them and after he actually cleans them he decides to have a bit of fun with them after they flinch a bit at the cleaning
ear tks ear tks!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES. and it’s cute bc sap has the knowledge that both boys have sensitive ears but it slips his mind bc he’s so focused on trying not to cause them any pain. but when he accidentally swipes his nail on the shell of dreams ear and he squeals, sapnap suddenly remembers and he just gets this cute lil evil smirk on his face (:
karl would be giggling at how dream reacted until he too remembers that sapnap knows that he’s also sensitive there and suddenly it’s not so funny anymore. which is unfortunate for him!!!! since he starts laughing his lil head off when sapnap starts to trace his nail alllll over the shell of karl’s ear 🥺
sap would eventually actually help them make sure their piercings were clean, but then of course he’d make them cuddle on the couch with him, sat in the middle with his arms wrapped around the other two boys shoulders so he could continue to trace each hand on each of their ears ): karl and dream would be so giggly and just buried into saps neck bc they were embarrassed ):
and if they start blowing raspberries on sapnaps neck, that sounds like a sapnap problem :D
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cease-this · 1 year
Chuuya being the most aggressive ler, especially towards Dazai when they were younger.
Dazai, on his joker shit again: sorry you can't leave, the mouse exit is blocked.
Chuuya, rolling up his sleeves:
And Dazai being incredibly ticklish too.
It's one of the revenge plots on Chuuya's list.
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