#less mind control than usual but this series has always been about building character before the mind control payoff
subliminalbo · 2 years
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Alphas #1: It Starts With a Pledge
Corbin is already waiting for me when I get to the café. It’s one of those hole-in-the-wall businesses wedged between a convenience store and a ghost town of a pizza joint that everyone says is the best near campus. Everything on this block is Romero’s best kept secret and that makes this as good a place as any for a secret meeting. I try to hide my frustration when I exit the café with my latte and take my seat on the patio next to Corbin.
We’re both wearing nondescript hats and chunky sunglasses, the private detective’s uniform. So inconspicuous it’s suspicious. Our clandestine wardrobes break the tension between the two of us. We share a laugh, and it feels good to smile with Corbin. I decide not to tell her how this makes me feel, her tagging along on every little investigation.
I’ve been working for Corbin for six months. We’ve broken three major stories together—a campus rapist, a drug dealing TA, a professor taking favors for grades. The Carpenter Watchblog is peaking in popularity, and now Corbin faces a burden unique to success: her readers expect a bigger story every time. She tells me that she isn’t chasing clout. She’s only started the blog because she wants to make a difference. I believe her.
The young woman stands in the doorway with her arms crossed. She speaks softly, but in a way that feels more confident than I’d be if our roles were reversed. Her name is Emily Reid. Her tip came through the Watchblog’s email and it was too interesting to pass up. Corbin gestures for her to take a seat. She hasn’t purchased anything at the café. I offer to buy her a coffee.
Emily politely waves off the offer and says, “I won’t be long.”
Corbin shows an unfamiliar level of restraint in not forcing the girl back into the café just to keep up the appearance of three friends catching up. She simply provides her warmest smile as Emily sits down. Maybe I’m rubbing off on her.
I ready my laptop for notes as Corbin slouches casually back in her chair and listens. In contrast, Emily is sitting straight-backed. She clears her throat and releases a little puff of air through her nose like she’s about to give a God, Flag, and Country speech.
Her story begins with the decision to pledge to a sorority—Alpha Delta Theta.
“Everything was normal at first,” she says. “Just a regular, fun group of girls. They were nice and supportive. They treated me like I’d always been a part of their group. That’s what it’s all about, you know. Helping girls adjust to college life, creating a community for strangers. I’d found my home away from home. And then the hazing started.”
Emily was doing her best to remain strong, but I caught the glint of tears in her eyes.
“They gave each of us a pair of underwear. It was the first test for pledging. We had to wear it for one week. When I slipped mine on I—well I can’t describe the feeling. The thing is, I guess, I didn’t really feel anything at all. Maybe weightlessness, or numbness. It was an absence of some kind. But not in my body—in my mind.”
Corbin shoots a glance at me as she reaches for her cup. I nod back in understanding, quickly typing a note: Obedience by Fleur.
“I knew what I was doing,” she continues. “When I accepted the underwear, they told us what it was, what it would do to us. They called it ‘slave for a week.’ We were each assigned to an upperclassman and had to obey their every command. We didn’t have a choice.”
“Did you feel pressured to accept?” I ask.
Emily bites her lip before answering. “The thing is that this underwear is the hot new thing, right? Everyone around campus is playing with it.”
We’re aware of the stories. We have emails flooding our inbox from concerned parents and right-wing student organizations appalled by a fetish suddenly entering the mainstream. Even Corbin, as hip as she is, has her concerns about the lingerie that mind controls you. Emily is our only first-person testimony, but if people are out there abusing Obedience by Fleur, why would their victims come to us?
“It just seemed like a fun joke, you know? And it's college. We're supposed to fool around.” Emily's gaze darts away for a moment as we consider how to interpret that last sentence. She continues, “A part of me even thought…well, you know, with homework, and papers, and midterms…it’s nice to lose control for a while.”
“I know,” Corbin nods. I wonder how much she does. So much of Corbin is still a mystery to me. “It didn’t stop at slave for a week though, did it?”
Emily shakes her head. She wipes a tear from her cheek. “It isn’t just the underwear. There’s something going on in that house. Every night she takes someone to the basement and when they come back they’re different.”
Corbin straightens up in her chair. I lean forward over my laptop. We’re getting to the details now.
“She?” I repeat.
“Madison,” Emily replies. “Our president. I was too out of it for that first week to notice. Fuck, maybe I did and I just didn’t care. Madison has this power over the sisters. They love her like a mother and fear her like a god. If you look passed the partying and the booze and the bullshit college drama you start to see it: The Alphas aren’t a sorority. They’re a cult.”
Spooky shit. In the distance the weekly Romero air siren test announces that it’s noon on a Wednesday. The sound pulls Corbin from rapt attention. She starts a little. I feel chilly and I look down to see goosebumps on my arms.
Emily raises her voice a little to project over the siren. “I tried to talk to my Big about it. I wanted to know what Madison was doing in the basement. She told me that Madison had a vision for us. She said that I needed to trust in her wisdom. When I said that wasn’t good enough, that I was seriously considering leaving the sorority if I didn’t get a real answer, she said that I was breaking my pledge by asking questions. ‘Good slaves only listen.’”
I don’t know if I say it, or Corbin, or the both of us, but the word just lingers there in the air between the three of us. “Jesus.”
“Weren’t you wearing it?” Corbin asks.
“Yes,” Emily says. “But after a few days…I didn’t like the way it made me feel. Or, I guess, I didn’t like how I felt without it. In the shower, all I could think about was getting it back on, going back under. It’s like an addiction. I couldn’t imagine surviving a whole week. I knew if I kept wearing it, at some point, I’d never be able to walk away. I’d be a slave forever.”
“So how did you stop it?” I ask.
“On the third day, when I was getting dressed for class, I ripped the chip out of the lining of the bra and panties.”
“And that’s when you start asking questions,” Corbin nods.
“Yes,” Emily says. “And I start noticing the pledges. One by one, they’re taken to the basement. They’re gone for hours, my friends. And when they come back, they have that look. The same one all the sisters have when they talk about Madison’s plan. And suddenly they’re interested in his her and serving her vision. I knew that I was running out of time. Sooner or later she would get to me too.”
“So you left,” Corbin says.
“I just walked out in the middle of the night. I left most of my stuff behind.”
“Do you have anywhere to stay?” I ask.
“I have a friend,” Emily says. “She’s from my stats class. Thinks the whole Greek life thing is dumb. Her dorm is cramped, but it’s better than losing my mind.”
I don’t have much, but I offer my couch. Again, she waves it off. “I’m only here to get the word out about Madison. As far as I’m concerned that’s my part, and this is the last I ever plan to talk about it.” She turns her attention away from me and onto Corbin. “Just publish the story, please. To most of us, you’re the only voice that matters.”
Corbin doesn’t know how to take compliments. She squirms a little and makes a sound that I don’t recognize. A laugh? A groan? It stretches for a second too long before segueing into, “Thanks.”
“Thank you,” I smile. “There isn’t a story Corbin can’t blow wide open. I promise this is the last you have to think about the Alphas until you read about it on the blog.”
Sometimes I feel less like an investigator and more like Corbin’s PR team.
We return to Corbin’s apartment to work out the details of the story over lunch. First, we debate pizza. But this will be takeout two days in a row, so Corbin guilts me into making ramen. She watches from the bar overlooking her tiny kitchenette. The noodles are taking their time to boil.
“I wish you hadn’t told her I’d publish the story,” she finally says.
I turn away from the pot to see the expression on Corbin’s face. It’s a look that I recognize, one she only has when she’s about to take the weight of the world onto her shoulders. I’ve tried to remind her that that’s why she hired me. I’m here to lift the burden.
“That’s what you do,” I say. “You publish stories.”
If I'm being honest, the blog is in a rut. It’s been weeks since Corbin’s last story and copycats are popping up around campus. We’re dangerously close to irrelevance. I’m worried about her. I don’t know if she’s losing interest or if it’s something else. The last story, the one about the professor taking favors from students, ended in his garage. Carbon monoxide. Is she doubting her work?
She said that we were lucky that he only hurt himself. Maybe she’s still spooked about the drug dealer. I set a meeting to catch him in the act, met with him face to face. She hated that he knew who I was, that I’d put myself out there like that. It was easy enough getting herself into trouble but now she’d pulled an innocent bystander into her pattern of self-destruction. I had to remind her that I’d volunteered for this.
Whatever it is, something has Corbin on edge. She rubs her face with her hands and I can almost see the anxiety rubbing away. She enters journalist mode.
“She uses the underwear initially to control the new pledges,” she says. “But she needs something more permanent, something that can’t be taken off.”
“Hypnosis?” I ask.
“Maybe,” Corbin nods. “Whatever it is, it takes time. She has a system. A way to break a person and bend them to her will.”
“I bet we’ll find the answer in the basement of that house,” I say.
Corbin is already shaking her head. “Absolutely not,” she says. “A house crawling with brainwashed sorority sisters? I can’t send you into that.”
“Allegedly brainwashed sorority sisters.”
After a bit of back and forth, I reluctantly agree to hold back and wait for more information. Corbin will do her thing—shake some trees and see what turns up. I must have had the conversation with her a dozen times now. I know that she didn’t want to take me on, but she did take me on, and now I’m wasting time on the bench.
I was a sheltered child, youth group weekends and bible camp summers. I didn’t understand the real horrors of the world back then, not until I left for college. I don’t know if it was one thing. Maybe the gender theory classes or the daily campus crime texts, but something awakened inside of me. When I discovered Corbin’s blog, I realized that I couldn’t be silent anymore. I’d spent so many years as a good church girl parroting back opinions like, “If she hadn’t dressed that way,” or “Guilty people don’t run.” It wasn’t just a morbid curiosity for true crime that drove me to Corbin. I wanted to make right with the world.
I don’t push the subject. Instead, we eat our ramen at the breakfast bar and talk about literally anything else. Corbin’s eyes glaze over when I start to speculate about the plan for Marvel’s phase three. She pretends to snooze, begs me to watch “Literally any other movie.” I compare her to an annoying film professor. We laugh. It’s a fun night as long as we avoid the mind controlled elephant in the room.
Stepping out of her apartment, Corbin grabs my arm and looks at me with those serious mom eyes. “Stay away from the Alphas,” she says. “At least until I get some more information.”
“I promise.”
I hop on a bus, and on the ride back to campus I pull up Twitter and start following Alphas. I soon connect with a bubbly blonde named Tina. I tell her that I’m interested in joining her sorority. Pledge season is ending, she says, but there’s never been a better time to be an Alpha. Nice and supportive, just like Emily said. By the time the bus reaches my apartment, Tina’s already invited me out for drinks.
I think about Corbin, my promise. Ask for forgiveness, they say. Go big or go home, or some other cliché.
I quickly send Tina a pair of clinking glasses emojis, then I type, “Where’s the party?”
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foolofthegeekdom · 1 year
Ummm drabble I'm crossposting from pillowfort since I never posted it here.
Lately, the Metal Gear Solid series has been on my brain. It's odd in that, while I truly love the series, I usually focus in on the more obviously bits of it. Clearly the games have a focus on the interaction of emerging technology with the human mind and body, as well as long thoughts on war, identity, and even the concept of perception. But these haven't been my focus of late; rather one character stands out in my recent thoughts: Vamp. I think what's brought me here is a very surface level interaction with Resident Evil Village, specifically Lady Dimitrescu. I don't have much to really say about any of that, since my interaction with that game doesn't go deeper than the internet meme-y Lady Step-on-the-D, but I do think it's got me considering my first realizations of the interaction of sex, identity, and horror. Granted, MGS is not a horror series, and even when flirting with the trappings of horror, it tends to stay rather shallow, but for my middle school self (and current self, honestly) a shallow dive into horror is enough, especially as I was hitting a point of really working on figuring out myself in a way that wouldn't really come to fruition until much much later in my life. 
So what do I mean? At this point, I'm clearly familiar MGS as a series and feel like I know what to expect, if maybe having had some of it go over my head in the first game. But here we are, just really having scratched the surface the second part of this game, wholly having been thrown by the twist that hit just prior (if you've played it, you know the one). In the skin of a new character, and being faced with unfamiliar surroundings we encounter a hallway that echoes a moment in Shadow Moses, the player comes across blood splatter that creates a trail to around a corner. The aftermath of violence on display creating tension and (for my less horror inclined and shielded mind) dread with each step. But just two steps into the hallway, and your control is taken away, it's a cutscene, and the player is no longer in control as the tension builds. 
The scene jumps to a room where anonymous soldiers are clearly being stalked; two are quickly dispatched from the shadows, then Vamp reveals himself. A close up on his face as he sighs deeply in anticipation and excitement, before he moves, gracefully dodging and deflecting attacks. Vamp's movements, style, every once seeming like a big cat pouncing and moving, the kind of movements so often more attributed to more femme fatale types. His weapons, knives, far more intimate and phallic than firearms used by our "good guys" in this scene. Mini-scene ends with another deep sigh as the blood of the final victim sprays over Vamp, accented with another deep sigh. 
The cutscene continues with Raiden interrupting Vamp doing as his name implies, sucking on the neck of a victim. The staging though, which is as true as in any vampire media, is truly intimate, at least for Vamp. He holds the soldier against the wall, pinned not too unlike  A point made even more clear as he turns, reaches down and draws a large blade from it sheathe hung directly over his crotch to extend between his legs. He draws the knife against his own chest, a ritualistic marking, a notch in his belt. Before pouncing Vamp's movements are deliberate, slow, and border on sultry. And as he attacks he moves with twirls, spins,  and jumps all not out of place on a dancefloor or ice rink. While problematic to wholescale equate those activities with feminine identity, it's hard to separate this from the coding that was and is often ingrained in the games. 
This first encounter really sets the tone for future encounters with Vamp as the series progresses. Always a threat displayed through an appeal to sexual lust to stoke fear, often underlined with homoerotic gestures. (Later scenes show Vamp licking his knife with a menacing glare. A movement that, given one replaced prop, wouldn't be too out of place in an early '00's teen comedy for it's suggestiveness.) This weaponized femininity, eroticism (threatening), and sexual control in a series that often struggles to have a clear idea of it's own messaging around sex, sexual identity, and kink is hard to place at times. The merits of this representation in Vamp is certainly worth discussion and is by no means flawed. 
Was Vamp an "Ah-Ha!" moment for me in regards to my own sexual identity? Not really, especially not at first play. Again, it'd be years before I really figured that out for myself. However, in hindsight, there's a discussion to be had in how Vamp uses some of the tropes of sexual horror to be effective as a monster beyond the typical Metal Gear Solid villain. Would Vamp have become the meme of the day as Lady D has, had the internet of the day been what it is now? I doubt it for one terribly obvious reason. However, he borrows from the same traditions of horror that Lady Dimitrescu and even contemporary Silent Hill monsters would. Maybe that initial titillation and fear is striking a similar chord, which is my I've been thinking about Vamp and Metal gear Solid 2 so much lately. 
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Manga Review — Alter Ego
An Unexpected and Enjoyable Turn of the Lesbian Best Friend Trope
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As some of my supporters over on Patreon will know, I recently put out a deep dive into the character Yaya from Strawberry Panic. In it, I discussed her role in the series as fulfilling the lesbian best friend trope. This archetype, a character who surfers for loving the protagonist, comes in various forms and is a staple of current Yuri and Yuri adjacent media. However, I thought it might be worth examining a work that entirely revolves around the lesbian best friend, Ana C. Sánchez's Alter Ego. This Spanish manga was recently released by Tokyopop earlier this year under their Love X Love and international women of manga line. I was eager to see what Sánchez did with the classic Yuri concepts in this energetic one-shot.
I mentioned that the best friend is usually a supporting character interacting with the protagonist, but in the case of Alter Ego, she is the main character. University student Noel is in love with her best friend and classmate Elena. However, she has never been able to voice that love before. She has always contented herself with being close to Elena. However, now that Elena has a new boyfriend, Noel's chances to be intimate with her friend are dwindling. When Elena's other best friend, a writer named June, moves to town and begins living next to Noel, it is too much for the girl to bear.
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The basic premise of this series is well established and easy to grasp. The story focuses less on Noel reconciling her feelings for Elena, as other unrequited love Yuri stories have in the past. Instead, the manga follows her struggle to deal with the changing reality of her friendship with Elena. While the two used to be solitary companions, the addition of Elena's boyfriend and June clearly has Noel feeling insecure and fearful. These feelings manifest in some truly toxic behavior, including shouting at her friend and generally acting selfishly. Noel's behavior makes it challenging to enjoy and root for her. However, to Alter Ego's credits, the actions are always treated as inappropriate and not played for cuteness or laughs. Much of Noel's struggles involve her guilt over her treatment of Elena. Unfortunately, although she makes some steps to make reparations, the single-volume work is too short to accommodate a complete personality swap, so Alter Ego is trapped between a rock and a hard place or making a likable character and keeping proper pacing.
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Speaking of the story's pacing, it is relatively strong. Particularly in the first half of the story, the plot slowly moves forward as the stakes for Noel are established and escalated. As June enters the story, she appropriately disrupts the rhythm Sánchez set up while still keeping the progress constant. Through the chapters, we slowly begin to learn more about this young writer, and the focus of the story smoothly transitions from Noel and Elena to Noel and June. Alter Ego does a great job at helping readers discover elements of June's personality and history alongside Noel, thanks to the latter's perception and naturally building a relationship with June.
Here is where we get to the central Yuri element of the story, June and Noel's relationship. For (minor spoilers ahead), it turns out that both girls love Elena. This shared affection and their different perspectives of it drive the girls together. While Noel predominantly acts selfishly and controlling, June is the type of lesbian best friend that just wants to see the other happy, to sacrifice her own desire to know the one she loves is content. June imparts these principles onto Noel to mixed results, as discussed earlier, but the direction the work aims is clear, and the logic follows for both girls.
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June and Noel's mutual love for Elena, the person who brought them together in the first place, becomes the foundation for their relationship. It is a rather fun twist on the lesbian best friend trope as the two girls begin hanging out together and share their interests outside of Elena. As one would expect, there is a fair bit of angst, a confession, and at the end, they are together. Unfortunately, while the premise that got them there is a fun manipulation of the lesbian best friend trope, the romance's path is predictable with the rushed resolution you would expect of a one-shot. However, the execution is pretty smooth, and except for Noel, particularly at the start of the story, its characters are likable enough to carry to drama and romance.
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Sánchez's artwork is above average. I particularly enjoyed her attention to the character's outfits and designs. The settings are unremarkable but do not distract from the work's overall quality, and the background characters add a lot to make the world of Alter Ego full. The more emotional scenes are illustrated well, with Noel's pain and frustration being especially apparent. However, there are a few flaws and inconsistencies. Occasionally, especially in comedic moments, the art drifts a little closer to the moe edge and dips noticeably in quality. The character designs overall, while I enjoyed them, look a little younger than I would have expected. I honestly thought they were high school students until the work explicitly states that June is 24. Alter Ego already feels like an angsty high school Yuri romance despite its characters, and the art did little to help that feeling.
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Alter Ego is an enjoyable single-volume Yuri drama. Sánchez did an admirable job creating a compelling story and characters, and her play on unrequited love is exciting and enthralling. While it does little new, Alter Ego is a highly polished manga with flawed characters, interesting relationships, and superb storytelling. There are also some fantastic art inserts at the start of the manga and a few vibrant color pages that stuck in my mind longer than most similar volumes have. I recommend Alter Ego for a solid afternoon Summer read and am eager to continue following its creator to see what else she does. Thank you, Tokyopop, for bringing this international manga to English audiences.
Special thanks to translation Nanette McGuinness, Editor Lena Atanassova, and the rest of the team at Tokyopop for their excellent work on Alter Ego.
Ratings: Story – 7 Characters – 6 Art – 7 LGBTQ – 6 Sexual Content – 2 Final – 6
Check out Alter Ego in English digitally and in print today: https://amzn.to/3jFruf1
Reading official releases helps support creators and publishers. YuriMother makes a small commission from sales to help fund future content.
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shadowqueen1220 · 4 years
Analysis on C! Tubbo's Emotional State
Disclaimer: I am in no means a professional and I am heavily basing this off of my own experiences and general observations. (Please let me know if my wording is bad)
This is all about the roleplay characters if it wasn't clear
Warning: self harm, self sacrifice, self destructive behavior and talk of mental health and canon typical violence
Tubbo has always been a self sacrificial character. He always helps his friends at the expense of his own safety (ie disc war and L'manburg). He is a bit of an overachiever and that has gotten worse when combined with tendencies of paranoia. (all og members of L'manburg have paranoia issues, stemming from the final control room)
After the Independance War, Tubbo was involved with the elections. He made a secret bunker, saying "hope for the best plan for the worse" in case the electrons went wrong. He was proven right and then had to endure a harsh dictatorship.
Spy Tubbo was constantly under stress. He not only was secretly slipping information to Pogtopia but had his role of Security of State as well. At the Elections, Schlatt verbally abused Tubbo and scared him into following his orders. Most of the things Schlatt had told Tubbo to have shaped him into the Tubbo that internalizes and represses all his emotions. (ie don't complain, don't cry, don't talk back, agree with everything I say). Tubbo, who already naturally liked to help his friends, was forced to become a yes man in order to stay safe.
The Festival was a disaster and a huge blow to Tubbo's self esteem. The famous line here is "Wilbur said he wasn't going to hurt me" and Tubbo wholeheartedly believed that he could trust Wilbur, his former president and older brother figure. However, all he got was the fact that he was now expendable to Wilbur. His death was brushed aside and it seemed like the only person who cared was Tommy. Even Tubbo quickly became desensitized to the fact that his own pain did not matter in the chaos of the situation.
His life becomes even more chaotic when he is thrust into the role of President and his self sacrificing nature kicked in when no one else would take the presidency. And then in the first 10 minutes into his presidency, he is shot and his nation is blown up.
Tubbo takes this all in stride, repressing everything in order to rebuilt but his cabinet does not listen to him and constantly talks over him. When his vice president and best friend gets into trouble, Tubbo learns that he must be louder in order to be heard.
Tubbo felt betrayed by Tommy's actions during the exile negotiations. He felt as if Tommy didn't respect his power and the pressure of living up to President Wilbur, the threat of becoming like President Schlatt and the expectations of the entire nation all depended on him.
Tubbo once again choose sacrifice but this time, he was not only sacrificing himself but harmed Tommy in his decision as well. Immediately Tubbo regretted his decision and regressed into his yes man habits to cope with the situation.
From here on out, this may be a bit of a stretch but I love putting lore goggles on to every scene for analysis purposes and with a character like Tubbo who is rarely played, we can get some character depth from seemingly "silly" bits.
Tubbo after exiling Tommy shifted from being self sacrificial to self destructive. Both presidents before him had died and the odds were not looking good for Tubbo, already he had made an awful decision that he immediately regretted. Yet he couldn't reverse it and didn't feel worthy enough to see Tommy.
Tubbo never built himself a home in L'manburg. No stuff, no place to sleep, no roots. He told Ranboo that the presidency was all his when the elections came around. He didn't want to be president anymore. He's worryingly self depreciating.
I don't quite remember the timing of this stream but Tubbo and Ranboo once went nether exploring. Ranboo panicked as Tubbo was extremely reckless during this adventure, jumping into lava without fire res, speed bridging with few blocks and jumping off of tall places without checking his health. In addition, Tubbo went through a series of projects as a President, always doing something new and often involving things that could hurt him (ie Ravenger teleportation, tnt jumping). We can see Tubbo become subtly self destructive during this time.
(sidenote: tubbo has a habit to jump off of high things and expecting the person at the bottom to water bucket. Tommy usually is the person to "catch him" and I find it interesting that they both had self destructive tendencies while the other was gone. I'll come back to this point soon)
We never get Tubbo's opinion on the Butcher Army. He heavily opposed the idea at the beginning of the presidency but agreed to take part in it despite Techno killing him being a traumatizing event.
And then Logsteadshire. The guilt of exiling his best friend and being the cause to his death is too much for his mind to handle and he passes out. We never learn how Tubbo got back to L'manburg and the next time we see him, he is back to throwing himself into project after project.
The next time we really see Tubbo is when Tommy and Technoblade take Connor hostage. Ranboo says that Tubbo is just staring at a grass block and when Tommy appears, Tubbo is severely shaken. He is glad that his best friend is alive and upset that he's teamed with his murder but has to all shove it aside to fulfill his role as president. Tubbo takes Tommy yelling at him and Techno's accusations with no protest and once again, represses everything to move on.
Already the Green Festival reminded Tubbo of familiar events but at this time he was in control or so he thought. He had already failed an execution so he was determined to make this word so L'manburg could be safer. He had failed Tommy so he might as well try to make the server a better place by killing Dream. Yet Tubbo had doubts about it.
Dream was manipulating Tubbo during his entire presidency. Tubbo truly believed that Dream was his friend and thought that Dream supported him as a president. His self esteem was so low that he searched for validation anywhere (ie "rate my kidnapping", "phil tell me I'm doing good pls") and Dream willingly gave him companionship.
But then Dream started screaming at him and calling him and awful president, Tubbo agreed with Dream. Tubbo saw himself as weak and stupid and no one came to his defense so it had to be true.
His fight with Tommy was very impactful and led Tubbo to believe that the discs mattered more than him but we'll get back to that soon. Most of the things said during this fight were forgiven by both parties so I hope it doesn't affect him much.
Sidenote: when Quackity suggests to execute Ranboo, Tubbo chooses forgiveness for Ranboo having been in that position before and snaps at Quackity. Here we get a glimpse of Tubbo's inner emotions and we can see clearly that the events of the festival have hurt him.
Doomsday is further proof to Tubbo that he is the worst President that L'manburg had. He stares at the destruction in mute disbelief and even throws himself into tnt and in front of a firework for Tommy. By the end of the experience, Tubbo is so drained that he has given up on government, the fight beaten out of him and he lets L'manburg go, thinking it was his fault it fell.
Tubbo has suffered the most from government yet strives to make a community. Snowchester was supposed to be his healing. However, Tubbo's paranoia from all the violence and the lessons that he has learned from the others, caused him to built a way to defend himself. He doesn't even make a bed for himself in his new house.
Then his life gets shaken up by the Disc War Finale. He refuses to talk about his feelings on the odds, accepts defeat instantly as they were "doomed from the beginning" and doesn't seem to mind the fact that he might die.
In fact, he says "It was about time anyway"
Tubbo thinks he is living on borrowed time. All of the presidents before him are dead and he is in a seemingly impossible situation. Death seems to be the only option and he has accepted it before hand so he is fine with it. Even Tommy seems shaken by this as Tubbo was so positive about the situation before. But Tubbo had been hiding that all for Tommy's sake as he is very self sacrificial.
When everything seems to return to "normal" Tubbo tests his nukes and later tells Ranboo that be had expected everything to go horribly wrong. He is trying to heal and does a decent job at it, starting a family and building Snowchester.
But then he gets the memo that Tommy has been trapped in prison with Dream. He checks out the prison, being a inconvenience to the guards and is hardly fazed when Sam threatens to kill him. He leaves feeling disappointed that he cannot help but that is what it is and Tubbo thinks that Tommy is the strongest person he knows.
So that's why Tommy can't be dead. Tubbo denies Sam's words and when they finally register, begins an investigation to find out who's to blame. He becomes self destructive again, wearing Dream's armor and building a familiar panic room to research the crime.
He is once again extremely reckless when investigating. With Ranboo's help, they go and investigate the egg and Tubbo shows his lack of care for his own safety. He tries to break open the egg, challenges Bad and Ant to a pvp and suggests to continue investigating. But at this point, Ranboo has noticed this recklessness and gently reminds Tubbo of Michael.
From this point, Tubbo seems to be healing again. And then to make things better, Tommy is back and they are going to kill Dream but that's okay because it hasn't really settled yet. Tubbo is once again shaken by Tommy's return and follows him in silence to make sure he is really there. He is so worried about Tommy, he reaches out to MIA Ghostbur to help him.
Tubbo is still self destructive but less so after this. He still jumps off high places but does so more out of trust. He finally gets a bed in Snowchester and things seem to be looking up.
But then Tommy's words about Dream settle in. Dying is no longer permanent and Tubbo has things he wants to protect. To do this he recommissions the nukes but is panicked when one is stolen.
We have no idea where it is going to go from here, but I can already see some problems with Tubbo's increasing paranoia.
In addition, the details about the nukes and their suicide button and Tubbo's willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good does not bode well.
Overall, Tubbo is a complex character and I greatly enjoy how he is played.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you have any comments!
223 notes · View notes
writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Femme Fatale - Ch 1 / 2
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Pairing: Alex x Reader (background J2) Rating: 18+ Tags: Dom/Sub relationships, Sub!Alex, Domme!Reader, Dom!Jensen, Sub!Jared, sex/bdsm club, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pegging, humiliation kink Word Count: 3.3k Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Dom/Sub
A/N: Thank you so much for being my first ever commission Sin! I've had a lot of fun tackling this challenge because I've never written a Domme!reader before but I really appreciate you trusting me with your idea, and I hope I do it justice ❤️
Series Masterlist
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This is a weird idea, even for Alex. A night out with his cast mates isn’t unusual, and Y/N has gone along on plenty of group dinners with Alex, Jared and Jensen (that were essentially double dates) before, but they usually ended by closing out the hotel bar or crashing in someone’s guest room. They had never ended up at a proper club before, let alone planned a whole evening around going to a specific one. But that’s the plan tonight.
When Alex informs her that the location was Misha’s suggestion, it makes even less sense to Y/N. Misha seems like he would be the least likely of all of them to actually enjoy clubbing but hey, what does she know?
“Alex, I don’t have anything to wear!” Y/N complains from inside their closet, hoping her boyfriend can hear her through the bathroom door.
“That cannot be true,” she can hear the amusement coupled with a light mix of exasperation in his tone.
“What did they tell you the dress code was?” Y/N calls as she continues to flip through the clothes hanging in front of her.
“Misha said, and I quote, ‘dress slutty’.” Alex appears in the doorway to the closet and leans against the frame, tucking his arms across his chest. Y/N actually does a double take when she sees him.
“I see you took that advice literally,” she eyes him, gaze dragging across his body and catching against each new feature she notices like sandpaper running against the grain. Alex is dressed casually, but most definitely sluttily too. A loose and frayed wife beater hangs off his shoulders, showing off his waist where one side is tucked into his shorts. The elastic of his boxers is sticking out over the shirt too, which is completely on purpose in a move to tease. The denim shorts are tight, torn-up, and just to the knee. Y/N has seen him wear them before, and she knows when he turns around she’ll have an amazing view of his ass.
“I’m good at following instructions,” Alex smiles, clearly pleased with himself that he’d successfully fulfilled his remit.
“So eager to please,” Y/N teases over her shoulder as she goes back to thumbing through outfit potentials. “Honestly, the fact that Misha is telling us to dress slutty and not Jared must mean dress really slutty.”
“You could just not wear anything,” Alex offers as a suggestion. “Nothing sluttier than free access.”
“In your dreams, babe.”
“How did you know?” Alex is mock horrified and you laugh along with him when he breaks character. “Still can’t decide?” and Y/N shakes her head in response. “Can I pick for you? I do have a pretty good memory of all your sluttiest outfits.”
“Hey! Who you callin’ a slut Mr. Slutty McTightShorts?” Y/N rounds on Alex, comically enraged.
“You, duh,” Alex laughs and pecks her on the cheek as he moves over to a drawer where Y/N keeps her underwear.
Alex goes straight for the lingerie, Y/N should have guessed, and he pulls out a matching set of lacy thong and longline bra, both enmeshed in patterns of criss-crossed elastic and ribbons. Then he ducks down to the bottom drawer where Y/N keeps a load of her old college clothes that she’s too sentimental to get rid of, and rummages through it, clearly looking for something specific. He finally liberates a skirt that barely has the right to be called a piece of clothing. Y/N can’t even remember why she owns that. Finally he reaches for a swingy tank made of a light gauzy material. It’s really meant to be a cover-up for the beach because of how loose and flowy it is but Y/N imagines that is Alex’s intention behind picking it – he knows it won’t stay on properly or do a single thing to hide the bra she’ll be wearing beneath it. Alex hands her the pile of clothes, again looking very pleased with himself.
“You’re really not pulling punches tonight, are ya?”
“I just want to show off how awesome my girlfriend is,” Alex shrugs.
“Yeah, you want to show off all of her, apparently,” Y/N holds up the small skirt skeptically.
“You’ll look incredible, scouts’ honour,” Alex swears, grinning.
“If we show up and the others aren’t dressed super slutty, I’m gonna maim things.”
“I won’t stop you,” Alex laughs and pushes Y/N out of the closet. “C’mon get dressed so we can go down some alcohol before the car gets here.”
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They’ve both knocked back a beer and a shot when the car pulls up and a message pops into the group chat saying they’re here. The night is close and warm outside of the air conditioning, and for that reason at least Y/N is glad to be wearing such a small amount of clothing. When the young couple slides into the car they’re greeted by Jared, Jensen, Misha, and his wife Vicki – another surprise to Y/N, as she doesn’t come out with them too often. Something about tonight must be special.
“Hey hot stuff!” Jared greets them, grinning as he eyes them both up and down. Jensen pinches him on the leg. “Behave.” Jared doesn’t let it derail his examination.
“Thanks, I know, right?” Alex jokes and ruffles his hair, throwing Jared a wink. Y/N gives him a side eye, silently imitating Jensen’s instruction of behave. Alex grabs for her hand and kisses it in a gesture of reassurance, dropping their joined hands to his lap and keeping them there. Alex is a flirt, just like Jared, but Y/N knows that he would never stray from her. At least, not unless she tells him to.
The car proceeds to drive them across town to an area of L.A. Y/N isn’t familiar with. She and Alex haven’t lived in the city very long, so it’s not like she’s expecting to know every inch of its nightlife scene but this place seems much more out of the way than she was expecting them to be going. The streets they’re trundling down are dark, not bright and shining with neon and glittering lights like so much of downtown tends to be. The occasional person or couple is walking along the sidewalk, but overall it’s deserted by city standards.
“Where are we going again?” Y/N pipes up from her seat, looking out the window and spotting another couple in dark coats holding hands as they amble down the side street.
“We’re almost there,” Vicki smiles reassuringly at Y/N, then turns to Jensen. “Tom texted to let me know he’s set aside a table upstairs for us, so everyone can just watch or they can join in, whatever you want.”
“Who’s Tom?” Y/N asks curiously, she hasn’t heard the name before.
“He’s our boyfriend,” Misha answers matter of factly, like he’s trying not to betray any emotion around the statement until he can judge Y/N and Alex’s reactions to that news. Y/N can’t pretend she isn’t surprised, but the more she thinks about it the more she realises that Misha is always quite private about his and Vicki’s relationship – this must be why.
“Oh, cool dude,” Alex laughs, giving an approving nod, almost like he’s impressed with Misha’s nonconformity. Y/N smiles. Alex always loves finding out about what people have going on ‘outside the box’, it helps him come out of his own shell just a little bit more every time.
“Can’t wait to meet him,” Y/N chimes in, just to quiet the small hint of wariness she can see playing behind Misha’s eyes. He relaxes visibly and smiles, much more his carefree and goofy self in that instant.
“Oh, s’that it?” Jared points out the window to a dim neon sign and a small group of people sitting on benches and little round tables, smoking. The block letters shine against the rough brickwork of the building they’re mounted on, grey and sophisticated, unlike all the garish colours Y/N would usually expect from a nightclub.
Femme Fatale.
Y/N hadn’t known what to expect when they got inside but she never would have expected what she’s witnessing now. Femme Fatale is a swingers club. Not just that, it’s a BDSM swingers club.
How had they known? Y/N wonders. She and Alex don’t usually make a habit of discussing that aspect of their relationship with other people. Especially since Alex is still pretty new to being a Sub. He had toyed with the idea of being a Dom in a previous relationship, and technically he labels himself as a Switch when people ask, but he once he had told Y/N that since he met her she brings out a part of himself he hadn’t really connected with properly before, and he loves it.
His eyes are wide now, blown out with obvious lust as Y/N watches him watch his surroundings. Jared is the same, and Jensen is watching him just as intently as Y/N is watching Alex. With how they act, Y/N always suspected that Jensen and Jared were in a Dom/Sub relationship, and she was quietly smug that she had been right. Misha and Vicki had left the party at their table on the exposed balcony as soon as their boyfriend Tom, who Y/N now understands is the manager of this club, had shown them in and sat them down. Now, Y/N knows what Vicki had meant in the car about them just being able to watch if that’s what they wanted to do, instead of joining in. Misha and Vicki have clearly opted to join in, and Y/N can’t see where they went off to, lost in the heaving crowd of people below them.
So far, she’s enjoying watching, and Alex clearly is too. His slutty shorts are doing nothing to hide the semi he’d popped almost the second they walked in. It isn’t so much her thing, but Y/N knows Alex has an exhibitionist streak, and she can easily imagine what must be running through his mind right now. Being out in the middle of everything, shown off, performing. And Y/N thinks she might like showing him off, showing everyone what a good little boy he can be for his Mistress, showing everyone how much control she has over him. How much he wants to do everything she asks of him, to please her.
“Jared,” Y/N looks away from Alex when Jensen speaks, and Alex looks up from the ground floor where he had been watching some of the people on display. “Do you want to go play?” Jensen asks neutrally, very carefully leaving the choice up to Jared, without betraying his own feelings on the notion.
“Can we?” Jared’s eyes light up instantly and Y/N smirks to herself. Jared and Alex are more alike than she realised.
“Yeah, c’mon baby boy,” Jensen smiles indulgently and holds out his hand to Jared, who takes it and follows him down the stairs to the play areas. Y/N looks back to Alex, whose eyes are glued to his cast mates’ backs.
“What about you, baby boy?” Y/N purrs, using Jared’s nickname teasingly and Alex blushes as she runs her nails up his bare arm. She’d never called him that before but it’s clear he likes it. “Do you want to go play?”
“I–” Alex breaks off, considering. “Can we just watch for a bit? See what everyone’s doing?” he asks nervously.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Y/N smiles and offers Alex her hand. They make their way down the iron grate staircase into the madness that has been churning below them this whole time. It’s easy to spot Jared and Jensen, despite the crowd. They stick out above the heads of a lot of the people nearby because most of them are bent over or crouched down to some extent.
They’re at the edge of the dance floor, in a space that’s still public but is cordoned off for more… intimate play. There’s two St. Andrew’s crosses bolted on the wall, both currently occupied with girls – one wearing an assortment of leather straps with metal studs poking out of them, and one wearing absolutely nothing but the cuffs binding her to the beams. Leather couches and benches are dotted around the floorspace, all covered with partially to wholly naked occupants engaging in every variety of sexual activity Y/N can imagine. Alex looks like a kid in a candy store watching it all unfold before him.
“You can watch whoever you want, but no touching without my permission, okay?” Y/N speaks into Alex’s ear so he can hear her over the bass of the music that’s vibrating through the crowd around them.
“Yes, ma’am,” Alex salutes her cheekily and starts to move away but she grabs the neck of his shirt and hauls him back, looking him sternly in the eye.
“Do you want to try that again with a little respect, baby?” Alex drops his eyes and looks penitent.
“Yes, Mistress.” He gives her a weak smile, asking for forgiveness, and Y/N decides to let him off this time.
“Good boy,” she leans up and kisses his forehead before giving him a swift pat on the backside. “Have fun, I’m going to grab a drink,” Y/N points to one of the bars lining the far side of the play area. “Find me that way if you want me, okay baby?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Alex nods meekly, giving Y/N a small kiss before he ducks into the crowd towards a group of spectators all watching a girl tied to a bench getting teased by her Domme and a flogger. Typical, Y/N smiles to herself and makes her way to the bar to order a glass of wine.
Wine in hand, Y/N spins on her heel and looks around the room. Alex is still where she left him and a few groups over she spots Jensen, his back to her, watching something else she can’t quite make out between everyone’s bodies. Jared doesn’t appear to be anywhere though. Y/N decides to have a look at whatever Jensen’s observing, curious what’s got him so stoically still. There’s a lot going on around him but it becomes instantly clear which performer Jensen’s watching when Y/N approaches and peeks over his shoulder.
Jared is on his hands and knees, in amongst a crowd of people. There’s a sort of black leather platform that he’s perched on, so they’re elevated from the floor. It puts Jared’s mouth at the perfect height to reach people’s waists, which he’s currently putting to good use by swapping between two men with their cocks standing out stiff from their jeans. Jensen is watching closely, smirking at the crowd all raptly watching his boyfriend. When Jared takes the man with the bigger cock so deep that his nose is pressed to the man’s stomach, Y/N can’t help but laugh.
“I see why you like him so much,” Y/N bumps her shoulder against Jensen and he jumps, looking down at her and grinning when his brain catches up to her comment.
“Yeah he’s good with his mouth,” Jensen agrees, smiling proudly.
“Nice of you to loan him out.”
“I like to think I’m generous,” Jensen shrugs. “But not too generous,” Jensen catches the arm of a man trying to round the platform to get to Jared’s ass instead of his mouth. “Sorry man, no guys back there.”
“Oops, sorry dude,” the guy backs off quickly, and Y/N is impressed by how respectful the whole exchange is.
“Is that Jensen only territory?” Y/N questions, wiggling her brow.
“Yeah I don’t like other guys fuckin’ him,” Jensen explains. “But I like girls pegging him, it’s fun to humiliate him like that.” Just then Y/N spots a small woman climbing into a strap on with the help of her partner, who drops to her knees to suck on the dildo a little before covering it in lube from the bottle on the ground by the platform.
“No kidding,” Y/N whistles lowly, in awe as she watches the girl push the black silicone inside Jared, inch by inch. The way his hole is pulsing around the intrusion is almost hypnotic. She tries to picture what Alex would look like, on his hands and knees amongst all these people, everyone watching him get split open by some little girl with a big dick… everyone seeing him loving it, like Jared clearly is.
Y/N hears Jensen laugh beside her and she jumps a little, clearing her throat in embarrassment at being caught out staring at Jared’s asshole so blatantly.
“Sorry,” she clears her throat again and takes a sip of wine to hide behind her glass.
“It’s okay,” Jensen laughs again. “I wouldn’t let him do this if I didn’t want people to watch him.”
“Good point,” Y/N acknowledges, feeling a little better. “And um, out of curiosity,” Y/N pauses, trying to frame her question politely. “How did you get Jared to agree to the pegging?” Jensen raises an eyebrow at Y/N curiously. “You know, one Domme to another,” Y/N elaborates, so Jensen doesn’t think she’s trying to ask if she can peg Jared. That’s the furthest thing from her mind right now.
“No kidding?” Jensen chuckles, clearly impressed. “Well, I don’t know what you and Alex get up to normally, but it wasn’t too much of a stretch for Jared. He gets off on humiliation and I get off on humiliating him, and this fits that bill for both of us.” At that comment, Jensen looks back to Jared and smirks before reaching down to adjust himself subtly, and Y/N laughs. “What about it is calling to you?” Jensen asks, and Y/N has to pause to consider that before she can hit on the answer.
“It’s the one part of Alex I don’t think anyone’s touched. I mean he’s never mentioned it if he has done it before but I don’t think he has. The idea of marking him like that, of having something no one else can have from him…” Y/N trails off, letting her thoughts spiral as she feels the space between her legs heat up. When she adjusts her stance, she feels the slick brush of wet panties against her skin. Yes, she loves that idea. The thought of taking that last first, touching a part of Alex that no one else has touched. Being literally inside of him. Fucking him into submission would take on a whole new meaning.
“Yeah, that’s hot,” Jensen agrees and Y/N smiles dreamily. Now she just needs to figure out how to bring it up to Alex. “Hey,” Jensen taps her on the shoulder and points over Jared to the other side of the crowd, “you might not have to do as much convincing as you think.”
Standing across from them, Jared still on his hands and knees between them being fucked at both ends, is Alex. His eyes are fixed steadily on Jared, the rest of the world a mere blur around him and the object of his focus. His pupils are huge, in part due to the dark of the club but Y/N knows it’s also to do with desire. She watches his eyes dart back and forth and realises that he’s not just watching Jared, he’s watching the dildo that’s steadily fucking in and out of Jared’s ass, following its movements closely. He licks his lips and Y/N smiles. Jensen is right, she’s not going to have to convince him at all. He already wants this.
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Part 2 - read ahead on WordPress here
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Blursed AUs masterlist.
This is a reference for all the AUs that are commonly talked about on this blog. The mods they are listed under are the mods in charge of content for it on this blog, not necessarily the creators of them. (* indicates that they are original to the the mod)
Mod Ivy
Kairro: Morro posses Kai instead of Lloyd. Things take a much different and darker turn since Morro and Kai are very alike.*
Overkill au/ Overkill!Zane: Zane develops a glitch named Overkill that convinces him the best way to protect his friends to to mind control them. Surprisingly, the ninja disagree!*
Serial Killer Nya/Serial Killer!Nya: Nya is a serial killer, and very over protective of Kai. Instead of Samurai X Nya creates the persona Mazoku X. Kai is aware of her habits, but largely in denial. She's a bad influence on Lloyd.*
Hypno Lloyd/ Hypno!Lloyd: Lloyd has oni hypnosis powers.*
Evil Hypno Lloyd/ Evil Hypno!Lloyd: Lloyd decides to use his oni hypnosis powers to force all his friends to turn evil with him. Nya is able to get away because she doesn’t have an elemental connection to Lloyd for him to exploit.*
Thief au/ Thief!Kai, Theif!Nya, and Thief!Lloyd: Kai and Nya were adopted by Ronin, later finding and adopting Lloyd as well. Zane, Cole, and Jay are the same and have to try and get these hooligans to cooperate with them to save Ninjago.
D&D au: All of the show is just a D&D campaign the characters are playing.*
Moviekhan: Nadakhan shows up in the Movie universe, the movie ninja force wish for someone that can defeat him, Show!Jay gets teleported into their universe and has to coach the much younger ninja and help them defeat Nadakhan.
Siren au: Nya and Kai are sirens. Jay is a pirate they kidnap and keep as a pet/friend. 
Djinn!Jay: Somehow Jay gets turned into a Djinn. He gets his own rules and his wish granting has it’s own quirks.
Villain Vibe: All the ninja are just evil and group up to be bad evil people and rule ninjago. Each are their own brand of bad guy though.*
Cyborg Jay/ Cyborg!Jay: Jay has been augmenting himself in secret and has a whole system of inventions he’s wires into himself.
Oni Misako au: Misako is an oni that was sent to Ninjago as a scouting party, but met Mystake, fell in love with Garmadon, and decided to just live in Ninjago instead of trying to destroy it.
Fate/Ninjago: A holy grail war featuring all your favorite Ninjago characters! (Or at least weird reincarnated substitutes of some of them.) Cross over with the Fate series.*
Ninjatubers: The ninja get Youtube channels for various reasons. Chaos ensues.
Tall Vampire Lady Misako: Misako is a Lady Dimitrescu style vampire. Garmadon is a simp for his giant wife. (There is no tag for this because it got out of hand too fast and there is no way I can dig through and find everything now.)
Grandpa Djinn: Darla was pregnant before Nadakhan's banishment and was Kai and Nya's great something grandmother. Nadakhan escaped the tea pot early and is delighted to take in his great something grandkids.
Uncle Krux: Multiple versions. Krux takes Kai and Nya in instead of leaving them to fend for themselves and either raises them to be evil, or slowly gives up on the evil plan. Alternatively, he gives up on the evil plan before he ever kidnapped Ray and Maya.
Brainwashed Kai (Mod Ivy's Version): Instead of just stealing Kai’s element, Aspheera decides to take him as well, brainwashing him into being her decorative pet
Mod Kat:
Miraculous au: Lloyd accidentally gets stuck in the Miraculous Ladybug universe, the rest of the ninja soon follow. Hawkmoth is his usual jerk, the ninja use some miraculous and just generally deal with the chaos all while they figure out how to get home.
Monkie Kid crossover: the ninja adopt a child from another realm when he randomly gets spit out by a portal directly in their front yard.*
Mod [R]
Amnesicpirate!Jay au/ Orpheus!Jay: Jay gets kidnapped by Nadakhan and has his memories stolen. Jay is told that he’s always lived on the Misfortune’s Keep and that his name is Orpheus. The ninja recognize him, he doesn’t know who they are or why they keep calling him “J”.
Bunker au/ Bunker!Kai: Movie!Kai finds an abandoned super villain lair under his house and decides to use it as his own personal secret clubhouse. Show!Kai ends up in the Movie universe and Movie!Kai puts him in the super villain bunker and keeps him a secret from everybody while Show!Kai figures out how to get home.
Cryptid Jay Aus: Jay is a Cryptid that endlessly builds towers that the ninja need to stop. 3 versions, Gay, Child* and Greiving.
Amongus!au: The ninja are aboard a spaceship, and everything is going fine. Until they realize there is an imposter on the ship, planning to kill everyone.*
Kai instead au: In the pilot, Kai gets taken by the skullkin instead of Nya. Now she has to go find her brother. Nya gets help from three students who are also trying to stop the skulkin, they also want some weapons that she couldn’t care less about.*
DHMIS!au: The ninja as the Dhmis characters. Things go about as well as expected.*
Animaniacs au: The Warners mess with a machine of the Brains, meant for Brain to use the help of alternate universe versions of himself. This causes the three Warners to to be teleported to this weird place called “ninjago”, like what a stupid name!*
Hadestown au: It’s the Hadestown musical. Garmadon is Persephone, Misako is Hades. (Plasma au)*
Wrong place wrong timeline: The ninja keep seeing the apparition of a strange person desperately trying to get to them, disappearing right before they get to them. When trying to learn more about what’s going on, they learn that Garmadon is a little more ruthless than they thought.*
Blog God (Departed)
Brainwashed Kai au/ Brainwashed!Kai: Instead of just stealing Kai’s element, Aspheera decides to take him as well, brainwashing him into being her servant.
Siren Jay au/ Siren!Jay: Jay is part siren on his mother’s side and doesn’t have perfect control over his siren powers.
Element Swap au/ Element Swap!Kai, and Element Swap!Nya: Nya is the master of Fire and Kai is the master of water.
Ghost of Time AU/ Ghost of time: Kai dies fighting Krux and Acronix in the timestream, causing him to be removed from time. Small evidence remains of him existing like a blurry video of his final moment. Kai’s ghost is outside of time and has virtually no memories. The ninja think he’s important, but can’t figure it out, plus there are some holes in their own memories where things don’t make sense. 
Duolingo Lloyd: Lloyd is the duolingo bird (with a gun) and terrorizes Kai in his nightmares. (and I guess now Misako has an alter ego named Rosetta Stone that’s the same thing)
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mikkeneko · 3 years
Got tagged by @veliseraptor for a writing meme!
How many works do you have on AO3? What’s your total AO3 word count?
193 works over 10 fandoms;  2,591,823 words.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I would count 10 real ones. Dragon Age; Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle; Critical Role; Marvel Cinematic Universe; The Untamed; The Witcher; Cardcaptor Sakura; Fullmetal Alchemist; Gundam Wing; Weiss Kreuz. Some of these pre-date the existence of AO3, and some of them are better off that way.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Villain State of Mind; Cover Up the Sun; Laughing As I Pray; I do solemnly swear; The Morning After.  All Loki fandom fics. Not too surprising as that was the most mainstream fandom I wrote for, and they’ve been around for a while now, lots of time to accumulate stats.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! I have a somewhat complex set of criteria for when I respond and how. 
I will respond to all  comments left on works in my current/active fandom except  for: comments consisting entirely of emojis (mainly because I have no idea what to say to that) comments consisting of single words (same) or comments that seem to be about something other than my fic entirely or focus entirely on negativity (i.e., the commentor is using this box as a space to rant about how much they hate a character, the show, or another author/trope.)
I will usually but not always respond to comments on my next-to-last fandom. On older fandoms I will respond only  to especially long or thoughtful comments, or ones that specifically ask a question that I can answer.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That would have to be Rise From Ash,  the Loki timeloop fic I wrote in MCU. Since it was intended to lead into Avengers, it naturally had a downer ending since we know how Avengers went for Loki; but the story also ended with him having a major mental health break and resolving to kill himself in order to end the timeloop, so, uh, that was pretty unhappy.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I think that the Never Gonna Tell A Lie series has to qualify for this one by default; two fics of the “characters from wildly different series meet in a bar” format, spanning seven different franchises.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Occasionally. I can’t answer in a lot of detail because I make a conscious policy of thinking about these comments as little as possible, so I tend to forget the details. Off the top of my head I know I received a few comments on my MCU fics of people complaining that the fic was nothing more than a Thor-bashing exercise (it wasn’t intended as such, but you can’t control how the audience will receive, I guess.) And then there was the whole infamous “ableist torture porn of a mentally ill man” episode.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I can recall. It may have happened that I just don’t know about.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A fair amount! Sometimes people will leave a comment asking permission to translate. I have always granted it. Sometimes they go through with the translation and sometimes not.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle I co-wrote a couple fics with @faux-fires which were a lot of fun. (Which... doesn’t seem to be on AO3, huh. But Not Quite Paradise  is still on ff.net.)  And more recently @cerusee and I have been trading scenes back and forth for each other’s stories.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know if I have just one. Maybe Kurogane/Fai. They really manage to straddle all my favorite ship dynamics.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Both of my WIPs in Critical Role fandom, Molly’s Moving Castle and Fjord Mustang’s YEEHAW! Fun and Pony Ranch,  are at this point probably never going to be finished. Partly because of Characterization Marches On; the characters that I thought they were when I started writing were not the characters they ended up being in canon. But mostly just because I’m no longer really in the fandom. 
Wonder if it’s worth closing out the WIPs on AO3 with final chapters describing how the fic would have ended?
What are your writing strengths?
I can do humor, I can do horror, I can do heartbreak. I can write a complex outline and stick to it, I have a fair amount of discipline and perseverance. People occasionally compliment my character voice, so I’d say that’s decent. I can spin up a plot for just about any situation. I love  adapting canon to AU. My dialogue is pretty punchy and my action sequences are adequate.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m really bad at writing OCs, as I admit to every darn time this comes up. I’ve also recently realized that I have a strong tendency to avoid writing about characters I don’t like, on several fronts.
The first way that manifests is that if there’s a main/good guy character who the fandom likes and I dislike, I will avoid writing about them whenever possible. I don’t do character bashing. (Which means that if I am  writing about a protagonist character, even if they’re being a jerk and the narrative is whacking them for it, that doesn’t mean I hate the character. It just means that the story requires that they get a good whacking, Thor.)
But the second way this manifests is that I will often just... avoid writing about the bad guys, if they’re unpleasant and I dislike them. Which in shorter things is fine! We’re here to read about the characters we like.  But in longer or more plotful things, that means that all of the villain’s bad things happen off screen  if they happen at all, so the audience doesn’t get a chance to really build up anger against them, so their eventual downfall is less satisfying.
I’m also weaker at writing romance than I would like, I’d say. If it’s a story that has a plot, the romance will frequently get shoved in around the corners or at the last minute. If it’s a story that’s supposed to be about romance, the characters will usually sidetrack into having philosophical discussions about moral relativity when they’re supposed to be flirting.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m not sure I understand the question. I don’t think this has ever come up in my fic. I do not speak any other languages fluently enough to have ever tried to write any part of my fics, dialogue or otherwise, in a language other than english. Is this asking my thoughts on other  people doing that? Sure, why not?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That would have been Gundam Wing! Gosh, it’s been so long that I barely remember what  that first fic was. But the biggest thing I wrote for that fandom was a ghost story on a space station, which was not very good, objectively, but I look back on it and think it had some seeds of a pretty cool horror/psychological drama going there. 
Was Duo Maxwell really  haunting the space station? Or was Heero Yuy just going mad with grief? Who can say.
Tagging! Well, Lise tagged me, so she’s out. How about... @hollyand-writes (if you have the time to spare,) @curiosity-killed, @thethirdamell, @plotdesigner, and @cerusee ?
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 3 years
The Artist and Her Deadly Muse
One Shot Mini Series: Natasha Romanoff x  Fisk Reader. 
Word Count: 3000 approx 
A/n: I have WIP for Wanda and reader its taking more time than I thought, but for now this. I kind of got little carried away with this I hope you guys like it. There will be a second part. See you soon! 
Part 2
New York, your home… Your safe haven. You're sitting on the subway when you see her. You’ve always liked New York for this very reason there are people everywhere. Your hands are fidgeting, anxious to begin their work. There is just something about her the way she handles herself, how her head is steady on her shoulders, no apparent worry crossing her mind. Your hand begins to move on the paper making her rough outline. Your eyes shift between her and your book for a couple of stops. 
Stepping out of the subway and taking that first breath of fresh air… It was just like the first time. There was something about walking through masses of people every day, knowing that you will pass them again and again, and they won't even notice. However, you do notice and you pride yourself in that. Three years living in this marvelous city and it has not ceased to amaze you. You have New York down to a “T”. That's not to say that it was all good, you were detail oriented almost to a pathological degree. Which is why you noticed her and her marvelous red hair. Also the small fact that she was definitely following you. 
You weave through crowds, take unexpected turns, yet still you see her keeping her distance. It was almost funny how she's not noticed that you were leading her on a wild goose chase. You duck into your favorite sandwich shop, and take a seat. You can't help, but feel a little disappointed at the fact that she didn't bother to follow you in. You take your time, catching your breath. When you feel safe you decide to walk out the back door. Suddenly you’re being pinned against a wall, by a very familiar redhead. 
“I usually don't do this before the third date.” You quip a smirk on your face. “Although looking at you now, I might make an exception.” She doesn't seem to like your compliments as she snatched your satchel. “Who do you work for?” she asked impatiently, pressing you harder against the wall. “I’d have to ask you the same question, because I swear if my father sent you…” The confusion written on her face makes you stop your rant. “And you don’t work for my… father” You emphasize the last part. Regretting having opened your mouth.  
You clear your throat and shift your view to her hold on your arms raising your brow. She lets go a little embarrassed. “So… What's up with the staring?” She asks confused. “Well, It's simple really. You stick out like a sore thumb.” You say chuckling at the slightly offended look she flashes you with. You take your satchel back and look through it to make sure everything is good. “Care to explain?” she asked with an amused look in her eyes. You narrow your eyes and she continues. “Your sore thumb statement… What's your evidence.” You shift off the wall, and clean yourself off. “Well, to your credit most people don't pay attention… but I’m not most people.” 
You take your sketchbook out of your satchel and flip to her page showing it to her. “I’ve never seen you around… If I had I’d remember.” You say walking away, and her smile makes your stomach flip. Natasha made her way back to the compound where the team was waiting for her. “What took you so long?” Asked Tony as soon as he saw her walk through the elevator doors. “I took the Subway” Is all she says too preoccupied to notice Tony grimace and the sheer look of disgust in his face. She hears him mutter something about disinfecting everything she touches… She's not completely listening, still thinking about you.  
“Now where have you gone off to Romanoff.” Tony asks teasingly as he waves his hand in her face, which she promptly swats away. “I met an interesting character on the Subway.” She states, still faraway. Tony hums. “I’m sure you did, you’ll always find some interesting characters on the subways.” She shakes her head and agrees. It had been mere hours after meeting you and she could tell she was hooked. The next day she went to the same subway in hopes of finding you but no such luck. She didn't give up though she showed up every day for weeks... She was on the verge of giving up when she saw you. Getting off an armored black car your head bowed as you made your way to an apartment building nearby. For someone you had clocked her… you were incredibly off your game.  You didn't even turn when she walked into the building after you.
“Let me guess you’re about to ask me to paint you like one of my French girls.” You say not bothering to look back a smirk on your face as you turn to face that redhead. You chuckle at her baffled face as you turn around. “Will you paint me like one of your French girls?” She asks, it’s her turn to bask in your reaction. Your laugh fills the room making her laugh with you. “We’ve really got to stop meeting like this… I don't even know your name” You point out making her clear her throat just as she's about to say her name you interrupt her. “Let me guess… Patricia?”  She shakes her head in denial stifling a laugh. “Natalie Rushman” You nod. “Yeah that was going to be my next guess.” You play it off making her laugh. “My name is Y/n Fisk it's nice to officially meet you Natalie.” You say as you give her your hand to shake. “Would you like to come upstairs.” You ask politely and she hesitates, but ultimately gives in. You make your way up to your apartment which is a complete understatement. “Well you seem awfully humble for this place.” She states. 
“And for that matter it’s twice now that you’ve clocked me how?” You sigh putting your keys down on the table. “Yes, well my father always had a way of showing me he cared.” She nods intrigued. “My turn… Why were you looking for me?” You were direct and firm, yet not confrontational. “Well you made an impression Y/n.” You hum pouring her and yourself a glass of wine. You take the first sip and she follows shortly after. “I wanted to see how that sketch turned out Y/n… you know because you used my likeness and all. Want to make sure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.” She says smirking, but there's a seriousness in her voice. And you nod. “Well you'd be relieved to know that the artist is out of commission till further notice.” 
This takes Natalie by surprise, you see it in her eyes she wants to ask why but can't bring herself to actually do it so you tell her. “Another gift from my father… the family company. That is currently on the brink of financial devastation.” You say as you finish off the rest of your wine in one gulp, pouring yourself another glass you offer Natalie one as well. “So no more art and sitting on the subway for hours on end.” You chuckle humorlessly. “When you put it like that…” You try to make light of the situation, but fail. “No more art… No more sitting on the subway for hours on end… No more doing what I love.” Your thoughts racing, almost forgetting you're in a room with an otherwise complete stranger. You clear your throat stopping your train of thought and continue. “This is actually my last night here, I'm moving.” You lift your gaze to meet hers and it’s consuming. The way that her eyes are looking at yours, how she can see right through you. She starts moving closer to you and you let out a deep breath. 
When you don't step away or break eye contact she continues making her way towards you. Her hands move to your face, and she slowly closes in interlocking your lips. You deepen the kiss holding on to her hips and moving her closer to you. Your hands brush the hem of her shirt. She bites your bottom lip asking for entrance and you grant it. A fight for dominance ensues, you almost give in but she beat you to it letting you take control. Your night goes by in her arms exploring her skin, etching every detail in your mind, remembering every spot that makes her knees go weak. When you wake up your bed is empty, and you want to be disappointed but you can't. You can't drag someone into the shit show that is your family. So true to your word you were gone by lunchtime. 
It had been months and it just kept getting worse. You found out why the financial situation had become so dire. Your father all but drained the company of all its funds… You always knew that your father was a questionable man but this was low even for him. Disparaging your mothers name your name. You learned not to be offended though he trusted you enough to get out of this mess. Your mother brought out the best in him, but in the end the worst ended up prevailing. You worked, and worked threw yourself into the obligation that was tossed your way. “Miss Fisk you have Forbes on the line and Pepper Potts on another.” You nod. It had been a year and a half and you thrived. You haven't heard from your father in all that time. You had Manhattan wrapped around your finger, and everyone knew it, like your father you were ruthless to those you betrayed you, Once someone was burned by you no one dared talk about them, much less in your precedence.  
You look and wonder where that bright eyed hopeful person you were went. Then you remember all the people you put your trust in and all the people that tried to kick you when you were down. Forbes was something that represented the end of you, whatever was left of that person you were not too long ago. “Y/n Fisk, to what do I owe the pleasure Ms. Potts?” You were surprised when she called. You thought Stark Industries would want to stay away from a name like yours. “No, need for the formalities Y/n. I’m exploring a business venture that might help us both out.” She goes on to explain her plan and you say you’d think about it, in turn she invites you to a Stark Function this weekend… “Well Pepper I look forward to meeting you and discussing this business venture further.” You put the phone down into the receiver and can't help the small smile that grows on your face. As much as you hated the obligation you couldn't deny the pride that you felt, or how you felt thinking of how proud your mother would be… It almost makes it all worth it.   
It's another one of Tony's parties that she is forced to go to, Natasha Is at the bar serving drinks when she sees you. Or someone who held an uncanny resemblance, something was different, your posture no longer relaxed, now effortlessly poised and business like. The sparkle in your eyes was the same, but everything else was fundamentally different. She witnessed Pepper walk up to you, and how your face instantly lightened. Pepper had shared a couple of words with you and took you to speak with Tony. Natasha's eyes widen slightly as she notices Pepper making her way straight to her. “How’d I do?” She asks Natasha with a smile growing on her face. “What do you mean?” She asks confused. “Well, the new mission haven't you been briefed?” She shakes her head. “No, I just got back from one abroad. What is this mission about?” She nodded understandingly. “That's Y/n Fisk Daughter of Wilson Grant Fisk… Kingpin.”
Natasha's eyes widened, she can't believe she didn't put it together sooner. “So she’s following in her Father's footsteps?” Natasha asks carefully. Pepper continues. “Well, we’ve been keeping tabs since a year and a half ago, after Fisk Industries suddenly went into the red.” Natasha quirks her head. “Wilson syphoned all the money and took off. Y/n is ruthless when it comes to business, it's a miracle she saved the company.” Pepper stops and looks at Natasha's still confused face. “What exactly is she doing here though.” Pepper takes a moment before she answers. “We’re recruiting her… using her to get to her Father.”  Natasha can't help, but shake her head. “How do you know she’s willing to work against her father… They are family at the end of the day. Blood is thicker than water.”  She says as she sees You and Tony walk off into a more secluded part of the compound.
After an hour maybe more she spots you again. This time the light is completely gone in your eyes. It was truly an off putting sight, no apparent emotion ran through your expressions. Your movements were cold, and calculated an opportune smile on your face when someone walked up to you. The desire to get out of there was apparent. She took her eyes off you all of two minutes, and by then you'd made it to the elevator door standing next to a rather old man, whose talking business. She watches you as you wave the older man away with a smile plastered on your face, handing him your card, and just like that you’re gone.
The drive back to Manhattan was a quiet one, full of reflection and contemplation. By the time you make it back to your Penthouse you’re ready to just go to bed. As soon as you walked in you knew something was off. “You need to stay away from Stark Industries Y/n '' It didn't even phase you, your back still turned on him you made yourself a drink and drank it. Finally turning you meet your fathers gaze. “Father, I would say it's good to see you, but that would be a lie. You know how mom felt about lying.” You were testing him and he knew it. “What do you want?” You reiterate and make your annoyance known. “You need to stay away from Stark Industries Y/n, It's for your own good.” You sigh rubbing your temples. “Why would I back down from the business deal of my life? What do you know?” He’s quiet, his eyes boring holes into yours, testing your resilience. “You left me with the mess that was My mothers company in shambles… you don't get a voice in what I do with the company.” 
“You’re not going to like what's going to happen if you don't back down Y/n. The board…” You laugh at his attempt at a threat. “Well, haven't you heard… Those usurpers paid for their wrongs. They tried to take your precious company from me.” You chuckle at his obliviousness. “I have the power here… So I suggest you start talking.” 
(4 Hours Ago)   
“Y/n, I see no need to continue this charade. I Don't think you’re a bad person.” This is where Tony starts off which sets the tone foe the rest of the conversation. “Well, I’ve been around long enough to know when someone wants something from me. So what does Tony Stark need from me?” You say as your eyes close in on him. “It’s not really what I need. It's more of a ‘are you willing to’ corporate.” He then proceeds to show you this presentation very well made if you might add. Of things you already knew about your father, but your question was, How did he know? “Right… So you want me as bait?” You say finally leaving with him. “Well, in a way yes. You won't be in immediate danger, your father won't hurt you.” You chuckle. “You underestimate him.” You say. “He left me to clean up after his mess. Hasn’t checked in once, since then. Why would he now?” 
“Lets just say word has spread about our little business venture.” He states. “So this... you are informing me that  I’m bait.”  He nods. “Great glad you caught on… see we couldn't take the risk…” you finish his statement. “Of me saying no.” You nod. “What do you need me to do exactly.”  Tony then goes on a tangent on what you will need to do takes too long for you liking but you sit through it anyways. “So you want me to push his buttons and get him to talk.” He agrees giving more specifics and more details. “Right, well call me when you need me” You say as you stand up and walk away.
 (Current Time) 
“And you did all of this, Why?” You don't even give him the chance to explain himself. “I was never under any pretense that you were a good man, but this… this is vile.”  You could tell your words hurt him. The same words your mother had once uttered before she passed. “Y/n I-i tried to keep you away from all of this.” He tries to defend himself. “Of course by throwing me right in the middle of all of it.” Push buttons you did. “I was once proud to be a Fisk, a name that commanded respect, now I am disgusted and ashamed of this name.” At this point he just kept blaring on about how he tried to fix things, how he just dug himself deeper. Final jab, at this point it wasn't necessary this one was for you. “I hate you for making me hate mom… every time you would promise her an out of this… she believed you, and I hate her for that.” you take a breath and look him dead in the eye. “Because you never deserved her love.”
Before you could even process the hurt on his face, agents stayed bursting through every entrance. Window, doors, balcony, any entrance you could possibly think about blocked and barricaded. You step back from your father, but he’s too quick. He takes our arm and drags you in front of him, using you as a human shield. 
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wardens-stew · 4 years
my review of The Mask Falling - an ode to Arcturus and Paige
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For me, the soul of this series has always been the relationship between Paige and Arcturus. It’s apt that this book, the exact middle of the series and as @sshannonauthor​ describes it, its heart, spends so much time with this pair. The intensity and uniqueness of their bond really emerges as the shining jewel of this series.
It’s clear that Samantha Shannon was intentional about putting Arcturus and Paige on equal footing for the first time in The Mask Falling. She manages the power dynamic between them with such attention and nuance, reversing their roles often and fluidly escaping gender roles. The protector role comes naturally to Arcturus, given his immortal strength and anxiety about losing Paige (it’s even part of the etymology of their names), but for much of The Mask Falling he is her silent shadow, trailing being her and supporting her quietly. They negotiate their differences with refreshing candor and in good faith, their arguments free from ego. “My fear is not your cage,” Arcturus tells her. “I will never ask you to mold yourself to it.” His affection for her is empowering, supportive, never constrictive or diminishing. Paige herself is markedly independent, doing the bulk of her fighting and plotting on her own. When she does seek support from Arcturus, there is no sense of her own strength being diminished, and as often as he rescues her, she turns around and rescues him just as easily. 
Indeed, while Arcturus is the immortal god, it is Paige’s power that really shines in this book. Her incredible ingenuity and strength is on full display, getting her out of certain-death scenarios at such a gripping pace I had to cover the pages with my hands to avoid glancing ahead. She couples her incredible powers with extraordinary mental fortitude and an acute conscience; each of her escapades has a satisfying emotional resonance that enlivens her broader quest. Whereas many YA heroines possessed of supernatural power oscillate between immobilizing moral anxiety and moral bankruptcy, Paige tempers her impulsiveness with reason (most of the time) and a powerful motive for justice. It’s clear that she has yet to access the full extent of her abilities, and I’m eager to see what roles she’ll play in the fight to take down Scion. 
While previous installments show Arcturus/Warden on various levels of guardedness, The Mask Falling gives us time and space in excess to see his true character. I was struck by his compassion, his hopefulness despite all that he has endured. He is often reassuring and comforting Paige, his optimism clear-eyed and measured. The contrast is especially stark with his persona in The Bone Season, where he appears cold and calculating, morally gray at best. In this book, he is almost unbearably kind, devastatingly sweet and thoughtful. As Paige remarks, “there was nothing terrible before me now.” The almost unimaginable beauty of his character is achieved with such a soft touch; the books are not about Arcturus being the the epitome of goodness - he simply is. 
A central thread of tension of this book follows Paige and Arcturus negotiating their relationship and coming to terms with their mutual attraction. Samantha Shannon manages this tension beautifully, carrying it forward constantly with poignant moments of intimacy interspersed with Paige’s honest internal dialogue. The smallest interactions and gestures between them felt so heightened. There are all the classic scenes - getting drunk and saying too much, jealousy spirals about past relationships, almost-kiss scenes interrupted, near-death confessions - all building up to a beautiful and satisfying climax. 
Samantha Shannon writes intimacy incredibly well. The love scenes feel specific to the characters, managing to be both meaningful and erotic. Romances between an immortal man and a mortal woman in particular tend to translate the man’s primal instincts and extreme physical strength into a voracious sexual appetite that leaves little room for gentleness and consideration. Arcturus really breaks the mold in this respect. He is so reverent, so sincere, so generous with Paige in a way few male characters with female partners approximate. Rather than relying on an imbalance of power in order to convey eroticism, the sexiness of Arcturus and Paige’s dynamic derives from the equality of their relationship.  It’s so difficult to create a heterosexual romance unsullied by patriarchy, and Samantha Shannon gets close to that here. 
I wonder if it is Arcturus’ immortal nature that makes him such a uniquely engaging character. Samantha Shannon really commits to that aspect of him - he’s not just a hot teenager. The best word I can think of to describe him is mature. He is so beyond the petty concerns of YA love interests, so ego-less and self-reliant. One of my favorite ways he diverges from human men - and traditional male love interests - is his lack of fixation on Paige’s physical appearance. This book has several of the classic moments that would typically elicit a remark or a look from the love interest on the heroine’s appearance, often framed as a cute romantic moment. Yet when Paige dresses up, or dyes her hair - even when she asks him outright - he never comments on the way she looks. “A human might have whispered in my ear, told me I was beautiful or perfect, but not him.” I love that. I’ve never found that lustful, almost predatory demeanor in male love interests nearly as sexy as the author would like it to be, and it always rubs me the wrong way when the man telling the woman she’s beautiful is framed as the epitome of romance. It strikes me as a very lazy way to convey attraction, for one thing, and it reeks of benevolent sexism. Arcturus never plays into those supposedly romantic tropes of disparaging other women in favor of the heroine or being selectively kind. His love for Paige is so pure. 
I continue to be impressed by the sheer scale of worldbuilding in this series. Many books attempt to create fictional tyrannical governments, but few succeed in building one as convincing and elaborate as Scion. The Mask Falling peels back even more layers of this complex world, bringing to fruition seeds planted in the very first book. Although the basic plot leans on some familiar tropes, Samantha Shannon always manages to add an additional twist of the screw. The complexity of this series is truly extraordinary, drawing on etymology and mythology, dropping mysteries and complicating loyalties with incredible dexterity. 
SPOILERS!!!!! --> I am still struggling with Arcturus’s possession and Paige’s failure to connect the dots and realize the reality of his situation. I see Samantha Shannon has pointed out on Twitter that Paige’s trauma and illness may have affected her judgment and decision-making. She says, “There's a particular scene where Paige reacts to an event in a way that is so deeply rooted in her PTSD and past experiences.” (I assume this is the scene she’s referring to.) I think that’s fair - Paige has been so inundated with the Rephaite aversion to humans that it’s almost as if she only needed one piece of evidence to confirm her doubts and destroy her trust in Arcturus. And it’s not as if she just takes it at face value, either - she does question him and try to convince him otherwise. But I still can’t help feeling that it’s a stretch. The Mask Falling makes Arcturus’ character so clear that the prospect that he would be loyal to Nashira the whole time is just ludicrous. Not to mention the fact that Paige somehow overlooked the obvious signs that he was being possessed. His eyes were such a dead giveaway - Paige had already seen that same thing happen when she possessed him! And when he moved to strike her and then suddenly stopped and his eyes flared - come on! That’s a classic mind-control trope. Paige is usually so perceptive, and they had built such a strong foundation… it feels unrealistic that she wouldn’t have connected the dots just because she hadn’t thought there could be another dreamwalker. 
If I had to find fault with this book, and it is difficult, I would say that it leans a little too heavily on some YA dystopian fantasy tropes towards the end - the mind-controlled love interest, for example, instantly made me think of Divergent, The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, etc. Likewise, the forced memory loss is a fairly common fantasy trope that tends to be really frustrating to read. I have faith that Samantha Shannon will keep it from sliding into those tropes, and of course there remains so much mystery still to be untangled from those final 100 pages. /END SPOILERS :) 
This was the kind of book that captivated me immediately, left me lying awake at night and had me eating energy bars for dinner so I could keep reading. It was such a visceral, immersive experience, the kind where returning to the physical reality is almost physically disorienting. It’s been two days since I finished it and I’m still clinging to that fictional world, wishing I didn’t have to leave. Books like these are rare for me, and I’m still marveling at the miracle of finding that book that in Arcturus’ words, exists for everyone: “a book that will sing to them.”
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underworldobsessed · 3 years
Lose Control ll An Obitine Fic
Title: Lose Control Rating: T Ship: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Padme Amidala Series: ABO Obitine (Part 6 out of ???), TAS Week (Omegaverse week) (Part 3 out of 7) Summary: When Satine is shot in front of Obi-Wan, he learns about a darker part of his nature as he makes the decision to hunt for Satine's attacker. Satine, far before she recovers, decides she needs to find him before he does something she knows he'll regret. ll Temples and Sabers Day 3: Feral Omegas Author’s Note: I always have fun writing characters going feral. Typically it's not in this sense, but it was absolutely fun to write.I hope you guys enjoy!!
Read here or under the cut
Obi-Wan should have sensed the attacker in the force but he had been distracted. The dress Satine had been wearing was tantalizing, her mating mark was for once on full display. He could hear the whispers of those around him, asking questions on who her mysterious mate was. Everyone had known Satine as the ever elusive duchess, never taking a mate, but now, she had been displaying her mark proudly. He just wished he could do the same…
He thought that maybe it would be soon, until the shot had come through the window, and Satine fell.
He was torn between being the loyal Omega and her jedi knight in shining armor. He knew what he had to do, though, and chased after the attacker. Of course, they had vanished into the darkness of the night. He looked, trying to reach out into the force to sense where they had gone. But he could sense nothing. Perhaps it was his warring emotions that left him unable to find the source.
He had to get back to Satine.
Running back into the building, he saw that a small crowd had surrounded his mate, and he fell by her side. He moved to put pressure on her wound, hearing her hiss in pain. Thank the force, she was alive.
“Satine, I lost your attacker, I’m sorry.” He moved to brush the hair from her face, and knew now that the others around them were staring at the caring gesture. Of course, he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when Satine was this severely injured and he had failed her in trying to protect her.
“It’s alright, my dear Obi-Wan.” She flinched as she shifted, the wound bleeding more.
“Make room,” He heard the medics call, and he shifted, going to hold her hand rather than stand over her and the medical staff and droids started to put bacta on the wound so they could move her. “Sir, you need to move, we need to get the Duchess to the medical ward, now!”
One of the medics pushed him out of the way as they lifted her up and carried her out of the ballroom.
“Satine!” He called, but his voice got lost in the crowd. He wanted to be there behind her, stand next to her as they worked on her, but there was a voice in his head. There was anger and a desire for revenge that he had never felt before. This wasn’t the dark side either, no… this was something more primal. Something linked to a part of him that was long denied, one of the reasons that the Jedi Order didn’t allow for mated pairs.
Darkness clouded his mind, and he knew that he needed to go. He had someone to track down and make sure they suffered like Satine did….
Satine had lost consciousness in the time that it took to get her to the medcenter, and she didn’t wake for hours. When she did eventually wake up, the first thing she saw was the blinding lights of the medcenter and her friend Padmé by her side. She tried to recall what happened. She was at a ball on Mandalore, talking with some of her trusted officials when… that was right, a blaster shot hit her. She looked around, behind Padmé, to try and see if Obi-Wan was there. He was her mate, he should be by her side.
“Looking for Master Kenobi?” Padmé’s voice tried to tease, but in truth, the relief of seeing her friend open her eyes after some time caused her voice to crack.
“No I…” She sighed, knowing it was pointless to try and lie to Padmé. “I was. Where is he?” She tried to make her desire to see him not appear in the light she knew it would appear, but in truth, she hurt and all she wanted was the comfort of her omega by her side.
“Nobody’s seen him since you were taken to the medcenter. I tried to reach out to Ani… I mean, General Skywalker, but he hasn’t seen him either.” She frowned, the concern from all of this now coming through a little bit more. “I know he’s worried about him, but also knew that if Master Kenobi knew you had been left alone after all of this, he would be upset. So I volunteered to stay by your side while you healed.” Her eyes were kind, and Satine felt blessed to have a friend like Padmé in her life.
“I’m fine,” A lie, but she knew she couldn’t sit around while her Omega was missing. “What I need to be concerned with is the fact that a Jedi master has gone missing while on Mandalore. The Jedi Council will start to assume I did something to him, held him for ransom, and use it as an excuse to invade.” A flimsy excuse at best, but she also knew that there was nothing else she could say that would make it seem less suspicious. She needed to find Obi-Wan. She didn’t want him blaming himself for this for too long. Having him lost in his mind would be a bad thing for sure.
“I had a feeling you might, and while I should be encouraging you to stay in bed and allow yourself to heal, I know the desire to make sure your omega is okay.” Padmé gave her a knowing grin, and Satine couldn’t bring herself to care that Padmé knew her secret. “We’re just going to take everything slowly, and you will not overdo it, because I don’t want him turning on me because I let you get out of your hospital bed while you need to heal.”
Satine nodded and Padmé helped her get out of bed, keeping her upright as the pain caused spots in her vision, and she almost fell over. She allowed for Padmé to help her, and then they started to slip out from the medical center.
It was a miracle they got out without being spotted. Her guards were likely out searching for the one who did this, and trusted that Padmé would watch over her. Of course, none of them really knew the two of them. They wouldn’t stay in one spot for too long, and when Obi-Wan was truly at risk like this, Satine wouldn’t just sit and let others look for him. She needed to be part of that search too.
If something happened to Obi-Wan because of her, because she wasn’t there to talk him down, she would never forgive herself.
The search for Obi-Wan took two days. In that time, her guard did discover her absence and tried to get her to stop, but she refused. Her guards were the only ones who were in the know of her relationship with Obi-Wan and they knew better to stop an alpha that was trying to protect her mate. She may be a pacifist, but if she was honest, she would tear this world apart to keep Obi-Wan safe.
The thought terrified her.
She found him, finally, two days after her injury. He had been hiding out in the worse parts of town, in the shadows and away from most others. She almost didn’t recognize him at first. His gaze was not the usual loving one that she had grown to associate with her beloved. It was hard, and cruel, a tint of gold in the glimmering blue she had fallen in love with. His nails were longer, like claws and his teeth almost seemed sharper, but she thought that it might be a trick of the light.
“Everyone stand down.” She commanded as her guard lifted their weapons to aim at him. They did not come this far to end up putting his life at risk or their own because they were foolish enough to lift a weapon to a truly feral omega.
She had read about this in stories, but never thought it was real. If an Omega’s alpha becomes seriously hurt and the Omega couldn’t do anything, they would revert to a more feral state. They would not be able to be consoled or brought back to themselves, unless they were able to get revenge or if they were brought back down by their Alpha, but even that had to be done carefully.
“Leave us,” She commanded again, and there was absolutely hesitation there. “He’s not going to hurt me, please.”
“Satine,” Padmé spoke quietly, not wanting to leave her friend alone when she wouldn’t defend herself.
“I promise I’ll be fine, Padmé. You don’t have to worry about me. Obi would never lay a hand on me.” She gave her a smile, and finally Padmé relented. She led the royal guards out of the alleyway they had found themselves in. Finally, she and Obi-Wan were alone.
“Obi, it’s me.” She tried to get through to him, but saw that he was looking at her skeptically, like he didn’t really believe she was there. “It’s really me, come on. It’s okay. You know I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Alpha?” The omega in him was what took over. This wasn’t truly Obi-Wan, not yet. He was under the influence of his inner Omega, which had grown feral knowing there was nothing he could do to help Satine. “Alpha safe?”
“Yes, my darling, I’m safe.” Her injury burned, and she was still struggling to keep herself standing at this time. But at the same time, she knew that she absolutely needed to stay upright. She needed him to see that she was safe and alright. She didn’t want him thinking that he had failed her. If he saw her okay, maybe he would return to normal. “I wasn’t that seriously hurt, Obi. The bacta did wonders and I’m good as new.”
His whimper rang in her ears and it broke her heart. He truly felt like he had failed her, and she could tell. She didn’t need to be a force user to sense that in him. She reached out and held her hand out for him. “Come on, Ben, it’s time to come home. Come back to me, my dear.”
She could see the war waging between the more rational side of Obi-Wan and his feral nature at that moment and she was afraid that he wasn’t going to come out of this. But she felt a hand take hers and she looked, seeing that the claws that were there moments ago were gone, and his eyes were fully back to that kind and loving gaze she knew all too well.
“Satine I,” His voice fell quiet, and she knew he was trying to apologize for everything that happened, but then his gaze fell down to where she knew that her injury was and his eyes widened. “Satine, you’re bleeding.”
If she didn’t know that the moment had passed, she would worry that he would return to that feral mindset he had just recovered from, but she also knew that it wasn’t possible. He was back to the man she loved, and the moment was long gone.
“Don’t worry about it, Obi. I’m alive.” She reassured him, pressing her palm to his cheek to try and keep his attention on her. “I’ll be okay. Come on, let’s go back to the palace.”
The two of them stood from where they were crouched, and she swayed briefly. The black dots returned to her vision and unlike last night, Obi-Wan was there to catch her. He slipped his arm under her legs and lifted her up so she didn’t have to walk. She wanted to fight him, but she rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat in her ears. She felt safe now, knowing that he was back to his normal self and by her side once again. This was when she felt at her safest, not when he was feral but when he was at her side, protecting her like this.
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cherry-valentine · 3 years
How Black Clover Gets Lady Characters Right
*Spoilers for most of the Black Clover anime (mostly character related stuff, not much in the way of major plot stuff)*
Black Clover is right up there with Gintama in terms of shows that reward viewers for sticking with them through some mediocre early episodes and arcs. When Black Clover began airing, I was excited. Manga readers had been hyping the series up, and it sounded like the next big shounen fighting anime that would take anime fandom by storm. Then I started watching it, and I was immensely disappointed. I found Asta’s constant screaming almost unbearable (to the point that I started muting the tv when it looked like he was about to open his mouth). The early episodes were totally predictable and cliche. The animation was, at times, embarrassingly bad. But I stuck with it because there were a few elements that kept me interested. One was the absolute bangers of opening and ending themes (at one point the thought crossed my mind that they were entirely too good for this show). Another was Yuno, whom I liked from the start. Then there’s the fact that Asta’s magic, or lack of magic, was the one element I didn’t predict a mile away. I honestly expected him to awaken to some super powerful magic early on. Almost 200 episodes later, he is still magic-free. I really did not see that coming. Still yet, I came close to dropping the series several times during those first thirteen episodes or so.
Somewhere around the time they went to the undersea village (I don’t remember the name of the arc), I began to notice that I was actually looking forward to each new episode. It was a gradual change from being at the bottom of my watch list to being near the top. So gradual it took me a while to realize it. The show still had some problems, sure, but it stopped being predictable. Asta talked more and screamed less. More interesting characters were introduced. The fight scenes were exciting. By the time this arc was over, Black Clover had become a favorite. So, if you tried the series and found it boring and annoying, consider giving it another shot. Like I said, it rewards you for sticking with it.
One of the best things about Black Clover, for me, is how it treats its female characters, especially when compared to other popular shounen fighting anime. It is by no means perfect, and I’ll talk about the show’s minor failings in regards to its ladies a little further down. But overall, it does a phenomenal job.
The first thing that struck me about Black Clover’s women is just how varied they are. There’s a surprising range in their appearances, personalities, and skills. And there are lots of them. Far more than a lot of other shounen fighting anime allow. There are five women in the main squad, the Black Bulls, alone. And we see that each squad has several women as well. Then there’s the all-women squad the Blue Roses. This extends to the villains, as well as the non-combatant supporting cast as well.
Speaking of skills, the women of Black Clover are unusually powerful. The two male leads, Asta and Yuno, eventually get “power-ups”, some kind of new form or transformation or whatever. This is super common in shounen fighting anime. What’s not so common, however, is the female lead getting her own cool power-up/transformation. This is what happens for Noelle, and it was such a great surprise. A little side note here: I’ve been watching the series on a streaming site that allows comments, and I was so amazed by the comments on the episode in which Noelle gets her power-up. The (mostly male, judging by their names) commenters were genuinely happy for her! They were proud of her for getting stronger and cheering her on! I didn’t spot a single comment about her looks or how great of a waifu she is (at the time anyway).
But it wasn’t just Noelle that got stronger. Another Black Bulls member, Vanessa, got an interesting power-up of her own, in the form a cat familiar that basically makes her and her teammates completely impervious to harm for as long as her mana holds out (which has saved their lives countless times). Another lady, Grey, has recently (in the anime) demonstrated some shockingly powerful magic that none of her teammates, or even she herself, realized she was capable of. Then there’s Charmy, who was already quite powerful but gained her own powered up transformation that made her strong enough to defeat an elf-possessed Magic Knight captain. If anything, the ladies have received MORE power-ups than the men.
And while we’re talking about powerful women, I have to talk about Mereoleona. If you’ve watched the show, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t, just imagine a character who can curb-stomp a powerful villain who is on a higher level than villains that the main characters were struggling to team up against just a few episodes before, who can then take on a whole group of these powered up villains and remain standing, even after losing consciousness, because they’re just that badass. Now imagine that character is a woman. And she’s so terrifying that one of the elf-possessed enemies (her comrades who had their bodies taken over by elves) remarks that his body froze up because, even though he’s controlling it, the BODY ITSELF was afraid of her. Mereoleona is an absolute beast, the kind of character that is almost always male in these types of shows. And the best part? The icing on this badass cake? The only person who was stronger than her, who could defeat her one-on-one, was ANOTHER WOMAN. Noelle’s mother. And a huge part of Noelle’s motivation as a character is becoming strong like her mother.
On the subject of Noelle’s motivation, I really appreciate that it has nothing to do with her crush on Asta. Sure, she likes him, but it’s not a motivating factor in her life and it’s not even really that important to her story arc. Her arc has always been about HER, about becoming stronger, living up to her powerful family’s expectations, discovering the truth about her mother’s death and then about avenging her, about becoming more empathetic to the common people despite being royalty. Noelle’s story is ABOUT HER. And it’s really sad that this is something remarkable, but we’ve all seen the “heroines” with no real arcs of their own, or worse, their arcs revolve almost entirely around their love for a male character (Sakura from Naruto is the most obvious example here but anyone who watches a lot of shounen can no doubt name many more). And Noelle isn’t an exception in Black Clover. Almost all of the women have interesting back stories and character arcs that have little to do with men (or if men are involved, they’re in supporting roles to these stories and very rarely the main subject).
An exception to this is possibly Charlotte, who is in love with Yami and this plays a big role in her story. However, even this is framed in a way that puts the emphasis on her own growth. It’s really about her learning to be honest with her feelings and getting over her own awkwardness around Yami. A big moment for her is when she admits to her squad that she’s in love with Yami, and they’re all eager and excited to help and support her, like the wonderful ladies they are.
Now, as I said before, Black Clover’s depictions of women are not perfect. There are a few issues I consider minor that I need to address. The first is the tendency the show has of making almost all the ladies be in love with someone. A large portion of the women are sporting crushes, though some of them are quite subtle or mainly used for comic relief, it’s still a little annoying that so many of them are in love. Of course, many of the male characters are in love with someone too (including the protagonist, Asta) and there are several female characters who are totally disinterested in romance, so I can overlook this. Another small issue is that, even though there’s more variety than usual in the body types (one female character is fat and another, Charmy, often gets quite pudgy for extended periods of time, plus a few ladies have more muscular builds), a significant portion of them have very large breasts, including two teenage characters (Noelle and Mimosa). It feels a little unnecessary, to be honest. Though to be fair, it’s rare that any of these characters are used for fan service and the camera never really seems to linger on their bodies. Most of them dress fairly modestly and among those who don’t, the more sexy clothes fit their characters and make sense for their personalities.
The last minor issue I have is that we often get the “designated girl fights”. If there’s a female villain, it’s likely that a female hero will be the one to fight her. This isn’t a rule set in stone, because there are plenty of male/female battles, but it happens enough to be very noticeable. Of course, these lady villains are demonstrated to be just as powerful and dangerous as the villainous men, but it’s still mildly irritating.
Those little nitpicks aside, Black Clover is still a shining example of a shounen fighting anime getting its ladies right. The women in the series are well-written, interesting characters with compelling stories. They’re powerful, have wildly varying personalities and motivations, and never feel like window dressing. They’re not just there to be pretty romantic interests. The show does all this very well, and I think it deserves a lot of praise and credit for it.
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mn0tes · 4 years
⚠️May contain SPOILERS of The Promised Neverland (TPN) ⚠️
“Let’s run away together”
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What is the “Identity V” mobile game?
Identity V is a survival horror multiplayer game designed for children 12 +. The story revolves around a detective who is solving a mystery behind a sinister game held within an abandoned manor. The game setup revolves around matches between 4 survivors and 1 hunter or 8 survivors and 2 hunters (depending on the mode). Basically to win, the hunter must kill 3 or 6 survivors or at least 3 or 6 survivors must escape before the game ends. The player can level up his/her characters by playing and winning matches. The rewards earned from the games can be used to upgrade the skill of the characters, receive items, obtain costumes, and many more.
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Why I advice TPN fans to play this game and participate in the event?
If you are an avid TPN fan, I advice you to start playing this game before the “The Promised Neverland” crossover event takes place sometime in February or early Spring of 2021 but the exact date is yet to be announced. I just estimated those dates based on the deadline of the pre-registration. In my opinion, to fully enjoy this event, you’ve got to be familiar with the controls, mechanics, and intensity of the game before the awaited event so that it wouldn’t surprise you. 😉 Let me tell you, the game is intense especially for gamers who aren’t used to this genre. It’s an adrenaline pumping game that involves a lot of running around, hide and seek, and prompt decision making that will get new users addicted to it. All I can say is, a good battle strategy comes in handy in these games. Sounds familiar? Yeah! Just like in TPN, your practically playing tag with your enemy. Your strategy as a killer or a survivor matters a lot if you want to win and reap the rewards of your victory. For me, this game reminds me a lot of the Goldy Pond Battle Arc but unlike in the Manga, the number of players (hunters and survivors) are greater in TPN. Emma and the other survivor’s task is different compared to the game because they have to stay alive within the alloted killing time instead of just deciphering machines and activating exits to escape the game area. In Emma‘s case though, they are literally trapped and living in Goldy Pond, the bloody arena! They can’t escape! I’m excited to see how this plays out in the event because NetEase Inc. might alter the basic mechanics of the game to follow the main story of TPN so it’s something to look forward to. Another thing to look forward to are the costumes, items, and other rewards that are based on the TPN characters that you all love and cherish!!! 🥳 HOW COOL IS THAT! 🤩 Fans may get a chance to earn Grace Field costumes or maybe an Emma sleeve. 😭 I’m looking forward on seeing an Emma-looking survivor doll running away from a Leuvis-looking hunter doll or maybe a Norman-looking survivor doll rescuing an Emma-looking survivor doll. 😍 Heck, I think it’s the other way around but it’s still soooo CUTE. 🥲
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How do I take part in this event?
It’s easy, just bind your game ID number in the pre-registration page. It’s totally free too!
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How do I obtain a game ID number?
The game ID can be obtained if your already an Identity V player. The game ID number is shown underneath your user name in the settings menu. If your not a player, you need to download the mobile game first and start the game. Don’t worry, your not going to be thrown in the killing arena right off the bat.
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What is the Manor IQ Test?
The Manor IQ Test is a teaser game for fans to enjoy while waiting for the crossover event. It’s a super hard, time pressured IQ Test that enables fans to experience the difficulty level of the test the premium cattle kids have to take every morning. I advice switching on the sound effects because it adds up to the creepy factor and the pressure of getting a perfect score. 😰
How to get a perfect score in the Manor IQ Test to avoid getting shipped out?
If your a fan of the series, you know the importance of getting a perfect score in every test. Perfect score = another day to live (in their case, it’s 3 months to live until the time when they turn 12 and their hard earn scores are deemed useless). 🤬
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I feel you Ray 😣 so, I’m sharing the answer key to you guys. 🤫 Following this will ensure you to earn a “perfect scorer” title. 😬
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Several Survivors stand in a line. If the Explorer is 15th in line counting from both left and right, how many Survivors are in the line? Answer: 29
Emily is older than Martha, and both of their ages contain the number "2". The sum of the two numbers in Martha's age is less than 4, Martha is two years younger than Emma, and the sum of these three ladies' ages is 74. How old are Emily, Martha, and Emma? Answer: 32, 20, and 22
What number completes the pattern? Answer: 16
There is a box in front of you that contains an abundance of perfume, syringes, and flashlights. You can only get one item from the box each time you open it. How many times do you need to open the box to guarantee two of the same item? Answer: 4
What number completes this pattern? Answer: 3
Figure 1 (front view) and Figure 2 (top-down view) are two views of a structure built with cubes of the same size. At least how many cubes are used to build this structure? Answer: 17
Mike the Acrobat has 6 juggling balls- 2 black, 2 white, 2 red. The Mind's Eye takes 4 random juggling balls out of his room each time and always puts one back before taking another. After four entries/exits, what are the chances of her getting 2 black juggling balls, 1 white juggling ball, and 1 red juggling ball? Answer: 4/27
Which figure completes the pattern? (circle, triangle, and square ver.) Answer: (the first option) square, triangle, and circle.
Fold Cowboy's lasso twice and cut it from the middle. How many sections are there? Answer: 5
Survivors A, B, and C have different professions; one is a lawyer, one is a magician, and one is a painter. The Hunters made guesses about who does what: Hell Ember: A is the painter, and B is the lawyer. Bloody Queen: A is the lawyer, and C is the painter. The Ripper: A is the magician, and B is the painter. It turns out that each of them was right about one of the survivors. Therefore, what is the correct profession for each Survivor? Answer: A. Magician, B. Lawyer, C. Painter
Which figure completes the pattern? (boxes and lines ver.) Answer: (the last option) square with a horizontal line in the middle
Each icon below represents a number. What is the sum of the three icons? Answer: 8
How many sides are there when a tetrahedron is attached to an equilateral square pyramid with the sides that share the same area? Answer: 5
Based on the information below, what is YY? Answer: 0
What figure completes the pattern? Answer: (the third option) The triangle with four triangles in the center
After getting your score, make sure to scroll down to unlock the special chapter.
Enjoy and Be creeped out!
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Because the reality is you’ve been shipped out!
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Yes! That’s the hard truth the TPN characters faced. The scores didn’t matter! At the end of the day, their still meat, a merchandise that must be consumed. The demons and caretakers gave them false hope that there is a way out, a chance to have a future but holding on to that illusion and fake happiness will lead the kids to their doom. It’s such a cruel world! I hope that they will be able to capture that sad reality of deception in the upcoming event and I know they will. The other dilemma that’s been perfectly portrayed in this game is “Work together vs Betray your comrades to ensure your safety”. Have you ever wondered why it’s not required for all 4 survivors to escape the game? Well, it’s just practical and realistic that way, right? But it also mean that the three players can offer up their last teammate as sacrifice to distract the hunter while they escape. (Just like what Ray thought during the Jail break Arc, he was willing to be the bait to distract Mama while the others escape.)
I’m looking forward in seeing you in the game as my teammate or AS MY VICTIM!!! Don’t worry, I’m still learning the game so I’m usually a dumb hunter or an airhead teammate. 😓 (Sorry but I’m working on it!)
If you noticed my username “MN0tes” in the game, be kind enough and let me know maybe we can even create a group or something. 😎
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gisellelx · 4 years
What are some of your favorite Carlward fics?
So there are three that you are likely to find me just idly re-reading. Where I’m working on something and I’m just like, “Nope, need to revisit that one.” I’ll go on a bit about them since there are only a handful.  Bittersweet Hurt by Minerva One
This was my first go-round at CarlWard and I love it to pieces. Even though I tread some of the same water in Patroclus Rising, it’s never not fresh. What I love about this is that she starts from the question I always feel is central: why Edward? It’s a question I’m never not trying to answer in my own work. Sometimes I’m in Carlisle’s POV, sometimes in Edward’s, currently in Bella’s, but it’s always about that to me. The saga is about that to me.  The emotion in this one is just pitch-fucking-perfect. The build is slow and hot, the inevitability that the two are going to come together and that Carlisle’s going to be the reason everything goes to pieces--it’s just amazing. It gets at the ways in which Carlisle is utterly inadequate, completely not ready for what he started, and it just strips both of them bare, figuratively and delightfully literally. It also is tight. I think a lot of fanfic benefits from being novella-length--long enough to let the writer stretch out a bit, but short enough it doesn’t leave a novice writer scrambling trying to find the next plot point. This is beautifully plotted and leaves me a little breathless each time. I actually haven’t re-read it in awhile and need to.  Intervention by AllTheOtherNamesAreUsed
Let’s take a left turn. Okay, so now here’s where people are either going to have to come along with me or throw me out, ha ha ha. I er, happen to headcanon that Carlisle, being a kind of uptight, workaholic, who feels like he has to be in control of everything all the time--six vampire children, the process of hiding his family, the lives of his patients--would seek catharsis, somewhere. He needs some way of being safe, of allowing his mind to blank with those he loves. So the fact that this fic, written for a kinkfest meme, also happens to begin with my other favorite Carlisle sex headcanon, which is that he enjoys Esme putting him into subspace, is icing on a really nice CarlWard cake. The middle of the fic (spoiler all the Cullens are poly) I can kind of take or leave--it’s an enjoyable read but I don’t love it the way I love the first and last two chapters. The final two chapters of this kinkfic are romantic, feral Edward/Carlisle. One of the things I love most about it is that she doesn’t back away from the paternal stuff. This is post-BD, and they are carefully re-aligning what it means for Edward to still very much be Carlisle’s son and yet for them to evolve that relationship a bit. There’s a line in there about Carlisle’s love giving Edward roots and Bella’s giving him wings that is just so right. 
Trouble Follows by LyricalKris
I am too much of a lover of the vamp world to enjoy AH much. To me, Twilight is indeed as a semi-viral tumblr post put it, the story of a loving adorable couple and their chaos vampire children. I literally lose track of the characters in AH fic; it’s not enjoyable for me to read. I’ve been friends with Kris for--gosh I guess over  a decade now and I forget when she told me I needed to look at Trouble but I finally did and whipped through the 2.333 books in the series in a couple days. As I wrote above, I hc Carlisle as a sub, so I wasn’t sure I could handle an AH with him as a dom. But it works. I link the second one because while erotic scenes are always fun, I find a good plot and character conflict sexier than anything else you can put down on the page. The first book is mostly sexytimes with a little growth sprinkled in, but in this, the second installment, there’s just such a lovely build of conflict around the two and between the two, and she sold me on a perfectly in-canon, non-vampire Carlisle and that’s a tall fucking order. 
These are all mutli-chaps. Three shorts I revisit with some regularity are 
Everything in its Right Place by Avioleta. Again, this is a really nice one dealing with Carlisle wrestling with his feelings for both Edward and Esme; it has some deliciously angsty parts and is brilliantly researched. 
Red Geraniums by Pastiche Pen. Also one of the few AHs I re-read. It’s actually William I like in this story. In fact, I don’t know if she ever named Carlisle’s father in it. His name is William, fight me. :) The coupling in this one is great but like Trouble, it’s the plot here that gets me. A man coming to grips with his sexuality after he’s already done some things he regrets. 
Not a Monster, My Love by dyly. I don’t even remember how I stumbled on this one. It’s less well-written than my brain will usually put up with (I try really hard not to be a writing snob, I promise but some things just pull me out of a story) but the H/C just really works in this short in a way that’s hot and beautiful at once.  So there are six. @edwardsmate4ever I suspect you’ve probably hit all of them before, but perhaps others haven’t. I am never not here for a good CarlWard rec, especially if it’s vamp, so feel free to hit my inbox with them. 
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siriannatan · 3 years
Beeduo Oneshots #3 Unexpected reunion
Ao3 link to the whole series
Disclaimer: All physical displays of affection are meant in a purely platonic way, and I, the author, take no responsibility for how some people may see it. The characters in the stories aren't meant to represent the content creators, just characters they portray in their roleplay. 
Doomsday shook the whole SMP. Dream going to prison didn't help much.
On his end, Ranboo was happy with where he was, as long as he wasn't being evicted that is, but he was good at keeping out of people's business so he was safe. He spends most of his time away anyway, lonely long mining trips and treasure hunts were slowly becoming his favourite activities. When he wasn't waking up in random spots. Aside from that, he was okay being alone. Ranboo wasn't lonely.
On the other end, Tubbo was also okay. Being away from people, alone in Snowchester, as he named the frozen patch of land he decided to live on, was good for him he told himself. He had all the freedom to practice magic and alchemy... All on his lonely own... Back in the day, Dream would visit to see his experiments and compliment him on his good work... He just missed old days, not Dream and his scheming. Tubbo wasn't lonely.
On some level, they both knew they were missing something. They were just unsure what...
Usually, Tubbo would stay in reading some old book in long gone language, making his skeleton's bring him food or fiddle with alchemical formulas or spells. Anyone would want a bit of a break from time to time, so on one a bit less cold day, just after a snowstorm he put on a heavy coat, heavy shoes and went out for a walk.
Ranboo wasn't a fan of his sleepwalking habits, especially when his sleepwalking would deposit him in the middle of snowy nowhere, snowy nowhere that wasn't anywhere near home. At least that was what he thought until he saw smoke in the distance. With that little ray of hope in a slowly dying down snowstorm, he forced his legs to move forwards. Even if he was a bit more okay with cold than most as a part enderman, extended stay outside in the cold still wasn't a good idea. How long was he walking? Was the world always spinning that much? Was the ground always this clo...
Out of all people he used to know Tubbo didn't expect to see Ranboo passed out in the snow barely outside of his land. Alone. Didn't he live with Technoblade and Philza now? Crouching down he poked the enderman hybrid. "You okay man?"
No answer.
With a heavy sigh and a glare to the side, he took control of a couple of skeletons hiding among nearby foliage, probably since the storm and commanded them to carry Ranboo for him. There was no way he could carry him, he was too tall and lanky. There was no urgency in Tubbo's return. Ranboo would be okay, he knew what he was capable of better than anyone, he was usually fixing him for Dream back in the day after all, despite Dream being better at healing magic. It was rather funny how their magic was so opposite. Dream with healing and Tubbo with necromancy. Dream always explained it with healing magic not working well on endermen, and it wasn't like Tubbo was using magic, just heavily advanced, mostly forgotten alchemy he picked up out of boredom.
At home Tubbo went right to work, sending all skeleton's away as soon as his guest was safely tucked away into only bed in the small house. With how tall Ranboo was it was rather hard and looked very funny with how much of his legs were out of the bed. He didn't need Ranboo freaking out right after waking up.
With them alone, he got to work mixing a very familiar formula he didn't do in a while, a specialised ointment for endermen water burns. Even though it sounded easy to make it was a while since he had to make something on that scale so he didn't mind. It was fun to stretch his abilities from time to time.
When Ranboo woke up he was warm and he could hear a familiar low humming. "Tubbo?" he muttered trying to sit up, It was indeed Tubbo who was humming, in simple overalls and a thick yellow sweater, fiddling with alchemical stands. "Your horns got big," he noticed before a jolt of pain forced him to hive upon sitting up.
"No moving for you big guy," Tubbo said turning around, left side first so his good eye could see his guest properly. "You were pretty messed up when I found you."
Ranboo just smiled weakly. He missed Tubbo, more than he realised. "Tommy said you died. He told us Dream got you."
"Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, either way, it was an out from all the conflict." Tubbo said walking closer and passed him a small bowl with some sparkling ointment, "put this on your water burns, should make it better faster than regen potions. You hungry?"
"Yes?" Ranboo wasn't sure what to answer after that.
Tubbo's cottage was nice, not big but Ranboo was used to small spaces living with Techno and Philza. He was sure they made interiors cramped for defensive purposes, it wasn't like they lacked space to build bigger. Soon Tubbo was back with two steaming bowls of some sort of soup.
"But why hide? I'm pretty sure no one would bother you all that much," he asked with a nod of a thank you...
"I didn't like the idea of hiding my horns forever, and who knows how people would react... Everyone saw that Dream has horns and instantly started drawing connections to Schlatt and... I don't need to be involved in that, prison doesn't sound fun."
Ranboo could agree with that. He saw the prison a couple of times and it wasn't a good look, he'd rather didn't need one. Techno and Phil didn't seem to care much. "Yeah... So, Dream also has horns... is that a..."
"Older, he's my older brother. I'm pretty sure he's the only reason I'm still alive because Schlatt shouldn't be trusted with a pair of old socks, not to say a child," Tubbo said looking at the sun setting over the cold bay.
That was a good reason to avoid people. Ranboo knew from previous talks with Tubbo that the glamour he used to hide his horns took a lot of energy to keep up if he didn't want anyone bumping into invisible horns. With both Dream and Schlatt's reputations, nothing would keep people from being weird about Tubbo's family tree. People tended to be weird to him about Techno and Phil and he was just living with them, and they weren't as hated as Dream.
"So you hid amongst snow like Technoblade?"
"It worked until Philza left his compass outside his ender chest. And I probably should add that I can do some necromancy."
"Necromancy? Like raise and control undead?"
"Yeah, that's how I brought you here. Even more reason for people to lock me with Dream," Tubbo shrugged. Ranboo just nodded turning his full attention to his bowl. He was going to die. There was no way Tubbo was letting him go with all that knowledge. He was either going to die or be locked here to keep Tubbo company, undead couldn't be good company.
Ranboo didn't die. He and Tubbo had a lovely evening catching up on what happened since Tubbo 'died', he seemed satisfied hearing he's got a monument dedicated to him and a proper funeral. "Wilbur never got a funeral, maybe Phil did something but I don't know."
"He's got a picture of him in his house but that's all I know. He doesn't like talking about Wil."
"I get it. We should probably figure out sleeping arrangements, I don't get many guests here. Only Foolish ever visits me, to bring some supplies and check if I'm still alive and not undead. He's my cousin actually, through Puffy adopting him."
"Wha? Isn't he like a millions of years old god?"
"Puffy's crazy like this. She sees a sad god in conflict with himself after aeons of destroying and adopt him as her son, unfortunately, Schlatt was good at avoiding his sister so Dream and I had to take care of ourselves. Now, where will we be putting you to sleep..."
Ranboo looked at his hands. Could Tubbo know about the possible connection between him and Dream? How closely was he working with Dream during his presidency? Was Tommy's exile really for the good of L'Manburg? How much of that argument in the blown-up community house was honest and how much was acting?
"I know what you're thinking. Did I exile Tommy because of family relations or because I thought it was a good choice for Manburg, and all the other times I had to confront Dream," Tubbo broke him out of his thoughts "I haven't spoken to Dream as my brother, I was angry at him for a lot of that time, ever since... Schlatts presidency was coddling me and trying to push me to stay away from it all. We had our first decent conversation the evening before the final battle, he proposed this whole fake death thing and at that point, I was okay with that 'we'll make them think we're dead and move far from the server, leave looking after every one to XD...', I was looking forward to it you know. Just me and my brother like in the old days, he didn't think the whole server would show up" Ranboo was sure Tubbbo was about to start crying. He had no idea what to do, he saw Tubbo cry a few times during his presidency but it wasn't this direct, he was usually trying to be a tough Mr President people could depend on. Vwoop Awkwardly Ranbbo dragged his friend closer into a hug. He had no idea why, it was an instinct of some sort. To hug Tubbo and let him cry until he's done. Neither of them mentioned the soft purr-like sound Ranboo started making. It was something along cat purring and a much calmer angry enderman noises. "Sorry," Tubbo muttered between soft sobs. Ranboo just purred more and dragged Tubbo to sit on the bed. Soon they both unknowingly fell asleep. Tubbo crying about what could have been and Ranboo purring softly, purple creeping into the edges of his vision.
Just as Ranboo was falling asleep he could swear he heard Dream somewhere in his mind. 'Take care of him for me, beastie.' followed by a slow humming of a lullaby, both familiar and alien to him (A/N: check Ranboo's Lullaby by Hator).
Ranboo got woken up by the sun right into his lidless eyes. Tubbo was still sleeping so he let him be...
"Morning hot stuff," Tubbo muttered from somewhere around Ranboo's chest "We should probably get up and bring you back to Techno and Philza before they notice you're gone," he added with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I tend to disappear for long periods of time so I think we have some time, you better?" he asked as Tubbo began attempting to get himself out of the cocoon Ranboo became overnight.
"How often does your communicator ping on those days? Every hour?" Tubbo asked pointing to the thing which, as to give his point some weight pinged at that exact moment.
"Should have written to Phil last evening," Ranboo muttered letting Tubbo go, and just as Tubbo went to the other room to start breakfast did he look at his communicator. Fifty messages from Phil and five from Technoblade, all along the lines of 'where are you?' and 'you good, mate?' With a small smile Ranboo replied:
"I'm okay, communicator died for a while on me. Be back home by evening or tomorrow depending on the weather."
"I think we'll have to get me back to Anarchy Town soon, Phil's freaking out," Ranboo said as Tubbo came back with two steaming cups of tea.
"That's too bad, I was hoping to keep you for a bit longer," he was trying to joke but it was obvious he wasn't.
"I can come by from time to time," Ranboo offered with a meek smile, "as long as no one follows me here we should be okay."
"That would be nice, skeleton's aren't very talkative..."
"Whatever you say handsome," Ranboo said smugly,  remembering how Tubbo addressed him earlier.
"You better not be hitting on me, mister," Tubbo feigned being offended as a skeleton brought two identical plates of breakfast with beans, bread, egg, ham and tomatoes. Ranboo looked at Tubbo in distress over the amount of different food on his plate.
"You started flirting first," Ranboo said seeing no sympathy for his weak, brought up on potatoes self.
For a moment they were quiet until Tubbo couldn't stand it anymore. "I'll need more beds if that's the case, and don't bring last night up, that was..."
"That was last night and that's it?" Ranboo proposed with a pretend glare at his food, it was good but he'd never admit it.
"Yes, at least that's something to do. How far do you think your place is from here? You're with Techno and Phil, right? They're also in some snowy hellhole so it can't be all that far, right?" Tubbo agreed.
After a quick check-up with Philza, it was about half a day way in good weather so Tubbo gave Ranboo a lovely tour of Snowchester as he called his one-man colony, and they set out on the long trek to the Anarchy Commune. When the roof of Techno's house could be seen in the distance Tubbo and two skeleton's he dragged with them along the way. "I guess I'll leave you here." As much as they had fun on the way this was suddenly very awkward. "And I'll see you sometime, handsome."
Ranboo laughed awkwardly at the compliment, "I... are you tactically flirting with me?"
"No, I'm going home. So bye, remember to write to me or I'll send an army of skeletons to drag you back or whatever." Tubbo said turning around as not to show how distressed he was.
"Oh, I will call you so you better answer when I do." All seriousness of the statement was lost as both of them burst out laughing.
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magmahurricane · 4 years
Assorted IDW thoughts
Let me preface this by saying Ian Flynn is not a perfect writer. 
I personally believe his greatest weakness is in writing this long, spanning arcs. We’ve seen this even in Archie with the Mecha Sally arc, and in post-reboot with the Shattered World Crisis arc. And it’s reared it’s ugly head again with the Zombot arc in IDW.
He also has a habit of favoring certain characters and trying a little too hard to argue why they’re good/likeable - this was especially a problem with Sally in his early run. 
With that said: I mostly enjoyed the Zombot Arc. I am someone who has been absolutely exhausted by media’s fixation on Zombies, but I found the Zombot arc... endearing, actually. 
The Zombot concept was a fun, fresh take and arguably more nightmarish than the average zombie, in that they were largely indestructible and you’d only need the slightest touch to be infected. And again, they couldn’t be put down.
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An unfortunately common criticism I hear about the series is that this arc was “too dark” for a Sonic the hedgehog comic, which I find to be an odd take.
The Sonic series has always dipped its toes into darker concepts. We have the bad ending from Sonic 2, and far less implied is the death of Maria Robotnik in Sonic Adventure 2 - in which we witness, as part of Shadow’s backstory: an unarmed, terminally ill 12-year-old girl being shot and killed.
In that same game, Eggman acquired a super space Fuck You cannon and destroyed a part of the moon, and made a very clear threat to fire it at the Earth.
Sonic Adventure 1 showed us an entire civilization that was wiped out after harming a bunch of innocent Chao and angering a god. Perfect Chaos leveled an entire populated city - even if you make the argument that an evacuation was put in effect and nobody died (which I don’t believe), that’s still an entire city’s worth of people who are now homeless.
There was also Sonic Battle and Emerl’s entire plight, which saw the entire main cast coming together to raise this robot like a sibling, who all loved him and were loved by him in turn, and ended with Sonic having to kill him. 
Sonic and The Secret Rings had Shahra die on-screen. I mean, she got better but still.
And don’t get me started on all the fucked up things that happen during the events of  the Shadow the Hedgehog game.
The point is, the Sonic the Hedgehog series has always had these bleak, dark moments. I don’t feel like the Zombot Arc was any darker than what we’ve already seen in this series. We’ve seen these characters backed into corners, we’ve seen on-screen deaths, we’ve seen these characters break before.
I feel like this criticism is misdirected; I think when people say the arc was too dark, what they mean is that it’s too long.  If we’re counting the Zombot saga starting at issue 15 (when Rough & Tumble got infected), this story arc has been going on for... 14 issues. With delays in mind, this arc feels like it dragged its feet horribly. 
Now, with regards to Characterization...
I think we all can agree SEGA’s recent takes on Shadow’s character are ass. There, I said it. Taking away all the development he had over the course of SA2, Heroes, ShTH and other instances - and making it so he apparently doesn’t consider Rouge and Omega his friends - is such a mind-numbingly stupid move.
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Ian usually writes a good Shadow (seriously, Sonic Universe arcs “The Shadow Saga”, “Treasure Team Tango”  - both pre-reboot arcs - and “Shadowfall” + “Total Eclipse” from the post reboot were really good!) but these mandates on Shadow’s character kill me. 
But unfortunately, Shadow isn’t the only character who suffered during this arc. Eggman started off the arc really well, but his choices and lackadaisical attitude towards how rapidly his plan spiraled out of control was so wildly OOC and frankly, dumb. It was frustrating to read through and didn’t feel like Ian’s usual mastermind Eggman.  It read as though Ian hit a bump in which he realized he needed a work around for why Eggman wasn’t doing anything about losing control over the Zombots and  decided to just have him not care. I can’t remember if a reason for this characterization was ever given. 
 Now, this on the other hand...
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This is a scene I’ve seen people rag on for being OOC for Tails, and even comparing it to the abysmal portrayal we got in Forces. 
Here’s the thing: I don’t think this was OOC for Tails. 
Lets look at Tails’ characterizations in, say, the Adventure-era games. His entire character arc in both was him realizing his own potential as someone who can stand on his own two feet, without needing to rely on Sonic. And he did it! By SA2, Tails has achieved his own independence. 
When he believes Eggman has truly killed Sonic, Tails is sad, but he’s also determined to stop Eggman, to keep fighting no matter what and hold his head high, because he knows he can do this. He won’t let Sonic’s faith in him be misplaced. 
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... But this isn’t like that situation, now is it?
Lets review Tails’ ploy over the course of this arc: He studied Sonic to the best of his abilities to try and discover how to cure his friend. He was confident and certain he could figure it out.
But the infection kept spreading. People - innocent people - were being claimed by the outbreak, and the pressure began to build. People Tails knew and cared about were being turned. The situation was growing more and more desperate. 
All the while, they slowly lost faith in Sonic, who was showing signs of fatigue. We also know from when Tangle was infected that the transformation into a Zombot is uncomfortable, if not painful. 
People around Tails were suffering, losing loved ones - and we, as the audience, knew that nobody was actually dead from this, but the characters don’t. Silver came from a future where the whole world became infected.
And just as soon as Tails came close to solving everything, it was all cruelly ripped away. Every time they thought they had a solution, it was lost. 
When the Zombots reached Angel Island,Sonic was at the point where he could hardly fight the infection off anymore. Zavok was advancing. They’d lost poor little Cream. They lost Knuckles. 
And Tails was slowly succumbing to the infection. 
I don’t think this was OOC. I think it made perfect sense, because the world was literally falling apart right in front of Tails’ eyes, and unlike SA2, there was nothing he could do about it at this point. He’s being infected and watching his friends fall while knowing that Silver’s future is a possible outcome.
He’s having to resort to pleading Sonic to succeed because this poor kid has watched the world fall before his eyes - and worse yet, he came so close to having the means to save it. 
I don’t agree that strong characters breaking makes them OOC. I think this serves to show just how broken Tails is by everything that’s happened, how bleak the situation is, and how genuinely scared he is. And who could blame him?
In conclusion, I think IDW Sonic has its flaws - Ian has some serious faults as a writer, but he’s also really good and has a clear passion for the series and characters. 
I enjoyed this arc for the most part - I just wish it had been trimmed down some. 
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self-loving-vampire · 3 years
Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game (1997)
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The Fallout series is currently kind of a big deal, but to date I think the very first game has the strongest atmosphere out of all of them. From the start, this game did many things right and expanded the way choice and consequence figured into the RPG genre.
I recommend playing it with the Fallout Fixt mod.
Fallout is, unlike the more modern games in the series, an isometric RPG with turn-based combat and a much heavier inspiration from tabletop roleplaying games.
Rather than using a fantasy setting as is the standard for this type of game, Fallout takes place in a post-apocalyptic world with a retrofuturistic aesthetic and a more mature atmosphere. This automatically made it stand out from the crowd, and then the game’s approach to quest design and character-building solidified its place as a classic.
In terms of player freedom, there are few games that manage to even reach the same level as this one.
When designing Fallout, the developers tried to include at least three potential solutions to many of the problems the player may encounter, using the game’s robust character creation system to allow all kinds of characters to have options for how to proceed.
For example, an early quest involves rescuing a girl from a raider gang. Your options include fighting your way in and out of the place, using stealth to sneak to where she is and pick (or blow up) the lock, use your speech skill to intimidate the raider into releasing the her, purchasing her freedom, defeating the raider leader in a one-on-one unarmed fight, or even impersonating the leader’s father for her release.
To be clear, not all quests have quite this many options, but there’s still usually a few, including some that may not be obvious when playing certain kinds of characters.
This famously extends to the end of the game, where it is possible to overcome the final challenge without engaging in combat.
On top of quests having multiple solutions, the world itself is completely open, gated only partially by the fact that certain areas are populated by more powerful monsters (and even then, it is possible to avoid them).
While there’s never enough options and I can think of a couple of places where I wish I could have had different ones (such as during the very last conversation in the game), the game is generally doing a lot of things right on this front, especially for its time.
Many of the game’s factions and settlements also have various different endings depending on the player’s actions.
Character Creation/Customization
This is another aspect of the game that won over many RPG fans. The character creation uses the SPECIAL system, invented for this series following licensing issues with GURPS. 
It is a versatile system with three main components: Your SPECIAL stats (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck), your skills (three of which can be tagged at the start of the game, gaining a bonus and increasing faster), and your traits.
Traits in particular were optional features that would grant your character both a bonus and a penalty. For example, the Fast Shot trait makes some of your attacks faster (consuming less action points) but at the cost of being unable to make targeted shots.
And it does not stop there. Fallout had “Perks” that could be gained every 3 levels, which could grant a variety of rewards, some of them very significant. For example, the Better Criticals perk makes your critical hits more devastating, sometimes even enabling them to become instant-kill attacks regardless of the target’s remaining HP. From what I understand, this perk system may have been the genesis of D&D’s feat system too.
However, the real strength of this character system lies in how the game implements it. Both your stats and your skills will affect what dialogue options you have available and what actions you can successfully take in the game world.
This might sound like it should be the default for any RPG, but you might be surprised to know how many games, even otherwise very good ones, don’t seem to even try to implement something like this. 
Many other games, even today, don’t let you specialize your character in any way outside of combat. All characters have access to all options and your stats don’t affect anything but combat.
It’s not all positive, however. There are some balance issues to be found.
In particular, Intelligence and Agility are overpowered, as is the Gifted trait. There are also many skills, traits, and perks that are of marginal usefulness at best. Skills like Throwing, Traps, or Gambling (for example) just don’t come up very often or provide meaningful advantages over other skills even accounting for the fact that a pretty low gambling skill is enough to gain essentially infinite money.
This is really the part that draws people to the series in the first place. There’s just not that many post-apocalyptic RPGs out there (Wasteland and UnderRail come to mind).
The story is relatively simple. Nuclear war has largely destroyed civilization, your ancestors survived by hiding in an underground shelter called a Vault, but the water processing chip broke and now you have 150 days to find a replacement before your entire community dies of dehydration.
The search of this replacement has you leave the vault for the first time in your life and explore the wastes, and the many diverse communities that have begun to grow and rebuild in it.
Many mutated creatures inhabit post-nuclear California, and you soon discover an even greater threat in the horizon. However, this is not an RPG about dungeons and monsters. Most of your time will be spent in various settlements, dealing with other humans.
Pretty good overall, though still not on the level as some of my other favorites like Ultima 7 or Gothic 2. The game has day/night cycles and a few simple NPC schedules that help add some life to it, but for the most part what carries this aspect is the game’s solid worldbuilding and the relative reactivity of its setting.
One areas that detracts from the game’s immersion somewhat is the limited animations. For example, NPCs don’t actually “sleep” in their beds, they only stand next to them at night.
Some NPCs don’t seem to have schedules at all either, remaining roughly in the same state and location throughout the day.
However on the net I’d say this is still a rather immersive game, especially if you can apply a bit of your imagination to make up for the lack of animations and background details (some more text descriptions of certain locations could have helped here probably).
One place I particularly liked the first time I played was Junktown, as a couple of quests and events there felt very spontaneous to my then-young mind.
As previously explained, there are a variety of non-combat options throughout the game. In particular I really like how the dialogue works, especially when you compare it to the approach taken in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and even New Vegas.
In the first two Fallout games, you do not get a [Speech] tag pointing to the optimal dialogue options. You have to think for yourself about what the most persuasive thing to say is, and what your skill does is make the option show up at all. If your skill is not high enough then the option will be not only unavailable but hidden.
I prefer this to the game outright telling you that one of your skills is tied to a dialogue option, as in practice it ends up being the same as marking that option as the correct one most of the time.
And then there’s the combat. A lot of people don’t seem to like it, but I actually think it works fine as long as you set the speed to max as the animations are a bit slow by default.
Besides the speed issue (which is easily fixed), the main complaint about the combat is that it is overly simple. This is not entirely wrong, as even though there is a wide variety of weapons to play with there is not actually that much variety in combat actions: Move, attack, targeted attack, open inventory (for healing), and sometimes burst mode make up over 95% of what you will be doing from start to finish.
There are still some tactics involved in positioning yourself and taking cover from enemy fire, as well as making good use of targeted shots to cripple the enemy. However, the fact that you have no manual control over your party members limits this front. Party members in general are both unintelligent and quickly left behind in the base game, as they don’t improve or equip better armor. The mechanics for equipping them are also rather janky.
However, combat does have its positives too. The idea of targeted shots is great, as are the accompanying critical descriptions. The animations and sound effects also make combat extremely satisfying, every hit that lands seems to carry a real weight to it.
There is also some nice variety to the death animations. Where more recent games in the series largely just have people’s body parts explode or instantly transform them into piles of ashes/goo, Fallout 1 and 2 feel like they have much more in this department.
While the non-combat animations are not too good, there is a lot to like about the general art style of the game, from the architecture to the incredible talking heads various NPCs have.
The atmosphere of the game is also amazing, not only due to the way it looks but also because of the dark and ominous soundtrack (give me this over 50s music any day) that helps make the world feel appropriately desolate and perilous.
Even just the game’s intro shocked a generation and clearly marked Fallout as something dark and different.
However, this game’s atmosphere goes beyond sight and sound. The gameplay helps to heighten it. Combat is very lethal even if not always difficult, and the lack of clear initial directions beyond “Try Vault 15″ also helps the players feel appropriately lost until they find a lead.
The talking heads in particular have aged extremely well. I would say they even look better than a lot of modern RPG graphics.
The same lack of direction I just praised might be off-putting for some, and while the game is mechanically very simple there is no tutorial. This alone can make some modern players fail to understand some of the core mechanics.
The quest log is also rather non-descriptive, so it can be easy to lose track of some details unless one takes some additional notes outside the game.
However, the game’s manual is not only complete and written for people new to RPGs, it’s also quite fun to read. A lot of people these days just don’t seem to think of the manual as something they should look at, but it helps to keep in mind that older games typically require it.
Don’t let the size of it discourage you either. You don’t need to read the whole thing at once and a lot of it is fluff or things you might already know from other games (like how to load or save your game). Just look at the index and see what might be good to know from the start.
It should be no surprise when I say that this is a game entirely worth playing, whether you are an existing fan of the series or not. Like many of the other games that I have reviewed and will review in the future, this one has great historical significance on its own on top of having many positives even when compared to the more modern games in the series, especially in terms of aesthetics.
Furthermore, the game is pretty short. It can easily be completed in about 20 hours or less for a first playthrough, and yet it offers so much more than that due to the many options and replayability it provides.
There is really no other game quite like this. Not even the few other post-apocalyptic RPGs that exist, not even other games in the same series (including Fallout 2). I would call this one of my favorites.
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