#lieutenant guerra
oplostcause · 3 months
OLC: Chapter 1 - You Are Here
Pages 48-49
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Read the full comic at lostcausecomic.com.
We update with two pages every Wednesday at 11am ET.
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commanderrcat · 1 month
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happy anniversary lost cause chapter 1 :)
enjoy some silly flat color doodles lol
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mar3ggiata · 27 days
professional help, c15. The Viper.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Don Raffaè, Fabrizio de Andrè
abstract: it's Simon. here I am talking to Jude again, this time it gets too far, the police are involved… no just kidding (I wish someone would just take her away, believe me). also is anyone gonna tell her to stop using this bloody dialect of hers? it sound stupid anyways and I can't understand a word she says. bye.
T'agg ditt Salvo, è venuto a trovarmi a danza, io dovevo mangiare e gli ho chiesto se voleva cenare. Poi avrei portato fuori il cane e mi ha detto che era pericoloso da sola e mi ha accompagnato'. She was in her bathroom in her underwear, painting her toenails while on the phone with Salvo. She usually did this to make her feet seem more normal, she hated the blisters and calluses from wearing pointe shoes. If she didn't hurry up she would be late for work. She told him the Lieutenant had visited her after ballet class and since she needed to eat, she invited him out. Then, he suggested they'd walk the dog together since it was getting late. 'Fra, te non hai capito questo chi è', Salvo insisted. He was very surprised to hear that Lieutenant Riley, the one he briefly met years ago was going out and having dinner with his friend. Going out in general, really. 'Non ha famiglia, glieli hanno uccisi tutti, è una macchina da guerra, io e i colleghi avevam paura.' He told her back before he even met her, he heard stories about him. That a mission had gone sideways for him and his whole family had been killed (she felt terribly bad for asking about it). He told her that he was a killing machine, that him and his teammates feared him. She put away her nail polish. 'Salvo agg capit…Jinx lascia!' She said while trying to get a hold of her dog who stole her slippers. She sensed she was about to leave and decided to make it impossible for her to get ready in peace. She told her friend Simon had been actually nice the night before, she had to give him that. He kept going on saying few ever saw him without his mask on, that it was some kind of unspoken rule and he would get annoyed if someone tried to take it off, that he had survived hell and so on. She didn't tell him he ate a burger in front of her.
She asked if he was married, he said he had never saw him even speak with a woman that wasn't a coworker, that he probably lived a quite secluded life. She said she believed him. It's not a big deal, she said, but he got my fake name. Salvo paused. He won't know about… the other stuff, Alba. You're fine, he can't possibly know. She finished getting ready, and got to the base. She had an easy day ahead, she would start many of her appointments on zoom, some of her patients were deployed all over the world. Christmas is in a few weeks as well, she thought. It made her sad. She remembered Christmas dinners and parties very well in Italy, they had lots of traditions, they used to play board games and drink and eat together… She still did that by herself, unfortunately Jinx didn't know how to play cards. Salvo was still in Korea and she didn't think he would be back in time to see her. He would visit Italy and celebrate there, she thought. She sent him a message on the way to the car, to tell her about his plans for New Years.
She got to the base and when she turned the corner to get to the office she stopped. Simon. In front of her door. Except, she didn't smile this time. One time, I appreciate, two times, you're kind and caring, what's up now? To confirm her thought that something wasn't right, as soon as he saw her, Simon started walking towards her. What did I do now, do I need to run? He was wearing a black tight shirt and cameo trousers, his boots heavy on the ground. He looked scary, she even took a step back when she saw him coming towards her. He was as scary as an avalanche. It was so weird, now he saw him as he really was. A soldier, a man of war. He killed for a living, he wasn't her new little friend. Are you gonna kill me as well?
'Let's go' he said when he approached her. 'What? I have patients', she replied, he went past her at this point and turned the corner. I'm not following you Simon. What is he on about? He stopped when he noticed she wasn't behind him. 'Alba, let's go, you're not working today.' He insisted, and she just got more annoyed. 'No.' She kept a straight face and crossed her arms. 'And don't fucking call me that.' She hissed. She was confused, to say the least. He scoffed and took a step towards her. Why do you have to make things difficult now, I'm just trying to do my job. And yes, I am calling you by your pretty name since I can't get it out of my head. She took a step back, away from him. Was she afraid of him? He felt a burning pressure in his chest. He took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders to seem less intimidating. Does she think he would hurt her like that other soldier did a year ago? If she only knew how much he thought about her, last night. She couldn't imagine how much time he lied awake, one arm between his head and the pillow, thinking so hard about her he felt his brain melting. Her lashes. Her voice. Her nails, the rosy colour of her cheeks.
'Laswell ordered me to come get you. She wants to see you.' He spoke with his voice soft, gently scrunching down to make up for those 30 centimetres that divided their eyes. Just come with me. He saw her relax, her expression softening. Still, she was frowning in confusion. 'My patients…', she looked like a confused little kid, she looked like when you do your maths homework with your dad at the kitchen table and you're tired and heartbroken and you're not getting any of the maths. He figured bossing her around wasn't really the way to win her heart. 'Already taken care of.' She had a white turtleneck on. With that, her blonde, silky hair, her translucent eyes piercing through his soul, she looked like an angel. She looked like a cloud, like an elf, the Lord of the Rings ones. 'You could have fucking told me earlier.' There she was.
He sighed and took off with her trough the corridor. 'What's going on?' she asked, and he didn't reply. 'If you don't answer I'm gonna fucking scream', she was nearly running, to keep up with him and he quite liked seeing her mad. 'She's gonna tell you.' He quickly glanced down at her. Her makeup looked different but he could not really pinpoint why. It made her whole face look brighter. They walked to Laswell's office, took the lift in silence. She smelled nice. Tangerines, flowers. It was a fresh smell. He opened the door of the office for her. Inside, Captain Price, Laswell, Calvin Klein Handsome Boy and Scotland were in the room staring at her. Her and the Lieutenant behind her. They looked like they were about to yell 'Surprise!' and balloons would appear and they would eat cake. Or they were just waiting for her and Simon to arrive cause they were invited for dinner. Or maybe they were going to play hide and seek until one of them found her and had the pleasure to kill her while the others watched. She felt Simon's presence behind her, she was too concentrated scanning the room but she could swear he gently pushed her back to make her get inside the room. 'Jude, thanks for coming, I'm sorry for making you skip your appointments.' Kate smiled and indicated she sat down at her desk. She was not gonna sit down. She took a step foreword and waited her to speak, her arms stiff at her sides, back straight. What's going on. Why the meeting, why this many people.
'Jude, Ghost told me about your theory. The crater.' Her eyes shot up at the captain, how spoke from beside the window. She looked at him 'Did he?' She whispered, then she looked at Simon, or better in the situation, Ghost, who was standing at her right. He was standing legs spread and arms crossed. Traitor. I told you not to say anything. She was ready to apologise for interfering. She shouldn't have trusted him. She had to change her job for sure, she had to leave again. She messed up too bad this time, she managed to mess up the only good thing about her life… Now this really wasn't a comfortable situation for Simon either. He had some explaining to do. He went to see the captain the night before and told him everything. 'I don't know if she's right to be honest. The crater is there and it's a good natural hiding spot for sure. I don't know if it's good enough intel', he had said. Price had thought for a few seconds. 'Listen Simon, I trust your judgement. I don't want to know where and when you talked to her, but we have a job to do…' he tried to interrupt, but he kept going. 'No, no don't worry, I don't want to know about your personal life, to be honest it would be nice to see you settle down and she really is a nice girl…'
'Sir, I-'
'The thing is, if she's wrong and this was all a little game we could waste time, lose our target and put our men at risk.' He managed to investigate further and found out Jude was right, again. Jude 2 - Ghost 0. He briefed his teammates that morning, who asked how he got that information and in which setting he spoke to Jude, which he replied was classified. They looked at him and they knew he was hiding something. He didn't even want to know what they thought. 'Yes, you see, we have a camp, headquarters near Al-Jareena, a few soldiers are still there. Yesterday night, after I was informed about what you found I sent them in the desert, they stopped…' he got close to the table and indicated the map that was placed in the middle '…about here.' She moved closer to the table. 'I sent two drones ahead. They found the crater, about two miles from where the cars had stopped.' He was typing on the keyboard of a laptop. He showed her the screen, she could see the video tape that the drones had recorded. It was in night vision, she couldn't see well, but the image was mostly clear. He spoke again while the video played. 'You see, there are snipers here… and all the way here…and when they got close to the centre…' he stopped, but she understood.
She could see buildings, tents. A camp. She could see people moving around, she could see a campfire. Guns. Then she spotted it. On the side of a tent. She looked up at the captain, her eyes bright with excitement. She could fucking cry in that moment. The viper print on the tent, eyes bright red. Khorram's troops were inside the crater.
notes: translation: 'Ti ho detto, è venuto a trovarmi a danza, io dovevo mangiare e gli ho chiesto se voleva cenare. Poi avrei portato fuori il cane e mi ha detto che era pericoloso da sola e mi ha accompagnato'. means 'I told you, he came to see me at ballet, i needed to eat and i asked him if he wanted to have dinner. Then I would have walked the dog and he said it was dangerous to go alone and he came with me.' 'Fra, te non hai capito questo chi è' means 'Bro, you don't understand who this is'. Fra is the abbreviated version of 'fratello' which means brother. When two are really close is common to call each other fra, boy of girl we don't care, even because it's a funny word, it's fake gangsta slang. I call my girlfriends fra all the time. 'Salvo agg capit…Jinx lascia!' means 'Salvo, I got it…Jinx let it go'.
notes: one of alba's perfumes is disumano by morph. (disumano means non human).
notes: can you tell I'm back at uni, I'm posting again lol
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isabelguerra · 9 months
KIM KITSURAGI — The Lieutenant sighs, shuts his notebook, and reaches into the nylon of his bomber jacket. “We are going to have to kill this guy, Isabel.”
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] — The young girl hesitates. It’s clear that at some point this is an opportunity she would have taken with enthusiasm, but now her face sits clouded with guilt and conflict.
COMPOSURE [Legendary: Failure] — She steels herself. It’s as if the doubt had never crossed her mind. All traces of hesitation are wiped clean from her face. Were they ever there to begin with? With a bright flash of red, a spectral blade lights up her arm.
ISABEL GUERRA — “Aw, man.”
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Chapter 2 | Reunited through Death
Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader (platonic)
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The wind blew the girl's hair once she reached the helicopter. She graciously climbed inside, detaching the harness from her utility belt. Guerra had reached it shortly before her. She was now standing in an impossibly straight posture, her arms clasped to her sides.
“Rosita Guerra, Hydra operator for the last decade. Became Lieutenant a year and a half ago. Fought in the Kosovo War in ‘99 and served in Afghanistan for two years.” A man stood in the middle of the cabin, two files in hand. He was reading the first one with a weird neutral expression.
The woman he was talking about remained in position, her face serious, internally wondering if she should talk or not. The man closed the file and looked up from it, his eyes landing on Lieutenant Guerra. “How come we’ve never met?”, he asked, his bizarre expression shifting into a different one which was unidentifiable as well.
“I was previously stationed at the Ideal Federal Savings Bank and only recently got transferred to the Sokovian research base.”, the woman answered matter-of-factly. Her gaze flickered slightly tho, a sign of nervousness that the smaller girl next to her picked up from the corner of her eye.
“Well, I hope you haven't found your transfer too difficult, because you’re being transferred, again.”, he announced, faking compassion in a caricatural way. Guerra’s brows furrowed, silently indicating that she was looking for more answers.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.”, he chuckled without any humor. “I’m Director Schatten, we haven't officially met since your arrival in Sokovia.”, he twisted his thin lips in a poor excuse of a smile. His light blue eyes pierced Rosita’s black ones, as if he was reading her very soul. He pointed to the two women in alternance, his smile dropping. “Have you two been introduced yet?”
Rosita shook her head. “Not really no. I know she goes by ‘DeathStalker’ and aside from that, I’ve only heard some rumors back in the U.S.”, she explained.
“And what have you heard?”, he asked, his unsettling eyes questioning her on their own.
The Lieutenant glanced at the girl next to her quickly, gulping in nervousness. The wrinkles on her forehead deepened. “Huh”, she gulped, “one of them was that she's killed five men in a bar once.”, she paused. “With a pencil.”
The Director nodded, averting his gaze. “Well, that is partially true. They were six actually, and they weren't just men, no. They were trained Chinese mercenaries.”, his face slowly turned into a smirk. “And also, she doesn't just ‘go by’ the name DeathStalker. It is her name, her identity. The name of a weapon stronger than any machine gun or bomb you’ve ever seen.”, he bragged as if he was showing off his creation.
Said ‘weapon’ remained immobile, staring straight ahead and not moving an inch. The rise and fall of her chest was only slightly visible if you focused on it. Her black attire dissimulated her body in the dark of the cabin. The Director stepped towards them, circling the DeathStalker to go stand behind the two women. He handed the Lieutenant the second file that had remained unopened the whole time.
Rosita took it and shot him a quick glance before turning her attention to the yellowish folder stamped with the signature red logo. She opened it, her face showing slight confusion upon seeing the first picture on top of the papers.
“You will accompany the asset on a mission overseas. Earlier today, Project Insight failed, Hydra Uprising was compromised and we are no longer in the dark. Captain America and his hero team will most likely try and dissemble Hydra as soon as possible and this entire organization’s survival is threatened. To top it all off”, he slammed a finger on the picture in the file. The photograph showed a red star seemingly painted on metal. “The Winter Soldier disappeared. Ran away like a teenage girl after a fight with her daddy.”, he mocked.
He continued his monologue. “A team will be waiting for you in Ohio’s secondary base. Your mission, Miss Guerra, will simply consist of supervising the operation from afar. You will escort the asset to Ohio, and you and your team will serve as reinforcements if deemed necessary.” He turned to the other girl. “DeathStalker’s mission on the other hand, will be to hunt down and retrieve the Winter Soldier. Too much money was spent on him for him to go to waste and we wanna try and salvage what we can. Bring him in alive. Kill him only if absolutely necessary.”, he ordered.
The atmosphere significantly tensed up, as if it wasn't tense enough as it was. His gaze pierced through DeathStalker’s skull, but the assassin remained focused on looking forward. He finally stepped back and walked back in front of them, going to sit on one of the benches. He made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, leaning his head back. After an awkward minute, he spoke up again.
“You both should take a seat, it’s gonna be a long flight.”
Bucky will be in the next part don't worry!!
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i know it sounds absurd, please tell me who i am
alto, quem vem lá? oh, só podia ser CORINNE BENNETT OLLIVIER, a GUARDA REAL DA PRINCESA de 26 anos que veio de MONTFLEUR. você quase se atrasou hoje, hein? eu sei que você é normalmente corajosa e disciplinada, mas também sei bem que é obstinada e impassível, então nem tente me enganar. ande, estão te esperando; entre pela porta de trás.
about her.
A conexão de Corinne com o militarismo vem de seu sangue, uma vez que não é a primeira pessoa da família Bennett a seguir carreira no exército. Entre seus antepassados franceses com essa ocupação, há um que se destaca: seu avô materno, Édouard Bennett, general morto em combate durante a guerra franco-espanhola. 
Ainda que não fizesse parte da nobreza, os feitos de Édouard durante a guerra foram reconhecidos o suficiente para que vivessem de forma mais confortável do que a maioria. Não obstante, sua mãe também seguiu os mesmos passos: foi parte da Guarda Real durante muitos anos, inclusive chegando a ser guarda do palácio antes de se aposentar. Seu pai também não fica para trás, ainda que seja uma adição mais “recente” à corte, pois veio de uma família simples do interior da França para trabalhar como cozinheiro real.
Sim, seus pais se conheceram em Versailles, durante o trabalho, igual a vários romances por aí. Porém, o resto da história deles não foi nada romântico. Além da diferença de classe entre os Bennett e os Ollivier — que, apesar de serem ambos proletários, ter reconhecimento no exército os colocava um pouco acima na pirâmide social —, a vida trabalhando na corte era caótica demais para ambos sequer cogitarem um relacionamento mais sério. Portanto, a amizade cordial pelo bem-estar e criação de Corinne já era mais do que o suficiente.
Como a única Bennett de sua geração (sua mãe não teve outros filhos, e seus tios também não), ela sentia certo peso em seguir o costume de seu nome, ainda que seus pais nunca tenham exercido qualquer pressão para tal — e se fossem sinceros, até a desincentivariam, pois são bem cientes das dificuldades e riscos da carreira. Entretanto, cresceu aos arredores do palácio e os seus olhos brilhavam sempre que avistava qualquer coisa relacionada à Guarda Real, falando aos quatro ventos, para quem quisesse ouvir, em todos os cantos de Versailles que passava: “quando eu crescer, eu vou ficar de guarda bem aqui!”. Por isso, implorou e insistiu muito na infância para que os genitores a colocassem em aulas de luta e esgrima, mantendo um ótimo condicionamento físico na esperança de se alistar assim que atingisse a maioridade. E assim o fez.
Aqueles que pensam que o nepotismo a beneficiou no exército estão enganados — quer dizer, nem tanto, mas vamos chegar lá ainda; na maior parte das vezes, seu sobrenome parecia tornar tudo ainda mais difícil. Qualquer erro que cometesse era imediatamente comentado pelos superiores com algo como "Tem certeza de que você é neta de Édouard Bennett? Mesmo?", entre outros comentários de desdém e zombamento. Por essa razão, atualmente ela usa somente o sobrenome do pai no registro e finge que nem tem parentesco com Bennett nenhum. Pode causar estranheza? Sim, mas antes não ter um sobrenome “reconhecido” do que viver à sombra de um homem velho que ela nunca conheceu, apenas ouviu falar e olhe lá. (Único arrependimento é de ter magoado um pouco a sua mãe nessa decisão, mas isso daí já são águas passadas. Hoje elas estão de boa.)
Ainda que tenha se alistado na Guarda Real, passou os primeiros anos de sua carreira bem longe de Versailles, morando em Montfleur e assumindo posições oficiais para a corte de lá ao passo que se dedicava gradualmente à sua progressão na carreira. E assim, poucos meses antes do falecimento do Rei Louis, conseguiu a tão sonhada formação na academia militar francesa para subir de patente, saindo de lá com o título de Sous-lieutenant, feito que não passou despercebido para seus superiores.
Quer dizer, ela prefere achar que não foi despercebido, mas apesar de ser inegavelmente esforçada e determinada, a influência da fama da sua família ainda pesa um pouco. Então, quando foi apontada para a Guarda Real de Versailles na semana do anúncio da Seleção, não precisou pensar muito para saber que fora escolhida por ser filha e neta de quem era, ainda que sua patente já a colocasse em destaque no exército. Mesmo que as más línguas comentem, no final, não importa: afinal, nos tempos de crise que passam, é mais seguro ter alguém que já possui um histórico de relações de confiança com a corte.
Estava realizando o grande sonho de sua vida, é claro, só não contava com a surpresa dos detalhes do seu novo trabalho. Guarda Real, sim, só esqueceram de avisar que era uma das guardas pessoais da princesa. Isso, a mesma que vivia dando as escapadas por aí. E a mesma que está no centro das atenções do mundo todo devido à Seleção.
Corinne pode estar — e está — morrendo de nervoso quanto à nova função, mas não vai desistir do desafio, afinal, são poucos que chegam em um cargo de confiança e tão importante quanto o seu. Mas já está antecipando o estresse: seja pela crise, seja pelo risco, seja pelo dever de manter a princesa embaixo de seu nariz o tempo todo quando a Seleção começar, ou seja por tudo isso junto. Mas bem, esse é o preço de realizar um sonho de uma vida toda, não? Além de tudo, ela é uma Bennett. Por mais que negue isso para os outros, e por mais que seu distintivo exiba somente o sobrenome Ollivier junto ao seu ranking, o seu sangue ainda está presente. E ela não é uma pessoa que deixa a tradição para trás.
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hastingsdecadas · 1 year
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Rumors of an impending war had reached young Grayson's ears. She didn't want to worry her parents, and if her sister had been more present, she would have shared her worries with her, but Samantha seemed to be in another world since her grandparents left. Grayson found his attitude a little selfish. She wasn't the only one affected, everyone had suffered a loss! Marigold and Beth were too young, but Samantha should act her age and contribute at home instead of taking advantage of the situation to escape whenever she felt like it.
One morning at breakfast, Grayson couldn't contain himself and brought up the subject. Surprisingly, his family seemed really oblivious to the situation. But how was it possible! His father tried to calm him down. "Rumors are just that, rumors," he said, adding that "you're too young to have these concerns."
However, Grayson left the table feeling that his attempt to communicate his concerns had been in vain. Fortunately, Samantha seemed to finally wake up from her reverie and suggested that Grayson meet with someone who might know better. The choice did not surprise Grayson, since Eddie was the Lieutenant's son, but the looks and gestures shared by both of them did, visible to anyone passing by. How could they be so reckless? Had Samantha not noticed the child she was holding by the hand or did she not care about the consequences?
Eddie confirmed to them that, indeed, the possibility of a war occurring was real. His father had told him about early entry into military school, to begin his service as soon as possible, and from the urgency he seemed to have it was evident that the rumors were closer to being true than to being gossip, as his own father belived.
[Texto original en español]
Los rumores de una posible guerra habían llegado a los oídos del joven Grayson. No quería preocupar a sus padres, y de haber estado más presente, habría compartido sus pensamientos con su hermana, pero esta parecía estar en otro mundo desde la marcha de sus abuelos. A Grayson su actitud le parecía un poco egoista. ¡Ella no era la única afectada, todos habían sufrido una pérdida! Marigold y Beth eran demasiado pequeñas, pero Samantha debería de actuar conforme a su edad y ayudar en casa, y no aprovechar que su padre estaba con la guardia baja para poder escaparse de casa cuando le plazca.
Una mañana durante el desayuno no pudo contenerse y saco el tema. Su familia parecía realmente no saber nada. ¡Pero cómo era posible!. Su padre intentó tranquilizarle. “Los rumores son solo eso, rumores” dijo y añadió “eres demasiado joven para tener estas preocupaciones”. 
Sin embargo, Grayson se levantó de la mesa sintiendo que la conversación había resultado en vano. Por suerte, Samantha pareció haber despertado del sueño en el que se encontraba y propuso a Grayson reunirse con alguien que pudiera tener más información. A Grayson no le pilló de sorpresa que se tratara del hijo del Teniente, pero sí que lo hicieron las miradas y gestos que los dos jóvenes parecían dedicarse en vista de todo el que pasara por allí. No quería creer que su hermana estuviera siendo tan necia como para no pensar con la cabeza, pero las pruebas estaban delante de él. ¿A caso no se había fijado en el chico al que cogía de la mano, o es que no le importaban las consecuencias?
Eddie les confirmo que, en efecto, la posibilidad de que ocurriera una guerra era real. Su padre había hablado con él sobre adelantar su ingreso en la escuela militar, para empezar cuanto antes su servicio, y por la urgencia que parecía tener era evidente que los rumores estaban más cerca de ser ciertos que de tratarse de habladurías, como creía su padre.
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bessamanu1986 · 1 year
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Les muestro un fanart de seis diseños míos de seis personajes de mi AU o fanfic "South Park: The Holy War" 💕🚬🗿
En el fanart aparecen 4 personajes canon y dos OCs: El musico, estudiante de ingeniería y soldado estadounidense Stan Marsh, el intelectual de izquierdas y candidato a Primer Ministro británico Gregory Fields, el ex Embajador de EEUU y actual Primer Ministro golpista del Reino Unido de origen alemán y Anticristo Damien Thorn (alias Damien Heuer-Schäfer), el revolucionario y profesor de Historia francés Christophe DeLorne, Evgeniy Novikov, soldado y Teniente coronel ruso que lucha en la Guerra ruso-ucraniana y Gunther Heuer-Lehmann, el medio hermano de Damien por parte de padre y que es un joven militante progresista considerado una gran promesa politica en Alemania 🇺🇲🇬🇧🇨🇵🇩🇪🇷🇺
I show you a fanart of six designs of mine of six characters from my AU or fanfic "South Park: The Holy War" 💕🚬🗿
In the fanart, 4 canon characters and two OCs appear: The musician, engineering student and American soldier Stan Marsh, the left-wing intellectual and candidate for British Prime Minister Gregory Fields, the former US Ambassador and current coup Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of German origin and Antichrist Damien Thorn (alias Damien Heuer-Schäfer), the French revolutionary and history professor Christophe DeLorne, Evgeniy Novikov, a Russian soldier and Lieutenant Colonel fighting in the Russo-Ukrainian War, and Gunther Heuer-Lehmann, the half-brother of Damien on his father's side and who is a young progressive activist considered a great political promise in Germany 🇺🇲🇬🇧🇨🇵🇩🇪🇷🇺
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lecameleontv · 2 years
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Captures de l’Ep. 1.08 - Le Premier Noël de Jarod (V.O. : Not Even A Mouse) de la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender).
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Réalisation : Thomas J. Wright, qui a - réalisé 44 épisodes de la série NCIS  - retrouvé l’acteur Ryan Merriman dans la série Veritas The Quest (Ep. 1.09 et 1.11). - réalisé 3 épisodes de la série Les Experts. - réalisé 3 épisodes de la série X-Files.
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Distribution : - Tony Plana, qui a joué dans 5 épisodes de la série Desperate Housewives et a retrouvé l’actrice Andrea Parker dans l’Ep. 8.06 qu’il en a réalisé (2011) ainsi que dans l’Ep. 4.06 de la série Less Than Perfect (2002); - Bruce Bohne, qui a retrouvé l’acteur Harve Presnell dans les films Fargo (1996), Julian Po (1997) et Dr Patch (1998); - Kevin E. West, qui a joué dans l’Ep. 1.23 (2005) de la série Desperate Housewives ; - Roberta Bassin, qui a joué dans J. Edgar (2011) et l’Ep. 2.10 de la série Shut Eye (2017)...
Il s’agit du 1er épisode où apparaît Kelsey Mulrooney avant son rôle de Debbie dans la série.
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Jarod découvre les cakes aux fruits de Noel.
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- Lieutenant Guerra : “Ses collègues disent qu'il s'est fait une super bamboula toute la nuit !” - Jarod : "J'ignore qui est cette Bamboula Lieutenant, mais c'est exact."
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- Jarod : (devant le corps sans papier d’identité dans la neige) "Comment savoir qui elle est ?” - Dr. Lizabeth Drake : “Aucune chance, c’est une A.F. Mettez lui une étiquette. Et la prochaine fois ne me dérangez pas pour si peu” (s’en va) - Jarod : "une A.F. ?” - Lieutenant Guerra : “Adolescente Fugueuse. Pas d’identité, pas de témoin.” - Jarod : “ Et sa famille doit être morte d’inquiétude, et se demander où elle est...” - Lieutenant Guerra : “Oui c’est vrai c’est moche. On ne peut prévenir personne, on trouve leur corps, on ne sait même pas quoi en faire... ils ne sont plus qu’un numéro sur un fichier, comme tous les autres...” (s’en va)
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Autres captures : 1 - 
Saison 1 : Épisodes 01 - 03 - 08 - 09 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 22.
source : imdb
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Trailer de la pelicula Mais où est donc passée la 7ème compagnie ? 
Mais où est donc passée la 7ème compagnie? es una comedia bélica francesa dirigida por Robert Lamoureux en 1973. La película sigue las divertidas peripecias de tres soldados franceses durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, quienes intentan evadir la captura por las fuerzas alemanas tras la desaparición de su compañía. Con un tono ligero y humorístico, esta obra se convirtió en un clásico del cine francés. 
 Año: 1973 
Duración: 95 min. 
Director: Robert Lamoureux 
País: Francia 
Reparto Principal: 
Jean Lefebvre ----- Pithivier 
Pierre Mondy ----- Sergent-chef Chaudard 
Aldo Maccione ------ Tassin 
Pierre Tornade ------ Capitaine Dumont 
Erik Colin ------ Lieutenant Duvauchel 
Robert Lamoureux ------ Colonel Blanchet 
Fuente: https://youtu.be/3Ob1XwvGC1A?si=rBGo9Cqvelglju2s 
Sinopsis: https://www.lavanguardia.com/peliculas-series/peliculas/mais-ou-est-donc-passee-la-7eme-compagnie-93289
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oplostcause · 3 months
OLC: Chapter 1 - You Are Here
Pages 50-51
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Read the full comic at lostcausecomic.com.
We update with two pages every Wednesday at 11am ET.
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italianiinguerra · 1 year
Garfagnana 25 aprile 1945, Medal of Honor per Raymond Larry Knight, United States Army Air Corps
Il 25 aprile 1945, giorno dell’insurrezione generale partigiana e uno degli ultimi giorni di guerra nella penisola un giovane e valoroso ufficiale pilota della United States Army Air Corps, il Corpo aeronautico dell’Esercito degli Stati Uniti, perdeva la propria vita combattendo nei cieli d’Italia. Si trattava del First Lieutenant, grado corrispondente a tenente nelle nostre forze armate, Raymond…
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elgatogeek · 4 years
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Películas que creo que pocas personas han visto y que considero deberían ver. (30/∞)
The Ottoman Lieutenant (Entre la guerra y el amor), 2016, dir. Joseph Ruben.
Con Hera Hilmar, Michiel Huisman, Josh Hartnett y Ben Kingsley.
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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Joseph Chatoyer, also known as Satuye, was a Garifuna chief who led a revolt against the British colonial government of Saint Vincent in 1795. Killed that year, he is now considered a national hero of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and also of Belize and Costa Rica.
In 1772, the population rebelled. Led by Chatoyer, the First Carib War forced the British to sign a treaty with them in 1773. This was the first time Britain had been forced to sign an accord with non-white people in the Caribbean since the Maroon treaty of Jamaica in 1739.
By 1795, it became apparent to the local population that Britain had no intention of obeying the treaty. The people of the Caribbean then rose in rebellion and were joined by a group of French radicals, inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, who saw Britain as a traditional enemy of France.
In the Second Carib War, Chatoyer divided the island with his brother Duvalle, who was another chieftain. Duvalle had a Guadeloupean lieutenant by the name of Massoteau. Working his way along the coast, Chatoyer was met by his French supporters at Chateaubelair, and together the forces worked their way to Dorsetshire Hill, from where they would launch their attack on the capital city, Kingstown.
On March 14, a battalion of British soldiers led by General Ralph Abercromby, marched toward Dorsetshire Hill. That night, Chatoyer was killed by Major Alexander Leith. Though the rebellion continued until October 1796 under the leadership of Duvalle, Chatoyer's death led to the desertion of the French supporters and without their aid, the tide of the war turned in favour of the British.
As a national hero of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Chatoyer is recognized with a monument on Dorsetshire Hill, where he died.
Joseph Chatoyer también conocido como Satuye, fue un cacique Garífuna quién dirigió una rebelión en contra del gobierno colonial Británico de San Vicente en el año 1795. Asesinado ese mismo año, actualmente es considerado un héroe nacional en San Vicente, y también en Belice y Costa Rica.
En 1772, la población se rebeló. Dirigida por Chatoyer, la Primera Guerra Caribe obligó a los británicos a firmar un tratado con ellos en 1773. Esta fue la primera vez que Gran Bretaña se vio obligada a firmar un acuerdo con personas no blancas desde el tratado Maroon de Jamaica, firmado en 1739.
En 1795, a la población local se le hizo evidente que Gran Bretaña no tenía intención de obedecer el tratado. Luego, las personas del Caribe se rebelaron y se unieron a un grupo de radicales franceses, inspirados en los ideales de la Revolución Francesa, que veían a Gran Bretaña como un enemigo tradicional de Francia.
En la Segunda Guerra Caribe, Chatoyer dividió la isla con su hermano Duvalle, que era otro cacique. Duvalle tenía un teniente guadalupeño llamado Massoteau. Abriéndose camino a lo largo de la costa, Chatoyer se encontró con sus partidarios franceses en Chateaubelair. Las fuerzas se abrieron camino hasta Dorsetshire Hill, desde donde lanzarían su ataque contra la ciudad capital, Kingstown.
El 14 de marzo, un batallón de soldados británicos dirigido por el general Ralph Abercromby marchó hacia Dorsetshire Hill. Esa noche, Chatoyer fue asesinado por el mayor Alexander Leith.
La rebelión continuó hasta octubre de 1796 bajo el liderazgo de Duvalle. La muerte de Chatoyer provocó la deserción de los partidarios franceses y sin su ayuda, el rumbo de la guerra se volvió a favor de los británicos.
Como héroe nacional de San Vicente y las Granadinas, Chatoyer es reconocido con un monumento ubicado en Dorsetshire Hill, donde murió.
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nxmuzluv · 3 years
mexican empire — trivia
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The empire (that is more formally known as the Second Mexican Empire) was started in 1864 by Emperor Armando, Jacqueline’s great-great-great-great grandfather. He was a lieutenant general within the Mexican army, and after he forced French forces out of Mexico and ordered their surrender, due to his wealth and influence (as he hailed from a Cuban-Mexican old money family), he declared himself emperor of Mexico due to his desire for the Mexican empire’s restoration.
During the reign of Jacqueline’s great-great grandfather—Emperor Gustavo Hernando—a socialist and wannabe dictator named Álvaro Angel Hernandez created an anti-monarchy “party” that wished to abolish the Mexican empire due to seeing the (then current) imperial family as corrupt. The party gained members, notoriety, and infamy throughout Mexico, and Álvaro had even gained some power over Mexico City and its neighboring territories. Álvaro seemingly went mad and randomly decided to storm the palace in an attempt to overthrow Emperor Gustavo. That attempt was unsuccessful, and Álvaro was tried with heavy treason and sentenced to death by hanging. His execution sparked the Guerra del Palacio (the War of the Palace), and the conflict lasted for three and a half years.
With the empire’s power, and with the help of Brazilian, Cuban, and later American troops, the Mexican empire defeated Álvaro’s party and prevented being replaced with an authoritarian, socialist regime. Since then, the War of the Palace has been the only civil war that the imperial family has had to face.
Mexico has one of the wealthiest imperial families in the world, having a net worth of $10.5 billion, and placing them at 5th on the list of wealthiest monarchs in the world. All of that money belongs to the emperor, and it stems from Mexico’s investments in the oil industry and agriculture, their various exports (such as beer, chocolate, chilis, and tomatoes), the support from the Mexican citizens, and from the emperor’s own investments into large scale banks around the world. The $10.5 billion will be split between the emperor’s immediate family (his daughters and his eldest daughter’s three children) upon his death.
Mexico became the first monarchy in the world to implement absolute primogeniture (meaning any child can assume the role of heir apparent to the throne regardless of their gender) in 1914. It was proposed by Emperor Gustavo after the birth of his three daughters after the birth of his eldest son. He was worried about the potential extinction of the dynasty if his son either died or was unable to marry or produce a male heir, and Gustavo’s own lack of another male heir only increased his worries. To ensure that the dynasty would live on, he proposed the idea of absolute primogeniture to the Mexican government.
His proposal was taken into question, as back then, women were seen as “unfit” monarchs and were seen as incapable of ruling a country. However, due to much pushing by the emperor over the course of eight months, by a vote of 71–63, absolute primogeniture was officially adopted in Mexico in regards to the empire’s line of succession. The empire received its first female heir apparent upon the birth of Crown Princess (now Empress) Victoria in 1967.
Since 1873, the empire of Mexico has also been known as the United Empire of Mexico (or the Imperio Unido de México) due to the numerous conquests ordered by Emperor Armando. Countries under the United Empire of Mexico include the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. From 1891 to 1959 (68 years), Cuba was also a part of the United Empire, and monarchs and their consorts held the titles of Emperor and Empress of Cuba.
The Second Mexican empire started off with a rather large amount of wealth, as its founder, Lieutenant General Armando José Enrique Velasco, hailed from a Mexican-Cuban old money family that was worth $16.4 billion ($302.5 billion in today’s money) by Armando’s father’s death in 1867. Upon his father’s death, the money was split between Armando and his brother, with both of them receiving $8.2 billion ($151.2 billion in today’s money). That fortune has been slightly diminished and restored over the years.
The Second Mexican Empire is an absolute, hereditary, and self-proclaimed monarchy. It was originally a semi-constitutional monarchy during Emperor Alphons’ reign, and during Emperor Fernando’s reign, it became a complete constitutional monarchy. The empire only became an absolute monarchy after its restoration. It is a self-proclaimed monarchy due to Emperor Armando declaring himself the emperor of Mexico after defeating the French.
Emperor Alphons—Armando’s eldest son—had the shortest reign of any Mexican monarch ever, as he only reigned for 11 years. He was known to be somewhat sickly from birth, and his sickness worsened later in his life, resulting in his early-ish death. Alphons was also said to be attractive during his youth and was quite the notorious playboy before he met his wife and consort, Josefina Ivette Isabel Correia, Lady Salvaterra, to whom he was distantly related to.
In his youth, Emperor Gustavo had quite the large selection of noble and royal ladies to choose from for marriage (or rather, for his parents to choose from). From that selection, he had wed Princess Helena Dorothea Maria Anna of Greece and Denmark, Viscountess Württemberg, a member of the Greek royal family and of the German noble House of Württemberg. However, they’re relationship was rocky and they seemed more like acquaintances than husband and wife, and just a year later, Gustavo and Princess Helena divorced. However, their marriage did bring the Mexican, Greek, and Danish royal/imperial families closer together, and it solidified their relationship for the next four generations. Princess Helena was never given the title of empress. A few months later, Gustavo married Agustina Natalia Sophia, Baroness of San Luis de la Paz, and the daughter of the Duke of Guanajuato.
Emperor José Manuel established the most international connections for the Mexican empire, ranking just below his son, Fernando. His marriage to Yoo Hyeryun, a middle class Korean native, was one of them, as well as his ally-ship with India, his friendships with the British, Greek, and Spanish royal families, and his push for exports and the offering of support to foreign allies. José Manuel also has the second longest reign of any monarch in Mexico, placing behind his son.
Emperor Fernando became the first Korean-Mexican to ascend to the imperial throne after his father’s death in 1960. He also has the longest reign of any Mexican monarch, and will uphold that title until his daughter can manage to surpass him.
Empress Victoria became Mexico’s first female regent in all its 139-year history, which caused her to also have the most viewed coronation since her father’s in 1960, amassing a total of 81.5 million people in Mexico and 24 million people worldwide. Meaning, a total of 105.5 million people had watched Victoria’s coronation. She also became the second mixed Korean to ascend to the Mexican throne.
Empress Agustina was known for introducing a lot of foreign customs to Mexico during her husband’s reign. She was known for her love of travel and for her interest in other (specifically European) cultures. She introduced the Scottish Lomond waltz to the Mexican imperial court, and had also introduced the concept of debutante balls to the country, as she established Empress Agustina’s Debutante Ball (Baile de Debutante de la Emperatriz Agustina) after attending Queen Charlotte’s Ball in London.
Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa (or Yoo Hyeryun) became the first Korean woman to assume the title of empress (consort) of Mexico upon her husband’s ascension to the throne in 1928. She achieved massive notoriety due to this (and also due to her beauty), and further established positive connections between Mexico and South Korea. She also became known as the first commoner to marry into the imperial family, and became the first commoner to assume the title of empress consort. She is also the longest living empress in the empire’s history, being 102 years old by the events of Trigger Happy Havoc.
There had actually been a empress regent of Mexico prior to Victoria, although she wasn’t officially counted as a reigning empress like Victoria. Her name was Princess Josefina Maria Lupita, and she was Emperor Alphons’ older sister, and Emperor Armando’s first born child. Due to Mexico’s male preference primogeniture at the time, Josefina was misplaced at heir to the throne once her brother was born. She didn’t see it as an issue until she was in her thirties. Just a few months after Alphons was crowned, Josefina secretly mobilized a part of Mexico’s military, and had ordered them to storm her brother’s apartments within Chapultepec Castle
A few dozen were injured during that attempt of a “coup,” and two had died due to their injuries. Alphons originally thought that the attack was ordered by anti-royalists, but he later found out that it was ordered by his own sister. He was quick to declare war on Josefina, who was forced to flee to Costa Rica with the remainder of her troops. The war—which was named the “War of the Chrysanthemum”—lasted for only seven months, before it eventually came to a stalemate due to the intervention of the siblings’ mother. Alphons wanted to keep Josefina in Costa Rica, but was advised not to. After the war, the siblings never even looked at each other again, and Josefina moved out of Chapultepec Castle and into a separate estate
During the war, Josefina had triumphed over her brother for a short period of time (about a month or two) and had become Empress Josefina, and was “ruling” from Costa Rica. However, as she had never had a formal coronation and as she had an incredibly short reign, historians do not count Josefina as a true sovereign, and the title of “first empress regent of Mexico” officially goes to Victoria. Technically, however, it goes to Josefina
Emperor José Manuel’s brother, José Ramón, Jacqueline’s great-great uncle, had married Princess Alexandra-Beatrice of Battenberg, the youngest daughter of Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine, and of Prince Louis of Battenberg. Alexandra-Beatrice—Jacqueline’s great-great aunt—was the great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, making the former queen of the United Kingdom Jacqueline’s great-great-great-great-great grandaunt.
Jacqueline’s great-aunt—Princess Valentina of Spain—is married to Prince Georgios of Greece and Denmark, Jacqueline’s uncle, and her title upon her marriage became Crown Princess Victoria of Greece and Spain. Crown Prince Georgios was formerly King George III of Greece, while Princess Valentina was Queen Valentina of Greece, the country’s first Spanish queen consort. However, Georgios only ruled for two years, and he abdicated the throne in favor of his younger brother, the now King Constantine II of Greece. Due to the marriage between Valentina and Georgios, however, that makes the Mexican imperial family relatives to the Greek royal family.
King Constantine II is Jacqueline’s great-uncle and his wife, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece and Denmark, is her great-aunt. Crown Prince Pavlos is Jacqueline’s second cousin, once removed/uncle, and his wife—Crown Princess Marie-Chantal—is her aunt. Pavlos and Marie-Chantal’s five children are all Jacqueline’s second cousins. Furthermore, that makes Crystal Bienvenu (Jacqueline’s classmate) and her siblings Jacqueline’s third cousins (and they had no idea that they were that closely related).
The Mexican imperial family is incredibly popular among its citizens, and is said to be well loved. They are known to be a very progressive, casual, down-to-earth, and friendly family to the Mexican public, royal watchers, and to foreigners. They are also known for their close relationship despite their large number of members.
Despite their close relationship now, the Mexican imperial family was known as very rigid, somewhat cold, and had a nearly distant family life up until Emperor Gustavo’s marriage to Baroness Agustina Natalia Sophia.
Although the empire was previously abolished in 2003, after society was restored following the events of The Tragedy, Mexico was significantly affected by the world’s societal collapse and by a devastating war between the country and Cuba caused by The Tragedy, and in an overwhelming 125–9 vote, the Mexican empire was restored, the imperial family was allowed back, and Emperor Fernando got his political power restored. However, six months later, he abdicated the throne in favor of his eldest daughter and Jacqueline’s mother, Victoria.
During the holiday season and before Christmas, the imperial family sends out cards with a portrait of the entire family—both the Mexican imperial family and the extended Bourbon-Perez/Spanish royal family—on the front. 1,000 cards are sent out to random households in Mexico and around the world every year, and all of them are personally signed by the emperor and empress. Only 50 cards are signed by other members of the family. This tradition started during the reign of Emperor Alphons in the late 1800s, and had increased in popularity during the reign of Emperor José Manuel.
Christmas portraits of the emperor’s immediate family and individual portraits of members of the imperial family are also released before Christmas, as well.
The children of the family also make Christmas cards, write messages in them, and sign them for the palace staff. The messages usually thank the staff for their hard work throughout the year. Jacqueline is known for tying each of her cards with gold, red, or green ribbons, and she’s known for gifting the staff with homemade cookies, as well.
There is a Christmas tree located in one of the imperial family’s winter residences, and before Christmas, the family makes decorations to hang from the tree, and they also hang home baked cookies—that are mainly baked by Jacqueline—from it, as well. Additionally, the oldest or youngest child gets to place the star/angel on top (it depends on the year).
On Christmas Eve, a formal dinner is held at the family’s winter residence and includes only the family members and their close guests (such as friends and government officials with close connections to the imperial family).
Also on Christmas Eve, the imperial family usually plays soccer/football on the grounds of their winter residence. This tradition was started by Emperor Gustavo in the early 1900s. Currently, Prince Alejandro and Empress Victoria have won the most games. The imperial family also plays Monopoly on Christmas Eve, which was started by Prince Alejandro.
Alejandro and Jacqueline also skate on the pond on the grounds of the family’s winter residence on Christmas Eve, which was turned into an ice skating rink at Emperor Daniel’s request when his children were young. Additionally, the imperial family also plays ice hockey. In regards to that, Jacqueline and her teams have won the most games.
The Mexican imperial family usually attends church service at the Catedral Metropolitana on a Sunday before Christmas. On Christmas Day, they attend church again, no matter what day it is, and that service is a much more public event due to it taking place on Christmas Day. During service, the emperor and empress’s Christmas speeches are broadcasted throughout the country, and tens of millions of Mexican citizens either watch or listen in. After service, the imperial family has a carriage procession through Mexico City, and that night, a final Christmas ball is held. Following the ball, the family usually watches Christmas movies at their winter residence, as well as a late night rerun of the emperor and empress’s Christmas broadcast.
Christmas is one of the imperial family’s favorite holidays, along with Independence Day, Day of the Dead, and Chuseok.
The imperial family combines a lot of Christmas traditions from different countries during the holiday season. Of course, there are mainly Mexican, Spanish, Korean, and British traditions, but there are also German and Scottish traditions mixed in, as well.
Mexico is known for sending numerous equestrians, sailors, surfers, soccer players, and runners to the Olympics, most of which have medaled. Members of the imperial family who have competed in the Olympics include: Emperor Alphons’ second son, who competed in equestrianism and won bronze, Emperor Gustavo’s youngest son, who competed in sailing and placed fourth, Empress Victoria, who competed in equestrianism and tennis and won silver and gold, Princess Luisa, Victoria’s younger sister, who competed in swimming and won gold, Prince Alejandro, Victoria’s eldest son, who competed at both the summer and winter Olympics and won gold in figure skating and gold in equestrianism, Princess Jacqueline, who competed in figure skating and won gold, as well, Princess Isabel, Victoria’s other younger sister, who competed in snowboarding and won bronze, and Princess Catalina Anita, who competed in gymnastics and track and won gold and bronze.
Like the United Kingdom, the Mexican empire has an established social season as well. It starts on February 1st with the state opening of Parliament, and it ends on December 9th with Empress Agustina’s Debutante Ball. In between, events like flower shows, opera performances, sports tournaments, society galas, a dog show, and an imperial derby are held. A five month break also occurs in between July and December. The social season was also introduced by Empress Agustina, but it didn’t become widespread until Emperor José Manuel’s reign.
Mexico is also known for its classic original operas, productions, and various opera singers. The annual opera performance at the Gran Teatro Nacional is one of the most anticipated events during the social season, and it is one of Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa, Emperor Fernando, Empress Catalina-Beatriz, Empress Victoria, and Victoria’s children’s favorite event during the season.
Mexico also has quite the large amount of painters and photographers. Two of the most renowned painters and photographers are Lady Magdalena de la Cerda, a member of the aristocratic la Cerda family and a famous landscape, surrealist, and portrait artist, and Guillermo Hernandez-Mendez, a photographer famous for his landscape shots and creativity. Both of them work for the imperial family, and they usually create the family’s portraits.
Mexico is also known for its incredibly strong military. It’s head is, of course, the current monarch of the empire. Emperor José Manuel had extensive military knowledge and training, which he passed on to his sons, the future Emperor Fernando included. Fernando passed that military knowledge onto his eldest daughter and heir apparent, the future Empress Victoria, who further strengthened Mexico’s military just like her father and grandfather had done.
Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa introduced the Korean holiday of Chuseok and the celebration of doljanchi to the imperial family upon her marriage to Emperor José Manuel. Since Emperor Fernando’s doljanchi in 1937, almost every member of the imperial family has also had one. Unlike other holidays, banquets are not held for Chuseok. Instead, smaller family dinners/potlucks are held in the family’s summer palaces, and they also get the chance to speak to their extended family in Korea.
The family’s main residence—Chapultepec Castle—is lit up with colored lights for various occasions. Some of those occasions include Independence Day, the birthdays of members of the imperial family, the births of members of the imperial family, and coronations. The lighting of Chapultepec Castle was introduced by Empress Catalina-Beatriz and started after the birth of Empress Victoria in 1967, and it has been done ever since.
Other traditions include the public lighting of the Christmas tree in front of Chapultepec Castle, and the ringing of the Catedral Metropolitana bells once an imperial baby has been born and during an imperial wedding.
The title of Prince/Princess of Tijuana is a title given to the heirs to the throne of Mexico. It was created in the early 1900s by Emperor Alphons as an 18th birthday gift for his eldest son, the future Emperor Gustavo. Since then, there have been five Princes of Tijuana and two Princesses of Tijuana. The title of Duke/Duchess of Bourbon-Perez is a title given to the current monarch and their spouse, and it was created by Dowager Empress Consuelo Teresa upon her eldest son’s ascension to the imperial throne. The title of Earl/Countess of Bourbon-Perez was created by Emperor Fernando upon his eldest daughter’s marriage in 1988.
Upon Victoria's ascension to the Mexican throne, Prince Alejandro—Jacqueline’s older brother—became the new crown prince of Mexico, and he also received the titles of Prince of Tijuana (a title given to the heirs to the imperial throne) and Earl of Bourbon-Perez. Jacqueline also moved up a spot in the line of succession, going from fourth to third.
Most of the members of the imperial family have married/have been engaged to people with noble/aristocratic titles. Only five members have not done so, with those being: Emperor José Manuel, who married Yoo Hyeryun, a Korean woman hailing from a middle class family, Crown Prince Alejandro, who got engaged to Vivienne Young, a woman hailing from an old moneyed Peranakan family, Princess Isabel, who married Stephanos Alexander Onasis, a Greek commoner, Prince Maximilliano, Emperor Fernando’s younger brother, who married Bianca Rosalia Rodriguez, a Cuban commoner, and Princess Alejandra of Spain, who married Hernando Enrique Torres, an Ecuadorian commoner hailing from a wealthy oil family.
The Mexican imperial family has a total of 19 residences. They have nine residences in Mexico, and 10 residences in other countries (such as Cuba, the United Kingdom, and Spain).
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
TAGGED BY: @princesssarisa
@giuliettaluce @sunlit-music @superkingofpriderock @amalthea9 @astrangechoiceoffavourites @savagehardyandfreee @lieutenant-hel-odinsdottir @lioness--hart @parxsisburnixg​ @gravedangerahead​ @hmmm-what-am-i-doing​ @ardenrosegarden​ 
Favorite thing about them: Beside the fact that i love the sea and i love mermaids, what is interesting about this character is how she mixes curiosity and sense of wonder and adventure with romantic sensitivity and altruism: she enjoys hearing stories about human beings, going to the surface to see them, she wants to know what it is like to have an immortal soul, she falls in love with a human who may give an immortal soul to her, she becomes a human, then let go of her love and goes to live another journey of self discovery in the sky, as a Daughter of the Air.
Least favorite thing about them: The amount of phisical suffering that the story puts her trough, first in the in universe tradition of putting twelve oisters in her tail to show she is a mermaid of high rank when she becomes 15 years old, then having her tongue cutted out (wich most adaptations change to be a magic potion that takes out her voice) and always feeling she is stepping in swords and bleeding when she walks and dances as a human. I just want to give her a hug and say: “Good Lord, Andersen! Chill!”
Three things i have in common with them:
I am a curious person.
I love hearing stories of distant lands.
I love the sea.
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
I am not a great singer.
I am not a great dancer.
I wouldn’t have the courage of submiting to physical pain in the name of love.
Favorite line:
"Why have not we immortal souls? I would gladly give all the hundreds of years that I have to live, to be a human being only for one day and to have the hope of knowing the happiness of that glorious world above the stars."
"So I shall die,  and as the foam of the sea I shall be driven about, never again to hear the music of the waves orto see the pretty flowers or the red sun? Is there anything I can do to win an immortal soul?"
brOTP: Her father the Sea King, her Five Sisters and her Grandmother
OTP: I ship her with happiness, health and safety while knowing that her hearth belongs to the Prince. And in the Let’s Pretend radio show and the Fairy Tale Theater series adaptations, it is implied that she falls not only for the Prince, but for the Princess who is betrothed to him, and i like that relationship dinamic.
nOTP: Any of her sisters or the Sea Witch.
Random Headcanon: The Fairy Tale Theater series gaved her the name Pearl, and that has become my name for her. Her five older sisters are called:  Shell, Seaweed, Coral, Anemone and Sea Star.
Unpopular Opinion: I enjoy Disney’s Little Mermaid 1989 animated movie as a in name only retelling, instead of an actual adaptation. As such, i think we need to avoid comparing the Andersen fairy tale to the Disney animated movie, because really, they are different beasts that deserve being analyzed in their own therms, one as a masterpiece of literature and the other as a masterpiece of filmaking.
Song i associate with them: 
Canção do Mar (Sea Song), by Dulce Pontes
O Mare e Tu (The Sea and You), by Dulce Pontes and Andrea Bocelli
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Anastassija Archipowa
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These illustrations by Chihiro Iwasaki
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These illustrations by Charles Santore
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These illustrations by Veruschka Guerra
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1968′s Soyuzmultfilm animated short film
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Viktoriya Novikova in a 1976 russian live-action film adaptation
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Pam Dawber in Fairy Tale Theater
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