#life has been hell for me I just needed to calm myself :3
coquitokisses · 14 hours
Heyy! Idk if you ever wrote something like this and if you don’t want to it’s fine but I had been obsessed with this idea of Steve dating a Taylor swift level of famous artist. And like they were keeping their relationship private from everyone until some paparazzi caught them together somewhere and the internet goes crazy with “miss americana and the america's golden boy” (iykyk)
Miss Americana and America's Golden Boy | Steve Rogers
Pairings: Steve Rogers x fem!singer reader
Word count: 568 (kinda short lol)
Summary: Reader and Steve have been dating for a few months now but for obvious reasons, they made the relationship public just yet because of their jobs. But those plans go to hell when some paparazzis get pictures of you and Steve.
A/n: hiii love! First of all, thank you so much for sending this and second, sorry I took so long to answer it, I had no idea how or what to write lmao but I finally took the time to think about something and just do it! I’m still not very convinced, but I think it’s kinda cute so here it is! (hope I was able to bring your idea to life lol <3 )
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« The internet goes crazy after seeing pictures of Y/N Y/L/N with none other than Captain America walking out of a cafe! »
« America’s golden boy, Steve Rogers, spotted leaving a coffee shop in New York with the singer Y/N Y/L/N yesterday morning. »
« Captain America is no longer single and neither is our beloved Y/N Y/L/N! Both have been spotted walking out of a coffee shop in New York holding hands! »
“You’re fucking joking.” You stared at your phone shocked, you just wanted to scream
“You need to calm down.” Steve said
“Calm down?!” You turned to look at him “We’re everywhere! Everyone is talking about us!”
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Are you aware of this? We’re two very recognized persons, do you know what people are gonna be saying?” You sat on the bed feeling very overwhelmed
Now on every event and everywhere you go the questions that everyone’s gonna be asking are about your relationship with Mr. Captain America.
“You have a lot of fans, they’re just gonna hate me.” You sighed
“Says the girl who’s been in the eye of fame for a decade.” He tilted his head slightly “If they’re gonna hate someone, is probably gonna be me.”
“Are you kidding? You’re America’s hero! Everybody loves you, babe.”
“And you’re one of the most listened and talented artists in the world, people love you too.” He said sitting next to you “And besides, I think it was time to tell the world, everyone at the compound was starting to get suspicious.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little because you knew that it was true, he has told you millions of times how Bucky or Natasha, even Tony, were questioning him about where he was at or why he always sneaked out and came back late at night.
“Yeah, it was probably time.” You looked at him and he just gave you a sweet little smile that made you feel a little better
You really couldn’t believe that you were dating the Captain America, it was absolutely crazy to even think about it. And he also couldn’t believe that he was dating you. One of the most recognized singers in the whole world.
You met at one of Tony’s parties about a year ago and you had such a blast that night that you exchanged numbers and started talking. Obviously you both wanted to keep the relationship private because of your jobs. Of course you were planning on making it public, but just, not now and not like this.
“It’s just that it was nice to have you all to myself.” You say with a shrug
He smiled. “You still have me all to yourself.”
“But now the world knows and it’s not gonna be the same.” You pouted
“Yeah, I know, honey.” He put your hair behind your ear
“Are you sure you still want to date a singer? The fans can be a little crazy about who I date.. sorry about that.”
He chuckled. “Yes, I’m very sure.” He nodded
“Ready to start answering questions about us everywhere you go?”
“Are you?” He cocked an eyebrow at you
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m so ready to brag about being Mr. America’s girlfriend.” You replied and he smiled
“So let’s do this, miss America.” He grabbed your hand and deposited a soft kiss on it
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a rant about my favorite mgs character :D
I don't care that I write him too often out of character, I don't give a single fuck about it. He deserves it. I don't care that he is a smartass that manipulates people, in my eyes he will always be a hoe that likes to annoy people that have a better life than him. His personality sucks ass and he deserved everything bad that happened to him.
Forever in my heart there will be a special place for my hate for this motherfucker. I despice him, I want him pulverized into dust. Im glad he died. Im glad he never had parental love. Im glad that Big Boss doesn't want to fuck him. He's a stereotypical middle-aged white woman. He looks like he eats avocado on toast and calls women he dislikes whores when he goes around with a thong up his wrinkled ass. Like there are some characters that I like that are like this but at least they wear it better than this dude here. He was slightly bearable in snake eater but he had such a downfall from then on.
He's ugly as fuck too, like he looked like he was thrown off the stairs when he came out of his mother's coochie. He aged like fucking ricotta and people can simp over him?? He has a terrible sense of fashion and he even MEOWS!? He probably purs during sex. He's an absolute slut too. I mean, Im against slut shaming but this bitch deserves to be shamed about everything istg. He's a dick rider in every sense of the term.
It's not that I hate him for what he did, I just can't stand his general vibe, like he gets on my nerves. I want to beat the living shit out of him like he deserved. He didn't deserve to be present in every mainline game and don't get me STARTED on my absolute RAGE over that shitty choice of creating LIQUID OCELOT. Like Kojima could have left my bbg Liquid to be dead and move on with the series, but NOOOO! He made him be violated by this HARLOT that stole his arm and pretended to be him. LIKE BITCH YOU WISHED YOU WERE THE OG CUNT, DIDN'T YOUI!?
I never hated someone more than him. Not even a real person. And he did absolutely nothing to make me so angry about him, he just breathed. I don't care if his apologists are gonna come at me I FUCKING HATE REVOLVER (SHASHALASKA OR WHATEVER HIS MIDDLE NAME IS IDK) OCELOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The itch
An: so I’ve never written for TUA, I think, I haven’t written anything in like a long time cause my brain is made of worms most days, but the new season and mostly five in his new attitude? Personality? His almost soft tired of it all way, gives me the feelings. As a 28 year old women it’s odd that a 68 year old trapped in a 18 year old body works for me like it does but hey, I’ve liked weirder (cough I was in the Hamilton fandom cough) so enjoy this sort of bonding with Lila over the new mundane life and the exhausting reality of having to live it, because I love Lila and hate what they did to her and fives characters with the whole 7 year time line romance. Like why make her a mum of 3 and married to Fives brother just to ruin it like that. But anyway enjoy this weird fic.
Readers power: molecular manipulation, think piper from charmed, overhaul from my hero, uhhh it’s hard to explain but basically it means you can make things explode, freeze people and things by fucking with the molecular structure of said thing.
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You wanted to scream, to smash things, to burn yours and fives apartment down, it had been six years of calm, six years of learning to enjoy ‘normal’. Six years of working at dead end jobs because you didn’t pass the god damn psych evaluation for the CIA, somehow you are far more ‘unhinged’ than your husband.
You and five spent 30 years together, a decade in an apocalyptic wasteland when you ended up teleported there by mistake, and then 20 years at the commission becoming trained and ruthless assassins. Now, now Five worked doing CIA investigations and you got stuck working at a grocery store gas station. It was calm, it was normal, it was absolute hell on earth and made your skin itch.
So sitting in the parking lot of the play place for your nieces 6th birthday, you didn’t know why you couldn’t make yourself leave your car, five was already here, he had texted you as much, everyone else minus Viktor who was in Canada, and Allison who hasn’t shown her face irl to any of her siblings in the 6 years, you just needed to get out of the car and walk in with the gift you signed from both you and five for Gracie. It was a set of toy weapons, knives like her dads old ones, and a few other random ‘play pretend’ things.
Closing your eyes you leaned your head back against the head rest, taking a deep breath. Almost hitting the gas when the passenger side door opened and slammed closed. Turning eyes wide you saw Lila, the exhausted mothers face blank staring forward
“I just needed a minute, just needed” you nodded
“Take all the minutes you need. I assume it’s like pulling teeth in there with Diego?” Lila nodded sighing loudly
“Fives the same way, just on other stuff, like deciding if he wants to go out to dinner or stay in and order pizza, or if he needs new underwear because the ones he has have so many holes in surprised they still count as underwear, or just simple things like the dishes, like how hard is it to wash a cup, it shouldn’t be as hard as it is, how hard is it to just tell me when you need a quiet night cause work was stressful, and you are exhausted from stupid people all day, i work retail, he acts like I don’t understand being tired of idiots…I just…” you paused looking back out the windshield
“It’s like your skin is on fire and nothing stops the itch of being a once highly skilled assassin who could fuck with peoples molecules and freeze them in time or make them explode?” You nodded looking at her
“I find myself flicking my hands out and remembering I can’t just blow up or freeze people anymore, it’s like an itch and anytime I explain it to five he just…”
“Doesn’t listen? Or doesn’t understand that you are used to how your life was and now that it’s different, it’s not bad but it’s eye burning mundane clock ticking by slower then ever reality?”
Nodding you sighed
“Diego, he wants to listen, he just, from what five always told me he had a hard time understanding others because his brain is just, frazzled and he feels inadequate, how they grew up I guess shaped them in every timeline. Five is just used to being alone he was alone for 30 years before we met, then I popped up and it’s just. I don’t think he gets that sometimes I just need him to..”
“Let you Help with the itching”
You nodded smiling at her
“He just, it’s been a lot, and we haven’t quite got the ‘normal life’ down just yet.” Lila nodded
“It’s not easy in normal marriage land either, 3 kids and a chunky husband who, doesn’t make it easier is….”
“Not helping the itching. Well how about me and you, when the itch gets too bad, we help each other? Maybe find a way to do something, go to a rage room? Do a fighting class something to feel the….rush? Of what we did before. Have Klaus or someone babysit the kids, be me and you and just….”
“Fighting each other like the before days?” You laughed nodding
“Yeah…I miss getting to kick your ass and having you kick mine…”
Lila laughed looking around
“We could start a fight club, you, me, Ben when he gets out of prison. Just….maybe we’ll get used to normal eventually….” You frowned nodding
“You know if you ever need anything, help with the kids, a friend to vent to when Diego is being Diego…I’m not to far from your guys place. I can always swing by, let the munchkin tornados beat up on auntie Y/N.” You smiled at her for all the mess you and her had been in against each other, she had become one of your closest friends and family members through it all.
Soon enough you finally made your way into the building, the screams of children everywhere, the smell of sugar and something faintly child everywhere. You spotted five by the ball pit, speaking with Ben, walking over you hugged five from behind sighing as you rested your forehead against his back
“Hello, love.” You squeezed him in response before looking up and over to Ben
“Ahh Benjamin, free from jail, good to see you didn’t die, love that you still look like you want to murder us all” Ben didn’t laugh, just glared at you before sighing
“Not in the snark mood got it.” You felt five squeeze your arm a bit pulling away from you, making you groan
Turning to fully look at you, he looked you over smiling softly
“How was work?” You looked at him blinking slowly before sighing and planting your forehead on his chest, groaning
“Ahh I see” his hand rubbed your back softly, his other lifting the beer to his lips.
“People are stupid. How hard is it to put a gas nozzle in a car….”
“Apparently impossible if what you tell me says anything” you looked at him nodding before turning to look around
“10 bucks says Diego forgets to put up the piñata like Lila asked him” five laughed slightly
“Nah 20 says Lila has a mental breakdown before cake is served” you looked over to where Lila stood with Gracie helping the young girl fix her party hat,
“Nah I think she has a breakdown after presents when she sees what we got Gracie” five laughed looking down at you, brushing the stray hair from your face, smiling at him you sighed softly again,
it seemed even if you wanted to rip your hair out from the new ‘normal’ reality you all had to live in, even if your skin itched from the need to return back to what life was before somehow, it was nice that you still had small moments, where normal wasn’t so bad, normal birthday parties for your nieces and nephews, seemingly normal holidays, and normal, non murder happy work. As much as you loathed admitting it, sometimes it was nice. Like now, now was nice.
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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huh-i-guess · 2 years
The Consequences of an Action
(Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader x Captain John Price)
Summary: You disobey Ghost which pushes him and Price to their breaking points. They show you how they really feel about the matter in a training session and the locker room.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, daddy kink, sir kink (?), threesome, mean Ghost, mild violence (they spar), power imbalance (?), hella pet names, unprotected sex (wrap da ting before you tap da ting), also unedited sooo yeah that's a warning in itself
Word count: ~5.8k
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I don't not own MW2, the characters, or the gifs above. 
Author’s note: Imma keep it a buck with y’all and say that this took me 3 days to write and I was horny the entire time. This is completely unhinged and self indulgent. Also the reader has a code name which is pepper, kinda a brat too. This is. Filth. I was giggling and kicking my feet the entire time writing it. I hope y’all enjoy reading *insert wet sloppy kiss to the cheek* also please do not repost this. I have only posted this on wattpad and here. 
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“What the fuck was that?!” Ghost belted at you as you and 141 barged into the debrief room. Ghost had been fuming after he made a call out in the field that you blatantly ignored in hopes of fleeing a tight situation that involved you, Soap, and a decent number of cartel members. 
“I SAVED JOHNNY’S LIFE.” You barked.
“Soap, Gaz, please back me up, you know that call was shit and-”
“Pep, you could have really gotten hurt. Lt’s right on this”, Gaz reluctantly answered, avoiding your gaze. 
“I KNOW I BLOODY AM.” You could feel the heat blooming off of Ghost as he stomped behind you. He’s a fucking furnace, you thought.
“You weren't even out there with us. We were surrounded and backed into a corner” You pushed at Simon trying to validate your reasoning to the group as you attempted to make eye contact with Soap, hoping he would back you up. 
“I dont give a damn y/n-” Ghost pressed as Price burst into the room. 
“OYE. Everyone out. We’ll have a proper debrief at 0900 hours. Ghost, Pepper, where you are.” Your anger calmed slightly when Price came in but the leftover adrenaline from the mission shifted into something that made you clench your thighs at the sight of your Captain. Price? Nope, let's not think about him in that way even though he walks into a room and commands everything in his wake but back to getting reprimanded by these large men.   
A grumble of “yes captains” filled the room as the rest of 141 exited the room Alejandro included.
“Pepper. What the hell were you thinking?” Price probed with a hint of concern in his voice as his eyes softened. 
“She wasn't sir.”
“I can speak for myself, Simon.” You whipped at the massive shadow placed next to you. 
“Knock it off. I saw what you did. Honestly, I understand the thought process, barely, but you were watching out for Soap.,” he paused with a sigh, “ Listen, you are a valuable member of this team. I picked you out myself but I didn’t choose you for your sense of heroism. I chose you because you’re a clean marksman, undeniable in hand to hand and a laundry list of other things. Simon made that call because he was watching your back, just like you were for soap. You need to trust each other and knock off this… animosity or whatever you two have going on.”  You tossed a glare next to you at Ghost. His eyes already bore into yours. They had an unrecognizable flicker in them that made you want to slap him across the face. 
“I understand that you two just got back from the field but drop your gear off at your rooms and make your way to the training room. Now.” There were not a lot of men that you enjoyed taking commands from but something about Price had you weirdly… obedient. You and Ghost passed an angry glare at each other then turned your attention to Price. Nodding a firm Yessir before rushing to your rooms. 
Price was right about Simon wanting to help but he's always so cold to you and quick to invalidate you. Why is he always so quick to challenge you? Yeah you might’ve been wrong but he always has a problem with something you do and why is Price just now bringing it up? You two have been bickering like this for months now. You drop your things off at your room and quickly wash up. You put on some training clothes and snatched your hair out of that dreadful military bun and let your (hair type) breath for just a moment knowing that it’ll have to put it back into a pony when you fuck up Ghost. 
Price and Ghost are conversing when you arrive at the empty training room, stopping their conversation upon your entrance. They both eye you with something deep in their eyes but you quickly chalk it off as irritation or frustration. You make your way over to the bench next to Price and take a seat. “Simon, have a sit down.” Ghost hesitantly sits next to you on the small bench forcing his thighs to touch yours as you give him a dirty look. “Welcome to couples therapy. I don't care what happens in this room when I am done speaking but know that I will be observing the two of you. Anything that happens in here, stays in here and will be off the books and the record as long as no one is injured.”
“I won't be making any promises Price.”
“Simon, (y/n) it's been 9 months now. I thought you lot would have figured it out by now but clearly not. I’m gonna sit here and let you two do whatever you want. Do NOT kill each other.” Price orders as he leans back against the wall. 
“Get up.” Simon demands as he makes his way to the mat in the middle of the room.
“Stop giving me orders” 
“I won't ask again. I will not hesitate to throw you into this ring.” 
“Fuck you.” You ponder upon the idea of being tossed over Simon’s shoulder and popped on the ass but the thought is ripped from your mind as Price clears his throat. You make your way into the ring as you hear a snarky hmph from Ghost. You peer up at him and your attitude mildly flatters as you take in his size. You knew he was a big man but holy shit. You've only stolen glances of his body but never really gotten to look at him this in depth. The dingy light of the training room makes him look even more intimidating. He has on a tight short sleeve compression shirt that squeezes his body in just the right way with a pair of deep grey sweatpants that cling to his thighs deliciously and a plain black balaclava on his face. His 6’4 frame towers over you and you fight to compose yourself. You look over to Price and throw a “Is this really necessary?” over his way before you feel yourself swept off your feet. You tumble backwards and feel 250 lbs landing on you. “WHAT THE FUCK RILEY! I WASN'T READY YOU DICKHEAD”  You cry out. 
“You stepped into the ring, that meant you were ready princess.” You struggle to slip your left arm and leg under his body in an attempt to roll him off you but you are met with massive resistance seeing that he weighs that of a small bear. “Fuck off of me Simon.” You spit venomously while pressed under him.
“There is no way you are tapping that easily. We just started Pep. Come on, show me why you are so mad at me.” He taunts. You wrap your leg across his back and throw all of your weight up and over and take him with you. He grunts as you flip positions and land in his lap. You roll backwards and off of him in an attempt to put some distance between the two of you and once you are on your feet, he is charging at you again. This time you are ready as he leans at you with his left fist, you duck to your left and reach up to punch his sternum. He might be much larger than you but your size allows for more agility and speed. He groans and furrows his brow as he stumbles backward, surprised that you landed a hit on him. 
“You big oaf.” You hear Price chuckle in the background. You run at him and kick the side of his thigh hearing him hiss at the contact, ready to land another blow to his ribs you jump up and knee his stomach. He blocks the knee and shoves you backward. He comes at you quickly and hits you in your stomach. The two of you exchange more hits until you land a hit on his side before he literally picks you up by your waist and throws you over his shoulder. You hit his back with your hands as he carries you like you weigh nothing. “Simon! NOT FAIR! PUT ME DOWN” You look over at Price who is leaning forward on his bench with a cigar lit and a smirk on his face. 
“You are such a whiny little brat” Simon says as he smacks your ass. You stiffen up on his shoulder and curse out another fuck you as you feel your face heating up. He puts you down and lets out a hearty chuckle as you try to regain a sense of dominance and self control. Did you enjoy that… 
“Price? He’s not allowed to do that, right?” 
“Pep, I'm just here to observe love. Make him pay for it.” He shrugs and readjusts in his seat. You look over to Ghost who you can tell is grinning like a Cheshire cat under his mask. You charge at him again breathing heavily and shove all of your weight towards him to knock him off balance, he stumbles but doesn't fall. The two of you land more punches and somehow end up on the ground. You have him in a variation of a chokehold where his arms are above his head and your legs are wrapped around his waist. You apply pressure in an attempt to get him to yield but he somehow overpowers you and you end up under him again. This time you are face down and he has your arms locked behind your back as he presses his hips into you. You writhe underneath him in an attempt to free yourself but you basically end up grinding against his crotch. He lets out a small moan and implores you to yield. Your head is turned toward Price and you see him widen his legs in his seat as he looks at you and Ghost. His eyes are half lidded and you feel the need to prove yourself to him. “Yield Pepper.” 
“Fuck youuuu.” He presses his hips further into your ass and you both let out a groan. He reaches forward and wraps an arm around your front to grab your neck. His thick fingers make their way around your throat and he squeezes. 
“Yield.” He growls. Your head starts feeling light and you whimper out a small, breathy “fuck you.” 
He whispers in your ear “ You keep saying that and I might just have to. You’d like that. Wouldn’t you? You’d love being fucked out on this mat with Price watching” You feel your heart rate spike as his words go straight to the place between your legs and you let out a lightheaded moan unable to stop yourself.  
You bite your lip and let out a weak “Simonnn” and he releases you with a pleased huff. You gasp for air and roll onto your back. He is still hovering above you as you meet his eyes. You stare deeply into his eyes as you finally place what that tense look meant. Ghost wants to fuck you. You look down at his crotch and notice a prominent tent formed in his pants. You look over to Price who is watching the interaction like a hawk . “You doing okay Princess?” You nod your head slowly at Price. You feel your skin drenched in sweat as you bite your lip. “You look a bit breathless, love.” 
Your head is cloudy with thoughts. Price watching you so intently knowing exactly what is conspiring between you and Ghost and the feeling of Simon’s cock pressed against you. You feel so dizzy. “Come on y/n, be a good girl and fight me or are you all talk? You run that pretty little mouth but don't wanna back it up.” You snap out of that space and get ready to fight again. Price puts out his cigar and makes his way over to the ring. 
“Princess. Where’s your head? Where’s all that cockiness? You gonna let him say those things to you. You gonna let him toss you around like that? You wouldn’t take that from me would you? Hm?” 
“Price. You aren’t helping.” You whine as your mind conjures an image of the two of them taking you in the center of the ring. Your face flushes and your legs tremble a bit. The two of these men are gonna be the death of you.
“One more pin and this tension is squashed between you two. No more fighting between mummy and daddy.” Price states as he crosses his arms and stands to the side of the ring. 
“Yes sir” you mutter under your breath as you make your way to your feet. You put your hands up into a fighting position and glare at Ghost, who hasn't taken his eyes off you. You steady your breath and Ghost charges at you, attempting to sweep your feet out from under you. You quickly jump up avoiding his attack and you swiftly turn to shove his back. He stumbles forward before whipping around with a fire in his eyes. 
“There we go Angel, that’s more like it.” Price chimes in, shooting a smirk your way. His praise sends shivers down your spine and makes you more determined to beat Simon. You look back at Ghost before quickly darting towards him, this time you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist and positioned yourself on his back. You throw your body backward and send the both of you tumbling to the ground. You make contact first and let out a small Oof as he lands on top of you. Your arms wrap around his neck making sure to extend his arms up and out of the way so that you can begin to apply pressure. Ghost sends an elbow into your side which makes your grip falter slightly but you are determined to beat him. You slowly feel the air leaving his body as he takes a knee trying to turn you two over to gain the upper hand. You slide your legs from his waist to his groin and try your best to keep his legs extended. You feel your leg brush his groin as you pin him. A small whimper slipped from his lips and you squeezed harder.
“Yield.” You order him, knowing that the blood flow to his brain is ceasing. 
“Come on. Fight me like you mean it.” He struggled out as he kept trying to overturn you. “Yield Simon.” You squeeze tighter listening to his breaths deepen in the Nelson hold.
“No.” He grunts out.
“Yield and I’ll let you fuck me.” You purr into his ear. You hear a short skip in his breath as you feel his hand reach to tap your wrist. You relax your body as you release him. He gasps for air as you roll out from under him and make your way to your feet. You stand above him and peer over him, examining him. The layer of sweat that covered his body made him look even more exquisite. He looked up at you with half lidded eyes, full of lust and made his way to his knees in front of you, all while catching his breath. His toned arm reached up to readjust his mask on his face and your eyes dropped much lower. The tent in his pants somehow grew larger than before as a small gasp left your mouth. “You are a horny bastard Simon.” You playfully quipped at him and he chuckled. 
“Only when I spar with a woman such as yourself. Feisty little Pepper.” You could hear the smirk in his voice as he continued to look at you through those blonde lashes of his. Price’s booming voice erupted from the side of the ring, ripping your eyes from Simon. “Good girl then y/n. The tension better be squashed. Go get yourselves cleaned up.” Breathy yessirs,  left your lips as you helped Ghost up and turned to make your way to the showers. You felt two pairs of eyes on you as you made your way to the locker room. 
You found your locker and began to strip yourself of your soaked clothes. Just as you were about to take your panties off when you felt a pressure at your hips. “I’d like to take you up on that offer of yours.” That gruff voice soaked your panties even further. You looked up at the giant towering over you and let out a small whimper. “On your knees Pepper.”
“Yessir.” You slowly got on your knees before the man. He loosened the band on his sweats and lifted your chin to look him in the eyes. “Fucking beautiful. God you run your mouth so much and I’m about to stuff it with my cock.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, “If you don't want this, you tell me right now.”  You looked at him and reached up to palm his hard cock. “I want it. I want you.” He groaned and slipped his sweats down his muscular legs along with his underwear. If you were wet before, now you are drenched at the sight of his cock. “You made me so damn hard. God it hurts being this hard you little minx.” You eyed the rosy tip that was leaking with pre-cum and put your lips to it. You gave it an uncharacteristically demure kiss making sure to keep your eyes on Simon’s. “Fuck me.” He pushed out as his cock twitched. You let out a slight giggle and grabbed the base of him. God this man was thick and so veiny. Your pussy clenched at the thought of him pulsing in and out of you. You licked the seam right under the head of his cock before opening your mouth and sinking down on to him. “Fucking hell,” was all that could be heard from above you as he threw his head back. Your nose hit the base of him and was engulfed in his trimmed light brown hairs. He smelled of sandalwood and had a natural musk that somehow drew you in closer. You worked his cock in and out of your mouth like it was the last thing you’d ever do. You used your hand to play with his balls just a bit when you came back up for air. A trail of spit kept you and his cock connected as you gave him a look that had his knees buckling. 
You heard a light tap as footsteps began to approach the two of you. This man has been the bane of your existence for months. You'd be damned if you stopped touching him because of someone else. Your eyes flicker over to the door way and your gaze zeroed in on Price as he leaned on the door frame with a smug look on his face. Delayed from the feeling of ecstasy, Simon looked over at Price and barely made a move to remove himself from your touch “John.” He said faintly. “Now this is how you release tension. Do not stop on my account.” Price chuckled. A slight red tint found itself on his cheeks as he felt himself grow hard in his trousers. Ghost looked down from above you and asked if it was okay for him to be here. You let out a soft mhm and shamelessly placed him back into your mouth. Both men groaned in response. You applied a light suckling pressure to the head of Simon’s cock and twisted your spit covered hands up and down on his shaft.  You sat back onto your heel and began rocking your clothed cunt on it in order to release some of the pressure building inside of you. He felt his balls tighten up and whimper at the feeling of your mouth leaving his cock. You ran your palm over his tip in replacement of your mouth and jerked his shaft in order to catch a breath. His moans grew louder and he snapped back into reality. 
“Fuck meeeee, that’s gonna make me cum.” he said as he snapped his hips away from you.
“Simon, can I kiss you? Please” you inquired. 
“Fuck yes,” he sighed as he snatched you onto your feet. His mask shot up to the tip of his nose and you caught sight of his pretty pink lips. You shoved your bodies together and your lips met in an instant. He tasted like mint, breakfast tea, and a faint bit of tobacco. He was intoxicating. Your tongue slipped into his mouth as you gained control over your situation and he breathed out a quiet “do you always have to fight with me?” you chuckled against his mouth. 
“Yes” you remembered that you had company and looked over at your captain whose eyes were half lidded but his pupils were blown to hell. “Price,” You mewled, “Come over here please.” A gruff fuck yes left his mouth as he stalked toward you. His eyes read your body and he felt himself feeling nothing but want. You grabbed the back of his head and brought his lips to yours, laughing a bit as his beard tickled your face. 
“Princess, you are a problem.” He huffed, “You don't listen to Ghost and you tease me endlessly. Simon, what should we do with her?” You covered your chest a bit feeling exposed seeing that both men still had the majority of their clothes on. Ever observant they told you to drop your hands and undo Price’s belt. You slipped your hand down his body and were mildly surprised when you felt just how muscular this man was. You flinched slightly then let out a soft sigh as Ghost reached around and slipped his fingers into the waistband of your panties. He cupped your sex and let out a groan that came deep from his chest as he felt your wetness. 
“John. Good god, she's soaked so nicely.” 
“I don't doubt it Lt.” Ghost’s fingers slipped through your folds as you felt Price’s stiff cock jump in your hand. “Mhmmmm fuck.” You moaned at the overflow of feelings. Price’s cock in your hand, Ghost’s cock pressed to your ass with his thumb rubbing your clit. You felt like you were in heaven. “On the bench.” Price commanded and you were more than happy to oblige. Both men sat on the sides of you. Simon knelt in front of you while you leaned over ready to put your mouth onto Price’s member. He stopped you and looked you in the eyes, “If it is too much you'll tell us right?” Before your brain could even stop your mouth you slipped out a “ Yes Daddy.” His hips bucked into the air and his piercing blue eyes darkened till his iris were just a sliver of blue. He yanked your upper half toward him and latched your lips onto his. You groaned at the taste of him. Your breath was caught in your throat when you felt a pair of lips pressing to your inner thighs. A small “Simon” slipped from your mouth as he made his way toward your center. He slipped your panties down your legs and you shivered feeling his hands trace down your legs. He opened your legs and stared at your pussy. 
“So fucking perfect”, as he parted your petals. He dragged his finger through your folds spreading your wetness around as you clenched on nothing. “Can I have a taste, Angel?” he looked up at you with the blackest eyes you’d ever seen. You murmured against Price’s mouth before he pulled away from your lips and said “He asked you a question darling, I suggest you give him an answer.”
“Yes, please!” you damn near shouted.
“Good girl,” the men said in unison. Ghost leaned forward and licked a stripe up your pussy. The motion sent a rush of warmth throughout your body and you threw your head back, leaning on Price. 
“Baby he’s barely touched you.” 
“You’re being mean daddy.” you said as you leaned down to his lap and took his cock into your mouth. He let a long, almost pained groan fall from his lips. Ghost’s tongue massaged your clit and you let out a filthy moan on your Captain’s Cock. God there were so many filthy sounds. Simon lapping at you dripping pussy, you gagging on Price’s dick and the moans were far from scarce from each one of you. 
“I want you to cum on my tongue before I fuck you and this perfect little cunt of yours.” Simon growled from between your legs. He shoved two fingers into your pussy and quickly found that extra spongy spot inside of you and your body shook. 
“Simon, I think you found her little sweet spot.” Price laughed. The only thing you could do was whine out a lengthy “Pleaseeeeee” that would have embarrassed you if you hadn’t basically been cock drunk. “What do you want, baby? Hmm?” Price hummed at you, making you look into his eyes. Your brain functioning its lowest and most primal setting and your pussy having executive control of your body, you struggle out at small please. You begged them to let you cum. 
“I wanna cum on his fingers daddy”. 
Price’s head dropped back again then looked between your legs, noting just how good Simon was making you feel. 
“Fucking hell.” Simon reached his other hand down between his own legs and began jerking himself off needing to feel something other than thrusting into the air. He added a third finger into you and sucked your clit. Within a few pumps and curls of his fingers your body was tensing up, your pussy was clenching around his fingers and you struggled to find your breath as the only thing that came from you mouth was a series of jumbled and partial “fucks” and “I- s” and “yeses”. Simon slipped out a whimper at how tight you were clenching around his fingers. Both men were entranced by the sight of you cumming and honestly had to keep themselves from doing the same. You came down and caught your breath. 
“Honey, hey baby, you think you can give us another one?” Price asked as he pinched your cheeks together making your lips purse. You nodded your head in your fucked out state. You’d do anything he’d ask you to at the moment.
“Words Angel.” Simon chimed. 
“Yes sir. Yes Daddy. I can give you another one.” What the hell have these men done to you? Begging and pleading with them. 
“Thats a good girl. Where do you want us baby” Simon rubbed your knee. 
“Simon in the back and John in the front.” The men assumed their positions. You got on your hands and knees on the bench. Price placed himself at your mouth and Simon positioned himself at your pussy. 
“You’re so good like this y/n. You follow directions and you don't talk back to me. If you wanted the two of us to fuck you like this you could have asked a while ago and saved us some trouble.” Simon said as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down your slit applying a little more pressure at your clit. 
“Oh but that's half of the fun Simon.” You keened. You looked up at John and he was already fisting that gorgeous cock of his. 
“Naughty little thing. Are you ready for us?” 
“Yes Daddy.” And with that Simon shoved his perfect cock into your pussy. Your mouth opened to let out a moan but was then stuffed with Price’s cock. You lightly gagged at the intrusion but quickly went to work on his cock. Simon gave you a second to adjust to his size and only began to thrust as you shoved your ass back onto him. 
“What a fucking sight to see.” Simon declared only to be met with a groan from Price. You’ve never felt so full before in your life. Simon's thrusts started off almost painstakingly slow but incredibly deep.You could feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. You gasped and took your mouth off of Price’s dick, “Sooo deep. Oh my god.” Your voice doesn’t even sound like you at the pitch you just hit. Simon speeds up his thrusts watching the way his cock slides in and out of you. You slip your lips back around Price and try to contain your moans. You suckle on his tip and twirl your tongue around him. “Fuck look at me baby girl. I wanna see how Simon’s cock makes you feel.” You lock your eyes on Price’s and moan around him. You feel a bit bold and decide to take him all the way in your mouth until his tip hits your throat. “Fuck meee” Price said as he broke eye contact and threw his head back with a groan. Simon angled his hips upward which caused you to gag a bit on Price. “Filthy, bratty, little girl. Letting us fuck your holes like this.” The filthiness of his words and tone of his voice sent a pulse throughout your body causing you to clench around him. His hips stilled a bit and he took a deep breath to compose himself. He locked eyes with Price and let out a groan. Seeming to be in sync, the two men began to shift positions. Price laid back onto the bench and Simon moved next to him. 
“I want you to ride me Angel.” Price confessed. You nodded your head and crawled to him like a lioness hunting her prey. You set your hips down above his cock and leaned down to kiss his lips. You shifted your hips back and made contact with his cock. You slowly started to grind on him, feeling just how excited he was. You reached back and lined him up with your pussy, just teasing the tip on your entrance. “Stop teasing my honey.” You did as he said and sank down onto his cock. Your lips recaptured his in an attempt to swallow his moans. You felt your hair being pulled as Simon lifted you from Price’s mouth and placed his lips upon yours. “Jealous old mate?” Price chuckled from under you. Choosing to ignore his comment, Simon brought your hand down to his cock and you got the message. You started rocking back and forth on Price and pulled away from Simon to drop your head back. “Soooo good.” You looked upward and felt your eyes rolling backwards. “Yeah Angel?” Simon said next to you. You leaned down and took his cock back into your mouth. You started to work on Simon’s cock and you slowed your grinding on Price just a bit and felt his hand land on your hips. He took control of your grinding and began moving you against his hips. He pumped his hips up just a bit and said, “Ah ah Honey, don’t forget about me.” 
“Who’s getting jealous now, old man?” Simon moaned from above you. You couldn’t help but giggle at the comment. Simon took a gentle hold on your head and lightly began to thrust into your mouth. You moved your hands onto his thighs and let him use your mouth to take his pleasure. “You gonna be a good girl and let me cum down this pretty little throat of yours y/n?” You swallowed around his cock to acknowledge him and looked up at him only to be met with his head tilted back. Simon’s pace gradually increased to a steady rhythm. Price bucked his hips upward and you felt his cock kiss your cervix. You gasped around Simon’s dick and let out a small whine. You grabbed Simon’s balls and gave them a slight squeeze. He grabbed the back of your head and you felt his balls tighten up. You swallowed around him again and felt warm spurts coat the back of your throat. Simon’s pace slowed and he let you come back up for a quick breath and then he shoved you back down till you felt the pulsing in his cock stop. You looked up and met his eyes, sleepier and blacker than ever. He let out a low and long “fuuuuck” before he released his hold on you. Price’s thrusts under you slowed as he watched the intense scene before him. Simon took a step back and Price resumed his assault on your pussy. You drew your attention back to him and ground down onto him. He lifted his torso to meet yours and grabbed harder onto your hips. His hips matched your pace and you felt your walls tighten up. 
“Oh fuck daddy.” 
“ Yeah honey.” 
“Daddy can I cum? Please?” He tilted his head down and stared into your eyes as he painted out a “fuck yes you can”. You wrapped your legs around his waist and looked him in the eye as your body began to vibrate again. “Be a good girl for me. Cum on my cock. I’m gonna fill this little cunt up when you do. Fuck I’m so close, baby.” His filthy words were the final push you needed to cum all over his cock. Your eyes rolled back in your head and your vision went fuzzy. You pussy clenched like a vice around his cock and he let out a low melodic “there we goooo” and thrust into you. You felt his cock grow and pulse in you as he dipped his head into your neck and moaned. Your pussy milked him dry as you basically blacked out from the pleasure. 
“Fucking hell.” Simon said basically pulling you out of your cock drunk haze. 
“You alright angel?” Price breathily questioned. You mumbled a faint mhm and rested your head on his shoulder as he rubbed your back. Price caught his breath then slipped his arms under your legs to lift you up. Simon went to turn on the showers and grabbed your shower supplies. Price carried you over to the stall and Simon placed a kiss on top of your head. John put you down and you wobbled on tired legs. You leaned onto Simon who was already under the water and let the men care for. Simon washed your backside while Price whispered sweet affirmations into your ear. The men turned you around and switched roles. “Simon, I should disobey you more often.” You joked. 
“Not when you put your life at risk. We need you and we care for you.” You looked into his eyes and were met with a soft yet serious feeling. Price hummed in agreement and placed a kiss to the back of your neck while he wrapped his arms around you. “Let's get you taken care of so you can get some proper rest Angel.”
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atlabeth · 1 year
far too young to die - anthony lockwood
summary: three things happen on the day you decide to solve your problem:
your tea-making skills get lauded
you get the biggest history lesson of your life
everything goes wrong.
you should have expected this the moment lockwood & co got involved.
a/n: this got away from me but twas very fun to write and protective lockwood is becoming my lifeblood lol<3 enjoy and remember kids: fuck netflix
wc: 5.7k
warning(s): canon typical stuff, mentions of murder and throat slitting, implied/sort of described domestic abuse, hurt/comfort. reader panics a lot. suspend your disbelief please and thank you. reader also has a last name of holloway just for convenience
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Reading the newspaper was impossible this morning. 
Your leg wouldn’t stop bouncing up and down, and the envelope on the far side of the table drew your eye every five seconds, and your neighbor did not need to be cutting his lawn at the moment, and all the while that presence was there. It always was, whispering illegible things to you and taunting you through the shadows and making your life a living hell you couldn’t prove. 
An unwilling shiver ran down your spine, and you tamped down on it. 
After today, it would finally be over. 
The doorbell rang, and you about jumped out of your skin. You took a deep breath, calming your heartbeat as you set your cup of tea back on the table, and went over to the door. When you opened it, you were met by three teenagers about your age, and the lanky, dark-haired boy in front gave you a small smile.
“We’re here for Edmund Holloway,” he said. “Have we got the right address?”
“You do—I’m his daughter,” you said. “You’re the agents?” 
The boy nodded. “Anthony Lockwood of Lockwood and Co.” He held out his hand and you shook it, and once you released it he gestured to the other boy and girl standing with him. “These are my colleagues, Lucy Carlyle and George Karim.” 
You nodded again, wringing your hands together as you let out a shaky exhale and said your name. “Anthony, Lucy, George— nice to meet you all.” 
“Lockwood is just fine,” he said, and you nodded. 
“Are you the one who put out the ad?” George asked with a frown. “It doesn’t look like your father is here.” 
You shook your head. “My father put out the ad. He’s on a business trip at the moment.” 
Anthony frowned. “Why isn’t he here?” 
“He doesn’t handle ghosts very well,” you said wryly. “Gives him an awful fright.” 
“Most people don’t,” Lucy said. “That’s why we’re around.” 
“Forgive my bluntness, but it doesn’t seem very smart of him to leave his daughter in a haunted house,” Lockwood said. “Even if agents are clearing the house.” 
“He doesn’t exactly… know I’m still here,” you admitted sheepishly. “My father expected me to stay at a friend’s house until today, give you all the payment, and then make myself scarce until the problem was solved.” 
“Why in the world are you here then?” George asked. 
“...Because I need to know that this ghost is gone,” you stated. “I need to see with my own eyes that it’s over.” 
Lockwood eyed you cautiously, and you cleared your throat as you stepped aside. “Come in, agents. I can explain over tea.” 
You closed the door as they filed inside, and you wrought your hands together as you followed them. “I’ve got Earl Grey and chamomile, if anyone’s interested,” you said as you began filling up your kettle. 
“Chamomile would be lovely,” Lucy said, her eyes wandering around the interior as she took a seat next to George at your table. 
Lockwood, however, stayed standing. He pointed at a painting hanging on the wall and glanced at you. “Starry Night?” 
You nodded. “My grandmother painted it when she was younger. She specifically left it in her will for me.”
He smiled. “It’s beautiful.” 
“It is, isn’t it?” You pulled a tin of loose tea out of your cabinet and set it on the table. “I’ve never been much of a painter myself, but I’ve always wanted to learn like her.” 
“As interesting as this is, you said you would explain your poor choices,” George interrupted. “And your history.” 
“Blunt as he is,” Lockwood said dryly, “he’s right.” He took a seat next to Lucy, leaning back in the chair. “Tell us everything you know about this house—anything that could be causing the haunting.” George cleared his throat and his lips twitched. “And why you’re still in the haunted house alone.” 
You nodded, leaning against the counter with a sigh. “To answer the question on all of your minds, I have no idea who the ghost could be. My only guess is some fellow from decades ago, back before the house was in our immediate family.” 
“You inherited it?” George asked. 
“From my grandmother,” you said, “the same one who painted. She died a few decades ago, and she left the house to her son in her will. After my mother died, my father and I moved here to get away from the memories.” 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Lucy said softly, and you managed a smile. 
“Thank you.” You folded your arms across your chest. “And before you ask, no—it’s not my mother’s ghost. She died far away from here, and she’d have no reason to stay behind.” 
“Do you know when this house was built?” George asked. “A lot of the architecture looks Victorian.” 
“Sharp eye,” you said with a slight smile, and you stood up from your spot against the counter as the kettle started to whistle. You poured the water into three mugs and added your handmade tea bags before you looked back at them. “It was built in the 1850s, I believe. I think it’s been in our family since then, but I’ve only been aware of it since my grandmother.” 
“Could it be your grandmother’s ghost then?” Lucy asked, and you shook your head. 
“She didn’t die here. And she wouldn’t have any reason to stay either,” you said. “Which is why I’ve had no idea who it could be.” 
“Strange indeed,” Lockwood agreed, suddenly speaking up. His gaze pierced into you. “You’ve got such a connection to this ghost and yet you don’t even know who it could be.” 
Your cheeks burned. George huffed a laugh. 
“That’s right,” he said. “You haven’t even told us about why you’re still here.” 
“The ghost hasn’t just been haunting our house,” you murmured, staring down at the floorboards. You’d have to clean the dirt between the cracks later. “It’s… it’s been haunting me too.” 
Lucy frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“It’s always around me,” you said, and even then you could feel the chills all over your body. At this point, though, it might’ve been your own design. “I— I can always feel its presence, I hear it whispering to me constantly, and it feels like every time I touch something old in here I get a damned vision, or voices in my head, and—” 
You stopped, realizing your voice had risen without you noticing, and you took a deep breath. 
“And I feel like I’m going insane,” you finished, your tone much quieter than before. 
“You’ve got Touch,” Lockwood concluded, something different in his eyes. Lucy’s expression had softened, and George just looked even more interested than before when you nodded. 
“Talent that strong and you’re not an agent,” he said. “Why?” 
“I’ve never wanted it,” you said dryly. “And after dealing with this ghost for the past few months, I’ve got even less desire.” 
“You should consider it,” he said. “Maybe then you won’t have a ghost in your backyard.”
“This ghost has been toying with you for months, but it hasn’t even tried to harm you,” Lucy said. “It’s definitely a Type 2 based off your description, so I’ve got no idea why. What’s the point?” 
Lockwood shrugged, and he gave a nod of thanks as you placed the mugs of tea in front of them. “Maybe it’s related to you after all. I’ve heard cases of relatives not harming their own, especially in more sentient Type 2s—it’s rare, but it happens.” He looked at you. “If this house has been in your family since the 1800s, surely there’s been at least one violent Holloway death worthy of the Other Side.” 
“Is your theorizing always this fun?” you asked as you crossed your arms. 
“Usually more,” he said helpfully. Lockwood took a sip of tea and hummed. “We should get chamomile more often.” 
“I’m always telling you to,” Lucy said. “George is just insistent on making his own black tea.” 
“That’s because it’s far superior!” he exclaimed. “You should be thanking me for it, honestly.” 
Lockwood took another sip and looked at them. “She makes a great chamomile. It might just change your mind.” 
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation,” you said, arms still folded as their heads all snapped to you, “but we’ve only got two hours until the sun sets, and this house is still very much haunted.” 
“Right. I guess that means we should start preparations.” Lockwood stood up, smiling at you. “Thank you for the tea and your information. We’ll take your keys, vet the place, and hopefully have your ghost vanquished before morning comes.” 
“You don’t need my keys,” you said. “I’m staying.
George laughed. “You can’t be serious.” 
He looked at you, completely serious, and then at Lockwood, who wasn’t immediately objecting, and his eyes widened. “You can’t be serious!” 
“I want to help,” you said plainly. “It’s my house, it’s my ghost. I want it gone, and I want to be there when it happens.” 
“You’ve got no training,” he said. “You’ve got Talent, sure, but zero training. You’ll just—” he looked at Lockwood— “she’ll just slow us down.” 
“…You do know this place better than anyone,” Lockwood said, eyes still on you. “Right?” 
You nodded. “Lived here for the past ten years. I know all its nooks and crannies, and I could guide you through it blindfolded.” 
“You’re not an agent,” George said. 
“You said it yourself that I’ve got Talent,” you said, “and an obvious connection to this place and whatever’s haunting it, seeing as the ghost won’t leave me alone.” 
“Lucy, you can’t seriously be okay with this,” he said, glancing at her. 
“…I have some Touch too. I can help her, see if we’re picking up the same things. Besides,” Lucy said with a shrug, “you all took me in on a whim before I was fully certified. It’s just one job, in her house of all places.” 
“I won’t impede your work—I promise.” You looked at Lockwood, desperation mixing with resolve in your eyes. “For months, this house has haunted me from within. I want to be with you when you destroy it.” 
Lockwood’s lips quirked up in the slightest of smiles as he nodded. “Alright, then.” 
You immediately broke into a wide smile of your own as George sighed. “DEPRAC is going to have a field day with us if anything goes wrong. Allowing a completely uncertified girl to help us.”
“If anything goes wrong, I’ll personally take the blame for it,” you said. “I’ll say I forced you into letting me work with you all, and I will pay any fines.”
“Once we got fined 60,000 pounds for burning a house down,” he deadpanned. “Are you alright with that?”
You frowned. “Should I really be hiring you all?” 
“Come off it, George,” Lockwood said, and he collapsed his hands together. “Nothing like that will happen today, I assure you.” He smiled wryly. “As long as everything you told us was the truth, that is.” 
“It is,” you said. “I wouldn’t lie about something like this.” 
Lucy huffed a laugh. “You’d be surprised what some people do.” 
“Another reason I don’t want to become an agent,” you supplied. 
Lockwood picked up their bags and set them on the table, and he pulled out a bundle of chains then he tossed it to you. You caught it with a slight grunt. 
“Do you know how to use those, not-an-agent?” Lockwood asked wryly. 
You rolled your eyes, though not without mirth, and nodded. “I read, Mr. Lockwood.” 
“Good. Those are for your protection. We’ll protect you, of course,” he gestured at his rapier, “but it’s a last resort.” 
“Let’s try not to get there, then,” you said. 
“One thing you should know about working with us is that things rarely go to plan,” George said. 
“That is not true,” Lockwood rushed, but that only proved that it was most certainly true. 
You sighed as you finished the rest of your tea from before, having gone cold. You were certainly getting yourself into something with these agents. 
“Right, then,” Lockwood said, clearing his throat. He pulled out his rapier, that small smirk showing itself again as he looked at all of you. “Let’s catch ourselves a ghost.” 
You didn’t think your house had ever been as intimidating, as tense, as it did now.
You creeped through its hallways alongside the agents, the chains icy cold in your grip, almost scared to even breathe. Lockwood and Lucy had their rapiers drawn, and George held a net in one hand with one of their bags slung over his shoulder. 
They carried themselves differently than any of the teenagers you’d been around, with an air of eerie confidence completely foreign to you. It was admirable in a sense. Scary to think it could have been you. 
“No death glows yet,” Lockwood muttered. “Hear anything, Luce?”
“Very faint yelling,” she murmured. “I can tell it’s an argument—there’s two different voices, but that’s all I can make out.”
Lockwood looked at you, but you shook your head. “Not ringing a bell.”
“Where?” George asked. “Arguments are a good sign.” 
Lucy edged past Lockwood so she was in the lead, and you moved up the stairs. She paused at the top, her eyes closed and her brow slightly furrowed. “It’s even louder up here. I feel it all over, but it’s stronger around here. It’s a couple, a man and a woman—finances, jealousy, general unhappiness…” Lucy opened her eyes and looked at you. “Did your grandparents argue while they lived here?” 
“They argued like any other couple,” you said, “but as far as I know, they were completely happy. They loved each other.” You frowned. “And I don’t know why regular arguments would be so strong around here after so long.” 
“Time isn’t the biggest aspect for sounds,” Lucy explained. “They can linger for decades and be as strong as the day it happened.”
“And maybe they weren’t just regular arguments,” George suggested, your stomach sinking at the thought. 
“Could it be your grandfather’s ghost?” Lucy asked. 
You shook your head. “No. He’s alive, and he doesn’t even live in England anymore.” 
“Move around and touch some things then,” George said. “See if you get anything.” 
And so you did. You handed the chains to Lockwood and laid your hands on various things around the hallway and some of the rooms while George and Lucy went off on their own—the walls, certain objects, the beds. All you got were memories from your first few years here, and a blur of the decades between your grandparents. It was overwhelming, and you had to pull away after you touched your grandfather’s watch in your dad’s room. 
“Do you feel alright?” Lockwood asked. Though George and Lucy had gone off on their own, Lockwood had stayed with you to, one, make sure you were protected as his client, and two, keep track of any information. “You’re stumbling a bit.” 
“Yeah,” you murmured, “I’m… I’m fine. I’m just not used to using my Talent on purpose like this.” 
“On purpose,” he repeated wryly. 
“I try not to do anything with it,” you said. “I told you, I don’t want to be an agent.” 
“There’s a lot of people out there that would kill for a power like yours,” he said. “Kids stuck on night watch, agents with fading Talent, adults who can’t see for shit. Seems strange to just… ignore yours.” 
You shrugged uncomfortably. “I’m not ignoring it now, am I?” 
“No,” Lockwood said, “I suppose you’re not.”
Eventually, you made it to another room, your grandparents’ old bedroom that you’d ended up turning into your father’s office, and when you opened the door Lockwood whistled. 
“That’s a bright death glow.” 
You grimaced. “So this is where they died.” 
He nodded. “By the look of it, it wasn’t pretty.” 
“Great,” you muttered, and you walked inside. 
“Lucy! George!” Lockwood called as he followed you in, craning his neck to look behind him. “Get over here—we’ve got a lead!” 
“What is it?” you heard Lucy asking, her voice getting closer. 
Though you started to answer, you didn’t get the chance to finish as the door slammed shut on its own, separating you and Lockwood from the others. Your eyes widened as you whirled around. 
“Don’t panic,” Lockwood said immediately. You nodded shakily despite the blood pounding in your ears, and at your confirmation, he yelled out. “Luce? George? Are you alright?”
“We’re fine!” Lucy shouted, and there was the rattling of the doorknob. “Is it locked on your side?”
You moved forward and tried to turn the handle to test it, but a scream was ripped from your throat as you stumbled backwards. Your hands flew to your neck, splaying across the skin as you expected to feel blood, but there was nothing. The cold metal pressed against your skin, the sharp edge of the knife tore across it, but there was nothing. Centuries flashed behind your eyelids but there was nothing. 
Lucy and George called out your name, but you couldn’t respond, your eyes wide as dinner plates as your whole body shook.
“God, are you alright?” Lockwood caught your shoulders before you could run into him, and his hands stayed there when he realized how much you were trembling. When you turned to look at him, your hand still pressed against your neck to stop invisible bleeding, his eyes were filled with concern. “What did you see?”
“I… I—” You tried to voice it, but the words stuck in your throat as the tremors continued.
Lucy yelled your name again and there was a bang on the door, and Lockwood looked up. “She’s okay! She felt something when she touched the handle— Lucy, see what you can get on your side!”
“Got it!”
“It’s okay,” Lockwood said softly, his attention turning back to you. His hands on your shoulders grounded you, and he was a surprisingly welcome presence. “Whatever’s here, I won’t let it hurt you. You just have to tell me whatever it is you saw when you touched that doorknob.”
“I didn’t see anything,” you finally managed. “I— I heard them yelling, screaming, threatening to leave each other, and then—” You forced your breathing to still, but it hardly worked. 
“And then what?” His voice was still just as soft, and he didn’t move away from you or take his hands back. He just stood there, waiting for you. 
“And then he killed her, Lockwood,” you whispered, your hand falling to his wrist. “She threatened to leave him, and he slit her throat.” You still felt the blood dripping down your neck. You wanted to crawl out of your skin. 
He was alarmingly good at keeping his emotions in check, the only sign of his shock the slightest pause before he asked again. “Who?” 
“I— I don’t know,” you said. “I just— I felt it, and it’s the same presence I’ve been feeling for months.” 
“So it’s our ghost,” he said. “Obviously, but we just need to see if Lucy can…” 
His words phased through your ears as the air in front of you shimmered, blue light coalescing into the source of your endless tormentor. One image, one woman, one ghost, the face of someone you never thought was an option, and you could do nothing but stare. 
“Lockwood,” you croaked, and he turned around. Immediately, his expression hardened, and he said your name as he moved forward and in turn pushed you behind him. 
“Don’t make a sound,” he uttered as he slowly drew his rapier, and he handed the chains back to you. You took them as quietly as possible, and with his arm braced in front of you, he moved the two of you back a safe distance. “Do you recognize her?” 
You nodded, but you couldn’t speak. All you could do was stare up, wide-eyed at the ghost above you. You’d been expecting a monstrous apparition, a cruel face to put to the presence that had been haunting you all this time, but it wasn’t. It was familiar, and perhaps it was cruel all the same, because the ghost was—
“Now would be a good time to say it,” Lockwood said dryly. 
You nodded again, your voice barely a whisper. “I guess I was wrong.” Your throat bobbed. “Because that’s my grandmother.”  
“Ah,” Lockwood said placidly. “The ghost really is your grandmother. Lovely.” 
“I never knew,” you whispered. “I didn’t know she died here, that she was murdered—” 
“You’ve got to stay calm,” Lockwood interrupted. “You’re not going to be any help to me or yourself if you’re not calm.” 
You didn’t know how you were supposed to stay calm in the face of your murdered ghost of a grandmother, who looked far younger than she was supposed to because she was murdered— 
“Do you hear me?” he asked, his voice more assertive than before. “I need you to stay calm for me.” 
Your vocal chords decided to work this time, though just barely. “I— I’ll try my hardest.” 
“I’m sure you know this already,” he said wryly, “but don’t let her touch you.” 
And then, George’s voice rang out. 
“What the hell is going on in there?” he called, and the ghost lunged. 
Lockwood pushed you back all the while slashing his rapier at your grandmother, her screams filling your ears and penetrating your body to the bone. It stole the breath out of you, even as her body dissolved from the metal, and Lockwood latched onto your arm as he backed to the edge of the room with you. 
“We’ve got a Type 2 in here!” Lockwood yelled, his sword brandished and his arm still protectively in front of you as his eyes darted all over the room, breath held as he waited to see where she would appear next. “George, work on getting that lock open! Lucy, find the source!” 
“Do you have any idea what it is, or am I just on a wild goose chase?” Lucy asked frantically. 
“The latter,” you responded, and you heard her groan as she ran off. 
“I don’t know if a lockpick will even work,” George said, voice muffled through the wood. “Ghost powers don’t respond well to science.” 
“At least try,” Lockwood said. “I’d appreciate it knowing you’re on the case.” 
“As long as you try not to die,” he grumbled. 
“No promises.” 
You shook your head as shaky breaths rocked through you. “Your sense of humor is a bit morbid.” 
Lockwood winked, somehow smiling even now. “We’ve got to cope somehow.” 
You huffed a laugh, only slightly unhinged. “Sorry about this, by the way. I really didn’t know that it was my grandmother. Honest to God, I had no idea she died here.” 
“One of the less egregious problems we’ve had,” Lockwood said. His eyes sharpened as he looked across the room, and your grandmother’s ghost suddenly appeared again. 
His grip loosened on your arm as he pulled away, handling his rapier with the skill of someone twenty years his elder. You lashed out with your chains whenever she got too close, staying behind Lockwood every time he shifted or twisted or moved around the office, but in such a small space—all the while dealing with her screams and the constant dread just being near her filled you with—you were beginning to grow tired. 
“Do you have any idea what her source would be?” he asked. “Or— or where it would be?” 
“No!” you exclaimed. “I thought we’d just be dealing with some bloke that was killed a few decades ago, not my grandmother and her vicious murder that I knew nothing about!” 
“Try and think, then!” Lockwood thrust forward with his rapier, preventing the ghost from advancing on the two of you for a moment as he continued to move back. “I know that this is shocking, but we’ll have time to deal with that later. Right now, you have to focus! Use your talent!”
Your heart beat like a hammer, the blood pounding in your ears, and you nodded. “Keep her away from me.”
Before Lockwood could question anything, before you could second guess yourself, you lashed out with the chains and darted past your grandmother’s ghost. You latched onto the doorknob again as you screwed your eyes shut, and it hit you all at once.
You weren’t immediately dead, so you assumed Lockwood was doing his job. But centuries of memories flashed before your eyes, and you were living through years simultaneously. 
The first time your grandparents toured the house together, your grandfather closing the door behind him as he took a moment for himself. He knew then that was where he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 
When they decided to buy the house and crossed the threshold for the first time, him carrying your grandmother all the way up the stairs and to their bedroom, her falling onto the bed with a delighted squeal. 
Your father was born, and your grandfather’s hand slipped off the doorknob as he carried his newborn baby into the room, cooing and rocking him while he walked over and sat on the side of his bed. 
He lost his job, closing the door with a hand running down his face as he slammed his fist into the wall. The wallpaper dented beneath his knuckles, but he didn’t even notice. 
Your grandmother carefully closing the door behind her, padding over to the desk, opening the drawer and finding letters. Undistilled shock and barely bridled anger, the stench of betrayal. 
An awful argument, the worst yet. Screaming so loud it rocked the walls of the room, insults and threats and accusations flying through the air without a second thought. She went to leave, put her hand on the doorknob, but he went mad with rage. He slashed her throat from behind before he can even think, and your grandmother died with her hand still on the handle before she collapsed.
The doorknob, and—
“Her brooch,” you muttered, and your eyes widened as you slammed your hand against the door. “George, the brooch! Tell Lucy to get the brooch!”
“What brooch?” he yelled back. 
“My grandmother’s brooch!” you shouted. “My grandfather gave it to her as an anniversary gift. It’s emerald, Georgian cut! You’ll know when you see it— the vanity in the master bedroom on the first floor! You don’t have time to get her, just go!”
His footsteps ran off, but you didn’t even get a moment to relax as you felt that awful presence again. 
You whirled around and your breath caught in your chest, frozen stiff as you stared back at the face of your grandmother. 
It wasn’t that cruel, demented thing you’d seen when she attacked at first. This was just… her. Beautiful and fair-faced, late thirties having no effect on her. The eyes of your father, elegantly braided hair. You recognized the style of her dress, one that had been passed down to you. 
She looked like… like you’d imagined yourself in a decade or two. 
God, she was so young. Young and in love and betrayed. 
The world grew dimmer, your surroundings taking on a crystalline sheen. Everything was cold and your muscles were made of lead. You heard distant shouts, but it didn’t matter. 
Nothing mattered. 
You were so tired.
And then it all shattered. You crumpled to your knees, an overwhelming stabbing in your head as your breath came back to you in haggard waves.
Lockwood was over you, his rapier forgotten on the ground, and he shook your shoulders as he said your name over and over.
“…Lockwood?” you managed, your eyes barely open as you looked up at him. 
His smile was one of pure relief as he nodded, and though he stopped shaking, his hands still remained on your shoulders. “Yeah. You’re alright.”
“What happened?” you murmured. 
“You were ghost-locked,” he said breathlessly. “I tried to fend her off, but she was only focused on you. George must’ve gotten to the source right before she could get you.” He smiled sheepishly, but there was clear-cut fear behind those eyes. “Sorry about that.”
“I nearly died,” you said. The words tasted like plastic on your tongue, unusual and stiff. 
He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
Lockwood went to say more, but the door busted open suddenly, drawing the attention of both of you.
George and Lucy were both completely out of breath when they barged in. Lucy’s rapier was drawn and George held your grandmother’s brooch in his hand, wrapped ten times over in a metal net.
“Are you all okay?” Lucy asked, her eyes wide as yours. “I could hear her all the way downstairs, and—” 
“We’re alright,” you interrupted, and you looked at Lockwood. He got the hint, and he helped you up from the ground. The energy had been completely drained from you after being ghost-locked, so he kept his arm around you. 
“Looks like you were right,” George said, holding the brooch up. “Half-right, the ghost being your grandmother and all, but you’re right where it matters.” 
“Pretty good time to be right,” you said shakily. 
“Last minute save.” Lockwood laughed breathlessly. “You fit right in here.”
Lockwood helped you downstairs, and he insisted on making tea for you while you sat at the table with George and Lucy explaining what had happened. 
Your grandparents were happy, you hadn’t been wrong, but one too many things went wrong beneath the surface. They got married young, but he never felt like he was good enough for her despite her reassurances. He lost his job a week before your father was born, and with the stress, the finances, the jealousy— it all built up. Your grandfather snapped, so your grandmother did as well. 
“...and he killed her,” you finished quietly. “She found out he was cheating on her, they had this huge argument and she actually meant to follow through on her threats of leaving him.” You swallowed around the lump in your throat. “It turns out she never got the chance, and my grandfather’s been lying to us and the world ever since.” 
“I’m so sorry,” Lucy murmured, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.” 
You nodded thankfully, and you smiled up at Lockwood as he placed a fresh cup of tea in front of you. It warmed your bones when you took a sip, and you already felt your strength coming back from the ordeal. 
“You all might get some calls from the police,” you said. “I’m going to call my father tonight and tell him everything, and then we’re going straight to the authorities.” 
“We’ll back you up if we get any,” Lockwood assured. “We’ll tell them everything you told us.”  
Lucy and George nodded. “I got some visions of my own that corroborate your story,” she said, “so don’t worry about proof.” 
George held up your grandmother’s brooch, still wrapped in the net. “I’ll hold onto this if they need it for evidence. Soon as it’s done, we’ll take it straight to the furnaces.” 
You nodded gratefully, and after another sip of tea, you stood up. Your legs didn’t shake, so you took another step and looked back at them. “Come on. I’ll walk you all out.” 
After the three of them gathered their things, you followed them to the door, and your smile was the most genuine it had been since this all started. 
“I can’t thank you all enough,” you said. “Lucy, George, Lockwood—you’ve put an end to my misery, you’ve finally put my grandmother to rest, and you’ve helped bring a murderer to justice.” Your shoulders felt a whole lot lighter as you handed the envelope to Lockwood. “I’m forever in your debt.”
“I wouldn’t say forever in our debt,” George said. “You’ve just paid that off.” 
You cracked a smile as Lockwood swatted him with the envelope, then he looked back at you with the same charm as always.
“We were happy to help. And we appreciated yours as well.” Lockwood dug into his pocket and pulled something out, pressing it into your hand. He lingered for just a moment too long before he pulled away and cleared his throat. 
“Your business card,” you realized as you brought it up closer. “What for?”
“You’re Talented,” Lockwood said, “obviously. Even though you haven’t honed it at all, you’ve still got some pretty impressive raw ability. If you ever find you want to put it to use, learn the ropes of being an agent… give us a call.” He smiled. “Lockwood & Co would be happy to have you.”
You looked over at Lucy, almost as if you wanted her approval. She gave you that faint smile. “You’re good when you’re confident, Holloway. And it would be nice to have another girl.”
George, next. He shrugged. 
“You held your own,” he said, “mostly. I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you got some training. We can’t expand our agency for just anyone.”
“And you already know what I think,” Lockwood said with that same smile. 
You couldn’t help a slight one of your own, and you looked at the business card again before shoving it into your pocket. “I’ll think about it.”
Lockwood nodded. “35 Portland Row. Remember it.”
“I don’t think I could forget,” you said with a soft laugh.
His lips twitched into a smile. “Good.”
Lockwood nodded at you one last time, something passing between you for just a moment before he turned around and his crew followed him. You watched the three of them get into the taxi and drive off before you closed the door, allowing yourself a deep, deep sigh. 
And despite all the chaos that had just occurred, despite the life-changing revelation that was brought forth, despite your near-death experience and the shift to your axis and the tainting of your family tree, as you walked back inside and picked up the phone to dial your father…
You felt more at peace than you had in a long, long time. 
You took the business card out of your pocket, staring at it as you waited for the number to connect. 
…Maybe, you thought wryly.
Just maybe. 
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
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vynwan-cbq · 1 year
U can ignore this if you're not taking requests but i just heard that miguel cried when he first was lil spoon!!? Um.. I need a fic of that
YES. OH MY GOD YES I SAW THIS REQUEST AND IMMEDIATELY STARTED WRITING IT. I kind of got ahead of myself because it's more than just spooning but I hope it doesn't take too much away from the original request <3.
Pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!reader
Warnings: loss, crying, implied panic attack, angst as HELL but it's soft at the end, I didn't proof read bc my vision is blurry from tears.
Don't ask me to pay your therapy bills.
It’s only been a few months since you and Miguel started dating, and Miguel’s still reserved. His thinking is that he doesn’t deserve you. That he doesn’t deserve happiness because the last time he was selfish enough to try to be happy, he lost his daughter and billions of lives because a universe collapsed. You do your best with consoling him in this, and it’s been working. He’s not as reserved as he was when you both started dating. You started cuddling just about a month ago and have kissed a week after that.
But he still has his moments. Like now.
It’s Gabriella’s birthday, and he woke up at 5, went to the tower, and buried himself in his work.
He came home at 9, not even bothering to take off his suit before he fell on the bed and hugged a replica of the teddy bear Gabriella loved.
You know today’s significance, and you’re worried for him. You were trying to contact him all day and he didn’t answer his phone, which was on DND at home the entire time. You knock on his door and unlocked it with your spare key.
“Miguel?” You call through the home, not finding him. You step into the bedroom and find his figure under the sheets. He’s awake, you observe, but he doesn’t want to talk. Doesn’t want to do anything. You place a hand on his shoulder and the soft exhale he lets out translates to “I need a hug”. Still in your hoodie and jeans, you get into bed and kiss his shoulder. Moving up so that your head is above his, you hug him from behind so that the back of his head is against your chest. One arm has his head resting on it and the other is cupping his cheek and soothingly petting it.
His heart spills the emotions he’s been holding in all day, and he cries.
He hasn’t cried in front of you before, never even came close to it, but here he is crying because you’re spooning him. “Oh, Miguel,” You whisper, your heart also aching at his heartbreaking sobs.
He simply grips the stuffed animal in his arms and curls up, nuzzling himself backwards a bit to be in your arms. “She’d be 10 today,” he hiccups between each sob. Tears prick in your eyes at that, and you hold him closer. Your leg wraps around his waist to keep him close and he lightly squeezes it as if he’s trying to bring himself to reality.
He eventually turns around and stuffs his face in your chest, pulling you in by the waist roughly and muffling his cries into it. He’s holding on to you for dear fucking life because he cannot lose you too. “Miss her so much,” he mumbles a few times, sometimes also whimpering “I can’t breathe”.
Doing your best to pull yourself together, you make him look at you and see him breathing heavily. “Hey, Mig,” you whisper and wipe a tear from the corner of his eye, “shhh, it’s ok.” He looks up at you with the prettiest fucking doe eyes and tries to calm his breathing down. “Name three things in the room, honey,” you coo, and he hiccups before looking around.
“Curtains,” he rasps, hiccups again, then looks around a little more. “Clock,” and he looks down in his arms, “teddy bear.” You smile at him and peck his forehead, “good job. Now name three sounds.”
He looks at you with his eyes still sparkling from tears. “Honking,” he hums softly when you wipe a tear from his cheek again, “wind,” and he squeezes your waist softly before saying, “your heartbeat.” You hum and kiss his nose. “Now three body parts, baby, almost there.”
He wiggles his fingers, touches his cheek, and then his tummy while saying all three. You’ve never kissed him so softly and he sighs at the feeling again. The both of you part and he wipes one of your tears, softly smiling at you before placing his face against your chest again.
“Tell you what,” you cup his face and make him look at you once more, “why don’t we buy a cupcake and put some candles on it? We can sing happy birthday to Gabriella.”
“She wouldn’t want you sad on her birthday,” you trace hearts onto his jaw and kiss his nose.
And his eyes well up in tears again.
Not really sad tears this time, though. You’re the sweetest being he’s laid his eyes on, and he’s all yours and you're all his. He couldn’t believe that fact.
So you did get a cupcake. Her favorite flavor, chocolate with vanilla icing, and he even bought pink sprinkles because she loves them. Carefully carrying the items to his apartment, the two of you settled on the balcony with a picnic blanket and a plate. You help him place the sprinkles on the cupcake, and lit a small candle to put on top of it.
You both sing the happy birthday song to which he adds “happy birthday, mi niñita” near the end. He tries not to sound like he’s already crying as he sings the last part, “Happy birthday to you.”
He holds your hand, still looking at the candle with a soft smile and a tear rolling down his cheek.
And you didn’t even have to blow the candle. The wind did, but it almost didn’t even feel like a coincidence from how immediate it was.
He leans onto your shoulder and the two of you let the soft background noise of Nueva York below you take over. All he’s doing is running his thumb over the back of your hand.
He eventually turns towards you and admires you. Smiling, you ask what he’s doing.
He shakes his head and says,
“thank you.”
Gonna cry now.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Still With You | A Jeon Jungkook Series Chapter 1
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Summary: A stranger turns up at the store that catches your eye Pairing: Luna (reader) x Jungkook and Jimin, f2l love triangle Word Count: 4.7k~ Warnings: Explicit language but that's about it lol Start from the beginning
Two years prior
I stir awake to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window as they always do. "Fuck" I say under my breath, stretching and wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I roll over and check the notifications on my phone and widen my eyes in panic realizing I didn't set an alarm and was bombarded by texts from my boss and coworker two hours ago. 
"Shit!" I say jumping out of bed and rushing around my apartment trying to get ready. I throw on my shoes and jacket and run out the door making my way to the subway station as quickly as I possibly can. My job is only three stops away from my place but those stops seem to take twice if not three times as long as they usually do in my mind.
Bolting out of the station I make my way over to the convenience store I work at. "Fuck me, what took you so long? Your shift started 3 hours ago" my coworker says stating the obvious. "I know shut up I forgot to set an alarm last night" I say rushing past them and into the break room to throw my stuff into a locker. 
I tiptoe past my bosses office but he can't help but hear my lame attempt at being undetected. "y/n" I hear being said from inside, (he only ever calls me that when he's mad at me). I'm in trouble. 
"Yes?" I say rolling my eyes before taking another step. "Get in here. Now!" he says in a tone I can no longer ignore. 
"Hi" I say dragging out the last letter as I make my way in until I see his face become even more furious. "Sit" he barks. "Yes sir" I say under my breath just loud enough to be heard but not enough to merit a second glance.
"Three times, three times this month have you been late and we're barely past the second week" he spits at me "And let's not forget the amount of times you've been late since you started working here" he says taking a deep breath at the end and leaning back in his chair pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. 
"What am I gonna do with you?" he says rhetorically. "I-" I start. "I've had enough of your excuses y/n, I can't keep letting you break the rules like this. I've got a business to run and you working here hasn't made my job any easier" he breathes out. 
"I know I really do but I-" "Can you please just listen and stop trying to wiggle your way out of being held accountable. I would've fired your ass a long time ago if your father and I weren't brothers. I'm doing this not only for you but for the sake of your parents. Try to understand how your irresponsibility affects not only me but everyone around you. I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with your antics". "Please no! Uncle you know how much I need this job! If you were to cut me off then I know for a fact that I'm not gonna be able to make it in this city" I implore. 
"Maybe you weren't cut out to live in this city. There are a lot of hard workers out there, people who would kill to live here and you're just spitting in their face by wasting the days away sleeping in and daydreaming. You're not taking advantage of the opportunities that you could have if you worked a bit harder and just grew up" he says raising his voice and getting out of his chair to tower over me. 
I cower back inside myself taking my much deserved verbal beating and just be thankful that he isn't a violent person. 
He takes a deep breath and goes back to his seat and calms himself down. "Just please" he says in a softer tone "Start to get your shit together kid. You've got your whole life ahead of you and I would hate to see you end up like me, running a convenience store in the wrong part of town.
"But I thought you loved your job?" I question. "Ha! Yeah right, that's just what I tell people so I don't have to deal with their pity. Are there good days? Sure, but there sure as hell are more days that go to absolute shit that outweighs those good days". I nod my head in silent agreement, having a few stories of my own in my back pocket. 
"Listen up! You've got one more chance girl you hear me? One. More. I really shouldn't be doing this but I want to see if you can turn things around with this last push" he finishes. "Really? Thank you so much uncle I won't let you down!" I say going up to shake his hand furiously. 
"I'm pretty sure you will but hey, I've always been a gambling man" he says with a smile on his face. I go to tell him how bad that habit has become, but under the circumstances, I decide to let it go this time. After bowing to him a few times I quickly rush out of his office before he can change his mind and get to work.
I pass by my friend and coworker Grey at the counter on my way out and prepare myself for yet another lecture. "Old man gave you another chance huh?" she says blowing a bubble in her Polar Ice gum. It's one of her habits that annoys me the most but hey, she's a pretty good friend besides that so I can't really complain. 
Good friends are hard to come by these days so when I find one I tend to let them stick around. "Yeah thankfully, it pays to have connections sometimes" I say shrugging my shoulders as I put on the hideous green vest with the store's logo adorned on the top left side along with my name tag placed right below. 
I grab a box full of candy and head over to their designated spot in the store to get started. Straightening up the area before restocking the shelves I start from the bottom and make my way towards the top. I shake my head at the amount of open wrappers and half eaten candy bars I come across left by the many delinquents who occupy the store on a daily basis. 
"I'm surprised there are any left at this rate" I say under my breath. "I know right? Kids these days just aren't taught right from wrong anymore" I hear someone say in agreement. "The adults aren't any better" I retort hearing the voice laugh at my off the cuff comment.
I widen my eyes realizing I have no idea who I've spoken to and quickly stand up while keeping my face to the ground as I apologize to the unknown voice. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- What I meant to say was- I'm sorry" I say tripping over my words in apology. I hear him let out a short scoff laughing at my attempt to repent for my honest criticism. 
"Hey it's okay. I appreciate your honesty. It's refreshing to say the least" he says, easing my nerves a bit. Feeling a little bit more comfortable I slowly stand up straight but as I do I realize I've been speaking to the most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on. Pouty lips curved into a crooked smile, skin the color of sunlight, sharp catlike eyes that seem to see through my entire existence, and hair the darkest shade of midnight black I've ever seen. 
I freeze, mesmerized by his beauty balancing an air of androgyny with an adorable boyish charm. "Hey" he says while extending his hand towards me in greeting. "I'm Jimin" he finishes with a slight smile, giving me butterflies. 
"H-hey" I say taking his hand "I'm Luna" I say nervously in response."Luna? Huh, but your name tag says y/n though" he replies. "Oh well my real name is y/n but I go by Luna most of the time" I admit."Luna is a really pretty name. Did you grow up in Seoul?" he asks tilting his head a bit."Well I was born here but I grew up in America and came back when I was about 8 so yeah pretty much" I say, answering his question as calmly as I can.
"Oh wow that really cool! Was it hard for you to learn Korean at that age?"he inquires in pure curiosity."Well we always spoke Korean in the house so it was pretty easy for me to transition here. Although it did take a while to get rid of my American accent" I laugh. He smiles a bit at my openness which makes my heart flutter "I'm sure it was adorable". "I-" I start but am soon cut off by Grey. 
"Hey Luna can I get your help with something?" she questions. "Um yeah just a second. Sorry but I've really got to get back to work" I say picking up the box full of candy I have yet to put away and turn towards the front of the store. "Yeah sure no worries. Hey Luna" he says making me look back at him after turning to walk away. 
He comes towards me and reaches into the box to grab a chocolate bar. "Sorry I just wanted to grab one of these before you go" he says teasingly when there's clearly a whole shelf of that exact one right next to him. "Oh okay, um bye" I say and quickly scurry down the aisle towards Grey.
"You okay?" she says raising a brow at me. "I thought he might be bothering you since you guys had been talking for a while so I wanted to give you an escape just in case" she says, concern clearly her motive, none of which is written on her face or in her voice. She almost sounds uninterested if you didn't know better. "
Yeah no I'm fine don't worry. He was nice" I say clearly blushing. "He's cute huh?" she says looking me up and down, reading my body language. "What do you mean?" I ask, trying to play coy but I can't help but smile at the thought of our interaction. "Obviously he is if you're acting like that. What's his name?" she asks, intentionally getting louder and louder. Meanwhile looking around the store to gauge his distance, doing it loud enough to embarrass me but soft enough not to gain his attention.
"Is he single?" she asks, finally bringing her wandering gaze back to me but can't help but give me a slight smirk. "Shhhh" I say covering her mouth in an effort to keep our conversation away from him. 
"Okay yes, he's cute but can you save the teasing for later, or never? He's still in the store and I'm pretty sure I've already made a big enough fool of myself for the day as is" I say in a hushed tone keeping the conversation hopefully between the two of us this time.
"Alright I'll be quiet. Did you finish up over there?" she questions trying to mark off the various tasks on the nightly checklist. "No, not yet. I started to clean it up but then he started talking to me until you called me over" I admit. "Okay well once he leaves get back on it okay? Why don't you take a turn minding the counter while I start sweeping?" she suggests. 
"Yeah I can do that" I say getting nervous for the next interaction I have with him. "You'll be fine" she says dryly observing the way I start to fidget with hands. "You set me up didn't you?" I say coming to the realization of the predicament she's put me in. "Yup" she's says with a devious smile as she scurries off to the cleaning closet taking away my last hope of escaping. Well I guess in the meantime I'll take a second to calm down before he-
"Luna?" I hear Jimin say. "Yes" I reply whipping my head around towards the direction I heard him speaking from realizing he's just a few feet behind me. "Oh I just wanted to let you know that I'm ready to check out" he says smiling down at me. "Oh right yeah let me ring you up" I say while rushing over to the counter. He follows close behind me and meets me on the other side. 
"Okay that'll be $4.03" he nods and hands me a 10 dollar bill. I take it and can't help but feel a spark between us when his hand bushes against mine. I jerk back slightly and busy myself with finishing the transaction. "$5.97 is your change" I say going to give it back to him again making our hands touch yet again. 
"Thanks Luna" he says sliding his hand away from mine slower than necessary prolonging our touch. "See you later?" he says with a slight questioning tone behind it while turning to leave. "Yeah sure, see you later" I say while nervously reciprocating his goodbye. I hear the bells on the door jingling solidifying his departure and I can't help but let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay that was adorable" Grey says sneaking up on me, another smirk accompanying her teasing tone. There are very few things that Grey takes pleasure in and one of those, unfortunately is teasing me mercilessly when it comes to guys. 
"Don't do that!" I say, clutching my chest in surprise, slapping her shoulder right after. "What? Come on dude don't act like you wouldn't do the same if the roles were reversed" she says laughing at my surprise. 
"Whatever" I pout. "That guy is pretty hot though not gonna lie, no wonder you're blushing" she says continuing to tease me. "Yeah he was" I say starting to daydream. "Oh girl you got it bad!" she says scoffing and shaking her head. "I do not! He was just really cute okay. Leave me alone" I whine starting to get fed up with her teasing. 
"Whatever you say dude. So what was his name again? Jaemin? Minji?" she questions, listing off names that she obviously knows are incorrect. "Jimin" I say glancing out the window. 
"Wait why?" I ask, whipping my face back to her in a panic. "I'm just gonna try to see if I can find him on sns or something. I wanna see if he's single before you start falling for him" she says switching between apps doing her best to find him. "I'm trying to protect you okay?" she explains while patting my head. "Are you sure you aren't just doing it because you're nosy?" I question, crossing my arms. "Same thing" she says waving me off as she continues to scourer the internet for our resident hottie of the week.
"Okay found him! Park Jimin, 21. Oooo he's younger than you" she teases. "Yeah yeah what else does it say?" I question leaning in closer to see what she's found. It's really true what they say about girls being FBI agents when it comes to social media. "Mmmm not much, he's into dancing and fashion, huh, that's interesting" she says looking puzzled. "What? What is it?" I ask, getting even closer feeling a bit anxious. 
"Oh nothing, there's a picture of a girl on here though but you can't see her face. He didn't tag her either" she says still preoccupied with finding more information. "So he has a girlfriend?" I conclude, feeling a bit dejected. "Well that's the interesting part. That picture was from a year ago but that's the only picture of her. In fact that's the only picture he has of any girl on his entire profile." she says. 
"So ex girlfriend? But why keep the picture up if she's his ex?" I question. "I don't know dude I think unfortunately the results come up as inconclusive" she lets out feeling deflated. "Oh well, I guess if he comes back we'll find out eventually" I say.
"If who comes back?" a voice says behind us. I turn around and immediately smile at the owner of the voice "Kook!" I say getting up and rushing over to give him a hug. "Oh just this hottie that was here earlier" Grey says. "Ooo scandalous! But aren't you guys supposed to be working and not stalking cute boys on the internet?" he says with a knowing smirk. 
"It's called multitasking" I say while he gives me a kiss on the crown of my head. "Ew gross please stop I don't want to have to bleach my eyes again" Grey whines, shielding her eyes with her hands, hiding us from her vision. "Don't hate just because you're not a fan of friendly affection" Jungkook says teasing. 
"More like any affection at all. Especially PDA. Come on guys get a room" she says in disgust. "How many times do I have to tell you Grey, we're just friends" I say, shaking my head at her and pulling away from Jungkook's embrace. Grey glances up at him with a knowing look and sees him shaking his head prompting her to change the subject.
"Anyways, Jungkook what are you doing here this time?" she asks sounding uninterested as always. "Damn Grey can't I stop in to see my favorite girls every once in a while?" he says, draping his arm around my shoulders. "Don't call me that" she says with a deadpan expression. 
"Okay fine. My favorite girl and her tagalong?" he corrects with a cheeky smile. "You know what? Why don't you just call me by my name okay?" she argues. "Not a fan of the pet names? Okay okay I get it" he chuckles. 
"Luna" he says in an effort to gain my attention. "Yeah?" I acknowledge, turning to face him. "What are you doing this weekend?" he asks with anticipation written all over his face. 
"Um nothing to my knowledge" I reply and quickly hear someone start to talk over us before anyone can speak again. "Good, because you're working two ten hour shifts this weekend" my uncle says while bringing out another box of assorted products to stock. 
"Uncle please" I say with painful annoyance. "No I don't wanna hear anything. You need to make up for the hours that you missed and Sunghoon has the weekend off so I need you to pick up the slack" "But sir I was just-" Jungkook starts trying to come to my aid but is cut off yet again. 
"Jungkook I don't need any lip from you either" he says authoritatively while walking away to busy himself with a task in another part of the store. "Yes sir" he mumbles, bringing his head down and slightly pouting. I swear if he was a bunny I would see his floppy little ears start to droop.
"Sorry Kook, but what was it you wanted to ask me? Maybe we can still do it after I get off?" I offer, giving him a soft smile. He looks at me, still a little sad but I can see a little glimmer of hope coming back. "Well I wanted to see if you wanted to have a picnic or something since our friendship anniversary is coming up" he says returning the soft smile I'm giving him. 
"Has it really been another year? How many does that make now?" I say in surprise. "Fifteen!" he answers, satisfied with the answer and feeling proud of how long we've known each other. "I can't believe it's been that long!" I say starting to reminisce about all the memories of our many adventures together. 
"Yeah but I guess having a picnic late at night isn't as fun as it would be during the day" he mumbles, drooping again. "I've got an idea!" I say with a mischievous smile. "Really? What is it?" he questions, interest peaked. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about any of it. I'll take care of everything! The only thing you need to make sure of is to bring a car. You think your brother would let you borrow his?" I question. "I think I could make that happen" he says with an inquisitive smile clearly suspicious of what I'm planning. 
"Don't give me that look!" I say, hitting him on the shoulder. "It'll be fun!" I say excitedly. "I'm sure it will be but usually when you get this excited about things they tend to be illegal" I widen my eyes at his sudden call out. "Shhhh pipe down. I don't need my uncle to catch onto the things I do in my free time" I say slightly panicked.
"I heard that!" my uncle says from the other side of the store. "Plus you're not slick Luna. I've known about your delinquent activities for a while now but it's never gotten serious enough to bring up. Just don't get caught, I'm not about to bail your ass out of jail. Got it?" he warns while coming over to talk to us again. 
"Yep got it" I say nodding my head in agreement. "And that goes for you as well" He says pointing at Grey. "Hey what did I do" she asks, slightly offended. "Don't play innocent with me. I know you're the mastermind behind these schemes half the time" he says nodding towards her. "How do you know that?" she says, crossing her arms over her chest trying to act cool but still visibly surprised at his knowledge of our delinquency. 
"You do realize that most of the time you're hatching your plans in my store? I know everything that goes on in here" he says mirroring her posture, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fair enough" she mumbles, admitting to her part in it.
"Why aren't you giving Jungkook a lecture about all of this too?" she pouts motioning towards him. "Because I know he's smart enough not to get caught and he's also the reason you guys don't get caught 95% of the time" he says clapping him on the shoulder. 
"He's got a point there" Jungkook admits. "Okay okay whatever. The point of this lecture is don't get caught and don't do anything too crazy. We got it. Anything else?" I say clearly ready for this conversation to be over. 
"Yeah, you get back to work! He says pointing a finger at me. "And Grey start paying for the gum you chew or I'm gonna start taking it out of your paycheck." he threatens pointing towards her as well. 
"Don't you already take it out of my paycheck?" she questions clearly done as well, grabbing another box of products to start restocking. "Ya! Don't get smart with me young lady!" he says following after her. "Yeah yeah" is the last thing we hear as they head further into the store.
"Sorry Kook I guess it's time for you to head out" I say giving him a shrug. "That's alright I should probably get going anyways. I've gotta get to class" he says while giving me another kiss on my head. "That's right, Mr. College Man can't be late to art class" I say smirking at him. He rolls his eyes "Love you loser" he yells as he towards the exit. "Love you too weirdo" I respond waving him off. I watch him leave but I can't help but feel disappointed by his departure.
Jungkook is going to the best Visual Arts school in Seoul and I'm so proud of him! He could've left us behind after high school and made friends with the rich kids in his classes but instead he still comes in and hangs out with us as often as he can. We all grew up together and I honestly don't know what I would do without these two. 
Grey on the other hand is trying her hand at producing music. It hasn't been taking off but she's gotten a few jobs here and there working for smaller artists that are just getting started as well. She's been building a portfolio and honestly she's really good! She just lacks the confidence to take the next step. I've been pushing her to try to apply at different schools to get proper training but she doesn't think she's good enough yet and needs to make sure she stands out so she can land a scholarship. Otherwise even if she did get accepted she wouldn't be able to afford it.
Me on the other hand? Well honestly I have no clue what I want to do. I've worked just about every part time job you could imagine just trying to stay afloat. I don't have time for dreams. At this point I feel like I'm just existing, which is a sucky way to live out your 20s but unfortunately that's the life I'm living. 
Growing up I had many different dream jobs that I had thought about. Fashion designer, Makeup artist, Dancer, but at the end of the day like Grey, I've gotta build up my portfolio to really stand out and I just haven't had the time to do any of that. 
Just like I've been encouraging her to take that next step, Jungkook has been the one in my corner. The one who's always had so much hope and confidence in me and my dreams. Whenever I needed someone he was always there for me. He even spent the night in the hallway outside of my apartment just because he still wanted to be there for me even though I didn't want him to. 
Jungkook is one of the only people in this world I know I can trust. Without him I don't think I'd be here today. 
I've gone through so much and when it got to the point where I felt like I didn't want to exist anymore he was the one that brought me back, nursed me back to health and made sure that I was never left alone. He is my safe place and he always will be. 
I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone as pure and loving as him. He's my best friend and my rock. Life wouldn't be as bright and colorful without him.
"Hey lady are you gonna ring me up or what?" I hear an old man say breaking me out of my daydream. "Sorry sir I didn't mean to make you wait, my apologies" I say while giving him a shallow bow. "Yeah whatever just get on with it" he grumbles, clearly not phased by my apology. I ring up his various items which include a couple bottles of soju, a few bags of snacks, a cup of ramen- "Oh and a pack of cigarets" he slurs. 
"Of course sir" I respond while turning my back to grab the ones he selected. "That'll be $20.35" he tosses the money onto the counter while I place all of his items into a bag. "Thank you sir have a good day" I say while he stumbles his way out of the store. 
"Are people always that rude?" the next woman in line says while placing her items on the counter, glaring daggers into the man's back. "Yeah but I'm used to it at this point. As long as they don't get nasty or angry it doesn't really bother me. It's to be expected working in this part of town" I finish off while scanning all of her items. 
"That doesn't make it right" she say counters, clearly upset for me. "It's alright, for the most part I kind of ignore it" I say before telling her her the total. She swipe her card and I hand her the bag with her items once the transaction goes through. "Well for your sake I hope they cut you some slack" she say before walking away from the counter and saying goodbye. "Thank you, have a nice day" I say to her, genuinely meaning it this time around.
"You too kiddo" she says before walking into the outside world. 'Why can't all customers be like that?' I think, having a warm feeling after the interaction. "Yah! Quit Ignoring me. I'm ready to leave" the next customer says sneaking up on me. This is gonna be a long day.
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s3 episode 24 thoughts
here we are. the s3 finale. i am so excited!!! and after such a fantastic last episode, my expectations are high. also, having now seen 3 season finales, i have the sneaking suspicion that this one will also be a cliffhanger, which will get on my nerves a bit i’m sure as i get all my s3 stuff around before beginning s4, but again i extend my retroactive sympathies to the people who had to wait like a year to actually see what happened next back when it was airing. 
(author's note: since this one involved a lot of shape shifting, writing a play-by-play description of what was going on was quite tricky. just know i did my best and hopefully that is what matters <3)
this episode description makes it sounds like i’m gonna cry from some mulder family angst. i am preparing myself mentally. 
we shall begin.
we open at a food court sort of situation, which makes me once again mourn the fact that i missed the golden age of malls, as i would have devoured that. oh, it actually seems to just be a restaurant. well, my own wishful thinking, i suppose.
this man is very upset and making others uncomfortable with his loud yelling slash crying. so he pulls out a gun which makes people even more uncomfortable. he says the kids can leave but everyone else has to stay which seems like it will make things much worse for those kids?? but i digress.
a second man emerges from the back, asking the fellow with the gun to please not shoot. this second man is in a suit and tie, and has a very calming presence. to me, he shall be calming man. calming man talks him out of shooting, and i’m thinking yes!! what a save!!!
... until the gunman sees the police arrive, and then he DOES start shooting into the crowed. this is so sad to see happening. shooter has a bullet wound to the chest from the snipers outside sent to stop him, but calming man says he is not going to die, and heals him by placing his hand on him????
WOAH….. calming man….. you have powers…… get him in a hospital STAT, we need him to lay hands on a LOT of people... like a priest with a 100% success rate
mulder and scully are rolling up to the scene. scully is baffled because there is no one that needs medical attention, despite hearing that a bunch of people got shot!!
so she talks to one of the guys that was shot, and he only has a little hole in his shirt, which she simply lifts up and looks under. and i was laughing because she was in Doctor Mode but it is lowkey weird as hell to just lift some dude’s shirt up and analyze his tummy LMAO. oh she is so endearing to me. this man explains that even though he was shot, calming man touched him and said everything would be okay, and it was! that's suspicious. that's weird.
mulder is peeking his head into the car where the shooter is being held (typical mulder activities, peeking his head into places and whatnot) then he gets right in there with him. the shooter’s name is mr. muntz, and mulder wants to know what happened. mulder has some messy hair going on, but he is speaking very calmly and professionally... that oxford psych degree is showing!
mr. muntz says god spared his life, assuming that calming man must have been sent by god OR is god himself. which i suppose is a logical conclusion to draw.
somehow, calming man just DISAPPEARED from the scene. which is not what you want a guy to do in such a situation!!! unless, perhaps, he has fled to do some more miracle working, in which case i hope he teleports far and wide.
cutscene to rhode island. this lady is approaching a house, which is filled with plastic covering all of the furniture.
(author's note: i literally had no idea that "this lady" was mrs. mulder. and honestly given how much attention i pay to all the details- from the exact episode mulder mentioned jimi hendrix that one time to knowing scully did her residency in forensic medicine- i have no excuse for this. it is deeply humbling to realize the limits of my memory, which so often i think is close to fool-proof. i apologize to mrs. mulder but i, for some reason, thought she had brown hair. please accept my heartfelt apology, mrs. mulder. i have only seen you briefly before, which is a reason, but not an excuse for such a careless mistake)
she walks in, and sees a door is open to the outside. so she (author's note: mrs. mulder) follows along, and who does she see but CANCER MAN??? he remarks that everything changes but the sea. well the sea is constantly changing so take that, cancer man.
this woman (MRS. MULDER, god i'm cringing at my past self) wants to know what exactly he wants from her, and he says “we used to have so much to say to each other” ???? “SO MANY GOOD TIMES AT THE MULDERS’ SUMMER PLACE” HUH???
he makes a jab about how bill wasn’t as good at water skiing as he was, but that could be said about so many thing, couldn’t it? and WHERE DOES THIS DUDE GET OFF? 
(this is funny because cancer man lowkey sucks at his job and i won't let him forget that. like at the big UN council meeting everyone was pissed at him for losing the tape and trying to kill skinner and being generally just Fucking Bad at his work, so for him to say all this is quite comical)
the woman says she has repressed it all and i don’t blame her because i would also want to repress any moments with this man, but he says he came her to make her remember something. they’re fighting as a camera takes pictures. WHO IS TAKING PICTURES OF THIS?
okay, back to the virginia crime scene with our agents. calming man has given his name as “jeremiah smith”, but left a fake P.O. box and has no driver’s license. suspicious!!!!
mulder gets a call from skinner- one that “might cause him some alarm”. it’s his mother!!! she has been admitted to the hospital in rhode island, in serious condition!!! skinner stumbles on the pronunciation of the town she's in, but clearly it means something to mulder, because he knows where she is!! he says he is on his way
next thing we see is him bursting in into the room, with scully waiting behind him. something so lovely about scully coming along to be with him at such a terrible moment.
OMG IT’S HIS MOM….. why did i forget what his mom looked like?? am i actually the worst at this?? (<- the moment i Realized)
he grabs her hand and puts his hand on her forehead (i’m going to cry) and scully comes in and explains that she had a stroke. he notices that she is cold and puts another blanket over her (oh my gosh... such an attentive and caring son) and scully tries to reassure him not to think the worst, that people recover from these situations all of the time. i paused to write this down and he has this big sad eyes and i’m gonna CRY. he’s touching her hair and whispering “mom” and AUGHHHH. his only remaining family member...
apparently a 911 call came in… i guess that it was probably cancer man who called. and who probably did this somehow.
OH! she opens her eyes! he smiles at her and tells her everything is going to be okay. ohhh, sweet man...
scully realizes mrs. mulder wants something to write on, and busts out a pen and paper because she is always prepared!!!! and i love that about her!!!
so mrs. mulder writes on the paper “PALM”, which he looks at and repeats, but it’s not clear if he gets what that means or not. here i am thinking that it means some sort of treasure will be hidden beneath a palm tree
he’s watching her being taken away to another hospital as scully looks at some paperwork to figure out what exactly happened to her. and she uses her doctoral skills to tell him that they are optimistic on her recovery. it’s so sweet 😭😭😭 she does everything she can to ease his worries. i love her!!!!!!
but mulder thinks there is a correlation between what went down at the shooting in virginia and here- because she wrote the word “palm”, which is what calming man used to heal the victims of the gunman. and that seems like a stretch to me and to scully, but a grieving mind works in intricate ways, and we already know that mulder has the most intricate of minds, so maybe he's onto something.
he senses that it’s a bit of a leap, and she tries to very gently explain that it might not mean anything, that her brain has been radically changed. she says she is gonna drive him to the nearest motel (😭😭😭) and he says no, we’re going to DC and finding out who this calming man "jeremiah smith" is. omg buddy let her book you a motel and get some rest... but no, for he has entered his bloodhound mode, and there is no stopping him in such a situation
so now it’s 8:25 am the next day, and they are watching some tapes from the news footage while she sits on his desk. and sure enough, they find the guy on the newsreel- calming man jeremiah smith- and they even see that he vanished! it seems like someone else took his place, wearing the same clothes??? now how would that work….
mulder decides he must leave, and where to? “if i told you, you’d never let me go” <- okay well at least he’s sort of honest? scully reminds him he hasn’t slept in 24 hours, but he goes on anyway, telling her to give him a call if she finds anything on the tapes. a sigh from scully as she wonders what the hell he is up to.
now we’re at the social security administration, which is frankly pretty dystopian- so very aggressively white, with spaced out desks, giving extreme retro futurism in that special 90's kind of way. but here is the calming man at a desk, as tons of people in suits and with microphones come in! calming man jeremiah smith walks out the back door and is snagged… under the watchful eye of CANCER MAN??????
seriously, what does this dude even DO beyond be mysterious and nosy?!!!
so they put calming man jeremiah smith in a full body restraint and bring him into some sort of jail cell???? i just KNOW he was not read his rights, too...
mulder, meanwhile, has driven all the way BACK to rhode island, to the house covered in plastic. it is very quiet and dark. he makes his way outside, where we see someone watching him. it’s X!!!!!
X opens the door and tells mulder that cancer man was HERE WITH HER. IT WAS ON HIS ORDERS THE PHOTOS OF THEM FIGHTING WERE TAKEN!!! or maybe it was him hiding in the bushes snapping the pics?? that option is funnier to imagine, so i shall.
X is shocked that mulder didn’t know his mother and cancer man knew each other, but he very seriously says that he has no idea. and X clarifies that he didn’t hurt her, she collapsed AFTER he left- it was X that made the phone call to 911!
ah, that makes more sense than cancer man doing the calling, as i had suspected. although, clearly cancer man WANTS something from her, so maybe he would want to save her life. but then i had assumed he was the one who somehow made her have a stroke- but if he wanted something from her, nearly killing her would make that hard, right? unless he just comes close enough in killing her to scare her... hmm, i'm theorizing, and it feels like some sort of sick chess game.
OH! it seems cancer man wants something in this house. and mulder is surprised because on the day his parents divorced, she promised to never set foot here again. in the "SUMMER HOUSE"- yes, that was the wording he used. bro... how much money were they paying his dad to mess with aliens for them to live in martha’s vineyard AND have a summer house? 😭😭 that was blood money they were paying him fr and it must have been a hell of a paycheck. i have student loans, maybe i should get into the alien secrets business.
so whatever is here has to be important. but mulder tells X he has no idea what it is. xXseems to be hiding something, but maybe that is just his face.
back at the FBI, scully is heading out- or possibly heading back into work? as she does this, “jeremiah smith” arrives! she is very taken aback but jumps into work immediately. he says he is here to turn himself in, because it was claimed he fled a crime scene.
SO WAS THAT NOT HIM IN THE FULL BODY RESTRAINT?? or are we dealing with teleportation here? i mean we have healing already, teleportation isn’t much of a jump i suppose. 
(i was so damn confused lol)
now we are with calming man jeremiah smith in skinner’s office, where he claims that everything seemed like a dream from the moment he told the man to put his gun down forward. he claims he doesn’t remember anything, not even giving a false address. he only remembers showing up for work the next day. so... was his body like possessed or something?
he’s like “what did i do wrong :(“ and scully says he didn’t do anything wrong!!!!! skinner says that he can go, but to let them know if he leaves town. she shrugs her shoulders at skinner, not knowing what happened. scully is so kind...
back to rhode island, where mulder has a flashlight. the house is covered with children’s artwork and whimsical chickens. he’s looking through all of the stuff for anything of interest. it’s a fascinating walk through of how they must have lived, with her sewing kits tucked in drawers and toys in boxes. something about seeing their childhood makes my heart want to melt. poor kids, they had no idea what was to come...
he’s getting angry at not finding anything of use, tossing things around, before sitting on the now non-plastic covered couch, when he pulls her note out- and realizes that “palm” is an anagram for “lamp”! is this a clue??? must we inspect the lamps??? of which there are many???
yes, we must. he’s throwing this first one into the wall like link when he sees a pot that might have a rupee in it. but it doesn’t seem to have anything useful in the first one, so it becomes a lamp tossing session. and in the second one, he finds a metal tube thing!!! 
when he presses the side of the metal tube thing, a giant needle emerges!! is this one of those needles they used in s2 to vanquish the nearly indestructible aliens?? are there more in any other lamps??
now cancer man is back in the jail cell with the dude he took hostage that i thought was calming man jeremiah smith. well, whoever it is, he has jeremiah smith’s face. cancer man very dramatically sits in front of him and lights up. jeremiah says he isn’t ashamed of his actions, but cancer man says he isn’t “allowed to put your indulgences ahead of the greater purpose”. OH! so this must be a real life alien. that takes people’s shapes? i suppose?
YES! like that hit man did in the s2 arc that wound up with mulder nearly dead after the battle of that strange submarine!! whose blood induced the virus that led him to be soaked in an ice bath! i’m recalling!!
so, calming man jeremiah smith says he no longer believes in the "greater purpose", to which cancer man replies “then your fate is just”.
now hold on. what are you going to do to this man? there might be some intergalactic diplomatic repercussions for acting unwisely here, bucko.
they’re having a poetry off as they talk about duty and the terror of jeremiah smith giving the people hope. cancer man says men can never be free because they are “weak, corrupt, worthless, and restless”, some of my favorite adjectives . so he sees himself as this authority figure adjacent to god in this world in which man no longer believes.
well he's wrong on many accounts for 1. he is not god, just a guy who lowkey sucks at his alien job, and 2. scully is very much a believer of god and science, so take your stupid dichotomies and ego and smoke on THAT, cancer man
oh, but the tables are turning. “how many must die at your hand to preserve your stake in the project?” ooooh read him, calming man jeremiah smith!!! get him for me and again for missy.
cancer man seems deeply unsettled and tries to get out because calming man jeremiah smith is no longer calming man… HE HAS A NEW FACE?? IS THAT DEEP THROAT! he seems deeply scared… was cancer man scared of deep throat??? what was their power dynamic?!? oh, the things we will likely never know...
i have missed seeing deep throat around. but cancer man basically says that this alien’s execution date is coming. damn. they kill you for saving others. we really live in a society...
back to mulder, who is barging into skinner’s office. he tells his secretary to hold his calls, and it is appearing evident that he has not slept in a long time. he walks right into a meeting between skinner and scully, and says he wants his name and everything about "him"! which "him", you ask? you know the one!
“i want the smoking man smoked out; i want him exposed to be the murdering son of a bitch that he is” he says, and YAAAAS i have been wanting to say these lines for 3 seasons now!!!
skinner is not pleased with this, and reveals that he doesn’t even KNOW his name, nor how he can find it, and they are yelllling. mulder says to scully that cancer man is trying to kill calming man jeremiah smith, but she says that he had JUST been there, and he works for the social security administration, which sets mulder off on another quest. in which she joins!!
(skinner says something really interesting here- that there might have been a time when he could have been able to find out cancer man's identity, but that time has since passed. very interesting, i'd love to know what that means...)
off to the faraway and magical land of the social security administration, where mulder apprehends jeremiah smith. he looks to scully asking what is going on, and she also has no answers. 
so they get to the FBI and he starts to bolt!!! he falls down and comes up… with a new face?!! and then he disappears into the crowd!!! 
SO WHAT IS GOING ON??? are there TWO ALIENS?? are they TELEPORTING?? are they shapeshifting?? HUH??
cancer man goes back to the individual i shall now refer to as the “jail cell alien” because he no longer bears the face of calming man. damn, this is really confusing to write out, and very much tied to visual media as a storytelling vessel. i hope that you are familiar with what i’m talking about so you have any idea what i’m even saying, because i realize it sounds deeply incomprehensible.
alien asks why cancer man is so afraid of him, and claims that he knows everything about him. OH! “you think you’re god- you’re a drone, a cataloguer, chattel”, says cancer man, to which he is met with the reply “what you’re afraid of is they’ll believe i am god”
HEY WHAT! so what exactly is this dude’s job description?? like, either of them.
they’re talking about god and belief and fear and rule- “they don’t believe in Him, but they still fear Him” <- ooooh banger line on part of the cancer man.
(it seems that there is probably some very intentional real-world commentary on the illusion of freedom under democracy, the nature of the surveillance state, and how people are satiated under capitalism with all this talk to appeasement and there not being a god, but i’m not trying to crack that right now. i’m trying to figure out what this alien dude does beyond heal people and be cryptic. he says that humans have love, which makes them “better than us- better than you” SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? can he feel no love?)
they’re referring to some sort of process, and how cancer man wants to be involved when it begins, which i’m guessing is referring to some sort of alien-human joint conquest or hybridization or something?
GASP! alien changes his face again and proclaims that cancer man is… DYING OF LUNG CANCER!
fork spotted in kitchen. however, cancer man is sincerely gagged and doesn’t believe it. the absolute buffoonery going on…
now the alien from before that had escaped from the clutches of our agents has shape shifter again?? into the hit man we saw in s2! with the special alien killing needle!
so my memory is foggy… these aliens that the hit men are hunting are dissenters from the overall alien regime, right? they’re not different species of alien entirely? 
but then what/who are the little grey ones…. are we witnessing intergalactic warfare here…?
(i gotta be so honest, i come here for the lingering tension between mulder and scully, so i’m a little fuzzy on how the actual alien stuff works)
anyway, the cronies of cancer man are bringing the hit man and his lethal needle into the cell where they’re holding the alien formerly known as calming man jeremiah smith, but… he isn’t in there!!!!! where did he go!!?!
so we have two aliens, both shapeshifters, taking the same face at times, one trying to kill the other. also cancer man is here and mulder’s mom is in the hospital, and for some reason she had one of those needles in her house. okay, i’ve got it.
back to the hospital- his mom isn’t getting better, and he is struggling to hear that, pulling a chair next to her while his eyes fill with tears. he’s crying as he holds her hand to his cheek. poor mulder :( losing all of his family :( it’s so sad honestly to see him cry :(
he leaves the room, attempts to compose himself, and sees cancer man in the hall!!!! uh oh! so mulder GRABS him, throws him against the wall, and pulls out his gun, saying “you gonna smoke that, or you want to smoke on this?” <- WHEW!!!!!!! he was not playing around before but now he is a NEW level of locked in… but careful… if you kill him, what he knows goes with him….
he even offers to give him brain damage but not kill him, so he can suffer like his mother does (DAMN!), which prompts the reveal that cancer man has known his mother since before he was born. he thinks about this and decides that he does NOT give a fuck.
he claims that SHE contacted HIM, (which isn’t what happened because we SAW what happened at the start of the episode?? he wanted her to remember something??) and also that he has possible information on his sister’s location. how many people are going to use this line on our guy...?
mulder puts the gun down as a nurse walks in, pivoting to asking where his sister is- but the man who might have that information has disappeared, according to cancer man. so he must be referring to the alien formerly known as calming man jeremiah smith.
mulder keeps saying that he has what he wants, presumably referring to the lethal needles, but cancer man denies wanting anything except to see how his mother is doing. he furiously puts his gun away. 
back to scully cam!!! it’s late at night, but she is still at work, and she has her glasses on because she’s on the computer <3 she seems… puzzled. for the social security administration has records on SIX different jeremiah smiths, all from different locations, but with the SAME FACE!!! this is weird enough to prompt a call to mulder, who has no service, but is very angry in an empty parking lot. 
X emerges into the parking lot- he is always emerging from places- and asks if he has “it”. he demands mulder give it to him, but he refuses. 
mulder (correctly) points out that it is a weapon used to pierce the back of an alien's neck, which is the only way we can kill “them”. and X says it’s value will soar when the truth is revealed, so i’m wondering if we can get a rough time frame on when that will be so i can get my things in order before then. X says they will kill him for it, even if it risks making him a martyr and his research coming to light. oh, they must want it really bad... maybe it's a special kind of needle you just can't get on earth.
mulder says to X, so you’re talking about colonization, and you have a date, don’t you? but he refuses to give the weapon over. prompting a battle! they seem pretty evenly matched, and they both pull their guns out. 
“if you shoot me, you’ll never find it” “i ought to shoot you anyway, after everything i’ve given you” says X, and WELL! X, you didn’t really do all that distribution of clues to mulder out of the goodness of your heart, did you… you’re leading him on a little quest on cancer man’s order’s, aren’t you???? I THINK YOU ARE!! but i don’t KNOW, because why then would he SNITCH on cancer man with those photos??!!!!
(not super clear on why exactly mulder wants to keep this thing other than keeping it out of the hands of evil, but maybe that is enough of a reason for him)
so they both have guns pointed at each other, and they’re limping away, and X announces that mulder is a dead man one way or the other. ????!!!!! i do not want him to be a dead man...
scully comes home to her place at 1 am… but someone is at the door. someone claiming to be jeremiah smith!!!! chat... do we believe it? and how did he even find where she lives...
he asks to be let in… and she is gonna let him in…? with only 3 minutes left in the episode….?! seems a risky move!
he says he has information on her partner and his sister. and scully says, well why didn’t you bring that up before!!! a very valid question! but get this- it's because he’s never SPOKEN to her before- that other man was an imposter, sent there to kill him!!!
OOOOH okay. so now the dual shape shifting aliens thing makes sense. one sent to hunt the other for breaking the rules... got it.
her phone is ringing as this goes down. it’s mulder, saying that “they” are looking for jeremiah smith, and to meet up off the I-95. so it’s very dark and creepy as they go to the rendez vous point.
mulder makes scully get behind him, getting between her and the alien formerly known as jeremiah smith (🩷) as he pulls out the alien killing needle. and this guy claims to be the OG calming man that healed those people, but that’s not really enough evidence for a guy like mulder. despite mulder's suspicious, the alien keeps saying he can explain everything. but first, mulder orders that he must come to see his mother.
OMG! so he wants to use the alien's powers to heal his mother! do you think it could work? i mean, a stroke and a bullet are different kinds of hurt... but maybe he could pull it off?
OH NO!!! who rolls up to this dark and creepy scene, but the hit man!!! a loud crescendo of music is playing and we get a TO BE CONTINUED
i mean, i knew a cliffhanger ending was coming, but STILL.
okay, so what am i thinking about this episode… i am thinking that i don’t really know what is going on or where the loyalties lie. but it seems that alien colonization is eminent? and where does X fall on all of this? i assume he wanted the needle killer tool so HE could kill the REAL alien formerly known as calming man jeremiah smith, like cancer man wanted, for rebelling against their alien treaty and healing someone. but if that is what he wanted it for, and he is aligned with cancer man, why did he go behind his back to do the snooping on him with mulder’s mom?? was he trying to get mulder as an ally to do cancer man’s bidding through sneaky tricks??? or was he going to keep the needle out of cancer man's hands, and felt he could do it better than mulder could, so that by asking him to give up the needle, he would be saving mulder's life and risking his own? does he actually give a damn about mulder? also, how many different kinds of aliens are there??? and are they all lying about samantha?
so huh. umm. that was a lot of questions and not a lot of answers.
as interesting as this episode was plot-wise, and as much as i love angst, and how it pains me to see mulder mourn the potential loss of his mother, something in this episode just didn’t quite compel me. and then i realized: not enough scully. a criminal mistake, imo. takes what could be an amazing episode into an inherently mediocre one. 
but, what we did see of her was her kindness, using her doctorly knowledge to try and lift mulder’s spirits, risking a lot of danger to try and get the answers for him, even if it means getting involved with alien bullshit. maybe she thinks it’ll bring her answers about her sister and her own abduction… yes, that has to be it. still, a grave sin to omit her. it just feels fundamentally Off.
so, that was the end of s3! well, as i have done twice before now, i’ll make my season wrap up posts before i get onto s4- even if it does end with a cliffhanger that is honestly SO rude. i’ll have to go over all my notes again to find the best moments and compile them, which is always a task (even if it is a major treat). and i have a feeling there will be a LOT of favorite moments this time around. plus i'll update the masterpost.
thank you to everyone who read this far, and reads this blog at all. i can't believe i am on season 4! it really makes my day to see people's reactions to the episode, learn fun facts, and experience the community in this fandom that i am otherwise denied by my persistence in avoiding spoilers. please feel free to go back and interact with old posts, too- it makes me so happy when i get notifications from that.
until next time, you agents in a dangerous back alley with some skirmishing aliens!
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
As per request of @tired-jaz here's some dabi fluff for the touya fans 😈 This is purely fluff but here's a lil quick disclaimer ⚠️ jaz this isn't totally what you asked for but Its still fluff and got some pretty sweet stuff in it 😭(pun intended) HOPE YALL ENJOY‼️
AS YOU (dabi x reader)
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"3 months, THREE WHOLE MONTHS NAKI. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I havent felt the touch of aan, MY MAN, in three whole months", you scream into the phone, not caring the damage youve dealt to your sisters eardrums.
"Y/N" she screams back.
"Yes..." you retorted sheepishly with a slight ansgt.
"Isnt he coming bacm in like what? 3 DAYS?? I hate to break it to you gurl, BUT PLEASE, calm down, I get it but he'll be there soon."
"NO. NO BUTS. What happened to the logical and rational you i know? The one dabi fell in love with? Youll have him all to yourself in no time. I know its hard, especially cause you haven't been able to talk to him either, but honey please. Hell be there alright. ALRIGHT?"
you sigh, "I'll calm down. You're right I guess, don't wanna embarrass myself in front of him after 3 months..." you breathe out staring at your feet face reddening at the thought of your desperate actions. "I just miss him, a lot."
"Y/n...I get it, i really do, and i hate to do this right now, but i have to go, if you need anything youll tell me right?"
"Yeah yeah you know I will", you respond rolling your eyes simultaneously.
"REMEMBER" the sudden loud tone sending you to jump up, "3 DAYS THEN HES ALL YOURS. BYE BYE!" she acreams ending the call with a kissy sound.
Your hand drops down, looking at the caller ID
"I know" you wisper to yourself.
Grogginess? She practically your bestfriend you think rolling over to the other aide of your bed, arm slewn over your back orher cupping the side of the pillow youve found yourself clutching for dear life to the past couple of months.
"Dabi..." you whisper, eyes squeezing shut trying to imagine his face again as you bury your face into the pillow
"please come home" is the last thing your pillow hears before you pass out on top of it wishing it was him you were on top of instead.
Nothing could quite distract you from his absence like sleeping your life away.
Anxiety was eating you alive like you were the twilight saga and a book worm was having a feild day.
"Nothing has changed between us right?" you thought. "Right?" you repeat to yourself, a sickening smile creeping on your face with tears pricked in the corners of your eyes.
"NO" you yell sitting up to hang of your bed.
"Y/N. YOU GOT THIS! I GOT THIS? I GOT THIS." you chant storming to your kitchen. Given the ungodly amount of sleep you got yesterday, you hadnt eaten barely anything but leftover cookies and some milk.
"OH. MY. GOD." you aggravatingly sighed out
"I'M SO DAMN HUNGRY" followed by a whine as the refridgerator swining open, and then the realization hit you, you wouldn't be surprised if dust and a moth flew out with the door.
"DAMN INGREDIENT HOUSEHOLD WHAT THE HELL" you yell falling to your knees while slamming the fridge shut, followed by a bang on the door with your fist.
Your head soon met the door as well with your begging you from 2 weeks ago to stop the decision of purely doordashing food to your front door while dabi was gone, leaving you broke as hell. Checking your bank account wasn't any better than the fridge, but in optimism you tell yourself, if theres one thing an ingredient household will get you, its crazy amazing dessert recipes made out of practically thin air.
-skip to later that night-
"Holy shit-" you breathe out
"Holy fucking shit, so. much. dessert. So many... everything?" you question scanning your kitchen surroundings, brownies, cookies, Tres Leches, cookie dough, instant jello, popsicles?
"How in the actual hell...did i make...popsicles..."
you whisper before collapsing of exhaustion.
Slowly picking up your phone to check the time, you read 2:45 a.m.
Following is a look of worry, exhaustion, and confusion as you pass out on the kitchen floor.
My keys slowy make their way into the key hole, first sturggling due to my franticness to see her. My girl.
"y/n" I whisper out getting frustrated that the key keeps getting stuck.
"Dammit!' i whisper yell as the door finnalg flys open crashing against the wall behind it.
"What the hell? Why does it smell like...HUH?"
He screeches feasting his eyes on the copious piles of desserts covering every kitchen surface.
"What the hell..." he whispers, barely taking the time to notice you crashed out on the kitchen floor.
"Y/n..." he whispers leaning down to you, a look of pity and concern stretching across his otherwise emotionless face.
"baby..." is the last thing he says before reaching behind your neck and waist to hoist you up into his arms.
A feeling of warmth overcomes your body, a feeling of comfort, one you cant quit explain while wrapped up in your Candy Land like dream, one where you of all people were a diety of dessert. Slowly coming back to consciousness you hear the words of your lover...
"baby" you feel whispered against your ear, the familar voice sending shocks through your body.
No matter the lack of sleep and energy spent on your Master Chef Desserts you shot up clinging to dabi like it was the last time.
"DABI" you screeched into his ear as he pulls you in closer.
He presses a kiss to your ear, "hey princess, missed you baby" he says pressing a second one right after the other.
The feeling practically melts you, nothing beats some sweet love from your lover, especially the physical lind.
"Dabi" you sigh
"Yes princess?"
"Kiss me again?"
You grab his collar pulling his face for his eyes to look into yours.
"KISS ME" you growl locking his eyes with yours noticing the sly smirk spreading across his beautiful face.
"Alright alright, i heard you the first time" he chuckles cupping your cheek and pulling your waist flush against his stomach.
"Since you ask so nicely..." he teases bringing your face close to his.
You can't explain it, maybe its the lack of him you've experienced the past three months or his overall deamenor but its like you cant think anymore. Everythings fuzzy, your nose filled with the smell of the previously baked sweets mixed with the ash and cigarette smell on his collar. You lose complete control melting into his hands, making him work to keep your body up as his lips meet yours. You make note of the gentleness he's displaying, something not often seen, even behind closed doors. It doesn't feel like hes going to give you the night of your life, or like hes about to do whataver he wants to you, he feels like he's about to hold you until the sun comes up, bury his head in your neck, lay you on his chest kissing your head, whispering sweet nothings like
"you're so beautiful baby..."
"i missed you so much" followed by his nose burrowing in your hair.
'you miss me too pretty girl?"
maybe a
"Im here its alright princess..."
or maybe
"you need anything baby?"
its almost out of charcter for him, but somethings changed, the way he holds you, something happened. He holds you now like hes actaully scared to lose you. His kiss isn't filled with lust, but love, pure innocent love, one you've never felt, you think leaning more into the kiss slowly making your backs way down to the floor.
His lips press deeper into yours, never wanting to leave but nevertheless he pulls away leaning over your frozen body beneath him.
"Baby" he whispers moving your face so his eyes meet his, given you were hiding it out of embarrassment.
"Yes..." you wisper back peering up into his beautiful eyes, taking note of the difference in his stare. He holds there for awhile, staring into your eyes, searching in them like he'll find something, still holding your face lovingly.
Your left hand comes to meet his hand on your face cupping over it shooting him a small smile.
"Dabi? "
"Hm?" he hums back seeming to come back to reality.
"S-sorry" he stutters a bit, a like shade of pink running across his cheecks.
Your smile never leaves as you bring your other hand up to meet his face, pulling it down to your head to rest his forehead against yours.
"I love you" you whisper.
"Hm..." he hums with a slight chuckle sending a look of horror to your face. His laugh grows as he puts more pressure against your foreheads.
"I'm just teasing baby" he says moving his mouth to kiss your forehead as he pulls you up to sit with him, pulling his hand of your cheek to allow more balance on the way up.
"Just teasing" he repeats moving to kiss your cheek allowing another small smile to come up on your face as his hand meets your face again. He follows with small kisses peppering across your cheeks, forehead, nose, jaw line, and even some daring to your neck. All that's heard throughout your shared apartment is small giggles and the sound of his lips coming off of your skin.
"Hey princess" he says looking for some focus as he comes up to cup both your cheeks.
"I love you."
Your face goes an ungodly red.
"Hm?" you question, face blank, leaving him to chuckle to himself.
"I love you baby" he repeats giving you a warm smile leaning his forhead bacm against yours.
"I..." you smile back... "I love you too dabi" you whisper allowing his lips to come back to yours for one final kiss before your mouths are otherwise occupied scarfing down the pile of treats waiting for you on the counter.
"Pretty sweet huh?" you tease bumping your hips into his.
"Not as sweet as you baby" he replies a sweet smile spreading on both your faces as you match each other's gaze.
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The Witch and The Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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(Credits to GIF owner)
A/N 1: Hey guys! This has been in my drafts for so long. Although it's only 2.1k words, there is so much going on in this story, so I basically thinking about making this a serie. But instead of a complete serie, I'm thinking something like a sitcom. Like it's a world that you are the main character but every part will have a different adventure, I hope I'm clear lmao let me know what you think please!!
A/N 2: These events happen between Civil War and Ragnarok. They pretty much happen at the same time but I changed it a little so it could fit what's in my mind! So basically Ragnarok will happen later after this story. Okay? Okay!
A/N 3: Please bare with my grammar mistakes, English is not my first language!
WC: 2.1k+
Warnings: Mention of trigger words, Bucky being depressed, mention of HYDRA, let me know if I missed any!!
Bucky and Steve landed in Wakanda, relieved to be in a safe haven after their harrowing escape from the US government. Steve had told Bucky that he had a friend in Wakanda who could help him get back on his feet, and now it was time to make good on that promise.
Even though, Shuri ensured them they can help him, it was obvious it was going to take a lot of time. Meanwhile he would need to be put in cryo. Steve didn't want that. He didn't want to see Bucky suffer any more longer.
"No other way? Are you sure about that?" Steve asked Shuri.
Shuri knew Steve was worried about his friend. "I'm sorry Captain Rogers, I'm afraid I can't work as fast as I can with a fully functional brain. It needs to be calm so I don't do any mistake."
While Steve considered his options, Bucky was trying to convince himself everything would be okay. It was not HYDRA, he was in Wakanda and after he was put in cryo, he would wake up as a different man.
"I don't trust myself Steve," he said with a broken tone. "If it's the only way, I accept what it requires."
Steve knew that look. He wasn't sure so he didn't just want to accept and then it hit him. "What if I said I know a friend who could actually help us? She is a powerful witch and extremely experienced. I'm sure she would accept to help you," Steve said, hoping he would accept.
"Why would she want to help me?" Bucky asked, sounding even more hopeless.
"You'll understand when you see her."
You, Y/N Odinsdottir Heladottir, were one of the strongest witch in nine realms. You didn't have a father. Your mother Hela, created you from the souls that Asgard lost during battles and Yggdrasil gave you life. You became the goddess of reality. Your powers were raw and unlimited, that's why Hela wanted to train you as fast as possible so you could be a strong warrior among her side for the throne. After Odin banished Hela from Asgard, he took you as his own daughter and Frigga announced you to Thor and Loki as their sister.
Loki adored you immediately. He knew you were special and promised himself, he would do anything to protect this little angel that is his new sister. He could feel your magic. He made a mentally note to train you when you grow up.
"I think, she is the goddess of reality, which I don't know what it means, but she was trained to read and control minds. I don't exactly know the limit of her powers but she is a strong one Buck," Steve said hoping he would calm down a little.
"You said she can read minds, I don't want a stranger to see horrible things I've done. What if she saw them and refuse to help me?" Bucky said panicking. He had a chance to get rid of his past but the thought of being rejected made him anxious more than he already was.
"I tell you she's not like that, don't you trust me?" Steve seemed a little heartbroken.
"Don't get me wrong, I knew we were best friends, brothers actually but I don't exactly remember those days Steve. I don't feel that kind of trust just yet," Bucky admitted and just wanted to slap himself. "Why the hell I said that, what is wrong with you? Now he won't help you," he thought.
"Just say yes and she'll be here in no time I promise. I always keep my promise, Buck."
"Okay. I-I want to meet her."
"Look I'm not an expert on Asgard but we look like bunch of punks, Steve."
For the last 5 minutes, Steve were yelling your name to the sky, hoping you would hear and come. While he was trying, T'Challa approached to them.
"There is a woman in Shuri's lab, asking for you Captain Rogers. She said you called her," the king said, trying to hide his laugh. "She came from the sky, I thought you brought war to us," he joked.
"I would never do that your highness," Steve laughed. "Come on Buck, let's not keep her waiting, she is a little impatient."
"Is that why we have been yelling to the air last couple of minutes?"
"Your technology is impressive comparing to the rest of the world!" you cheered when Shuri showed off her gadgets to you. You both immediately got along well. She spilled the beans about why Steve called you. You suggested to do everything together with Shuri, using your magic and her technology.
"Thank you, thank you princess Y/N. Your magic is quite killer as well," she smiled widely. "Oh, here comes the white boys!" she called.
"I feel like we always meet in extreme circumstances," Steve smiled and hugged you tightly. "How are you, Y/N?"
"I've had better days, unfortunately we lost Loki a while ago, during a war," you said trying to hide your pain.
"We didn't have great memories with him but I know you loved him, I'm sorry for your loss," he patted your back.
You looked behind him and saw a brunette overthinking about everything and a chaos in his mind. You didn't want to just invade his brain but his thoughts were extremely loud so you wanted to help him. "Hi, I'm Y/N," you offered your hand to shake which he gladly took.
"I'm Bucky," he said nervously. He was sure you were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. You blushed lightly and when he realised, he was sure you read his mind. That made him blush too.
There was a thick tension between you, you were sure Shuri and Steve were trying to hide their laughs but you didn't care. "Shuri told me why you needed me, so when do we start?" you cheered, looking at Bucky with big eyes.
"You want to help me?" Bucky said, his eyes filled with hope. "Yes, of course Bucky! I'll do anything I can," you offered him a warm smile. He smiled back, already feeling better.
"You are in pain Bucky, I can feel that," you stopped with magic. Last few months have been hard on Bucky. He had to remember every single thing HYDRA had done to him and getting rid of those memories' chains. You didn't even made him remember what he had done to people but even this part were really painful to him.
"I can take it, please continue," Bucky nearly begged you. You were sure he couldn't take it anymore without going crazy so you wanted to stop a little until he feels better again.
"How about I tell you another story of my life in Asgard while you rest? I promise we'll continue then," you offered him a smile, put your hand on his shoulder to ensure him that you are here.
You've been doing this for a long time, whenever he felt overwhelmed, you stopped what you're doing and helped him relax while you told him stories about Asgard. You told him about the palace, the Valkyrie, your mom and dad, your brothers, Thor and Loki and Heimdall. He loved those stories. Every time you tell him, he learned something about you. You were so close with Loki and your mom, Frigga. Odin favoured Thor, that's why you always felt left out. From the colour you loved the most to the planet you loved to be in, he learned every little thing about you.
"That sounds good," he smiled back and laid down.
"Loki! Look how fast I am!" You shouted at your brother while riding a horse.
"Be careful my love, you might fall." Loki watched you closely. You were his soft spot. You were sure no one would love you more than he does.
"My children, it's almost time for dinner." Frigga called you both from balcony.
"We're coming mot-" he was interrupted by your scream.
"Loki!" His eyes filled with horror when he saw you crying on the ground, holding your knee. He ran to you so fast and leaned over.
"Hey hey, shh. Calm down pumpkin it's okay. I'm here, you're fine. How did you fall?" He smoothed you.
"S-she saw a snake and scared." You hugged him tight.
"I'll pick you up now and we'll see Eir, alright?"
"And then father forbade him to see me again."
"But you didn't listen," Bucky laughed.
"Of course we didn't," you smirked.
"I want to see my brother!" You shouted with your lungs out crying.
"Thor is already here, Y/N."
"I want Loki!" you kept crying as loud as you can. You knew if you did your mother couldn't stand it anymore.
"Enough Y/N! I said you can't see Loki, he's dangerous! He couldn't protect you!" Odin shouted. You were shocked. Tears were flowing from your eyes but no words came out of your mouth.
"That's enough! You scared her enough. I'm taking her to her chambers," Frigga said to Odin, took you in her arms and left.
It didn't matter how much she soothed you, you refused to calm down. She could see you were exhausted but resisting to sleep.
"Oh my little peach, you really want Loki, don't you?"
You nodded your head vigorously, still crying. Frigga gently brushed your hair and wiped away your tears.
"I understand how you feel, my love. You and Loki have a special bond, and it's not fair for Odin to keep you apart. But you must trust me when I say that he's doing it to protect you," she explained softly.
"But why does he think Loki is dangerous?" you asked, sniffling.
"Your father has his reasons, but I believe that Loki is not the monster that Odin sees him as. He's your brother, and he loves you very much. I promise you, we will find a way to make things right."
Frigga held you close until you finally fell asleep. The next day, she called for Thor and told him to bring Loki to her chambers. When he arrived, she sat Loki down and spoke to him.
"My son, I know how much you love each other with your sister, and I can no longer stand to see you separated like this. Y/N is heartbroken without you, and I think it's time that you to understand the gravity of the situation," Frigga said, looking at him sternly.
"Odin believes that you are dangerous, and he's afraid that you might harm Y/N. But I know that you would never hurt your sister. However, you must promise me that you'll never put her in harm's way. Do you understand?"
Loki nodded solemnly, "I would never hurt her, mother. Ever," he felt offended a little. Frigga smiled at him.
"Good. Now go and make up for lost time, and be sure to never let anyone come between your bond as siblings."
You ran towards Loki as soon as he stood up, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. Loki smiled down at you, and you knew that everything was going to be alright.
"No one is strong enough to break our bond, my little princess."
"You really liked Loki then," Bucky asked, feeling a little jealous but covering it with a smile. He knew he shouldn't be jealous, Loki was your brother after all. But he kind of wanted that bond with you, maybe even more. He wanted to keep you on his side, protect you at any cost. Even though he knew, you were perfectly capable of protecting yourself, even more than he can but it didn't matter to him.
"You don't have to be jealous Bucky," you laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to read your mind, it's just, you were thinking too loud and I thought there was a chaos going on in your mind," you said blushing.
"It's okay and I-uh," he sighed, trying to collect his words. "I just like to spend time with you, I mean you are so good to me and you know I- I would like to spend more time with you, other than just you helping me with this trigger words. You know, ma-maybe we could go to beach and watch sunset like that," he couldn't believe himself and how he couldn't just shut up. He looked away, he didn't want to see rejection in your eyes.
"I think that would be lovely, maybe you'll tell me your stories in 40's? I shouldn't be the only story teller, should I?" you grinned cheek to cheek. Seeing him relaxed after your answer made you even more happier. "But first, let's get through with this session, shall we?"
"We shall, doll."
A/N: Like and reblogs are appreciated! Let me know if you want more of this series!
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jerzwriter · 9 months
Falling for You
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Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Rating: Teen Words: 1,100 Summary: Ice skating has always been a big part of Casey's life, and for the eight months they had been together, she kept saying how much she was looking forward to doing it with Tobias. He tried to put it off as long as he could, but the day of reckoning was upon him... and panic set in. Could a quick call to his best friend, Kerry, calm his nerves? Or is Tobias about to fall flat. A/N: First and foremost, thank you to @weetlebeetle for this adorable commission of my little lovebirds. This is so precious, and I just adore it! Those of you familiar with some of my older fics may remember Kerry, Tobias's lifelong friend. Information about her and other OCs in my Tobias x Casey HC can be found here. She was instrumental in helping him and Casey get together, and she thought her work was done. Well... maybe not. lol
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His fingers tapped against the coffee table, the dull thud echoing throughout his empty home. But it wasn't enough to release the nervous energy he was feeling, and before long, he was on his feet, pacing the length of the room.    
“Come on, come on! I know you’re off... answer!”
To the shock of many, Tobias Carrick had proven he could be a patient man, and it had paid off dearly, playing a big part in how he was happily coupled with the love of his life today. Casey. The mere thought of her usually brought a smile, but right now, it only amplified the fear coursing through his veins. He needed someone to help him through, and his best friend was the only one he trusted with the job. But his patience was wearing thin as he tried to reach her. About to disconnect the call, he finally heard her voice.
“T?” Kerry answered breathlessly. “What’s going on? You OK?”
“Thank God!” He exclaimed. “Where have you been?”
“At Brenda’s soccer game. I told you she was playing today.”
“Ah! That’s right,” he said, smacking his head. “I forgot; why don’t you get back to her.”
“Because after ten missed calls and as many texts saying ‘CALL ME,’ I assume you have something important going on. So, spill.”
Tobias fell back onto the couch with a sigh.  
“I have a big problem... I... I have a date tonight.”
“A date?” Kerry asked quizzically. “What’s so terrible about...” her face fell as she went silent, fearing the worst. “Tobias Charles Carrick... please tell me your date isn’t with someone other than Casey, because if it is, I swear to God I’m going to drive to Boston and kick your ass.”  
“What!” He gasped. “No! Don’t be ridiculous! Of course my date’s with Casey.”
“Good!” she said with relief. “But then what’s the drama? You have a date with your girlfriend, so?”
“Yeah, well... it’s an ice skating date.”
The line went silent again, then Kerry burst into a full belly laugh... not exactly the support or sympathy Tobias was seeking.
“That’s nice! Laugh it up! You won’t be laughing when I make a total ass out of myself, and she dumps me. I’m not stupid. I know you like her better than me.”
“Well, that goes without saying,” Kerry teased while wiping a tear from her eye. “She’s far more likable than you. But what the hell possessed you to go on a skating date?”
He ran his hand down his face with another weary sigh. “Obviously, it wasn’t my idea. But Casey loves skating, and she’s good, really good. Like almost did it competitively when she was younger, good. And I’m....”
“Far more suited for a basketball court. Not gonna lie, T, you suck at ice skating.”
“Thank you.”
“What? I’m just stating facts. The time we went skating on Mr. Belmont’s pond remains one of my most horrifying childhood memories. I thought for sure we were going to lose you that day; little did I know you’d end up sending your brother to the emergency room instead.”
“Hey! In my defense, if that idiot hadn’t been trying to make me fall, he wouldn’t have ended up with my skate blade in his thigh.”
“Jordan can’t help being obnoxious," Kerry laughed. "It’s a Carrick family trait.”
“All well and good, but the last thing I want to do is impale Casey tonight."
"Really?" Kerry chided. "And here I thought that was usually your goal?"
"Very funny, Ker. I'm being serious here! I don’t want her realizing the error of her ways and kicking me to the curb.”
“For the love of God, Tobias... do you hear yourself? Do you think you may be exaggerating just a little? It’s ice skating. Take a deep breath, and just go and have fun.”
“But what if I fall on my face?”
“So what if you do? That’s part of what makes it fun. Just relax and enjoy the time together. Knowing Casey, she’d probably find you falling all over the ice endearing.”
“You think so?”
“YES! As hard as it is to believe, she loves you for you... not your ability to qualify for the 2026 Winter Olympics.”
“You’re right,” he surrendered, his heart feeling lighter.
“I usually am. Now, just go and have fun. Let me know how it went later.”
Buoyed by Kerry’s words, Tobias set off for his date, and just hours later, they sat at the side of a beautiful rink just outside of Boston. Casey grinned from ear to ear as she laced up her skates, oblivious to her boyfriend’s inner turmoil.
“I’m so excited,” she beamed. “I’ve been waiting to do this with you since we started dating! I love sharing the things I love with you."
“Yeah,” he chuckled nervously. “I do, too.”   He pulled the laces tightly around his ankle, hoping against hope that a skate malfunction would spare him, but when he realized that wasn’t to be, he took her hand to confess. “Case... I’ve gotta tell you something.”
“Sure,” she smiled. “What’s up?”
“I... I kind of suck at this. I haven’t gone skating since I was twelve years old, and that time, I sent Jordan to the ER.”
Casey’s eyes widened, "You did?" she asked, her melodious laugh filled the air. She placed her gloved hands on his frigid cheeks and pulled him in for a tender kiss.
“Tobias, skating skills really aren’t high up on my list of traits I find desirable in my partner. Let’s just go and have fun, baby. That’s all I want to do.”
They took to the ice hand-in-hand, and while Tobias stumbled and fell throughout the afternoon, he wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, they laughed, teased, and shared a whole lot of kisses. He felt foolish for worrying so much, and the date served as a reminder that the best memories are those made when we let go of fears and enjoy time with the ones we love.
Hours later, they were toasty warm in his car as they headed back to Boston. Smiling as she recalled the day, Casey rested her head on his shoulder.
“That wasn’t so bad after all, was it?” she smiled.
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Still, I don’t think it’s something you’ll want to do too often,” she grinned.
“But you love skating,” he replied. “And if you love it, then I’ll love going with you.”
“You don’t have to,” she assured. “There are plenty of other things I love doing with you. I got you on skates once; that's all that matters.”
As she said that, a little lightbulb went off Tobias’s head, and a tiny grin came to his lips. “Yeah.  At least we got to do it once.”
A/N 2: Tobias recalls that he knows someone else who skates really well... and right now, his wheels are spinning. More to come! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @choicesholidays (solely because it's winter-themed! :)
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The Superman Logs: MAWS Season 2 - Episodes 1 - 3
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Well, hey, it's me again! My Legion of Super-Heroes DCU essay series has been more difficult than expected to put together (for a whole buncha reasons, I won't get into it), but I also haven't written much on this blog in a while. So, may as well get back into the swing of things, which I've been planning to do regardless. Just needed an excuse, and oh look! My Adventures with Superman just released their long awaited second season! And hell, better now than ever!
Since three episodes have released, with some new characters introduced, I may as well jump in. I'll also say that, from now on, I'll be posting actual character retrospectives and concepts on here, in a style similar to what I've done before, but looking at my headcanon versions of characters, as well as already existent versions and adaptations of characters. Spoilers ahead, by the way. Not gonna go crazy with spoilers, but they'll be there, so, you've been warned! And so, without further ado...
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Episode 2.1: More Things on Heaven and Earth
This episode focuses on some of the fallout from the first season, but most importantly gives us and Clark a few answers about his origins. It also throws a pretty major change to Clark's origin our way, but I won't get ahead of myself. The purpose of this post is to look at these episodes from a fan's eye (or an overly picky nerd's eye, but whatever) and inspect them for what happened, and what may be coming. And I have a theory here, so hang tight with me.
As I said, amongst the smaller revelations about Jimmy's quickly decaying fortune and Task Force X discovering Kryptonite (fuck), and the normal shojo stuff between Clark and Lois that is genuinely cute, one of the first big things we get is Clark and Jor-El finally having a conversation. And I gotta say...I really like this version of Jor-El.
Now, I've done a retrospective on Clark's parents before, in my DCCU essay series that you're more than welcome to check out, but at the time of writing that essay, I hadn't yet seen MAWS' version of Jor-El. And I hope we get to see more of Krypton in this universe as well, because I appreciate what they've done so far! We've gone back to the origin of Krypton as a conquering empire, destroying itself by war and inner conflict. Classic, nice. Jor-El, once again a voice of calm scientific reason amidst the chaos, sees fit to send his son to another world as the planet of Krypton is being destroyed. Again, classic stuff. But this version of Jor-El is different from most for one reason: he seems more caring than most.
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Don't get me wrong, we've seen kinder versions of Jor-El in adaptations and original source material (although recent comics have COMPLETELY fucked his character into straight-up villainy; thanks a lot, Brian Michael Bendis, GODDAMN IT). And most versions of the character want and support Kal-El being a hero to the down-trodden. But the vast majority of them are a bit cold and clinical from beyond the grave. Obviously, part of that is the fact that the Jor-El that interacts with Clark is basically always a computerized duplication of his personality, but still. We rarely ever get a Jor-El that expressed emotion towards his son, or even acts like...well, like a father.
But this Jor-El simulation? In a short period of time, he gives advice to his son about his love life, he tells his son about his origin story without dicking him around constantly (lookin' at you, Smallville), helps his son as best as he can from the grave, and expresses how proud he is, while addressing him by his Earth name! And most importantly, he does something I have NEVER seen a version of Jor-El do in any of his incarnations.
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He...hugs Clark. Maybe that sounds like the exact opposite of a big deal, but it kind of is. This is somebody who Clark can miss. Somebody who, were he to live, Clark could've had real connections with. Somebody who is...well...a dad. And come on, have you ever seen a version of Kal-El who feels like a caring dad? Not a father, a dad. Somebody you can talk to, somebody who can give you fatherly advice, somebody who would give you the world if they could, and is proud of you and your accomplishments. A dad. Sure, an idealized version of one, but still. It's something I've never seen in Jor-El, and I honestly love this version of the character. Hopefully, we get to see more. Especially because of the...OTHER big revelation to happen in this episode. But BEFORE getting to that, I wanna touch on the smaller-but-important stuff.
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The crashed Kryptonian ship from last season becomes the classic Fortress of Solitude in this episode! Now, I've barely talked about the Fortress of Solitude, but it's one of the most classic of superhero headquarters in comics. Usually composed of either ice or crystal, and on one of the two poles (Antarctica, in this case), this is typically a Kryptonian repository of knowledge for Clark to visit. There's a bit of a trend that says the more alien Superman is, the more he spends time in the Fortress. That is to say, it's a symbol of his Kryptonian heritage, and he uses it as his knowledge of the past increases.
Now, based on the events of this episode, the usage of the Fortress is something yet to be seen. Jor-El, who's traditionally the guardian of the place, appears to be gone for the time being. He may come back yet, though, especially as we see if the effects of the Kryptonite are long-lasting. In either case, this floating temple of ice is here to stay for the time being, and we'll see if this version proves as useful and seminal to the Superman story as others have. Oh, and for the record, by favorite version of the Fortress is from Smallville, but this has my favorite design for the Fortress thus far, from the outside.
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But Jor-El isn't the only thing in this Fortress during the episode. Task Force X shows up with a new member, whom I can't find in GOF form outside of this one above. But yeah, this is also a comic book character, a little-known Rebirth-era one named Damage AKA Ethan Avery. Now frankly, Damage is...a choice to use, especially considering that he was an attempt at a popular character that nobody's really bit into, and is also basically DCs version of the Hulk. MAWS decided to tone down his appearance significantly, but he's presumably kept his army origins, and added Kryptonian technology to augment himself here. Arguably, there were other characters that could've filled this role, but I do get the feeling that we're not quite done with Damage yet. We'll see what becomes of him in the future.
That said, we also get a far more interesting character reveal in the form of Hank Henshaw, an employee of STAR Labs (who also makes their first appearance in this series), former classmate of Lois Lane, budding astronaut, and potentially the future Cyborg Superman! Which is...kind of a big deal, especially considering that I have a hunch that Damage may turn into this series' version of Doomsday. Oh, did I not mention that? Pet theory, and I don't want it to happen, but we'll see. We'll see. In any case, are we hinting at a Death of Superman arc down the line? It'd be too soon for it now, but who knows how far this series is going to go? But continuing with the villain talk...
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We get yet another glimpse of those familiar three circles, and confirmation that this technology is indeed Brainiac! Looks like we're taking from the Superman: The Animated Series version of this character, making Brainiac affiliated with Krypton and Kryptonian technology before the fall of the planet, as well as getting hints from last season that Brainiac is involved with the current remaining vestiges of the empire and their conquering forces. And that reminds me...there is one more little hint that we've gotten about something. And I have a hunch about it.
So, the other big villain revealed in the end of last season was a bruiser in a Kryptonian battle suit, speaking with Brainiac. The symbol on their chest was roughly Z-shaped, leading most people (me included) to assume that this was classic Kryptonian villain General Dru-Zod. But, uh...another likely suspect just reared their head. One who may have been raised by Brainiac technology their entire life up until now, in the tradition of the Kryptonian conquerors of old. One who has a last name starting with Z. And I think you know where I'm going with this. Because, in this episode, we (and Clark) found out about...
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Clark has a surviving cousin, Kara Zor-El. Yeah. I realize that she's a part of the House of El, and their naming conventions mean that the girls take the name on their father, BUT...last name starting with Z. Just saying, I think the bruiser in the armor very well COULD be Kara Zor-El, wearing a new crest, rather than that of the House of El. We know for a fact that Supergirl appears in this series, but who's to say she starts as an ally of Clark's? Especially considering that she has no actually familial memories of him. Which reminds me!
That's a hell of a change, huh? No older cousin turned younger cousin this time; Kara and Clark are the same age! Who knows, maybe we will get time-dilation or suspended-animation shenanigans, because we still haven't been introduced to the idea of the Phantom Zone or such folderol in this universe, but as it stands now, Clark and Kara are age contemporaries! A very different take that I'm not sure we've ever actually seen before in media adaptations of Supergirl. And this Kara hasn't been raised by her parents AT ALL, as far as we know. Meaning, we're going to see a VERY different version of this character. Exciting!
There was some other stuff seen here too, like more Cat Grant, and the hinting at another major antagonist that I'll talk about with the next episode, but still, this was a good amount of set-up for what's to come! With that in mind, time for episode 2!
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Episode 2.2: Adventures with My Girlfriend
OK, before I bring up anything about this episode, I have only one real comment: a REAL Superman villain, baby! WHOO! Up until now, we've had pretty bastardized versions of Superman villains, for the most part. Mr. Mxyzptlk was even a drastically different version of the character, while still being faithful to the original. But no, we now have the best adaptation of a major Superman villain in this series in the form of Joseph Martin, AKA Atomic Skull! And damn, this dude is a bruiser, and a great looking one at that!
There are a few versions of Atomic Skull, with a few different identities, but the Joseph Martin is the most iconic in terms of appearance and ability. In the comics, he's the second Atomic Skull, and a human college student whose metahuman genes are activated via a Parasite-related explosion, triggering an absorption and generation of radiation, as well as a mental break that makes him think he's a character from one of his favorite movies. Comics are weird. Anyway, Martin's continued to be a foil of Superman's, mostly acting as a mook or powerful obstacle, rather than a mastermind of plotter of any kind. It's still awesome to see the character, and this is a somewhat faithful version of him as a result. Hell, him working for another organization that gave him these powers is sort of a reference to the first Atomic Skull (whom some of you would recognize from Young Justice), Albert Michaels, who worked for STAR Labs until joining up with a terrorist group that wanted to take out Superman.
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And of course, we get yet another villain FINALLY confirming his appearance: Lex Luthor. Yeah, a lot of us figured this out last season, and it's nice to see him FINALLY making his fully red-headed appearance. Interesting...very interesting. And he's partnered up with Checkmate and Amanda Waller, a winning combination when it comes to villains. This is, of course, not the first time this has happened in media, comics and otherwise. The two famously teamed up when Lex became president for a minute there, and had an incredible joining of forces in Justice League Unlimited. So, not an unprecedented combo by any means!
Other than this, we get confirmation of Amanda's pure villainy (even worse than a lot of other versions, scarily enough), the rivals to her position in Checkmate, Clark and Lois' first argument, Clark getting the Beacon that'll help find Kara, and the official hiring of the Newsboy Legion working under Jimmy Olsen alongside Steve Lombard for Flamebird! Lots of stuff, not to mention setting up tensions between Clark and Sam Lane. But not much else for me to report on here. SO, moving on to episode 3!
Episode 2.3: Fullmetal Scientist
Hoo boy, THIS is a hell of an episode when it comes to references! We start off with a literal bang with the scientist that Superman saves, Silas Stone! You may know this guy better because of his son, who's referenced briefly as being 9 or 10. This is, of course, Victor Stone, AKA Cyborg! If this series gets a future lasting into the Teen Titans era, we have a contender for a member! Only time will tell, but this is a neat name drop! Plus, who knows where Silas is gonna go from here...
Then, right after that (and a cameo of The Flying Newsroom, a Daily Planet helicopter in the comics reduced to a toy helicopter owned by Flip), we meet AmerTek Industries, CEO Thomas Weston, and the most important character spotlight in this one...
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Vicki Vale is back! OK, obviously, not the most important character in this episode, but lemme milk this a little. Vicki (who is VERY tall, by the way, holy SHIT) made her appearance as sort of a heel at the end of last season, and has now apparently become a rival for the Daily Planet this season, reporting for the Gotham Gazette. I can't wait for this to inevitably lead us to our Gotham cameos, which may hopefully include you-know-who, but her rivalry with Lois here is pretty fun, and sets up some new conflicts down the line for our central couple!
As for Amertek, I should talk about Thomas Weston and the...other cameo made in this episode. Weston is straight out of the comics, as the CEO of AmerTek Industries, a weapons manufacturer based in Baltimore and Washington D.C.. They're important to the comics of one character in particular, who I'll obviously get to, but I want to mention the OTHER thing introduced in this episode...considering how...upset it makes me. Because once again, this series completely RUINS a major Superman villain by turning them purely technological. And if you've read my previous essays, in which I develop a cinematic universe Superman, as well as my desired villains...you'll know why I'm upset.
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Seriously? THIS is Metallo in this universe? God...DAMN IT! Look, I can already tell that Lex is going to use Kryptonite to stabilize the power core in the chest, giving us a Kryptonite beam that fires from their chest like the REAL Metallo, but GODDAMNIT AGAIN! The point of Metallo is that he's humanity corrupted! He's not JUST a goddamn ROBOT! Seriously? This was a slam dunk character for this show; should've been an easy one! But...I dunno, maybe the real version of the character will appear. I just...really hope that this isn't it. But that said, Metallo is sadly not the real highlight of this episode. Still...dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
One of the other highlights of this episode, before I forget to bring it up, is the extension of Superman's bioelectric field as one of his powers. This is a recent comic book expansion, which has been hinted at as a possibility since the '90s. Basically, Superman generates a bioelectric field of invulnerability which, with enough focus or external energy input, he can extend past his bodily boundaries and around others. It's the reason bullets bounce off his suit without rupturing the fabric itself; they're actually bouncing off his microscopic bioelectric field. Comic books, what can I tell ya? Anyway, it's a very anime power, which is this series vibe, and I can't help but think he'll figure out how to focus that into some kind of energy blast by the end of the season. Time will tell!
But the REAL big feature of this episode is, of course, John Henry Irons, AKA Steel, one of the most prominent supporting characters in the Superman family. His role is extremely important to the Superman mythos, and this is already a fantastic version of the character. It also does something with him I rarely see with the character, and makes him TALLER than Superman, considerably so! He's also a bigger guy, and as a bigger black man myself (well, not vertically), I appreciate the representation quite a bit!
Of course, even though we get to see him in the suit with the hammer, it's obviously soured when Lex Luthor and Checkmate buy Amertek and the Steel suit, as well as all the Metallos. Like I said, Lex'll stabilize the Metallo units with Kryptonite, but it's NOT THE GODDAMN SAME, NOW IS IT? In any case, what we're likely to get is John creating his own Steel suit, closer to the classic suit we usually see in comics and adaptations. I may actually do a full retrospective of Steel, since he is one of my favorite characters. I feel like I'm short-changing him here, but understand, Steel is one of the best supporting characters in DC, who became a major hero in his own right. Hell, his niece Natasha Irons, who's also name dropped in this episode, is a major hero herself! With her and Victor Stone confirmed to exist in this universe, I can't help but think that we're setting up something special in the future.
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With all of that said, that's the summary for these three episodes. I'm actually a bit inspired to do some character retrospectives now, but please let me know if you have any requests for retrospectives. Thank you to the (probably 3 max) people who read this essay, and I'll probably see you after the next three episodes! Unless, of course, something massive happens that requires my prompt response after episode 4 or 5. Honestly, we'll see what happens! In any case, see you later!
See also:
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duskwoodgirl4life · 3 months
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Chapter 3
I don't know how long we held onto each other. It felt like time had stopped and we were the only people in the world. I feel him pull away slightly my arms feeling empty. He looks at me with his blue eyes and smiles. I feel his fingers brush against my cheeks. I feel a warm flush take over my face. “I'm sorry I haven't been in contact with you after the fire broke out and having to go into hiding” I smile and run my hand over his. “Jake I don't care about the past I care about the here and now the fact you are here means more to me than you will ever know”
He takes my hand and leads me over to the bed and we both sit down on the edge of the bed. “Thank you MC, thank you for your forgiveness. Now comes the time that I tell you who has been sending you messages” my body starts to shake a little knowing that there really is someone out there. “Ever since the fire in the mine and Richy lost his life there has been someone else in the background that's been helping him” I feel like all the colour has just drained from my face. “Who are you talking about? I don't understand i.i..” I feel like the whole room is spinning and I've just lost all control. I feel Jake's arms wrap around me and he holds me close to his chest. His one hand running up and down my back as he calms me down.
Jake sits me back down on the bed and gets me a glass of water, my hands still shaking. He holds the glass and helps me take a sip of the water. After a few minutes I somehow start to calm down a little. “Please tell me who it is? Tell me who is suddenly now deciding to make my life hell” Jake takes a deep breath and he tells me who it is. “Okay, it's Amy bell Lewis. She and Richy had faked her death. She knew that you were getting closer and closer to the truth” the glass slips out of my hand and crashes to the floor.
Everything feels like it's in slow motion. How can it be her, why would she want to do this to me? I feel like I don't understand anything anymore. “I know this is a lot to take in MC but we will get through this I promise” I half take in what Jake said to me the other half is still spinning. “How can you just stay so calm!! How can you just act like this isn't a big deal? There is a psychopath after me and it doesn't bother you” I feel like I'm losing my mind completely. “You think this isn't bothering me?! It's ripping me apart knowing that there is someone is out there wanting to hurt you”
I look at Jake, he has so much worry in his eyes, “I'm sorry Jake all this is just a shock you know. You've had time to wrap your head around it. I just can't believe it” Jake takes my hand in his and brushes his thumb over my hand. “we will get through this MC I promise but right now we need to leave this motel we can't stay here” I grab my bag and the rest of my stuff and leave the room with Jake. We get into my car and Jake asks me to drive out of duskwood. He tells me where to go and when to turn after about an hour's drive. He tells me to pull up outside an old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. He takes my hand and leads me into the house. The whole house is in darkness. The only part of the room that has some light is the backroom and that's just the glow from Jake's computers.
Jake sits down at his computer screens and starts typing away. I don't really know what to do with myself so I just stand there looking around the room. “I'm sorry MC let me get you a seat” Jake quickly clears off a chair next to him and offers me the seat. I walk towards the seat and sit down. Everything just starts to bubble to the surface and I just break down into a crying mess. Jake doesn't say anything, he just pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me. He just lets me get it all out of my system. I eventually calm down and wipe my now red eyes. “I'm sorry Jake I don't know what got over me” Jake runs his thumb over my cheek and wipes away a tear.
“There is nothing to apologize for MC after everything that's happened it's a lot to take in especially when you find out that someone who you thought was dead is still alive” I knew Jake was right I did need to let all my emotions out. “I just can't believe it, it's been so long. Why now? Next you will be telling me Richy is still alive” I see Jake's face expression change I feel like I just got the breath knocked out of me. “He's still alive!! But they dragged his body out of the mine and he was dead” by this point I just became hysterical. I get up and start walking around the room muttering to myself. “Why didn't you tell me!! Why did you wait so long to tell me? Why didn't you tell me back in the motel! Did you wait on purpose so you knew once you had me here I couldn't leave.”
Part of me felt bad for saying that last comment but everything was just coming out and I just needed someone to blame. “I know you're angry and upset me but please know that I didn't wait to bring you out here to tell you about Richy. I didn't know how to tell you. I wish I could have found a better way to tell you but I guess there wasn't ever going to be a good time” I see the sadness spread across Jake's face and my heart breaks. I never meant to take it all out on him. “I'm sorry Jake, I should never have taken it all out on you, this isn't your fault.” A smile forms on Jake's face and he invites me over to sit with him at his desk. “we will get through this MC I promise I won't let anyone hurt you”
Jake's POV
MC is sound asleep on the sofa. She is so exhausted from the events of the day it's not everyday you find out someone you became close with is still alive. She had always thought of Richy as the big brother she never had. I will do everything I can in my power to protect her at all costs. Right now I am running a program that will allow me backdoor access to Amy's laptop. I need to find out what she's got on there and if there is anything that can give me any clues as to what she is planning.
After a few minutes of searching around the laptop I found a zip folder, damn it's password protected. I always love a challenge. I will have this hacked in no time. After 10 minutes I've got the folder open inside it's filled with pictures of MC. My blood starts to rise to the surface, my emotions start to get the better of me and I slam my fist down onto my desk. Come on Jake this is no time to get distracted concentrating on the task at hand I carry on searching through the folder and find some pictures of the group. Further down there is a word document. I open it up and start reading it. This is the fake suicide letter but first down reading it there are instructions on what to do in the next stage of their plan.
I can't let MC see this not yet not until I have worked out what I am going to do, for now I will let her get some rest and tomorrow I will think about telling her. She's been through so much I don't want to keep adding on more and more. I need to be able to protect her from the world and if that means keeping this a secret then so be it. Right now I need to make her feel as safe as possible. I keep searching on Amy's laptop but don't really find anything else of interest. So I switch gears and load my program onto Richy’s laptop And see what I can find. I search around on his laptop for awhile but I don't see anything that could be of any use.
Just when I am about to give up I come across something that could become very useful to me. It's a list of all the different locations he's been staying in. There are only a few that have been crossed off. I scan the list one more time and right at the bottom are the words Duskwood. A cold shiver runs down my back. The thought of him getting closer to duskwood makes my blood run cold but what he doesn't know is that MC isn't there I made sure of it. I will not have her get into danger at the expense of you Richy you are no more than a lying arsehole. You betrayed all your friends and for what? So you could try and make all your problems disappear.
I try to refocus myself and carry on searching through his laptop. I found another folder, this one is marked MC. My blood starts to rise up inside me when I see the pictures she's got on here. He's been watching her and taking pictures of her while she's been out. There are even pictures of her in her apartment. He's even got videos. I click on one and it's a video of MC in the shower. This sick bastard has put secret cameras in her apartment and has been filming her. I can't let MC see any of this. I have to make sure she never ever finds out what's on his laptop.
I have to hack into the webcams he's put up and make sure they are taken down before MC wakes up. With a bit of luck I will have this done by the morning and she will not know anything about this. I work tirelessly through the night to make sure Richy will never be able to recover any of the saved data on the webcams. Just for safe measures I've taken a look at the backup saved data and made sure there wasn't anything to do with MC in there.
The next morning I wake up and see Jake working away at his desk. He's clearly been up all night as there are several energy drinks around him. I slowly get up off the sofa and stretch out all the kinks and walk over to him and sit down. I can see just how tired he really is. He's got really dark circles under his eyes and his eyes are all bloodshot. I put my hand on his shoulder and I smiled softly at him. “Jake why don't you get some sleep you can't carry on like this” Jake tries to shake my words off and carries on typing away on his keyboard.
“Jake please go and get some rest if anything happens I will wake you up you're going to make yourself ill if you don't get some proper rest.” Jake reluctantly gets up from his desk and walks over to the sofa and gets himself comfortable. “Please wake me if my computer makes any noises and pops anything up that shouldn't be there” I smile softly at Jake and walk over to him placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “I promise Jake I will wake you if anything happens”
I sit back and watch over Jake as he drifts off to sleep finally allowing himself to get some proper rest. I keep watching over Jake's computer listing out for any sounds and anything that might pop up. To keep myself busy I decide to tidy up the backroom a little bit to make it look a little better than it does now.
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Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Read on AO3
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While Day Court descended into madness, preparing for Amera’s birthday, Elain was descending into a different sort of hell. A letter had arrived from Killian, speaking the words she’d dreaded for so long.
Spring has been lonely without your presence. Each morning I stroll through the garden, past your crocuses and lilies thinking I’ll see you with your hands buried in the dirt. I forget you’ve left, and embarrassingly, drag tea out only to find its only the gardener. And you’re gone, locked up in a musty Day Court library.
I should have offered to train you myself. I was a fool—a fool who is in love with you. It is but another thing I should have said before you left. I imagine you agreeing to stay had I gotten on my knees and told you those words. If you’d known I’ve loved you your whole life, and have only been too cowardly to admit it, would you have stayed here with me?I’ve asked Helion Spell-Cleaver if I might represent Spring during the celebration of his mates birthday and he has agreed. I mean to tell you in person and to offer myself to you however you wish to have me. I can be whatever you like, so long as you want me.
Your ever faithful servant,
Elain had the letter memorized. She’d read over it, certain there was some sentence she’d missed in which Killian admitted the whole thing was some horrible joke. That he hadn’t written to Helion before Elain, and he wasn’t plotting to drag her back to Spring. Elain knew Killian believed it when he said he’d be her instructor, just as she knew he’d spend the whole time trying to get into her skirts before he abandoned his tutelage entirely. 
It felt horribly selfish to go to Amera for another favor, and yet the day before her birthday, Elain couldn’t contain herself. She and Lucien had devolved into horrible squabbling, a direct result of her own frustration and inability to pay attention. Lucien had stormed out, hands in the air while declaring her utterly hopeless.
She certainly felt like it. 
She just needed to clear the air, and so Elain found Amera perched in her mates lap in a small nook while he fed her berries. It was so soft, so romantic that Elain’s chest ached. She wanted that, too. 
Helion spotted her first, offering her an unrepentant grin that was so reminiscent of his son. Helion wore it better, she thought. His eyes were kind. Lucien was always looking at her as though she were something nasty stuck to the bottom of his shoe. 
“Is everything well?” he asked in that rumbling voice of his. Elain felt strangely settled. Warm and calm. 
“Yes. I was just hoping I could speak with Lady Amera?”
“One day,” Helion murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the side of her neck, “you will be only mine.”
She smiled, practically glowing as she slid from his lap. The High Lord left her at the table, giving Elain leave to occupy the opposite chair.
“Is this about a certain High Lord’s son?”
“Yes,” Elain breathed, relieved Amera already knew. “He’s confessed his love and I–”
“He what?” she replied, a hand pressed to her chest. Finally, someone understood how dire the situation was.
“Yes! He wants to get married and take over my instruction entirely, but I can’t—he’ll…I—he just wants a dutiful wife. Please—”
“I don’t think that’s entirely true,” Amera said with wonder, her eyes as wide as saucers. “It’s just new to him, that’s all.”
Elain felt strangely betrayed. “New?”
“Being in love, I mean. He’ll settle once he gets used to it. How can I help, Elain? What can I do to make you feel comfortable—”
“Forbid him from taking me back.”
Amera blinked, confusion gracing her lovely features. “Take you where?”
Elain swallowed the urge to scream. How did she not understand what Elain was trying to say, of the risks of allowing Killian into the place to begin with. “Spring. Helion has promised me a year, but Killian—”
“Killian,” Amera interrupted, eyes glassy. She sat back in her chair, fingertips pressed against her lips. “Of course. From Spring Court. He’s in love with you.”
“I—” Who else would Elain be talking about? “Yes. He wants to get married and I don’t. He’s going to ask me and I need…I am hoping you’ll intercede on my behalf? Warn him of some unbreakable vow I’ve made, a bargain between us?”
“Of course,” Amera agreed, nodding her head like a true conspirator. “I’ll inform Helion of a bargain between us. A year in Day Court, during which you cannot leave with anyone…with anyone but Lucien.”
A decent loophole. “And in exchange I…”
“You work solely on our behalf?” she asked, shrugging her shoulders helplessly. The deal hung between them, though, shimmering like golden sunlight. Elain offered Amera her hand, and the Lady took it, binding them in gold thread.
“I suppose I should have asked my son before agreeing he’ll take this on,” she said with a sweet smile. “I trust he’ll understand. All you need to know, Elain, is that in my court, females are allowed to reject a male suitor without consequence. Regardless of where they call home. If he asks, you are free to say no—the High Lord will back up your choice.”
Elain took a breath. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Perhaps you might do me a favor as well?”
Elain raised her brows, curious what the Lady of Day might need from her. “Anything.”
“Will you keep an eye on Eris when he arrives. Show him around, make him feel comfortable? If he relaxes, so will his younger brothers.” 
“I could do that,” Elain agreed. She’d have agreed to anything in order to secure Amera’s support. Elain knew the stories about Eris Vanserra. He was cruel and mercurial, his fathers right hand man. No one had anything good to say about Eris except Elain, who still remembered how he’d lept into that pond after her, saving her from a miserable drowning death.
She’d always wanted to see him again, if only to thank him. 
Elain slept soundly that night, her dreams sunny and pleasant. She woke early and dressed in one of the Summer Court fashions Arina had found for her. Elain slid the silken fabric over her body, marveling that after just a week under the Day Court sun, her skin was starting to glow, just like everyone else's. She looked tanner, her shoulders dotted with a constellation of freckles. 
She looked happy. 
Elain supposed she was, though she was lonely, too. She’d struggled to make friends, though in truth, she wasn’t trying very hard. Arina had extended an offer to show Elain the city which Elain had rebuffed. Arina intimidated her, with the easy grace with which she moved and the confidence she carried herself with. Arina wouldn’t have to bed the Lady of Day to save her from a potential suitor.
She probably would have put Lucien in his place if he was rude, too. Elain vowed she would try harder, starting right then, to make Arina like her. The cerulean dress, with its little triangles cut out of the waist, had the lowest neckline on a gown she’d ever worn, and no sleeves at all. Elain used a pretty, pearl studded headband to hold back her hair and placed little blue gems in her arched ears for effect. She painted her mouth and her eyes with just enough shimmer to be lovely without being overwhelming, and then she was off to find Eris. 
She found Lucien instead, dressed surprisingly well in a pair of well-fitted white pants. He wore, of course, nothing else, unless you counted the golden cuff around his bulging bicep, but that was pretty normal for Day. He was clearly attempting to be formal if the crown placed atop his head was any indication.
He took one quick, sweeping glance of her before turning his eyes back toward the entrance of the grand hall. “What do you need, Elain?”
“Your brother,” she replied, keeping her voice light. Lucien fiddled with a ring on his pointer finger, his face contorting in a scowl. “Your mother asked me to greet him.” Lucien turned to face Elain fully, crossing his arms over his muscular chest. He was decidedly distracting that day, though Elain couldn’t determine why. Only that scent of him—wood smoke and leather—invaded her senses in a rather visceral way.
“I thought she liked you.”
Elain wasn’t going to let him get under her skin. Not today. “Maybe she’s trying to avoid a fight.”
“Oh, that’s a certainty,” he grumbled, looking back at the arching pillars with moody eyes. “Eris can’t help himself. None of the Vanserra’s can.”
“And you, Lucien? Can you help yourself?”
He shuddered, as if the mere notion of being a gentleman revolted him. “Of course I can,” he said snappishly. “I—what is he doing here?”
Elain had forgotten Killian was coming and Lucien had been utterly unaware, it seemed. Killian strolled in, handsome as ever in a spring green jacket buttoned to his neck and immaculate black pants tucked into his riding boots. His hair hung around his tan face, a golden halo that wasn’t entirely unappealing. She’d forgotten how good looking he was and though Elain didn’t want to marry him, she caught herself wondering if convincing him to court her wasn’t the better strategy in the long run. 
Maybe she could change him. Convince him that the Spring Court was antiquated. 
Of course, that would require loving him, and Elain wasn’t sure she ever would. Killian grinned, bright and warm, as he came toward her.
Lucien stepped just in front of her before Killian reached her, russet eyes narrowed with suspicion. 
“Welcome to Day Court,” Lucien said, his face very much communicating the opposite. “Elain is working.”
“Surely she can be spared for five minutes,” Killain all but growled. Lucien squared his shoulders, an edged smile gracing his features. 
“You’ll see her tonight I’m sure.”
Killian’s lip curled over his teeth, his disdain plain. “Little Lucien is all grown up, then. I remember when you were crying in my mothers garden.”
Lucien stood ramrod straight with a good three inches on Killian despite the differences in their age. Lucien’s expression flattened. “I’ll bet you remember the same for Elain, too. How old are you, again? At least as old as her mother, right?”
Killian’s snarl of anger ricocheted around them. Elain had allowed this to go on for too long and if she wasn’t careful, Killian would think something was happening between her and Lucien. She stepped around Lucien, placing a polite hand on his forearm. 
“Killian, I—”
She gasped, momentarily overwhelmed by an image shoving its way into her mind, forcing her to bare witness. Elain’s knees buckled, dragging her to the marble. In the distance, she could hear male voices arguing, but Elain couldn’t hear them.
Screaming invaded her senses. Somewhere, a man was in pain, shouting, pleading. Elain, Elain—don’t you touch her—
The vision shifted to an Autumn wood, to Lucien in bloodied, golden armor holding a ruined animal limb in one hand. With a feral expression he turned, looking down at her huddling on the ground. He bared his teeth, dripping red and brutally sharp.
Elain screamed. Someone was holding her, moving quickly. “Stop it, stop right now,” Lucien panted, striding through the halls of the Sun Palace. His expression was ashen, his grip unforgiving. “He’s going to figure it out, you have to stop yelling, Elain.”
She moaned in pain. Elain’s knees were bruised and her head pounded. 
“What’s going on?” 
That was Helion. Elain felt Lucien set her against something soft. 
“I have to go,” Lucien breathed, running a hand through his hair.
“What happened?” Helion asked a second time, gold eyes focused wholly on Elain.
“I told Killian it’s just too much sun and excitement and I think he believed me—but fuck,” Lucien swore, turning his back to Elain again. She’d begun trembling from the aftershocks of her vision. “Did you know?”
Elain swallowed hard, sitting herself up on a long divan. She was in the High Lord’s private chambers if the scent was anything to go by. “Yes.”
“Fuck,” he swore again, looking to his father who was, understandably confused. “Does he know?”
“No,” Elain said, wrapping her arms around her body. “And if he finds out…”
Helion sat gingerly on the edge of the divan. Lucien cocked his head, some of the color returning to his cheeks.
“What did you see?” he asked, ignoring his father entirely. Eain opened her mouth, closing it quickly the moment the sound of scream flooded back through her mind.
“A Seer,” the High Lord breathed. “You’ve kept it a secret.”
“No one is supposed to know,” she all but pleaded, looking from Helion to his son. Lucien’s glazed expression made her nervous.
“Lucien,” his father said sharply. It was a warning, one his son beheld immediately. Helion reached for Elain’s shin, squeezing gently. “Is your High Lord aware?”
This was the test. If she said yes, Helion might reach out to Spring, inform them of what they’d let slip, and force her into a marriage she didn’t want. But if she told Helion no, he, too, might try and find a way to keep her.
She’d been silent for too long, and the High Lord of Day was canny. He sighed a controlled breath.
“No else is to know. Not even your mother. The fewer people who are aware, the better.”
Elain didn’t feel relief at his words. Her parents had warned her of what would happen—of wars, of kidnappings, of assassinations. Elain hadn’t made it a week.
Her eyes lifted to Lucien, still staring with a peculiar look. Elain forced herself to look away. Smiling, she told the High Lord, “I’ll make apologies to Lord Killian. I’m sorry for the inconvenience I’ve caused.”
She rosed, despite how her vision swam with black. She wanted to lie down again, wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep the rest of the day. Lucien pressed a hand beneath her elbow in what she supposed was his attempt from keeping her upright. 
“Can you control them?” Helion asked, cocking his head to the side. Dark hair fluttered to his shoulder, obscuring one of his piercing gold eyes. Wildly, Elain wondered if Lucien’s eyes would do the same when he became High Lord. 
“No.” What was the point of lying if the High Lord was thinking of making her his weapon. Elain wanted to pull out of Lucien’s grasp given he was so obviously his fathers right hand man. She didn’t, if only to remain on two feet. 
“As far as I know, only Day Court has hosted Seers. At least, in Prythian,” he said, his voice deep and grave. “Regardless of where they were born. It is always our privilege to have you. Consider in keeping with tradition and transcribing your visions in detail, along with if any come to pass. I could assign a scholar to you—only they would ever read them until the time of your death.”
He wanted to study her? Elain didn’t drop her smile.
“I’ll consider it.”
Helion nodded, his eyes flicking to his son. Something unspoken passed between them and then Lucien was leading Elain out, his touch feather light. It remained that way until the doors were closed fast behind them. Only then did he reach for her, dragging her with an ironclad grip toward a large pillar half shaded from the sun. 
“What did you see?” he demanded, holding her far closer than she would have liked. If Elain closed her eyes, she could still scent the metallic salt of blood clinging to his skin.
Lucien in armor, Lucien ripping something to pieces. 
“Nothing that concerns you,” she retorted, pulling her arm from his grasp. 
“You touched me,” he reminded her, drawing in deep breaths. “And then you collapsed. Tell me what you saw.”
But Elain couldn’t. She didn’t know how to interpret it and risked telling him something he shouldn’t know. Elain’s eyes drifted toward the portrait hanging behind. She could see her reflection in the sunlight and glass, her own eyes staring back at her with anger. 
Lucien shook her lightly. “Tell me, Elain.”
He looked up at him. “Why, you have a mate, my lord. I saw her, and she’s as beautiful and charming as you. A true match—”
“Elain,” he warned.
She wrenched her aching body from his fingers. “You’re so arrogant to think that vision had anything to do with you. That you were the catalyst that brought it on, or that the Mother is so interested in your fate she’d seek to warn you off your current path.”
Lucien took a step away. “So she sends a warning for you, then?”
Elain looked at the blazing anger in his eyes. All that loathing, and still it didn’t compare to how he’d been in her vision. Elain couldn’t hide her shudder.
“Yes. I think she was.”
In all Lucien’s life, he didn’t think he’d ever been so rattled as he had when Elain had touched his arm. Why she’d done that, Lucien would never know. What he did know was the moment her fingers connected, something went taut in his chest. She’d collapsed immediately after, her skin so cold that for one sickening moment, Lucien thought she’d merely dropped dead. 
But Elain had been alive, and in the aftermath—learning she was a Seer, that it was a secret burden she’d been carrying her whole life—Lucien knew Elain had seen him. It was the way she stared at him with such unguarded horror. As if she knew the terrible, gruesome fate that was awaiting him. 
She wouldn’t say. With her usual disdain, Elain refused to tell him what she’d seen before she took off to fix her mistake with Killian. 
The worst part of all of it was not being able to tell anyone. Not Arina, who’d come to replace Elain. He still had to meet his brothers and Arina, beautiful in vibrant orange, was someone Eris wouldn’t care at all about insulting. She was pure Day, utter, burning sunlight. Eris hated everyone and everything about Day. Elain was harder to insult. Lucien was more likely to keep control of his temper if he was also trying not to embarrass his father in front of Spring.
“How long do you think they’ll make us wait?” Arina asked, examining long, polished nails. 
“Maybe they’ve changed their minds,” Lucien grumbled, turning in a circle in the middle of the hall. 
“Did you see Lord Killian?” she asked, raising her brows with interest. “He’s handsome.”
“He’s a prat,” Lucien mumbled, still annoyed about Elain’s vision. “Don’t fuck him.”
“I don’t think I could. He’s got eyes only for Elain.”
A growl slipped from Lucien’s throat at the mere mention of Elain’s name. Arina’s brows all but vanished into her hairline at the sound.
“Fighting again?”
“She is irritating,” Lucien said, not for the first time. Arina took a breath as long shadows darkened the marble floor in front of them. Whatever defense Arina might have made for
Elain Archeron died when Tanwen strolled into the Day Court palace with those sharp, cruel eyes. He’d come armed, two crossed axes strapped to the back of his red tunic. A sword hung from a belt at his hips, marking him a warrior. Lucien hated him for it. 
Cadmus and Connal had come dressed like courtiers. Lucien clocked the matching auburn hair, those russet eyes that came from his mother. His brothers were leaner, shorter, and far, far paler than Lucien. It othered them. 
Eris strolled in the very last, hands jammed into the pocket of his dark brown jacket. His hair looked windswept, as if he’d just come from the Autumn Woods on a casual stroll. Only his cheeks, bright pink from the unforgiving midday sun, betrayed Eris. 
“Baby brother,” Eris crooned as his brothers parted for him. Cool boredom dripped from his every word. “Where is mother?”
“Waiting to greet you,” Lucien replied as Arina edged away. Eris cut a glance in her direction, doing a double take when he caught sight of how lovely she was. For one flickering moment, a shock of emotions flamed in Eris’s amber gaze. Lucien was smug knowing one look from Arina was enough to silence his infuriating eldest brother. He knew Autumn Court couldn’t compare.
Eris blinked, turning back for Lucien. “I thought she’d be waiting on the front steps—”
“I’ve been sent as a warning,” Lucien interrupted, his anger already threatening to get the best of him. “By my father.”
“Ah, yes, of course. The bastard sons of Autumn threaten his carefully cultivated peace, right? If we don’t behave, he'll lock mother away for another century as punishment?”
“My father isn’t the one who does the locking up,” Lucien spat angrily. Behind Eris, Connall's hands bunched to fists. “No one wants you here but mother, and inevitably, the four of you will fuck it all up. Like always.”
Arina put her hand on Lucien’s shoulder, a warning he’d taken things too far. Eris clocked the movement, his hatred plain.
“Of course. Will you take us to her now?” Eris asked flatly. 
Lucien was spoiling for a fight. Flame crackled between them, warming his already hot blood. Lucien had but a drop of his mother’s magic, magic that flowed so strongly through Eris that Lucien recognized what he was on instinct alone. Eris had been trying to learn the depths of Lucien’s power his whole life and wondered if Eris wasn’t snapping for a little blood, too. 
Arina tried to slip off but Lucien caught her around the waist and pulled her into him. The second he deposited his brothers off to his mother, Lucien intended to get so drunk he forgot he was a prince, forgot his own name. He needed Arina for that. Only she could convince him to come back up instead of sleeping in a gutter.
Arina squirmed, so obviously uncomfortable. “Lucien,” she tried to whisper, but a soft growl from behind them silenced her. Lucien started to turn, to demand which of his brothers had demanded she quit speaking, but Lucien’s father was waiting at the end of the hall with a tight smile. His father intended to make the best of it.
“Eris,” he said, inclining his head with respect. It was loathesome to offer any kindness to Beron Vanserra’s spawn. Lucien pulled Arina back, out of the sight of his brothers now bowing to his father. Only Eris turned to look at them, his amber eyes alight with some violent emotion Lucien couldn’t place. Couldn’t name.
Didn’t want to. He turned the two of them around, shaking with hatred. Arina, too, was trembling so hard Lucien thought she might vanish. Neither said a word as Arina reached for his hand, pulling him through the open corridors toward the courtyard. The coolness of the palace evaporated in the humidity, clinging to Lucien’s skin almost instantly.
“Send me to Naxos,” she breathed, looking up at him with wild, terrified eyes. “Send me to Crete. Better, send me to Night Court as emissary—”
“Arina!” Lucien gripped the tops of her shoulders, blinking as some strange scent wafted over him. It made his hair stand on end, made his blood sticky and hot. That scent was a warning to back away from her.
A warning she’d been claimed. 
They were both panting in the heat, eyeing the other with open fear. “Arina,” he whispered, trying—and failing—to think of a worse fate. “Which one?”
She pressed her palm to her mouth to suppress a scream. Her eyes flooded with tears, sparkling in the daylight.
“Send me away.”
“Which one?”
Lucien thought of Elain, of her irritating words. You have a mate, my lord. 
Had she mistaken him for Eris, then? Or had she known the entire time? 
You’re so arrogant. 
Lucien suppressed a slithering disappointment as Arina responded. “Eris.”
He burst out laughing. “Eris is foul. He has no equal—you are far superior.”
Arina wrung her hands before her, looking behind him with fearful eyes. He’d never seen Arina look like that. Not when her mother had died and she’d been left in the care of her father. Not when that male from Winter had pursued her so relentlessly there had been concern he might try and kidnap her.
Only Eris could elicit such a response. Lucien imagined Arina trapped in Autumn just as his mother had been, stuck in that miserable Forest House forbidden from ever seeing the sun. How had so many females under Lucien’s roof suddenly found themselves in danger of being trapped in terrible marriages?
“We’ll tell him we’re engaged,” he said immediately, before he could let himself regret it. He loved Arina—and he’d marry her to keep her safe. But he didn’t love Arina. And despite what he might say late at night, Lucien was holding out for love like his parents had. Even if he had to wait centuries for it.
Arina shook her head. “No. No that—no. Will your father intercede on my behalf?”
Lucien opened his mouth to assure her he would. That Helion had meant it when he’d said no female was required to be with a male she didn’t herself choose. But he knew his father regretted the tension between Autumn and Day, and both of his parents hoped to bridge that divide. 
A marriage between her eldest son and one of their scholars was certainly an easy way to create those ties. Lucien closed his eyes and forced himself to think like his fathers emissary. There was a way to navigate all of this without starting another war. 
“If we’re careful,” Lucien said, wondering what he’d trade for his best friend's happiness. “And we can find something Eris would prefer more.”
Arina didn’t seem convinced. In truth, Lucien wasn’t, either.
What male would trade all the riches in the world for his mate?
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heyhilana · 2 years
Just One of the Guys (Catfish Morales)
Summary: Frankie tries to make amends with you after a mission that goes wrong, leaving you not talking to the boys for a while. But with the time that has passed, you realize that you missed someone more than you thought.
A/N: Hi! This has been sitting in my unfinished drafts for a while, so I wanted to finish this story and so many more that I never got around to. This is my new mission for now, and then I will get to making newer stuff. I hope you enjoy it, and as always, drink water and smile &lt;3
Pairing: Frankie Morales x !f reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, death, shooting, but not much else.
Word Count: 6.7K (listen can you blame me)
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“You were going to go on this trip by yourself?” Frankie asked as you let him in the house, closing the door behind him.
“Yes, and is that a problem?” You went to the kitchen, taking a sip of your wine.
“Yes that is! You could’ve at least told Tom but no one?” Frankie sat down on your couch, and your blood was boiling at the mere mention of Tom.
“Tom is busy with his life. I’m not going to report to him as if he’s my P.O..” You scoffed.
“Then tell me, Santi, Will, Benny, somebody! But you should’ve said something.” Frankie was angry, and the last time you saw him this angry was the last time you saw him in general.
“I can handle myself. I don’t need a babysitter, Frankie,” You huffed, getting irritated by his never-ending concerns for you. You appreciated them, but they were getting a little out of hand. It was almost as if he didn’t believe that you could protect yourself and that he had to be your protector.
“I know you can, but we look out for each other.” His tone was softer, but you weren’t letting up.
“I know that you have my back, especially after what happened, but you can’t keep me from going on this mission by myself.” This was your first mission by yourself that you were going on for the first time in three years. It was scary, but you knew that it had to be done.
“It’s too dangerous.”
“I’ve done missions likes these plenty of times.”
“Yeah, but all of us were right there with you incase anything went wrong. You have no backup, only Plan A.” That set you off.
“My contact is going to be within the area, and I know this area better than all of you. I’m going to be fine.” You were irritated with him. The last thing you wanted was to have them around you. It was hard enough letting Frankie back into your life, but the others? Not a shot in hell.
“Then tell me this. You’re not still mad about before, are you?”
You were walking along in the forest, all the boys in tow as you made your way to your target’s house. It was a big mission that couldn’t leave either of you out as you both needed to have each other’s back and be the other’s eyes and ears if need be. You found the hill you were going to sit on with your sniper and were waiting to hear what the next steps would be.
“Okay. Iron and Benny, you take the right corridor. Pope and Cat, you take the west side. I’ll be taking the back entrance and Y/N will stay on the hill to take any shots necessary. Got it?”
“Yes. Let’s move out.” Pope and the rest move out just as you set up your post on the hill. You made sure there were no onlookers nearby as you put on your camouflage poncho. You laid down on the hill, putting your sniper set up together just as Tom spoke into the walkie-talkie.
“You’re all set?”
“Almost. You guys made it down the hill yet?” You were putting the scope together, careful to not break it.
“I’m just now reaching the back entrance and the others are doing the same. Be ready, Y/n. A lot can go wrong right now,” Tom was worried, but you were calm and collected.
“I know that a lot can go wrong, but it’s going to be fine. I just finished setting up and I got you guys.” You got no response, but you shrugged it off, putting the sniper stand in position and laying down to look through your scope. You adjusted the zoom as you saw Cat and Pope splitting up to take the hallways. You shifted and saw Iron and Benny walking into the kitchen, incapacitating the two guys sitting at the table.
“Kitchen is clear.” Iron spoke into the walkie-talkie.
“Living room is clear.” Cat called out.
“Move into the bedroom.” Tom ordered. You moved your scope to the bedroom, seeing that the guard was patrolling with an open window.
“I have a clear shot on the guard, but our target is nowhere to be seen.” You spoke into your walkie-talkie, noticing that the guard had an Uzi on him.
“Take the shot, and we’ll find out where the target is.” You followed orders, a clean shot right at the guard’s head as he fell down right when Pope and Cat walked through the door.
“Coast is clear. He must be on the roof.” Pope spoke. And sure enough, you moved your scope up to see that the target was going through the hatch with a gun in hand, making way for the escape.
“He’s on the roof with a gun. Be careful.” You warned, upping your zoom so your shot was not interfered with. It was beginning to get windy, making you question whether a snipe was ideal given the situation.
“Got it. Pope and Cat, climb out through the window and get to the roof. Iron and Benny, follow up to the hatch as I believe it’s near the staircase. I will follow suit with the staircase as soon as you all get up there.” Something about the plan was spelling disaster in the pit of your stomach, but you said nothing. You watched as Pope and Cat followed suit with their orders, your heart pounding as Cat almost lost his grip, potentially falling down from 3 stories. But Pope helped him up, and then both climbed right up just as Iron and Benny surrounded the target.
“I will shoot you all!” The target was erratic, and you were worried that he would accidentally shoot at the very least, making this more complicated. Everyone had their guns pulled, but Pope was the one to put his down.
“You’re outnumbered. Give us the gun, and this can all go very easy for all of us.” Pope had his hands up, but the rest still were trained on him. Faintly, you could see Tom in the back opening the hatch, careful to not alert the target.
“You killed my brother. Why should I surrender to you? So you can kill me or make me rot away in an American prison?’
“Your brother tried to blow up a U.S. Embassy. We tried to get him to work with us but he chose his fate. You can still choose yours.” Iron spoke from behind, and the feeling of what could go wrong killed you inside. And your fears were proven right. The man was beginning to lower his gun and Pope was walking over to him with cuffs from his pocket, but from afar, another sniper was watching, and he sniped Santi in the leg and the target got him in a chokehold, gun at his head. Your heart dropped down to your stomach, knowing that it could’ve possibly hit an artery. You moved your sniper around and saw the man from 100 meters away from you, all in black, waiting for the next move. You shot him, the silenced snipe thankfully not alerting the target. You moved your sniper back around, seeing that it was a riskier standoff than you anticipated. Time was of the essence, but to know that you could potentially shoot one of your own was not an option.
“You’ve got nowhere to run. Let him go and we won’t kill you.” Cat’s voice was slightly wavering, and you saw that the man was spinning around too much to get a clear shot. The wind was getting stronger, a huge gust almost moving your sniper out of place.
“You’ve taken from me, so I’ll take from you. A fair trade don’t you think?” He laughed, knowing that time was limited on his side.
“If you don’t let him go, we will shoot you.” Suddenly, he turned in your direction, making it impossible to get a clear shot as Pope’s head was in the way.
“I can’t shoot. You’ll need to direct him the other way for me to kill him.”
“Take the shot.” Tom was erratic as he spoke to you in a harsh yet soft tone given his close proximity, and you were not having it.
“I can’t. I might hit Pope instead and not the target. Or potentially I hit both!” You were angry at Tom’s orders knowing that he would potentially risk his friend’s life and not get the target killed. The wind was slowly letting up, but you were hoping that a huge gust wouldn’t come until the target was killed.
“Take the shot. That’s an order, Y/n!” He barked at you.
“I’m not risking his life! I will wait until it’s safe!” You were stern.
“Take the shot. You’re risking everyone’s lives right now.” Tom was trying to guilt you, but you stood your ground.
“I will take it when it’s safe.” Tom was furious with you in response, but you kept your cool, watching and listening, waiting for the right time.
“Let him go. I will not tell you again.” Cat was trying to distract him, but as Iron tried to move closer to incapacitate him, the sound was too much, making the target turn around.
“Over my dead body.” He pointed the gun at Iron, and you shot the target right in the head, careful to avoid Pope. He fell, his leg needing medical attention, or else it would go from bad to worse.
“Are you all okay?”
“We’re all good from here. We’ll meet you up on the hill.” Tom was short, and you could see from your scope that he was ranting about how this went wrong. You sighed, packing up your stuff and waiting for them at least halfway to make it easier on you.
After a few minutes of walking down the hill, you saw them all with Cat and Iron holding up Pope so he could walk.
“Is he okay?” You asked, seeing that he was out of it.
“He’ll live. He lost a bit of blood but we have blood bags in the heli.” Benny responded, and although he was always nice to you, he never met your gaze, making you wonder if they were as mad at you as Tom was.
“You should’ve taken the shot.” Tom finally spoke, and the rage boiling in you was at its hottest temperature.
“I could’ve killed Pope. I want him to still have a chance to go home to his family. I want all of you to still go home to your families!”
“You take the shot anyways. We all know the risks the minute we decide to go. You could’ve gotten us all killed behind that.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Was it better to take a risky shot that had multiple wrong endings than to wait for the right time? The wind could’ve moved your scope and you could’ve hit Iron, Benny, Pope, or Cat. You could’ve killed Santi and not the target. Or kill them both but now your worst fears have come true. It wasn’t worth it, not when you care about them like brothers.
“I had to calculate the risks.”
“I already calculated that and I told you to take it anyways.”
“Did you calculate that there was another sniper going to be here? No, you didn’t. You can’t calculate everything going into it and things get fucked up. This got fucked up because of a surprise sniper and I wasn’t going to make it worse by rushing. It didn’t feel right.”
“Forget about that. You take the shot when I tell you to. That’s what you’re here for.” You raised an eyebrow at the last few words, the sudden unappreciation hitting the forefront.
“That’s what I’m here for? What, am I just a tool for you guys?” You scoffed.
“N-No. That’s not what I meant-“ You didn’t want to hear it. Not when your fear of getting involved with a team was coming true. After years of doing this line of work on your own, you found a group that made you happy for the most part, even when you felt slighted when they would leave you out of things back home. You considered them to be friends, even Cat and Benny your closest. But to know that things were unrequited on their ends was enough to make you never want to see them again.
“No, I know what you meant. I’m glad to now know why I always felt so out of place. You guys never cared about me, only for my skillset. That’s why I never met your families, why I never got invited to Benny’s fights, why I was never invited to go to any of your houses. You guys only used me for your benefit, and I thought I was crazy for thinking that.” You began to walk past them, but Cat tried to hold your arm.
“Hey, that’s not true-“
“Francisco, don’t clean this up. I’d rather hear this than believe a lie. Just get us home and I’ll go my way and you all can go in yours.” You shook his hand off you as you began walking further down the path, complete silence from all of you as you made it to the heli and back home.
“I’m done with that. It’s not that big of a deal anymore.” You took another sip of your wine.
“You haven’t spoken to anyone in 6 months. You only speak to me now because I tracked you down.” He was looking at you, and you didn’t like being in his gaze. Not like this. Maybe before under the pretense of friends even with the burning desire you didn’t realize was there until after you went AWOL, but now it was too much.
“Can you blame me?”
“No, but we do care about you.” You rolled your eyes at his statement.
“If this is another attempt to get my forgiveness I’ll walk you out the door.” You moved from your island and around to get closer to the door.
“Just give us this one chance. Benny is having a fight this Saturday, a few days before you go.” You groaned at this futile attempt to get you back into the group.
“I think it’s time for you to go.” You walked over to the door, opening it as Frankie was getting up to walk out.
“Think about it. If you do decide to go, we’ll be meeting in the locker room. Tell security that Benny said it was okay.” He was out of your house, and his pleading eyes almost broke you. But you stood strong, choosing not to answer that question.
“Drive safe, Frankie.” You closed the door on him, returning to your kitchen to pour another glass of wine.
There was a part of you that wanted to go, the part that you wanted to push deep down inside. What if things would be better after 6 months? Did they understand why you did what you did? Were they remotely remorseful about how they excluded you from most events that they had without you? For 4 years, nothing to make you feel close to them yet you did everything for them. You also wondered if they put Frankie up to do this, knowing that he was the only one to find you and the only one that could convince you to go. Your soft spot for him was evident, but you didn’t want to think about them using that against you to get you back in their lives only to use you again like they did before.
You were walking along the beach, the breeze enveloping you in coolness as it was a hot day. You made it a point to leave everything behind, settling into a new place, a new identity, a new you. You had your home with the porch you always wanted, enough money to keep you afloat until the next mission awaited you, and no one could find you within 2,000 miles just to be safe. You were happy, finding your sense of peace in a lifetime of chaos that you threw yourself into at a young age. Wanting to slow down just a little, to appreciate the finer things in life without bloodshed or broken bones taking up your time, this was the perfect place for you to live.
The calm waves caught your eye, the crystal blue water and the orange sunset contrasting perfectly. You walked closer to the water, ignoring how cold the water was against your feet. And for a moment, time stood still. It didn’t matter who else was there at the marina. It was just you, the water, and the beautiful sunset. Your past, all the favors you did for money, they were all taking the backseat for the moment. You knew that you would go back at some point, but you wanted to at least have the memories of knowing that for a little while you were blending into society without the pretenses of capturing the bad guys that the Gov’t told you to kill without a second thought. But that moment of peace was interrupted when you looked down and saw another person standing right beside you. You looked up and saw Frankie looking out into the distance like you were, and while you were happy to see him, the other part of you wanted to yell at him for finding you.
“How did you know?”
“You told me three things that you wanted to do when you got away. You wanted to live near the beach to see the water, you wanted to have your boat so you could go sailing, and you wanted to have your house with a porch that overlooked it.” To hear his voice again after all these months built up a lump in your throat, the only man you had worked with that made you feel cared for, that it was more than just a job.
“And I thought that you were only paying attention when I mentioned sports to you,” You dryly laughed, fist curled as you were holding back. “Well, you found me. Go back home and leave me be. You know I’m safe now.”
“Now you know I’m not going to do that. Six months of not hearing from you, and you think I’m just going to walk away?” He turned to face you, and it was like all the months of not seeing him faded into the distance.
“Yes! That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do! You weren’t even supposed to find me because I left for a reason. Go back to your friends and leave me alone. I don’t need them or you.” Venom was all that could be identified in your tone, the mechanism to avoid saying how much you missed him, how much you wanted to forget about the past and start anew with him in your dream destination.
“I never said you needed me or them. But I thought you would at least be happy to see me.” His voice cracked at the end, and it made your heart break.
“I’m happy to see that you didn’t get your head blown off, and despite everything I am happy to see you. But Frankie, I left for a reason, and I don’t need you watching me when I know how to take care of myself.” You were softer, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” That earned a hum of disapproval from you.
“Can’t you see that I’m already doing that?” You moved your hand away, and without realizing it, you both missed that gesture.
“No, you’re yelling at me and I want to talk like adults.” That was what made all the softness wash away.
“Oh? You want to talk like adults? Then tell me why I was never a part of anything you guys did together? How come when I would even ask what you guys were going to do after a mission I would get silence as an answer? I would hear from you maybe every few months for small talk and then it would segway into we need you for a job. Hell, when I was at my old home taking care of my sister did any of you call to check in? No. You only found out when I told you I couldn’t make it since she was in the hospital. You all wished me well through a text and after that, nothing. So again, why would I want to talk like adults to you when you and the boys barely treated me right then?”
“And I’m sorry, for all of it. I swear if we could all take back what we did we would in a heartbeat.” It was giving you a headache to hear him try to speak for everyone. While you could forgive him, you didn’t see a point in talking to the others again. You began to scowl a little, your body moving faster than your mind could process.
“Fucking save it. I don’t want to hear it because I bet you’re only talking to me now because of a mission and I’m your last option.” A part of you knew that it was likely the answer, but the other part of you felt that with the sincerity in his voice, maybe he just wanted to see you. But with knowing how the last few years went with working with them, you didn’t let the other half of you win.
“No! There are no missions. I just miss you-”
“Stop saying that. You don’t. You miss how much I held the team together when things went wrong. You miss all the effort I put in without expecting anything in return. That’s what you miss and I don’t want to hear it. So leave me be, and I’ll go my way and you’ll go yours.” You walked away from him despite his pleas for you to come back.
However, the irony was that Frankie was just as stubborn as you were. He didn’t let up. He called you when he could and tried to see how you were doing. He gave you your space, but he made it known that he was not leaving your life again because he realized just how much he had until you left. And maybe it was the soft spot you had for him that let him back in, or maybe it was how much effort he put in to turn this around, but you had to admit that you appreciated it all. You didn’t know if you were ready to see the rest of them again.
You sat on your couch, looking through the photos on your phone that you kept hidden away in an album. You looked at the photos you all had together, you in the middle of them all after a mission. Benny was always big on photos for some reason, and now you were grateful for it. You thought about how he always wanted to set the timer on his camera, to which Santi was annoyed that it was always set to 10 seconds instead of 5. But when you looked at them all, you saw happiness. Tom with the years wiped off his face as he was genuinely happy. Cat, looking at you with adoration that you hadn’t picked up on. Santi laughing with Iron as he was hitting his chest. Benny on the end, looking at everyone with a huge smile on his face. You played back all of the live photos, with you laughing with them and them hugging you in some. You even noticed how Tom was nice after one mission, hugging you and remembering how he said you did a great job.
Before you knew it, there were tears falling down on your screen. Although they were never the best in including you in certain events, you realized that they did care. All the times they took bullets for you, when they would help you on a solo mission, it was all their way of saying they care about you without verbalizing it. Even with how they tried to plead with you after you got off the plane and you ignored them, running to your car, it wasn’t for nothing. Sure, they had a lot of work to do in doing better, but you decided to go, to at least hear them out. You fell asleep on the couch, phone in hand as the memories lulled you away.
You parked outside the warehouse, debating on going in. You saw Frankie’s truck parked a few spots away from where you parked, and the others near there as well but they were all inside. You could leave, pretend that you just never came at all and they would be none the wiser, but before you knew it you were getting out of the car and locking your door to make your way to the warehouse. Up at the door was a burly man and he eyed you.
“You have a pass?”
“Benny is my friend,” It felt weird to say it, knowing that you’ve gone so long without seeing them. “He told me that it’s okay to be back here. My name should be on the list.”
“Name?” He pulled out the notepad of names, pen in hand.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” He flipped through the pages, and when he found yours, he crossed it out.
“You’re all set.” He opened the door for you, and you thanked him with the door closing on you right away. You saw many fighters already bloodied, making you wonder if you came too late even though Frankie’s reminder text said that he would start at 9, another reason to chicken out if it was too late. But you remembered that he said the locker room was down the hall, so you brushed passed the other men and ignored the whistles they gave you until you reached the double doors.
You walked in, hearing and seeing that all the boys were cheering Benny on as he was wrapping his hands. You contemplated on walking in more, knowing that they would see you. You could run out, pretend you never came, and continue not talking to them. But at the very least, you had to see if they did care at all, if they wanted to make things right. So your feet moved faster than you could process, and Frankie was the first to see you.
“You made it.” The other boys faced you, and you felt that the spotlight was on you even with this being Benny’s night.
“Yeah, but I won’t stay for long. I just wanted to wish you well, Benny.” You half smiled at him, and he returned the favor.
“Thank you, but we want you to stay. Well, we hoped you would.” He gestured between himself and the guys.
“This is the first time we’ve seen you in months, Y/N. You have to stay for at least a beer.” Iron was holding up his drink.
“We even have a seat reserved for you.” Pope mentioned.
“Really? That’s very kind of you guys to do.” You were grateful, and a part of you was beginning to believe that this would go a lot better than expected.
“When Frankie told us that he mentioned the fight to you, we wanted to save it just in case.” Tom spoke, and his tone was much softer than what you were accustomed to hearing.
“You planned this, Frankie? I thought they knew ahead of time when you told me.”
“Nope. This was all my doing.” He chuckled, and the hearty sound made your heart flutter a little.
“We thought he was crazy for doing that, knowing how stubborn you are.” Santi joked, and for the first time, you all laughed together.
“He was, but at least I came so it wasn’t a completely dumb idea.” They hummed in agreement, but then a silence fell between you all. It wasn’t until Santi nudged Benny in the shoulder that he coughed and spoke up.
“And I wanted to be the first to apologize for everything. We should’ve tried more to include you in things. You’re not just with us because you’re good at what you do. You’re with us because you’re family. Family sticks together.” The others nodded their head in agreement, and it seemed genuine.
“I need to apologize to you, Y/n. I should’ve trusted your judgment back there. That was not my place to force you to do something you didn’t feel was right. I know you were just looking out for us, and even though we all know that we might not make it back here alive in one piece, we should try to keep that as a top priority.” You were relieved that you were reaching an understanding, that there could be a future with all of them.
“I forgive you, Tom. I can understand where you were coming from, wanting to get the mission done without it being further compromised. And I forgive the rest of you. It’s not like this group started with me in it, but every time we finished one mission I wouldn’t hear from you guys unless I called or you called me if you needed me to come along. I felt so slighted but I didn’t know how to bring it up without sounding crazy. I appreciate all of this though.” You were speaking from the heart, and you would be lying if tears weren’t welling up in your eyes.
“So you’ll stay?” Santi asked, a hopeful smile on his face.
“I’ll stay.” They all cheered, and you walked over to hug them all, feeling that a piece of you that was lost was found again.
“Thank you,” Frankie whispered in your ear. You smiled even wider, knowing that this would be the perfect night before you went on your mission.
You were all walking out of the warehouse a little after 11, Benny coming out mostly unscathed and the belt he always wanted. Everyone went to their cars to start them up but you went to hug Will and Benny.
“Make sure Benny takes an ice bath.” You finished hugging Will and Benny.
“I will. You get home safe as well. Can’t have you destroying the road with your driving skills.” Iron joked, making you punch him in the arm.
“Yeah what he said.” Benny slurred a little. You knew that he had one too many celebratory drinks, so you let it slide.
“You wish you could drive like me. But get home safe.” You called out as Will was hauling Benny to the car. They both said bye just as Tom and Santi walked up to you.
“Be safe out there, okay? If you need help, we’ll be there.” Santi put a hand on your shoulder.
“I’ll be fine. You guys drive home safe. Promise?”
“Always.” You all hugged, and they walked off to their cars, leaving you to walk to yours as you thought Cat had left already.
“Can’t have you getting to the car by yourself now.” Frankie popped out from the right side of your car, scaring you a little.
“You scared me Cat! Don’t do that.” You were annoyed with him, but he just laughed.
“You know I’ll protect you,” His hand brushed against yours, and you were fighting against yourself to not have it intertwine with yours.
“What are you, my knight in shining armor?”
“Nope. Just a friend that wants to help out another friend.” You cut him a look as he gave his answer, neither of you really buying it.
“You gonna follow me home?” You asked, opening up your car door.
“Yeah, but I won’t be on your ass like the others do to me.”
“Okay, but you better not race me.” You winked at him, earning a scoff from him.
“I can beat you any day, cielo.” The little name widened your eyes, but you tried to keep your cool.
“Then you name the time and I’ll meet you.” You challenged him, and the way he walked up to you made you think he would try something. He brushed the hair behind your ear, staring at you with low eyes and you were fighting the urge to bite your lip as a nervous tendency.
“Just get in the car. It’s getting late.” You deflated as he said that, but you reluctantly moved away and got in the car. You pulled out first and he followed, the drive home seemingly shorter than how long it was for you to get to the warehouse. You didn’t want the night to end, but could you push the limits with this? You had only just let them all into your life but were you ready to test the waters with Frankie? It all took up your thoughts as you pulled into your driveway and Frankie parked on the side of your street. You got out of your car and locked it before waiting for Frankie to walk you to your door. Just looking at him in his infamous hat that was torn and tattered from your missions together, the mustard yellow jacket you thrifted for him, grey shirt, jeans, the same boots that he wore everywhere, you knew you were in dumbstruck awe over him. You walked to the door together, and you unlocked your door, turning on the light and walking inside.
“Are you sure you’re able to drive tonight? You’re an hour away from your home.” You were more so looking for an excuse to spend time with him, but at this point it was midnight and you knew that he had a long day.
“I can sleep in the car for a little before I drive home. It’s not a problem.” You shook your head.
“I’m not gonna let you sleep in the car when I have a couch. Just stay for the night and you cand rive back to your place in the morning.” He didn’t protest, just walking in after you and closing the door, ensuring it was locked. You both took off your shoes and jackets before pulling out a blanket and spare pillow from your linen closet. You saw that he already made himself at home, taking off his hat and putting it on your coffee table. Somehow, your house seemed more like a home with him in it.
“Do you want another pillow?”
“Querida, it’s fine. I’ve slept in worse places,” He took the pillow and blanket and put it on the couch's armrest before patting the open seat next to him. “You gonna sleep right now?”
“No, I can stay up to talk to you.” You sat down next to him, and you both just looked at each other, trying to find the words to keep the small talk going before sleep took you both away. Finally, you spoke and put your hand on his.
“I never got the chance to thank you, but really, I appreciate you putting that together. You know I’m too stubborn to talk so that means a lot to me.” You gave him a sweet smile, and he returned it and intertwined your hand with his.
“We all missed you. Nothing was the same without you and we didn’t realize how much you made the group better until we lost you. I didn’t want that to continue and then something happens to one of us.” You nodded your head.
“I can say the same. Other missions by myself didn’t feel right. It’s better to have a team, to have a family.” You squeezed his hand.
“But I really missed you, Y/n. I felt terrible when I couldn’t talk to you as much as I wanted to. I gave you space but it hurt not talking to you.” He was pulling at your heartstrings little by little, and you didn’t know how long it would take before you broke.
“You were always my favorite, Cat.” The nickname was enough to keep you from breaking, but you didn’t think you would last much longer.
“I always thought you preferred Santi over me.” Your eyes widened at that statement.
“Santi is a close favorite, but I would’ve never gone to the fight because you’re the only person that can get through to me.” You reassured him, and the way his cedar eyes were emitting from the lamp that was near him was making you fight harder to not shut him up with a kiss.
“You got a soft spot for me?” He was bold, a side of him you didn’t get to see yet.
“Maybe, maybe not,” You felt the heat rush to your face, making you want to avert your eyes to avoid confirmation that he was right.
“You sure about that?” He moved closer to you, and you did the same.
“I won’t tell you yes or no.” You were smiling like an idiot, and so was he.
“I don’t need the answer, since I can see it in your eyes.” You felt impossibly closer to him than before, letting go of his hand and placing it on his leg.
“Well what do you think the answer is?” Your eyes were flickering down to his lips, and you thought about all those times you spent getting sneaky glances at him, the way he would calm you when everything seemed to be going wrong since he was level-headed. But now, all he was doing was making the flame that wouldn’t die out for him ignite into a full-fledged fire that had to be quelled with something you held back from.
“That I’m not the only one that didn’t miss you as a friend, but as something else.” After that, it didn’t seem that speaking with words was the right answer. All it took was for you to move to him, closing the gap and feeling those soft lips against yours for the first time to be the perfect response. And clearly, he liked it too, with how you two moved together without much thought. It was instantaneous, figuring out what would be an awkward moment turning into something so blissful and sweet as you were smiling in between kisses.
“How did I go this long without kissing you?” He was feverish, and you were grinning.
“I could ask myself the same question,” You responded, but it was cut short with him kissing you again, this time with you moving to lie down on the couch and him getting on top of you. And you two were content with just that, making out like schoolkids on a late night because there was nothing better than that. Threading your fingers through his hair, his hands playing with your shirt and going underneath it, sometimes moving to more heady kisses and slowing down as needed. You were in ecstasy over it all, over six months of being alone changing over the course of one night.
After you finally caught your breaths, it ended up with him laying down and you laying on top of him, him rubbing circles on your back. You knew that the mission was just a few days away, and you didn’t want to leave him so soon.
“I have a question.” You mumbled, sleep suddenly calling your name.
“Que paso?”
“About the mission, did you want to go with me? You don’t have to since I know it’s so soon-“
“I was planning on going anyways. No reason to go by yourself when I’m here.” He answered without a second thought, and you began to smile once more.
“Thank you.”
“Siempre. Now sleep, little one.” He kissed your forehead, and you felt safe with him. You had your heart put back together by his antics, and you got something more out of it that you weren’t expecting.
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