#like /john/ was the one who drew attention to it …
oflgtfol · 1 month
ok so i hate writing intelligent posts abt malevolent bc im scared of posting theories that are stupid and wrong but like. im feeling that the eponymous fallen star of the order of the fallen star. is john. like this is a cult not about the king in yellow like that in season 1, but instead about the “fallen star” that fragmented off the king. Augh
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empresskylo · 10 months
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➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠ GUNSLINGER SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠ afab!reader. kinda mean!ghost. blood. gun violence. gore. smut. p in v. sex without protection. wild west au. wc 5.9k. ➠SUMMARY | you find yourself getting tangled up in the mission of a group of outlaw cowboys and ghost doesn't seem to take a liking to you. that is until you get hurt. ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | cowboy ghost! cowboy ghost! cowboy ghost!
gunslinger ghost image cr ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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you flipped another coin onto the bar, thanking the bartender as he refilled your glass with whiskey. you turned and leaned back, taking a sip of your drink. the high-noon light poured into the saloon, dust particles sparkling in its rays.
you played with the gun in your holster aimlessly as a group of men you’ve never seen before walked in. they pushed through the batwing doors and took in their surroundings, appraising the people of al mazrah. the piano stopped momentarily, synchronizing with the speechlessness of the room. 
your eyes glazed over several cowboys, all with their own unique getup. but the one that drew your attention the most was a man donning a red skull mask. it reflected the midday sun and piqued your curiosity. he stood behind the others, his head not scanning the saloon like his friends were. you felt his eyes settle on you and your cheeks went hot at the attention. 
they all approached the bar and you kept your eyes locked on them in a challenge. “afternoon, ma’am,” the only man in the group without some form of face covering said, tipping his hat as he did. 
you glanced up at him, narrowing your eyes before taking a swig of your drink. “can i help you boys?”
the other three men gathered around, one of them–the youngest looking of the bunch–leaned on the bartop and waved two fingers in the air to gain the bartender's attention. “whiskey neat,” you heard him order. it made the corner of your lip quirk upwards. 
“that depends,” he drawled. “we’re lookin’ for a wanted man.” he slid a wanted poster onto the bartop and you turned to look at it. you traced over the sketch’s features and the man’s name, all the while you could feel eyes burning through you. 
you turned back to the man. “i don’t recognize his likeness, but his name sounds familiar.”
“i think i’ve heard of him and his men causing trouble up the bend at the neighboring town. ‘bout 20 miles from here, give or take.”
he reached up and scratched his overgrown stubble. “well, that helped plenty. thanks…” he drew out the word, waiting for you to introduce yourself. 
you accepted his extended hand and told him your name, your eyes flickering behind him to the man in the red skull mask. “john,” he said back to you, his free hand tipping his hat down again but in a thanks this time. 
you wondered who these men were working for. they didn’t exactly look like your typical bounty hunters. they were far more intimidating than that. their gear more intricate and sharp. 
“gaz, pay the man. we’re leaving,” john said. gaz downed his whiskey and threw a few coins on the counter before following his friends out. 
you watched as they drew everyone’s attention as they strolled out of the saloon. you were torn back and forth between doing something very thoughtless and stupid. you looked at the bartender–someone who had listened to you drone on and on about how nothing interesting ever happened in this town. he gave you a nod as he wiped down a glass, a sly smile forming on his lips. 
“ shit ,” you muttered as you pushed yourself away from the bar and scurried outside. 
the men were mounting their horses off to the side of the building. your boots echoed off the wooden porch as you hurried towards them. the men looked up at you as you jostled down the stairs and to the dirt road. 
john raised a brow at you, a small smile creeping on his lips. 
“i, uhm…” you hesitated. you summoned the courage inside of you–mainly from the whiskey–as john patiently waited for you to speak. “i was hopin’ i could come along.”
john smiled at you, his rough hands holding onto the reigns of his horse. “and why might we allow that?”
you stood up a bit taller. “i know i’m a woman, but–”
“didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout you bein’ a woman.”
you pursed your lips. the men’s eyes tentatively watched you as they each half-focused on what they were doing before you came storming over. “i’m a good shot. i have nothin’ left for me here,” you gestured around the desolate town. “i’d like to help.”
john looked pensive. “no,” a deep, guttural voice said. your eyes flickered to the man in the skull mask and grimaced. 
“don’t mind ghost. he’s not used to new company.” ghost . a chill ran up your spine at the name. these were no average bounty hunters you’d be getting yourself involved in, that was definitely clear now. it was like john could read your thoughts. “can’t guarantee your safety… but i don’t see why not. ”
you nodded. “that’s alright. i know the risks.”
ghost grumbled something and rode off. the other three men ignored him, like they were used to his grumpy behavior. “this here is gaz and soap,” john said, pointing to each man respectively. 
you smiled at them. “got yourself a horse?” soap asked you, pulling his bandana down so you could see his mouth move as he talked. you nodded, your heart racing at the promise of adventure. 
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you adjusted your hat as you followed closely behind the men on horseback. you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb. the men were absent of all colors apart from ghost’s red skull mask. they each had on a black outfit, paired with black boots, and a black hat. you, on the other hand, had on a dirty brown jacket, brown boots, faded blue pants, and a sunbleached hat. you never would have thought your outfit would seem almost colorful. 
you galloped closer to john, al mazrah getting smaller and smaller as you rode further away from the town. 
“heard people talkin’ ‘bout some bandits robbing folk around the bend comin’ up.”
john glanced at you before shifting his eyes to soap who was in hearing range. 
“woulda been nice to know that a bit earlier,” a deep voice said. you turned to see ghost riding at your side, his eyes bright against the black on his skin. you felt your chest tighten. 
“i-i didn’t think of it. didn’t realize where we were till i saw the hill in the bend in the road up ahead.”
ghost grunted, looking over at john who sat opposite of you. “no use arguing ‘bout it now,” he placated. 
before he could open his mouth to continue, a gunshot rang in your ear. your eyes widened as you looked forward, stupefied. your ears rang and your hands came up to clamp over your ears before you yelped in pain. you could hear the soft rumble of more gunshots going off, but it was like you were stuck in your own little bubble. 
you pulled your hands down and looked at them, blood covering your left hand. 
oh my god , you thought. you were shot. 
you heard your name coming in louder and louder until you finally could hear clearly again. you looked up to ghost who was grabbing your arm and yelling your name. his other hand held his shotgun, extended as he pulled it, and shot a bandit in the chest, knocking him off his horse. 
“focus!” he shouted. you nodded and locked eyes. 
“i’m okay,” you said. you knew the bullet must have hit skin, or you wouldn’t be bleeding, but it was just a graze. 
“your gun!” he growled. 
you shook your head to come to your senses and pulled your gun from it’s holster. ghost’s hand left you and you felt a chill run through your arm at the loss. 
you aimed to shoot one of the bandits immediately before he had time to raise his own gun at soap. your eyes moved and you saw john jump off his horse and tackle a man to the ground, knocking him out cold with a few punches. 
soap was aiming up on the hill, taking out a couple of men stationed there. they were waiting for someone stupid enough to come trotting down their trail. you felt like shit for not remembering this crucial bit of information until it was too late. 
you shot another bandit, riding your horse further up the road. you spotted ghost as he shot down a bandit coming at him before loading his gun in no time at all, then shooting the man riding up on gaz’s tail. another man came up from behind him and ghost had his knife in his hand and sliced across the man’s throat before you could even blink. 
you were no stranger to violence, but these men were cold-blooded killers, you’d be stupid to not feel a trace of formidable fear run up your spine. 
the gunshots slowly simmered down and the five of you found yourselves coming back together. you slid off your horse as the others did. “jesus,” gaz mumbled, his breathing slightly heavy. 
ghost flung himself off his horse and stormed up to you, grabbing your arm like he did earlier, and turning you to him. 
his gloved hand came up to your jaw and turned your head so he could see the drying blood that coated your ear. “fuckin’ hell. you coulda been killed.”
“yes, thank you. so glad i have you to point that out,” you snarled. 
john, soap, and gaz were busy talking, likely going over the group's next course of actions, and paid no mind to you and ghost as he hissed at you. 
“what's your problem with me?”
ghost released you and took a step back. “what’s my problem with you?” it was just now that you could really hear his accent. he wasn’t from around here, that was for sure. 
you nodded. 
“not keen on having to babysit.”
your eyes blared with heat, your fists clenching. “fuckin’ hell! you barely know me! i’ve done nothing that says i’m not up for this,” you gestured around you, “so i got shot unexpectedly, i hardly think that's my fault.”
he just stared at you, which honestly, frustrated you even more. 
“you ever take that stupid thing off?” you asked, referring to his mask. god, you were proving him right–you were acting like a baby.
“why? you wanna know what's underneath?”
his husky voice made your chest flutter. there was something about the combination of his terrifying appearance, his deep voice, and the way he seemed utterly concerned for your safety. it was doing things to your insides that you didn’t appreciate. 
he leaned in closer. “does it unsettle you, pet?” he asked, referring to his mask. 
frankly, it did. his entire body was covered from head to toe. the only bit of him you saw was his eyes, and even those were darkened with charcoal. maybe you were stupid to trust these men. it was just hitting you now that you were with a group of insanely skilled men. alone . 
it was as if ghost could read the sudden hesitation and regret that filled your features. his voice was low as he spoke. “we won’t hurt ya.” you swallowed hard. you should leave while it’s still daylight. “ not unless you ask. ”
your jaw would have fallen slack if you weren’t wound up so tight from ghost standing so close. he slid past you and you turned, starstruck, forcing your feet to move so you were standing in a circle with the men. 
“we’re only a few miles out from town. and clearly, we’re at a disadvantage,” john spoke. “we should split up and surround the town, figure out if hassan is there. and locate his base. it’s our best bet.”
soap and gaz nodded. 
“good,” john said in response to the agreement for his plan. “i’ll flank west. soap you go right. gaz you can take the southern part of town. ghost, north.”
you looked up at john expectantly. he went to open his mouth–to invite you to tag along with him you assumed–but ghost beat him to it. “she’ll come with me.” it wasn’t a question. and you hated that it sparked something inside you. 
john nodded. “we got a few more hours of daylight left. let's go. we’ll convene in the center of town.”
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you trailed behind ghost on your horse. you two had gone off the road and were currently riding over the rough terrain of the surrounding woods. the sun was slowly setting and you found it hard to see your footing with all the shadows the trees cast. 
“so what’d you want with this guy anyways?” you asked ghost, breaking the silence. 
“he’s the enemy,” he said flatly. 
you rolled your eyes. “yeah. i get that. but why exactly are you–”
he cut you off with a single finger to his lips, his eyes gesturing in front of him. you immediately went silent, slowly reaching for your gun. 
you both paused on your horses, sitting still, listening. you felt your heartbeat racing in your chest. 
that's when you saw movement in the distance. “ghost! behind you–”
your warning was muffled as a hand wrapped around your face, covering your mouth, and yanking you off your horse. you slashed back and forth, trying to fight off whoever had you in their grip. 
you kicked backward, hitting them in the knee, and they finally dropped you to the ground. “fuckin’ bitch!”
you spun around, stumbling to your feet and grabbing your gun out of its holster. it was just one guy. you could take him. 
as you raised your gun, another man appeared beside him. your eyes widened. okay, this was going to be harder than you thought. 
“i wouldn’t do that if i was you,” the other man said. 
you gulped. before you could fully raise your hand, a third man knocked the gun from your hand and twisted your arm, holding you against him. “you don’t like to listen, do ya?”
you showed your teeth as you struggled against him. you kicked and squirmed as you felt the air begin to slip from you. 
suddenly, the man around you went slack, his arm falling, and hot liquid trailed your back. you turned and watched the man sink to the ground, grabbing at the slit in his throat. behind him towered ghost. 
he had blood on his mask and he was breathing so rapidly you could see his chest moving up and down under all his layers. 
you didn’t have long to take him in before he pushed you aside and began fighting the other two men. you scanned behind you and saw two other bodies sprawled on the rocky ground. he had already taken down three men. your eyes widened. 
“go!” he shouted at you. in the quick second he was distracted, one of the bandits managed to get a swing in and hit ghost right under his jaw. 
you mustered the courage inside yourself and you sprinted at the three men. you jumped on one of them, flying to the ground with him, landing atop him. his hand reached out and wrapped around your neck but you were faster. your knife was already plowing into the side of his skull. his hand fell loosely to his side.
you huffed as you climbed off of him. ghost’s hands struggled but he managed to get them on the man’s head that he was fighting and in a quick and sharp twist, he broke his neck. 
you gasped slightly, the air falling silent around you two. his hands were clenched at his side as you both stared at one another among the carnage. 
“i told you to go.”
“and i didn’t want to,” you responded. how was he going to be mad that you helped him?
you huffed and bent over to rip the knife from the man’s skull and slid it back into its sheath. as you stood straight, ghost was pushing you against a tree. you yelped as he pinned you back. 
“these aren’t just normal men,” he growled. 
you searched his eyes. you hoped he couldn’t hear your heart racing. “we handled it, didn’t we?”
ghost shook his head in annoyance, his body still entraping yours. “and if we hadn’t? if you had gotten yourself killed?”
you gave him an exacerbated look. “then i’d be dead. i don’t know what you want me to tell you.”
ghost pushed away from you and began walking back to his horse. “i want you to tell me you’ll listen next time i tell you to go.”
you hesitated before you found your way back to your own steed. “why do you care so much?” you had come along to help. and that’s what you planned on doing. ghost wasn’t the boss of you. 
he didn’t respond and you rode the rest of the way in silence.
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it didn't take much longer to get into town. and it took an even shorter amount of time to find out hassan wasn’t here. you and the rest of the men met up in the middle of town, just like john had told you. 
“y’all run into trouble?” he asked you and ghost, noticing the blood on both of your clothes. 
“nothin’ we couldn’t handle,” you answered. 
john’s gaze met ghost’s momentarily and he smirked. john could tell you were driving ghost crazy, just from your short interactions. he liked that someone was getting this reaction from him. it felt like so long since he had seen ghost have any sort of emotional response. 
“think we should camp here for the night,” john added. 
the five of you went into the town’s saloon and the men went straight to the bar. drinks were ordered and you shifted uncomfortably, playing with the glass of whiskey in your hand. 
two women dressed in silky gowns, the cut of their dresses low and tight enough to expose their chests, strolled up to your group. “haven’t seen you boys before,” the blonde one said. you were in saloons enough to recognize prostitutes when you saw them. 
“just passin’ through,” gaz spoke. the ladies smiled and one of their hands came out and traced along gaz’s collar. 
“you look like you could use a little pick me up,” she said sweetly. 
you saw where this was going and you felt yourself grow uncomfortable. “i think i’m gonna go to my room,” you mumbled. john saluted you off, his attention going back to soap as they talked. one of the girls made her way to ghost and you hated that a pang of jealousy coursed through you as she sat on his lap. 
his eyes flickered to you as the woman whispered in his ear. the saloon was filled with a cacophony of noise, music playing loudly, and the sound of the girls giggling. no one but ghost had even paid attention to you leaving. and you really couldn’t hold it against any of them. you barely knew them. you weren’t friends yet. 
you felt your breath hitch as the woman reached her hand out to trace ghost’s mask, his hand catching her wrist. you wanted to turn to finish going up the stairs but your eyes were locked in challenge with his. 
he nudged the girl off his lap and she huffed slightly before turning her attention to soap. your face felt inflamed as you turned and went up the stairs, slipping off into one of the rooms the lot of you had paid for. 
why were you so attracted to ghost? he was intimidating, scary even. and you had no idea what he looked like. not even his hands or neck.
you sighed as you cleaned up, stripping your clothes down into your undergarments, washing the stain from your jacket, and hanging it against the wooden bedframe to dry. 
the room was small but comfortable. you let your hair down and washed your face with the bucket of water. you wore your undershirt and underwear, everything else was either drying or removed so you could sleep comfortably. 
you were ready to slip into bed when you hear footsteps stumbling past your room. you wondered if it was one of the men. you heard a woman’s voice and that same, uncomfortable feeling squeezed your chest. maybe it was ghost bringing one of the women back to his room. 
you walked to your door and your hand hovered over the doorknob. you wanted to peek out, just to see. to see if it was ghost, or one of the others from downstairs. you were being crazy, you knew it. but you pulled the door open ever so slightly and peered out. you jumped, a loud yelp escaping you as a large ghost stood in your doorway. 
he deftly pushed your door open and made his way inside your small room. he kicked it closed behind him, his eyes trailing your exposed body shadowed by the small glow of the few candles by your bedside. 
“ghost,” you breathed, unsure of what else to say. you could smell whiskey on him as he walked closer. you looked up at him, his eyes piercing your own. his mask still had blood on it. and the way the shadows of the room illuminated and hid his features was haunting.
“were you jealous?” he said. 
you were taken aback but his question. you almost laughed. what on earth was happening? ghost just barged inside your room and was asking if you were jealous. of what? the woman on his lap earlier? why would he think that? 
“did you hear a woman outside your door and open it to see if it was me who was bedding one of the whores?”
your mouth hung open at his forward words. that was one thing you came to know about ghost: he said whatever the fuck he was thinking. 
“i… i…” you stuttered. 
ghost spun you around, slamming you against the wall, one hand coming out beside your head, the other on your hip. you were startled, unsure of what to say or do. ghost’s hand on your hip slid down to the apex of your thighs, slowly slipping between them and pressing against you. you gasped. 
“tell me. were. you. jealous? ”
you swallowed hard before nodding. “y-yes.”
you could almost hear the smile in his voice as he hummed. he rubbed you a few times over your underwear before backing away slightly and removing his gloves. your marvled at his hands before they were lost between your legs again. 
he slipped one into your panties and circled your clit. your hands finally came out and grabbed onto his shoulders, small little noises escaping you. 
“mhmmm,” he hummed, “already so wet for me, pet.” one of his fingers slid inside your heat painfully slow and your eyes rolled back. he pumped his finger a few times before pulling out of you. your eyes focused back on him as he nudged his mask up and slid his finger into his mouth. you could see the stubble on his chin and the soft pink of his lips. 
when he pulled his finger out, he spoke. “still want to see what i look like?” he teased. 
you nodded. he didn't move, waiting for you to take initiative. your hands crept up and you peeled his mask off–the cloth covering and the hard red skull. you tossed it onto the floor and were faced with a beautiful man. he was both rugged and pretty. it almost hurt to look at him. 
he had a scar running below his eye and one slicing his upper lip. his eyes were smoked out in black that smudged his skin and ran down his face from sweat. his hair was surprisingly light and soft looking. you couldn’t help yourself as you ran your hand up the back of his head and into his hair. 
you didn’t say it, but ghost could see the way you were taking his features in. you were pleased. pleasantly surprised. 
his lips came down on yours, crushing against you and pushing you flat against the wall. his mouth moved in sync with yours, making you groan against him. his hand slid into your hair and grabbed it, pulling your head back to expose your neck to him. he began to place kisses there and you felt your legs squeeze together. 
“never wanted anyone so bad in my life,” he grumbled against your skin. you felt your heart race at the confession. it made your head dizzy to think this terrifying killer wanted you . he wanted you so bad he couldn’t help himself. he was so set on you that he didn’t give a shit how many women came onto him downstairs at the bar. he just wanted to get up to your room and throw you against the wall. no stranger had even consumed his thoughts like this.
his rough hand ran up your front and grabbed the hem of your loose undershirt before pulling it off your body. he stood back and looked at you, licking his lips. 
before you had time to feel self-conscious, his mouth was diving for your chest and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth. you let out a breathless moan, your hands running through his hair. his hands slid to your ass and squeezed, pulling your hips against him. you could feel him tenting through his pants. 
before you could even think, he was on his knees, yanking your underwear all the way down your legs. you felt a weird sense of excitement course through you seeing him still fully dressed, knelt before you, while you were completely naked. 
he grabbed one of your legs and pulled it so you bent it over his shoulder. then his face was pleasantly nestled between your thighs. he sucked and licked at you and you threw your head back against the wall in a cry. “g-god.”
you could feel him smile against you. his stubble tickled you as his tongue moved in and out of you, then traced you up and down, before repeating the actions. you actually felt like you couldn’t breathe. and when two of his fingers came up to slide inside you while his mouth worked your clit, you felt your chest tighten and a hot flutter pool at the base of your spine. 
“lemme hear you,” he grunted. you panted and moaned as he continued to work his mouth against you. it didn’t take long before you were shaking and crying out. your hands gripped the wall behind you, your nails digging into the wood. 
ghost worked you through your orgasm, lapping every drop of you up until you were begging him to stop. 
you didn’t have a real chance to catch your breath and really take in what was happening because ghost was shoving you down onto your knees before him. he was undoing his belt, his lips glistening. you hesitantly reached up and replaced his hands. he let you take over and you unbuttoned and unzipped his dark trousers, releasing his cock from its restraints.
you swallowed at his size, your eyes widening slightly. you heard ghost chuckle above you. annoyed that he was somehow getting satisfaction out of your surprise and tentativeness, you took him in your mouth without warning. ghost’s chuckle turned into a choked groan. 
you bobbed up and down, not taking your time at all, your hand coming up to wrap around the base of him to move in sync with your mouth. you could hear him panting as you slid your tongue up and down, swirling it around the tip before sinking him back deep inside of you. 
he swore under his breath as you pumped him a few times, kissing the tip of his cock already leaking with precum. when you took him in your mouth again, his hand fisted your hair and his hips swung forward, rutting himself into you. 
you braced a hand against his thigh as he took control, moving in and out of your mouth at a faster speed than you were taking him moments ago. he hit the back of your throat and you swallowed so you wouldn’t choke and his head flew back and he moaned uncontrollably. 
you coughed and tried to catch your breath as he pulled out of you. tears were running down your face and you wiped your mouth. his fingers slid under your chin and tilted your head up towards him. 
“you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, pet.” his thumb traced your bottom lip as he studied you, face flushed and glowing, tears making your eyes sparkle, your lips swollen and red, sat back on your haunches as you looked up. you were a marvel. 
he pulled you up and pushed you onto your bed. you watched as he crawled on top of you. your hands slid to his shirt and vest and you began to unbutton them. “want this off,” you muttered. 
his eyes searched yours for a moment, hesitating before he did what you wanted and stripped his top bare. it was hard to see in the dim light but you could tell he had scarring along his chest and back. you wondered if he was somehow ashamed or embarrassed by them and that’s why he contemplated removing his shirt or not. 
he settled back between your legs and you traced one of the scars on his shoulders before looking up at him. he was already looking at you, his eyes boring into your own. “how’d you get this?” you asked. 
he tilted his head, his hand brushing the side of your hair then cupping your cheek. “bounty hunting.” you looked at him expectantly. “he had me pinned down, tried to slit my throat. i kicked him from underneath and it made him miss. still hurt like a bitch though,” he said with a bit of faux mirth. 
you pulled him down to kiss you, his lips moving softer against you than earlier, gentle, but still just as hungry. 
he rolled his hips against you and you both groaned. “i need to fuck you so bad,” he said against your mouth. 
“so do it then.”
his eyes flared as he pulled back and looked at you. his hands shuffled his pants the rest of the way off and he lined himself up with your entrance. your hands wrapped around his back as he began to ease his way into you. 
you squeezed your eyes shut as he edged further in. he paused when he saw you. “am i hurting you?”
you shook your head. “no. keep going.” he gave you a questioning look, not sure if you were lying or not before he pushed all the way in. you both gasped as he sank as far as he could go. 
you both panted, trying to catch your breaths as he let you adjust to his size. he tested the waters by pulling out a little bit and pushing back in. he groaned deep in his chest as you spasmed around him, unused to someone of his size. 
“fuckin’ hell,” he said to himself. he knew he wasn’t going to last long. but fuck, he wanted to get you off at least one more time. 
he began to thrust in and out of you, doing a little more each time until he was almost pulling all the way out before thrusting back against your hips. 
the pain subsided and all you felt was ripples of pleasure as he moved inside of you. your nails dug into his back, your legs hooking around him and urging him to go faster. 
“you feel so good,” he mumbled against your neck. you mewled and threw your head back against the mattress as he relentlessly pounded into you, going rather hard now that you seemed to take him okay. the wooden bedframe crashed against the wall, thumping with the beat of his hips, but neither of you had it in you to care.
he picked up speed and you gasped, “ah!”
he stopped moving. “shit, did i hurt you?”
“no, no! keep going. move! fuck, please,” you said desperately. ghost chuckled before moving again, hitting you deep with each thrust. 
his smile quickly faded as he tried to stop himself from finishing too early. his hand slid between your bodies and began to rub your clit. your legs went outwards, letting him get you even deeper, and your walls spasmed around his cock. you felt yourself getting close. 
you were muttering all kinds of obscenities under your breath and ghost was growling and panting as he rutted against you. “you feel–fuck–so much better than i thought.”
your fingers ran through his hair and he kissed you again. “fuck, ghost,” you moaned. 
“simon.” you opened your eyes to look at him. “my name is simon.”
your eyes never left his as you whispered his name, the ‘n’ of it raising in octave as he thrusted into you. your eyes began to flutter again but one of his hands grabbed your jaw. “keep your eyes on me,” he demanded. 
his dark eyes were intoxicating as they glowed in the candlelight, the dark makeup around them making them that much more captivating. his hair was disheveled from all the times your fingers ran through it. you were certain you had never seen anyone so handsome. 
“i’m gonna come,” he growled. your breath picked up speed and your mouth hung open in breathy pants and little moans. 
“come in me,” you pleaded. before he could even respond, your soft voice saying something so obscene had him tumbling over the edge. his finger on your clit kept moving as he spurted inside you. 
you felt your legs shake and your walls clench down on him, dragging out his orgasm as he made sounds like he was in pain. 
you kept your eyes locked on him as you cried out, though you found it a difficult task. you felt his warmth fill you as you shuttered around his cock. he continued to thrust through both of your highs, a guttural groan escaping him each time your hips connected. 
when you both seemed to settle down, your highs coming to a blissful end, he collapsed on top of you, his face buried in your neck, breathing you in. 
your hands traced absentmindedly up and down his arm as he pressed himself against you. a few minutes later he rolled over and slid out of you, white seeping out and onto the sheets. he gave you a satisfied grin as he looked between your legs. you felt oddly shy.
he laid back into your pillow and pulled you against him, wrapping his arms tightly around you. you still couldn’t fathom the fact that this man who seemed to hate you for no reason was actually extremely attracted to you and just ravished the fuck out of you. and he was far kinder in bed than you would have imagined. 
you liked the feeling of security as he possessively held you to him, his hand in your hair. 
you tilted your head up to him. “you might want to go back to your room,” you muttered. 
you felt your face heat. “we probably don’t want the others to find out…” this was a whole new type of situation for you, and you weren’t sure you wanted the whole group to know you and ghost just fucked, only hours after meeting one another. 
he laughed. “i think they already know, pet. we weren’t exactly quiet.”
“oh my god,” you said in mortification, bringing your hands up to cover your face.
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tetragonia · 2 months
A Wave of Feelings
Rafe Cameron x F!Pogue!Reader
Blurb: Rafe and (Y/N) got into an argument for God knows how many times, about literally anything when they breath the same air, ranging from a small accident to a heated one about their cultural beliefs. But something in the air was different this time. Or was it only in the air? Not something in their heart and mind when the two of you finally realize something big that could change your lives?
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Note: I have always wanted to write an angst especially for this character and it has occurred to me one day that arguing/miscommunication plot is kind of my fave trope so here we are lol.
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, argument, bad writing lol English isn't my first language. also, soft!Rafe in the end!
Words: 1490
The sun hung low over the Outer Banks as Rafe Cameron and you found yourself embroiled in yet another heated argument. This was clearly not the first time you both got into an argument. Some of them were heavy like that one time when your best friend asked you to go to the party just to talk to Rafe (which she did) but then he dumped her after the party and she cried for weeks on your shoulder, or some Kook-owned properties that limited your access, or some insulting banter between Rafe and your friends (that got you realized how much he hated JJ).
But most of the time it was just about silly things: when he knocked up your beer accidentally, when you sailed in front of him and accidentally splashed some water (it didn't even make his already oily hair wet), or when you were napping in a near beach and he claimed that it was his territory (he was in the Cut area, for God's sake!). You two always found a way to argue.
This time, your voices clashed like crashing waves, echoing off the walls of the old shipwreck where you had sought refuge.
"You're impossible, Rafe! Always acting like you own this place, roaming around thinking that you're so much better than us Pogues," you exclaimed, your voice tinged with frustration. Pogues always owned this place, not some rich snobby kids like him, you thought.
Rafe's jaw clenched, his temper flaring and pride wounded. He hissed, "Maybe if you Pogues have some ambitions, you wouldn't be stuck in the same place your whole life!"
Oh, this was definitely one of those heavy arguments.
Your fists clenched at your sides as took a step forward. Your voice trembling with emotion. "You have no idea what it's like to struggle, Rafe. You've always had everything handed to you on a silver platter."
For a moment, you needed to convince yourself that you saw Rafe's gaze softened. You wanted to believe that a flicker of remorse crossed his features before he quickly masked it with a defiant glare. "At least I don't have to scrape by just to survive. Maybe if you Pogues worked harder, you'd actually amount to something."
His words struck deep, a painful reminder of the challenges you and your community faced every day. You recoiled as if struck by a lightning, your eyes stinging with unshed tears and your face was red, "You don't know anything about me, Rafe. You don't know what I've been through."
Your argument drew the attention of Sarah who was nearby with John. She was one of your best friends and you felt nothing but pity every time you realized that she shared the same blood with Rafe. With a furrowed brow, she stepped between you two, her hands raised in a gesture of peace trying to calm you down.
"Hey, what's going on here? Can't you two go five minutes without arguing?" Sarah pleaded, her voice filled with concern and annoyance. She must be tired with all these arguments, you thought. But those were all about Rafe's incapability to control his temper! And that might or might not be your issue as well...
Rafe shot you a scorching glare before turning his attention to Sarah. "Stay out of this, Sarah. This doesn't concern you."
Your eyes flashed with defiance as you stepped forward beside Sarah. "You're the one who concerns everyone with your existence!"
"What did you say to her, Rafe?!" Sarah looked at you with a concern. You were one of her strongest friends and she rarely saw you tremble like this. "Come on, talk it out like an adult, will ya!"
Rafe's fists clenched at his sides, his frustration boiling over. "Talk? What's there to talk about? I said, stay out of this, Sarah."
His gaze turned to you, "You think you know everything, (Y/N). Being the weaker one of the community, blaming us for having some money. If you said that I don't know anything about you, then you also don't know anything about me!"
His words cut like a blade across your pain. Your expression softened, a hint of hurt flickering in your eyes and you were not sure whether Rafe realize that or not. "Let's just cut it out. You would never understand what I've been through. What we have been through. Let's go, Sarah. Let's get out of here."
Sarah watched the exchange with growing concern, her heart aching for her brother and her best friend. She knew there was something deeper at play here, something that neither of them wanted to admit.
"Come on, you two. Let's take a step back and calm down, especially you, Rafe," Sarah suggested, her voice gentle yet firm. She glared at his brother. His face was as red as you, his forehead frowned deep.
You and Rafe exchanged a wary glance before reluctantly exhaled a deep breath. As much as you hate him, as much as you didn't want to admit, you really want him to apologize. The tension in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a palpable sense of unease.
Sarah sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to find the right words. "Look, I know things have been tense lately, but I really can't bear another sight of you guys bicker over things. If you still want to do that, please not where I can see you. I need you two to be in your best behavior when I'm around. Especially with you, Rafe. I have enough of you already."
Rafe's gaze softened as he looked at his sister, a pang of guilt tugging at his heart. "You're right, Sarah. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."
Sarah still held her concern, but she relieved to see them finally finding common ground. "It's okay. Now I'll leave it up to you. I can't mom you around like this, geez."
She walked away from you both. She lived long enough with both you and Rafe and there was no way she did not realized that beneath the surface, there was a different kind of tension simmered—a tension born from unspoken feelings and unacknowledged desires.
You stood still, refused to meet his gaze. The wind blew your hair as the sun began to set. You started to feel the chill and instinctively hug your own body, fixing your shirt together. You accidently drew a sharp breath when a cold wind sent chills down your spine. You sniffed and looked over the horizon. Refusing to take even the tiniest glance at him, you kept looking at the sea while stroking your upper arm.
Despite the heat of your argument, Rafe couldn't ignore the way the cold seemed to seep into your bones, making you appeared small and vulnerable against the vast expanse of the beach. His heart ached at this view.
You didn't see that he wanted to reach out, to wrap his arms around you and shield her from the biting wind; his hesitation to offer you warmth and comfort in the midst of your argument.
But his pride held him back, a barrier he had built long ago to protect himself from vulnerability and pain. Yet now, standing on the windswept beach with you before him, he couldn't ignore the truth any longer.
With a heavy sigh, Rafe took a step forward, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. "(Y/N), I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things. I was out of line."
Your eyes widened in surprise at Rafe's apology, your anger momentarily forgotten as she regarded him with cautious curiosity. You had expected him to be stubborn, to be the usual Rafe: to dig in his heels and refuse to back down. But instead, here he was, standing before you with such humility you'd never seen before.
For a moment, the two of them stood in silence, the only sound the crashing of the waves against the shore. And then, slowly, hesitantly, you took a step forward, closing the distance between them.
"Rafe," you said softly, your voice barely audible above the wind. "Thank you."
And with that, Rafe's resolve crumbled completely. Ignoring the voice of doubt in his mind, he opened his arms and pulled you into a tight embrace, provided you with the warmth of his body against yours. He could feel the softness of your hair against his cheek and he kissed your head softly it almost gave you a heart attack.
So you were not hallucinating all this time. The glances, the gestures, the underlying concern for her.... He felt the same way, too.
In that moment, with the cold wind whipping around them, you knew that he had finally acknowledged his feelings for you. And as you stood together on the windswept beach, you both vowed to never let your pride stand in the way of your connection again.
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What kinks/fetishes Saw character would have
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Warning : minors don't interact/read, smut/kinks, they all have a female partner
Characters : Mark Hoffman, Lawrence Gordon, Adam Stanheight, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm, Eric Matthews
Info : Again something for Saw and what can I say exept. Have fun reading like I had my fun writting it ;)
Mark Hoffmann
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Degradation = He would love to degrade his partner in a game for small mistakes or when she teases him at work. The way his knuckles turn white when he imagines what he would do. As soon as they are alone and he takes her, whispering in her ear in a harsh voice and reproaching her for what she has done wrong. Knowing that with every word she tightens around his cock and wants more
°,,Did I fuck you stupid? That's what happens when you want the attention of all men...a slut gets what she deserves"
Gun Play = He had tried it with prostitutes but they were all unwilling, unlike his partner who couldn't get enough of the adrenaline. The way the cold metal moved over her body and he drew in his breath sharply when he was sent a video of her fucking herself with his gun unlocked. He loved it when she let her tongue glide over the dark metal before he pressed her onto the knees in front of him.
°,,Show me how much you want my cock sweetie"
Lawrence Gordon
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Medical play = A relationship between a doctor and his nurse a fantasy and a game that Lawrence and his partner had realized. Whether directly in the hospital in storage rooms or in longer sessions at home or in hotels. He loved it when she whimpered, he performed a routine examination on her and loved to stand over her.
°,,Spread your legs wider for me sweetheart would you?
Oral = More of a position than anything else but since he had lost his foot and his movements were choppy, especially at the beginning, it was almost painful which made sex more complicated. Which is why oral satisfaction became almost a daily thing for him and his partner. He loved it when she knelt in front of him, they kissed beforehand and she let her hands wander over his sore flesh before she opened his pants. In return, he lifted her onto his desk and, like the doctor he was, took care of his patients.
°,,Let me comfort you since you spoil me like this let me pleasure you"
Adam Stanheight
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Photography = He would love to take photos and videos of you with or without her consent. He would snap and record intimate moments when she was changing her clothes, in the shower or when he was having sex with her. Watching her fall apart around him, her tear-stained face or her fingers wrapped around his cock and taking pictures of the blush on his cheeks. He loved looking at the photos of her developing at the end, praising her and running his fingers over her body. While she snuggled up to him and praised him before they both ended up in a mountain of photos and he took them.
°,,Fuck look at this next time I'll make a whole collage baby"
Teasing = Initially not wanting to admit how much he likes it, Adam gets all the more whiny and whimpering when his partner teases him. Be it during the day with pictures, her extra short skirt or her hand on his body. At the end of the day, he would press himself against her and ask her permission why she was teasing him like that before directing him to bed, but he would only become more of a babbling, whining, pleading wrag.
°,,Ah-please-please baby finally touch me I'll do anything just please"
Amanda Young
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°Pain Play = She is a recovering and former junkie. She had suffered a lot of pain in her life and with John's teachings something had changed in the way she felt. It seemed like the pain she could finally inflict on others was getting better and better. Which is why she was careful with her partner to a certain extent, of course, but when she drew the knife or the hoe across her loved one's skin and heard the sound of it was her favorite. When she could run her fingers over the wounds and spread the blood on her girlfriend's body or try it herself.
°,,Shhh I know you can do a little more my love"
Leather = The feeling of leather shackles, panties, tops, pants, etc. She likes how it feels even better to wear it herself and to see it on her partner. It always seemed to be a big part of her life and she wouldn't give that up now. Instead, she went on several shopping trips with her sweetheart to buy the perfect outfits. To try them on in front of each other and make a strip show out of it.
°,,Look at you my beautiful girlfriend"
Peter Strahm
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Handcuffs = One thing he does bring home from his job are handcuffs. He loves to tie you to the bed with them. to see how you try to get loose while he takes you and can't do it. Tying your hands behind your back while you ride him and he holds you by your hips. Then kisses your maltreated wrists lovingly and tells you how good you were.
°,,Only bad girls get tied to the bed...but you're my good girl aren't you?"
Humping = He would love to have you on his lap after a long day's work and watch you whimpering against him. Giving you gentle kisses and playing with the strands of your hair - his big rough hands on your hips, directing you sweetly and painfully. Before he turns to you in praise after you have almost come crying and he takes care of you completely.
°,,That's it just a little bit more so it's good darling"
Eric Matthews
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Daddy kink = He didn't have a son for nothing, didn't become so bossy for nothing and didn't become a cop for nothing. It gives him a sense of power and excitement to hear his darling call him that. At first it's just fun flirting, but as soon as the door to the bedroom closes, it's just the two of them.
°,,You'll be good for daddy, won't you? You will, sugar, I know it"
Praise kink = He wants to hear how good he is and he needs to hear how good he is. Whether it's small gestures, the moans of his loved ones or whole sentences. Eric loves it when he knows that he is good for his sweetie, that he is doing everything right and it only makes him even more energized and proud when she praises him.
°,,How good am I? One more and I'm all yours"
@slut4hoffman , @thatonebeetchthatisirrelevant , @lola-max-sugar @megustadilf , @capan-deveraux2 , @horrorxgorewhore
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vacayisland · 6 months
Could you do a John Dory x Retired Singer/Musician Reader? Pls and thank you
(I loved meet the wifie I fucking cackled at "imma beat his ass!")
@!; Oldies are always better. John Dory / Retired! Reader
"Tag List"! @writergal02 @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat
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ꨄ︎. You were a big alt-indie musician, making music that tended to have a little bit of everything; the funk and beat of the funk tribe and the techno tribe, the guitar riffs and drum solos from the rock tribe, some classical instruments as undertones, and pop-like lyrics and beats. All the while you also put your own spin on it. Music had always been an outlet for you, always allowed you to take what was in your head and thread it into sound for everyone to hear. Sometimes it was chaotic, sometimes it was mellow, and it always depended on your mood when writing, composing, and singing. It's usually was drew people to your music. It was down to Earth, yet also complex and simple at the same time. Those who wanted to dive into the meaning of your music and dissect it would find multiple layers, many undertones that all harmonized. Those who just wanted to vibe out to your music could do that as well.
ꨄ︎. When you had left your career behind, it wasn't because of anything bad. You left with one final song in which explained that you were stepping down to let the new generation to find their own flow, to let other people take the stage, to be able to sit back and enjoy everything that will come in the future. You were only around 24 when you put down your guitar for the final time for the public; But you never gave up music for good on your own. While you never published anything anymore, you kept writing and composing for yourself as it was truly your passion.
ꨄ︎. This is when JD found you, playing in a friend's cafe. You had caught his attention right away, so much so he didn't hear the waiter when he had asked for JD's order. He was honestly so captivated by you for a moment he wondered if you were some sort of siren. He soon realized, yeah no you weren't, you just were really, really good. And he needed your number, badly. And that sounded a little creepy, but when you see someone who's not only good looking but knows how to sing and play an instrument all in one? You don't miss that chance to talk them up, and JD was defiantly not missing his chance!
ꨄ︎. JD didn't see a ring on your finger, it was fair game for him. Luckily you hadn't been seeing anyone at the time, but you still gave him a reality check after he approached you as though he was the coolest guy on the planet; Introducing himself before using some sort of cheesy pick up line to get your number. "Hey, babe, my name is John Dory and you seem rather lonely. You know, I can fill that 'me' shaped hole in your heart if you give me your number!" And then he winked!? Your friend was flabbergasted. You thought he was really brave.
ꨄ︎. And you hate to admit that his stupid pick-up line (which didn't even seem like a pick-up line!) actually worked and he got your number. (And he would be so smug and proud about this fact for the rest of his life.)
ꨄ︎. You two talked for a few months before making anything official, and then you waited about a year or two before you two even thought about moving in together. Even so, by 6 months of dating you basically lived in Rhonda; Your stuff littered his home, you had your own set of clothes there, your own toothbrush, and even your own house slippers. Then when you moved in, it felt natural. It felt like this was where you were always meant to end up and somehow the planets aligned. And for some reason JD never noticed the fact you brought in an electric guitar, which also sat in your shared closet. Sometimes you wonder if he's just stupid or a little blind, because he's also seen your play.
ꨄ︎. Either way, one day when he was hoisting his brothers over (after the whole Floyd situation got resolved, and god you were kind of glad you were staying with friends during all of that; not because you didn't like his brothers but because you didn't think you could handle meeting his family during that whole situation.) when they heard you playing your guitar in the bedroom. You weren't doing anything fancy, mostly tuning the guitar and making sure the strings didn't need to be replaced. But, of course, that always had to include one of your most iconic guitar riffs from a song about fighting your crushing mentality during the lowest part of your career. "Holy shit dude, I didn't know your lover listened to (Y/N)!" Branch would be the first to comment, being the most diverse music listener in the family. Floyd, who had been distracted by the riff, perked up at the conversation and nodded in agreement. JD only gave them a confused look, leaning against his kitchen counter, "Dude, my lover is (Y/N)?" And JD wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't all four of his brothers stopping and staring at him completely baffled. Mostly Floyd and Branch, who soon yelled a rather loud, "WHAT?!" "What?!" Which only confused JD more.
ꨄ︎. You hadn't met JD's family before this point, but you've heard all about them; Not only from JD, when he told you about his band days, and when you heard them around the trailer when they would come over. Usually you stayed in the bedroom, not to be rude yet to just let JD have his time with his brothers. Yet, you couldn't understand what all the yelling was about, "Yo, Que te pasa? Why the hell are you guys yelling?" You would ask, poking your head out of the door to the bedroom. Your expression tired, your hair messier, yet you could care less at this moment; You were sure JD's brothers wouldn't mind, they would see you worse later on since you were planning to stay with that big doofus. "Oh my god-" You flinched when Floyd dropped the cup he was holding, his jaw dropping upon seeing you; And honestly, for a second, you forgot you used to be a big artist. "John Dory," You started, startled by the reactions his brothers were giving, "Vas a decirme lo que esta pasando ahora mismo."
ꨄ︎. JD is always a little intimidated when you speak Spanish, mostly because his Grandma used to scold him and his brothers in Spanish. So he only explained (rather quickly) how his brothers had heard you tuning your guitar in the bedroom and how they just got weird. And that's when Branch defended himself, along with Floyd, how JD never told them that you were his lover! "And what's it to you that I love your brother?" You shot back quick and snappy, crossing your arms as you shot a glare their way. You weren't above throwing hands with JD's brothers. Floyd noticed the way JD glanced away, sipping his coffee. He was quick to stand up, placing a hand on Branch's shoulder to calm him, before explaining the whole situation to you better; Saying how Branch and Floyd were just big fans of your music and they didn't realize that you were with JD, because no matter how much JD spoke about you he never told them that you were his lover.
ꨄ︎. "Oh, Mierda lo siento." God, this made things a little awkward, "I thought you were about to be one of those horrible step-siblings that didn't like his brother's lover for some dumb reason like my hair." "What? No!-" "No, yeah, I see that now. My bad, really sorry." You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, "JD can be really, really dense sometimes, shut it John Dory!," You pointed a finger at JD before he could make a peep in protest about your slight insult, but it was made out of full love. "Let's start over, hi I'm (Y/n) and it's really nice to meet you."
ꨄ︎. Safe to say, JD forgot to tell his brothers that he was dating an old sensational artist...and kind of forgot you were one and was very shocked to realize this! Furthermore, you were a little flabbergasted when he revealed that some of BroZone's songs were influenced by your music. You would stare at JD after he confessed such a large secret, "Wow... that's a big insult." You mumbled sarcastically under your breath. "EXCUSE ME?!" But you guessed JD missed the sarcasm. "I'm being sarcastic, love. That's kind of sweet." Playfully rolling your eyes, you pressed a kiss into JD's cheek before turning back to his brothers. You crossed your legs, rested your elbow against your knee, and held your face in your hands. "Now about you four, how about we get to actually know each other. I'm planning to remain in this family after all..."
ꨄ︎. Safe to say that JD is wifing/husbanding/etc. you up really quick.
ꨄ︎. He still brags about how he first got your number and how he managed to 'snatch you up' before anyone else could. You told him he's too old to use new lingo and to stop, lovingly of course as you didn't want your 'husband' to embarrass himself. He melted hearing you call him husband before getting a bigger ego boost; And you had fun watching him terrorize his siblings while his ego was so inflated. You even jokingly did the whole 'I'm watching you' eyes to one of his brothers (Clay) as a silent threat that this is how you were always going to hand JD off to them like. He gave you the biggest (playful) stink eye ever. Yeah, you're going to fit right into this family.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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SUMMER ON THE FARM John had been sent to Bill's for the summer. Bill was a friend of his father, a former army instructor, who had suggested that John come and help him discover life on the farm. Bill embodied a form of old-fashioned virility, he was tall, massive and had a beautiful white beard and a reassuring face. John had always been fascinated by Bill and his masculine aura.
John soon settled into a routine of helping Bill with the chores around the farm; milking cows, feeding animals, mending fences and harvesting crops. He enjoyed the peace and tranquillity and how much he was learning from Bill.
One day John was on his way to the barn to fetch some tools, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was a pair of brown leather work shoes that were left in front of Bill’s bedroom door. He had seen them many times before but this time something about them caught his attention.
He walked over to have a closer look and as he did so he noticed a faint scent coming from them; it was an earthy musky smell that seemed to seep into his nostrils and send shivers down his spine. He felt an inner stirring within him that he couldn't explain, it felt as though someone else was in control of his body and all he could do was give in to it.
He kneeled down and slowly ran his hands along the shoes, feeling the leather against his skin. He was overwhelmed by its texture and aroma, as he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath of its scent. His heart started racing as he felt himself become increasingly aroused by Bill's presence, even though he was not there. He ran his hands over the leather of the shoes once more and could feel each intricate detail with the tips of his fingers. The scent seemed to be coming from inside the shoes, intensifying as he brought them closer to his face.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, allowing himself to become fully enveloped in its aroma; it was earthy and musky in a way he had never experienced before. His heart started pounding and he felt a wave of pleasure wash over him as the sensations intensified.
He slowly opened his eyes, still mesmerized by what he had just experienced, when suddenly reality came crashing back. He realised that this was not something that should be happening; He quickly stood up and rushed out of the room feeling deeply embarrassed and ashamed.
John knew that he had crossed a line but didn't understand why he had done so or what had made him react like that in the first place. – what had just happened?
John moved away from the shoes, but something inside him told him to return one last time and savour their smell one last time before leaving. He obliged and hugged them close to his chest, breathing deeply into their depths as if a part of Bill himself was being transferred into John's body. As aware as he was of what he was doing, he couldn't help but loosen his belt and start stroking himself through his jeans whilst inhaling the musky scent that seemed to emanate from every corner of the room.
John felt like he was in a trance-like state, his inhibitions completely gone as he imagined his face licking and sniffing Bill's feet while stroking himself. He had never experienced anything like this before, but it felt so right and natural that he couldn't help but surrender to it; losing himself in the pleasure of the moment until finally he reached orgasm, feeling an immense wave of satisfaction wash over him.
John lay there for a few moments afterwards trying to catch his breath and take in what had just happened. He knew what he had done was wrong but also realised that it had unleashed something inside him; something powerful and mysterious that made him feel alive like never before. He slowly got up, looked around one last time then silently returned to the barn with an understanding that things would never be the same again. Little did John know of the figure that had been watching him from a distance; a certain Bill, torn between curiosity and arousal as he witnessed the entire scene unfold in front of him. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest as he tried to make sense of what he had just seen, wondering if it was something that could be embraced or just plain wrong. He felt incredibly aroused but at the same time terribly scared; scared of how this revelation would change things between him and John.
He stood there for some time in contemplation until finally coming to the conclusion that he rather enjoyed the idea of being worshiped by his partner while doing something so intimate and personal. Not only did it make him feel special but also desired; knowing that someone was out there who found pleasure in his actions and wanted to share them with him. But how could he bring this up with John without scaring him off?
Suddenly an idea struck Bill's mind like lightning; a plan so perfect
that it could potentially save them both from any awkwardness. He smiled to himself as he quickly thought of a way to make this happen and, without wasting another second, began walking towards the barn with one aim in mind; to make sure that John would end up being his foot fetish partner and nothing else.
The next day, Bill pretended to go shopping at a nearby DIY store while in reality he was hiding outside the barn waiting for John to arrive. As soon as he heard the door open, he jumped into action; throwing a pair of dirty, smelly socks on the sofa then quickly hiding himself again so that John wouldn't catch him by surprise.
John noticed the socks right away but paid no attention to them; still feeling embarrassed about what had happened yesterday. He went about his usual chores until a strange smell caught his attention; one so familiar yet so far removed from anything he had experienced before. He looked around until finally spotting the source of it -Bill's socks
-and, without hesitation, he knelt on the floor and started sniffing them.
The aroma was manly, pungent and sweet all at once; a combination that both aroused and comforted John all at once. His heart raced as he realised how much pleasure it gave him to inhale this masculine scent and, even though his mind screamed out for him to stop, his body begged for more of this pleasure. So he obliged; licking the socks in order to better capture the smell and exploring every part of them with his tongue until he could no longer contain himself.
He began rubbing against the fabric while fantasizing about Bill’s feet intertwined with his own; imagining what it would be like to massage them with his own saliva and gently kiss each toe individually. As his breathing grew heavy from arousal, John was about to erupted, and , It was at that exact moment that Bill chose to enter, he who had not missed a crumb of the scene. Excited like a bull in heat, his cock struggled to be contained in his jeans.
John froze, his face betraying the shame and humiliation he was feeling at being caught in such a compromising position. Bill’s gaze lingered on the scene for a few seconds before it finally reached John’s eyes. With a mischievous smile playing on his lips, he let out an amused chuckle and walked closer to him.
He stopped right in front of John and looked down upon him with a combination of amusement and desire, and then proceeded to kneel so that their faces were just inches apart. The air between them seemed to crackle with electricity as Bill pushed some of John's hair away from his forehead before lightly stroking his cheek. Neither one said anything; they just looked into each other’s eyes for what felt like hours until finally Bill spoke up.
"I can see you liked my socks," he whispered seductively as he ran his hands over the fabric that still held traces of John's saliva. "I like the idea of you licking and sniffing my feet like that; it's such a dirty, naughty fantasy of mine."
John could only nod in response as he stared into Bill's eyes, lost in the depths of his magnetic gaze. It didn't take long for Bill to make his intentions clear - he wanted John to lick and sniff his feet until he came. And so John did; relishing in the taste and smell of Bill's sweaty, smelly feet.
Bill’s sweat was sweet and musky, a salty-sweet aroma filled the air. His cock was hard and erect; it was clearly visible through his jeans.
Its overpowering scent filled every corner of the room, and it served as a reminder for him that he was now powerless to resist the will of Bill.
John’s head was swimming as Bill’s feet were in his mouth; his tongue licked along Bill’s soggy sole, lapping up his sweat and manly smell before dragging up the inside of his foot and landing on his tender heel.
John could feel Bill's cock leaking drops of his precum running down his cheek, Bill's huge cockhead peeking out from his jeans, and it was only a matter of time before he would be rewarded with his own release. He sucked and licked harder, taking care to lick every inch of Bill's sweaty foot until finally he pulled away, gasping for air.
Bill chuckled softly as he stood up and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge before pulling John towards him.
He pushed John back so that his feet were hanging off the edge of the bed and then leaned in, kissing each toe one by one before finally landing on the base of John's cock, where he licked and sucked until John was moaning uncontrollably.
Once John had come, Bill stood up and slid his jeans off; revealing his hard cock with a glimmer of precum at the tip. Without hesitation, John grabbed hold of it with both hands and began stroking it vigorously; bringing Bill closer and closer to orgasm.
Bill’s breathing was ragged, his body tense as he teetered on the brink of orgasm. John could feel his own orgasm building; he knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold back any longer.
Just when it seemed that Bill was about to lose control, he suddenly pulled away, laughing softly at John’s disappointed expression.
“Not yet my little cock sucker, not yet.” He said before lying down on the bed and pulling John onto him, thrusting his hard cock inside one of his dirty smelly socks, and then straight into John's waiting mouth.
It was exquisite torture. John could feel the heat of Bill's cock as it slid inside and out of his mouth, could feel the sticky pre-cum dripping down his chin. He loved every second of it, and he knew that Bill did too.
John moaned as he sucked on the sock, loving the taste of manly sweat and precum. It was a dirty, taboo thing to do, but he couldn’t help himself. He loved everything about this dirty little scene, from the smell of sex in the air to the feeling of being facefucked by a dirty old sock.
Bill’s breathing was ragged, his body tense as he teetered on the brink of orgasm. John could feel his own orgasm building.
Eventually, Bill removed the sock from around his dick, grabbed hold of John's mouth and pushed himself inside; the sensation of his throbbing cock sliding in and out of John was too much and with one final thrust he came right inside John's waiting mouth.
John swallowed every drop of Bill's cum, enjoying the salty taste of his release. He felt dirty and satisfied - like he’d just indulged in the dirtiest, kinkiest thing he could imagine.It was liberating and thrilling, something that made him feel alive and sexy. And most importantly, it was a secret thing between him and Bill – something that only the two of them could share.
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cowyolks · 7 months
I would like to make a request
Knight Soap X Princess Reader. I've been dying for it. The King König is amazing!
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Pairing: Knight! John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x Female!Princess! Reader
Prompt: It was always nightfall when he’d sneak into your chambers, yearning for love that tears apart at the seams. You didn’t know forbidden love could taste so divinely sweet.
Words: 6.8 K
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Graves is a creep, smut, p in v sex, oral sex (receiving), fingering, creampie, unprotected sex, hint of voyeurism.
A/n: don’t come at me for the action scenes, I know they’re bad lmao. Otherwise I’m proud of this, even though it took me years.
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“Hold your breathe, My Lady.” A sharp tug pulled against your waist, securing your corset even tighter to your body, almost like a second skin. You’d been exclusively told you had to look perfect this week, as your father, the King, was inviting possible suitors for you.
It left an irony and rotten taste in your mouth.
You’d lifted your arms, feeling the soft and thick fabric of your crimson dress fall over the enlarged swells of your breasts and hips. It was gorgeous, laced and embroidered with golden roses. Gold jewelry proudly sat at the hollow of your throat and smooth skin of your wrists.
The maids had done well making you look the part. It was just a shame all of this was in vain. You’d never love any of your potential suitors, for there was already a man that had thieved your affections and ran with it like a sly fox.
And it just so happened he was someone you could never have. Ah, forbidden love.
A sharp tug on your scalp alerted you of the busy hands weaving your ruby crusted diadem over your temples. They’d spritzed your body in perfume and oils, using berries to bring out the plumpness of your lips. You felt beautiful, but a type of beautiful that would burn if you stood too close.
A knock on your chamber door startled you from your daydream.
“The King has requested your presence at the harbor docks, Princess.” His voice warmed your very soul and burned your beating organ. There was no possible way he didn’t know the true affect of his voice, his body, his affection. It was killing you from the inside out.
He was a spectacle.
In the eyes of the public he was Ser MacTavish, first of his name, and knight of the Royal Guard. To you, under the cloak of darkness and seclusion, you referred to him as John, chanting his name as you panted against his lips. He made you feel good, a rush of freedom and adoration that pooled in your gut like rolling waves.
Your maids stepped away, offering you tight and practiced curtesies as you thanked them with a smile. You shifted closer to the heavy door, one of your ladies in waiting pushing the door open.
You adjusted to the gentle summer sun, squinting in the rays and enjoying the balmy warmth of the air. Breeze blew from the Sea, fluttering your hair laced with pearls and beads.
A shift of metal drew your attention to your knight, someone who swore an oath to your father to protect him. Instead, he settled on protecting you, being your main guard and secretive lover. John stood tall and proud in his chainmail, your house crest displayed across his chest.
He had his helmet off, the piece of armor hanging loosely in the crook of his arm. He had a passive expression on his features, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was dreading this day as much as you.
You would be married off in less than a week, still you couldn’t help but look at him with greedy infatuation. He’d shaved for the occasion, jaw sharp and shining. His rosy lips contrasted the tanned richness of his skin. Even his eyes, the color of the restless sky, shone in sheer strength and power. His high rank was exposed through the gold beads and occasional shells that were braided through his ebony hair. The middle part was much longer than the sides. He always clipped it after a victory, and you’d never known him to have grown it out.
“Good Morn, Princess.” His deep voice twanged with the lit of his accent, making slight goosebumps ripple through your skin.
“How do you do, Ser?” You stepped forward, falling into step beside him as the two of you climbed down the steps to the bay. Gulls called out from above for their partners, stooping downwards to feed their young.
“Been better, I have. The lady I love will soon love another.” He muttered, hands clenching at his side with what you could detect as wretched jealousy. You noted he was just as miserable about your arrangement as you were. At least he still had his oath—nothing would change there. But you, you would bear a blood bond to your potential suitor. To obey him and provide him with heirs.
You felt bile rise up your throat just thinking about it.
“I doubt she will ever love anyone more than you.” You admitted, knowing then by the twinkle in his eyes it satisfied and gutted him at the same time. The scent of saltwater and seaside jasmine flooded your nostrils as John led you to your father, who was patiently awaiting for the approaching ships.
Ships of different houses, all set upon winning your hand. There would be a festival held all week, the kingdom was already decorated in crimson silks and glowing lanterns for the occasion. It would be beautiful, if it wasn’t for such horrible terms. With the festivals came the games. It was always fun to see the men compete in such activities despite the reason.
You distinctly remember watching the flex of your knight’s biceps and thighs as he tossed a caber the farthest and had won. Pride surged through your veins that day, and you made sure to reward him in the dim glowing light of your chambers.
Now, your suitors would compete for your hand. While it wasn’t necessarily determined that the winner of said games would earn your hand, it was more so a tool to help decide. The Royal Court and your father would pick the best with the most assets.
The only saving grace of this tournament was the fact that several knights under your Father’s command could compete as well. Not for your hand, but just to show the strength of your kingdom. Your eyes would be on your John, as they always would be.
Your knight stopped in front of your father, bowing his head low with one hand clutching the iron hilt of his impressive sword. You performed your own curtesy, gold jewelry clashing together as you moved.
“Daughter…aren’t you the prettiest gem in the Kingdom.” And isn’t that just what you are? A shiny object meant to barter away.
“Thank you, Your Grace.” You spoke clearly, something you were taught at a young age.
“Come here,” Your father gestured to the docking ships. You stepped forward, just as John stepped backwards, always one to watch your back. You could feel his fiery stare bouncing on the bare skin of your spine. Attempting to hide the rush of blood flowing to your cheeks, your eyes pinpointed the rush of banners heading down the enormous dock.
All your potential suitors came from the East, a district called Kortac. The land was split into three countries, all ruled by different Kings.
First, there was King Kim, dubbed Horangi. Most referred to him as the Tiger King, for his ruthlessness in battle that was reminded of a big cat. You’d met him before, he was respectable and kind despite those rumors, but he certainly wasn’t your John.
Then there was King Philip, while he was definitely pretty, you’d only heard bad about the wealthy King. He was the richest of all, as he had his own battalion deemed his shadows. You met his eyes slowly, almost immediately picking up on the greedy gleam of it. It made you shiver thinking of marrying him.
Lastly, was the most mysterious of the three. You didn’t even know his full name, just that everyone referred to him as König. He covered his face, although it didn’t stop the stares. Anyone would be drawn to a man of his massive structure. You’d never met him, but you’d heard how he fought alongside his soldiers, as if he didn’t give a damn about his Royal status.
Your father held his arms out wide, almost as if he was hugging his whole kingdom. “Welcome! It’s an honor to host your districts in hopes of winning my lovely daughter’s hand. You all must be tired from your journey, my guards will show you to your chambers. Rest up, because tonight will be our first game that the princess has the honor of choosing!”
All eyes settled upon your pampered form, making you shift slightly from all the attention. Subtly your eyes met John’s— what was he the best at? You wracked your mind quickly. He was a simple stable boy once upon a time, someone who loved horses and worked hard for the hope of something better. He was tall and strong, quick and witty. You thought of the callous on his hands, from hours of wielding metal and clutching reins. Yes, you had it.
“I chose jousting.” You exclaimed, not noticing the wicked smirk that wound its way across John’s lips. Cheers and war cries broke out amongst the men and common folk, all of them excited to watch the entertainment.
“Excellent! The games begin tonight before the feast to honor the princess.” Your father informed before clapping once as his guards escorted him to his chambers. John approached you again, bowing politely in show of all the new eyes.
“Back to your chambers, princess?” He asked, eyes flickering every once and a while. He looked stiffer than normal, ever the vigilant force at your side. You could tell he didn’t like all these outsiders, specifically around you.
“No, not yet. I feel like going on a walk through the gardens.” You’d always found solstice around the sweet smelling rows of briar and petal.
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Afternoon bled into evening. And with the evening time came the air of excitement. You’d been fiddling with a strand of crimson fabric, the ribbon twisting between your digits absentmindedly.
You tilted your head behind you, wishful stare settling upon your guard, who walked several paces behind. He was dressed in full armor now, the helmet covering the soft flesh of his neck and head. Dark hair still curled out the bottom, whipping around against his tanned neck.
Your eyes flickered around, spotting no one in the private gardens. Still, you cautiously shuffled into the shade and privacy of the marble pavilion, a place where you and your knight’s lips locked and fiery touches met before. John knew to follow you, his form barely making a sound despite the heavy armor.
“Princess?” He uttered, eyes full of what only could be described as pure want and adoration.
You surged forward, lips immediately settling upon his own. A large arm wrapped upon your waist, pulling you off your feet and into his scent and warmth. His bottom lip parted, allowing his tongue to swelteringly lick across your own. You parted for air, a string of saliva connecting the two of you before it broke away.
“Please win tonight.” You begged, knowing that it would mean nothing despite the victory. John had sworn an oath— an oath that sealed his fate. No children, no wife, no lands. He’d have his head on a chopping block if anyone caught him.
“Aye, I’ll do just that, flower.” He swore, smothering eyes falling downwards to your moving hands at his chest. The scarlet ribbon you fiddled with snaked it’s way under armor. You’d tied the knot against the loose end of his tunic, your personal favor. The pads of your fingers brushed his chest, feeling the strong thudding of his heart.
He had your favor, your love, your time all symbolized in that red piece of fabric.
“Go,” you whispered, nodding towards the south, where the growing arena was likely filling up with spectators. He nodded his head once, grasping onto your hand that still stubbornly clung to his chest. He pressed a gentle kiss upon your knuckles.
“Goodbye for now.”
You watched him leave, following the horizon to the stables, where his mare awaited. You’d rushed down to the stands, keeping your head covered and away from prying eyes. After shifting pass several soldiers you collapsed down into the forged steel of your throne, similar to your father’s.
He’d been waiting for you, a disappointing look crossing his features.
“Why were you late?”
“I lost track of time in the gardens. You know how much I love the roses.” You excused, hoping it was enough for your father to put on his act of King and host again. He hummed, before standing. The audience immediately dropped volume upon the gesture of the King.
“Let the games begin!”
Loud uproars broke out though the area, cheers and shouts for their own kings escaping the many districts. You stayed seated, straightening out the sheer fabric of your gown.
A large black Stallion trotted proudly into the area, a knight with gleaming armor the color of obsidian upon the saddle. John’s second in command, Ser Simon. Some called him the Ghost, for his shifty speed and impressive strength in battle. He nodded to your father beyond his visor, shouldering the large lance he held.
His opponent’s horse moved forward as well, a buckskin shire so large you could almost hear it’s thundering steps. Large horse for a large man—König shouldered his lance with precision. You had no doubts he could out muscle Simon, but the Ghost certainly held fast in his speed and intelligence. König’s armor was coppery in color, long since used and well worn in his victories. It was admirable in a queasy kind of way.
A bugle sounded to your left, kick starting the joust with a burst of added cheers.
You watched as Simon’s horse reared excitedly, happy to speed towards the oncoming opponent in long strides. You watched as the Ghost twisted his shield, jamming König’s lance narrowly, avoiding splinters to his chest. You let out a breath as the two made it to the opposite ends unscathed.
The two approached again, this time Ghost was on the offense, shifting his shield before jabbing his lance in the opposite direction that caught König on his arm between the subtle crease of his armor.
Cheers erupted from your own subjects, chanting out the name “Ghost” over and over, with a thumb up, your father declared Ghost the winner.
Next was King Graves and Horangi. A match you were looking forward to as much as watching paintings dry. But alas, you had to look interested for they were your suitors.
Horangi looked on with flashing intelligence, something you admired greatly. If he could think quickly, he’d know that Graves’ left side was always weakly guarded and possibly strike there.
The first bugle sounded, allowing Graves to lead off first with his expensive looking mare. Horangi took off a second later, visor dark and covering the movement of his eyes. The two flew forward, speeding pass with no damage done.
The crowd cheered as Graves boasted from the opposite side, his raised arms making your nose wrinkle in disgust.
The second bugle sounded, this time Horangi was faster, shouldering his shield in determined might. His lance favored and aimed to Graves side, which he narrowly missed after the wealthy king twisted away. The crowd bursted into relieving calls, while the other half sighed in disappointment.
Finally, the last horn blew, and with gaining speed, Horangi aimed to Graves’ unprotected side again, but with a dirty trick, Graves juked his lance to the side, then with a vicious twist brought his shield straight onto the nose of Horangi, essentially flattening him and having the Tiger King fold to the ground with a wounded puff.
It was dirty, but essentially fair. It made unease reside in your gut as your father held up a thumb for King Graves’ victory. Cheers and boos broke out, making you shrink back in your seat with a huff. But then, your eyes caught on the sapphire blues of your knight. He rode on his fiery mare dubbed Themis, tribute to Justice. She was a handsome bay that loved when you gave her sugar cubes in the seclusion of the stables.
John would take on the Ghost. A battle that you knew would be entertaining and competitive, yet harmless. No ill intention would breakout among the knights, that you were sure of.
John rode to his side with a determined exhale, gripping his lance tightly as Themis pawed the dirt in anticipation. The bugle sounded as you shuffled to the edge of your seat, resisting the urge to worriedly bite your lip. He clicked his tongue, urging Themis into a speedy canter as he maneuvered his body in the right position.
Simon, who definitely owned the strength, brought himself tightly together, using his blunt force to push John’s lance away with his shield. The audience sighed in anticipation as the two knights rode to the opposite side unscathed. Under their visors, you could see the hints of amused smiles. At least they were having some competing fun.
The next round started, this time with John taking up a defensive position instead of offensive. Simon aimed his lance at John’s armored chest, anticipating that he’d block with his shield. Themis galloped onwards, huffing steaming smoke like a fiery dragon.
With a heave, Simon thrusted the lance inwards just as John brought his shield up a few inches. Then, with a lightening quick speed, he lowered it again, shoving his lance instead into Simon’s side, effectively teetering his balance. The Ghost fell with grace, landing on his feet in a disappointed dull thud. You resisted the urge to cheer too loudly as your John circled, a fist pumped in honorable victory.
Your father held his thumb up to John, likely the only approval he’d ever receive from the King. You only wish he’d approve of you wanting John’s hand. But Princesses weren’t people, they were tools of power. A simple pawn in the decade game of chess.
The tourney was drawing to an end— just John and Graves left in the competition. You’d completely dropped your resolve, chewing upon your lip as King Graves pranced out on his horse again.
There was a dangerous look in his eye, something that made your stomach spin in knots for your John. Regardless, your own knight held a hard and determined scowl, his chest likely breathing in pure desperation for a victory.
The deafening horn blew again, and John took off in a thunderous offense. He looked calm and collected, ever the cool demeanor when it came to a fight. Themis whinnied in disappointment as both lances missed their marks respectfully, making you let out an exhale you didn’t know you were holding.
Time sped up, your own surroundings moving much faster than your panicked thoughts. The next thing you knew, Themis was squealing, rearing up on her hind legs as John scrambled for a tighter hold on her reins. But you knew your John, your sweet, selfless, passionate John— it didn’t surprise you in the slightest that he dismounted in a cloud of dust. He was always selfless like that, disqualifying himself to check upon his panicked mare.
Themis seized her bucking as John cooed at her in reassuring words, a quick pat pressed into her withers.
Then you noticed the searing red of a laceration. The bleeding wound leaked crimson, but it wasn’t the blood that made your nostrils flare in anger. No, it was thin stripe of such a cut. A cut only made by a stealthy swing of a short sword.
The bastard king had cheated.
Roaring applause and boos echoed across the arena. You had to bite your tongue to resist a uproar of your own, so much so that you tasted warm blood upon your tongue.
You met John’s eyes, his filled with so much apologetic sorrow you had to blink to stop your own from watering too much. It wasn’t that you were upset that he lost, more so that it wouldn’t matter regardless. He was sweetness you could never taste, love that would only burn you.
You’d realized this now. Now so more than ever, when the sight of your own summer roses extended in front of your line of sight.
A crown of beauty and fertility. You couldn’t help but focus on the wicked thorns that pierced your temples as King Graves, the victor, declared you the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. It made you sick that he was the most favorable of the Kings. You’d never wanted to run away more, to spend your days on the highland coasts in a homey cottage your knight had built by hand. Saltwater between your toes and John’s body to keep you warm on the stormy days.
Perhaps, now would be the time to throw away your titles and fortune and replace it with freedom, love, and yearning.
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The evening blurred into darkness illuminated by glowing starlight. A time you relished and anticipated when your knight would slip into your chambers and kiss away the stress and pain of expectations, orders, and rules.
Now, you wanted nothing more than to be excused from this wretched dinner and to sleep until dawn.
The crown of roses sat uncomfortably upon your head, despite all the compliments you had received from the nobles. You’d see it more fair to chuck the bloody thing in the roaring fires bordering the stony hall. Sorrow crept into your soul when you couldn’t find your knight in the sea of feasting people.
Your own roast chicken and vegetables lay untouched. It was hard to even think of eating when King Phillip sat next to you, boasting and smiling with his too white teeth. You wanted to get sick when his hand subtly touched your lower back.
“Father.” You blurted, drawing attention upon yourself. Graves’ retracted his jeweled hand begrudgingly upon the careful look he received from your king. Visibly you gulped, now having the divided attention of not just your father but the three other Kings as well.
“I’m not feeling well. I’d like to return to my chambers if it is quite alright with you.” You asked, nearly squirming at the sharp look he sent you. He didn’t appreciate your resistance to being wed, but you did happen to look a tad lighter than your typical shade. He sighed heavily, but nodded anyways.
“Go get some rest. I’ll have Ser Riley escort you since your own knight is still tending to his mare.” Your heart jumped as your father confirmed where John was. But you knew, in your heart, he wasn’t just taking care of Themis— he was shouldering his defeat badly.
Despite this, you stood, making careful eye contact with Ser Simon. You’d always observed him from afar, growing unnecessarily nervous with the helmeted knight. He was strong and mysterious, not belonging to a house or clan but was simply a nomad that sworn oath. Your John liked him, that was enough for you. After all, He wasn’t so bad when he cracked morbid jokes you likely should never hear as a Princess.
The Ghost held out the crook of his arm, signaling for you to take the cold metal of his armored forearm. You did so quietly, holding the stiffness of your posture until you were through the large doors of the hall.
Simon was always quiet, really only speaking when he needed to. John told you one time, when the two fought under the same battalion that Simon wouldn’t shut up or stop cracking jokes as he dragged a wounded John through the battlefield. Your knight realized then that Simon only spoke to keep him conscious and laughing. Respect and gratitude bloomed in your heart for the Ghost.
“I assume your sickness has left?” The Ghost spoke in his rough voice that reminded you of scratchy bark on Oak trees. Your heart jumped at such an accusing question.
“The damn parasite king? Leaching onto our Princess like he’s some Messiah.” He growled.
“Shhh! What if someone hears you speak that way, Ser?” You panicked for his safety, eyes flickering around in a familiar practice of looking for wondering eyes or ears. Simon, didn’t seem bothered, only shrugging in nonchalance.
He steered you down the hall, bicep gently flexing under your palm. It was then when you noticed he took a wrong turn, instead following the lantern light to the stables.
“You turned the wrong hall, my chambers are this way.” You insisted. Simon shook his head, continuing to usher you gently down the cobble path to the growing sound of whickering horses.
“You speak too much.” Simon imputed, leading you into the old wooden building that housed all the guard’s prized mares and stallions. It was dark inside, the area barely lit with gentle candlelight. Still, you made out the shuffling outline of a familiar body.
It took everything in you not to sprint in his direction. To pull him into an embrace and kiss the worry lines of his face. Instead you stayed planted next to Simon, who gingerly dropped your arm with a knowing look in his eyes. You should have been worried that he knew, but you could care less at the current moment. He was friend, not foe.
“I think I hear the sound of impending doom. I must go before it’s too late.” Simon monotonously quipped in a low voice, tilting his masked face just enough for you to see his wink before he turned on his heel and left you alone.
Your eyes swiveled around, only catching on the taut muscles of John’s back, who didn’t seem to notice you over the sound of Themis’ affectionate whinnies.
You took careful steps forward, not caring that the bottom of your expensive crimson gown was being caked in dust and straw. Instead you couldn’t help but admire your knight. He was shoveling loose hay into Themis’ trough, back muscles rippling in strain. You caught the white material of bandage wrapped tightly and professionally around his horse, obviously the work of his experienced hands.
“John?” You spoke softly, as not to startle his usually alert self. It appeared he only cared about his surroundings when you were his to guard and protect.
Immediately he dropped the pitchfork, the sound muffled by the hay below his feet. Then he turned, so fast that you missed the pure looks of sorrow, surprise and adoration cross his features.
“Princess! I- you shouldn’t be here.”
Your heart strained at the rejection, nevertheless you knew he was frustrated and self loathing. You couldn’t help but approach him, just as he took a leaping bound forward, pushing pass the gate to follow you like a loyal hound.
It was common practice for the two of you to find the dim part of a room. A place where no eyes or ears could possibly look.
Here, his stiffness fled, eyes nearly glowing against the flickering flames.
“I failed you.” His head hung low, knees almost buckling from the sheer disappointment that pushed heavy on his heart. He avoided your approaching form, not taking the time to meet your gaze or see the shaking of your head.
“You could never fail me, John. Not now, nor ever.” Your palm settled upon his stubbled cheek, his body instantly reacting to the touch by pushing further against you.
“But I-”
You cut him off, placing your thumb upon the chapped line of his lip. He’d immediately stopped speaking, his hand going upwards to delicately take a hold of your own. His palm nearly swallowed your entire hand, his calloused fingertips stopping just above your wrists.
“I don’t deserve you, Princess.” He’d absentmindedly brought his thumb across your knuckles, comforting and true that made your body buzz in love and adoration.
You reached upwards, tilting your head just enough to ghost your lips over his own. You’d let him chose if he’d like to take comfort in your warmth. A small grunt of frustration fluttered down his throat, but he took you anyways.
Arm wrapping tightly upon your waist to hold you to his warm body, firm with countless hours of training and bloodshed. His other hand settled upon the back of your neck, fingers sprawling with the purpose to expand you towards his awaiting mouth. A sharp gasp of surprise exited you as he kissed you. It wasn’t his typical sensation of passion and sweetness.
John kissed you hard. His teeth clattering against your own, with his tongue pushing down your throat in a one-sided battle of dominance. He was chasing his frustration through your very body, and you certainly liked it.
“Don’t know what you do to me…” he breathed out as he broke away, only to steer you against the far wooden wall, protecting the back of your head with the back of his hand.
“I think I know.” You quipped back, the heat coiling in your stomach roaring at the sharp look you received.
“Cheeky little thing…” he hissed, one of his hands holding you steady while the other trailed down your collar bone to the top curvature of your breasts. His mouth followed after. Lips pressing searing kisses against your exposed neck, down to the hollow of your throat.
“John.” You sweetly aired, exposing your throat even more to his awaiting mouth.
“I know, flower, I know.” His voice growing even deeper with the lust that coated his tongue like sweet honey. “Turn around.” He muttered, maneuvering your hips so that you could rotate with your back to him.
His fingers quickly found your corset in a familiar action, loosing it enough to help pull down your undergarments. His mouth pressed open kisses down the curve of your spine, making you gasp breathlessly and arch further against him. You felt the hardness of his cock press against your lower back, just as he hissed at the stimulation.
“Fuck…Need to taste ya’.” He growled in a command, typically the only time he did order around his superior. You had no problem following his experienced lead.
You heard the gentle thud of his knees hitting the straw bedding, just as his hand pushed on your hip to pivot to face him. Eyes once the color of the sky now raged like a stormy hurricane, dark and ravenous. It was enough for you to widen your legs more in an invitation.
The tips of his fingers traced the warm skin of your thighs, just as his head disappeared from under the soft silk of your dress. Hot air escaped onto your uncovered heat, making your eyes flutter shut in bliss.
“John,” you whined, oblivious to what he was planning beneath the drape. A growly chuckle sounded, until his lips made direct contact to your throbbing clit, his warm tongue flicking upon the bead in a teasing stroke that had your legs locking as they became pliable at his touch.
“Easy….” His palm made contact with the soft swell of your backside, molding his fingers into the skin that ached and buzzed for just him.
A soft sigh left your lips as he petted you, fingertips touching and caresssing with such accuracy despite the darkness under your dress. You mewled when a thick finger prodded your entrance, sliding nearly effortlessly into your wet heat.
“Fuckin’ hell, Bonnie, always so tight for me.” He growled, voice so heavenly you couldn’t stop your muscles from clenching yearningly against him. You cooed in response as he curled the digit, your own palms finding his shoulders to steady yourself from his burning touch.
“Just for you.” You pleaded, neck pushing back against the wood of the stable wall. Your throat bobbed when his tongue licked a hot stripe, body shuddering in ecstasy. John chuckled at your words, the vibration sending jolts across your core.
“That’s right, Flower. All mine, no sod of a King can have you. Just me, right?” He added another finger, relishing in your loss of control at his confident touch.
“Right, yes.” You gulped, losing yourself embarrassingly quick under his skilled tongue and fingers dipping into you. He picked up speed, noticing the tell tale signs of your body responding to his.
“Oh, John,” you stuttered, eyes fluttering shut as he curled his fingers skillfully, the movement being enough to allow the coil in your abdomen to finally snap.
You gushed around him with a carnal moan, his tongue hurriedly lapping it all up greedily, just as he hummed at the taste. You barely had time to heave out an exhale before his hands found the flesh of your hips, taking hold of you in a lovestruck desire. He placed a sweltering hot kiss upon the inside of your thigh. His massive hands pushed you upwards, allowing himself time to escape from under your crimson gown.
He looked like Eros reincarnated.
Crysaline eyes the color of deep-rooted glaciers bore into your very soul. He had a look to his face, such as a painting crafted of faithful devotion, as if he was staring at something so enchanting everything else dulled in comparison. Your own slick coated his stubble and lips, allowing the light to catch as he licked the nectar off with a satisfied hum.
He squeezed once, twice, upon your hips, signaling that he was to move backwards, his broad shoulders falling backwards upon the straw with a huff. He settled you down upon him, your thighs slotting between his hips as your dress spilled over the both of you.
“Yer’ so beautiful, flower.” He praised, candlelight catching in his blown out pupils. Your heart fluttered at the compliment, as did your weeping entrance.
“Mhm,” You preened, a soft smirk spreading over your lips as you leant to kiss him. With confident fingers, you reached under your dress, making contact with his waistband, sliding the material downwards before reaching his cock. He was scorching at your touch, already throbbing and prepared.
John let out a hiss muffled by your mouth, as your fingertip slid over his tip, smoothing the large bead of pre-cum that had gathered.
A delighted chuckle left your lips as he twitched, you pumped his length slowly, curving your wrist just how he liked it. He pulled away from your kiss with a heave, a growl leaving his throat as he saw the teasing look in your eyes.
“Think you can play with me after all that’s happened today? Watching all those men stare like you’re a piece of meat? You do this after I licked your pretty cunt? No, Bonnie, your going to take my cock like a good obedient princess.”
You didn’t have time to teasingly retaliate, instead you could only gasp as his head slid unforgivably into your heat, a low moan leaving the both of you at the joining. His hands guided your hips, until all of him was sunk around your fluttering walls. He paused, glancing up to see if you were alright.
“I can’t help their stares, I did-” his finger found your lips, pausing your words.
“Don’t speak of them when your full of my cock, eh?”
You couldn’t help but nod, rolling your hips against him in a slow way that mimicked the words “yes I understand. Only you can see me like this.”
“Good.” He aired, his hands once again finding your hips as he roughly guided you against his own bucking hips, starting a fast pace that had your eyes fluttering shut and soft coos leaving your mouth involuntarily.
“That’s it, princess.” He praised, a hand leaving your hip to play with your breasts that threatened to spill out from your undone corset. His palm squeezed the sensitive flesh, sending shockwaves down your skin and goosebumps to rise in ecstasy.
You picked up speed, now rising inches off the straw covered ground before slamming back down upon his length. He cursed, adam’s apple bobbing as his tip met the start of your womb. A ravishing hunger filled your very souls, only satisfied by your intertwined touch and the sound of squelching skin.
He gripped you harder, his climax drawling to a burning close. You felt the all familiar tightening again, knowing that John would only stop fucking you until you finished around his swollen cock.
“You going to cum for me, princess?” He growled, hand falling under your skirts to draw slow circles upon your puffy clit with his calloused thumb.
“Yes!” His circling thumb pushed you over the edge, along with the deep and ruthless plunges of his cock, your eyes fluttered shut, just as your vision blurred from pure ecstasy. Your knight clenched his teeth, but could hardly contain his whine as he plowed deeply, spilling into you warmly.
Together the two of you heaved, lost in each other and not wanting to break your intertwined hold quite yet. You settled, bringing a palm to John’s sweaty cheek as his eyes fluttered shut.
“I love you.” You whispered, stroking the skin in all the passion you could muster.
“Well…. Isn’t this sweet?” A shadow hissed into the night, startling the two of you as you struggled to get up off of your knight in horrified shock.
Before you could separate your hold, your hair was tugged from behind, forcing you to stand and whimper at the fiery hold. Your knight struggled to stand, hastily making himself decent before scanning for a weapon. Except it was too late.
A dagger pressed coldly to your flaming jugular, halting John in place as he glared holes into your captor. You glanced downward, noticing the hand had familiar jeweled rings upon his digits.
Bile threatened to expel as John attempted to step forward, until the dagger drew blood and the sharp sting made a lone tear fall down your cheek.
“Ah, ah. Stay where you are, or I kill the whore.” Graves threatened, holding his ground and forcing John to stay planted where he was.
King Graves tutted, a disappointed clicking noise that traveled from his chest to your back in vibrations.
“I always figured you were a whore, had the looks of one. But with your knight…” he laughed, no humor behind his tone as John switched between glaring and panic between the two of you. “You’ve just handed me another kingdom on a golden platter. Once the King knows of this scandal your knight will be hung, and you will be cast out as a whore, unfit for any royalty. That will leave the Kingdom to me, after I kill your worthless father.” Graves growled, a playful lit to his voice as you silently cried.
“Don’t cry….” Graves cooed heartlessly, pressing himself into you with a dull hunger. Your knight growled, eyes darkening as he could only helplessly watch.
All at once, you felt the shallow cut of the blade as a dull shrunk came from behind you, you leant forward at the lack of pressure, knowing you were no longer held captive as John rushed to your side, examining you for any horrific injuries.
You could only turn and watch as Graves’ body fell to the ground, a shrouded figure holding a knife shadowed the area, another person standing close to him as well. One wore a signature mask pulled up to his lips, the other was flushed a pink color, much like you had been before.
König and Horangi.
They had saved you.
“Go. Before your father sends out hounds looking for you.” Horangi spoke, voice airy as he subtly placed a hand upon König’s waist. Huh. Maybe they wouldn’t be so devastated as to not have your hand in marriage.
Tears welled in your eyes as realization set in. You were really doing this, really running away from all the blasphemy that was royalty. You could be free, could be with your John as you always hoped. It would be hard, but your mind was settled the moment you kissed your knight for the first time.
“Thank you.”
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A steel knife sliced its way across stew vegetables. It was amateur chopping at best, but you’ve been practicing for the oncoming winter.
With a hum, you moved to place the potatoes into your pot of boiling cream. The fire burned comfortably in the small cottage made by hand. Stones were masoned expertly to create a fireplace, among with the strong boards of Oak to keep out the salty sprays from the sea.
The door opened with a creak, cold air blowing into the homey space in frozen waves. You suppressed a shiver, but felt warm at the sight of your husband.
He held a stack of firewood in his arms, biceps bulging as he placed the logs down into the crate next to the flames. He shook from the cold, but it seemed he was already warmer as his crystalline eyes locked with yours. It had been two days since he had left for a hunt, the longest you’ve gone without seeing him as of late.
John was growing nervous as the days grew shorter. With the shortening days, came the higher probability of giving birth.
“How are ye’, flower?” Your husband asked eyes falling to your swollen belly with so much love that your face couldn’t help but break out into a smile.
“I say we are better now that you are home.”
John laughed heartily, the sound booming through the whole cottage as he hugged his family close to him.
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poge-life · 1 year
Puppy Interview~ Drew Starkey
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Summary: Literally one of the best interview ways to ever be created
This had to be the best day of your life. You were a huge fan of the Buzzfeed Puppy Interviews so of course you were on board when they mentioned you guys doing it. You guys were doing it in groups; you, Drew, Maddy, and Austin in one and then Madison, Cleo, JD, and Chase in the other.
“I’m Y/N”
“I’m Drew Starkey.”
“I’m Madelyn Cline.”
“And I’m Austin North.”
“And we’re the cast of Outer Banks-” You started but Madelyn cut you off, too excited to hold it in, “And this is the best day of my life.”
Everyone let out a laugh at the blonde but you were all as equally excited but you guys were all better at hiding it.
“Spoiler alert, if you haven’t watched the season, go do that and then come back!” Austin warned and you all agreed.
The season had only been out for a few days and you knew not everyone would have had a chance to either watch it or finish it and you knew the questions would be about this season and didn’t want to have it spoiled for anyone.
“Bring in the puppies!” You exclaimed, clapping your hands in excitement. You all sat anxiously, waiting for them to bring in the puppies. You let out a gasp as a little tan husky made its way over to you, “Hi, baby!”
You held out your hand for it so smell and laughed when it started nibbling on your fingers, “Oh, I’m not doing anything for this interview.”
Drew had immediately been swarmed when he laid down as the puppies all decided to attack him. You held the little puppy against your chest as you used your hand to wave his paw at Drew, “Who knew it only took 5 puppies to take down a 6’0 man?”
The group let out a laugh before the first question was pulled up.
‘What was it like filming on location for all of the ‘Poguelandia’ scenes in season 3?’
“I barely have an attention span so this is going to be impossible,” you started, “I will say, it was surreal to be able to go to Barbados. If you had told me even when the show started that we would be traveling to the beautiful Barbados, I probably would have laughed.”
Drew could tell your attention was slipping away from the question and answered, “We got to film in Barbados- the beautiful country of Barbados, the people there are so welcoming and it’s-gorgeous, ohhh.” His attention immediately disappeared as a black Labrador hopped in his lap. He could make fun of you all he wanted but he easily got just as distracted as you by puppies.
“I will say, I’m upset that my time in Barbados on-set was spent inside of a house rather than being outside like the Pogues.”
‘What was your favorite behind-the-scenes memory from filming season 3 of Outer Banks?’
“It felt like we show two seasons, the one they shot in Barbados and the one we all shot in Charleston and they’re all just gonna merge into one.” Austin explained, playing with a husky.
Whoever decided they were all mature enough to do this interview, clearly underestimated them. This was going to take forever to get through.
“I liked the fact that we kept the ‘where’s y/n’ group chat going.” Maddy laughed as they all agreed. You held the puppy up in front of you as you talked to it in a baby voice, “They’re so mean, aren’t they?”
‘What has been your favorite plot twist on Outer Banks so far? *Spoiler Alert!*
“My father faking his suicide.” Madelyn answered
“It was pretty gnarly…Rafe’s haircut.” Austin said as Drew agreed, “It’s pretty bug.”
“Uh…the fact that Big John was actually alive still completely blew my mind.” You answered, leaning back as they puppy walked across your chest. Drew leaned over and pulled down your skirt, to make sure nothing was showing. You sent him a grateful smile but quickly pouted when the husky walked over to him.
‘What’s a role people would be surprised to find out you auditioned for, but didn’t get?’
“I auditioned for John b, unsurprisingly did not get it.” Drew answered, while petting the husky that was beginning to fall asleep in his lap. Another puppy had taken it upon himself to come over and plop down in your lap while playing with a toy as you answered, “I actually got a roll in ‘After We Collided’ but turned it down after I booked Outer Banks.”
“Wait, you turned it down?” Maddy asked, leaning forward to look at you, “Why? That would have been amazing?”
You shrugged, turning your attention to the puppy, “I had to figure out which one I would have enjoyed doing more and I made the right choice.”
‘Who’s the most famous person who has DM’d you?’
You all let out a laugh before the awkward silence happened. None of you wanted to answer this question. Not wanting to betray anyone’s trust.
“Amanda Seyfried messaged me,” Madelyn laughed, “I was actually pretty excited about that.”
“Uh…Selena Gomez messaged me to tell me how much of a fan of the show she was and I almost peed myself from how starstruck I was.” You answered, “but that’s all I’m saying.”
“Um…Y/N L/N DM’d me once,” Drew grinned, looking over at you, trying not to move as much because the husky was sleeping on his legs, “changed my life.”
‘If you could have any other actor make a cameo on Outer Banks, who would it be?’
“Danny Devito.” Madelyn picked
“The Rock.”
“Elizabeth Olsen or Sophie Turner.” You gushed and everyone let out a laugh, “I love both of them with my whole heart.”
Drew patted your knee with a laugh, “We know, baby. We know.”
You rolled your eyes as you pushed his hand off of your leg, “Says the one in love with Pedro Pascal.”
‘If you could play any other Outer Banks character besides your own, who would you wanted to play?’
“I’d play Shoupe.” Maddy answered with no hesitation as you snapped your fingers at her, “I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to have a mustache. But, I think I’d like to be either John B or Rose.”
“Those are two very different characters.” Austin pointed out with a laugh as Drew and Maddy agreed, “John B always has something going on and I just wanna be apart of that thought process, ya know? And Rose? She just sits at home and drinks all day. The epitome of a housewife.”
‘Have your real-life friendships influenced the characters at all, especially now after three seasons together?’
“I think it’s obvious that Drew, Austin, and I are very different from our characters,” You started, “but I think after working together for three years, we’ve all kind of found a way to bring our characters to a bond because clearly, our characters would do anything for each other and I think all of us would do anything for each other, even robbing a train if it came down to it.”
“As JJ said, ‘Like they’re going to think a guy wearing flip flops is involved in a robbery’” Austin spoke causing you all to laugh. The puppy nipped at your fingers, drawing your attention down to it. You pouted your lip out at the puppy before turning to look at Drew, who was focused on the still sleeping husky in his lap, “Can’t we just take him home?”
Drew shook his head at you as you held the dog out to him, speaking for the dog, “Please, take me home. I’m potty trained and everything.” You popped your head out from behind the puppy as Austin and Maddy laughed at the two of you. You had been trying to convince Drew for over a year to get another dog but he wasn’t budging, “We already have a dog, buddy.”
“Party pooper.” You mumbled, placing the dog back in your lap
‘Y/N, what was like for Y/C/N to finally realize Rafe was as bad as everyone said he was?’
“Uh, first off, rude.” Drew held up one of his fingers before looking over at you, “And two, how you answer this, depends on if we get another dog.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you spoke up, “It was a little hard at first. Y/C/N was very oblivious to what Rafe was doing at the start but I think this season, she finally came to realize that he stopped caring about their relationship a long time ago. You can definitely tell she struggled a lot with trying to figure out if she should just stay on the sidelines like she always did or if she should break up with him.”
“I was more surprised with the writers having Y/C/N turn on Rafe,” Maddy added, “I think that was also one of the biggest plot twists none of us saw coming.”
‘What’s the last show you binge watched?’
“Game of thrones.” Maddy quietly spoke, playing with the dog laying in front of her
“Love Island. Madison and I started watching it together,” you started but Drew cut you off quietly, “I haven’t seen it yet.”
You looked at him in confusion, “When-you’re never at our apartment when Madison and I watch it.”
“Becauuse I don’t want to impose on girls night.” He told you, causing you to giggle, “and yet you always somehow do, don’t you?”
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starzshopoflove · 2 months
Filthy Girl ( John Price x Reader)
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Notes: fem reader! sfw mostly ,literally just me projecting onto reader, reader is kind of a pervert drabble! This will be multi part!! (WC:474)
You whore.
Okay maybe not a whore lets relax on that. You’re not a saint but who could blame you.
Yeah maybe fucking your middle aged neighbour wasnt on your bucket list but if anyone saw him the way you did they’d do the same. It could be argued that you planned this but in your defense he might’ve too. 
Can you help it? The way he hauled in those boxes to his shared home immediately drew your attention. 
Henley's shirt stretched over his broad chest practically clinging to his shoulders and hugging those biceps, if you look at them long enough you could feel your mouth start to water. God what you’d give to have one of those arms wrapped around your neck, your mouth just latched onto his hardened forearms, tongue lapping an biting at the muscled between your teeth tasting both your sweat on him- 
Fuck whats wrong with you? Objectifying your poor neighbor the second you see him? 
Absolutely carry on. 
Which is exactly what you did because here you are holding a box of freshly made cookies in a pair of controversially tight flared yoga pants and top. None of this is neighborly behavior.
You suck up your nerves ringing the door bell ignoring the way your hearts beating in your chest because fuck, its not like your actually doing anything wrong right? You just wanna meet the new neighbors, you even baked them cookies like a good little neighbor, and of course you've dressed appropriately it would be rude to greet them for the first time in some sloppy joggers and a hood no?
By the time he opens the door your just standing there like a fool too far in your head when you actually register his voice 
“Can I help you?”
Fuck, thats gonna sound good all low and soft in your ear when you let him take you from the back.
He thinks its sweet that his little neighbor baked him and his boys some cookies for their tea and that its sweeter how she thinks he doesn't notice her practically undressing him with her eyes. 
Not to say he isn't doing the same.
You’re so gross
Its been less than 24 hours and you’ve already wanked to him. Here you are back in bed staring at your ceiling practically heaving in the aftershock, sweaty, dry mouth and thighs soaked. He doesn't even know hes given you enough wank material for the next week from that 7 minute interaction.
It wasn't hard to lay back and think about how that beard would feel scratching the soft skin of your thighs, how that rough voice would grow soft for you for hushed whispers of praise, how he could hold you still under his weight to make sure hes taking you as deep as possible. 
Fucking pervert.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months
Long Day
John Winchester x daughter!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: John snaps after a long day, but Dean is always there to come to the rescue.
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You jumped awake when the door to the motel room slammed open. John stormed in, followed by Sam and Dean, and you closed the math book that you had fallen asleep on.
“How was the hunt?” You asked sleepily.
John and Sam remained silent, the former dropping onto his bed with a grunt while the latter headed for the shower.
“It was fine,” Dean mumbled. “We took care of it.”
“Will someone get me a beer?” John demanded, his head buried in his hands as he looked like he was massaging a headache.
You jumped up, grabbing two beers and handing one to Dean, who gave you a weak smile. You reached out to hand the other to John, but you miscalculated your reach, your hand bumping his and the beer slipping from your grasp.
You gasped, jumping away as the bottle shattered on the floor.
Dean’s head shot up, and you felt your hands start to shake when you saw John’s fists clench.
“I-I’m sor-“ you barely even started your apology before John stood, cutting you off.
“Can’t you do one simple thing right?” His jaw ticked.
“I-I didn’t mean to-“ this turned out to be the wrong thing to say.
“I didn’t ask what you meant to do!”
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Sorry doesn’t fix anything!” You felt your arms curl around yourself as John drew himself up to full height, towering over you. “You never do anything around here, and when I ask for the simplest thing, you screw it up!”
“Dad, she didn’t-“
“Not now, Dean!” John didn’t even glance at his son, his full attention on you, which made you extremely self conscious about the tears that were beginning to build up behind your eyes.
“I-“ your throat caught as your tears began to spill over, and John’s eyes blazed.
“Great, now the crying? When did you get to be such a baby? Get it together!”
You took a deep breath, trying to control your emotions long enough to at least speak.
“Dad I’m-I’m so sorry, I’ll clean it up, I-“
“Yes, you will,” you felt yourself take an unconscious step back as John advanced on you. “and you’ll start being of some use around here, or I’ll-“
“That’s enough!” Your line of sight to John’s furious expression was cut off as Dean stepped between you, his back to you and his hands on John’s chest. Your hands lifted up almost of their own accord to grip the back of Dean’s shirt, his nearness an immeasurable comfort.
“Dean, I told you-“
“You know I really don’t give a crap,” you stared up at Dean in shock. No one ever talked to John Winchester like that. “We had a crap hunt, alright? I get that, but that’s no excuse to take it all out on her. It was a freaking beer, and it was an accident.”
John opened his mouth to speak, but Dean cut him off.
“No, I don’t trust you not to say something stupid right now. So I’m gonna take her out for a drive, while you do whatever it is you need to to clear your dang mind, and when I get back she’s going straight to bed. If you’re not clear of whatever this mood is in the morning, then I’m taking her and Sam and we’ll be on our own for a few days. But you’re not gonna take out your frustrations on her like you used to do with us, because I’m not allowing it.”
Dean didn’t give John even a split second to respond. He reached back, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and moving you ahead of him as he walked out the door. You didn’t miss the way he positioned himself, so that there wasn’t a second when he wasn’t between you and John as he left.
By the time the two of you were in the Impala and driving away from the motel, your tears had gone, but the nervous pit in your stomach remained.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” you mumbled, to which he scoffed.
“It was a stupid beer, don’t apologize.”
“Not just that,” you insisted. “Now dad’s gonna be mad at you.”
“I can handle dad,” Dean promised. “And I’ll take him being mad at me before you any day.”
You didn’t respond, just smiled at your big brother.
The car was comfortably silent for a while, before Dean spoke softly.
“I’m not gonna let him get to you, you know that right?”
“I’m not scared of him. I never have been,” you said.
“You looked pretty scared today.”
“I’m not saying he’s not scary,” you fidgeted with your hands. “He is, but…but I know that you’re always gonna be here.”
Dean smiled down at you.
“Good. Always remember that baby.”
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echobx · 2 months
soulmates 5 - jj maybank x fem!reader
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summary: y/n and JJ spent a day with Sarah and John B
warnings: fluff, smut (fingering), making out, groping, light edging, feelings of insecurity
word count: 2.3k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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Your body molded into the mattress, your head on JJ's chest as he drew fine lines on your arm, which was wrapped around him.  “I wonder why they never mentioned the part with the feelings,” you mumbled.  “I don't know,” he sighed. ‘But I think your parents are scared of me,’ he told you, and you had to chuckle.  ‘That would mean they are scared of me too, and that's just silly.’  “I always thought it was bullshit, that everyone who claimed to have it was just lying to feel special-” JJ said out loud before switching back to just sharing his pure thoughts with you. ‘But I also didn't know that it could feel this perfect.’ ‘I could be lying, you haven't seen me in any less than a dress yet. I could be lying,’ you giggled.  “I don't think you are though, but it wouldn't matter anyway, I love you no matter what,” he whispered.  “One week,” you sighed. “Tomorrow it's gonna be one week.” ‘And if Sheila hadn't looked like she wanted to eat you alive, I would've never even looked at you, thought about you, anything.’  ‘Thank you, Sheila,’ JJ kissed your head before pulling you even closer into him and falling asleep. 
Your dreams seemed to morph into each other, from surfing to cooking to making out, and back again. And when you woke up you felt just as exhausted as you had before.  “You'll get used to it,” your dad told you as you both kept yawning at the breakfast table. “It's an adjustment, just like everything else too.”  “How long did it take for you?” JJ asked, still scared that they would hate him.  “About a month until we got used to it, and another to be able to find sleep relaxing again,” your dad explained.  Your mother refused to look at either of you as she spoke up. “What you said last night, is it true? Could you feel it?” “Yes,” you nod.  “It was a memory, that's not-” she didn't seem to be able to grasp it.  As if to prove a point JJ summoned a rather nasty memory, nothing too wild, but you yelped out in pain as you felt like someone had cut open your arm, your hand clawed at the pain but when you lifted your hand, nothing was there. JJ lifted his arm instead and showed a faint scar. “Three years old,” he mumbled and gave you an apologizing look.  “How did that happen?” your mom asked him sadly, but he didn't answer.  “Doesn't matter now,” he muttered and kept eating his toast, letting his mind wander, or more accurately wandering your mind in search of a distraction.  ‘JJ, stop, you won't find it,’ you told him as he kept searching your memories, not even paying attention to your words.  You tried to focus on the conversation with your dad, but JJ made it impossible.  “It's not there because it didn't happen yet, can you stop searching now?” you snapped at him before getting up and running into your room. 
You were lying on your bed, trying to regain composure when he placed himself beside you, pulling you into his arms.  ‘I’m sorry,’ he apologized while placing gentle kisses on your head. You wanted to be angry at him for rummaging through your mind as if it was his own, but his gentle affections made it difficult to hold onto that anger. In his mind he plastered your body with kisses until you giggled. ‘I’ve never done slow, my love.’  ‘Not slow, just a reasonable pace,’ you told him and pulled away to look at him. “Please don't do that again, especially when I tell you to stop.”  “I won't, I promise,” he whispered and kissed you. Your eyes screwed shut as his tongue danced with yours, and he rolled over, pulling you on top of him. His hands gripped the backside of your thighs, a gasp escaping your lips as he squeezed them.  He didn't even try to control his thoughts either; rambling on about how hot and irresistible you were; how much he wanted to make you cum over and over again; but also how cute and lovely you were and how very much he loved you.  You broke away, completely out of breath before getting off and lying down by his side again.  ‘We have a surf date later?’ you asked after the thought had popped up in his mind.  ‘I mean, the whole crew, a proper welcome this time,’ he smiled at you and you nodded.  ‘I’m very bad at surfing,’ you bit your lip and he laughed.  “I know.”  After some more joking around and laughing and kissing he told you that Sarah would pick you up later, and then he left to make sure everything would go just as smoothly as he wanted it to. 
You changed into your favorite two-piece bathing suit and put a very loose dress over it. With your hair up in a knot and your sneakers on your feet you greeted Sarah.  “Hi,” you said while hugging her.  “Hi,” she replied and pulled you out of the door and towards the stairs that led to the parking lot.  “I told them to pack some food so we can have a picnic later,” she told you with a smile before getting into the same bus that had helped dispose of Kelce just a day earlier.  “I liked the picture, was quite funny,” she whispered while driving, and you had to laugh too.  ‘Beer?’ JJ asked and ripped you away from the conversation that Sarah was trying to have with you.  ‘Yes,’ you replied and tried to focus back on what Sarah was saying.  “…so it's pretty amazing because I felt so alone at the start, but you won't because you have me now,” she finished.  “Are Cleo and Pope not-” you couldn't even finish the sentence before she replied. “No, but they are still together, I think it doesn't matter as long as you haven't found your soulmate yet,” she said, but it reminded you of the pain that you had had to endure the last week because of the simple logic that you had shared once too.  “I didn't know about them. He hadn't told me,” you whispered, and she gave you a sad smile.  “She's gonna be okay, she just needs some time,” Sarah tried to convince you that you shouldn't worry about Kiara's feelings, but that wasn't in your nature.  “She's never gonna like me,” you mumbled and looked out of the window, Sarah didn't say anything until you made it to the surf break. The whole thing with Kiara wouldn't let you relax, you knew it wasn't your fault, but that didn't help you feel any better. She was their friend, she had been there before you, and now you were invading her space, her friend group. 
You walked over to the beach, Sarah right by your side until she started laughing.  “I'm sorry,” she chuckled, and it just confused you more, it made you feel like they were making fun of you, after all you didn't really know his friends, they were his friends, not yours.  “This one,” Sarah said and pointed at a blanket that lay on the warm sand, a cooler right next to it.  You sat down and watched Sarah take off her clothes.  “Are you coming?” she asked and pointed at the water.  “I'm gonna stay here for a bit,” you said, painting a polite smile on your face until she nodded and walked towards the water.  JJ was completely calm while surfing, and you really didn't want to annoy him with your confusing emotions, so you did your best to hide them.  You pulled your legs close and wound your arms around them, laying your head on your knees and trying to find some calm that you hadn't gotten all night. 
You had just dozed off when he brushed over your cheek, opening your eyes you could see him kneeling before you.  “Hi pretty girl,” he hushed. His hair was wet and falling into his face, his pretty face with that daring smile on his lips and the cute dimples. He winked at you and stood back up, holding out his hand for you to take. The water droplets on his muscles shown in the sunlight and looking at him in his black swimming trunks made your heart race.  You took his hand and he pulled you up and into his arms.  “You are way prettier than me, princess,” he whispered and edged you into a kiss. ‘Perfect actually,’ he thought while letting his thumb graze your puffy lips.  “Are you just gonna stand there or join us?” John B yelled from the water and ripped the two out of your moment. 
You took a deep breath and pulled your dress over your head, scared that he would not like what was lying underneath.  He looked you up and down, the thoughts in his mind racing so much that you couldn't keep up, but it was clear that he was completely overwhelmed by you.  His lips crashed into yours, his hands moving from your waist down your hips and cupping your ass, squeezing it until you gasped. There were no thoughts in either of you, just the pure desire and lust that you brought up in each other.  You were gasping for air after breaking apart and had to laugh over how stupid it had been to think he would hate how you looked.  ‘Ridiculously hot,’ JJ thought and kissed you again, biting your lip and dominating your whole body until it threatened to give out under you.  “You came here to surf!” Sarah screamed in your direction.  “She's right,” you whispered after pulling out of the kiss. “You did come here to surf.” ‘I’d much rather take you home and do other things,’ he chuckled and twirled your hair in his fingers.  ‘I don't plan on going home,’ you sparked his interest and started walking towards the water. 
You spent the entire day swimming, sharing beers and snacks and laughing with JJ and your new friends. It was freeing in a way because you didn't even have to think about what was the right way to act because there was no judgment between you and the other two.  Until it got dark, and you decided to make your way to the Château. 
You found yourself in the shower washing off the sand and sweat and most of all the sea salt. But your mind was filled with all the things you wanted him to do to you and yet again your hand slipped in between your legs, teasing yourself until the bathroom door opened and closed again.  ‘I think it would be only fair if you let me join you after already making me hard,’ JJ hushed in your mind, and you pulled the shower curtain to the side and looked at him.  Maybe you had never needed to wait, maybe seeing him stripped before you was just too intoxicating to think about taking it slow; either way, your choice had been made as he stepped into the shower, placing himself behind you.  He left a few dozen fleeting kisses on your neck and shoulders before you turned around and were embraced in a gentle kiss. There was no need to rush it, you were both fully aware that it would happen anyway and JJ loved to take his time devouring you piece by piece.
Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging on it and begging you for more until he moaned into the many sloppy kisses you shared.  ‘You’re so fucking hot, princess,’ he mused while his hands wandered over your body without breaking the kiss even a single time. “You should fuck me then,” you whispered after pulling away.  A smirk played on his lips as he cupped your face. “I'm going to do so many things to you, so, so many things, cupcake.”  ‘You should start on that.’ You bit your lip right before he leaned in to kiss you another time. His right hand trailed down in between your legs, while the left one held your throat so you couldn't turn your face away from him even if you had wanted to.  ‘So wet, just for me.’ His long fingers ran over your wetness, circling your clit just enough to make you gasp in anticipation. ‘Please,’ you begged quietly and JJ pulled out of the kiss to look at you, how you wound yourself under his touch and left out an almost pornographic moan as he pushed his fingers into you and curled them a single time.  “Look at you, so fucking pretty with my fingers up your tight pussy. Bet you're gonna look even prettier when you cum all around them,” he cooed while you stood there, your mind blank and lips parted to let out heavy breaths.  He curled his fingers once more, hitting the perfect spot and your eyes were about to roll back when he pulled out again. 
“That's it, that's the spot, baby. Now promise me to never hold back, and then let me fuck you till you beg me to stop,” he whispered before kissing you. His fingers yet again buried deep inside you as he brought you to your first orgasm way quicker than you could have ever done by yourself. Your legs were shaking, and your eyes rolled far back as you screamed his name, but he didn't stop his attack on your swollen cunt. JJ kept on fingering you until you came a second time, praising you all throughout.  ‘Aren’t you gorgeous, and not even close to how innocent you pretended to be. I should take you to bed and eat you out. Do you want that?’ His question echoed in your mind, and it took you a moment to reply.  “Anything, everything, please,” you panted, and he turned off the water that was still running. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
part 6
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 3 months
A:n- 𝘴𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘴𝘰...
𝘌𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦.
𝘐𝘵 𝘪𝘴 from 𝘰𝘧 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴
(Slight yan) Sherlock Holmes x male reader
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It wasn't the fact you were too quiet. No, he is fine with people been quiet.
And there are many artist.
Illustration, architect, and... Good in chemistry and painters.
Nor he should bother himself to name all of them.
But something was different about you.
You have knowledge he knows but you pretend you aren't compatible in intellect.
He doesn't get you at all.
Not even one bit.
He doesn't.
Perhaps he was annoying you often.
But you don't seem to bother much so it's fine right?
Confining yourself in the room he had to unlock it because you make Miss Husson worry perhaps... Even him.
Friends... Were you even his friends can you both call each other that? He wonders.
People will lose interest in silent people who barely talks but he couldn't.
He never understands you or perhaps he does but never really takes into consideration that he may over bothering you.
You were so unbothered... So blank with poker face of sort.
Not even a smile.
And the fact he gets annoyed that you can't even draw him unlike how you drew the others.
He wonders why you often hang out with Madeline either.
Yes she is pretty but isn't she overbearing sometimes? Like often hog your attentions?
Hugging you as if you both are couples.
Trying to swoon you with her smile and.. And.. He doesn't know why.
He felt irritated that you never told her to keep distance but to him.
Hey both of you were boys either way it wouldn't bother you to hug you... Will it?
Even John and you hang out quiet well.
you spoke more with John than... Him.
And whatever he does it never... Get your attention.
Like... He never caught your attention.
He doesn't know why he is feeling this way.
Frustrated he was and annoyed.
But... He just want to hug you is it... Weird?
Or will it bother you if lean closer to you more?
I mean... Okay you are irritated by the cigarette smell... Which he try not to smoke often around you.
He doesn't understand you at all.
He felt his mind been consume constantly... By either the case he should do as a detective or... Try to...
Why were you so... Difficult.
His brother said women's are hard to tell but for him it was you.
He... Just want to see... Your smile.
That's all he ask.
And perhaps... He will crack you open more.
He doesn't understand why you talk to William well too.
Like you both knew each other well.
He knows Liam also is interested on you.
He is too he admit.
You were strange.
But perhaps that's the strange thing he find himself lured to you.
But he isn't going to ignore some who try to break your boundaries.
Clients or not if they make you uncomfortable to even approach him he will make sure they won't come again.
No no he won't resort to anything threatening yet. if the person knows and backs away.
Is it wrong to get know something that perk your interest no right?
After all... You and him are not far of to get to know each other more and more.
And perhaps... Something more.
After all... He can let himself be slight greedy can he?
He doesn't know... And he will try to know.
Whatever is it about you that make him feel so connected and lured he will... Find it.
A:n- that's all take care good day/night to all
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kjmalfoy · 10 months
Fatherly Love• 18+ Content
Warnings- Age Gap, Verbal And Physical Abuse, Inflicted Self-Harm (Reader Smashes a Mirror), Daddy Issues, Mentions of Childhood Trauma, PTSD.
Summary- After nearly risking a mission, Price calls you back into his office— not afraid to let out his anger, trigger some rough childhood memories.
Parings- John!Price x F!Reader
Word Count- Roughly 1.3K
Author’s Note- I’ll admit, I wrote this for myself.. and this isn’t my thing. This was supposed to be smut butttt my daddy issues said nahhh
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Mixing pleasure and business was never a good idea, especially when it was your captain. Nonetheless, you and John gave in to your desires. Working out a romantic and business relationship was extremely hard, and right now was one of those hardships. 
Nearly getting yourself killed on a mission, Price gave you an earful… Not holding himself back in front of the team. John was fuming, and you knew he wasn’t done with his lecture when he demanded you into his office. 
Standing there like a lost puppy, you looked up at John with wide eyes, fighting back those tears. Price stood against his desk, his hands covering his mouth as his eyes bore into you; undetected emotions pooling those blue eyes.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that stunt you pulled was?” He questioned with a calm tone of voice, almost a hint of disappointment. 
You sighed heavily, “Look, I’m sorry. I panicked, okay?” You attempted to explain yourself, not truly understanding the intensity of the situation.
John scuffed, looking at you in shock. “You panicked?! [Y/n], this is exactly why I didn’t want you in the field. You can’t handle it!” He scolded, raising his voice. 
You gulped down, tears slowly clouding your vision. The disappointment and rage in Price’s voice flipped a switch in you; making those unresolved fatherly issues bubble up. 
Frozen in place, you stood there just looking at John; blinking like a lost puppy who had been dumped by their owner. You could feel your lips quiver, strong; heavy emotions starting to unravel. 
Price coughed, “Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?” He questioned you, his voice was stern, almost clear of any leniency. 
Sucking in your quivering lips, you took a gust of air; filling your lungs with fresh air. “I-I’m sorry..” You said, just barely above a whisper. 
A sarcastic chuckle slipped from John’s mouth, his cold eyes just gazing into you. He kept his eyes on you for a solid minute, just standing there— those emotionless eyes boring into your soul. 
You averted your gaze, staring down at your fingers; watching yourself as you anxiously picked at the skin around your nail beds. You could hear his fingertips tap along his desk, the gears in his head working in full motion as he studied you. 
The eerie snap of John’s fingers drew your attention back to him, his eyes still not giving up on breaking you. “Come here, Sergeant.” He spoke with a demanding voice, the thickness of his accent making you cower. 
Obeying to his words, you slowly stepped forward— closing off the gap between your bodies. Without a warning, Price latched his hands on your cheeks; his rough grip making your lips pucker in a pout. 
With widened eyes, you stared at Price— taken back by the sudden form of roughness. “John?” You muttered, barely able to speak from the grip he had on you. 
Price shook his head, his grip only tightening. “That’s not my name.” He said coldly, leaving no hints of gentleness in his voice— his main goal was now to put fear in your body. 
You took a shallow breath, attempting to blink away the tears glossing over your eyes. “Yes, Captain.” You said formally, submitting to Price. 
He pulled your face closer, his beard barely brushing against your skin. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll have your ass removed from this team.” Price warned you with a grave tone of voice. 
“You’re a goddamn Sergeant, act like it.” 
Just like that, the switch flickered on. You felt like a young child again, standing awkwardly as your father reprimanded you for idiotic behavior— yelling about how much of a “screw up” you were. 
Uncontrollably, the tears in your eyes ripped free— heavy streams of hot tears poured down your cheeks, staining your skin with the glossy effect. Price’s words cut deep, digging up the memories and emotions you fought so hard to bury. 
Although he wasn't yelling in your face, his demeanor put you on edge. Those cold, lifeless eyes made you quake— fear and anxiety consuming your body as he refused to look away from you... As if he were enjoying watching you cry, watching your body crumble from his words. 
Your chest heaved, sniffling uncontrollably as you tried to suck air back into your empty lungs. You reached for Price’s wrist, trying to pull his grip away from your face. “Captain, please. I’m sorry.” You said with an airy voice, the aching feeling consuming your throat. 
Price narrowed his gaze, looking at you with unamused eyes. He didn’t seem to care for your crying or the way you clawed at his wrist. Finally, he let go— indentations from his fingers burning into your skin, making your skin throb with pain. 
You placed your hands over your cheeks, trying to soothe the pain. Unintentionally, you backed away from Price— the close distance putting you on edge. But, yet you didn’t leave. Afraid of going against his permission, you stayed in his office. 
You cleared your throat, wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your shirt. “Can I leave?” You asked in a whisper, almost afraid your voice would set him off again. 
John turned his back to you, walking around his desk; sitting in his leather chair. He kicked his feet up, crossing his legs as he grabbed his cigar. He tossed you an unamused look, “You can go now, Sergeant.” Price dismissed you without any concern. 
Without another word, you eagerly left Price’s office— not bothering to shut the door before running to your shared sleeping quarters. You slammed the bedroom door shut, pressing your back against the wood and sliding down. 
You brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs— desperate for the fatherly comfort Price failed to give you. Tucking your head between your legs, you let the tears fall— no longer fighting against them. 
You could feel your body tremble with each desperate cry for help— your eyes starting to sting from the excess crying, the ducts in your eyes feeling like they would dry out. 
Lazily, you reached for the doorknob; switching on the lock as you knew Price wouldn’t come sleep by your side tonight. You pulled yourself to your feet, walking towards the mirror attached to the dresser. 
You stood there, staring at your reflection. You didn’t see the woman you were currently, instead, you saw the little girl who was sobbing her heart out after her father had ridiculed her for a simple mistake. 
Moving closer, you examined the fingerprints that Price has embedded into your skin. Anger slowly mixed into your sadness as you studied the bruises on your cheeks. Without thinking, you grabbed Price’s cigar box— throwing it at the mirror, shattering the glass to pieces. 
As you slammed your bawled-up hands against the dresser, the tiny shards of glass pierced through your skin— prickling you with a stinging sensation, but yet you couldn’t feel it. 
You didn’t feel anything, your body was so numb and tired with sadness and rage; all you could do was stare blankly at your bleeding hands. Shakily, you pried open your hands, glass shards poking out of your skin. 
Taking a deep breath, you yanked out the large shard of glass that poked into your skin— making no noise as the fresh air penetrated your sizzling wounds. 
You grabbed an old t-shirt, not bothering to wash your wounds before wrapping the fabric around your hand— letting it soak up the blood.  The gray fabric soon became a dark red color, your blood seeping through the soft fabric. 
Sighing loudly at your impulsive outburst, you wanted to do nothing but crawl into bed— and that’s precisely what you did. You crawled into your bed, clutching onto John’s pillow; starting to tremble as you inhaled his cologne. 
You pulled his pillow closer to your chest, letting it soak up your tears as you cried yourself to sleep; consumed with the feeling and memories of being dad’s screw-up. 
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Thank you all for reading! I apologize for being somewhat nonexistent anymore. I’ve kinda fell out of my writing phase, but I’m slowly working my way back into it.
I’ll still be working on my Bucky fics, but I will be exploring other fandoms now.. Especially since I have an MW2 brainrot LOL.
Reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated 🤗
Masterlist ❤️
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rwprincess · 2 years
Stacked (BenderxFem!Reader --Smut--)
Word Count: 4.2k
Synopsis: A good girl has gone bad for Bender. BenderxFem!Reader smut, in the library, as the only two in detention.
CW: No plot, only smut; semi-public sex (p in v with condom); virgin!reader; fingering (f receiving); some breast play; pet names: honey, good girl, baby, sweetheart, sweets; mild degredation (verbal); weed mention
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You probably would have categorized yourself as a ‘good girl’ before that fateful Saturday of March 24th, albeit one who slipped up just enough to land yourself in that Saturday Detention in the first place. You had made it through most of your high school career without feigning illness to stay home or cutting class, but oh no, the one time you decided to skip was the time you would get caught. It felt like the universe was conspiring against you when Vernon caught you and your two friends sneaking back onto campus through one of the back doors in the East Wing. It was like he knew you had all gone out and was just waiting for you to come crawling back. You immediately lamented to yourself that you should have never let your friends convince you to play hooky, that your life would be over and you’d be suspended for sure. You consider yourself lucky to have only earned Saturday school and had arrived that morning ready to pay your penance and return to your title of ‘good girl.’ That is, until you met John Bender. Since then, you tried everything in your power to toe the line to get as many Saturday Detention slips as possible, knowing he’d be there.
There was just something about him that drew you in, like a spell had been cast over you or something. You knew you should have been disgusted and horrified by the things he said to Claire, but your instinctive side made you feel prickly and hot instead as he questioned her, “Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, your shoes off, hoping to God your parents don’t walk in?” Your brain took it as more of a suggestion and you immediately imagined Bender doing just that to you, while you’d card your hands through his long, soft brown hair. You were sure your breath audibly hitched but he didn’t seem to notice, his predatory stare locked on Claire as she swallowed hard and answered, “Do you want me to puke?” Of course, she hid her desire better than you did. Or at least, outwardly protested. But that didn’t stop her from getting to Bender by the end of the day and you had never felt the fiery jealousy that broiled in the pit of your stomach until you saw her kiss him and hand him one of her earrings.
There was just something about him, the way he spoke terrible, filthy things, yet it was coupled with a sweet vulnerable side that you couldn’t resist. You kept your distance at first, flippantly dismissing it as a whirlwind crush…at least for that week or so that he was ‘dating’ Claire. It didn’t take long before that fizzled out, though, and your pangs for Bender came back full-force. It was easy to make it seem like a coincidence those first few Saturdays, “Oh, God, I can’t believe Vernon found me cutting class again,” you’d lie. But John was always one step ahead in reading people and figured you out soon enough.
“You again?” He smirked, walking into the library on one warm April Saturday.
“What can I say? I’m spiraling out of control.” You grinned in response, delighted by his attention…and the fact that it seemed to be just you two this time.
“Mhmm. What are you in for this time?” He questioned, making himself comfortable in his seat next to you at his table. You knew where he always sat and maybe just happened to choose the chair next to his, incidentally, of course.
“Smoking.” You say quickly, quietly. Which spoke volumes to your desire to come here, to see him and spend another weekend with him.
“I’ll say.” He eyed you up and down, making your cheeks turn red before you were interrupted by Vernon coming to berate the two of you. Of course, this was one of John’s pre-assigned detentions from when you first met him. Which retort had earned him this one? ‘Oh, I’m crushed’ or maybe ‘Not even close, bud!’, you wondered while biting back a smile at the memory. You loved the way he stood up to Vernon. It had concerned you a bit at the time, as both escalated and became louder, but it also thrilled you to see him question Vernon’s overinflated sense of authority.
“This should not be your role model, Y/N,” Vernon started to come to a close, indicating John, “If you don’t clean up your act, you’ll just be a female Bender.” 
You scoffed in response, “Promise?” You raised a challenging eyebrow and heard Bender snort, only encouraging you more. 
“Watch it, missy.” He addressed you again, slapping down a worksheet that all of you knew wouldn’t get done, but at least he seemed to have learned his lesson with the ‘essays’ after Brian told him where to shove it, courtesy of The Breakfast Club. He exited in a huff and Bender turned toward you.
“You know, he’s right,” he tutted, clicking his tongue in mock-disapproval, “you’re really going to the dark side. Skipping class and now smoking? I don’t know what to do with ya, kid.”   ‘I have some ideas,’ you thought, silently, while eyeing him. “Tell me, did you just have enough of being perfect all the time, or are you just here to see me?” He grinned deviously, trying to tease you, to get a rise out of you. However, he didn’t know that you were committed to the idea of being with him, to putting all the worry and shame behind you. You’d spent enough time here to repel the shackles of conformity and caring, you were ready to flirt shamelessly and see where that led you.
“Little bit of column A, a little from column B,” you admitted, taking pride in the resulting flustered expression from Bender. It was clear he didn’t expect this change from you. While he sat gaping at you like a fish, you stood up and confidently strode away, knowing Vernon wouldn’t be back unless there was some type of commotion. You sat down, leaning against a shelf of books knowing that Bender would eventually come to you and smirked at the thought.
It didn't take long for your plan to have the desired effect: Bender couldn't resist having attention and someone to talk to, after all. What was he going to do, his assignment? No, you knew he wouldn't let Vernon win. He tried to seem nonchalant about it, as if he were just coming over and actually selecting a book and oh my, you just happened to be here! You half-smirked in victory as he took a seat on the floor next to you.
“So what, pray tell, has brought you here today? I mean, I know the literal cause is for smoking, but I want to know the psychology of it. What made Shermer High’s resident good-girl go down this dark path? How did you,of all people, decide to go bad?” He asked, lowering his voice to a husky tone that left an inching heat between your thighs.
“Hmmm,” you hummed lightly in response, his eyes snapping up to your face while they had previously drifted down. “It’s kind of a secret. Do you want to know?” you lowered your tone conspiratorially, then leaned in towards him after he nodded. Your whispering breath tickled the shell of his ear as you admitted, “You. You are what changed and why I’m here today.” You pulled back and gave him a sickly sweet smile, amused by his responsive gulp.
“Was being innocent always an act, then? You seem like you can just turn it off and on, the way you smiled just now.” 
“Hmm, no.” You giggled in response. “It’s just that…when I met you, I found out that being perfect and preppy wasn’t the only way to live. I was so nervous that first day and thought I’d ruined my life. And then I met you. You were just so cool and didn’t overly care what people think.”
“It comes at a price, you know.”
“All of your Saturdays for all eternity, apparently.” You shrugged.
“It’s more than that,” he looked down at the ground. “I’m not exactly Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky.”
“No, I know that,” you replied, “but you’re more free than anyone I know. They all have sticks up their butts.” You said and he laughed. “Plus, I’d be interested in changing that, in making you happy.” You bit your lip, looking up at him with what you hoped was a meaningful expression…that he’d take the hint. 
He seemed to understand what you were implying because his eyebrows shot up. “What--What exactly are you proposing here?” He asked, taken aback. You had seemed as inexperienced as Claire and Allison when he had met you, and he didn’t think that had changed in the last month or so…unless you were lying in the first place.
“John,” you looked at him directly in the eye as you placed a hand gently on his thigh, “that’s up to you really, isn’t it?”
“Fuck,” he whimpered, meeting your stare. He was almost afraid to make the first move, scared that you would reveal it was all a joke at his expense, that it would all end in utter humiliation. But you just batted your long, dark lashes at him and gave that thigh a gentle squeeze, causing him to throw caution to the wind. He quickly grasped your face between his hands and kissed you, roughly. You let out a light moan to encourage him, and he moved his right hand to the back of your neck, pulling you closer and holding you near.
His lips were surprisingly soft against yours and his years of experience showed. You instantly repaid each of his kisses with your own, leaning forward into him, and bracing one of his wrists, wrapping around it with your hand. The way your lips moved in tandem, synching with your desires and your heart beats only made this feel more right. You obliged his curious tongue as it swept along your lip, begging to explore your mouth. You parted your lips softly, your breath intermingling with Bender’s. You broke the kiss a few moments later, pulling back, out of breath. Bender began kicking himself internally, fearing that he’d crossed a line or that you would finally reveal that you were just messing with him. He looked away, dejectedly, but you didn’t let him keep the wrong idea for long. You repositioned yourself and began to climb into his lap. He whipped his head back up, brown irises and pupils growing wide at your bold stance. He certainly wasn’t expecting that. You eased yourself down, your hips resting snugly against his own, pressing your chest into his.
“You didn’t think I was done, did you?” You smirked down at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, resting them along his broad shoulders. “Honey, I think we’re just getting started.” Sure, you lacked experience, but after you drank in that first kiss, you were hooked and didn’t want to---no, couldn’t stop now. You needed more, even though you weren’t sure how far that extended yet. At this present moment, you were willing to fuck Bender in the library today, right here amongst the stacks. In fact, you were kind of hoping for it, but you didn’t wholly want to push your luck. For now, you connected your lips back to Bender’s, thrusting your tongue into his mouth, desperate for the sensation of your tongue colliding with his. The soft pinks flexed against each other as you threaded your fingers through his hair, running your nails softly along his scalp. 
Bender tried to have some restraint. It’s the thought that counts, right? He didn’t want to move too fast or make any assumptions. At first, he had his hands along your face, then arms. He pinned them next to your waist and gave tentative squeezes as you deepened your kisses, but he could only resist for so long and needed to test the waters. He slid his hands down to your butt and pulled you forward, up along his lap, just a bit. You hummed appreciatively against his lips, and he took this as a good sign. He dug his fingers into the meat of your ass, massaging the dough and muscle there. His touch made you instinctively roll your hips forward, the sharp bones digging into him and creating an aching friction. He groaned as you pulled away and started to kiss down his jaw to the tender skin of his neck. “Are you---sure---you want this?” He panted out, trying to regain his breathing from your previous kisses to his lips. You only answered with a gentle tug to his hair, pulling his head back just enough to give you more access to the crook of his neck and his collarbone. Another lust-filled groan left his lips, urging you to continue. You could feel your desire dampening your clothed core, causing you to give another roll of your hips, which in turn caused Bender to buck upwards. Combined with his tight grip on your behind, you could feel the straining bulge growing beneath you, yearning to touch you. You smirked into his neck before you pulled back, stopping all sensation. You almost could have sworn you heard him whine in protest.
“You’re surprisingly quiet,” you mused. “I thought for sure you would have a million filthy things to say.”
"Honestly, I'm still a little in shock that this is actually happening," he confided, opening up in a rare moment of vulnerability. "You have no idea how much I've thought about this. About you. I'm not convinced it isn't a dream."
"Mm. Something to pass the time in another lonely Saturday detention?" You purred in response, tightening the grasp on his shoulders.
"Yeah," he licked his lips, eyes scanning your face and lowering down your body, "something like that." 
"Don't worry, baby, it's real." You chuckled darkly, bending to kiss his neck again, "and I think I have some idea how much you've thought about this," you ground down against him, indicating your awareness of his hardness, but also added, "because I've thought about you, too. Every. Night." The implication had his mind racing and he gripped you fiercely, placing a rough kiss to your lips. 
He couldn't contain himself much longer, and wanted to oblige your fantasies as well. His hands roamed your body with intense fervor. His touches were no longer hesitant, they came to you with a needy, almost bruising force. He palmed your breasts over your shirt, before squeezing them harshly, causing you to let out a mewling whine. "Please, John. More," you panted in response. His deft hands quickly slid up your shirt, eager to please, and snaked under the silky fabric of your bra. He relished in the warm squish of your skin and plucked one of your nipples between his index and middle fingers, sliding it down into the curve between. "Yes," you whispered in a high-pitched moan, which crumbled to a deep and gravely tone as Bender's teeth sank into your neck. 
He started to unleash his other hand, trailing down your stomach to the button of your jeans. When you didn't protest, he clicked them open quietly, tugging the zipper down gently. He dipped his hand into the spot he had made available, feeling you over your panties. "Fuck, you're so wet already," he groaned against your ear.
"It's cuz I want you … s'bad." You whined in response, desperate for him to touch you, to give you some kind of relief. 
"You're sure?" He asked. He still wasn't entirely certain of your level of experience, even though you were matching him on-par at this point. He was impressed, but still wary that you would call a stop to it, or regret it later. He'd been in those situations enough times. 
"You were just commenting on how wet I am. For you," you pointed out, "please, Bender, don't be a tease." You mocked him slightly, knowing he thought all girls were teases instead. He gave you a gruff growl in response and slipped his fingers wordlessly into your underwear, using the slick from your folds to coat two of his fingers. He slid them into you, easily, causing an electric shock of desire to jolt through your whole body. It was so different from the touches you had administered to yourself while thinking of him. So much better. 
"Don't ever think that John Bender doesn't deliver, sweetheart," he grumbled against the skin of your neck, making sure he was close enough to your ear for you to hear him. Your walls instinctively clenched around him, aroused by his commentary. "Mm, you like that? You like when I call you 'sweetheart?' Or do you just like having my fingers inside you, fucking into you?" He asked, amused. You nodded quickly, which made him chuckle in return, "Well, which is it?" 
"Both." You replied, then moaned loudly as he flexed his fingers in you. 
"God, I love hearing that. Don't hold back, sweetheart. Keep moaning for me. I'll make it worth your while." He said, and you weren't sure what he meant, exactly, but you were eager to find out, so you let out another low moan to encourage him. He delighted you by adding another layer, an insistent thumb that brought circles to your clit, increasing your pleasure tenfold. 
"Mmf! Fuck!" You breathed, arching your back, pushing your hips forward into his touch. "Yes, John. Just like that. Please." 
"Mm. Where did that controlling girl go? Now you're so needy and begging for it." He smirked.
"Shh," you hushed his criticism and bent forward to kiss him hungrily, tiny breathy moans escaping from the seal of your lips as your orgasm started to build. You bucked against him, riding his hand to seek your high, hands now tangling in his hair. You pulled back to whisper, "I'm so close, John. Please. Please make me cum."
"I told you, baby. I always deliver." He quickened his motions to bring you over the edge and you called his name, feeling it echo in the otherwise silent library. He stroked you a couple more times before slowly pulling his fingers away, letting you come down. "If you think you can stand, I wanna show you even more." He raised an eyebrow at you and you nodded, complying immediately. He was right, your bold nature was gone, replaced by a submissive nature that only focused on the desire for more. You stood up quickly, awaiting directions. "Turn around and grab the shelf." He commanded, climbing to his feet, giving an amused huff of a laugh when he saw how quickly you obeyed. He rummaged around in his wallet for a moment, procuring a condom and holding it in front of your face while he stood behind you, close enough that you could feel his erection brush against your ass. "I want to fuck you. Is that alright, sweetheart?" 
"God, please, yes." You rubbed your ass against him, seeking friction and he laughed again. He tugged at your bottoms, shaking them down your thighs in preparation, then pulling his own down. You heard the rip in the foil and gulped. You were still keen to do this, you needed him inside of you, but your heart pounded in fear and you paused for a moment. "John? I've…I've never done this before. Please, take it easy on me." You confessed and felt your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. 
"Mm. With how good you've been, you could have fooled me." He mused, running a hand down your side, making you shiver. He leaned forward and you could feel his chest pressed against your back as he nudged his chin onto your shoulder. "Don't worry, sweets. I'll take good care of you." He purred back. Yours was not the first virginity that John Bender had claimed, and you were pretty presumptive of that fact. "Bend forward just a little more," he recommended, and you complied. "Good girl," he hummed, making you feel another wave of wetness flood your core. 
He grasped himself in one hand and led his controlled tip against your folds, allowing your arousal to lubricate the condom as he ran it down the shaft. "I'll go nice and slow, baby. I won't hurt you…unless you want me to." You pressed back against him, his words making you feel anguished for contact. He laughed lightly at the effect he had on you, and gently grabbed your hips to steady you. "You ready, sweets?" He asked and you nodded vigorously before feeling him enter you, stretching your walls slowly to accommodate him. It wasn't painful, but a bit uncomfortable as he inched his way in. You'd never felt so full before and it was definitely something you had to get adjusted to. He was slow and patient, as promised, letting you get used to each bit of him before adding more. "You doing alright?" He asked and you nodded. "Good, 'cuz you are so fucking tight, I wasn't sure," he growled and you instantly felt dizzy with desire. He finally had reached the hilt, having pushed all the way into you. "I'm gonna start moving. I wanna fuck you, okay, baby? You tell me if anything doesn't feel right." 
You nodded again and let out a pathetic, "Please, fuck me, John," that made him want to turn feral, but he remembered his promise. He'd take it easy on you…this time. 
He pulled back and gently reinserted himself. "You drive me fucking wild, saying shit like that. You know that?" He asked and you mewled at the feeling of him filling you back up, gripping the bookshelf just a bit tighter. "All you ever had to do was ask, sweetheart. I've been dying to fuck you six ways from Sunday since we've met. You're so, so pretty," he started to pick up the pace with his words, withdrawing and then pressing back into you, "with those big eyes and their fuck-me stare. I was hoping you wanted me. That I wasn't just imagining it. I thought, oh no, a good girl like that can't be into me. Too innocent. Too sweet. But I was wrong, wasn't I? Deep down, you're just as filthy as me. Begging to be fucked in the library? Because you have detention for smoking? My, my." There was that dirty talk you longed for. 
"Mm, yes. I wanted you so bad. From day one, John. I---" you gasped as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, "had to have you." He pulled out and plowed back in with a renewed force, spurred on by your sultry confessions. You moaned and dropped your head forward, feeling your legs beginning to quake. It was so hard to keep yourself upright while he talked to you the way he did, and while he fucked into you with unbridled desire, possibly as strong as yours. You began to see stars as he brought one of his hands around to the front, running a finger against your swollen clit. You could feel heat radiating off him as his chest pressed against your back, tightly fucking into you and keeping the perfect pressure on the sensitive bud. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, groaning his name. 
"Yes baby, take it just like that and say my name. Fuck, you feel so good."
"Jesus, Bender. You feel even better. I'm close."
"Ohh yeah, baby. Cum on me. Cum while my dick is buried deep in that tight little pussy. Make me cum for you." He grunted out between thrusts, making your head spin and your body lose control. With a final loud moan, your walls clenched around him in your release. 
"Fuck, fuck, John! S'good. Please cum for me, baby. I want you to feel good, too." You muttered, feeling nonsensical in your words, but he still responded.
"Don't worry, sweets. You're making me feel amazing. Won't be much longer, with a pussy this tight and good. I'm almost there. Hold on, hold---" he couldn't finish his thought as he reached his climax as well, digging his fingers into your hips with a bruising force, snapping his own hips up to chase the sensation of his high and you cried out at the sudden burst of friction, taking him deeper in than before. He stilled for a moment, catching his breath and coming back down to reality, surprised to still find you there and to know this wasn't just another wet dream, his subconscious reminding him of what he couldn't have.
He kissed the side of your neck before pulling out of you all too quickly, the fullness replaced by emptiness. You immediately pouted, glad you were turned away from him so he couldn't see the effect he had on you. He was zipping up as you stopped to pull your own pants back up your legs. 
"That was…amazing. Jesus Christ, Y/N, you've been holding out on me," he teased and you pushed him gently. "Ho hum, what to do with all these hours left?" He asked with a smirk.
"I could think of one or two things," you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Well, I do need some time to recuperate," he said, pulling a baggie of weed from his front pocket, "you down with just this for now?" He offered.
"Whatever you want, sweets." You purred at him, kissing him on the cheek. 
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blingblong55 · 11 months
To live without- 141 + Alejandro
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Based on a request:
Hii can I make a request for some angst?? Maybe the reader having an argument with the TF 141 + Alejandro, inside the car or anywhere resulting to a break up?? Cause I'm a sucker for angst, thankss 🫶
F!Reader, angst, established!relationship, break-ups, cheating (not all)
A/N: This will be in 5 parts
Part 1 (John Price), Part 2, (Soap), Part 4 (Alejandro), Part 5 (Ghost)
It has been a stressful few months for him, between his job, you, his own safety and yours, let alone the current argument over his birthday. It's why you and he are now in the car, having this argument.
The end of you started months ago when his job was his only priority. And like any other soldier, he kept you by his side, feeding you just enough love and attention to keep you hooked for a few more months. You weren't to blame, you loved him because he consumed your very last thought. What you had for him was pure love, nothing more.
And he knew that from the very beginning. Your love was so innocent and sweet, but that once sweet love you held for him to take was burnt down. The constant arguing, his absence, the one-sided love and his job. It all came down to how he delivered it, "Happy birthday!" you hug him and he pushes you away. "Not now, dear," he says in a rude and cold tone. The past mission left him tired and traumatised but that still wasn't an excuse to push you away, emotionally and physically.
You frown a little, he knows damn well you are an emotional person, it's what drew him to you, that and how much you cared for everyone, you were...are so kind it's such a sight to see for him. He sighs, "Look, I just want to be left alone." he looked at you, a stern face and tone in his voice. You nod, "Okay...I..baked a cake for you...should be in the fridge," you tugged at your jumper, feeling awkward now.
"Well, see you" he not once looked at you, eyes on his phone. You nod and walk out of his flat. You finally let go and cry, meanwhile, he can hear this all and listens as you cry your way down the hall. Before you go down the stairs, his mates come up the stairs, "Oh hey r/n! excited for the party?"
Hurt to know he wanted you out to have fun. Yes, you are a kind person but once someone does something to hurt you, that's when kindness leaves you. You walk back to his flat, open the door and march towards him, "a fucking party? And here I thought you needed space!" his friends know best and wait outside, letting you two talk it out.
"I just don't need you here today.." he admits. You scoff, "So what, this whole time you just have me around when you need fucking stability?" you by this point were hurt and furious.
"No, look...you are so...fucking sensitive, the guys can't make a joke without you getting hurt... it's seriously annoying me"
"They make jokes at my expense, make fun of who I am...call me names you know damn well have a bad past for me.."
"Maybe if you weren't such a fucking little bitch it wouldn't hurt!" he raised his hand and quickly put it back down.
That was it, the last point that had to be given so you could finally walk out. And once you finally left his place, his friends walk in and cheer him up. As the party continued, his friends got more drunk, they opened the fridge, taking hold of the cake you made.
Carrot cake just like how he loved it. You must've spent time learning to do such a thing for him. They smashed it and all he could do was watch as the last proof of love he had for you died down with the rest of the night.
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freckles-things · 1 year
Stolen Love // BBC Sherlock
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Summary: Not having seen your boyfriend for some days, you head over to his flat with Chinese take away and left with a broken heart. [Happy ending]
Requested by: @talialea05 (I hope it is what you had in mind)
Pairing: BBC Sherlock x fem!reader
Warnings: broken heart, complicated relationships, subject of cheating, swearing
Sherlock and Y/N had been dating for a few months now. Both of you hadn’t really been looking for a relationship, especially Sherlock, but here you were. Sherlock had struggled with his feelings at first, not being used to being ruled by emotions. He too had accepted it in the end, and he had to admit that he enjoyed being with you quite a lot. John also repeatedly told him, both of you really, that the relationship had changed Sherlock for the better. Not that he needed changing, in your opinion. Yes, he was direct and brash and downright rude sometimes, but never intentionally cruel. He cared about people and justice and could be gentle and soft if he wanted to be.
Your relationship so far had consisted of ups and downs, just like any other one. At the moment you definitely were in a down-phase. You hadn’t seen Sherlock in days, and he had neither answered your calls nor your texts. You had texted John, who told you that they currently were working on a demanding and top-secret case brought to them by Mycroft. There had been a few times when Sherlock had been so focused on a case that he had forgotten you during the day. Back then, he had at least texted you a few times a day, whenever there was a short lull in his work, letting you know that he was still busy, and he had paid attention to make sure that you would see each other every other day. Yes, those dates had often consisted of you helping with the case or relaxing at Baker Street while Sherlock was sifting through evidence trying to connect clues, but that had been more than alright with you. You had often spent the evenings on the couch reading or telling Sherlock about the newest things happening in your life, him listening and commenting while he was jotting things down or looking things up. You had been content, you knew what kind of man he was before you had entered a relationship with him. You didn’t expect him to change. And you didn’t want him to. You enjoyed watching him work far too much for that.
Now, after nearly a week, you yearned to see him, even if it was just for a few minutes. You had texted John, asking if there were at the flat, which he confirmed. Buying some dinner at the Chinese restaurant you three preferred, you were looking forward to having dinner with both of them. Even if Sherlock would be preoccupied, John never failed to entertain you with his sarcastic comments.
Finally reaching 221 Baker Street, you knocked on the door waiting for Mrs. Hudson to answer you, which she did promptly. She hugged you, as always, and commented on how good it was to see you again. After a quick chat you made your way upstairs to Sherlock’s flat. You opened the door not bothering to knock, taking a few steps into the flat before freezing.
Sherlock and John weren’t alone. A woman was sitting in Sherlock’s armchair. She was gorgeous, almost flawless and seemed to be quite content in the situation. What caught your attention though, was the fact that she was wearing Sherlock’s robe. And if anything, Sherlock was quite peculiar over his robe. Even you weren’t allowed to wear it. That woman was currently wrapped up in it. Your mind drew a blank trying to explain the situation. Maybe she’d been drenched in something? But even then, they had towels and could have lent her a shirt and a pair of pants.
You put down the takeaway and took a few more steps towards the living room, listening to the conversation they were currently having.
“Well handsome, I’m not sure that plan will work. They might be too dazzled by those cheekbones”, the woman said lowly, leaning forward so her cleavage was on full display. You noticed Sherlock shifting slightly, crossing his legs.
“The likelihood of that happening is ridiculously low. We might as well go on with the current plan, as you well know.” His voice was the same as always, not betraying a single emotion. The woman hummed in agreement.
“You know, Mr. Holmes. I always liked detective stories. And detectives.” By now she was leaning even farther towards Sherlock, her hand wandering over the ankle of the crossed over leg, caressing further up his leg. You really didn’t want to see this and most of all you didn’t want to see how your boyfriend didn’t interfere with another woman touching him.
“Consulting Detective. The only one in the world.” You could clearly hear the pride in his voice. Was he trying to impress her?
“Let’s have dinner”, she stated. Even John had noticed that she was flirting and seemingly didn’t seem to care either since he didn’t interject and only made an amused comment over Sherlock’s eating habits.
You felt your stomach drop, taking a few clumsy steps back from the scene in front of you. How neither of them noticed you presence eluded you, but drove home the point of how enraptured your usual very attentive boyfriend was by the woman sitting opposite him. If the woman was part of the important case, it was no wonder that Sherlock hadn’t answered you. She was beautiful, direct, and intelligent and Sherlock was clearly taken by her.
Well then, the relationship wasn’t in a down-phase anymore. It was over. You turned around without announcing your presence, making your way out of the flat and back onto the street, stomping to the next tube station to get home. You felt numb and tried to concentrate on anything but the recent events. If there was one thing that you really didn’t need, it was a breakdown on the tube. Only once the door to your flat closed behind you, did you feel the tears gathering in your eyes and streaming down your face. You had known that Sherlock would sooner or later grow bored of you. He was brilliant, a force to be reckoned with and you were, well, ordinary. You couldn’t always keep up with his thoughts or his logic and preferred a quieter style of life. Of course you would grow to be a bother to him at some point. You just had hoped that this would happen later rather than sooner. And you had hoped that he would have had the decency to end your relationship properly instead of just ignoring you until you got the point.
Growing angry, you fished your phone out of your pocket and sending exactly one text before blocking Sherlock’s number: We’re done. Enjoy dinner.
It had taken Sherlock three days to realize that he wasn’t as unaffected by your massage as he had thought.
At first, he hadn’t understood what you meant and ignored the message. That was until both he and John accompanied The Woman to the door, and he spotted the bag of takeaway standing by the door to the living room. You must have been here. How had he not noticed you coming in? Now that he knew, he could smell the heady scent of your perfume lingering in the air. John looked equally surprised when he noticed the food. After The Woman had disappeared, he tried to contact you, but immediately got the message that your number wasn’t available.
“She must have seen Irene flirt with you, Sherlock. And you didn’t quite gave off the impression of being averse to it”, John commented once he understood the situation.
“Flirting?”, Sherlock questioned confusedly. John shook his head and smiled at his cluelessness.
“Quite obviously, Sherlock. I’ve never seen anyone flirt so openly. So, what are you going to do about Y/N?”
“Nothing”, he shrugged. It must have been obvious to you that he hadn’t reciprocated her flirting – at least that was what Sherlock though. And if you couldn’t trust him, then so be it. He had better things to do than to chase after a jealous woman.
“Nothing? Sherlock, you can’t let that poor girl wander around, thinking that you were flirting with other women behind her back.”
“Well, she should know better and trust me.”
“You can be an utter bastard sometimes; do you know that? That girl hasn’t heard from you in a week and comes here with dinner just to see another woman flirting with you. Of course she comes to the wrong conclusion. Look, Sherlock, both of you have bloomed in your relationship. You can’t just let that slip away.” John had grown frustrated by his friend’s blasé attitude. He knew that the two of you hadn’t said it yet, but it had been clear for anybody that the two of you were head over heels in love with each other. He didn’t understand how Sherlock could just let this slip past his grasp.
“I don’t have the time to chase after jealous women, John”, was Sherlock’s clipped response before he disappeared into his bedroom. He didn’t need you after all. He had survived years without a single relationship, so why should he bother. It didn’t make a difference, right?
Well, it did. He had caught himself talking to you on a few different occasions, without you being there. Thankfully, John had been away in those instances, otherwise he wouldn’t have heard the end of it. The one time he had wanted to make tea on his own, and yes, he was perfectly capable of that, the only tea he could find was your favourite. He hadn’t even known that they had it at the flat. Walking the streets of London, every flower shop suddenly seemed to display your favourites and the cake you loved, and would always buy a slice of if you ever saw it, was advertised everywhere. His thoughts were more and more occupied with you, to the point where he couldn’t properly focus on his cases. It was ridiculous, really. He didn’t understand why he was this affected by the situation. Even Gavin had noticed that something was off and had ordered him to rest for a few days before coming back for new cases.
It took him another two days until he decided to try and text you, asking you to talk. The message didn’t go through. So, you had still blocked him. He wasn’t quite sure how to interpret that. Did you want him to reach out so he could try to explain, or did you want to be left alone? He could admit that he wanted to try and tell you what had really happened. A chance to explain the situation you had observed. He had never been good with his feelings, he didn’t always understand them, but after a week and a few not-so-subtle hints from John, he could admit that he missed you. That it hurt that you weren’t there with him. He needed to talk with you. And if he couldn’t reach out like this, then he would have to go and find you.
You had spent the last week crying and feeling sorry for yourself. You had predictably heard nothing from Sherlock. Ignoring the voice in your head that reminded you that you had blocked him, you went in search of some chocolate. You were sure that he could reach you if he really wanted to. Wallowing in self pity wasn’t a solution though. You had given yourself the week to cry and be sad about it, all with the clear intention that this would be it and that you would be over him afterwards. Too bad that your heart didn’t quite agree with the plan. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, you couldn’t. You loved Sherlock and your broken heart wouldn’t just go away because you wanted it to. You wanted Sherlock too, but you simply weren’t going to get what you wanted to have.
Grabbing your chocolate and your freshly brewed coffee, you made your way to the living room. Once you had stepped over the threshold, you froze. There was a very familiar figure sitting on your sofa.
“How the fuck did you get in here?” you asked in absolute surprise before you remembered the current situation between you.
“Get out, Sherlock. I don’t want to see you.” You set your things down on the table and waited expectantly for him to move without looking at him. He didn’t though.
“You should change your locks. They were way too easy to pick, didn’t even take me 30 seconds”, his voice sounded the same as always. The deep baritone not giving anything away.
“Get out.” You repeated yourself. How could he even sit there calmly, as if nothing had happened?
“I thought we could talk, Y/N”
“Well, you thought wrong. And now get the hell out of my flat, Sherlock.” He still didn’t budge. How dare he break into your home and then refuse to leave. The audacity made you fume, and you took a deep breath. Exploding at him wouldn’t solve anything.
“Y/N, don’t be unreasonable”, ha admonished. Well, that did it.
“Unreasonable? Who the bloody hell do you think you are to invade my home like this and then disregard my wishes? You’re an arrogant bastard, Sherlock. Leave me alone!” He still didn’t react, which made your anger grow. He was just sitting there and blinking at you. Well, only one solution left then. Without saying anything else you turned around and slipped into your shoes which were standing in the hallway, moving to grab your jacket. You felt absolutely foolish leaving your own flat, but if he wouldn’t leave then you had to. You were just about to grab your keys when a large hand grabbed your wrist.
“Don’t leave, Y/N. Please, let me explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain, Sherlock”, your voice sounded utterly defeated, and you felt Sherlock shift behind you at the sound of it.
“Please, Y/N. Just give me five minutes.” Maybe it was the fact that he had said please two times in a row, a word which he usually never used, or maybe your exhaustion won, but you agreed. Winding your wrist out of his grasp, you moved back to the living room, taking a seat in the armchair and waited until Sherlock had followed.
“Five minutes”, you agreed, waiting for him to begin his explanation while studiously avoiding to look at him or his general direction.
“I didn’t realise she was flirting with me, Y/N.” You couldn’t help the scoff that escaped your lips. That was an utterly ridiculous excuse. Did he honestly expect you to believe that?
“I realise that it sounds like a lame excuse. But I really didn’t notice until John explained it to me. I… I have no experience with relationships. No one ever stuck around long enough for that, none ever has accepted me enough to want to be in a relationship with me. John explained how it must have looked. Me not answering your texts and then the situation with Irene. I swear that there is nothing between us. I didn’t accept her dinner invitation. I never do.” So, obviously there had been more than one invitation. You didn’t know how to feel about this revelation. How long had he worked on the case for that to be possible?
You didn’t quite look at him while saying your piece. There was no response from Sherlock, which made you swallow hard. Taking a deep breath, you prepared to lay your feelings bare in the hopes to get your closure.
“She was flirting with you, Sherlock. She had her hands all over you, touching you and inviting you for dinner. You didn’t say anything, even John didn’t say anything about it. You didn’t even tell me that you were working a case. I got to know that from John. And when I come over with the intention of making your evening a little easier by bringing food, you’re not only sitting across a woman that shamelessly flirts with you, but she was also wearing your bathrobe. The one even I am not allowed to touch because you’ve got some weird attachment to it. What was I supposed to think, Sherlock? You don’t just let other people touch you like that if you’re not interested. And I’ve never seen you letting anyone touch you voluntarily except for John and Mrs. H.“
“I’m not stupid, Sherlock. I knew that one day, sooner or later, you would lose interest in me. You’re brilliant and extraordinary and no one really can keep up with you, least of all I. Why would you be interested in some ordinary person? And that’s alright. I was prepared for that. But I expected you to be honest and to not just string me along for entertainment or some sick form of amusement”, your voice was quiet and wobbled precariously as you tried to hold back your tears.
This however got a response out of the consulting detective. He closed the distance between you with two large steps, kneeling on the floor in front of you and gently grasping your hands before you could even blink. His large hands encased yours and kept on holding them when you tried to wiggle them free.
“Are you sure? I would understand if you’d prefer her over me. She’s beautiful and intelligent.” His well-protected heart broke at your words. How could you think that he would ever want anyone else if he could have you. You were perfect to him. Exactly what he needed and wanted, and he would never give you up.
“Love, I would never do that. If anything, the last week has shown me how much I need you in my life. I missed you, Y/N. I couldn’t think and everything reminded me of you. I don’t want to lose you. I realize that my reaction to Irene Adler wasn’t the best and that I hurt your feelings with the way I behaved. I promise that I will try to do better. My understanding of emotions is minuscule at best, and I cannot promise that I’ll never make a mistake again. But I don’t want Irene Adler. How could I, when I have you in my life?”, he said in the softest voice you’d ever heard from him. He searched for your eyes, and you met them for a split second. It was enough to see the regret on his face and the earnestness with which he promised to do better. It wasn’t quite enough yet.
“I don’t want anyone but you, Y/N. I didn’t answer your texts because I didn’t realise you weren’t there. I talked to you every evening, running through the case. And I didn't give my bathrobe to her, John did. I asked her to put on something else, but John warned me that she would just not wear anything at all. And I didn't want that. And the last week I caught myself talking to you as well, but there was no answer because you weren’t there. I missed the chatter while I was going through the evidence. Graham even sent me home because I couldn’t focus on the case. You make me a better person, Y/N. And I realised that I can’t live without you anymore. You're kind and always see the good in people. Wherever you are, you bring sunshine. And you are more intelligent than you realize, love. Your input on my cases has helped me a great deal and I can’t imagine anyone else I would rather discuss a case with.”
His warm hands framed your face, gently tilting it up a little. Your eyes met and you were mesmerized by the emotions swimming in his usually cold gaze. There were dark shadows under his eyes that proved that he hadn’t slept well in the past few days, despite not having any cases.
“You are beautiful, love. Inside and out. And it pains me that you don’t see it yourself. I will spend the rest of my life proving it if you will have me.” You slowly leaned your forehead against his broad chest, your shoulders drooping in defeat. How on earth were you supposed to resist that man? Maybe your reaction had been a little harsh and you should have waited for an explanation. It might have saved you both from a week full of heartache.
“I’m sorry, too. I might have overreacted when I saw you together and should have given you a chance to explain. I should have trusted you. Maybe we could talk about boundaries and what we expect of each other some time, so we can be on the same page? Will you forgive me?” You practically whispered your words, but you were sure Sherlock picked them up with no effort.
His strong arms wrapped themselves around your back, pulling you even closer to him. His face buried itself against your neck, and soft lips pressed a slow kiss against your jaw.
“Only if you’ll forgive one stupid, self-absorbed detective as well.” His words forced a wet laugh out off you, your hands grabbing onto the front of his coat and taking a deep breath of his well-known scent.
“I don’t think I could stay mad at you, even if I wanted to. I do love you far too much for that.” Once the words had left your mouth, you froze. Neither of you had said the words until now and you hadn’t intended to let them slip out.
Sherlock’s hand moved up to the back of your head, gently moving it so he could see your face again.
“I’m glad to know we’re of one mind then, love”, he whispered against your lips, before closing the small distance between you. You closed your eyes, the stress of the last week lifting off your shoulders as Sherlock kissed you gently.
You stayed in his arms for hours, not wanting to let go. Sherlock didn’t fare any better, pressing your body against his, his mind finally at ease when he felt your weight settle against him. Both of you would undoubtedly make mistakes again, just like everyone else did. But with a relationship built on trust and communication, you would overcome those as well.
If you spot any mistakes please let me know!
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