#like -as i said- your well-being is absolutely more important than the hobby but hobbies are also important? and i value the sharing of it?
lighthouseborna · 1 year
Anyway (your well-being and you as a person are more important than your hobby), I agree, but framing it like a person wanting replies back and getting frustrated by unfinished threads or unresolved plot points as them being petty or uncaring ain't it chief. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
You can be friends, prioritize someone's well being over writing, and also be invested in your writing. You can absolutely value someone as a real person and still get annoyed/disappointed/etc. about threads going cold when you were having fun writing it or you were very invested in the bond it built between characters. Feelings aren't some empty thing to wave off as if they're irrelevant to a relationship? And furthermore you don't get to just Decide not to feel them. What matters is how you behave about them. As always, communicating with your writing buddies is the best thing you can do, but saying their feelings about the thing that brought you together don't matter 'in the big picture' is very dismissive, actually.
#personally it doesn't usually bother me if threads get dropped (esp. the random ones) i just Really don't like the tone of that post#and it's on my dash like 12 times in a row so i got a lil spiced about it yeah#☩ genuinely about to haul off and start biting ( ooc. )#like i mean ''i write for me'' and ''i don't care what you do'' are not the same actually. i write for me and i want to read your replies!#and i want to write things you want to write too! and i want to build with you! and i want you to also have fun!#and honestly? ''i don't care what you do'' is like. way more dismissive?? like ''here's this thing we do together but actually#i don't give a rip about it lol'' ????????#like -as i said- your well-being is absolutely more important than the hobby but hobbies are also important? and i value the sharing of it?#i dunno maybe that's not what OP meant but it sure does read...not great to me#maybe it's just me though and that's why nobody else had beef with the post but i sure didn't like it#p.s. you don't have to defend your rb of it if you rb'd it i am just making my thought about it known#and like. all of this not even touching the way that tumblr (broadly speaking) has a demographic™ and it's not a leap#to say you have followers that this hobby *is* a thing that contributes to their well being. so maybe don't shit on it idk#i don't...like that post.#Hobbies are actually so much of who we are and it's not weird to be invested in them. Like balance it with like#touching grass y'know but like. I don't like! that post! anyway#still not assuming the worst of anyone who rb'd the thing i am just voicing my voice is all
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cannedpickledpeaches · 3 months
Cater Thoughts
Cater Diamond x Reader
Maybe it’s just the stuff that I come across, but a lot of Cater fics focus on his character flaws and personal issues. Which is great, and often a good read! But I was thinking about Cater who is doing the healing instead of being the one who is healed.
Let’s say you just came out of a relationship that wasn’t working for you. Your ex wasn’t a bad person. But none of his interests aligned with yours. Furthermore, while you put an ocean’s worth of effort into learning about his interests, his efforts were more like a single drop of water. When you started talking about something you liked, he often brushed it off and changed the topic to something that suited him. It was such a common occurrence that you kept quiet and let it happen.
Ironically, one day during your relationship, he asked you about your hobbies. Instead of feeling happy, your first thought was: “What’s the point of telling him?”
A few months after your breakup, you meet Cater Diamond. He’s fun, sweet, and as much as he likes to talk, he also listens. You don’t realize it at first. You continue on with your habits from your previous relationship—always nodding along to his hobbies, interests, problems, gossip, and whatever else he feels like saying. Everything goes smoothly. Cater never runs out of things to say. The conversation is always lively and you’re enjoying yourself.
One evening, the two of you lay beneath a tapestry of stars in the night sky while Cater points out various constellations. There’s a lull in the conversation while he snaps a picture of the dazzling display. Just as you’re about to ask him to elaborate on something, he asks you a simple question.
“Am I talking too much?”
You blink up at the stars. They blink back at you.
“No,” you say, somewhat confused. “I like hearing you talk. It’s fun.”
“Oh, that’s good.” He laughs and sets his camera on the grass, laying beside you. “I was worried that I was boring you. You don’t really say much about what you like, so I thought maybe you aren’t that into me.”
That wasn’t the impression you were trying to give at all. You roll to your side, facing him, and frantically try to assure him of your attraction.
“No, that’s not it! I just . . . I’m not sure if you’d be interested in the things I like.”
“Well, we can’t be sure until you tell me, right?” He reaches over and gently touches your cheek. Beneath this blanket of pinprick diamonds in the sky, Cater Diamond is the most dazzling in your eyes as he utters the words you wanted to hear this whole time. “Tell me anything you want. Cay-Cay’s listening.”
You’d think that it would all gush out like you opened invisible floodgates, but that’s far from what happens. You have absolutely no idea how to start. What do you say? You’re drawing a blank, and he can tell.
“How about listing a bunch of your favourite things?”
You try that. Luckily, Cater is an excellent conversationalist, and you end up saying a lot more than you thought you could. His reactions vary from subject to subject. For some, he’s just as passionate and knowledgeable as you. For others, he’s never even heard of them. But he’s more than happy to listen and learn.
After your stargazing date, he often sends you posts on Magicam related to what you said. You’re surprised he even remembers. The act of remembrance indicates importance, prioritization. The fact that he remembers what you like makes you feel loved. Like you’re important to him. It’s a non-verbal confirmation of your mutual affection, and you’re more determined than ever to show that affection to him ten-fold in return.
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, obsession, violence, war (if you look really closely)
Jade Leech/Malleus Draconia-Voicelines about you, the Overseer
Cheering to yourself you looked at the screen, confirming that you just purchased the new voicelines that you were only able to purchase during this event. To say that this event was stressful was an understatement. Heck, even the app seemed like it wanted to prevent you from earning all the materials and exchanging them for the lines of text, the App crashing and freezing whenever there was the slightest inconvenience. It was also very different from what you were used to in this game. Usually it was always light content and a few sprinkles of Angst for entertainment but this time it was like someone took the game and decided to turn it into something that could only be described with “nightmare fuel if real”. With the usual content creators of the game being unusually quiet, if not to say absolutely silent, about it there were no guides to look up, no one seemingly caring to explore the new lore presented. Tapping the screen you finally accessed the voicelines, curious about what they had to say about the individual which was at the center of said event, the Overseer
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What is your impression of the Overseer?
A kind yet cunning individual. The sea which wouldn't have been in awe of someone without any reason... Well, I can't deny that I myself am also very curious about them. Goodness, I even dare to say that I feel something akin to jealousy towards the two eels of the sea witch. Why that is? Well, even though these two were following her order they were at the end of the day still following the endless wisdom of the Overseer and whatever their genius plan was. Hah... what I would do to be in their position...
The view of your homeland, what is your opinion on that?
“Thankfully I can say that I am rather satisfied with how we view the Overseer. If we were to have mostly a religious view of them I doubt we would be able to have such a critical view like they do. A thing that is also quite known about them is their free mind. Whereas others were bound by traditions and morale they were able to think beyond those boundaries. It's said that exactly this made the sea witch create her garden. Alovely hobby, wouldn't you agree?”
What would you do if you were ever to meet them?
“I would immediately try to prove my worth to them. I am aware that this might sound rather off-putting to some but I can assure you that I am doing this purely out of admiration which they earned. Everything about them practically screams to be a good leader and schemes. There is nothing more I wish for than to help them with their contracts just as I do right now with Azul. But if there were some kind of annoyance trying to get between them and me... Hmmm... I am not sure if I were able to hold myself together....”
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What is your impression of the Overseer?
“Oh, that is a question I did not expect... All I can say is that there is no being higher than them. Even the God of death, the Underworld bowed before them. From what I know the Fairy of Thorns always looked up to them during the war, orienting herself on their might like a sailor would on the stars. It is quite unbelievable but when we take into consideration that they are a God then this is much easier to understand. Sadly, there has not been any sign of them ever planning to descend or anything akin to that. My Grandmother even told me that even my own Grandchildren are not guaranteed of ever meeting them. What a pity...”
The view of your homeland, what is your opinion on that?
“Thankfully I am able to say that I am very proud of it. Many other places see the Overseer at least as a person of high importance, which is not even close to what they deserve, but we know that they are in truth the ruler above all, a God. Simply saying that their actions make them deserve respect is blasphemy. After all, a God is the owner of a world and they are our God. That alone tells us that they do not need to earn respect. They simply deserve it by existing. If anyone would ever dare to talk back go to them the Valley would gladly grind the opposing power to dust. There is nothing in this world more holy than them. Child of man, now that we are already on the subject, if you ever were to visit my home, would you like to attend a church mass with me? They always have something to themselves that makes you feel closer to them.”
What would you do if you ever met them?
“Child of man, as ironic as it may sound, but I am nothing more than a dutiful servant waiting for their masters call. To hope that I were ever to meet them is something I am unable to imagine even in my deepest dreams. But if it were to happen? Hmm... I can not say for certain but I think I would try to be as normal as possible to them. I myself am feared for my power so it might be somewhat soothing if they were to be viewed with eyes that express warm respect rather than fear. But I would never be able to forget that we all are nothing but small threats in their endless woven web. They have a plan, fate as some call it, for us all. We all can just be happy to feel their presence even the slightest bit in our lives.”
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silassinclair · 2 years
“You’re my Muse”
[Billy H. x Artistic Reader] 🎨
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Summary: Y/n loves Billy’s face. He’s just so handsome and gorgeous and UGH. She loves holding his face and looking into his eyes, and Billy is just like, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Glam metal music played softly from Billy’s stereo. The volume was turned down more than his usual listening volume because his girlfriend Y/n was doodling in her sketchbook on his bed. He absolutely adored her. She was cute seven ways to sunday. Her cute little hobby of drawing, her love for bugs, but most importantly was her weird fascination for his face.
Weird because it was only his face. Her pages were full of realistic sketches of his face at many different angles and making many different expressions. He was flattered and never questioned it, but it got to the point where she would hold his face in her hands for long minutes at a time and just stare adoringly.
Billy loves her to the moon and back but he cannot help but feel… a little weirded out by her quirky behavior, not in a bad way of course. So he finally asks, “Hey baby?”
The sound of pencil on paper stops. “Yeah Billy?” Y/n asks and crawls over to him. He was seated on the floor against the bed she was on so she leaned down and put her cheek against his, another thing she did quite often.
“Not to sound mean.” He starts, “But I gotta ask you, what is with you and always being all over my face. I know that I’m handsome and attractive and the hottest guy ever but I can’t help but feel like you have a weird fascination for my face.” He says with a light grin.
An awkward pause fills the room. Even the song on the stereo was quieting down, playing it’s last part.
“Well uh.” Y/n say straight up and scratched her neck. She knew this day would come. After all personal space is important so of course her boyfriend would question her weird actions. “I just really like your face.”
Billy turned around with a quirked up eyebrow and a smirk. “Oh I know that babe. That’s why you’re all over me after all. But I wanna know more. Give me the sweet juicy details.” His thumb brushed against her hand that he had held in his.
“To put it simply, you’re my muse Billy.” She said with a smile. Her head tilted to the side to see Billy’s facial expression change from smugness to wonder.
“Your jawline is sharp, cheekbones are prominent, and your eyes,” Y/n gently takes hold of his face. His head is turned up as her fingers trace gently against his jaw. Billy is at a loss for words, no one has EVER said anything like this to him before.
“Your eyes are absolutely stunning. I could drown in that gorgeous blue color.” She places a small peck on the space between his eyes.
“And don’t get me started on your lips.” Her thumb traces the plump bottom lip. “They’re so smooth and plump. I just wanna kiss em all day.”
At this point Billy’s face was as red and flush as the crimson paint Y/n used in her artworks. The affection was almost overwhelming. His brain simply couldn’t process how someone so sweet, cute, and humble could adore him this much. He thought men were the ones who were supposed to fluster their girlfriends, but apparently it was the other way around right now.
“I love all of you.” Y/n whispered softly and placed a light kiss on his cheek.
In the blink of an eye Billy pounced and had Y/n pinned under his body. Her arms spread limply by her sides under the soft cushion of Billy’s mattress.
“Do you really mean that?” Billy said. His tone was like a whisper. Hope in his voice wishing it were true, but he knew it was too good to be true. “All that you said, you mean it?” His golden brown locks fluttered from side to side, framing his perfect face.
The girl reached a hand up to cup the jaw of her lover above. A smile painted her face. “I meant every word, love.” That petname for him had hime weak in the knees any time she said it, which was pretty rarely. Usually she’d just call him Billy, baby, or B.
Billy leant down and trapped her lips in a heated kiss. He never wanted tor leave this moment. In between kisses Y/n giggled, her arm’s wrapped around his neck lovingly.
“Aw? Is my sweet boyfriend flustered? Or do you just really like being praised and complimented?”
A growl escaped the depths of his throat. “How could I not be a blushin’ mess when you say shit like that?” His lips traced the shell of her ear. “God I don’t deserve you baby.” His whisper sent a shiver down her spine.
She smirked and batted her lashes, “Oh and that sexy voice of yours, I could listen to it all da-”
She was cut off with a kiss. Her boyfriend’s eyes were wide and his cheeks were on fire, his bottom lip twitching too much so he bit down on it.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll show you how much I love you more.”
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luminouslywriting · 29 days
As a recent convert to the ladies who Brady crew, I love the idea of Brady wanting to learn more about his girl's interests. She loves Pilates? He's trying a class. She has a favorite author? He's checking out one of their books. She likes plants? Brady's always wanted a cactus! He would just be so cute and eager to share. 😊
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Ahh this is darling so I just had to go on a slight rabbit hole for you Nonny! Because you're so right and he's such a supportive guy! Cut for length :) And keep sending me stuff, this is so much fun! Some light spice mentions below the cut!
-John Brady is above all things, a supportive man—and when it comes to you, he just adores you. Worships the ground that you walk on, thinks that you're prettier than starlight and more important to him than the sun is to the life of earth.
-That being said, if you have a hobby or an interest, he is running with it at full-force and attempting to make it a bonding experience.
-You want to get into art? Babe, he is finding some local art classes and trying his hand at it. Now I don't think he's all that great at drawing....but painting? He absolutely is great at it! I imagine he's really into painting landscapes and finds a lot of comfort and peace in it!
-This maybe leads to some more precarious moments between the two of you....paint fights that turn into messy sex is absolutely on the table haha
-You want to get into hiking or rock climbing? GREAT! He loves being outside and in nature and fitness is pretty important to him! So he's gonna be your hiking buddy for sure! -He absolutely would carry your water for you and make sure that HE has the backpack because he wants you to just have a good time and be able to enjoy nature.
-Rock climbing might be a little more worrisome to him but he loves getting to spend time with you and he really enjoys watching the way that you concentrate so fully on something. It's definitely a turn on for him.
-Oh you like photography? He might be a little bashful, but he's absolutely your muse and he's going to get in on the action
-This definitely means there are a few risqué photos of you that only his eyes have ever seen haha
-You want to get into sports? Fantastic! He definitely did a few things in high school and he's a decent enough athlete that he can pull off an average performance in some of the sports he's not as well-acquainted with
-Definitely takes advantage of trying to show you how to golf, or how to hold a tennis racket or baseball bat though haha
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-I had to include the gif haha
-You want to get into baking or cooking? He's going to have the time of his life making food with you and it's the most wholesome domestic thing
-Definitely gets a little heated in the kitchen if you know what I mean
-You're into gardening? Great! He loves gardens and wants to make sure you have your favorite flowers or your favorite plants!! And he always surprises you with new plants!
-You're into reading or writing? He's going to read whatever books you like after you read them, or he's going to suggest to you some of his favorites.
-And if you're a writer then he's going to read everything you write and hypes you up! He's also going to be honest about his opinions and tell you what he thinks could be better (in the best and most constructive way)
-You like dancing? BABY, he will take you dancing every weekend and has the time of his life when he does!
-Board games is a hobby? He gets so competitive when it comes to Scrabble, it's not even funny
-You play a different instrument than him or you like to sing? AMAZING!! He's going to ask you to teach him about your instrument and that might get a little heated haha.
-Would absolutely harmonize your favorite songs with you because I think he has a great voice!
-You're into collecting things? Be it baseball cards, butterflies, coins, stamps, whatever it is—he's going to get in on it and try to find you the ones you're missing!
-An academic?? He adores that about you and will try to read up and learn about your favorite field of study, be it history, science, or whatever it is!
-Anywho....I could go on forever and ever, but these are just a few general things that I think he'd be like when it comes to your interest and hobbies
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Hi!! I absolutely love your writing!
So... today happens to be my birthday. Could I pretty please get something fluffy as a present?
Five days.
The villain had stayed five days at the hero’s apartment, recovering slowly with the help of their nemesis. It turned out that the hero wasn’t a terrible roommate, they were the exact opposite: doing the dishes seemed more like a hobby than a chore, cleaning the room and decorating the whole place neatly was one of their favourite activities.
Nearly motionless, the villain had watched them rearrange a bouquet of flowers, humming to themselves a content tune that would haunt the villain’s thoughts for the rest of the day. The hero was diligent and careful, making sure the colours in their home could coexist in harmony with every new element they found.
The villain tried to stay as quiet as possible most of the time, hoping the hero would forget about them eventually. Hoping they could turn invisible and be less of a burden. With all the mess they were causing, they didn’t fit into this picturesque world the hero tried to create.
But the hero didn’t forget. Due to their injuries, the villain slept a lot, being out by eight, getting pleasant twelve hours of rest. They were stationed on the comically huge couch, even though the hero had offered them their bed. However, healthy sleeping patterns were unknown to the hero who suffered from a little less than four hours a night. It explained the many naps the hero took on the couch, right next to the villain.
But no matter how many hours the hero slept, they always made sure to eat together with the villain. Every meal, regardless of their grogginess, they sat down next to their enemy and talked about their newest idea to help the city.
“Dunno why I’m telling you,” they said one day while having lunch, spaghetti filling their mouth, “but I really like this new project. Growing more plants in the city?! Love it.”
“Until there’s a villain who can control plants.” The hero’s tired eyes widened as they practically inhaled their lunch. Focus settled on the villain who was trying to eat as gracefully as possible. Once again, they were like a mirror that showed the exact opposite.
“Nonsense. No one can control plants,” they said, bolting the rest of their noodles and meatballs.
“Have seen one,” the villain answered calmly. Damn, the food wasn’t even bad.
“You’re kidding.”
“Am not.” The villain stared at the hero and their poor overworked soul. For days, they’d been rambling about projects and work and on top of that they managed to do the chores and nurse the villain. No wonder they were sleeping every second they allowed themselves to.
“I’ve seen one,” the villain said hastily, getting their thoughts back on track. “South America, somewhere. She’s very old though, so don’t expect her to take over the world.”
The hero’s plate was empty already.
“I didn’t know I could be jealous of some old lady. You travel lots?”
“When I’m not getting shot at, sure.” Something in the hero’s gaze softened, blurring the line between relaxed and hurt. Their eyes dropped to the ground, their shoulders tensed. Fuck. “I like getting shot when it’s you, though.”
What. Oh god, the villain wished they could sink into the ground. I like getting shot when it’s you, what a stupid thing to say. They felt the horrible blush creep up their neck, so they grabbed their tea and gulped it down.
Christ, why were conversations so hard to have?
The hero giggled nervously.
“Well, uh…”
“You need more sleep.” The villain’s face was burning, so they tried to deflect. “You always look tired and sleep throughout the day. What do you do at night?”
Getting the hero’s attention was easy, getting them to talk about important stuff wasn’t. Their nice projects were fun to listen to but when it came to the hero’s desires, to their morals and their longings, the villain didn’t get anything.
“It’s a long story, really,” the hero said. “Did you put that blanket on me yesterday?”
“Yeah, you almost rolled off the couch, too. Gave me nearly a heart attack,” the villain mumbled and it was true. It had made their heart skip for more than one beat. “You don’t have to leave that much space between us.”
“You sure?”
“I’d rather cuddle with you than have you fall off the couch.”
Now it was the hero’s turn to blush.
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itchingdreams · 1 year
this is a lot. i am so sorry.
you live in the underswap universe. and one day, you meet a skeleton by the name of papyrus. papyrus is a chill guy who seems both really lazy and really funny. you two become friends quick, and best friends even quicker. you then meet sans, papyrus’ very cool and magnificent older brother, who you gain a crush on fast.
you met the rest of the gang. alphys surprising you with her fascination of anime, undyne being wary of you but loosening up thanks to pap, asgore giving you a big old dad hug when you met him, and ex queen toriel gifting you a slice of butterscotch pie. and then finally you meet the human who helped the monsters reach the surface, they were an absolute sweetheart (you wish you could say the same for that dog cat hybrid - she threatened you when you first met the two of them).
the six seven of them became an important part of your life and quickly. the skelebros more than anything.
you’d spend all day talking to papyrus, in many different ways. whether you both are texting each other all day, sending dumb vines and laughing at the most ridiculous puns that stretch could find. or when you’re both on discord vc with each other first thing in the morning, talking about things and just staying on call all day doing your own things until late at night, where you both fall asleep when you two planned on staying up. or when papyrus comes over to your house and vice versa.
he likes to tease you about your crush on his brother all the time. especially when you pop up to their house unannounced, the smirk that papyrus gives you always makes you glare at him to stop so sans won’t notice. you don’t want him to find out, especially since it’s just a teensy little crush.
there’s something about blue that just drives you to him. one, he’s cute. but his personality is what got you falling for him. he was fun, expressive, caring, a little bit of a daredevil, and many other things. he was your type and you loved talking to him. he had so many hobbies and you had a fun time playing along, even if you personally wasn’t a fan of one or two.
like said previously, they all became an important part of your life that almost every day of the week was filled with silly and fun activities with the seven of them. you grew so close to the skelebros that their house even became like a second home to you. might as well be your first one as you barely sleep over there anymore.
but eventually, things start to get a bit... weird.
sans had a job. he told you he was a guard somewhere but he never really explained further than that, which was fine with you. it wasn’t important where he worked so it didn’t concern you much. you assumed he was a security guard for some kind of mall or even for the queen, seeing as he referred to himself as part of the royal guard multiple times.
he attended work every sunday. any other work days depended on various things but he was always mandatory for sunday. his hours were a little interesting. sans leaves for work at around 6 AM, sometimes even 5 which puzzled you plenty. he told you that he’s finished with work around 6 PM, and that riding back takes about an hour which means he’s home by 7. 
but sometimes he gets back later than that.
sometimes he gets back at 10 PM. and then other times, he doesn’t come back home until monday near 12 AM which at that point just means that he’s coming home at tuesday. his excuse would be that he was at a friend’s house which you find weird but don’t question. he’s allowed to have other friends, and what he does with them is none of your business.
but recently, sans would be out the house early sunday morning and then he’ll come back 5 days later, tired and scuffed up. the first time that happened you were worried sick and you texted him any second you could, asking if he was okay - which he would respond to whenever he could.
paps never seemed worried about it which bugged you a bit. when you brought it up to the guy, he shrugged and just promised you that he would know if something bad happened to sans.
so when 5 days past and sans stopped responding to your messages, you began to grow antsy. on the 8th day of waiting, you decided to go back to your actual house, promising papyrus that you’ll come back and that you just need a couple of days by yourself to distract yourself - which he understood.
you had a hard time doing that though. every second, you were worrying about sans and whenever you’d think of something else, sans would just find himself right back in your thoughts. 
you slept that night terribly. you usually slept with no issue, with no dreams or anything, but that night you had a terrible nightmare. which showed with great haunting detail, sans, papyrus, and the rest of your friends getting hurt by some dark figure - the area around you covered in darkness with some parts appearing to be glitching as if in some video game or hazy and red?
on the 9th day of waiting for sans to come back or at least answer your texts, you went back to the skelebros house, hoping that seeing paps with calm you down. and that night you slept worse. your dreams filled with you being wrapped up in something tight and constricting, all while a dark figure different than the previous one laughed at you with a snarl as he - it - they choke you.
you shoot up from your bed, heaving and gasping for air, coughing hard as if your nightmare was actually real and you were actually being choked. your head is pounding and you can hear your ears ringing and oh god, how your throat hurts so much. you try to make it in the kitchen to get yourself some water, papyrus seemingly in his room seeing as he’s not laying down on the couch where he usually naps. but once you walk into the kitchen, your fragile human body gives up - hitting the floor as you pass out.
you’re gifted this time with uneventful slumber, no nightmare or weird dream for you now. but eventually, you feel something rubbing against your cheek. or someone.
trying to wake up your body and convince your eyes to open, you can hear the hushed whispers of people around you. the person who was caressing your cheek - who you noted wasn’t speaking - moved to play with your hair, either making an attempt to braid it or curling it with their fingers. 
this wasn’t paps. who’s messing with your hair? they feel familiar but they still don’t at the same time. the hushed whispers continue and that’s when you notice that one of them sounds like sans! but wait, that means that sans wasn’t the one touching you.
that’s when you open your eyes and you are faced to face with a skeleton that looks a lot like sans but isn’t. he’s a totally different skeleton. he looks taller than sans. he’s shaped softer than sans - which is a weird observation to make seeing as this guy is still a skeleton. his whole color palette was purple and sans wasn’t a huge fan of purple. then that’s when the skeleton spoke.
“hey blue, your friend is awake.”
confused about what’s going on, you raise your head up from their lap - because yes you were in their lap - and are shocked to see two more skeletons, one being sans and the other looking just like him but not him at the same time. unlike the purple one, he wore yellow and blue and he seemed to wear more comfortable clothing, your eyes landing on his spacey themed jacket.
turning your attention back to sans, he made a move to speak but you quickly shut him up, rushing to him and wrapping your arms around him and squeezing hard. which he returned just as. 
once you two finished with your hug, you stepped away from him. looking at the other two again, the one whose lap your head was laying in, standing up from the bed and making his way over to the spacey one. the four of you stared at each other and just when you opened your mouth to ask something, a puddle of ink appeared on the floor and you watched as someone quite literally jumped up from it.
he, like the other two, looked just like sans except he was shorter than sans. and you noticed a splash of ink that was on one of his cheekbones which you questioned was permanent or not. his outfit choice was less.... fashionable than the others but you weren’t here to judge. he also seemed to be holding this big brush which confused you but once again, not there to judge.
he introduced himself as ink, apologizing for taking so long as he had to take care of something first. and when you squinted your eyes at him in confusion, he asked if you guys had the talk yet.
turns out. that the multiverse exists. damn it, you should’ve watched spiderverse because this was all so confusing. sans and papyrus and the rest of everyone else were apart of some alternate timeline. you were apart of an alternate timeline. and something in the multiverse was happening? some weird glitched skeleton guy that was heavily known for destroying universes was planning on eradicating yours and others and for the past few days, blue has been gone that long because he was fighting with the other hims in hopes of stopping the guy’s plan. or at least prolonging it.
once they got that out of the way, they each took to introducing themselves to you. even sans. the one who was playing with your hair was named plum, the spacey one named comet - go figure - ink already introduced himself but chose to do so again, explaining who he was with great detail. and then finally, sans turns to you and says his name is blue - which you are going to have to get used to. they mention that there’s someone else but he will be there eventually.
a few hours pass and you watch as the four of them interact with each other, paps - who told you he was nicknamed stretch - being there to help you understand their dynamics.
eventually, it begins to grow dark outside. and right when one of the others make a comment on how it’s getting late and they should probably leave is when a small burst of light appears in the room and there appears another skeleton. who looks a lot like sans blue except he’s taller. taller than the other sanses, but still shorter than paps stretch. but he looks almost identical to blue. which was weird because plum, ink, and comet still looked different from blue, but this guy didn’t. the only difference was their height and clothes.
he apologizes for being late, saying that he had to take care of some things in his timeline that couldn’t wait. he then sets his eyelights on you and introduces himself as dream, giving his full title and everything. you are a little flustered at his appearance, and it takes stretch elbowing you for you to snap out of it and introduce yourself as well. 
one of the others speak up from behind dream and ask dream what exactly took him so long. to which dream announces that his brother and the rest of his gang are looking to cause trouble again in the multiverse.
and now, you’re awkwardly shoved into this multiverse drama that you never wished to be apart of.
lucky you.
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halucynator · 9 months
When are you going to post your next fanfic? I have been waiting ages. If you don't want to you can just say so so I can request other people. You aren't letting me request other people while taking your sweet time to write fanfics. Get your life together and start writing or be brave and say you won't write it. It won't kill you to lose a few followers. I know you aren't entitled to but if you don't want to write it just say so. I don't want to wait so long and not be able to request other people. I thought you'd be one of the people who would be consistent with your writing. Guess not. You were one of my faves but honestly now I don't like you anymore. Unfollowing you. Be consistent. Get your life together. Grow tf up. I'm requesting other people.
I never thought I'd have to be serious on this platform but I guess I do.
When I first got this "ask", I thought about ignoring it. Everyone gets hate. But I realise sometimes spreading awareness is more important.
It has come to my attention that people such as the anon above think writers are machines. They seem to think that they are entitled to the writers time and consideration. That is simply not true.
Writers have lives outside of Tumblr and I feel like these people seem to forget that. My uni starts in a couple of days which is the reason for my inconsistency. I need to get stuff prepared to leave my home. It's a very personal and important moment for me and my life. This might be the last time I see my friends and to me writing is just not a priority at the moment because writing takes time and consideration and a lot of thought is put into it so the reading experience is enjoyable for people.
Writing is a hobby for me. I do it for myself. Not other people. I do it when I want to. It's my time. My writing. My blog. It's my hobby. And I love getting requests, I really do! And I love everyone who likes my reading!
When I was young I never thought I'd actually be able to have a fanbase however small that might be. I never thought I'd actually have people that enjoy my writing. I'm grateful for Tumblr to be able to express myself. Writing and expressing yourself to the world is incredibly difficult for some people such as myself so building up the courage to go out into the world well aware of criticism and stuff is tough. And comments like these can easily break it down. Also, I don't know if the person who wrote this is aware but I have ADHD. So I end up making things take wayyyy more time than it should.
Now back to the "ask". I do understand what the anon is trying to say and I'm sure a few people might agree with it and it's fine. But I have three problems with it:
1) I did mention on my pinned posts that requests were closed until further notice and that if they do want to send requests I can't guarantee how long it will take me to write them down.
2) There are nicer ways to say it. If the anon really wanted me to write their request they could've been nicer about it. Messaged me about it or anything else. Because us writers have feelings and we get hurt as well. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate anyone talking to you like this.
3) I have a life separate to Tumblr and you have no idea what I could be going through. I apologize for not mentioning that I will be off writing for a while. If you want, you can request other Tumblr accounts but I would appreciate it if you mention that you already send a similar request to said Tumblr. I hope you realise this is verbal abuse.
I was trying to figure out who wrote this post (naturally so I could block them and not tend to their request for being so rude as I have self respect) but I only found one Tumblr that unfollowed me on the day this post was written (quite recently actually) since the post mentions it and I only found one Tumblr that I used to be mutes with that unfollowed me (I will not reveal who it is). I refuse to believe that Tumblr wrote this post. Their Tumblr is amazing and I absolutely do not think they are capable of writing such disrespectful things to another Tumblr that always has tended to their request and tried to be as nice to them as possible (another Tumblr such as myself).
If it is that Tumblr who wrote this, I hope you know who you are. I'm terribly disappointed in you. I don't know the reason for that Tumblr unfollowing me anyway (maybe it was an accident or BC I'm inconsistent, either way idrc).
Thank you for reading this and thanks to all of my amazing mutes ❤️
Thanks to Tumblr for letting me have the opportunity to express myself, (usually) without any hate.
Please disregard any hate you get xx I love you 💖 have a good day!!
@psychedeliccc BC they wanted context 💕
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
guuuuuurl i have to get this off my chest - I've been talking to this older guy online (no not Badj) he also does the adult VA stuff and he's very good and reasonably well-known. but that's on the side, he's a software developer as his day job and he's so damn cute. like a giant bear, he has a large female audience who coo over him but I mean that's understandable so I'm not jealous but I am a bit? I'm being stupid it's not like he and I are dating, but ... I invited him to a Halloween party last night, I got absolutely drunk (still alright and not messy drunk but you know, a bit unstable on the feet and I was so social where I'm more reserved usually). HE WAS SUCH A SWEETHEART, he kept holding my hips and guiding me through the party and sat me down on his lap outside next to the pool, caressing my back and THAT DAMN VOICE WHISPERING PRAISES AND COMPLIMENTS IN MY EAR DAMN I WAS FERAL. but he said we shouldn't do anything because I'm so drunk, he was proper drunk too though. but no I got so worked up because he's got such a dad bod but like super hot, muscular arms and all - amazing legs ... and he kept pulling me closer on his lap and kissing my neck ... BUT, one of my guy friends came running up to us - super drunk - and he kept talking to me and ignoring him and asked if I wanted to go to the second party with him because we always have a good time and he needs someone who drinks on his pace. THEN THIS MANS GRIP TIGHTENED ON MY HIPS AND HIS VOICE DEEPENED AND WAS LIKE, "we already have plans for after this." but alas, long story short, he got pissed at me because he thought my friend and I were together and he didn't wanna believe otherwise so basically he just LEFT and my baby boo bear hasn't been replying my messages even if he's online - I have been PLAYED BY A MAN 15 YEARS OLDER THAN I ?! I'm so dumb 😭😭😭. I have an important project due tomorrow but I keep checking my phone and checking his socials 😭.
so sorry - I just needed to rant because I can't tell my friends about this, even if I'm in my 20s they'd freak out that he's in his late 30s.
bestie hold up. no. no, no, no. this sounded so fucking good up until you dropped that he LEFT?? this man in his fucking late thirties left you at the party, because he didn't want to believe that you were telling him the truth about you and your guy friend?
my darling, I'm so sorry to say this but that's literally a baby boo bear. what we are looking at here is a man child, who still in his nearly forty years of living has not learned how to communicate EVEN THOUGH his literal hobby/job relies on him speaking?? 😭
no but seriously, him not replying to you after an argument even though he is online is abusive. I will not bend on this. giving silent treatment as a way to punish someone is manipulative af. does he know that you have an important project tomorrow? if he does, bestie—drop him. please, I am begging on my knees for you to drop him.
on the off chance that he actually suddenly replies and tells you that he had an emergency or... something that stopped him from replying today, yes sure you can give him another chance but remember that even then—instead of communicating—he left you at the party. he also acknowledged that you were so drunk that you shouldn't do anything together, but apparently in his eyes you weren't drunk enough to not be left behind?? yeah you were with your friends, but I just absolutely love men who are protective and possessive but have no issue just dropping you the second they get their feelings hurt over their inability to communicate and trust their partners.
I'm sorry if this is too harsh and too straight forward. I just... I feel so shitty for you? I'm so sorry. you don't deserve to be treated like this. you really do not, and hey—based on what you've told me you absolutely did nothing wrong. you're not dumb. he made you feel special and wanted. it is not naive or stupid to want and need that. I am so, so sorry that he took advantage of that, but please know that this is not on you. 💗
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merakime · 5 months
just wanna say the tea prompts was gorgeous, wonderful, life changing. i wonder if you could do general dating headcanons with the sea urchin, Thorns ^^? have a lovely day love@
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───── a / n: AHH, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! >_< an interesting phenomenon that i call "the wall of thorns" has occured in my inbox after the tea prompt. and not gonna lie! he's such a fun character to explore!!!!! i looooove breaking down the stoic boys that's my hobby
cw: none | word count: 300~
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thorns' idea of of a romantic relationship is limited at best and about non-existent in truth. it's not something that he concerned himself with. he never imagined himself romantically involved with anyone, not thinking that it was something tangible for him, with his undertakings—until you came along and got him thinking.
it was of utmost importance that he learns quickly, then—your perception of him matters. and he does learn fast, but only in theory. thorns has the idea of romanticism, of courting and gestures of affection down—it is, however, much harder to execute his plans smoothly when he can feel his heart pound against his ribcage when your hand so much as brushes against his.
as much as thorns is, well, thorns, he is always quick to fluster. this earnest affection is foreign to him. when you smooth down his hair after an unsuccessful experiment, help him with some water for his dry skin, pick some fuzz off of his clothes—he's absolutely smitten and it drives him up the wall how even the smallest gestures are enough to make his face turn hot.
others may call him cold, and it's true that his tone and demeanor may give that impression—but to you he's anything but. it's true that he's still blunt with you, straight-forward and stoic—but he's never unkind. thorns seems to have a protective streak in particular—he guides you back to your place after your outings and makes sure you're fine and settled in before he leaves. he hooks your arms lets you hold onto him when cities get crowded. and when you hurt yourself, he's always there to patch you up, even if it's just a finger-prick.
that being said, thorns is very much a home date kind of guy. there's no problem with pda, no, he doesn't really care how others (other than you, again) perceive him—but he prefers the more intimate and quiet setting. there's nothing specific that he likes to do over anything else—in fact, thorns is perfectly satisfied just being in your presence, each doing your own thing.
he's not particularly touchy, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy it. he likes it when you lean on his shoulder, or when you let him lay on your chest where he can hear your heartbeat. it's oddly therapeutic to him. and he likes hearing it speed up when he takes your hand in his, toying with your fingers. it pleases him to know that he also has this effect on you.
he doesn't confess his love outright, instead opting to show his adoration for you through actions. though that makes the few spoken "i love you"'s all the more precious.
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───── final note: he's such a silly little guy. i think thorns would be a little bit of a simp for his s/o. but very subtle about it. internally fawns
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rawmeknockout · 3 days
Um. Can I get some fluffy TFA Blitzwing/Bumblebee/Bot!Reader poly? Just some headcanons for how they show affection/cuddles/etc? Also, can bot!reader be like. Kinda Large? Not Blitzwing big, but like- maybe roughly Optimus size? Apologies if this is a bit much, I love your writing. Sorry if this breaks any rules as well, have a nice day/night okie byeeee
01 + Bumblebee has the size kink in the relationship, if it isn't obvious. He loves to be manhandled and tossed around but he also likes to show off his strengths (when he can). WILL attempt to pick you up, but most of the time it's you holding Bee in your arms.
02 + Blitzwing is more tender than you would expect. There was a full mech there before the war even started, obviously, so he's kind of just a normal guy under the pomp and bravado of being an important Decepticon soldier. There's nothing he values more than loyalty. Your opposing factions in the relationship is a big sore spot for him, even if Bumblebee tells him to chill out and stop borrowing tomorrow's problems. It doesn't stop Blitzwing from getting tense and frustrated about it, because Bee NEVER wants to deal with it. You end up mediating a lot of arguments because they both have big personalities (there are many voices vying for attention lol).
03 + Bee is extremely bossy and is always taking charge of you two, even if Blitzwing is a bit combative. Bee plans the dates most of the time and causes a lot of the early problems in the relationship. He's a young, inexperienced guy so he's not only insecure and jealous in the early days, but he runs into issues just trying to keep your relationship a secret. Even if Blitzwing nearly blows a gasket, you have to be the one to bring it around and treat Bee gently but with a firmness and stability.
04 + There's nothing Bee loves more than climbing all over the two of you. His own personal workout equipment. He'd parkour off Blitzwing if he could (Blitz tends to get a bit too frustrated with him for that to be possible).
05 + You're the kisser and cuddler in the relationship. It's not that Bee and Blitzwing don't love it, they obviously do, but they've got 'tough guy' personas to keep up. You, again, have to be the more mature one. Blitzwing comes around to letting out his softer side, Bumblebee, however, will always be buying into his own hype and feel to embarrassed to initiate softer affection.
06 + That said, Bee loves to make out. Kissing on one conjunx then turning and kissing on the other. That's that good shit, baby.
07 + Blitzwing only really gets quiet time when he's with the two of your, so he really would prefer no distractions. No video games and no work, he just want his two mecha in his arms. Bee tends to get squirmy, but Blitz is nothing if not persistent.
08 + He also expects his fair share of being doted on and kissed after the Decepticons (inevitably) lose another fight. He won't ever SAY it, but you better tell him how strong he was and how the loss was in no way his fault. Kind of a baby tbh.
09 + It's not exactly one of his hobbies, but he does love the idea of a romantic dance. Of course, that would make you the obvious dance partner. Bee doesn't want to do any fancy shmancy waltz or anything, but seeing you two dance without him does make him a little jealous so he'll want to weasel his way in. He doesn't get jealous in a "don't forget me" way, more in a "oh you guys think you're so romantic together well watch THIS". Proceeding to bust out the best moves he's learned on Earth. It's both endearing and makes Blitzwing lose his marbles.
10 + Personality swapping is far less common when it's just the three of you. Blitzwing's personalities tend to swap out more as a reaction to the environment and external factors, but when it can be just him and his partners there's less of a reason for his personalities to swap out. That doesn't mean it absolutely won't happen, but for the most part, as long as each personality gets enough canoodling time, he tends to not hop around from personality to personality.
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nian-7 · 2 months
Hellooo! I hope you are having a good day :D I would like to request a romantic matchup for Hypmic, Paralive and Pjsk (if that's too much then hypmic and Pjsk please!)
My zodiac is Taurus and my MBTI is INFP, my love language is quality time! (Receiving) usually I'm not shy but it's more like I don't know how to talk to people? I feel like it's mostly awkward since I don't go out of my comfort zone quite often. I also overthink quite a lot, so if I were to talk to someone, I usually practice what I'm going to say in my head to make it sound natural and not too formal because I really don't want to sound weird and nervous talking to them.
I really really like drawing and painting! Both traditionally and digitally. For drawing i mostly draw people but weirdly when I paint, I mostly draw landscapes and scenes, I think that might be because I enjoy painting backgrounds more rather than drawing them. I also like fantasy stories/movies a lot more than other genres and my second favourite is thriller! Not too big on horror though I get scared easily...speaking of getting scared, I have a fear of darkness and frogs (no clue if that's important) I love playing indie games! Plus points if they have pixel art. I don't know what about them makes me like it so much, maybe it's the colours or atmosphere? But games that are like that and I liked are: omori (Favourite!), Yume Nikki, mad father, Ib, Angels of death (2nd favourite!) but I also like puzzle games or turn based games! I like games where you have to think it through or strategize your way through it, it makes it more fun.
For music, I mostly listen to Vocaloid producers or utaite's like Eve (favourite!), soraru, Teniwoha, Surii, PinocchioP, etc. But other than Vocaloid, I mostly listen to hypmic or enstars or paralive songs...
I'm more of a follower rather than a leader although if something goes out of hand or no one takes care of it then I will take the initiative.
I don't do well with new surroundings either, for example moving schools. I will have a harder time making new groups of friends and I also have a hard time getting used to everything 😞. But when I do find a friend group, I will stick with them for a long time (unless they turned into bad people)
I would consider myself as a loyal person, I would not leave someone dear to me ever unless there's a good reason for it. I also value honesty a lot, in my opinion a comfortable friendship or relationship can start with people being comfortable and saying what they want to say. Of course that way of thinking doesn't apply to everyone but that's how I view it.
I know I said I value honesty, but sometimes I can be a little too honest. At some point I can get too blunt with my opinions and accidentally hurt someone. I also struggle with opening up to people. It's not like I don't want them to know, it's more like I'm scared of what they'll think of me after. I don't want their view of me change just because I voiced my struggles 😞.
Oh I also want to slip this in, I absolutely ADORE lolita fashion! Anything with ribbons and laces and big dresses I'd love it, I also like vintage aesthetics, royal and steampunk.
That's it from me, I hope that's enough? Or if that's too much then I'm very sorry for rambling so much 😭
hi!! i absolutely love your interests.. like.. angels of death?! i love that game sm... anyways!! hope you enjoy your matchup, anon!
I match you with...
Ichiro Yamada!
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-Okay, Ichiro would push you out of your comfort zone no matter how awkward you are but he does know his limits of when you're uncomfortable. He wants you to step outside of your comfort zone occasionally but respects your limits.
-Although I don't think his love language is quality time and it's more of a mix of words of affirmation and acts of service, he'd still cherish any quality time. Just a very respectful boyfriend of your limits that you set.
-I think I ended up picking people who'd support you a lot through your hobbies... (unintentionally). Either way, he'd support you through thick and thin no matter what.
-Movie dates with Ichiro....
-Loyalty and honesty are going to be a big theme between these three guys. Ichiro values both deeply and wants a loyal and honest partner above all else. He tries his best to be honest with you because he's already so loyal that well... you don't have to worry about it at all.
I match you with...
Satsuki Ito!
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-Probably beats Ichiro in terms of loyalty and honesty. Just by a bit... Satsuki can't even lie to you no matter what it is. He's just so obvious that you don't have to worry about him lying to you whatsoever.
-He's far too embarrassed to do a lot of physical affection or words of affirmation so quality time is a big one he enjoys a lot. Just being around you makes him so giddy that he can't help but love being in the moment.
-He's such a big softie and he loves you so much that he feels offended that you think he'd treat you differently because of your struggles. Everyone has them, even him!
-Poor guy.. he really hopes you get along with his brothers and wants you to be comfortable with them like you are with him! He knows you have a hard time with new people and communicating so he just hopes that it goes well.
I match you with...
Toya Aoyagi!
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-I know the other two on this list are very extroverted or at least extroverted compared to Toya of all people but! I picked Toya because I feel like he's trying to be a little more extroverted but wouldn't push you out of your comfort zone in social situations.
-He's a very supportive boyfriend like the other two and always enjoys it when you show your art to him and cherishes any pieces you might gift to him if anything.
-His love language is also quality time so that's a big reason I matched you up with him as well. He loves quality time above all else and he's a very low maintenance boyfriend overall. No need for fancy dates. As long as he can spend time with you, he's happy.
-Unlike the other two, Toya is also more of a follower but can be a leader in a way if needed for you. He doesn't mind taking the lead as long as he's confident in it or if you reassure him.
-As a very loyal person himself, I think he'd love it if you got along with his friends as well and always puts you on a pedestal in his heart. He'd never dare to betray you and is a little hesitant when he has to lie about something like a surprise birthday gift.
-He's a very honest person too and would never dare to think differently of you just because you have your own struggles. Everyone does so why should he treat you differently because of them?
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mommalosthermind · 3 months
New favorite hobby is yelling a plot idea at the eldest kid, usually lifted from one of the million ao3 feeds I follow. It ends up with verbal crackfic, and I love it.
Anyway, I may have bit off more than I can chew when I was like, [Firstborn!] The war ends early: Zuko and Sokka, arranged marriage, what happens? Go!
Highlights include:
Sokka would pitch a fit. “I’m going to throw myself into the sea and become an ice cube this is bullshit, i am a WARRIOR not a BRIDE” (Who said you were the bride, son?) “NEVERMIND THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT THE IMPORTANT PART IS THAT I AM THE CHEIF”S SON AND—“ (And…that makes you literally the perfect person for a political marriage?) “YOU HAVE TWO KIDS!!” (Your sister’s too young for that kind of thing, and according to both the prince’s uncle and what Bato told me about your trip to the northern tribe, the both of you would not be happy with a woman.) “DAD sTOP TALKING” (Listen. I think you two would actually get along pretty well. The Firelord’s word is trash, but I’ve got some letters the uncle sent—) “ICE. CUBE.” (Right. Be back before tomorrow, we’ve gotta start work on your new home. Y’know. For your husband.) *RAGE SOUNDS*
His sister would either be throwing a bigger fit (how can you let the fire prince IN OUR HOME DAD) or, because let’s be honest, having the time of her life. (“Don’t worry. I’m sure he won’t burn you to a crisp while you’re awake.”)
Zuko’s just like, “You could have just like, not let me come home. You could have literally killed me. Why *didn’t* you just finish killing me, what is happening. Uncle, kill me. Actually, Uncle, what if I kill my dad. What then.”
Uncle Iroh: maybe don’t say that one so loud. And don’t worry, I’m working on it.
Zuko: what
Iroh: what
Zuko: am I allowed to fight him.
Uncle Iroh: No. It would be rude to fight your husband to be. Try being nice.
Zuko, covered in snow bc Sokka got the village kids to rig a trap: absolutely not
AANG: (Do i know why he’s here? How he’s here? No. Maybe they unearthed his ass early and that’s why there’s no fire nation problems. Go with it.) OH EM GEE YALL GETTING MARRIED????? *Big Eyes* I LOVE WEDDINGS. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A WEDDING BUT I LOVE THEM. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS CAN I BE THE BEST MAN??? IM KIND OF A PRIEST I COULD DO THE WEDDING!!!!
Zuko and Sokka: ….yes. We are totally getting married. Because we want to. It’s gonna be… great…
Katara: cackling
(Aang: also cackling. I told you, Katara, they’d get along great! You just gotta give them a push!)
Anyway instead of giving the kid brainrot it backfired and now I have an idea I AM NOT GOING TO WRITE DAMN IT, and they’re laughing at me. Rude.
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lindwurmkai · 6 months
a while back, i reblogged a post on here that said something along the lines of "it's ok if you don't know a lot about your interests" (it was a bit more elaborate than that) and for some reason i made the mistake to read the comments the next time i saw it.
frustratingly, a lot of people - some of them well-intentioned, even! - expressed the opinion that not knowing much about something automatically meant you were only a casual enjoyer of it. the well-intentioned ones would say things like "yeah, there's nothing wrong with being a casual fan."
(why does that even need to be said? lmao. autism website bias)
this assumption uses the exact same logic as a parent telling you, accusingly, "you wouldn't have forgotten if it was important to you." or the cheerful but no less frustrating version, in response to the child expressing that they forgot what they were going to say: "well, since you forgot, it can't have been important." argh!!
as someone who literally rereads the same damn wikipedia articles multiple times per year because none of the information will stick, i resent the implication that i am in any way "less interested" in those subjects than someone who reads them only once or twice total and then just ... knows that stuff. or that me forgetting details about my favourite media makes me a casual fan. where's the acknowledgement that people with memory problems can still feel the same amount of passion as people who are walking encyclopedias?
well, that's what that post was supposed to be for.
and yeah, to a degree this is absolutely a niche problem: encyclopedic knowledge about one's hobbies is not the norm. but i've had multiple friends - and as far as i'm aware, they weren't even autistic - who made me feel inferior for not knowing as much about our shared interests as they did. one of them also made me feel like a horrible person for not remembering random facts she'd told me, so for a while i literally took notes during all of our phone calls. normal human behaviour!
20 years have passed since then and now my memory problems are much worse. i've been unlearning this ... pressure to "prove my level of interest" for almost a decade, to accept that it's totally fine and cool to in fact just reread the same wikipedia article multiple times per year. i mean, as long as i'm having fun, right??
my inability to memorise facts or even keep them in my head for an hour does limit how much fun i can have, though. you can't really understand advanced texts if you don't remember the basics. i've tried to combat this by literally studying things as if i were back in school, highlighting the important points in physical books i owned and making flashcards ... but that's boring. the only reason i've managed to make it work with language learning is that i have several interests taking turns reinforcing each other.
then again, the language i am technically the most interested in is one i haven't been able to learn much of because i don't have that cycle of reinforcement going on with it and there are fewer learning resources available. intensity of interest is just not the deciding factor.
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yawntu · 1 year
𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
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About the Author
My names Mazi, but you can call me whatever. I was raised in a multi language household so English sometimes blurs for me if you can’t tell- don’t feel bad pointing out grammar or spelling mistakes. I use grammarly but i’m so used to having a real person to edit my stuff lol. I was convinced I was a lesbian my whole life but have a bf now so i’m confident in my ability to write mxf and fxf. I am going to get more comfortable with mxm though so I can make male!reader versions of my fics more realistically so everyone can thirst here.
I am a writer by nature (which means y’all can clown me when I post unedited things). I actually hate writing in second person and it’s my weak point (hence the blog). I am in university for history so I like to think I can write with a passable rate of literacy but I smoke weed and then post these bitches soooo. As I have a specialized field of study which means I am regularly working on actual journals and articles but I promise I will still try to post semi often.
Okay now the important part, how can you guys send requests to me or just thirst!!! I’m really using this as a fun way to help my writing get better. Some ground rules:
Ask box is not open rn but will be!! Submit anything within my guidelines listed below!!! I can not promise everything will be a full fledged fic but you’re 100% getting at least a little drabble essay. NSFW and SFW welcome
If you wanna attach like aesthetic pics / music to your request so I can fit the vibe you want better feel free
I will write for most characters though it may take me a few tries to try and characterize the person right.
I will probably end up being mostly a smut blog bc that’s what everyone wants but i’m still really interested in writing slice of life, fluff, or even angst (I am a sucker for happy endings though).
I’m more interested in na’vi x na’vi (or avatar) but I probably wouldn’t be opposed to na’vi x human every once and while. Just worried about portraying something like that accurately / safely possible anatomically.
I’m very interested in maybe world building the canon world of Avatar based on historical / anthropological facts I’m familiar with on Earth so ppl who request questions about life on Pandora or what living as a Na’vi is like for me to write about are getting a big kiss on the head
Important Rules
Ageless blogs and minors don’t interact with me i’ll block you lmao
I am comfortable with darker topics and kinks but I’m not interested in writing anything illegal or dangerous. Knife play, sure. Things like vore and shit? Absolutely not I will kink shame here. This is not a safe place.
Though i’m interested in the 2009 Avatar i will write for WOW characters as well
I’m begging y’all to not send me the same shit you send everyone else I see the same people asking for the same three scenarios
I put research into my fics so pls be patient with my postings, on top of that like I said I have an actual job I have to write for so be patient with my fried little brain
If you’re in my shit complaining about aged!up characters you are chronically online and you should go out and help real people who need it instead. You’re arguing over fictional 8 foot tall people from another planet that could rip your head off your shoulders with no effort- get a hobby. Even a cringy one like this is better than being that tone deaf.
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noyasaur · 4 months
hey , I have been trying to enter the void state to manifest an appearance change, but I just cant . It's just won't happen . Since I fail everytime I am losing my hope on void state . Please do u have any tips ??🥺😭
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hello! i understand your frustration and i will try and give you tips that can help you achieve your goal! also disclaimer, i am no expert on the void state and i feel like my knowledge on the void state is very limited but regardless, i will try and give you advice to help you as best as i can! i apologise if this isn't what you need at this moment 😭
firstly, if you need it and you feel it will benefit you, i recommend for you to take a break. if you find yourself drained, discouraged, or being negatively affected from trying to enter the void state, i think it's a good sign for you to take a break to recharge yourself and get your confidence back. i think the reason you find yourself losing hope, is that you could be desperately trying to enter the void state again, and again. it's important to take breaks and take care of yourself, both mentally and physically, here as well. i know in times of need, we may feel desperate. we may be itching to achieve our goal. we may feel frustrated. and that's okay.
however, we need to give ourselves time to rest and reflect. reflect from an objective stand-point, "okay. what can i improve on and what to do next." remember, there's no success without failure. failure comes with learning, and that's okay. so remember to treat yourself and be kind to yourself. you are a gentle and beautiful human who deserves the upmost love and care from the world- including yourself. so be gentle to yourself, and be kinder to yourself. it's good to have that balance- balance is good. don't let yourself get too obsessed with the void state and overwork yourself; it's always good to allow yourself to rest and mentally recharge.
additionally, if you do decide to take a break or just in general, it could also help to improve on your mindset/self-concept if you feel like you need it. at some point, we have to take accountability and realise that the one thing that could be holding ourselves is our mindset. our negative, self-deprecating thoughts and doubts. now, it's completely okay and normal to worry and have doubts. however, it becomes a problem and we give these doubts power and start to believe in them.
so next time a doubt passes by in your mind, be indifferent. realise that, that doubt, has no power. it has no power to affect you or your abilities. you are more than your doubts. you are more than your negative thoughts. replace them with kind, positive, and confident ones. positive energy and affirmations will always overpower the negative ones, even if it takes some time to adjust to ourselves being nicer to ourselves.
learn to be confident and build trust in yourself! build that confidence back! the first step is obviously, starting to be kinder to yourself. instead of any negative thoughts you may have, like i said above, replace them with kinder and more positive ones. start challenging yourself and try and have some confidence when you do things. even just the little things. start with small things, and work yourself up. you want to make a cup of tea, so go make yourself a cup of tea, with full confidence! give yourself challenges, but also do things you know you're good at too! any hobbies, or activities you know you would absolutely smash and excel in? go do it! make yourself believe and see, "i can do this one thing! so if i'm really good at this, it just means i'm capable of doing anything!"
i know it sounds silly, but the more you allow yourself to be confident and try and incorporate it into your tasks and activities, it'll feel easier to be confident and trust yourself since you're doing well in these tasks. also, try to start seeing 'failures' as a learning experience. whenever you think you've 'failed' in something, reflect. what do you think you need to improve on? what could you try next?
it's okay to be upset. and it's okay to be frustrated. but every time you go into the void, try and hype yourself up! don't be afraid to be confident and trust in yourself!
realise that regardless of what you think or how you see yourself, you're not special. ANYONE and EVERYONE can enter the void state. you are not some special outlier who can't enter the void state. you can. you can never not be able to do something, you can when you put your mind to it.
it could also be worth it to look into improving your self-concept as well, which goes hand-in-hand with improving your confidence. self-concept is the way you see yourself; ask yourself right now and be truthful to yourself, how do YOU see yourself?
point out your any personality traits, characteristics, and your abilities. what do you think you're like? what do you see yourself capable of?
now, if you've asked yourself this question and answered it, and you find you see yourself in a negative or self-deprecating light, it's a sign to improve your self-concept!
start by trying to be kinder to yourself. every time you talk down on yourself, stop that thought and change it into something positive. realise that you are a gentle and beautiful vessel that deserves to be treated by love and care- the only person capable of being the meanest to ourselves is yourself. so realise that it's okay to see yourself in a good, capable, and confident light. start seeing yourself as a person who CAN enter the void state. even if you don't feel like you are or haven't, that doesn't matter. fake it until you make it. make yourself believe it. even if you haven't done it yet, that doesn't matter. as long as you're confident and KNOW you can, you will. start acting like that person! be that person!!!
additionally, i really don't like encouraging manifesting appearance changes if it comes from a root of self-hatred. there's nothing wrong with wanting to manifest an appearance change of course!! but at the same time while you're on this journey, if you feel this is you, i would also love for you to learn how to love yourself and be kinder to yourself 💗 you deserve the upmost love and kindness which should also come from yourself! don't be afraid to take a break if you need it as well! you have all the time in the world and there's no rush at all.
let yourself go with the flow and let your mind wander. go into your attempts without expectations, that way, if you're not expecting anything, then you won't find yourself to be disappointed.
if you're interested as well, you could also look into the law of assumption to help you enter the void state! or even just use the law of assumption in general to help you manifest your desires!
anyways, i feel this may be as far as i can go as i only really have mental/mindset tips and i don't have much description of what you do to enter the void state so it's a bit hard to figure out what i should say, so i apologise!
i hope this helped and i apologise if my advice isn't the greatest! like i said before, the void state isn't really my strong suite, and i feel like i don't have the greatest advice beyond anything to do with your mindset 😭
anyways, good luck on entering the void state and i believe in you! you got this!!
- saturn ♡
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