#like I guess I can decide to pretend she never got more after Daniel had the ones for MYW made?
deathofpeaceofmiiind · 7 months
illicit affairs | three
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*Ellie’s POV*
Tyler was nice enough to pick Liam up from daycare and took him home for the night so I could be alone. It was 3:30 by the time I finished my work so I decided to get ready. I cut almost a foot of my hair off and it was so freeing, as if any hair Noah touched was gone. I did a classic red lip and black winged liner for my make up, and threw on some light blue ripped jeans, a black strapless shirt and my checkered vans. I look a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though I didn’t want to see him, I hope I make him eat his heart out if I do.
“Remember, you’re doing this for Matt, not him.” I nodded at Danielle as I took a shot, chasing it with my gin and tonic. I was getting a huge wave of deja vu and I didn’t like it one bit. We went up to the balcony to avoid being seen by them. The openers this time were Erra and I See Stars and they were so fucking good, listening to them made me realize how much I missed listening to this kind of music. It was also nice to see Jesse and Clint play instead of awkwardly running into them in Noah’s kitchen. I had to admit Clint was really good … “Oh my god.” Danielle and I looked at each other as Bad Omens got onto the stage. They were all wearing ski masks as they opened with Artificial suicide. I kept my eyes on Folio to distract myself from looking at Noah, but I kept stealing glances at him. He looked a lot more confident than he did last year and his stage presence was hard to ignore. He took his mask off and I noticed he had cut his hair even shorter, I hated how he could pull off any length of hair. “I still think no one is doing front of house like Matt is.” Danielle commented, “These guys sound so fucking good thanks to him.” “I know, he really is the best.” I replied, feeling a small smile appear on my lips. I looked over the balcony and saw Matt working his magic. He looked so cute as his head bobbed to the music while his hands constantly adjusted the sounds. Danielle nudged me as she pointed at my face, “are you blushing?” “No.” I quickly clapped back as cupped my cheek. Fuck, I was burning up. She just rolled her eyes as we went back to watching the band. Their new stage set up was really cool and I was floored hearing a remastered version of Broken Youth. Noah always told me that song would never see the light of day again, I guess that was just another lie he told me. After the song ended, I saw Noah look up in our direction. He definitely saw us and I felt like my world stopped in that moment. “We’ve been spotted. Do you wanna go?”
“No.” I replied, not taking my eyes off him, he was seemingly doing the same. “I’m not letting him win.”
We both watched him as the chords for Just Pretend started. He was amping up for a speech, I could tell. I gripped harder onto the balcony as I prayed he didn’t say anything or call me out. The more chords Jolly played, the faster my heart would beat. Every time I hear that song it feels like I’m time travelling back to Seattle when he dedicated it to me. “Before I start, I just wanted to dedicate this to someone who may or not be here tonight. Help me sing loud enough that she can hear me.” My jaw was on the fucking floor as I looked over at Danielle, who had the same expression on her face. Of course he knew I was here. He kept looking up here every chance he got. As he sang the song, he had this smug smirk on his face. He knew what he was fucking doing. Noah stood on one of the risers, pointing in my direction as the song came to an end.
“Weigh down on me, stay 'til morning. Way down, would you say I'm worthy?”
My knuckles were turning white as I gripped onto the rail harder. I didn’t know if I wanted to cry or roll my eyes…the nerve of this man.
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redhead-batgal · 3 years
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Type: Two-Shot {A really really long part-one}
Part Two: Here
Pairing: Fem! and Librarian! Reader x Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Content: Cursing, flirtations, violence, reader with serious anxiety and some minor implications. Fluff, so much fluff.
P.S: An OC of mine is making an appearance in this so yeah just a heads up, it’s not the reader but she will be in it. Anyways, enjoy!
Word Count (So y’all know what you’re getting yourself into): 12,709 words
Y/N: Your Name, L/N: Last Name
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You hadn't meant for anyone to see, you thought that after hours of no patrons it would be fine, however you were wrong. It was more embarrassing than anything, embarrassing all because it wasn't just anyone who had caught you. No it just had to be the first man you found yourself crushing on since the nasty break up with your Ex, Daniel. It just had to be Dick Grayson who caught you dancing through the aisle as you reshelved books, of course it did. It was just your luck.
A pop song had played on the radio as you drove in to work and it had gotten stuck in your head, when everything went quiet at the library, you felt the need to sing. And singing, usually led to dancing, reshelving the books was just for something productive to do really.
You had just slid a book back onto the shelf when the song in your head had a melody that seemed perfectly twirl worthy. So, you started twirling. And then you kept twirling, hoping to spin your entire way back to your desk to grab more books. However, before you made it to your desk you slammed straight into someone.
Instead of going tumbling to the ground like you expected, you felt hands on your waist steadying you. Blinking, you looked and found Dick Grayson smiling at you.
Heat flushed your cheeks and you're fairly sure you let out a squeak or a squawk in surprise, due to the fact that Jason suddenly began coughing and hitting his chest. That unfortunately made you realize exactly what had just happened.
Twirling and slamming straight into Dick.
Fucking shit.
You felt like an idiot and shame burned bright on your cheeks. You were seconds from going into an all out panic at not only being caught doing your guilty pleasure, but you had seriously embarrassed yourself in front of your crush. A habit that you wished had died in high school.
Almost as if he sensed your panic, Dick instantly let go of you and took a step back. You nodded in thanks, feeling the terror climb up your throat as the thoughts slammed into you.
He's going to think you're too weird, he'll never talk to you again
You tried to push the thoughts back or counter them. It wasn't true, Dick was nice and something as small as catching you twirling wouldn't drive him away right? ....... Oh no, this wasn't good. He was probably never going to forget this, forever remembering you as the bumbling fool who twirled right into him.
As if he'd think of you, The thoughts seethed.
You forced a smile and it was then you realized he had said something to you. He was looking at you expectantly... he had asked you a question. A friendly smile was on his face and you tried to remember what he asked you.
Taking small glances at his face you realized that you had squeaked out a sorry instinctively after slamming into him. But other than that you couldn't recall what he said and even more panic raced over you.
He's going to think your an ass for not listening when he was speaking, it's rude and you are one
Resisting shoving your face into your hands you let out a small sigh and squeezed your eyes shut. If you wanted to answer his question, you were going to have to ask him to repeat it.
You ran through possible excuses and two popped into your head instantly.
Sorry long day, could you repeat that?
What was the question again?
The first one seemed perfect so you opened your mouth to speak and then you met his gaze.
He blinked and you saw the confusion on his face and you nearly wince. You knew that you could get it if you tried again.
Unfortunately you were wrong.
Wincing you put a hand to your face and dragged it across it. Avoiding his gaze with your hands balled into fists you raised your voice slightly.
"Uh. sorry. can. you. please. repeat. the. question?" You remark slowly, pausing to make sure none of the words blur together again.
"Oh, yeah sure. I asked what you were doing that caused you to run into me? It looked like you were having fun, so I got a little curious. "
"Oh uhm, well- uh it's super embarrassing, so I- uh- like- yeah." You stumbled over a reply before holding two thumbs up.
He looked at you confused for a moment before you decide not facing him was the best way to get through this. Moving quickly towards your desk, which was only a few feet away, you internally began planning your own funeral.
Moving behind the desk you sank down into your chair and spun around. Finding the top of a dark head you blinked until you saw the head raise and realized it was just Damian. He looked at your for a few seconds before narrowing his eyes and placing a book on the counter.
"Last time you recommended this book."
Picking up the book you looked at the title and cover. It was a standalone book by an author you rather liked, when the young boy had asked for a recommendation you nearly jumped for joy. Recommending books was one of your favorite things to do as a librarian.
"Yes, did you like it- sorry. Did you enjoy it?" You asked as you flipped through the pages, a habit to make sure nothing was stuck in the book and to keep you calm.
Something you realized with the youngest Wayne, was he preferred to be treated as an adult- or how he thought adults should be treated. So you pretend he was a scholar and talked to him as such. Damian appeared to be happy with the way you treated him and didn't completely hate you so you were content... at least for now.
"It was... adequate. Do you have any other recommendations?"
A smile played on your lips as you set the book down and a calming wave raced over you. Books were the one thing you could talk about and never falter, they were the one thing you knew so much about that you were sure you couldn't mess up talking about it.
"Well this author has multiple books that they've written... what was it about the book that made it... satisfactory? Was it the plot, the characters, or the writing style? Maybe even the genre?"
Damian's brow furrowed and you realized he didn't exactly know what he liked about the book. However, before you could offer to pick out another book for him, the boy nodded and stepped back from your desk.
"I will look into the other novels. Thank you."
He turned and began heading towards the aisles, the smile exploded on your face and you called after him.
"Happy to help."
Less than a minute later, Dick followed Damian shooting you a small smile. You instinctively looked down as your shame from earlier slammed into you yet again. After a minute or two you looked up and noticed how both he and Damian were out of sight. A sigh of relief escaped you and Jason came up to your desk, an eyebrow raised.
"You really fucked that up, you know." He remarked, setting a few books down.
Due to him constantly coming around and talking to you about books, you had become somewhat comfortable around Jason.
Rolling your eyes you waved a hand at him, "Oh buzz off asshole."
With a small smile on his face he raised his hands and shrugged. He apparently found your humiliation amusing, which did not surprise you. 
"I'm just saying." Jason said with a mischievous smile on his face. 
You gave him an irritated look and replied, "And I'm just saying I never asked."
He blinked almost in surprise and he raised an eyebrow at you and you dropped his gaze. Despite knowing him fairly well you still had a hard time looking him, or anyone else really, in the eyes for long periods of time. There was only really one person you didn’t mind looking in the eyes... and that of course was because it wasn’t his eyes you were looking into, but a mask. Before your thoughts could drift towards your vigilante friend a comment yanked you back into reality. 
"Well someone's touchy today."
You gave Jason a look, he was seriously testing your patience today. It was bad enough that he just stood there and laughed as you made a complete fool of yourself in front of your crush. You had expected him to at least help you out a little bit but he didn’t even though he knew how you felt about his brother... Maybe it was because of that.
He smiled at you and that only intensified your anger, you glared at him and he took a step back looking slightly defensive. If there was one thing about yourself you were proud of, it was your glare. You had been told that it scared even the bravest of Gotham’s vigilantes... though now that you think about it that was probably a sarcastic comment. 
"Hey,” Jason began leaning onto your desk, “as your friend I felt I should tell you."
Rolling your eyes you shook your head and began checking the book Damian had returned back in, "Of course you did."
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him narrow his eyes and move in closer to the desk. He was giving you a look almost as if he was daring you to say that again. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks his voice pitching.
Sometimes, he’s rather sensitive. Shooting him looks out of the corner of your eyes you tried to fight off the smile that was working its way onto your face.
"Take a guess."
He lets out a slight huff and curses under his breath as if he realized you were messing with him. Peeking at him you find Jason shaking his head, a amused-yet-irritated smile on his face. You reached over and grabbed a couple of books in need of reshelving and placed the one you just checked in on top. You stared at the cover of the book at the top of your stack and you realized to reshelf this book you would probably have to see Dick... something that you really didn’t want to do. 
Suddenly you replayed what happened in your head and embarrassment washed over you yet again. Fiddling with the pile you bit your lip then you shot Jason a look, hesitating slightly before you finally asked.
"Was I obvious and awkward or just an awkward mess?"
He shrugged as he gave you a look of contemplation. Rubbing his face he remarked, "Well I can't really say because I know you have the hots for him."
Your jaw dropped and you swatted at him, your face turning pink. He ducked away from your hand laughing and you glared at him. You cleared your throat and looked around. Standing no more than three feet away was an old lady you knew by the name of Whitney. She was sweet, but she loved to gossip. And you hardly needed your personal drama- well not drama, love life- it wasn’t really even your love life... you hardly needed personal things out and about, being talked about during Thursday’s bridge club. 
The only way you could continue your conversation in any privacy was to walk around and reshelf books. Picking the pile up, you paused to slide the book on top to the bottom, before you began walking towards the aisle. Motioning with your head for Jason to follow you.
“Come on,” 
You walked to where the new book on top needed to be reshelved, it just so happened to be on the other side of the library to your relief. You slid the book back where it belonged then set your pile on an empty space on the shelf in front of you. Leaning against the shelf behind you, you grabbed at a loose strand of hair that you missed when pulling it up into a messy bun that morning. Twirling the stay strand around your finger you let out a sigh and looked at Jason. You felt as if you had to explain. 
It wasn’t just a minor crush you had, not really. After the whole mess with Daniel you were honestly surprised you could like any man that way again. Yet somehow you found yourself feeling that way about Dick, he was nice and funny, and sweet and- you could go on and on. Letting out a sigh you bit your lip again.
"I do not have the hots for him, I- I-." You stumbled to explain exactly what you were feeling. 
"You fancy him?" Jason inquired, a smile quirked on his lips as he leaned in. 
You laughed slightly, shaking your head, "Have you been reading Jane Austen again?"
"No,” He replied, his smile slowly fading, “what is it about him that you like?"
“Well,” You began hearing your voice crack slightly. 
You didn’t really know how to explain it, and trying would only make you feel like a bitch if you didn’t explain it right. 
“I don’t really know how to explain it,” You sighed before you unraveled the strand from your finger and put your hands behind your back, “He’s super nice and sweet and funny. He- he’s nice to me but he doesn’t pity me despite knowing about... despite knowing about what happened with Daniel. I know that I find his presence comforting-”
Jason snorted, then remarked, “So comforting that you can’t speak?”
You let out a scoff and shook your head.
“He’s just so....”
“Ridickulos?” Jason laughed as he shook his head, “I’m sorry I had to do that one. If he found out I didn’t he’d never forgive me.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved Jason before studying the bookshelf in front of you.
“Amazing, he’s fun and cool and- I have a hard time talking around him because- because I think I can’t really compare to him. I mean I’m a mess most of the time, barely able to make a coherent sentence without having to repeat it a bajillion times and yet he doesn’t treat me differently. I get so scared that if and I were to become friends he’d find out how weird I actually am and suddenly not want to be friends with me anymore. Worse when I talk I fear that I’ll say something stupid and the same thing with happen. That he’ll never want to talk to me again and my crush will literally end up crushing me. Even though I know that’s not true. He’s- he’s like everything I need.”
You faintly remember a phrase you had said the moment you realized you liked him. It played in your head as you waited for Jason to respond. 
All The Man That I Need
It was fairly true, as far as you could tell he was all the man that you needed. But you didn’t exactly fully know him so you couldn’t definitively say if the statement was correct. It’s a good thing however that you hated definites.  
“Well, what about the other guy?”
Other guy? You blinked as you realized what exactly Jason was referring to. You had told him that you were spending time with a vigilante, as friends of course. It was strange to think you had befriended Nightwing without really trying at all. Maybe making friends wasn’t as hard for you as you thought... well it didn’t exactly help that you did see him as a friend however he was, for the longest time, your celebrity crush. 
Befriending him was a reality check of sorts, he was a hero, but he was also just a guy. A guy who you surprisingly got along well with. However the reality check also made you realize no matter how awesome he was in person there could never be a relationship with him. He was a vigilante and you could never know his identity. That idea got promptly thrown out when you began to find yourself taking solstice in his visits back when you and Daniel were together. 
“I thought I told you,” You began with a sigh, “that it would never work out.” 
Jason shrugs and pulls a book off of the shelf examining it. He opens the book and looks at you. 
“You did, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to keep your options open.” 
Rolling your eyes you leaned over to see that in the book he opened characters were reading from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Jason hums slightly before he closes the book and taps your head with it.
“Reading a lot of Shakespeare recently?” You question instead of protesting, protesting was what he wanted and you were beginning to feel the effects of socializing.
“More or less,” He replied, reshelving the book. 
He turned fully to you and a light appeared in his eyes. Jason got a devilish look on his face and you suddenly began to fear what was going to happen next.
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
You narrowed your own eyes and shook your head. To many possibilities for what could go wrong, better not, "I’d rather you didn't."
Jason leaned in, his eyes glittering as if he had a plan formulating in his head and in your experience Jason’s plans never went well. However before you could reaffirm your decision he commented, “Might make him jealous."
You blinked a few times, the idea seemed interesting. It was tempting as hell until the little voices, the negative Nancy’s as your mother used to call them, began to speak up.
As if he’d ever be jealous over you
He has to like you in the first place, he probably thinks you’re a freaky weirdo.
You swallowed trying to not let the harsh thoughts hurt as much as they actually did. Shaking your head you shot Jason a grateful smile.
"No, it's okay,” You paused as an idea popped into your head, “But I could compare you to a summer's day."
Surprise was frozen on his face for half a second before he snorted and rolled his eyes. He gave you a look before replying, "Eh, well I don't think it is accurate."
".... You could compare him to a summer's day." You said before you could think it through.
Without even missing a beat Jason replied, "Or you could,"
No, you couldn’t. If you tried, even though he wasn’t actually there, you’d probably combust due to embarrassment and it would be just your luck if he just so happened to be walking up as you did it. Anyways you weren’t very good with sonnets. Poetry and rhymes were a bit easier but regardless it just wasn’t your thing. 
"I’ve never really been one for sonnets, Besides it'd be more accurate if you did it." You informed him with a shrug.
"Of course it would."
His words were a bit sharp, as if something was bothering him. You decided to ignore it considering that it wasn’t really your business. However what he said was a challenge in itself. He was basically saying you were chickening out. He wasn’t wrong but he had no right to call you on it. 
"Are you implying what I think you are?" You asked, trying to keep your tone light. 
“Probably.” He shrugged, smiling that devilish, his voice softer than before.
Narrowing your eyes you crossed your arms and remarked, “For the sake of this friendship, I’m going to disregard that comment.” 
His eyes lit up once again and you realized you gave him what he wanted, while you didn’t know what it was for you did know what it was. An opening. 
“And for the sake of this friendship I am going to compare you to a summer’s day.” 
This was probably going to be the funniest or dirtiest thing you heard this week, and you honestly didn’t mind. You were getting exhausted and needed a good laugh. As they always say, laughter is the best medicine.
“Oh no,” You replied, pretending to tremble while weakly laughing. 
Ignoring your comment, he held his arms out towards you before he dramatically declared, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
Without hesitation you deadpanned, “No,”
He shot you a glare, taking a step forwards before getting the dramatic look on his face again, gazing past you he took in a breath.
“Thou art more hot and more smelly.”
You laughed slightly before he shot you a chastising look and continued,
“Rough farts do shake the tiny arm hairs of me,”
Giggles began to build up your throat, but you pushed them back as Jason waved his hands around the air almost as if he was trying to swat a fly. 
He took in a breath and looked directly at you, “And summer’s air hath all to gross a smell,”
Pressing a hand to your face you shove back your laughter and you nod at him a few times. His face is frozen, his hands hanging limply at his sides and you realize he’s stuck. Shaking your head you wait a moment when an idea for the next line pops into your head. 
“Sometime too wet the back of my neck shines?”
His face lights up and he smiles at you before remarking, “Oooo good one.”
Slipping back into the dramatic, Shakespearean crack actor he holds his hands out again. Forming his face into what you can only assume is a regal expression he continues, 
“Sometime too wet the back of my neck shines.... and often is it’s slick complexion....”
He paused for another moment and began snapping his fingers as if the word was on the tip of his tongue. 
“Dried.” You piped up nearly biting back laughter.
Pointing a finger at you he exclaims, “Yes!”
Jumping back once again into the persona he shoots you a wink out of the corner of his eye. You roll your eyes as giggles escape you. 
“And often is it’s slick complexion dried. And every fly from fly sometime declines.”
You give him a look, laughter fighting to be released before shaking your head and shaking your hands.
“That doesn’t make sense.” 
Jason swats at you not breaking his gaze, he had locked in on something behind you and you hoped it wasn’t a person, “Hush, I’m not done.” 
You snorted and then let out a cough to try and subdue the oncoming barrels of laughter that were threatening to explode from you. 
“By swat or by swatter’s shrieking ass stumbling.”
That was the last straw, giggles, cackles and chortles escaped from you and you pressed your hand to the shelf behind you to stay standing. 
“Oh my fucking gosh- stop- please.” You wheezed in-between your laughter.
Jason gave you a look and you tried to stop yourself from cackling.
 He waited until you had quieted down a bit to ask, “Should I do the next line?”
“NO! NO, I can’t take- I couldn’t make it through another.” You exclaimed shaking your head. 
Letting out a sigh Jason shot you a look that looked a little bit to much like pout for you to take seriously. 
“Can I at least say the best lines?”
“You’ve thought that far ahead?”
Giggling slightly you sighed then nodded, “Fine.”
Slipping back into the Shakespearean actor persona he held his hand out almost exactly mimicking the classic Hamlet pose. The mere action of him going back into the act had you giggling again. He opened his mouth, covering your own with your hand to stop yourself from interrupting him anymore; you let out a slight snort. He stepped forwards and you pressed yourself against the shelves to get a better view of him. 
“When in eternal thighs to highs thou grow’st.”
A mixture between a wheeze and squeak escapes you and you have to squeeze your hand over your mouth and nose to stop yourself from cackling again. From where you stood, you could see Jason’s eyes glowing almost as if he found this amusing as you found the new sonnet funny. 
“So long as men can’t breathe,” He remarked, “or bi’s can’t pee.”
Another hybrid of a sound escaped you and you could see his shoulders shaking. He straightened himself out and began to finish,
“So long lives the bitch that gives fuck’s not to thee-” 
You couldn’t help yourself, it wasn’t like the other lines where it practically mirrored the syllables of the original line, the new last line was a mess. 
“That’s not rig-” You protested as you fought off a grin. 
Suddenly his hand was covering your mouth and you gave him a shocked look that momentarily stopped your laughter. After the shock left the laughter returned in ten-fold. Giggles escape you and you tried your hardest not to meet his gaze however you couldn’t help yourself, looking Jason in the eyes you saw how serious he was and you giggled even more. He removed his hand and you bit your lip to stop yourself from snorting again, it was the laugh of yours you hated the most, made you feel a little too much like a pig. 
Jason looked beside you and you were thankful, though he could be an ass sometimes he was nice enough to try and help prevent your anxiety or at least make it less intense. Your body began to shake as you fought off any and all laughter. You needed him to get through all of it so he wouldn’t repeat it. Covering your mouth with both hands you pressed against the shelves and squeezed your eyes shut
“As I was saying,” He remarked, “So long lives the bitch that gives fuck’s not to thee... and scene.”
Peeking an eye open you find Jason bowing and you lose it, your hands barely make it away from your face before you explode into a fit of snorts that don’t seem to stop. Your body begins to bend and you begin caving in on yourself, letting your head hang down you continue to laugh and snort. Rising back up you press a hand to your chest in a hope to make the laughter stop but it is in vain. You felt your cheeks flushing and your blood rushing to your face as you tried to quiet down.
Jason smiled and you took a breath before giggling relentlessly. Shaking your head you realized despite how funny it was you did have some critiques. 
“Can you say that stuff about bi’s?” You asked your breath nearly hiccupping as you snickered.
He shrugged before pressing a hand to the bookshelf right by your head and winking, “I am bi so I can say whatever the hell I want.”
“All-righty then, kiddo.” You nodded snorting as you moved your hand from your chest. 
Suddenly someone walks up however they speak before you can turn, “Hey guys, what you talking about?”
Something about the tone was off to you, you didn’t know exactly what but you knew that whoever the person was, they weren’t happy. 
Simultaneously both you and Jason say, “Nothing.” 
Giggling again you smile at Jason and look over to find Damian and Dick. Usually panic would flood you and slowly it was, however you still had laughter floating around your chest and it was slowly escaping you like a leaky faucet. 
Damian narrowed his eyes, “You were talking about me weren’t you?”
For a moment you were confused until you blinked, realizing that he thought the two of you were laughing at him. Thinking for half a moment about what you were doing made more laughter push through. However it’s not only normal laughter but scared laughter. It was something you noticed in the middle of your junior year, when in moments of high fear or panic where you didn’t know what to do, you laughed.
“N-no.,” You tried to start, but upon seeing Damian’s upset face terrified giggles stopped you, “we- we weren’t talk-talking about you.” 
Jason cleared his throat and you had flashbacks to when he was beginning the sonnet, a snort bubbled from you. It was loud and very pig-like causing your entire face to turn a brighter red than it already was. 
"We might be,” Jason said, “whatch-ya gonna do about it pipsqueak?"
The tone he had made the laughter begin to die in your chest, you knew that Jason and Damian didn’t get along well most of the time. You just didn’t know why, some days they seemed fairly close other days it seemed like they would rip each other’s throats out.
"I'll make you stop Todd." Damian seethed and your laughter vanished with one last hybrid squeaking snort. 
Moving away from you, Jason took a few steps towards Damian, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I'd like to see you try gremlin." 
"Stop calling me names Todd."
Jason laughed and looked back at you, you shot him a warning look but he ignored you, "Or what short-stack? You gonna bite my ankles?"
"Jason-" Dick began when Damian interrupted him with a snarl.
"Go on, keep calling me names, see what happens."
The two boys were closer now, a mere three feet away from each other. Without even thinking it through you stepped in between them and raised your hands as if to push both of them away from each other. Shooting them both a reprimanding glare you watched as the fight died from both of them pretty quickly.
Sighing in relief you lowered your hands and nodded before noting the stack of books that needed to be reshelved on the shelf almost gathering dust. 
“Alright boys, behave now. I’m going to go and reshelf the rest of these books. When I return I expect the two of you to be getting along, or else.” You remarked moving towards the books.
Jason stepped out of your way and seemed to understand the entirety of your threat, Damian on the other hand didn't.
“Or else what?” He asked his eyes narrowed
Picking up the books you turned back to him and raised an eyebrow, “Do you really want to know?” 
His shoulders sank down and Damian fully backed down. He looked away form you and you nodded satisfied. Turning you left to go reshelf the books. You got down to the last one when a young girl stopped you. 
She looked up at you with big eyes and asked, “Do you have any books I could read?”
You stared at her sweet face for a moment before pulling a book off of the shelf and handing it to her. She took the book with a bright smile on her face and she turned and left. Staring at the last book in your hand you slid it back where it belonged and spun around. 
Instead of finding a bunch of shelves you found Dick standing behind you, internally you screamed and you felt your eyes widen instinctively. He smiled and leaned in towards you. 
"Have any recommendations for me?" He asked
Panic washed over you and it was suddenly hard to breathe, you loved to recommend books but him asking was like someone asking to see your diary. 
Fumbling for words you replied, "Uh-I- uh well- what. do. you. like?
It was then that you realized Dick was here with you, which meant that the boys were left alone. Alone and unattended, while of course that could be a good thing. It also meant that they could trash the library, Jason could tell Damian about your crush, the small boy had a habit of blurting out things he found not secret keeping worthy! 
Giving Dick a worried look you stepped forwards and rushed to ask him, if he did in fact leave them alone,
“I’m sorry what?” He gave you a very confused look.
“Did you leave them alone?!” You nearly shrieked as panic overtook your body.
“Uh yeah.” 
Turning you ran down two aisles back to where Damian and Jason were. Surprisingly instead of finding them in an all out battle you found them cackling.
"You- you are amazing. And so fucking dense." Jason breathed out in between his laughter. 
"What?" You asked completely and totally surprised as the panic began to slip away from you.
"Nothing, nothing at all Y/N." He sighed wiping imaginary tears. 
You were astonished and confused, how could they do that? Go from being at each others throats ready for blood to buddies in less then ten minutes? Shaking your head you let out a sigh and went to turn around when you spotted Dick in the corner of your eye. You then remembered he asked for a recommendation and were thankful you had an excuse to run away.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to recommend a book but more as it was hard to think straight around him. Your brain turned to mush and it was hard for you to bring any good books to mind. Looking at the shelf across form you, you spotted an old favorite of yours. Throughout all of high school it was your comfort book and it might just be the perfect book for him. 
Yanking it off the shelf you turned and held it out to him. He took it from you smiling slightly as though he was extremely confused but wanted to be polite. 
“What’s this for?” He asked
“Gookbood.” You mumbled out after you accidentally met his gaze.
You were stuck, of course you had the option to look away, however if you did you’d only feel even more embarrassed, if you kept looking however.. let’s just say you think it’d be bad for your health.
“What?” Dick asked leaning forwards clearly trying to hear you better.
“Bokgood-” You began before you realized you messed up only to try again, “Ookkbod.”
Slamming your eyes shut you clenched your fists and nearly yelled, “GOOD BOOK.”
With that you kept your eyes closed and turned walking away as Damian and Jason cackle at you. Probably at your inability to even form coherent sentences. Instead of heading back towards your desk you moved past it into the backroom, gathering your things as fast as you could you headed towards the front desk. Upon seeing you, Marian, the head library gave you a worried look. 
“Everything alright Y/N?”
“Uh, yeah I’m just gonna end my shift early.”
“You’re shift has been over for an hour dear... though you usually stay till closing...” Her tone told you that she was worried. 
Closing your eyes again you winced but then you heard Marian sigh and you peeked an eye open seeing her typing something in her computer.
“If any one asks...” You began before wincing again as the thoughts hit you.
As if they would
“If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well. Alright?” 
Marian nodded a small smile on her face as she looked at something in one of the aisles, "Go on Y/N, have a good weekend. I’ll see you again on Monday.” 
She waved you along and you hurried out the door. Before you could even make it to the parking lot you spotted one of the libraries regulars. Mira, was a few years younger then you and very excited about books. Unknown to her and probably himself, Jason had taken a shining to her. 
Upon seeing you her eyes lit up and she hurried over to you. Smiling brightly Mira enthusiastically greeted you.
“Hi, Y/N. I know you’re probably about to head home but I just wanted to tell you I loved the book you recommended and say hi.” 
Her face was it’s natural pink and she seemed to realized how much you were freaking out. Her smile slid from her face and she reached out a hand as if to try and comfort you before she put it back down. 
“Are you okay?” 
You didn’t exactly know what to say. While Mira was a constant and almost as close a friend to you as Jason was, you couldn’t exactly tell her what was going on. 
With a weary sigh you turned back towards the doors to see Dick, Jason and Damian walking out them. Even more panic raced over you as they spotted you and Mira. 
Mira hummed slightly before patting your arm and turning towards the boys, they began to approach. They were only a couple of a feet away when Mira stopped them.
“Hi,” She said grinning brightly, “I’m Mirabilis Cadman, but everyone calls me Mira. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You watched for a moment as Dick hesitated, Damian gave Mira a scrutinizing look and Jason, well Jason seemed to be completely unaffected however you knew better. Mira held her hand out to Dick and he shook it.
“Hey, I’m Dick Grayson. This is my little brother Damian. Pleasure to meet you.” He replied smiling
For a moment a strange look crossed Mira’s face her smile faltering then she blinked and looked to Damian for a moment. Then she noted the book he was carrying. Smiling again she also held her hand out to him. 
Shooting him a wink she remarked, “Good choice, glad to see one of you has taste.” 
It was then that you remembered how one night after Mira had volunteered to help you clean up the library after a long day of elementary school classes coming in you had told her of your crush on Dick Grayson and how it seemed that, at the time he was ignoring you. 
Meanwhile Jason was trying to hide cackles behind coughs. Hitting his chest twice he gives Mira a amused look before he held his hand out to her. Once she took it he said,
“Sup, Jason, Jason Todd.” 
Mira blinked twice, confusion was clear on her face for a moment before she shrugged and let go of his hand. Looking away from the two of them you noticed how Dick was staring at you.
Mira eventually caught his line of sight and you watched as her eyes widened slightly. She kept the smile on her face though. Dick gestured to you and began to speak, “We need Y/N, she is just-”
“She isn’t feeling well,” Mira explained and you noted the hand behind her back waving for some reason, “But, I’d be happy to help you out in anyway I can. I know this library like the back of my hand. I spend a lot of time here... maybe too much time.” 
You watched as she continued to wave and realized she was signaling you to leave. She was helping with your get away. As you hurried towards the parking lot and your car you know one thing for sure. You owed her big-time.
It didn’t take you long to get to your car, as you fumbled with your keys you came to a realization. 
You recommended him, Dick Grayson, a book. He frequently came to the library and sometimes tried to talk to you. He would want to talk to you about the book. Which meant the possibility of embarrassing yourself in front of him again, and no Mira to save you. 
Fucking shit
Insomnia was a bitch, but it wasn’t just anyone’s bitch it was anxiety’s bitch... then again so were you. 
It was probably close to three a.m. when you decided you were hungry and climbed out of your very warm bed to wander into the kitchen. Unfortunately flies had beat you there, while there was only two or three, but they annoyed the hell out of you. Picking up the fly swatter you spotted a fly a few feet away from you and you lunged forwards swinging your arms and legs. You slapped at the fly and successfully hit it. Pretending to bow to a cheering crowd you mouthed ‘thank you, thank you.’
Standing up straight you held your fly swatter like a blade and a thought popped into your head.
Ninja, fly ninja, you are the fly ninja.
Jumping around as you let out soft hi-yah’s and other ninja noises you tried and failed to hit the two flies. Creeping up on one of the flies you swung the flyswatter out and smacked it into the wall. Jumping and doing a side kick you remarked,
“Hoi-yah! Take that fly! No one can best me. Because I’m The fly ninja.”
It was then you heard the chuckling. Blinking you turned and found standing in your kitchen in his blue and black glory, your friend, Nightwing. The thoughts slammed into you as you found yourself stumbling back towards your couch. 
He just saw you looking like a fucking idiot, you are never going to live this one down
However instead of freaking out, when you saw the incredibly amused look on his face you found yourself irritated. You froze for just a moment before you grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him. He dodged it with a laugh.
“Wouldn't ninja fly be better.... wait no that's a fly who is a ninja,” he mused while laughing and dodging yet another pillow you threw. 
He thinks your weird, he’s probably laughing at yo-
“You,” Nightwing said, yanking you out of the thoughts, “have the worst taste in cereal.”
Blinking you found him standing in front of one of your cupboards, crossing your arms you gave him a look and he closed the cupboard. Turning towards you he leaned against the counter with one hand, effectively blocking your way into the kitchen.  
“Just to let you know.”
Rolling your eyes you snorted, then pushed past him to get into your kitchen. Yanking a cup from your cupboard you walk over to the electric kettle and fill it with water before turning it on and placing the mug next to it.
"You,” You began as you walked back out of the kitchen, ”break into people's apartments in the middle of the night, what right do you have to judge my cereal?"
He snorted and rested his elbows on your counter. Behind him Red Robin slipped into your kitchen and began raiding your cabinets for coffee, which as of late, was normal.
“True, but do I really deserve such scorn from the fly ninja?” 
Behind Nightwing you see Red Robin pause and turn towards you. He mouths ‘fly ninja?’ tilting his head in confusion. Biting your lip to hold back laughter you smiled and then shrugged. He nodded and turned back to raiding your cabinets. 
Looking at Nightwing you raised an eyebrow and then rested your elbows on your counter before placing your face in your hands.
“You broke into my apartment, startled me. Insulted my ninja abilities and then you insulted my cereal choices. So yes, I do believe you deserve my scorn.”
Nightwing held up a hand in disagreement as he shook his head. Behind him the electric kettle steamed then clicked off, “I did not insult your ninja skills. I- I was admiring them.”
Narrowing your eyes you fought off a grin as you replied, “So you say.”
Usually you would be worried saying stuff like this to even the closest of your friends, however, despite your sometimes snarky remarks and extreme weirdness Nightwing continued to come and visit you. Which told you that it didn’t matter how weird or much yourself you were he wouldn’t leave... or at least you hopped so. 
Taking on a playful tone he remarked, "Well someone's grumpy." 
Holding up a hand you waved it at him as Red Robin grabbed a mug and began pouring the water into it, the instant coffee right next to him.
"Listen- listen I haven't had my tea yet." 
Nightwing blinked once and then he pushed off of the counter and he laughed slightly. It took you a minute to realize he was confused and a little nervous.
“You don't drink coffee?"
"Caffeine and I don't get along." You said with a shrug.
This only seemed to confuse him more, he shook his head and looked at you slightly astonished before he asked, “Then why do you have so much of it?”
Smiling, you met his gaze and pointed behind him, “Turn around.”
Turning he looked and saw Red Robin stirring a cup of coffee. He paused and watched with you as Red Robin pulled a small energy drink from his belt and he poured it into the cup. Nightwing walks over to him and picks up the mug from his body language; it looked as if he was giving Red Robin a scolding look.
"You know this is probably gonna kill you right?"
Red Robin shrugs and replies, "It was bound to happen sooner or later."
A giggle escaped you and both Nightwing and Red Robin turned towards you. You cleared your throat as Nightwing smiled and Red Robin looked at the two of you. A strange expression passed his face before he shook his head and headed for the fire escape.
“You owe me a new mug.” You remarked pointing a finger at him.
Nightwing looked startled then he gestured to the fire escape exclaiming, “No, he does.”
You shrugged as you headed into the kitchen “He’s your underling.”
“Red Robin is not my underling.” 
Though you couldn’t see him you could hear his tone. He sounded offended and a little upset. From this you could tell that he respected or at least had a lot of respect for Red Robin. 
A memory tickles the back of your mind, someone calling Red Robin little bird. You didn’t exactly remember who but your bet was on Nightwing. 
“Fine, he’s your little bird. Isn’t that what you call him?” You remarked with a shrug. 
You blinked a few times and sighed, “Oh, well anyways he’s still a kid and if he drinks that much coffee I doubt he could actually get me a new mug. I mean he literally has to steal coffee from here... maybe I should get disposable cups.”
A surprised look crossed his face, “Wait, he does this often?”
“Yeah, but usually he drinks all of the coffee and leaves the mug.”
Nightwing hums and he nods as if was contemplating something. Maybe it was why Red Robin did what he did or maybe it was something else. 
“Huh, he must like you if he keeps coming back.”
Letting out a snort you nodded before sarcastically remarking, “Or he likes the coffee.”
Not understanding you were using sarcasm, Nightwing shook his head, a fairly serious look on his face, “It’s instant coffee I doubt it can be that good... It’s a high honor to be liked by Red Robin.” 
“Sure it is...” You rolled your eyes not fully believing him, before you could stop yourself you said, “no one likes me, or at least they shouldn’t”
"Well I like you."
You blinked and looked over to him, he was giving you an innocent look and you blinked again. You couldn’t have heard what you just did right? People wouldn’t tell someone- they wouldn’t tell you they liked you to your face... right?
"Wait, did you just say what I think you said?" 
A smile appeared on his face and he nodded slowly, “Yes, I did in fact say that I like you."
He likes you, he just said so, and repeated what he said. So, he must really mean it, truly mean it. Before you were going about in unknowing and now the reality of everything hit you. 
Of course you were aware people who were your friends liked you, but no one had really ever said it to your face. You were shocked and a little embarrassed. 
A sly grin appeared on Nightwing’s face and he leaned in towards you continuing, “You are the fly ninja after all.”
"Oh my gosh.” You replied as you shoved your face into your hands trying your hardest not to laugh. 
“By the way I’ve been meaning to ask you the fly ninja to all flies or just certain ones?”
You closed your eyes, shaking your head as laughter bubbled up in your lungs. Nightwing ignored your attempts at withholding giggles and continued. 
“Like is it only fruit flies and the ones that hover around bananas or?”
Biting your lip you pulled away from your hands your face red, forcing the laughter back you looked him dead in the eyes and replied, “All flies obviously, I’m not discriminatory.”
He smiled and laughed. Silence cleaved the air and you felt nervous tension arise in you. 
Quickly clambering for a topic to talk about you asked, “What were we talking about again?”
“About how I find you very a-peeling.” 
You hesitated for a moment before giving him a disbelieving look. You shook your head, “... did you just- no. I’m not gonna, no.” 
Pretending it never happened, you look away from him and move towards your couch leaning against it you let out a sigh. 
“Read any good books lately.” Nightwing asks from your kitchen, a clatter of sorts following him, most likely he was raiding your cabinets as well. 
“Of course,” You sighed, working as a librarian meant that you always had a good book, “What about you?”
Almost chuckling he replies, “Well I’m reading a book about anti-gravity... It’s impossible to put down.”
“That’s terrible.” You smiled, shaking your head trying not to laugh as well. 
“Oh I know.” He laughed.
With a sigh you looked over your shoulder momentarily to see him looking into one of your cabinets. Not wanting things to go silent you decided to ask a safe question that will continue the conversation at least for a little while.
“How was your day?”
“It wasn’t too bad,” He began and something in his tone made you narrow your eyes, “Somebody stole all of my lamps. I couldn’t be more de-lighted. And this morning I wanted to take pictures of the fog but I mist my chance. I guess I could dew it tomorrow.” 
Biting back laughter you turned away from him, placing your face into your hands, “Stop. These puns are too cheesy.”
“But I thought they were gouda.”
You froze rolling your eyes as a slight snort escaped you, “Dude.”
“It’s cheddar if you don’t get mad.” He continued.
Shaking your head again you closed your eyes trying your hardest to tune him out before you burst into a fit of laughter once again. 
“I swiss you had the same humor as me. I won’t provolone this anymore. After all, I havarti taken this too far.” Nightwing snorted laughing as he made pun after pun. 
“Oh ma gosh.”
Looking towards the ceiling you fought off a grin and the laughter, the tired laughter that was building up in your chest. 
“I colby a better parmesan and stop all these cheesy pins but I ricotta continue.”
Before you could stop yourself laughter escaped you as you turned towards him again to see him looking at you with a mischievous smile on his face. You laugh a little harder and his smile widens, “Brie the way, how was your day today? I saga know.” 
Letting out a snort, you smiled at him and decided to try a pun yourself, “That wasn’t very puny.”
For a moment a look of surprise crossed his face before a grin broke out across it and you felt your heart do a strange little fluttering jump.
Shaking his head he laughed, remarking, “Oh! That’s terrible, I love it.” 
Your heart did an even bigger fluttering jump and you looked away from him. You didn’t exactly like what was happening. But you knew. Trying to change the subject before your heart fluttered again you moved around the arm of the couch and sat down. 
“How was your day actually though?”
You froze for a moment, it was a rare occasion in which Nightwing only said one worded replies. Usually it meant there was something he didn’t want to talk about or something he really wanted to vent about or ask advice about. 
Not even turning towards him you stuck your hands under your legs and swung them slightly.
“Eh? Why eh?”
There was a pause, almost as if he was hesitant to reply, but then after a breath and silence filling the room making it slightly awkward he replied, “Girl troubles.”
This didn't really surprise you. Girl troubles were common amongst your guy friends, and since you were one of the very few girls who they didn’t ever plan on dating you were used to giving advice. However a strange sort of ache began in your chest and you felt hurt. 
Just a friend, The thoughts whisper almost menacingly, he just sees you as a friend.
Ignoring the ache and the vile thoughts nipping at the back of your mind you raised an eyebrow and turned over your shoulder smiling playfully at him. 
“Oooo do you like someone, as a civilian?... Wait, no, you like a civilian.” You corrected yourself, blinking a few times as you finally began to feel tired. 
Instead of a reply, at first you hear the door to one of your cabinets open with a loud squeak. A rustling for a moment then the cabinet creaking closed. He was stealing your food. A soft smile and feeling appeared and you brought your legs up to your chest. Placing your chin on the dip in between your knees you sighed. 
Honestly you didn’t mind but, it frustrated you a little though, that you were always going to be the best friend never the girl boys fell for. You were for friendship, not dating. Something you were beginning to wish you realized just a little bit earlier, maybe this would then all be easier. 
“Yes,” Nightwing finally replied, “and it was just so frustrating because it seems like she hates me and likes my brother.”
You blinked and for a moment you thought about looking towards him, but you knew if he did he’d realize what he said. You had to approach this carefully, wrapping your arms around your legs you hum slightly before asking somewhat casually,
“Oh wait, you have a brother?”
“Ye-,” You practically see him nodding before he stopped himself. 
Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to push your luck just a bit . 
“It's one of the vigilantes isn’t it.”
Silence followed your question and you looked over to see him giving you a look. A look that said to stop talking, not to press further because you were hitting the nail on the head. 
A smile of disbelief appeared on your face and you pulled away from your legs, eyes wide. 
“Oh my gosh they are all your siblings aren’t they? But obviously they’re adopted. I know Signal’s black, I’m ninety-nine percent sure there was a blonde batgirl and a red-head, Blue Bird literally doesn’t look like any of you, and no one is able to see Black Bat’s face. Oh and don’t get me started on the Robin brigade.”
As you began rambling your hands flew around your face in a flurry of motion. The vigilantes were one of your favorite non-book things to talk about. Mainly because of the one in your kitchen but you really weren’t going to ever get into that... hopefully. 
“You’re not wrong, “He sighed before pausing, “...Robin brigade?”
“I’m not getting into it.” You shook your head turning back away from him. 
You weren’t about to tell him how ever since the first Robin came into play you like the vigilantes. Not about your opinions and theories, especially not when a lot  of them were about him. Waving away the question you decided to change the subject. 
“Anyways back to your girl problems. Why do you think she hates you?”
You could hear him munching on something as he probably contemplated how to explain the problem to you, “Well she never talks to me willingly, and when she does she always mutters or ends up sounding really angry.”
Twirling a strand of hair around your finger, you thought for a moment about what he said. It sounded a lot like what happens to you. Maybe this girl that he likes, also has anxiety and likes him, or it might just be because he makes her nervous. 
“She might just like you dumbass,” You snorted, rolling your eyes, “I know that’s how it is for me. I mean with the guy I like-, I can’t even say one word without messing it up. So I have to slow it down. ”
You heard more munching and the crinkling of a bag before he mused, “Hmm, you think so?”
“Yeah, or you just make her really nervous.” 
It was more than likely, for you it was both which only made matters more complicated and frustrating. Sometimes you wished you were normal, then this wouldn’t be a problem at all. 
“Makes sense... by the way do you think if you practiced you could talk to him?”
Practice? You had tried practicing in the past, but whenever you tried to talk to him your anxiety took hold of your mouth and you spat out a word jumble instead of what you really wanted to say. 
“Probably not, my anxiety always freaks me out telling me that I’m gonna say the wrong thing and scare him away because I’m too weird or something.”
He walked passed you into the living room before flopping down on your couch. You notice the bad and his hands and for the moment you decided to ignore it. 
“Well just think about it this way, you’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you.”
You paused for a moment. and looked over at him in slight disbelief, “You think I’m cool?”
“The coolest.” He replied smiling at you. 
It was then that you noticed the bag he had was your Cheetos. While you didn’t mind, at the moment you felt... awkward. Standing up you walked over towards him and flopped down next to him. You needed someway to feel less awkward without sounding like a bitch... then you got an idea
“Aww, that's sweet...” You began turning towards him with a smile, “but if you take my fucking Cheetos again we’re through.”
For a moment you think you’ve made things worse until Nightwing bursts into laughter. Shaking his head he sighed and passed the bag over to you, with the bag now in your hands you looked over to him and took a moment to think over what he said. 
You’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you
Sighing you sat down next to him and rested your head on his shoulder, pulling a small handful you ate some Cheetos then offered them to him. He began taking some.
Was he telling the truth? Or just trying to make you feel better by saying that. Not knowing which was correct you felt you had to ask him.  
“Do you really think that he wouldn’t deserve me if I make a fool of myself?” You asked as you felt him wrap an arm around your shoulder.
You heard him hesitate before you looked up to see him giving you a contemplating look. 
“If you make a fool of yourself he should be saying something like... like. I think- I think I might just love you a little bit.”
Snorting you rolled your eyes, looked away and remarked without thinking, “Sure he should because unintelligible gibberish is the way to a man’s heart.”
“If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute. I know I do.”
You knew he was flirting with you, you knew because it was something he did regularly. Something that was common with his personality. He constantly, he was never serious of course, that much you knew. So when you looked up at him slightly snorting to see him staring at you a soft and serious look on his face your heart did the fluttery jump and your stomach flipped.
Fucking shit 
Looking away from him you felt your cheeks beginning to flush red. He was nice, he helped you feel a little less like an asshole, less like a bitch, more like a person. A good person. He made you feel cared for... and- and loved. He was amazing and a lot like All the man you’ll ever need-
Wait, no. No. It couldn’t be like that- no. He was hero- a vigilante. You would never be able to know his real identity. You wouldn’t ever actually able to be with him. No matter what your heart felt, no matter how spilt it was you couldn’t even entertain the thought.
His voice yanked you from your spiraling train of thought and you blinked. Giving you a soft smile he asked the question again. 
“How was your day?”
Happy to not have to think about your feelings again you raised your head off of his shoulder and turned to him. Fully prepared to rant and bare your soul. 
“Rough, honestly I made a complete and utter fucking fool of myself. I mean I panicked so much and I laughed, I full on laughed out loud. Cackled even, at the library. I never do that, and to make matters worse my crush, he asked for a book recommendation and I realized that he left his brothers, the two most chaotic people I know alone with each other and I panicked.” 
You were talking quickly, shaking your head as the words stumbled from you, embarrassment following it. For a moment Nightwing was nodding as if he understood when suddenly he sat up straight, looking at you slightly confused. 
“Wait, wait. What happened?” He asked an eyebrow raised.
“Well he asked me for a book recommendation and I realized that he left his brothers alone and I panicked and cursed at him before running back to make sure they weren’t trashing the library.” You explained again waving your hands about yawning afterwards. 
He blinked twice then gave you a shocked look for a moment, “Your crush? Wait, he asked for a book recommendation?”
“Yeah! And then I realized that his brothers-”
Before you could finish he interrupted you a strange look on his face, “Did he say anything else?”
Blinking in confusion you raised an eyebrow thinking over what he said, then you shook your head, “What? Oh uh no I don’t think so.”
“Hmm,” He hummed slightly a smile on his face before he relaxed back onto the couch, “okay.” 
Feeling confused and a little worried, you wanted to talk about how he was acting weird but didn’t know how. So you decided to continue talking about your day. 
“Well after seriously embarrassing myself by going that I fumbled over my words while trying to give him a book. Then I decided to flee so I wouldn’t embarrass myself anymore. I was like five minute away from leaving when a regular- Mira- I’ve talked about her before. Well she came and started talking to me, I swear that give has like a sixth sense because she instantly knew I was freaking out and was able to help me avoid my crush and his brothers... speaking of brothers. I’m like ninety-nine percent sure one of them likes her, or at least is interested.” 
Nightwing was smiling and he had an amused look on his face as if something was very interesting. Chuckling he looked to you seeing the confusion on your face he sighed before nodding. 
“Interesting...sorry but somethings on my mind. When you start to have an anxiety attack or think about something can you accidentally tune stuff out?”  He asked eyebrows raised
You blinked a few times before nodding and leaning against the couch once again. 
“Oh, uh yeah. Sometimes I’m spiraling into an anxiety attack or anxious thoughts I accidentally tune people out... well what happens is that the thoughts overpower my ears.” You nodded with another yawn. 
He nodded and gave you a strange sort of look, you were having a hard time focusing, blinking you kept your eyes open. Rubbing at your eyes you sighed. 
“Tell me about your brother’s fuck ups on patrol, I need a good laugh.” You muttered as you held back a yawn. 
“Okay then,” He replied laughing slightly. 
Leaning against his shoulder again you grunted slightly. After your long day you were finally feeling tired, tired and safe. Nightwing was saying something to you, but you were having a hard time paying attention. Your eyes kept fluttering shut and before you knew it you were asleep. 
A few days later, you were in the library at your desk going about your daily routine when you spotted Jason in an aisle of book inspecting the pages of a heavy chapter book. Before you could spot any of the other Wayne boys Mira appeared in your peripheral vision a book in her hand and a smile on her face. 
“Okay, before you stop me I just want to say this book is amazing and when you have the time I want to talk to you about it because I need to talk to someone. All the people in my apartment complex are like fifty and above, married or five and under.” She paused for a moment a look of realization crossing her face, “Of course married people aren’t hard to talk to it’s just they don’t want to talk to me and I’m rambling sorry.”
You almost laughed, Mira seemed flustered, something you hadn’t seen ever. The ends of her hair were peeking out of her black hat in an array of different shades of purple. With flushed cheeks and her hazel eyes wide, Mira looked like something was bugging her. 
Leaning on the counter you let out a sigh, but noticed Jason approach towards your desk. A sly smile of sorts appeared on your face. If Jason was in fact interested in Mira a little push wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Unfortunately,” You began with a heavy sigh, “I don’t think I’ll be able to talk for a while... however, I’m sure Jason wouldn’t mind talking to you about it. He was actually the one who got me on the book.”
You gestured to Jason now stood behind Mira. For a moment, Mira froze before turning around, a tight smile on her face. She shot you a slight look of panic before she let out a breath and nodded. 
“Uh, if your willing.” 
Jason smiled at her and nodded. She nodded as well before giving you a quick wave goodbye. Watching them go you noticed how Mira stopped in an aisle still in your eye-line and sat down on the ground. Without even questioning it, Jason sat across from her. 
The library was quiet enough that you didn’t really need to strain yourself to hear what the two of them were saying. You watched as Mira opened the book, hearing Jason say,
“So about the other night-”
Before he could even finish Mira interrupted him her cheeks and ears flushing a dark shade of red, “I’d prefer not to talk about it please.” 
Nodding Jason let out a slight sigh before replying, “Alright.”
You were curious on what exactly had happened between the two of them, but before you could give another thought to it Damian walked up a stack of books in his arms. Raising an eyebrow you gave him a look,
“Starting a project of sorts?” You questioned as you began to check the books out to him.
Damian let out a slight huff before he nodded, “Father said I couldn’t get another pet until I know how to properly take care of it.” 
You paused for a moment to look at the books, they were non-fiction books about a variety of different animals. Spanning from monkeys all the way to squirrels. Shaking your head you bit back a laugh as you imagined Bruce Wayne’s face when Damian brought in all the animals.
“Hmm, I think there might be some more books about animal care in aisle five.” You remarked off handedly noting the gleam in Damian’s eye. 
“Really now?”
You nodded as you began to set the books to the side, pointing you showed him which aisle you were talking about.
“I can hold your books to the side while you go and grab some more, I mean you’ve got to cover all the bases right?”
While usually language like this would cause Damian to give you a look of distain, he bee-lined straight for the aisle. You laughed and turned to watch him when you spotted a guy standing right next to Mira and Jason.
“Are you here for me or him?” Mira asked not even looking up from her book. 
The guy blinked and a extremely confused look crossed his face. He gave Mira a baffled look as he said, “Why would I be here for him?”
A mischievous smile appeared on her face for just a second before she looked up at him, shock all over her face.
“Why the hell wouldn’t you be here for him?” She exclaimed gesturing towards Jason, “Have you seen him? He’s fucking gorgeous!”
You had to shove your fist against your mouth to stop from bursting into laughter. You watched Jason do something similar as his face turned red as his entire body shook. 
The guy went quiet and didn’t say anything else. Mira sighed and shook her head looking back to her book. 
“Well if your here for me fuck off, if your here for him…” She trailed off as if to let Jason finish her sentence.
He did, “Fuck off as well.”
A look of slight surprise was on Mira’s face as she looked to Jason, a smile playing on her lips. “Oh really?”
He nodded and her smile widened before she looked back to her book, looking surprisingly happy. 
“Awesome,” She remarked as she flipped the page, “anyways you heard us, fuck off dude.” 
The guy glared at the two of them and turned away cursing. You laughed letting out a sigh as you saw Jason and Mira share a look before they began talking about the book. 
Looking away from them you noticed Dick leaning on your desk a smile on his face. You flinched feeling your entire body beginning to panic. 
“Oh, uh,” You remarked before giving him a smile in return, taking in a breath you continued, “Hi.”
“So I read the book,” He says as he pushed up from the desk. 
“Oh,” Is the only thing you can say, your mind felt blank as terror began crawling into every part of you. 
Breathe, you told yourself, remember what Nightwing told you. If he can’t see the real you he doesn’t deserve you
You nodded and tried for a genuine smile on your face. Something flickered on Dick’s face and he smiled brighter. 
“I was hoping we could talk about it over lunch or dinner.” 
You blinked, once, twice then three times as what he said was slowly sinking in. It took you a second to realize he just asked you out. Internally you began to scream, externally your pretty sure the smile was frozen on your face as a look of confusion began at the corners of your eyes. 
Taking in a breath you laughed slightly, nodding you let it out and tried your hardest to speak slowly. If you fucked this up you would never live it down, not only to anyone who heard the story but to yourself. 
“Oh, that. sounds. fun! Sure.” You replied smiling.
It occurred to you, that you would be talking about the book amongst other things. And no matter his opinion you could give him other book recommendations. As excitement for the upcoming date raced in your veins a thought popped into your head, one of the whispers.
What if this is a prank? What if it’s all a practical joke being played
You hesitated for a moment before pushing the thought away. it wouldn’t-couldn’t be a joke. Dick was nice, nice and sweet. As your nerves began to climb up your throat you took another breath in. 
You had to trust, you could do that. Shoving away your worries you focused on the fact that you could recommend more books... something you realized he didn’t know.
“Icabevrecbak-” You began before you heard yourself. 
Heat flushed your cheeks and you squeezed your eyes shut wincing. Peeking one open you didn’t dare try looking at him. 
You can do this, you just had to breathe
“Sorry,” You began not looking at him as you breathed and tried to take it slow, “I meant I could recommend more books if you liked that one.”
“It’s fine.” Dick said waving a hand as if to brush off the apology, “Honestly I think it’s cute.”
You froze, it felt as if your brain just short-circuited. Blinking you felt yourself give him a look of disbelief.
Honestly I think it’s cute, echoed in your ears and then you heard what Nightwing said the night before,
If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute. I know I do
Blinking you realized that he continued to speak. Instead of pretending what was going on you gave him a confused look and he smiled. 
“I’d love if you recommended more book. How does tomorrow sound?”
You didn’t exactly know what was happening but you heard yourself replying, “Uh, great.”
You felt as if you were in a muddle, you could see what was happening and hear it but you could really feel anything. Faintly you heard a ringing and for a moment you were scared you were gonna pass out. A nervous laugh escaped you as you tried to breathe. An even wider grin appeared on his face and he leaned in towards you. 
“You get off at four right?”
Nodding you continued to reply almost robotically, “Uh yeah.”
“Well I’ll pick you up from here then.”
You blinked, the muddle was slowly fading and you were finding yourself again. Clearing your throat you nodded again. You could feel your heart in your chest doing it’s fluttery jump as your stomach did non-stop flips. 
“Okay.” You breathed out blinking again.
Dick nodded then shot you, what you can only imagine his classic playboy smile which sent your mind into a tizzy.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Uh okay, bye.”  You mumbled out as you watched him walk away not exactly sure about what just happened but fully aware that you had a date with him the next day. 
Holy fuck, you had a date with Dick Grayson. You couldn’t believe it, and as you felt your excitement race over you you remembered what Nightwing had, essentially, told you.
-You’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you. 
 If you make a fool of yourself he should be saying something like... like. I think- I think I might just love you a little bit.  
If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute-
Pressing your face into your hands you tried your hardest not to blush. Not only did you have Nightwing’s words playing in your ears but the feelings you had for both him and Dick. 
You were completely and totally torn in half. After a moments thought you sighed. Maybe the phrase All The Man I Need wasn’t entirely true. After all one guy hadn’t exactly met all you needs, however if the both of them did have qualities that you needed- 
No, no you weren’t going to think about that. After all right now you needed to focus on one guy, he was after all the one you were more likely going to end up in a actual relationship with.  You had to focus on Dick Grayson... for now at least. 
For now. 
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Also, the writers' failure to understand, every crime Jason committed had a motive. Attack other criminals? Holy warrior destined to purify the world of evil. Attack Bruce? Joker's still alive. (Oh, Jason, it's much worse than that.) Attack Tim? A parody of what he once was. He wasn't just a "bad boy". He was dangerously insane.
Hi, Anon! Yup, there seems to be a lot of things that writers have gotten confused about Jason Todd/Red Hood and the biggest one is his motivations to kill certain criminals.
Let’s be honest, Judd Winick set a golden path for the upcoming Red Hood writers. But each and every writer that used Red Hood in their stories completely missed the point of Jason’s character. All of them. It’s so incredibly wild to me that every other writer read UtRH and came up with whichever version of Jason they came up with.
Let’s list the writers that completely missed the point.
Geoff Johns in Teen Titans vol.3 #29.
Geoff Johns was one of the first to completely mischaracterize Jason, why on earth would Jason go to the Titans Tower to beat up Tim? This is not me saying that Jason would never do that because Jason thinks of Tim as his brother or a friend or the person that he can trust the most from the Bat-Clan (can you believe Lobdell tried to sell us that one?), this is me saying that Jason wouldn’t have done that because he couldn’t have given less of a fuck about Tim’s existence.
When Jason found out that Bruce had another Robin he wasn’t bothered by his “replacement” he was mad at Bruce for having another child playing hero after he lost his life as a fifteen-year-old. Jason didn’t even think of Tim as his replacement as fandom likes to make us believe, Jason called Tim “pretender”. And that was that, but to go from minimal recognition to go out of his way to beat him up at Titans Tower is a massive mischaracterization.
Paul Dini in Countdown (to Final Crisis).
Paul Dini in Countdown did absolutely nothing with Jason, I am sorry but that’s all he did. Him writing Jason was like watching a dog trying to catch their own tail. He started with a pretty basic take on UtRH Jason, then he added a bit of Jason being an annoying man with Donna, then we had the jealousy arc because apparently, Jason had the hots for Donna but she didn’t want anything to do with him and he was all angsty when she paid attention to Kyle instead of him, and then, later on, he had that whole Red Robin bullshit (I am sorry about this, but I absolutely hated that, it was so dumb, I am so glad it didn’t last long because it was just too bad), and after all that mix of just not interesting stuff he went right back to the Jason that he had at the very start. It was a waste of time, but I guess that he had to be there because he was an anomaly and all that. I just think that was DC’s first try at making Jason Todd/Red Hood something more than just a street-level vigilante and they failed miserably.
Tony S. Daniel in Batman: Battle for the Cowl.
Even though the first two did make mistakes with Jason’s characterizations, this man was the first to just throw UtRH out of the window and make up his very own version of Jason Todd. And his version was horrendous, that Jason had no problem with attempting to kill children and innocent people, he also really wanted to be Batman because Gotham needed a Batman and he wanted to be the person to wear the Cowl and he was looking for a Robin for himself.
I know, the whole concept is the perfect opposite of what Jason Todd and Red Hood were in UtRH. Every aspect of BftC Jason is based on nothing.
Jason wanting to be Batman because Gotham needed Batman is just the beginning of what’s wrong in this book. Jason became the Red Hood (in part) because he believed that Batman and his ways weren’t what Gotham needed so he made a better version of Batman with Red Hood (according to him) because Red Hood did what Batman refused to do. Another thing that is just wrong is Jason wanting, Damian, Tim or Dick to be his Robin, there is just so much wrong with this, first of all, Jason wanted Batman to stop having Robin because child soldiers ran the risk of dying at a very young age and that’s exactly how he saw the whole thing because that was what had happened to him. Second, if Jason was mad at Bruce for getting another Robin why would he now want one of his own to team up with his Batman? Damian was a child, Tim was someone that apparently Jason hated (because Jason beating Tim was mentioned in this event), and then Jason actually asked Dick Grayson, Nightwing, to be his Robin? Listen, there is no way that was Jason, nothing about him makes sense, even taking into account that Jason had beaten Tim already in this event Jason actually tried to kill both Tim and Damian (it might have been just one of them but yeah, it still doesn’t make sense).
I just don’t think that Tony S. Daniel knew who Jason Todd was, maybe he got confused but the thing is, his “villainous” and deranged version of Jason Todd allowed a villainous and deranged version of Red Hood to happen with the next writer that I will be talking about.
Grant Morrison in Batman and Robin vol.1 #3-6.
This was the birth of the villainous, deranged and bloodthirsty Red Hood. There is absolutely no trace of UtRH Jason here, not even if we are looking at the opposite of things like we could do with Daniel’s Jason. Grant Morrison wanted Dick and Damian to have a villain to match their Batman and Robin and they decided to give us a red-haired-pill-headed-red hood. Everything from Morrison’s characterization of Jason is crazy, from the red hair (hello pre-crisis) to the awful Joker’s Red Hood looking suit, everything was just weird.
I still don’t believe that was Jason, to be honest, I would rather think that version of Jason was actually a rouge Skrull that came all the way from the Marvel Universe and lost his way in Gotham City. Maybe when he made the jump between universes, he got too much information and got confused and took the form of the wonkiest Jason Todd he could come up with.
This Jason was absolutely deranged, he knew exactly what he was doing and he didn’t care if innocents died. This Jason was the one that got locked up in Arkham. This is the Jason that Dick put in Arkham for Jason and everybody else’s safety.
Dick putting that Jason in Arkham wasn’t a bad thing or something that anyone can use to shit on Dick Grayson (not on this house). This Arkham was reformed and that Jason knew that if he stayed in that new Arkham he would stay away from trouble, but here is the thing, that Jason loved trouble, so he took all the tests to prove he wasn’t insane and asked to be transferred to Blackgate (where all the Red Hood’s enemies were). That Jason didn’t ask to be sent to Blackgate because the Joker was a cell away from his in Arkham, he did it so he could go on a killing spree in Blackgate (which he did when he got there).
Skrull Jason was just bloodthirsty and nothing like UtRH Jason, he had no motive other than just killing for fun or whatever. He didn’t want to protect Gotham and he couldn’t have cared less about the drug trade in Gotham. In Batman and Robin vol.1. Jason Todd was unrecognizable. And luckily, we never saw him again.
Scott Lobdell in Everything that he ever wrote about Red Hood.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Lobdell was the king of overpowering Jason, he was the one that drove Red Hood farther and farther away from his street-level vigilante status. He continuously added more to him, he was a big deal because he was meant to take down Ra’s al Ghul, he was a big deal because he was the only human to train in the All-Castle and learned to summon the All-Blades.
This Red Hood’s morals and ideals were kind of gone, there just wasn’t any kind of interest in Jason to get rid of drugs or try to control its trade in Gotham, he just had no interest in street-level threats, everything was extraordinary in both New 52 and Rebirth. If he wasn’t in space he was in some mystical land. His friends and allies became even more and more powerful, his level of power was completely off compared to the others. His personality was ever-changing and quite honestly you could barely see the Jason that he once was.
This Jason also was very inconsistent in the way that he felt towards people (obviously because Lobdell is a shitty writer), he wanted to follow Batman’s rules and was shown as someone that still had fond memories of his life with Bruce before he died but was also willing to let those memories go, to move on? Maybe? I don’t know. But he changed his mind about Bruce and following his rules or not for a very long time. Jason was also a little bitch about Dick, and he was a little bitch because he (Lobdell) never gave the reader or anyone a concrete reason as to why he hated him so much and then in Rebirth he decided that Dick wasn’t that bad. Also, Jason went from “Willis Todd, abusive husband and father that deserved to die” to “Willis Todd abusive husband and father but he sent me letters when he was in prison and Penguin had him killed so now, I really want to avenge him”. Yeah, I don’t really know why that happened and like most of Lobdell’s arcs and stuff it was never really completed or well thought out.
Lobdell’s Jason characterization was a mess for ten years and that’s the prime reason why Jason is a character with no solid background, story or future.
James Tynion IV in Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Tynion’s Jason Todd was a hero, he was like a mini Tom King Batman. Everything he did was right and there was just no way that you could bamboozle him. This Jason was able to hold to Blades that drained his soul as well as hosting the Untitled in his body (that were able to drain his soul too) and on top of all that he completed his journey of the Chosen One by making those ancient martial arts moves that he learned before he was Robin even though Talia hadn’t been able to master it yet.
Scott Snyder, Tim Seeley in Batman Eternal and Batman and Robin Eternal.
A mess, this was pure New 52 levels of bullshit and they all just wanted to push the “Batfamily” and while Dick was gone, they were trying to make Jason fill the void that Dick left in Batman events. It didn’t work at all and all they did was mess around with Jason’s characterization more.
Geoff Johns in Three Jokers.
I have talked enough about Johns’ takes on Jason Todd and Red Hood, but let me tell you something real quick, if a writer thinks that the best they can do with a character is make them give up their morals/ideals for an unrequited love interest, then they can keep that idea for themselves. Geoff Johns wrote a book that was absolutely not needed and then proceeded to butcher every characterization that he could, Three Jokers was three issues long and he managed to add more trauma to Jason’s torture, push the narrative of Jason being at fault for his own murder and make Jason’s motivations to be the Red Hood weak enough to make him want to give up his work for a woman that he barely knows (and doesn’t like him at all).
Joshua Williamson in Future State: Red Hood and Robin #5.
Now, with Williamson I have issues only when he writes Jason, not because his stories are bad, don’t get me wrong, I would have completely enjoyed FS: Red Hood if it weren’t for the completely unnecessary Rose/Jason side plot he had going on. Jason was clearly working undercover for some people that he hated working with. He had to arrest or kill “masks” (vigilantes, just like he “used” to be) for the Magistrate.
His ideas were pretty solid, Jason did the job but he never killed the masks and actively didn’t trust the Magistrate but he was working there to tear them apart from within, and that’s amazing if Williamson had given us Jason Todd/Red Hood working undercover to dismantle an organization I would have been really happy.
But that’s not all he gave us, even if I just forget about his failed attempt at giving Jason a relationship, I can still see that Williamson is the kind of writer that wants (or is just following DC) to make the “Batfamily” happen no matter how dumb and out of place it looks in comics’ canon. So, I am a little bit weary, any writer that leans too much towards making Jason and Bruce work together and become a family makes me want to scream, but I do understand that is just me, many people want those two to be buddy-buddy, I, personally, would love to see Jason kick Bruce in the balls and tell him to lose his number.
Chip Zdarsky in Urban Legends: Cheer.
Ah, yes, I remember the days in which I thought that this could have been something good. Well, I was utterly wrong and I suffered all the way through this mini. I feel like now I can safely say that Zdarsky only wanted to write a Batman book but DC told him, “Hey you can write Batman but it has to be within a Red Hood story, but don’t worry, you don’t have to know much about the Hood guy, just come up with something and write Batman around that”.
I know that’s what happened because I read that story and all we got from it was horrible characterizations for pre-Robin Jason, Robin Jason, Jason Todd and Red Hood. I don’t know how he did it but yes, he managed to mess it all up.
From Jason not really wanting to be Robin and acting recklessly every step of the way, to secret desires of a perfect family with Bruce and so many other people that he couldn’t care about, Urban Legends: Cheer is the perfect book to avoid at all costs if you believe that the concept of “Batfamily” is the biggest lie, DC is trying to profit off this time around.
Zdarsky also nerfed Jason in ways that I thought DC only wanted to nerf Dick Grayson. But I was able to see that I was wrong. Zdarsky’s run also pushed some of the most disastrous narratives that DC really wants readers to believe like: Robin Jason wasn’t good at his job, he was too reckless and ultimately his death was his own fault. Yay! I want to cry!
I will give Zdarsky two points for at the very least showing that Red Hood wants to protect children and that he has a huge issue with how the drug trade is controlled and abused in Gotham City, it had been a while since we had seen that aspect of Jason’s Red Hood make an appearance.
It’s just too many writers completely missing the point of Red Hood’s character or simply writers agreeing to destroy Jason’s uniqueness in the DC Universe so DC (as the publisher) can further push the abomination that is the “Batfamily” in comics’ canon.
I do agree with you Anon when you say that Jason isn’t just a “bad boy” but I also don’t think that we can call UtRH Jason “dangerously insane”. Personally, I will only use that last description for BftC and Batman and Robin Jason, those two were dangerously insane indeed.
UtRH Jason was very meticulous in who he wanted dead and who got to live. He entered Gotham’s most dangerous world and he had to make a big entrance, he invited the eight most prosperous street dealers to a meeting, showed up with the decapitated heads of each of their right-hand men and an AK-47 and said:
“I am offering you a deal. I will be running the drug trade from now on. You will go about your business as usual. You will kick up forty percent to me. That is a much better deal than the Black Mask will give you. In return, you will have total protection from both the Black Mask and Batman. The catch? You stay away from kids and schoolyards. No dealing to children, got it? If you do, you’re dead.”
This was Red Hood! Red Hood wanted to control the drug trade in Gotham because he knew that Gotham is far too corrupt and filled with drug lords for him to just want to eradicate drugs from Gotham. If he had tried that he would have been a dumbass, but he wasn’t. He didn’t want to start a gang war and get innocent people killed because of it, he wanted to set the rules of his new Empire and he had to start with the street-level drug dealers, from there he grew until he became a major pain in Black Mask’s ass.
We went from Jason wanting to control the drug trade and take over Gotham’s underworld so people like Black mask couldn’t have people work for him (or being dependent on him) when they were still in high school or were in a vulnerable position, to Jason fighting a war for a mystic land because he was their “Chosen One”. DC really wanted to do something grand (yet boring) with Jason instead of sticking to a street-level vigilante that could have become a Drug Lord to control the drug trade of a city that is so filled with crime and corruption that it can’t be saved by anyone.
Batman doesn’t eradicate crime, he “controls” it, puts a blank it over it, lets it nap up until it wakes up once more to make more mess.
Red Hood had other plans, certain criminals didn’t get to nap, or, better said, they would get to nap forever.
So, no. I wouldn’t call that “dangerously insane”, I will call that “vigilante that believes himself judge, jury and executioner” of a city that is drowning in crime and corruption.
Anyway, I hope you have a really nice week Anon and thank you so much for sending me this ask!
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rosaliestark01 · 3 years
I saw ur requests are open. Could you write a shy peter Parker x shy reader where they both one day decided to confess and it’s a lot of stuttering and blushing and rambling nonsense and Ned and mj get so fed up that they just push their heads together or something so they kiss and once they do it’s even more tomato blushing and rambling.
Thank youuu❤️❤️❤️
A Little Push
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: All you and Peter need is a little push to get you on the right track.
Warnings: Maybe one baddish word?
A/N: for @thollandlover
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"I'm going to try to ask him out today," you state. Peter Parker sat a few tables away with Ned and MJ. You couldn't help the rush of adoration you felt as he animatedly spoke to Ned about something. The two of you have talked countless times, but the way his face lights up with his hands flying everywhere never failed to put a smile on your face.
Your friends, Bailey and Daniel, absent-mindedly nod their heads as they pick at their lunches. The food wasn't that bad, but you had other things to worry about, like how you would build up the nerve to approach Peter.
"You said that yesterday," Cindy sighed as she pushed her lunch away. Gwen quickly nods in agreement.
"And last week."
"There was also that time you-" Harry begins, but you quickly interrupt him before he says anything you might regret.
"I know, but I'm really going to do it this time." Your friends look skeptical at you while you fold your hand in your lap at the realization that this may be your last chance before the summer break. Finals have already started, and the last day of school is on Friday. You sneak a glance at Peter, only to quickly turn away as you found that he was already staring in your direction.
"Do you think he saw that?" Your eyes widen as you look at your friends who are trying to cover up their amusement.
"Judging by the fact that he looks like a tomato, I'd say yes," Harry laughs. A slight blush creeps up your cheeks as you think of what to do about it.
"I think I should go talk to him," you finally tell them as you rub your hands on your thighs in an attempt to feel less nervous. You stand up, but Harry grabs your arm before you make it very far, prompting you to look at him.
"Remember, direct eye contact is a form of dominance," He states dramatically. "Show him you mean business."
"I'm trying to ask him out, not scare him away," you huff and Harry rolls his eyes at you.
"I'm just trying to give you some advice," he snarks before patting you on the head. "You do you."
"Okay. I'm going to go now," you state confidently, but you don't move an inch. "Can you come with me?"
"No." Harry sighed when he noticed your pout before saying, "Those people are selling popsicles, and I want one."
"Alright," you mumble. "I've got this."
You turn away from your friends and begin to walk towards Peter's table. Halfway through, you turn to look towards your friends, but they all pretended not to have noticed you.
"Hey, Y/N," MJ says. "We missed you on the trip."
One thing is for sure, and that is that you might never have developed feelings for Peter if it weren't for your friendship with MJ. Often, she'd invite you to hang out with her, Peter, and Ned, which led to you and Peter finding out that you had a few things in common. Then, somewhere along the line, you began to see Peter in a new light.
"My cousin was getting married, and, I guess it was kind of lucky, you know, with the whole Mysterio thing going on."
"Yeah," she sighed, obviously not wanting to talk about what when down during their trip.
"Peter-" You start, but Peter cuts you off.
"Y/N-" The two of you look at each other, and you try hard not to let that damn flush crept up your face again. Awkwardly, Peter continues, "I was wondering-I was wondering if maybe you- do you-Maybe you should go first."
You mentally curse yourself for thinking that this was a good idea. In all honesty, you never really thought you'd make it this far.
"Um... Peter, I wanted to ask if..." You pause, realizing you have no idea what you're saying. "The theater is showing Return of the Jedi on Friday."
"Yeah, I think they are," Peter states. You try to keep your face neutral as you realize that he misunderstood you. "If you're not sure, I can check their website if you want."
"What I mean is- Do you plan on going?" You ask, having a hard time keeping your voice level as well.
"Ned and I were going to see it, but you can come to if you want." Peter's whole face lit up, but you're sure that it had more to do with the fact that you were talking about Star Wars than the idea of you joining him... and Ned.
"Uh.. actually, my cousin is getting married on Friday, and I have to be there, you know," Ned blurted. For some reason, MJ looked amused while Peter furrowed his eyebrows.
"I thought your cousin was already-" It hit you that Ned probably knew why you were here.
"I don't want to intrude," You state, realizing that Peter might not want to be alone in a theater with you. If it was obvious to Ned that you like Peter, then it was obvious to Peter too.
"No, it's okay." Peter quickly insisted. "You could never intrude."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, unless you don't want to go."
"I do." 'It's just that..."
"For goodness sake!" MJ cried. She shoved your head toward Peter's while Ned did the same to Peter towards you. It took you a second to realize that your lips were literally touching Peter's, and you immediately pulled away.
"I'm so sorry!" Your eyes had widened in horror. What would he think of you now?!
"I didn't mean to do that." Peter stammered, "Ned- He pushed my head, and- I mean, It-It wasn't that bad. Right?"
"Peter-" Did he just say it wasn't that bad?
"Oh, god. You thought it was bad, didn't you?" Peter jumped to his feet and began pacing with his head in his hands. "That's not how it was supposed to happen."
"Peter, I thought-" You began, but he cut you off again.
"I had a plan, and now I ruined everything-"
You bit your lip nervously as you realize what you're about to do, but it's the only way you could think of to get his attention. You rise to your feet and pull Peter's lips back to yours. This kiss was better than the last, and it was nice that Peter seemed to melt into it. After a second, you pulled away to look at Peter.
"I thought it was nice," you murmured. Peter's eyes were wide, but he seemed to nod in agreement.
"You- You did?" He stuttered.
"Yeah. I came over here to ask if you wanted to see Star Wars with me." As you explain, a look of realization seemed to wash over him. "You know, on- on a date."
"A date? With me? You and me?"
"Yes?" You ask, suddenly becoming unsure.
"I'd love to go on a date with you," Peter beams, and you couldn't help but smile too.
"Not bad, Y/N. Not bad at all," Harry Osborn clapped from the other side of the cafeteria. You and Peter seemed to both realize everyone was watching you. "I told you the eye contact thing works."
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paisley-print · 3 years
7:00am / Get The Directions
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Jack and you try to build an IKEA bookcase. 
Rating: SFW
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Warnings: Vomit, pregnancy, fluff, dirty talk, implied past sexual encounters. 
Word Count: 918
NOTE: This is short and sweet since the next chapter is pretty long and has some smut. Also I’m not sure if I ever gave Jack a full name. I gave his son a name and assumed they would have the same one...if I did give Jack a full name please tell me lol.  
“Well, where did you put the directions?”
Jack was on the floor, kneeling in front of a pile of wood, screws, cardboard and Styrofoam. It was a Sunday, and the two of you were spending some time at the shop. This had been the case for the last two weekends. Both of you working from morning to night, trying to get things ready for the grand opening in a few weeks. 
Originally, your plan had been to wait another six months before opening, but with the news of the baby, Jack and you decided it was better to get it done sooner rather than later. That way, when the baby came, you would have a trained staff that could take over while you were out on maternity leave. 
“Darlin’ I am a Statesman agent. Do you know what that means?”
You placed your hands in the pockets of your overalls - wishing you were allowed coffee. “You’re a less cool version of the FBI?”
You paused “...you’re all alcoholics?”
He cut you off “-It means, that I think I can figure out how to build one silly bookcase without having to look at the gosh darn directions.”
You raised your eyebrows, smirking. “You’ve been at it for thirty minutes.”
“Gotta familiarize myself with the pieces. Get her warmed up. You know how it is,” he shot you a little wink.
 “So, you’re gonna fuck the bookcase?”
“Mam” he said, setting down the piece he was holding and placing his hands on his hips all sassy. 
You giggled and swiveled on your roller chair a little. 
Jack continued to act as if he was annoyed. You knew he was just playing. “I would like to point out. That this is a lot of talk for a woman who is just sitting there watching.’”
The last two weeks had been hard on you, you suffered from very severe morning sickness. The doctor said it was normal, for most it went away after the first trimester but for some women it persisted throughout the whole pregnancy. You prayed it was only temporary. 
Jack had been wonderful. He would sit up with you at night, even though you told him it was okay to go to bed. You could see how tired he was in the mornings, or the way he took a nap on the couch for an hour after he got home. 
He never complained, not once. He would sit there with you, rubbing your back and telling random stories from work to keep your mind occupied. He had also taken over most of the cooking since you could hardly stomach even a peek into the fridge. 
He was always encouraging you to eat in order to keep your weight up. Making you little snacks when he was home and placing them in front of you and not getting up from the table until you finished at least half of what was on your plate. He didn’t want you sitting there alone- so he would watch Sports Center from the table. 
“Well, if you would let me help, then I wouldn’t just be watching,” you pointed out, standing and walking over to him.
“I gave you a job,” he said.
“Sitting here and-” you put your fingers into air quotes “ ‘Looking pretty’ is not a job Jack.”
He pursed his lips and mumbled. “Well, thank god cuz if it were you’d be fired-”
He backtracked immediately, “wha- you know I didn’t mean it like that, sugar! It’s because you’re standing!”
You crossed your arms and pretended to be mad. “Telling your pregnant fiance that she is - ugly. A new low…. I don’t know If it can ever be forgiven.”
He hooked his thumbs into the belt loops of your overalls to pull you closer. A brief smile cracked through your pretend frown. “Well, what If I told you that you were the prettiest girl in town?”
“Nope. Not good enough.”
“The world?”
You glanced down at him “better.”
“The universe.” 
You thought for a moment, “I guess I’ll take it.”
He smiled and leaned in for a hug, head pressing against your belly. You combed through his hair with your fingers, engagement ring sparkling under the fluorescent lights. “Jack?”
“Yeah sugar?”
“If you don’t get the directions, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you try darlin” he smiled and turned to kiss your belly.
You weren’t showing at all, but ever since he found out Jack’s hand seemed to find a permanent place on your stomach. Whether it be during car rides, watching TV, or standing in line at the store… it was there. You had gotten annoyed and swatted it away on multiple occasions when he did it in public. Fearing that people would find out before you were ready to announce it. 
You didn’t mind when you were at home. You knew he was worried, and it calmed his anxiety to touch you. Half the time he didn’t even realize he was doing it. You found it incredibly sweet. Especially the way he reached for you at night when he was drifting in and out of sleep.
You didn’t think it was possible to love somebody so deeply, and yet you managed to fall a little more in love with him every single day. “The longer you take to do this, the longer it is until I have sex with you behind the building like you asked.”
“Get the directions.”
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 6
Bitches Be Shopping
What is up y’all. A little late but let’s jump in with episode six of The Seven where our girls have just received a LOT of information, Sam most of all who got put into a little vision coma that she’s just now waking up from.
She explains the vision to her friends (as she interprets it, the other Eidolons didn’t die, just became part of the natural forces of the world) and then the bear that Penny made on a whim last episode (who is Russian, named Koda, and somehow a trained circus bear) gets into a fight with Katja with their friends buffing the two to make things more interesting because these are still idiot teens, life or death situation or no. Yelle decides to be the adult and tells them to knock it off and get back on mission.
That means Katja needs to call her dad since he’s knows the guy who’s the best lead to getting to TK ( Talcidimir Tallbreeze who I’ll call Tal). She actually manages to get her dad this time who is inside a giant snake on his hell mission. Katja asks what he knows about TK and he says she’s a sorcerer but also has a spell book so maybe she’s multiclassed. Sam and Ant desperately want to know if they boned and Katja absolutely is not interested in that knowledge. Yelle decides to just ask which makes her dad a little annoyed since he’s kind of in the middle of something (literally) and that annoys Ant, Ost, and Sam who--respectively, accuse him of gaslighting Kat, cast Command on him, and cast Bane on him to aid the Command spell. 
Mr. Cleaver fails the save and Ost commands him to tell Katja the truth. He admits that he did hook up with TK and he regrets it (note: it wasn’t like he cheated. It was just a casual hookup that wasn’t fulfilling it seems). Ost demands he apologize for not being there for Kat and Sam berates him for being at the top of the world and not lifting up his daughter too. For his part, Kat’s dad seems genuinely apologetic and promises to do better. 
“You don’t need to be the best father, you just need to be there,” Katja says, making her dad break down crying. 
Yelle, who has no daddy issues, is a bit less aggro and says that everyone makes mistakes and he can start making it up right now by helping with the Tal situation. She also gives them the tip that a cold spell will probably get them out of the snake lickety split.  She is on the money with the snake tip and Mr. Cleaver gets them all invites to a masquerade ball Tal is hosting. It’s being held on the Rumbosa which is this city-sized leisure ship. Mr. Cleaver says he’ll be back as soon as he can and, in the meantime, she should take care of her friends, “even the first 2 that were terrifying to me.”
The girls give Katja the axe they took as a birthday present (it was apparently her birthday the day before which Rekha just decided and Ost/Izzy refuses to accept without a fight because she *knows* Kat’s bday) which is identified as the Axe of Sundering (it can shatter objects, people, and sometimes concepts like halving movement). The two unnamed potions Yelle found are also ID’d as a Potion of Fly and a Potion of Gaseous Form. She distributes the Heath Potions to people without heals. Ant’s new arrows bypass some resistances and let her treat whatever she hits with the first one like it’s her favored enemy. 
According to their invites, the ship they need is docking in the city of Gravalvia soon (a very old city in the Baronies) so they need to figure out a plan. They have some downtime, during which:
Zelda tries to hype up the team.
Zelda tries to see if Ost is OK wrt dad stuff and Ost has a Full Breakdown after badly pretending she’s fine. 
While Zelda, Ost, and Penny are being Emotional and Sam is trying to literally cool them down with her powers, Ant and Yelle keep watch and experience emotional stability as the Adults Of The Party 
Anyway, after a night of rest, they head to the golden city of Gravalvia which is this very cool, very pretty city with mosaics and fountains and I assume columns. They get there and there’s a dramatic fight happening in the square which is halted when one of the fighters realizes that the country he’s fighting for doesn’t exist anymore. And now, it’s time for what we’ve all been waiting for. Shopping Montage! Let’s go girl by girl.
Katja and Ost
Kat asks for help from Ost with getting fancy for this gala since she’s never really done anything dressy before (and she had no mom to help--Kaaaat) and Ost is happy to oblige, dressing them both like “Jersey trash”. Kat, of course, still wears her Khakis underneath.
Ant decides to get a vibe for what people here wear and picks something that will blend in but be forgettable so she can be stealthy. Classy blue dress and mask.
Penny...OK, I absolutely cannot describe what happens here in any way that will do justice to the scene. I am going to tell you what matters to the plot. You have to watch this yourself if you want to see the entire table have a collective breakdown. 
While looking for a costume, Penny runs into a halfling who is a member of the Society of Shadows--Laertes. He wants to know why she hasn’t responded to their invitation yet. She says she’s really eager to join, she just wasn’t sure how to respond (and also, she’s kind of in the middle of something). He says she can join by just messaging back and then her loved ones just have to sign waivers to have their memories wiped of her and she’s good to go. Say what now? asks Penny. She didn’t realize this was like a full Men in Black situation. 
He says it’s ultimately her decision and leaves.
Of course, I left out the parts where he ate a handful of Candy Heart’s remains, became violently ill, almost projectile vomited into Penny’s mouth, and she tried to kiss him despite him being a full adult. It’s A Lot, ok?
Also, we don’t find out until later but Penny picks a sexy duck costume for reasons that make more sense if you watch the scene but not *much* more sense. She also burns one of the healing potions on this dude as he is bar
Danielle tries to get some info on the guests at the party and gets the names Lawrence LaDuc, Princess Autumn, and Duston who is the playboy cousin of Tal. She also hears some dude saying some colonize and plunder the earth BS and casts Heat Metal on him, fully mercing the dude. Ice cold. 
She tries to play it off like it’s the Curse of the Forest and when that doesn’t work and people start coming for her, she wildshapes into a dragon wyrmling and starts roasting people, killing 1 and dropping 2 to zero. 
Unfortunately, one of her party members is a known dragon hater and uses her new arrows to snipe her right out of the sky. Ant is horrified once she realizes what she’s done but Yelle says it’s all good. It’s NOT all good, says Ant, I STABBED YOU. You’re allowed to be mad! Yelle says she’s just really good at compartmentalizing but what Ant’s getting here is that Yelle doesn’t really believe that her feelings matter which echo the fears of her moms. 
Sam uses a combination of Mantle of Inspiration, glamour magic, performance, and good old flirting to get herself some killer clothes and also start a spontaneous musical number Giselle style.  
Brennan says she looks resplendent and, honestly, when does she not?
They reconvene, Zelda in a classic hoop skirt. Yelle realizes she never got a costume and just whips out a Met Gala level, autumn themed, Queen Mab-esque costume with Druidcraft which she could have done this whole time so I guess that’s why she was cool spending her shopping time getting gossip and playing Poison Ivy. 
They get to the ship and the way this works, everyone has to make an entrance and the really rich people (including Tal) are on a dais up top watching everyone come in. They all have to give fake names for the night since it’s a masquerade and they have to do Performance or Persuasion checks to see how impressive they look going in. 
Before they go in, they plan a little. Penny wants to look for TK. Sam wants to find Dunston. Ost wants to talk to the bouncers. Yelle wants to see if there are plants she can manipulate (there are btw) and for any exits. 
A quick rundown of how these all go:
Katja aka Mere (which means both mom and horse): 16 
Ant aka Midnight Huntress: 18 
Penny aka Penny Duckstone: 13
Zelda aka Madame Goodparty: 2 (Poor Zelda)
Sam aka Songbird: 22 (but she takes a hit to entrance save Zelda from totally flaming out)
Ost aka Stanley Gucci: 13
And Danielle, who never hogs the spotlight and is embarrassed to admit that maybe she does want to be the center of attention for once in her life with a Natural 20, gets a 29, absolutely bringing down the house as Empress Anima. As she walks forward she feels a voice say to her, “You got this. I love the name. You wear it well.”
Tal seems very impressed by her and a lady in a rabbit mask (Coeliabranca who I’ll call Coel if she comes up more) comes down to bring her up to the top with the high rollers. As she leaves, Sam casts Fly on her, just in case and holds the Concentration. 
Ost and Kat go talk to the bouncers and Kat decides to pretend to be her mom to get access to the area Yelle is. She rolls low and is told, “Hey, aren’t you already up there?” Kat is like, fuck and Ost saves her by using her charm earrings to get an entourage of guards who will let them through and do what she says. Once up there, Kat doesn’t see her mom which I can imagine she has mixed feelings about. 
Sam finds Dunston who is talking about Fantasy Bitcoin and seems like a real “Step on me mommy” type you know? Like, I feel like he’s into findom. Anyway, Sam charms him and his hangers on and learns about a procedure called a Phlebectomy that involves something going into their nose and then they feel better. Sam is rightfully horrified because, as I said, she is Most Likely To Survive A Horror Movie and can sense BS when she sees is. It’s apparently all the rage with the rich people here which is, como de dice, concerning seeing as they’re surrounded by them but we’ll get to that. Sam takes advantage of Dunston’s proclivities and gets him alone, knocks him out, steals him clothes, and pretends to be him (a *very* good scene by Sephie). 
Penny sees a gnome gnome boy (Lysander Higgins) shining shoes and finds out from him that there is a copper earth genasi woman here. In a very Cinderella move, she asks what shoes she was wearing. Then, she makes out with him which like, sure. At least it’s not a grown adult man this time. Before she gets her kisses in, she does tell the group what she learned. 
Up with the rich people, Yelle is introduced to Tal’s friend who is into Eidolons because of the name she chose. Between the shoes and her knowledge, they confirm that it’s TK! Yelle asks what she knows about Eidolons and she says that 7 is a very powerful number.
We cut to Ant who is patrolling the room as the sun sets and she suddenly hears a little beeping. It’s coming from a small crystal that was in Preston’s shirt (which she still has on her because???). Guests start dripping goo from their noses and transforming into monsters. Ant realizes that some kind of spell is happening triggered by midnight and this beeping. Hope these costumes are battle ready cause it’s fight time baybee!
Danielle: Most Likely to Be on The News for Murdering Fantasy Jeff Bezos
I cannot imagine what was running through Yelle’s head when she decided that, having just rolled into a foreign country, her next move was to start using lethal force on anti-environmentalist colonizing capitalists. Like, she’s not *wrong* per se but she is wild--in all senses of the word.  
Random Thoughts
Kat keeps saying yesterday was her birthday which Ost/Izzy (and the rest of the group to a less vocal degree) are simply not having because maybe her dad would forget her birthday but her girls absolutely would not.
“You’re great because you stayed,” is the other killshot Kat line to her dad.
At a certain point Sam says, “This is so unhealthy,” to I think Yelle and like, if SAM is telling you your coping mechanisms are unhealthy, get thee to therapy.
OK, so someone, presumably Anima’s spirit, talks to Yelle as she makes her grand entrance which seems like info they should get to Talura ASAP, right? Cause that’s evidence they’re not dead-dead, just changed in form. But also Anima, girl. Don’t talk to Yelle. Talk to your rampaging sister!
"That's my secret, I stay in initiative."
Just a process note, notes are taken for the next ep and I am working on getting that recap up ASAP. As a battle ep, it will be in the abbreviated style that I did for last battle ep. 
In this episode, Penny rolls a Nat 1 (which she rerolls) and one of Brennan’s NPCs rolls a Nat 1. Ant rolls 2 Nat 20s, Yelle rolls 1, and Brennan says that one of his NPCs gets a 20 which sweeps him entirely into Sam’s dance number. 
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Maybe this is bold of me to ask, but are there any deleted scenes from your fics, or scenes you had consideted writing but didn't? And if yes, would you be willing to share them someday?
Oh no problem!
Usually when a scene is deleted it stays deleted, so I don't have a lot to give you. There are a few things that were cut in betaing for various reasons, I can put a few of them below a readmore in this post.
There's the prologue that never was to Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, from back when the fic was supposed to be told alternately from Bella and Carlisle's respective points of view. In the prologue we saw how Bella, Alice, and Edward came to the point where they decided to overthrow the Volturi. Or, we would have, except I didn't actually like that prologue, and found myself jumping straight to writing chapter 2, the "Carlisle is at a party and gets attacked by a werewolf" chapter instead. My good beta @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin asked why I didn't simply make the whole fic from Carlisle's point of view, I realized she had an excellent point, now here we are.
For that matter, this is nowhere near the only significant change that happened to this fic during writing. One example, in the original outline I never brought up Carlisle's gift. Two significant things in the last chapter were not planned until after I published chapters twelve and thirteen, respectively (Luckily for me it'll look like I plotted them all along, so yay for that). For a tightly plotted fic, this one has had a lot of leeway.
Slight caveat, as I’m self-conscious: with most of these you will probably be able to tell why they’re deleted scenes. Especially the prologue. God, that prologue.
(Also, for the record yes I do write other things, but due to 1. being betaed, and 2. being long, I really only have examples for Nebuchadnezzar's Dream.)
The prologue that never was. Apologies for the fluff saturation:
The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II once had a dream.
There was a statue that was gold on top, then silver, then copper, then iron, then clay and iron. As he watched, a rock struck its feet, and soon the whole statue crumbled, leaving nothing but rubble. The rock then grew into a great mountain that covered all the world.
This, the prophet Daniel told the king, was a message from Jehovah.
The statue represented five great human empires, the golden head being the Babylonian Empire, and the following three being those who would come after. The last would be both iron and clay, a divided kingdom. It will fall, and then the kingdom of Heaven will come, crushing those empires in its path.
Thousands of years later, in 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell. The last of the Roman Empire, a divided kingdom, had fallen.
The Christian world trembled, because reckoning was surely near. With the fall of this last, great human empire, all the world would fall to rubble.
Fifteen years had passed.
The Cullens had left Forks behind, settling in the small town of Grafton, Idaho. Carlisle had quickly settled into the new hospital, and Esme had designed a beautiful new home for them while the rest attended the new school. Jasper and Rosalie were Carlisle’s younger siblings while Bella, Edward, Renesmée and Esme comprised another set of siblings. Alice and Emmett were the fosters.
Jacob wasn’t far, he still lived with his old .
«Did you hear they all scored an A on Mr Rosen’s test? Seriously, all of them!»
The words were uttered by Jenna Gilbert, a blonde sophomore who reminded Bella very much of Jessica Stanley. She was sitting on the opposite end of the cafeteria from Bella and her family, though
«Jen, it’s the Cullens, that’s just what they do. You should stop comparing yourself…» her friend said soothingly.
Bella ducked her face into her hand to hide her smile, and winked at Alice, who grinned back at her.
It was Bella and Renesmée’s first time going to high school as a vampire. It was exactly what Edward and Alice had said it would be, for better and for worse.
For the worse, because she spent her days pretending to be a human girl, never using her strength or speed, pretending Edward wasn’t her husband and Renesmée wasn’t her daughter.
For the better, because she got to spend every day with Edward, Renesmée, and the rest of her new family. The others had done the high school routine too many times to see things the way she did, and Renesmée had never known a life without the Cullens, but to Bella, attending high school as one of Dr. Cullen’s adoptive kids felt like she had truly come full circle since that first day she spotted Edward in the cafeteria. She was one of them, truly, irrevocably, and high school was nothing if not a promise of the countless years to come surrounded by the people she loved.
Edward caught her eye, and she smiled back at him. She lowered her shield briefly to show him how happy she was to be with her family.
His face softened into that beautiful, lop-sided smile of his, and he leaned in to whisper into her ear, «You’ll be less happy when you’ve been through English 101,» he said.
«Hey, hey,» Jasper said quickly. «Don’t you dare, Edward, I need all the happiness I can get in this place.» He locked eyes with Bella. «Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.»
Bella laughed, and rested her head on Edward’s shoulder. He placed his hand above hers on the table, and she smiled. «Not a problem, Jazz.»
Jenna’s voice caught her notice again. «Look at how they’re sitting! Try and tell me they’re not incestuous, Cam. Just try.»
Her friend didn’t reply to that one, although a quick glance informed Bella that the girl was staring at the Cullen table with a frown on her face.
Bella and Alice caught each others’ eye again, and this time they couldn’t hold back the giggles.
Later in the day, Alice’s eyes lit up. «You’ll receive a letter from Stefan and Vladimir a week from now,» she chirped.
«Oh!» Bella exclaimed. «What does it say?»
«The usual,» Alice replied, her eyes slightly distant as she concentrated. «They hope we’re all doing well, and they included a new story of how things used to be before the Volturi. It’s the story of how they once built an entire temple for themselves in just one day. Oh, and they have a new phone number. O-seven nine six five nine six.»
Bella’s eyes widened as Alice talked. She hoped they had included drawings of that temple, it sounded incredible.
Bella hadn’t expected the Romanians to stay in touch, when they left after the thwarted battle with the Volturi she thought they would slink back into the old European shadows they had cloaked themselves in for that past several thousand few years, not to be heard from until some new threat to the Volturi loomed.
But no, that very next Christmas Bella had received a gift from them. It was an old, if flaked painting of Ivan the Terrible looking a lot like Vladimir, and a note from Vladimir explaining how he fooled all of Russia into believing he was their ruler for decades, all right beneath Aro’s nose. Carlisle had broken into a fit of uncharacteristic giggles when he heard that, and even agreed to put the painting in the hallway. To this day, he’d huff with silent laughter whenever he walked past it.
After that, Bella and the two Romanians had been in touch. They’d send her gifts, stories, and their own observations about the Volturi, and she’d respond fondly.
It was a very unlikely friendship, but she was was eternally grateful to all those who had stood with her family when the Volturi came. The Romanians were no exception,
«Are you going to call them?» Alice inquired.
Bella nodded. «They were going to tell me about their visit to Thebes.»
(Outline: Prologue of sorts. Status quo update, everyone’s happy except for the part where the Volturi are waiting to kill them. Alice, Bella, and Edward form their plan. Alice sees that she’s going to have to send Carlisle away, and coincidentally his hospital colleagues are having their Christmas weekend in Montana. PERFECT. She talks to him.)
Heavily altered scene from chapter 7
Carlisle makes more jokes than he did in the final product, they're unfunny to the point where my beta said "you can't publish this", the plague joke in particular is a bit too dark for him so I gave it to Jane instead. More importantly, the chapter itself has a very weird, clunky start:
«Is it the gift of being profoundly unimpressed by ridiculous claims?» Carlisle deadpanned. «Because if so, Aro, I think you might be on to something.»
Several seconds had passed since Aro made his ridiculous claim. At first, Carlisle had burst out laughing. Then, as he realized he was the only person in the room laughing and Aro was staring at him in full seriousness, his laughter had trailed off and he’d been left to stare dully at Aro for several long seconds, waiting for Aro to crack up and say «gotcha!».
Aro never cracked up.
Carlisle had absolutely no idea what Aro was playing at, especially not immediately after Carlisle had very reluctantly decided against shutting him out of his life.
«You can’t be serious,» he’d said.
Aro had sighed. «I’m afraid I am.»
And now, at Carlisle’s deadpan guess, Aro only shook his head. «Not quite.»
Carlisle stared at him for another second, before he ventured another, scathing guess. «Are you hoping it’s the power of being highly suggestible? Because I definitely don’t have that, or I would have abandoned my diet centuries centuries ago.»
Aro just looked at him. «If you would let me explain-» he began, but Carlisle cut him off.
«No, no, you want to try and convince me I have some sort of gift, then I want to guess at what you’re going for,» he said, crossing his legs at the knee and propping his chin up on his knuckle in a faux-pensive look.
«Now,» he continued, even as Aro gave him the world’s most unimpressed glare, as if Carlisle was the one who was being ridiculous, «I’m pretty sure I would have noticed the power to throw fireballs by now, so it can’t be that,» he mused aloud. «Same goes for the power of…» he searched his mind, «turning into a bat. That one would definitely have come up at some point. Or maybe I should suspend myself upside down in a cave. See if it triggers anything. Just to be sure.»
«Carlisle,» Aro murmured, but Carlisle wasn’t done.
«Maybe I spread disease. My father certainly thought demons did. Maybe that’s why I get so many interesting patients. Those brain fungi,» he nodded towards Renata, who was still sitting with the book open in her lap, «I’ve had two in one year. That’s a lot.»
«Carlisle-» Aro tried again, but Carlisle held up a finger, a wide grin spreading across his face.
«The power to change my eye color. You see, yesterday they were black-»
Aro actually rolled his eyes at that. Of course, he made the insolent gesture look like a fluid, enchanting movement.
«Yes, quite funny, now if you would let me explain…» Aro tried again while Carlisle tried not to snicker at his own joke.
Two deleted paragraphs from chapter 9. The alteration was made because it was a bit on the nose about what Renesmée does.
Humans were mammals, and mammals were hardwired to protect their young. This extended across species, making mother cats care for puppies and humans care for anything that was small and cute. The instinct to love and cherish anything cute and helpless was an evolutionary necessity, and had to run deeper than anything if a species wanted to survive.
Enter Jane, who was the smallest, cutest thing Carlisle had ever seen, but from a species humans instinctively knew to fear. Maybe the very fact that she was something that humans knew they should want to care for made their fear exponential, made it impossible to deny that something was very wrong about her, that they were looking at a predator.
Perhaps too there was something to vampires having retained some of that human instinct to protect their young, if the countless stories of covens dying to protect their immortal children was anything to go by. Carlisle himself had been no exception when the Volturi came for Renesmée, even as he found himself risking the lives of countless friends.
How far things had come, he thought, from preparing to die along with his loved ones at the hands of the Volturi to sitting across a café table with Jane and pitching costume ideas.
Chapter 9 was heavily altered, mainly as it was too funny the first (and second!) time around and I kept having to return to insert more existential dread. A side effect of this is that Carlisle in the original draft was still undecided on whether he had a gift up until the very end of the chapter, whereas it's proven beyond a doubt much earlier in the published version.
Jane was looking a bit daunted, though it was nothing compared to how Carlisle felt.
Silently, they went to stand in front of one of the many sports stores that Whitefish had to offer.
«This could still be confirmation bias,» Carlisle whispered, and leaned against the wall. For all the human blood that was in his system, his knees felt oddly weak.
Jane let out a startled laugh. «You’re seriously still in denial?»
Carlisle shook his head quietly. «They reacted pretty reasonably, just because they didn’t run away screaming…»
«Reasonably?» Jane echoed dully. «Carlisle, you can’t actually…» she shook her head. «Remember that bubble we talked about?»
Carlisle put his head in his hands, and let his fingers move up, under the wig, pulling it off in one neat motion.
Jane shook her head at him. «You look even more glamorous with your real hair.»
Carlisle still said nothing, balling the wig together in his hands.
Could it be he actually had a gift?
The chapter 11 outline originally had Renata and Carlisle failing to communicate like normal people because they've spent too much time with Aro, and unintentional innuendo keeps ruining their attempts to make polite small talk. Sadly (or happily) this is a lot easier to conceptualize than carry out in actual writing, and their conversation wound up being far too serious for that, so it was cut. Luckily for you I did pen Carlisle flashbacking to a time his foot got in his mouth:
The moment after the words were out her face scrunched up.
Carlisle snorted. «Aro is a horrible influence on us all.»
He remembered one of his first talks with Jasper, when they were still getting to know each other.
Jasper had been a little starstruck when he learned Carlisle’s friends in Italy were those Italians.
He’d asked Carlisle a lot of questions once he got past a misplaced sense of awe, wanting to put a face to the eternal, petrified, leaders of the vampire world.
During a hunt with just the two of them, Jasper had been asking about Aro’s gift.
«What do you even think about when you’re with him?» Jasper had marvelled aloud, and he would later explain that the way he say it, this was like the way the Egyptian gods supposedly measured souls.
Place your heart upon the balancing scale against the weight of a feather, and if your heart weighs heavier it is devoured by the demon Ammit.
Place your hand in Aro’s, and if he deems you guilty of breaking his law, you will be torn to pieces in the space of a second.
Being friends with the man sounded unbearably stressful to Jasper.
Unfortunately, Carlisle’s mind had gone in the opposite direction, and what came out of his mouth before he could stop himself was, «England.»
He’d covered well enough for that, or he hoped he had. Jasper never asked.
Chapter 11 was also supposed to have Renata being brave enough to ask for a selfie with Carlisle when they're both in black robes, this because I just really want Edward to sift through the Volturi group chat after all this and finding that. Alas, I couldn't work it in there. (Determined to not lose the joke, I had Aro take the photos in chapter 12 instead.)
Chapter 12, the fandom ghost requested I include another butt slap and offered me fanart if I fulfilled her wish.
And so:
He held up a hand, presumably to touch Carlisle’s arm in comfort, but just then Alec started retching.
«He ate human food,» Jane deadpanned to Demetri, Felix, and Renata. Shaking her head, she brushed Alec’s hair out of his face as he hurled into the river.
Aro grimaced slightly, his hand hovering in the air.
Carlisle felt all the bread, corn flakes, and water that he’d swallowed press uncomfortably against his esophagus. «I’ll do you one better, Alec,» he choked, before he span around, fell to his knees and started retching, much like a cat.
Aro, evidently not sure what to do with his arm but not about to let it drop purposelessly, gave Carlisle a supportive pat on the bum before kneeling beside him to hold his hair as he hurled.
It was funny, but simply didn't fit the tone considering what happened after. It had to go. But hey, I got the art.
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of blood, very mild swearing
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @gyeraniee @fluffi @stxrryemxlys @jungwon-luv-bot
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A week has passed since the favored pair passionately promenaded around town. They’ve always looked very fond of each other, and the ton can only imagine the two tying the knot by the end of the year.
Only a week in but Sunghoon was already finding it hard to keep himself away from Y/n’s side. From their long, humorous talks, to past secrecies, bliss, and memories, Sunghoon isn't always a big talker. But when it comes to the young miss, he blurts out almost anything and everything that comes to mind, and the lass would happily enjoy them; so much that she even laughed with a snort once, to which Sunghoon found really adorable and charming.
Sunghoon told her she was magnetic, and the girl helplessly clung herself to the marquess like an ornament.They've shared a lot of stories with each other in the course of a week. And in every topic, Jungwon never ceases to be mentioned. Y/n almost always connects everything with the boy, and Sunghoon can clearly see how Y/n’s got it so bad with Jungwon.
He told himself that he was going to change that.
Today, it was said they were seen traipsing around the Swan’s Lake一 a cradle for the tons banal scandals. Further ahead, the Queen’s garden can already be seen just by the tip of the tiny greenhouse that’s solely standing amidst the wildflowers. Sunghoon leads the way for the young miss to enter first.
“See that? The garden admires you.” Sunghoon whispers against her ears and send tingles through her entire body.
“This is amazing. I’ve only ever been here once, you know. It’s actually one of my favorite places here in Northumberland.” The young miss exclaims while softly touching the brightly colored flowers in each step she takes.
“Was the first visit special enough to make this one of your adored places?”
“Yeah.. I was with Jungwon.” She mutters the name under her breath with a look of regret.
“What was the reason he brought you here?”
“We were nine. He said he wanted to show me something that only this garden can offer.”
“Let me guess. Was it a ring made of twigs and he played pretend like he was proposing to you?” Y/n chuckles at the marquess. Though she wouldn't admit it, she finds Sunghoon very ideal and gentle.
Could it be that she wishes Jungwon to be more like him? Or is she just telling herself that Sunghoon’s perfect enough to bury down her dying feelings for Jungwon?
“That’s cute but unfortunately, that's not what happened. He showed me the Catalpa tree and gave me its flower. He said it reminds him so much of me and that I should tuck the flower in my favorite book to remind myself that he thinks of me often.”
��Ahh. Quite the romantic our little Jungwon here, eh?”
Y/n looks down to the ground remembering the dead Catalpa flower that was tucked between Jungwon’s Austen book; the book that was now back in the comfort of its owner after she threw it in the Kielder Forest. 
“Once upon a time, yes.”
Sunghoon quickly picked up the mood and snapped it away. Seeing how Jungwon made this hole in her heart annoyed him to the extent he realized he had been living in hypocrisy as well.
He oddly sees himself in Jungwon, although in his case, it was much different. Jungwon never had any rivals when it comes to Y/n’s heart. Whereas with him, he had Niki, who wasn't even a bad guy in a story that Sunghoon tried so hard to own.
“Did you know that there's a poison garden here?” He breaks the silence.
“A what now?”
“A poison garden. The Queen’s very particular with it. Although it's off-limits to everyone except the royal gardener, anyone can still have a peek at it. I bet Jungwon never told you that.”
“He didn't.”
“Of course. Your chap doesn't alway know things, Y/n. You sometimes think so highly of him.”
The young miss kept her mouth shut the whole walk to the poison garden’s entry. They decided to take a brief peek, as per Sunghoon’s wishes, and she went along. It's not an everyday occurrence that you get to see a real and existing poison garden in Northumberland's Alnwick Castle.
“Sunghoon? Until when are we going to keep up with this whole ruse?” She softly whispers.
“Well, Jungwon hasn't told you anything worthy yet, has he?”
“The other day, he uhh… he told me to stop seeing you.”
“Why do you suppose he would say such thing?”
“I don't know. Must be something that happened between you and my brother?” she stopped shortly.
“What happened, Sunghoon? How come they all know about it and act like it was so horrid, yet keep it very subtle?” Sunghoon clicks his tongue and hisses before letting out a deep exhale.
“It's all in the past now. Even Niki. Though, I want to start fresh with him, but he doesn't seem to give me any chance at even trying.”
“What happened?”
“I don't think your brothers would want you to hear it. I respect Jay the most, and I owe Niki a whole lot. Or even if they do, I won't tell you anyway.”
“Was it… that bad?” Sunghoon fakes a chuckle while sitting on the nearby cemented bench. Y/n reaches out to hold his hand and the gent softly grips her fingers while brushing it with his thumb, locking hands with her in the process.
Sunghoon wanted to let everything out. But he fears the young beau would distance herself. If he were to be honest, there's nothing for him from this ruse they plotted. It was just to help the poor miss and satisfy himself with the look of envy upon Jungwon's face. He has nothing against the chap, but he may just simply be a schadenfreude.
The following day, Jungwon received a personal letter from the soon-to-be-duke himself. The moment he read the contents, he hastily dashed from his house and onto his horse, galloping in a speed of light to the Kielder Forest.
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It is peak afternoon and the golden sun hit the forest perfectly, making it look like the two men are bathing under the immaculate bliss. Picture perfect as it may look, they didn't meet there to dawdle time away.
“Your Grace.” Jungwon bows to which Sunghoon returns in the aftermath.
“Why did you summon me here?” Jungwon glints at the marquess with a scorn. As much as he wants to showcase his manners, it didn't seem like the time and place to do it.
“Let's cut the formalities from here on out, Jungwon. Who do you think you are to give orders to Y/n? You know, the more you convince her to stop seeing me, the faster she runs to my tail. You're just doing me a favor to be very honest, and I am so pleased for this wonderful opportunity. You don't have the slightest idea of what convenience you are to me right now.” Sunghoon mockingly exclaims with both hands holding together like a child in prayer.
Jungwon aggressively walks towards the marquess and grabs his cravat with both hands. “You pompous blowhard! What are you doing with her?!” Jungwon grunts while shoving Sunghoon against the tree. With a stern look upon his eyes, the marquess suddenly finds the situation very amusing. He smirks and chuckles before pushing Jungwon's hands from the tight grip on his clothing.
“Are you talking about yourself? Take it easy, Yang. I don't think you're hearing yourself right now. Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?” Sunghoon lets out a laugh that makes Jungwon even more furious. It was his plan, after all.
“You haven’t had enough of triggering Niki, and now you're using his sister?! You're a big mess, Sunghoon! Admit it! You couldn't have Yena all to yourself with Niki around, so you're tainting Y/n to get revenge on the both of us?! You’re a lost cause!”
“Am I? A lost cause, eh? You're plainly calling yourself out, don't you think? All these years of having the most beautiful lady in Northumberland at the palm of your hands, yet you're too much of a dimbo to even hold onto her. And besides, it's like hitting two birds with one stone, yeah? You and Niki?”
Sunghoon mockingly laughs at Jungwon's fuming face and before he even realized it, his glorious face landed on the cold ground with an angry clobber from the chap. Jungwon straddles him and continues punching him while sitting on top of the fallen boy.
In a swift response, Sunghoon pulls Jungwon by the collar and pushes him aggressively to the side. While landing several punches on Jungwon's face, the marquess spits out blood in the process.
“Enough!” Sunghoon sternly yells at the former who is now bending over his knees, huffing out exhales with a fast beating heart.
“Stop this stupidity you're doing with Y/n! You're no good for her, Yang, and you know that! Can't you see? You're just wasting her time when she could've been married last season already!”
“Don't fucking tell me what to do, ugly bastard!” Jungwon hisses with gritted teeth, mustering up his anger to give the marquess another blow of his fist.
“Stain my face with more blood, Yang, and you’ll have to kiss your princess goodbye. Mark my words, you will never have Y/n. Not even a useless moment with her.”
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“Niki! Niki! Niki!”
Daniel runs inside the Park manor with such haste, unknowingly bumping the mansion’s servants along the way. “Nishimura Riki!” The boy helplessly cries out to the latter, who apparently seems to be very preoccupied in the garden, impulsively firing the target on the branch.
“What?!” Niki yells back.
“I have big news to tell you!”
“If it’s about Sunghoon then shut your mouth ‘cause I have no intentions of hearing it. Sister will get tired of him soon enough, so I’m not worried. I trust Y/n’s wit to deliver her from that traitor.”
“But this is about Y/n and it's something that you should be worried about!” Niki swiftly turns his head to the boy bearing no more second thoughts as he throws away the blunderbuss and rushes to Daniel, “what happened to sister?!”
“She made a deal with the devil himself.”
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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woodchoc-magnum · 4 years
9-1-1 4x04 Reaction
Spoilers under the cut
Buddie for comfort:
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Saving the parents for last because jesus fucking christ that’s a rant, and also, I’m functioning on very little sleep so this may be completely disjointed and rambly:
I am in love with Buck and Eddie trying to solve the crime together and I wish they would re-film that scene without face masks
Because they so would be into true crime, like Eddie pretends to be cool but he’s a secret nerd, and he loves to nerd out with Buck, so it makes total sense that they watch crime documentaries together like COME ON
I’m incorporating this into a fic somehow
May Grant the 911 operator 🔥🔥🔥
Gratuitous shirtlessness in the form of Albert and Chimney, thank you very much 911
Albert fucking RUNNING AWAY FROM CHIMNEY 10/10 comedy
And then Chimney RUNNING AWAY FROM THE REST OF THE TEAM 10/10 comedy as well
Albert throwing a whole wheel of brie into the oven? Like just throwing it in there? Literally just throwing it in there
I don’t know why they added that in but I’m not mad at it
Chimney making friends with the mad bomber after the preview was like “IS CHIMNEY GONNA DIE????” no he’s gonna make a new friend and then brain him with an oxygen tank duh
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Well, I guess it’s about that time to talk about the worst parents in the show, so here we go:
Some of this is gonna be speculation because obviously we don’t know how this all played out, but we can make some guesses. My theory is that Daniel the dead brother died... perhaps saving Buck when he was only very little, hence Buck not remembering it, and his parents... asking Maddie not to tell him?
What even the FUCK though
And how the hell do you cover something like that up? Did they simply move away from friends and family so no one would ever talk about it? Did they box up all the pictures and memories and everything and just... fucking... MOVE ON? Or not move on, because they have obviously never forgiven Buck for whatever the hell happened.
Okay, this is my speculation:
The parents are somehow responsible - for example, an accidental drowning (I don’t think this is what happened, this is just an example). So hypothetically, they’re at the beach, and Buck is a toddler, and the parents aren’t paying attention and he wanders into the sea and gets swept out; Daniel comes to his rescue and dies in the act of saving him (this thing happens in Australia all the time, hence why I’m using it as an example - swim between the flags, gang!).
So then you have the parents who are ultimately responsible for not paying attention, you have the unavoidable tragedy of one of the children dying, and the way they coped with this terrible tragedy was to place the blame on Buck (even though it wasn’t his fault, at all) and pretend that Daniel had simply never existed.
This means that Buck spends his life living in the shadow of the older brother who was glorified, who died saving him, and Buck has no idea why he can never please his parents and why they don’t love him. This is why they’re checked out as parents, because one of their kids died, and instead of seeking therapy, they decided to live a lie and blame their son for something he had no fucking control over.
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So setting all that aside, let’s talk about these two absolute fucking pieces of shit.
They’ve alienated their children so much that both of them are absolutely terrified when they turn up. Buck is petrified. He’s spent his whole life never living up to their expectations, never feeling good enough, or worthy enough, constantly being put down - no wonder he ran away to California to put some distance between them. And he’s finally in a good place, going through therapy, dealing with his issues, and now bam - his parents are back in town to screw up all of his hard work.
And Maddie’s just as freaked out, because she’s trying to protect Buck from them. I feel like she has good intentions but her mistake is wanting Buck to have a relationship with people who don’t necessarily want to have a relationship with him, and for telling them about him being in therapy (which I still don’t understand, but I guess maybe the next episode will reveal the answer). To be clear, I don’t think Maddie is wrong for having kept this secret. She was manipulated into it by her parents when she was only a child, and that is not her fault, at all. She’s been told she’s doing the right thing and she hasn’t questioned it, but now, she is.
And, importantly - if her parents were checked out mentally and emotionally, she had to do a lot of the heavy-lifting and parenting when it came to Buck, when she was just a little girl herself. Maddie is the reason Buck is as wonderful as he is - she raised him.
Now, back to the pieces of shit:
They didn’t like Doug, so they washed their hands of Maddie, even though they lived in the same fucking town. So she was getting beaten up by her absolute monster of a husband, and ending up in hospital, and they were doing fucking nothing to intervene or help her.
She had to flee across the country to Buck in California to finally escape him, because their parents didn’t care enough to help. Motherfuckers.
And then the whole “we don’t do hospitals” - bitch, they are your fucking CHILDREN. If your CHILDREN are in hospital, you are supposed to CARE. Buck got crushed by a ladder truck, he had an embolism and nearly died, he went through a tsunami and NOTHING? Nada? Maddie had to kill her husband after he nearly killed her, and NOTHING? Buck had to call to tell them what had happened!
And then to start crying and asking "I don’t know what you expected us to do?” - like, bitch, FUCKING ANYTHING?
I mean
I cannot with these people
What kind of white WASP-y nonsense is this
Let me tell the story of when I had appendicitis - I was taken to the hospital by my friend at night, my mum lives two hours away - when she found out that it was appendicitis and I’d be going in for surgery, she jumped in the car in the middle of the night and drove two hours to be with me, and I was a grown-ass woman at the time. It is not normal for parents not to care when their children are sick/injured/being beaten almost to death by their abusive husbands/getting crushed by a ladder truck. You mean to tell me that the footage of the crowd lifting the truck off their son didn’t go viral? That they didn’t see that?
You don’t like something so you just bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn’t exist? Your kids aren’t perfect so you just wash your hands of them? Their problems don’t matter, not when it’s all about you?
Blaming the kids for everything, manipulating Maddie into doing their bidding - and still manipulating her as an adult, by bringing her gifts and driving across the country and being all, “we want to be grandparents!” after everything? After letting her husband nearly kill her and blaming her for having bad taste in men? FUCKKKKKK
And the fucking BABY BOX. Do not even get me started on how ANGRY I WAS.
Like, I have friends with kids (I have cats, personally) so I know that they’re busy, but to not have anything, as if he’s just not worth it.
Like I can’t
It breaks my heart to think about his face, and the realisation setting in... to know that your parents don’t love you? To have lived with that your whole life? It’s so fucking gutting.
Like, obviously I am extra emotional because I’m running on empty today, but god damn this episode just came along and punched me right in the face.
Also, I’m making a BIG CALL, they’re going to use the song ‘Daniel’ by Elton John in the next episode:
Daniel my brother you are older than me Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal? Your eyes have died, but you see more than I Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky
100% they’re using that song, I’m calling it now, and if they don’t, it is a wasted opportunity.
Okay, let’s end on a good note, because this has been a rant:
Eddie’s open concern for Buck; the fact that Buck tells Eddie about his therapy, that he feels comfortable opening up to him - that Eddie was there, watching Buck beat the shit out of the boxing bag and listening to him, and taking his side and reassuring him... that is next level shit and I am here for it.
I am not here for the return of Ana in the next few episodes but that’s a future rant
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Hopes for Buck Begins:
That the firefam - his real family - will rally around him, and that Buck and Maddie will take a united stand against their parents and tell them to get the fuck out of their lives.
Also I kinda want Bobby to meet the Buckley’s? Just... for him to be horrified, I guess? I don’t know, but I want Bobby to meet them and understand how awful they are and offer Buck some comfort as his surrogate father.
I would like Buck to be hugged by someone who loves him, please, because he needs it.
And selfishly, I want some kind of Buck, Eddie and Christopher scene, because they are also his family. Everyone in this show has their little family unit, and Eddie and Christopher are Buck’s.
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Ana be damned
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
The Outpost is, without a shred of doubt, a shithole.
And Ellen Waverly secretly loves it, even though her fellow ASCANs frown at the tavern’s dilapidated exterior. Anybody who’s anybody knows about the dive bar frequented by astronauts, engineers, and other NASA staffers. Spoken about with hushed reverence, the Outpost is hallowed ground, a right of passage, and a frisson of excitement courses through Ellen as they pause just outside its entrance.  
“This is it?” Dani Poole eyes the peeling red paint of the watering hole’s sign, uncertainty lacing her voice as she clutches the strap of her purse.
“Yep.” Molly Cobb lights a cigarette dangling from the corner of her lips. She pulls the door open, hinges squeaking, and the odor of cheap beer and stale smoke wafts out. “You gonna stand out here gaping all night?” Molly strides in without waiting for a response. Patty Doyle’s right on her heels, as usual. 
Neither bothers to check if the others are following, but Tracy Stevens manages to catch the door before it swings shut again. “Let’s go, ladies.” She ushers the others inside. “Can’t let Cobb and Doyle have all the fun.”
The stench, now mingled with sweat and other odors barely concealed by fading cologne,  intensifies the second Ellen sets foot inside the dimly lit bar. She wrinkles her nose and, as her eyes adjust, they walk past a beat up cigarette machine into a tightly packed space where all eyes immediately fall on them. Ellen thinks she recognizes some of the men from around the halls of JSC, but in all honesty they blended together in a uniform mass of white oxfords, skinny black ties, and thinly veiled disapproval. They were all just waiting for them to fail.
“Same shit, different toilet,” Molly mutters under her breath. Still, she throws her head back high, cocksure, and swaggers toward a pool table with Patty. Her heavy boot steps draw even more attention, not that Molly pays it any mind, acting as if she’s frequented The Outpost all her life. Like she belongs there.
Ellen does her best to follow Molly’s cue, straightening her spine and making her way around a jukebox that’s seen better days to the last empty table. “First round’s on me,” she announces, surprising even herself. 
“That’s mighty generous,” Dani says as she and the others take their seats. The legs of their chairs scrape across the slightly sticky wood floor. They all pretend they don’t see the little brown insects that scatter from beneath the table.
“What would you like?” Ellen asks before any of them decide to hightail it outta there. 
“Round of JD,” Tracy responds. “Least that’s what Gordo has when he’s here. If that’s all right with y’all, of course,” she adds to murmurs of assent.
“Coming right up.” Ellen beelines for the bar, continuing to ignore the stares from around the room that make the tips of her ears burn despite her carefully curated air of indifference.
She manages to find a small opening between the occupied, but is disappointed when no one’s there to serve drinks. The bartender probably took a quick break, she thinks, focusing her attention on the black-and-white astronaut photos that line the wood-paneled walls. Idly drumming her fingers against distressed mahogany, she wonders if her picture would ever be prominently displayed alongside the likes of Armstrong, Glenn, and Aldrin. Of if she’ll wash out, as her mother seems to be expecting.
An unsubtle cough interrupts Ellen’s musings, and a man leans an elbow on the bar to her left, a little too close for comfort. 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ in a place like this?” He slurs out the oh-so-creative pickup line, alcohol sharp on his breath.
It takes all of her willpower not to roll her eyes in disgust. Instead, she pretends not to hear him, but he persists. “Never seen ya before. Y’all tourists or somethin’? Sightseein’?”
Irritation spikes in Ellen, who has half a mind to correct him, nondisclosure agreements be damned, when another voice cuts in. “Jimbo, what’d I tell you about scaring new customers?”
Ellen turns her head to the right and… Oh.
She’s not quite sure what she expected when it came to The Outpost’s barkeep. Based on the decor, she wouldn’t have been surprised by someone schlubby and indifferent and borderline antisocial. But Ellen most certainly isn’t expecting one of the prettiest women she’s ever seen, with strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a careless ponytail, bangs hanging just above eyes as blue as a cloudless sky. And just like that, Ellen’s starting to understand the appeal of the place. 
“C’mon now, Pam,” Jimbo drawls, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Jus’ tryin’ to be friendly.”
“Uh huh.” Pam cants her head to the side, unconvinced. “Get outta here before I call your wife.” After he slinks away, Pam gives Ellen an easy smile, bracing her hands on the bar. “Sorry ‘bout that. What can I get for you?”
It’s not until Pam’s closer that Ellen remembers to breathe, the influx of oxygen allowing her to regain control of her faculties and notice the pin fastened to Pam’s maroon t-shirt. It reads in bold white letters against a black background bespeckled by stars: A Woman’s Place Is In Space. 
Ellen’s stomach swoops in delight. 
“You okay?” Pam asks when Ellen doesn’t answer right away.
“Oh, er,” Ellen intelligently answers in a manner befitting a future astronaut. “Yes, sorry.” Heat rises in her cheeks. “Drinks?” She vaguely gestures toward the other candidates, and the pool table where Molly’s lining up a shot that sends a striped ball straight into a corner pocket. “For me. And my…” Her what? They aren’t exactly friends. Rivals would be closer to the truth, but that would sound weird. And she’s already being weird. She eventually settles on, “Colleagues.” 
“Drinks,” Pam repeats, eyebrows disappearing beneath her fringe.
“Yes, um, please.” 
“Sure thing.” Pam nods, thoughtfully observing the other women for a moment before fixing her gaze back on Ellen. “Got something particular in mind? Or should I surprise you?”
Ellen somehow manages not to smack the heel of her hand to her forehead. “Sorry. Jack Daniels for, uh, seven.”
“You got it, space cadet.” With a wink, Pam pushes off the bar to fetch a set of lowball glasses and arranges them in a neat row.
It takes a few seconds before Pam’s words catch up with Ellen. Was Pam referring to Ellen’s embarrassingly delayed response or… “Space cadet?”
“You all are the female astronaut candidates, aren’t you?” Pam reaches past several rows of bottles to fetch the whiskey. 
“What, uh, what makes you think that?” Ellen nervously brushes her hair behind her ear. No one’s supposed to know who they are until they graduate. If they graduate.
Pam shrugs, the tip of the bottle’s spout poised above the glasses. “Groups of women don’t really wander in here. Plus, some of you match the scuttlebutt I’ve heard here and there.”
“NASA types like to talk, especially after they’ve had a few.” 
“That’s…  not unsettling in the slightest.” Ellen tries and fails to tamp down a swell of unease, wondering if they’d all be bounced from the program if word got out.
“Relax.” Pam chuckles, as if reading her mind. She tips the bottle forward, expertly eyeballing  two fingers of brown liquor per glass. “What’s said here stays here. Unless you’re a reporter, then I’m sworn under our unofficial Baldwin rule to kick you out.” 
“Definitely not a reporter,” Ellen says, recalling Ed Baldwin’s very public misstep in calling out NASA after the Soviets landed on the moon last summer. Relief eases some of the tension between Ellen’s shoulders. She shifts from one foot to the other, curiosity getting the better of her. “So, what have they been saying? All good things, I’m guessing,” she jokes weakly, all too aware of the rampant sexism among many, if not most, of her male counterparts.
“They wouldn’t dare say anything negative within earshot of me.” Pam taps her equality button. “Would never get a drink otherwise.” 
Ellen can’t stop herself from smiling as Pam finishes pouring, sets the bottle down, and crosses her arms.
“Let’s see, I’ve heard that two of them were in Mercury 13. Have chips on their shoulders.” Pam nods toward Molly and Patty playing pool. “I’m guessing they’re the ones over there acting like they own the place.” There’s an underlying current of respect in her voice as her line of sight drifts toward the lone table surrounded by women. “The blonde? I’d bet all my tips that she’s Tracy Stevens. Got those Hollywood looks that’d be Gordo’s type.”
Ellen has to admit she’s impressed. “And me?” She asks before she can stop herself.
Blue eyes darting across Ellen’s face, Pam appraises her in a way that sparks flutters against her ribs. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard about you, Ms...?”   
“Waverly.” Ellen sticks her hand out. “Ellen Waverly.”
Pam grasps her hand, grip firm yet gentle, palm warm and smooth. “Nice to meet you, Ellen Waverly.”
“And you’re Pam.”
“That’s right.” Neither of them moves to let go. “Pam Horton.”
Another patron accidentally jostles Ellen’s shoulder and she immediately drops Pam’s hand. “Can I get a couple of beers, Pam?” He asks.
“Just a sec.” She says, transferring the whiskey glasses to a round serving tray.
“So, uh,” Ellen clears her throat as she reaches for her purse. “What do I owe you?” Pam waves her away. “First round’s on the house.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’d be my pleasure.” Her smile is genuine, radiant. “It’s the least I can do for the first American women heading to space.”
Ellen ducks her head, pleased yet embarrassed. “We haven’t passed yet.”
Pam looks her straight in the eye, and says without hesitation, “You will.”
Warmth blooms inside Ellen’s chest from Pam’s sincerity. “I… thank you." She hopes her face isn't as red as it feels. "We’ll make it up to you.”
“Prove all the assholes out there wrong, and we’ll be square.” Pam pulls out two beer bottles, swiftly pops off their caps, and hands them to the man. She inclines her head toward the tray of Jack Daniels. “I’ll have these out to you in a jiffy.”
With one last nod, Ellen makes her way back to the table, heart pounding and already vowing to return to the shithole that wasn’t so shitty after all. 
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goulets · 3 years
Chapter: 3/8 Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson Additional Characters: Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas Rating: T (for now) Case Fic / Kid Fic a03 link
The library has its benefits: no harassment from over-familiar family members, no Dick sexually frustrating him within an inch of his life, and, if he’s willing to be a little sentimental, he kind of does want to show it to the baby. She’s too young to appreciate it, probably, but it stirs something in him to share it with her all the same. He’s heard it’s never too early to get kids into reading - his parents sure as hell never tried, but Jason had read anything he could get his hands on, once he learned how. It had saved him, back then. Maybe it can do the same for her one day.
“Could’ve sworn Bruce had a Dr. Seuss anthology somewhere in here,” he says to her, combing over the shelves with his eyes. “Guess not. You up for something more sophisticated?”
She grunts, squeezing his shirt in her fist. “Alright,” he agrees, pulling Twelfth Night off the shelf. “Shakespeare it is. You’ve got taste, kid.”
Venice is a nightclub that has gone by many names during its Gotham tenure, and just as many owners. Dick has been undercover here at least twice, back when the club was catering to the wealthier patrons of Little Italy. The current management clearly hasn’t bothered with maintaining that exclusivity - the building is now shabby and outdated, even for this neighborhood. One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is the real draw of Venice, which is the illegal casino in the back rooms beyond the VIP lounge. Through all the club’s owners, the casino has always been run by the Falcones, and always frequented by the city’s most morally flexible elected officials. In the past four nights that Dick’s been staking the place out, he’s seen five judges, two city council members, and even the new police commissioner slipping out the back door into the alley, stinking of gin and cigar smoke and patting their coat pockets with an air of satisfaction. It’s good intel to have, Barbara’s told him. Always helpful to keep the files updated on who’s being bought and by whom. None of that really makes him feel better about the fact that he’s been staking this place out for four nights and still hasn’t managed to pin down their actual target.
It’s embarrassing, is what it is. He’s Nightwing, for God’s sake. He’s taken down whole Russian mobs in Bludhaven, and now he’s being completely eluded by a third-string Falcone no one’s even heard of.
Oracle had ID’d the doer of the Torres/Howard murders in a matter of hours, true to her word, and the ballistics had predictably matched up with a few other murders that the police never bothered investigating. Susanna “Susie” Falcone, a second cousin once removed with a rap sheet that puts many of her relatives to shame. Her name must still have some pull in political circles, because she’s only done time once, in spite of being indicted almost a dozen times. Gotta love good old fashioned judicial corruption, Jason had said. No one had been able to argue, looking at the number of charges dismissed.
All in all, it was supposed to be a fairly simple tag-and-bag. Once they’d found her place of work - officially, the Venice nightclub, unofficially, the family casino - he’d been tasked to track her, question her, and then turn her in to the police. He’d chosen his stakeout perch well, on a hotel roof high above the alley, he’d followed her, unseen, and so far, she’s given him the slip every freaking time. The woman has vanished through every doorway from here to Robinson Park, as only the most enterprising criminal can. Were this a different kind of case, Dick might have been impressed.
Instead, he’s annoyed, and having to compromise - his vantage point is lower, closer but more exposed in the thin shadows of a third story construction platform right above the alley. He can see the door to the club without any difficulty, but the moment he moves, he’ll be open to attack.
He’ll just have to move fast. Fortunately, that’s what he’s best at.
There’s a soft motion behind him, almost quiet enough to escape his notice entirely. It’s Jason - Dick hadn’t expected him to actually turn up. No doubt he’s here to make sure they finally succeed in catching their mark tonight, but he’s been so adamant about not leaving Danielle with anyone except Dick that it’s still a surprise to see him. What’s equally surprising to Dick is that he was apparently hoping Jason would show, if the relief he feels at seeing him is anything to go by.
It’s a nice moment of solidarity, until Jason opens his mouth. “So, fourth night’s a charm, huh?”
Dick bristles. “What happened to not leaving the baby?” he retorts.
Jason bristles back, but doesn’t rise to the bait. It’s a little wrongfooting - a reminder that things are changing between them. Dick is used to the veneer of antagonism that hangs over his relationship with Jason, the unresolved tension they both pretend not to notice. They’d gotten into a pretty good groove when he was acting as Batman, staying out of each others’ way for the most part, and working together when necessary. Dick’s pretty sure Jason doesn’t actually harbor any murderous feelings towards him, just like he doesn’t actually hate Bruce, no matter what he says.
“The girls and Alfred ganged up on me,” Jason says, leaning back against the scaffolding. “Whatever. I needed to get the hell out of there anyways. I don’t know how you stand being around them all so much.”
Dick laughs. “They’re not as interested in me,” he admits. “I’m not the cool sibling.”
Jason doesn’t respond right away. It's hard for Dick to tell, when he’s wearing the helmet, but he thinks Jason is probably waiting to see if Dick is joking. It’s another way things have shifted between them - Jason’s holding back, not jumping straight to lashing out, like he used to. It should be a good thing - it is a good thing, but it’s throwing him off balance all the same. He feels like he's spent most of the past several days looking for Jason, even when Jason is right in front of him. He’s used to trying to find the Jason he knows - or knew - the Jason who was taken away from him. Now there’s a new Jason, a Jason he’s still getting to know. Dick can’t choose between them, can’t decide which one he wants to find every time he looks at him. Maybe that’s why he can’t seem to find his one lousy mafia shooter.
“Looks like the cops are covering up the ballistics report on Reynolds,” Jason says, after a moment. “Go figure.”
Dick frowns. “Just Reynolds?”
Jason grunts. “Hold on. What.”
Dick turns to look at him.
“Did you burp her?”
Oh, Dick realizes, he’s on the comm. Someone back at the Manor must have pinged him on a private line.
“Then get Alfred to do it.”
It’s curious that the ballistics on Cy Reynolds’ murder are the ones being suppressed, Dick thinks. He was the only one killed with a submachine gun - the bullets from most of the other crime scenes had come from a standard Beretta APX, and the object of his stakeout, Susie Falcone, had used a Glock on Danielle’s parents. The Glock matched a few other shootings, the Beretta matched none. None of that is particularly noteworthy - after all, Susie is a criminal, and Beretta shell casings are a dime a dozen at any mob shooting.
“Fine. I’ll check back in five. If you asswipes don’t pick up, I’m coming back there.” Jason makes an aggravated noise in the back of his throat, which Dick takes to mean he’s hung up.
“Everything OK?”
“Just peachy. By some cosmic fucking joke, I’m the only person in the family who can get the baby to take a damn bottle. I told her they just need to burp her, but I guess that’s too complicated a task for a family of genius detectives,” Jason grumbles. “I knew I shouldn’t have left her. Shit.”
“Jay, relax. She’s fine.” Dick can’t help but grin at him. It’s honestly sweet, the way Jason and the baby have gotten attached to each other. Dick likes to think he’s her second favorite, but it’s pretty hard to tell. No matter who’s holding her, she’s always looking at Jason, and Jason never stops looking at her.
“It’s fucking cold out here,” Jason says mulishly.
Dick raises an eyebrow. “I noticed. It’s April, not August. If you really want to go back, I’m not gonna stop you.”
“I don’t…” Jason sighs. “Look, I’m here, okay? You bungled this grade school op three nights in a row, so congrats, you triggered the bat buddy system. If I leave and you fuck it up again, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Dick supposes it’s his turn not to rise to the bait. “Fair enough,” he says easily, turning around to face the alleyway again. “What were you saying about the ballistics on Reynolds?”
“Oh, Oracle ran the bullets through Interpol. Turns out our ill-fated gang boss was offed by one of Carmine Falcone’s personal weapons. The record’s been scrubbed from US databases, but Babs had a hunch.” Jason sounds impressed.
“Been scrubbed meaning...there was a record,” Dick follows, “and some people might still remember, if they saw the bullets. Hence the coverup.”
“Yup. Hence the coverup.”
“Could explain what the commissioner was doing here the other night,” Dick muses.
Jason snorts derisively. “See, this is what I hate about the mafia. They’re so goddamn predictable. Kill the competition, pay off the cops, around and around forever. It’s so pedestrian.”
Dick laughs. “You’d rather deal with Clayface?”
“Fuck yes I would. Clayface has flair, you know? Anybody can be a mobster, shit.”
Jason has started shifting with agitation, or maybe impatience. Either way, their vantage spot isn’t hidden enough for him to be moving around. “Get low if you’re gonna be twitchy,” Dick tells him. “Or if you’re gonna have a cigarette, but I’d really rather you didn’t.”
“Lucky for you I quit then,” Jason says, crouching down next to him. “I’m not jonesing, I’m just fucking cold.”
“We could huddle together for warmth,” Dick jokes, grinning unabashedly when Jason’s helmet fixes him with a death glare. “Wait, you quit smoking? When?”
“When I started taking care of a baby, obviously.” Jason goes still, suddenly. “Is that her?”
The door to the alleyway opens, and they both tense - but it’s just a man, a bodyguard, by the looks of him. Close-cropped blonde hair, early 40s, used to throwing his weight around. Feeling there’s something familiar about him, Dick nudges Jason and motions for him to take a photo. Jason starts almost imperceptibly at the contact, but follows suit. They both hold perfectly still in the shadows as the man looks around, glances in a cursory way along the rooftops, and then sets off down the alley towards the street.
“I know him,” Jason mutters. “From Tim’s case files - he was with Intergang.”
Dick doesn’t say anything about Jason calling Tim by name, but it’s a welcome development. “Looks like he switched sides, if he’s hanging out here.”
“Wonderful,” Jason says. “All right, I’m gonna check on the kid again.”
Dick represses the urge to give him a shoulder squeeze, or ruffle his hair. It’d probably result in him getting shoved off the platform, but Jason’s being so....not different, because Dick’s always known that this Jason was still in him, somewhere. Always hoped, anyways. When Jason had been younger and acted like this, surly with his words but tender with his actions, Dick had always thought of him as cute. It’s like that now, too, except it’s not just cute, because Jason has several inches and at least two weight classes on him. It’s cute in a different way, an adult way. It’s cute in a way that makes Dick want to push harder against Jason’s armor, to catch as many glimpses of that side of him as he can. If he thinks about it too long, it’s cute in a way that makes him want, recklessly.
“Red Hood to Batgirl,” Jason says. He’s calling on the family line this time. “Give me an update.”
“You’re seriously a helicopter parent, you know that, Hood?” Steph laughs in Dick’s ear. “We figured it out. Well...Black Bat figured it out.”
Jason’s shoulders sag a little in relief. Cute, Dick thinks, involuntarily. He needs to get a grip. “About fucking time.”
“She prefers being propped up,” Cass says. “It helps her swallow.”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. And she likes her back straight.”
“You said none of that, actually,” Steph says. “You just told us to support her head. Which we have been, thank you very much.”
“You have her now?”
“Robin has her.”
Dick and Jason look at each other. Jason says, “What the fuck?”
“Right?” Steph sounds amused. “I was surprised too....his friend is here, that ginger kid? He’s the one that took her from the orphanage, right?”
“Batgirl, I swear to god, if anything happens to her - ”
“Oh, calm down, jeez,” Steph groans. “They’re being supervised, okay? It’s honestly precious, you would agree with me if you could see it. I’ll text the pictures to N.”
“Please do,” Dick says. Speaking of cute, in a way that’s much safer to think about.
“Go do your job now,” Cass tells them. “We’re handling it.”
“Yeah, what she said. Batgirls out.”
“Feel better?” Dick asks, after a moment.
“Don’t ask me that,” Jason grouses. “And show me those pictures when you get them.”
Dick grins. “Sure, Jay.”
Dick decides to change the subject, before Jason gets too antsy and tries to bail. “So how do you want to play this, when Susie shows?”
Jason points to a dumpster halfway down the alley. “We wait until she’s there. I’ll get the club door, put a taser on it to stop her getting back in or anyone else from coming out. You cut her off before she gets to the street, and we question her on the backside of the dumpster. I’ll take line of sight, since I’m packing.”
Dick nods. “So is she.”
“So is every goon in those back rooms, sure. That’s why we lock their asses in.”
“And if they come out the front?”
Jason spins a gun in his hand. “Rubber bullets do the job just fine if you know how to aim. Let me worry about the backup.”
Another thing that’s changed about Jason - or that hasn’t changed, depending on how far back Dick looks. He uses rubber bullets now, whenever he’s working a case with one of them. Supposedly it’s a stipulation from Bruce, but Jason didn’t use lethal force on the couple cases he and Dick worked together, either, back when Dick was wearing the cowl. Dick thinks Bruce just gave him an excuse - whatever bloodlust Jason was fueled by when he first came back to Gotham has long since dried up. There are still things that set him off - Barbara had informed them about a dead rapist in the Narrows just last month - but Bruce hadn’t even commented on it, besides the barest acknowledgment. Dick thinks he might be the only one that actually cares when Jason kills someone, anymore. And what’s really disturbing is that he’s not actually sure how much he cares. For instance, he knows Jason has a third gun, holstered under his jacket, loaded with live ammo. He could call Jason out on it, insist he ditch it or at the very least unload it.
He says nothing. Let me worry about the backup. If this mission ends in a massacre, Dick will only have himself to blame.
The door opens again, and out steps Susie Falcone.
She immediately looks around, staying still in the doorway for a minute or more. Dick is pretty sure she hasn’t seen him following her, but he’s familiar with the sensation of being watched. He and Jason both shrink further into the shadows, waiting for her to make a move.
The whole process takes about six seconds. The moment she gets a few paces into the alley, they drop down. Jason electrifies the door handle, and Dick outmaneuvers her easily, slapping his police-issue cuffs on her and kicking her gun aside, then spinning her into the wall behind the dumpster. She hits it with a grunt. By the time she’s glaring at him, Jason is at his side again.
“Nightwing and Red Hood?” she says. “Damn. Didn’t expect to see you fellas out here.”
She doesn’t seem scared of them. Dick guesses they’ll have backup coming their way soon.
“Hey, what do you know,” Jason says conversationally, picking up the gun and emptying the clip in one swift motion. “Nightwing, I do believe this is our Glock.”
“Not mine,” Susie objects. “Picked it up off the club floor.”
“Come on, Susie, you’re smarter than that.” Jason crosses his arms. “Look, I can appreciate a sensible weapon. The Berettas the rest of your family favors? Too flashy for me. I loved Sopranos as much as the next guy, but come on.”
Dick suppresses a laugh. “Thought you were a Sig man,” he says in an undertone. He hadn’t expected Jason to take the lead, but it’s working. Susie looks agitated at the mention of her family.
“Wow, stalker. Remind me to move safe houses,” Jason quips back. “Aw, look, she slipped your cuffs.”
There’s a taser in Susie’s newly freed hand, and Dick quickly sidesteps it, twists it out of her wrist and sends it clattering down the cobblestones of the alley. Jason sweeps her legs out from under her and knocks her down flat, maybe a little harder than Dick would’ve. Thankfully, she goes down without a fight.
“Let’s try this again,” Dick says, kneeling next to her and zip-tying her wrists. If he wasn’t sure before, he is now - she was expecting them. They won’t be alone for long. He throws a couple smoke pellets down to the ends of the alley, and clips a nearly invisible wireless mic to the shoelaces of her boot under the guise of patting her down.
“You’re obviously not surprised to see us, so just tell us what we want to know,” Jason tells her, squatting down. “I’ll be honest, I don’t really give a shit that you shot Big Mouth, but what did Linda Torres ever do to you?”
“Let me up,” Susie snarls.
“No. Talk, or I’ll give you a taste of that taser you tried to pull on us.”
“Hood,” Dick hisses.
“See? He knows I’ll do it. Save yourself the grief, Susie.” Jason points the barrel of his gun lazily at her temple.
Susie narrows her eyes. “Fine. The two of them robbed me, last September. Dumb motherfuckers didn’t know who they were messing with. But I let them live because the bitch was pregnant.”
Jason makes a noise of disbelief. “Oh, sure. You’re a real bleeding heart, is that it?”
“Like you’re any better,” Susie fires back.
“You said you waited on Linda because she was pregnant,” Dick says. “Why’d you wait to kill Big Mouth?”
Susie’s mouth twists. “Guess I just felt like it.” Dick doesn’t need to see the tension in her shoulders to know she’s lying.
“Strike two.” Jason clicks the safety off. “Who put the hits out?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Susie answers. “I’m dead if I talk, so pistol whip me if you want to. Here’s the God’s honest truth: I really didn’t need a reason to kill those assholes. I was out for ‘em anyways. But I’m not crazy enough to kill a baby, all right? I don’t need shit like that on my conscience.”
“Keep talking,” Jason growls. Dick hears the whoop of a siren a few blocks off. “Where’s the baby now?”
“Somewhere safe, I swear. If anybody comes for her, it won’t be me.”
Susie still thinks Danielle’s at the orphanage, then. That’s good for them, but potentially bad for all the other kids, Colin included. These guys clearly have no problem killing children, even if Susie won’t do it.
The sirens are getting closer. Someone inside must’ve called the cops. Dick motions to Jason, indicating they need to wrap things up.
“Who is coming for her,” Jason barks, every line of his body a threat. “You’ve got five seconds.”
“You don’t.” Susie looks triumphant. They can hear the shouts of police from behind the smoke. “But don’t worry, boys. You’ll find out who really runs this town soon enough.”
“Hood,” Dick mutters. “We need to go, cops in this neighborhood aren’t cape-friendly.”
Jason stands, visibly enraged, and for a moment Dick thinks he’ll shoot Susie anyways. He’s prepared to move - but then Jason pulls out his grapple, fires, and flies up onto the roof.
“Talk about a bleeding heart,” Susie says to Dick. “He have kids or something?”
Dick doesn’t like her tone of voice at all. She’s too relaxed, too unconcerned about being under arrest. She won’t stay in long.
“It’s Nightwing! Get your hands up!”
Dick obliges, ready to pull his escrima sticks.
Three police officers come through the smoke, weapons drawn. “You better have a damn good reason for being this far out of Bludhaven,” one of them shouts at Dick.
“Sure do!” Dick calls back. “Arrested a murderer for you, no need to thank me!”
“Shut up,” a different officer retorts. “Keep your hands up, pretty boy.”
“Oh, fuck this,” Jason mutters over the comm. “I’m throwing you an escape, we’ll recon on the library roof. Stop being so goddamn chatty.”
One smoke pellet later, Dick is three rooftops away and flying. He gets to the library before Jason, exhilarated as ever from a good run.
Jason drops down next to him after a minute or so, laughing when he gets a look at Dick’s smile. “Running from the cops still does it for you, huh?”
Dick elbows him, momentarily forgetting to keep his distance. “Doesn’t it for you?”
Surprisingly, Jason doesn’t move away. “Usually they’re shooting at me, so.”
Dick leans closer, testing. “So…yes?”
“You’re so annoying,” Jason says, but he lets Dick nudge his shoulder, bump their arms together. He’s so solid, Dick thinks. So big. More like Bruce than any of them.
“So, how fast do you think she’ll get out?” he asks, when Jason stays quiet.
“Fucking tomorrow, probably,” Jason sighs. “Next week if we’re lucky.”
“Sounds like she didn’t know about Danielle, at least.”
“She’s not the problem,” Jason says, shrugging Dick off and standing back up. “Falcones will blow up the whole orphanage if they get wind of it. We need to put them down first.”
“We need to find out who’s in charge,” Dick agrees. “I planted a mic on her shoe. In the laces. Hopefully she won’t find it for a few days.”
“Good thinking,” Jason nods. “You gonna keep patrolling?”
“Might as well,” Dick says, standing up next to him and stretching his arms over his head. “I’m still stiff from that stakeout, I need to move.”
Jason’s gone quiet again. Dick thinks he hears his breath catch, but the helmet muffles it enough that it could be a yawn.
“You’re going back to the manor?”
Jason groans. “Fuck my life, yes.”
“You miss her, huh.” Cute, his brain chants.
Jason doesn’t answer, but Dick has a feeling he’s getting the stink-eye.
“I miss her too,” Dick offers. “It’s okay.”
Jason sighs. “Dick…”
“It’s a good thing, Jay. You care about her! We all do,” Dick adds, seeing the rigidity in Jason’s posture. “I mean, you’re practically her parent right now. Of course you miss her.”
“...Don’t say it like that.” Jason’s voice is low, almost pained, and Dick knows he pushed too far. “Like…like I have a right to, okay, just. Don’t.”
“Jason, wait,” Dick starts, but he doesn’t get to finish. Without a backward glance, Jason fires off a line to the neighboring building, and then he’s gone.
The docks are quiet, unsettlingly so, as Tim prowls around the towers of shipping containers, keeping to the deep shadows they cast along the chipped pavement. It’s overcast, so there’s no moonlight to expose him, but it’s also too dark to see which of the trucks and campers parked all over are occupied, which ones might suddenly turn their headlights on him and catch him out.
One truck in particular - an innocuous looking Isuzu with a stunningly weaponized interior, is the object of his search. The driver, Felipe, is one of Tim’s best informants within Intergang - or had been, prior to the upheaval. Tim’s reasonably sure that Felipe is too lowly a grunt to make an example of, but still, he’s concerned that he hasn’t heard from him in a few days.
As it turns out, he needn’t have worried. He finds Felipe a hundred yard away from his truck, taking a piss off the wharf. He lets himself into the passenger side of the truck, and immediately notes that it is packed. There’s hardly a spare inch in the back, and Tim has a tough time even getting into the passenger seat with all the bags, clothes, and blankets stuffed into it. He pushes the majority of it to the floor, and waits.
Felipe comes back a few moments later. He opens the door and starts, eyes going wide when he sees Tim, but Tim puts his finger to his lips and motions for Felipe to get in so they can talk.
“Red Robin,” Felipe says, once the door is closed. He looks even more shaken than usual. “What the fuck, man?”
Tim crosses his arms. “You tell me, Felipe. You’ve been dodging my calls for days, and now I find out you’re skipping town?”
“I ditched that phone, man. Boss Reynolds had my number in there, you know? Ditched it as soon as I heard about him. I wasn’t trying to ghost you, honest.”
“Relax,” Tim tells him. “I’m not mad. I’d dodge me, too. Just tell me what happened, and I’ll shadow you out of town. Make sure you’re not followed.”
“Shit, man,” Felipe sighs. “Okay, look. There’s shit I can’t tell you, not if I ever want to hench again. You gotta figure that all out yourself, yeah?”
Tim shrugs. “Fine.”
Felipe swallows. “It started last week when Boss Reynolds met with somebody - I don’t know his name, God as my witness, but from what I heard, ‘cause I was unloading some of that funky alien tech, and you know Boss Reynolds wanted to supervise that personally - anyways, this guy in a suit took a meeting with him, and it sounded like he was offering Boss Reynolds a job. Said he had a new operation, bigger than Intergang, bigger than anything Gotham’s seen in a while.”
“Did Reynolds believe him?”
“Nah, he told him to get lost. They had some words, and then everybody started pulling guns, and I went back to the ship so I didn’t get fuckin’ shot, but I didn’t hear anything after that. Next thing I saw, Boss Reynolds was calling his son up and telling him to demo some building down by the old boardwalk - a hotel, maybe. Guess he wanted to expand that way, I don’t know.”
“That was the old Falcone hotel,” Tim says, mostly just to see Felipe’s reaction. He isn’t disappointed - Felipe goes pale, and his eyes flash to the rosary hanging off his rearview mirror. Tim likes Felipe as an informant because he’s nosy, shockingly competent for a henchman, and because he really likes to gossip. He’s never held back on Tim before this.
“Few days later, one of ours, this merc named Tiberius, comes down to the warehouse and says he’s got something to show us. Takes out a fat fuckin’ folder full of pictures…man, it was some sick shit. Boss Reynolds, his wife, Reynolds Jr, and every fuckin’ guy under him. Kids, man. He just passed it around, made everyone look at it. Then he says, we can either be in the folder, or we can come meet the new boss.”
Felipe takes a shaky breath. “Obviously I go with Tiberius, like everyone else. I heard a couple guys stayed on the ship that was docked, thinking they’d wait ‘em out, but the new boss blew it up. Says we’re not in the tech business anymore, and anyone caught trying to smuggle it is gonna get tied to it and tossed in the harbor. You can imagine my concerns,” he says, gesturing to his truck. Tim estimates half or more of the weapons in it are salvaged from alien junk. Roy Harper would have a field day with the setup this guy’s made for himself.
“So that’s why you’re bailing,” Tim says, understanding. He can hardly blame the guy. “Why not just hide the truck somewhere?”
“Well…I did think about that,” Felipe admits. “Tiberius made us a pretty sweet pitch, once we went along with him. Not gonna lie, I was tempted. Tech is my thing, you know, but I can make a gun out of pretty much anything. I could see the possibilities, is what I’m saying, but that was before we met the new boss.”
Tim nods encouragingly. This is what he’s been waiting to hear.
“Listen, Red Robin - I know we’ve had our differences, but I respect you, man, you know that. You’ve been good to me, so I’m gonna give you some advice here. Stay the hell away from the new boss. Like, don’t even get involved. I’ve been henching for a while, and I’ve seen some messed up shit, but they are crazy. Está loca, you feel me? I’ve seen the hit list, and you’re right at the top of it. You and all the other capes. Half of Arkham, too. And they’re connected, like you wouldn’t believe. Shit, I’m already saying too much, man. You see the position I’m in here?”
“I do, Felipe,” Tim tells him. He hands over a stack of hundred dollar bills, their agreed-upon rate for information. “Where are you going?”
“You’re crazy too, if you think I’m telling you that,” Felipe scoffs.
Tim wasn’t expecting a straight answer anyways. “Fair enough. You heading out now?”
“Soon as you get the hell outta my car, yeah. You said you’d shadow me out?”
“I will,” Tim says. “From a distance. If you don’t see me, it means you’re clear to cross the bridge.”
“All right,” Felipe nods. “In that case, I hope I never see your ass again.”
Tim laughs, and climbs out of the truck.
He finds his own way out of the shipyard, pulls a bike out of a safe house, and catches up with Felipe’s GPS signal halfway to the Fashion District. Once he’s sure there’s no immediate threat, he calls Barbara.
“Red Robin to Oracle. I’m uploading a recording to the server.”
Barbara is in his ear at once. “You met with your informant?”
“He wouldn’t give me a name, but he let a couple things slip.”
“Well, don’t keep me in suspense,” she says.
“First, he flinched hard when I brought up the Falcone name.”
“Confirms what we already know,” Barbara says. “Good. There’s more?”
“There’s more.” Tim tries not to gloat. This is, after all, a serious situation. “He was being cagey about mentioning the leader’s gender, so I was already suspicious, but then said ‘está loca’ when he was trying to warn me.”
Barbara whistles. “Well,” she says, sounding satisfied. “That’ll certainly narrow it down.”
“Yep,” Tim says grimly. “Looks like the new head of the Falcone family is a woman.”
When Jason was Robin, the library had always been his favorite room in the Manor. It had spoken easily to his idea of what wealth was - rich people had fancy cars, sure, and maybe pools and expensive wardrobes, but wealthy people had art collections, and gardens, and libraries. Jason had spent hours upon hours browsing the shelves, reading anything he could wrap his brain around (and plenty of things he couldn’t), suggesting additions to Alfred, and avoiding his schoolwork in favor of learning about more interesting things, like string theory, or cryptology, or chemical warfare.
That was then.
Now, the library is the only place he can get a minute of peace from the constant barrage of his obnoxious, nosy, boundaryless family members. They’ve been characteristically persistent in their curiosity about him, and about Danielle, who is now Dani, courtesy of Stephanie. This is a nickname family, she’d said, and Jason hadn’t known how to disagree. So now she’s Dani, and Jason is family, and that apparently means he is no longer entitled to any privacy, or personal space for that matter. The only person who hasn’t barged in on him is Bruce, which is almost worse, in a way, because it’s one thing when nobody seeks him out, and it’s quite another when everyone does and then Bruce...doesn’t. Not that he wants Bruce to come up and bother him, God. But he’s in the man’s house, he’s hearing him on the comm constantly either on patrol or down in the cave, and all the other Bat brats and even Alfred are buzzing around him like flies. It’s too much - it feels like before, except for Bruce’s conspicuous absence reminding him that it’s not.
Sharing a bathroom with Dick is another before experience that Jason didn’t need a repeat of. In some ways, it was worse when he was Robin - stripping and showering after patrol in the cave with Dick a few feet away from him is a memory he really wouldn’t have minded leaving back in the Pit - and in other ways, it’s worse now, because Dick is always freaking around. There’s no reprieve, he’s not flitting off to the Titans every week like he used to be. Jason hasn’t gone half a day without Dick getting in his space, drawing up close to him and making that earnest eye contact he’s so annoyingly good at; sometimes wet, sometimes half-naked, sometimes both. And what can Jason do? He’s not going to leave Dani, and he needs Dick to be there so he can get some sleep every once in a while, or patrol, or shower. It’s actually been pretty helpful to have him around, in that regard, but if he has to see the guy walking around with bedhead and nothing but a pair of boxer briefs on one more time, he’s going to fucking explode.
So, the library has its benefits: no harassment from over-familiar family members, no Dick sexually frustrating him within an inch of his life, and, if he’s willing to be a little sentimental, he kind of does want to show it to Dani. She’s too young to appreciate it, probably, but it stirs something in him to share it with her all the same. He’s heard it’s never too early to get kids into reading - his parents sure as hell never tried, but Jason had read anything he could get his hands on, once he learned how. It had saved him, back then. Maybe it can do the same for Dani one day.
“Could’ve sworn Bruce had a Dr. Seuss anthology somewhere in here,” he says to her, combing over the shelves with his eyes. “Guess not. You up for something more sophisticated?”
She grunts, squeezing his shirt in her fist. “Alright,” he agrees, pulling Twelfth Night off the shelf. “Shakespeare it is. You’ve got taste, kid.”
He wonders, not for the first time, what exactly he thinks he’s doing, playing at this whole parenting thing. The rational part of his brain knows that this is a case, that Dani is a victim, that Jason is protecting her because it’s his job. The emotional part of his brain has gone completely off the goddamn rails. Case in point: he’s here with her in the library, prepping her for early literacy like some kind of Crest Hill soccer mom wannabe. Like he’ll even be in her life when she starts doing her ABCs - God willing, she’ll be as far away from him as possible by the time that happens.
It’s fucking hard to think about. He never thought he’d get this attached to a person who can’t even burp on their own. It’s been over a week, and he still struggles with putting her down, with stepping away from her, even when he knows he’s coming right back. Steph and Damian have been wanting to hold her all the time, and Jason knows that they’re capable, knows he has no claim over Dani, doesn’t even mind either of them all that much under normal circumstances, and still, he can’t help feeling like something has reached inside and gripped at his heart every time he passes her over. Which is ridiculous, because she’s not his, he has no more claim over her than any other schmuck off the street. She’s just a kid with unbelievably bad luck, and he’s the idiot who followed Dick up the stairs instead of booking it out the door like a sensible person.
He settles down with her on the couch, propping her up on a couple of pillows, giving her foot a little squeeze. She squeals, smiling at him, and stuffs her fingers in her mouth. God, Jason didn’t know he could feel the way he feels whenever she smiles at him. It’s gonna kill him when he has to give her up.
“If music be the food of love, play on,” he reads, walking his fingers up her leg. “Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die.”
Dani watches him, chewing happily on her fingers. “‘O, it came over my ear like the sweet sound that breathes upon a bank of violets.’ That’s you, you know.” He pokes her in the cheek, grinning. If music be the food of love…but hell, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get enough of this. Especially when she’s all calm and engaging, the precious few minutes that he’s learned to appreciate in between finishing eating and being tired and cranky, when all she wants to do is look around at things, and all Jason wants to do, ever, is look at her.
The door to the library opens, and Jason goes from content to murderous in a fraction of a second. “What the fuck is it now,” he hisses, expecting Damian or maybe Tim, coming to nag him some more, and instead sees Damian’s friend Colin, who looks horrified to have intruded on him. Jason immediately feels like the world’s biggest ass.
“Sorry,” Colin whispers, mortified, and Jason waves a hand apologetically.
“My bad, I didn’t know it was you. Come in, it’s fine. She’s awake, you don’t need to whisper.”
Colin looks unsure, but soon nods and steps into the library, shutting the door firmly behind him.
Once inside, he dawdles by the nearest bookshelf, clearly at a loss. Jason probably should’ve just let him back out, because this is awkward. Should he keep reading to Dani? Talk to Colin? Ask him why he looks like someone just kicked him and stole his dog?
“You good?” he ventures, figuring he ought to at least attempt to be the adult in the room.
Colin glances at him over his shoulder, smiling tentatively. “Yeah, just bored. Damian’s sleeping, we had a rough patrol last night.”
“We?” Jason repeats, stunned. Bruce isn’t an exemplar of child welfare practices, sure, but letting Damian take other kids on crime-busting playdates? What the hell?
“Oh, I guess you don’t know,” Colin frowns. “I’m….uh, it’s probably easier if I just show you.”
He slides his jacket off, threadbare t-shirt hanging off his skinny frame. Jason tenses, not sure what to expect. When Colin’s arm starts to expand, his eyes widen. By the time his fist is as big around as Jason’s thigh, he thinks his eyebrows have probably disappeared into his hairline.
“Oh.” Jason has no idea how he’s supposed to react to this. Is Colin a meta? He’s pretty sure he would know if Colin was a meta. “How…?”
“Scarecrow,” Colin explains. Jason’s heart sinks. “He experimented on me with synthetic Venom. Batman saved me.”
Dani fusses, twisting her body and scrunching her face up. Jason sympathizes - this conversation is giving him gas, too. “Shit,” he says. Not the most articulate way of expressing his condolences, but Colin’s friends with Damian, so tact can’t be of great importance to him. “I didn’t know.”
Dani starts to cry, and Colin takes a couple steps forward, putting Jason’s hackles up at once. Stop it, he tells himself sternly. He might have fallen down a few pegs, but he’s not pathetic enough to square up against an abused fifth grader. He picks her up, rubbing her back, and then glances over at Colin. The kid’s gone shy, looking down at a point somewhere between Jason’s legs and the floor. Jason feels all the hostility bleed out of him, and he sighs.
“You can sit down.” He gestures to the couch, trying to sound nonthreatening. Dani burps, mouths at his shirt, and then gurgles and kicks her legs again. She leans back against his hold to stare at Colin, and Colin’s face splits into a huge grin. He tucks himself down into the cushions, keeping plenty of space between them, but Jason can sense from the inclination of his body that he wants to be closer. Well, if anyone has a right to be close to Dani, it’s the kid who rescued her in the first place.
“Here,” he offers, turning Dani around in his arms. His heart clenches, and he clamps down on his desire to flee. “You can hold her for a minute, if you want to. She likes you.”
Colin looks at him, eyes shining. “Really?”
Jason nods. “Go ahead. Honestly, you probably know a lot more about this shit than I do.”
Colin takes Dani from him carefully, smiling at her and laughing when she reaches forward to grab at his jacket zipper. A few seconds later, it’s in her mouth, along with most of her fist.
“Should I…?” Colin looks at Jason hesitantly.
“I mean…she’s had worse things in her mouth,” Jason tells him. A ringing endorsement of his child-minding abilities right there. “It’s fine, right? That’s how they build an immune system, or whatever.”
“Well, Alfred washed this for me last night,” Colin admits, looking embarrassed. “So it shouldn’t be too gross.”
Jason leans back against the couch cushions, crossing his arms. “Getting all the perks, huh?”
Colin shrugs, casting his eyes down again. “I like it here.”
Considering where Colin grew up, Jason supposes he can’t blame the kid. Still, he’s not quite wrapping his head around this sweet, genuinely nice kid being buddies with Damian. The demon brat isn’t exactly known for his winning personality, and Jason only knows vaguely how the two of them met, but what he’s heard doesn’t strike him as being particularly conducive to forging the lasting bonds of friendship.
Curiosity gets the better of him, and he decides to just ask. “Why’d you call Damian, the night you found her?”
Colin looks surprised. “I...don’t know,” he says, slowly. “I didn’t know who else to call? Damian’s my best friend, and he always knows what to do.”
Jason can’t keep the skeptical look off his face.
“And if he doesn’t, Bat….Bruce, I mean, definitely always knows what to do.”
Jason scrubs a hand over his face. Time to change the fucking subject. “How’d you two get hooked up, anyways?”
Dani turns her head to look at him, still eating Colin’s zipper. Sometimes, Jason gets the bizarre feeling that she can somehow tell when he’s about to blow a gasket. It’s probably a coincidence - she moves around a lot, and Jason has anger issues that flare up every ten minutes, so there’s bound to be some crossover - but it works, because it takes the fight right out of him every time.
“We worked a case together,” Colin says, holding Dani a little more securely against him. “About a year ago, I guess. Kids were disappearing from my orphanage, and from the shelters. I don’t think you were around.”
“I wasn’t,” Jason shakes his head. He and Roy had been busting a trafficking ring in Ibiza, and it had taken Jason over a month to get all the major players. “I heard about it a little, from Dick.”
Dick hadn’t given him too many details at the time - Jason had chalked it up to him having a few other things on his mind, but as Colin fills in the gaps, he starts to suspect Dick just didn’t want him going on a rampage. Which he absolutely would have - he still wants to, God. God. All those poor kids, just a stone’s throw from his old neighborhood. And of course the police had done jack shit - Zsasz is practically Black Mask’s pet, he probably paid them off to look the other way, not that most of them need the excuse - and Bruce was gone, and Jason was gone, and Dick was in over his head, and - fuck, it should never have fallen to Damian and Colin.
He waits for the fury to subside a little, not trusting what will come out of his mouth. Dani hums around her fist, blinking at him, and it helps. “Jesus,” he says, finally. “This fucking town.”
Colin’s mouth twists a little. “Yeah. But you were Robin, right? You probably saw worse things.”
Did he? Jason doesn’t remember. He doubts it, though. He can’t imagine he would’ve been satisfied with Bruce’s way of dealing with it.
“I wouldn’t have pulled my stroke, when I was Robin,” he muses. “Probably why Bruce never gave me a sword.”
No, Jason would’ve bisected the fucker. It still has appeal, though he thinks he would lean towards his favorite Sig rifle if he was taking care of it today. Headshots for the henchmen - anyone who signs on to that kind of operation, even in the most menial capacity, doesn’t deserve to breathe. Kneecaps and crotch shots for the spectators, to make sure they couldn’t get away. Gut shots for the kid-wranglers. And Zsasz....it’s tempting to want to draw it out, but Jason can feel the desire leaving him the longer he thinks about it. His imaginative tortures fade into a simple headshot, and even that isn’t satisfying. Fuck. He just can’t seem to hold onto his rage lately, even when he wants to. It’s all being replaced by some kind of anxiety, some kind of tenderness that aches, burning deep into him every time Dani looks at him, or touches him. Every time he thinks of her. Every time he feels Dick watching him with her, all warmth and affection.
Colin bounces her a little, making her laugh. Jason feels his revenge fantasy slip away.
“What’re you reading her?” Colin nods to the book still laying open in Jason’s lap.
Jason looks at it. “Oh, Twelfth Night. Shakespeare,” he adds, recalling that Colin is eleven, and likely not perusing great literature in his free time. “Figure it’s never too early to start her on the classics.”
Colin grins. “That’s cool,” he says. “Does she like it?”
“Beats me,” Jason shrugs.
“Read some?”
Jason raises his eyebrows.
Colin flushes. “Um. I mean, if you want…”
He decides to humor him. What the hell. “Sure, why not. ‘O spirit of love! How quick and fresh art thou, that, notwithstanding in thy capacity, receiveth as the sea.’”
Dani yawns widely, relinquishing her fist in a long string of drool. Jason laughs, and so does Colin. “Maybe jumping the gun a little,” he admits. “I don’t really know what kids are into these days.”
“Me either,” Colin says. “I think she liked it, though. See, she’s just sleepy.”
Jason feels a lump forming in his throat, and swallows hard against it.
“What does it mean? The part you were reading,” Colin asks.
“Um.” Jason doesn’t really know, he’s not exactly a literary scholar, but he’s always liked to work Shakespeare out on his own, finding meaning in the wordplay and running the metaphors through his mind until they line up in a satisfactory way. He doesn’t know if his interpretation is correct, exactly, but: “So this Duke, a guy called Orsino, is saying that he doesn’t want to be in love anymore. He’s talking about love and how everyone thinks it’s this wonderful thing, but the truth is that it actually just makes people miserable.”
Jason pauses, feeling like he just showed way too much of his hand. “Basically, he’s just complaining,” he finishes, uneasy.
Glancing at Colin out of the corner of his eye, he’s relieved to see that he’s occupied with Dani, and not paying attention to Jason at all. Thank fuck. If it’d been anyone else in the house sitting there, he’d be in for some horrible armchair psychology session, and he’d have to book it out the window and not return for several months.
“I think she wants you,” Colin says, as Dani ramps up her fussing. Jason takes her gratefully, holds her to his chest as she rubs her eyes and grumbles her displeasure at being passed around.
“All right, I hear you,” Jason murmurs, gently tugging her fists away from her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic, come on. It’s not so bad.” Like he’s one to talk.
And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, ever since pursue me, he thinks, rocking her tiny body into a comfortable position. Colin was only holding her for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and Jason was sitting less than five feet away, but he missed her. God, what is happening to him?
“Damian didn’t want to bring her here, at first,” Colin says quietly. “But I think he’s glad that we did. He really likes her, you know.”
Jason doesn’t quite know how to feel about that. It’s sweet, on some level. And he’s well aware that Damian likes her, going by the amount of time he spends hovering in the hallway outside Jason’s room, not to mention the increasingly expensive toys that keep showing up among her things.
He looks down at her, dozing off. “Well, she’s pretty easy to like.”
Colin nods, looking pleased.
“Damian, on the other hand....”
Colin grins. “He’s not so bad.”
He’s really not. Like hell Jason will ever tell him that, though. “You have bizarre taste, kid.”
Colin blushes, hard, and Jason blinks. Well. That’s interesting, isn’t it? Or it will be, in a few years. He makes a note to ask Dick about it, later.
“Are you gonna adopt her?” Colin asks, bringing Jason’s amused thoughts to a screeching halt.
Automatically, he says, “No way.”
Colin looks wounded. “Why not?”
“Because I can’t,” Jason replies. “I’m the last person who should be a parent, trust me.”
“Doesn’t look that way to me.”
Doesn’t feel that way either - the thought floats up, unbidden, uninvited. He can’t. “She deserves better,” Jason says, heavily. “Even if….even I could handle it. She deserves better than this family.”
“But your family is - ”
“A death sentence.” He’s being harsh, but if Colin’s gonna be hanging around, he’ll find out for himself soon enough. “It’s fucking cursed, look. I couldn’t do that to any kid, especially her. You should get out too, while you still can.”
Colin looks angry, which surprises him. His hands are balled into fists, and Jason sees a tremor in them, a bulging that immediately sets off alarm bells in his head.
“Kid,” he says sharply. “Colin. If you’re gonna hulk out, take it outside. Alfred will have an honest-to-God stroke if you do it in here.”
A few deep breaths later, Colin looks normal again. “Sorry.” His voice is hoarse. “You’re wrong, though.”
Jason’s temper flares. “No offense, but I think I would know better than you,” he snaps. Dani grumbles sleepily in his arms, and he sighs out in frustration. “Trust me, okay? She’s better off. It never ends well, not in this family. I’m proof of that.”
But Colin shakes his head. “You don’t know,” he says. “My mom said the same thing, when she dropped me off at the orphanage. She gave the nuns a letter - she said I’d be better off with them than with her.”
Jason stills.
“It didn’t matter,” Colin continues. “Scarecrow still got me. Victor Zsasz still got me. Maybe they would have gotten me with her, too. Maybe I wouldn’t have been that much better off with her, but at least I would’ve been with her.” He sniffles, and Jason holds Dani a little tighter.
“I know she loved me.” His voice cracks. “I just wish...I wish I could’ve stayed with her. I wish she would have known that I never would’ve been better off away from her.”
He looks absolutely miserable, pitched forward and rubbing hard at his eyes. Jason is reminded painfully of how young Colin is, closer to Dani’s age than his own. He remembers being Colin’s age and younger, thinking the same thoughts about his own mother. How fiercely he’d guarded her, chased away the cops and the social workers, doing everything in his power not to be separated from her. Not that it mattered, in the end.
“Fuck,” he mutters. “Colin, I’m sorry. For the record, I actually kind of get where you’re coming from.”
Colin looks up at him.
“Wish I didn’t, but. That’s life.”
“You should adopt her,” Colin says again, softly.
Jason shakes his head. “Colin…”
“You’ll think about it.”
He exhales. “Sure, I’ll think about it.” Like he’ll be able to think about anything else after this.
“She needs you,” Colin insists stubbornly.
Jason doesn’t reply. He knows on some level Colin is right - Dani does need him right now. She needs someone, at least, someone who can take care of her and protect her. Someone who isn’t afraid to shed blood to keep her safe. Jason doesn’t relish the thought, but he’s certain this won’t end tidily. Mob cases never do. It’ll be messy, and bloody, and Bruce will have a shit fit, and Dick probably will too, and Jason will go back to Crime Alley and Dani will get shipped off to Witness Protection or something, and damn, does that hurt to think about.
He looks over at Colin, still hunched over on himself, vulnerability written into every line of his posture. He’s desperately in need of a hug, or some kind of affection, validation, maybe. Or that’s just Jason projecting, who the fuck knows. If Dick was here, he would know exactly what to do for him. Jason’s at a loss, unable to separate his young self from the damaged kid sitting next to him.
He adjusts his hold on Dani carefully, laying her down flat along his arm, while he works out what to say. Finally, he settles on, “Damian’s lucky to have you.”
Colin sits up a little straighter. He looks like he’s waiting for more, but he’s shit out of luck, because Jason has no idea what else he needs to hear. No idea what he could say that wouldn’t be completely insincere, anyways. We can be your family, Colin. Like hell. Bruce has enough kids lined up waiting to die for him, he’s not about to encourage another one to be turned into cannon fodder for the man’s principles.
“Uh, yeah,” Jason says, after a moment. “That’s all I got.”
Colin smiles wanly. “Thanks, anyways.”
Jason snorts. “Sure.”
“Can I hug you?”
Jason stares. “Can you…what? Me?”
“I won’t if you don’t want me to,” Colin adds, averting his eyes.
Jason can’t even remember the last time someone hugged him. He thinks Roy might’ve, some eight or nine months ago, after they’d narrowly survived a warehouse explosion. Jason’s whole body had been ringing from the blast, so he doesn’t exactly remember the sensation of it. And before that…?
He imagines Dick’s reaction, if he was here. He’d be disappointed in Jason, that’s for sure. Really, Jay? You can’t hug a child? It’s a fair argument, he has to admit. Jason’s fucked up personal space issues don’t really apply to children, or babies, clearly. Colin’s obviously attention-starved, and Jason’s already holding one kid. What’s another, really.
“Okay,” he relents. “Hit me.”
There’s a shuffling motion next to him, and then Colin is hugging his free arm, leaning his head against Jason’s shoulder. Jason can’t quite contain his surprise - it’s weird, as expected, but it’s not dramatically increasing his desire to bolt through the nearest exit like he’d thought it would. It’s a little funny, actually. He’s pretty sure both Bruce and Damian would lose their shit if they could see him right now. Dick, too, most likely, but to his credit, it would be a happy kind of shit-losing. Damian would probably try to gut him.
Are there cameras in the library? Jason can’t remember. He kind of hopes there aren’t, because if anyone else sees this, he will absolutely never live it down.
“Wait, I think that’s him.” Dick leans forward to peer at Tim’s screen. He points to the familiar looking figure. “That guy. Do you have a clearer shot?”
Tim skips a few photos ahead, and zooms in. “Him?”
“Yes. That’s the guy. Jason said he recognized him from your surveillance files. He was at the club the night we caught Susie Falcone.”
“The fourth night, was it?” Tim asks, innocently.
“Don’t be mean, Timmy.”
“Just clarifying,” Tim grins. Dick raises an eyebrow. “Okay, okay. I don’t have a ton of intel on this guy, he’s really slippery. According to my informant, he goes by Tiberius - some kind of mercenary, Greek or Albanian national. I doubt that’s his real name.”
Dick nods, studying the photographs. Tim continues, “He came over with Intergang as an enforcer, I think. Might’ve been Reynolds’ personal bodyguard.”
“Could explain how Reynolds got taken out,” Dick says thoughtfully. “He’s on the Falcones’ payroll now, but he’s not family. Might be an easy target.”
Tim opens his mouth, about to reply, when there’s a choked-off sound of fury from the Batcave below them.
“Was that Damian? He’s up already?” Dick asks, glancing down towards Bruce’s computer. He hops over the ramp to see what the fuss is about. Tim follows close behind.
“Everything okay?” Dick asks, approaching the wall of screens. There’s nothing that jumps out at him as being particularly alarming; Bruce is looking at DNA analyses, and Damian is looking at the Manor surveillance, tapping furiously at his ear.
“Todd!” he hisses. “What do you think you’re doing? Colin is my friend!”
“Robin,” Oracle’s voice comes through the speaker. “No names on the comms. And Hood isn’t wearing his earpiece, so you’ll have to tell him in person.” She sounds amused. “Oracle out.”
Damian swears.
“Holy shit,” Tim says faintly. “Look at them.”
The screen that all the Manor surveillance feeds run to is showing just one room - the library, of all places, but Dick vaguely recalls it being some kind of sanctuary to Jason, years and years ago. It makes sense that he’d end up back there, and it makes sense that he’d have Dani with him. What Dick doesn’t expect to see is little Colin Wilkes, all five feet and change of him, snuggled up to Jason’s side and hugging him, wrapped around his arm like a gangly koala. Dick can’t help but notice that Jason’s bicep is about as big around as Colin’s head, which is certainly...something. He’s not quite ready to classify how he feels about that, so he refocuses on the hug itself, which is nothing short of charming.
Damian grinds his teeth audibly. “It’s still going.”
“Oh, man.” Dick can’t help the grin he feels creeping up the sides of his face. “Bruce, are you seeing this?”
“I am,” Bruce says, stiffly. He looks like he’s in pain. Dick fights the urge to roll his eyes.
“What’s wrong with you? Look how sweet they are!” he exclaims, gesturing. It’s adorable.
“It is not sweet,” Damian snarls, whirling on him. “Todd is a corruptive influence, and Colin is young and impressionable! Where is your concern for him?”
Tim coughs, and it sounds a little bit like “jealous”. Surprisingly, this does not diffuse Damian’s indignation.
“I don’t get it,” Dick says, stepping between them quickly to block Damian’s spinning kick. “I thought you and Jason were fine, Damian. You’ve been spending enough time in our - in his room lately. Where’s this coming from?”
“Incredibly, I don’t feel as concerned about Todd recruiting an infant onto the path of lawlessness,” Damian retorts. “Colin lacks paternal guidance in his life, as you know. Todd clearly senses it.”
“Jason is very paternal these days,” Tim agrees.
“I’m pretty sure it’s just a hug,” Dick says in exasperation. “No one’s recruiting anyone, Damian. And look, it’s over. Your friend is just a hugger, that’s all.”
“I must agree with Master Richard,” Alfred says from behind them. “Having been the recipient of many such embraces from young Master Colin myself.”
“See? I’ve gotten hugs from him too,” Dick tells Damian. “And I know you have, so don’t bother denying it. He’s probably gearing up the courage to get one from Bruce one of these days.”
Bruce looks slightly alarmed by the prospect. “He is?”
Damian looks conflicted. “He is?”
Dick casts his eyes heavenward. “Colin, I’m so sorry.”
Before he can say anything else, the Cave door opens below them, and Duke’s bike comes shooting in, whipping around into its parking spot in a move that would send Dick flying over the handlebars. Bruce takes about half a second to look impressed, and then clears the main screen to pull up their intel on the Falcone case.
“What’s up, guys,” Duke calls, pulling off his helmet and jogging up the steps. “I’ve got news. Where’s Jason?”
“Being hugged, in the library,” Dick tells him. “You just missed it.”
Duke looks nonplussed. “Damn. Wait, that’s not some kind of weird euphemism, is it? If it is, I don’t want to know.”
“It most certainly is not,” Damian says venomously.
“Cool. I tried to get him on the comm, but he didn’t respond. Should I go get him? He’ll want to hear this.”
“Damian will get him,” Bruce says.
Damian is…already on the elevator. Dick spares a thought for Jason. At least he’s holding Dani, so Damian won’t attack him outright.
“Your news?” Bruce prompts.
“Right,” Duke nods. “I’ve been all over City Hall records, and spent yesterday afternoon getting intel in the East End. I’ve got names and faces of most of the major players in this. They’re trying hard to front some distant nephew of Carmine Falcone as the head of the whole operation, but it wasn’t quite adding up. You said the new Falcone boss is a woman, right?” he asks Tim.
Tim nods affirmatively.
Duke looks triumphant. “Then I know who she is.”
7 notes · View notes
wolferals · 4 years
jack o‘connell x reader🌷
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„Hey Anna its so great to see you, its been so long!" You hugged your old classmate tightly before grabbing a mini hamburger from the buffet. Without even knowing the bride you were invited to their wedding and were supposed to be this guys date, but he hadnt even had the nerve to show up.
So you had a short small talk with her until you decided to get a drink at the bar. You walked through the big hall on your extremely uncomfortable heels just to take a deep breath before sitting on one of the bar stools.
„Hey sweetheart what can I get for you?" The attractive bartender smiled and cleaned a glass meanwhile.
„Could I get a cocktail? Any kind. Something sweet though."
He chuckled before nodding and getting to work.
While he was busy mixing your drink you looked around the room. Happy couples were dancing, people were laughing, kids were running around. And you sat here, stood up by your date and all you wanted was to go home.
Suddenly you spotted a familiar face in the crowd. How could you forget the brown curly hair and the mole he had under his eye. You panicked, you had expected everything but seeing your ex that night.
So you basically jumped up from your stool before he could see you and grabbed the first man to be standing close to the bar. You held onto his tux and said:"Hey! How are you? Whats your name?"
He was tall, handsome, big blue eyes and a bit of facial hair.
He looked confused but for your luck, answered:"I'm doing amazing. What about you mystery girl? My name's Jack."
His accent made you smile a bit. You hadn't expected him to have such a thick British accent.
„Please pretend to be my date, my ex is coming this way. Please."
He turned around to spot the man you were talking about but your ex and his partner were already in front of you.
She was pretty. Really pretty.
„Hey y/n, I wasnt expecting to see you here. Who's that?"
He spoke with a certain undertone of „you're actually here with someone?"
You put on a fake smile and hooked your arm with Jack's.
„I'm Jack, nice to meet you mate." The two men shook hands before your ex Daniel scanned Jack and spoke:"I'm Dan, nice meeting you too. So you two are?"
You nodded immediately.
„Yup, its been a while for me with that lady. A really special girl my y/n."
You smiled at Jack as he intertwined your fingers and sent you a smile real quick.
„Well then have fun you guys." Dan spoke and said goodbye to the two of you to walk outside.
You let go of Jacks hand and took a deep breath while digging your fingers into your hair.
„Oh god, I'm so sorry. He and I uh, we dated for a bit and then he cheated on me. I just didnt want him to think I cant find a new boyfriend or something."
Jack nodded at you and answered:"No don't worry, It was kind of fun even. And I'm sorry he cheated on you, you dont deserve that."
Sitting down at the bar with him you finally got your drink and started telling you about how Dan always made you feel like he was better than you. With all his money and his charme he got everything he wanted and you just struggled a lot when you two were dating. Jack listened carefully and kept on telling you that he didnt deserve you and how much better you were than him. He made you smile a lot. „Ugh and I also dont even know anyone here. No idea why I was invited."
Jack nodded again and sipped on his drink.
„Well come one, you wanna dance?"
Gladly you took his hand after putting down your glass and he walked you over to the dance floor.
Some soft music was blasting through the speakers.
He insisted on you laying your head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on your lower back.
He smelled really good, you thought to yourself. A mix of Alcohol, cigarettes and aftershave.
You never thought, you'd like that kind of combination but on him you did.
„So tell me something about yourself. All I know so far is that your ex was a cock to you."
You chuckled against his neck and whispered back:"What do you wanna know?"
He pulled you slightly closer and spoke up:"Everything. I want to know every little detail about you."
Blushing you dug your face against the soft fabric of his tuxedo.
While you lightly swayed your hips to the song you started telling him about your life. You started with some lame childhood story that eventually had made him laugh. Then you had continued with some fun facts about you and at the end you told him about your future plans.
He had not interfered once as you were speaking. He had nodded and hummed inbetween but all he did was listen carefully to your words.
Yet suddenly a more upbeat song came on and you two broke apart. „Do you want to sit outside for a while?"
He asked and you had accepted smiling at him.
You two made your way to the backyard of the building and sat down on a bench. Your light blue knee length dress had maybe been a little too cold so you crossed your legs and started rubbing your arm to warm up.
Jack noticed right away and took his jacket off like the gentleman he was. He carefully wrapped it around your shoulders and smiled softly. „Better?" You nodded and leaned back to look at the sky.
„Your turn mister." You then spoke and gave him a quick glance.
„Alright. Uhm my full name's Jack O'Connell and I'm an actor. I'm originally from Derby, which is basically smack bang in the middle of England."
You started to smile at his choice of words.
„I like your accent." You couldn't help but tell him.
Softly he chuckled and looked at you. „Thank you. I suppose thats how we speak."
You smiled as well and let him continue.
„I've been living here for a month now because I'm currently shooting a film around here. My mate John and I've been friends forever though. We went to school together."
He referred to the groom when he mentioned John.
„Yeah thats all I can tell you, my life isn't that interesting i guess."
You couldn't believe what he just said. „Not interesting? You're an actor, thats much more spectacular than anything I've ever done."
He laughed out loud, showing his beautiful smile once more.
„Alright. But your life seems a lot more nerve racking than mine so far."
You nodded and then started grinning after thinking about how much weird stuff you had told him that night.
„So y/n, am I gonna see you again?" He spoke into the darkness after a bit of time.
You gave him a quick glance and replied:"Maybe."
He looked disappointed for a second until you continued:"If you promise me you'll show me how you guys party in Derby. Because your friend over there seems to be having it."
You pointed at the puking groom who was leaning himself up against the wall and took another sip of his beer right after he had just thrown up into the grass.
Jack started laughing while you both stared at John who laughed at his own stupidity.
Jack then smiled at you and scooted a bit closer to your body.
„Deal. I'll show you how we do it in England."
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ghostgothgeek · 4 years
Wasn’t planning on posting anything for DannyMay except I realized one of my WIPs literally has the same title as the theme for today, so here we are. 
2.3k. Rated T for swearing. FFN || AO3
On a list of ways Vlad Masters could spend his day, he certainly never had “get stuck in an elevator with Samantha Manson” on it. 
The day had started like any other; there was a ghost convention in town. Ghost hunters from all over the world came to the infamously haunted Amity Park in hopes of seeing a ghost, but seeing the new inventions from the Fentons (who were a big deal in the ghost hunter realm) and sharing their enthusiasm about ghosts with others would be satisfactory enough. (They really hoped to see a ghost, though.)
Jack and Maddie Fenton had dragged their children to the convention this year, happy they didn’t have to travel halfway across the world and their children could join them this time. They wanted Jazz and Danny to experience what they had dedicated their lives to, and to support the presentation of their newest invention. Jazz naturally brought a thick book with her to read, and a notebook for detailing her people watching (and psychoanalysis of said people). Misery loves company, so Danny managed to convince his friends into coming along and keeping an eye out. If a ghost showed up, he wouldn’t exactly be able to transform into Danny Phantom at a convention filled with ghost hunters and all their new weapons. 
Vlad had shown up to keep up with appearances, and to see what pricey new inventions he could buy for Valerie. Surely, Daniel would know how to handle his parents’ weapons, but not weapons made across seas. Most importantly, though, Vlad had shown up for Maddie Fenton. 
Vlad glanced around at all of the new inventions, paying close attention to the specifications of the weapons in case he encountered any as Plasmius. He checked his watch. Only ten minutes until the Fenton’s presentation. He wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to stare at Maddie for an hour and watch Jack make a fool of himself. Vlad smiled to himself as he pressed the button to call the elevator. Maybe if Jack embarrassed them enough, Maddie would finally come running to him instead. 
Meanwhile, Danny and his friends were walking the convention floor. Tucker was occupied with a game on his phone, as usual. Sam was on a mission to find the most dangerous looking weapon, and Danny was just trying to keep an eye on things. Sam excused herself to go to the restroom before the Fentons’ big presentation, telling Danny and Tucker she would meet them there. Once her bladder was empty and her lipstick was reapplied, she headed for the elevator and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited. 
It finally arrived, and Sam started walking towards the inside until she saw Vlad Masters was already occupying the elevator. She contemplated just walking up the five flights of stairs but decided the elevator would be faster and easier. “Why hello, Samantha,” Vlad slyly greeted. She sighed as she stepped inside and turned her back towards Vlad, ignoring him and pressing the elevator button repeatedly in hopes that it would make the elevator move faster. 
The elevator started moving and Sam switched to chipping some of the black paint off her fingernails when all of the sudden, the elevator stopped. It was way too soon to have gone up five floors already. “Uh oh,” she noted and tried pressing the elevator button again with no success. 
“Oh, look what you did.” Vlad groaned irritatedly and pressed the call button. He waited through several rings before accepting the fact that this convention center was severely understaffed. He would have to remember to do something about that. “Well, it was nice seeing one of Daniel’s young friends, but I’m afraid I can’t stay and chat.”
“Hey! At least have the common courtesy to phase me out, too.” Sam glared at him, seeing he was about ready to ditch her when she added, “Just imagine how grateful Mrs. Fenton would be if you saved one of her son’s friends from imminent boredom.” 
Vlad considered the offer, pursing his lips and deciding it would put him in good faith with the Fenton Family if he helped Daniel’s pathetic goth friend. He completely forgot about the fact that he wouldn’t even be able to tell Maddie exactly how he helped the dark child, but that wasn’t important right now. “Very well,” he grabbed her arm and was about to transform into his ghostly counterpart until he noticed a camera built into the corner of the elevator, with the little red light on signaling it was recording and pointing directly at him. He sighed and let her go. He could try to find a way to find the footage and destroy it, but he couldn’t risk getting caught at a ghost convention, of all things. Not to mention, there was likely a ghost shield up.
Sam followed his gaze when he let go of her arm and sighed, “great.” She slid down the elevator wall to sit on the floor, pulling her phone out and texting Danny in hopes he could find some way to get her out. Vlad pulled his phone out as well, and shut his eyes in annoyance as he discovered it was dead. Sam’s phone pinged and she read the message, sighing in defeat and putting her phone back into her pocket. “Danny said they are aware the elevator is stuck and are waiting for the maintenance guy to come back from his lunch break and fix it. It may be awhile.” She adjusted herself on the floor so she was at least remotely comfortable. It could take ten minutes or it could take two hours for them to be rescued. 
After a few minutes of silence, Vlad smirked and spoke up. “Well, since you’re here and are forced to listen, how about we discuss how you can convince Daniel to be on my side and-” 
Sam cut him off and stood up. “You’ve got to be shitting me. Danny will never want to join you! He thinks you’re creepy, which you are. I mean, you want to marry his mom and have him be your child? That’s weird. You’re a grown-ass man, you need to get over this shit already. Mrs. Fenton won’t leave her husband, especially for you. You are a moron to think otherwise.” 
Vlad stared at the girl wide-eyed for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, but she beat him to it. 
“Honestly, you’re so pathetic. You hurt and fight with Danny, who is old enough to be your child. Do you really have nothing better to do with your life? Don’t you have anyone else your own age to pick on? Because fixating on a child is just gross. And, you can’t even fight him yourself! No, you choose another child to do it for you. Lame.” She rolled her eyes at him. 
Vlad didn’t know what to say. He was shocked into oblivion. 
“Really, you don’t have anything better to do with your time or money? Do you know how much good you could do if you donated money to charities and organizations benefiting the environment? Instead, you choose to dress up like a vampire and be an asshole. Like Mrs. Fenton or any woman would fall for a guy like that. Plus, your whole vampire look? It’s so corny. Believe me, I’ve seen my fair share of vampire movies and read up enough to know they wouldn’t dress so stupidly. A cape? Really? Are you seven?” 
“You really need some hobbies. I mean, what have you even done with your life since you got ghost powers, aside from preying on and manipulating children and trying to grossly seduce a married woman who has zero interest in you? Seriously, get a life. Also, please actually stop with the whole vampire thing, you’re ruining it for me.” She sat down once again and smirked at Vlad’s agape mouth. She had the opportunity, she was going to take it.
“I mean, you aren’t terrifying or gruesome at all,” she continued, “you’re half dead and you aren’t even scary or even vaguely threatening. I’m sure more people are afraid of me than they are of you. I honestly don’t see why some of the ghosts in the Ghost Zone tolerate you; they certainly don’t respect you.” Sam picked at a scab on her arm.
“But...I’m scary! People respect me!” Vlad interjected. 
“People only pretend to respect you because you’re the mayor, and you only won that by cheating. And ghosts don’t give two shits about you, the ghost who released Pariah Dark then fled at any hint of a challenge. Danny had to clean up your mess. Honestly, so pathetic.” Sam shook her head and watched as she flicked her scab across to Vlad, who flinched, and watched fresh blood rise to the injury. “And you are far from scary. My mom is more terrifying. And she’s a small woman who wears pink. Seriously, people see her coming and they move in the opposite direction. Oh gross, I guess that’s one thing I have in common with my mom…” She trailed off and made a face.
“I’ll have you know, Vlad Masters is well respected in the state of Wisconsin and Plasmius is feared in the ghost zone!” 
“Survey says...no.” Sam whipped out her pocket knife from her boot and started carving some doodle into the floor. Vlad stared at the girl with wide eyes. What kind of fourteen-year-old girl carries a knife around to doodle?! “Danny beats you all the time and he’s younger than you. You’ve even been half ghost longer! Danny is less experienced and he still whoops your ass, seriously why are you so cocky?” She pointed the knife at him and he grimaced. “You’re just a pathetic little man-child who throws tantrums when he can’t get what he wants,” she rolled her eyes and finished with a “seriously go fuck yourself”. 
Danny was pacing by the elevator door. It’s been 45 minutes and there’s no telling what Vlad could be doing to Sam in an enclosed space! She didn’t even have many weapons on her. He knows she’s tough and can hold her own but still! Vlad had been looking for every opportunity to get back at Danny, and holding Sam as a hostage would be a very good way of doing so.
“Come on, man he wouldn’t be stupid enough to pull something at a ghost convention,” Tucker started confidently, “er...right?” 
Danny groaned, “I don’t know! I wouldn’t put it past him. God, if he hurts her, I swear-” 
“I got it!” Some random maintenance guy pried open the elevator doors with a crowbar and stuck his arm inside to assist.
“Finally!” Danny ran over to the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Sam scolding the man for touching her. At least she was alive. 
The man quickly backed away and Sam popped her head out of the elevator, which was stuck between floors. “Hey Danny, hold this for a sec,” she tossed him her switchblade, which he fumbled in his hands and miraculously caught without stabbing himself or anyone else, as she climbed out of the elevator. She grabbed her knife and stored it back in her boot. 
“Did he hurt you? Are you hurt? Tell me what he did I’ll-” 
Sam ignored Danny’s questioning and she glared at the maintenance guy who was backing away slowly from her. “‘I got it’ my ass,” she mocked the man, “the only way you were even able to get a crowbar in the gap is because I made you one with my knife.” 
“SAM!” Danny started shaking her, “are you okay?!” He looked at her arm where it was lightly bleeding. “You’re bleeding!”
“Stop. SHAKING. ME!” Sam shook him back until he cut it out. “I’m fine, this is from the other day with the Box Ghost. Vlad didn’t touch me.” 
“Speaking of Vlad, is he still in there?” Tucker glanced back at the elevator. 
After a few moments, out came Vlad Masters, looking as pale as a...well, you know. He was visibly shaken and looked quite disturbed. Once his feet were on solid ground, he took a deep breath and composed himself. When his eyes caught the lavender ones of the goth, he flinched. Sam smirked, while Danny and Tucker each raised an eyebrow. 
“Are you alright, Mayor Masters?” 
“God, Sam, what did you do to him?” Tucker quipped. 
“Nothing! We just had a nice little chat is all…” Sam crossed her arms over her chest. 
“I’m perfectly fine! I kept the child calm while-” Vlad tried explaining himself but with one look at Sam and one look at him, it was pretty clear who was shaken up about the whole thing. She cocked an eyebrow at him, as if to say “try me”. “I, uh, I’m fine. I gotta get going, lots of things to do…goodbye, Daniel. Daniel’s friend...Miss Manson, I’m so glad we came to an understanding-” 
Sam lunged for him and he ran in the opposite direction. Danny gently held her back with one of his arms, “jeeze Sam, and to think I was worried about you in there.” He chuckled.
“You were worried about me?” Sam challenged. 
Danny blushed, “I mean...we both, Tucker and I, worried, you know.” 
Tucker laughed as Danny babbled, “Okay, but really, Sam. What did you do to him? He looks like he’s going to throw up!” 
“Or shit his pants…” Danny added. 
“Or cry…” Tucker continued. 
“Funny,” she said sarcastically. Sam shrugged, “I just talked to him, gave him some of my Sam Manson charm.” 
“Oh god.”
“Poor guy.”
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maylovexhs · 4 years
everytime - X+Y(Chp. 40)
Author’s Note: Less than five chapters of everytime. Writing this literally broke my heart but boy, some shit goes down in this one. I was slightly inspired by Miaculous Ladybug but hey, this is my new favorite chapter. Enjoy loves - May.
Catch up on everytime here
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December 7th, 2019. 11 PM.
Okay, it was working. Harry’s scheme to make me fall in love with him was working. Well, a little. If getting nervous every time Harry looked or flashed a smile at me counted, I guess his plan was working. It was working ever since I spoke to him in the hallway. I could have swore Harry was being more nice than ever before. It was if he was trying to show me how better he was than Ashton. Paying for all our drinks, giving me too much compliments, charming Ali who I swore could never be swayed and bragging about his accomplishments. I thought I was immune to Harry’s flirting and narcissistic ways but by the looks of my sweaty hands, that clearly changed.
“You put her in a song?” Rita asked Harry. “Your ex?”
I looked to Harry.
“Yeah” Harry said. “The name of it is our name together. Cherry”
Ah, yes. Cherry. The song about Camille. Harry was telling Rita all about her. I hated to admit it but I felt a little spike of jealousy in me. I shouldn’t be but I was. It’s just . . . the way Harry talks about her is beautiful. He talks about her like she was everything to him. Was I everything to him? He practically confessed he loved me and keeps flirting with me all night but I wasn’t quite sure. Would I ever be sure with him? Was I really enough for Harry? Was Harry really sure I was right for him when there are other girls better for him?
“Just in the beginning you hear her” Harry said. “It’s nice to be friends after everything”
Harry looked to me. I looked away, looking around the bar for the hundredth time tonight. I was surprised Rita didn’t notice yet.
“Says you” Rita said. “All of my exes do is talk shit about me . . . Why did you two break up again? You sounded so happy with her”
“The distance got to us” Harry said. “I started tour when we got together. We decided it was better to call it off”
���Well. . .” Rita said, holding her drink up. “I can drink to that one”
Rita took a sip of her drink. She looked to me.
“Y/N,” Rita called on me. “What about you?”
Oh, great. My turn to talk.
“What about me?” I asked her.
“What’s going on with you?” She asked me. “Taken up any lovers?”
I bit my lip, tempted to lie. I had enough going on in my love life to want another person involved. Especially Rita of all people.
“No” I lied, shaking my head. “Nothing really new”
Harry and Ali looked to me, a little surprised. Rita squinted her eyes at me, suspicious of me.
“Liar” Rita said.
“What?” I asked her.
“You’re lying” Rita said. “I saw photos of you kissing someone. He had blue hair, right?”
“They just broke up” Ali said, jumping in to save me. “It was nothing serious”
“You broke up with Ashton?” Harry asked me, dumbfounded.
I turned to him, shooting a “not helping” look to him.
“Ashton” Rita said. “That’s his name?”
“Yeah” I said, nodding. “We’re on a break”
“A break?” Rita said, more interested than before. “Because . . .”
I looked down at my drink.
“I really don’t prefer to talk about it” I said. “It’s confusing as it is”
Rita looked to Harry.
“Do you know something about this?” She asked him. “You know him”
I looked to Harry. Harry looked from Rita to me. I stared at him with desperate eyes.
Please. Please don’t say anything.
Rita looked at us, confused.
“Am I missing something?” Rita asked us.
I looked to Rita, taking matters into my own hands before Harry could.
“Maybe we should just leave it alone, Rita” Ali said. “You wouldn’t want to hear-“
“No,no” I said, cutting Ali off. “It’s just . . .”
Was I really going to tell Rita everything? I couldn’t. But I had to tell her something just to shut her up.
“There’s this other guy” I said.
Rita smirked at me.
“Really?” Rita asked, now excited. “Spill. Everything”
I sighed, looking down at my bottle.
“Well, he’s a close friend of mine” I said. “He told me he loved me but I have no idea if I should be with him”
“Oh my!” Rita exclaimed. “You’re in a love triangle! What’s his name? Do I know him?”
“No” Ali said, answering for me.
Rita looked to Ali.
“He’s from New York.” Ali said. “Not in the industry. I introduced Y/N to him”
Rita looked back to me.
“What’s his name though?” Rita asked me.
Crap. Think fast.
I looked at Ali’s drink. Jack Daniel.
I looked up to Rita.
“Jack . . .” I said.
Harry and Ali let out a small sigh, relieved.
“Okay, Jack. . .” Rita said. “Tell me about him. How close are you with him?”
“Umm, two-three years I’ve known him” I said, lying. “Didn’t talk for a few months between then but-“
“But?” Rita said. “Did he do something?”
I bit my bottom lip.
Great . . . I had to make a whole backstory in a span of a second.
“Yeah, something. . .” I said, having no idea what to say.
Rita laughed at me.
“I know” Rita said. “I’m asking what is that something, Y/N”
I looked to Harry out of panic.
Something. What should I tell her? Should I tell her about what Harry done to me? Should I tell her about how hurt Harry made me? How he left me for another girl? How much pain I felt as I tried to pick up the pieces that he broke all alone? How hard it took me to move on and find someone actually good for me? How he had the nerve now to tell me he loved me after I forced myself to never think of him in that way again? Seriously, who the hell did he think he was? He knew I was happy. He knew I was and always he had to ruin it. You know what? It was my turn. It was my turn to hurt him. It was my turn to make him feel what I felt.
I looked to Rita.
“Yeah” I said. “I liked him. I told him I did and he left me for another girl-“
“Wait, what?” Rita said. “He had another girl?”
“Hmmm” I said, nodding. “Didn’t talk to him for a few months later. One day he came back and apologized to me. Stupid me forgave him and we were friends again”
“Stupid?” Rita asked, in disbelief. “I’m sorry to say it but . . . wow! He left you for another girl and you let him back into your life? I wouldn’t. How could you?”
“I told you, Rita” I said. “I was stupid”
“I know but so is he!” Rita said. “You’re . . . you and he leaves you for another girl?”
“He didn’t mean it” Harry said.
Rita, Ali and I looked to Harry. He had his mouth open to continue to speak but quickly shut it, knowing he had to pick his words carefully.
“What?” Rita asked him.
“I’ve met him . . .” Harry told Rita. “Y/N told me and I talked to him about it”
Nice save. . . asshole.
“And what was his excuse?” Rita asked him. “What was that dickhead’s reasoning?”
I smirked at Harry. What was his excuse again?
Harry looked down for a moment. He then looked to me.
“He was an idiot” Harry said. “Didn’t realize what was standing in front of him before it was too late”
I squinted at him, not believing him for a second.
“Oh, that’s bullshit” Rita said, looking to me. “That’s what they all say. He’s a fuck boy. If he could realize he wants to be with another girl, how could he not realize that with you?”
I didn’t understand that either. It always puzzled me what Harry saw in Kendall but didn’t see in me now and then. It’s me. What did Kendall have I didn’t? She’s not the one who has always been there for him. She’s not the one who sat listening to Harry cry over his ex-girlfriend. She’s not the one who helped him fix his broken heart. I did all that. I did and Harry didn’t see that.
“He isn’t that bad” Harry told Rita.
“H, you think no one is bad” Rita told him.
Rita looked to me.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t give him a chance” Rita said. “He didn’t give you one when you said you liked him”
“I know” I said. “But I wish it was that easy”
“Why not?” Rita asked me. “Just tell him to get out of your life”
I looked to Ali.
Help me out here?
“I know why” Ali said.
“I don’t” Rita said.
I kept quiet.
I basically just told Harry I hated him. How could I tell him I didn’t now? How could I tell him that even after everything he’s done to me,  I still wanted him in my life? He hurt me so much but I couldn’t lose him. That would hurt me the most. It hurt me so much when I didn’t speak to him for two years. I couldn’t imagine the pain if we stopped talking again. Harry was my best friend. We were always friends. I still wanted to be his friend by the end of the day.
“Oh, come on” Rita said. “You can’t tease me about it and not tell me the rest. What does he had that your Ashton doesn’t have?”
I looked to Harry. He was staring at me, waiting for my answer. He had that look in his eyes I’ve seen before. The same look in his eyes when he told me Nadine broke up with him. The same look of hope lost.
I let out a sigh.
Why couldn’t I just know already?
My focus returned to Rita.
“Well, ever since I met him . . . I just felt being with him was right” I confessed.
Rita looked at me, expecting more.
“I didn’t have to pretend with him” I continued to speak. “I feel comfortable with him like I don’t need to explain myself. He just . . . gets me”
“And?” Rita asked. “What’s wrong with that?”
“I can’t trust him” I said. “I can’t trust him if he’s going to be my boyfriend.”
“Yes, you could” Harry said.
I looked to Harry, who seemed more determined than before to convince me.
“How?” I asked him. “After everything, he’s done . . . It’s not that easy when to pretend everything is okay when it’s not. It’s hard to believe he could when he showed me he can’t”
“I have. I could. ” Harry said. “I feel the same, Y/N. I never thought I would end up in love with you but . . . I’ve always felt drawn to you since we met”
“Wait, what?” Rita said, shocked. “You like Y/N?”
Rita looked from Harry to me.
“I thought Jack liked you?” Rita asked me.
Rita looked back to Harry. Her mouth dropped open, everything making sense.
“You’re Jack?” She asked Harry.
Harry nodded. Ali facepalmed herself. Rita smiled at Harry and I.
“You two . . .” Rita began to speak, a little speechless. “I mean, I imagined it but . . . shit, you two really”
Harry shook his head, disappointed. He stood up from his chair. He looked to me.
“Sorry” Harry said. “I wanted to talk to you about us but it’s not the right place”
“Oh, no, H” Rita said. “I could leave if you wanted to talk to Y/N alone. I really didn’t mean to call you a dickhead. Well, I did but-“
“It’s okay, Rita” Harry said. “I heard it before”
“But you and Y/N should really talk-“ Rita said before Harry cut her off again.
“No, it’s okay” Harry said, looking to me. “It’s too late anyways”
Rita and Ali looked between Harry and I, waiting for me to say something. I didn’t. I just stared at Harry, completely disappointed.
“I’m sorry, Y/N” Harry said. “I’ll get going”
Harry took his phone and jacket. We watched him as he left the bar. I looked down at my beer, with growing guilt come over me.
I shouldn’t have said all that. Harry looked like he was about to cry. I should have said something but not that.
“You should go talk to him before he leaves” Ali said.
I looked to her.
“You said you wanted to talk to him to get some answers” Ali said. “You don’t know when you will see him again”
“I can’t” I said. “I hurt him and-”
“It’s Harry” Rita said, cutting me off. “He’ll forgive you.”
I bit my lip, tempted.
“Didn’t you say it felt right being with him?” Rita asked me.
I looked to Ali.
“Go talk to him” Ali said. “You don’t need to lose him again. It’s the right thing to do”
It was the right thing to do . . . Harry would think it was right too.
I got up from my chair.
“I’ll be back” I said to Ali. “Watch my stuff”
I walked away from them and out the bar. I stepped outside, seeing Harry stand by the outside of the bar. He was on his phone.
I sighed, relieved. He didn’t leave yet.
“You’re still here” I walked over to him.
Harry looked up from his phone. His eyes looked red. Was he crying before I came out?
“Don’t worry” Harry said. “I’m leaving. I’m waiting for my car.”
I stared at him, having no idea what to say. From his defensive tone of his voice, it was more than clear Harry was angry at me. I always knew what to say to Harry when I wanted to make things right but . . . I’ve never seen him like this before. I felt like anything I could have said or done wouldn’t matter or fix us.
“Aren’t they waiting for you inside?” Harry asked me.
“Uh, yeah” I said. “But you told Rita you’re leaving for LA tomorrow so, this might as well be my last chance to talk to you”
“You still want to talk to me?” Harry asked, a little surprised. “Inside you were-“
“I was mad” I told him. “I didn’t mean it. Well, I did a little but . . . Not like that”
Harry looked down. I did too. Even though we probably had a million thoughts running through our heads, we both didn’t say anything for a moment. I looked down at the cobblestone ground.
I kept thinking of what Harry said to me inside. He said he was always drawn to me since we met. He said he felt the same as me when I said being with him felt right. He said he showed me that I could trust him. But if I did so much, why didn’t I make up my mind sooner about being with him? And if Harry felt he was drawn to me ever since we met, why didn’t he realize or tell me that sooner? He had countless opportunities over these years to tell me but he didn’t. He didn’t give any sign that he loved me like that.
“You really can’t trust me?” I heard Harry ask me.
I looked up from the ground to Harry.
“You said you couldn’t trust me if we were together” Harry said. “Why? You trusted me as your friend”
“Because you were my friend” I said. “You were always my friend. I only imagined you as a friend. Having you as my boyfriend is different. . .”
I let out a little sigh before I continued to explain.
“You always know when something is wrong with me. As much as I try to hide something from you, I just take one look at you and I can’t hold it in anymore. I love you for that but I also hate it. You make me more vulnerable than anyone else and I hate that feeling.” I said. “When I was your friend, I knew I only had to feel that for a little. I knew I could tell you my secrets because the next day you would leave me. I felt safe knowing I could share anything with you and never have to talk about them again. But you asking me to be with you . . . I’m not ready to feel like that everyday. I don’t want to. I can’t-“
“I don’t believe that” Harry told me.
“What?” I asked.
“I don’t think you really feel that” Harry said. “If you felt that way, why did you still be my friend all this time? I know there’s another reason”
I looked down.
There was none. I always had trouble trusting and letting people in. Harry was that one person who shined a light on that problem. He just left me so vulnerable. He made me feel weak by just looking at me sometimes.
“There is no other reason” I said. “I wouldn’t lie about something like this”
“But you are” Harry said. “You did think of me more than a friend once. Before I left you for Kendall”
Harry took a step closer to me. He held my hands in his. His eyes had a little hope in them.
“You thought of me more than a friend once.” Harry said. “Can’t you think of me like that now? You have to a little.”
I looked down at our hands. I shook my head.
“I did once” I said. “But not anymore. I can’t see you like that anymore. It’s too late for us”
I let go of Harry’s hands. I turned away to walk back but Harry quickly stopped me.
“Why are you here, then?” Harry asked me. “If you can’t see me like that anymore, why are you here? You would be with Ashton now if I didn’t feel something for me”
I turned to Harry. I suddenly felt a rise of anger in me.
“Don’t ask me that” I told Harry. “I said it’s too late-“
“But it’s not” Harry said. “If it was, you wouldn’t have broken up with Ashton. You had to break up with him because of a reason. Because of me!”
“Just because I broke up with him doesn’t mean you’re right for me” I said, frustrated. “Let it go”
“I will if you admit it” Harry said. “Say you left him for me-“
People on the sidewalk stopped walking and looked to us. I sighed, feeling exhausted but somewhat relieved. I looked to the steps by the entrance of the bar. I walked over and sat down. Harry walked over to me, giving me a moment to cool down.
“You’re right, okay? Ever since you kissed me, all I can think about is you when I shouldn’t be.” I said. “I tried to forget about you but I couldn’t. . . Ashton was my boyfriend. The guilt was eating me up inside. I needed to leave him, even for a little while. I know Ashton is better for me and I should be with him but . . . it’s torture.”
I looked up to Harry.
“Why did you tell me?” I asked him. “I actually found someone good and then you had to come to me with this. After thinking you would never say you love me, you actually did at the worst time”
Harry bit his lip, clearly feeling guilty. He sat down next to me.
“Well, I already told you” Harry began to talk. “I didn’t mean to”
I stared at him, not saying anything. Harry looked down at the ground.
“I know if it’s hard for you to think you can’t be with me. I hurt you enough for you not to want to be with me. I understand that” Harry spoke. “I wanted to tell you sooner but I knew how you would have reacted. But I also knew what you meant when you said you felt like you could be happier with someone else than Ashton . . . I felt like I could make you happy”
A strand of Harry’s hair fell on his face. I smiled. He pushed it back. Harry looked to me. I saw my reflection in his green eyes.
“You make me feel scared too” Harry said. “I never have to tell you what’s wrong. You always knew whenever something was wrong as soon as I walked into a room. No one else could except for you”
Harry looked to the side.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you. You just get me” Harry said, speaking with his hands. “You understand me in a way people can’t. I can be myself with you. I never felt as if I had to prove something to you when all everyone else does is expect something of me”
Harry looked back to me. There was something genuine in his eyes. The same genuine I saw in his eyes when I first met him.
“You always believed in me. You’re always so willing to take a chance on something or someone when no one else is.” Harry told me. “You make me want to better. You always have made me feel better just being around you. You were always there for me when no one else was. You have something, Y/N”
Something. I had something to him. Something no else had in his life. Something no one noticed I had except for him.
Harry and I looked up to the sky, hearing thunder. I don’t remember anyone saying there would be a storm tonight. Another rumble of thunder was heard.
I looked down to the ground, feeling my heart beat against my chest. I felt my heart beat a hundreds of times before, mostly from anxiety but this one time wasn’t that. This one felt like that one time when I took my first boyfriend home. It felt like finding out I was pregnant with Felix’s child. It was felt like coming home to my family. It felt like . . . love.
Harry looked to the street, watching a black car drive up. It stopped in front of us. Harry and I looked back to each other.
“That’s me” Harry said. “I need to go”
Harry stood up. He looked to the bar, annoyed.
“Jesus,” Harry said. “How long have you been there?”
I looked behind me. Rita and Ali were standing right on top of the stairs.
“Just a minute” Rita said. “We’ve been here since Harry said he could make you happier than Ashton”
“We swear” Ali said to Harry. “We only came out since we heard Y/N yelling at you”
I shook my head. Of course, why didn’t I expect Rita to come out? She couldn’t stop digging into my life all night.
I stood up on my own. Harry walked over to the car, looking down. He opened the car door but didn’t go in. He stared at the ground for a few seconds before looking to me.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to hurt you. After everything, the last thing I want is to hurt you. . .” Harry said. “I wish I knew earlier. I wouldn’t have done all that if I knew.”
Harry stared at me for a moment, waiting for me to say something. I wanted to. I wanted to tell him to not leave. I wanted to tell him to stay with me. I opened my mouth to but I quickly shut it. I looked down.
I couldn’t tell him that. I couldn’t tell him that and give him that false hope. I couldn’t tell him and let myself to sacrifice any happiness I could have for him. It was best that we weren’t together. It had to be.
“You’re right.” I heard Harry say.
I looked up to Harry again. He was looking at the ground again. His lips started to tremble.
“I should have never told you.” Harry said. “You should be with Ashton. He’s better for you”
Harry quickly got into the car, closing the door. I watched as the car drove off. I felt a drop of rain hit my head. Then, another. It started to rain.
“What is wrong with you, Y/N?” Ali asked in disbelief as she walked over to me. “You just let him walk out of your life again like that!”
I turned to Ali.
“But he made his choice. . .” I said. “What did you expect me to do? He told me I should be with Ashton. I thought you were on his side.”
“I am! But I can’t let you do this!” Ali said.
“What?” I asked her. “You never liked Harry”
“It doesn’t matter who I liked” Ali said. “You’re the one who said you can’t lose Harry. So, what are you doing?”
I looked down the street. I saw Harry’s car stopped at a red light the block down. I looked to Ali, feeling her hands on my shoulders.
“Who is Harry to you? A friend or more than a friend?” Ali asked me. “There will never be a better time to be clear with yourself. Do you want him to leave or do you want him to stay?”
I looked down the street again.
I wanted him to stay. I wanted Harry to stay. I was wrong. If him leaving was really for the best, why did it hurt so much to see him go? I felt like my heart broken into a million pieces when he got into that car. Harry had to stay. There was a reason why I chose to have him in my life all these years. There was a reason he made me feel like no one else. There was a reason why I was so jealous over who he was with. There was a reason why it felt so right to be with him.
I ran away from Ali and down the sidewalk, chasing after Harry’s car.
“HARRY, STAY!” I yelled out, hoping he would hear me. “YOU HAVE TO STAY!”
The light turned green. I watched Harry’s car drive and turn around the corner. I ran faster after it. I ran as much as my feet could let me. I ran until I fell, slipping to the ground. I looked up, my sight a little blurry.
“Harry, I . . . I love you” I said out loud.
I blinked a few times, seeing Harry’s car was no longer in my sight.
I lost him. I lost Harry.
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punksarahreese · 4 years
I haven't had another episode, except last night was touch and go + Mr Crockett
Episode | Crockett Marcel
Excerpt from a psych!AU I’ll never write; Crockett is an inpatient in the psych ward and he has therapy with his favourite Psychiatrist
Prompt: “I haven’t had another episode, except last night was touch and go.”
Word count: 1797
CW: Psych ward, talks of depressive episodes, brief mention of dermatillomania, schizoaffective disorder, child death
“Mr. Marcel?” the voice at his door made Crockett groan, recognizing the voice as the nurse who always disturbed him at ridiculous hours. He wanted to have a talk with whoever decided pill time would be at six in the morning, how was he supposed to “heal” if they never let him get any sleep?
“Maggie, can’t you let me sleep for another hour,” he rolled over and sighed when she shook her head. Medication and vitals were a morning routine, every day before the sun even thought about rising completely. Routine was good, they told him, a routine would help with figuring out what was reality and what was his mind playing tricks. He didn’t think so, nothing would stop the fact that he saw his daughter clear as day despite the 5th anniversary of her death steadily approaching.
“Up and at ‘em, mister,” the nurse mused as she marched over with his tray and the cart carrying the monitors. He obliged because he had no choice but to do so, even though he hated the way the pills made him feel. Antipsychotics were something Crockett hated, ever since his diagnosis back when he was just twenty-one. They made him feel incorrect, as if he was floating through life with blinders on. He knew they were supposed to help, to show him what was really there, but he couldn’t help but think it made him more miserable.
“You have one-on-one therapy today,” she reminded him as she watched Crockett take his pills and then checked under his tongue to ensure he wasn’t hiding them. He had tried that a couple times and sometimes it worked on the younger nurses, but not Maggie. She knew all, especially these kinds of tricks, and Crockett wasn’t about to risk mandatory IV medications for another month just for one day without the drugs.
“Oh lovely,” he muttered, “Not that Charles guy again, right? He’s insufferable.”
Maggie laughed, “Oh please, Daniel is just fine.”
“Insufferable,” he restated with an eye-roll, still complying when she held out the pulse oximeter to clip it to his fingertip. Maggie just hummed, watching the machine for a moment before speaking.
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that. If it makes it any better, though, you’ll be seeing Doctor Reese today.”
That brought a smile to his face, though it was one that never quite reached his eyes. Maggie wasn’t sure if she had ever seen a genuine smile from Crockett, certainly not since Harper’s death and the worsening of his illness. Still, if one thing made his days more bearable it was sessions with Doctor Reese, who Crockett had started to consider more of a friend than a physician by that point.
“Our Sarah,” he hummed as she took the device off his hand, “She’s lovely.”
“She is,” the nurse agreed, “Now go get ready for the day, Crockett. You’ll be expected in the dining hall by 7:00 and I certainly won't have you slumming around in your pyjamas all day; you know the drill.”
By noon, Crockett was ready to go back to bed. Breakfast had been as dull as always, with his friend Ava in solitary for the next two days he didn’t have many people to speak to. Well, Natalie liked to talk to him but, if he was being honest, she could be a little much. She was just excited, Maggie insisted, but she tried to get Crockett to talk about his hallucinations far too often for him to be comfortable.
Jimmy sat with him that day, though. He didn’t talk much, or ever really, but he was decent company. They played cards together sometimes and always partnered for the team-building exercises in group therapy. Crockett didn’t press for verbal communication and Jimmy never judged him for his episodes; it was a friendship built on silent respect and they were both pleased with that arrangement. Still, Crockett often preferred to be alone, and that day was no different, so he retreated to his bedroom the second they allowed him to.
When nurse April arrived at his door with her tablet in hand, Crockett had been staring blankly at the TV. It wasn’t on, never was, but he watched it as if the most riveting program was playing. He wasn’t focusing on a delusion, though, and he promised April that when she asked if he was okay. The meds got rid of most of his visual symptoms, though the auditory ones were still a frequent occurrence with or without the drugs. He just liked to look at the TV, letting his mind wander to a time where he could actually enjoy television. It had been about five years by then, the last movie he remembered watching being the Princess and the Frog. Harper had loved that movie and talked excitedly of visiting New Orleans to see where her papa and Princess Tiana were both from. She never got there, unfortunately; the cancer taking her before her dad had the time to buy plane tickets.
“Come now, Crockett. Sarah is waiting in the conference room for you.”
He let the nurse lead him down the hall, silent because his head was still miles away. He was alert and lucid, that wasn’t the problem. Today it wasn’t delusions that plagued Crockett, instead it was the memories that had started to hurt him the most. Sarah would ask about that, especially once she saw the semi-lunar marks along the inside of his wrists, turning to scratches that curled up towards his biceps. Maggie hadn’t seen them because of his long sleeve shirt that morning but Sarah would check, she always did. It’s not as though Crockett did it on purpose, but when he couldn’t sleep at night and his skin was crawling all he could do was dig his nails in and pray for it to stop. The bugs weren’t there, Sarah always said they weren’t real, but his skin felt wrong and nothing would stop it. He had to scratch, he would tell her; it was the only way to make it stop.
“Crockett,” she greeted him cheerfully the second he stepped into the room, “Have a seat.”
“Hello, Sarah,” he replied as kindly as he could, though he was a bit distracted. His mood had been pretty low all morning, which was probably evident in his posture and demeanour.
“How have you been doing?
Crockett just shrugged, occupying himself with studying Sarah’s name badge. She had gotten a new one, the piece of plastic now boasting “psychiatry fellow”. She had been his secondary therapist since she was just in her second year of residency, so it was nice to see her climbing the ranks. It was well deserved, of course; Sarah had been the one constant in his most recent stay that kept Crockett relatively sane.
“Fine, I guess,” he muttered, “I haven’t had another episode… except last night was touch and go.”
“How so?” She was always so patient, not pushing too much, but she did need answers. If he was still having episodes on his antipsychotics, they may need to adjust the dosage again. He hoped she wouldn’t, though, because he hated the constant brain fog that came along with high dosing.
“A low, again.” he was fidgeting with his sleeve, not able to make eye contact at that point. His depression was a topic he never liked to discuss, since it was an aspect of his disorder he hadn’t been aware of until after Harper. Before it was just schizophrenia, a diagnosis that came about after a paranoia episode landed him in handcuffs in the security office at his university. However, when he hit a major low after Harper’s leukaemia was found, his primary psychiatrist noted that his diagnosis may be more than they expected. Schizoaffective disorder with the depression variant, he was told, and that was probably a factor in why he didn’t respond to the medications in the beginning.
“I see,” Sarah typed something onto his chart before looking up at him with gentle eyes, “Do you want to share how you felt?”
“I miss her,” he admitted softly, “It’s hard.”
“I know, I’m genuinely sorry, Crockett. Harper must have been so loved, I’m sure she misses you.”
“The meds…” Crockett huffed, “I can’t see her anymore.”
“Crockett, she’s not there,” Sarah’s words were gentle but still firm, as if he needed a reminder that his only daughter was dead before she even got to live a proper life. That reality was something that never left his mind, a nagging feeling that haunted him every single day. Meds or not, it was hard, but without seeing Harper daily, Crockett began to feel like he would forget her.
“Sarah, I need to see her.”
“I can’t do that, you know how unsafe it can be to take you off such a high dosage. I know you are upset but we can talk through this, okay?”
“No!” he was getting frustrated, even though he hated to yell at Sarah. She didn’t understand how important this was. He didn’t care if she was dead and she claimed the delusions weren’t real, he just wanted his daughter back. Even if it wasn’t the proper reality, maybe Crockett didn’t want to live in one without Harper. He told Sarah that much, upset that she would claim that she isn’t there anymore. She is always there; sitting on his bed and playing with her stuffed bunny, singing songs from those Disney shows she adored so much. Crockett saw her, held her close when the bad feelings returned and he felt like he was drowning. His baby would never leave him, she couldn't; Harper was all he had left.
“Hey,” Sarah spoke quickly when she recognized his agitation, “I’m sorry. Tell Harper I didn’t mean any harm, next time she’s around, okay? Can we start over, please?”
He frowned, knowing what she was doing, but nodded all the same. He didn’t want to fight with Sarah, she was one of the only staff members around here that he properly trusted. She didn’t want to upset him and she didn’t want to take his daughter away, it was just hard to recognize that sometimes. She wanted to help, to understand his mind, and maybe it was time for Crockett to let someone in again. It had been far too long.
“Start from the beginning,” she prompted as he slowly relaxed again, “How long ago did this low start?”
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
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Hello lovely humans!
I’ve recently hit the 500 follower milestone and want to celebrate with another challenge! This time, dark fics are welcome! 
I have a lot of prompts here and what doesn’t get used will probably be put aside for a future challenge. I like to make sure there is a wide array of prompts to be chosen from and tend to go overboard. Whoops. 
The Rules: 
1. Use the hashtag #JBBNN500 
2. Dark fics are welcome - Just be sure to utilize trigger warnings and indicate that it is a dark fic. 
3. Even if you aren’t writing a dark fic, use trigger warnings if the content warrants it. If you write something that has heavier themes, like those that delve into mental health topics, be sure to label it appropriately. 
4. Selecting Prompts: Just let me know which one you want to do! 2 people per prompt! Tell me which subheading and the number of the prompt so I can mark it down! If it’s a lyric prompt, please give me the song and the number! 
5. You don’t have to be following to participate! 
6. Deadline: January 11, 2021
Yes, I’m giving about 3 months for this. January 11 also happens to be my birthday, so I figured that would be a good date to choose. 
The subheadings are: dialogue prompts, sentence prompts, quotes from popular media, and song lyrics!
Find the prompts under the cut! 
Dialogue Prompts
“Life is made up of maybes and regrets. I don’t want this to be one of them.”
“You can’t do this. It’s my choice to make, and mine alone. If you don’t agree with it, the door is there. Feel free to use it.”
“I used to be afraid of the dark, you know. Until I learned that the real monsters thrive in the light.” 
“So, what you’re saying is if I gave you a nickel, you’d do it.”
“No, I don’t know how the cheese got there, and honestly, I don’t think I want to know.” 
“You’re sounding more like a cult leader every time you open your mouth. Don’t think I’ll be accepting any Flavor Aid from you anytime soon.” 
“How did you...you know what, I’m going to forget I saw a thing, and go read a book. Or bathe in Holy Water. Or both. Both is good.” 
“If you say one more word I swear--” “One more word” “I hate you” 
“You can’t come in here singing my favorite song and expect forgiveness, that’s not how this works!”
“No. You mean nothing to me. You never did. You never will.” 
“But if it did, it would work and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“You are simultaneously the smartest and least intelligent person I have ever meant. Truly, an amazing accomplishment.” @bonkywobble​
“Next thing you’re going to say is that ghosts are real...please tell me that’s a joke” 
“All I’m saying is, I could do that blindfolded.” 
“But why was there pizza on the ceiling?” 
“If you write me a four thousand word essay on why you think that’s a good idea, then sure.” 
“I didn’t think you were serious. Do you know how illegal this is?!” 
Sentence Prompts
Feel free to change the pronouns used to suit your needs, even if they aren’t bracketed! You can also change the tense if you need to! 
The January rain fell, feeling like razors against [your/her/their] skin as [you/she/they] stared out over the horizon.
This was it, the moment where life as [you/she/they] knew it ended.
 [His/her/their] gaze fell on [her/you], like a lion circling its prey. 
You never thought that it would come to this, come to being the one to end it all. 
You took a moment to calculate [his/her/their] next move, figuring out the perfect counter. 
Hanging by your ankles from a tree was most definitely not how you planned on spending your Saturday. 
Glancing around the room at the decor, one thing was obvious: it was [his/her/their] doing. 
Hurt was the only thing you felt, the only thing you could cling to in this abyss.
Lies, it had all been lies and they were crumbling around you. 
The screech of tires on the pavement sent a shiver down your spine.
He/She used to love this time of year, the beauty of it all. 
It was like climbing Everest: ambitious, dangerous, and maybe a little insane. 
Forgiveness was not something you were willing to offer so freely, not this time. 
Chaos may as well have been the code name of this mission. @nekoannie-chan​
Silence was your new best friend, one that never seemed to leave you alone.
That smile, that smile was something you could get used to waking up to every day. 
Your face twisted in disgust as you realized what you had fallen into.
You were beginning to wish you had taken [him/her/them] up on that trip to Madrid. 
Quotes from Popular Media:
With these prompts specifically, you can use the full thing, paraphrase, etc, since some of them are quite long, or just write something based off an idea it sparks. 
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch.” -Epsilon, Season 13, Red vs Blue 
“We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.” - Daniel, P.S I Love You 
“After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the divine right to stare at a man's backside with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!” - Denise, P.S. I Love You
“Life isn't just death. Don't ignore the living.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl
“Life's full of barbaric customs. But I hope they all end with a kiss like that.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl 
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary." - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
“Sweetie, this is one of those times when I know what's right and everybody else is confused.” - Angela Montenegro, Bones, Season 3 
“Oh, God. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? Oh, look! Dead guy!” - Cam Saroyan, Bones, Season 5
“Don’t make it sound trivial when you know it isn’t. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you’re not the one having to struggle.” -Nora, RWBY, Volume 7
“It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons.” - Crowley, Supernatural, Season 5, Episode 10
“I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde 
“How were we supposed to know? It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.” - Kathryn Kennish, Switched at Birth
“Don’t try to get on my good side. I no longer have a good one” - Ouiser, Steel Magnolias 
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” - Shelby, Steel Magnolias 
“You have the handwriting of a serial killer” - Clairee, Steel Magnolias 
“I didn’t know if you would hire someone who might be married to someone who may or may not be a criminal” - Annelle, Steel Magnolias 
Lyric Prompts
What Do You Think Of - Lauren Alaina ft. Lukas Graham
What do you think of when you think of me?
When you look back on us what do you see? Is it the good times, is it the bad times, is it somewhere in between? 
I can’t even drive down 8th Avenue because the whole damn town reminds me of you
Hurts to Know - 1551
But you stayed when I made another promise to keep
And you waited and waited for the life you saw in your dreams 
You walk in and begin to try to heal me again, but each night is a fight that’s getting harder to win.
Sick - 1551
Everyone I meet feels like another target
I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling twisted, I wasn’t home before this feeling existed 
I never knew that wrong could feel so right
seven - Taylor Swift
Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other, and though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why 
We’ll hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on 
the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
How did a middle class divorcee do it? 
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche 
And they said “There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows if she never showed up what could have been.” 
epiphany - Taylor Swift 
With you I serve, with you I fall down 
Something med school did not cover
And some things you just can’t speak about 
Chapters - Brett Young
Chapter one, I was raised on the Dodgers 
There’s no perfect life, you can’t hold back time
Everybody expecting perfection 
Things change in the blink of an eyelid, guess my body knew way more than I did
The Daughters - Little Big Town
Girl, know your place, be willing and able 
Girl, watch your mouth and watch your weight
Pose like a trophy on a shelf, and dream for everyone but not yourself
I wash the dishes, feed the kids, and clean up all this mess, do my best, forgive myself, and look good in this dress
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Carly Pearce 
I remember how I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, now I’m looking for every excuse to go back on the weekend
I remember hearing the door slam, twenty-two, didn't have a clue who I was, who I could trust, and who were my real friends
The heart won’t ache forever, no matter how hard it gets, it won’t always be like this
Next Girl - Carly Pearce 
You overlook a lot when he looks like that
He’ll charm your mama with that smile, hide the red flags for a while 
He’ll make you think it’s love, but I promise you it’s not 
Bar Back - Lauren Alaina 
You can have that coffee shop we went on our first date
I’ll give you back that sweatshirt, that one you know I love
I’m taking back that little hole in the wall, the red door sign saying “come on in y’all”
If I Was a Beer - Lauren Alaina
Honey you’re in luck, ‘cause I’m a fine, fine, wine. I’m a slow sweet pour, I can be a little bitter, but I ain’t a hard hitter, like a 30 from the grocery store
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
She says “he’s still coming, just a little bit late” 
She’s talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car
If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running could, well time can heal but this won’t
Before you go, was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better?
Our every moment, I start to replay, but all I can think about is seeing that look on your face  @arrowsandmixtapes​ 
Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
It's kinda funny how I can't seem to get away from you, it's almost like you don't want me to
You’ve got a cold heart and the cold hard truth
Told me to leave all your things out on the porch on the swing
Oh you’re breaking my heart, baby you’re playing hard to forget 
This is It - Scotty McCreery
You can open your eyes
Can’t you see forever 
On top of the world here together
If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it 
Wish You’d Miss Me - Chase Wright
I was good for you, you were bad for me 
I was solid ground, you were broken wings 
I gave you love you gave me pain
You gave me hell, I gave you grace 
I knew all along that you were gonna leave 
What a Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
I’m not trying to be your part time lover, sign me up for that full time @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
This Feeling - Chainsmokers ft. Kelsea Ballerini 
I lay out all my reasons you say that I need help
They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest
They got their hands at my neck this time 
I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends 
Hold onto your opinions and stand by what you say 
What Are You Gonna Tell Her - Mickey Guyton 
She thinks life is fair 
But what are you gonna tell her when she’s wrong?
What are you gonna tell her when she figures out that all this time you built her up just so the world could let her down? 
Do you tell her not to fight? 
Can you look her in the face and promise her that things will change? 
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