#like I know self ships don’t have to stay canon and can be a AU
candyheartedchy · 1 year
Has any other self shipper ever find themselves kinda falling out of self shipping with a f/o because of a canon x canon ship either becoming canon or hinted at?
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salsflore · 1 year
80+ selfship questions to answer, whether in a post* or a reblog! feel free to pick the ones you want to answer or just answer for all – this is not an ask game :3
a few of these are romantic, but ofc, there are ones you can answer for your platonics!
* if you do it as a post i’d loveeeee if you tagged me so i could see your answers!
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what’s something you do to feel closer to them? fanfics, listen to songs, etc.
how did you get introduced to your f/o and/or their media? do you like their source?
what’s one or two things you especially like about your f/o? can be a headcanon!
what’s one or two things your f/os love about you? ( self positivity time babey )
how do you express your love to them? how do they express their love to you?
a gift you’d like to give them if you could, and something they’d give to you!
what do you celebrate together? like halloween, christmas time, easter, etc.
do you sleep together? is it peaceful or filled with snoring? do you both stay up? tell us more! ( how you sleep, when you sleep, do you wake up at the same time? )
what’s one thing you can’t do well that the other can, vice versa ( e.g cooking, playing video games, so on and so forth )
do you have similar tastes in fashion? aesthetic? food? tell us about their taste!
how do they tend to comfort you? how do you tend to comfort them?
if you have a rival or nemesis f/o, why? are there any lore reasons or is it just because?
what are some uncommon headcanons you have for them?
what is your favorite fan theory/headcanon about them?
if you live together, how’s domestic life like for you both?
do you have any scent hcs for them? ( sweet, something like coffee, etc )
is there anything commonly misunderstood about your f/o?
one thing you don’t have in common, and one thing you do
how do you resolve conflicts? how do you both typically react when faced with conflict or whilst dealing with an argument?
have you met their friends/family? how did that go? do they even keep in contact with their friends/family?
tell us as much (or as little) as you'd like about any of your self ship lore/bg! the timeline!
if they have variations (timelines, skills, voiced languages, etc) which one is your favorite?
your favorite outfit/costume of theirs! if they don’t have any official skins or anything, show us something you think they’d look good in!
who confessed first and how did it go?
did anyone know about your f/o’s feelings before they confessed? how did they find out?
if you have multiple f/os, do they fit into any “type?” ( e.g coincidentally they’re all smartasses, blonde, villains, etc. lol )
do you have any favorite scenarios you like to imagine your f/os in? ( domestic fluff, angsty, etc. )
have you ever thought about ( platonic or not ) marriage? would you consider it a good idea? why or why not?
^ if you're planning to get married, then tell us all about your wedding! the honeymoon! the planning!
if you live together, how does your home look like? who decided on the decor?
do you, or plan to, have f/o kids? ( pets and plants count! ) bonus: if you have pets, do they show any favoritism?
what was it like when they first said ‘i love you’? how did you reply? where was it?
if you could make one thing 100% canon about them, what would it be?
how do you kill time with them when bored?
your favorite thing about your f/o, appearance wise
your favorite thing about your f/o, non-appearance wise
what’s your dynamic like? any tropes you fit?
the most iconic/memed on/quoted line or event associated with your f/o
who’s more likely to be the sappy, cheesy romantic in the relationship?
who gets flustered the easiest?
if you were in an emergency or stressful situation, which one of you’s the best at staying level headed keeping the other calm? who is the one absolutely freaking out?
what nicknames do you call each other?
with phones or modern au : what would your contact names be?
with phones or modern au : how do they use their phone? do they have a billion screenshots in their gallery? whats their wallpaper?
favorite memory involving them ( whether in your lore as a scenario, a scene from their media, or another physical experience like when you received merch etc )
are they physically affectionate? if so, how do they express it? vice versa!
any funny or awkward moments you've experienced with them?
who’s more likely to get into, or start fights? whether with each other or with others.
what were your first impressions of each other?
do you have an anniversary date? how was it decided & how do you (plan to) celebrate it?
.... would you still love them if they turned into a worm
how did their personality or lifestyle change after befriending/getting with you?
something you know about them, that many others don’t?
how do they reassure or affirm their love for you?
what’s your funniest or most embarrassing memory together?
what’s their sense of humor like? how easy is it to make them laugh?
what inside jokes do you share?
if necessary, how do you wake them up? how do they wake you up?
any daily routines or habits you two follow?
what do others in source say about your relationship? do you keep it a secret?
if you have more than one f/o from the same media, which one were you drawn to first? any lore connection like did they introduce you to the others? did one make you fall for the other?
dream piece of merchandise or f/o-related experience you’d like to have
how are they like when vulnerable?
describe your f/o in 6 words or less
describe your f/o using only emojis
would you rather go to their world, or have them come to yours?
do you care about ship lore? feel free to tell us about it if you’d like!
if you have a s/i, how’d you go about creating their design? what went into their lore? how do the others in the source feel about your s/i?
does your s/i hold similarities to you, is completely like you or completely different from you? do you even have a s/i?
thoughts on AUs/canon divergent things? do you prefer to stick as closely to canon as possible or no?
quick! your f/o’s just spawned in front of you, now what do you do?!
do they have any superstitions they believe in?
would you or your f/o ever get matching things? ( keychains, tattoos, shirts, etc ) do they find it cringy or cute?
who’s more the scaredy cat out of you two?
what kind of things is your f/o into? games, music, decor, whatever!
the most random thing you associate with your f/o (foods, shapes, even textures! anything that’s not an obvious)
anything your f/o absolutely hates, but you absolutely love?
any aesthetic or -core you associate with your f/o, whether it be due to their design or personality?
who's more likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse lol
do your f/os have any long term wishes or goals? what about your s/i?
your favorite f/o fun fact or bit of lore
which animal represents your f/o the best?
does your f/o run hot or cold?
free space to gush about whatever you want ♡
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 month
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for KilluGon and SukuIta.... Thanks ......🌻
I did it all of those, they looked fun I hope you don't mind.
1. Which one is the better cook?
Canonically neither is a good cook XD But I think Gon can cook some basic stuff even if it’s not amazing and Killua is a spoiled rich boi who just can’t cook at all. In AU I still think Killua just wouldn’t know how to cook most of the time unless he ran away with his sisters and had to step up, maybe he could know how to bake if he stayed with his family. Gon would know at least the basics of cooking, because Mito wouldn’t let him move out if he didn’t. 
2. What do their love letters look like?
Gon is super suave, he has his way with words. He’d quote poetry or movies. He would attach dry flowers to the letters. 
Killua would be awkward, he wouldn’t know what to write, there’d be few words in the letter, He’d use colourful ink though, and cute stickers, especially rare ones, like ones you win in some way.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how do they cope?
I think Gon could live longer because he has a better diet. But if he was old he’d wither slowly once Killua died, it just wouldn’t be the same.
4.What do they do on date night?
That’s Gon’s ballpark, he’d make plans. Each date would be different. Some would be small and intimate, some grand and with many events along the way. Killua would try to plan something sometimes, probably something geeky, Gon would indulge him.
5. How many kids will they have?
In canon? Likely none, they would jump from one adventure to another, there wouldn’t be time for kids. In AU that’d depend on the story. Like in my political clans AU, I imagine them having a kid eventually, though it would be a difficult choice because Gon travels for work in that one. It’d take negotiating and him taking a more stationary job at least when the kid was small. Also In my magical creatures AU they would have kids eventually, they would both be really into it and commit to it. But for example in the Regency AU, or the cyberpunk one I don’t think they would.
6. How do they decorate their bedroom?
Like the rest of their house. Gon has his geeky shit connected to plants and animals, Killua has his geeky shit connected to games. It’s chaos. I’m sure Killua has a Gold Dust Girl bodypillow, they both sleep on it. On their blanket there is a huge frog.
7 Which one is the worse driver?
Killua, the road rage is high with that one.
8. What do they argue about?
The canon stuff, like their self-destructive tendencies, overreliance on each other, etc. They aren’t great communicators and situations that could’ve been talked out escalate to arguments.
9. Which one swears more?
Gon, that’s just canon. Killua doesn’t really seriously swear.
10. What TV shows do they watch together, and which ones do they hide from the other?
They watch all the stuff together, they can be cringe with each other.
11. What was their first impression of each other?
“He’s so cool”, for both of them.
12. What do they do for their anniversary?
Something wild, likely they go on an adventure together.
13. Which one makes a bigger deal of birthdays?
They both make a big deal of birthdays.
14. What nicknames do they call each other?
I’m not really sure, they don’t seem that big on nicknames. When I come up with nicknames for them in AUs it’s tied to the AU and not canon.
15. What would they change about each other?
Their communication skills, their self-destructiveness. Like both of them really are against the other sacrificing himself and yet they just don’t listen.
1. Which one is the better cook?
Yuuji, unless it’s an AU where Sukuna is a pro chef, then he’s either better or they are equals. 
2. What do their love letters look like?
Sukuna’s look like proper Heian love letters, written on the paper matching the season, containing a well crafted tanka. 
Even if Yuuji writes a tanka back, it’s a bit humorous but likely still has the seasonal word. It’s on Hello Kitty paper because Yuuji knows Sukuna is secretly a Kitty fan.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how do they cope?
Yuuji lives longer because he’s younger. He compartmentalises it, like every loss in his life it just adds to his general sense of misery. 
4. What do they do on date night?
Something kinky. 
5. How many kids will they have?
I feel like none, Sukuna’s the baby kind of… XD
Though in an AU setting they could have kids, it depends.
6. How do they decorate their bedroom?
I feel Sukuna generally has an expensive and snobby taste so he really pushes for a fancy house/apartment. I feel he likes it traditional, or in Modern AU, modern meets traditional. But I think in the bedroom Yuuji managed to get some cute elements, possibly a big Kitty plush, maybe even a Kitty duvet or bed sheets.
7 Which one is the worse driver?
Sukuna, the road rage is high with that one.
8. What do they argue about?
Ideals, their world views are not the same. Where and how they live, Yuuji doesn’t really desire opulence. Sukuna’s better than thou attitude. Yuuji devoting too much time to others. They have a lot to work through. 
9. Which one swears more?
I feel Yuuji more casually but also less harshly. When Sukuna swears it’s like a punch.
10. What TV shows do they watch together, and which ones do they hide from the other?
They watch Yuuji’s horror movies and anime together, and discuss it together. Sukuna doesn’t always manage to win the “this is trash” argument, Yuuji’s good at noticing cool and poignant stuff in pop culture. They don’t watch Jeniffer Lawrence films together, Sukuna gets jealous. Also Sukuna hides that he sometimes watches sappy romance, to criticise it of course but also when Yuuji is aways and Sukuna is lonely.
11. What was their first impression of each other?
Sukuna’s impression of Yuuji: “What a naive fool. Would be an easy to fuck if he didn’t look like he’s needy.” Or to translate it into normal language from repression and denial: “Fuck he’s cute, he fasicnates me, I want him so badly but I’m terrified of commitment.”
Yuuji’s impression of Sukuna: “What a stuck up jerk! Nice ass though, why the fuck do I want him? What is wrong with me?”
12. What do they do for their anniversary?
Something really kinky that takes most of the day/night. There’s also a fancy dinner/breakfast after the kinky stuff. 
13. Which one makes a bigger deal of birthdays?
Yuuji because he wants big parties. 
14. What nicknames do they call each other?
Sukuna’s for Yuuji is obviously “brat”, sometimes something like “sweet/cute brat”.
Yuuji’s for Sukuna, in the beginning it’s likely “pompous/snobby jerk”, later just “Kuna”. 
15. What would they change about each other?
Their respective world view. Sukuna wants to bring Yuuji down to his level. Yuuji just wants Sukuna not to be a menace to society.
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fantomette22 · 2 months
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance 👁️👁️  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✨
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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cigzaftrdrk · 1 month
Hello hello!! On here again, mostly because i’ve noticed my preferences are much wider than i thought!! (Fandom wise, at least :])
I would like to warn off the bat, that i get extremely rambly, and this will definitely be long, sorry in advance, and thank you to those who read it!!
Starting off with basic rules;
- I don’t have many triggers, but i do prefer nothing like non consensual stuff is in the rp at all. Same goes for things like self harm, and abuse, but with these two, im okay with mentions, or even comfort for after the fact, and as long as the abuse isnt happening in the main pairing. I’m also okay with 18+ content (unless they are underage, and unless YOU are underage, which i do prefer you’re not, even if you don’t want any mature content!! Also, do let me know if you don’t want it. I do prefer the rp not be based off of it, too.) I also prefer to write on discord, so once we have a plot, I would like to move there!! Also, please be okay with slow replies, i do get really busy, and lately have been, but i do try to keep my partner informed when I will and won’t be available! Please be willing to plot with me, too. I have a hard time already, don’t make it harder by not working with me. Lastly, i prefer at LEAST 3-5 paragraphs per reply, though I do like to lean more towards novella, i have been in a mini writers block, and struggling a little with longer posts myself. I am also very okay with ship AND platonic pairing rps! Please just tell me off the bat :]
Now on to fandoms; (would also like to say i’m not huge on aus, but i dont mind things like quirkless(mha), non hunter(spn), soulmate, coffeeshop, etc etc. pretty basic. I prefer to stay canon based.)
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Kyoka Jirou
Rody Soul
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Can write anyone else, but these are my preferences! I must warn, though, i lean much more towards students!
Favorite pairings(multiship, very rarely will say no to a ship, these are just my favorites!)
Will Graham
Abigail Hobbs
Beverly Katz
Will NOT write;
Hannibal Lecter
Favorite pairings;
Abigail and Will(platonic)
Beverly and Will(platonic)
Brian and Jimmy(science husbands)
Dean Winchester
Claire Novak
Sam Winchester(must warn, im not the greatest, but i wanna work on improving him!!)
Favorite pairings;
Sastiel(platonic or ship, either works)
Dean and Claire (platonic)
Dean and Sam(platonic)
Claire and Castiel(platonic)
Claire and Kaia(dreamhunter)
Jo and Dean
Dean and Benny
Dean and Crowley
Dean and Lisa(would love to write Lisa!)
Rowena and Sam(Sam pref)
Jody and Donna
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Favorite pairings;
Bonnie and Carl
Gallavich(excluding Sandy and Debbie(not hate!! Im just no good at playing either of them, so its a discomfort)
Fiona and Jimmy
Lip and Mickey(platonic)
Fiona and Lip(platonic)
Fiona and Ian(platonic)
Mandy and Ian(platonic)
Favorite pairings;
Tara and Darcy
Nick and Charlie
Nick and Tara(platonic)
Charlie and Tori(platonic)
Tori and Michael
Darcy and Charlie(platonic)
Favorite pairings;
The hunger games
Favorite pairings;
Katniss and Johanna(platonic)
Peeta and Finnick(platonic)
Katniss and Prim(platonic)
Katniss and Finnick(platonic)
Katniss and Haymitch(platonic)
That’s all!!! Thank you so much for reading!!! Feel free to dm if you’re interested in anything. PLEASE do not just like. Feel free to comment. I will NOT reach out if you just like, sorry!!!
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Created Works Round-Up: January 2024
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Duck Prints Press’s monthly “created works round-ups” are our opportunity to spotlight some of the amazing work that people working with us have done that ISN’T linked to their work with Duck Prints Press. We include fanworks, outside publications, and anything else that creators feel like sharing with y’all. Inclusion is voluntary and includes anything that they decided “hey, I want to put this on the created work’s round-up!”
Check out what they’ve shared with us this month…
cruel forgiveness by Cedar McCafferty-Svec / @diroxy
art || transformers || m/m || idw rodimus prime/armada megatron || teen & up || no major warnings apply || complete
summary: Digital drawing of IDW Rodimus and Armada Megatron based off a scene from a roleplay server on dreamwidth. Megatron is faking his own death and making Rodimus watch.
other tags: self harm, canon mashup, based on roleplay
Stay by Smehur / @smehur
art || baldur's gate 3 || m/m || astarion/tav || mature || no major warnings apply || complete
Astarion by Smehur / @smehur
art || baldur's gate 3 || no ships || general audiences || no major warnings apply || complete
summary: This started as a silly colored pencil doodle and ended up my best drawing so far. Anyway, I love him.
Self Help & Writing Advice by Tris Lawrence / @tryslora
blog post || original work || no ships || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 781 || complete
summary: I don’t like self-help books. Which means I often don’t like writing advice books.
Which sucks because I really want to like both of them. I am positive there are things I could learn from them.
ND Creative: Time, Focus, Organization by Tris Lawrence / @tryslora
blog post, nd creative series || original work || no ships || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 957 || complete
summary: Time, focus, and organization can be complicated things as an ND creative.
Things I Thought Were Mine by enchantedsleeper / @iffeelscouldkill
fiction || fence comics || m/m || nicholas cox/seiji katayama || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 9,235 || complete
summary: Nicholas, Seiji, and the King's Row team are invited by Jesse Coste to join him at an exclusive summer retreat for elite fencers at the Coste residence. Surrounded by reminders of the life he could have had, and with Jesse determined to pick up where he and Seiji left off, can Nicholas survive the week without some closely-held secrets bubbling to the surface?
other tags: Canon divergence AU, hurt/comfort
a dream or two (away from you) by enchantedsleeper / @iffeelscouldkill
fiction || fence comics || m/m || aiden kane/harvard lee || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 8,845 || complete
summary: Everyone knows that magic isn't real. Never mind that Aiden, crown prince of Feldhaven, has been having strange dreams from a young age in which he meets and plays with a young boy from a far-away kingdom.
He can't explain it, but he isn't concerned - until years later, when an eighteen-year-old Aiden is suddenly introduced to the new Captain of the Guard: Harvard Lee. The boy from his dreams.
other tags: mediaeval fantasy AU, slightly handwavey dream magic, friends to lovers
You Make Sense of the Devil by Hermit / @hermit-writes
fiction || mcu, criminal minds || m/m, f/m, poly (multiple genders) || james "bucky" barnes/emily prentiss, james "bucky" barnes/steve rogers || mature || rape/non-con || 15,772 || complete
summary: A ghost from the BAU past reappears and drags up unfinished business for Aaron Hotchner. The ripples are enough to call back missing team members and spread well beyond the circle of his influence.
other tags: Timeline What Timeline, MCU fusion, Criminal Minds fusion, liberties were taken with the legal system, Case Fic, No One Is Okay, canon typical trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Flashback, discussion of trauma, Implied Polycule
A Godsdamn Kraken by Smehur / @smehur
fiction || baldur's gate 3 || m/m || astarion/tav || mature || no major warnings apply || 7,760 || complete
summary: Astarion and Tav met before the events of the game - and immediately got in trouble.
Tremble by Tal / @thatgirlonstage
fiction || link click || m/m || cheng xiaoshi/lu guang || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 2,096 || complete
summary: Cheng Xiaoshi has a bad time in a photo. Lu Guang is there in the aftermath.
other tags: Hurt/Comfort
Phase Shift by Terra P. Waters / @pterawaters
fiction || original work || platonic or familial, f/m || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 99,500 || ongoing series
summary: Despite being a self-professed science geek, high school freshman Camilla Mitchell has had a secret imaginary friend for years. It comes as quite a shock when said friend, Emma, accidentally drags her into a dimension full of hostile telepathic creatures. Cam’s friends, her brother, Oliver, and her mother, Kathryn, work furiously to solve her disappearance and bring her home. Other members of their small Minnesota town disappear, one after the other, including Lizzy Becker’s best friend, who is ripped from her arms. Lizzy badgers loner Oliver into working with her to rescue their missing loved ones. They discover a bridge between the two worlds—a bridge that allows the hostile creatures from Cam’s newly-discovered dimension into ours. If there’s a bridge, there’s a way to rescue the people taken. Right?
other tags: Tags: science fiction, alternate dimensions, teen characters, friendship, bisexual main character (minor references), lesbian character, nonbinary character, aliens; Content warnings: disordered eating, emetophobia, child abuse mention, homophobic bullying, teen characters in danger, gun violence, physical violence, abduction
The Last Drop Cafe by Terra P. Waters / @pterawaters
fiction || stranger things || poly (multiple genders) || jonathan byers/chrissy cunningham/steve harrington/nancy wheeler || explicit || creator choses not to use warnings || 77,500 || complete
summary: Nancy Wheeler is in her last year of college, about to graduate with her journalism degree. She's just working as a barista at The Last Drop Cafe until she can find a real journalism job. She loves her boyfriend, Jonathan, though there's been some tension lately, and she's not quite sure how long the relationship is going to last. At least she lives above the coffee shop, which makes rolling out of bed at five in the morning to go to work slightly more tolerable. Her upstairs neighbors, Steve and Chrissy, are newlyweds eager to start their family. When a case of sleep deprivation and mistaken identity ties the two couples together, things quickly get complicated. But maybe complicated is just what Nancy was looking for.
other tags: Coffee Shop AU, College AU, Mistaken Identity, Polyamory, Somnophilia, Accidental Non-con, Unplanned Pregnancy, Birth, Hospitals
Phase Shift by Terra P. Waters / @pterawaters
fiction || original work || platonic or familial, f/m, f/nb || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 99,500 || complete
summary: Despite being a self-professed science geek, high school freshman Camilla Mitchell has had a secret imaginary friend for years. It comes as quite a shock when said friend, Emma, accidentally drags her into a dimension full of hostile telepathic creatures. Cam’s friends, her brother, Oliver, and her mother, Kathryn, work furiously to solve her disappearance and bring her home. Other members of their small Minnesota town disappear, one after the other, including Lizzy Becker’s best friend, who is ripped from her arms. Lizzy badgers loner Oliver into working with her to rescue their missing loved ones. They discover a bridge between the two worlds—a bridge that allows the hostile creatures from Cam’s newly-discovered dimension into ours. If there’s a bridge, there’s a way to rescue the people taken. Right?
other tags: Science Fiction, Horror, Aliens, Teen characters, Alternate dimensions, Friendship, LGBTQ+ characters, Hearing Impaired Character, Eating Disorder, Child Abuse, Gun Violence, Kidnapping, Teenaged Characters in Peril, Minor Character Death
Prayers of Descent by unforth / @unforth
fiction || tian guan ci fu || m/m || hua cheng/xie lian || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 1,648 || complete
summary: After 800 years in the Heavenly Court, Xie Lian receives a prayer with a simple request: "can I see you, your highness, just one more time?"
other tags: Canon Divergence, Jun Wu/Xie Lian
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sinelanguage · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
taking from @fivedayslater who tagged anyone for this, i'll also pass around to 'anyone who wants to answer these questions is effectively tagged' but also @lostlegendaerie, @sharpenote specifically.....
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
36! not too shabby considering i'm not super consistent about writing.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
257,465! wow. jeez.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently One Piece, historically Voltron. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
predictably: this is almost entirely Keith/Lance.
Stormchasing: Keith/Lance handcuffed together fic i tried to pace like an actual episode! posting early in the fandom’s lifecycle gave it staying power, lol.
The Hustle: Keith/Lance espionage/heist-ish fic i cowrote with a friend. Really fun premise, and it was fun to co-write something!
Good Grief: Keith/Lance 5+1. i don’t remember anything about this.
Tallies: Keith/Lance 5+1. look… i wrote a lot of these.
Interstate 80: It’s not Klance! Jean/Marco, roadtrip modern day AU. i wrote this as a teenager, and i do not think this holds up whatsoever, but i made a lot of close friends through this fic and i'm fond of it solely due to that, haha.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try! i have like, a half-life where if a fic is more than a year old i probably won’t respond because i’ve probably forgotten anything interesting to say. 
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haha i wrote a hunger games AU for Attack on Titan? i don’t know what possessed me to take Jean Kirstein out of one horribly depressing canon and into another horribly depressing canon. 
Outside of that, i tend to stick to relatively happy or neutral endings. Most recently, Time Turned Fragile probably has the angstiest ending but i’d classify it as bittersweet really, even though Sanji like. dies? look. don’t worry about it
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh??? this is harder to answer … Inaba’s Self-Appointed Cat Adoption Agency is a fic that is probably the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written and as such has the most feel-good fluffy ending as a result.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really! i’ve gotten a-bit-too-bold concrit in bookmark notes, but i wouldn’t really consider that hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah lol. (gestures to weaknesses answer) it is not my forte, and i’m not super interested. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not typically! I did write Turnabout Heart, which is a brief Persona 5 / Ace Attorney crossover, because I thought Sae being friends with Mia would be neat.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ah, i found someone reposting my fic to wattpad once (username still attached). i just gently told them it was in bad form lol, it was wattpad in 2017 or so so I’m sure it was just some kid haha. they apologized and deleted it and their other stolen stuff so it’s all good.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Someone offered once, but never got back around to me. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! The Hustle from above, and for better or for worst which was a fun last hurrah for Keith/Lance.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
It’s really funny because i’ve never written for any of my all time ships lol. Ike/Soren is maybe my ship of all time. Keith/Lance i’m still stupidly fond of despite myself. i never even finished Voltron.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
this has historically been time loop fics, but I wrote two this year!!!!! Congrats to me!!
Currently i’ve been working on a Robin-centric Robin and Sanji roleswap fic, and while i have a good grasp on the emotional/plot arcs involved it is not easy to write Robin POV lol. i can only write characters who are more emotionally stupid than me. i keep chugging away at it though.
for one I know I'll never finish: I have a brief outline/scenes written for a Professor Sada/Robot Professor Sada (haha. lol. sorry.) fic that would be titled Stochastic Parent as a play on the machine learning term 'stochastic parrot', i.e. the principle that AI does not truly understand language, merely parrots it back to the user. i could not figure out how to write this without being on the nose.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Bizarrely i really like writing action scenes hahahaahaha. It’s one of the few scenes in fic i really fully visualize, so translating that is fun. emotions in a fight are fun too, i like writing fear. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The main one: romance! More specifically though, physical intimacy. hilarious to write mostly romance fic and be bad at it. i’ve been actively avoiding writing kissing scenes for the last 10 fic or so. at this point i’m trying to see how long i can go without one.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Think it’s incredibly neat to see but i don't think i'll ever do it. i feel like i need to return my linguist card for this answer....
19. First fandom you wrote for?
some different answers here: Fire Emblem (never finished or posted online), Harvest Moon (posted on deviantArt and deleted when i scorched my warrior cats username from the face of the earth), and Attack on Titan (first fic on ao3)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
All time it’s Dead Horizon. i got to write a lot of fun environmental storytelling and horror in that one, and I liked the emotional arc overall. i really like environments/settings in terms of storytelling, and i don’t get the chance to write much of that since i stick with shorter one shots typically. Still very, very fond of it. 
Recent stuff it’s Same As It Ever Was. i’ve wanted to do a Once in a Lifetime themed timeloop for ages but I kept dropping the concept, until now! Finally I wrote a scene based off the ‘not my beautiful house, not my beautiful wife’ lyric! dream come true.
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thousand-sunnies · 2 months
I don’t know if you elaborated on this one already but I saw in the tags you mentioned Sanji/Vivi arranged marriage AU and I *literally* drafted a post like a week ago about how I wish someone would write that as a concept. Sorry I had to gush a little bit I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought of that idea ☺️☺️
ok first of all please share your ideas because i’m curious
secondly, let it be known that i don’t actually ship sanji and vivi in this scenario in case it wasn’t clear dhdjdjdj they’re just besties
with that out of the way though – i think there’s two ways to go here right – canon universe or an AU
and in an AU, my idea is like, fairly self-explanatory. prince sanji of germa is arranged to marry the princess of alabasta, and neither of them are thrilled about it, really; and neither, to be fair, are sanji’s royal guard, or vivi’s lady-in-waiting.
in my mind, sanji goes to stay in alabasta after the wedding, while his guard is fired politely told his services are no longer required. and there’s some time for sanji to explore who he is outside of germa (because it’s not like the king of alabasta cares at all about barring any royals from cooking, or mingling with the townsfolk, or… anything, really, and this is new), and then one day he walks in on vivi and nami in a compromising position. and this is still a marriage for an alliance, for a reason, and vivi is momentarily terrified to sabotage all of it, until sanji raises his hands and tells her he really doesn’t mind, and won’t tell anyone, promise. and nami, who’s got an eye for liars and also an eye for people who aren’t telling the whole truth, gets sanji to fess up about the person he is in love with, and then she takes some well-deserved vacation days and goes to search for a new hire to guard (😏) the new prince
as for the canon universe… well. there are also a few options. vivi instead of pudding in the whole cake island arc for one, but i haven’t seen that part yet, so i’m not confident speaking about it. the OTHER option is just like. they’re both in laboon’s stomach. two pirates, ostensibly, except that sanji isn’t hard to recognize, what with the eyebrows, and the blue hair combined with a suspicious squint are kind of a giveaway for vivi. and germa told the world that sanji is dead, alright, so vivi just shrugged off the thoughts of any martial arrangements that were made, and sanji does not think himself a prince of germa regardless. but it’s hard not to recognise someone that distinctive, and so-
(sanji kisses her hand with all the politeness of a commoner greeting a princess. she gently extracts it and curtseys, staring down at him through her eyelashes. “nefertari vivi of the kingdom of alabasta,” she says, with all the politeness of a princess introducing herself to an equal.
and he may be good, but there is no hiding the flash of panic.
“well,” he says, “there is no need for that.” it’s as though a switch has flipped though, because there is no subservience in his voice.)
and when big mom tries to go marry sanji off to one of her children, well, what can sanji say other than “i’m already engaged, actually”?
anyway there’s less of a direction in the canon idea but it’s STILL SO FUN in my mind and pls we can talk about it more if you have any thoughts :D
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addictedtostorytelling · 10 months
i’ve been rewatching csi from the beginning (because i’ve never been able to make it past season 9 without grissom) and i’m finally up to the end of season 7… i have like 3 episodes left and i’m SAD. this team dynamic is so special to me and i feel this slow crawl of devastation that i’m (again) witnessing the end of what has been for 7 seasons. soon sara won’t be her usually cute and passionate self (in love too) that we get see in season 7, and she’ll leave, and then warrick is going to die, and grissom will leave… and nothing will ever be the same on this show. i don’t know how to get over it. how did you do it? how do i move on? how do i mourn this team dynamic that i’ve loved for so long and get used to new variations of the team? god, i wish grissom came back for a proper full ep earlier than the freaking series finale and the new show. i’m just… not sure how to enjoy without them all 😭
hi, anon!
yours is a very heartfelt question, and, unfortunately, i am probably the wrong person to answer it, because i never really "got over" the changes to the show post-s7, either.
not gonna lie to you: i have only watched the s10-s15 era of the show once through in its entirety.
the s8 and s9 angst i can deal with in order to get to the happy gsr ending in episode 09x10 "one to go." however, i hate all later seasons of the show beyond that point with all the salt that is in me, not only because of the cast turnover but also because the writing and production values of the show changed so much as to make the series (and the remaining characters) unrecognizable.
most of the time, i just straight-up ignore the fact that those seasons exist, preferring to imagine my own canon-divergent au version of the show (starting from the end of s7) instead.
i really do not engage with them unless someone sends me an ask.
that so, i can't exactly tell you how to learn to accept the new team or get comfortable in that altered narrative landscape. i never did, on either count.
instead, my advice is this: keep in mind you're not obligated to finish watching csi if doing so isn't enjoyable to you. you fell in love with a particular group of characters, story universe, and cast dynamic, and if those things went away or ship of theseus'd themselves into a production that is fundamentally different from the one you fell in love with in every way save name, you don't have to stick around anymore.
remember: you're watching this show as a hobby, not a job.
the #1 rule of fandom is to follow your bliss, so if you're not naturally motivated to finish the series—and especially if the thought of doing so is actively causing you dread—then you don't have to force the issue.
give yourself permission to say, "for me, the series ends with episode 08x01 'dead doll' or episode 09x10 'one to go' (or wherever you want to draw your line in the sand)" and then walk away.
if you need closure, write your own au version of what happens after that point or else find some fanfic author whose vision aligns with your own. keep living blissfully in your s1-s7 happy place with the original team graveyard, where grissom is the boss and sara stays in vegas and warrick doesn't die and they all keep solving cases together until retirement.
and then don't sweat it.
you're not being a "bad fan" or letting anyone down, and there's still plenty of material in the early seasons for you to engage with.
if you absolutely feel you must finish the show (for whatever reason), i guess one thing i might suggest is to engage with work from fans who genuinely enjoy the later seasons. i know there are some folks in this fandom who adore the new characters and team graveyard version 2.0. they write meta and fic and make gifsets about it, and they have a total blast doing so. hanging around their blogs might help you to find things to appreciate.
another thing you might do is give yourself permission to "cherry-pick." watch just to see what happens. if there's stuff you like, go ahead and incorporate it into your conception of the show. the rest, discard. as i said above, you're not obligated to enjoy the show in a certain way and especially not "across the board." so if you like the fact sara has mother-in-law drama but hate the fact she gets divorced? then keep the first thing and toss out the second. if canon makes a stupid-ass decision, you can elect to ignore it.
and regardless of whether you ultimately decide to finish out your watch-through or not, don't forget: the beginning of the story—i.e., those seven golden seasons you so love—will always be there, and you can return to them as often as you want. the beauty of a story is that it exists in perpetuity. grissom, catherine, warrick, nick, sara, and greg will all still be there waiting for you, and you can continue to enjoy their dynamics however you best prefer them.
good luck, anon! if you choose to continue your watch, i hope you enjoy yourself. if not, then i hope you have fun mentally setting up shop in the early seasons.
i certainly do!
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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quinloki · 1 year
How about 22 for the self-ship prompts, for the ship of your choice? 💙
22 is: Write about a member of your ship giving the other a special gift.
I have a few ideas, I might do them all in short form (warnings for angst, canon compliance, AU, sappy shit idk what all I’ll do xD - sfw though!)
Gifting Eustass Kid
I put the last few finishing touches on the scrapbook and made a face. It was the best gift you had been able to come up with for Kid, but maybe it too personal.
Getting my hands on a snail that took pictures had been a trial and a half. Pretending to take up photography just to disguise my plans hadn’t been nearly as bad, and as a side effect I’d gotten pretty good at snapping pictures. Even managed to soften the flash so I could take day time images sneakily.
I’m the end I had a scrap book of photos from the last year. Celebrations, conquests, and even a few somber moments had been caught on film. Accented and documented with dates and quotes, and the best doodles I could manage.
It was personal. Intimate on a level I wasn’t sure was okay, but at this point I had put my whole ass soul into it, I might as well deliver it.
Wrapping it some cloth and tying it up I went in search of the Captain. Luck was on my side, at least with the delivery, since Kid was alone in his workshop.
I knocked and heard the customary grunt that wasn’t the noise he usually makes when he prefers to be left alone. Stepping in I hang by the door for a moment until Kid waves me over.
“What’s up?” He asks. “And stay back, I’m welding.”
“I brought you a gift.” I say, trying not to sound nervous. “A birthday gift.”
I can sense the change in his body language, but he keeps welding.
“Let me finish this.”
“Of course.”
It only takes him a minute to finish and he sets the torch up after turning it off and turns toward me. Lifting his goggles up I get to see the cheeky smile and the glint in his eyes.
“Well, you’re not wearing it this year.” He muses looking over me before settling on the package in my hands. “That it?”
“Yeah.” I hand it over and take a step back. I haven’t felt nervous around Kid in a couple years, but this is different than our usual little dance. It’s not like we weren’t intimate emotionally, but even then it had been in the small hours of the day.
He unties it and unwraps it. There’s a small twitch across his brow, but I can’t tell if it’s disappointment or confusion. The cover was leather with inlaid words. I couldn’t do it myself, but Wire was really good at it and he helped.
House was good at book binding, and Hop had helped me make the paper. Heat made the ink for me, and well, by the end of it almost the entire crew had helped, even if it was just distracting Kid before he caught me working on it over the last year.
His eyes never leave it as he slowly turns each page. I’ve only ever seen him so focused on his gadgets like that before.
“It’s… I … er, kind of sap-.”
“You made this?”
“The… the crew helped. I don’t know how to tan leather, or bind books or make paper and ink, but I took the pictures and such.”
“But you made it.” He asserts. “Decided on all the images and words, told everyone else what to do?”
“Y-yeah, that’s fair to say.”
“For me.”
I almost laugh. “I ain’t doing all that for anyone else, so yeah.”
“… Fuck.” Kid almost chokes on the word, and before I can ask him what’s wrong he’s set the gift aside and hauls me into a hug.
“Haaa… I was worried it wasn’t going to be well received.” I admit, feeling my face heat up.
Kid holds me in place easily, and I return the hug as best I can. I don’t know if he’s crying or blushing or what, but I know that at least half the reason he’s hugging me is to hide his face. Part of me wants to tease him, but this doesn’t seem like the time for it.
“… Happy birthday, Captain.”
Gifting Sir Crocodile - warning there’s some post Wano spoilers, so proceed at your own risk.
“What’s this?” He raises one eyebrow, regarding the humbly wrapped box I had set in front of him with some akin to disdain.
“A gift.” I answer with a smile. He’s not truly put off, I can tell, especially after all this time.
“I explicitly stated I had no desire to celebrate my birthday.” He’s trying to look irritated but I can see the smile tugging at his lips.
“This is hardly a celebration.” I insist, coming around to his side of the desk, leaning on the arm rest of the chair and giving him a smile. “I could just tell Buggy today is your birthday. I’m sure someone as flashy as him-.”
“Point made.” He grumbles, true displeasure on his face for a moment before he sighs. “Very well, I accept.”
I smile as sweetly as I can. “Well, don’t keep me waiting, open it.”
“Demanding for such a small thing.” He teases, reaching out for the package, and opening it. An emotion flickers across his face, and it’s confusion more than anything else. “My dear, it’s beautiful, but I have several cigar humidors.”
The oak box had a cherry wood finish on the outside, decorated in bananawanis and quill feathers. White and yellow gold filigree decorated it, and dark crimson, nearly black stain had the phrase “Desert Flower” on the top. Against the cherry wood stain it was almost impossible to read.
“It’s not for cigars.” I explain with a smile. “Open it up.”
When he lifts the lid it reveals a velvet lined interior, and a strong smoky scent wafts up into the air. It’s filled with tea leaves.
“It’s a tea box. It’s designed to be mostly air tight, hence the lining. And the oak doesn’t have a strong scent, especially dried, so it doesn’t interfere with the tea’s scent. It’ll absorb them though, so as you come to enjoy more types of tea we’ll have to get you more.” I explain.
“But this is the first one you enjoyed.” I grin. “I think this is the tea that saved my life.”
“… You’re not entirely wrong, desert flower.” He admits. The expression on his face is much softer, and his arm sneaks around my waist as he pulls me in, stealing a kiss that tastes like his cigars.
At this point, it’s a flavor and scent I quite love.
“Thank you.” He says softly.
At that moment the doors burst open and Buggy walks in with a massive cake and an unamused Mihawk with him.
“You didn’t tell us it was your birthday!” Buggy huffs, pushing the cart into the room. “I can’t plan a proper celebration when I find out on the day of it!”
Crocodile growls and looks at me.
“This is not my fault.” I assert.
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lilolilyr · 7 months
Tumblr media
@viharistenno answering your comment on this ask here because apparently there’s a text limit to replies and I wrote too much!
SIOC stands for self-insert original character. As in, you end up in the world (in this case twilight), either stuck in the body of the main character or as yourself… and I’ve seen too many twilight memes around and ended up reading fic again and I think being stuck in the twilight world would be an unholy mix of hilarious, fucked up, cool, deeply sad (bc it’d also mean being forever away from everyone and everything I’ve known here - sth lots of SIOC fic tend to ignore but I think it’d be interesting to explore) and also I can’t decide whether, if I ended up in the twilight world forrealsies, I’d try to meet vampires and get vampireimmortalized immediately or try to stay the Fuck away from them and their idiotic conflicts and problems. Also do I want to be a TwiPire? I mean I definitely don’t want to be a classic vampire but twilight vampires are also all levels of fucked up and canon doesn’t really make it clear How many levels of fucked up and I guess if I was a twilight SIOC I’d not know that either until it was too late… anyway, interesting thought experiment :D but I probably won’t write any of it into an actual fic
Ohhh you also like Milippa? I didn’t know! You’re not in the discord are you? I think I’ve only seen you in the B&W one before but maybe this is my bad memory at it again o.o
Anyway yeah I’m writing the dream sci-fi dystopia as Milippa but more just because out of the ships I ship, they fit the characters I dreamt up best? I mean in my dream I saw Rosamund Pike and Jean Smart take that as you will lmao, but I’m changing stuff to turn it into a proper Milippa fanfic anyway. Probably mostly prime/mirror Milippa vibes, but some mirror Michael ish backstory and Philippa character wise bit of both? They’re both AU anyway so who cares, but idk how to character- tag it on Ao3 yet xD haven’t gotten around to write more to it yet anyway bc I was busy writing 2k for one of the Bering and wells advents ficlets yet, and it isn’t even finished yet!
Dreams definitely can do weird stuff! Yesterday I dreamt I was in a forest and poisoned chocolate grew on trees or something xD but usually it’s just weird shit like that, not whole damn storylines!
Yeassss same! It’s so great that it’s coming together so nicely, I can’t believe we have writers through to day 10 without any gap days, we might actually manage to have a full advent calendars without skipping over some days! When I made the first post only two days before December started I expected to get sign up for maybe half the days max!
Re:target audience for weird fanfic ideas, Yeah that’s also true :D but I already told myself the story didn’t I? I don’t need to write it down for that! I mean, most of the fic I write is still very very self indulgent, but it’s really more that all the stories I tell myself are for me, and out of those self indulgent story ideas I write down the ones I want to share with the world and think I might have a nice audience for! Stories that would need 50k backstory on how the Fuck I ended up with this crossover AU headcanon bullshittery don’t really make the list xD
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ikatako38 · 1 year
3. End of Part 2 Special:
TPWCH One-shot Requests!
Requests will be open until May 1!
SLOTS: ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( 5 )
Feel free to request any ship, AU, and/or tropes! Of course, I’m also free to reject a request if I don’t feel comfortable writing it. (For example, I won’t write things like incest, on-page non-con, gore, age gap*, etc. This event is also intended to be SFW.) You can be as specific or as vague as you'd like—I'll fill in the gaps! Each one-shot will be about 5000 words in length! (This is an estimate and not necessarily guaranteed.) You can make your request through an ask (preferred), as a reply to this post, or as a comment on AO3. Requests through reblogs will not be accepted.
*I’ll accept certain ships such as Agent 12 on the condition that they’re aged up
If you need some inspiration, here are some of the topics I’d be eager to write about! I want to get a good variety, so I put a cap on the number of requests I’ll take for certain categories. Vacant slots have a number in them like ( 1 ) or ( 2 ), and closed slots have an ( X ). Your request is more likely to be taken if you choose a ship/AU/trope that isn't already full. List items with no slots can be used as much as you want!
I will be taking 5 total requests, with a combination of first-come first-serve and which ones I like the best. So try to get yours in quick, but if you’re a bit late all hope isn’t necessarily lost so long as I like your idea! You can submit multiple requests, but unless I’m short on requests, I’ll only choose my one favorite request from each person. They'll be uploaded to AO3 in an anthology as I finish them!
If you already know what you want to request, you can stop right here and submit your requests! If you want some ideas, check under the cut!
Any of these can be platonic pairings instead! Just use an & instead of a / in the ask or specify platonic!
Agent 24 ( 1 ) ( 2 )
TurfTrio - Three/Eight/Seyu ( 1 ) ( 2 )
ApartmentTrio - Three/Eight/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Thryle - Three/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
LoveSquare - Three/Eight/Seyu/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Pearlina - ( 1 )
Cutttletavio - ( 1 )
SeyLeo - Seyu/Leo ( 1 )
SeyThree - Seyu/Three ( X )
SeyEight - Seyu/Eight ( 1 )
Lyli - Lyle/Eli ( 1 )
Yubrey - Four/Neo 3 ( 1 )
Lucilin - Lucía/Lin ( 1 )
Three&Tsuku ( 1 )
FourFam - Four&Kai&Miriam ( 1 )
Aubree - Aubrey&Three ( 1 )
Yukee - Yuki&Three ( 1 )
Or any other ship you want!
No non-TPWCH characters (Goggles, your OC, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.)
Modern/Human/High School/College AU ( 1 ) ( 2 )
D&D/Fantasy Setting ( 1 )( 2 )
Royals ( 1 )
Soulmates ( 1 )
Generic Wizarding School ( 1 )
Riordanverse Demigods ( 1 )
The Hunger Games / Other dystopia ( 1 )
Werewolf/Vampire/etc. ( 1 )
Umm… anyone into ABO/Omegaverse? I can try lol ( 1 )
(No mpreg tho. Or fpreg, or any other preg for that matter.)
No Metro AU (Three never fell into the Metro)
No OE AU (Neither Three nor Eight were sent to the Metro)
Civilian Three AU (Three never became an Agent)
No IU AU (self-explanatory)
The Siblings AU (Three was raised by Kai and Miriam as Aubrey’s sibling)
The Good AU (The Siblings AU and No OE AU combined)
The Best AU (The Good AU and No IU AU combined)
Genderbend (whole cast or individuals)
Cis characters stay cis and trans characters stay trans. If Yuki is involved, just pick the presentation you want him/her to have!
Species-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Sexuality-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Age-up/age-down (whole cast ages the same)
Any combination of these
Any other AU you want
None of these (set in a copy of the canon TPWCH-verse)
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Strangers to Lovers / Meet cute
First date (or a subsequent date)
Party Game (Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Werewolf/Mafia, Cards Against Humanity, etc.)
Accidental kiss / Accidental physical affection
Drunk confessions
Adding a third
Blind date / set up by friend
Met while Turfing (same team)
Met while Turfing (opposite team)
Hero x Enemy Soldier
Anonymous Valentine / Riddle
Coming out
First day of school
Childhood friends
Holiday Special
Beach Episode
I don't know, be creative! It's your request, so why am I doing all the legwork?
If you're not sure, you can leave it up to me and I'll come up with something!
I also reserve the right to take your request and run with it by adding on other things! For example, if you ask for romantic Seythree, I may automatically sexuality-bend Seyu. Or if you want Thryle in the present day, I may decide to use the Civilian Three AU.
Now get requesting!
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ardentaislinn · 1 year
Candy Hearts Letter 2022
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional.
Here you’ll find:
My general likes
And prompts for the following fandoms:
반도 | Peninsula (2020) (aka Train to Busan 2) - Jung Seok/Min Jung
Practical Arrangement - Sting (song) - Man/Woman
고요의 바다 | The Silent Sea - Han Yoon Jae/Song Ji An
Christmas Class Reunion (2022) - Elle/Devin
Original Works - Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her, Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met, Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along, 19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
A quick note on the Korean names - I’m fine with however you choose to transliterate them. Hyphen/no hyphen, slight differences in romanisation, etc. Just do what you are comfortable with and I’ll adjust no problem.
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, enemies/rivals-to-lovers, trapped together, there’s only one bed, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) I also like casefic, epistolary fic, consent, beta heroes, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve broken but good-hearted men being secretly head over heels for badass ladies, (and usually not feeling worthy). So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunnilingus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Miserable endings. Death of a requested character. Humiliation. Drug use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. Animal harm. Underage sexual content.
Fandom specific prompts:
반도 | Peninsula (2020) (aka Train to Busan 2)
Jung Seok/Min Jung
While maybe objectively not as good a film as the first one, I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Given that it was essentially a cross between Escape From New York and Mad Max, what isn’t to love? I loved the expansion of the world and the clever uses of zombies in the chase scenes. And I really liked the idea that anything can mean happiness when you love and are loved in return - particularly in regards to Joon Yi, but also Jung Seok (and his found family?).
Mostly I just want Jung Seok and Min Jung to kiss. I think they'd help each other heal and be stronger together as a team. While they did grow throughout the movie, they probably have a little more growing to do before they are ready to be together, and they might always be a little dysfunctional, given their traumas. It would be impossible to entirely smooth away all those sharp points they've developed. But they'd understand each other in a way no one else would.
What would interest me the most in this fandom is post-movie fics. But if you wanna do a canon divergent/au thing, I’d be cool with that, too. 
Some prompts:
In order to stay together after being rescued, Jung Seok and Min Jung have to pretend to be married.
Jung Seok’s POV when he realises he loves Min Jung.
After four long years of loneliness, Min Jung just wants to be touched. Maybe they start a physical relationship that slowly morphs into an emotional one.
Neither would be particularly verbally demonstrative. How do they show they care about the other without saying "I love you?"
Jung Seok isn’t surprised to find himself in love with Min Jung - and wanting to be a father to her girls - but is he good enough for them? He’s left them behind once - can he forgive himself? Can Min Jung?
The zombie plague escapes from Korea - and Jung Seok, Min Jung, and her girls are the closest thing to experts on how to fight back and contain it that the authorities have. Will their nightmare never be over? Or is this a chance to end it once and for all?
With Min Jung in hospital while her leg heals, Jung Seok suddenly finds himself a surrogate father to two very unruly girls.
Practical Arrangement - Sting (Song)
I received a great fic for this song for Yuletide, which you can find here. I’m requesting it again purely because there is so much scope here to work with, and so many different interpretations you could go with. And I want them all!
I mean…this song just screams marriage of convenience story, right? I love this trope, particularly when it’s two practical people going into the arrangement for logical reasons…only to find feelings somehow got involved. It’s a perfect set up for slow burn, pining, forced proximity, and all that good stuff.
I think in this song in particular the man might be lying to himself from the very beginning about this being a platonic arrangement. I don’t have any headcanons for their names so feel free to call the characters what you want!
Some prompts:
At what point does either character realise they have feelings for the other? How did they get there? With lots of pining and classic tropes? Do they have to play a couple outside of the house, or is this strictly a legal arrangement?
How do they meet? What happens to the woman that either character thinks this is a logical solution? How bad of a situation is she in?
Why is he lonely enough to propose this solution? Or has he secretly loved her for a long time and only wants to help her? How does the intimacy of marriage and a “warm house to return to” change things for him, even if it’s meant to be platonic? Can going through the motions of intimacy and sharing a home lead to real and lasting feelings?
How long does the “separate beds” promise last? Do they decide that for the duration of their marriage that they will satisfy each other in the bedroom as well? Or do they absolutely never touch given their promise of platonicness? 
How does he bond with her son? Do they do things together as a family or mostly lead separate lives?
It sounds like she’s a disaster in the kitchen. Is he a good cook? Does she learn to after all in an act of finding herself? Or does she finally let herself be taken care of for once?
A historical AU? Maybe she’s a titled widow fallen on hard times, and he’s of the rich merchant class and still not considered good enough for her in the eyes of society.
Maybe it’s a Beauty and the Beast scenario? He’s disfigured or magically enchanted but she marries him to save herself and her son. It turns out he’s not as bad as the stories claimed.
If you want to turn this on your head, you can. Maybe the narrator of the song is a creep and/or a stalker and she actually has to get away from him and falls in love with someone else!
고요의 바다 | The Silent Sea
Han Yoon Jae/Song Ji An
So, I requested this for Yuletide, and got two excellent fics here and here. There was a third one in the collection that was also excellent, too! Right here. Normally, when I am so blessed with fics for a tiny fandom like that, I feel like the itch has been scratched, so to speak. But (un)fortunately, in this case, the fics were so good that it made me ship this pairing so much more.
It’s a crime that they didn’t kiss in this, honestly. Two of my favourite Korean actors (Bae Doo Na and Gong Yoo) in one show, buckets of chemistry, and nary a romance! Gong Yoo was at his hottest, too, with the neck tattoo and attitude. (Bae Doo Na is, of course, always at her hottest.)
They are both smart and know what’s up. I feel like they’d make a good couple. And the tension between them, particularly in the beginning, just makes it hotter. Most of these prompts presume that Yoon Jae was rescued at the end there with the others, of course.
Some prompts:
I’m envisioning a whole scenario where she marries him to share her status to save his daughter and they fall in love. They need to make it convincing or it’s basically fraud, so they move in together and pretend to be a couple… Maybe this happens after their adventure, or maybe it’s an AU where they never went to space, or they marry before they go and then they go to the moon.
There was a lot of tension between them. And sometimes there’s only one surefire way to ease that tension…in a maintenance closet.
What happens when they get back to earth? Inevitably, paperwork and bureaucracy. But maybe also they need to save the world? Again?
Additional bonding time in space, before or during everything going to hell. They have a lot of trauma they can share/bond over.
How do they work together to protect Earth after everything they've been through? Does it bring them closer together? Does the water crisis get solved or are things worse than ever?
What happens to Luna? Do they become her surrogate parents? She’s not really human, so what kind of difficulties does that present? How do they explain her presence in the rescue craft to their superiors? Once back in the real world, do they have to pretend she’s normal? This could either be very fraught or rather comedic depending how you want to play it.
Ji An and Yoon Jae have to quarantine together for a few weeks after getting off the moon.
Feel free to do some worldbuilding! The scenario is both terrifyingly realistic and completely apocalyptic. How else is it different from our world? How is it the same? What is going on outside of the limited scope we see?
Christmas Class Reunion (2022)
Originally, I saw this Hallmark movie and just thought it was okay. I didn't fall head over heels for it. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of it. Maybe it didn’t entirely stick the landing but it had all the elements to make a great romance.
Devin used to be a goofy class clown, and now he’s grown up into being a responsible, respectable, single-dad. But he’s perhaps still dealing with that old high school feeling of not quite being good enough. Particularly not for a girl as smart and driven as Elle. He still retains a little bit of his goofiness, but he’s definitely matured a lot. Throughout the movie, Elle’s modern, forward-thinking ways help Devin push himself that little more. 
Elle, on the other hand, has always been responsible and ambitious, and until now has been dating guys just like her. Now that the perfect life she’d worked so hard for is starting to fall apart, she’s reassessing her priorities and maybe just…chilling out a little. She feels like she still has to put up a front, but not so much around Devin, who seems to like her just as she is and whose slight goofiness helps her mellow.
They definitely wouldn’t have worked as a couple in high school, but they had both changed a lot in the intervening 15 years, to the point where they’d kind of met in the middle of their two personality extremes, purely by chance. Maybe they still had a bit of growing left to do, but it’s clear that they were in a place where they were ready to be together and make it work. 
I'm a lot more interested in where they are now with themselves and each other as opposed to flashing back to their high school years for an entire fic, but I don't mind if you mention or feature scenes from that time to illustrate their development.
Some prompts:
First Christmas together, so soon in their new relationship. Or maybe a series of big days throughout their first year, like first Valentine's, before their engagement. Or maybe many Christmases over the years, to see how they evolve.
The movie kind of cops out by not answering how Elle deals with the fallout from work, and the fact that Elle and Devin live in different cities. I don't feel like there's necessarily an easy answer to any of it, so how is all that resolved?
A missing scene where Devin pines for Elle. Maybe he'd always had a crush on her and didn't feel worthy back then, and those feelings of inadequacy are coming back because he finds 33 year old Elle even smarter and prettier and more incredible than teenaged Elle.
They work together to find Samantha a well-deserved happy ending.
Maybe they live in different cities for a while. How do they keep in contact? Texts? Emails? Phone/video sex?
Bonding time with Skylar. Is it all smooth sailing, or are there some difficulties with Elle coming into their lives?
AU/Canon Divergence. Maybe they met again under other circumstances? As long as keep the dynamic I mentioned above (Amazing woman who feels like she needs to put up a front when the life she worked so hard for is crumbling/the guy who has matured and grown so much but still isn't sure it's enough for her to fall for him.)
How did Devin's proposal happen? Or did Elle get sick of waiting and proposed to him?
Original Work
Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her, Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met, Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along, 19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
I think these tags basically speak for themselves, but just in case you want some guidance I’ll give some ideas below.
Badass Woman/The Equally Badass Man Who Secretly Loves Her
Most of the major ships I’ve had throughout my life fall into this category. Terminator’s Sarah Connor/Kyle Reese, Mad Max: Fury Road’s Max/Furiosa, Aliens’ Ripley/Dwayne Hicks, even Peninsula’s Jung Seok/Min Jung listed above. Whatever you write doesn’t need to be an action sci-fi story, though! I’m equally happy with a contemporary rom com where they are CEOs or a single-mother inn owner and a handyman or whatever. There are many ways to be a badass.
As for the story itself? Anything where the hero is quietly enamoured by how competent and capable she is, but doesn’t feel worthy of her, is what I’m after here. So, maybe she gives him a surprising confession. He's loved her for a long time, how did they meet? Maybe they have to kiss/share a bed/work on a mission together and it makes the feelings come to a head. Maybe he confesses to her in a moment of weakness and is surprised when she tells him she feels the same. Maybe they used to be spies or vigilantes together. Like, she was married to his best friend, and the three of them used to work together. Then the best friend dies and they blame themselves and fall out of touch. They have to reunite years later and he’s still carrying a secret torch for her and doesn’t realise she feels the same. There are plenty of routes you can take with this!
Male Soldier Deployed Overseas/His Female Penpal That He's Never Met
For this one, I was thinking something along the lines of the Hallmark movies The Christmas Card or Holiday for Heroes. She sends him a Christmas card or package and they start exchanging letters. He doesn't have much family, and so her letters really mean something to him. Or maybe she's looking after his dog while he's deployed and she sends him photos of his beloved pet, and they get talking. Or maybe this is set in 19th C England, and he writes to inform her of her brother's death, and his comforting words really touch her heart. I just really like epistolary romances! And I really like that moment when they see each other in person for the first time and realise that maybe those feelings that had been developing weren’t so crazy after all. It was all real.
Reality Show Producer/Reality Show Contestant Who Knows It's Mostly Fake But Plays Along
Again, this prompt was inspired by a Hallmark movie, this time Love, For Real. I really liked that he was attracted to her smarts and cynicism since he was feeling pretty jaded about reality shows himself. There's a lot of potential conflict considering falling for a contestant is unprofessional and against the rules. But I obviously don’t want fic of that movie, it’s mostly just the vibes.
Author’s pick of the type of reality show. Cooking competition? Dating show? Maybe it's a friends to lovers story where the producer convinces their friend to join up to help out and they see new sides to each other. Maybe she's the producer and he's the best friend/contestant, a la the Kdrama Love is for Suckers. Maybe it's a Survivor style show and they get “lost” in the wilderness together. Maybe one of them is a celebrity playing up a superficial image for a show, and the producer sees the real, likeable person who comes out when the cameras are off.
19th Century Male Detective/The Clever and Meddlesome Woman Who Gets in His Way
I’m just a sucker for mysteries with a female protagonist or co-lead set in the Victorian era, with a male detective or private investigator that works with her. I love the way the women have to work against and within the system but then use people’s expectations against them. The detective will often be able to work openly in the public sphere when investigating, but the woman works subtly, behind the scenes, in the private sphere. Those two skills end up complementing each other to the point that the crime couldn’t be solved or the criminal brought to justice without either of them. The fact that these stories often lend themselves to having clever, bookish heroines who everyone underestimates, plus a lot of banter with the detective, is just icing on the cake.
For specific ideas, maybe she writes him a letter with information about a crime - he initially dismisses her but is intrigued. Maybe they meet at a crime scene and he’s suspicious because she seems to know so much. Maybe he thinks she or someone close to her is a culprit and she’s trying to prove him wrong. Maybe he goes to her about a case because she has some specific expert knowledge, but she insists on getting far more involved than he intended.
Hopefully that’s all. Sorry it's such an epic letter. Thank you for writing something for me!
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rambling, random, ship
I have no idea why i am talking about this but had random impulse to say anything. I don’t think what i’ll be saying is actually what I believe in, maybe it’s a random thing, my mind is always wandering. Maybe some people will judge me but i no longer care tbh.
Reasons why I ship Ludoffee:
- Nostalgia. Perhaps my longing for old days and that ships takes me closer to those days that felt better back then. Pretty much personal selfish thing. It’s like keeping an old stuffed animal from childhood , to give the analogy.
- Both are villains whose stories were not fullly realized in canon.
- A cool composed and self-restrained man in a suit likes a short and emotional awkward guy - it’s kind of cute. (ok not “kind of”.. deep down I like this dynamic because that difference is kind of wholesome)
- Many ways to explore the dynamic in unusual ways (aka the “stereotyped as incompetent” guy turns out to be more emotionally mature in ways the cool guy isnt and can do great things which impresses the “cool” guy)
- Its pretty much Venomous and Boxman but as monsters.. (if they were not the way they were in canon)
- There was a lot of canon detail in season 1 (confirmed liking from Ludo toward Toffee. But uh, it wasn’t actually great tbh (including Ludo’s attitude; if Toffee were not manipulative and geniunely worked for him Ludo would be the problematic one I feel))
I kinda ship Eclipsafee, but the reason I do is probably because I thought that Eclipsa would date him and her personality would go in interesting ways with his. It’s also kind of a “sweet x goth” dynamic which is like a blueprint for a cool ship (”is toffee the goth and Eclipsa is sweet or Eclipsa is sweet and Toffee is goth?” - yes) .
- They Both give off a vibe “cool uncle or aunt”. Both are grown adults who seem mature (but aren’t)
- Making up their banter and dialogue would be fun (one is gloomy and other is sassy)
- A “used to know each other in teens years and met again years later and found out how much they changed” dynamic is cool. + Potential for writing: changes caused them to develop new perspectives on one another.
- Dark purple + dark purple
- Eclipsa could bond with Toffee because she was seen as monster too
- A dynamic where they don’t end up together because Eclipsa has her true love Globgor sounds interesting as well. All hail lone Toffee (a cool mysterious man in a suit who is not married and is single and likes it that way but sometimes stares at a lady he used to love and her husband being happy.). Also it’d be bittersweet to headcanon (in an au, Not canon) that Eclipsa does have some feelings for Toffee despite her living her new life fully.
__ Moontoffee
I used to avoid it at all costs for reasons i have already said in past. Mainly bc of second had embarrassment and fear that it will sink. But after everything ended I felt more free in trying to look at it.
- I wouldnt ship them as a royal Butterfly family but I would ship them as rivals from different peoples who stayed that way but somehow changed their views on one another.
- I would rather ship them in an au where Toffee didn’t kill Moon’s mother. But still.. I may be hated for this but I’ve seen dynamics where one character killed other’s parent and still at the end they made amends and worked out as a team. So I don’t know. I understand that in Moon’s case her mother’s death greatly affected her and I have hard time seeing her ever forgiving that so its better to make an au where Toffee had nothing to do with it.
- The fact that Toffee can be drawn in Moon’s color palette is kind of sus.. Their palettes are almost the same..
- I always liked to associate Toffee with the moon (not Moon Butterfly but.. moon, the moon) and water. And knowing that water is associated with the moon, it feels almost symbolic in my imagination that he would look interesting with Moon (even as a platonic duo)
- They are.. pretty similar (both are leaders who are ready to become the devil for their own people and who want to keep their status at all costs). Also in canon they turned into less likable characters at the end.
- Funny headcanon of mine: Many monsters liked to call Toffee “Moony” and that caused a lot of confusion and some monsters ( and Toffee  as well ) thought they mockingly called him after Moon Butterfly - a princess they all hated. But in reality “Moony” among monsters means “Lunatic who is dependant on the moon”, so they mockingly called him a lunatic who is obsessed with Moon (by obsession I mean that Toffee couldnt let go of resentment and remembered what Moon did to him)
“Oh hello general Moony”
“It’s Toffee. I am Not like that mewman princess”
“No, I dont mean Moon. I mean Moony.”
- In all honesty I dont want to ship them in canon universe. I’d ship them if they were not as violent to one another and had to unite against greater threat. (i.e. they both disagreed with their bosses and superiors and bonded over that. Also a nice potential for them changing their views on each others’ kind and learning that the other is not evil)
- I think I would ship them platonically, as friends. Enemies to friends. It’s kind of hard for me to imagine them as a romantic pair who’d caress another’s cheek.
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dragonballwish · 2 years
I really don't think Vegeta and Bulma was a great ship. It felt like it was out of nowhere and just done to justify the existence of another Super Saiyan in Trunks for the sake of the whole Terminator reference. I think Gohan x Videl is cute but that their relationship in Z was underdeveloped, which also leads me to question why so many seem to dislike the idea of Krillin and 18 for the same reason? Idk. I think it's weird that GoChi gets so much hate because Goku's "always gone training" and Chi-Chi is "always complaining about it" when we see literally the exact same stuff happen with Vegeta and Bulma and no one questions that relationship at all. I think Krillin is very shippable and think it's kind of bizarre that the guy who's the most caring, least self-focused, and most attentive s/o in the entire cast somehow is determined to be the least-deserving of any romance, even his canon one. I feel like people in the fandom really try to erase Goku and Krillin's bond, between the weird push to declare Vegeta as Goku's "real best friend" and also the weird claims I've seen lately that Vegeta's death on Namek and more recently Meerus' death in the Super manga motivated Goku more than Krillin's death did, to say nothing of seeing people think Krillin has zero skill as a fighter and no real value as a fighter (which has a very, very weird similarity to what the guys who used to abuse him at Orin used to say.) I think that Tien is asexual. Like, canonically, I think he's asexual. I think shipping Piccolo is a bit weird but mostly harmless so long as it's not the weird "cheating" context some like to use. I think we need a Krillin slice-of-life comedy spinoff.
This is a lot to unpack but legit legit I agree with most of it—
Vegebul was pretty random I agree. We saw none of the actual development. I think the fact that Toriyama had initially planned for vegeta to stay dead on namek (or so I’ve heard) might actually play into that. There are only two saiyans of age and so vegeta was really the only one that made sense to have bulma’s bb daddy be … I guess. Like I understand the logic but I agree that it was pretty random. At first it was less of a ship too and mostly like baby daddy vegeta and rich irresponsible mom bulma and they don’t interact ????? In my opinion …. Bulma is kinda a character I’m shocked doesn’t get shipped more randomly since she is the one who canonically is kinda comedically thirsty over hot guys she sees (like zarbon or uhhhh the blue guy from red ribbon army) love that about her though
Hanvi is cosmetically very cute but I won’t lie, I didn’t ship it ever like at all. As a kid I didn’t like Videl and as an adult I didn’t really have any feelings towards her. Gohan is like. I grew up next to him he is my brother.. so I want the best for him … so I don’t know I was always miffed about it but then pan in the new movie finally turned me around I like pan ….. so basically I don’t ship it but I would feel bad to erase son pan from existence in an AU (which I would do anyways sorry)
Uhh gochi haters are *weird* like Fr. I don’t get the hate ??? Like I understand thinking it’s mid and not caring for it or thinking they fit with other people more but other than that there is literally nothing to hate unless you’re jealous ??? Like jealously wish goku was with someone you self-insert better into or something. Because 1. Chichi and goku are both hot ??? 2. They clearly love each other and their temperaments fit each other and they’re both into it. … 3. Everyone complaining probably got into the series years AFTER it was already canon and gohan was born so like it’s all they know why are they so upset ? Makes no sense. The match with vegebul I feel though I can agree that the situations are different especially financially.
Uhm honestly personally I only ship krillin with 18 because they are so obviously perfect and love each other but. I agree so much … krillin is literally the perfect guy and everyone passes over him for what ???? He’s ideal man and everyone acting like he don’t exist .. logically I know it’s because he’s kinda normal in a world of really strong personalities but like. Wtf y’all he’s the perfect character and person and everything in every way.
Having seen my blog and how much I talk about krillin and goku being besties (or at least reblog and talk in tags) I’m sure you can guess my stance on this but. I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE SAYING VEGETA IS GOKU’S BEST FRIEND. KRILLIN IS THE BEST FRIEND ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE. Y’all okay I’ve never seen people say vegeta’s death in namek meant more to goku than krillin’s but like Fr that’s the most incorrect cold turkey take I’ve ever heard of in my whole life Fr. Like ??? Goku was just kinda lookin at him and then buried him with hardly any real remorse. Like obviously he was effected but it was mostly by the “okay so suddenly this is my heritage and I am a saiyan and my whole birth family was killed by this guy huh” and the shock of watching this bastard arrogant bastard cry to his death. I love vegeta but there is no way that made goku snap or anything when goku instantly went ballistic when krillin was murdered in front of him without a trace to take back him. Absolute BS. Also anyone saying krillin has no skill as a fighter can meet me in the streets 💪🤧
Okay yeah okay I also headcanon tien as aroace, actually. I wanna say I think it feels pretty canon too considering everything about where he is in canon like … he disappears for training like a hermit right ? His worldly desires are not present methinks
Piccolo ships weird me out too but actually since they lay eggs and fertilize them too, apparently, they are canonically asexually reproductive beings and therefore I don’t think their genetics would need romance to continue populating? So I just cannot get behind namekian ships or piccolo ships. It doesn’t help that the bigger piccolo ships feel morally gray ? I don’t know
And lastly. You’re right. If I don’t get a wholesome slice of life krillin spin-off I might have to raid the toei offices.
I am so sorry this got so long thank you for the awesome super thought out ask
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echoes-lighthouse · 1 year
11 and 13 for any/all of your f/os!
1 and 2 for jester, and 6 and 15 for dirk! (from s-el-fships, i hope those will be fun! <3)
Heck yes, thank you @s-el-fships!!! I love this set of selfship questions!!! 
11. do you create anything to commemorate your relationship with your f/o? tell us about it!
Everything for this blog! I make moodboards, fanfiction, art, journal pages, videos for my f/os. I occasionally do little cross-stitches or doodles that remind me of them, but that's the only thing I keep for myself. I'm really into selfshipping for the community, so everything I make, I share!
13. if you have multiple f/os, do you see them all as separate relationships or as a sort of polycule? if you have them separated, how are those versions of the world different from the others?
Separate relationships for sure! They're all in different universes! I do have some poly relationships, some 'canon' and others not, and some of my selfships are open relationships, but for all my main f/os, they're separate relationships with different universes and different s/is, even if they share a source.
For Jester!
1.does your f/o have any special nicknames for you? what are they? do you have a favorite?
Ah, I'm not very good at making up nicknames >w< I'm sure Jester would have a lot of them for me but it would take me a long time to think of them! And I do just love it when she says my name with all that affection in her voice <3 <3
2. do you and your f/o share any hobbies? what are they? do you see one another as rivals, collaborators, something else?
Both Jester and I are very into creating things, but she tends towards visual arts and I tend towards music/wordsmithing- we definitely do cross over into each other’s areas, but tend to be very encouraging and enthusiastic about the other person’s creations! 
We’re also both magic users, and we are a bit competitive about that, but only playfully. We both respect the source of each other’s magic, and as long as we know that, it’s a fun place to play with competition! 
Answers For Dirk are under the ‘read more’ because this is getting long!! 
For Dirk
6. do you have any alternate timelines or universes in your self-ship? what are they like?
I’ve definitely thought about developing a trollstuck AU for us, but I don’t think it fits us very well! I like that we’re two humans with more troll-like romance dynamics. 
My “memories” of Dirk could be interpreted as an AU of our selfship, but that feels weird since my memories/kins are involuntary, while my selfships are consciously chosen. (I have hyperempathy as part of my autism which can really blur the lines between my identity and some characters, including memories, long story?) 
It would be kind of cool to reinvent that as a selfship but *waves hand* it’s complicated 
15. how does your f/o respond to physical affection from you? do they like pda, or are they more reserved? how do you respond to physical affection from them?
Hahaha, well we’re both touch starved in the most technical sense, so it’s complicated because touch is A Lot for both of us. That’s part of why we like sparring so much: fighting and grappling is a very familiar and structured way to have physical contact with each other. 
I’m mostly okay with physical affection when I’m the one in control of it, so Dirk learns not to initiate contact. When I’m the one to come over and initiate, he’s very stiff for a while, but often finds a way to relax into the affection. It’s really rewarding for both of us when he can get to that point. 
We tend towards PDA as a self-defense: our heartbond requires us to stay close to each other, so when we’re in a crowd, we automatically hold hands to keep from being pulled apart. Also, it can be hard to process if we’re in two different conversations, so we usually stay close together so we can interact as a unit, instead of trying to drown out each other’s thoughts while talking to someone. But we don’t, like, kiss or hug in public: just holding hands and keeping close together. 
Also, sometimes one of us will poke the other person until they get annoyed and pin or hold our hands/wrists, which is some very blatant pitch PDA for anyone familiar with troll romance traditions. 
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