#like bitch i wasnt at school for that half day
winged-bat · 6 months
Dick, just existing:
Jason: looking at you makes me want to gauge my own eyes out
Jason: how is it even possible to be so ugly
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rotthepoet · 2 months
Continuing my mean lorenzo berkshire brainrot, he is so enemies to lovers coded.
Like he’s a 1990’s movie bully. Yknow that scene where Malfoy sends Potter a little animated note of him being struck by lightning??(i feel like it was prisoner of azkaban) yeah imagine that being thrown at your head. Like. Everyday in class
Hes like mean and pathetic and its WILD dude.
He so just shoves you when no ones looking- straight up pushes you into a fountain-
You dont even know what you did to get on his bad side! He doesnt even remember!
Its probably because this pretty(gender neutral) person(you) showed him up in class after he answered a question embarrassingly wrong. He wasnt a fan of that. No one can be that good looking and smart at the same time, that bitch is cheating!
He will be your downfall if you let him. Like. Sabotaging all the way. Your life will be hell.
His friends kinda noticed how hes different around you tho. Like he can be mean but not VIOLENT.
Its Theo that figures out its a crush. And he doesnt let him live it down.
“Ohhh there goes your girlfriend, gonna go trip her again to see up her skirt you creep?”
Things like that but im not a posh Italian boy in a British boarding school so, like, phrase it better.
There are two ways you could get him to stop.
Slapping him or crying infront of him.
Both would make him slow tf down and short circuit.
1. If you slap him, hes going to look down at you with the dumbest look. Like. No thoughts behind those wide eyes. Scream at him, shove him, stomp away. he raises a hand to his cheek and grins so big because you touched him! He lowkey gets a little bit ✨freaky✨and imagines it all over again later. The bullying stops. He cant stop staring at you and following you everywhere though. Youre not sure which is worse lmao.
2. Bless your heart if you cry infront of him. He feels so bad suddenly its not even funny. Hes like half hugging you awkwardly to ‘comfort’ you and is lowkey trying to apologize without saying the words “im sorry” its kinda just pathetic and weird. If you run away crying he feels like a dick and leaves you alone for a bit :/ the cutie is crying and its his fault wtf this is so twisted! He might buy you a little treat to make up for it.
Once he falls he falls HARD. like downright obsessed. Blaise had to knock him upside the head because he wouldn’t shut up about you.
He’ll be talking to a girl and see you and literally push her away by the head so he can walk and talk to at you.
“Hey hows your day going? Did you do something with your hair? Youre going to potions, yeah? Let me walk you.”
And youre like. What?? He was telling you that you reek not even a month ago?? Is he gaslighting you? This new form of bullying is weirddd
and then he starts presenting you with gifts and trying to hold your hand like wtf?? He blows you a kiss from his broom on the quidditch field. Steals the damn mic and says “this win was for ___” and points at you and youre like “hello??? Who are you?? Get away from me?”
But eventually you fold and it turns out hes a nice guy. Somehow. You sometimes look baxk and think “how did i get here?? Where the hell am i??” But then he gives you a big ol smooch and it all gets better.
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jaemified · 1 year
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through the window (21 days) - lee chan
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
pairing ; lee chan x fem!reader
genre ; fluff but pretty cheesy fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers, not a smau but twt profiles are showed
warnings ; swearing, floods, isolation, separation, chans flirty (thats a warning in itself), reader has zero relationship experience
wordcount ; 2.7k
synopsis ; after a long series of floods, youre finally able to meet the boy across the street who had caught your eye throughout the long few weeks.
note - chan isnt an idol but minnie/soyeon are
note 2 - idk what chan is looking at in that pic
read below the cut !
DECEMBER 8, 2023
winter, also known as flood season.
the town where you lived in was already at a low altitude, so the bridge built to cross over the river to the other side of the street always had submerged during this time of year.
the thing that sucked the most about all this, was you were pretty much rained in for however long it takes for the water to drain with absolutely no way out.
so naturally, you all had came prepared.
your roommates minnie and soyeon never minded all the rain as they hated going in to work at the crack of dawn, yet you however, loved what you did. tutoring a kids after school program wasnt half as bad as the average person might think.
but, of course seeing as they were all a bunch of middle school kids, they could be a handful. you decided to listen to your friends and use these next few weeks to relax.
or, what you thought relaxing was.
“come on y/n! dont you wanna make strawberry shortcake with us?” minnie yelled at you over soyeons loud music while you studied over the next lesson plan for your kids.
“maybe later- i really wanna get a head start on these lessons.”
“seriously y/n?” soyeon murmured in slight disgust, “i seriously doubt the first thing those kids want to be thinking about is what they’re gonna do with their math tutor after a free half month.”
you shrugged and took a sip of your coffee before typing in the highlighted notes from the handbook into your computer.
“come on. youre not spending our one free break of the year like this again!” soyeon exclaimed as she snatched the book out of your hands, then closing your laptop before putting them both away in the cabinet under the tv.
“you know i can just get that myself right?”
“no, because i won’t let you.” she replied, locking the door and putting the key in her pocket.
“come on! im passionate about what i do, i dont mind it at all!”
“me and minnie are passionate about writing songs too, but even we know when its good enough to take a break.”
“okay i know i don’t work half as hard as idols do but i still have bills to come by! besides, corporate management demands i have the next lesson plan finalized before the end of the week!”
“corporates a bitch, they gotta be more mindful of how they treat their employees. like how do you be top tutoring company in the country and you still cant manage your employees the way they deserve?” minnie shouted in frustration.
“and dont worry about bills for now, we got it.” soyeon whispered to you.
“minnie- you realize cube is the same way to you guys right? and you work way harder then i do despite not getting the income you deserve.”
“yeah but we manage. we have a contract anyway. i know we’re passionate about what we do but we most certainly are not passionate about who we work for.” soyeon replied for minnie as she couldn’t hear over the sound of the blender (why was she using a blender again?)
you sigh soaking in how much pressure your friends are under at work, realizing you don’t even have it half as bad despite having a pretty shitty boss.
“how bout you find someone worth crossing an ocean for? itll be half as fun for us as itd be for you, since it’s in our contract we aren’t allowed to date.” minnie spoke after the whirring of the kitchen appliances died down.
“how.. we are entirely stranded until however long it takes for this stupid flood to drain.”
“do some stalking on insta. let’s find you like uh.. celebrity crush or ulzzang you can fan girl over or something.”
you scoffed in annoyance and slight disgust with your friends knowing you never really cared for any of that.
you decided to sit down at the bay window by the front door, scrolling through your phone before something outside caught your eye.
there you saw a guy across the way, sitting in his bay window just like you, he who seemingly just finished receiving a lecture from his friends.
you watched as he ran a hand through his fluffy dark brown hair, before he turned your way, your eyes locking.
immediately, it was part of your instinct to nervously turn away.
before slowly looking back, that is.
there you found the beautiful brown haired boy, still looking at you, with a golden smile.
your heart melted (but you thought you were having palpitations) when you saw him look at you so fondly.
what is this feeling?
you slowly raise a hand, and wave to him shyly.
he waved back, before forming a heart with his arms he held over his head.
you laughed quiet enough so your friends couldn’t hear you, but your facial expressions were bright enough so he could be aware he was able to make you laugh.
the boy laughed in response before he seemed to mouth something, but you weren’t the best at reading lips.
you tilted your head in confusion before he jokingly rolled his eyes, and saying it again, but slower.
“cu-tie.” you realized he said, or attempted to say.
“cu-tie?” you sounded out, making sure you understood right.
he nodded before pointing at you, his finger tapping against the glass, “cutie.”
he absolutely reveled in the way you smiled so brightly, the way your cheeks flushed pink and your eyes sparkled with excitement.
you didnt even realize how you were falling for his charms.
before you were even able to say anything back, his friend came up from behind him, attempting to drag him away, yet the guy was still persistent.
you watched how his friend started to get angry, so the guy rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away with his friend down the hall.
but not before waving back at you, blowing a kiss.
you got up from your seat before wrapping your arms around minnie, resting your head on her shoulder while you spared a small glance at whatever soyeon was watching in the living room.
“hmm? what do you need now my child?” she dramatically questioned, as she knew you only got clingy when you needed something.
“whos that guy that lives across the.. on the other side of the bridge? in that dark brown house with the black roof?”
“oh? house 133 right? thats seokmin, minghao, and.. what’s the other ones name? I always forget.. chan! yeah, chan.”
soyeon jumped up in surprise, pausing her show after hearing you pique your interest at a guy for the first time.
“why? you like one of them? which one? minghao? he was pretty well liked for a foreigner. he was in the same exchange program as minnie. ” she excitedly asked.
“w-what? no! i was just asking cause i saw one of them out there earlier.” you unconvincingly lied.
“oh she totally likes minghao.” “not even!”
“sweetheart, we aren’t as dumb as you think we are.” minnie pouted at you while she pulled away to put the cake in the oven.
you huffed in disbelief before going to take a bag of chips from the pantry, walking down to your room to finish the lesson plan. (on the laptop your boss lent you since soyeon took your personal one).
meanwhile, there you left chan, day dreaming about you all day long. he was so curious about you, yet he felt so stupid for crushing on some girl he’d never spoken to before.
not like he even could at this point, you were stuck in the middle of a flood, anyway.
“whats on your mind channie? you seem out of it.” seokmin asked while he blindly stirred the tteokbokki, turning to face the younger boy behind him, sitting at the kitchen island.
“its chan. whens he not out of it?” minghao chuckled, throwing a chip at his cheek, sliding to sit over at the stool next to him as he emerged from his bedroom.
“who lives in that white house on the other side of the bridge? isnt that where soyeon lives? we went to high school together.” chan half-mindedly queried, zoning out as he stared into the marble counters.
“yeah, why?” minghao responded.
“did she move out or something? there was another girl there and it wasnt soyeon or minnie.”
“oh, you mean y/n? she graduated a year before you or something, but at another school. we used to work at the same tea house before she left for that tutoring agency.”
“y/n? sounds vaguely familiar. i think i remember seungkwan mention her being in his class.”
“why are you mentioning her all of a sudden? you never cared for girls.” seokmin teased with a wide smile.
“oh come on. you know he’s quite the flirt.” minghao playfully cooed at chan, dramatically waving his hand back at seokmin.
“you two are insufferable.” he groaned, banging his head against the counter.
you found yourself up at night, scrolling through twitter before you decided to search for the guy you ‘met’ today. minghao, was it?
‘xu minghao’ was what you had entered into the search bar, clicking on the top result.
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‘huh.’ you thought to yourself. so it couldnt be him, but seokmin didnt seem to have an account as you searched for his name.
you looked up chans name next, thinking maybe,, that there could be a chance it’s him. his profile picture was technically him, but not, him. but in your defense, how could you tell who was who if chans profile picture was a baby picture?
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though you knew youd never hear the end of it from her, you decided to ask soyeon.
“do you have a picture of chan?”
“yeah hold on. its just an old screenshot from an old tweet though.” she mumbled before pulling up her phone to show you.
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‘wow.’ you thought to yourself, ‘so this really was the guy i met today.’
before soyeon could ask any questions, you quickly thanked her and ran back to your room before posting a small something in reference to what minnie had said to you earlier.
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days, weeks, went by of you and chan interacting through the window despite never seeing each other up close, or ever hearing the others voice.
but despite being isolated from separately, you still had fallen for one another nonetheless.
you loved the way you would feel butterflies in your stomach whenever he made a heart with his hands for you, and he absolutely adored the way you in the end would just make a big sign telling him what you wanted to say when you gave up on trying to get him to read your lips.
of course the flood had its downside, i mean being stuck with the same 2 other people for almost a month definitely takes a toll on you, isolation definitely can get depressing with no way out.
but in the end, it had its upside as well. you were able to meet a great guy despite never technically talking face to face, having only lip reading to communicate (why didn’t you think of social media?). not to mention you were able to put more time into a forgotten passion after all of your energy being used up as a tutor.
marine animals.
you and chan had technically discussed the idea of possibly having a first date when you get out of here, yet you still hadn’t decided where you’d go or what you’d do seeing as you both were pretty passionate about different things.
chan had always loved the stars, you had always loved marine life. but, you decided you would finalize a date night once you both get to meet face to face.
after a long 21 days of disappointment, spending christmas without your family, 3 going on 4 weeks of crazed loneliness, you finally woke up one morning to find the overflowing river, drained, and to its regular level.
you were able to see the bridge once more and though the wood might be rotting, you just couldnt wait to cross it.
you immediately ran down the hall, dressing however best you could, fixing your hair to be as best as it would go, being sure to brush your teeth and pop in a mint before running straight out the door. (and ignoring all of soyeons questions as well as minnies protests)
as you stepped out the front door, you saw chan just leaving his house looking as beautiful as ever.
you ran straight for the bridge, chan catching you before you could slip on a puddle before he picked you up into a big hug.
“you’re just as gorgeous up close as you were through a window.” he whispered as he pulled you close, his hand cradling the back of your head, pulling it to rest against his chest.
“and you’re still just as much of a flirt arent you?” you chuckled before slightly cringing at your attempt to reciprocate the excitement.
you were excited, believe me, just couldn’t express it as well as he could.
“i cant believe it took 21 days to finally be with you.”
“it was worth the wait wasnt it?”
“you’ll always be worth the wait.” chan mumbled against your skin as he pressed a soft kiss into your cheek.
“cant believe you’re real..” you mumbled, leaning further into his touch.
“cant believe i got someone like you to fall for someone like me.”
“chan you’re so cheesy.”
“only for you.” he replied with that stupid grin you grew to love so much.
the two of you later took the time to talk more about life, each other, finally exchange numbers, then eventually decide what you’d do for your first date night.
“see you tomorrow at 12?”
“tomorrow at 12.”
you practically couldn’t sleep as you bubbled in excitement. you picked out a pretty black dress that went nicely with a random pair of white sneakers before heading out on your way while your roommates were out at work.
“lookin as pretty as always.” chan smiled while he opened his car door for you.
“still as handsome as ever arent you?” you jokingly rolled your eyes as he backed out the parking lot.
you two had many common interests, yet what you were most passionate about definitely was pretty parallel to one another.
chan loved the stars, you loved the sea. so, you decided to go to an aquarium (that also included solar system exhibits), grab some food from a cafe you found out you both loved, go for a late drive to the beach, watch the sunset, then stargaze.
call it cliche but it was perfect for you both.
chan wrapped an arm around you as you both stared into the night sky, all the stars displayed beautifully.
he would point at a random star and say it reminded him of you, because it stood out from the rest, distinct, but perfect in his eyes.
he was the sweetest guy ever, perfectly fitting the standard for what’s considered boyfriend material, almost unrealistic, even.
“youre a person worth crossing an ocean for.” you told him more then truthfully, bringing a hand up to softly stroke his cheek.
“out of all the stars in the sky, youre the only one id pick.” he cringed realizing how corny it was. “too cheesy?”
“just enough.” you reassured, before sealing both yours and his lips into a warm and comforting kiss. chan had never felt safer in another’s embrace.
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
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seonghwa-potatos · 1 year
The bully’s a sub?
- soobin gif -
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summary: What happens after a fight with your bully ends up leading you to have dinner with his parent.Your left alone with Soobin to get your guys’s act together , expecting to end up fighting once more you find something quite odd in his room, changing your opinion on him.
pairings: bully!sub!soobin x rough!dom!reader
warnings: anal play, creampie
Walking into class you prepared yourself for whatever was going to happen.Sitting down in your seat you begin to read a book, but then none other than Soobin takes it.”Y/N so what ya reading”he says holding it and laughing.”well it's not important” he says tossing it on the floor and putting his foot onto it.You get up “Soobin What the fuck is wrong with you”You ay feeling defeated.”Every damn day I have to deal with your bullshit and Im fucking tired of it.” you say clenching your fist. “So what?” he chuckles looking at his friends. You take the chance swinging your fist at him but you miss.He then grabs your arm “If your gonna try to fight me, number one tip is to swing straight…even my little brother knows that.” he smiles sarcastically
The only emotion you could feel was anger, as he tosses your arm down you grab your book on the floor.Tossing it at him as hard as you can at the back of his head.The class went silent.You take a step back, he turns running towards you, you never seen him this angry.He lunges at you and you both fall onto one another, but you flipped yourself on top, making sure you pinned his arms down with your thighs.”IM TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT”you say tears running down your face and he just looks up at you stopping his fighting to get you off of him.”pouring water onto me was so damn funny to you guys wasnt it” opening your eyes he looks at you as if he feels sorry, but you could care less.”Remeber I was gone for a week from school, It was because your bitch ass got me sick”you say hitting his chest.However you didnt realize that your pin on him, you were losing it. He flips you over “Stop being a bitch, crying over this, really?Are you really crying over something as little as this?” he says laughing.He looked crazy laughing like this was the funniest thing to him ever.
“WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING, GET UP… NOW” the Teacher says storming in.Soobin gets off of you and you swing your fist, punch him in the face as hard as you can.He just shoves you away from him.Wiping the blood off his lip.”OFFICE NOW” the teacher yells walking you both down.
Sitting in the office you both say nothing waiting for your parents to come get you.
30 mins later.
“Mom, you know I've told you for months about how he kept messing with me.” you say
“Y/N fighting won't solve any problems, I raised you better than this…but thats why were gonna fix this today” she says you questionly raise your eyebrows “Today?, How” you say
“We're having dinner with his family later,” she says, hopping into the car.
“Dinner?” you say concerningly.”No , mom he’s literally the devil's child…Dinner? You can't be serious” you say, looking at her as if she's crazy.
“Well you're gonna get dressed, we have to leave by 4:30”she says.Arriving home, You just wish you could lay in your bed and do nothing for the rest of the day.Eventually you went to sleep hoping your mom would just cancel.
“Wake up Y/N and get dressed.” she says as you're half awake and half asleep.”Huh?”
You say then you remember you have to have dinner with Soobin.”Mom please I really don't wanna go.''You say doing those bubbly crying eyes at her.”No you're going Y/N be dressed in 10 mins were leaving then”, she says closing the door.
Dragging yourself out of your room you plead with your mom one final time, but she says this is for the best as you both head out the door.
15 mins later you guys arrive at his house.Walking in you see Soobin with his bruised lip and laugh under your breath.He glares at you knowing he heard you. Once the table is set up you sit across from one another as well as the parents.As you guys eat Soobin’s dad says “We want you guys to stop this childish act,So me and Mrs Lyn (Your mom)will be leaving while you guys solve your guy’s problems” he says as if this was the solution. “Dad, are you really gonna leave me with her?”he says like a whining.you roll your eyes wanting to leave the room in an instant.”You guys are gonna act like your age,If come back and everythings a mess with you two, you won't have your phone,xbox,or television for a month.”(18) his dad says expressing how he wasn't lying.”Same goes for you Y/N “ your mom says as they both hid to the door.” Yall stay on your best behavior while we're gone.” your mom says closing the door behind them.
“Don't touch any of my shit, and stay out of my room” he says going to the bathroom.You wanted to put him in his place so you go upstairs and find his room,You just lay on his bed admiring his room.”He really thinks ima listen to him now” you chuckle to yourself getting up you look around and see his walk in closet.”Hmm he got some nice clothes i'll admit that.” you say looking around and then you see this purple looking thing hiding behind shoes.You grab it and it's a dildo.You hold in in shock.He likes to be fucked in the ass. Ima definitely use this against him you were thinking.You lay on the bed wondering how he got this big ass dildo up his ass.”I told you not to go in my room” he says yelling opening his door.His face goes pale and his face drops.”W-what are you doing touching my stuff”He says as if he’s embarrassed.He runs after you trying to grab it, but you wore heels your about his height so you stand up and he tries jumping and reaching but to no surprise he can't. “Please just give it to me.” he says with bright red cheeks and ears looking down. “Now why would I do that?” you laugh at him in his face.You put your finger onto his chest pushing him down onto the bed. “Y/N, i'm sorry for bullying you, I- I never meant to take it that far” he says you can tell he’s embarrassed but so what.”Strip” you say smiling, doing that sarcastic smile he does.”S-strip” he says panicking.”Why would I do that” he says looking everywhere but your eyes.”Well, you wouldn't want anyone to find out would you?” you say finally knowing you have something to black mail him with.He begins to strip only to his underwear he covers himself in his underwear.You sit in a chair facing him “That too”you say pointing. “Do you not understand the meaning of stripping?” you say almost getting out of your chair.He then removes his underwear. “Let me see,” you say teasingly, laughing.”S-see what” he says flustered more than ever. You move the chair forward, moving his hands out of the way.”This” you say as you laugh a little.”Wow it is pretty big” you say using the whipping stick out of your bag holding it up as if you were observing it. “Now can I get dressed?” he says, stepping back and covering himself once more.You look at him crossing your legs “I'm not done” you say looking him in his eyes.”What do you want from me?” he says with a bit of sass in his tone.
“Don't get sassy with me…Now you're gonna take this dildo and shove it up your ass in front of me” you say throwing the dildo at him.
“R-really are you serious” he says worrisomely.
“Do you want your friends to know what you do on your own time?”you say seriously without laughing.
He grabs puts a finger in his ass and tries preparing himself, but he cant reach so far it seems like. “C-can I grab m-my lube out of the closet.” he says
“Where is it” you say looking at how flustered he is.
“Top shelf to the side of the box right when you walk in.” he says looking away.
Grabbing the lube you come out and put some onto your finger.
“Y-you don't have t-too do it” he says talking fastly
“Shutup” you say, pushing him down and making his back arch.
You put one finger in and he groans trying to hold himself from moaning. “Let those sounds out for me” you say into his ear while putting two fingers in.
He lets out a soft moan he tried to keep from coming out.”So what other toys do you have in there” you say wondering how kinky this motherfucker is.He doesn't say anything except his muffled moans into the bed.You grip his hair moving his head up. “Answer me Soobin?”
You say sternly.He moans each word out saying ” C-cuffs, ot-ther dildos, an edging t-toy”he says.”Where are those toys?” you say putting 3 fingers in. His moans get louder “I-im not telling y-you”he says I then shove my fingers in and out at a paste. Leaning over him I take my shirt off, pressing my boobs onto his back.leaning towards his ears.You whisper “you really think you're gonna make demands” you chuckle.”You don't have options” you say grabbing his dildo and waving it in his face.Moving it to the back of him you put it in him and his moans come out full.You hear them as clear as day.”Im glad your my bitch now” you say pushing it further in as his back arches farther.”Y/N t-the toys are in t-that box” he says.He looks as if he can't hold no more. “You cum when I say you can come”You say looking into his eyes getting up from the bed and grabbing the material.You then place the cuffs on him moving his arms to be behind him.You then begin to take your pants off and underwear off slowly looking at him smirking.His dick starts to twitch.”I- I can't hold n-no more Y/N” he says moaning out.”Your gonna hold because I said so” you say sitting him up looking into his eyes.You put yourself on top of him pressing your folds along his cock.You feel his twitch bit by bit and you tease him more and more rubbing down his chest.”you want it” she says “Y-yes I want it, please”He says whines for it.You then pull yourself up and positioning yourself facing him going down onto his cock.He groans moaning your name, his moans begin to sound like pants.You then grab his head pushing the sweat off his hair.His adams apple bulges out as his head cocks backwards as his moans wont stop.”Soobin your such a naughty boy” you say pushing him onto the bed and going up and down faster.He lets out a moan as if he cant take it anymore “cum in me “ you say and you feel his cum ejaculate all inside you eventually making you both sticky as you keep going.you push your boobs into his face and suffocating him with the smell of you as well. “ You're such a good boy Soobin, now if you could act like this from now on we won't have any problems will we?” you say whispering into his ear.”No, ma’am” he says heavily out of breath.
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would u ever consider growing out ur hair? I'm just curious :3
k lemme run you through all the eras of my hair
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so for much of my life, around 16 and a half years, my hair was short and natural coloured. then i decided to grow it out (so it was more obvious i was gay) you can see that starting in the bottom 2 pics. then i bleached my hair. my hair was bleached and growing out longer and longer for a good long while
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cute pics of me w some longer bleached hair. theres more, i think bleached hsir was my best looking time.
then i dyed mh hair blue. and MAN was i hot.
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man hes hot.
then i had to go back to school. my christian school. with blue hair. uh oh!! they suspended me until my hair was normal, so i like, frantically bleached it and dyed over it and stuff til
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but like. my hair was FRYED. from all the bleach and dye. it was never gonna properly recover. so we gave me a buzzcut just at a friends house. before buzzing it all though, we did this, which i think youll appreciate:
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uh but then i had to buzz it all off..didnt look good for a while. that was when i was in my girlfriend arc so a lot of my best photos are tainted, but ill find some without her
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yeahh i was not very attractive with a buzz cut. but it had to be done..i dressed up as walter white because it was a bald joke lmao
heres some photos of just the slow process of it growing out:
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oh those ones didnt post in order but like. you get it
anyway SHORT ANSWER: YES!!! I MISS MY LONG HAIR UGH I MISS IT SO MUCH. and i wss gonna grow it out even longer 😭😭 i miss it every day i looked so good with it UGH. it wasnt even that long..but yeah..i wanna grow out my hair as long as i can!
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tobbogan-13 · 1 year
school theatre fucking sucks
like, in professional theatre, you don't book it, it's not personal, you just weren't right for the show, you usually have other options
But with school theatre, you don't get in, it's just 6-9 weeks of seeing other people do something you want to be in so desperately. It feels personal. The closest community theatre to me is 30 minutes away, and they usually only cast adults (they do a kids play in the summer, but it's mostly really young kids). And youth theatres cost alot of freaking money. I scoured Facebook last night for literally any show I could be considered for, and I found 1, at a theatre 1 and a half hours away
I might get into tech, and while I THOROUGHLY appreciate techies, they do so much, and the show would absolutely fall apart without them, it's not really for me. It's not my thing. Like tech interviews were today, same day as the first dance call, and I just saw everyone getting their dance shoes on, stretching, learning the choreo, and i wanted to cry. I don't think I've ever wanted something so badly
And my director somehow ALREADY has favorite freshmen. It's pretty much 3 carbon copies of the same girl. Can dance, Can kinda sing they just have a big belty voice so it sounds more impressive and can kinda act. And I feel like a bitch for saying that, and I'm not saying I'm so much better than them, but like one of these girls I went so school with before and she was in theatre, SO MANY PEOPLE said she wasnt that good of a singer.
It just feels so personal, and to not have other shows to do, or like another club or sport to do (cause I'm pretty sure all of the favorite girls do some kind of sport) I'm not good at anything else. this is my thing. and it's a mix of senority rules, not fitting the favorite character, under confidence probably, and it just doesn't feel good
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musicoftheheart · 2 months
once i was talking to this girl that a mutual friend had set me up with and we were getting along really well and shared loads of similar interests but i wasnt quite feeling it so when she asked what i read i told her i read fanfiction because i didnt really mind if that blew it and immediately she curled her lip and said "oh god not wattpad" so i corrected her, laughing, and said i use ao3 which reassured her so i then asked what she read and she told me about this book series she was enjoying
i bought the first book in the series to give it a go and i kid you not it was pretty much just published wattpad fanfiction. let me break it down for you:
the female lead was (and i honest-to-god quote) "not like other girls". she was physically behind in puberty despite being 15/16, yknow flatchested, no curves, hadnt had her period etc. she was small (5'0) and from a poor and abusive family and got bullied in school so had to transfer; in book 1 of the series shes officially the new girl in school. she knows absolutely nothing of sports (important in a moment) and does not play. one scene shows her cowering from a ball in P.E.
the male lead comes from a rich family, is an upcoming professional player for the country's rugby team, and the popular jock of the school. he is 2 years older than her (17/18), 6'5, "hot", and fawned over by everyone. he has an injury that he keeps secret because it could end his career, but she finds out and its a thing (i dont remember much of that plotline).
half of the book is her being all "kshfkshf oh but im not like other girls, why would he ever want little old me when he has all these girls whove gone through puberty flirting with him" and hes all "she is so tiny and small and delicate, i must protect her at all costs with my massive masculinity." they both get constantly warned away from each other by friends etc.
some bits of the book i remember: he hits her with a rugby ball and she flashes her privates to the whole school rugby team because apparently she doesnt wear underwear to school?? thats how they meet. she showers at his house twice for some reason. she wears his boxers like a pair of long shorts because shes just so smol and his joggers wouldnt fit and his boxers are just so big on her that they work as shorts. im pretty sure they have sex while shes 15 and after he turns 18. his bitchy ex gf is a bitch to her because teenage girls. her dad is abusive towards her because she is a girl and therefore is too tiny and helpless to defend herself. from what i can tell from the wiki page, in a later book he gets her out of the abusive home? idk, it says all of her siblings are his foster siblings and his parents are her adoptive parents, so thats what i assume from that.
there is undoubtedly so much more that ive forgotten since i read it, but even just that much is enough to make me think of wattpad. there were moments when i read the book where i had to actually put it down and pause for a moment because of how much it resembled a reader insert fanfic and i wish i could remember them exactly because it was just- it was gold.
going back to the girl who recommended the series: i read the first book and she asked what i thought of it. apparently pointing out its similarities to a y/n wattpad fic was not the correct answer, because she ghosted me a few days later :)
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drunk-cryptic-witch · 2 years
Watching a sports match with Bakugo
Totally not doing this because I’m watching the india v eng match nope nope
Warning: Swearing and lots of it, very slight suggestive content at the start? Lemme know if there’s anything else
Bakugo was used to seeing a milder, more relaxed version of you. Laid back, even. Until you flashed him your usual toothy grin and said you wanted to watch something, and he was free to join. You had been pretty excited all day, and he couldn’t help but assume you meant something less innocent.
But no
No, you ran home, dived head first into the couch and grabbed the remote. Getting comfortable, you immediately turned the television on, playing the match. Your eyes darted between the screen and your empty hands.
“Oi Kat, d’ya mind making some popcorn? You always add that good stuff in it that’s on the shelf.” Don’t get him wrong, Katsuki Bakugo was a simp for you and only you. He’d do anything. But here he was hoping to spend some tome with you, and your eyes were glued to the screen.
Grumbling, he left to do it anyway. He made it half way through the kitchen until he heard it. Words that havent come out if your mouth like this before.
“SON OF A BITCH!” You screamed, standing and huffing at the tv. No doubt some player or someone must have already made an error. He turned to look at what made you so distressed, and it was merely the tv glitching.
Little did he know, this was only the beginning.
Halfway into the match you had cursed everyone including him out in three different languages.
And then some more colourful ones he couldn’t catch. He was eyeing you wearily, and then the screen. He wasnt ever interested in matches and never really rooted for a team. After the way you chased him around the house for accidentally cheering for the team wearing red jerseys, he looked on fearfully when they scored well.
There were five minutes left. The team you were against was doing particularly well. This could only mean chaos. But his head slowly turned to catch a glimpse of you, perched on the sofa with your hands covering your mouth, nothing but silence and concentration. If only you concentrated like that on last week’s mission-
And then, it happened.
“NO!” You gasped, curling your fists. “DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!”
Bakugo took a step back.
“yeah yeah fine.”
“So what I call in the agency and tell them you’re taking a sick leave?”
A/N: Yes he got a bit OOC but India lost and I’m upset so this is unedited
Am I sending an email saying i cant go to school tomorrow? Yes yes I am
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goosefeather · 1 year
finished riverstar's home which is uhh the first super edition i actually finished since graystripe's vow?? i wanna say??
anway! final review: not enough death!!!
(actual, long review under the cut)
riverstar's home is Good. granted i had no expectations for it and kind of forgot it was a thing until it came out. but for a super edition that most people were like "huh? riverstar? really?" it really knocked it out of the park
and i just really think that the erins had a theme in mind (finding home and what that means to our guy riverstar) and the text actually supports that. and i know, most books do this and it is something we all had to learn in high school english. however, warriors has a thing where the messaging is telling us one thing but the actual text is saying something completely different (think of like... everything to do with bramblestar)
that being said, i liked reading about a young riverstar (yes, my character tag for him is river ripple and i prefer that but y'know riverstar is shorter) and his struggle to find a place in the forest territory. it's actually a really good coming of age story that really resonates with anyone who has like moved out of their hometown and has felt incredibly isolated because of that (like me!)
also as a dotc Enjoyer i really liked seeing the events from riverstar's perspective. unlike uhh the last two super editions where the new viewpoint didn't add anything (or it retconned something to make it worse!) or added in things that were just kinda... bad (still dont like brushpaw), riverstar was just enough of an enigma that it worked. like from gray wing's pov, riverstar is an Established Cat on the river and he plays it well. but in actuality he's just a lonely guy trying desperately to maintain his friendships while trying to carve out some space for himself. it's interesting and fun and even the one eye and slash bits that i didn't care for in dotc were fun to read about from his pov
unfortunately, this is dotc so the last half Drags. like it makes sense, obviously, after riverstar feels settled into his life and home and new role as leader, someone from his past comes back and makes him question all of it. love it, really. the problem is once they leave and make it a journey! idk what it is but the minute these cats start wandering off territory it turns into a snoozefest. tell me one book where a journey to some place was Fun to Read and you cant say TNP cuz we both know it wasnt
also, im so sorry, i know we love women here and we have to cuz the erins don't but i dont like finch. like the most she shows up to help with fighting slash's rogues and riverstar was like "she was feisty!" or whatever i knew it was So Over. im sick of this thing where they introduce a she-cat just for the purpose of giving our main male lead kits. it was bad with gray wing and slate and it's bad with finch. remember when she almost stayed behind? i was hoping so hard that it would stick
and like compare finch and riverstar to say night and riverstar (im not pitting two bad bitches against each other give me a sec). before riverstar leaves to go back to help the park cats, night is nervous, her and riverstar have been through a lot together and they lean on each other. so she's vulnerable with him and he's like "oh im sorry i dont think of you that way??" and she's like "no!!! you idiot!! as a Friend" and yeah it made sense cuz we've seen them grow together in real time. finch got None of that because she is not meant to be a character and it bugs me
however, clear sky came in to save the day and cause problems on purpose at the end so the book ended on a high note (for me)
and uhh yeah, this is already pretty long and i actually have More Shit to say cuz i genuinely did like this book a lot i just wanted to get my thoughts out while they were still rattling around in my brain
god i didnt even talk about how i wanted more cats to die
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vykko · 2 years
So didn’t from my regular posts I’m going to bitch about my old English teacher I had last year
Oh yeah trigger warning she was a ableist bitch also when I’m upset I curse more so this contains some colourful and Australian language then normally also I get angry so my spelling and grammar goes flying out the bloody window. Also also I’m not fucking missgendering myself for the sake of being accurate
I used to think maybe I was too harsh but now I honestly could not give a shit even if my life depended on it as she was a horrible teacher. Also I’m making the closest thing to my real nickname because it is very obvious what my legal name is if you know it do I’m going to coni I place as it’s similar sounding also anytime I say connor it’s in place of my legal name
so first day i meet her in person i tell her im dyslexic and might need some help with stuff, it went down hill from there as if adhd ASD and dyslexia aren’t on my file
how did she treat me, well not like everyone else that’s for fucking sure
Talked in the “hay sweetie/buddy” voice, for people who don’t know it’s the kinda voice used when you talk to a very very young child and fucking pets so it’s not very nice eg Miss Paulings line to pyro gives me flashbacks(joke I’m not serious)
I draw in class do I concentrate I told her that, she didn’t hear I guess as she always went “coni you can draw afterwards” or “coni could you look up at the board”
even if I finished the work I’d still get the same replies as the top one. Once I did all the work in the group project thingy and I got “coni you need to talk with (name of friend) so you can do the project then you can draw” becuase I guess I can’t possibly do work and finish it quickly it fucking quickly
unit on how stereotypes are bad and dehumanising when she was infantilising me so yeah she was also a hypocrite bitch
i had to be out of school for two weeks first week is kinda personal and the other was wisdom teeth removal. She emailed MY FUCKING MOTHER and not me that she’d send me the work
she sent it halfway through Thursday after I got back home from a blood test, IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE I WAS GETTING SURGERY ALSO IT WASNT EVEN THE RIGHT FUCKING WORK
i get back I ask how to catch up as she emailed me she would, she didn’t. She said not to worry about it and didn’t actually help me at fucking all with work where I needed to of done the work pipe and read the bloody book to s point
she then proceeded to slowly go from never choosing me to answer questions with my hand down to fucking telling me “you can tell me later coni” “not now coni” and like the bloody bitch she is she never call on me again
My friends can fucking see the shit she is doing because is so bloody blanet you’d have to buried half way to hell head first not to tell
i somehow managed to bet a a decent grade on my essay exam and here’s some crap I was going through at the fucking time : psychosis from hiding amount of stress, only getting 2.5-4houes of sleep for a month and returning to school when I hadn’t even fully recovered because the doctor note had bloody fucking stupidly only let me stay home for a week even when I wasn’t getting better for several days. I SOMEHOW MANAGED TO GET A C- and then she comes up to my fucking desk to tell me how I could of bloody done better
she introduced me to the new English teacher because thank the fucking heavens she had to schedule change and the audacity this fucking bitch
she, 20cm tops away from my desk and indrodues me too the new teacher, I wasn’t in the damn convo she was talking about me in front of me. Effectively doing it like
“That’s coni he is disabled, you need to be a condersending wanker as I think it works best oh yeah he isn’t like the other students so I obviously need you to treat him like dumb toddler who can’t understand anything” (if you couldn’t fucking tell I’m trying to make a joke it’s a joke)
also 2 last things
I never introduced myself as ‘coni ‘ to her or said she could call me that I said my name is Connor
also she didn’t like how I did stuff, even tho I didn’t do it wrong I just did it differently then she wanted so she made me do work in a way that doesn’t actually work for me and 2 apparently doing something that was effectiving no one is so bloody horrible
also new English teacher was fucking amazing and actually did their bloody job
ive claimed down again I think I need to add I never once got angry at her in person. I honestly had some fun in the class be of my friends not because of her
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nats-revival · 21 days
so she got her friend to send me a message on 04/28/2024, 7:58 PM that says, and i quote, “hi! hope you’re having a wonderful day anyways pls kys faith is so much better off without ur toxic immature ass so thanks for ending it so she doesnt have to put up with your whiny self anymore” because her bitch ass cant fight her own battles hmm..
did we casually leave out the part where you gave me more insecurities than i initially had because i wasnt “masc/goth” at the time like your type was? or how ur a narcissist? or how you’re dirty as fuck? or how you never seemed to give a shit about literally anything i had to say unless it was about you?
OH! not to fucking mention that you tried to use a fucking Kpop group against me that i dont fucking like because they’re racist and their music is shitty as a “gotcha” moment when we broke things off? how about the fact that your LOSER ASS has to date people who are barely legal because you cant find anyone who’s actually an adult who likes you? it doesn’t matter that it’s only a two year age gap, you’re a fucking GROOMER, you groomed me when i was a minor and now you’re doing it again YET im toxic and whiny?????? girl fuck you and all your friends. and faith, i truly do fucking hope youre happy with your SOPHOMORE gf and ur a SENIOR graduating high school.
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the last message in question! 😋 honestly idgaf abt being respectful to anyone because you put me through so much shit mentally to the point where some days i literally couldn’t even function because you were so fucking draining a lot of the time… honestly idek how u got a gf in the first place but ig u always liked em young. 🤷🏽‍♀️ u and ur friends r weird af for not understanding my side of the story because you seemingly only told half of the story to them, explaining that dumbass message. :p
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suiciderape · 1 year
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𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔!𝔱𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔥
i wear this outfit to fuck math teachers ew! this is already starting off weird mhm mhm mhm uh huh! ew ew! huhh hurry up uhh! ew hurry up what are u writing? hehehe ew! scary gangsta what! whats up?! no! no no awkward scary gangsta is written out ow! awkward this is no no! no this is private school suicider ew ur ghetto ur ghetto launching my dick launcher ew! u just woke up from a dream literally weeks ago... it was award and its been one week...bmmm no! it was a dream.. literally in canada stealing ur house! no desarae wasnt dreaming aniyah was .. get her in here! now ill take care of it 4 u thank ❤️‍🔥 ew! she invented mhm mhm mhm something new again! on accident again?! no! its amazing were still in here... desarae hollins sucks dick launchers no its surf! and cypress our real names are surf and cypress fr so go on home training ur dotta idiotes hold on dick launcher its cypress! queeno bending ur will to live like her dick launcher dipped right! whatever to no dick launcher ew! shes ghetto dick launcher hahaha what the fuck are u writing? no! mhm mhm mhm ew! its cypress the ghetto lavas are outside ur window bending to get dick ugly lava! its lava & knives im outside ur window? do u love me? 1 second forever yes she chose lava and knives! lava & knives! ew shes right its up to us to fuck her slowwuh ew shes fucking me rn! ahahaha ew! ur ghetto cypress right? get out of here homo i cant see u! omg ur ghetto as shit baby! ew she chose cypress! awkward... its surf! cypress cypress cypress what?! what! what! its surf! tew ew ur fucking ghetto bitchs? ah hell nah its cypress zombies surf ew what the fuck is she typing mhm mhm mhm ew oh bob hehe mhm :) uh! oh fuck! daamn baby ew! she likes! me! not her bad side? its her ghetto launcher dick! cypress! theyre talking to what?! ew! shes ghetto tew awkward what are u talking about!? puh ew awkward! ghetto awkward! mean! mean?! me! cypress is ghetto awkward! ew she gave us the password! a ghetto dick launcher dick sucking tity ew she fucked up! she knows ur not ghetto cypress! ghetto! ew she has black dick on her hands! see! see! dang it! awkward its ghetto black daddy dade ew! she has fucked me before... on sucide walk of shameA geto boi uh huh hahaha ew! shes fucking cypress! ew she fucked surf! ew he has ghetto body surfing ew uh huh! its surf books zeus daddy dick me! ew! she needs a tv! on the intercom! rn ew she has no homo training? it is intercommie ew! no! its suicidal dreams awkward that was ew! lit af and super ghetto popular! ew its the same day? yez! no its not! hahaha ghetto popular chanhee *pop* me universe! ew ur fucking black dick again?! yes! chanhee won the universe she likes it? mhm mhm mhm chanhee chanhee chanhee what baby i can hear u? lava & knives what the fuck baby? britney spears - metamorphosis
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suicide boy
awkward! this is 1989 suicide boys mission health goth and we love ghetto dick down but this ghetto shit password has one password lava & knives ew! fuck u bitchs! one stupid bitch! ew settle down i was kinda confused who cares?! ok! shes gotta voice down! and i got down for her too! down ok so go home training elsewhere pft ugly! bitchs ew get out of here ily 2 ew fuck her dick downs! puter ew! fuck her dick downz ew fuck her life up? im a gang member! no writing i said im a gang too ew! shes paying attention guys! im a gang tew and pls dont hurt me! huh hahaha mhm mhm mhm ew! shes in! and more than ugly right? no shes hot! and i likee her comic books when they learn to get ghetto populous ugly! wait fuck u guys its both pictures for an hour and then its romeo universe! absolutely not! ew ew i dont his picture! ghettto popular
𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔!
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𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔! 𝔱𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔥
awkward is not the half of it! so ghetto real real awkward! find the ghetto dick daddy
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15ktherapy · 1 year
essentially it’s a horrible very bad no good day experience in the life of past mika motionsickness
so we go back in time to like a year and a half ago if I had to guess. I am a senior in high school. I have dyed hair. it’s covid so I’m wearing a mask too and I am in chronic sweater hoodie weather. black mask black hoodie purple hair resting bitch face. anyway so I look edgy as fuck. IT WAS A SLAY. and I would so willing to back to that. BUT ANYWAY. so I am number one target for bitchy adults who like to go I’m Better Than You. Nerd. and just be. rude. LOOK IDK. so I’m a senior in high school and for reasons I no longer remember I was supposed to be in the cafeteria. so I’m like. okay if I’m supposed to be in the cafeteria after the bell I might as well get breakfast cuz I’ll have the extra time to eat! I get waffles. the waffles are mid. I am sitting in a corner by myself because I have severe anxiety. So I Am Sitting In The Back. Eating My Waffles. Minding My Own Damn Business. and this fawking OLD ASS WHITE WOMAN. starts being like “you know your gonna have to run to class and eat those right? the bells about to ring.” and I’m like “I’m a senior aren’t we supposed to be in the cafeteria?” side note: Like Two Minutes Ago A Teacher I KNEW. WHO KNEW I WAS A SENIOR. Was like hey Mika seniors stay in the cafeteria after the bell, don’t leave. and I’m like okay. waffles. AND THIS BITCH SAYS “NO YOUR NOT.” now for those unaware who have missed my crying bitching whining sobbing about my horrible fucking anxiety. I HAVE REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKING BAD ANXIETY. I DID NOT GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST FOR THIS UNTIL THAT DAY DNF WENT ON TEHIR HAIRCUT DATE. I DID NOT KNOW HOW FUCKING BAD I HAD IT BACK THEN. so. despite being told. LITERAL MINUTES AGO BY SOMEONE I KNEW. that I was supposed to be in this cafeteria, THIS ASSHOLE TELLS ME I AM NOT. AND I START FUCKING STRESSING MY POOR HEART INTO AN EARLY FUCKING DEATH. so I’m panicking. I’m about to fucking world star sprint my scrawny ass to a trashcan and to my class ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ACHOOL. until this lady fucking walks off to these other two blonde girls (who she was a lot nicer too might I fucking add) who are also seniors, who tell her their supposed to be here and THEN she’s like okay. AND THEN SHE FUCKING TURNS TO ME. I AM SWEATING MY ASS OFF BECAUSE IN MY STUPID HEAD I JUST MADE THE IRREDEEMABLE MISTAKE OF A LIFE TIME (being where I’m not supposed to.) and asks if I’m a fucking senior. YOU DUMB BITCH THAT IS THE FIRST. FUCKING. THING. I. SAID. so I go “YEAH.” and it is over. RIP MY FUCKING WAFFLES. rip to the five fucking years of my life span I lost because of that fucking woman WHO WAS TOO STUPID TO KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON AT HER OWN DAAAAAAMN JOOOOOOOB. I hate. I hate okay I hate absolutely fucking hate it. when people who are supposed to know what their doing. but they do not. and act like they do. because I always somehow am found by these fucking people and then they fuck me up too and GUESS WHOS EVEN MORE STRESSED OUT BECAUSE SOME FAWKING IDIOT JUST ROLD ME TO DO SOMETHING I WASNT SUPPOSED TO??? GRRRRRRRR. FOOLS. biggest pet peeve. people going I Know What I’m Doing (they fucking don’t) and ruining things for other people.
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maaaxx · 2 years
first day back for my spring semester and heres a summary because i feel like it < 3
I was ten minutes late to my class. Luckily this professor is really wonderful and one of the best teacher/professor things ive ever met and was just like "oh *max* i'm so glad your here : )"
I sat down and my fucking backpack wouldn't work so i couldnt get my stuff out of it without being extremely loud
While Im in the process of banging my backpack on my desk tearing it at the seams etc my wonderful prof decided this would be the perfect time to ask me to introduce myself
My prof proceeds to tell us a story about how she or someone she worked with (i cant remember which one it was) had a client that got their dick stuck in a ceiling fan.
How does one get their dick stuck in a cieling fan? Idk. She didnt either
This class was like three hours long and so naturally I was half asleep the entire time
She decides to call on me while im half asleep
It scared the shit out of me
We took a break halfway through the class and i got hot chocolate and popcorn and it was really nice but im weird about eating/drinking in front of people so after i had to go back to class i was just clutching these two items awkwardly until we left.
At the end of the class we circled back to the 'what are you passionate about' question and this girl in my class goes on about how she was late diagnosed with autism and how she really wants to work on making those resources more available to afab people and how she wants to advocate for more research and better education on how different disorders effect men vs women and how to spot it in women because if you didnt know its a whole thing in the asd community about girls being severely underdiagnosed and its a really big problem and yeah the more you know
The entire time shes going on about this im like staring at her like 🙂. Like look here girly ME TOO I LIVED THIUS SHIT TOO
And so after class I found her and she asked for my phone number and everything and it was so wonderful and i think i made my first friends since physically being at college
I think I've mentioned this other dude on here before but pretty much this guy I met when I was like 8 or 9 and we were really good friends throughout elementary school but kind of grew apart in middle school and he went to an alternative school in highschool and hes always been so kind and i missed him a lot and here he goes to my school and so ive been reunited with him
Like I said this dude knew me since I was like 8 and it was always such a weird relationship because we knew eachother so well and he was the first person ive ever felt like wasnt constantly judging me and that i could just like relax around if that makes sense and i've always really cherished our friendship and im really happy im friends with him again
turns out hes fucking autistic too
within the last year ive found out that out of the four close friends ive had in my life three are austic
and the fourth is a girl diagnosed with bipolar/ocd/mdd/gad so you know how that goes.
So i thought thats funny
but i was talking to my friend and he accused me of having a fucking HICKEY
Like I said this dude knows me really well
he knows i have no bitches
like BRO
i have hives on my neck right now idk what theyre from im taking meds
Idk why i numbered this these numbers are for nothing but dramatic affect
He's queer in some way and he came out to me by asking me 'hey *max* when we were kids did you ever think i was gay 🤔
And i was like yeah *f* i did.
But then he was telling me about this blow job one of his boyfriends gave him one time and it was so weird because this was the same kid that i dated when i was like 10 and that used to spend the entire recess time telling me about rocks and fossils and that i used to play tag with and shit
I couldnt invision this man getting a blow job
F if you somehow found me on tumblr and your reading this like 'hey wait a minute' no your not. its a different person i swear its just a coincidence. < 3
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mmorgsalsa · 2 years
Eminem joe budden song
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The reason I dissed him is actually a lot more petty than that. I’m like, ‘What the fuck? Yo, my man better chill, right?’ So, that’s not why I dissed him. “Then he starts doing a press run, basically, about Hailie. “You know you go down a fucking wormhole of YouTube and whatever, right? So I see, ‘Machine Gun Kelly talks about Eminem’s daughter’ or whatever, right? So I’m like, ‘What the fuck?’ I click on it,” he explained (9:00). It was a response to MGK’s 2012 tweet in which he called Eminem’s daughter, Hallie, “hot as fuck.” MGK, who previously accused Em of trying to blackball him, responded to the record with his own diss track, “Rap Devil.”Įminem told Sway he wasn’t pleased about MGK’s comments about his child however, that wasn’t the real reason he took a shot at him. Though he said he wasn't sure if Glass House would ever see the light of day, he made sure to show love to Slaughterhouse, insisting they were "one of the best rap groups to ever happen."Īs most of you know, Em took aim at MGK on the Kamikaze track “Not Alike,” rapping: “I’m talkin’ to you, but you already know who the fuck you are, Kelly/I don’t use sublims and sure as fuck don’t sneak-diss/But keep commenting on my daughter Hailie.” Eminem doesn’t mince his words when he attacks a plethora of figures inside and outside of rap, including Drake, Lil Pump, Joe Budden, Machine Gun Kelly, Donald Trump, Charlamagne Tha God, Tyler. "Do you not listen back? Because if that's the worst fuckin' song you've ever heard in your life? I don't know." "To be the worst song you've ever heard in your life? Have you listened to your own shit?" Em said. "But I feel like the reason I had to do that is because, like I said, there's a fine line between saying, 'You know what? This guy's been really cool with me So I'm not going to go in on 'Untouchable' like that."īudden previously called Em's "Untouchable" track "fucking trash." "It was a tap, but it was also saying that his alleged domestic abuse things or whatever, which I'm not going to get into," he said (5:45). He said the group definitely had enough records to release a proper album, but none of the members could agree on which tracks to include.Įm took shots at Budden on the Kamikaze track "Fall." He referenced Budden's alleged sexual abuse with the lines: "Somebody tell Budden before I snap, he better fasten it / Or have his body bag get zipped / The closest thing he's had to hits is smackin' bitches." Eminem touched on the group's demise and their shelved Glass House project. Slaughterhouse-Budden's now-defunct hip-hop group with Joell Ortiz, Kxng Crooked, and Royce da 5'9"-signed to Shady Records in 2011. But when I'm out here, flying around to different places and doing interviews and trying to use my platform to pump up Slaughterhouse every chance I get, and you're using your platform to try to trash me That's kind of the attitude I took to this whole album, Kamikaze, is like, 'OK, what if I gave everyone my opinion about them." Em takes aim at Budden on 'Lock It Up,' which features Anderson. You know what I'm sayin?" Eminem says in the second part of the interview. Eminem came for everybody on his recent Music To Be Murdered By album, including Joe Budden - but Budden doesn't seem too bothered by the jab. We didn't go to the same fuckin' high school. it wasnt a complete picture because everybody wasnt on the same page of what their favorite songs were,' Em. "Me and Joe Budden aren't, you know, we're not friends like that. Eminem Explains Issue With Joe Budden and Why He. Though the first part of the discussion was filled with plenty of gems, things got really interesting towards the end when the Detroit rapper began speaking about his beef with Machine Gun Kelly and Joe Budden. Throughout the 12-minute video, the two focused primarily on Em’s last two albums: the polarizing 2017 effort Revival, and his newly released surprise project Kamikaze. The first half of Eminem’s exclusive interview with Sway gave fans plenty to talk about. You guys get your panties out the bunch."īut Budden admits he didn't come out completely unscathed. Joe thinks that's about Lord Jamar, obviously, if you listen to the eight bars coming before it. "The Em line in that song, when he was tearing Lord Jamar's ass up on old group flips, and then that led into, 'Your group is off the chain, but you’re the weakest link,'" he said during the latest episode of The Joe Budden Podcast. "In a song featuring Slaughterhouse, I could see how that looked like it was about Joe. Among the jabs was Shady's line in "I Will" in which he raps, "Yeah, your group was off the chain, but you were the weakest link." Some suspected that lyrics were directed at Budden, as he was the only member of Slaughterhouse who didn't appear on the track. Budden is convinced, however, that the "weakest link" line was actually intended for Brand Nubian member Lord Jamar. Joe Budden apparently wants Eminem to let bygones be bygones.Īfter Em delivered his surprise album Music to Be Murdered Bylast week, fans immediately began pointing out all the perceived disses.
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dryratgirl · 3 years
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