#like he knows exactly how serious I am and is so chill
priest-exists-kinda · 2 months
sometimes I feel like a praying mantis with how much I want to eat my partner
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
Louder Voice (NSFW) FT: Sakura Miyawaki
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Author's Note: I am back on my Sakura Miyawaki BS. Also I think this is my longest piece so far so enjoy
Part I
I open my bags to Otrimi’s stuff (food and bowls) I open one of his food pouches and empty the contents of it into his bowl Otrimi munched happily. After that, we go to the Cafeteria area where I get more stares. Kura who's next to me Groans looking at the menu
“Ugh, teriyaki again. You wouldn't have a magical food changer would you?” she jokes. I laugh then say “Not exactly follow me.” I saw as we walked out of the cafeteria. I take out my space carver and cut a rectangle that's big enough for the both of us.
“Saku chan. Saku chan” a high-pitched feminine voice rang out behind us. Kura and I turn around to see a gorgeous brunette with the brightest smile approaching us along with a shorter cute brunette following her.
“Oh hey Sana hi Dahyun,” Kura says. I wave at the duo.
“Who is this ?” the taller brunette asks. I can't figure out which girl is which.
“Oh, this Dai…Juzo. Just Juzo.” Sakura stumbles
“Smooth Kura.” I tease. Kura hits me annoyed
“Oh, Kura? I haven't heard anyone call her that. Can I call you that Sakura?” the shorter one asks.”
“No!” she snaps. Dahyun and Sana look at Sakura surprised. I noticed the hurt in The shorter girl’s eyes.
“Sakura. Chill. It's not that serious. I say. Sakura looks back at me and I gesture with my eyes to them. When she turns she apologizes to both. Which means I still couldn't tell which is which.
“Where are you two headed?” the taller girl asks
“Oh, I don't know Juzo was leading the way,” Kura answers
“We are going to get nachos,” I say confidently
The taller girl looks at me funny, “Sakura why does he sound like he's from Kagoshima.”
“Because he learned Japanese from someone from Kagoshima,” Kura says. I nod in confirmation.
“Y'all wanna get nahos with us? I'll pay.” as soon as I said'll pay Dahyun and Santa were all for it. So they follow Kura and me through carved space and we arrive outside of one of my favorite Mexican food places.
“Okay, who here can speak English?” I ask Kura raises her hand as do the other two girls but then the shorter brunette lowers the hand of the taller brunette. I would have laughed but I didn't feel comfortable because I didn't know either girl’s name. So I just bite the bullet and ask. I'll risk looking like a fool.
“Hey! So which one of you is Dahyun and which one of you is Sana,” I ask
The girl's eyes widen in recognition, “oh I'm Dayhun” the shorter girl says. I nod then turn to Sana who introduces herself as such. After that short introduction, we enter the restaurant.
“Hello, what can I get you? The cashier asks pleasantly
“Uh, your Carne Asada Nachos, your Asada Fries, and a California burrito for the road. y'all want anything else?” I asked turning to the rest of the group. They shook their heads and we sat down at a booth near the front of the small hole in the wall.
“So Juzo, you seem quite comfortable with Sakura?” Dahyun asked.
“She's really easy to get along with,” I replied to the young lady.
“True you guys seem to be close,” Dahyun responded
I shrugged and turned to her. She had this kinda spacey look to her which melted my heart. I smiled watching her. Kura noticed this and turned to me
“What are you looking at?” she questioned
“Your dumb face.” I teased. Kura rolled her eyes shortly after the food came. I set the fries to Dahyun and Sana while Kura and I shared the nachos.
As we ate Sana watched Kura and me intently.
“So Sakura how is Juzo’s dick?”
I choked on the chip I had in my mouth. I grabbed some water, as I recovered. Sakura glared.
“What are you talking about?” Sakura asks
“Well since he arrived he hasn't been left your side. Plus the way you cling to him makes me think you two have to be fucking.”
Sakura’s eyes narrow as she glares at Sana who wears an unreadable smile. I decided to throw her off of her game.
“She can tell right after you tell me how Dahyun tastes,” I say nonchalantly, and I watch as the mirror image of what happened moments back happens again with Dahyun in place of me.
“Touche” Sana says as gives a sly smile. “I underestimated you. I won't make that mistake again.”
“Don't worry you're not the first nor the last to do so,” I assure Sana.
She smiles that unreadable smile then says “I'll be interested to watch how you integrate.” after that the lunch was pretty normal.
After lunch, Kura and I return to my room. Otrimi is fast asleep on his bed. Kura notices my switch and asks, “May I?” I nod. She boots it up and scrolls through the games. She gets to Persona 5 Royal and drops everything.
“We’re playing this tonight!” she exclaims
“What about JJK with Yunjin and Tobi plus snacks? I assume Tobi is coming since Yunjin said “Bring me”,” I ask, and Kura pouts
“But it's been forever since we've played together. so can we stay in together tonight?” she asks. I shrug and tell her to ask Yunjin. Kura scowls at me.
“Since when are you the social one?” she teased
“You shut your mouth. I am still very much an INFJ. You agreed to Yunjin, and I am a man of my word.” I fire back and Kura laughs. She holds my face and I get lost in her brown full moons she calls eyes. We kiss again. She wraps her right leg around me and starts grinding again. I squeeze her ass which elicits another sex moan from her.
“Jeez you have such a killer body ginsKura,” I praise Kura who smiles broadly
“And it's all yours,” Kura says lustfully
“Is that a marriage proposal?” I tease as I begin to pepper her neck and collar with kisses.
“Oh yes. Everything just feels so right with you and I never want to let you go again so yes please marry me.”
“Hmm my answer is yes, but don't you think we should get to know each other better?” I ask in between kisses
Kura broke the kiss and stared into my eyes.
“We unlocked the entire star chart together, day one 2 destiny 2 raids back to back, (for those curious it was Root of Nightmares and Vow of the Disciple), and to top it all off you taught me how to play 3 fighting games. We know everything about each other.” Kura says defiantly
“Oh, really what is..” I started before Kura went into recite mode
“Teal/Turquoise and Crimson, 4 children, Christian: nondenominational but don't tell others due to stigma. Porsche Panamera sedan. I know all your favorite things and you know mine. So what are you scared of?” Kura demands
“No BS. That I'm not good enough for you. Outside of video games, I'm pretty boring.” Sakura’s response is both unexpected and arousing.
She slaps me and says, “How dare you talk bad about my award-winning, author/kaiju-slaying husband.”
She begins to strip again. When she gets down to her panties and bra she asks, “Hey before you breed me can you eat me?” I set the burrito down and looked at Kura with surprise. “What we ate now we fuck.” she said with her bright smile. I shrug and begin to strip as well. Sakura smiles seductively. I moved closer and realized that I couldn't do it right now.
“Wait,” I say
Kura looks at me annoyed “Why?” she asks
“I don't want all of the spices and food we just ate to go in down there.”
Kura looked at me surprised then smiled. “How considerate.” she purred. Having the green light I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and gargled mouthwash. When I came out I was greeted by Kura lying on my bed her bra and panties gone, and she was massaging her clit. I grabbed a rolling chair and sat in front of her as she moved her pussy to me.
“Okay, so Kura I don't know what I'm…” Kura’s impatience got the better of her and she wrapped her legs around my head as she brought me to her lips. Her smell was intoxicating. Her flowery perfume filled my nostrils I smiled and did an exploratory lick of her folds. Kura in response pushed my face further into her pussy. I thrust my tongue into her folds deeper hearing a muffled moan as I continue to lick her folds. I continue to lick and thrust as I explore Kura’s pussy. I try to find what works best for her the best. As I continue to eat her I reach out for her boobs and give them a gentle squeeze. Kura went wild for it.
Feeling bold I go to her clit and give a quick suck the response is immediate Kura squirts all over my face and pushes me from her pussy. Her cat-like eyes stare into mine.
“Take your boxers off,” she demands her voice is steely and focused her eyes are narrow. “I need you to cum in my pussy now,” she demands
“That breeding kink never went away did it?” I asked. Kura laughed.
“Are you kidding now that I have you I'm going to drain you as often as I can. When we're not working, gaming, eating, sleeping, or teaching I expect us to be fucking before we do anything else.” Sakura stated her tone was clear and authoritative. I gulped and nodded. As she lowered herself into my rod.
“Make me your breeding bitch.” she said and that was the end of my hesitation. I thrust deep into her. “Harder” she moaned so I thrust again harder and again. She was unfathomably tight but I loved it I loved everything about this woman. Her perky breasts. Her sultry voice. Her tight ass, but most of all I loved that she was mine, no one else. I plunged into her again, and she moaned, “Please paint my womb with your cum. I need it.” due to all the other prep we had and her desperate look my body gave in. I exploded in her which sent Kura into the highest bliss as her pussy tried to milk me for all I was worth. When the pleasure subsides she moves her head down so she's eye level with me, and smiles as she caresses my face. She's satisfied… for now.
We shower and get dressed before heading out to Yunjin’s dorm. On the way we bump into an older gentleman (maybe a year or two older than me) he's got a stern look and his face sours when he sees me with Kura.
“Hi hideki-kun,” Kura says
“Oh Sakura how are you?”
“I'm great just walking with my shadow,” she says before hitting me lightly.
“Ah and who is he?” Hideki asks
“Oh, this is Juzo. He's the new Kaiju research specialist.” Kura explains
“The Vile gourmand?” he asks Kura
Kura nodded and at this point had my hand out for him to shake for several minutes of this conversation (Hideki spoke surprisingly slowly). He sizes me up and then says his goodbyes to Kura before leaving. I don't take many things personally but I took that personally. I didn't let Kura know though she seemed close with Hideki and I didn't want to build a wedge between them.
After that, we arrive at Yunjin’s form and she lets us in
“Glad y'all could take a break from fucking long enough to join us. She teases.”
Sakura groans at Yunjin who just smiles mischievously. In her room is a man with pale black hair and bright blue eyes
“Tobi?” I ask as I point to him. He nods pleasantly. I reach out my hand to shake it and he takes it. I shake his hand carefully. Kura watched me intently as I did this.
“Oh, so Yunijin you said you wanted snacks. Where do we get them?” I ask in English
“Oh, there's a shop on base that sells snacks and stuff,” she responds in English
“Are they American?” I ask in English
“No you'll have to leave the facility for that,” she says with a pout. I chuckle as I pull out my space carver and cut a rectangle big enough for all of us to walk through.
“Funny you should say that,” I say. Yunjin and Tobi looked at me confused before Kura walked through the Space corridor.
"Wait if you could do that the whole time why did you need the plane to get here?" Tobi asked in perfect English.
"Excellent question. My Space Carver only works on places where I have a physical sense. This is my first time coming to Japan so I needed to physically get here first." I explained to Tobi who nodded with understanding. Yunjin shrugged and walked through the portal. Tobi followed and I walked through as we all walked to enter an American Grocery store. I let them all pick up one or two of their preferred snacks and paid for them before heading back to the Facility. we all sit down together and watch the episode. before it starts Yunjin says
"Wait Juzo, are you caught up?"
"I am Manga current," I responded which drew the ire of Yunjin.
"You better not spoil anything," she said in her deep English voice. I zip my mouth shut and enjoy the episode.
After the episode Kura and I head back to my dorm. Kura is following which honestly I appreciate the Facility is a labyrinth and if it were not for her I would have been lost several times over. I do worry about possible rumors, but I also didn't know Sakura's reputation. Which is weird right? I have known her for upwards of 5 years but don't know her in this capacity at all. so every time she talked to someone else or acted shy, or gave a cute smile I found something new to fawn over her about, but don't let her know I said that. Gotta at least look tough ya know.
I feed Otrimi again and we get ready for bed. We lie in my bed close to each other. Kura finds rest easily in my arms, wrapped around her waist. Sadly my body is all screwed up, and I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes and drift into REM sleep the nightmare starts the same. I'm with Caliban, Kullervo, Valkyr, Wisp, and I were all fighting but then Barsoom’s battle Ballad would play and I'd begin death’s dance the colors of the world would fade as I would begin to repaint it with the blood of others and it didn't matter who friend foe. All were equal under my blade, my instrument, my paintbrush. As I delve deeper into the dream my bloodlust only amplifies and yet as I add more bodies to my corpse throne my power only increases when I come out of it I see I am alone and an overwhelming feeling of sadness takes hold.
My body jolts awake. I look at the clock. 2 am. I groan and get up. To look for the practice room. I found it easily I opened it and found I could run a kaiju fighting simulation. I let the number of “simulated” kaiju go as high as it went which was 9 S-class Kaiju. I noticed that it had a record board and the previous record was Hideki. He had completed a Circuit against two S-class kaiju. To not make myself more of a target, I used my “Tenon name: Ragnarok” as the record for this one and entered.
As I enter I see 3 behemoths 3 leviathans and three Garuda Kaiju that are titan-sized. all placed in a simulated city block. I summon
"here is to your false Ideals," I yell as I race to the first one it's a behemoth that stumbles as it shoulder charges it. I follow this by cleaving it in half.
I jump over its corpse to have another face me "Don't think you can judge and not be judged." I yelled as I threw the sword into the next. I watched as the blade flew throw its eyes and severed its nervous system from its brain. I jump about 80 or so feet into the air and barrel to my weapon. On the way down I rip off the horn of one of the Garuda-type Kaiju and use it to impale it and the two other Flying Kaiju.
I crash to the ground sending a shockwave that causes a shockwave hitting the other the last Behemoth into a pillar cracking its neck. "Don't use his name to move the mountains in your way. Go back from where you came." I yell I go to my blade and turn to the last three Kaiju. I wait for them to move closer then I slash with a powerful swing turning them into Sashimi
"You're a plague to the non-believer. Tell them all you're gonna burn forever. You cast your stones on my father's name. May you burn forever." I yell as the remains fall around me. as the simulation stops. I go back to the entrance and repeat the simulation sequence over and over. The goal here is to try to be faster, hit harder, and Kill more and more until I am satisfied, but the ballad's power over me doesn't wane it only increases as I am driven further to Alacrity. I can start to see through the Kaiju seeing the body Chitin and muscle to the nerve points and sinew below. Vital points became visible and easier to exploit as the song continued. As I finished another rotation and went to start another I was met by Hideki, and lady who was with him. They look at me with abject terror. at that point, the Ballad's effect starts to wane. I reassemble the mask I wear to talk to them.
"Oh sorry about that. I thought I could be alone for a while. Ya know clear my head with something familiar and repetitive," I said politely. Hideki glared at me. the lady with him smiled pleasantly and said
"No worries we just wanted to get some earlier work in. You must be Juzo the Kaiju researcher." I nodded and she smiled, "Hi my name is Seulgi. I look forward to working with you hopefully." I nodded and reached out my hand for a Handshake. She brought me in for a tight hug, which was surprising.
"Oh, you're nice and solid. Built Sturdy I like it." Seulgi said as she let me go. My brain reeled as she let me go and I gave her two thumbs up as I walked back to my Dorm. I open the door to see Kura squinting at me.
"Where did you go?" she asked groggily. She was still half asleep it seemed.
"Just to train," I said. Kura nodded and went back to sleep as I showered then got back in the bed with her. She wrapped my arms around her chest and kissed my cheek. Her presence was calming as I finally drifted off into a decent sleep. No dreams this time though just that weird void of dream and sleep. The next time my eyes were opening Kura was shaking me.
"Come on it's time for you to teach your first class," she said. I nodded and got up. she had already showered and so did I so I changed into appropriate clothes, before feeding Otrimi. Otrimi was more than happy with eating. He was finished before I was done cleaning and was ready to go. so we all went to the classroom. Kura chose a desk that was front and center.
"Someone is eager. I teased."
"Well yeah you are legendary and to learn from you directly I want the best seat." She chuckled.
"Well if you want that the best seat for that is over there," I said pointing slightly to her right. Sakura raised a confused eyebrow
"Statistically it is the most successful seat due to me being left-handed." Sakura tilted her head and said "Okay" She moved to the seat and smiled at me. I began writing basic notes for the various topics I planned on discussing today but I figured we are all adults who fight Kaiju so I hoped it would be more question and answer. I also left name tags on the desk for my "students" to pick up. Sakura grabbed hers and wrote "Sakura" in English. I turned to her and she chuckled mischievously.
"Haha very funny." I teased. Sakura smiled at me with bright eyes full of adoration
"I need to know you can read it." she teased back
The next two to arrive were Seulgi and another dark-haired girl. next to her. They Both grabbed Name tags. they followed Kura's lead and all were written in English which was certainly convenient. The new lady's name was Eunbi. After that Hideki, Tobi, Heejin, Dahyun, Yunjin, and a young lady named Yujin, (she only stuck out because she sat close to Sakura.) Kafka, Haruki ( an older man) Chidori, and lastly Wataru. They all had different gazes about themselves. some seemed engaged some seemed wary and one (it's Hideki) just glared at me with white-hot anger. I did what I had to and ignored it.
"Good morning. my name is Juzo and I am here to help you all understand Kaiju ecology, biology, and physiology." I started. before I could do anything else though Chidori. he raised his hand.
"Ah yes, Mr. Chidori?"
"I would like to know your qualifications. I have seen your info all over the place in terms of books and field guides but that doesn't tell us much about why you know so much. We have had like 5 other "experts" run through this place but when it came to field work they all were only theory." His words are well received.
"Well I am not a real big theory guy I am a more practical hands-on learner, but The HDF has specifically asked me to keep you all in the classroom because they have put a lot of money into training and housing you ao you all getting injured in field research is not ideal. otherwise, we'd have been visiting Paradise Island." there is chatter among my "Students" as I speak.
"Look we are all adults here I am not looking to change how you fight or policy and procedures I am just here to give tools and answer questions about questions you may have," I explain hoping that my words reach their intended effect. Sakura raises her hand
"Yes, Mrs. Miyawaki."
Sakura pouts, "It's Sakura," she says whiny internally I groan but keep my composure, "Mr. Juzo and I have a question. Your shadow (She gestures to a napping Otrimi.) is a Kaiju, right? (I nod) How did you manage to tame him," Sakura asks
"I never trained Otrimi. it's more of a symbiotic relationship at times. We look out and take care of each other. That is not due to him being a Kaiju but due to extraneous circumstances with the invaders, but you are correct he is a Kaiju. A Garuda Behemoth type to be precise. That reminds me. So recently a new handbook came out for you guys on how to deal with Aragami or Earth-born Kaiju, and it mentioned that you should treat them like they're regular Kaiju. Don't do that. Aragami is Kaiju but because they are essentially mutated wild animals they have been slowly integrating and creating vital niches in our ecosystem. Also, most of them aren't hostile unless they are provoked. For example Otrimi." I explain. Otrimi raises his head at being mentioned then curls and goes to sleep in his little wreath pose. The group looked at me then Chidori said, “The only good kaiju is a dead one.” I was about to say something when Heejin raised her hand,
“Ah yes, Mrs. Heejin how can I assist you.”
“So your files mentioned that you have spent some time with the invaders. Can you provide some insight into their motivations?”
I eyed Heejin before making my response.
“Everything alright?” Heejin asks as I narrow my eyes. I look to the rest of the clans. She gives me a shit-eating grin
“Sure thing, but before I get into my explanation I do have to preface this by saying all of what I'm about to translate are not direct translations but conceptual ones. So if you recognize names and concepts those are intentional but they are not meant to be that thing. The invaders refer to themselves as the Carnothians. They are a highly rigged and militarized people. As with most salient species, they separate themselves into a caste-like system. The three castes are Orokin, Tenno, and Tenshin. Orokin is at the top Tenshin is at the bottom of the system. Their invasion force is led by the leader of the Vazarin clan. There are four other clans: Madurai, Naramon, Unariu, and Zenurik. I spent most of my time in Carnos with the Zenurik clan. Their leadership structure and philosophy. Is very different than the other clans. Zenurik is an isolationist faction that had decentralized leadership. This currently works in its favor as the previous Jedak (that's their monarch for lack of a better term) was killed by the current leader of the Vazarin clan due to his opposition to the “great expansion”.”
I watched as Sakura got up and grabbed a tissue before wiping my face.
“You had tears,” she said soberly. After that little moment, she sat back in her seat and I apologized to the rest of the class.
“Oh, it's no big deal. We all cry sometimes.” Seulgi said with a bright smile. I gave a thumbs up which she reciprocated.
“Any more questions?” I asked and since no one had any more I let everyone leave except for Heejin
“What are you doing here Wisp,” I said as soon as the last person left. Heejin smiled brightly
“Just checking in on my favorite Zenurik.”
“Heejin come on.”
“Okay, Ragnarok. The zenurik need their Jedak.”
“So who's been assigned?”I ask confused
Heejin smiles then points at me“You”
I shake my head incredulous “That's impossible. You of all people should know that.”
“For Vazarin yes but I have learned that the Zenurik are a very different people,” Heejin says in between fits of giggles.
“How so?” I ask confused
Heejin smiled reveling in the power of the info she had, “They demanded your return. When we visit they demand your return since my father in all of his wisdom decided to let them know you are Orokin whether you like it or not, but you have been trained you are tested. I know you have had “trouble” with unbound form but you are ready.”
Worry began to fill my mind. I wasn't ready to lead the Zenurik What if I fail? What if I have to defy Inaros? Where all questions that plagued my mind“What if I don't want it? I saw! I was there when he killed Lavos, Garuda, Dante, and Baruuk! Your father is a tyrant and I won't put myself in a position that vulnerable while he's still in power.”
Heejin looked at me with surprise “Wait he killed them?” she asked
I squinted at her, “Yes! do you believe they all died of old age in their chat with him?”
Heejin nodded understanding but still skeptical, (which I don't blame it was her father, to be honest.) “Yeah that does sound far-fetched but despite that, you have a responsibility to the Zenurik.”
I shook my head as I said plainly“No I don't..”
Heejin gasped surprised at my statement “Why not? You were the one who was always talking about the responsibility we had as future leaders to take care of our people. Was that all a lie?” she asked
I shake my head as I explain, “No it wasn't but what good am I as a dead or murderous leader? Because if I defy him he'll just kill me…well attempt to because I will kill him and thats bad… At least based on what Kullervo and Revenant taught me.”
Heejin was still skeptical as she couldn't still see her dad for the murderous scum he was“Why would he do that?”
I shrugged “I don't know Heejin. As your mom, or your grandparents, or better yet ask your birth parents. Whom he exiled. They all thought they could appease him into not being evil anymore but Oberon is a lost cause.”
“How did you find out about my birth parents?” Heejin demanded frightened.
“Dante knew everything and he taught me so now I know everything,” I respond
Heejin looked at me and regained her composure, “Can't you just play the politics game? I mean all the rest of our team understood that we'd have to wait before we could make changes.” she looked at me desperate and pleading. This chat was going nowhere. Barsoom’s battle ballad was starting to play in my head Faintly, and if I didn't de-escalate the situation there would be problems.”
Instead of Speaking, I summon Balmung. Heejin is taken aback by the Old Carnothian weapon and she finally understands. She stiffens and winces seeing the blade.
“How long have the visions been?” Heejin asks.
“Since I got out of the pod and even during.”
“Ragnarok I am so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?”Heejin asked
I shrugged, “Because I thought I was crazy.” Heejin nods her eyes holding the understanding that I was put in a precarious position.
“Okay, that's a pretty fair reason. Wait is this how you took out the 100 cosmic beasts?” Heejin asks as the pieces connect in her mind. I nod and she continues“And the Eternal dragon?”
I shake my head “That's what made the blade.” I answered. Heejin nods as she puts the timeline together
“Your dad can't find out about this,” I say. Heejin nods aggressively.
“He would kill you and everyone you care about if he knew,” she affirmed. After that, the air turned less confrontational as the both of us calmed down. Heejin smirked
“So you and Sakura huh?” she asked with a knowing tone
“Is it that obvious,” I ask worried
Heejin nods. In the years I have been here she has been super guarded. I think before today I have never seen her smile or do anything emotional whatsoever, but with you here she's all giggly and happy. It's kinda creepy.
“Well get used to it I guess?” I shrug confused
“Wait why what happened?” Heejin asked inquisitively.
“Well, we are getting married.”
“Didn't you just meet her yesterday though…wait is she the Kura you were always raving about missing?” I nod and Heekin begins to laugh uncontrollably.
“Let me guess she asked.” I nodded and Heejin laughed even harder. “You so passive and permissible,” she said teasingly.
“Have you seen her?” I ask pointedly
“Look I didn't say you had bad taste I said you were permissible and passive. She is a catch-100%, but you land and declare marriage to the first pretty girl you see is so you.” Heejin teases I smile and she hugs me.
“Look I know it's hard and not ideal but you do need to go to Zenurik. They need you, but I understand that you have your issues. So we'll figure it out without my father’s intervention.” Heejin said firmly I shrug as Heejin leaves.
I sit alone before going to unpack my dorm. On the way, an alarm for a kaiju to breakout happens. I race to the scene to see a very confused Marduk Aragami thrashing about. I do the smart thing and approach it calmly before leading it out of the facility and back to the outside. When I get back in I run into Chidori.
“Why didn't you kill it,” he asked pointedly
“Well it wasn't needed,” I answered
“You know all that Hero shit is going to cost you.”
“It already has.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“When you've buried enough bodies they begin to claw at you. So I avoid killing as often as possible.”I respond
“Whatever,” Chidori says as he walks away
I get back to my dorm. Otrimi takes his place as I begin to unpack. About halfway through my door opens and Kura is there. I smile and point to my switch.
“You can play Persona if you want to,” I say to Kura. Kura remains silent. Kura closes the door and I see nothing but Lust in her eyes. I laughed. Her eyes narrowed as she approached me. She brings me in for a passionate and lurid kiss. As she does a naughty errant hand sneaks into my pants and forcibly grips my balls tightly. I groan breaking my kiss with Kura.
She leans into my ear before blowing into it, causing my body to shiver. Kura smiles
“Wow, you are sensitive,” Kura says seductively. She gives me a look before lowering herself down to my crotch she pulls my pants down and blows on my exposed phallus. I shiver at her action. She smiles brightly before taking me into her mouth.
"Aw fuck Kura." I moan. Kura's eyes widen as her pupils double in size.
"Say my name again," she says as she begins stroking me.
"Fuck Kura." I saw her hands do magic to me. Kura's eyes go wide. as she takes me back into her mouth. her head begins deepthroating me. her hole is so warm and comforting much like the rest of her.
"I love how hard you get for me," Kura says after coming for air. "Are you close? I wanna swallow it," she says. I groan as her words send my body into overdrive to fulfill her request. She smiles mischievously and gives a light nibble to my tip before taking me whole. the pain and pleasure cross over and overwhelm me as I paint her throat. Unphased Sakura takes it all in one go with a smile before coming up. She smiles. and goes over to her bag.
"I just wanted a drink," she says innocently despite her less-than-innocent actions earlier. she opens her bag and takes out the knitting equipment. She sits on my bed and begins to crochet.
"You can start Persona. I have to finish this hat for Momo. you'll meet her tomorrow. I nod and sit down in my chair. Otrimi jumps next to Kura in the bed content next to her. Kura smiles as she works. I begin the massive prologue of Persona 5 with Kura occasionally making commentary on the actions I take.
"Really the featherman suits" she asks when I unlock all the customization options.
"What you know I am a huge toku head, and this is the closest I'll get to a functional Super Sentai game," I say over the next few hours Kura and I move around my dorm sitting and switching positions as we get further into our respective tasks.
Kura laughs out loud at my comment before going back to her work.
The next day Kura and I are woken up by an intercom call telling all personnel besides External Help (Heejin and I) to meet at the combat labs. Sakura raced to go, but something about this seemed off. I beg her not to go, but she merely smiles and says. "Don't worry big guy I'll be right back." She smiles at me as a familiar sense of dread washes over me. So I let her go. After she leaves. I got to look for Heejin hoping to ease my fears.
I find her and so much more. I open the door to an office. Where I see a very stressed-out Heejin.
"Hey, Kiddo," Oberon says with a malicious smile
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 14 days
Hiii I love your account! 🐇 with Rafe please and “You’re so annoying” and “you look pretty like this” if I can pick two hehe
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Omg thank you so much!! Of course you can pick two! I hope you like it! Thank you to my angel @babygorewhore for beta reading🖤🤭
This is for my 1.6k celebration🎀🖤
Warnings: Reader is Topper’s sister, enemies to fucking?, blow job, hair pulling, face fucking, cum swallowing, a lil bit of degradation. 18+MNDI!! W.k: 1.7k
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Rafe has been driving you nuts since, well, as long as you can remember, but he’s driving you especially insane today. All you wanted to do was lay by the pool with your fruity little drink and read your dirty romance novel. But no, apparently Rafe didn’t want you to have a moment of peace while you were home from college for the summer. Why your brother had to choose him as a best friend and then also choose to stick with it for this long is beyond you. So he was just always around and it seemed like lately you couldn’t escape him no matter what you did.
The minute they got to the house with beers you asked Topper if they’d fuck off and chill inside but Rafe insisted they hang out in the back.
“It’s nice out, and I just can’t pass up this view.” He smirks at you as he leans back in one of your mom’s plush patio chairs, his eyes drinking in your barely there bikini.
“Rafe, that’s my sister man, how many times do I have to tell you that she’s -“ Rafe cuts Topper off with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.
“She’s off limits, yeah, yeah, I know the fuckin’ drill Top.” That doesn’t stop him from glancing over at you every ten seconds. Sending you subtle little winks over Topper’s shoulder, practically fucking you with his eyes and you hate how much you like it. You can’t stand how much your body betrays you when it comes to Rafe fucking Cameron. He makes you want to rip your hair out, he’s arrogant, rude, and a classic spoiled preppy frat boy in every way. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s so god damn sexy.
“The fact that you guys are being so fucking loud that I can hear you with my music on full blast is actually insane to me.” You slam your book shut as you dramatically pull your headphones off your head.
“Maybe you should stop being so fucking boring and come chill with us then.” Rafe blows out a hit as he holds the bong towards you. “Wanna hit?”
“You? Never.” You scoff, crossing your arm as you glare over at him.
“You think you’re reaaal clever, huh? I know you’re lying, you want me so bad.” Rafe snorts, setting the bong down on the table before leaning back in the chair with his arms behind his head and his legs spread. Fuck.
“You know what? I’m over this. Bye.” You shake your head as you grab your things, making sure to send Rafe a death glare on your way inside the house.
You’re inside for maybe five minutes when there’s a knock on your bedroom door.
“Fuck off, Top! I’m changing, I don’t wanna hear how sorry you are for how much of an asshole Rafe is for the millionth time!”
“Exactly how big of an asshole am I? Huh, princess?” The sound of Rafe’s voice on the other side of your door has you practically growling as you storm towards it and rip it open.
“You’re so annoying, Rafe, you know that!? You’re like a fucking fly or some shit, always buzzing around with no real thoughts in your head!!!” You glare up at him as your eyes meet his own, stomping your foot in frustration.
“You look pretty like this, ya know?” He rests his hand on the side of the door frame as he smirks down at you.
“Like fucking what, Cameron!?”
“All pissed off at me n’ shit.” He chuckles, leaning down further so his face is only a few inches from your own. His breath smells like weed and beer but his lips are so fucking kissable that it actually just pisses you off more. “I think you’re just mad because you wanna fuck me and you’re in denial about it.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” You scoff and roll your eyes but you don’t even know if you believe yourself because you sound so full of shit.
“I mean, yeah. It also doesn’t hurt that you still have on that tiny little bikini…” He wets his lips with his tongue as his hand reaches out to cup your cheek. He drags his thumb across your glossy bottom lip before releasing it with a pop. “I don’t hear you denying it, baby.”
“I - You know what? Fuck it.” You practically lunge forward to lace your fingers into the material of his shirt using the grip to pull his mouth down to yours in a bruising kiss. He grips onto your hips, pulling you until you’re flush against him. He slips his tongue into your mouth and practically devours you before pulling away with a fucking smirk painted on his face.
“Fuckin’ knew it, knew you wanted me.” He bites his lip while he looks down at you like he won the fucking lottery.
“Shut up, don’t be a fuck boy about it or I’m not letting you anywhere near my pussy, Cameron.” You glare up at him with your lips set into that irritated little pout that makes him want to shove his cock between them.
“Your pussy? Shit, baby, you gonna let me fuck you? I’ve been wanting to wipe that bratty fuckin’ look off your face for years.”
“Yeah? Well maybe I wanna wipe that cocky fucking look off of yours.” You grab onto his hand, pulling him through the doorway, practically slamming it closed behind him. You push him up against it before dropping to your knees and making quick work of undoing his shorts.
“Shit, been fuckin’ dreaming about that pretty little mouth around my cock nonstop.” You pull his cock free and you can’t even hide the shocked look on your face at the sight of it. He was fucking huge. Long and thick and so fucking hard, god you can’t stand him.
“No wonder you’re so fucking arrogant, you would have a fucking monster cock.” You roll your eyes as you look up at him and you can tell by the look on his face that he’s about to say some smug bullshit so you grab onto his shaft and spit on it.
“Oh fuckkk, yeah, get it all fuckin’ wet.” He laces his fingers through your hair with a groan when you start to jerk him off. You pump him a few times before smirking up at him and taking him all the way down your throat in one motion. “God damn, baby, knew you had a mouth on you but shit.”
You pull almost all the way off of him, just sucking his tip as you swirl your tongue around it, flicking it along the slit. You work the rest of him with your spit slick palm as you look up at him. And god. He drives you insane in every fucking way. He looks so hot, you hate him for looking so hot. His mouth is hanging open as grunts and profanities leave it. Those ocean blue eyes keep rotating between boring down into your own and rolling in the back of his head, that stupid ass button up he’s wearing is riding up a little and showing a sliver of his waist and his shoulders fill it out so perfectly.
“Take this shit off.” Rafe uses the hand not in your hair to grab onto the top tie of your bikini top and pull the knot loose. “Fuck, fuckin’ knew you had perfect tits.”
You pull off of him with a pop, a string of drool still connected to your lips from his cock. When it breaks it drips down onto your chest between your tits and the sight makes his cock twitch in your hand.
“Yeah? Bet you wanna touch them sooo bad.” You mock pout at him as you bring your free hand up to fondle your tits.
“Don’t fuckin’ tease me, princess.” Rafe’s grip on your hair tightens and it causes you to let out a breathy moan. “Oh? You like it rough? Open your fuckin’ bratty little mouth.”
You stick your tongue out for him and he uses his grip on your hair to pull your head back down to his cock. He glides it across your tongue a few times, hitting the back of your throat, causing you to gag. You wrap your lips around his cock and swallow causing your throat to constrict around him. He starts to thrust into your mouth while you continue to practically swallow his cock, swirling your tongue while you finally take what he gives you.
“Yeah, that’s fuckin’ it, little brat, your mouth feels so fuckin’ good.” When you reach up to fondle his balls he throws his head back and his free hand flys to his hair, tugging at the strands almost as hard as he’s tugging on your own. “God damn, keep doing that - fuck - you’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum.”
“Yo Rafe, where you at!?” Topper’s voice travels up from downstairs and Rafe’s grip on your hair loosens as his thrusts abruptly stop. But you’re not having that, you start to bob your head up and down, giving his balls attention as you deep throat him.
“Baby - shit - I’m gonna cum down that slutty little throat, don’t stop.” You don’t, you suck him off like your life depends on it, drool dripping down his balls, down your chin, all over your tits. God, your tits, they’re bouncing so deliciously and you look so fucking hot with your mascara running down your eyes like that, it has his cock twitching in your mouth. His cum spurts down your throat and you swallow every drop. “That’s it, good girl, fuckin’ swallow that shit.”
“Where are you man? You better not be fucking with my sister again dude!” You hear Topper’s footsteps coming up the stairs and Rafe turns to lock the door.
“Yeaaah, it’s a little too late for that, Top.” Rafe chuckles as he grabs you by the hips and throws you on the bed causing you to giggle. “I suggest you fuck off if you don’t wanna hear her screaming my name though.”
“Goodbye, Topper!! Get away from my fucking door!!” You hear him scoff before his footsteps recede back down the stairs.
“Now, where were we?” Rafe smirks at you while he wraps his hand around your throat. “I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin you.”
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mischiefmaker615 · 10 months
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Rating: R
Note: Sorry its a bit short
Summary: Loki finds a way to make sure everyone knows you are his..
‘’Loki stop- you need to chill out!’’ you yelp as you stumble through your apartment door while your boyfriend pretty much just gropes you in public. You bat his hands away properly from your chest and waist once you toss your purse, hunching forward when you feel his lips try to attack your neck next; resulting in giving him better access to your ass instead.
‘’you know I don’t approve when you surround yourself with the male mortals- I know what those animals are thinking.’’ He growled as he pulled to against him by your waist, your rump very much feeling how hard he was as you stable yourself still.
‘’you mean when I go to work? Men can be disgusting out there- but you act like something happened every day-‘’
‘’they look upon you like you are meat, lusting for you to be theirs. If their eyes are on you, its as if they had already laid their hands on you love’’ Loki reasoned, his grip tightening ever so slightly as you turn around in his arms, your hands on his chest to keep him looking at you rather than allow him to have access to your front now.
‘’and every day I reassure you that I am yours and nothing will change that.’’ You tell him, voice serious as you look him in the eyes gentle and meaning every word.
His gaze softened, knowing it wasn’t a new lecture- and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. Yet he understood, and you understood him. ever since you got to together, he had been possessive; protective as he calls it. working in the field where there was mostly male wasn’t easy, and you knew they looked at you like animals. But, nothing has ever happened and you do our best to be aware of your surroundings and let him know immediately if anything did happen- but this behavior of his seemed to get out of hand when he didn’t give a shit about doing public displays of affection in.. well, public.
‘’well.. what needs to be done so this whole.. routine could ease up for the both of us?’’ you sigh, looking at him gentle with your hands cupping his cheeks, wanting to help him.
Looking down at you with the same gentle expression, his eyes went in to thought, gazing off ever so slightly from yours before they returned to you with a knew meaning. His expression changed to something of an idea, a result- a hungry conclusion which made you take a small step back but he already began advancing.
Taking steps back only made him take steps forward before your back found the door real quick. You trusted him with your life but his usual lust state always made you nervous- because you couldn’t read him.
His hands found the wall on either side of your shoulders, caging you in and by his tense muscles, you knew he was prepared on stopping you from ducking under. All you could do was look up at him as he leaned close, his eyes dilated as he ghosted the tip of his nose against your neck, taking in your sweet scent he loved so much with a deep inhale.
‘’L-Loki…’’ you whisper with uncertainty of what exactly his plan was with the matter you were previously discussing. The feeling of his body slowly getting closer to yours made itself known before he moved a knee between your legs and the rest of his body against yours to keep you pinned.
You could almost feel him smirking as you whimpered, feeling him lightly grind his knee against your cunt as your hands gripped his shoulders. Already feeling yourself getting wet, you suddenly feel his hand gently brush your hair to the side to allow him access to your neck before the same hand cupped your jaw and turned your face to the side while his other hand stabilized your shoulder more to prevent you from moving.
Knowing exactly what he will be doing, you start struggling but he keeps you face turned to the side and your movements only helped add more friction to your cunt against his knee as you gripped his shoulders, whining while you feel his soft breath on your flesh.
‘’you want the lectures to stop, then hold still..’’ he whispered before he suddenly placed his lips against the crook of your neck.
You’ve both had sex before, not a lot of stuff he did was new to you, but most of the reasons behind his actions for some reason always made you jump. His grip on you was gentle but firm, determined to keep you still as he pressed his body more into you while your pushing back deemed useless.
His lips were soft, using a sucking motion against your skin while feeling his tongue slowly lap your skin as if it were your clit. The shear action alone made your cheeks redden and a shiver run down your skin while the hand on your jaw shifted ever so slightly so his thumb was running alone your bottom lip playfully.
Your body began to shiver, feeling him suck slightly harder while his lips traveled, licking the spot on your skin before going to attack it once more. Your skin began to tingle, feeling the blood traveling up to your skin and leaving goosebumps on your arms. You felt his knee shift in slow motions, up and down against your cunt as you moaned before your eyes opened when his lips left your neck.
Looking over his work, he smirked and playfully pulled your bottom lip down before letting go, taking a step back. ‘’alright darling, if I can’t stop the males from gazing upon you then I shall provide them as a reminder that you already belong to someone.’’ He said confidently and smirked at you dangerously as you placed a hand on your neck, as if you expected it to be gone. ‘’and you’ll be wearing them. Every. Damn. Day.’’
‘’’..t-them?’’ you whimper as he smirked, caging you in again against the wall, getting reminded just how different your height differences are.
‘’don’t think that this was the only one i planned on giving you…’’
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coqvttes · 7 months
hello!! first of all, congrats on 600!! you honestly are an amazing writer and truly deserve it. anyways i was wondering if i could get a drabble with leon kennedy and lana del rey’s song playing dangerous?🩷 (my thing for hot police officers is at it again 😭)
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 hey! thank you, love, you're the sweetest i really appreciate it! yes, you can, i really love this song and it goes so well with rookie leon, i might turn this into a whole fic! (i mixed the lyrics a little bit to make it fit better)
nsfw : fem!reader, sub!leonish, teasing rookie leon, suggestive.
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"everybody knows that i'm a good girl officer"
'knock knock!'
rushing to open the front door, you wonder why on earth someone would be knocking at this hour. you forget to put on something decent and open the door to be met with a handsome police officer. you find yourself looking at him up and down, too busy checking out the man to even think about why a police officer was knocking at your door this late.
"could i help you, officer?" you ask sweetly, fluttering your lashes at the handsome man in uniform. he looks young; he must be new. this town is fairly small and you swear you've never seen him before.
a faint flush adorns his charming features as he fully takes in your appearance, dressed in a skimpy little nightgown with eyes innocent and nervous that gaze up at him. he coughs out of his trance and you finally get to hear his voice.
"sorry to bother you at this hour, i'm officer kennedy, leon kennedy, we just got a call about suspicious activity around here, could i just ask you a few questions, please?"
"no, i wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure"
"am i in trouble, officer..?" your voice is meek and your eyes are concerned. you look straight into his eyes and blood rushes right to his dick. his eyes move lower to avoid your gaze but then he finds himself staring right at your cleavage. fuck.
"n-no! it's- i just need to ask you a few things, its a simple procedure nothing serious!" he pries his eyes away from your chest to look at you again.
"tell me, do you always work alone so late?"
he goes over a few simple questions but you don't pay much attention, too busy fiddling with the necklace around your neck as you nod along with him. he finds himself stuttering over his words, unable to concentrate with a pretty girl like you teasing him.
he tries so hard not to stare at your tits peeking out of your skimpy dress with the way you lean in closer to hear what he’s asking, even though you know exactly what he's saying, you just have to make it so difficult for him, don't you?
he notices how you shiver slightly from the chill in the air and doesn't think before he speaks.
"gosh, i'm a little shy standing here in my nightgown​"
"perhaps i could talk to you inside?" his eyes widen at his own words as heat spreads across his cheeks and you offer him a charming smile before nodding. god that sweet smile of yours, it's going to kill him.
that's why he can't help himself when you invite him into your home, offering him a glass of water as you sit ever so close to him on your sofa. your hand resting on his tense thigh as you lean in closer, your tits pressing against him arm. he's realizes how hard he is and then you're making an excuse that its too hot in the room, so you slip off your thin shawl.
let's just say rookie officer kennedy went a little overtime tonight.
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connorswhisk · 1 year
and so it goes (miguel o’hara x spiderman!reader)
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hi note this is a fic specifically for transmasc readers. don’t come anywhere near this if you’re a cis woman. you have a million fics you can read that aren’t this one. thank you 🍻
@spokentothewoods here you go ☺️
WARNINGS: Angst, slightly sexual situations >:)
That ever-present tenseness is visible in his shoulders; in truth, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him without it, for as many years as you’ve been working with him. You’ve been working late tonight and could really use a break yourself, but with Jess away for an ultrasound, someone had to stay behind and keep an eye on Miguel.
Perhaps you volunteered for the job a tad too hastily, if the smirk Hobie had flashed in your direction was any indication, but Hobie’s always smirking at things. You’ve gotten pretty used to it.
In any case, even Margo’s signed off for the night. You know Miguel’s the Big Boss In Charge, but…couldn’t he benefit from some chill time?
“That’s it,” you say, yawning. “That’s the last of the logs done. Think I’ll turn in for the night.”
Miguel says nothing. He either is so immersed in his work that he didn’t hear you, or he’s ignoring you - both are likely in their own way.
After a moment’s more of silence, you frown, and web yourself up to his platform. He’s always brooding, that’s pretty normal, but…
Oh, you realize, because you recognize the video footage he’s watching. You’ve never seen it yourself, but you know what it is, where Miguel came from. You know why he is the way that he is.
You contemplate leaving and pretending you saw nothing, but then Miguel turns his head and fixes you with his dark, exhausted eyes, and it’s too late to act innocent.
“Sorry,” you say quietly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. You just…”
“What.” He phrases the word as a statement, not a question. “I just what.”
You sigh. “I worry about you, Miguel. I mean, when you first found me in my universe…you were sad, sure, but you weren’t this angry. I don’t know what changed, but if you ever need to talk…”
“I don’t.” His stare is fixed somewhere past your shoulder, his jaw hard as steel. “Nothing changed. I’m fine.”
“Oh, bullshit,” you tell him, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “How long have we known each other? I know when you’re lying to me.”
Miguel shakes his head. He’s been working with Jess the longest and all the Spiders respect him as their leader, but he’s never gotten as close to anyone as he has to you. You know this because he told you so himself, a year ago when MJ was killed and you were stumbling around HQ in a haze, the big empty pit in your stomach threatening to swallow you whole.
We all lose people, he’d told you, his voice the gentlest you’d ever heard it. But we persevere. You’re strong, Y/N. You can survive this.
I bet you tell all the Spiders they’re your favorite, you’d joked half-heartedly, desolate and depressed, sure you were right. But Miguel had given you this look that had told you plainly: I am completely serious. And then he’d started to say something, stopped as if he’d thought better of himself, and swung away.
You don’t know what he’d been about to tell you…though maybe you kind of do. The pair of you have never necessarily been the emotionally vulnerable types, but the connection between you is one that cannot be denied.
“I’m fine,” he’s repeating now, still hiding from the truth. “Just tired.”
“Which is exactly why you should call it for the night. You’ve done plenty.”
“I haven’t done enough.”
“Look, just…” You exhale deeply, pull off your mask so you can meet him eye-to-eye. You don’t miss the slight change in his demeanor when you bare your face, the fleeting look of quick relief. “Do you…want a massage or something?”
He blinks. “What.”
“I asked if you wanted a - “
“I heard you.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Ok. So? Your shoulders could really use it, dude.”
“I…” You can pinpoint the exact moment he decides to give in, posture slumped and scowl deepening. “…Fine.”
He turns back to face the screens - thankfully, the video from before is long gone. Miguel says nothing for a long time, ‘til he finally snaps, “Well?”
You lay your hands on his shoulders. You’re no trained masseuse, but your Aunt May does a wicked back rub and you’re sure you can replicate her technique, more or less. And so you try.
Are all shoulder muscles this knotted? Or is Miguel just overworking himself per usual? You’re not sure, but you press as hard as you dare, first with your fingertips, then kneading in and out with your knuckles. Miguel is silent as you work. The only sound he makes is the measured course of his breathing, up-down, up-down, up-down. You can feel it thrumming through your neurons, slow and steady.
“What, sorry?” You didn’t catch what Miguel just mumbled under his breath.
“Can you - go harder?” he repeats, practically spitting the words. He sounds as exhausted as you’ve ever heard him.
Wordlessly, you begin to apply even more pressure, and Miguel moans. You’ve never heard him make a noise like that before, and in your shock, you start and almost back away from him entirely. You manage to keep your wits, though, and you press again in the same spot, feeling the knot aching to unravel beneath his skin.
“Y/N,” he groans - but before you can begin to wrap your head around that, Miguel’s body is freezing up under your fingertips, and suddenly, he’s wrenching himself away from you.
“Woah - you ok?” You drop your hands to dangle by your hips, but you can still feel the buzz in your head, concentrated and slightly painful like a migraine, a hit off a cigarette.
“You should go,” Miguel says quietly, his back to you. “This…you should just go.”
“Ok.” You’re finding it hard to breathe, beneath all the spandex and bindings and confusion. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Did I hurt you?”
“Then what the hell is the prob - “
“GO, Y/N,” Miguel seethes, his hands tightening into fists at his sides. “Just leave me alone.”
You scowl. “Fine.” Pulling your mask down over your face again, you shoot a strand of web over in the opposite direction, pull yourself through the air until you land against the wall and cling there. “Fine, Miguel. Whatever you want. As usual.”
If he looks back at you as you leave, you don’t know. At the moment, you’re too hurt and angry to waste another thought on him.
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bomber-grl · 6 months
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Secret Identities ♡
~ Damian Wayne x Vigilante Gn!reader
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The two of you ran through orange leaf-filled nights, which gradually became fresh, hot, and now cold winter nights. The two of you became friends and great partners. To be honest, you don’t even know how but what you do know is you and Robin were definitely more than friends.
Just not sure what exactly.
You both stood on a rooftop overlooking Gotham City. When you noticed movement in some dark corner, you both made eye contact and sprang into action.
That’s just how close the two of you were.
The two of you finished off the last villain of the week and decided to wrap up your patrol, with a little break of course.
The two of you settled on the rooftop of a tall building and decided to chill there. Robin sat down with a thump, and you were bent over with your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.
“Let me guess, you want McDonald’s now?” Robin asked, obviously trying to tease at your knack at always wanting fast food or some sort of snack after patrol.
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes and sat next to Robin, your legs joining his over the edge.
And there was silence…
-that ended when you pay his shoulder and caught his attention. “It’s ok Robin, we all have personal issues so I’m not hurt by all teasing.”
Robin. Was. Shook.
Red spread across his ears,cheeks and the visible skin of his neck. “I don’t have personal issues!!” His eyebrows furrowing.
“Sure you don’t” you shrug and putting up your disbelief for show.
“I am not!” Robin realized he may have been overreacting and sat down facing away from you.
“Robin!” You say laughing and trying to hug him. You always loved how funny he got after being teased.
it was obvious Robins couldn’t resist facing away and soon surrendered himself to be assaulted by your affections.
Soon enough you stopped as you noticed Robins expression changed to that of a serious one.
“Hey what’s wrong?-“
Robin's face contorted as he let out a high-pitched sneeze, reminiscent of the ones girls used to force in middle school.
“That was so cute!-“SHUT UP DONT SAY ANYTHING”
As Robin pushed you away, you both laughed and he huffed out. You noticed how visible both your breath was.
As the holidays approached, each day marked another day without Robin's secret identity being revealed. The visible breath in the cold winter air especially highlighting the change of seasons.
It hit you suddenly, and you could feel the atmosphere change.
“Hey, it’s getting late, plus it’s cold and I def don’t want you getting sick” you say winking and trying your best to keep up the mood “ sooo how about we call it a night?”
You move to get up and although you wished Robin would stop you, you decided to just go home.
You definitely didn’t want to cry here.
He got up to and turned to you “yea, well good night”
“Yea, night” the two of you faced the other way.
You ran, getting a head start for a leap when you heard Robin running towards you.
You turned and he hugged you
Ofc you didn’t say that tho
“Um, I thought we were going our separate ways?” You asked while being smooshed by Robin.
Robin pulled back and looked you in your eyes as if asking for permission.
You were caught off guard but soon understood what he was insinuating and nodded, albeit meekly.
Robin pulled your mask up to your nose and pushed his lips against yours as if he’d been waiting for this.
To say that this kiss was desperate would be an understatement. It left both of you gasping and panting, and soon you both pulled back.
You pulled your mask back down and looked at Robin, who decided to open his big ass mouth.
“I…I liked that” he said, pointedly looking away, but the blush on his ears was obvious enough as to why.
“Yea well, goodnight Robin” you said as nonchalant as you could.
Even if you didn’t find out his secret identity and that kiss was the kiss of your lifetime, you still had the decency to get home before fan girling (couldn’t find a gender neutral term 😔)
Hope the anon who went by rapid enjoys this!
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ghostofthemost141 · 7 months
Cherry Soda
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Pairing: Ghost x GN!Reader, First POV, no use of (Y/N)
Word Count: 2,062
Themes: Fluff, Angst, Comfort, Self Loathing
!Warnings!: Mention of Self Harm and Scars but nothing explicit
About: After coming home from a mission, Simon sees the effects of how you are coping and knows how to help you out.
Notes: I felt like I didn't great on this one but I hope y'all enjoy it regardless! Nickname for you is Ace. Enjoy!
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I was almost startled to hear Simon's voice enter the house, but then I remembered the letter he sent me a week ago, that he would be home soon. He didn't say exactly when but soon to him is usually within a week or so.
“Where you at, love?” Simon called for me.
I felt so terrible. Usually I would have his favorite dinner ready for him when he would come home, but here I am, rotting on our bed in solitude.
“Bedroom.” I softly answered.
Seconds later, I could hear heavy, but gentle footsteps come down the hallway and stop at our doorway.
“Are you in here?” Simon asked.
“Yes.” I croaked.
Even though I was happy he was home, knowing he was home means he would have to leave again. And who knows how long he will be home for until he has to leave once again. The bedroom door swung open, with Simon standing there in the doorway in all his glory. His handsome glory.
“There you are.” I felt Simon sit on the bed and place his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey. I'm sorry.” I apologize.
“For what?”
“I didn't have dinner ready.” I said, feeling immense guilt invade my stomach.
Simon didn't say anything back, instead he just rubbed my side, up and down, making sure his skin was touching mine. Despite being in combat all the time, his skin was always soft to touch and so smooth. I guess that's why he always wears his gloves to not damage them. It was silent between us though, and that worried me. Was he mad at me? He has to be. But if he was mad he would communicate with me about it. I wish I could read his mind and figure out how he was feeling.
“I'm fine with takeout.” He said.
I could feel the guilt increasing in my gut.
“No, I'll get up and cook.” I said as I started to get up but Simon stopped me.
He still wore some of his tactical gear, his boots and his balaclava mask but his blue eyes told me everything he was saying without saying it.
“Let's go eat somewhere. Just me and you.” Simon suggested.
He just got done from a month-long mission and nearly died doing so, as he does with every mission, and he wants to cater to me? What is he on? I should be the one catering to him.
“No you pick, Si.” I said.
I felt a chill down my spine as Simon spoke my name. It wasn't out of anger nor annoyance but it was definitely in severity. He definitely wants to make it known to me that he is being serious right now.
“Where do you wanna eat at? You pick.” Simon urged me.
I thought about it for a moment.
“Um..I've been kinda wanting Italian. I just don't like going out by myself.” I suggested.
Simon held my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I loved the feeling of his skin on mine. Just so soft. So comforting. It sent good chills down my spine.
“You been saying you wanted to try that local place, right?”
“Yeah.” I said.
“Well then let’s go. I’ll pamper myself up real quick.” Simon told me as he got up from bed.
“You going to powda yo nose, love?” I asked, in my overexaggerated accent.
SImon laughed in amusement.
“You’re funny, darling.”
Simon stripped off all of his clothing and my eyes were all over his body. I have never been with a guy who was as ‘ripped’ as Simon, but my god was it like looking at a perfectly sculpted statue all the time.
“A picture lasts longer, you know.” Simon knocked me out of my trance.
I rolled my eyes at him as I slowly got my ass out of bed to do the same. I don’t exactly ‘look bad’ but I definitely need to change clothes and whatnot. Before I stripped off my clothes though, I remembered. I didn’t know how Simon would react to seeing ‘that’ on my body. I slowly approached the dresser as he went into our shared bathroom to clean his face up. I quickly opened the drawer and just grabbed the first T-Shirt and pair of jeans that I saw. I don’t want to be suspicious but also didn’t want Simon to see what I did to myself. He doesn’t need to worry about me. He already has a lot on his plate. Right as I buttoned up my jeans, Simon entered back into the room. His mask was off and his face was cleaned off of his black face paint that he always puts around his eyes. God, he was so handsome. How did I get so lucky? He should be with someone else, not me. Someone who is stable mentally and is perfect and has a better figure and body and-
“What’s on your mind, love?”
Simon’s gravelly voice was close and I felt his touch on my cheek. He leaned in close to me, looking down at me. He knows.
“It's nothing. I promise, Si.” I lied to reassure him.
Simon peered his eyes at me. I know he doesn't believe me, I can just tell.
This conversation wasn't over but he just didn't want to fight with me right now, even though I should be the one to cater to him. I wanted to protest once again but I knew he wouldn't be happy if I did, only cause that's just how Simon is. He would rather me be catered than him even though he deserves to be catered to as well.
“You ready, my love?” Simon asked.
“So many choices.” I comment, eyeing the menu.
Not only were there a lot of choices, but the prices were a bit steep too. Granted it is a local place, but if I would have known about the prices I wouldn't have made the suggestion. I feel awful now. I don't like Simon spending money on me.
“What are you feeling like tonight?” Simon asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders. As Simon scanned the menu, I took notice of him and his features. It's not often that Simon will go out in just plain clothes and something concealing his face. I know he does it to protect us, even though I don't think it's necessary. He shouldn't hide his beautiful face. In fact it's me that should be the one-
“Hello, welcome to Mama Rita's! My name is Gary and I'll be the one taking care of y'all tonight. Can I start y'all off with some drinks?” A male waiter approached us with a chipper attitude.
“Do y'all have gin and tonic ‘ere?” Simon asked Gary.
“We do. Would you like one of those?”
“Yes, with water too, please sir.” Simon added.
“And for you?” Gary asked me.
They have cherry soda here. It's one of the very few sodas that doesn't make me bloated nor feel like shit when I drink it compared to the usual cola sodas. But it is quite pricey, since according to the menu they make the sodas the old fashioned way.
“Just water.”
“Actually she will have a cherry soda. I almost didn't see that on the menu, but it's her favorite.” Simon butted in.
What? What is he doing? I don't get it.
“Alright a cherry soda. Do y'all know what you want to eat or do y'all need a minute?” Gary asked us.
“A minute please.” I said.
“You got it!” Gary said and he walked off to give us a moment.
Of course that was just a diversion so Simon could talk with me.
“What's wrong? You're not your usual self.” Simon said, holding my hand and running his thumb on my hand.
I held back tightly.
“Why did you get me the cherry soda? You know we are trying to save money.” I said, trying to hold back tears.
“What in bloody hell do you mean, Ace? I don't understand.” Simon questioned me, but also tried to comfort me.
“It's nothing, Si.”
I hung my head down to avoid looking at him. I felt so much shame and guilt with myself. I don't deserve him, I don't deserve him.
“Darling, you're about to cry. I need to know what is going on.”
“I'm such a bad partner to you.” I spat out, with it coming out harsher than I meant to.
Simon was silent for a moment and he was about to speak when Gary came back with our drinks. He sat down Simon's drink and water in front of him and my cherry soda in front of me. The piercing red syrupy drink stared at me as if it was mocking me.
“Are we ready?”
“Uh yes, sir.” I spoke.
“What can I get started for y'all?”
Simon stayed silent waiting for me to go first but I motioned for him to go first.
“We will get an order of mozzarella sticks, some spinach and artichoke dip.”
Those are my two favorite appetizers in the world. Simon, stop.
“What else?” Gary asked him.
“For my meal, I'll take the Creamy Tuscan Salmon.” Simon added.
Gary quickly wrote down what Simon said and he took the menu from Simon.
“And for you?”
“Get whatever you want, love.” Simon commented before I could even speak.
He meant it too.
“Just the chicken Alfredo will be alright.” I say, handing him my menu.
“Alright I'll go put those in for y'all.” Gary said.
“Thank you.” Simon and I both thanked him in unison as he walked off.
I already knew what was coming so I hung my head down.
“I'm sorry, Simon.”
“You don't need to be fucking sorry for nothing.”
His tone was harsh, but only because he wanted me to know he was being serious. I wanted to say something back, but I couldn't find the words to say. Instead, the tears rush down my face. He knew I wasn't crying despite not making any noises.
“I saw the marks on your body.”
I felt my heart stop and start racing all at once, if that was even possible.
“W-What are you talking about?” I ask, trying to play dumb.
“Ace, you're a bad fucking liar.”
He got me there. I indeed am.
“I just..”
“How long have you been doing that for?” Simon asked me out of genuineness.
“I just fucking hate when you leave. I get so depressed when I am left alone and just pray everyday you get to come home, even though there's a high chance that you won't and my brain just gets to me and I hate myself for it.” I spewed out.
I sobbed silently as Simon squeezed my hand in reassurance. I know he was only silent because he was trying to find the right words to say.
“Love, please. You don't need to do any of that to yourself.”
“I didn't mean for you to see it.”
“But I'm glad I did.” Simon said.
“It's so I can help you. Ace, you're my special person. If I didn't love you then I wouldn't be with you but here we are. We've been together for a while now. You don't need to think that way about yourself nor do any of that to yourself. I want to help you. You said you hate being alone so maybe we can get you a companion.” Simon suggested.
“Like a cat?”
“A dog?”
“Eh, maybe.”
“What about a pony?”
“Okay you're pushing it now, love.” Simon chuckled.
I chuckled as Simon lifted my hand up and placed a gentle kiss on my hand. His soft lips sent little tingles throughout my hand and into my body.
“We will talk more when we get home but for now let's enjoy a meal, ‘kay?” Simon said.
“Okay, Simon Riley.” I said as he peered his eyes at me, “does Johnny or any of them call you Simon?”
“Why not?”
“Cause they would already be dead if they did.” Simon half joked.
I laughed, knowing he meant it as a joke. Simon laughed as well, laughing at me. Even though I still felt the guilt in my chest, I had a feeling that maybe everything would be okay.
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notsoattractivearenti · 6 months
Wanna Prove It? (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 800+
Warnings/Tags: pure fluff
A/N: a short one cuz i need to get it out of my system lol. he really is gonna be a great dad one day to our children cuz christian and babies = 🫠😍💗💗💗! btw no it's not dad!pulisic (y'all gotta wait until christmas 😋). anyway hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 💗 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍 (ps: if you want to be added in my taglist just lmk!)
Christian and I are having a chill night in, and we spend most of the night laying on our couch with TV on. He gets up into the kitchen to get us some ice cream while I scroll through my Instagram feed on my phone – until I stumble across a video posted by USMNT of Matt Turner and Tim Ream answering a couple of "dad" questions. Just in time, Christian walks back into the living room holding a pint of ice cream and two spoons in his hands.
“Babe, have you seen the video USMNT just posted on Instagram?”
“What video?” He replies.
I show the post to him briefly as he sits back and puts the ice cream and spoons on the table in front of us.
“Oh it’s Matt and Tim! I thought it was another VW video I did!” He laughs. “ I haven’t seen it. Let me have a look.”
“Watch it until the end, I think you’re going to love it.” I suggest as I hand my phone and grab the ice cream.
He watches the short clip and makes some little comments during. He isn’t aware at the moment but from my point of view, excitement is written clearly on his face. There’s no denying he genuinely loves his national teammates (or as he usually calls them: buddies) – he does have some wonderful bonds with most of them.
“Yeah, I can see Joe and Brenden being terrific dads.” He agrees with one of Matt’s answers on the video.
“Wh- Aww, stop it.” Christian slightly blushes when Matt stated Christian would be a great dad and Tim agreed with it. “They’re so nice for saying that.”
“I do love their kids. They’re adorable and sweet!” He excitedly adds. “Also, who doesn’t love to hold babies!?”
“People who don’t like babies, I suppose.” I spontaneously answer him with a mouth full of ice cream – even though he doesn’t ask for one.
“Well, I think they are missing out on one of the best things in the world.” He comments back and it makes me chuckle.
I want to get more reaction from him so I ask him, “Do you think they’re right? That you’re going to be a great dad?”
“Uh…” He pauses. “Do you?”
“Hey, I asked you first!” I jokingly point my finger at him. “Don’t turn it back at me.”
“I mean, I hope I will…” He shyly hesitates. “But I don’t know. I don’t want to sound so cocky...”
“I know you will.” I wink at him.
His face suddenly turns pinkish red but his eyes lighten up so quickly.
“Say what you want Chris, but you know I’m right.” I try to convince him.
“Maybe…” Though he sounds unsure, he still agrees with me. “You know, I’m glad you think that way.”
With a spoon still in my mouth, I give him a little smile and nod my head. “Mmhm, you’re most welcome.”
The conversation ends there and we go back to finishing our pint of ice cream - or so I thought.
“You wanna prove it?” He breaks the brief silence.
“Huh.” I think I know what he’s implying but I’m not quite sure. “Prove what?”
“We can make a baby right now and prove I’m capable of being a great dad.” He smirks as he gently grabs my shoulder, pulls me closer then whispers in my ear, “We don’t need to wonder no more…”
Yup. That is exactly what I thought when he said “prove it”. Now it’s my face that turns so red and I nearly choke on my ice cream when he whispered so seductively. Oh, he surely knows how to get me good – what a cheeky man my boyfriend is!
“Christian Mate Pulisic!” I playfully gasp. “You can’t be serious!”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” He laughs seeing me so visibly flushed. “I am just offering something you and I both want, sweetheart.”
“Why are you so sure I want it?”
“Well, I mean, you literally talked about always wanting to have babies on our first date, didn’t you?” He states. “You can’t deny it. I remember every word you said, Y/N.”
“And I remember I specifically said one day when I’m finally ready, Chris!” I clarify his statement before he continues. “I am totally not there yet.”
“Okay, but you do want babies right? So my offer still stands.” He moves his eyebrows up and down while giving me a cheeky grin.
“Oh…” I cover my face and shake my head. “Of course but not now, babe! Besides, if I get pregnant today, it’ll be like… A teen pregnancy!”
“You’re in your 20s, Y/N!” He cackles at my remark.
“Still! I feel like I’m way too young to have a baby. I’m still one myself!” I jokingly whine.
“My God, Y/N, you are a baby.” He says sarcastically. “I’m just messing with you, my love.”
“I know, Chris, I’m not dumb.”
“Don’t worry, no need to rush, yeah? We can definitely wait.” He kisses my forehead. “‘Cause you’re the only baby mama I want.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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t3ag3rs · 1 month
g e n s o - 1 3.
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you groan feeling a sudden pressure hit your head as you wake up slowly in the infirmary.
fluttering your eyes you look around to see bakugou asleep in the chair by your side.
"what..?" you groan feeling disoriented, looking down you see your leg in a cast. "oh cmon...." you whine, waking up bakugou.
"goddamn your loud..." he mutters as he stretches, "took you long enough to wake up.."
"what happened? why am i here?" you ask signaling to your body and around you.
"okay so... you made it to the finals in the 1v1's... fought against me and thats why you're here.." he pauses, "but- you did get third out of everyone"
"really bakugou." you reply with a deadpan expression, "you really had to put me back in a cast after i had just gotten out of one?"
"its not like i was trying to genso!" he shouts, "would you rather me go easy on you and show everyone that you still cant beat me, or fight you like i would with everyone else to show that you are strong?" he asks with a scowl.
you widen your eyes as you realize his reason, "oh..." you look down, "thanks then.. i guess.." you mutter before looking up at him, "okay but seriously though howd i end up in here?? every time i get injured i somehow end up in here but i have no idea how..."
he clears his throat, "thats not important... but now since your up ill be heading out.. damn shitty hair forced me to stay here until you woke up.." he mutters standing up.
"oh.." you sigh slightly looking down. why do i feel kind of disappointed that hes leaving...?
he stops right before he exits, "for what its worth.. i think a lot of pros were impressed by our fight. you did well genso." he states before opening the door.
"thanks.." you mumble with a slight blush covering your cheeks.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you limp into class slowly the next day.
as soon as you open the door, your crushed by mina, "oh my gosh! are you okay?? are you feeling better?? i was so worried y/n!" she rambles pulling away and checking over your body.
"chill out mina... at this rate shes gonna get hurt from you.." chuckles kirishima walking up to you with a soft smile, "how you feeling?"
"way better.." you chuckle, "okay but seriously though.. who took me to the infirmary?? because whenever i get hurt i always end up there, but i dont know how..."
"okay babe.. get ready cause its quite shocking..." giggles mina, "its yours truly... mr. bakugou katsuki over there..." she whispers while jabbing her thumb in his direction.
you let out a laugh, "hah! thats a good one..! but no really.. who is it..?" you sigh as your laughter dies down.
"we're being serious.." repeats kirishima with a slight grin.
you widen your eyes, "no fucking way..." you look at mina, "but he hates me..!"
"well he must hate you soooo much that whenever you get injured during class he just has to pick you up and rush you to the infirmary..!" she says sarcastically.
"yeah.. he did that during entrace exams too! i honestly thought you two were a thing.. kinda like an old couple yknow?" kirishima quips in with a grin.
"yeah exactly!" mina agrees, bouncing on her heels. "im sure everyone in class thinks it too from the way you two act around each other..! theres just- so much tension!" she squeals.
you clasp your hand over her mouth, "shush..!" you blush, pulling her away from bakugous hearing range. "you two are so loud..!"
"is someone getting flusteredddd...?" teases kirishima with a dopey grin.
"kiri!" you gasp, "youre supposed to be on my side here..!" you grunt slapping his arm lightly.
"no way..! do you like him..?" she asks with a slight whisper. "cmon tell ussss..!" she repeats, poking your shoulder.
you blush heavily, "n-no..! i mean- i dont think so..! ughhh.. i dont know- im not sure..!" you respond frustrated.
"yknow what i just heard?" says mina with a grin, "i like him i just dont wanna accept it!!" she answers with enthusiasm.
right as you start to open your mouth mr. aizawa walks in. "this conversation isnt over..!" you whisper before sitting down in your seat.
"listen up everyone" sighs aizawa, "the hero offers for each one of you have came in..." he says before turning on the projector and presenting the results.
you widen your eyes as you find your name with 3632 offers, "geez... thats a lot.."
"now since you all have made a name for yourselves today you all will be figuring out your hero names." states aizawa, "to help with that midnight will be monitoring over you all" he says welcoming midnight to the front before walking out.
you look at the slate on your table. cmon... whats a hero name i can use..? you think groaning slightly.
"can you stop whining genso?! i cant concentrate!" barks bakugou as he hits you in the head with his slate.
huh. maybe genso isnt a bad hero name... you let out a small smile before quickly scribbling it on your board and raising your hand, "im ready..!"
midnight smiles beckoning you to the front, "okay.. im gonna be known as the elemental hero: genso" you state with a small smile.
"traditional japanese! i love it!" claps midnight with a happy smile on her face.
"well then... i guess i can thank you for your brilliant nicknames" you grin playfully, sitting down.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stare at the paper of offers with your eyebrows furrowed. which offer do i choose...? theres so many..!
soon the bell rings causing you to stand up and place the papers in your backpack. slinging it over your shoulder you head your way out.
"genso..!" calls a voice from behind you, "wait up."
you turn and see bakugou glaring at you, "what is it?" you ask slightly intrigued.
"where are you gonna go for your offer..?" he asks gruffly looking to the side.
"uhh.. im not sure yet. why..?" you ask slightly confused to why he wanted to know.
"you should go for endeavor... one of your weakest elements is fire no..?" he says walking beside you.
you nod a bit, "huh.. your right, maybe i might go for him then. what about you?"
"im going for best jeanist. he is the no. 4 hero for a reason so i might as well see what hes all about.." he mutters.
"really?" you ask incredulously, "i would never see you going for him to be honest... hes so reserved and well.. your so- not reserved..?" you say trying to sound as nice as possible about your true opinion.
"you calling me a mess genso?" he snarls, glaring at you.
"no..! not at all..!" you chuckle sheepishly. "okay well maybe i was..." you admit scratching your neck. he chortles slightly, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. "no way you just laughed..."
he suddenly snaps back to his original self, "the fuck you say..?" he says setting off mini sparks in his palm.
"well.. it was nice seeing you bakugou but ill be off- bye....!" you exclaim, quickly running away.
bakugou stared at you running off, chuckling to himself lightly.
what is this feeling...?
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 next part: your all caught up for now!
☆taglist! @katszumi @coolgirl458 @niktwazny303 @crumbycrumb3
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 9 months
heyyy i have a silly little idea!
What if male!reader was the oldest Winchester brother and was dating Aaron Hotchner? idk just a silly little idea i had, Love your writing and make sure to drink lots of water!
Okay so I kind of took this and ran with it, I hope you don't mind aha
Also, reader's like 14 years older than Dean, so in my head he's John's kid from another relationship and is 7 years old when John and Mary get married (based on this timeline I found).
(I might come back to this and do another part at some point aha)
Warnings: John bashing, homophobia mentions
"Hey, you guys want to meet a friend of mine?" You asked, looking at your brothers. Sam nodded, Dean merely shrugged.
"Sure, whatever," He mumbled as he stood up. You held back a sigh, trying to remind yourself that he was just going through a rough patch at the minute. Normally, he took moving from place to place in his stride, but he was struggling this time. You couldn't help but think that perhaps he had connected with someone in Mississippi during the month and a half you were all there. Besides, he was only ten, so it was bound to affect him a lot - despite how much he pretends it doesn't.
Now, you had been in Virginia for the last three months (apparently it was riddled with monsters). You met him your first day here, he had asked for your number with a charm that made your knees weak - so you gave it to him. Despite the charges for texting, you did so every day.
Sam turned to you, "Are they a special friend, (Y/N)?" He asks quietly, unsure if you're going to be offended by the question.
"Yeah, he is Sammy,"
Sam grinned, "Like a special, special friend?"
You huffed a quiet laugh, "Yeah, kid, a special special friend,"
Sam nodded, satisfied with your answer.
"How old is he exactly?" Dean asked as he folded his arms.
"He's 28,"
"28?!" Dean's eyes widen, "Dude, he's so much older than you!"
"It's four years Dean, chill." You rolled your eyes slightly.
"I think it's cool," Sam chimed as he walked up to the pair of you.
"Thank you, Sam." You said, "But we need to keep this between us, okay? Dad can't find out, alright?"
"Why?" Sam asked, looking up at you. You sighed, crouching down to his height. He was only six, he didn't quite know everything that you guys did just yet. Or at least understand it to a full extent. He also didn't understand your dad's... beliefs, let's say, to a full extent either.
"Dad, he... he won't agree with it," You explained gently.
"Why?" Sam asked again.
"He's homofonic." Dean said confidently.
"Homophobic," You correctly gently.
"What does that mean?"
"Well, it's when someone doesn't like that a man and a man or a woman and a woman get together,"
"Like boyfriend and boyfriend?" Sam asked and you nodded, "That's allowed? I thought it was only boyfriends and girlfriends allowed,"
"Well, it was illegal for a long time," You explained, "But it's getting better,"
"Are you allowed to get married to another boy now?"
"Only in a few states," You said.
"Is that why you don't really tell people?"
"Yeah, that's why I don't tell people," You said, "That's why I haven't told dad,"
"Okay," Sam nodded, excepting this once more, "Is your special special friend your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, yeah he is," You said, smiling softly, Sam beamed up at you.
You nodded, "Yep,"
"That's so cool am I gonna have another big brother?!"
You chuckled softly, ruffling his hair, "Maybe, Sammy, you'll have to ask him,"
"What's his name?"
"What's his job?"
"He works for the FBI," You said after a moment's hesitation.
"Are you serious?"
"Dean, I don't wanna hear it,"
"But he's a fed, (Y/N)!" Dean exclaims, following you through the motel hall.
"And?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Seriously?" Dean shakes his head, "Dad'll go mental if he finds out."
"Exactly. If." There's a beat, "Besides, I'm a grown ass man, Dean."
"He's not gonna be happy when he finds out about this." He huffs, folding his arms.
"He's not going to find out about this, you hear me?" You said, "I already told you, no one tells dad, do I make myself clear?"
"Who died and made you king?" Dean snaps.
"Dean, I don't wanna fucking hear it, okay?" You reply, "I'm an adult. You're a kid. Now, get in the car,"
"I don't understand why dad gave you the impala." Dean huffed as he sat in the front seat.
"How about this, when you're old enough to drive, you can drive it and I'll let you have it, yeah?"
"Really?!" You watch as Dean's face light up and you nod.
"Yeah," You smiled slightly, "Now, come on, let's go."
Sam looked at you and gave a small shrug before getting in the car.
It was a short drive to Aaron's apartment, Sam had asked questions the entire way about Aaron and your relationship (ever the curious mind), Dean had pretended not to care (but secretly did). And, soon enough, you parked the Impala and all piled out.
Aaron, as promised, met you outside, smiling. "Hey," He stepped closer to you but made no move to kiss you.
You smiled back, "Hey." Dean coughed loudly, "Oh, right, this is Sam and this is Dean."
Aaron turns to them, "I've heard a lot about you two, you're brother's very proud of you."
"Really?" Sam grinned.
"Of course kid," You ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go inside."
When you were all inside, Aaron shut the door gently before kissing your cheek. "I missed you,"
"It's been a whole two days,"
"Two days too many," He said softly, Dean cleared his throat.
"Can you not in front of us?" Dean asked, "It's a bit gross,"
You blushed slightly, closing your eyes for a moment before turning to your brothers, "Sorry, go sit on the couch and watch tv or something," You said. Dean nodded, making his way to the couch, but Sam stayed. "What's up?"
"I have some questions," He said gently, looking up at you.
You share a smile with Aaron before you both nod, "Sure," You said - all sitting down at the small table, "What's on your mind, kid?"
"Um, so you're boyfriends?"
"Is that dangerous?" Sam asked, gnawing at the skin of his bottom lip.
"What do you mean?" You asked gently.
"Well it used to be not allowed so people must have been against it. You won't get hurt for it, will you?"
Your heart melted, seeing the concern on your younger brother's face and you shook your head, "I'll be okay," You reassured, "I'm your big brother, I'll always be okay,"
"But Dean said on the way here that there's some people who are really really against it,"
You closed your eyes, making a note to yourself to talk to Dean about that later. "Yes that can happen sometimes, but I'm not going to let that happen to me, okay?"
"I promise,"
"Okay, good." With this, he turned to Aaron, "Are you going to be my older brother too?"
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2af-afterdark · 3 months
Hiii, sorry for the confusion :'3 I'm the one who request for chubby things, I mean that the king's reaction when they see MC get crazy/in love/... with the king's chubby parts 🥲 Like MC want to bite/hickey/nom nom on that part (... me too)
Oh right I don't know if you still accepting requests or not, sorry.... 🥹🥹🍀
OKAY! NOW IT IS TIME TO GO FERAL! Also, yes, my requests are currently open. I'm just slow.
Let's not kid ourselves here, Satan has an ass that just won't quit. He's the kind of man you hate to leave but you love to watch him walk away. MC will not hide for a second that they are admiring Satan's ass and he will not hesitate to invite them to do more. They have absolutely zero chill when it comes to getting their hands on his glorious butt and squishing it between their fingers. Give it a good slap and watch it jiggle. "Is that as hard as you can hit? Let me show you show it's really done." Just be careful, because Satan will definitely take the opportunity to enjoy MC's body too. Blessed be the MC's with an ass, because Satan is about to turn that thing red.
Mammon is a pretty safe bet with his voluptuous tiddies on display at all moments. He is clearly very proud of his chest and even more so when MC takes their time to stare at and admire it. Actually, I get the feeling he would offer them a closer look and invite them to shove their full face in there. His tiddies belong to MC and will be the main course of their horny feast for the evening. "Every word of praise from my master is worth a fortune." At some point, he'll just start waiting for them to work themselves up into a horny frenzy and show their greed for his fine features. When they are greedy, he is happy.
Leviathan looks like the kind of man that is lean and perfectly proportioned all over, but his thighs are perfect for taking a bite out of. His inner thigh is so meaty and would look perfect with bite marks. While he agrees that his body is perfect, he does not appreciate MC's antics. Watch him get upset (read: angry) at MC for wanting to get their hands (and lips) on his thighs. They will be strung from the ceiling in no time. Consider it the perfect opportunity to gawk at this fine features and tell him exactly how seeing his juicy thighs drives them absolutely- "Enough." AND he's covered their mouth so he doesn't have to listen to their horny ramblings.
By request of 🪰anon, I will now be talking about Beelzebub's dick. They said it as a joke, but I am going to be very serious about the bulge that thing makes in his pants and how fat his balls must be. Those deserve to be massaged and sucked on. He will gladly sit back and let MC do as they please, just waiting for his moment... "It's my turn now." Expect him to return the favor when MC gets tired, because he's the devil of gluttony and he refuses to walk away without a meal of his very own.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Trouble In Paradise | 0.1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: After the most painful break-up of his life, Rooster is stationed in Hawaii for the next six months. Alone, away from home and hurting, he finds comfort in the arms of a stranger.
Warnings: no use of y/n, age gap (rooster is in his mid-30s, reader is in her early 20s), smut, oral (f receiving), p-in-v, protected sex, light choking
Rooster really thought he was going to marry her.
He sits and thinks about it now, hand curled around a chilled glass beer bottle, biting his cheek and examining the damage to the wood of the bar in front of him. Scratches, stains, dents and ring-marks from cold glasses.
Amy had been the girl of his dreams. She was smart, gorgeous, funny — she loved him for him. Or, she had. They had been together for the past six years. Engaged for the last four months. Living together for the past five years.
It had taken him a long time to feel secure. Rooster was confident in many aspects of his life: he knew he was a good looking guy, he knew he was pretty good at baseball and he knew that his piano party-trick was always a hit. But, in many ways, Rooster was insecure.
He'd never admit it, but he often second-guessed his skills as a pilot. It was easy to when the one man that had been in his corner for his entire life had pulled his application to the Naval Academy for no reason other than Rooster being 'not ready'.
For Rooster, that was just a nice way of saying not good enough.
Something that Amy had said during that last argument was that things always seemed too black and white. He was either good enough or he wasn't. He was either in love or he wasn't. She was either trying to make him jealous, or she wasn't.
"You're being ridiculous! - He's my boss, Rooster." Amy threw her bag down on the side and walked away from him. It was hot, she was pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she walked through into their bedroom.
"Yeah, and he was all fucking over you," Rooster was hot behind her, throwing his keys down onto the same counter as her bag and catching up to her. She had her back to him, standing by her dresser as she unclasped her necklace. "Does he always talk like that around you?"
"Yes, he does," Amy huffed, pretending not to notice him glaring at her through the mirror over the dresser. "Lots of my friends tell me I look nice. It's not a big deal."
Rooster scoffed at her. He shook his head, he rolled his eyes. All the telltale signs of an exasperated idiot standing behind her reflection - she narrowed her eyes at the sight.
"Friends." He muttered, like the word itself had left a bad taste in his mouth. "Come on... that guy doesn't want to be your fucking friend."
Amy seethed. She turned quickly, eyes widening in fury. "So what does he want, Rooster?"
Rooster met her eyes, looking right into the furious glare that she was giving him. Then, he rolled his eyes and turned away - saying more in his silence than he could have with his words.
"Is that the only reason he hired me too?" Amy pressed, watching her fiance drop down to sit at the foot of their bed and begin to take off his cufflinks. "Is that the only reason I am where I am in my career? - Because someone wanted to fuck me?"
He lifted his gaze, features hard and serious. "You tell me."
"Fuck you." She turned away from him again. It was this part of the man that she loved that she hated the most. His ability to be so cutting. Bradley knew everyone that he loved so deeply, he knew exactly how to hurt them. Only, Amy was the same.
"Like you're so much better than me," She shook her head, her lip trembling as she looked at him through the mirror, willing herself not to cry. "We both know the only reason you even went to Top Gun was because Iceman felt bad about getting your dad-"
His eyes on hers made her choke on the words. The hurt in those soft brown eyes, the betrayal. That she could have used the biggest loss in his life against him just because of a stupid argument about her work’s party.
"Say it." Rooster's jaw clenched.
"Bradley." Amy whispered, turning to face him. He pushed himself up, taking a step towards her.
"Say what you were fucking going to say, Amy." He dared her. She put her head in her hands, hiding her face from him. Bradley watched her body shiver as she let out a sob.
He waited, seething, for her to finish her sentence.
"I can't fucking do this." She pulled her hands away from her face, tears rolling slowly down her cheeks, leaving streaks of mascara behind. Bradley's brows furrowed, confused. "This isn't us."
He was silent.
"All we do is argue!" Amy cried, wiping at her cheeks with the backs of her hands. "Every time I see you, it ends in a fight! - I can't do this anymore!"
"What are you saying right now?" Rooster didn't want to believe that this was it. He knew Amy inside and out. She wouldn't do this.
"I can't be with you. - I-I... I can't even fucking look at you right now!"
Deployment came at the perfect time this time around. Normally it was an inconvenience, these longer trips. They had always caused issues between him and Amy. This time, she had left him a day before he found out he would be leaving again.
He was almost relieved. That week before he had shipped out had been awful. Amy was staying with her mother, he was in their home alone. Seeing their photos, her clothes, even their bed. He had slept on the couch all week.
It's been a week since he arrived in Oahu. He knows a couple of people that he's deployed with, but no one that he knows well enough to call a friend. He's been making excuses so far this week to not engage with them. A headache on Monday, sore shoulder on Tuesday, an early start the morning after Wednesday.
But, it's Friday now and he's here. In a beach-side bar in downtown Honolulu. He came with others but he ditched them at a busier bar down the street an hour ago. He found this place and came inside solely because of how quiet it looked.
There's music playing and there are other patrons here, but everyone's minding their business and he's free to think. Rooster doesn’t know how long he has been zoned out, wallowing in self-pity, but when he looks back up he realised that he has been being watched.
You’re behind the bar, eyes focused on him with an element of intrigue dancing across your features. You've been watching him for a while. He's been biting his cheek and staring into space for at least ten minutes now.
You're caught. You should look away hurriedly and pretend that you weren't staring - but you don't. You're just dying to see him without those sunglasses. You know he's going to have pretty eyes. The rest of him is gorgeous, his eyes must be too.
"Hey, sailor."
Rooster's lips part slightly as he looks you over.
You're smiling softly at him, a toothpick between your teeth. He squints behind the dark lenses of his ray-bans, tilting his head slightly to the side. There's a flush to your cheeks, Bradley isn't sure whether it's from the heat or from the way you're looking at him. You're wearing a baseball style t-shirt and the tiniest denim skirt he’s ever seen. You're cute. He reminds himself that he's allowed to think that now.
He's allowed to think you're gorgeous, and he's allowed to think that he wants nothing more than to ruin that tiny scrap of fabric you've has chosen to call a skirt. He's allowed let you flirt with him, even if you does look a little young for him. Flirting never hurt anybody - he still remembered Amy's laugh as he had overheard her saying that to one of her friends.
His eyes linger on your legs for a moment, his lack of discretion luckily concealed by his sunglasses. They look long in the skirt, long and there isn't a tanline in sight. He looks you over from head to toe and does the math silently in his head -- that skirt isn't more than a few inches long, give or take a couple centimetres.
"You are a sailor, right?" You ask, lips curving up to reveal white teeth. Shit. Rooster watches her as you reveal quite possibly the most infectious smile he has ever seen. His lip quirks slightly, then he purses his lips and shakes his head softly. Your smile grows with your intrigue.
"Oh, you're a pilot!" You realise your mistake and then grin so big that Rooster finds himself smiling with you. He picks up his beer and brings it to his lips, taking a sip.
"That obvious, huh?" That he's in the Navy, he means. You know what he means. He isn't in uniform. He's wearing denim shorts and a Hawaiian shirt - he isn't dressed any differently from any regular tourist. But you know that he's Navy. You practically bat your lashes at him when you blink and shrug your shoulders.
"All you Navy boys have a certain look to you."
"Is that right?" He raises an eyebrow, pressing his tongue to his cheek as he sets his beer back down on the bar. He watches you nod your head. "What's our giveaway?"
"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." You tease. He brings his hand up to rest against his jaw, amusement toying at his lips. There's a moment of silence between the two of you where he's just watching you.
"So, someone missing you, sailor?" Your voice is chirpy as you move the conversation along and turn halfway to polish glasses behind the bar. Rooster chuckles at the pet name, choosing to focus on that rather than the fact that he's alone.
He gives a soft shake of his head, "Not anymore."
You look at him through the mirror behind the bar and see the sadness in his features. It's clear that he's hurting. You regret touching a nerve.
"Find that hard to believe," You choose to lighten the mood instead of prying, "I bet there are girls lining up around the block for a shot with you."
You've made him smile again. He's watching you in the mirror, fingers trailing through the condensation the side of his beer bottle.
You aren't entirely wrong. He still gets a fair bit of attention, and before he started dating Amy, sure, he did alright in the dating game. He doesn't know how to be single anymore.
Rooster just takes another drink.
"Sweetie." An older woman puts her hand on your shoulder and gives you a stern look. Abigail, your boss, has warned you before about flirting with navy boys. There's no harm in it from your side - you never do anything and they usually like the attention.
You know what Abigail is saying without her needing to say another word to you. She's protective, and she doesn't like the way these guys look at you sometimes. There was nothing particularly sketchy about the one you were talking to now, but it was routine at this point to shut things down before they thought they actually had a chance with you.
"Why don't you go take your break?" She brushes a hand over your hair softly and turns her head to look at the man on the other side of the bar. You've already taken your break and actually there's only an hour left of your shift, but you know that Abigail knows that.
You nod and shoot him an apologetic look. Once you've stepped past Abigail, you raise your index finger and trail it down your cheek, jutting out your bottom lip slightly - feigning sadness as you walk away. Rooster smiles at the interaction.
Abigail sees him smile and turns to see what you're up to, brows furrowed as she finds that you've already stopped and are walking away like nothing has happened.
Rooster finishes another beer. He listens to the couple behind him that are on their honeymoon as they gush over each other, giggling and sighing happily. That alone prompts him to have another. After that, he notices that the sun has started to go down. He decides he would much rather walk himself down to the beach to be sad there rather than in here, listening to those two.
It's as he leaves that he runs into you. He doesn't notice it's you at first. He notices the ‘73 Ford Bronco that you're throwing your bag into the back of. Rooster remembers spotting it on the way in. It's the same as his back home, only yours is a green colour with a brown leather interior. It's girlier than his, which is what catches his attention.
You’re on your tiptoes, the roof is down and you’re leaning into the car to organise the things that you have on the backseat. Rooster can’t help but notice how short your skirt truly is now you’re not behind that bar. He catches a glimpse of pink fabric between your legs as you reach further into the vehicle.
That’s when it occurs to him that he’s standing in the spot, just staring. He clears his throat and asks, “This is yours?”
He makes you jump. You turn quickly towards him and press your back to the car, eyes flying wide open.
“Shit, don’t sneak up on me like that!” You gasp. He smiles softly in silent apology. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. She’s mine.” You breathe, tapping the car door with your knuckle.
“I’ve got one back home.” Rooster explains.
You smile at him and turn to look over your pride and joy. He’s admiring it too when you look back.
“Wanna go for a ride?” You offer. He furrows his eyebrows slightly as he looks between you and the car. He wonders who raised you and why the never taught you not to talk to strangers. But, he does miss that car.
“You don’t even know my name.” He reminds you.
You roll your eyes playfully, “What? - you don’t like it when I call you Sailor?”
He moves toward the passenger side, “You can call me Rooster.”
You smile as you step up into the driver’s side and slip the keys into the ignition. He settles into the passenger seat and cranes his neck to check out what you have in the backseat.
“Rooster.” You muse, fiddling with the radio, “Like a chicken?”
This time you’ve made him laugh. He’s even more breathtaking up close like this, and his laugh makes your heart flutter.
“Yeah, like a chicken.” He agrees with you, smiling softly as you give up on the radio and push a cassette into the slot instead. “What do I call you?”
You grab your sunglasses from the dash and slip them on, bobbing your head to the soft indie playing. You tell him your name as you pull out of the parking space, he’s checking over his shoulder as you reverse.
“That’s pretty.” He hums, shifting in his seat and pushing his knees further apart.
“So, how long are you here?” You ask, he’s impressed by your driving. He doesn’t even question where you’re taking him. Wherever it is, it’s the opposite direction of base.
“Six more months.”
He looks over at you, watching you drum your fingers against the wheel to the beat of a song he’s never heard of, sung by a band he’ll never remember the name of.
“What are you here for, Flyboy?” He smiles at the new nickname.
“If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” Rooster teases, copying back to what you said earlier. You’re impressed at how well he has listened, shooting him an amused look. You’re also wondering why he hasn’t yet asked you where you’re taking him.
You drive for another fifteen minutes, making small talk and listening to deep lyrics and upbeat tunes before he gives in and does ask, “So, where are we headed?”
“Just the beach.” You answer, giving him a soft smile, giving away absolutely nothing. Rooster turns his head to look at the miles of shoreline you’ve already driven past, then raises an eyebrow at you, “Some kind of special beach?”
“Sure.” You’re elusive all of a sudden. It doesn’t take long before you pull up at the side of the coast, parking in front of a cottage.
“You coming?” You tease him, grabbing your backpack from the backseat and hopping down from the truck. He looks around the area first, then follows you.
“So, you live here?” He examines the house as the two of you walk past it and begin down the steps toward the beach. You nod and call back that he’s correct. “With your parents?”
You’re up ahead of him, so he doesn’t see the way you laugh at his question before you shake your head. “With my roommate. Her grandma owns the place, we just rent it.”
Roommate. Rooster can deal with a roommate. That’s not so bad.
“So what do you do?” He calls to you, looking around the empty beach as he continues down the steps. Each wooden plank creaks under him and he’s worried that one is going to snap any minute. You’re walking with much more confidence, almost on the sand already.
“I bartend.” You turn towards him as you step foot in the sand, walking backwards. The smile on your lips is coy, like he’s silly for asking.
“I meant are you in college or something?” He gets closer to you as you’re walking backwards. You shake your head and turn again, lifting your chin toward the sea breeze, “Still figuring things out.”
Rooster slows and lets you walk ahead of him again. He wonders for a moment what that’s like. To not just know. He remembers knowing that he was going to be a fighter pilot since he was a kid, even before his dad had passed away - he had always just known.
He had known he was going to marry a nice girl and probably have a couple of kids, then settle down and become an instructor or maybe an Admiral - something a little more stable.
He’s broken from his crisis of faith by you dropping your backpack in the sand and peeling your shirt over your head. His brows furrow slightly, he stops in place.
Rooster looks over strings tied behind your back and behind your neck that support the pink bikini top.
“You coming?” You ask again, popping open the button on your skirt and the fabric down your legs. His eyes take in what’s before him as he stands there, semi-frozen. He looks between you and the ocean.
“You’re going swimming?”
“Uh-huh. I always swim after work.” You’re already headed toward the water. As you turn fully to step into the waves, Rooster’s eyes trail your body. If the skirt had made him stare earlier, the flimsy bikini that you’d been wearing under it now has his full attention.
He stands on the shore as you walk into the water. You wait until it’s reaching your ribs before you turn back towards him.
“Come on, don’t be a chicken!” You tease. His lips quirk slightly at the challenge — that and the fact you’re making more chicken related jokes.
He hesitates and looks around him.
What the hell, he decides. The beach is empty and even if it wasn’t, he doesn’t know any body here.
You grin as he slips his shirt off of his shoulders and then peels his tank top over his head. You’ve been itching to know what was under that Hawaiian print since you saw him, and you have to say, you’re not disappointed at all.
He’s like an action figure. Unlike him, you aren’t hiding behind dark tinted lenses, so he sees it all as your eyes roam his body. It spurs him on as he almost makes a show of popping open the button on his shorts, then dragging down the zipper.
He kicks his shoes off and pushes the denim down. You wolf whistle at him from the water as he kicks the material off, leaving him in dog tags, black boxers and sunglasses.
His ears redden as he looks around the beach again — still empty — and then walks towards you. You take a couple steps further out, already acclimated to the chill of the water. Rooster groans at the cold, clenching his fists as he moves in up to his waist.
“Come here.” He tells you. You’re further out, not by too much, but out of arm’s reach. He holds his hand out to you for you to grab.
“Come get me.” You challenge.
You push yourself out further and tread water, watching him shiver. Rooster grits his teeth as he steps deeper into the water, taking two strides before he’s close enough to reach you. He curls his fingers around your hand and tugs you toward him until you’re close enough for him to wrap his arms around you.
You reach up and take his sunglasses from his face gently, then set them on top of his head. You were right, he does have pretty eyes. You smile softly and brush your fingers delicately over his cheek.
You let him pull you close, you curl your fingers around the nape of his neck and you push forward and press your lips against his.
“You smell really good.” He murmurs against your lips, lifting your chin as he kisses you again. It’s a simple statement but it makes you shiver, you press your thighs together as he guides you closer against him.
His hands grab at your waist as he pulls you closer to him. You trail your fingers along the chain of his dog tags, looking down to examine them for a moment. He kisses your temple sweetly as he watches you.
“Bradley Bradshaw.” You muse, lifting your head to look at him again. He likes the way you say his name. You kiss his jaw, then his lips, “I like it.”
You let him nudge back your jaw so that he can kiss your neck. His strong hands steady you against him, his lips working a trail of soft, open-mouthed kisses against your skin.
You’re practically putty in his hands. The realisation is almost enough to have him rock hard. He’s just in boxers, he knows you can feel his semi pressing against your stomach. He’s still surprised when he feels you push yourself against it.
The talk that Abigail gave you last week rings in your head as his tongue trails your throat. “It’s not just a game to these guys — it’s dangerous to lead them on.” She had told you. You had rolled your eyes. If flirting and wearing short skirts got you better tips, then that was just part of the fun. You were never in any danger when you were telling sailors that they had cute smiles back at the bar.
However, here on the other side of the coast, alone on a beach with a man who’s name you hadn’t discovered until after he had gotten undressed — it occurs to you that this is the kind of danger she’s been referring to.
His hand comes up and curls softly around the base of your neck, just holding you there and finding your lips again. You pull back and blink at him. You look down at each ridge and vein of his muscled frame as his thumb strokes at the column of your throat.
Yeah. This is definitely the kind of danger Abi has been trying to keep you from.
“Hey.” He reminds you that you’re staring at him. Doe-eyed, cheeks flushed, lips swollen. You let him guide your legs around his waist. It shouldn’t make him as hard as it does, the way you’ve trusted him so easily.
“Hey.” You smile back at him. You don’t feel like you’re in danger at all. All you feel is fucking horny. You’ve got a good idea at how big he is from what you can feel pressing against you. You drape your arms over his muscled shoulders and grind down against his cock through the thin material between you.
He shifts you into one arm, slipping his hand between your legs to brush the pads of his fingers against your core over the bikini bottoms.
You grab his wrist. His cock twitches at the look in your eye as you still him and shake your head, “What kind of girl do you think I am, Rooster?” You tease as you unwind your legs from his hips and plant your feet up in the sand.
He groans softly as you begin away from him and back towards the dry sand.
“Trouble.” He answers, just loud enough for you to hear as he follows you. You bend over in front of him as you pick up both of your things from the ground.
His breath hitches. He’s too caught up in the thin pink strip of fabric covering your core, your ass all but exposed to him as you lean over to notice that you’re scooping his clothes up with your belongings.
“Keep up, flyboy.”
Rooster’s standing in ankle-deep water, lips parted as he watches you head up the beach without him. He groans, only catching up to you at the top of the wooden steps, once your unlocking the side gate to your place.
“You think that’s funny?” You gasp as he presses his chest to your back and captures you between his body and the gate.
“I do, actually.” You answer back, unlocking the padlock and pushing it open, escaping him. He follows you in and hugs you from behind, leaving kisses along your neck. The next obstacle you reach is the back door. He turns you and presses your back to the wall behind it.
“Oh yeah?” His voice is deep and serious. It makes you press your legs together. You hug what you’re holding and hum happily as he rolls his hips forward against you.
“Mhm.” You double down, slipping out of his arms, grabbing his hand and tugging him inside. You check around for your roommate, squeezing his hand and pulling him down the hall.
It isn’t until he’s in your room that he pauses to look around.
“Mm, wait.” You turn away from him and fiddle with something on your bedside table, dropping your collective items to the floor. The fairy lights around your bed frame come to life, and then weird crystal thing — that Rooster will later learn is a salt lamp — brightens the rest of the room.
Amy preferred to do it in the dark.
He makes the conscious decision to ignore your choice of decorations. He ignores the tapestry tacked to the ceiling, the posters of movies he hasn’t seen and bands he’s never heard on the walls.
“What?” You breathe as you turn back to face him. Rooster shakes his head, a silent ‘nothing’. You swallow. It’s real all of a sudden now that he’s standing in your room, dripping on the wood floors.
You reach behind you, tugging at the strings that secure the bikini behind your neck. Rooster watches the flimsy material fall to the ground, then looks back up at you.
“Fuck.” He breathes, reaching out and resting his hand on the curve of your waist. He skims his fingers along your side and up to your breast. He feels your eyes on him, watching as he strokes your hardened nipple. “Look at you.”
Your cheeks heat, smiling slightly at the confidence his approval gives you.
He lowers his head and kisses at your chest, holding you close with one hand as the other cups your breast. You let your head lull back. You should probably be embarrassed at how easily he coaxes a moan from your lips.
He cups his hands around your breasts, rolling one nipple between his thumb and index as he takes the other into his mouth. You’re so responsive to his touch.
Given that you’ve never been brave enough to take home one of the Navy boys before this, you’re filled with regret all of a sudden. You can’t believe you’ve restricted yourself to shitheads your own age when this is what you’ve been missing out on all along.
You’re reminded of Rooster’s strength as he lifts you and places you delicately onto your bed, covering your body with his. He nips playfully at your skin, glancing up at you with a smirk on his lips as you gasp.
He looks up at you through lust-filled eyes as he drags his teeth gently across your hipbone. You squirm under his gaze and his touch, closing your eyes to save yourself from the intensity of it all.
You wonder how the hell there was no one waiting for him at home — what kind of idiot would give him up?
“Up.” You lift your hips obediently for him to pull your bottoms down, watching as he discards them. He doesn’t look to see where they land, his eyes are unashamedly between your core. Almost subconsciously, he reaches out and runs his index finger along your core.
“Oh, honey,” His voice is gentle, dripping amusement, feigning care, “Look at you, all worked up.”
The statement brings heat to your face again, you wonder if he can tell how he makes your ears burn. His fingers stroke along your core once more. You whimper and push yourself against his hand.
His eyes flicker back up to yours, amused as he teases you, touching you in gentle strokes. Pretending that he’s willing to be compliant, Rooster leans down and kisses you softly.
You voice your frustrations by dragging your fingernails along the ridges of his stomach, soft pink lines decorating the tanned skin in your wake.
His fingers nudge at your pussy in retaliation as he sinks two into you at once. You hiss at the stretch, digging your nails into his hip.
He watches as your lips part, your brows furrow, those big doe-eyes are trying to glare up at him but he knows you’re loving this just as much as he is.
“Got something to say, pretty girl?” He murmurs sweetly, curling his fingers up against your g-spot and making you jolt. You part your legs further for him, shaking your head furiously and rolling your hips down against his hand. Desperate for more. Anything he’s willing to give you.
Rooster holds your hip as he works his fingers in and out of you, twisting and curling them.
“L-Like that. Right there.” You cover his hand with yours as it presses hard against your hipbone. Rooster takes his lip between his teeth, watching in delight as you writhe before him. So responsive to his touch.
He’s enjoying the theatrics of it. Sex with Amy was good, incredible even. Six years with a person really gives you time to learn their intricacies, physical or not. They knew each other’s bodies better than many people could dream. But, six years in, there wasn’t much room for the dramatics present in budding relationships.
They were used to having good sex, and that was that. When the sex was good every time, it wasn’t as mind-blowing as it had once been. Amy was still vocal, she still had a good time. But she wasn’t like you.
No, she wasn’t inexperienced and used to sleeping with frat boys. It had been a long time since she had first experienced Rooster in bed.
Rooster’s enjoying the strokes to his ego with each moan that slips your lips. He’s spurred on as he kisses down your chest and lifts your hips, kissing your thigh first.
His tongue teases at your folds before he settles in and seals his lips around your clit whilst his fingers fuck in and out of you. He’s glad he’s holding your hips as that’s about the only thing keeping you still as your hips buck slightly.
Again, he’s enamoured by just exactly how desperate you are for him. He holds you tight, groaning as he lets you rock your hips against his tongue. Maybe it’s a sixth sense, maybe it’s his expertise, but you swear that Rooster realises you’re close a split second before you do.
He groans, his nose brushing your pubic bone as his tongue caresses you, his fingers curling deep into you. You arch your back, pushing against his mouth, trembling as he holds you through your orgasm.
“Fuck.” He smiles down at you, reaching out and stroking the backs of his fingers against your cheek. You push yourself up and pull him down to you by the back of his neck, parting your legs for him to settle between as you lick into his mouth.
His fingers curl inside you once more, making you whimper against him, all too sensitive. He pulls them back and lifts them, watching as you part your lips for him and take them into your mouth.
You hum softly as you suck them clean. He grinds his hips forward against your bare core, eyes dark as they watch you. You push down the waistband of his still damp boxers, wrapping your hand around the base of his cock.
He isn’t sure what he’d rather look at. His eyes flicker between his fingers in your mouth and your hand around his cock before he cranes his head back to look at the ceiling, fighting a shudder.
Rooster slips his fingers back out of your mouth and places his hand over top of yours, guiding your palm around his length. He squeezes his palm softly around yours.
“You want it?” The gruffness of his voice makes you want to shiver. You nod at him eagerly. He raises an eyebrow at you expectantly, stroking his thumb over your knuckles.
“Please.” You agree. It’s only then that it occurs to you that he’s a stranger. The same thought is clearly on his mind. He sits back on his heels, turning toward your bedside table and pulling open the top drawer.
He already knows what he’s looking for and where he’s likely to find it. He passes the foil into your palm. You pinch the top of the foil and tear the packaging open, trying not to screw up with his eyes on you as you roll the latex over his length.
He watches your fingers tremble as you do it.
You gasp as he grabs your hips and pulls you under him with ease. He plants his forearm beside your head and guides his cock between your legs you kiss his lips gently, whining.
Your breath catches in your throat as you take him. You whimper softly, adjusting to the hot, thick stretch of him. He kisses your jaw lazily, fucking into you in short, soft thrusts until he’s buried into you completely.
“So fucking wet for me,” Rooster breathes, his dog tags falling to rest against your own collarbones as he leans forward to kiss your lips. “You doin’ okay, baby?”
You nod hurriedly, grabbing onto the back of his neck to ground yourself as he fucks into you. That’s all the confirmation he needs.
He grunts softly, then leans back on his knees. His dog tags hit against his pecs as he drives himself into you, his hands gripping onto your waist. He holds you tight, keeping you right where he wants you, the veins in his arms bulging as he does.
You’re moaning under him, pressing your fingernails into his thigh. He fills you as deeply as he can, letting out a deep groan before he pulls back slowly. He pulls out almost entirely, revelling in your desperate sounds for just a moment before he ruts himself into you again.
It’s a process of this, filling you up and fucking you hard until you’re a mess under him.
He relents in a moment of weakness, filling you with long, especially deep strokes as he leans down and kisses you.
“Talk to me, baby,” Rooster’s voice is liquid gold spilling from his lips. He’s right over you, watching you expectantly. You push yourself up and capture his kiss desperately, whimpering as he tugs at your roots, “Tell me how you want it.”
You gulp, unsure that you’re capable of forming words at this moment in time. His hips pound into yours, unrelenting.
“F-Fuck, Rooster,” You arch your back away from the bed and up against his chest, mewling under him, “Like this. Please don’t fucking stop, I’m gonna cum.”
He was correct. He knew from the moment he saw you that this was how he’d fuck you. It’s hard and dirty and you’re loving every second of it, just like he knew you would.
He has both of your wrists in one hand, pinned above your head as he strokes deep into you. You’re writhing under him, moaning like a pornstar.
“That’s it, good girl.” He hums, kissing your jaw. “Look so pretty taking it like this.”
The strangled noise that slips your lips as he fucks you through your orgasm is music to his ears. He releases your wrist and pressed his hand to your throat instead, curling his fingers around the sides of your throat, squeezing softly.
Your eyes are squeezed shut, lips parted, cheeks warm. He admires the fucked out look on your face, grunting softly as he rutted hard into you. It’s intoxicating. The way you smell, the way you sound, the taste of your tongue, the feeling of your walls clenching around him. Rooster feels drunk off of it.
He loosens his grip from your throat, sliding his fingers around into your hair, cradling the base of your skull as he pulls you in for a kiss. You moan into his mouth and he groans against you.
The look in your eyes when he pulls back to look at you makes his hips stutter, mid-thrust. Your eyes are heavy, needy.
“Want you to cum in my mouth.”
Rooster’s fingers curl in your hair and make you gasp. He nods, rutting himself deep into you. He gives a couple more hard thrusts, kissing your lips, before he pulls back and sits back on his knees.
He grunts softly as he discards the condom. You push yourself up and slide closer to him. He curls his fingers around your jaw, letting out a pant as you part your lips obediently for him.
He holds your jaw steady, his other hand wrapped around the base of his cock. His eyes remain on yours as he strikes himself, his lip between his teeth.
You close your eyes, steadying yourself on his thigh as he coats your mouth. He watches, panting, as you close your mouth and swallow, wiping your lips with your thumb.
“Goddamn.” Rooster breathes, taking your face in his hands and kissing you. He covers your body with his, pushing you onto your back, groaning softly as he brushes your hair back off your face.
“You are trouble, aren’t you?” He mutters, kissing your forehead. You grin, giggling at the insinuation as you snuggle closer against his chest.
He doesn’t ask if he can stay over, and you don’t ask if he’ll stay. It’s just kind of an unspoken agreement. He’s reading one of your comic books when you return from the bathroom, which makes you giggle.
Falling asleep comes easier than you’ve ever found it before, tucked safely against a firm chest. He wakes before you at the sound of buzzing against floorboards. He untangles himself from you and grabs his phone from the back pocket of his shorts, eyes widening as he finds a missed call from Amy on his Home Screen.
He furrows his brows slightly as he types out a text. On base. Emergency?
A: No emergency. Miss you, just call me when you get a sec <3
The action of retrieving his phone has woken you, you’re stirring softly now. He drops his phone back onto the beside table and looks down at you as you rest your head against his chest.
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eerna · 24 days
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Kiss Me | Mark Lee
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Idol!Mark x Reader
Word count: 1543
Genre: pure fluff
Warning: None
Author: Maari
Note: I honestly didn't know blue haired mark had so much power in me lol ask mark to keep appearing in my dreams so i can keep getting inspired. Trying to write other things to clear my mind and finish the requests please don't give up on me!
Summary: You asked and Mark promptly did.
⪢ NCT Masterlist  
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Y/N was returning from where she had come when a hand pulled her by the arm to the bathroom corridor of the mall where she was.
"Hey!" was all she managed to say before felt familiar hands on her shoulders and saw Mark's apprehensive face in front of her. "You scared me!" she complained, still feeling her heart want to jump out of her body but when she saw Mark's scared and restless face, she frowned. "What's it?"
“They found me.” he replied, looking around the hallway they were in, as if he needed to make sure he hadn't been followed.
"What? How?"
"I don't know." Mark sighed, and he sounded sincere as well as troubled.
He didn't look scared because of course he'd been through this before, but this weekend was supposed to be different. He was back in his city after so long without the well-deserved vacation, it must have been a normal weekend, like any other person's. Without the fans wanting to take pictures or even recording what he was doing, all he wanted the least was for the mall to be filled with fans, even because he had gone without the security guards.
“Okay, you must have misunderstood.” Y/N tried to calm him down and he glared at her.
“They were looking and pointing at me.”
“Were you sure they were talking about you?” she shrugged and Mark nodded in agreement.
“They were dressed in green.” Y/N eyed him suspiciously, with a raised eyebrow.
“I know what you're going to say, that probably doesn't mean anything.” Y/N nodded and Mark took his hands from her shoulders, taking them to his own hair. “But the moment I saw the color, I don't know, I panicked.”
Y/N controlled not to squeeze Mark's cheeks, as serious as he was, he was so cute. And the involuntary pout he had made was just too attractive.
She reached over to caress his arm, who turned his attention to her.
“Then let's go somewhere else, Mark.” she saw him open his mouth to reply but she smiled reassuringly. "Your blue hair isn't as discreet as you said."
Mark remained serious, but upon seeing Y/N's grimace he laughed lightly.
"Are you sure? I don't know if-” he was interrupted by his friend who started pulling him by the hand.
“I want ice cream and I know the perfect store.” she spoke excitedly and Mark didn't even struggle, laughed and let himself be carried away by Y/N.
“You know it's cold outside, don't you?
“Exactly, it's the perfect weather for ice cream.” Mark genuinely smiled as he watched Y/N's face.
He knew she was doing her best to make him comfortable and he appreciated her effort.
Without even realizing it, they left the mall with their hands intertwined, the texture of the hands together was familiar and welcoming, it had been enough for Mark to forget a little of what had happened inside the mall. The icy wind outside caused Y/N to move closer to Mark, shoulders touching as she tried to find some warmth to ward off the chill.
They went to the bus stop and Mark held back a laugh as he remembered Y/N's words earlier "You'll just be an ordinary person for a day, that means you'll ride the bus like everyone else.". He had nothing to complain about actually, they took a bus a little full and that made her touch him, stay that way for a long time. It was good, he had been able to smell her perfume closer.
And he didn't even know that inside, Y/N was happy too because the situation had made her approach Mark's body the way she had been yearning for.
"What is it?" she asked, seeing him smile sideways as he stared at her, he had placed himself in front of her while they were waiting for the bus.
“I am very happy to be here.” Y/N returned the smile, she felt the same way.
“I am glad to hear that.”
“I needed this, you know? Going back, remembering who I am and I think I can only do that here, with my parents and with you.” she looked away, shy as listened to Mark's words but her attention was stolen to a group of girls who were further ahead, dressed in green, talking warmly and gesticulating endlessly, they were all wearing masks so Y/N couldn't read their lips to know what they were saying but when the girls looked at her, Y/N felt her heart beat faster.
Does that mean…?
Oh damn, what was she going to do?
"What I'm trying to say is that-" Mark's voice still echoed in her ears, but her wits were far away.
“Mark, kiss me.” she spoke without thinking twice and he frowned.
"What?" was all he could said, thought he was delusional or that he wasn't listening properly.
Seeing the girls approaching, Y/N automatically took a step forward, getting closer to Mark who was now wide-eyed.
"Kiss me." she noticed how Mark was confused and about to say something but, while she felt herself being watched, on impulse pressed her lips to Mark's.
He in turn remained shocked, not moving his hands or even blinking, all his attention was focused on how Y/N's warm lips were glued to his.
Y/N saw that the girls walked past them and further away, their eyes seemed fixed elsewhere and so she moved away from Mark to take a better look, the girls were now too busy trying to find the best landscape to take pictures.
Wait a moment…
She felt a huge wave of embarrassment run through her body and stop on her cheek that grew hot with every blink she gave.
“What just happened, man?” Mark still looked shocked and his chuckle at the end indicated just that. Pure shock.
“I think I panicked the moment I saw those girls looking this way and I thought…” Y/N scratched her ear before turning to face Mark, he seemed very interested in listening. “If they think we're dating, maybe they'll think you're not who they thought you were, but they weren't looking at us.” she pointed back and saw Mark smile in an indecipherable way at her. “On second thought, my whole plan seemed pretty silly.”
She looked away, not daring to meet Mark's eyes, but in the blink of an eye he mimicked what Y/N had done a few minutes ago, taking his hands to grab her by the back of her neck and pull her to him. She just widened her eyes when Mark's lips captured hers willingly.
Quite different from the simple touch she had initiated.
Well, of course, the sight of Mark kissing her so thirsty made her a little dizzy and her legs weak, but when he looked her in the eye again, showing how much he wanted it just as much as she did, Y/N couldn't help herself and raised her hand to his face. Indicating that she didn't want to stop.
Mark distributed light pecks as he brought his body to Y/N's and she smiled, caressing his cheek, tired of waiting, their lips met again and didn't let go so easily. Lips molded slowly and even though they were freezing due to the temperature, when their hot tongues met, Y/N felt a shiver on the back of her neck at the same time as Mark grabbed her hair.
Y/N sighed between the kiss and her hand went down to Mark's shoulder, where she held tightly while her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode, she felt his other hand grip her waist and he seemed focused on keeping their bodies together as if it was going to merge them, but Mark seemed to suck all her strength in that kiss and Y/N's lungs were already complaining about the lack of air, that’s why she lowered her hand to his chest and pushed him lightly.
Enough for their lips to move away, but Mark didn't move another inch, bringing their foreheads together.
"I thought you didn't like to do that in public." Y/N spoke, taking in a large amount of air and opened her eyes to see him staring at her with a twinkle in his eyes, his lips were red and swollen.
"It's not my fault, it was you who asked me to kiss you." he spoke with false innocence and she rolled her eyes but laughed anyway.
Y/N was feeling hot, not just in her cheeks but her whole body, like there was a volcano inside of her, looking at Mark so closely was doing certain things to her.
“Do you still want to buy the ice cream?” she saw Mark shake his head and he lifted his forehead to tuck her hair behind her ear, looking at her with an admiration that made her shy.
“No, I want to keep kissing you.” he admitted and Y/N bit her lip to control her huge smile, in vain of course.
"I guess I don't need to ask you anymore, isn’t?"
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nhasablogg · 8 months
Biting the neck that feeds you
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Summary: Henry dresses up as a vampire. Alex is being super chill about it.
A/N: My Halloween fics continue! Of course I had to throw some Alex/Henry into the mix. I hope you like it!
Warnings: This is semi suggestive with sexual undertones, mentions of blood and blood play, mentions of biting. Mostly ungraphic.
Words: 1.1k
Alex isn’t attracted to the stupid costume Henry is wearing, thank you very much. He’s just attracted to Henry. Who happens to be dressed up as a vampire. A sexy vampire, given that he’s not really wearing much beneath the cape and fangs. It happens. Big deal.
“You’re blushing.”
“I am not.”
Henry is leaning over him, all smiles and wagging eyebrows, nearly spitting out the fake fangs when he laughs. “You are. Do you have a vampire kink I didn’t know about?”
“Listen, we’ve all seen Twilight-”
“-it’s not my fault that it starred both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.”
“Right.” Henry falters, because Alex does what he does best when he’s flustered and tries to divert his attention. Tries to regain some ounce of control before inevitably letting Henry have it back, allowing himself to be at his mercy. Alex is only bad at being submissive in his work life. With Henry he doesn’t feel any judgment. Doesn’t feel as if being vulnerable is bad.
But he wasn’t prepared to be horny over fangs. Wasn’t prepared for Henry to leave the bathroom after they stumbled into the hotel room in the middle of the night, tipsy and giggly after a Halloween bender, while wearing a custom he apparently brought with him from England. Alex had a joke about the cape looking very royal which died at the tip of his tongue when he realized Henry was practically naked.
Henry is still leaning over him, the cape brushing over Alex’s thigh. “Are those sharp?”
“The fangs? Not particularly. I’m sure I can still bite you though, if you want.”
Alex laughs because he’s not sure if he’s being serious, although he quickly realizes he wants him to be, because yes okay maybe watching Twilight while too young did do something to him.
“Now I’m no expert on Halloween,” Henry continues, running the tip of his finger over Alex’s throat. “Or on vampires, mind you. But if I were one I would bite you right-” He stops to the left of Alex’s Adam’s apple, as if feeling his pulse. “-here.” He taps the skin once and Alex suddenly remembers he’s ticklish and recoils, just a little, but it’s enough to make Henry grin in that dangerous way of his.
“That could be problematic,” he says with a lilt. “Perhaps I should warm you up and bite you elsewhere?”
“I know exactly where you can bite me-”
“How about your hips?”
“Seems like an odd place, but- oh!” Henry’s quick, maybe afraid that Alex will become too giggly, especially since he’s already somewhat intoxicated. Alex blinks as he sinks his fake fangs and some of his actual teeth into his skin, light enough to have Alex shivering almost immediately.
“Fuck.” It’s not only that it tickles, but it sends electric shocks through Alex’s whole body and he grapples between pushing Henry off and asking him to never stop. It doesn’t help that Henry’s never once breaking eye contact. It doesn’t help at all.
“You’re so weird,” he says when Henry bites him again, mostly to regain some ounce of control again while being utterly aware that he’s falling apart already. “Get back up here.”
“As you wish.” Henry presses his nose to Alex’s, smelling faintly of red wine. “Did you know Dracula is an epistolary novel? Not at all how mainstream media makes you picture it.”
“Oh really?”
“It’s funny too. I think you would enjoy it.”
“How do you know I haven’t already read it?”
“Well, seeing as most of your frame of reference about vampires seems to come from Twilight-”
“You’re being cocky, huh?” Alex prods him in the back of his ribs and Henry jerks away at the touch with a laugh. “I’m not the only one who’s ticklish, remember?”
“Oh, was I tickling you? My apologies.”
“Ha ha.”
Henry moves downward to place his head at the crook of his neck, and as nice as that is Alex can’t seem to let go of the idea of Henry biting him there, kissing and sucking and nibbling and making him both howl and moan until he’s had enough. He blames the wine in his system. Red always makes him desperate, especially combined with Henry’s mere existence.
“Did you like my costume?” Henry asks, voice low and body heavy over Alex.
“It was so cute, baby.”
He huffs. “I was aiming for scary.”
“Oh, absolutely terrifying too, of course.”
“Of course.”
“I especially liked how sharp and painful your fangs were.”
“Caused you great pain, huh?”
“Totally. Nearly drew blood.”
“Blood play wasn’t on my bingo card, but here we are I guess.”
Alex is no fan of blood and tries to keep himself from feeling faint at the thought of it. “My neck’s feeling pretty left out, though.”
“Is that so?”
“I mean, what type of vampire are you anyway? I almost believe you’re a fraud.”
Henry sits up, leaning on his elbow even though Alex can tell he’s just about ready to sleep. “I won’t have you question my authenticity like this. Tilt your head back.”
“Do it yourself.”
Henry does, gripping his jaw just tightly enough to make it difficult for Alex to move his head away once his mouth finds skin, warm and slow and not at all matching Alex’s eagerness. But he finds that the precision in which Henry digs his fake fangs into his skin to be intoxicating beyond what the alcohol in his system is doing, and he leans his head back willingly, giving Henry access to do what he pleases, even though most of it feels slightly too ticklish.
“So good,” Henry mumbles into his skin, biting and biting until the biting suddenly feels different, and Alex realizes he’s taken the fangs off to be able to suck on Alex’s neck more properly. It will leave a mark and they will be annoyed about it in the morning, but Alex can’t find it in him to ask him to stop.
“I need to do the other side,” Henry says, gliding his mouth over Alex’s Adam’s apple and making him twitch as the sensation turns from a mix of things to mostly ticklish. “Be still, sweetheart.”
But he’s opened a well which Alex can’t stop, giggles pouring out of his mouth as Henry tries to kiss and suck and nibble over the right side of his neck. Alex can feel him laughing into his skin too and soon he’s backed off and is laughing against his chest instead.
“Sorry for being a buzzkill,” Alex says, flicking one of the fangs off of him which makes them both laugh again.
“It’s okay.” Henry’s hand in his hair. “There’s always next Halloween.”
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