#like he understands my triggers is super careful and gives me so much love. his family is also awesome and he does do things when I ask
Heyy! I would like to request a few headcanons of alhaitham, scaramouche and xiao (separately) with a reader who is like, very nice and sweet but also super impulsive, so they're pretty much always dragging them into dumb shit (kinda like yoimiya but like more chaotic i suppose) if you end up writing this, thanks, and even if you dont, thanks anyway!
Hello my dear, yes I can! Thank you for submitting this cute request. :)
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Alhaitham ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗
At first he would find it annoying or just tiring. He would also nag at you about it and protest. Despite this, it's always your sweet and soft nature he would sign and give in. "A Sumeru Festival? Why? H-Hey wai-"
He would sometimes tell you that he is busy, or have things to do. If you were to get distracted and leave him mid way, he would leave and do his own thing or find a nearby area to sit and read.
Overtime, he would start finding it endearing and cute.
He would do little small experience to see what distracts you and what gets your attention and maybe even use it to his own advantage if needed.
If you were to come back to him with the things you got distracted by, he would sit patiently and listen and even look at the thing you got as you tell him about it. Whether he knows what it is or not, he would let you explain it to him.
"Ah, let me guess, did that stand with food catch your attention by any chance? I thought so. Well, I bought some of their food ahead of time, so here you go."
Eventually he would beat you at your own game, as he can see a pattern on what distracts you or makes you chaotic. Once he understands you and sees why these things catch your attention, he would actually enjoy watching you get distracted.
He will start finding it cute, as you always seem to get so excited and worked up over things.
Overall, he became a sucker for you and will NEVER admit it to you.
Scaramouche╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗╔═.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.═╗
Ah yes
This asshole
He would 100% nag at you, and call you annoying. He might even put a leash on you, so you can drag him as he is flying in the sky when you run around. Haha, nah I'm kidding. Unless...?
He would often call you out on it. "Why are you always going off when I look away for 2 SECONDS?"
However, your kind and loving personality makes him care for you, and worry for you when you go off on your own.
He is in denial of this of course.
At first, he would scold you for being annoying for it. Even leave you behind. However...over time
He would start scolding me by always saying. "Something could have happened to you, and I wouldn’t be able to protect you!"
If you kept doing it, he would stop scolding you and keep holding your hand, so if you went off, you would take him with you. Or he would use his flying powers to search for you.
If he knows some things will trigger your chaoticness, he would inform you about it since your nature grew on him and...
it's pretty nice to see someone so excited about everything in life when he lost that a long time ago. He starts becoming soft and loving to you because of that.
Maybe even spoiling you, and who knows. You might make him enter a new age of himself where he becomes chaotic and kind about everything around him.
Xiao ┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚─┐┌──❀̥˚───❀̥˚
He is totally cool with it. He truly does not mind it. In fact, you would catch him flashing a small smile at you as he watches you let your chaotic energy go.
You would often say his name when you go off on your own, so he knows where you are, as he would appear every time you chant his name excitedingly.
He enjoys your sweet and loving nature. As someone who had a rough life, it is very nice to see someone who seems to find interest and happiness in things.
He would often inform you about things that excite you, and would always accompany you to banquets, restaurants, festivals, and even doing quests with you.
It is just refreshing and nice to have someone like you by his side, you have truly become a soft spot for him.
You are someone who he is fiercely over-protective with and would protect you from anything that would crush your excited and chaotic nature.
Overall, he spoils you and makes your chaotic nature 10 times worse.
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i-yap · 4 months
Disorders batboys s/o have( dick and jason ver)
Im a psychology student and i think everyone in this world has some symptoms if not full blown disorders. I also struggle with GAD and I have worked in 2 psychiatric hospitals so far in one I got a lot of readings+ 2 months , 8hrs on weekdays hospital shifts in 4 sectors. I don't mean to offend anyone but if you have a certain disorder it does determine a lot of your personality traits and therefore make you incompatible with certain types of people. this is just a " oh I think the batboys could take care or be compatible with someone with this disorder enough to not hamper their healing "
Anyways..(im so scared to post this)
Dick grayson- mood disorders (major depressive diroder. bipolar disorder, seasonal depression, burnout)
Dick is this silent mother hen sort of figure. he loves taking care of others, it fills him with altruistic feelings and helps him feel needed. Someone with a mood disorder needs someone they can go and be sad with without feeling judged. Dick understands that burnt out feeling really well. He understands how sometimes you just want to let your feelings go through you. He is warm sunshine personified, joyful calm and reliable. He likes taking care of you, the small quiet moments. He will find small personal ways to make your mood a little more bearable however he can without overwhelming you.
"he comes back from his crime fighting to find you in bed. he recognizes your mood instantly. slowly approaching you and gently kissing you awake .
"hey baby ", "youre back dickie" "mhm how long have you been in bed?" " I don't know" "I'm starting a bath, would you like to join me" "I don't really feel like moving" "ill carry you" ."
Jason todd- anxiety disorders ( generalized anxiety disorder(gad), phobia, panic attacks, separation anxiety disorder(sad))
gad- the fact that jason literally fights crime every night and is super impulsive/doesnt care about his safety, so seeing you almost ripping your head off from worry for him not only warms his heart ( he thinks you hate him and struggles to believe that YOU could give someone like him any attention but here you are) but also makes him take better care of himself for your sake. he hates seeing you worried but he loves calming you down. holding your hands tight, replecating meditation style breathing and mindfulness practices. kissing you overthinking head. hugging you when you stress cry, giving you massages.
Phobia- he understands triggers better than anyone else, he will be your big bad protector making sure to help you avoid the item that's causing you phobia. holding your hand and hiding you behind him if you have social anxiety, making sure to avoid triggering environments if you have agoraphobia, killing all snakes in the world if you have a phobia of them( he seriously suggests it but you stop him cuz it'll hurt the ecosystem)
Panic attacks- he has them too, either you have learned a way to deal with them and teach him or he has learned a way to deal with them and helps you . if he hasn't before meeting you, he has a new much stronger motivation to learn techniques or medication that can help deal with them for your sake and therefore also accelerate his healing
seperation anxiety-.. he has it too so like.( ik its more common in kids but adult sad is also a thing) both of you are clingy, its a win win for you two , fuck the rest of the world
again this is just my opinion okay? don't make mental health a taboo , if this post was about batboys x blind! y/n no one would have an issue. mental health is a condition and sometimes its out of our control, it depends on so many factors. Its nothing to be ashamed or scared of.
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spider-biter · 2 years
Head cannons abt the moon boys for the soul <3 🌙🌙🌙
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A/N: I’ve been stuck with this in my head for the past 4 days.…. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! Also thank you for correcting my misspelling of mierda as Mérida 😭😭😭 embarrassing 😳
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- Steven loves old vintage things, he often wonders into antique stores to just “look around”
- he spends 50 dollars.
- Jake cannot stand waiting. man is literally impatient AF
- “15 minutes till the next train???! Mierda, let’s just fucking walk”
- cooking for him is his love language
- he will literally sob on the inside if you even show interest in his cultural food
- Marc is the same way
- one time you made him Rugelach and he was a MESS
- “baby it’s not even that good-“ “ITS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT AND- AND I LOVE YOU-“ “ok”
- Steven loves that you know so much about their cultures and interests
- he also appreciates how you avoid meat when he’s fronting
- when you first ordered a tofu taco on a date with him he immediately felt guilty, like he was pressuring you or something
- “love- no it’s ok! you can eat meat I don’t care!”
- “darling, if this is important to you then it is important to me. plus tofu is literally the best so it’s no problem! :)”
- oml he is going to COLLAPSE
- they always appreciate that you know how to comfort them whenever they are triggered or have a nightmare
- Steven needs to be grounded, so you take his hands and hold him close to you. Rubbing circles on his back, telling him that you’re right here, it’s ok, you’re fine. he often falls asleep with his head on your chest with your hands in his hair
- Marc fluctuates between quiet dissociation and physical panic
- when he’s quiet you make sure to interact. asking him questions like how was your day, do you want tea, how many sugars, any cream? just so he is forced to stay as much out of his head as he can
- (even though you can probably make his favorite tea ((thank you stevens Brit influence)) blindfolded)
- if it’s physical it’s a lot harder. You know that Marc would probably sink deeper if he ever accidentally hurt you so you just try to make him look at you. The 5-4-3-2-1 rule works best to get him out of it. He usually goes quiet after one, staring into nothing. Usually you just kind of sit near and around him, trying to get him back to the present (Think of that one scene in the asylum where he just looks exhausted)
- Jake just needs his space. You respect that. One of you normally leaves to give the other some space. You understand and respect that it’s not a you thing, just a ‘I think if I am touched or talked to I will literally fall over this edge that I am on’ thing.
- he normally apologizes (even though you told him it’s ok) and is super lovey dovey & touchey for the next couple of hours after
- speaking of touchey
- they all LOVE to hold you
- steven found out that holding hands with you and swinging them back and forth dramatically makes you giggle
- especially if he skips with you while doing it (he has done it twice and both times you felt your heart explode with love!)
- he loves holding your hand, rubbing circles on the back of your palm to calm each other down
- and whenever you get up in the middle of the night to pull him out of his studies/work he softly kisses your knuckles as an apology, whispering things in French
- you guys also rest against each others foreheads in moments of silence, just enjoying the closeness of your love
- Jake is a spinner!
- he’ll grab your arm and immediately spin you around, no matter what you’re doing.
- you always scream out of surprise even though he’s done this forever
- he also loves to dip you
- “no need to be scared mi corazón, I’ll never drop you 😤💪❤️” 🤨🤨 “what about that one time at-” “shhhh mi vida no es importante”
- Jake loves having his hands on you in a “mine” way
- but you do the exact same for him
- but he likes to come up behind you and run his hands all over your body while kissing your jawline. “So lovely” “so beautiful” “y todo mío” (that last one made your knees jelly)
- Marc has such an obsession with physical touch
- for the first 6-8 months, he was really scared of touching you. he never got physical love as a child and was always scared he’d break you because of it
- but one day he fell asleep on your shoulder during a movie you guys were watching
- and damn. The peace he felt was similar to how he felt in the field of reeds tbh
- one day you both started just hooking arms with the other and skipping around in a circle
- it’s a cowboy jig
- yeehaw
- Marc also is obsessed with giving you piggyback rides, even if you are scared AS HELL!
- yes Marc Spector has run with a fully grown adult on his back yelling “MARC WHAT THE FUCK?” In Central Park. what abt it
- he loves to let you rest your head on his shoulder.
- he’s a big face guy??? Like he brushes away hair, pecks your cheeks, wipes away tears.
- he’s very gentle all the time and loves holding your cheek as you guys just stare at each other
- the mornings with them >>>
- who’s big and little spoon is a never ending battle
- with Steven it’s very quiet & reflective
- laying on each others chests, hands in each others hair, comforter pulled up to your neck, listening to the other breathing pattern and syncing it up! It’s all about the quiet company of love. The 2 of you comfortable for all of eternity
- Marc is similar but not
- it’s inches away from each other, still entangled with the other. you face each other and whisper silly nothings: I love you, I’ll do anything for you, we should do this for a date.
- You even boop his nose.
- he’s not a fan
- Jake loves being the big spoon but after hard days you make him little spoon so you can wrap around him <3
- but when he is big spoon??????
- his warm arms wrap around your midsection, keeping you in nirvana eternally. you both float in and out of consciousness, his head rests softly on yours, you nestle deeper into him, even though that’s literally scientifically impossible at this point. He loves how addicted you are to him
- he doesn’t even realize how addicted he is to you ;)
- it’s also passionate make out sessions, still sleepy and slightly sloppy, before he goes into the shower and you make him a coffee
- (getting out of the shower to be greeted by your coffee and you sitting at the counter just reading over the news on your phone??? it makes his heart literally collapse in on itself every. single. day.)
- speaking of passion
- you helped them all find things they’re passionate about
- you helped Steven get a better job at a different museum and he LOVES IT!!!
- it was pretty easy, Steven just had to be confident in his knowledge.
- sometimes you stop by on your lunch break and see Steven somehow getting a group of terrible and loud preteens absolutely invested in the story of Ra and Sekhement
- (passionately teaching a group of kids all about the ancient relics of the past is a turn on you never knew you had)
- you helped Marc get involved with the INTERPOL force in London, so he can occasionally be on call, and help people in a legal way
- he likes it bc it gives him something to do & makes the world a better place
- he helps take down bad guys & save kids. He gets to be the person he always wished would come and save him when he was younger.
- it makes you sob
- but!
- Jake is happy as long as he’s with you but he’s actually super into watching old telenovelas
- you guys make a whole day out of it
- and the 2 of you won’t stop acting out the most dramatic scenes of it
- “TU ES MI HIJO???” “Si, madre. También soy tu ABUELO EN EL FUTURO!!!” *gasp*
- Steven and Marc are OVER IT!!
- speaking of Marc, you always celebrate Rosh Hashanah & other important Jewish holidays with him
- you cook together, him teaching you these generational meals and you making sure he doesn’t burn down the entire kitchen
- during Yom Kippur you help him fast & reflect with him
- keeping him grounded and not just letting him shit on himself endlessly for 25 hours?? telling him that “it’s about repenting and doing it better this year”???? Literally life saving for him
- and to have someone to help him with his spirituality is so important to him
- like… beyond words
- idk where to put this at but onetime you drove with Jake in the passenger
- like just imagine a grown ass man screaming as you go 50 mph down the London bridge
- “eres un pequeño demonito de la velocidad. me asustas” (you’re a little speed demon (lovingly). You scare me)
- Steven was LIVING
- yes Steven is also a little speed demon
- it’s cannon idc
- if you can’t already tell, they love you so much
- holding you after a bad day, comforting your anxieties, feeding the ducks in the pond
- “darling he’s a duck-“ “I don’t care! He’s staring at me like I did something! I’m innocent Marc I swear!” “I- I know babe- it’s- it’s a duck???”
- (This conversation and never ending confusion on Marc’s part goes on for another 15 minutes)
- they cherish you like no one else
- they would take a bullet for you without even a second thought and you would for them too
- (where is my moon system holding dying lover or lover holding dying system fic already??)
- anyways
- they love you the most in the world
- and tbh??? You do too.
- “I love you the most”
- “I love you the mostest”
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
hi girlie. thoughts on spencer’s bisexuality? specially post-prison spence. would he be more willing to experiment or just keep being the same guy who doesn’t care at all? just thinking. plus thoughts on austin? we didn’t got to see much about it. honestly i think both of them would have gone harder than with maeve, to be honest. i did not got much of the vibe from maeve and spencer and it felt like quiet new and weird coming from him? we’ve seen him interacting more before with these super confident girls like lila and cat. to me, it looks like these are more his type, pretty odd for a introvert guy like him.
babe thoughts on spencers bisexuality are all i have
but i also have thoughts on all his girlfriends actually
spoilers for maeve, cat, trigger warning season 14 episode 15 “truth or dare” mentioned😓😓 that fuck ass episode
i think post prison spencer is too traumatized and too exhausted to be thinking about romance or sex for a good long while. if he was already in a committed relationship before he went in, i think he’d stay because he’s incredibly devoted and i feel like he tends to latch on to one individual as his person and then never let them go, but if he wasn’t, i don’t think he’d be pursuing anyone, period, boys girls anyone in between or outside, i think bro is just TIRED lmfao
but specifically speaking about his relationship w his own bisexuality, i think if it wasn’t something he was super comfortable with before prison it sure as hell won’t be something he decides to confront after prison. i think he would just ignore it and continue on with life in his own little world ignoring other human beings. i think if he was chill with his sexuality before he went to prison that wouldn’t change afterward other than the fact that he’d probably find himself less attracted to men because they scare him a lot more now. i don’t think he would suddenly start having a ton of internalized homophobia (although he has so much self loathing it could definitely present that way) but again i don’t think he would be interested in seeking out new romantic or sexual partners for a while regardless of gender
and i liked austin a lot!!! potentially controversial opinion but i did NOT like maeve for him. she was clearly designed to be spencer but a girl so we would be like omggg she’s so perfect for him and then we would be extra sad when she died but imo their relationship fell flat, lacked passion or believability, and simply wasn’t interesting to me. the way he spoke about her reminded me of the way a 13 year old speaks about his girlfriend after a month of dating when he thinks they’re going to get married.
i have always FIRMLY believed that he had more chemistry with almost ANY of his love interests, even austin and the einstein chick who were around for ONE EPISODE EACH than he did with maeve. spencer seemed more interested and challenged by literally every single one of them. and i think he needs someone who challenges him. like spencer understands everything, give him someone who he can’t figure out and who drives him insane and is endlessly compelling and confusing elle greenaway!! we saw the way he wanted to genuinely consume lilah and cat. both more interesting than maeve. maeve was giving like… older sister almost?? like that woman had a FIANCÉ and according to canon she was his first “girlfriend” (strong word for what she was… those bitches were e-dating at best) it was just bizarre in the same way it was bizarre for a woman who had been married for ten years with two children to declare her love for him. i genuinely can see him with an older woman elle greenaway but the dynamic was just off with jj and maeve.
so that’s my rant on them. i could go on forever
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shrimpsuru · 7 months
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Bucchigiri doodles! I really like this show, I think everyone is super charming and fun! And all the designs are all so good ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
I'm gonna go on a quick rant about Arajin, because I have no one to talk about this with, so let me shout into the void:
Okay- So as I watching the show, I really liked everyone. I thought Arajin and his pathetic-ness and wet cat nature was charming, He's a loser and I love him for that! Even when he was being a bit of an asshole I was still quite fond of him, He's flawed and that's what made him interesting. He's a bit more complex than people give him credit for. Since my opinion of Ara was fairly positive, I thought most people would agree- (I didn't think he was all that bad and most people would also find him charming) I was so surprised when I found out how many people absolutely hate this guys guts, it was so different from what I excepted lmao. I understand being annoyed with Ara and I can see how some might not like him too much, but they were on my boy's ass 💀
First of all, Ara doesn't want OR like to fight, he's just a regular teen boy, he's nothing like this big buff dudes who are constantly look for someone strong to punch. If it weren't for Senya, Ara would've been done for by now. All Ara want's is to get a girlfriend, and that's normal for a boy his age!! Everyone else in the show are the freaks, my guy just wants love!! The only reason he fights is because his delusional ass is in love with a girl who knows she can play him like a fiddle, or when he's backed into a corner an has no other choice. Arajin wanted a slice of life high school romance and was instead thrown into the middle of a gang war with a bunch of dudes who are hellbent on fighting lmao
He's just a silly little guy!! He's not built for all this violence!!
Don't get me wrong the way Ara treats Matakara is frustrating at times, and I wish they would just talk (And I'm gonna be honest the fact Matakara still looks at Ara positivelyis really surprising lmao (I'd hold one hell of a grudge but I'm just petty)) but at the same time, I don't really blame Ara. He feels guilty, and in reality he probably hates himself (For multiple different reasons). He left Matakara behind and it eats at him, just the thought of the memory triggered a nervous stomach ache. Matakara is a walking reminder of what Ara doesn't like about himself, of course he's going to avoid him like the plague. Doesn't mean its good, or even healthy but that's just how people are. Even so Ara is only ever outwardly hostile towards Matakara when the past is brought up, every other time he can have a somewhat normal interaction (even if its reluctant). And with the newest episodes, Ara is now being a bit softer with him. Progress! Its small, but still progress!
Also small complaint, there are SO many worse mcs that do far more unbearable things, Arajin is practically a saint in comparison lol ( Doesn't mean anyone not liking him is invalid or anything, again I can totally understand why some don't like him!! Just because he's better than most doesn't mean he still cant be bad for people!! ☆(#××))
Rant over- Am I thinking to far into it? perhaps. but who cares! It's a silly show at the end of the day and I just like to yapp passionately into the void
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https://www.tumblr.com/palomahasenteredthechat/761283849847177216/so-it-wasnt-a-fail-for-him-having-most-of-his?source=share No no no no no, this doesn't have to do with the obsessive and stalking people who *call* themselves fans. It doesn't have to do with the people who wait for him outside his hotels, follow him around the streets for pictures and behave inappropriately at cons. Those are not the core fans, those aren't even fans.
It has to do with the people who supported him from day one, who saw someone they could connect with and believed in him because he seemed down to earth and sweet, and supported and admired his talent and his work. He seemed to be able to "connect" with people, and I don't mean it in a weird way. I am very much aware of the fact that I don't know him, I don't think I know him because I see him in my screen and admire him, and it's none of my business who he's gonna date. He's a grown man and he will do what he wants in his personal life. But the *way* this whole thing happened, (especially since he always protected his personal life and was always very private) and yes, the person with which it happened, in this instance, are problematic. Not because "omg I wish it was me he dated!" but because, since he is in a relationship/situationship or whatever they are, with a person who has said and done awful things, things that are very triggering to many of us, one can't help but wonder "is he like her too? Does he believe the same things as her?? Or maybe he doesn't even care what she supports?" And honestly, I don't know which is worse. Furthermore, when this thing started and it backlashed and it didn't turn out the way he/his team might have thought it would, what he/his team did was to start dropping old backstage videos of him and such, trying to do what? To sugarcoat the whole thing? That damage control move from them seemed to me, and as I understand, to a lot of others, like they think we're stupid. Felt like they said "Throw them some new/old stuff of him being super cute, the way they have him in their heads, to stop the mess that has been created. Give them what they want and they'll forget about it." Well, we're not sheep. We have the right to have certain feelings about the situation, we have the right to have an opinion since they put whatever relationship they have out there for people to see. "like he simply does not care about what you think about his personal life because he probably thinks that, if you can go to those great lengths and disrespect somebody like this and cross multiple boundaries under the guise of "we care", "his gf is problematic", "this isn't who he is", "this is so out of character",yada yada yada, then maybe he thinks it's better to not have that specific group of people as fans. no matter how long they have been riding with him."
I will not be called problematic and disrespectful for expressing my opinion about something that, yes, of course it doesn't affect me directly, but it does affect a certain part of me which did believe in him, and which felt comforted and inspired by him and his work. It does hurt to feel that he doesn't care, simply because, also, the fans played an important role to where he is today. And since, like it seemed, he respected and was thankful for most of his fans too. It has to do with mutual respect. And yes, it also affects me because, as I already mentioned, I wouldn't like to see, at the end of the day, that the person I have been admiring so much supports awful things, or doesn't care that their partner is such an awful and problematic person. To conclude, nobody said they wanted him to remain boyish and insecure. Nobody said that him being more confident and comfortable is a negative thing. Quite the contrary. I loved to see him more sure and confident as the months went by. But the recent events might be leading to different conclusions. Yes, fame might have changed him. We can't know how he's feeling about this sudden thing that changed, I assume, his whole life these past 2 years.
But it would be very disappointing to see that he changed in a way that makes him not care about his fans anymore. Because, as it seemed, he did care about them at some point. And, in my opinion, it is not cool to want to turn the people who have been supporting you since day 1, away. And i'd like to be proven wrong but, based on what they wanted to show us (and not based on assumptions in my head), he doesn't seem to care anymore.
Wow. Nonny, you put everything so well. You really captured what so many of feel. Thank you.
"I will not be called problematic and disrespectful for expressing my opinion about something that, yes, of course it doesn't affect me directly, but it does affect a certain part of me which did believe in him, and which felt comforted and inspired by him and his work."
Exactly. An opinion. On a Tumblr blog. This.
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one-million-kruge · 1 year
my six of crows hcs
I need to read Crooked Kingdom but I can't for at least another week and it's killing me so take this very self indulgent list
Kaz Brekker
-He finds it really hard to apologize so he literally buys a gazillion super expensive gifts for whichever Crow, refuses to elaborate, and walks away. Matthias is mystified by this.
-Kaz hates emotional attachments with people because he could easily lose them like he lost Jordie, so he made them with his cane and gloves instead.
-For a while as a coping mechanism, Kaz legitimately treated 'Rietveld' Kaz and 'Brekker' Kaz as two different people. When he was triggered by something or other he told himself it was Rietveld messing with him.
-He researched Saints so that he could know and understand Inej's religion, even though he had no obligation to. He also pretends he hates hearing her talking about it but just hearing the passion in her voice makes Kaz happy.
Inej Ghafa
-Similarly to Kaz, she has emotional attachments to her knives because after her time at the Menagerie it became really hard for her to trust people.
-Inej learned how to walk silently at the Menagerie because she needed to sneak around in order to get stuff she needed to survive, whether it be food or something to stitch herself up with.
-She enjoys being on the sea because it gives her a sense of freedom similar to how acrobatics made her feel.
-Inej has never once pitied Kaz, just felt anger for what others (*cough cough* pekka rollins) had done to him. Every time she sees him panic she feels a mixture of sadness and pure rage.
Jesper Fahey
-Jesper has a diary because he feels emotions in a very big way and he needs some way to get them out. He hides it under his bed and let me tell you it is bright pink.
-When he is stressed (often) he plays with his guns. Like, safety on, but he flips them around in his hands and whatever because it reminds him of his mother and her memory makes him feel safe.
-When on heists, Jesper legit takes any opportunity to wear high heels. There is no need to. The Crows make fun of him for it. He does not care.
-Jesper is typically very fidgety but whenever he's near Wylan he's just automatically much calmer. Wylan is like Milo for his stress but better. It's even better when he's touching Wylan in some way, shape, or form.
Wylan Van Eck
-If Wylan hears a phrase or saying or something of the like that he thinks is nice or cool, he writes it in musical notes (similarly to how he labels chemicals and such) and tacks it up on a wall or something.
-When he was younger and his father would use horrible tactics to try and get him to be able to read, he just took it and assumed it was normal because he didn't have a frame of reference (not being able to read books or make friends very well). Some days he felt he deserved it.
-Wylan loves symbolic art because it's a way for him to take in a story without having to read it. He loves making up interpretations of symbolic paintings and connecting unrelated ones into a continuous story.
-He is really not assertive at all and finds it hard to read the room, so Wylan always asks Jesper before he does anything affectionate. He sometimes gets embarrassed about it, but Jesper always reassures him that it's very cute and sexy of him.
Nina Zenik
-Nina is bisexual (canon) and in terms of her preferences she finds women to be hotter, but she loves men beyond physical attraction more often. Whenever people try to tell her that she's straight because of that she either punches them or knocks them out for a few minutes depending on how she's feeling that day.
-Nina loves fucking with people by speaking a language to them that they don't speak and then gaslighting them into thinking that she was speaking the language they do speak.
-She is like the #1 hype squad for Inej, and it's literally the only thing that Kaz and her can agree on. They literally get into compliment battles but they're complimenting Inej.
-Nina finds it hilarious how actually innocent Matthias is, so sometimes when they speak, she makes progressively more lewd innuendos to see how long it takes for him to catch on.
Matthias Helvar
-Matthias is super gullible and will believe almost anything someone tells him unless it is far too outlandish to be true. The rest of the Crows (bar Inej and Wylan) use this to their advantage often.
-Back when he hunted Grisha, everyone else said he was most definitely the least likely to become a traitor but also the most likely to be the nicest to the Grisha. Guess where they were wrong.
-Matthias tries his best to be mischievous and absolutely fails every time. He just feels bad about it and so he immediately apologizes even though all of his "mischief" isn't even that bad.
-Whenever Nina needs anything, Matthias will immediately do it/get it for her. Whether it's getting a book off of a shelf that she can't quite reach or committing homicide, he is always ready and willing.
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sixpennydame · 5 months
"so if eruri is triggering for you, I’d suggest you start filtering certain tags so you can curate the kind of experience you want here."
I guess you think I don't really filter them out, but you're wrong. Believe me, no matter how much I ban everything related to this ship, it comes up in every way. For example eruri shipper Levixreader writers. Even in the Hcs/fanfic's they write, they are in every way squeezing their own ship under the guise of "this is not ship discourse" and they write the dynamics of that ship under the name of 'levixreader' in order to show that their ship is canon. And you naively Rb'd them and think that Levi's character is really like that. He's a perpetually angry man, he's a cruel selfish man who hates the weak and who hates the weak and who immediately abandons you because he's weak, who puts his feelings for erbin ahead of his duties 🥺 who puts humanity through hell for erbin. but someone who is a dog and a softy for him and someone who threw S/o out of the window for him. Yes he loves S/o but he would even sacrifice S/o for the landlord whose dog he is 😔 But again keep saying "great Levi fic post 😭".
And that's what I'm talking about when I say don't let them manipulate you, because even one of your recent articles is similar to their writing style. I wouldn't be surprised if you soon write Levi as an ass upturned, bed whining, super fanon twink whiny lowlife sub. One of your Rb's in particular is a super delulu shipper levixreader writer, and they so much portray Levi as Erwin's lapdog, order dog, loyal dog, someone who never questions whatever action he takes, never wavers in his loyalty, that Cosmic finally had to write them a misleading reply that Levi is not like that Lmaoo. And they are egotistical and self-righteous enough to say "I know better than you" when they see criticism that contradicts their fanon thinking. Man its 2024 and fucking ackerbond has been debunked years ago and even Isayama's dusty old interviews deny it. Yeah, no matter how much I filter eruri, I see exactly that in both Levi tags and Levixreader tags 🙃 and now whenever I want to read fic or browse Levi posts, I have to look at them with hesitation and fear. I don't understand if I should filter Levi directly?
I'm so tired that I would love for Isayama to drop a bombshell that will disprove both the selfshippers and shippers and all their rhetoric, all their Hc's, and leave us all in a big disappointment. For example to give him a really random female partner. Or I would like him to write a characterization where he really doesn't care about everyone and throws them into the fire, where he thinks about himself and his life instead of thinking about them, where he focuses on himself, where he is truly selfish. Then we wouldn't have to see discourses, dramas and fights like "Levi cared about X the most" "He did this and that for X" "Levi doesn't have a canon ship, but if he did it would be X"
*sighs heavily*
I don’t know what to tell you, Anon. If my reblogging and my moots bring you so much distress, you are free to block me.
I refuse to get involved with ship discourse - that’s not what I’m here for.
But I will say this: the writing I do is xreader, but I love to read and view Levi in many forms - canon and AU, eruri, LeviHan, and everything in between. I’ll be sure to make that clear on my ‘About Me’ page.
I love my moots’ writing and art, and will continue to reblog anything that I find beautiful or pleasing to me. Because that, dear Anon, is why I am here.
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exo-raskreia · 4 months
you'll probably won't see this message but i'll send it anyway lol.. i love you speak your mind about how the ichihime ship isn't that great and has all the facts to bring it show that you're right. i always felt scared to say i don't ship ichihime cuz they're are alot of shippers that can get so intense about it. i always say that ichihime is a cute ship and they have their moments(i don't feel that way at all lol) cuz i don't want to be attacked for not liking how their story played out. twitter is a scary place oml💀 and they made me sorta believe that ichiruki doesn't have any chemistry and they're just siblings when i knew in my heart like yes they do have chemistry and are the superior ship. like ichigo cares more for chad and uryuu then orihime. but since their canon, i guess their love for each other is supposed to be legit. apparently ichigo sees his mother in orihime so i don't understand why that's not a turn-off for the shippers😭so yeah thanks for making me go back in my bleach fangirl era and making my 10-year old self to not feel guilty and stupid shipping ichiruki
Wow, thanks so much, anon! And ur welcome! I will forever be on IchiRuki's side no matter what anyone says 😤.
You don't have to be scared to support what was, and still is, the most popular ship in Bleach (and rightfully so). There was no real ship war during its run (despite what the antis try to claim now), as IR was shipped by most of the fanbase. IR had everything you could hope a M/F ship to have in a battle shounen, the most solid basis for becoming canon with just one more step...and yet... (Kubo fumbled 🙄). The theories on that are interesting...
While more than half the IR fandom is no longer active after that disastrous ending, it doesn't mean they're not still out there. I've seen even non-shippers still praise IR & see it as wasted potential & whatnot (triggering antis in the process 🤭). Not being canon doesn't take away from the fact that it is still the superior ship. Anyone with reading comprehension who reads the manga will see it & wonder why they didn't end up together.
IH was never popular in Japan. It was always far below IchiRuki & UlquiHime (Ori's most popular ship 👀. Kubo achieved in ONE arc what he couldn't achieve for IH the entire manga, like-). To this day, those 2 ships get more content than the canon ships 😌.
The antis are just triggered that despite becoming canon, their ship is still. not. popular. IH doesn't have nearly as much content (both canon AND fanon) as IR & UH despite being canon for almost 10 years. Yes, Kubo himself doesn't care enough to give them even one family sketch 🫢.
Compare that to the Naruto endgame ships (mainly NaruHina & SasuSaku), which have way more official AND fan content. Those were always popular, & still are, 10 years later since becoming canon. Pro-Bleach ED fans love to compare their ships with Naruto's yet are nowhere near as popular.
The IH's really thought they would get the NaruHina royal treatment after the ending (you know, like a movie, official drawings from the creator, interviews saying they were meant to be, merch, etc.), but instead only got a novel that wasn't even focused on them (Ren/Ruki is more popular than IH but mainly because of Rukia 🤣), which vaguely went over their so-called "development" & had chicken scratches a rough draft of a sketch for their ship 🫢. Kubo also said in an interview that IH tried dating in college once but then broke up, later getting back together at some point. Super vague. And mind you, all this happened AFTER Rukia's wedding 🫢👀. So, we can only guess what was going through Ichigo's mind- Doesn't sound like Ichigo was all that interested, huh? Yet the IH's claim he was madly in love with her & "came back to life for her" & whatnot. Almost 10 years later & Kubo still can't be clear on when Ichigo supposedly started to "fall" for Ori despite being his "intended" endgame 💀.
The WDKALY novel has such OOC content on there, like it can't be taken seriously. Apparently, Kubo barely had any involvement with it anyway? Those sketches he drew sure are telling, esp if he calls his drawings here as a "rough draft" 💀
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"Chicken scratches" for the canon ships, fr 😭.
RR is another dumpster fire but also more meh for me so I don't have to delve into that one, however, here's a post I once made where I go over why I don't truly believe Renji had feelings for Rukia. Meanwhile, Rukia's sad expression on the novel cover & the sketch of heading to the altar with a scared expression (not even when she was headed to her own execution did she look like THAT) say it all anyway 🫢.
Oh, man, there's just so much to make fun of for the canon ships. Even when we lose, we still win. IH's have no content, so maybe that's why they're so bitter & IR & its shippers still live in their minds rent-free despite them calling it a "dead ship". You would think they'd happily enjoy their canon ship & yet... They get triggered whenever IR fanart garners thousands of likes on Twitter 😩...
So, anon, I suggest not to engage with antis, esp on platforms like Twitter & Reddit. They're cesspools full of dudebros & loud IH's. Ignore, block, &/or mute them. No need to try arguing with them & please do NOT cater to them. Do NOT give them the validation they don't even get from Kubo himself, nor his affiliates (LMFAO). Use that energy to look for other fellow IR's & enjoy IR content (and maybe anti-IH content in the right places; you can explore that tag on my blog if u wish 🤪).
As an old saying in this fandom went, "Keep Calm & Ship IchiRuki."
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lord-aldhelm · 9 months
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Aldhelm Character Analysis (and why I love him so much)
The following is a character study and my own opinions. I meant to post something like this several months ago when I started this blog, but I had so much other stuff going on I forgot about this in my drafts, so I am posting it now. I know there will be people who disagree with me, and others who maybe think I am being ridiculous or whatever, but I don't care. This is my blog and I want to share this because it is meaningful to me, and maybe perhaps it will resonate with someone. This is a kind of "about me" but mostly a rambling mess.
Aldhelm means so much to me, more than any other character in any other show or movie I have watched. I have fallen super hard for this man; he has bewitched me body and soul, and just imbedded himself into the core of my being. He is my muse, and has profoundly permeated every creative aspect of myself, from creating this blog, screencaps/edits, gifs, memes, artwork, poetry (don't ask), and fanfics. No one else has managed to do that to me. This show in general, and him specifically, have led me deep into this fandom and made me do things that I have never done before.
My attraction to him goes far beyond just him being a pretty face; my feelings for him are complex and multi-faceted. Of course I think he is exceptionally handsome, and I find everything about him attractive. But I was attracted to his personality long before I was attracted to him physically. The two go hand in hand, and it takes more than just being a hot dude to hold my attention. This show is loaded to the brim with attractive people and yet he is the only one that has captivated me.
I love him for so many reasons. To me he is absolute perfection and I would not change a single thing about his character. He is introverted, quiet, soft-spoken, and dignified. He is highly intelligent, has a calm confident demeanor, and has a great fortitude for dealing with difficult situations. He is elegant and refined, despite sometimes coming off as awkward. I love his quick wit and dry sarcastic sense of humor. I melt whenever he rolls his eyes or sighs with exasperation. He is so pure and wholesome, and loves with his whole entire being. His selfless and unwavering devotion and loyalty to both Mercia and Aethelflaed are unmatched. He sets aside his own needs and desires to serve others, ultimately to his detriment. (He deserved better in so many ways) He has many personality traits that are normally only seen in women characters, while still being very much masculine, and I find that dichotomy incredibly appealing.
Additionally, something about him triggers my nurturing instinct; I want to hold him in my arms and cuddle him for all eternity. He is so unbelievably sweet and gentle, and the way he was so soft around Aethelflaed just melted my heart. In fact. he embodies my idea of a perfect romantic partner. He is so calm, patient, understanding, eager to help out, very devoted and loyal, cares more about his partner's happiness than his own. I feel as a boyfriend or husband he would be very attentive and in tune to his partner's needs. Never arguing, or trying to avoid it as much as possible. Never raising his voice. He would go out of his way to do nice things for them just to make them happy. Acts of service, gift giving, quality time, and humor are his love languages.
But more than that, I see in him a reflection of myself, that I have not seen in any other character or real-life person, ever.
His quiet, contemplative, introverted nature, and preference for solitude matches my own. He is very Byronic/Jane Austen coded, with that brooding moody energy. Like me, he is the kind of person who dislikes bars, parties, or large gatherings of people, and prefers to keep to himself. He comes off as cold and calculating, but inside he is anything but. He is overwhelmed with emotion and allows himself to love wholly and intensely, despite not having his feelings reciprocated. Despite doing his best to hide his feelings, he actually wears his heart on his sleeve and allows others to use him just for the sake of feeling needed. He allows himself to cry, although he does so in private, not because he is ashamed, but because he wants to appear strong for others. He is the kind of person that hides the deeper parts of himself well from others, but I know that if you really got to bond with him, he would show you another side of himself, one that smiles freely and loves openly, laughs and jokes, and allows himself to be comfortable in the presence of others.
He appears to me to be demi/ace coded. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but seeing ace representation on the screen is incredibly rare and refreshing. Especially since his sexuality, or lack thereof, is never really brought up or ridiculed by the other characters (as ace-presenting people so often are in media). As someone who is demi/ace myself, I find his characterization in this way very comforting, especially since I have been ridiculed and downcast over my asexuality. I also find it delightful to see a male character who is not constantly talking about getting laid, making sex jokes, or aggressively pursuing or objectifying women. Much the opposite; he treats Aethelflaed with a level of respect and admiration that women are not often given by men. In fact he treats women in general with a lot of respect.
I feel his pain when he is ignored or his words are brushed off by others time and time again. As someone who has felt simultaneously invisible and freakishly "other" her whole life, I can identify with that strongly. I am always the one who others talk over or ignore in social settings. I have always felt like an outcast, even among my friends and peers. I never feel like I truly belong anywhere or with anyone, and have always felt like an outsider, just drifting along the perimeters of multiple social circles without ever fitting in. It is such a horrible feeling, and I empathize with him when I see him go through the exact same treatment.
I also feel his sense of uniqueness in that, like me, he is neither a leader nor a follower, but marches to the beat of his own drum. He had no desire to be Lord of Mercia even when it was offered to him (which I personally think was a mistake on his part). But I get it; I hate being in charge. I prefer to work behind the scenes and stay out of the spotlight myself. But while I am not a leader, neither am I a follower. I am always doing my own thing regardless of trendiness or popularity.
The biggest difference between him and I is that he is far more patient than I could ever be! He is much more level headed, whereas I tend to be more emotional and have a kind of firecracker reaction, especially when I am in an argument or when something upsets me. I think I would be a better person if I could learn to remain calm and collected during emotionally stressful times.
So, this is much more than me thinking the dude is super hot. And it also goes so far beyond me just thinking he is a cool and interesting character (which he is no doubt). He has actually become a permanent part of me, one that will not be replaced by the next hot thing to cross my screen. Even if I run out of things to post here (which will happen at some point), he will still occupy my thoughts, and I will still be drawing him, and writing for his character for a very long time to come.
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I’m just scared to post it on here because people will send me so much hate for believing that stuff/ bringing it up on here…./ I mean we talk about stuff from gossip sites, we’ll just take it with a grain of salt but I’m so curious
okay I can share some things she said to me, after I cried her ears off for an hour about my own boyfriend lol. I was there for almost 2 hours! Please take all of this with a grain of salt and remember that none of this might be true / has to come true / have any meaning:
I didn't tell her that we spoke about a superstar (this woman is 82 years old) so I presented both their birth charts as "friends of mine" lmao and right away she was like "does your friend struggle with anxiety and panic attacks? because my hands are shaking and my stomach feels super upset, does she have stomach issues?" lmao accurate
she said Taylor has a lot of trauma and mistrust inside of herself and that has been an issue from the first day in the relationship. However, she learned a lot and got better in time. Still, she is the one that starts drama in the relationship (which was due to her insecurities)
she said she felt drawn to Joe because he was the first man who didn't react to her shenanigans. Like, she could go up the wall and he'd be like "okay babe, I'll take a shower and we'll talk later when you calm down" lol and that was like a first for her because before Joe she only dated people who didn't have enough confidence to stand that - so his quiet confidence and how he reacted towards her and challenged her was a big factor in their love
she said Joe really changed her in some aspects. Like, she has been wronged in the past but she also knows that she has wronged some people (didn't give any details) and that Joe taught her to apologise and admit her mistakes to others in a way she didn't do it before.
what gave me goosebumps is that she was like "did she break up or him? did she tell you it was her who ended the relationship?" I was like????? she goes "I almost feel like she wants people to know that she broke up, but it was him. She would've never broken up with this man" - mate I felt like puking 🤢
she said that Taylor holds a lot of grudges against people/things/being wronged in the past and for Joe this was the one thing where he felt like she didn't really grow up. Like, he doesn't care about these sort of ego things, but she does (which I get, I mean she's a legend) and so he didn't understand why she would always get so upset about things and people. It's almost like she's a very intense and temperamental person and he just wanted them to enjoy life and be happy (so it's like they struggled with an energetic imbalance together)
what almost made me cry is that she said "wow, this break up is killing her." and then she was like "she needs you to be there for her because this is the biggest wound of her life so far, this one goes deep." 🤮
then she also talked about Joe's communication issues and that because he never reacted to her emotions, he kind of triggered her insecurities of her thinking "he doesn't react to me because he doesn't love me"
she said Joe was clearly the one pushing for children and family and she felt like he made her choose because he wanted her to slow her career down - but not in like a toxic way. She was like "he just understands clearly that her job has such a big impact in her life right now, there's no space for him or children anywhere" and then she was like "what does your friend do for a living? I get really intense energies" LMAO I was like... yeah she's pretty successful in her job lol
she said that she feels like Taylor might want to make him jealous in the next weeks/months but that the door for him is sadly closed, because he's the type of person when if it's over, it's over.
what touched me is that she said that overall for Taylor's life, this is one of the most important lessons, because his purpose in her life was to teach her to let go of her grudges and understand that ego isn't that important. And she said she will realise this down the road and even though they won't be together she will reach out to him and say "hey, you were right back then, and it might took losing you for me to get it, but thank you for what you taught me" 🥹 so like, in the long run she thinks Taylor will be super grateful for him and see his role in her life
overall she said they had a great connection, but it couldn't work out in terms of family etc cause he was here to teach her this one important lesson + he needs to work on his communication
she thinks Taylor needs to focus on her career for the next few years because this will ultimately bring her to the place she actually belongs
what was interesting is that she was like "is there someone at work who she used to fancy a while back?" 😅 so apparently there's someone in her life she knows/works with and who she wishes could be different in a way (not sure how she meant it) but that the good news is that this person will become exactly what she always hoped for in a few years. Like, all the qualities she wants in a husband/partner/father. So apparently it's someone she works with. But it takes a few years until that person has actually evolved enough basically
Taylor has to take care of her health 🙃 she was like "she has stomach issues and needs to get it checked out"
She said Joe gives off dad energy and that's what she is looking for in future partners, like someone calm and caring
I can't remember anything else. I was there for almost 2 hours so.. don't mind me if I forgot something
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randomwriteronline · 3 months
I've been re-reading your notes on your Adoption AU and there's so many neat points.
The way each turaga bonds with and helps the kids, as well as the specifics. Like Nokama helping Gali find a way to vent her anger safely, and encouraging her to be angry in the first place. Or Vakama nonchalance to Tahu's declaration that he'll run off to find his siblings. "Sure, just let me kit you out first so that you can survive."
The body horror related to the Toa Mata's origins in this AU.
How you've adapted the Toa Metru's hordika transformations just gives me so many feelings. It's horrifying, and heartwarming in the ending. They only want to care about their kids and won't hurt them.
Velika is delightfully scary, as is Artakha.
The twist in the ending, how the Toa Mata unravel everything and didn't even intend it that way. Also the irony that Velika's plan likely would have failed like this ultimately even if everything else went according to her plans.
im sososososo glad the kids n turaga are good i love them so much. at last i can lean entirely in the familial affection i want to project onto their canon counterparts without fucking it up. AND im happy taht the villains are fucking off putting despite in Velikas case being like, A Normal Woman while the protagonists are all weird ass pieces of cosmic horror disguised as ppl technically. i mean. as normal as she can be. AND YEAH IT WOULD HAVE ALL BEEN FOR NOTHING... thats both funny as hell and so so terrible.
ACTually i do have. a few more stuff i forgot to mention like KOPAKA ISNT COMATOSE FOR LIKE THE WHOLE SECOND HALF OF THE PLOT, when his sibs touch him he starts getting better and gets out of the hospital and stuff, he just has to, you know. get back in his body properly. because he was Snow for a hot second there
or when Tahu becomes fire Vakama throws himself in a blazing inferno and pulls him back out essentially through the beads Tahu made for him... or Nokama and Whenua throwing themselves into the ground/sea wading through it until they pull their kids out... or Matau holding onto Lewa's hand in the middle of a tornado...
OR. speaking of the hordika. i have two specific scenes that are so clear in my Mind
first one is shortly after Velika activated the trigger for the transformation and the Turaga scattered to keep the kids safe from them somehow, and Whenua manages to get Onua in a ventilation shaft. Onua ofc thinks his dad is coming along and starts panicking when Whenua fucking shuts it behind him (also bc hes scared of heights so yknow) and tries to reach for him through the grates but Whenua starts giving instructions on how to avoid HIM - he cant climb anywhere so the kids need to stay off the ground, he cant crane his neck but hes got good hearing, stay away from his back elgs bc theyre very strong and dangerous, etc. He tells Onua he's a smart boy and to keep his siblings safe and then he just keeps repeating that he loves him so so so so much as he goes through this horrendous change more and more violently until hes full on just a monstrous animal screaming and scraping at the wall trying to get to his son and Onua has to scuttle away in tears
and second one is later on, while the Turaga are in full pursuit. Pohatu is running away but hes distracted, so he falls down some stairs and gets hurt super badly - nothing broken but it hurts so much he straight up cant stand up or move for a little. and Onewa finds him (hes a big predator with so many Sharp Fucking Teeth) and approaches him quickly and Pohatu is bawling his eyes out bc his dad is going to MAUL HIM and then theres this huge tongue licking his face while Onewa whines inconsolably. hes like RED ALERT BABY HURT CLEAN BABY IMMEDIATELY and hes nudging him with his nose and whimpering trying to understand how to help him and hes laying down next to him with his big scary body curled up around him just Licking Him. Pohatu snaps out of shock like dad thats gross! thats gross!! thats gross... and he starts crying HARDER bc his dad loves him SO much even tho hes a big fuck off scary ass beast and hes been lookin out for him this whole time still... and then Onewa pulls him up by the scruff of his shirt and puts him on his back and they go around like that. and Velika is looking at that and going "HM. I MAY HAVE MISCALCULATED."
also Nuju def takes a bullet for his boy and Nokama absolutely jumps Velika the moment she comes close to her daughter and maybe lands a big fuckoff bite on her. and Gali kicks the fuck out of Velika for all of ten seconds when her mom is neutralized bc Nokama taught her well
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brzatto · 1 year
Okay the anon mentioning that thing about Mikey leaving Carmy the beef and in a way leaving Richie to Carmy IS FANTASTIC
This fucker really said these two idiots will only survive if I force them together.
Also I feel like Richie is dying to take care of someone in a way? Like, he was really good with Tiff and he wants to be a good dad so bad. And then his dead best friend said heard and just shoves this chaotic, broken, mess of a little brother into his arms with no direction or further guidance. And he grew up with this kid right? He saw all the awkward phases and knows him better than most of his family even though it was probably more of an annoyance than genuinely wanting to know.
So he, on a super base level, probably knows Carmy enough to be surprisingly good at keep him alive and healthy?
Mikey gave Richie the human equivalent of a depressed house plant and he's actually doing a decent job at keeping Carmy it alive.
Along this same train of thought, what would Nat and Donna do once they realize Richie and Carmy may be a little closer than they realized? I think Nat would give a fierce shovel talk to Richie and then hug him for a really long time. What about Donna? She's already fucking nuts. I kinda want to explore the idea of her snarling something about Carmy always trying to be Mikey but I also like the idea of her thinking they can support each other better than she ever did.
And I feel like it's just glazed over but the trauma of being in that fucking house? Like Richie's dad wasn't around right? I would argue that's almost better than whatever the fuck Donna was doing.
There's so much to explore there. Add in the stuff while Carmy was away with the fuck face chef and oh Lord this boy needs help.
Do I think Carmy is in a place like Mikey was? No, but not taking care of yourself is a form of self harm and that boy does not even know how to spell self care.
I feel like Richie would better understand and be very aware of those things. They're always yelling at each other but Carmy usually has like a meltdown of some type after. Maybe Carmy hates when someone's close behind him in the kitchen because it makes him think of fuck face chef. Richie clocking in on that and going out of his way to discreetly move people around Carmy quick or to place himself between Carmy and someone else if they have to be behind him. Because if Carmy would let anyone see all the little, broken, scared parts of him it would be Richie.
And possessive, protective Richie who picks up on all these little flinches, self deprecating remarks, the lack of self care, or general depression and putting all the pieces into a picture that he does not like. I think he'd pick it all up and make sure anything that may trigger Carmy is taken care of, within reason, and subtly do things to help or make things easier, all while Carmy is oblivious but also realizing he isn't as stressed as he usually is. And Richie seems very pleased with himself lately.
**I rambled again, sorry. I just love actually having someone to talk to about this pairing ♥️
you’re correct! something that really irked me before s2 came out was the mass richie misinterpretation where everyone thought he was fundamentally a bad person with a few good moments/interactions as opposed to vice versa. the way richie treats carmy is a testament to their closeness but also probably to how estranged they became since carmy left home, when we’re introduced to richie in the pilot he’s visibly very warm and friendly with everyone else in the kitchen (except for fak and syd who are outsiders that carmy chooses to bring in) and is seen being openly affectionate, kissing tina hugging marcus etc etc. richie takes good care of those he cares about and i’m so glad they gave us a glimpse into his dynamic with tiff while she was pregnant because richie was soooooo (biting my fist) i’ve never doubted for a second that he genuinely loved her and i’m glad they showed us them being happy and sweet rather than the deteriorated version of their relationship that probably came after eva was born/mikey’s addiction got worse.
i feel like growing up carmy was relatively sheltered in a way? probably naturally shy and quiet and introverted even when he was younger and in spite of all the chaos in his family i really feel like he was spoiled lol or at least comparatively. especially with the comment richie made to sydney about always being nagged about being careful with carmy i can see nat and mikey both being really protective of him. in opposition richie was definitely the one who’d tease and antagonize him the most but he still clearly had that sense of responsibility drilled into him back then because we can see how instinctual his protectiveness is with carmy even now. i’m still trying to decide what his relationship and dynamic with donna was like when he was younger because in fishes we see him successfully placating her when nat couldn’t, i can’t tell if she’s always favored carmy just for being the youngest or if mikey and nat had to shield him from the brunt of her dysfunctionality growing up or maybe even if she was more stable when he was younger and then her mental health deteriorated/behavior became increasingly more erratic over time?
richie’s a person who naturally receives gratification from doing things for others and feeling useful/needed and that probably manifests itself in a much more competitive/spiteful way with carmy because his feelings towards him are just Like That and carmy is also bad at thanking (not other people just richie specifically) him so it’s not quite as transactional as his dynamic with, for example, tiff where he does things for her and is directly rewarded with affection/praise/seeing her happy. i think at first richie just likes the idea of carmy, who he always knew as just some snot nosed loser and is now a well established name in a competitive and high end industry, still being incompetent in some facets and having to depend on richie for something (even if carmy would NEVER ask for his help first or even admit his dependency), likes the idea of having it to hang over his head etc etc (or at least this is how he justifies it to himself) and then with time it gradually morphs back into a Normal relationship where they’re willing to accept that richie takes care of carmy because he cares about him and carmy accepts it because he also cares about him but because they’re them and they’re difficult we have to go the long way around. this is the plot of bcm essentially
lol for sugar and donna’s reactions i think you summed up my own feelings pretty well. i do have a wip fic that sort of includes how that would go with sugar, but in it they actually don’t tell her about “being together” at all (because they do NOT think of themselves as “being together”) and she finds out herself after carmy has been unofficially living with richie for like the past however many months and is understandably pissed. it’s supposed to be a more lighthearted fic so there’s no seriousness to it but i think having known for richie for so long she’s already intimately familiar with all his loser scumbag asshole tendencies as well as carmy’s bullheadedness and notoriously bad decision making but she also knows richie’s good at heart and carmy needs someone like him in his life. especially in light of richie’s apology to her in s2 and effectively amending their relationship (which meant SO much to me) genuinely i can only see her being mad over them not telling her about it rather than anything else. also i love the implication that mikey and richie were also romantically involved before at some point too and donna weaponizing that… when i choose to incorporate past richie/mikey in my carmrich plots the notion that richie is just another one of mikey’s hand me downs or that carmy is simply mikey’s fill in for richie is always one of carmy’s biggest insecurities and i can’t quite decide if donna would be cruel enough to weaponize that against carmy specifically but the thought has delectable angst potential. your mind
i think about richie’s family life a lot like goodness what was going ON in the jerimovich household that donna berzatto could’ve possibly been the better alternative… in reality i think richie’s mother actually just wasn’t present at all, like i think she probably either died or left when he was a child but since sydney’s mother also passed away when she was young and i doubt they’d repeat that plotline for richie i’m guessing it’s the latter. his father also probably wasn’t around very much because of service, but when he was he was probably a dick because he was a cishet (vine boom) white man (vine boom) in the military (VINE BOOM)
and actually it’s funny that you say that because to me i think carmy would definitely have his own vices, like obviously we see his smoking habit but a personal hc of mine i’ve always had for him even before s2 came out is that he has a bad relationship with alcohol—not to the point of addiction or anything like that but i think he probably abused it a little to cope with mikey shutting him out and stopped once it posed the risk of interfering with his work. if you happen to remember in ch2 of bcm there’s a line where carmy mentions richie knowing carmy doesn’t drink—there’s a reason why and that’ll get expanded on in future chapters! but yeah carmy’s form of self harm definitely manifests itself as self neglect. i’ve seen a lot of people write him with an ed but i don’t necessarily think he has one or that his relationship with food is tainted per se i think his eating habits just reflect his own self negligence. carmy definitely is on his way to developing gastritis if he doesn’t have it already
and this is such a sweet scenario for them i love this >_< anything with richie being attentive, considerate, thoughtful, gentle, tender etc etc i am seated immediately… like sometimes i read my own writing and feel like i’m projecting because i want him so unspeakably badly. always nice to see you in my inbox thank you for this anon 🤍
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
transmasc ask anon!! masculine terms and help with gender affirmation :'))
Thank you for your patience for waiting, Anon! I hope you enjoy this!
and BIG Thank you to my proof reader for helping me with this!! <3 <3
Papas helping their Transmasc Partner with Period pains
Note: I know this is a rather personal subject for each individual, so I tried to keep every response varied from Papa to Papa. I know not everyone shares the same type of preferences, and what works for one person might not work for the other. Please enjoy as I tried to keep it different to suit a few different scenarios and situations! As always, feedback is always super appreciated! :) 
Also trigger warning for references to gender dysphoria and general period talk! 
Papa Nihil: One would describe Nihil as a partner as well meaning but sometimes rather daft. Typically not out of maliciousness, but usually from his own lack of understanding. But what Nihil does know is that he cares about you and hates seeing you not feeling well. Especially this time of the month when it can be the worst physically and emotionally. One day he casually just asks why don’t you just stop your period. If you hate experiencing it and hate the way it makes you feel less masculine… why not stop it? You, understandably, stare at him for the over simplified suggestion. The only thing preventing you from being upset was the sheer genuineness of the question. But before you answer Nihil continues on about how several members of the high ministry use the Clergy’s stupidly good medical coverage to help. “Do you know how many men here stopped their periods? Why not you too, Caro? We use MY doctors!” This is how you found yourself sitting with one of the premiere doctors employed by the ministry to talk about all of your hormone and physical options. Nihil is there with you excited that you were getting steps to transitio
Papa I: If anyone in the ministry is equipped to help you, outside of healer ghouls, it’s definitely Papa. Forget the pills you were going to take, the man has an entire APOTHECARY in your kitchen! Papa is more prepared for your symptoms than YOU are sometimes. He’s the first one by your side with a homemade brew and herbal paste. Anything to kill the pain before it starts. Something you noticed, too, is that during these times Papa tries to be very keen on your mood. He knows sometimes this time of the month just has you very down on yourself. Papa recognizes there is only so much he can do and say as a supportive partner. So there is no shame in asking someone else with more experience to help. Papa one day asks if you’d like to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing you are going through right now. When you say yes you are surprised to find yourself in the office of Papa IV! Who happily is there for any advice or just venting about your shared experiences. You end up making a good friend out of Papa IV, while still being pampered by your attentive partner!   
Papa II: Papa would never admit he’s always ill equipped to help you when you’re sick or in pain. He loves you dearly, but his first instinct is to bark at the medical staff to assist. It’s his way of caring. However, he does know one thing about that type of cramping; and that it can be helped with EXERCISE! And unfortunately for you, he LOVES exercise. Imagine your surprise when you waddled out of bed exhausted and grumpy to find a brand new jogging suit and sneakers laid out for you… you didn’t even know Versace MADE work out gear. “Caro, we are going to the gym.” You stared at him at first in disbelief. You felt like shit and he wanted to WORK OUT? But you had to give in when he insisted and the light exercise made you feel much better! It started with walks, light aerobics, and even Yoga (which Papa was rubbish at but INSISTED on joining you in). At first, this was just a monthly routine that REALLY helped cut down the pain… but you both found yourselves doing more and more. Not just during your times you were in pain, but just going when you both felt like it! Suddenly you were a master at easing your cramps and even started feeling more confident in the way you moved in general! The next thing you know you’re Papa’s favorite boxing buddy and you both couldn’t be happier! 
Papa III: Papa always knows when you’re dealing with cramps. He’s a firm believer that laughter and love are the best medicines! You know the same joke is coming whenever he comes home and sees you on the first day of your cycle. Papa always looks at your slumped form on the couch and yells the same thing he always does. “CARO MIO! MY LOVE! What’s wrong with your handsome face?? Did you hurt yourself falling for me again??” It never gets old! From the beginning, Papa has always been attuned to your needs. His primary focus was always finding ways to make you more comfortable and getting you out of pain. Papa looks for ways to make your cycle a little more bearable and light hearted. No one wants to be in pain for a week! You’ve come to find he likes to bring humor to the situation to help you both be less irritable and know that you are in a safe and comfortable place. He’s happy to get you some pain killers and joke about how the best medicine is cuddling him- charming eyebrow wiggles and all. Papa always feels powerless any time you are hurt or sick, so to him laughter and smiles are the best medicine. That, and sometimes matters don’t always HAVE to be serious. You’ve appreciated that as sometimes you just don’t want things to be a big fucking deal.   
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: If anyone has your back about this, it’s your loveable dork Copia. Because he had been dealing with those same problems FOR DECADES! Granted, he hasn’t had one for a while but he sure as Hell can help! Copia knows all the tricks from before his cycles stopped, and has been a bottomless well of knowledge and support for you! Most of his knowledge has helped you find the right products to get through your cycle without too much mental stress. Before dating him, you didn’t even KNOW you could use a packer to hide a pad! Copia hooks you up with everything you need! Whether it’s advice on keeping your chest comfortable during peak tenderness, the best comfy clothes so you can keep working, or just the best over the counter remedies for pain. He’s your guide and helper through it all! You’re delighted to know everything he recommends works! What’s even better? He’s always there to be as loving or to give you as much space as you need. Copia will even insist that the best cure for pain and hormones is PASTA! Will make you so much! 
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thebarontheabyss · 10 months
Okay so obviously I ran to play the update because you know I have a problem by now.
But omg why would u make me so sad!! I never knew just how much trauma the staff have. I completely understand the need for a safe haven for the dead and the afterlife being a second chance at life.
Spoilers ahead: warning it's a ramble sorry.
Hauster seeing themselves as just a tool for destruction was very telling in just how he's presented himself and how uncomfortable he gets when you even praise him. He is a protector yet reluctant to see himself as one. And that last line... plays back into the incident at the opening. 👀
I only now fully realize how you've managed to give literal Death a air so soft and fragile. When I think of death it's a harsh and unfair thing that rips you from your loved ones yet in this story all I feel towards death is sympathy and care.
Peisinoe.. omg I would love to explore his route oneday. Having everything anyone could want physically in life and yet feeling like it doesn't amount to much is a real world sentiment for some. Going through a probably very angsty possibly slightly triggering.. for me personally in my own experience.. route to finding some sort of peace in the afterlife would be beautiful. Not just peace in general but peace in himself and contentment would make me happy.
Yaga'a warnings made alot of Sense this chapter. Oh that guilt and regret. I can't even.
I fear so much for my poor MC if that vision is foreshadowing what could happen to him too. It was a scary thought reading about the same tiredness they are currently going through.
Long rant aside I wonder how the fallout will play out. How everyone would react to MC accidentally seeing the most vulnerable parts of their souls. I would probably feel exposed and maybe slightly violated if my boss saw my deepest darkest inner thoughts lol. Even with the best intentions I'd be like look away. This chapter clearly gave Me alot to think about. ♥️
Ohhhh your thoughts were super interesting to read!!!
And sorry for the sad feels 😂
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hotshot624 · 2 years
✨🐞Bullet Train Agere Headcanons: Flip LadyBug 🐞✨
Hi so I just wanna say that I've never written anything for Bullet Train so this is definitely going to be absolutely horrible but it's the best I could do. Hopefully other people in the Agere community who can write better than me will see this and feel inspired to make an actual good headcanon, but until then y'all are gonna have to deal with this horse shit. Enjoy🥰
(Non of the images below are mine. I found them all on Pinterest)
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✨🐞Regressor!Ladybug Headcanons 🐞✨
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(this was the softest picture I could find of him soooo. I think he looks small in this but I understand if y'all can't see it the way I do)
Wanted to try out age regression after Barry, his therapist, suggested it to him after the events of bullet train (obviously Ladybug didn't tell him everything but Barry still knows that my mans somehow got more traumatized than the last time he saw him, believing whatever bullshit lie Ladybug came up with)
Was a little confused at first when Barry told him about it and after he went home to do some more research he decided to give it a try
He didn't regress immediately but after a few weeks of trying, he was able to and it's now one of his go too coping mechanisms
His age range is 3-6 years old, so he's not like a super little guy but he's still smol
While he usually does have great control, sometimes when something really triggers him, he does end up slipping
Maria had to find this out the hard way since of course Ladybug forgot to tell her this important information before accepting another grab and go mission
So obviously during the supposably "easy" mission, Ladybug's bad luck decided to show it's ugly face and lo and behold poor Ladybug ended up accidentally killing a bunch of people and no matter how hard Maria tried to comfort him, nothing seemed to calm poor Ladybug down, resulting in him slipping :(
Now Maria had no idea what was going on with him and why he sounded so scared and she swore it sounded like he was crying. Thinking that he just had a head injury, she very gently talked him through getting him out of the building he was in and to a spot where she could go and pick him up
When she did pick him up, she could see that he was indeed crying (poor boy☹️) and even had his thumb in his mouth while hugging his knees to his chest. She tried to soothe him while driving, and it's only after they were in the safe house she had set up for him, calmed him down some more, got him to bathe, had him change into some comfy clothes, even letting him cuddle against her as they watched TV, that she finally had time to think about what was happening with him and realized that he was age regressing
From that day on she dubbed herself his unofficial caregiver. She says she's only looking after him when he's little because she doesn't trust him to do anything stupid alone when he's small but we all know it's because she cares about him so much. Ladybug is just happy he has someone to take care of him because having to take care of yourself sucks when all you wanna do is play with his toys or watch cartoons all day long
Her nickname, as wells as Lemon's, for him when regressed is "Littlebug" and he loves it so much, it makes him feel so soft and fuzzy and, most of all small. Unfortunately this has the same affect on him when he's big and if he hears either of them say it he immediately starts to slip and has such a hard time staying big. Sometimes when Tangerine wants to be a dick or wants a play mate (hint hint to the next headcanon I'm working on hint hint) he'll teasingly call him "Littlebug" and with only a little cooing and some baby talk, Littlebug comes out to play!
He is just the sweetest regressor. Like he's super polite, always saying "please" and "thank you" and is almost always smiling too! He very rarely argues when he's told it's time for bed or to eat his vegetables, only times he does get upset are usually when he's just tried or had a really bad day
He's also very affectionate, wanting to cuddle with all of his friends and no matter how busy they are, they always make room so he can cuddle with them. He also loves giving kisses on people's cheeks. The only downside is that his lips, for some odd reason, are always like....super wet when he's regressed? If that makes sense. Like it's as if he's constantly licking his lips, especially when he goes in for a kiss so prepare to be covered in slobber!
His nicknames to call his current caregiver usually are just shortened versions of there names
Like Lemon is "Lems", Maria's just being "Mari". Even tho Tangerine's isn't really his caregiver, he calls him "Tang".
He has a crate full of calico critters toys
He loves how cute they look and they make him feel so warm and fuzzy inside. He wasn't really able to play with them when they came out because 1. He was an adult and wasn't regressing at the time 2. They were considered "girl toys" and 3. He was in the army (idk if that's actually true but for my headcanon he was before he started doing whatever the hell you would call what he's doing now). But now that none of those things matter to him anymore and he's allowed to freely indulge in playing with whatever he wants without having to worry about what others think of him, he buys as many calico critters and their accessories as he can find.
While he owns most of the figures, his favorite and main family he plays with is the Stripped Cat family. He just thinks they look super cute and even owns the little baby twins you can get separate from them. He also owns the family cruising car, country tree school, the school bus, family seven seater, as well as all of the housing add ons, and a good amount of furniture. He makes a lot of money with the few missions he goes on, so he's gonna buy whatever the hell he wants. He deserves to indulge in himself every now and then
He owns only a few other toys but their just random ones he found at stores that caught his eye. They range from stuffed animals to action figures to Legos.
His favorite show to watch while regressed are the care bears and the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It usually depends on how small he's feeling when he picks one of the shows, with younger being care bears and bigger being the ninja turtles
Likes drinking from sippy cups, ones with handles when he's smaller and ones without when bigger
While he still seems to have his bad luck with him while he's regressed, for some odd reason, it's not as severe as it usually is when he's feeling big. The worst that happens to him when he's regressed is spilling his drink on himself, tripping on thin air, or just getting minor injuries like paper cuts or scrapes. They're not minor to him tho, and he needs colorful band-aids as well as emergency kisses to make the better. And no matter who's looking after him, be it Maria or Lemon or hell even Tangerine, they all scummaged to his wobbly lip and teary eyes and give him kisses on his "very serious injuries". (Why is this so cute to think about 😭😭)
This kid puts literally everything in his god damn mouth, literally no one knows how he's still alive with the amount of diseases he probably now has
And I'm not talking like his hand or maybe an occasional toy (even tho he does put those in his mouth). No. I'm talking like sticks. Rocks. Jewelery. His hair. Hair brush handle (specifically wooden ones). Other people's hair. Literally everything he sees goes in his mouth. Lemon, on many occasions, has had to wrestle multiple TV remotes out from his fangs while Maria sits on the couch cuddling with an equally amused regressed Tangerine on her lap (another hint hint to one of the other headcanons coming up hint hint)
They do end up getting him some teething toys and some chewlery, since he doesn't like pacifiers that much, and he'll use them if he's reminded to but usually he just forgets they're even there and just opts to putting other things in his mouth and chewing on those instead
Has like a weird relationship with bugs. Like on one hand he thinks their super cool, being able to name a bunch of them and even owning some graphic kiddy looking T-shirts and onesies, but god forbid a touches him. He will stand their in shock for a few seconds and without warning, screech at the top of his lungs so loud, like he could put a banshee out of a job loud. BUT DON'T KILL THE BUG! As much as he hates being touched by bugs, he still doesn't want it to die
Littlebug: *screams bloody murder at the ant on his arm*
Lemon: *runs into the room with a Glock out ready to shoot anyone who so much as breathes in Ladybug's direction* What! What's wrong luv?!
Littlebug: *unintelligible frantic mumbles and whines as he franticly shakes his arm with the ant on it, gesturing to it with the other hand, with tears and snot running down his face*
Lemon: *sighs in relief knowing nothing's actually hurting him* Right. Alright, come ere, I'll kill it for ya.
Littlebug: *eyes now the size of saucers, screaming and crying harder* NO, DON' HURT 'IM
Lemon: *now completely exasperated* well then if you don' want me to kill it, what you want me to do about it luv?
Lemon: *sighs even louder, knowing he's literally not even getting payed for this*
Alright so this is turning out to be a super long ass headcanon and we're only half way done so maybe I'll do a part two for regressor!Ladybug, but to wrap it up, Ladybug is a sweetheart regressed or not (but more so regressed) and I just love him sooooo much but now we're gonna move on to the other part of the headcanons that I've been waiting for and are gonna be even worse than these so buCKLE UP!!!
✨🐞Caregiver! Ladybug headcanons🐞✨
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(no stop because this look was so caregiver of him. Again maybe it's just me, but like I'm telling y'all, this screams caregiver energy)
One of the nicest caregivers you'll ever meet
Probably to like exist ever
He really does enjoy taking care of people and he loves kids so it's a win-win for him
He's also super supportive of any type of healthy coping mechanisms, so he totally would never judge anyone for something like this
He's a very sweet and playful caregiver. He loves playing any games that his little came up with, always playing along. He'll do silly voices and dumb little moves just to get them to laugh and it works every time
100% shares his toys with his little if they want to play with his toys. He'll play any character that he's told to play as without a problem. Well there is one problem actually. Sometimes when he gets really into playing with the toys, he'll slip accidentally. The good news is now his little has Littlebug as a playmate! Bad news is they don't have a caregiver to look after them and now have to go call Maria or Lemon to come and babysit. Luckily for two of them, Maria and Lemon love babysitting
Type of caregiver who likes to swing his arms when he's holding his littles hand. Sometimes he'll even skip with them when there walking somewhere and it's just so cute omg😭😭😭
Lemon is Tangerine's number one caregiver so I think you can guess who's Tangerine's second one is 😌
It's Maria.
Ladybug is Lemon's last pick and Ladybug tries not to be offended by it but sometimes it gets to him.
Like honestly, you shoot someone in the throat ONE time-
Little!Tangerine loves him though and gets super excited when he finds out Ladybug is babysitting him. Caregiver Ladybug is just so sweet and fun to be around so who wouldn't be excited to be with him
Only downside to having him look after you, is that he can't really cook for shit.
I mean I'm being a bit dramatic here. He can cook very basic foods like Mac n cheese, grilled cheese, pasta, burgers, and PB and J sandwiches, easy stuff like that. But like literally anything else he somehow manages to ruin. Like I'm talking it literally is no longer edible
Ladybug: * slowly shuffling out of the kitchen, covered in what looks like food* so um......Who wants take out?
Small Lemon and even smaller Tangerine: *look up from playing on the carpet* Me! Me! I wan it! Me!
Maria: *who was watching them on the couch* Take-out? Why the hell would we get take out? You were just in the kitchen cooking for like 30 minutes, what the hell happened?
Ladybug: We'll you see-
*Cut to them staring at a lump of....something on the counter that is somehow burnt and raw with one half covered in seasoning and the other half bare with a fork that looks like was cooked in it*
Ladybug: so um....yeah... it's... it's not as bad as it looks
Maria: I'm pretty sure feeding this to someone is considered a war crime..... I'll just go make an order for some Chinese food while you find a way to dispose of this without it burning a hole through Earth's crust
Ladybug: *mumbling to himself* now your just being mean...
He loves reading/telling stories to his little. He'll read whatever story his little picks out for him, even if it's one they've read for the past two weeks, he'll read it with as much energy and enthusiasm as he did the first time. If his little wants him to make his own story, you best believe it's gonna be the best god damn story you've heard in your entire life. There full of adventure, comedy, drama, and sometimes romance depending on what his little wants to hear. He always adds in a reason for the story like "that's why you should always be nice to others" or "never bottle up your emotions" or something like that if that makes sense
He's really good at helping his little calm down if something upsets them or triggers them. He's great at breathing methods, the 54321 exercise, and just anything that can help someone from having a panic or anxiety attack. He ALWAYS makes sure to comfort his little afterwards too. Though depending on what his little is comfortable with depends on on how he'll comfort them. If they don't want to be touched he'll just sit next to them and talk in a soothing voice and try distracting them by telling them something that happened today or a mission he went on (a kid friendly version of course) or putting on their favorite show. If his little is okay with touch, he'll wrap them up in a blanket and cuddle them on his bed, running his hands through their hair and stroking their back as he rocks them gently
He's also very good with regressors of any age. Depending on how old his little is (and personality) depends on how he'll act with them
Like for example, Lemon regresses to a pretty high age, somewhere between 6-8, so Ladybug can be a little rougher when playing with him, like wrestling or playing with nerf guns, and not have to worry about him not understanding what he's doing and thinking he's being mean. He can also play different games with Lemon, like video games or board games or things like tag, since little!Lemon would have a better understanding of it than a younger regressor
Ladybug is also good with younger regressing people like Tangerine who regresses from 1-3. He's very gentle with Tang, talking to him in a silly voice or a soothing manner depending on Tangerine's mood. He'll play with blocks with him or sit down at a minni table and eat the "delicious food" Tang makes in his little toy kitchen. He also plays baby games like peek-a-boo or paddy cake or tickle monster (actually he plays that with any age, just younger regressors a little teensy weensy bit more) with no shame. Ladybug is having way to much fun being able to play around with Tang for a even a whisper of embarrassment to come to him
He's really into physical contact with his little if they'll allow him. Whether it's holding there hand, giving them a hug, cuddling, or picking them up, he's loves every moment of it. Positive physical contact with a loved one or friend is great for someone's mental health and Ladybug is a big supporter of this fact.
While he does a have a bunch of rules like not staying up past a certain time (depending on current age of regressor), eating all of your veggies, or not allowing more than one cookie/ treat before dinner, he's not very strict with them and if they beg hard enough, he'll usually break and let them have what they want
There are somethings, however, that are big no nos in his book and no matter how good their puppy eyes are, they won't get away with. Examples are like throwing things or hitting either him or especially someone else. Just because you're upset, doesn't mean you can hurt other people and makes sure to tell them that. Bottling up emotions until they burst out are on the list too. He's right there and he makes it very apparent that they should always tell him if something is wrong even if it's embarrassing because it could effect their metal health and make it worse for themselves in the long run. He also hates lying. Lying is a form of mistrust and when his little lies to him, he sees it as him not being a good enough caregiver that they felt the need to lie to him. He also now thinks that he can't trust his little with certain things like staying up a little later or any other privileges because he doesn't trust them that they're okay and aren't actually that tired or stuff like that
But usually things like this very rarely happen so he's usually very chill
All in all, Ladybug is a great caregiver, being so sweet and understanding, as well as a super cute regressor and it think he's just the cutest thing ever thank you very much
(I just now realized how many more headcanons I have for Regressor!Ladybug than I do for Caregiver!Ladybug so everyone just ignore that and pretend there's a even amount. Okay? Okay.)
IT'S FINISHED! FINALLY! I'm so sorry this took so long for those of you who were waiting. I had a lot going on, that being me being incredibly sick and even throwing up unfortunately as well as being in excruciating pain, but luckily I'm doing sooooooo much better than before. I would like to say that it's been like more than 4 months since I've written something so if you're wondering why this was absolutely garbage than this is why. I know a bunch of people were looking forward to this and I'm so sorry to y'all cuz I feel like this wasn't what you guy's were expecting, like I hype it up to be so much better than you guys thought it was gonna be so I do hope you guys liked it especially those who were so kind and sent me things showing me how excited you were for it. My next headcanon is gonna be for Regressor/Big Sib!Tangerine so if any of you want to send me some headcanons so I could put them in feel free! Just make sure I can see your @ that way I can credit you! Okay that's all for now, have a great day/night/whatever happening where you are and I love you guys so much, byyyyyyeeee 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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