#like obscure but in the way that there’s a dedicated small fandom
(screenshot redraw/humanized) that feeling when you get invested in a new show that isn’t even officially out yet and only the pilot is out but you’ve watched the pilot three times already and actual episodes don’t come out until like november and
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Twenty Songs Challenge, written after being so lovingly inducted by the powerhouse that is sweet Mey, @the-ugly-swan . Challenge being to choose twenty favorited songs and write one shots based off of them with any pairing or fandom of my choosing. Being a weirdo and a little burned out in my own created universes beyond the fics already in works, I chose what currently inspired me most, obscure as it is.
Pairing: Henry “Hotspur” Percy and Lady “Kate” Mortimer Percy -early 15th century
Fandom: RPF, Shakespeare? Tom Glynn-Carney’s 5 magnificent minutes of a performance as Hotspur in <The King 2019> the armor alone was amply inspiring. The Hollow Crown fans feel free to imagine whoever, as you like. I love this historical pairing in about any iteration and the plot is drawn from both Shakespeare’s play and real history, the timeline, plot and politics being pretty self explanatory through the incorporated dialogue. NOTE- wordplay ahead with “cur” and “Kerr”, the latter being a Scottish clan holding great enmity with the Percy Family and charged with holding the Scottish side of the border. Also I kept Lady Percy’s name as “Kate” even though it was technically Elizabeth in the records.
Dynamic: a rough northern lord and his too good for him lady -a lady who has, through years of an arranged marriage gone horribly well, come to find his homespun gallantry and blunt ways more than a little intoxicating when knelt before her in amused deference. She could almost find it in herself to be gentle with him -if he hadn’t just started a rebellion whilst away from her at the Capitol.
Dedicated to my wifey @prompted-wordsmith who I did proselytize into the Percy cult one fevered evening with inestimable results, including her contribution of a few choice lines herein.
🕯As it Was ~ Hozier
“There is a roadway, muddy and foxgloved
Never I'd had life enough
My heart is screaming out
And in a few days I would be there, love
Whatever here that's left of me is yours just as it was”
Warnings: 18+ to be safe. a small amount of sexual content, flirtations, a husband and wife touching in public, verbal sparring and talk of making children and use of the word “bred”, swearing, use of the words “cock” and “cunt.”
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The sound of hooves in the courtyard rouses Kate from her anxious stupor by the hearth, toilsome grain list forgotten on her lap. The scroll swishes to the floor at her abrupt standing, wafting out of her path as she rushes to the window.
First the clatter of a single, foremost, over-eager rider, followed at a lag by his retinue, skilled riders all and armored as befits the guard of a nobleman. They make such a clatter in the yard when they come in after him. Some petty part of her briefly considers the tactic of staying here in their chambers in protest, a quiet sign of disapproval with his errand, of discontent with his brusque leave taking two weeks agone.
Her Harry would find her anyway, and like it better that she were in their chambers. He would like it well she were so near the bed and like it ill she slighted him in her dutiful welcome -but he would not speak of that. Not one for speaking much, her husband, not on matters that plague her these days, weeks, months. Kate might have it out with him in the old way and slap him about and toss cold quips and get from him little more than the same benign aggravation and good humored laughs between, a couple dozen kisses to her neck and a grapple in the sheets.
That is what talk they would undertake were she to stay up here.
It is that lone, eager, forerunning clatter of his horse that speaks to her, speaks for him. Just as his sword and his reputation and his gruff graciousness has spoken well of him across these northern lands, his eagerness to return to her, to outstrip his men in haste to be back from his fool’s errand and into her embrace -it is all the declaration of devotion she may expect from him. It is the truest form, without jape lacing his tone or tonic of lust clouding his confessions.
Harry Hotspur, as fast to return to his wife as he is to meet a fight.
It is love, of the sort she has grown to be grateful for, and it is that and fear of losing it besides, that rushes her out from their chambers and down the polished steps, out to the great hall and past the giant outer doors, cursing a lousy servant or five and ordering a bath and commissioning supper and refreshments as she goes. The torch flames bend from her flight, a whoosh and a shadow stalking Alnwick Castle’s stone passageways until the gray light of evening pours into her sight from the opened great doors. Squires and stable boys clutter her path but they part as she dashes, nay, only a dignified hasten now, out into the courtyard where nearly all of this fool’s troup have dismounted.
There are doffed helms to the Lady Percy, the jangle of chain mail crinkling with bows and scraps of deference all around them, but she sees only him, with mist dripping on his nose and a face too boyish for the insolence he has returned from discharging.
“Kate.” he utters.
Will ever he say her name lazily? She hopes not, for that alone she will endure the unwarranted cheerfulness with which he greets her on this dire occasion. She has heard it said in anger, in jest and in passion, vows and quips, praise and warning. And now in cheerful pleasure as evening mist soaks her gown and the heavy clunk of her husband's footsteps clang ever near her on the paving stones.
“Lord husband.” she greets, hands folded over her freshly healed womb.
His stride falters and he rocks back on his spurred heels, an arms length away, an embrace so tangible she can see his jaw tick from the watering of his mouth. “Lord husband is it?” he repeats thoughtfully, eyes drifting down to the paving stones for a brief moment as if to recollect some forgotten crime, they flick up soon and in them is jesting scrutiny, “My lady wife rushed all this way, down five corridors and a furlong of Keep only to greet me thus?”
Did her rising breath betray her eagerness? Could he see her in the hall despite his business dismounting?
“Your cheeks are red.” he shows her mercy, some form of it. His form. “But -Lord husband, it is, nevertheless?”
“Unless you would prefer ought else?” she inquires, he had once thought this smile quite chilling, he had admitted after their first babe, now he finds it rousing, he has admitted after their third.
“If it please you.” his shifting stance is noisy, his tabard and sword and still clutched helm a racket of accouterments in the pattering rain.
“I have any number to offer,” she concedes, stepping nearer, a lady’s step, covering one third of the ground between them that he might vanquish in a single stride. Still, he waits. “Knucklehead.” she whispers, her breath a fog and her insult as lost as vapor in the ears of his watching men, her bearing alone must satisfy their curiosity, as must his growing smirk and rising color, “Jackenape.” Another step until each little scar on his face is visible and the little canyons each raindrop make of them. She saw his finger twitching where it grasped his visor “Cur.”
There was the slightest flinch between his brows at that, a furrow that smoothed as his mirthful lips flattened out. “Careful now, lady wife, with words like Kerr* thrown about, my men might think you presumptuous, their lady gone and married to some other, a Scottish laird at that. So sure of my death already, sweet Kate, that you must speak of Kerrs in mine own yard? Ha, ‘pon my word you are qu-“
“Hush!” Her hand, fresh warmed as it was by recent hearthside and rich velvets pressed frimly to his lips, a tingle shooting straight to her toes at touching him at last. He was silent then, only the puff of breath against her fast chilling fingertips. “Tease me not so,” she begged, her own mirth gone out in her eyes, her arch look turned to grief, “not when you are just returned from an errand all but ensuring such an end. It is too cruel, even of you. Handle me kindly, Percy, as you always have, in words this time, if not in embrace.”
He seemed to ponder this before raising that hand not occupied with his helm, clumsy and clad in gauntlet as it was, to her wrist, wrapping the chilled and layered steel round her pale flesh and gently tugging her hand from his lips, only so far as to press it to his cheek instead, their audience of men at arms unheeded. “I betook myself to London,” he enunciated, as if it were their first night all over again and his thick borderland drawl too strong for her courtly ears to decipher, “to remind a king of his debts.”
“And tell me!” she cried fiercely, a choked, barely quieted protest as her hands dug into the wet leather of his jerkin, wrist twisted from the steel grasp, “What errand is that but a fool’s? Have you no fear at all left in this bruised carcass? Do I patch up an animated corpse time and again from your wars only for it never to have soul and feeling and wisdom in it? Do I, Harry? Gone to remind a king? How do you dare such?”
“It is he who has dared too much!” he cried back, loudly where her’s had been choked, a ringing and rebauld defense, worthy of a man who would chastise his monarch in full view of council. “First his debts, and now my son’s land! We did not make children so as to watch like blithe cowards as their birthright is bequeathed out from under our feet -piecemeal!- to a courtly cunt whose only recommendation is his alacrity to pucker and bow.”
Kate glanced about her at the men making show of industry, piddling at harnesses and armaments, walking horses in circles. Her husband's words could be no worse than what he had said to the King’s own face, anyone without stomach to become a rebel would have stayed behind in the Capitol, sensing dissension brewing. Lady Percy could perceive none missing from his number. So, a war it was to be, then.
“So, a new generation of Percys is to play at kingmaking.” she summarized.
“We make no boast of it.” Harry protested in turn.
“No,” said she, “why would you with how poorly your last choice has served you?”
That caused a start from him, a step forward that was neither gallant nor eager but angry as man to man. Kate, still with hands fisted in the crooks of his armor, stepped with him, backwards to his hall. “It is your brother with the better claim.” he showed his plan at last, a slow and conniving admission, one not common for his brash ways and straightforward mind.
Kate gasped at the implication. “Edmund?”
“He was proper heir, all along.”
“Your father-“ she chose her wording carefully, “-did not agree.”
“My father’s preference is not law.”
“It is mistaken for such, often.” Kate smirked in reply. “And Edmund is not suited-“
“-Edmund is not the turd now stealing from his vassals!” her Harry rejoined, his helmet pressed to her chest, “Edmund will do.” he reiterated once more.
Kate stared at his temper, the signs of it in his flaring nose and his wild eyes, the cure was between her thighs but watching mist drops fall from unblinking lashes was sweet prelude indeed. “Edmund,” she replied quietly and in a manner to be heeded, “is not willing or suited, he prefers instead to listen to welsh bards and lay upon the lap of his savage wife.”
Her Harry rolled his eyes at her truth, an admission, or the closest to one, she would ever receive. As if battling some great inner turmoil she watched him purse his lips and heave out a sigh before in a sudden movement the helm was tossed to the ground -much to the scramble and reaction of a half a dozen squires who ran to pick it up from its puddle- and suddenly steel hands were upon her hips, tugging her near to him even as she shied away, her face turned in a pantomime of demureness. “Strange,” he said and his tone suggested he still pondered her report of her brother's amorous preoccupations, “-and her lap so less Devine than mine own wife’s.”
“Then why do you haste from it so often?” she whined, delivering a smack against his belted tabard, right where the lions paraded across his right breast.
“Only a man dying of thirst appreciates that water has a flavor.” he reasoned and Kate allowed the open mouthed kisses that crept down her neck, her face turned stubbornly still to the south wall. The blacksmith's roof will be in need of new thatching soon, before spring. Before war.
She feels stubble against her tender skin, bracketing those pretty lips she once derided him for. No warrior ought to have lips like that, it was not seemly, not when maidens were denied such richness, such fullness, such rosy hue. But there is roughness about his lips and on his jaw as it tucks into the juncture at her shoulder, that show of clavicle her dress allows drawing him in like a siren’s song. He must’ve rode hard the entire way, no inns or refreshment, no shaving or baths, straight to her as from a battlefield. The King’s city is just as loathsome as any field of carnage, but he went to free her brother, to get a ransom, to reclaim their stolen land, to remind a king.
He did it for her, and the babes she gave him.
Kate turns her face from the blacksmith's thatch and raises her hand to his face, tenderly stroking the three days' beard that's grown as he's been on the road, riding hard to get to her. They have backed nearly to the hall’s mouth, the drip of rain off the gutter patters behind her on the threshold, Kate knows he can smell supper and hear the clatter of their children racing to meet him on still chubby legs. How different is the love of home, man to woman, Harry would sooner fight for it and she would cower within. Her thumb swipes at the raindrops making farce of tears upon his cheek.
"Princess," he breathes against her palm as he crushes her into his chest, still half armored and agonized for it as he cannot feel her softness with the cuirass, the leather, the chainmail. There are curves and bosoms and soft flesh he knows too well just on the other side of this awful barrier.
Princess will be her title if his treason succeeds, if her brother wears that cursed crown. “Princess”. It sours her mouth, but it is kind of him to wish it for her.
"You will come back, Harry.” she commands of him, she declares the outcome of this brewing war, “Soaked in the blood of feckless scum, you will come back and put another babe in me. A little prince or princess," she hisses in his ear, and she can tell he freezes at that, her concession to his treason, still as stone in his metal casings.
His eyes are ever so blue as they search hers.
"So I forbid any recklessness, my Lord Husband. Because I want this - " and her hand slips beneath his jerkin and the hem of mail to squeeze his cockstand most assuredly, as assuredly as she was that he would be sporting one for her, gripping it as one might grasp a chalice of wine during a toast "- and the rest of you, in one piece." Harry slumps against her shoulder, panting into the chilled hair and too heavy for her little frame. "Or so help me God." she intones, sharper than any steel he wields. "Swear it, Harry." She gives him another punishing squeeze, and he groans, agonized, as his mouth meets with the softness of her bound bosom, his knees the hardness of the stone cobbles. If she hadn't promised a use for his cock, he'd think she was liable to geld him herself at his presumption to seat and unseat a king, but now that he is out of her grip, for a moment, and looks up at her with such longing he fears his soul has left his chest for hers.
"So help me God." he agrees, it is in providence’s hands, after all, and in Kate’s clasped one’s atop his head.
“Fool.” she says once more as she bends over him, gently pressing a hand to the back of his head, pressing his face to her belly and her chilled fingers to his sopping hair, “It is not my brother these men fight for, nor for me. Not when it is you that calls them to it.”
“For what then?” He mumbles into her womb, hands heavy on her hips, the courtyard’s occupants dispersed into the shadows of the eaves, but a couple dozen peering eyes twinkle towards them in the twilight’s gloom.
“How often have I heard it said here, in this very courtyard.” Kate scoffs, observing the strength knelt so adoringly before her, “Have I dreamed each cry of ‘no prince save he be a Percy?’ Ha, to think they fight for a Mortimer, indeed. Ha!”
Harry staggers to his feet at this poke, it is, as are so many of his Kate’s wounds, half torment, half praise. His blood pounds with the elixir of her acknowledgment of his capability. “It is well then, Kate Mortimer,” he recites, daring now to put his lips very near her own, to nuzzle his strong nose with her hawkish one, to tip a chin and bat an eyelash against her wet cheek, “it is well that you are Percy now yourself, through and through, wed-“ his lips meet hers in a brush she chases after, “-and bred.”
Hope all five of you who read that enjoyed it. 😆 I know it’s a fragment but as I’m nothing but hyper fixated when some interests resurrects in me, I’ll probably be back with more of them. Drop a note below if you’d like to be on a taglist for such developments.
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- Have a rare pair so rare they never interact in canon? Or even exist in the same canon?
- Is literally only known by a small circle of friends and is completely incomprehensible to the average onlooker?
- CANNOT interact in canon! We are talking the obscurest of obscure. I need to have to hunt these character down and edit them into a photo in order for them to be valid. If I google their names together and can easily find official pictures of them hanging out it’s invalid(exceptions can be made depending on circumstances)
- CAN be from different source material. Literally anything goes!! Anime character and Spongebob? OKAY!!! Two characters from the same show who’ve never interacted?? YES!! I’m looking for ships you need to explain the development of. There needs to be a lore.
- CANNOT have a mass following. Once again, I’m looking for ships that can only be comprehended by a group of friends with insider knowledge. So things like BBC Sherlock’s mormor, despite being a ship wjere one of the characters technically doesn’t exist, doesn’t count on account of being immensely popular and having several hundreds of fics made for them. WE’RE TALKING WEIRD. RANDOM. OBSCURE. There’s gotta be like 5 fics of them MAXIMUM(exceptions can be made if they’re all by the same one or two very dedicated ppl)
- ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE JUDGED BY DEDICATION NOT NUMBERS!!! I want you FIGHTING for your LIFE to justify why your blorbos are not only weird but extremely valid to ship. I want to see essays with the same passion and effort youd put into your English paper worth 50% of your grade.
- NO REAL LIFE PEOPLE. streamers count.
- I have full control of who gets in or not. Once again, we are going by dedication, not numbers. Please don’t be upset if your blorbos do not make it in. I f things go well, I’ll probably do this again, so you’ll likely have more chances to see them submitted.
- I DO NOT HAVE ENCYCLOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE OF EVERY MEDIA EVER. while i will go out of my way to do background checks of any character I don’t recognize, I’m not very smart. If a ship gets in that’s in some way notably problematic, I assure you I did not know!! Please just DM me about it if it happens!!!
- I don’t want to see any trash talking towards other opponents. This is a for fun poll! Please have fun. Discover new weird ships to have. Form weird ship polycules with the opponents and kiss or smth. If I see any vile behavior in the polls you will be blocked.
- unfortunately I am a human bound by feelings and bias. This was originally just going to be a ‘weird a3 ships’ thing before I decided to branch out since I doubt I’d get many submissions sticking to one fandom. If you see a lot of a3! Specific ships thats because I have a lot of friends who are all individually buckwild about certain weird ships.
(Should a date be needed I will specify later down the line. I will give more than enough time with a heads up for when I close submissions, so you do not have to worry about being too late to submit your blorbos.)
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shiawasekai · 5 months
For Nela: 9, 23, 25?
Thank you so much for these, Dujour! They were fun!
Answers to this ask meme
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Now I've mentioned before I don't do playlists and I only check lyrics for a very select few things...
Which means my pool of options is very shallow and the lyrics that come to mind are from something VERY obscure. This is my personal translation of the lyrics (done at the moment, too). For the title and further details, please DM me if you want. I would very much like to not summon that particular fandom:
"You humans may not realize it, but you avoid lighting up what's dark
And, did you know? Darkness, left unchecked, just grows deeper, murkier
And you, you have the face of someone living like they have no darkness within
It's so nice and comforting, to be within someone like you..."
Yeah... Yeah.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Now that's a hard question.
For the hardest to process, I lean towards insecurity.
So many of her problems boil down to poorly managing her insecurities. Societal pressure gave her such a complex she spent years on a self-destructive campaign of teenage rebellion and then, she struggles during the game in no small part because she was too insecure and with no actual support system. There is a reason I argue she would have an easier time as a companion, having someone (the KC) to fully rely on.
There are other emotions at play in both instances, but I feel insecurity is the one that has most consistently given her trouble.
As for the hardest to express... That's guilt. No contest.
During the late game and post-game, one of the main reasons she doesn't seek out help is because she feels guilty about her own thoughts and fears voicing them would only hurt those around her. For a long time, she's blind to the fact she is actually hurting them even more this way.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
That one is both hard and easy. There is a lot I love about her, but... her design has a very, very special place in my heart.
Before I sat down to draw her, I was feeling quite unmotivated with my art. I didn't feel ready to design my own characters from scratch and, being a very OC-driven artist, that drastically reduced the pool of options. Not being able to branch out made it hard to find said motivation.
Mind you, designing Nela was h a r d and ironing out that first draft of her design took me way longer than I care to admit. So many failed attempts... What started as some silly low stakes doodles to solidify a bit more the image in my mind (to never be shared) turned into a whole endeavor.
But it opened a door for me: I could, in fact, do character design!! I didn't need to limit myself! It was hard, but possible! It didn't turn out terrible at least!
... And I've been ever since in the biggest drawing spree since I started with drawing (admittedly that's not very long lmao). I've worked on the designs of multiple characters already, and I want to give more of my children an actual face. I'm so thankful for what she gave me (the creative freedom, the motivation) and proud of the work I put into it.
It may be also why I've gone above and beyond to develop said design further. Insert here reference sheet shenanigans.
This whole situation is made funnier because I remember stressing out over how much time I was dedicating to it because that was time I wasn't practicing things like, you know, posing, anatomy, color/shading/render...
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Ludwig Ahgren | Dad headcanons
Dedicated to that one anon who brought it up and @starsyoubreaklikesugardust. Request are open! Reblogs always welcomed!
When you tell him he is very *Star trek shock meme*He wouldn’t know how to respond, like you are able to see him buffer in real time. Probably wouldn’t process it for a few days, when he does it’s not something he’d tell you but you will see the immediate change in behavior.
A little less annoying, he wouldn’t be yanking at your hair as much, he’d tone down on poking at you. He’d also start silently keeping track of when you last ate or had something to drink, and if he thinks it’s been too long then he’ll bring you something to snack on or some water.
He would absolutely have a stream where chat gets to pick out things for the nursery. Like obviously you are there, and get unlimited chances to say no to things. But like It would end up filled with the most ridiculous large sized stuffed animals, random fandom decor, the most obscure baby books, Mounted stuffed animal heads, it’s very chaotic.
Would mention it to people, but not in a “I will always talk about this” way, more of a “I can’t think of anything else to say” way. However if you’re out with him and someone else brings it up he’ll just mention that they're getting comfortable, or he’ll try to start something by saying that you're not pregnant. He likes to cause small bouts of drama.
Likes to pretend that he is not over invested in the pregnancy. Like he’s at all the appointments and he’s consistently keeping an eye on you, but he’ll be on stream or at the appointment and be like “Yeah, she pregnant but it’s not like a huge deal” that said, he is constantly telling you little facts about the things he’s learned while doing his own research.
He likes to nap with you, and like on one hand, cute who doesn’t want to nap with their baby daddy, but on the other hand he’s a warm person and i can imagine that it gets to warm really quickly.
Boy dad extraordinaire. That being said he has no clue on how to handle a baby. Would not baby his boy, only ever talks to him in the same tone as he uses to address chat in the beginning of his videos.
I also feel as if he’d like carrying the kid around a lot. He'd baby wear all the time, but even when the kid grows out of baby wraps Lud will just carry him around on his side. He just likes doing things with his boy. Like any time he goes out to the store he’s taking the baby with him, or when he’s cooking, that baby is on his chest. He’ll stand there with the child on him as he narrates what he’s doing.
Would take baby boy on stream but never introduces him, never tells his name. They would both just sit there at the start of the stream, the baby just staring not paying attention until “Boys!”, and he gets startled. Obviously Ludwig gets into comfort mode, takes the kid off screen, and all chat hears Lud quietly saying “Come on little guy, don’t be like that.” Until they both come back as if nothing has happened. They just move on until someone in chat asks about him and Ludwig just goes “Oh him? I don’t know man, I was just given him and told to watch him.” and move on.
Also would have one of these.
As the kid gets older and starts to walk and talk he turns into a little Ludwig. He would follow Ludwig everywhere, he’s mimicking everything that he can see Ludwig doing, just a miniature version of his father. You can’t tell him this though, he’ll always deny it “What do you mean he acts like me? He can’t even hold a controller.”
I feel like Ludwig would be very fond of going to interactive museums and like science shows. He likes being able to learn with his son, even if it’s just like seeing pepper get spread to the side of a container of water when you put dish soap in it. He just thinks it’s neat and he loves seeing his son's face when he learns new things.
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quizzically · 11 months
wait while i'm making posts.
I think the statistical implications of how most tumblr polls work is totally fascinating and really should be acknowledged by people who compile data they get from tumblr polls to show facts
i am such a huge statisticshead it really interests me i love data analysis. it kills me when people let the sanctity of a good old fashioned poll get taken out back and shot. BUT IT DOESNT HAPPEN ANYWHERE MORE FREQUENTLY THAN ON THIS SITE
The bias on polls is INSANE. "Voter fraud" game is INSANE.,shithole bananas. Ok let's take a favourite obscure character poll for example. let's say it's relatively small scale that receives about 400 voters per poll at leaston each of its rounds. people who are into smaller fandoms seek a blog that runs a poll about their small fandom. they Nominate their own candidate. when this candidate appears in the polls, because of how tumblr polls function (they appear on your dash from people you follow already, voting takes literally no more than 10 seconds if youre not super divided and then youre on your way. no need to register a name, or any other details. polls can be botted, you can use alternative accounts, there is no showing up in person.) the success of the candidate may almost entirely depend on the dedication of the person who nominated that character to promote and spread "propoganda" as its always called, to their followers and friends who may have had no actual previous opinion of this character. IT IS THE PICTURE OF A NIGHTMARE BIAS. they could not be less from representing the opinion of a general public or an actual body of people. It's less like gathering statistics and more like a popularity contest? but you're not shown all your options! maybe the opposing candidate is great but just doesn't have anybody who is obsessed with them to write a 3000 word essay on how they're so great! music blogs are really widespread too, either for knowing music or liking it, so that reduces bias, but still; people on tumblr are often young, often queer often leftist id say, they will be inclined by these demographics to recognise/like certain artists or genres less, certain genres more. like what im imagining is old, classic (but obscure and not trendy) bands might get voted out in favour of a broad-appeal modern artist. Despite that band actually being recognised worldwide and having cultural-reset-level influence. i probably should recognise that tumblr polls are not trying to represent a world statistic..that's pretty impossible and an unrealistic standard. i dunno.it just gets me het when people pretend they have ANY credibility. lets talk about vriska winning pathetic meowmeow over harry dubois ok. ITS A POPULARITY CONTEST! SMEAR CAMPAIGNS! How many people can you get to show up for you but it doesnt actually represent whos better or who SHOULD factually win! i suppose popularity contests IS all they are or all they can be tbh it's just like. who likes apples who likes oranges. IDK take everything i say with a grain of salt These polls are cursed horrible sickly animals. just wanted to talk about it
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nickslays05 · 2 months
Anime Convention
Hello everyone! This post will be a bit different. Rather than talking about an anime series or film, I will be talking about anime conventions! Now, this won't be my experience at an anime convention, however, I do have a friend who attended one before, so I will be talking about his personal experiences and how they connect with our class. Based on his experience, attending an anime convention is like stepping into another world, one where passion and creativity collide to into a bunch of shared experiences. For fans of anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture, these conventions offer a unique space to celebrate their interests, connect with like-minded individuals, and express their identities. To connect this to class, this convention can be seen as a gemeinschaft for these individuals. A small community within a large society where people come together and do things they typically wouldn't do in the larger society. This experience at an anime convention was an unforgettable journey into the heart of fandom, illuminating the profound ways in which youth culture, fandom, and cultural identity intersect.
As he walked into the convention hall for the first time, he was immediately struck by the sheer diversity of attendees. Cosplayers in elaborate costumes roamed the floors, bringing beloved characters to life with astonishing accuracy. From iconic figures like Naruto and Sailor Moon to obscure characters known only to die-hard fans, the spectrum of representation was vast. The effort and creativity that went into these costumes showed the dedication of the fans. For many, cosplay is more than just a hobby, rather it is a form of self-expression and a way to embody the characters they admire.
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One of the most exciting aspects of the convention was the artist alley, a bustling marketplace where independent artists showcased their work. Here, fans could purchase prints, pins, and other merchandise featuring their favorite characters. He unfortunately did not buy any merchandise but he said there was a vast amount that he wanted badly. The artist alley was a microcosm of fandom creativity, with each booth offering a unique interpretation of a popular series. This space also highlighted the entrepreneurial spirit within the fandom, as many artists turned their passion into a livelihood. Engaging with these artists and purchasing their work felt like contributing to a larger community, one that values and supports creative expression.
Panel discussions were another highlight of the convention. These panels ranged from Q&A sessions with voice actors and industry professionals to discussions on various aspects of fandom culture. One panel that stood out to him was a discussion on the evolution of anime fandom in the West. The speakers, a mix of academics and long-time fans, traced the history of anime's rise in popularity outside Japan and the role that conventions have played in fostering a sense of community. This panel does connect to our class discussions on youth culture because it highlights how anime conventions serve as a space for young people to explore and affirm their identities.
The convention also offered opportunities for fans to participate in interactive events, such as cosplay competitions and trivia contests. As he watched, the cosplay competition was particularly inspiring. Contestants not only showcased their craftsmanship but also performed skits and routines that captured the essence of their characters. It was clear that these events were not just about winning but about celebrating a shared love for anime.
Throughout the convention, he couldn't help but notice the ways in which fandom culture fosters a sense of belonging. For many attendees, anime and manga are more than just entertainment; they are a vital part of their identity. This resonates with our class discussions on cultural identity formation, where we explored how media consumption influences self-perception and community building. At the convention, fans could connect with others who shared their interests, forming bonds that transcended geographical and social boundaries. This sense of community was reinforced by the inclusive atmosphere, where fans of all backgrounds were welcomed and celebrated.
In conclusion, attending an anime convention is a profound and enriching experience. It offers fans a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in their interests, connect with a broader community, and express their identities. As we discussed in class, fandom culture plays a crucial role in shaping cultural identity, and conventions are a key part of this process. My friend's experience at the anime convention reinforced the importance of these spaces in fostering creativity, community, and self-expression, making it an essential part of the anime fandom experience.
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stars-are-just-ghosts · 3 months
I Want to Thank You
Thank all of you for the brilliant and wonderful prompt requests and interactions I received in the past week. This round has been enjoyable and motivating, and it warms my heart to see our small part of fandom still going strong. This past year has been equal parts devastating and liberating for me. I have experienced incredible loss and found so much of myself I thought I'd lost over the years. It's put my mind through a bit of a rollercoaster ride, and made much of my writing fall to the wayside. I still have WIPs that need my attention. But these one-shots that I do are my moments of joy-in-writing without expectation beyond needing a reason to force the words out. And that very good reason is all of you. I know I'm not as prolific as other Ao3/tumblr writers. I don't have a huge fan base, my ships aren't as well-known. But I feel like I have found a solid and dedicated group with all of you. And I hope to be here with you until long after the day tumblr falls into obscurity. Over the years, I feel as though my writing has evolved and transformed. I've grown more confident. And I grow more grateful every day. And a big, important part of that is all of you. Every like, every reblog, every kudos and bookmark. And especially the comments. These are the things that fuel a writer's heart. I know sometimes sharing can be scary, especially if your followers don't know about certain ships you have. I also know commenting can be terrifying because you worry about how the writers will respond. But I want to tell you a secret... Writing is terrifying, too. Putting our work out there, whether we're doing it for ourselves or for you or for the giant skyworms that live in the tumblr skies, it's nervewracking to think we're giving an insight into that part of our psyche. Will you hate it? Will you love it? Will you tell me? Will I languish in the anticipation of a single heart or one-word comment? Trust me when I tell you that every reblog, every share, every kudos, every bookmark, and especially every comment makes me incomprehensibly happy. Thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for being involved, even in little ways. And thank you for keeping our little ship and fandom itself alive. Forever in your debt, QuietDarkness on Ao3 (stars-are-just-ghosts)
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(Gif credit goes to its creator)
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linklethehistorian · 2 years
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Part 2: Thoughts on Canon Relationship with Arthur Rimbaud/Randou
[Read Part 1 here!]
Thoughts under the cut to allow people to avoid ship talk if it makes them uncomfortable. Also, spoiler warning for Fifteen and Storm Bringer (again).
If you want to know my educated opinion on if they canonically, romantically love each other or if it’s completely up for interpretation with no intent or confirmation inherently placed either way, well, to be honest, I don’t think ‘opinion’ is even necessary here.
Don’t get me wrong; people are always free to interpret stories as they like and make up their own headcanons to change or add to things according to their comfort zones, and I’m well aware that VerRim/Rimlaine as a ship can even be quite controversial to some due to the canonical abusiveness/unhealthiness of it, as well. Thus, it is entirely valid if someone else doesn’t want to view them as such, and/or has a different ship in mind. It always is.  I, myself, ship BSD!Arthur with someone else in current time (even if I do ship Arthur and Paul in the past, up until post-Storm Bringer, for the angst factor), so I can even relate a little.
Hell, if you want to just make them siblings in your headcanons, or father and son, grandpa and grandson — you name it. I don’t care. I support you 100%. Go do your thing and have fun and write stories about it if you want. You absolutely have your right to do that. You don’t have to personally accept them as a romantic couple if you don’t want to.
That being said, I do think that anyone who outright tries to deny or convince others it isn’t the case that, at the very least, the two of them were clearly written with the intent on Asagiri-sensei’s part for them to have a heavily implied romantic relationship dynamic between them in his canon, really really is reaching too hard to justify their dislike for the ship and/or the people who ship them — because here’s the thing: VerRim isn’t like any other ship in the fandom; it is deeply, deeply rooted in historical fact, and again, as we all know, the author of BSD is extremely dedicated to doing heavy research into his characters’ namesakes and tying both key and subtler elements of their lives into their fictional counterparts. And it isn’t even like this is some obscure fact about them, either; their relationship was absolutely crucial to their history and deeply affected the works they produced. Whether you personally might think it’s for better or worse, historically and culturally, their relationship is every bit as famous if not more than their works alone.  If it was just some small, obscure footnote in their lives of, “oh yeah, and I guess they quietly were romantically seeing each other for a few weeks or something”, then yeah, I’d say absolutely, there is a possibility there was no intent at all to have them have feelings for each other and it’s 100% up for interpretation, but they were neither quiet nor absurdly brief about their affair; even at the time, it was a pretty huge scandal, and is something they are actively remembered for. Literally as someone who, before the release of Storm Bringer and really, truly deep diving into the historical background of the characters, used to kind of get annoyed about people claiming they were a thing, it is beyond absurd to try to deny that their relationship didn’t actively, intentionally factor into the story Asagiri-sensei wrote surrounding them and get reflected in their relationship.
Furthermore, the subtext regarding it isn’t even subtle — especially in Storm Bringer (and with the Stage Play of said book, I dare say it hardly even qualifies as just ‘subtext’ anymore at all, personally, but that is a side note.)
I’m not going to address all of the examples here, as again, I feel that is something better saved for my article and its future follow-ups, where I can go into detail about it, but just for starters, when Paul is trying to understand the reason why Arthur saved his life and smiled at him even as he faded away, even after all of the betrayal, not only is it stated that Paul knew exactly why it was and that he just didn’t want to face it because it hurt too much, and not only is it something that remains some unspeakable answer the book never gives us directly, but it is also related to a memory of how shy Arthur was when handing him his birthday gift. Come on. Even separately from that context, what kind of person is going to get all shy about handing their ‘best friend’ of several years a birthday gift, unless they have some kind of feelings for them? Put that together with the aforementioned context and it is completely obvious what was meant there, just as it is obvious when Paul shuts himself away from the world for at least 6 years after losing Arthur because he is the only thing in the world he would ever care about, and stays and writes poems to him in the basement all of the time.
And yes, I agree, prior to the end of Storm Bringer, their relationship is canonically abusive and uncomfortable, and still to this day is utterly tragic. I agree. But that’s the point. That’s exactly how it was in real life. Horrible, complicated, sad — an utter mess.
So do I think that Asagiri-sensei intended them to be romantically involved? Absolutely, there’s not a shadow of doubt in my mind, though it’s clear it was (primarily) one-sided on Arthur’s part until the end of Storm Bringer, at which point Paul realized and returned his feelings far too late.
God, those two and the story surrounding them are so fascinating…
Anyway, I guess I’ll wrap this up for now. Thanks for reading!
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Casimir with a Talkative MC
Fandom: Monster Manor
Characters: Casimir
Warnings: None!
Requested by: Anonymous
Prompt: I'm so excited to see you taking monster mansion asks hardly anyone seems to be paying it any attention! Could you do headcanons on how Casimir would reactor to an MC who will just chatter away, sometimes to him but mostly to themselves with really obscure/unusual topics?
Comments: Of course! I love this so much! I just randomly started thinking about this earlier today, so I thought it would be a good one to kickstart my new attempt at formatting! What do you guys think? Better than just answering asks??
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I think Casimir is an ambivert, maybe bordering a little on extrovert. He's perfectly fine on his own, and he enjoys spending time alone for his hobbies because it's peaceful. But, given the option, I think he'd prefer to be around people. Specifically, around you.
He's been alone for a long time, so at first I imagine he'll get overwhelmed by it super easily. It's weird, having someone else around that can actually speak (and doesn't hide from him like Mimi does), and he doesn't know what to do with it. At all.
At first, you talking to yourself confuses him. Not because he's never done it-- he mumbles to himself all the time, when he's not yelling at the house or attempting to talk to Mimi. He's so unused to another person speaking in his presence that he automatically assumes you're talking to him, because well, that's what people do, right? The problem is, usually it makes little sense, because he doesn't understand half the words you're saying.
It doesn't bother him much, but as I said, it can get overwhelming. If he's already a bit frustrated, or you're talking really fast or loud, he'll often just quietly leave and go somewhere more peaceful. Don't take it personally-- he's lived in near-silence for hundreds of years.
After a week or two of living with you, he'll begin to get more used to your presence, and he no longer feels uneasy or agitated by your chattiness-- instead, he's found that he loves it. You're so cute like this, talking about the things you enjoy, and he finds himself wondering how it ever bothered him in the first place.
If you're just talking to yourself, he mostly lets you be, quietly listening to you talk. It's rather soothing, really, and he loves the sound of your voice. Even if he doesn't understand what you're talking about, he's perfectly content to just enjoy your company.
That said... please talk to him. He'll absolutely love talking about your interests with you! He gives you his full attention (you'll often have to gently remind him to actually work on the room because he's entirely forgotten about the task at hand.) He'll ask a lot of questions, and it's a perfect opportunity for you to delve really deep into the topic at hand, explaining all of the concepts and vocabulary he doesn't understand.
Depending on what it is you like, if you can bring him physical examples of it, he'll be absolutely over the moon. Hope the house doesn't mind you getting nothing done today, because all of your time will be spent showing it to him.
He's also a man of rather obscure interests, and he jumps at the chance to share them with you. He'll ramble for hours on end about his passions, and the way his eyes light up is the most adorable thing in the world.
It'll be a really good thing for the both of you! You're super enthusiastic about each other's passions, and you have long, in-depth conversations about the most random of topics. Small talk doesn't exist in this house. The only bad thing about it is that you're constantly at risk of losing sleep because you accidentally stayed up talking until dawn. Oops?
Seriously though, he'll love it. He probably has a bunch of journals that he writes in from time to time, and he has an entire section of books dedicated to you. He writes down whatever he remembers from your infodumping at the end of the day in the journal for that topic. He wants to learn about what you like, so he takes notes, and occasionally he reviews them to refresh his memory.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open!  Tag List 🐝 
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pink-bear · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet: Hifumi Yamada
What, you thought I wouldn’t do him? YOU THINK I’M A GODDAMN COWARD? NUH UH BITCH, I’M DOIN IT 😤
The fandom does him so dirty, he deserves better
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Stuff under the cut. Character depicted is 18+
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hifumi is an attentive guy. He’ll quickly pick up on what things his partner likes to eat/drink, and makes sure it’s on hand.
Wanna watch some anime? This guy’s got you covered. Any genre you’re in the mood for, he’s got a catalogue that’s nothing to sneeze at (eat your heart out, Netflix). Even the more obscure and rare stuff, he probably has it!
All he really asks for in return is some cuddles and praise…and maybe a snack 🍿
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands. They are quite talented in drawing…and eventually other things as well. Those fingers are thick, and he learns pretty quick ;3
As for his partner, he likes cheeks (of the face variety lmao). Seeing them blushing, dimples when they smile, it makes his heart flutter. They’re also perfect for kissing! In fact, cheek kisses are the most common type he gives.
Though it isn’t a requirement, chubby cheeks are his favourite ❤️
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His diet isn’t the best, so his cum kinda reflects that. Having a partner help him take better care of himself should help that, though!
He doesn’t expect his partner to swallow, and gets very flustered if they do.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a small collection of panties. Not used, thankfully-
He’ll argue they’re for references (and to an extent yes, they are), but they’re also for his own enjoyment as well. He doesn’t try to wear them (they’re way too small) but he’ll use them as an “aid” when he has some alone time.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very inexperienced. He’s seen plenty of hentai, but the real thing is a whole different story. He’s still getting used to 3D lol
Hifumi is an extremely fast learner, and very intuitive, so it won’t take him long to be a competent lover.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl. With his size, other positions are sometimes a bit awkward and uncomfortable. His partner on top lets both of them enjoy the ride, and let his length get nice and deep.
Being able to see their expressions is a big plus! Even if he’s a bit embarrassed of the faces he makes-
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Being a little silly will definitely help ease the tension the first couple times. The guy actually has a (very dorky) sense of humour, and the nerd will sometimes let it slip out even during sex. But that just means he feels comfortable!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Has a bit of hair that’s the same colour as on his head, but not as much compared to other DR men.
Every so often he’ll shave it JUST CUZ
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s read his fair share of romance novels to say some (sometimes cheesy) romantic stuff. He likes things slow, so it gives him time to let his partner know how much he cherishes them.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t do it as often as you’d think. A lot of it has to do with his work schedule and how dedicated he is, but his libido isn’t super high either.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
One word: Cosplay. If his partner dresses up as his favourite characters he is in heaven. They don’t even have to be “accurate”, the gesture alone is enough.
Besides, he has a very good imagination, so roleplaying will definitely be apart of it as well~
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
His room. It’s familiar and comfortable. He loves talking about the different posters/figures he has with his partner afterwards :’D
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes watching/reading something spicy will put him in the mood, but a lot of the time his partner would be the one starting things off.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
As always, nothing unhygienic.
Along with that, he doesn’t like pain being inflicted on either himself or his partner. He’s a softie, both figuratively and literally! Inflicting pain just isn’t in his nature, and he doesn’t have a high pain tolerance himself.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He almost never asks for it, but very much appreciates it when his partner initiates it. It can be a nice distraction while he’s at work.
He’s not the most graceful at giving it back, but he tries!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s usually on the slower side, and going fast often tires him out easily. His stamina isn’t the best, so he prefers slow and steady. He can better enjoy it that way!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He has a lot of deadlines he has to meet, so quickies can be an efficient way to let off steam if he or his partner needs to.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not at all a fan of risks. Sure they’re appealing in the smut he partakes in reading, but real life stuff gives him extreme anxiety.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He prefers only going a round or two, but there are times he has more energy than usual. Still, don’t expect to be pounded in oblivion by him.
…foreplay is a different story, however…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He enjoys using toys more so on his partner rather than himself.
That being said, he does have an impressive collection of exotic dildos. They’re mostly just for show and “research”, but he’s down to use them in the bedroom of his partner asks.
And those toys are kept in remarkable condition, and he cleans them thoroughly before and after use.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t really like teasing on either end. He’s a bit impatient, and sees no need for it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can get pretty loud, which he often doesn’t realize until afterwards. To his utter embarrassment he’s gotten noise complaints before, but he can’t help it!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s taken his fair share of private commissions of the smutty variety, and he’s gotten some weird requests. He’ll generally do it if he’s paid well, but he has his boundaries as well.
He’s not one to judge if he gets something elaborate or weird, he’ll just shrug his shoulders and get to work.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Uncut ween that's average in both length and girth. He’s rather self conscious about his size, since the anime/manga he consumes have guys with huge dongs.
Even with reassurance from his partner, he’ll still feel like he isn’t adequate. Give him some time and encouragement and he’ll come around!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Despite being on the pervy side, his actual libido is actually rather low.
Thinking about sex and actually having sex are two different things. While it’s on his mind a lot, he doesn’t actually desire going out and getting it as much as you’d think.
That being said; if his partner wants it, he’ll be happy to help out one way or another! Just as long as he isn’t busy-
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Falls asleep pretty fast, especially if it’s more than one round. On the rare occasion he isn’t tired (probably from binging on energy drinks and coffee), he’ll put on some anime to relax!
Hope the Hifumi fans enjoyed! I don’t expect to get very much traction, but I did it for the ones they enjoy him!
Hope you enjoyed! And if you don’t agree with any of these, that’s fine! These are just my personal headcanons!
Alphabet template
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sleepy-salami · 3 years
for @crysdrawsthings my beloved, who expressed interest in blorbos from my show, but I don’t really feel like doing this meme for any other fandom, so I decided to just make my own post lol + pictures and descriptions, because you probably have no idea who any of those people are, but I still want to talk about them!
(btw this is going to be a mess of book canon, live action canon, and random headcanons, bc I don’t always remember which one’s which and this is the most interesting way to engage with this story anyway)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Wen Ning!
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My beautiful undead boy. A fierce corpse with social anxiety. The kindest person you’ll ever meet, loves his family and small animals, is routinely bullied by children, will help you hide a body if you ask nicely. I have no idea why he spoke to me so much, because I usually pick the most controversial and morally grey character I can find in a work of fiction, and this one is a 100% Good Boy, but here we are. He has a pretty impressive kill count for a cinnamon roll, though
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Jin Ling!
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He’s 15 and it shows. He has a dog! And a lot of issues! And an irrational desire to put himself in danger as often as possible! I want to pinch his cheeks.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
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Tbh that’s just Wen Ning again, because people don’t appreciate him enough, dammit. Yes he’s a 100% Good Boy, but he's also somewhere up there among the most tragic characters of the story, he's got depth, and his own motivations, and interesting conflict, and a lot of fun potential to explore. But he's too often overshadowed by other characters, and I think it's a shame.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
(I don't think any of my faves are obscure enough, bc almost everyone has a role in the story and a group of dedicated fans, and the characters no one cares about... I don't care about either lmao)
Let's go with this guy, Wen Zhuliu!
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He's a stoic henchman/bodyguard of one of the most annoying villains ever, and he's not being paid enough. A shining example of malicious compliance. An icon. I'm not even mad at him for all the murders.
poor little meow meow  (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Jin Guangyao!
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Look at him. What a polite and trustworthy young man. He has cute dimples. You can fit him in your pocket. He's a customer service employee who's being yelled at by Karens every day of his life, and that's his villain origin story. Personally, I think he gets the prize for being the character with The Most Fucked Up Life in this novel, and I allow him to do some mass murder about it.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Jiang Cheng. It's always open season on Jiang Cheng.
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*slaps Jiang Cheng on the ass* This bad boy can fit so many insecurities, parent issues and unprocessed trauma in him. He has the most epic entrance in the entire series, and 5 minutes later he's crying uncontrollably on the floor, because he's shocked and upset that his brother cared about him. He's a mess. He’s the most controversial character in this fandom, I’ve never seen a person who’s normal about him. He’s legally banned from dating despite being rich & hot, because no one wants to deal with All That. He's so fun to bully. What a guy.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Jin Guangshan.
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Fuck Jin Guangshan.
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woolydemon · 3 years
TFA Shocks? Or tfa Sari =3
Tfa shockwave thoughts
First impression
Would it be bad to say I was actually kinda fooled by him </3
I knew shockwave existed but somehow managed to not spoil myself abt the longarm part so im watching TFA like "wow longarm is so nice to bumblebee I like him :]]!!!" then the end of the episode i :0,,
So. I may be stupid
Impression now
Hes one of my top 3 favorite characters babyyyyyyyy!!!! I adore his design (i have a huge bias towards any design that had funky obscured/lack of facial features + its rlly cool just how monstrous he is) and i think he's got the potential to be very interesting!!
I just think he's a emo nerd (with severe gifted student problems) and that's pretty neat :]
(except the gifted student problems. thats not so neat)
I also simply don't see any interpretation of him that doesnt fit the way I see him <3
Favorite moment
I think his moments in Autoboot Camp a lot, he's genuinely nice to bee!! That's not a facade he put up (he defends bee when wasp was like "way to go numbnodes", helps him out of the locker, etc)
Idk despite whatever the Allspark Almanac or fandom interprets Shocks, hes not a cold heartless deceiver and the small details from this episode rlly show that
Also think his bumbling attempts to try to preserve his identity are funny, what a dork
Idea for a story
i would love to see a redemption arc for my man!!!! I want him to be able to move past his need for approval (especially from ppl like megatron) and find a sense of self worth for himself!!
I think he were given the chance to leave the decepticons, he would be end up being a neutral since he has personally witnessed the fucked up shit the Autobot government is up to. And then he could maybe like dedicate himself in trying to overthrow this corrupt government, not for the decepticons this time. Or maybe he can just finally do whatever he wants to do and pursue a career in the sciences
(Also it would be cool if he changed his eye color to yellow to indicate his departure from the faction)
Unpopular opinion
I HATE SADISTIC ASSHOLE SHOCKWAVE :[!!! it's just... Not fun?? At all??? Especially when a lot of that sadism is directed towards blurr
And also I think that Shockwave is not an old creepy man, I'm pretty sure there is never any mention of him in of being in the war ever in any media?? So I think he.. was not around during that
Now I'm gonna really rock the boat here and say I hc him as younger than Bumblebee (but not by much!! Hes like the equivalent of a couple months or year younger than bee). I just think it's a little funny ok?? Shockwave's like "ur just simply not mature enough to understand bumblebee" and bee is "IM OLDER THAN U >:["
Favorite relationship
Shockbee.. shockbee good. I think their interactions in Autoboot Camp are rlly sweet and their dynamic is fun!! Emo nerd and lil trouble man holding hands... very cool
Favorite headcanon
I constantly think about how Shockwave's first instinct while panicking is just. Violence
So like... What if he was conditioned as a decepticon to just to resort to violence if things go really South??? I can only imagine that while he was becoming friends with Bee he was thinking in his head "THIS IS NOT OK. THIS IS NOT OK. IM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS WITH HIM. I HAVE TO KILL HIM"
This ... Is not healthy btw. This is a shockwave problem moment. hope he gets well soon,,,,,,,,,
Sari Sumdac thoughts
First impression
I was a little worried she was going to be an annoying human character :[ unrelated to that I recognized tara strong and was like "TWILIGHT SPAR-"
Impression now
She's definitely one of the best human characters I've seen so far in the tf franchise!! I like her and I hope good things happen for her <3
Favorite moment
I think abt how she says "if u wanna mess with my city ur gonna go through ME first" like hell yeah u go girl!!!!!
also love how the autobots take care of her when her dad went missing, like bro... They're family..
The BEST family moment though was when she finally broke down from the stress and grief of losing her dad and not having any record of her identity and then bumblebee picks her up and is like "it's ok!! cry as much as u need to, we'll always be there for you" and GOD THATS SO SWEET IT GENUINELY MAKES ME TEAR UP
Idea for a story
Ok I know I kinda already did this with the seinfeld fic comic but I would love to see a much more genuine look into about how she realizes that she's a lesbian by being around the autobots, since they're from a homonormative society, and then they're like "HELL YEAH!! CONGRATS ON UR LESBIAN"
and maybe they all go together to a pride event or smth
Unpopular opinion
I don't think I have any unpopular opinions?? Wish ppl respected her skin tone more maybe
Favorite relationship
Still haven't finished tfp but I love seeing Sari x Miko... Very cute <3
Favorite headcanon
I once joked with my friends about how she has a inhuman tolerance to spicy foods as a result of being Indian and also part robot.
She carries those mini siracha bottles And also makes lesbian earrings out of those bottles!!
On the completely opposite side of the spectrum, Bee has little to none spice tolerance so he's bawling his eyes out while Sari is pouring more hot sauce on her food
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wishingstarinajar · 3 years
I am going to ramble a bit but I will hide it under a cut because it's a bit long. It will be about the previous fandom I was active in around two years ago and how it affects me to this day. It's also about popularity and putting others on a pedestal.
If this sort of ramble isn't up your alley then feel very free to skip over this post! I don't mind. If you want to read more about it, just check under the cut.
The Franchise And Its Creators
THE FRANCHISE AND ITS CREATORS Around mid-2014, I joined the Wakfu and Dofus fandoms, a small-ish fandom as a whole but popular in certain circles.
For those who don't know, Wakfu and Dofus are (online, console, mobile, figurine, card and board) games, comics, animated series, specials and movies created by a French studio named Ankama. These two franchises are intertwined with each other as they play out in the same universe but in different timelines. I myself dabbled around in the animated part of the fandom; I was a huge fan of the two series and the Dofus movie.
There was very little catering to the international part of the fandom when it came to the studio's attention and interactions. There were no English dubs or subtitles; international fans had to rely on English fan subtitles on ripped/pirated episodes of the show and movie, same for the franga/comics. Merch was hard to get. A lot of articles related to the shows and whatnot were in French only, which is understandable because it is a French-made product. But there's no denying that the international fanbase felt a little neglected back then.
Because I was very interested in the lore of both franchises, I had to do a lot of digging and translating to be able to fully indulge in it all. I went full in! I dug deep, created OCs, art and also tried to write fanfiction. I also shared news and info about the series and movie; I ran a fan blog dedicated to sharing things with the international part of the fandom. I was also often approached about lore, particularly for a few of the canon characters and one of the races that play a role in the Wakfu franchise; the Eliatropes. It was fun, it felt good to help other fans out, it was nice to make friends and be creative with others about similar things.
Eventually, the character and art theft began. We all know this is a 'normal' part of fandoms, so I won't hammer too long on it. My issue with it was the fact that my main OC, a female Eliatrope, gathered a lot of attention because female Eliatropes were a rarity in the Wakfu franchise. They existed but didn't get a moment in the limelight, except for one that even received her own game (Islands of Wakfu) but it was so obscure that a lot of fans didn't know about its existence. My OC was somehow mistaken as canon by plenty of folks and many others started to use her as a template to create their own (female) Eliatrope OC. I didn't mind, as long as they weren't straight-up copies and I tried to be supportive by answering lore questions and give feedback whenever it was asked for it (which happened a lot). Of course, copying and theft happened more often than not; over the five years I was part of the fandom, I sent out almost a hundred DMCA reports for art and character theft (like true theft; I could handle some similarities or one-time occurrences). One particular case went to the extreme but I won't beat that dead horse any further; it brought me enough misery to last me half a lifetime, that's all I'll say on it. I kept a lot of the negative experiences behind closed doors and dealt with a lot of it quietly to not bother, worry or burden anyone else with any of it. I wanted a positive and supporting environment for my followers, even if the truth wasn't as pretty.
Over the years, studio Ankama increased attempts to cater more to the international fanbase of its animated properties (articles in English, English dubs and subtitles, etc). However, the studio's struggle to garner the attention of international supporters (aka companies and sponsors) didn't go too smoothly, and to make matters worse, they were also struggling with finding a platform in France to broadcast the Wakfu series on after wishing to take a different and more mature direction. Ankama wanted more freedom with the Wakfu show, like less censorship, a serial rather than episodic, and it not being aimed at a young audience like its previous contractor demanded Wakfu to be. Ankama even turned to crowdfunding to get certain projects (like new Wakfu seasons) off the ground and let's just say that those crowdfunding projects are best described as tiny dumpster fires; they weren't pretty to watch. The first one was a disaster with plenty of displeased backers and the following crowdfunding attempts often didn't meet the end goal due to bad past experiences or the lack of interest.
Luckily, Netflix breathed some life into the international Wakfu fandom, which was great! But it was still received badly (mostly due to the awful English dub and sound mixing of the first two seasons and special) that the third season Netflix made possible was not getting the attention it deserved. It was also a rushed product due to financial and time constraints on Ankama's part. Netflix eventually declined a fourth season and it all fell a bit apart from there. Ankama turned to crowdfunding once more to try and make season 4 a reality. Last time I checked (which was quite a while ago), it did decently enough to make season 4 a reality. (Please don't ask me about it, I don't know anything about it.)
While all this was happening behind the scenes, I was starting to struggle with the reputation I built up in the Wakfu and Dofus fandom over the few years I was a part of it. The best way to describe it is that I had grown exhausted.
Aside from dealing with the theft and answering people's questions daily, I wanted to be treated as an average fan but I kept getting put on a pedestal. People went as far as to call me by titles (like lady Wish and miss Wish) more often than not. To be called and treated as such made me feel alienated, like as if I wasn't considered real. I often asked to just be called Wish, no titles/formalities required, and that I wasn't as 'popular' as they believed, but the majority of the people didn't seem to listen. People were either afraid or refused to interact with me because they considered me 'too popular', or simply wanted nothing but my validation, feedback and/or free art. I also had my fair share of haters and people that didn't approve of my 'status' in the fandom. Join the club xD I wasn't very happy with it either.
I really started to dislike being called 'popular' because it had such a bad impact on the people around me (and my own mental wellbeing). Friends started to become jealous of the attention I garnered and it dragged me down every time. At times, it would turn toxic. It was never my intention to make my friends feel like they meant less because they surely didn't. To learn that they believed others were only friends with them or only looked at their art/writing because they were good friends with me hurt so much. It still does. I refuse to believe that was fully true because I was (and still am!) surrounded by very creative people and they all deserved as much attention as I was getting, at times more. I wish others saw it that way too.
I was also heavily chained down thanks to the role (model) I played in the fandom. Too many people (especially young ones) looked up to me and there were a lot of expectations that I felt forced to meet. I started to lose the energy for it, but if I dared to stray a little from the path, the pitchforks and torches would come out. It was very restricting.
In the end, I felt stuck. Things started to grow toxic. There was a point where I began to dislike the franchise because of the bad feelings it brought me. I couldn't even get myself to watch the series or movie anymore. I focused less and less on the canon side of things and more on my own ideas, which was one of the only comforts I really had left in the fandom. I started to shut myself off, which upset a lot of people. I am sorry for that, I wish it didn't happen that way but I was at my wits' end.
When I realized and also accepted that I was no longer enjoying myself with canon or fanon, I knew I had to move on or stuff would end badly. It was a very tough realization and decision to accept and make; I literally dedicated five years of my life to the fandom. I spent hours a day digging for info and news to translate and share, doing 'research' for my fanfics, answering questions, and whatnot. I truly lived the fandom day in and out. It was the first fandom I ever actively participated in to this degree. What the heck was I going to do without that?
Abandoning the fandom was a scary step to take but not one I regret. I left the Wakfu and Dofus fandom behind me in late 2019. I feel freer now and so much happier. I no longer have the burden of expectations, being a lore guide or be forced to portray a certain role model weighing me down. I am no longer on that f*cking pedestal. I can finally explore interests that aren't exactly child-friendly without a big part of my following pummeling me down for it. (Don't worry, I always try my best to keep it in the appropriate places.)
Do I still like Wakfu/Dofus and all the stuff I've created with it? Yes, I do but I also want nothing more to do with it. Aside from the friends I've made there and also stuck around on my new adventures, I left the fandom behind me.
I still get approached at times about how my Wakfu OC, art and writing inspired someone and ask me if I could give them feedback for their own ideas or give them advice/information on Wakfu/lore. I am extremely humbled by it every time. It's great to see someone feeling inspired and be creative. However, I've moved on. I've left interacting with the Wakfu/Dofus fandom and fan-made stuff far behind me. I haven't touched it for almost two years and it shows on all the social media I share my art and writing on. I at times wish people could be considerate about the fact that I moved on but I also know and understand that not everyone knows my reasoning or my side of the story. I try not to be too harsh on it.
I don't hate anyone for how things turned out; a lot of it was my own doing by not saying no or taking a stronger stand.
It did teach me a lot of things, especially about caring for my own well-being and putting others on pedestals. Please be mindful when you treat someone like others treated me before; it's not healthy, for yourself and the person you put on that high pedestal. Take everything in moderation and consideration, that's all. Everyone's human, everyone has feelings, and everyone deserves a sense of being. Even your favorite artists and content creators. Don't treat them like an otherwordly being that you have to worship.
In turn, if a fandom or something you enjoyed is making you unhappy nowadays, you owe it to yourself to make or find a change. Be good to yourself, always!
Thanks to anyone who read through this ramble. I needed to get this off my chest. I am not asking for advice, neither pity or whatever else. I just wanted to share my thoughts on past experiences because I have a feeling others might be going through something similar.
Thank you again, please take care.
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sylvanfreckles · 4 years
“I Never Should Have Given You a Chance” (FebuWhump 27)
Fandom: Ace Attorney Summary: Klavier confronts his brother in an attempt to learn just how far Kristoph had fallen since that first case.
CW: Deadnaming, implied abuse, gaslighting. (Details at the bottom in case you don’t want spoilers, skip to the section in italics)
* * *
Klavier turned away from the observation monitors, not entirely surprised to see Phoenix Wright enter the room behind him. “Herr Wright.”
Wright gave a sigh and tucked his hands into his pockets. He'd finally discarded that god-awful hoodie for a more respectable button-down and slacks, as befit a formerly-disgraced lawyer seeking reinstatement. “You don't have to do this, you know.”
Arms folded across his chest, Klavier swiveled his gaze back to the monitors. “Actually, I think I do. I may be the only one who can.” He felt more than heard Wright step forward to join him. They stood in silence for a moment, watching the images on the top row of monitors.
It was four screens all showing the same location: Kristoph Gavin's cell. Even now, after over a year, Klavier still couldn't believe it had come to this. Kristoph had always had a dark side, but murder?
“I can ask someone else,” Wright offered. “You don't have to face him.”
Klavier let out a bitter laugh. “Who, Herr Forehead? You know what my brother's like. How he can twist people up.” He was staring through the monitor now, instead of looking at it, but it felt far too difficult to pull his eyes back into focus. “I wouldn't put him through that.”
Wright's hand was suddenly warm on his shoulder. It took all his focus not to flinch away, not to show weakness. “And you?”
“Oh, I'm used to it,” Klavier ruffled his bangs with one hand and shot Wright his most sparkling rockstar smile. “I'll be fine.”
The older man wasn't smiling. For the first time, Klavier noticed Wright was wearing an odd pendant shaped like a curving teardrop. It seemed to shine oddly in the light of the observation room, and for a brief moment Klavier was sure he'd been caught in a lie. “Gavin...”
“I'd better get going,” Klavier interrupted him. “Visiting hours end in thirty minutes.”
Wright opened his mouth, hand raised like he was going to stop Klavier, then he slowly relaxed and stuffed his hand back into his pocket. “Mind if I watch from here?”
Klavier shrugged. “Suit yourself.” Then he was out of the observation room and down the narrow hall toward his brother's solitary confinement cell.
It took less than a minute to walk there, but he'd already come up with and discarded half a dozen plans to get his brother talking. Kristoph wouldn't believe any of his excuses and would see right through his lies, he always had. It was best to just face him honestly and openly.
He nodded to the guard, who swung open the heavy door that lead to the private cell, and stepped through to face his brother. Kristoph was lounging in his armchair, a book open on one knee, and didn't look up even when the guard slammed the door shut. Klaver braced one arm against the bars and leaned forward, until his forehead nearly touched the barrier, and cleared his throat.
Kristoph looked up then. “Ah, Konrad. I was wondering if you would visit.”
It was another battle not to flinch at his brother's callous use of his old name, but Klavier managed to hide it by shifting his stance. “Good evening, Kristoph.”
“What, no bruder? No guten abend? Where's the German with which you so charmingly spice your conversation?”
“I'm not here to play games,” Klavier glowered.
“Pity.” Kristoph snapped his book shut and set it on the table beside his chair. He rose in one smooth motion and delicately adjust the cuffs of his shirt. “You've always been so much fun to play with, Konrad.”
He couldn't stop the flinch this time, but steeled himself to face down his brother's taunting voice. “You know why I'm here, Kristoph.”
Kristoph spread his hands. “How could I possibly know that? I've been in prison...or have you forgotten, Konrad?”
“Stop calling me that!” he slammed his fist against the bars before he could catch himself and had to look away from the smug smile that spread across his brother's face. “That's not who I am and you know it.”
“I know a piece of paper doesn't change who you are, Konrad,” Kristoph sneered. He stepped right up to the bars, almost close enough to touch. “You'll always be the Gavin family's disappointment. After all, with me in prison who will carry on the family tradition? Our father's legacy will dissolve into nothing and it's all because of you.”
Klavier grit his teeth, forcing himself to look back at his brother. “I'm not here to talk about our family, bruder.”
“Then what?”
Kristoph's eyebrows shot up and he leaned back on one heel, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh? Looking to improve your record as a prosecutor? Or are you joining the family business after all, Konrad?”
Every use of his old name was like slap. Konrad had been the little boy whose life was planned out for him, start to finish. Who was supposed to be a defense attorney and join the Gavin family law firm. The boy who wasn't supposed to have disappointing grades, or the wrong friends, or a desire for justice over victory.
“We want to know how far back it goes,” Klavier finally ground out. He hoped ignoring his brother's taunts would make him stop, though that didn't seem likely. Kristoph had always been good at picking up on every little weakness and digging at it. “Cases, clients, partners...how much of the last seven years is just a fabrication?”
“Are you offering a deal?” the older man examined his nails for a moment in a show of nonchalance, then brushed a speck of dust off of his lapel. “Will you take a year off my life's sentence for every dirty little secret I air?”
“I'm giving you a chance to come clean, Kristoph.”
“A chance.” Kristoph adjusted his glasses, and for a brief moment the light reflecting off the lenses hid his eyes. “Like the chance I gave you?”
Klavier frowned. “I don't know what you mean.”
“The great Phoenix Wright, Konrad. I gave you everything you needed to destroy him. Without that case you would have faded into nothing; just another mewling prosecutor with more flair than sense. You would have drowned in obscurity if it wasn't for me. I created this,” he hissed, punctuating his words with a jab at Klavier's chest.
“No,” Klavier took a step back (when had Kristoph gotten close enough to touch him?). “That first case, that was supposed to be you and me. You...you didn't...”
“And I would have crushed you,” Kristoph scoffed. “You wouldn't have even known to look for the falsified evidence without me. Klavier Gavin would have been a brilliant shooting star burning out in the night sky...and Konrad Gavin would take his rightful place in the family again.”
Klavier had tucked his arms tight around his chest and stared at his brother in mute horror. “That's not...”
“Think about it, bruderchen,” Kristoph taunted, adjusting his glasses again. “What makes more sense? That I would risk my reputation going up against an inexperienced child...or that it was all a setup?”
The air in the room was suddenly stifling. Klavier felt like his chest was squeezing in on itself as his brother's words swirled through his mind. It couldn't...it wasn't true. This wasn't...his entire career wasn't a lie. He'd earned his place. He'd built up his own reputation, both in music and law, on his own, not because of some scheme of his brother's.
He jumped when the door behind him slammed open. Kristoph looked over Klavier's shoulder and his face broke into his usual condescending smirk. “I'm only allowed one visitor at a time, you know.”
“I'm not here for you.” Wright was there, one hand on Klavier's arm. “Let's go. Come on.”
“You wanted to know how far back the forgeries went, Konrad?” Kristoph taunted. “Why not look in the mirror?”
The solid metal door cut off his brother's mocking voice, and Klavier could only stare dumbly at it while Wright discussed something with the guard. Kristoph's voice turned around and around in his head. All of it...he'd rocketed to fame after that case all those years ago. Had it really just been one of his brother's schemes?
“All right,” Wright said, breaking him out of his thoughts and turning to take Klavier's arm again. “This way.”
He let himself be lead through the halls of the prison, cheeks burning with a combination of shock and humiliation. He had forgotten Wright was there, watching the whole thing, listening to every damning word that poured out of Kristoph's mouth.
Klavier looked up when Wright tugged him into a small waiting room, empty except for the pair of worn leather sofas set a right angles to each other with a table in the middle. Wright all but shoved him down in one and took a seat on the table, his hands shifting to hold Klavier's shoulders.
“Look at me, Klavier,” Wright said, punctuating his words with a little shake. “Focus on me, all right?”
He was hyperventilating. Klavier swallowed and tried to slow his breathing as he stared up into the older man's stern face. “Herr Wright....”
“It's all right. He can't reach you here. He'll be in that cell for the rest of his life and you never have to see him again, all right?”
Klavier tried to protest. “But we need....”
“We'll find another way,” Wright shook his head. “He fooled us all, Klavier, but don't let him fool you now. Kristoph did not make you the man you are today; that was all you. Your hard work, your dedication to the truth. It was all you.”
He dropped his head and tried to nod. His brother's words still dug into his soul, and it would take some time to work past them.
The older man patted his shoulder. “All right. Let's get out of here.”
* * *
In this story, Klavier’s birthname is Konrad, but he spent his entire life with other expectations piled on him. When he broke out and took his own path he changed his name to Klavier. In this story Kristoph repeatedly calls him Konrad to hurt him. There’s a little bit of implied abuse connected with that name, and Kristoph gaslights Klavier so much he could light all of early 1800s London.
I don’t know if this is worth this much of a warning, but I didn’t want any of it to be a nasty surprise.
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teddy-stonehill · 3 years
Tagged by @comradegrantaire 
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
Only 19 lol, I don’t write a lot of fanfic
2) what’s your total AO3 word count?
46,630. Honestly, more than I expected. 
3) how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve written for twelves lol. Mostly I’ve written one shots for things so I don’t often write a lot for any given fandom. And a lot of these were fics I wrote for other people so they’re not all necessarily for fandoms I actually care that much about personally lol.
The fandoms I’ve written for are: Fire Emblem Three Houses, Run with the Wind, Friends at the Table, The Flash, NieR: Automata, Mystic Messenger, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Adventure Zone, Hikaru No Go, Merlin, and Dungeon Meshi. 
4) what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Importance of Selfishness, which is a Sinbad: Legend of the Seven seas fic I wrote for a friend. I think I’ve only seen that movie once lol. But I do think it’s kind of a solid standalone short story, and I’m pretty sure there aren’t a lot of fics in that tag so people still read it regularly even though it’s like 5 years old at this point.
2. Disappointment, Understanding, which I do personally consider my crowning fanfic achievement. It’s a (primarily) Jumin Han/Zen Mystic Messenger fanfic written in the style of the game (text chats interspersed with cut scenes.) I managed to match the idiosyncratic style of the game really well AND the fic is almost entirely canon compliant except for the pairings getting together lol. I’m still proud of this fic. It’s good.
3. Finding the Words, which is a 2B/60 NieR Automata fic. This is another one I wrote for a friend and honestly I don’t think it’s even that good, but lesbian NieR fans are desperate for content. 
4. Look This Way, which is a short, again mostly canon compliant, fic about Prince/Kakeru from the anime Run With the Wind. I think this one stands out in searches because Prince/Kakeru is the less popular pairing for that show but I stand by it as being better. Haiji/Kakeru fans are welcome to come fight me.
5. Not So Alone, which is a Midge/Susie Marvelous Mrs. Maisel fic. Again, this probably stands out because it’s a small tag. But also the fact that that show hasn’t canonically made Susie a lesbian yet is a hate crime. 
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Not very consistently. If I don’t have anything substantial to add I feel self-conscious about responding. And I don’t want to feel like I’m artificially inflating my comment count by replying “thanks” to every comment. 
6) what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Possibly Dying is Not Romantic, a short Shamir/Catherine FE3H fanfic I wrote about the potential timeline in which Shamir kills Catherine. 
Or, arguably, Mercedes Dies of Cholera, also an FE3H fic, but it was written partially as a joke so I’m not sure that counts. I did also try to make it sincerely sad though lmao
7) do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I did once write a Jake from Brooklyn Nine Nine/Jean Ralphio from Parks and Rec fic lmao. I wrote it in the format of a television script. 
But I never posted that anywhere publicly, I just physically printed it out and mailed it to my friend who I wrote it for lmao. 
8) have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I remember, but I don’t it’s possible that I have and I’ve just forgotten. I think I mostly write for fandoms and parings that are too obscure to really inspire much hate. 
9) do you write smut? if so what kind?
I usually do a “fade to black” sort of thing if my fics include sex, but I have written one actually explicit fanfic and that was... the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel one lmao. 
10) have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’ve noticed. I don’t think I would really care if they were.
11) have you ever had a fic translated?
People have asked permission to translate a couple of my fics into Russian before. If anyone translated them without asking for permission first I don’t know about it. I don’t really keep a close eye out for these things. 
12) have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? I’ve written fics based on other people’s ideas/prompts before, if that counts. 
13) what’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don’t really have one. I’m not that hardcore into shipping culture. 
14) what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wrote half of a Marcille/Farlyn Dungeon Meshi fic once that I think would have been good. But if I don’t finish a fanfic in one sitting I usually won’t finish it. I’m much more dedicated to writing original fiction, so I only ever write fanfiction on random hyperfocus whims. 
15) what are your writing strengths?
I’m good at character and dialogue and I’m VERY good at matching different writing styles. I don’t write fanfic that often but whenever I do I usually get comments about how well I captured the voice of whatever I’m writing a fic for. 
16) what are your writing weaknesses?
I don’t think very visually so I’m not very good at writing descriptions or action scenes where I have to think about characters existing in space.
17) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fc?
I wouldn’t try to write in a language I don’t speak, and I don’t really see why this is something that would come up often. But again I don’t actually write fanfic that often and I READ fanfic even less. Is this a common thing people do? Why?
I guess it might make sense in some specific contexts but... why.
18) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
When I was very young I wrote a fic about an original character in the pokemon universe, based off of a forum roleplay. This fanfic is not online anymore. 
19) what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
It’s Disappointment, Understanding for sure. Seriously, if you were into the Mystic Messenger craze back in the day I highly recommend it lol. I like to reread it just for fun sometimes.
Other than that, I’m also hugely fond of Chance Encounter, which is a Laisu/Kabru Dungeon Meshi fic. I’m only bringing it up because I didn’t get a chance to bring it up in any of the earlier questions and I think it’s hilarious. So if you like Dungeon Meshi check it out. 
I tag @heronfem, and... that’s it. I don’t know that many fanfic writers lol. 
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