#like some freckles and dark circles and stuff
p1xelpixies · 6 months
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anticipatecrime · 1 year
'𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩'| colby brock x male oc
a/n: enjoy ;) summary: sam, colby, corey and jake plan to go to the witches forest, little do they know, they’ll meet a friend of jennifers. he’s a lonely medium studying witchcraft, what happens when colby starts to feel a pull towards him? his feelings confuse him, and make him question himself. 
words: 8.8k (TOO FUCKING MANY, i got lost in the sauce🫠)
sam sat on his couch, dialing the number of the woman him and colby met at the stanley hotel. the latter began to film as she picked up. 
“hi is this jennifer?” they shared a look towards eachother, acknowledging the awkwardness.
“yes, this is she.” 
“sweet uh.. about that forest, was that a legit offer? colby and i have been talking over the past few weeks and maybe.. are you in la now?” he asked, curiously.
“yeah i am”
“cool so maybe tomorrow or later this week we could meet up, and we’d probably be filming it so if that’s cool with you, you could tell us more like about what the forest is and then maybe like find time to schedule to go out there or something?”
“yeah we can meet up.” jennifer said ominously. 
“okay cool, maybe tomorrow we’ll schedule a time then.” sam started to laugh from the awkwardness, and immediately after the phone call was over he threw the phone onto the table and freaked out. “why is it so awkward?” he cringed.
“everytime we talk to her.” colby chuckles.
they both start talking to the camera about their plans with the witches forest, and planning a whereabouts for the meetup. 
a day had past, and sam, colby and jake were in the car, driving to the area where they were supposed to meet up with jennifer. colby had parked very close to another car in attempts to not be in the way of someones driveway. “can’t park in this driveway brother, gonna get a ticket.”
“can’t go to jail again.” sam laughs.
“we’re in a neighborhood, it’s not that sketchy.” sam commented, as they all start talking about how creepy this whole situation was, joking about getting murdered. 
they walk into the park, and they look around until they see two people sitting at a park bench. “hey!” sam calls out, as he sees them. “nice to see you again!” he goes in for a hug with jennifer. 
“how was the shoot and everything?” he asked.
“it was good.” she responded, nodding her head, before looking over to her friend, the guy next to her. jennifer didn’t really care about meeting up with strangers but elias, found it sketchy, so he decided to come along as some sort of backup.
“hey, i’m elias, good to meet you.” he shook hands with the person closest to him, colby. 
“nice to meet you too.” colby smiled, curious about the guy infront of him. he looked pretty cool, his sense in fashion was definitely something out of a vintage movie. his hair was dark brown, about medium length. he had brown circle glasses pushed towards his nose, contrasting his freckled face. 
from what he was wearing, you could see a few tattoos under his sleeves, along with a few different ear piercings. ‘damn this guy is cool’ he felt like some kind of fangirl.
as sam talked to jennifer, colby starting asking questions to the other. “are you also into the paranormal?”
“yeah. i grew up around it my entire life, and now it just seeks me out i guess.” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “how’d you get into it?”
“that’s the same as one of my friends, corey.” he acknowledges. “honestly it’s not that exciting, me and my buddy sam would explore like abandoned places and stuff then it became haunted areas and now we think we’re haunted.”
“that’s cool.” suddenly jake climbs onto the picnic table, creating a thud sound. “jesus jake.” colby laughed.
“so do you guys chill at the park often?” jake tries to make conversation with the two.
“yeah.” they answer at the same time. the camera is held facing jennifer as she begins to explain why the cabin is haunted, and why it’s called the witches forest. 
“you really have to figure it out yourself.” elias commented, chuckling. 
“so you’ve been there too?” sam interrogates him. 
“you could say that, i also own a cabin about a mile out.”
“would you say it’s haunted?”
“oh definitely, in 1946 a couple moved into the cabin and after a few years they started like experiencing financial issues, and it caused a lot of stress between them and eventually the husband started drinking, and one night he killed his pregnant wife before shooting himself in the head.” elias smirked, watching their jaws drop. “let’s just say i’m not legally able to rent it out anymore because of what happened to the last guests we had.”
“holy shit.” sam looked to the guys, with wide eyes. 
“that’s actually insane.” colby said, rubbing his eye. “so do you live there or just use it as a vacation spot?”
“bit of both honestly, the spirits don’t bother me much. i was just there a few days ago and i stayed about three months, left with tons of scratches and stuff.” elias explained.
“do you still have visible marks?” 
“yeah, the longest one is on my leg, i can show you if you like.” the guys nodded, so he stands up and props his leg on the park bench, before rolling up his black pants. quickly a red shiny scratch is visible. it starts at his ankle and goes underneath his thigh. “it’s one of the weirder marks i’ve gotten. it’s shiny and feels almost like a burn, like blistered over and stuff.”
“holy shit, that’s crazy.” jake muttered.
“i don’t know if we should do this anymore.” colby laughs, jokingly crying.
“so on a scale of one to ten, how is this a good idea or are we going to die.” sam wondered.
“let’s just say it’s scarier then the stanley hotel.” jennifer answered.
“is that the key?” jake zooms into colby holding the key to the cabin. colby pauses for a second, having an idea. “would you let us see your cabin?” he asks to elias.
“uhh, i don’t know, i would have to be there to supervise.” “not just because i don’t know you, but also for you’re protection. the spirits know me well, even the negative ones, they don’t like other people.”
“jesus.” colby mumbles. “is that why you can’t rent it out anymore.” he nods slowly.
“we have a friend out there that we met from the summer camp thing. a few of them are still there. elias can probably get in contact with one of them to help you out. since they’re both wiccans.”
“so you’re friend is a... wait you’re a wiccan?” sam asks towards elias, pointing the camera in his direction, receiving a half nod. 
“after i became a medium it slowly transitioned into exploring witchcraft, i wouldn’t like 100% consider myself a wiccan but i do partake in that stuff.” he holds up his pagan necklace. 
“wow, so does your friend live around the cabin?” 
“now i see why it’s called witches forest.” sam laughed hesitantly. 
“so a lot of people there are wiccans i’m assuming?” colby asks, before receiving a nod. “witches forest, wiccans.” he does a weird voice to express how crazy this situation is.
“this is awesome, thank you so much for this, we would probably just of done another hotel video.” sam thanked her. “should we call corey?” he asks to the guys.
everyone begins to say goodbye, colby hugging jennifer and elias. “we’ll let you know how it goes.”
“but uh, i just wanted to say, i haven’t been there in awhile so be careful.” jennifer calls out to them.
jennifer and elias start walking back to their apartment. he glances towards the group they had just encountered. “they seem cool, colby’s pretty nice.”
“yeah i guess. i’m surprised you didn’t give them the key.”
“first, they’re strangers, second, they seem like novices, i don’t want their deaths to be on my hands.” elias joked.
“you could’ve gone with them.” she shrugs. elias pauses for a moment, thinking about it. maybe he should. they are trying to find the most haunted areas.. 
“i’ll think about it.”
it was early morning of the next day, and elias had been messaging with colby since he woke up talking about whether or not he should go up with them. colby has been trying to persuade him, borderline begging him to come. they think it would be awesome for the video and their paranormal experience. 
and secretly colby just wants to get to know him as well.
the four boys were in their car, on the way to the first house, to talk to a wiccan who is offering a reading, and more information on the witches forest.
“i was thinking about what the physic said a lot last night, about how corey and i are in danger, and i think they could be right. i hope we have service because we’ve never been in this forest, who knows, like what if we get lost right? that’s why i think bringing elias, who knows the area could be helpful.”
“honestly yeah, and he seems like a cool dude so.” jake shrugs, agreeing with the idea. corey then calls and agrees to come, making everyone so much more relieved. 
“let’s just act like we’re going to a cabin in the woods.” corey says, trying to lighten the mood as he gets into the car.  
they keep on driving, about twenty minutes out, pulling over only to get jake some food because he kept complaining about being hungry. they pull into a burger king, and grab some food. colby suggests sitting at a table so he can fill both corey and the viewers in about elias and the other wiccan.
“just to catch everyone up, we got some food and we are ten minutes away from the forest!” sam starts it off.
“i’ve been texting with both this wiccan and elias, who agreed on meeting us, but they want to meet us at her house. she was just like ‘yeah swing by, and i’ll show you my tarot cards and stuff.’” 
“well, let’s hope we don’t die.”
they walk out to the parking lot, and talk a bit more, explaining to corey. “me, colby, and jake met up with jennifer and this new guy, elias, so the reason why he’s texting to this random wiccan is because they’re friends, them two would meet up with her at summer camp, and she’s going to tell us about the area.” sam said.
as they start driving, they encounter the fog of the mountains, and they struggle to see out the window.
“yeah, elias is going to be with the wiccan, so atleast it’s not like we’re by ourselves with a complete stranger.” colby mentioned.
“well we don’t really know him either.”
“better then completely alone though.” he shrugged, continuing to drive until google maps said he was at the correct address.
“so what have they told you?” sam asked. 
“nothing really, just gave us the address and said see you then.” colby explained, shutting the car door. they walked up to the door, not even having to knock before someone opened the door. “hey colby!” elias said, arm on the door. 
“yoo hey.” colby gave a hug before smiling. “thanks for taking up our offer on this, having you here and talk about some of the stuff is super great for the video.” 
colby felt nervous, seeing elias stand confidentially at the door, he looked more relaxed today, grey sweatpants, black hoodie and his usual brown glasses. you can tell he wasn’t planning on coming. 
in the light, it was much easier to see his face. he also realized elias’ hair was slightly curly. 
“yeah it’s no problem.” elias said as the other wiccan presented herself. “good to see you again.” 
“hey, how are you guys?” she asked. “wanna come in? if you don’t mind i’ll have to sage you though.”
“yeah it’s no problem.”
after the boys were saged, they sat around the table and began to talk about the witches forest. “so why is it called witches forest?” sam asked, getting down to business. 
“there’s a lot of rituals that go on in this area, it used to be a spot with mobsters, there’s a lot of satanic rituals, which aren’t as bad or evil as you would think.” elias nods along, agreeing with her. 
“so you guys would consider yourselves wiccans in the way that you both study witchcraft. 
“yes, i identify as a wiccan, but i feel like it has a different perception of what you would think.”
“okay so can you explain that to us.” sam asked.
“i like to live my life by the moon cycles, so full moon would be a time of like creativity and energy, where as new moon is more introspective and..” she trails off as the door opens for the second time. 
“we’re trying to spend the night here, in the forest. do you think that’s a good idea or bad idea?”
elias grimances, shaking his head. 
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” corey fake cries.
“a lot of people have died up there.. not recently so i don’t think you’ll die.” she says positively. “if you want we can do a little tarot reading.” she suggests, waving over elias to help her with it.
“tarot reading?” colby repeats asking for clarification. 
“tarot cards really tell you what you’re feeling subconsciously, and they help give insight into the past, your future, or the present. and basically however you relate to the card, it tells you what’s going on with your inner-self or stuff you may be doing.” he explains, before sageing the cards.
“this basically helps to detach anything thats holding onto the cards, so for example, the past readings she’s done, it’s possible that those readings could effect yours. so when i sage the cards, it clears anything on them.” he hands over the cards to colby, who passes them to sam, to jake and then to corey, to get their presence onto the cards.
she takes the cards and sets them onto the table. a few gasps come from the guys after seeing the death card, “none of these are bad, so don’t be afraid.”
“the tower is an iffy card in my opinion, so it means danger and destruction, it’s basically like a very sudden unforeseen change, which means you have to rebuild. it can lead to the next chapter of your life. so it starts out negative and eventually it leads to rebuilding which is positive.” elias explains.
“yeah and chaos isn’t always a bad thing, which relates to the death card.” she taps onto it. 
“the next chapter of my life is death?” sam asked.
“no.” elias answered shortly. “the death card will almost never mean death or represent anything like that. it’s typically more like the end of an era, so it implies new beginnings. it also is commonly known as the card that describes self awareness.” he was briefly interrupted by a bang upstairs.
“this card is all about fear and anxiety.” she points out. “but not a real fear, more like you’re worrying about something too much. like it’s in your head, like when you can’t sleep and you’re terrified but it’s not something that you should be worrying about. it’s more like you’re imagining something, like making up a problem.”
“like making conspiracy theories about yourself.” jake adds in, earning weird looks from colby and sam.
“just being scared of something that isn’t that big of a deal, like you’re more afraid then you need to be.” elias adds.
“that’s basically our group.” sam comments.
they talked more about the different chapters of their life, corey refusing to do more tarot. she gave more advice on how to keep the guys safe at their campsite, like taking the sage, having a ring of salt and holding hands.
elias watches as they huddle into the corner of the room and talk about some of their plans together. “honestly guys, i don’t know if i can do this.” corey admits. “this shit is crazy, we don’t need more spirits trapped with us.”
“i think we just have to hurry up because it’s a few hours from sundown, and we don’t know the area too well, i don’t want us to get lost.” sam comments.
“do you think we should invite elias?” colby asked.
“brother, now why would we do that.” corey said, shaking his head.
“he knows the area, and i think he would be awesome for content, he can tell us more stories, we can get to know him and maybe do more ghost stuff with him in the future.” 
“i’m down.” jake shrugs.
“we don’t know him very well, but i do think he’d be beneficial for this.” sam doesn’t seem to care that much.
“okay well i won’t invite him if you guy’s arent sure.” they all to look corey. 
“fine, but i swear to god if he murders us, i’m going to murder you again.”
“okay awesome!” colby walks away from the guys and up to elias. “i was wondering if you wanted to come with us, like to our campsite.”
“oh. uhh, i mean i guess i could hang for a bit, but it would probably be weird to stay the night with you guys. my cabin isn’t too far away in the forest so i’ll go back there once you guys are settled in.”
“we’d be chill if you wanted to stay the night in a tent beside us or something, but it’s cool if not.”
“i’ll figure it out later.” he shrugs, and follows the guys to the car. elias sits in the passenger seat, sam giving it up to sit in the back, so he didn’t have to sit squished next to strangers.
they began to drive in the direction of witches forest, taking a right turn onto a gravel road. 
“so where do you suggest us staying the night exactly?” 
“well i would say definitely be near one of the main roads, so you’re near your car, but as in area, if you keep going down here, there’s some pretty flat ground with trees surrounding it.” elias points in the right direction.
they pull into a blank area, and start gathering their stuff. “just down this way.” he leads, while helping carrying one of their bags. 
“awesome, thank you.” sam thanks him, actually kind of surprised how much this stranger was helping them.
“do you need help setting up your tent, or?” he wondered.
“uhh..” jake mumbled, knowing he’s never put up a tent in his life. 
“that is a possibility.” sam chuckles. ”so like, did you group up in california or elsewhere?” he took what colby said earlier, about getting to know him, and ran with it.
“oh uh, no i grew up in a small town out of seattle, but i moved to la when i was 17.” elias answered, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“oh cool. why’d you leave seattle?” jake asked.
“just bad memories i guess.” he took a deep breath. “the house i grew up in.. my brother he died there when i was 6. his death brought me into the paranormal world.”
“oh, i’m sorry for your loss.” colby commented, beginning to build the tent.
“don’t be.” elias laughed it off. “it was a pretty natural death, he was born with heart complications, honestly a miracle he lived till 14. he was very positive and i’m sure he wouldn’t want people mourning, so i choose not to i guess.”
“that’s a good way to look at it.” colby smiled at the other. colby took a liking to him, he wasn’t sure why though but it felt like something was pushing him to get to know him.
“so you said you’re a medium?” corey asked, helping colby with the tent.
“yeah, the thing with my brother, it guided me to other spirits and i just kind of fell into it all. i feel things more the most people, i hear more, i sense more.” he paused. “i don’t feel any presences here but i feel sadness and regret.”
“that’s honestly really cool, so to become a medium does it need to be something that happens to you or can you like learn and study to become one?” colby asked, setting up the camera on a camping chair, pointed to elias.
“in my opinion it has to come to you, you can’t work for it. if you are gifted with the ability you can learn and study to enhance it but you can’t force it.”
“the tent’s looking good.” corey nodded towards it. “but i swear to god i don’t want to sleep here.” he begs, making everyone laugh.
once everything was set up, and looking good, elias decided to leave. “i’ll probably head up to the cabin.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“yo, you sure?” jake asks, actually wanting him to stay. in the past few hours they’ve all been vibing pretty hard.
“yeah no pressure to leave.” colby said, giving him a smile. 
“i don’t wanna intrude too much on your video or anything, but feel free to come to the cabin if you have any problems or something crazy happens. can’t promise staying at the cabin will be any better but still. i have wifi, hot water, beds, all that stuff so don’t be shy.” elias smiled back.
“alright, thank you.” sam nodded. 
“make sure to say goodbye before you leave though!” elias called out, as he walked away. 
“bye!” colby shouted.
“cya!” jake yelled.
“dude, you’re staring.” corey pointed out, laughing at his friend. colby turned to look at him, before rolling his eyes.
“shut up, i just think he’s cool.”
corey winked to sam and jake, them chuckling to eachother.
it was hours later, maybe 3 or 4, and elias was in his cabin, drinking a glass of wine, while reading one of the books from the old bookshelf. his days here were simple. he’d tend to the plants, garden, read some books and drink wine. he wish he had a more extroverted life, and would sometimes regret missing out on opportunities. such as hanging out with the guys back at the campsite. 
he wondered why he didn’t just stay, when they were clearly okay with him there, but he was still unfortunately a stranger. they were okay with him there, but they didn’t want him there. 
‘god i need friends’, he thought. he’s been so lonely, his only friend being jennifer, and they weren’t all that close anymore since he’s started studying witchcraft. elias has only had a few friends in his lifetime, people thinking he’s weird or abnormal for his interests and gifts, and he’s only been in one relationship which ended around 6 months. 
he honestly hasn’t felt that interested in people, elias finds them too generic, but he did take interest in the group. no matter how goofy they all seemed, they were cool. especially colby, he seemed to care the most. and he was kinda cute so that’s a plus. but he was probably straight.
he paused, hearing a bang upstairs, before sighing. his only friends are the spirits of the forest. he took his glasses off and gave them a rub, as they got a bit foggy. 
‘maybe a bath will ease my mind’ as he began to run a bath he heard a scream for help. his eyes widened at the voice, that was definitely colby. 
“help!” it was a gut-retching scream. elias turned off the bath, and as he was running to the front door, he turned the outside lights on, immediately lighting up the area. 
“colby?!” he called out, opening the door. 
“elias?!” suddenly, he came into view. “holy fuck, thank god.” he sighed, relieved. he rushed to the door. 
“what the hell happened out there? where is everyone?”
“i-i i got lost, i don’t know where i am, i was chasing after a shadow and i thought sam and jake were after me but i went in circles and i walked for so long it’s been like 15 minutes and i don’t know where they are.”
“woah, colby are you hurt?” elias reaches out to the others side, seeing a few smaller scratches. he gently touches them, earning a hiss out of colby.
“ouch.” he chuckles. “anyways, i really need help finding them, i don’t know what the fuck happened.”
“you said you saw a shadow figure? was it just a shadow or were there any visible descriptions?”
“just a shadow.” he shrugs, shivering a bit. 
“theres been a few people spotting shadows around here, a lot of people think one of the main shadows, it’s of a larger male and it’s predicted that it’s the spirit of the husband i told you guys about earlier, and that he’s stuck in this forest as punishment.”
“jesus.” colby exhales. 
“here, come in for a second, i’ll get you a heavier jacket and i’ll get a bandage for your side.”
“oh, thank you so much.” colby rubs his neck, awkwardly standing in the others home. “this cabin is actually beautiful.” he said, not expecting it.
“haha yeah, i take pride in it. nobody ever is here to see how gorgeous the wood and plants are.”
“oh why’s that?”
“i just don’t have many friends.” elias said, while grabbing a few items. “gets lonely up here.”
“hey well, you can consider us friends, i think you’re cool as hell.” colby smiles, taking the jacket, and putting it over his shoulder. “it would be awesome to have you come with us to other haunted places.”
“i-” elias was about to decline, before he thought for a minute. he knew he would regret declining. “sure, why not.” he gestured for colby to move his arm so he could wrap his side. 
“that should do it.” he gave him a pat on the shoulder. “now, we really have to get you back to your friends, they’re probably freaking out.”
“yeah.” colby agreed, rubbing his side. 
“do you mind if i spend the night with you guys? i have a feeling.. like i can feel something bad in your future, and i don’t think it’s safe for you guys alone.”
“oh god..” colby sighed, not ready for whatever he’s talking about. elias grabbed a few more things, and shoved it into a backpack. “it would be appreciated if you stayed with us.” he laughed it off, pretending he didn’t care too much, but he actually felt pretty nervous about the idea. 
he’s never really found guys that attractive or anything but something about elias, it wasn’t even his looks, something about his personality or dare he say ‘spirit’ was alluring. colby just needed to know more, needed to get close to him.
“okay, let’s go.” he said, turning off the house lights, and turning on his flashlight. 
they walked through the forest, trying to avoid all of the unnerving noises they heard. “thank you.” elias said quietly.
“what? why?”
“because, today has been the most social interaction i’ve had in awhile.” he chuckled. they continued to walk in peaceful silence, colby instinctively walking closer to elias. they smiled to eachother, elias having to look away and blush out of sight. ‘jesus, what is happening to me.’
they walked a bit more, and finally began to see bright lantern lights, similar to colby’s. “guys!” he shouted.
“no way, colby!” corey shouted, running straight to him out of relief.
“holy shit it’s colby!” 
“what the fuck happened to you.” sam shook his head. they all looked closer and saw another person. as they got closer they realized it was elias.
“holy shit.” corey exclaimed.
“are you okay bro?” jake asked.
“the shadow person, i kept chasing it, i saw it again. it ran so i ran after it, i ended up going in circles and i got lost so i started screaming for help and i saw a cabin, thank god it was elias’.
“did you hear the scream? it was like a female scream.” sam explained. 
colby went to sit in a chair, his side aching. “no i didn’t, i scratched my side though.” he lifted his shirt to show the bandage. 
“dude, me and jake saw like a baby or something small hung.” sam said.
“bro, i looked at it, and my first thought was that it was a baby hanging, it was swaying and everything.”
“wait.. you said you saw a baby hanging?” elias looked at them in pure shock. “holy fuck.. you saw her.” he mumbled.
“what?” sam asked, eyes wide.
“what the fuck is going on.” corey shouted.
“the.. the story i told you guys, about the husband killing his pregnant wife. a few people i rented the cabin out to, they would see shadows of a hanging dead baby outside the windows.”
“holy fuck!” corey screamed, jumping before walking a few steps away.
“that is fucking crazy.” jake exclaimed, holding onto his head.
“i can’t believe this.” sam held the camera, beginning to shake. “okay, a rule, we can’t separate again.”
they began to talk about what the shadow could’ve been, talking about the biker kids they had seen earlier in the day.
“it definitely was not a biker, you would’ve heard it a mile away, and nobody just goes for a walk in the middle of the night.” elias shakes his head in disbelief at the situation. 
“i’m not staying out here any longer.” jake says, running into the tent. everyone else begins to pack away their stuff, making sure that if they got scared again, they could leave without having to worry about their scattered belongings. 
sam pulls out the camera once everything is put away, and gives the viewers a quick update. “just a little update guys, we did clean up our entire campsite, and now we’re going to chill in here for a little bit, because we don’t know what’s out here.” he gestures inside the tent.
“is it alright if i stay here? i don’t feel like walking back to the cabin.” he asks.
“oh yeah of course.” sam practically invites him in. “you’ll just have to deal with our gross selves.”
“i think i’ll be fine, i was a babysitter for 3 years of my life.” he joked, earning laughs from everyone.
a small fight ensues about sleeping bags with the guys, and elias sits off to the side of the tent, not wanting to get too close and make anyone uncomfortable. he watches as colby pokes around at corey’s pocket. 
“brotherrrr, scared the fuck outta me.” corey cries out. “it’s either colby hitting on me again or a ghost.” elias laughed at that.
“i like to use shrek’s belly as a pillow.” jake mumbles, away from the drama.
a few minutes go by, and bugs in the tent frighten elias, while sam and colby start swatting at them before jake and corey talk about the white people face. elias, guilty of making that face more then once tonight.
the rest of the night was filled with fivesome jokes, jake playing with shrek into the camera, dance parties, sam touching more spiders in the tent, and colby trying to rest his eyes.
he originally laid near corey, between him and elias. he was resting on the end of his sleeping bag, feeling exhausted with the night so far. after another bug was squashed, they placed the camera back in the center of everyone.
elias was the closest to the camera, slightly out of frame, colby close by, corey leaning to the front, jake beside him, and sam on the other side also out of frame. “who keeps farting?” colby asked jokingly annoyed.
“yo what is that smell bro.” colby started cringing, holding his nose, causing everyone to laugh, corey the most.
“who farted dude?” jake commented about the smell looking towards sam.
“i don’t smell anything.” he shrugged carelessly, elias agreeing with him.
“yeah cause it was you!” 
“someone ripped ass, and it was me two minutes ago.” corey revealed, laughing like a madman. 
“my face was right by your asshole!” colby shouted, making a disgusted face to the camera before slowly shuffling away from the guy, and closer to elias. he dramatically collapsed onto elias’ leg and begged him not to do the same.
colby found his leg oddly comfortable, holding onto it like a pillow. he didn’t want to get too over the top and make elias uncomfortable, so tried to stay away from the boys lap.
then, it was back to jake putting shrek up to the camera, pretending to ring an imaginary doorbell. 
“look guys, stop recording if we’re actually going to fuck.” corey pulled his sleeping bag over his face.
“yeah i don’t wanna be on camera.” elias said, holding his hands up, making everyone snicker. it was kind of awesome how they could go from complete strangers, thinking eachother was creepy, to then making jokes like this.
speaking of jokes, everyone made comments about colby and how he was sleeping all cuddly on the other, and god was it unbearable. 
it was awkward, and uncomfortable but oddly enough, the friendly teasing felt better then being alone, so he dealt with it, and listened to corey’s little story about the boys and the shadowman. 
suddenly, noises started getting louder. exhales, footsteps, bangings. corey felt uncomfortable, and kept demanding to leave the tent. everyone paused, trying to listen to the surrounding sounds, sam hearing a car, and elias hearing thuds. 
“yo, should we just try to go to sleep?” colby asked, genuinely really tired.
“uh, no.” corey answered like it was obvious
elias felt the need to interrupt. “listen, the noises are obviously scary and whatever, but you need to understand that you guys are overthinking. think back to the tarot cards. you are scaring yourselves.” he tried to explain, as a way to calm them down.
it definitely didn’t work, corey hearing another exhale, and telling everyone to get out of the tent as a safety precaution. 
eventually everyone began to rush out of the tent, into darkness, sam screaming for someone to get a light. elias put on his glasses, and grabbed a flashlight, pointing it around the camp.
he heard rustling coming from a near bush and started walking up to it, he peeked around trying to find what the noise could’ve been. “elias, hurry up!” sam called, as everyone began running to the car. 
he caught up to them, not caring anymore and jumping in the back with jake and corey. “holy fuck.” he exhaled. “where are we going?”
“jennifer’s cabin.” corey replied, nodding at the idea.
sam’s phone started to ring as colby was driving on a tight road. “yo, yo, look!” he answered the call, everyone hearing absolute gibberish. it was random noises, deep exhales and other strange noises.
“that sounds like someone fucking with us.” colby stated, as sam talked about telling all his friends he was coming here.
“holy shit, i don’t think it’s someone pranking you guys.” elias stared, wide eyed at his phone before holding it up so everyone could see. 
“fuck.” jake muttered. “answer! answer!”
elias answered the call, putting it on speaker phone. the sounds coming from his call was much different from sam’s. these, sounded like chants, as if a huge group of people were shouting into the phone, cursing the boy. “guys, what the fuck is this.” he had experienced everything, but never has he gotten no caller id calls, with scary ass chants. “are you fucking with me right now?” he asked the group, tears welling in his eyes.
“no! no! of course not!” colby assured him. “we don’t do shit like that.”
he pulled into the driveway of jennifer’s cabin, immediately opening the doors and seeing the pouring rain. at the door, jake started shaking the water off of him, complaining about being wet.
quickly, elias could see sam was struggling. he was digging through his bag trying to find the key. he was beginning to panic, and everyone was starting to realize. 
“wait you don’t have the key?” corey questioned, getting nervous. “sam.” he sighed.
“was it in your pockets or the backpack?” colby asked.
“when do you remember last having it?” jake watched as sam patted his pockets.
“n-no i had it today, i showed the girl that jennifer gave me the key.” he defended. “here, just check the car, i swear, i have it.” 
“really try to remember, did you put it in your bag or your pockets?” colby kept pushing.
sam frantically looked around the car as the others judged him, complaining and blaming him for losing the key. “hey honestly sam, don’t worry about it, it’s just a mistake.” elias tried to reassure him everything was fine, only for corey to say something.
“i thought.. it’s either here or in the backpack.. unless is it in our bags? should we check the trunk?” everyone was freaking out, and elias stood there awkwardly watching. he felt bad for sam.. he could feel the sadness and guilt dripping off of him.
“we need this key. we can’t get in. dude jennifer trusted us with this key, you can’t-”
“is this the only key?” “sam, are you fucking serious, dude. i’m not trying to be rude, but first you lowkey lost colby, and now you don’t have the key. i’m just saying, this is why i don’t like doing this type of shit.” corey raised his voice. 
jake and corey agreed they didn’t want to go back to the tent, as colby kept filming. elias took a breath before saying excuse me and pulling sam to the side. 
sam looked confused, but his guilt was overtaking it. “what?” he looked at the other, wondering why he dragged him a few feet away. 
“dude, don’t listen to them, losing the key, like i said is a simple mistake, any of them could have done it, they’re not upset at you, they’re just upset at the cirumstances. but you’re forgetting i have a place just a few minutes away.” elias tried calming him down, seeing tears well in his eyes. he could tell sam wasn’t one that could deal with being yelled at.
“it’s not anything big, it’s a two bedroom with a pull out couch.” elias shrugged. “please just accept my offer, alright?” sam nodded, wiping any sort of water away from his eyes.
“thank you elias, really.” sam suddenly grabbed onto him, giving him a side hug. 
“no worries.” he smiled, leading him back to the car, before they explained the plan to the others. everyone could see the disappointment in sam’s eyes, as he sat quiet in the passenger seat. 
jake whispered to elias, about what happened out there, him shaking it off as to say it was private. he guides colby down the different roads, and in a few minutes they were outside his cabin. 
“here we are!” he welcomes them inside, turning all the lights on.
“shit this is nice.” corey nodded, jumping onto the couch. 
“woah woah, take your dirty ass boots off.” elias joked, watching as he threw them off in the direction of the door.
“thank you so much for having us here.” sam smiled, setting his bag down. 
“really, don’t worry about it, i’m glad you’re here and not outside.” elias took their stuff and organized it by the doors. “okay so, there’s two bedrooms, you guys can take those if you want, i don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
“hell no.” colby laughed, refusing to have him give up his own room in his own house.
“mkay whatever, someone can sleep in my room with me i guess, because trust me the couch is very uncomfortable to sleep on. plus the rooms are much safer. the living room is the scariest, you’ll hear the most shit out here.” he chuckled. “you guys can look around if you want, also feel free to eat anything you find, and use the wifi, passwords on the fridge.” he yawned. “i’m going the fuck to bed.” 
the guys chuckled, taking him up on that offer. 
for over half an hour, they decided to eat some of the snacks in his fridge, and taking crackers from the pantry. “god i was so hungry.” jake moaned into the leftover burger he was eating.
“okay guys, take it easy, we aren’t trying to raid their food.” colby snickered, watching as his friends ate like hungry rats. 
“yeah good point.” sam took a handful of crackers and put the box back. “should we talk about sleeping arrangements?”
“there’s no fucking way i’m sleeping on the couch or anywhere in the living room after what he said.” corey stated, heading into the direction of the guest bedroom. 
“yeahh, me neither.” jake followed after him.
“so.” colby shrugged. “do you care where you’re sleeping tonight?”
“not really, i’ve gotten to know elias pretty well so it doesn’t really matter to me.” the brunette squints at him. 
“what did you guy’s talk about?” he questions. 
“honestly, when he pulled me aside i was shocked. he like saw how overstimulated i was with the whole situation and he completely calmed me down, comforted me and everything.” he threw his arms as he was talking.
“yeah, i’m sorry about that, we were all just frustrated about the key.”
“don’t worry about it.” sam smiled. “are you and elias getting close? you were like all over him, sleeping back at the tent.” he was genuinely curious, considering he hasn’t seen his friend like this in awhile.
colby paused, thinking about everything that’s happened tonight. “honestly... i don’t know, it’s been really weird for me. i’m so confused with what im feeling.” he shook his head, so unsure.
“hm, i’ll go sleep with corey and jake.” they both nodded to that. “goodnight colby!” sam called out, walking in the same direction as the others did.
colby slowly approached elias’ room, pushing open the door gently. both bedside table lights were on, followed by a few candles around the room. he could see that the other boy was still awake. “oh hey.” he put down his book.
“hey elias. thought you were going to bed?”
“i was, heard some loud munchers in my kitchen though.” he giggled, as colby apologized. “no, honestly it’s okay, i was actually surprised how fast you guys decided to come to bed.”
elias yawned once more, stretching his arms out on the bed. “i can either sleep on the floor, make a little bed and shit, or if you’re cool i’ll just stay on the right of the bed.”
“literally don’t worry about it, not the first time i’m sleeping with a dude-” he paused, cutting himself off. “god that sounded bad.” he laughed, blushing with embarrassment. 
“wouldn’t be my first time either.” elias smirked, blowing a fake kiss before wheezing at their dumb jokes. 
colby moved closer, setting his personal backpack down and folding his jacket on the table. he shuffled towards the bed, and sat ontop of it. “i have no idea if i’m going to sleep tonight.” he sighed.
“that’s fair. it’s crazy out here. if you want we can just stay up and talk for awhile?”
“actually.. that would be nice.” colby rubbed the back of his neck. in was silent for a few seconds, him getting comfortable under the covers. “so..”
“how did you like the witches forest? scary enough for you guys?” the other asked, trying to start a good conversation.
“oh definitely one of the scariest places we’ve been to, like with the history of it and everything.”
“what other places have you been to?”
“uhh the stanley hotel, the biltmore, queen mary, cobb estate, griffin park, and we’ve explored so many creepy places, like morgues and abandoned hospitals.” colby explained.
“geez, no wonder you guys are haunted.” he laughs. 
“do you think we are? we joke about it but im genuinely curious if we are.”
elias thinks for a minute. “i don’t think you’re haunted. however, i can sense something with you. with you and corey. whatever is following you, is completely different then what is attached to corey. notice the different in words.” he points out. “i think you have gotten yourself into many negative situations, not just paranormal.” “would you consider yourself lonely, or sad?”
colby exhaled shakily. “yes, sometimes.”
“spirits love following people that are lonely, they find them to be like easy prey, vulnerable.” he emphasizes the last word. elias closes his eyes, really focusing on colby’s presence. “i think the spirit that is with you is also lonely. they are following along with you, because you are feeding into it, giving it attention. and that’s fine, but if you don’t want it with you, you have to make it clear.”
“is it friendly?” he asked.
“yes. it’s friendly. i can’t tell you where you picked this spirit up, but it’s positive, and enjoys your company. it will not hurt you-” he stops, feeling something float by him. “it will not hurt you, it doesn’t want to, that’s not it’s intent. infact, it wants to protect you. noises you might hear, when you go to a haunted area, it very well could be this spirit trying to assert dominance with other ones.”
“holy.” colby tried to calm his breathing. “this is crazy. as long as it’s friendly, then i welcome it.” “so, do you think corey’s ghost is like bad?”
“i wouldn’t say bad, but when i was sitting near him earlier, it isn’t as friendly as yours. it likes the fear that comes with scaring him, i’d even go as far as, it wants to scare him more, it wants to up it. and with that spirit challenging him, i am nervous for his health both physically and mentally.”
“jesus, i have to tell him that in the morning, he’ll probably freak.” he sighed. “it’s so cool how you can like sense this stuff, does it ever get overwhelming?”
“allll the time.” elias chuckles. “sometimes i can just be in a library back in la, and i’ll feel like some version of spirits and like all these weird emotions, and i have to leave.”
“wow i’m sorry that comes with such an amazing gift.”
“it’s okay, i feel at peace with it now. i think my brothers with me, helping me deal with it all. i think he realizes how alone i am, and has decided to follow me.” he laughs at himself. “sorry, sorry, let’s talk about something more fun.”
colby laughed along. “so do you have a girlfriend?” he wondered, making elias pause and blush lightly.
“no, i’m single.” “goes along with the loneliness, if you feel me.” he chuckled. “you?”
“same, it’s hard to date now that sam and i’s channel has blown up. a lot of people have tried to use me for like clout and stuff.” the other frowned at that, apologizing for his past experiences. “no, no it’s okay, i just hope i’ll find someone soon, i do feel you, it gets so lonely.” he fake cries.
elias sips his glass of wine, offering some to colby. “i’m a vodka and rum kinda guy.” 
and soon enough, the boys were drinking, gossiping to each other about absolutely everything. colby was a very talkative drunk it seemed. he was blabbing about his friends, girls, ghosts, anything. “so like, are you gay?” he asked.
elias spat out his wine back into the glass before turning to colby. “uh wow..” he rubbed the back of his neck. “where did that come from?”
“i-i don’t know.” colby admitted, trying to hide himself with the blanket. he really didn’t know why he asked, his weird confused feelings mixed with being drunk just made him ask, he was so curious.
“i’m bisexual.. how’d you know i was into men?” 
“i.. i didn’t.” colby mumbled into the blanket. he felt himself shaking, so nervous and anxious. he took a deep breath and exhaled aggressively before jolting up and looking right at elias. “i didn’t know you liked men but i think i do.” he rushed it out. 
“i’ve never felt anything for a guy before so i’m pretty freaked out right now and-d confused but i think i like you.” he rubs his eyes, embarrassed and uh pretty drunk.
“wait really?” he paused for a moment. ‘holy shit’ he thought. he never would have expected this, he just thought colby loved being physical with his friends from all the touches earlier in the night.
seeing that his confusing feelings were being reciprocated, it made elias the happiest he’s been in awhile. “dude, i feel the same way.”
colby stopped, completely still. both boys were completely shocked at each others confessions. 
“like i feel like i’ve known you for awhile.” elias commented.
“same.” he tried to think of what to say next, where to go from here. 
“hey.” the other touched his arm. “don’t get too nervous about this whole situation, we have plenty of time to get to know eachother, plenty of time for you to figure out everything you’re going through.” “don’t feel pressured into anything.”
colby thought for a few minutes. “thank you, i appreciate it.” “it’s.. it’s so weird feeling like this. ever since i was younger i’ve been so convinced that i’m straight, and now i’m getting all these feelings for you and it’s honestly making me scared. what if i do like you? does that mean i have to come out? tell my friends, family and viewers? what if i don’t and this is just a mistake?”
“you can.. or we can figure it out one step at a time.” elias smiled. “and by the way, never feel pressured to come out, it’s a personal and heavy thing to do.”
he shivered, tears threatening to spill. it was such a vulnerable moment for him. elias reached out to the boy, offering a hug. 
they shared a tight hug, elias rubbing his back out of comfort. 
their moment was interrupted by an incredibly loud bang, and three loud screams from the guys in the other room. “colby!” one of them shouted.
they pulled apart from their hug, just as the three barged into their room. “did you fucking hear that, bro?!” sam questioned, before looking at the people in front of him. he acknowledged how close they were, the slight tears in colby’s eyes,how intimate the room lighting was, the wine, the white rum.. 
oh fuck, they just interrupted a moment. 
the other two didn’t notice, too scared of the noises they’ve been hearing all night. “that was the loudest one yet!” jake announced. 
“i’m not going back in there.” corey whined.
“we’ve been hearing shit over there, what about you?” sam asked, before mouthing a sorry to the two sitting in bed. elias smiled at the gesture, before trying to wipe off his smirk.
“nope.” colby shook his head, his eyes less red then a few minutes ago.
“it’s safer in here.” corey stated, setting down the pillow he brought from the other room, and curling into a ball onto the floor, making elias laugh.
“are we having a sleepover?” he asked.
“oh, fucking totally.” jake snickered, running back to the other room and grabbing every blanket and pillow he could.
sam made a gesture with his finger, calling over colby. he noticed and walked to the bathroom with him. 
“uh, hey, sorry about that, we didn’t mean to interrupt you guys.”
“interrupt? you uh didn’t interrupt anything we were just talking.”
sam made a face, before nodding. it was his business, so when he wanted to tell him, he would, so he left it alone. “alright.. you ready for this sleepover?” he smiled.
“fuckkk yeahh.”
it had been over an hour, everyone was dead asleep, corey snoring. elias was the only one awake, he was too in thought to sleep. he watched over colby, who was laying right infront of him on the floor with the rest of the guys. they were each laying on both bed mattresses, covered in blankets, basically in a line.
he had been debating to put an arm around colby, but.. if they woke up like that he could expose colby to the rest of his friends, or atleast cause him to get teased. 
after a bit, he decided to shuffle his left arm under colby, so it was less noticeable. he held the boy, smiling, before finally falling asleep.
he didn’t know this, but colby was awake the entire time, smiling, wondering what the frick he was gonna do about this goofy medium he found himself possibly falling in love with...
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byfulcrums · 6 months
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the way they aged up Astrid in the 2nd and 3rd movies??
Like, don't get me wrong, she's still a great character, and she's gorgeous. But I think that last thing might be the problem
They made her appearance too perfect (especially in the 3rd movie). I mean, she always had some of that in her. She's skinny, blond and has blue eyes and a tiny noae. But in the first movie, she's so much more... human
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Look at her. Look at her teeth, specifically. They're imperfect, even if they're still white. Her eyes have a little darkness(? surrounding them, tho idk if that's just a stylistic choice or eyebags
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Look at the way her face is built too. She has a somewhat big (not actually big, but bigger than it is in the other movies) forehead and you can see that she has freckles in this picture. When she smiles, her upper teeth show. Her face is more like, uh, the bottom of a heart than circle too. Idk how to describe it
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Imperfect teeth, reddish face (though that might just be the lighting), dark spots around her face
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Now look at her in here. Her teeth are just... perfect. She's perfect. Her forehead is smaller too, and her skin is completely clear and smooth (when you grow up, your face and body changes, I know that. She still does seem like Astrid! But as far as I know, teeth don't completely change shape as you grow up. Unless you pay to change them or something. And I'm pretty sure Vikings didn't have that kind of stuff)
Her face is a lot rounder too
I mean, compare this
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To this
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There is a big difference
Now, I don't mind the HTTYD 2 model. I actually like it!! It's not that bad, there's just a few changes in the design that I didn't completely like (same with Toothless)
The second movie's Astrid really does feel like Astrid, even though she's changed from the girl she was as a teen. She may not be the child who tackled Hiccup to protect him from Toothless anymore, but she is still Astrid Hofferson, and it shows in both her appearance and manners
But the HTTYD 3 models are just... not it
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Perfect teeth, somehow even smoother skin, beautiful soft-looking hair
I'm not a big fan of how the high quality of HTTYD 3 makes the characters look. Honestly I just don't like the third movie at all
(I do like the smile lines, though. I admit they did a pretty good job with that)
And if you thought the second movie made her head a little rounder, then just look at this
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She's a fucking square!! She got the Toothless treatment!!!
ANYWAY-- this is just my opinion, so don't come attack me for it. I just don't like those small things from the second movie and everything about the third movie. Fuck the third movie
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (025) kang pompompurin
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WARNINGS. hate comments and hints at anxiety
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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You scan your surroundings carefully, eyes moving from the paper in your hand to the sign plastered on the building in front of you. It’s exactly the same as the one that Seulgi had shown you before you left.
You adjust your headphones and step inside without much thought, repeating the words you had to say to the cashier in your head.
As you joined the short queue, you finally look around. It isn't busy inside the small cafe as it's close to dinner time. The day was coming to an end for most. But for people like you, it had only just begun. You were kind of grateful that you had to wear a mask and disguise in public; the dark circles underneath your eyes aren't the most appealing to your fans.
Before you know it, it's your turn in line. You lower the volume on your headphones and make eye contact with a girl. She regards you politely, greeting you with a pretty smile.
“Hello, I’m here to pick up an order for.. Kang Pompompurin—?!” You pause abruptly and try to regain your composure. But your voice only gets quieter the more you spoke as the embarrassment settles in. “..Yes. I’m here to pick up an order placed by, uhm.. Kang Pompompurin.”
Out of all the names to choose, she just had to use the one of her favorite Sanrio character.
If the cashier feels your embarrassment, she does a good job at hiding it. She nods and checks something on the cash register in front of her.
“Your order will be ready shortly. Please feel free to take a seat while you wait.”
You thank her and walk to a seat in front of the window, closest to the register. It's peaceful, a feeling you aren’t really used to.
Opening your phone you look trough social media. Specifically, the comments underneath your and Fatou’s new cover.
There are so many encouraging ones from people that support you and STAR, but the ones that stand out to you the most are the rude ones— the comments that tell you how bad you are at everything and that you should just quit or worse.
What if they are right? What if you really make your members and everyone else you associate with look bad? What if you are really that horrible to hear and look at? What if all those shooting stars only like you out of pity? What if—
“Order for Kang Pompompurin?” An employee calls out.
The sound of his voice interrupts the black hole your own thoughts dragged you into. You quickly stand up and make your way to the counter.
You nod along as he reads up your order, before noting the soft, mischievous sound of it with a small smile.
As he asks if the order is correct, you finally make eye contact. The confirmation in the back of your throat dies when you find yourself greeted by a familiar face.
The sharp eyes, well-shaped nose, and wide shoulders make him look like some sort of hidden Greek— well, Korean god. But the soft dimple and freckles lining his neck make him look so damn adorable. It’s a sight you’ve only ever seen in pictures before.
His eyes widen at his name being called. You remove your headphones and pull the hood of your jacket down, as well as your mask.
Shock doesn’t leave his features but a childlike excitement joins when he gets a good look at your face. But it quickly gets replaced by concern as he reaches for your wrist over the counter, eyes darting around frantically. He pulls you closer and uses both of his hands to pull your hood back over your head. His movements are delicate, like you’re the most fragile thing on this earth.
A slightly red hue covers his cheeks when he realizes what he just did. He clears his throat and hands you your bag.
“S-So you were Kang Pompompurin. I was wondering why it sounded so familiar.”
You let out an angelic laugh that has the boy in front of you in a trance. “Seulgi ordered it. But I’m so surprised to see you here, dude.”
“Yeah, me too. I work here, my parents own this place.” He gestures to the whole cafe, which made you look around with much interest. He then points towards the pretty cashier from earlier, now busy in conversation with one of the other customers. “And that’s my sister.”
Your gaze finds its way back to San, your mouth slightly agape. “That’s so cool! I had no idea.”
He brings a hand to his nape, seemingly deep in thought. “You were actually my last customer for today. I-If you have time, would you consider having some coffee or boba or whatever you like with me maybe?
“It’s on the house of course!” He adds.
“You don’t have to do that, but yeah I’d love to.”
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AFTER NOTIFYING YOUR members that you would be late, you two sit down at your previous spot in front of the window.
Time with San goes fast. He's exactly like you expected. Maybe a little shy but still really fun to talk to. It actually makes you sad that you hadn’t met him earlier in your life.
“And I loved your cover with Fatou, did you guys film it yourself?” He asks.
You nod. It feels weird having his full attention on you. You were used to being the most controversial member and people are usually more interested in what your members were up to rather than your words. Not that you mind, but it doesn't feel that way with San. He asks you questions and listens to your answers in rapt attention.
It feels… nice?
“Yeah, we did. You would be surprised how many times I embarrassed myself in public for my parts.” You reply, earning a laugh from him as you sip your drink of choice (which he refused to let you pay for).
You absentmindedly look at the big clock hanging on one of the walls. Your eyes widen as you catch a glimpse of the time. You're nearly late for evening practice.
San notices your bittersweet expression when you faced him, making his heart speed up a bit.
“I think I should go, I’m late for practice and the managers will be on my ass if they find out that I’m out alone when it’s nearly dark.”
The way he looks up at you as you stood made your heart hurt. The boy looks something like a kicked puppy (or kitty rather). Nonetheless, he nods and stands along with you.
“Would you like me to walk you back?”
“What way are you going?”
He points to the opposite direction of the way back to the company in response.
“No, thank you. I have to go the opposite way.”
You chuckle as he pouts at you. This guy truly doesn't know how much just talking to him made your day.
You take a step closer to the boy. “Can I give you a hug before I leave?” You ask, not wanting him to be uncomfortable.
San nearly chokes on air, but as nods frantically, like the moment was going to fade if he doesn't answer quick enough.
“Y-yes! Yeah, sure.” He awkwardly laughs.
You waste no time and move to embrace him. All the while, he timidly put his arms above your waist with a weak grip. You feel the warmth of his cheeks with the proximity in which you two stand by each other.
It lasts maybe less than 10 seconds, but San could barely contain his happiness, even as you two separated.
You grab your bag, leaving the flustered boy standing there. When you reach the door, you turn around one more time to wave and flash a hidden smile at him.
“It was really nice to have finally met you, San! You’re indeed very cute.”
As the chilly air outside reaches you once more, you make sure to remember the name of this cafe.
Because you have a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time you’d visit HanuelSan.
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NOTES. first written chapter i hope u enjoy it and please comment what u thought because i feel really self conscious about this one !! btw if u don’t get the get the kang pompompurin thing is a nod to seulgis priv twt username
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @lvsmeph @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot
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diana-bluewolf · 1 year
MC profile
Some info about my MC Chris Mongrel. Profile is under the cut.
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Name: Chris Mongrel
House: Slytherin
Birthday: 24th November
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual, demiromantic
Nationality: British
Residence: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
Motto: Sink or swim
Wand: Cedar Wood, Phoenix feather, 12 ½" Length, Slightly yielding flexibility
"Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. The cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond." Olivander
A wand with this flexibility will initially resist new owners, but if the owner is persistent, it will warm up eventually. Wand owners with slightly yielding wands are often very kind and compassionate, but they may have some reluctance in trusting others since they possess a strong sense of skepticism.
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Patronus: Dingo
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Hair colour : dark brown
Eye colour : minty green
Skin tone : beige
Distinguishing features : freckles, scar over the left eye. Due to sleep deprivation, there are often dark circles under his eyes.
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Enneagram: 5w4 sx/sp
Four temperaments: Phlegmatic-melancholic
he can be a good listener
he can notice patterns in close people’s behaviour and figure out when they are not okay by small changes in it
disconnection and tendency to get easily lost in thoughts
low self-worth
adrenaline addictiveness
absolute recklessness regarding his safety
prone to self-isolation and melancholy
trust issues
insensitive at times, especially when he’s absorbed in a new project/puzzle
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drawing (he likes to do sketches of anything he finds fascinating)
experimenting with magic, enchanting muggle artefacts (like making a fountain pen with everlasting ink, a self-sharpening pencil or a notebook with extension charm)
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Amortentia (what he smells like to others):
cedar wood (smell of pencil shaving) due to his habit of making notes and sketches, and he finds muggle stuff more convenient for it
forest and fresh air (as a result of frequent flying and exploring Forbidden Forest)
wiggenweld potion (a side effect of being adrenaline addictive)
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Favourite subjects:
Study of Ancient Runes
Defense Against Dark Arts
Least favourite subjects:
Care for Magical Creatures (how can you deal with something that is, with rare exceptions, as far from being logical as it gets?) 
Herbology (it’s just boring)
History of Magic (nothing wrong with history itself, but, gosh, Professor Binns’ lessons are such a waste of time! You can read everything you need to know in a book much faster)
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When you are an adrenaline addictive introverted bookworm.
"Mongrel" isn't his real surname. When he was 11, Chris discovered himself at the doorway to a muggle charity school, a typical so-called bluecoat school in those times where orphans and kids from poor families lived and got educated (if they were lucky to get a place there). He didn't remember how he ended up there, how he got the fresh scar on his face, where he had lived before, who his parents were, not even his surname. 
A local boy passing by mentioned to Chris that weird kids with mental problems would never be accepted to any school, where there's not enough space even for "normal" children, and the best place for them is living on the streets or in workhouses. Chris didn't know if it was true but decided not to reveal to anyone that he didn't remember anything, just in case. 
The school's headmaster, a man with a strange, absent-minded expression (he was under the Imperius Curse), expected the new student to arrive that day. When Chris was asked his full name, he made up his surname promptly, saying the first word that crossed his mind. It was from the phrase the boy had told him, "Y'know, nobody wanna deal with mental mongrels like you."
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A bit later, Chris realised that some snippets of his childhood were still tucked away in his memory: the precious and warm moments with his father, a muggle professor at Oxford University. Nevertheless, Chris didn't remember his name or what had happened to him. His dad sometimes spoke with him in a foreign language. For example, Chris remembered that ‘misha’ meant an affectionate version of the word ‘bear’. 
★Before he arrived at Hogwarts (and some time after), he had been struggling with insomnia and nightmares, especially the repetitive ones about an unfamiliar (or not?) boy with cloudy eyes. The dragon attack was, of course, a shocking experience for Chris, but when he first entered the Slytherin common room, he was even more stunned to meet a person who resembled the constant participant of his nightmares, though 4-5 years older.
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★Chris and Ominis didn't get along at first. Or, more precisely, Ominis was hostile towards the new fifth-year. So even when he had to mention Chris to Sebastian, for example, he called him anything but by name. He could say "that walking magnet for troubles", "your accomplice", "your new best friend" (with some extent of sarcasm in his voice) or "the neophyte". It took him a while to address Chris by name for the first time.
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★Eventually, they became very close. During the 7th year, Ominis developed romantic feelings for Chris but kept it a secret for many years because he was aware of Chris' asexuality (which turned out to be demisexuality later). Chris realized that his feelings towards Ominis had evolved beyond platonic only in their late 20s.
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★For quite a long time after Chris arrived at Hogwarts, he mostly avoided people, trusting no one. Sebastian seemed friendly, but Chris was sure that it was only because of his ancient magic abilities, which possibly were a key to saving Anne. It took him some time to realise that Sebastian was actually a friend, not just someone he was hanging out with due to win-win cooperation.
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★Before Chris could finally open up to Sebastian and Ominis, his only friend was a wolf that he named Misha (because it was huge and more resembled a bear than a wolf). Chris stumbled upon him in the Not-So-Forbidden Forest. The wolf was seriously wounded after a fight with a dugbog but still tried to attack the boy, who wanted to help. Dealing with animals and beasts was really not Chris' cup of tea, and he was annoyed by the irrational creature, which did everything to prevent its own rescue. But eventually, they got along, Misha recovered, and he would even start running to meet Chris whenever he entered the forest.
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★Chris became good friends with Amit. He admired Amit’s thirst for knowledge, enthusiasm for researching his areas of interest and the ability to say no to things that make him uncomfortable.
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★Professor Fig was the first person Chris opened up to. One of the most profound regrets in Chris' life was his inability to muster the courage to call Fig 'Dad' while he was still alive. After Fig's passing, Chris withdrew further into his shell, isolating himself even from Ominis and Sebastian.
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★Chris contributed to making the Keepers' Wand with Olivander, offering what little help he could. Later, during the 6th and 7th years, Chris worked part-time for Olivander, mostly as an errand boy. He really enjoyed the job and became interested in crafting wands. Olivander helped Chris get over Fig's death.
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Some facts:
★Before Hogwarts, Chris had never participated in magic duels. In fact, he didn’t even know that magic existed, being very sceptical about it when Fig first told him about Hogwarts. But anyway, he had to hone his reflexes in the frequent scuffles at the charity school, full of boys with behaviour problems.
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★No matter the weather, he often feels cold, which makes him favour sweaters. When he was a student, his clothes, like most of his belongings, were quite shabby due to his extreme lifestyle and orphanhood. Besides, even when he earned some money by running errands like potion deliveries and later working for Olivander, buying new clothes was always his least priority. 
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★Having all the extra assignments and schoolwork to catch up on, he always tries to push himself to the limit, sometimes neglecting to sleep. Due to his low self-worth, he feels he must do the maximum to prove to himself that he matters like others. He’s either the best or nothing. He doesn’t value his life at all, which, together with adrenaline addiction, makes risking it daily easier. 
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★He can forget to sleep but tries not to miss meal times as he was often hungry in the charity school. Not a picky eater. 
★When he's nervous, he uses humour as a defence mechanism. While sometimes it helps to discharge tension, it can also be not appropriate at all. 
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★He can easily break the rules if the pros outweigh the cons. 
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★The Sorting Hat doubted whether to place him in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but settled on the latter. Maybe the idea of sorting a guy with the last name ‘Mongrel’ into Slytherin of all places seemed funny to it, idk. But Chris can defend himself, anyway - he's used to it.
★He isn't the type of person who says "I love you." often, but even if he does, it may sound like, 
"I think I love you." 
"Well, all the symptoms confirm the diagnosis". 
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★He had a hard time learning how to deal with emotions and feelings, mostly "postponing" them to process later. Though he rarely shows affection, it doesn't mean he isn't capable of it, but it takes him much time to open up to someone.
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★He can be manipulative and cunning with strangers but becomes a different person with close people, trying to be as honest as possible. Able to admit when he's wrong. Prone to unnecessary self-sacrifices when it comes to those he holds dear. 
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olivyh · 2 years
someone play big bank ft nicki minaj bc uh oh, back again
IM SO SORRY i am so in love with your writing
may i request someone falling into a deep sleep (either the reader or the character- it can be diff for every scenario if u want !!) and the other person has to perform True Love’s Kiss™ but it goes wrong (nothing too angsty pls im too weak)
that one scene between luz and hunter from the owl house, somebody falls, the cpr kiss between apple white and darling (man there are a lot of failed kisses in media) and any other shenanigans you can think of
with riddle, jamil, neige, ace/deuce, jade, and anyone else you want to do !
tysm in advance !!
A/N: OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH??? AND PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE SEEING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO READ!! I also have some spare time before stuff picks up later in the semester, so I'm getting most of my writing done now ;;;; I never watched any of those shows, so I just went with 'gone wrong after', if that's alright!
-He knew that mer was up to no good, especially when Floyd outright ASKED to be Riddle's partner
-Despite his gut instinct, he went along with it and, of course, Floyd threw in one of the ingredients sitting on the shelf, the entire jar sinking below the surface of the potion that threatened to bubble over and spill
-It never bubbled over, rather it EXPLODED
-Riddle would have lost his mind screaming if it wasn't for the way that his head began spinning and how quickly he seemed to be falling to the ground.
-Ace and Deuce, of course, were the ones who came to grab you, hoping to save their dorm leader
Outside of the infirmary, you stand with your arms crossed, glaring at both the boys. 
"Have you forgotten that I have no magic? I can't wake him up," Ace groans, rolling his eyes. 
"But if you do, he might feel, oh, I don't know, indebted? So he'll feel bad when he goes to collar us." You fight the urge to smack Ace and look to Deuce, who's staring at the ground in shame. 
"You too?" The blue haired boy doesn't respond and you sigh. "What do you want me to do?"
"Well, there's this fairytale thing..." Ace starts with, face breaking into a grin. "And it says it'll break any curse, so-"
"Are you talking about the-?!" You punch his arm, face flushing a bright red. "I knew you were up to something stupid!"
"You like him, he likes you! What, did ya want Deuce to kiss him?!"
"What the fuck, Ace?" Deuce shoves Ace, who cackles and turn to you, walking forwards quickly and making you stumble back into the infirmary, quickly slamming the door closed and yelling from the other side. 
"Good luck, Prefect~" Ace coos. "Oh, I also told Trey that you woke him up already. Won't wanna make our resident baker sad, would we? He told me that he'd make you something as a thank you~"
"Damn you, Trappola," More laughter as footsteps echo down the hallway and disappear, leaving you in the dimly lit infirmary. 
Just you. 
And an unconscious Riddle. 
You take a breath, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring down at his soft face. He was always boyishly handsome in a way that made your heart flutter whenever he looked in your direction, his stern gaze never failing to make you swoon, much to Ace's dismay. Now that he's asleep, calloused hands for once unclenched and relaxed at his sides, you can take a moment to notice the small things about him that you don't have the chance to normally see. 
Everything from the small freckle that sat upon his eyelid, to the dark circles under his eyes, to the way that his face, even in sleep, was still flushed a light pink. You slowly grab his hand and feel a wave of sadness to find it cold. You wonder if he's ever had someone hold his hand, if it was always this cold, if the scowl that was no longer on his face was how he would look no matter what or if it was an expression trained into his soft features.
Biting your lip, you look to the door and back, deciding to suck it up and kiss your crush from the beginning of the school year. 
You slowly lean in, lips connecting to his own slightly chapped ones before pulling away slowly. You notice how his crimson eyelashes flutter, his chest rising much higher than it had as he takes a deep breath. His cool gray eyes open to meet your own, thin lips forming a small smile as his half-lidded eyes take in your features. 
Until it sets in. 
His hand rushes to his mouth and he sits up quickly, making you lean back as to not bump his head. He gapes, mouth opening and closing as a bright red rises up his neck, soon covering his entire face. Riddle stares at you for a moment, terrified before making a sound that was something akin to a dying hamster, scrambling as far from you as possible and trying to get off the bed.  
Mumbling to himself quickly, mind seemingly in a frenzy to explain the situation, to find a way other than his first kiss was when he was asleep. 
He didn't seem to notice how the blanket got tangled in his and your legs, pulling both of you to the ground with a loud thud. He also didn't seem to notice Professor Crewel standing in the open doorway, the antidote in hand, eyebrow twitching at the scene before him. 
"You couldn't wait two seconds?!" The professor groans. 
-Both of them were dumb, and partnered up during potions class, accidentally making a potion that exploded all over them both
-What did you expect? You should have offered to separate the two rather than agreeing to Partner with Sebek during the joint lessons...
-Now you're stuck with two sleeping idiots while the professor works on a solution
-It's Epel who suggests that you kiss him to wake him up
"Oh, come on, Prefect!" Epel sighs. "It's not that bad! Besides, we all know that you like him!"
Ace route:
"Why would you think I liked him?!" You retort, frowning at the lilac haired boy, who shrugs. 
"You two are always together, even when Deuce isn't there!" Epel fights back. "And he was the first one you met here..."
"He's-he's Ace! He's a bully, and doesn't think at all, and is-is-"
"Just kiss him!" 
You scoff, looking down at the sleeping redhead, eyes tracing over the light freckles that crossed over the bridge of his nose. It was weird seeing his face look so... peaceful. For most of when you'd known him, he'd always have a shit-eating grin or a pout. He was always so expressive and seeing him look so still made something in your heart ache. 
For a moment, you think about what would happen if he didn't wake up. Epel was right about one thing- that he was your closest and oldest friend here. 
He may be annoying and a general menace, but he was still your menace. Ace was still the boy who would do anything to make you smile after Crowley runs you ragged, he was still the same boy who would steal stuff from Heartslabyul's kitchen if he heard that you liked it, dropping it off at your dorm before shyly asking to stay the night because he was sure that Trey had seen him do it and that Riddle was hot on his trail. 
He was the one who protected you during countless overblots, throwing his life on the line and using as much magical power that he had to keep you safe. The one who made sure you ate every day, and had enough spare madol in your pockets for when you didn't have the time or the money to eat. 
You look at him before frowning, making your resolve. You look at Epel nervously, who apologizes and averts his eyes. Your eyes scan his face once more, lightly brushing some of his ruby hair off to the side as you lean in and press a light kiss to his lips, leaning back and trying to ignore Epel's gagging and laughter. 
Ace sighs, eyes slowly opening when you notice your hand was still resting on the crown of his head. You pull it back and the boy laughs softly, moving to sit up, raising an eyebrow. 
"You're a perv-" He snickers, making you huff and shove him lightly. "H-hey!"
You rush out of the room, hearing Epel's laughter grow into cackling as Ace's voice sounds from the infirmary. "It was a joke! I meant in a good way! A good perv!" Epel laughs harder as your face flushes and you rush back to Ramshackle. 
"Dumbass..." You mumble under your breath. 
Deuce Route:
"And?!" You retort, making Epel snort. 
"And he likes you," Rolling his eyes, he puts both hands on your shoulders and frowns, looking deep into your eyes, making you gulp at the intensity of his expression. "Prefect, on behalf of every first year student who is tired of watching you both be pathetic around each other-"
"Okay, Vil~" He lightly smacks your arm.
Laughing, you pull away from him, fighting the blush that creeps up your face as you stare down at Deuce's sleeping expression, lips slightly parted accompanying the soft rise and fall of his chest.
"And imagine how happy you would make Ms. Spade~" Ah, his secret weapon- Deuce's mother who had taken a liking to you due to how often Deuce tells her about you. After learning of your 'other world' situation, she began talking to you more and more often, checking to see how you were doing or if you needed anything. She even offered to allow you to live with her and Deuce over the duration of summer break should you still be here, already making plans to take you out to get clothes of your own (rather than hand me downs from your friends, as well as from the dorm leaders and the teachers). 
"Okay, okay, I'll do it..." You mumble. Epel pulls out his phone, camera on when you push him out of the room, huffing at his muffled laughter from behind his hand. "You could be such a bully sometimes!"
"Have fun!" You watch him disappear down the hallway and close the door to the infirmary, sighing as you sit on the edge of the bed, lightly toying with the flimsy sheet that covered the boy. 
Smiling, you attempt to fix the smudged spade that covered his eye with your thumb, only managing to smear the makeup further across his face and down his cheekbone. You can't help but rest your makeup-stained hand on his face, feeling how much his body temperature had dropped in his sleep. 
Normally when you would help him with his makeup his face was so warm as you held it in your hands, pleading for him to stay still and stop squirming so you can make the shape look neat. You can't seem to forget that same warmth that he would hold when you would both sleep on the floor during sleepovers, the two of you sleeping back to back in between the rest of the first years, legs barely intertwining with one another. 
And how his face would flush as you tutored him, feeling his labored breaths dust over your face as you backed away, realizing how close you had gotten to him while trying to explain the problem. The same flush that painted his face after you would thank him for everything, patching up his wounds when he would get into fights on your behalf, silently weeping about how he was doing so well and went back to his old ways. He would let you hold him close then, every ounce of shyness pushed out of his system as he sniffled and you reassured him that he was going great, that you were glad he was there to be your knight in shining armor...
You wanted to see that comforting shade of red again. 
Leaning in, you press a kiss just shy of his lips, the corners of your mouths connecting before you shyly lean back, watching his eyelids shoot open.
He gasps and you feel an immense pain in your stomach, winching and hissing as you grab the spot that you realized he had hit. 
"P-prefect!" His face pales when he realized that he just had his fairytale moment, and also that he had kissed- and, on instinct, punched- his true love. "I'm so, so, so sorry!"
The rest of the first years made fun of you both- Deuce on the verge of tears apologizing and begging for forgiveness and you with a massive bruise on your stomach, holding an icepack to the spot. He promised he would make it up to you later- or you could hit him back.
-Ate something completely on accident. He was so hungry after his shift, and the fruits on that tree just looked so good... and don't blame him! They looked like normal apples, and they smelled and tasted the same, especially to his half asleep and starved self
-He was passed out in the forest near Ramshackle when you were making your way to Sam's shop, noticing the familiar pair of hyena ears peeking out from within a bush
-You pull him out with a little bit of a struggle, what with the branches getting stuck on his clothes and hair as you attempt to yank him out
-Finally, you manage to get him on his back on the ground, pulling the twigs out of his hair and noticing how, in sleep, his ears still twitch when you accidentally brush too close. 
-You shake him a few times, getting more and more nervous when you realize that he wasn't responding
-You pinch his cheek, blow on his face, pulling his ears, you even dump half of your water bottle on him
-You call Leona in a panic, the lion grumpy about being woken up from his nap
-He tells you that he'll tell someone, which you highly doubt, and adds a second solution before hanging up on you
"-or ya can always kiss him."
"Leona, what do you-?!" The sound of a beep signaling the end of the call makes you huff, face alight from the prince's suggestion. You put your phone in the grass, mind racing about what you could do to help him, the kiss echoing throughout your skull and making your heart skip a beat. You fumble to make yourself busy as to get rid of the thought, a blush creeping up your neck at the suggestion as you peeked over to the unconscious hyena beastman.
You feel a stab of pity once you see his vacant expression, freckled and scarred face shifting every once in a while as a reaction to whatever dreams he was having. His brown hair streaked with blonde sways in the afternoon breeze, some of it blowing into his eyes. You hesitantly reach over to brush it away, getting to see the small details you're never close enough to notice. 
The heavy freckles that coat his entire face, thickly concentrated on his cheeks and along the bridge of his nose. The light scarring from scraps he'd told you about getting into growing up. You lightly run your thumb over the light nicks that lined right below his bottom lip, small white lines that indicate where he'd accidentally scraped himself while growing in his fangs- a common occurrence amongst beastmen. If your eyes traveled down, you could notice the thin, crack-like scars that creep up his neck and disappear below his collar from Leona's overblot. 
You also take a moment to notice just how... frail he seemed when he wasn't as active as he always is. The purplish-blue circles under his eyes that seem even deeper with how his eyes seemed to be sunken in. How narrow his face was, cheekbones prominent. You grab one of his rough, calloused hands in your own, noticing how large his hand was compared to the rest of his forearm. Frowning, you run your hand over his features, wishing that the boy would allow himself a break or at least accept your offer to take over his jobs for him. That he didn't think he owed you anything for trying to help him. 
You couldn't deny your crush on him, not even if you wanted to. His clever tricks and pranks never failed to make your heart flutter- and annoy you. No matter how much of an act you could put up, how angry you pretended to be when he stole your bag and wouldn't give it back until you shared your lunch with him, when he purposefully annoyed Grim and ran away, you were sure that he could see through it. 
You wouldn't undermine his intelligence so much as to think he didn't notice your nervous stammering, the surefire blush that would make it's way onto your face whenever he got to close. You're sure that only lead to him teasing you more to watch you sputter and try to regain your composure. 
Despite all of that, he was still one of your closest friends. He still checked up on you and often (jokingly) doted on you like a worried mother, trying to make you laugh during the times when the pressure of being alone in an alien world seemed to be too much. He would still take time out of his busy day to teach you some tricks about the world, how to get around and get things done with or without the help of magic. He even went so far as to share some of his food with you when he noticed how Grim seemed to be your priority, how you would put him before yourself, neglecting your health. 
Despite how he seemed to most of NRC, he was still one of the sweetest, most hardworking, earnest, caring boys you had ever met. 
And, you decided, you would not let him wither away here. Sleep curse or not, you were going to wake him up!
You lean in and press a small, inexperienced kiss to his chapped lips, sitting back in the grass and watching as his nose twitches a few times, groaning and sitting up. His light gray-blue eyes open and he gapes at you, jaw hanging open as he presses a clawed hand to his lips, eyes wandering down to your own. 
"Y-you..." He mumbles, face flushing. "Do it-...do it again?"
You pause and nod, heart pounding as you lean in, your hand landing atop his own as  you both lean in, opting to close your eyes as you feel his warm breath on your face and-
Then you feel a tongue run along the bottom half of your face. You pull back, staring at Ruggie, this time it's your turn to have your jaw dropped. The boy stares, droopy eyes laced with mortification as his ears sit flat atop his head.
You cover your mouth, shoulders shaking as you laugh. 
"H-hey! Don't laugh!" He yells, face flushing a brighter red than you had ever thought you would see on the normally laid back boy. "It was my first kiss! I don't know what I'm doing!"
You ended up going on an actual date after that, as long as you swore on your life that you would never tell anybody what happened.
-He invited you to go camping with him
-Most people would turn him down before you even asked, but you were hopelessly in love with the eel, so...
-Here you were, atop one of the mountains near campus, backpack in hand, being tasked with the job of holding the glass terrariums that the boy would put his findings in and trek back to campus with
-That is, until he touched a particularly fascinating mushroom that exploded in his face
-He fell to the ground, unconscious, and you panicked, immediately dropping the terrariums to fall to your knees and shake him, doing anything to try to wake him up
-On the verge of tears, you call his brother, who laughs at the situation
"Just kiss 'im, dummy!" That makes your tears stop as you sniffle and wipe your nose with your sleeve. 
"Yeah, you kiss him and he'll wake up. It's a magic thing, you wouldn't get it," The other twin, starting to sound annoyed, groans when you hear Azul's voice in the background beckoning him back to his work station. "I can't!" A distant 'why?' from Azul, clearly fed up with Floyd. "Shrimpy killed my brother!" A louder 'what?!' followed by Floyd's laughter rings from the other side. 
"I gotta go!" He hums. "Try to bring him back in... at most three pieces, yeah? Mama would be pissed if I came home without him," You pick up on his soft snickers before the call drops and you drop the phone in disbelief, watching the eel mer sleep. You fashion a pillow out of your jacket, propping his head up so it's not rested against roots and rocks and bugs. 
You take a second to run your hands through his teal hair, twirling the black strand around your fingers a few times. "It couldn't be that bad..." You mumble, face heating up at the thought as you stare down at him, sighing as you continue to play with his hair strand, mumbling and swearing to yourself as it gets caught on his earring that glimmers in the afternoon sun. 
You work to untangle it, feeling his warm breaths against your forearm, which doesn't hep to stop the shaking of your hands. You try to keep yourself balanced, ducking down to see exactly where the hair strands were tangled. 
He had let you touch his shockingly soft hair once before, when you had asked. You ran your hand over the cold sturgeon scale earring, glad that you could finally touch it. Jade had told you the story behind him and his twin's shared earrings as well as other stories from their childhood, which captivated you to no end. 
Living under the sea? Swimming with sharks on a daily basis? Having a tail (or tentacles) rather than legs? It all seemed insane to you... and Jade seemed to take great pleasure in telling you all about his hometown. 
He had promised to take you there someday, which made you so excited you nearly dropped the glass cup you were drying off after your shift at Mostro, the eel chuckling and lightly chastising you for your clumsiness. 
How did he not know that you were in love with him? Someone as observant as him surely would have noticed your reactions around him- his brother sure did. 
And Floyd never let you hear the end of it. 
He also told you that his twin felt the same way, often going out of his way to push you two together as often as possible. you were considering begging their childhood friend for his help, but you were worried that he would try to take something, despite having changed his ways after his overblot. 
You could deny it all you wanted, but you could not deny how his soft touches made you feel. Everything from the gentle way he would look at you when he didn't think you would notice, to the gentle way he held your hands when he was helping you pitch your shared tent, to the domesticity of cooking dinner with him over the campfire the night before. 
Without thinking, you slowly kiss him, pulling away once you realized what you had done, face turning a bright red. 
Jade's eyes peek open, finding your own as his mouth breaks into a wide, toothy grin, one more earnest and softer than any you had seen. He silently holds your hands in his, moving to sit up as you hear something snap and watch as his body sways to the side before he cascades down the hill and disappears into the bushes. 
"Jade?!" You shout, scrambling after him and hearing his muffled groans and swears as he continues to plummet down the hill. "Jade, I'm coming! Hold on!"
Floyd lost his mind when you both came back and Jade had his arm in a sling, finding it hilarious how you managed to bring his brother home in pieces after all...
-It was during one of NRC's family events
-It was heavily guarded, but that still didn't mean that something wasn't going to happen
-Being the son of a wealthy merchant does get you enemies, but it also gives you people willing to do anything to get involved in the family
-So when Jamil taste tested one of the carnival snacks meant for Kalim and fell to the ground, the noble girl throwing a fit about how that was meant for Kalim and how she should have been the one to wake him up with a true love's kiss, all hell broke loose on campus
-Kalim, knowing that you were incredibly close to Jamil, dragged you to the infirmary, pleading for you to kiss his best friend and wake him up
"Kalim, I really can't-"
"Oh, please!" The boy grabs your hand in both of his, eyes brimming with tears and his bottom lip jutting out. "She-she said that the only way to wake him up would be true love's kiss! And he really, really likes you, so it has to be you!" You flush at his statement, hoping to pass it off as just being Kalim's optimism kicking in during the bad situation. 
"He's asleep! I-I can't just kiss him!" You shake your head, trying to fight the blush that creeps up your neck. "That's wrong!"
"I'm sure he'd understand!" The boy practically wails. "Just try, please!"
You sigh and try to shake him off, begrudgingly agreeing to help your friend. Of course, you'd been harboring a crush on the boy since you first met him before the Magshift match in October, the crush only growing throughout the rest of the year. His snide comments, dark humor, and responsible nature warmed your heart. Even when he acted like he didn't want your help with preparing dinner, or to help clean up the gym after basketball practice, he still joked and laughed with you. 
Even when you noticed how he hung his head with every little compliment you attempted to send his way, suddenly pulling his hood further over his eyes. 
You walk into the infirmary, Kalim excusing himself to give you both some privacy. You sit on the chair next to the bed, watching his sleeping face. After the fall, some of his hair had fallen out of his braids and ponytail, cascading down his face. You couldn't deny that he was attractive- his charcoal gray eyes that twinkled with mischief, the way he would bite his lip when he was practicing basketball, toned arms shifting with every move, practically glowing in the lights of the gymnasium. You couldn't help but admire him more when you reached out and toyed with one of the bells that decorated his hair, smiling softly to himself. 
The first time you watched him dance, you practically had to leave the room. His long hair that would swirl around him as he spun and stepped, his sharp eyes meeting yours and grinning, baring his slightly sharpened canines. The thought of the moment makes your heart skip a beat as you fight the urge to trace a finger over his sharp features, opting to settle your hand on his cheek, cupping it and running your thumb on the space beneath his eye. With your other hand, you brush a strand of hair out of his face, his sleeping form on display. You take a breath, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to his soft lips, backing away and covering your face from the effort. 
You watch his face slowly contort into a grimace, groaning as his eyes slowly open, a hand making it's way up to his cheek to hold your own. His hand feels so warm over your own, matching the slow heating of his cheek as you gulp. He gasps softly, quickly sitting up and turning to face you, mouth agape. 
"S-sorr-" He cuts you off by practically lunging at you, lips colliding with your own as you yelp and scramble for balance as the chair begins to rock, tipping backwards. Jamil swears and you hold onto him for dear life, one hand pulling his hair and the other awkwardly wrapped around his arm, as you both plummet to the floor.
You walked away with a sprained wrist and he walked away with a sore scalp and a nasty scratch on his forehead, but hey, at least you got a date out of it.
-When you're in the public eye as often as he is, you tend to have a few fans who are willing to go above and beyond to get any sort of interaction with you
-Neige was well aware of this, just just couldn't refuse when one of his fans gave him a box of homemade chocolates, begging him to tell them how it tastes
-He obliged, despite the feeling in his gut as he took a bite of the apple-shaped chocolate, a caramel-like substance leaking out of the side
-One of the volunteers at the event managed to catch him before he hit the ground
-You, being there to support him during the meet and greet, were the second person to get to his side, shaking him and yelling at someone to grab security and a medic
-That's how you both landed here, in the city's hospital. 
You sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair at Neige's bedside, the endless flowers and cards sent by fans piling up in the room, barely leaving enough space for you all to walk through. You had to go live on Neige's magicam account on his behalf to thank everyone for their well wishes, but also to kindly ask them to stop sending extravagant bouquets due to the lack of room in the hospital, joking that the nurses were thinking of kicking you two out. 
You couldn't help but let your eyes wander over the chat, countless donors and commenters telling you to kiss him. 
"True love's kiss, huh?" You said aloud accidentally. 
'its like the story, right?'
'they don't know about it?'
'do u think its gonna work?'
'it has to!!!!!!!! THEY'RE BOTH SO CUTE TOGETHERRR!'
You can't help but blush at the comments, quickly thanking everyone once more before turning the live video off, setting his phone off to the side. You were both well aware about your... fanbase. After seeing you and Neige attend so many events together, some of his fans had taken it to the next level. 
Fancams of the two of you two together, countless edits of your small moments together that the fans are adamantly arguing is proof of your relationship. You have both received fanart of the two of you together- ranging from very cute (a small drawing of the two of you together having a picnic) to... borderline uncomfortable (pictures of you two and your 'children' named and given personalities by the fan themselves...). You had even been sent popular fanfiction about the two of you from Cater, who laughed like a madman when you called him immediately after he sent the text, flustered and annoyed. 
Neige didn't seem to mind, even going as far as to point out the good things about even the worst things you two have been subjected to. ("The anatomy is very well done!" "Neige, it's creepy," You pouted, earning a nervous chuckle from his end.)
You wipe the remainder of his stage makeup off gently, patting his face down with one of the towels given to you by the hospital. The light mascara had smudged in the fray, not having enough time to clean his face off until just now. You gingerly wipe around his eyes and under his soft cheekbones, sighing in defeat when you notice that his long eyelashes don't even flutter at the touch. 
Of course you knew what true love's kiss was (aside from the perfume brand that Neige had modeled for a few months prior). Neige had told you the story once after being compared to the infamous Princess by a fan- a girl with an evil stepmother, stepmother orders to get her killed, she runs into the forest and finds seven dwarves, she eats a poisoned apple, the prince kisses her, they wake up, and happily ever after. 
You can't help but be skeptical of the situation, especially coming from a world where there is no such thing as magic. 
Seeing the disheartened faces of Neige's roommates made your heart sink. Those boys all cared so deeply for their friend, and were so worried when they heard what had happened. You remember Dominic asking if there was anything you could do, hinting at the true love's kiss once more.
You take a breath and lean in, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before slowly peeling back, watching his dark eyelashes flutter as he lets out something that sounds akin to a whimper from the back of his throat. He gasps, deep brown eyes meeting yours and lighting up as he smiles softly, raising a hand to cup your face. You hold your hand over his own before both of your phone begin buzzing incessantly, making you both jump and breaking you out of the moment. 
There you see it. A screenshot of a livestream of one of the nurses raving about Neige LeBlanche being in her hospital. And in the background...
You, very clearly, kissing him awake. 
You sigh as Neige giggles. 
"At least we don't have to worry about telling anyone!"
And so your fanbase grew.
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Below you will find the character profile for my One Piece OC (one of them, anyway. I have at least five, but I'll be working the most closely with this one for now).
So, here we go. Only been working on this shit for like...three days. Okay, technically over ten years since I used to write her ages ago when I was on fanfiction.net, but I've redone a lot of things.
I'm already in the process of working on a novel-length Mihawk x AFAB!OC fanfic, so here's the overly extensive character sheet for my OC because I always put way too much effort into character development.
The character history practically devolves into a mini fanfic itself around the middle by total accident, but whatever.
The fanfic(s) will toe the line between Live Action and Manga canon. We'll just call it AU and leave it at that.
Karimi Lionne
Associated fanfics: Hearing Problems (coming soon to an Unknowable Horror near you) and Any Way The Wind Blows (eventually, bear with me)
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate; Mercenary
Kiku Kiku no Mi: A Paramecia type devil fruit that grants the user the ability to hear...well, everything, all the time. Within a certain range she, can hear the thoughts of people around her. The range varies with her focus; standard, it's anyone within a range of about fifty feet in any direction. She can close that circle down to either listen to one person's thoughts, or expand it to search a city or town for a particular person. Activated (which she hasn't yet), it allows the user the ability to plant thoughts in others' heads, and potentially control their thoughts.
She considers the ability more of a curse than a blessing since she has never managed to hone it quite well enough to shut it off entirely, and can often be found sitting at a dock or on a beach with her feet in the salt water, just to get some peace and quiet in her own head.
Blades: Karimi carries a pair of daggers with ornately carved ivory handles, the head of a lioness carved into the top of each hilt, in sheaths at either side of her belt. They belonged to her grandmother, who raised her from age four to age fourteen, and also taught her most of what she knows in combat. She also keeps a handful of throwing knives in a holster belted to her right calf, a couple inches below her knee.
Her fighting style relies primarily on agility, evasion, and accuracy rather than raw strength due to her relatively small stature of 5'2".
Haki: Not a master by any means at all. Learned from Red-Haired Shanks during her brief stint working with his crew, used largely to assist in suppressing her devil fruit abilities and making them more manageable. Not really proficient enough to use it for any other application.
Music: Karimi was taught to play guitar, fiddle, and piano by her grandmother, but she hasn't touched an instrument since her grandmother died, so she doesn't know how much of the ability she has retained. Karimi also learned several sea shanties from her, and often hums or quietly sings them to herself while out to sea.
Faceclaim: Jane Fonda c. 1960s, facial structure, skin and hair edited via Faceapp
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Long, dark green hair, in wild curls that she can't do much of anything with except tie back in a bun or stuff under a hat. Sharp emerald green eyes. Fair-skinned with a handful of freckles.
The Resting Bitch Face is strong with this one.
Slender, petite, 5'2" tall.
Tends toward wearing long-sleeved shirts/dresses to cover the scars on her arms. Almost always wears her grandmother's hat, an old and tattered brown leather tricorne with a patch on the front left brim and a few more in the back.
Confident, toeing the line of outright arrogance at times. Humor that ranges from dryly sarcastic to quite silly, depending on who she's around. Guarded. Brooding. Cynical. Empathetic. Gentle. Uses sarcasm as a coping mechanism. Not easily offended. Prominent issues with self-harm and PTSD.
Backstory (prior to beginning of fic)
Karimi has next to no knowledge of her origins. She knows her mother died shortly after giving birth to her, that she was born on her father's ship, and that she got her hands on a devil fruit the crew had found and ate it when she was three or four years old, not knowing what it was. Shortly thereafter she was taken to live with her grandmother on a remote island village called Conch Cove, somewhere on the Grand Line.
Her grandmother, Helena Lionne, had been a pirate captain shortly before Gol D. Roger came around and into his earlyyears of piracy, but Karimi didn't know much about her history. Helena was a powerful haki user, and was able to use the power to dampen Karimi's devil fruit abilities, largely for the sake of the girl's own comfort and sanity. Helena trained her to fight in order to defend herself in the event that she ever left the island, as well as survivalist training. She wasn't shy about telling Karimi that the world could be a dangerous place, particularly for a woman on her own, amd wanted to ensure that her granddaughter had everything she needed to safely make her way in the world.
Karimi found out more about her grandmother a week after her fourteenth birthday.
She discovered that her grandmother had been captain of the Siren Pirates. She discovered her grandmother possessed the abilities of the Mizu Mizu no Mi (logia type, water). She discovered that her bounty was in the billions...and still very much active.
The Marine Admiral who showed up to the island, Admiral Jackson "Volcano" Vesper, brought a large crew with him, with no intention of taking Helena alive. His moniker stemmed not only from his explosive temper, but also from his own devil fruit abilities—the predecessor to Fire Fist Ace, he possessed the power of the Mera Mera no Mi (logia type, fire). He also possessed an intense desire for revenge on the woman that had killed his father.
He didn't bother revealing how he managed to track her down—he simply went in guns blazing. The battle between him and Helena, between his crew and what remained of hers, waged for nearly two entire days, leaving several Marines and villagers dead and the town in total ruin. Karimi stayed hidden the entire time as her grandmother had asked her to, but with Helena's haki focused on defending herself and her allies, Karimi could hear everything with her devil fruit abilities.
She could hear the moment when Admiral Vesper's first mate got the drop on her grandmother, pinned her to the ground with the butt of his rifle, which he had coated in a layer of sea stone, instantly sapping her strength and her devil fruit powers.
Karimi could hear Vesper's thoughts, his intentions to humiliate her, kill her, and return to Marineford with her head.
And Karimi emerged from hiding and managed to toss a throwing a knife into the back of his leg.
She was captured almost immediately. Her physical resemblance to her grandmother in the woman's younger years was noted immediately by Vesper, and he knew in that instant that he had won.
And Karimi knew it too, with the man's bowie knife to her throat.
He agreed to let Karimi go in exchange for Helena's life, and Helena gave in without a second thought when she saw the bowie knife start to cut into her granddaughters neck.
He took the remainder of Helena's old crew as prisoners—the only four other villagers on the island left alive, but not before slitting Helena's throat and sawing her head from her neck with his bowie knife, while Karimi was held captive and forced to watch.
Then he and his men left her there on the remote island, in a ruined village with nothing but the corpses of friends and neighbors and the woman who raised her to keep her company.
She doesn't remember much of the following two weeks. She knows she was able to make a spear out of a throwing knife and a shovel handle to catch fish for food in the shallows around the island. That she had a fresh source of water in the form of a pond. She knows she was nearly through building a raft out of the rubble that was left of the town when another marine ship arrived at the island, captained this time by Vice Admiral Garp the Fist. She was understandably beyond wary of Marines, and she fought tooth and nail, kicking and screaming, when they took her back to their ship.
They took her throwing knives and her grandmother's daggers, and she was forced to stay in the brig because she made very clear that she would gladly gut any marine who came near her. She was still treated with kindness and provided full meals given her situation, and as she bided her time and got her strength back she formed a plan of escape.
She was able to use her devil fruit powers effectively in her escape—by listening around and finding the easiest target. This came in the form of a fifteen year old cadet who would check on her and talk to her during his downtime. He thought she was pretty and couldn't believe she had managed to keep herself alive for two and a half weeks after what she had been through, admired her sheer strength of will. It was incredibly easy to sweet-talk him into getting her weapons back to her, playing on his sympathies by telling him that they were all she had left of her grandmother.
She hid them once she had them, and did a little more sweet-talking...until he agreed to steal the keys and get her out of the cell. Once she was out, she wasted no time in knocking him out, stealing his uniform, stuffing her hair under the hat, and discreetly stealing enough rations to last herself a week and slipping away on a dinghy.
She had no idea where she was or how she was going to get anywhere, but she wasn't exactly of sound mind after the trauma she had endured. Her only thoughts at the time were that she wanted to put as much distance between herself and the Marines as possible.
She was picked up by a merchant vessel after a few days, and they took pity on her story and allowed her to remain on board the ship, assisting in cooking and cleaning in exchange for room and board and safe passage to their next stop. They were bound for Loguetown in the East Blue, and that suited her just fine.
Loguetown was a large city right outside the only passage onto the Grand Line, and it gave her plenty of options for work. She worked odd jobs that provided her with room and board, saving up money over the course of the following two years.
She was working in a tavern and staying at the attached inn when the Red-Hair pirates made port in Loguetown, and she knew she had her ticket back onto the seas, with only one goal in mind—to find her father, and tell him what had become of her grandmother.
Her memories of him were too vague for her to give any decent description, but she wasn't telling anyone her reasons anyway. She waited for her shift to end before approaching Shanks himself and asking, confidently, to join his crew.
That got a tremendous laugh out of the crew at large, but only a little bit of a chuckle from Shanks himself.
"And why would a little slip of a thing like yourself want sail around with a bunch of old men?"
"That's not really important." She sat down at the neighboring table at this. "But what I can provide your crew is."
"And what might that be, love?"
"I've trained with daggers and throwing knives since I was four years old. I also possess the abilities of the Kiku Kiku no Mi."
Yasopp, sitting between Shanks and his first mate Benn Beckman with bis feet propped up on the table, snorted at that, grinning. "So what, it improved your hearing?"
Karimi leveled her eyes with his. "Immensely," she daid. She gave a small smile...and began narrating his thoughts out loud. "'The hell is this girl's deal? Does she have any idea who she's even talking to right now? She can't even be much older than my—Wait. What the hell? What the hell is she—'" His feet slipped off the table, his mouth falling open as he registered what was happening. "'Holy shit, is she in my head? Is—'"
"Okay, you made your point, cut it out!" he half-shouted, staring at her in alarm.
No one was laughing anymore—and she knew she had their full attention now.
"That," Shanks said lightly, the amusement gone from his eyes and replaced with caution—but also intrigue, "is a very dangerous ability for someone as young as yourself to possess."
"I've had it since I was four. I've learned to manage it."
That was, of course, only half true—she could deal with it, yes, but she couldn't fully control it.
After a long, silent moment, in which members of his crew exchanged glances and Shanks quietly studied her, he leaned back in his chair, nodding to himself.
"Let's give you a real test," he said, leaning his arm over the back of his chair. "See how well you can put your abilities to use." Karimi lifted her eyebrows, waiting. "I want you to sneak into the Marine base here in Loguetown. Find where they keep the treasure and money they've confiscated from pirates and thieves they've arrested...and walk out with as much as you can carry." He lifted his bottle of rum from the table. "Undetected."
"Have you lost your goddamned mind?" Shanks glanced across the table at Benn when he spoke up.
"That's been gone for years, but go on."
Benn gave a growl of annoyance at his captain. "She's a kid. You're talking about sending a kid into a damned Marine base to steal from them. That's a suicide mission."
"The girl wants a chance to prove herself," he said simply, shrugging a shoulder. He looked back at her. "That's my offer, love. We're setting out no later than noon tomorrow. You bring your haul to the ship, you can come with us."
Karimi nodded, and stood from her chair. "Then I will see you all no later than noon tomorrow."
A few hours later, when the tavern closed for the night and the crew returned to the ship, they were met with the sight of Karimi, wearing a Marine uniform and sitting on a sizable burlap sack right in the middle of the deck. She stood from it and kicked it over, spilling gold bricks, jewels, and piles of Berry notes and coins across the deck.
Sneaking into the base had honestly been a piece of cake—she found a half-drunk Marine a couple years older than her at another tavern, did a little sweet-talking and got him back to her inn room. Suggested some rather kinky activities that would involve him stripping down and being tied to the bed and he jumped on it. Once he was securely tied, she gathered her few belongings, put on his uniform, put a do-not-disturb sign on the door, and slipped out the window.
It had taken longer to find and get into the rooms where they kept any seized contraband, but it had been as simple as keeping her head down and listening. Hiding and ducking down empty halls when she heard anyone drawing too close. The entire ordeal had taken just under three hours.
After a long stretch of silence, it was Benn Beckman that voiced what everyone was thinking.
"Holy shit."
Shanks grinned over at him. "Suicide mission, aye?"
She was officially welcomed aboard the ship at this, as promised, but there was some deal of commotion when she told them her name.
Particularly her surname.
She learned very quickly that both Shanks and his first mate were familiar with her father—and that Benn utterly despised him. To the point that he, however briefly, threatened to throw Karimi off the ship himself against his captain's will if necessary. The brief altercation ended in Benn storming off to the gun deck on his own, leaving Karimi wondering if she had made the right choice of crew.
Shanks was far more personable.
He told her about her father—Lyon D. Rollo.
He described her father as having been like "the annoying little brother he never wanted." Told her about their time spent as deckhands aboard the Oro Jackson. About his devil fruit abilities that had caused absolutely nothing but trouble for years because they were incredibly difficult to master without massive repercussions: the Kaze Kaze no Mi (logia type: wind).
Told her how they met Benn not long after Roger's execution after setting out on their own—Benn and his younger sister, Sedna, who he had looked after on his own since he was around sixteen and she was six, when their parents had been killed by raiding pirates.
Who Karimi's father had apparently fallen inmediately head over heels for. Said he refused to leave town without her, and did exactly as he set out to. Benn had refused to leave her side, and came with them despite his hatred of pirates at the time.
It was a year later that Shanks and her father had gone their separate ways. It had always been the plan, as they were both too stubborn to accept being anything but captains. Once they gathered enough of their own crew members and got their own ships, they parted as friends. Benn stayed with Shanks, and Sedna remained with Lyon.
It wasn't long after that they recieved word that Sedna had been killed during a firefight with the Marines.
"He never mentioned a child," said Shanks, shaking his head and looking at Karimi like he was looking at a ghost as he leaned forward against the railing around the bow. "I imagine he couldn't have been much older than seventeen." He shook his head a little, still in disbelief. "I don't think I need devil fruit abilities to know what you're doing here."
Karimi nodded shortly. "Do you know where—?"
"No, unfortunately."
No one knew where Lyon was—it had been five years since Shanks actually last saw him, and he and his entire crew seemed to have just vanished into thin air around a year ago, despite still holding active bounties.
Karimi didn't tell him anything else, not why she was looking for him—only that she was, and that she had no intention of remaining with the Red Hair crew for the long term. Just long enough to get a bit of money together and purchase her own ship, something small like a sloop that she could handle by herself.
She ended up sailing with the Red Hair Pirates for around two years, give or take few months. Shanks became something of a mentor to her over that period of time, taking time to train her in Busoshoku Haki, the same type of Haki that her grandmother had used to repress Karimi's Devil Fruit abilities, so Karimi could use it herself when she wished to. It wasn't fool-proof, but it at least helped lessen the mental load.
Once on her own, Karimi ultimately began working as a mercenary; taking on jobs with various pirate crews that required stealth or a subtle touch, avoiding Marines as much as possible, and attempting to gather any information she could about her father, but to no avail on the latter front—it really seemed like he and his crew had just vanished into thin air. His bounty was still active, along with those of his first mate and officers, but no one had heard hide nor hair of them in literaly years.
Nothing much changed for her until Karimi took a job from the Buggy Pirates a few years later, at twenty-four years old. Buggy was searching for a map of the Grand Line, and he needed someone to steal it for him, since he and his crew more or less stood out like sore thumbs and couldn't very discreetly sneak into the naval base in Shells Town where it was being kept. She was reluctant to accept—she usually avoided jobs that had anything at all to do with the Marines, but Buggy made an offer she couldn't refuse.
He claimed to have information about her father that he would gladly trade for the map.
She kept her ship anchored next to Buggy's overnight to set to preparing, planning to make way for Shells Town first thing the following morning...but news came down the grapevine that night that the map had been stolen during a break-in by another pirate crew into the Marine base.
In his rage that his plans were foiled after spending months gathering information, Buggy laid the blame on the hired hand—that she had left immediately, she could have beaten the other crew to the base and gotten the map first. He ultimately sunk her sloop, nearly with her on it before she managed to gather her most valuable items and get herself onto Buggy's ship, where he informed her she would be working for him until her debt at failing to get him the map was paid off—now she was going to have to steal it from the pirates that had taken it.
Karimi had little choice but to agree—being a devil fruit user, it would be far too risky for her to steal a dinghy and take her chances with thr open oceans.
They found the crew on a schooner and took them prisoner easily enough, given that there were only three of them. Karimi recognized one of them from a description Shanks had mentioned during her time with the Red Hair Pirates of the boy he had lost his arm to a sea monster saving (a story that she had honestly thought had to be an exaggeration), who claimed to be their captain and insisted he was going to be king of the pirates...while the other two claimed they weren't even a crew.
Whatever the case, Karimi knew they were her ticket out of servitude to the Buggy Pirates, and mutinied against them the second that the odds shifted in favor of Luffy, Zoro, and Nami.
Luffy was more than happy to welcome her aboard their tiny ship, especially on learning that she knew Shanks. She didn't tell them of her devil fruit abilities, still keeping them suppressed with Haki, a mistake she would regret in the next island they made port at due largely to their schooner springing a leak. They lucked out on landing in a town with a shipyard, but none of them really had a Berry to spare between them to actually purchase a new ship—the vast majority of the money that Karimi had saved herself had sunk to the bottom of the ocean with her own ship amd most of her worldly possessions.
On meeting and quickly befriending Usopp at the shipyard and learning the owner of the place was his "best friend," they had something of a plan, if a bit of a ridiculous one—Luffy was convinced that if he just talked to Kaya and explained their situation, she would just give him a ship and they could be off and on their way.
Both Karimi and Zoro recognized the butler Klahador, but couldn't quite put their finger on why. This was Karimi's mistake—she didn't think enough of it to release her haki and just listen in on his thoughts. It wasn't until everything later fell apart in Kaya's mansion that she did release her haki and quickly learn he was Captain Kuro, a cutthroat captain who had been believed dead for years, that he had been poisoning Kaya for years, and that he planned to murder Kaya and take over the estate himself that night.
She also learned while her abilities were active that Nami had every intention of stealing the Grand Line map and taking it to the pirate crew she was serving against her will. By this point Karimi had developed a soft spot for all three members of the Strawhat Crew (even if two of them still claimed not to be a crew), but she decided not to confront Nami about it—yet.
Kaya was more than happy to gift them a ship after they helped defeat Kuro and freed her from his suppression. She offered Karimi one as well, but she declined, stating that she would prefer to purchase one herself once she had the means to do so—but that she would happily return to Syrup Village and purchase one from Kaya's family's shipyard. In truth, she was honestly enjoying her time with the ragtag little crew, and wanted to stick around with them just a bit longer to see how far Luffy's ambitions could take them.
Usopp joined them at this point as the crew's sharpshooter. They were intercepted not far from Syrup Village by a Marine ship, and Karimi recognized Vice Admiral Garp almost immediately—as did Luffy, to her and the others' astonishment on finding our that Garp was his grandfather. Luffy was able to use his devil fruit abilities to deflect a cannonball thrown at their ship by Garp, and damage Garp's ship enough for them to slip away into a dense fog and lose their pursuers.
They happened by pure luck upon the restaurant ship Baratie, where our story begins in earnest, following Luffy's idiocy at trying to pass off a very expensive bill with an I.O.U. and getting stuck washing dishes in the kitchen to pay it off.
Helena Lionne (OC): Grandmother, deceased. A powerful pirate captain in her heyday, Helena disappeared from the seas without a word one day and no one really knew where she had gone. Helena raised Karimi from age four to fourteen, when she was tragically murdered by a revenge-crazed marine admiral whose father Helena had killed years earlier when she was still pirating. Karimi looked up to her immensely and loved her to death, and thinking about her still hurts.
Lyon D. Rollo (OC): A active pirate captain on the grand line, though no one has heard hide nor hair of him or his crew (the Hurricane Pirates) in years. She's been trying to find him for the past ten years, to tell him what happened to her grandmother/his mother, since Karimi was the only witness left alive and no one else would be able to tell him exactly what happened. It doesn't help that she last saw him at four years old, and remembers next to nothing about him. He's actually the one who gave her the hat—he took it when he left home at thirteen to become a pirate himself, and left it with her when he took her to her grandmother. (A/N, if and when I ever get to working on Any Way The Wind Blows, it will be about his history.)
Red-Haired Shanks: Working with the Red-Hair pirates for two years led to her becoming fairly close with Shanks. He had known her father over two decades and became quite protective of her as a direct result, with her looking at him almost as a father figure as well as a mentor.
Benn Beckman: The first mate of Red-Haired Shanks, Karimi learned from Shanks that her mother had been Benn's younger sister, Sedna, and that Benn absolutely despised her father and blamed him for his younger sibling's untimely death. As a result, Benn spent a while both wary and untrusting of Karimi and treating her with indifference that bordered on hostility; but he eventually let it go, accepting that she was capable (and, in his own words, "a hell of a lot smarter than Lyon D. Dipshit"),
The Marines: Karimi positively despises Marines, with the sole exception of Garp since has come to recognize that she wouldn't be alive if not for him, though good luck getting her to admit it.
Luffy: For her short spell traveling with Luffy and his "crew," she bonded with Luffy pretty quickly, coming to see him like a goofy little brother. He absolutely reveled in hearing stories about her time on the ocean, especially any that involved her time on Shanks's crew. She's quick to scold him for his naivety and questionable decisions, but it's mostly out of care; his ambition is definitely infectious, and she wants to see him achieve everything he's set out to do.
Nami: As the only other girl on the Going Merry, Karimi did her best to get close to Nami, especially on learning about her tragic situation with the Arlong Pirates via her devil fruit abilities, but Nami makes herself intentionally distant.
Zoro: She butted heads a fair bit with Zoro, largely due to both of them being exceedingly sarcastic, but she doesn't hate him by any means. Quite the contrary, she admires his abilities as a fighter and passes time sparring with him on the deck. They're about evenly matched in fighting ability, as his style relies largely on strength and her own on evasion and agility.
Usopp: Usopp is always quick to pipe in with his own epic stories of his supposed adventures when Karimi mentions any of her own past ventures. Not unlike Luffy, she looks at him almost like a younger sibling, though honestly he annoys her a little more than Luffy.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 10 months
Right back at you what are YOUR favourite Chuuya headcanons (and dazai)
okay so the way i draw skk is pretty inconsistent i think but...!!!!
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I think its pretty apparent in most chuuyas i draw that i am a BIGGG freckle chuuya enjoyer. it's what he deserves. but also ive been picking up on dark circles/eyebags and such for him too. real and canon to the enlightened one. OH AND PIERCINGS ‼️
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↑↑↑ i like doing em like this
and thennn... not really headcanon? but people are so used to anime chuuya so .... big brown eyed chuuya fan. big sienna haired chuuya fan. harukawa was right from the start... oh and i tend to floof up most characters hair when i draw them but really i do imagine his hair at least really wavy? i dont put much thought into hcs when i draw them so its not very consistent but if i made a definite guide itd be on there. wavy-curly hair
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i like giving him moles fhrhej typically i do one under his left eye and one by the right side of his mouth but occasionally I'll slip some extra in. i also like giving him eyebags... i don't think his sleep schedules the greatest. i think tend to make them darker for port mafia dazais and less obvious for ada dazai ? thats how it is in my head
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...and i really like freckles okay shhhhhshshshshh but i do imagine them to be a lot fainter or non-existent when hes younger, being visible when he's older. getting more sun. but i do draw them as a lot lighter than or sparser than chuuyas, like here.
personally i think hes got dark brown hair, but a bit darker in the mafia because he doesn't take care of it often enough. had i actually been focusing on consistency id probably note like. flatter darker hair (oily) for the mafia & curly hair in the ada. curly haired dazai 🔛🔝...
theyre both trans. both of them‼️ trust me. soukoku transmasc swag. their periods are synced. i think they'd use different products though tbh. dazai seems like a pads guy but i feel like chuuya would use menstrual cups mainly
chuuya should get a big splotchy birthmark. as a treat. im thinking on the side of one of his legs or smth. i think dazai should have a smaller one on his shoulder or smth.
chuuya likes his coffee black but will have something sweet with it. dazais coffee is more milk and sugar than anything
scars!!!!! on both of them!!!!!!! in particular i think corruption scars chuuya is cool + dazai having one from the scythe slash in fifteen. plus some stupid ones. dazai tripped over his shoes once and now hes got one on his knee. chuuyas got some barely noticable burn on his hand because he forgot to put on oven mitts once
dazai will twirl anything hes holding (pencils. his hair. someone elses hair) but chuuya will flip stuff (coins. pencils. his phone)
theyre both asexual. double black ace rings. if you even care
dazai needs glasses so bad his right eye is so fucked up guys. his headaches are probably the worst go take an ibuprofen dude tf.
dazai also canonically knows embroidery so i like to think its a genuine hobby
OH ALSO chuuya crochet hobby. crochet cant be done by machine. btw
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undertheknightwing · 1 year
I'm thinking about my "what if the boys were more alien than human" headcanons so have some
-their eyes lose all color and give off a glow, mainly at night to help them see better. And Jon will bug Jordan by standing in his open doorway at night with glowing eyes to annoy him.
-Kryptonian fangs. They skipped Jordan but not Jon. (I have an unfinished fic about this idea. might finish it someday)
-Alien noises, like clicks and hisses. Lois knows the boys are fighting about something when she hears what sounds like a mixture of a cat's chirping and rattlesnake's tail. Every emotional state has it's own unique clicks and sounds.
-Classic crop circles. They've both made em, even when they weren’t supposed to.
-Defying gravity. Not blasting off into thr sky with flight, it's not a superpower; just an alien thing. Being able to hover off the ground in one spot, like sitting or laying down a few feet off the floor.
-Physical appearance stuff like their blushing being light blue instead of pink/red. Jon's freckle patterns perfectly match star patterns and Jordan's eye color being purple instead of dark blue (which also matches animated Lois who's eyes are often purple).
-And other alien relation stuff that's unique to them: Jordan collecting "earth" things to study like stones and plants and Jon being attracted to light.
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jaegonsmoon · 2 years
Aegon who finds himself back in his younger body after dying is horrified and wants to make things right. But despite his efforts to become a better person, no one believe his motives and keep snapping at him. Pushing him around without a care. Until he tries too hard and get into an accident and falls into a coma. Now, finally, his family might be starting to realise they were wrong about him and they panic.But he ain't waking up anytime soon.
Oh noooo! 🥲
But is this the part where we find out this is a Sleeping Beauty case and he can be awoken by a kiss????
Jacaerys, who had started to believe him and now misses him so. He doesn’t rest until he can find something to awaken his uncle. Puts Luke and even Aemond to the task, too. Helaena helps too, she feels guilty for not speaking up for her brother, but she was too scared to. She had seen what had happened to her, to all of them in dreams and she was hesitant to believe it could he changed. But when Aegon fell deep into this dreamless sleep, she understood it could; it would.
She then tells them, shows them a book of an old Valyria tale. Of a promised prince that would change the course of things by befalling a deep sleep that could only be interrupted by an act of true love. Everyone was freaking out then. They all try their best. His mother sits by his side and cries for hours, saying how sorry she is for how he treated him all this time. It was never his fault that her girlhood had been robbed from her so soon. She promised to try and be the mother he and his siblings deserved. His big sister was next. She talked to him about stuff from her youth, how she remembers him as a child, how curious and chubby he had been and how she wished she’d done more to create a familial both between them. How she wishes she had encouraged his and her children’s relationship more, for she knew that they all cared about each other, but she hadn’t cared enough. Viserys goes too, it’s a bit awkward but he talks to him, tells him tales of Old Valyria and their dragons. Awkwardly apologises for his neglect, promising to listen to him and Helaena more. His siblings circle him too, recalling their best childhood moments, they share laughs, they feel lighter. Aegon does not wake.
This goes on for a days, until finally his nephews visit him too. Luke talks to him first, little Joffrey is too young to remember their tales but is happy to listen and be included. Jacaerys remains silent for most of it. After a while, Lucerys gives him a knowing look and sighs, taking Joffrey’s hand and telling him that big brother wishes some time alone with uncle Aegon.
A shuddering breath leaves Jacaerys’ lips and he deflates. He approaches his uncle, sitting where Luke was just moments ago, and looks at him. His uncle looks pale, the dark circles under his eyes have gotten lighter upon his rest. He has light freckles that Jace hadn’t noticed before, and beautiful, thick lashes. His pretty lips look dry, and Jacaerys can’t help himself when he swipes his thumb over them, feeling the soft, patchy skin. He strokes his jaw in a feather-like touch; his uncle is so beautiful. He’s always thought so. His attention awlays made Jace’s heart flutter, especially when one day all of a sudden, after all those years, he’d appear on Dragonstone, wishing to speak to his mother. Everyone thought he’d lost his mind, that he was too deep into his cups to go back. But when no one seemed to take him seriously, he’d turn to Jace. No Luke or their cousins, but him. And suddenly Jace felt ten again, when he and Aegon were attached to the hip and Aegon would teach him all his mischievous ways. But this was different, he knew. His uncle was serious in what he was saying, almost manic with it.
When they all reunited in King’s Landing, there was a moment, when Aegon had lost all hopes of people believing him, that he had gone to Jace and he cried on his shoulder; muttering how it was too late and inevitable at this point. That he didn’t understand why he’d been given a second chance if it’d be pointless. Jace held him through it, and that’s when it’d happened. He’d fallen into the deep sleep in Jace’s arms and he couldn’t help him. Jacaerys felt like it was his fault for not showing his support more loudly. And now, almost a fortnight later, Aegon still sleeps.
“I-I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t visit sooner,” Jace takes one of his uncle’s hands in his. “I was busy trying to find a way to bring you back. And I have failed. Our last attempt and hope has not worked so far and I don’t know what to do.” He can’t contain the sob that escapes his mouth. “Please, Aegon. I need you to wake up. You’ve made it, everyone will believe you now. They’re sorry, for not seeing it sooner. I’m sorry—for not fighting harder for you, for not advocating for you loud enough.”
He rests his cheek on their intertwined hands and lets his tears fall. He continues to talk, saying that whatever it is Aegon saw or experienced, they will stop it this time. That they will be united as one house, like they were always meant to be. But not without him. Never without him. “We need you, uncle.” He says after a while, long after his tears have dried and he feels helplessly empty. “I need you.” Then he hesitates—but ultimately does it. He leans forward and presses his lips gently to chapped ones. With his shattered heart beating too close to his throat, he steps back, closing his eyes tightly before opening them again.
He takes one last look at his uncle and turns to leave.
And then…
Jacaerys’ breath catches.
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Another Obey Me Thought for the Masses; So I headcanon all the brothers have perfect features/physique- They're demons once angels and immortal being beautiful is just a thing so what does that mean?
It means while they have distinct features and body types their bodies are always more perfect than an average human's and they have no blemishes or feel body pain- No acne no beauty marks no crows feet nothing to show they have what could be considered an "imperfection" (Though I see their Demon form having that-)
BUT because of this I imagine if there ever was an opportunity to swap species and they had to be human/mortal for a day what would their bodies be? Well here's my guess;
- Lucifer; Dad Bod. 100%- Man would have back problems bones creak he can't bend over for shit his hair is receding (falling out due to stress) and graying badly and he has dark circles under his eyes that make him look like a racoon with crows feet and his eye sight is horrendous to the point he's probably been pushed down the stairs and had no idea who's done it so many times. If in a mortal/human body his body hair is out of control and he's perpetually in pain- Very unhealthy and rigid lifestyle and Lucifer would probably feel it 10x fold because of his habits.
- Mammon; Stereotypical model body but I imagine as a human/mortal he had to put more effort so what you get is a lanky model with super Muscular legs from running. So features wise I imagine Mammon's hair is probably on the manageable side but due to his modeling career he has it a certain way- interestingly I can see Mammon also having bags under his eyes or slight wrinkles like laugh lines or dimples but when hes modeling makeup and editing covers it pretty good- I can see him having a beauty mark though where it goes not sure. Dude is definitely on the thinner side though make no mistake- He probably has alot of stomach problems due to the spicy food he eats but you wouldn't tell unless you're around him enough.
- Leviathan; Skinny fat and I refuse to hear anything different. So Levi would be the stereotypical discord mod- gots pudge but is also of a thinner build so it looks awkward- terrible acne and bags under his eyes almost as bad as Lucifer's and his breath/body odor is terrible. Dude's self worth is so in the toilet his human/mortal appearance would probably reflect it and I can see him only showering once in a Blue moon so there's a layer of scum on him that makes him avoid touching people. Poor Leviathan the only way he gets clean is probably when he's swimming and even then that still doesn't count as a shower or bath. Also can see Leviathan being the one dude who doesn't wash his hair but still puts stuff in it so it's just... A wadded mess- Weirdest thing is if he followed Mammon's/Asmo's/ or Beel's regime he'd probably be super gorgeous but that would mean not feeding his anime/game addiction so like... Someone get him a life coach-
Satan; He's lanky. Definitely- I saw some people say he'd probably have a flat ass and I agree the dude is just a tall thin dude who looks pretty awkward or unassuming. I imagine he has pretty bad eyesight too so he has to wear glasses and interestingly I can see him having stress acne but it's not as severe as someone like Leviathan just a little bit here and there coupled with some dark spots or light freckles but Satan takes care of immediately - I can see Satan as the type of person who fasts/doesn't eat until he gets things done (like gets to a part of his book or finishes a portion of homework) so he's on the thinner side but he's still active and moving around probably can't sit still because he has alot of things he wants to do. His hair is probably combed neatley and thin and I can see his hands being covered in slight papercuts from how fast he turns the pages on homework or his books. I imagine when he bends down his legs Crack loudly.
- Asmodeus; Definitely on the most average side- average body with slight crooks probably has some freckles and make up marks he didn't wipe off completely- He has no real physical strength I imagine he works out slightly but not enough for anything and I can see his hair being deeply conditioned and his makeup covering everything. Remember Asmo is a party girl so I can see him having slight wrinkles around his eyes and maybe his nose is crooked slightly but his makeup and taking care of himself really makes up for it. Dude Definitely wore fake lashes you can't convince me otherwise and I can see Asmo kind of being the type to overly Watch everything he eats and lowkey the type to want to get injections or surgery because of some parts of him he doesn't love. Someone please tell Asmo he's worth loving as he is imperfections really are what makes someone perfect ♡
- Beelzebub; Man's is an absolute unit. So since Beel generally already lifts and exercises he's probably a mixture of fit but also does have some fat so he's just a big massive ass unit (you know how in Outlast they called Chris Walker "StrongFat" yeah that's Beel essentially-) dude is just a massive ass unit that probably intimidates everyone who sees him. Because he eats alot his stomach is probably massive and he has bolder features and I can see him protecting his siblings in fights so probably a crooked nose or jaw from getting punched or fighting. Dude also has stretch marks all over his back and stomach- Why because apparently he's going to keep growing so his body has stretch marks and I can see him having freckles all over too. Maybe freckles and acne because he's shoving burgers into his mouth by the double.
- Belphegor; I'm stuck between fat or skinny fat too. So Belphegor is lazy so he's all fluff- squishy stomach squishy arms squishy legs squishy ass just another pillow in the midst of pillows and blankets he finds himself in. What I imagine is the dude probably has a crooked nose too and light freckles since he doesn't go out much he's pale as a ghost and burns in the sun like a vampire (watch take him to the beach he will come back Red all over) he's weirdly got decent(ish) skin for not going out much but he's definitely a bag of marshmallows can't lift can't carry and his legs are probably shaky deer legs because he doesn't like to get up- Can see his bones creaking too like Lucifer's his hair is probably perpetually frizzy/tangled and messy and he probably has a beauty mark or birth mark in a very noticeable part of his face. Dude's diet is probably the quickest thing to make or whatever he can get his hands on so it's terrible. Also covered in bed sores and has REALLY dark circles under his eyes and his skin while decent can teeter into bad pretty quickly- I won't be surprised if the others call him a racoon because he digs in the pantry in the dark and has the eyes like one.
Anyways but that's my take if anyone ever wants to draw this out feel free to- I'm usually down to but this may be a level of detail I'm not equipped for lol. And if you want to add more feel free would love to read it :>
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Meet My MC!✨
After seeing my two Discord servers have RP channels and never being able to participate cause I don’t have a dedicated OC, I gave into the FOMO and decided to create one. This is my fourth HL character but the first one I’ve ever fleshed out and given a back story.
So with that, meet Kamila Cortes! ✨
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Name: Kamila Cortes (kuh-me-lah)
Nickname: Kami
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Age: 18
Blood Status: Half Blood
Nationality: Spanish/British
Wand: 10in, Holly, Unicorn Hair, Solid
Patronus: a goat
Scent: Rose and Vanilla
Birthday: April 9th (Aries)
Other info: Fluent in English and Spanish, semi-fluent in Portuguese.
General: Kamila is short, measuring at 152.4 cm (5ft 1in). She is a bit on the bustier side with a soft stomach, but overall is slender and petite.
Facial appearance: She’s fair skinned with blue eyes and long voluminous dark brown hair, usually tied in a long braid.
Distinguishing Marks: She has a small faint collection of freckles on her upper cheeks.
Fashion: Kamila prefers to wear dark colors and neutral colors, opting for blacks, whites, greys, and her favorite color, emerald green. She alternates between wearing skirts and trousers, tied between the femininity offered by a skirt, and the mobility offered by trousers.
Strengths: Kamila has the loyalty of a Hufflepuff. Although she keeps her circle of friends incredibly small, once someone is considered in her circle, she’ll go to bat for them, defending them against anyone who dares wrong them. She is incredibly determined, and stops at nothing to reach her goals. She is a good listener, and gives great advice despite not following her own advice. Kamila is passionate and fiery, with an infectious energy about her.
Weaknesses: Growing up as a wealthy only child has made Kamila a bit spoiled and stuck up, becoming upset and vengeful at times when she doesn’t get her way. Kamila can be hotheaded and fiesty, and has a habit of acting before thinking, frequently getting into physical altercations with other students, especially those who bully her/her friends.
Morality: Kamila likes to think she’s morally sound, defending and protecting her loved ones, but her methods are sometimes wrong. She is ultimately very self serving, and won’t hesitate to use others outside of her friends to get what she wants.
Likes: Kamila enjoys cooking and baking, as her mother was a cook prior to marriage, and showed her a lot back when she lived in Madrid full time. Before she learned how to conjure up a full kitchen in her Room of Requirement, Kamila could be found sneaking into the Hogwarts kitchens at night, begging the house elves to let her use the oven. Her love language is feeding her friends. Kamila also loves Potions, reading, architecture, and relaxing in the courtyards.
Dislikes: Spiders, people who treat magic as if it’s evil, sports of any kind.
Fears: Not amounting to anything in life, something bad happening to her loved ones, especially her mother, loneliness, losing her family’s fortune and status.
Hopes: Once done with Hogwarts, Kamila hopes to open up a restaurant or a bakery. While she would prefer to do this back home in Madrid, she’s not opposed to fulfilling this dream in England or Scotland, if a love interest keeps her there.
Friends: Kamila considers Ominis, Sebastian, and Garreth to be her closest friends. Kamila and Ominis confide in each other often, Kamila being a shoulder to cry on and a helpful aid to Ominis. Despite being upset with some of the things Sebastian has done in the past, she remains supportive of Sebastian, even during the times where they were distant with each other. Kamila and Garreth briefly dated, but the relationship wasn’t serious, and the pair remain friends. (Not including this in the RP stuff but I wanted to write some head cannons for friends, enemies and love interests)
Enemies: Kamila frequently tortures Duncan. Why? Because Ominis doesn’t like him. That’s the only reasoning she needs. Kamila also doesn’t get along with Imelda, Imelda thinking Kamila is a stuck up brat, and Kamila thinking that Imelda is just jealous. (Not including this in the RP stuff but I just wanted to write some head canons for friends, enemies and love interests)
Love Interest: Ever since their first meeting in the Slytherin common room years ago, Kamila and Ominis have been inseparable. What began as a friendship based in trauma bonding eventually grew into a desperate need and desire for each other. After two years of friendship, they decided to take the next step and start a relationship together. They are deeply in love, Sebastian often referring to them as a unit by the nickname “Kaminis”. Kamila also briefly dated Garreth for a few months before her and Ominis made things official, and she briefly had a crush on Sebastian (and he had a crush on her) but the events of 5th year killed her feelings for him. (Not including this is the RP stuff but I just wanted to write some head canons for friends, enemies, and love interests)
Backstory: Kamila is an only child to her parents, Elizabeth and Jose Cortes. Jose is of Spanish origin and a muggle, while her mother is of English origin, and a witch. Jose is a top general for the Spanish royal army, and a close friend and confidant of the king of Spain. As a result, Kamila and her family live in luxury. Prior to learning of her magical abilities, Kamila mainly resided in Madrid, but often visited England and Scotland due to having family members there from her mother’s side. Since starting at Hogwarts, she has spent more time in England, staying at her grandparents’s home when school is not in session, and only returning home to Madrid during the summer holiday.
When Kamila exhibited no magical abilities at 11 years old, Kamila’s parents breathed a sigh of relief. Growing up in a predominantly Catholic country and surrounded by the extremely religious royal family, Kamila would forever be labeled as a demonic entity and would be in danger if she had inherited her mother’s magical abilities. While Jose was accepting of Elizabeth being of a magical bloodline, Jose’s family and the royal family would not have accepted this; thus Elizabeth made the choice to hide her magic when they got married, only displaying magic in the privacy of their own home. Elizabeth fainted the day a 14 year old Kamila made a teapot levitate off the table.
At first, Kamila’s parents wanted her to fully suppress her magical abilities to avoid hardship in her life. This caused many arguments between Kamila and her parents, Kamila being fascinated with her ability, and her mother’s history, which she had never been told about previously. It was ultimately Kamila’s grandmother who convinced Kamila’s parents to allow her the chance to go to school and hone her magic, under the condition that she keep her abilities a secret to all besides her parents and maternal family. Jose crafted a story that his daughter was going off to study at some prestigious school in London, which Jose’s circle believed. Nowadays, Kamila has a good relationship with her parents, understanding that they were just doing what they thought was best for their daughter at the time.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
Z'rhiki comes back from a hard day on the first, reeking, and indulges in some stream-of-consciousness musings on one of her many insecurities.
Rating: General Genre: Introspection, fluff Characters: Z'rhiki Irhi (Warrior of Light) Words: 1,287 Content Warnings: None
Z’rhiki’s pack hit the floor with a dull thump. Even without it, her shoulders felt heavy. Another long day. Well, technically the same long day, depending on where in Norvrandt you were. The sun still never set over Kholusia. She felt damp and grimy all over – her sweat had seeped into the cloth base of her armor, which now clung awkwardly to her skin. 
At least the Master of Suites had been kind enough to prepare a hot bath for her. 
As she reached under one arm to loosen one of her pauldrons, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her reflection’s shoulders rose as she heaved a sigh. She looked awful. Her armor was splattered with mud, blood, and the uncomfortably viscous white goo spewed by Ahm Arang’s lightwarden. It mingled with dust in her hair, leaving it matted and sticking up awkwardly in some places, while plastered to her head in others. Dirt had dulled the polished metal of her sabatons to a matte gray. 
Even beyond all of the filth, she looked tired. Haggard. She’d never been strikingly beautiful, but with the tug of the dark circles under her eyes and the oily layer of dried sweat coating her skin she looked...  
She rubbed furiously at her face to at least try and wipe away the freckles of dried blood. 
The heavy armor she wore certainly did nothing to help matters, and she continued to fumble with her pauldron, though her mounting frustration only served to make her fingers slip. After a considerable struggle she was finally divested of it and moved to work on its counterpart. She had never liked heavy armor. Even the most flattering armor she could find was uncomfortable and unwieldy. Beyond the fact that it was heavy, hot, and trapped in body odor (which she was sure she would get a noseful of when she finally got the damned stuff off), with her short stature it made her look square, boxy and, if she was being honest, a little ridiculous. The huge decorative pauldrons that seemed to adorn every design came halfway to her cheekbones so that she looked like a child wearing an ill-fitting costume. The cuirass obscured her form and always seemed slightly too wide, and the sabatons and grieves were always crafted a bit too long.  
She could almost hear the voices of countless companions chiding her - reminding her that how armor looked was of vanishing concern compared to how it functioned, and that someone whose fighting style tbrought them within the reach of the enemy could scarce afford to forgo protection. 
heir echo in her ears only served to make her mood cloudier. 
Maybe she needed to learn a new fighting style - something fast and light like Alisaie’s rapier, or elegant and magical like Y’shtola’s magic. At least something that didn’t involve becoming splattered with blood and viscera. She’d considered it before, even sometimes wished she’d endured the pervasive anti-miqo'te sentiments of Gridania’s Archer's Guild and taken up the bow. But these days leaving behind her greatsword made her feel... lonely, somehow.  
She reached behind her to unclasp and unlace the hard leather portions of her chest piece but paused, scowling at the red brick walls. She really hoped that the Crystal Exarch wasn’t watching, as Ardbert had implied he occasionally did. At least the phantom Warrior of Light had the decency to make himself scarce while she slept or bathed. Her faith that the Exarch would show such respect for her privacy, however, was limited. She’d thought about bathing elsewhere, perhaps in a public bath, but decided that if he could spy on her in her inn room using the powers of the Occular, he could probably spy on her anywhere in the Crystarium. Oh well. It wasn’t like he actually saw her when he looked at her anyway. He probably the vision of a statuesque valkyrie, serious and dignified. The thought almost made her laugh. 
She wondered if anyone would ever build a statue of her. It was probably vain to consider, but it seemed like the sort of thing people did with heroes. If they did, she thought, it probably wouldn’t look anything like her, and she couldn’t tell if that made her happy or sad. At least she would be taller. That was heartening. Hells, they would probably just carve a helmet on it so that everyone could maintain their personal imaginings of the Warrior of Light’s beatific face.   
Resigning herself to the potential that she was being secretly observed, she continued undressing, dropping each piece she removed unceremoniously onto the floor. She would take care of it later, when she felt less disgusting. As she had expected, the more armor she peeled away the stronger the smell of her own sweat became, mingling with the scent of old blood and dap leather. She wrinkled her nose, glad that she had asked Feo Ul to bring her a bottle of her favorite scented soap before they had ascended to the position of Titania.  
Her reflection was a little less depressing free of armor, but not much. She still looked grimy, exhausted, and haunted. To be fair, she was all of those things, she just wished she didn’t look it.  
Her mind drifted back to when she was a child, listening to Rakoko’s fairy tales and imagining herself being invited to some fancy gathering, like a masquerade. She loved imagining what type of dress or fancy jacket she would wear, how she would style her hair. Looking at herself now, it was hard to imagine anyone inviting inside their house, let alone to a party.  
Then the fond memories of childhood were replaced by decidedly less fond memories of Magnai Oronir. 
"The woman I seek is of the dusk ─ a gentle, ethereal maiden. A dancer in the morning mist. You are a warrior of the Steppe ─ fierce and brutal, conquerors of magicked stone and steel. Ethereal you are not.” 
Just thinking about it made her tail puff up with annoyance. She made a mental note to devote some time later to thinking up ways to torment Magnai the next time she saw him. 
He’s right, though.  
She shook her head as if to clear the thought from it. 
She was invited to things – celebrations, dances, banquets with foreign dignitaries – but always in her capacity as the Warrior of Light. Most people wanted to show her off to friends and rivals, preferably in gleaming armor, standing stoically for people to admire. No one asked her there so they could dance or laugh or share a drink, and consequently such affairs ended up being unbearably dull. She often stood silently, listening to Alphinaud charm the nobles or diplomats with his eloquence and idealism while she desperately fought back the urge to cause trouble or to get drunk and embarrass herself.  
Not exactly like Rakoko’s stories.  
She shook her head and tore her eyes away from the mirror. She was just tired – she only ever thought like this when she was tired. What she needed was a warm bath, a hot meal, and a soft bed. Everything would look a little brighter in the morning. Now free from the confines of her armor and undergarments, she lowered herself into the wooden tub that had been brought in, making sure her back was to the mirror. Almost immediately, she felt a bit better. Her muscles began to uncoil themselves and it was easier to relax. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to feel the grime dissipating. She let the steam from the water bathe her face, breathed in the scent of her favorite soap, and slowly began to feel a bit more like herself. 
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Down By The Lake
I know y’all are nasty so here’s the Rosénali smut from Academia AU but for everyone who’s just here for the naughty stuff!
come outside, i wanna show you something
The text had reached Denali just as she shouldered her bag, ready to head out to class. She couldn’t help the roll of her eyes. Of course Rosé had anything but class in her head on a day as hot as this.
Can’t, some of us have grades to keep xx
Unsurprisingly, Rosé wasn’t letting her off that easily.
you are the best dancer this stupid program has, you don’t need every single practice baby!
Unable to stop the smile creeping across her face, Denali shook her head.
I’m top of the class BECAUSE I show up every single practice. Not that you can relate.
Then, a few minutes of silence. Denali knew she should probably get going or she was going to be late, but she wanted to see Rosé‘s answer.
Finally, three dots implied the other girl was typing. And then, a picture.
Rosé’s thighs, naked except for tiny, ripped jeans shorts, pale skin spotted with freckles. A bottle of pink champagne and a whole box of raspberry sorbet in her lap as she sat in her white leather car seat. Denali swallowed heavily.
Another message came in.
i bought a picnic blanket too
Fuck, who could dance in an unacclimatised gym in this weather anyways? Shaking her head at herself, Denali dropped her bag onto her bed. Time to get out of her dance shorts again. Where was that cute little tennis skirt she’d borrowed from Liv?
5 mins
When Denali slid into the passenger’s seat, Rosé‘s grin was even wider than her own.
„I knew you’d come!“
Denali rolled her eyes at that, turning her head away from her. Rosé laughed, starting her engine.
„I don’t blame you, who could say no to this.“ She threw her hair back over her shoulder, pink curls falling free over her shoulders despite the overwhelming heat.
Biting her lip, Denali stayed silent at that. Of course, Rosé was right. Tinted sunglasses on her nose, her little shorts were paired with a cropped shirt, merch of Lagoona’s single, that Rosé had cut so high up that a thin line of skin right under her boobs was exposed. There was a little mole right on her upper rib that Denali had the urge to run her fingers over. But Rosé was driving, and they had a plan! Shaking her head, Denali rolled down the window and stuck her head out instead. The wind blowing into her face was somehow still hot, like a giant blowdrier. Her high ponytail danced in the hot stream of air behind her as Denali watched the meadows on either side of the road. They certainly weren’t driving into town.
„You look cute today“, Rosé said casually, one hand on the steering wheel as the other one reached over to Denali. It found her bare thighs, already covered in a thin layer of sweat despite the air conditioning in the car. She didn’t seem to mind too much though, as her thumb began drawing lazy circles on the tan skin.
„I like the skirt.“
Denali felt the heat rise to her face, and certainly not only there. She wasn’t going to mention that she had changed into this for Rosé, she wasn’t going to inflate the girls ego even more. But the fact that Rosé did notice and certainly appreciated it nonetheless made her heart flutter.
„Where are we going anyways?“, she asked, trying to keep the shaking undertone out of her voice as Rosé‘s thumb wandered up a little further, almost touching the hem of the skirt now.
„Secret spot“, she simply replied, grinning, „one of my favourite spots.“
They took a left turn onto a private road, passing a huge, freshly renovated villa. Denali couldn’t help the gasp escaping her lips at the sight, immediately turning to Rosé. „Do your parents live here?“
At that, Rosé laughed, grip on the inside of Denali’s thigh tightening. The dark haired girl tried her best not to shiver.
„No“, Rosé chuckled, „My dad‘s back in Scotland and mom lives in NYC.“ At Denali’s questioning look she continued, „I have no idea who lives there, but I hate what they did to the house. It used to be way more rustic. Lost all its character.“
The road they’d taken suddenly stopped at a little assemble of pine trees, in the middle of no where. No other houses, the town and campus must be far behind them, and all they had here was a line of trees and a bit of gravel where Rosé parked the car. Denali glanced over at her.
„If this is what I skipped rehearsal for-“
„No, it’s better, I promise!“ Rosé laughed, reaching into the backseat to grab the promised blanket and champagne bottle. Her shirt popped out of where she had tugged it into her jeans, revealing just the smallest line of skin. Denali felt her eyes drawn towards it like magnets, swallowing at the sight of a single birth mark right below the other girls abs. She swallowed, shaking off those thoughts.
It turned out Rosé wasn’t joking.
She lead her through the trees down a small dirt path, and after a few minutes of walking, the trees gave way to some sweet, green grass, an open beach to the lake she knew from campus. They must be on the opposite site of it, the other shore was barely visible.
But unlike on campus or in town, no other people were around. It was just them, the green grass, and a few ducks splashing around in the waves.
Rosé cackled and it was only then that Denali realised her mouth had fallen open.
„This technically belongs to the villa we passed“, Rosé explained, „but those snobs never come here. It’s just us.“
It turned out champagne tasted really good when it was expensive. And it tasted even better shared, while splayed out on a red and white checkered blanket, the sun above them and the green grass below.
They were laughing over stories Rosé told about growing up with two half sisters, about fighting with Jan and pulling pranks on Lagoona.
Denali threw her head back laughing and took a sip of champagne before handing the almost empty bottle over to Rosé.
„Finish that“, she mumbled, gently tapping her stomach. „I can’t handle any more bubbles in my tummy right now.“
„Weak“, Rosé commented, tossing back the last few gulps of sparkling liquor before mindlessly dropping the bottle beside her.
„Hey!“, Denali couldn’t help but pout, round doe eyes golden in the sun. When Rosé just shrugged she shook her head, leaning back on the blanket until her head hit the ground, eyes falling shut as she simply let herself soak up the warmth on her skin.
She looked ethereal. Bathed in bright sunlight, under a clear sky, her bare feet digging into the grass as she leaned back on their blanket, crossing her arms behind her head. Her little crop top rose up just the smallest bit, revealing just a little more of tan skin and toned abs, and Rosé felt her stomach drop.
„Denali“, she murmured, inching closer on the blanket.
„What?“, the dancer chuckled, head turning to face Rosé, her beautiful brown eyes widening at the intensity of the pink haired girl. Rosé was close, close enough to feel her breath against Denali’s skin, and she kept inching closer, leaning over her. Soft lips grazed over her shoulder, light as a feather, and a shiver ran down her spine.
„You’re beautiful.“
It was more of a whisper than anything else, but Denali felt every hair on her skin rise up anyways. A tattooed hand found the hem of her shirt, Rosé‘s fingertips hot on her skin as they slid underneath the fabric, running along the lines of Denali’s muscles.
„Rosie“, she gasped, eyes falling shut at the almost tingly sensation. This was new, but oh, was it good.
Rosé‘s other hand supported herself as she began drawing little circles against Denali’s skin, breathing in the smell of daffodils, fresh grass and Denali’s citrus perfume. Her fingers wandered further up, pushing the fabric with them, and Denali gasped again when she felt them graze her ribcage.
The dark haired girl blinked, eyes finding Rosé hovering over her, pupils dilated with want, her lips parted just the slightest bit. It was like she was a dying man in a desert and Denali was the first source of water in days. Slowly, Rosé inched closer, leaning down towards Denali. The dancer didn’t stop her, that was the last thing she’d do. In this moment, Rosé was the most beautiful thing Denali had ever laid eyes on. Her breath tingled on Denali’s face, it smelled like champagne and Coca Cola.
And then, their lips touched. Rosé leaned down, finally closing the remaining bit of distance between them. Her lips found Denali’s like opposite poles on a magnet, mending together perfectly. She tasted fresh, like soda, mints and sparkling water, like the perfect refreshment for a hot day like this. For a life like this.
Her tongue slipped between Denali’s lips, hot and urgent, and the whine she let out before she could stop herself was swallowed by Rosé‘s kiss.
The hand on Denali’s ribs remained steady, pushing her down onto the blanket, shifting in her position until she was on top of Denali, one knee on each side of her hips, pink curls falling down as she leaned over her to create a rosy veil that shielded them from the outside world, a little vault where it was just them. Their lips reunited and Denali’s eyes fell shut, letting herself get lost in the sensation, lost in Rosé. The older girls hand continued its journey, ghosting over her ribs once more before finally coming up further, pulling the blue fabric of Denali’s shirt up enough to expose her nipples, already hardened from just their kisses. A gentle breeze ghosted over them and Denali shivered.
Suddenly, she remembered where they were. „Rosé!“, she gasped out, pulling away enough to look the older girl in the eyes.
Her lips curled into a small grin, free hand stroking Denali’s cheek. „Don’t worry“, she whispered, „no one ever comes here. This is a private place.“ Before Denali had the chance to reply, her lips met Rosé‘s again, and any form of concern left her mind completely. Her back pushed off the ground, into Rosé‘s lingering touch. She needed more, more than small grazing, more than just her fingertips.
„Please!“, Denali gasped out, a plea that was heard immediately. Rosé’s lips let go of hers, pressing a small kiss to each corner of her mouth, each little dimple on her cheeks before wandering further, along her jaw, even lower. Her palm closed around her left boob, gently massaging the flesh as her lips came to a halt on her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin.
A moan escaped Denali’s throat, loud and shameless and she felt Rosé grin against her pulse point, teeth grazing her skin before soothing the spot she sucked on with her tongue, finishing with a small kiss before wandering down just a few inches to do it all over again. Denali knew that there must already be bruises blooming on her skin. Markings of Rosé, signaling who Denali belonged to now. The thought made her head spin.
Suddenly, Denali was the starving man and Rosé was the only thing that could ease her hunger. She needed her, now.
„Rosie“, she whispered, and Rosé‘s head shot up, eyes full of concern all of a sudden. Her hand reached up to gently stroke Denali’s cheek. „Are you okay?“, she asked. „Is this too much?“
Denali almost snorted out at that, quickly shaking her head. „Not at all.“
Her hand found Rosé‘s, and she held eye contact as she brought them to her lips, gently kissing the tips of Rosé‘s middle and index finger. They were soft, nails short. She could see the pink haired girl swallow in response, and it made Denali smile. „I want it“, she husked, the next kiss to Rosé‘s fingers lingering just a little longer. „I want you.“
At that, something seemed to shift in Rosé. Denali felt her weight shift on top of her, felt the heat of her skin, the way her hips pushed down against Denali just a little bit. Tattooed fingers gently pressed down onto her bottom lip, and Denali didn’t hesitate, letting her mouth fall open, fingers slipping inside.
Rosé felt dizzy. Denali was staring up at her with perfect, innocent doe eyes. A complete contrast to the way she started to suck on her fingers, her warm tongue swirling around the digits with precision. She felt her own hips grind down against her, the feeling of butterflies in her abdomen intensifying.
Rosé let Denali suck a little longer, indulging in the sight in front of her, in the heat pooling between her legs at the feeling of Denali’s mouth around her fingers. When she pulled them out at last, Denali almost looked disappointed. Rosé smiled down at her, wet fingers lazily trailing down her neck again.
„Look at you“, she whispered, their foreheads meeting, „being such an angel for me.“
This time, Denali leaned up to close the gap between them, pulling her into a hungry, wanting kiss. Rosé couldn’t help but smile into it, letting her hand trail down further. Her hands found the little tennis skirt again, pushing it up to sit high on Denali’s waist. Now her wonderful, round thighs were revealed fully, as well as her cotton panties, already graced by a large damp spot.
Rosé felt her mouth water, but she slowed down in her movements again, wet fingers on Denali’s thighs.
„Still okay?“
Denali responded with almost a groan, hips bucking upwards into Rosé‘s touch. „Rosie I swear, if you don’t fuck me right now I’m walking home!“
This time, it was Rosé who gasped, eyes darkening at Denali’s directness. Her fingers dug into the soft inside of her thighs, snaking up and around until they rested on her hip. Her fingers drew little circles around her hip bones, eyes fluttering shut at the soft flesh underneath her fingers.
„Rosie“, Denali as much as whined, glancing up at her with round, pleading eyes. Her lips, plush and red from kissing were pulled into a small pout.
As Rosé leaned down to kiss the pout away, her fingers hooked underneath the waistband of the other girl’s cotton panties. She ran her tongue along the inside of Denali’s lips, before pulling away just the slightest bit, their noses still touching. Her grip on the cotton tightened „Okay?“
Denali nodded quickly, with an almost frantic urgency. And Rosé smiled. „Okay.“ The panties were discarded of in one swift motion, leaving Denali’s bottom bare apart from the skirt bunching at her waist.
Rosé had never seen something more beautiful. Her lips attached to the other girls neck, kissing down her jaw and along her collarbones urgently, intensely. The palms of her hands wandered over Denali’s thighs, indulging in the feeling of soft skin and muscle, teasing over her bare ass before wandering back to her front. One hand settled on her hips, a body part of hers Rosé was already obsessed with, as the other slowly snaked closer and closer to her center.
One finger ran over the outside of her labia experimentally, and Rosé sucked in a sharp breath at the slick coating her index finger immediately. Lips pressed against Denali’s pulse point, she mumbled.
„You’re so fucking wet already.“ A chuckle, and then a small bite. „All for me.“
The whine Denali let out was guttural, her hips jerking upwards into Rosé‘s hand, chasing something, anything she could get.
„Please“, she panted, eyes pressed shut in pure, hot need.
Rosé graced the spot she bit with a gentle kiss, her tongue licking along the length of Denali’s neck. „Anything for you“, she promised, and she meant it.
Her hand repositioned, palm pressing down on Denali’s clit and the girl gasped out loudly, pushing up against the new friction. Rosé drank up the sight of it, the sounds of Denali’s pleasure, the feeling of her hot skin against hers a better drug than anything she’d ever tried and will ever try. Nothing could beat this.
She let Denali grind against her, once, twice, before her other hand pushed her hip back down onto the blanket again, eliciting a small cry of frustration from Denali.
Rosé chuckled, leaning up to press a small kiss to her lips. „Relax princess“, she smiled, and Denali audibly sighed into the kiss at the new nickname.
And just as her body relaxed underneath Rosé, the first finger pushed inside her, drawing a teasing circle around her entrance before sliding in with no resistance at all. Denali’s head hit the ground, eyes pressed shut and her mouth falling open at the feeling. A second finger joined, the slick, wet sound music to their ears.
Rosé wasted no time, quickly settling into a fast paced rhythm, pumping in and out relentlessly.
Denali mewled, her hands grabbing for something to hold onto, a request Rosé quickly complied. Her other hand wandered back up her body, along her hip, right in the middle of her chest, goosebumps rising on the sensitive skin. Her hand quickly found Denali’s, fingers interlacing over the other girls head, and the way her hips pushed up into Rosé‘s hand at the new position drove the other girl insane. Rosé’s head dove down, connecting back to Denali’s neck in a fierce, fiery kiss, sucking on the hot skin in sync with her fingers.
Heat built up in Denali’s stomach, a tingling sensation slowly creeping further through her body like spreading mist, until her entire world was nothing but rose tinted heat.
„Rosie, I… I‘m gonna-“, and then, with one more buck of her hips into Rosé‘s pumping fingers, she came undone. The other girls name on her lips, she couldn’t tell if it was a scream or a whisper, body collapsing onto the blanket, her only connection to reality the feeling of Rosé‘s hand holding hers, her thumb running over her palm as she slowly pulled out.
In this moment, they both felt complete.
For Rosé, more than she ever had before. Denali was the missing puzzle piece for her restlessness. She finally made her feel at peace, right here, just live in the moment. She was the only thing that mattered.
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lady-of-endless · 7 months
hiii! hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if i could get a match up? preferably w a guy pls
appearance wise: i’m 5’7, so taller for a girl, a little chubby, super pale, i have big freckles all over my face and shoulders, i also have dark circles (that paired with pale skin makes me look a little dead), kind of droopy hazel eyes, black hair, i have both nostrils pierced plus a few different ear piercings, some tattoos, a lot of scars (from surgeries and different things), and i really love alternative fashion so i tend to wear mostly black, but i’m still pretty hyperfeminine when it comes to clothes and makeup and stuff.
other stuff abt me: i’m pretty shy until i get to know someone, i have really bad social anxiety, but then i’m usually pretty goofy. i love making ppl laugh it’s my favorite. i have the sense of humor of a 16 year old boy though (i think fart jokes are so funny). i tend to anger quickly and am generally kind of angsty. i really love horror in any kind of form, but especially movies. i also really love vampires. i’m neurodivergent x3 lol. been through a lot of trauma. i also really love making art and seeing other people’s art. i really love music, specifically alternative rock. i’m kind of a stoner. i’m also a nerd, i like collecting things (coins, antiques, figurines, comic books and manga). i love all animals but especially cats and bats. i’m a crybaby. i tend to show love by teasing ppl but i love being sweet too. i thinks that’s it???
sorry if that’s all over the place! and thank you for doing this <3 i appreciate it so much!
Author's Note: Thank you for your request, dear! You seem so cool omg 😍 Hope you'll enjoy it!
I ship you with...Eustass Kid!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- I feel like you two will bond over your sense of humor. You'll get bonus points from him if you joke about Law with him.
- Your relationship will probably go from allies to friends and then lovers. Going from allies to friends will take a lot for him as he's used to trusting only a few people. But the last two stages are extremely close because once he considers you a close friend, he will feel more comfortable around you and understood. And so, he will realize that he feels something more for you.
- Look, I'm going to say it, Kid might check you out on multiple occasions because he thinks you're so neat with the tattoos and piercings and overall aesthetic. Plus, the hyperfeminine vibe is a contrast to his liking.
- The fact that you're a bit shy at times and because you have social anxiety, he will be both your lover and your guard in the sense that he'll absolutely wreck anyone who might put you in a nasty situation. No one messes with you without consequences.
- Kid noticed some hints about your traumas and wants to help. However, he's so damn frustrated that he does not know how. He won't tell you anything, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. He's just going to let you know that he will always be there for you if you decide to share your past with him. He has been through a lot as well so he knows how that burden feels.
- Please, playfully tease him for enjoying your sweet kind of affection. You'll get to see such a pretty blush on this man's face.
- You both tend to anger quickly and because of this you can either calm one another down or make a sum out of that anger. He won't get angry at you, knowing about your anxious tendency. However, if you ever decide to put yourself in danger, that's when he'll get angry with you.
- I feel like Kid will not admit that he also collects things and that won't stop him from teasing you about it, playfully of course. Jokes aside, I can see him getting really curious about what you're collecting.
-He also enjoys alternative rock from time to time. The moment he enjoys it the most is when he's fixing something in his workshop and your favorite tunes are playing and he can also hear you humming that song.
- Talking about stuff to do in his workshop, he'll love it to have you close by making art as he, again, is fixing something.
- Horror movies? Count him in. He would propose a marathon with you and his whole crew.
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bamber344 · 10 months
sharing some Addison Project WIP for WIP Wednesday. finally started working on the first draft and having a lot of fun with it! Introducing foreign concepts is always a blast.
The two people finally walked around the room and into view. Her guess had been spot on; one krytian and one half-krytian. The krytian was tall and broad, with a long snout full of sharp teeth. His eyes were a slightly luminescent night-sky blue, all iris and no sclera, with slitted pupils like those of a cat that seemed to stare right into Addison’s soul. A tail swished from side-to-side behind him, covered with the same white scales as the rest of his body. A magnificent pair of horns sat upon his head, almost scraping the ceiling in their splendor. Most curiously, there seemed to be a symbol of some sort, painted or tattooed on his forehead; a circle, intersected by a strange shape.  The half-krytian was much less intimidating. As most half-krytians did, he still bore the iconic horns of their species, but everything else about him just seemed… wimpy. He was somehow both short and lanky at the same time, with an equally skinny tail that wrapped around one of his legs nervously. His sandy-blonde hair was limp and greasy, his otherwise tan skin was dotted with white scales in random places like freckles, and even his eyes, which were the same entrancing blue as his companion’s, lacked any hint of the intensity of the krytian’s. It probably didn’t help that his pupils were dilating in the dark room, making him look at least five years younger than he probably was and giving him the air of a lost puppy. If Addison had to guess, she would say that this was a father-son duo, based on their similar features.
a lot of stuff in this is still placeholder, like the name 'krytian', dunno if i'm gonna stick with it in the end product, but the designs should stay relatively the same. Did the designs come across okay? feedback welcome!
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