#like the old lady is definitely a creep i do NOT trust her
a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
But at the same time just... thinking about vaggie wanting to grow old with charlie. that sort of show of *trust*, of being vulnerable with charlie in a way no one's been with her before.
and it probably takes some more conversations, but... I want to hope that charlie eventually understands just what vaggie means when she wants to spend the rest of her days with charlie. and how much meaning that carries when those days are *finite*...
well this almost turned into a fic now didn't it? hm. whoops
(had Reinaeiry's song "Left Behind" on repeat for this ^w^;)
.... a new sinner comes to the hotel, sometime After.
they came in past the giant golden Dazzle statue out front, creep through the foyer, tense and ready for a trap, spot Sir Pentious's portrait- and the matching one, hanging up next to it
(fresh flowers sitting in vases under them both)
it's a picture of a woman. Steel grey skin, faded angel wings, a missing eye- deep laugh lines at the corners of the eye she has left
she's leaning back in a chair, sitting casually in her hotel manager uniform, her thin smile a little crooked and a little sharp- definitely someone used to having problems and finding solutions. Not someone to mess with. The walking stick in one hand is held more like a weapon
there's a wedding band on her finger, on full display she reaches up to cover the hand resting on her shoulder
(rest of that person out of sight) (hand clawed and pale as porcelain, cuff of a red suit bleeding out of frame)
and it's odd to see someone else sharing a memorial picture-
(more than one person had died a little, that day)
-but more odd than that is the way looking at the picture makes the sinner frown.
they're still frowning when the hotel founder wanders over
(done arranging for a new room) (doing double duty as hotel manager) (laughed it off earlier- hasn't yet found the time to put up a job openings ad) (a bad liar)
and she's a lanky, tall demon in a red suit, looking more like a living doll than a princess of hell, proper demon image only hinted at with the claws and the fangs
she shows off the fangs when she smiles at the portrait of the woman- then, belatedly, at the new hotel guest
(still their hotel) (still their new guest) (even After...)
she asks,
"Like them?" and smiles a little wider (wider than a human could) (a little forced now) "They're, pretty cool pictures, huh?"
the new guest hums noncommittally. Still frowning
a laugh from the demon standing next to them, clasping her hands, spinning ring on one finger-
"I guess it's harder to know how good a picture it is, if you've never met the person in it." a hard swallow. "She would've.... really liked to have be here. To meet you."
"Not sure I'd want to meet her," a quip, thoughtless, not looking over. "Kinda a scary lady."
the demon's stricken look "-does she look scary?"
a casual shrug. "Just a feeling. Seems like she meant business."
"She did..." fangs biting into lips, smile gone, shoulders slumping, the demon caving inwards. "....but not like that. She, she was scary for people she loved- and kind. And thoughtful and-"
"What about him?" pointing at Sir Pentious in full battle gear, egg boyz everywhere.
the demon's very weak attempt at a smile. "Oh, you'll see him around eventually. He comes down to visit when he can, and likes calling a lot in between."
eyebrows lifting. Realizing. "He's the one who made it to heaven?"
"He is. He-"
"But not her?"
tall frame hunching, horns out now, dark marks bleeding down pale cheeks like burnt tears. A tail lashing silently behind her.
the demon breathes carefully. Gingerly.
"She... wasn't here to be saved. Not like- not like that."
a dubious, suspicious noise- the hotel is still a new idea even after all these years- a brand new addition to the fabric of creation with a lot of trust issues still to iron out.
"So what happened?" the sinner prods, watching carefully out of the corner of one eye. "Why's her picture up there with his?"
that gets a smile again, strangely.
a tearful one and a thickness in the demon's voice, but still a smile as she steps forward, reaching up to the portrait frame- touching it, lightly, with a pale, clawed hand that matches the one resting on the painted woman's shoulder.
"...they both gave their lives to their friends."
the demon whispers, still smiling.
"They made their home here, in the hotel, with us, and... and they'll always still be here. They'll never. Really leave-"
the words cut off and the sinner shuffles awkwardly in the silence
staring up at the portrait together, one frowning sinner-
-one hell princess slowly leaning against the woman's gilded frame, forehead butting it desperately, clearly trying hard not to cry in front of the first new guest
(that she's had to greet on her own)
finally the sinner speaks up (uncomfortable with pity) (a dangerous, weak thing to feel in hell) scowling hard at the woman's portrait, demanding-
"Where's her spear?"
the demon turns, wet faced, surprised. "Oh- she didn't want..." Blinks. "Her. Spear?"
"The cane thing looks stupid." crossed arms, a judgmental eye. head tilted to the left like bird, like the right eye was better at looking at things- "It's just a stick. How's she supposed to deal with stuff with just a flimsy piece of crap like that? The thing doesn't even have a blade."
"It had one." murmurs the demon, still shocked. Slowly straightening. "It had, hidden inside, there was a blade- Niffty made it for-"
the demon stops. Frowns.
"But. You didn't know her. The spear... How did you know about the-"
another shrug. "Just vibes."
"She looks like a spear kinda girl."
a flex of the sinner's empty hand, gripping empty air, glaring up at the cane in the woman's hand-
"Just seems right, you know? Better than the stupid twig stick."
the demon eyes flicking down to watch, staring. "...she called her cane that, too."
a faint comment drifting up like the ghost of years gone by.
snorting, the sinner turns away. "I bet." eyes the rest of the hotel with hands on hips, critical and on edge with that stare still burning between tense shoulder blades. "So where's my turf in this place? I'm guessing I don't have to fight for it first, right?"
"Room 12, second floor." many times rehearsed words finally popping out without thought. "Key's on the front desk. I'll show you up-"
"Don't bother." sinner already striding off, clearly glad to get away. "I won't kill anyone on the way there, don't worry."
"I wasn't.... that's not why I..."
there's something. Something about that brisk, focused way of walking. Something in the set of those shoulders-
(like a military march) (like the shoulders are braced for wings that aren't there)
(like the sinner should be carrying a spear-)
Charlie lurches forward.
heart in her throat, fist in her chest, frozen as the sinner pauses at the foot of the main stairs and looks back.
something in that strange face softens. (pity?) (something else...?)
"... not my name, sweetie."
the sinner's smile is crooked. unscarred eyes understanding, and sad.
"She your wife?"
no past tense. just the gaping whole in Charlie- ripped open fresh, thundering and bleeding under her shirt as she stares and stares and tries to see- "Yes." seeing ghosts where there aren't any. "We. For, for so many wonderful years..."
the crooked smile soft as well as sad now, as the sinner thumbs the room key and takes a moment, looking back up at the portrait above Charlie.
"Good for her."
a touch bitter- a sigh, sharp. Pained.
"And, you. Some of us.. never even find who we were looking for, before we lose our chance at having a life with them."
turning and gone in the next second, before anything else slips out. The glint in suddenly exhausted eyes-
Charlie, standing under Vaggie's portrait, slowly starting to shake.
Not this-
Slowly backing up against the wall. Claws reaching out, sinking in, ruining wallpaper as the world tilts and turns and Charlie braces her weak knees against the fall.
"-it's not. It's not."
It can't be. The side of the bed that wasn't Charlie's even when she woke up curled up in it- that was real. The dusty spear propped in a corner of their room that Charlie hadn't put there and didn't want there and couldn't bring herself to move- THAT was real.
The portrait behind her, painted when the limp and her balance first started getting bad, when Vaggie still called her cane a 'stupid twig stick' but wouldn't pretend she didn't need it, wouldn't swap it for her spear when Charlie had offered, carried proudly anyway and smirked about smacking ankles when people annoyed her... mostly just thumbed it thoughtfully, when she thought Charlie wasn't looking, smiling that crooked wondering smile- THAT had been- that was-
Charlie could turn around right now and see all of it memorialized behind her (always behind her now) (always in the past, being left further behind).
Charlie had NOT seen, anything else. Because nothing else could BE real.
nothing as real as long limbs folding in, crumping under that damn framed picture, ignoring Husk's worried look from the bar. Husk, glancing up after the new guest, also frowning now-
Charlie and the old habit of hugging herself tightly back together, something not even a lifetime with Vaggie had ever fully broke her out of.
(only ONE lifetime) (not hers)
(her stupid deal hadn't worked in the end) (promise broken for nothing) (Vaggie had died)
(she can't be-)
She can't do this again.
exact words are a bitch sometimes
"Don't let me die without her." (never said- and make sure she doesn't have to live and die alone either, without me)
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traveler-of-realms · 1 year
Faelit was a place to get into all sorts of trouble. It’ll definitely find you, even if you’re sitting on the front steps of a building, waiting for someone to come back.
Ces had left me alone. Only for a moment, but it was long enough for another woman to find me. I jumped as a heavy weight creaked the woods steps beneath me. “Hey, old pal. What’s good?”
A demon woman was smiling at me. Two large horns swept back from her temples, with two smaller ones doing the same below them. They hid two long, tapered ears, and were partially hidden by the mess of curly red hair atop her head. Her skin was red at the edges and faded into a more human pink towards the center. Two rows of fanged teeth showed as she pulled a mischievous grin.
“I don’t know you,” I said, carefully.
She languidly stretched out and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I froze. “Yeah, there’s a creepy lady following me. So now we’re best friends, and we’ve done cool things together and we’ll go on adventures in the future. Because that’s what pals do. Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together.” She laughed at my expression. “I’m just teasing you. So. What’s your name?”
“Jaden.” I mean, those high heel boots probably could make a good weapon against creeps, but that was just my opinion.
“Oh. I like it. Nice name for a nice…” She squinted at me. “Enby?”
“Yeah,” I said, surprised.
“We get a lot of people like that around here. Plenty of species don’t do gender. I’m KJ. Or Kate. Whichever.” She casually wiped some unseen crumbs off her tank top. “What brings you to Faelit?”
“Someone named Ces brought me here. I don’t know why, honestly.”
“Shut up! She’s still alive? I’m gonna have to get a good look at her. I’m assuming she just left you here like a child in a hot car, huh?” I nodded. “Eh. She does that. I’ll keep ya company.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you? Species, I mean. I’m sorry.” Now my curiosity was really piqued.
“Chill out. Your kind calls us demons, and our realm Hell. Though you won’t end up there due to masturbating or not forgiving the person who took the last cake slice at a potluck, I can tell you that.” She took out a flask from her cargo pants and took a sip. I shook my head as she offered it to me. “Weird species, humans. You want to go inside? Grab a bite or a drink? My treat. Ces might not be back for a while.”
I paused. “Tempting offer. Where are we going?”
KJ gestured up the stairs. “In there. It’s a cafe by day and a night club by sundown. You look like you could use a coffee or something.”
“They have things a human can eat?”
She laughed. “Yeah, but it’s slim pickings. We don’t get many around here, you see. Don’t worry, Barry will know what to get you. He’s an expert on biology.” She got up and climbed the stairs. “Come on. Don’t be shy now.”
As much as I didn’t really trust her, I hadn’t really eaten or drank anything since Ces pulled me here. I was getting a bit weak. Feeling like a bit of a whiner, I followed KJ.
The cafe itself was beautiful. Windows that acted as portals lined the left wall, while the right one was taken up by the counter and all the coffee equipment. Every once in a while, the windows would shift scenes, or someone would enter or leave through them. Each table was intricately carved and decorated with unique designs, as were the four chairs each one had. The wooden walls were a soft yellow color, contrasting with the red-brown tiles. Patrons were few right now, but conversation was kept to a murmur. The small chandeliers cast just the right amount of bright, cheery light across the place. It was introvert me’s version of heaven, essentially.
KJ walked up to the counter and softly tapped her knuckles on it. A shadow bloomed into existence, and then a person stepped out of it. Well, it was more like a person shaped hole in the world, if that makes sense. The shadow figure tilted its head at KJ.
“It’s been a long time, miss. Who’s your—“ the male voice stopped cold as his head turned towards me.
“Barry, this is Jaden. Found them in the dump outside. Jaden, Barry. Now make nice.”
Barry didn’t move or speak for a long while. “KJ,” he dropped his voice to a whisper, “where did he come from? I thought humans couldn’t travel here.”
“Ces brought me here,” I offered. “She’s…repaying me for a favor I did her.”
“I see. Well, what can I get you? I’m not sure what humans like to eat or drink, but KJ should be able to help you find something.” Barry set two mugs on the table.
KJ ordered some kind of roasted food that ended up being on fire, and a red boiling liquid. For me, she suggested a few dishes that were far too unfamiliar for me to feel brave enough to eat. Some kind of deformed squid, overly suspicious jelly, fish with seven eyes grilled to near burnt…
I settled on a pastry filled with something that tasted like a pig-chicken hybrid, with a hint of barbecue. I also got a tall glass of water with oddly shaped ice cubes. KJ paid for it all with a currency I never saw before and coaxed me to sit down at a cafe table near a window.
“So…” She smirked at me. “Let’s talk.”
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personshapedsplder · 2 years
any other baz luhrman stans here? anyone else watch the secret life of flowers h&m ad LOL i cannot put my finger on it but it gives me such a slimey feeling XD someone tell me they get it A;LKDJF
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stripperblvd · 2 years
Taken (Jason Voorhees)
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Warnings: Slight angst bc reader was kidnapped
Word Count: 860
Requested: Anon
Honestly, living with Jason had a lot of adjusting to do, but when actually settling it wasn’t bad. You learned to live with his choice of…cleaning up, and in doing so earned a trust he and his mother would’ve never thought would be given to an outsider. Especially now when said outsider ended up falling head over heels for the beautifully monstrous Jason.
The evening had been filled with much boredom. After a sapping branch bruised your arm Jason saw it fit to settle you on an old half fallen couch,  instructing you to do nothing but rest and ‘recover’. Honestly it wasn’t even that big of a deal, you felt fine and it’s not like you had any pains that inhibited you from daily life. But no, to Jason this definitely was a big deal, more so when you both realized that a group of rather rowdy teens had just snuck into the grounds. Beer bottles and an outstanding amount of ‘protection’ trailed their ways as they settled deep into the tree infested woods. You knew what this meant, and all though most times you felt a twinge of guilt, those remorseful feelings were quickly swept away when your window managed to catch the gut scrambling fact that this particular group had no issue turning one on ones into group wide activities.
Now that it was closer to 1 am, you could feel annoyance starting to creep in. So far barely over half of the group of eight had been killed off, three remaining after one mistakenly fell into the lake and drowned. “Drunk idiot” you mumbled, turning to your cabin door to make sure it was locked so that no stranger could get in. In one sparing moment you realized that locking it from the very beginning should’ve crossed your mind sooner. Three panting and shit scared bodies crashed the heavy wooden door on your tired frame, knocking you down hard on the cold dirty floor. So much force drove a deep lack of awareness through your body as the intruders crowded around you. “We have to take her with us, she’ll die out here” one voice boomed over the other pair and before your weakened state could fight, a pair of bulky arms rose you from the hard wood and onto their shoulders.
Too much was happening for you to register even half of it, you tried kicking, your efforts only coming out as small convulsions. Only one word was able to climb from your throat and launch itself into the night. “Jason” you coughed out, head pounding rhythmically with bolts of pain and soreness. “Listen lady, whoever Jason is he’s probably dead, that freak out there killed him but you need to shut the fuck up because we’re risking a lot taking you with us” the voice sounded feminne, unlike the one that responded to it. “Lisa what the fuck, stop being a cunt this girl’s probably been through hell, look at that mark on her arm, that aint no dandy whack”.
But, before another voice could speak up a loud crack and yell broke the bickering up. Your body once more hit a hard floor, this time hitting your legs on what you think were tree roots. Your ears only caught slivers of pained screams and a deep huff before you blanked out, succumbing to the condition you found yourself in now.
Your senses returned to you only after day had broken, a warm orange ray of light settled itself on you as your eyes slowly adjusted to the new found brightness. Under your back you felt a small stirr, and it only took a small turn of your neck to see where you now laid. With small dried up specs of blood, a worried Jason looked down at you, scanning over your face. You  now realized where you were. Not in a cold damp forest, but in the arms of your beloved man. A small smile etched itself on your face, that was a close call. One that Jason would not let go for the life of him. “I’m okay” you said softly, nuzzling your face into the chest of your boyfriend, hoping to envelop yourself in the loving comfort that he provided. You only received a small grunt from your much larger partner.
“I promise Jason, It was just the fall that made me drowsy, I’ll be fine, look there’s not even a bump.” You laughed, touching your forehead to make sure your body agreed with your words. With a huff Jason proceeded to wrap his massive arms around you, pulling you into a closing embrace by the wait and offering you a muffin, one that you assumed he probably took from last night’s visitors since you hadn’t made any this week. “Thank you. I love you, I really do and I promise I'll do better. It wasn’t my intention to make you worried.” You replied. Jason nodded, settling you both down and giving you some room to eat the pastry comfortably. You’ll be more careful next time, if not for you then for the sweet man that was holding you right now.
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Not A Date
Summary: You’re Bruce’s cute little intern and he has a crush on you, but doesn’t want to admit it. Except Thor’s kind of his best friend and can tell. He just needs a little push.
Pairings: Bruce Banner x black!reader x Thor
Warnings: smut, mmf threesome, age gap, daddy kink, swearing
(A/N: decided to change it up a little to celebrate 500 followers 🥳. It’s a little long. Enjoy, like, and reblog.)
Tagged: @titty-teetee​, @harrysthiccthighss​, @iam-laiya, @sweeterthanthis , @night-of-the-living-shred​, @mariahthelioness29, @liquorlaughslove, @blackmissfrizzle
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Bruce would have never thought about being with someone that worked under him until you. He liked to think of himself as a man with integrity when he wasn’t the Hulk. Yet he found himself thinking about you in the worst ways.
It was worse because you were half his age. He never wanted to cross that line. Despite Tony trying to convince him to ask you out for drinks. He didn’t wanna freak you out or make you think he was a creep. You really had no business looking that sexy in a lab coat, though.
What was worse was that it seemed like he couldn’t get a break from you. You genuinely enjoyed his company. You were eager to learn and Banner was definitely eager to teach you.
The only problem? Thor had taken a liking to you. How the fuck was he supposed to compete with that.
Would you rather have Banner? A nerd that spends all day in the lab or Thor. A king from another planet whose people had been forced hereafter said planet had been destroyed. The choice seemed pretty obvious to him.
Not that Thor wasn’t great. After everything that’s happened Bruce and Thor were practically best friends. Thor gotten him through a really rough time and obviously Banner had been there to help the god save his people. Then after everything with Thanos. They’d bonded in a way neither of them had expected.
He doesn’t even know why he tortures himself thinking about it. It was bad enough that the King of New Asgard was making googly eyes at you. Or that you seemed to be reciprocating it.
You were doing it right now. Laughing about something he said while his friend trailed his different colored eyes up and down your body. He couldn’t even blame him.
“Banner, you want to come out with us for dinner?” Thor had asked as you’d started taking off your coat getting ready to leave the lab for the day.
Bruce sighed. Why did Thor have to torture him like that. “No, it’s okay.”
“Oh, come on, Dr. Banner,” your voice was so smooth and sultry. Like you were always about to whisper something dirty. “Come out with us. All work and no play make you a dull boy.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose on your date,” he said as he finished packing up.
You tilted your head to the side with those confused puppy dog eyes. “Date? This isn’t a date. We’re just bored. And I wanna get drunk.”
“Yeah.” Thor nodded. “Just three friends having a few drinks and dinner.”
Banner looked between the two. Both of them with those sweet looks on their faces. Why the fuck did Thor have to be one of the nicest beings he’d ever met. It was hard to say no to him.
“Okay fine. Where are we going?” He asked as he finished packing up.
“It doesn’t matter as long as I get nachos!” You replied with a grin. “But I need to change first. I feel icky.”
Bruce had decided to do the same. He didn’t want to admit it, but he wanted to at least look nice for the first time you’d be seeing him out of work. Not that he was planning on acting out on any feelings. Again. He didn’t wanna freak you out.
“I know your secret.” Thor narrowed his eyes with a smirk on his face making Bruce almost smack onto him when he’d walked out of his room.
“Jesus, Thor!” He put his hand over his heart trying to not freak out completely.
He put his hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I do know your secret, though.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You like Lady Y/N. Am I right?”
His jaw dropped, but he tried to sober up quickly. “Wha- what. Why, why would, what makes you think that?” He stuttered.
“I’m a fertility god.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I can tell these things.”
“Oh...” he trailed off his cheeks getting bright red.
Thor laughed. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. She’s beautiful.”
“She’s half my age,” he replied.
“So?” He frowned in confusion. Of course, Thor would have no concept of an age difference when he’d lived through centuries.
Bruce sighed. “So, it’ll look odd if I start dating my twenty-five-year-old intern, Thor.”
He shrugged. “Look I’m sure Stark has done much worse. Don’t worry about what people will think or you’ll never get your chance.”
You sipped from your margarita from your spot beside him. Why’d you have to be so close. Not that he was complaining. You’d started drinking the tequila before you’d even gotten the chance to get your food.
It was so different seeing you out of the lab and compound. You were dressed so simply in a white v neck tucked into your black jeans and a pair of black boots, but you looked so good. Your hair was up and done in your natural look. Like a cute pineapple.
“Wait, can either of you even get drunk?” You asked.
Thor had set down his beer and nodded. “I can, there’s nothing like Asgardian mead, though. What about you, Banner?”
“I don’t drink. Not sure how the big guy would react,” he answered.
She nodded. “That makes sense. Hope you guys don’t mind if I get drunk as fuck.”
“Feel free,” Thor replied. “We’ll protect you. Won’t we?” Thor kicked him lightly under the table.
“Yeah... yeah,” Bruce replied.
“Dr. Banner, loosen up. We’re here to have fun.” You nudged him.
“Yeah you’re right,” he replied a tiny smile appearing on his face as he tapped his fingers against the table. “I guess a beer wouldn’t hurt. If anything, we can just stay at Tony’s.”
“How many homes does this man have?” You asked wrinkling your nose. 
Thor spun around with you on his back as you guys walked towards the entrance of the complex Bruce had told you that Tony wouldn’t mind if the three of you crashed in for the night. Just because Stark Tower was gone didn’t mean the billionaire didn’t have other properties around New York.
Banner laughed as he walked behind the both of you. He’d stuck to a beer to be safe and had loosened up at least a tad. He’d enjoyed seeing you have fun more than anything. All those stories the three of you would share. Of course, nothing compared to the odd adventures Thor had over the centuries, but still entertaining nonetheless.
Once you’d made it in you pretty much skipped inside as you looked around the penthouse. “Wow is it weird that I’m surprised that he’s trusting us with this place?”
“What’s not to trust?” Banner asked with a chuckle.
“Oh, come on. This is the face of a troublemaker.” You made a kissy face at him.
He shook his head. “You look like you stay up watching Bill Nye the Science Guy.”
Your jaw dropped. “Hey! Bill Nye is a national treasure. I used to have a crush on him. I think I have a thing for nerds.” You shrugged as you walked over to the kitchen.
Thor wiggled his eyebrows at Banner before motioning at him with his head. Bruce in turn shook his head at his friend. “Just talk to her,” Thor whispered still a little too loudly.
“No,” he replied.
“Think Tony will get mad if I drink some of his wine?” You asked as you took a wine glass.
“Eh, Stark will be fine,” Thor replied. “Enjoy yourself.”
So, the three of you had settled down to watch a movie. You’d also maybe raided the pantry which led to you and Thor throwing M&Ms into each other’s mouths while Bruce munched on chips. “At least Tony let us stay in the place that has snacks.” You laughed.
“Or does he know?” Thor asked with a smirk leaning over to steal one of Bruce’s chips.
“We’re not breaking and entering, are we? Because you guys might be able to get out of it, but...”
“We’re fine,” he answered, waving you off. “This is like the party house.”
“Yeah and where he goes when he wants to snack away from Pepper,” Bruce said with a smirk on his face.
“Wow shady, Dr. Banner,” you gasped with a giggle.
He groaned. “How many times have I told you to call me Bruce.”
“What if I like it?” You teased. “Besides if I call you Bruce I’m gonna end up calling you Brucie.”
“How about you can call me whatever you want then.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and he knew he was in for trouble. “Fine. What if I call you Daddy?”
For a minute, Bruce was sure his brain had short circuited. As soon as that word left your mouth, he could feel it happen. He closed his eyes for a minute. Almost like he was savoring it. He opened his mouth ready to say something witty or flirty or anything and, “Uhhhh...” It was like his voice had short circuited.
“Bruce, I’m kidding.” You laughed as you stood up, poking his shoulder. “I’ll be right back. I have to pee.”
As his friend was trying to process what had just happened, Thor sat beside staring at him with a dopey grin on his face. “I told you,” he teased waving his hands excitedly.
“She was just joking,” he quickly retorted.
Thor shook his head still absolutely beaming. “No. She’s totally into you.”
Bruce groaned because even if you were, it was still so inappropriate. “Thor, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. Who’s going to stop you?” Thor shrugged. “Now fuck the twenty-five-year-old or whatever that is.”
“Thor!” Banner said, feeling himself almost lose control. The Hulk must have had a crush on you, too, because he did not like the other man talking about you like that.
Thor quickly sobered up, not meaning to push him that far. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he said.
“Is everything okay?” You asked peeking out of the bathroom. You looked a little panicked because in the few weeks you’d been helping him you’d never seen him go Hulk. This was the first time you’d even gotten a glimpse of him.
“Yeah. Just...” Thor looked at Bruce. “Give us a minute, Sweetheart.”
“Okay,” you replied softly biting your lip and close the door again. You’d already been over so many evacuations plan for just in case it happened, but you kind of cared about him so it would be kinda hard to see him like that.
“You okay?”
Bruce had his eyes closed and nodded. “No. I’m fine. I just... he wanted to come out and play a little.”
“You sure? We can go for a walk if you want. Clear your mind or whatever.”
He laughed. “No. I’m okay. Thanks. Y/N, you can come in!”
You peeked your head out again, looking between the two of them. “Everything cool?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” Bruce answered feeling a little bad if he’d scared you. 
You came back over and took a seat on the couch that was across from them. Like you weren’t sure if you should get close. 
“Y/N, you can sit here,” he said, looking down at your former spot on the floor. 
You knew he hadn’t done it on purpose, but this kind of felt like a command and you found yourself complying. You weren’t even sure if it was from what’d just happened or from the daddy thing. “Okay,” you replied softly, making your way over.
You sat criss cross applesauce in between them. Thor peeked out from over the top of your head, staring him down. ‘Do it,” the god mouthed to him. You looked over and groaned. “Shoot forgot to get more wine,” you said standing up again.
“Banner, be a man,” Thor mumbled.
“I could say the same thing for you.” 
“I am a man. I would have kissed her already. Taken control. Like a man.”
“I don’t want to scare her off.”
“So, you do like her!” Another grin grew on his face. “I told you.”
Bruce groaned softly. “Why would I want to do that with you here anyway?”
“Just trust me on this,” he replied as you walked up with another glass. They probably should have stopped you because by now you were pretty tipsy.
“Ohh, trust you with what?” You asked, sitting back in your spot.
“Nothing,” Banner replied. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does, but he won’t admit it.” Thor added with a dramatic sigh. 
You scrunched up your face in this cute pout as you got on your knees to wrap your arms around Bruce’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Brucie. I won’t let Thor bully you.”
Thor was so giddy. 
Your breasts were so close to his face. “I thought you were supposed to call me Daddy?” He asked, looking up at you.
You got back on your knees your arms still around him. “Bruce! You’re so bad.” He could have done it. Just moved a little bit closer. Instead he froze again. 
At that exact moment. While you were waiting right there. For him to just move closer to you. To connect your lips. His fucking phone rang. He groaned, resting his head against your shoulder. He dug it into his pockets to answer it. “Fucking Tony.”
You retracted your arms as he got up to take it. You leaned back resting your ass on your heels. “What, Tony?” He said a little harshly into the phone after he’d made it into the hallway.
“Where’d you put my wrench?” He asked and Bruce could hear the clattering of things being moved in the background. 
“Seriously? This is what you’re calling me about?” Bruce laughed sarcastically.
“I texted you, but you never got back to me. I knew you three were out on your date thing.”
“It’s not a date, we’re just hanging out,” Bruce replied clearing his throat. “Why would you call it a date?”
“Yeah, whatever. Keep lying to yourselves. Anyway, where’s my wrench?”
It took a minute, but he’d finally found it and he was hoping he could get back to where the two of you were a moment ago. 
It didn’t even make any sense. He was a fifty-year-old man, he shouldn’t have even been trying anything with you. Yet there he was ready to risk it all. For as Thor kept putting it, twenty-five-year-old pussy.
Of course, though, Bruce had the worst luck in the world. Between the Hulk and that whole thing. Making Ultron. Yeah, he’d fucked up a few times. Apparently walking away from you was one because there you were with his one of his best friends making out with you just like how he was supposed to.
Thor pulled away from your mouth to start kissing her neck. His hand went to one of her breasts. You looked up at him with this troublemaker eyes. “I told you to be a man, Bruce,” Thor said, in between nips on your skin. “So, I’m showing you how.”
He could feel his face getting hot. Like the big guy was threatening to come. He didn’t want you to see him like that, but as you stood up you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“It’s okay. I have enough holes for the both of you.”
His jaw dropped, but he couldn’t respond as you’d already smashed your lips into his. Your mouths worked together. His hands stayed at his side as you pushed him back until he could sit on the couch.
You climbed on his lap. Straddling him as his hands went to your ass like it was an instinct. He could pretty much hear the Hulk actually giving him kudos for doing it.
“See how much better that is,” Thor said sitting next to the two of you as he started kissing your neck.
Bruce thought for a minute. He should be telling Thor to go away, but the fertility god was just trying to help him out. Maybe he could play and not really touch.
“Brucie,” you moaned as he started to trail down your neck with his lips.
“Been teasing me all night. Haven’t you?” He said, into your ear.
You nodded with a chuckle as you started to roll your hips against him. He moaned into your neck as he cupped the bottom of your ass. You gasped, “Daddy.”
His dick rubbed into you in the most delicious way. Fuck he felt so damn good. “That’s such a good girl,” Thor said, coming to sit the beside of you.
“Thor!” Bruce pulled away.
Thor rolled his eyes. “Stop making this weird.”
You laughed grabbing the man who’s lap you were currently on top of. “It’s okay,” you said in such a cute way, your body perking up.
He sighed before looking at Thor who started to kiss your neck again. You didn’t even give him a chance to think as you smashed your lips against his. It didn’t take long for that to become his focus.
One of them started to pull your shirt up making the other follow. You helped them as you pulled it from your body, lifting it over your head. They kissed the tops of your breasts as Thor reached behind to undo your bra. “Look at these beautiful fucking tits,” Thor said licking your nipple.
Banner went back up to your lips, grabbing your ass with so much more force. Suddenly Bruce stood up with you wrapped around his waist. Ended up dropping you so your back was against the couch. You squealed then laughed as he started kissing you again.
There was still enough room between the two of you to where Thor could fondle you and kiss your neck. Honestly you felt like a fucking goddess with the two of them worshipping you like that.
You started to undo Banner’s shirt needing so much more. He helped to undo the rest while you reached forward to unfasten his belt. He was quick to help so you could start to work off your own pants.
It all happened so quickly. Before he knew it the both of you were naked and you were ready for him to fuck you. “Please,” you whined.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“For you to fuck me.”
Just like that he slammed into you, not being able to wait anymore. Fuck it had felt so good. He’d been wanting to do this ever since you started coming around. All that pent-up sexual frustration.
The noises coming out of your mouth were perfect. He couldn’t believe he was finally inside of you. “Yes,” you moaned.
Thor had taken his dick from his pants as he watched the two of you. Bruce never thought he’d find himself here. Fucking you with his best friend stroking himself as he watched. It was probably hotter than any porn he’d ever watched.
“Harder,” you whimpered.
“Fuck her like a man, Banner,” Thor groaned. “Like the slut she is.”
“Yes,” you mewled.
Banner groaned before pulling out of you. “Turn over.” He demanded.
You did as you were told, flipping onto your stomach so your ass was in the air. He wasted no time in slamming into you making you yelp. “That’s good, Banner. Fuck her just like that.” Thor reached out to stroke your cheek. “You look so beautiful getting your cunt stuffed.”
You moaned looking up at the god with big doe eyes. The way you were biting your lip. Banner honestly felt intoxicated just from being inside of you. As he worked his hips back and forth while you worked back against him, he honestly felt like he’d died and went to heaven. Even Hulk was giving him props.
“That’s it,” Thor groaned as you finally put your mouth on his dick. As much as he was trying to resist it before, it was kind of hot to see you getting your face fucked by Thor as he fucked your pussy. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned taking your mouth off of Thor. Bruce rubbed your clit making trying to coax it out.
You tightened around him. He honestly felt like you were trying to milk his dick. “That’s it,” he groaned. “Cum for me, Baby. Be a good girl and cum for Daddy.”
His words made you explode because you were not prepared for him to say anything like that. Banner pulled out of you helping you flip back over onto your back. He once again wasted no time to enter your overly sensitive pussy.
You scratched his back and he noted that it was probably his favorite feeling. The way you raked your nails up and down. “Oh, Daddy.”
“That’s a good girl,” he groaned.
Thor got on his feet so he could get access to your mouth once again. You turned your head, ready to serve. “Thor!” Banner groaned.
“It’s okay,” you moaned. “I like it. And, look at how pretty it is.”
“See, Banner. It’s okay.” Thor moaned feeling your tongue back on him.
Besides it felt kind of good to be this desired. As a woman of science there was something so hot about Bruce Banner fucking the shit out of you while your mouth was full of dick from an alien god king. This was like your dream come true.
Though hesitant at first, Bruce was finding himself enjoying seeing your mouth be used by Thor at the same time as he fucked you. The way you licked it like he was your favorite popsicle before taking into your mouth. He could tell you were having a little trouble me multitasking since you kept pulling away from Thor to moan.
“Fuck, Daddy!” You whined having to pull away from the other dick once again. Your head was swimming because it was almost too much, but you were determined to please.
“Ah, ah, ah, Pet, I didn’t tell you to stop,” Thor scolded grabbing the puff of hair on top of your head so he could push back into your mouth. Even at the strange angle you were sucking his dick like a perfect little cocksucker.
It honestly looked so good. Seeing you moan as you tried to keep up. Bruce’s mouth was practically watering as he looked down at your spread-out legs and the way you attempted to take his best friend down your throat. He wasn’t sure if you could because Thor was as big as he looked like he’d be. Then again seeing you choke on him sounded kind of hot.
Slobber drooled down your chin. You were making such a mess, but it looked like that had been exactly what you’d set out to do. Bruce had only seen blowjobs that sloppy in porn. “That’s such a good girl,” Thor groaned. “Look at that. Doesn’t she look so pretty like this.”
“So pretty,” Bruce grunted as he fucked you getting more on your body now. He buried his head into your neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You were slurping on Thor’s dick and fuck you were so wet. How was your pussy so damn wet. “Been teasing me all this time, huh. How long you been wanting this? Is that why you applied for the internship? So, you could take my dick?” He angled his hips in a way so that he could go deeper. His cock surrounded by your spongy walls.
As much as you’d fantasizes a long time about him, you never thought it’d be like this. Fuck were you pleasantly surprised.
“Answer me, Honey,” he said, looking back up at you.
Thor’s hand was still gripped in your hair and he forced you off of him long enough for you to speak. Except at that moment you finally reached your breaking point cumming around him. You felt yourself milk his dick and all he did was keep fucking you. “Yes!” You cried. “Fuck me, Daddy!” You begged.
“Such a good girl,” Thor cooed before shoving himself back inside your mouth.
You moaned around him. All that spittle on your face. Bruce wanted to kiss you so bad, but considering your mouth was a little preoccupied he hesitated. It did look good, though. He glanced up at Thor who was mostly watching you take him like a good girl.
He noticed Bruce’s eyes on him before looking down at him with this slight smirk, shrugging his shoulders. As a god and until recently a prince, he had no shortage of lovers. This meant from different beings to whomever. Men or women or anything else. So, with the way Bruce was looking at him, he wasn’t really shocked.
Bruce on the other hand had only been with a handful of women. As Thor’s thick cock was just right there in front of him with your lips sucking at it, he felt like he couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward to lick what you hadn’t been able to fit into your mouth.
Thor hissed at feeling your mouth and his tongue now added. “Fuck,” he said under his breath.
You smiled around the dick in your mouth and pulled out with a giggle. “Daddy!” You squealed. Bruce blushed, pulling way. You leaned into him to connect your lips with his. He stopped moving and instead held you there. “It’s okay. I’m having so much fun.”
“Me, too,” he said, his face still red.
“Banner, it’s okay,” Thor said, rubbing the other man’s salt and pepper curly hair. 
Bruce found it more comforting than he even expected before lifting away from you so he could lick it again, tasting the saltiness. You moaned underneath him connected your lips to his neck. “Don’t stop, Daddy,” you whispered in his ear before nibbling along his earlobe.
He ground himself, starting to move his hips again. This time fucking you with slower, deeper thrusts. This tingle that had already built up inside of you grew more intense. He was working your pussy so fucking good. Then seeing him do that you could feel a new orgasm building up inside of you.
“Help me, Baby,” Bruce said.
Thor smiled because he was happy to see the teamwork. Besides two mouths were definitely better than one. “That’s it.”
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum again,” your voice shook as you suddenly clung to him. This one was definitely going to be more intense. 
You squealed out your moans opening your mouth before biting down on your lip only for your jaw to drop again. You lip quivered into a pout while your brows tensed up. He couldn’t help it has he mesmerized the little details. Noticing how your eyes got so desperate looking. And it was for him. For what he was doing to you. Of course, you’d clearly enjoyed what Thor had done to your mouth, but he was the one fucking you into two orgasms one right after the other.
“That’s it, pretty girl, cum for Daddy,” he grunted because he could feel himself ready to also cum inside that pretty pussy. “Want Daddy to cum all in this pussy?”
You nodded, but you were so sensitive at this point because your orgasm was intense. Bruce quickly followed behind unloading into you. Tremors ran through your body as your eyes closed.
When Bruce looked down to see he immediately got off of you. “Shit, Y/N,” he said, he rubbed your cheek. “Hey, hey,” he talked to you ever so softly.
Thor got down next to you. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
You wrapped your arms around him and he hugged you back tightly, kissing your temple. Bruce rubbed got down beside him, so he could rub your back. “I’m sorry. It was just a lot.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Bruce said. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No.” You laid back down as Thor kissed your forehead.
“Why don’t we go lay down?” Thor suggested.
“That’s a good idea,” Bruce said, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles.
Thor carried you to one of the many bedrooms. Your legs wrapped around his waist; chin perched on his shoulder. Bruce trailed behind watching the glazed look in your eyes.
As Thor laid you down, he made sure the blankets were pulled over you before kissing the top of your head again. “Comfortable?”
“Mhm,” you answered contently.
“Need anything?” Bruce asked. “Water? Pretty sure we’ve been through most of the snacks.”
“Can you lay down with me?” You asked looking between them with big eyes and a pout. Thor grinned before getting in beside you, Bruce quickly doing the same. You got snuggly between them. Thor against your backside and Bruce in front of you so you could wrap your arms around them.
You were enjoying the closeness of them. They would kiss you softly wherever they could reach and traced their fingertips on your skin. All the affection was making you feel like you’d settled into his haze.
Thor tickled your side and you giggled trying to get closer to Banner. “Daddy, tell him to stop.”
Bruce chuckled and kissed your nose. “Is Thor teasing you, Baby?”
“I’m the tease?” Thor gasped. “I’m the one who didn’t even get to cum and somehow I’m the tease?”
You laughed. “I’m sorry.”
“You will be sorry,” he said, as he brought his hands further down over your butt, squeezing your flesh.
The jealousy Banner would have felt earlier was gone. Instead replaced with curiosity over what he could possibly do to her. The anticipation was making him hard all over again.
“Daddy!” You gasped; eyes wide as you looked into Bruce’s. “He’s touching me!” It sounded like you were trying to tattle and Bruce couldn’t help it as he laughed.
“Oh yeah? What’s he doing?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
Thor had lifted your leg up so he could stuff his large fingers into your cunt from behind. “His fingers are in my pussy,” you replied with a moan.
“Does it feel good?”
“It feels really good,” you whimpered.
Bruce chuckled as he pulled you in so he could kiss your lips again. Thor kissed your shoulder as you started to leak all over his fingers. “That’s such a good girl. Why don’t you ask Daddy if I can fuck this pussy,” he whispered in your ear, the bass of his voice sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh, Daddy, can I?” You asked.
“That’s not how you ask politely, Sweetheart,” Bruce scoffed.
You swallowed down a moan because fuck Thor was really working you over good. “Daddy, can Thor please fuck me?”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he said. He felt like he was drunk off of you. For once even Hulk was at peace.
Thor grabbed you making you face him as he kissed you greedily. You climbed on top of him straddling his waist. He grabbed your hips to lift you up and then eased you back down onto his dick.
“Oh.” Was all you could say. Your face felt hot all of a sudden. It felt like you were almost too full from him.
Bruce smiled at the dazed look on your face. You looked so beautiful. “How does it feel?”
“He’s so big,” you whimpered.
“You wanted a God’s dick baby,” Thor said beginning to move you up and down his length. “You have to take it.”
“Is it too much?” Bruce asked taking his hardening member into his hand because watching the two of you was so perfect.
“I can take it,” you whimpered through gritted teeth because you weren’t entirely sure you were telling the truth.
“That’s such a good girl,” Thor groaned. Fuck your cunt was tight. If you weren’t having such a hard time now, he would have been slamming in and out of you. Your pussy felt so damn good.
Bruce’s watched intently as the other man fucked into you. He wasn’t sure what had come over him tonight, but he doesn’t think there’s any coming back from this. “Fuck, Thor,” he groaned, “your dick is too big for her.”
“Is it too big for you, Sweetheart?” Thor asked. “Too much?”
“I promise I can take it,” you cried because you felt like you were gonna be split in two.
“You better fucking take it,” Bruce said.
Thor finally started to pick up the pace. You threw your head back, biting your lips, eyes squeezed shut with your eyebrows furrowed.
You looked so gorgeous like this and even though you’d just made Bruce cum in that pretty pussy he wanted to do it again. Thor had this smirk on his face because there was something so funny about this little human woman struggling to take him.
Thor looked at Bruce as he’d glanced over him and Bruce wasn’t sure what came over him as he pressed his own kiss to Thor’s lips. Thor always needing to dominate kissed the other man deeply tongues fighting against each other.
You finally opened your eyes noticing the change in Thor’s movements as he tried to keep up with both at the same time. You started to move your hips faster because fuck they looked hot together and even though it felt like Thor was going to break you, you needed it.
“Fu- fuck!” You yelped as your orgasm came through. Thor smacked your ass and laughed against Bruce.
“See I told you her twenty-five-year-old pussy would feel good,” Thor couldn’t help himself from saying.
“Thor!” Bruce groaned.
You stopped moving, a laugh wrecking up through your body. “What?”
Your night pretty much went the same way. Getting used by both men until you were completely tapped out. You fell asleep nestled between them as they whispered sweet nothings to you and surprisingly each other.
Bruce couldn’t believe the smile that was on his face. Whatever aftermath happens after this he could deal with it. As long as you and Thor were there. Well mostly you since Thor would have to go back to New Asgard at some point. 
“I don’t even know how she found out!” Tony complained to Happy for what was probably the millionth time.
The other man shrugged. “Maybe the kid let it slip?” He suggested as they finally came through the door. The both of them looked at each other as they saw the bowls of snacks around the floor and the only have drunken glass of wine.
And all the clothes.
“Who the fuck...” Tony gasped.
“I’ll do a sweep of the place,” Happy said already getting into protective mode.
Of course, Tony not being able to be patient wanted to see who the hell it was that had clearly had sex on his damn couch and didn’t even clean any of the evidence.
His jaw dropped seeing you in bed all safe and sound with Bruce. All of the irritation he felt was suddenly replaced with shock, but also relief because at least it was just Bruce. Besides he needed to get laid.
Thor came out of the bathroom at that moment, making Tony’s eyes widen as soon as he saw the god in all his naked glory. “Hi, Stark.” Thor greeted him with a grin as he went back over to the bed.
“I fucking called it!” Tony shouted, jolting the two of you awake.
You let out a scream before throwing a pillow to hit him in the face. Happy had covered his eyes because this was too much for him. “We’ll just wait outside,” he said, grabbing Tony’s shirt to yank him away.
“I knew it was a date!” He giddily yelled.
“Well, at least we don’t have to tell everyone because Tony is probably having Friday text everyone.” Thor shrugged, before scooping the both of you into his arms. Fuck, Tony. He was going back to sleep with his two small humans and then take them out for breakfast.
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ac3id · 4 years
“watch and learn,” | 18+
Tumblr media
pairings: incel sakusa x fem!reader x ushijima
summary: sakusa gets tired of watching you take advantage of his friend, so he takes matters into his own hands to teach you a lesson. fortunately for him, ushijima feels the same
warnings: noncon, humiliation, voyeurism, anal, hate fucking. 
a/n: this was high-key inspired by @vermiliren​ ‘s sakusa and ushijima concepts,,, love you <3
wordcount.: 4k+
tagging: @minitaureland, @oikawoahh, @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa, @sunshine-fangs​ 
dm to be added/ removed!
Sakusa has a problem.
Well, Sakusa has many problems, but this one in particular manages to drive him crazy.
It makes his blood boil and his cock hard, it’s an irritating itch he just can’t scratch which makes him absolutely mad.
One could say such a problem must be nerve-wracking; something which keeps you up all night wondering how you can overcome it. Maybe it’s family, maybe it’s financial. It must be a big deal, right? But luckily for Sakusa, it’s just you.
His problem is you, his teammate’s girlfriend.
It’s weird. Technically, there should be no reason for him to think of his teammate’s girlfriend as anything but just as another girl but his heart tells him another story.
Whenever he thinks of you, he either imagines punching your beautiful face until it’s stained with wine red blood or shoving his cock down all of your holes which he hears you cry in agony. He imagines filling you up with his cum, clearing you of all your filth. There’s really no in-between, but sometimes he imagines doing it both...in the same order.
But hey! Sakusa is a good guy, he would never do such a thing! He respects women and most certainly he respects you. He obviously doesn’t think you’re a whore or anything for talking to a guy who isn’t your boyfriend, Ushijima. But gosh, even you notch it up a lot.
He rarely ever sees you, only when you arrive at bars uninvited with Ushijima or when you come down to the volleyball tournaments for Ushijima or when you wait for Ushijima while he practices in the stadium or….. When you go down to the grocery store where he just happens to be….multiple times.
Maybe you’re getting food for Ushijima, but he’s sure his teammate’s not going to eat half the junk you buy. Ushijima has a body to maintain, his health is very important to him. All of that fast food is not going to work him any favors.
Don’t you cook for him? You know, like a woman should?
You see, Sakusa is a little old fashioned. He likes tradition and sincerely pesters everyone to follow it. So it’s not a big surprise when he expects the same from you or any female in general. In the past, he’s been called an incel; a man who hates women was it? But that’s definitely not him. He loves them. Especially when they are naked on his computer screen, getting pinned down by a man two sizes bigger than themselves.
Sometimes he imagines you and Ushijma in their place and way more often, he imagines him with you over there instead.
So, see? He doesn’t women. He loves them! But… some women get on his nerves.
Some women like you.
He would never admit this, but Sakusa follows you around only because he does not trust you for Ushijima. Even when Ushi’s around, you flirt with other men while he’s sitting right next to you with his arms wrapped around your shoulder. It gets worse when he is away.
He can always hear you make suggestive comments to the cute cashier in the store while he lurks away. He’s disgusted. He can’t understand why Ushijima still chooses to stay with you.
He’s dating a whore, you don’t care about him- you’re just having your fun. You’ll leave him once it gets over, you don’t like him. But you still have him entranced, so madly in love with you. Sukasa think-no, he knows it’s only because you’re good in bed. There’s no other reason for him to keep you around for so long, being a slut you probably know how to make a man feel good.
Sakusa understands that but it still bothers him. Like a good friend he is, he decides to tell Ushijima about you. It starts in the locker room after practice. Both of them stand together changing out of their sports gear, it was a tiring day, and the two men were tired. He’s surprised when Ushijima starts the conversation, midday through changing his shirt, he starts.
“So, what do you think of her?” Sakusa knows who he is talking about, you had come into the stadium that day to watch Ushijima practice, and he had spent the better half of his time glaring daggers and staring at you. Sakusa says your name cluelessly, “Yes, her.” Ushijima replies.
Sakusa clicks his tongue, “I think-” “Cut the bullshit, you’re fucking her aren’t you?”
Ushijima turns to him, his eyes dark and fatal. A frown rests on his face with his fists balled as if to throw a punch. Sakusa panics, not understanding why such an accusation could fall over his head.
“No- I- that’s not true!” he clarifies but Ushijima looks unmoved, “Then why the fuck do you keep looking at her?” the murderous glint in his eyes doesn’t disappear as he just gets angrier. A newfound fear forms within Sakusa, he had always respected Ushijima as a player and a man, he sure as hell didn’t want to start a fight with the green-haired man. He spills everything he knows, everything he’s seen.
The night when he spotted you kissing Atsumu, the relentless flirting, everything. It’s brutal, it breaks Ushijima’s heart but a necessary evil. He watches Ushijima’s spirit break when his eyes turn blank. He stares motionlessly on the floor, thinking. Sakusa feels the rage return, he’s so mad at you- how could you do this to anyone? All of you are the same, all women are the same but….but you are the worst!
Sakusa waits for a moment before speaking, “You can’t let her get away with this,” he starts. Ushijima looks up at him, listening diligently to his plan. “You should take revenge, don’t let her get away with this.” Revenge?
Ushijima’s eyes lit up at the word, many thoughts came into his mind when Sakusa said it. Revenge? Should he also kiss any of your friends behind your back? Should he be cold towards you? The idea of making you realize just how much you hurt him by lettering you experience the pain excited him. He loved you, he did but sometimes drastic measures have to be taken. “What should I do?” he asked impatiently, he wanted to find a way to fix his deteriorating relationship.
Sakusa pauses, his mind racing back to the many porn clips he has fapped to before and settling on which the big boyfriend destroys his little girlfriend’s pussy for cheating on him. “I’ll send a video.”
Later that night Ushijima receives a link from Sakusa, titled ‘boyfriend punishes girlfriend for cheating.’
“Wakatoshi?” you bask in confusion at the man standing next to your boyfriend at the front door. It was late at night and you were almost going to bed. Ushijima had texted you telling he’d be home late that night but you had managed to catch him just in time. You were not expecting his teammate to come along with him, though.
It was awkward, dressed only in some sleep shorts and Ushijima welcoming Sakusa in the house was weird. He never seemed to take his eyes off of you, you were genuinely creeped out. You let the two men talk in the living room while you headed to the kitchen to prepare them a little snack. They said they had already eaten but umm...hospitality? It was fine to both of them, they liked you better in the kitchen anyway.
“Have you tried a threesome before?” Sakusa asked, taking a seat. It was finally the day Ushijima was going to man up and teach you a lesson which you’d never forget. “No, I don’t like to share,” he replied. Sakusa nodded, “understandable.” they stood quiet for a second only for your humming to fill the room. Even though you were in the kitchen, your sweet melody still ringed till the other room. Ushijima threw Sakusa a knowing glance before he made his way to the kitchen to see you. Heading over next to you, he sized down your form.
Ushijima took a step forward, trapping you between the kitchen counter and his huge body. You bring your hands to his chest, keeping him at a distance from you and just feeling his warmth under your palms. You did this often, it wasn’t anything sexual. You just enjoyed feeling him under your fingertips.
“So, what’s his deal?” you ask, your voice low not to alert Sakusa sitting in the living room. It was late, very late. There was no reason for Ushijima to bring a friend over now, but if Sakusa needed a place to spend the night- that was a different story.
“He will go in sometime,” Ushijima answered back, his huge, warm palms caressing your cheeks. You lean into the touch as he looks down at you affectionately with pure innocent eyes until he can’t. The spell you have him under breaks and he remembers why Sakusa is here.
His thumb trails down to your lips, pushing against the soft and pillow-like features. You look at him in confusion, Surprised by his bold actions. Ushijima was a private person, seeing him act so suggestively while another man sat right in the next room shocked you...but you liked it.
You obediently open your mouth letting his digits enter your hot carven. A tingle of a dull, throbbing pull settles on your tongue as you frown. Looking up at Ushijima through your lashes, you watch him glare at you while he pinches your tongue between his two fingers.
You whine out, there was no lie that you like it rough but the unsettling expression on Ushijima's face frightened you.
“Do you remember the last time we went out for drinks with the team?” your eyes widened and your blood ran cold, you knew exactly what he was getting at. “Nod your fucking head, bitch.” his pinch grew tighter making you squeal harder and you hastily nodded. You heard footsteps ring as Sakusa appeared into the room. Turning your eyes to his immediately, asking him for assistance. You hope to see a reaction out of Sakusa, disgust at most- he’d tell you both to cut it out but Sakusa stood still with an unreadable expression. Was he not going to say anything?
Ushijima caught your attention back by pinching your tongue hard, once again. drool pooled in your mouth, slowly leaking past your lips. It was disgusting.
“That night, did you kiss Atsumu?”
He knew. This is why he was doing this, you could understand that, but why was Sakusa just watching?
Your gaze lowered to the floor and Ushijima let his fingers leave you, letting you talk. You kept your head down as you spoke. it was too heartbreaking, you knew you should have told Ushijima but for some reason you never did. you were sacred Ushijima would leave you.
“That night, Atsumu came onto me…. when you left me with him that day, he kissed me- I didn’t want him to..he just…” shaky breaths leave your lips as you recall the dreadful incident. Atsumu was drunk that night, he wasn’t thinking straight. He apologized to you sincerely the next day but the damage was done. you could still feel his uninvited touches roaming all over your body when he tried to grope you.
An uncomfortable silence fell over the room. Ushijima turned to sakusa, the glare which was burning you now directed at him. Ushijima was furious at sakusa for accusing you but sakusa knew what he saw. he frowned at you, he remembers seeing you kissing the blonde back- you’re just lying now, trying to get out of this mess.
“She’s lying, I knew what I saw. don’t trust her,”
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Who do you think you are?”
You scream at him with angry, glassy eyes immediately turning to Ushijima and begging him to not believe the dark-haired man. Sakusa watches you with calculating eyes, revising his next move. He knows he’s not going to let you go so easily, there’s only one reason he’s here tonight. And that’s to put a whore in her place, he’s not leaving until he gets a taste of you.
He starts again, “don’t listen to her, Ushijima. listen to me, I have no reason to lie to you I’m your friend.” He chooses his words carefully to manipulate Ushijima into siding with him.
Ushijima stares at you for a second before grabbing your wrist harshly, “it’ll be okay,” he whispers your name, pulling you along with him. you scream at him, trying to pull your hand out of his grasp as he thrusts your forward.
“Toshi’ stop. seriously, no. stop,” you cry and beg but he shows no mercy. He pulls you into your shared bedroom, throwing you on your shared bed. Sakusa quietly follows, locking the door behind him as he enters. “What should I do now?” Ushijima turns to sakusa who stands next to the door, his eyes run towards you and he watches you cowering on the bed. You curl yourself up, pushing your knees to your chest and burying your head in between. You sit at the edge of the bed, far away from the two men quiring in fear and dread. Sakusa had thought you’d be putting up more of a fight but seems like you knew your place. Besides there was no way you’d manage to win against the two giants, they’d crush you even before you can try.
“Do you not remember the video?” Sakusa asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening a porn site. He clicks on the video he had forwarded to Ushijima, the video starts normally; a man talking to his supposed girlfriend but he skips the clip forward to the part he wants to see.
“You seriously want me to do that to her?” Ushijima asks, frowning at the screen. The porn actress is bent over the actor’s lap as he showers her bottom with powerful slaps. Blistering her ass and making her cry.
Sakusa nods. Ushijima looks bad at your quivering form before whispering, “like a child?”
Truth to be told, Sakusa knew Ushijima was a softie and that he cared about your feelings. That was the difference between him and the ace. He loved you and he loved you a little too much, you were the first thing swimming in his mind and it may be defined by some as romantic, Sakusa thought differently.
The thought disgusted him, caring so much about a mere woman; the man has to be crazy. Don’t get it wrong, Sakusa loves women so much he’s cornering you like this but he also firmly believes that women have duties. And by what he can see between you and Ushijima, you’re not fulfilling them at all and Ushijima is too much of a pussy to make you fix your mistakes.
He’s just helping his bro out. xx
Sakusa doesn’t answer him, instead, he looks at him with a fixed glare. Ushijima clicks his tongue, he didn’t want to hit his girlfriend like a child but he didn’t want to disrespect his friend either. He thinks for a moment before turning to you, making up his mind he chooses to spank you. A small smile of satisfaction crosses on Sakusa’s face as he watched Ushijima approach you.
His knee dips down on the bed as he moves forward to get you, “Toshi’ please, I will never, never talk to any guy ever again. You don’t need to do this.” you beg. Your eyes are glassy and your face is flushed from crying. You look up at your boyfriend with pleading eyes, hoping he’d listen to you. Ushijima stops in his tracks, hesitating to get you. He thinks about, maybe he should let you-
Sakusa’s stern voice pulls him back to reality, he clicks his tongue and grabs you by your arm pulling you with him to the opposite edge of the bed. You keep crying and begging but Ushijima doesn’t bat an eye as he pulls you over his lap. He presses his hand against your back to keep you from running away while the other paws at your sleeping shorts.
“Stop screaming,” Sakusa commands, but you never listen to him. “Is this okay?” Ushijima flashes Sakusa a perfect view of your naked ass, your panties, and discarded on the floor. Sakusa walks over, standing in front of Ushijima, he leans in to grab a handful of your ass but Ushijima pushes his hand away. “No touching,” he commands.
As if they put salt on the wound, Ushijima moves along to fondle your ass. Playing with the soft flesh, squeezing them, spreading them all to his liking. A small smile grazes his face and for the first time, he realizes how much smaller you are compared to him. It makes him feel mighty, he loves the power he holds over you right now. The thoughts about what he can do to you flow straight to his cock. You feel his ever-growing bulge poke at your stomach under his pants.
Sakusa picks up your panties from the floor and right over in front of you, he grabs your face with his hands, squishing cheeks before shoving the panties into your mouth shutting you up once and for all. Ushijima throws him a glare but decides to ignore it eventually. His hands roam over your back one last time before he brings it up into the air and slams it down onto your round ass swiftly.
You cry out in pain, your bare ass stinging and burning. You hope for your boyfriend to calm down but he doesn’t give you a break, repeatedly hitting your ass with no sign of mercy. You cry and wither around, mumbling words that get muffled behind the gag making it impossible for any of them to understand.
Sakusa patiently watches the scene in front of him, you’re crying in pain while Ushijima spanks you. It’s kind of like the scenes he always fantasized about, the only difference being it’s him who’s raining down slaps on your naked ass instead of Ushijima.
“You’re doing it wrong.”
Sakusa wants to touch you, he wants to feel you under him. He’s not going to let himself watch you both doing it all night while he stands at the side with a raging boner and besides, Ushijima wasn’t hitting you hard enough. He pauses, looking up at Sakusa and you sigh in relief.
“You’re hitting her hard enough, at this rate she’ll never fear you,” he taunts and you frown. Your ass was already painfully red and swollen, you couldn't imagine how much longer you’d last.
In a flash, Ushijima pulled you on your feet, holding you by your arm. “You do it. I’m not enjoying this,” Sakusa’s eyes light up and he holds his urge to smile, he does not want to out himself.
“Watch and learn,”
He quietly walks over and changes roles, you squirm in his grip shaking your head no. You did not want to left under Sakusa’s touch at all, you had a feeling he hated you- which he did. He pulled you over his thighs where you could feeling his raging boner hit your stomach and just like Ushijima he started slapping your ass swiftly faster and much harder than your boyfriend.
They come without any warnings one after the other. You feel yourself tapping out now and then but a swift, harsh pull to your hair did just fine in waking you back into the nightmare. After Sakusa was done with abusing your ass, he started rubbing and playing with you. He squeezed your cheeks making you wince, spreading it open staring at your pulsing hole. His fingers even slipped down lower, dangerously close to your cunt.
“Sakusa,” Ushijima’s heavy voice cut through and Sakusa immediately lifted his hands off you. He pushed you down on the bed and removed the panties he had stuffed into your mouth. You coughed, your throat hoarse and your body exhausted.
Your bottom was numb, you could not feel a thing and your body was on fire. Ushijima called out to you, caressing your cheek. “Are you okay?” Ushijima felt bad. In all honesty, he did not want to hurt you but hearing the things Sakusa had said to him about you and what you did when he was not around made him feel like a small man, a man with no pride. It bothered him so he listens to Sakusa. He seemed to know what he was doing but now he sat filled with regrets.
Sakusa slapped Ushijima’s hand away from your face, “She’s fine. We aren’t done yet.”
Sakusa pulled you closer to him and ripped your shirt off your body, squeezing your tits and rolling your hardened nipples between his fingers. Ushijima dragged you back to him, at this point both the men were using you like a rag doll, literally. “I’m fucking her pussy.” he declared. You whined as he made you sit down on the bed but quickly switched positions so that you were straddling his thigh. You could see the dent in his jeans propped up, begging to be released. “What? Am I supposed to take her ass? That’s gross.” “You can use her mouth too,”
That was even grosser, Sakusa wanted to fuck your pussy. No doubt he’d love to ruin your ass and your mouth but today he wanted your pussy. He opened his mouth to speak but was immediately speechless when he saw Ushijima making out with you. He kisses you so passionately, your lips molding together, his tongue going down your throat. For a moment it felt like he wasn’t going to rape you here and now. Hell, maybe you are even enjoying this.
He scoffs, unbuckling his belt he walks behind you, settling for your ass. He feels like a third wheel, watching Ushijima kiss you so lovingly; licking your neck and biting down your tits making you moan.
He lifts you, spreading your cheeks, presenting your gaping hole to Sakusa. “You can go first,” he offers. Your start squirming around once again trying to free yourself from him. “Please, Wakatoshi no it will hurt. Please don’t-” “Shut up, bitch” Sakusa comes behind you, his hands closing around your petit neck. He squeezes around the soft flesh, effectively shutting you up. Out of desperation, you look up at Ushijima with watery eyes only to see him glaring at Sakusa. He slaps away Sakusa’s hand away from your neck, “Careful, she’s not yours’ bro.” his voice is filled with sarcasm. Sakusa scoffs moving back, “is she yours though? Sucking up to every guy ever who gives her an ounce of attention? Hate break it to you but your girl’s a whore, dude.” Sakusa returns. Sitting in the room with a hard-on, they glare at each other. Co-operating with Ushijima was harder than Sakusa thought and Ushijima much more possessive than he seemed.
The longer he stared with Sakusa with murderous intentions, the more fragile his grip on you became. Once you spotted it was weak enough, you broke out of it made for a run.
‘Fuck!” Ushijima screamed and chased after you with Sakusa following. You don’t get far, they catch you in the corridor. Ushijima pushes you against the wall, his hand coming up to grab your jaw making you look at him. ‘One fucking thing [y/n]. I told you it’ll be over fucking soon, didn’t I?” he slaps your face once. “It’s all your fault anyway. If it weren’t for you whoring out there like a fucking slut you wouldn’t be in this situation.” he slaps you twice, ouch. You plead guilty, promising him you’d never do it again but after repeated denials, you change your request. You choke back sobs as you try to calm your uneven breathing, “You can do anything you want to me but...just not him, please.” you turn to Sakusa shaking like a leaf. You didn’t want that man to be near you, nevertheless, touch you.
Ushijima thinks for a moment, turning to Sakusa. He thinks long and hard before answering, “It will be okay.” he says before pushing you against Sakusa. He didn’t want to give you up but you know what they say...Bros before Hos. Sakusa catches you roughly and pins you against his chest. He wraps his arm around your waist, letting the other pulls his pants down and pull his throbbing cock out of his briefs. It stands tall, not as thick as Ushijima but he’s big. With the red tip leaking with pre, he gives it a pump.
“Hold her legs,” he commands. Ushijima walks up to the two of you with his huge cock out and leaking, he wastes no time in grabbing one of your legs and pushing it up.
He lines his tip with your dry hole, “that’s enough foreplay, now,” he slowly truths inside, breaching past your cute cunt, splitting you into two. A burning pain flashes through you, slowly getting replaced by pleasure. Your tight cunt sucks up around his cock, salivating as he hits deeper and deeper. Sakusa gets tired of watching as he pushes his tips past your rim making you scream out. The intrusion is weird and unfamiliar, the deeper he goes the more evident it becomes. Sakusa decides to show you some mercy when he flicks down your little clit, pulsing with need. All of a sudden you start withering with pleasure, completely forgetting about the compromising position you are in.
“Fuck.” Ushijima mutters, your moans a melody to his ears. “Fuckin whore likes this,” Sakusa wanted you to shut up, your moans were turning him off. Sakusa felt he was close. Your walls hugging him snuggly, trying to milk him for all he’s worth but he doesn’t want to give up yet. There's an unspoken competition between the two men; whoever can last longer and his pride won’t let him loose. He holds himself together for a little longer, hoping for Ushijima to come before him.
“Don’t cum inside,” the green-haired man commands. He is close, his thrusts hit sloppy and uneven. He bits down on your neck as he shoots his thick, white load into your womb cumming with a loud grunt. Sakusa follows soon after, his length twitching he pulls it out of you. He jerks his cock over and cums all over your back.
He lets go of you, and you fall onto Ushijima, your boyfriend's strong arms wrapping around you to steady you up. “You should leave,” he suggests. He pulls his dick back into his pants and walks to the door, throwing a glance behind his shoulder; he sees Ushi stripping out his shirt and dressing you with him. He scoffs and turns around, feeling disgusted he can’t wait to go back to his own home and take a fucking shower. Even though he finally gets what he had wanted, he can’t help but feel unsatisfied. It would have been much better if it was just him and you minus the possessive freak, maybe….he can come again when Ushijima is not around….What’s the worst which could possibly happen?
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bxcketbarnes · 3 years
Grandmaster’s Daughter
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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Words: 3900+
Author’s Note: Back at it again with some more Loki fiiiiics. This is the most motivation I’ve had to write for a long while. I’m really happy right now. Anyway, I hope you guys like this! Let me know what you thought xox
You walk into the room your father sits in while watching the arena fights. You can see the excitement on his face as you move around the couch, sitting down beside him.
"Hi, sweetheart," your father greets and you smile at him.
"Hi, Dad," you chuckle and lean against the back of the couch, crossing your legs. "Who's fighting your champion today?"
The Grandmaster shrugs his shoulders and mumbles a random name. You glance around the room and see the usual crowd until your eyes find a new face. You tilt your head to the side, analyzing the new guy.
Raven-colored hair, green eyes, shoulder-length black hair, pink lips. Cute. You think to yourself as the man sits at the other end of the long couch.
His eyes suddenly meet yours and you give him a small smile. "I've never seen you here before," you mention, and the man nods his head once, fingers tapping against his legs.
"I got here a few days ago. My name's Loki," he introduces, crossing one of his legs over the other.
"Hi, Loki," you greet and hold out your hand for him to take. Loki shakes it gently as you continue to speak, "I'm Y/N. The Grandmaster's daughter… in case you didn't know."
The two of you chuckle as the raven-haired man scratches the back of his neck. "Actually, I had no idea the Grandmaster had children," he confesses and you giggle while nodding your head.
"Yeah, he doesn't talk about me to others much. Most likely because I'm usually with him all the time, so he assumes people know," you tell him and Loki lets out a quiet ah. 
Your father shushes the two of you and you chuckle softly and turn your attention back to the fight. Loki glances towards you once more, feeling a smile come to his lips as you lean back against the couch.
This place doesn't seem all that bad… Loki thinks while turning his gaze back towards the arena.
"You've gotten pretty close to my daughter the past few weeks haven't you, Loki?" The Grandmaster says and Loki snaps his head in your father's direction.
"I- Yeah, she's a lovely lady," he tells the older man and he grins in response while nodding his head in agreement.
"That she is. She's just like her mother," the man states before walking away from him. Loki lets out a sigh of relief before sitting down in the chair.
One of the servers hands Loki a glass of champagne and he downs three-quarters of the bubbly liquid in one gulp. "Thirsty, are we?" Your voice asks while sitting beside him.
Loki jumps slightly and looks towards you, a playful smile on your lips. "Yeah, something like that," Loki mumbles with a chuckle while wiping his hands on his pants. "Your dad was just questioning me about our friendship."
You roll your eyes and take a sip of your drink. "Typical dad for ya," you mention with a giggle, and Loki hums.
"I don't have that experience," he mentions and your eyes drift back towards the man, seeing his green eyes staring down at his hands. "My dad isn't my dad. I'm- well, it's complicated."
"I'm sorry, Loki. I didn't mean to bring up a touchy subject," you say with a frown and Loki leans back in his chair, shaking his head.
"You're fine, darling. I didn't mean to damper the mood," the raven-haired man gives you a reassuring smile.
You let out a breath and return his smile and pats his leg. "I'm glad you're here, Loki. You're very interesting," you grin and feel your heart flutter in your chest.
"Me too. I'm starting to like being on this planet," Loki confesses and both of your cheeks blush at his words. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and take another sip of your drink, ignoring the way your heart beats quicker around this man.
Your father walks into the room as Loki begins to tell everyone a story. Your eyes look at the blonde man sitting in the chair, seeing him look around the place as the Grandmaster tells him all about what he does here.
"People come far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?"
"We're not friends and I don't give a shit about your games. I'm going back to Asgard," the man says and your father chuckles.
You roll your eyes at the Grandmaster and his inability to hear things properly. Your father goes back to making music with his keyboard as the new contender continues to look around the room.
His eyes meet yours at first and you give him a sympathetic smile as you feel bad about the man being in this position. "Loki?" The man mumbles and you furrow your eyebrows and glance towards the raven-haired man. "Loki! Loki!"
Loki looks in the direction where his name is being called, green eyes widening a bit, and stands up. He clears his throat and excuses himself, his eyes meeting yours quickly. "Excuse me," Loki mumbles and walks towards the buff man.
You watch the two interact with one another and you'd be lying if you said you weren't intrigued by what's happening. You slowly stand up and walk towards the two of them, seeing your father creeping towards them as well.
“What are we whispering about?” Your father whispers besides the two men and the blonde lets out a yelp, causing you to chuckle. “Time works real different around these parts. On any other world, I’d be, like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar...”
The Grandmaster makes a face and you can’t help but laugh, covering your mouth as you run a hand through your hair. There’s an awkward silence between all of you as both Loki and the blonde stare at your father.
“In any case, you know this, uh… You call yourself Lord of Thunder?” Grandmaster asks the raven-haired man.
“God of Thunder,” the blonde corrects and chuckles, motioning his head towards your father. “Tell him.”
“I’ve never met this man in my life,” Loki states, and you hum to yourself, seeing the large smile on his face.
“He’s my brother,” Lord of Thunder angrily says and you raise an eyebrow, intrigued by this whole situation.
Loki shakes his head and looks towards the Grandmaster, “adopted.”
Your father looks down at his hands, asking the raven-haired man if he’s any sort of fighter. If you had to guess by the way he’s dressed, he’s been in a few fights in his lifetime. “Take this think out of my neck and I’ll show you,” the blonde laughs and your father joins in while fixing his collar.
“Now, listen to that. He’s threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here’s the deal,” Grandmaster starts and you walk away from the three men, having enough of the conversation they’re having.
You find it interesting that Loki would lie about not knowing this Lord of Thunder and you definitely want to question him about it later.
You step out of the shower when there’s a knock on your door. You glance towards the metal structure, furrowing your eyebrows as you wonder who it could be. You wrap a towel around your body, tightly securing it before heading towards the door. You open it to reveal Loki standing on the other side of it.
“O-Oh, sorry I didn’t know you were-” he cuts himself off and looks away from you, feeling his cheeks blush. A chuckle leaves your lips as you invite him into your room, telling him that it’s completely fine.
Loki hesitantly walks into your room before you close the door. The man sits down on the edge of your bed, playing with his fingers as you head towards your closet. “What can I help you with, Loki?” You ask him and shut the closet door most of the way so you can change into something more presentable.
“Uhm, I wanted to talk to you about my brother,” he states as his green eyes look around your room. He’s never been inside your room before, only making it to your door when he walks you home after the two of you hang out. “There’s a reason I never told you about him.”
Once you finish getting dressed you walk out of the closet, drying your hair with the towel that was wrapped around your body. “I understand that you have reasons to be reserved, Loki, and you don’t need to explain yourself to me. I’m just curious as to why you would lie to Grandmaster,” you explain to him and Loki presses his lips together before standing up.
“My brother can be a bit of an idiot and I didn’t want to jeopardize Grandmaster’s trust,” he confesses. You look up at him as he stands a few inches in front of you, his eyes gazing into yours. “I also didn’t want you to think that I’ve been keeping secrets or anything.”
Your heart flutters in your chest at Loki’s words and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before looking away from him. “Loki, my dad likes you. He truly does. He’s mentioned it to me quite a few times since we’ve become friends. And, don’t tell him I said this, but he can be a bit oblivious,” you start off and the raven-haired man lets out a breath of relief, “all he cares about is his precious champion. He’s not going to care about Lord of Thunder being your brother.”
“Thor,” Loki corrects and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, “Lord of Thunder? His name is Thor.”
“Oh! Well, that’s a pretty neat name,” you chuckle and Loki joins in while scratching the back of his neck. “And, don’t worry about ruining anything with me. I like you. You’re fun to be around and you definitely make watching these fights more bearable.”
He smiles down at you and you take a step towards him before wrapping your arms around his waist. Loki runs his hand through your wet hair as the two of you stand in each other’s embrace for a few moments. Loki can feel his heart pounding against his chest, one of his hands slowly running up and down your back.
“We should probably get going. The match is going to start in any minute,” Loki mumbles and you let out a sigh, nodding your head in agreement.
The two of you head towards the viewing room, hands brushing against each other during the walk there. “Do you think your brother has a chance against the champion?” You ask Loki and look over at him.
He shrugs his shoulders in response while motioning for you to head into the room first. You chuckle and thank him quietly, grabbing a drink from the server as Loki follows closely behind. “It’s possible, but if this champion has beaten every single other contender that’s come through here, it’s a low possibility,” Loki explains as the two of you get closer to the glass.
You and Loki stand close together as your father introduces the first contestant.
"Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising… got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I’ll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… Lord of Thunder!”
You cringe slightly as everyone in the arena begins to boo at Loki’s brother.
“Let’s get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes.”
Fireworks begin to go off along with green smoke bombs. You take another sip of your drink as you can feel the rumbling of the champion beneath your feet.
“He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he’s unique. There’s none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He’s undefeated. He’s the reigning. He’s the defending. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… your incredible…”
A large green man bursts his way through the doors as they were opening and a gasp leaves your lips. You’ve seen plenty of matches and you’ve never stuck around for the big event, and you had no idea the champion was this large. The monster lets out a roar before yelling “hulk” to the crowd, holding both a large blunt weapon and ax.
“Yes!” Thor screams and the cheering in the area dies down. Is this man insane? You think to yourself as you notice Loki backing away from you through your peripheral vision.
“I have to get off this planet,” he breathes out, fear in his green eyes, and starts to leave before you can say anything. 
The Grandmaster stops him from leaving, pushing the raven-haired man back towards you. “Hey, hey, hey. Where are you going?” He asks with a smile before your father’s eyes meet yours. “Hi, sweetheart. Glad you could make this one.”
You give him a tight-lipped smile as Loki slowly moves to stand beside you. You give him a curious look and rest a hand on his forearm. “You okay?” You ask quietly and Loki nods his head slightly.
“I-I’m fine, yeah,” he stutters and you frown, having an inkling that he’s keeping something from you. “I’ll tell you later. I promise.”
The Grandmaster sits down on the couch as you and Loki join him. You sit pretty close to Loki as your father sits on the complete opposite side of the elongated couch. Just like when you first met. You nod your head at his promise, making sure he’ll keep his word as you bring your gaze back down towards the arena.
“Hey! Hey!” Thor yells while waving the weapon in his arm, gaining your father’s attention. “We know each other. He’s a friend from work!”
The Grandmaster looks towards the two of you with wide eyes and Loki clears his throat, deciding not to say anything. You chew on your nails as the fight begins, letting out a breath every time Thor manages to doge Hulk’s attacks.
After Hulk punches Thor into the wall, Thor grabs the giant hammer that’s embedded into it as Hulk runs towards the man. The blonde strikes at the right moment, sending the Hulk halfway across the arena. Your lips part in surprise and everyone goes quiet, hearing your father mumble a confused what?
There’s a quiet moment between the two competitors before Hulk grabs a hold of Thor’s leg and thrashes him around a bit. The big guy throws Thor towards the middle of the arena and Loki jumps up from his spot. “Yes! Yes! That’s how it feels!” Loki yells before chuckling, earning a confused look from yourself and the Grandmaster. “I’m just a huge fan of the sport.”
Your father laughs in response as you stay quiet, not knowing how much more you can watch. You push yourself up from the couch, excusing yourself from the room.
"Sweetheart the fight-" your father starts but you cut him off.
"I can't watch this, dad. I'm sorry. I know you want me to be a part of this and all, but I can't," you mumble and Grandmaster sighs before nodding his head.
Your eyes move to Loki as he looks over his shoulder at you. "I'll see you later?" He asks and you give him a light smile while nodding your head in response.
You run your fingers through your hair as you look out the window in your room. You heard from people that Thor lost the fight and was brought up to the Champions room. You're confused as to why your father would do that, but you don't know half the reasons why he does anything.
The past few hours you've debated going to talk to him, see how he's doing. It's no secret that you've never agreed with your father's game. You felt bad for the people who have died. They could've had families for all you know. It's a reason you hardly attend any of the fights. Until you met Loki. Your father took a liking to him pretty quickly and he's the only reason you even tolerated the matches, to be near him.
You push yourself up from the floor as you begin to make your way towards the Champion's room when the Grandmaster's voice comes through the intercom of the building.
"Sakaar, hear ye. Attention, please. I have some bad news. My beloved exalted champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets! Celebrate my champion. It seems that that criminally seductive, Lord of Thunder, has stolen him away."
"Shit," you mumble and throw on a jacket before making your way to where your father does most of his punishments.
"You just missed him, love," a woman who works with your dad mentions as you head towards the large door. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, wondering how she knew who you're looking for. "You're looking for Loki, right?"
You nod your head in answer and point in the other direction, telling you that he and Valkyrie went down that hall. "Thank you," you tell her, and she smiles at you.
"Just be careful! I don't know the reason but Valkyrie had Loki in chains," she informs you, and your stomach drops before rushing in the direction she pointed you in.
You find Valkyrie's room and look around before hacking into the system, something you learned from an old friend years ago.  
The door opens and you let out a breathy laugh, proud that you were able to succeed.
"Y/N?" Loki's voice calls out and your eyes meet him, a short gasp leaving your lips. "How'd you get in here?"
You run into the room and kneel beside him, looking for a way to take the chains off as Valkyrie's door shuts. "I hacked into the keypad," you inform him and Loki laughs in response.
"Well, aren't you devious," he grins and you look up at him. "But, maybe it's for the best that you don't release me."
You furrow your eyebrows together in confusion, lowering your hands from the chain he's wrapped in. "How come?" You ask and before Loki could answer Valkyrie's door opens.
"How'd you get in here?!" She asks while stepping towards you.
A gasp leaves your lips as the tip of her sword rests against your throat. "I-I hacked the system," you mumble quietly and take a glance towards Loki. "I heard you locked him up so I came to free him."
Thor takes a step forward and makes Valkyrie drop her weapon. "She means no harm," he tells her and the woman scoffs in response.
"Means no harm?! She would've let him go if we didn't come in when we did!" She argues and Loki clears his throat, gaining everyone's attention.
"To be fair, I told her not to let me go," he informs the group and you're nodding your head in agreement.
"It's true. He told me just before you guys came in," you mumble and slowly get up from the floor.
Valkyrie narrows her eyes at you before pressing you against the wall, her hands wrapping around your throat. "Betray us and I'll kill you slowly," she growls and you gulp, nodding your head in response.
She walks back towards Thor and the shorter man as you slide down against the wall, your chest heaving. Loki glances towards you and you give him a small smile.
"You okay?" He asks quietly and you nod your head again. Thor notices the softness in his brother's eyes as the raven-haired looks down at you.
"So, what's the plan?" Valkyrie asks Thor.
You couldn't believe your ears. You'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt to hear Loki ask for safe passage off of the planet. You didn't want Loki to leave, not after falling for the man. You're left alone in Valkyrie's room as everyone began working on the plan. You push yourself off of the floor before walking out of the woman’s apartment, deciding to make your way down to where your father’s ship is stored.
“Maybe, I can convince him to stay,” you mumble to yourself as you stand in the elevator, slowly waiting for it to drop you off. A deep sigh leaves your lips as so many thoughts play through your head.
You reach the lower level of the tower where all the ships are stored and look around the large area to see if the group is still here. You glance towards where your father’s ship is normally parked, your stomach dropping to see that it’s not there anymore. Your ears perk up as you can hear someone grunting and you furrow your eyebrows together as you walk towards the noise.
A gasp leaves your lips as you see Loki laying on the floor, getting electrocuted by an obedience disc that everyone uses. “Loki,” you call out before rushing towards the man. You grab the remote to it before kneeling beside him, turning it off. Loki pants heavily as his green eyes meet yours for a few moments before slowly shutting them.
“Oh, thank you,” he breathes out and you giggle softly while resting a hand on his chest.
“I thought you left with everyone else?” You ask immediately and the man shakes his head. Footsteps can be heard behind you and you glance over your shoulder to see all of your father’s contenders standing behind you.
“Hey, guys. We’re about to jump on that ginormous spaceship. You wanna come?” The man you know as Korg asks the two of you.
Loki slowly sits up, his hand resting against the ground as he lets out a breathy laugh. “Well, you do seem like you’re in desperate need of leadership,” Loki points out before glancing towards you, seeing the saddened look on your face.
“Why, thank you,” Korg mentions as the group begins to walk towards the ship.
You push yourself up from the floor, clearing your throat as Loki’s eyes move to you once more. “So, you’re really leaving?” You ask and the man sighs before nodding his head.
“I need to help my brother stop our sister,” he says and you nod your head in understanding, your hands moving to grab a hold of his wrists. Loki’s hands find yours before lacing your fingers together.
The raven-haired man brings your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. “Come with me,” he mumbles and your heart skips a beat, eyes widening at his request. “You could be so much more than the Grandmaster’s daughter. You won’t have to deal with the malicious fights that he puts on. You can live a somewhat normal life.”
Your hand squeezes his as a smile comes to your lips. “Any other reason you’d want me to come with?” You question in hope that the man has some sort of feelings for you.
Loki chuckles as one of his hands leaves yours to wrap around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. Your cheeks blush as your hands now rest on his chest, your eyes looking up at him through your lashes. “There might be,” he whispers and you shudder a bit in his arms.
Your hands slide up his chest before wrapping them around his neck, your fingers gliding through his black hair. Your heart beats quickly in your chest as Loki moves his free hand to your face, stroking your cheekbone.
"So, what will it be, darling?" Loki asks and you smile brightly.
You lean on your toes and place a light kiss on the man's lips, earning a short groan from him. "We better get going," you giggle and Loki's grip on your waist tighten before the two of you run towards the ship.
Goodbye, Sakaar. Goodbye, Father.
Taglist: @poweredbyghostadventures @valentine5sos​ @deephideoutmilkshake @noisynightmarefest​ @albinoclifford @jessalyn-jpeg​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @maddz-world​ @queen-of-mischief​
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waithyuck · 4 years
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pairing: elf! na jaemin x reader (f) **halloweenie special**
genre: smut, supernatural au
word count: 3k
warnings: {OKAY IM PUTTING A WARNING FOR VERY MILD *DUB-CON* BC TECHNICALLY THE READER IS TRICKED , BUT IN THE END OBVIOUSLY CONSENTS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED}, sexual content (fingering, dry humping), explicit language, use of several pet names, possessive behavior and vocabulary, reader just wants to find her damn cat but gets a whole lot more than that, bad attempts at explaining folklore, I’m sorry for any inaccuracies 😬 **ALSO UNEDITED**
a/n: **repost bc tumblr sucks** this is definitely more of my own spin on what I think an elf would be like, so sorry to those of you who are into the lore and stuff 🥺
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your grandmother was always a very smart woman, and you knew that very well. so when she told you not to do something, you made sure to NEVER do it.
you lived with her on the very outskirts of your town; your own backyard made up of a very dense forest with enough trees in it to block out almost all sunlight. your bedroom window faced the forest, and every night you were forced to stare at it as you sat at your desk, contemplating what went on in there.
your grandmother repeatedly told you to never go in there, no matter what, ever since you were a child. she would talk about all kinds of crazy things, like witches and faeries, and even elves.
the first time she told you about the dark forest, you were only six years old.
“you can’t go in there, y/n.” she said seriously, crouching before you as you stood in the kitchen with her. “no matter how much it may call you, you can never enter it.”
you didn’t understand, so of course, in typical child fashion, you questioned her.
“well why not?” you shot back, crossing your arms and pouting. she stood back up after looking at you for a second, going back to mixing brownie batter in a large bowl.
“the fae are dangerous creatures. the forest is littered with them, my dear.” she stopped for a moment, gazing out the kitchen window and into the thick gathering of trees and plant life. “the elves will claim you once you enter, and you may never be able to escape again.”
after that, she didn’t say much else to you about it.
at first, you thought she was just trying to scare you into not wandering off, but after a while you began to believe her.
there would be strange noises in the night; like whispers calling out to you from the direction of your window. it creeped you out but you tried to convince yourself it was just your imagination playing tricks on you.
your life continued on like that for years, and eventually it didn’t phase you at all. you were used to the nightly whispers now, and even your cat didn’t seem to mind them, if she could hear them at all.
you never told your grandmother about them, however. she was getting old and you didn’t want to be the reason she had a heart attack, as awful as that sounded.
for being as old as she was, she still got around pretty good, and there were days when she left you along for a good few hours to go out on walks with her other old lady friends.
it was really cute.
today was just like any other day like that; your grandmother left around eleven in the morning to go out, leaving you some breakfast on the counter for when you inevitably stumbled out of your room at one o’clock in the afternoon.
everything seemed normal. you ate in silence and scrolled through your phone at the kitchen table, but then noticed something was right.
looking around you, you noticed your cat was nowhere in sight. she would usually be up on the table sitting and staring at you or rubbing against your leg for no reason, but currently she was nowhere to be found.
at first you just assumed she was sleeping somewhere else, but after eating you searched the house and couldn’t find her anywhere. walking back into the kitchen you happened to glance outside and your heart jumped in your chest.
then you started to panic.
looking out into the backyard you saw her stark white fur disappear into the thick brush of the forest, and you almost screamed out loud at the sight.
“fuck,” you exclaimed, your heart racing and your mind thinking of all the ways to try to get her back. you were always advised to not go into the forest...but you couldn’t let your poor cat who you loved very dearly to get mauled out there by some bigger animal.
you had to go after her.
you mustered you all the courage you had inside you, not bothering to change out of your ratty shorts and t-shirt before shoving your feet in your sneakers. you let out a shaky breath as you walked into your backyard, staring down the darkness of the forest with determination.
as you apprehensively made your way to the very entrance of the brush, you spotted a large crooked stick, and didn’t hesitate to grab it to use as a weapon if necessary.
you didn’t want to be completely defenseless against any supernatural creatures you came across. you had a gut feeling that running into one would be inevitable, and the fear rang like a siren in the back of your mind like a sonata.
the ‘do not enter’ and ‘keep out: danger’ signs did nothing to ease your pounding heart and screaming nerves, but you pressed on regardless. you had to do this, for your stupid cat.
with one large step, you passed the boundary of the trees, the wind picking up as soon as you did. a chill ran down your spine but you kept your legs moving, careful not to break your ankles on any protruding roots. it was incredibly dark, even though the sun was high in the sky, but the leaves of the towering trees cut out almost all light.
you stumbled around aimlessly for what felt like hours, but in reality it had only probably been about 45 minutes before you stopped and took a breather. checking your phone for the time, you felt a pang in your chest when you realized that it was off, and wouldn’t turn back on no matter how hard you tried.
“fuck,” you muttered, fear creeping up on your soul once again. you really didn’t want to be in this forest longer than necessary, and you really seriously contemplated just leaving your cat behind, as horrible as that was.
your eyes gazed around, taking in the trees surrounding you. nothing seemed too out of the ordinary...all though you really though you saw a few small dashes of light fly around you through your periphery. you prayed that they weren’t pixies or fairies of whatever else your grandmother told you about.
you didn’t trust anything, no matter how beautiful or non-threatening they seemed to be on the outside.
“hello there.” a voice spoke out suddenly, causing you to jump and spin around, dropping your makeshift weapon in the process.
your eyes met the sight of a young man who looked to be around your age, with a slightly unsettling smile upon his face. he was almost too handsome; the beauty that emanated from him in waves was incredibly addicting, and you felt the pull of him immediately. it was hard to tear your eyes away, and that scared you.
you had no idea where he had come from, nor did you know how he managed to so quietly sneak up behind you like he did. you definitely would have heard him coming, considering the amount of twigs and leaves littering the ground at your feet.
your heart raced at the possibility of who, or what, he was, your mind trying to go through everything your sweet old grandmother ever told you. some inner part of you already knew what you were dealing with.
“don’t hurt yourself, darling,” the man spoke again, referencing to your mind working in overtime. he took a step forward toward you, and in turn you took a large stumbling step back. he watched you move, chuckling. “I’m jaemin, care to tell me your name?”
“n-no,” you managed to say, your hands clutched at your chest as you tried to calm your racing heart. you swore you saw his eyes flicker a bright aquamarine for a moment before returning back to brown as his smile faltered slightly. It came back a split second later.
“you’re a smart girl,” he purred, most likely realizing that you knew he wasn’t human, inching closer once more. you felt frozen, unable to step back like you truly wanted to, and you willed yourself not to panic. “you know what I am, I presume?”
your lips shook as you opened your mouth to speak, your tongue running over your chapped lips and he watched every single movement, causing your body to shiver.
“I have a-an idea,” you softly whispered, not breaking eye contact as he stopped in front of you. he didn’t say a word, only smiling at you as you stayed frozen in your spot. one word screamed in your mind: elf. you didn’t even have to look at his pointed ears to deduct that. the vibe he gave off was abundantly clear, even if you had never encountered another being of his kind before.
it didn’t feel like he was compelling you; it was more or less your reaction to the immense shock and fear you felt, coming in contact with a creature your grandmother always warned you about.
and it’s all because of your dumb cat.
“l-look dude, I’m just trying to find my cat.” you stated strongly now, holding your ground as best you could as he looked at you intensely, that slightly unsettling smile never leaving his face.
“once it entered the forest it became mine.” he simply retorted, leaning against the tree trunk beside him. “anything that passes the trees here belongs to me…” he paused for a moment, his eyes now glowing a full bright aquamarine, startling you as he seared his gaze through your very soul. “so I guess that means you’re mine as well. how lucky.”
the elf spoke softly, but there was an edge to his tone that made you shiver, paired with his choice of words.
“I-I’m not..” you stuttered, your fists clenched by your sides. was he the ruler of the forest? some sort of elf king?
“you’re not?” he asked, chuckling to himself as he pushed his body from the tree, slowly slithering toward you on his bare feet. “did you not hear what I said? everything in this forest is mine. that includes living creatures,” you had no willpower to move away as he crowded your space, his glowing eyes paralyzing you as his body drew closer and closer. “I wonder what I should do with my new possession.” he smirked to himself, reaching a pale hand out to gently cup your chin, laughing lowly as you instinctively flinched. “you are without a doubt the prettiest thing I’ve seen enter my domain in years, princess. I’ve been waiting for you.”
his last sentence threw you off, but for a moment your brain couldn’t remember the whispers you heard all those years, and it didn’t click. you couldn’t deny that this elf man was attractive; and you couldn’t deny the fact that his voice had your legs weakening with every word he spoke. you cursed yourself mentally for being affected by him, because deep down you were aware of the danger of encountering elves.
thinking back to your cat, you wondered why she would have left the house in the first place. she was lazy and never wanted to really move...unless something was calling her…
your heart seemed to stop beating and your blood ran cold.
“you tr-tricked me…” you said in realization, your eyes widening. “you tricked me into coming in here, using m-my cat!” your voice was panicked and you found it hard to breathe. then, your brain finally figured it out. “you’re the one that’s been whispering to me all these years, aren’t y-you?”
he smiled at you with dark aquamarine eyes, and now you weren’t sure how you were going to get yourself out of this mess.
you weren’t entirely sure you wanted to get out of this mess.
wait, what?, your eyes widened at your own thoughts, where did that come from??
suddenly and without warning, your entire body was grasped in his hold. his hands dominantly gripped your waist and flipped you around so that your front was smacked up against a tree, the sharp bark scratching your cheek as your face was scraped against it.
“you’re my kitty now.” his voice whispered directly into your ear, his breath causing your body to visibly shiver in his hold.
you didn’t mean to whine, you really didn’t, but when he his teeth found your ear and nibbled gently on the skin, you couldn’t hold it in. your legs trembled beneath you as your knees weakened, the feeling of his warm body pressed tightly against your back leaving you wanting more and more.
he pressed deceivingly sweet kisses along your neck, your hands clutching the bark of the tree in response, your nails scratching along the surface. you jolted when you felt his right hand move down your front and nestle between your legs, putting pressure right against your covered center.
“hmm, you want it, don’t you?” he mumbled quietly, his chest rumbling against your back. “your thoughts are so loud, I know you can’t resist me.”
your thighs clenched in anticipation as he ran his long fingers delicately along your core through your shorts, and you let out a breathy whimper in response.
he tsk’d at you, giving your pussy a light slap through the thin fabric before completely drawing it away. “I wanna hear you say yes, kitty.”
his voice was demanding as he spoke, and you couldn’t disobey.
with your eyes glazing over, you gripped the tree trunk tightly and mewled out, “yes!”
you could practically hear him smirk, his chuckling causing you to grow even more wet as he finally slipped his hand down your front and into your shorts. when his long finger reached your bare and sensitive nub, you could help but arch your back, causing your ass to press tightly against his rapidly hardening cock. he groaned right in your ear, his hips bucking and grinding against your behind in time with his strokes against your clit.
“you’re already so wet, darling,” he moaned out, dipping his finger down to circle your entrance. “I could just...slide right in.” with those words, he slipped his index finger into you in one clean movement, his long finger reaching deep inside your pussy.
you cried out when the tip of his finger brushed a sweet spot inside you, and you heard him groan in response, a deep chuckle following.
“good girl,” he muttered, casually slipping his middle finger inside you beside his pointer. the stretch had you throwing you head back, giving him access to your pretty neck. “be as loud as you want, baby. it’s just me, you, and the forest now.”
his hips grinding against your from behind never ceased, and he thrusted his fingers to the same rhythm as his hips. he was literally fingerfucking you; before you knew it he was adding a third finger.
to help with the burn of the stretch, he reached his free hand down and used two fingers to pinch and roll your clit, making you squeeze your eyes shut and clench your teeth at the sudden immense pleasure you were feeling.
it was embarrassing, but you were already so close to reaching your high. you really wanted this feeling to last forever, so you tried to hold it as long as you could.
the noises escaping from you only grew louder the harder he went; the powerful strokes from his hips driving you into the bark of the tree and his fingers plowing deep inside you had you practically screaming.
his lips found your neck and he left wet kisses there, his grains and growls only enhancing your feelings of ecstasy. he sounded like sin, and even though he was an elven boy that you had just stumbled across, you knew you didn’t want him to leave your life. you never wanted to live in a world where you couldn’t hear his moans, and that thought almost terrified you. the effect he was having on you was extremely intense, and you weren’t sure if it was normal, but at this point you were far too gone to care.
“are you gonna cum, kitty?” he strained out, breaking you out of your thought as his hips stuttered against your ass, his fingers still powerfully fucking into you. you could only nod desperately, your throat sore from the guttural sounds you were releasing.
he let out a breathy laugh, causing your walls to flutter around his digits. “then cum. I wanna feel you fucking drench my fingers.”
his words were all it took for you to let go. you screamed as you came, your nails scratching against the tree as your cheek scraped sharply on the bark, most likely drawing blood. your pussy clamped so hard around his fingers that he could barely move them in and out of you, so he drew circles over your clit to help you ride out your orgasm.
his hips pressed tightly against you, and you could feel through your own pants the wet spot on the front of his, indicating that he had cum as well.
after a powerful minute of cumming, you felt your eyes droop in exhaustion almost immediately. jaemin withdrew his fingers from you, wiping your essence on his pants before grouping your waist to keep you from collapsing. you definitely would have fallen if it weren’t for his hold on you.
he gently lowered you to the ground, turning your body so your back was able to rest against the trunk. he wiped at the scratches on your cheek with his thumb, but even though it stung you didn’t have the energy to flinch.
“go to sleep, precious.” he said softly, still stroking your face lovingly. his gentle nature should have set off all of the alarms in your mind and body, but you didn’t have enough energy to care.
in the back of your mind you realized that you probably would never see your cat or your grandmother again, and that you would most likely be trapped in this forest with jaemin for the rest of your days on earth. you didn't want to think about it now, so you took his advice and allowed your eyes to close, dreaming of jaemin and nothing else.
maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
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nothoughtsonlynat · 3 years
The Chick with the Red Magic (W.M.)
Warnings: None? Maybe some swearing?
Word Count: 1.4k
It’s a typical New York night. The old apartment buildings tower over you, the smell of cigarette smoke filling the air from where an old man is perched on his fire escape. There aren’t many people around, and those who do dare to wander the streets this late, stick to themselves. You look up at the dark sky as you walk, and you can’t help but wish that the stars were visible through the city pollution.
It had been a long day. First, you had several hours of classes. You were in your third year of college at NYU, working toward your degree in criminal justice. The plan was to become a detective here in New York. Hey, it might not have been a very detailed plan, but at least you had one. After classes, you went to the gym with your friend, Henry, from school. Then you had an 8-hour shift as an EMT. To say you were exhausted would be an understatement.
You pass a particularly dark alley as you near your favorite coffee shop一 not that they were open this late at night. After you’ve passed the alley, you hear some strange sounds coming from it. Muffled grunts and low thuds fill the thick air. You follow your gut as you quietly ditch your bag on the ground and creep into the alley. You spot a brunette surrounded by four men. You fail to notice the red tendrils floating through the air around them. One man notices you and when he comes for you, you knock him unconscious with a hard punch to the jaw. Your face scrunches up in pain as you grab your wrist and shake your hand一 that always hurts a lot less in training. The other three men are thrown against the brick wall by the red hue, which you finally take notice of, and you instinctively take a step back. The mysterious woman’s eyes snap to yours as she finally notices your presence. You hold her gaze and fight the urge to hightail it out of there.
“Who are you? What was that?” Your voice comes out steadier than you feel.
“Um, I一 you don’t recognize me?” She steps closer and you shake your head with furrowed eyebrows, confused at her question.
“Should I?” “I- I guess not. I’m Wanda. I swear you’re safe. What you just saw... well, I can’t really explain it. But I’m with the good guys, I promise.”
“Yeah, right, okay. Would you even know if you were a bad guy?” You did your best to sound skeptical, but in all honesty, this woman had somehow already gained your trust. Maybe you wouldn’t make such a great detective, after all.
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/N.”
“Well, thank you for the help, Y/N.”
“Yeah...I’m pretty sure you didn’t need it,” you deadpan, gesturing to the pile of unconscious bodies further down the alley.
“You should probably go now before my boss gets here, unless you wanna end up in questioning and debriefing all night.”
‘Questioning? Debriefing? I know damn well this girl ain’t a cop’ you think to yourself.
“This is all very mysterious, Wanda, you know that?”
She breathed out a laugh. “I’m aware.”
“Will I see you again? I’d like to solve the mystery, if you’ll give me a chance.” You don’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but something about her thick accent and her kind green eyes makes you want to talk to her for hours. 
“What’s your full name?”
“Um, Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Then, yes. I will find you again, Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Okay, now I’m concerned for my safety.”
A wide grin spread across her lips as she said, “No you’re not.”
“No, I’m not. But I probably should be. Uh, goodnight, Wanda.”
<Two days later>
Three loud knocks disrupt the peaceful silence that had previously settled in your apartment. You set down the textbook in your hands and rise from the couch. You pull the door open, confused when you see a beautiful redhead standing on the other side. Her face displays no emotion and she scans your figure from head to toe. You tilt your head in a questioning manner, debating whether you were about to get stabbed or converted.
“Um, can I help you? Are you alright,” you ask her, cautious of why a random woman would show up at your door.
“So you seriously don’t know who I am? Or Wanda,” she asks with a raised brow.
“Uh, I一 what? You know Wanda?”
“You know who the Avengers are?” 
You nod your head in affirmation. “Yeah. Team of superheroes. Everyone knows about them,” you reply plainly. You had nothing against them, you just didn’t really care. Why is this lady asking about the Avengers? You should definitely reconsider becoming a detective.
“I take it you’ve never paid much attention to them?”
“Not really. What does this have to do with Wanda? Who are you?”
“I’m Natasha. Wanda and I are Avengers.”
You don’t say anything for a few seconds. “Bullshit.” She nods her head with a small smirk on her face. “Huh,” you say, your voice an octave higher than usual.
“Mhm. I came here to scope you out, see if you’d be a threat to Wanda, but you seem entirely harmless, so here’s her number,” she said, handing you a slip of paper.
“Um, thanks, I一 wait, I’m not harmless! I can be very harmful! When I wanna be…”
“Yeah, sure. She told me all about the punch. Very harmful,” she teased before patting your upper arm and walking away down the hall.
You barely wasted ten minutes before calling Wanda.
“Hello, Wanda. Or should I call you ‘My Great Avenger’,” you tease over the phone.
“Oh, God, please don’t. It’s good to hear from you Y/N.”
“It’s good to hear from you, too. I was beginning to worry that I had been hallucinating. So you really sent your friend to make sure I was safe for you to be around?”
“Ugh, I didn’t ask her to do that. She insisted when I told her about what happened. I only wanted her to find you一”
“Oh, so you told your friends about me? I’m honored.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, tell me about yourself, Y/N.”
“Well, I’m a junior at NYU, I work as an EMT, and, apparently, I’m very trusting because I ran into this chick with red magic the other day and I literally gave her my full name on the spot and everything,” you joke.
“That definitely wasn’t very safe thinking on your part. I’m glad that you blindly trusted some weird girl with powers, though. It probably made her night,” she says, playing along.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say she’s weird. Different, maybe, but normal is boring. And you should see her, she’s really pretty. She’s got the kindest eyes and the most amazing smile that could outshine the North Star.” She’s silent and you wish that you could see her face, hoping that maybe you’d put a smile on it. “Although her friend is kind of intimidating. I’m pretty sure she could kill me without batting an eye,” you continue.
“Yikes, not the scary best friend. You definitely don’t want to piss her off.”
“Definitely not. So, what do you think? Should I ask this girl out on a date?” “The chick with the red magic or her scary best friend?”
“The chick with the red magic, of course.”
“I think...you should. Maybe you could take her out this Friday?”
“Maybe to dinner? Something real casual, so I can get to know her outside of a stuck-up, annoying rich-people-restaurant?”
“I think she’d love that. Maybe you could pick her up at seven?”
“I think that sounds like a great idea. I can’t wait to see her.”
“She can’t wait, either.”
“Wait, just to be clear, you know I’m talking about you, right? Like, this was me asking you out? ‘Cause that would be awkward if you didn’t and I’m gonna need your address to pick you up-”
She cuts off your nervous rambling with a laugh and says, “Yes, I’m aware. I’ll text you the address in a bit. Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Right, cool. Bye, Wanda.” You hang up the phone with a huge smile and jump around in a celebratory dance, already planning Friday’s date.
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S/O Protecting Their Boys from Creeps Part Two with Aoyama, Iida, Kaminari and Sero?
Of course!
Fluff 💖
S/O Protects Their Boys From Creeps Part Two
Yuga Aoyama-
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You and Aoyama were out at a cafe enjoying a nice cup of warm coffee. You both decided to have a date day and go shopping for clothes! Yes Yuga did get hit on a lot, but it never really bothered the both of you. Unless it got serious and serious fast.
You both were sitting outside to enjoy the nice breeze and plus, who doesn’t love nature while talking fashion? While you were enjoying your sweet, sweet cup of energy that’s when a woman walks up to the both of you. She did look older, she had a cigarette in her mouth. “Hey there cutie!” She says, walking up to directly in front of Aoyama. You cough to get her attention, “uh hi, we’re in the middle of talking here. I’m sorry ma’am.” You say, trying to not lose your cool. She rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Yuga. “You are so handsome, you know that?” She says, Yuga laughs, “oh I know! I definitely try, plus I like to look my best for (y/n)!” He responses, she laughs and touches the collar of his shirt. She slightly grabbed it, he tensed up slightly. “A handsome young man like you, shouldn’t have to be sitting around. I can show you an amazing time.” She says, winking. That set you off, like your nerves just got lit on fire.
“Hey weirdo!” You say, standing up and facing her. She turns around and looks you in the eyes. “It’s creepy to hit on a minor! Second, he’s with me!” You yell at her, she looks taken aback and scoffs. “So now please leave us alone!” She takes a step back and starts to walk off, mumbling something. Yuga’s eyes are wide, staring in shock. “Darling?” He asks, you turn around and look at him. “You know, being this handsome comes with a price and usually I’m okay with dealing with it.” He starts, you sit down beside him, finishing your now cold coffee. “But I don’t know what I could of done without you.” He says with a soft smile, you smile back and kiss him.
Tenya Iida-
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Usually Tenya was the more protective one, but you did have your moments. While he typically wasn’t a flirter, he doesn’t exactly pick up on those vibes. Or creepy vibes, he doesn’t pick up on those the best as well. It wasn’t exactly his fault, he was a great looking guy, sweet and kind, and he was more worried about keeping you safe!
“How do you like this honey?” He says, holding out a buttoned up shirt. You and him were going to attend a party for your cousin, so he wanted to look his best. Even if it was just a birthday party. You smile and nod, kissing him on the cheek. You were outside the dressing room, waiting on him to come out. He was trying out clothes to get your opinion on it. Whenever you went to the bathroom, you yelled out to him that you were going to be gone for a second. Whenever you came back, he was outside the dressing room and looking very uncomfortable. “You are such a handsome man.” This woman says, going to touch his arm muscle. He smiled awkwardly, “uh thank you, but you see I don’t think my partner would like you doing that.” He says, moving his arm away from her. She grabbed back onto, “come on, let me see those muscles.” You got furious, you stormed over there.
“Hey babe!” You say, going over to him and looking the lady dead in the eyes. Like it looks could of killed, it would of been 1st degree murder, it was that bad. “Now what are you doing, touching all up on my boyfriend?” You ask, her eyes go wide. “That’s what I thought, now please leave him alone before I have to use my quirk on you. And trust me, it hurts like a bitch.” She immediately turned around and walked away, you rolled your eyes and turned to Iida. “Are you okay? I’m sorry I walked away for a second.” You say, leaning your head into his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, it was going faster than usual. “Thank you honey, I’m not sure on how I would of gotten her to leave me alone.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
Denki Kaminari-
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With Denki being an airhead, it wasn’t rare when he didn’t pay attention to obvious flirting. Which made you very happy but at the same time you do worry since there is some more, uh, pushy people out there. Today was the case.
You were both out at the park, eating some icecream and talking about life. Hand in hand, you walked past this lady sitting on the bench. “Hey handsome!” She yells out to Denki, you immediately frown. Whenever Denki doesn’t turn around or even knowledge her, she flips out. “Uh, you know I’m talking to you right handsome?” She asks, getting up and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Oh! Sorry but I’m dating someone!” He says, pointing to you. You do a wave small, frowning and giving her a glare. She laughs, “oh come on handsome just let me take you home for the night!” You immediately let go of Denki and go and get in her face. “Look, I get you want to hoe around or whatever, but it’s creepy and disrespectful because he already said no. Go fuck someone your own age.” You exclaim, and grab his hand again. Before she had a chance to say anything,
After that, whenever you both got to the dorms you were still cooling down. You wanted to slap the hell out of her. It’s creepy and second, it’s your boyfriend! You just want to make sure he’s okay and that nothing happens to him. Whenever you did get settled down, Denki sits down next to you with a plate of brownies. You look up at him. “Hey, I brought some brownies.” He says, smiling softly. “Thanks for today. I think it just now registered on what happened.” You nod and take a brownie. “I love you (y/n), thank you.” He says, kissing your forehead. He didn’t have a lot of serious moments, but when he did, you loved him so much.
Hanta Sero-
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Sero would always show you off, and you would always show him off. You both loved it, you loved the idea of being together and having a wonderful relationship. You guys were at this party, you think it was for one of your friend’s family members but you honestly went for the food.
You both were dancing, the music was blasting, and you were having an amazing time. “You dance amazing babe!” He yells over the music, you laugh and grab his hand, doing a twirl. Without paying attention, a woman shows up and tapping him on the shower. You both stop and look at her, “hey what’s up?” He asks, catching his breath for a second. “Can I take this dance?” The lady says, asking you. “Oh, uh sure.” You say, taking a step back and Sero looks obviously uncomfortable. “I was dancing with my partner, (y/n).” He says, looking at you. “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m much better. I’ll admire your muscles.” She says, rubbing her hand up and down his arm. His arm tensed, “oh just like that. You are so handsome! How about I take you home?” You stepped in, shortly after. “Hi, I’m Im not sure if your blind or stupid but I’m with him. He’s my boyfriend, the guy I bring home every night.” You say, while Sero let’s go of her. You grab his hand.
She scoffs, “well aren’t you sweet.” She says sarcastically. “Well aren’t you just tolerable.” You say with the same tone and energy. “Go be a old hoe somewhere else, he isn’t into cougars.” You tell her and he leans down and kisses you. You can hear her mumble a few words that aren’t exactly friendly, but you don’t care. After that, you both started to slow dance even if it didn’t match the music. “You were really going to fight her around you?” He asks, laughing a bit. “I got to protect my man, plus she was making you uncomfortable.” He nods and kisses you. The rest of the night was truly amazing.
I hope you enjoyed! I can’t wait to write more for you guys!
I hope you have a great day! :)
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thgreatestblue · 3 years
cold as you [part l]
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➜ pairing: douma x fem!reader ➜ warnings: murder, blood, religious fanaticism, gore. ➜ words: 5.2k ➜ a/n: hello everyone, i’m back! this time with a character that i thought i would never write for, but here we are. you can also read and leave a comment on my ao3, i would really appreciate it! <3 ➜ ao3
summary: You always believed the best course of action was infiltrating; little by little gaining their trust, and when they would less expect, you would bolt out of that place with all the information you could gather. Not wasting one more day of your life inside that covil of madness and cruelty — of twisted faith and demonic rituals.
The chill of the night crept into your bones as you walked down the dirty path alongside the followers of the Paradise Faith Cult. The only sound you could hear with your sensitive ears was coming from nocturnal animals and cicadas singing their creep melody all together with the cries from the crickets; blended together in a harmonic haunting song. 
The soundless steps from the Cult’s members were almost unnatural, as if you were surrounded by ghosts; a phantom presence of what once were people with their own ideas and beliefs — now transformed into shells of indifference and fanaticism. 
It took a couple of years, a lot of hard work and blatant lies for you to be finally accepted for the trial of the Paradise Faith Cult. You have been investigating their whereabouts since the day the Insect Pillar died. Since the day Kanae lost her life in a bloody fight against their Leader, a Demon called Douma.
The smell of the chemicals from the laboratory was all you knew for a long time, working together with Shinobu to find a way to win against one of the strongest Demon in all Japan — trying to find a way to win without using an absurd amount of strength, something both of you lack.
However, by the end of the first year, you were fed up with the scent that had impregnated even your skin; no matter how much you scrubbed it. And, although Shinobu never made any effort to convince you to stay, she still said between cold words how stupid you were being for dropping something safe. Even though she was right, the nagging feeling of annoyance wouldn't leave your mind — you needed to go out and find his trail by yourself. 
Once you packed your things to leave, she appeared at the doorstep of your room, watching you with her big, purple eyes. You were already used to her trying to control her anger inside her tiny body by smiling too forcefully. After Kanae’s death, she became another girl, more mature. Angrier, though. 
“I wonder who’s going to die first,” You said bitterly between your teeths, the silence from her part isn't totally unwelcomed, there was nothing left to say anyway, “You, with all those poisons. Or me, with my desire for danger.”
She clapped her hands together, the smile never reaching her eyes, “Let’s make a bet, then.” 
You squint your lips together in an effort to not let an ironic laugh escape your mouth, wondering if Shinobu was at least slightly happy with your achievement — how close you were to finally win the bet. 
As you walked with your hands tied in front of you, the dark welcomed you as an old friend. If it wasn't for the blindfold, you could try to excuse the need to have a hand on your shoulder. However, the path pulled some tricks and you were afraid of falling on your knees. But the heavy weight of their palm and the touch of the member’s stained fingers on your skin made your insides turn in disgust. 
Despite the taste of acid on your tongue, you needed to keep the composure you fought to be seen for so long. A noble and pure candidate for the Paradise Faith Cult; with no bruises or scars, hair as silky as satin, a skin so delicate that even the followers that came to escort you chose to not tie the ropes too tight, afraid of accidentally making a single bruise. The Leader would not be happy to see his next servant with a bruise — at least one not caused by him anyway.
Once you were accepted for the selection, you knew you had to prepare yourself to be someone else completely. All those years training under the harsh sun now were almost like memories from another life; stacked up in a corner of your mind. However, inside you were still a Demon Slayer. So, you straightened your back, walking proudly with your chin up; even if the blindfold would leave your senses in a disarray of red flags. 
In order to be selected for the Paradise Faith Cult, you had to let go of your old life. Although, sometimes you would miss the blisters, the fresh wounds after a tough mission, the scent of chemicals coming from Shinobu’s laboratory and even the way your body ached after training alongside with the Sound Pillar; building a new life from scratch in order to have at least a single advantage against the Demon was your top priority since day one.
“We are almost there, my lady. I’m sorry for the barbarian way we are escorting you,” The man holding your shoulder apologies, his tone never faltering. You could almost believe he meant no harm, “But we have to make sure to keep the place a secret, we already had cases of assassins coming and trying to steal our Leader from us.”
You had heard about those cases; after all, they were once your friends. Fearless and so confident with their skills, they would brag about how easy it was to spot their hideout, how weak the people inside were compared to their sharp katanas. What they seemed to never take into consideration was that, between masses of devotion, lived a King — who was, apparently, hungry all the time. 
You always believed the best course of action was by infiltration; little by little gaining their trust. And when they would less expect, you would bolt out of that place with all the information you could gather. Not wasting one more day of your life inside that covil of madness and cruelty — of twisted faith and demonic rituals. 
“Thank you for your concern, I understand wholeheartedly your methods,” You say with the softest tone you could managed it, trying your best to not spill the acid boiling on your tongue, “All I wish is to serve your Leader, nothing more.” You bow just a little, touching your heart. The rope brushes against your skin uncomfortably.
At first, those lies were hard to formulate — hard to accept that you were talking down your own family. However, one day, they stopped tangling your tongue; stopped making your lips tremble as you pictured your friends judging your behavior. It was all for a purpose, Shinobu never judged you for choosing this way of action. 
So, when your squad left you all by yourself in the middle of the mission, you said nothing. And when none of them came back, there were no tears left for them. Only the purpose of keeping moving forward, anything to make this mission worth it; to honor the name of those who failed to see the bigger picture. 
“We appreciate your compromise with the Paradise Faith Cult,” The man continued, seeming pleased with your answer. His scent was too sweet and the grip on your shoulder was too tight for your liking, “It’s not everyday that someone so well mannered and royal seeks for us. The Leader is going to be very happy to have you.”
“I’m flattered that you think so well of me,” Swallowing down the bitter words that always threaten to escape, you gently smile instead, “I hope your Leader will think the same.” 
By now, the lies that came out of your mouth were second nature. So easy to come up with, that most of the time you had to ground yourself in your past, remembering all those horrifying things you saw when it was part of your daily life taking down Demons. And even though the Corps itself agreed to let you live this fake life, it still pained you to sit down and do nothing. It had to be worth it in the end. 
Suddenly, your ears picked up a few voices in the distance, the quiet steps of shoes on wood, the rustling of clothes. Even with the blindfold, you could sense the lights coming to view, warming your skin from afar. And with that, the sensation of being caged in a twisted universe finally settled down in your stomach — a universe where a Demon was worshipped. 
There was a sudden stop, a few whispered words you didn't make any effort to listen to. You were too occupied thinking that the moment you have been working on for years was finally happening. You were here, right at the entrance of the Demon’s domain, and none of those members around you suspected that you were working undercover. 
Just keep the facade and you will be fine. 
“We are here,” The heavy touch of the man finally leaves your shoulder, making you involuntary sigh in relief. It was starting to be unbearable the feeling of his sticky fingers moistened in lotion to cover the smell of blood he must clean off the floors everyday. 
“I’ll be taking off the blindfold now, excuse me.”
As the darkness was lifted from your eyes, the lights coming from the huge temple blind you immediately. They shone so bright against the dark blue of the sky, that for the first few minutes you blinked helplessly, adjusting your vision to the sight in front of you. 
The temple seemed to glow on the top of the mountain, lights reflecting the intrinsic details of pure gold on the walls; like a savior beacon on the coast, guiding ships towards safe land. Or, like a flame to a moth, the warmth not only blinding, but also cruelly burning it till the bone — for you, it was definitely the latter. 
It was no wonder why this place was easy to spot if you were really looking for it, it screamed royalty and fortune as the outside walls were decorated with beautifully handmade flags. The few people walking around the entrance were also wearing neat and clean clothes, without a single hair out of place. 
“Please, follow me.”
Although the blindfold was gone, the rope that tied your hands together was still wrapped around your wrist. The rough material was starting to leave red marks on your skin, but what bothered you the most wasn't the prickling material bruising the delicate flesh you had always taken good care of. 
No, what bothered you the most was the way all eyes turned to look at you as you walked inside the temple. 
You were being judged, examined — just like a caged animal, ready for the slaughter. Those eyes bore down your body; crawling under your skin, making the blood underneath it boil with the intensity of the stares you were receiving. Despite the amount of mental preparation you did for this moment, being judged by them was still an outrage. I should be the one doing the judging! You wanted to scream; shout at them, try to put some sense on their empty heads. 
Instead, you held your head higher, smiling down to those who dare whispering about you. 
Arriving at the main room, you could see how large the temple was on the inside as well. But of course, for someone surrounded by his own food and adoration, the place had to be as big as his appetite. The walls were filled with fancy tapestry, adornments of gold decorated the pillars, all together with expensive rugs and pillows — it was all too much to take in.
This was more than a simple home for a Demon, it was a heaven to its God. And the massive throne sitting at the top of the stairs, was a proof of that power. 
The whispering and stares never stopped. Actually, they intensified as the crowd grew bigger, you could almost hear their words behind those filthy hands, questioning if you were worth being in his presence. And again, you had to hold the smile on your lips, hold your hands in place — even though your fingers would twitch from now and then, wanting nothing but to punch a whole in their faces.
The man who was escorting you comes to a stop right in the middle of the room. He doesn't say anything else, only unties the rope around your wrists, letting you go finally. You bow respectfully as you were trained. He offers the same treatment, leaving you alone to the eyes of the crowd. Involuntarily, you reach for your wrist, rubbing it to release the tension that was starting to bottle up inside you.
Staring straight ahead, you analyze the indentations on the throne. The sounds of their voices are muffled by your thoughts as your mind drifts away, remembering every moment that led you to this instant. All those years trying your best to be the perfect example of a woman, learning all the aspects that were needed to be selected by the Cult. Years spent behind closed doors only to serve a purpose many people thought was hopeless. 
Shinobu was right, she always is anyway — you were crazy for danger. How far would you go, now that your life was at risk? Now that you were in his domain, at his mercy? What if they asked for something you just couldn't give?
For now, just smile.
When their empty eyes finally left your face, you turned your head slightly to see what was happening. Caught by the corner of your vision, the commotion was caused by the arrival of another three candidates. They were well dressed just like you, but there was something different in the way their eyes were gleaming with adoration, looking at the place as if they were arriving at heaven's gate. 
It turned your stomach, leaving a bad taste on your mouth. Even after everything you had heard about this place, victimizing the way people around here acted was frightening. The amount of blind faith scared you to the bone, at the same time that it left you pitting them. They slowly approached the center of the room, amazed with the amount of fortune the place oozed. 
For a moment, you wondered if you should have interpreted the role of a fanatic — if it would've been more convincing. However, the way they were so baffled by those around them, speaking excitedly about the Cult, showed thet it would’ve been impossible to replicate then — not even years training your smile would’ve been enough to tell such a lie. 
Suddenly, like a lighting announcing the arrival of the rain, the musicians started to pound the drums. The heavy sound spreaded throughout the room, and the conversations abruptly came to a stop. There was only the sound of the synchronizing beat enveloping the place, announcing the arrival of the Leader. 
You pinch the back of your hand to stay calm; a terrible habit you developed after the time you spent at the etiquette school. This way, the teachers could never tell if you were inflicting anything to stay grounded. After all, it was highly rude to show signs of anxiety to the person you would serve. However, being in the middle of the room, so out in the open, with all those eyes watching you as a hawk watches its prey before the fatal attack; it was definitely maddening. 
You hear the sound of a door opening, the sound of people crying, shouting praises, excited to see their Leader. Holding your breath, you prepare yourself to see the Demon that has taken over the course of your life for the first time ever.
You had only heard rumours about his appearance, about his habits. But they were only speculations, no one really knew how the Upper Moon Two really looked like. And hopefully, you would be able to fill in those gaps with the discoveries you were going to find here. 
As the star of a play, he enters your view. And it is definitely not what you were expecting. 
His hair was long, falling like a waterfall down his back. Flawless and elegant, it swung around as if it weighed nothing, the pale golden color of it matched perfectly with his skin that was in a shade of white that reminds you of snow. The strands framed his face perfectly, giving him an almost angelic appearance that if you didn't know better, you could be so easily fooled.
The black cloak around his shoulders sways as the Demon waves to his followers, basquing himself with their screams of adoration. Douma was a young man, tall and well built, his clothes were perfectly tailored to his strong body, the red garment he was wearing underneath contrasted with the pale of his skin, but you couldn't say it wasn't a good look on him. He gracefully smiles at the crowd, and a slight shiver ran down your spine when you spotted the obvious fangs on his demonic grin.
But then, something made you stare for longer than you should’ve. Your eyes grew slightly bigger as you watched him from the ground. An array of colors filled his iris like the rainbow, they blurred into each other so smoothly that if you haven't seen it for yourself, there was no way you would believe it to be true. 
They were so… Beautiful. 
You didn't know that something so extraordinary was even able to exist — and maybe that’s why you were standing in a room full of worshippers right now. For a moment, you lose control of the beating of your heart, making goosebumps break throughout your entire body. The blood flushed through your veins faster than they were supposed to. It was a miracle to have such a distinctive eye color like that. Almost like a cruel joke that someone blessed with such beauty was actually a monster underneath. 
As his eyes scan the crowd, you can hear your own heartbeat, beating so loud in your ears that the screamings of devotion are muffled; it all becomes a blur as you watch him move around, examining every inch of his face — that carries a facade you unfortunately knew too well. 
The first thing you realize is that Douma is too perfect. The corners of his lips are frozen in an impeccable smile; but it's not the kind of stiffness you would find in someone who's lying. It’s the type of crooked smile that only manipulators wear on their faces. The oddness of his being is contradictory.
He’s faking it. 
But for what reason? Isn't he satisfied with the way he manipulated entire masses of people for his own sake? Free food walking straight into his claws, he doesn't need to move a single finger to have whatever he wants. Isn't it enough for him?
In a moment of carelessness, your eyes met. And, immediately, a piercing feeling hits your heart, like a dagger cutting through flash. The moment shifts, and the current of air suddenly hits the exposed skin of your arms and you shiver. Something heavy settles down on your heart, corroding it to a forceful stop as he holds your stare in an open invitation for defiance.
Not being able to hold still, your personality splashes into the blank canvas you had put in front of you. And maybe you should’ve painted the fanatic role for yourself instead of forcing a white canvas to stay white. It was too easy for him to spot patterns after decades looking at the same hopeless faces of those who wanted nothing but to bring him down. 
It slowly suffocates you as his eyes take a little bit too long to leave yours. Those mere seconds of being under such a dangerous, yet extraordinary combination of colors is enough for you to rethink everything you thought about this mission. Were you being too naive to think that you would come out without one or two scars? If you were to ever come back. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are reunited here today to celebrate another successful selection,” The man announces to the crowd, seeming so full of ecstasy that it contaminates the other candidates, making them smile and clap in excitement. And you have to force yourself to keep smiling, holding it with a tight grip that almost hurts your face.
“Today, our benevolent Leader will choose another fortunate member for the Paradise Faith Cult, who is going to serve and adore him for the rest of their lives!” The way he says those words is so oddly normal that you have to stop your mind before it goes to a darker place, a place where not a single light ever survived. Do not think of those who came before. What’s done, it's done. 
Douma moves gracefully as he steps down from the high podium, the gold around him shines against his paleness, making his skin glow in different tones of yellow. Each time that his feet move to step down the stairs, your heart skips a beat or two. They were bringing him closer to you — closer to your facade. You wonder which lie was going to crumble first, he had decades to refine his, after all.
However, before he could reach the center of the room, a woman breaks down running in his direction. She’s clumsy and desperate, and even though you could see the tragery forming right in front of you, you don't make a move. Right now, your life's was on the line, if you made a single movement outside of the character, it was highly possible you wouldn't have the privilege to try the scene again. 
“Douma-sama, I love you!” The woman cries, getting on her knees as soon as he reaches the end of the stairs. 
She holds the fabric of his tunic for dear life as tears start to run down her face. The disgust that crosses his face is frightening for those who were paying close attention. And for your, oh so lucky, you couldn't stop analyzing every single wrinkle on his face. 
“You're a blessing to this world! You’re the chosen one! Please let me —”
The sickening sound of bone crushing fills your ears when her head is cut in half, so fast you couldn't follow his movements. Staring ahead, you could see the blood pooling down the clean wooden floor underneath his feet. No one moves. No one even bats an eye to the headless body on the floor. It’s so sickening that the taste of blood fills your mouth while you watch people around him apologizing for her behavior.
You wonder if your friends found the same faith by his hands, or maybe even worse.
“If someone is disrespectful on that level, they don't deserve to be here. Don't you agree?” Douma raises his voice to the crowd, running a hand through his clothes. For everyone else, it seems he was composing himself after such a dangerous attack. For you, he was clearly disgusted to be touched by the hands of someone so insignificant.
Not a second later, everyone is agreeing with him, nodding their heads collectively. Bowing until their noses touch the ground, almost kissing the place where his feets once were. They offer him gold jewelry, fancy fabrics and relics of an ancient era. The devotion was suffocating, and you feel extremely sick to the sight. How could people live like that? 
Douma carries on, finally reaching the first one of the line. He bows a little, analyzing the young man in front of him. The long nails are painted purple and well trimmed, they are long against his smooth face, dangerously sharp. The boy was paralized, you didn't know if it was for fear or adoration. You can see his mouth opening, but there’s no sound coming out of it. The boy’s head is sent flying across the room. 
The amount of unrestrained violence in an environment where there should exist a benevolent God is a cruel joke. If a God really did exist, would they be like that too? So cruel in the name of power. In a world where Demons existed, where hundreds of people were killed in cold blood in a nonstop night of horrors, then yes, they would be just like Douma. 
You can feel sweat running down your nape as he approaches the woman by your side. She’s visibly shaking, eyes wide open in a display of fear. The trembling of her hands are so strong you wish you could just hold them in place, for your own sanity. However, what you did not predict was that her voice never faltered through.
“You're a monster!” She screams in his face, as the reality of what the Paradise Faith Cult truly was, rapidly comes crashing down, and dreams of a better life are shattered by the Demon in front of her. 
You could choke on the silence that followed soon after those words left her mouth, the amount of predatory eyes that fell into her small frame could burn holes on her skin. Yet, Douma’s expression never changed. That sinyal smile still stood proudly on his demonic face. However, the crack on the smooth glass appeared for a fraction of time, the twitch of irritation in his eyebrow gave away the ending of the poor girl. 
“You're a monster! And everyone here is bewitched by—”
If you thought you had heard terrible sounds coming from someone when they were dying, the sound of someone being sliced in half was nothing in comparison. Her body splits in the middle as the halves fall apart on the floor. It’s gruesome, hideous. It was good that you didn't eat anything before the mission, the nausea was almost unbearable even when you weren't looking at the sliced body right next to your feet. 
“I’m getting impatient,” Douma says, too sweetly for your liking, as if he was trying to show emotions even when he seemed unfazed. He throws a glance to a man standing next to the stairs, “I thought you said it would be a successful selection, huh?” 
You can see the man shaking on the spot, already kneeling for forgiveness. And even though the blood, thick and hot against your face, disgusts you to the bone, you don't dare to blink. Don't dare to move. Even when all you wanted was to scrub that dirty blood off your face until you could see the rawness of your own skin. It turns your stomach again, painfully aware of the place you got yourself into. 
Douma then switches his attention to you, the last one standing in a room full of dead bodies of what once were believers at heart. Hawk eyes start to scoop every inch of you, from the dirty garment he himself got stained, to the still well tidy hair. Walking around your body as if he’s evaluating a new piece of art that was just acquired. 
Although there were so many things to analize, why the red of your lips was the one thing his eyes stayed for longer was beyond your imagination.
“And what about you?” Douma says, almost in a singing tone, “I hope you can give me an acceptable answer, this batch of servants they brought me is showing to be the worst until now.”
The air becomes colder as each word pierces little daggers in your heart. You were sure it was midsummer, it wasn't supposed to be so freezing. Not inside a place where so many people were crammed together nonetheless. You could even swear there was a little snowflake floating in between you and him, but it was gone as soon as Douma stepped closer, wrapping his hand around your neck.
It isn't the weather, you come to a conclusion then. It’s him. He’s the one who’s freezing. How fitting, you think. Just like the dead Demon he is, inside and out. 
“I’ve always wanted to be here, Douma-dono,” You don't falter, holding your head high with a slight defiance in your stare, which you couldn't help show in full display. There was something in submitting completely to him that makes your skin crawl in despair. His nails dig a little on your smooth neck. 
“And why’s that?” Douma leans closer, still holding your neck in a tight grip, nails starting to dig deeper on your skin. But you don't budge, not even when his face was so close that you could see each color of his eye bleeding into themselves, in a rainbow dance that left you almost speechless. Almost. 
“I believe I’m right where I'm supposed to be,” You answer, the rehearsed script you had prepared thrown out of the window. However, your tongue was still sharp enough to give him an acceptable answer — It wasn't like you were lying anyway. “There’s no place in this world where I would rather be.”
Douma’s smile sends shivers down your spine, one that you couldn't hold to yourself. He could probably feel the trembling of your body through his touch on your neck, and you hated that you could tell how much he was enjoying this just by the sadistic way he still held the fragile part of your body in such a tight grip. 
He represented the kind of cold that only the harshest winter would bring. First, it was your face, then the tip of your fingers. Slowly bringing you closer to death, painfully slow to those who don't have a place to stay, to those who are out in the open without any cover. Just like you were right now. 
It seems a long time has passed before he releases your neck from his freezing touch, it’s carved in such a cold grip, that it burns instead. Douma does not spare a second glance in your direction before motioning to one of his servants. The relief on their faces is palpable, it's disgusting.
Two servants come quickly towards you, pulling back the sleeves of your kimono, exposing the skin of your forearm into the air, that surprisingly enough, is hot again. As you watch Douma going up the stairs again, they bring a golden goblet in your direction. You don't understand what is happening, you can't even begin to process their hands on you; but it doesn't take too long for you to find out. 
Another one brings a very sharp knife, and there’s not even time for you to protest. The cut isn't deep, but stings all the same. You watch your blood fall into the goblet, slowly filling it. And for your surprise, you catch the moment Douma’s eyes grow a little wider from his place on the throne. It’s not a good sign. 
It takes some time to fill, but once it's enough for at least a satisfied sip, they let go of your arm. While one is taking care of the cut, wrapping around bandages, the other offers the goblet to the Demon. You nervously watch Douma take a long sniff at the content inside it, before drinking it all in a single sip. 
The creep smile that spreads through his face is enough to make your heart skip one or two beats faster than it was supposed to be, you were so nervous, that at this rate you were going to collapse from anxiety. Doumas’s eyes shine with a different type of malice and suddenly it's impossible to control the beat of your heart, it breaks down in a frenetic beat that has your head spinning. 
“Aren't you something else?” He licks his lips, stanned with the red of your own blood.
A long time ago, Shinobu had said something about the power that it carried. But after so long, you had forgotten the Marechi blood running through your veins.
Today was the day you would never forget about that simple fact.
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rostovs-lover · 4 years
roy rogers
brian may x reader | cursing, some suggestive language, a little bit of anxiety, alcohol consumption | she/her pronouns | fluffy? slow-burn?? | wc.3667
i’m low key tempted to make a part two,, 
anon : Can I request a super cute fic where Bri needs more money for uni, so he starts offering guitar lessons and the reader has a little brother who really wants to learn how to play, so she signs him up. Maybe her brother is extremely good with a guitar and he has a lot of lessons with Bri. He also sees the reader a lot and he catches feelings HARD. Maybe the reader’s little brother spills something to both of them with the help of the rest of the band and they end of together. I just need major FLUFF
your younger brother thinks his guitar teacher is perfect for you and he’s adamant about getting you together. requests open!!
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     A Roy Roger’s is a nonalcoholic drink made of cola and cherry grenadine and topped with a maraschino cherry.
     Your younger brother, David, practically lived in your apartment. For a fourteen year old he was brilliant and very, very sneaky. Sneaky enough to creep out of your mother’s house in the dead of night and crawl up to the fire escape of your second story apartment.
    When you’d stumbled to the kitchen, half asleep, he’d been at the table thumbing through a cookbook. He’d also had the audacity to laugh when you screamed, thinking he was an intruder. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, and it most definitely wouldn’t be the last either.
    “One of these days something is going to be thrown at your head,” You hissed, setting a bowl of cereal in front of David, who looked at it with the utmost disgust.
    “What is this?”
    “Quisp, either eat it or starve.”
    He glowered at you, “I like Waffelos,”
    “That's so sad, I have no money, its Quisp or nothing.” It was quiet for a while as you both ate, David still looking through your cookbook.
    He closed the book, examining the cover as he spoke, “Mum said you have to sign me up for guitar lessons,”
    “Mum said what?”
    “You have to sign me up for guitar lessons, she’ll pay. I have a well of untapped potential in the musical realm. That's according to her coworker, Deirdre.” He sighed, exasperated, “Mum trusts Deirdre apparently because now I have to learn guitar.”
    “Where on earth does mum expect me to sign you up, I mean did she give you any specifics, like a price range? Do you even have a guitar?”
    “First, I have mum’s old guitar. Second, she just said lessons. I think she trusts your judgment.”
    Despite how much you appreciated your mother trusting your judgment, finding reasonably priced guitar lessons with someone who wasn’t a creep was harder than anticipated. You had collected a handful of flyers and business cards, all offering said lessons. The first call you placed was to a nice old lady looking to take up some spare time by providing lessons but she lived too far away for your mother to drive every week. The next was almost promising until you told Robert MacIntere that the lesson was for your brother, not you and he hung up the phone. One woman had too many cats, another man asked for your shoe size, someone else cursed you out when you said you couldn’t do their outlandish prices. The only promising thing you had gotten was a History professor, a very nice man too. You were thrilled when the lessons had finally been scheduled until he bowed out at the last minute and you were back at square one. 
    You had almost given up when, one rainy Thursday evening, you found an advert pinned outside of the auditorium. Guitar lessons, not too far away, open every Tuesday and Wednesday after three o’clock. The document was typed, all except a phone number scrawled on the bottom, almost as if an afterthought. You scratched the number on the palm of your hand and called straight away when you got home.
    The line wrung for several seconds, “Yo?”
    “Hi. Hi, yes I’m calling about a flyer I saw posted at Imperial College? It was an advert for bi-weekly guitar lessons, and your number was on the paper. I was wondering about booking a couple of weeks?”
    The person on the line snorted, “Sorry dear, that’s not me. I assume you’re looking for my mate, just one moment and I’ll gather him-” You heard his hand cover the receiver as she called for someone, “Just one sec’ lovie,”
    The phone was audibly handed off, “Hello?”
    “Hi, um I’m calling about the guitar lessons?”
    “Oh!” His voice, “Yes, of course! That's me, are you looking to schedule one?”
    You had scheduled for the following Tuesday at four, to meet at his apartment. In the car on the way there, David rambled on about everything he wanted to learn and exactly how ecstatic he was for this. He had named his guitar George, after George Harison, who he admired. On the elevator ride up to Brian’s apartment, David was practically vibrating and he bounced on the balls of his feet as you waited at the door.
    The door was opened by a blond, clad in a bathrobe and flannel pyjama pants who puffed at his cigarette as he stared at you, “What brings you here?”
    Before you could speak David, who the blond hadn’t noticed until just then, piped up, “The guitar lessons. I’m the one being taught, [Name] is just sitting in.”
    “Oh, well come in then, I’ll go and get Brian.” He tucked his cigarette behind him and lead you inside, “Um, make yourselves at home, couch is all yours.” He howled Brian’s name and ducked into the kitchen, snuffing out the smoke in an ashtray.
    David got settled on the couch, tugging out his guitar, and you set into a chair. From around the corner rushed a very frantic body, clutching his own guitar. He was very tall, and the black pants he wore made his legs seem unproportionate to his body. What caught your eye the most though was his hair, he had a thick mane of tightly wound black curls, which also added to his height.
    “Hi, I’m very sorry about this, I got a touch caught up in a bit of school work.” He settled onto the couch next to your brother, “You must be David, I’m Brian.” He gestured a hand to your brother.
    David, ever the charmer, shook firmly as he spoke, “Its pleasure meeting you. I wasn’t quite sure that lessons were even going to happen, no one seemed right, according to mum, but you seem nice! Your guitar is neat. Oh! That's my sister, [Name], I believe you spoke on the phone.”
    “We did,” Brian leaned forwards to shake your hand as well, “Its nice to meet you,”
    A better teacher would have been hard to come by. Brian was patient and soft spoken, he worked at your brother’s pace, never rushing past anything he didn’t fully understand. The lesson was only an hour long but it seemed much shorter, with a book in tow you didn’t pay much mind to anything else. That was until you caught yourself glancing over the cover to watch the lesson. Brian was attractive and he had very nice hands. You were somewhat aghast you’d never seen him on campus, he seemed hard to miss.
    The lessons became weekly, and despite trusting Brian and his roommate, Roger, you still opted to stay for every one. It was always pleasant, the apartment was nice, Brian was nice, and you had begun to get acquainted with his friends. During the third week, Roger had let it slip that they were in a band. Brian’s face had flushed scarlet and he’d played with his fingers as he explained that it wasn’t anything serious. On that same visit, you’d had a conversation with Roger in the kitchen while he got you a glass of water. He was nice, only half awake at the time, but you’d realized you had an evolution class together at school. He had also given you his number, and David would absolutely not let you hear the end of it.
    “Please-” Your brother cried as he threw himself onto your sofa, “You haven’t had a boyfriend in ages. The last one was, what was his name?”
    You rolled your eyes, “Chet?”
    “Chet Robbins! Chet the safe bet!”
    “Chet the safe bet? Did you make that up?”
    David smiled, very proudly, “I did! Just now actually, because it's true! Chet, the business student, trust fund child, frat boy. Why not date a drummer?”
    “Because I like stability David,”
    “[Name] date the drummer. I beg, I plead. He was so into you, he gave you his number!”
    “If you will recall, I have his number. Because his number is the apartment number and that's what I called for the lessons. I also refuse to date your teacher’s best friend. How would I approach that, ‘Hi Brian! You’re teaching my brother an instrument, I did your friend last night. How have you been?’”
    David gasped in mock disgust, “I never said a word about doing him. You foul wench, I simply implied dinner. Maybe seeing one of his shows.”
    “Oh my dear, when you date a drummer it's never just dinner.” You snorted.
    “Well, when I date a drummer it will be. Only dinner, no foul play.”
    “Please, please keep that attitude for the rest of your life.”
    It was quiet as he mulled over your words. You started off, putting away your bag and coat when he abruptly sat up, “You don’t dislike the drummer, in fact, it has nothing to do with him. You don’t like my teacher’s best friend, you like my teacher.” He grinned when your face lit up, “Oh you do, you absolutely do! I’ve never seen you blush that hard.”
    “You little twit,” You hissed, “If you say a word about this I will have your head. This stays between us and us only.”
    David was sneaky, very sneaky. Your conversation had planted an idea in his head like a seed and every brief glance and soft smile you shared with his teacher was water. He was growing a downright devious plan, with you directly at the center of it.
    David, after quietly looking over the house and picking up on Brian’s affinity for science fiction, had been the one to recommend you start reading George Orwell’s 1984. He had also purposely disappeared to the restroom when he caught sight of Brian eyeing the cover.
    Brian carefully cleared his throat, “Do you read much Orwell?”
    “Oh, Orwell? No, not really. I, um- I read The Road to Wigan Pier for a book club a while ago. Are you a fan?”
    “Oh yes,” He smiled, leaning forwards, “I’ve read that, actually. I was in a band a few years back by the same name,”
    You cocked your head, closing the book against your finger, “1984?”
    “Yes, quite silly, I know. Never was much good at naming.”
    “Roger said you’re in a band now, what's that called?”
    His cheeks were beginning to pick up a soft pink again, “Um, Queen. Our singer named it-”
    David sat back down, “Did I miss anything important?”
    Brian looked away and you went back to your book. The only noise became the guitar residing between the two boys on the couch. David had learned enough to start on a song, I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash. It was recognizable enough to draw your attention, and it was lovely at first until it was all David played. When you returned home, when you visited your mother, he played it so much you had memorized the fingering to it.
    It was at another lesson, several weeks later, when you had been left by your lonesome. David had gone to get a drink and Brian had run to retrieve something from his room. All alone and with nothing to tell you not to you settled into the couch with the guitar and tried at the song. It was choppy, a bit off-key, but mostly there.
    “I didn’t know you played?” Brian’s voice was soft but you still jumped, shooting around to find him. Leaned against the back of the sofa he twirled a coin between his fingers, grinning down at you.
    You swallowed, “I don’t, no, not really. Dave’s just played this so much I remembered how it looked.” 
    He propped his chin in his hand, “I think you could be quite good. Just, here-” He slipped the coin between his teeth to reach down, softly grasping your wrist, adjusting your placement on the neck. His hands were warm and it sent a shiver up your spine as he carefully moved your fingers, “That should do nicely, I trust you’ll do well with the right placement.” He was quiet for a moment, silently pondering something, “Friday night we have a show at about ten o’clock, say you come and maybe I could show you something on the guitar afterwards.”
    You considered, “Where is it?”
    “The Cameo, downtown London.”
    “It sounds lovely, very, but I have to admit I’m not big on the downtown London clubs. I actually don’t know where that is. Although I do have a friend whos well versed with the scene, I could ask her to show me there?”
    “Wonderful,” He grinned, “It's a date!” Something else David wouldn’t let go of. Usually, all he talked about was the music he learned but now he was enthralled with the prospect of a new romantic venture. You had been informed on exactly how to dress, what makeup to wear, what drink to order. He also picked the exact shade of blue for you to paint your nails.
    You called Marilla after your mother picked David up and she had agreed, enthusiastically, to show you to the club. When she arrived you had been called ‘prudish’ and were forbidden to dress yourself. In the very back of your closet was a floral dress you’d bought for a wedding reception that never happened. It was supposed to be returned but you just hadn’t gotten around to it.
    “It doesn’t scream rock n’ roll,” She inspected the green fabric under the kitchen light, “But anyone can look like Twiggy with enough eyeshadow so it’ll have to do. You should invest in club clothes, you might have to if anything goes with this guitar player.” Her eyebrows wagged.
    You rolled your eyes, taking the dress from her, “Hush, you’re just as bad as David.”
    “Your brother?” Marilla snorted, “What's he got to do with this?”
    “He's an insufferable little shit, that's what-” You pushed off your top, “At first he tried to get me with the guitar player’s flatmate but when that didn’t work he really pushed Brian and I,”
    Marilla was amused, far more amused than you, “He's a cunning thing, I’ve always liked him. Oh boy, now I really want to see your guitarist, Brian was it?”
    The club pulsed, dull lights glaring down against everything. It was smokey and smelled of weed and whiskey. The band onstage was far too loud and you clung to Marilla’s hand as she pulled you up to the bar.
    “What do you want?” She practically had to yell for you to hear but it went through you, you couldn’t think with all the noise and lights. She sighed and patted your hand, “A Moscow mule and a Roy Roger’s please.” She shouted at the bartender, “It's alright babes, no alcohol, just fancy cherry coke.” You nodded and accepted the drink, taking a tentative sip as you scanned the crowd. The band onstage had seemed to conclude their set but it didn’t make things any quieter. It was overwhelming really, moreso as Marilla started to pull you up to the front.
    “Come on, it's almost ten. Your boy’ll be up next!” She settled in front of the stage, rooting you to the spot next to her.
    Brian’s flatmate came out, twirling a drumstick between his fingers and he was met with loud cheers. Marilla whooped, waving big up at him. He was followed by the bass player, Brian, and the singer. They were all enthralling, and you were enraptured. The boys on stage looked ethereal, in flowy tops and sparkly makeup. The frontman was clad in glittery jewelry and the bass player wore platform boots. Their music drew you in and eased your nerves about how crowded the club was. The last song had a guitar solo and as he played Brian’s eyes met yours. A rose of warmth bloomed into your cheeks and he grinned, fingering at the chords.
    Marilla, immune to none, elbowed you in the ribs, “That's him?!”
    You nodded, “It is,”
    “Damn girlie! Good for you! But for the record, I think I like the drummer,”
    “His name is Roger. If you come backstage with me you can meet him.”
    She grinned, “I’m so proud of you, getting connections!” As they finished Roger flung one of his drumsticks into the crowd. You flinched as Marilla’s hand shot out. She squawked as she caught it, quickly tucking it into her pants and taking your hand, pulling you towards the back lounge. She pushed at the thin curtain to the side, slipping in.
    It was quieter and you watched people in glamorous outfits dally about. A redhead in hot pants dropped onto the shabby leather sofa, passing glass bottles of something to both the drummer and bassist. The singer was swirling what you could only assume to be a cosmopolitan. He looked up, catching sight of you and Marilla, both looking a bit lost.
    “Hello, come come!” The singer waved you over and Marilla practically dragged you.
    “You are spectacular!” She raved, “All of you, magical!” She tugged the stick out of her waistband and made her way to the drummer.
    You cleared your throat, “You really are amazing, you have a lovely voice.”
    The brunette smiled, “Thank you! I’m Freddie by the way, our charming drummer is Roger. The lovely John plays bass and Brian should be around here somewhere, he plays the guitar.”
    “It's nice to meet you, Freddie, I’m [Name]. I was actually looking for Brian,” You twiddled with your fingers, looking down, “He asked to meet here tonight. You wouldn’t happen to know where he is would you?”
    “You know, he may have popped to the kitchen. I’ll show you,” Freddie stood up. He seemed to catch your hesitation, glancing back to Marilla, “I’ll keep an eye on her. Roggie really is no harm, he plays much bigger than he actually is, I don’t think he could hurt a soul. Not an undeserving one at least.” He started towards the kitchen with you in tow.
    Aforementioned kitchen was small and shockingly clean. Your guitarist sat on the counter with a glass of water.
    Brian seemed to be in his own world until Freddie caught his attention, “Someone’s been looking for you, my dear,”
    Brian looked up, “[Name]! Hello, I’m so glad you came!” He slid off the counter setting his drink down, “Did you bring your friend?”
    “I did, she’s become infatuated with Roger though.”
    He grinned, “Oh Rog seems to do that to some people.”
    “Well, I'll leave you to it!” Freddie called, waving and walking back to the lounge.
    When the door shut Brian began to fiddle with the bottom of his shirt, “I left my guitar in the other room, I could go and grab it if you’d still like to learn that song.” He studied your face, “But you don’t look comfortable, are you alright?”
    “Yes, this just isn’t really my scene. I’m not used to the noise and everything, there's a lot of people here.”
    He smiled sympathetically, “I know, it's crowded. There's a nice little diner just down the road, we could walk there and talk if you’d like.”
    You nodded, “Sure, that would be lovely.”
    The air was crisp and it brought you back to reality from the club. Brian had lent you an extra sweater he had brought, it was warm but you had to roll the sleeves a few times. It was quiet as you walked, the occasional car rushing past. The sidewalk narrowed as you got closer to the strip of restaurants and you felt the back of Brian’s hand brush yours. You caught his fingers, lacing yours into them and nervously looking up. His expression mimicked yours, jittery and shy and totally taken.
    “You look very pretty,” He murmured, thumbing over your knuckles, “That green looks very nice on you.”
    You smiled, “Thank you, you look lovely as well.”
    “Oh pish posh, this is just stage wear. But I’m glad you think it looks okay, Rog said I looked frumpy.”
    You giggled, “Marilla, the one who brought me, called me prudish earlier.”
    His laugh was soft, “Well, we can be fashion disappointments to our friends together,” He pulled open the door to MaryAnne’s Diner, holding it for you.
    You were settled in a booth waiting for your order when Brian spoke, “David really has potential,”
    “With the guitar? I’m not surprised, he's always been good at everything he tries. It's really quite annoying, how brilliant he is.”
    “He seems so, a very nice kid. Does he live with you?”
    “No no,” You smiled, “No he lives with our mum, he just sneaks out to see me more than he should. I don’t know if I ever thanked you for letting me sit in, I know it's not common practice. I just worry about him, he seems so much older than he actually is and I’m worried it’ll get him in trouble one day.”
    Brian patted your hand, “Oh darling, I understand. I really don’t mind at all, I’m glad I met you.”
    “I’m glad I’ve met you as well.”
    He had walked you home, contently explaining the story behind one of the constellations he saw.
    He stalled at the door, keeping your hand in his, “So I suppose I’ll see you next week?”
    He moved one hand to push a piece of hair out of your face, “Well until then I suppose,”
    You leaned up, closing in on him. You felt his hot breath against your cheeks, “Is this okay?”
    He nodded, “More than,” And pulled you into him. 
     He was as gentle in kissing you as he was in everything else, carefully nudging his nose against yours. His mouth was warm and he stroked your mandible, easing deeper into the kiss. He relished in the taste of maraschino cherry from the Roy Roger’s you’d had earlier. You gasped softly as he nipped at your bottom lip, pulling away. The lipgloss he had been wearing was smeared against the corner of your mouth and he carefully wiped at it with his thumb.
    David would never let you hear the end of this either.
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magicman111 · 3 years
A Moth to a Flame - Chapter Two
One month later
Sasha joylessly toyed with the Music Box, opening its lid like a yawning mouth.
Who’d have thunk it? She wondered to herself. This tacky little thing could cause so much calamity?
How ludicrously out of place she looked curled up on King Andrias’ enormous throne, almost like the little girl playing pretend in the driver’s seat of her parents’ car. You’d be forgiven for not knowing she’d just led the swiftest, easiest toppling of a government in this world’s history.
Big blue dummy locked up? Check. The city’s army surrendered? Check. Their toad army less than an hour away? Check. Dimension-skipping Macguffin firmly in their position? Double Check.
Not a bad day’s work for a 13-year-old.
Marcy’s oversized sparrow was tethered to the armrest by his leg. A prize she’d taken for herself so she could cruise around her new kingdom in style. She saw to it he wasn’t under any duress, and the fact he was neck deep in an industrial sized bag of bird feed told her he was plenty comfortable.
Sasha managed a tiny smile as she reached out to run her fingers through the thickness of his coat. She dunked her hand in the bag and offered him an open palm of seeds; he eyed for a moment or two before gingerly pecking at the mound.
Thank Frog no one was around to hear the ‘d’aww’ escape her lips.
Her grandmother was the one she had to thank for her secret admiration of birds. Old lady had been a birdwatcher who ‘treated’ her to regular weekend trips into the forest when she was younger. This was long before her discovery of malls and arcades. Sasha wouldn’t dare admit it to even herself back then, but the ones they spotted together on those dewy spring mornings were beautiful to behold in their natural habitat.
Herons may now be forever ruined for her, but Joe—she thought that was his name—was a mighty impressive specimen. Poor guy somehow found the strength to carry all seven of them to Newtopia, only to nosedive into the moat at the end of the flight.
Definitely had nothing to do with her asking Marcy if she could take the reins in the last stretch. She and Anne were kind enough not to draw attention to it, same as they did the day at summer camp when they discovered her crying into her pillow. They were awesome enough to go along with her story that it was only allergies. She knew she had a true pair of girlfriends that morning.
Thinking about them only soured her mood afresh. She sprinkled the rest of the feed back into the bag and slumped against the backrest, arms petulantly crossed.
Here she was in the crowning moment of her young life and she couldn’t have been more miserable.
Maybe because her friends should have been here to share in this, but no, they had to go and act all noble. What else should she have expected? She always was the only one in the group with the guts. Anne had to be dragged kicking and screaming to ditch school and join her and Marcy in celebrating her birthday. Was it any wonder she had to keep taking control of the situation?
More likely... it was because deep down she knew she didn’t really want this. She certainly believed she did after they dropped that gloryhound newt general down a waterfall and when they successfully rallied the Toad Lords after retrieving Barrel’s Warhammer. Things only started getting complicated when they needed free tickets into Newtopia in the form of her friends.
She hadn’t counted on realising just how much she missed her clumsy, klutzy Marcy. Neither how effectively she and Anne were still able to work together as a team in spite of all the unpleasantness that had transpired between them during their time here, of which there was plenty. The fact that Anne actively encouraged her in taking down that molten toad monster was the rancid cherry atop the sludge sundae. For a while back there, it looked like they might really turn a corner and start afresh. All three of them could have gone home like none of this ever happened. Except by then it was already too late.
What recourse did she have when the Plantars invited them for the world’s most awkward dinner party or when they brought the house down at the Battle of the Bands? Tell Grime and all the toads who’d invested their manpower and futures in her that sorry, she was getting cold feet? There was only one grizzly way that would end both for her and Grime and the best scenario she could imagine involved heads on pikes.
... It didn’t matter anymore. Her friends had picked their path, she’d picked hers. As her mom always said, ‘You make your bed, you lie in it’. Funny how in her short life, she’d heard that line far too many times already.
Once she figured out how the Box worked, she’d send both Anne and Marcy on their merry way and they’d never have to see each other ever again.
Everyone would get what they want.
Good thing then she’d sent her soldiers to ransack Marcy’s room for all her research about Anne’s fateful birthday gift. Girl was a pack rat. She kept notes for every exam and project they were assigned back home. The less said about her laptop jammed with files of anime fanfiction and theories the better.
Plus, it was a good way to try and distract herself.
They came back into the throne room hauling burlap sacks full of parchments and emptied their contents at Sasha’s feet.
Daaang, girl, you've been in the zone.
She scattered them over her lap and the ample free space on the seat. They actually weren’t that hard to follow; colour coordinated with plenty of cutesy kawaii diagrams. Trademark Marbles.
Apparently, it worked a lot like those puzzle boxes Marcy got as gifts from relatives in Hong Kong. All it took was knowing the right sequence of buttons and zip! You can go wherever you want in the cosmos. Just a matter of finding the code for Earth.
‘I’m done listening to you!
I’m done trusting you!’
Sasha scowled, trying to push the thoughts to the back of her mind where they belonged. She shuffled through a couple more pages until she found the one titled in glittery green and blue lettering, ‘HOME’.
‘You’re a horrible person!’
Ignore. Ignore.
Now all she had to do was jot it down on her palm and—
She stopped. Her shoulders drooped. Then she just threw the page down on the floor and sunk into her seat further than she thought physically possible.
She normally didn’t consider herself that thin skinned a person, but man, that one hurt.
Traces of bitter tears creeped into her eyes.
What am I even doing anymore?
The sound of footsteps on crumpling paper and someone clearing their throat snapped her out of her self-pitying torpor. She fluttered her eyes dry to see Grime standing there awkwardly among the discarded parchments.
The diminutive, one-eyed former Toad Lord was hiding something behind his back. He actually looked pretty embarrassed about it too, which for a battle hardened war vet like Grime was actually kinda adorable in Sasha’s eyes.
“I, uhh, got you something,” he said, whipping out a long rectangular present wrapped in green paper and topped with a luscious red bow. “Had it made especially for this day.”
Now if there was one thing Sasha Waybright couldn’t say no to, it was a gift, especially from a trusted friend. They were the ultimate distraction from the blues and she couldn’t have been sitting upright and tearing into this one any quicker.
“Whaaat? Grimesy, you didn’t!” What she had pulled from the ravaged packaging wielded aloft her head made her gasp. “How’d you know I wanted to duel wield?!”
It was a brand new heron sword. An exquisite green second shortsword that would compliment Ol’ Pink perfectly.
She stared proudly into the smooth steel surface, admiring the craftsmanship. When she noticed the girl staring right back at her, however, her smirk vanished in an instant. The captain of the cheerleaders, the scarred swordswoman, the conqueror of Newtopia, whatever angle she looked at it, she didn’t like what she saw. Unbelievable as it may sound, even the joy of an awesome gift like this was not enough to make everything better.
“What’s the matter? You don’t like it? Oh dang it!” Grime slammed his forehead. “I didn’t get a gift receipt!”
“No no, it’s just...” Sasha weighed the blade against her ungloved palm. Talking about these kinds of things was never easy for her. “What if Anne’s right? What if I am a horrible person?”
Grime popped up like a whack-a-mole behind the armrest. “Who cares what she thinks?” he scoffed. “You and I are in charge now, and we get to do whatever we want!”
“That’s the thing... I’m not sure what I want anymore,” she admitted wearily.
For all his years of training at the finest academies, his brutal combat in the colosseum and tactical expertise earned through a lifetime of military service as his forebears before him, this one had Grime stumped. Needless to say, talking about one’s emotions wasn't exactly encouraged during their upbringing in toad culture, so naturally it wasn’t one of his strong suits. Just one of the many things he and Sasha had in common.
Still, he was a pretty fast thinker and came up with a fairly good idea on the spot.
“Why don’t you help me redecorate this place?” he suggested, resting his hand on her shoulder. “Take your mind off it. Cuz this right here...” He gestured to the cluttered mess in which she’d surrounded herself. “This is definitely not—I’m sorry, can I help you?!”
Both of them turned their heads when it became impossible to ignore Joe’s cone-shaped beak lightly nipping at Grime’s cheek.
“He probably thinks your warts are seeds.”
“For the love of—I knew he was eyeing me up on the ride here! There! Get lost!” Grime scooped up a fistful of feed and flung it over the marble floor, but the winged beast persisted with pecking his face. “Stop it! MY HEAD IS NOT A FEEDER!!”
It took an exceptional effort of willpower for Sasha not to laugh at the sight of her old man being preyed upon by the family pet.
Wow, she thought. Her old man? Was that how she saw Grimesy now? Seriously?
Perhaps up to a point. Okay, considering the options she had for parental figures back home, it wasn’t exactly the highest bar to pass, but it still meant something. Anything.
Who would have guessed this would be how they’d end up, especially given how they started off with her as his prisoner? Sure, it may have taken her helping him and the whole tower not getting turned into heron feed for her to be upgraded to his lieutenant, but they really had come a long way since then. There was a lot more honor and heart to the cranky old toad than she first thought, back when she wrote him off just as another blowhard with power. Now he genuinely considered her his equal both as a friend and comrade in arms. For Sasha, the feeling was mutual. A first for her.
When all was said and done, who else did she have left besides him and vice versa?
What the heck? Let’s tear this place up.
Untethering Joe, she whistled a tweet-tweet and gave the rope a gentle tug to encourage him to follow on their ‘indoor walkies’.
A cursory surveillance of the throne room told her there was a lot of work to be done. If this toad regime was to last a thousand years, the correct decor was an important first step. Thankfully for them, she knew a thing or two about fashion. For starters, there were way too many soft blues and purples. Rust red from top to bottom! She preferred keeping the stained glass windows, but they’d need entirely new designs. Hers truly would naturally feature in most of them, one showcasing her and Grime caving that narwhal worm’s head in with the Warhammer being an absolute must. The snakes coiling the stone pillars weren’t a bad touch, if just a bit too elegant for the whole ‘proud warrior race’ vibe they were going for, but she could still work with them. Now as for the throne, they were gonna have to replace it with something much more imposing. There was that super violent dragon show she and her parents used to watch that had the huge throne made out of swords. She was sure she had a picture somewhere on her phone to use as a reference.
“I’m sorry, what the heck is this?!”
Sasha could only denounce what they were gawking at as the single biggest affrontement to tasteful decorating known to man or amphibian. Yes, worse than inflatable furniture, carpeted bathrooms, beaded curtains, glass block bathroom windows, ‘live, laugh, love’ quotes on walls, rustic hearts, mason jars and nautical accessories all combined under the same inland roof.
Tapestries had their rightful place in a palace’s interior design, but the one sweeping across a section of wall depicting a gentle hearted Andrias sitting down by a lake, surrounded by flowers and lilypads was nothing short of vomit-inducing. Gathered at his feet and scooped up in his protective arms were his wide-eyed, childlike subjects. Even the fish and a lobster were surfacing to bask in their king’s magnanimity. Here the oversized salamander was truly the loving patriarch of everything the light touched. The mawkish display could only be topped off with a rainbow streaking across the sky.
Grime felt his stomach roile. If he ever needed an example to demonstrate the difference between kitschy and downright tacky, this was it.
“Y-y-y-yikes!” he gagged. “This thing’s gotta go!”
Sasha didn’t need a second invite. Besides, what else was Joe going to use to line his nest?
A joint effort tore the offensive piece from its place and it tumbled to the floor in a heap.
Dead silence fell over the room.
Hidden beneath the tapestry was... a mural. Including such a decoration in a throne room was hardly surprising, yet it was what it contained that shocked both the human and toad, so much so that they had to take a moment to recover.
“Woah,” they gasped at once, before starting to analyse what they saw.
The mural was a chaotic collection of nightmarish images painted on a night blue wall. Wild red flames spewing out hordes of beasts and the wreckage of buildings. Mountains of skulls and bones belonging to frogs, toads and newts alike. A flying... spaceship? A castle? Whatever it was meant to be, it firied a white beam up at what was unmistakably the Music Box. Pink, green and blue lightning bolts crackled out of the Box. Mesmerising orange gemstones or, more terrifyingly, eyes leaped off the wall and burned themselves into their minds. The frightening focal point of this one-way ticket to the school therapist’s office? Rising out of the middle of the inferno was the silhouette of a red-eyed, goliath-sized beast, its claws reaching up covetously towards the Box that hung right above its crowned head.
It may as well have been lifted straight from the tattered dream journal of a madfrog.
Any ideas of redecorating the throne room were long gone. Even the revolution they were spearheading suddenly seemed millions of miles away in the face of what they’d just stumbled upon.
Peering her eyes slightly, Sasha was the first to put a face to the shadowy leviathan, and when she did, she had to swallow her heart back down into her chest.
“Is that the king?” she asked, mystified. “With the music box?”
Sweat ran down the side of Grime’s nonplussed face. “If it is… it’s a really good thing we stopped him.”
Neither of them said it aloud, but both understood the situation at once. All this time they thought they’d been playing flipwart while the king played bog jump. Oh, how wrong they’d been. It was beyond anything that even the Toad Lords discussed. They knew that they had to reconvene with them as soon as the armies had reached the gate.
She took a couple steps closer to reexamine the mural more thoroughly, missed details emerging now that the initial shock began to wear off. Circuit board markings—the same inside her dad’s outdated computer when she foolishly dared Marcy if she could take it apart—worked their way around the images, serving as some type of frame. Odd choice for a world that didn’t even have steam engines yet. She also picked up the three small geometric figures standing atop the Box’s lid. An artist she was not, but they looked pretty human-like in design.
But humans did not exist in Amphibia. The three of them were the first of their kind to ever set foot in this dimension.
Weren’t they?
Alarm bells were ringing louder than ever before. This Andrias guy had been playing Anne and Marcy for his own ends this whole time, all to get his mitts on the Music Box! What did he plan to do with it? Right now, she still couldn’t say, but it was all bad. Outside of a kickin’ rock band, fire and skulls together were never a good thing!
Even Joe’s feathers were puffing up anxiously against her back. Not turning away from the mural, she raised her hand and patted his risen crest.
“I know, big guy. I don’t like it either.”
Grime’s voice rang urgently in her ears, “Lieutenant! Get over here, quick!!”
Sasha had spun on her heels and sprinted down the room to find Grime standing the wreckage of what used to be a display of armour. He’d evidently acted on a hunch while she’d been preoccupied. Judging by his thunderstruck expression, he’d just discovered something far worse.
“What is iooooh boy!”
This new second mural reminded Sasha a lot of Egyptian hieroglyphs. If there was any room for doubt about the technicolor stick guys, there was none here. Standing tall against an indigo backdrop in a neat row were the outlines of human beings; long gangly appendages, stumpy noses and everything. Some were wearing hooded capes, others were decked out in suits of armour. The couple in the middle looked particularly regal. No prizes for guessing the little wooden box they were holding in their hands, cementing their authority as if it were the globus cruciger.
Faded inscriptions were engraved along the bottom. They were written in a more archaic amphibian dialect, but being a toad of higher education, Grime was able to give translating them a decent shot.
These great beings of magic and might
Travelled from beyond to serve the night
Bow before these children of man
Or know the wrath of the—
“... Wu Clan?” He cocked his one good eye up at her. “Iiiii’m not getting it.”
There it was. Floodlights flashed in Sasha’s head. All colour drained from her face. A million and one thoughts were now firing across her brain at once, threatening to send her into cerebral shutdown.
It was at that moment she knew she’d been played. They all had. She didn’t know whether to be absolutely furious, betrayed or impressed.
Why that conniving, devious little—
That's when they heard the BOOM outside the window.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
Not Your Aunt
Chapter 2: Della [ao3 link]
She didn’t trust the lady. Not for one second. Not for one teeny tiny eenie meenie little extra small second!
Not when Uncle Scrooge would always come home looking like he wanted to cry or scream and he’d mutter Goldie’s name under his breath and then lock himself in his room for the rest of the day. Visiting him was supposed to be exciting and cool and fun and if they had the terrible timing of coming by right after Goldie, then the trip was basically pointless.
Not that she wasn’t also sad to see her uncle sad! That also sucked a lot.
Last time they’d seen Goldie, she’d stolen their map and left them behind in some woods in the middle of Iraq. Sure, she’d oddly left them a clue to help get into the ziggurat safely, but that didn’t make up for the betrayal of stealing their stuff! And Donald was so sour about it for days and days. He really thought it was his fault, as if Miss O’Gilt wasn’t always stealing and leaving. It was pretty much her whole thing.
She tried to convince him that but he just grumbled and sighed about it. He was really hung up on how he called her “Aunt Goldie” when she’d told him not to. So what? They always did things adults told them not to do. It didn’t usually make them run away like little babies. And Della was confident that that wasn’t the reason why Goldie left them behind - not like the lady needed a reason, she clearly just did it for fun - so she knew she’d have to convince Donald of that so he’d stop being so mopey.
Conveniently, Goldie visited the manor again only a few months later. They were at the dinner table with Duckworth when they heard a suspicious sound coming from upstairs. Uncle Scrooge and Duckworth made eye contact and then started walking towards the stairs, so Della and Donald followed out of curiosity.
As they reached the source of the sound, which started as some kind of stomping but had turned into maybe a sliding? And Della could’ve sworn she heard a groan? Anyway, Duckworth opened the door and Uncle Scrooge peeked into the room for a half-second before suddenly shouting “GOLDIE?!” and running in.
Duckworth followed him, but Donald and Della stayed at the door and just looked inside. They could see Goldie was on the floor and Scrooge was some mixture of tending to her and yelling at her because, and Della wasn’t yet an expert on this but she’d had some experiences, there was definitely a pool of blood underneath her. Goldie muttered something and Scrooge muttered something back but neither she nor Donald could understand what they were talking about.
The twins made eye contact, silently agreeing to head inside, when Duckworth suddenly exited the room and closed the door behind him, leaving them out.
“You two should go finish your dinner.”
“What? But what about…” Della motioned towards the door.
“Ah, he’s right, Della,” Donald muttered softly, accepting defeat too easily for Della’s liking. “It’s not like we can help.” He started to walk away, looking just as bummed as he had been for the past few weeks.
Della pouted and thought about how she was hoping to improve Donald’s mood when Goldie returned, but of course the old lady had to make it more complicated than it needed to be. As Duckworth gently pushed them towards the stairs, she turned her head and looked up at him. “Is Aunt Goldie okay?”
Duckworth raised an eyebrow at her and decided not to comment on the name. “Goldie O’Gilt is harder to kill than a cockroach. She’ll be just fine.”
The kids chuckled at his comparison and rushed back down to eat. As soon as the kids were gone, Duckworth sighed and walked towards the bathroom, knowing he could find one of their First Aid kits in there.
The rest of their meal was quick, both kids just wanted to finish so they could go back upstairs and find out what happened to Goldie.
“I’ll bet she was fighting a sea serpent over a single gold doubloon and it just completely tore her arm off!”
“No way! She probably got into a back alley knife fight when she tried to rob a guy that was too tough to rob.”
“Oooh, or maybe she was making her way through an ancient tomb when all the traps went off and she’s just got a ton of arrows poking out of her, leaking her blood all over the floor and the side of the mansion while she climbed up the wall!”
“Ew, Dumbella! That’s so gross!”
“How is that grosser than her arm getting torn off?!”
“I dunno, it just is!”
They argued over Goldie’s potential source of injury for a few minutes as they finished their food. As they agreed to head upstairs, Uncle Scrooge came down and plopped himself and his cane right in the entranceway so they couldn’t leave.
“Kids. I’m sure you saw that Goldie’s here.”
“Yeah, kinda hard to miss,” Della said with an eyeroll. “Did she steal anything from you yet?”
Scrooge blew out some air and tapped his fingers at the top of his cane. “Not yet. And yes, she probably will. But...it might be a few days.”
Donald and Della looked at each other incredulously. “Days? Like...more than one?”
“Probably at least a week.”
“Wait, what?” Donald stepped towards his uncle, looking concerned. “Is she, like...actually really badly hurt? What happened?”
Scrooge looked up towards the second floor when he thought he heard a noise before sighing and looking back down at the kids. “She hasn’t given me all the details, but she’s...she’s not in the best shape. She’ll need a few days to recover.”
Della was already thinking back to her guesses for Goldie’s injuries. She’d been kidding before, but maybe she wasn’t too far off?
“You two don’t need to do anything, Duckworth and I can take care of her just fine,” Scrooge said softly. “But we might need to postpone our trip to Svalbard until she’s better.”
“Boo!” Della whined. “Aunt Goldie ruins yet another adventure! Can’t we just leave her here with Duckworth?”
Scrooge’s eyes widened and he sputtered a bit at her words. “I-I, um...no, she’s...what?”
“C’mon, Della, it’s just another week,” Donald commented, not noticing his uncle’s discomfort. “Uncle Scrooge probably wants to make sure she doesn’t steal anything while we’re gone.”
“Um...right,” Scrooge muttered, still not over what he just heard. He remembered Donald referring to her as ‘aunt’ the last time they’d seen her, but he kind of thought that was just an odd little one-time thing. Now if Della started doing it, too, then he didn’t know how to handle that. Goldie would absolutely lose her mind if she found out. “You two shouldn’t bother her so just stay away from the guest room two doors down from mine.”
The kids shared a look before looking back up at their uncle simultaneously. “Okay, Uncle Scrooge!”
As Scrooge nodded and walked away, seemingly headed towards his office, Della and Donald quickly rushed towards the stairs so they could go bother their new houseguest.
They peeked into the room together and saw the mess of blonde hair strewn across the pillows. Goldie definitely looked like she was asleep, which was very disappointing, but they decided to walk into the room anyway and see if she was just faking.
She didn’t react to them coming closer. Della leaned towards her brother and whispered, “She’s sneaky and sharp, right? So she probably knows we’re here even if she’s asleep!”
“That doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Donald whispered back. “Look at her arm! She’s probably just really tired and hurt.”
Della followed his pointer finger and saw that there were bandages all over Goldie’s right arm - from her wrist up past her elbow. Clearly she’d been pretty badly hurt from something and Della desperately wanted to know what it was. She took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way towards her bed, ignoring Donald’s shocked protest behind her.
“...are you awake?” Della asked quietly, not sure how she should approach this.
Goldie didn’t respond, which just made Della pout.
“Aunt Goldie!” she said suddenly, at slightly-higher-than-normal volume. “What happened to your arm?!”
That time, Goldie’s eyes were wide open, but she was simply staring up at the ceiling and taking deep breaths. Donald noticed and joined his sister at the older woman’s bedside.
Another few seconds passed and Goldie closed her eyes again. Della wondered if she thought they were just a nightmare she was having. Well, that wouldn’t do.
“Aunt Gooooldie!” Della smacked her little hands against the top of the bed. “Did you get bitten by a shark? Or stabbed by a guy on the street? Or shot by a laser?”
“Or did you fall from a tower in the sky and land on your arm and it got all gross and beat up?” Donald added, feeling his sister’s contagious enthusiasm.
Goldie groaned and opened her eyes again, clearly wishing the kids weren’t really there. “Is there any way for me to get you two to go away?”
They just smiled at her innocently.
“...if I tell you what happened, will you let me sleep in peace?”
This time they nodded, completely in-sync. Goldie would’ve felt a little creeped out if she wasn’t used to them mirroring one another.
She turned back towards the ceiling and sighed. “I got burned. Badly.”
“Burned?” Della and Donald said together. Neither of them expected that. “Then what was with all the blood?”
“I wasn’t careful enough on my way here,” she said casually. “Burns got scratched up, started to bleed. Hurt like hell.”
Della climbed onto the bed, plopping herself down far enough from Goldie that the bed didn’t shake but close enough to get a better look at the bandages. They were definitely a little red and her arm looked inflamed. “So how’d you get burned? A dragon?”
Donald leaned onto the bed. “A flamethrower?”
“It was some kind of magic.”
“Oohh,” Della crooned. “Did you meet Magica De Spell? Uncle Scrooge complains about her sometimes.”
“She sounds scary.”
Goldie closed her eyes for a second before looking over at the kids. “It wasn’t my first time crossing paths with her, but yes. She had some stupid fancy magical artifact with her and caught me off guard and now I’m stuck here ‘til I can remember if that healing spring was in Caladrion or some other dimension that starts with C!” She started to move her arm and then hissed in pain before setting it back down. “I’ve got enough vicodin in my system to keep me from remembering the name but not enough to stop my arm from hurting. Great.”
Della and Donald looked at each other again. “...Aunt Goldie?”
“Please for the love of God, stop calling me that,” Goldie groaned, closing her eyes once again. “What do you want now?”
Donald took his sister’s hand and tugged her off the bed. “Do you want any tea or anything?”
Goldie froze momentarily before turning to look at the kids again, seeing surprisingly innocent looks on their faces. She almost felt bad for snapping, but god was she tired. “...no. I just want to go to sleep.”
“Okay,” Donald said quietly. “We’ll leave you alone now. Right, Della?”
Della nodded. “Yeah, okay. Sleep tight, Aunt Goldie!”
They headed out the door as Goldie groaned one last time and tried to get back to sleep. Donald shut the door behind them and glared at his sister. “She said to stop calling her that!”
“Yeah, but I wanted to get a reaction outta her!” Della responded, putting her hands on her hips. “You said it made her run away last time, but this time she’s still here!”
“She doesn’t exactly have a choice,” Donald muttered, crossed his arms over his chest. “I bet she’d be running if she could!”
“Della, Donald.”
The twins turned to see Duckworth standing at the end of the hallway, giving them a suspicious stare.
“Miss O’Gilt is trying to get some sleep so she can recover faster. Perhaps the two of you could continue this argument somewhere else?”
The kids nodded sheepishly and rushed past Duckworth on their way to another room to argue and play in. Duckworth watched them over his shoulder for a few moments before turning back towards the room that housed their current uninvited guest. He thought back to the last time Goldie O’Gilt had stayed in the mansion and how Mr. McDuck’s mood was lifted and then subsequently crushed when she inevitably left in the middle of the night.
Though he thought this time would probably be no different, having the kids around would make her stay a bit more interesting, he was sure of that.
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siriusheadspace · 4 years
august - sirius black x muggle!reader
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Warnings: I guess it's a bit angsty? But it's also cute, summer love fluff, so idk
Pairing: Sirius Black x Muggle!Reader
Summary: You meet a cute boy in your summer job. You share secrets and live a beautiful summer love, but will you still see each other once school starts again? Inspired by "august", by Taylor Swift.
A/N: Thank you so so so so much for liking my last fic, illicit affairs! I guess I'll have to create a master list here lol. This one's a bit less gloomy and there's *sequel potential*, so please tell me if that's something you'd be interested in! Also, should I open requests? Do you guys have any? lol. I'm taking too long in this A/N, so lemme shut up. Enjoy the fic!
Words: 3.5k ish
Salt air And the rust on your door I never needed anything more
You were chewing the pen cap while at an especially tedious English Literature class. A head full of luscious black hair poked through the door, and you jumped in your chair, thinking for a second it could be the person you missed the most. But, of course, it was just a girl asking the teacher to make a class announcement. You tuned out immediately and let the memories flood through your mind. It was just the beginning of summer and your first day at an ice cream parlor in the middle of London. It was a funny neighbourhood - you didn't know why, but it always had a couple of people wearing the weirdest outfits, like weird flowy capes and tunics. But that wasn't really important - you just wanted to make a little money of your own this summer, and the ice cream gig was supposed to be easy. You quickly found out it wasn't as easy as it should be, since the owner decided to leave you to be cashier and server from the start, leaving you alone on your first day after little training. You were stressed, trying to guess if the ice cream machine was supposed to be that noisy or if you already broke it after only a few customers, when someone got in. Sirius regretted everything about spending the summer with his family. He was fifteen going on sixteen and decided to spend most of his days roaming through London, looking for a way to have a halfway decent summer, sending letters to his friends every day. He was about to go spend the day at the Diagon Alley, but he figured he could actually try to see different stuff for the day. Muggle stuff. Perhaps get a couple of new posters for his bedroom? That would piss off his mother. He smiled at the thought. But it was too damn hot for the beginning of summer, and he definitely wore too much black for his comfort under the scolding, rare sunshine. His locks of dark hair were starting to get wet with sweat, and he decided to put his muggle money to good use when he went by an ice cream parlor. He was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen, her hair in a lazy, long braid, her skin tanned and glowing, and her brows frowned as if she was bothered to see him. And you'd never forget how pleasantly surprised you were to see the tall guy that just went inside the store. You'd never be able to forget the way that there was something else about him - he was gorgeous, his long strides revealing from far away how tall he was, his hair pulled back in a makeshift bun - but there was just more, an aura that made him magnetic; magic, you first though instinctively, but shook the thought. Charisma, perhaps. But you'd soon found out it was his own particular mix of both. The bell started ringing and pulled you away from your memories.
Whispers Of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before"
While you walked through the corridor, you felt the rush of excitement you'd always feel when you remembered you knew a secret, one so special no one would believe you, even if you told them. "You must know something about me, doll", he said, cuddling with you on your bed in the middle of the afternoon, your parents still away at work. You ended up quitting the job pretty quickly after your first day, but you were making good use of your free afternoons. "What, babe?", you said, and you felt his smirk against the top of your head, where his lips were, him breathing in your scent. You liked to use gauche pet names as much as he did. "That you're not the smartest, since it's very stupid for us to cuddle in the middle of a hot afternoon? Or that you're actually really smart, but just enjoy being around me anyway?", you joked. "How very funny of you. I am actually kind of smart, I swear", he said, jokingly, but you felt him tense up as he started talking again. "It's sort of a serious thing, actually", he said. "A… Sirius thing, you mean?", you joked again, but he brushed it off with a quick laugh. "You would know if you'd let me finish speaking", he said, and you waited. He got up and seemed nervous, not sure what to do with his hands. You never saw him like this. "Do you know how you always ask me how do I do a few things? Like, how did I fix the vase I broke the first time I came here so perfectly?" he asked, and you nodded. "You said you got another one", you squinted your eyes, trying to guess where he was going. "On the same day? Y/N, I want to be close to you, to be truthful to you. And I can't do that if you don't know about such a huge part of my life", he said. "I have… certain… habilities. And my family does, too. And my friends, as well. The school I go to… Everyone has these abilities", he completed, and pulled out a stick from his backpack. No, not a stick - not by the way he held it, with purpose. You looked for the right word in your head. A wand. "Can I trust you with the biggest secret humanity has?", he asked, and you nodded. "You can trust me with anything and everything", you said. And nothing was ever the same.
But I can see us Lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time
You missed him so much your entire body ached; the feeling of his callous fingertips against your cheeks, the pressure of lips on yours, how his tongue felt against yours, his laughter tickling your skin… You had to stop thinking about him. It was no good and absolutely useless. It was good while it lasted, but it was over. Still, walking home, you couldn't stop thinking about how it was once you were in on the secret, how he'd do magic in front of you, how he would tell you all about Hogwarts, about his friends… And you knew back then that there wasn't a place for you in that world.
'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
You could remember the warm nights you spent together, once your parents decided to spend a weekend away, visiting friends or your grandparents, and how you had to pretend to be sleeping over a friend's house while you had Sirius over. You would meet at a pub, and he'd charm someone into selling you beers, so you would drink together, just enough to feel buzzed. Sirius loved teasing you. He would start by just brushing his knee against yours, but as the alcohol got to the both of you, he would get bolder, running his fingers up and down your thigh under your flimsy summer dress, whispering sweet nothings against your ear, kissing your neck. You felt so much joy, basking in his attention and his carresses. The walk to your house would always take longer than it should. He was the most sociable creature, making quick friends with everyone that grabbed his eye. He would help an old lady carry her groceries to her apartment, completely out of your way back home, while charming her; there was the time where he joined a deep conversation about bikes with a guy that had one, this huge black Harley Davidson, convincing the guy to let the two of you, clearly tipsy teenagers, to have a ride on it. It took Sirius five minutes to figure out the basics of riding that bike and convincing you to join him. "Don't you trust me, baby?", he pouted, and you gave him a quick peck - you couldn't resist his pouts and pleading. "Not with that bike, I don't", you said, watching him already seated at the bike as if it belonged to him. He looked the part, his muggle (the word always bothered you) clothes made him look like the hot, moody guitar player in a rock band, the wind flowing from his side making his hair fly in front of his face. "Then take a little risk", he chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "You can use it as an excuse to feel my abs", he said, and it was your turn to laugh. "Ok, I'm sold", you sighed dramatically, and sat behind him, your hands creeping under his shirt for a moment when you wrapped your arms around him. The speed was more intoxicating than the few beers you had, the wind whipping your exposed skin, the noise violent on your ears, the warmth that came from Sirius' back being the only thing that made you feel safe. Once you gave the bike back to its owner and were back on your foot, you would still take your time on the way there, Sirius listening to stories about your friends, the books you were reading, the movies you were watching - you promised to take him to the movies, shocked to hear that he never set foot on a movie theater. And sometimes, since you would take that long on your way home just to tease each other, he would push a loose strand of hair behind your ear and pull you in for a kiss, your back quickly meeting whatever wall was closer and spending a few minutes against the texture of the tiles while Sirius gave you long, slow kisses, trying to make the most of the night. Once you got home, you would barely have the focus necessary to find the keys and open the door, and Sirius oftenly used magic to make your life easier. "Alohomora", he said, opening the door soon after, and you chuckled. "You sound so hot when you speak fake latin", you said, and he laughed while he followed you inside, quicky going back to kissing you while you tried to guide him to your bedroom. On those nights, after he was fast asleep, his smug expression erased out of his face by sleep, you never thought about how it would be between the two of you once summer was over.
Your back Beneath the sun Wishing I could write my name on it
One week, you decided you would both spend a couple days in Brighton Beach, counting every penny that you had so you could afford two nights in the middle of the week in a cheap bungalow. Sirius had exchanged magical money for muggle money and it wasn't as hard as you thought it would be to get the amount necessary. "Well, my family sucks, but at least my allowance is halfway decent", he smirked, but the smile didn't get to his eyes. "It does help that muggle money is so devalued. Shouldn't you guys complain with your prime minister, or something?", he said, expecting you to go along in the joke as you usually would. But he touched on a subject that you felt it was taboo: he never talked about his family. You knew something was wrong - all the time you spent together was outside or in your house, and he never seemed too keen in having to go back to his parents place. "Is this the moment where you tell me more about your family?", you asked, and he sighed. "It didn't go unnoticed that you felt more comfortable to tell me about actual magic before taking me to meet your mom", you joked, but he knew you meant it. "Oh, Y/N… You could never meet my family. They'd never be able to appreciate you", he told you, and then went on to explain how there's a side of the wizarding world that despises muggles, that values purity of blood before anything else, and it killed you inside, a bit. That you were right in that gut feeling that you tried to ignore. He was too good for you. You didn't belong together. There was a whole part of his society that focused on that. And his family was totally on that side. But you avoided thinking about that in those two blissful nights away. You were close before, but that routine - waking up together, cooking breakfast for each other, seeing him getting letters from his friends delivered by owls that came inside the kitchen of the bungalow as if that was normal. He bought a polaroid in the beggining of summer and tried to adapt it to take magical pictures - according to them, they were supposed to move - but it didn't work. Still, you documented those days in normal polaroids, from candids of him drinking tea in the morning to pictures of you at the beach, and he sent one of you two together to his closest friends, and your heart ached at the thought of part of his world being even the least bit accepting of you. You'd trace random patterns on the skin on his back while he tried to tan, writing your name on him and hoping there would always be a part of him that belonged to you, that would be able to return to you once you were apart, like you did with your favorite toys when you were a kid. A childish desire to keep him with you. You loved your nights out, holding hands while going on rides that were probably unsafe and operated by other teenagers, convincing Sirius to try to win you prizes, and actually getting him a teddy bear - you were a better shot. And he would try to do magic discreetly when you asked him to cook or clean something, and you messed with him for cheating on those chores. It felt like you could absolutely live together forever, making that little bungalow home for those magical hours. You even held his wand, felt the texture of the wood against your fingertips, noticed how it was well used, the parts of it where you could see that his hands touched more oftenly, the worn wood reminding you how he was a part of something that you could only imagine for way longer than he was part of your life and your world. But he soon joked that you were "taking too long playing with his wrong wand", and you'd laugh and kiss him and forget your concerns.
Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you
You felt the nervousness as the summer approached its inescapable end. As Sirius went out to buy school supplies one afternoon, you couldn't escape the anxiety caused by the uncertainty surrounding your relationship. You just spent the most amazing few months of your life with this guy you absolutely Loved, with a capital L, and you weren't even sure you'd meet again after a few days. You didn't know his address and you couldn't send letters there anyway. You had no idea how to send a letter to Hogwarts. Once you met him at a park near wherever he would buy supplies for a magic school, with him excited to show you what he got and hear about your day, you were already unable to hide the change in your mood. "What's wrong, sweetheart? I was just talking about you with James and..." he said, and he noticed he chose the wrong words when you winced at him. "So you can't even introduce me to your friends that are supposed to be tolerant that you're dating a muggle?", you asked, trying to sound mean, but he could hear how much you were hurting under the façade of anger. "It's not like that, Y/N. There's too many people from Hogwarts there now, people that don't like me or my friends and despise, hum, people like you, and it would be dangerous for you if they knew they could hurt me by messing with you", he explained, but it didn't soothe the pain in your chest. "What is it gonna be like once you're not here, Sirius? Is there a way for us to even talk? I don't own a magic owl, and I don't think the postman is going to able to find Hogwarts", you said, spiteful. "Do you even want to continue this, us? Or are you going to be with people your friends and family can actually know about and meet, that can defend themselves instead of just being a source of weakness for you?", you asked, your voice trembling, all the thoughts you avoided for months taking space and energy, growing inside of you and blurting out. "Y/N..." Sirius started, but you were done for the day. You got up and went home.
But I can see us Lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine
You liked being with him too much to waste your last few days together, so you accepted his apologies for not taking you to meet his friends or more of his life, but you couldn't help but notice that he didn't have plans to do what he apologized for not doing. Still, you enjoyed your last few days, the picnics under the last few sunny days of the year, taking him to the movies to watch silly horror movies that Sirius fell in love with, making out with him under the soft movie lights that reflected beautifully on his gray eyes.
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
The last night you had together made you nervous. Sirius had prepared himself to go straight from your house back to the station, hiding his luggage on your parents garage and climbing to your window. You drank wine you stole from your parents cabinet and talked in a low voice the entire night - you thought that was what you'd miss the most, just being near him and listening to his voice, to the varying inflections, to the fancy words thats would slip and denounce him as someone from a rich family, to his excitement at the perspective of being back with his friends, and to the low energy tone that followed once he said how much he would miss you. "Hey, I figured out how to keep in touch", he said, a coy smile creeping on his lips. "But I need to know at what time do you get home from school", he completed, and you quirked up a brow. He explained that his owl would bring you a letter from him and wait for you to answer with one of your own, since you didn't have another way of getting to him. You were happy that he found a solution, but it didn't go unnoticed, again, that it seemed like a simple solution that maybe he though about before, but wasn't sure he wanted to go through with you. Also, you'd always be at his mercy and will, having no way of contacting him besides when he wanted to hear from you. But at least there was a way, a chance…
Back when we were still changing for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope…
The next morning, he woke you up at dawn with a quick kiss and said goodbye, promising to contact you again. That was three weeks ago. I mean, you couldn't really blame him. He was beautiful, talented, smart, and everyone knew summer loves weren't forever. He was probably met by a swarm of beautiful witches that would do everything for him. It would be easy to forget about you, your normal, common life. But you felt resentment towards him. He could've just been honest, you thought. He shouldn't have given you hope. He should've been honest about your intentions. He shouldn't have made you act like a fool everytime your classes came to an end, always running home and looking for an owl in the sky, only to be greeted by the emptyness of your silent house. You were getting tired of feeling angry, though. It tarnished your beautiful memories of a perfect summer. You just had to say goodbye to your hopes of getting to see Sirius again, to hear his perfect laughter, always laughing with you and never at you, the ringing in your ear that would send a shiver through your back, or that you'd never feel the silky perfection of his hair tangled between your fingers again… You were trying to come to terms with that, distracted, once you got home. There was an owl on the front window, standing on the window sill. Your heart skipped a beat.
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outofsstyles · 4 years
WHEN IN ROME - part 1
a/n: Ciao ragazzi!! So this is the part 1 of my friends to lovers featuring italy!Harry. Also a special thanks to my dear friend Giorgia for helping me with this, love her very much!! Hope everyone enjoys it!! Pease feel more than welcome to leave feedback (or just chat if you’d like) :)
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Word count: 7k                                  Rated: M,mature
You visit your best friend in Rome and some old feeling may start to resurface.
You struggle with your luggage after one of the wheels got caught on a loose tile, making it jerk across the airport floor. 
The other passengers from your flight stroll along the illuminated hallway, towards the arrival gate exit. Looking around, you notice their tired faces; half-open eyelids and pouted lips, often opening in small yawns. You probably didn’t look much different, considering flying always tends to make you sleepy, which is why you preferred the night ones. 
This one, in particular, was supposed to have landed around sunset, giving you enough time to enjoy your Harry’s company before settling in the hotel room. What no one was expecting, however, was to hear a muffled voice announce through the speakers that your flight was expected to be delayed for about 3 hours. The news was annoying, sure, but you knew there was not much to be done about it. So you simply snuggled further on the uncomfortable metal seat as you rolled your eyes at some angry man who was trying to argue with the poor attendant.
The warm Italian weather was a refreshing change of settings when you finally got to step out of the aircraft, making you take off your cardigan and tie it firmly around your waist. It sent a sparkle of energy down your spine, knowing you arrived after what felt like such a dragged-out flight. But despite your tired state, you feel a warm feeling settling itself in your tummy. One that makes you fight back a smile and jump on your heels in excitement as you walk maybe a bit faster than you should. 
Going through the exit doors, it almost feels as if your heart wants to escape from your ribcage. The nervous anticipation filling every inch of your mind. 
You walk past the group of people gathered around the gate, politely declining the ones who approached you offering taxi rides in a strong accent. Peering around the busy area, it doesn’t take long until you spot the curly mop you were looking for, as he calls out your name.
You don’t hold back the smile that breaks into your face as you watch him approach you with open arms, his dimples marking his cheeks. Not giving a second thought, you let go of the handle of your suitcase, rushing to his direction. You find your place between his arms as he pulled you into a tight hug, arching his back a bit to make your feet leave the ground just barely. 
The scent of his cologne makes your eyes water just slightly, not realizing how much you had missed his presence until that moment. You nuzzle your face deeper into his neck, his arms tightening around you once more.
“Missed you so much, love,” he blurts, his voice muffled as his face squishes into your shoulder blades. 
Placing a quick kiss to the side of your face he pulls away, allowing you to take in his appearance up close for the first time in months. His hair was still short, but longer than it was the last time you’d seen him in person, some locks falling charmingly along with his face. 
You place your hands on his smooth face, rubbing it lightly, “you shaved!” You exclaim, referencing the last picture he had sent you, which showed a scruff growing along his upper lip and jawline. At the time, you were quick to text him to playfully let him know you were not the biggest fan of it. 
He rolls his eyes at you, shaking his head slightly as he pushes your hands away from his face. “‘m very happy to see you too, knobhead,” he mumbles, moving to retrieve your forgotten bag lying on the floor behind you.
“I’m just teasing, silly,” you pinch his chin jokingly as he comes back by your side, guiding you through the airport, “You know I support all your decisions, even the bad ones.”
“Okay, I get it, it’s a no for the beard,” he chuckles, “mum hated it too.”
“I’ve always trusted Anne’s good taste,” you provoke, making him poke you playfully before reaching to put his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as you two walk. 
“‘S too bad your flight got delayed,” he says, “was planning on grabbing a bite and show you around fo’ a bit.”
Your heart grows a bit at his words, you reach your arm around his waist as to hug him back. “Yeah, it’s too bad,” you gaze up at him, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked up again, “sorry for making you wait so long.”
“Stop that, don’t have to apologize,” he assures, “‘s not your fault.” He squeezes you against him gently, “‘sides we have the entire week to make it up fo’ it.”
When Harry broke in the news that he would be moving to Rome to pursue a photography degree you obviously felt heartbroken. You two were inseparable at the time and knowing you wouldn’t be able to see him every day anymore made your heartache. It couldn’t have come at a worse time either, you had just broken up with your boyfriend, and suddenly it felt like you were losing everyone you loved the most at the same time.
But still you swallowed back your selfish feelings to show him your support, promising to visit as soon as possible. 
In your ideal world, you would drop everything and pack your bags with him to start a fresh life somewhere else. But realistically speaking, you had too much tying you up to your home, and not nearly enough money to pay for tickets to Italy every weekend so you could visit your best friend as regularly as you wish.
So you hugged him goodbye with tearful eyes and shaky hands, watching him walk towards the departure gate as he waved back one last time.
That had been eight months ago. 
You never expected to take this long to finally be able to see him again, but life sometimes just doesn’t line up the way you want it to. Harry never let you lose contact, though, and for that, you were eternally grateful. He always made sure to call you at least once a week to catch up on each other’s lives. 
It was the highlight of your weeks if you were honest. Getting the comfort of seeing his face even if it was just to talk about trivial things like his recipe of vegan brownies or a new boutique shop that opened on the corner of your street.
But now you don’t have a screen separating the two of you anymore. You can see his smile without it being a pixelated image. You can hear his voice clear next to you. You can hug him back and feel his arms squeezing your waist. You can smell the faint lavender scent on his shirt, mixing with his cologne.
You definitely missed him much more than you’d realized.
The sound of your alarm clock rang softly through the compact hotel room. You sigh contentedly, reaching to turn it off before rolling on your back and blinking your eyes open with little internal fight. 
It wasn’t often you could feel this well-rested, especially after sleeping on a strange bed. But thinking about how tired you were the previous night, it didn’t take long for you to fall into a deep slumber as soon as you finally got to lie down. 
The sunlight invaded your small room through the cracks of the nearly closed curtains, making you realize you might’ve been too sleepy to bother on closing them all the way the previous night. Usually, in regular days, you’d lay back in bed and steal a few more minutes of sleep, which would eventually lead to maybe another hour or two of snoozing your alarm clock. But this wasn’t just a regular day, you were in Italy, and Harry would probably be waiting for you down in the lobby in just a few minutes. 
He had revealed none of the plans he made for the day, wanting to keep most of the trip a surprise for you. This habit of his of trying to keep a mysterious front usually makes you tease him with a roll of your eyes, but on this occasion you accepted it. You didn’t really care about what activities you’d do on your stay, as long as you can do it with him.
You check your bag to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything as you wait for the elevator to go down. Running your hands over your summer dress as the doors opened.
Walking into the lobby, you expected Harry to be late, considering he would always be the last one to arrive on any kind of social gathering you’d go before he moved. But to your surprise, you find him leaning against the reception counter, speaking excitedly to the sweet old lady that had welcomed you when you checked in. 
As you get closer to them, you can identify that they’re speaking Italian, making you smile softly at how easily the words flew through Harry’s lips as he speaks.
The lady notices you first, smiling at you as you approach the counter, making Harry check over his shoulder to find you standing behind him. His smile grows, his eyes traveling down your body so subtly it almost felt like your mind was making it up. He greets you with a small hug, looking back at the woman behind the counter one last time and saying something you don’t understand.
“She looks beautiful!” she speaks, her word flowing with a strong accent, “bellissima!” 
You feel a blush creeping to your cheeks as you thank her, wishing her a nice day before Harry and you make your way to leave through the front door. The hotel you’re staying in isn’t the fanciest, but it makes up with the cozy feel and charm you could only find in a small, old building. You chose it specifically for being located just a block away from Harry’s apartment, allowing you two to be closer to him.
“She seems nice,” you say once you turn into the street.
“She’s lovely,” he agrees, shooting you a quick look with a smirk on his face, “was telling me about her husband.”
“Oh,” you say, “What did she tell you?”
“Told me about how they met and all that, they’ve been married fo’ forty years!”
“You love those stories, don’t you?” You chuckle.
He rolls his eyes, “they’re sweet, okay?” he argues. “Not my fault you have a cold heart.”
You gasp, poking him playfully. “I don’t!” you exclaim, earning a knowingly look from him.
You walk a few more blocks along on the small sidewalk; the closeness making your hands brush slightly every so often. The day was nice, ideal for staying outside and enjoying the clear sky. A morning breeze messes up your hair a bit and the sounds of birds singing take over the empty street, along with Harry’s low hums to a tune you’re not familiar with.
He guides you to a small bakery, barely noticeable amongst the surrounding buildings. As you approach the entrance he explains how it’s one of his favorite places to go for what he says is “the best Italian breakfast in Rome!”
Walking inside you are met with the delicious smell of fresh-baked bread. The place is filled with quiet chatter as a few people sit on a long couch located by the back. An older man wearing an apron with various spots of flour on it greets Harry happily as you come in, pulling him into a small conversation you, once again, can’t really pick much of. 
Soon, you two are sitting at a small table by one of the large windows that overlook the street you came from. You bite into the sandwich as a pair of green irises watches you carefully, trying to catch a glimpse of your reaction. 
“So, what are we doing today?” You ask as you pick a few crumbles of bread left on your plate.
“You’re very impatient, haven’t changed a bit,” Harry replies, taking one last sip of his coffee. 
You roll your eyes at him, “you say that as if we haven’t talked in eight months.” 
He chuckles lightly as he leans back on his chair, his arms reaching over his head in a stretch. You try not to notice how his shirt rides up just barely, but enough for your eyes to wander a bit lower than you should’ve. When you meet his gaze again, he has a smirk adorning his face, knowing he just caught you not-so-subtly checking him out.
You clear your throat, praying the warmth you feel creeping on your cheeks isn’t noticeable as you try to think of how to cover up.
“Nice fit, by the way,” you motion towards his blue shirt with an imprint of Mickey Mouse on it, to which he matched with floral shorts. 
This was the kind of clothing combination that would most definitely look silly on anyone else, but Harry was the kind of person who could pull off wearing a potato sack. He just looked good in anything, it was almost aggravating if it wasn’t also endearing in a way. But you’d never say that out loud.
“D’you like it?” He asks as he moved his hands to pull at the hem, looking down at it before meeting your eyes with a smug look on his face. “‘S my tourist outfit.”
“Is it now?” You chuckled, “does that mean we’re being tourists today?”
“I mean, you are a tourist, but yes,” he said, “we’re sightseeing, baby.”
Walking around the historical neighborhood in Rome was an overwhelming feeling in every sense of the word. You knew choosing to visit the city at the peak of summer would come with tourist-filled streets so it didn’t surprise you to be met with congested crowds as you got closer to the historical sites. 
But as much as you were not the biggest fan of crowds, you couldn’t even feel bothered in the slightest by the masses of people surrounding you. The feeling of the city itself was ethereal, something that seemed right out of a movie screen. Timeless buildings stood tall above you, with the perfect combination of old-fashioned and modern. 
Harry is having fun with his camera, teasing you at the amazed expressions you made at every corner you turned. But you couldn’t help but feel like that. 
The day only helped to enhance the enchanting feeling of the place. With the sun shining proudly in the clear blue sky, but still catching a light breeze that relieved the heat that formed a light coat of sweat on your body, making you take big gulps out of your water bottle every so often. 
Even the air around you feels different. Something you couldn’t really explain, it was lighter. Harry said it was Italy’s perfect mixture of great food and great people - to which you can’t deny - but you know having him with you is also a big factor.
“Harry, please, I’m scared I’ll bump into someone,” you say,  moving your hands blindly in front of you.
“You won’t,” he replied, keeping his hand firmly above your eyes as he guides you. 
“What if I run over a child?”
“I find your lack of trust incredibly hurtful,” he says from behind, pulling you closer to him. “We’re almost there.”
“Do we really have to do this?” You chuckle.
“Yes, now shush.”
You walk a bit more before he stops. His chest meets your back as he leans in, the ends of his hair tickling your ear slightly. You mindlessly hold your breath, grabbing his wrists anxiously as you wait for him to remove his hands.
“Ready?” He asks. His low voice causing goosebumps to form on the back of your neck.
You nod quickly into his hands, bouncing on your feet slightly as you wait for him to pull out his hands from your eyes. 
It takes a second until your vision can get used to the sunlight after being in the dark, but as soon as you focus on the sight in front of you, it’s like all the air escapes from your lungs. The colosseum stands in all its glory, centered in the open area. A place you have only seen in pages of history books or through a screen. You bring your hand to cover your mouth mindlessly as you gasp at the gigantic monument. 
“How does it feel?” Harry bites his lip, grinning as he gazes quickly at the construction before looking back at you. “Seeing it fo’ the first time?”
“It’s incredible,” you gasp, your eyes still wandering around the sight in front of you. 
“It’s two thousand years old, you know,” he explains. “‘S why it kinda looks like a swiss cheese f’you look at it closely.”
“Oh my god,” you giggle, shaking your head at him. “Did you just compare one of humanity’s most historical monuments to cheese?”
Harry rolls his eyes playfully, “‘s a metaphor, darling, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Of course, I’m sorry for being so illiterate.” You joke, bumping your hip against his.
“‘S fine I’m used to it,” he provokes back. “So, are you just gonna stand there with your mouth open or are we going in?”
Your eyes widen at his question. “Wait.” you grab his arm as he looks at you with the most amused expression.”So we actually get to go inside?”
“Course we get to go inside, love.” He throws an arm above your shoulder, squeezing it gently. “What kind of tour guide d’you think I am?”
It warms your heart how much thought he clearly put into planning this trip for you. Not just planning it, but also making sure you’re enjoying all the aspects that Italy has to offer in your limited time here. Truthfully, the biggest reason that brought you here was him. Getting to visit one of the grandest cities in the world is just a bonus. A wonderful bonus. And you are glad to do it with him.
Okay, maybe you finally realize what people meant when they described Rome as “enchanting, yet congested” on the many traveling websites you had researched before packing your bags.
Harry warned you about it before you entered the small square - that isn’t even that small but the packed crowd makes it seem much enclosed. He keeps his hand holding securely onto your waist, pulling you close as you walk towards the fountain.
The fountain, yes, the whole reason you are here. Fontana di Trevi. One of Rome’s most prized monuments, and just taking one look at it you could see why. It’s gorgeous, not like any other fountain you’ve ever seen in your life. 
That seems to be a repeating theme in this place, finding the beauty in the most minimal details, like the flowers blooming on a building’s wall, but also on the obvious ones, like the carefully crafted statues posing forever on top of the marble stones.
As you get closer, your eyes never leave the artwork standing in front of you. You’re thankful for Harry’s grip on your waist, otherwise, you’d probably trip down the steps as you make your way through the crowd. 
You find a spot by the edge of the fountain surprisingly easily. Harry lets go of your waist to reach into his back pocket, retrieving a few coins and offering to you.
“Do I make a wish?” you asked, picking a couple from his palm.
“No, there’s this whole thing,” he began, “f’you throw one means you’ll return to Rome,”  he held up a coin as he explained, “two, means you’ll get married, and three, s’to get a divorce.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, “that’s a nice way to break the news, I guess.”
You looked down at your palm, quickly picking up a cent and throwing it at the fountain, watching it descend slowly into the clear water.
“Just one, love?” Harry asked, making you look up at him to meet his gaze.
“Don’t really have anyone to get married to, do I?” you joked, “What about you?”
“Already made my wish when I first got here,” he replied, “not gonna risk throwing more.”
“How many did you throw?”
He simply grins down at you, letting your question linger in the air for a moment. You can feel his hand making its way on your waist again, pulling you closer to him.
You’re received at the bar table with excited cheers from the small group already gathered there. 
There’s an already annoying knot settling at the pit of your stomach. It’s something that has been bothering you throughout the day from the moment Harry mentioned you’d be meeting his friends for dinner. Even with his assurance that you’d be fine, telling you how excited they are to meet you, it still makes you a bit anxious. Of course you want to make a good impression, they are his friends after all. His new friends. 
What helps with your nerves a bit, is the fact that it’s not a massive amount of people, in fact, you are a bit surprised to see there’s only four of them. 
They all seem like they’ve just walked right out of a Vogue issue photoshoot, which makes you fidget with the fabric of your dress nervously. Harry keeps his hand placed on your lower back soothingly as he introduces you to everyone.
The two girls don’t even bat an eye in his direction, getting up to make their way directly to you. The first one pulls you into a tight hug immediately, the unexpected gesture causes you to take a second before hugging her back. She’s shorter than you, but she gives you a big smile as she introduces herself as Giorgia with an excited voice. Her look is very classy which stands out from the more laid-back outfits of the rest of the group.
You barely have time to separate from her before you’re being pulled into another hug. 
“I’m Francesca!” She says before pulling back, her blonde hair a bit messy on top of her head. “It’s very nice to finally meet you!”
You laugh softly at the warm welcome, “It’s lovely to meet you too.”
“We were all so excited to meet you,” Giorgia says, as you sit on the chair across from her. “Harry talks about you all the time.”
You glance at Harry who’s pulling the chair next to yours, arching your eyebrows at him. “Oh, does he now?”
“Alright, alright.” He scratches the tip of his nose, letting out a light chuckle. “Knew she’d do that as soon as you got here.”
“It’s my personal job to tease you at any given opportunity, H.” She reaches for the wine bottle, pouring it into a glass and handing it to you.
You give her a slight smile. “Think we’ll get along then.” You chuckle, moving the wine glass to your lips.
“Wait!” Giorgia stops you, “there’s a saying here in Italy that if you drink without toasting, you have seven years of bad sex, so.” 
“Oh,” you move the glass away from your mouth, raising it. “We don’t want that.”
“No, we don’t.” You hear Harry say from his spot next to you, moving his own glass to meet yours in a light click.
The night progresses bringing a warm feeling in all the pleasant ways. 
A light chatter fills the table, mixing with the sound of the other loud conversations from other young groups surrounding you. You risk learning a bit of Italian from the girls, as they tell excitedly stories about Harry’s first months not knowing the language.  It makes you feel silly for ever thinking they wouldn’t welcome you, seeing how they are treating you as if you are friends for years. 
But what makes your heart swell is seeing Harry so comfortable and laid-back amongst them. 
It may be the effect of the alcohol settling itself on your bloodstream, but as time passes, you find it harder to keep your eyes off of him. 
The crinkle in his eyes as he throws his head back with laughter brings an inevitable smile to your face. His hand squeezing your knee reassuringly, every so often, makes your breath catch in your throat. His eyes never leaving yours as you ramble about something you don’t even pay much attention to.
He’s listening closely to the words coming out of your mouth, his own lips forming a soft grin. You can feel your words start to get confusing as you become much aware of the distance between the two of you. It was close enough so you can notice the cloudy look in his eyes, but till not as close as you wish. 
Your mind seems to erase everything around you as you can see his eyes moving down, so quickly it almost seems like it’s part of your imagination. 
“You two look so cute together.” You hear Francesca’s sudden voice from the other side of the table, reminding that you’re not alone. “You’d make such a cute couple”
It catches you off guard, making you glance over to Harry before shaking your head. “Oh, I mean, I- Well- We’re not- We’ve never-”
“Francie!” Giorgia - thankfully - interrupts your nervous stutter, poking her friend gently in the arm. “You don’t just say stuff like that.”
“What? But it’s true!” Francesca says defensively, “they must get this all the time.” She turns back to you.”Right?”
You quickly bring your glass to your lips, taking a long sip as you decide to let Harry deal with the situation. You feel grateful for the dim lighting of the place, knowing it will cover the undeniable blush that you can tell is already covering your cheeks.
“I mean, yeah, we used to,” he begins, wrapping an arm over your shoulder. “But that’s just cause we slept together.”
You choke on your wine at his words, making him laugh at your clear affected state. “Harry!” You exclaim, hitting his chest lightly before gazing at the amused expressions watching the two of you. “We just slept together, literally. As in just sleep. And that was years ago!”
“I feel like I should take offense at your horror,” he teases.
“Wait- No! I- I didn’t mean it like that-” you try to explain.
“I enjoyed sleeping with you. Thought it was special.” He throws his head back dramatically.
You shake your head at him. “You’re having way too much fun with this.”
He looks back at you with a smug look on his face, “maybe I’m just flattered.”
You look away from him, taking a sip of your wine as you hear laughter taking over the table.
“Told you, you are cute!” Francesca says once again.
The walk back to the hotel was filled with giggles and rushed whispers as to not disturb anyone, considering Harry’s warning about the loud acoustic of the narrow streets. Your minds were hazy and your chests warm as you stumbled along the way.
“Madame, you’re home.” He says, motioning dramatically towards the entrance door.
“Well, sir thank you for your company on this dark night,” you giggle, bowing slightly. “Seems like you’re a proper gentleman now, aren’t you?”
“Now?” he questions, an offended look taking over his face, making you giggle again. “Was I not before?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Of course you were!” you bring a hand over your mouth as an attempt to quiet your laughter.
“Well on that note, I’ll leave.” He turns on his heels.
You reach for his arms pulling him back to you. “No! Stop! I’m sorry, come back.”
He glances over his shoulder, allowing you to drag him towards you. His grin was visible on his face, dimples deep on his cheeks, as he wraps his arms around your waist, drawing you in. Your laugh stops on your throat when you gaze up to meet his eyes, realizing how close you were. 
Even in the poor lighting, you can still see the green of his irises as he brings his hand up to cup your cheek. The alcohol dancing in your mind making it seem like you were watching it from the outside, as you hold your breath, too afraid to make any kind of movement.
Your heart was loud on your chest. You wish you could read his mind, know his next move. His eyes looked at you almost as if they wanted to tell you something, but your head was too blurry to understand it.
You swallow dryly, “thank you for today, H.” You break the silence. “Was really nice.”
“‘F course, love.” He whispers, caressing his thumb gently over your cheekbone. “Should get some rest,” he says, “got another early day tomorrow.”
“Sure,” you breathe. “Good night, Harry.”
He leans in, your breath catching on your throat as he places a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling away completely.
“Gelatto!” You hold up the two ice cream cups before handing one to Harry and moving down to sit next to him on the steps, carefully avoiding the handlebar of your bike laying on the ground.
“Look at you!” He giggles, “by the end of the week you’ll be a proper Italian.”
You chuckle, “I mean, it’s not like this word is not written all over the store or anything.” you lick the ice cream off your spoon. “But I do have the best tour guide in Rome, so that helps a lot.”
“Is that so?”
You hum with your spoon between your lips, nodding at him.
“Should get his number then, heard he’s a pretty cool bloke.” He smirks, “heard he’s quite handsome as well.”
You roll your eyes at him, “he’s got a big head too.”
He scoffs, nuzzling you as you giggle. “You’re a pest.”
“I am?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Yes, you are.” He shakes his head, playing with the spoon on his ice cream before scooping a bit. 
You fall into a comfortable silence enjoying each other’s company with the soft sound of nature surrounding you. 
The day was thankfully cooler than the ones before, allowing you to sit underneath the sun without feeling like your skin was boiling. The light breeze helped to chill your hot skin, caused by all the cycling you did to get to the island.  
“Y’know,” Harry’s voice breaks into the silence. “I’m very happy that you’re here.”
You gaze up at him, smiling softly. “I’m very happy that I’m here too.”
“No, like really I-” he begins, meeting your eyes. “Thank you fo’ coming.”
“Of course I’d come, silly.” You say, “promised I would.”
“Yeah, I know but-” he looks down at his shoes, a frown forming between his eyebrows. “‘S just,” he sighs, almost in frustration, as if he doesn’t know how to say it. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too, H.” Your eyebrows knit together - you can tell there’s something on his mind. “Where’s this coming from?”
“‘S nothing,” he brushes off, still not meeting your eyes.
“Almost fooled me there,” you say, bumping your shoulder on his softly. “You can talk to me, you know?”
“I know.” He looks at you, “was just thinking back to right before I moved. When I told you about it.” He shakes his head, gazing up to the river in front of you. “Felt like the worst friend in the world.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighs, “‘s just-” he begins, his eyebrow still in a frown - as if he’s searching for the right word to say.  “You just were in a bad place back then, felt so bad fo’ just leaving you like that.” He admits, glancing at you. “I’m sorry.”
You can feel your heart sink as the words come out of his mouth, knowing what he’s referencing to. Your breakup. 
It’s something you don’t really enjoy thinking about but still seems to come back to your mind occasionally, as if to haunt you. 
The entire relationship was a mess, to begin with, and it’s something you can only look back now and realize. From the start, you only accepted going out with him as a form of distraction from your genuine feelings - to which you assume now it’s incredibly unfair not only to him but to yourself. Truth to be told, you never loved him the way you were supposed to.
But as the months went by you learned to get used to it, telling yourself that maybe with time you would forget about who your heart yearned for. So you swallowed back that ache.
When it finally happened, it didn’t come as a surprise to you. You felt like it was inevitable that you wouldn’t last. What did surprise you were how harder the aftermath would be when you learned your biggest support was leaving.
So you look at Harry apologizing for it, not knowing how to express in words that the primary reason you were a mess back then, wasn’t because of the breakup at all.
“I’m sorry, shouldn’t have brought it up.” He apologizes after your lack of response.
“No, it’s fine.” You reassure, “just haven’t thought about it for a while.”
You can feel him watching you from the side of your vision.
“It killed me to see you with him.”
The sentence makes you freeze a bit. You’ve always known Harry wasn’t a big fan of ex. It wasn’t something explicit, considering he never spoke about his dislike of him. But you know Harry. You could tell from his dry words and uninterested eyes every time your boyfriend came up, that he disapproved. So hearing him admit it straightforwardly shocked you a bit, to say the least. 
“I-” You begin, but stop, not knowing how to end the sentence.
“‘m sorry, shouldn't’ve said that.”
“No. Harry-” you pause for a moment, his eyes never leaving you as you think how to say it. “He was a dick.”
“Yeah.” He agrees. “He really was, love.” His gaze moves forward, breaking the eye contact. “You deserve much better than that.”
Like who? You want to ask. Even if you already know the answer. Well, you think you know the answer.
The words get caught in your throat, screaming so loud inside your mind you physically shake your head, trying to stop thinking them. It’s that unsaid confession. The one you’ve been meaning to say long before you even dated your ex..
There’s an awkward pause in the air. One you created without even realizing, because of your lack of response. Harry clears his throat, getting up before offering one hand to help you do the same which you take it.
“We should go,” he says, his eyes still not meeting yours. “Still got to return the bikes.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” 
You let out a content hum as the orangy taste hits your tongue, scrunching your nose slightly at the bitter aftertaste, due to the alcohol in it.
“You don’t like it? Harry chuckles at your expression, pulling his glass back to his side of the table.
“It’s good,” you say, “Just looks like orange soda.”
Harry wraps his lips around the straw, taking a sip. “Suppose it does.”
The sound of a small boat passing by the river next you call your attention, making you gaze at it as it moved lazily across the water. You take a moment to appreciate the view from your table, feeling grateful for finding one right by the edge of the sidewalk, allowing you to look at it without lots of people serving as obstacles.
A pinkish and golden tone paints the sky, as the sun goes down to give space for the nighttime. The sound of someone playing the piano took over as background noise. The lights are already turned on though, reflecting beautifully by the water. You can see the masses of people strolling on the other edge where the expo was set up.
You were there earlier in the day, going through the small businesses and gazing at the artworks exposed on the tents. 
There was a particular rose necklace that caught your eye, making you run your finger through the delicate piece for a moment before deciding it was best to leave it be. To your surprise, a few minutes later, as you stopped to watch someone plays a ukulele version of Riptide, you feel a cold chain being wrapped around your neck. 
You looked back to find Harry smiling at you, muttering a shy “Surprise,” as you reach to your neck, only to find the same necklace you had been eyeing before.
The recent thought brings a smile to your face, causing you to play with the pendant.
“D’you remember,” Harry’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “When we went to that friend of yours birthday party.”
“I think so,” he says. “That party was shit.”
You laugh, “God, it really was.” You shake your head slightly at the memory. “We left after, like, ten minutes.”
“We did, yeah,” he says fondly. “Went to that petrol station at midnight to get those awful chips you like and ate them at that empty parking lot.”
“The one with the broken sign.”
“The one with the broken sign,” he smiles. “‘S one of my favorite memories.”
“Really?” You incline.
“Really.” He says, “can still picture you laughing at my terrible attempt at making jokes.” He looks down, poking his finger at the tablecloth. “Almost kissed you that day.”
You blink at him. Feeling your heart skip a beat at his confession. His eyes moving up to meet yours with a gleam to them.
Maybe it was the ethereal feeling that had settled into your mind from the first moment you got here. The one that made it seem like you were in one of those cheesy romcoms Harry loves so much. One where you found yourself in a breathtaking place along with your best friend, where you two slowly would come to the realization that maybe you felt like being more than just friends.
You tried your best to keep those thoughts away. Locking them down in the back of your mind and trying to forget they even exist. But like an annoying ich you can’t quite seem to reach, they would come back to you, almost in a provoking way, to remind you you couldn’t get rid of old feelings. No matter how hard you tried.
It was in the small moments when those thoughts came back to life. When he holds onto your waist in a crowded space so you wouldn’t get lost. Or how he always found a way to compliment you. 
Or even when he’s not even doing anything, but the string of lights above you just hit his face perfectly as he looks at you with the most affectionate eyes. His thumb finding your hand over the table, caressing it so gently that brought the most beautiful butterflies on your stomach.
Maybe the wine has gotten to your head but those unspoken words weigh so heavily on your tongue you can almost taste them.
But it was a little voice inside your head that makes you swallow them back. One that screams that this has become something too important to be thrown away in a failed attempt at a relationship. Whatever window that was of becoming more than friends had already been closed years ago. 
And with one look at his glistening eyes, you take a sip of your wine, deciding that those past feelings should stay in the past.
{PART 2}
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