#like you can find someone beautiful without being physically attracted to them
harmoonix · 5 months
♡ Aphrodisiac ♡
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Come here rude boy, can you get it up?
Come here rude boy, is you big enough?
- Venus in the 10H is a very powerful placement, Venus gives you the power to attract influential people in your life
- Jupiter aspecting Sun natives have very beautiful smiles,😄 their smile will always look good
- Lilith aspecting Mars, men think they have the power to dominante you, girl wake up, slap and snatch. Show them, Did Lilith let herself to be submissive to Adam?? OF COURSE NAUR.
- If you have Virgo/Mercury in the 8H you can analyse your partner body parts, that person who admires you from afar
- Lilith In Cancer or Lilith at 4°, 16° 28° degrees can be good at controlling other people emotions and feelings, you can have strong ancestors/ancestry
- Aries/Scorpio or Capricorn in the 3rd house are not afraid to call someone out when its needed
- Sirene (1009) in the 6H can effortlessly be seductive, is because that's what they do on a daily basis
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- Sirene (1009) in the 9H natives, people perceive you as being very seductive because of your ethnicity/country, your exotic aura allures them
- When you have Saturn in the 7H people see you as an ideal partner if you match with their standards
- Saturn in the 8H natives can be shy during their first sex act, you need a partner who can let your fears to go away
Tonight, I'ma let it be fire
- Dejanira (157) in the 8H or in Scorpio attract powerful people but be careful these people can also be good manipulators
- Dejanira in the 8H tends also to be very vindictive, if she finds herself being mistreated she'll do the same
- Pisces Venus and Venus in the 12H native are always hoping they'll met that person who will make them complete
- Scorpio Moon in a Juno Persona chart can indicate the couple may love physical touch or that sex is very neddy in a relationship/marriage
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- Lilith in the 7H in your ascendant persona chart indicate other people perceive your relationships as misterious
- Pluto in the 1H natives, people can perceive you as a "bad" person without knowing your full story
- What I love about Moon in the 9H natives is that they're always in touch with the divinity/source/universe even their ancestors
- Venus in Sagittarius or Venus in the 9H (Venus in 9°, 21°) can indicate people who are in love with their culture/country/traditions
Do you like it boy? I wa-wa-want
What you wa-wa-want
Give it to me baby, like boom, boom, boom
What I wa-wa-want is what you wa-wa-want
- Venus in Aquarius/11H or Venus at 11°, 23° degrees falls in love with everything that might seem "new" for them, it's making them excited
- Mars in the 7H in the Juno Persona Chart can indicate intensity in marriage/relationship but also jealousy
- Lilith conjuncting Saturn natives, Lilith finds herself being very restrictive and closed here, that's why she may act rebellious lots of times
- Lilith in the 10H or in Capricorn, people can perceive you as a sex symbol. The same if you have Aphrodite in the same house and sign
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- Having Venus and Mars in the same house can make you magnetic and sexual, you tend to send other people this energy
- Mars and Jupiter in the same house can boost your confidence, energy and sexual drive
- Sun and Moon in the same house can make you very sensitive and kind to others but on the other hand you can absorb energy fast
Babe, if I don't feel it I ain't faking no
- Neptune aspecting the ascendant natives have a shocking beauty type. People can stare at them for hours
- Mercury and Pluto in the same house can boost your knowledge, they're always thinking deep into subjects
- Earth Sun Water Moon can hide their feelings so well, people don't know if they're truly speaking the truth about their feelings or not
- Saturn and Jupiter in the same house gives daddy vibes but in the sense of the discipline. They're always the most respectful people in the room
- Moon conjunct Lilith can tell when they are being lied or manipulated and is a very smart move
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- Asteroid Eva (164) aspecting the Sun, the native has an enchanting feminine aura (both genders). Their beauty is so delicate
- Asteroid Hera (103) aspecting the Midheaven can give authority over relationships, you know people getting mad because you're in a relationship with someone
- Medusa (149) in Leo/5TH house people always get jealous over your personality and the way you act, overall for being yourself
- Medusa (149) in Libra or 7H can make other people jealous because of their relationships, I'm not kidding I have my Medusa in the 7H and I remember there were people who wanted to destroy one specific ex-relationship of mine because they were jealous 😭😭(traumatic)
- You need to worry less when you have Moon in Virgo or Moon in the 6H because whatever happens that's it. You cannot change it
- Let's talk about how Erato(62) in Gemini (my placement😨) will make you extremely confused about your talents, is like you have 100 ideas and you have to divide them one per one
- Sun in the 7H house natives are lucky in a way because their whole attention will be put into finding that one (right) person
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- 7H house ruler in the 9H can bring a spouse from a different religion/ethnicity/culture
- Moon in the 3rd house natives think with their hearts before making any important decision
- Saturn in the 1H together with Capricorn and Aquarius Risings can have sensitive skin (Saturn rules the 1H for these)
- Uranus aspecting the Midheaven can make you confused about your career/job path, everything can happen suddenly in with those aspects
- Uranus aspecting Sun natives can act weird when they don't like someone, they're also very intuitive and that can be sign
- Juno/Venus in the 12H can make you dream or (hallucinate) about your lovers/partners/crush
- Juno in the 6th or Juno in Virgo can get a partner who may prioritize health over everything. But in the same time hardworking and disciplined
- Venus in Taurus/Venus in the 2H (Venus at 2°, 14°, 26°) natives love to get spoiled, they're all about "spoil me and I'll do the same". They may be spoiled but also generous!!
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- When you have Taurus in the 4H or Venus in the 4H your HOME is the place you'll find the most comfortable
- Saturn Retrograde (in the 6H) can indicate someone who didn't paid much attention to their responsibilities and orders in a past life
Love me
- Libra Moons/Moon in the 7H can have the gift of compromise, not always about finding peace but patience in a relationship (Moon at 7°, 19°)
- Aries Moons/Moon in the 1st are the loudest in the room, you know they are bold the moment they come to you (Moon at 1°, 13°, 25°)
- Aquarius Moons/Moon in the 11H are not always able to tell how they feel out loud and that's okay because they need time to figure out what they truly feel (Moon at 11°, 23°)
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♥️ 🌹 New post for y'all, enjoy 🌹 ♥️
Is he a rude boy or just an Aries Rising? I'd let him to be the captain anyway❗❗❗
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transmascissues · 7 months
it's silly but the biggest reason why im not into t yet is bc im so afraid of losing my hair. do you have any solutions/tips for it?
first of all, i don’t think it’s silly — it’s natural to be worried when hair loss is talked about by so many people as like…one of the worst results of aging for men. listening to my dad talk about how much he hates balding definitely did not make me feel particularly good about the knowledge that i may very well be joining him someday. i’m not saying the fear is right, because i don’t think hair loss is something awful that we should avoid at all costs, but it’s an understandable fear given the beauty standards we’re working with, and it’s one that a lot of us (myself included) feel.
one thing that’s helped me is just…paying more attention to the guys that i interact with on a daily basis. i’ve learned two things from it: 1) hair loss is super fucking common. i’d say it’s much harder to find an adult man who isn’t balding at all than it is to find one who’s completely bald. and 2) if you forget everything you’ve been told about how bad hair loss is, you’ll realize that quite frankly, every single one of those guys looks totally fucking fine. it doesn’t ruin their appearance and make them ugly, it looks totally natural and isn’t really even something you’d notice if you weren’t looking for it. we put so much weight on it but it’s really just not that big of a deal. i’ll hear my parents talk shit about men in my family who are losing their hair when i didn’t even notice a difference last time i saw them. it’s one of those things (like so many other appearance-related things) that you really only notice at all because you’ve been taught that you’re supposed to care about it.
this isn’t something i’ve done personally, but if you really want to desensitize yourself to the idea of it, embrace the time-honored queer tradition of just shaving your whole damn head! find out what you’d look like without hair, find out how you feel about it and what you can do that makes you feel good about your appearance without hair, test the waters while it’s still a temporary change and not something permanent. that way, it won’t feel like this big scary unknown, and you’ll actually have a frame of reference for your feelings about how you look without hair rather than accepting the societal assumption that you’ll inevitably hate it. if you don’t want to actually shave your head, you could also just fuck around with bald filters or photoshop and see what happens.
oh, and if you’re attracted to men, keep an eye out for guys who are bald or balding and also hot as fuck. in my experience, there’s no insecurity or potential future insecurity that being gay for other men hasn’t helped me with. just off the top of my head, i can think of a couple actors who i think are absolutely fucking gorgeous who have helped me get over my fears about losing my hair. despite what our anti-aging-obsessed world might want you to think, there is no such thing as a physical feature that automatically makes someone less attractive, and while making attractiveness less of a priority in your life is good, it can’t hurt to also give yourself some proof that actually, you might lose your hair and look hot as hell doing it.
basically, entertain the possibility that it won’t be a bad thing at all! whether that’s just because it turns out to be a neutral thing for you or because you end up actually liking it, it’s not an inherently bad thing. i’ve ended up liking a lot of things that were “supposed to” be bad effects of t — i love the weight i’ve gained and the new shape it gives my body, i get a lot of gender euphoria from the fact that my acne is now on parts of my face that i saw a lot of guys in high school get it and i’m not complaining about the scars i get from it either because i’ve always liked the added texture that acne scars give my skin, and so on. i think there’s a lot of joy to be had in the changes we’re taught to fear, once we look past that conditioning and actually explore how we feel about it.
but if it’s something you really don’t want and you just want to improve your chances of not having to deal with it, it’s not like there’s nothing you can do! products like finasteride (oral) and minoxidil (usually topical but i think there might also be oral versions) are pretty commonly used among trans guys, for the purpose of avoiding hair loss and for other reasons, and there are plenty of other anti-hair loss products out there (though i don’t know how effective any one of them might be). if it’s a big enough deal for you, you can just decide that you’ll go off of t if/when you start noticing signs of it, since no longer having higher t levels would stop the process in its tracks. and if you don’t find prevention options that work for you so it ends up happening, you can always explore different hair styles (judging by the pattern of hair loss i see in my family, i suspect that keeping my hair long would make it less obvious if i started losing mine), find your preferred method of covering it when you don’t feel good about it (personally i love a good beanie generally and would probably wear them a lot more if i didn’t have hair to worry about because my main complaint is the way they press my hair onto my neck), or just shave it all off if you don’t like the look of the partial balding but don’t mind a shaved head. the point being — you have options!
at the end of the day, whether you go on t or not, you’re going to see your body change as you age in ways that aren’t always going to be attractive to others or aesthetically pleasing to you. that’s just the reality of having a body. even if you never went on t, you’d get older and you might see your hair thin out even if you don’t bald, you’ll see your skin start to wrinkle and sag in places that used to be smooth, your metabolism might slow or your body fat might start to gather in new places; hell, you might lose your hair for a totally different reason and end up in the same place but without the benefits of having been on t that whole time. life is full of bodily changes like that. transphobes will fearmonger about the permanent changes of testosterone all day long but the truth is, there is no escaping permanent bodily changes. whether or not you go on t, your body now isn’t the same as it will be in 1 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 50 years, just like it isn’t the same as it was at any point in your life before now. our bodies are never supposed to stop growing and aging and changing throughout our lives. there’s no guaranteeing that we’ll love every single change our bodies go through, but that’s okay! there are so many things in life that are more important than the way our bodies look. even if you go on t and lose your hair and don’t like how it looks, your life won’t be ruined; plenty of other things will bring you joy and more than make up for the insecurities.
just think about the gender euphoria and relief from dysphoria that t could give you. would losing your hair be bad enough to outweigh all of that? or is it just the pressure of a society that decided balding is bad that’s making you fear one single change despite how much joy you could have if you let that fear go? only you can decide if going on t is worth the potential downsides for you, but i suspect that for most of us, the benefits of going on t far outweigh the possibility of side effects like hair loss happening down the line.
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bridgetoesoteria · 6 months
💌💟Realistically...What would they write in a love letter to you?
Surpriseee bish! Here is my double post as puh-romised. Its spring break, I aced my midterm, I had a nice lil chit chat with my crush where I high key let on to having feelings . *ahem* Now I wanna smoke and pull cards with my internet besties <3
So, I don't like those mushy-gushy readings that tell you the most ideal outcome, not the most realistic outcome. I am hoping to channel an authentic "letter," from the person you are here for.
Options are left to right. I hope it resonates 🥰
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Pile 1
4-card spread: Page of Swords, Girl w/ Violin, Strength, The Sun. BOTD: 3 of Swords
I just want to see you happy. I hope you know that. I miss the feeling of you holding me. I think about all the times, I got to hold your hands in mine. I think you are amazing and angelic. If I ever seem difficult, or like I am pushing you away, its just because I don't want to hurt you even worse. You're the whole package. You can shine with or without me.
If there is still bad blood, I will make it right. At least that's what I think about doing. All the time. Can I step up? Can I really have my happy ending; The car, the house, the family, building a life together. I need to get over my cold feet, because the only person I see is you.
I love your eyes. I love how much hope I feel when I look into them. I love your hair, especially the length/thickness. I love how balanced you are, and how you can consider different points of view. It has taught me to be more compassionate. It has taught me to care about someone other than myself. You show me that I can get over my demons. We could be a power couple.
(If you have a "butt chin," your person loves this too lol)
Pile 2
4-card spread: 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords(R), 9 of Wands, The Star. BOTD: The Emperor
This person is definitely very attracted to you, but we are here for a love letter, mkay? Not a sext.
I don't know why you are acting like you don't want me anymore. You better not be giving away my ____ to anyone else. I want to be with you. I consider us to be a couple, no matter what happens. If you question where my head is at, my loyalty is with you. I don't want to see you with anyone else. I hate thinking about you being out there, living like you're single. I think about us having kids, animals, a family life. (If you already have kids they want to keep the family together).
I am working on my temptations. I know I need to be more responsible and I am willing to do that. I want to try having self-control. If that means cutting other people off, or waiting until you are comfortable being physical, I will do that. I respect your boundaries. You have every right to have them. I know you are just trying to love yourself. You should always stand your ground...even with me.
You have a beautiful heart. You are so nurturing. You keep everything flowing. You completely fulfill me. You are more than enough. You definitely know what you are doing. I wouldn't have taken you for a "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" type.
Right now, you probably are focusing on yourself. I hope you find the happiness that you are looking for. After pouring into everyone else so much, I hope you will start pouring into you now. I hope you will be receptive to all the good things you deserve.
Pile 3
4-card spread: Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Page of Cups, The Empress. BOTD: Justice
I can't figure you out. And its...amazing! It keeps everything so fresh. Maybe you don't feel like you are being mysterious but you are. I want to know what goes on "behind-the scene." I don't mean that in a pervy way. I mean, I want to know who you are, where you come from, what is currently going on in your life. I want to make the cut. Do you ever think about what your favorite diamond cut is? 💎
(Where ever your connection is, move up a step. This is not a literal proposal for everyone)
I want us to be on track. If I have to apologize, I will do that. I want to finally start something new. I want to make you feel like the king/queen that you are. I want us to be happy together. Especially if we are expecting 🤰
Can I just brag on you really quick? I love your face shape. I love when we lock eyes. I love how you style your hair, even if I have never said so aloud. Even if I tease you about it sometimes. Its cute and so you. Everyone says we (would) go well together, and I have to agree. We could be our town's MGK and Megan Fox 🤣🤣
On a more serious point, you make me want to do better. Internally, I always feel challenged by you. I have my old beliefs, and then there's you. You make me want to throw out all the BS I believe about myself and start valuing myself more. I see how magical life can be, because I see how many miracles happen when we are together. I know I can do better.
Pile 4 4-card spread: 8 of Wands, 10 of Wands, The Emperor, 8 of Swords. BOTD: Ace of Swords.
(Your person could actually be the type to spill their feelings over texts or in the notes section of their phone)
I think about saying this all the time. I build up the courage to start typing, but I can never hit send. I just feel this lump in my throat. I'm a man! (or they are just someone who suppresses their emotions). I shouldn't have all these feelings. I feel overwhelmed by my attraction, my thoughts, my unexpressed feelings.
That's kind of what I grew up with. It was normal. People call it "traditional." I always thought (one of their parents, but I am really getting mom) could do better. Why are you still with them? I don't want that to be you. I don't want that to be our story. You always carry yourself well. I'm proud to be with you. I know you're a catch. I know you are the full package. I can't let you go. Please reconsider. I want to be with you.
I hope you're getting rest. Don't lose sleep over me. Which is hypocritical, because I stay up thinking about you. Don't be scared...but I may have watched you sleep. I like how peaceful you look. I feel like I have privacy to fully process my emotions. I look at your face and I think about all the possibilities. It makes me nervous. If I have made a proposal of some kind, maybe to reconcile, I hope you sleep on it before you make a decision.
Pile 5 4-card spread: King of Cups, 4 of Swords, 9 of Wands, The Sun. BOTD: 8 of Swords
I think a lot of you are asking about a feminine energy, but flip the roles if needed. You could be the feminine energy being described, so maybe they want you to know you are "seen". It just started raining, so that makes me feel like this person is definitely more on the feminine side, or in touch with their emotions. You could both be young, or they're younger, or someone has a baby face.
I think about you all the time. Even when I am sad. I don't know if you know how much I struggle. My mental health isn't always in the best place. But you take my mind off of everything. I love when you look deep in thought. I come up with all these random ideas about what you could be thinking of. If you are away getting better, overcoming an ED, I hope you are being strong. I look forward to seeing you again.
You make me so happy. I miss being playful and messing with you. I could see us having babies. I think I would be a great mom/dad. But I know that's daydreaming and wishful thinking. I don't always understand your moods or what you want from me. Could you make it clear without it becoming an argument. I don't want to make you upset.
You are soo pretty. I think your haircut really compliments your face. I love your side profile too. You are so smart. You know so much about the world around you or you are always willing to learn. I am impressed by your writing and/or creativity. I love everything about you. If I were an artist, I would make a portrait of you. You would be my muse. I just want you to know how special you are. You are 1 of 1 forreal. I am so grateful to have ever met you. You bring so much joy to my life.
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Whew. GD! That was a lot lol. This took me two days. I am going to relax and enjoy the start of Spring Break. Whoop whoop 🙌
And don't laugh at me...but I just discovered archives so I might stop updating my masterlist, since you can find all my readings there too.
Lastly, I am also doing personals if you have not heard! Take a gander.
~ K
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
OMG PART 2 of “one of the girls” PLS OMG maybe a more angsty to fluff between them
deeper (one of the girls pt 2)
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fwb! chris x reader
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex
a/n: you definitely asked for angst and fluff and i definitely only gave you angst
sorry 😬
but i swear on everything the next part will be fluffy, i just needed to lay the groundwork 🙏🏾
previous part
“look, it’s fine chris. you’re just shitty at aftercare.” she spoke from her spot across from me on her bed.
we somehow had managed to go from talking about how our days went to sex.
“what are you talking about?” i asked, confused.
“i mean, in what world is you fucking me and dipping to go fuck someone else considered taking care of me?” she pointed out.
my face dropped at her words, “i- i don’t do that every time though, it’s happened a few times, but-“ she cut me off with a scoff, “that’s the thing, you do it every time, without fail. you just- you finish, you make sure i finish, and you leave” she shrugged it off, but it obviously hurt her to say.
“i mean, what kind of a friend treats someone that way? it’s like, hey ok! i finished using you for what i needed, gotta go do the exact same thing to the next girl! you don’t see how fucked that is? you don’t get how that would completely fuck with my head ?” she asked.
“i mean at first, it wasn’t like that. i didn’t care, i thought maybe you’d stop at some point. but after months of you doing this shit, i can’t act like it doesn’t affect me anymore”
i blinked at her, only now realizing what i was doing to her.
“and it’s not like i caught feelings and am in love with you or something, you can be with other people, i don’t care. but- i mean, right after me? the second your dick gets soft you go somewhere else to get hard again? like, am i that bad, or…?”
no, no, no. there’s no way this is happening right now.
there’s no way i’ve managed to do this.
what the fuck was i thinking? what was wrong with me?
“hey, listen. this has nothing to do with you not being good enough, ok? i’m so sorry, i never meant to hurt you at all, i need you to know that. you deserve better than how i’ve treated you, i know. i guess i was just scared-”
“scared? scared of me?” she asked in a low voice, her face clearly showing how hurt she was.
my eyes widened at that, how the hell am i managing to make this worse?
“what?” i asked, desperately trying to think of how to calm her down.
“is this about the whole liking pain while we’re having sex thing? because if you can’t handle that-” i brought my hand up to her face to cup her cheek, making her stop talking and stare at me with wide eyes.
“it’s not that, ok? i told you i’d never judge you for that and i meant it. there’s nothing wrong with liking that stuff, i personally find it makes you even more attractive”
“so, if not that, then what? what are you running from?” she whispered to me.
my feelings for you.
the second i realized that i was beginning to care about her in a different way, i started seeing other people.
i tried desperately to distract myself from her, praying that being with someone else would help.
the first time, it worked. until the next time we had sex, and i remembered everything that i loved about her.
i was overwhelmed by her, everything about her drove me crazy.
her body, her soft skin, her scent, the way she tasted, the way she moaned and screamed under me.
my senses were filled with her.
i assumed it was just physical attraction, which is why i tried looking for someone who could replace that.
but who was i kidding? no one could replace her.
and even if they could, i realized that it was deeper than the sex as i was staring at her now.
it was that beautiful smile that i was missing now while i stared at the sad look that i put on her face.
it was that look she had on her face when she wanted to laugh, but was trying desperately to hold it in as i made faces at her from across the room.
it was the amount of passion and dedication she put into the things she cared at about.
it was the deep connection that we shared when i stared into her eyes, my fear of intimacy somehow leaving my body when it was with her.
it was her.
it was always her.
and me? i was royally fucked.
not too much on chris he’s about to eat in the next part (literally)
i may or may not have already written the next part to this 🌚
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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dragonfoxgirl · 1 year
My thoughts on Elemental and how one scene spoke to me deeply.
Elemental, aside from its poignant depiction of what it entails to live as a first generation child born of immigrants and the challenges faced related to it, has also seemed to have touched on another subject, maybe accidentally. But, regardless of it’s intentional depiction or not, the movie also touches on the complexity of romantic relationships for people outside the common denominator.
A few days ago, I saw a lot of activity on social media about the movie coming from Aro/Ace people. As an effort to avoid spoiling myself, I skimmed the few posts that showed up in my feed. Now that I have seen the movie, I understand with clarity why it resonated so strongly with these particular communities, despite not being the intended broader target with its messaging.
As a person in the Ace spectrum, as well as someone with Autism, I can testify to the fact that we navigate very different waters in terms of human connection outside our family nucleus.
We hold value on the soul, the personality and the abstract connection that results by having “chemistry” with someone above physical displays of attraction. The same goes for many neurodivergent people. In short terms: It’s a lot harder for us to “touch” and go beyond it. For us, it needs to matter. It needs to be genuine.
In the “touch” scene where Wade and Ember join palms, she hesitates. Ember struggles with allowing herself to try. Wade is calm, patient and understanding of her limitations without holding back his own desire to connect. Showing genuine affection towards her.
When she realizes she can touch him, his contact starts to ground her and she relaxes. Finally allowing herself to fall into his embrace.
They dance and sway and for a few minutes, simply enjoy each other's proximity. What’s been an emotional connection has now been proven to also be able to be present physically. In their own terms, without having to morph it into anything else. It 's genuine. It’s unique and it’s entirely theirs.
To someone like me, who struggles with allowing my walls to come down. To be touched, it’s a beautiful scene. One that displays the yearn many of us have: To connect with someone on such a level. To find the person we can touch without feeling uncomfortable and who accepts and respects the way we are.
To me, modern dating culture expects physical displays of attraction as a genuine demonstration of connection and when you are somebody that doesn’t follow those “rules” you struggle finding the connection you seek.
To see these characters find so much calm and comfort in a simple embrace is a visual testament to what we value. What we seek and hold dear to what constitutes us as a person.
“I’m so lucky” he says while holding her and my heart swells.
It’s like hope and maybe also reassurance. That one day, we will find the person we can allow in. Their touch won’t feel foreign and we’ll not deny ourselves in how we connect with them.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
🩵Ace of Cups Part 2🩵
✨People with 5th house placements or leo placements want someone who will give them a feeling of childhood and can do childhood things with them. Many times people they know from the past / childhood are closer to them. Because they really want to be able to share their childhood with someone or have someone who knows that side of them.
🎸Mars it has to do with your body parts and what people find most attractive about your body. Mars in Sagittarius - people will find your legs and butt very attractive on you. Mars in Capricorn- people will love your bone shape. Mars and Leo -people will find your hair attractive.
🧜🏽‍♀️Planets in your 1st house are related to your body and how you look. Each planet in the 1st house gives you something that others then see in you as physically attractive. And you also get the most compliments with it. For ex.: Pluto in 1st house-people are attracted to your sexual body, eyes. Moon in 1st house- many times people find your face beautiful, dimples in your face and many times these people have a moon face. Neptune in 1st house - many times people find your eyes attractive (they are usually mystical, dreamy). Uranus in the 1st house - people tend to find you as a unique, different person who has a rare beauty. Mercury in 1st house - people find very beautiful skin on you. Many times they find attractive hands on you. Jupiter in 1st house-people often give you compliments about your figure (in general), many times they find attractive hips on you - these people always have well-shaped hips and ass + belly. Venus in the 1st house - many times people see you as naturally beautiful. Maybe a lot of people like you without makeup. Mars in 1st house- many times you can get compliments on your eyebrows or muscles also neck. Saturn in the 1st house - these people have beautiful teeth, bone shape, often have an attractive collarbone and facial features in general. Sun in 1st house- many times they find beautiful hair on you.
🪴4th house placements / cancer placements differ in that when someone has planets in the 4th house, he will pay more attention to family, family life. He will have more of a feeling for people, and privacy will be very important to them.
🎶Cancer moon feels so many emotions -like every thing. Because this moon is subject to being able to express emotions, it is even more subject to feeling everything. They feel so much but they don’t talk much about it.
🌙Moon in synastry best placements in my opinion: moon in 1st house- because you can express yourself and show emotions to a person. Everything is seen from the outside and at the same time the person knows what you need emotionally. Moon in 4th house - the person gives you a sense of home and comfort. You feel that she will accept all your feelings and somehow you have a feeling of familiarity. There is a lot of connection that is emotional and intuitive. Moon in 7th house - because you feel that this person fulfills you romantically and gives you what you want. We rely a lot on the relationship they have.
🌊When you have 9th house placements places make you cry. When you leave some place you have tears in your eyes. Also you bond with people when you travel with them.
🦋Water/fire combination can make a person very intense and emotional. You feel a lot, but at the same time you want to put your emotions into something or through something (for example: sports, music, dance). Because the fire in you doesn't let you just exist, but forces you to do something.
🐚I personally think that people who have a lot of fire are not so emotionally cold, but just hide it with humor and fun. They look for entertainment to escape the emotions burning inside them. Sometimes it's hard to put all these emotions that burn inside you.
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msmysticfail · 8 months
Venus in the houses: 1-6
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Venus in the 1st house:
People who attract attention, their beauty is eye-catching, provocative. When a person of Venus in the 1st house passes by, people look. There's something about their face that catches people's attention. They don't get attached easily, they love to flirt, however. This Venus takes pleasure in playing, in love games, in who chases who. When they like someone they show it, their love is warm and intense but they need the person to present some challenge, consciously or unconsciously, as they don't like the sameness or something calm and monotonous. Love is something to be experienced in its full potential, without thinking twice.
Venus in the 2nd house:
Financial accumulation, luxury, physical satisfaction are very important to this Venus. They love being surrounded by quality things, eating nice foods, wearing nice perfumes and clothes that make them more beautiful. This Venus needs financial security to feel satisfied and at peace. Their love is calm, firm, possessive. Don't mess with what's theirs, especially what's precious to them. They're people who are trustworthy, unless other aspects indicate, they are not the ones to go looking for fun outside of the relationship. They have an undeniable charm, they are loyal friends, they will be there when you need them the most, raising your self-esteem and showing you your value.
Venus in the 3rd house:
They're tolerant people, they usually have many romantic contacts at the same time. They don't like to focus their love and attention on just one person, as they get bored easily, unless they really like someone and that person can satisfy their curiosity and intellect. They are extroverted people, they love to talk, they generally charm their love interests through their jovial and intelligent personality. It's a Venus that falls in love very quickly, but falls out of it just as quickly. They need movement, their romantic partner and them will usually be seen walking around, enjoying themselves. They are a type of people who finds love very easily in their day-to-day life, they can meet someone going to the market, going to eat somewhere close to home. They are also detached, they won't cry for long because of what they lost, they have emotional intelligence. For Venus in the 3rd house, love will always be just a few feet away.
Venus in the 4th house:
When love hits, it comes to stay, this is Venus in the 4th house. Because they are reserved and generally shy people, unless other aspects indicate, when they finally fall in love, love takes a long time to leave their chest. The person they are interested in will live in their heart for a long time, being a source of pleasure and comfort. They fall in love very quickly, but takes a very long while to forget that love. Just like Venus in Cancer, they are the ones that suffer the most when a relationship ends, because they invest so much love, nurturing it with so much energy and dedication, wanting it to flourish that, when that relationship ends, it's like someone riped all of their strength. This is a delicate Venus, they like to stay at home with their loved one. They like to pamper, cook, provide comfort to their person. They really need to protect their heart, however. So work on your other side, your 10th house, work on your internal structures, stay strong, so that you can enjoy love without suffering so much.
Venus in the 5th house:
This is a very beautiful placement to Venus, here it has an irresistible charm. Their smile is usually very captivating. They are naturally charming and attractive. It's a Venus that's independent yet somewhat attached, it takes them a while to fall in love, as they are demanding and have high standards for their romantic choices, but when they fall in love they give their hole heart. Their love is poweful, intense, wonderful, it lifts the spirit. They're not a Venus who likes to enjoy the comforts of home, they love to go out, to show themselves. They love to have fun, to lift their spirits, to move their bodies. It's not a Venus who's going to cry over a lost love for a long time, they are going to get up, get even more beautiful and then find someone to make their ex jealous, to remind them of what they lost. Maybe they know it or not, but it's extremely difficult to forget them, because they are usually the best when it comes to loving and being loved.
Venus in the 6th house:
Those who have this position love being productive, they are people who are not so involved in romance, in general, they prefer to take care of their routine, their tasks. When they fall in love, however, it's crucial that their loved one can be part of their routine, as they hate having to stop their daily tasks to accommodate romance. This is a Venus who generally takes great care of others, always giving advice on how to take care of health, body, how to improve something. It's that type of person who will always remember the little things, who will make you coffee the way you like it, who will buy you your favorite snack, who will take care of you when you're sick, but will also pick you up, give you opinions on how to improve something. Everyone must admit that Venus in the 6th house is a healthy, well-groomed and beautiful Venus, as they take very good care of their body. Fights and periods of stress in relationships can and will affect their physical health.
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cooki3face · 1 year
what kind of seducer are you (18+)
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this is me using my mornings to be productive and doing what I said I would do for you guys in the first place lol, these readings take me a long time and a lot of energy even if it doesn’t seem like it so I hope you enjoy these and find them entertaining <33
I’m giving immediately everyone wants to see you everyone wants to be around you or people perceive you to be someone well known and well sought after and that within itself is the pinnacle of your allure. Everyone has to have you. You’re a wish fulfillment to many people I’m hearing it girl. I’m also getting debutant vibes like there’s this very timeless beauty that you manifest, or like Bridgerton vibes, you’re the diamond of the season, everybody sees you, everyone wants to look at you, everyone wants to know what you’ll do next.
I’m hearing people also see you as someone who can protect and love very well and it makes them feel very greedy about you. Your energy is enlightened, you heal, you love. And when you have energy like that people can be very attracted to it and desire to have it all for themselves. To overconsume. Like I hear people saying that your energy, the type of person you are is very scarce and they’d like to have a taste, they’d like to have you for themselves.
I’m also getting people may think you’re very good in bed or they fantasize about you and what you can do I’m hearing you’re very beautiful. You’re a perfect embodiment of what desire and love is. You could be a virgin or be very protective over your sexual energy and who you give yourself over to and that curiosity and desire to dive into you is what really attracts some people to you. You make people very thirsty. You’re a reservoir of water in the desert.
Im hearing you’re the one thing people make sure to ask their God for. You may bring people a lot of peace and solace and people see you to be a nurturing person or someone they want to rest with or be around in their time of hardship in need. Like when we had nightmares as a child and we went to lie with someone we knew would keep us safe or would support us or listen to us even if what we were afraid of felt silly or unreal.
People sense that your accolades are within. Like you don’t have to prove yourself or display your talents or achievements publicly or through things that are physical and tangible because people know and you know that you are a good person and have many talents and wonderful attributes and abilities. People also believe that you’re very wise and smart as well. And I’m hearing that you may even take the sexual charge out of people not in a bad way because you’re very desired but you take out the ache and the craving of being sexually driven to fill a void because people see you as fulfilling enough or a lot already without having to sleep with you or use your body for healing.
You make people feel as though they can have all the things they fear they cannot or don’t deserve.
There’s something about your emotional receptivity or your emotional energy that brings people to you. You could be a masculine energy or a man because I got the king of cups. People feel that you care very deeply about a great deal of things even to the point of it troubling you. They feel you have a lot of heart and that you would be ideal for marriage or long-term commitment because they know you’d love them with everything you’ve got and for a long time.
People may feel as though you can heal them or open up their hearts to be saved because you understand them or you may relate to their sorrows and worries. I hear “They’re filled to the brim with love.” You may attract people who’ve come from broken homes or come from places where they weren’t very loved or valued and people feel as though you can shower them in love and affection and fill a hole in their heart. People may leech off of you at times or drain your energy because they see the things they did not receive at crucial moments in their life in excess in you.
I’m hearing people saying that your love is like love. Your s*x, your affection, and your touch is what love is supposed to feel like. You may be very gentle but rough at the same time, very strong, and give off very protective and patient energy. I'm hearing that people fall for you very fast and very hard. You're almost addictive and it takes them long bouts of time to feel their really free of the effect you have on them. People feel you even in your absence when you're not around to have and to hold. You're a lot to miss. You're a lot to love and be loved by. There's so much excess.
You could give off very paternal energy. The girls with daddy issues love you, the boys with daddy issues find themselves wanting to crawl into your lap too. You could be very dominant as well. Stubborn, strong-willed, and unwavering. People find very high expectations for what it means and what it feels like to be loved by you. I’m hearing “I wouldn’t wanna be any place else.” People want to stay with you. You could be very prone to be caught in long-term relationships even if you don’t intend to stay for very long because people hold onto you so tightly.
You almost make people want to be willing to share cause they know other people want your time and attention and love to and they’re not ready to ever let you go on to someone else. The people are also saying that you’re very action-oriented and very driven and that makes them want to follow you wherever you go.
People could see you as very relaxed as well as very intellectually aware. They see you as very level-headed and smart. You’re someone people see as destined for success or someone who can’t help but be on top or come into a lot of good fortune within their lives because you’re just naturally very strong-minded and steady.
People may also see you as someone who isn’t afraid to take risks and is very brave in life. They see you as someone who is consciously aware of their inner calling in life and is intentional about the things they do and know exactly where they are going and that level of stability and knowing attracts people to you. It’s as if they’re saying if this person is stable and knows what they want out of life surely I can learn something and even if I don’t this is the person I want to spend time with.
Im hearing please don’t stop the music by Rihanna as well. People see you as a fun time or a night they never want to end when they spend time with you. People may also think you’re very good to sleep with as well like after a night with you their world is rocked and they want to stay right where they are. People see themselves enveloped by a little bubble while there with you. Nothing else matters. Nothing else is important. This energy really reminds me of Bed Peace by Jhene Aiko and Childish Gambino.
People feel as though you have a thirst for life, like you’re challenging the status quo, like if the world were to shift or change or if everyone woke up one morning and decided they were gonna do what they wanted to do, not go to work, not go to school, eat whatever they wanted, kiss the person they loved or be in any way spontaneous it would be because of you. I’m hearing “you’re a firecracker.”
People are attracted to you, seduced by you, because of the freedom you offer them. You radiate self-love and expression and they desire to be in that energy themselves. You’re like art. Like the countryside or loud jazz music that’s being overheard from the window on a long summer night.
these messages were really sweet, made me love you. Okay, good morning, good night, or good evening lol, I love you and I hope this was what you needed. Be sure to book a personal reading with me by going to my Instagram and clicking the link in my bio if you wish to have a reading with me personally. ❤️
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alluralater · 4 months
how to flirt with girls as an inexperienced lesbian? i have no clue how, but i wanna try😭 once i get past the “you’re so pretty!” and “i like your ___!” i never know where to go from there
hi! i’m gonna go with the exact format you presented because it is very common. i got you <3
“you’re so pretty!”
“i like your ___”
okay so let’s do a little editing here.
“you’re gorgeous” not said in like a yelling extreme cute way but in a purposeful + hot way. there’s nothing wrong with excitement and personally i love it but if you’re trying to give some DEFINITE signals, whip out the thesaurus and speak with intention. magnificent, handsome, beautiful, radiant, attractive, etc. don’t be fake about it, obviously. be sincere and deliberate. choose what feels most right for the person and what they make you feel. ‘pretty’ works just as well if your delivery is good! i usually tend to avoid for a first impression just because it’s a little too broad for the way i flirt.
“i love your top!” and if they say thank you then you ask them if they thrifted it or bought it, maybe make a comment on what specifically you like. basically the goal here is to get out of the compliment area and into the conversation area without too much effort. keep things light and causal and flowing. i find nervous flirting super cute and endearing because i’m a very confident flirt and the ‘opposites attract’ is deliciousss on occasion but i get how that isn’t for everyone.
from either of these options you should begin giving someone a little preview of what you’re like, because that’s what this is, you’re giving someone an interactive little trailer to the movie of you :) so be yourself. being a fake version of yourself just to flirt is lame because it’s not as though that person will just never find out, ya know. if you intend to move things forward in ANY regard, they’ll learn you were posing. it bothers me a LOT when this happens because ofc you cannot and should not attempt to keep that same energy forever if it’s not sincere. i like my cuties genuine as fuck.
okay onto the next thing. is your body language giving flirty?? i have other asks i’ve answered where i’ve talked about green flag body language. i’d suggest reading up on it and understanding your own. flirting like this is as much a physical experience as it is a vocal one. are your arms held super tight to your body/are you covering parts of your body? are you standing stiffly? do you appear comfortable? if you’re comfortable, whoever you’re talking to is likely to gather that and feel similarly (if they’re into it). stand in front of a mirror (if possible) and try to flirt it up with yourself for a few minutes. don’t like analyze every movement- just try to generally observe and see what kind of vibe you might be giving. *if unsure, ask a friend to fake flirt with you like a little test trial. nothing wrong with asking for help if it’s making you nervous/if you can’t tell how you come off :)
at the end of the day it’s not about blind confidence, it’s about comfortability and confidence in yourself. don’t flirt with intention to gain something. it really makes all the difference. i flirt because it’s fun and i like chatting people up that i meet. puts a smile on their face and mine, and that’s more than enough for me. i feel like that guy from ratatouille. anyone can flirt!
trust me when i say it is insanely flattering when someone that nervously flirts comes up to me and does exactly that. like??? they could have easily just not but they DID and im so beyond pleased by that + grateful for their EFFORT. flirting can be very vulnerable. i do it all the time and still find myself flustered pretty much constantly <3 inexperience means nothing aside from building ‘in the field confidence.’ flirt however feels most comfortable for you. as long as you’re not being too invasive physically or asking questions that are truly none of your business, you’ll do great!
ex for clarification) don’t randomly start oversharing about potentially triggering topics, and definitely do not ask anyone about something that is commonly potentially triggering. this may sound like obvious info but i’ve been on the receiving end of this from total strangers and i cannot tell you how quickly my smile left my face while i wondered who else they had done this to. there’s nothing worse than being flirted with by someone that refuses to acknowledge the boundaries of others.
if someone doesn’t seem to be into it, wish them a lovely day and do not press them for more or expect anything. when i give someone a compliment- it is just that, a compliment. i don’t expect conversation or a phone number simply because i turned someone’s head or got their attention for a moment. it grosses me out when someone pushes and pushes when i’m very clearly not interested (saying thank you but not looking at them or specifically looking elsewhere, keeping tight body language, not encouraging conversation or responding, etc. these are particular to me ofc but i make my nos very loud while trying not to hurt someone’s feelings. some people SHOULD be humbled though for their lack of boundaries and i’ll straight out tell them they’re making me uncomfortable if that’s the case bc maybe no one else has done that to them and they need to know. hurt feelings are not more important than feeling safe).
clarification on good nervous flirting: akin to active gay panic. very cute, very jittery, lots of energy, laughing, breathlessness, etc. it’s even super cute when someone is like “i don’t do this a lot but…” “i don’t flirt very much so…” like yes yes yes tell me please and give me more info about yourself because it helps me know what i should be doing and how comfortable you actually are in this situation. communication like that is such a green flag. if i think you seem uncomfortable, i’m very unlikely to want to continue conversation even if you approached me.
on that note, if YOU become uncomfortable because the vibes are awful and continue to get worse, there’s nothing wrong with dipping out. you don’t owe anyone anything, regardless of if you’re the one who initiated.
basically there are a lot of things you can do right and only a few you can do wrong. this is not an exhaustive list of either because i don’t know you so i can only share from my own experiences <3 flirt with purpose and do so comfortably. figure out what you want to say and how you want to say it. think about what feels most natural to you and go from there. respect the boundaries of other people as well as yourself and you’re sure to do lovely <3
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kaivenom · 3 months
Could you do fluff alphabet with Malakai?
Malakai Mitchell fluff alphabet
(My first time doing this fan fic format, i am excited, maybe i even wrote a little to much, but yeaahhhhh, Heartbreak high boys appreciation, pleaseeee)
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A= Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Everything, if someone was pointing at him with a gun and obliged him to say what he loves the most about you, then he would rather die. He is the type to end up looking at you at school for an hour with a dreamy face.
You love love is smile and his laugh, all that little expressions he makes while laughing is just what makes you fall in love with him even more.
B= Baby: do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He wants a big family. in fact, i picture him like the type of husband that says "just one, i would like to have a mini version of us running around" and then when you have your first child goes "well, it is alone, it needs a brother or sister" and then goes "three is a lucky number". After that you must stop him, three is enough, but you both love them equally and with all your heart.
C= Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
In any form possible, he is a very versatile person. If the situation gives head in chest vibes then he is all for it, if he sad then small spoon, if he is tired then he just plumps himself on top of you... And the list goes on, if there is a bed or a comfy surface to lay on and you are, then he will be all over you.
D= Dates: what are dates with them like?
Funny and romantic. He always wants to do something dynamic that you both can enjoy. Going golfing or just watching netflix and chill, depending on your moods. For him datee are moments to pass with you, so the place and the when doesn't matter, it just the look on your face that gets him. Sometime she gives you a little gift when the date starts (ussually food).
E= Everythings: “you are my______” (ex. my life, my world…)
You are my light.
The reason he gets to school when he doesn't want to see his classmates, the reason he get's up when he feels sad... He thinks you light his life up, so what better nickname for you? You always make him see the positive thing in everything, even when you don't say anyhing.
F= Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
It could be said, the first time he saw you, but that maybe could be the time he got infatuated. The first time he knew he was falling for you was when you both needed to do an assigment together. It was a whole afternoon to get to know each other while you both did the work. It was the oportunity to see you and to be seen by you, and he couldn't get enough of it.
G= Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Yes. He goes jumping like a kid to get in front of you and open the door, then grabbing the bottle to fill your cup, having his arm always around you to "protect" you and many things like that... a true gentlmen.
H= Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
The more hold the better, if you don't like physical contact then you will have a hard time with him. If he isn't holding your hand with finger interviewed then he will be playing with them without thinking about it or running his fingers thru your hand. He really does it without thinking, he could be talking or something and then suddently have his fingers connected to yours.
I= Impression: first impression/s.
You thought he wa cute and he thought he was being a nervous mess (which was true). He tought you were beautiful and wanted to talk to you, but when he wanted to talk he got nervous an became smiling and laughing like a little clumsy mess. You laughed to that because it was cute and you both ended up being clumsy messes.
J= Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
Little and innocent pranks, like putting cream or hidhing things, short and innofensive pranks that can't get you mad at him. He knows how to read the ambience and when he sense it's time to return you the book, he does it.
K= Kisses: how do they kiss?
Slow and sensual, he likes to take his time with you. He likes to savour everything about you and your lips. He can spent hours making out, just enjoying your lips against his without needing to go any further becuase he can express how much he loves you thru these actions. His hands travel all the way thru you body at a slowly pace, accompanying his feelings.
L= Love: who says I love you first?
Him, without doubt. He gets to excited when he has a crush and sometimes gets thinks too fast, but he really loves you and needed to say it.
He also has the little fantasy of someday, it happens the moment were you both say I love you at the same time.
M= Memory their favourite moment together.
When you defended him from a racist. Like we saw and the show and we know that happens on real life, people are a little to much of a haters. On one party he starts get called bad things by some people., but he decided to ignore it. You saw how bad it was affecting him saw you striked back. They throw drinks at you, a fight was almost started and you two needed to run away from there. It was dangerous, to say at least, but he coudln't keep his eyes off you while running (which make him almost fall a couple of times). He knew he was crazy for you that time.
N= Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
He doesn't really have the money to buy everything but if he could, he will. He likes to spoil you with everything you need, want or can, or even things you didn't know you needed before. If he can't buy then he will try to make it.
O= Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
When he sees red, he thinks of you, always. It reminds him of love and how much he cares about you. It demostrates his devotion to you.
You don't really have a color that reminds you of him, maybe green or yellow but it's always the mix of a lot of colours that gets in your mind. When you see a splash of colours on a graffiti, a painting or anything, it reminds you of his outfits. (we know he mixes every colour and pattern)
P= Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Every one of them, sometimes he is being serious because he is a little clumsy when he likes someone but other times he just wants to make you mad.
"Honey, give me a hug" "My little sweet milkshake give a kiss" "Love" "Baby" "My sweet honey girlfriend" and al combination you could think.
Q= Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
Rocking chair. It is weird and he won't tell anyone, when you discovered you were stunned. His grandma had one on the house and he just likes to sit there and swing back and forth, he could do it unconciously for hours. While reading a book, listening to music, being on his phone.
Fun fact: it's not the first time you catched him on the chair while passing thru the corridor and getting scared thinking he is a ghost or something.
R= Rainy day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Listen to music, videocall if you aren't on the same house, eating a lot and even cooking, obviously binge watching some series.
Rainy days end up being a mess if you both stay inside the house, but there are sometimes were you both go out in the rain. You like the breeze and being together under the umbrella. He likes doing walks and maybe you get a cold afterwards but in his eyes it was worthy.
S= Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up?
He is good at cheering other people up but not himself (like we saw on the show).
When you are sad he likes to make you forget about it with a cake or balloons or some goofy idea that makes you mad at him and not sad about the matter. If you want to talk seriously, then he puts the serious mode and gets into supportal psychologic boyfriend.
When you want to cheer him up, you need to talk to him seriously and then pass to the cake. When he gets sad he isolates himself and gets really catastrophic, so cheering him up means talking about the matter and making him think or believe that it's not that much of a problem.
T= Talking: what do they love to talk about?
I think he likes to tell you random facts he just discovered. Without previous warning, you were sitting on the couch with your phones and suddently he says:
"Hey, you know that this scene in ....." and you have a good five minutes of random facts.
Your favourite ones to listen to are related to movies and tv shows.
U= Unencumbered: what helps them relax?
Just chill with you on bed and watch a movie while he rests his head on your chest. He tends to fall asleep due to how relaxing your heartbeat is to him. It is really funny to you how he snores a little and his mouth opens a lot.
V= Vaun: what do they like to show off? what are they proud of?
He likes to show of his athletic skills and it's very proud about it. The other thing he always like to show off is you, obviously, he is the type of boyfriend to kneel in front of you and praise you in front of everyone.
W= Wedding them, how, where do they propose.
Next to the beach, minimalistic but with all details that represent you both. Obviously since his maori heritage there will be a lot of cultural things around the wedding. I think it will be a lot of white and gold everywhere around.
He will propose in one of those trips you do to hike and be in nature, because i think he is a lot into hiking weekends. There will be a waterfall behind or something like that, just idilic and just the two of you.
With the ring there are two options, either he got really crystal freak and choose every gem that represent you or he either took a couple of twigs and braided them on the moment because he couldn't wait more to marry you.
X= Xylophone: what’s their song?
"Fantasy" by Mariah Carey.
He just thinks that the fantasy thing and all about that you are a dream came true and appear on his dream every night just makes the vibe to his feelings for you.
Y= You are the ______ to my _______ (ex. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the stars to my moon. It sounds a lot like game of thrones Khal Drogo and Daenerys thing but since he saw it on the show, he got super romantic and obssesed about it.
Z= Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would get?
He wants pets, obviously. I picture him having a golden retriever to match his energy. If you often have to deal with a charming energetic boyfriend, now you have to double with his dog double.
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genderqueerdykes · 11 days
I really really appreciate the posts about fat acceptance and stuff. I used to be pretty underweight but I've definitely gained weight (and muscle too I'm sure) on HRT, the way it sits/distrubuted on me is something that is hard to see sometimes and there's a lot of parental commentary about fat people that needs to be worked on.
hey, you're welcome! i'm glad you agree
gaining weight isn't always bad, in fact for many people, it can be an outright blessing. people can have a wide variety of conditions that can lead them to being chronically underweight, and putting on even a few pounds was seen as a huge accomplishment and a safety net. my best friend is this way
even if it's not required for one's health, putting on weight isn't inherently bad. every person's body has a range in which it attempts to naturally sit for their baseline weight. this will vary greatly from person to person based off of activity levels, hormone levels, genetics, individual dietary needs vs. dietary intake, digestive issues, eating disorders, allergies, food intolerance, neurodivergence, developmental disorders, and more.
the way i see it is it becomes very obvious to a person when their weight has actually come to negatively affect them. this will be marked in a decline in energy, feeling fatigued and malaise most of the time, headaches, difficulty getting out of bed, increased chronic pain including pain while standing or walking, breathing difficulties, difficulty walking/moving long distances for reasons not due to joint or connective tissue health, becoming pre/diabetic suddenly if one was not before, and/or other health complications that were not present before the amount of weight was gained
most fat, chubby, etc. people are sitting well within the healthy range for their body without realizing it. our bodies are great at telling us what they need it's just hard to listen when we're busy, exhausted, and/or neurodivergent. many people have a good idea of what their body needs but get talked or shamed out of doing what's right for them. parents, like you said, are especially uptight and strict about weight for seemingly no reason.
i've always been fat my whole life. once i reached my teen years i began to hover around the 300 lb range and that's where i've always been. my mom was fat and so was my dad, and both of their families. my mom projected so much of her fatphobia on to me it was unreal. she would critcize me any time i wanted a snack by asking "you're eating again?" and other dumb shit. children are growing and active, they need a lot of food, especially for good brain function (yes, our brains need fuel, revolutionary concept, i know)
i don't understand why parents desperately NEED their children to be physically attractive to them. can we talk about this? i know it's uncomfortable but this is a huge parental issue. i am SO tired of hearing parents go ON AND ON about how "beautiful" or "handsome" their children are. it's extremely creepy, there's no reason to focus on their appearance like that. some parents become SO distressed when their children are not conventionally attractive, as if it makes them less attractive by proxy. it's insanely creepy. a child's conventional beauty or lack there of should be of no concern to a parent- why do some parents obsess over this? it gives the child severe body image issues and it's not a good level of vanity to project on to a kid
anyway, it's okay to be fat, especially if you find you're not struggling with pain or mobility. some people will have pain and mobility issues no matter what weight they're at. everyone's different. someone's weight is their own concern and nobody else's, unless there is medical significance in which case it is between them and their medical team. not every fat person has health issues due to their weight, in fact, most do not. it's okay to let your body be the weight it wants to be
nobody should have to constantly feel like they have to be fighting their own biology just to look "more attractive". people are attractive when they look the most like their real, natural selves. it's way more flattering and it's better for the individual. don't expect other people to go through hell just to look "good". just let people be themselves. let people feel good, and feel good about themselves. worry about yourselves when it comes to appearance
anyway, thank you for the feedback, i really appreciate it! i will always be here for other fat folk because i've gone through many interesting situations with diet and health and my weight always sits around the 300 mark give or take 20 lbs in either direction. my lowest weight as an adult was 260 lbs. my highest was 360. muscle tissue plays a huge factor in this right now for me. i have clothes in my closet that range from literally Small all the way up to XXXL and they all fit me just fine. weight isn't as big of a deal as people think it is, it's a very neutral thing most of the time
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harmoonix · 1 year
Sun's Kiss☀️Astrology
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Sun of mine
I feel it, you rose above my street,
And now that you have come,
It will always be this way.
☀️ Sun in the 7th house or Sun rulling the 7th house natives can get partners with good personality/traits. They can also be popular or known in their circle
☀️ Oh to be blessed being loved or loving someone with Pluto - Venus aspects is something to appreciate a lot. Once attached to someone their love is forever
☀️ Sun aspecting Chiron is an indicator of being anxious about yourself and you can often ask yourself questions like "Who I am" because in a way you need to discover who you are (Applies if you have Chiron or Sun in the same house aswell)
☀️ Leo or Aries Sun are often portrayed as people who have an likeable aura and personality, because Sun likes to be these zodiac signs
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☀️Saturn in the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th house can have toxic karmic debts who also involves their families. They have this "I'm stuck here forever" energy.
☀️ Leo in the 5th, 7th or 8th house can have potential at attracting charming partners or having charming relationships, they can also have these partners who are completely obsessed with them.
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Sun of mine
You're shining bright when I feel bad
One without the other
It wouldn't be the same anymore
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☀️ Ascendant ruler in the 9th house can indicate the native might like traveling or can end up travelling around the world (Even moving in other country for school/education)
☀️ Ascendant ruler in the 2nd house can indicate that the native has an impressive physical health, they can be strong both mentally and physically, also a good personality
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☀️ Something admirable about the earth placements is that they are born with this love for life, they appreciate life and her little things that matters
☀️ Leo/Aquarius Juno have high chances to met their partners on internet or in a big circle of people, even influential people.
☀️ Lilith at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees can be indicators of popularity, you must have something that is very pleasing to people's eyes and that thing can make you popular
☀️ Lilith at 8°, 20° degrees can indicate intimidation, the native can look intimidating at the first glance
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☀️ An Cancer native falling in love with an Libra native give CINDERELLA vibes. One person is always searching for the other while one of them is dreaming about their love
☀️ Something very fascinating about Moon/Venus or Mercury in the 9th house is their love for other cultures is something to appreciate because not everyday you find someone who can love the culture more than they do (I said this and I will say it forever, 9th house placements= A mix of everything)
☀️ Mars - Uranus aspects (especially the harsh ones) are scary when they angry, this may sound odd but they have an hidden anger
☀️ Uranus chart ruler can give natives unexpected moments in life, like you end up with a lot of unexpected moments and think "Wait how this happened" but Uranus represents uniqueness so there is a reason for everything
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☀️ Uranus Beauty is something very UNDERATTED on tumblr, With Uranus representing uniquenees and innovation they are often ignored by astrologers but not today
Uranus in the 1st or 2nd house have a beautiful body and their voices can sound different than others
Uranus in the 3rd house gives unique voice and expression to the native
Uranus in 10th house can end up working in a unique place where they didn't expect at all, also they may have a pretty big image
Uranus in the 12th house can have an unique personality, you are liked by people very fast
(By the way every planet rules upon a specific part of our bodies, Uranus rules over our nervous system so yes the mars - Uranus aspects being angry totally approves 100%)
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☀️ Leo & Libra placements can look so beautiful with make up on (You are very beautiful naturally aswell) but the make up takes out your beauty
☀️ Aries Risings have a perfect chart (in the whole sign chart) they have every house in their matched sign
☀️ Sun at Taurus Degrees (2°, 14°, 26°) are so beautiful, they have a drop of Venus in themselves. Your hair and your eyes are important when it comes to your appearance, you are loved Venus child
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Sun of mine
You're shining bright when I feel bad
One without the other
It wouldn't be the same anymore.
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☀️ Sun at Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) are the type of people who get along so good with others. With their social skills and their smart brain, they are so lucky
☀️ Rising at Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) can make the native hypersensitive or in general emotional more softly which is perfectly fine because they are a feminine energy
☀️ Taurus/Virgo Moons/suns/risings can be the most attracted to nature, is like a part of mother earth is in their soul
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|☀️| When the Sun is always shining Harmoonix is here with a new post ☀️
☀️ I really hope everyone who reads my notes has a good day full of light and warm vibes, is October so make it cozy ☀️🥰
☀️ May the sun's rays touch your skin and bless your heart with light and joy, Sun's Child ☀️
- With love, Harm☀️☀️nix
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: How Can You Attract Your Lover: Queer Edition
Hello beautiful people! Today marks the last Friday that I will be posting for a while. However, I’ll still be here for the remainder of the weekend. If you would like to purchase a reading, please message me privately. Today’s reading is the last post regarding Pride Month. Thank you all for supporting me financially and content-wise. It is much appreciated. Without further ado, please select your pile.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You’re not boring at all, Pile One. You are just very particular with the way that you want things. You may feel like your love life is an “abomination” right now but it’s not. You are fixed in your conviction of what love looks like for you. However, you need to open your eyes. Love will not find its way to you if you keep trying to manipulate the situation. Keep an open mind of what’s out there. Be open to flings and short-term romances. In my mind’s eye, I am seeing a butterfly open its wings, getting ready to fly. I heard the “Empire State Building”. If you have been thinking of taking a weekend trip to New York or New Orleans, then you should do so. You will meet someone there. This person has a Coca-Cola smile and piercing eyes waiting for you to arrive.
Who: This person is tall, not average tall either. They’re abnormally tall. They’re into anime/cartoons. They have distinctive features as well. They are fluent in French. This person could be into watching cooking shows/MTV. They are sensual and suave. They are intuitive, very in touch with themselves. They could wear a dangly earring. They could definitely live in New York or have an obsession with “The Big Apple”. They could have ties to the military. They are quick-moving. They like to flirt with others. They love to smoke, and they have an oral fixation.
Cards Used: The Tower, Five of Swords, Page of Wands, Judgment, The Star, Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Queen of Cups, Queen of Wands.
Pile Two: You need to stop being so uptight! Let loose and groove a little bit, Pile Two. You need to go out dancing with your friends. You will enjoy it there. You will meet someone there who catches your attention. They will be watching you from afar. I am seeing the Barbie movie dance scene, where everyone is having a good time until Barbie starts having an existential crisis. Your boredom is preventing you from seeing how good you really have it. You have the gift of gab so use it! It is also easy for you to manifest through the utilization of your physical body, if you know what I mean. So, if you wanna manifest using the ‘o’ method, DO IT!!! Start doing things that you would typically shy away from. Aim to step away from the crowd.
Who: This person is a little younger than you. They could be on the petite side. They have a cockiness to them that can’t be turned off. They could own a motorcycle. They have impulse issues/have ADHD/ADD. They like to do things quick and fast. They move and talk like they have somewhere to be. They could have long fingernails (stilettos, if acrylic). They could have some sort of connection to Cardi B/Left Eye. They have a dream where they’re the head of the spaceship; they want to pioneer a project. They are extra-terrestrial simply put.
Cards Used: Strength, Eight of Cups, The Sun, Four of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, The Empress, Eight of Wands, Page of Swords, Six of Wands.
Pile Three: It feels as though you are healing from a past heartbreak. Give yourself time to move past that situation, Pile Three. Sit in the discomfort. Trying to avoid it will not make the time pass by quicker. You need to lick your wounds. If anyone tries to artificially speed up your process of healing, do not hesitate to cut them off. You need to take this time of seclusion to sit with yourself and ask: “How can things be different the next time around”? Forgive yourself for allowing the mistreatment. You have a long road to go down on this journey of self-forgiveness babe. Hug yourself but also hold yourself accountable. You need to do some serious shadow work, Pile Three.
Who: They have a lot of tattoos. Their eyes are warm and dreamy. They have luscious hair. They could like the movie ‘Mean Girls’. They take a lot of pride in being your partner. They stand on business. They have a good relationship with their father. Dignity, pride, sensibility are words that come up to align them with. They have good manners. They could be kind of cold, at first but don’t judge a book by its cover. This person is drop dead gorgeous, no matter what their gender is. They have a tender heart. They like to move with a purpose. They are calculated, and value their time and money. This person is marriage material.
Cards Used: Seven of Swords, The Chariot, The High Priestess, The Devil, The Emperor, Ten of Swords, King of Cups, Knight of Swords, Knight of Cups, Two of Cups, King of Pentacles, King of Swords.
Pile Four: I can tell that you just need a break, Pile Four. You need to go and move on from whatever has been affecting you negatively (emphasis on the has been). Let bygones be bygones. Air out your grievances. You will feel much lighter. Send that text message you’ve been meaning to send. Reconcile with that person you’ve been pondering on letting back in. There’s dead weight on you. Let it go. You would benefit a lot from twerking/whining/moving your hips. Let it all out. Even if you do something you regret, so what? We’re all human. Just live your life, babe.
Who: This is someone you have a spiritual connection with. It could be karmic. This person is not naive. They know a lot about religion or spirituality. They are big on tradition. They want marriage; a traditional wedding to be exact. They could be going through a time of abstinence right now. They have a masculine flair to them. This person could have multiple ear piercings and/or an eyebrow piercing. They are intimidating, but they are fun to be around once you get to know them. This person is well-respected and adored by many. They are psychic, and proud of it. And, they take their job seriously.
Cards Used: Eight of Cups, Queen of Cups, The Sun, The Empress, Knight of Wands, Page of Pentacles, The High Priestess, King of Wands, The Hierophant.
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eggroll-sama · 2 years
Record of Ragnarok: Ideal s/o Headcanons
Warning: suggestive, mention of sex
Poseidon will want someone that will aesthetically compliment his looks and reputation. In other words, he’d like someone that is beautiful, but not as beautiful as him. Specifically, he doesn’t really have a preference. You just need to have nice teeth, kept hair, glowing and unblemished skin, a symmetrical face, and on and on and on. Just don’t be more beautiful than him, thank you.
Personality wise, he’d like someone that is feminine, intelligent and regal.
You can be dominant and arrogant with others, just don’t be when you’re with him. It’ll tarnish his reputation as a strong and fearsome god. Also if you are a virgin he would like that. It would boost his ego to know he has the privilege to be the only one to be with you.
He wants you to be intelligent and to be well versed in history, mathematics, language, and the sciences. He’s more traditional and emphasizes more importance on book smarts than street smarts. Also, if you’re really good at debating and holding your own in an argument, he’d find it very attractive. For example, if during a godly meeting you were to stand your own on a stance against another god, he’d be so smug and in love with you. He wouldn’t show it on his face, but once you get back to the castle he would pin you against the wall and make out with you, growling under his breathe about how it was your fault for making him this way.
Not Ideal: dumb, domineering, scheming :)
More characters under the cut!
Loki sometimes badgers him about his ideal s/o. He wouldn’t answer him -much to his cousin's chagrin- but in his mind his love would have long dark hair and a nice smile.
Personality wise, he’d like someone that is strong. In any type of sense. He would prefer a more physically strong lover, but it is not a requirement. He emphasizes the most on a strong mentality. He believes no matter how muscular or large you are, without a strong soul you are weak. He understands the hardships of being the lover of a god; they’d have to have the mental strength to overcome difficulties of being in that position.
Also, he’d prefer if you are extroverted. He struggles with talking or giving an opinion, so someone that can enhance communication will be great. Of course he’s a really observant god, but observing can take him only so far; a person that is willing to talk to him about everyday things or their problems will make him happy (though he doesn’t show it).
Not Ideal: secretive, complainer, weak-minded
I know he’s literally a shapeshifting god and he transformed into some pretty ugly things in the past, but he still has preferences in terms of looks. If you like piercings and tattoos he’d be very interested in you since he has several of his own. He also finds the grunge/goth look attractive. He loves beauty marks on his partner. But he’d hide that and tease you about them like a jerk. Also, the guy is a sucker for chubby cheeks. He’d be touching them every chance he gets. You feel like a stress ball sometimes.
He wants a partner in crime to pull pranks with and on. Someone that is creative, funny, and a tease. His family is literally full of straight faces; he wants someone that will laugh with him and talk with him about nonsensical ideas. A naturally curious person that will indulge in various ideas and hypotheticals will be perfect for him.
There needs to be something about you that is interesting. It could be intelligence, physical/mental strength, your way of thinking, how you dress, etc. Something that sets you apart from other people. If you are just a normal, everyday individual, he probably won’t give you a second glance. And no, being like the “quirky” girls on TikTok does not count.
Not Ideal: too quiet, serious, bland
Lu Bu
He’s drinking with his soldiers and they ask him in a drunk haze what his “ideal lover” would be. Lu Bu is honest and tells them he’s not interested in commiting to a relationship. He’s not going to date someone when he has the goal of being the strongest. He has one night stands to vent his frustrations and quench his boredom, but that’s the limit. He also deems it very unlikely for him to find love in this time period. Not that he really cares about those sort of things. Doesn’t really believe in true love either.
But low and behold, Lu Bu’s trustworthy strategist, Chen Gong, has spent many a night thinking about this very same topic. He’s deduced from observing his general’s personality and every day interactions that Lu Bu would be best compatible with a strong-minded, caring woman. He needs someone that can rile him up in all sorts of ways. Somehow, a woman that can make a smart remark every once in a while would be a nice change. Someone that has the courage to talk to him. His general hasn’t met a woman who sticks around after seeing his ferocity on the battlefield.
Chen Gong believes they have to be caring. Lu Bu is surrounded by bloodshed and war everyday. He feels that what his general needs the most in a partner is someone that is supportive and will let Lu Bu be vulnerable. Someone that will let Lu Bu relax after a long fought battle. Someone that will treat him like a human than worship or envy his strength.
(Chen Gong doesn’t know this, but Lu Bu finds it attractive when women eat a lot)
Not ideal (according to Chen Gong): cowardly, weak-minded, apathetic
He doesn’t care about looks. He’s the father of humanity, he loves every single type of person: tall or short, hairy or thin hair, big boobs no boobs, etc.
Ideally, Adam wants someone who has a motherly aura and has a kind and selfless heart. Someone who’s gentle and has a nurturing heart. Someone who shows gratitude and appreciation for what they are given.
Although he’s strong, he wants to be with a person that he can trust and rely on. Someone he can be vulnerable with. It will take time for him to warm up to you. He’d have to be sure that you are a good person and will confess to you once he’s gotten to know you for a long time.
Adam also likes to tease and play around sometimes behind closed doors, so he’d like it if you aren’t the most easily-offended person. He’d feel awful if he’s just lightly teasing you and you make a big deal out of it and ignore him.
Not ideal: self-centered, overreactor, untrustworthy
Like Lubu he strives for strength, but is more open to the idea of a relationship. When he was still alive, he’d daydream about having a lover beside him. They’d have the prettiest smile, and skin as smooth as the softened glass shards by the ocean shores. Somebody who’d accompany him on his journey, perhaps. Someone who possessed a voice of wisdom because he knows he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Although he’d occasionally feel lonely camping alone in the forest, it really wasn’t on his to-do list to find a lover. He felt that the perfect person is the one who will see him for who he is and love him for it no matter what.
They need to be independent. Somebody that wouldn’t mind a long distance relationship. His travels might take 1-2 months, or maybe 6 months. He would occasionally show up at your house unannounced with a gift from his travels. If you try convince him to stay, he’d feel really guilty and might break up with you because you deserve somebody that doesn’t stress you out. But if you’re up for it, he wouldn’t mind taking you with him!
Not ideal: dependent, stability > taking risks
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The Arcana HCs: How MC likes to fluster the M6
This guy finds literally everything about you attractive, you so much as make eye contact with him and you've already derailed his train of thought
He's also the king of improv, so however distracted he gets he can play it into something else
The question is how to do it so effectively that he can't play it off
The answer is to make subtle physical contact with him without acknowledging that anything special is going on
Reaching over for something and brushing his side but continuing on without missing a beat
Leaning in to make an aside comment, just enough so he can feel your breath on his cheek, only for you to go right back into conversation with whoever's present
Subtlety is not his forte so when he encounters it he doesn't know what to do with it
The confusion is making him so distracted he's not sure how to recover he just knows he's flustered and you're to blame somehow
Blushing, bumbling mess
Teasing people is their preferred method of communication, if it were a competition you wouldn't stand a chance
Luckily for you he's so used to being the best at teasing that he doesn't know how to respond when you match their energy
The key isn't to not get flustered, the key is to stay composed long enough to get him flustered first
As soon as he falters they are a sitting target
Them: "These flowers are beautiful, MC. Almost as much as you"
MC: "I don't know love, they've got nothing on you."
MC cont.: "Then again, you kind of redefined the concept of beauty by just existing, so that might be an impossible standard."
At this point their face is warm enough for Faust to try to use it as a heat lamp
Teasing is also his love language though, so he's uncharacteristically quiet but he's also trying to hide the biggest smile
She gets flustered when something happens and she doesn't have a clear idea of how to respond
Mostly because she's used to being the person in charge, and moments like this make her follow someone else's lead
This could be when somebody behaves in a way she hasn't predicted, or when she's in a foreign situation
This can work positively though, because she enjoys encountering new experiences
You did not grow up as royalty. You have plenty of material to work with here
You help her put together a convincing disguise to enjoy Vesuvia for an evening
Take her to the Rowdy Raven and pull her up on a table with you to dance
You'll have to teach her how to dance the plebian way
She's unusually uncoordinated and flushed but she's enjoying the chance to do the equivalent of a social trust fall
More touchy than normal with you, she's having fun but if you disappear she's not sure what she'd do
Poor guy has had so much trauma, literally all you have to do is show him healthy affection
That's it that's all it takes
Just a quick hug
Or grabbing his hand while you walk side by side
A kiss on the cheek when he hands you something too high up for you to reach
That's all it takes to freeze on the spot and turn bright red
Careful not to overdo it, he's still getting used to the concept of somebody actually loving him for who he is, if you get too relentless he'll spontaneously combust
Innana thinks it's hilarious
Portia may not be the definition of chill but she is almost always the most competent person in the room, and she does the work of four people with relentless optimism
She gets flustered when there *isn't* something to do
You'll have to catch her off guard by being a few steps ahead
She lives her life taking care of all the people around her, you need to take care of her
It's not too hard to do if you're paying attention to her habits
Her: "Hey, have you seen my hair tie -"
MC: "Right here, also your lunch is in your bag, Pepi's already been fed, and the dishes are almost done, so how about we spend the next half hour reading that travel guide together?"
Speechless for half a minute, head empty, no thoughts just static
She'll sit down and enjoy her moment of rest but it's so unexpected she keeps looking over at you with the prettiest blush
Gets flustered literally any time things don't go the way he wants them to or someone calls him out
Someone reminds him of a mistake he made? Stuttering for the next two minutes trying to play it off
Obviously you don't want to make him miserable
The best way to take advantage of this is to point out a problem and then fix it before he can try to gloss it over
"Hey, you forgot your cape. Here, I'll put it on you before anyone notices."
Blushing because he made an oopsie and swooning because you handled it so well
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Jude Bellingham- Fluff alphabet
A/n: my requests are open if you guys have nay idea you want me to write
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)
Physically Jude loves your figure. He is always complimenting the way you look if you wear something more form fitting because he loves the little smile you give him whenever he compliments you. He is always making sure that you know that you're beautiful as he never wants you to feel insecure or not confident in yourself. Jude also always has his hands on your body because he just loves tracing your figure and holding you.
Personality wise Jude loves how happy you are. Sometimes he can be a bit moody but you always manage to cheer him up just by being yourself. He loves how you are able to just take things in your stride and not let things get you down as he needs someone like that in his life to help him through the hard moments.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Jude hasn't really thought about having kids as he knows that both of you are too young to be thinking about starting a family. There is also a lot of things he wants to do before he even thinks about it like get further in his career and experience more things with you. If he was made to think about it he would say that one day he would like to have a family but for him its up to you as he knows it would be a lot harder on you.
C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)
Jude loves spooning with you. He loves having you be the little spoon so that he can hold you tightly and feel like he's protecting you from anyone or anything that could hurt you. He loves to cuddle at the end of the day as it always relaxes him being able to just hold you and forget about everything else. Sometimes when he’s had a hard day he likes to be little spoon because you will hold him and play with his hair while helping him forget about the day by telling him little stories that you haven't mentioned before. As much as Jude likes the time you hold him he would never tell a single soul about it.
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Jude has big dreams and aspirations in terms of what he wants to achieve in his life. There is so many things that he wants to do with his career and other aspects of his life but when he thinks about them he always sees you right there with him. He doesn't want to live in a world where you aren't there to celebrate his achievements with him just like you have been so far. He wants to make his dreams a reality for himself but also for you because he realises how much you help him and push him to be his best so he wants to show you that the effort is worth it. In terms of a personal life Jude doesn't care what his life looks like as long as he's living it with you.
E = Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)
In general Jude is pretty good at communicating with you when something is bothering him but he isn't perfect so he still hasn't quite learnt how to leave his anger on the pitch after a bad game. There are times when the two of you have arguments after he loses a game because he is in a mood and won't listen to you. The arguments are never serious and when he is left alone he always realises how much of a dick he was being. He will always make it up to you by doing whatever you ask him to and getting you some flowers the next morning. He always promises to try and get better at not taking things out on you but that takes time.
F = Feelings (When did they know they're in love?)
Jude never thought he could fall in love with someone at his age he always assumed that feeling that strongly for someone would come later in life but he was wrong. He slowly falls for you over time all without realising or at least not letting himself believe it. The moment that finally made him realise that he was completely and utterly in love with you was when he had been away for a few weeks and found himself way more excited to see you than his family like he usually would be. He tried to ignore the feeling but instead he just thought about all the other times he'd felt that way and chosen to ignore it. That day he learnt that time has nothing to do with falling in love it's all about the person.
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their S/O does for them?)
To begin with Jude didn't realise how much you do for him as he always thought he was fine on his own and didn't need anyone else. It was only when you were away for a few weeks that Jude realised how much of a mess he was without you. He was able to keep his place pretty tidy but there was little thing he never realised you did like organising his cupboards in the kitchen. It wasn't just that though he realised that he misses having you around his place to just talk to when he feels like it. As soon as you got back he very much showed you how grateful he is for what you do for him. From then on Jude very much appreciates you and never ties anything you do for granted.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their S/O?)
Jude would keep a few things from you but never big things or at least not for very long. There are times he won't tell you about rumours about him if you don't know about them as he thinks there's no need to get those things in your head for you to worry about. The only other time Jude will keep things from you is if you have a lot going on such as exam season as he doesn't want to stress you out more but as soon as you have less on your plate he will tell you. You are always the first person to know about any meetings or possible transfer news as he wants you to come with him wherever he goes so he likes to tell you about what could happen.
I = Injury (How would they react if you got hurt?)
Jude hates to see you hurt. You can be quite clumsy so he tries his best to keep you from getting hurt but he can't always be there to stop you becoming a danger to yourself. When he's not around and you do get hurt he will tease you a bit for being so clumsy but he will take care of you nonetheless. If you have a cut he will bandage you up but if you have a bit more of a serious injury like a torn muscle he will make sure you rest so that you recover properly. He can be very strict with you if it's an injury he sort of knows how to treat as he wants you to get better as quickly as possible but you don't mind you just like that he cares about you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they deal with it)
He can get very jealous. He hates it when other guys look at you and act as if he isn't stood right next to you. It's not that Jude doesn't trust you because he does he knows you would never even entertain anyone who tries to flirt with you but he doesn't trust other guys. Whenever guys give you too much attention for Jude's liking he doesn't say anything he will just stay close to you and give whoever he doesn't like a death stare until they leave you alone. If someone takes it further and puts their hands on you he will step in and just take you out of the situation but he will never start an argument with anyone.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss you? How do they like to be kissed?)
Jude likes to kiss your neck. He loves it because it always makes you blush and he likes seeing how he can still make you so flustered even after being together for a while. When he kisses your neck he likes to leave marks if he can get away with it as they show that you are his and just reminds everyone to leave you alone unless they want trouble. He likes when you kiss him on his lips. As he is taller than you you have to get on your toes to kiss him on the lips and he likes that and in fact sometimes makes it even harder for you to reach just to see how far you will go before getting mad at him. He also likes the taste of the lip balm you always wear which is another reason he likes for you to kiss him on the lips.
L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
Jude says I love you first. He doesn't want to say it without meaning it so it's not something he says from the start of your relationship he takes him time before finally saying the words. That being said as soon as Jude knows he's in love with you he says it the same day. There is no warning the words just come straight out of his mouth leaving you surprised for a second but you quickly say it back. From then on Jude is always telling you that he loves you.
M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
There are loads of memories that Jude loves but one of his favourites is from the first time you attended one of his games as his girlfriend. You had been to games before but only when the two of you were secretly together but once you were public with you relationship you can go to games as his girlfriend. Jude loved that day as he got to see you wearing his shirt and when he scored he got to dedicate it to you which he had been wanting to do for months. After the game he introduced you to all of his teammates who you got a long with well which made him happy as the team are all like one big family so he wanted you to feel like you fit in. Jude loved that day as he was able to show you off and live the life he wanted to live with you for a while longer.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
When Jude buys you things it is usually based on your hobbies. If you love to read he will always buy you books to the point that he had to get you another bookshelf to store them all on. He likes to buy you things based on what you like to do as he loves hearing you talk about it afterwards because he loves his passionate you get about the things you love. Jude also enjoys the process of buying you these things as he gets to think about how much you will love them or scrutinise things he doesn't think you would like so much. He spends a lot of time thinking about you and keeping up with new books that come out from your favourite authors so he can get them for you.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they're in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?)
Jude likes to think that no one can tell and that he's good at hiding his feelings but he definitely isn't. Those that know him can very easily tell that he acts different when he's in love. He becomes a softer version of himself he is just generally a lot happier when the two of you are dating. You make Jude a better person without really trying as he just wants to be more positive like you which all of his teammates really benefit from when on the pitch.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He calls you babe a lot but sometimes he will call you sweetheart which usually makes you laugh because you like how he says it with his accent.
Q = Questions (What are the questions they're always asking?)
Jude is always asking you what you are doing especially when you are working on essays for university as he likes to know about what you are studying. He also often asks if you will come to training with him as he likes to have you there as it motivates him to work harder.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
When it is too wet to go anywhere Jude likes to sit at home with you and have a lazy day. Usually he won't allow you out of bed until around midday because he just wants to lay in and cuddle as most mornings you don't get much time to do that. When you do eventually get up the day is filled with movie marathons and playing video games together. One day he made the mistake of teaching you to play fifa and now every rainy day the two of you play together and sometimes you even beat him which he hates. The day always consists of just spending lots of time together as you don't get a lot of that with both of your schedules.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/S/O up?)
Jude cheers you up by telling constant jokes until you are laughing and smiling again. If you are upset or just not yourself he will start cracking jokes. To start with you don't want to hear it but eventually he always gets you smiling before then taking things a bit more seriously and asking you what's wrong. When he needs cheering up usually he likes to go on a quiet walk with you or take you on a date because just spending time with you makes him happier. Those quiet walks are his favourite as he loves just being with you without anyone else around to disturb the peace.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Jude talks about his training sessions and games a lot  but when he's not talking about that he is reminiscing on memories with you as he likes to think about how far you both have come. He also likes reliving fun moments and laughing about silly things you have both done. Memories are something that Jude really cherishes so any chance he gets to talk about them he will.
U = Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
He really knows you well. He pays attention and listens to every little detail about you. Any little thing you mention he will remember it can be the smallest detail about something you like or something bigger like when you have exams. He seems to have an endless memory for everything to do with you but really he just makes an effort because thats what he thinks you should do in a relationship. Jude would be brilliant at those couple quizzes and one day wants to do one to show off how well he knows you. Every time he remembers something small about you it makes you really happy which is why he makes extra effort to remember things.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
To begin with you aren't the most important thing to Jude as he doesn't feel that attachment to you that he does other things. However the longer you spend together the more important you become to him. Eventually you become the most important thing in his life as he spends so much time with you that he wouldn't be able to live without you. Once you are the most important thing to him nothing can compare and he would do literally anything for you.
W = Wedding (When, where, and how do they propose?)
For Jude getting married isn't something he cares about as he's just happy with you but he knows you would like to get married so he does it for you. He wouldn't go all out on the proposal because he wants it to be a special moment between the two of you. It doesn't happen on a specific date Jude just proposes when he feels the moment is right. One night the two of you are sat outside looking at the stars and the next thing you know Jude is down on one knee in front of you with a smile on his face. He doesn't even need to ask the question before you are already saying yes and tackling him to the ground.
X = XOXO (How affectionate are they? In public/in private)
Jude isn't totally against pda but he prefers not to go too overboard as he knows anything he does will be caught on camera by someone. He likes to have you close to him when out in public with you as it shows others that you are his which is the exact reason he also likes to give you kisses every so often when out together. In private he is a lot more affectionate he will cuddle with you for hours and constantly give you kisses which sometimes get a little heated but he loves that.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when they're separated from their S/O?)
Jude can be on his own which he thinks is healthy of course he misses you but he doesn't have to be glued to your side at all times. Jude does prefer to have you with him when he goes away for matches but he understands that you can't always go with him so won't make you feel bad about not being able to go. As much as he can be away from you after a few days he wants to have you back by his side so if he is away for a few weeks he really misses you and can't wait to get back home.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?)
There is a lot of things Jude would do for you but he believes there is a limit and you agree with him. He believes that if sacrifices need to be made for you relationship they shouldn't feel like sacrifices they should just feel like something you do for each other. He thinks as soon as things something feels too far then it is too far and you agree with him.
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