#like. haha you're way darker than him. you can never do that
dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
could i maybe request some yandere!chris mclean headcanons if thats alright with you? (bonus points if its with a reader that lowkey fears him)
ps love ur work, you're one of the very small amount of people that write for my man chris
Helloo, and of course it’s alright!! Thank you for the request, I hope these headcanons below are good enough, and aw thank you, I appreciate that! 💗 (Don’t worry, I plan on posting Chris McLean content for a long time ;).) YANDERE!CHRIS MCLEAN HEADCANONS 
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Chris didn’t know what to do. He had never cared so much about another living person before.
But here he was, hiring a private investigator to find out everything he could about you.
For someone who was meant to be his personal assistant, you noticed he was way too proud to showcase you to the public and showered you with more gifts than you had received your entire childhood.
Because of this uncontrollable hearts for eyes he had for you, he had an internal conflict pulling him from both sides of his head. Should he use you as a punching bag for laughs or should he reserve your body as its natural state?
Nahh he already had those moronic teenagers to feed his sadism- Alright, but imagine how good it’ll feel to see you cry...and hear your pleads...for him to stop...
Such that human life was too cheap for him.
Don’t worry, Chris isn’t the type of yandere to tie you down in a dark basement whenever he has to leave for extended periods: instead, he was more than happy to still have you on the show, as long as you played along for the cameras. Now that you knew the full truth behind his continuous gift showering and sweeter treatment, hearing him hide the lovesickness in his voice everyday to the others made you nauseous.
Another day of agony led you to his same heavenly bed.
Nothing was as enjoyable as it used to be.
At least the guy was loyal- he gave up on attending parties and social events, unless he arranged his own with you, and was immune to alternative admiration.
That doesn’t mean it got better. Occasionally, Chris appears to have let his darker conscience win, seeing how he would stick his saliva into your wounds with his tongue where your warm blood cried, or caught it to use as an ingredient for his coffee.
One day, he must have wondered what it’d look like for the roles to be reversed, openly admitting it as you drank your hot chocolate that he had mixed some of his blood in it so that “you could always have a piece of me inside of you.”
“How...can you give me something with your blood in it to drink!?” You spluttered horrified, wiping your mouth.
For a second, it’s like he gained a realising glimpse at what he’s done, but then happily turns it into a milestone,“Haha okay, I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think about how messed up that was until I heard you say it. Soooo, I might be a bit of a masochist? Whoo! Love really does teach you things you never knew about yourself, doesn’t it, my love, (Y/N)? I love that name, by the way. (Y/N). It suits you reaaaaaaally well!”
Yeah and thanks to him, you grew to hate it.
It spirals to the sickening point where Chris didn’t even want anyone else to look at you, whether it was from the screen or in person. How did he ensure this? Simple. You were going to make one final appearance on Total Drama to bid your departure from show business so nobody would suspect your absence in future episodes.
Well, it worked. So authentic that no one thought of anything more when you started sobbing right there and then or how Chris came to escort you away.
Albeit your friends and family weren’t deceived for long when they never heard from you again.
And it’s going to stay that way, for Chris paid the police department situated in Ontario to ignore, close, reject all reports filed in your name. He may as well have removed your citizenship.
The frightening power of the bourgeoisie.
Now you were truly prohibited from leaving his grounds.
“Why the long face, (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?”
“No...” You tremble,“I... I want to go home...so badly.”
“Home?” He twirls you around, hands gripped on your shoulders in true puzzlement,“This is your home.”
“No, it’s...not. I...don’t belong here... You scare me.”
“Huh? Me? Scare you? (Y/N), whatever do you mean? Everything I’ve been doing so far...is for you! Now that we don’t have to worry about the police, it’s way easier for us to be together in peace! See how thoughtful I am, (Y/N)? No need to thank me.”
“Chris I’m sorry, but...” you wince, knowing such bold answer may trigger a dangerous reaction,“I can’t...reciprocate. See, I didn’t know th...there was something else you wanted from me other than me working for you... I...think you’d be better off spending your time and love on someone else.”
“Oh (Y/N),” he chuckles darkly, sprinkling your disbelieved face with kisses,“It’s all these well meaning, pure hearted things you say that has me falling more and more in love with you... I’m not worried you don’t feel the same. In fact, I honestly couldn’t care less. As long as I can hear you breathe...”
He could hear it alright. Just the same in his sleep... Perfect.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
hello, can i request a helia x energetic emo!reader? reader wears a lot of dark clothing, listens to early 2000s emo, and is very artistic, but is also is very energetic and rile up? it's like you see someone and expect to be some way but it turns out they're completely different than what you expected. i think that would be an interesting dynamic with helia djfhdjdj. thanks! (^^)
(this is my first request on this blog so im sorry if this is too specific)
Opposite attract
A/n: you did not say if reader was a fairy or not so I'm going to add my own twist to it
⚠️: fairy reader, Gender neutral reader, bad emo clothing choice on my part I'm more grunge than emo
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Haha this will be fun
You meet at the opening of red fountain
You had worn something that was much darker and edgier than the other winx
You got this man's attention really quickly
Your dark clothes compared to the other winx
You were talking to musa when Brandon introduced yiu and the winx to heila
"Hi I'm y/n fairy of shadows your helia right it is good to meet you" you held out a hand as you talked quickly
"Yes it is good to meet you as well" he took your hand and shock it
Later on when the monsters of darkar attack you transform and wow
Black wings and mostly black fairy form
This was odd for a fairy
The other winx were in bright colors while you were not
He didn't see you till the day tecna got her chaimix
You had gotten your earlier un the mission so you had do do recon with musa and stella
He saw you land and you had dark charmix to
At night when everything had calmed down you were talking a mile a minute
Being really hyper
The others were not fazed but he was so confused
At the rade of darkar's fortress shadow haunt you had finally confessed
But you confessed first
"Helia" you said as you were about to go in to fight "I just wanted to say l ove you and I hope you feel the same.
Think of flora as you👇
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Now getting together is over with i must talk about the dates
Pure craziness
Most of the time it is you showing up to the park he goes to to draw and you joining him
You will talk and he will listen so much he can almost repeat every word
I can see some of the mean girl fairies calling you a witch/wizard
[Side note: the witches get less love there outfit are amazing but we never see them]
He is not one for confrontation but he will comfort you if it bothers you that your called a witch/wizard
Now one thing that he will be not at all shocked about is your music taste
You love early 2000s music
completely expected
He will let you play music that you want and he will love to watch you and musa sing and dance together
If he gets to play his music it is more hassle and old style music so it might not be your cup to tea but you love him do he can play it if he wants
One time stella gave you a makeover and put you in her style of clothes and he was shocked
To be fully honest he didn't really like it
He was so used to your more emo style he was shocked to see you in stall style clothes
He loves you no matter what so he will love you if you're girly or emo
He doesn't care
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I hope you enjoy and I did your idea justice. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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neerons · 4 months
I hope you don't mind me answering you in the Ask section 😅 I find it easier this way, and I think our discussion can be interesting for other fans of MK!
I could be wrong, but from what I remember, Kazuomi already checked his birth certificate and it was written that his "mother" was his birth mother. However, like he said, his father might have falsified the document. So in the end he couldn't know the truth.
Kazuomi never trusted his father, and I kinda understand, because from what we saw, his father was a shady man, a red flag and a bad husband. Also, can we really call him a father when he didn't fulfill his role as one? No wonder Kazuomi didn't like him 😅
Besides, we know that Kazuomi said he doubted that his "mother" was his real mother because he didn't look like her at all. He is a copy of his father, and thanks god it's only the looks, not the personality 🙏
By the way, my first reaction to this information was : "Kazuomi... You know, in fiction it's quite common to see a son who is the spitting image of his dad. So your mother might really be your mom. You don't have to look like your mom for her to be your birth mother. You want an example? Eisuke's genes are so dominant that his 3 sons look exactly like him lol. I know that your father had many mistresses, so I understand your concern, but still..." In the future, if Kazuomi and the MC have a son who look exactly like him, I hope he won't doubt that the MC is the mother of his child 😂
More seriously, yes, it seems Kazuomi also felt betrayed by his mother because she was showing him affection, but only because he's the spitting image of his father. In the VIP room, his younger version says that the love he received might have been false love... It's just his assumption, but we can't deny what he was feeling (he was lonely and wasn't feeling loved). Also, I think the possibility that his mother might not be his "real" mother (birth mother) broke his heart even more. It also broke my heart because he deserves love 🥲 Unfortunately, we don't choose our parents, and not everyone is fit to be parents...
Okay now I'm curious, what is your recurrent thought about his past? It doesn't matter if it turns out to not be accurate. We're here to theorise haha.
As always, thank you for your reply ❤️
(I'll send you a DM for Ikemen Prince! I'll write in French because it'll be easier haha)
Hi again, and no worries 🤗
Indeed, he checked his birth certificate and he saw on it that his mother was stated to be his actual birth mother, but knowing his father, Kazuomi expected that he falsified the document so that Kazuomi wouldn't learn the truth.
Yeah, his father was barely there for him, as he mostly cared for his business... And I agree that the genetics in otome games are usually quite strong 🤣 Eisuke's sons, except for maybe Kaito who looks a bit like MC, all look like him. I find it so funny to have a mini army of the LI as if we didn't see his face enough 😂 But it's cute in the end.
Also, I do often see this line in Kazuomi's VIP room yes! I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine how much he suffered from not feeling loved by his own family.
Thank god he had Zack later. He's probably the father he wished he had in the first place, and Zack made Kazuomi grow so much ❤ He is the Kazuomi Shido he is now thanks to him. I can't wait to see how everything will play out next
My theory about Kazuomi's past
[TW: mentions of potential SA]
Okay so this is meant to be taken with a grain of salt because I might be overthinking this. This is also going to mention triggering topics similar to Kei's story so avoid reading this if you're not comfortable.
This is only a possibility among many other possibilities, so in a way I hope I'm wrong and I most probably am.
I'm going to assume in this theory that Kazuomi's mother is not his actual birth mother to make it a bit less horrible. There were many ingredients of the story that made me reach a recipe darker than I would have liked, to be perfectly honest 😅
So, we have a woman who is probably not even Kazuomi's mother, completely head over heels with her husband, Kazuomi's father.
Sadly, her husband has many mistresses and doesn't "giver her the time of day". He's often out, and when he does come home on rare occasions, he spends time with shady men and still doesn't care about her.
On the other hand, there's Kazuomi, the child her husband (possibly) had with another woman, who looks exactly like her husband. He's young, naive, yearns for attention and consolation, and vulnerable.
Her husband is often away and she has many opportunities to spend time with Kazuomi.
My brain made me reach a potential conclusion that, and I hope it's not true, it's not impossible that this woman used Kazuomi to satisfy her desires since she was longing for her husband.
But then again, my brain sometimes reaches very dark theories so, again, I'm hoping for something different so my heart could be spared. And if I'm honest there are so many other things we could imagine other than this. I feel kind of bad for putting this thought out there 😢
Even if she didn't use him sexually, at least we know she used him as an emotional replacement, so this theory isn't so far from the truth technically speaking.
Anyway, thank you for the ask again!
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Any headcanons about Yuno, Muu, and Shidou being guilty in T1, for a total of 7 guilty prisoners? If it means anything, none of them have a higher guilty percent than Amane. (Yuno is 50.85%, Muu is 51.26%, Shidou is 50.96%, based on Pai's graph)
(I see what you're currently working on)
Haha, well I hoped you enjoyed a bit of comedy before I post some dramatic headcanons :3 Thank you for the request, this is a really interesting switch-up for the prison 👀👀👀 A majority guilty cast would carry a much darker tone, but allow for a few people to really shine.
Major guilty reactions:
Yuno: She’s just as bitter about her guilty verdict as she was in canon, becoming cold and isolated. She’s tired of people making judgements about things that are none of their business, and separates herself from everyone. There’s the subtle difference from canon because she actually agrees with this verdict, but still doesn’t think Es should be the one to give it out. Her video has more focus on Es/the audience, we see more people who may judge her (friends, family, etc). More stuffed animals, more crowds, all growing hostile. The video had more substantial hints towards her sadness at the way society looks down on people like her. 
Muu: She becomes panicked and defensive with her judgment. She's flighty, startles easy, and lashes out in fear all the time. Now, she’s the one to consider ending everything – to her, the verdict essentially means “if it was really down to you or her, it shouldn’t have been her.” Her video really highlights that duality, turning both she and Rei into monsters battling for/with the hourglass. Her panicky attitude is reflected in it, feeling like everyone in the world must be out to get her now.
Shidou: He’s at peace with the verdict, and allows himself to fall into misery. He's thankful to be punished for all the guilt he’s been feeling. Kotoko’s attacks only plunge him deeper into despair. He feels helpless and once again can’t save people the way he wanted to. He’s disillusioned with his career and becomes pessimistic and bitter. He takes it out on Es, telling them there’s no way they can save anyone either. His video is full of unavoidable death in nature, like rotting food, changing seasons, and wilting flowers. 
The attacks:
Since the guilty percentage order didn’t change, I’m going to say the attacks themselves happen exactly the same – it’s the aftermath that’s different. Whether it’s due to restraints or locked cells, Shidou isn’t able to offer aid. He has to sit back and talk the others through instruction: Haruka, Kazui, and Mikoto if he can get him to focus. They do their best, but they’ve never done anything like this before. Despite his calm attitude, Shidou isn’t good at explaining things he knows innately under pressure. Fuuta and Mahiru end up in a much worse state, since proper care was denied for so long. (I don’t think they’d kill anyone t2, but if they were willing to, she would have died here). Fuuta’s eye is gone for sure, and he has trouble getting around with his other injuries. Mahiru is barely scraping by, not allowed to leave her bed. Her video is glitchy and confusing due to the unhealed head injury and overall weakness.
Other character details:
Haruka grows even more confident than canon, seeing himself as Muu’s protector as well as the object of her affection. He helps her through her self-harming thoughts, feeling like a hero and a model son again. He threatens Es to vote her innocent, but with his newfound feeling of importance he threatens anothers’ safety, not his own (maybe Amane or Mahiru because they're smaller than him.)
Amane’s hatred for Shidou is actually dulled because he got a guilty verdict too. She believes he’s getting the punishment he deserves, and doesn't need to interfere. She's a little annoyed he's taking the punishment with open arms, though.
Fuuta’s line in Backdraft is just about Kotoko – “why is she innocent?” He feels less singled out among so many guilty prisoners, but he recognizes his parallels with her and it drives him crazy that they got different verdicts.
I won’t spoil anything for Kotoko’s stuff, but she’s a bit less harsh since she believes Es really is just like her, giving unattached, severe judgements. 
Since he was able to help a lot in the attacks, both protecting Fuuta and offering care afterwards, Kazui really leans in the hero role. Whether he enjoyed being a cop before or not, he's consumed by that responsibility now. It gives him purpose and he really takes charge of everyone. He and Kotoko butt heads a lot now that he's speaking up more.
There are conflicted emotions between the innocent prisoners and patients – they know they’re not medically trained, but there’s still a bit of hostility that they didn’t do a good job. There’s a mix of feeling grateful for their aid and bitter it’s not perfect. The innocent ones get a confidence boost that they were able to be useful and protect others instead of hurt them, as well as get crushed by the guilty that they failed at offering great care. 
I'll need more time to ruminate on it, but I wonder if given enough time, would the guilty prisoners band together and attack Kotoko back? It was hard for the canon four, but now they have the numbers...
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Heyy can u do riddle + anyone u want with a s/o who acts like dazai Osamu? Preferably fem reader but it doesn't matter that much
Tnxx ^^
Hi! I feel bad but I've never gone into this series before, so I just researched the character beforehand. All I know about the series is that it's based off of real-life authors but with a bit of a mafia/detective thing going on haha.
Riddle + Idia with a Dazai Osamu!fem!reader
First off, he doesn't like that you act a bit more...carefree. You don't seem to care that much about the fact you're behind on five assignments and you disregard his scoldings a lot. Because of this, he first has trouble liking you
However, you are also shown to be witty and actually very clever. He does admire you for that, being able to trick the Octavinelle trio more than once and always getting perfect marks on your exams (even if you say you never studied). He likes playing chess with you btw
Riddle does worry sometimes about the darker parts of your personality, especially with how you want to die with a significant other but in a, well, deliberate way. He won't say much since it's your beliefs, but just know that he does care for your well being
He might say out loud that your dramatic actions are annoying and distracting, but he does find it really cute. If you ever tease him for staring at you for too long though, he might go red haha.
First of all, how he ended up with someone so eccentric is a mystery. He thought that you would choose someone more flamboyant like Rook, but you approached him instead and he thought he was dreaming
You were amazing, not only would you joke around with Trein but you could outsmart Riddle and Azul on more than one occasion. He admired you, but he didn't think you would like him
The idea of dying with you is a bit...unnerving? Especially after the ghost bride incident he might be a bit uncomfortable about your fascination with this idea, but he might understand it a bit as well. Being with you forever doesn't sound that bad after all, but you didn't have to go out and tell him "we should die together!" on one event haha.
Overall, I feel like he would find you to be comforting, sort of like an opposites attract kind of mindset. He does find you to be wonderful to be with, even though he might have to get used to your dramatic personality.
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
blue hour
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They say that the blue hour is a memorable moment, let's see what will happen to them after entering this forbidden amusement park.
Contain : weight gain ; rapid/magic weight gain ; tight clothes ; clothes ripping ; weight gain denial ; hybrid AU (at the end) ; NSFW ; not really a happy end for once
Welcome guys ! Uni is killing me but enjoy this fic that was in my draft fo a very looooong time haha
Honestly not very proud lf the end :/
stay tuned because tomorrow I will post something else too 🤭
Enjoy ♡
The blue hour, the period between day and night when the sky fills almost entirely with a darker blue than the sky-blue of the day. More precisely, it corresponds to a short period of nautical twilight or nautical dawn.
But in this case, it's a curse that's best avoided. The rule was simple and everyone in town knew it: don't go to the abandoned faire.
I mean, sometimes it was open to the public on special occasions, but as soon as the blue hour approached, you had to get out of there.
What happened at the blue hour? People didn't know, it was almost as if people disappeared, but ... how could you disappear like that from one day to the next?
That was the question our dear boys were asking themselves. It was Yeonjun who came up with the idea of going there illegally, followed by Beomgyu, who agreed while the information was still processing in the others' minds.
-"I don't think it's a good idea" declared Soobin.
- "Come on, there's five of us, if something happens to one of us, we'll know what to do", reassured a determined Yeonjun.
And so, as the day drew to a close, they made their way to the fair when no one was watching.
It was beautiful and brightly lit from afar, yet gave off nothing scary to make them think about leaving or returning home to their daily lives.
As you can see, our five friends were very much of the day-to-day type and had had many unforgettable experiences since they were in middle school together. It was always the brave boys who got the ball rolling and the shy ones who followed, but they all ended up having a great time.
So when they arrived at the fairground, it was a moment of complete amazement. The park was lively and brightly lit, with fairground music playing in the background. The food stalls even had hot food!
It was incredible and yet so true.
-I think- but Taehyun was interrupted by Kai, who exclaimed that there was a carousel in the distance and decided to run for it.
- "Relax, everything's going to be fine" reassured Beomguy before drawing his friend towards the carousel.
He was right, he had to relax, there was nothing scary here after all!
Yes, nothing scary when you're not approaching the blue hour. As the sky turned a darker shade of blue compared to the daytime sky, the blue hour finally arrived, and that's when the curse kicked in.
At first, there was nothing very remarkable, but if there was nothing visible, it was mainly because everything was happening in their minds. The first few minutes of the blue hour made them forget all worries and stress, as if they were in a state of ataraxia where happiness reigned.
All the attractions worked, but Beomgyu's favorite was the mirror maze, especially when, instead of his usual relfet, Yeonjun had a pig in front of him, which made his friend laugh, while the main cincerned, less amused by this, pinched the younger man's cheek, noticing that it seemed plumper than before... or maybe he'd just never noticed.
It's like Soobin who, after playing dart shooting, felt that his arms seemed heavier, as if there were no muscle and just fat, pure fat.
Or Taehyun who felt his steps were different as if he could no longer walk without waddling.
Huening was also caught up in the euphoria, laughing and doing all the attracrion he could see. He was acting like he'd never acted before; it was as if he was regressing mentally to want to do only two things: have fun and eat.
Because yes, food was omnipresent, but especially in large quantities. A small packet of popcorn was the equivalent of at least one size large.
Soda was unlimited, not to mention the hotdog stands that were always there and always hot.
Nothing wrong with that, right?
It was only the beginning of the blue hour, because as the hour progressed, the sides effects intensified.
Although they didn't notice it, they were far too caught up in their ataraxia to notice that they were getting fatter, that Huening couldn't even get into the carousel without making the atraction creak loudly.
Beomgyu was becoming a veritable piglet in spite of having teased his friend earlier.
That Taehyun ended up waddling but ended up sitting on a chair to rest, but broke it and ended up on the floor.
That Soobin had become so fat that his belly was resting on the edge of the shooting range. Then he didn't even try to shoot any more - he'd realized it was no use - he'd become too fat for that, instead he was gorging himself on fairyfloss from the stand next door.
Finally, Yeinjun, who had initiated the idea, was the only one with any conscience. So when he saw that in the place of his flat tummy there was a massive belly in its place. His crop top was useless , not even to cover his man-boobs, which were also getting bigger by the minute. He tried to run to warn his friends to leave.
But, they all seemed so happy, so relaxed as if it were a constant climax lingering in their minds.
The idea that all this fat had magically appeared didn't even cross their minds, after all, what's so bad about this carnival?
-"But what if we *oink*- Yeonjun stopped in his sentence as he realized that he'd just grumbled like a pig!
But before he could realize anything else, a noise attracted their attention: Soobin's belly had become so big and heavy that it cracked the edge of the stand, sending him tumbling to the ground.
-"Soo, is everything all right?" Asked Yeonjun seemed to be the only one worried, while the others seemed to be a mixture of laughter and pig grunts.
The end of the blue hour was approaching and there was nothing to stop them leaving, they had already become too big and stupid to try and escape.
Over time, they'd all become really fat, either breaking something like Huening, who'd managed to break one of the caroussel horses, or just breaking their clothes, ripping off their current clothes, which didn't fit them.
There they were, naked, fat but still wanting more. Yeonjun felt powerless, but eventually succumbed.
When he noticed a pig's tail growing on each of them, their skin turned pink and now they couldn't speak without snarling like pigs.
Now we knew what happened to those who tried to enter the fair during blue hour. Gluttony take possession of them.
- "I don't believe you, it's impossible"
- "But I swear my brother told me, everyone who goes in turns into a pig!"
- "Give me an example then"
- "See Yeonjun and his friends? You know those clowns in high school who accidentally set fire to their class ?"
- "Ah yes! I even had a crush on Beomgyu, I remember.
- "And guess what, some said they went there and then we never saw them again
- "It seems impossible to me"
- "Believe me, anything is possible"
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thatonetwig · 6 months
Love your work! Also, I'm a bit of a fan of Hood x Void, and the ship name you gave for them is very cool! Speaking of, what do you think would happen if Hood encountered Void's A.C. form for the first time?
Perfect time to share one of my excerpts!
Hood slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion while still feeling disoriented.
"What...happened?", he questioned himself.
Suddenly, he looked up and saw Void floating above the arena with purple sparks forming at his feet. Hood stood up, and he realized that Void was now a darker shade of purple than he usually was.
"Void?! Void! Are you okay?! What happened?!", he called out to him.
Void turned around and saw Hood down below.
"Heh...took you long enough to wake up. Just in time to witness the destruction of the universe...", he said in a voice deeper than Void's own.
The realization struck Hood like a meteorite; he wasn't talking to Void. Rather, something entirely different speaking through his body like a parasite.
"Y-you! Who do you think you are?! W-what have you done with Void?!", Hood demanded angrily.
"Oh you simple-minded organism...haha...", the entity laughed.
"You can refer to me as...A.C. And to put it simply, he's gone. Void is gone."
Hood's anger immediately shifted into fear and an overwhelming sense of despair when he heard those words.
"W-what d-do you m-mean...?", he questioned shakily.
"Well, I was something about him that he didn't tell you about. He was scared; scared of you leaving him for what he truly was beneath the surface...honestly so pathetic...", A.C. said in a taunting manner that felt like a knife being plunged directly into Hood's heart.
"H-he...d-didn't tell me...b-because he was scared...?", Hood asked, sounding like he was about to cry any moment now.
"You heard me correctly. Anyway, before everything else is reduced to nothing, I wanted to strike a deal with you.", A.C. said in a casual manner.
Hood raised his head in shock as he stared up at the entity once again.
"Yeah. Imma be honest, in spite of the many times I cringed at you two, it did give me a good laugh from time to time.", A.C. replied.
"So, as a bit of a thank you, I'll spare you from the destruction of this universe as we know it if you don't get in my way. What do you say? Do we have a deal?"
Hood lowered his head in despair as his voice trembled heavily.
Suddenly, Hood caught himself mid-sentence and felt something awaken within him. It was a feeling that he had never experienced this intensely before; determination. But it wasn't the kind that urged him to run away from danger. No. it was the kind that urged him to fight against it in-spite of his own capabilities. Feeling this, he raised his head once again and looked the entity directly in the eyes.
"No! We don't have a deal! I know Void is still in there somewhere! You think I'll just let you get away with this after all you've done?! You sure as hell won't so long as I'm here! You ain't destroying the universe! Not now, not ever!", Hood shouted in pure determination as he got into a fighting stance.
"Ha...", A.C. chuckled.
"You know, they really were right when they said that love makes you blind to even the biggest of red flags...gotta laugh at the stupidity, really.", A.C. said as the sparks at his feet grew in intensity.
"No matter...you're just another speck in the universe at the end of the day that will be squashed like a bug under my shoe. You ready?", A.C. asked.
Hood didn't back down and nodded his head and taunted the entity with his fists.
"Hehe...should've run away when you had the chance."
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darlingpwease · 1 year
I haven't? :(( (Yes yes!! And give him many many kisses and shower him in love <<3333)
It's the new Yuuta work I'm writing, that's why it's taking so long. I'm writing a few of the worlds so it's looking like it's gonna be a long fic.... LMAO TRUEE, it's always the systems!!! Face slapping system, hero system, second lead system, canon-fodder system, mob system, villain system, caretaker system, etc etc... Sometimes the MC being the system! I'm still a sucker for them </33 My weakness <//333 Oh? Very interested?? It sounds absolutely amazing??? omgomg????
A calf on a leash?? I've never heard that one before,,, it sounds like a green flag to me though.... hey Dove haha what the fuck ahaha <333 that scenario was so specific?? What have you been reading lately?? Hm?? /ht /hj NOO I don't mean to nullify it I promise
Oooo!! They're nice too,,, there are just so many character I wanna hug tho tbh
If he were to cling to me I'd spoil him as much as I possibly could <333 I'd love him and kiss him and bite him and hold him and coddle him and praise him and treat him like he's the most precious little thing in the whole world <<3333 HAHA ME TOO they're my kryptonite, I love 'em so much, they're so lovable,, I never want to let them go <//33
>:□ I think I'm good and sweet already. Maybe a little tangy or spicy, maybe even bitter,, but still nice nonetheless... /hj?
-panna cotta
Xie Lian loves you, that's a given. He always pays attention to your needs, your likes, dislikes, your passions, your desires, you– He's noticed the way you've been acting the past few lives, and it scares him.
He has done all of this for you to stay.
He loves you.
You've said that there's nothing wrong with him, that you love him, that you'll never leave him– But with you acting different, he still can't help but be unnerved.
You would always treat him like a flower, so delicately, as if he could break at the smallest thing despite him being a God, so when you get a bit rough, when you bite him harder, mark him deeper and darker, when you bind him, marking him up more than you ever have before, he doesn't really know how to act, but by the heavens is he happy.
He listens so well, and when you see him laying there pliantly just for you, trusting you even though his muscles are slightly tensed from not knowing what will happen next, you feel a huge rush of bliss. Excitement. Superiority. Superiority over yourself, but superiority nonetheless.
You finally beat yourself. And it feels glorious.
Xie Lian will remember this. He will never be able to forget this, because this is the first time you're doing it, and you will always have that benefit. Not you from then, and not you in the future. You, right now, have finally something new to give him, and you can't help but revel in that fact.
The way his breath hitches over the smallest movement, the way he whimpers softly, you feel like you have all the power one could have and more.
The way Xie Lian leans into you when you kiss and caress his skin, it drives you insane. He's nervous, but he trusts you. He adores you. He doesn't know what's going on, but he can't help but be happy when he thinks about what kind of joy you must be feeling because of that. You still treat him as if he is the rarest thing in the world, the most precious thing,, when you press soft kisses against him, asking if he's okay, petting his hair and telling him how good he is, how perfect he is–,,, but he can't deny that the roughness is wonderful change too.
And when he calls out your name, not the one the people of this life gave you, but your true, real name,, you can't help but slip and drown in the addictiveness of your Xie Lian.
I can't help but think of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both being cute puppies that will follow you around, always willing to do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy, being the most loyal and the most devoted to only you,,, man I could just go on and on lmao Hua Cheng would definitely tease as much as he can when you're still a will-o'-wisp, he adores you, you would always be there to protect him when you could, but now he's finally doing that for you, "Oh, how the roles have switched!"
no🧐 you're too suspicious, I don't trust my cute pies to someone like you🫤🫤🫤 /t /j (yes!!! tell him how cute he is and how much you love him; after all, even if you're not quite sure if he's a weasel or a rabbit, you still can't help but adore and shower him with everything you can, even knowing how powerful and strong he is<///3)
I'm looking forward to it then!!! >:33333 I also have a draft, but only about the quick transmigrator Yuuta, who is constantly looking for his lover in every world, not knowing that the one he is looking for is the physical embodiment of his system, so you are always in his world</3 I love them too, it's just a light joke on the spite of the day, dear~
listen, but you, the owner of the system, whose duty it is to check the operability and proper operation of the plot without external influence, so that then other players and their systems can take advantage of this world, because due to plot inconsistencies and holes, the world can try to explain everything itself, sometimes making white lotuses lying creatures, and giving villains high missions and creating white sheep out of them, which, of course, should not be allowed. you just have to live the world and follow the plot, correcting it and letting your system record the shortcomings and what was done to make the plot right again, sometimes even directly arranging in creating chains of motivations and goals just to prevent the world from trying to break the plot itself. in fact, you have almost the least restrictions of all existing system owners - neither in characters, nor in attempts to fix the world, unless you count the fact that after leaving the world you officially confirm that the world is fixed and exists as it should.
and although the world of cultivation is most subject to a huge number of holes and inconsistencies, like fantasy, you still loved to visit them, and a popular novel was rather your way to "relax", enjoying the moment until everything becomes intense. of course, you didn't choose the smallest role to be at the top of the hierarchy and relax at the same time, and even when the world started trying to accommodate you with the original characters, considering you an important character too, you didn't resist. and even when you were in an ambiguous relationship with the main characters, finally allowing yourself to experience almost guilty pleasure from your deaths (which do not affect your essence at all and are painless due to the influence of the system) and the easy torment of characters who had ambiguous feelings for you, you were actually sure that it would not affect on the feelings of the characters themselves — and so it was, they reached the right end, even if you had to get in here and there, sometimes deliberately leaving the plot to find holes and returning to fix, finding minor mistakes here and there, sometimes more because of how few players were still in the world, and the world just doesn't understand how respond to interference. in fact, although the characters don't look at you the way they should, it's not a problem — as soon as you disappear, this tenderness will disappear, so you know what you're doing, even when you're silent on their confession or gently hugging, as if drawing a line, indulging your desire to finally be loved.
at least until you get complaints that the characters don't behave that way — and none of the systems can handle it, no matter what type it is; even a "beta reader" can't fix a plot that doesn't match the original from the very beginning, even more than it even has to match in the young a world that doesn't know how to handle "guests" yet. of course, you are immediately forced to go back to this world, starting from the very beginning, to check whether these words are justified and honest, and why the world has gone crazy — in the end, it may be intruders who are trying to break the world to destroy it, and you, as an inspector, must make sure that everything is fine and then decide what to do with the world.
just to understand that your system is functionally suppressed and just as confused as you are, before explaining that this is only possible in one case — if the main rules of the world, "Heaven", forbid such a thing, while your system only helps, not controls, and should obey these rules. of course, you are amazed, there were no words about the limitation of the system in any of the reviews (only about "characters behave strangely", "they talk about a name that is unfamiliar", "the plot is not right at all!"), otherwise you would have taken additional measures, and if at your death you would have been treated in the game space, then everything would be fine, but your death is not a reason to leave, only the end of fixing the world.
only to understand that all these reviews were absolutely true — the characters are definitely not behaving the way they should have,
especially main characters.
are you not??? let me guess, you don't even understand what that means, hwhwhwhwhw "green flag"😨😨😨 /t Specific? Dear, this is the plot of any Manhua or white lotus story🤨 then I'm very interested in what kind of work you read, since you don't regularly see this template there, because for me it has already become so native, like my child :/// "what the fuck" bad white lotus cotta, white lotuses never swear!!! 3:<<< /t /hj of course, dear, but forgetting about it also counts as nullify, and we both know what that means<///3 /t /j
attention, here is a panna cotta who did not reach the 'dark water' arc ajhshshs /t /j /nsrs yes so true😔 wanna mwah all of them😔😔😔
yes!!! fandom often considers him just a baby, but he has experienced so many dark and traumatic things and has grown so much and overgrown with traumatic experience and insecurities and continues to try to stay positive and have a strong moral,,,, I want to see him break down and cling to you because you are the only thing that continues to give him hope in the world and what keeps his mental and emotional stability, and he gives you everything he has, because he can't afford to lose you anymore :((( he looks so cute and innocent, especially considering his altruistic and gentle nature, as if he really is some kind of forest fairy or a helping spirit; this provokes even more to get under his skin and poke at painful spots until you see how deeply and abnormally obsessive and dependent he is on you<////3333 my poor little woof woof,,,, yes!!! I always want to kiss and caress them until they start feeling loved again and will not be happy and will not cry if they are emotional <33333 xie lian is just as unique as yuuta, only if yuuta wanted to corrupt, then xie lian causes a desire to corrupt him and make him even more painful until his real attitude towards you appears in the form of a burning black lump of emotions, feelings and desires,,,, hua cheng, on the other hand, only makes me want to rock him in my arms, I don't want to hurt him shsghdgshd
🤨 dear, if everyone in the world were as sweet and nice as you, kindness would be absent in our world in principle🤨🤨 meanie /t /hj
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When you are rude to him for the first time in all your lives, to the point that his legs can't help but tremble, feeling your hot lips slide over his cool skin, leaving bites and kisses, tightly wrapping around his waist, almost breaking it from the strength of hugs if you could, but Xie Lian only purrs, stroking you, encouraging you rather than trying to calm you down, allowing you to pinch and bite, feeling that your emotions become a tight ball that curls inside your body, spreading through your veins like poison, finding release only in the way his body shudders or how he breathes or moans when you find even more skin, you press even closer, bite even harder — when you try to find even more evidence that his body does not belong to "you", but to you, to you, personally to you, personally to you.
When you demand that he looks at you while touch his body, still sensitive to your touch and loving them; looking at you with darkened eyes, and you can't figure out whether it's a blush or the light from the fire on his face when your fingers slide to his stomach, drawing lines and words, which have meaning only for the two of you, like your secret symbols that belong only to you two, memories that only you of the living share. The signs by which only you can recognize each other, outlined on his soft skin, but almost leaving hot brands from which he breathes heavily, are still the same desperate mess for you that hundreds of years ago, that now — as if he is frozen in time, not even moving until you enter, entering into a chemical reaction that only has both of you, able to exist only with each other, no more than the moon and sun that you once had to become, the moon and sun of the Xianle kingdom, when you intertwine your fingers with his, letting his loose hair lie on the floor like tangled threads while his thin long fingers squeeze the fabric of your clothes, hearing there are only quiet moans and sighs around the house, as if everything around you has fallen silent, immersing you only in the sounds and rustle of each other's clothes, a quiet sweet moan when his legs tremble with excitement — just so that you catch it, kissing his hot face, even when your sticky, wet fingers slide over, leaving an imprint on his wet skin, continuing to caress, take, squeezing, touching, stroking, pinching, — and feeling how he greedily kisses your lips, as if giving up everything he has it was, pressing so tightly that it becomes difficult for you to breathe, as if he is trying to eat you, clinging in blind despair and need.
Xie Lian's eyes are dark, shining with delight and adoration, as if overflowing with feelings and sensations, and he is so hot and moist, even if he looks like a smooth white jade, — and his body is so pliable, even if unable to cope when your fingers continue to slide, caressing, touching, groping, making him gasp from the sensations, trembling, awkwardly wrapping his legs around your hips, blindly kissing your neck and face while holding your hand with his hand, refusing to let go, as if this is the only thing that leaves him on earth, not letting you give in to the impulse and be completely absorbed, even if your caresses become more and more passionate, hungry, needy,
just like you.
When he whispers your name, which no one knows anymore, making you tremble with pleasure, still knowing that he remembers it, that it is you now before his eyes, the real you, and Xie Lian loves you like no one else, just like you do him, asking him to tell you again how your name is called; quietly whining your name when your skin touches each other, catching your breath, shared by two, as if you are under the water column, where there is only you and nothing else, enveloped from all sides and locked with each other, forever locked with each other, and you gently, affectionately, as before, whisper his name, adding 'His Royal Highness' when his body warms up again, digging fingers into your skin, breathing hard, whining, searching your lips with his lips, as if trying to find air,
just like he was looking for your gaze before, bringing peaches and other fruits with him to be with you.
Somewhere there, underground, your ancient kingdom sleeps, keeping its secrets in pristine silence, which no one remembers now.
You loved each other, that's why you were saved.
And you don't think it's an accident.
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ahhh!!!! yes!!! gosh, we're really on the same wavelength, aren't we? they would be your most devoted and loving followers, ready to do anything for you and your happiness, and the fact that their adoration is ancient and unchangeable, unconditional, makes everything even better and worse at the same time, as if you are both in heaven and in a demonic reality, experiencing all the intensity that they can give and that they stored until you were able to accept it<3333 I mean??? is someone stopping you??? I don't see anyone for some reason???🤨🤨🤨 /ht /pos /gen
imagine that you were the former spouse of the crown prince, who was supposed to become your husband — so that he would then ascend, and you could live as the future monarch in his absence, simply observing celibacy, but then he returns against the rules of heaven and you are broadcast for being the spouse of a demon-god, only to have a child whom you once caught because, like a vulture, you watched the festival go well while your spouse was performing, and then you meet this child after you found out that he was born under the star of misfortune and tried to give him comfort, and then you meet him so often in all places where you can, to the point that you can't help but be gentle and affectionate to him, trying to protect him until your Prince begins to need your support and you don't have time for the child anymore — and now this 'child' takes care of you and teases you when you are fully awake from the exhausting hatred, pain and anger, having previously managed to burn people who harmed your Xie Lian. only now he has become much taller, with a blindfold over one eye, too powerful than he should be (why is he a great demon, while you still don't even have enough energy to transform into a human body? isn't he having too much luck??) and you don't even know where your lover is??? at least this kid promises to take care of him and take care of you, and you don't really have much choice in following him until you find your Xie Lian — sort of...
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rriavian · 11 months
☔️--for the emono game you reblogged!
Oh you definitely have some sort of ability for knowing when I've got secrets!
Ok so I've had another ask with this emoji but I drafted this answer first, so prepare for a wildly different tone haha. Most of my ideas are ones that I fully intend to write at some point, but there are a few where I am holding off on fully committing. I have at least two that have been concepts for about a year. I've even written prose for them. Wait, no...there's also third I've written which is, er, basically finished. But (like the others) unless I get a lot braver I don't know if I could ever complete and post it without feeling like I could never look any of you in the virtual eye ever again.
Essentially I've got smut fic ideas hidden away in my drafts folder because my goodness did I really come up with that?! I can read anything without even blinking, but writing and posting? Not quite there yet!
Though really it's not just smut, but also fics that have a much darker tone than what I usually write. I'll talk about the one that is most fleshed out (and the most likely to be written while still being one I'm very unsure of). It's really two ideas because I have another version that might just end up being the set up for the fic but anyway! This is currently the title/description that's sitting at the top of the prose I have:
Lawfully Bound - The one where Dream ends up bound to the Corinthian by magical law but it's nowhere near the easy advantage he’d expected.
You can probably relate to this with the Ella Enchanted au you're writing because I know that fic has a darker tone too. This would be Corintheus but with some very unbalanced power dynamics, and for me that's very hard to get right in a way that I (personally) find satisfying. Playing with the idea of one character having essentially ultimate control over another is interesting, but tricky. In all likelihood it wouldn't be a long fic, the idea is that it's a temporary situation that the Corinthian eagerly takes advantage of (while knowing exactly what Dream might do to him in retaliation when free) and so I'd probably want to lean more that I usually would into what the Corinthian might actually do if he had a chance like this.
My usual method of balance will need to shift because the interplay would be very different. I've sort of figured that out already, because power taken by force is vastly different from true capitulation and Dream is very good at rubbing salt in a wound. Even in a situation like this he still finds a way to be smug, and the Corinthian still has to be smart about finding weakness even with all of the power he now has over Dream. It's still possible to press in the wrong places.
Again, I may never write this but I might share bits of it one day :) It's about 1200 words at the moment but still a long way off a fully formed fic.
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ladysomething · 6 months
Hi, I want to say that your writing is fantastic, I have read all your works and I have always been fascinated by your way of describing the feelings and atmosphere you create.
Regarding chapter 5 I have so many mixed feelings, I can understand certain attitudes of Max, like the bodyguards especially considering the horrible way in which Charles was being auctioned, however the lack of communication on Max's part is only causing Charles to take measures as extreme as stopping eating, which makes me very anxious because it is a very delicate issue that must be treated with care.
Anyway, reading your responses to the past comments about the state of war that will be between Max and Charles, I hope that Charles also makes things difficult for Max and gives him absolute hell, because honestly Max deserves it 😈😈.
Regarding the necklace, I'm going to ignore it, it seems horrible and humiliating to me, so I'll ignore it hahahah 🥲. I hope you can update soon please!
look, when I said this story was going to be darker than my others ... I really meant it haha
Charles and Max aren't friends. they've never been friends. Charles actively hates him, and thinks he's a terrible person, and Max knows that and makes zero effort to correct Charles' perception of him. trust me ... the communication is a LONG way off 😅😅
they're going to be doing increasingly insane things, and it's going to be beautiful to watch hahaha
and well... it is horrible and humiliating ... so if you're Max, that probably means its a pretty good way of trying to stop some of Charles' behaviours ... and that's all I'll say 🤐
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knightinink · 1 year
hey! i’m new here but i’m absolutely in love with your dip content. they’re so precious to me and i never see content of them so your work is much appreciated lol
anyway as for headcanons (i’m new so my apologies if you’ve done this already) how would Damien (and maybe Satan) help Pip adjust to life in hell after he dies? You mentioned in a previous post Damien gets wings, what if Pip got like fallen angel wings and didn’t know what to do with them? And how does he adjust to fire everywhere after having lived in England and Colorado, which are pretty much always cold? Things like that?
Hello there! Hope you're enjoying it so far! I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my dip content, I love them so much! They're always on my mind, without fail!
-As for headcanons, I have written about how Damien & Satan help Pip adjust to his new "life" in Hell! This one highlights on Pip & Satan's relationship, & pretty much covers how he'd eventually come to see Pip as a son of his own.
-In this post, I talked about Pip getting angel wings! I described them in more detail over in that post, but the briefing is that he isn't quite sure what to make of them, but Damien's at an age where he starts growing in his wings as well, so they go through their discoveries together! Pip wings start off white & are very sensitive to touch, but the longer he's in Hell & the bigger they get, they take on an ashy-grey hue at the bottom that slowly works it's way upwards, the bottom feathers becoming darker as they go, until the bottom feathers are a shiny black.
-I haven't written about weather changes yet, which is quite an interesting thing (& kinda actually important) to think about! I'm surprised I haven't considered this yet to be honest, haha! Anyway, going off experience from going from cold to hot, it becomes a lot more important that he stays hydrated, it being a much more conscious thing than while living in South Park. He'd also have to wear less layers of clothing at first, until he can build up a heat tolerance. He would spend more time inside, usually in Satan & Damien's home. They would work with him on building it up, & would be very patient with him, Satan having been at this point some time ago as well (since he's a fallen angel).
-It's not all successes though while adjusting to the weather change. He will pass out from time to time from heat exhaustion, & he gets sick a lot as his body is trying to figure out what's going on externally & reacting accordingly. He hates when he gets sick (his weakened immune system does not help), but he lets Satan take care of him as he gets better, every time.
Thank you so much for the ask (& the kind words)! I love talking about wings with these two, as I feel it's an underappreciated concept that has so much potential! The weather is also an interesting take that I'll be thinking about a lot more!
(& if you reading this has any headcanon requests/asks about Pip, his family, Damien & Satan, Dip, or anything related to them, my askbox is always open!)
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
Hiiiii, Tiff. I'm new here on your Tumblr and I don't have an ao3 account so this is my first time commenting, even though I've been following tbaw since april (?) I think. Anyways, I got my Tumblr account back just to follow you haha.
Giiiiiirl were do I start. So first of all tbaw is the only story I religiously follow and never forget about and every fucking tuesday is like Christmas to me istg. Even back in june-july when I was busy with my uni thesis and was slowly dying lol I kept reading every chapter and it was such a joy to be able to relax and take a break and escape in the fantasy. And now check the new chapters at work. Guilty 😅
Also, apparently you also wrote that Eren camping smut fic, omfggggg it's so good, easily one of my top fave Eren oneshots.
The way you write dialogues??? Fucking amazing. The interaction between the characters... I literally get lost in that reality and feel every single one of the characters. They are so humane. The tension, the attraction, the love, the hatred, everything feels so real when your characters interact. It's astonishing.
Now, I was team Eren from the start (yes, I am an Eren girl lol), I wasn't opposed to Jean, he is my second favorite from aot, but! Eren was so fucking charming in this fic, I just couldn't get into Jean I'm sorry. He gives mixed signals and we don't approve those in my house fiehdhdj. But Eren was perfect in every fucking way, which was suspicious and now we know the truth sadly.
I can't believe that after the big reveal so many people were shitting on Eren and they switched sides lololol. Like it was kinda obvious tbh. Well not obvious, but expected.
Idc what other people think, but I do believe Eren wants to change and will do that.
Now! As for the reader. Ofc she can't forgive him that easily, I wouldn't. And I do believe they both should work on themselves first and then they could develop a healthy relationship. It would only feel fair for the reader to see Eren really change. And I still want him to be endgame.
Honestly I'm just biased cause I love him lmao, he looks like my bf 💀 objectively, reader should seek her own path, Jean and Eren should figure their shit and forgive each other and be friends again. And then we can see a healthy relationship develop with one of them and a strong friendship with the other. I just see Eren as the best fit because they have really good chemistry. Idk tho, I said I'm biased. He was so cute in the last chapter with the date I was cryiiinnnggggg. 😭 Literally a cute lil cinnamon roll djdkdhekd
Well these are my thoughts I guess?? I'm sorry this is so long but tbaw gets me so excited I really love that and I wanted to give you some appreciation. 💕
omg, hello!! 🥰💗
i can't believe you've been following along since April!!! ahhhh!!! i think i've said this before but it's so crazy to me that some of you have been following along for so long 🥺 ty for your commitment i love it 💗
thank you so much!! i put a lot of importance in the dialogue because it can say a lot more than just what the characters are saying.... if that makes sense lol like what they choose to reveal vs. what they keep to themselves adds an extra element to dialogue aside from the actual words they're saying idk idk but i'm glad you like my dialogue 😭😭
i think some people, like reader, are quite taken aback by the reality of what eren's done. it's easy to forgive him when you're only told vague details and you see him act cute, but seeing this "darker" side of him come out (even though characters have been warning us about this almost the entire story) is really jarring and it affects some people more than others.
damn, you're lucky to have an eren all to yourself!! hopefully he doesn't treat you like groupchat!eren 💀💀
thank you again so much for such a lovely message and i'm so so so happy that you're enjoying the story!! thank you for sharing your thoughts and i hope you continue to enjoy it and have fun with the rest of us as the story progresses 🥰 only 10 weeks to go!
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robotlesbianjavert · 1 year
i’ve been following you for a while and i love your blog! got a question however: i see you blogging moral orel and i’ve never seen it but from what i’ve read on wikipedia, how would you compare the bad dad to bnha’s bad dads. is he fit to join the club. looking at him gives me afo vibes somehow.
eyyyyy thanks for following and keeping up !! you're a trooper. anyways clay puppington is way way worse than the bnha bad dads. like easy clear. one of the best characters! but definitely the worst dad.
moral orel primer
The thing about Moral Orel is that it's an edgy-ish mid 2000s satire about hypocritical fundamentalist Protestant environments and how badly one eager and god-loving kid can be lead to misinterpret the bible. It's got that irreverent humour. Skip the episode "God's Xhef" if you ever watch it. To set up my point, one of the running gags for the series is that at the result of Orel's shenanigans is Clay taking Orel to his study to belt him. And then his pants fall down! haha.
The series then takes a swerve, starting from the first season Christmas episode and leading into the third season, for a darker, more character-driven narrative. It delves more into the citizens of Moralton, the impact that their Christian environment has on them and their relationships with each other, and bits of history to understand how they turned out the way they did, etc
One of the characters most impacted here is Clay. While he's always been the second-most prominent character after Orel himself, and their relationship is central to the story, it's with this new take on the story that Clay really becomes the deuteragonist of the series. He becomes that much more fascinating a character, and his treatment of Orel and his family becomes that much more vile. Sadly the third season is cut short, reportedly after execs saw a particularly dark episode (not Orel or Clay related!) and thought. hm. that wasn't funny.
I lay that all out to explain that while Moral Orel starts off as a pretty silly, shock-value cartoon about how weird Christians are, it also depicts a lot of serious subject matters, and the treatment of that is much more frank and realistic and difficult as the series progresses.
So while he becomes a much more developed character that the audience can understand, Clay's abusive behaviour loses a lot of that wink-wink satirical irony. He's also CRAZY pathetic.
also it's got the mountain goats! that's how i first found moral orel!
how comparable is it to bnha?
First things first, I do think there are largely interesting things to say about how BNHA depicts abuse, despite the downhill trend of writing in the third act that I complain about all the time. I don't think every aspect is perfect, but it's like. I do think there's more positive to say there than how other stories depict abuse. There's actually lots that I love about what the series does, or think that it could do were it not hobbled by things and stuff.
Ultimately, there isn't really a bulletproof way of comparing fictional abusive situations to another, because respective to real life you can't compare one abusive situation against the other.
But one can compare things like the genre and structure of a story, who the intended audience is, what the production of the story is like, how much time and focus can be devoted to certain subjects and what the actual focus is meant to be, etc etc.
Moral Orel can pull together different elements of abuse, like the suffocating environment of Christian fundamentalism, the abuse of a self-destructive alcoholic, the neglect that comes from mutually disaffected and inept parents, the generational nature of abuse, so on and so forth in a sincere way. Meanwhile BNHA, as a weekly serialized shonen battle manga whose creator has become increasingly rundown, has Things To Say, but doesn't necessarily have the same capacity to devote its power to those things. Abuse is vital to the themes of BNHA, but it's not the center of it the way it is for Moral Orel.
So when Clay does his thing, stripped of the fantastical couching of BNHA's bad dads, it just feels more real and it feels worse as a result.
clay SMASH bnha's bad dad club
Never a question that Clay is a worse dad than Enji lmao. However one feels about Endeavour's arc, or how well-written or 'deserved' it is, or how successful and genuine Enji is in his efforts, at the very least he's realised that he's done wrong and wants to atone for it, while also grappling with the fact that there may be no way for him to do that. spoilers but clay shan't do this. you get flickers that he has regrets, but he'll NEVER change baby.
I guess Clay gets a one-up where his marriage with Bloberta is mutually destructive, harmful, and toxic in comparison to Enji unambiguously abusing Rei though. so failmarriage win.
Kotarou is actually similar to Clay though! Lots to say, to compare and contrast. I'm actually kind of obsessed, especially because what I said about Clay being more realistic also applies to Kotarou - Kotarou just gets less screentime. They're both deeply affected by their childhood and relationships with their own parents in ways they take it out on their children (the "explained but not excused" idea behind fictional depictions of generational abuse). They also project an image of the upper(?)-middle class family man and Patriarch of the household, either to make up for the failings of their childhood or because it's what expected of them as a man in their world. (Wee bit of conjecture on Kotarou's part but I think it has solid grounding.)
But there's also significant differences. Physical abuse is normalized as corporal between Clay and Orel, on top of the emotional abuse, manipulation, and neglect. Kotarou's abuse of Tenko is largely emotional, with the big slap implied to be the first time that abuse manifested as physical and a line crossed for the rest of the family. And while I'm sure some people would debate this, the idea that Kotarou promised Nao a home full of joy feels genuine. He did want that, the happy family full of smiles he lost as a kid, only for his own resentment to poison everything when Tenko can't obey the rules Kotarou created and enforced to achieve it. Clay, on the other hand, like. There's bits of him implying he loves his family but doesn't have the means to show or act on it, but when he has a whole speech about the sacrifices he makes for his family, family never rings as more than an obligation that he has to put up with for the appearance of manhood.
And Shigaraki can have xyz feelings about his dad forever, but he accepts and espouses the one true lesson Kotarou taught him, that heroes can't do shit all. His father was always a scary and domineering figure, but it feels like while he will never forgive him, Shigaraki does understand him more as an adult. Meanwhile, Orel tries as hard as he can to honour thy father until he can't anymore.
Again, I think that Clay and Kotarou are probably most comparable in terms of being the Bad Dad with some similar hang-ups and relationships to their kids, but part of what makes Kotarou interesting is that we don't know what he would have done had Tenko's quirk not triggered how and when it did. With his family finally willing to push back against him and himself feeling regret for hitting Tenko, could he have changed? We don't know! But much like I said when talking about Enji, Clay's never going to change.
All For One has become more of a cartoon villain that I am determined to turn into a dress up doll for my own amusement than a bad dad and is more evil guardian or whatever. BUT there's one thing that I almost forgot about when I was first writing this up, but realised is actually soooo interesting.
There's a lot to say about AFO and Clay being the primary "teacher" to Shigaraki and Orel! I that while AFO does influence Shigaraki's villainous ideals, he also lets society and Shigaraki's experiences speak for themselves. And frankly, Shigaraki has a lot of leeway and agency in evolving his ideals through his own experiences, particularly after AFO's incarceration. He sees AFO for what he is, probably has for a long time, and is determined to establish his own identity outside of AFO regardless of what Shigaraki has learned from him. Clay is much more strict and obvious about imposing his worldview on his son, but while Orel is desperate for his dad's approval and love and can be led to do things that feel wrong for that love, Orel never absorbs those lessons the way that Clay wants him to, and separating himself from his father and come to terms with what Clay has done is a much more difficult process.
but mostly i just think that clay could do this
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and afo could do this
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beautiful world.
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viilocitee · 1 year
so I’m delusional and I literally just started my dive into the Roy x Wolt ship and your last post abt them was SCRUMPTIOUS so I was wondering if you could give us some headcannons for their relationship???
HI ANON, omg, sorry for the late response!!!
Uhhh... I had to look back at my posts and I don't know whether you were referring to someone else's ask about Roy's marriage options and I was like "WOLT IS HIS SEVENTH OPTION" or the one that was a Mother's Day post and it was kid Roy and Wolt haha.
ANYWAYS, I STILL LOVE THEM. It's just that I am OLD and have to age up Roy and Wolt if I ship them (went through my drafts and died a little bit from all of my Roy x Wolt drafts hahahaha), but uhhhh, I do remember my headcanons from waaaaay back until now, so here they are (if you're still interested...)
But welcome into the Roy x Wolt ship!!
Roy x Wolt (as kids)
Roy is an absolute menace and no one can tell me otherwise. He was the reason for Rebecca's headaches.
Roy constantly dragged Wolt into situations resulting Rebecca just yelling at Wolt (because he's her son) and Wolt hated playing with Roy, which made Roy sad and so Roy would bring him things to apologize (turns out they were items from other people and then just got Wolt into more trouble...)
Roy wore a lot of white because he was the Marquess's son, but his shirt always came back a darker color... Wolt's did too, but mainly Roy's fault lol
Roy x Wolt (as teens)
At one point, Wolt realized that they were in different stations therefore he stepped back to do whatever he was doing in their supports (which pissed Roy off honestly).
Wolt is taller than Roy as teen and has the height advantage until he didn't...
Roy's puberty kicks in (mainly because I headcanon his mother as Ninian and therefore dragon blood causes slow puberty?) and just becomes taller than Wolt
Idk, they make up and etc, but Wolt continues to support Roy on a more personal level too
Roy x Wolt (as adults) - This can go several ways, but mainly headcanon Roy ceding Pherae to Lilina for the Kingdom of Lycia (as stated in FE6's ending)
Roy and Wolt stay in Pherae and do whatever they have to do, but the pressure is less on Roy now since Lilina is the one who officially needs to have a heir for the Kingdom of Lycia, so they probably adopt kids and raise them as their own
OR Roy and Wolt leaves Pherae and travels (read: Smash Bros LMAO) and they have their family however they please
My personal headcanons
This is controversial, but uh... Roy tops lmao. I prefer my ships certain ways and I've been shipping Roy x Wolt forever and Roy always topped, so if Wolt tops well... I'm not interested lol
Wolt is a few months older than Roy: Rebecca gave birth to Wolt and wanted another daughter, but got another boy (Roy) to take care of, so she never had another child lol.
Only Wolt really knows Roy's true nature--I know Lilina mentions that she knows how clumsy Roy is and etc, but I'd like to think that Roy actual puts up a front around Lilina as well just so she doesn't worry, but he doesn't do it with Wolt. Essentially Wolt knows how much of a menace Roy REALLY is.
Roy is hotheaded/passionate while Wolt is cool and a bit more calm (just look at their affinities in the game. Roy's is fire and Wolt's is ice/water)
Wolt learns how to hunt and cook from Rebecca, so Wolt is a much better cook than Roy. Roy probably sets burns ice cream or something idk.
If I haven't bore you yet, I'm willing to put more headcanons I guess! But thanks for your ask--I found some drafts of Roy x Wolt that I might fix up and post :3
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pebblysand · 2 years
Director's Cut! Way Specific Scene.
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i really adore the description in this, because it helps me really visualize it--how harry and ginny are positioned relative to one another, how what they're looking at instead of one another reveals how they are feeling.
I am curious, and you need not answer if you would prefer not to, how you were able to craft this, what your process was, because it seems (forgive me if I'm making bold assertions) like a thing that would be difficult to do given what you've mentioned about how visualization is harder for you than it might be for others.
do you, like, do the actions yourself and then capture each movement in words?
thank you so much for both your amazing writing and your willingness to engage beyond the published text--i feel so very blessed by both aspects of the goddess pebblysand. 🌸
Yeah, this is a super interesting question. This paragraph involved... an embarrassing amount of effort lol. I re-drafted it a number of times haha. It's definitely one those where, generally, *I* don't see anything in that description and I would very happily have moved on without it, but I hear @copper-dust's voice in my head being like: "DETAILS! VISUALS!" so I... yield to the voice in my head lol.
I think I've become more aware of my own limitations in the past year and have, as such, made a conscious effort to adapt. It doesn't mean that I'm changing my style, I'm never going to be a "visual" author, but I can make certain adjustments, you know? This scene could have further details on the colour of the grass and the flow of the waves, and the birds in the sky or whatever, but you're going to have to go someone else's fic to find that cause my brain is incapable, haha. Again, we're making lemonade with the lemons we have, here, you know?
That said, I've noticed I find it easier to generally add visuals at the beginning of scenes (this one and the one with Kingsley and the description of his office earlier in the chapter come to mind) because it's a place where I have mental space to remember to add them, as opposed to later when I'm so focused on the action, dialogue, etc. that it a) wouldn't occur to me and b) would distract me and annoy me as a reader lol. So, usually, every time I get to a new location, I try to force myself to describe it the best I can these days. (Ah, all the sacrifices I make for you, visual people 😅)
To answer your question about my process though, in this case, I just stop and think: how would these people sit? And, so: Ginny would be the kind of girl who sits cross-legged with her skirt over her legs because she wants to look at people when she talks to them. Harry - this is going to sound Very Strange, but I have a whole headcanon from a fic I've started working on but not yet published about the fact that he always sits in a way that make it easy for him to get up and run in one swift-motion. So, he always has at least one foot solidly on the ground, which is the case here. But, if he had both knees up (and feet on the ground), his second leg would be a sort of fence between them, he'd be a lot less relaxed and open towards her with both knees pulled up, which we don't want, because this is a scene where they're having a dialogue.
This conundrum honestly did led me at one point to sitting on the floor of my apartment, trying to find a position for him that worked. Sometimes, I think my neighbours probably think I'm totally cray lol. Then, describing as best as I could, adding in distance (3 or 4 feet cause I'm never bloody sure what a fucking foot is, please adopt metres people!) and light from the sun because it's a hot spring day and I wanted to convey that. She's in the shade because she's not Stupid; I headcanon that Harry's skin is on the "darker" side for a white person (a bit like my own, tbh, is that a self-insert? lmao) and that he tans pretty easily, meaning that he likes to think he never gets burnt, although that is totally Not True. I honestly think about these things too much lol.
Then, their looks are, as you said, also a symbol. She is looking at the castle - which she hates - and he is looking at the water. They're both not looking at each other, though their actual body language is very relaxed and open. That's the contrast I wanted to play with, for obvious reasons as this chapter is very ambivalent.
But, honestly, I almost deleted that paragraph before I published cause it bored me. I'm now glad I didn't, haha.
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goleb · 2 years
Is the DHMIS Gem AU mostly wholesome like Steven Universe, or does it have some grim things happening to the main characters?
I'd argue Steven Universe has a plethora of really dark moments and concepts that get overlooked or aren't dwelled on too hard due to having Steven as the center focus, so in that way, yes, it's exactly like Steven Universe 😂 But in all seriousness, while the overall plot isn't as concrete and developed YET (mostly from being a relatively recent creation, compared to something like, say, my KGTV Gem AU, which is also significantly darker and flavourably edgier in terms of themes, but we're not here to talk about that) I'd say it's a lot more domestic slice of life than anything else. It's actually pretty close to the Orphanage AU in that regard, haha. 
I don't wanna leave you with that short of an answer so, uh, here's some of my brainstorming attempt doodles. 
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Sketchbook is a glass prism because light refraction makes rainbows out of something that's clear, and drawing in a sketchbook makes something pretty out of empty pages. That's it, that's my logic. Theoretically Sketchbook could have been an iris agate as well, but I left that option for one of the fusions instead. Bit of an off-colour, but aren't they all… 
Tony is a blue star sapphire, because sapphires in the show are associated with time through their future vision (or past vision, in Padparadscha's case) so it's reasonable to assume a star sapphire would be as well. Also an excuse to keep his face markings, to be honest. Not quite satisfied with the gem colour-wise but who's gonna stop me from taking artistic liberties on that? 
Shrignold is a permafusion of a Rhodochrosite (associated with love, has variants that go from Sugary Pastel Pink to Raw Meat which I trust I don't have to explain in relation to Shrignold, haha) and an Aquamarine (considering the aquamarines already present in the show, butterfly theme and all), making a butterfly jasper (for obvious reasons). 
Colin and Laptop are quartzes, because quartz is commonly used in computers and stuff (and to keep time!), at least as far as I know. It's a deviation from the show because I was never fond of the whole "every gem of this type has the same role and looks and body type and corrupted form" for quartzes especially. I had to actively keep myself from making them heinrichites because it looks like a circuit board and, well, you know. Computers! And for some reason I automatically associate anything lime green with Colin even though there is nothing lime green about him. But who knows, maybe I'll go back on that decision, everything I say is still subject to change. Gilbert is also there, by the way. He's an Azurite-Malachite. 
Spinach Can is a moldavite, Lambchop is a red agate, Bread Boy is a bronzite, and I'm a bit on the undecided in terms of what Fridge ought to be. I sort of settled on scolecite. Didn't want to make it something as obvious as literal ice. Finally, Lamp Guy is a blue goldstone. It looks like a night sky, that's obvious enough 😂 
Both Yellow and Special One are half-gems, a childrenite and a pink petalite respectively. Roy isn't a gem in this one, but you know me, I do love my AU variations, even if they don't ultimately lead to anything proper. He is inherently a citrine though, if you're wondering. And that's my favourite gem C: 
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