#lil goblin wanted so much
sensitivegoblin · 2 years
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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more fanart for @sleepyjuniper's vison fic :3
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ss-trashboat · 1 year
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stickie commish for a pal on tweeter ~
get yours here!
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threemoonsqibli · 1 year
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Ranboo merch that doesnt exist (yet) that i want so bad i'm gonna resort to diy
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just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
The Cannibal dragon headcanons ...
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(art credit for middle image, ig: dracalyss)
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. Cannibal is a huge dragon, the largest of all wild-dragons, but I can't see him being any larger than Vhagar- let alone Balerian the black dread. I imagine he'd be a tad bit smaller than Vhagar- just about. His build is bulky and scarred, a thick neck of scarred obsidian scales, a set of jagged jet-black spikes that run along his spine, and covered in thick taut muscle and hardened flesh. His eyes are a blazing emerald green, teeth sharp and jagged like a shark.
. I also love the idea of him having this 'grinning' look on his face, like a crocodile or the indoraptor from Jurassic world. (His personality screams indoraptor to me, just a mean guy with a nasty lil goblin grin). And with his torn jaw and exposed teeth, it makes him look even creepier and menacing. There's something way too...human about it. Expressive in both his grin and mannerisms.
He's definitely a stare-er too. Something about a monstrously big dragon being unnervingly quiet and observing is uncomfortable, which is exactly the vibes he gives off.
. I like to visualize him as a very 'wild' looking dragon, like how'd you imagine a stray feral cat. His scales are rough and weather-worn, covered in large claw-like scars from fighting and hunting other dragons throughout his life. There's also fanart of him missing a huge chunk of flesh around his jaw and mouth, baring his teeth, which I think looks really cool :) as a young dragon he probably picked off the small and easy dragons, ones that wouldn't put up much of a fight. But as he grew in age and size, he would probably grow cocky and try his luck with larger prey. Due to him being an absolute monster, I'd imagine he'd often come up on top- but not without earning a few disfiguring scars in return.
. Despite never being bonded to a rider before, nor being ridden before in his life (he'd scoff at the mere thought of some little measly human thinking that they could climb upon his back and treat him like a pony), once he bonded with you it was like an instant connection. He is still a little edgy and unpredictable, but there is one thing for certain and that is he is always as gentle as possible with you. He'll press his body into the dirt if it allows you to climb on and off safely, craning his claws and jaw for you to step upon.
. He wouldn't wear a saddle, so you'd have to learn to ride him bareback. Thankfully he has many jagged scales and spikes to cling onto, but to be on the safe side, you'd have special riding gear to wear to help cling on. Rougher gloves and boots and trousers, it certainly helps, even if it's just a little. If anything the fact you ride bareback is a testament of your bond, showing how close and in sync you both are.
. The biggest issue with him would be his... diet, and how he'd have to adapt once he begins to hang around dragonstone more often. I'd imagine he wouldn't eat much, adding to the unpredictability of him and when he would hunt, but as his rider you'd have to supply him at least livestock every week to keep him happy and saturated. Cows, horses, large livestock due to his sheer size.
. He flies quite similar to Vhagar. His form is heavy, and although strong, he is lumbering.
Although at his age now he'd be a rather ancient dragon, he wouldn't really show his age besides a few moments where he just wants to curl up in his little cave upon his ✨private island ✨ to take a nap. In his youth he was most likely a very quick dragon, like a stalking panther striking upon his food. (Being younger dragons and hatchlings). I've seen someone write about him being a silent hunter (I'll reblog and credit once I find them), but that's such a neat idea for his character! He's survived from hunting his own kind, so he's going to hunt differently. Smarter.
. His fire in the books is described as green, and that's just too cool to swap it out with normal fire. Blazing emerald flames that engulf earth and prey, unnatural and mystical. It'd be very distinctive as well, whoever finds their fields or flocks of trees burning and crackling in a blaze of green fire, they'd know that the cannibal had just been there.
. Personality wise, I feel like he'd be cruel and sadistic, but wise and grumpy. Probably cocky as well, for having survived on his for so long and through unconventional means.
He's not a hardheaded bully, he's very tactical when it comes to facing challenges, but at this point he's such a huge threat he may be blinded by his own ego and emotions. If something were to happen to his rider, he'd make sure you'd get avenged. He's ride or die, quite literally. He'll burn everything down for you, because he feels strongly for the one human he feels he can trust. His grief is not silent or tearful, it's angry.
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worthy of trust
pairing: sebastian sallow x fem!reader
warnings: sebastian being a jerk & calling you ignorant, angst, feeling like you lost a friend but he makes it up to you with a lil kiss
note: i've been obsessed with hogwarts legacy and the gameplay itself is just phenomenal. 39 hours into the game lol and still so much to do, so enjoy this sebastian oneshot. based on his questline, in the shadow of the mine i think?
important note: i do NOT support hate towards the transgender or LGBTQ+ community. JKR has made her stance very clear and i could not disagree and be disgusted with her more. this fic and future ones merely pertain to the character(s) in hogwarts legacy and to my knowledge, JKR had no part in the game. if you are still mad i play the game/write fics for hogwarts legacy, you can scroll past this. thank you!
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you had no qualms about trusting lodgok since sirona ryan had known him for years, along with miriam. while the both of you had been albeit hesitant at first towards one another, he had proven his loyalty to stopping ranrok and was actively trying to be one step ahead of him - which is exactly what you, sebastian, and the others wanted.
however, when the opportunity arose to tell sebastian about lodgok, it all came flooding back to you - anne.
you and sebastian had just finished clearing out a cavern of arachnids, which quite honestly, was pretty exciting. you had even reminded him that well, spiders aren't insects.
"don't you start," he had responded, a small smirk on his face.
after finding the last piece to the tryptich and hoping to solve the mystery concerning isidora morganach, returning to the undercroft was the last step. you both were eager to see if the portrait piece would fit, and once it had been placed, you were able to breathe.
"please tell me you recognize the location in this bit of canvas," you said, turning around to face your slytherin partner in crime.
he sighed, "the good news is, i do, in fact."
your shoulders dropped, "and the bad news?"
sebastian turned to look at you, "we're in for more trouble."
you groaned, leaning your head back as Sebastian's eyes seemed to darken; gluing your attention back to your slytherin friend, he continued, "i know that coast. Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It's as bad as Feldcroft's become."
with a sigh, your eyebrows knitted together and you looked at the triptych once more. sebastian glanced towards you, "should we head there now?
you shook your head, "no, we should wait."
sebastian immediately questioned you, "why?
you gave a grimanced look, "all this time, we've been a step behind ranrok. I may know someone who could help us get head."
sebastian raised an eyebrow, "who is that?"
before you could even think about formulating your answer a different way, the words slipped out, "a friendly goblin named lodgok. he wants no part in ranrok's fight."
sebastian immediately became disgusted, angry, even. "a friendly goblin?" he started, "you know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up! said she should 'be seen and not heard.'"
you took a step towards sebastian as he stepped back. taking a breath, you nodded, " i do, but not all goblins-"
he glared towards you, "not all goblins what? have you forgotten feldcroft? have you forgotten the mine we just went through?"
you sympathized with him, no doubt. you knew how close the twins were, how much Sebastian loved anne and cared for her - but this fight against ranrok was against all wizardkind, not just anne. and you knew she would understand.
shaking your head, you tried to reason with Sebastian, "no, sebastian, i haven't. you're not listening to me."
sebastian scoffed, "why would i listen to someone so ignorant?"
you knew sebastian could be mean, cruel, but throughout these months of knowing him, he has only been so kind, sweet and soft with you. there was never any malice towards you, no anger or disgust. towards the goblins and ranrok in conversations with you, but it was never directed. it was understandable that what happened to anne was hurting Sebastian as well, but this anger was now at you, and he was changing.
you already had reservations working with lodgok before sirona ryan said you could trust him, but there was something he wasn't telling you. but it wasn't a secret that jeopardized your working relationship with him, no. if it had been, you would have turned your back and not worked with him another day.
it wasn't ignorant at all, you knew that. a bit sketchy at first, sure, but not ignorant. lodgok had proven himself trustworthy and has helped you in being one step ahead.
you stepped back in surprise, "that was cruel. perhaps your uncle was right about you - you don't know when to stop."
sebastian glowered over you, stepping forward as his words were laced with venom, "oh, i do know when to stop. unbelievable."
taking a deep breath, you turned and walked out of the undercroft, ready to scream. you understood where Sebastian was coming from but the way he talked to you was so...angering. maybe you should have lied about who it was, about what lodgok was.
but calling you ignorant? okay, yes, this was your first year learning about magic and catching up to the rest of your peers, but you earned respect and knew - for the most part - what you were doing. you would never intentionally put Sebastian, anne, ominis, whoever in danger if you were not confident.
with a sniffle, you made your way through the dark arts tower to your common room, ready to just cry about how upset and angry Sebastian was. but before you could, ominis's voice stopped you, "coming from the undercroft, are we?"
you turned around, eyes glassy with unshed tears - albeit glad that ominis couldn't see them. you gave a small smile, "oh, yes. we were just discussing a painting we found."
ominis hummed, not entirely satisfied with your answer, "your voice is shaky. what happened?"
you let out a breath, "i - we can't talk about it here, ominis. too open."
he sighed, and with his free hand, he grabbed your arm, pulling you towards an owl statue inside a small window, before it turned around and you found yourself...well, inside a wall at hogwarts.
before you had time to question ominis of where you were, he asked once more, "what happened?"
you explained everything, just leaving out the parts where Sebastian was intent on not stopping to find a cure for anne, but moreso focused on the triptych. when you revealed who lodgok was, ominis cringed.
"oh, that's not the worst part," you said, wiping a stray tear, "he asked why he should listen to someone so ignorant."
ominis winced once more, "yikes."
you grumbled, "tell me about it. i want to cry because, well, i understand why he is upset but lodgok is a lead to stopping ranrok, to being one step ahead."
your blind friend nodded, "agreed, and if sirona trusts him, that's saying something."
you both stood in silence, the occasional sniffle from your nose giving ominis hints of how much this bothered you.
"give him time to cool off," he began. "anne is a sore spot for him, but he needs to understand that she won't be the only one cursed without your goblin friend's help. you made your way into his heart, those that he cares about. you'll be fine."
you nodded, trying to formulate your words, "thank you, ominis. i apologize for putting you in the middle of this, but it was nice to have someone listen."
ominis smiled softly, "of course, y/n. meet you at dinner?"
with a quiet, "yeah," you watched ominis make his way out of the secret room, and once again, you were left with screaming thoughts. sobs immediately racked your body, regret aching from your tears and sore throat. there was nothing left by the time you were done, face dried with tears as you composed yourself.
taking a breath, you left the room and immediately looked down, seeing a letter by the 'door.' on the top left was ominis's handwriting, but the letter itself was unopened: told you he's gone soft for you.
with a pained sigh, you picked up the letter and opened it, reading the words:
we need to talk. undercroft after dinner?
"merlin's beard."
dinner was not something you could stomach at the moment, and to be honest with yourself, you were sure it could come right back up as you made your way to the undercroft. with a wave of your wand, you opened up the clock-looking door and headed inside, anxiety eating you up like a full-course meal.
sebastian had his back to you, staring intently at the triptych until he heard the door open. his eyes met yours immediately, and he softened.
"hi," he said, biting his lip nervously as you made your way over to him.
"sebastian, i-" you began, but he shook his head. with a small smile, he grabbed your hands and held them against his chest, "it's ok."
your eyes welled up with tears, "but it's not, seb. i should've been honest with you and i wasn't. I'm sorry, you have every right to hate me."
sebastian was silent as the tears fell down your cheeks until he wiped them away with his thumb. you sniffled, looking up at him. he grasped onto your hands once more, "you were hesitant to tell me because you know how much i care for anne, for my sister. you listen to me and want what is best - that has always been you. I'm not mad at you, dove. I'm mad at merlin for making that our last option."
you gave a sad excuse for a chuckle as he smiled at you. he continued, "dove, listen to me. I'm sorry for what i said. i know you aren't ignorant; i reacted harshly about your goblin friend, but you understand why?"
you immediately nodded, squeezing his hands, "of course, seb. i know how important it is for you to find a cure for anne, and i would never jeopardize that if there was a chance lodgok could betray us. but he's good, honest."
sebastian grinned, and you continued, "i'm not mad at you either, y'know. you're good to me, seb, and i was just scared i lost you."
he held your face between his hands, thumbs softly rubbing over your cheeks as he adored you, "you could never lose me, dove. you are one of the few good things left in my life and i'd be an idiot to let you go."
you swallowed a sob as tears clouded your vision, but Sebastian hushed you, "it's okay, sweetheart. we're okay - i trust you. promise."
you nodded and gave a small smile, "i trust you too, seb. promise."
leaning forward, sebastian nudged his nose with yours, and you giggled as he mumbled, "there's my pretty dove." and with that, Sebastian sealed your lips in a kiss, your hands wrapping around his neck as he grounded himself on your hips.
maybe you should send lodgok a thank you card.
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passionesolja · 7 months
Okay so I need Non-Early Access Baldur’s Gate 3 fans to understand how much they pacified Wyll in the full release. Wyll in Early Access was assertive as hell. None of the meek and mild pushover shit we got in the full game. Like if you didn’t get your ass to that Goblin Camp, bring him along, and act accordingly in that Camp, he would leave. In Early Access, Spike the Torture Goblin took his eye out so if you weren’t bout that action, he would get fed up and just drop all y’all. He didn’t give a fuck he wanted them goblins dead. Like tbh good for him. I haven’t played Early Access BG3 in a minute but I remember Wyll more than I remember anybody else’s Early Access Characterization. That’s how memorable he was.
So I when I played the full game I was a lil shook because Wyll went from this driven guy who was like “tick tock when are you going to goblin camp, you better bring me to Blighted Village or I’ll leave” to somebody who hardly has presence in a room. Early Access Wyll never came across as rude or mean, he just didn’t play about them goblins. He had a lot more of the “My dads a no nonsense duke” in him. I wish Larian had never changed it. When Early Access Wyll is like “my dad is the Duke of Baldur’s Gate and the leader of the Flaming Fist” you’re like “oohhh I see why you have such a driven and motivated personality”.
On one hand, it was nice to not have Wyll breathing down your neck about the Goblins but in the longterm you’re like “but at what cost?”
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http-tokki · 7 months
don't go insane
~ choso kamo x fem!reader (tattoo artist choso au) ~tags/cw: mature content, lil smut, explicit language, talking about the pains of being a woman (iud, pap smear etc), aged up yuji. ~ mixed/third pov ~ wc: 2.5k ~ part of need to know fic: chptr one
~a/n: very small chapter because believe it or not, this took so much mental effort to get out, I could not figure out how to progress it past the initial meeting but the next part is coming soon, this is a lil taster
Saturo was no help. A constant barrage of jokes flooded your phone screen in every form possible, with an encouraging text from Suguru slipping into the stacking text notifications, the former however was no help. The little goblin made of nightmares named Anxiety settled into the walls of your stomach, poking at the fleshy, spongey insides and giggling each time you clenched your fist. The repetitive motion usually calmed the nervousness, a habit developed in early childhood that had so far in life been a great distraction from the impending doom that seemed to encompass you each time you stepped a foot outside your front door, but today it was no help at all. Afraid of looking silly in front of two rather attractive men you find yourself abandoning the action in favour of a more discrete tactic, one you had vowed to give up in response to the scar tissue that had built along the inside of your bottom lip.
Getting out of the house these days was a little tougher and required more effort and energy to step out into the world and socialise, and that was okay; at least, that’s what your therapist tells you each time you fork over two hundred and thirty dollars for a sixty-minute session. It is all right to be a little uneasy when going out into the world because everyone else is just as unconfident in their footing, and you can only control your actions; the decisions made by others are uncontrollable and unplanned, and that’s okay. It’s all okay, it’s all fine. Fine.  You feel your lips pull down into a frown.
“Hey, you all right?” a voice asks from your left.
You turn to face the voice and are greeted by the smiling boy who had greeted you.
“Yeah, I’m okay, thanks,” a sigh whooshes from your body. “Just a little nervous about being alone is all.” You feel your mouth mirror the smile he gives you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
“Yuji!” the boy beams and leans further over the counter. “And don’t worry, Choso is very chill; he’ll even let you pick the music if you ask!”
You genuinely smile at his childlike demeanour, and your stomach knots loosen a tad. Yuji is warm, his energy comforting and familiar as if you had met him once before, and come to think of it, he did look rather familiar to someone you had met when you were younger.
“Have we met be-“
“Did you want to – ohh, sorry. You first,” Yuji stumbles over his words, pausing and gesturing you to finish your thought.
“I was just going to ask if we’ve met before, You’re familiar.”
Yuji beams at your question but shakes his head, pink hair falling over his forehead. “I don’t think so, I would have remembered such a pretty face.”
Warmth blooms in your cheeks at the blatant flirting, and you’re flattered and maybe a little too old for him.
“Can you stop flirting with my client?” Choso walks into the foyer, holding stencils, ID, and consent forms in one hand, and a pair of grey slippers in the other. The shoes looked a little too small for someone of his size but they could just be normal size and look tiny in his gigantic hand.
Locking eyes with your artist, you finally get a good look at him and he is unnervingly beautiful in a way that you never thought anyone could be. Deep shadows cradle tired mulberry-hued eyes that are framed with thick lashes that fill you with no end of envy, and his face is exhausted and gaunt, yet the fullness of his cheeks and lips suggest that he is healthy and not malnourished in any way apart from sleep maybe. A raised but old scar ran over his nose, tinted a slightly darker shade than his porcelain complexion, but it was the imperfection, the rip in what is undeniably a beautiful artwork of a human, that made him all the more gorgeous and the hair, oh god, his hair. Raven-coloured locks fell to just above his shoulders in messy layers and pushed back from his face with a zig-zag headband that had your chest heating in both envy and desire. 
More heat spreads across your face, tinting your ears in a soft blush at the heavy emphasis on possessive adjectives, and you know he doesn’t mean it that way, but you can’t help your heart's racing.
 Yuji frowns, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
“She could be my client,” he turns back to you, eyes wide in asking “and Cho can supervise, I need the training.”
You frown, dramatic apology written across your features as you look towards Choso. In any other instance, you would be willing to sit for an apprentice but you had been wanting something done by Kamo for months now and as much as you didn’t want to disappoint Yuji, you wanted Choso’s work more.
“Not today, bro. I’m sorry.,” Choso beats you to the punch, slashing through his apprentice’s hopes to tattoo and score a date with one clean strike. “Ask Yuki when she comes in; she’ll let you.”
Yuji’s pout deepens, and you can’t deny he is cute, but maybe next time, when you need a little filler or you have some cash to spare. You share a frown with the pink-haired boy and turn to Choso, careful to avoid eye contact as he holds out your identification card and the pair of slippers.
“These are for you if you want to change out of the boots.” His eyes flick down to the heavy Doc Martens that adorn your feet. “You can go into the room, I’ve just gotta grab a few things from the storeroom.”
Oh, that’s why they were so small. You accept the shoes and card with a shy smile, thanking him quietly for the unnecessary kindness with the borrowed slippers and follow him down the small hallway. You want to say something, a small joke to fill the silence, but nothing comes to mind, your brain suddenly devoid of any thoughts other than how much you wanted him to pin you against a wall. Fire twists in your gut at that image. Strong tattooed hands pinning yours above your head as his mouth trails down your neck, nipping at the delicate skin of your throat, then collarbones, then chest. How easily he could rip the front of your dress open, hands groping and mouth biting.
“I’m just gonna duck out to grab some more ink cups but make yourself comfy. You can sit wherever until we put the stencil on.” Choso stops in the doorway of his space, gesturing into the room with an open palm. “Bathroom is down the hall” he jabs behind him with his thumb.
With a shaky breath in, you nod and step into the room, carefully avoiding any contact you might have with him in fear of possibly melting into nothing but a puddle of blood and bones. He gives you a tight smile before disappearing down the hall. How were you meant to have him tattoo you if you could barely hold it together when there was space between you both? Your skin is burning, tingling with whatever it was he made you feel and there was an ache so deep in your chest it hurt, but all those things could be anxiety, could be caused by the fact you were out of your element and not by the fact you were about to be tattooed by the most gorgeous human you had ever seen. Or maybe it was your body telling you that you needed to get dicked down by Choso Kamo. But anxiety and horny go hand in hand, right?
“Can you relax for me?” Choso’s request is soft and accompanied by small taps along your spine as he readies your skin for the stencil.
A shaky breath leaves your lungs as you whisper a sorry and roll your shoulders forward in an attempt to shed the stiffness that had taken over your entire body the instance Choso’s fingers brushed across your skin. 
Your poor body has not known relaxation since stepping into the small studio. Between the constant heat coursing through your veins, your heart racing to the point of panic and your stomach twisting so uncomfortably good, you couldn’t focus on anything apart from the man before you, well behind you. Initially, you had wanted the tattoo running along your forearm, having just enough space for the small dagger and wings but after Choso had suggested moving the piece to run down your spine, your mind had been changed. It was perfect! You had been wanting to get something along your vertebrae for months now but hadn’t found anything you loved enough to commit, until now.
 What you hadn’t accounted for was how it would be tattooed. You had very well thought you would be lying face down on the bed, Choso hovering over you as he inked your skin but that would have surely been murder on his back and judging by the looks of him, he was not ready to make that sacrifice, so now you sit comfortably on a small cushioned stool, hunched over the bed to allow Choso access to your bare back.
 Oh my god, you weren’t going to make it through the appointment.
Warm hands are laid flat against your shoulder blades and you flinch, unaware you were going to feel the full weight of his hands on you.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean-“Choso rushes to apologise, removing his hands as if having them on you was a great offence.
“It’s okay. You just scared me, I didn’t know you were going to touch me.”
“Oh, uhh is it- am I going to “he struggles with the sentence, unsure as to how to word his question without sounding like a misogynistic asshole. “Are you going to be okay with me touching you? For the tattoo!” Choso all but shouts the end of his question, the clarification sending heat to both your cheeks.
“You can touch me, it’s okay.” You nod, perhaps a little too feverishly than you wanted to but you needed to ease his worries that you might be that kind of client. 
The kind of client that flinches at every pass of the gun and begs for breaks every ten minutes. You know first-hand how embarrassing it is to watch someone cry and whine because of a tattoo as if the pain was unbearable and unavoidable. You had suffered through years of period pains, laser hair removal, IUD insertions, pap smears, getting smacked in the boob right before your period, eyebrow threading and so much more and even then, you refused to make a sound. Almost passing out on the gynaecologist’s table when she rammed the measuring rod right up into the top of your uterus, and even then the only sound that came out of you was a small ouch. You refuse to be seen as someone who would flinch at a tattoo. 
Choso smiles back, restrained and small and you worry that maybe your over-enthusiastic consent may have contributed to that less genuine more annoyed retail worker smile and you find yourself starting to spiral into thoughts of needing to apologise and make up for the weird tension that now filled the room but that would be three steps backwards according to your therapist.
‘It is not your responsibility to figure out other people’s emotions before they have them and even then, it is not your responsibility to fix or change it’  
Each week you are reminded of that in that small corner office and you’ve heard those words so many times, you might as well get it tattooed on your arm to remind you of that fact.
So instead of opening your mouth and spewing word vomit everywhere, you smile back and take in a deep breath, nodding at your artist to continue prepping your skin for the stencil.
Choso sits behind you, gently laying the paper atop your skin, lining up the tip of the dagger with vertebrae, and he has to concentrate extra hard to stop his hands from shaking because he cannot place this stencil on you for the fourth fucking time. It had taken him three attempts already and not because of the size of the drawing or the curve of your spine, but the fact his mind wandered away each time his skin touched yours. Wandered to a place where no client should ever be found, a place reserved only for fictional characters and the occasional crush but here you were, front and centre in Choso’s mind. Bent over the tattoo table, dress pushed up just far enough for him to watch his cock sliding in and out of you, slick and precum dripping down your thighs and pooling on the sanitized floor below. Your hands grip the edge of the foam mattress, the other held behind your back fingers entwined with his as you whined and moaned, crying out Choso’s name as you barely held it together before coming all over his cock with a whimper.
The image has Choso’s cock hardening in his sweats and he curses the fact he decided to change into comfy clothes instead of the jeans he wore this morning. His attention needs to shift away from the thought of you and to the present reality of you. Looking up, he catches you already staring at him and for a split second, he freaks out and looks down at his crotch. Had he said something out loud? Or accidentally made it super obvious he was insanely horny for you?  The anxiety seems to do the job as he feels his dick softening, heart racing for another reason entirely.
“Do you need me to move or help you out with anything?” you timidly ask, brows furrowing in worry at the fact he had not been able to line the stencil up yet. Would he be okay to tattoo you? His hand did seem to shake a lot.
Choso shakes his head, puts down the stencil and reaches for the roll of paper towels on his station. “I think I've just had too much caffeine and it’s giving me a bit of a headache.” His gloved fingers pinch the bridge of his nose. “My hands don’t shake this much, I promise. This has never happened before.”
Yeah, he’s never had a client so insanely hot he has been unable to do this job. Choso was not going to make it through his appointment alive.
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toasted-melow · 11 months
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Say hi to bowie 🌈🌟💖!!!!
I have seen a lot people making tadc ocs and I wanted to make one sooooo bad so yeah here is my Lil goblin creature >:D
I kinda went out from the basic color palette that most if people using fir making them ocs in digital circus they mostly went to the neon colors or the circus colors in general fir me I'm a rainbow sucker so I made mine soft and simple ig?? Udkwj3akkw
Might make more About them I really loved this series so much even tho it's only one episode for now I fall for it 😩💖💖
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phantomspiderr · 2 years
Relax My Love
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x afab!reader (lil mentions of Natasha Romanoff x reader)
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Wanda just wants to help you relax in the best way possible
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, so much smut, so it’s 18+, fake p in v, little overstimulation, rough and gentle Wanda, reader’s a whiny lil baby, one use of good girl, it's a bit soft to begin with
a/n: half of this has just sat in my drafts for months and I randomly looked at it the other day and this happened. It was originally going to be a bit softer and caring but obviously, the horny little goblin that lives in my brain got out. Oh and this was beta’d by my favourite person @natashasvixen 🥰
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
You let out a sigh as you sink into the hot water, your sore muscles relaxing as you fully submerge yourself in the bath. Thoughts of the day slip from your mind and your eyes fall closed, head resting against the edge of the tub.
"Oh moya lyubov' (my love)," your eyes blink open and you take in a deep breath. Unsure of how much time has passed, your mind comes back to full consciousness as your girlfriend comes into view, "did Natasha work you too hard today?"
A small whine escapes you as you nod your head, Wanda sinks to her knees next to the bath, her hand combing through your hair softly. Her gaze is fixed on your face like she's studying you.
"Let me help you relax detka (baby)," her other hand gently holds your face, her thumb stroking along your cheek and your eyes close at the contact. Wanda places a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, your eyes blink open and a lazy smile plays on your lips. Your girlfriend stands and slowly starts undressing. You can't help but giggle as she starts exaggerating her movements, flinging clothes across the bathroom. Finally, she stands fully naked in front of you and you smile up at her, pulling your arm out of the bubbly water and reaching out toward her. She steps forward letting your wet hand graze up the outside of her thigh.
"Scoot forward my love," immediately you pull yourself forward, the water swishing around slightly and Wanda gingerly steps into the bath behind you. Once she is sat down, her legs on either side of you, her hands sink under the water to the base of your spine, slowly she drags them up against your skin until they come to a stop at your shoulders. Wanda starts digging her thumbs into your muscles, trying to rid you of the knots that hide under your skin. A groan falls past your lips as your head drops forward and you feel her place a kiss on the back of your neck.
Wanda starts humming a tune you don't recognise but the sound helps you relax further, her hands realising all the tension you have built up. Her hands start moving down your back, her thumbs still pressing into your skin as they move and she starts kissing along your shoulders. She starts at the top of your spine moving all the way to the edge of one shoulder before doubling back and going along the other.
"Nat really left her mark on you didn't she?" her breath on the back of your neck causes you to shiver. Wanda is reminded of the smutty picture of you Natasha had painted for her this morning right before they went into training as one of her fingers draws wet circles against the brightly coloured bruises littering your neck. You can only whine in response and she giggles, her hands continuing to move along your back as she starts kissing your neck.
"I love you so much," her hands slip around your stomach and she gently pulls you back to lay against her. Wanda holds you there while she presses soft kisses to the side of your head. Her fingertips lightly brush over your skin, slowly moving up the centre of your chest before she goes back down, this time grazing her knuckles against your nipples. You let out a quiet moan as she continues doing the same thing a few more times while she whispers praise into your ear.
Your eyes shut tight as she continues with her ministrations, your head rolling against her shoulder as she goes agonisingly slower. When you whine Wanda stops her movements, one hand resting splayed against your stomach and the other turning your head until she can capture your lips with hers.
She's slow and attentive with her mouth, taking her time to ensure she has you keening. Her tongue gently swiping along your lips makes your mouth fall open, letting her deepen the kiss without much effort. Her hand firmly holds your jaw, keeping you in place. There's a strain in your neck at the awkward angle but you continue to lazily delve your tongue into Wanda's mouth.
"Why don't we get you to bed dorogoy(sweetheart)?" Wanda moves to kiss your forehead, a quiet whine escaping you and it makes Wanda chuckle. She kisses you once more, your lips still touching as she speaks again, "I can help you relax more there."
That's all it takes, you're both climbing out of the bath dripping water everywhere as Wanda can't wait. Her lips immediately attached to yours, moving their way down your neck and you're whimpering for her. She only pulls herself away to grab hold of a nearby towel, slowly using it to dry you off. Her eyes stay trained on yours as she steadily sinks to her knees in front of you, your breath hitches at the sight and you have to remind yourself to breathe. Wanda's delicate hands move down each leg with the towel and she's placing kisses up your thighs and onto your hips. You can't tell if you're dizzy from the heat of the bath or from Wanda's sweet but sensual movements. You don't even realise that you whine out her name until Wanda speaks again.
"Oh, my sweet baby." You're almost hyperventilating at this point, your chest heaving as you watch her tilt her head to the side, her tone so sickly sweet and you don't break eye contact as she rises back to her feet. "What do you need baby?" You only whine more, how this woman doing so little can make your mind into actual mush you'll never understand. "Tell me what you want angel," she's slightly more authoritative this time. Her hand holding your chin, using that leverage to pull your lips closer, "need to hear you."
"Need you. Need you to touch me. Please, I just-I just need you." You're desperate now, the words just tumbling out before you can even process them fully. Wanda's smirking before you even finish, she loves it when she's able to get you in this state. She loves it when you're pliant and so willing for her.
"You're so good for me detka (baby)," she pauses to kiss you again, "go make yourself all nice and comfy on the bed okay?" You're nodding like an obedient little puppy and it only makes Wanda chuckle as she turns you in the direction of the door. A slight smack on your ass propels you forward as you follow your instructions and go to leave.
The groan followed by foreign mumbling pulls your eyes to hers, you'd been laying out on the bed patiently waiting alone for much longer than you'd expected. Your compliant clouded brain only focused on the thought of what was to come.
"So beautiful."
Wanda sounds more like she's talking to herself as she saunters over to you. Your head falls back against the plush bedding once your eyes clock the shimmery cherry red strap adorning her hips. This woman will be the end of you.
"Going to make you feel so good," Wanda crawls over the top of you, your body immediately welcoming her. She leans on one elbow so her other hand can caress your thigh, gently pulling it up to rest on her hip. The new position opens you up even more to her, Wanda's surprisingly hefty strap now prodding at your entrance and you can't stay still now. Your hips are uncontrollably bucking into her, the tip of her strap now hitting your clit making you whine out a moan. "Going to make you forget all about Nat, you'll be all mine. You want to be all mine don't you baby?"
You're over-exaggeratingly nodding, at this point, you'd probably agree to anything she said as long as she made good on her promise to make you feel good. Her possessiveness paired with her now rocking hips enough to have you teetering on the edge already.
"Want you to take it all," you're panting with quiet moans littered between breaths, "you'd do that for me wouldn't you dorogoy (sweetheart)?"
Your hands are practically clawing at her now, you're so wound up and in need of release, her words only winding you even closer to collapsing over the edge.
"Need you to talk to me," Wanda's nose nudges your jaw, moving your head to allow her to start placing open-mouthed kisses on your neck and along your collarbone.
"I-I need-I need you-fuck-Wands-I-please, please, please!" Words are not your strong suit so you just resort to begging at this point, anything to just get a little more from her. You're still mumbling out pleases when Wanda maneuvers to thrust into you, a sharp squeal coming from deep within you. Her gentleness subsides for a brief second as she sinks fully into you, your legs lock around Wanda’s hips pulling her even closer. A cocky smile graces her face when she stills, making you whine and squirm. Her hand cups your face and she gives you one quick kiss.
“I love you,” you feel as if your heart skipped a beat then when you looked into her eyes. The look of pure love on her face distracts you momentarily, enough that you’re caught off guard when Wanda’s hips start moving at a brutal pace. Your jaw falls open, profanities loudly echoing in the room. She’s not even been going at it for a minute before she changes up the position. Wanda somehow expertly gets on her knees and tugs your body down the bed a little, your bottom half now propped up on her thighs. She doesn’t even give you a second to comprehend the change before she’s driving back into you at a fast pace. Wanda’s hands pull your hips forcefully into hers, your whole body bouncing against hers. Your hands grip the bedsheets until your knuckles turn white and when you finally manage to pry your eyes open you see how Wanda looks almost like a feral animal. Her gaze is transfixed on where the two of you meet, one of her hands moving to rest on your pelvis, her thumb immediately circling your clit and intensifying your pleasure. You almost scream at the added stimulation, your vision instantly starting to stipple.
“That’s it, there’s my good girl. Taking me so well baby, god, you’re so perfect, angel.”
Just like that your eyes roll into the back of your head, you can hear your heartbeat raging in your ears and it’s almost as if your body is levitating. Wanda doesn’t stop either, she keeps pounding into you with her thumb still working you into overstimulation and you can feel your hips moving erratically to get away even as you keep moaning. Before you can even come down from your first orgasm she’s pulled another from you, this time you’re sure you’re screaming, the intense pleasure overpowering you so much you feel like you could blackout.
“What a mess you’ve made angel,” Wanda’s sickly sweet voice returns, she’s slowed her hips completely and removed her hand to instead rub both of your thighs. Your head is still spinning, you’re not even sure what planet you’re on at this point and your eyes blink open to see your girlfriend lovingly looking down at you. “I think we’re going to need another bath now.”
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ddejavvu · 2 years
What if one Monday after a weekend of crying over her bully!Eddie, he tells her she looks like shit and like she hasn't slept in days and she can't help but tear up so he silently vows to take care of her, and he'd force her to sit on his lap and sleep during lunch and little things like that. He'd leer at anyone who so much as looked her way, he needed her to have a peaceful day. He'd call her his little crybaby and make her give him little kisses as thankyous for taking care of her but she doesn't care, it's better than him pushing her around and smacking her ass in front of anyone who happens to be around.
What Eddie didn't realise is in this constant change of behaviour, he'd conditioned her to need him whenever she's overtired or sad. She'd start calling him in the middle of the night asking for him to come over and help her sleep. He never wanted to- he wanted to tell her no, call her mean names and put her back in her place but he couldn't bring himself to let her down. Every time he would rush to her house, climb through her window and fuss/kiss her until she was so relaxed and cosy she drifted off. He was never there when she woke up but there'd always be a thanku nudey polaroid or magazine in his locker or car as a thankyou for taking care of her
-🐱, sorry if this one is a lil weird- my meds have sent my lil horny goblin brain into mushy gushy subspace, I wanna be babied by a meanie lmao
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
i'll write the second part as a part 2!! it's very cute but i couldn't fit it all in one blurb </3
cw // bully!eddie. nothing terrible, he doesn't ever hurt her or anything, he's just annoying as fuck - don't like don't read
Eddie's grip on your wrist hasn't loosened since you'd walked out of class. Typically, he pushes you around, catching you before you trip and teasing you for being so off-balance. Today, though, he drags you through the doors of the cafeteria, and your stomach drops. Is he going to humiliate you in front of the entire room? Is he going to dump milk over your head, soak your shirt so that it's stuck to your figure? Is he going to shove your face in a plate of mashed potatoes and show you off to the crowd? Is he going to force you to eat something he steps on? Is he going to-
You're sitting in his lap. He's plopped down on a bench, yanking you down by one arm so that you land on his thighs. He has you facing him, your chest pushed up against his as you stare bewilderedly at him.
"Lay down," He demands, pushing his hand against the back of your head so that your face is forced over his shoulder, "You're tired. You look like shit, honey."
Your eyes fill with tears from where you're struggling to fight his grip, and he scoffs.
"Not a bad thing, crybaby. I'm not being mean, I'm being honest. Y'look like you haven't slept for days," He lets the back of your head go, thumbing roughly at the bags under your eyes, "I won't kick you while you're down. That's not really my thing. Just take a nap, get your sleep, so I can go back to messing with you."
Without another word he's pushing again at the back of your head, and you let his words sink in while you rest on his shoulder. You shouldn't let him keep you here like this. You should insist on studying in the library, or some other place he wouldn't dare enter. But he's warm, his shirt is soft, and though the smell of weed makes your nose wrinkle, there's musk beneath it that makes your tummy twist. His hand settles on your thighs, just below the hemline of your skirt, and rubs up underneath it, brushing the globes of your ass where they meet your thighs. You shiver, tucking your face into his neck so that you can drown out the noise of the lunchroom.
He gets strange looks when you finally doze off. Jeff sends him a glance that's far from friendly, nose wrinkled in judgement, disgust, and probably a little jealousy. He makes the decision to chuck an apple slice at him instead of an entire apple, which he's sure the man appreciates. Mike takes note of this, and schools his expression to be neutral, as he avoids asking about you like the rest of them.
When the school bell rings you don't wake, instead still lightly snoring against his neck. He thinks he can feel drool there too, and he'd be lying if he said the thought didn't stiffen his cock.
"Hey," He taps at your side, one hand still flush to your ass, "Come on, honey. Time to wake up, nap's over."
Your eyes flutter open, he can feel the lashes against his skin.
"You feeling any better?" He asks as you straighten from his lap, your hands braced against his chest for stability as everyone vacates the room, on their way to their next class.
"You're looking a bit better," He muses, not waiting for an answer. He once again rubs a thumb over the bags under your eyes, but then his fingers slip down to grip your chin. He pulls your face down, ignoring the way your hands tighten in his shirt in alarm.
"Eddie, what-"
"You owe me a thank you," He speaks only centimeters away from your lips, "I didn't have to be this nice to you, y'know. I could have flipped your skirt up like I always do."
You sniffle once, nodding as much as you can while he holds your face to his.
"Well?" His eyebrows raise, "I'm waiting."
"Thank you, Eddie." You mumble, the tip of your nose brushing his own, "I appreciate it."
He scoffs, "Not what I meant," And kisses you firmly. There's no pulling back, not when his fingers are hooked around your chin and tugging you impossibly closer. He backs away after only a moment, leaning back expectantly.
"Your turn," He explains, "Say thank you, crybaby."
Your hands inch up his chest as you lean in, lips parted to capture his lower one in between them. You feel him squeeze at the fleshy curve of your ass when you do, and there's a devilish glint in his eyes when you pull away.
"That's not gonna cut it, honey." He laughs, and then he's moving back for more. You're not sure how many times he does it, relentlessly jamming his lips to yours, but you're not sure you can stand up straight when he finally gets his fill.
"It's less than I want, but it'll do." He decides, patting the bare skin of your ass, now aching from where he'd kneaded it, "You'd better get to class now, honey. Don't be late, or I won't be this nice to you again."
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Obey me mom mc baby’s first word is calling the the brothers daddy if you are ok with it
The Brothers reactions to Mc's kid calling them daddy
Warning(s): cussing, not edited
A/N: sorry but I dont do fem readers so mc is gn in this. Thank you for requesting!
[Side character ver]
Diavolo had called you for a last minute meeting and Luci was happy to babysit.
He was in his study doing paperwork with the kiddo playing with a little toy on his lap and babbling to themself away
he wasn't really paying too close of attention to what they were saying
it's normal for children around their age to babble and try to talk and imitate what the people around them are saying.
did that make sense? I'm trying to sound smart I don't even know if that's true honestly
But he dropped his pen
and almost the baby
when he felt them tug at his tie and start stumbling saying daddy.
He quickly gained his composure and held them closer to him and continued to work
with a very obvious smirk
that may or may not have slowly turned into a warm lil smile
Overall, rly fuckin happy, might even very subtly brag to his brothers about this. He won't tell you about this btw, he wants you to have that first word moment with them.
the bby started crying then he also started crying and panicking.
He was babysitting for you like usual,
he always insisted on being the person to do it
even if he was busy from sunrise to sunset, he would still demand to he the one to take care of them when you couldn't.
The two of them were relaxing on his bed with the baby on his chest, surrounded by all their favorite stuffed animals
all of which he got them
anyway, they started playing with his glasses and babbling like crazy
neither of which were that much out of the ordinary, they have been very talkative and grabby lately
but when they babbled he always responded and had very long entertaining conversations with them,
he does this with babies you can not change my mind
then the baby started slapping his chest and saying dada over and over again.
Like I said, he screamed, bby cried, he cried, then nap.
When you get back you find them asleep cuddling on Mammon's bed
and obv you join them.
Overall, he is going to brag to EVERYONE about this, surprise surprise. He takes that title with so much pride that Lucifer would tell him to pump the brakes.
Surprised pikachu face
even if he spent every waking hour with your baby and specifically taught them to call him daddy
he would still be very shocked.
He was showing the lil goblin some baby friendly games while you were taking a nap in the bathtub bed
they kept trying to take the controller from him
but he wouldn't allow it, it was one of his favorites and he didn't want them to get all their baby slime on it.
The baby would start to get fussy but then he would find a way to calm them down somehow
this carried on for a little while until the baby hit his chest and yell dada.
Like I said he was in shock, for a long while too, the kid managed to get the controller from him, and only snapped out of it when you shook him asking if he was okay.
Overall, he thinks he was hearing things, it will take at least 10 more times for him to finally believe it, and honestly he doesn't know how to feel about it and will prob go into an excisional crisis of sorts.
You were exhausted from studying for exams and really needed some sleep
and Satan was more than happy to offer you some help with your child and give you a chance to sleep
so now here we are
Satan sitting in a rocking chair reading a book to the baby who he is cradling in his free arm.
At first the bby was very talkative, babbling all about, and playing with anything they could get their hands on
eventually tho he got them to calm down enough to, seemingly, pay attention to the story he was reading to them
sometimes they'd grab at the book when there was an illustration on the page
to which he'd bring the book close to them so they could touch it.
Eventually the little one started to get sleepy and drifted off to sleep
with quite the grip of Satan's shirt
their quiet nonsensical babbling never stopped tho
but that was alright, he found it very amusing and adorable and was content in watching them rest
that was unit he was able to make sense of the word daddy
he was shocked but just shook it off and held them just a bit tighter.
Overall, he is so happy! will rub it in Lucifer's face he also doesn't tell, he thinks you should have the joy of hearing your child's first words, and will also try and teach them your parental title to them.
Squealed so loud I'm p sure a few windows broke.
He was hanging out in your room with you and your baby for the day
watching movies
yatta yatta you get the idea
anyway, the bby was playing on the floor surrounded by their toys on the floor while you two were doing ya thing
then they started babbling at Asmo trying to get his attention and show him a toy
he thought it was cute and pretended not to hear them
and it was all giggles with yall unit the kid threw the toy at him and yelled,
you two were stunned
to stunned to speak
but when you did get yalls shit together he picks them up and did a lil spin around squeal.
He instantly rushed to the store with them to find matching clothes and new toys.
Overall, if you couldn't tell already he's quite happy, and he will rub it in everyone's faces. He may have cried a little bit but he surprisingly didn't care all that much
He and the lil stinker were hanging out together in the kitchen
well kinda hanging out?
he was making dinner with them strapped to his chest in that baby carrying thing
I think that counts.
Anyway, like I said he was cooking,
he'd taste test it then let the baby taste test it as well
only when it was safe for them ofc
and he'd change it a bit if they didn't like it.
Eventually the food got to a point where the baby really liked it and kept grabbing his hand when he tried to take the spoon away
but he managed to gently take it away and continue cooking
the kid was not pleased by this and started throwing a little fit
and Beel was quick to start rocking them so they'd calm down
didn't work very well
all he got out of trying to calm them down was a chocked out a little,
which did nothing but shatter his heart
and he quickly went to you for help.
Overall, shocked for like the splitest of seconds then quickly went back to fulfilling the title, he does mention it to you, he wants you to know about your babies first word.
Confused and pleasantly surprised...
This man constantly demands cuddles and naps
and the fact that you have a child changes almost nothing
only adds another member to the mandatory cuddle party.
Yall were in said mandatory nap
which was much needed for you, you were fuckin exhausted
and so was Belphie, as always
but the baby...
not so much, so they woke up before either of you
but do not worry
they made it their mission to wake the sleeping demon.
They started by climbing onto his chest and slapping his chest/face
and obv it didn't work at first so they upped the antics a bit.
Belphie eventually woke up to tiny hands slapping him and a tiny voice yelling
over and over again.
He was very shocked, he picked them up and sat up to make sure he wouldn't go instantly back to sleep
for a minute he thought he might have been dreaming but when another giggly "Daddy!" came out of the mashed potato shaped being, he sighed and laid back down with them on his chest.
Overall, like I said he is presently surprised, he'll tell you when you all wake up again. also refuses to let them go for the next week.
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discordsmuse · 1 year
Discordsmuse Masterlist
Hello friends! Finally putting together a masterlist to make it easier for you guys to find all my fanfics here since I only post to AO3!
These will be organized by fandom and character.
Baldur's Gate 3
dance me to the end of love, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Halsin admit to their feelings post-Moonrise and fuck on a balcony.
Silence, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav and Halsin fuck in a closet
Do Unto Others, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav wants to give Halsin some attention and convinces him to let her be the giver for once.
Enver Gortash
body more than just a flesh, you can sell it for success, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is invited to dinner with the Archduke and things get a little heated.
i will give you all that you need, NSFW/18+: Sequel to the above, Fem!Tav and Gortash bathe together before Enver gets a little handsy.
gracious men are those who suffer, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Enver w/ a free use kink.
legacy with no memory, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Enver Gortash w/a pregnancy kink
I wanna know my god, At least enough to fear Her, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Gortash have a lil bit of hate sex
Gale Dekarios
be my nightfire, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav catches Gale mid-alone time. Feelings and sex ensue.
sanctify you bedsheets with the sweat along your hips, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is fascinated by Abdirak and nervously asks him to teach her about Loviatar.
delightful little detour, NSFW/18+: Canon rewrite for what happens when Fem!Tav tells Raphael he's bad at sex.
Let the Dream Begin, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael Phantom of the Opera AU, slowburn
Office Hours, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael College AU
she keeps the candle burning, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael post-game
Ask prompt, Haarlep/Fem!Tav when Haarlep shows up at camp.
i wanna have a home, i wanna share it, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Rolan get together post-saving the tieflings from moonrise.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hector Barbossa
The Pirate Lord, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader post-Elizabeth being kinged.
All That Glitters, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite pre-CotBP
Liar's Bet, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite during CotBP and DMC
feel the edges start to burn, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader where reader is friends w/Carina
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
isn't it lovely (all alone), NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader closet sex
no death in rebirth, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader longform amnesia oneshot
Brought to Life, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader marauder's era classmates to lovers lol
Dead by Daylight
Contention, NSFW/18+: Ace/Meg against a tree hatesex
Breaking Point, NSFW/18+: Megmillan first time
It's Alright, Teen/16+: The survivors and killers recover post-entity
Anna/The Huntress
Not so much taming as growing accustomed, Mature/16+, Huntress/Reader friendship to lovers
Herman Carter/The Doctor
Untethered, NSFW/18+, The Doctor/Reader where reader annoying him but in the fun, bratty way
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg
Business Partners with Benefits, NSFW/18+: Heisenberg/Reader where reader is Moreau's niece
Spider Man
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
Working Overtime, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is his lab assistant
Bedside Manner, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is Doc Ock's lover
Jareth the Goblin King
Midsummer, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader at the midsummer fae ball
don't leave me lonely, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader sequel to Midsummer
The band Ghost
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia
Better Than, NSFW/18+: Copia/Reader where he's a little insecure about Terzo being better than him
Dracula (lol)
Nice Costume, NSFW/18+: Dracula/Reader in a modern setting at a party
Our Flag Means Death
Israel Hands
we do get desperate, now and again, Mature/16+: Fem!Reader/Izzy hurt/comfort unrequited love.
i wanna be yours, Mature/18+: Fem!Reader/Izzy first time together
The Quarry (2022)
Travis Hackett/Laura Kearney
• fell in love with the fever, Explicit/18+: Travis and Laura are forced to spend some time together 6 months after the incident.
• perspiration and alcohol, Explicit/18+: Travis and Laura meet again and become gym buddies. Laura pushes the line as per.
This list will grow/change as I write more :D Thanks for reading!
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 2 months
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me when i finally have my proper off days : why yes, out of all my wips, i certanly must finish this one. 🐾
(this thingy was sitting in my drafts for like, 3 months by now. an' after a long working week, i decided that i need to finish it as a treat to myself. the horrible goblin men can be a cute meow-meows too. for me they are at least.
but uh, admitingly there isn't much thinking process behind this one lol. aside from the fact, that after drawing them with cat features, i decided to draw them as actual cats too. so i lowkey designed the cats, i suppose. or well, at least i gave them some small things that would make them a bit closer to their human counterparts.
like, jack canonically have a bit of hair on his chin, pretty much always. my dude has no idea how to shave cleanly *crime master never taught him that skill, i guess* so i draw him those uh, lil hair on his chin as a cat too, but this time, its the whiskers. an' jon is always covered in hay, so as a cat, he might as well be covered in that too. prob bc he hunts mice in the hay all the time.
as cat people, they are like, pretty much the same men, when they're just men, without cat stuff. it's just that jon can get a tad upset, when batman calls him a 'bad'. an' jack constatly hears from flash, that this time he will put him down for sure *he never does* also look out for those claws. they are sharp!
anyways, here my nonsense as last post for this month. an' hopefully, a small charm for good luck. gotta just create silly stuff like this sometimes. an' i also wanted this to be a bit of a callback to the first time, when i drawn them together *even if it was a different jack*, both in colors an' poses. it was the second art, which i posted on this blog [waves hand] kinda a sentimental thingy, but i just wanted to do it.)
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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Purple Houses and Paranorman
(Single!Dad Eddie Munson x Single!Mom Reader)
Summary: Eddie asks you and Oliver to go to a special screening of Paranorman with him and Charlotte. WK: 3.9K
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Warnings: Basically none, modern AU, mention of a dead family member (readers aunt), There’s like one second where Eddie is checking reader out and his thoughts get a little carried away, readers son has a speech delay, reader is implied to be alternative and have tattoos but I don’t talk about it much besides her outfits, fluff fluff and moreee fluff. But as always my blog is 18+MNDI
A/N: So I might have gotten a tiny bit carried away talking about the house, it wasn’t something I originally planned out but it kind of just came to me as I was writing, I’d like for them to all live there together eventually. I’m trying to make it a lil slow burn but I suck at that so hard so we will see how much longer I can go without making them kiss LOL. Also I said these were blurbs and this is almost 4K sooo Oopsie. As always my requests for these guys are open and feedback is greatly appreciated.💜💚
Your phone vibrated and the screen lit up, the contact reading “Eddie🎸🦇” you smiled to yourself before pushing the green accept button.
“Helloooo Edward, what can I do for you on this fine autumn morning?”
“Hey weirdo” He let out a laugh, one you’ve grown to find comfort in over these last few weeks. “What are you and Oli up to today? The theater is doing a special showing of Paranorman and I was wondering if you guys would wanna go with us later?”
“What’s in it for me?” You joked.
“Ummm you get to spend time with your bestfriend and do something Halloween related, which I know you love.”
“Bold of you to assume you’re my bestfriend.” You laughed, knowing he definitely had become the best friend you have but still wanting to fuck with him a little.
“Me? I’m talking about Charlotte, you are her new self proclaimed bestfriend and also you do her hair better than me, apparently. Can’t believe my own daughter likes you more than me.” He sighed dramatically and you could practically see him faux fainting.
“Awww I love her, she’s my new bestfriend too. Verdict is still out on her dad though.”
“WOW I can’t believe you would betray me like this, I thought you loved me.”
“Don’t worry, you’re better at playing monster than me apparently sooo I think we are even. What time do you want to go?”
“I guess we can call it even, for now. How about around two? Gives us a few hours to get the goblins fed and ready to go.”
Jokingly teasing each other had become the norm for you and Eddie, easily falling into flirty banter since the day you met.
“Okay, perfect.”
“Want to meet us there? Or I can come get you guys and we can ride together.”
Something you had noticed about Eddie is how perceptive he was. He picked up early on that you’d avoid going places you’d have to drive especially if you’d never been there before, which in those first few weeks was essentially everywhere. So he always offered to pick you and Oliver up whenever you all did something together.
“Could you pick us up? If that’s okay.”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay, babe.” Babe, was something he only started calling you recently but it made you giddy every time.
He was also constantly reassuring you that he didn’t mind helping you when you needed it. He knows how hard it is to do this alone so he was always offering to do anything to make things easier on you. Even if it was something as small as picking you and your son up for a movie. At first you declined his help every chance he offered, used to doing things alone, not wanting to burden him. But he’s told you over and over how he doesn’t mind, that it makes him happy to be able to help you.
So who could blame you if you had developed a not so small crush on him? You tried not to, but he was all kind gestures, big brown eyes and chunky jewelry. So how could you not? It’s not your fault it was like he was your dream come to life. You weren’t positive but you were pretty sure he felt the same. Hugs started lingering just a little longer than they should have, hands started brushing when you followed behind your rowdy children on evening walks, the cute little pet names he would always call you that made your stomach flip, the kisses on the cheek you had started giving each other.
So after you got Oli ready you gave him his tablet and spent a little extra time getting ready. You did your hair in your favorite style and added just a tiny bit more makeup than usual, both turned out perfect. But now you were standing in front of your open closet, staring at it like the perfect outfit was just going to jump out at you.
The October chill had set in throughout Hawkins, the days still sunny but the breeze cold, not quite bone chilling like in mid December, but cold enough that you needed some layers. You were also going to be sitting in a movie seat for two hours even if they were the reclining ones you didn’t want to spend that amount of time sitting in jeans.
After trying on several outfits, you ended up deciding on a black long sleeve skater dress, the neckline scooped just enough to make your boobs look nice. You layered some thigh high socks and leg warmers before pulling on your boots. You grabbed a plain zip-up just in case you got cold in the theater and gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you looked good, and you hoped Eddie would think so too. He had never seen you this dolled up, usually wearing more comfortable clothes and simpler make-up.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, a mixture of emotions going through you. Excitement to see Eddie was in the forefront, but the nervousness was lingering in the background. Are you reading things wrong? Is it smart to get involved with someone that your son has already started to form an attachment to? You took a deep breath, checking your hair one last time before shaking your head as if it would erase those feelings like an etch-a-sketch, willing yourself to enjoy something for once.
When you decided you were as ready as you’d ever be you got on Oliver’s shoes and jacket before grabbing your purse and taking him outside on the porch to wait on the swing. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the porch you spent many summers drinking lemonade with your aunt. The various wind chimes that hung moons and stars and zodiac symbols chime in the mid October breeze.
You loved this house, it belonged to your late aunt who left it to you in her will when she died. It was beautiful but eccentric, kind of like your aunt herself. It stuck out among the many suburban style houses in your neighborhood. It was a late 1800s Victorian style home, with beautiful arches and various types of windows, a wrap-around porch, and a beautiful backyard with a garden that your aunt cared for until the day she couldn’t anymore. You and Eddie had planted pumpkins back there with the kids in her honor, she’s the reason you love them so much after all. They were almost ready to be harvested and carved, a Halloween movie on in the background and the smell of pumpkin seeds baking in the oven.
But what really made the house stand out was that your aunt had it painted a deep purple color, the shutters and roof black, matching the porch. The door was black but it had a beautiful stained glass window in the middle of it, depicting the same kind of crescent moon and stars that dangled from the wind chimes. Inside there were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living and family room that held a mixture of her old and your new furniture, and your favorite part, the kitchen. It had been updated since the house was built, but still held a vintage feel. Your aunt had the cabinets and drawers all painted the same purple as the outside of the house, wallpaper with those same moons and stars adorned the walls. The only modern thing about it being the fact that she had replaced all the appliances with shiny new ones.
It was a lot of space, too much for just you and Oliver. But you couldn’t bring yourself to sell it, some of your happiest memories were spent here. So you decided you’d take this opportunity and get the fresh start you’ve been needing. You didn’t have much keeping you back home anyways. You and your mom weren’t particularly close but when she found out your aunt left you everything, not just the house, but her money too, she was furious.
Now that you’ve settled you know it was the right choice. Oli started school and despite his struggles with communication he was thriving in class, you got a job at a local diner where you made pretty decent tips, you had this beautiful house, and last but not least you had Eddie and Charlotte.
A large smile stretched across Eddie’s face when he turned down your long driveway and saw you and your son sitting on the porch. He loves your house, he used to drive by it when he would deal to the rich kids in highschool and always admired it. But when you stood up his jaw actually dropped. He had never seen you in a dress before, you always looked beautiful but right now you were fucking radiant.
He got out of his SUV to help you get Oliver’s seat in and you were even more breathtaking up close.
“Wow. You look… wow.” Eddie shamelessly lets his eyes wander your form for a moment, his cheeks turning red when he reaches that little sliver of skin between your socks and your dress.
“Thanks, babe. You’re not so bad yourself, I guess.” You repeated his words from earlier back to him and he cackled.
“Ha ha veeerry funny, brat.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
“Reaaaal mature, nerd.”
“Hi Eddie!” Oli ran over to hug Eddie’s legs and smiled triumphantly, having recently gotten his new friend's name down.
“Hey little dude! How’s a going?” He gave your son a wide smile while he affectionately ruffled his hair.
“Where Char?” He tilted his head to the side, more concerned with where his friend was than answering Eddie’s question.
“She’s in the car buddy, you wanna to say hi to her while I get your seat in?”
He just nodded, grabbing your hand and dragging you around to the other side of the car where Charlotte was, knowing he’s not supposed to walk down the driveway without holding hands.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch you walk away, internally groaning when he saw that same sliver of skin from the back. The dress is long enough to cover your ass, but not by much and he can’t help but imagine flipping the skirt of it up and-
“Eddie? Are you gonna put the seat in the car or are you just gonna stand there and ogle me?”
You couldn’t help but tease him when you turned around and he was just standing there holding the car seat with his mouth hanging open.
“Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah- yeah sorry.” His face turned beat red and he turned his back to put the seat in to try and hide it, but you saw it. At least you know he thinks you look cute, mission accomplished.
Once the kids were all buckled and ready to go you got in the passenger seat and flashed him a smile. He turned towards you and reached under your seat, his leather jacket covered arm going across your thighs where your dress rode up. You tried to act like your heart wasn’t beating a thousand miles a minute whenever you were this close to him, hopefully succeeding.
But Eddie caught the tiniest little squeak that came out of the back of your throat when he first touched you. Feeling satisfied with himself that he had any kind of affect on you because you made him feel like he was in highschool with a crush on a girl he didn’t have a chance with. But you were constantly showing him that maybe he did have a chance with you.
He pulled a bag from under your seat, plopping it in your lap.
“Me and the princess stopped at the dollar store and got your guys’ favorite candy. I figured since the movie theater candy is like crazy expensive we could get the candy before and get popcorn and drinks at the theater.” He said it so casually, like it wasn’t a big deal that he remembered you and your son’s favorite treats. But to you, it was. Every single time you saw him he gave you another reason to fall for him.
“Wow, thank you Eds. That’s really thoughtful of you.” You smiled at him sweetly, the kind of smile that made him feel like he was going to melt into a puddle in the driver's seat.
“Of course Darlin’ anything for my favorite dude and my favorite girl.” He smiled back at you, the kind of smile that reminds you of sunshine that you wanted to bottle up for a rainy day.
He put the car in reverse and of course he had to put his hand on the headrest of the passenger seat while he pulled out. You just wanted to tilt your head up and kiss his wrist where his jacket rode up. You wanted to be close to him so badly, you’ve been trying to find the courage to ask him to hang out, just the two of you but you keep psyching yourself out. You didn’t have anyone to watch Oli anyways and if he wanted that he never hinted at it. Always suggesting things for you to do with the kids. Which you love, having someone think of both of you the way Eddie does is something you’ve never really had. But what you wouldn’t give for just a few hours alone with him, no kids, just being yourselves. But maybe he didn’t want that?
Eddie glanced over at you as he turned onto your street, you were staring out the window, chewing your lip that way you always did when you were thinking hard about something. Usually something that was upsetting you, so he did what any good friend would do and reached across the center counsel to grab your hand.
You whipped your head around at the feeling of his larger hand engulfing yours.
“You okay?” He ran his thumb over the top of it before intertwining your fingers. He had never held your hand before, and you felt your insides grow warm at the feeling. His palm was surprisingly soft against yours, but his fingers were calloused from years of playing guitar and working on cars. The juxtaposition of rough and smooth was more soothing than you ever could’ve imagined.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just got lost in thought for a second. Thank you for checking on me.”
You smiled at him sweetly, squeezing his hand in yours. Expecting him to let go after he knew you were alright but he just held on tighter. One hand on the wheel, the other in yours, hidden from the kids by the center console.
“DADDYYYYY! I want an icee, a blue oneeee!” Charlotte said in a sing-song voice.
“Okay baby, we can get a blue icee.” Eddie smiled at her in the rearview mirror and she clapped her hands in triumph.
“Oli, do you want an icee?” His eyes moved over to the other side of the backseat as he addressed your son.
“Yuuppp! Blueeee!” He said in the same sing song tone as his friend. He was always parroting her and saying things she said back to her and it warms your heart. He’s come so far with his communication skills since he started school and started spending so much time with Charlotte, you couldn’t be more proud of him.
Eddie held your hand up until he parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition. Squeezing it before placing a quick and sneaky kiss on the back of your hand, giving you one of those goofy smiles you love so much and exiting the car like he didn’t just make a bomb filled with butterflies go off in your stomach.
You got the kids out of their seats and walked into the movie theater, Charlotte and Oliver insisting on being in the middle so they could hold hands too. Eddie showed the guy at the ticket booth the barcode on his phone that had the tickets on it since he insisted on paying for everyone.
“Icee! Icee! Blue!” Oli jumped up and down as he pointed at the machine spinning the different colored slushy ice.
“Yeah baby, I’m gonna get you an Icee.” You chuckled at how cute his excitement was, letting him drag you toward the concession stand with Eddie and Charlotte in tow.
You ordered two small and two large blue Icees and a large popcorn. You go to pull your wallet out of your purse to pay since Eddie bought the tickets but you feel a large hand on yours, pushing it back down.
He already had his card out before you even open your purse, handing it to the woman behind the counter.
“Eddie… you paid for the tickets, it's the least I can do.”
“Nope. My treat.” A triumphant smile spread across his lips and he sent you a wink.
He always did this, paid for you, drove you, brought you little things he saw in the store that reminded him of you or Oli. It’s not like you didn’t have money, your aunt left you plenty of it and you had your job at the diner. But you knew Eddie did well for himself, he had told you some about his childhood, how he grew up with very little and he didn’t want his daughter to ever feel like he did as a kid. So after he finally graduated he and his uncle opened their own mechanic shop. It was fairly successful, their lower prices and more efficient work times drawing in and catering to the less wealthy people of Hawkins.
“Dada I have to go potty!” Charlotte tugged on Eddie’s hand, pouting toward the bathroom sign that was on the way to your designated theater.
“Alright sweets, let’s go potty. Oli and your bestie will go get our seats.”
She shook her head and pouted, looking at you with big round brown eyes, asking without verbalizing, something you’ve became an expert at understanding after having Oliver. Ever since you had all started going on outings together more often she had been asking you to take her to the bathroom. She had hardly ever gone in the girls room, always having to have her dad take her, so after you took her that first time, she always asked.
“Do you want me to take you potty honey?” You smiled at her sweetly, titling your head toward the bathroom.
“Yes! Please! I like going to the girl potty room!”
“Alright little dude, looks like it’s you and me with the snacks and the seats. They have lady business to attend to.” He grabbed the drink carrier from your hand, guiding Oli to walk in front of him into the bright colored double doors that led to dimly lit theater.
You stood outside the stall while Charlotte used the restroom, “standing guard” as she called it.
“Have you ever seen Paranorman before?” You asked her as you helped her wash her hands.
“No but my daddy said it’s a lot like Coraline and I love Coraline so I hope I will like this one too!” She smiled at you in the mirror.
“I’m sure you will, Oli loves it!” You helped her dry her hands before leading her out of the bathroom and into the theater to find the boys.
“Mommmmyyyy! Sit!” Oliver patted the seat on his left, signaling for you to sit down next to him. Charlotte sat to his right and to her right sat Eddie.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to sit by him before you even got here. But he felt like he was a world away with two reclining seats between you, it made you miss the old movie seats, at least then you’d be close enough to reach behind the kids to hold his hand over their heads. You missed his hand in yours the minute he let go, it still felt empty now even as you held the large cup filled with sugary blue slush in your hand.
The movie went as smoothly as it could’ve with two five year olds. You had to shush them both more than a few times and twenty minutes in, Oliver had to go to the bathroom, Eddie took him, he liked going in the boys bathroom just as much as Char liked going in the girls.
When it ended you corralled the kids back into the car, Eddie offering to drive through McDonald’s on the way to your house to get the kids happy meals and they cheered.
The ride was filled with small talk, jokes, and all four of you singing along to different songs on your playlist because Eddie even let you pick the music in his car. He never let anyone pick the music, it didn’t hurt that you had good taste.
When you were a few minutes from your house, just like before Eddie reached over to grab your hand. You took it instantly, intertwining your fingers and looking over at him with a shy smile.
“I had a lot of fun today, thanks for coming with us.” He glanced over at you at a stop sign, his smile sweet and his eyes filled with affection.
“I did too, thank you for inviting us. Next time I’m paying though.” You ran your thumb along his, the soft gesture contradicting the teasing tone in your voice.
“Yeah, we will see about that sweetheart.” He sent you a wink as he turned onto your street, giving your hand one last squeeze before getting out of the car to help you with the seat.
He got Oliver and his seat out of his car, you grabbed your son's hand and he held onto the car seat as he walked you a few feet to your door. He sits the seat down on the porch before turning to Oli and asking him for a high five, he happily obliged, even offering to bump knuckles with him in return.
“I really did have fun today, I love hanging out with you guys, it’s nice… to have someone else to do things with.” Eddie rocked on the balls of his feet with a bashful look on his face.
“It is nice, I’m glad we have you guys. I love spending time with you, both of you.” You were sure the smile on your face was lovesick and dopey but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care. “The pumpkins are almost ready to harvest, would you guys want to come over and carve them next weekend? We can put a Halloween movie on, make some popcorn, make a whole thing of it.”
“I’d love that, and I’m sure she would too. It’s a date.” His eyes widen as he realizes his choice of words and you can tell he's about to correct himself so you cut him off.
“It’s a date.” You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug that he immediately reciprocates, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist, his chin resting on the top of your head. You give him a final squeeze before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Goodnight Eddie, get home safe.”
He was beat red with a flustered look on his face, you had kissed him on the cheek a few times now, but something about this felt different, more intimate.
“Goodnight sweetheart, sleep tight little dude!!” He waved at Oli before giving your forearm a squeeze and walking back towards his car. You sigh as you watch him drive away, knowing you’ll be counting down the days until next weekend.
Taglist: @comic-harley @yujyujj @witchwolflea @ali-r3n @bmunson86 @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @sheneedsrocknroll92 @melodymunson
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rollforfelicity · 6 months
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This Saturday, I have the distinct honor of being the GM (or Tall Person) for a one-shot of Goblin Errands by Martin Nerurkar (of Sharkbomb Studios). I am a famous lover of goblins and other weird lil guys, so when I saw this game submission come through, I knew I had to run it for Incredibly Indie. The system is simple but crams a lot into the mechanics, and has some truly excellent roll tables to help you build the world and errands to send these errant gobbos on. And boy, what a cast do I have for this one!
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I got to play Trash Pals with Sunny in a one-shot last Summer, and they were SO much fun to play with that I knew I had to have them on my stream. We're having our session zero for the stream tomorrow and I really just can't wait to see what kind of character he comes up with (and what voice they have)!
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@trollmila is one of the first friends I made when I started streaming, and they're also one of my mods! They are so funny and talented, and I'm always delighted to play TTRPGs with them, especially on stream! They've played a host of wild characters but I can only assume that, to stay true to their brand, they will play a very troll-like goblin.
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I have had the pleasure of playing with @cherrydropru a few times and it has been delightful every time. Ru brings an energy to the table that I can only describe as quiet chaos. I know that doesn't make any sense but watch or listen to her play and you'll understand exactly what I mean.
If you like supporting indie TTRPGs, you are definitely not going to want to miss this stream! I have also been steadily adding more and more ways that live viewers can interact with the stream, so you're REALLY not going to want to miss out. (But if you do, I guess you can catch it on YouTube later.)
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