#literally debating whether i should clean.........
dontwanderoff · 2 years
i took today off bc i didn’t want to work on my birthday but now im actually so bored and have no plans at all for the day and there’s no one to hang with and my brain is actually being a dick about everything too so maybe i should have just earned money???
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akystaracer22 · 4 months
Maybe in Another Life We Would Hate Each Other a Little Less
A chance encounter sheds a little light on Adam that Lucifer couldn't have predicted, leading to a moment he thought he'd never have with the man.
Notes (Aka my thoughts while writing):
God is a dick and I wanna kill xem
Adam folds his wings like a bird because monkey see monkey do
Both these guys were traumatised by the same person and we don’t talk about it enough
Probably Guitarduck/Adamsapple but in a fledgeling platonic kinda way
Refer to my ref for what Adam looks like!
I listened to Rät while writing this and- it kind of fits Adam???
Jesus is God’s favourite child and it fucking shows
How tf did this become a sickfic????
Lucifer gets the experience of being me whenever I make the impulsive move to boot up Char.ai and talk to literally any of the AI’s, get aunt agonied bitch.
Oh my god Adam has middle child syndrome.
Can you tell I attended a Christian school when I was younger???
Adam was hiding just how fucked over he was from the wing rot but he’s not having a good time in this. Most of the latter half of the oneshot is him dazed from both the one set of wing rot and the feeling of someone touching his wing.
Shit emergency wing HC for Adam ig: His wings grow warmer corresponding to his mood, as in when he is in general happier his wings radiate warmth and when he’s in a foul mood they’re just normal or even a little cooler.
In saying that yes Lucifer’s wings glow when he’s happy
Word Count: 1902
Fic under cut!
“Fucking- Shit!”
Lucifer paused, looking behind him and backing up to peek through the crack in the door. This ought to be good.
Sure enough, he was right, this was entertaining.
Adam was ranting again.
Honestly it was a nearly daily thing by this point, probably the only good thing about his daughters decision to let Adam stay at the hotel. He loved his daughter, he really did, by Adam was… Adam.
Lucifer knew he was a lost cause.
But still, didn’t mean Lucifer couldn’t tease the hell out of the man since he was stuck down here with the rest of them.
Lucifer’s smirk at watching the first man rant quickly died as he took in the guys appearance, he looked…
“What is wrong with your wings.”
Adam jerked and twisted around, scowling at him and oops he said that out loud didn’t he.
“Piss off!”
Lucifer, in his typical fashion, did not piss off and instead entered the room, “No seriously what is wrong with your wings.”
Now that he was closer, the king was certain they didn’t look like that a week ago. The feathers, while already having looked like a wreck were duller and the colours seemed almost… muted. Ignoring the already horrific state Adam’s wing were in, they shouldn’t look THAT bad so why…
“I said-!”
“Have you not been preening you wings?”
Adam went silent, staring wide eyed at Lucifer much to the kings confusion. A beat passed, then two.
“What the fuck is preening?”
Lucifer blinked, he wasn’t serious, was he?
Surely not.
“By the heavens you’re dead serious.”
“What the fuck are you talking about.”
Lucifer debated whether he should explain it or not. On one hand, it’s Adam. On the other, Wings were a serious thing. He’d even seen Husker cleaning his wings from time to time, for Adam to just not know…
“You know what? For once my hatred of you is outweighed by my need to show you what’s what,” The fallen seraphim huffed, closing the door behind him and summoning a chair to block it from the outside so Adam couldn’t escape. “Come on we’re fixing this travesty.”
“What part of fuck off you do you not understand?!” The first man snapped, his wings mantling as Lucifer rifled through the closet, dragging out one of the many jars of oil he’d had the foresight to put in most of the rooms, perks of being a guy with basic common sense.
“The part where you’re being stupid and my daughter started rubbing off on me,” Lucifer shot back, his own wings serving well to corral Adam towards the bed, “How you don’t know how to preen your wings is beyond me but that’s ending today.”
“Again- what are you blabbering about.”
Lucifer paused, hand hovering just over Adams feathers. Preening someone elses wings was… intimate. It was something reserved for friends, family, lovers, and stuff… not enemies. Was he really going to just go ahead and clean Adams wings for him?
The seraphim’s eyes flicked over to where the ruined wing was draped over the bed. The wing was already in bad enough shape as it was, if he didn’t do this then wing rot was bound to hit it at some point and-
He didn’t really have a choice, not if he didn’t want to watch someone die of wing rot again.
Adam went stiff under Lucifers touch as he started work on the mans functioning wing, it was the easiest to work with, not the mention the safest to start with. The injured wing would no doubt be sensitive to any interaction, so better to start small.
Adam shuddered as Lucifer moved between feather’s, periodically reapplying preening oil as he went. He was right as usual, looking closer most of the barbules had been separated and needed to be locked together again. Grimacing, the seraphim gently scratched out what looked like dried blood from where it was hidden in the base of Adam’s Secondary coverts.
“What are you doing?” Adam whispered, his voice for once lacking it’s usual bite. Lucifer paused for a second in confusion before Adam’s wing flexed back into Lucifer’s hand, “Don’t stop!”
“Okay okay!” The king huffed, working on his primaries, “What I’m doing is called preening. It’s something beings with feathers do to clean them.”
“Like birds?”
“Yeah, like birds,” Lucifer agreed, “The oil helps take care of bacteria, but you got to realign the feathers, get rid of the ones ready to moult, and fix the feathers that are out of sorts, though you can just shake the feathers to do that part quicker.”
Lucifer shifted over to finally tackle the ruined wing and froze, a chill slinking down his spine. As he took in the state of the tattered appendage.
This close the seraphim could see the red pimples under the thinning layer of feathers surrounding the injury, it was wing rot in its early stages.
“Nothing!” Lucifer dove his fingers into the scapulars to shut Adam up while he discreetly conjured up some disinfectant for the rot, if he’s lucky he can treat it now and just get Charlie or Vaggie to deal with it now, knock it over the head before it becomes so visible the others can notice. He ignored Adam’s breath hitching as the seraphim started, just as predicted, the wing was sensitive from the damage done to it.
“But seriously you need to do this more, this is just horrific,” Lucifer grumbled to himself, not really caring if Adam listened, “Honestly I’m surprised this hasn’t happened to you before!”
“Mmmm tried once… I think?”
Lucifer, glanced at Adam’s face, it was pointed away from him, but he could still sense Adam’s attention was on him, “Yeah?”
“Saw the birds doin’ it and tried to copy ‘em,” Adam continued at the prompt, spreading his other wing, “It hurt so I stopped, didn’ know there was a method to this shit or someth’n.”
“You… nobody even tried to teach you?”
“I think they thought I knew,” Adam chuckled sourly, “I think they thought I fu’kin knew how to just- do this. ‘Cause I was meant to right?!” Another laugh, “I bit the fu’kin apple so I shou’da known this kinda shit! Apple of knowl’dge or what’ver.”
Lucifer, wisely, didn’t say anything, he just kept working on Adam’s ruined wing, applying the disinfectant, and fixing what few feathers were still healthy and removing the rest. If it was anyone else in this situation he’s wrap the wing and tell them to rest but… it was still Adam that was in this mess.
“I- why didn’t they teach me? Luci why didn’t they teach me this shit?”
“I… don’t know,” Lucifer replied carefully, deliberately skipping over the butchering of his name that sounded way to close to a nickname for comfort, “Come on, up you get he still got the underside to finish then I’ll be out.”
Adam grumbled but complied, sitting up a little to turn around as Lucifer summoned a pillow for Adam to lean back on. Rolling his neck Lucifer got to work on the auxiliary feathers, the lighter feathers were definitely in better shape, but then again that wasn’t exactly a high bar, and they still were looking rough.
“Jesus was prob’bly taught how to preen himself.”
Lucifer’s shoulders hitched as his wings tucked in against his back abruptly. Jesus… was a rough topic. For all sinners talked about him, Lucifer never met him but from the sinners around that time… it was never a fun conversation. Pretentious once kings cursing his name while hopeless commoners lined up for the exorcists blade, faithful until the end that Jesus would let them into heaven if they just believed in him.
… there was a pattern in there, wasn’t there. Like father like son, he supposed.
“Jesus was made from me and yet he’s God’s favourite fukin kid, course he’d fucking know how to preen,” Adam continued unimpeded, “Doesn’t matter if I was Gods first- Jesus was always fucking better than me.”
Okay! Lucifer was in no way prepared for this conversation, but he highly doubted Adam was even going to remember this conversation, so he just focused on the wings.
“…Luci, do they all hate me?”
Lucifer sincerely wished Anthony, or just anyone really would bust down the door at this moment, at least then he could get himself out of this conversation.
“Why do you think that?” the seraphim deflected, moving onto Adam’s good wing and going through his coverts.
“Because none of them ever fucking did this,” Adam waved his hand haphazardly before letting it rest on his chest, “You’re my enemy but you’re fixin’ my fu’kin wings because I’m too stupid and useless to just figure it out myself.”
“Not useless,” The words left Lucifer’s lips without his input, damn himself to double hell, but it managed to shut up Adam, so he kept on the thought train, “You’re not useless you were just never taught, it’s not your fault heaven doesn’t think.”
“Is God’s prodigal son and shouldn’t be counted.”
Adam huffed and leaned back on the pillow, “Why’re you good at this?”
“I’ve had aeon’s to learn, and over a decade of putting it in practice,” Lucifer thought about his daughter, a small smile making it’s way into his expression, she really was the best thing to happen to him.
He finished up with Adams good wing and moved onto finishing off the wrecked one. Applying the disinfectant to the infected spots on the underside before reaching for the preening oil again.
“Y’know, maybe in another life we would’ve hated each other less.”
Lucifer just laughed and started preening the wing, yeah right, maybe in a reality where the apple incident never happened, “You’re sick Adam, feverish even.”
“And you’re a wife-stealer.”
“Should have been better in bed.”
“Fuck you,”
Lucifer stuck his tongue out at the first man, earning a tired chuckle. Then the seraphim blinked at the sudden warmth radiating out from the feathers. What in the-?
“Oh… they haven’t done that in a while.”
Lucifer blinked up at Adam who was staring at his feathers in amazement, “Ackde-whuh?”
Adam leaned back and closed his eyes, “Yeah… sometimes they just get warm all of a sudden it’s weird. Hasn’t happened in a while though. Apparently it sometimes happened when Lute was around? I dunno why.”
Lucifer blinked a couple of times before letting out a small “huh” and running a hand through the ruined wing, it was definitely warmer.
Sighing, Lucifer let his hand fall away despite the wing chasing it, “Alright well your wings are definitely cleaner now, so I’ll be out of your hair now.”
The seraphim stood up to leave through the balcony, opening the window and almost stepping out when Adam called after him, still sounding exhausted.
“I can see why they left me for you.”
Lucifer paused, before smiling sardonically and looking back at Adam, who looked like he might have just passed out.
“Tell me that when you’re not delusional from illness and I might believe you.”
With that, Lucifer stepped out and left for his own room… though, if Adam woke up to a small plush duck on his nightstand, that was between Lucifer and the god that cast him down.
But there is one thing Lucifer will admit.
Maybe Charlie wasn't wrong about thinking Adam could be redeemed.
@sleepy-hijinx @whatataha @cyborg0109 @birbisanon @legogator @overlord-rey @luckyburgerz @spiny-dogfishes @justakidicarus
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 1 year
Oh No, There’s Only One Bed
Bradley Bradshaw x reader 2k words summary: The hotel is all booked out and now you have to share a room with Bradley Bradshaw. Worse, you have to share a bed. 
there’s not much plot in this. so like dont get your hopes up. im not happy with how it turned out
prequel to “Oh No, There's An Arm Around My Waist”, can be read seperately tho
top gun masterlist
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“You have got to be kidding me.” 
You couldn’t help yourself, already regretting the words once they’d left your mouth. The poor receptionist played no part in this - it wasn’t his fault. You weren’t usually this rude to hotel staff. 
“I’m sorry ma’am, but we’re all booked out for tonight. It’s a twin room or no room at all.”
“C’mon, we can make it work.” 
You looked up at Bradley like he was out of his mind. And he even had the audacity to grin at you. “It’s just one night.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
You couldn’t believe that he was actually supporting this dumb fucking idea. “We can’t share a room. We can’t share a bed, Bradshaw.” 
He raised his eyebrows and you bit your lip, mentally roundhouse-kicking yourself in the face. Why did you have to be so obviously avoidant? Your fight-or-flight was kicking in at the mere proposal. It was too obvious. Were normal people as desperately opposed to the idea of sharing a bed with a friend? Probably not. So why the fuck were you? 
Because maybe Bradley was not just a friend. 
Because maybe you were totally in love with him. And because maybe you’d rather die than ever admit that and get rejected. 
“I mean-” You scrambled for words, for a quick excuse that would make sense, that would save you from at least some of the embarrassment. “You know, like, we’re friends. Friends don’t share a bed.” 
Welp, that did not work. Horrible miss. Dart stuck in the wall-kind of miss. 
“I’ll build a pillow wall if that makes you feel better”, Bradley promised, failing to hide his amusement. You clenched your jaw. 
You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t. 
“There’s other hotels”, you tried, desperate to find a different solution. 
“Yeah”, he nodded, almost too enthusiastically. “Sure. Because those aren’t booked out.” 
Alright. So maybe he had a point. 
The only options here were sleeping on the floor of a subway station in San Diego or sharing a bed with him. And the fact that you actually took two seconds debating whether getting chlamydia would be worth not having to sleep pressed up against Bradley’s (warm and very comfortable) chest in a clean bed told you enough about just how far you’d fallen for him already. You were in too deep. And after tonight, you’d be a goner. 
But you really, really did not want to spend the night on the subway. 
“Fuck this”, you muttered, turning back to the poor receptionist who looked like he’d rather be on the subway getting chlamydia himself than here and forcefully smiled at him. “We’ll take the room, thank you.”
The door swung open and you blindly reached for the light switch, flipping it on before trudging into the room with your suitcase in one hand and the keys in the other. 
You parked the suitcase in some random corner, threw your jacket onto the tiny table and looked up only to see that Bradley had already claimed the left side of the bed, arms and legs spread out, eyes closed. There was a lump in your throat as you watched him breathe that should not have been there. Neither should the flutter in your tummy. Neither should the heat in your cheeks when he opened his eyes and caught you staring. 
“This is like some fucked up scene straight out of a shitty rom-com”, you complained - the only thing you knew how to do so you wouldn’t drool. He looked way too attractive doing literally nothing. You were not okay with that. Especially now that you had to share the bed with him. 
He tucked his hands behind his head (his biceps flexed ridiculously) and chuckled. 
“You love rom-coms”, he reminded you. 
“Yeah, but only good ones with actual plot and characters that have personality.” 
(This was, in itself, an absolute and total lie and Bradley definitely knew that. He was right - you loved rom-coms. You loved all of them. Especially the shitty ones with no plot whatsoever except “Oh we’re two idiots in love”. But you’d thought it would be much more fun if life played out like that - you hadn’t thought it would be like this.) 
“You’re a bad liar”, he laughed, propping himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you. 
“Am not”, you protested. He hummed. 
“You definitely are.” 
Then he patted the other side of the bed again. “Stop pouting and get in.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, bending down to put your suitcase on the ground and undo the zipper. 
“Gotta change first, Bradshaw. You can build that pillow wall while I’m in the bathroom.” 
His chuckle followed you even as you closed the door behind you half a minute later and it took you longer than it should have to change into pajamas - shout out to your shaking hands - partly because you spent five minutes brushing your teeth, looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to calm your nerves by telling your reflection all kinds of reassurances. (”It’s just one night” and “If you stay on your side you won’t even know he’s there” and “You’ll both be asleep anyway”)
You almost had a heart attack when you left the bathroom again. 
Because yes, Bradley was still in bed, and that in itself was stressful enough. But mainly because he’d kicked the covers to his feet and his pajamas, if one could call it that, consisted only of his briefs. 
At least he had the decency to look apologetic. 
“Sorry”, he said, gesturing at himself. “I don’t have sleepwear with me. I usually sleep naked.” 
Because of course he did. Of course Bradley fucking Bradshaw slept naked. 
“Uh”, you managed, mind completely blank. You were very, very much aware of the fact that you should say something. You just did not have the mental capacity to come up with anything whatsoever. 
There was a goddamn Adonis in your bed. 
If you’d thought you weren’t wearing much before (because you really weren’t, you’d expected San Diego to be warm and had only packed a skimpy little nightgown) then Bradley was wearing literally nothing. 
And, well, he kind of was wearing nothing. 
Couldn’t he at least have kept the covers up? But no. You knew him. He was basically a live heating pad. He’d die if he pulled them up.
“Okay”, you eventually managed to croax out, forcing your feet to work, to carry you to the right side - your side - of the bed, to flick on the lamp on your bedside table and turn off the big one, all without thinking. “Yeah, no worries.” 
“Good.” He nodded his head for what had to be the better part of ten full seconds. “Good.” 
The silence felt awkward. You were just sitting on the edge of the bed and he was propped up on his elbows on his side, staring holes into the air, not saying anything. Eventually he cleared his throat. 
“Wanna, like, sleep?” 
“Oh, yeah.” You busied yourself with the covers so you wouldn’t have to look at him, carefully sliding underneath them. “Yeah, we probably should.” 
Only the rustling of the sheets filled the room until you were finally lying flat on the mattress, head resting on the pillow, and then there was silence again and you wanted to scream. This was more uncomfortable than anything else had ever been with him. Usually it was easy and light and that was why you liked him so much, that was why the two of you had initially become friends at all, but this... this was so heavy. Like something looming over the two of you that neither was addressing, just staring at it, aware that it was there but not doing anything about it. 
This time, you cleared your throat, reached for the bedside lamp and turned that off too. The room was dark without it. You could only make out his contours next to you, hear the sound of his breath. 
“Good night then”, you whispered, listening as his sheets rustled as well as he lay back, turning onto his side so that he was facing you. For a moment you felt the urge to do the same, but before you could even think about moving you were already swatting the idea away with an imaginary broom and locking it out of your imaginary house. Like hell you were gonna face him. Nuh-uh. You’d rather take the subway and the chlamydia after all. 
“Good night”, he said softly, adjusting his hands one final time before the quiet of the night enveloped the two of you. 
You tried to even your breathing, to focus on anything but him so close to you. You needed to sleep and you needed to sleep quick. But your mind was racing, your heart was beating so fast and so loud that you could hear it, your skin was burning up and you felt like you were about to lose it. 
You managed about five minutes before you turned away from him, onto your side, in hopes that that would make it better. 
It didn’t. 
Five minutes after that, you tried lying on your stomach. Which, to nobody’s surprise, worked no better. It took almost fifteen minutes for you to find the courage to turn onto your right side, to turn so that you were facing him after all. He hadn’t moved an inch. 
In fact, he hadn’t tried to sleep at all. 
When you turned and caught sight of him (bare chest and messy hair and fuck) you almost screamed. His eyes were wide open, watching you, reflecting the little moonlight that was flooding through the windows. 
“Jesus”, you whispered, pressing a hand to your chest as he grinned, his face mere inches from yours. “Bradley, you scared the hell out of me.”
He didn’t even react to that. 
“Can’t sleep?”, he asked instead. He was so close that you could feel his breath on your skin when he spoke. You had to swallow.
“No”, you admitted. For a moment you thought maybe he hadn’t heard you, maybe he’d fallen asleep, but then he moved his arms and you felt a shiver down your spine when his fingertips brushed over the exposed skin of your arms. He wrapped one arm around your waist, his palm resting on the small of your back, and pulled you closer to him. So close that your knees bumped into his thighs. So close that your hands bumped into his torso. So close that your nose bumped into his throat. 
All of them were innocent touches: chaste, easy, light. His skin was barely grazing yours. But they were enough. 
Enough to go crazy over. Enough to hold your breath for a good half minute. 
“Relax”, he muttered, his other hand threading through your hair and holding you just as close as the one on your back.
You swallowed hard. 
“Bradley”, you murmured, not knowing just yet what you were going to say. Maybe you would have pulled away. Or maybe you would have bit the bullet and, for once in your life, taken the chance - maybe you would’ve told him right then and there just what you felt for him. Because friends certainly didn’t do this. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow”, he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head and immediately silencing your inner monologue. “Tomorrow. Just sleep for now.” 
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
FFFF: Froggie's Fuckin' Fancy Foray
In a previous post I was debating whether I should go to the Sam's near me, which requires a short 11 minute drive, but the path to get there is quite stressful due to traffic and construction and frustrating detours onto narrow side streets.
There was even a time when a bunch of signs got knocked over or removed and I accidentally went down an unfinished road that dead-ended into a pile of rocks. That was a fun moment. Especially when people stared at me as I did some improvised off-roading to get turned around.
Like I said... STRESSFUL.
Or I could head the other direction across the river into Illinois.
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A scenic 22 minute drive with empty highways to a much nicer Sam's. The extra 20 minutes of total drive time is a lot, especially after all the walking required to collect my groceries. And I feared it would test my energy limits, since I had to go to Sam's and Schnucks to get all of the groceries I needed. Sam's is great, but sometimes I just don't need seven dozen of something.
I was having a decent energy day, so the scenic route won.
My plan was to go to Sam's for the bulk of my groceries and then drive all the way back across the river, past my house, and go to the Schnucks that stocks my favorite new fancy Fitz's soda. Which would add another 30 minutes of driving. Though I figured if I wasn't feeling up to it, I could go to Schnucks another day.
But as I stood in the Sam's parking lot holding a five dollar rotisserie chicken, an idea struck me... "Maybe there is a Schnucks near here."
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I opened Maps and to my dismay, there was a Schnucks just down the street and for three entire years I never thought to check.
Literally half a mile down the street.
I think we are all familiar with the concept of chain stores varying in quality depending on the area they are located.
There is a Schnucks only 1.2 miles from my home. It is what I would call "tolerable."
Let's deem this location "TS" for Tolerable Schnucks.
TS is clean and has all of the essentials but they try to shove ten pounds of Schnucks into a five pound bag. It is cramped and poorly stocked and the lighting is somehow extra florescent.
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They managed to squeeze in a decent deli, but that is where the niceties end. They usually have one register open even if the checkout line wraps around the dairy section. I have yet to find a less busy time to go. It's always filled to the brim with people—morning, noon, and night.
And, frustratingly, they rarely stock my new botique soda obsession, Fitz's.
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I allow myself one occasional sugary treat to manage the cravings and I never know if they are going to have it.
However, if I travel an extra 15 minutes then I can upgrade to the Schnucks I would call "nice." So we'll go with "NS" for Nice Schnucks.
Weirdly the NS is near the "tolerable" Sam's (no acronym because that would be confusing with Tolerable Schnucks (TS)). They are only 3 minutes apart but the store quality difference is pretty drastic. If I have the energy, I will try to stop at both places in one trip since they are so near each other.
NS is a much bigger store than TS and they even have a bigger selection to go with that extra space. I have to get my fancy soda there because I guess TS figured "let's just fill the aisle with Diet Coke and nothing else." NS has a much bigger deli and full bakery and a fish person and even a quaint little floral department. They usually have multiple registers open and they stay open past 8pm so you can go when it isn't busy. The lighting is a little better, they keep things in stock, and they even have half-sized shopping carts that are easier to push if you only need a few things.
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I thought that was the gold standard for Schnucks.
As nice as it gets.
But then I discovered this new Schnucks near the Nice Sam's and that assertion was about to be shattered.
Let me introduce you to the FFS.
The Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks.
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The first thing you notice at the FFS is the front has well-maintained landscaping. Like, proper shrubbery.
That's fuckin' fancy.
The second you enter the store you are greeted with a fully staffed floral department.
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It felt like if Valentine's Day could manifest a jungle. Brightly colored flowers everywhere surrounded by mylar balloons wishing people happy whatevers.
Then I turned the corner to see the biggest Schnucks of my life. With one entire side of the store dedicated to bespoke food items.
They got a deli. They got a bakery. They got a fish person. They got another fish person who just makes sushi all day.
They have an entire wall of prepared food items made at the store daily. Sandwiches and salads and pastas and full chickens. They even make their own frozen pizzas.
And then I noticed... the Meat Masters.
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They have their own damned butcher on staff!
I found myself just going up and down all of the aisles and discovering new things the other Schnuckses never stock. The soup aisle was ridiculous. I was getting pretty tired and I was paralyzed by too many choices. So I decided to just get my normal boring soups and come back another time to explore the Fancy Soup Section.
The FSS at the FFS, if you will.
And the lighting was just so much more pleasant. It didn't feel like a 90s office building.
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And look at that flooring. Did they hire an interior designer?
TS & NS just have generic square tiles.
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I mean, I guess making some of them blue is something. But even the ceiling is drab comparatively.
And look at the TS Zapp's display compared to the displays at FFS.
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I will say, TS takes much better care of their robot friend. FFS stuck their robot in a very undignified location.
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This Roomba with a giant erection spends all day counting stuff and they stick him next to the men's room? Let him hang out with the Meat Masters or the fish people.
This is how a robot uprising starts.
The soda aisle was at the end of the store so I arrived there last. I was nervous they might not have my beloved bottled soda pop. Not only did they have it, but they also had 4 other flavors I didn't even know existed.
I guess you could say the FFS had an FFFS! (Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section)
I got that same feeling when you unlock bonus items in a video game. I don't know what the difference is between cream soda and "cardinal" cream soda... but I'm gonna find out!
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Update from Future Froggie: It's fuckin' tasty!
Future Froggie approves of Fuckin' Tasty Fitz's Soda from the Fuckin' Fancy Fitz's Section at the Fuckin' Fancy Schnucks and is sad Nice Schnucks and Tolerable Schnucks Failed Future Froggie with their Lacking Fancy Fitz's Soda Section.
FF approves of FTFS from the FFFS at the FFS and is sad NS & TS FFF with their LFFSS.
Got all that?
I loaded up the FTFS and my frozen pizzas and my non-fancy soups and headed over to the registers. They had 3 lanes open despite hardly anyone shopping at the time. I didn't have to wait in the dairy section for 25 minutes. So I justified that extra drive time and then some. Because standing in line is harder than sitting and driving.
So I guess I answered my question about which path to choose. If only I had known about the FFS earlier I would have forgone NS and Tolerable Sam's and just drove the extra 20 minutes across the Mississippi River to and from MO & IL.
On the one hand, it is kind of depressing that just like public schools, property taxes dictate the quality of vital stores in our communities. I mean, these are stores run by the same company. I know the physical property can necessitate some variation due to size and configuration differences. But it's clear they are pumping a lot more resources into the FFS. Not just more cashiers with a bagger on every lane, but actual experts in flowers and fish and baking and deli.
And who knows how much a MoM costs. (Master of Meat)
On the other hand...
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We live in a society and can't fix capitalism overnight and all that.
I need my FTFS and FSS at the FFS, okay?
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cheolhub · 2 years
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— A.NOTE: MY GOD. joon day coming soon, i have so much prepared for him ;) THANK U FOR THIS REQUEST!! he’s so 😩 i cried writing the last few i love him sm… but hopefully you all enjoy! sorry for any errors :,)
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ngl, his first time with you is suuuuper awkward– he’s stuttering, overwhelmed by you, probably cums too fast… but rest assured every time after is mind-blowing
joon’s is a natural leader so it’s no surprise that he’s dom leaning in means of power play
we all know he’s packing. HUGE if you will– he understands that, but he can’t help but have a size kink
you just look so cute crying over his stupid, big cock, he can’t help but get even harder at the sight
even still, he’s a very soft dom (usually), focused on giving you pleasure and praising you for taking him so well
says things like, “you’re so good, baby, takin’ my cock so well,” or “you’re so gorgeous when you cum all over me, so fucking pretty all for me,” :( says all the right things to make you fall apart under him
joon likes calling you pet names, baby being his favorite, but he also calls you pretty girl, sweetheart, angel, his good girl </3 etc.
he lets you top him sometimes, but he typically prefers to be in charge
there are some days, though, when he wants to absolutely ruin you
with your consent, of course, he is a real man 
whether he’s had a bad day or you’ve just been overly bratty or if the bartender's eyes lingered on you for a few seconds longer than they should have 
he can and will fuck the life out of you like a hard, mean dom
will degrade you, but only with praise mixed in
says things like, “pussy’s suckin’ me in so well, such a good little slut,” and “you’re my pretty whore, ain’t that right?”
when he’s mean, he has a bit of a daddy kink
he just likes it, you sound so pretty when you’re whining and withering out, “daddy! daddy, please!” he swears you’ll be the death of him
his favorite position is cowgirl (who’s surprised) cuz he likes how you look riding him
watching you fall apart on his cock makes him feral and he always ends up fucking into you and playing with your tits (namjoon is a tit man, do not fight me on this)
and when your thighs burn and you simply can’t, he flips you over and fucks you so nice and deep that you’re turning into mush
another thing, he’s loud (not up for debate, like at all.)
he moans and groans and grunts and just when he’s about to bust, he whines and it’s fucking hot coming from such a big man
when he’s super close and his cock is literally throbbing inside of you, he starts babbling about how good your pussy is and how you’re made for him and how much he loves you :(((
aftercare with namjoon
the best in the world tbh, definitely the best within the group
his demeanor completely changes, the man that once dripped with dominance was replaced by his usual, nervous self
so, so careful with your body as if he didn’t just ravish you a few minutes prior
cleans you up quickly, makes you drink lots of water, even brings you a snack to “replenish your energy”
he makes you pee after because he read somewhere that you’re supposed to so you avoid infection (always says it in a sheepish voice while awkwardly scratching his neck T-T)
 showers with you (if you’re not too tired) and washes your body for you while apologizing profusely for being so rough with you (even if he wasn’t being rough, he just feels bad)
and when you’re out of the shower, he dresses you in his shirt and a pair of your own panties and gets into bed with you and literally clings to you like a perfect embodiment of a koala bear
he whispers in your ear and reminds you how much he loves you and thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world until you fall asleep entangled with him
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Hmm, perhaps a fluffy date with an Arataki Itto who is trying to impress the reader by showing off for the event requests?
If that doesn't strike you, anything with Julian Devorak or Muriel from The Arcana would SLAP - I haven't seen many others into it on here yet and you reminded me of its existence jkshkjgfd
✿ 𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨? ✿
characters: murial, julian devorak x nb!reader (separate)
warnings: fluff, crack, the idiots (affectionately) are bad at feelings, mazelinka portia and asra best wingmen😤💪
notes: i literally accidentally deleted this entire fic at 3 in the fucking morning last night and went to sleep with angry tears like a bitch
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poor gentle giant has never heard of valentines day before so when asra and faust brought it up, he just stood there with a cute, confused look on his face and a tilted head
muriel has never pursued romantic relationships or even a normal human interaction at that so when asra suddenly brought up about a day where people ask the one they have affections for out on a date, his mind just short circuited
cue a cute flustered mountain of a man, tripping over his words, trying to deny his feelings for you
it took him a long time to understand that the butterflies in his stomach, heat rising to his cheeks and hand twitching to hold yours was a normal thing for people in love
and it took him even longer to accept that feeling and his affections towards you
it took hours of lecture from both asra and his familiar faust to knock some sense into the gentle giant
when muriel returned to his little hut in the forest, he couldn’t sit still in one place for even a minute
pacing back and forth, mumbling about the “what-ifs”, hell he even asked inanna about whether he should confess or not
after getting the “are-you-serious?” look from inanna, muriel finally made up his mind
soon valentines day came and there he was, standing in front of your little cottage with a fresh new clothes - your gifted green scarf still wrapped around his neck - holding a bouquet of flowers that he picked and wrapped himself
after debating all sorts of things in his mind, he finally sucked it up and knocked on your door
gods, you always takes his breath away
after snapping out of his simping over you, the gentle giant finally came clean of his feelings
“ahem… uhm i heard from asra and faust… that today is a day for couples and i thought…”
“…will you be my valentine, [name]?”
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ah yes the ever scheming, masochist, i-hide-my-true-feelings-behind-fake-smiles-and-flirty-personality doctor, the first character i simped for in arcana
ilya is so used to always hiding behind charming lies, deceitful words and fake personalities that when portia pointed out that he holds affections for you, he denied and denied for almost an entire year
which what got him being chased around portia’s little cottage with the owner of the house chasing after him with a wet rag while pepi the cat sat back and watched, purring with amusement
he finally decided to face the music and ask you on valnetines when even mazelinka joined in on the scolding all the while knocking him over the head with her infamous wooden spoon
“oh come on! how long do you plan to make [name] wait, ilya?! they won’t be patient forever!”
“your sister has a point. suck it up and tell them how you feel already! i’m sick of watching you sigh and mumble their name in your sleep, you idiot!”
“ow! okay-ow! pasha! mazelinka! please have mercy!!”
the next morning julian woke up with a massive headache
and so soon enough, valentines day comes and there he stands, in front of your door, hand made box of chocolates in hand with all the blood in his body rushing to his cheeks
after checking himself over for the hundredth time in a close by water, he took a deep breath before finally knocking on the front of your home
“ahem. ahaha! my darling, dearest [name]! it appears that a certain little birdie has told me about your infatuation with me! so i have decided to make it easier for you and ask you out first. will you be my valentine darling?”
uh-huh sure julian. acting as if he wasn’t stress-eating the night before. you aint slick
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l-norris · 13 days
Canadian GP 2024 Recap
This is becoming a series now I fear.
This race was utter madness and I was in SHAMBLES by the end of it.
Enjoy me going crazy for the next few paragraphs.
As last time, numbers in brackets are laps. (That I definitely didn't forget to add the first few laps)
- Ruth Buscombe calling Esteban "Estie bestie"😶‍🌫️
- Beautiful anthem!
- Apparently Yuki was late for the anthem? Bro's getting detention💀
- Zak and Toto chatting away
- Landoscar spotted‼️
- Danny Ric getting his shoes cleaned like the king he is
- The intro is playing and I'm anxiously chewing on my fingernails already
- Accidentally had German commentary on - disgusting
- It's pissing down by the way.
- This one will need actual strategies... rip to Ferrari.
- Logan outqualified Checo just as a reminder
- Saubers starting from pitlane
- Carnage? Yes? No? We'll see.
- The pre-race anxiety keeps building up
- Formation lap starting!
- We get it Crofty, they resurfaced the track.
- Formation lap complete.
- No crashes into the first two turns?
- Nevermind, someone went flying (Pierre pushed Checo into the grass)
- George is still in the lead! YIPPEE!
- Charles fumbled😞
- Carlos fumbled too😭
- Horrible day for Tifosi 2.0
- Kmag gaining like 100 positions in 2 laps
-Funky Danish man just FLEW to P4
- 1st yellow flag. Oh Logan...
- At least he's back to pace
- Lewis binning it
- Fernando almost kissing the fucking wall lmao
- Kmag 8 second pitstop rip
- Daniel apparently did a false start🫣
- It's not raining anymore apparently but no slicks in sight just yet (understandably so)
- Hulk is holding onto these full wets like a lifeline
- Hulk train!
- Daniel 5 second penalty😮‍💨
- Max is closing in on George
- Lando closing in on Max and George
- Yeah, uh... Haas fumbled btw
- Lando keeps setting fastest laps
- Max went wide omg
- Lando is catching Max (17)
- DRS enabled (18)
- Oscar fastes lap (19)
- Oh my God this is stressful
- Lando is driving like his life is depending on it
- I mean... it kinda is.
- both Ferraris out of the points by the way... sigh
- quick toilet break, hope I don't miss anything
- Jinxed it. I missed a crash. Hm.
- SAFETY CAR. (26)
- ... Of course it was Logan... poor man
- Lando missed the chance to pit😭
- There's still hope for Lando.
- He pits (27)
- ... He came back in third...
- "FUCK!" As Lando once said
- Let's hope Lando can pick up the pace again after this
- Charles retiring?? Restarting the car?? Idk man.
- HUH??? Also on slicks? (28)
- Safety Car in (29)
- 40 laps to go
- Pain and suffering
- Ferrari fucked it
- Lewis is probably rethinking if he wants to join Ferrari after all rn
- And Charles is back in the pits😮‍💨
- Charles is getting lapped now. Fun. (37)
- Lando is my last hope
- I'm so tired (no literally I should be getting ready to go to bed lmao)
- DRS would be nice right about now
- We have 30 laps to go and I'm seriously debating on whether I should just go to bed
- Pierre is on slicks (41)
- And immediately bins it (but saves it)
- Lando is lawnmowing
- Charles is retiring (43)
- I can't do this no more
- Slicks are coming out
- Lando stays out??
- Overcut? (44)
- ... nevermind...
- And George got Lando too🫣
- Nevermind ahaha he's back up in 2nd
- Max complaining and setting fastest laps continuously.
- Checo fucked his rearwing
- Carlos binned it
- Which made Alex bin it
- Safety Car 2.0
- Both Ferrari out😮‍💨
- Both Williams out🫣
- I'm seeing a pattern here.
- oh no hopefully I'm not jinxing it
- Max is pulling away... yawn...
- 7 laps left
- George binning it while trying to overtake Oscar
- Let Oscar cook Goddammit!
- Oscar has to deal with Lewis now
- Aaaand he's gone.
- Oscar is struggling man
- Merc boys battling it out over P3
- Yuki destroying that one damn bollard everyone ignores consistently (thank you king)
- Lando wanting a Safety Car (same)
- But alas... Max Verstappen wins once more.
- I honestly turned off the broadcast as soon as the top 3 crossed the finish line
- I stayed up late for THIS???
- Conflicted whether it was worth it or not tbh
- Like yes it was an exciting race BUT😭
- I want my McLaren double podium RIGHT NOW
All in all, it was a pretty chaotic race. Yeah. That sums it up pretty well.
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
I love you too... (Y/n) (2)
Trafalgar law x reader
Part 1
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(Y/n) started getting ready for bed after a day's work, law and the boys have gone out hours ago, so they should be back any minute now-
"(Y/n)!" Shachi yelled as he bursts through their bedroom door
"Hmm? What's wrong Shachi?" She asked while closing the wardrobe doors
"So... We got law to a bar, right? We kind of encouraged him to drink more and more..."
"What happened next?" She asked while walking over to him
"He is so drunk by now that we had to drag him here, and now he just laid on the deck refusing for anyone but you to bring him here... We're really sorry (y/n)... We know we should've just--"
"It's okay really" she cuts him off "this just meant he loosened up just like I had told him to, don't worry... I'm coming" she laughed
"No! Don't touch me! I have a girlfriend!" Law whined and swatted Bepo's fur paw away from him making the bear cry a little.
"When you said what you said earlier," (y/n) muttered, "I never expected it to be like this..." She hummed as Shachi nodded
She walked over to law as he whined and grunted since his head throbbed with pain.
"Hey..." She called softly while sitting right next to him
He looked up and saw it was her, granted, he was hammered pretty badly so it was very lucky he recognised her, "(y/n)...! There you are...!" He drunkenly exclaimed and sat up before grabbing (y/n)'s cheeks and kissing her deeply, law in his entirety isn't a PDA person so the crew kinda stared in shock and awe at him.
"You guys can go on ahead, I'll take care of him myself" she smiled as the crew kinda nodded and left them on the deck, "hey baby... Come on, let's get you to bed."
"Hey... Hey...!" He gasped as he struggled to get up to his feet, "hey... Can I keep kissing you in bed?" He asked
"Why not?" She chuckled and walked him back to their room.
After cleaning him up, he atleast sobered just a little bit for his words not to slur and drag out his mouth
He pulled (y/n) closer to him once he sat on the bed and buried his face on her chest while inhaling her scent, "you smell so fucking... Beautiful"
"Really?" she giggled, "why don't we get you to bed PROPERLY, yeah?"
Helping him crawl up on the bed, she laid down beside him as he snores peacefully
He's gonna be so hang over tomorrow, well... He needs some rest though.
Next day...
"(Y/n)..." He groaned for the fifth time this morning once she hands him a pill that would help his hang over and a glass of water, "what exactly happened last time?"
"Hmm... Shachi told me you'd drunk so much you were absolutely hammered" she laughed and placed the now empty glass on the bedside table, "and I saw that first hand when you didn't let anyone touch you other than me"
He blushed darkly and swallowed thickly, "did I... Do anything last night?"
"Anything? Other than telling me I smelled beautiful, no... You didn't do anything other than sleep" she hummed, "although I'm glad you had loosened up"
"Smelled beautiful...?" He cringed at his own words but quickly regaining himself, "yeah... I loosened up... It felt great"
"Cool! Now tell me how your night went through" she sat on the edge of the bed, facing him with a smile
"Okay... So first we went 'window shopping' when really, it was just them GAWKING at women." He scoffed, "then we went to dinner, penguin-ya reserved a place at this restaurant that isn't that popular but very respectable" he hummed as (y/n) listened intently, "then we kind of debated what bar we should go to, really... The debate was whether to go to a bar, club, or strip club..." He grumbled
"Oh? Where did you guys ended up in?"
"Well... Just a club, then to a bar when I told them I was being slightly uncomfortable at the place because women would literally squeeze themselves into me despite me just sitting at our table." He sighed as (y/n) nodded, "then I kinda drank a few bottles of bourbon and gin... Maybe a couple shots of whiskey"
"That's a lot!" She laughed and kissed him on the lips in which he responds to very strongly, "you still REEK of alcohol" she chuckled against his lips but proceeded on kissing him, "can you clean yourself up and rest properly? Dont worry, once your hangover passes away, you can come work."
"I'll... Do that. And you're not jealous about those women cozying up to me?" He asked
"Hmm? Why would I? I know you're faithful" she hummed, "now come on, get yourself cleaned up, do you want me to bring your breakfast here with you?"
"Yes... Please" he shyly smiled, "I... Thank you, (y/n)."
"What for?"
"Thank you for always taking care of me and such... Even if I hadn't been exactly the BEST boyfriend... I love you so much" he shyly said with a flustered blush on his cheeks.
She giggled and kissed his cheeks, "you aren't perfect, and I love you too for that."
Law was entirely thankful that despite everything... His past, loses, even his trauma... (Y/n) decided to stay and take care of him.
She... Took great care... Of him.
That's what's love's for, right?
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transhawks · 1 year
I remember that Hori referred to Hawks (and Ochako) being a 'light of hope' in 2021. It's also interesting that it was Hawks who commented on Ofa and how it connects people's hearts. Do you have any thoughts on this?
I think that arc was very dark for Hawks specifically and the anime's rendition of it is very dark. However these chapters... in 323-325 it is a bit different. It's where I think Hori was honest and where I do think Hawks and especially Ochako are at their brightest, narratively. So, uh, to go back to my writing for Graduation Day, I remember debating whether to analyze this scene because I thought it was relevant. I eventually decided that six thousand words is enough and to spare y'all, but let's get into it because I think it confirms my thesis that vulnerability is needed for connection in BNHA.
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Ochako's first panels in 324 have her saying, admitting actually, that she cannot reassure people. She acknowledges they're all scared and worried.
This was the best thing she could have done.
The deification of heroes was something that led to the system they have now. Somewhere in the glitz and hero rankings people forgot these are regular people.
We see this repeatedly as an issue of identities - why Toshinori seems a shell of himself outside of All Might, most of Enji's issues boil down to him not knowing how to be Enji versus Endeavor and screwing his family up for it, and Hawks is...well, everything about Hawks is about being a Hero rather than a person, which is why Horikoshi had him kill someone literally named "humanity".
Ochako doesn't allow this to go on. She makes it clear they're all scared, they're all people who want safety, comfort, and want to be clean from mud and dirt, same as any other. It's why she's one of the Savior Kids; she's geared to try and humanize the other side. It's why she's paired with Toga. See below, as she thinks of Toga while giving a speech.
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Essentially she reached the people in that crowd by reminding them who Deku is - a kid with way too much on his shoulders, a person just like them. Not a symbol, not a quirk, like AFO is treating him as. A boy. Or "regular high school kid" - yeah, I should have put this in Graduation Day, lol.
Symbols aren't meant to be fragile or have to come out from the rain. Deku does because he's a person.
So what about Hawks?
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This isn't the last time Keigo is going make metaphors about One for All. Remember the line so many people read in bad faith about him comparing Endeavor "linking" people together too? He was talking about connection, pure and simple, realizing that much of his own motivations and Inasa's are connected through Endeavor, or their perceptions of him.
Truly, it's just him remarking that seeing society as holistic, as a whole rather than a part, is the key to solving their issue.
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I think the emphasis on showing your soul, ugliness and cracks and all is one of the keys to reaching the villains. Something that doesn't position them as moral superiors, which is where Keigo failed drastically with Jin. He didn't give him a good choice at all. He also wasn't willing to be fully vulnerable with him. But I also think there's another dimension to this. More and more I think Horikoshi is actually criticizing individualism and the idea of "the great man". In his depicting of bystander system that has become an issue from society delegating acts of kindness and heroism to an actual career, I think he's critiquing the idea that one person can shoulder that burden.
It shouldn't be a person but a village, so to speak. It says a lot that the characters we know as villains are both seeking connection but also saying, in the depths of despair, that their individual will can change the world.
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I still interpret this scene as Dabi deep in denial. Uh oh, he actually FELT something, time to double down and reiterate he doesn't give an actual fuck when truth is he DOES, he just doesn't want to. Otherwise he has to FEEL.
Anyway, the emphasis on the single person and single convinction is another one of those clues I think Horikoshi is leaving us about the "Great Man theory".
The great man theory is a 19th-century approach to the study of history according to which history can be largely explained by the impact of great men, or heroes: highly influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, such as superior intellect, heroic courage, extraordinary leadership abilities or divine inspiration, have a decisive historical effect.
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I remember balking when I read this. Maybe it's because here in the West, there's little uhh agreement over Napoleon being heroic. Maybe it's because my history teachers were unsual but I've never really seen anyone seriously consider Napoleon heroic. There always seemed to be agreement he was a power-mad tyrant who took advantage of the Revolution to enact a military coup and then actual progress made by the Jacobins. So the fact chapter 3 of BNHA has Mic quoting him as a great hero was always weird. At the time of my first read through, I wrote it off as maybe Japan doesn't take this approach to Napoleon and the Revolution. One person's tyrant is another's hero, you know? But more and more I think Horikoshi has been debunking Great Man Theory with his manga. First off the premise of Great Man is usual that the Great Man is born, that his Greatness is congenital. That there's a natural aptitude for greatness, like superior intellect, etc. BNHA is absolutely refuting that, has from the first page. In fact the characters who get into the trap of believing they are born "anything" are shown to be trapped or not in a good way (see Redestro, or see Tomura and Keigo believing they are born to destroy/have dirty wings respectively). So much of who Deku has become is supposed to change this idea of biological predisposition to greatness.
Even Dabi, who has struggled against the circumstances of his birth, falls into the trap of believing some people are born with everything and are born to everything, essentially internalizing the worst of his father's own beliefs.
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The story isn't kind to people who give us this rhetoric - that depending on others is wrong, or weakness. It's why Deku had his arc, after all.
Which brings us to my second point - the story isn't the triumph of individuals against evil. It's about people coming together. That's why Ochako and Keigo had their moments of realization in 323-325.
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It's not about one person. It's about people.
Lastly, and this is conjecture, but there's a curiosity to the Great Man theory from a cultural standpoint. Now each culture has its Great Man to some extent. I've spoken about how All For One is likely trying to emulate Oda Nobunaga with his Demon Lord talk. But the emphasis on individual actions over collective ones, the commercialization of heroism, and the idea of competition breeding innovations/results are distinctively Western Capitalist ones. And in...a clumsy way, I think Horikoshi has been hinting at this being part of his own criticism.
Did you ever notice how the Japanese anime has them say "Hero/Hiro"? It's an imported word. Japanese has other words that mean hero, like yusha or eiyu, which have different meanings that all relate to the English hero as either a brave person (yusha) or a person of greatness/importance (eiyu). Why then use hiro, a foreign word as the title for this career?
Because the hero system is canonically imported. And so perhaps are the ideals it brought with it.
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amc-iwtv · 1 year
Is Lestat Racist?
I can't fathom how people can have the most grimdark interpretation that Lestat actually thinks Louis & Claudia are 'beneath' him solely because they are black BUT still want Loustat as a relationship to continue. It isn't that racists wouldn't date someone from a group they hate, it has been done. But I find it worth remarking on that people who think so little of Lestat, that he is a run-of-the-mill racist, a genuine slave master, and akin to a nazi are still out here gleefully participating in Loustat. I am not one to tell people what they ship or how to ship, not because I don't judge, I do, but because I you can't control people, so I don't try. Why do you want Louis with a blatant racist? I am confused. What pleasure do you get from viewing this relationship as Lestat actively wanting to racially dominate his family? You can say Lestat's actions have racist connotations and interpretations, without saying he without a doubt thinks his black family members are lesser beings? And that your interpretation is all there is and anything else is wrong. There is not one 'single' interpretation of a text, just some with more substantial evidence.
I choose to believe Lestat is acting without racial awareness (which is racist), he is treating the black versions of Claudia and Louis, the same way he would have treated white Claudia & Louis, which is racist because they aren't far off from slavery. He isn't looking at the optics, he's acting like a man blind to everything except the fact that he's losing control of his family. Lestat isn't an idiot, he sees race as a feature, and that smallminded people would see it as a lesser trait, but he doesn't understand why after Louis and Claudia become vampires, a part of his family, a part of his bloodline, they want to maintain racial ties and alliances and world view.
He doesn't think he's better than them because he is white, he thinks he's a father saying " I am the head of the household!" so he should be "respected & his words honored." When he says "I am your maker," He's saying, "I am your mother, I brought you into this work and I can take you out." Something my own mother has said to me many times. Because of this writers felt the need to hammer home that Louis is being viewed as a beleaguered battered housewife being led around by Lestat. (Even though he don't cook, he don't clean and earnt his ring suck-)
"But Claudia called him "massa" and made allusions to slavery", yeah because that is what teenagers do. To Lestat she's an ungrateful teenager acting up, throwing tantrums, and viewing him as a monster for being a disciplinary force. Lestat is hearing, "You won't let me dress how I want, go out past curfew, etc you're a dictator and this house is hell!" Because the writers decided to take all the dynamics of the plain white-bread nuclear family and imprint them onto these vampires, but escalate everything to the vampire level. So like Jacob said, "It's a fight about who puts out the bins." but given an escalation x 1000.
My beef with the writers is that they took a relatively ambiguous complex book and made it so much simple and clear. We can't debate whether Claudia had the right to kill Lestat because instead of Lestat giving pissy little verbal threats, he actually does choke out Claudia and beat Louis. Instead of Lestat sheltering Louis and Claudia from the vampire world, isolating them from their history by never giving them knowledge and having them live in fear of the unknown, he literally drags Claudia back home kicking and screaming. So Claudia cannot be interpreted any other way except as a righteous liberator, and Louis a victim, or they are liars. Claudia and Louis's accounts barely vary except when Claudia started to hate Louis towards the end, so they can't go back on their depiction of the abuse without painting Claudia and Louis as liars. So this gives credence and believability to everything Claudia says, instead of her words and motivations going under a microscope like every other insane person in this relationship. They even do the unreliable narration thing wrong lmao.
To me, the writers aren't making some grand declaration about the nature of interracial family dynamics, if they are it is sloppy af. The racial discussion in this show isn't that complex babes. They are taking all the subtle metaphors, and allusions of the novel and making them so overt, to the point they are beating us over the head with it. You can see it in the way they sidelined religion and philosophy in this series, despite it being a big part of the books. They have cut the fat, removed all the gray areas, and are giving us Explicit Sex and Explicit Abusive family dynamics, now with a racial lens that colors everything more negatively. And this is my interpretation, and I can say it without needing to make people feel like idiots or racists for disagreeing or having an interpretation that I do not support. Please become more sane and respectful to each other or block liberally and live in peace! The constantly attacking and demonizing people at random for having any opinion that differs...
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 26 days
That one time Bruce Wayne didnt adopt a child but got adopted instead
by Pookie_Killer Words: 452, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, Jazz Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Bernard Dowd, Alfred Pennyworth, Various Rogues, Vlad Masters, Damian Wayne’s many pets Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, mostly through jokes, is it main character death if it happened before the fic x2, Don’t do what Timmy does. He’s vv unhealthy, also don’t do as Danny does. He’s a literal ghost, speaking of, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Jack Fenton is hyper and a bit crazy, Maddie Fenton is a tad calmer and also crazy., We love them for it tho, Damian and Tim pretend to fight to get what they want, the rest of the Batman is clueless., except Cass. We love Cass, Tim drake is a freak with his coffee, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Damian Wayne is Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Duke Thomas is Signal, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, danny fenton is phantom, Jazz Fenton Is So Done, Jazz is TIRED of gaining new family via overly-adoptive billionaires, even tho this is only the 2nd time it happened., Somewhat happy Batfam, theres still problems but not big ones ya get me?, Jack and Maddie get mistaken for up and coming mad scientists/Rogues, little do the Batfam know they already went through that phase, Now they research clean energy through ethically sourced ectoplasm, Let Danny Fenton and Tim Drake say fuck 2024. They deserve it, No Batcest | Batfamily Incest (DCU), Author is a night owl so be prepared for late updates., Author is also American so maybe some early updates too, no beta we die like jason todd, Sam Manson Has Plant Powers, She also is a fangirl for Poison Ivy so be afraid, Tucker is probably gonna be butchered so badly. I’m vv sorry, Tucker is a fanboy for Tim Drake tho lol., I don’t know Valerie enough to include her sorry. She’ll get mentioned tho, Mostly as Red Huntress, Platonic Kisses, Platonic Cuddling, The obligatory mention of Tim’s missing spleen, Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Amity Park Residents (Danny Phantom), being liminal is basically being a meta without the unique powers, None of the Batfam is straight., except Damian. He’s questioning it., Tim and Danny are aged up to be in College, everyone else is aged up as needed to stay somewhat Canon., I’m debating whether Tim and Danny should date or Tim and Tucker should, or if I should just say fuck it and make them poly via https://ift.tt/8Wsf5hH
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
As Long As You're There
Pairing: Reader x Carlisle Cullen
Request: "can u do more carlisle fics hehe i read art history and it was so cute help:)) love ur writing!" by @sofire-k
Spotify Playlist: Record Store
Summary: Small business owner just opened a store in Forks!
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Surprise: None! Not even cursing!
Author's note:
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LITERALLY SHUTUP I'm so in love with you please gimme a kiss. Okay so listen I know people want me to make a part 2 to Art History and Live A Little but I have to get out my gratuitous bs!! This one is def. more of a slow burn that I might continue, but this fandom is horny as hell and I swear I will be indulging soon!
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Alice's vision came to her a week before he met you, and her and Edward debated for days on whether they should tell Carlisle or not.
"But they should meet organically, you shouldn't force anything." Edward griped at Alice in the living room, their siblings watching in entertainment.
"It's not forcing, Edward, it's warning. Have you ever seen him talk to a woman romantically?"
Edward thought about it, and he hadn't. Of course, he heard the thoughts of Carlisle's coworkers when visiting his father at the hospital, but to Carlisle, they had largely gone unnoticed or ignored.
"No. Have you?"
"Exactly!" Alice exclaimed, and she turned to Rosalie. "And the way that they meet is just so cute!"
"Alice, I'm sorry," Rosalie laughed, gesturing to Edward. "I'm on his side for this one. If they're supposed to spend eternity together, what's some time letting them find each other?"
"Alice, I will tell you right now, that Jasper and Emmett are on your side." Edward groaned, running a hand through his hair. Rosalie turned to Emmett and raised an eyebrow, challenging him to go against her.
"Well, I do agree with Alice, but since the both of you are terrifying, what about a compromise?" Emmett suggested, patting his mate's leg gently.
And so they decided not to tell him, rather lead him in the right direction. And the right direction was to a new record store in Forks.
You ran a hand through your hair as you took one last look at the store. Everything was clean, organized logically... What was missing? Okay, all the lights were turned on, and the comfortable, warm glow eased your worries a bit. The quietness of the building made you uneasy, despite the sign on the door reading, "Closed!"
Almost subconsciously, you smack your forehead. It's quiet! There's supposed to be music in a music store! You flipped the sign, and rushed to your phone. In your anxiousness of opening this store, it was only natural for you to spend weeks curating the perfect playlist.
"Alice, I don't understand. If you want something so badly from this store, why can't you go?" Carlisle was exasperated, as Alice had been begging him all week to go to some new store that had opened in town.
"Can you please just stop by and see if they have it! I don't want to waste my time." Edward stifled a smile at her desperation, her mind still coming up with reasons as to why she couldn't go.
"Alice." Carlisle placed his hand on her shoulder, to calm her. "You seem very passionate about this, so I will go and look." He shrugged on a coat, and grabbed his car keys. "I want a tune-up on my car by Monday!" He called behind him, and set out to find this record.
"I hope you have a good day!" You called out the door, giddy that business seemed to be going well. Honestly, you expected it to be super dead, but apparently, the people of Forks desperately needed music, and you made a mental note to buy more guitars for the next shipment.
"Hello?" You heard a voice calling as the door swung open. You looked up from your computer to see a blonde man stepping in, looking mildly confused. Wow. Okay. Yikes. This man certainly didn't look like the rest of your customers, all indie high schoolers or alternative twenty-somethings, but still, the sight of him made you forget how to breathe for just a second.
"Hey!" You tucked your loose hair behind your ear, and smiled, trying not make your fascination for him obvious. "Looking for anything specific?"
He smiled back at you, and glanced around your store.
"Yes, my daughter sent me here to get an album for her, could you help me?"
"Absolutely! Do you know the name of the album?"
"I think it's called... To The Fire? Away From The Fire? The band name is kind of German sounding." He realized how little information Alice gave him about what exactly she wanted, and sighed.
"Could it be From The Fires by Greta Van Fleet?" You raised an eyebrow, and gestured for him to follow you. "Would you recognize it by the art?" You were absolutely dedicated to do whatever it would take for him to keep coming back, and your customer service voice was working overtime. He nodded, and followed you into a corner, the entire section labeled 'Rock.' "Your daughter has good taste, Greta Van Fleet is one of my personal favorites." You flipped through the albums until you found the one you wanted.
You held it up to him, and you could tell he recognized the picture.
"Yes, that's exactly it. You're very good at what you do."
He couldn't help but stare at her. There was something about her, something in her that he could feel himself drawn to. The shop had a pleasant vanilla smell, but the scent of her blood was calling him more than anything.
"What kind of music do you like?" Your voice cut through the silence, trying to contain yourself in the wake of his praise. He seemed taken aback by your question, like nobody had ever asked him before.
"I'm more into classical music. Tchaikovsky, Chopin-"
"Vivaldi?" You questioned, walking behind your counter and sliding the record into a bag. A slight smile cracked on his face, and he cocked his head.
"I love Vivaldi."
"He goes hard." You grinned, and glanced at your register, already inputting a steep discount. If you could have any loyal customer here, it would have to be whoever this guy is.
"You've been such an amazing help, what's your name?" He handed you $20, and you could barely focus on counting his change right. Stop acting stupid! Focus!
"My name's (y/n). Yours?" When he took the bag, he didn't look like he was making any effort to leave.
"My name's Carlisle."
"Well, Carlisle, if that's not the album your daughter wanted, you can always come back and exchange it for the right one." You leaned against the counter, and the way that Carlisle followed your movement made you fight a smile. "And if she's interested, I have live music on Fridays. It might help get her down here herself." He laughed at your suggestion, and turned to leave. Carlisle hesitated in opening the door, and gave you one final smile as he exited.
As soon as the cool air hit his lungs, he inhaled deeply, clearing the scent of you out of him. It dizzying to him, to where he almost felt drunk. He stopped in his tracks on the sidewalk, the thought finally crossing his mind. That's why Alice sent him here. This woman was his blood singer. He heard Aro talk about it multiple times during his time in the Volturi, but after centuries of not experiencing that level of desire, he simply believed it didn't exist. Not for him, at least. He pulled out his phone, and quickly shot a text to Alice, a grin breaking out on his face.
C: You could have just told me. Carlisle spun on his track, knowing what he had to do, and his phone vibrated.
A: Blame Edward.
As soon as you forced him out of your mind, you heard the door open again. You looked up to see Carlisle, and you mentally groaned. Looks like he's going to be in your thoughts all day.
"Do I need to brush up on my music identification skills?"
"Would you like to have dinner?"
You spoke at the same time, but his voice dwarfed yours, and you raised your eyebrows. Did he just ask you to dinner? Your brain was completely blank, completely surprised by his question. Your eyebrows knit together, and you waited for him to change his mind. Or to tell you it was a joke.
"Uh, yes, I would." You scrambled to find a pen and a receipt slip that you could write your phone number on, and you rolled your eyes at the slight shaking in your hands.
"We don't have to go to dinner." Carlisle added. "We could go on a hike, I could show you around Forks, anything. Whatever you want, as long as you're there." The glint in his eyes was mesmerizing, and you couldn't help but smile.
"It sounds like you've got it all figured out."
"I sure hope I do."
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queerprayers · 1 year
hello :)
i am debating in participating in lent (my 1st time) but how do u do lent actually? thx :)
Welcome, beloved! You've given me a lovely excuse to write about Lent. Whether or not you choose to have a Lenten practice this year, I hope I can help!
I talked about Lent a little yesterday here. I'll write about fasting and ideas for practices today, so you can check out those posts for more specific thoughts. I also know that discussions surrounding fasting are triggering for some people, and want to confine those thoughts to one post that's easier to avoid. Please know that avoiding that topic is perfectly valid and your Lent can be holy and fulfilled without it (and will be more holy/fulfilled by avoiding something harmful to you).
Lent is the season before Easter commemorating Jesus's forty days in the desert, spent preparing for Holy Week and Easter. Western churches begin Lent on Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) and Eastern churches begin on Clean Monday (the 27th). Many Christians choose to set this time apart by changing something about their lives/practice, which often includes giving up something. Some denominations have communal guidelines that people participate in.
Lent is not a time to engage in disordered/self-harming/destructive behavior. We cannot give in to the temptation we might have to spend Lent punishing ourselves. There is a difference between sorrow and misery, healthy guilt and unhealthy guilt, self-discipline and self-punishment. We can mourn without self-destruction, we can address our flaws without spiraling, we can prepare ourselves without wasting away. It might take practice, and Lent may be the time for us to figure out that balance.
(Lent also isn't a new year's resolution, or a self-help book. Bettering ourselves is holy to God all year. And Lent may be the time to start a habit/practice. But are you preparing yourself for the crucifixion? Or just working out.)
So how do we do Lent actually? We might participate in communal practices, like fasting guidelines and worship, but many of our Lenten practices are personal. We choose Lenten practices as commitment, as liberation, as sacrifice, as solidarity, as mindfulness, as witness, as prayer, and most of all, as preparation. The easy answer of "how to do Lent" is to make these forty days different than all the others. Generally there are two ways of doing this: giving up something in your life, and adding something to your life. I especially value when these things go together! Giving up something creates space (time/resources/energy)--what can you now do with that space? (Ex: What will you do with the money that you usually spend on a latte?)
As Jesus experienced in the wilderness, sometimes we have nothing but God. Many people choose to give up things during Lent to bring them closer to that state of simply existing, of having nothing but God. What is something you feel like you can’t live without? What would your life look like without it? What do we have when we have nothing but God? (Everything.)
Dear God, I am so afraid to open my clenched fists! Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands? Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me. (Fr. Henri Nouwen)
We fast in Lent to feast in Easter (sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically). I don't mean throw away our goals, and sometimes we begin practices in Lent that we want to continue throughout the year, because Lent is preparation for life as well as death. But I think some things should be set apart for Lent. And if you have trouble feasting, be cautious fasting. If you always deny yourself joy, how is doing that for Lent any different?
A point that's been very important to me: We know that Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness preparing for death. I know how to plan and prepare for death. I've had a lot of practice. Sometimes I forget that he was also preparing for and planning his life, and this is just as important. Some Lents are spent in the wilderness preparing to live. We are not just preparing for the crucifixion. We are preparing for the resurrection.
You say you're debating participating in Lent, so I wanted to make clear for anyone who doesn't end up with a Lenten practice: You're welcome here, and you're welcome at Easter. John Chrysostom has a lovely Easter sermon about this. However you arrive at the resurrection, it's for you. If you do nothing, if you give in to all your flaws, if you forget that Easter's coming and don't prepare: Easter will come, and it comes for you. Lent is something we can only do willingly, and it is not part of everyone's practice. I think it's immensely important and valuable, but please know that life and joy are available to you regardless. God's feast is for those who feast all year, as well as those who fast. I prefer to come to a feast hungry, but we don't turn away the satisfied.
We don't practice Lent because we have to, we do it because we want to mark time with somber contemplation as well as joy. We do it so when we get to Holy Week and Easter, we have been present and aware of what we're getting into, so we arrive empty and yearning. We don't change our lives to deserve anything, but because we want to be better, because we care. Because the worst person on earth can still experience God, but does that mean we should let ourselves be that person? (The atheists I know understand this more than me: to do good without promise of eternal rest, to love without divine command, to care for the dust that we are without believing we're anything more. May we also do good without expectation of reward and without fear of punishment, and love not just because we're commanded to but because we choose it. May we choose Lent, not just let it happen.)
Whatever Lent looks like for you this year, I wish you fulfillment and the knowledge of God's presence. Remember, this is a season, which means this is not your last chance. Next year has a Lent, too, and all the years after that. Maybe this Lent you'll spend deciding what to do for next year's Lent. Lent being a season also means that you can begin it whenever you wish. If, twenty days into calendar Lent, you begin a prayer practice, you have experienced Lent. Forty days is a remembrance of Jesus's experience, not a magic number. And always, no matter how much we prepare, may we let Easter catch us off guard and surprise us, as it should.
<3 Johanna
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xlovelybluebellex · 5 months
Two words
Little Emily
Emily is just too pure for this world, LITERALLY. SHES IN HEAVEN. I love her so much, and I can’t wait to see where Viv goes with her character. I’d love to see the parallel of Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily as Lilith, Luci, and Eve. BUT ANYWAY.
She’s a feathery little cutie pie. Ik she’d be very dependent, always needing a caregiver. She’s probably toddler age, maybe a bit younger. However, she doesn’t like seeming to young as she hates being treated like a child when big, and that can stem into when little.
HOWEVER. Once she’s down, she’s down. She loves anything soft and fluffy, like clouds are just her whole aesthetic. I can see her having a little cloud plushy named Raine or Cotton.
She would also try to help with anything and everything. This little girl is so kind, and she loves being a good seraphim. So, she’ll more than likely try to help with cooking, cleaning, even with other littles. Sure, she needs supervision when doing this, but it’s okay! Let her help >:(
Anyway, prob gonna do a one shot on her when I get through my inbox a little more. Debating whether or not Sera should care for her or if she should be down in Hell, as in fallen. And if so, who should care for her?
Ideas would be appreciated!
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natrasharomanova · 3 months
You fell from a CLIFF??
🚨 lore incoming 🚨
in september of 2022 my province was hit with a hurricane that caused a lot of damage and coastal erosion. my aunt and uncle live on the coast (nice lil house on a cliff overlooking the ocean) and my brother and i decided to go visit the week after the hurricane. since they live in a very rural area their power hadn't been restored yet and since they're on a pump they had no electricity OR running water (this detail is important for later).
bro and i decided to go for a walk down to the beach. normally it's fairly easy to scramble down the cliffside to the beach (there's a fairly safe path and we are both experienced rock climbers) so he went down ahead and i told him i'd meet him down there. so i'm on my way to the path and on the very edge of the cliff and have completely forgotten about how much coastal erosion hurricanes cause when the ground disappears from under my feet and i tumble a solid 10 meters down the cliff (if you've ever seen a cartoon character bouncing and rolling down the side of a cliff i imagine that's exactly what it looked like) before landing headfirst on a large boulder.
upon getting up i realized that my head was wet and that i must have landed in water. i was also in a moderate amount of pain and decided to cancel my beach walk. so i scramble BACK up the cliff that i've just fallen down and am on my way back to the house when someone comes out of a neighbouring house to ask me "are you ok? i just heard a scream." to which i replied "oh that's weird, i didn't hear anyone scream, it must have been a bird." guy THEN takes a good look at me and is like "you need to go to the hospital immediately" and i'm like ???? because yes i did just fall off a cliff but also i'm FINE (sidenote, shock is an extremely powerful and also very scary thing).
guy, upon realizing that i will be no help at all, goes to get my aunt who predictably freaks the fuck out upon seeing me because i'm absolutely covered in blood and being very normal about it. guy is like "we should take her to the hospital" and my aunt is like "we need to disinfect the open gash on her head immediately" and my brother, who has finally come back from the beach to be the voice of reason is like "hang on, before any of you do anything she's going to want pictures of this" (picture is provided under the cut because there is a LOT of blood and i don't want anyone to have to see that without being properly warned and prepared for it).
so anyways after my brother documents the moment everyone decides that they should get rid of all the blood to see exactly how bad the wound is before deciding how emergently i need to go to the hospital (a reminder that we're in a very rural area quite far from a trauma center). so everyone is debating the best way to get all the blood off my head so the wound can be inspected but you'll remember that the house is on a pump and there's no running water because the power is still out from the hurricane. so this band of absolute fucking morons decide that the most logical solution is to put a towel over my mouth and nose and then just dump buckets of seawater on my head to clean it off. after visually inspecting the wound there is a heated debate among everyone about whether it warrants a trip to the ER but all these people are engineers and i'm the only one with any medical experience but i'm far too concussed and in shock to add any value to the conversation. they eventually decide to bandage it and observe me overnight and since my brother and i were planning to go back into the city the next day he would just take me straight to the hospital.
BUT they have literally no medical supplies except these massive bandages that are literally the size of my head. so these fuckers take REGULAR TAPE and just use it to tape my head shut and then for good measure they slap a massive bandage on top of it. this whole time i'm mostly distressed about the fact that there's a shitton of blood in my hair and i can't shower because there isn't any running water and they're all like "you just shook hands with death and ran away and your only concern is the blood in your hair????" but idk what to tell you guys i was in shock and highkey not thinking logically.
it's important to note that before these events transpired i had been hoping to run a 160 km race two weeks later (that's 100 miles if you're a savage). so the next day i go to the hospital and tell the doctor "i'm supposed to run a marathon in two weeks" specifically not telling the doctor that i'm actually planning to run the distance of four back to back marathons. doctor says "you can run the marathon as long as your skull isn't fractured" (cue my brother and i doing surprised pikachu faces because neither of us even considered the possibility of my skull being fractured) and then for good measure the doctor is like "you're very lucky to be alive by the way" and sends me for an emergency CT.
after the CT my brother and i decide to go to a bar (again i cannot overstate the degree to which i was unable to think logically) and everyone at the bar is naturally curious about the girl with her head taped shut so i told the story a bunch of times and everyone who heard the story bought me a drink so now i'm in a bar with a concussion and absolutely plastered and i don't think i should have to tell any of you why that's a terrible idea.
SO tl;dr fell off cliff, almost died, got my head taped back together, ran 160 km two weeks later after finding out my skull wasn't fractured
and finally PLEASE do not look at the picture under the cut unless you're comfortable seeing blood don't say i didn't warn you 🫡
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dayurno · 1 year
idk if you've answered a question like this before but do you have any kandrew fic recs 😳
IVE BEEN debating whether i should update my kandrew fic recs since its been a while and they have more than 3 fics now (shocking news to me) so here you go!!!
i bet these memories follow you around by acidmeringue
ONE OF THE MOST RECENTS I READ ohhhh it was so good it was so soft it was so perfect.... when andrew thinks hes hurt kevin and kevin notices that andrew shuts down bc of it............. THE TS LYRIC TITLE i am a simple. person i really am:) no smut in this one but theres some heavy petting
So Kiss Me In The Dark by jaydreamz
AHHHHHH,,,,,,,, this one it was soooo heart fluttering to me because of the things andrew thinks about kevin as i mentioned im really easy when andrew is in love im like ihrfugjhdftfwiogjdf (foams at the mouth)!!!... its an au but a little canon adjacent too and its really sweet:) perfect if you just want something nice and simple
leave your heart at home by NanaMinyard
this was written by my friend nana and i quite like it ! canon compliant, a little breakup angst, kevin starts seeing other people when andrew pulls the "we're nothing" on him, truly very fun to me........ i love exes kandrew and i love even more when andrew is just so pathetic
But I Have Twice The Heart by sambutwithbooks for dayurno (hihi) BEAUTIFUL SAM WROTE THIS FOR ME....!!! for aftg mixtape 2023, its sooooo good and such a refreshing concept for them!! just your usual bad boy/prep au with kevin being the literal son of the mayor (:0 ! !) and andrew being the local delinquent
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga
EASILY ONE OF THE BEST KANDREW FICS EVER ACTUALLY..... theres background kandreil so if thats not your cup of tea thats fine but its a lovely lovely work about andrew and aaron and andrew and kevin, the lines drawn between those, kevaaron sobriety etc. truly beautiful and one of my favorites
missed sleep by @nanatsuyu
IVE RECOMMENDED THIS BEFORE AND ILL DO IT AGAIN! the beautiful nanatsuyu never disappoints and im always very happy whenever they post anything kandrew hehe..... an au of sorts, domestic married kandrew being old men together....... a glimpse of happiness between two eternities of darkness. etc
even if it takes __ years by @nanatsuyu
heh.... this is the last nana one i promise..... i have not personally read this one yet (its been on my list!) but i trust them to write any kandrew at any point in time so ill sign under whatever is written there. have fun
these should be enough for now! as i got this ask i thought to myself there would surely be a ton of kandrew fics i hadnt mentioned or talked about before but it seems that most of them were actually my own...... olmfaoo... um... well if youre interested in that you can check out my ao3 profile as well
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