#literally i could not be bothered to pull out a notebook and write down important information until I got a blues clues notebook
puppyeared · 4 months
If I close my eyes and concentrate realllyyy hard I can pretend im in my animal crossing room
#im in need of a change I don’t like the way im living rn.. a lot of my belongings were picked out for me#by people who thought their way of doing things was better and Ive had to find workarounds my whole life bc of how I live differently#Ive never thought of myself as someone who cares abt how their room looks. but i want it to have things I like even if its just preference#Ive thought abt it for a while and I dont think Im picky I just dont like it when ppl buy me things expecting me to use it the way they#expect me to.. I just end up with a lot of crap that I feel too guilty throwing away just bc someone thought of me#the only way I can describe my taste is that I know what I’ll like when I see it.. if I can clearly see myself making the most out of it#if I constantly have to use workarounds just to use smth you decided for me im not gonna wanna use it unless I have to#literally i could not be bothered to pull out a notebook and write down important information until I got a blues clues notebook#because I liked it and it made it fun for me to whip out that I actually wanna use it. yknow#so rn im trying to get a drafting table because the one that came with my loft bed is ass and I cant cut my prints on it#I end up cutting on the floor and my back hurts if I do it too long.. and I wanna get a bookshelf for my closet and a bench for my bag#things Ill look at and want to use because I already knew how I wanted to use it and just do it without thinking too hard#yapping#diary
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garfunklefield · 7 months
Caramel and Fountain Pens
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Fem!reader/Yuji Itadori Warnings: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, humor, Yuji is literate, love letters, this is so stupid Word count: 1321 words DESC: You get a top secret important letter from your classmate Itadori .. while he's sitting next to you
I got this prompt from this lovely generator! I needed to write something fluffy after writing tens of thousands of words of smut
Yuji Itadori always acted … weird around you. You noticed it from the moment you two met, how his cheeks would flush and he’d instantly avert his eyes. Or how he’d always open doors for you and trip over himself to get you a pen. It was sweet, how much he obviously liked you. But the only thing is… it had been a year and he still hadn’t confessed. 
You were too anxious and shy to confess to Itadori. I mean he was the Itadori! He was always so popular with everyone, that you barely got any time alone with him. How could you even go about doing that? What if you were wrong and that’s just how he acted? I mean, you saw him act weird around Kugisaki and Fushiguro all the time. But around you it was different. His tone got sweeter and more gentle. His eyes softened and he’d laugh all embarrassed like before answering a question of yours. 
God!! You liked him! You just wished he’d go on and confess already. 
That day you were sitting at your desk, impatiently tapping your fingers along the wood. It was a free day since your teacher was absent and there wasn’t much to do, aside from the busy work the substitute was provided with. 
Next to you was Yuji, who was busy scribbling away in his notebook. You didn’t think much about it, he was probably writing a note to pass to Fushiguro to bother him. Why couldn’t it be a note for you? The thought of Yuji giving you a love letter was sweet, but he didn’t seem like the romantic type. He was more of a stupid little puppy whose heart was in the right place, but you knew he didn’t know the first thing about how to romance a girl. 
“Hey!” Someone whispered from your right side. You didn’t move your head, as it was probably a call for someone else, “Psst- c’mon!” A groan was followed by a tear and crumping of paper. Before a paper ball hit you smack in the temple. 
You instantly looked up and frowned at the culprit. Yuji’s eyes were wide, staring deep into your soul, with his mouth pressed into a shocked thin line. He didn’t think the paper ball would hit you that hard. You were right about him being a stupid little puppy. He was a stupid little puppy with an amount of strength he didn’t quite understand. 
“Yes, Itadori?” You raised an eyebrow, brushing the spot he hit with your fingers delicately. 
His eyes were stuck to your hand for a moment before he shook his head and looked down at the wooden desk before him, “Uh, sorry about the paper there.” 
You blinked a few times. If he was sorry why did he- you decided not to even go down that train of thought. Instead, a small smile pulled at your lips as you stared at the pink-haired boy, “What is it?”
He looked back at you with those same wide eyes, his teeth finding his bottom lip and pressing down. Yuji should have realized it was his cue to speak, but he found himself staring deep at your features. You could tell from how his eyes dragged along your forehead, to your eyes, nose, cheeks, then your lips. 
It was a few more long seconds before he responded, “Uh… what.” 
“What did you need, Itadori?” You asked, again, patiently. It was kind of cute how airheaded he could be. The way he’d stumble over his words or straight up blank in random parts of the conversation. It was a small blush pinch at your cheeks. 
He must have noticed since he averted his gaze again before replying softly, “I made you something. But it’s top secret so you can’t have anyone else looking at it,” Yuji reached into his desk and pulled out an orange envelope with the words “classified document” stamped on the front and back in big red letters. 
Your heart must have just melted right there since you pulled an “Itadori” and just stared at it for a solid minute. After what felt like an eternity you grabbed the envelope with both hands, seeing as it was kind of huge. 
He made you something? The Yuji Itadori made you something. It had to be a prank. Where were the cameras? There was no way he went out of his way to make you something that he had stamped as a classified document. And there was no way it was for you. The two of you weren’t that close, so you knew it had to be one thing. Well… two. A prank, or a confession. 
God, you hoped it was a confession. You hoped that your fantasies had come true and he was going to confess like you dreamed he would. You hoped he was secretly some kind of romantic genius who had poured his heart out into this paper inside the envelope. You hoped he was going to take you out for dinner after this and pepper your face in kisses. In kisses, you had been longing for, for ages. 
You tore open the envelope and peered inside. There was a single sheet of paper with maybe a paragraph scribbled there. You pulled it out and carefully laid it on your desk, quickly reading over the words a few times to get it etched into your brain. 
It wrote:
Hi. I really love like you. It’s Yuji Itadori by the way. I want to hold your hand and go to the movies and kiss and go to the park and hold hands. We can get matching tattoos We can get coffee and I’ll buy you flowers (flowers are romantic right?) I can even drive you places I just got my license although my grandpa says I’m not a good driver because I hit a light pole once but anyway. We should get married date. This is Yuji by the way. - Yuji Itadori
You blinked a couple of times and then re-read it for the fifth time. There’s no way he spent… all of class writing that. Yuji could sense your confusion because he reached over and put a hand on your arm, “Uh. It’s just a rough draft.” 
You glanced over at him as he continued, “It’s okay if you don’t like it. I just wanted to say I like you… and stuff,” he looked embarrassed. Like a kicked puppy who had been rejected and thrown out into the rain. 
Without hesitation, you blurted out, “No I love it, fuck off. I’m keeping this and framing it,” you pulled the paper close to your chest and hugged it with both arms, signaling to the boy you truly did like it. 
Yes, it was weird and had a lot of… interesting things crossed out, but you did like it. It wasn’t the most romantic confession. But you realized it wouldn’t be a confession from Yuji if it was all stereotypically romantic. This was a confession from the boy you liked in a way that showed his true personality. And it was cute and endearing in a … Yuji Itadori kind of way. 
“Does this mean you feel the same way about me?” Yuji pulled his hand back and stared at you, with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. 
Oh, you did kind of confess your feelings back to him with your statement, huh?
You nodded slowly, setting down the paper, “Yeah… I like you.” 
Yuji gasped and grinned, pumping his fist into the air, “Cool! Does this mean we’re dating now!?” 
“Um, sure Yuji,” you smiled back at him as well, before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. You lingered by his face for a few seconds, before pulling back and watching him as he processed what had just happened. 
“I just got kissed by an angel…”
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
late night thots 😏:
it's 3am rn, i'm still writing that fic but since it's so heavy on domestic stuff, i was thinking about wedding stuff with ghost.
he's definitely the type of guy that doesn't know anything about jewelry and ring sizes, but he wouldn't hesitate going around asking people. trying his hardest to be all sneaky and mysterious, and to not drop too many hints but legit everyone would see right through him.
but he'd definitely pick the prettiest ring to ever exist. he'd engrave his name inside it - ever heard that quote "i'll have my name burning on your skin for days"? yeah, that's his intention 100%. so no matter what happened, no matter whatever would get between the two of you - he could always remember giving you this little reminder of his love - of the promise he made to you; that he'd always make it back home to you.
he would start carrying a small notebook with him, and quickly scribbling something in randomly - hiding it before anyone could even catch a glimpse of what he was writing down. sometimes you'd caught him staring at you, sitting on the kitchen floor. he'd write a few words down before he looked up to you again - carelessly throwing the notebook away, before he cupped your face in his hands, pulling you down into the sweet embrace of his lips. other times, he'd do it when he was away from you, when he was supposed to be discussing the very important details of the next assigned mission - he'd stand in the corner, not paying any attention to the rest of his group or literally anything but his little project book. soap would start cracking jokes at him, but simon wouldn't even bother giving him the usual "cut the bs, sergeant" death glare. he was too busy trying his damn hardest to write down at least half decent, somewhat memorable vows or whatever you wanna call it - whatever it is, it was never really his thing but he's trying his hardest - for you. the thing is - he'd make up all these scenarios in his mind - running over each one, rethinking every single part of it, and when he'd actually propose to you, he'd just mumble a quick "wanna marry me?" not even giving you enough time to process his words, he'd pull you into a kiss - he knew the chances of rejection were slim, but it was never impossible and he just couldn't bare the thought of hearing it. when you'd pull away from the kiss his hands would be trembling, his entire body shaking - with anticipation mixed with fear, with tinniest bits of the most utter joy he's ever felt. the quiet whisper of your voice - "yesyesyesyes" - ringing in his ears - just about the sweetest thing he's ever heard. oh, and he'd give you that notebook.
he'd definitely buy you flowers each and every opportunity he'd get. he'd never let the old ones wither before replacing them with a fresh bouquet. he would also make a habit of buying you a different kind each time - unless it was roses - he would dare to buy you those more than once. after he'd seen how your eyes lit up that one time when he first gave you a single red rose - he picked it during a mission, tugging it underneath his jacket, which made it wilt hours before he finally gave it to you - awkwardly stretching out his arm towards you, "it reminded me of you" - what a cliche fucking thing to say.
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haybaysnow · 8 months
Hi, hello, first tumblr post. First writing at all, so any tips or definitely criticisms would be greatly appreciated. This is sort of just to test the waters, because I enjoy writing, but who knows if my writing is enjoyable.
I read here all the time, soo just to mention: Spencer is guest lecturing, so, warning for that kind of relationship. This is a pretty tame chapter (do I even call it a chapter yet? Who knows, I've had too much wine, I swear its only like a 100 words)
I was running late.
It's not exactly a new situation for me. I'm not lazy, nor do I spend five hours getting ready in the morning, I just always have this sense of bad luck, the sound of the alarm never piercing my deep sleep.
 Which is how I ran half an hour late to the most exciting lecture I would ever get to attend, hair in disrepair and calves burning from the run. I felt the eyes of every student in that hall, meekly making my way to a free seat in the back, squeaking out a small, rushed apology to no one in particular.
I pull out my notebook, every move I make feeling awkward and unco-ordinated, before glancing up toward the front, and locking eyes with a man I've dreamed of meeting.
Dr Spencer Reid. Esteemed FBI criminal profiler, the top performer at Caltech while being the youngest. In my pursuit of a career in criminology from a very early age, this man has been the object of my respect, and fascination. 
And now he’s staring at me.
Oh god he’s talking to me
“Is everything alright, Miss…?,” he speaks out across the room, a sort of  curious look on his face as he asks. I can literally feel the sweat on my palms, nervous, as i stumble over my response
“Fine, sorry, um… Car troubles.” I don't even know why I lie, my face flushed, as I realise I don't want to admit the truth. Missing the alarm sounds so trivial, immature. For a moment, it feels like he can see right through me, a concerned expression flashing over his face for a brief moment, before he shakes his head, carrying on with the lecture as before.
I should be listening, and I want to, the field of criminology obviously highly appealing to me, but it's difficult to focus when all I can hear are whispered gossiping and giggling, before  I realise most of the class isn't listening to the poor man talk.
I do my best to write down anything important being taught, but it's not paying off, the words on my page scrambled and unorganised. Which is why, at the end of the lecture as everyone is filing out (still talking amongst themselves like lovesick high-schoolers), I anxiously  make my way to the front of the room, where Dr Reid is already sitting, concentrating on his lecture plan. 
“Dr Reid, I really don't mean to bother you or anything, I'm just��I’ve been excited for this elective ever since it was announced, it was such a great opportunity to experience anything taught by someone who has seen it all, but  i… I couldn't take anything in. Do you, maybe, have any notes, or something I could take with me, for extra clarification?”I know I'm rambling, I can see it in his puzzled expression, my own face growing brighter with embarrassment each time I speak. 
Reassuringly, he smiles, if a little awkward as he offers something i could never turn down
“I could always give you the lesson one on one?”
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fr brian is so funny for his whole deal being like remarkable nervousness & that he ends up dragged along with the two jokes pranks horror drama menaces that are brooke & zeke who are ricocheting around while brian is head in hands bringing the “pleeease let this be a normal field trip.” and of course shoutout to how every character has their own unbroken chaos going on, brooke & zeke especially, not only their Both pulling antics & liking to joke around & indulge in horror but like, that they do also have this constant siblingesque tendency in their dynamic to like on a dime go into [throwing a notebook at the other’s head flipping them off kicking biting] teasing to exasperated mode for a whole ten seconds before then both immediately being back on task, regular mode, like And Anyways. & brian naturally does not jump right into this sort of rapport, but shoutout to his like natural beleagueredness allowing him to still occupy a niche here & be outright going Oh No with brooke about zeke Getting A Zeke Idea. everyone’s trading off in being the most elevated person in any given moment is fun, this is just How It Is, and i really enjoy again how scenes operate where like, again, everyone has their own thread of chaos consistently winding (or unraveling. whichever you want) and the way the writing jumps between these simultaneous & overlapping goings on and the characters naturally do as well is lively & humorous. i also love this scene where brooke & zeke are both ruminating hard but somewhat separately despite having an exchange, while brian enters just fully preoccupied with the trial of having paint on himself & his just openly inserting himself into this exchange by being like do you think it’s permanent :( and that despite zeke likewise being so preoccupied as to miss an entire remark of brooke’s or else simply fail to give any response indicating otherwise, he happens to immediately reply to brian’s paint tragedy on its terms. that tina then comes by and has half her understudy buddy moment (she also actually calls brooke in another scene) with some pointed critical remarks towards brooke, only for brian to Also just totally in stride ask her about the paint, to which she also gives a seemingly earnest & matter of fact response about it lmao. and brian just being so absolutely beset by things like getting paint on himself, and the way the books are written with the vivacious characters & inherent comedic type framework alongside the horror and the humorous voice of the actual author coming through in addition to the pov narration involving bonus funny asides about everything all really gets me, and brian being a ghost also and knowing it and being so down to earth like, this play sabotage mystery is also entirely relevant to him, all the more so as the person who exists for this role very literally, and he’s just totally consumed by being bothered by getting paint on himself and worrying about it. it keeps Especially making me laugh like getting a bit teared up about it, but i think the entire book is Like That in both the very dry inherent humor and how these tiny moments of idiosyncratic flair that Could be stripped out are not, and there’s all these little momentary two line aside exchanges or internal remarks that add some damn texture and give everyone both more Character and Presence and sort of unfiltered “i’m like eleven”ness than if everyone was always sitting quietly while the Important part of a scene unfolds uninterrupted, but instead everyone can both be very absorbed with different things while also being able to spontaneously bounce off of someone else’s preoccupation for a moment. and things are just fun and funny. and i suspect that say, having been a theatre & horror appreciating oft intensely preoccupied but also bound to spontaneously ricochet off of goings on kid, i enjoy everyone bringing that energy here lmao. but i also enjoyed goosebumps books as a kid & i had a whole kick out of reading this one now, in a straightforward way even though i hardly could have the straightforward [i’m reading this as an elementary schooler] style of experience. you go r.l. stine. i could not give a single direct quote from the “the ghost next door” book but i’m already humored by the entire back and forth that is the narrator again befriending this new guy but she suspects something’s up with him such as that he might be the ghost next door, while he keeps being all the more suspicious in turn when she’s most suspicious, just this back and forth of it. and it’s again all the funnier that in fact the narrator is the ghost, unknowingly this time. and there’s also like this shadow self who keeps lurking ominously & perhaps tries to kill the friend to take his place in the living world or something and i remember that in fact coming across as ominous and intense when eleven. but it’s also intense anyways b/c our narrator unknownst to herself and thus us did in fact die partway through. like, brian only tried to take someone’s place in a living world theatrical production, at least, however he has to keep falling to his doom, sorry man. he’s fine though i guess. and in the meantime he was like oh my godddd paint on my clothes oh my god why do i let you two drag me into scary situations i don’t like horror we’re gonna get in trouble stop talking about ghosts aaaagh. and then he gamely goes along anyways despite needing to complain, thank you hero. bolstering everyone else’s nerves b/c they’re trying to cheer you up
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bunnykawa · 4 years
what are you doing, step bro? (sakusa x f. reader)
summary: To your parents, Sakusa was the greatest son. To you, he was the best big brother you could’ve ever asked for, but you could only find that out with a little force.
a/n: i literally just started college so i won't have much time to write but i have some stories in my drafts that'll be posted in awhile lol. should i open requests for haikyuu drabbles since they're short but still entertaining?? idek i feel like no one is reading this rn LOL but if anyone is reading this, lmk ;)
(edit: I HAD TO REPOST THIS CS IT WASNT SHOWING UP IN TAGS so sorry if you already liked this post)
warnings: 18+, incest, mentions of drugging,  mentions of somnophilia, mentions of parental neglect, noncon/dubcon/rape, sakusa is a dirty pervert i just don’t know how else to tag this, degradation, slight manipulation
"(Y/N), this is your new big brother, Kiyoomi," your mother said, holding tightly onto your small shoulders as you stood in front of her.
"You can refer to him as your nii-san from now on." Locking eyes with you was an older boy with long black wavy hair, two moles on the right side of his forehead, and a white face mask on the lower half of his face which blocked his nose and mouth. How odd, you thought. You could tell he was disinterested with how his eyes were blank as he stared at you.
That was the first time meeting your step brother, Sakusa Kiyoomi.
Being four years younger than Sakusa, you two never really got along. Of course you had to respect each other, but there was nothing to really talk about other than when his volleyball games were or unfulfilling small talks. Sometimes he would make snide remarks, asking if you even showered when your hair was only slightly messy or if a smart word ever came out of your mouth when you stumbled over your words. Sometimes he was just mean to you in general to the point where you would cry. You always tried to ignore it, though. That was when you were younger. You couldn’t help that you weren’t that smart and he was your nii-san after all. Your parents would brush it off.
You celebrated his victories together, only because you had to. I mean, you were the younger sister of one of the nation's top three aces in high school volleyball. There was no way your parents wouldn't celebrate. He was their pride and joy.
Smart, athletic, incredibly attractive — everything you felt like you could never live up to.
Your own biological mom so obviously and painfully liked him more than you.
Before you even entered high school, Sakusa was old enough to move out and go to college where he continued to play volleyball. When he visited during the holidays, you still wouldn't have decent conversations with him. He would still insult you. It even made you cringe when you had to call him nii-san. Why address him as your older brother when he didn't even act like it?
But you dealt with it because you had to.
Fresh out of Itachiyama Academy, you're focused on studying for entrance exams for colleges in your area rather than what would happen if you ever had to see Sakusa again. But, you were expecting to see him very soon.
Gentle knocks are heard from outside your door and before you can respond, your mom is already opening it.
"(Y/N), Omi is coming today and he's gonna be here for a week. I have to go to the grocery store to buy food and I'm gonna run other errands so it's gonna take awhile," she says, leaning her head into your room. You respond multiple times with "okay" so she can leave your room sooner.
Textbooks and notebooks are strewn across your bed with you on your stomach, trying to cram as much information in your head as possible.
"That means I might not be here in time for when he comes, so you have to open the door and greet him," she adds.
"What about dad?" you ask with a grimace. The most you would do is say hello and scurry back into your room.
She rolls her eyes at you. "He's working late again. You know that, (Y/N)." With a sigh, you agree and she finally leaves your room after bidding you a "goodbye."
You can't remember the last time you saw Sakusa, but it was probably almost half a year ago. Ever since he left for college, your parents were even more distant towards you. They probably felt like they didn't need to worry about you because you weren't doing anything important.
When Sakusa came over, he barely acknowledged you and you were okay with that because it meant he wouldn't be bothering you.
But that didn't mean his blank stare wouldn't catch your attention whenever you came out of your room to eat or use the restroom. The atmosphere felt...very odd around him. You couldn't necessarily come up with a reason why.
Suddenly, you hear knocking on the front door. It had to be at least an hour or two since your mom left and the thought of who was waiting at the door made your stomach churn.
"Nii-san is here," you mutter to yourself as you got up to open the door. Right as you open the door, Sakusa was staring down at you with the same blankness in his eyes from before with his usual face mask. His hair was shorter than you remember.
Mindlessly, his eyes seem to scan your body before returning to your face, making you feel self-conscious. You were only wearing black spandex shorts and a loose tank top. Subconsciously, you rub your arm and step back to make space.
"(Y/N)," Sakusa acknowledges you in a deadpan voice. It's no surprise to you.
"Hi, onii-san. How are you?" You try so hard to be polite, but Sakusa seemed to have a naturally dominant energy that overwhelmed your senses, even if he also seemed to have the personality of a jar of mayonnaise. You step aside so he can come in. He wore gray sweatpants and a black windbreaker that was zipped up all the way. As soon as he makes it inside, he removes his face mask, stuffs it in his pocket, and starts unzipping his jacket.
"I'm good," he hums, "Where's mom?" He places the backpack he was carrying on the couch and takes a seat as you close the door.
"She's out doing errands and dad is working. Do you want some tea?"
"Yes, please. Make sure you wash your hands before you do. Thank you," he said. You walk into the kitchen, muttering "germaphobe" under your breath at his extra request. Unbeknownst to you, he watched you from his place on the couch as you walked around the kitchen, pulling the tea kettle out of one of the bottom cabinets and looking for cups. His gaze followed the outline of your ass in those tiny shorts that hugged your bottom tightly.
"What college are you planning on going to, (Y/N)?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I'm applying to the college you're going to and three others," you replied from your spot near the counter.
Sakusa actually perks up at your answer. "Oh, cool. You'll love it there if you get in. Only if, though. You're not the brightest."
You couldn't help but let your face fall in a frown at his seemingly small comment. Quickly, you compose yourself and brush off his remark. You got the water boiling in the tea kettle and reached high for the teacups that were sitting on the top cabinets. Your stepdad definitely put them up there.
A presence looms close behind you, which makes your whole body automatically freeze and tense up. A veiny, bulky arm reaches up easily to grab the teacups while another one snakes around you to pull your tank top down as it was exposing your stomach. You're not sure if you're imagining it, but you definitely feel something stiff brushing up against your back.
"You need to be careful. Don't wanna hurt yourself, do you?" Sakusa commented, leaning forward so his mouth was right next to your ear. A blush found its way onto your cheeks from feeling him so close to you.
He usually hated being so close to people. What was so different today?
"R-right," you stuttered, "Thank you, nii-san."
Confrontation wasn't a strong trait of yours.
You guess that moment was when it started getting really weird between you two. You still had small talks from whenever he would actually see you come out of your room, but you wanted to avoid him as much as you could. However, that was hard when Sakusa insisted that you drank tea together every night and, of course, your parents insisted, too.
Your nii-san wants to spend more time with you, they would say excitedly. Better late than never!
Maybe if he was showing the slightest bit of interest in you, your parents would finally care about you. So, with much hesitation, you started drinking tea with your step brother every night. Sakusa even made the tea himself so his poor little sister wouldn't tire herself out with carrying that heavy teapot.
You're still not sure if you're imagining things, but the tea tasted different from how you made it. And you swear that the tea didn't make you so sleepy after drinking it until he started making it.
"Come here," Sakusa would say with a smirk, "Onii-san will take you to bed."
You would pass out before you even made it to bed, but every morning you woke up with sticky thighs, only blaming it on sweating while you were sleeping.
Until one day, you didn't drink all the tea that he made you. You still fell asleep, though. Your brain was hazy enough to make you lose consciousness as he helped you up from your seat in the kitchen.
Sakusa laid next to you on your bed. You were placed on your side so he could slide under the sheets right behind you to press his hardened length against your ass. This was his favorite part of the night. He spent a few minutes playing with your cunt to make it slick enough for him to let his cock break through your walls.
You barely stirred awake. Didn't even move an inch as he caressed every part of your body, from your soft nipples to the sensitive nub between your thighs.
He pushed the elastic of his sweatpants down to his thighs quickly. His cock hit your ass before settling between your folds. A satisfied moan leaves his lips when he feels your wetness coating the top part of his shaft as he rubbed it against you. He hooked his arm around one of your legs so that you were spread open enough for him to fuck you and rub your clit at the same time with his other hand.
He wanted that sweet nectar completely coating his dick. He remembers the way you tasted and how you came on his tongue the night before, despite being blacked out from the little pills he would dissolve in your drinks. You tasted so clean and smelled so fresh. It was impossible for your nii-san to control himself around you.
And when did your ass look so good? God...Sakusa couldn't believe he never noticed how cute and well-shaped you were. You weren't that little girl he met when you were both kids. You were pushing adulthood now. Still pathetic looking, still too shy, still small around him, but fuck, he definitely would have pushed you over the counter the first day he came over and fucked you until you were crying and gagging.
He continued rubbing circles onto your clit and letting his cock soak up your juices. Gently, he positions the tip at your entrances and pushes in slowly.
"There you go," he whispers in your ear, "I know it's a little big. Don't worry."
He manages to fill you up all the way, making him groan. Your walls were tight around him. He thrusts in and out of you carefully, salvaging the feeling of your slick interior.
But you didn't drink all the tea, which means that you could wake up earlier than he expected.
Sakusa didn't expect you to wake up now.
You stirred slightly as you regained consciousness. Although your eyelids were heavy, you tried to force them open only to be met with darkness.
"Mmm," you croaked, rubbing your eyes. The odd feeling of being filled up suddenly made you wake up more. "W-what's going on?"
"Fuck," Sakusa muttered from behind you. You felt a hard chest pressed against your back and...a hand on your pussy. No, something inside your pussy. And that voice was so familiar.
You quickly whip your head around when the realization dawns on you. What the fuck is happening? While your eyes adjust to the dark room, you see two familiar eyes staring straight back at you. He stopped grinding his hips against you for a moment as if time stopped.
"...Nii-san?" you hesitated. His breathing was heavy and he stayed silent.
"Nii-san, what are you doing?" you asked in a panicked voice. You quickly tried to get up from your position, only to be held down by Sakusa’s muscular arms. His hand wrapped itself over your lips to prevent you from screaming.
“Be a good girl and stay quiet, (Y/N),” he whispered. A muffled scream tries to escape your lips. He continued to fuck you slowly, leaving a burning feeling in your walls. The same sore feeling that you would sometimes wake up to within the past few days.
For a moment, you pry his fingers off of your mouth. "I don't understand...Why are you...?" You yelped in surprise, horror, and pleasure as he delivered a sharp thrust from behind you. The smack of his hips against your bare ass made you cringe and feel so disgusted with yourself. Nii-san is actually inside me.
"My poor little sister," he chucked darkly. He suddenly wraps his arm around your knee tighter and forces your legs wide open, your knee almost touching your chest. Instead of putting his hand over your mouth to shut you up, he kneads your breast. His hands were so large.
"You think you can walk around the house looking like a little slut in those tiny shorts?" He stretches you open with his hard cock with slow, yet hard, thrusts. It left your mouth agape, but no sounds left your throat except for small squeaks that you couldn't hold back. "You stupid bitch. Just as dumb as I could remember. Fuck, you don't know how much I wanted to bend you over and fill you up with my cum like the stupid, desperate slut you are."
He was satisfied as you were barely fighting him. All you did was desperately search for something to hold onto and bite your lip because you were so scared. His words were painful. "Look at you. A waste of fucking space, only good as a fuck hole. Didn't even realize she was getting drugged and getting fucked every night because she's so fucking stupid."
Weak. That was all your brain was telling you, mocking you, as Sakusa didn't stop moving against you and insulting you. This wasn't the first time. It just so happened that this time you were able to wake up.
"I-I..." you stuttered, "I'll...I'll tell mom and dad." The sheets were gripped tightly between your fingers. "I'll tell them- mmmm...what nii-san has been doing to me..."
"If you tell mom and dad, they wouldn't even care," Sakusa said in a patronizing tone. The way his hand was caressing you made you wanna cry.
“They would!”
"Mom and dad don't even treat you like a daughter, (Y/N). When was the last time they told you they loved you?" Even if his question was rhetorical, your mind went completely blank. You can't recall a moment where they ever told you they loved you.
"B-but, this isn't right! You're not supposed to be doing this," you argued. It was a surprise that your mind wasn't completely clouded by how big his cock was and how his thrusts felt almost hateful.
"You think they would choose your side? You'd be ruining your own life. Maybe you'd ruin mine. And it'd be. All. Your. Fault." With each syllable, his movements became sharper. "You don't wanna betray your nii-san by saying something, do you?"
"You love your nii-san, right?"
You do. You love him so much, even if you tried to avoid him and he never said a single good thing to you in your whole damn life.
Because you have to love him.
You stopped gripping on the sheets to the point where your knuckles were turning ghostly white to brush away the tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body shook, from both crying because of Sakusa's painful words and how hard he was fucking you. The pleasure building up in your core was overwhelming you, making that intense feeling of having to pee forced out of you.
Hearing your sniffles and small cries, Sakusa pulls you even tighter against him, but doesn't stop his relentless thrusting. It turned him on even more. He pushes your hand to brush away your tears for you, like good big brothers should.
"It's okay, (Y/N). We both know mom and dad don't love you."
A loud cry erupted from your chest. Maybe if your parents cared about you, they'd be running to your room to save you the second you started crying. But, no. Sakusa was basking in the fact that you were hurting on the inside. After years of negligent silence, you were finally letting it all out.
"But nii-san loves you," he said with a smile.
Although his words seemed to stun your entire being, you manage to choke out a "What?" Like it was the first time someone ever told you that they love you.
His torturous thrusts almost distracted you. Fuck, why did it feel so good to have your step brother fucking you on your side like this?
"I love you." He sweetly grabs your face so you can turn your head to look at him. There was a pounding in your ears coming straight from your chest. A warm feeling spreads throughout your stomach.
"You...you love me, nii-san?"
"Of course I do." He was actually smiling at you, "If I didn't, would I be inside you right now?"
His face didn't seem so blank anymore. Sakusa never ever smiled at you. Hell, he never really smiled in general. Someone actually loved you. Holy shit. And he was even pounding away at your insides like you were a fuck doll.
Is that why he's so mean? Was he just trying to hide his feelings for you this whole time? You could die laughing right now. His cock felt so damn good rearranging your guts against your will yet you were struggling to accept it.
Your cheeks naturally puffed up in happiness as you smiled so brightly at him. The flip switched in your brain so easily. Without another word, Sakusa kissed you passionately, because he knew you would let him continue to ravage your body. Your hips began to buck from the pressure building up in your lower half and you starting pushing your hips towards him, welcoming his length inside you. It felt like you needed more of him. More of his love.
Love me.
"Nii-san," you gasped against his lips. His movements never faltered, which you figured was from his amazing athletic ability and stamina.
"Be a good little sister and cum on my cock," he coaxed. He could tell you were so close to cumming from how tightly your precious cunt was hugging his length and how you were squirming against him. You were both slick with sweat. As you started squirming more violently against him, Sakusa tightened his grip on you.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whined desperately, “Nii-san, I’m gonna cum!” You grabbed his arms and pushed your fingernails into his skin, making him hiss from the sudden pain. With a firm grip over your mouth, he muffles your screams. Satisfaction settled in your stomach as you exploded all over his cock. Your sweet juices trailed down your thighs onto the bedsheets.
As much as Sakusa wanted to, he couldn’t fill up your insides and see your hole dripping with his cum just yet. He quickly pulls out of you and lets his seed shoot onto the bare skin of your ass. The shock of your orgasm left your thighs trembling, your skin wet, and your eyes drooping.
“You’re the best little sister.”
You would’ve replied, but you could barely form any words as you lost consciousness again. When you woke up the next morning, you were fully dressed and cleaned up, with no stickiness between your thighs like how you used to wake up.
Sakusa actually cleaned you up this time. You felt your heart melt and butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Everything seemed to go back to normal between you two, with the same small talks and not really seeing each other often, but he always had a knowing smirk on his face whenever he saw you.
Whenever his eyes would trail up your body to meet yours, you could feel a warmth in your stomach spread all throughout your body which forced you to look away quickly. Whenever he insulted you, you would feel your thighs press together. Whenever you caught yourself admiring his features when he replaced his face mask for a new one, you smiled softly to yourself.
When it was time for him to leave, you couldn’t help but let a few tears shed. He was all set to go, with his backpack on and his mask covering his face.
“Hey, don’t cry, (Y/N),” he cooed, wiping your tears away, “You know I won’t be gone forever.”
You sniffled, “I know. I just hate being here alone.” Well, not necessarily alone. You just hated being ignored and neglected just because you weren’t your brother.
“If you manage to get into my college, you can move in with me. How does that sound?” You instantly perk up and dry your tears with your shirt.
"Really?!” you asked with excitement. You imagine all the things you could do with your nii-san without your parents in the picture. You could go out together, hold hands, share kisses, just about anything. He could even fuck you whenever he wants.
These thoughts about your own step brother would've made you feel sick before.
But that was before you knew Sakusa loved you. Now, you couldn't help but ask your mom when the next time your nii-san would be coming to visit. While you were waiting for his next visit, you studied hard.
College would be so much fun with your nii-san with you!
Part 2
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jlalafics · 3 years
"The Long Weekend"-Part One
Happy belated birthday @keelaree!
Hope you enjoy this first part. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my writing life, and an even better friend. Can't wait till we can reunite in SF, so we can tea time together and eat soup dumplings.
Love you!
Summary: Two assistants who barely tolerate each other. One snowy cabin. One very long weekend.
Oh, and one bed.
“I’m making the turn now, Haymitch,” Peeta told his boss as he navigated the icy road. “Should have everything prepped and ready by the time you and Effie arrive.”
“Thanks,” Haymitch replied over the speakerphone. “I should tell you that I did ask for someone to help you out. Someone who knows Effie better than I do sometimes—”
Peeta slowed his car as he spotted the cozy cabin in front of him. However, he grimaced seeing the red Jeep already parked on its side.
“You didn’t.”
“Peeta, Katniss knows Effie very well,” his boss said calmly. “Just like you know me. I know that you two don’t get along—”
“Understatement of the year,” Peeta replied as he parked roughly.
“This is important. I’m proposing to Effie and I want it to be perfect,” Haymitch explained. “Katniss knows all the foods she likes to eat, and how to decorate the place to make it comfortable yet romantic. Effie and I are finishing up our meeting with Mr. Snow then we’ll be making our way up to the cabin for the holiday weekend. I’ll call you when we’re on our way so you and Katniss can take off—that is if you haven’t murdered one another by then.”
“I’m only doing this because I’m your assistant,” he called out.
“You could at least like me!” Haymitch joked. “I pay you an obscene amount for an assistant.”
“Katniss probably gets paid more.”
“Well, she picks up tampons for Effie without being asked so probably.”
“Everything will be ready by the time you get here,” Peeta promised. “And I’m doing this because I like and respect you.”
“Thank you, Peeta. Call you soon.”
Peeta Mellark sighed as he stepped out of his car, bags in hand. The snowy wind picked up and he wrapped his parka tighter around himself before rushing up to the porch. It was getting worse up here, and he hoped that the soon-to-be engaged couple would make it safely.
Getting out the key that Haymitch lent him, Peeta unlocked the door and quickly stepped in to keep the cold air from entering with him.
“Oh, you’re finally here.” Katniss Everdeen sailed into the room, placing a charcuterie board on the coffee table in the center of the sitting room. “I thought you died or something.”
Peeta gave her a wry smile, placing the bags on the floor before shaking off his parka and hanging it on the hook by the door.
“Thought or hoped?” He searched his bag before pulling out the champagne that Haymitch asked along with the two glasses. Going to the table, Peeta placed them on the table before going back to the bag for the champagne bucket. “Is there ice?”
“The fridge has an ice machine,” Katniss informed him tersely, nodding her head towards the left. “I’ve already gotten their dinner started.”
“Not surprised.” Peeta walked into the kitchen, heading to the stainless-steel fridge. “You’re so anal that you’ve probably carved those little radish flowers for garnish.”
“They’re in the fridge so they’ll be fresh.”
Peeta wasn’t sure why they didn’t get along.
For one, Katniss was admittedly attractive with her long dark, and almond-shaped grey eyes. The first time he saw his stomach had definitely done a little flip. She had been walking alongside Effie, notebook in hand, wearing a fitted black dress with a peter pan collar and paying scant attention to anything else around her.
She literally knocked him to the ground.
Katniss had apologized, holding out her hand to help him up.
And Peeta had fucking tingled at her touch.
Over the next few days as he learned the ropes of being Haymitch Abernathy’s assistant, Peeta noticed her across the hall. Effie Trinket’s office was directly adjacent to his boss’ and Katniss’ desk was in the same spot as his.
She kept her head down, never acknowledging him, so wrapped up in her work or answering her phone.
So, Peeta asked around.
“She’s an ice queen,” Cato, who was in Marketing, informed him. “Never wants to hang out with anyone or even join in during happy hour. It’s important here to form relationships with everyone. Panem Industries is all about workplace harmony and Katniss embodies none of that.”
“Yeah, she’s snooty, too,” Clove from IT added. “I once asked her something about her family and she replied that it was none of my business. Like I was just trying to get to know her!”
“Wow. I guess if Katniss is that much of a head case, then I shouldn’t bother to ask her for help,” he told the two.
After that, during any interaction, she treated him indifferently…cold even. Peeta couldn’t help but be disappointed that Cato and Clove’s words were true.
And that was the end of his fascination with Katniss Everdeen.
“You want to get out here and help me or was the ice machine too hard for you to maneuver?” Katniss suddenly called out.
Peeta quickly filled the bucket and stepped out.
Katniss was bent over the couch, arranging the pillows, and he felt a heat rush through his skin.
There was also the slight twinge in his crotch at seeing a firm apple-bottom in tight ski pants.
It seemed that Katniss Everdeen had a bigger effect on him than he realized.
Peeta Mellark had a huge effect on her.
Katniss struggled to keep the heat off her cheeks as she fixed the pillows that she bought for the cabin. Effie loved those cheesy sayings, so she went on Etsy and ordered custom-made pillows with her favorite quotes.
No one should spend so much time arranging pillows, but Katniss could feel his stare on her. It made her nervous…and tingly.
However, these feelings didn’t belong—especially in a work situation and she needed this job.
Taking a breath, Katniss turned…to find Peeta right behind her.
He jumped back, startled by her abrupt movements.
Whoa—was he checking her out?
“Why were you so close?” she blurted out.
“Sorry. It looked like you were confused about how pillows worked,” he replied, rolling his eyes. “You were there for a millennium.”
“Funny.” She sighed at the amusement in his gorgeous blue eyes—stop it!—and steeled her expression. “Do you think you could help me set up this romantic dinner for our bosses instead of standing there like an ass-licker?”
“You mean asshole.”
“I stand by my words,” Katniss replied and was surprised when he chuckled, his eyes crinkling as he did. She couldn’t help but let her mouth rise. “The table is in that closet next to the door. I got some table linens from a vintage shop that Effie likes last week.”
“Wow, you’re really on top of it,” Peeta remarked, going to the closet. “How do you have time for a life?”
She didn’t.
As in, Katniss didn’t have a life.
She had work, she had a home, but a social life was non-existent. Katniss knew what everyone said about her; that she was cold and distant, never wanting to be part of the team. It never bothered her because she did have her reasons.
So, she was surprised at how hurt she was when she heard Peeta call her a headcase.
Katniss hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, only passing the breakroom to get to the copy machine. However, she stopped at the mention of her name.
Cato’s words were no surprise, though he failed to mention that her iciness was due to him inappropriately putting his arm around her and telling her that they should get to know each other on a personal level. Katniss also didn’t trust Clove for shit; she was the office gossip.
It hit hard to know that the one person who had made her tingle was so easily influenced by two douchebags.
Katniss had decided, then and there, that if Peeta didn’t see past her exterior, then he must be like the rest of them.
“I’m very organized,” she replied. It came out harder than she intended. “I have to be.”
Peeta had already set up the table in front of the fireplace.
“Well, it’s in your favor,” he told her. “You’re a good assistant.”
Katniss looked up in surprise. “You think I’m a good assistant?”
Peeta snorted. “Like you didn’t know it—where are the tablecloths?”
She handed him a beautiful fuchsia tablecloth followed by a cream lace one.
“Fuchsia first then layer it with the lace,” she told him. “I always hope I am. Effie is a great boss and she’s so supportive about work-and-homelife balance. I want to make sure this is all perfect for her.”
Katniss helped Peeta straighten the cloth, smoothing it down and making sure that there were no wrinkles. They settled into a light conversation about working with their respective bosses while setting the rest of the table. While Peeta worked on the place settings, he told her about how he admired Haymitch’s down-to-earth attitude despite being one of the most successful people in the company.
She arranged the florals in the center of the table while telling him how she had worked two jobs prior to getting this one.
“I was a waitress and housekeeper before this,” she revealed. “I was working a crazy lunch rush when I met Effie. We got to talking because she noticed how I met her coffee exactly the way she liked it despite my ragged expression—her words not mine. Effie kept on coming in, and a month after we met, she offered me the assistant job. Said she like my gumption.”
“That’s really cool,” Peeta said. He set down one of the forks he was cleaning and met her eyes. “You know, this is the first time we’ve really talked. I kind of believed you thought of me as your enemy.”
“I thought the same thing.” Katniss placed a folded napkin on the plate in front of her. “You called me a head case.”
His blue eyes widened, shocked at her words. Slowly, she could see in his eyes, the memory of his words.
“I didn’t know you heard that,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean it and I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine!” Katniss stood up abruptly. The pain of his words churned in her stomach. “I know that everyone talks about me. In my defense, Cato was completely inappropriate when we first met. I thought acting like a bitch would stave him off. Clove has no filter—”
Peeta’s brows furrowed at her sudden coldness.
“I realize that now—one year later…is that why you completely ignore me? Why you act like the sight of me makes you sick?”
“I do not!” Katniss cried out into the room. “You avoid me at all costs!”
“Because the one time that I attempted to ask you a question—you brushed me aside!” he shouted. “If you had bothered to talk to me, I wouldn’t have believed what people said in the first place—” Peeta’s phone rang, and he quickly picked up, seeing his boss’ face on his screen. “Haymitch? You on your way? What? No, I haven’t looked outside—”
Katniss rushed to one of the front windows, pulling back the curtain.
White everywhere.
She couldn’t even see her car and it was bright fucking red!
“They’re not coming.”
Turning, Katniss found Peeta putting his phone in his pocket as he approached.
“The snowstorm came unexpectedly, and the roads are blocked. They’re staying at Effie’s to wait it out while we…are stuck here until it passes.”
The good thing was that the house was fully equipped. Food was stocked in the fridge since the couple had planned to stay for the long weekend. Both he and Katniss had even brought Haymitch and Effie’s luggage so there had clothing.
“Well, dinner must be ready,” Katniss informed him with a sigh. “If you want to get more comfortable, you can probably change to something of Haymitch’s. I have a call to make before my phone dies and then I’ll pull the food out of the oven.”
Peeta nodded numbly, grabbing Haymitch's duffle and going to the opposite open door where the bedroom was. He tossed the bag on the bed—
The one bed.
Turning, he rushed out of the room to look for his female counterpart. “Katniss!” He found the sitting room empty and headed into the kitchen.
“Yes, I’ll be fine,” she spoke quietly into the phone. “Just be nice to Johanna, okay? I’ll be home soon.” Her voice sounded completely different, light and happy—even affectionate. “I love you, too. Good night.”
He knocked on the archway and she turned to him.
“We have a problem,” he told her. “There’s only one bed.”
“And the couch is really just a loveseat,” Katniss mused as she pulled the food—steak with roasted asparagus and potatoes. Her expression was pained, and she blew out a breath. “I don’t really want to think about this right now. Why don’t we just eat?”
Peeta quickly nodded in agreement, rushing to the sitting room, and grabbing their plates.
“Why don’t you let me set this up?” he told her, seeing how frazzled she seemed. “Have a seat. Open the champagne—”
Katniss laughed and the sound of her lightened the load on his chest.
“You trying to get me drunk, Mellark?”
Peeta smirked. “If it makes you like me, then yes.”
“Fine, fine…” Katniss sauntered off towards the doorway. She stopped at the archway and their eyes met. Her gaze was nervous, but he could see the warmth in her greys. “You’re not my enemy, Peeta. And…I like you more than you think.”
Katniss disappeared, but not before he spied the blush on her cheeks.
Peeta felt another twinge. This time—in his chest.
Instead of sitting at the table, Katniss grabbed Effie’s luggage, a classic Louis Vuitton that cost more than her old Jeep, and brought it to the bedroom.
The one bedroom. With the one bed.
A sudden image of herself spooned contentedly against Peeta in that very bed rose in her mind—
“Stop tripping off him!” she chided herself.
Distractedly, Katniss opened the bag, sorting for something remotely comfortable in her boss’ luggage. However, it looked like Effie was expecting some sort of kinky weekend. The only sleepwear she had was a tiny red number that Katniss would probably bust out of; Effie was a tiny but fierce woman.
Maybe she could borrow something from Haymitch’s pile—
“I’m coming!” she called out before stuffing Effie’s lingerie back into the back.
Walking back into the room, Katniss saw that Peeta had already placed the plates on the table. He stood waiting for her, looking obnoxiously handsome as he had the day they met.
That first time, she had knocked him to the ground so caught up in following with Effie’s rapid pace. When Katniss held out her hand to him, she was caught up in the open smile he gave her. Then it was the gold waves along his forehead, which Katniss desperately wanted to brush back and the blue of his eyes—they had a tinge of grey in them.
For a moment, she was just a girl, and he was just a boy. Peeta didn’t know anything about the rumors of her iciness or how someone like her, with no college degree, managed to get a position like hers.
In that moment, Katniss was pure.
“You alright?” Peeta asked, interrupting her moment down memory lane.
“Yes.” She let him help her into her seat. “I was just thinking about something.”
“Was it the one bed thing?” he joked. “I’m fine with sleeping on the floor—”
Katniss held her hand up. “Let’s be grownups. It’s a big bed and we can put a pillow between us.”
“Very to the point,” Peeta replied, holding up his champagne glass. “To being grown-ups.”
“To being grown-ups.” She clinked her glass to his and took a full gulp. The liquid bubbled through her, making her laugh. “Wow, that’s some good shit.”
Peeta guffawed. “We’re going to have some fun.”
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hazel-light · 3 years
Tumblr media
Chapter Two Word Count: ~8,500
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn't mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: Thank you to everyone who sent me feedback on the first part! I really appreciate it :) Things pick up quite a bit here.... I hope you all enjoy! The third part will be up tomorrow, as promised. <3
It was finally time to fly back to Massachusetts. I had changed my flight so that Daniel and I could be on the same one and seated together.
It’s ridiculously early when I arrive at his apartment to pick him up in our shared Uber, since we have to account for the time difference on the East Coast. He opens the door to his apartment, looking super cozy and ready for travel, one suitcase behind him and a backpack by the door.
“Today’s the day,” I grin at him.
“Oh shit, is it really?” He feigns, rolling his eyes. “Good thing I packed early, then.”
“You’re a professional traveler by this point, I bet you have it down pat.”
“You would think that, wouldn’t you? I actually put a bit more thought into this trip than I usually do.... I need to make a good impression, and I’m making a lot of first impressions.”
I can’t keep my face from forming an endeared expression. “That’s really cute.”
He puts his hands up bashfully. “I take my roles very seriously, Lauren.”
I shake my head. “Well, it means a lot to me; not only that you’re doing this, but that you’re taking it seriously.”
He shrugs, softening his playful demeanor. “Even if we weren’t together in their eyes, I would care what your family thinks. They’re important to you, so it’s important to me.”
“Dannnnielllll,” I whine, “Please don't make me cry this early in the day.”
He laughs, picking up his luggage. “At this rate you’re not going to survive the weekend. I haven’t even turned on my boyfriend charm yet.”
God help me then, I think, making my way back to the car.
Getting through LAX is fairly easy, and remarkably Daniel successfully flies under the radar. He offers to let me have the window seat, but I let him take it, figuring the farther out of sight from the aisle he is, the better.
Like all flights, I fall asleep as soon as we hit cruising altitude; Daniel has his headphones in and spends the time working on something in a notebook. In what seems like minutes, I’m being gently shaken awake by a smiling Daniel.
“Lovely girlfriend of mine, it’s time to rise and shine. Our relationship starts,” he pretends to check the time, “now.”
“Oh thank you, handsome boyfriend. I’m ready.”
Daniel laughs as we stand and wait to exit the plane. Once we step off and onto the ramp, Daniel offers me his hand. “Ready?”
I lace my fingers through his and try to ignore the flutter in my stomach. “Ready.”
Getting our luggage from baggage claim is fairly painless, which leads us to looking for Ryan and Katharine, his longtime girlfriend, in the airport. They’re picking us up on their way to the hotel on the Cape, where the wedding reception is going to be held, and also where we’re going to be staying.
We walk through the airport hand in hand, as I check my phone yet again to see if Ryan has texted. Nothing. We stop for a moment, and peripherally I hear a girl’s voice from behind us,
“Um excuse me, are you Daniel Sharman? Can I get a photo?”
I glance at Daniel, whose face has gone blank. I move to let go of his hand instinctively but he tightens his grip as we turn around. I laugh when I realize the voice belongs to Katharine, who’s standing in front of Ryan, who is trying his best not to laugh.
“Not funny, you guys,” I say, biting back a grin. “We haven’t been recognized so far.”
I turn back to Daniel, who’s looking at me slightly confused. “Daniel, please meet Ryan and his girlfriend Katharine.”
“Oh,” he laughs, reaching out to shake their hands. “That was good. It’s nice to meet you both.”
Katharine knocks into Ryan, who’s still grinning. “It was this loser’s idea. He said he couldn't do it because you’d recognize his voice too soon.”
“A fair point,” I add, teasing. “Besides, women tend to be Daniel’s main demographic, so.”
Daniel scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“What?” I laugh, “It’s true.”
“I wanted to see if you’d drop her hand in front of a fan,” Ryan challenges. “You passed the test.”
“That’s a stupid test, Ry. I wouldn’t have been offended if he did, since this is our first public outing as a couple.”
Daniel looks at me like I’ve somehow insulted him. “I would never do that to you, Laur. That’s crazy; I wouldn’t try to hide you.”
“Okay, well, I’m just saying.” I look at Ryan expectantly. “Still trying to figure out why you haven’t hugged me yet.”
“It takes two hands to hug, I think,” he taunts, nodding towards where Daniel and I are still holding hands.
I blush. “Can you not be this annoying? We literally just arrived.” I let go of Daniel’s hand and step toward Ryan. Katharine and Daniel watch amusedly as Ryan and I hug, trying to see who can crush the other the most. “I missed you, dummy.”
“I missed you, too. You can let go now. Really.”
I let go of Ryan and narrow my eyes at him. “You’re a brat.”
“Whatever, let’s go.”
I grab the handle of my suitcase, smiling at Daniel, who smiles softly back at me. I glance at his hand and then back at him, and he chuckles softly as he meets me halfway in my attempt to hold his hand again. I blush and look away, turning my attention back to Ryan and Katharine, who are leading us out of the airport to where they’d parked.
The car ride to the hotel on the Cape is filled with small talk, mainly questions for Daniel, who takes them in stride. I watch him and smile as he is able to keep up with Ryan’s antics and provide thoughtful answers. He is anything but flustered, and I feel a sense of pride trickle through me. At some point, Daniel catches me watching up with a smile on my face and he just smiles back, continuing his easy conversation with Ryan and Katharine. I jump in where I’m needed, or when I can provide something interesting, but for the most part I bask in how well things seem to be going.
Once we arrive and park at the hotel, the four of us get our luggage and head inside to check in. Ryan gives our name to the woman at the desk and she looks us up.
“Got it. I see the mother of the bride reserved two king rooms on the wedding family floor, which is 3.” I see Ryan glance at us, but I just don’t look at him, I just squeeze Daniel’s hand.
“That sounds right to me.”
Daniel nods next to me. The woman nods and hands us each two key cards. We thank her and head to the elevator for our floor.
Katharine checks her phone. “Do you guys want to get settled and meet back up for dinner? The hotel restaurant has seating out by the beach.”
I look at Daniel who looks at me before shrugging. “Yeah, that sounds great. You want to meet in like 45 minutes?”
The elevator dings and we exit to our floor. Our room is farther down the hall than Ryan and Katharine’s.
“Sure, we’ll head over to your room then.” Ryan smiles before ducking into his room with Katharine.
Once I hear their door click shut, I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
Daniel huffs a laugh at me, stopping to unlock our door.
“You alright?”
“Great. How’re you doing with all this?”
“Good; they’re nice— Ryan is literally exactly what I expected.”
I laugh at that and follow Daniel into the room. I look around and admire the quaint decor. The bed takes up most of the room but there’s a closet and a bureau on the opposite wall, and tall windows that don’t open but overlook the beach below and the sea beyond. Opposite the windows is a wall covered in different paintings and signs— very boho beachy.
I sit on the bed and look at Daniel, who’s already unzipping his luggage to hang up his suit.
“This is cute,” I comment.
“Yeah, it’s nice.”
I bite my nail and watch as he turns around to face the closet.
“I uh, forgot that we’d be sharing a bed. Just didn’t think of it— sorry.”
Daniel laughs and gives me an incredulous look over his shoulder.
“You thought your aunt would book us two beds even though as far as she knows we’re super in love?”
I blush. “Well, no. I just— I don’t know, I didn’t even think about it is all I meant.”
Daniel rolls his eyes. “It doesn’t bother me. I quite appreciate a good cuddle, if I’m honest. Haven’t had one in a while.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Oh?”
“Why— do you hate that? Are you one of those women who like their space?”
I snort. “No, no, we can cuddle. You just surprise me, is all.”
“Surprise you, huh?”
Daniel turns around with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. He takes two strides so he’s standing in front of me, and puts his hands on either side of my face. He leans down so we’re eye to eye and I can’t help but glance briefly at his lips, wondering if he’s going to kiss me again.
“You know,” he says softly, “You should really unpack your dress so it doesn’t wrinkle.” He winks and pulls back, kissing my forehead.
I shake my head even though he’s facing away from me now, hopping off the bed to follow his advice.
“You’re trouble, Sharman. Such a tease.”’
“Sorry?” He looks at me innocently, batting his eyelashes dramatically. “Oh, were you expecting a kiss?”
I feel myself blush as I pull my dress out and walk around him to hang it up.
“I wasn’t expecting anything. Like I said, you’re full of surprises.”
He lowers his voice. “So, you don’t want a kiss?”
I turn around to face him, eyes narrowed, thoughts rushing, but before I can retort there’s a knock on the door.
I turn away promptly to answer the door, grateful for the exit. I hear Daniel chuckle behind me as I open the door to reveal Ryan, who clears his throat.
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” He peers past me, presumably at Daniel. “Katharine called the restaurant to make a reservation and they only had a 6:45, so she said we’d take it. I tried to text you but you didn’t answer.”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “My phone's still in my bag. We were unpacking.”
“That’s fine. Are you guys good to head to dinner, or...?”
I feel an arm wrap around my waist. “Yeah, we’re good. I grabbed your purse, Laur, and I have my wallet and the room key.”
I can feel Ryan watching me so I lean back against Daniel’s chest and look up at him. “Thank you,” I say sweetly, taking my bag from him before turning back to Ryan. “Let’s go.”
Dinner on the beach is lovely. There’s a subtle warm breeze and the food is delicious. The conversation is easy and I can’t help but feel an unusual sense of peace of bringing two of my favorite men together and having them get along so well.
I’m in a reverie when I feel Daniel’s hand lightly squeeze my thigh, bringing me back to reality. I blink, looking across the table at Ryan and Katharine, and try to ignore Daniel smirking next to me.
“Hmm? Sorry, I dazed out there for a minute.”
Katharine laughs. “Totally fine, I was asking how it’s been dating someone who's in the spotlight.”
“Oh, um.” I pause, taking a sip of water. “It’s been fine, you know, since we’ve been so low key about it. The public doesn’t know about us. I imagine it’d be different then.”
Daniel nods. “I think for the most part, the fans would be welcoming, but there are always going to be people who… aren’t.”
Ryan leans on his hand, looking between the two of us. “Isn’t it weird, though? The thought that there are so many girls thinking about getting with your boyfriend constantly?”
“I—” I look at Daniel, who looks mortified, but also curious at how I’ll respond. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it like that.”
Ryan makes a noise of indignation. “You watch his movies and shows and stuff, don’t you?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Of course I do.”
“And it isn’t weird watching him make out with people on screen? Doesn’t it make you jealous?”
I open and close my mouth. I can tell behind his hand Daniel’s smirking, and even Katharine’s looking at me curiously.
“Well, of course I don’t love it— but I mean— it’s his job. There’s nothing I can do about it.”
I look at Daniel, who’s looking at me curiously.
“You never said it made you jealous.”
“I mean—” I shrug, at a loss for words.
He looks at me for a moment before looking away, clearing his throat as we’re interrupted by the waiter bringing our check.
Ryan goes to grab it, but Daniel beats him to it.
“I got it. I said I’d owe you a hundred bucks if you came with a real date, so,” Ryan teases.
I cross my arms. “Oh, and you believe me now?”
“After seeing how jealous you got in that conversation? Yeah.”
I scoff and Daniel and Katharine laugh while Ryan rolls his eyes.
“I’m just playing around, Laur.”
Daniel intervenes, sticking his card in the check holder and placing it at the edge of the table.
“I’ve got it, bro. First meeting and all that; but thank you.”
I look at Daniel. “You don’t have to do that, we all have our own jobs.”
Daniel shrugs. “I know, I just want to.” He places his hand on my thigh again, and leans in to kiss my temple. He whispers against my head. “Let me do this, please?”
“Okay,” I sigh. “Well, thank you.”
“Yes, thank you,” Katharine echoes, smiling.
“My pleasure.”
We’re back in our room, just finished brushing our teeth, when I bring it up again.
“You really didn’t have to pay for dinner you know.”
“I know,” he says. “But I don’t want him giving you money like me coming here was something that had to be bribed, or bought. I came because I wanted to— the details of which Ryan doesn’t need to know.”
I hum in thought.
“Besides, apparently I’m causing you bouts of jealousy, so really it’s the least I can do,” he teases.
I scoff, “Comes with the territory I guess…. along with apparently fighting off swarms of girls who want to jump your bones.”
It’s his turn to roll his eyes, folding down the bed covers, “Do people even use that expression anymore?”
“Doesn’t matter, you know what I mean.”
“And yet, you’re the woman in my bed tonight.”
I laugh, folding down the other side of the bed, “How scandalous.”
“Very. Cuddling is serious business, you know.”
Daniel settles into bed, looking at me where I’m still sat on the edge.
“You coming in?”
“Yeah,” I flush, hesitating.
He extends an arm, and I take the invitation, cuddling up against his chest.
“See, this is nice.”
“I never said it wouldn’t be.”
“I know." He pauses, "Try to relax, I promise this weekend is going to go smoothly, if I have any say in it. Not to sound too cocky, but I’m good at my job.”
I laugh at that, before sighing, “I know you are.”
“Good. Sweet dreams, then.”
“Sweet dreams," I echo, snuggling a little bit closer to him.
When I wake up in the morning, my chest is pressed against Daniel’s shirt, and I feel his fingertips lightly tracing up and down my back.
“Morning,” he hums.
“Good morning,” I answer, shifting slightly. “How long have you been awake?”
Daniel makes a noncommittal noise. “Not sure, didn’t want to risk waking you up to check my phone.”
I look up at him as best I can from my position. “You’ve just been staring at the ceiling this whole time?”
“It hasn’t been that long. Plus I’m resting, and enjoying our cuddle.”
I turn away blushing and snuggle back into him. “You are very warm; makes me not want to get up.”
“Our alarm hasn’t gone off yet—” He’s cut off by the alarm on his phone doing just that. “Nevermind.”
I make no effort to move from my cozy position.
“Come on,” He urges, pulling my hair lightly. “We have to get up and brush our teeth. I have a feeling there’s some kissing in our future, so.”
“Oh? Is there someone you have your eye on?” I tease.
“Just my fake girlfriend. I think I’ll probably need to demonstrate to her family how in love I am.”
“Demonstrate, huh? I’ll tell the children to shield their eyes.”
I feel Daniel’s laugh rumble through his chest, and I grin.
“Come on, we have to get ready and we have to make a good impression!”
I groan, rolling off and away from him. “I’m going to complain the whole time.”
“I’d expect nothing less.”
I don’t have to turn around to know he’s smirking.
Daniel showers first so I can use the bathroom to style my hair and do my makeup once I’m done with mine.
When I’m done, I find Daniel suited and sitting on the edge of the bed, scrolling on his phone. I walk up to him, standing in between his legs, and he looks up at me, taking in my appearance.
“You look beautiful.”
I reach my hand up to smooth his collar. “And you look very handsome; it might be a hard sell for anyone to believe you’re here with me,” I joke.
He shakes his head, smiling softly. He reaches up to take my hand, pulling my wrist up to his lips where he leaves a gentle kiss.
“I don’t think anyone will have any trouble believing that, actually.”
My heart stutters in my chest, and I swallow.
“Are you ready to meet everyone?”
“I am. Are you nervous?”
I look at him for a minute and really think about it.
“No,” I say, shaking my head. “With you, I’m not nervous.”
He smiles. “Good; let’s get going.”
As we exit the hotel, we take a right before descending down the stairs to the beach ceremony hand in hand. The sun feels warm on our skin, but the soft breeze keeps it from feeling overbearing. I can feel some family members’ eyes on me as I smile and wave with my free hand, sure I’ll have plenty of time to talk to them after. We pick our seats and I look up at Daniel, who is already smiling down at me. I smile back as he places our clasped hands in my lap, his thumb gently brushing back and forth over my skin.
“It’s a beautiful day to get married,” he states, looking around.
I hum in agreement, wrapping my free hand around his bicep.
“I always wondered about summer weddings— I’d worry that I’d sweat off all my makeup if I was the bride.”
Daniel huffs a laugh. “Yeah. I assume most grooms are sweating buckets before they even reach the reception.”
My eyes wander down to where he has the first few buttons of his shirt undone to accommodate the heat.
“My eyes are up here.”
My eyes flash back up to his, and he smirks. I shake my head and try not to blush at getting caught. He leans down to kiss my temple.
“You’re cute when you blush,” he murmurs against my hair, squeezing my hand.
I turn to him and raise my eyebrow. “Diving right in are we?”
He shrugs and diverts his attention back to the altar.
“Ryan looks so much older in his tux.”
I look to where Ryan stands next to Nick, Rachel’s soon-to-be husband, as one of the groomsmen.
“Sometimes I forget he’s only 18, but then he’s still a baby to me in some ways.”
Daniel shakes his head. “Just imagine, one day we’ll be sitting at his wedding.”
“I can’t even think about that— though, to be fair, he may beat me to getting married. He and Katharine have been dating since they were 13.”
He lets out a low whistle. “True high school sweethearts. Do you think they’ll stay together through college?”
I sigh, looking over at Katharine a few rows ahead with my Aunt Judith. “I hope so, I think they’re a good fit. She’s already part of the family.”
It’s quiet for a moment before something hits me.
“You said we’ll be sitting at Ryan’s wedding.” I tug on Daniel’s arm. “Plan on sticking around?”
“Well, I—” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, not sure of the right response.
I giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek before pulling back just enough to whisper, “You know, you’re really cute when you blush.”
He turns to me before I can pull away entirely, placing a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me blinking up at him.
He smirks. “Touché.”
There’s something to be said for attending a wedding with someone.
I’m not sure if I’m emotional because it’s Rachel, my cousin who I’ve grown up with, or the fact that when something particularly romantic happens, I look at Daniel, who will smile and squeeze my hand in solidarity.
We’re both a little teary eyed by the time the ceremony ends. I reach my free hand up to wipe a stray tear from his face. He laughs, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I’m feeling it too. Easy to feel a little sappy on a day like today.”
“Mmm. Really sets the mood for the start of our relationship.”
I roll my eyes good-naturedly.
“Speaking of…” I trail off, eyeing a few family members approaching over his shoulder.
“Get ready, because introductions start now.”
The members of my family that are introduced seem to welcome Daniel with no hesitations— and far fewer questions than I anticipated. He handles them all smoothly and I’m thankful we discussed some things beforehand. Eventually, we part ways, excusing ourselves with promises to catch up more later.
We don’t get too far before a little girl runs up to us. She can’t be older than 4 or 5.
“Hi,” she giggles. “I’m Marnie.”
Daniel and I share a smile, and I bend down a bit. “Hi Marnie, I’m Lauren, and this is Daniel.” He waves. “Are you here for the wedding too?”
She nods bashfully. “Nick kissed her! Now he’s a husband.”
Daniel laughs. “He is.”
“How do you know Nick?” I ask.
“He’s my cousin,” she says, kicking some sand with her sandals.
“Ahh, the girl he kissed is my cousin Rachel. Now she’s a wife!” I exclaim.
She looks at me curiously. “Is a wife like a mom?”
Before I can answer, we hear someone call her name, and we look up to see a couple around our age standing on the patio about 10 feet away.
“Is that your mom and dad?” Daniel asks.
“Yeah, I gotta go— see you later!”
She dashes off, and we wave at the couple who wave back, calling out an apology.
“It’s fine— she’s super cute!” I smile.
We watch as they head back toward the hotel, and presumably the reception.
We walk along the stone wall lining the patio, watching from a distance as bridal party photos are taken.
I look at him. “Should we take our own photo to celebrate the occasion, and how nice we look?”
Daniel laughs, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Sure.”
He bends down so we can take a selfie, before shaking his head.
“Wait.” He sits on the wall, and pulls me so I’m sitting on his lap. I try to mask my blush as he looks at the phone screen. “Better. More natural angle.”
We take one selfie smiling and another with silly faces.
“Do you two want me to take a photo for you?” A woman passing by asks.
I hesitate, but Daniel’s already handing over his phone. “That would be great, thanks.”
We stay seated with his arm around my waist. And I turn to lean into him, putting my hand on his chest.
We grin and the woman takes a photo.
“Boooo, boring,” Ryan heckles, walking up behind the woman out of nowhere. “Give us something good.”
I roll my eyes, and feel Daniel chuckle.
“Aren’t you supposed to be taking formal photos?” I query.
“I finished.” He shrugs, taking the camera from the woman, who excuses herself. “Now give me something good.”
“Alright Ryan, since you asked so nicely,” Daniel drawls. I feel his hand on my neck tilting my head up. “Give the man what he wants.” He smirks, eyes sparkling, leaning in to kiss me.
I can’t help but grin into the kiss as I hear Ryan quickly change his tune. “Okay gross, this is excessive. I got it, you can stop.”
Eventually we pull away, and I turn to Ryan innocently. “Sorry, were you saying something?”
“I’m starting to regret pushing the whole plus one agenda.” He frowns, handing Daniel back his phone.
“No you aren’t,” I tease.
“I’m going to go find my girlfriend,” he rebuts, stalking off.
Daniel shakes his head. “He’s funny.” Lowering his voice, he says into my ear, “One kiss down, many to go.”
I shove him playfully and slide off his lap, turning back towards the hotel to hide my blush. “If any of those pictures came out good, send them to me, please.”
“Okay, but wait.” He stands and pulls my elbow gently, and as I turn back to him his lips meet mine.
“What was that for?” I ask as we finally pull away.
“Just making sure we found our rhythm.” He shrugs. “Besides, as your boyfriend, I technically don’t need a reason.”
I bite my lip. “Is that so?”
He looks at me innocently. “It goes both ways, you know, these lips are yours for the day.”
I bark a laugh. “That sounds so weird, but, okay, noted.”
He grins, lacing our fingers together and pulling me back toward the hotel and the reception.
Inside the reception, each table seats 6; we’re seated at one of the family tables with Ryan, Katharine, and my Aunt Judith. Aunt Judith is my late grandmother’s sister. She has a sharp tongue and rarely minces words when she speaks, a trait that suited her long career as a lawyer in the city. She’s one of the family members who I’ve been most nervous for Daniel to meet, as I know she’ll be critical and her eagle eye will be looking for weaknesses between us. I’ve seen her do it to Rachel’s boyfriends over the years, and even to Katharine when she and Ryan started dating.
“So, Daniel…” Aunt Judith begins. “Ryan here tells me you had… concerns, about Lauren telling us about you.”
Here comes the interrogation. I glare at Ryan, who shrugs, before looking at Daniel who appears unusually calm.
“Not concerns, really,” he starts, “We were friends for a long time, as you know, and I think we were both just nervous—“ he looks at me, “and trying to take our time in figuring out the transition into being together romantically.”
I nod, “And it was only like a month before I told Ryan. You guys know I tell you everything.”
Aunt Judith watches as the others laugh knowingly, and Daniel grins at me.
“Are you planning to keep your relationship private from the press?” She pushes.
“Well,” Ryan interjects, “At the airport they were holding hands, even when Katharine approached him pretending to be a fangirl.”
I roll my eyes, “That was so unnecessary, you guys. Daniel and I both like our privacy so I wouldn’t say we’re hiding it, but we aren’t flaunting it all over either.”
“I’m definitely not ashamed or trying to hide Lauren, if that’s what you mean.” Daniel jests lightly.
“I should hope not,” she says, looking at him over her glass, as she takes a sip.
Katherine turns to Daniel, “What is it about Lauren that drew you in?”
Ryan snorts, “Yeah, how’d she escape the friendzone?”
I put a hand over my face, embarrassed, which Aunt Judith seems to interpret to mean something else entirely.
“Please tell me you did nothing scandalous, so help me, Lauren….”
“What,” I look at her, “No, of course not, why would you assume that?”
She shrugs and Daniel intervenes, “It wasn’t something sudden… I always knew she was beautiful, and obviously as we became friends I saw how kind and thoughtful she was. Funny too,” he says smirking at me.
“Hmm,” she says taking a sip from her drink again, but I can tell she’s secretly pleased with his answer.
Once dinner is finished I excuse Daniel and I from the table, so I can introduce him to Rachel, her new husband, Nick, and of course my Auntie Kim.
I feel Daniel’s hand squeeze mine and I turn back to look at him, smiling.
“Getting tired of all these introductions yet?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, I’m fine.”
“Such a good sport,” I tease, and he rolls his eyes.
We wait for the last people currently talking to Rachel and Nick to clear, and when Rachel sees me she squeals.
I laugh, “Hi Rach, congratulations!”
“Thank you,” she beams, looking over at Nick briefly.
“And welcome to the family, officially, Nick.”
He grins and motions behind me, “Who’s this guy you’re towing around?”
“Right,” I blush. “Rachel, Nick, this is my boyfriend Daniel.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Daniel greets, sticking out his hand to shake theirs. Neither Nick or Rachel do a great job of hiding their surprise.
“No offense, Laur, but when Ryan told me you were bringing a boyfriend I thought he was messing with us.” Nick interjects.
I force a grin on my face, feeling Daniel’s hand comfortingly move to my back.
“I’m all too real, I’m afraid.” Daniel interjects. “Sorry to disappoint.”
I lean back into him, and watch as Rachel smacks Nick on the arm.
“No, no, we’re very glad you’re real Daniel. Just surprised is all. Don’t mind Nick.”
Auntie Kim approaches saving us from the awkward encounter.
“This must be the infamous Daniel, who has won our Lauren’s heart.”
I blush, as she moves to hug him.
He smirks, “Well, she’s won mine as well.”
“You two are so cute. We are so thrilled you could come today, Daniel.”
“I was too, it is really great to meet you all after hearing this one talk about you all nonstop.”
The group laughs.
“We are very much looking forward to getting to know you better, hopefully this will be the first of many visits.”
He smiles, “Definitely.”
At some point much later in the evening, I lose Daniel. He steps away to use the restroom and I get pulled into conversation with a family friend. I keep my eyes peeled for him but somehow I don’t seem to see him anywhere.
I’m standing by the bar waiting for a drink when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
“Hi, darling.”
My stomach flutters at the pet name.
“Oh hello, I was wondering where you ran off to.”
His arms tighten around my waist. “I was having a riveting conversation with one of your aunts, actually.”
I turn my head to look at him curiously. “Which one?”
“Aunt Judith,” he smirks, waving the bartender over to order a drink of his own.
“Oh boy,” I laugh. “What did you guys talk about?”
Once he places his order he leans down to whisper in my ear, “She wanted to know if we were using protection, and after that, we went over the unexpected costs of raising children.”
I turn around in his arms, horrified. “No! —She didn’t.”
“Oh yes,” he laughs, grinning. “She did.”
“What did you even say?”
He pretended to think. “I told her, diaper prices are definitely outrageous, and I agree, college costs are inflated beyond belief—” I glare at him. “Oh, and that it was very important to me that we practice safe sex, but, if anything ever did happen, I would be there for you every step of the way.”
“Oh God.” I bury my face into his chest, and he laughs, affectionately stroking my hair. “I’m so sorry, that’s mortifying….”
“I’ve been asked weirder things, just being an actor in LA.”
“Still.” I look up at him. “Your answer was very sweet, though.”
“Well, it’s the truth. I’ll always be there for you— fake pregnancies and all.”
We’re staring at each other now, his fingers still running through my hair, his other hand on my lower back. Time seems to slow down and my eyes flicker to his mouth, his words from earlier echoing in my head. It goes both ways. Before I can talk myself out of it, I reach up to kiss him, because it feels right.
“You’re the best fake boyfriend, you know that?” I murmur against his mouth.
He pulls me closer to him, brushing his nose against mine. “I might need another kiss to convince me.”
The bartender behind us clears his throat. “Excuse me, sir, ma’am? Your drinks?”
We break apart, and as our moment ends I try to quell the butterflies in my tummy.
Daniel smiles politely at the bartender, passing me my drink before taking his glass in one hand and my hand in the other.
We make our way back to our now vacant table. He lets go of my hand to pull his chair closer to mine as we sit down, draping his arm over the back of my chair. I lean into him as we sip our drinks, people-watching the other tables and the crowd on the dance floor. I feel his fingers start drawing shapes on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him.
“Are you having a good time?” he asks.
“I am, largely thanks to you. Are you having a good time?”
“I am; everyone has been really welcoming. It’s nice to meet the people you’ve told me about, and hear the stories everyone has to tell me about you. There have been some good ones, I have to say…”
I roll my eyes, smiling. “I’m sure.”
“The only way it could be better would be if they had baby pictures.”
“Listen, I’ll be the first to say I peaked in preschool. I was much cuter then, I peaked—” Daniel laughs. “I’ll get some and show you. You’ll be so disappointed this is how I’ve turned out.”
“No, I don’t think so. I mean I bet you were cute but, I couldn’t be disappointed.”
I shake my head, blushing. “Don’t be so sure— you haven’t seen them yet.”
“I am sure…. I’m looking at you right now.”
I start to smile despite myself. “Oooooh, that was smooth, Sharman.”
“No, no, no," he protests, smirking, "it’s easy when you tell the truth.”
“Have you always been this cheesy, or is this a boyfriend exclusive privilege I’ve unlocked?”
“You know—” He’s interrupted as the little girl from earlier runs up to us.
“Hi,” she says bashfully.
I smile, “Hi Marnie,”
She turns to Daniel and taps twice on his knee. “Can I sit?”
Daniel looks at me, and then around the room. Marnie’s parents are nowhere in sight.
“Sure, angel. Where are your mom and dad?”
She shrugs before he lifts her into his lap. The three of us smile at each other as Marnie gets shy. She leans up to whisper in Daniel’s ear, cupping both of her tiny hands around his ear. I can’t hear what she’s saying but I watch as Daniel’s eyes twinkle in amusement.
“Not yet,” he answers to whatever she asked, and she giggles before whispering again, and he laughs. “Mhm, I do.”
Marnie pulls back and looks at him with amazement, whispering even more excitedly. This time he pauses before smiling at me, before turning back to her.
“What do you think?” She looks at me quickly before back at him, nodding shyly. He nods along with her, before leaning in and whispering in her head with his hands cupped secretly like hers had been. Marnie is absolutely beaming now. It’s easy to see how smitten she is with him.
Curiosity gets the best of me. “Do I get to know a secret, too?” I ask, teasingly.
She looks unsure before Daniel swoops in playfully. “Nope, these secrets are for me and Marnie only.”
“Darn it.” I sigh dramatically.
The music changes to something Marnie clearly recognizes as her face lights up, as she tugs on Daniel’s sleeve. “Can we dance? Me and you?”
Daniel looks at me. “Will you be okay here?”
“Absolutely, I’ll be watching.”
He puts his drink on the table as I pick mine up to take a sip, watching as her tiny hand fits in his and she drags him out to dance. The two of them are so cute and my heart feels like it’s going to burst.
Ryan slides into Daniel’s seat a minute later.
“You know, if you and Daniel had a daughter, she’d probably look just like Marnie.”
I glance at him, realizing he’s right. Dark brown curls and bright blue eyes, with a toothy smile and a loud laugh.
“Don’t let my ovaries hear you. I’m not having any children until I have two rings on this finger,” I say, waggling my left hand at him.
Ryan laughs and we watch as Daniel is so good with Marnie, letting her swing his arms around and move them to the beat.
“I like him,” Ryan says definitively.
I look at him, surprised. “Wow, I mean I obviously like him too, I just thought you’d be more skeptical.”
“I did too until I saw you guys together. I just…” He looks emotional all of a sudden. “Shit.”
I laugh softly. “It’s okay, Ry, it’s an emotional day.” I rub his shoulder as he pinches his eyes.
I see Daniel glance over, concerned, but I give him a thumbs up. He nods and goes back to spinning Marnie around.
“I just...” I turn back to Ryan as he speaks, giving him my full attention. “I can see that he loves you— really loves you. It’s all I ever wanted for you.”
I feel my heart squish uncomfortably in my chest. I feel guilty that my cousin is so happy for me, so proud and vulnerable over a relationship that’s just for show. I swallow.
“Me too, I— thank you, Ryan. I love you, so much.”
The song changes again into something slow and I watch Marnie shriek, horrified, before running off into the crowd. Daniel looks after her, humored, before looking at me, gesturing with his head that I come join him. Ryan must see it too because he kisses my temple.
“I love you, too. Go get your man; I should find Katharine.”
Like I’m in a trance, I don’t take my eyes off Daniel as I approach. He smiles and reaches his hands out for me, lacing our fingers together.
“May I have this dance?”
“You may, I was getting a little jealous over there.”
He drops one of my hands to wrap it around my waist, and I bring mine around his neck as we begin to sway, staying close together.
He chuckles. “Well, don’t be, I think everyone here knows who I’m going home with.”
“Yeah, you’re stuck with me.”
He smiles softly but doesn’t answer. I feel my eyes flutter shut as he moves closer pressing his lips to mine gently, tenderly. I kiss him back and for a second I swear I feel it— that all-encompassing love Ryan says he sees between us. When we pull apart, he keeps his head dipped down, pressing his cheek to mine for the remainder of the song. I close my eyes and nuzzle into him, letting myself pretend this is real, just for another moment.
Eventually I break our silence.
“Hey, what did Marnie ask you?”
“Hmm?” He murmurs, the sound vibrating against my cheek.
“During your super secret whisper time.”
“Oh,” he laughs breathily. “She wanted to know if we were married.”
“Ahhh,” I chuckle. “I see. What else did she want to know?”
He pauses as the song starts to fade out and our swaying slows down. “I don’t know if I can tell you that. Some secrets need to stay secret, after all.”
While it was clearly meant to be a joke, he says it a bit too seriously, so I drop it and smile tightly as we pull apart.
He tugs my hand playfully. “Nothing bad, I promise.”
I make a face at him. “Well, I guess I’ll never know.”
He laughs. “You’ll just have to take my word for it.”
A little while later, we’re watching Rachel and Nick leave for their honeymoon as the wedding party begins to disperse.
“I suppose we should say our goodbyes,” I say, tearing my eyes away as their car drives off.
I hug my Auntie Kim goodbye and tell her I’ll see her at Christmas. She fawns over Daniel, telling him to watch over me, and how happy she is to have gotten to meet him. It makes me smile to see how well he gets on with her. It’s hardest to say goodbye to Ryan. I hug him fiercely, and he returns the hug just as vigorously.
“I wish I could take you back with me.”
“I know.”
“We need to FaceTime more.”
“We will.”
When I step back, Ryan and Daniel go to shake hands, and I see Aunt Judith sitting at the bar by herself. I excuse myself as they chat and take the seat next to her.
“Aunt Judith, I’m afraid I leave again tomorrow.”
She turns toward me, swirling the scotch in her glass. She disregards what I’ve said and instead looks past me into the crowd.
“Where’s that man of yours?”
“He’s saying goodbye to Ryan at the moment.”
She hums.
“What?” I ask.
“He’s a looker.”
I chuckle. “So I’ve been told.”
“I think he could be husband material though. Not as dense as men usually are.”
I suppress a smile. “Huh, I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.” I give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye, walking over to rejoin Daniel who seems to be finishing a serious chat with Ryan as I approach. As I join his side, Ryan shakes his hand one last time before walking away. Daniel glances at me, placing a hand on my back, looking back towards Aunt Judith at the bar.
“Should I go say goodbye to her?”
“I think you’re alright.”
Aunt Judith waves at us, and Daniel waves back.
”Was everything okay with Ryan?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah; just talking.” He shifts, interlacing our hands. “Ready to go back to our room?”
I nod and we head towards the elevators, hands swinging between us. While we wait, I subconsciously start swaying to the soft music playing from the hallway speakers. Daniel glances at me smirking, and I look up at him giggling, “What?”
“Nothing. You want to spin, like Marnie?” He teases, lifting our joined hands. I spin twice before bumping into his chest, giggling more. “Ooops.”
He shakes his head at me as the elevator doors open. He wraps both his arms around me, walking me backward into the elevator and I laugh into his tie. I turn around so we’re both facing the doors as he reaches around me to press the button for our floor. The mirrored doors slide closed and I meet his eyes in the reflection. We’re both grinning.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous,” he taunts, and I stick my tongue out in the reflection. His arms tighten around me and I press backwards into his chest.
Back at the room, we start to get ready for bed. We share the bathroom to brush our teeth and do our nighttime routines, playfully brushing and bumping into each other. I drag my feet, trying to make the evening last as long as possible, trying to stretch out this daydream I’m living in before we have to go home tomorrow.
I get into bed first, lying on my back and watching as Daniel pads across the room to his side of the bed. He shuts off the overhead light as he passes, leaving only the soft blue moonlight from the window covering us.
He climbs into bed next to me but stays propped up on his elbow. I look at him and he begins tracing my face with his other hand. I crinkle my nose at him, and laugh softly.
“What’re you doing?”
“For what?”
He gestures behind me to a decorative sign on the wall.
I turn my head to look at it. “I can’t read that without my contacts.”
His fingers trace over my lips, and I hold my breath at the intimate gesture.
His voice drops even softer. “It says always kiss me goodnight. So I’m waiting.”
I look back at him, expecting him to crack a joke, but he doesn’t; his eyes are sincere. I run the arm closest to him up behind his neck, catching my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He takes the hint, letting my touch guide him as he leans down and kisses me.
The kiss is sleepy, soft, lips tenderly pressed together, moving slowly against each other. It ends with a few gentle kisses that drift from my mouth to my cheek, up to my forehead. His gaze is already fixed on me when my eyes flutter back open.
I start to think about how final that kiss felt, how this is the end of our weekend of pretend; how it doesn’t make any sense that we’re kissing when no one’s here to see us, but maybe we’re both lonely and already missing the comfort, the closeness of this façade. I run my hand up from the nape of his neck to scratch gently at his scalp and his eyes flutter shut, finally breaking our eye contact.
“That feels nice,” he whispers. Wordlessly, we shift so his head is on my chest, his arm around my waist, my nails still soothingly sifting through his hair, quietly lulling him to sleep.
tagged: @rogershoe @heyrowena @yunsh-17
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aellynera · 3 years
The Best Years of Your Life (Reeves x Reader)
(hey hey, this is my other submission for @wasicskosgirl and her 800 follower celebration! and yes, you read that right - it’s REEVES. i had a lot of fun writing it and i hope you enjoy reading it! CONGRATS Amanda!!)
Word Count: um like 6200ish oops it was supposed to be a blurb
Summary: They say the best years of your life happen in high school, but what do they know?
Warnings: Some language. Female reader implied but no pronouns/description. Teenage angst. Adult wistfulness. Mostly fluffy tho. No promises about proofreading. Frog murder. 
with the prompt - “Like what you see?”
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It all started back in high school. Sometimes you wonder how often people say that, and if it’s really true or they’re just falsely remembering how things happened because high school is supposed to be the best four years of your life.
But in this case, it’s true. Because high school is when you met Reeves.
Sophomore Year. High School. A Friday. 
It was the third day of sophomore year, fourth period on a Friday morning, your last before the lunch break. Biology class was maybe the one you were least looking forward to, not exclusively because of the required frog dissection, but pretty damn close. Gross. And you never understood why the school year didn’t just start on a Monday, but you were new here in San Diego. Maybe they just did things differently.
It was bad enough being the new kid. It was worse when you walked into class halfway through the lecture, even if it wasn’t your fault. The timing of the move was weird, and you’d spent most of the first two days, and this morning, doing placement tests and talking to your counselor. 
And now you were being called out in front of the entire class.
“Ah, there you are,” your teacher announced as you walked in the door. “Everyone, this is our new student, please make them feel welcome. You can sit over there.”
Your eyes followed as she motioned to the empty seat at the lab table in the back of the room. Suddenly you weren’t sure if your face felt hot because of embarrassment or because of the boy in the other chair.
Dark, curly hair cut close on the sides but longer on the top. Deep brown eyes framed by long, long lashes. Full, plush lips curling up into his cheek on one side. A nose that, okay, maybe might be a bit oversized but for some reason worked on his handsome face and--
Well, shit. Definitely not the embarrassment.
You shuffled your way to your seat and slid into it with your head down. A few students watched you curiously but soon turned their attention back to the lesson. You tried your best to focus on what was going on, to not look to your left at the distraction next to you.
You weren’t very successful.
By now you thought you’d sneaked enough covert glances to know that we was wearing a leather jacket, had a small diamond stud earring in his left ear, a bunch of silver-studded brown suede wrap bracelets around both wrists, a silver ring on his right index finger, and oddly precise handwriting as he took notes. In between relevant facts the teacher was sharing, he was doodling tiny music notes in the margins of his notebook.
And he totally caught you looking.
“Like what you see?” he leaned over and whispered.
Your mouth felt drier than the Sahara but also somehow so moist you were afraid you might have actually drooled on yourself. You should have opened your mouth to respond but your brain refused to make the connection. Probably for the best.
At least, at first. When it finally caught up to you, the only response your brain could provide was, “Maybe?”
Now would be the perfect time for the floor to swallow you whole.
He just winked at you and his attention went back to the doodles around his notes.
You shifted your gaze back to your own notebook, but you don’t know if anything else of importance was said, and don’t remember writing anything down. The bell ringing sharply pulled you back to reality and you hastily shoved your books in your backpack, ready to escape.
Just as you were about to leave, a voice called out. “Hey, sorry about earlier. If I freaked you out or anything.”
You looked up. He was smiling at you, a little shyly. You bit your lip, your brain and mouth still refusing to connect.
He stuck his hand out. “I’m Reeves. You’re new here?”
“Um…” you smacked yourself internally. This was ridiculous, you weren’t really shy, you knew how to have a conversation, he was just introducing himself. You were going to have a serious conversation with your brain later about proper communication techniques.
It felt like hours had passed, but you finally pulled yourself together enough to respond. “Yeah. My- my dad got transferred for work, we moved here like a week ago. He literally dragged the family across the country. I’m originally from New York City.”
His eyes lit up. “Oh, cool! I always wanted to go to New York City!”
You found yourself smiling back.
“Do you...wanna sit with me at lunch?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “Maybe you could tell me a little about the city? And...about you, since we’re gonna have to commit heinous acts of violence on an amphibian together? I’d like to know who’s wielding a scalpel next to me.”
The giggle that escaped your throat could not be contained. This boy - Reeves - was adorable. “Oh. Okay, yeah. I’d really like that.”
The Present.
Poor Lenny the Frog never stood a chance. Then again, neither did you.
To be fair, Lenny was already dead when you and Reeves got your hands on him. Well, when you got your hands on him, because for the full first half of that specific class period, Reeves refused to touch him and nearly turned as green as Lenny once was. That’s when he insisted on naming your cadaver, because somehow giving it a name made it easier to deal with.
You were pretty sure Reeves was nuts.
By the middle of sophomore year, you were dead too, but not for the same reasons.
By the middle of sophomore year, you weren’t sure how you were still alive, because every time he looked over at you and gave you a sly smile during class, gave you that look, you felt your heart go taut and you forgot how to breathe and certainly, rightfully, should have been dead.
Your friend Alexis stuck her head into your bathroom. “Hey, we’re just waiting on Vanessa, and then we’re good to go. Drinks first? The show doesn’t start until 8 so we have time.”
You glanced up from your makeup and nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
Alexis grinned. “Aaaaaah I’m so glad you agreed to go out tonight! It’s gonna be so much fun!”
“Oh, it’s gonna be something,” you muttered, going back to your eyeliner.
Alexis had been the first one to see the concert announcement about a week ago. A benefit show at one of the clubs down in Greenwich Village, some punk revival thing (for charity) with a bunch of different singers and musicians. Not normally your scene, but Alexis scanned through the names and suddenly remembered you’d known Reeves in high school. You said yes, he was in your class, and you’d been lab partners once. Vanessa squealed in excitement and Alexis announced you were going to the show. There was never any actual agreement.
Because of course Reeves was going to be there. And of course, you had to be too.
Junior Year. The Parking Lot. A Tuesday.
“I’m just saying, it was a ridiculous foul, and it should never have been called,” Reeves groused as you walked out of the gym.
“We also should have made like twenty more of our own foul shots,” you pointed out.
The Lake Howell Silverhawks had fallen to their arch-rivals in a somewhat glorious fashion. You didn’t even like basketball that much. But that didn’t really matter. The games were just an excuse to go out for burgers before and hang out with your friends during.
It was definitely an excuse to hang out with Reeves.
Junior year, you were both disappointed to find you didn’t have any classes together, but you still almost always ate lunch together. He’d come over to your house to study during the week and sometimes just to chill out on the weekends. Over the past year, he’d shown you all around the city and taken you to his favorite places. You told him all about New York, how you missed it and one day you’d go back, and all the famous sites and which ones were tourist traps that he was only allowed to visit the very first time and then never again.
You spent so much time together, even your mother liked to tease you about why he wasn’t your boyfriend.
It took a while for you to find the words to tell her it was because he was someone else’s.
As much as you liked to pretend she didn’t change anything, Randie Rustenberg changed everything. It was gradual, like a creeping vine of ivy, and she slowly took him over. There was no malice; it was just one of those things that happened. Reeves spent less time with you, his best friend, and more time with Randie, his girlfriend.
The girlfriend you desperately wished was you, because ever since that first biology class you’d had the biggest, stupidest crush on him.
Eventually you had a boyfriend of your own. Theo was a nice guy, he really was. Polite, friendly, had a good sense of humor, liked your family. And your family loved him. Your mother was so happy that you had a boyfriend, she seemed to forget to ask how Reeves was and if you’d seen him lately.
Of course you saw him. You saw him every day, in the cafeteria, at his locker, passing by in the halls. Sometimes you could find him playing the grand piano on the stage in the empty auditorium. Yes, if your mother bothered to ask, you saw Reeves all the time. Now it was just always with her.
Except this week. It was a break of sorts, no classes, just some sports and other school activities. Randie was on some trip with her parents for some kind of church function, and Theo was fishing with his dad on some lake up north. He’d told you where, but you honestly couldn’t be bothered to recall. So when a bunch of your friends and a bunch of his friends all said everyone was going to the basketball game, there was no debate.
As if there was any way you’d say no.
Sometime during the game, your friends wandered off to the snack bar and never ventured back. His friends started a game of hacky-sack under the bleachers. And you found yourself pretending to understand all the finer points about hoops strategy, cheering and yelling along with Reeves and having a great time, just like you used to.
“Where’d you park?” he asked as you left the gym and headed out into the sea of cars. You vaguely pointed in the direction of yours and he grinned. “Oh, good, I’m that way too. Come on, I’ll walk you.”
The faint glow emitted by the lampposts in the parking lot bounced off his curls and his eyes, when you could catch a glimpse, were bright beneath them.
As if there was any way you’d say no.
The walk wasn’t very far, but it felt like it was over in a second. You hadn’t said anything on the way, just soaked in the comfort of walking next to him as he kept commenting on the game.
He was waving his hands everywhere, looking at them as he talked as if his hand motions would make things make any more sense to you, in the middle of saying something about your center and how they needed to get better about blocking out when you finally spoke.
“Oh, shit.”
Reeves looked up at you. “What, you don’t agree?”
You dropped your bag on the ground and rolled your eyes. “No, my car is locked and I left my keys inside.” You pointed to the passenger seat. Your keys stared back at you derisively.
You both stared back at them for a moment, then he grinned. “Hang on, I got you.” He held up one finger and trotted off to his car, coming back a minute later with something in his hand. “This should take care of it.”
You took a step back. “Reeves? Um. Okay, why do you have a coat hanger in your car.”
He rolled his eyes back at you. “For emergencies, duh.” He quickly twisted the hanger into a hook shape and went to your passenger side window.
“And why do you know how to break into a car with said coat hanger?”
“Like I told you,” his tongue poked out between his teeth as he worked, “for emergencies. You think I haven’t locked my own keys in my car once or six times?”
“Did Randie teach you how to do this?” The words were out of your mouth before you could think. She probably had. She might have been churchy when required, but she was also responsible for about half of Reeves’s stints in detention (the other half just being him making the wrong joke at the wrong time and pissing a teacher off.)
Thank god he didn’t seem to hear you as he kept working at the lock. Finally you heard a *click* and he pumped a fist into the air with a little “yessss!”
And then you’re not really sure what happened. You bent down to pick up your bag and then you were standing up and Reeves’s face was literally about three inches away from yours and for the eight thousandth time since you’d know him, you forgot how to breathe.
Neither of you said anything for what felt like days. You just stared at each other under the dim halo of the parking lot lights.
“Here you go.” He took your hand and dropped your keys into it.
“Thanks,” you whispered.
“Like what you see?” the corners of his mouth quirked up, just the slightest little bit.
And the staring recommenced. Were you two getting closer? Physically closer, you meant, of course you were close, you’d always been close. Well, at one time you were really close but then Randie Restenberg happened and it wasn’t fair that she got to know what those lips felt like and did he always smell this good or--
“Yo, Reeves!” A pickup truck full of guys skidded to a stop behind your car and one of his friends - Jake? Jack? you barely remembered your own name right now - stuck his head out the window. “Fight to the death ping pong tourney at Matt’s house! You in?”
Reeves bit his lip and closed his eyes for a second before he pulled back with a soft “I’m sorry” before turning to his friends. “Um, yeah, sure. Sounds brutal. I’ll meet you there.” 
The pickup sped off, tires screeching out of the parking lot. Reeves turned back to you, but you’d already gotten into your now unlocked car and started the engine.
You rolled down the window a fraction and gave him a weak smile. “Hey, um. Thanks for saving my butt. Now go kick theirs at ping pong, yeah?” Your face felt so hot, and for once you were grateful for the dim lights in the lot.
“You could, um, come along if- if you want.”
“Nah, I’m...I’m tired, I’m just gonna...um, head home. But I’ll see you tomorrow maybe?”
Reeves looked like he was about to say something else, but he didn’t. He just stepped onto the curb in front of your car, smiled, and raised his hand in a little wave as he watched you drive off.
The Present.
A series of shrieks and the slamming of the door told you Vanessa had finally arrived. It sounded like they were jumping up and down on the tile just inside your front door, which was ridiculous since you’d all just seen each other the day before. But typical.
You smoothed a pinkie under your eye, checked your makeup one final time, and went into the living room.
“Oh, you look hot,” Vanessa gushed. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and plopped down on your couch. “Who are you trying to impress tonight?”
“Reeves, of course,” Alexis laughed, leaning on the kitchen counter. She sorted anything she might need from her big purse into a little evening bag as she talked. “You know we go to all his shows. And you know they went to high school together.”
You snorted. “That was a long time ago. I’m not even sure he’d remember me.”
Vanessa waggled her eyebrows. “You’re probably right, No offense, honey, but no one was that hot back in high school.”
He was, your brain supplied. Very helpful. You smiled wanly.
Vanessa continued. “But you were friends, right? You’ve never really talked about it. God, it must be so cool now to think that you were friends with Reeves back when he was an awkward high school teenager.”
“Reeves was never awkward,” you laugh. “It was kind of unfair.”
“But you totally had a crush on him,” Alexis offered.
Had? What do you mean, had? Oh my god, shut up, brain.
A pillow flew in your direction and you ducked as Vanessa giggled and Alexis rolled her eyes. “Come on, tell us something about him,” Vanessa goaded. “Wait. Was he, like, your prom date? That’s your secret! You totally went to prom with Reeves and you never told us!”
Senior Year. Prom. A Saturday.
The night was not supposed to go this way.
It was supposed to be limousines and corsages and dinner with dates and friends. It was supposed to be endless pictures while your mother told you how gorgeous you looked and how handsome he was and your father gave a thinly-veiled shovel talk about how he knew what happens on prom night and what would really happen if that actually happened. It was supposed to be punch and cookies and balloons. It was supposed to be dancing closer than the chaperones were comfortable with and kissing with tongue when they weren’t looking.
It was supposed to be the best night of your life. It was supposed to be fun.
Nowhere in your weeks of dreaming of this night did it involve sitting on a bench in the girls’ locker room, knees pulled up to your chest, while the party carried on in the gym just beyond.
It definitely didn’t involve crying.
The bass beats of the deejay and the harmony of laughter temporarily got louder as the locker room door opened, and then faded back into a muted thumping as the door closed again a second later. You could hear footsteps headed in your direction but before you could unfold yourself and wipe your tears away, a familiar voice called out.
“Hey, there you are!”
Being able to find the words to describe how he looked in his tux, his curls slightly tamed by some gel, the blue rose (of course it would be an off color, why would he pick something standard?) pinned to his lapel, his lopsided grin… Finding the words was nearly impossible.
Of course he would show up now. Because your night wasn’t already crappy enough and half the reason you were sitting there weeping instead of out there dancing was standing right in front of you.
You realized that wasn’t fair. It was probably more like, twenty-five percent of the reason, and it wasn’t his fault. But that didn’t make it any better.
“Why are you in the girls’ locker room, Reeves?” you sniffled.
He furrowed his eyebrows and his nose scrunched up in concern as he took in your mascara-streaked cheeks and puffy red eyes. “One of your friends said you came in here like half an hour ago and nobody’s seen you since. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly not.” He sat down next to you. “Wanna talk about it?”
A deep, shaky sign left your chest. You didn’t really want to talk about how, earlier in the evening, you’d excused yourself to use the restroom and come back to the gym to find Theo dancing with...you didn’t remember her name, nor did you care. You didn’t mind that he was dancing with another girl, in theory, but it was another matter entirely when his hands were on her ass and she was sucking a deep purple mark into his neck. And he was laughing. 
A short, vicious argument ensued in the coat room after you’d cut in and dragged him off by the elbow. And it turned out that he’d been seeing whats-her-name for months, somehow, behind your back while pretending that everything was perfect with you. When he was supposedly visiting his grandparents? He was with her. When he had to work an extra shift? He was with her. When he got off the phone with you, saying he needed to get to bed early? He was calling her.
Prom wasn’t supposed to involve a very public break-up.
And things didn’t get any better when, deciding you needed something to drink, you went back into the gym and immediately saw Reeves and Randie, dancing cheek to cheek, arms snugly wrapped around each other as a soft, romantic song wafted through the air. Because of course he was with her. She was his girlfriend and Reeves wasn’t a detestable cheating asshole.
There was always another her.
You couldn’t handle it.
So you took off to somewhere almost guaranteed to be empty. You figured the locker room wasn’t really the kind of place kids would want to make out, and you were right. It was blessedly empty. Until now.
But you couldn’t tell him the second part, so you just went with the first. His eyes got wide as you blubbered through the sordid details of Theo being a complete and utter twat. Another quivery sob half-burst from you and Reeves got up. He grabbed a few paper towels from the dispenser and handed them to you as he sat back down.
“Thanks,” you hiccuped.
“I never liked him,” Reeves announced.
You found yourself choking on a huff of air. “What? Yes you did! Everybody loved him. That’s what makes it extra shitty.”
“Did you?”
Reeves cocked his head and looked at you with an expression you couldn’t quite place. “Did you love him?”
Your mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Why did you always seem to forget how to make words when Reeves asked you questions?
He shrugged. “Everyone else loved him. Did you?”
You used every last ounce of willpower you had to not jump up on that bench and shout that of course you didn’t love Theo, you idiot, because I love you.
That would not make this night any easier.
The next thing you knew, Reeves put an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, hugging you soundly. He rested his cheek on the top of your head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re better off without him.”
You dabbed at your eyes. Nope, still couldn’t make words.
Minutes, hours, days. You had no idea how long you stayed like that, pressed to him and feeling him breathe beneath you. You no longer had any idea how long it had even been since everything crashed around you and he’d come to try and help you pick up the pieces. You just listened to his heartbeat, strong and steady, as the muffled music and joyful shouts of classmates went on past the closed door.
Finally he spoke again. “Hey, you wanna get one of those complimentary pictures?”
“What?” Oh, great. You were finally able to answer his question but you could still only come up with that one word? Stupid brain.
“Well, I…” he sat up straight and, after the briefest look into your eyes, he glanced away. Was he blushing? You weren’t sure. “I always kind of...I kind of thought we’d have a prom picture together. I mean, I just figured, y’know, we’d go with a bunch of friends, but I always hoped I’d get a picture with my best friend.”
The sniffles were back in an instant. Damn him. “Reeves, I...you really want to get a picture now? I look horrible, I can’t get a picture taken like this!”
He took the paper towel from your hand and gently dabbed at your cheeks. “You couldn’t look horrible if you tried. Come on, it’ll be fun. And just think how excited your mom will be when she gets a copy of it.”
Despite your best efforts, you had to laugh. “Okay.”
You headed to the photo area after you washed your face, Reeves helped you wipe off the stray streaks of mascara, and you reapplied just a bit of makeup to make yourself feel better. You were never sure what Reeves said to the photographer before the shots, but he seemed quite happy to take multiples. Reeves stayed pressed against your back with his arms down around your waist, hands clasped together in front of you, for each and every one.
At some point between the second and third shot, he leaned just a little closer into you and you suddenly felt his breath against your ear. “Like what you see?”
For maybe the first time that entire night, your face broke into a genuine smile. “Maybe.”
For a few minutes, your night was absolutely perfect.
The Present.
It was the greatest date that never was.
“No, Reeves was not my prom date,” you told your friends with a shake of your head.
You left out most of the other details, partly because you didn’t want to answer eight hundred questions from Vanessa and partly because, well, you just wanted those moments for yourself.
After the pictures, Reeves had asked if you would like to dance. Until then you didn’t realize it was possible for eyebrows to shoot that far up a person’s forehead, but yours were up for the challenge. You’d mumbled something about if Randie would mind, because you were sure she absolutely would, but he brushed it off. Randie had gone off with her friends when he came to find you, and he really wanted to dance with you, just one dance with his frog murder accomplice. And he said that with a straight face and a twinkle in his eye and there was no way you could refuse.
As if there was any way you’d say no.
One dance turned into two, and then several, until the girlfriend in question finally did show back up and Reeves was pulled away, leaving you with a soft smile and a mouthed “sorry”.
Definitely the greatest never-date.
After prom, life returned to what vaguely resembled normal. Your love life sucked and Reeves still had a girlfriend that wasn’t you, and you didn’t see him much. To be fair, the end of senior year and graduation did creep up pretty fast so there wasn’t a lot of time anyway. Graduation was there before you knew it; he cheered for you and you cheered for him as you each walked across the stage. You made brief appearances at each others’ graduation parties and talked a bit and then, once again before you knew what happened next, it was time to leave for college.
You went back to New York. Reeves stayed on the west coast.
And over the years, like so many other people before you and after you, you just fell out of touch.
“And anyway,” you asserted, “we were just kind of friends. Yeah, like I told Alexis before, we were lab partners sophomore year, and we hung out sometimes, but that was it. Really.”
Alexis snorted and Vanessa narrowed her eyes. “Mmmhmm.”
You threw the pillow back at her. “Mmmhmm.”
“All right, you two,” Alexis chided. “Come on, let’s get going.”
Somehow, you managed to get down to Greenwich Village without further interrogation and minimal shenanigans.
The Present. One Hour Later. Another Saturday Night.
The bar inside the club was pretty packed. Granted, it was a Saturday night down in The Village, so it wasn’t too uncommon, but you were honestly surprised that this many people showed up for a punk retrospective.
There were a few other relatively big-name acts you recognized on the bill, and a fair number of people were wearing t-shirts with Reeves’s most recent album cover on the front. There were even a few that had shirts with his face on it, which was frankly kind of weird.
“Looks like you’re not his only number one fan,” Vanessa smirked.
“I just enjoy his music,” you said off-handedly as you tried to flag down a bartender. “But anyway, tonight isn’t even about him. We’re just here to support charity, right?”
Alexis pretended to agree with you. “Right.”
You glared at both of them before turning your attention back to the bar. Yes, you came to every one of his shows in the area. When you had time. When you could take the night off. When you could rearrange your schedule and switch shifts at the last minute and promise favors to be able to attend them. When you maybe once or twice just called out sick because nothing else worked. So what.
They were really starting to get on your nerves. 
The bartender finally noticed you and took your order, and you looked around the club again while you waited.
Lots of people, ranging from just-allowed-to-buy-booze to mid-sixties businessmen. A few folks that looked to currently be in their golden years but were clearly once punks in their prime. Many people in black and chains and mohawks and neon hair and piercings, to the point where you honestly couldn’t tell who was a performer and who was a patron.
The one person you were looking for was the one that you couldn’t pick out of the crowd.
“He’s gotta be here somewhere!” Vanessa’s voice shouted from somewhere behind your shoulder.
“Vanessa, you’re getting a little weird about this,” you called back as you grabbed your drink and turned around.
“Like what you see?”
Eyes wide and mouth slightly hanging open, you almost dropped your full glass.
Vaguely, nearby, you heard the sound of glass shattering and shot a glance to your left. Alexis really had dropped her drink, and Vanessa was clutching onto her arm for dear life. She was holding her glass at a slightly odd angle and the contents were dripping onto one of her shoes.
The crowd silently pulsed backwards as one, clearing out around the four of you for a respectable distance. Several people watched curiously; surprisingly, they just stood back and stared instead of trying to get involved.
Reason Number One why you really couldn’t blame them: Reeves stood there, right in front of you. Literally less than two feet away, looking right at you. His mouth pulled up into his familiar lopsided grin, his hair still dark but shot through with strands of silver, curly on the top and shorter on the sides. His nose with the little dent, perfect on his face under those dark, luminous brown eyes and...holy shit, was he wearing eyeliner? He was wearing eyeliner.
Reason Number Two why you really couldn’t blame them: Leather pants. Under his old, faded t-shirt and black leather jacket (you were used to seeing him in brown, but you had to admit the black looked good) he was wearing leather pants.
Reason Number Three why you really couldn’t blame them: Quite simply, Reeves was standing in the middle of a bar in New York City and he was talking to you.
You blinked once, then twice. You may have blinked more times but all you could think about was the fact that, after all these years, your brain still couldn’t make words when Reeves asked you a question.
That same old question.
Suddenly you were grinning back, completely ignoring your friends and their dumbfounded squawking and sputtering next to you. You were smiling because even though your brain couldn’t make full sentences of words, it could pull one particular word out of the void and let it come out past your lips.
Reeves grinned fully now, his eyes lighting up and the crinkles at the corners deepening.
Someone - maybe Vanessa, maybe a total stranger, you couldn’t be sure - might have swooned from the sidelines.
“Always told you I wanted to come to New York,” he said.
“Always told you I’d go back.”
And the next thing you knew, the next thing that made any sense anywhere in your mind, was that Reeves had stepped forward, wrapped his arms around you, and placed the softest, sweetest, most heart-achingly gentle kiss on your lips.
You pulled away in a daze, felt the heat rising in your cheeks, as you heard a muffled choking sound halfway behind you. Definitely Vanessa.
Alexis and Vanessa’s eyes, already bugging out of their faces, nearly fell out of their sockets when Reeves turned to address them.
“Hey, ladies. I’ll come talk to you after the show, but for now, I just need to borrow your friend for a few minutes, okay?”
There were somehow still more bizarre, mostly inhuman noises that came out of your friends and even later, when they’d deny ever acting like that in front of a famous rock star (and rolled their eyes at you when you corrected them that he was a musician, not a rock star), it wouldn’t matter because you weren’t paying a single bit of attention to them them anyway.
You only had eyes for one person.
He took your hand and pulled you past the bar, into a little room in the back; the office, presumably. The second you were both inside, he wrapped his arms around your waist and looked you in the eyes. He just stared for a few minutes, or maybe hours, you weren’t sure.
It really didn’t matter.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?” he whispered.
“Third day of school, fourth period biology class, sophomore year?”
Reeves smiled softly. “The second you walked in that door.”
“Why didn’t you?” you tilted your head to look at him. Okay, to gaze into his eyes. You tilted your head to gaze into his eyes and your subconscious hoped to any gods that would listen that you did not have actual hearts or stars in your pupils.
Not that it really mattered.
His arms never left you but he gave a little shrug. “Never seemed to be the right time. And then I had a girlfriend.”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “And I ended up with that lame excuse for a boyfriend. But do you know how long I’ve wanted you to do that?”
“When you couldn’t stop staring at me when you sat down at the lab table next to me?”
“Hmmm, maybe. But definitely when you told the teacher we had to have a funeral for Lenny.”
“Hey, Lenny was a fuckin’ hero,” Reeves batted his eyes at you innocently. “He performed a brave and great service to his country.”
“I am oddly happy you’re still an idiot,” you giggled.
“I’m ecstatic that you kept coming to all my shows in the city.”
You pulled back slightly and looked at the ceiling. “You noticed?”
Reeves gave you that look. That look he always gave you, when you were teenagers, when you said something either completely ridiculous or completely profound. That look he gave you when he thought you might not be looking, even though you were always looking. That look that said he always had your back and you were his best friend. That look that you thought you’d be lucky to see one more time but probably never would.
That look.
“Of course I noticed. I thought about having security make you stay back, but that’s just...no. You always looked happy, and I don’t know...I just didn’t want to intrude, I guess? Just always wondered why you never stuck around after the shows, never stayed to talk to me, never came knocking on the dressing room door.”
You thought about that for a minute. You really did try, but you couldn’t come up with a decent answer. You were happy. Just seeing him was enough, you told yourself. Just hearing him sing was enough, just being in the same room with him, just being near. Just like it was back in high school.
Only it wasn’t high school anymore, and now that he’d finally, finally - after years of would’ve and should’ve and maybes - kissed you, you knew enough wasn’t going to be, well, enough.
So that’s what you told him.
And Reeves pulled you close, leaned in closer, and kissed you again.
You pulled apart, breathless again, and rested your foreheads together.
After minutes, or maybe days, or maybe hours, and definitely years - it didn’t really matter - Reeves was there. You were there. And for once, you were really there together.
“Like what you see?”
The Future. Any Day. Every Day.
You always thought, and your friends always said, that the best years of your life happened in high school. And to a certain extent, that was true and you believed in that notion for a very long time.
But ever since that night, that one glorious night in a Manhattan bar, you realized you were wrong.
The best years of your life were still happening.
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moosoobi · 4 years
In the night: Chapter 1
T.Jeffy- Hamilton: the musical
Thomas’s interest in Y/N pulls him into a position he was previously blind to. They say every girl’s another mystery, but definitely not like this. Buckle your seatbelt Tommy, you’re in for a ride
Finally finished the first part of ITN (which is ironic since the moment I wrote this message I still haven’t finished it). I really hope I’m able to bring this story to life the way I want to and I hope y’all enjoy 😔💕. Here’s some stuff to expect:
Told from Thomas’s POV
Modern Au
College talk even though I’m literally in my second year of high school (so please bear with me) 
Ruh roh moments
Sorta weird POV/storytelling (I’m new to writing fics and stuff so this is definitely a learning opportunity) Also excuse my English errors: Though this is my only language, my school system seemed to fail in teaching me how to write
Word count: 6.7k (including separators) 
TW: itty bitty angst, themes of injury/blood, etc. 
I’m not the best story writer, so after reading this chapter you may have many questions. Please keep in mind that this is one chapter out of (about) 10. Things that you may not understand in this chapter will most likely be explained in future chapters.
-Now Playing: In The Night by The Weeknd-
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My God, she’s perfect 
     The way the sunlight reflects off of her glass skin. The sincerity in every word, every letter that she writes with her only pencil. To be that flawless, it’s a mystery to me. She takes a glance at me. Did she feel me staring? I duck down my head in embarrassment. 
“Jefferson, you oughta put that scholarship to good use”
     Professor Washington boomed to the entire class. I hear a fragment of her giggle. Her laugh is soft and naïve. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her happiness.
     Washington is right, though. It's my first semester after I came back from my student exchange program over in France and I can already feel my sanity slipping. France was a beauty to visit, so many customs and cultures I wish I could be flourished in right now. 
     But there was one thing great about going to school in New York: I get to sit in a classroom with Y/N L/N. 
     I’ve never talked to her formally, at least not yet. She’s always sitting alone, never answers any questions, but Professor Washington makes the class acknowledge her perfect test scores and fascinating interpretations 
     As the bell rings I watch her stand swiftly. Is she in a rush? I can't help but watch as her hair is flung over her shoulder. She stuffs her notebooks and singular pencil into her burgundy-magenta backpack. Hey, at least she has good taste in color. 
I don’t think you understand
     She sits alone everyday during lunch, yet she never looks bothered. Her energy is so compelling to me. A feeling about her that I cannot comprehend, something that feels greater than my existence. I just got to know. 
“Thomas, you gotta work on staring at people less noticeable” James catches my attention by pointing his fork a little too close to my face. 
      I was staring? Again?
     I shake my head to snap back to reality
“The great Thomas Jefferson is interested in someone for longer than 30 seconds. I gonna be honest with you Thom, that’s impressing”
     I hear James laugh as he violently stabs a few pieces of pasta onto his fork. 
     James has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We went to the same middle and high school down in Virginia, and just coincidentally ended up going to the same college in New York. 
     We’re always there for each other. I remember cheering for him at a high school assembly after he won a story writing challenge, he’s such a nerd. Then again, he had to drive me home a couple of times after I failed multiple driving tests.
     Back in high school, James was the Chess Club Champion, a title he always shoved down my throat. It’s no secret why, though. He’s really good at thinking things through, While I on the other hand tend to dive headfirst into the abyss.
“Shut it James” I sarcastically retort, taking a sip of the expensive chocolate milk which my scholarship supposedly pays for 
Hey, can I sit here?
     I talked to her during class. Her voice is angelic: Now, I’m not one to be religious and all, but that voice could get me on my knees praying for forgiveness. My ego couldn’t get me anywhere at all, as if she already knew my tactics, she knew my flirts, and how? I guess it just adds to her mystery.
“C'mon! that one works every time!” I whine
“Don't be so full of yourself Jefferson, I’ve heard them all before” A smile danced across her face
     She did, however, laugh at some of my remarks. It's good to know that she has a sense of humor. My jokes of Professor Washington’s shiny, bald head. The jokes of Professor Washington’s assistant, John Adams, who’s suspiciously absent considering he signed up for this job.
     Heck, I would even make fun of myself if it meant I got to hear that graceful laugh one more time- actually, that might be a little too far.
     Many days of giggling in class came after that day. I can see her starting to open up to my friends and I, like she’s spreading her wings and showing us the greatness that lies behind the social wall that she put up years ago. Even when we got in trouble for a little too much giggling in the back of the class, I sacrificed my own pride so she didn’t have to. Yes, I, Thee Thomas Jefferson, did that. 
     Even though I could see the social wall she put up, I knew one day Y/n would fall for my charming pick up lines, or maybe I just happened to have a lucky day:
“Y/N I need some a some help with my math homework” 
     Y/N glances over to me in concern. I fake a scared expression.
“Quick!” I swiftly grab her shoulder and shake her “What’s your phone number?”
     She playfully smacks my arm
     Obtaining her number felt like a rite of passage, like I’m important to her, like she wants me in her life. I couldn’t stop smiling that day, and of course James just had to make a comment on it. 
“Thomas, if you keep smiling like that I’m going to start thinking that your sick or something”
      James said as he shut my laptop, tired of waiting for me to pack my things.
“Now that's REAL ironic coming from you, James” 
      I raised an eyebrow as my laugh begins to come up my throat. I take my closed laptop and shove it somewhere into my backpack.
“Okay, leaving for a month in sophomore year just because of a little fever doesn’t make ‘being sick’ as part of my trade mark” 
     James playfully smacked the back of my head. Thankfully, my curls serve as protection, not just to make me sinfully handsome. James and I walk out of the freezing lecture hall and were hit with the crisp-coldness of New York.
     To the right of me I catch a glimpse of that eye catching burgundy-magenta backpack as it’s thrown into the trunk of a shiny, expensive car. My feet keep its motion as my head turns to see Y/N standing at the door of the car. 
“Yo, is that Y/N?” I hear James whisper behind me “and who’s that?” 
     My attention is suddenly drawn to the tall man walking around the car to open her door. His curly hair is pulled into a small bun and the smile he had on his face broke apart the stubble on his jaw. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 
“I’m just as clueless as you are”
     Keeping my glance on Y/N and the man, I watch as the man opens the door for her. My stomach turns as I watch Y/N smile back at him as she sits in the car. 
     For a split second, I swear I saw her shoot a soft glance at me. My feet almost stop in their tracks before I feel James’ hand yank me onto another pathway. 
“I’m all for you being head over heels, but we’re gonna be late to our study session with Angie” 
     Reality starts to set back into my head. 
“Right, lets dip.” 
“So little Tommy is Infatuated with this woman?”
     Angie’s eyes are piercing, and her luscious hair frames her face in a saintly manner. She slips off her baby pink coat to ease into her library seat. Her eyebrow raises as she takes a sip of her steaming coffee
     Of course James wouldn’t shut his mouth, especially around the notorious Angelica Schuyler.
     Angie’s pretty popular here, I find myself wondering why she has so many connections, yet it’s not just any reason(s) why she seems to be in the spotlight.
     1: She’s the oldest Schuyler. Her last name definitely got her places, not like I’m one to talk. Everyone seems to know her, not just at school, but all around New York City, and with her 5,000 Instagram followers, her first name’s starting to catch up with her last name in popularity
     2: Angie’s Daddy has money money. And that’s no secret when she decides to walk around campus with her designer handbags and shoes. I tend to think she always gets what she wants, but I know deep down, she’s never gonna be satisfied. Maybe it’s just a side effect of growing up with a silver spoon in your mouth
     And finally,
     3: Miss Schuyler here is Bold. She’s never afraid to put both me and James in our place. It’s almost as if she can’t be touched by anyone’s thoughts of her, then again the gossip in NYC is terribly insidious. With such grace and respect, Angelica is not afraid to throw your opinion into the ground.
“Yeah I swear, Jefferson would’ve gotten run over if I didn’t pull him onto the pathway” James attempted to tone down his laugh so the librarian wouldn’t stab him with those old, sharp eyes
For the first time, I didn’t know how to recoil
 “..Just caught me off guard.”. In an attempt to change the topic, I flipped through the pages of his textbook. 
Angelica and James shared an astonished glance at Thomas before looking at each other. I could hear James shrug and flipping open his textbook. I lift my head as I hear Angelica dig through her bag
“Alright let’s get started” Angie claps her hands together with determination
     It’s been 2 hours of studying in the ghostly library. Unfortunately, I can’t avoid the talk forever.
“Hey Thomas, why don’t you invite her to our next study session?”
     Angelica smirked as she rudely shut my laptop. I desperately imagine the day where both James and Angelica leave me alone. I angrily glare up at her, but she has a good idea
“Actually, that’s not to bad of an idea” I ponder for a moment before retrieving my phone from my pocket
Thomas: Hey Y/N, u free this week?
     Hmm. Is this okay? Nah it’s too straight forward. I sigh as I deleted and retyped the message
Thomas: Greetings Ms. L/N, this is Mr. Jefferson from class. Would you delight me by partaking in a study session? 
What the heck Jefferson? I began to get frustrated from this nonsense. It’s just a text, why am I getting so anal over it?
Thomas: Hey Y/N, ds@insdas/19z7dnesdc-
     Angelica, who was watching me the entire time, snatched the phone from my hands. I attempted to protest, yet Angelica Schuyler knows how to hold her ground.
“Angie wh-” 
“I’ll do you a favor, Jefferson.” She said sternly. There was no way I was getting that phone back, heck, I would be lucky if I got it back in one piece
“Aaaaand sent!” I heard her squeal 
     Angelica suddenly tossed the phone to me and I fumbled it between my hands before I held it stably. I check to see the text that Angelica sent from my phone
Thomas: Hey this is Thomas from class, wanna come study with us at the library sometime?
Oh. It was that easy.
“Thanks Angie”
I shove my phone back in my pocket. Part of me was excited to have an excuse to text Y/N, yet I do wonder how awkward it would be if she rejected the offer. I mean, she already has the perfect grades, why would she need the extra help?
I start to rethink my decision.
     It wasn’t until 11 pm at night until I got a reply from Y/N. Beforehand, I arrived at my apartment around 8 pm. As soon as my door shut, the room was filled with growls indicating my current problem: hunger. That could only be solved with one solution: microwavable mac and cheese. 
     My phone dinged while I was laying motionless on my bed. My apartment was right next to the street, and all I could hear was the busy streets of New York City.
     My eyes opened as I turned to my charging phone. 
Y/N: yeah I’m down :) just send a time and place and I’ll be on my way
     I was filled with joy, so much that I couldn’t wait another second to reply. 
Thomas: Alright, we meet at the library after our class. Can you make it? 
     Seeing the three dots jump melodically made my stomach feel as if two fairies were dancing throughout my body. Any second now, any second. ding!
Y/N: sounds good!
     I guess it’s settled, I get to hang out with the puzzling Y/N L/N, and maybe I’ll get to learn a bit more about her. But just because it’s a study session doesn’t mean I can’t show her what a southern gentleman looks like, and for the first time, I’m so excited to study
     James, Y/N, and I walk out of professor Washington’s class, laughing our asses off over some stupid joke. Everyone around us appears to be annoyed, especially with having to sit through almost two hours of my friends and I laughing in the back of the class, but it’s not like I care.
     Once we’re hit by the bitter cold of New York, my eyes are immediately drawn to that expensive car. So familiar and so faint in head, the memory of Y/N smiling as she hopped into his car replays in my brain.
“I’ll be back guys”
     Y/N excuses herself from the group before lightly jogging to the car. Her hair was graceful in the wind, and her burgundy-magenta backpack didn’t seem to weigh her down at all. For a split second, my brain acknowledges that mysterious man in the driver’s seat. There was a moment of awkward eye contact with him, his cold eyes pierced through me before my attention was drawn back to Y/N. She fixes her hair and jacket.
That was cute.
     James and I watch Y/N before turning to each other. I suggest to James that we wait for her, show a little southern hospitality. Even though Y/N seems to be fond of this man, he gives off a mysterious vibe similar to Y/N’s, but I do not want to unravel that mystery at all.
     Seeing him throw a smirk at Y/N causes discomfort in my stomach. 
     Y/N comes prancing back to us, an embarrassed smile on her face. Behind her, that shiny, expensive car begins to drive away.
“My bad, I forgot to tell my roommate that I would be out late”
“That’s your roommate?” James asks, attempting to hide his curiosity and shock
“and he takes you home after class?” I interrupt briefly
Y/N nervously laughs before nodding “something like that, he just..”
     That pause was a little too long
“..doesn’t like me out of the house too late so he volunteers to drive me home all the time”
     I shrug it off before jumping at the feeling of James’ warm hands pulling Y/N and I to the direction of the library. Y/N and I look at him with confusion
“What? Angie doesn’t like when we’re late, remember?” James says, practically dragging us to the Library
“Nice to meet you”
     Angelica and Y/N got along pretty well. I can tell Angie was happy to finally have a girl to hangout with rather than having to deal with me and James only. She’s already starting to resemble a sisterly figure to Y/N, then again, growing up with two sisters must’ve prepared Angie for this moment.
     I don’t hear much about the other Schuylers, but I am familiar with them. Angelica is the oldest, as we know. Her first sister, Eliza Sch- I’m pretty sure she got married, is the nicest person you’ll meet. Whoever won her surely must be worthy, because we all know people like me wouldn’t get anywhere near Eliza thanks to her older sister. Her youngest sister, Margarita Peggy Schuyler, is just like Angelica.
     Stubborn. As. Fuck.
     I’m confident that Angelica has taught her that philosophy since she was born. Anyway, Peggy is currently living her dreams in Southern California. Not sure what she does, but I’m sure she’s financially stable, she is a Schuyler after all.
     All of us struggle to not annoy the librarian, let alone the entire library. I watch as Y/N opens up, just a little more, to Angelica, James, and I.
     Hours pass as we clown around in the library. From actually completing class work to a small drawing competition between James and I, I was certainly having a good time, and so was everyone else.
     It was pleasing to see Y/N more laid back rather than how she acts in class. In front of Professor Washington she’s so ‘put together’ and organized, but surrounded by her friends she’s such an amazing person, her range in professionalism and humor is astounding.
     I can’t seem to ignore the fact that Angelica notices the way I look at Y/N. It’s definitely not in my strong suit to be ‘low key’, I’m known for dramatic entrances and stealing the spotlight. She smiles when I make eye contact with her, and I’m pretty sure it’s just her way of annoying me, but I can’t help the way I look at Y/N. She really is an angel sent down from heaven, disguised as a college student, and I’m just lucky enough to be her friend.
     I’m blind to her flaws. When I see her, I feel like a tourist glancing at the Mona Lisa, memorizing every curve of her face, the way her hair falls around her shoulders, and the way the library lighting reflects off of her glowing skin.
     What felt like a sledgehammer breaking a slab of fragile glass, I see Y/N’s phone light up. Even across the table I can read the word “Lafayette” off of her phone. I can’t lie, it surely sounds familiar.
     When she finally noticed her phone flash on, I feel her ease turn into worry, and it definitely didn’t go unnoticed by James, Angie, and I. She starts to pack away her books
“My bad guys, I really gotta go”
     Y/N said notably panicking. Her phone flashes once again, yet the only thing that seems to catch my eyes is the bold “7:30” spread across the top of her phone.
“Are you okay by yourself?” I asked, trying my best not to pry into her business
“Yeah, my roommates here to pick me up, I don’t want to make him wait” she tried to play it off, but I’m learning to see right through her
“Alright, see you next time Y/N” I shrug it off
     She sends my friends and I a quick smile before replying
“for sure”
     Angelica and James got back to work without saying a word, and I could tell they were waiting until she was gone to start teasing me. I eased back into my chair before flipping the pages of my notebook
     I watched as she shoved open the library door and disappeared into the darkness. She’s such a mystery, when I feel like she’s opening up, she just shuts the door and we’re back at square one. Though I do claim to love a good challenge, Y/N L/N, I will never understand you.
     And that’s when it started. It wasn’t just one time where 7:30 was Y/N magic number, oh no, it was oddly consistent. I’m convinced that Y/N is some variation of Cinderella; her polite attitude and the beautiful little things she does without acknowledging it all vanish when the clock strikes 8:00, but that’s just one of many theories made by James.
     Another study session with James and Angelica, and Y/N’s flashing screen still compelled Y/N to leave the library without a trace. On some occasions we don’t even notice her escape, we just turn to see her seat empty and feel the faint wind from outside as the library door slowly closes.
     One day Angie bought us all tickets to see the preview to the newest, scariest movie I’ve ever watched. I was accompanied by Y/N, James, and Angie, yet their presences made it worse. Halfway through the bucket of popcorn and the movie, Y/N suddenly stood up and left after saying those 5 words. Before she left, I felt the warmth of her hands leave the place on my arm.
I never knew how addicting her warmth would be until it was already gone.
“Sorry guys, I gotta go” The weak smile on her face instantly resonated feelings of sympathy and understanding.
     From then on, Y/N and I grew closer as friends. We’d fool around at a local park before heading to campus, obviously sparking a few observations and remarks from James. I’d invite her to fancy dinners, or maybe even a small festival down the road from my apartment, yet her response would always be proven false at the moment she’d leave me and my thoughts at 7:30.
     But that hasn’t stopped me from attempting to hang out with her. Even on the days I wouldn’t have class with her we’d go out and get ice cream, study at the park, I guess you can say we’ve gone on a few ‘dates’ since our initial study session.
     Whenever we’re apart, I can feel every second expanding to its maximum capacity of time. I wouldn’t see her for a day and it will already feel like years since I’ve seen her. The days I do see her, time seems to maneuver a little too fast. When I recall hanging out with Y/N, all I can imagine is the feeling of floating above the clouds every time she and I made physical contact. Like a rock being dropped into still water, ever touch ripples throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine.
Truly incredible.
     She doesn’t like to talk about her personal life, and I find that quite odd. I’m usually one to continue rambling every detail of every trait of mine, yet I find myself yearning to learn more about her. 
     We text every now and then when we’re outside of class, a little more to be considered ‘just friends’. There’s always a story which unravels just a little more of Y/N’s past, and she’s left me on my own to connect the dots. I must say, she’s definitely an interesting gal, but I know there’s more to discover. 
     She’s a native New Yorker, born and raised, surviving by splitting an intense rent with her mysterious room mate. Y/N doesn’t talk much of her family, other than faint memories of her mother single handedly raising her and her little brother, who I’m fairly unaware of.
     Going into college undecided, Y/N describes her want to learn more about herself before she’s able to make any life determining choices. I’ve noticed that her schedule seems like a labyrinth avoiding life problems and obstacles, so perhaps being placed in the same class coincidentally was just fate playing its part.
     Y/N loves to explain her dream for workless weekends, moments in the week where she just gets to sit back, close her eyes, and breathe a little. With finals starting to appear from thin air, I can’t blame her for a dream so far from reality.
     Even with the knowledge I hold of her, something never seems to change: her disappearances at 7:30.
It’s always that damn 7:30.
     7:30--the cliffhanger your favorite show leaves you desiring for more
     the end of a fun night of laughter and glee, wishing it lasted just a little longer 
     the off-set energy in a room when those around you know something you don’t. 
     As days, weeks, and months pass since my first text proposal to hang out at the library, Y/N and I become a little closer than just friends. It’s been obvious, especially to James and Angie, that Y/N is more than capable of holding my attention.
     Though James is worried that Y/N will just become ‘another girl’ to me, concerning my tomcat nature in the past, he can see the potential I see in her. I find myself wishing I did spend more time with her, maybe I just need to make a better effort.
     I’ll prove James and Angie wrong. 
     Filled with determination and confidence, in the midst of my silent room, I whip out my phone and direct my attention towards forming a text message for Y/N
Thomas: let’s get coffee sometime?
     Jefferson charm, don’t fail me now.
     Before I knew it, Y/N and I were feasting on exotic cheeses and aged wine in my New York apartment. I hit play on a random romcom which helps to fill the emptiness in my apartment and ironically the thin space between Y/N and I. 
     I have no idea how to make my move. Though I’m not aware of my competition, I imagine if Y/N could attract someone of My caliber, I should be well aware of the things she’s capable of. Originally I planned to court her-- I know, I know, I’m a man of tradition--yet after James caught on to my recognizable frustration, He suggested I go for it. 
     This is surprising on multiple occasions, especially since James possesses the ‘brains’ between the both of us. Being the chess club champion, ‘talk’ won’t aid you when you're struggling in a chess match. Just like how he meticulously plays chess, he examines my situation and provides his Virginian insight, or so he prefers to call it, and they always proceed the way his scheme describes. 
     I’ve adhered his advice to my life ever since we were kids, and when I didn’t, he’d simply reply with: 
“I told you so” 
     His smug smirk accompanied with a finger pointing to his temple would soon transform from clever to annoying. 
     I feel a vibration come from my pocket. Well, of course it’s not Y/N texting so must I really answer it? I pull out my phone despite my doubts and I can’t help but roll my eyes.
James: 👍
Speak of the Devil.
     But enough about James. I understand that both Y/N and I are mature college students, yet I still fear the disruption in our friendship I can provoke just by making my move. I’ve gotten this far; If she wasn’t interesting I’m sure she would’ve rejected me sooner. 
     She’s different, she’s unique, something about her that I just can’t place, but also something missing. Anyway, this is probably my best chance at shooting my shot at Y/N, and it’s too late now to back down. 
     As my lips part in an attempt to speak and make a move, Y/N’s motionless phone (currently laying undisturbed on my coffee table) suddenly brightens with the most obnoxious ringtone I’ve ever heard. The words “It’s 7:30!” flash on her screen, almost as if it was warning her rather than reminding her. 
“Y/N—” my eyes follow her body as she swiftly stands up
“I gotta g—” I watch as she attempts to grab her purse, yet her body is limited when I firmly grab her arm. She looks back to me with tiredness in her eyes.
     Part of me thought maybe, just maybe, Cinderella here wouldn’t have a curfew. That I somehow would be the exemption to this consistent confusion . But you can only daydream so far into the day until you’re pulled back into your reality
     Her entire demeanor seems like it was reconstructed after her alarm went off. Moments ago she was just enjoying tasty cheese and cheesy movies, and the worst part is, I have no idea why.
“Let me speak, darlin’”
     I stand up to avoid the way her eyes look down on me. I can’t stand that pitiful glare; she looks at me as if I’m a child incapable of understanding her situation, but she’s too stubborn to let me know. I’d be wise to use this time to make a move on different circumstances.
“Now, you’re always leaving at seven thirty..”
     Her sigh is almost enough to interrupt me
“..why’s that? Talk to me.”
     I maintain my eye contact before it’s abruptly broken. She looks everywhere but my eyes, and I wonder where in my apartment she would find an excuse, yet still manages to dodge the question.
“..you wouldn’t understand..” she scoffs almost intentionally, honestly scratching a part of my ego. I hate to admit she’s right, I really don’t understand what’s going on.
     I cock my head to the side. Where’s this coming from?
“Darlin’, I’m sure I’m a very understanding person—”
“—I need to leave”
     I could tell by the look of her face that she wasn’t trying to argue, but it’s inevitable.
“Why can’t you just tell me?..” I put my hands up as a sign of defeat, but I’m not giving up yet. “We’ve been friends for a while and you’re always leavin’ at seven—”
“I know! I know..” she removes my hand from her arm, clearly refusing to look up at me.
“Let’s just say..I got a job..?”
     Oh. That’s what this is all about? A job? She couldn’t spare at least an explanation for a part time gig?
“See? That wasn’t so hard”
“It’s..really embarrassing..” The glance she takes around the room makes me wonder if she’s really telling the truth. it’s not really my place to speculate, there’s no going back from this.
“It’s alright, it’s just a job after all” I claim, trying to get this conversation back on track
“This is exactly what I meant but ‘you wouldn’t understand’”
“You don’t know what it feels like to have your life rely on minimum wage—” she sounds like she’s holding something back.
“Y/N wher—”
“A-and here you are makin’ me late for work” her eyes appear on the verge of crying.
“darlin’ look..”
“God, you’ve never had to work for anything in your life!”
     Both of us refuse to speak. Y/N phone, still on the table, chimes again. “7:35” it said on its bright screen.
“Is that really how you feel?..” I take a step back to give her space. She still refuses to look at me.
     There’s no way she’d cause all this chaos just because of a job. And even if she believes I’ve piggy backed off of my name for my entire life, why would it matter to her?
“I..I should leave” before I could process what just happened, she swiftly tosses her phone into her bag and heads for the door.
“Y’know, I had a nice time..” was all I heard before the harsh shutting of my apartment door.
     And that was the end of it.
     My first thought after the door shut wasn’t to whip out my phone and attempt to text her, it certainly wasn’t to call James and inform him of his miscalculation, but instead to attend to the matter at hand. This cheese and wine won’t clean itself.
     And the night continued normally, as if nothing had ever taken place. I couldn’t help but microwave another cup of Mac and cheese to cope with what Y/N said. Nothin’ like a good meal to divert your attention away from your problems. But even a good cup of cheese and pasta can’t stop me from thinking’: 
Is that all I am to her?
A southern snob incapable of functioning without their father’s last name?
     After an introspective shower, and a few episodes of a random Netflix show, I’m finally alone with my thoughts and feelings. I lie in darkness, tussling and turning at every occasion, unable to extract her words from my mind. 
     If there’s someone whose opinion I care about the most, it’s Y/N L/N. I consider texting her at this very moment, yet I’m sure that I’m the last person she wants to talk to. The weight of my actions falls heavily onto my shoulders every minute, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Give her space, Jefferson, and maybe you’ll be able to fix this tragedy. 
Knock! Knock! Knock!
     The knocks on my apartment door were enough to jerk my body back to consciousness. Sadly pulled from the warmth of my dreams, I’m hit with the cold, noisy reality of an average night here in New York.
Can my day get any worse?
     Coming straight from the depths of slumber, I take a few minutes to process reality. Maybe the knocks were in my head. Did I dream about someone knocking on my door? Perhaps it’s
The sun’s still not up yet, why am I?
     Groggily sitting up, I decide to check the time, yet it takes me multiple attempts to grab my phone in the dark before I catch a sight of the time.
2 am?!
     Who is so out of their minds so show up to my apartment at this time? Who do I know that would show up at this time?
James is too sensible for that,
Angie would never waste her time on me, for whatever reason,
And Y/N—
I don’t know our circumstances right now.
     I debate whether or not I should answer the door. Perhaps it’s just rock that happened to hit the door of my apartment, and even if it is a person, I’m not aware of anyone so mad to show up in the middle of the night. it’s not worth my time.  
Knock! Knock! Knock!
     So much for ‘Not worth my time’. A groan is all my body can respond with while I gradually stand from the comfort of my bed. I grab the nearest shirt, which was draped over my desk chair, and scramble to put it on. Passing my cramped kitchen, my hands subconsciously flip on the nearest light switches, while my eyes struggle to comprehend the sudden light. 
     Before I reach the door, I couldn’t help but attempt to fix my hair. Just because someone happens to show up outside unannounced doesn’t mean I can’t present my best rendition of a southern gentleman. 
     And finally, through my fatigue and irritation, I’m finally urged to grab the doorknob and twist it open in one motion. 
“Uh, it’s two a.m. so I hope--” 
     I nervously scratch the back of my head, attempting to add spice to this awkward encounter. It wasn’t until my eyes caught sight of the blood dripping down her glass skin and the meeting of our eyes did I have any words
     Her cold, pale, and hurt body would’ve hit the concrete floor if I had answered the door any later.
     And there she layed half colorless on my bed. Her smile was full of embarrassment and gratitude as I sat beside her, tending to the evident cuts and Injured areas of her body. “I hope I’m being a great house guest” she joked, causing her to laugh, yet hurting herself in the process. 
“Hey, Hey, Take it easy..” Y/N’s presence usually fills me with carefreeness, or perhaps stability, but for the first time I can’t help but react seriously. Her demeanor changed as she saw my retaliation to her joke. 
“I guess…” she looked down to her fragile body, a sigh released, seeming to be an attempt to calm down. “...I owe you an explanation for earlier. And especially for showing up at your place at 2 in the damn morning. ” 
     Thomas’ hands, full of wipes and hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls, froze in their tracks before he looked up at her, eager to listen and visibly confused. Y/N visibly winced as the cotton balls stuck to her cuts for longer than they should’ve, yet with Thomas’ reflexes at their all-time-max, he pulled them away with a worried expression.
“Explanation? You said you got a job, and I’m sorry for not respecting it..” I continued to clean her up, consensually of course, how could I call myself a gentleman if I were to act upon improper motives? 
“Again..” I utter quietly “..I didn’t know you felt that way, and I’m ashamed you feel that way” 
     I attach an ivory-colored band aid to her glass skin, careful not to damage it any further. I look up to her watching, pitiful eyes. “You were saying?” I reciprocate the attention to her, awaiting a so-called answer to come out of her mouth 
“I didn’t know where else to run to..” she attempted to sit up, lifting her weight off of my satin-covered sheets, yet quickly stopped when being hit with a wave of pain from her right shoulder 
     Though my first thought would’ve been ‘Damn it, my darn sheets are ruined’, it was quickly drawn to Y/N and her current problem 
“Y’know, I think an apology and explanation can wait, Y/N. you need a little sleep, it’s already three in the mornin’ for god’s sake” a small laugh erupts from her
    I sent her an assuring smile, trying to remind her that everything is always going to be okay in a Jefferson household. And surprisingly I received a smile in return, a smile of trust and security that I’ve never felt so glad to see. Of course, I wish I could’ve seen that smile under different circumstances, but I’ll work with what I got. 
     I stood from my beautiful satin sheets and reached for a hoodie on my swivel chair. (everything but your closet is a closet, change my mind) I braced for a cold night on my apartment couch while Y/N enjoys the warmth of my bed, but Y/N had other plans. 
“Wait- Thomas.” She said firmly 
     I turned tiredly to her direction, my arm already extended for the door, yet frozen in place as I awaited a response 
“Can you just..” she scoot herself over, as much as possible with her frail body “..hold me?” She watches me anxiously 
“I mean— you don’t have to b—” I didn’t hesitate at all to gently slide under the sheets of the bed. As soon as I turn to her direction, I can’t help but feel scared to touch her in fear of hurting her; my hands don’t know where to reside. “Where do I..” I’m truly perplexed 
     She giggled at my confusion and shyly grabbed my hand “I’m not so fragile you know” 
     She brought my hand up to the side of her head, and all I could process was the texture of the bandages under my fingertips. I don’t know what's going on, but I couldn’t just leave her out there. 
“..Right..” I wait for her eyes to close before I can even think about closing mine, and soon the texture of the bandages seem to melt onto my fingertips as I’m finally able to return to my slumber. 
“See you in the mornin’..” 
     I didn’t wake up until I felt the sun rays kissing my back through my so-called ‘blackout curtains’. Such a scam. The room seemed a little too quiet; I gently turned onto my other side just to find an empty bed. I consider the possibility of last night’s encounter with Y/N was all just some messed up dream, but when I saw the faint stains of blood on my sheets, I knew I was far from dreaming. 
     My body doesn’t want to move, and I’m stuck sitting up in my bed for another ten minutes. What the heck is going on? One minute she yells at me, then next thing I know she’s outside my apartment at 2 am. 
And that explanation. 
     I guess I was such a fool to think she wouldn’t continue to run away from this matter. My thoughts are interrupted by my buzzing phone. I know for sure that it’s not Y/N hittin up my phone right about now. 
James: Let’s try that new coffee place a few blocks from your apartment? 
     He really read my mind, or maybe it’s a response made from calculating my failure yesterday. But a distraction sounds tremendous. 
Thomas: bet. 
     I throw on a cleaner, more professional jacket, if such a thing exists, and swiftly get my feet out the door. Everything seems the same, as if nothing had taken place last night. The world still spins and I’m expected to spin with it. 
I don’t think I’m anywhere near capable of unraveling your mystery. 
Y/N L/N, I will never understand you.
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sunshine-stars · 3 years
For the writing thing: Willex, flowers, and a cat (I hope you are having a good day/ evening/ night!!)
Thank you!!! I hope you’re having a good day/evening/night too!!!
(This is an alive au because I’ll cry if the cat’s a ghost)
I got very carried away with this
“They’re up to something, I can feel it,” Alex tells Luke as they walk to band practice with Reggie.
Willie called him earlier and his tone of voice was the same as when they were put in jail for graffiti and had to call Alex. Of course they didn’t want to tell his anxious boyfriend, but they couldn’t remember Ray’s number and someone had to bail him out. Their Mom was busy at work and he didn’t want to bother her.
Alex was worried for days after that happened, he can only imagine what that disaster has gotten up to now.
Luke just sighs. “They’re fine, you’re probably just being paranoid again,” he says half paying attention while scribbling lyrics into his notebook. A love song for Julie probably, he really is head over heels for her.
“Isn’t he with Flynn?” Reggie asks.
Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Those two get along like a house on fire, literally. Once Julie had to stop them from committing arson. Wait Julie. She’s with them too, she can stop them.
“It’ll be okay, Julie’s there. She’ll make sure they both don’t end up in jail again,” Alex says, but mainly to reassure himself.
Reggie suddenly gasps. “Look! It’s a flower shop! I want a pretty flower! Pleaseeeee,” Reggie begs.
None of them could ever say no to him, he’s Reggie. So of course they go in.
Reggie finds a really pretty red rose which he claims, “Totally matches my aesthetic. I wear black and red... and the rose is red! It’s a match made in heaven! Plus it’s really really pretty.”
Luke finds a purple dahlia for Julie. Dahlias were always her mother’s favourite flower, and purple is her favourite colour. It’s really sweet and goes to show how much he loves that “wrecking ball” as Luke says.
Unfortunately for Alex, he just can’t decide on what flower to give Willie. Willie is just so perfect and pretty and sweet and just the best. They deserve all the flowers… so Alex ends up with more than a few.
There’s a few purple asters for love, red and white camellias to show that he’s a flame in his heart and that they’re adorable, pink carnations to show that Alex will never forget him, and calla lilies for beauty.
You could say that Alex got a little carried away, he did have a whole bouquet, but how could he not show his amazing boyfriend how much he loves them?
They all pay for the flowers and continue walking to band practice. He has managed to forget all about Willie’s mischievous and slightly nervous voice, and is now only thinking of Willie and flowers.
They enter the garage and there are three people there, Julie, Flynn, and Willie, and no one’s hurt. Alex must’ve just been paranoid like Luke said.
“Hey delphinus, you know how you love me…” Willie trails off, looking at him with his big pleading please don’t freak out eyes.
Oh no. That’s never good.
Alex is suddenly aware of a faint rumbling noise and looks in Willie’s lap. There’s a pitch black cat curled up in their lap. It’s purring happily and happily looking at Alex.
His first thought is that it’s adorable and he really wants to pet it. Also that Willie is looking at it oh so tenderly and Alex just fell a little bit more in love with him. He wants to kiss him and give him the flowers he got them.
Then he realizes… Willie doesn’t own a cat. Julie and Flynn don’t either.
“Where did you get that?!” Alex asks, freaking out despite Willie’s pleading eyes.
They pet its head again. “Don’t you think she’s adorable? Her name is Nyx.”
Alex’s brain almost short circuits. “Yes I love her so much and she’s so adorable. Plus that Greek mythology name is awesome,” he reassures his boyfriend who he loves dearly, but also loves to give him heart attacks. “Venus, love, but you don’t have a cat!”
“I know Aphrodite, but I found her on the streets, and she looked so sad. She looked up at me and started purring and I just couldn’t resist!” Willie rants softly to not scare Nyx. They look up at him and pout. Combined with the fact that they’re holding this adorable cat, Alex just can’t say no.
He sighs. “Ask your Mom and don’t try to hide her, you remember what happened with your frog Kermit. Then take her to the vet and check for a microchip in case she belongs to someone, and if she does please return her. They probably miss her so much. If not then make sure she’s healthy,” Alex tells him while waving the flowers around to make a point.
Willie smiles widely. “So that’s a yes?” They ask excitedly.
Alex tries not to smile. “You don’t need my approval, I’m not your Mom.”
“Yeah, but your opinion is very important to me,” Willie says softly while looking into Alex’s eyes.
Alex quickly sits down beside them, carefully setting his flowers on the floor. Then he tenderly grabs Willie’s jaw and pulls them into a kiss.
He can’t express how much he loves Willie any other way. There’s no words to describe how caring he is about the cat, how they care so much about what Alex thinks, how adorable they are, and so so much more. It gives Alex butterflies, not only in his stomach, but roaring through his veins and making him almost drunk on Willie.
Unfortunately, they have to pull away. They rest their foreheads against each other, and just smile for a moment. That is before Nyx makes a little mrrp sound and headbutts Alex’s hand which is resting on Willie’s knee. He pets her and she just melts into his touch, purring even louder than before.
“Are those flowers for me?” Willie happily asks.
Alex playfully glares at him. “No they’re for Nyx.”
Willie sticks his tongue out in response and grabs them off the floor. His cheeks darken as he carefully looks at all of them. Of course this amazing person knows flower language, to Alex’s delight and dismay.
Reggie sits down on the other side of Willie to pet Nyx. Dogs are his favourite, but he still really loves cats. On the other side of the room Julie and Luke are working on a song while Flynn tries to find more blankets for Nyx.
Alex is surrounded by everyone he loves. He can’t ask for a more perfect moment than this.
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What Ain’t Living Can Never Really Die || Solo
TIMING: Current SUMMARY: Nadia doesn’t really sleep sometimes. That doesn’t mean the bad dreams don’t find her, anyway. CONTENT: Allusions to PTSD
Nadia doesn’t really sleep sometimes. Even before the possession, the first possession, years ago when she was a different person, she didn’t really sleep. Too many thoughts going on in that head of hers, her parents said. Her thoughts plagued her, her anxieties bothered her, her worries haunted her. She was kept awake by tests and papers and feelings that she now knew weren’t all hers. Some were, but not all of them.
Now, Nadia was literally haunted. Maybe not really, not anymore, but it felt like it. Sleeping seemed to open up the door to get haunted a little bit more every time she managed to pass out. The only time she slept well was when there was another person around, someone to feel and latch onto, if not physically then emotionally. And so maybe she’s fallen asleep in the coffee shop because the baristas’ boredom was so tantalizingly peaceful, and maybe she uses her breaks at the library to catch naps to the soothing feeling of contentment that comes from being around her coworkers. Other times… Well, Rhiannon didn’t seem put out anymore about the fact that Nadia tended to wake up crying. If it was possible, the cat seemed concerned.
She has rituals, things to keep herself from falling asleep or feeling unsafe. Her bedroom is warded and she even gave in and bought salt, the lines of it stretching in front of the doorway and the windows. She won’t ward the apartment; over the course of her time as a ghost, she learned that not all of them were bad. Some of them she even liked, as strange as the feeling was. But she needed her privacy, and she needed to be assured that she had somewhere safe, even if it didn’t feel safe.
Every night, multiple times a night, and every day when she got home, she checked the wards. She checked the salt lines. She forced herself to write down her thoughts, any thoughts, even if it was just half-assed poetry, and she kept up with the date, and, dammit, she never missed a fucking day, okay? She had multiple notebooks now, dating back to the day she stepped into her apartment door on her own for the first time in months, and she never missed a day. She couldn’t miss a day. She avoided mirrors at night, especially on the nights she actively tried to sleep. She brushed her teeth with her head down, washed her face with her eyes closed, and never made eye contact with herself. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t.
And, on the nights that she actually set aside to try and sleep, she still used the iron manacles that she had attached to her bed for months. She locked herself in and stared at the ceiling for hours and recited Wilde, or Austen, or Dickinson in her head until she couldn’t anymore, and it sucked, but there was nothing else to do. At least, on those nights, she didn’t accidentally sleepwalk into cemeteries and make friends with dead people.
She wasn’t sleeping tonight, a book on folklore and legends in Maine open on her lap and an empty mug on the coffee table. Calling it “tonight” was a bit of a stretch, though. The clock’s hands were grasping at four in the morning, and it wouldn’t be long before sunlight entered the picture. Sunrises, she’d learned, were almost inherently more beautiful than sunsets, even if they were both lovely. Hell, she was just grateful to be able to experience them, at this point.
Nadia stood up, putting the blanket she’d been using on top of Rhiannon, causing the sleepy cat to swat at her before settling back down. Nadia grabbed the mug and headed to the kitchen, intent to fill it up again. As she stretched, she felt the scarring on her side twinge. Even months later, the wound as healed as it was probably going to get, the scars were never going to fade. Sometimes they still hurt. She was never going to forget the way a knife felt going all the way through her before being roughly pulled out, and she was never going to forget the looks on her friends faces as she thought she was going to die.
She wouldn’t say that she was supposed to because Regan hadn’t screamed, and that was pretty damn important. And it wasn’t like Nadia just dreamed of dying inside a salt circle with exorcists chanting over her. But, damn. It had happened three times now. And nothing that she found online or from anyone that she talked to mentioned anything about people surviving more than one exorcism. The exorcisms in multiple had to have fucked her up somehow.
Instead of carrying the mug to the kitchen, she ended up walking without thinking into her bathroom, washing it in the sink as she was too busy thinking. Three exorcisms. One that had left her feeling broken down and weird after six years. One that had literally displaced her from her body. And one that had hurt, just as bad as being stabbed, almost worse. Maybe worse. Everything blended together. She dumped the water out of the mug and into the sink, looked up, and made eye contact with her reflection.
It was her reflection. It was hers. Nadia knew that it was hers. But, late at night when everything was too quiet and her thoughts were too loud, she didn’t see herself. The circles under her eyes seemed too dark, like the ones on cartoon characters to point out the villain. Bathroom mirrors reminded her of fractured memories, of blood on countertops, on hands. They reminded her of wicked smiles stretched tight, winks caught in mirrors, and the feeling of falling into fathomless abysses. She fell for years, years and years and years, and when she finally hit the ground, the breath knocked out of her and her throat raw from screaming, everything had changed.
Everything had changed.
Nadia set the mug down, refusing to let it shatter (because she broke too many things these days), and gripped the side of the sink. Her heart was pounding. Her breathing was erratic. She felt so fucking stupid. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Because Cordelia wasn’t there, and Cordelia wasn’t inside of her. The last that Nadia saw of the bitch, she’d been a redheaded woman that screamed as she was torn apart from the inside, a ghost then a shadow then nothing at all. Nadia reminded herself of that on a loop, a matra that she could never allow herself to forget.
Not that it mattered. Cordelia would always be gone, for good, everywhere except in Nadia’s mind. She wedged a part of herself into Nadia that could never truly be taken away. She couldn’t be killed, not really. No matter how much Nadia just wanted her gone, she would always live on. Always. Always. There was nothing Nadia could fucking do to get rid of her. Nothing. Nothing.
It took far too long to regulate her breathing, tears forming in her eyes as she managed to choke out one, two, three sobs. Nadia cleaned herself up, and sh didn’t look in the mirror. She couldn’t stay in the apartment anymore, even if it was the safest place for her to be. Sometimes, there was still too much Cordelia in the apartment. 
(That wasn’t true. There was barely any evidence of Cordelia left at all. All the shatter glass had been cleaned. The ghost’s favorite alcohol and food had been thrown out. The clothes she’d bought had been burned. All that was left was what remained of Cordelia’s money, and maybe it was selfish of Nadia to keep it, but it was something to fall back on, a nest egg if she ever needed to run. No, the only thing really left of Cordelia in the apartment was Nadia herself, and she hated that.) 
She grabbed her jacket, though she was sure that the snow that had fallen the day before had already melted as summer temperatures soaked into the night in her neighborhood, and she headed down three flights of stairs.
This time, when she made it to the cemetery, she wasn’t chasing ghosts; she was looking for them. She saw the spot where she’d met Griffin and where she’d ended up talking to him and the spirits in the cemetery. She could see them now, the spirits, the only shadows that existed in the dark.
“Hello,” Nadia called out, and she walked to a bench, keeping to the path so that she didn’t walk over anyone’s grave. The spirits followed her, and they stood around her, and Nadia could almost make out their whispering voices. Maybe, if she had more sleep, she’d be able to hear them better. Or maybe she needed less sleep. She didn’t know.
“You’re all talking at once, I think,” she said, a small smile working its way onto her face, and if she felt tired and wary, then this was making it a little better. These were okay ghosts. This was okay. “Just, like, hey, no, one at a time, please. I’ll try to listen. I’m trying to listen. I don’t know. Speak up and speak slow. And, please, for the love of God, don’t fucking possess me. It’d really piss me off.”
So, that was how Nadia ended up listening to ghosts in the cemetery, at ease even surrounded by dead things. After all, the spirit in her head would always hurt her more than the spirits in these gates.
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 3
part 2 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to our watch-through of the first season of Magia Record! Last time, we met a trio of Kamihama magical girls, Momoko, Rena and Kaede, and, after Rena and Kaede fighting, Kaede is kidnapped by the “chain monster”, a part of the rumor of the Staircase of Severance. Now, it’s up to Iroha, Momoko and Rena to find and take her back. Will they succeed, or will someone lose their heads? The only way to know is by watching, so let’s get right to it.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record Episode 3
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Rather than going back to the plot right away, we are given a flashback of Iroha’s younger sister and two other girls. The brown haired girl has apparently created an eternal motion machine in the form of a toy train, saying something about how adults must be stupid if they never thought of that before, and that toy train proceeds to crash into a pile of books and set fire on them. Good job. 
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I don’t want to hear this from a gacha game character. Your original work is even more fragile than this!
The megane girl, Nemu, compares the brown haired girl, Touka’s actions to the burning of the Library of Alexandria (dramatic much?) and the two start fighting, with Ui trying to stop them. They’re just like Momoko’s trio on the previous episode, breaking their friendship up and everything.
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Once again, it was Iroha’s dream. You know the erasure really went in on it when even the rug is cut in half.
Iroha’s sister had friends at the hospital, so she could get some new clues if only she could find them.
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Floof Momoko.
Before going looking for Kaede, Momoko and co. drop by Kamihama Mirena-za, aka. the Coordinator’s. I tried searching if Milena constellation was actually a thing, but the only thing I could find was that there’s a Galileo satellite named Milena. Huh.
The Coordinator had a client, but she’s done right away. We learn that the Coordinator’s name is Mitama Yakumo, but still have no idea what she actually does.
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Besides not having a sense of personal space.
Momoko explains that Iroha’s not there to get adjusted, whatever that means, and asks if Yachiyo is there yet. Who’s this Yachiyo though?
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To no one’s surprise, I guess, since I already said it, but this girl is Yachiyo. And she absolutely ignores Iroha. Rude.
Yachiyo and Momoko start talking between themselves about Kaede’s case. (and MItama’s fixing Momoko’s hair. Cute). It seems Yachiyo is well aware of the rumor of the Staircase of Severance. She pulls out a notebook, and Momoko notes that she’s knowledgeable about these things.
Momoko asks Yachiyo to lend them her help, and Yachiyo agrees to do it, since Kaede is in danger, but adds that she won’t work with people who will only be a burden, looking at Iroha.
...not that she’s wrong, but still rude.
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Well, I mean, that might make sense when you’re so op, but you don’t have to say it outright!
Still, Yachiyo has a point: it’d be too dangerous to bring along a weak magical girl to a fight with an unknown enemy. So Mitama offers a solution: why don’t they just adjust Iroha’s Soul Gem?
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Mitama does a very short explanation of what “adjusting a Soul Gem” actually entails, and this one short screen tells us the rest. It’s basically what let Momoko and Rena do that joint attack earlier. I wonder if this was even long enough on the screen for the people who watched this on tv to read it. 
Momoko says that Yachiyo should have no complaints as long as they do that and Yachiyo is like “yeah, whatever”.
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...now that I think about it, what is Mitama doing here?
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Continue? Iroha hasn’t sacrificed anyone tho.
...oh, I forgot we don’t get to see Iroha getting adjusted.
So, our girls are now at the rumored stairs at Kamihama University Affiliated School. Leaving aside Momoko and Rena, since they are students there, one has to wonder how exactly did Iroha and Yachiyo manage to get up there without being found. This school’s security is lacking!
While the girls run up to the rumored Staircase of Severance (this is so annoying to write) we see some messages on screen of what I assume are Rena’s classmates, and get pushed some ideas of what friends should be like, all while Momoko tries to cheer Rena up.
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Okay, that’s a really narrow staircase. Who decided to put this creepy thing here?
Momoko writes her and Yachiyo’s name on the staircase (and we sneakily learn Yachiyo’s surname is Nanami). The two are reenacting the rumor, so now they’ll make up to draw the Chain Witch out. That is, after they give us their transformation scenes!
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While Yachiyo’s themes are water and stars(?), and she has gracious movements, Momoko’s literally burning up and kicking things. Their transformations parallel one another, and yet they are completely opposites. I love it! (but Momoko kicking the sword still takes the cake for me).
Now that I think about it, for all that fire theme she has going, Momoko's not that hot-blooded. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, I guess.
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Rena’s transformation focuses on her shapeshifting powers, throwing her through mirrors and with lots of expression changes. It’s not because she’s tsundere, the transformation seems to tell us Rena has lots of faces.
...I also like her DDR routine right at the start, it’s cute.
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The theme of Iroha’s transformation is birbs. Rather than telling us something about who she is like the others, I see hers as basically about what she’s doing right now: much like she did by coming to Kamihama, Iroha takes the courage and jumps into the unknown, chasing after a mirage.
I’m always a little bothered with how she falls straight down despite taking impulse when she jumps, but hey, what can you do lol
One of the (many) cool things about this whole sequence is how the bgm is continuous throughout the transformations, only changing a bit to match each of the girls.
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That’s not very convincing acting, Momoko. Yachiyo’s is not much better, either. They theorize it only works if they’re really fighting, and Rena says she’ll do it.
Rena starts apologizing, but nothing happens. Iroha says it might be because she’s not saying it from her heart and Rena’s gets upset.
Rena can’t just feel like making up right away, but it’s not like she doesn’t want Kaede to come back. These two seem to have a complicated relationship, but in the end, it’s clear that Rena does like her. Rena starts crying and apologizes for making Kaede be friends with someone like her all this time. Then, the Chain Witch appears.
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We get a flashback to Rena flashbacking (confusing, I know) about all the times Kaede apologized to her, while watching an idol show.
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Don’t we all?
So, yeah… Rena is a complicated character. (and a Sayuki stan)
Iroha wakes up in Rena’s room for some reason. Clearly-not-Momoko starts a monologue of how no one could ever like Rena.
Rena hates herself, so she wanted to change. She wanted to become someone else, so her wish gave her shapeshifting powers, but didn’t change her, so she still hates herself (considering the implications when this type of wish does work, see Oriko’s Kirika, she might have gotten the better end of the deal.
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Kaede calls out to Rena and Iroha and Rena break out of the strange television-exposition-vision-thingy. So the first thing they start doing, naturally, is start bickering again. Great friends! 
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Oh look, the weird Kyuubei is back! Like the nice mascot character he is, he’s showing Iroha the way to the main Witch.
Rena and Kaede start to have a heart-to-heart while fighting (the familiars now, not each other).
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Familiar: hahaha, that tickles
Rena says their friendship is over once they get out of there, since they were never real friends to begin with, but Kaede doesn’t want that. Kaede says that if Rena’s problem is that she never apologizes, she just did earlier and Rena says that didn’t count, so Kaede replies that then they breaking up doesn’t count either. Nice, Kaede!
Kaede basically says that, yeah, Rena can be terrible, but she likes her that way anyway, so they can continue being friends.
Rena says that Kaede needs to listen to her, she needs to let her apologize too and tells her she’ll do it once they get out.
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While they’re doing that, Yachiyo and Momoko climb to the top and knock down the witches’ main body. Momoko then calls for Kaede and Rena to finish it off. Nice VFX there btw.
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Rena and Kaede join hands and using both their magic they pinball the witch into the air with Rena's mirrors. Rena launches plant-enchanted copy spears at it and the witch bursts into leaves and dries... Kaede's magic is kind of scary like this.
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Oh, how adorable. Aaaand he's gone. 
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The witch is defeated and Rena now has to make good on her promise to apologize. But, seems like honestly apologizing is still too much of a hurdle for her so after some struggle she swerves to another thing. Thankfully, Kaede knows Rena well enough and she's fine with this.
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Look at them, so precious.
While Momoko and Iroha catch their breath, Yachiyo approaches them and informs them the Witch didn't drop a Grief Seed. In fact, she says that might've not even been a Witch at all. Yachiyo points out it's weird to have a Witch that comes out anywhere whenever the conditions of a rumor are met, in particular since they didn't even feel it's magic beforehand. She warns them that something weird is going on in Kamihama, then leaves in the most dramatic way possible.
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Sometime later, our group is back at Satomi Medical Center. Seems Rena has given in and decided to help after all.
Going by the original plan, Rena transformed into a nurse and investigated the hospital. It's pretty cool how her voice is slightly distorted in this little sequence with her undoing her transformation.
No one in the hospital remembered Iroha's sister, but they did remember Touka and Nemu. That means Iroha's memories aren't entirely wrong.
With that, Iroha goes back to Takarazaki for the day, with some new friends and a very small but important step closer to finding her beloved younger sister.
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"Sorry for making you my friend."
That's it folks, this was the third episode of Magia Record('s first season)! No one lost their heads... well except that not-witch if we count the bell as it's head, but I think that's just fine for this series, because--
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Talking about lost heads, look who's here! I totally forgot this episode had a stinger. My bad.
Kyuubei can't enter Kamihama now for some reason, so he needed someone to investigate the cause for him and contacted Mami as a strong veteran Magical Girl. There are rumors about that someone in Kamihama is gathering all the Witches around to monopolize Grief Seeds, which would explain why the city is infested with them and they being stronger than normal. Mami says she doesn't want trouble with the Magical Girls of another territory, but will investigate whether the current events are due to a Witch or Magical Girl. I like the short cut that shows her from beneath the grating, it's neat. Just have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
!--rant incoming--! (I say, as if this whole post isn't one)
Anyways, like I was saying... writing? Before the stinger disrupted my thoughts, I think it's just fine that Magia Record's ep3 doesn't have any big twists like Madoka. The original had that maybe for the shock factor, yes, but also because it needed it to make clear what kind of story they were actually going for, and that worked great for that show and the time when it came out. But Magia Record is more of a mystery. We don't need it to push the point of magical girl suffering because the original already did that, we need it to give us things to puzzle about, and that it already did with the weird witch of this episode. Could it have made that better? Maybe, but Magia Record also has the problem that it's cast is significantly bigger, so they have to fit those introductions somewhere. So while it introduces Momoko's trio and a bit Yachiyo, it also tries it's best to situate us (and Iroha by extension) as to how Kamihama's magical girl's world is like and what's going on there. It's a lot to juggle and the anime doesn't get the benefit like the game of being able to just put the character's backstory on a separate chapter. I really like character focused things, so I don't mind the anime trying to fit as much as it can in, but I can see how that might turn other people off. That's one of the things that's really a matter of taste I guess.
!--ok, you can come back now--!
One of the visual things I really like in this episode is the effect with the floating kana and kanji on the Labyrinth. I wonder how that was done. It's animated, so I don't think it's part of the background, but then I'm also not sure at which stage of production that'd be put in. It's really neat.
Well, with this, we are done with episode 3 of Magia Record! What will we do next? Who knows! It doesn't seem like Iroha noticed it, but just knowing that Touka and Nemu existed, not even getting their surnames, does not give her any new clues to go with. She barely started and already is at a dead-end, poor girl.
Before jumping off the building, Yachiyo also added another question to our already filled question bucket: what was up with that weird witch? What is this strange thing that is going on in Kamihama? Why are you looking like that at Momoko's team?
As viewers, however, there is only one way of answering all this: by watching. So I'll be looking forward to having you guys join me tomorrow for episode 4! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening!
PS.: The last two episodes had about 30 screenshots, this one has about 40, at this rate by the time I get to episode 13 I'll be taking screenshots of the whole episode...
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mod2amaryllis · 4 years
I'm sure you've received this question a hundred times but do you have some tips for training a deaf puppy? Thank you and sorry to bother you
OK YEAH SO definitely don’t consider training to be an area of expertise but Goose turned out decent so here are some things:
first thing: make sure you’re prioritizing just like, approaching it as A Puppy, and puppies are hard as a baseline. find a class to join for basics if your dog does well in a class setting (my area had a free puppy class option that worked great for Goose, look into it, but I DO think this is something worth spending money on if you have to). then my most recommended puppy literature is: Social, Civil, and Savvy: Training & Socializing Puppies to Become the Best Possible Dogs. it’s almost impossible for me to pay attention to nonfiction books and a lot of dog training books are really crunchy technical, but this book is super short, lots of pictures, big text, straightforward. I had an easy time absorbing it and the stuff works. awesome awesome training guide. also a good podcast is Drinking From the Toilet, which has had specific puppy and deaf training eps
AND BLANKET STATEMENT: socializing is just in general the most important thing for a puppy. like exposing them to new things. expose them to all types of people, all types of animals, all types of situations, all types of floors rooms buildings grass discomforts yadda yadda yadda this is JUST as important for a deaf puppy. blanket ass statement.
general stuff before I share personal observations: resources I turned to the most were probably Deaf Dogs Rock (awesome equipment recs, so many anecdotes from owners w/ specific advice) and Keller’s Cause (neat little training videos)
ok now personal experience
in the context of training it was helpful for me to think of deafness more as just another attribute as opposed to a disability. like how being a mini aussie makes her creepy-smart, being deaf makes her: not hear (obviously), highly observant, potentially more confident in situations that might intimidate hearing dogs, easily startled, dependent on passive training as opposed to command training. basically it’s not a hurdle. it forces you to be creative and work within her attributes. just like with literally any other dog.
obviously you will use signing. I don’t use ASL, I come up with whatever is intuitive for Goose and me. early training feels like you need 3 hands cuz you’re giving treats, you’re signaling “good job,” you’re signing commands, you’re maybe holding a leash, it’s a lot. so my signs had to be with 1 hand, they had to be intuitive, they had to be distinct from one another to avoid confusion. a few examples: SIT is a closed fist (I feel like most people already do this with their dogs); TOUCH is two fingers offered; LAY DOWN is those two fingers being lowered to the floor; SPEAK is a hand being opened rapidly. I have more but you get the picture. I actually have a notebook where I’d doodle commands as I went cuz I was literally just flying by the seat of my pants lmao
passive training has been clutch. this is kennel training, car training, leash training, basically establishing her life routine (idk if it’s actually called passive training??? i’m sure it all falls under “”””socializing”””” but that’s such a huge umbrella). these areas can be difficult to settle into but they really are essential. I don’t have car advice cuz my dogs drive w/ me to work every day and are fine so IDK WHOOPS but:
leash training: with goose being deaf it was weird because the trainer I worked with was heavily reliant on voice commands. so I put a LOT of time into the loose-leash game, which is walking on a leash in the house, and every few steps, you give the dog a treat AT YOUR SIDE. like hold your hand right by your leg. basically the idea is to teach your dog it’s cool and fun to stay by your side and check in with you every now and then. Goose still pulls on her leash but in a manageable way, and she knows to check back with me. also definitely rec a halter. this one’s my favorite.
kennel/sleep training (gonna spend a lot of time on this one cuz it was/is the worst thing about Goose): listen. this one will be hard. this one’s gonna suck. you will be SO tempted to just let them in your bed but you really, REALLY should not. letting them in the bed can foster separation anxiety especially with a deaf dog who’s probably gonna become your shadow. kennels instill confidence by giving a dog their own space, and if ever there’s an emergency when they need to go in the kennel, it’ll help them feel safe. like there’s so many reasons to kennel train. you gotta do it.
so...as a baby, Goose like almost killed me with sleep deprivation. we initially didn’t think we’d keep her (haha hubris) so she slept out of the bedroom. And Screamed. the ultimate solution was bringing her kennel in the bedroom next to Joanie’s kennel, and we’re pretty sure the reason that solved it is because she could wake up and SEE that there was another dog there. now she loves her kennel. shoots in there every night demanding her pb kong. BUT YEAH LISTEN if you DON’T HAVE some comforting visual/kinetic reassurance there, this could be a problem for a deaf puppy. AND. AND. the problem hasn’t gone away completely. Goose wakes us up at 5:30 am every single morning and probably will for the rest of her life because THAT is her routine and she is immune to our angry tired yelling. the simple act of us going to her kennel reinforces the behavior. we’re not jerks about it cuz we love her and understand how dog brains work. This Could Happen To You. Heads Up.
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: big sister dog like Joanie, worked for us; a floor fan creating vibrations, seemed to help her as a very young kiddo; being at least IN VIEW of you sleeping, like having the kennel riiiiight next to the bed, even within arm’s reach so you can reassure the puppy you’re still there. just...both in personal experience and in my research, I saw it a lot that sleeping is a big issue. cuz they can’t hear you, it’s dark, they don’t know if you’re still there, and committing to STILL attempting kennel training is the harder thing to do, but I really, really encourage you to try.
WOW. ok. fuck off I typed way more than I meant to. wanna hear some funny stuff?
Goose follows us around everywhere. she simply must know what’s goin on. we have beds stationed at every visual corner of the house, like sentry posts, so whatever room we’re in there’s a comfy place for her to sit where she can see us and she takes advantage of it. like she could be sleeping in one room and I’ll get up to brush my teeth, suddenly look down and she’s just teleported already asleep in the nearest bed to me.
sometimes Goose knocks on the door to come inside, and I’ll go to the door to let her in, and at literally the nanosecond before I open the door she dog-shrugs and turns and trots away and there’s nothing I can do. can’t call out to her. I’m bamboozled.
she is so fucking loud. I remember when she was a baby and my sis in law was like “wow so I bet she’s quieter than normal dogs huh” and I laughed like no actually she sounds like a rubber chicken going for that 4 chair turn on the voice, at ALL times.
sometimes I’ll do the speak command and she’ll do this huge windup, like big breath, eyes wide, and then release what is essentially a very little hiccup. but i still have to give her the treat. she doesn’t know the difference, not really.
always delighted to be woken up by you, wiggles her feet and starts licking her lips and looking up at you like “!!!! hello!!! omg!!! wow!!! a delight!!!”
doesn’t know the cats don’t like her. will trot up to Frisk and give what is in her mind a very polite little kiss on her nose before trotting away, oblivious to the offended growl she’s just elicited.
realizing i could write a book about how much i love this deaf fucker
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mandrs-writes · 3 years
My Writing Advice
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a writer. I vividly remember writing stories about my dog way back when I was seven years old. And when I was eleven I was bold enough to think I could write my own novel and sent drafts to my older cousin for editing. Writing was my life, my escape, my passion. And it still is. But I haven’t always had a good relationship with it.
When I turned thirteen, I struggled severely with undiagnosed depression and anxiety. High school was terrible for me. All that passion I felt for writing? Gone. It wasn’t until I was older, that I was diagnosed with depression and began taking antidepressants. At the time, I was attending college to become a nurse, which was literally just a crapshoot because I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. Finally though, I came to the realization again that English, or writing, was more my passion. So I changed majors.
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature with a focus in creative writing. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Wow! You probably wrote a lot during college!” Wrong. While I did write a lot of thesis papers, did a short stint in poetry, I think I wrote one short story for my fiction workshop. But other than that? Nothing. I don’t know when it happened, but I developed a severe fear of writing.
What is a fear of writing, you ask? Honestly, I don’t know. All I know is, I would write something and get literal anxiety over it because I hated it that much. I would agonize over every little detail until I was ripping my hair out. I despised my writing, something I used to be so passionate about, it was now something that caused me great distress.
Why am I sharing this with you? Well, as some of you know, I am now a very active fanfic writer for ereri. I update roughly two fics a week and sometimes I sprinkle a one shot in there if I’m feeling sassy. So how did someone like me, someone who used to agonize over my writing, go from hating every detail of it, to sometimes pumping out roughly 10k words a week and actually enjoy my writing?
While I am no expert on writing, I want to share my advice, regardless. I’ve come into contact with so many great writers who I know struggle with similar things that I once did, and sometimes still do (I’m far from perfect). Here are some tips I have when it comes to writing. I hope it helps:
Get in the right headspace. Clear your area of any and all distractions. Lock yourself out of social media, turn off your phone, kick your significant other out of the house— whatever that looks like for you, just create the perfect space for you to create. Any distractions could easily pull you out of your creative mindset and ruin your flow. I personally always work in my living room, away from my desktop because I just know I’ll play video games if I try to write in my office. I find the perfect playlist for the scene I’m writing (I seriously have so many playlists for writing. If you don’t have Spotify premium for playlist making, I seriously suggest you get it), sometimes put a Pinterest aesthetic board up in the background, and just get to it. My fiancé knows when I’m writing not to bother me and he stays in the other room. Make sure you establish clear boundaries with your housemates when you’re writing. Interruptions can sometimes not be pretty. 
Once you’re in the right headspace, JUST WRITE! Seriously, I know it sounds like a no brainer, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Whatever is in your head, just write it out. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, silly or irrelevant. Just write it. Writing and editing are two very different beasts, and when you’re in writing mode you need to focus ONLY on writing. Again, I know this sounds very obvious, but I know from experience that this is much harder than it sounds. My best suggestion is to find a writing partner to do sprints with. Set a timer for 20 minutes and see how much you can write in that time frame. When you’re writing with a friend, it becomes a challenge to see who can write the most in that 20 minute time. You’d be surprised what you can do in that short amount of time. And what you write might actually be amazing! I know I’ve surprised myself on more than one occasion writing like this.
Keep editing and writing separate. I mentioned this earlier but it’s so important that you do this. Our brains work differently when we edit and write. When we write, we put our heads into a creative mindset where we are inspired to create and expand on new ideas. However, when we edit, our brain slips into an analytical mindset which is great for critiquing and finding errors but TERRIBLE for creation! That’s why you MUST keep these two things separate. Believe me, I know this is hard to do. I used to be SO SO SO bad at this. I would write a paragraph, go back and read it, edit it, and rip it apart. My confidence would be shot, and I wouldn’t be able to write anything else for that session. Eventually, I forced myself out of this bad habit with lots and lots of practice (again, writing sprints are AMAZING for this!). You might think that what you’re writing isn’t any good and you might be itching to go back and read it and fix it. But I assure it, it’s probably A LOT better than you think it is. Leave it alone. Let it sit. And when you’ve finished writing your chapter, let it sit even longer. Don’t touch it for another 12 hours. I’m serious. When you have a fresh pair of eyes and your brain is in the analytical mindset, THAT’S when you should be editing. 
Always carry something with you to write your ideas down. Whether it’s your phone or notebook and pen, always be ready to write down an idea! Sometimes a juicy idea or thought will come to you at an unexpected time like in the shower, while you’re driving, or while you’re trying to fall asleep. That idea WANTS to be written down! Whenever I’m laying in bed, thinking about my stories, I’ll grab my phone and write down a line or phrase or idea that pops into my head. It might not make sense, but my brain is trying to get it out on paper so that’s exactly what I do. I might not use it, but at least it’s there if it does end up being good!
Find a friend/beta reader to read your stuff. And I’m not just saying this for editing purposes. No, I’m saying this for confidence purposes. I’ve always struggled with self-doubt. Like I said before, I struggle severely with depression and anxiety, and sometimes I get into really bad slumps with my writing where I think I’m the worst writer there ever was. My imposter syndrome flares up and I wonder what the hell I’m even doing with myself. Luckily, I have a friend and beta reader who refuses to let me falter when times are hard. And maybe we don’t beta read each other’s works in a traditional sense (I don’t really know how a normal beta reader behaves, to be honest). What I do know is, my friend will leave interactive comments throughout my whole chapter, commenting on what she likes, what she thinks works really well or what could be better. Having her interact with my chapter and tell me what is good and what isn’t, significantly boosts my confidence and makes me feel loads better about my writing. Honestly, if it wasn’t for her, I probably would’ve given up on writing by now. But it’s reassuring knowing my number one fan is always rooting for me on the sidelines. Get yourself a fan that roots for you, too.
There’s no such thing as too many ideas. I always hear people say ‘I have too many ideas. I don’t know what to do with them’. I know what you can do with them… WRITE THEM DOWN, SILLY. If you have inspiration for an idea, WRITE IT. I know you might feel like you have too many projects and that might stress you out. And if you are stressed by the amount of wips you have then maybe you should set some aside. But if you feel a great amount of inspiration for a new idea when you already have another idea in the works, write it anyway. Whatever you do, do not squander that inspiration! That idea wants to be written. Even if you don’t think you’ll do anything with it, it’s great practice and if the inspiration is there, it should be relatively easy to get the idea out on paper. I’ve written multiple chapter fics before because I had so much inspiration for the idea and then never posted them. I was so overcome with inspiration that I just NEEDED to write them. So I did. Maybe I’ll go back to them and finish them one day when the inspiration strikes me. And if I don’t, that’s okay. It’s good practice to listen to your inspiration and use it as it comes. Stifling your inspiration will only hurt you in the long run.
That’s pretty much all the advice I’ve got. This might be a little rambly and I’m sorry for that. I literally was just thinking about this last night and wanted to get my thoughts out so that I could maybe help some people that are in similar situations that I once was a year ago. If you want to write, but you don’t think you can, just do it anyway. Writing takes practice. It’s not something you can master on the first go. It took me almost a year to find my writing voice and I’m still developing it as I go. Don’t get discouraged. If this is something you want, you can do it! Just write!
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Find Familiar: ch 1
Rating: E
Summary: Nines cast the spell Find Familiar, but instead of an animal, they accidentally summoned a werewolf. Gavin is just happy to have finally found his mate and start pack bonding with the half-elf wizard. His best idea for a fun bonding activity? Touching his dick of course!
Gavin wakes up with a warm, breathing body pressed against his own, and it's all he ever wanted.
Then reality seeps in like cold rain and he realizes it's just the one person, not a dog pile, because he doesn't have a pack. Only a wizard who maybe sort of magically owns him now.
So that's a great start to the morning.
He gets a stew started like he promised, once he finds some potatoes and carrots, one lonely haunch of meat in an icebox, and no spices beyond salt. There aren't many places to look, since the whole room is five, maybe six hundred square feet.
Gods. Gavin's a lone wolf living half-feral without a tent or even a fire half the time, and he still thinks this is pathetic.
He knows better than to touch any of the books scattered around—fucking wizards—so he doesn't try to clean anything while he waits for his new … boss? Alpha?? person, to wake up.
(He does risk moving a stack of papers to sit in front of the black leather collar on the desk. Not hidden. Just. Out of sight.)
"No celery?" the wizard asks.
Gavin bites down on a flinch and a few choice swears. Sweet Selûne shift him. Who the fuck goes from asleep to awake completely silent like that?
"No," he growls.
Nines blinks themself more awake. "Is your negative an agreement to my question or simply a negative?"
"Baby, I have no idea what the fuck you mean, but there's not any celery."
"Oh. Thank you."
The conversation ends there when he dishes out a bowl of stew, that Nines eats at their desk, one agonizingly slow bite at a time, almost as an afterthought as they work on creating papers and papers of writing.
Since the wizard is so absorbed in their scribbles they can barely notice food, Gavin strips down and takes a bath. The water runs hot straight out of the faucet, even without any signs of pipes. Sinking into a whole tub of it feels goddamn luxurious.
He's half-shifted before he even realizes, but Nines probably wouldn't notice he got out and swung his dick around like a propeller, so he doesn't force himself back. His hybrid form always feels better anyway, the best of both animals, with human hands and wolf senses, still able to stand and walk upright but with stronger muscles and thicker protective body hair.
He's still sunk down and amusing himself by blowing bubbles in the water with his near-snout when Nines finally surfaces for air on their own side of the tower.
They turn around and blink at him. Gavin hunkers down lower in the water and prepares to force himself back, but even without actively poking the bond, he can tell there isn't any fear or revulsion from the wizard. He still pulls his snout of out the water and scents the air just to check, but … nothing.
"Good. Yes. Feel free to utilize any of the …" Nines pauses, stuck on the words. "Accommodations. Can you read?"
It's probably a fair question—especially since the answer is barely—but Gavin still hauls himself out of the bathtub and onto the sand pit so Nines will have to look at him. All the scars, the body hair almost thick enough to be a pelt, the way his bone structure is clearly halfway between one form and the other right now.
But instead of making the wizard flinch away and stop asking questions, Nines just grabs a different notebook and begins sketching him.
"Why?" Gavin growls out.
He can still speak, but just like his amount of literacy, the amount is barely. With lots of effort.
Nines looks up. Sort of. They lift their head at least, but their eyes stay focused down on their notebook, reluctantly dragged up at the very last second.
"Mm? Oh. Yes, here is your contract," they say.
They place the small stack of papers they'd written onto the dining table in the center of the room, then the two of them meet in the middle, each awkwardly taking a seat across from each other at the table, then staring at each other even more awkwardly.
"That is my brother's seat," Nines says.
Gavin raises an eyebrow but doesn't move his ass out of it. At least he put pants on before sitting down.
"I have never had another visitor," the wizard continues. "So. That has always been …"
They trail off, then grab their notebook and begin reading from it.
"My name is Nines. I am a wizard. I am thirty-two year half-elf. I do not have a gender. I use they-them pronouns. Pause for—"
They stop abruptly and look back up at him.
"… Gavin," he says. "I'm a fighter, thirty-six, werewolf. Born, not turned, so we don't really keep track of any races. You're either a wolf or you're not. Probably human though. Uh, he-him."
If they don't bother with human binary genders, maybe they'd understand just … switching genders? He thinks about it while Nines writes down what he'd said, like anything he says is actually important enough to be recorded.
Maybe he should let them get a little more attached to him before he tells them about the other crazy, evil wizard with a claim on him—and all the transformations they'd done on his body.
"Does your entire pack consist of born lycanthropes?" they ask, drawing him back into the conversation.
"Can just say wolves," Gavin grumbles. "And yeah. Haven't taken in a stray for a while."
No one does. That's why he's still—ugh, stop it. Fucking feeling sorry for himself.
"Is there a significant cultural difference between born and turned … wolves?"
Gavin stares at the wizard. Significant cultural difference, Selûne shift and collar him.
"Turned wolves don't have a pack," he finally says. "No one to share the mental load—most of the poor fuckers don't even know what's happening until they're already shifted and scared and starving. They've got just enough instinct to go back home, and then the screaming and running starts …"
He assumes he doesn't have to finish it from there. A hungry wolf sees something run, and they think prey, not child.
"I apologize if I ask simple questions," Nines states while still writing. "But I have never had the opportunity to meet a wolf in person, and so my knowledge is likely biased and incorrect. Is a coastal environment a suitable habitat for you?"
Gavin shrugs. "Sure. You gonna let me run around outside at some point?"
"Yes, of course. You may come and go as you please," Nines says. "How much land will your pack need? I do own the surrounding—"
His pack? Gavin stares at Nines as they ramble on about this land they own and how it's too rocky to support farming but has access to a cove, and the ensuing treaty with the local pod of merfolk, and—
And his pack. He has no idea what game the wizard is playing, but he never imagined it would include letting him "come and go as you please" and providing land for his—
"I don't have a pack," he blurts out.
Nines stops and blinks at him.
"Got kicked out."
He doesn't explain. It's impossible to explain just one thing, because it's all tangled together, in his mind, the words stuck in his throat. Refusing his pack's Alpha, bargaining to have his body changed and transformed, his womb scooped out so he could never be bred, never ever—
And where exactly that got him. They sit together in silence for a long, horrible moment.
"No one has need of a ninth child," Nines finally says.
"You really call yourself that?" Gavin asks in return, for lack of anything less dick-ish to say.
"Yes." Nines looks at him without any self-pity and factually adds, "It states all that most need to know. They do not need me, and I do not need them."
Gavin nods. "Fuck 'em."
"Yes. Well. I—" Nines stops and abruptly pushes the small pile of paperwork closer to his side of the table. "Here is your contract. It details what I … do need. And, expectations. I suppose the fifth clause is no longer necessary, unless you intend to create your own."
"My own … pack?" Gavin asks slowly.
He snorts. "I'm not going to run around and start turning people."
"Yes, that is included in the clause," Nines says. "Subsection A. Not to offend, but I thought it best to lay out a certain number of precautions first. B notes that you will be beholden to all the same laws as any other citizen, and C states you will make adequate arrangements for the full moon with myself or Knight Commander Anderson."
Gavin pulls a face at the rank. That shit's almost definitely a paladin. No sense of humor, holier than thou, and allergic to critical thinking. Just because you pledged allegiance to a deity society deemed "Good" doesn't actually mean literally everything you do is always going to be right or kind or morally just.
"He is also a lycan—" Nines stops and corrects, "A turned wolf, you called it? If expecting the two of you to … have commonalities … is unreasonable, then the subsection can be adjusted accordingly. The point is merely that you arrange for a safe and secure location each month."
"Yeah, we're not going to sniff each other's butts and be best friends," Gavin tells him. "It's probably how you feel about sorcerers and warlocks. Magic just looks like magic to me, but—yeah."
He stops when he sees Nines's face collapse into itself in the purest form of affronted disgust he's ever seen. This time, he can't stop a chuckle before it slips out.
"I can just stay here though?" he asks.
Nines unfurls their face enough to nod. "Yes. My power may be my own, achieved through my own studies, but I was sent to the same monastery as my twin. I acknowledge you have been sent by my patron deity, and I will fulfill my responsibilities to you thusly."
Gavin's eyebrows shoot up. "You're religious?"
"I worship Selûne," Nines answers.
Gavin stares at the wizard.
"Children born under the full moon often have enhanced magical ability," they explain. "She is also the goddess of navigation, quests, and all who work by night. It was the battle with her own twin that caused the formation of Mystral, the goddess of all magic. Many arcane users still worship her as such."
"And werewolves," Gavin says as how this shit all happened clicks into place.
"Your duties outlined in the contract." Nines stops and clears their throat. "Every power has a price, and mine was enacted at my birth. I have always needed certain accommodations. I realize now a mere animal would not be enough to serve as my familiar, yet a person has never been summoned before. A familiar that is both animal and person, however …"
Gavin nods at the stack of papers. "So am I your familiar or your employee?"
"Well, both," Nines answers. "You are magically bound to me, but you obviously are not a simple animal. I have made adjustments due to these extenuating circumstances, but this is a standard contract for all minions, assistants, and others employed by wizards."
He snorts. "Do I have a union?"
"Yes, subsection E, although you will need to opt-in," Nines replies, very sincerely.
Gavin taps the top paper to make a point when he asks his next question, and the paper suddenly yells the word "HEREFORE" at him.
"Oh, my apologies." Nines takes the stack from him and scribbles a few marks in the top corner. "There, the volume should be properly adjusted."
Gavin cautiously slides the papers back over, being careful to only touch the sides of the stack. He takes the first page off the top and pokes his name, one of the few words he recognizes.
"Gavin," the paper announces.
"I have paperwork I must complete to officially register you as both my familiar and my new minion," Nines tells him. "I trust you can be left to your own devices to review our contract?"
"Yeah," Gavin says.
"Very good."
Nines gets up and returns to their desk. Still no collar, only … this contract. Gavin runs his finger along the first line.
"The entity known as Gavin, herefore referred to as THE FAMILIAR, will enter into a magically binding contract with Nines, herefore referred to as THE WIZARD, to serve in the capacities of both a FAMILIAR and a MINION, as outlined by the Wizard Coalition of …"
Gavin nuzzles into his bed and groans. Three days of barely stopping to hunt and sleep to get here, and now it's been another three days of slowly figuring each other out.
Which hasn't been bad or anything. He got to run around outside, do a few laps around the borders of Nines's land. Cold, wet, and rocky, but he has to admit, he's kind of digging the melodramatic sea-side vibe. The air smells like salt and storms all the time, crowding out all the memories of soft earth and dense forest.
And he's got a contract. A "boss." That's the word Nines wants to use, so Gavin says that, but they both know he means Alpha.
It's good to have a job, food, and a bed, blah blah blah, he's really grateful and all, it's just—
Maybe not everyone has them or wants to indulge in them, but Gavin does for both.
And it's been nearly a week.
"Nines," he finally says.
He pokes at their bond too for good measure. The wizard won't pay attention to him unless he does. They'll look up and point their face at his face, but somehow their hand will keep writing in the scroll and they won't hear a goddamn word he says.
Even with the mental prodding, Nines barely turns their head. "Hmm?"
"I need to jack off."
Nines keeps writing for half a second before they blink and actually look at him. "… now?"
Gavin half-shrugs, still laying down. "I mean, tonight, yeah."
He's a werewolf using testosterone cream—kept in a jar in his coin purse, which was much more important to enchant to shift with him than shoes—who just formed a mental pack bond again. Full moon already past or no, his hormones are screaming at him that he needs to fuck.
But that's probably not Nines's idea of a fun bonding activity.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks, then continues with narrowed eyes before he can even reply, "Do not use my spell components."
Gavin barks out a laugh. "What—I'm gonna jack it with oblex ooze? That'd melt my fucking dick off!"
"Yes, it would."
He pauses. "Do … you know that for sure?"
Nines sighs. Deeply. "I attended an academy meant to train paladins, clerics, and perhaps the odd druid."
"All the most repressed spellcasters, huh?"
Nines doesn't deny it. Gavin snorts, imagining all the magically-inclined tithe-children being told to keep themselves pure so they can be properly donated to the gods turning into magically-inclined teenagers hit with guilt and libido in equal measure—and all the idiot fuckery they probably got up to without any actual education about their bodies.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks again. "I do not keep supplies for that on hand."
"You don't keep supplies or you don't uh, keep anything on hand?" Gavin wiggles his eyebrows.
Nines flushes and glares like they're still a prefect at that academy. "I—that is not—"
Gavin raises his own hands to prove they're above the sheets. "If that's not any of my business, sure. Figured that, honestly. Which is why I'm telling you that I've got needs, but I can just go downstairs if you want."
"Downstairs?" Nines frowns less furiously.
"That little entranceway at the door is large enou—"
"I'm not going to send you out into the hall," Nines says, like that's what will make them clutch their pearls in shock. "You can stay in your own bed."
"Yeah?" Gavin gives the wizard a once over. "I'm good with that. So good. But what I'm willing to do with pack and what you think is appropriate for a roommate probably isn't the same thing."
Nines's frown turns more calculating, like they're correcting the runes in a spell. "We are discussing you staying in your bed to masturbate while I continue my studies, correct?"
"… yeah?"
"Are you going to call me names, attempt to touch me, or—"
"No, no," Gavin rushes to reassure them. "I can just …"
He moves his hand down and cups himself, just to demonstrate that he's only going to be touching his own body, before he remembers that's not socially acceptable around humans either. Nines only cocks their head to the side though, a mild curiosity leaking through their mental bond.
And fuck, just his hand feels good right now. It's been nearly a goddamn week.
"Do you have adequate lubrication?" Nines asks.
Gavin shivers under the sound of their voice. "Don't need it. Get wet enough myself."
He feels the bond pulse again with that academic sort of curiosity, like Nines is going to start taking notes on him again while he jacks off. He pushes his trousers down, moving slowly enough to give his boss plenty of time to look away. He isn't wearing smalls of course. They'd just be another piece he'd have to pay to get enchanted.
Nines eyes his cock like they might sketch it in exact anatomical detail.
Gavin doesn't mention how he got it—his bargain and the Collar, the collapsed tower, the vows of vengeance—he'll get around to confessing it all eventually. But in the meantime: a fun bonding activity.
Gavin grips his cock and gives it a few strokes. Nines blinks in a way that's more like shutting their eyes repeatedly. He exhales slowly and makes himself stop, although he does still keep his hand held loosely around the base.
"If you don't want echoes, you'll have to wall off your mind on your own end," he advises Nines. "I'm uh … a little too busy here to concentrate."
"Echoes," Nines repeats.
Shit, right. Human. Doesn't seem to specialize in any divination or enchantment magic—so they probably don't have any experience being inside someone else's head.
"Yeah, that's why I offered to," He jerks his chin at the door. "Distance helps, some."
Nines does that tiny little head tilt again. "May I observe?"
Gavin licks his lips. "Yeah."
"May I ignore you?" they ask next.
"Uh, sure?"
He doesn't have any human hangups about nudity, but he's not going to whip his dick out and waggle it at anyone who doesn't want to see it. Jacking off in the same room is probably already pushing it, but then again, the rules seem to be different in boarding schools and barracks and sometimes bars but sometimes not—humans have so many weird fucking rules.
"Then," Nines says. "You do as you please, and I will do the same."
"Works for me."
Gavin gives his cock another squeeze, and Nines turns back to their scroll. Yeah, he's a little disappointed about that, but it's enough just to have his pack in the same room and know he's not alone.
Since the wizard isn't watching anyway, Gavin rolls over and shoves a blanket down around his crotch. He has a whole nest of them, all piled up on top of a mattress Nines insisted he have. They'd tried to bring in an actual bed, but it's just weird, sleeping so high up and away from the ground for no reason.
He gets a soft little mound built up and grips himself again through the blanket. Even if Nines makes him wash it after, this will make his bed smell like him and home and—
Gavin buries his face into his pillow and inhales. It still has Nines's scent on it. All the blankets do too, so now they'll smell like the both of them, like pack.
He feels a fresh jab of interest spike back through their bond and guesses Nines is watching him again. Maybe jacking off right in front of them like that was a little too much, but with everything mostly out of view now, they're back to curious again.
It only takes him a minute to build up a steady rhythm, rutting into the blankets and his own hand. He groans into the pillow and hears Nines breathe in sharply.
Echoes. He grins and keeps going.
He doesn't know what kind of needs Nines has or wants to fulfill, but he likes the thought of making them feel good. Would like it even better if he could crawl over between the wizard's legs and find out what they're working with by licking it.
"Gavin …"
The wolf whines in response to his name in his Alpha's mouth. He squeezes his hand tighter at the base of his cock against the knot trying to plump up there, just in case Nines wants it.
"Yeah, baby?" Gavin manages to growl.
Nines breathes the word, and Gavin can feel a small simmer of arousal bounce back and forth between them—this time from the wizard's end, not his.
"Does it always feel like this?" they ask.
He groans in answer, the only response he has to the soft wonder in their voice. He knows humans' senses are weak and dull, that they don't get hit with lust and frenzy the same way wolves do.
But hearing the awe in his human's voice the first time they feel it too makes him want to show them how good it can really feel.
"Yeah," he bites out. "Better with … you."
His canines get in the way of the words, the partial shift rippling through his body. He's never had particularly good control of it, so there's no stopping the change now when his blood's up.
"Are you wet?"
The question stabs through him. Gavin loses his rhythm with a whimper, nearly overcome with the instinct to crawl over and show his Alpha, present his cock or his mouth or whatever hole they want to use.
And he is wet. He can feel it dripping down the length of his cock, more pooling at the head, smearing into the palm of his hand.
"Uh huh," he pants.
Gavin bites down into the blankets as he ruts harder, but a sharply clicked tongue brings him back to awareness. He turns his head to the side and blearily stares up at Nines as he continues fucking his own hand.
"I would like to hear you," Nines says.
"Baby," Gavin breathes in reply.
Nines closes their eyes and shivers. Well, if they like his voice …
"Wanna lick you," he says. "Suck on you and make you—ahhh, make you feel good."
"I—" Nines stares at him with wide eyes.
"Shh, shhh." Gavin keeps making the noise in a low mumble as he slows down his pace into a dirty grind. "Gotcha baby, get my mouth on your nipples an' your neck, your mouth, make you wet too."
"I don't usually like to be touched," Nines admits.
Gavin's brain snatches onto the word usually, but he doesn't want to push. There's some shit he knows for sure he won't ever do, but then there's a lot more he just doesn't know if he really doesn't want, or maybe only in the right situation, with the right pronouns and body parts, the right person, but then how is he supposed to know if he wants it enough to try it if he won't know if he actually wants it until he's already tried it?
So that's a whole big nest of wyverns, and neither of them need to try to sort it out right this moment.
"Can give you this though, yeah?" Gavin asks.
He twists his wrist on the upstroke against the head, but then stops and holds completely still. Nines tries to strangle a whine in their throat at the lost sensation.
"… yes."
That confession sounds much better. Gavin grins at the wizard and starts thrusting again, still looking at them. Their long eyelashes and shoulder-length hair almost soften their face into pretty, but then thin lips, a straight nose, and strong jaw sharpen the effect back up again. And the ice-blue eyes set against pale skin and black hair just sends it all careening past beautiful or handsome into big words about being scary-haunting-magical that the wolf can't think of right now.
He can feel his orgasm building up, drowning in those eyes staring right back at him, but he squeezes harshly at the base of his cock. The sensation strangles at the root, like the little moans Nines won't let escape their mouth.
He probably shouldn't tempt it, but he sinks into the feeling of tightening and loosening his grip around his knot and the waves of pleasure that sends rolling through them both.
"You," Nines says but can't seem to find anymore words.
"Mmgff." Gavin huffs into the pillow and tries to make his own words work. "Good, feels good. Sorry. Won't knot if—fffuck."
If that scares you. Disgusts you. Bores you, to be stuck listening to him come and come and come while the exasperated wizard is trying to focus on their studies.
He pries his eyes back open when he hears footsteps and stares up at Nines paused in an awkward-half crouch over him, like they're not sure if they're allowed to touch. His tail makes the decision for both of them by immediately wagging in anticipation of pets and attention.
"May I touch you?" Nines still asks.
Gavin nods past a desperate whine. A hand slides up the back of his neck first, while another soothes over his bare flank. Must've kicked off his trousers at some point. All that matters is the hand on the back of his neck, pinning him down, holding him place, exactly where he should be for his Alpha.
His tail wags harder.
"May I see?"
The hands urge him to roll over, and he does, without hesitation, like a dog showing his belly when his master comes home.
Laying on his back like this, he knows the partial shift is even more apparent. Just about everything humans think they know is bullshit, but his hybrid form really does look like those shitty illustrations of big scary wolf men.
And that's without the thick, hairy cock jutting out between his legs.
He's proud of it, wanted it, needed it, but that was for himself. He wasn't trying to impress anyone, and he's not expecting a human to like it.
"Does your phallus typically have this appearance, or is it increasingly engorged due to your partial transformation?" Nines asks.
Gavin stares up at them and tries to impress through their mental bond just how many fucking words that was.
Nines flushes and tries again. "Does it get bigger when you shift?"
"Yeah," he says. "Touch me?"
He holds his cock slightly out toward the wizard in offering. Nines hums in consideration but doesn't make any move toward it. That's fair.
"Do you knot without …" They struggle with the words again. "Sex?"
Gavin strokes himself, tugging upward and pause at the head. It leaves his knot free below, not quite there yet, but noticeably swollen under the attention.
"Can. Sometimes."
"Will you show me?"
Nines stares down at him and meeting their eyes is like looking at the moon. Humans want so badly to sort everything into Good or Bad, even the deities they worship. But some things aren't good or bad, only intense.
Gavin nods, mouth slack and panting. He wraps his left hand around his knot to work it while his right keeps stroking the rest. Nines's eyes sweep up and down him like a search light scanning for a rogue.
"Feel … good?" he asks between pants.
Maybe he's already asked, but it's hard to think right now. He tugs at the bond, trying to pull Nines's mind closer to him, get them to come down out of the sky and feel it with him. The wizard's hands clench into the robes draped over their kneeling legs.
Then they open their eyes again, and Gavin could swear their irises really have turned a silvery-blue.
The order thunders down their bond and into his chest. Gavin groans, the tightness coiled inside him easing another measure. He's not quite ready to unspool, but maybe—maybe just a little?
"I am asking about you."
Nines's voice changes from questioning and a little stilted to informing him of how it is, like casting a spell. Gavin doesn't have any ability himself, but as far as he knows, that's kind of how they do it. Spell casting is just telling reality what to do with enough conviction that reality up and does it.
"Do you want to be mine?"
Gavin thrusts into his hands in answer. It's sloppy and a little pathetic, because there's nothing for him to rut into. But he starts nodding again, just in case that wasn't enough.
"Like this?" Nines touches him for the second time, one hand gently curling around his throat. "To be mine."
He's coming undone. Falling apart. Food and shelter and an Alpha, their own little pack of two, someone touching him and promising to claim him.
"Suh … 'posed to be … yours."
He knows it's true, it's true, true. The call in his mind, their contract, both of them bound by Selûne.
"Yes," Nines confirms. "Show me."
Gavin comes almost before they finish speaking. He tries to hold eye contact as long as he can, but eventually his own squeeze shut as he curls in on himself with a shudder. The first wave passes deceptively quick, with just a few spurts from his cock.
But he's not done.
"Good boy."
Those hands are back again, just like before, this time encouraging him to roll back onto his belly. They stroke through his hair and scritch behind his ears when he obeys, and he thinks life couldn't possibly get any better until there's a warm body sliding onto the mattress behind him.
Then he's being spooned and everything inside him unravels without any warning.
When he's done coming for the second time, he's aware of a few things: the hand wrapped back around his throat, first. That the gangly half-human, half-elf is tall enough to almost envelope him completely. The soft murmur of praise in his ear, shifted halfway up his head now and nearly wolf-like.
It's harder to send the thought out when he's only partially shifted. Even with other wolves, they all share best as animals, some basic concepts as hybrids, and only faint echoes when unshifted.
But being the wizard's familiar must be different, since he'd heard the summons in his head from damn near across the country, in all forms, while Nines can't shift at all.
You are mine. I will take care of you, if you allow me to keep you.
Oh yeah, that's definitely different. Wolves share senses and feelings, not full sentences.
Keep me, Gavin manages to think back.
"Yes," Nines murmurs aloud.
The third wave hits him, and he sobs as he comes for his Alpha. His body is just doing the best it can to please, still managing to pump out another two shots of cum. He can finally feel a tinge of mild revulsion from Nines, but it seems to be aimed more at the mess than himself. Bold feelings from a wizard who left a hunk of bread to mold so long they mistook it for a stoneshroom.
"Perhaps I should invest in a toy," they muse. "A sleeve somewhat akin to a bag of holding, so that it can contain all this mess."
Gavin groans in a not-sexy way. "Don't make me fuck a void."
"No, the pocket dimension would only be applied at the tip of the—"
He can't help but start laughing. Pocket dimension applied at the tip—and said completely straight. Goddamn wizards.
Nines expresses their irritation at being laughed at by nipping his ear, and yep, there's wave number four. To their credit, they do continue to hold him until he gets another brief reprieve.
"How many times does this occur?" they ask when he's done.
"Depends," Gavin scrapes together enough brain matter to say. "More with … partner."
"Hmm," Nines says, like the feral scientist they are.
Gavin flips off his pride and goes straight to begging. "Please."
He's not sure what exactly he's begging for though—not to be forced into multiple orgasms while Nines observes or takes notes, or that the wizard will get started on that right away.
"Please, please, baby."
Nines pulls him back to rest half on top of their body, which lets them switch their right hand for their left hand around his throat without him laying on top of their arm. And that in turn frees up their right hand to drop down to his cock.
"Yours, yours," he mumbles. "Alpha."
"What do you need?"
Their hand brushes his own, the one gripping his knot. He lets go for an agonizing second to press their hand against it instead. Nines lets him wrap his hand back around theirs, using both of their hands to squeeze and lightly tug the knot.
"Ah … ahhh …"
"Ask properly," Nines orders.
He practically wails the word, shaking apart in Nines's arms and beneath their hand, but he can't now, it's not enough on his own anymore, not without permission.
Gavin cries freely, but doesn't make Nines grip him tighter or stroke him off. His Alpha will give him what he needs, and he'll take what he's given, like a good boy.
But that doesn't mean he can't ask for more.
"Baby," he groans. "Need it, need it, I—phck, please!"
The final wave sweeps over him so hard he goes blind, or his eyes shut, or he's back on his belly again, face smushed into the pillow, Nines's hand still around him and the blankets beneath his cock to rut into and it's not the last because Nines tells him Again and Again, until he's coming dry, throat hoarse from crying.
And then once more after that.
When he regains consciousness again, his whole body feels sore in the best possible way. There's drool running down his chin, tacky and drying to the pillow. He has his knees tucked up beneath him, but that's OK, because this is how he's supposed to present anyway.
Except the hand reaching between his legs doesn't breach him. Something soft and wet swipes over him instead, and he can't even muster up the mental energy to be scared, to explain why that's still there, that he managed to bargain for a working cock and all his insides scooped out, but that's still—
"Hush." Nines soothes him with another hand rubbing his back. "You did very well. All you must do now is rest."
Gavin sinks back down into the delicious ache and doesn't move while Nines cleans the slick from between his thighs, then further up to his cock. The blankets he'd rutted into have already been removed at some point. He knows from experience not even the best wizard on the material plane could wash his scent out though and takes a moment to feel a little smug about it.
"Yes, you came a truly impressive amount," Nines says. "Excessive, actually."
Gavin smacks his mouth before he can speak. "Your fault."
Nines stands when he's done and moves away. Gavin manages to flop onto his side and curl up. His boss did say he could sleep now. He just needs a little nap.
He gets a flask of water shoved in his face instead. The hand petting him goes back awkward again, pat-pat-pat instead of real pets. Nines doesn't seem to know exactly what to do now that they're done, but clean up and water was still really nice of them.
Gavin finishes gulping down the flask and heaves in air.
"I have work I need to finish," Nines informs him. "Have your needs been sufficiently met?"
Sufficiently met? Fuck, he's had orgies that didn't wear him out this good.
"Yeah," Gavin answers. "Need to sleep now."
Nines smiles at him. "Excellent. Good boy."
Gavin grins lazily back at them. "And when I wake up, I'm gonna crawl over between your legs and make you feel good too."
Nines flushes and half opens their mouth to protest.
"When you need a break from your scroll-thingy, and only if you let me," he adds.
Nines closes their mouth. They don't say anything else, but that means they also don't say no. Their blush doesn't go away either. They simply stand back up and sit down at their desk, spending far too much concentration fussing over the exact alignment of all their inks and quills instead of looking at Gavin.
Who keeps grinning, even as he yawns and snuggles down in his bed. He just needs a little nap, and then after that … he has all sorts of ideas for fun bonding activities.
This fic was commissioned by one of my followers to continue the first drabble! Subscribers to my Patreon get early access to all my commissioned fics 2 weeks before they’re posted to AO3 and tumblr ^^
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