#literally i went over to a friends house and the girls all went to her room and talked
charlotteking23 · 3 days
Hi! Your stories are hilarious and amazing! I was wondering if you could write a story about Batmom secretly meeting with Gotham City Sirens (Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Pamela Isley) and for a private girls night where they accidentally cause havoc (intense barfights (harley), impromptu jewelry store heists (Selina), shady alley deals (batmom), plants going crazy (Pamela), and massive amounts of sweets being "stolen" in metropolis (batmom had to stop the others from eating everything). All of which the batfam has to clean up. They follow the destruction and see what they think is batmom's ✨️Villain Debut✨️ (not really) so they go back to the manor and they stage an "intervention" for batmom. When she gets home bruce and her boys start scolding her and the Sirens for their behavior only for the girls to share a look and burst out laughing. They reveal that they were helping batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce, and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom peices into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplements products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy. This makes them all tear up and wholesome fluff can happen.
Sorry for the length 😅 😬
Villian Debut
Y/N slowly walked out of the house as quietly as possible, opening the manor gates and hoping in her car. She drove around the quiet streets of Gotham, it was night only those who were bad were up causing chaos in the city. It was easy to sneak out since the boys were out patrolling Gotham, and Alfred was sitting in the common room sipping his cup of tea.
Y/N drove to a secluded area parking her car near a warehouse. Upon entering she met up with the infamous Gotham City Sirens. It was a girl's night with Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely.
"Y/n, your finally hear", Selina Kyle said walking up to Y/n and hugging her sideways. "The sirens are back together", Harley said dragging Palmela's wrist and joining the hug. "guys we saw each other last week but as much as I enjoy the hug we have work to do.
Selina was driving in Y/n's car while Y/n was in the passenger seat turning on the radio. Harley and Palmela were in the back putting their hands in the air having the time of their life.
Their first stop was the bar, One of the best bars open in Gotham City. As they walked in all eyes were on them, I mean it was the infamous Y/n L/n, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn, and Dr. Palmela Isely. The four girls walked up to the bar all sitting down and ordering.
Everything was going fine till "Hey baby, you want to go somewhere" " The guy said laughing with his equally ugly friend while holding a beer.
"Excuse me, Do you want to go I can beat the living shit out of you", Harley said standing up and drowning her drink in one go ready to take the guy down. "Babe, You're a girl you can't take us dow-" Harley took out her bat and whacked the guy in the face before the guy could finish his stupid sentence. She repeatedly hit him all over his body aiming straight for his dick. Selina was still sipping her drink while Y/n was taking a video as Palmela Isely cheered for Harley.
Yeah, so they got Kicked out of the bar but it's okay because Harley was literally about to kill the guy. Next, they went to the "Shady Alley deals".
Bruce p.o.v
"Guy's there's trouble at a bar?", Bruce said checking the alarm.
"why a bar out of everything, I mean at least do something interesting", Jason leans on Dick whining about how bored he is.
"Jason will you shut up", Damian said slapping him.
They made it to the bar entering they saw a man on the floor beaten up badly.
"Who the fuck could do this", Jason said watching Tim check the drunken man's pulse.
"he's fine but way too much alcohol in his body", Tim disgusted quickly wiping his hands on his pants.
"What happened"? Dick said but was astonished to hear a girl had done this because he was being a pervert.
"Go boss bitch", Damian said walking up to Bruce.
" They must have left already, I wonder where this girl went", Bruce questioned dragging the drunken body outside to the emergency care.
Girl's p.o.v
"Aww, this is so boring", Harley said leaning against the bookshelves.
The girls were at the shady Alley deals trying to buy Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated. But the guy refused to sell them this piece claiming it was too precious. I mean that's why it's called shady.
"Look we need this copy now, how about 2,000 for the whole copy", Batmom said with annoyance.
"look lady, these are valuable and you don't seem like the person to take care of them", the stupid guy said.
With a loud dramatic gasp, "Oh know you didn't", Poison Ivy said dramatically.
"he's in for it", Selina said filing her nails.
"Look I work day and night taking care of 4 children and one husband, this is the only time I get a day off so you better give. me. those. books. or else! and trust me you don't want to know what else is.", Batmom yelled grabbing the guy's collar and pulling him face to face with an angry batmom.
"here, take it pls don't hurt me", the guy said closing his eyes in fear.
"Thanks", Batmom said skipping with the books in her hand to the car.
Time Skip
"where to next", Selina said driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on her phone.
"Oh of course the jewelry store", Harley said pointing at the sign.
"Ok here's the plan Selina you go get the pearls", Batmom said looking at Selina.
"huh, why me"
"You are literally a cat, plus I am too clumsy, Harley too loud and Ivy refused to do it", Batmom said.
So Selina carefully went in through the roof slipping in where no one could see her. Walking through the store towards the back, she sees the pearls. She stops taking her white powder compact from the back of her pocket blowing some revealing lasers. If she stepped on one she could set off triggers of alarms. Manuering through them jumping over them, backflipping, crawling till she reached the glass box. opening she switched it out for a cat collar successfully taking the jewels.
Alarms are blaring, flashing red "Damn it", Selina hisses running away.
"what's that noise", poison Ivy says, covering her ears.
nevermind let's get out of here", Selina said hopping into the cars with the girls and driving away.
"here are the pearls", Selina says
"perfect", Batmom put them into a clip and some cufflinks.
Bruce p.o.v
"there's trouble at a jewelry store", Dick said driving towards the store.
As the boys came they saw the owner in complete panic.
"Thank goodness you're here Batman, some robbers took Matha Wayne's remaining pearl necklace", the owner said in a panic.
"The ones she died in", Batman's voice grew deeper laced with emotion only those who knew him deeply could tell.
"Let's look around B", Jason said looking around for clues.
Tim was trying to access the cameras during the robbery but as expected they were wiped out.
"cat hair", Batman said picking it up.
"This could only belong to one person", Damian said with a glare on his face.
"Oh, Batman they also took some other things, a diamond it was a heirloom from the L/N family, the owner said.
All the boys could think about was Y/n and how she would react to this news.
"We need to find these robbers before Ummi finds out", Damian said ready to beat the guys up.
Girls p.o.v
"How much candy are you going to eat Harley", Selina said but Harley only shrugged eating more.
Here they were at the confectionery, it was a small cafe but it looked so pretty pink, there was an outside patio and the inside looked like those 70's diner joints.
The girls sat down at a booth obviously Harley and Ivy sat together so Selina and Batmom were on the other side.
"H-hello, what c-can I get y-you, the waiter said in fear. I mean he is serving notorious criminals, he was shitting his pants.
"Hi, we need a coffee brew and an expresso cake please, Batmom said with the sweetest voice.
" Oh and a giant cake the biggest one!", Harley exclaimed. The waiter quickly nodded running away.
"Isn't that too much sugar, you are going to get a sugar high...again", Selina said crossing her arms and leaning back towards the booth.
"Remember last time, when you crashed right into the wall because you ate too much sugar", Ivy recalled laughing at the memories.
"H-here is your order t-too g-go, have a nice night", the waiter quickly left as we paid for the meal leaving a tip.
"how much did you leave"? Selina questioned as they left the cafe.
"$200", Batmom said shrugging and getting into the car.
The girl's final stop of the night was the plant nursery, It was a big white building, looking kind of spooky in the night.
"This feels like a scooby doo episode", Harley said walking with the girls.
"Okay Ivy we need highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat", Batmom said looking at all the machines and plants in the room.
As the girls walked they heard a strange growling noise, huddling together not because they were, definitely not. For comfort just in case, a crazy plant tried to eat them.
"come here plant...yes who's a good boy you are, yes you are", Ivysaid in a baby voice.
"she does the same baby voice batmom does with her kids", Selina said.
batmom protested but only got a yes you do face or the fucking lying face. Thinking now she did do the baby voice to her kids but they were all just so cute.
Harley suddenly screamed whinning she felt something touch her feet. No one paid attention and it still continued to flow Ivy. Suddenly a huge plant wraps its vines around Harley's mouth and legs dragging her away from the group.
"Hey, where's Harley", Selina said looking around.
All the girls screamed for Harley as they looked around in different areas.
Selina felt something and before she could attack the huge pant monster dragged her away. Only now there was batmom and Ivy left.
"Ivy what the fuck is going on", Batmom said but before Ivy could answer the plant monster appeared growling towards the girls.
the monster took hold of Batmom wrapping her in vines and trying to crush her. Ivy used her powers to fight it but before she could she saw a thorn.
"oh poor baby it's only hurt...oh you weren't trying to hurt anyone were you", Ivy said pulling the torn out trying to keep the plant monster calm.
After it was calm the monster let go of Batmom and cuddled Ivy. Batmom found Selina and Harley tied up, undoing the vines the three were weirded out to see the same plant monster who tried to eat them getting a belly rub by ivy.
"This was the best girl's night ever", Harley grinned hugging the girls in a group hug tightly.
Tonight was a roller coaster, but it was fun, especially with the girls. They got in trouble with the Authorities twice no doubt the infamous Batman and her kids had already heard about the incident. But it was a memory you look back on and laugh at, doing it with those you love.
Batmom signed slowly entering the dark mansion seeing that no one was awake.
Suddenly the lights came on frightening Batmom seeing all her kids and Bruce looking at her with disapproval in their eyes. It's like looking in a mirror.
"Hi, how was everyone's night?", Batmom said trying to diffuse the situation.
"Mom, you were out with the villains Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Selina Kyle again", Dick said crossing his arms in sadness.
"yes, but I had a good reason-, Batmom tried to explain but Bruce interrupted her.
"Y/n, you girls got in a bar fight and stole jewelry and other things", Bruce said trying to keep an emotionless expression. He couldn't believe his innocent wife could do all of this.
Soon all the kids started to talk at the same time, asking questions of all sorts. It was getting too much for Batmom wishing now she stayed with the girls for another hour or so.
"kids, you give the girls a chance to explain what happened", Alfred said as you gave him a grateful nod.
you took a deep breath before sharing a look with the Sirens before laughing out loud with the girls all clutching your stomachs. They reveal that they were helping Batmom get gifts for each of them. They went to that particular bar because they had a well-aged vintage bottle of whisky that Alfred enjoys from time to time. The "shady alley deals" were from them going to a local seedy bookstore that had been open for over 100 years to get one of the only surviving copies of Jane Austen's complete works that she annotated herself. They went to that jewelry store because they were helping to make the remaining pearls of Martha Wayne's necklace into a set of cufflinks and a tie clip for Bruce and to turn a few of Batmom's family heirloom pieces into a ring that was secretly drawn by dick to propose to Kori with. They went to that confectionery because Conner mentioned they had the best coffee brew and an "espresso cake" made with extra strong espresso for Tim. That plant nursery had specific and highly nutritional feed and supplement products for Batcow, Titus, and Alfred the cat to keep them healthy.
"see you big goofs all this was a big misunderstanding all the things we did were for you tonight", Batmom said to her family with tears in her eyes holding all the girl's hands.
"Don't worry Ma I never doubted you for a minute, Jason said smiling at his Ma.
"Really, Because when you first heard about Mother Time with the SIrens you were crying out that your Mother betrayed me", Tim said looking smugly.
Jason only huffed at Tim crossing his arms in annoyance before Damian came up and hugged his Ummi burying his head in her chest.
When Damian released his Ummi, Bruce walked up to his wife kissing her with so much passion. Bruce couldn't believe his wife did all of this for him and his kids. Oh, how he loves her.
"I love you", Bruce said quietly for only her to hear.
"I love you more", Batmom whispered back pecking his lips.
"Heyyy, who's up for a sleepover", Harley said shouting while hugging the sirens.
Oh Boy
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blckbarbiedoll · 2 days
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker (Patrick Zweig x f!black!reader)
Based on this post by @luvmoonie
(Let's pretend that Patrick and Art didn't know Tashi yet and that Patrick actually went to college😭This takes place in the college era. I'm so sorry if this is ooc or badly written btw I literally went through 4 drafts for this.)
I know I have good judgement I know I have good taste It's funny and it's ironic That only I feel that way Let's face it, you didn't exactly have the best track record for good boyfriends. Although you'd never admit to it. It just seemed like each guy you saw was worse than the last. You had decided to stop focusing on guys and start focusing on school and gymnastics. Until you met him. Patrick Zweig.
Against your better judgment, you and your roommate, Tashi, had decided to take a well deserved study break and go to a party being held at frat house. Everything was going fine until she left you to make out with some random guy. You walked over to the drink table and poured an unknown alcohol into a red cup. You quickly turned around and collided with someone.
"Shit!" You cursed, spilling the drink on your dress. "Watch where you're going!"
"You bumped into me, sweetheart." The tall brunette man replied. He took a puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke to the side.
"Asshole." You scoffed before going into a bathroom to clean yourself up.
"Let me help." He followed you into the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel before wetting it.
"I can do it." You took the towel and patted it on your dress.
"Sorry about your dress." He took another puff and blew the smoke forward.
"Can you not?" You waved the smoke away.
"Sorry." He put it out on the sink and tossed it into the toilet.
You rolled your eyes and groaned with disgust. "You're fucking gross."
"I'm Patrick."
"Good for you."
He chuckled and smirked down at you. "Ya know, this is the part where you tell me your name."
"And why would I do that?"
"I told you mine."
"Which I didn't ask for."
"Oh, you're that kinda girl?"
"The girl who acts like she's too good for everyone."
"Not everyone. Just you."
"Is that so?"
"Tell me your name."
"Because, when I meet a beautiful girl, I wanna put a name to the pretty face."
He was annoying as shit, but he was good with his words. And so fucking hot.
"How many girls have you said that to tonight?"
"Just one."
"Should I be flattered?"
"Oh, I'm sure you're flattered all the time."
He leaned one arm against the doorframe, trapping you in between him and the door. His towering figure was scaring you and turning you on at the same time. He took the towel from your hand and set it on the sink.
"y/n." You softy spoke.
You looked down, trying to hide your grin. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted your head to meet his gaze. You melted at his touch.
"See? Was that so hard?"
"If you kiss me, I swear to god I'll kick you in the balls."
"Sure you will." He smirked, slowly leaning in to press his lips to yours.
A few weeks later, Tashi came into you room and sat on your bed. Her grin was a mile wide as she waited for you to say something.
"Can I help you?"
"You know that guy I've been seeing?"
"The blonde?"
"What about him?"
"We're going out Friday night, and he suggested a double date."
"Oh, god."
"He asked if I had a friend for his friend."
"Please?" Tashi begged you.
"No! I don't even know the guy!"
"It's just mini golf. You'll barely have to talk to him."
You sighed and thought about it for a second. How bad could it be? "Fine. But you're buying me lunch for a week."
Whatever devil's inside you, don't let him out tonight
You pulled up to the mini golf place and waited outside for your dates.
"You excited?" She asked you.
"Oh, yeah. I can't wait."
She rolled her eyes and smiled when she saw the guys.
"That's them!" She led you over to the two men. The blonde who you saw her with at the party, and a familiar brunette. "Art, this is y/n."
"Nice to meet you."
"Yeah, you too."
"This is my friend, Patrick."
"We've met." You both said in unison.
"See?" She smiled. "And you were worried about not knowing the guy."
"So, should we head over there?" Art asked.
"Yeah." Patrick smirked. "Let's head over there."
You all got the clubs and balls before heading to the course. Art and Tashi were caught up with each other, leaving you and Patrick alone. Hit pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it before taking a puff.
"You can't smoke in here."
"In where? We're outside."
"We're on a golf course."
"It's mini golf."
"You're gonna get in trouble."
"Who's gonna say something? The plastic hippopotamus over there?"
You rolled your eyes and got ready to hit the ball.
"You're doing it wrong." He smirked.
"No I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"Shut up." You swung the club and hit the ball into the small pond across the course. "Shit."
"Nice job. You should go pro." He chucked.
"Fuck you."
"What'd I do to you?"
"I thought we were getting along really well at the party. But two weeks later, you act like I killed your fucking puppy."
You rolled your eyes at his analogy. "I was drunk that night. We weren't getting along, I was just horny."
"Yeah right. You telling me you haven't thought about me at all?"
"That's exactly what I'm telling you."
"I don't believe that."
"You're such an arrogant little shit."
"Wow. I can't believe I let you kiss me with that mouth." You raised the golf club and whacked it against his shin. "Ah! Motherfucker!" He groaned.
After completing the course and getting dinner, Art and Tashi went in her car back to campus, while you were stuck with Patrick.
"We'll meet you there!" She smiled as she drove away.
You sighed and got into the passenger seat. Patrick hit the gas and drove down the road.
"Why didn't you call me?" He asked.
"I didn't have your number, dumbass."
"If you did, would you have called."
"Probably not."
He sighed and pulled into an empty lot before putting the car in park. He took his seatbelt off and turned to you. "Can we start over?"
"What're you doing?"
"We're probably gonna be spening a lot of time together, and I don't wanna feel like you hate me."
"I don't hate you, I just don't like you."
"Why not?"
"You're annoying, presumtuous, skeezy, and you think everyone wants to fuck you, which they don't."
"You did."
"I was drunk."
"You're not drunk now."
"Well, I don't wanna fuck you now."
"Yes, you do." He leaned over the center console and kissed you softly. You had every oppritunity to push him away. But you didn't. Instead, you encouraged it.
All I'm asking, baby Please, please, please don't prove 'em right Please, please, please don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
It had been a month since that night in the parking lot. Tashi and Art were happy together, and you and Patrick were...keeping each other company. The two of you had been getting pretty close, literally and figuratively. After actually getting to know him, you started to really like him.
"Are you and Patrick dating?" Tashi asked as you walked in from the gym.
"Uh..." You thought for a second. It was never something that you had actually discussed. "I don't know."
"You don't know."
"No, you don't know? Or, no, you're not dating?"
"We're not dating." I think.
"Yeah." She slipped her shoes on. "It was fine for a few double dates, but not for anything more. He just isn't your vibe."
"So, you think we'd be a bad couple?"
"Not necessarily. I just think you'd regret it. He'll probably just end up embarrassing you."
"Embarrass me how?"
"Let's just say, if I was gonna go pro and try to go to the olympics, Patrick Zweig is not the guy I'd want my name being attached to."
She gave you a smile before heading out the door. You sat on your bed and processed what she had just told you. Would Patrick really embarrass you?
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker, oh Please, please, please Over the past few weeks, you had been thinking about what you really wanted. Patrick was rough around the edges, sure. But he was sweet, funny, and a really good lay. Plus, you really, really liked him. Then you thought about what Tashi said. Was Patrick Zweig really the guy you wanted to be seen with while trying to be taken seriously?
"Did you hear what I said?" He asked, putting the car in park.
"Huh? Oh, sorry. I zoned out."
"I said we should do dinner after this."
"Yeah, sure. Where?"
"That new Italian place down the street?"
"That's pretty fancy for Patrick Zweig." You chuckled. "What's the special occasion?"
"y/n, I wanna take things seriously with you."
"Wow. I never expected that from you."
"Why not?"
"You just don't seem like the kind of guy to want something serious."
"I wasn't. But I am now."
"So, are we dating now?"
"On what?"
"You. What do you want?"
That was the question you had been asking yourself. What did you want?
"I..." You hesitated. "I want you, Patrick."
He smirked and grabbed your hand before softly kissing it.
"I want you too."
"But you have to promise me something."
"Yeah. Anything."
"Please, please, please, don't embarrass me."
"Embarrass you?"
"I know what kinda guy you are. Or at least the kinda guy you used to be. I'm getting a lot of attention and the last thing I need is some news story saying that my boyfriend is a sleazy douchebag."
"Sleazy and a douchebag? Wow." He chucked.
"I'm serious. I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker."
"Hey, I'm not like that anymore. I really think you could make an honest man outta me."
"Woah. Let's slow down." You giggled. "I like you just as my boyfriend for right now."
"I like that too."
Well, I have a fun idea, babe Maybe just stay inside I know you're craving some fresh air But the ceiling fan is so nice (It's so nice, right) And we could live so happily If no one knows that you're with me I'm just kidding, but really (Kinda), really, really You were packing up your gym bag when your coach came up behind you.
"y/n! Great job today!"
"Listen, you've been getting a lot more publicity since your meet last week."
"That's a good thing, right?"
"It's a great thing. But, you need to be careful. With the U.S. Classic coming up, you're being watched more than ever now. I would hate for you to get some bad press and ruin your career so soon."
"Yeah. I totally agree."
"Just steer clear of doing anything or hanging out with anyone negative. Publicly, at least."
She gave you a smile before walking out of the gym. You sat on the bench and held your head in your hands. How was this gonna work?
You laid with your head on Patrick's chest as he stroked your hair. His other hand was on your bare hip while his thumb rubbed slow circles on your skin.
"What time is Tashi coming back?"
"Five. We've got a few hours."
"You wanna grab lunch?"
"Yeah." You slowly sat up. "I'll run down to the cafeteria."
"Or, we could go out to lunch."
"Maybe another time. My coach said I should steer clear of negative publicity right now."
"I thought I was doing a pretty good job of not embarrassing you." You said, clearly irritated.
"I just don't wanna give anyone a reason to say something."
"Yeah." He nodded. You could tell he was slightly hurt despite his soft smile. "Whatever you want."
You gave him a sympathetic kiss on the cheek before sitting up to grab your clothes.
"I'll bring up some food."
Please, please, please don't prove 'em right Please, please, please don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Since Tashi started dating him, you and Art actually became pretty good friends. The two of you were eating dinner in the cafeteria while your partners were each finishing up some work.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asked, picking up some broccoli with his fork.
"Yeah. Shoot."
"What do you see in Patrick?"
"Uh, well.." You leaned back in your chair and thought for a moment. "He's handsome, funny, really sweet-"
"Patrick Zweig is not sweet. He's an asshole."
"Yeah, but he's a sweet asshole." You chuckled. "Why're you asking anyway?"
"Just wondering."
"Why're you asking about Patrick?"
"Nothing. I was just curious why you'd choose someone like him."
"Someone like him?"
"y/n, you're kind, smart, motivated, I could go on and on. Patrick is crude, uncommitted, and unserious. I love the guy, but he's a hot mess."
"He's my mess, Art."
"You need someone more put together. Someone more like you."
"Right. More like me."
"I'm serious. He'd only embarrass you."
You huffed and leaned back in your chair. He was right. You hated to admit it, but he was right. Patrick was a mess. But did you like him enough to stay with him?
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another (Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another) I beg you don't embarrass me, motherfucker, oh Please, please, please The past three and a half months had felt like a fever dream. Between getting together with Patrick, the end of the semester, and the U.S. Classic, you felt like you were on top of the world. Patrick had flown out to Michigan with you to support you. Once the meet was over, and you had won gold, he insisted on taking you out to dinner.
"You really didn't have to." You told him as the two of you stood outside the restaurant. "I would've been fine sitting in the hotel room eating room service."
"I know you would've. But you deserve a five star meal."
"And who's paying?"
"My dad."
"I told him I needed money for next year's books."
You laughed and kissed him softly. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.
"Can you not?"
"I'll blow it away from you."
"Smoking is a bad habit that I don't want you being caught doing." You took it from in between his lips and stomped on it.
"What the fuck?"
"You already got in trouble for racket abuse, twice might I add. All these little things are gonna add up."
"What, are you grading me on being an upstanding citizen?"
"Yes, actually. You should be lucky there's no cameras here like there was at the hotel."
"You care way too much about publicity. As long as you're good at your sport, who gives a shit what you do in your personal life?"
"You don't get it. When you do something unsavory, it's always, 'Wow. Patrick Zweig is a mess. What's wrong with y/n l/n? Why did she choose him?' It affects me too."
"Hey." He grabbed your hands. "Relax. Let's just go inside and we'll talk about this later."
"Excuse me?" A young girl came up to you. "Sorry to bother you. I saw your meet earlier, and I just wanted to say that you were amazing."
"Thank you." You gave her a smile.
"Could I get your autograph?" She handed you a pen and paper.
"Sure." You signed the paper and waved as she walked away. "I'm going back to the hotel."
"What about dinner? I made reservations."
"You stay. I'll catch up with you later."
If you wanna go and be stupid, don't Do it in front of me
The sound of squeaking bars and feet hitting the mats filled your ears. You were standing in front of the mat, taking deep breaths before you went into a roundoff on the springboard. As you were going into a back handspring, you slipped and fell on the mat. Again.
"What's going on, y/n?" Your coached asked. "You've been out of it all week."
"I'm just distracted. I'm sorry."
"You still thinking about that boy?"
"He's my boyfriend."
"He's a distraction. If you wanna get to the olympics next year, you can't afford any distractions."
"I know. I just-"
"I don't tell you what to do when you're off the mats, but don't let a guy ruin your chance at success. At happiness."
You sighed and got up to take a sip of your water.
'Knock, knock.'
"Hey." Art said as he opened the door. "Pat's not here."
"Yes, he is. I can hear his music."
He sighed before letting you in. "I'm gonna give you guys some space." He gave you an awkward smile before leaving the room.
"Hey." You smiled.
"Can we talk?"
"If you're gonna give me another lecture about not embarrassing you, you can save it."
You sat on the foot of the bed.
"Pat-" You huffed. "I am so sorry."
"You are?"
"I was wrong. I should never have asked you to not be yourself. I spent so much time caring about what other people thought of me, and I didn't even think about the most important opinion. Yours."
"It's okay."
"My coach said I shouldn't let you get in the way of my happiness, but I'm happiest when I'm with you. Even when I'm out on the mat, I miss you." You grabbed his hands. "You make me happy, Patrick."
"You make me so fucking happy." He grinned. "I never thought a girl like you would give me a chance. I know I can be a little rough sometimes."
"I love you exactly the way you are." You moved closer to him and placed your hand on his cheek. "And you shouldn't change for anyone. Including me."
"You love me?"
"I..." You thought for a second. "I do. I love you, Patrick."
He smirked before leaning in to press your lips together.
"I love you too."
Please, please, please (Please) Please, please, please (Please) Please, please, please (Please) Please, please, please (Please, please)
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mariaofdoranelle · 8 hours
so ummmmm........will we be blessed with more of the booty-call dare????? asking for a friend (me) ❤️👀😍❤️👀👀
Leia, my love, there is NOTHING I wouldn’t write for you. Especially when I’m having this much fun heheheh
The Booty-Call Dare - part 2
Read part 1 here!
Warnings: physical injury
Words: 1,6k
Rowan hung up his phone, confused and a little dizzy after Aelin’s call.
He barely paid any attention to the weight he was lifting in the bench press, that phone call took all the space in his mind.
In the years they’ve been friends, Rowan never, ever even dared to expect her to booty-call him. Not that he didn’t want it, of course.
It wasn’t news that Rowan had a crush on Aelin—who didn’t?
He grunted through the burning in his arms, it seemed like today was one of those rare days in which gym failed to empty his brain.
And then something dawned on him, like he was finally able to see through the mist: Aelin had just scheduled what sounded very explicitly like a hookup, about 58 minutes from now. For whatever reason, out of all the hang outs they had, tonight she needed him naked—in her own words, to ‘bang’.
In the few times he dared to entertain the thought of something romantic happening between them, Rowan never thought she’d just call him and very bluntly—
Wait, what the fuck was he still doing here at the gym?
At the exact same moment realization hit, Rowan lost his grip on the weight and watched as it crashed on his chest.
At first he winced at the sudden crushing feeling, but quickly rolled the barbell off his torso. Rowan had no time to be in pain—he needed to get his ass home and get rid of this post-gym horrid smell for Aelin.
Rowan only noticed the two gym bros that ran to help him when they were already pulling the weight off him. He showed his appreciation in brief words—he had somewhere to go, after all.
“Dude, you okay?” one of the guys asked, brows furrowed in concern as he watched Rowan get up and leave.
He would be in about 57 minutes.
The following hour was a blur. One quarter of it was the longest shower of his life, but between driving home, cleaning the apartment, changing his bedsheets and getting the wine ready, Rowan barely had time to look at himself in the mirror before Aelin got there.
She didn’t say anything at first, just looked at him with a small smirk from under her lashes in a way that made his brain short-circuit. In a red wrap dress with her natural hair falling in gentle waves over her shoulders, she looked like present from the gods, wrapped just for him. She took a small step forward, hesitantly watching him, and that’s when Rowan lost his patience.
He gently pulled her face to his, one hand on her cheek and another on her neck, and watched it as her eyes slowly closed, her mouth soft and ready for him. When their lips touched—shit, feeling her pillowy lips was almost too much, and so far from that he used to imagine.
Aelin brushed her hands over his chest to his shoulder without breaking them apart, which made him stiffen, but he roughened up the kiss so she wouldn’t notice. Whatever happened at the gym, he could brush aside for a few hours. Rowan could die tomorrow, but he was still fucking Aelin tonight.
But then she put both hands on his chest again and literally pushed him inside the house, which brought a sharp burst of pain. He masked his flinch by turning around to lock the house, but it was enough to buy him time. One not-so-deep breath, one good wince and he turned back around to her, ready to go.
“Hi,” she said in a suggestive tone he’d never heard before—maybe he heard another girl use it, but never so perfect, so Aelin.
“Hey, yourself,” Rowan whispered, tugging her hair behind her ear.
Aelin’s hand went from her hair to the ends of his shoulders, and instead of basking on the motion, he went rigid, too worried she might slide her hands over his chest again.
She stopped almost immediately, her head tilting in confusion. “You good?”
“Perfect.” Rowan leaned to kiss her again, but stopped halfway. “You good?”
“Perfect.” Aelin gave him an intimate, radiant smile and resumed their kiss.
She tugged him by the neck, leaning her back against the wall and bringing him with her. This kiss felt more heated, it felt like something shifted as Rowan bit her lip and Aelin pulled the short strands of his hair, as if that torturous hunger for each other alone made the world stop.
She took the air out of his lungs in a way that made it physically impossible to breathe, and that’s how perfect his Fireheart felt tonight.
While sucking the skin of his neck, she fumbled with the buttons of his short-sleeved shirt and gaped when it was wide open.
“Rowan, your chest—“
“I know,” he said and kissed her again. Rowan took good care of his body, he wasn’t shy about it.
“No, that’s not…” Aelin pushed him back gently this time and stared into his chest with widened eyes.
He looked down to find that an explosion of red and purple adorned his chest, in a shape that resembled the barbell that fell on him an hour ago.
“This looks like some fighting pit shit,” Aelin murmured, then looked straight into his eyes and snapped, “You’re not fucking around with that, are you?”
Because of her visible distress, Rowan told her a cleaner, less horny version of his story.
“A weight—what weight?” Aelin sized the bruise across his chest and asked, “That one you do with two hands? How heavy was it?”
“Heavy.” Giving her the real answer wouldn’t help on his case.
Aelin squeezed her eyes shut and her shoulders dropped with a heavy sigh, as if whatever she was considering pained her.
“Put your shirt back on.”
“I— what?”
She picked his shirt from the floor and stood behind him to help him get dressed. “Try not to move your torso, just—“ Rowan thrust his arms out behind him to aid her, but it only made her curse under her breath and urge him to be careful.
The prospect of fucking Aelin must’ve worked like an adrenaline shot, because once it was off the table, his ribs started hurting like a bitch. The doctor put him on painkillers now, which turned excruciating pain into a discomfort of sorts.
Trapped in this ER—more precisely, between one wall and three sides of the privacy curtain the nurse had closed—Rowan was glad he had Aelin to look at. She only left his side when absolutely required to, during his X-Ray, and now waited for the results with him, on a chair while he sat on a hospital bed, naked from the waist up.
They didn’t talk much, not if he excluded the amount of times she called him an idiot for dropping that weight; in fact, the last real conversation they had was that godsdamned phone call. Apart from holding his hand and some casual touches here and there, Rowan had no idea where he stood with her anymore. Every look she gave him was a kaleidoscope of worry and appreciation and something else he couldn’t pinpoint, it was absolutely nerve-wrecking now that his mental energy wasn’t channeled into his own physical pain.
Rowan cleared his throat. “About our phone call.”
“What about it?”
He looked down at that bruise that looked worse by the minute. “I’m pretty sure this thing is gonna compromise my performance tonight.”
Aelin blinked, her face morphing in a way that ‘disbelief’ didn’t sound enough to what she seemed to feel.
“Rowan, you’re injured. There won’t be a performance at all.”
Shit. He suspected that might happen, but he didn’t anticipate this crumpling weight on his chest when the answer finally came.
He had one chance, one job to do. And he fucking ruined it.
“I’m sorry. I know I won’t be able to do that in a way you deserve and…” Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a way to screw this up less than he already did. “Do you think we can at least salvage the friendship?”
Aelin tilted her head, a silent sign that she lost him.
Feeling his cheeks heat, Rowan explained, “You have… urges that I can’t meet in the timeframe you need me to.”
“What? No!” She straightened in her seat and kept strong eye contact as she said, “I booty-called you. It’s a sacred rite in modern society, I can’t un-booty-call you now.
Rowan was about to put his own desire aside and call out that insane logic when the sound of Dr. Towers opening their privacy curtain interrupted the conversation.
Black sheet against luminous board, two imperceptible stripes disturbing the transparent that symbolized his bones meant that he was fucked. Two broken bones, two women glaring at him in that curtained cubicle; Dr. Towers had a bland, teacher-like sort of death stare, but he avoided meeting Aelin’s—especially when the doctor warned that his tiny fracture could’ve been much worse, given the amount of weight he lifted.
“I want you in bed for a week, in the very least. The pain you feel will tell a lot of what to do and when, but no strenuous activities for the next six weeks.”
Aelin raised her hand to ask, “What about strenuous activities in bed?”
“Well, that depends on how strenuous this activity is,” the doctor said, struggling not to laugh. “Let’s give it two to three weeks if you go easy on him.”
Dr. Towers put too much faith in him. Rowan would easily break two more ribs just to fuck Aelin tonight.
A/N: 🕊️ goodbye goodbye goodbye their fuckfest was bigger than the whole sky 🕊️
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
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originalitysquared · 1 month
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Thought Y'all would enjoy the note I found in my nightmare before xmas chain wallet from freshman year (grade 9) of HS.
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In season 3 luz should have A Crisis and then hunter can teach her the breathing thing. and then later amity should have A Crisis and luz will teach her the breathing thing. and finally willow will have A Crisis and amity can remind her to do the breathing thing. her act of kindness towards gus finally circles back to her after several years. and it’ll be the conclusion to the arc of willow and amity becoming friends again
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fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
Living in a small town for pretty much all your life is like being in a sitcom that’s been going on for way too long
#you end up being like ‘it’s season 27. why are we now bringing back a character who hasn’t been seen since season 16’#aka guy i had a crush on in secondary school’s mom is in my pilates class#ya girl never forgets a face so as soon as she walked in i was like ‘i Know her. i swear to god i know her’ my mom was like ‘you don’t know#anything’ i was like ‘hush. it’ll come to me’#it bothered me throughout the whole class but then at the end i walked out into the church car park and literally laughed#she has a personalised number plate with her surname and first initial. i turned to my mom and was like ‘don’t ever tell me i don’t know#something ever again’ she’s like ‘what’ because she’s not even familiar with this person as a concept#so i have to explain about the time this boy turned up at my house unannounced and was like ‘do you want to go for a walk’ and i was like#‘hell yeah’ so we went back to his house and his three dogs jumped all over me and his mom asked me about a bazillion questions#that was 11 years ago#i have not seen her since that day but i swear to you i remembered her. i just couldn’t figure out from where until i saw the car#anyway he’s doing like a postgrad in geology now somewhere. i bet she’s mad. she was one of those parents who hires like a billion tutors#and hopes their kid will become a doctor. babe your first mistake was sending him to a state comprehensive with a bad ofsted rating 👍🏻#literally just pretending to be catholic long enough to get him into the catholic school would’ve done way more than hiring tutors#and it would’ve been free! no one can tell me lying to the church gets you nothing#my best friend from primary school went there and got to do free violin lessons and learn german; japanese and french AND they had macs#meanwhile i was playing cricket without a bat because our school couldn’t afford bats. life isn’t fair#personal
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*Vent post* you can read the tags if you want
#My sister's high school boyfriend just called my mom to tell her my sister's now ex-boyfriend was cheating on her#with her high school boyfriends “friends with benefits” so my mom gave him her number so he could tell her#my mom and dad went over to her house like an hour ago then my mom came back to get coffee and a pain reliever for my sister#and she told me that the high school ex and the girl her now ex was cheating on her with are over there and that the now ex is gone#but she forgot to tell me until she was about to leave that the girl didn’t even now what was going on at my sisters house#he literally just happened to be at the house across the street giving a ride to MY CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND#and saw now Exs car across the street and asked “who lives there? I know that car who lives there?#“Oh (now ex-name) lives there with his girlfriend and newborn baby” “HIS WHAT?”#So now my mom dad baby niece sister her high school boyfriend#(and his friend who was waiting in the driveway to leave) his friends with benefits#(who my mom said was cute with green hair and piercings) and my childhood best friend#are all at my sister's house while she and the green-haired girl cry#anyways i feel so fucking bad for my sister#and green-haired girl and HS Ex#and my sisters fucking baby#FUCK NOW EX#THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE SHE WAS PREGNET#FUCK YOU ASSHOLE#MY LIFE IS SO FUCKING DRAMATIC AND FUCKED YOUD THINK I WAS A SIDE CHARACTAR ON SHAMELESS#(that is the one with the guy from gotham and swjfo right?)
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fleshdyke · 1 year
exploding my math teacher with my mind rn
#theres so many layers to the trish lore#i do not want to call her my math teacher so i am calling her trish. get fucked#like first things first i used to be ‘friends’ with her daughter in like grade 2 and 3 bc we were the same age#but also her daughter like. bullied me.#and she goes to my school now and ive only been in one class with her last year and afaik she’s nice enough now just annoying#and so i’ve been to her house a couple times. i have been in my math teacher’s house when i was like 7#and her husband is a cop btw. bc of course he is#anyways she treats us like actual 4 year olds despite literally never having taught any younger than grade 9#and she gave us 4 pages of work each with like 30-50 questions on them and they were all really complicated. ON THE SECOND DAY#and then i laughed at a thing my friend said yesterday one (1) time and two boys were like. quietly talking at the back of the class.#and other than that it was completely silent. but she went on a tangent about how this is an academic course and she expects better for like#5 minutes. like girl first of all we are teenagers what did you fucking expect. were you wanting perfect maturity and professionalism from a#group of 16 year olds. and also she’s been teaching hs math for over a decade like girl you should know this by now…#OH ALSO when i was friends w her daughter my mom talked to her yk bc thats how parents work when youre little#and this mf woman somehow looped my mother into a PYRAMID SCHEME#LIKE…#rambles
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Was just telling my husband "Yeah, I watched Playhouse Disney until it became Disney Junior cause I wasn't really allowed to watch Disney Channel."
I looked it up, Disney Junior started when I was 12 years old.
On a semi-related note, I think I may have an idea as to why I had no social skills going into junior high.
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ilostyou · 2 years
9? 💗
9. best month this year - probably july?? thinking back on it i was super busy doing a bunch of fun things with people i love but i also had time to myself which i really enjoyed too :)
end of year asks!
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2hightocare · 5 months
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Synopsis: Pregnant with your first child, how do you plan on dropping the news to your husband?
Genre: married au! KUWTB!
Warnings: whole lotta fluff.. cussing, mentions of sex, playful banter, found family… just fucking fluff bye.
a/n: well long awaited drabble.. I honestly adore all of them so much… Jungkook and oc were being extra cutesy (they usually play fighting all the time) in this.. enjoy🤍 ps I’m high as fuck so ignore all mistakes.
ask! KUWTB💌
“You’re fucking pregnant?” Your best friend whispers, Eunbi stares at you with wide eyes and mouth hanging open.
You had been feeling weird these past few days, from your emotions being all over the place to throwing up whenever you ate something. Jungkook was worried about what was wrong, but you just told him that you were on your period, which was a lie since you hadn’t had it in some time now.
So, here you are, sitting against the wall in the bathroom of Eunbi’s house with a positive pregnancy test in your hand. “I’m going to be an auntie!” Eunbi dances in front of you, her blonde hair coming undone from her bun.
“Oh my god, I’m pregnant.” It finally clicks in your brain that a small human is forming in your belly at this very moment, tears start streaming down your face.
You and Jungkook have been married for five years now. When you first got married, you both said you would enjoy your marriage and have fun. And that’s exactly what you did; you traveled a lot, went out to parties until five in the morning, did spontaneous stuff all the time.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Eunbi rushes to your side, kneeling down in front of you, lifting your face up. “Are these happy tears or sad tears?” She asks, her thumbs wiping your tears away, ruining your makeup.
“Both.” You sniffle, your eyes finally meeting her hazel eyes.
“Wanna talk about it?” Eunbi asks slowly, trying to read your expression.
Eunbi has been your best friend since college days; she was your dorm roommate. You both majored in the same thing, meaning you guys had almost every class together.
“It’s just that..” you pout, as the tears continue to fall.
“I’m happy, I’m really happy. But Kook and I haven’t talked about having a baby anytime soon. I don’t know how he’ll react.” You explain, as Eunbi only nods her head.
“Y/n, that man loves you so much, it’s even absurd what he would do for you. Knowing him, he would literally jump off a cliff for you. I don’t think he’ll react badly, but if he does, I’ll have the guys throw him off the cliff. Anyways, he loves you a lot with a baby or without a baby.” Eunbi says, helping you stand up before hugging.
“How do you think I should tell him?” You sniffle, as Eunbi chuckles, letting go of you.
“Pregnancy reveal plan in the making!” Eunbi says.
“And can we get out of here, this is where Yoongi takes his shits, it kinda smells bad,” Eunbi scrambles to the door, which has you laughing, following her lead out of the bathroom.
It’s been two days since you found out you were pregnant, but you haven’t told Jungkook anything yet. Eunbi and you planned a way of telling him the day you found out, so here you are, nervous as hell in Jungkook's car, trying to calm your nerves.
After a couple of minutes, you step out of the car with your shoulder bag and some shopping bags. You lock the car behind you and make your way to the main door.
“Hi baby, how did it go?” Your husband greets you the minute you walk in from the couch. “What did you buy?” Jungkook pauses the show he was just watching, putting all his attention on you, making grabby hands for you to go to him.
“Want a haul?” You giggle, making your way to him who pats his lap for you to sit on, which you do after dropping the bags beside him.
“Better have used my card,” he gives you a glare which you only roll your eyes playfully, reaching for your Prada bag before pulling out his black card and handing it to him. “Keep it, you use it more than me,” waves you off, giving your neck a wet kiss.
“Did the girls not go? I was on the phone with Taehyung, and he said Ari was making dinner.” Jungkook gives your thigh a squeeze, helping you adjust in his lap. “Ari said she was really busy with work, and Lora was taking care of Jiho since Jin is working.” You explain, running your fingers through his messy curls.
“You went by yourself? I could’ve gone with you, baby.” Jungkook pouts at you, which you shake your head with a smile. “Eunbi went with me, plus you had work,” You squeeze his cheeks.
“Tsk, I missed you,” He smiles, pulling your face closer to his before connecting his lips to yours. Your eyes immediately flutter closed, mirroring his smile against your lips.
“I have to show you something.” You bring up, your stomach doing a turn. “Show me,” He smiles, patting your thigh, before you climb off his lap, reaching for the shopping bags.
“Are you going to give me a haul?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow at you, which you only wink back as a response.
“So, I got a lot of makeup,” you say, showing him every product you got, which he listened to carefully even though he had no clue what half of the stuff you bought is used for. “I got us these, so we can all match,” you pull out the biggest Nike shoe box first, passing it to your husband.
“These are sick as fuck,” Jungkook holds up the black and white high tops. “Let me see yours.” He motions to the other box in the bag; you hand him your shoe box. Instead of high tops, they’re low instead.
“Super cute, they match your outfit right now,” He says about your pink long sleeve bodysuit. “They do, don't they,” You say, cracking your fingers nervously to show him the much smaller box in the bag.
“Oh, who’s this one for?” Jungkook reached for the small box, opening it to be met with tiny matching shoes. “Are these for Jiho? I don’t think they would fit him,” Your husband brings up the only child in the family as he holds the tiny shoe in his palm.
“They’re not for Jiho..” You nervously say, as you dig into your bag, pulling out the positive pregnancy test.
“You’re fucking kidding,” Jungkook's mouth hangs open as he stares at your teary eyes. You shake your head, tears start falling down your eyes watching your husband that’s stuck in place with wide eyes.
“I’m going to pass out, baby, are you serious?” Jungkook's face scrunches up as tears fill his eyes, “baby, you’re pregnant?” He drops the shoes and moves closer to you, his hands holding your face waiting for you to say something.
“Yes, I’m pregnant,” You sniffle with a smile, reaching to wipe your husband's tears. Before you know it, he jumps up, fist bumps the air, and starts screaming.
“Fuck yes!” He shouts to the air as he runs around the house as you burst out laughing, “I’m going to be a dad, oh my fucking god!” He runs back to pick you up from the carpet, smashing his lips on yours, spinning around.
“You’re going to be a mommy, you’re going to be such an amazing mom,” Jungkook says between each kiss he leaves all over your face, making you giggle. You felt stupid for even worrying in the first place how he would react.
“I think it’s going to be a boy,” Jungkook sets you down, “Baby, it’s been two days since I found out,” You say,
“You knew for two days and you didn’t tell me?” He gasps dramatically, “I was thinking about how to tell you,” you reassure him, which he only nods, giving you a big fat kiss.
“Do you think it’s too soon to buy his crib right now?” Jungkook asks enthusiastically.
“Jeon..” you give him a look, “yes it’s too early and don’t call it ‘he,’ we don’t know what it might be,” you say, before getting on your tiptoes, leaving a kiss on his lips, leaving him in the living room making your way to the kitchen.
“You just called him and ‘it,’ that's so much worse!” Jungkook argues, following behind you.
“Your handwriting is shit, to say the least,” you say as your husband writes on the small index card. “You have a way to flirt with me, baby, thank you so much, I love you too,” he says as he glares up at you before returning to writing on the card.
“Do you even think they’ll open the cookies?” You pop your hip out, watching your husband. “You know they only come to our house for the cookies, right? They don’t give a fuck about us,” Jungkook bites a laugh as you pout. “Well, now I don’t want to tell them shit,” you joke, staring at the words on the card.
“Do you even think they’ll understand that? They’re a little slow,” Jungkook wraps his hand over your shoulder, messing up your perfectly curled hair. “Um, they'll figure it out, they got a Joonie to help them,” you shrug before stealing a cookie from the packet and running off.
“I’m so hungry,” Lora says, her hand on her stomach as if that would silence the growling happening inside.
“There are cookies on the counter,” you point to the kitchen, which Jungkook smirks at you.
With that, everyone stands up, dashing to the kitchen, acting like they never had a cookie in their life. You truly had no idea how all of you became obsessed with chocolate chip cookies; all of your guys' houses have a bunch of packages lying everywhere to eat. It was common and normal for all of you; for others, it might seem bizarre seeing grown adults fight over cookies.
“I swear cookies taste so much better in Kook's house,” Jimin rants as he watches Hoseok open the bag, stopping in his tracks as he reads the note. Lora and Ari try reaching in for a cookie, completely ignoring the note but getting swatted away by Namjoon.
“Y/n is pregnant!” Namjoon shouts, which sends everyone's mouths hanging open. “You’re fucking joking!” Seokjin gasps as he runs towards you and Jungkook, embracing you in a tight hug.
“Oh my god, they really got down to business,” Taehyung says, getting a swat from Lora who’s glaring at him before pointing her eyes at Jiho beside her. “Am I the only one who doesn’t get the note?” Jimin says as he reads the card, as everyone congratulates and hugs you and Jungkook.
“Eat up, mommy Y/n doesn’t want to be the only one with a belly, love baby!” Jimin reads the card, holding it up in the air after he’s done reading it.
“I told you someone was not going to know what it meant,” Jungkook whispers into your ear, only for you to hear, which makes you chuckle under your breath.
“You’re just mad I had to explain it to you,” you whisper back, which gets you a kiss on your cheek.
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itsbecomeblue · 5 months
band!ellie 2 headcanons and smau
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sinopse: ellie williams is the lead singer in a band (+some texts with her).
cw: nsfw after the texts with warning! swearing, explicit, reader works in a record store and ellie's a simp, not explicit if reader is fem or masc.
part 1
☆ at first dina and jesse could NOT bring themselves to believe ellie found her girl, but then they met you.
“this shit's cringe as fuck but the way y'all act around eachother…” jesse starts and dina immediately agrees.
“yeah, she's perfect for you, el.”
“i knowwwww, i need her.” jumping like a teenage girl fr…
☆ sometimes she thinks her bandmates like you way too much.
“invite y/n to the next rehearsal too for real.” jesse says after you leave a rehearsal you went to.
“okay man i get it, she's amazing.” with an annoyed expression.
“so… invite her.” dina chuckles.
“no, i don't want any of you jumping on my girl.” but she does invite you anyway.
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☆ she's so stupid tbh, she's gonna sign girls’ tits after concerts and act all oblivious when you swerve her kisses.
☆ and swerving her is so fun istg, she's gonna try like 4 times before she's upset. UPSET! (she will go non verbal).
☆ the type to perform and glance at you like you're about to have sex right that instant (u will, after the concert tho!).
☆ she is a singer herself but turns on the tv and pretends to be the weeknd for you.
☆ she wishes she could rap… actually, no. she thinks she can.
"that was... something." you smirk and she scoffs, throwing herself on the couch she was standing on, mic in hand.
"i'm literally in my rapper era but whatever, you'll see." and you're full on laughing. "don't laugh." and you come hug her and say she's so so special.
☆ you can't open x (twitter) without seeing girls mourning your girlfriend… she's alive not single tho!
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☆ always late for everything, but she tries her best istg. you and the band are TIREDDD.
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☆ nervous about pda… but she likes it, showing everyone you're hers and she's yours.
☆ made a slideshow about how you should move into her apartment… that was kinda like:
we're literally soulmates so we gotta be roommates too???
countless sleepovers omg i'm crying!
i'll never be late again (kinda😬)
we can get a pet tg 😯
i'll get to listen to u sing in the shower more and you know i like hearing you and singing with you while im in the toilet or even outside the bathroom
passionate lesbian sex before sleeping, after eating, doing the dishes, the laundry ALL THE TIME
i love you the most and i want you close all the time
you love me back (i hope) so you gotta want me close too
i want you as my wife asap
think about it, thanks and please my love ❤️”
you moved in… weak mf but can anyone blame you??
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☆ loves cooking with you for friends and family when they come over. just loves being with you in general but even house chores are better with you??
☆ comes disturb see you at your job, your bosses hate her and said they were gonna stop selling their album 😒 (they actually love her).
☆ switches from your serious cool rockstar girlfriend to your silly baby girlfriend in a second.
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☆ when fans edit you, reposts them and comments under them more than on her own (she has a folder of them on tiktok)
“that's my baby so stop gawking.(jk)” “whats her @” “id repost but my gf would be jealous, shes hot asf 🤤🤤” “THAT'S MY GIRL” “creamed💔”
someone said “ellie cant handle allat” and she replied fr “true, she the one handling me 💯💢” SHE HAS NO CHILL
☆ she pays the same attention to potential hate you'd get, she will block them… don't talk about her girl.
nsfw (cw: cunnilingus [e and r!receiving], fingering [e and r!receiving]. switch!ellie!!!!).
☆ you were supposed to be in the shower but ellie saw you stripping out of your clothes and she has to ask to kiss your clit, dropping to her knees. her fingers bruising your thighs and shes eating you out as if she'd been starving. you cum but she's not satisfied yet, she pulls you down on the bedroom carpet with her "give me another one, please." hands roaming your skin ever so softly, sending shivers down your body. she asks what you want, the position, how many fingers, she just needs to please you. and now she's on top of you, pounding you with her fingers and pressing down your lower stomach because she just wants you to cum again.
☆ she's gonna be in bed with you, almost asleep asking you for kisses, then for some touches... and you end up between her legs, sloppy nasty head and some slow fingering. your lips around her clit and kissing her pussy lips and slit and your fingers in and out her pussy. she's whining and squealing, playing with her own tits and caressing ur face. you're humming against her pussy and she's clenches "let go for me, ellie..." you coo and she squirts on your mouth and fingers. soft pants leaving her lips, soon stopping with her caresses on your face as you lick her cum. you look up, hair messy against the pillow and eyes closed. "i love you..." she mutters after you clean her and lay next to her "i love you." you spoon her.
a/n: this is kinda shitty but it's for who asked for more! @kyleeservopoulos @sameenatruther @harrysslutsstuff
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8loveletters · 11 months
"is this everything you dreamed of?"
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pairing: kim mingyu × fem reader
genre: smut, mutual pining (or: mutual lowkey unhealthy obsession lol), little fluff at the end
word count: ~4.7k
content warnings: mingyu is a few (like 3) years older than reader, reader is smaller than mingyu and has somewhat longer hair, voyuerism, mutual (kinda) masturbation, dom!mingyu, oral (both receiving), tit sucking/nipple biting, spanking (literally once), unprotected sex, doggystyle, big dick gyu.., filming a sextape (not to be seen by anyone else), creampie, multiple orgasms, sir kink, praise kink, manhandling, lots of pet names given by mingyu (baby/pretty girl, princess, sweetheart, etc. (but also slut/whore..)), mingyu is a lil rough but also a softie,, lmk if i should add anything else!
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summary: you've been hopelessly in love with your best friend's older brother for the past decade. you've fantasized countless times about a future in which you could be together. but you've accepted the fact that it will probably remain just that -- a fantasy. that is until your best friend and roommate's weekend trip out of town leads to a rare opportunity. will tonight finally be the night that all your dreams come true?
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this weekend would be the first time you were going to be completely alone in a really long time. you and your roommate have been best friends since middle school. so, it only made sense that you would move in together and become roommates when you went to the same college together.
now, it's been a couple years since you graduated but you're still living together. you both enjoyed it though. being with each other practically 24/7 never put a strain on your relationship the way you had heard from others that it might. but you knew the time would come soon that you would have to part ways as you both established yourselves in your careers and became more independent. also, you knew it was only a matter of time that one or both of you would find a romantic partner you were serious enough about to move in with. and this weekend seemed like the first step towards that for your roommate.
she and her boyfriend were taking a weekend trip together for the first time. before that, however, she was going to take him to meet her parents and older brother. it was a way of seeking their approval before taking this next step in their relationship. but frankly it seemed like just a formality, as she was so head over heels for him it probably wouldn't matter whether they approved or not.
you were bored in bed scrolling through your feed while some dumb reality show played on your tv as background noise. you saw the picture your best friend posted earlier that night of her, her boyfriend, and her family taken at the restaurant they had met at to eat dinner. you smiled when you saw how happy she looked. her boyfriend was good to and for her and you knew how excited she was to introduce him to them. you were relieved it seemed to have gone well by the looks on everyone's faces.
however, your eyes eventually locked onto the one face you were trying your best to avoid: her older brother mingyu's.
mingyu was a few years older than you and your best friend. you met him the first time you ever spent the night at her house at the beginning of the first year of middle school. you really hadn't developed any interest in boys yet, and your new friend's awkward older brother was no exception to this, so you really paid him no attention. that, of course, changed over time the more you grew up and became more interested in boys and the more he grew up and became more handsome.
your crush on him really started to grow your freshman year of high school. he was a senior at your same school and seeing him everyday in the hallways in addition to the multiple days a week when you hung out at your best friend's house instead of your own just intensified your feelings more.
you never let onto it though, not wanting to make your best friend uncomfortable. so many girls in your grade already gushed about him around her and you could tell how awkward it was for her. it did make you a bit jealous though, other girls talking about how attractive he was. even though he'd never date them, focusing more on playing sports and hanging out with his friends than fooling around with any girls despite his playboy looks, you couldn't help but feel jealous when they stated the obvious -- that he was hot as hell.
after that year, though, he went off to college and you saw much less of him during those years. you would think that would make your lame high school crush fizzle out, but well, absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say. you cherished anything you could get. the times you would be at the same family functions as your families had also become so close over the years it was like one big extended family. or the time he helped you -- sweaty and shirtless -- move furniture into the new apartment you and your roommate had rented in the dead of summer. or the times he'd be on a roll posting the most boyfriend-coded pictures on his social media for days on end before disappearing from them again for weeks.
and now, after all these years, you still can't bring yourself to commit to a relationship because you just can't stop thinking about him. and you had met some really good people over the years who would be really good partners. but you just weren't ready yet. you just weren't ready to give up on the delusion that you and mingyu could still somehow end up together.
you couldn't stop yourself from clicking the tag on the picture and scrolling through mingyu's profile for the millionth time. you also couldn't stop your mind from wandering straight into the gutter while your free hand wandered underneath the waistband of your sweatpants.
you know it's wrong. you've known it was wrong for about 10 years now. but you just can't help it. you want mingyu, your best friend's brother, desperately. in the worst way possible. you turn off the tv and toss your phone on the bed, letting yourself yet again be immersed in the fantasy of having mingyu deep inside you. you tell yourself if this dream could become a reality just one time, you'd be satisfied and able to move on. but for now, you try in vain to pleasure yourself with just your fingers even half as much as you're convinced his cock would be able to.
so lost in your delusions, you don't even hear the front door of your apartment open and shut.
at dinner, mingyu's sister had asked him to stop by the apartment on his way home. she had forgotten to water her plant and she figured you'd probably be out with your other friends since it was the weekend. maybe you might have heard him struggle twice before finally entering the passcode correctly, but your bedroom was farthest from the front door and you had left your bedroom door open only a crack out of habit. plus, not much could be heard over your pathetic moans and whimpers thinking about the man who was now in your apartment.
mingyu was never the most observant person, so he didn't notice anything as he went to water the plant. even when he did think he heard something, he just chalked it up to maybe the walls being thin and it being a neighbor with their tv up too loud. so, he set the watering can down and started to leave the apartment. that is until he heard something akin to a siren's call: your voice. after all these years, it was unmistakable to him.
his mind tried to convince him he didn't hear what he thought he did. while his body, more specifically his cock growing harder by the second, led him toward your bedroom door. toward a sound he had only dreamt of: you moaning in pure ecstasy. as he reaches your door, his brain tries one last futile attempt to persuade him that you must have left your tv on and that's what he's hearing. as a good guy looking out for your electricity bill, he'll just pop in real quick and turn it off...
mingyu slowly pushes the door open and sees exactly what he was both hoping and dreading at the same time.
you are sprawled out on your bed in just a tiny tank top and panties, your sweatpants discarded at some point to the middle of your floor. mingyu cannot believe how beautiful you look biting your bottom lip with furrowed brows, hair all disheveled. his hand has a mind of its own as it quietly unbuckles his belt and releases his throbbing hard length from his slacks.
mingyu knows it's wrong. he's known it was wrong for about 10 years now. you were his little sister's best friend. he should not ever have been attracted to you, nor should he still be. but he was and he is.
countless nights over the years he dreamed about you two being together. but he could never cross that line and initiate anything. especially since he could never quite gauge how you really felt about him. he thought there was something to the looks you'd give him, and the way you'd blush when you realized he'd noticed. but then you'd usually act so indifferent or at the most cordial when you were around him. so he was always wondering if those lustful glances were all in his head. but it was just enough to always keep him wondering about what it would be like to be with you. so much, that it was hard for him to be in any kind of serious relationship. no one could compare to you, even if it was just an idealized version of you.
his blood runs cold and he stops in place, hand mid-pump down his thick cock. he stays frozen in place like a thief who has just been caught red-handed. when his eyes look up from your hand in your panties that he was focusing so intently on to your eyes, he realizes they are still shut. you haven't seen him. then, why would you have screamed his name..?
"mingyu, please. i want-- need you so bad." you are desperately chasing a high that won't come because your fingers just aren't enough. mingyu realizes immediately what's going on.
you're fantasizing about him while you touch yourself so desperately. this finally confirms that all these years he really wasn't crazy. you wanted him just as badly as he wanted you.
his body takes over once again giving his mind no time to even try to be rational. within seconds mingyu is hovering over you on your bed.
your eyes shoot open and you scream, heart nearly stopping. when you come to your senses and realize that the man over top of you is, literally, the man of your dreams and not some random intruder you relax slightly. but that doesn't last long before your entire body is burning with embarrassment as you try your hardest to push him away from you and cover yourself.
"mingyu!" no matter how you say his name it drives him crazy all the same. "w-what the hell are you doing here?!"
"my sister asked me to stop by and water her plant and-- well none of that matters now. what i want to know is what you were just doing?"
mingyu is still towering over you, your attempts to move his large frame amusing at best. the look on his face is something you've never seen before, like that of a ravenous wolf staring down its meal.
"i, uhh, i was just--" you shift under his gaze and turn your head slightly. if you can't get away from him you at least want to hide how hard he's making you blush right now.
"cat got your tongue, baby girl?" his smirk is so evil, his voice so cocky. "how about i give you the rundown? you were playing with that pretty little pussy of yours imagining it was me deep inside you and not your fingers. sound about right?"
you can't bring yourself to look at him directly, but your body is fighting hard to let him know he's exactly right. with much resistance, you're able to give him a slight nod. but it's not good enough.
mingyu grabs you somehow both roughly and gently by the chin and forces you to look him in his beautiful brown eyes that are saturated with lust. "use your words, darling. is that what you were doing?"
"y-yes.." it's soft but seems to satisfy him and he lets go of your jaw.
"well this is no good. all these years i never dared try anything because it didn't seem you felt the same way. but here you were so desperate for me all along." mingyu repositions himself so he can spread your legs apart, eyes locking onto the soaked fabric of your panties. your face is still burning but your body gives up on trying to resist him anymore and you keep your legs spread wide while he stares for what feels like ages. "oh y/n... if you really wanted me this badly, all you had to do was ask."
"i--" your voice catches in your throat, but you gather all your strength and try again, way too needy to care about how pathetic you're about to sound. "i don't just want you mingyu.. i need you.. been dreaming about you in my guts for years now.."
mingyu chuckles and cups your cheek with his large hand, looking down at you like you're the most adorable thing he's ever seen. "well then, tonight i'll make all those dreams a reality for you."
within the time it takes you to blink, mingyu crashes his lips into yours, all but devouring your lips with his own. his kisses are passionate and sloppy, giving away just how much he's been waiting for this moment as well. he trails more kisses down your neck as you unbutton the nice white dress shirt he was wearing and throw it on the floor near your sweatpants. he clumsily takes off his slacks and underwear, leaving himself fully exposed while you were still (barely) covered by your small tank top and panties.
you take in his form, his chiseled body and long, thick cock making you clench around nothing and bite your lower lip. he smirks at your reaction for a moment before quickly moving down to the end of the bed, positioning his face between your thighs right in front of your dripping core.
without warning he drags his tongue along the length of your cunt over the ruined fabric. your moan makes him smile wide, fangs on full display. "mm, baby, already so wet just for me." he places a few kisses on your thigh, surprisingly soft compared to the rough ones on your mouth moments before. the teasing becomes too much for you though, and you buck your hips up on instinct trying to get more contact on the place you need it most.
you whine as mingyu pulls his head away and forces your hips down onto the mattress. "not so fast, sweetheart. i need to hear you say exactly what you want from me. be a good girl and ask nicely, and i'll give it all to you."
"your tongue.. need your tongue on my pussy. please, mingyu."
mingyu gives you a satisfied nod and wastes no time ripping your thin panties clean off you and tossing them aside. he dives straight into your folds, lapping at your cunt like a dog who hasn't drank anything in days. the sensation quickly becomes overwhelming and when he moves to focus his attention on your clit, you're brought closer and closer to the edge. you manage to get a few words out at a time between moans and heavy breaths. "mingyu, i'm so close.. c-can i please come?" you catch on quickly, knowing he probably wouldn't let you unless you asked nicely.
and it seemed to work. mingyu nods and lets out a hum of approval and that's all you need to allow your orgasm to overtake you. your hands grabbed at his thick, dark hair as you pulled him closer into your core, hips rocking back and forth as you rode out your high.
mingyu licked up all your juices as you came down and then looked up at you, chin wet and eyes looking even hungrier than before. he crawled back on top of you, kissing you somehow even more wildly than he had before. once he felt you had had enough time to recover from your first climax, he effortlessly picked you up and swapped your positions in one swift motion. he was now the one laying on his back while you were over top of him. you knew he must be strong with the way he was built, but you were a little speechless at the maneuver he just pulled off like it was nothing. once you snap out of it, you take advantage of your position being literally on top and try to take a bit of the control in this situation.
"now it's my turn to make you feel good. would you like that, hm? like to see me choking on that big dick?" you grind your core down onto his rock-hard member as you ask, eliciting a quiet groan from mingyu's throat. when he doesn't answer right away, you decide to rephrase the question in a way that makes him feel he still has all the control. "can i please suck your cock, mingyu?"
he nods and you get right to work. you position yourself between his legs and are a bit taken aback when you see just how big and thick he is up close and in detail. you lick your lips at the sight and get started. you bob your head up and down a few times, stopping only part of the way down as you don't think you'd be able to take all of him. this isn't good enough for mingyu however and he suddenly wraps your hair tight around his hand and pushes your mouth down his full length. the pain of his tip pushing at the back of your throat brings tears to your eyes, but it feels so good at the same time.
after bringing your head back up and letting you catch your breath for a moment, mingyu starts relentlessly fucking your mouth. the sounds that fill the room are so filthy and it's like music to his ears. "look at you. so pretty while i fuck your mouth. such a beautiful little slut for me." you moan at his praises, tears streaming down your cheeks. the vibration of your voice around him is enough to finally push him towards his climax and his thrusts become sloppier but more forceful. "fuck, baby, feel so good choking on my cock. you ready to swallow my cum like a good little whore?" you do your best to nod your head in agreement and seconds later you feel him unload down your throat. when he's finished, he pulls out and you swallow hard. you open your mouth to show him you took it all and he smiles, a little out of breath. "good girl."
the way he praises you makes your heart skip a beat. all you've wanted for so many years was to be with him like this. and even if this is the only chance you ever get, you're glad you could make him feel good and be his good girl for the night.
you think mingyu might need a minute to recover, but you're amazed when he's ready to go again almost immediately. he quickly sits up and begins messily making out with you again. as he does, he finally pulls off your tank top which somehow has stayed on this whole time. once your tits are free he takes a moment to look at them in awe. then, he's kissing and sucking on them just as gently as he had your thighs earlier. you appreciate the way he can be so rough and so gentle with you, making you feel better than anyone you'd ever slept with before.
the stimulation on your nipples heightens your arousal, but you need more. "mingyu.."
"what is it, princess?"
"please-- can you please fuck me? need you inside me now." your last word comes out more like a moan as mingyu lightly bites your sensitive nipple before pulling away to look you straight in the eye.
he can see the way your eyes beg for him and he just can't keep you waiting any longer. he throws you onto the bed on your stomach, the way he can just toss you around so effortlessly like a doll turning you on even more. he positions you with your head down on your pillow, ass up in the air as he gets on his knees behind you. then, he notices something that catches his eye: your phone that you had tossed onto the bed next to you earlier. it gives him a naughty idea and he grabs it quickly and before you can react, he's got the camera app open and recording a video.
"mingyu, what are you doing?!" suddenly you feel shy all over again.
"just filming a little something so you know this wasn't a dream." as he says this, he runs his tip through your folds, camera angled perfectly to capture everything. your shyness subsided and all you can think about is him finally rearranging your guts.
"ah, don't tease," you whine. "please put it inside. please, gyu." the nickname and the begging tone of your voice somehow make him harder, if that was even possible. he intends to oblige, but first, he hands you your phone.
"i'll give you all that you're begging for and more. but you gotta keep the camera on that pretty face of yours while i fuck you stupid. got it, baby?"
you nod and feel mingyu's hand come down and smack your ass, clearly not content with your lack of a verbal response. "not good enough, dear. need to hear you say it. do you understand?"
"yes, sir."
he groans, showing he clearly likes when you address him this way. as soon as you get the camera angled perfectly on your face, mingyu slowly starts pushing into your entrance.
"oh, fuck." you both say it simultaneously. his cock is so thick inside you and your pussy is so tight around him. you're not sure all of him will even fit, but he keeps slowly pushing in further and further until he bottoms out with a deep groan.
"that feel good, princess?" he stays still inside you, giving you time to adjust to his massive size.
"mm, yes, feels so good. filling me all the way up so fucking perfectly." you make direct eye contact with the camera as you speak, having enough foresight to know how hot it will be when either of you watches it back later.
mingyu takes this as his cue to finally start moving in you. he pulls back slowly, almost pulling all the way out before harshly thrusting back into you. you basically scream as he hits your sweet spot, nearly dropping the phone before quickly repositioning it. he then starts thrusting in and out of you at a steady and relentless pace.
the room, and probably your entire apartment, is filled with your moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the camera capturing it all along with the tears that begin falling down your cheeks once again.
"fuck, baby, you're so tight. feel so fucking good clenching around me. better than i ever imagined. is this cock everything you dreamed of?"
"fuck, mingyu. so much better. so much bigger. fuck, just like that. please keep using my pussy just like that. it's all yours. i'm all yours, mingyu." you just keep babbling on, coming closer and closer to exploding again. the way you keep clenching around him is bringing mingyu back to the edge again as well.
"damn, baby, i'm so close. tell me where you want my cum and i'll let you come as well."
"inside. please, sir. i want you to come deep inside me. fill me up, please, gyu." you meant it when you said you were all his. and you wanted all of him, every last drop, inside of you.
after a few more strokes you both started coming undone. you tried your best to keep the camera focused on your face, but the video was probably going to come out just as shaky as your whole body was right now. mingyu painted your walls with his thick, hot white ropes of cum that mixed together beautifully with your own juices.
he stayed inside of you as you both caught your breaths a little. he reached forward and grabbed your phone from your hand, and focused it again on your cunt as he slowly pulled out. once his member was fully removed, he zoomed in on your hole as the mixture of liquids began to leak out and down onto the sheets below you.
once he felt like he got all the footage he needed, he locked your phone and threw it back onto the bed. mingyu could see you were too exhausted to move much on your own, so he went into your bathroom to get some towels to clean both you and the sheets up a bit before crawling into bed and cuddling with you.
he began petting your hair and showering you with praises. "you did so well, pretty girl. took my cock so well and looked so beautiful coming undone just for me." he kissed your forehead and you snuggled up closer to him, feeling so safe and warm in his big arms, comforted by the sound of his heart beating through his chest. you lay just like this for a bit before looking up at mingyu.
"thank you." he looks at you confused, cocking his head to the side like a curious puppy.
"thank you for making my dreams come true. even if it was just for one night.. i'm so happy to finally be with you like this."
mingyu looks a little upset at your words and you start to panic internally, fearing you've said something wrong.
"you don't have to thank me. i've wanted this just as badly, you know. but--" he stops for a moment but eventually continues. "was this just a one time thing for you?"
you're taken aback by how upset and almost insecure he seems, compared to how confident he had been all night.
"no!" it comes out a bit more panicked than you intended and you tried to calm yourself before continuing. "i just assumed.. i mean, would you want to do this again?"
"of course i would. you're the only girl i've wanted for years now, y/n. now that i've had you, i don't think i can ever let you go."
"but what about--" you stop yourself, realizing it would be weird for both of you to bring up your best friend and his younger sister while you're both laying naked together in bed after what you've just done. "are you sure?"
mingyu rolls over on his side, getting in a better position to look you in the eye and show you how sincere he is. "i've never been more sure about anything in my life. i'm completely yours, as long as you'll have me."
your eyes start to well up and you blink a couple times, mostly to make sure one final time that you're really not dreaming, but it also causes the tears to start streaming down. mingyu quickly wipes them away and caresses your cheek.
"of course i will, mingyu. you're literally a dream come true for me. like i told you earlier, i'm all yours."
mingyu pulls you closer to him and kisses you long and hard. when you finally part he just rests his forehead on yours for a moment and smiles, eyes still closed. when he's finally soaked up the moment, he quickly gets up from the bed leaving you a bit confused. he then walks around to your side and picks you up bridal-style without warning. you squeal at first and then start to giggle. he finds it so endearing how adorable you are and chuckles along with you.
"come on, pretty girl. let's go get properly cleaned up and get some well-deserved rest." he carries you across the room toward your bathroom so easily, as if you weigh nothing in his arms.
"yes, sir." your voice is so teasing now, completely unlike how you said the same phrase earlier that night.
"don't tease me, love. not unless you're ready for round two."
you smirk as you look up at him, still holding you while standing still in the doorway to your bathroom.
"i'm ready if you are."
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a/n: this is my first nsfw piece so i hope it's okay 👉👈 any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated!! also, if you liked this please check out my other works here, and please reblog instead of just liking!
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alvojake · 4 months
Tight Spaces | L.HS
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「paring」 : badboy!heeseung x fem!reader 「word count」 : 5.6k
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「synopsis」 : who would have thought a little game of truth or dare your sister forced you to play would end in such a way?
「genre」 : smut, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, university au(ish)
「warning」 : mentions of cheating, toxic ex, mentions of alcohol, truth or dare, seven minutes in heaven, making out, unprotected sex (big no-no), dom!heeseung x sub!reader, dirty talk, conservative neighbor?, praise, pet names (pretty, baby, princess, baby girl...), teasing, fingering, oral (f. receiving), creampie, manhandling, multiple orgasms, aftercare, heeseung is sickeningly sweet at the end, lmk if I missed anything!
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It seemed like the world was out for blood, specifically yours. It hadn’t exactly been a good week for you, first you woke up late for an important test, then someone spilled their nasty kale smoothie all over you, staining your favorite hoodie that monstrous green, and you were stuck working overtime, without the pay, because no one else wanted to work. However, the sweet cherry on top was that you just so happened to walk in on your boyfriend in bed with another woman.
It wasn’t like he was the best guy to ever exist and your friends told you multiple times to just leave him. He was also toxic as hell and could give less than two shits about you or anything related to you, but that didn’t keep you from running out with tears streaming down your face. 
Now that Friday has finally rolled around you wanted nothing more than to curl up in your bed and forget the world around you. Though as fate would have it, your sister barged into your room without knocking and flipping the light switch on momentarily blinding you.
“Go away, Sana!” You whined, grabbing your pillow to cover your face surrounding yourself in darkness once more.
Sana just rolled her eyes before walking over and snatching the pillow right out of your hands, “Get your ass up y/n, I’m not letting you wallow in your self-pity while there's a rager going on in town.”
You let out a huff as you lay flat on your back, staring at the dark-haired girl, “I don’t wanna go.” Tears involuntarily filled your eyes and you quickly bit the inside of your cheek to keep them at bay.
Sana stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, a glare adorning her features, “is this about Sungho?” 
You didn’t say anything, but then again you didn’t have to because your face says it all. Sana just sighed before walking over to your closet and pulling the doors.
“Sis you have got to get over his sorry ass,” She rolled her eyes as she shuffled through your clothes all while you sat up in bed, watching her.
“It’s not even that he’s bothering me-” The look Sana gave you told you she believed otherwise, “Alright maybe a little bit, I mean he's going around telling everyone I’m a bore.” You scoffed, running your fingers through your hair. “He’s the real bore here, only caring about himself… asshole.”
As you went on a small tangent Sana put together an outfit, something that would catch someone’s attention but you would still be comfortable in. She was determined to get you laid or something so you would get out of your little rut with Sungho. When she was done she walked out of the closet and laid the clothing on your bed.
“What is that?” You asked with wide eyes, staring down at the outfit. Admittedly it was cute, but you were sure you’d free your ass off in the cool autumn weather.
“The outfit you’re wearing, now go take a shower, you stink.” With that, Sana walked out of the room leaving you sitting there to pick your jaw up.
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And with that you stood in the living room of a very unfamiliar house, red solo cup in your hand. The bitter liquid was becoming more and more tolerable the more you watched your ex quite literally sucking the face off of a new woman. 
“Are you seriously just going to stand here and watch that disgusting rat or are you going to try and enjoy yourself?” The sound of your sister’s voice broke your focus on Sungho. 
You look over at her as you take another sip of whatever concoction was in your cup, “what do you expect me to do? Dance with some rando?” 
Sana burst out laughing, catching the attention of some of those around you two, Sungho included. He detached himself from the chick he was with before making his way over to you with a smug smirk on his face.
“Well, you’re the last person I’d expect to be here.” At the sound of his voice, you rolled your eyes before grabbing Sana’s arm and walking off, ignoring his calls for you to come back, “Good luck finding anyone who wants to be with your boring ass, bitch.”
His words hit a deep nerve and it took all of your self-will to not turn around and deck him right in the face. Noticing this Sana tugged you towards a group of people you barely recognized. Looking around you saw Sana’s two best friends and their boyfriends, but you had no idea who the rest of them were. You felt really out of place among them, your sister was popular while you, well for the lack of better words, were a nobody. 
“Let’s play some games!” One of Sana’s friends, Hanna suggested before pulling her boyfriend to the empty couch.
You, however, just stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do. You then felt something bump into your shoulder causing you to look over. There stood the university's residential ‘bad boy’ Lee Heeseung. 
“Pretty sure that includes you, come on.” He smirked, causing your heart to speed up, your face flushing red. Heeseung motioned to the group before walking over to them while you watched him. The black ripped jeans he was wearing hugged his legs perfectly and his black band t-shirt was nothing short of ‘him’.
“Y/n get over here!” Sana called out, snapping you out of your trance. You meekly walked over, taking the empty seat in between your sister and another girl. Looking up you locked eyes with Heeseung once more and you thanked the dim lighting otherwise he’d see you turning into a tomato. 
“Let’s play truth or dare!” One of the guys suggested as his buddy finished chugging his beer and holding out the bottle. Everyone around you cheered and agreed while you could have sworn you had been cursed.
Now you sat in a circle playing the classic game of truth or dare, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, but you? This was your worst fucking nightmare imaginable. Playing a game where you either had to answer some of the deepest, darkest, dirtiest, and freakiest questions to exist or do some provocative, cringe dares they could think of. This kind of game was not on your forbes to-do list, but you couldn’t just back out, not without becoming the laughingstock of the entire university.
You sat there, hands tucked under your bare thighs as you watched the guy next to your sister spin the bottle. Heat travels up your neck as the bottle stops spinning, landing right on… you.
“Y/n finally! Truth or dare?”
‘Fuck.’ You didn’t like the way he phrased that sentence nor did you like the way everyone's eyes fell on you. However, you weren’t going to give them a reason to tease you so you put on your best poker face before taking a drink.
“Oh, she’s bold!” The guy smirked which left you feeling uneasy, the feeling worsened when he started looking around the circle.
‘Please don’t make me grind on someone or some shit.’ You silently prayed that you wouldn’t have to embarrass yourself in front of these people, who you didn’t even know. 
“Seven minutes in heaven with… Heeseung.” You could have sworn you felt your heart stop. Your eyes widened for a millisecond before you were able to cover it, then looked up meeting the eyes of the chosen male.
At first, you didn’t move not really wanting to be in a small confined space with another male, not right now at least. Sana just smirked as she bumped into your shoulder letting you know that the time wouldn’t start until you and Heeseung were in the closet. Rolling your eyes you handed her your drink before standing and making your way to the hall closet.
There were times you wanted to strangle your sister, more than you can count on your fingers, but right now? This very instance would probably take the cake. You stood damn near chest-to-chest with Heeseung in a tiny closet, neither of you saying a word, but you could feel his breath fanning your face. The smell of his cologne filled your senses making you lightheaded as you tried to will your heart to calm down.
Heeseung’s eyes never left your face, watching and studying your expressions. He leaned back a bit more to try and give you more space so you were comfortable which only caught you off guard.
“We don't have to do anything, you know? Just make some shit up when they ask.” His voice was low causing heat to pool in your stomach as you looked up at him. Your eyes were slightly wide, but he could see the curiosity in them.
You hadn’t expected that from him, not with the rumors you heard around campus. The girls that talked about him always talked about how he wasn’t one for relationships and that he could give two shits about their feelings, so to say you were pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.
Heeseung pulled his hand from his pocket before snaking around your waist, pulling you flush against him, “Unless you want to pretty…”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked up at him, searching his eyes. Then Sungho’s words rang in the back of your mind, instantly ticking you off. You were going to prove that you weren’t this bore that he made you out to be and if sleeping with Heeseung would prove that then so be it. So without another thought you grabbed the chain that was sitting around his neck pulling him down, connecting your lips to his.
His lips were soft against yours, sweet like cherries with a hint of alcohol, addicting almost. Your brain felt fuzzy as his lips melted into yours, and his tongue swiped at your bottom lip prompting you to part your lips. It didn’t take long for him to pull you closer, tongue slipping into your mouth.
Heeseung watched in amusement as you chased after him as he pulled away. Your swollen lips and glossy eyes almost made him want to say screw it and just fuck you in this closet, but he’d rather not get interrupted.
He leaned down, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “We won’t have enough time in here, but we can go back to mine, how does that sound?”
“Please…” You let out a breathy sigh as his lips connected to the soft skin of your neck, leaving wet and sloppy kisses in his trail. Biting your lip to conceal any noise from any listening ears as he bit down and sucked on your skin.
After the seven minutes were up, the closet door flew open only to your classmates' dismay you and Heeseung were standing opposite each other. They ushered you to tell them what had happened to which you just shrugged your shoulders.
“Nothing much,”
However, your sister saw the darkening spots on your neck as she handed your drink back to you when you sat down. With a knowing smile on her lips, she leaned closer to you, “he’s taking you to his, isn’t he?”
You coughed slightly, tongue jutting out to wet your lips as you just nodded your head, giving her the answer she was looking for. Heeseung watched you talk to your sister from the other side of the room with a smug smirk on his lips, his friends pestering him for more information.
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As the game continued you would catch Heeseung watching you or he’d catch your lingering gaze, you would hold eye contact before it became too much and you looked away, blushing. Sana was watching in amusement from beside you until she caught sight of Sungho walking over.
“Mind if I join y’all?” His voice made your face drop, souring your mood instantly.
“Sungho man, of course!” One of the other guys exclaimed with a wide smile and you watched reluctantly as he walked over taking the now empty space next to you. He sat down, hand brushing against your thigh.
Heeseung watched with a raised eyebrow as you tried to scoot closer to Sana, but Sungho just followed. He could tell you were uncomfortable, hell anyone with a pair of eyes could see it.
Sensing his gaze you looked up, sending him a meek smile, trying to ignore Sungho’s wandering hands. Sana sent a glare in Sungho’s direction before spinning the bottle, watching it as it spun and stopped on you, again. However, this time you were happy because you’d do just about anything to get you away from the creep next to you.
“Y/n, truth or dare.” Sana asked as she turned towards you, already knowing what you were going to pick and as soon as the word ‘dare’ left your lips she nodded. “Hmm…” She faked thinking for a dare before her eyes landed on Heeseung, “sit on Heeseung's lap for the rest of the game.”
Heat traveled up your neck, painting your face red, but you didn’t complain as you stood. However, before you could get too far Sungho grabbed your wrist.
“Now Sana, why would you do that knowing she has a boyfriend?” He raised an eyebrow as you glared at him, daring you to say something.
Had this been a few weeks ago you would have kept your mouth shut, but now? Never again.
“We broke up Sungho, would you please get that through your head?” You hissed, ripping your arm out of his grasp before walking over to Heeseung.
The dark-haired male smiled smugly at Sungho as you took a seat on his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. As you made yourself comfortable Heeseung wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
Sungho’s eyes never left you and Heeseung throughout the entire game, annoying you even more and Heeseung noticed. His hand that was resting on your lower back moved to grab your hip, his lips brushing against your jaw, eyes locked with Sungho’s.
“Wanna get out of here?” His voice was low enough for just you to hear, but his warm breath against your skin made you shiver. You nodded your head and Heeseung placed a soft kiss on your jaw before letting you stand. Once you both were standing he took your cup, sitting it on the table before grabbing your hand. “We’re outta here.”
That was all he said before walking away, sending Sungho a wink as he pulled you behind him.
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Heeseung really did take you back to his place, after managing to escape prying ears and eyes.
You laughed softly as Heeseung ushered you into his apartment, away from his nosey neighbor who just happened to walk out as you guys made it to his door. Giggles spilled from your lips as you listened to him try to play the whole thing off from the small crack in the door.
“Don’t worry Ms. Kim, she's just my lab partner, we have a project due soon, no funny business I swear,” Heeseung reassured the older woman, crossing his fingers over his heart, a nervous laugh leaving his lips as she glared at him.
“Mhm.” She hummed before turning and walking towards the elevator.
Once she was far enough away Heeseung pushed the door open, moving you further inside. When the door was fully shut, he let out a sigh before looking up and meeting your eyes. As soon as your gazes met you both burst out into giggles.
“What was all of that about?” You managed to ask through your laughter and Heeseung just shook his head.
“She’s just some nosey conservative hag, don’t worry about her.” He rolled his eyes as he made his way toward you, “Now where were we?” He grabbed your waist pulling your body flush against his, your arms snaking around his neck.
You bit your lip as you looked up at him. Heeseung took your face in his free hand, using his thumb to pull your lip from your teeth before leaning down, and connecting his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut, relishing in the feeling of his soft lips against yours. Heeseung groaned against your lips when you tugged on his hair at the nape of his neck, “fuck, are you sure you want to do this? We can just chill and watch a movie.”
Your eyes search his as you nod your head and he leans down, lips ghosting over yours, “use your words, princess,”
You went weak in the knees, the fact that he wanted verbal confirmation had you fall head over heels. Then, again he probably didn’t want any sexual assault charges so you tried not to think too much about it. You couldn’t fall for someone again, especially not someone like him, but the way his thumb was rubbing soft circles on your side was making it very hard not to. 
Letting out a shaky sigh, you nodded again, “I want this, please Heeseung.”
 That’s all it took for him to grab the back of your thighs hoisting you up onto his waist, a small yelp leaving your lip but was quickly silenced by his. He walks over to the couch before sitting down with you in his lap, lips still on yours. The kiss was hot and messy, teeth clashing as his hands traveled the length of your body.
His hands were all over you, squeezing your thighs. Ass. Hips. Everywhere. Hands warm against your bare skin as he lifted your shirt. Once your shirt was off Heeseung threw it off to the side somewhere before making quick work of your bra, unclipping it like he’s done it a million times. His gaze on you was so intense that it made you squirm, face turning a vibrant shade of red. 
His hands fell back to your hips halting your movements, “Holy fuck, you’re so pretty.” He groaned, and you suddenly felt shy under his gaze. So you turned your head, averting his eyes trying to will your heart to calm down.
Heeseung pulled your hips down and you could feel his bulge against your clothed core causing a small whine to leave your mouth. The moment that you felt his warm mouth on your boob you swear you could have melted in his lap. A whimper fell from your covered lips as his teeth scraped against your hardened bud. 
You had never experienced this before, Sungho never, never, focused on your pleasure, only his own. So this new feeling left you feeling confused and extremely overwhelmed. The fact that Heeseung was taking his time and focusing solely on your pleasure, it was making your head spin.
Heeseung pulled away from your chest with a pop, looking up to take in your flustered face, eyes avoiding his. He kissed his way up the valley of your breast, chest, and neck before stopping by your ear, “Why are you being so shy now?”  His voice was husky and low, sending a chill down your spine.
You couldn’t meet Heeseung’s eyes, you were too embarrassed because you weren’t even sure if you were supposed to be feeling like this. Sungho had deprived you of any of this, of the pleasure, of the care and you felt like you could cry. Had he really only cared about himself the whole time you guys were together?
You were snapped out of your daze when Heeseung leaned back against the couch, his grip on your hips loosening, “we don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable.” His words made your stomach flutter, he cared about your feelings even if he was rock-hard underneath you. Tears brimmed in your eyes as your hands fell to your lap.
“No I want to do this, it’s just…” The words died on your tongue, what were you supposed to tell him? That your ex never did any of this so you were confused? No, he’d probably just laugh in your face.
“Just what princess?” Heeseung’s voice was soft, his thumb rubbing small circles on your waist. You licked your lips trying to gather your thoughts, why did you have to be so fucking awkward? Why couldn’t you just let him continue doing what he was doing? Thoughts cloud your mind and Heeseung could tell so he brought his hand to your face, grabbing your chin softly making you look at him. However, you were quick to avert your gaze and he didn’t take too kindly to that, “Look at me pretty.”
Your teary eyes flicker up to his, god you wish that the universe would just suck you into a black hole right about now. Heeseung’s gaze was filled with concern and that was enough for the first tear to break free, falling down your cheek. You, however, were quick to wipe it away before closing your eyes trying to mentally prepare yourself for the embarrassment that was to come.
Heeseung sat there, waiting till you were ready to talk, his eyes never leaving your face. The last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable, especially when he finally had you. So he waited.
Letting out a shaky breath you opened your eyes, meeting his, “It’s just that my ex, he never really did any of…” you gestured to yours and Heeseung’s body, “this.” Your face started to heat up as you tried your best to keep his eye contact.
Heeseung instantly felt an annoyance bubble up in his chest, not because of you, but because of the douchebag you called your ex. In a blink of an eye, he had you lying on your back, his body slotting over yours. Your eyes were wide in surprise as your hands lay next to your head. 
“So let me get this straight, not only was he a cheating asshole, but also never pleased you right.” His words made your face flush red, but you nodded nonetheless, “fucking useless scumbag.” He growled under his breath as he latched his lips to your neck once more.
A whimper left your lips as he bit down on the junction of your neck, “H-Hee-”
“Don’t worry baby I got you. I’m gonna show you how you should have been treated in the first place.” He said with a shit-eating grin, his tongue lapping over the spot he just bit, “Will you let me?” His hands traced the length of your body before finding purchase on your hips. He pulled back to look at you in your eyes and you nodded, “Words pretty,” 
You felt lightheaded under his intense gaze, “Y-yes.”
Without another word he hooked his fingers on the hem of your shorts, pulling them down as well as your panties. Heeseung looked down at you with such a hunger in his eyes that it left you breathless, much like when he ran a finger through your slick folds, groaning at how wet you were.
A small moan left your lips, your hips bucking against his touch. He slowly inserted his finger into your tight hole, slowly rubbing his fingertips against your gummy walls. Your eyes never left his as he lowered himself onto you, lips ghosting over the sensitive skin of your thigh. He pressed featherlight kisses to your skin, letting his lips trail down your thigh until his warm breath met your glistening core.
Your head fell back against the couch cushion as he dived into your pussy, a shiver running through your body. A moan tore through your lips as his finger sped up inside you, rubbing one particular spot that left you seeing stars. His tongue and fingers work in unison to bring you closer to the edge. He continued his actions until you practically shoved your hips in his face trying to gain more friction. A loud whine fell from your lips as his free hand traveled up to your stomach pushing down, keeping you in place. It didn’t take long before you were coming undone underneath him, sparks flashing across your vision, your whole body twitching with each of Heeseung’s movements.
Heeseung slowly pulled his soaping fingers from your core, a devilish smirk on his lips as he watched the dim moonlight reflect off of your juices. Your head tilted up, eyes meeting his just as he stuck his finger in his mouth, licking all of your essence off of his digits. A groan vibrated in his throat at the taste, eyes rolling slightly leaving you dripping on his couch.
“You taste so fucking sweet baby,” His voice was raspy as he pulled his fingers from his mouth, crawling back over your body. A moan fell from your lips as he touched you, only for it to be swallowed by Heeseung’s. Your brain nearly short-circuited when you tasted yourself on his lips, his tongue pushing more into your mouth. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling roughly making his head tilt back. You took the chance to latch your lips to his honey skin, leaving your fair share of wet, open-mouth kisses along his jugular. He groaned above you, hands tightening on your hips.
In one quick motion, he had you both in the same position you had started in, you straddling his lap. You didn’t let the sudden change alter your movements, too blinded by pleasure to care how he takes you, as long as he does. His grip on your hips tightened even more as you rolled your hips against his bulge, relishing in the feeling of his jeans against your bare cunt. 
“Fuck princess, are you that desperate for my cock.” His head fell back as you latched your lips back to his neck, leaving a trail of marks in your wake. Your lips trailed down his neck until you were met with the collar of his shirt. 
Leaning back you grabbed the edge of the fabric, pulling on it, “Off now, please.” The pleading in your tone made Heeseung’s dick twitch, a smirk pulling on his lips.
“Don’t let me stop you baby girl, take it off.” He pulled his hands from your hips and you didn’t waste another second pulling his shirt over his head letting it join the ever-growing pile of fabric on the ground. You sat back in his lap taking in the sight in front of you, your finger running down his chest to his toned stomach before landing on his hard cock. A groan fell from his lips as you palmed him through the fabric.
Finally fed up with your teasing touch he grabbed your wrist pulling your body flush against his, “Stop fucking teasing.” 
“Then fuck me already.” The sas in your tone flipped something in Heeseung, he wanted to be nice, to make sure you’d be left wanting more, to make you feel good. However, that plan flew out the window as he stood to his feet, taking you with him.
His grip was so tight on your thighs that you were sure that there would be bruises in the morning. The sound of his bedroom door crashing against the wall made you jump, but before you could even begin to question it he threw you on the bed. You leaned back, looking at him with a cocky smile that Heeseung so desperately wanted to wipe away, so he was going to do just that.
“On your hands and knees.” His voice was rough as he undid the button on his jeans. You didn’t give it a second thought before following his instructions, arching your back and giving Heeseung the perfect view of your glistening cunt. You weren’t sure where all of this was coming from, maybe it was just lust but you wiggled your hips enticing him, which worked.
Heeseung grabbed your hips before letting his hands travel across your body, leaving goosebumps in his wake. You whined into his pillows as you felt his cock against you, rubbing against your folds and clit. You pushed your hips into him, feeling the tip of his cock graze your entrance.
“You’re so needy princess…” He chuckled as he grabbed your hips, stilling your movements, “Let me make you feel good.” You opened your mouth to say something, but the thought quickly left your brain when you felt him push into you. A high-pitched moan fell from your lips as he thrusts deep inside you in one go, fingers gripping the sheets beneath you. He gave you just enough time to adjust before he pulled back until just his tip was left, then thrusts back in, eliciting a scream from you. His pace was nothing short of rough and fast, his thrusts deep. His tip kissing your cervix with each thrust leaving you seeing stars.
“Hee- fuck, fuck.” You chanted, any coherent sentences disappearing as tears broke from your eyes. Heeseung watched with a smug smirk as you came undone under him, your knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping the sheets.
He leaned down, kissing the back of your shoulders, one hand grabbing yours as the other stayed on your hip. “You’re doing so good for me baby, so tight.” He groaned in your ear as you clenched around him.
A cry broke through your lips when the head of his cock hit that one particular spot inside your drenched cunt. He took note of your reaction before positioning his hip to repeatedly hit the same spot, leaving you a screaming mess beneath him.
“HEESEUNG!” You screamed his name as his hand trailed down, rubbing harsh, tight circles on your clit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m- fuck, I’m close Hee…” You whined out, your vision turning white for a moment as your whole body convulsed. 
“I know princess. Let go for me. Cum for me.” His voice was soft in your ear and your orgasm hit not even two seconds later, mouth hanging open with silent screams. If it weren’t for Heeseung’s grip on your body you would have fallen flat on the bed.
He cursed under his breath as he stood straight, grabbing your hips with both hands. His hips pounded into yours at an animalistic pace knocking all of the air out of your lungs. Sensitivity surged through your body as Heeseung chased his own high, leaving you a whining mess as you reached back, grabbing his wrist, nails digging into his skin. After a few more harsh thrusts he painted your velvet walls white, rolling his hips against yours and riding out his high until he came to a stop. You closed your eyes trying to steady your racing heart, Heeseung rubbing soft circles on your hips.
“Shit…” Heeseung growled slowly as he pulled out of you slowly. He watched as his cum mixed with yours spilled from your pussy, eyes following it trail down your thigh. Your meek voice calling out to him snapped him out of his trance, looking up to meet your fucked out eyes. Your whole body felt sore and you didn’t want to get up, but you knew you needed to get cleaned up. So you moved to sit up, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed.
However, before you could get too far Heeseung stopped you, “What are you doing?”
All of your movements stopped, worried that you upset him, hands in your lap, “I was gonna go clean up…”
“That son of a bitch…” He growled under his breath, combing his fingers through his hair. “Stay there.” He looked at you pointedly before grabbing his boxers and pulling them up his legs before walking off into another room. Confused, you just sat there, fingers fiddling in your lap, thoughts started to swirl in your head.
‘Was he gonna come back and make you go home? Or was he upset that you hadn’t moved quick enough?’ 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Heeseung’s hand cupped your face, making you look up, meeting his worry-filled eyes. He swiped his thumb under your eye, clearing the tears that you hadn’t even noticed were falling from your eyes.
“I got you, baby girl, just lay back for me.” His voice was soft and his hands gentle as he laid you on your back. Your face flushed red as he parted your thighs, his jaw clenched at the sight of the mess between your legs. He willed himself to not get hard as he cleaned the mixture of yours and his cum off of your body before pulling one of his shirts over your head.
He threw the washcloth in the hamper before climbing into the bed, pulling your body close to his. You couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed as his body warmed yours, his heart beating directly under your ear, but at the same time, you loved it. You love how he made you feel so comfortable, so warm, so seen, so loved. 
Heeseung’s lips on your forehead pulled you from your thoughts, making you look up at him. It was like one look in your eyes and he knew exactly how you were feeling. He shuffled his body a little bit until he was face-to-face with you, caressing your cheek softly.
“Just forget about him, I’ve got you now.” His voice was sweet like honey as he pressed his lips against yours in a silent promise and so you did. Not a single thought of Sungho crossed your mind as you drifted off to sleep in Heeseung’s arms.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @heesitation @jaeyunology @luvyong2z
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pwinkprincess · 1 month
frat boy! toru fucking u in front of all his friends cuz they were complimenting u and he has to remind u and them who u belong to !!
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“you look so pretty.” 
“awe, you look like a real life doll.”
“pretty thing.”
all of their sweet compliments went straight to your head. you felt like you were lounging on clouds from all of the attention. so many attractive guys complimenting you at once had your skin sizzling. there’s a giddy smile on your face each time you thank them for their compliment, sometimes you go so far as to return a compliment to them. 
you had just gotten your hair done, and admittedly there was something different about you一a glow or something along of the lines of that. you remember walking into the frat house with satoru towing seconds behind. suguru glanced up from his spot on the couch before looking down, only to quickly shoot his head up again.
suguru whistles as his eyes dance along your figure. the shorts you wore clung onto your thighs as well as the crop top that emphasized your boobs. “say, satoru. when are you gonna stop hogging this pretty thing?” suguru asks. a smirk is on his lips while he looks at you hungrily. 
“when hell freezes over.” satoru grumbles. he sits down beside suguru, grabbing you by your hips, he guides you down onto his lap. 
slowly, the living room fills one by one until all of them are lounging in different spots. they’re laughing and insulting each other, but you can tell that there’s love shared. you sit contently on satoru’s lap, a giddy smile on your face. you were just happy to be included with them. this is the first time you’ve felt a part of a group. 
somehow, the conversation shifts onto you and satoru. 
“they fuck like literal bunnies.” choso tuts, his attention is on pearling a blunt for him, sukuna, mohito, and suguru to smoke. 
“at least i get pussy, fuckin’ virgin loser.” satoru spits out. the rest of the guys erupt into laughter at his insult. even choso lets out a few bruised chuckles.
“i could make your girl cum with just my words. i see why you tell her to avoid us.” choso retorts back.
fire spreads throughout your body as the two men begin bickering back and forth. they don’t even realize their threats are making your thighs clench as each word becomes more lewd. you could feel yourself leaking into your panties and your hole clenching when satoru says something extremely kinky.
“all you can make is empty threats. i can actually do the shit i say i would.” satoru is fumbling with the fabric of you mini skirt, his long fingers flip it up leaving your bottom barely covered be your panties.
i gasp rips from your throat as you attempt to close your legs only for satoru to pry them back open.
he lays his head on your shoulder, mumbling a quiet “chill.” he drags your panties down to your ankles.
your heart thumps wildly in your chest as your pussy becomes exposed to all of the guys in the room. they all examine it from a distance, some guys remain expressionless while others throw you a hungry look.
“keep beatin’ your dick to the thought of her while i get to actually fuck her.” his words are harsh but his fingers are gentle as they circle your clit.
your thighs clench from the contact. you feel mixtures of arousal and embarrassment brewing in your system. their eyes are fix on satoru’s fingers, they had all grown quiet besides and the only major sound is your mewls.
“she’d never get this wet for a loser like you.” satoru makes eye contact with choso as he plunges two fingers into your pussy.
“t-toru!” you cry out as your body immediately responds to his intrusion. his fingers fill your pussy so well. already, your arousal is costing his hand.
“who do you belong to?” he asks. he’s so close to your ear and his breath tickles your earlobe.
your back arches against his chest. he’s moving his fingers so fast and harshly and inside of you, all you can do is whine and sit there and take it. your lidded eyes look around the room and you accidentally make eye contact with sukuna. your eyes widen when you see his fat bulge pressed against his sweatpants.
“who do you fuckin’ belong to?” satoru suddenly uses his other hand to grab your neck. your head tilts as you gasp for air.
“you! you, daddy!” you wail out as your pussy leaves remainders of your cream all over his digits.
”fuckin’ thought so.” he tuts before slipping his fingers out of your pussy. strings of your arousal stay attached until they break off.
“hm.” he hums to suguru. you had honestly forgotten he was sitting directly beside the two of you.
suguru smirks before opening his mouth and welcoming satoru’s fingers against his tongue. he slurps your arousal letting out loud pleased moans.
you were honestly shocked that they did that. but from the way the other guys around them, they didn’t look at all surprised from the two’s antics. in fact, choso went back to perfecting his roll while sukuna and mahito were discussing something they seen on campus yesterday.
“best meal i’ve had so far. i think ‘m gonna need t’experience it firsthand one day.” suguru’s words are suggestive and there’s a twinkle in his dark eyes.
satoru doesn’t get upset like he did with choso. he only snorts and begins helping you fix your panties and skirt. as he helps you fix yourself, you think over suguru’s words and satoru’s response.
you couldn’t help but wonder if he was being serious.
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sebscore · 1 year
i live your writing! request for your gen z driver series! reader and the other drivers react to/make fun of rumours about her dating various drivers. thank you!
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: mentions of cheating (but not actual cheating). swearing. catch the friends reference. 
author's note: I immediately imagined the setting for this, it took me a while to get to it, but I hope this is how you imagined it as well! hope you enjoy it, darling! 
• • • • • • •
Some of the young drivers were chilling in their own little corner before the driver's briefing started, catching up with each other after the summer break. 
The conversation was interrupted when Lando walked into the room. ''Oh, there he is! My wonderful husband. The apple of my eye. My honey pie.'' Y/N greeted him, the sarcastic tone accompanied with a fake smile. 
''Honey, you're here already! Did you take the kids to school?'' Lando went along with her small skit, taking the seat next to her. ''What do you mean? I thought you were bringing them? We've abandoned our kids, Lando.'' She continued, dramatically waving her hands around. 
The group watched in amusement, except George who seemed totally confused looking at the two younger drivers. ''What are you guys doing? I can't follow.'' 
''According to some news site, they've been secretly married for like three years and have kids.'' Alex explained to his friend. ''It's the funniest thing.'' 
''You have to read it, George.'' Charles chimed in. 
Pierre handed his phone to the Mercedes driver. ''Here it is,'' the Frenchman grinned, ''enjoy.'' 
George skimmed over the words of the article, already chuckling at the first words. ''A mutual friend of both drivers spilled the beans on their impromptu Vegas wedding and the family they started afterwards.'' He read out loud, bursting out in laughter. ''Who's this friend?'' 
''It's obviously Mr. Gossip Girl over here.'' Y/N pointed at Pierre who jokingly dropped his jaw and placed his hand on his heart. ''How dare you?'' He gasped. 
''Don't act so surprised, you're literally a bigger gossip than I am.'' She retorted, having the entire group agree with her. 
The focus shifted to George as he let out a huge snort which he quickly covered with his hand. ''Oh my god…'' The Brit pointed at something on the small screen. 
''What is it?'' Mick asked, trying to see what he was pointing at. 
George composed himself before speaking. ''They just posted a new article claiming Charles and Y/N are dating, and live together in Monaco.'' He cited, attempting not to burst out in laughter again. 
Pierre grabbed his phone from George's hands, wanting to read it himself. ''Where are they getting this from?'' He scrolled through the report, chuckling as their source was another ''a mutual friend''. 
''You're cheating on me?'' Lando exclaimed, dramatically widening his eyes. ''What about the kids, Y/N? Why would you do this to them?'' 
''Lando, it's not what you think!'' She argued, impersonating the voice of those old movie stars in Hollywood films. 
Y/N could see the McLaren driver clenching his jaw, desperately trying not to break character. ''I see how it is- I'm taking the house and the kids.'' Lando held his hand in front of her face, essentially blocking her from his view. 
''And I'm taking your money, and me and Charles will be spending all of it.'' She bit back, pushing his hand away. 
Lando seemed ready to give a comedic comeback, but was interrupted by a curly-haired German. ''What's all the commotion here?'' Sebastian adjusted the headband on his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
''Y/N cheated on Lando with Charles and now they're getting a divorce- Lando is taking the kids, but Y/N is taking all his money.'' Mick answered his friend, matter-of-factly. 
Sebastian frowned, feeling like he missed a few chapters in the story. ''Oh, uh, good for you, Y/N.'' He walked away from the youngsters, joining Lewis and Valtteri on the other side of the room. 
''Thanks, Seb!'' Y/N amusedly thanked him, ''I can never do anything wrong in his eyes.'' She told the other guys, grinning from ear to ear. 
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @formulazeesworld @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123-blog @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @scuderialavender @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis 
@champomiel @ooohmickiyoursofine @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads @mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria
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